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Part 2 of kv one shots , Part 1 of Rapper JK x Dancer TH

1, 2, 3D


"You like it kitten?" Jungkook whispers as his hand toys with the silver locks, "Touch it baby. It's all yours to play with."

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Jeon Jungkook is about to release a new song. After several months of people impatiently waiting for the global superstar's comeback, he's finally done with recording his new hit. The only thing left for this new unreleased song to break records is to film its mv.

Enter Kim Taehyung, a flourishing sassy model and dancer who'll play the second lead in the rapper's new mv.


⟡ Just +9k of pwp
⟡ Jungkook is older than Taehyung by three years.
⟡ Not beta read.
⟡ Enjoy ;)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:



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Jeon Jungkook is about to release a new song. After several months of people impatiently waiting for the global superstar's comeback, he's finally done with recording his new hit. The only thing left for this new unreleased song to break records is to film its mv.

Jungkook is a fairly new mainstream rapper with enough recognition to be respected by all his peers for his talent and creativity. He popped up after numerous hits, according him the title of global superstar. Fans, girls like boys, all threw themselves at his feet, spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on him. And he'll forever be thankful to his fans for their dedication and respect.

Thanks to his very good looks, attractive aura and chill personality every person that ever came across him all tried to seduce him. He admits that he's quite the face and he doesn't want to boast but his bulky and muscly body covered in tattoos that he works so hard to keep fit would make a lot of people lose their morale just to touch it.

And Jungkook took advantage of that. Why wouldn't he after all? He got the prettiest and sexiest models and celebrities trying their hardest to spend a night with him, it'll be a stupid move to refuse such an easy win.

Then again he got standard, he won't accept everybody advances either. He was really picky with his partners, not everybody could make the fit. Jungkook's ideal type was preferably guys, guys that play hard to get, so hard it seems impossible to get in their pants. The power and pride he feels over them after succeeding to make them beg for it, begging for him to take them apart with his bare hands was such a rewarding bliss for Jungkook, he felt like he could rule the world just like he could rule those guys.

"Jungkook, we’re landing in LA in five minutes. We drop your stuff at your house and we directly head to the film set, the whole crew and dancers are already here." His manager and friend, Kim Seokjin, lists as he types something on his phone.

The tattooed man who was scrolling on his social media only hums as he stares at the profile of a certain someone who couldn't get out of his head for the past few months, "What about the second lead?" He tries to ask as nonchalantly as possible. He didn't want his friend to suspect his interest in the blonde man.

"Kim Taehyung?" Seokjin wonders, barely paying him any attention.

Jungkook nods, "Yeah, him.. I guess.." He mutters as his eyes glide over the slim figure of the younger man, he's been staring at the pretty guy's last Insta post for the last ten minutes and he couldn't help but imagine all kinds of things he could do to him. The little cinched waist full on display under a flimsy sweater and baggy jeans kept yelling and begging for his hands to grab and bruise with his lips. The cute little blonde head tilted to the side with a small teasing smirk tauntingly stares straight back at him, as if telling him that he'll never get to touch him.

"I think he's on set too? I don't know. He better be." Seokjin slightly frowns while answering his ton of emails. "Why do you wanna know?"

"Just like that.." Jungkook smirks before typing something on his phone, "Let's see if that ruffles him up.."


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Seokjin turns around to stare at Jungkook as he gets a notification from his comment, "You better leave that kid alone Kook." He threatens seriously, he has been working with the blonde for quite some years now and if there's one thing he doesn't need in his way is Jungkook's shenanigans. He couldn't say no when the rapper especially requested to invite Taehyung as the second lead of his mv, but if he could he would've left studious and professional Taehyung as far away from Jungkook's hungry mind.

"What? Me and Taehyung are friends, why can't I comment on his public post?" He scoffs with an eye roll. Taehyung and him are not friends. Not even close to acquaintances. In fact, Taehyung probably loathed him.

Jungkook and Taehyung met a while ago, maybe eight or seven months. Jungkook was invited to an event held in New York and so was Taehyung as a performer. He remembers seeing him for the first time on that stage, rolling his body and shaking his hips against the singing artist. He remembers how his head tilted back and the whole column of his neck and chest glistened with sweat and sparkles and he could immediately imagine his two rough hands squeezing and bruising that fragile neck only to smother it with delicate kisses right after.

When their eyes met, since Jungkook was in the first row, he could see the lithe blonde's eyes hooding with something he couldn't really decipher at that moment. But his gut told him that it was arousal and that gave him enough courage and confidence to ask him out after his stage ended. It caused quite a lot of controversy, people started to assume he went after the singer to try to get in his pants, and that this very same singer ghosted him since he came out of the venue empty handed.

But no, he went after the blonde, the hotheaded blonde that immediately spewed out a 'no' when he saw Jungkook coming towards him with a little charming lopsided smile. He didn't even get to mutter a word that the boy just closed his dressing room door on his face.

If he was being honest, he didn't expect to get rejected like that, but it only fuelled his preying mind to get the small blonde under his claws.

That's why ever since then, he kept teasing the younger man by commenting on his insta post now and then (even if he did look religiously at all the blonde social updates). He dm him almost five or six times in the span of those eight months and he never answered any of them, leaving him on read and with a bruised ego. And when they got the chance to meet in real life, Jungkook flirting only got answered by rolling eyes or judging sarcastic scoffs.

He knew that Taehyung wasn't weirded out or uncomfortable because he saw the younger watching his stories regularly and once in a blue moon liking his dance video. Maybe he just wanted to leave Jungkook hanging or liked to be chased, and the rapper was ready to keep running and pounce.

And maybe the younger one finally got sick of avoiding him. When he accepted Jungkook's team proposal to be casted as the second lead of his mv after refusing to be in his last clip 'Seven' (which Jungkook would never admit but was about him), the tattooed man thought that the chase finally end here, way more easily than he thought. Which was a little disappointing because he was ready to keep hunting him until Taehyung would cling onto him, the longer he waited and struggled, the sweeter the controlling bliss will be.


