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Your Little Wolf

Chapter Text

Harry wakes up the next morning, groggier than ever before, feeling nothing but awfully homesick.  He misses the woods.

The pregnant wolf sighs, sitting up and tiredly lifting the mess of comforters draped over his aching form.

"Good morning," Zayn's there, placing a cup of tea for him at the bedside table.   

Harry has yet to let his toes touch the floor,"No it really, really isn't,"He whines, appreciatively reaching for the hot tea to soothe his hoarse throat.  

"I know this must be hard for you,"Zayn starts,"But I do admire your tenacity."

Harry tiredly looks up at him, taking a small sip,"..I don't have much of a choice,"He points out.

Zayn pauses at that and clears his throat,"Listen, I don't mean to overwhelm you with this burden, but if you will hear me out, i would be rather pleased."

Harry places the tea down and nods easily,"S'not much else I have going on here,"He snorts wearily, and Zayn gently smiles over at him, taking a seat on the lavish chair across from him.

"My apologies, but I couldn't help but notice your commendable silence regarding Louis'..well, character overall."Zayn eyes him curiously.

Harry shrugs,"He's really just a stranger to me, s'not my place to judge."

"Ah, but do you not, sort of, wish to get to know the father of your chi-"

"The father of my child threatened to murder me if I lay claims to my own child,"Harry coldly spat,"Don't tell me what i 'wish' to feel."

The solemn vampire stays silent for a moment.

"I understand,"Zayn voices quietly,"I'm sorry to have dampened your mood."

"Its been damp for a long while now, nothing to apologize for."Harry dismisses, walking off into the washroom.




Zayn walks in on Louis scribbling in an empty book.

"Writing again?" Zayn asks, grabbing a glass.

"Over the centuries, I've become exceedingly aware of my lyrical prowess - Quite like poetry."Louis quirks his lips up, passion illuminating his eyes.

Zayn comes over and snatches the book away from his hands,"Might i suggest you further use that genius of a mind of yours to relieve the wolf upstairs of your torment?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about."Louis mutters dismissively, before snatching the book back.

"Everyone knows stress isn't good for pregnancy, and furthermore, tell me why would you would ever tell him you're going to take away his ch- What are you smirking at?"

Louis walks closer to him, eye-leveled,"Zayn, do you, perhaps, fancy my little wolf?"

"Are you mad? Ofcourse not!"Zayn sputters in reply.

Louis' expression returns playful,"S'allright if you did-"

Zayn rolls his eyes,"I simply find your unnecessary threatening just that - Unnecessary,"He says it obviously,"You're making him into an enemy when he's clearly not one."

Louis hisses at that,"Anyone who's not us,"He motions between them with a steady finger,"is our enemy."

"You're wrong about that-"

"Are you questioning my authority?" His eyes flare. 

Zayn cowers back down,"N-No I.."

"You believe we'll be a happy little family once the chi-"

"Why not?!" Zayn argues. "He's practically family already, and you could start anew, find happiness-"

Louis snorts, beginning to walk away,"I'm beyond happy, perhaps you should keep your fairytales to yourself."

"You don't fool me, Louis."

A frightened Liam jolts in, panting,"Harry's not in his room."

"What?" Zayn and Louis both yell.

"I'll check the town and you-"Zayn begins.

"No need, I know where he is."Louis interrupts immediately.




Louis approaches Harry by the stream where he's slumped next to,"Lovely out here in the fall,"He states, catching the boy surprised.

"..I-I missed the woods."He explains, looking up at him. 

"Guessed that much, love."

Harry returns his eyes to the waters,"And I'm a wolf, I can protect myself wh-"

"Didn't see all that protection last week in town when that werewolf-"He snarks out. 

"I was waiting for the right moment to attack! And unlike you, I was merciful enough to give him time to think his actions through."Harry nearly hisses.

"Mercy never did anyone good and a moment longer, he would have killed my child!"Louis agitatedly roars.

"Then atleast she would never have to have you as her father!"Harry blurts, unyielding and raw. 

Louis' eyes glow with frantic rage, knuckles itching to bruise, before calming his mind at the thought of his child,"You..are the luckiest person in the world right now. And you can thank my child for that."He grits out coldly. 

Harry sticks up his nose, unwilling to lose their little battle.

Louis leaves then just like that, leaving him to his thoughts alone in the forest.  


Harry walks back to the mansion near sunset.

