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The Betrayal

Chapter 36


Hyunjin wakes up.


Yo my ao3 fellas!

Just for ur information: this fic was started exactly one year and a week ago, and this was my first fic. Thank you for showing immense love and support dears! I luv y'all 😘

Anyway, I have exams till December 7, so bye bye for a while.

Chapter Text

Third Person POV 


Hyunjin felt numb; he could not move his legs, hands or even lift a finger. His head was pounding like anything, and the bright light from the gaps between the curtains only irritated him more.


First question: what is this place and where the fuck was he?


Second question: where is his pack?


He couldn't even speak, god dammit, his voice is almost vanished thanks to his endless sleep he didn't even remember of.


Okay, where the fuck was he?


Somehow, this room had a combined scent mix that had his head going crazy with want- fucking shit, he's just woken up and he'll make himself aroused.


Is he so deprived of sex?


But considering the idiotic stunt pulled by the unknown alpha, he doubts he'll be getting any action soon. It's fine, it'll help to clear his mind off of things.


This whole room smelled so good, a mix of rainforest and earthy musk complimented each other, sandalwood and rosewood along with the faintest of cucumber mint go well with the others and the last: daisies and lavender.




Hyunjin snapped his eyes open, (when had he closed them again?) he glanced around the room again. He felt familiar but was absolutely sure that he hadn't been to  such a room before. 


This room was cozy, a wardrobe in the corner lining the walls, the sheer material of the pale green curtains giving way to sunlight directly on his face, and the lampstand containing several drawers.


A pretty glass lamp stood over it, graceful with colours of baby blue, orange and pale pink adorning its surface. 


Blankets were strewn all across the floo-


What? WHAT?


There, among the blankets and sheets with limbs all tangled up in each other, lay his old pack, sleeping peacefully with each other.


Their even breathing indicated that they were still sleeping, their definition of personal space almost non existent. Their hair spread out on the pillows and on their faces, framing their faces in an elegant way.


His eyes drifted over to the youngest Omega, who lay securely in the arms of his pack alpha, whose nose was ticked in the Omega's scent glands into his neck.


Felix's hair seems to have grown longer, almost till his shoulders. His soft lips were parted as he breathed, freckles uncountable and definitely more than their previous encounter.


He mentally slapped himself for observing all these, cause he was supposed to hate them, wasn't he? 


His heart raced at the thought of one of them seeing him awake, anticipating their reaction. Would they be overjoyed? Or just annoyed that he's come back again being a burden?


He was sure that it was the second option. Why would they care anyway? Weren't they so disgusted with him? They should be repulsed with him. 


But, why was he here? Where was Hongjoong?


He's one second away from his mind blasting altogether with these thoughts, but he's genuinely confused. Why the fuck is he here?


It's not like his pack abandoned him with them of all people, it's surely not that, so maybe something went wrong when he was deep in his beauty sleep?


And as if to answer his questions, the youngest Omega moves around for a little bit, a groan escaping his lips at the heavy weight of Chan's arm over him, before he blinks away the last bits of his sleep.


Felix wakes up slowly, yawning and rubbing his eyes, before ehe stands up, smoothing out his clothes and stretching.


Hyunjin is almost afraid of being discovered, he's entirely sure enough that his ex pack, these people he knew and cared for the most will be frustrated that he has woken up from his long sleep.


It's not like they would be kind and understanding, he expected the worst; for them to be their same old selves, and maybe they would start picking on his human origin here and there as well.


But when Hyunjin sees from the corner of his eyes that Felix is now focussing on him, the young Omega's face quickly morphs into that of great joy like someone had just been risen from the dead.


It's not like he was dying, right?


Felix rushes over to him in pure unadulterated happiness, "Hyunjin! You're awake!" 


He was bouncing on his heel, like he was ecstatic to see me awake and okay. 


But Hyunjin's head was fucking up with him. They hadn't wanted him, they literally wanted him out of his pack but now Felix is happy to see him? What kind of idiotic bullshit is this?


Maybe his thoughts had reflected on his face, Felix sighed.


"I know you are really confused, but we'll explain soon, okay?" He asks, and Hyunjin can only nod, considering that his throat was not in the best condition after nearly many days of dehydration.


It wasn't like he's going to talk willingly to them too, so it's better that he maintain some distance between them till his pack comes and picks him up from this place.


"Would you like some water, Jinnie? You should eat some food too- oh my god, I'm rambling so much," Felix chuckles to himself awkwardly, while Hyunjin just stays silent and distant.


"Guys! Wake up! Hyunjin is up!" Felix screams so loud that Hyunjin fears he'd go deaf in just few seconds.