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"Hi, Jungkook! Let's get you ready, we're only waiting for you!" His makeup artist and stylist tells him with a gentle smile on her face. He follows her to the van filled with multiple vanities and clothes racks. The place is quite empty, there's only another makeup artist with "Taehyung? Are you almost done?" Eunjin asks while pulling a chair for Jungkook to sit on.

And at the mention of the name, Jungkook almost immediately jumped back off the chair he just sat on to stride with a shit eating grin towards the blonde man. Blonde man that doesn't pay him any mind as he keeps scrolling down his phone even if perfectly aware of the imposing presence next to him.

"Hi baby." Jungkook smirks as he leans against the vanity facing Taehyung. His eyes skims over the dancer's body, he enjoys the view that the gray large and filled with hole tank top offers him. Honey skin peeking from under an expensive garment that he couldn't wait to tear open. He continues his trail over the tiny trim waist enhanced by baggy jeans that unfortunately hides the long and thin legs leading to his bare feetsies that Jungkook could already imagine against his shoulders. His little contemplation ends back on the small delicate face of the slightly growling man. "You dyed your hair? Silver fits you well Tae."

"I know. That's why I did it." He barely sarcastically mutters while he keeps on typing something on his phone.

Jungkook smirks widened against his will, "Moody today, why's that? Didn't like my comment?" He asks as he crosses his naked tattooed arms. Taehyung finally looks up to him, his hooded brown eyes briefly scanning the muscles bulging against his chest, wetting his lips, he gazes up at the older man with an arched brow.

"Well, knowing that I know the lyrics of your song I quite find it inappropriate given its context. Don't you think Jungkook?"

Said man lightly chuckles at that, well he won't lie, he did text that in hope that Taehyung would make the correlation with the other lyrics. He's glad that Taehyung is professional enough to know about his works and didn't come empty handed just to perform and go.

"What if I tell you all them lyrics are about you?" He tauntingly tilts his head.

Taehyung scoffs with a small amused snort, "Yeah sure.." He rolls his eyes before shaking his head in amusement and looking back down at his phone.

"You don't believe me?" Jungkook whispers as he leans forward to push Taehyung's head up toward him again, so that they could look each other in the eyes. "'I can't touch you through the phone, or kiss you through the universe.' Who do you think it may be that never acknowledged any of my messages or advances or even existence? Hm?"

The silver haired only stares at him as the meaning of the other lyrics of the song dawned on him. Now that Jungkook said he was singing about him, all its meaning changed for the dancer. But he doesn't care, Jungkook could buy him the moon and he'll still reject him. Singing about wanting the younger to squirt for him was the last thing Taehyung will fall for.

Don't get him wrong, in Taehyung's eyes Jungkook is one of the most handsome men he ever got to encounter. His strong physic and his cool aura were like a magnet to peoples eyes. Taehyung mostly had a soft spot for his muscly big body, and all the intricate tattoos covering his skin. When he met him for the first time on that stage, he almost messed up his steps if it wasn't for his professionalism. The hooded black eyes intensely staring back at him, like he was ready to just jump on stage and take him apart in front of everybody, ignited a fire inside of Taehyung's stomach. But he knew Jungkook. He knew that he would only play with him. He knew that he would only toy with him and throw him away when he got bored or will find someone more attractive. He didn't want to waste his time. And Jungkook will do just that.

So yeah even if Taehyung would love for Jungkook to fuck him until he loses his mind or his breath or his voice, even if he wants him to drill deep inside him and make him squirt like he promises, he'll not go for it. He refuses to let Jungkook toy with him like a doll.

Looking back intently at each other in complete silence, the rapper let his eyes wander over the pink glossy lips of the dancer, unaware that the silver haired himself was staring at the two piercings adorning his lower lip and wondering how their coldness would feel against his tongue.

"Jungkook? You really need to start preparing now, it's getting late." Eunjin cut their moment short with a little scowl. Both men totally forgot about the two other makeup artists witnessing their little banter and Taehyung only pushed Jungkook's hand away from his chin to look back down at this phone with reddening cheeks.

Jungkook only tsked with a little snort before sitting down on his own chair, the hairdresser that took care of Taehyung walking towards him to deal with the rapper's hair, "Hey babe. Look up." He calls out.

Taehyung does as he says to see what more he wanted from him only to be met by the elder taking a picture of his startled face, "Pff, what's with the obsession?" He rolls his eyes before looking back down at his phone.

Jungkook chuckles at the picture he just took, "Caught you right when you yawned. Cute."

"You better not post that." He threatens.

"Or what? People have to start their theories on who's the lucky person starring in JJK mv."

"Lucky person my ass, crop my head then at least, don't want my yawning face on the internet." He scolds before getting up to put on his shoes.

"Whatever you want, baby."

"And I'm not your damn baby." Taehyung scowls before stepping out of the van without a single last glance, Jungkook amused eyes trailing behind him and focusing on the jeans cladded ass.

And the tattooed man could only breathe out a laugh as he clicked 'post'.


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"You have to keep your hands higher around my waist at the second 'see you like that' and turn smoothly around at the 'uh uh'. Okay?" Taehyung asks as both men are standing under the warm sun in the filming set, the whole crew and dancers around them.

"Like that?" Jungkook asks before doing the motion Taehyung advised.

Taehyung nods before turning his face around to stare at him, "Yeah, you don't need to grind against my ass either." He scolds.

"Taehyung this is an explicit song, you expect me to carry you around like a princess and kiss your cheeks? It gotta be sensual." Jungkook rolls his eyes before stepping back behind him at the producer's call to start again.