"Harry! Where in hell's name have you been?" Zayn rushes to him from the living room.

"I just missed the bayou."Harry mumbles.

"Just let us know next time, yeah? We worry for you."Zayn helps him take off his coat.

"Sorry,"Harry says sincerely,"..Louis' not here yet then?"

Zayn shakes his head and Harry bites his lip, nodding before going upstairs to change.  


Around midnight, later that night, Harry begins craving some juicy ripe watermelon, naturally.    

So he gets out of bed, meeting the quiet with the gentle pitter patter of his own feet against the kitchen floor.

He spots Louis in the work room through the glass doors and carefully avoids eye contact with him.

Opening the fridge, he locates the freshly cubed watermelon in a container from earlier that day- God bless Liam.

He juicily munches on them, one by one, with nothing but the ugly words he'd spatted at Louis on his mind.

Maybe he shouldn't have said something so horrible like that to him?  This was possibly the worst thing Harry's ever said to anyone. God, he's horrible, a bully, even.  Come to think about it, it was very out of his character.  Should he apologize? Blame it on the hormones or something? 

He presses the bowl of watermelon close to his chest as he makes his way through the elongated hallway to go knock on Louis' door, before entering.

Louis looks up at him, an eyebrow arched, dark hair tousled, tight jawline, and a hint of a smirk settling his lips.

Harry blushes.

"M-May i sit, please?"

"With manners like that, you might as well sit on my lap, darling," Louis' full on smirking at him now.

Harry nearly trips and falls with the watermelon bowl, trying to sit on that chair, the flush making its way down his neck.

", um," Harry clears his throat, fumbling with the watermelon bowl as he sets it on the table infront of him.

"Speechless, are we?" Louis tilts his head down to demand Harry's downcast eyes back to him.

He clears his throat, feeling small,"I said some-some words today.. to you,"Harry nervously plays with the hem of his sweater.

"That you did, love,"Louis confirms, eyebrows raised. 

Harry blinks up at him, boring his eyes into Louis' amused ones,"Louis, I grew up alone, unloved, without a real place to call home,"

Louis grows silent, listening to each and every word.

"And I wouldn't wish that upon anyone - Much less my own baby,"Harry chokes up, tears welling in his eyes. "I can't imagine that,"Harry shakes his head, padding at his eyes before he continues, "My little wolf, Louis, deserves a home with parents who tell her they love her each and every day, who tell her she's perfect for being who she is, who cuddles her through the bad nights-"Harry sniffs brokenly, drying his watery eyes before looking straight into Louis' eyes. His past weighing heavy on his shoulders, those horridly cold nights before he found his pack rushing back to him.

There's a certain glint in Louis' eyes when he finally speaks up, holding his gaze steady.

"You and I, Harry, I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike."

Harry chuckles wetly,"Except I'm not going to kill you for wanting to be with your child."

Louis narrows his eyes at him, watching the boy innocently fork a watermelon and pop it into his mouth, chewing cherubically as a distraction for his tears.  

"Why do you want this child so much?" Harry asks, toying with the fork,"Surely you managed to knock up others."

Louis looks away, picking up his journal to occupy his hands,"You were the first wolf i lay with..That wasn't a good night for me, didn't consider the fact that you bred- What i did to you was purely impulsive."He shares, probably more than he wanted to.

Harry quietly takes that in,"You didn't answer my first question,"

Louis smiles at him,"That child you're carrying is different,"


"She's all three, Harry."He simply says.

Harry raises an eyebrow questioningly.

"She's as much as a wolf, as she is a vampire, but thanks to my mother, she is also a witch- And thus, an abomination,"He smiles wickedly, excitement brewing in his eyes.  

Harry instinctively places a hand on his bump,"That's..She'll be targeted then,"Harry frowns, protectively,"And with your enemies-"His worries grow by the second.

"They will be eradicated,"Louis hisses, before calming down,"What do you think i've been doing all along, love? She will be safe, you have my word."Louis affirms.

The wolf's worries do not dissipate, only fueling them,"What exactly are your intentions for her?" He raises his voice. 

Louis's expression is unreadable,"You don't understand, she has incredible power- Nothing we've ever see-"

"She is NOT some vessel you can use at your disposal!"Harry jolts to stand up, eyes brimming with rage.

Louis glares,"Have you quite finished?"

"I have. I can't believe i came to apologize for my words! You're demented,"He abruptly heads for the door,"What they say is true, you are a monster, every bit of the word."He bites out, then walks out. 