Thankfully the pack also share the same sentiment as they all shuffle around to wake up in distressed groans and displeased whines.


"One day, I'll regret joining this loudspeaker of a pack," Seungmin mutters under his breath, rubbing his ears vigorously.


"Felix-ah, you didn't have to shout and make my ears bleed," Changbin whines from under the sheets, rustling around.


"I think y'all hadn't heard my first statement then," Felix huffs, pouting at this reaction.


Hyunjin is almost amused by the way the pack is so against waking up. But he reminds himself that this is the same pack who hated him unconditionally.


"I can still feel that buzz in my ears!" Han whines, curling around Changbin to find some comfort.


"If you woke me up just because that new girl group you've fanboyed over the past few days is releasing another new song, imma strangle you to death, I swear," Jeongin glares at the Omega.


"Are y'all finished whining? Because I have an announcement," Felix seems almost annoyed now, Hyunjin still watching the waking up saga.


"Okay, spill." Chan tells, brushing back his black curly hair.


"Ahem- ahem, I've got a big announcement and that is the moment we've all been waiting for!" Felix cheers, and all the others cheer too, but after a moment, they all end up being more confused.


"Why were you so happy? You don't even know the news," Changbin glares at Han, who glares back.


"As if you knew," Han retorts back.


When a quiet giggle escapes from someone's mouth exactly when the room is back to being silent, they find the cause for Felix's scream and maybe, their ears going deaf was worth it.


A few minutes of silence makes Hyunjin to confirm his assumptions, that yes, everyone is disappointed now that he is awake.


Of course, who would be glad that he finally woke up? They discarded him for being useless and a burden, so who'd just care? No one.


Apart from his pack, there was no one who showed him kindness, except for Sakura and her lovely parents. Others, not even one.


So why did his heart feel like shattering into a thousand pieces? It's already broken up and left hanging after the confession he heard from Bang Chan to Felix all those years ago, so why did he care?


Why did his heart feel so empty? There's apparently no one who ever cared for him in this pack, here and there it would be Minho and Felix, and even Chan. The others? Never.


Apologies were on the top of his tongue for disturbing their peace and their pack and for being a burden all these days, but that was not what he recieved.


"You're finally...awake?" Chan's voice filtered through the morning air, his voice airy and light and filled with relief.


"God, we were so worried- your temperature was high, breathing laboured and your pulse very low, we thought we'd lose you," Chan wetly laughs, wiping the smallest tear that seems to have escaped his eye.


They were worried about him?


No, it would have been because of Hongjoong's and Wooyoung's threatening maybe, that would be the perfect reason for them to be worried about him.


Minho, on the other hand, immediately got up and rushes to him, plastering his hand along his forehead for quite the whole before nodding.


"Your temperature is still high, but not as it was two days ago. So it's good," Minho states, while his eyes seem so soft and vulnerable.


It's then that Hyunjin remembers that the older Omega is pregnant and should absolutely not be running around like this.


Hyunjin swats the older Omega's hand away softly, gently reprimanding him with eye contact. When Minho doesn't even understand in the slightest bit, Hyunjin sighs.


"Y- you're pregnant. Don't r-run ar-round," Hyunjin strains his voice to share the reason, coughing a few times in between.


The way Minho's eyes widens before he laughs with too much emotions shining in his eyes.


"You're in no condition to take care of me when you are in that state, mister," Minho playfully commands, but his eyes convey the message clearly.


"I'll bring you tea, lay down here and don't you dare move around," the older Omega orders, and Hyunjin knows to stay put rather than running around.


Before Minho can leave the room, Jeongin rushes up to him, preventing the older Omega from leaving the room.


"Yeah, you shouldn't strain yourself. You go sit, I'll bring the tea," Jeongin reasons and when Minho opens his mouth to refuse, Chan's voice is heard.


"Minho, it's alright to rest for a bit. You're pregnant, dear. And Hyunjin wouldn't like for you to get into trouble, right?" Chan asks, and Hyunjin involuntarily nods.


Minho is tense for a moment before relaxing, as he nods. 


Jeongin takes that as the confirmation before leaving the room to get the tea. 


Everyone looks disoriented, considering the fact that they had just woken up, and Felix brings a notebook with a pen in his hands.


He brings two fingers closer to Hyunjin's neck, and the taller doesn't even understand what the younger is doing. Felix hesitates a bit, silently asking permission if the older is okay with him touching, and Hyunjin nods a consent.


When Felix places his fingers on the back of his neck for a few minutes, Hyunjin is utterly confused. What is the youngest Omega even doing?