And they do just that, Taehyung following the steps he practiced for some weeks now. He didn't get to perform directly with Jungkook but with another backup dancer so it quite felt funny to finally dance with the rapper. And weirdly enough he nailed it more than he thought.

Since they’re filming one of their solo scenes throughout the whole song to only crop the needed moment, Jungkook and Taehyung have to dance together for the whole four minutes without any cut.

As Jungkook hands keep gliding on his body and gripping his curves as he keeps singing, Taehyung sways his hips like he practiced against the elder man, his mind trying to count his steps instead of focusing on the ridges of the naked hard chest or crotch nestling against his butt cheeks. And he couldn't suppress the tiny butterflies flapping their wings in his stomach as he realizes that the lyrics the rapper's currently singing against his ear are meant for him and him only.


Taehyung lets go of Jungkook's neck to take a step back and a small breath, he could still feel the elder's hand on his left ass cheek since it was the last sneaky move of the choreography. And when he didn't feel anything while doing it with the backup dancer, it did make the silver haired man's cheeks burn as the rough tattooed and ring cladded hand squeezed his butt, Jungkook breath hitting his collarbone and his piercings gracing his neck.

Jungkook could feel the thumping heart of the younger man against his own chest and it only made him snicker at the nervousness he felt just by him barely touching his peachy ass. "You did good babe, really nice ass by the way." He nods before taking a gulp of water, his hooded eyes casted on the dancer all along.

"Bet you'll jerk off to that wouldn't you? After all this barking for trying to get me in your bed you finally got some material to fap at tonight?" Taehyung banters back before one of the makeup artists comes to retouch their barely perceptible makeup.

And Jungkook could only smirk at the comment. 'He's finally playing my game?' He thinks. "'M not fapping to anything tonight, I'm doing you sweetheart."

"Yeah.. sun might be hitting a bit too hard against your head." He scoffs before placing himself in front of the rapper to redo their sequence again, "Keep grinding your dick against my ass, that's the best you'll ever get from me."

Jungkook does just that, somewhat their movements got more erratic and sharp, and the rapper might have let himself get over his head as his hands grabbed the younger's chest and waist and hips like it was initially planned at the 'Body to body to body to body to body' part but grabbed the inside of one of his thigh with one hand and the other grabbed the dainty neck. Which was in no way in the choreography. But Jungkook couldn't help it, it was his mv after all, he'll change the steps as he wishes, and the pretty man against him didn't seem to mind as his ass pushed harder against his crotch at the impromptu touches.

The supple skin of the younger thigh left the rapper wondering how smooth they'll feel against his waist or even around his dick if he ever got the chance to thigh-fuck him. God, he'll love to do that...

"Cut! That was good! Really good! We'll keep this one." The producer calls out as both men catch their breath, they don't know if they're more breathless from the dance of their bodies colliding and moving in tandem, perfectly fitting against each other. But Taehyung only avoided the black orbs while doubts started to fill his mind. "Let's change scene." He adds.

Their last sequence together requires Jungkook to dance as he chases after a walking and uninterested Taehyung until the younger finally gets caught and joins him to dance. It's a whole different choreography that requires more grinding than dancing but that is what the whole song is about after all, to have Taehyung accepting his sex call.

"So if you're ready" Jungkook start to sing as he dance towards the younger who keeps walking away, the camera following them, "And if you'll let me" Jungkook manages to catch the honey skinned thin arm, "I wanna see it in motion" Taehyung twirls around and finishes right in Jungkook bulging arms, "In 3D" He makes the younger lean backward while holding his waist, his head hanging upside down as Jungkook lets his fingers teasingly skims over his cheek, neck and chest before Taehyung pushes him away so he can continue to walk away and the elder keeps chasing him more vigorously.

"You won't regret me. Champagne confetti." Just as he says that water starts squirting from the prop fire hydrant that he hammered. And Jungkook manages to grab Taehyung again so they can both dance under the sparkling water, their clothes clinging to their skins, not leaving much to the imagination. "I wanna see it in motion.." Taehyung steps in front of him, "In 3D" Jungkook spins him around so their back and front meet again while back up dancers joins them in the background. "'Cause you know how I like it, boy" both staring straight at the camera before doing the same hip thrusts movement, Jungkook hips hitting Taehyung butt again and again and again as he beams behind the younger, winking straight at the lens. "You know how I likе it, boy" He finally mutters against the wet neck that he kisses, his calloused hands caressing up the wet lean arms. Sparks exploding in the dancer's lower stomach as he feels the cold piercing graze the sensitive skin. "3D." Jungkook finishes by flashing his most boyish smile at the camera.

"Cut! That was perfect guys! Good job!" The producer yells as the crew around them applaud. Taehyung doesn't pay it any attention and turns around to look at Jungkook, their bodies still glued and wet.

The rapper keeps his arms around the tiny waist as he stares back down at the dancer parted lips, their short breaths mingling from how close they were, "What was that poking me all this time?" Taehyung asks with a little smirk.

"You mean this?" Jungkook asks as he brings the younger's hips closer to his, a clear bulge hitting the dancer's pelvis. "I think you damn well what this is baby, you kept grinding like there's no tomorrow." He whispers against the heated skin of Taehyung's face.

The performer feels his breath get stuck in his throat at the elder dick pressing right above his, his rough hands keeping him close to his protruding chest. And Taehyung couldn't repress it anymore, he got sick of ignoring his own body needs to have Jungkook cowering above him, got sick of not answering his flirty dm or suppressing himself to like the elder's thirst trap on twitter. And he got sick of this craving feeling to have Jungkook nestled deep in his gut.

Taehyung tried to not fall into the easy game of one night stands and situationships, but just once just for this one time, he'll leave his professionalism at the door and let Jungkook in instead.

"I can grind harder than that.." He whispers against the column of the elder's thick neck, his hands sliding up the naked arms to rest on his wide shoulders.