Louis clenches his jaw.


When Harry's tucked into bed a bit later, Louis walks into his room and the younger wolf makes sure to deliver his sharpest glare. 

"You left your watermelons, do you.."Louis trails off watching Harry pointedly shove the duvet over his head, making himself disappear from Louis' sight.  

Louis sighs and turns around to leave back down the stairs with the bowl. 




Harry wanders through the forest once again, thinking too much for his liking.  

He can feel the baby begin to move around inside, a thrilling feeling, his only comfort on these long days.

It was there he spots a figure.

"What do you want?" Harry shouts, protectively hovering a hand over his stomach.

"Forgive me, I just couldn't help but hear your story,"A tall, dark haired, handsome man emerged from behind the trees,"..Word gets around these days, especially when you're involved with a hybrid," He gently smiles, lightening the atmosphere.

Harry sniffs in his scent and realizes he's an Alpha, he still bears caution,"Can i help you?" He tries to ask politely.

The wolf grins, "I've been trying to find you for years. I'm Enzo,"He greets, and Harry stares at him oddly and clutches his stomach more protectively, until he continues,"My parents actually knew your parents back in the day,"He says warmly.

"How so?"

"Well, they were in the same pack, which makes us-"

"No, you must have the wrong person, I found my pac-"

"That's not your real pack, Harry, they took you in because you were a defenseless lone wolf, whatever they told you was just a lie to build strength in numbers within their pack-"

"Excuse you, I have no reason to believe you, and don't you dare make up lies about my pack-"

"Your pack?" He snorts,"Where are they now?" He arches a brow.

It renders Harry speechless, before he gains his composure,"Louis is ruthless, of course they had no choice but to abando-"

"In my pack, Harry, we would never abandon you,"Enzo frowns with vigor,"We are bounded to each other- That wasn't your pack."Enzo finishes.

Harry crosses his arms across his chest, above his baby bump,"..Well, what do you want with me?"

"We come from rich bloodlines, you're technically royalty-Your parents were rulers."

"Yes, but they died and that's the end of tha-"

"No, far from the end, Harry, you have family still alive."Enzo blurts.

"What?" Harry's mind races, as well as his heart.  All his life, all he ever wanted was a family.

"You're a crescent." Enzo foreignly tell him.

"A what?"

"We come from the crescent bloodline-it's an original bloodline."Enzo fills him in and Harry's eyes widen with the knowledge he's gaining.

"And my family?" He's intrigued.

"You can meet them if you like-"

"No I-I have to think about it..I have"Harry walks back slowly, too much to take at once. 

Enzo puts up his hands in defense,"There's no pressure, it's just, we would be complete with you,"He says, sincerely.

Harry blinks down at the ground, before looking up,"Um, okay..I have to-"

"Think it over?" Enzo finishes, smiles tugging at his lips,"Ofcourse, I'll be here when you're ready."He nods reassuringly. 




Harry goes back to the mansion, mind-racing with endless possibilities. A family. His family.

"Busy little wolf, weren't you today?" Louis teases, as he walks past him to go speak with Zayn.

"Yeah.." Is all Harry could say, until-"..Wait,"He needs to confide in someone. 

Louis turns around, cuffing his sleeves, raising a quizzical eyebrow.

"I-I met someone today- At the forest,"He slowly says. 

"Glad you made a friend, dear, now if you will excuse-"

"Louis, I met someone who knew my parents and he said something about a crescent line and that my family is-"

"What?" Louis nearly barks.

Harry blinks,"..He said-"

"The Crescent bloodline?" Louis reiterates, eying Harry closely.

"Yes,"Harry nods irritatedly, it was only a minimal detail to him,"And he said that-"

"Nonsense, that bloodline finished centuries ago."Louis dismisses, defensively.

Harry frowns,"Well, either he's lying or..Why's this important to you?"He redirects.

"My biological father was a crescent wolf,"Louis indulges him, and Harry recalls his mother's affair with the werewolf.  

"Maybe you can meet him then, his name's Enzo,"Harry informs him,"You think you'll know if he's telling the truth? Anyways, he said that i still have-"

"What does he want with you?" Louis lowers his voice.

"I don't know yet, but something about completing his pack."Harry tells him, watching the hybrid's eyes unsettle.

"Go upstairs for me, I'll be there in a bit."He orders then leaves without waiting for Harry's reply.

But Harry does that, nonetheless.