A few minutes later, Felix jots down something in his notebook, nodding to himself. When Hyunjin turns his questioning eyes to him, Felix answers, "I checked your pulse Jinnie."


And there. There's that nickname again. He falls back against the stack of fluffy pillows against his head, as he sighs. That nickname just rekindles old memories.


Days when Felix used to play with him, days when they rolled around in the mud all by themselves giggling, days when they grew up more matured and stopped hanging out with each other, days when Felix would come cuddle while he painted, days when he would stay locked up in his room in his own misery, days when Felix left him to attach to the pack alpha.


Many thoughts come rushing at the speed of light, and he's shocked that his brain didn't combust. After all, he's been through a lot, he's not gonna lie and this is the exact same house he had once lived.


Lived may not be the right word, maybe it'd be barely hanging onto life.


The same house he once found comfort in is now giving him the goosebumps, the same house he thought he'd live in for the rest of his life was just a temporary adjustment.


While that proved to be a disappointment for some members of the pack, he still remembers vividly the day when he was brought in and the day he was kicked out.


Just because - he was a human.


What the fuck had he done to them that made them so fucking disgusted of humans? 


They made sure to rub it in his face that he'll never have the love and affection that each other had for the other, excluding the poor measly human.


People at school or in his college had loved him, had given him various love letters that he had no interest in, some recommended him for modelling jobs and many more.


But his own pack didn't hesitate to show their hatred on him.


All the kind acts done by Minho and Felix, he had chalked it upto that being their omegan instincts, so he never refused the little amount of love he had recieved.


But knowing now that it has just been under the influence of their secondary subgenders and not because of their own will felt like a double ended dagger piercing his heart.


After all, the wielder of the weapon was also hurt in the process. Maybe their interspecies love hadn't meant to be, so they just chucked him out.


But he wouldn't call that love. Love is pure, love is also deadly at the same time. Love is something you feel when the other person cares a lot about you, love is when you feel like you can't live without that significant other, love is when you realise that this person is not yours but yet, you feel happy for that person.


Love is waking up in the same bed in the soft glow of the morning, watching with a small smile as you kiss their lips good morning. Love is when inching your hand up their shirt with intimate touches, watching them come undone under your hands, watching them erupt with pleasure as their eyes roll back, arching their back.


Love is as simple as watching a movie together, cuddled up on the couch with a blanket on top of them, with the lights dimmed, a hand holding your other half's, while you share popcorn.


Love is watching the moon in the crystal clear night, the moonlight enveloping them in a soft glow as you both share a kiss, love is drinking tea when rain pours down hard against your windows.


Love is to feel contented with your other half, love is living the life you expected.


But alas, Hyunjin's life was the exact opposite. So it cannot be love.


Blinking up from his dazed dream, he opens his eyes to see Jeongin standing with a hot steaming cup of tea in a white ceramic cup with a butterfly painted on it.


Hyunjin carefully takes the tea, nodding his thanks to the youngest alpha as he sips the tea. His mood is almost ruined, and he's the one to blame.


The shrill noise of the phone ringing breaks him out of his gloomy thoughts once again, and he glares at the phone like it had personally offended him.


Chan picks up the phone, as the pack alpha walks out of the room, cradling the phone against his ear as he walks out with furrowed eyebrows.




Chan picks up the phone, seeing the nurse's name on it.


He quickly walks out of the room to share the wonderful news of Hyunjin waking up to her, but when she hears the breathless tone of the nurse, he knows something is wrong.


"Hello? What's wrong?" Chan asks right away, worry flooding his tone.


"Oh, hello! I didn't mean to disturb your morning, but I had to tell this..." The nurse drags on.


"No, you're not disturbing me, by the way, Hyunjin woke up too, so I wanted to call you and inform too, so it's okay," Chan confirms.


"Oh he woke up? Thank god, I was getting worried. Anyway this is about Hyunjin. I took a few blood tests that day he had dropped right?" The nurse asks, and Chan hums.


"Well, the results are out. Everything seems to be fine, except for one thing." The nurse states.


"What? Is he sick? Does he have any major diseases? Oh my go-" Chan is cut off with his frantic rambling by the nurse herself.


"No. It's not that. He's perfectly fine. The only thing I noticed was that...the blood test results showed that Hyunjin has a bit of ... uh- vampire venom flowing in his blood," the nurse tells.


Chan's world stops. His breath hitches. He freezes.


"Vampire venom?!!"



Hope you all enjoyed it! Please leave kudos.
Feel free to correct me (of anything) in the comments. Thank you!

Btw, I will post weekly since my exams are ongoing.