And Jungkook feels like he's seconds away from exploding. The words that he's been waiting to hear for almost a year feels like the sweetest melody to his ear and the loudest thunder to his dick. "Wanna show me baby?" He whispers back while gliding his nose through the side of the dancer's neck before leaving a little harsh bite on his clavicle that prompt a sinful moan out of his plump lips. Both men don't pay any attention to the people around and only stare deeply at each other with a palpable tension as the sun sets down in the horizon.

"You'll let me show you?" He sweetly asks back, tilting his head to the side.

"I'll let you do whatever you want, kitten, as long as you keep being a good obedient boy for me."

Taehyung nods before looking down at the growing tent under Jungkook's wet jeans, "I hope you're done with filming for today, I don't think you can dance with a hard on." He teasingly snorts before letting his right hand smooth down his chest towards the button of his jeans. He pops it open before taking a step back. "Bring me to my hotel." He finishes before turning around to get to the van.

And Jungkook could only giddily run after him.


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"I hope you're not into sweet vanilla things Taehyung. If so, tell me right now 'cause I won't go easy on you." Jungkook mutters as he drives them in his black Rolls Royce through the empty road of Los Angeles, heading for his LA home instead of the younger's hotel.

"Does it look like I'm into vanilla?" Taehyung rolls his eyes as he looks out the setting sun and gets comfortable on his seat. "Give me your worst Jungkook." He whispers after turning his head to look at the driving man. His eyes wandering from his ticking side profile, his sharp jaw glistening above the multiple diamond necklaces. He looks down at the buff chest hidden under a gray baggy hoodie, his diamond rings and bracelets creating a sharp contrast with his pale and tattooed skin against the wheel. Jungkook looks so fucking expensive, so out of touch and yet so close, so close that he could smell the manly and sweet costly perfume he put on after showering. And Taehyung only wanted to nestle his nose against his neck to get a better whiff. His eyes finally land on the black baggy and ripped jeans, the strong thighs and tattoos peeking out from under the shredded fabric. Taehyung couldn't wait to have his muscly thighs under his bouncing ass, bruising him until his skin turns red.

Jungkook briefly looked down on him, "My worst?" He darkly smiles, making Taehyung heavily swallow. "You sure you can handle that?"

Taehyung doesn't waste a second to nod his head and answer, "Make it hurt Jungkook." He confidently whispers as he feels his heartbeat speed up.

Jungkook only maliciously beams at him before suddenly turning the car in another direction, catching the younger off guard, "What are you doing!?" He blurts out with a gasp at the sudden rough movement.

"Get down." Jungkook seriously lets out.

"What?" Taehyung frowns in confusion.

"I said get down. Take off your seatbelt and suck me off." He repeats slowly for the younger to understand all the syllables coming out of his mouth,

"But you're still dr-"

Jungkook only tsked before softly grabbing the dancers cheeks at a red light, the tinted windows providing them with all the privacy they needed. "Baby.." He gently starts with a fake sweet smile, "I remember telling you that I'll stay gentle if you obey me like the good little boy that you are, no?" His eyes darken as his sweet smile sours into a snicker, "Get down on it." He finally whispers before roughly letting go of the soft bruising skin.

And Taehyung could feel his own arousal spike up at the heavy deep voice and rough fingers. He's always been a slut for pain and he could feel that Jungkook would gladly indulge him.

As Jungkook starts to drive again, Taehyung takes off his seatbelt before getting in a cozy position on his seat to reach the elder's spread thighs. Jungkook takes off his seatbelt too before slightly sliding down to get comfortable. The younger's trembling fingers reach for the button that he pops and the zipper that he slowly opens.

Jungkook lets out a satisfied sigh at his dick finally being free from the confines of his jeans and drags his ringed fingers against the silver silky hair. "Look up baby." He mumbles, eyes glued on the empty road.

Taehyung obeys and stops his movement to look at the elder man, "Yeah?" He sweetly whispers impatiently, he couldn’t wait to have the elders heavy member in his mouth, he's been imagining it for months already.

"Color system?"

"I don't think I'll need it."

"And I won't tolerate possibly really hurting you." He frowns.

Taehyung rolls his eyes in annoyance. 'Just let me suck you off already, damn.' He thinks before nodding.

Jungkook feels the motion against his hands and briefly looks down at him, his hard gaze landing on the younger one intently staring at his bulge, 'Little slut..' he tsked in his head "Use your words." He mutters as his hand harshly grabs the smooth long hair, making him whine.

"Yes!" He breathes out.

"Yes who?" He holds even harder.

"Yes sir.." Taehyung whines as his hips rocks against nothing at the rough treatment.

Jungkook saw the movement and only meanly laughed before pushing the small pretty head against his crotch. "Here baby, suck me all you want like the horny little slut that you are."

And Taehyung does just that, with impatient fingers he pulls down the elders jeans and underwear so that they can rest under his balls. He could feel his mouth water at the view of the heavy and big smooth dick. The slightly pinkish member is around twenty one centimeters long and his girth barely fits around Taehyung's large palm. His eyes kept staring at the imposing member, he could sense his gut tighten at the image of this monstrous dick deep inside him.

"You like it kitten?" Jungkook whispers as his hand toys with the silver locks, "Touch it baby. It's all yours to play with."

The younger one drags his lean fingers around the girthy cock, pulling a shiver out of Jungkook at the delicate touch. He lets his finger caress the smooth and hot skin with the tip of his manicure fingers, the tip of his thumb toying with the pink glistening head and softly poking at the urethra. Jungkook goes rigid at the arousing touch and growls at him so that he'll get to work.

Taehyung doesn't waste any second before bringing his open hot mouth above Jungkook's cock to let his tongue laps at the head, precum coating it. He doesn't taste particularly good but he doesn't particularly taste bad either, Taehyung likes its saltiness and slight sweetness. It tastes so.. Jungkook? So he laps at it again and again before getting lower and licking at the long girth. While one of his hands keeps holding its base, the other travels down to slightly caress the heavy balls, making Jungkook legs constrict. "Stop teasing kitten and put it in your mouth already." He warns in a hiss.