After a few minutes in his bedroom, alone with his thoughts, Louis appears. 

He walks towards Harry,"Turn around,"

Harry does so, turning his back towards Louis confusedly, facing the windows.  

Louis gently pats his sweater,"Take this off for me."

"L-Louis.." He stutters, cheeks hot.

"Calm down, love, need to find a birthmark."Louis hums, eyes distant and calculating.

Harry blushes hard regardlessly,"Oh, what birthmark?" He asks, pulling the fabric off over his head, and rubbing his naked belly.  It's become a habit. 

"It'll confirm if you're truly of Crescent decent,"Louis tell him, eyes raking over his creamy-white skin, before spotting a dark shade, sculpted like the crescent moon,"..Unbelievable,"He muses, tracing his fingertips over a small spot against his shoulder blade where the birthmark resides. 

Harry shivers against his touch,"So he was telling the truth? I do have family left then.."He says, more to himself. 

Louis offers him back his sweater,"I'm afraid you won't be going near that wolf until i meet him, we don't know his intentions."

Harry drapes the lilac sweater over his baby bump,"What do you mean, what will you do to him?" 

"None of your concerns, darling."

Harry frowns, temper growing,"You have no right to demand that of me-!"

"I do actually, and I will tie you up in chains if i have to keep you here."He growls, eyes warning the wolf.  

Harry has tears springing out of his eyes in frustration.  

Louis rolls his eyes,"I won't kill him, if that's what you're worried about."

Harry dries his tears,"I need your word."

"Quite frankly, I want him to reunite you with your family..That way, you won't have too much trouble separating from her."Louis eyes his belly. 

Harry swallows down tears,"..I hate you so much."

Louis only grins remorselessly,"Only a couple more months to go, love."




Harry met with Enzo a couple days later when Louis decided he was in the clear and he assured him he had siblings and relatives who were are all waiting for him to come back to them.  

Harry took all the information in with half a heart, mind somewhere else.  

It was ridiculous, really.  All his life, all he ever wanted a family and he has it, finally it's his. And yet, his mind's so taken with the little one in his tummy.  


The next few days, Harry coils into himself, quiet and a bit depressed.  

Evenings are spent on the rocking chair, overlooking the balcony view, writing letters to his beloved little wolf, in the hopes that she would understand why he had to leave.

He hasn't seen Louis in the past few days and he's honestly quite happy about that.  He seemed to be throwing tantrums every time they spoke, so. 

But all good things come to an end and he sees a worried Louis, barge into the entrance of the mansion and he hears him before he sees him.

"HARRY! Harry-"He hears him roar before he's met with the sight of him at his doorway- panting, a bit bloody, and relief flooding his eyes,"Fuck, you're're safe."He repeats, walking closer as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Harry lifts himself from the rocking chair in worry, hand at his belly,"What happened?"

Louis shakes his head,"Threats were made and I thought-"He shakes his head,"You're fine, you're safe, it's going to be okay."

"Louis, you're scaring me."Harry's eyes widen, blinking cautiously, as he protectively hovers a hand over his tummy.  

"No one is going to hurt you, I promise."Louis swears, hand coming over Harry's in a gesture to secure his promise.  

Harry hesitantly nods, slowly believing him as Louis' pants quiet down and eventually come to a halt.   

"You should..wash up,"Harry looks at him, top to bottom, taking in his rough state,"I'm a bit tired so I'm going to sleep now."

,"Harry, uh, listen..I have to protect you so it might be best if i stay here for the night."

Harry's breath quivers,"H-Here?"

"Just for a couple nights,"Louis clarifies,"Just as long as it takes to..get rid of the problem." Harry registers the fact that he means to kill whatever enemy threatened to harm him and the baby.

"Okay..Yeah, that's fine." 

"Wasn't really a request, but thanks love."He smiles and Harry rolls his eyes, heading for the washroom.  


Settling into bed tonight was different. 

After having tucked himself into bed, Harry watched Louis walk in, a slight smile settling along his lips. 

"How's the little one?"

"She's doing just fine..but m'not, thanks for asking."He complains freely, pouting a bit as he pats down the puffy duvet against his chest.  

"Why's that, love?" He asks, sitting himself across the bed on an arm chair. 

"Everything is so swollen, my back hurts all the time and there's never a time where i feel at peace."He huffs everything out."And i don't even get to keep her."He adds in, for good measure.  