Taehyung obliges and takes a deep breath before engulfing the pinkish head in his mouth, his cheeks hollowing to create smooth and heavy succions. Jungkook lets out a heavy sigh at the feeling of the younger's hot mouth finally against his sensitive skin, "Just like that baby, deeper." He whispers as he keeps speeding down the road.

Taehyung obeys, he lets his mouth glide down the heavy girth, letting centimeters after centimeters penetrate through his spread lips until its head hits the back of his throat. The weight of Jungkook's cock against his tongue felt like heaven and he couldn't help but bring his head up and down as he twirls his pink tongue against his throbbing dick.

Taehyung didn't have many occasions to suck on some real cock but he always loved to do it. When he got the time and was feeling slutty enough he'll pull out his long pink dildos to suck on them as he fingers of roughly fuck himself with another. Both of his hungry holes stuffed full. He loves the feeling of something heavy against his tongue or deep down his throat and Jungkook was everything he loved, long, thick, tasty. Nothing next to his gigantic dildos in size, but its pulsating hotness and heaviness was what made his toys never enough.

Said man roughly grabs his hair before pulling him harshly down his length, making the silver boy choke at the sudden movement. But he doesn't let go, Taehyung doesn't want him to let go. So he tries his best to swallow around the girth down his throat as his nose deeply breathes against the elder trimmed pubic hair.

Jungkook groans at the smooth feeling of the younger's throat swallowing down his cock, he could feel his balls sack up at the sucking motions. He lets his ringed hand take control of his body and grab the silky hair to direct his movement. "Just like that baby, you like that uh?" He mutters as he keeps his eyes casted on the road, his eyes peeking now and then at the pretty man pleasing him.

Taehyung tries his best to keep up with the elder's forceful back and forths, his head hitting down his throat every single time. He heavily breathes through his nose as he feels his cock leaking against his jeans, prompting him to rub his legs together to relieve a bit of his arousal, in vain.

Jungkook lets out a breathless chuckle at the younger pitiful attempt to alleviate his needs. "What's wrong kitten? Got rock hard from sucking on my dick? Are you this much of a whore to get aroused by only sucking me off?" He tauntingly snickers before thrusting his hips harshly, Taehyung's lips spread at his base. The harsh movement makes him gag and almost cream his pants, his fingers grasping the elder's jeans, not for him to stop but to do it again.

"Again baby?" Jungkook asks as his ringed hand sweetly glides down the back of the dainty neck.

Taehyung moans against his cock, making the elder groan at the heavenly sensation, so he does it again, he keeps thrusting harder and harder down his throat as the younger keeps gagging and choking. Spit coating his plump reddened lips and chin and pooling down Jungkook's cock and balls.

Taehyung could barely breathe, tears kept flowing down his cheeks and blurring his vision. He could feel his throat becoming more and more sensitive and his jaw hurting at the uncomfortable position and he knows that it'll hurt so bad tomorrow. But he loves it, god does he love it.

He lets his fingertips caress the smooth skin of Jungkook's balls hoping that he'll come faster and coat his mouth and face with his cum. The rapper roughly pulls his face off his cock to let the pretty man catch his breath, "Look at me." Jungkook heavily whispers. He looks up, his teary doe eyes staring innocently at the elder man as if he didn't have his dick seconds ago in his mouth.

He didn't realize that Jungkook parked at the side of an empty secluded road where nobody ever drove by.

Taehyung couldn't help himself but let his pink tongue loll out and give kittenish licks to the glistening with spit and precum head. All that while he keeps on sweetly staring back at the elder man with an impassible expression on his face. He doesn't mind if the rapper doesn't show him how excited he is or how good he is for him, his rock hard dick is enough indication that he was one suck away from cumming all over his teary face.

So he keeps delicately licking and pecking at its tip while one of his hands jerks him off and the other gently toys with the heavy sack.

"You love sucking dick hm?" Jungkook heavily whispers while one of his tattooed hands plays with silver strands and the other big palm slides down his tiny face to smear his tears around the apple of cheeks. He lets his thumb toy with the plump upper lip as he keeps making out with his tip or popping one of his balls in mouth, eyes never leaving each other. "Playing so hard to get only for you to end up on your knees with my dick down your throat.." He breathes out, "Fucking slut." before roughly pulling his head down his cock again, nestling deep inside.

And Taehyung is this close away from coming, he keeps moaning and gagging as the elder harshly guides his movement by pulling his silver locks. At this point he believes that he'll come before Jungkook.

"You want my come?" Jungkook erratically breathes out as he also jerks his hips up and down in tandem with his hands, "Tell me little whore. You want it right, want me to coat your throat with my cum baby? Hm?" He groans as his frowning face contorts in arousal.

Taehyung could only moan harder and harder at the hammering pace, his sobs getting muffled by the smooth pelvis, he wants it. He wants to taste him so bad. "Please!" He cries out when Jungkook briefly pulls him off to let him take a breath, "F-ngh feed it to me s-sir, please.." He whispers out of breath while innocently peeking at him. "I need it."

And the begging was enough for Jungkook to plunge back as far as he could while he let his head hit his headrest and loudly growl at the tightening throat swallowing his cum.

Ropes and ropes of cum directly flow down into the younger's throat, he barely even has to swallow with how far the throbbing tip is nestled. Everything just went down by itself, and Jungkook did what he asked, he's feeding him, literally. When almost nothing comes out, Taehyung brings up his head so some droplet could land on his tongue, he needed to taste it, needed to taste the elder's manly juice. He’s been dreaming about it every time the elder flirted with him, but his stubbornness never allowed it to become more than his imagination. But he’s glad he for once listened to his body and not his mind.

When Jungkook was sucked dry, Taehyung slowly let go of his tip before licking the whole sensitive length clean and swallowing the last small droplets. He opens his mouth wide, his pink tongue lolling out for the elder to see. All clean.

"Good boy baby, you did such a good job, kitten. Hm?" Jungkook praises as he brings the little teary face up towards him, making the younger one sit back up, "So proud of you baby." He whispers before pulling the thin dancer on his lap and leaving tiny little kisses against the tear stricken cheeks and jaw.

Taehyung melts against his chest, he loops his arms around the elders neck and lets himself get softly praised and kissed for his hard work. It felt so good to be called a good boy after doing his best.

"You good sweetheart?" He whispers against the plump sensitive lips when he remarks on the younger's silence.

"Kiss me please." Taehyung whispers back in a raspy voice, his vocal chords already hurting.

And Jungkook only whippedly smiles before delicately landing his pierced lips on the pinkish one.

He softly kisses him first, their lips only gently sliding against each other before letting go only to meet again the second after.

Taehyung could feel his stomach tingle at the new soft touches, he likes it when Jungkook is harsh with him but weirdly enough he loves it when he handles him like a porcelain doll.

As their kiss deepens and their tongue meets in a slow wet dance, the rapper moans as he tastes himself on the sweet tongue. He lets his wandering hands caress every parcel of the younger covered body, he glides them up his thighs, his hips, goes under his flowy shirt to softly smooth up his back to bring him closer. Taehyung back arches as he lets the rough ringed hands caress his skins while he keeps on sucking on the rapper's tongue and piercings. Their moans and groans mixing together like their spit.

Jungkook teasing fingers toys with his cute little pink nipples, prompting the younger to grind his jeans cladded ass against the still rock hard cock.

"Sensitive here baby?" Jungkook taunts before pinching and twisting them harder. Taehyung's high pitched whines get muffled by the elders pushing his tongue in his mouth to silence him. Their kiss made of more spit and tongue than lips.

Taehyung pulls away after a particular hard pinch, "Please." He whispers out his teary eyes casting down at the wet reddened lips.

"Please what kitten? Tell me what you want, hm?" He sweetly asks against his neck, his lips leaving harsh hickeys that he relieves right after by licking it as he goes lower, his finger still toying with his cute little buttons.

"I.. I w..ant you to fuck me please.. I want it a lot." He innocently blurts out totally lost in his headspace.

Jungkook chuckles at the small begging before biting down on his neck and dragging his palms down to roughly squeeze his ass. "You think it's with this small pitiful begging that I'll do it baby? Come on, beg for it, show me how hard you want me deep inside your little hole." He meanly laughs while letting his fingers toy with the silver haired man's entrance through the fabric.

Taehyung arches his back against the steering wheel and moans at the sudden touches before his arms enlaces more tightly the elder, "Please sir.." He softly sobs, "You told me I- I was a good boy.. please." He sniffles as Jungkook grinds his cock against him. "Please.. Please fuck me daddy…" He finally whispers out, completely giving up the control of his own body and mind to the rapper.

And it was enough for Jungkook to just tear apart with his bare hands the jeans hiding Taehyung's ass. Making him gasp at the sudden moves.

"Little slut, you're not even wearing any underwear. You really are a greedy little bitch hm? Bet the only thing you waited for all those months was for me to take your pants down and glide in without any preparation." He darkly mutters as his dry fingers caress the small quivering hole.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung moans out at the cold touch.

"Jungkook?" He roughly slaps his left asscheeks, "Jungkook?” He repeats, “What happened to sir and daddy?" He spanks him even harder again leaving a red distinctive bruise on the silky honey skin.

"I'm so-" He cries out before getting cut by two of his fingers against his lips.

"Shut up and suck if you don't want me to just dryly tear you open." He harshly demands as his other hand keeps circling and rubbing his winking entrance and perineum.

Taehyung only obeys, he goes down on the ringed fingers, his tongue wetting every crook and nooks just like he did moments ago for his cock. His teary doe eyes casted on the sneering man.

"What a whore.." He tsked as he stares at the pink lips surrounding his thick fingers, "Bet you'll just suck on anyone's dick you brainless cock slut." He scowls feeling his own dick harden against the younger's jeans.

Taehyung shakes his head, tears pooling in his eyes, he won't suck anyone's dick, "I won't.." He sniffs, "Only yours daddy." He whispers before putting the fingers back in his mouth.

And Jungkook could only grunts before suddenly pushing his two fingers in his ass making the dancer cry out loud at the unseen breaching. "Nghh.. hurts.." he pants as his head tilts backwards at the heavenly burning sensation.

Jungkook kisses the column of his neck before quickly pulling back and forth his fingers out of the tiny hole, the muscle clenching in a death grip on his digits. "Said you wanted it to hurt, be glad I didn't make you bleed by directly breaching in with my cock." He groans against his sweaty skin.

As Taehyung keeps moaning and tears stride down his face, Jungkook focuses on trying to poke at his sweet spot while his other hand opens up his shirt to have a full view of the lean chest and tiny waist.

"Just like that baby, bounce on my fingers like the good little pain slut that you are."

Taehyung does just that as he feels the cold diamond rings softly get caught on his rim, the sensation making him slam down on the tattooed hand. "One more.." He breathes out, "P-please sir.. One more.."

Jungkook warmly chuckles against his chest, "How can I say no when you ask this kindly baby, of course I'll give you more." He says before pushing two others fingers in the tight hot cavern, some of his big rings going past the puffy rim at the same time that his tips meanly graze his prostate.

And Taehyung lets out the loudest moan of the night as he almost goes cross eyed. Jungkook's thick fingers felt like heaven inside him as he kept drilling them harder and harder against his sweet spot. The rapper lets out a small groan at the younger clenching hole, he lets his tongue lick and bite at the rosy hard nipples while the dancer scratches his flexing forearms in pleasure.