"You get to go back to a real family."Louis reminds off-handedly.

Harry glares at him,"But she's mine."

"We're not talking about this again."Louis shuts him up. 

"Fine then get over here and give me a massage, you owe me for everything from here on out,"Harry demands snappily. 

Louis seems to agree since he's gotten up from his chair and Harry feels the bed dip behind him, before strong hands are on him, rubbing his calves and digging into the bottom of his spine.

"Oh yes, Louis..Right there,"Harry encourages, eyes fluttering shut,"Mmmh yes.."He moans in relief, edging his back closer to the hybrid, until his back's flush against Louis' chest.  

"My little pup giving you a hard time?" Louis amusedly says, watching Harry arch his back into him.

"Mhmm, just like her daddy."Harry mewls softly when Louis presses his fingertips just right against his back.

"You smell so good right now."Louis suddenly whispers into his ear and Harry smiles shyly, eyes blissfully closed at the feel of his adept fingers.

"S'my strawberry shortcake shampoo.."He slurs happily, melting under Louis' touch.

"No, no fuck, it's lovelier it's-"Louis stops abruptly and Harry's eyes widen the moment they both realize. Oh.

It's his slick.  Harry's leaking

He blushes a bright shade of red, breath hitching.  

"Right, that's - I'm sorry."Is all Louis says, before he detangles himself from Harry's limbs carefully.   

Harry curses himself once he hears Louis close the doors behind him, yet sees his shadow from beneath the door, still guarding him.


The next few days are awkward to say the least.  

He just feels drawn to Louis, is the thing. It's absurd, really.  Who knew he had a bit of Stockholm Syndrome in him?  Must be the pregnancy, Harry blames. 

He just keeps getting turned on from the littlest things Louis does, from talking family business matters with Zayn, walking around his work room planning their next attack, to Louis simply asking Harry to eat well and take care of himself before leaving. 

Harry doesn't know how many times he's changed his clothes because of his slick and it's just so tiring but he can't help it?  Oh, and then there's this girl

Harry doesn't know who she is but she insists on spending all her damn time around Louis lately and frankly its quite crude and unclassy, in his opinion.

Harry makes this known to her after a few hours of her being in the mansion. Whilst Louis was in the room.  Barging into his office while the two were discussing whatever matters.  

"Hiii, m'Harry and I'm pregnant with Louis' pup."Harry states aloud, his tone nearly petulant and bit boastful. 

She and Louis look up from where they were focused and Louis breaks the silence to chuckle. 

"Harry, love, this is Eleanor, she's helping us get what we want."Louis informs, quirking a brow at him yet finding Harry's little outburst most amusing. 

"Heard a lot about you, it's nice to meet you at last."Eleanor reaches out a hand and Harry shakes it firmly, not knowing what to say. 

"Anyways, how can i be sure i have your word?" Louis pulls her back into their conversation and Eleanor steps a bit too close to Louis for Harry's liking.

He feels a bit forgotten, neglected.  It's the hormones, really. 

So, Harry makes his way behind the desk where Louis' sat at and he tentatively plops himself on Louis' lap, nuzzling his face into Louis' neck despite Louis' startled body language. Maybe it's a bit much but given the look of defeat on Eleanor's face is worth it.  

"I think we're done here, Eleanor..But I'll have you know, if anything - and I mean anything - goes against our plan, i will snap your neck first."Louis' eyes go cold and Harry shivers, clinging closer to Louis' form.

She nods sincerely,"I look forward to doing business with you."She says at last and watches Harry make a home in Louis' lap so she adds,"I'll show myself out."

Harry glares at her back, before he's met with Louis' raised eyebrow.

"L-Louis I - She was flirting with you!"He sputters defensively, a pout slowly forming,"And you didn't even do anything about it."

"Jealousy is a good look on you."Louis mentions, hands resting atop his love handles, giving them a soft squeeze. Harry tries not to squeak and leak all over him.  

"Don't let it get to your head, it's just my hormones."He snaps before lifting himself off his lap and heading for the door quickly before he makes a wet mess. 

"I won't be here tonight, i have some..duties to attend to."Louis suddenly mentions, and it makes Harry turn around. 

"But who will protect me-"

"Zayn will be here, don't worry."

"Fine..whatever."Harry shrugs, feigning nonchalance despite him leaving the room to change his pants for the third time that day, embarrassingly so. 

He tries not to think about how right it felt to be sat on Louis' lap for the rest of the day.