"You like that sweetheart?" He mutters as he looks up at the red sweaty angelic face of the dancer. Jungkook takes a moment to appreciate how pretty and sexy the man is. If he looked beautiful while scowling at him, he looked ethereal while lovingly gazing and nodding at him like a dumb little doll. "Wanna keep riding my fingers?" He harshly bites on his nipple before soothing it with a kiss making him cry out in pain, "Or you want me to finally fuck you?"

Taehyung's pace speeds up at the idea of finally having the rapper's cock in him. He's been waiting for so so so long. "Dick.. Want your dick n-now please.." He softly cries out in a broken voice.

And Jungkook could only harshly finger him one last time before pulling out of the slightly gaping hole, the younger's whining at the sudden emptiness. "Lay in the backseat and get naked."


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While Taehyung spread his lean naked body on the backseat impatiently waiting for the elder who's taking a cigarette outside, he lets his own fingers toys with his puffy and sensitive nipple while his other hand caress his equally puffy and reddened from the rings hole. He lets the tip of his thin finger gently caress the ring of skin before sliding his dry digit in. Taehyung loves playing with himself, he does it every time he can and feels like it. His skinny and long fingers used to be enough for him to get off, but now that he had the rapper's thick one inside him it barely feels enough. But he's too horny so he'll just suck it up and keep masturbating until Jungkook finally stops teasing him and gets back in the car.

Which doesn't take long to happen since as soon as he inserts a second finger in, his back arching with a sweet bitten moan, the door opens right in front of him. The elder getting met by the sinful view of the younger pitifully fucking himself.

"Well well well.." He meanly laughs as he looms over the fragile and trembling naked body. "Couldn't wait even two little minutes baby?" He sweetly smirks as he softly pulls Taehyung's fingers out of his ass to bring them in his mouth. As they deeply stare at each other, Jungkook teasingly lets his tongue glide against the smooth digits before letting them fall down with a last suction. "Can't believe I used to try to woo a bitch all this time.." He shakes his head before grabbing the younger's hair and roughly kissing him. Their teeth clashing and biting on each other's tongues while Taehyung gives the entire control to the rapper. Letting himself be bitten and sucked all he wishes.

Jungkook calloused fingers fondle the soft supple skin of his thigh and chest, one hand holding his weight to not crush him while the other skims down at the expense of his soft tummy. Taehyung's hands delicately hold in soft fists the jet black hair as he grinds against the rough jeans of the elder. Their pants creating condensation in the closed car.

While Jungkook keeps toying with his lips, his hand suddenly stops at his navel. He pulls away from the glistening lips with a last soft kiss to shush he younger's whine and looks down at the cold thing that grazed his finger.

"My, oh my.." He snickers as he feels his dick get impossibly harder. His eyes landed on a cute little silver and pink heart shaped piercing contrasting beautifully with honey skin. "What a cute little jewel sweetheart." He mumbles at the tip of his index softly toys with it. "Full of surprises.." He whispers to himself as he roughly grabs his jaw to kiss him again, this time he goes down his neck and chest, leaving a bruising wet trail in his way until he reaches the soft tummy. He places soft little kisses all around his navel before dragging his tongue over it.

Taehyung whines and pulls at the elder's hair at the brand new sensation. Nobody ever dipped their tongue in his navel and even less toyed with his piercing by pulling with their lips and circling around it. He could feel the precum pool against stomach, right against Jungkook's chin. He takes this opportunity to lap at the sweet precum softly squirting out of his cute little pink cock. "God, even your dick is so cute angel." He whispers as he leaves little kisses against his length until he gets to his perineum that he softly bites to bruise it in a pretty purple flower.

"Want me to eat you out or fuck you?" He mumbles against his entrance, his lips softly kissing his rim making the younger shudders in arousal.

Taehyung would honestly love to get eaten out by the rapper, his cold piercings getting caught against his hole but he needs to get filled, he needs his hole to get stuffed until he could barely know his own name. "Fuck me daddy." He whispers as his legs spread even more.

And Jungkook only chuckles against his hole before briefly making out with the puckering entrance to lube it a little. He straightens back up and finally takes off his sweater to grant the younger the heavenly view of his buff tattooed chest and arms. Taehyung lets his fingertips graze the taunt skin of his strong pectorals, following all the intricate tattoos while he unbuttons his jeans. Taehyung innocently let his digits circle the small nipples before pinching and making them softly roll between his fingers, prompting a shiver out of the elder.

Jungkook takes the hands away by pinning them above his head, against the car door. While one tattooed hand keeps them pinned the other takes a hold of his heavy thick cock and slaps it against the winking entrance. Making both male moan in impatience.

"Sir?" He softly begs.

"I'll give it to you babe." Jungkook whispers before nestling his tip against his hole, both of their eyes are casted down to where their bodies link. He spits one last time against the winking hole for extra lube and without wasting another second, he roughly drills in, in one smooth motion.

Taehyung feels like fainting at the sudden girth breaching his insides, he knew that four fingers weren't enough and the lube almost inexistant. And it hurt like a bitch but god did he love it. The barely muffled scream that was ripped out of his chest was enough indication of his arousal.

Jungkook growls at the death grip around his dick, he's sure that the younger one could snap it in a half if he clenched any harder. But he loved it, he's never been in a hole this tight, this sweet, this hot, it felt like a fitting silky glove and he would do anything to keep the younger around him forever to relive this amazing feeling again and again.

He lets themselves savor the moment of their bodies finally making one by only resting inside motionless, he looks down at the pretty crying and panting face of the dancer. "Color?" He whispers as he brings his palm to the chubby cheek to softly brush away his tears.

"G- Ngh G-green." He blurts out as he squeezes around the girth nestled deep inside prompting Jungkook to let out a little groan of his own. "Please.. m-move."

And who was Jungkook to refuse? As he brings the performer's lean legs above his shoulders, his dainty feet hanging above his tattoos like he imagined, he almost completely pulls out before plunging back in a swift thrust that causes both of them to moan.

Taehyung trashes against the comfortable seats as his hole keeps getting filled with every movement of the rappers "So deep daddy.. feel it so.." he cries out at a specifically harsh thrust "ngh so deep! Don't stop.. please.."

Jungkook grunts as he picks up his pace, his hard pointed shoves hitting dead on the younger's sweet spot. "Like that baby? Want me to ram inside you til I reach you guts?" He scowls as his eyes lock in their smacking privates, the supple skin of his ass trembling with his pushing hips.

Taehyung tries to keep his eyes open to look at their joined body and what he sees makes him go cross eyed for a second as a cry escapes his mouth. He lets his trembling hand smooth down his chest until it lands on his bulging tummy. The imposing shape of Jungkook's ramming dick distinctive under the pierced navel. And it was enough for Taehyung to let go without permission and untouched in a long whine and lolling tongue as he pressed on his thin stomach to feel the elders drilling cock in his gut.

"Did you just- oh wow!" Jungkook cuts himself as his surprised eyes land on the shape of his dick carved into the silver man's smooth tummy. His protruding pierced skin glistening under his cum. And the rapper couldn't suppress his frantic harsh thrusts, his eyes glued on the bulge as he thrust deeper and deeper past the navel. "Fuck.." He groans, "That's so fucking hot baby." He grunts as he lets his own palm cups his dick through the younger's belly, prompting them both to moan at the sensation.

Taehyung is completely out of his mind, the only thing he could focus on is his stretched hole gaping for the elder's girth. Spit falls out of his mouth and onto the expensive car fabric as he struggles to swallow through his pants and moans. He didn't even go soft, his pretty little cock is still staying hard and neglected against his shaven pelvis.

Jungkook lets his palm glide up from the bulging tummy to the thin neck adorned with delicate necklaces, He lets his rings cladded fingers softly rest above the skin as he almost bends the dancer's agile body in a half. His pace speeds up, his hips bruising the thick butt. "Color baby?"

Taehyung sniffs as he tries to focus on the velvety voice, "Green.." He whispers in a tiny voice, "Harder daddy, make it-ngh hurt please." He begs again as he stares at the hooded and full of arousal black eyes.

And Jungkook obeys, as the fingers around his neck tightens to choke him cutting the younger’s breath, he entirely pulls out before railing inside in a sharp thrust, battering the puffy red and gaping rim of the younger as he almost makes his head hit the car door. "Like that little slut? You want me to breach you like that?" He grunts as he erratically moves his hips. "Want me to leave you unable to walk for the next few days?" His rings get caught on the necklaces as his own diamond ones hang above Taehyung's lips, "Want me to shape your tiny little hole into the size of my dick? Huh? So that nobody can fucking satisfy you anymore? And you'll always come begging on your knees to my feet so that I can finally fill your greedy gaping ass. Fuck." He groans as the silky glove around his cock clenches at his words.

Taehyung keeps cumming like a faucet between their stomachs, the elder was right when he whispered ‘Rain, rain, rain, you can't fake it’, he did make him go champagne confetti like he said.

"Open up." Jungkook whispers above the plump lips and Taehyung obeys. As the thumb of the hand around his neck pulls on his chin to open wider, he lets his spit hit the younger's lolled out tongue. He swallows it with a little moan and jerk of his hips before lolling his tongue out again for Jungkook to repeat as much as he wants before finally slotting their lips together in a deep wet dance.

And as he keeps on choking him, his rings leaving red marks on the sensitive full of hickeys neck, the sobbing dancer trails his smooth palms over his big sweaty chest to keep pinching his nipple while the other glides lower to grab and squeeze his balls to make him come faster.

And it works because the last thing Taehyung can remember before passing out is the drilling cock harshly scratching his sweet spot before squirting ropes after ropes of cum in his gut, deep enough that he could feel his tummy bloating at the never ending gushing stream of the elder's juice.


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When Taehyung wakes up he's still in the backseat, this time seated on the elder's cock as said man softly rubs his back and caresses his sweaty hair while the small head rests heavily against his tattooed shoulder.

"Kook?" He whispers in a broken voice as he could barely feel his throat.

Jungkook turns his head towards him with a gentle smile on his lips, "Hi baby." He pecks his lips, once, twice. "You passed out on me, how are you feeling?" He whispers as he keeps rubbing his back.

Taehyung closes his eyes to enjoy the sweet after sex bliss, "Feels so good.." He stupidly smiles as he unconsciously clenches on the softening girth still nestled far inside him, serving as a temporary butt plug, "Want you to stay inside.." He mumbles while he feels deep inside the swishing cum in his gut.

Jungkook softly chuckles before slowly kissing him, his hand delicately holding the sharp jaw. "You did so good angel." He whispers against the glistening lips, "I'm so so proud of you baby. Satisfied me so well."

"You liked it?" He asks with his doe eyes looking up at the rapper.

"Loved it, best sex of my life." He teased before kissing his reddened button nose. "Let's go home and clean you up, hm?"

He shakes his head with a little frown, "No, wanna keep you inside for a little longer please." He softly begs before enlacing his arms around his neck and closing his eyes to rest some more.

And Jungkook could only indulge him for a little longer while soothingly caressing his naked bruised sensitive body and disheveled hair.


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12/30 update: two new parts are available :)

Sooo, any thoughts? Should I make rapper jk xperformer th a mini serie or leave it as a one shot?

Please leave a lil kudo or comment if you liked it, i'm open to any feedback ;)

⟡ You can find more of my works on my page and my ongoing au "You make Mondays feel like weekends"

⟡ I'm also on twitter @ cuntykv


Series this work belongs to: