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Pocket monsters: the sonic adventures


A new journey begins for Sonic across the pokemon world and regions. This new path walked by Sonic and his trusted partner raichu, often joined by their friends, contains many challenges, new loyal allies, just as many deadly enemies, a complicated rivarly with Ash Ketchum as well as personal quest of self-discovery and improvement and the pursuit of a dream Sonic never knew he had.

For a bit more context: this is a retelling/rewritting of the pokemon universe story from Sonic's pov. Sonic and his friends will be existing characters in this universe and won't be carbon copies of existing versions of them (characters will be built over time). The story will cover all of Ash's journey as well as future adventures in Paldea. Feel free to comment your opinions or possible ideas if you like the story though whether they will be applied is not for certain as the basic plot up until the masters tournament has already been decided.

Chapter 1: The first step


Finding himself in Pallet town on an errand, Sonic the hedgehog takes a leap of faith and embarks on a new journey though the Kanto region following the path of a pokemon trainer

Chapter Text

Sonic was walking down the street lost in his thoughts. His father's words echoed in his mind.

"Could you please take this envelope to my old friend professor Oak? I would send it but since you're heading off to Kanto, I'd be grateful if you could help me out son".

Sonic had agreed though he was a bit mad that he had to come to Kanto in the first place. His parents had decided without asking him that he should visit the region to escape from everything for a while. Though he did want to escape, not asking him had greatly annoyed him.

He looked around as he entered pallet town. He saw several Pokemon some of which he recognized from encounters he had while heading there. Several wild pidgeys, a couple of weedles and a pidgeotto. He also noticed a young trainer boy petting his vulpix, as well as a young woman holding grocery bags and walking down the street with her mr mime. The mr mime was also carrying bags.

"Domesticated pokemon" he thought to himself "good idea if you can trust the pokemon you're befriending".

He kept walking down until he heard a voice call out to him.

"Excuse me young man" it was the lady with the groceries "could you please help me a moment?"

Sonic approached her.

"How may I help ma'am?"

"Could you please help me take my bags home it's just a bit own the street from here? I wouldn't ask but mr mime here has been working hard lately around the house and is tired, he deserves a break".

Sonic contemplated for a moment saying that he was actually on his way to professor oak's lab and was in a hurry but realized he didn't know where the lab was. Perhaps this lady could help him back.

"Of course ma'am" he said and got the bags off mr mime who sighed in relief.

They started walking towards her home".

"Ma'am if I may ask do you know where the lab of one professor oak is?"

"Of course? Just a little bit more down the street after my house".

"That's great. Thank you" Sonic answered.

"What is your name young man?"

"Sonic the hedgehog".

"Good to meet you Sonic. I assume you're heading to the lab to receive a pokemon?"

"Actually my father asked me to deliver an envelope to professor oak since I'm here".

"I understand. Well here we are" she said as mr mime got the bags off Sonic's hands "Walk down the street and you will find the entrance to the professor's lab on your left hand".

"Thank you ms.."

"Delia. Delia ketchum. Thank you again Sonic. Good luck" she said and walked in her house as Sonic went on his way.

After a few more seconds he found the entrance to the lab. He saw 2 kids walk out with 2 pokemon, a charmander and a bulbasaur. He knocked on the door and noticing it was open entered slowly.

"Hello? Professor oak?" he called out.

"I am right here" a voice responded.

Sonic walked in and found the professor tending to a sad squirtle.

"Hello professor. I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog".

"Oh yeah. Your father must be sending you".

"Yeah. I have your file right here".

"Good. Don't go yet I would like to verify all the files are here so in case any are missing you can let your father know for me".

"Sure" Sonic said as he looked around at the machinery and eventually his eyes met with squirtle's.

"Hey there" he said casually.

The squirtle cried out its name and blasted Sonic with water gun while smiling in joy. Sonic who was left dumbfounded, shook his head to get the water off him.

"You're a mischievous one aren't you?" he joked approaching the squirtle.

Squirlte cried out its name again and jumped on Sonic hugging him unexpectedly.

"Woah" Sonic said in surprise.

"Well the squirtle has taken a liking to you".

"Yeah I can tell" Sonic said not knowing what to do "are the files ok?"

"Yes everything is fine".

"Good I'll be on my way then. Take care little one" he said as he put squirtle back on the workbench and went to leave.

"Say, before you go, tell me a bit about yourself. Why are you here in Kanto?"

Sonic hesitated for a moment.

"Just on a small trip. The envelope business was just a favor for my dad".

"I see. And do you have pokemon in your hometown?"


"Have you considered becoming a trainer?"

"Not really. To be honest my brother wished to become a trainer for a long while but I never gave it serious thought".

"Squirtle. Squirlte!" the squirtle cried out as it hugged Sonic's leg.

"Woah. There it goes again" Sonic said clearly not knowing again how to get it off.

"Don't worry about it. The little fellow is just sad and clings onto you in hope. He wasn't picked by the two kids that were here earlier".

"Oh I see sorry to hear that".

"Hmm.. I was thinking, since it has taken a liking to you, why don't you take it with you?"

"W-with me?"


"I… I don't.. I don't know professor. I haven't ever thought of training pokemon. I'm not sure I can do a lot for this little squirtle".

"You don't have to train it. Not all pokemon need to be trained. It can just be your friend and stay as it is".

"Stay as it is?" Sonic asked confused. He looked at the little squirtle at his feet. Yes it was very adorable but he had blastoises battle before. They were very powerful. Who would choose to remain as they are? To not grow?

"Ok professor. I will take this squirtle with me".

"Splendid. Just let me bring you its pokeball" Oak said as he headed to the workbench. Sonic kneeled to meet squirtle's eyes.

"Are sure you want to come with me?"


"Very well then" he said smiling.

"Here it is. Here is also a pokedex in case you ever meet any more wild pokemon and need info on them or wish to record some info. And some pokeballs too. In case you want to catch any wild pokemon".

"Oh.. um.. thanks. Come on squirtle" he said as squirlte followed him happily.

They started walking down the street passing by delia's house again. She could be seen from the window sitting on the sofa with a boy.

"You will see mom" the boy said enthusiastically "one day I will become a pokemon master!"

"A pokemon master?" Sonic wondered as he and squirtle walked down the road past the house "what even is a pokemon master?"

Heading to the outskirts of town he happened to run into the 2 kids who had picked charmander and bulbasaur with the kid who picked charmander winning a battle between them.

"Huh! See? I told you charmander is the best!"

"Come on please that's enough! Bulbasaur can barely stand!"

"No! I need to train! That's what friends at for! So get your pokemon up and help me evolve charmander!"

The kid with the bulbasaur seemed ready to cry. Sonic knew he couldn't let it continue.

"Hey" he yelled to the kid with the charmander "not cool you know!"

"Hah! Says the guy who picked the squirtle!"

"Says the guy who doesn't know water beats fire!"

"Maybe on equal power! But I have already trained a lot! I can even crash you and that failure at your feet!"

Squirtle seemed ready to tear up. Sonic decided enough was enough.

"Looks like we need to teach you a lesson don't we squirtle?!"

Squirtle looked at him in disbelief.

"You may be just cute now. But you can also be powerful!"

Squirtle's face was filled with determination. It cried out its name in pride and stoop opposite of charmander.

"I'll wipe that smile off your face! Charmander use scratch!"

Charmander charged at squirtle fangs first.

"Squirtle withdraw!" Sonic ordered it.

Squirtle retreated into its shell, reducing the damage from scratch greatly.

"See! Too weak. Retreat into the shell to escape! Not gonna happen! Charmander scratch inside the shell!"

Charmander looked confused for a moment and hesitant to attack like that.

"Do it!"

Charmander tried to use scratch and hurt squirtle from the hole on the shell when…

"Water gun!" Sonic ordered.

Water came rushing out of the hole blasting charmander in the face and some of it even hitting the flame on its tail causing it to reduce in size.

"Oh no!" Sonic said in shock.

The charmander tried to get up but was very weak due to its flame.

"Get up you stupid pokemon! I didn't train you so much to lose!"

"Its tail!" Sonic said worried "I accidentally hit it with the water gun from squirtle! If the flame dies out it could die!"


"We have to get it to a pokemon center!"

The young kid was hesitant.

"But.. the battle.."

"Is a battle worth more to you than your pokemon's life?!"

The trainer grunted and picked up his charmander followed by his friend and Sonic who recalled squirtle and rushed to the pokemon center. While nurse joy took care of the damaged pokemon Sonic explained to the 2 kids in detail how charmander's life as well as its evolutions' lives were tied to its flame.

"I got so carried away, insulted both of you and almost killed my pokemon. I'm so sorry charmander. And I am so sorry" he said to his friend.

"It's ok. I forgive you".

They had a handshake of acknowledgement and then charmander's trainer turned to Sonic.

"Now that I remember that was one sweet strategy you used. Waiting for me to get in position and then damaging me while lowering the damage to squirtle so much all in one move? So cool".

"Thanks" Sonic responded.

"Are you going to do the gym challenge?" bulbasaur's trainer asked.

"I haven't really thought of anything so far. An hour ago I was just going to deliver an envelope to professor oak and now I am the trainer of a squirtle. It's all happening so fast".

"You totally should" charmander's trainer added as charmander's pokeball was returned to him.

After the pokemon were healed the 2 kids left to go home while Sonic lied on the grass outside the town with squirtle and looked at the sky.

"Hey squirtle" Sonic said "did you enjoy battling that charmander?"

Squirtle let out a cry of joy and satisfaction.

"So… what if we were to tackle the gym challenge?"


"Would you like us to go on that journey together?"


Sonic smiled and got back up.

"Alright then. Let's find a place to buy resources for the journey. It's gonna be a long walk".

They walked back to town and after buying a backpack and food for the journey as well as fresh water they visited oak once again who informed them of how the gym challenge worked and that the first gym was 2 towns away in pewter town. Then after informing his parents and a jealous Jet who could believe in the span of an hour his brother had become a trainer and was beginning the gym challenge but wished him good luck nonetheless, Sonic and squirtle then set out together towards their first destination ready to begin this adventure together.

Chapter 2: A fateful encounter


New challenges await Sonic not long into his new journey. Those challeges; team Rocket! A new ally joins in for this confrontation.

Chapter Text

Sonic and squirtle finished their training session and continued heading towards viridian city which was between pallet town and pewter city. Both of them seemed very satisfied.

"Good job squirtle".

"Squirtle" it cried out in happiness as it hugged his leg.

"Hehe. Come on let's go" he said as they both continued down the road.

Eventually they arrived at the entrance of viridian city and while looking for a pokemon center for squirtle to be healed, they walked past the viridian gym.

"This will be our final stop in the challenge before the league squirtle".

"Squirtle" squirtle cried out in excitement.

On the wall of the gym they saw posters of 2 wanted people a young boy and a young girl. They were wearing white tops with the letter R on them.

"Who are those 2?" Sonic wondered.

After a short walk they arrived at the pokemon center and squirtle was healed. After gathering more supplies they moved to enter viridian forest and make their way to pewter city. However on the outskirts of town Sonic heard the sound scratch made when the attack launched.

"Squirtle withdraw!"

Squirtle immediately withdrew into its shell and the scratch attack launched my meowth send it rolling a bit but leaving it mostly unharmed. As it came back out of its shell, Sonic turned around and saw nobody but the meowth but heard the laugh of a boy and a girl.

"Hahaha" the female voice was heard "prepare for trouble".

"Make it double" the male voice added.

Sonic looked up in confusion and saw the 2 young wanted people from the posters on the roof of a one floor building standing in front of the sun to cover their faces.

"To protect the world from devastation" the female voice continued.

"To unite all peoples within our nation" the male voice added once again.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love" again the female voice.

"To extend our reach to the stars above" the male voice said as they jumped off and landed by meowth allowing Sonic to see their faces.



"Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth that's wight!" the meowth said at the end causing Sonic's mouth to hang open in shock. He was left staring at them but quickly regained his composure.

"Who are you 3 clowns?"

His adversaries were now the ones with hanging open mouths in shock.

"We just told you! We are team rocket!"

"And what are you supposed to be? Street performers?"

"Oh the nerve!" Jessie said in anger.

"Nobody has ever insulted us this way!"

"Alwight kid! Hand over that squirtle and we won't hurt you much!"

"A talking pokemon?!" Sonic thought in shock but kept his cool.

"Oh yeah? Or else what?"

"This!" James said as he pulled a gun from behind his back which launched a net towards squirtle catching it and dragging it closer to them. Sonic to everyone's surprise however was calm. He merely took out squirtle's pokeball, pressed the button and squirtle was recalled escaping the net.

"Is that all?" he said clearly bored.

Team rocket was left fuming and worried that that boy wasn't even worried let alone afraid of them.

"Fine! We gave you a chance now we will use force! Come on out ekans!"

"Come out koffing!" James said though to Sonic's laughter koffing immediately got to cuddle against him making the poison fume coming out of its ores poison him slightly.

"No not me! Him!" he yelled as koffing turned its attention to Sonic.

"Suwwender kid! 3 against one you can't win!" Meowth said threatening Sonic. He kept his cool as always.

"Yeah sure! Let's do this Squirtle!" he said as he sent it out.

"Ekans use poison sting!"

"You too koffing!"

Ekans and koffing launched their attacks as squirtle withdrew on its own in its shell to block them, though Sonic knew those attacks would eventually poison Squirtle.

"Water gun!"

Squirtle released water gun but instead of launching it towards the 2 opponents launched it on the ground causing it to fly through the air like a thrown rock and hit ekans hard knocking it out. Meowth attempted to scratch squirtle but it repeated the process, dodging the attack and causing meowth's attack to hit koffing, landing a critical hit and knocking it out.

"Alwight that's it!" he yelled launching itself towards Squirtle which had rolled back at Sonic's feet and had just come out of its shell. Just before it hit squirtle however, Meowth was stopped midair by Sonic who had grabbed it from the back of its neck and lifted it up to look it in the eye.

"Please. Is that your great attack?" Sonic asked it clearly disappointed.

Meowth attempted to scratch Sonic but he was faster. He threw it back at Jessie and James causing meowth to accidentally scratch them. The moment all 3 of them dropped to the ground defeated a female officer turned the corner and saw the commotion.

"What is going on here?" she asked in a serious tone.

"No idea" Sonic answered "those 3 clowns jumped me and tried to steal my squirtle. They weren't really a threat to be honest".

The officer checked the defeated thugs and gasped in shock.

"These are Jessie and James of team rocket! You took them out on your own?!"

"I saw posters of them declaring them wanted by the law" Sonic said remembering the posters and not understanding why it was such a big deal he beat them "what are they wanted for?"

"You don't know?"

"No I'm new here. Got the little guy here earlier today".

Officer Jenny looked at him in disbelief but explained.

"They are part of team rocket, a criminal organization that catches pokemon to use them in crimes, most commonly pokemon trafficking".

"These guys are doing pokemon trafficking?" he said in disgust yet surprised "they have got to be the most incompetent traffickers I have ever seen".

"Have you seen a lot of traffickers?"

"Well…no. At least team rocket is done".

"Oh but no. They are a huge organization. These 3 are just some of their most wanted members".

"These 3 idiots are some of their most wanted? I find it hard to respect this team".

Officer Jenny couldn't believe her ears but remained calm.

"If you see any more of them let me know. They need to be brought down".

"I'll keep an eye out officer. Come on squirtle let's go" he said as squirtle eagerly followed him into the viridian forest.

The duo traversed through the woods as they encountered and battled pokemon training at the same time. Sonic thought back to his battle with team rocket and the chance it could have ended differently if squirtle had been poisoned by the poison stings.

"Squirtle?" he said


"I hope you don't get what I'm about to say the wrong way… but that battle showed that despite our very fast growth… we need allies. You handled it perfectly but… if we keep going alone we will eventually get overpowered. Would you be ok if we added more pokemon to our team?"

"Squirtle" it cried out nodding its head agreeing.

"Thank you pal" Sonic said smiling "thanks for understanding. Plus we could learn a lot if we have more on our team".

They kept going through the woods looking for a pokemon to catch but all they encountered were weedles, caterpies, their evolved forms as well as rattatas.

"Damn" Sonic said as he and squirtle sat on a log to rest "do only bugs live in these woods? I mean a beedrill doesn't sound bad but…." But at that moment he heard many cries at the same time. Both Sonic and squirtle looked at each other in question and followed the cries. Eventually Sonic started making them out.

"Pika pika. Pikachu! Pika!"

"Are those Pikachu cries?" he wondered aloud.

Hiding behind a bush they looked through and saw the source of the cries; a whole herd of pikachus.

"Woah. Now that would be a good catch don't you think?" he asked squirtle who seemed worried as electricity countered water.

"Shoot right. Would be risky for you to fight them. I doubt withdraw would block a thunder shock" Sonic said in deep thought.

However the next moment he was brought out of it as he noticed the pikachus were all looking at a specific Pikachu which seemed displeased with them.

"Pika pika!" it cried out as it waved its tiny hands around as if it was trying to get them to understand.

"Pika!" the whole heard cried out in response clearly showing their disapproval.

"Why are they acting this way? So strange" Sonic wondered again aloud.

At that moment the pikachus' ears all moved towards the rustling of the grass behind them and a huge net came out of nowhere catching most of them excluding a few, among of which was the Pikachu that was disagreeing with them. Sonic and squirtle watched in horror as team rocket grunts arrived and started dragging the net while 2 of them tried to catch the defiant Pikachu. The duo nodded and jumped out of the bush.

"Hey you creeps! Let them go!" Sonic shouted.

The grunts turned around and laughed.

"A mere squirtle will stop us? Go rattata!"

"Squirtle water gun!"

Squirtle used his launching attack to knock out the rattata while Sonic rushed the grunt who witnessed in shock as rattata was knocked out and punched him knocking him out. He then turned to the rest of the grunts who sent out their own pokemon, 1 sandshrew, 2 ekans and a geodude.

"Squirtle aim for the ground types! Water gun!"

Squirtle caught them by surprise by using water gun normally knocking the geodude out and damaging one of the ekans.

"Ekans bind!"

Ekans binded its body around squirtle and soon the damaged ekans followed suit.

"Squirtle withdraw!" Sonic ordered it.

Squirtle withdrew in its shell but the bind attacks still damaged it as its shell was part of its body and the continued pressure was applied normally.

"Damn. Now what?" Sonic thought racking his brain.

At that moment a thunder shock came out of the defiant Pikachu and struck one of the ekans causing it to release squirtle before the attack spread to squirtle. Sonic and the grunts looked as the defiant Pikachu jumped in front of Sonic and let out a cry of pride and anger. It then looked back at Sonic who momentarily gazed into its eyes and saw something very familiar. The 2 then nodded in understanding.

"Pikachu use quick attack on the ekans that is on the ground! Squirtle knock that ekans off of you! Rapid spin!"

Pikachu charged the ekans that wasn't binding squirtle while squirtle spinned finally achieving rapid spin which they had practiced before reaching viridian city and ekans was thrown onto the sandshrew.

"Sandshrew mud slap!" the grunt who had the sandshrew ordered.

Sandshrew threw mud at squirtle who was knocked onto Sonic's feet and tried to stand up but the damage had begun piling up. Pikachu in the meantime had knocked out the first ekans and using quick attack on its own knocked the other one out as well. Now it was just Pikachu and sandshrew.

"Heh. Looks like I win kid! You can't beat a ground type with a Pikachu!"

"We'll see about that! Pikachu tail whip!"

Pikachu whipped its tail lowering the defense of sandshrew.

"Now quick attack!"

Pikachu charged at sandshrew knocking it back but not out.

"Use mud slap!"

Pikachu was struck by the mud slap taking heavy damage. It got up with a lot of effort and stood strong.

"It's over kid! Hand over your pokemon before we use force!" the grunt said as his still standing colleagues took a step forward.

Sonic knew it was almost hopeless but looked at Pikachu and squirtle having taken so much damage to save the other pikachus who had in the meantime been freed by the net and hid away. Knowing he couldn't let them be taken without a fight he stood in front of Pikachu and raised his fists.

"No! You want them? Come and get them!"

"As you wish kid! Sandshrew! Sand tomb!"

Sandshrew started using sand tomb as Sonic was trapped in a sand whirlwind taking damage by every bit of sand hitting him all at once. He tried to breathe but sand entered his lungs. Coughing he dropped on his knee.

"Is this the end?" he thought in horror.

At that moment a giant bolt of lightning fell on the sandshrew. Sonic turned his head back and saw Pikachu striking the sandshrew with all its might. And all of a sudden the sand tomb stopped and sandshrew was knocked down as if it had taken damage.

"What?! How is this possible?!" the grunt said in shock.

Sonic looked at Pikachu in awe and squirtle who also had begun getting back on its feet used water gun launch to strike sandshrew knocking it out cold. The grunts backed up in horror and fled in fear of the Pikachu that had damaged a ground type.

"Squirtle! Are you ok?!" Sonic rushed to its side.

"Squirt" it let out a weak cry.

"I'll get you help don't worry!" Sonic said as he picked it up and rushed back to town to the pokemon center with squirtle in its pokeball and the knocked out grunt on his back. Once he got to town he left the knocked out grunt with officer jenny and rushed to the center where squirtle was healed. Sonic then let it rest before deciding they would head back to the woods to make sure the pikachus were safe and thank the defiant Pikachu. On the way however Sonic heard a familiar scratch coming his way. Raising his right hand he grabbed meowth by the throat who unsuccessfully tried to scratch him until squirtle blasted him with water gun.

"You stalking me now?"

"Ok ok I give! Yes on behalf of my fwiends!"

"Hmph. You do know that I and squirtle here just beat 5 of your team's grunts at once right?"

"Yeah. The one you caught was put in the same cell as Jessie and James. He told them evewything".

"And they sent you to spy on me".


"You do know that I can easily find a powerful wild pokemon and let it tear you apart right?"

Meowth gulped.

"But… I will let you go on one condition".


"I don't know how you can talk like a human but you will translate something for me. Do it and I will let you go. Capeesh?"


"Good" he said as they continued their way with meowth still in his grasp.

Eventually they reached the Pikachu who immediately recognized their savior and rushed at his feet thanking him. Sonic noticed the defiant Pikachu and made its way to it.

"Ask it why they were fighting earlier" he ordered meowth.

Meowth obliged and Pikachu explained in his language.

"He said they were fighting because it evolved only 1 week ago fwom pichu and desires to evolve again into Waichu soon".

"Is that a reason to fight?"

"These pikachus believe turning into Waichus turns them into snobs who only care about power" Meowth explained.

Sonic again was hit with the same question inside his head he was hit with in Oak's lab. Who wouldn't want to grow? He himself desired to grow. Especially after what had happened in his hometown. He looked at Pikachu again meeting its eyes. He felt it was like looking in a mirror.

"I see" he said as let meowth drop and knelt to meet Pikachu face to face.

"You desire to evolve right?"

"Pika pika!" it cried out in agreement.

"You desire to grow stronger?"


"Why do you desire that?"

Pikachu didn't cry its name this time. Instead it looked confused. Sonic immediately though it was destiny. This Pikachu was exactly like him. Desiring to grow but didn't know why.

"Pikachu" he said in a serious tone "I feel the same way. I understand how you feel perfectly. Would you like to come with us? Translate!" he ordered meowth once he finished asking his question who obliged as he had no way out surrounded by the other pikachus. Pikachu heard meowth's translation and immediately jumped in excitement agreeing.

"Squirtle would you be ok with Pikachu joining us?"

Squirtle cried out its name in agreement and went to do a handshake with Pikachu. Sonic smiled and took out a pokeball which Pikachu headbutted turning into red energy as it went into the pokeball which shook in Sonic's hand 3 times before small stars came out of it confirming the catch. Sonic sent out Pikachu again to allow it to say goodbye to its herd. A smaller Pikachu came out and they communicated for a bit while an older looking one approached as well. Sonic ordered meowth to translate and he told him the smaller Pikachu was wishing his Pikachu good luck while the older looking one said that it would be missed despite their differences and in the end hoped Sonic's Pikachu found the answers it sought if it ever evolved. Sonic, squirtle and Pikachu who jumped on his shoulder then left the herd and continued heading towards pewter city preparing themselves for the first gym battle.

Chapter 3: Obstacles in the way


The first big step in Sonic's journey is at hand. A battle for his first gym badge against gym leader Brock.

Chapter Text

Sonic was lying on the ground in his sleeping bag stargazing while Pikachu and squirtle were sleeping next to the fire they had made to keep warm at night. It had been a rough day for all 3 of them.

They had spent a total of 2 days in the forest training to prepare for their first gym battle. Sonic had decided they would go to pewter city tomorrow. The time had come and he was sure their training would pay off.

His phone rang silently as he had put on sleep mode. He was receiving a face time call from his brother. He decided since he was not sleepy yet to pick up.

"Hey bro where have you been these last 2 days?"

"Shh! They're sleeping!"

"Oh sorry. Wait they?"

Sonic turned the phone and showed him squirtle and Pikachu.

"No way!" Jet yelled silently "you caught a Pikachu?!"

"Yes. Mind if we talk tomorrow? I'm challenging the first gym first thing in the morning".

"Already? It usually takes trainers weeks before they're ready".

"Maybe. But I believe in them. I'm sure we'll emerge victorious".

"Hope so too bro. Before you go one more thing. Is it true you beat 5 team rocket grunts all on your own".

"No. I wasn't on my own. Squirtle helped me a lot. And that battle was the reason Pikachu joined us. I'll explain in greater detail tomorrow".

"Cool. Talk tomorrow then goodnight" Jet said and hang up. Sonic put his phone away and returned to his thoughts.

"Who could have guessed 2 days ago that all of a sudden I would have pokemon and take on the gyms" he wondered as he looked at his 2 sleeping pokemon. His gaze remained on Pikachu for a while.

"Damaging a ground type. Was it a one-time thing or is this Pikachu special?" he wondered again as he let himself drift asleep.

Minutes turned into hours as the sun rose and its bright rays hit Sonic in the eye waking him up. He decided to get up and stretch to put himself in the mood for battle. Pikachu and squirtle woke up as well but were still sleepy.

"Morning guys ready?"

They both tried to answer crying out their names but eventually just fell back to sleep. Sonic knew they needed more sleep so he recalled them to let them rest in their balls. He then started walking to pewter city.

Once he arrived he sat at a café to grab some coffee and a good breakfast. He called out his pokemon to make sure they would be ready and well fed. While eating he noticed people gazing at him.

"What's with them? Is there something on me?" he wondered as he continued enjoying his breakfast.

After all 3 were done eating, Pikachu and squirtle were recalled in their balls and Sonic made his way to the gym. To his surprise no one was around. He slowly walked in opening one of the two doors to the building.

"Hello? Anybody here?" he asked walking in carefully.

Suddenly the lights turned on. The door slammed shut behind him. As Sonic looked at it in surprised he heard a voice.

"Welcome challenger".

Sonic turned around and saw a young man sitting on the floor ankles crossed.

"Are you the gym leader?" Sonic asked him.

"Yes. The name's Brock".

"I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog".

"I see. The young trainer who foiled the plans of those team rocket thugs in the forest 2 days ago".

"News travels fast I see".

"2 days of training and you feel ready to challenge a gym? Even for someone with your accomplishment I think you're biting more than you can chew".

"We'll see about that" Sonic answered.

The floor between him and brock opened and a rocky arena was lifted from underground. Brock jumped up and revealed his first pokeball.

"Are you aware of the rules?"


"We can only use 2 pokemon each. Once both lose their trainer loses. Also the pokemon cannot leave the arena or it is considered as surrendering".

"I see" Sonic said calmly taking out squirtle's pokeball.

"We send our pokemon out at the same time. Three, two, one!"

"Go! Geodude, squirtle!" Both of them said at the same time.

"Squirtle huh? You figured I use rock types?"

"Your arena was kind of a giveaway that you use either ground or rock types".

"Very perceptive. Very well then let the battle begin! Geodude use mud slap!"

"Squirtle rapid spin!"

Squirtle spinned very fast erasing the mud slap from existence.

"Impressive. Canceling out my move in the blink of an eye".

"Let's keep the momentum squirtle! Water gun!"

Squirtle unleashed its water gun attack.

"Geodude take cover behind the rock!"

Geodude hid behind the rock which blocked the water gun.

"Now use rock throw and throw that rock!"

Geodude grabbed the rock and threw it at squirtle.

"Withdraw then water gun again!"

Squirtle withdrew in its shell then unleashed its water gun launching itself dodging the rock and stopping right next to the geodude.

"Blast it with water gun!"

Geodude was unable to react fast enough and was hit straight in the face getting knocked out instantly. Brock recalled it.

"Thank you geodude. Take a rest" he said as he took out the next pokeball "You impress me Sonic. That was one quick reaction and an even more impressive move".

"Thanks. Now bring out your 2nd pokemon!"

"Onix go!"

"Onix?!" Sonic said realizing what he was up against.

The pokeball opened and the giant rock snake emerged staring down at squirtle. Both it and Sonic looked in awe and anxiety at their opponent.

"Onix use rock throw!"

Onix grabbed a rock with its tails and threw it.

"Squirtle, rapid spin!"

Squirtle used the move trying to deflect the rock but it knocked it back. It managed to get back up after a moment.

"Water gun!"

Squirtle fired water gun but Onix, moving quicker than Sonic expected moved the part of its body that would get hit by the water gun out of the way.

"Onix use rock throw again!"

"Squirtle withdraw then water gun twice!"

Squirtle used its launching water gun withdraw combo to propel itself on Onix and immediately blasted it with water. However to both their momentary shock Onix managed to take the hit.

"How is this possible?!" Sonic wondered aloud in shock.

"Onix bind!"

Squirtle's body was binded by onix's tail and unlike the ekans' bind it was much harder.

"Squirtle use water gun to escape!"

"Don't let it Onix! Slam!"

Squirtle tried to fire water gun but the pressure of bind didn't let it. Onix lifted its tail and slammed it to the ground causing squirtle to take all the impact and fainting.

"No!" Sonic shouted in despair dropping on his knees.

"Why the despair? You have one pokemon left right?"

Sonic gritted his teeth. He did have Pikachu still. But his confidence had now dropped. Could Pikachu replicate that way of victory against Onix.

"I can't risk it yet" he thought "there is another way".

"Go Pikachu!"

Pikachu came out of its pokeball determined despite facing a ground type.

"I see. Your 2nd pokemon is Pikachu. You're in a disadvantage indeed. But you shouldn't despair. There is always a chance at victory" Brock encouraged them.

Sonic looked at Pikachu's eyes and nodded still not entirely sure though.

"Pikachu use tail whip!"

Pikachu whipped its tail causing Onix to lower its guard.

"Onix use rock polish!"

Onix's body shined as its speed was increased a lot.

"Onix use rock throw!"

Onix moving faster than before grabbed a rock with its tail and threw it at pikachu.

"Pikachu quick attack!" Sonic shouted betting it all on this move.

Pikachu disappeared in the blink of an eye dodging the thrown rock and tackled Onix head on with quick attack knocking it back close the edge of the arena but not outside it or knocking it out.

"No!" Sonic said realizing Onix didn't faint.

"Onix bind!"

Onix grabbed Pikachu with its tail just like with squirtle before.

"You fought valiantly Sonic. But now I end it! Onix slam!"

Onix raised its tail preparing to slam it down hard. Pikachu looked at Sonic.

"Pika pika!" it cried out as Sonic realized it had not given up.

"Thunder shock!" he screamed in pure instinct.

"That won't work Brock managed to say before the attack was discharged.

Pikachu's thunder shock was fired causing Onix to stop moving Pikachu toward the ground. It let out a deep cry as it was taking damage.


"What?!" Brock said caught off guard.

Onix in an attempt to end the attack threw Pikachu upward. Pikachu then looked at Sonic once again.


"That move?!" Sonic said knowing what Pikachu was referring to but during their training it had never been used successfully. However if Pikachu just landed on Onix again it could be bound again and they would lose.

"You're right Pikachu! Now or never! Slam!"

Pikachu curled in itself and landed on Onix's head who managed to see it coming at the last moment and took a shocked expression, resulting in the hit being critical. The impact of Onix falling to the ground caused dust to rise around them. When the dust settled Pikachu was standing on the defeated Onix.

"We did it" Sonic whispered as he dropped on his back in relief "we did Pikachu!" he yelled in happiness.

Pikachu ran back to him and climbed on his as he laid to the ground. Squirtle albeit heavily damaged came out of its pokeball to celebrate with them. Sonic looked at his two pokemon as he petted them on the head.

"Amazing work both of you".

Brock recalled Onix not saying a word as he looked at Sonic in a calm yet surprised manner. He slowly approached him as Sonic stood up again.

"Congratulations. You beat me".

"That was a tough battle" Sonic admitted.

"In all my time as a gym leader I have seen a lot of types of battles. But never something like what you pulled here. How did you do it?" he asked.

"You asking about…?"

"How your pikachu was able to damage my Onix with an electric move. That shouldn't be possible".

"I have no idea. The same thing happened when I was defending it from those thugs in the woods. I was inside a sand tomb and…"

"Inside? You let yourself get hit by sand tomb?!"

"Yes. Squirtle was almost knocked out and Pikachu was at a disadvantage against a sandshrew those thugs had so I stepped in myself".

Brock looked at pikachu.

"Maybe… it was you who awakened that power in Pikachu. Only knowing its other for 2 days and achieving something like this? It's just unheard of".

"Me?" Sonic asked in confusion.

"Yes. Clearly that kind of power could only be achieved through a deep bond. To think something like this could come out of such a short amount of time of bonding".

Sonic didn't know what to say.

"In any case you beat me. So here" he said taking out a badge from his pocket "the boulderbadge is yours".

"Thanks" Sonic said sincerely.

"And if you'd like I can treat your pokemon for their injuries in battle. And on top if you'd like I can teach your squirtle the move rock tomb".

"Rock tomb?" Sonic said clearly interested. He knew for the ealy stages of a pokemon's life especially one like squirtle who was meant to mostly grow and into a tanky attacker pokemon or a pure tank it would prove a useful move.

"I'd love to if that's not an issue for you".

"Sure. Bring them out".

Sonic and Brock exited the gym and Brock treated squirtle and Pikachu. After they were fully healed, he brought out Onix and started teaching squirtle to use rock tomb.

"How come you didn't use rock tomb in the battle?" Sonic wondered.

"Onix has not yet mastered the move. It's not an easy one to pull without a lot of practice".

"Then how come you don't practice the move to master it?"

Brock stopped for a moment and instructed Onix to keep showing squirtle. He looked to the sky as Onix continued.

"I don't like to battle much".

"A gym leader who doesn't like battling?" Sonic asked in surprise.

"I don't do it because I like it. I need to do it. To provide for my siblings" he said as he motioned to his siblings who were looking from inside the gym. Sonic noticed them.

"They closed the door when I entered right?" Sonic said with a smile.


"Forgive me if I get into personal territory or look like insensitive… but why aren't your parents helping?"

Brock looked down uncomfortable.

"I'm so sorry" Sonic apologized realizing he goofed up "it was really insensitive of me I don't know why I asked".

"It's ok. You're not insensitive. My parents kind of are."


"They have both left. To pursue their own dreams".

"They left you and 9 children to fend for yourselves?!" Sonic said in shock.

"Yes. You see my dream was to become the world greatest pokemon breeder. But I can't do it because I have to care for my siblings".

"Oh man" Sonic said "I'm sorry".

"What about you Sonic? What is your dream?"

"My dream?" he said not expecting the question "i… I don't know. I don't even think I have a dream".

"You don't? Then why did you start this journey?"

It was Sonic's turn to look down for a moment.

"I… I don't know. I just did".

Brock remained silent for a moment.

"I see. Figuring it out".

"Kind of" Sonic said.

"Looks like squirtle picked up the move" Brock commented.

They had squirtle showcase the move to them to make sure he picked it up and as a result Onix was able to also learn to use the move successfully. Sonic and brought then shared a handshake.

"Thanks for everything Brock. Hope you get a shot at your dream".

"Thanks Sonic. I'm sure we'll meet again. And when we do I will ask you what your dream is again".

Sonic smiled and then turned to leave with his 2 pokemon.

"Wait. Where is the next gym exactly?"

"Cerulean city" Brock said from afar "east of here! When you get there tell misty I said hi"

"Ok!" Sonic shouted as he walked further away.

They stopped at a market to get supplies for the trip. While leaving squirtle retreated into its ball to rest while Pikachu stood this time on top of Sonic's head and curled its tail close to its body relaxing. Sonic smiled at this but then took out the badge and looked at it remembering Brock's question of why he started the journey.

"I don't know" he thought to himself.

"You do" a voice echoed in his mind "you just won't admit it to yourself".

Sonic gritted his teeth as he silenced the voice and kept going. The road to cerulean city was long and he needed to pick up the pace.

Chapter 4: Trials of the mountain


While travelling through Mt Moon towards Cerulean city, Sonic and his pokemon find themselves facing not only dangerous individuals but something very few get to witness; a legendary pokemon.

Chapter Text

Sonic with Pikachu on his head was walking through a valley heading towards cerulean city. It had been an exhausting walk.

They had encountered over 10 trainers on their way there already and all of them had challenged them especially after realizing he already had a badge. Both squirtle and Pikachu had become much more adept to battling by now and Sonic felt squirtle's evolution was nearing. He wondered how squirtle felt about it or even if it would evolve when the time came.

"Why wouldn't it want to though?" he wondered again to himself.

Soon after that the path ended in the entrance of a cave. Sonic cursed at the fact that he had forgotten a flashlight and promised himself he would buy one in cerulean city. Deciding to rest before entering the cave he put Pikachu gently on the ground, sent out squirtle to stretch and face-timed Jet.

"Hey bro".

"Yo how did the battle go?" Jet asked him anxiously.

Sonic revealed the boulderbadge.

"No way! You beat the gym leader?!"

"Yeah. But it was very close. And to be honest under normal circumstances I would have lost".

"What do you mean normal circumstances?"

"Pikachu somehow has the ability to damage ground types with electric moves. It damaged Brock's Onix long enough to escape its grasp and beat it".

Jet was dumbfounded.

"What are you saying? That you have an omnipotent Pikachu?"

"Of course not. But I can't explain how this happened. Brock said it could be the result of our bond but we met literally 2 days ago".

"Weird indeed. Wait who's Brock?"

"The gym leader".

"How come you got to a first name basis?"

The next few minutes went by as Pikachu and squirtle were playing and Sonic told Jet what transpired and what Brock told him about himself.

"Man. I gotta start appreciating mom and dad more. We might fight with them sometimes but… I can't even say it. Abandon your kid?"

"I just wish Brock gets a chance at his dream on day".

"Same here. Where are you now?"

"Heading to cerulean city for the 2nd badge though I'm sure after the battle with Brock we will need much training. And maybe a third member for the team".

"That would be cool. Anyway gotta go catch you son brother".

"Hehe. Talk to you later" Sonic laughed and hang up.

Walking to tell Pikachu and squirtle it was time to go, the shadow of something big covered them. Sonic looked up and saw a huge bird pokemon looking at them from a higher ground. The sun was behind it making it hard to figure what species it was.

"What is this?" Sonic wondered.

The bird then let a loud screech and unleashed a flamethrower attack. Sonic dodged but the bird attacked again. Squirtle tried to use water gun but it was too weak to fight the fire move. Sonic tried to cover squirtle from the flames causing his right hand to get burned.

"AAAAH!" he screamed in pain.

Unexpectedly the attack stopped. Sonic tried to look up but Pikachu who had ducked to avoid the flamethrower released a thunder shock causing the bird to flee. As it flew away and squirtle used water gun on Sonic's arm to chill it down a bit, Sonic was able to notice the bird's skin being an open yellow as well as its wings covered in flames.

"What the… was that… a moltres?"

"Pika pika" Pikachu got in his face worried.

"Argh. Don't worry guys I'm fine. But we should traverse the cave and reach cerulean city. If that was a moltres it could attack us again in the valley. We shouldn't take this chance" he said as he picked up he ventured into the cave. Squirtle and Pikachu looked at each other and followed him in.

The cave was very dark. Immediately upon entering they began being harassed by wild zubats and geodudes. Pikachu used his electricity to scare away the zubats while squirtle fired water gun on the geodudes knocking many of them out and sending the rest running.

"Damnit I can't see anything" Sonic said barely able to see after his eyesight was adjusted to the darkness "if only Pikachu knew flash".

Suddenly they saw a torch in the distance. Slowly they walked towards it. It belonged to a hiker. The hiker heard Sonic's footsteps and turned around seeing him.

"Hello there stranger. Are you ok?"

"Yeah" Sonic said not convincing him.

"What with your arm?"

"Just had a small incident with a fire type earlier".

"I see" the hiker said as he watched it "we need to get you to cerulean city fast so that the burn can be treated".

"That's where I'm headed problem is I can't see in here without a pokemon knowing the move flash".

"Do not worry I know this cave quite well. Follow me" he said as he took the lead. Sonic followed.

While walking the hiker noticed Sonic's small bag around his chest.

"If you don't mind me asking what's that bag for? Seems too small to carry pokeballs".

"It's not for pokeballs it's for the gym badges".

"Oh so you're going for the league".

"Yeah. Eventually".

"But wait a minute. Why are you heading to cerulean city? You should be challenging Brock. He lives in pewter from where you came".

"I know. I beat Brock earlier today".

"Nice" the hiker said.

At that moment they were jumped by zubats and geodudes again. Sonic's pokemon came out on their own and drove them off.

"You beat brock with these 2 alone?"

"Yeah. Close battle but yeah".

For a second Sonic felt like he saw a shine of greed in the hiker's eyes, but the next moment he was sure he had imagined it.

"I see. Very nice" he said without any color in his voice.

Sonic and the hiker continued forward. Eventually Sonic started noticing the path heading downwards as if they were going deeper underground.

"Are you sure we're going in the right way?" Sonic asked.

"Yes. Cerulean city is lower in altitude compared to pewter city, don't you worry".

Sonic immediately felt unnerved. While he believed he wasn't lying about the altitude difference, the cold and chill don't you worry made him suspicious.

They kept walking for a little while until they found themselves in a huge room. Sonic noticed on the other side the opening that continued the path towards cerulean but before he could walk towards it a huge boulder moved in the way.

"What the…" he managed to say before feeling a rumbling.

Out of nowhere 3 Onix appeared and surrounded them. Sonic looked around trying to figure what to do when he noticed people behind the onix.

"I'm afraid this the end of the line my friend" the hiker said in a calm yet threatening manner "if you could manage to beat brock with only a squirtle then it must be very strong. So we will be taking it".

"Do you really think I will let you?" Sonic fired back.

"Oh I don't think you will. But whether you do or not won't matter. We can't have you get out of the cave and contact the authorities".

Sonic's eyes bulged in shock realizing that this was not just about his pokemon.

"What are you gonna do exactly? Kill me? Don't you think they will look for me and find you?"

"No. As they didn't look for the other 5 unfortunate fools we found".

"You're sick. Sicker than team rocket!"

"Watch how you speak about our customers, boy" one of the hiker's allies said.

"You're on their payroll! Damn you all!" Sonic said in anger.

"Enough! Onix bury him!"

"Squirtle, Pikachu come on out!"

The 2 pokemon came out, ready to fight.

"A pikachu against 3 onix? How stupid! Rock tomb!"

"Squirtle fire rock tomb back!" Sonic said he and Pikachu dodged the other 2 rock tombs together. Squirtle fired rock tomb back nullifying the effect of the first one.

"Now withdraw and water gun!"

Squirtle launched itself onto onix damaging it.

"So you think you're a smartass! Onix! Take out that squirtle! Sand tomb!"

"Use water gun again!"

Squirtle launched itself above the first onix causing the two sand tombs to strike it along with the water gun that hit directily. The onix fainted as squirtle found itself falling onto the 2nd onix.

"Onix move! Other onix use rock tomb!"

"No! Pikachu thunder shock!"

Pikachu unleashed thunder shock not damaging the onix a lot but causing it to lose balance and miss the attack.

"How is that possible?!" the hiker said realizing in shock Pikachu had affected onix.

Squirtle thinking on its feet used water gun to propel itself away from the 2nd onix hitting it directily and landing next to Pikachu.

"Yeah!" Sonic said.

"That's it!" the hiker yelled in anger "Onix! Bury that squirtle! Sand tomb! You two idiots get the Pikachu and the kid!"

Sonic saw the two goons charging towards him and Pikachu as squirtle was caught in the sand tomb.

"Squirtle withdraw!" Sonic was able to say before being grabbed by one of the goons and getting into a headlock. Pikachu too was caught and struggled to escape.

"A Pikachu that can hit ground types. The boss will pay dearly for that" the hiker rubbed his hands together.

"Thunder…" Sonic tried to say before having his mouth covered by the goon holding him. Sonic pushed his burned hand on the goon's face but the goon grabbed a rock and hit the burn spot with it causing Sonic to moan in pain. Squirtle looked from inside its shell and came out angry.

"Squirtle! Squirtle! Wartu.." it said its body began shining in a bright blue color that lighted the whole room. Everyone in the room looked in awe as the form of squirtle changed inside the glow. Suddenly the glow stopped.

"Warturtle!" a loud deeper cry echoed in the room.

"You evolved!" Sonic thought in awe and inspired managed to bite his captor's hand causing him to release his mouth.

"Warturtle! Use water gun to free Pikachu!"

Warturtle however charged the goon holding Pikachu and bit him in the leg causing him to yell in pain and release Pikachu. Sonic immediately realized.

"Pikachu use quick attack!"

Pikachu charged the goon holding Sonic as he tried to use Sonic as cover. Pikachu however with remarkable speed and precision tackled the goon's face head on causing him to let Sonic go who stumbled but got back up.

"Warturtle use water gun! Pikachu slam that creep!"

Warturtle released water with even greater speed and precision than when it was squirtle. Onix was unable to dodge fast enough and was knocked out. Pikachu slammed the hiker in the belly causing him to fly back towards the wall. The 2 goons retreated to his side overwhelmed by the barrage.

"What are you doing you idiots?" he said getting back up "they're tired don't retreat!"

The 2 goons looked at each other and helped their boss up as Sonic walked back until his back hit the wall. He looked to his right seeing the path towards cerulean city open but realized that if he recalled warturtle the hiker and his goons would rush him and it clearly couldn't outrun them. They were boxed in.

At that moment something big flew in from an opening on the wall. Orange light shined bright in the darkness as the hiker and the goons averted their gaze due to the sudden appearance of the light. Sonic was able to look at it and saw it more clearly.

"Moltres" he murmured.

Moltres let out the same loud screech as before and unleashed flamethrower against the three criminals who tried to run towards the other side of the cave to avoid the flames but found the way towards pewter city blocked by a thrown rock from the rock tomb. Moltres then unleashed a powerful gust of wind causing the ceiling above the goons to destabilize. Before the 3 criminals could react they were buried under the boulders.

Sonic, Pikachu and warturtle saw it all unfold in utter shock. Moltres landed before its accomplishment and then its gaze turned to Sonic and his pokemon. Sonic gulped but noticed Moltres was sizing him with its eyes not moving at all.

"Move… very slowly… to the exit" Sonic whispered.

Both him and his 2 pokemon slowly walked towards the way to cerulean city. They entered the path and Pikachu and warturtle went ahead as fast as they could. Before Sonic followed suit he turned around and met Moltres' eyes one more time.

"Thank you" he said and followed his pokemon.

They ran through the dark tunnel until they could see light. Once they made it out they stopped to catch their breath. To their pleasant surprise they were 5 minutes away from the city.

"Let's go guys" Sonic said intending to find a hospital for humans to get his arm healed. Pikachu and warturtle walked ahead as they exchanged cries of joy towards each other. Sonic walked behind them smiling that they had survived that nightmare then his gaze turned back to the mountain.

"Moltres" he thought "I will find you again when we're strong enough" he completed his thought as he continued walking towards the city.

Chapter 5: The silent thief


Things tend to disappear in Cerulean city. Sonic and his pokemon decide to tackle the mystery.

Chapter Text

Doctor Joe Rudd put his mug of coffee down and sat at his desk looking outside the window of his office at the river of Cerulean city. The day was beautiful and a couple of pidgeys flew by the window.

"What a good day" he thought to himself.

He went to pick up the coffee to drink a bit but his hand didn't find it. Confused he turned only to find it gone from his desk. He looked around in surprise as he couldn't explain how the mug disappeared. At that moment his office phone rang. He answered.

"Doctor Rudd here".

"Doctor we have a patient in need of treatment for his arm".

"Understood be right there".

He got up forgetting about the coffee and headed to the room they had the patient in.

"Where's the patient nurse?" he asked the nurse waiting.

"In here doctor" she said pointing his towards the door next to her.

Rudd entered and saw a young trainer petting his Pikachu as they were waiting.

"Good evening" he said "what seems to be the problem?"

Sonic stopped petting Pikachu and answered.

"I had some misadventures in mount moon doctor".

Rudd examined his arm carefully which still hurt.

"Nothing major. A bit of a burn and if I'm not mistaken hit by a hard object?"

"Yes a rock".

"Hm. I see. You got lucky" he said as he was putting a cream on Sonic's arm to treat the burn "it must have not been with a lot of force. Your hand could have easily been broken. If I may ask though, how did the burn happen?"

Sonic contemplated revealing his encounter with Moltres.

"It was a wild charmeleon" he lied in the end.

"I see. Tried to catch it I assume?"


"Did you?"


"Pity. Anyway almost done here. Just need to bandage the arm" he said turning to pick up the bandage from the bench behind him.

Only to find the bandage he had on the bench entering the room missing.

"What the…" he said in confusion.

"Everything ok doc?" Sonic asked.

"Oh um… it's nothing. Nurse just probably forgot to bring a bandage. Nurse. Nurse! I need a bandage here!"

The nurse brought in the bandage confused.

"I brought you one already doctor".

"No you didn't there was nothing there".

"I'm sure I did".

"Would you be sure if the patient had severer injuries?"

"Please let's calm down" Sonic intervened "Just please bandage my arm so I can pay and be on my way ok?"

"Yes" doctor Rudd agreed and got to work.

5 minutes later Sonic was at the front desk about to pay when he heard doctor Rudd's angry voice from the room he was in.

"Where the heck is it?!" his yell echoed across the room.

The nurse from before went to check on him and Sonic followed suit after paying for his treatment. They found the room looking like it had been raided and doctor Rudd looking sitting on the ground taking deep breaths.

"Doctor is everything ok?" the nurse asked.

"No! My phone's gone! What else is gonna disappear today?!" he asked enraged.

Sonic pondered whether to offer his assistance but decided that since it was evening and he would probably not get much training done to challenge the next gym leader stepped up.

"I can help search if you'd like me to" he said.

"Don't bother kid this is inexplicable. My mug of coffee disappeared earlier to when I was alone in my office".

"Strange" Sonic murmured.

At that moment an angry woman barged into the room pushing Sonic out of the way ungently and got to Rudd's face.

"Stealing from me you bastard?!"

"What?! Amelia what are you…?"

He didn't manage to complete his phrase and was slapped loudly. Sonic fought the urge to laugh with intense willpower.

"Next time you try to steal something you shouldn't leave your phone behind!" she screamed.

"What?" he said in shock as she revealed the phone.

"Amelia… I just lost my phone. How did you get it?"

"Oh stop lying and give me back my ring!"

Sonic scratched his heard trying to figure out what was happening when he noticed with the side of his eye something yellow floating. Thinking quick he took out the pokedex and managed to push the record button catching a glimpse of the pokemon before it disappeared in a purple flash dropping something golden at the floor. Along with the pokemon a wheelchair that was nearby also disappeared.

"I think I found the thief" he said as everyone else turned in surprise.

"What?" the woman said in shock as she exited the room and saw her ring on the floor.

"Wha.. that's… how?" she asked in surprise.

Sonic showed the recording he made. The blurry figure of a pokemon could be made out disappearing, taking the wheelchair with it and dropping the ring.

"A pokemon that steals?" doctor Rudd said surprised.

"I don't think it does it on purpose. It would seem more like its powers whatever they are, run rampant".

Amelia immediately got to apologizing. Sonic and the nurse immediately left both realizing separately what would follow. Sonic exited the hospital with Pikachu on his head again sleeping peacefully.

"What kind of pokemon can just disappear like that out of thin air? As it's…"

"Teleport!" a voice was heard.

Sonic and Pikachu who woke up from the loud voice both turned and saw a trainer and a pokemon greatly resembling the blurry pokemon in the recording. The pokemon unleashed a purple glow but remained there.

"Oh my gosh, you can't even use this move?! Just how dumb are you?!" the trainer screamed at the pokemon which didn't react.

Sonic took out the dex again and took a picture of the pokemon. The pokedex recorded the picture and a voice came from it as the pokemon's picture appeared on screen.

"Abra. The psi pokemon. Abra is incredibly aware of its surroundings by the use of a telepathic radar. Abra sleeps 18 hours a day and can teleport whenever it feels danger".

"18 hours a day?" Sonic commented as he pressed the button for the dex to explain more.

"When abra teleports, it goes to a safe area. The deeper abra sleeps the farther it teleports. The contents of abra's dream affect its powers including but not limited to: failure to teleport, teleport to a non-safe area and teleport inanimate objects too".

"That's what happened" Sonic said in realization "it was abra and it must be having a bad sleep. Maybe we should find it and help it" he said talking to Pikachu.

"Pika pika" it cried out in agreement.

"Glad you agree pal. Alright let's get something to eat and think our next move" he said and passed by the trainer who was yelling at his abra.

"Hey buddy! You might wanna let your abra sleep! Bad sleep means bad use of its power!" Sonic said without hearing the trainer's response.

They went to a sandwich stand and Sonic got one for himself and one for his 2 pokemon to share promising to get them a second one if they were still hungry. While eating he started thinking how he would find abra.

"Ok so abras live in urban areas like here. So it can't be teleporting outside the city. Dex said it teleports to a safe location. So it must have a failsafe option in case things go very bad for it. But where?" he wondered as he chewed.

A couple of minutes later he noticed a young couple pass by complaining about their stuff going missing. Sonic overheard them saying the girl saw a purple flash. They then entered their house which was next to the river.

"That's it!" Sonic said in realization taking out the map and taking out his phone facetime calling someone.

"Hey Sonic" the call was answered.

"Hey Tails got a minute?"

"Sure? Where are you at?"

Pikachu at that moment rubbed its face on Sonic's cheek obviously still hungry.

"Woah a Pikachu?"

"Yeah. I'm in Kanto".

"When did you become a trainer?"

"2 days ago. I'll tell you another time in greater detail. I'll need your help with something in a bit. Are you free?"


"Thanks. I'll call you in about an hour. I'll explain then. Talk soon" Sonic said and got up.

After buying Pikachu and wartortle another sandwich, the three started walking through town making a big circle asking around gently if people's stuff were going missing lately. Though some people answered rudely and even one called him a creep, Sonic kept going eventually completing the circle and looking at his map of the town. He then called Tails again.

"Still up to help?" he asked.

"Anytime. What do we have?"

"There is an abra in town that accidentally steals people's stuff with its teleport ability. I walked around town and got several locations that have had cases of items going missing. Can you triangulate and find the possible location the abra teleports at?"

"You got way more data than I need" Tails joked "but sure. Give me a minute".

Sonic waited patiently as Tails run the formula.

"Alright. Got an address. Note it".

Sonic noted the address and started walking towards it as Pikachu and wartortle run around having fun while following him. In the meantime Sonic narrated the events of the last 3 days to Tails who was especially impressed by Sonic's encounter with Moltres.

"That all sounds so cool. Maybe I'll visit soon to see how you doing".

"That would be good" Sonic agreed.

"When do you think you'll come home though? I mean not in between your travel? I mean what is the goal you hope to reach by making this journey?"

Sonic hesitated to answer.

"Don't know yet. Oh look I'm here" he said showing Tails an abandoned garage.

"Yup that's the spot. Good luck".

"Thanks. Talk soon" Sonic said hanging up.

They quietly walked around the building trying to find a way in but all entrances were either locked or barred. Sonic then got the idea to climb a pipe on the side of a nearby building and enter through an open window. Recalling wartortle and with Pikachu on his shoulder, he climbed the pipe and quietly entered the building. They made their way to the ground floor.

Reaching the ground floor they found exactly what Sonic expected. A huge pile of items.

"These don't seem to have been stolen recently" he said picking up a wrapped toy which had a lot of dust on it "how long has that abra been having sleep problems?"

While exploring more a purple flash lighted the room and abra appeared with its back turned to them. Sonic managed not to gasp as he knew it was their chance to figure out the problem. However abra sensed his presence and the purple glow began again.

"Pika pika! Pika pi!" Pikachu cried out at abra and the glow stopped.

The abra slowly turned to face Pikachu who climbed off Sonic and walked closer to abra.

"Pika pi Pikachu! Pika pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu cried out calmly.

The abra let out a calm hum. Sonic guessed that was its way of communicating. Pikachu kept making cries and even took abra's hand. Abra let out another hum which sounded sadder than before. Sonic then noticed something on its neck. He tried to approach but abra floated a bit back in fear.

"Pika pi" Pikachu calmed it down.

Abra looked at it and let Sonic approach. Sonic knelt down and saw it was a small metal collar barely visible at the same color as abra's chest's color. He saw a small R carved on the metal.

"Team Rocket!" he said in anger "what monsters!" he said as he looked around and found a small knife. Abra hummed in fear as Sonic brought the knife closer, but Pikachu again calmed it down and so did wartortle who came out to vouch for Sonic. Sonic carefully placed the knife inside the lock of the collar and turned it for a bit unsuccessfully at first but eventually opening the lock and causing the collar to drop to the floor. Abra touched its neck and realizing it was free hummed in joy. It then floated to Sonic's face and placed its small 3 fingered hand on Sonic's forehead. Sonic's mind was flooded with memories of pain and suffering as he saw around through the bars of a cage at many pokemon crying in pain and sadness. He also noticed that he was in the hug of an Alakazam. And of course outside the cage were team rocket grunts wearing creepy smiles and making mean jokes about their prizes. Sonic then saw the door to their cage being opened then a purple glow and he was inside the garage he stood in but it was empty. He blinked and found himself in the same garage with the pile of times and the 3 pokemon inside.

"Oh my god" he said as he laid on his back overwhelmed "you were captured… and you got separated by your mother because your teleport kicked in for the first time. You have been inadvertently stealing from people in town cause of your nightmares of that night".

Abra hummed.

"Those creeps! Next time I see them I'll make them pay!" he said in anger getting up.

"I promise you little abra! I will avenge what they did to you! And if your mother is kept with them I will find her!"

Abra hummed again. Pikachu looked at it, let out a cry of excitement and climbed back on Sonic stuffing its head into his backpack and taking out a pokeball with its teeth before handing it to Sonic.

"Wha… you want to join us?" he asked in surprise.

The abra hummed again. Pikachu cried out again in excitement. Sonic smiled.

"Welcome then" he said as he threw the pokeball which hit abra turning it into red energy. It wiggled 3 times and the beep signaling the catch was heard. Sonic smiling picked up the pokeball and exited the building the same way they got in.

They decided to look for a place to rest for the night and thought to try the pokemon center first. Luckily they had rooms. Sonic left an anonymous note about the location of the missing items and went to their room where his pokemon came out of their balls and made themselves comfy. Sonic laid on the bed after brushing his teeth and saw his pokemon being soundly asleep. He noticed abra in particular making a hum that resonated like a silent song, as much sense as that made. Sonic smiled as he felt happy helping his new teammate get a good night's sleep for the first time in a long while probably. He let himself fall asleep looking outside the window at the stars wondering what adventure awaited them tomorrow.

Chapter 6: Growing past your fears


Determined to grow as a trainer and as an individual, Sonic and his pokemon face many challenges, both physical and psychological, together.

Chapter Text

Pikachu's ears jolted up as he heard a tap on the window of the room. It was a spearow looking at the sleeping abra. Pikachu jumped at the perch blocking the view and scaring spearow off. It then saw Sonic stretching outside the pokemon center, as if he was just finishing working out. He noticed Pikachu and motioned it to come down. Pikachu awoke the other 2 pokemon and abra teleported them outside impressing Sonic.

"Wow that was so cool abra" he said.

Abra hummed in satisfaction.

"Alright team let's get to work. We have a lot of training before being truly ready for the second gym battle" Sonic said as his pokemon agreed crying out in unison.

They made their way to the outskirts of the town so they could find wild pokemon to fight but close enough to town so abra would feel safe. As Sonic was about to give instructions to the team on which moves to practice he immediately stumbled upon a problem.

"I totally forgot" he said in deep thought looking at abra" you don't know any aggressive moves nor do you learn any before you evolve".

Abra hummed.

"Hm… I guess the only way to train for the time being is by observing Pikachu and Wartortle. I'll think of something to get you to start getting stronger. Wartortle I want you practice withdrawing and using water gun as before. I suspect you will not be able to propel yourself anymore cause of your increased weight due to evolving. If that's the case we will need to find a new strategy. Pikachu practice your thunder shock and try to increase the voltage. Hopefully that will turn thunder shock into thunderbolt. And take care of Abra ok? Let him observe but don't let it fight for now".

His pokemon all cried out in agreement and got to work as Sonic sat on a rock nearby and observed as they practiced their moves and challenged any wild pokemon passing. As Pikachu was practicing thunder shock with Abra observing in curiosity, Sonic's theory came true. Wartortle was now too heavy to propel itself with water gun. Maybe the strategy could later be replicated another way but for now they would need to improvise again.

"Alright let me think for a moment" Sonic said as he revised Wartortle's moveset consisting of withdraw, rock tomb, water gun and bite. Now that 4 moves had been successfully achieved they would have to continuously adjust their battle plan as by learning new moves they would have to forget old ones.

"Hm… ok. Try using water gun in combination with rapid spin".

Wartortle immediately attempted it but the moves were not perfectly combined causing water gun to go off after the rapid spin ended.

"Hm…" he grunted as he thought "even if we achieve this combo it will not have the same effect. Wonder when wartortles usually learn water pulse" Sonic wondered.

At that moment his phone started ringing and once again someone was face-timing him. Curious as it was an unknown number he answered the call. It was professor Oak.

"Good morning Sonic my boy".

"P-professor? How? Where did you get my number?"

"From your father of course. I called to thank him for the file and he told me you already have earned a gym badge. I am rather impressed".

"Hey gramps I'm here" a voice was heard from the background.

"Be right there Gary just a moment. As I was saying congratulations for the badge. And if I'm not mistaken by what I see behind you, you're already in cerulean city.


"If you get a chance you should visit Bill. He is a pokemon researcher and his incredible work in pokemon knowledge almost rivals my work if I do say so myself. Anyway got to go. Kids are here to get their first pokemon, my grandson included. Hey maybe you two will meet in during your journeys. Take care" he said as he hang up.

Sonic looked again at his Wartortle getting a bit better at using rapid spin and water gun in unison but all this achieved was just firing water at feet level.

"Researcher bill" Sonic said to himself "maybe he could know something" he got up from the rock.

"Alright guys wrap it up!" he shouted calling his pokemon to him.

"Good progress Wartortle. We will soon figure something out. Pikachu next time we should try making some static electricity to try and empower your thunder shock. Abra hope you watched carefully your time will come soon I'm sure" he said encouraging his pokemon. They all smiled crying out their names and abra humming in a joyful way.

"Alright. Let's go have a good breakfast" he said as he recalled wartortle and abra and Pikachu climbed on his head.

They enjoyed a good breakfast consisting of mostly sandwiches again with Sonic thinking he should learn to cook something so they could eat healthy as much as possible.

"Maybe I should also try to collect some berries on the way to the third gym when that time comes" he thought while chewing as he aimlessly observed the magikarps splashing in the river.

After breakfast they asked the sandwich stand owner if he knew where bill lived and was instructed to cross the bridge to the woods and make for a cliff in the cape north of the city. Bill's house was close to the end of the cliff overlooking the sea.

As they crossed the bridge Sonic suddenly got a bad feeling. As if they were being watched.

At the end of the bridge was a stranger with a fishing rod. Once Sonic came into his optical view he pulled the rod and got up.

"Heading into the woods?"

"Yeah" Sonic answered.

"You know it's not safe right?"

"Not safe?"

"A powerful pokemon has been causing havoc lately. Someone said it was a magneton, but with more than 3 eyes".

"Really now?" Sonic asked pretending to be curious but knowing something was up. His father was a big pokemon lover and had showed many pokemon to him and Jet growing up. He knew a magneton consisting of more than 3 magnemites was a huge improbability.

"Thankfully I have a way you can get past it. A small magnet that emits a magnetic force opposite to that of magneton. If you help me by fishing me a magikarp I will give you the magnet for free. What do you say?"

Sonic now was fully suspicious but decided to play along to see what was the deal, confident that if things went south they could easily escape.

"Alright" he said as he took the rod and cast the line.

Minutes went by silently as no magikarp was caught. Sonic kept waiting but noticed with the side of his eyes the supposed fisherman answering his phone and talking silently. At one moment the camera was turned to Sonic. Fully suspicious that he had had a photo taken he tried to get up but something took the bait. Sonic pulled up with all his strength bringing up a big magikarp. The fisherman was ecstatic.

"Oh thank you! As I promised the magnet" he said giving it to Sonic.

"By the way how would be interested in joining team rocket?"

"What?!" Sonic said in shock.

"You obviously have a talent at catching pokemon. Come on this is opportunity knocking".

"Me join team rocket?!" Sonic said angry as he felt blood rushing to his face.

"Hard to get huh? Ok I will make you an offer you can't deny! Go zubat!"

"Pikachu you're up!" Sonic shouted as Pikachu lept of its head into battle.

"I don't think I like this matchup! Zubat use whirlwind!"

Zubat flapped its wings really fast causing Pikachu to lose its balance and be pulled up by the whirlwind being sent back to its ball. Out of the ball then came abra.

"Damn it not you!" Sonic said in fear it would get hurt.

"Wait a minute!" the rocket grunt said in realization "I recognize that little guy! He got away from us a month ago!"

"You are the one who put that collar around its neck?!"

"Yeah! How else could I keep tabs on it? But the little nuisance got away! But not this time!" he yelled as he recalled zubat and took out a remote pressing the button on it. Instantly the magnet transformed into another collar leaving Sonic's hand and attaching itself onto abra's neck.

"Abra return!" Sonic shouted trying to recall it but instead abra was zapped by the collar. The abra hummed in horror and started teleporting however because of the collar it could teleport less far and the destination was outside its control causing it to teleport deep into the forest.

The grunt attempted to run after it only to be tackled to the ground by Sonic.

"You dare hurt my friend again!" he said in anger punching the grunt hard.

"You dare torture innocent pokemon!" he said punching him again in anger as Pikachu looked worried.

"You dare separate a baby from its mother!" Sonic screamed as he punched a third time. The grunt laughed instead.

"What's a few feelings in the face of money?"

Sonic was about to punch him again but decided he deserved more.

"Pikachu zap him!"

Pikachu looked at him hesitating.

"Do it!"

Pikachu obeyed zapping the grunt with thunder shock as he screamed in pain for 5 seconds.

"Again!" Sonic screamed in rage.

Pikachu looked at it with its eyes tearing up obviously not wanting to.

"I said again!"

Pikachu obeyed again causing the grunt more pain.

"Again!" Sonic screamed again.

Pikachu then turned to Sonic and cried out in sadness. Wartortle also emerged from its ball and grabbed Sonic's leg.

"War. war. wartortle".

Sonic looked at the eyes of his two partners and his anger left him. He knelt down in shame.

"What have I done?" he said as he looked at the unconscious grunt. His chest was thankfully moving so he was alive.

"Sorry Pikachu. I… I'm so ashamed. Let's make things right. Let's go find our friend".

Pikachu and wartortle cried out agreeing. Sonic recalled wartortle and rushed into the woods as Pikachu climbed on his shoulder.

"Abra?! Abra where are you?!" he shouted.

Pikachu's ears started twitching.

"Pika pika!" it cried out as it lept off Sonic's shoulder and started running towards a fallen log in the distance. Sonic followed.

Once they reached the log they looked inside and saw the abra for the first time not in its usual ankles crossed form but instead tucked in a ball trembling. Sonic teared up.

"Abra?" he said softly "it's us".

Abra looked at the direction the voice came from afraid and came out running hugging Sonic's face as best as it could.

"I'm sorry about this little buddy. Let me get this off you" he said reaching to pick up a rock to break the collar.

At that moment he felt a net constricting him and throwing him away from the log. Before he could process it same with Pikachu.

"Blasting me with electricity was your last mistake kid!" the grunt said in anger "now I will give you a taste of your own medicine first before bringing you before the boss!" he said sinisterly as he sent out an ekans whoch started slithering towards Sonic, fangs out.

"Damnit!" Sonic thought as he tried to free himself.

"Don't bother kid you're stuck. Now you will feel…" but before he could finish his sentence he saw abra coming out of the log and humming in anger.

"You too will be taught a lesson! Zubat!" he said sending it out "leech its life!"

Zubat charged flying, fangs out to bite abra but right before its fangs sank into abra it got stopped for a moment then flew off, crashing into a tree and fainting. Sonic and the grunt observed the spectacle in shock as they heard the humming starting to make sense.

"UUUUUmbra… uuabra… abra… kadabra!" the humming slowly turned into a cry as abra was immersed in a blue glow.

"No way. You too?!" Sonic whispered from inside the net.

The glow continued as abra's form changed and the collar broke and fell off as its neck grew bigger. Eventually the glow stopped and its new form was revealed.

"Kadabra!" it cried out in anger.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cried out in excitement.

"No! Not now! Ekans bite!"

Ekans lunged at kadabra but it was again stopped mid-air. This time though after taking some damage the ekans was softly left on the ground and looked around confused for a moment before lunging itself at the grunt.

"What?! No, not me, him! No!" he screamed as he made a run for it with ekans in hot pursuit. Sonic and Pikachu burst out laughing despite still being entrapped. Kadabra then made its way to them and used its psychic to untangle the nets freeing its trainer and its pokemon friend.

"Thank you kadabra. I'm so proud of you" Sonic said pulling it into a hug which unexpectedly kadabra took a moment before hugging back. Sonic then laid back for a moment to take a deep breath.

"Huh?" he said looking up and seeing berries on the trees.

"Hungry?" he asked his 2 pokemon.

They both cried out in agreeing.

"Guess the sandwich and the battle whet your appetite. Ok then. Pikachu slam the tree".

Pikachu slammed the tree as hard as it could causing several berries to drop as well as a beedrill which wasn't very pleased. Kadabra once again showed off its new move by damaging the beedrill and causing it to flee while flying into trees from confusion. Sonic and all 3 of his team members laughed as the pokemon ate. After the victory feast they continued towards Bill's house.

Chapter 7: Following the flow of battle


The battle for the second gym badge fast approaches. But before that, Sonic needs to face the reason he is on this path in the first place.

Chapter Text

Sonic observed the sea of the northeast shore of Kanto, taking deep breaths and feeling the sea air. Nearby Pikachu and Wartortle were playing while Kadabra was sitting in a meditating stance, eyes closed. Sonic looked at them proud.

"We've achieved so much in such a short amount of time" he thought as his gaze turned towards the house close to the top of the cliff "and so much more await".

"Alright guys let's go" he said as he recalled kadabra and wartortle as Pikachu climbed on his head.

"You sure have found your spot" Sonic joked as they went on their way.

"Piiika" Pikachu was heard in a relaxed tone, enjoying the sea air itself.

After a short walk they made it to the house and knocked on the door. There was no response. He knocked again.

"Hm. Guess he's not here" Sonic thought.

But turning to leave he heard the sound of a computer coming from inside the house. Realizing something was wrong Sonic entered the house and looked around seeing no one inside apart from a clefairy. The next things he noticed was a huge machine consisting of 2 big cylinder tubes connected by a pipe. He also noticed the computer screen bearing a message.

"Program end".

"Who leaves his computer open?" he wondered aloud.

"Someone who's home maybe" another voice was heard causing Sonic to jump in surprise as Pikachu was ejected from his head and fell to the floor unpleasantly.

"Who said that?" Sonic said looking around confused.

"I did" the voice spoke again.

"Where are you? Are you a ghost?"

"Down here you dummy".

Sonic looked down and only saw the clefairy.

"Yes that's right it's me".

Sonic's face froze in shock while his right eye started twitching.

"Yup that's it" he thought to himself "I'm going insane. First the talking meowth and now this".

"Calm down. You came here looking for Bill right?"


"You found him then. I am Bill".

Sonic felt the urge to go dive from the cliff.

"You're.. a clefairy?"

"Of course not. I was just making an experiment and didn't prepare well enough to reverse the effects. And if you believe it your timing is just perfect. Could you help me?"

"Uh sure".

"Good go to the computer, click on the screen to exit the program end window, then select on the menu the p2h option and press go".

"O-ok" Sonic said doing exactly what the clefairy asked. The clefairy then walked into the left tube and when Sonic pressed go the chamber inside which the clefairy was started emitting a strong light. The light then made its way through the pipe connecting the 2 chambers and once it entered the 2nd chamber it stopped. The door of the chamber opened and smoke came outside. Sonic gulped wondering what he had done. But to his surprise and relief a man walked out of the chamber.

"Ah much better" he said stretching. Sonic couldn't believe his eyes.

"You're… you're really bill?"


"What the… you turned yourself into a clefairy?"

"Yeah. Researching pokemon includes finding out how it feels to be a pokemon. So I developed a machine to do just that".

Sonic wished he could snap his fingers next to his ear to make sure he was hearing right but refrained as he knew it would be impolite.

"Wow" he said "that actually sounds cool".

"Why thank you. But what about you? Who are you?"

"Oh right. Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog".

"Nice to meet you Sonic. What brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with my battle strategies. My Wartortle evolved recently and our strategy of propelling itself with water gun while being withdrawn in its shell no longer works due to its weight".

"Propel itself? While withdrawn? I've never heard that strategy before" Bill said impressed "unfortunately though Sonic, I can't help you much. I research mostly Pokemon species, biology and behavior".

"Oh damn I see. Thanks anyway. I should be going then. Come Pikachu" Sonic said heading for the door.

"Wait" Bill stopped him "why don't you show me what moves you have so far? Maybe I will notice something you could change or an area you can better at".

"Sure. Let's go outside" Sonic said eager to see if there was something to learn.

They went outside and Sonic sent out his pokemon and had them use their moves. So far the one with the most strategy made before battle was wartortle as kadabra had just evolved and only knew one offensive move so its battle plan was pretty straightforward and Pikachu had immense speed which allowed for a powerful style of improvised attacks.

"So essentially what you seek is a way to compensate for wartortle's mobility reduction".


"Hm… I think you need to look at battling from another angle. You've been using mostly agility so far but sometimes you will not have fast pokemon and will need to adjust to that".

"Adjust to the circumstances" Sonic repeated in deep thought.

"And also you will need to really think about using a single move in multiple ways. Not all moves can combine".

"More than one use huh? Ok I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for the help".

"I should be thanking you. If you didn't come along I would be stuck on the floor of my cottage trying to climb to the computer to turn myself back to normal".

"Haha that would be funny, no offense. Anyway I should go now. See you around" Sonic said as he they waved each other and he started walking down the cliff.

"Adjust to my circumstances and try to find more than one use huh?" Sonic thought as they shopped some stuff, Sonic deciding not to eat sandwiches again. He ended up buying a bigger backpack to stash resources in and a small cauldron to try and cook for his pokemon from time to time, asking his mother at the same time via text to send him an easy recipe that would be liked by pokemon. His mother texted him the recipe for a curry made by mostly berries from the woods, which she always liked to collect and make into that very curry to feed random pokemon passing through their backyard in his hometown, as well as wishing him luck in his battle and asking him to take care. As Sonic also bought a cooking spoon and a knife to cut and mix the berries he fondly remembered one occasion when he and Jet found an eevee in their backyard and ended up feeding it that curry. However before he could return to the present his mind drifted to his latest bad memory, the reason he made this journey to escape. Pikachu noticed the change in his attitude.

After buying all the resources they returned to the woods and after Pikachu slammed a few trees to get berries, Sonic who at the same time facetimed his mother to make sure he got the curry right, got to work as his pokemon relaxed, played or in Kadabra's case meditated. After the curry was ready Sonic served the curry to his pokemon and made a sandwich for himself with ingredients bought at the store. Throughout the whole process he kept trying to figure out how wartortle could get faster.

"Maybe if rapid spin could be used as an ice hockey ball… no too heavy for that. What if… argh" he thought in frustration after food while his pokemon were relaxing. Pikachu noticed again his trainer's attitude and approached him.

"Pika pika?"

"Not now Pikachu. I'm thinking".

"Pika pi?"

"I said no".


"Pikachu I told you I'm thinking!"


"Grrr fine! I'll go think somewhere else! Don't stray off I'll be right back" Sonic burst out needing some time alone.

It was all happening so fast he could barely process it. He walked back to the edge of the cliff and took in the air again trying to calm down.

"Damnit. Unless I find a way for wartortle to be faster there's a good chance it will lose in battle next time" he thought to himself "but how?"

He racked his brain but eventually just brought his hands to his face, grunted in anger and just laid back looking at the sky. He looked at the endless blue and the sporadic clouds finding it chilling despite his frustration.

"How can I possibly prevent the scenario of defeat?" he wondered to himself again.

His mind drifted back to his hometown. How only 2 weeks ago he had asked the girl he liked out only to have him be called the good guy and her choosing his enemy instead. He had spent the next week closed off at home only contacting Tails and his other friend Knuckles through facetiming. His trip here was the first time he had left the house in a while. He remembered Tails' words clearly after that.

"Sonic I know you don't wanna hear it but the only thing you can do is move on when you're ready".

"Move on when I'm ready. Grow when I'm ready" he repeated looking at the sky.

He recalled his enemy again. He couldn't even speak the name. The very same person who dared bully his brother. Sonic got in the way and ever since then the guy had been making fun of him, knowing full well Sonic could be easily triggered.

"And he was damn right. I ordered Pikachu to fry that creep alive earlier" he thought to himself again.

He closed his eyes trying to relax. He had let his feelings of frustration and rage lead him down a dark path. He recalled the incident at mount moon. How those 3 pokemon thiefs paid by team rocket had died horribly at the hands of Moltres.

"How has this possibly not affected me? I feel no sadness for them".

He then remembered the girl again. Amy. How she broke his heart in the most cruel way possible. Choosing his enemy over him all because he, in her words, knew how to assert his dominance.

"Bullying someone is asserting dominance?" he thought in disgust.

All the incidents flooded his mind at the same time and he couldn't help but feel they could have been avoided.

"What could I have done different?" Sonic wondered in sadness.

At that moment he noticed the sky had started becoming slightly darker. His thoughts had actually lasted an hour, maybe more. And at that moment it hit him. He was repeating the mistake that had led to him running away from home. Sitting down, doing nothing trying to figure out what he could have changed if he had the chance and letting his emotions run rampant just like kadabra did when it was abra.

Sonic jumped up and run back to the camp, fearing his pokemon would have strayed off. In all the darkness he felt during these last few days they were the only source of light, apart from his family.

"If I had done anything differently I wouldn't have met them" he thought as he ran as fast as he could.

There was no way to change the past or to control the future. All he could control was the present. And Sonic feared he had just messed it up irreparably.

"Don't tell me they left" he thought in fear.

To his relief however they were all there sitting around the fire, kadabra not meditating this time. Once they saw him they run to him who knelt down in shame.

"I'm so sorry guys. It was so insensitive of me to run. Again" he added though all he achieved was confusing his pokemon.

"But that is in the past now. All we can do is move on. Wartortle" he said looking at it "you might not have your old mobility anymore… but I'm sure there is potential in you. We will find it together as a team all of us".

"tortle!" the wartortle cried out and then looked at kadabra "wartortle".

Kadabra nodded in silence and used its psychic powers to lift a few rocks and toss them at wartortle. Before Sonic could intervene thinking they had started fighting for no reason, wartortle started using rapid spin causing the rocks to bounce off leaving it unharmed.

"Oh my god!" Sonic yelled in realization "of course! Your species are tanky pokemon! How could I forget? Your defenses grew with your evolution! Rapid spin should now allow you to deflect attacks better!" he explained in realization as he understood both of Bill's advice.

"Adjust to circumstances. Adjust to your new form. Look for more uses. I kept seeing rapid spin as a launching attack. And with the right circumstances it can be. But now it has become a powerful defense too".

His pokemon all cried out in excitement. Sonic feeling peace for the first time in a while decided to be bold.

"Tomorrow morning we will face the gym" he declared leaving his pokemon speechless. Pikachu approached him.

"Pika pi?"

"You think we could lose?" Sonic asked it.


Sonic slowly smiled.

"Then… we will just try again later" he said confidently.

Pikachu looked inspired and took a determined smile.

"Pika pika!"

Wartortle and Kadabra also cried out in determination. Sonic smiled feeling confident again.

They all decided to spend the night in the wilderness as they would have to do it again during long travels so they would better get adjusted to it sooner than earlier. Sonic looked at his pokemon as they slept near the campfire with peaceful looks on their faces. Before he knew it he was also asleep.

The next morning after everyone had woken up and after a few berries and an apple for Sonic, they headed to the gym. Once Sonic entered he saw a huge pool inside with an arena in the middle.

"Huh. Guess I won't be able to tell the type I'm fighting before the battle starts he joked knowing full well they stood a good chance at winning.

At that moment 3 girls emerged from under the water.

"What are you doing here?" one of them said catching Sonic off guard.

"I.. I'm looking for the gym leader" he said.

"That would be our little sister" the second of the girls said.

"Ok…" Sonic said "so where is she?"

"Behind you?"

Sonic turned around and saw an orange haired girl enter the gym with a staryu by her side confirming his suspicions.

"You're the gym leader?"

"Yes. I'm misty. I assume you want to battle?"


"Wait a minute" one of misty's sisters said interrupting "shouldn't you first prove you could stand up to her?"

"Like how?" Sonic asked.

"Proving you beat the first gym leader?"

"Gladly. Brock told me to tell you hi by the way" Sonic said as he revealed the boulderbadge.

"Well then guess you can try" misty's sister said as she and the other 2 exited the water.

"I either will win or lose" Sonic declared "there is no try miss…"


Sonic dashed and jumped onto the arena Pikachu hanging onto him. Misty followed suit but instead swam to the arena.

"You aware of the rules?"

"2 pokemon each?" Sonic asked "and I assume if they fall into the water they are disqualified and I have to use the other or lose?"

"Nope that was just brock's rule. Here the pool is part of the arena".

"I see" Sonic said understanding Misty would have a big advantage.

"Send out your pokemon on 3" Violet declared.

Sonic took out Wartortle's pokeball. Misty didn't take out any ball.


"Go Wartortle! Staryu" the two voices echoed in the gym.

"Water type match huh? Amusing" Misty said.

"Begin!" Violet declared.

"Wartortle! Rock tomb!" Sonic went immediately on the offensive.

Staryu got hit by the rock tomb as its speed was reduced.

"Staryu confuse ray!"

Staryu sent out a small ball of light which flew at wartortle and started spinning around it counter-clockwise. Wartortle became transfixed at it following it as it span around until it became confused and started hitting itself trying to use rock tomb again.

"Now staryu minimize!"

Staryu started shrinking in size.

"Oh no" Sonic thought remaining as calm as he could "if it gets to small it will be too hard to hit".

"Wartortle use bite!"

Wartortle however wasn't able to successfully use its move, hurting itself in confusion again.

"Staryu minimize again!"

Staryu shrank again.

"No!" Sonic thought in fear.

"I guess Misty's got this" one of her 2 other sisters said.

Sonic felt for a moment they were right but then remembered what he went through yesterday. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Not yet" he declared in determination "Wartortle" he said as he opened his eyes at the same time as ordering the move" use rapid spin!"

Wartortle managed to perform the move and spinning clockwise allowed it to regain its composure.

"Use rock tomb!"

Wartortle use the move successfully landing it with precision. Staryu being smaller than before took greater damage.

"Wait it's not confused anymore?" Misty said in confusion.

"Nope. Having it spin around the opposite way it did following your confuse ray helped it get over it!"

"That was rather impressive" Misty's third sister said sounding serious"

"Well no matter! I will confuse it again! Staryu use confuse ray!"

"Wartortle! Bite!"

Wartortle despite becoming again transfixed in the confuse ray used bite eating the ball of light.

"Quick before it moves again! Use rock tomb!"

Rock tomb landed. Staryu was knocked out regaining its original size. Misty was out of words.

"That was cool but let's you deal with this! Go starmie!"

"Starmie?!" Sonic thought in surprise as the purple starfish emerged from underwater.

"The evolved form" he thought "let's see what it does".

"Starmie use confusion!"

Starmie unleashed its attack greatly damaging wartortle who stepped back and fell in the pool.

"After it Starmie!"

Starmie dived in as well and chased after wartortle.

"Use water pulse!"

Starmie fired with all its might which was empowered by the pool and the same type bonus but wartortle managed to withstand it being a water type too.

"Grr" Sonic grunted "this is her arena. Starmie practically lives down there. Maybe if..".

"Starmie use Water pulse again!"

Starmie unleashed its attack again as Wartortle looked at it coming worried waiting for Sonic's order. As the water pulse approached fast…

"Now! Rapid spin!"

Wartortle started spinning causing the pool water to start spinning with it. The attack missed its target as Starmie was caught off guard and by the waves. It was sent to the wall of the pool on which it crashed.

"Now's our chance! Bite!"

Wartortle swam very fast and managed to bite the Starmie. However it was not over yet.

"You're not the only one who can improvise! Starmie rapid spin!"

Starmie with wartortle still hooked on to it thanks to the bite started spinning fast causing wartortle to repeatedly hit the wall of the pool.

"Now water pulse!"

The water pulse hit the wartortle head on causing it to be sent flying out of the pool and fainting. Starmie emerged from the pool as well.

"Wartortle return" Sonic said as he recalled it "you were amazing. Pikachu you ready to finish what wartortle started?"

"Pika pika!" it cried out in determination.

"Go get them!" Sonic said as he pointed his hand forward. Pikachu jumped from it onto the arena.

"An electric type is to be expected here" Misty said "which is why I am prepared. Starmie recover!"

"Recover?!" Sonic said in shock realizing all of wartorle's hard work had just been countered by a single move.

"So we either knock it out in one strike or that's it?" he thought.

"Starmie confusion!"

"Not this time! Pikachu quick attack!"

"Pika!" Pikachu cried out as it dodged the confusion and hit the starmie head on merely causing it to be knocked back a bit.

"Not enough! Starmie water pulse!"

"Pikachu quick attack again!"

"Not this time! Rapid spin!"

Pikachu's attack landed the moment the spinning began sending it flying into the pool.

Sonic observed as he now knew they were in a very questionable position. If starmie entered the pool Pikachu could go off with thunder shock and the current would spread through the whole pool. But would it be damaged as well?

"Think Sonic think" he thought to himself.

"Starmie follow Pikachu!" Misty ordered it.

Starmie dived after Pikachu.

"Rapid spin!"

Starmie started spinning catching Pikachu in the whirlpool.

"Wait a minute" Sonic said remembering Pikachu also had an ability. It had never gone off before and didn't know if it was the one he needed it to have for this scenario but decided it was worth a shot "Pikachu surrender to the flow! Use slam!"

Pikachu let itself be taken by the whirlpool which sooner than expected led it to the center where it slammed into the spinning Starmie. Pikachu was sent out of the pool landing roughly on the arena with Starmie jumping out as well.

"You fought well Sonic but now it's over! Starmie use water pulse!"

Starmie prepared its attack but suddenly static emerged from its body and the attack was left to dissipate.

"Yes! You have static! It worked!"

"He let Pikachu get slammed by Starmie hoping Static would go off".

"Fortune favors the bold" Sonic said knowing it was their chance "and now your Starmie is head to toe… or should I say edge to edge completely soaked! Pikachu! thunder shock!"

"Pika… chuu!" Pikachu cried out as its attack went off hitting Starmie. Starmie let out a cry of pain and the attack stopped. Starmie toppled fainting.

"Yeah!" Sonic screamed in victorious joy as Pikachu followed suit jumping up and down.

Misty recalled her Starmie and jumped in the water to get out of the pool as her sisters pulled the arena closer to the edge of the pool so Sonic could get off. She then approached Sonic holding something small in her arm.

"Congratulations. That was one risky move you pulled just following the flow. Here. The cascade badge is yours".

"Thanks" Sonic said sincerely.

"I assume now you will head to vermillion city for the third badge?"

Sonic looked at Pikachu smiling.

"If the road leads us there straight away".

"Following the flow huh? I see good luck".

"Thanks. See ya" Sonic said exiting the gym as he and pikachu headed to the south exit of the city, ready to follow the path wherever it would take them.

Chapter 8: A rival appears part 1


Finding himself amidst enemies, Sonic and his Pikachu must team up with a trainer named Mike and his Jolteon in order to escape Saffron City and free captured pokemon from team rocket.

Chapter Text

Sonic was walking south towards vermillion city. Pikachu was running around playing in the grass and occasionally battling any wild pokemon it saw still in adrenaline from their battle with Misty. Sonic showed it to Jet whom he was facetiming.

"Man. 2 badges already?" Jet said in awe "you are rocking Kanto".

"Appreciated bro but this is just the beginning. We have still a lot to learn and I have also a lot of work to do with myself".

"You still thinking about her?"

"Not easy not to. But Tails was right. When I'm ready I must move on. Meeting Pikachu who also desires to grow and evolve again" he said as they saw Pikachu knock out a wild pidgeotto with a thundershock "and my other pokemon too of course, has made me see there is more out there. I guess I did run away by starting this journey. But now I want to complete it".

"And what happens after the league conference tournament? Will you come home?"

"Don't know yet. And to be honest… I don't want to think about it right now. I just want to forget the past and the future. I spent a week locked in my room not talking to anyone mourning something I never had and wondering what I could have done to not end up like that. I don't want to think about what ifs anymore. I want to stay in the present".

"Finally speaking rationally" Jet said teasing him though Sonic could tell he was genuinely happy for his brother "so you're going straight for the 3rd… wait wait. What you said. No predictions. Live in the moment".

"Exactly" Sonic said smiling "though yeah the 3rd badge battle is in my near future. How near I can't tell yet. Anyway got to go I think I can see the city".

"Awesome. Ok talk later bro" Sonic said as Jet hang up. He noticed Pikachu had gotten in way over its head challenging a random passing pidgeot.

"Wartortle go!" Sonic said as he sent it out "rock tomb!"

Wartortle attacked the pidgeot hitting it head on but only causing it to flee. Sonic recalled Wartortle as Pikachu climbed on his head grumpy.

"One step at a time buddy" Sonic said patting it on the head as best as he could while smiling sincerely "one step at a time" he whispered to himself.

They continued their walk reaching the city. Sonic decided to first locate the gym. The map said that it was located by the sea at the south of the city but Sonic couldn't find the sea let alone the gym. While walking through town he noticed very few people were walking on the street and they were being rather hasty.

"What is with them?" Sonic wondered.

Passing outside what looked like an old closed shop, the door to his right was suddenly opened. A couple of hands appeared and pulled him in causing Pikachu once again to land roughly on the ground.

"Hey what gives…" Sonic tried to say.

"Shhhhh!" the teenage boy who had grabbed him said as he looked outside the dusty storefront.

A couple of men wearing familiar uniforms passed by laughing while talking about something. Sonic approached the window too and saw the iconic R on their backs.

"Rockets? In broad daylight in the middle of town?" he asked in surprise.

"What were you thinking, walking around town like that?" the boy asked him.

Sonic knew if they continued asking each other rhetorical questions they would never get anywhere.

"Ok how about we don't play 20 questions? Just tell me what's going on?"

The boy looked at him as if he was crazy.

"The city is essentially under the control of team Rocket. Unless you're a very strong trainer, if you have pokemon with you it's like having a target on your back… or in your case your head".

"I don't fear them" Sonic said "we I have already fought them 3 times and mopped the floor with them".

"I find that hard to believe. But even if it's the truth picking a fight with them like that is suicide".

"Aren't you giving them a little too much respect?"

"….you're not from around here are you?"


The boy sighed.

"Ok… first of all what's your name?"


"Sonic. I am Mike. You see that tower?" he said pointing outside the window to the tower about 5 blocks away.

"Tower? I'm pretty sure the map didn't show it" he said taking out his map in confusion. Mike looked at it as well.

"Why are you looking at a map of vermillion city?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we're in Saffron city?"

"Excuse me?"

"Let me guess. You bought a map of vermillion city cause you're doing the badge quest?"

"That's right".

"You should have bought a map of the region. Between Cerulean city and Vermillion city is saffron city".

"Oh. That explains a lot I guess. I'm not meant to be here yet".

"Duh you think?"

Sonic looked at Mike who had a sassy look on his face.

"Ok but what are YOU doing here?"

Mike refrained from answering.

"Oook. Can you at least get me out of here so I can be on my way?"

"I can. But only if you do something for me in return. After all I did save you from encountering those 2 before and then having the entirety of team rocket on your tail everywhere you go".

Sonic considered it.

"Ok" he said "what do you need?"

"I need you to help me release the pokemon in the warehouse on the south exit of the city. We strike 2 pidgeys with one stone. I get you to out and you help me get the pokemon out".

Kadabra came out of its pokeball upon hearing for captured pokemon.


"I know kadabra" Sonic said to it "maybe your mother is amongst those pokemon. We will help you" he said referring to Mike.

"You got this kadabra out of team rocket's clutches?"

"No it escaped accidentally by using teleport. I promised I would help it try to find its mother when the time came. When we got stronger".

"Well whether you've grown stronger or not, the time has come" Mike said as he took the stairs to the roof of the building. Sonic followed.

They went to the roof and Mikes showed Sonic through a pair of binoculars the location of the warehouse.

"We will go from roof to roof. It's safer like this".

"Wouldn't it be safer if I just recalled my Pikachu as well and we went by foot?"

"No. Those thugs stop anyone they find alone".

"Would the 2 of us being alone count as alone?"

"Enough questions. Time is of the essence. Follow me" Mike said as he jumped to the roof of the building right next to the one they were standing. Sonic deciding he wasn't just as reckless yet, sent out kadabra and had it use its psychic abilities to levitate him to the other side, after which Sonic recalled it. This process was repeated to Mike's frustration for the entire journey to the warehouse. After reaching on the roof of the building which stood directily opposite to the warehouse, they peered down to see a couple of grunts watching guard on the entrance.

"Ok here's the plan" Mike said "we enter through the vents, knock out the guard with the keys, free the pokemon and escape in the chaos".

"Or" Sonic suggested still not understanding why they needed to go stealth "we just beat and maybe beat up the grunts on the entrance, storm the warehouse and free the pokemon".

Mike was now looking at him in total shock.

"Do you have a death wish?"

"Don't give them too much credit?"

At that moment the door of the warehouse opened. The 2 guards stood attention as 3 people and a pokemon exited the warehouse. Sonic recognized 2 of them and the pokemon.

"What the.. what are those 3 idiots doing here?"

"What?" Mike said confused.

"Shhhh!" Sonic shushed him trying to listen. For the first time he felt thankful that no one else was around.

"You 3 have disappointed the boss greatly. First you lose to a trainer with a mere squirtle and not only that you get arrested. The boss in its infinite mercy breaks you out and sends you here on guard duty to lose the heat and what do you do repay it? Let a mere magnemite mess up the comms!"

"Let us explain…" a familiar male voice was heard.

"Stop ridiculing yourself James! It's not our fault the guard decided to drop the keys".

"And whose job was it to make sure everything was running smoothly Jessie?" the 3rd person, a woman said to her.

"It's not our fault we are dealing with incompetent morons like you!"

"Oh man" Mike said worried "things just got a lot harder. If Jessie and James are here and if I'm not mistaken that's their meowth partner things could go south very fast".

"You're worried about these 3 idiots?"

"What?! These 3 are team rocket's best enforcers!"

Sonic was sure Mike was joking.

"They tried to catch my squirtle, now wartortle, in a net".

"And how did you free it?!"

"I recalled it".

Mike was looking at Sonic as if he had broken the laws of nature.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Didn't they use any actual tech?"


"I guess it was because you were a new trainer then. They don't expect new trainers to react calmly".

"How can you possibly lose your cool with them? Have you seen a lot of villains doing intros before initiating their evil plan?"

"…ok you got a point there. Still now that they know you are an experienced trainer they will use tech that prevents recalling the pokemon. I'm not sure how it works but it jams the pokeball's signal I think".

"Wait I think they stopped fighting" Sonic brought him back to their goal.

"I refuse to lose my patience with you any further. A new squad will come to guard the base. You go back to being useful and bring in pokemon".

"Fine!" Jessie screamed "James, meowth! To Viridian city!"

"At least we will have something easy to do for a while. That guy with the squirtle must have been the exception. Next one should be an easy one".

"If we can bwing a stwong pokemon to the boss, he will forget let's go!" Meowth said excited.

"I hope that was the last we saw of them" Sonic commented "it will be annoying to fight them again. Hopefully they will find someone to stalk so that we won't waste time with them".

"They said a new squad is coming. Once they leave we go into the vents".

"You kidding me? Decreased security and we go into the vents and waste time? We go from the front".

"From the front we…"

"What they're coming back?" Sonic said confused pointing at the way Jessie, James and Meowth left from.

Mike turned to look but saw no one. Turning back to Sonic he found him gone. Looking at the side of the building he saw Sonic sliding down a pipe.

"No Sonic don't be hasty come back!" he whispered loud enough for Sonic to hear him.

Sonic however sent out Pikachu and charged at the entrance of the warehouse. The grunts saw him.

"Hey hold it right there!"

"Pikachu thunder shock!"

Pikachu blasted the grunt on the left while Sonic tackled the one to the right causing him to crash on the wall behind him and faint. Pikachu's electricity also knocked the other grunt out and short circuited the electric lock to the door.

"You coming or what?" he called out to Mike.

Mike frowned and followed suit. Sonic sent out his kadabra as well as Pikachu climbed on his shoulder.

"Call out your partner" he suggested to Mike.

Mike sent out his pokemon. It was a jolteon.

"Better bring out another one just in case".

"I don't have another one. Jolteon is my only pokemon".

"One pokemon? You're fighting team rocket with one pokemon?"

"Not a whole lot I can do about it".

"Why don't you try catching some more and train them?"

"I can't. That will take too much time".

Sonic could tell Mike didn't ask him to free the pokemon here just to annoy team Rocket.

"This is personal to you isn't it?"

"Time's a-wastin. Let's go before the new squad comes!"

They found themselves on the inside of the warehouse. Cages everywhere. Pokemon either curled up in fear or raising their heads to look at them in hope.

"Man just like the vision" Sonic thought in disgust.

"Ok you take the right side I go left. You find the guard with the keys you call me so we can start freeing the pokemon got it?"

"Ok" Mike said.

They split up and Sonic started walking down the corridors made by the cages. While walking both himself, Pikachu and kadabra where looking in the cages hoping to see Alakazam. Eventually they did see one. Kadabra grabbed the bars of the cage and so did alakazam. They started crying out to one another with kadabra lowering its head. Sonic could tell that Alakazam was not his kadabra's mother. He also saw another collar around alakazam's throat.

"These must be inhibiting their psychic powers" he thought.

Suddenly a grunt turned the corner.

"Hey intruder!" he yelled as he sent out an ekans.

"Confusion!" Sonic ordered.

Kadabra moved in the blink of an eye blasting ekans with its power and knocking it out. However the grunt's yell had called for backup. 3 more appeared behind Sonic.

"Got you now!" one of them said greedily.

"Wait a minute" another of them said "that's the guy who defeated my sandshrew with an electric move".

"So we meet again" Sonic said smiling in determination causing the grunts to take a step back in fear.

"T-this time its different! All of you attack him at once!"

The grunts sent out ekans, koffing and a male nidoran. Sonic saw the defeated grunt from before charge him. Pikachu climbing of him, Sonic stopped the grunt resulting in the two aggressively holding hands pushing each other.

"Kadabra, pikachu! Deal with those 3!"

Before Pikachu could make a move however kadabra turned around and sent a beam of psychic energy which hit all 3 of its opponents in a straight line knocking them out simultaneously.

"Woah. Was that psy-beam?" Sonic asked in pleasant surprise.

"Kadabra!" Kadabra cried out as if it was roaring sending the 3 grunts running.

"Good job kadabra! Let's go" he said.

At that moment a scream was heard on the other side of the warehouse.

"Mike?!" Sonic called out but only got another scream in response.

"Oh no!" he thought.

"Kadabra lift me on the cages!"

Kadabra obliged and then levitated taking Pikachu with it. Sonic started jumping from cage to cage as fast as he could just like he had seen Mike do on the rooftops as a third scream was heard.

"Hang in there Mike I'm coming!" he thought.

To be continued

Chapter 9: A rival appears, part 2


Two trainers facing down insurmountable odds. Will Sonic and Mike live to tell the tale of facing team Rocket admin Ariana?

Chapter Text

Sonic kept jumping from cage to cage racing to the other side of the warehouse followed by his pikachu and kadabra.

"What went wrong?" he thought in terror as another ear piercing scream echoed in the warehouse.

He eventually reached the source of the screams and what he witnessed made him feel sick. 2 grunts defeated but 3 more standing, 1 of them holding down Mike's Jolteon and the other 2 having locked a collar around Mike's neck electrocuting him with every press of the button. Jolteon was watching its trainer suffering as tears were streaming from its eyes. He also momentarily noticed a few cages had been moved as if someone was roughly shoved into them.

"Hey there's the other one!" the grunt holding down Jolteon said as the other 2 got their attention off Mike momentarily. Mike full of anger tackled the grunt holding the controller to the ground. Sonic wasting no time jumped on the other grunt.

"Pikachu! Kadabra! Help Jolteon!"

Pikachu used quick attack tackling the grunt, causing him to release Jolteon who zapped him and Pikachu.

"Again Jolteon let him have it!" Mike ordered as he and the grunt were reaching for the controller while fighting.

"Wait no! Pikachu get out of there!"

Pikachu however was grabbed by its tail before it could escape receiving another thunderbolt from Jolteon while the grunt was launched back towards the wall. Pikachu was freed though weakened as Kadabra rushed to its side.

"Kadabra get Pikachu out of here! Teleport!" Sonic ordered them as he dodged an attack from the grunt he was fighting, while calling out wartortle to assist him.

Kadabra however didn't obey. It instead used psybeam sending all of them apart from Sonic who managed to hold on to the bars of a cage. The grunt who was fighting Mike over the remote was knocked out cold, giving Mike the opportunity to grab the remote and press the unlock button removing the collar.

"What is wrong with you!" he yelled to Kadabra "you hit me too!"

"Hey don't pin this on Kadabra! Not after hitting Pikachu with thunderbolt!" Sonic said getting up obviously pissed.

"I had to ok?"

"No you didn't! Duck!"

Mike ducked avoiding a hit from the grunt Sonic was fighting who also happened to have the keys to the cages. He delivered a devastating kick to the stomach and pushed his head down under his shoe. Jolteon rushed to his side.

"Blast him" he ordered Jolteon.

"Wait no!" Sonic intervened "he's beaten. Let's just get the key to the cages and free the pokemon before reinforcements arrive".

Mike hesitated but punched the grunt knocking him out so he wouldn't intervene and grabbed the keys. Turning to leave however they saw the woman who was talking to Jessie and James earlier blocking their way.

"Ariana!" Mike said sounding genuinely pissed off.

"You have made a mess for the last time Michael! This time you won't get off easy! I will deliver you to the boss myself!"

"Who's this?" Sonic asked quietly.

"An admin of Team Rocket!" Mike said as Jolteon growled angry.

"This time you won't win Michael! I brought something from the boss specifically for this! Go Nidoking!"

A Nidoking came out of the pokeball roaring, causing Jolteon to grown angry again but Sonic to flinch.

"A Nidoking? From the boss? We're in serious trouble" he thought.

"Listen" he whispered to Mike "we've bit more than we can chew. We need to tactically retreat".

Mike however shoved him aside.

"You can run if you want! Jolteon use double kick!"

Jolteon rushed Nidoking kicking it 2 times barely hurting it.

"Nidoking mud slap!"

Nidoking threw a small amount of mud sending Jolteon crashing into a cage, heavily injured.

"As I told you. Too easy! Finish it off Nidoking! Sludge bomb!"

Nidoking threw a huge ball of sludge out of its mouth heading straight for Jolteon.

"No!" he screamed.

"Wartortle rapid spin!" Sonic yelled sending it out.

Wartortle emerged in front of Jolteon and span really fast sending most of the sludge in all directions.

"Wait your turn brat!" Ariana threatened him smiling.

"My turn is now!" Sonic declared "you won't lay another finger on my friends!"

Mike's eyes bulged as he heard Sonic's words.

"We're not friends Sonic! And I don't need your help!"

"Your Jolteon thinks otherwise" Sonic's answer came as Jolteon curled in the corner with Pikachu sharing some electricity with it to heal via its ability, volt absorb.

"Fine. If you wanna lose that badly" Ariana said waving her hands as if she was saying your choice "Nidoking mud slap!"

Nidoking launched the projectile only for Wartortle to deflect it with rapid spin.

"Wartortle water gun!"

Wartortle's attack connected but didn't do more than double kick did despite being super effective.

"Nidoking use horn attack!"

Nidoking charged forward horn first.

"Bite!" Sonic ordered.

Wartortle bit Nidoking right before the attack could harm it causing it to roar in pain and shake around trying to throw Wartortle off. Wartortle was thrown off but the desired effect was achieved; bite had caused Nidoking to flinch.

"Yeah!" Sonic yelled but then saw purple bubbles emerge from wartortle.

"Damnit no! I forgot! Nidoking can have poison point!"

"Too late now kid! Nidoking double kick!"

Nidoking rushed Wartortle delivering 2 devastating kicks and knocking it out while sending it flying towards the wall. Pikachu and Jolteon rushed to its side, to Mike's surprise.

"Damnit! Kadabra you're up!" Sonic said as kadabra floated in front of him.


Kadabra unleashed its attack catching Nidoking off guard with its power. Nidoking shook its head trying to get it together.

"Confusion!" Sonic said keeping up the momentum.

Once again the attack connected even causing confusion however the nidoking still looked able to fight.

"Sludge bomb!"

The attack was launched and connected causing kadabra to also be sent back towards the wall crashing into wartortle. Jolteon was rushed to its side as well.

"Jolteon come here" Mike said not understanding why his Jolteon was becoming soft all of a sudden.

"Want more kid?" Ariana taunted Sonic.

Sonic gritted his teeth. But he knew it was time for their secret weapon.

"Pikachu you're up!"

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cried out as it jumped on Sonic's shoulder then onto the battlefield in style.

"A mere Pikachu is all that's left between me and victory? Pf. Let's end their misery Nidoking! Mud-slap!"

"Quick attack!" Sonic said as Pikachu dodged the mud slap before hitting the Nidoking with little effect.

"Now tail whip!" Sonic said hoping to reduce nidoking's defense enough to end it without revealing their trick.

"Sludge bomb!"

"Quick attack again then slam it!"

Pikachu did as Sonic ordered, causing Nidoking to be pushed back but not fall. Additionally, Pikachu was poisoned as well.

"Looks like the end of the line! Nidoking double kick!"

Sonic knew they were out of options decided it was all or nothing.

"Thunder shock!"

"What are you thinking?!" Mike screamed in anger and confusion.

Pikachu charged its cheeks to unleash the thundershock when Jolteon suddenly also used thunderbolt striking Pikachu's tail. Sonic for a moment thought it was attacking him but then realized what the plan was.

"Thanks Jolteon" he said behind his shoulder.

"What did it do?" Mike asked, now totally confused.

"Charged up Pikachu more! Now to end it!"

"It won't matter! Ground has immunity!" Ariana said calmly.

Pikachu discharged its attack causing to Mike and Ariana's shock Nidoking to roar in pain and topple, knocked out.

"Wha… No! Noooo! This can't be happening!"

Sonic knowing it was their chance rushed past Nidoking to tackle Ariana to the ground. Ariana however reacting faster, recalled Nidoking and fled.

"Reinforcements won't be long!" Sonic said as he rushed to the door to barricade it. Now that the controls were fried it would be opened manually.

While barricading it a lot of locks started being fried from the inside. The cage doors were opened and several pokemon came out running in all directions. Mike came out of the corner helping Sonic keep the door shut.

"How did the doors…?" Sonic went to ask.

"Jolteon fried the circuit. The locks are electronic".

"Smart" Sonic commented as all the locks were soon open and chaos was reigning in the warehouse.

A bang on the door was heard.

"Open up! There's no escape!"

Sonic however had one final trick up his sleeve even though it was a longshot.

"Do you have any healing potions or something on you?"

"Only one. A super potion".

"Give it to Kadabra quick".

"One psychic type can't beat an army of poison types".

"We're not gonna fight" Sonic said with a mischievous smile.

Mike guessed through the plan and knowing there were no other alternatives, he took out the super potion.

Outside the warehouse a total of 10 grunts were preparing a makeshift battering ram to bring the door down under Ariana's command.

"Ram ready ma'am!" a grunt said.

"On 3!" Ariana said "1,2,3!"

The grunts charged at the door which opened with no resistance causing them to crash into the empty cages. Getting back up the only saw the empty warehouse. No trainers, no pokemon.

"Ho… How?!" was all Ariana was able to yell in terror knowing the boss wouldn't be happy.

Meanwhile Sonic and Mike were outside the city, having teleported with Kadabra's teleport along with all the captive pokemon, at the cost of a lot of Kadabra's stamina. Sonic immediately recalled it, deciding it would stay in the pokeball until he could get it to a pokemon center. Meanwhile all the captive pokemon fled upon Pikachu telling them to, with one rattata bringing it a pecha berry to heal the poison. Afterwards the captive pokemon fled, leaving only the 2 boys and their pokemon taking deep breaths.

"I can't believe that worked" Mike said in relief.

Sonic however didn't answer. Mike looked around and saw where they were.

"Well. Got you out as you wanted".

"You got some explaining to do".


"Yeah. First you suggest a stealth plan and then not only do you get captured but after I had to save you, you almost kill them".

"They deserve it".

"Your Jolteon was almost beat to death because we wasted so much time with those guards".

"Yes but it would be ok. It has experienced so many hardships already it would get better! Now look at it!" he said angry as Jolteon was cuddling with Pikachu to relax "you turned it soft!"

"How did I turn it soft?"

"Your pikachu shared its electricity with it. And afterwards Jolteon returned it to supercharge your Pikachu in that attack!"

"Yes. It's called teamwork".

"Teamwork is for the foolish" Mike said begrudgingly.

"Why do you say that?" Sonic asked him "and how can you say that? In that case your Jolteon is a fool because it works with you".

"It's not the same".

"Now you know you're caught. It is the same".

Mike grunted and turned his back.

"Why were you in the city?"


"When I met you" Sonic continued "you were in the city before I arrived. Why?"


"This is personal isn't it?"

"Yes. You see the tower?" Mike said showing Sonic the tower again.

"Yeah you showed me earlier".

"There are rumors they have taken it over and use the company located there, Silph co. to produce pokeballs".

Sonic's eyes widened momentarily knowing that indeed a big problem.

"Ok but that doesn't explain your violent assault".

Mike had a tear stream across his cheek

"They took my original partner! My beedrill! They also took Jolteon's sibling! They were both eevees when I met it!"

Sonic sighed silently understanding.

"Still. That doesn't explain the stealth plan".

"I wanted to only see if my beedrill or Jolteon's sibling were here trapped. They were not".

Sonic sighed silently again.

"If you want to call me a manipulator go ahead. I only wanted to save my pokemon".

"That is not a wrong feeling" Sonic said in a serious tone "but going as far as to try and kill those grunts is wrong. I know".


Sonic contemplated revealing his own dark moment in cerulean city but refrained.

"That is a story for another time. Also what you said about Jolteon becoming soft isn't true. It's just remembering compassion. Pikachu shared its electricity because of compassion".


"Look. I too want to go –and plan to go eventually - after team Rocket. But we are not strong enough yet. Me and my pokemon. And neither are you and Jolteon. We – my pokemon and I – need to grow stronger. And if you want to be able to stand up to them and maybe save your beedrill one day, you will need to get a bigger team".

"It's not as easy as you make it sound".

"It's not. But it's something I would do for any of my pokemon or my friends if I had to. You can do it too".

Mike looked at him in obvious conflict.

"Even if I get more pokemon how do I get stronger?"

"Challenging the gyms is one way. But an even greater source of power comes from the bonds you have with your pokemon".

"Is that why your Pikachu beat a nidoking with thunder shock?"

"Still working that one out. But yes. I'm starting to believe it was fate I met it" Sonic said.

Mike looked down trying to decide what to do. Jolteon approached him and stood on its 2 back legs as it put its front 2 legs on Mike's chest and licked his face.

"You think so too partner?"


Mike smiled.

"Then it's decided. We're going to grow stronger! Sonic! Thank you! And next time we meet if we have time let's have a battle!"

"You bet!" Sonic said smiling determined.

The two newly formed rival nodded at each other in approval and Mike rushed back to Saffron city.

"Pika pika?" Pikachu cried out looking up at Sonic.

"He's gonna make it across just fine. Let's go to Vermillion. You guys need healing asap" Sonic said as Pikachu climbed on his shoulder holding on as best as it could as they made their way to Vermillion city.

Chapter 10: Friction of growth


Coming across a thunder stone, tensions rise between Sonic and Pikachu as to when to use it. They are also joined by a friendly face; Sonic's best friend, Tails.

Chapter Text

Sonic rushed to the pokemon center of Vermillion city to heal his pokemon after his intense battle with team Rocket admin Ariana. He burst in through the doors of the pokemon center causing a couple of trainers, two girls, already inside to jump in surprise.

"Is nurse joy here?!" he asked them not seeing her behind the counter.

"No. We're also waiting to heal our pokemon. She was asked to the nearby farm to heal the pokemon of a grumpy old man who won't come here himself" one of the 2 girls answered him who was petting her jigglypuff.

"Damn. Is that farm far from here?"

"No but you shouldn't bother going. He doesn't take kindly to strangers".

"Great. Guess all we can do is wait" Sonic murmured and sat down on the couch opposite of the two girls. Pikachu jumped off of Sonic's shoulder and laid on the table to rest. Jigglypuff soon joined it singing silently in Pikachu's ear to soothe it but not put the trainers to sleep as well.

"Those are some injuries your Pikachu has" the 2nd girl commented "what did them?"

"A Nidoking" Sonic answered while looking at the ceiling trying to relax from the adrenaline.

"A wild Nidoking around here?" the first girl said in surprise.

"We should go look for it Valerie" her friend said.

Sonic thought about revealing it was a trainer's pokemon and not a wild one but refrained.

"Yeah. It could still be around" he said as he looked back at the ceiling.

"That was one tough battle" he thought not talking "did it really belong to the boss of team rocket? I wonder how they will react when they find out".

Meanwhile at team Rocket's base

Ariana was walking towards the boss' office trembling in fear. Losing a battle against a teenager with one of the boss' pokemon too? It was basically a death sentence.

She knocked the door to the office and a woman opened the door.

"He is expecting you" she told Ariana.

Ariana stepped into the shadowy room. In front of her behind his desk was him. The big boss.

"Matori leave us" he said in a calm voice.

"Yes sir" she said and walked out the door.

"I must say" he said in a serious tone "I confess myself deeply disappointed admin Ariana. Your one job was making sure that kid didn't interfere with our work again".

"Giovanni sir, please let me explain…"

"And not only did you have a total of 7 grunts in your disposal to keep our profits safe, you also had my Nidoking to use in case of emergency. And what do I find out? You lose a battle to a teenager with second class pokemon AND both him and that kid Michael as well as ALL our profits are gone. I am terribly disappointed. You know what the punishment is for your failure".

"Giovanni sir please! I couldn't have expected what occurred there".

"What could possibly have occurred that you couldn't expect? You are a member of team Rocket. You have been trained to expect everything".

"That kid that beat me sir. It had a special Pikachu!"

"Just as special as the one the two incompetent fools and their Meowth lost too after we broke them out? The one belonging to that kid from pallet town?"

"No sir. The one I'm talking about… it did something impossible. It knocked out your Nidoking… by using thunder shock!"

Giovanni had his back turned to Ariana the whole time. Hearing her last phrase caused his eyes to widen in shock momentarily though she didn't it. He slowly turned around.

"Are you certain that's what happened? Or is this a desperate attempt to escape punishment?"

"It's not sir! I'm telling you the truth!"

Giovanni looked at her eyes. They contained pure terror in them. But they also seemed genuine.

"Very well. I believe you. If what you told me is true, that could cause a big problem long term. Thankfully we're ahead of schedule on the plan" he got up "since you brought some valuable information, I will be lenient this time – this time only – and spare you the punishment".

"Thank you sir! Thank you. You won't regret this!"

"I know" he thought sinisterly "I know".

Back at Vermillion city pokemon center

Minutes turned to one and a half hour before nurse joy returned with her chansey. After Valerie and her friend healed their pokemon, Sonic took his turn waiting for his pokemon to be healed. After they were fully healed he decided they would head out to get something to eat. While eating at a sandwich stand – "Need some resources asap" Sonic thought chewing – he was considering what came next apart from the 3rd gym badge.

"Guys" he said talking to his 3 pokemon "we should train after we're done eating. We are progressing too fast and not grow enough"

They all agreed. When they were all done they headed to a beach east of the city. They immediately got to work each one working their hardest. Wartortle was the first to make progress learning water pulse on its own. Kadabra switched between meditating and practicing psybeam. Pikachu on the other hand had started reaching a dead end. Sonic was sitting in the sand observing it using thunder shock over and over but the attack never seemed to do more damage. Eventually they decided to stop training for the day and just go to sleep, Sonic sleeping in a sleeping bag while his pokemon except for Pikachu were sleeping. Pikachu observed the stars as if it was lost in deep thought.

The next day Sonic went into town to get supplies to cook for his pokemon on the beach while their training continued when he happened to come across a battle. The two trainers, both dressed in what seemed like military clothes looked like they were training as well.

"You have not won yet Visquez! Go Raichu!"

The pokeball was tossed in the air and the evolved form of Pikachu came out of it. Sonic and his Pikachu became transfixed in it but didn't approach the two. They witnessed Raichu first use slam to damage its opponent, a voltorb and then thunderbolt which knocked out voltorb while also leaving the two observers in awe with Sonic wondering how he could help Pikachu learn that move faster.

"Amazing as ever, friend" the man named Visquez said.

Sonic not wanting to be noticed at that moment left with Pikachu still on his shoulder, its eyes fixated on Raichu.

After buying supplies enough to last them a few days as well as a bigger backpack, Sonic took the way back to the beach. On the way he and Pikachu heard a scream. Following it to its source they saw one of the two girls they had met at the pokemon center, more specifically Valerie outside a cave. When they approached she noticed them.

"Oh thank god, I need help. Someone attacked me and stole my bag! My partner's pokeball was inside!"

"Did he go into the cave?" Sonic asked.


"Don't worry I'll go get it" he said rushing in before even Valerie could respond.

After about 30 second however they came across a weird scene; the robber knocked out and holes around him.

"Wait a minute" Sonic said remembering once reading about a specific pokemon "this can't be diglett tunnel, can it?!"

The moment he completed his phrase about 5 digletts appeared around them as well as a dugtrio in front of them. Cursing at the fact that he left Wartortle back at the beach, he decided to try and scare them off with light.

"Pikachu use thunder shock on the wall".

Pikachu obeyed confused and the result was just what Sonic expected. Digletts being pokemon that lived underground, in other words in darkness, wouldn't react well to sudden strong light. They all immediately darted underground. Quickly grabbing Valerie's bag he turned to leave but saw something shining inside one of the holes the digletts left. He faintly recognized the shape of a lightning bolt.

"No" he said in disbelief "it can't be".

He put his hand in the hole and pulled out a small green stone with a yellow lightning bolt on it.

"A thunder stone" he said in awe. Pikachu looked at it in excitement.

"Pika pi! Pikachu!" it cried out and tried to touch the thunderstone. Sonic pulled it away.

"No Pikachu! Not yet!"


"If you evolve you won't learn any other move. We need you to learn thunderbolt first".

"Pika pi!"

"Look just patience ok? We're close".

Pikachu looked grumpy as it climbed back on Sonic's head and they exited the cave returning Valerie her bag. They then returned to the beach where Sonic cooked the same curry he did in Cerulean City and afterwards they continued their training. During their training Sonic had to stop Pikachu from sneaking over to his backpack to get the thunderstone a total of five times.

"Pikachu this is getting out of hand!" he said losing his cool after a while "you need to learn thunderbolt first!"

"Pika pi!" it cried out in anger.

"I said no! You will evolve when ready not earlier!"

"Pikaaa! Pikachuuuu!" it cried out as it used thundershock zapping Sonic who fell back in surprise as Wartortle and Kadabra rushed to defuse the situation.

"Alright that's it" he said disappointed at Pikachu who looked conflicted, partially regretting blasting its trainer and partially thinking its desire was within its grasp.

"You need some time off" Sonic said pressing the button on Pikachu's pokeball forcibly recalling it. Wartortle and Kadabra looked at him in question.

"Rest for the day ok?" he told them as he laid on the sand and watched the sunset, trying to calm down.

Five minutes later he sensed his phone vibrating. It was Tails facetiming him.

"Hey Sonic! Where are you right now?!"

"On a beach close to Vermillion city. Why?"

"Seriously? Awesome! I'm visiting a cousin of mine in two days who lives there and wondered where you are! What do you say I come early?"

"That would be great" Sonic said smiling "hey is it possible you can bring a voltmeter along?"

"Easy but why you asking?"

"I need your help with something again if that's ok".

"Anytime. I'll be there first thing in the morning".

"Haha. I didn't know you meant this early" Sonic joked as Tails hang up.

The rest of the evening was tense for the team as Pikachu who eventually came out to have dinner, was grumpy and even once again tried to sneak to the thunder stone, causing Sonic to put it in his pocket for safekeeping. After dinner they all went to sleep as Pikachu sat close to the seawater and looked at the stars, observed by Sonic.

"Just a little more buddy" he thought "please understand" he hoped as he closed his eyes, the thunder stone still inside his pocket out of pikachu's reach.

Sonic had a weird dream that night. He saw Pikachu in a field chasing the thunderstone around. Suddenly both it and the thunderstone were engulfed in giant bolts of electricity. Sonic tried to rush to save it but was knocked back and then suddenly splashed by water both in the dream and in real life.

"Gotcha!" a familiar voice was heard.

"Damn" Sonic said smiling despite being wet top to bottom "hell of a way to make an entry Tails".

After getting out of the wet sleeping bag the two friends sat in the sand so Sonic could dry as he didn't have a change of clothes and thought he would ask his mother to send him some with Jet when he got a chance to visit.

"You've been busy" Tails said seeing Sonic's 3 pokemon playing.

"That's true" Sonic said smiling.

"Are you um.. still thinking of Amy?"

"Every day. It's not easy to let go. Maybe it's not even possible. Currently I am focusing on this journey. Hopefully this will lessen the impact of her words on me later on".

"Only so much you can do" Tails commented "by the way what did you need a voltmeter for?"

"You brought it?"


"Good. Let's get started" Sonic said getting back up.

They approached the 3 pokemon and Sonic let Tails get close to them so that they would be acclimated to his presence. After a bit of bonding Sonic asked Tails to stick the voltmeter's cord edges on Pikachu's cheeks so that they could see the voltage it released, Sonic's theory being it would learn thunderbolt if it could increase its voltage output.

"Ok. I'm ready" Tails said.

"Thunder shock" Sonic told Pikachu.

Pikachu used its move as Tails checked the voltmeter.

"25.000 volts. Honesty that's quite high for a Pikachu. Usually it's around 10.000 volts with that move".

"Maybe but thunderbolt creates 100.000 volts" Sonic commented "so we need to increase its power output 4 times somehow".

"Hm… you said that kid's Jolteon blasted Pikachu and empowered it right? Maybe if we find another pokemon to replicate this it could increase it".

"That was a one-time thing" Sonic said thinking "we need something more permanent. A more stable source of electricity".

Tails rubbed his chin for a few seconds before getting a mischievous smile.

"I have an idea".

"Uh oh".


"Every time you get that face your idea is crazy and we get into trouble".

"I won't deny that but those ideas usually work. So I didn't tell you this but my cousin is working at the local power plant".

"No. No. No. No. You're not thinking what I'm thinking".

"Yes I am".

"Breaking and entering into the power plant? You know that could get us arrested right?"

"I know. But it's either that or we go looking for the legendary bird of thunder, Zapdos. Take your pick".

Sonic weighed their options as Tails was looking something up in his phone.

"Power plant it is. But make sure they won't find us".

"Way ahead of you. Already downloaded the layout of the power plant. All I need now is to borrow my cousin's entry card for a while to replicate it so that he won't get in trouble" he explained getting up.

"I'll go meet up with him and swipe the card for a while. Meet you later for lunch? My treat".


Tails left and Sonic and his pokemon returned to training, Pikachu having overheard everything deciding to be patient for one more day.

They later met with Tails who revealed the replicated entry swipecard.

"We need to go there tonight. The card is one use and untraceable only if used before the original. My cousin's vacation time is ending tomorrow so it's our only chance".

"Got it".

"I'll tell you the plan when we get there. Now can I see the two badges?"

The rest of the evening went by pretty smoothly with the two friends actually catching up while the pokemon ate. In the afternoon Sonic returned to his beach base and Tails to his cousin's house telling Sonic to be at the power plant at 10pm sharp. Sonic and his pokemon immediately got back to training so that they could pass the time not knowing they were being watched from above by 2 large birds.

Chapter 11: Test of growth


A daring invasion into a power station to help Pikachu learn thunderbolt will have dire consequences for both trainer and pokemon as well as a confrontation with a far superior opponent in the end. And from that battle something truly unique will blossom.

Chapter Text

Night was falling fast in Vermillion city as people and pokemon walked the streets. Everything looked perfectly normal. So normal that no one noticed 2 shadowy figures walking outside of the city in the darkness heading for the power plant separately.

Sonic with Pikachu on his shoulder walked stealthily through the woods careful not to be seen despite no one being around. Once the fence of the power plant was in view he noticed his friend waiting there with his hood on.

"Finally" Tails joked.

"Are we ready?" Sonic asked him.

"Only one way to find out" Tails said as he took out the copy card and scanned it. The lock accepted the card and was opened.

"Are you sure your cousin won't be under suspicion?"

"They won't be able to trace the card to anyone. So they won't be able to blame anyone. Most likely they will just hire a security guard or something" Tails said.

"Put this on" Sonic said giving him a face cloth "just in case".

"Ok but you're being paranoid you know that?" Tails complained putting it on "there's no one here but us. Why would anyone go to a power plant in the middle of the night?"

The two friends made their way to the central building intending to find the main generator and connect Pikachu to it so it could absorb some of the electricity and hopefully grow in power. Using the key card again they silently opened the door.

"See? Easy peasy" Tails gloated.

They started walking silently through the dark corridors heading for the main reactor room. While turning on a narrow corridor with what seemed like a storage room, they saw the light of a flashlight waving up and down at the other end.

"A guard!" Sonic whispered in panic.

"How? They shouldn't have guards!" Tails whispered in silence as well.

They turned to leave but saw another flashlight light shining on the other end of the hall.

"Damn! We're trapped!" Tails whispered in terror.

Sonic however already had an idea.

"Not yet!" he whispered grabbing Tails and dragging him to the storage room.

They silently opened the door but cleaning equipment came out crashing on the floor. Panicking they looked inside but it was too narrow for them to fit in there.

"Now what?" Tails asked Sonic.

The 2 guards turned the hallway and saw each other's flashlight in the distance as well as the mess on the floor. They slowly approached and looked at it and then inside the storage room.

"The cleaner was too bored to store them properly again" one of them said in disappointment.

"No way I'm cleaning them up this time" the second one said "let's just report to the boss tomorrow and have him reprimanded".

"Boss will just say that it was our job since it's our shift".

"Argh. Fine. Let's finish the round and come back later".

The two passed by each other and left the hallway. Sonic and Tails who were floating in the air thanks to Kadabra's psychic powers were slowly placed on the floor, while Kadabra who was hiding behind the door in the storage room came out floating and was recalled.

"Quick thinking" Tails said taking silent deep breaths to shake the adrenaline off.

"Ready to admit this was a bad idea?" Sonic asked.

"A bad one no. But it was crazy" Tails admitted "anyway let's go. We're almost there".

They continued and found the door to the main generator room which Tails opened with the key card. The room was huge and the generator massive.

"Hm… I'll need a while to set everything up" he said taking out equipment from his backpack while Sonic went to the door to keep guard.

10 minutes went by incredibly nervously for the duo as Tails worked as hard as possible while Sonic prayed they wouldn't check the room. Eventually he heard Tails' victorious silent screech.

"Everything's set!" he whispered in excitement "let's do it".

Sonic nodded and sent out Pikachu whom he had recalled earlier as to make Kadabra's job of lifting them easier. Tails got to work connecting the ends of the cords to Pikachu's cheeks and then went back to his console.

"Alright. The voltmeter is connected to Pikachu's voltage. Once the current starts flowing through him he should start becoming empowered. If all goes well his thunder shock will release enough power to transform into thunderbolt" Tails explained.

"Ready Pikachu?" Sonic asked it.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cried out excited in the prospect of learning a powerful move and finally evolving.

"All right. Connecting the circuit… now!" Tails said.

The reactor started roaring.

"Don't worry" he screamed at Sonic over the sound of the reactor "the room is soundproof! They won't hear a thing!"

The power started flowing through the cords entering Pikachu's body and leaving the same way form the other side.

"Pikachu thunder shock!"

Pikachu fired one thunder shock for test purposes.

"40.000 volts! It's working! Let's give it some more juice!" he said cranking the switch up sending more current through Pikachu which started glowing.

"Are you sure this won't hurt Pikachu?!" Sonic asked over the sound of the reactor.

"Positive! Fire again!"

"Thunder shock!"

Thunder shock was discharged once again.

"70.000! We're almost there!" Tails screamed cranking up the juice even more.

Pikachu however finally running out of patience started firing thunder shocks over and over, some of them hitting the generator.

"80.000! 82! 88!"

Uh Tails?!"

"Almost there! 93! 95! 97!"

"Tails! The generator!"

Tails reacted a second too late. The thunder shocks from Pikachu had weakened the generator's wall. The explosion occurred the moment Tails' finger was pressing the button to stop the current. Debris was sent all over the room. Sonic dived to grab Pikachu and shield it with his body as Tails also took cover. Once the dust settled they saw the result of their actions.

"Oh no!" Tails screamed accidentally as he got used to it over the roaring of the reactor.

The next moment the lights coming from the city entering from the ceiling windows as well as a window on the side of the room disappeared.

"No, no, no, no!" Sonic muttered as he run to that window.

"Damnit!" he screamed "we caused a blackout!"

"What? This shouldn't happen! This facility has a backup generator why isn't it on?!"

Suddenly the duo saw flashlight lights flickering from the main door's windows. Thinking fast, Sonic recalled Pikachu and grabbed a piece of debris and broke the side window as he and Tails jumped out and made a run for it.

To their luck all the guards –"they shouldn't have guards huh?" Sonic said to Tails as they run away while seeing them abandoning their posts and enter the power plant. The outside door was unlocked due to the luck of electricity. They got out and run into the woods as fast as they could not stopping even when they started running out of breath.

Eventually they got out of the woods and onto a hill with view of the darkened city. Dropping on the grass they both coughed trying to catch their breath. After finally breathing normally they laid on the grass with Pikachu coming out of its pokeball on its own and seeing the darkened city in curiosity.

"Go ahead" Tails said in disappointment "say that my idea was crazy".

"Your idea was crazy" Sonic said "but it was working. What were you thinking Pikachu?!" he snapped yelling at his pokemon.

"Pika pika! Pikachu!" it cried back at him.

"This is your fault for not letting me evolve!" a voice came out of Tails' voltmeter.

"What the..?!" Sonic and Tails said at the same time.

"Did Pikachu's voice come out of the voltmeter?" Sonic asked him confused.

"I think so" Tails said rubbing his chin "we're talking about a living creature here. A creature with electricity in its very DNA. Maybe it can communicate through the voltage readings. As to how it becomes a voice I do not know. But hey maybe you two can finally talk things out" he concluded.

Sonic was dumbfounded but wasted no time.

"What were you thinking? We were so close to finally having you learn thunderbolt!"

"I don't care about thunderbolt!" the voice came out of the voltmeter as Pikachu kept crying out its name "I want to evolve! I joined you because you said you understood me!"

"I do understand you! But we promised to take it one step at a time!"

"Yes to wherever the path leads us! And it lead us to the thunderstone! And you won't let me use it!"

"Don't you understand?! This is bigger than just evolving! You saw what that Nidoking did to our friends! Next time maybe we won't be so lucky!"

Pikachu was looking at him in rage.

"I hate you!"

Sonic's eyes widened in shock. He looked down in sadness, not seeing Pikachu in shock as well after realizing what it said.

"Maybe this was a mistake" Sonic murmured "maybe you joining me was a mistake"

"No. I'm sorry I didn't mean that".

"You did" Sonic said taking out Pikachu's pokeball intending to forcibly recall it.


Before Sonic could press the button though a large lightning bolt landed between him and Pikachu as something bright and yellow lighted the night. Looking up they saw none other than…

"ZAPDOS!" Tails screamed in terror.

Zapdos let out a cry and unleashed another lightning bolt aimed at Sonic. He dived to dodge sending out Kadabra to fight back.


Kadabra unleashed the psybeam but Zapdos dodged and flew closer fast as its peck shined white. Kadabra reacted before it could think creating a defensive barrier that blocked the move.

"It tried to use drill peck!" Tails said identifying the move.

"And Kadabra learned and used reflect!" Sonic said in awe.

Zapdos however continued on undeterred creating rocks out of nowhere and throwing them at the reflect breaking it and knocking out Kadabra.

"That was ancient power!" Tails said in shock "this Zapdos is too strong! We need to run!"

They attempted to run for the woods but Zapdos blocked their escape by firing another lightning bolt almost causing a fire. They were really boxed in.

"We can't risk entering the forest! A lightning bolt can easily start a fire!" Sonic said.

"Then what do we do?!" Tails asked him as Zapdos prepared another attack.

"Wartortle!" Sonic yelled as he called it out "rock tomb!"

Rock tomb connected before Zapdos could finish its attack knocking it down.

"Pikachu get out of here!" Sonic said over his shoulder to Pikachu.

Pikachu was just frozen there. Its conflicted feelings kept it from firing thunder shock to help.

Zapdos soared back up without a scratch and fired a massive lightning bolt at Wartortle knocking it back towards Sonic. It landed on top of him causing the thunder stone to roll out of his backpack and on the grass. Pikachu saw it raced for it. Zapdos used ancient power again not aimed at Sonic but at Pikachu. Pikachu dodged the attack with ease using quick attack and dived for the thunder stone.

But it was too slow.

One of the boulders fired by ancient power landed on the thunder stone and rolled away leaving behind only shards.

"Noooo!" the voice came out of the voltmeter as Pikachu cried out into the night in despair.

Zapdos observed this for a moment then got ready to launch another thunderbolt. Sonic realizing he was about to relive his dream in real life dived in front of Pikachu.

"Sonic no!" Tails screamed knowing that he wouldn't survive it.

The thunderbolt was discharged and struck Sonic head on who screamed and writhed on the ground in pain. Pikachu saw it occur with its paws on the thunder stone shards.

"Pika pi!" it cried out into the night as Tails also heard the voltmeter "not my friend!"

Pikachu used thunder shock at Zapdos who barely didn't flinch. To Tails's shock who picked up the voltmeter he saw at the screen the reading of 50000 volts in that attack. Pikachu fired thunder shock again this time causing Zapdos to stop its attack on Sonic and turn back to it. The reading this time showed 77525 volts.

"What the….?" Tails said confused as Pikachu fired a more powerful electric attack surpassing the 100000 volt mark and rising, resulting in the voltmeter breaking. Sonic who was slightly twitching from the attack saw it and painfully took out his pokedex and recorded the attack as it was fired again.

"Last move…?" He asked weakly.

"Last recorded move…. Thunderbolt".

"You did it" Sonic whispered proud.

Pikachu who had realized what happened looked in confidence at Zapdos and cried out its name again.

"Pika pi! Pikachu! Rai!" it cried out as the stone shards were absorbed into its body which started glowing causing both Sonic and Tails' eyes to widen.

They witnessed the spectacle as the ears' shape changed, the tail grew longer its body became larger. And in a moment's notice the glowing stopped.

"Raaaiiiii!" the cry echoed into the night.

"No way" Tails said "it evolved… with a broken stone!"

"Raichu" Sonic whispered as a tear left his eye.

Raichu fired a thunderbolt at Zapdos. It fired back. The thunderbolts collided and miraculously Raichu's thunderbolt broke throught damaging Zadpos. The two electric types stared at each other and, with Sonic and Tails observing wondering, exchanged small electric surges as if they were communicating. Zapdos then cried out one last time and flew towards the power plant where it fired a thunderbolt into one of the rooms causing the lights at the power plant as well as the city to be restored.

"Woah. The backup generator must have not been running. Zapdos actually powered it up for everyone. And I think Pika – I mean Raichu asked that of it".

Sonic looked at his pokemon in pride.

"Good job buddy" he whispered as his eyes closed.

When he opened his eyes he was in an apartment room lying on a bed. On his side was Raichu sleeping peacefully.

Tails came in right after.

"Oh finally you're awake. I was so worried".

"Where… where are we?"

"My cousin's place. He will be staying at his girlfriend's for today so we're good. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a train running at the speed of a plane in flight" Sonic said half joking half serious.

"How is this possible?" Tails asked rhetorically "you got struck by a thunderbolt from a legendary pokemon of lightning and survived just with feeling like that?"

"Maybe I got lucky and the current didn't go through my heart" Sonic guessed.

"Doubt it. But anyway. We should stay low for today so you can heal and the whole ordeal with the plan be forgotten".

"I agree" Sonic said in pain "hey um… did you happen to buy another voltmeter since yours broke?"

"You want me to test Raichu's power so you can break this one too?"

"I mean…"

"Relax I'm kidding. This one is better that the last one. Honestly I think I will have the time of my life here. The amount of electricity that can run through the electrical devices here is out of the charts. Anyway give me a moment" he said going to bring the voltmeter as Sonic got up.

"Hey Raichu?" he began speaking "do you forgive me for saying our encounter was a mistake?"

"Rai" it cried out in happiness as it rubbed its face on Sonic's leg accidentally zapping him again.

"Ouch. Wow that is some power" he said joking.

After Tails prepared Raichu it instructed it to strike at an electrically insulated screwdriver he also bought so that the power could be tested safely. Raichu fired the thunderbolt. A huge number appeared on the screen of the voltmeter.

"200000 VOLTS?!" Tails yelled in shock.

"Is that high?!" Sonic asked him.

"Ask your pokedex" Tails replied before falling back on an armchair in shock.

Sonic intrigued took out his pokedex and took a photo of Raichu,

"Raichu, the electric mouse pokemon. Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. Raichu's tail is used as a ground to protect it from its own high voltage power. Raichu can store more than 100000 volts of electricity in its body".

"Wait" Sonic said in realization "so… if the dex says this… and the meter's reading is accurate…"

"Your Raichu is twice as strong as most others of its kind" Tails completed his phrase "it was strong enough to rival Zapdos!"

"Woah" Sonic said looking at Raichu in awe again "how can this be?" he asked Tails.

"I don't know. But it must be something about you two. Striking a ground type with electric moves and harming them, surviving a thunderbolt from Zapdos, Raichu being twice as strong… something about you two makes you a unique duo".

Sonic contemplated this thought.

"It really was destiny we met Raichu" he said kneeling down to meet it in the eyes "I'm sure of it now. Our common path is just beginning. Would you walk it with me… partner?"

Raichu hugged Sonic in joyful tears as Tails looked on.

"Yes buddy" Sonic thought "this is only the start of our adventures".

Chapter 12: Spoils of growth


Confidence is at an all time high for Sonic and his pokemon, much of it owed to Sonic partner Pikachu, now a Raichu. But as the two friends prepare to split for now, Tails sees something else rising in Sonic; arrogance.

Chapter Text

Sonic and his pokemon were training at the beach as hard as they could. The time to continue their journey was upon them.

Wartortle had now mastered water pulse while it had started working together with Kadabra to make a shield and sword duo with each acting as either the shield or the sword depending on the circumstances. As for Raichu, now that it had evolved it had become much more patient and willing to try. Its speed was off the charts and the amount of electricity it released with every thunderbolt was unbelievably strong. And to Sonic's surprise, Tails' cousin whom he had hung out with twice in the days they took to rest after their adventure at the power plant and get back in shape, was also a trainer specializing in steel types. Him and Sonic had a battle which Sonic won with ease, though discovering Raichu had lost the ability to strike ground types. Tails theorized that this unique ability was a result of their bond and had now taken the form of Raichu's greater power compared to others of its kind. After his defeat, Tails' cousin offered to teach Raichu how to use iron tail to which Sonic immediately agreed. After all they would now need to reinvent themselves for when they encountered team Rocket again.

And the results were finally starting to show. Raichu had become faster and stronger than it could ever become as a Pikachu in Sonic's eyes. Iron tail would prove very useful if used consecutively while moving fast with a move like quick attack.

"Amazing work team" Sonic said as they wrapped up their training "nothing will stop us tomorrow".

They returned to Tails' cousin's home who had offered to let them stay while he stayed at his girlfriend's until Sonic would continue his journey and Tails would return to their hometown. Sonic entered the house followed by Raichu just as Tails was about to watch a movie with some chips.

"Oh there you are. How'd the training go?"

"We're ready" Sonic declared confidently "the gym leader won't know what hit them".

"You seem more than ready" Tails agreed as Sonic and Raichu joined him watching the movie.

"So what comes after defeating this gym leader?" Tails asked him while chewing a chip.

"Well" Sonic said reaching for his map "the 4th gym, in the row I'm supposed to battle them at least, is in Celadon City. Problem is, it's west of Saffron City. I don't know how safe it would be to go through Saffron city now. Team Rocket will be on high alert for me or Mike. Wonder how he's doing" he said to himself.

"Hm…" Tails said as he browsed through his phone "there is another way to Celadon but it's a long way. You see while the city was being developed long ago, wild pokemon would attack the travelers on all corners of the city for their homes had been taken to develop the city. So the people built tunnels under the city to get to or from it as well as to either lavender town at the east of Saffron or Celadon at the west. Same goes for north and south with Cerulean City and Vermillion City respectively. The parts of the tunnels that connect them to Saffron became inaccessible after an earthquake so I doubt team Rocket would be in control of them. Furthermore there is a slight issue. The tunnels don't cross. So to get to Celadon safely you will need to go to Lavender town first and go west from there through the tunnel and reach Celadon".

"I see. Well at least it's a simple walk to Lavender town. East of Vermillion then once I reach the seaside go north. How hard could it be? Anyway let's watch the movie now" Sonic said putting the chips in the middle so they could all eat. Raichu tasted one and spit it out in disgust due to the salt.

"Yeah sorry buddy should have warned you they're salty" Sonic said laughing.

"Rai" Raichu let out a cry of disgust and rolled over to rest.

The next day Sonic, Raichu and the rest of their team woke up very early, eager to go to the gym. After they had breakfast with Tails, he informed them he would come to watch their battle and bid them goodbye as he had to leave in the afternoon. Sonic felt sad at their separating as despite having a blast already on this journey missed him and Knuckles. However it was what it was.

They made their way to the gym. Sonic entered and came face to face with the gym leader.

"Well, well. Are you a challenger?" he said. Sonic thought he looked familiar.

"Are you the gym leader?"

"Yes. I'm lt surge".

"Wait really? I saw you battle the other day with someone you called Visquez".

"Ah yes the kid that walked past us. I noticed you. Finally ready to challenge me?"

"Yes I am!" Sonic declared.

"Very well. We use one pokemon each! Go Raichu!"

Raichu came out of its pokeball looking ready for battle.

"Yes" Sonic said smiling "I remember this Raichu. You used it to beat that voltorb. Very well! Come on out partner!"

Sonic's Raichu came out of its pokeball as well and stared down the other pokemon of its kind. The two stood opposite each other crying out their names, eager to attack.

"A mirror match huh? Well then. The lesson begins now!"

"Yeah" Sonic smiled in confidence "your lesson" he thought.

"Raichu mega kick!"

Surge's raichu jumped towards Sonic's raichu preparing a devastating kick.

"Quick attack" Sonic said calmly smiling.

Raichu disappeared in a blur as started running around the field to the confusion of Surge's raichu.

"Wha… how is it so fast?"

"Iron tail back to back!"

Sonic's raichu run towards Surge's raichu and used its move lowering its defense despite the low effectiveness. It then kept using quick attack and repeated the process with Surge's raichu being unable to react fast enough.

"How is this possible?"

"What's wrong surge?" Sonic said confidently and to Tails' surprise in an almost mocking way "did you evolve your raichu too fast?"

"Raichu shut that fool down! Thunderbolt!"

Surge's raichu unleashed the thunderbolt causing Sonic's Raichu to stop in its tracks as it was struck by the move. However to both surge and his raichu's shock it remained undeterred.

"Raichu!" Sonic said deciding playtime was over "show them what a real thunderbolt is!"

Raichu unleashed its full power on surge's raichu which was a stranger to being on the back pedal. That combined with Sonic's raichu's higher voltage sent surge's raichu flying out of the arena and crashing into the wall, getting knocked out in the process. Surge was at a loss for words.

"YEAH!" Sonic screamed in joy "who's the best? We're the best!"

"Rai!" Raichu cried out in symphony with its trainer.

Surge recalled Raichu and approached his opponents.

"I have lost. Congratulations. The thunder badge is yours".

"Thanks" Sonic said with a huge smile on his face.

"How did your Raichu get so strong?" Surge asked him.

Sonic and Raichu looked at its other and smiled.

"Our bond is strong".

"A riddle huh? As you wish. I don't fear tests. Good luck on your challenge" Surge said as Sonic, raichu and Tails walked out of the gym.

"Ha. A riddle. Can you believe that guy?" Sonic said "he thinks I was being cryptic".

"I mean… that is all anyone would assume" Tails said not as joyful as his friend.

"Something wrong pal?"

"No. It's just…"

"Hey cheer up. Everything's going perfectly!" Sonic said without letting Tails finish his phrase.

While taking a walk through the city before splitting up for Tails to go to the airport and Sonic to go east, they came across a guy wearing a purple shirt, spiky brown hair and girls following him around. He radiated with a sense of arrogance.

"Wow" Sonic said barely holding a laugh "look at this guy. All high and mighty".

"Not the only one" Tails murmured.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing. Was just making a note to self, Sonic".

"Sonic?" the boy that walked past them said loudly turning around.

"You're the one my grandpa was talking to the day I got my first pokemon".

Sonic looked at him confused for a moment before remembering a talk he had with professor Oak the day after he had caught abra.

"You're Gary right?"

"Yes I am. The one and only. Future best trainer in the whole world".

Sonic was disgusted by his overconfidence thinking of his enemy back home. He managed to stay calm and smiling.

"I see. Well nice meeting you. See you around" Sonic said to Tails' surprise and turned to leave.

"Hey don't turn your back on me!"

"I'm not turning my back on anyone. We were just hanging out me and I stopped because you called out to me" Sonic answered calmly angering Gary.

"Heh, You're not fooling me. You're a trainer as well. You're afraid of battling with me".

"Me? Afraid of you? Please" Sonic answered back causing Gary's fans to gasp.

"All right spikehead! You have it coming now! Go growlithe!"

Growlithe emerged from Gary's pokeball and roared a small cry.

"Oh how cute. My turn. Go Wartortle!"

Wartortle emerged and stood opposite growlithe.

"Growlithe use bite!"

Growlithe jumped towards Wartortle.

"Wait" Sonic said apparently to himself "wait… now! Water pulse!"

Wartortle's move launched right before growlithe's fangs sank into Wartortle's skin. It was blasted back and knocked out.

"Had enough?" Sonic asked in a now mocking tone.

"Why you! Go eevee!"

"Fine by me. Rock tomb!"

"Eevee! Use swift!"

Eevee released a barrage of stars that countered the rock tomb.

"Now quick attack!"

Eevee dashed at Wartortle and headbutted it causing minimal damage.

"Predictable" Sonic said "bite!"

Wartortle bit eevee and caused it to cry out in pain before throwing it back at Gary's side knocked out as well.

"Last chance to spare yourself" Sonic taunted Gary.

"Grrr. You're pay for this! Eye for an eye! Go wartortle!"

Sonic, who was at first amused by Gary's overconfidence now had started getting bored.

"Wartortle return" he said returning it "go Raichu!"

"A raichu?! You coward! Bring that Wartortle back out and fight like a man!"

"I'm no coward. I'm simply saving my time".

"Saving your time?"

"Yeah. Cause you're a waste of it".

Tails gasped along with Gary's fans this time.

"What's gotten into him?" he wondered silently but already knew the answer.

"I had enough of you!" Gary yelled angry "wartortle use water gun!"

Wartortle fired water at Raichu which dodged.

"Iron tail" Sonic ordered.

Raichu attacked but Wartortle retreated into its shell rolling to the side causing the attack to miss. Sonic, not expecting this was unable to react fast enough as Gary ordered Wartortle to bite Raichu. Raichu cried out in pain angering Sonic.

"Raichu! Playtime is over! Use thunderbolt! Blow that piece of trash OUT OF THE FIGHT!"

Raichu's electricity discharged sending Wartortle flying into Gary, resulting in his defeat and making him feel embarrassed. Sonic walked past raichu and slowly approached him. Gary who was looking at his Wartortle in shock looked at Sonic in anger.

"Next time, think twice before picking a fight" Sonic said calmly yet in a somewhat menacing tone. He then turned around and walked back to Tails as raichu followed.

"Am I the best or am I the best?" he asked Tails with his hands behind his head as if he was stretching.

Tails however didn't respond.

"You ok?"

"Sonic what's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look into my eyes and tell me you knew you were fighting a random kid you just met and not Shadow".

Sonic's eyes widened in anger.

"Why did you say that name?!" he asked in anger.

"Because you're becoming like him!"


"Yes you! You trash-talked Gary like there was no tomorrow!"

"He brought this on himself".

Tails almost averted his gaze from his friend.

"Look Sonic. I know you started this journey as a way to grow as a person. But you're growing for the wrong reasons".

Sonic didn't answer.

"Look I have to go soon, my flight will leave soon and the airport is not close. Please promise me you will try to restrain yourself. Don't take Amy's words to heart. You don't need to assert your dominance. Shadow will never be as great as you are, even in a hundred years. Amy will realize it one day too".

Sonic's eyes were filled with a spark Tails had seen before.

"You mean…"

"No Sonic. I'm not saying you should grab the opportunity then. Regardless of whether she understands how much you're really worth, you shouldn't go for her. At least not as long as she is the person she is".

Sonic remained silent.

"Do you promise Sonic?"

"I… I will.. I will try".

Tails knew he didn't mean it yet but forced a smile.

"Try your hardest ok?"

The two then walked around town for a while longer until finally it was time for Tails to leave. As the duo hugged Tails asked his friend not to forget his promise. Sonic again didn't convince him but Tails pretended not to notice. After the two bid goodbye, Sonic headed east towards the shoreline so he would then turn north towards lavender town. However after turning to the north he saw a small crowd blocking the way forward. As the path was becoming narrower, Sonic passed through them trying to get to the front. When he got to the front he finally saw what was causing the problem; a Snorlax had fallen asleep on the path blocking it. An officer turned to the crowd and used a megaphone to address them.

"The road will remain closed until we can safely remove the Snorlax. Please go back to town. This will could take a long time".

"Damnit" Sonic thought "now what?"

"Rai?" raichu looked at him.

After going back to open space behind the crowd Sonic took out the map to see if there was another way.

"Hm… there is another path through the mountains. But we will have to go back to Cerulean city and then east from there. And there is also a tunnel" he said thinking.


"I know. Not the best choice. But this Snorlax could take days to move. With the path being this narrow any wrong move could send it, the officers and anyone else close tumbling down into the ocean. Well not a lot to consider. Come on partner. Who knows. Maybe we will encounter that Moltres again".

"Rai rai!" Raichu cried out in excitement eager for a proper match with that bird.

After returning to Vermillion and buying resources for their journey they headed north and this time used the tunnel to go under Saffron city. After exiting the tunnel they reached Cerulean city and immediately headed east. As they approached the entry of the valley, they were oblivious to the sharp glare of something –was it a human or a pokemon? - watching them from afar.

Chapter 13: A peculiar pokemon


Finding a new and ridiculously rare pokemon for his team, Sonic struggles to realize what he is slowly turning into.

Chapter Text

Sonic and raichu were walking through the valley heading towards the rock tunnel at the end, both in high spirits.

They had encountered several trainers along the way defeating them all with ease. Several wild pokemon also blocked their path from time to time including a couple of onix but with an iron tail from raichu and a water pulse from wartortle they had fled in fear. Sonic felt powerful at the sight of the two gigantic rock snakes fleeing.

"Nothing can stop us" he thought to himself.

While walking through the valley he heard an explosion behind him far away. Turning in surprise he saw a hot air balloon in the shape of a meowth head fly fast towards the valley. Its side had been pierced and the hot air was leaving fast. The balloon crash landed in front of him and raichu blocking the path. Out of the wreckage rolled 3 familiar faces.

"That certainly was a strong blast off" a male voice was heard.

"You!" Sonic said in anger.

Jessie and James, who was holding an almost fainted meowth looked at the direction the voice came from and saw a very angry Sonic and his raichu next to him. Horrified they crouched back.

"Please don't!" Jessie said in fear.

"We're beaten already. Please, I can't take any more electricity today!" James begged Sonic.

"Yes please!" meowth also begged "that pikachu was too much already!"

Sonic contemplated making sure they would be out of commission for a while so they wouldn't try to steal more pokemon but sighed, deeming them not a real threat.

"Raichu. Thunderbolt"

"Nooooo!" Jessie and James screamed covering their faces.

Raichu discharged its thunderbolt sending it towards the sky. Team Rocket looked confused as Sonic walked past them calm. After a few steps Sonic heard sirens behind him as well as the 3 criminals panicking.

"Hopefully the police will contain them this time, if they catch them of course" he thought to himself.

Raichu looked up to him.


"Man" Sonic thought "that voltmeter was useful in understanding raichu. Unless the situation is obvious, it's going to take a long time before I start realizing what it means.

"Rai" raichu cried out again as it mimicked a pikachu's movements.

"Wait. Are you wondering about the Pikachu those 3 idiots mentioned?"

"Rai" raichu cried out shaking its head positively.

"Yes. Kind of reminds me of us a few days ago. Who knows. Maybe we will meet that Pikachu and its trainer on our journey" Sonic said.

After about another hour of walking they came across a river. Stopping to rest for a while, Sonic sent out Wartortle and Kadabra to rest as well as he laid on the grass and looked at the clouds. One of the clouds reminded him of Amy.

"No damnit. Stop thinking about her" he thought angry "Tails is right. Shadow will never be as awesome as me. When she sees it her heart will break. I'm sure of it" he said as he daydreamed of it.

He came out of his daydream hearing a wild pokemon cry. His pokemon also heard the cry. Sonic followed the river towards the cry. Hiding behind a rock, both him and his pokemon saw a blue colored pokemon drinking from the river.

"Woah is that a nidorina? That must be a powerful one. Wild evolved forms are usually strong" he thought as he recalled how he had lied to that doctor about encountering a wild charmeleon.

"Maybe I should catch it" he thought to himself taking out a pokeball and looking at his team.

"Ok guys here's the plan. I will try to catch it without battling first. There's a good chance it won't get caught. Kadabra, if it breaks out, I want you to confuse it so it won't flee and we won't have to chase it. Wartortle get in the water. If things go south, come out and begin the battle. Raichu with me if it comes to it. Am I clear?" Sonic asked them.

They all nodded positively. Sonic aimed at the pokemon and threw the ball striking it in the back and catching it by surprise. The ball wiggled 3 times. Sonic was about to order Kadabra to confuse the poison type pokemon so as to prevent it from realizing the pickle it was in. Instead however the ball stopped wiggling and the successful catch sound was heard.

"Huh that was easy" Sonic said smiling.

Him and raichu as well as wartortle and kadabra approached the pokeball. Sonic sent out the pokemon, intending on having his team approach it first to make it feel safe. The pokemon came out and looked at Sonic and his team in fear and took a defensive stance. As raichu and the 2 other pokemon started talking to it, Sonic couldn't help but notice something quirky about it.

"Huh. That's strange. I thought nidorina didn't have a horn. And… why is it on 4 legs? I'm pretty sure nidorinas prefer to sit on 2 legs most of the time" he said slowly rubbing his chin.

Nidorina having finished conversing with Sonic's pokemon slowly approached Sonic. Sonic knelt to meet its eyes. Nidorina looked at it and cried out its name.

"Nido. Nido. Nidorino".

Sonic's eyes widened in shock.

"Did it just cry out Nidorino?!"

He composed himself again and smiled as he pet the pokemon who continued staring at him despite resisting closing its eyes to the touch.

"Good to have you on my team little one" Sonic said calmly as he decided they would set camp next to the river for the night before heading to the tunnel.

After making a campfire and deciding to roast some marshmallows for the night, Sonic looked at his pokemon playing with their new friend. Sonic wanted to think they were playing with nidorino but decided to call his brother not only to catch up but also to tell him about this strange encounter. He took out his phone and facetimed.

"Good evening champion in the making" Jet joked.

"Hehe. Hey there bro" Sonic said.

"Tails arrived a few minutes ago. Run into him while jogging. He told me about your battle. And about your raichu. So sick I'm jealous" Jet said.

"Yeah I'm proud of it" Sonic answered "so um, I caught another pokemon earlier today"

"Yo! Slow down there" Jet joked "the tournament is still a long time from now".

"I know. But there is something strange about it".

"What do you mean?"

"Well I thought it was a nidorina. I mean I've seen it in pictures so I thought I identified it. But when I got close and personal with it… it cried out nidorino".

Sonic saw Jet's eyes widen in shock and a moment later the camera became blurry and then black as Jet dropped the phone. Picking it back up, Sonic was surprised to see his brother borderlining on a panic attack.

"Woah, woah. You ok?" Sonic asked.

"Do me… do me a favor" Jet said trying to be calm.

"Tell me".

"Scan it.. with your dex… it can't be…" he said to himself in the end.

Sonic still not understanding what the big deal was took out his dex and scanned his new pokemon as he took a bite from his marshmallow. The dex analyzed the pokemon and started speaking.

"Nidorino, the Poison Pin Pokémon. The evolved form of the male Nidoran. Its highly developed horn is extremely powerful".

A picture of nidorino was also shown on the pokedex's screen. Unlike Sonic's nidorino the picture showed a purple one. Sonic and Jet, through the phone call, saw it at the same time. Jet exclaimed in shock and tripped on the side of his bed falling to the ground causing Sonic to almost choke on his marshmallow.

"Dude you ok?" Sonic asked him now totally confused.

"Sonic!" he screamed in a combination of excitement, shock and disbelief "you found a shiny!"

"A what?"

"A shiny! A different colored version of a pokemon!"

"Different colored?" Sonic said intrigued.

"Yes! They're extremely rare! Analysts say the odds of actually encountering a shiny pokemon is 1 in 8192!"


"You possess one of the rarest nidorinos in the world!"

Sonic looked at his nidorino in awe.

"A shiny…"

"Yeah! Tell me you will raise it to a nidoking!"

"Of course I will. That's what I caught it for. And plus. It would be cool to give team rocket a taste of their own medicine. Nidoking's part ground. So their poison types will fall even easier".

The rest of the phone call was about the two brothers commenting on the rarity of the newly caught Nidorino as well as Sonic learning about shinies from Jet, being very intrigued by the concept. After about 2 hours, Jet hang up to go to bed as Sonic laid by the campfire while his pokemon curled and also fell asleep. Sonic looked at the blue nidorino still taking in how cool the idea of a shiny pokemon was.

The next morning after both Sonic and his team woke up he decided to test nidorino's strength and moves to see what he could learn to become an even more versatile pokemon. After a few rounds of moves Sonic witnessed his new shiny team member knowing poison sting, horn attack, double kick and leer. Though double kick would now give them an advantage over steel and ice types, the face that it didn't know any ground moves worried Sonic a bit but decided to remember his rule of one step at a time. After that they continued their way reaching the rock tunnel after a while.

"Hm…" Sonic said as he sat near the entrance of the tunnel "too dark. Not this time" he said as he took out a flashlight. Opening it to illuminate the path he proceeded forward.

The results of the flashlight were imminent. They started getting jumped by wild pokemon. Sonic deciding he didn't have the patience to battle them all one by one, sent out all of his pokemon and ordered them to cover him as they proceeded forward. Raichu took the lead, kadabra the rear, and nidorino and wartortle the sides. Sonic was pleased to see them repelling the wild pokemon so efficiently. Nidorino was also proving to be quite strong. Just like the pokedex explained, its horn attack was very strong.

After a lot of battles with wild pokemon and a couple of battles with lost trainers who Sonic was kind enough to allow them to follow him towards the exit, they all reached the end of the tunnel. The bright light once again blinded Sonic for a while. The trainers thanked him and went on their way. Sonic recalled his team apart from raichu and kept going for a while more finally reaching lavender town. He immediately got an feeling of uneasiness just by being in the town, especially by the big tower at the mountain foot. While sitting to get some lunch with his team with him getting a burger and his pokemon some pokemon food, he asked the waiter what that tower was.

"Oh that. Well… it's a pokemon graveyard. Trainers from all around the region come here to put their pokemon to rest. I hope you never have to visit" he said after bringing Sonic his burger.

Sonic regretted asking. He looked at the tower.

"I hope that too" he thought chewing.

After lunch, while heading to the west exit of the city, Sonic heard voices from a run-down building. Recalling raichu and approaching slowly, crouching at the same time to not be seen he saw 2 team Rocket grunts discussing.

"Are you sure this a good idea?"

"I don't know if it's a good idea all I know is that boss wants us to catch ghost type pokemon that live in the tower".

"What's with him desiring ghost types all of a sudden?"

"How exactly will we take over saffron city completely you moron? If team Rocket attempts it as we are there is a high chance the city gym leader will come to the city's aid. And you know she wields psychic types".

"Yeah. They are one major weakness".

"Exactly. Boss needs powerful ghost types to even the odds".

"But we still can't execute the plan. Not without the scope".

"Boss said he will examine it first. After he gives the ok, the silph co will mass produce them for us".

"I see. But how long will that take? I get the chills just by being here".

"As long as we need. Boss is multitasking right now. Overseeing the completion of the new base in Celadon city" –Sonic almost gasped hearing this but covered his mouth to stop himself – "and awaiting the prototype. Probably by the end of this week will have the ok".

"A week here?" the grunt complained. Sonic crouched away and run outside the town. He had heard everything he needed to hear. The hideout was in Celadon. He wished he had exchanged phone numbers with Mike to let him know.

"Best thing we can do is train and then invade the base. But I need nidorino to learn something good first".

Thinking quickly he called Tails.

"Hey Sonic" Tails answered without any color in his voice. He seemed distant.

"Hey Tails. Quick question. Does you cousin know of any pokemon move tutors in Celadon city?"

"You already there?" still no color in his voice.

"Not yet. But team Rocket has a base there. I'm planning to raid it but I will need the new addition to my team to learn a good move. More specifically a ground move" he said unveiling his new shiny nidorino.

"Fascinating" Tails said somewhat intrigued "I'll call my cousin to see if he knows anyone, after he is the one who lives there".

"Tails why are you this cold?"

"Have you considered my words?"

"Is that what this is about?"

"Did you?"

"Tails I'm telling you…"

"Did you?"

Sonic sighed.

"I did".


"Look I'm not like Shadow ok? I'm just becoming more confident that's all".

"Real confidence doesn't need flaunting Sonic. Neither does it require to show off. I hope you realize it soon. I'll call you back in a while" Tails said hanging up. Sonic clenched his fist in frustration.

"I'll show you" he thought as he sent raichu back out so they could go on their way to Celadon city.

Chapter 14: An immovable object


As Sonic's struggle with himself continues, a new test is placed before him by an old man named mr Fuji in exchange for tutoring for his pokemon.

Chapter Text

Sonic and raichu exited the tunnel passing underneath Saffron city and continued on their way, Celadon city now within their reach. Tails' words echoed in his head.

"Confidence doesn't need flaunting" Sonic thought "way to contradict yourself buddy".

They reached the top of the hill and as the path took a decline Celadon city appeared before their eyes. As the duo of partners made their way down, Sonic continued to fight with his rampant thoughts.

"If you can't show your awesomeness, how do you even show your confidence? Tails is wrong. He has to be. When I go home Amy will regret choosing Shadow. He will never be as awesome as me. We will train hard, crash team Rocket and just for fun take home the league tournament trophy" he thought to himself imagining returning to his hometown, winner of the tournament, Amy's face full of admiration and Shadow's face full of jealousy.

"They'll see. I'll show them".

While entering the town they received a message from Tails.

"Head to address at the end of this message. There you will find one mr Fuji. He was a pokemon researcher in the past. Nowdays he tutors pokemon and trainers. He doesn't do it for free. You will be tested".

At the end of the message was the address. Tails usually joked in his messages. Not in this one.

"I'll show you too. I'm nothing like Shadow" Sonic thought as he and raichu who had started to notice his trainer's bad attitude.

Reaching the address he rang the bell but no one answered the door. Walking to the back of the house he saw an old man giving food to pokemon in small dishes. Turning around he saw Sonic and smiled gently.

"Good evening young man. What can I help you with?"

"Are you mr Fuji?"

"That would be correct. Am I to assume your pokemon need tutoring?"


"Very well then. Send them out".

Sonic sent out kadabra, wartortle and his shiny nidorino which to his surprise sparkled when coming out of its ball. Mr fuji observed them and raichu.

"Yes. They seem happy with you… and strong for their time as partners to a trainer. This one seems distant" he said pointing at nidorino.

"Caught it yesterday" Sonic explained.

"I see. Do you need some specific tutoring?"

"I was wondering if there is a way to teach a ground move to nidorino".

"Hm… usually the nidoran species and their evolutions learn ground moves by observing pokemon who learn them naturally. Like rhydon. However only 3 ground moves have been recorded so far. Mud slap, dig and earthquake. Now unfortunately for you earthquake is a very powerful move. At this point even if your nidorino was to learn it, the attack wouldn't do much. So that leaves only mud slap and dig".

"I see" Sonic said in deep thought "well I'll need a moment to think about it. Is it possible in the meantime that kadabra can learn any move other than its typing?"

"It can learn a plethora of moves".

"Hm…" Sonic hummed thinking of possibilities. He recalled the discussion the rocket grunts had in lavender town and remembered the weakness of psychic types.

"How about a ghost move?"

"Yes. It can learn shadow ball".

"That's one good attack. So um… how does this work now? Do I pay you for it? or…?"

"I don't take money from trainers for this. But before I teach any moves to either of your pokemon you will need to pass a trial for each move you want to learn".

Sonic realized what Tails meant when he said he would be tested.

"What sort of trial?"

"That depends on the kind of moves you want your pokemon to learn. For example you want your nidorino to learn a ground move. I want you to…" he began saying until a girl run past Sonic and to mr Fuji holding a cubone in her hands.

"Reina you found him! Where did the little guy go this time?"

"He tried to get to Lavender mr Fuji. But he got lost and instead run into a snorlax blocking the road on the west of the city. Had I not calmed it and brought it back, the snorlax could have possibly woken up and attacked".

"I see" mr Fuji said in a serious tone "there is not point keeping him here any longer. Take him to my house in Lavender for the time being".

"But sir while he stayed there he was agitated".

"I know. I'll join you soon. In fact your timing of bringing the news about the snorlax is spot on" he said turning back to Sonic, whom Reina only then realized was there.

"Pardon me young man my manners have completely eluded me this whole time. This is Reina. She helps me in the pokemon shelter I have in Lavender town".

Sonic's green eyes turned to Reina who blushed.

"I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog".

"R-Reina" she said offering her slightly trembling hand to a handshake.

"Sonic, while I know I said you would need to pass one trial per move you wanted to learn I think I will give you a grand trial instead. Rid the road off snorlax and I will help tutor your pokemon to any moves you need now and anytime you need me to".

Sonic was caught off guard by this proposal. Free move tutoring for his pokemon? "Don't mind if I do" he thought.

"Consider it done sir" he said smiling and recalled his pokemon motioning raichu to follow him.

"Let's get this done quick" he said in excitement "new moves are calling for us!"

"Rai!" raichu cried out in excitement as well.

Just 20 steps outside of town Sonic saw it. The snorlax blocking the path. While it was not as bad as the snorlax from the seaside he had encountered the day before, it was still a problem. While people could walk around it through the trees, vehicles couldn't. Deciding to take action before the authorities came and woke it up themselves, he sent out kadabra.

"Alright kadabra. Confuse this chungus so he gets off the path! Confusion!"

Kadabra used its move but it had little effect on Snorlax.

"Hm… maybe you can't confuse it because it's sleeping? Ok then let's wake it up! Raichu blast it with thunderbolt!"

Raichu discharged but the electricity looked like it barely tickled the snorlax as it merely moved a bit probably cause of reflex reaction and continued sleeping. Sonic was dumbfounded.

"Ok. This could be a bigger problem than I expected" he said as he went to the foot of a tree and sat in the shade to think.

"Snorlax has great defenses. More specifically its special defense is sky high. Us being special attackers won't help much. Wait a minute not all of us!" he said remembering his new shiny catch.

"Nidorino come on out! Double kick!"

Nidorino kicked snorlax twice but it barely damaged it.

"Damnit of course. You're not very strong yet. Ok. Use poison sting. Maybe the poison will wake it up".

Nidorino used its move resulting in a big fat nothing as the fur was thick and no poison could be administered.

"Scratch that too" Sonic said hitting the ground in frustration "ok new plan. Kadabra lift nidorino above snorlax. Nidorino use double kick while falling. The impact will be greater if we add your weight to the total power of the move".

They executed the plan and Snorlax let out a small roar in its sleep, as Nidorino landed on its side.

"We're getting there" Sonic said smiling.

His smile was short lived however as Snorlax turned in its sleep to a face down position resulting in Nidorino being stuck underneath it. Raichu and Kadabra rushed to help it, pulling with all of raichu's strength and kadabra's growing psychic power, freeing it after a while as Sonic hit the ground again in frustration.

"Does nothing work on this thing?!"

An hour later having tried all the combos he could think, both him and his pokemon were lying on the ground almost ready to give up. Sonic was just lying there feeling defeated. His pokemon on the other hand were ready to faint. Snorlax had used sleep talk a couple of times and headbutted them roughly.

"We have tried everything and nothing works" Sonic said slowly while looking at the clouds as the sky began turning dark" what now?"

"You ok there?" a voice was heard.

Sonic lifted his head and saw Reina approach.

"Oh it's you. Reina right?" he said lying back down.

"Yeah. Everything ok?"

"Do we look ok? And worst of all I went and said consider it done".

Reina laughed. Sonic felt embarrassed not realizing Reina was not laughing because she found it funny but rather cute.

"Yeah yeah, go ahead laugh it up" he said "after what I said" he got up stretching as he had begun feeling numb from laying down for so long "I totally deserve it".

Reina laughed for a little bit more.

"Ok I'm sorry. It was a little funny though".

"How come you're here?"

"Well mr Fuji actually sent me to check on you".

"I see. Go ahead and tell him I failed. This thing will not budge".

Reina knew that was what she had to do but something told her not to do it just yet.

"How about you and your pokemon just take a break instead? I mean… mr Fuji never gave you a deadline".

"He didn't. But soon someone will contact the authorities and they will move the snorlax themselves".

"Oh no they won't. They've tried. It's been there for a few weeks".

"Woah what? This is serious trouble" Sonic said remembering the other Snorlax "there is another Snorlax blocking the way on the east coast. It's on a very narrow path. With Saffron city being kind of unsafe due to team Rocket, rock tunnel is the only actual way to get to this city… and it's not for vehicles".

"Yeah it's been like that for a while. How about you join me for dinner? You can try again tomorrow for the Snorlax. That way I can tell you also why the Snorlax has been there".


After recalling his pokemon and healing them in the pokemon center, Reina took Sonic to a local hot dog stand. She got a normal hot dog but Sonic asked for chilli sauce on his own – "hot dogs are nice but chilli dogs are a no brainer for me" he explained with a smile – sat down at a park bench to eat them.

"Isn't it hot?" she asked him.

"It is. But I like spicy" he said enjoying the familiar taste "so why hasn't anyone moved the Snorlax already? I was in Vermillion recently and attempted to travel to Lavender town by going north following the coastline but a Snorlax was blocking a narrow path so I had to find another way. The authorities were already there preventing people from proceeding".

"There have been sightings of strange activity in town lately. Some say it's connected to team Rocket. So the authorities are working tirelessly to find any lead to make sure it's not team Rocket and if it is, stop them before their plans reach completion".

"I see. Makes some sense actually. Snorlax can be quite dangerous. I doubt they would not make it their priority to move it if there wasn't something bigger in play. Come to think of it I didn't even try to catch it instead of forcibly moving it. Though it could prove to be more of a liability than an asset if all it does is sleep".

"You could try it tomorrow. You don't have to keep it if you don't want to. Speaking of which…what will your pokemon eat for the night?" Reina asked Sonic.

"I guess food from the market. I have some in my backpack".

Reina contemplated for a moment.

"Maybe um… they would prefer some home-made food for once?"

"Home-made?" Sonic asked in surprise.

"I mean… if you of course want to… you're their trainer… I'm just making a lot of homemade pokemon food with my mom for mr Fuji's shelter in Lavender town… just saying".

Sonic kept his face calm but on the inside he was racking his brain.

"Team Rocket is literally in town and she is just willing to open her house to a random stranger she met a few hours ago?" he wondered but in the end relented.

"If I'm no burden to you or your mother… I'd be honored".

"Great" Reina said as her face lit up "follow me".

Sonic couldn't comprehend why all that kindness and excitement but followed her regardless.

A few hours later after meeting Reina's parents, making himself comfortable and feeding his pokemon, he decided it was time to go to sleep. Lying in the guests room he kept contemplating how to move the Snorlax, whether trying to catch it would work and if he caught it what he'd do with it.

"Snorlax is indeed powerful" Sonic thought "but it sleeps a lot. Imagine sending it in battle and it just goes down cause it won't wake up. It does have the sleep talk move but it still didn't always work when we were attacking it".

His phone suddenly began ringing. Jolting up as to not wake Reina or her parents he grabbed it and accepted the facetime call before even reading the name on the screen.

"Hey Sonic".

"What the… Knuckles? Why are you calling so late? Is something wrong?"

"Does something have to be wrong to check on my friend?"

"Ok you make a fair point. I'm ok. Just resting".

"Spoke to Tails earlier".

"Are you gonna lecture me about my growing confidence too?"

He could tell Knuckles was caught off guard. Sonic usually was a calmer person.

"No. I'm happy your confidence is building up. Tails is too. But I think his concerns are not without good reason".

"You said this is not a lecture but it sounds like one".

"Ok ok I'm stopping. So how did it go with the tutor?"

Sonic hated how Knuckles had changed the subject like nothing had happened. He didn't like leaving jobs half finished. He sighed.

"Haven't gotten around to it yet. My payment for his services as a tutor is to move a Snorlax that is blocking the street outside of town. I have been trying all evening and it didn't budge. More than that it knocked almost everyone on my team out cold".

Knuckles listened to his friend rumble on about all he tried remaining calm. Sonic could also swear he heard typing from Knuckles' end of the line. After Sonic was done explaining all of his efforts, Knuckles started talking again.

"So this path didn't work. Try another one then".

"You serious?" Sonic said trying as hard as he could not to rage "I told you I tried so many combos already nothing worked".

"Yes. The path of battling didn't work. So try another path".

Sonic realized what Knuckles meant and relaxed but still remained confused.

"If battling is not the answer… what is?"

"This is where me and Tails come in".

"Knuckles no. This is my trial. The question was rhetorical".

At that moment Tails joined the facetime call.

"So now you won't accept help from us?" he asked.

"T-Tails?" Sonic said in confusion.

"I had joined the facetime for a while, just not activated my mic or my camera" he explained still cold. Sonic felt a bit saddened that Tails was still like it.

"Knuckles texted me the problem. While you were rumbling about what you tried and didn't work, I researched Snorlax. I found and downloaded this melody".

A message was received by Sonic on their chat screen.

"Do NOT play it right now. It's a pokeflute melody. I don't guarantee it will work but it's a pointer towards the right direction".

"You see pokeflutes are used to soothe pokemon's souls. And they also can awaken a sleeping pokemon like Snorlax. Play it close to Snorlax and it should wake up. Though as Tails said because it won't be a real pokeflute it may not work and you will have to find a real one".

Sonic was engulfed in a barrage of emotions. He felt grateful for his friends, stupid that he didn't get to find the answer on his own, weak, that he had to rely on his friends for that, excited at the prospect of his pokemon learning new moves and worried that mr Fuji wouldn't accept the completion of the trial because it wasn't the proper way all at the same time.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked them.

"Why else?" Knuckles said.

"Maybe because we're your friends and care about you?" Tails said, a bit of frustration towards Sonic in his voice which Sonic noticed. He felt that Tails being not cold but rather a bit of mad at him was better than being totally cold.

"We have to go. It's really late. Don't lose yourself in your growth Sonic" Knuckles said and both he and Tails hang up at the same time. Sonic wanted to call them back and ask them what they meant but decided it against it resorting to sleep, hoping it would calm the raging sea of emotions inside him. He looked at raichu sleeping peacefully next to the bed.

"Not lose myself in my growth" he repeated in his head as he remembered Amy's words.

"Shadow knows how to assert his dominance. And you? Anything but that. You really didn't know me if you thought I would like you".

"Myself was a loser" Sonic thought despite knowing his friends wouldn't approve of this thought "what would be so bad about losing him if it meant growing into something better?" he wondered as he let himself drift to sleep.

Chapter 15: Nemesis


Sonic discovers a team rocket base in Celadon city. Determined to stop them, he comes across the man destined to be his nemesis; the malicious team rocket boss Giovanni.

Chapter Text

Sonic woke up to the rays of the sun hitting his face. Blinking he looked around and remembered where he was and what had transpired last night. He checked his phone. The melody sent by Tails was still there, ready to be put to good use.

"Hopefully they're awake already" Sonic thought as he got up.

Checking his outfit he noticed it was washed, dried and ironed. Next to it was a message.

"I asked mom to make your outfit brand new. I'll be on the shelter in Lavender so if I don't see you good luck with the Snorlax. Wink".

"Wink?" Sonic thought confused "Nah. Either she's just being nice and I'm paranoid, or she just joking".

Walking downstairs he encountered Reina's mom who greeted him warmly. Refusing to let him go without treating him and his team to a good breakfast, Sonic agreed. After eating so much that he thought the Snorlax would think him to be one of its kind, Sonic thanked Reina's mom and headed back to the east exit of the town. Just as he expected, the Snorlax was still there.

"Hope this works" he murmured playing the melody in his phone. It worked better than he expected. The Snorlax unexpectedly woke up and started attacking him and raichu in a grumpy rage.

"Shit!" he thought as he dodged the headbutts causing Snorlax to knock berries of the trees "raichu iron tail!"

Raichu attacked exactly as Snorlax charged causing heavy damage to the Snorlax but also sending raichu flying and crashing into a tree. Snorlax waved its head around in pain and rushed off, each step causing a small rumbling on the ground. Sonic approached Raichu in fear it was injured. Thankfully it was nothing a visit to the pokemon center couldn't heal. As he turned to leave he saw several wild pokemon coming slowly out of the woods to feast on the berries. The happy faces brought a smile to his face.

After healing his pokemon at the local center he went to report his success to mr Fuji. His backyward was empty so Sonic decided to sent out his pokemon to train on their own as they waited. Mr Fuji arrived about 15 minutes later.

"Oh Sonic my boy. Am I to assume you have successfully freed the road from the snorlax?"

"Yes sir. Road's clear".

"From what I hear though you had outside help in achieving this" he said as his face turned serious.

Sonic did his best to remain calm but on the inside he was filled with shock and a bit of anger thinking Reina had heard of his chat with his friends and told mr Fuji.

"Though you did do what I asked, you used the melody of a pokeflute from your phone. What I was hoping you would do is to find out you needed a pokeflute to wake it up, then come borrow mine".

"I.. I didn't know you had one sir".

"But Reina did tell me" – Sonic was expecting to hear that she told mr Fuji his friends had helped him – "that you tried really hard with your pokemon. Your bond with them is obviously strong. You may have a lot to learn but I think you're worth my help".

"Thank you sir" Sonic said with a smile in the end, relieved he hadn't screwed his chance up.

"So what would you like your pokemon to learn?"

They spend the next few minutes with Sonic deciding what his pokemon would need for his upcoming mission in dealing with team Rocket, though he didn't reveal his plan to mr Fuji, and resulted in the following moves; raichu would learn brick break as Sonic thought its speed would put it in a unique position to land that move unexpectedly with devastating consequences, wartortle would learn ice beam which Sonic believed would be a good attack no one would expect, kadabra would be taught to use its psychic powers to launch the attack psychic early as mr Fuji deemed it strong enough to learn the move as it was a well as shadow ball for future use and last but not least Sonic decided his shiny nidorino would learn mud-slap which wasn't as strong as dig but Sonic knowing team Rocket would play by the rules didn't want to leave himself open to a direct attack from a pokemon until nidorino was done digging the tunnel and attack from below. While his pokemon were learning their moves, Sonic decided to walk around town for a while in an effort to locate the base of team Rocket.

After an hour of walking around he had only achieved in locating the 4th gym which he had told himself he would tackle after kicking team Rocket out of town. However apart from that there was no sign of unusual activity. Before returning to mr Fuji's house however Sonic remembered something he saw close to the city's game corner which in all actuality was a smaller scale casino with slot machines. Deciding to return there one more time before going to pick up his pokemon from their training, he climbed a pipe up to the top of the building opposite the game corner and waited. And as if on cue he saw a familiar woman come out of the game corner.

"Ariana!" he thought in terror "so this place is their base".

Rushing back to mr Fuji's house he found his pokemon having picked up their moves perfectly. Reina was also there. Sonic took back the pokeballs and recalled the pokemon, thanking mr Fuji. Before he could leave however Reina approached him.

"Hey wait. Why the rush?"

"I don't have time" Sonic said rather rudely but she insisted.

"Come on what is it?"

"The less you know the safer you'll be" Sonic warned her and attempted to rush to the game corner but finding his way blocked by Reina.

"What do you mean safer?"

"I told you I can't tell you Reina. Get out of my way".

"After literally opening my house to you it's the least you can do".

Sonic was about to relent but decided against it.

"Give me a couple of hours ok? I'll explain after. I promise" he said putting his hand on her shoulder causing her to blush. She nodded letting him go.

Sonic rushed to the game corner. Knowing that the entrance was inside he put on an improvised disguise of a hat wore reversely and sunglasses to pass of as a supposed cool guy. Walking inside he was deafened by the blasting music and discomforted by the low lighting. Walking through the slot machines he approached the bar and sat down asking for a drink. The bartender passing him off for an adult brought him a drink. Sonic pretended to drink as he let it sip to the floor knowing no one would see due to the lighting.

Looking around as best as he could through his sunglasses he noticed a staff door. Knowing he had to be sure, he took out an ice cube from his drink and after making sure no one was watching threw it at the staff door. No one noticed or heard but the result was the desired one; a staff member opened the door slightly to check what had hit it before being dragged back inside forcibly. Sonic noticed the staff member was wearing a hat with an R on it.

"Got you" he whispered in determination getting off his seat.

Approaching the staff door slowly he realized he needed a distraction first. Going up to the bar again he picked up his drink and threw it towards one of the men sitting in front of him. He then hid behind one of the nearby slot machines as the man turned around and thinking a second man sitting behind him had thrown the glass started arguing loudly with him. Sonic watched as the bartender took out a walkie talkie from his pocket and spoke to it. On cue the staff door opened and 3 men came out to stop the fight. Seizing the chance, Sonic dashed to the closing door and entered.

Following the flight of stairs he saw upon entering he took out raichu's pokeball ready to battle if need arose. And sure enough turning corner at the bottom of the stairs he crashed into a rocket grunt.

"INTRUDER!" he screamed as he sent out a zubat. Sonic immediately sent out raichu and ordered it to use thunderbolt as he rushed the grunt knocking him to the wall and out.

"I'd make a terrible ninja. Let's go raichu!" he said as he started running through the halls of the base, raichu running beside him.

The alarm echoed throughout the entire base. Sonic saw the red alarm lights go off as he looked at his back being chased by 2 grunts. Turning around he ordered raichu to blast the one as he sent kadabra out to deal with the 2nd one. Just like the previous grunt one sent out a zubat and the other an ekans. Raichu made quick work of the zubat while kadabra used its psychic power on ekans to throw it to the grunts, giving Sonic and the 2 pokemon the chance to rush off.

Turning to their right they saw a team of 5 sending out their pokemon at once. Minor pokemon like sandshrew, zubat, ekans, drowzee and a golbat. Sonic sent out wartortle and nidorino as well as they charged the grunts, raichu charging forward with its quick attack before landing a devastating iron tail on sandshrew, wartortle using its new ice beam to knock zubat out and freeze its grunt captor solid. Kadabra and nidorino on the other hand had combined their powers, nidorino firing multiple mud slaps as a smokescreen while kadabra used its psy-beam attack to strike them all at once knocking out ekans and drowzee but the golbat remained standing and used leech life on kadabra damaging it greatly. Raichu witnessed it and discharged a thunderbolt knocking it out. Sonic in the meantime had knocked out 2 of the 4 remaining grunts who to his surprise were not even bothering to attack him thinking the pokemon winning the battle would somehow cause him to surrender.

"And I thought if nidorino had dig they would attack me" he thought to himself as wartortle used rapid spin while being thrown by raichu with iron tail knocking out the 3rd grunt and knocking the 4th down. Sonic wasting no time, got on top of the last grunt and held him down.

"Where is your boss?!" he demanded.

"If I talk…"

"Let me guess. There will be consequences. Raichu get this gentleman to talk" Sonic said getting off of him as Raichu nailed its tail to the ground, the grunt's neck caught between it and the floor as raichu prepared to discharge its electricity.

"I'll… I'll never talk".

Sonic merely snapped his fingers. Raichu discharged its electricity causing the grunt to scream in pain as his comrades appeared on either side of the hallway.

"Kadabra use psybeam on the ones behind us! Wartortle, nidorino with me! Raichu keep it up until he talks".

The grunt begged for mercy while kadabra held the grunts behind them at bay. The grunts in front of them sent out and arbok and a koffing. The arbok glared at Sonic's 2 pokemon using its intimidate ability.

"Wartortle use ice beam on the koffing! Nidorino mud slap on the arbok!"

Koffing was knocked out. Though arbok was still standing the mud-slap covered its eyes blurring its vision.

"Nidorino leer! Wartortle bite!"

Nidorino using its leer move weakened the arbok's defense allowing wartortle to knock out the arbok. As the grunts fled in fear, Sonic turned back to the interrogation as the grunt's hair were now pointing upwards.

"Ready to spill it?"


"Fine then you're useless to me. Raichu finish him off".

The grunt was consumed by fear and relented.

"W-wait! Ok the boss is on the floor below".

"Any captured pokemon?" Sonic asked as kadabra approached hearing the question.


"Are you sure?" Sonic asked as raichu cried out in a threatening manner.

"Gulp. Ok, ok. At the end of this hallway. The keycard on my belt opens the door".

"Good. Let's go guys. Raichu brick break!"

Raichu smacked the grunt on the head knocking him out so as to not interfere. Rushing to the end of the hallway, Sonic used the keycard and opened the door, finding tens of cages with pokemon. Knowing he didn't have time to free them all, he once again had raichu fry the circuit to open the cages knowing there a high chance it would lock doors around the complex making their raid harder. As the pokemon fled, Sonic saw an Alakazam. Kadabra approached it and both hummed for a while before Kadabra lowered its head in sadness. As the Alakazam fled Sonic approached the kadabra.

"Hey buddy it's ok. We're still here with you. We will find her one day" Sonic comforted it as raichu rubbed its head on kadabra causing it to spur back into the fight with determination.

After all the pokemon had fled, Sonic and his pokemon battled their way to the lower level before finding a double door. Taking a deep breath he kicked the door open but there was no one inside. Cursing at his supposed lost chance to capture team Rocket's boss he turned to leave, before raichu grabbed his leg with its paw.

"What is it?" Sonic asked as raichu pointed at the end of the hallway at a half opened door.

"Sneaky bastard! He had an escape route!" Sonic said in anger as he recalled his pokemon except raichu and the duo rushed to the door and up the stairs. Reaching ground level again they exited through a door finding themselves on a helipad. Sonic saw a black haired man giving instructions to a woman as she was taking notes.

"Hey you!" he yelled getting the man's attention.

The man turned around and saw Sonic, his eyes widening momentarily. Smiling maliciously the next moment he turned to his secretary.

"Matori take off and return to the main base. I will take care of this nuisance".

As the chopper took off, Sonic and the boss started circling each other not talking.

"So… I finally get to meet you. The kid that screwed our storage in Saffron".

"Your base is finished. You should have fled on that chopped when you had the chance".

"Hahaha. You think you are a match for me, the great Giovanni?"

"I don't care who you are! You're going down!"

"Very well then! I will make you and your pokemon experience a world of pain!" he said as he sent out a persian.

"Go nidorino!" Sonic screamed sending out his nidorino which sparkled.

"My that's a nice pokemon. Maybe once I beat you I will add it to my team!"

"Shut up you monster! Nidorino mud slap!"

Nidorino threw mud at persian who dodged.

"Slash" Giovanni said calm and confident.

Persian slashed at nidorino at such great speed that Sonic only saw a white blur. Nidorino was sent flying to the wall behind him and knocked out. Persian growled in determination though poison bubbles started coming out of it.

"Fascinating. Your luck has given you a lifeline. Too bad that against me it won't suffice".

"Nidorino return! Wartortle go!"

Wartortle was sent out.

"Ice beam!"

"Pay day!"

Persian threw a copy of the coin on its forehead towards wartortle canceling out most of its ice beam, though a small part of it landed on Persian pushing it back a bit, The pay day attack however hit the spot as wartortle was knocked down but managed to get back up with a lot of effort.

"Fury swipes" Giovanni ordered unrelenting.

"Rapid spin!" Sonic shouted.

Wartortle span really fast, causing the attack to fizzle and slightly hurting Persian while the poison also took its toll on it.

"Slash!" Giovanni ordered a bit impatiently.

Persian slashed at Wartortle as it came out greatly injuring it and even scratching its face. Sonic watched in horror as Wartortle tried to get back up but fainted.

"So weak" Giovanni said maliciously.

Sonic gritted his teeth in anger.

"Kadabra! Lend me your power! Psychic!"

Kadabra emerged and lifted Persian off the ground damaging it in the process. To their great shock however Persian broke out of the psychic and slashed at kadabra knocking it out.

"How is this possible?!" Sonic said in horror.

"Such a novice" Giovanni laughed "your will is not as strong as mine! Strong enough will can overpower psychic! Now it's over!"

"Not yet! Raichu it's all up to you!" Sonic said looking at his partner.

"A mere raichu won't stop me!"

"Quick attack!"

Raichu moved faster than Persian expected landing a good blow.

"Now brick break!"

Raichu used the momentum of its attack to spin and land the brick break greatly damaging Persian.

"You have spirit I'll give you that. But your efforts are futile! Persian fury swipes!"

Persian recovered from the brick break and lunged at raichu, pinning it to the ground and slashing at it over and over. Sonic attempted to rush to it only to be kicked back by Persian who continued to scratch at his partner.

"NO! STOP!" Sonic screamed as tears began streaming down his face "PLEASE STOP!"

"There it is" Giovanni said with a sadistic pleasure "there's the world of pain. Persian. Playtime is over. Put them to sleep. Slash".

Persian raised its paw and prepared the attack as raichu and Sonic looked at each other. Raichu attempted to discharge electricity but its wounds were too severe. Persian brought down the slash attack but it landed right next to raichu's head as the poison finally drained Persian completely which toppled to the floor fainting. Giovanni looked in shock as he didn't expect it.

"How can this be?! How dare you humiliate me like this?!"

Sonic wasting no time attempted to tackle Giovanni to the ground. A flying machine resembling a fusion between a fox trot with a boosted underneath came out of nowhere slamming him to the face and sending him flying, landing besides his now fainted raichu, harming his leg in the process. Giovanni recalled Persian, rode his flying device and took one last look at Sonic.

"I will not forget this humiliation. Till next time" he said before leaving on it.

Sonic crawled over to raichu's pokeball, recalling it fast. He then got up and limping, he managed to avoid the authorities who were now investigating the game center. Hoping the rockets had no security cameras, he limped his way to Reina's house knocking on the door before losing consciousness just as the door opened.

Sonic felt he was floating in a dark empty space. Giovanni's twisted evil words echoed in his mind.

"I'll show you a world of pain. There it is. There's the world of pain".

Raichu then could be heard crying out in pain. The shock of it was so strong Sonic jolted awake screaming.


His scream of terror cause Reina who was sleeping on the bedside to jolt awake in terror as well.


She looked into his eyes ready to tear up and smacked him as hard as she could.

"What was that for?"

"For scaring me! Twice!"


"I opened the door and you fell right on top of me without your senses! Don't you remember?"

"No" Sonic said as he tried to get up, his right leg now bandaged up but still hurting a bit.

"What happened to you? And don't try to dodge the question this time".

"I… I raided team Rocket's base".

"You did WHAT?!"

"I found their base. At the game corner. I sneaked in and raided it. Freed the pokemon inside, beat up as many grunts as I found. But their boss roughed us up. So strong… Oh my god! Raichu! Where's Raichu?!"

"Relax. Your pokemon are already healed. My mom's taking care of them. Though I think the scratch on you wartortle is now permanent".

Sonic took in the info as he looked down.

"Please take me to them".

Reina helped him up and escorted him to her backyard where he fully healed pokemon team was waiting. They all rushed at Sonic rubbing against him.

"I'm so glad you're all ok" he admitted.

After explaining in full detail what had happened and asking Reina and her mother not to reveal any of it to anyone, Sonic got up to leave. The battle with Giovanni was a wake-up call. Tails had been right. He had let his arrogance get in his head and his pokemon had been badly injured. Wartortle would now be scarred. They needed to train hard. And Sonic needed to process some stuff. Though he considered Giovanni a monster, he had noticed how calm and confident he looked as he took on 4 pokemon with his one Persian.

"Is that what Tails meant when he said confidence does not need flaunting?" Sonic wondered as he headed outside of town, his pokemon ready for some hard training.

Chapter 16: Rising from the ash


Humbled by his confrontation with Giovanni, Sonic and his pokemon train hard. The results of their training show just as they reunite with Brock and Misty long after their battles with them. Alongside them is a third trainer; Ash Ketchum and his partner, Pikachu.

Chapter Text

Sonic completed his run around the clearing he and his pokemon were training at. Checking the timer he set he smiled.

"Another second off. Awesome".

After their raid in team Rocket's base and their brutal battle with Giovanni they decided it was time to get serious with their training. Their enemies were no child's play so they had to be ready. They immediately got to training with Sonic also training to become faster and stronger so as to be ready for possible physical confrontations in the future. Having asked Jet to ask Knuckles in his stead about possible exercises he could do to improve his strength pretending it was for himself, he had received a lot of good advice and got to work immediately. And finally the results had started to show.

After 2 weeks of hard work he and his pokemon had tackled the 4th gym securing an easy win. The gym leader, Erika, was severely overwhelmed by Sonic's kadabra whose will to get stronger and tackle team Rocket again when they had the chance to hopefully save its mother had resulted in its psychic attack becoming so strong it had knocked out Erika's Vileplume before it got the chance to move. Wartortle also had gotten stronger in the defense department with Sonic eventually having it take hits from its team members, the final opponent being Raichu. Though Wartortle wasn't able to take the thunder punch head on and stay up, its physical defense had increased immensely, tanking a brick break from Raichu as well as all of Nidorino's physical moves with immense ease. Nidorino too had learnt a new move in the form of sludge bomb to deal massive damage to any pokemon whose typing wouldn't resist it, also adding the higher chance of poisoning their target into the mix. Sonic also had the idea of stalling their opponents by having nidorino and wartortle learn protect with mr Fuji's help, with wartortle forgetting bite as Sonic deemed it unnecessary now, as well as nidorino forgetting to use double kick, deeming Raichu was strong enough to deal with anything weak to fighting moves, as well as forming the strategy of mud-slapping his opponents to lower their accuracy, dodging, using protect to stall and sludge bombing to deal heavy damage and hopefully inflict poison or even lowering their defense with leer while dodging and avoiding the opponent's attacks before launching a finisher against the heavily defense lowered opponent. Lastly raichu's battle with Persian had pushed it to train heavily in hand to hand fighting forgetting thunderbolt and picking up thunder punch instead, learning to channel its electricity into the thunder punch.

Their team was slowly growing into an unstoppable force. Reina was also there to witness the gym battle as well as hang out with them when she wasn't volunteering at mr Fuji's shelter in Lavender. Sonic had told her about his previous encounters with team Rocket and his ally and rival Mike who had a score to settle with them as well.

"If I had remembered to exchange numbers with him, he could have helped in the raid. But I think it's for the best that it went the way it went. It was just the wake-up call I needed" he had commented.

All of the memories of the last two weeks and their growth flooded his mind as he took deep breaths to calm his heartbeat and call his pokemon to him for lunch. After he ate the omelet he made – having asked his mother once again to teach him via the phone to cook more staff in order to not eat at fast food stands or the same dish over and over – he decided he owed himself to take responsibility for the way things had gone with Tails and Knuckles –to whom he hadn't talked during their two weeks of training as he felt he had to first redeem himself in his eyes. While his pokemon were digging in to their food he facetimed his friends in their common chat. As if on cue both of them entered the call at the same time.

"Look who finally decided to show their face" Tails joked.

Sonic felt joy in his soul as Tails was finally back to how he knew him to be.

"Yeah. I had to rethink some stuff. And finally start getting myself together".

"You sure have" Knuckles said "you think I believed Jet when he said he wanted that advice for himself?"

"Hehe. I suspected you didn't".

"What caused this change?" Tails asked him "last time we talked you were adamant on being…"

"Just like Shadow" Sonic said before Tails completed his phrase, catching him in surprise "you were right. I was becoming like him".

"Woah. I was not expecting that. You really are getting it now. How come?"

At that moment wartortle approached Sonic with its plate, asking for more food. On its left cheek the scratch from Persian could be seen.

"What the…? What's that on wartortle?" Tails asked in shock.

"I have a lot to tell you guys" Sonic said adding food to wartortle's plate before rejoining the call.

He spent the next 1 hour explaining to his friends everything that had transpired in the raid and their encounter with Giovanni. Both Tails and Knuckles couldn't believe it.

"Are you sure you're still not overconfident? I mean saving pokemon from them in the wild is one thing but raiding their base? That was straight-up reckless".

"I know" Sonic admitted "but I couldn't sit back and let them take over the city. But I also know now that taking them on head-on on my own is suicide. They say that strength is in numbers for a reason. Next time I will find Mike first and we will tackle the rockets together.

"At least that's safer" Tails commented "you can have each other's back like in that warehouse in Saffron".

"Exactly" Sonic agreed.

"So what's next for you now that you're halfway there?" Knuckles asked Sonic.

"Haven't thought of that actually. But a little planning never hurt anyone" he said taking out his map.

"So the next gym is in Fuchsia city".

"Before you continue" Tails interrupted him "I just need to ask this. Why are all the cities there named after colors?" he asked laughing.

"No idea" Sonic answered laughing as well.

"And one of the towns is even named Pallet" Knuckles laughed as well.

The three friends laughed at the funny situation for a while before Sonic looked back at the map.

"As I was saying" he began speaking resisting the temptation to laugh again "there are 2 ways to Fuchsia city. One is through the highway on the west of Celadon. I don't have a vehicle not even a bike so that's out of the question. The other route is by going back to Lavender and follow the coastline. It's a long way maybe even 3 days long. But I think I will take that route. I want to do something calm for a while".

"Agreed. The gym challenge is supposed to be a fun experience but you have started a war with the pokemon mafia during your challenge. And it won't stop before one of you goes down. So yeah a little calm is what you'll need".


"Sonic" Tails said in a serious tone "I'm not joking about the war part. If you need us we'll be there on the first flight to Kanto. This is a serious matter. Don't tackle it alone ok?"

Sonic felt gratitude for his 2 friends.

"Thank you" he said sincerely.

"Anytime Sonic" Knuckles answered "I got to leave now. Talk soon".

"Bye Knucks. Bye Tails".

"Talk soon Blue" Tails joked before hanging up as well.

Sonic smiled feeling totally grateful for having friends like them. Turning to his pokemon in order to continue their training he noticed raichu had strayed off. Worried Sonic told his other pokemon to not stray off and rushed into the woods to find his partner.

Raichu in the meantime had strayed off in search of a wild spearow that had annoyed it for far too long. After chasing it for a while and losing it, it broke a stone with brick break in frustration and was about to return to camp before a Pikachu dashed in front of it, challenging it.

"Pika pika!"


The two mouse pokemon circled each other for a moment before a voice was heard calling out to Pikachu.


A young boy with a blue jacket, blue jeans and a red and white hat approached the two mouse pokemon as Pikachu jumped on his shoulder.

"Woah a raichu. Hey guys over here".

The boy's two companions approached and witnessed the raichu.

"Brock you should totally catch it".

Brock however felt a sense of familiarity looking at Raichu.

"How strange" he commented "I have a feeling I have met this raichu before".

"Catch it regardless" his friend insisted.

"If you say so" Brock said taking out a pokeball and throwing it at raichu. A forcefield however was activated around it preventing the pokeball from hitting it and knocking it back at Brock's hand.

Sonic felt raichu's pokeball buzz in his pocket fearing the worst.

"Raichu where are you?!" he started calling out to it.

Meanwhile raichu was staring at the 3 trainers and the Pikachu who had witnessed the pokeball hit the forcefield.

"It must belong to a trainer" Brock explained knowing why the ball didn't touch Raichu.

"But who?" his friend wondered.

"Raichu can you hear me?" they all heard a voice, raichu included.

"Rai!" it cried out as Sonic dashed to it having heard the cry.

"Oh my there you are buddy! Why did you stray off?" Sonic asked kneeling before raichu to make sure it was ok.

"Sonic?" he heard a familiar voice.

Lifting his eyes from raichu he saw the 3 trainers.

"Brock?!" he said in surprise not believing his eyes "and Misty too? What are you guys doing here?"

"Long story" Brock said as approached and shook his hand. Sonic then met the eyes of the boy with the jacket.

"Brock you know this spikehead?" he asked in surprise. Sonic didn't expect being called a spikehead and considered answering back but decided against it.

"Yeah, He challenged me for my badge a while before you".

The boy smiled and offer his hand as well.

"I'm Ash. Ash Ketchum".

Sonic thought immediately that was the son of that lady he had helped in pallet town before he got squirtle and began his journey. He couldn't explain it at that moment but as he shook Ash's hand he felt a sensation as if he was standing in front of someone with unlimited potential of greatness. He shook the sensation off.

"I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog".

While the two met, Pikachu was staring at Raichu, its eyes flaring for a confrontation.

"How have you been Sonic?" Brock asked "it's been so long since I last saw you. Your partner is now all grown up, a raichu already".

"Yeah. It was a rollercoaster of adventures. Are you guys headed to Celadon?"

"As a matter of fact we are".

"Great! I saw just about to return there to bid farewell to a friend and go off towards Fuchsia. How about we return to my camp so I can pick up my other pokemon and my stuff and we go together?"

"Sounds great. Let's go".

As the 4 trainers headed back to Sonic's camp. Pikachu kept staring at Raichu, at one point even getting off Ash's shoulder and walking besides it. The two exchanged cries of their names with the tones becoming more and more tense.

"Hey Ash do you mind if you calm you Pikachu down? It's becoming annoying" Sonic said.

"What's annoying about it?"

"Can't you see it's bothering my Raichu?"

"If you call a challenge bothering it" Ash said causing Sonic to gasp on the inside.

"What the…" he thought in surprise "is that what I sounded like? It's not like that other kid but still… savage" he thought to himself.

As they reached Sonic's camp to his relief, his other pokemon had listened to him and stayed there. Raichu reunited with its teammates as Sonic packed up his stuff while Ash, Misty and Brock observed his team.

"You've been busy" Misty commented.

"I have been" Sonic said finishing the packing process.

"Wow a blue nidorino. That is cool" Ash commented as he approached it.

"Wait don't!" Sonic screamed in terror but was too late.

Nidorino being relatively new to interaction with trainers having spent most of its time with Sonic defended itself by showering Ash with its sludge bomb.

"Ew gross!" Ash said in disgust.

"Should have warned you" Sonic said resisting the urge to laugh "wartortle clean him up will you?"

Wartortle obliged and fired water pulse at Ash removing the sludge from him but leaving him and Pikachu completely wet.

"Don't you dare bring out a fire type and try to dry me spike" Ash roasted him again. Sonic closed his eyes without anyone seeing him.

"Happy place. Happy place. Don't fall for it" he thought to himself.

After he packed all of his stuff up and put the backpack on his shoulders the 4 started heading towards Celadon. Sonic narrated the stories of how he caught Abra and Nidorino to the 3 friends who were mostly oblivious as to how he had come to meet them. Brock and Misty also told him how they had met Ash and joined him on his own journey. Ash himself told Sonic of having Pikachu as his first pokemon, of his dream of becoming a pokemon master, as well as his encounters with team Rocket, though contrary to what Sonic thought it turned out he meant Jessie, James and Meowth. He thought to himself that Ash was the trainer with the Pikachu team Rocket had mentioned when they crashed in front of him with their hot air balloon. Pikachu in the meantime was once again trying to goad Raichu into a fight. Raichu resisted the temptation until Pikachu used thunderbolt, angering Raichu causing Sonic to step in between them.

"Hey that's enough" he said "no need raichu".

"Rai" raichu cried out grumpy.

Pikachu however wasn't ready to give up the challenge.

"Pika pika!" it said as it used quick attack trying to hit raichu but ended up hitting Sonic instead who decided he had enough.

"Seriously now" he said getting up trying his best to stay calm "recall your Pikachu this getting annoying".

"Uh actually Pikachu refuses to go into its pokeball" Brock commented.

Sonic found it strange but sighed.

"Fine. Raichu I'm sorry but I'll bring you out later" he said raising his pokeball to recall it.

"Why recall it? Let them fight" Ash said clearly desiring this battle as well.

"There's no need ok? Besides it's not exactly a fair fight. Pikachu is well… just a Pikachu. I don't think it can stand up to Raichu".

Brock and Misty didn't expect this answer and looked at Sonic in disbelief while Ash was beaming with confidence.

"It beat surge's raichu when I battled it. It can stand up to yours".

"Big deal" Sonic said "surge's raichu evolved too early and was merely a slow brute. My raichu is nothing like it" he contemplated revealing his and raichu's bond power increase but decided against it.

"I see. Ok I understand. It's alright if you're a total chicken" Ash said looking away with a mischievous smile.

Sonic at that moment felt his patience running out.

"Who are you calling a chicken?"

"You spike".

"My name is Sonic! Not Spike!"

"Whatever you say spikehead".

Sonic did his best to restrain himself and keep his cool.

"Ash I think you're going too far again" Brock tried to stop his friend.

"I'm not going far Brock. I just think spiky here is scared" he said with a slightly teasing tone.

"Look buddy you don't want this fight" Sonic said revealing his 4 badges "and don't call me spike".

"Ok I won't. Quillhead" Ash said still smiling with a confident look.

Sonic reached his limit at that moment.

"Alright ashy. You want a fight? Give him one raichu!"

"Rai!" raichu cried out as it stood opposite Pikachu.

"Pika pika!"

"Shouldn't we try to stop them?" Misty asked Brock.

"I don't think there's anything we can do to prevent this fight. Pikachu wants to prove his point again. After all the fight with surge was recent. It still burns with pride for its kind. As for Ash you know how eager he is to battle" Brock said crossing his arms in front of his chest serious.

"Ready Pikachu?" Ash said confidently "quick attack!"

Pikachu dashed at Raichu slamming into it. Raichu however remained unfazed not making a move.

"Pikachu use your agility quick" Ash said taking advantage of Raichu's immobility.

Pikachu started running around as fast as it could increasing its speed. Raichu's eyes followed it for a while but Sonic knew they couldn't keep up with it forever.

"Raichu don't try to keep your eyes on it. Relax".

Raichu closed its eyes greatly confusing Ash and Pikachu who continued using agility.

"If you won't attack we will! Pikachu use thunder!"

Sonic didn't expect Pikachu to know thunder as a giant bolt fell out of the sky striking raichu. While it visibly damaged it raichu remained sturdy. It looked at Pikachu and cried out its name threateningly scaring it.

"Don't be afraid Pikachu! Agility again!"

Pikachu once again started running but Sonic knew the battle was won. They had made Pikachu momentarily doubt itself. It was time to make their move.

"Raichu use iron tail on the ground!"

Raichu jumped and slammed its glowing tail hard into the ground causing it to crack and become uneven on certain parts. Pikachu tripped into a cracked part and rolled on the ground giving Sonic and raichu just the window they needed.

"Thunder punch!"

Raichu charged its punch with its electricity and before Pikachu could move out of the way, the attack landed with devastating effects. Pikachu was sent flying into a tree, crashing hard and being knocked out cold. Ash, Brock and Misty were at a loss for words.

"I told you Ash. You didn't want this fight. Next time you may want to be less savage. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be going cause I have a long way ahead of me later. Brock, Misty. It was nice seeing you. Bye" Sonic said calmly and after waving goodbye went ahead as Ash went to check on Pikachu. While Sonic and raichu were walking down the street heading to Celadon, Sonic recalled what Brock said about Pikachu fighting out of pride for its species.

"Does that mean it wishes to stay as a Pikachu forever? What a dumb decision" Sonic thought as they approached Reina's house. After a small chat with her, he revealed it was time for him to continue his journey. Reina was genuinely saddened but wished him luck and mentioned if he ever passed by Celadon or Lavender except right afterwards as he was planning to follow the coastline, he should visit. She also suggested Sonic visited the safari zone in Fuchsia city as it was home to many powerful pokemon species that could be a fine addition to his team. Sonic agreed with a smile and after bidding Reina farewell, healing his pokemon, buying supplies for the journey and verifying that the authorities had removed that Snorlax from the street leading from Vermillion to Lavender, left town and headed back to Lavender to prepare for the way to Fuchsia.

Chapter 17: Reunion


Sonic's ally Mike and his partner Jolteon make their return, renewed and stronger. The two rivals test their progress against each other

Chapter Text

The waves crashed into the sharp rocks of the coastline as Sonic and his partner raichu followed the narrow path heading from Lavender town south. Sonic was proceeding carefully so as to make sure he wouldn't trip. As the fresh air of the sea flooded his nose, he let his spirit relax.

"Such a wonderful day isn't it buddy?" he asked his raichu.

"Rai rai" it cried out in agreement.

As they walked forward, Sonic thought of that kid he had met, earlier that day, Ash. He remembered the feeling he got when he shook his hand. He was flooded by an inexplicable feeling of infinite potential coming out of Ash.

"He said he wanted to be a pokemon master, whatever that means" Sonic said to himself "if what I felt back there was real, I think he will be one day. Though I don't know how possible this is with his Pikachu remaining a Pikachu".

As they got to the point where the Snorlax was once blocking the path, they found it had been moved. Sonic sighed in relief as a small part of himself had feared they would be forced to go back north through the rock tunnel or even worse through Saffron city just to go around the Snorlax.

"Would it really be that bad if I went through Saffron city this time around after my raid? I doubt they would try to attack me. The grunts at least" he thought to himself remembering Giovanni's terrifying power as well as the fact that Ariana and possibly more admins were still out there and having only fought Ariana wielding Giovanni's nidoking, he had no idea how strong their teams were.

"We will need to become a lot stronger to be ready for them next time".

As the sun had started disappearing behind the mountains, Sonic decided once they got to more level ground, they would set camp. Reaching the crossroads leading to either Fuchsia city or Vermillion city, Sonic and raichu proceeded a little more then set camp near the beach on their left. As Sonic sent out his pokemon so they could all relax and hang out together, just hang out and not train, he got a call from Jet.

"Hey bro. Heard from Tails and Knuckles. Good work".

"Thanks bro" he said as he laid on the grass and gazed on the sky turning dark "it was a long 2 weeks but I finally feel more at peace than I've had in a long time".

"Any more encounters with the rockets?"

"None. Ruining their base must have set the plans back a lot. Which is good cause it gives me more time to get stronger to tackle them again when the time comes. And Mike too. Guy began with a jolteon so he would have to catch and train more pokemon which would undoubtedly take more time".

"I'm sure you'll run into him again soon".

"Hope so. Oh just remembered. You'll never guess who I met before leaving Celadon".


"Brock and Misty".

"The gym leaders?"

"Yeah. They embarked on their own journey as well following a friend of theirs. His name was Ash".

"After what you told me about Brock back then, that he was stuck at the gym, I only feel happy for him. How come he has left though?"

"Beats me. Didn't get to ask him. Ash started savaging out on me. The dude called me spike, spikehead and quillhead to get me to battle him because his Pikachu wanted to beat raichu".

"Woah really? And?"

"Utterly crashed his Pikachu" Sonic said with a hint of pride for his raichu.

"Utterly? How utterly?"

"One thunder punch to the face knocked it out cold".

"Wait you had raichu forget thunderbolt?"

"Yeah. I noticed it had become adept at using iron tail and the attack had great effects. And plus after that beating Giovanni gave us… pinning raichu down immobilizing it…" Sonic said as he felt a chill running down his spine remembering that night "so I decided raichu should train as physical attacker. With its immense speed and quick attack getting to the opponents is the easiest part. So by training in physical combat and sharpening the reflexes I aim for it to be an unstoppable force. Giovanni won't pin us down next time".

"What do you plan to do about ground types?"

"Wartortle will be the main player against them. It's not like I aim to use raichu to solo team rocket. We're a team, me and my pokemon. Only together we will prevail against team rocket. And besides… it's not that raichu won't be able to land any hits on ground types. Iron tail can be a devastating attack if used correctly".

"I look forward to seeing it in action" Jet said "in the league tournament".

"We'll give a good show then. Too bad TV will make us look less awesome that we will look in real life".

"Who said anything about TV? I'll be there live".

"You will?"

"Tails and Knuckles too. My idea. No way we'd miss that".

Sonic felt filled by gratitude.

"Thanks bro".

"Don't mention it. Anyway I should hang up now. Friends waiting for me to log in".

"Gonna play more games online?" Sonic asked him jokingly.

"Gotta be me. Since I can't join you in the adventure yet".

"Hopefully soon bro. Good night".

"Good night".

As they hang up Sonic fantasized about the tournament. He was so focused on team Rocket and his own problems that he hadn't even given it a thought.

"I wonder who I will get to face in that tournament" he thought to himself as he read the proceedings of the tournament online "5 rounds huh, 32 trainers. Should be interesting" he said as he got into his sleeping bag and closed his eyes while his pokemon followed suit and curled up to sleep.

While sleeping Sonic had another weird dream. Him and raichu were up against a huge flame. The flame kept sending fire lashes and fire balls at them which they either dodged or tried to tank as best they could and counterattack any chance they had. The battle was so fierce that it woke Sonic up in the middle of the night. He laid back down to sleep, looking at his pokemon sleeping peacefully which let him also sleep peacefully.

In the morning after waking up Sonic decided to allow his pokemon to sleep some more as their hard training meant always waking up early. While sitting on the sand and observing the sea he heard raichu cry out its name. Approaching it with haste to verify if it was ok, he witnessed in surprise as it ran towards the road only to be met halfway by a jolteon. As the two electric types cuddled and played in joy, the jolteon's trainer soon appeared.

"Finally found you" he said to Sonic.


"Yup new and improved".

He really was new and improved. When Sonic had met him Mike was dressed with dark clothes and a hoodie to cover his face. Now he had a more casual and open colored outfit consisting of a simple shirt and a set of jeans while he was also brandishing sunglasses. As the two trainers shook hands Mike brought up the obvious.

"Daring thing you pulled. Raiding an entire base on your own. Why didn't you call me for backup?"

"I wanted to. But we hadn't exchanged numbers. And also I had little time. Team rocket was planning to invade the tower in lavender town to catch ghost types to use against the Saffron city gym leader if she went against them".

"Makes sense. They are preparing something in the silph co headquarters. But without taking full control of the city their plan can only progress so much. And Sabrina's psychic pokemon are powerful opponents".

"Giovanni mentioned willpower being a key to getting out of a psychic lock. He must be training to fight her if the time comes".

"Giovanni? Who's that?"

"The big boss".

Mike was at a loss for words.

"You battled the big boss of team rocket?! And you're still here not disappeared?!"

"Yeah. I didn't win thought. At least not in my eyes. He only used his Persian but it got poisoned when it attacked my nidorino. The battle lasted long enough for the poison to knock it out. One more attack and he would have won".

"Man…." Mike said in shock " I could only dream of confronting him. And you did. And more importantly you live to tell the tale".

"Tell me about it" Sonic admitted.

Mike immediately raised a pokeball in front of Sonic's face.

"Battle me!"


"Battle me. I need to see your power! And I need to test my own power".

Sonic nodded after a moment of processing the sudden challenge.

"As you wish. I shall warn you me and my team are a lot stronger than what you might remember".

"I think you will find my new team members to be interesting too".

Returning to the beach, Sonic woke his pokemon up and after a quick but good breakfast they got into positions.

"How many pokemon?" Sonic asked.

"All of them. It needs to be all of our power".

"How many do you have?"


"I have 4. It will be hard for you".

"Don't worry about us. Just show me the power you used against the boss!" Mike said temper flared.

Sonic took out the ball of his now recalled nidorino.

"On three"

"Sure" Mike said also holding his hand straight with a pokeball in his palm.

"One, two, three!"

"Go nidorino!"

"Go haunter!"

The pokemon appeared and stared down at each other.

"A haunter? You went into that tower?"

"Yeah. There were rockets inside. Using some sort of night vision goggles but for ghosts".

"Let me guess. Called the silph scope?"

"You knew?"

"Yeah but I thought they wouldn't go through with the plan after the hit I dealt them. Thank goodness you were there to stop them".

"We really need to coordinate after this. Anyway come at me!"

"Yeah I think not. Nidorino return".

"Retreating? That's not like you" Mike said in surprise.

"Tactical withdrawal. Go kadabra!"

"There it is. I remember this one. Let's see what it's made of!"


"Shadow ball!"

The 2 pokemon unleashed their attacks with kadabra taking the most damage being knocked out immediately.

"What the…" Sonic said in shock "in one hit?!"

"We trained hard! Team rocket will strike hard so we will strike harder! Now come on! Show me the power you used to go toe to toe with Giovanni!"

Sonic gritted his teeth. That haunter was a strong foe and due to its poison typing as well as Sonic remembering it had the ability levitate, Nidorino was not gonna be good enough. He also didn't want to bring out raichu just yet.

"Wartortle your turn!" Sonic decided sending out his starter pokemon. Mike noticed the cut on its cheek.

"Woah. Is that…?"

"A scar. From the battle with Giovanni".

Mike looked at it in awe and took a hyped look.

"Yes that's it! Show me your might!"

"Water pulse!"



The attack connected though haunter was struck by the water pulse becoming confused. Wartortle however fell asleep.

"No, no, no! Wake up wartortle!"

"Dream eater!"

Sonic watched helplessly as wartortle's energy was absorbed though it looked still healthy.


Haunter attempted to use its move again but the confusion started taking its toll as it missed its attack and started hitting itself in its confusion.

"Oh come on!"

The haunter's cries of pain woke up wartortle who looked at its foe confused as to why it was beating itself up.

"Haunter listen to my voice! Hypnosis!"

"Not this time! Protect!"

It was Mike's turn to be shocked.


Wartortle shielded itself as hypnosis crashed into the protect shield being nullified.

"Now ice beam!"

"Ice beam?!"

The ice beam connected with haunter freezing it to Mike's frustration.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Now's our chance wartortle! Water pulse!"

The water pulse landed smashing the ice due to the might of the impact knocking out the haunter. Mike recalled it.

"You have improved as well. But how does your wartortle know ice beam? It can't learn it naturally".

"I'll explain after the battle. Now bring forth the next pokemon".

"Go Jolteon!"

"Ah yes your jolteon".



The thunderbolt was nullified but Mike smiled at this turn of events.

"Perfect! Thunder wave!"


Jolteon used its move paralyzing wartortle.

"Wartortle finish it before it's too late! Ice beam!"

Sparks crawled all over Wartortle's body as the paralyzing effects of thunder wave kicked in.

"Now to end this! Thunder!"

Contrary to the previous time Sonic saw the attack there was not tanking it or shielding from it; the bolt of lightning came crashing down on wartortle sending it flying into a rock as it fell face down on the sand knocked out.

"Two down and two to go" Mike said raising his hands clenched together in a victory pose. Sonic recalled wartortle knowing it was time to implement the stall strategy.

"Go nidorino!"

"Still won't bring out raichu will you? Fine I'll force it out! Thunderbolt!"


The attack was once again cancelled to Mike's frustration.

"Now mud slap!"

The attack landed hard on Jolteon causing it minor wounds but lowering its accuracy as its eyes were covered in mud.

"Now sludge bomb!"

The barrage of attacks sent Jolteon into the sea water which cleared the mud of its face but left it exhausted. Mike noticed its exhaustion.

"Take a break partner" he said recalling it "you really are something else Sonic. But let's see how you do against this!" he shouted sending out a lapras.

"Woah where did you get that? It's said to be very rare".

"I've been busy too. Saved a couple of scientists from rocket control. They were the ones who told me about team Rocket's plan at silph co. One of them entrusted me with this rare pokemon. So… let's see how well you nidorino does against this! Ice beam!"

The ice beam coming from lapras was proven stronger striking nidorino but not knocking it out.

"Mud slap!"

"Not this time! Use water pulse on yourself!"

Nidorino's attack landed on lapras dealing slight damage and partially blinding it as water pulse was landed vertically upwards. It then fell back on lapras clearing its eyesight from the mud-slap but restoring its health instead of damaging it.

"Wha… how?"

"Water absorb" Mike said smiling mischievously "taking a water attack healed it".

"Damnit! Use sludge bomb!"

The sludge bomb connected damaging lapras but only barely.

"Ice beam!"

The attack landed. Nidorino was knocked out cold, leaving Sonic with just one pokemon.

"No other choice now. Send it out!"

Sonic was backed into a corner. But then again raichu was prepared to deal with an ice and water type.

"Raichu! You're up!"

"Rai!" raichu cried out as it stood opposite lapras.

"Ice beam!"

"Quick attack!"

Raichu dodged the ice beam as it was too fast to hit. Before Mike could react it had reached lapras.

"Thunder punch!"

Raichu jumped and punched lapras in the face as hard as it could. However that left it open for an attack.

"Ice beam!"

Ice beam hit at point blank range. Raichu rolled into the sand hurt but stood strong again as it cried out "Rai!" in pride. Lapras was now looking ready to faint. Mike however was not ready to throw in the towel.

"Water pulse on yourself!"

Lapras fired the water pulse once again vertically up. Sonic however had already predicted it.

"Quick attack, then spin and use iron tail!"

Raichu dashed at lapras and then jumped as the attack was fast approaching lapras. Curling into itself and with its tail glowing, the water pulse was cancelled out as the iron tail struck it, evaporating it completely. Raichu then completed the spin as iron tail smacked lapras on the head knocking it out. Mike was at a loss for words.

"Such speed. Such power. On a raichu of all things. How?"

Sonic and raichu smiled at the same time.

"Bond power! And hard training!"

Mike smiled.

"Is this all your power?! Or do you have more? After all, my jolteon is still standing!"

"Then bring it out!"

"You do know you're at a disadvantage right? Jolteon has volt absorb. Thunder punch won't work on it".

"Maybe not. But that doesn't mean we will back down".

"Fine then! Jolteon help me again!"

Jolteon came out not in prime condition but still standing nonetheless.


"Quick attack!"

The thunderbolt was dodged by raichu who slammed into Jolteon pushing it back.

"Not yet! Jolteon double kick!"

"Iron tail!"

Jolteon kicked raichu twice easily overpowering iron tail which was not very effective against it. Raichu was knocked down but got back up. The two electric types stated at each other, visibly struggling to stand.

"Jolteon let's finish this! Thunder!"

"Raichu use iron tail to tank the thunder!"

Raichu raised its tail above its head as it started glowing. The thunder came crashing down but the tail caused it to split in two one part of it striking raichu and the other being redirected to the sand. Raichu almost lost its balance but regained it.

"Now before they move again! Brick break!"

Raichu jumped up and brought the attack hard down on Jolteon. Jolteon dropped to the ground and attempted to stand up again. After a few moments of standing up, it dropped again this time knocked out. Mike fell to his knees.

"Dude. After all this training… We lose".

Sonic fell back to the sand as he looked at the clouds exhausted.

"Honestly" he said panting "this was probably my first real pokemon battle. All my other battles so far were not this close or this serious with the exception of Giovanni. You pushed me to exhaustion… and I didn't even fight myself".

"I noticed that too. When I fought a kid with a Pikachu. As Jolteon and Pikachu clashed hard… I came to feel all the hits Jolteon took. Like if I was battling myself".

"I felt this in a bad way. When Giovanni had us pinned down and used fury swipes on raichu… it felt like I was receiving every scratch every ounce of pain raichu was receiving. Now I feel it again. But it feels good".

"Yeah. Pokemon battling is an amazing thing. I still aim to go for team rocket and stop them… and if possible find my beedrill. But I now want to battle more".

"Haha. You're crazy" Sonic joked.

As the two helped each other up and headed for Vermillion city to heal their pokemon as it was not very far, Sonic had an idea.

"Hey just realized we both have a pokemon that requires trading to evolve. What do you say we evolve them? If of course both of them desire it as well.

"Huh. Didn't even consider that. Yeah let's do it. Trade them to each other, evolve, trade them back. 5 minute business".

Sonic smiled at the prospect of having another fully evolved pokemon. Kadabra also desired to evolve as it wanted to grow stronger to save its mother from team rocket. Haunter didn't seem to object because as Mike put it "it likes to pull pranks on me, jolteon and lapras so evolving will only make it easier for it". As they approached the pokemon center Sonic also remembered the comment Mike made about the kid with the Pikachu.

"Hey what was the name of the kid you fought that had a Pikachu?"

"Don't know. Didn't trade names. It was back when I only had Jolteon and had just beaten the substitute gym leader of pewter. After that and becoming lost in mount moon, I met it while training with jolteon to tackle the 2nd gym. Again a substitute, the actual one left with that kid and the actual 1st gym leader".

"Ash" Sonic said in realization.

"You know him?"

"Fought him yesterday. He fought my raichu with Pikachu. I mopped the floor with it".

"Damn. And I lost to him?"

"Hey that was then and this is now. No looking back. There's a war ahead of us".

"Right. Keep our eyes on the prize".

After this exchange, they traded pokemon and observed as kadabra and haunter evolved into alakazam and gengar respectively. After trading them back, Sonic informed Mike of mr Fuji so that Mike could adjust his current and future team members' moves if he so desired, though skipped the part of the trial that Mike would have to go through as his was kind of situational cause of the snorlax. Afterwards the two were ready to go on their separate ways again as Mike still had to take on Erika in Celadon. As he was heading back to Saffron to go the hard way he remembered something.

"Hey Sonic! Catch!" he shouted as he tossed his rival and ally a grey weirdly shaped rock. Sonic observed it momentarily and knew what it was.

"Where did you get that?" he shouted back.

"Mt moon! I was lost in there remember? Give it to nidorino when it's ready! Next time I'll beat you so make sure you use it by then!"

"Not if I can help it" Sonic shouted jokingly as he observed the moon stone. Once he felt nidorino was ready he would let it evolve as well. And little did Sonic know that time was upon them as he returned to the road following the coastline while being observed from above by a pair of wild eyes.

Chapter 18: Rematch


Camping for the night, Sonic, Raichu and their teammates are challenged by a familiar face; the legndary Moltres.

Chapter Text

Raichu was running on the sand as it enjoyed the sensation of it as well as the heat of the sun while Sonic was slowly walking on the path next to the beach observing his partner playing and running in the sand. The image of his happy partner put a smile on his face. As his gaze shifted towards the endless blue of the sea as well as the path ahead he started going down memory lane as to all his adventures in Kanto so far. It had been a wild ride already and they were only halfway there through the gym challenge.

His mind drifted back to viridian forest as he remembered his raichu as a Pikachu defiantly going against its own tribe desiring to reach greater heights compared to the rest of its tribe which was shunning it because of said desire.

"I wonder if Ash's Pikachu is from the tribe as well" Sonic wondered as he kept walking forward "maybe it knew my raichu and they had a falling out or something. Well who cares. We are who we are" he thought as he observed a flock of pidgeys led by a pidgeotto flying across the sky in a v-shaped formation.

The world was so vast and Sonic felt free to experience it. Little did he know that his peace was about to be interrupted.

While raichu rejoined him on the path as the beach turned to rocks bringing a shell it happened to find along the way which Sonic thought was nice of it, he received a facetime call from Jet.

"Hey bro. You're not going to believe who dropped by earlier".




"Yes. She asked where you were. I told her you were in Kanto, on a journey and all".

Sonic was left dumbfounded by the news. Amy was looking for him?"

"What um… what did she want?"

"I don't know. For all I know she could be just asking. You know just …"

"Just asking as a friend? I don't buy it" Sonic said, the heartache returning but this time he was determined not to make the same mistake "she's up to something".

"I know it sounds suspicious but… why would she come by the house? No reason not even in her way to well… anywhere".

"Look" Sonic said not wanting to think it over, feeling he would end up overthinking it and drive himself nuts "forget it happened ok? I will. I don't need that girl in my life. She's bad news".

"Yeah. Well that's all I had to say. Take care bro".

"Thanks for letting me know bro. Talk later" Sonic said as he hang up, his gaze turning back to the horizon.

"Amy" he thought "what are you up to now?"

His mind drifted again back to how he, Tails, Knuckles and Amy used to be friends until Shadow moved in town. Sonic and Amy were hanging out when he came across them. He immediately started hitting on Amy with Sonic trying to gently get him to leave them alone as back then he had begun falling for Amy only for Shadow to punch him hard. Amy of course didn't immediately take Shadow's side and at first thought him to be a bully as well or at least that was what it seemed back then to Sonic.

As time progressed Shadow kept trying to goad Sonic into fighting while flirting with Amy any chance he got. Of course, them being teenagers only, Amy fell for the bad boy. Tails and Knuckles had met with her after her rejecting Sonic in the cruelest way possible, not to try and vouch for him but to stand up for him as back then he was too ashamed to come out of his room, not even talking to Jet. He remembered the conversation he had with the 2 of them later that night.

"That girl is a damn bitch" Tails said mad unable to refrain from cursing "after all we have been through the 4 of us she ends up getting together with a bully? Calls you a loser who can't assert his dominance? And us your little nerd friends?!"

Sonic was not talking, just listening as he wanted to agree with Tails but the heartache was making him think he was the problem.

"Like wow" Knuckles agreed with Tails calmer but just as angry "and like both of us? I mean a mean person could argue Tails is a tech nerd but me a nerd? I literally go looking for abandoned ruins on my own. If anything I'm a young adventurer. Tails is right she is a bitch".

"But what if she's right?" Sonic asked them "what if I am a nerd and thinking she and I could be together was the stupidest idea ever?"

"Wow so you're a nerd just cause you're a tad bit shy and a house cat? No I mean hedgehog. No I mean… you get the idea" Knuckles said mixing his words a bit.

"What if I had been anything but that?"

Tails seemed offended at what Sonic had just said.

"Sonic. You know I'm your friend now and forever. But I will not. I repeat, I will NOT! Tolerate hearing you wishing you were someone else!"

"But that's what she's into" Sonic insisted.

Tails looked ready to exit the call when Knuckles once again took over the speaking.

"Yes Sonic. She's into that. So what? There's plenty of fish in the ocean".

"No" Sonic said "not one like her".

"Amen!" Tails yelled in frustration "may there never be another one like her!"

Sonic didn't answer just stuffed his face in his pillow.

"I can't watch you do that to yourself" Tails said and hang up.

Knuckles sighed with his eyes closed.

"I'll let you to calm down Sonic. Don't get lost ok? We're here for you, me and Tails".

Sonic saw as Knuckles also hang up and he was left alone in the dark.

"So what? She's not here. She's with that bully" Sonic thought in sadness.

"Wow" present day Sonic thought to himself as he recalled all of that "I can't believe what a sore loser I was. Literally cutting my friends off over a rejection?"

As he spoke those words he noticed the sun had begun setting. Having reached the south coast, Sonic decided to stop there for the night. As he unpacked his stuff to make his pokemon something to eat, he observed the setting sun. He felt like it was the first time he experienced this.

"My feelings were valid" Sonic thought "but that time has come and gone. Never again. I won't let myself lose another second".

As he unpacked his sleeping bag he noticed something on the center setting sun. While the sun was slowly turning into a reddish color as it fled to the horizon, something orange could be seen in the middle of it heading their way. Sonic managed to notice what looked like a flapping of wings as well as flying flames before he blinked and the thing whatever it was disappeared.

"Yeah" he thought to himself also remembering the other promise he had made when he reached Cerulean city "soon enough I will find you again".

As he looked down to get the food ingredients out of his backpack he heard a pokemon cry pierce his ear drums as well as raichu's. The slightly darkened location was lighted by a set of flaming wings flapping up and down as Sonic and raichu realized what it was.

"Moltres!" Sonic said in shock.

The moltres stopped roaring its cry and just looked into Sonic's eyes in determination as it let another cry. Raichu took a battle stance and cried out as well.

"Wait. It's challenging us?"

"RAI!" raichu cried out at Moltres who responded with its own cry.

Sonic couldn't believe the turn of events. However he smiled at the prospect.

"Challenge accepted Moltres! Raichu not yet! Nidorino come on out!"

Nidorino came out of its pokeball with sparkles and cried out in battle excitmenet. Moltres cried out and dived as its wings glowed.

"Wing attack! Nidorino protect!"

Nidorino created the protect shield but Moltres was leagues stronger partially breaking through the shield and knocking it back a bit.

"Damnit. Poison touch didn't activate. No matter! Sludge bomb!"

Nidorino fired the sludge bomb but Moltres dodged and unleashed a fire blast attack that struck nidorino head on knocking it out. Sonic was impressed and surprised by the power of the legendary bird.

"Man even after all that training. Nidorino return! Valiant effort pal. Rest for now. Raichu no not yet" he told his partner who was ready to stand opposite of Moltres "you're our best chance. Let us weaken it first. Alakazam you're next!"

Alakazam emerged and hummed as Moltres cried out and dived again.


Alakazam's reflect was powerful enough to deflect Moltres' wing attack giving them an opening.


Moltres was caught off guard as Alakazam being even more powerful than when it was a Kadabra managed to knock it down. Sonic then acting on an impulse toot out a pokeball and threw it at Moltres. It turned into red energy and was absorbed into the pokeball. It wiggled once. Then twice.

"Come on!" Sonic said anxiously.

A huge flash appeared as Moltres broke out and cried out in what seemed like anger, unleashing a powerful flamethrower attack. Alakazam tried to contain the flames with psychic but it proved too much as the flames engulfed it. Sonic knew it wouldn't be able to battle after this so to save he withdrew it.

"You did your best Alakazam. Rest for now. We will handle the rest" Sonic said determined as he looked at Moltres, now with the eyes of a trainer.

"Moltres! I am a trainer! And I wish you to join my team! If I have to beat you to earn your respect so be it! Wartortle come on out!"

Wartortle appeared. Moltres unleashed another flamethrower attack.

"Rapid spin!"

Wartortle span fast deflecting the already not very effective on it attack with relative ease. Moltres screeched and dived for the wing attack.

"Water pulse!"

The two attacks both connected but wartortle being tankier than Moltres took the attack better. Moltres crash landed and Sonic managed to throw a second pokeball. It wiggled once. It wiggled twice. It wiggled thrice.

"We got it?!" Sonic thought in excitement.

Moltres broke out again and screeched in clear anger this time, using its final move, ancient power. Wartortle rushed in front of Sonic and started using protect to shield its trainer from the boulders.

"Wartorlte! Wartortle! Blas" it cried out as it started glowing to Sonic and raichu's shock.

The body of the turtle pokemon became massive as 2 water cannons seeming emerged from the huge shell. Once the glowing stopped the duo were standing behind a tall blue shield.

"Blastoise!" it let out a deep cry.

"Blastoise! Oh my you're so cool!"

"Blastoise" it cried out looking back with a smile.

Moltres cried out again and used wing attack to strike at blastoise. Blastoise took the attack stopping Moltres in its tracks.

"Ice beam!" Sonic said realizing the potential.

Ice beam hit bullseye, as Moltres was frozen solid. Before Sonic could throw a pokeball however, it used flamethrower breaking through the ice and melting it before it hit blastoise head on with the flamethrower. With blastoise shielding Sonic from the fire Moltres flew above and unleashed a powerful fire blast, which blastoise saw too late resulting in a critical hit. After the dust settled, blastoise toppled fainting making a huge noise. Sonic was now almost trembling from the adrenaline of fighting a legendary pokemon.

"Blastoise return" he said "you were awesome. Raichu your time has come. You ready?"

"Rai rai!" raichu cried out, temper flared, desiring nothing more than to teach a lesson to the pokemon that had knocked out its teammates.

Moltres cried out and unleashed a flamethrower.

"Raichu quick attack!"

Raichu dashed around dodging the attack. Moltres then fired an ancient power that raichu also dodged.

"That's it buddy" Sonic thought "let it come down first".

Moltres cried out once again and dived for a wing attack.

"Now's our chance! Use thunder punch!"

Raichu jumped and punched Moltres in the neck while being struck by the wing attack. Having trained for physical moves however it rolled on the sand a bit but used its tail to regain its balance. Moltres crashed on the ground. Sonic knew it was now or never. Throwing one more pokeball at Moltres he prayed. It wiggled once. Twice. Thrice.

But it wasn't meant to be.

A powerful fire pillar destroyed the pokeball as Moltres emerged again and attacked Sonic this time with flamethrower.

"Rai rai!" raichu cried out as it dashed in front of Sonic and following blastoise's example used its iron tail to deflect the attack, separating into 2 jets of fire that went on their left and right. Sonic was in awe but could tell raichu was hurting bad.

"Moltres stop!" he yelled as he got to one knee "I forfeit the fight. Just no more hurt ok?"

Moltres looked at Sonic tilting its head to the side as if in confusion and intrigue. Raichu dropped down from exhaustion as Sonic got to its side.

"Rai" it cried out weakly.

"You did great partner. I'm proud of you".

At that moment a brighter light lighted the night. Sonic, raichu and moltres saw another flying pokemon greatly resembling a flying turkey but a lot more majestic than Sonic could ever describe descended. As Moltres cowered before it, Sonic took out his pokedex in puzzlement as he didn't recognize that pokemon. The pokedex scanned the newly arrived pokemon.

"Data not found. Species unknown".

"Species unknown?!" Sonic said in surprise.

The pokemon let out a powerful cry. Sonic roughly heard the cry coming out as Ho-oh. A sparkling dust then started falling from the wings of the pokemon as raichu as well as Sonic's other pokemon who came out to observe the flying type were miraculously healed and all their injuries from the battle restored. Sonic also noticed that the ash falling out of the flying type also healed Moltres. The two flying types then exchanged a cry, Moltres took one last glaring gaze at Sonic and flew away above him disappearing before Sonic could turn his head to see it leave. As the area around them became dark again, Sonic noticed something faintly glowing in the sunlight at the direction Moltres left from. Approaching with raichu and his pokemon in tow, he saw a feather on the ground. He noticed it was orange and the edge was red and in shape of fire.

"Moltres" he said in realization with a smile "thank you".

The crew then returned to their stuff and after a quick dinner fell asleep due to the exhaustion from the battle.

The next day when they woke up at first, Sonic thought the whole battle the previous night was a dream. That was until he saw the moltres feather on raichu's curled up body. As he picked it up again he noticed it was hot. Furthermore when they were picking up the stuff, when nidorino accidentally stepped on the feather it didn't break. Sonic was intrigued by the feather's endurance and decided it deserved a place of honor as a trophy of his acknowledgement by Moltres. Tying it to the side of his backpack so that he could see it just by looking down, the crew picked up their stuff, blastoise, nidorino and alakazam retreated into their pokeballs for the journey as Sonic and raichu started following the path again.

Ten minutes later Sonic received a facetime call from an unknown number. Confused he accepted the call.

"Good morning Sonic" a familiar female voice was heard. Sonic felt anxiety creeping up on him. Temptation was knocking on his door again.

"Amy" he said trying to sound calm.

"Where did you disappear at?"

"None of your business".

"Oh come. I'm just asking as a friend".

She purposefully spoke the word friend a bit deeper so that it sank in. Sonic felt a small heartbreak but fought to remain calm.

"Ok then. You asked and you got an answer. If you don't mind I'm busy".

"Wow. You're still such a sore loser. You're too scared to face reality. That's why you became a trainer right?"

"The past is behind me Amy. And so are you".

"Dream on".

"I will. I dream of fighting in the league conference tournament. So make like a tree and leave so I can focus on that dream".

Amy was visibly shook that he didn't fall for her taunts.

"I can tell you're lying Sonic. Don't try to act cool on me. You're not cool not now not ever! You will never be as cool as Shadow".

Sonic felt he was at a breaking point. Up until now he really was just acting cool. Before he could break however his eyes met raichu's. They then fell on the Moltres feather. And then his mind was invaded by Tails' voice reminding him of what he had become when he was acting like Shadow. Remembering all that and smiling, he turned back to Amy on his screen.

"You know what. You're right".


"I agree with you. Being as cool as Shadow is impossible. And you know why?"

"Let me guess? Because you're a softy who can't assert his dominance".

Sonic laughed.

"Of course not silly. How can you be as cool as someone when you're already way cooler than them?"

Amy wasn't expecting this answer and before she could speak again Sonic took the liberty.

"I'll let that sink in. Ciao" he said winking as he hang up on her.

The way he had managed to speak to her made him feel powerful and confident. He also felt gratitude at his partner raichu for just being his partner, for the Moltres wing that reminded him of his progress ever since his journey began and for Tails, Knuckles and Jet for being there for him in his hour of need and during his journey up to this point. Looking at the road stretching straight ahead west he turned to his partner.

"Come on raichu! A new day awaits!"

Chapter 19: Travelling in group


With a long way to go before reaching Fuchsia city, Sonic joins Ash's group until reaching their destination. Their rivalry, as well as the rivalry between Sonic's Raichu and Ash's Pikachu, continues to grow as a result.

Chapter Text

"Raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu delivered its attack flawlessly knocking out its opponent, a charizard with ease. Charizard's trainer stomped his foot on the ground frustrated.

"This can't be! I raised charizard so well why couldn't it beat you?"

"Defeat doesn't mean the end kid" Sonic said smiling "just learn from it and keep going".

"Learn what? I lost".

"First of all. Both of you lost. Both you and charizard. There is no I in a team. Second. See what you did wrong in this battle and don't repeat it next time" Sonic said and motioned to leave.

"Easy for you to say. You didn't fail".

Sonic smiled with his back turned to the trainer.

"You shouldn't make assumptions without knowing the full story kid. Just heed my words, toss aside your pride and learn. Come raichu" he said as they went on their way.

On their slow progression towards Fuchsia city which both agreed they should enjoy and not rush it, they had battle a total of 9 trainers and overpowered all of them with relative ease. The only one of those 9 who had given him a challenge was Mike.

"3 against 4 and we almost lost. I can't wait for the rematch" Sonic said as he remembered the moon stone in his backpack.

"I guess if we manage to beat the 5th gym nidorino will be able to evolve. Holy! I forgot" he thought in excitement "if nidorino evolves it will be strong enough to learn earthquake properly. That will be such a useful move" he spoke the last phrase smiling.

As they stopped for a while to rest and just take in the sunlight and the view of the ocean Sonic once again laughed at his conversation with Amy he had just that morning.

"Now she'll think twice before bothering me again".

His phone buzzed as he received a facetime call. Same number.

"Spoke too soon" he said annoyed "mind your business" he commented as he rejected the call.

Not 1 minute later though he received a text.

"Really now? Text too?" he thought as read it.

"Answer your damn phone!" was written on the screen.

Sonic texted a response immediately.

"Mind your own business little girl" no exclamation mark so it would seem he was calm. And he was.

The effect was greater than expected though. His phone began ringing again. Rejecting the call again and choosing to put it in silence mode for now, he sat down and observed raichu playing in the grass as he took in the fresh air.

Around 30 minutes later deciding they should continue on their way Sonic found his phone bombarded with texts from Amy as well as missed calls. Most of them were from Amy but one of them was from Tails who was asking if Sonic knew what had gotten into her. Sonic burst out laughing as he opened the conversation with Tails and saw the screenshot Tails had sent him from the texts Amy had sent Tails. She was ballistic. And that could be seen from her texts to Sonic.

"EXCUSE ME? Who are you calling a little girl! You softie loser! Don't ignore me! Who do you think you are?! Answer your goddamn phone! I'm talking to you!"

Sonic thought he could read the texts and laugh all day but giving Amy the time of his day was not something he would do any longer. Typing and sending a quick LOL, he silenced the contact, placing a bet with himself there would be about a hundred texts next time he checked. As he got up to leave he heard a voice call out to him.

"Hey Sonic!"

Turning to see he saw 3 familiar phases. Brock Misty and Ash.

"Oh great" he thought hoping this time that Pikachu would behave.

"Hey Brock. What are you all doing here?"

"Heading to Fuchsia city of course. Well at least at the Fuchsia gym?" Ash answered for Brock.

"Isn't the gym inside the city?"

"No. Koga, the gym leader has built it outside the city. Poison type trainer you see. And trained in ninja arts. He avoids the city mostly".

"Oh I see" Sonic said not seeing it though "a ninja? Seriously?" he thought holding a laugh.

"You're gonna challenge him too right?" Misty asked Sonic.

"That's the plan" Sonic answered.

"Well then why don't we all travel there together? After all we're on the same path" Brock suggested.

Sonic considered it but having not travelled with companions yet, not including Tails as they had mostly hung out in Vermillion instead of actually travelling, he agreed.


They all started walking towards the city which was still about a day away, as Sonic got into a conversation with the trio about their dreams.

"So Brock how come you can travel now? I thought you had to stay home to care for your siblings".

"My father returned. After Ash challenged me for my badge my father returned. Ash had met him in disguise but he revealed himself after I gave my badge to Ash".

"I see. What other pokemon did you use to beat Brock?" Sonic asked Ash.

"My pidgeotto" Ash said with a small amount of pride in his voice.

"A pidgeotto and a Pikachu against 2 rock and ground types?"

"Technically he didn't win" Misty added.

"Hey I would have won ok? I just had to resign because of circumstances" Ash fired back.

"Yeah let's forget the technicality" Brock said to defuse the situation "point is my father revealed himself, apologized and encouraged me to follow my own dream".

"I was so surprised when I learn someone I had come to know as a nobody was my friend's good for nothing father who left home and never came back" Ash added with his hands on the back of his head. Sonic looked at him in shock.

"Yup still as savage" he thought "but now you're free. That's great".

"Yeah. There's no ill will towards either of my parents. I'm just glad I can make my choice".

Sonic smiled remembering that conversation with Brock.

Pikachu in the meantime was again challenging raichu even fiercer than before.

"Ash. I already asked that of you last time. Discipline your Pikachu. Or I will have to again".

"We're not afraid of you. Question is are you still a chicken? Spike?"

Sonic raised his hands with the sudden urge to lunge at Ash but refrained with a forced smile.

"No,no,no,no. Not this time" he said smiling eyes closed "I'm not losing my cool".

Brock and Misty looked at their friend disappointed that he was still thinking with his pokeballs.

"What about you Misty? What's your dream?"

"To become the world's greatest pokemon master".

"Same as Ash's but for water types?" Sonic asked "could you both be more specific? What does it mean for you to be a pokemon master?"

Ash went to answer but instead got into a deep thought.

"Honestly I have not considered what it means. I started thinking I would catch all the pokemon in the world but now I desire to battle the strongest trainers in the world".

"Like the elite 4 of the region?"

"Yeah. And any other powerful opponents. Like that pokemon I saw when I started my journey".

"What pokemon?"

"I don't know. It was a flying pokemon. The dex had no info on it".

Sonic's eyes widened momentarily.

"Did he see the same pokemon I saw yesterday?" he wondered.

"That was the same day I met Misty too. Had it not been for her bike we would have been swarmed by those spearows" Ash said.

"You still owe me a new bike!" she said in a threatening way.

"I know. I'll get you one. Eventually".

Sonic held in a laugh.

"Eventually means most certainly never" he thought.

"And what about you Sonic?" Brock asked "when I asked you the first time you were just figuring it out? Did you?"

"Not really. For now I'm walking this path because of the war I started with team Rocket".

"They are badgering you too?"

"Badgering me? They are on my tail. After raiding their base…"

"Wait you raided their base?" Ash said in shock.


"You beat them right?"

"It wasn't easy. Their numbers were huge. And their boss' power was almost unrivaled. I still have a long way to go".

"Their boss? They're have a boss?"

"Um yeah? A criminal organization usually needs a boss to function" Sonic said wondering what Ash meant.

"What kind of boss would hire them?" he asked petting Pikachu.

Sonic was now left dumbfounded once again. Ash was showing team Rocket so little respect it made no sense.

"Yeeeah. Ok. Anyway, how many badges do you have?"


"So you beat Erika. Nice".

"Um actually he didn't" Misty intervened again.

"Excuse me?"

"He didn't. Team Rocket caused a fire and Ash saved Erika's gloom so she gave him the badge in gratitude".

"Gave him the badge?" Sonic said in surprise "So Brock gave you his badge, Erika gave you hers. Did surge gave you his too?"

"No. I beat him fair and square. Without evolving my Pikachu".

"That's your choice. A foolish choice but still yours".

Why is it a foolish choice?" Ash said rushing in front of Sonic and stopping him.

"Because you're inhibiting yourself from reaching your full potential".

"I'm not gonna become like surge in the pursuit of power. And neither like you".

"Like me?"

"Did you even wonder if your Pikachu wanted to evolve?" Ash asked as Pikachu cried out at raichu as if it was saying "yeah did he ask you".

"Guys no need to argue we're all friends here".

"Not just yet Brock" Ash said "I want to hear what he has to say. Surge's raichu was arrogant and mean. I won't ever let Pikachu turn into that unless it's its choice".

Sonic was honestly surprised that Ash desired to stay as he was. The two of them were kind of opposites but he decided to test the waters.

"My raichu desired to evolve from the first moment I met it. Its personality is still like it was when it was a Pikachu. I see no problem with growing. And trust me when I tell you. You become arrogant and mean only if you let yourself become. I was like that for a while but no longer. I choose who I am not my abilities and same goes for raichu and my other pokemon. They have all evolved from their first stages and their personalities haven't changed".

"Well then fight me and my pokemon! I will prove to you I don't need to evolve to beat you?"

"Like last time?" Sonic said with a smiling expression of "result will be the same".

"No it will not be like last time".

"Guys enough" Misty said "let's just move for now or night will arrive before we arrive the city. Let's go Brock. Brock?"

In the midst of their argument, Brock had approached a passing girl in a pink dress and her oddish and was holding her hand on his knee.

"Oh vision of beauty I'm Brock. Let us sail into the endless beauty of the… ouch ouch!" he yelled as Misty pulled him from his ear while apologizing to the girl who was clearly uncomfortable. Ash laughed.

"Yeah same old Brock".

Sonic however was processing the sight with his mouth hanging open.

"What the fu…" he tried to say only for raichu to close his mouth his its tail bringing back to reality.

"That might have been one of the weirdest things I've seen. With all due respect" he said as Brock was mourning.

"My heart is in a million pieces".

"Don't worry Brock you'll find plenty of other girls to reject you" Ash said patting his on the shoulder. Sonic turned to his raichu.

"Buddy, it's official. I'm dreaming. Zap me so I can wake up" he said closing his eyes.

Raichu obeyed confused and Sonic felt the current coursing through his body. Though it was a huge shock and his hair started pointing upwards, he opened his eyes to see his was actually awake.

"Oh my god this is painful to watch" he thought as Misty was pulling Brock from the ear to move as Ash followed with a small laugh. Sonic followed regardless of the cringe.

As he walked past Ash, the latter noticed the wing dangling from Sonic's backpack.

"Hey what's that?" he asked intrigued as he looked closer.

"Spoils of battle" Sonic said trying to sound cool and mysterious.

"A battle with what?"

"What could possibly be the pokemon I fought to receive a wing from?"

Ash thought about it for a moment as Brock and Misty also observed the feather.

"An orange-to-yellow feather. Strong pokemon. OOOOh I see!"

"Wasn't that hard to figure out was it?" Sonic said with a hint of pride on his face.

"You must have fought a wild pidgeot!" Ash said with confidence.

Sonic tripped from the shock and landed head first to the ground to raichu's concern and Pikachu's laughing.

"A pidgeot?! Are you dense or something? Do you really think I would keep a pidgeot feather?"

"Why not? It is a powerful pokemon" Ash replied with a seemingly innocent voice.

Sonic slapped his forehead.

"This kid's an idiot I swear" he thought "alright I'll give you one more try. You can touch the feather if you want to get another clue".

Ash went ahead and touched the feather feeling how hot it was.

"A hot feather? Oh I see now!"

"Finally" Sonic said in relief.

"You fought a charizard!" he said with even more confidence than before.

Sonic slapped his forehead stronger this time and lunged at Ash, being held back by Brock.

"Let me at him Brock please! He is too dense to exist!"

"Calm down Sonic" Brock said holding him back as Ash looked in confusion.

"I'm wrong again? You fought a flying type and the feather is hot so it must have also been a fire type. Charizard fits the bill".

"Yes" Sonic said in disappointment stopping his effort to attack "except Charizard has webbed wings. They don't have feathers".

Brock then gasped in shock.

"Wait! There is one other fire and flying pokemon" he said observing the feather again. He then stepped back in shock.

"Is that a feather of the legendary moltres?!"

"Thank god at least you figured it out" Sonic said in relief.

"You fought Moltres?!" Misty said in surprise.

"Yes. I forfeit the battle to protect raichu from it after we were overwhelmed but it did leave me this feather afterwards".

"It acknowledged you. This is a huge honor for a trainer" Brock said in awe.

"It sure is" Sonic said with pride as they continued on their way.

After a while he could see the city buildings protrude from the woods next to the coast.

"Hey look we're almost there" Sonic said.

Raichu cried out in joy and Pikachu who had just climbed down to challenge it again agreed before trying to goad it into a fight. At that moment however a net came out of nowhere and captured the two mouse pokemon.

"Pikachu!" Ash said in terror as Sonic looked for the owners of the net.

A duo of laughters occurred as they saw the net being raised onto a meowth hot air balloon.

"Team Rocket!" Ash said in anger.

"These 3 idiots again?" Sonic said in disgust.

"Ahahaha! Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation".

"To unite all peoples…."

"Alright we get it!" Sonic said in anger "you're evil. Now let go of our pokemon or this time I won't be so kind!"

Team Rocket went to answer but meowth remembered Sonic.

"Gah! It's him! The twerp who threatened to have me ripped apart!"

"He is the twerp who destroyed the Celadon base!" James said remembering when Giovanni was fuming in the last meeting of the higher ups.

"All the better" Jessie said in excitement "the boss will be so pleased we bring the raichu he hates and this powerful Pikachu back!"

"Let them go team rocket! Go pidgeotto!" Ash ordered sending out his pokemon.

Sonic who was not in the mood for this, took out blastoise's pokeball.

"This is your only warning. Let them go, or you won't make it back to your boss!"

"Oh yeah what are you gonna do twerp! Give me here James! Go weezing!"

A weeing came out of the pokeball and floated down towards Sonic.

"Blastoise!" he shouted sending it out "water pulse!"

Blastoise easily knocked out weezing to team Rocket's horror.

"Last chance! Let them go!"

"N-never! Go Arb.."

"Ice beam!"

Blastoise fired ice beam at the net cutting it in half as the ice broke from the weight of the 2 electric types sending them plummeting to the ground.

"Alakazam! Use psychic to save them!" Sonic shouted sending it out.

Alakazam emerged and slowed the fall until Pikachu and raichu touched the ground gently.

"Ash will you do the honors of destroying these 3 idiots?"

"With pleasure! Pikachu thunderbolt!"

"Pikaaaaaa…. chuuuuu! Pikachu cried out as it unleashed its attack zapping team Rocket and causing the hot air balloon to explode sending them flying. Sonic heard them screaming in horror as they launched away.

"We're blasting off again!" was all he heard as they disappeared into the sky.

"I wonder where they will land" Ash said with a smile.

"Hopefully somewhere where they can be taught a lesson" Sonic replied,

Team rocket crash-landed in the middle of the woods on top of a pile of berries.

"This is not fair we were so close!" Jessie went into a tantrum.

"As if one twerp was bad enough now, there's two of them".

"And the second one is worse than the first" Meowth replied "at least I won't be ripped apart today".

At that moment the 3 were ensnared in string shots as they looked around to see they had landed into the nest of a pair of scythers.

"Spoke too soon" Meowth said in horror.

"Mommy!" a scream was heard far away from the nest but never reach Sonic and the trio who reached the city. Sonic decided he would find somewhere to spend the night before visiting the safari zone as Reina had suggested. After bedding farewell to the trio and begrudgingly accepting a full battle with Ash next time they met, he found a room at one of the pokemon center in town. After a good dinner from the full day that consisted of sandwiches as they hadn't had any in a while Sonic checked his phone. He had a text from his mother asking how he was, which he quickly replied everything was going smoothly. Switching to Amy's chat he thought he had won the bet. There were 103 texts all of them being angry texts, challenges and her being triggered in general. Leaving her on read he went to sleep satisfied and beat at the long day he and his pokemon had had.

Chapter 20: Learning to hunt


Visiting the safari zone of Fuchsia city, Sonic is forced to adapt to catching pokemon unaided by his teammates, all the while pursued by a wild Pinsir.

Chapter Text

The sun's bright rays hit Sonic's face waking him up from his peaceful sleep. Jolting up hyped for another day of adventuring battling and maybe even catching a new pokemon in the safari zone, he gently woke up raichu and the two exited the pokemon center heading to the safari zone. On the way he checked his phone to see if his friends or his brother had texted him. There were no texts from them but 200 unread messages from Amy the last one sent at 5:14 AM.

"Wha… ok it's official she's crazy. If she keeps this up I'm blocking the contact" Sonic thought realizing once again he had dodged a bullet.

Reaching the safari zone he paid the entry fee but was informed that even though raichu could join him it was not allowed to use any of its moves against the wild pokemon otherwise it would have to be recalled until Sonic's tour of the safari zone ended. Sonic was also given a total of 30 pokeballs dyed in safari colors or as the staff called them safari balls.

"Kind of on the nose" he thought.

Entering the safari zone the duo were greeted with an entire horizon of open space as well as several pokemon roaming around. Sonic noticed a normal nidorino and an actual nidorina pass by as well as a tauros running past him and raichu.

"So many options" he commented but is which one could be the best one for the team?" he wondered.

He observed a pack of tauros thinking one was an easy catch.

"Seems strong but it's a normal type. Don't know how much I want one. Nah there's got to be something better around these parts".

Proceeding further in they came across a lake where an orange fish observed them curiously, its head protruding from the surface of the water.

"Goldeen I think" Sonic thought "nope already have a water type".

After a few more steps he heard a cry behind a rock. Slowly looking, the duo saw a kangaskhan with its baby, eating and feeding its baby.

"That's actually cute" Sonic thought smiling "though again. Normal type".

After going back to the path they came across an interesting one.

"A rhyhorn" Sonic thought in surprise "that's actually strong. But how much do I want a second ground type? Oh well I think it too much" he said taking aim and throwing the safari ball.

The ball hit the rhyhorn and wiggled twice but rhyhorn broke out. Sonic was about to throw a second one but rhyhorn growled in anger and stomped its foot to the ground. Raichu took a battle stance.

"Oh boy this is bad" Sonic said as he remembered raichu wasn't allowed to attack "raichu. Very slowly. Walk away".

Raichu cried out its name in question but obeyed its trainer as the two started carefully retreating. Rhyhorn however wasn't having it. It started dashing towards the pair.

"RUN!" Sonic screamed as he started running for his life. Noticing raichu kept forgetting the rule about not attacking, he quickly recalled it and kept running. He heard from behind his shoulder the angry growls and the stampede of the rhyhorn but dared not look back.

Taking a sharp turn Sonic dived behind a rock as the rhyhorn, not seeing well beyond its horn, passed by thinking Sonic had kept on going forward. Sonic observed it run and after making sure it was away started taking deep breaths with his eyes closed trying to catch his breath.

"Oh man. That was a rush".


Sonic opened his eyes confused and his eyes met the eyes of a powerful looking pokemon with giant pincers. The two were looking at each other straight in the eye with the pokemon being right in front of him, not making a move. Sonic gulped.

"Pin. Siiir!" the pokemon growled as it used its pincers to try and grab Sonic. Acting on instinct Sonic dived out of the way and darted away.

"What is this crazy place?!" he said in horror as he saw a tree ahead.

Hiding on top of the tree, he observed the pokemon that had followed him but didn't think to look up. Not recognizing it he took out his pokedex and scanned it.

"Pinsir, the Stag Beetle Pokémon. A bug type. When Pinsir's horns clamp onto an opponent, they won't release until it's defeated".

"Woah what?" he thought in shock "so if I wasn't fast enough earlier this thing would have cut me in half".

He took one look at Pinsir which grabbed a rock with its pincers and smashed it with ease.

"Now you seem like a good catch" he thought smiling "ok. Ready" he said taking out another safari ball "Aim. Fire" he said as he threw the pokeball which hit pinsir.

The ball wiggled twice again and broke as Pinsir angered, noticed where its prey had disappeared at. Dashing to the tree, it nailed its pincers to the sides and with relative ease started uprooting it.

"YO WHAT THE FU… aaaahh!" Sonic screamed in horror as he was ejected by the force of the uprooting and crashed on the rocky ground scratching his arm. Pinsir let go of the tree and started approaching him. Sonic once again bolted away.

"I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead!" he screamed to himself in terror as he could hear the pincers sound behind him approaching.

Suddenly a rock came out of nowhere and hit pinsir on the head enraging it further but stopping it from pursuing Sonic and instead shift its focus on the person who had thrown the rock. Sonic tried to look at them as well but tripped and fell. Turning he saw a man dressed in a safari outfit throwing another rock at pinsir and which dashed at him. Smiling the man jumped out of the way causing pinsir to crash on a rock behind him. Taking out a safari ball the guy was about to throw it before pinsir fled. He stomped his foot to the ground in frustration before approaching Sonic.

"You ok there kid?"

"Apart from a scratch yeah" Sonic grunted as he got up.

"I assume you're new here. Noone else would be as foolish to try and catch a pokemon like that head on".

"Kind of figured that on my own" Sonic answered back.

"Heh. You got spirit though" the man said extending his arm "I'm Leo".


"Are you doing the gym challenge?"

"Yeah. What about you?"

"I'm a pokemon collector. I have caught a lot of pokemon but don't have any of them as my partner. That's not a big problem for me though. I have trained a lot to catch wild pokemon without battling them".

"Without a battle? I mean it makes sense in here but outside? Making your life harder on purpose?"

"That's my style. I like a challenge".

Sonic wiped the dirt of himself.

"I see. Well thanks Leo. I'll be on my way".

"Weren't you trying to catch that pinsir?"

"Was planning to. But that thing is dangerous. I'd like not to be cut in half".



"What do you say I teach you how my techniques? They might just help you as much as they have helped me".

Sonic was caught by surprise.

"Teach me your style? Why would you do that?"

"I like to go for hard prey when I hunt for pokemon but sometimes I'd like to have a rival in the hunt. However because trainers like you usually catch something easy and leave, it becomes boring".

"So basically you want to teach me how to hunt pokemon to hold a little contest? No other catch?"

"No other catch. I'll be leaving Kanto soon so I want to have such a contest with a local trainer before leaving".

"I'm not actually from Kanto but if you really mean it, I'll take the opportunity" Sonic said thinking it could actually be a helpful ability to be able to catch wild pokemon without battling them or in case he was unable to battle them for whatever reason".

"Excellent. We're starting right now. So. Rule number 1 of hunting. Pick your target. You need to know what you're aiming for otherwise you will be unlikely to yield a good result".

"So I have to decide what I want to catch?"


"I mean pinsir would have been nice. What else good lives here?"

"Allow me to show you" Leo said revealing a chart of the place.

"So the species I have encountered so far are members of the nidoran family, both the male and the female families, the paras family…"

"Care to enlighten me on it?"

"It's a grass and bug type. Mostly a defensive pokemon".

"Nah I think I'll pass. Terrible combination of types".

"Moving on, there is also there are plenty of rhyhorns around these parts".

"That could be a good one but I already have a soon to be nidoking so another ground type isn't in the plans".

"Continuing" Leo said slightly annoyed "other common species are the venonat family, exeggcute and doduo. Also some rare species are tauros, kangaskhan, chansey, pinsir, your very desire" he teased Sonic "and Scyther".

"I see. Wait are there lakes here?"

"Yes. They contain mostly magikarp, psyducks and poliwag as well as golden which is a bit rare. However I recently heard a rumor that dratini has begun appearing. One visitor even mentioned seeing a dragonair".

"Dratini and dragonair?!" Sonic asked in surprise as dratini being a dragon type made it very powerful and hard to beat.

"That's honestly my main aim. I wish to find one of their kind. So rare. So pretty and precious".

"I'm honestly between pinsir and dratini at this point" Sonic said "I have a good team already, so I'd like something to cover my flanks when it comes to types".

"Alright. You have the targets. Rule number 2 of hunting. Know your target".

"Didn't we just cover that?"

"No. We picked the target. Tell me what you know about pinsir and the dratini family".

Sonic racked his brain.

"To be honest, today was the first time I ever saw a pinsir. I have seen dragonairs and dragonites battle on TV. They are dragon therefore resist a lot of types. Also…"

"Let me stop you here. You describe them with the eyes of a trainer. As a hunter you need to know other stuff like how to track them. As I previously explained, dratini and dragonair live underwater. Therefore if you want to find them you will need to know how to fish pokemon and what lures them. I have special dragon lures with me but they are still not making it very easy".

"Ok. But what about pinsir?"

"Are you leaning towards it or is it just me?"

"Kind of. Its aggressive nature is something I'd like to have in my party. Plus dratini takes a lot of care to raise and a lot of training to become strong as a dragonite and well… let's just say I'm on a deadline".

"Fair enough. Pinsir is a bug type. But unlike most bugs that are usually the prey in the pokemon ecosystem, pinsir and scyther are predators. Therefore they don't live in groups and therefore are hard to find. In their case you need to know about their nature. What they eat and if possible what kind of tracks they live behind".

"Tracks? We're gonna detect tracks?"

"Yes. For someone like you who's about to do their first hunt it sounds crazy. But knowing what your prey looks like makes it all that easier to hunt it. So here" Leo said handing Sonic a few pictures "most of them are pokemon with similar footprints. It's almost midday so I will retreat for lunch. I want you to learn to recognize the footprints. Also on the back I have several notes on where most of these pokemon can be found. Learn them as well. It will make your life a lot easier. That's all for now. Let's meet in 2 hours for our contest. Deal?"

Sonic would have preferred to just use the info to track down and catch a pinsir or even a scyther but after all the help Leo had given him, it was the least he could do.


As the 2 walked out Leo remembered something.

"Before I forget. Rule number 3. Vital one. Predatory pokemon are dangerous and therefore will go for you. Elsewhere your own pokemon would defend you but here you will need to know how to dodge attacks. I suggest you train with your pokemon as much as possible before we meet again. See you later".

Sonic remembering his encounter with Pinsir almost resulting in his death agreed nodding. After a quick lunch he went to a clearing in the woods with his pokemon and had them attack him with their moves. The training was mostly a disaster as Sonic's reflexes were not good enough to dodge incoming attacks like that but by the end he was able to dodge a psychic-thrown object from Alakazam. Deciding there was nothing more to do for now and at worst they would just flee a predator running, they returned to the safari zone were Leo was waiting.

"Finally. Woah you look rough".

"Can't dodge that well yet".

"Just stay away from the prey if it's a predator and you'll be fine. Let's go in" he said in obvious excitement.

After paying the entry fee once again, Leo decided to head towards the lakes to try and fish for dratini. Sonic headed for a rocky section of the zone realizing from Leo's data the pinsir either liked forests or rocky terrains for easy prey. After small walk through the rocks he heard the familiar pincers grabbing something.

"Oh boy" he thought hiding behind a rock and slightly protruding his head to see.

There was but one Pinsir. But to Sonic's surprise it was calm and its pincers were clashing calmly as if it was playing with them.

"A calm predator? I wonder if it has had prey" Sonic thought.

"Found something?" a voice whispered in his ear.

Sonic almost gasped but kept himself from it.

"You scared the soul out of me. Also don't you dare try to catch this I found it!" he whispered.

"Well if you fail to catch it here, it'll be free for all. So what are you planning to do?"

Sonic thought about throwing a safari ball but remembered how Pinsir was not caught the first time around. He didn't like having to rely on luck again.

"Let me give you a small hint about places like this. Pokemon here live free for the most part. Therefore when predators become prey they tend to run. But if you can confuse them but not have them flee, they will be unable to resist the ball's mechanism".

"Confuse them? Like.." Sonic said remembering when Leo threw a rock at the Pinsir from before "throwing a rock?"

"Yes. It angers and/or confuses them. Making them less likely to break out of the ball".

"But what if we tried to lure them with food or something?"

"If you bait it with food it will see you as a food source. Apart from predators seeing you as prey, it makes them harder to catch because they have seen you therefore not only is the element of surprise gone, but when they see the ball coming they will shake off the mechanism. What you have here is a perfect opportunity".

"Ok" Sonic said hesitantly picking up a rock. Winding his hand he threw it at Pinsir hitting it on the head.

Pinsir immediately jolted up looking around as its pincers clapped. Winding up again Sonic threw a safari ball. It wiggled once, twice, thrice.

But the pinsir broke out. However instead of attacking them, seeing as they were 2 it fled.

"Looks like the hunt is on!" Leo said in excitement as he chased after it.

"Damnit no!" Sonic thought as he raced after him.

However after a small run Sonic caught up to Leo who had lost track of the Pinsir. They were at a crossroad junction and Pinsir tracks led to both sides.

"Well that's a bummer" Leo said as Sonic finally caught up.

"So… which track's the right one?"

"Can't tell" Leo said as he examined both sets of footprints "they both look very recent".

Sonic however felt his gut telling him to go right. He started walking towards the right path.

"Where are you going?"

"It's this way".

"How do you know?"

"… I just know".

"Following your gut? Not my cup of tea. I'll stay here and figure this out. See you when I catch my prize" Leo teased him.

Sonic proceeded as the path became uneven after a while. Looking back and realizing he had taken a wrong turn, his eyes widened.

"I'm lost" he thought to himself.

Trying to navigate through the maze of the rocky terrain, he ended up in a small circle with even ground. On the side he saw a pile of berries as well as what looked like the remains of what was once a metapod.

"Oh hell no!" Sonic thought but before he turned to leave he heard the now familiar sound. The sound of pincers.

Pinsir, mad beyond imagination that Sonic had trespassed into its nest, charged pincers forward trying to grab Sonic. Sonic once again dived to the side. Pinsir's pincers were nailed into a rock. Sonic winded up his hand to throw a safari ball but Pinsir unearthed the rock and threw it at Sonic.

"Remember the training!" Sonic thought as he sidestepped, the rock slightly scratching him but leaving him most unscathed. Throwing the safari ball, Pinsir was unable to prepare for it as it was recovering from having thrown such a big rock. The ball made contact and wiggled thrice. Sonic expected it to break out again.

Instead the beep confirming the catch was heard. Sonic dropped to his knees in relief while grabbing his scratched shoulder. Hands clapping was heard.

"THAT.. WAS… INCREDIBLE!" Leo yelled in excitement as he climbed down on of the big rocks and approached Sonic "and you caught it too!"

"You stood there and watched?!" Sonic said frustrated.

"It's not like you needed my help. You even dodged the projectile. Almost".

"It's nothing. I'll just find a bandage or something" Sonic said.

"Let help" Leo responded taking a bandage out of his backpack and bandaging Sonic's arm.

"You were right about following your gut. But so was I about following the tracks. They looked recent because they were. I found a Pinsir myself. Caught it of course. But that one was on the hunt. You followed the one you caught to its nest. Unintentionally I'm sure. But still bold move".

"Thanks" Sonic said not knowing what else to say.

Afterwards the 2 safari goers returned to the exit with their catches.

"I didn't manage to get a chance at dratini or dragonair but it's ok. Pinsir is just as good".

"I agree" Sonic said "though I wonder how I will train this one. It's very wild and I just took it from its home in a way".

"I'm sure it will warm up to you. Predatory pokemon make some of the strongest team members for a reason. Hard to tame. But if you do tame them, you will send fear into your opponent's heart".

"True" Sonic agreed again.

After shaking hands again and bidding farewell to each other as Leo was to leave Kanto the next day, Sonic returned to the pokemon center for the night, beat by the day's events. Hunting pokemon was a rush and somewhat dangerous.

"I do have to admit though. Confronting Pinsir right then and there did feel good" he murmured as he petted raichu who was grumpy at not having the chance to battle any of the safari pokemon.

"Don't worry partner. You'll get to train with our new team member tomorrow. Our other friends too" he said as he looked to his remaining 3 pokeballs as well as the one safari ball. The training session that was to come would surely be interesting.

Chapter 21: Befriending a predator


Things are awkward between Sonic and his pokemon, and their new team member, Pinsir. As the team continues to train, culminating into a rematch with Gary Oak, Pinsir makes its choice whether to stay with them.

Chapter Text

Sonic woke up as he hand ached from his cut the previous day. Groaning he got up and took a look at the scratch as he changed his bandage. It wasn't deep. As he took his pokemon out of the city to begin training to fight the next gym leader, he was called by Jet.

"What's good bro?"

"Hey bro. Heading off to train".

"What happened to your arm?"

"Oh I got cut yesterday".

"What craziness did you get yourself into this time?"

"When I get to the clearing I'll show you. Oh also I met Mike again".

"Really? How'd he seem?"

"Like a totally different person. More joyful. And much stronger. Dude almost beat me with 3 pokemon".

"3 against 4 and you almost lost?!"

"Yeah. I have a lot of work to do to keep up. Good news is…" Sonic said sending out the first pokeball as he turned the camera to face Alakazam that was sent out "I helped him evolve his haunter and he helped back".

"Alakazam! So cool! I've never seen one before! I usually see kadabras only!"

"I know. Alakazam has peeked in terms of the moves it could learn on its own so I evolved it. Soon enough I'm sure we'll find its mother as well" Sonic said as he prepared to throw the next pokeball.

"Also this one grew too" he said sending out blastoise.

"Blastoise too? Your team is stacked! How did it evolve so fast?!"

"We fought something very powerful" Sonic said as he brought the moltres wing in sight of the camera. Jet was silent for a moment then gasped.

"You saw moltres again?!"

"I didn't just see it. I battled it. I tried to catch it as well but it escaped. It granted me its wing as a token of acknowledgement".

"So cool!"

"And something else crazy too" Sonic said as he sent out raichu and nidorino "after the battle another pokemon appeared. A flying red pokemon. Not moltres. But it healed my pokemons' as well as Moltres wounds".

"What?! A new species?! I got to check it out! I'll contact Tails and Knuckles to get some research done as well".

"Cool. Oh and last thing. How I got the scratch" Sonic said sending out his 5th pokemon.

Pinsir emerged and immediately got into agro mode as blastoise immediately stepped in front of it to prevent it from attacking Sonic. As raichu tried to deescalate the situation, Sonic was able to give Jet a clear view of his newest catch.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" Jet asked loudly partly impressed, partly shocked and partly terrified.

"The safari zone. I wandered into its nest. A pokemon collector/hunter helped me the first time and taught some tricks to get around the rule of not using battling as a way to catch pokemon".

"You do know this thing is savage right? Can you really trust it?"

"I'll earn its trust. Even predators can form bonds with humans we've seen it before".

"Ok. Be careful though. Again this thing can be dangerous".

"As long as it's only dangerous in battle for my opponents, it'll be fine. Got to go. I have to get myself acquainted with it. Talk later bro. Give mom and dad my love" Sonic said as he hang up. Slowly approaching blastoise's back he motioned it to get out of the way. Pinsir was locked in a face-off with raichu as they used brick break and iron tail respectively, not one of them giving in at all.

"Oh boy" Sonic thought as he raised his hands to get their attention "everybody calm down we're all friends here".

Pinsir's eyes turned to him and broke off the contact with raichu attemting to slash at Sonic. However raichu's static kicked in exactly before the pincers touched him though he had already ducked out of the way. As Pinsir stood there paralyzed Sonic knew he had to make a choice. Having identified one of the berries he carried as a cheri berry which he had learnt could cure paralysis he pondered feeding it to Pinsir in an attempt to gain its trust. Raichu dashed to him and grabbed his foot trying to stop him.

"Buddy it's ok. Trust me".

Raichu hesitated but let go. It took a battle stance as Sonic approached the paralyzed Pinsir. Alakazam watching it all happen was ready to use its psychic power to lift and immobilize Pinsir. Blastoise and nidorino were looking visibly worried.

Sonic knelt in front of the pinsir which looked at him with savage eyes. It growled in what seemed like anger. Sonic offered it the berry as the pincers clicked threateningly. Pinsir slowly approached and Sonic put the berry slowly into its mouth. As the pinsir ate and the effect of the paralysis wore off, everybody was ready for a battle. Pinsir however just looked at Sonic in deep thought before clicking its pincers and growling as it walked a bit further away and tried to uproot a tree. Sonic thought about recalling it but stood in front of it to stop it instead.

"No. Don't uproot it".

Pinsir's pincers grabbed Sonic's sides before any of his pokemon could react. For a moment Sonic expected to feel them slashing him in half. Pinsir however showed obvious hesitation. After a moment it released him and just walked to the tree. It then shook it with its pincers causing berried to drop to the ground. Nidorino went to take one but Pinsir stopped it as they stared each other down. Sonic petted nidorino.

"I have some for you pal. Give our new friend some space" he said as they left pinsir alone.

After the first contact and a quick round of berries, the team started training, the pokemon battling each other to not only increase their power output but at Sonic's suggesting to try and sharpen their reflexes in order to dodge attacks. Pinsir observed silently and after a while, when it was sure everyone had forgotten it was there dashed at nidorino using brick break again. Raichu, drowning in adrenaline, easily blocked the attack and slammed pinsir with iron tail knocking it down. Pinsir got back up and slammed raichu back, curling and rolling in on itself holding raichu which took damage but broke free after a while landing a thunder punch at pinsir. Sonic identified the move but scanned the duo repeating the process with his pokedex.

"Last used moves?"

"Last recorded moves. Thunder punch and submission"

"Woah what? This thing knows submission? Isn't that a move they learn when they are at an advanced level of power?" Sonic wondered in surprise as he searched through the dex entry trying to see what kind of bug moves it could learn. To his disappointment it could only learn fury swipe and could only learn it by tutoring. However there were several other moves that made it a fascinating choice.

"Maybe I can't use it as a bug type, but a mixed type moveset on a bug type of such power has a lot of potential. Though for the time being I doubt it will obey me" Sonic thought silently.

In the meantime Alakazam and blastoise had managed to separate raichu and pinsir. Nidorino however was looking at them saddened that it couldn't do a lot to help. It approached Sonic, having warmed up to him during their travel to Fuchsia.

"What's is it nidorino?"

Nidorino pointed at his backpack lying on the grass. Sonic realized what it was thinking.

"You want to…"


"Why all of a sudden? We have had the stone for a while but you didn't pursue it until now" he said more to himself than to nidorino. Nidorino merely looked back at the bigger pokemon compared to it with the exception of raichu.

"Oh. You feel left out?"

"Nido" Nidorino growled in a bit of sadness.

"Nidorino" Sonic said kneeling to meet it in the eyes as raichu and pinsir had broken free from the grasp of Alakazam and blastoise and were clashing again "just because you're smaller at this point doesn't mean you're less strong or less important to the team. The choice must be yours alone" he ended his phrase.

"Wait a minute" he thought to himself "did I just sound like Ash right now?" he wondered as he considered whether or not to evolve nidorino.

"Hmmm" Sonic thought "to be honest evolving would make you less agile and the stall strategy wouldn't be as effective. But on the other hand we could have you fight back instead of dodging and just wait for the opponent to faint. And plus evolving will allow you access to earthquake when we visit mr Fuji again" he commented taking out the moon stone from his bag and laying it on the grass.

"The choice is yours nidorino. Go through with it only if you're sure".

He didn't give it the choice solely because of Ash's reasoning of their pokemon having their choice on the matter. Sonic and nidorino were working well already and the first would have no problem with the latter evolving right before learning earthquake. On the other hand having a fully evolved team sounded cool. And a small part of Sonic was dying to know what shiny Nidoking looked like.

Nidorino wasted no time. It immediately touched the stone and began glowing as the stone was absorbed into its body.

The other 4 pokemon all looked, even raichu and pinsir who stopped fighting and observed, pinsir showing no sign of surprise. Raichu, blastoise and alakazam however were surprised at this sudden turn of events.

The shape of nidorino became bigger and bigger until the glowing stopped and a sky-blue nidoking emerged as it roared, its roar piercing its teammates' ears and sending pidgeys flying from the trees.

"You look badass!" Sonic said in excitement.

Nidoking was approached by its teammates except pinsir who returned to its pile of berries and began eating them. Nidoking had indeed become slower but could take attacks better than before plus now that it was a ground type it could be a good wall for possible electric opponents. Raichu and nidoking immediately sparred as raichu, its thunder punch now not working had to resort to mostly iron tail so that it would be an effective attack and not get poisoned by poison touch.

While the team trainer pinsir observed the silent. After a while it once again dashed using brick break again on nidoking. Nidoking tanked the attack this time, raichu not intervening fast enough, and fired sludge bomb on pinsir. The two pokemon clashed with immense strength, the ground shaking by the ferocity of their attacks. After pinsir tried using submission which nidoking blocked with protect, it lunged at nidoking, closing it within its pincers. Adding a sudden bit of pressure caused the nidoking to instantly faint.

"NIDOKING!" Sonic screamed in horror as he approached it.

Feeling for the pokemon's chest he felt a heartbeat. As raichu clashed with Pinsir again, thinking it had killed its friend Sonic remembered Pinsir knowing another move, far more powerful than submission. Deciding to test its theory he looked around and saw a boulder sitting by a tree.

"Raichu! Lure pinsir towards the rock!"

Raichu obeyed and pinsir lunged again ready to grab raichu with its pincers. Raichu dodged and as Sonic recorded, pinsir smashed the rock with its powerful pincers.

"Last recorded move; guillotine" the pokedex reported.

"Guillotine" Sonic whispered as he stepped in between his 2 pokemon.

"Stop!" he ordered them as Nidoking got up with a lot of effort helped by Alakazam. Raichu saw this and sighed in relief. However its attention turned soon back to Pinsir.

"Raichu wait. There is no point" Sonic said as he turned to pinsir.

"You are strong. And I can see that. Wild and untamable. And with a one-hit KO move too" Sonic said realizing that having a predatory pokemon like that wouldn't be easy and that a test had to be taken to see if there was hope for pinsir. Taking out pinsir's pokeball he placed it on a piece of the rock pinsir had just smashed.

"If you want out you can have it. I won't force you to be with us" Sonic said.

Pinsir approached the pokeball and grabbed it with its pincers. Sonic was fully ready to see the pokeball break from the pressure. It sucked that he would lose such a powerful pokemon but it was for the best.

Pinsir however just stood there looking at the pokeball after a few moments it placed the pokeball back on the rock and returned to its spot with the berries. Sonic's pokemon observed it silently as Sonic took back the pokeball and headed to use a healing item on Nidoking.

"So it won't make up its mind just yet" he thought after healing nidoking as he started packing up his stuff to return to town to rest. Time had passed and it would soon go dark.

Once he returned to the path leading to the city Sonic heard someone call out to him.

"Hey you!"

Turning around Sonic saw none other than…

"Gary" he said in surprise.

"So we meet again spikehead".

"Look if this about your defeat at my hands, I know I stepped over the line with the trashtalking. But you had it coming a bit too".

"Who cares about the trashtalking. You beat Ash and you think that makes you someone?"

"You know Ash?"

"Yes. And now I will prove that your performance against him and me was just a fluke".

"Look" Sonic tried to reason with him "Ash had it coming when he battled me. Don't come at me with the same attitude".

Gary was ready to answer back but noticed the Moltres wing hanging from Sonic's backpack which strangely emitted a small glow.

"No. No. NO! That can't be… Ash has to have lied. This can't be a feather of the legendary moltres!"

"Oh but it is" Sonic said confidently "you can come at me if you want but keep in mind not the same person I was in Vermillion. I am much, much better now".

Gary however had made up his mind.

"I'm not afraid of you! I will show why I will be the strongest trainer in the world! Go Arcanine!"

Arcanine came out of the pokeball and roared.

"So you evolved growlithe. Good. Go Alakazam!"

Alakazam came out of the pokeball and hummed in peace.

"Alakazam?! How? How can someone like you have a friend to help you evolve it?!"

"You shouldn't judge someone without knowing everything about them" Sonic said "my friend was an actual challenge. Ash's Pikachu fell in one move. I can't say his entire team won't be a challenge since I have not seen it. So me if you will be a challenge".

"Arcanine fire blast!"

Arcanine released a jet of flames shaped like a star at Alakazam. Alakazam used its psychic power to redirect the blast dodging it.

"Alakazam show him a real move! Shadow ball!"

Alakazam fired shadow ball at Arcanine greatly damaging it.

"Weak! Extreme speed!"

"Extreme speed?!" Sonic said in surprise having never heard of that move.

Arcanine disappeared from sight moving like an orange blur. Alakazam tried to hit it with shadow balls and psychic but was unable to. Extreme speed connected resulting in a critical hit knocking Alakazam out with ease.

"No" Sonic said in shock at the power of the move.

"Ha I knew you were nothing. Using shadow ball with a psychic type. It takes a real trainer to know that moves used by a pokemon with the same type are stronger. It's called a same type ability boost Spike".

Sonic felt frustration crawl up on him again.

"Picked that up from Ash?!"

"Yes I did. Now hurry up and bring out your next weakling".

"Fine. I'll give you something to dread! Pinsir go!"

"Pinsir?!" Gary said in shock.

Pinsir emerged. Its pincers clicking threateningly and its deadly glare caused Arcanine to flinch despite pinsir not having an ability to affect its opponent.

"Pinsir demolish that arcanine! Guillotine!"

Pinsir however looked back at Sonic and proceeded to walk off the field.

"Pinsir?" Sonic said in shock as pinsir just grabbed nearby rock and smashed it.

"Pinsir we're in the middle of a battle" Sonic said in utter confusion. Gary started laughing hysterically.

"Pinsir if you want to smash, smash him!" Sonic said in anger as Gary wiped the tears off his eyes.

"You are such a moron. Don't you know powerful pokemon don't obey weaklings?!"

"Who are you calling a weakling?!"

"You. Obviously you can't assert your dominance to make it obey you. At least if you had more badges you would be experienced enough to handle it".

"Damnit he's right" Sonic thought calming himself down "Pinsir is too powerful for my current level. I need to build trust with it before it obeys me. Oh well" he said as sent out blastoise instead.

"What?! Your wartortle already evolved?!"

"Result of my battle with Moltres. You're lucky I wasn't able to catch it".

"W-Whatever! Arcanine sunny day!"

Arcanine used its move harnessing the sun's light to make the air around them hotter.

"Blastoise water pulse!"

Blastoise fired its move which shrank in size due to the heat allowing arcanine to dodge.

"Solar beam!" Gary said confidently.

Arcanine charged its solar beam but Sonic could tell that it would fire soon due to the surrounding heat.

"Protect!" Sonic ordered as blastoise blocked the attack successfully. Arcanine and Gary were left in shock.

"Don't stop now arcanine! Fire blast!"

"Rapid spin!"

Blastoise's enhanced defenses as well as its spinning rotation allowed it to easily tank the move.

"Solar beam!"


The two pokemon repeated their earlier moves. At the end of the protect move the heat around them wore off as well as Arcanine had started getting exhausted. Sonic knew it was now or never.

"Water pulse!"

There was no dodging for the tired Arcanine. Just like with Alakazam the move was a critical hit resulting in it getting knocked out. Pinsir in the meantime observed silently.

"Arcanine return" Gary said returning it "you got lucky again! But your lack won't last forever! Go nidorina!"

A nidorina came out and Sonic still remembering the day he encountered his shiny nidorino could tell it was drastically different compared to its male counterpart.

"Nidorina poison sting!"

"Rapid spin"

Blastoise tanked the attack with its move, the poison stings not penetrating its shell.

"Not just yet! Thunderbolt!"

"Thunderbolt?!" Sonic said in surprise and before he could react the attack connected. Blastoise took a shocking amount of damage but was still standing.

"Return" Sonic said "you did well. Rest for a while. So you use a nidorina with thunderbolt? Let me counter with this!" he said sending out his shiny Nidoking which sparkled.

"What the?! A blue Nidoking?!"

"Wrong. A shiny nidoking!"

"F-Fine! It makes no difference! Nidorina use double kick!"

Nidorina attacked Nidoking with double kick, not even phasing it.

"Getting up close without knowing if you can knock out my pokemon. Big mistake! Nidoking! Mud slap!"

Nidoking used the move to devastating effects. It was a lot stronger than when it was a nidorino. Nidorina fainted immediately despite the move's relatively low damage.

"Wha… how?!"

"Me and my pokemon trained hard for a long time ever since our first battle! You are no match for us!"

"Grr. Go eevee!"

"Eevee? Seriously? Ash ok, he is a bit dense and wants to win with a Pikachu. But an eevee? Three possible evolutions and you keep it an eevee?"

"Shut up! Eevee swift!"

Swift had little effect on nidoking.

"Sludge bomb!"

Sludge bomb knocked eevee out immediately. Gary recalled it fuming.

"Who's the weakling now? All you got left is your starter. Unless you have something else".

"Go graveler!"

"Still a graveler huh? No one to trade it with to help it evolve? Wish you had a friend now right?" Sonic threw Gary's words back at him.

"Graveler rock slide!"

Graveler unleashed its move sending rocks hurling towards Nidoking. Though it didn't take a lot of damage it slowly started adding up.

"Nidoking. Mud slap!"

Nidoking fired back at graveler but the rocks prevent the mud slap from reaching its target.

"Now graveler! Magnitude!"

Graveler used its move and got lucky using magnitude 10. Nidoking took so much damage that it fainted. Before Sonic could recall it however to his surprise Pinsir approached and helped nidoking up, as the two pokemon shared a moment and an unspoken understanding.

"Dude" Sonic thought "it fainted it before… and now it's helping it back up. So poetic" he thought as he recalled nidoking.

"Will you help me out to avenge nidoking?" he asked pinsir.

Pinsir simply turned around and walked away from the fight. Sonic slapped his forehead.

"Blastoise is too injured. Raichu it's all up to you!" he thought sending it out.

"You bring out raichu instead of blastoise? You're just as stupid as Ash".

"Oh you'd be surprise at our growth" Sonic said having already formed a plan.

"Graveler use rock slide!"

"Raichu dodge!"

Raichu dodged the incoming attack, using iron tail from time to time to deflect incoming boulders sending them on the ground around them.

"Magnitude!" Gary ordered sure that it was the end!"

"Quick attack!" Sonic ordered "and jump from the rock!"

Raichu dashed forward as magnitude was used. Before the wave of magnitude reached it, it jumped off of one of the fallen rocks, flying through the air and fast approaching graveler.

"Brick break!"

Raichu smacked graveler on the head hard. Sonic wasn't expecting graveler to faint immediately despite raichu's training in physical combat. But he was proven wrong as graveler toppled. Gary was at a loss for words.

"This can't be. This isn't right!"

"Bring out wartortle" Sonic said wanting to finish this battle soon.

"No point" Gary said in disappointment turning to walk away "wartortle stands no chance against your raichu".

"Hm. At least Ash was willing to fight the fight".

Gary turned around to answer but saw raichu and immediately changed his mind.

"I don't know how you got so strong but I'll show you. Next time we meet I will beat you".

"Just make sure you don't need saving from something or something" Sonic joked.

Gary gritted his teeth and walked away. Sonic did a high five with raichu as pinsir approached them slowly. Sonic turned to it as he took out its pokeball putting it on the ground.

"Have you decided?"

Pinsir walked up to the pokeball and for a moment it looked ready to grab it with the pincers. Instead however it touched the button with the pincers being recalled. Sonic felt a spark of joy in his heart at having befriended a predatory pokemon like that. Sending it out again he smiled.

"Welcome to the team" he said as he attempted to pet it. Pinsir simply dodged his hand, walked up to raichu and did a nod of acknowledgement while Sonic experienced a small version of a heartbreak when he was again ignored. He smiled again though as he looked at the duo.

"Hopefully soon" he thought as he motioned for the duo to follow him to the city hoping that someday soon pinsir would accept him entirely.

Chapter 22: Dark future


As Sonic battles for his 5th gym badge, ominous signs begin to appear in the horizon. A call from Mike proves them true; Team Rocket is making their move.

Chapter Text

The sun rose over Fuchsia city as Sonic and his team completed their training over at the beach south of the city. Everyone of them was feeling energetic. His first 4 pokemon were all ready to tackle the next gym. Pinsir on the other hand while having gotten acquainted with them still refused to obey Sonic. He had no worries about though. He knew it would take some time but he would tame it eventually.

After his defeat of Gary the previous evening, Sonic was in high spirits. That arcanine had proved to be a powerhouse. Especially the extreme speed move. Quick attack paled in comparison. Sonic and raichu had tried to replicate it but found themselves unable to. According to data about it online, very few pokemon could learn it. Recovering from it quickly they decided it was time and after a quick breakfast headed for the gym.

Taking a path outside the city, he encountered Ash who was trying and failing to catch a wild passing venonat.

"Well look who it is. Finally feeling ready to tackle the gym…"

"Don't you dare call me Spike" Sonic said before Ash could complete his phase.

"Alright alright. I won't. But I'd like to see your battle with him".

"Aren't you going to fight him?" Sonic asked him as they started heading to the gym.

"Already have" Ash said proudly revealing the soulbadge.

"Huh. You got it. How did you get him to hand it over?"

"Beat him of course".

"That's new" Sonic teased him.

"I earned my badge fair and square whether you believe it or not".

"I don't. You were handed 3 of the 5 badges you have so far. One out of sympathy".

"Whatever. When we battle I'll show you".

"Yeah sure. Like your friend Gary showed me?"

"You battled Gary?"

"I stomped him to the ground. Honestly like don't either of you train? Me and my pokemon train every day and very hard".

Ash was about to answer but his Pikachu ran up to them and climbed on his shoulder. It then glared at raichu who glared back, tempers flared once again. Brock and Misty were waiting for them at the gym.

"Sonic what a surprise" Brock said visibly pleased to see him "going to tackle koga?"

"If he's ready for me yes" Sonic said with confidence "what are you guys doing here though? Ash already earned his badge".

"Oh Koga wanted us to be here today. He said he felt a powerful aura in town and that he wanted us here to witness the battle he would have with that powerful aura today".

"Sensed an aura? I thought he was a ninja not a seer".

"We don't try to understand him much. Just go along when we can" Misty admitted "he's a bit of a special case".

The door of the dojo behind them opened and out stepped a man dressed in a ninja outfit, eyes closed.

"K-Koga" Misty said thinking he had heard her "I-I don't know how much of it you heard but I can explain".

Koga however merely opened his eyes and scanned them head to toe until his eyes met Sonic's.

"So the aura I felt was real".

"I assume you're Koga the gym leader?" Sonic asked him.

"Yes. You come for my badge I suppose?"


"Very well then. Step in".

Sonic was surprised at the speed things were unfolding but wasted no time.

Stepping into the dojo he was requested to remove his shoes. The challenger and the gym leader stepped into the arena.

"How many pokemon?" Sonic asked.


"Fine by me" Sonic said picking his first pokeball.

"Send out your pokemon in 3" the referee said "2. 1! Go!"

"Go Venomoth!"

"Go Alakazam!"

The 2 pokemon emerged and stood opposite each other ready to clash.

"An Alakazam. A wise pick for my gym. But let's see how well it deals with bugs! Stun spore!"

Venomoth released a wave of powder which headed for Alakazam.

"Psychic!" Sonic ordered knowing he had to get that Venomoth out of there before any of his other pokemon hit the field.

The stun spore connected but so did psychic. The power of Alakazam having been doubled since its battle with Erika as a Kadabra struck true, knocking out Venomoth with one strike. Everyone in the room was speechless. Koga recalled his Venomoth.

"I knew the aura I sensed was real. But you should have not gone for the aggressive play. Go golbat!"

Goldbat appeared and screeched greatly annoying Sonic who remembered being stalked in the caves he been in by zubats.

"Confuse ray!"

Golbat moved first due to Alakazam's lowered speed because of the paralysis. To make matters worse paralysis kept it from moving.

"Now bite!" Koga ordered.

Golbat attacked Alakazam. It tried to raise a reflect wall but was unable due to the confusion. The attack connected causing it to faint. To everyone's surprise however Sonic was calm.

"A mere setback" he said confidently "raichu you're up!"

"Rai!" raichu cried out entering the arena.

"Good choice" Koga said "but I can't let you have your way. Return golbat! Go Weezing!"

Weezing emerged opposing raichu.

"I can switch too you know. Raichu back. Blastoise you're up!"

Blastoise appeared with a huge thud.

"Fine by me. Weezing poison gas".

"Blastoise protect!"

Blastoise protected itself from the attack.

"Now use water pulse!"

Blastoise attacked Weezing with its water move, not causing a lot of damage due to its high defenses.

"Weezing sludge bomb!"

Weezing unleashed a barrage of sludge balls.

"Rapid spin!"

Blastoise span really fast deflecting the attack. One sludge ball however happened to enter its shell though the opening of the head, dealing damage and poisoning it.

"Damn" Sonic said "blastoise, Use ice beam!"



Ice beam was blocked by protect.

"You're not the only one who can use a defensive move properly young challenger. I'm still waiting to fight the aura I sense in you".

Sonic clenched his fist in frustration.

In the meantime Ash Misty and Brock were observing with great interest.

"He has some powerful pokemon" Brock commented "fully evolved too".

"Nothing unexpected of him" Ash said "I wonder how much he pushed them to evolve".

Sonic heard that comment but refrained from answering. Ash had no idea why he had trained so hard.

"Blastoise change of plan. Use water pulse!"

"Counter with light screen!"

Light screen deflected a big chunk of the move lowering the damage greatly. Blastoise felt its energy being drained by the poisoned and growled in pain. Sonic felt doubt creep up on him.

"Think Sonic. There has to be a way, Unless… of course!" he thought as he remembered something from his fight with Mike.

"Blastoise ice beam!"


Ice beam connected with protect but before it could evaporate Sonic took action.

"Water pulse!"

Water pulse struck the concentrated ice smashing it, penetrating the shield. It damaged weezing but not to fainting point.

"Weezing use sludge bomb!"

Weezing used its move. Blastoise having gotten exhausted was unable to use rapid spin to deflect it. The sludge balls struck it head on causing it to topple with another thud.

"Ha. Spike's going to lose!" Ash said in a teasing tone "and to think you said you would stomp Koga down".

Koga however turned to Ash.

"You shouldn't underestimate this young trainer. My senses are never wrong. He contains a powerful aura. And so does his raichu. Bring it out and show me that aura" he said referring to Sonic.

"Raichu" he said turning to it "it's all up to you".

"Rai" it cried out in determination as it jumped into the field ready to avenge its friends.

"Raichu quick attack!"

Raichu moved faster than Weezing could react and slammed against it hard. Weezing fell to the ground and Sonic pushed on.

"Thunder punch!"

Raichu using its already huge momentum landed the attack damaging Weezing further. For some reason however it stood there.

"Keep striking it until it faints!" Sonic said not wanting to see what it was up to.

Raichu struck it continuously. Koga however smiled.

"Right into my trap".



Weezing's body started shining as if it was an exploding bomb.

"Raichu take cover!"

The explosion occurred. When the dust settled Koga who had not even flinched keeping his eyes closed was waiting to see what the move had accomplished. Ash Misty and Brock on the other hand had taken cover and saw Sonic had knelt down to take cover from the smoke.

"Good try Spike. But there's no way your raichu would survive that".

A small smile formed in Sonic's lips.

"Don't be so sure" he said as he was looking at something protruding from the ground barely visible due to the smoke.

Koga hearing this in surprise grabbed a rug from the ground and started creating waves of air to clear the smoke faster. After the smoke cleared they all raichu with its tail nailed to the ground having used it as cover from the explosion first to limit the damage and then as an anchor to not be thrown out of the arena.

"No way!" Brock said in shock "raichu is still standing".

"RAI!" Raichu let out a small roar of determination.

Koga could never have anticipated such an outcome. Recalling the fainted weezing he looked at Sonic.

"This powerful aura I feel. The bond between you and your raichu. It is unmistakable. But even so you haven't won yet. Golbat come on out!"

Golbat emerged again.

"You might have the type advantage but raichu is weakened now. Golbat use bite!"

Golbat dived fangs out.

"Iron tail!"

Raichu raised its tail in defense as golbat bit it. Raichu cried out in pain but stood strong.

"Thunder punch!"

Raichu punched golbat hard but not hard enough to faint it. It staggered trying to stay conscious.

"Don't disappoint me now! Golbat screech!"

Golbat released a powerful soundwave causing raichu to cover its ears. Sonic knew this was bad. If raichu couldn't hear him they were sitting ducks.

"Raichu!" he screamed but his voice couldn't penetrate the soundwave.

Raichu knelt as it felt it couldn't take the sound anymore. The sound stopped but raichu's ears still buzzed.

"Golbat end this! Leech life!"

"Jump!" Sonic screamed instinctively.

Raichu didn't hear anything but as if running on the same instinct jumped as golbat crashed on the ground. With everyone watching it closed its eyes to sense its trainer. Sonic saw it and deciding to bet everything on their bond ordered the final attack.

"Thunder punch!"

Raichu peeked its jump and started falling, eyes still closed and ears still buzzing. However just like before it instinctively charged up the thunder punch and landed it with devastating effects. The wooden floor cracked under power as golbat went down giving Sonic the win. Sonic not waiting to confirm his victory approached raichu worried. Ash was at a loss for words.

"How did they turn it around?" he said in surprise remembering how he had won in a similar way that seemed impossible against Koga's golbat with his charmander.

Koga recalled golbat with a smile on his face and approached Sonic.

"I was right. Your aura is no lie. I sensed it since you arrived at the city but now I can tell without a doubt. You too have unlimited potential".

"Thanks" Sonic said "I guess" he thought as he still couldn't wrap his mind around what Koga called sensing his aura. From his experience or at least the movies he had seen, ninja training didn't allow sensing auras but decided not to question it.

"You have beaten me fair and square. The soulbadge is yours as well" Koga said handing it to Sonic.

"Thank you".

After the battle Sonic and the trio of Ash Misty and Brock went to leave as Sonic was fully prepared to go heal his pokemon and then have the promised battle with Ash. However before he could go Koga called out to him again. Approaching him, Sonic saw him visibly shaken.

"Everything ok?"

"I went to meditating after you 4 exited the dojo. I sensed your aura leaving. But you two were different. You are covered in darkness".


"The 6th gym leader, Sabrina and I have one thing in common. We can sense what is to come. She can see it with her psychic powers. I can sense it through people's aura with my training. I sense something ominous in your near future. You need to be very careful from now on".

"Um ok" Sonic said kind of spooked.

After that weird interaction the 4 travelers left to return to Fuchsia city, Koga's words echoing in Sonic's mind.

"Something ominous? What does he mean?" he thought.

Reaching Fuchsia city they went straight to the pokemon center. After Sonic healed his pokemon, he finally relented and was about to head off to the south beach with Ash and his friends so they would have their battle. Before they exited the city however he got a phone call. Not registered number.

"What the? Is it Amy again?" he wondered as he answered "hello?"

"Sonic! Can you hear me?!"


"We need your help" static was heard after this "Mr Fuji" more static "help!" was help as the line cut off.

"Reina?! Reina!" Sonic screamed at the phone in terror.

"What's wrong?" Brock asked him concerned.

"My friend Reina! She needs help! I got to get to Celadon fast!"

"But what about our battle?!" Ash said in frustration.

"Another time I got to go!" Sonic said slightly annoyed by Ash's lack of empathy though under normal circumstances it would require a little context to understand the rush. But giving context required time that Sonic didn't have.

Racing back to town he knew the fastest way to Celadon was the cycling road to the west of the city. Problem was it required a bike which Sonic didn't have. At that moment however he saw someone coming out of a shop and riding a 2-seat bike. Sonic rushed to him.

"Sorry for the inconvenience but I need a ride!" Sonic hurriedly slightly scaring the boy who had the bike.


"I need a ride to Celadon city fast".

"Celadon? But it's very far even with through the cycling road".

"I know but I need to get there now. It's a matter of utmost importance!"

The boy looked at who he saw as a raving lunatic in shock but relented.

"Fine but only because I was planning to go to Celadon's mega mart this week might as well go now. Hop on. And pedal hard. No freeloading".

Sonic hopped on the 2nd seat of the bike and after 5 minutes they had hit the cycling road. Passing by other cyclists like a blur, Sonic felt his feel melting from the force he was putting into it but knew time was against him.

Reaching Celadon in mere minutes, Sonic thanked the boy and run off before hearing his response. Racing to Reina's house he knocked on the door frantically until her mother opened the door.

"Sonic? What a pleasant surprise".

"Where is Reina?!" he asked frantically.

"A-At mr Fuji's place. Is everything ok?"

Sonic said a quick ok and sprinted off before even saying he would let her know if everything was ok. Reaching mr Fuji's house in exhaustion and slightly coughing, he went to the backyard and saw Reina and mr Fuji helping a pokemon learn a move. Reina turned her head and saw him.

"Sonic?" she said as he face lit with joy. As she approached him however she saw his worried face.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

Sonic dropped to his knees and coughed his soul out before getting back up and drinking some water mr Fuji brought him who looked worried.

"If I'm ok? I should be asking that after the call for help".

"Call for help?"

"Yeah! You called me almost half an hour ago asking for help!"

"Me? But I didn't call you".


"Here look" she said showing him her phone. Sonic looked and was hit with a ton of questions. Her last call was to her mom 2 hours ago.

"But… this doesn't make any sense. I got a call. With your voice. Asking for help".

"What was the number that called you?" mr fuji asked him.

Sonic showed them the number of the call. Reina read it carefully.

"That's not my number" she said showing him her number from her phone.

Sonic's eyes widened in shock.

"WHAT?! But… if you didn't call me… who did? And how was their voice… yours?!"

"Sonic" mr Fuji said putting his hand on Sonic's shoulder "take a deep breath. You're in shock. Sit down and relax and think it through carefully".

Sonic nodded trying to calm down.

"Ok" he said sitting down around a table that was in mr Fuji's backyard "since I'm here" he said remembering something "could you teach this no longer little fellow earthquake?" he said sending out nidoking. Reina and mr Fuji were in awe as it sparkled.

"Right away" mr Fuji said as he got to work.

Reina in the meantime sat next to Sonic who was trying to calm down and contemplate what had happened.

"It's ok" she said calmly "it's over now".

"Maybe but this is a serious incident. Who would call me and pretend to be you? And why?"

"Maybe a prankster?"

"Who pretended to be you? No something darker is behind this. And I aim to find out what".

His phone rang again. Different number. Still unknown number. With Reina watching Sonic picked up.


"Sonic!" a voice was heard again.

"Who is this?!" he asked in anger.

"Sonic" static was heard again "Sonic it's Mike! I need help! The rockets bzzt… the rockets! Lav bzzt.. tower!"

"Mike? Mike?!" Sonic screamed at his phone but the line was cut.

"What the hell is going on?!" he yelled in panic. Reina tried to calm him down.

"Sonic calm down please".

"Someone is calling me and pretending to be people I know! That worked with you because we have not exchanged numbers. But Mike and I have exchanged numbers. So what the hell is happening?!" he screamed in confusion and anger.

Reina unexpectedly rushed in and hugged him, stopping him in his tracks. Her embrace helped his heartbeat calm down. As she let go blushing Sonic came up with an idea. Picking up his cell phone he decided to verify once and for all what was happening.

Before he could make a call however he received a third call. This time from Mike. Answering he was met with a panicked voice.

"Sonic! Team rocket is attacking silph co! They took over Saffron city!"


"Your raid on their base pushed their plans forward not backward! Whatever they intend to achieve they're doing it now! We need to stop them!"

"You bet we will. Get to silph co! We'll fight through them and meet you there!"

"Don't be crazy. There is a better way".

"What way?"

"Meet me at the meeting point of the tunnels under the city as soon as possible. And I mean it! We're racing the clock!"

"On my way!" Sonic answered and hang up just as Nidoking was done picking up the earthquake.

"Listen closely" Sonic said to the both of them "team rocket took over saffron. I'm going in with my friend Mike to stop them".

"Are you insane?!" Reina asked him in shock "you're going to attack the entirety of team rocket on your own?!"

"I won't be on my own" Sonic explained "Mike will be with me".

"The young man who came by earlier this week and told me you suggested me as a tutor?"

"Yes" Sonic said impatiently as he wanted to rush off "tell the police about the situation. The boss of team rocket will definitely be a part of the attack. He needs to be caught this time. I and Mike can slow him down until the police arrives. Tell them immediately!" Sonic said and rushed off but Reina caught up.

"I won't let you do this!" she said in determination and a hint of fear.

"Reina get out of my way this is bigger than you think!"

"Please just go with the police".

"I can't. I have unfinished business with Giovanni. And so does Mike" he said as he took her by the shoulders "I'm going to be ok. I promise you".

Reina looked at him worried but nodded. Before he could move however she grabbed him by the cheeks and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"For luck" she said blushing.

Sonic was caught off guard by that but nodded and rushed off towards the tunnels raichu by his side and the rest of his pokemon in their pokeballs ready for the storm ahead.

Chapter 23: Archnemesis


With team Rocket attacking Saffron city, Sonic and Mike storm silph co with their pokemon to stop their evil plans. At the end of the path awaits Giovanni.

Nothing will ever be the same afterwards.

Chapter Text

Sonic was running as fast as he could followed by raichu as they approached the entrance of the tunnels leading to the underground of Saffron city. His mind was barely able to keep up with the fast pace the events were unfolding at. Just that morning he had beat the 5th gym and now he was about to take on team rocket again.

"It won't be like last time" he thought in determination.

Reaching the entrance to the tunnels he walked down the stairs and started running down the dimly lit corridor. After a while he saw figure on the crossroad the tunnels created.

"Mike!" he said as he arrived.

"About time. Things are bad. Team rocket has people everywhere on the streets. They barred the entrances to the city. Police won't be able to enter".

"Shit. What do we do?"

"We take the fight to them. The grunts that are roaming the city cannot abandon their posts. Whatever they aim to do at silph co they need time. Which means that we will only have to deal however many there are in there. It still won't be easy. But together we will crash them!" Mike said clenching his fist smiling.

"Ok but how do we enter the city?" Sonic asked him.

"Through here" Mike said as he pointed at a door on the wall.

"The section of the tunnel that leads into Saffron? You said it came down after an earthquake".

"I did. I never said we can't cross it".


"No time. You'll see. Follow me" Mike said as they approached the door. Opening it they saw fallen rubble everywhere. Mike took out a pokeball and sent out a dugtrio.

"Woah a dugtrio cool" Sonic commented.

"Just wait till you see this. Dugtrio. Dig".

Dugtrio began digging through the rubble slowly but steadily clearing a path.

"This is risky" Sonic said "the whole tunnel can collapse on top of us".

"Then let's hurry" Mike said following dugtrio.

Sonic hesitated for a moment but crouched and entered the small opening. Fear of the tunnel collapsing and turning him into a mush of organs and blood crept on him but braved through it until they made it to a set of stairs beyond the rubble.

"Let's go. These lead right outside silph co" Mike said running up the stairs 3 at a time.

Sonic followed as quickly as he could trying not to cough again as he had raced from Fuchsia to Celadon and then here in the span of 2 hours. After about 5 floors worth of stairs they got to ground level and stopped to catch their breath. Mike slowly opened the door and peeked outside. No one was around. Just as he had suspected they were all guarding the perimeter.

"Noone around" he said sending out Jolteon who immediately cuddled with raichu before getting back to Mike ready to charge.

"On 3 we run to the side door of the building. We get in through the staff door and to the main lobby. We lock both that door and the front door just in case the grunts outside abandon their posts to stop us. Then we storm the building. Floor by floor if we have to" Mike said. Sonic nodded.


The two friends darted to the side door of the silph co building. Mike revealed a key card that he had stolen from a duo of rocket grunts earlier. Giving Sonic one as well to open all locked doors, they entered the building. Slamming the door shut he turned to the electrical controls.

"Jolteon, thunderbolt!"

Jolteon discharged its electricity frying the controls. Mike tested the card again. Smiling he found the door unable to open. Going to the door leading to the main lobby they saw one grunt standing guard at the lobby desk.

"Ok. We rush him and lock the front door through the main console. Ready?"

"Now!" Sonic screamed as they opened the door.

Catching the grunt off guard, Mike tackled him to the ground knocking him out with one punch revealing to Sonic he was wearing rings under his gloves as an extra weapon for the raid. Smiling Sonic took over the controls and after a bit of searching found the controls for the door. Raichu afterwards slammed the computer with iron tail locking the front doors.

"Let's go!" Mike said as they took the stairs.

Reaching the first floor they stopped.

"Wait" Sonic said "we have to clear one floor each to double our search speed. We need to clear the floors, free pokemon and employees and get to the top to stop Giovanni".

"Split up? It's suicide".

"Maybe. But we have no time".

Damnit ok. Take this too then" he said handing Sonic a walkie talkie "we find any captured pokemon we call each other to our location".

"Yeah" Sonic agreed knowing full well the reason.

"See you soon!" Mike said as he went to the upper floor while Sonic started racing through the corridor.

Doors opened and a total of 7 rocket grunts emerged together.

"Intruder!" they all yelled at the same time sending out several weak first form pokemon with the exception of a sandslash. Sonic sent out his Blastoise.

"Ice beam!"

Blastoise unleashed its move freezing a lot of the opposing pokemon and 2 grunts but the rest attacked.

"Rapid spin!"

Blastoise deflected the attacks but Sonic knew if they got close they would be dead meat.

"There is a move it could use. But it doesn't know it" Sonic thought "unless it knows and just waits for me to order the attack?" he considered for a moment. The move surf should be something all water pokemon could use by simply being water types. They had never tried that but Sonic knew they had no other choice.

"Blastoise" he said without thinking "surf!"

And blastoise as if by instinct unleashed water from its water cannons, riding it and washing over all of their opponents in one swift strike. Sonic was left in shock that it had actually worked but started unlocking door and freeing the captured employees. He told them to go to the lobby and wait for the police there but not to try and escape as they had locked the building to prevent the grunts outside from intervening. Before all of them left Sonic grabbed on them by the sleeve.

"Why did team rocket take over the building?"

"I don't know. I think some experiment. Please let me go down".

Sonic let him go and kept unlocking doors until there was no one left on the floor. Racing to the next floor despite the crowd that escaping to the main lobby, he managed to rendezvous with Mike.

"Any luck?"

"No nothing" Mike answered "just captured employees".

"Damnit. Ok next floors then".

Getting to the 4th floor they came across a total of 10 grunts this time.

"Together" Sonic said sending out Blastoise and raichu while Mike sent out lapras and jolteon.

The grunts attacked but Sonic used blastoise's protect to shield them from the attack and then unleashing the new surf move. Raichu and jolteon used quick attack together knocking out one pokemon each while lapras used blizzard to freeze the remaining opponents.

"I'll take this floor. Go to the next one!" Mike said as he dashed towards the first door. Sonic wasted no time as well and ran up the stairs.

Getting to the 5th floor he encountered more grunts most of them using poison types. Sending out Alakazam the combination of psychic used on most of their opponents and raichu quickly getting rid of the rest allowed them to start unlocking doors. In one of them they encountered a grim sight; tons of captured pokemon. Alakazam floated in and started looking through the cage bars while Sonic took out his walkie talkie.

"Mike I've found trapped pokemon. They must have moved them here. This is bigger than I thought. Come quick" he said as walked in and started unlocking the cages.

The sound of his Alakazam humming loudly reached his ears. Turning the corner he saw Alakazam grabbing the bars of a cage and another Alakazam grabbing his Alakazam's hands from inside. Tears could be seen streaming down their faces.

"No way" Sonic whispered "we found her".

Rushing to the cage, the female Alakazam cowered back in fear before Sonic's Alakazam communicated with it explaining that Sonic was not their enemy. Sonic opened the cage as the 2 Alakazams embraced at long last. Raichu teared up at the sight and Sonic felt joy at the reunion. At that moment he heard a yell from the other side of the room. Rushing through the cages while unlocking more of them, he saw Mike hugging a beedrill.

"Mike!" Sonic said realization "is that your partner?!"

"Yes" Mike said with tears in his eyes "I found him at last".

"Alakazam!" Sonic called it from the other side.

Alakazam and its mother came floating.

"Your mother hasn't been trained so she must know teleport. Ask her to use it to take all of the pokemon here out of the city. Get them out then come back".

Alakazam hummed in a worried way.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. Mike we have to keep going".

Mike hesitated not wanting to leave his partner behind again. However he knew they couldn't stop now.

As they moved to exit the room Alakazam and its mother floated towards the lower floors.

"Alakazam! Teleport the employees out too!" Sonic called out to it.

At that moment grunts came running from above. Mike dealt with them easily using his lapras to beat them. Sonic however realized that in case some grunts hid from them earlier they would ambush and recapture the pokemon and the employees "Pinsir go with them. Protect them until they can escape" he said sending it out. Pinsir looked at Alakazam and nodded rushing to the lower levels to help the other pokemon and humans escape.

Alakazam nodded but hesitated to leave Sonic behind.

"Don't worry we got this" Sonic said smiling but as he turned to keep going up the stairs his smile disappeared.

"Please let us got this" he thought.

As they got to the next 2 floors more grunts blocked their way. Sonic took the 8th floor as Mike took the 7th. While Sonic started fighting through the grunts an electric attack came out of nowhere and zapped him sending him crashing to the wall. In shocking pain he looked up to see and electrode owned by a silph employee ready to attack him again.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Sonic yelled in anger.

"Stopping you! I support team rocket more than silph co!" the employee said as electrode unleashed another thunderbolt. Sonic dived and sent out Nidoking which showered the employee and the electrode in sludge bombs knocking them out. After freeing the rest of the employees and battling through the traitors as well as the rest of the grunts he found a lab with many broken pokeballs inside. Furthermore the pokeballs were weirdly shaped in purple and pinkish color. Sonic knowing this had something to do with team rocket's plans, sent out blastoise to cover the exit with raichu while he accessed a computer and started browsing through the files. Most were reports on the experiments made at silph co for team rocket. However Sonic also spotted a file named project two. Having a weird feeling, he opened it. It contained 3 voice recordings. He played the first.

"Project two is proceeding better than I could have ever expected".

Sonic felt the blood in his body go to his head from the anger. That was Giovanni's voice.

"Dr Fuji's job hasn't gone to waste. Old man disappeared with his research. But it was futile. The subject was successfully created and survived the process. It is stronger than the prototype dr Fuji destroyed. No. It's stronger than any other pokemon in the world. Stronger than we could have ever expected. But it's beyond our control. Experimental armor to control it has shown relative success but leaves too many factors unaccounted for. We need to find a new method" the recording ended. Sonic fuming and determined Giovanni's plan would fail played the 2nd recording.

"Giovanni, master ball research log. It is proceeding slower than I expected. Prototypes are unable to release the captured pokemon. Furthermore the captured test subjects showed symptoms of depression and rapid decay over time. Decay was slow at first but then accelerated. We cannot take a chance with project two. The master ball needs to be perfected. And I will not hesitate even if I have to sacrifice the entire stock of our captured pokemon to perfect it" the menacing voice of Giovanni said. Sonic was now beyond mad. Knowing he couldn't let this chance slip by he called Tails.

"Sonic?" Tails said when he heard the commotion behind Sonic. At the very moment he answered the call, a team of grunts tried to ambush Sonic only to be swiftly disposed of by raichu and blastoise "what is going on?"

"No time to explain. Listen I need you to anonymously send the voice recordings I will send you as well as some exposing data I found inside silph co about team rocket to anyone person or media that can spread then throughout Kanto as soon as possible" he said as he logged on to his account on a social media page and started attaching the files to send to Tails.

"Sonic what have you done?! You're raiding another base?!"

"No. Team rocket attacked Saffron city. The place is a warzone. I need you to expose them so that they go in hiding after this".

"Didn't you learn anything from the first time?" Tails asked him frantically as he received the files.

"I did. Mike is here with me. Don't worry about us. Just do what I asked. I will send the last recording in a moment. Talk soon" Sonic said hanging up. Everything was already sent. Contracts between team rocket and silph co, experiment files everything he could find. Only one recording from the project two file remained. Sonic played it.

"That kid defeated me!" Giovanni's angered voice echoed throughout the room. Sonic was caught by surprise despite his anger.

"I lost. I the great Giovanni LOST!" pause "but all is well now. The prototype is almost ready. The master ball is ready. Once I get it I will finally subdue project two and use it to take what is rightfully mine. And the first to fall will be the kid who insulted me like this. My beloved Persian fell to him. I will show him a world of pain for real next time. I will end him!" The recording ended. Sonic felt chill running down his spine. Whatever Giovanni had created he was planning to use the master ball to catch it.

"We can't let that happen" he said calling Tails again.

"Tails listen. I will leave my media page open on the computer here. I need you to send a virus through it to delete everything in here. Team rocket created a pokeball powerful enough to catch any pokemon. We need to destroy all data on it. I will kick team rocket out with Mike then secure the prototype to keep it from them. Did all the data reach you?"

"Yes. Saved already on a backup file. Sending a virus though will probably harm silph co's other data too".

"I know but there is no other choice here do it!"

Tails hesitated but said a quick yes and hang up. Sonic at that moment realized his walkie talkie was buzzing for a while. Opening it he heard Mike's frantic voice.

"Sonic! Where are you?! Ariana is here! I need backup! 9th floor quick!"

"Oh no!" Sonic thought in horror as he had taken too long to save and destroy the data. Racing towards the upper floor he found to his relief that Mike had already beaten Arianna though his gengar had taken heavy damage.

"Where were you?!" Mike asked in anger.

"Destroying team rocket for good. I found data about them I had to expose with the help of a friend. He will make sure to destroy the data here with a virus".

"…ok. Let's go. Next floor is the last one".

Sonic's eyes widened knowing what this meant but nodded in determination.

"Let's end this once and for all".

Racing to the upper floor they found only 2 grunts guarding the entrance to the CEO's office. They however sent out a Weezing and a sandslash.

"Final forms huh? Must be higher ups. Whatever" Sonic said sending out his shiny nidoking which quickly disposed of its opponents with an earthquake and a sludge bomb. Mike looked at it in pleasant surprise.

"I see my moon stone was used well".

"Sure was" Sonic responded as they approached the door. Sonic took a deep breath and kicked the door open.

The 2 people in the room turned to them. The captured CEO held at his desk and the man himself Giovanni. Locking eyes with Sonic he took a murderous expression.

"You" he said slowly but menacingly "you ruined my base in Celadon and now dare get in my way again?!"

"It's over Giovanni. Your plan is ruined" Sonic said confidently "I have already sent copies of the data out to the public. And ruined the rest with a virus. Whatever you were intending to use the master ball for you can forget it!"

Giovanni's mouth hang open for a moment but he quickly regained his composure. Quickly knocking out the CEO and grabbing a briefcase, he took out what Sonic identified as an ultra ball.

"You interfered with my plans for the last time! This time I won't just show you a world of pain! I will seal you in it permanently!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Mike said taking out one of his pokeballs too.

"Stay out of this boy" Giovanni threatened him "unless you want your fate to be the same as his!"

"You won't win Giovanni!" Sonic warned him "we're two and you're alone!"

"Ha! Strength is more than just numbers hedgehog!" he said sending out a Nidoqueen.

"Go dugtrio!" Mike said sending it out.

"Go Nidoking!" Sonic followed suit as nidoking sparkled.

"Ah yes I remember that one. A pokemon worthy of my team once I'm done with the both of you!"

"Earthquake!" Sonic ordered nidoking.

"Sonic no!" Mike said as dugtrio was damaged as well nidoqueen "earthquake hits us too!"

"What?!" Sonic said not knowing that.

"What fools" Giovanni said "Nidoqueen! Sludge bomb!"

Nidoqueen unleashed its attack focusing on nidoking. Nidoking despite being very resistant to the move took heavy damage.

"Nidoking leer!"

Nidoking used its move lowering nidoqueen's defense allowing dugtrio that had secretly used dig to damage it greatly. Nidoqueen however sprang back up immediately.

"Shadow ball!"

Nidoqueen fired the shadow ball at dugtrio which didn't have time to dodge or act. It fainted immediately to Mike's shock as he recalled it quickly sending out gengar which was still weak from his battle with Ariana.

"Nidoking now!" Sonic said realizing their chance as gengar had levitate "use earthquake!"

"Nidoqueen use mud slap!"

Nidoking's damage as well as gengar who joined in with shadow punch knocked nidoqueen out. Mud slap also made contact with nidoking lowering its accuracy.

"So you beat one pokemon! Go Nidoking!"

Giovanni's nidoking appeared and roared. Sonic's Nidoking also roared as the two variants, normal and shiny, of the same species faced down each other.

"Horn attack!" Giovanni ordered as Nidoking dashed with unimagined speed at Sonic's nidoking. It slammed hard as Sonic's nidoking was sent flying, the attack even breaking through protect as Sonic's nidoking tried to use it. Nidoking dropped to the ground knocked out as Sonic recalled it fear creeping up on him.

"So weak" Giovanni mocked him.

"Gengar use psychic!" Mike ordered it unexpectedly.

Gengar used psychic damaging nidoking greatly landing a critical hit too. Normal nidoking toppled as well. Giovanni looked at Mike in anger.

"You dare?!" he said recalling it "you do want to share the hedgehog's fate! Go Persian!"

Persian emerged. Raichu growled in anger as the two pokemon locked eyes.

"Later Persian. Your time with that abomination of an electric type will come! Use bite on gengar!"

Persian moved with such speed Gengar was unable to react. Its combined damage from the battle with Ariana's team as well as the bite from Persian caused it to go down. Persian growled in pride as it stood by its trainer.

"Stay down kid! My opponent is the hedgehog!"

"Why you!" Sonic said in anger. He was about to order raichu to pounce but remembered their previous encounter and refrained.

"Go blastoise!"

Blastoise emerged.

"Go lapras!"

Giovanni looked at the two water types and smiled. His two opponents had made a huge mistake.

"Sending out bulky water types to fight my Persian? Be my guests! Persian slash that blastoise.

Persian pounced at Blastoise intending to slash its other cheek as well. Blastoise stood its ground and tanked the attack holding Persian down.

"Mike now!"

"Lapras use blizzard!"

Lapras unleashed its power on Persian that was unable to dodge. Blastoise took a small amount of damage but managed to stand strong as Persian fainted infuriating Giovanni. However he smiled, knowing he had the two of them exactly where he wanted them.

"Good good. But you are so naïve. Now its over! Go rhyhorn!"

Rhyhorn emerged.

"Rhyhorn?" Mike said in a smiling confusion "you use something 4 times weak to both us and think you have us beat?"

"Why would he keep this for last?" Sonic wondered "Blastoise surf!"

"Lapras water pulse!"

Rhyhorn to their surprise dodged with incredible ease.

"Thunderbolt!" Giovanni ordered.

"Protect!" Sonic said on instinct.

Blastoise shielded itself from thunderbolt. Lapras on the other hand was struck head on, fainting instantly.

"What?!" Mike said in shock "how?! Lapras has strong defenses!"

"AHAHAHAHA!" Giovanni started laughing "I saved my 2 strongest pokemon for last! And you morons never even saw it coming!"

"Damnit" Sonic thought in a silent anger with a hint of fear "how could I forget rhyhorn and rhydon?! They are incredibly strong".

"Hehehe. I will admit though that you both have skill and spirit. I'll give you one chance. Join team rocket. Or suffer".

Those words brought Sonic back to reality.

"Join you?! Never!"

"You said it Sonic. It's not over yet! Go jolteon!"

"An electric type against a ground type? What an idiot" Giovanni laughed "but if that's all you had left I will make it quick! Rhyhorn horn attack!"

Rhyhorn charged at Jolteon with its horn.

"Blastoise block it!"

Blastoise blocked the attack but it still damaged it greatly.

"Now Mike!"

"Jolteon double kick!"

Jolteon jumped on top of Blastoise and kicked rhyhorn twice. Rhyhorn took damage and tried to escape.

"Surf!" Sonic gave the command.

Blastoise used its move. However while still holding onto it, rhyhorn unleashed thunderbolt again taking blastoise down with it. Sonic gasped in shock. As Giovanni recalled rhyhorn he sent out rhydon.

"And then there were 2 electric types. It's over".

"Not yet!" Mike said radiating defiance "Jolteon double kick!"

Jolteon attempted to kick rhydon.

"Mega punch!"

Rhydon moved faster sending Jolteon flying to the wall.

"Raichu it's now or never! Iron tail!"

Raichu charged at rhydon, tail glowing. Rhydon caught the tail with its bare hand taking slight damage to Sonic's shock.

"Mega punch!"

Bringing raichu in front of its fist, Rhydon used its move with devastating effects. Raichu crashed through the wall but came back in still standing.

"Interesting" Giovanni said.

At that moment a team of rocket grunts came through the door.

"Sir. Everything ok?"

Giovanni wasn't expecting their arrival as it meant that the police would soon be upon them since they abandoned their posts but decided grunts were dime a dozen so he would benefit from them.

"Seize those insolent fools!"

Sonic found himself charged at by the grunts as Mike started fighting them off, the rings under his gloves being an extra help. As Sonic tried to fight them off he turned to raichu.

"Don't worry about me!" he yelled as he pushed back one of the grunts and punched another one "beat rhydon! Brick break and iron tail in quick succession!"

Raichu obeyed and lunged rhydon with brick break first. Rhydon blocked the attack and tried to mega punch raichu again but the latter using its momentum used iron tail, pushing rhydon back. Giovanni found himself worrying when Jolteon also joined the fight.

"Seize the pokemon too!"

The grunts charged at raichu attempting to pin it down. Raichu started thunder punching them while jolteon used all of its moves to defend itself. It was however pinned down after a couple of moments.

"You coward!" Sonic screamed while dodging a punch from another grunt "fight us yourself!"

"Keep talking hedgehog. It won't save you!"

At that moment Sonic was caught off guard by a grunt who had managed to sneak behind during the chaos. Pushing him down, him and his colleague got on top of Sonic and grabbed his right hand rotating it backwards to lock him down. Mike saw it and attempted to rush to help his friend but had started to get tired. A moment later he was also subdued.

"You damn coward!" Sonic yelled as he tried to break free.

Raichu who was trying to block rhydon's mega punch and its newly revealed rock slide move was momentarily distracted seeing its trainer pinned down. That moment was all rhydon needed. Shoving jolteon aside and hitting with rock slide causing it to topple it mega punched raichu before it could react. Raichu crashed into the wall in pain as Sonic saw it occur.

"NO!" he screamed as a grunt grabbed his head and forced him to look at Giovanni.

"Now you will pay for my defeat at your hands last time! Say goodbye to your partner! Rhydon! Horn drill!"

Rhydon's horn started rotating until it looked like a drill. Sonic witnessed as it took a stance ready to pounce at raichu.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" he screamed in horror as he started fighting even harder to break free. The grunts however pushed him back down and added pressure to his hand. Sonic felt a crack inside his hand and tears left his eyes. Not so much from the pain in his hand. Raichu looked at him weakly, tears in its eyes as well.

"It can't end like this!" Sonic thought as he tried to break free only to be pushed down again.

Rhydon charged.

Sonic closed his eyes.

The sound of electricity discharging was heard. And in the next moment the horn drill driving itself through flesh echoed in the room.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" a scream followed.

But it wasn't Sonic's.

Sonic opened his eyes and immediately regretted it.

Rhydon was standing 2 steps way from raichu standing upright. Sonic and raichu both witnessed the grim view in fright. On Rhydon's horn laid the penetrated body of Jolteon, blood streaming down rhydon's horn and body!

"NO!" Sonic whispered. This couldn't be happening.

Jolteon looked at Mike faintly, crying out in pain. Giovanni was fuming with anger. That Jolteon had annoyed him for the last time.

"Rhydon! Get that thing off your horn and finish the job!"

That thing. That thing. The phrase echoed in Sonic's mind loudly. He felt his ears buzzing, his mind clouding in rage and at the same time clearing.

As rhydon waved its head throwing Jolteon aside, it crashed in front of the captured Mike. Raichu growled in anger.

"Rai!" it growled getting back up.

"Rhydon! Finish it now!" Giovanni ordered.

Horn drill was once again initiated. Rhydon charged at raichu. Raichu making a perfect 360 turn slammed rhydon's head with iron tail causing it to change its trajectory and crash on the wall instead.

"What?!" Giovanni said in shock.

Sonic felt a surge of power similar to that raichu had just displayed run through his body. Clenching his fist he started fighting back against the grunts holding him down.

"Hold him you idiot!"

"I can't!" the 2nd one said in fear.

Giovanni looked at Sonic and raichu waving his head between the two in shock and a hint of fear.

"Rhydon no more games! Finish the job now!"

Rhydon got up and tried to punch raichu who countered with brick break. The two attacks collided as both pokemon tried to overpower the other none giving in an inch.

"How is this possible?!" Giovanni said in horror.

"That's it raichu! Show him your power! Together we cannot lose!" Sonic said as he was about to break free.

Raichu growled a threatening "rai" and then all of a sudden was engulfed in a huge bolt of lightning. To everyone's shock so was Sonic. The lightning crackled for a couple of moments and when it stopped both were standing. Giovanni now had to resort to drastic measures.

"Rhydon! Kill the hedgehog! Horn drill!"

Rhydon lunged at Sonic who dodged remembering his training from dodging attacks for the safari zone experience. The grunts holding Mike immediately let him go and charged at Sonic, who despite the pain in his hand, dodged their attacks and delivered a strong punch to both grunts' jaws at the same time. Bone cracking sound filled the room as Sonic turned back to Giovanni who stepped back in terror.

"Rhydon kill him now!"

"Raichu thunder punch!"

Giovanni thought he heard wrong until he remembered Ariana's report from the warehouse. A Pikachu that could strike ground types with electric attacks.

Before he could give any command to rhydon, raichu charged its punch and delivered it to rhydon, unleashing more lightning throughout its entire body like a moment ago. Sonic's body was also engulfed in lightning. Raichu completed its attack and sent rhydon to the wall. The wall almost cracked sending rhydon down to the street below but managed to withstand the force. Rhydon tried to get back up but in the end fainted.

"How can this happen?!" Giovanni said in shock before being tackled to the ground by Sonic dropping the briefcase. Trying to reach for it, he found his hand being grabbed by Sonic and snapped. Bone cracking sound echoed in the room as Giovanni screamed in pain. Turning his eyes back to Sonic he saw a demonic face distorted by rage staring him down.

"You monster!" Sonic screamed punching him hard.

"You're an animal you hear me?!" Sonic screamed again as he punched him again.

Giovanni couldn't believe the situation he was finding himself in. Him the greatest trainer, pinned down by a kid, arm broken, unable to resist. All of his pokemon fainted. It was a nightmare.

"You're a fucking disease!" Sonic screamed slamming his fists down on Giovanni's face breaking his nose.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

The wall next to them exploded. The force of the impact as well as the debris sent Sonic to the wall. Raichu who had gathering its strength again its defeat of rhydon rushed to his side. Sonic with blurry vision saw as Giovanni recalled rhydon and attempted to pick up the briefcase.

"Quick attack!" Sonic ordered raichu.

Raichu tackled the briefcase sending it plummeting to the ground below.

"NOO!" Giovanni screamed in despair as the briefcase crashed on the ground below.

Outside the building a helicopter had appeared. A woman whom Sonic identified as Giovanni's secretary was inside visible from the open side door.

"Come quick sir" she shouted.

Giovanni took one last look at Sonic who tried to get back up to stop him. Dashing to the opening on the wall, he jumped into the helicopter. Sonic got to the opening as he saw the helicopter fly away while anger, despair and regret at not being able to stop him from escaping engulfed his mind.

"No. Come back" he whispered as he saw the helicopter fly away.

Inside the helicopter Giovanni was receiving the best care he could get from his grunts at the moment.

"Matori" he said groaning in pain "how much did we lose from this operation?"

"All the data on the master ball were corrupted sir. Even worse, data of the experiments were leaked to the public. Everyone knows about us now".

"Damnit" he said looking at the helicopter wall at the direction of the silph co building. At the direction of Sonic.

"That hedgehog took everything from me".

"Sir what do we do now?"

"Take us back to the main hideout. Prepare project two for assault".

"Sir the armor can only give you limited control of it".

"Didn't you hear me?!" Giovanni lashed out "I said prepare project two! I want it ready as soon as possible!"

Matori nodded despite flinching from her usually calm boss' demeanor. Giovanni turned back to looking at the ground fuming in rage.

"When project two is ready, I will finally take what is mine. But first I will end this hedgehog once and for all" he thought.

Sonic in the meantime had dropped to his knees.

"How did I let them escape? How?!" he yelled in anger.

Turning his eyes he saw a heartbreaking scene. Mike in front of his dying Jolteon. Raichu rushed to its side. Jolteon looked at its fellow electric type with a faint smile.

"No, no. Jolty please. You can't die" Mike said crying.

Raichu tried to share its electricity with Jolteon but it was no use. Jolteon let out a few more cried of its name some directed at raichu and some at Mike. After managing to touch Mike's hand with its paw, its head gently touched the ground and Jolteon moved no more.

"No" Mike whispered as he stuffed his face on Jolteon's side "no, no, no,no,no" he cried silently as his body shook from the crying.

Sonic felt time had stopped. It couldn't be happening. How did things turn out this way? They were doing so well. And it all went south too fast to comprehend.

Hearing sirens he looked back down and saw the police finally arriving. He knew that will all the blood across the room they would have a major problem.

"Mike we have to get out of here" he said.

Mike however wasn't responding. He was too overwhelmed to listen to anything.

Sonic was about to walk up to him and tell him they had to go when 2 Alakazams teleported in front of him, surprising him and snapping Mike out of his mourning state.

"Alakazam" Sonic said in surprise then urgency "get us out of here now!"

The Alakazams started using teleport, mostly the mother with the son using its own power to enhance her. Hearing footsteps from the corridon Sonic expected them to burst through the door and see them but instead were teleported before that could happen. Finding themselves in the woods west of Saffron city, Sonic looked around and saw the captured pokemon from the main silph co building along with his pinsir who was looking after them. Realizing they were safe he allowed himself to collapse. Lying on the ground he looked at the sky in despair as Mike kept mourning Jolteon.

How did this happen?" he wondered once again as he allowed the myriad of emotions he was suppressing until they escaped finally overwhelm him and let his tears stream down his cheeks.

A small part of him wanted to think what would happen now with team rocket. Sonic suppressed the feeling. There was no future. There was no past. There was only now. There was only the pain of loss.

"We won. But at what cost?"

Chapter 24: After the storm


Sonic and Mike go into hiding after the events of silph while dealing with the aftermath of their actions.

Chapter Text

Minutes went by like centuries as Sonic was flooded and coping with all the conflicting emotions of hatred, rage, sadness, despair, disappointment and regret.

They had spent 1 hour at that clearing outside Saffron city doing nothing. Mike was mourning his Jolteon, not lifting his head of its side as his body shook while he cried. The surrounding pokemon, now freed from team rocket, had observed their fallen savior for a while until Alakazam, its mother and pinsir started telling them to get away and run towards freedom. In the span of half an hour they had all left and now only the two defeated heroes were left along with their fainted pokemon. Raichu was curled next to Jolteon also mourning the loss of its friend.

Sonic was feeling his phone buzzing in his pocket. He had looked at it once. He noticed a message from Tails stating that police had managed to enter silph co. After that he had no more strength to look at it again. He couldn't even bare the thought of telling his friends of how it all went down.

Hearing sirens Sonic lifted his head slowly. The police must had just finished their search of the building and rescued the CEO. Now they were starting searches around the city to find any escapees of team Rocket.

"Mike" he said. He was shocked by the sound of his own voice. Defeated and pessimistic with no energy.

"Mike the police is nearby. We have to go".

Mike lifted his head as his red eyes met Sonic's.

"And go where? And what does it even matter anymore?"

Sonic's heart broke but knew they couldn't risk it.

"The police could mistake us for rockets. What we did wasn't exactly legal. We have to hide".

"Hide where? Where could we go in such a short notice where we will be safe to hide for a while?"

Sonic knew the answer before he even pondered the question.

"I know a place. Let's go quick" he said mustering up all his remaining energy to get up. Recalling Pinsir he was faced with a dilemma. Alakazam had finally found its mother. He couldn't possibly ask it to follow him now.

"Alakazam" he said taking out its pokeball and letting it fall to the ground "I kept my promise to you. We found your mother. I can't ask you to follow me anymore. You should go with her".

He closed his eyes raised his foot and went to stomp on the pokeball intending to break it.

However his foot met the ground instead. He opened his eyes and saw Alakazam's mother having moved the ball with her psychic power.


Sonic's Alakazam turned to its mother in surprise. The two communicated for a few moments and then hugged. Sonic noticed tears on Alakazam's face. The next moment, Alakazam's mother brought the pokeball to her child's face and it opened, Sonic's Alakazam turning into red energy and entering the pokeball. She then moved it with her psychic powers to Sonic's hand and Sonic heard words in his head.

"Take care of my boy. I will take care of the freed pokemon" he heard. His eyes widening he nodded and the female Alakazam floated away.

Getting back to their original problem he helped Mike get up and take the deceased Jolteon in his embrace. They then made a run for it through the woods avoiding the road in order to avoid any possible encounters with the police. Finally reaching Celadon city, they made their way discreetly to Reina's house's backyard. Jumping over the fence they knocked on the back door. After a few moments they were met with Reina's worried then shocked beyond imagination face. She covered her mouth with her hands. No words were needed.

"We need to hide for a while" Sonic said hurriedly "is it ok if…?"

Reina stepped aside immediately and they rushed to the guests' room. Looking outside the window they saw a police car pass by as they dropped officers including several that looked like officer Jenny that Sonic had met back in Viridian city at the beginning of his journey.

"What's with them looking all the same? Some kind of dress code?" he surprisingly managed to wonder.

The police did knock on Reina's house asking if she witnessed any strange activity regarding the assault on Saffron and silph co. Covering up for Mike and Sonic, she lied saying no. The officers then went on their way. After Reina had successfully lied to the police, she went to see Sonic and Mike.

Entering the room she found them both in terrible condition. Mike was in a state of catatonic depression unable to feel anymore, the lifeless body of jolteon next to the guest's bed and raichu still curled by its side. Sonic sitting on the couch next to the window with his eyes looking permanently widened from the shock. Reina closed the door and sat next to Sonic putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I know I shouldn't be asking… but what happened? For the last 2 hours rumors and news went back and forth about the attack on Saffron".

"We…" Sonic began talking but his voice cracked. He couldn't speak the words that would lead to him saying out loud what they were still in denial of "we… we invaded the silph co building… fought off the grunts… saved the pokemon and employees… I made sure that Tails… oh my god Tails!" he said taking out his phone remembering the barrage of messages from him.

"Who's Tails?" Reina asked him.

Sonic entered his chat with Tails apparently having not heard the question. Tails had sent him many messages asking if everything was ok and reporting on all developments of the situation. After sending the virus through the computer Sonic had connected from, he leaked the data he got from Sonic by sending it to Kanto's biggest news report program. In the span of 15 minutes the entire region found out everything about the master ball as well as team rocket's aspirations. Tails had mentioned that that was the reason team rocket abandoned their posts. Because they were fleeing the scene and made a detour to save their boss.



"Who's Tails?"

"A friend of mine" Sonic answered hurriedly to read the rest of the messages "he helped me leak the info on team rocket to the public. Problem is after that we sort of performed a cybernetic attack on silph co to destroy all data on the master ball. All technical data that is. I couldn't let anyone possess such a creation".

"And that caused you to be too late!" Mike said in anger "my gengar was weakened! If it wasn't… Jolty could have still been alive!"

"I know" Sonic agreed believing it "I took too long".

"You should have let us deal with it later! If we had driven out Giovanni first…!"

"Then the master ball would fall on someone else's hands! I should have been faster! But I had to destroy it!" Sonic said but then gasped remembering something "Oh no! The prototype! I never got my hands on it! What if team rocket gets its hands on it?!"

"WHO CARES?!" Mike screamed on the top of his lungs "who cares?! Jolty is dead! Nothing will change it!"

Sonic lowered his head and once again let his tears drop. Reina hugged him as he released all the pressure he was feeling over his guilt.

"This is one the reasons we came here" Sonic told Reina after he was stable enough to speak clearly again "cybernetic attack is a punishable offense. My friend made sure to cover our tracks but our mere presence there if detected could put us in trouble".

"I see" Reina said not believing what they had gone through "and after that?"

"After sending 2 of my pokemon one of them being my Alakazam whose mother we found captive by team rocket to help the employees and the pokemon teleport to safety we confronted Giovanni. We tried our best but…"

"You lost to him?"

"No" Mike said grabbing the side of the bed hard "we beat him. But he used every dirty trick on the book. He ordered his goons to seize us and our pokemon. And he tried to use horn drill to kill raichu and Sonic. Jolty… he…"

"He sacrificed his life…" Sonic finally found the strength to say "to spare raichu from this fate".

Reina gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands again.

"What a monster. Horn drill is an illegal move in tournaments for a reason. All moves that knock out pokemon in one hit are. They are so strong they can actually kill".

Sonic made a note to the back of his mind to have Pinsir forget guillotine later if it really was an illegal move.

"After beating him…" Sonic continued "I tackled him to the ground. I broke his arm. His nose. I was ready to kill" he admitted in shame "I was actually ready to kill him. The only thing that spared him is the chopper that destroyed the wall freeing him from my grasp".

Reina was now crying herself. The two boys had experienced hell.

"That briefcase" Mike said in realization in between his crying "he tried to get it. It must have contained the prototype master ball. And you sent it to the ground!"

Sonic remembered this detail and grabbed his head on the sides.

"What have I done?!" he whispered in horror. That master ball was still out there. And so was team rocket.

"All of it was for nothing!" Mike screamed in anger.

Reina looked at them and decided to speak her point of view.

"It wasn't for nothing. You both said it" she said causing both of them to look at her "you saved all of the captured employees, all of the captured pokemon".

"We even found Mike's old beedrill" Sonic said remembering that detail.

"Not anymore" Mike said stuffing his face in the pillows "I didn't have its ball. It fled alongside the other pokemon".

"Damnit" Sonic said in disappointment.

Reina knew that even though they had saved so many the loss was too fresh to feel good about it. She sat back down deciding to just sit with them for the time being for emotional support. Sonic on the other hand got up and headed for the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom, he allowed himself to collapse again. He let his tears shed once again relieving the pain over and over as if experiencing it would revive Jolteon.

After a while he felt stable enough. Looking at his wristwatch he saw it was 5 in the afternoon. The attack had been over for 3 hours and no one knew where he was. He called Tails, Knuckles and Jet at the same time.

Tails and Jet answered instantly. Both of them were mad, Tails the most of the two, but upon seeing their friend and brother's broken face of sadness they knew something had gone horribly wrong. Knuckles joined in the next moment.

"Oh no" he said worriedly seeing Sonic utterly broken.

Sonic spent the next hour explaining the entire attack with every detail. When he got to the point where Jolteon sacrificed itself Jet couldn't believe it. Once he was done he broke down again unable to keep going as his friends and brother remained silent.

"Damnit" Tails said "if we had known about the attack earlier. If we were there with you…"

"Tails" Knuckles stopped him with a serious look on his face "don't ask what ifs. The reality is painful. But it's also the one thing we need to focus on. Sonic you will need to accept it eventually. Or you will revert to your previous self before you started your journey. Trust me I know".

Sonic listened to his friend but felt it was impossible. How did you move forward from such an experience? Getting over a rejection was one thing but mourning someone's loss…

"I'll do my best Knuckles. Tails" he said finally deciding it was time to assess the damage "what were the results of our cyber assault?"

"All data on the master ball were corrupted beyond recovery. Unless there was actually a functioning prototype this plan will have failed for them".

"There was one. I think it was in a briefcase that dropped to the ground floor during the battle. I have to go look for it later".

"Shit this is serious. I'll try to dig in police reports to find out its possible location".

"Good. Was silph co affected a lot?"

"Very. It will take a while before it can recover as a company. It's not bankrupt but it will have to play the game very carefully to recover".

"Damnit" Sonic said thinking of how many employees' lives would become harder because of their reckless actions.

"But there was one good result. Exposing team rocket at such a level cause it to collapse almost entirely. Without the contracts and the resources of silph co their operations will go back months if not years. They are on the brink of total disbandment".

"Good" Sonic said still not convinced that the cost was worth it.

"Bro you do realize what you effectively achieved right?" Jet asked him "you brought down the mafia of Kanto".

"Maybe. But the cost was too great. And we're not done yet" he said getting up "I have to go back to Saffron and find the master ball".

From Tails' side a notification beep was heard.

"I wouldn't bet on that being a choice anymore. The whole city is on lockdown for the next week. You're going to have to lay low for a while. Rescued employees talked about one to two trainers saving them. The testimonies on the pokemon the trainer or trainers had are contradicting each other a bit but you should lay low for a while make sure they drop the search for you and Mike and focus on team Rocket".

"Shit. Fine. Anything on the briefcase?"

"Nothing. No report on it".

"Damnit. Ok thanks pal. Thank you all. I have to go for now. Talk soon" he said hanging up and returning to the guest's room.

While talking to his friends, mr Fuji had arrived, called by Reina. He was comforting Mike when Sonic walked in.

"Sonic my boy" he said approaching and putting his hands on Sonic's shoulders, his face full of sadness and something that Sonic took as guilt "I'm so sorry to hear what happened. You two were so brave to do such a daring thing".

"Thank you mr Fuji" Sonic said "but the damage is done. The plan was successful but reckless. We did more harm than good".

"What?!" Mike said in anger "after my partner literally dying you tell me we did harm?!"

"You're right. I did more harm than good. The cyber assault was my idea" Sonic admitted.

Everyone in the room looked at him in question. Sonic continued.

"I just contacted my brother and friends. One of them was the one who sent the virus to the company software. It corrupted more data than just the master ball data. The company will suffer economically because of me. Many innocent employees will suffer because of my choice. Because of my determination to stop Giovanni. To stop him from completing project two".

At the sound of the words project two mr Fuji's expression turned to horror and regret combined. Reina was the only one who picked up on it but didn't bring it up.

"So you're right Mike. Jolteon's blood is on my hands".

"Sonic" mr Fuji intervened "your idea was indeed harmful. But you're wrong. Jolty's blood is on the boss of team rocket's hands. He ordered his rhydon to attack with that illegal move" mr Fuji said and then sat back down on the couch.

"Mike" he said referring to the heartbroken trainer "I know I will sound inconsiderate. But I need to suggest you bury Jolty as soon as possible. Its blood will be all over the scene in saffron".

Mike wanted to burst out at mr Fuji for suggesting it so bluntly. But he knew deep down they had no other choice.

"Ok. But not at the tower in Lavender. They will look there first. And plus… I don't want Jolty to be buried there. With all the other pokemon. It died a hero. It needs a place no one will think to look. But to also be worthy of its sacrifice".

Sonic's mind went to such a place. A place where he first witnessed Jolteon being a happy pokemon with its trainer.

"I think the beach where we had our battle is an ideal spot" Sonic suggested "it is beautiful there. Jolty loved the place when we battled. I can't think of a better resting place".

Mike looked at Sonic and slowly nodded.

"We will take my car to get there" mr Fuji suggested "travelling by foot is dangerous for you two at this moment. I will be back in half an hour. Dusk will be the perfect time. Few people therefore few witnesses".

"Jolty loved sunsets" Mike said as more tears flowed down his cheeks.

Half an hour later all 4 were riding mr Fuji's car to the east coast. No word was coming out of anyone's mouth. Each one lost in their thoughts.

They passed outside Saffron city with the car. From the window Sonic spotted the hole on the side of the silph co building. He saw with the eyes of his imagination Giovanni's helicopter fly away towards the west even though he knew they could have flown anywhere after he took his eyes off them.

"At least he is finished for the most part. And if I can recover the master ball it will all fall neatly in place" he thought as he scratched raichu's head. He had gone so long without showing his partner some affection.

As raichu closed its eyes to the touch Sonic realized how important this moment was. Raichu could have been the one to die instead of Jolteon. He would be the one burying his partner right now.

"Buddy" Sonic thought as he kept scratching its head "I love you".

After an hour-long ride they reached the coast. Finding the spot Mike and Sonic had their battle, Reina kept watch for passing people, while Sonic, Mike and mr Fuji began digging a big enough and deep enough hole not only to fit but to make sure Jolteon's body wasn't found anytime soon. Mr Fuji suggested having Mike's dugtrio use dig. Mike bluntly refused.

"No way in hell! Every ounce of energy, every drop of sweat every moment we take to dig is a gift to Jolty" he said in a mournful tone.

After a lot of hard work the hole was dug. Sonic witnessed as mr Fuji put Jolty's limb body to the bottom of the hole and petted its head as if it would feel it. He then climbed out of the hole and started pouring the sand back into place. Mike broke down again, trying not to cry too loudly but at the same time to release the bottled up emotions. Sonic put his hand on his shoulder to let him know he was with him but Mike angrily shoved it aside. Sonic lowered his head as he felt Reina's fingers meeting his own and her hand taking his. He did not look at her but felt grateful for her support.

After the completion of the funeral mr Fuji drove everyone back to Celadon. Mike immediately went to leave. Mr Fuji and Reina tried to convince him to stay with them for safety but he turned them down. Sonic chased after him needing to ask one question. Mike stopped when he realized he was being followed.

"What do you want Sonic?"

"Are you leaving because of me?"


"Reina and mr Fuji are kind enough to let us both hide here. So why are you leaving?"

Mike went silent.

"As mr Fuji said… Jolty blood is not on my hands. But it was my actions that led to that outcome. So I think it's only fair that you stay with them. I'll figure something out".

"… Yes. Your actions did lead to the outcome we have. But I don't care anymore. I have lost my partner twice now. No thrice. Beedrill left. It remembered me but still left. I can't take this anymore. This is why I'm leaving".

"But then… let me help you find it. Let me help you find beedrill".

"Like you helped me find it the first time?!"

His words pierced Sonic's soul like a sword of lava.

"And no. I'm not leaving because I don't have a partner anymore. I'm leaving because I can't bear to look at you and your raichu!"

"Me and raichu?"

"What you did back there... you broke free from their control. I don't know how. But that bond reminds me of me and Jolty. All we went through. And now it's gone. So I'm leaving".


"Don't look for me Sonic. Or your raichu's fate could end up like Jolty's. That's what happens when you play hero. Others suffer" Mike said and left, leaving Sonic alone in the dark street.

Returning to Reina's house he excused himself and shut himself and his pokemon to the guest's room. Mike's words echoed in his mind over and over. Closing his eyes he went to sleep praying he would wake up back in Fuchsia and all that would have just been a bad dream.

Chapter 25: Parting of the ways


Scarred from the death of Jolty, Sonic isolates himself from everyone. And when Ash returns demanding a battle, Sonic's true opinion of Ash comes to the surface.

Chapter Text

A new day was dawning as a familiar hedgehog figure was jogging around Celadon as fast as he could. Trying to not thing. Trying to forget. And trying to accept.

Sonic's last 7 days were the darkest he had ever experienced. Staying over at Reina's while the ongoing investigation for team rocket was continuing. Tails had informed him that the part of the investigation labeled vigilante trainers was marked as case unsolved due to lack of evidence and that the authorities had refocused all their efforts on finding Giovanni and the rest of team rocket.

Sonic the moment he learnt that ventured to Saffron to try and find the briefcase. He didn't find anything but ended up challenging the 6th gym. Sabrina the gym leader was a cold and calculating – "and can she even smile?" Sonic had wondered – trainer who used psychic types, mostly Kadabra, Alakazam and Hypno. Sonic using a combination of his own Alakazam, Blastoise and Raichu easily defeated her. Giovanni's words were proven right as much as he didn't want to admit it. His desire to never let anyone suffer again after their loss in the fight with team rocket had made his pokemon immune to the immobilizing effects of psychic, the damage of course being dealt normally.

After earning his 6th badge he returned to Celadon for a while as he felt he needed to stop for a moment. To process all that had happened.

Reina had tried approaching him a lot of times during his stay. But Sonic still remembering the kiss she had given him before his attack with Mike on team rocket, kept his distance. It was the absolute worst time for such emotions.

Eventually Sonic had decided he had stopped enough time and needed to proceed with his journey though Reina could tell he wasn't mentally well enough to travel. Undeterred he thanked her for everything and before leaving, visited mr Fuji once again to ask for his help in teaching Pinsir rock slide. Rock slide of course was merely an excuse. All Sonic really wanted was to get rid of guillotine. He didn't want to be like Giovanni at all.

After leaving Celadon he slowly began making their way to Saffron intending to go back north to Cerulean and from there all the way back to pallet in order to take the boat from there to go to Cinnabar island where his guide said the 7th gym was. Raichu was walking by his side silent, looking at its trainer with concern.


"I'm fine buddy. I'm fine" he said with no life in his voice.

It was so bizzare but he could tell what raichu was saying. After spending so much time with it, it felt like they were speaking the same language even though they weren't.

His mind drifted back to Mike. Over the last week he had tried many times to get in touch with him but Mike had blocked him. Sonic remembered his words but still felt he had left because he hated Sonic.

Finally reaching Saffron, Sonic was immediately approached by someone.

"I know who you are" the stranger said.

Sonic was creeped out.

"Excuse me?"

"I know what you did last week".

Cold sweat dripped down Sonic's back. How could that man know?

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else" Sonic lied.

"If I'm mistaking you for someone else, how do you know I am?" the stranger responded.

Sonic knew he had messed up. Responding in such a way was revealing he knew what that man was talking about.

"I don't want trouble. I just want you to come to my office in silph co" the man said removing his sunglasses.

Sonic's jaw dropped. It was the CEO.

"Put your jaw back in place and be there in half an hour" he said and left.

Sonic spent five minutes processing the new development on the same spot, attracting the concerned views as well as laughter from passing people. Eventually he came to his senses and went to grab something to eat so time would go by.

After the half hour had passed Sonic went to the silph co building. The front doors were wide open.

"Of course they would be. I broke the system" Sonic thought with guilt.

Approaching the front desk he was asked the purpose of his visit. Hoping it wasn't a prank or a trap he explained the CEO was expecting him. The receptionist called the CEO and after a few moments Sonic was guided to the elevator.

Riding all the way to the top floor, he felt nauseous on the prospect of returning to that office after everything that had transpired there. As the elevator door open he could see with the eyes of his imagination himself and Mike rushing up the stairs and easily besting the two grunts outside the office. Walking with heavy steps he knocked on the door.

"Come in" the voice of the CEO answered.

Sonic entered. Inside was the CEO. And an officer greatly resembling officer Jenny.

"Crap" he thought "are they going to arrest me?"

"Take a seat" the officer asked.

Sonic with the eyes of his imagination replaying the battle, every last bit of it, approached the desk, his eyes falling on the hole on the wall. As he sat in front of the CEO and the officer, the latter began talking.

"We know it was you and another trainer who ran team rocket out of here".

Sonic remained silent.

The officer continued closing her eyes.

"And we know what happened in here. All of it. The tragic result of your confrontation with team rocket's boss.

Sonic looked over his back momentarily, the eyes of his imagination recreating the grim picture of rhydon, blood covering its horn and front of its body while Jolteon writhed weakly as the life was leaving its body.

"Furthermore we know it was you who initiated the cyber assault on the company" the officer continued with a serious tone.

"I see" Sonic said.

The officer put her hands on top of each other.

"You may not remember me seeing as many of my colleagues look like me. I am the officer who took Jessie and James into custody after you handled them in Viridian city about a month ago".

Sonic nodded remembering clearly. Knowing there was nowhere to go he decided to just get it over with.

"Am I under arrest?" he asked.

The CEO and the officer looked at each other not saying a word. The officer then turned her gaze back at Sonic as the CEO answered the question for her.

"No you are not".

"What?" Sonic said in surprise.

"While what you did will cause the company a lot of damage" he began explaining "the results of what you accomplished ran deeper than just that. Team rocket had completed the construction of the master ball. Once the prototype was secured, they would have started creating it in masses. No pokemon would be outside their grasp after that".

"And you and the other kid stopped that from happening. Not only that, you rescued all the employees and freed all the captured pokemon. Sometimes I guess… in some exceptional cases… the law must look the other way" the officer said with a sincere smile.

Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was so deep submerged in the darkness of their loss that he never saw it that way.

"And" the CEO continued "your bravery and spirit makes you the most trustworthy person for what I'm about to offer you" the CEO said.

Sonic raised his eyebrows in question. The CEO revealed the one thing Sonic expected the least; the missing briefcase.

Putting it on the desk and having it face Sonic, he unlocked the side-locks and opened it. Inside laid a purple pokeball with 2 small pinkish bubble-style protrusions.

"Is that…?" he asked in shock.

"The prototype master ball. The only one in existence. The data on it was destroyed and in the state team rocket is in they won't be able to recreate it in any way. And after the bravery you showed… I believe you deserve it" the CEO said motioning for Sonic to take it.

Sonic got up from the chair as raichu observed him picking up the master ball. Sonic looked at it intensely. That one small ball. That was what Jolteon's life was sacrificed for. And all it symbolized in his eyes was everything team rocket stood for.

"Thank you" Sonic said as his fingers loosened and the ball slipped to the ground. Before either the CEO or the officer could react, Sonic stomped the master ball as hard as he could.

The cracking sound echoed in the room as the metallic pieces of the ball came off and team rocket's ultimate prize laid in ruins before him.

"But I wouldn't ever use such a device. I came here to destroy team rocket's plans. And now my task is complete" he said grimly.

Both the CEO and the officer were in total loss for words, not expecting this outcome even in their wildest dreams. The officer however smiled again.

"This gives me another reason not to arrest you. You clearly had good intentions when you assaulted team rocket".

Sonic didn't answer. He merely looked at the master ball pieces without an ounce of regret. Turning to leave he spoke on final sentence.

"I'd suggest you incinerate the master ball pieces to destroy all evidence of its existence" he said knowing that even if they didn't it couldn't be repaired. His task was indeed complete. If only he could tell Mike.

Exiting the building he headed for the north exit of the city. On the way he ran into 2 familiar faces.

"Brock? Misty?" he asked hesitantly.

They both turned to look at him, pleasantly surprised but concerned when they saw his visibly sadder face.

"Sonic? We were looking all over for you. Why did you leave so fast back in Fuchsia?" Brock asked him.

Sonic however was in no mood to relieve it again at least for the time being.

"Forget it happened. Just sorry for running off like that. What are you guys doing here? Where's Ash?"

"Over there" they said pointing at Ash and Pikachu sitting by a man on a park bench. Sonic approached.

"Well, well" Ash said as he saw him "finally showed your face again Spike?"

Under normal circumstances Sonic would get mad but such a minor tease didn't affect him anymore.

"Nice to see you too Ash, just wanted to say hi. I'm taking the long way to Cinnabar island for the 7th gym so I wanted to apologize for running off like that".

"You're going for the 7th badge?!" Ash asked in shock.

"Yeah. Haven't you beaten Sabrina yet?"

Ash gritted his teeth in frustration while man sitting next to him looked down. He was holding a photo. On the photo there was a younger version of him with a familiar young girl. Sonic immediately could tell what was going on.

"Is that Sabrina's father?" he wondered.

"I lost to her twice. Even caught a haunter the 2nd time but it left me hanging".

Sonic heard it all remembering how easily he had beaten Sabrina. After a trainer like Giovanni and in his current state of mind, even her psychic team was a walk in the park.

"Psychic can be overpowered with strong enough will" Sonic advised "you need to want to achieve your dream of becoming a pokemon master enough to overpower her psychic and fight head on".

"How would you know that?" Ash asked him.

Sonic refrained from answering.

"From experience. Anyway I'll leave you to it".

Turning to leave he was stopped again by Misty and Brock while hearing Ash continuing his conversation with the man he was sitting with.

"Sonic what did you mean by what you said to Ash?" Misty asked him.

"I've already beaten Sabrina. In my current state of mind, me and my pokemon are immune to psychic lock strategies. If Ash can get into a similar state of determination he will have a chance".

"Sabrina had the same picture in her room" Ash told the man while holding the picture from before. Sonic knew that whatever was going on, Ash was about to figure it out too.

"If you have the same picture then that must mean you…" pause occurred. Sonic had forgotten to finish his explanation to Brock and Misty and just observed.

"Then that must mean you're a photographer!" Ash completed his phrase with a bright smile and a voice full of confidence. The man jumped in surprise and landed with his face on the hard ground.

"Don't you see? Don't you get it?!" he asked Ash. Sonic made the exact same thought in his head.

"Get what?" Ash asked back.

A switch was flipped inside of Sonic's head and he lunged at Ash with Misty and Brock grabbing him by the shoulders and waist.

"Sonic what's gotten into you?!" Brock said trying to hold him down as he tried to break free.

"Let me at him! Let me at him! He's an idiot!" Sonic pleaded, feeling the urgent need to beat Ash up.

"Spike's gone crazy again" Ash commented not scared in the slightest.

After they managed to calm Sonic down they all headed to Sabrina's gym so Ash could challenge her for the 3rd time. Sonic followed as he wanted to see whether Ash's determination would be enough to break free from psychic and beat her.

Reaching the gym Sonic was met with a creepy picture. Sabrina was holding a doll this time. A doll that eerily resembled her.

"What the hell?" he thought to himself "she practices voodoo or something? Thank god she didn't turn me into a doll too or something otherwise I would have to depend on this moron" he thought looking at Ash "to save me".

Ash sent our haunter as Sabrina sent out Kadabra. Haunter immediately bailed by disappearing.

"Haunter come back!" Ash pleaded "not again. No matter. Go Pikachu!"

Pikachu stood opposite Kadabra.

"Quick attack!"


Pikachu and Ash were both lifted off the ground being rendered unable to move.

"Ash remember what I said" Sonic reminded him.

But nothing changed. Sonic's view of Ash was now cemented. He didn't have a strong enough will to achieve his dream, at least not yet.

"It's over" he sighed and turned to leave.

He was about to say see you around to Misty and Brock when haunter returned. It made a funny face to Sabrina who remained stoic and emotionless. Haunter then took a cartoony ball bomb out of its mouth with the fuse lit.

"Yo what the… get down!" Sonic screamed in terror, diving to the ground.

The explosion occurred but no force was applied to anyone. Sonic looked up to see Sabrina's dad Misty and Brock covering their faces but unharmed. Confused he looked at Sabrina who was now covered in black spots from the bomb.

"Seriously?" he thought to himself getting up "all this was just a prank?"

He smacked himself in his head remembering Mike's words of his haunter playing tricks on him. He should have remembered.

Then all of a sudden Sabrina burst out laughing. Sonic took in the view in absolute confusion.

"Wait so Ash's plan was to make her lose focus to fight the psychic? Unusual but I guess it worked".

Ash and Pikachu were freed from the psychic as Sabrina kept laughing. Her father seemed happy seeing her like that. All the happy emotions around Sonic started positively affecting him. He remembered happy memories of his own, the pain of the loss of Jolty going away momentarily.

While he recalled his happy memories he observed the trio and Sabrina's dad discuss as she was now rolling on the floor in laughter.

"Ok that seems like overkill" he thought to himself.

"Well" he commented getting everyone's attention "guess haunter didn't leave you hanging this time. You may not have used my tactic but that was a smart move nonetheless. Now show me your power against her" he said talking to Ash.

"Oh no. There will be no battle today" Sabrina commented in between her laughs "I'm unable to battle and therefore forfeit the match. The marsh badge is yours" she said taking one out of her pocket and throwing to Ash before returning to laughing at haunter.

Ash grabbed the badge and jumped in joy.

"Yeah my 6th badge!"

Sonic on the other hand felt his ears buzzing again, his rage returning.

"What?! You're going to hand it over? He didn't beat you!"

"Oh it's ok, he earned it" she said again between laughs.

He earned it. He earned it. He earned it. He earned it.

The phrase echoed inside Sonic's head fueling his rage which radiated like a whirlwind.

"How can you do this?!" he screamed in anger causing everyone to turn to him in shock and Sabrina to stop laughing.

"This is outrageous! It's unfair! I had to fight you to earn your badge! He makes you laugh and you just hand it over?! Is this some kind of sick joke?!"

Sabrina didn't know what to answer. Sonic looked at everyone expecting someone to agree but they all looked at him like he was a madman.

"I can't believe this!" he said and rushed to the exit with quick steps.

As he got out and the fresh air hit his face, he felt the rage shimmer down a bit. He stood still taking deep breaths to calm himself. Raichu rubbed its head against his leg to help.

"Thanks buddy" he said "that was a rush. Let's get out of here before I go completely insane" he said as they started walking towards the north exit of the city.

Right as they exited the city however a voice called out to them.


"What does he want?" Sonic thought trying his absolute hardest to keep cool as he turned around.

"We now have 6 badges each. Last time you left because of that phone call, regardless of whether I think it was just an excuse. Now you have no excuse. Let's have our battle at long last".

Sonic however wasn't having it.

"No I think not" he said and turned his back to Ash to leave.

"What? You promised!"

"You're not worth my time".

Ash however wasn't ready to give up. Pikachu too caught up to raichu and stopped it. As the two electric types argued Ash got in front of Sonic.

"Just admit that you're afraid of me Spike".

"Excuse me?!" Sonic said, his fist trembling.

Brock and Misty had caught up and were observing the exchange.

"You heard me. You have no excuse this time. And yet here you are running away".

"I'm not running away. I'm merely saving my time" Sonic said remembering the last time he had spoken that sentence. Back then it was his arrogance speaking. Today things were way different.

"You're not fooling me Spike. You know I'm gonna beat you. After all I just earned the badge you yourself said required a lot of hard work for you to obtain".

Sabrina's phrase returned in Sonic's head.

"Take that back" he said menacingly "you didn't earn it. You were given it".

"I earned it" Ash said with an ironic look "and now you don't want to battle me because you know I can easily beat you in a full battle. After all me and Pikachu are now stronger than our first meeting".

Sonic was on the brink of exploding.

"Your Pikachu AND you were trapped by psychic. Haunter freed you on a technicality".

"The result is still the same. But suit yourself. I guess you really are a total chicken".

Sonic's hand moved before he could think. The front of his fist met Ash's left cheek with as much force as he could muster. Ash dropped to the ground in shock as Pikachu tried to get to his side. Sonic snapped his fingers. Raichu immediately used its tail to lock Pikachu to the ground rendering it unmovable. Brock and Misty moved in to stop them. Sonic with a cold look sent out Alakazam which lifted Brock and Misty rendering them unmovable as well. Turning back to Ash he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up.

"Listen closely you piece of trash" he said with a slow menacing voice "Don't you dare tell me you earned your badge. You were gifted half of six you have!"

"Half?" Misty asked confused.

"Brock's, Erika's and now Sabrina's. Wait a minute" Sonic said turning to Misty "why are you questioning it?"

Misty tried to play innocent but her face told Sonic all he needed to hear.

"Was he gifted all of them?!"

"No" Brock said "Just the 3 you said… and Misty's sister gave him Misty's badge out of pity".

Sonic was now panting in rage.

"You were gifted 4 out the 6 badges you have so far and think you and I are evenly matched?! Look at your Pikachu! It is helpless! You call this us being equal?!"

"Well maybe if you faced me in a full battle I would prove my power to you" Ash fired back, his left cheek hurting from the punch.

"No I won't face you! You are nothing! You have no idea what power is! I worked for my and my pokemon's power! I earned my badges! And even after all that…" his voice cracked "it still was not enough".

Alakazam as if it was synchronized with Sonic, let Brock and Misty down while Raichu freed Pikachu. All of them rushed to Ash side except for Brock who stood next to Sonic looking at him straight in the eye.

"What you did just now was not cool Sonic. I thought you were better than this".

"I don't care what you think of me. Not anymore. I won't accept your friend telling me I'm a coward after what I went through".

"What did you go through exactly that calls for such a behavior?" Misty asked him.

Sonic looked back at the tower of silph co for a moment.

"I and a friend of mine stopped team rocket's invasion in silph co".

The trio was shocked to hear this revelation.

"We faced down the boss of team rocket. Even after all our training… and facing him together… he played dirty… got the upper hand… my friend's partner was…."

"It was what? Fainted?" Ash asked thinking Sonic and his friend had merely lost the battle.

"IT WAS KILLED!" Sonic screamed in anger, rage and sadness combined.

Misty was shocked to hear this and got teary eyed. Ash was listening in shock as well not anticipating something like that.

Sonic took a moment to gather himself and push his sadness back. He then looked at Ash again in anger and disgust.

"We won the battle. We had trained hard. And despite all that… my friend's partner was killed!" Sonic screamed trying to get it off his chest.

"So don't you dare tell me we're equals. You didn't earn your power! You haven't worked to earn it like I have! Your battle with Sabrina proved it. Your will is weak. You will never best me in our current state" he concluded and walked past them. 3 steps after them Ash had one final thing to say.

"I may not understand what you're going through. But still. You judge me, my will to achieve my dream, Pikachu and the rest of my team without ever even seeing them. It's not fair".

"Life isn't fair kid" Sonic said grimly.

"I'll show you" Ash said getting up "you're wrong about me. I'll prove it".

Sonic knew that if they kept this back and forth they wouldn't get anywhere and he would get mad again.

"You want to prove me wrong?"

"Yes. If you give me this fight I will".

Sonic looked at him.

"Fine then. Earn the last two badges. And we will meet in the league tournament. If you really want to prove to me you deserve your power, then work for it. I won't face you with all my might unless you prove to me your determination" he said and walked off leaving the trio to consider his words.

As the calm breeze ran across his body, he felt his rage subside and the sadness return. The last week had left him not only broken but poisoned by negative emotions. And they had started taking their toll on him. And they would continue to do so for a while.

Chapter 26: Re-igniting the flame


Lost in darkness and without purpose, and now carrying the title of hero of Kanto, Sonic is ready to give up. One battle however is about to change his mind; a match against Elite Four Agatha.

Chapter Text

Sonic left Pewter town with Raichu after spending the night at the pokemon center there. He proceeded to Viridian forest with heavy steps.

It had been three days since lashing out on Ash about the latter's gifting of the marsh badge from Sabrina. The road had led them back to mount moon but to their dismay, they discovered the main path was still blocked by the rocks Moltres had brought down when they met it there. Having to find another way, Sonic had discovered through his map that the diglett tunnel could lead to Pewter from Vermillion and would in fact be a faster way to get to their destination.

Going back south, they slowly walked the way to Vermillion, training a lot along the way. Sonic also had picked up dodging attacks from his pokemon extremely well. He did everything he could to avoid thinking. To keep his mind busy and the pain away.

Finally reaching Vermillion and restocking on resources, they travelled through the tunnel while being stalked by digletts and some dugtrios. The dugtrios reminded Sonic of Mike's dugtrio. And immediately after that Jolty engulfed his thoughts.

Finally managing to traverse the tunnel they stopped for the night at Pewter. And back in the present they were going back down through Viridian forest. Sonic looked around, remembering the beginning of his journey. How everything was so new and hopeful. How he was finally beginning to feel like himself again after Amy's rejection and his consequent withdrawal from his friends and brother. Now they were going through it again much stronger that then. But carrying a heavy burden too.

Midway through the forest they ran into the pikachus Sonic's raichu had originated from. Sonic let them have their moment while he tried to cope with all his emotions. Even after so many days the pain didn't let off instead getting stronger and heavier. Witnessing raichu happily reunite with the other pikachus despite their disapproval of it evolving, he wondered why he couldn't feel some of that joy. He had managed to feel it back in Sabrina's gym so why not now?

After about an hour sitting there Sonic and raichu bid farewell to the pikachus and continued their way towards pallet. Passing through Viridian Sonic took one look at the Viridian gym knowing that would be his final destination before the tournament.

Midway through the route connecting Viridian and Pallet however raichu walked a few steps forward before hearing a thud behind it. Turning around in surprise and concern it found it trainer lying on the ground looking at the sky with a sad and broken look, tears flooding his eyes.

"It's pointless raichu. I can't go any further anymore".


"No. I'm not tired. I'm beaten. I can't take this pain anymore. We failed" he said as he reached for the sky.

"After all we went through… we couldn't stop them without casualties. And the fact… the fact that everyone thinks of us as heroes…" he said remembering started being recognized and called the hero of Kanto. The police had revealed his identity and role in team rocket's retreat and everyone hailed him. But the hails and the recognition only made the burden heavier. They had no idea what the cost of him and Mike playing heroes really was.

His friends and brother also learned of that. All 3 contacted him and tried to cheer him up but were unsuccessful. So they were quietly supporting him and ready to hear him out if he needed someone to talk to.

Amy of course too remembered him again after her outrage a while back. She had sent him a "good morning hero" the morning they had left pewter. A part of Sonic wondered why she even bothered to talk to him if she was dating Shadow but the rest of him just ignored the message and proceeded forward. But now his entire being had reached his breaking point.

Raichu cuddled against him to try and cheer him up. Sonic scratched it but remained there.

"What's the point of continuing?" he wondered.

He didn't know how long he had spent lying in the middle of the path looking at the sky when he heard a voice.

"Well that's not something you see every day".

Sonic looked to the direction of the voice. It was an old woman with a purple dress and a walking stuff. Ignoring her he got back to looking at the sky.

"What seems to be the problem young man?" she said approaching him. Sonic silently observed her face and found it strangely familiar.

"Nothing that should concern you ma'am".

"Oh my" she said after observing his face as well "I didn't expect I would meet the hero of Kanto at this day and certainly not like this".

Sonic felt nauseous at her words.

"Please don't call me a hero. I am no hero".

The old lay remained silent. Seeing as Sonic was looking at the sky she looked at it as well.

"What does this offer you?"

"What?" Sonic asked having not heard due to zoning out.

"What does sitting there and looking at the sky offer you?"

Sonic didn't answer.

"I know the pain you're going through all too well" she began saying.

"I don't want to hear it" Sonic cut her off rather rudely "I can imagine you having seen pokemon die either by natural causes or having their lives taken throughout your life. But can you really say that the blood of a pokemon is on your hands?"


Sonic thinking that was the end of it got back to observing the clouds.

Suddenly the sound of a pokemon coming out of a pokeball was heard. The next moment a gengar came out of nowhere and blocked his view.

"Hey get out of the way" he said annoyed.

Gengar started making funny faces and annoying sounds teasing him. Sonic felt his patience running thin.

"Ma'am is this your gengar?"

"Why yes it is".

"Then would you please get it out of the way?"

"Make me".

"Excuse me?"

"Make me recall it".

Sonic couldn't believe his ears. This old lady was challenging him.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into lady".

"I think I do know".

"Fine" Sonic said getting up.

Gengar flew behind the old lady as she took out another pokeball.

"Time for you to relearn the first lesson young man. Come on out Arbok!"

An Arbok appeared. Sonic seeing it reminded him of team rocket who used a lot of Ekans and Arboks.

"This thing" he said quietly but in anger "I will break it! Go pinsir!"

Pinsir emerged.

"Pinsir use rock slide!"

Pinsir looked at Sonic and merely walked away.

"Are you kidding me?!" he yelled in frustration "we worked so well together during the raid and now you won't listen?!"

"Looks like your pinsir needs more warming up" the old woman said "you may bring another pokemon out".

Sonic wasted no time.

"Go nidoking!"

Nidoking emerged sparkling.

"That is one good looking pokemon. I've heard pokemon like it are very rare".


Nidoking used earthquake. The ground started tremoring but the old lady had a plan to dodge the waves of power travelling through the ground.

"Iron tail" she said calmly with a smile.

Arbok used its tail to propel itself above the ground dodging the power waves of earthquake. Sonic and nidoking were caught off guard and the attack landed perfectly. Thankfully due to Arbok being more of a defensive pokemon, the attack did not do all that much damage.

"Leer!" Sonic ordered nidoking.

Arbok's defense was lowered.

"You shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch young man. Arbok wrap!"

Arbok wrapped its body around nidoking causing it great pain through the pressure. Sonic hadn't seen that move in so long he forgot about it and racked his brain as to how to break free from it.

"Think Sonic think there has to be a way".

Arbok kept squeezing as Nidoking growled in pain.

"Damnit how can I cause it to break free?!' Sonic yelled in frustration "nidoking protect!"

Nidoking raised its shield but with arbok being already on the inside, the shield was pointless. With one more tight squeeze nidoking fainted. As Arbok unwrapped its body from nidoking, Sonic dropped to his knees as pinsir looked on from the sidelines.

"Too weak again" he said in sadness feeling useless.

"Why didn't you instruct your nidoking to use earthquake on the ground under it to lose its balance and therefore shake off my arbok?" the old woman asked smiling.

"What?" Sonic asked in shock that he didn't think of it.

"You spent so much time thinking. You don't have to think in battles. Using a strategy is important young man but using your heart and gut is even more important".

"I have no heart to use anymore!" Sonic retaliated not wanting to hear it as he recalled nidoking "Go alakazam!"

Alakazam emerged.



Arbok dug its way underground dodging the psychic.

"Where will it come out?" Sonic thought "wait exactly under… Alakazam use reflect under you!"

Alakazam obeyed but Arbok pushed the reflect up with Alakazam sending it crashing to the ground.

"Psychic again!"

"Dig again!"

The chain of events was repeated but this time Sonic had a plan.

"Shadow ball!"

Alakazam fired shadow ball upward and just as Arbok emerged from the ground sending it flying again, the shadow ball came crashing down on Arbok, lowering its special defense and giving Sonic a bit of time.


The attack struck true and this time there was no dodging. Arbok fainted. The old woman recalled it while clapping her hands with one of them holding onto her stuff.

"Good, very good young Sonic. But this was just one pokemon. Go golbat!"

Golbat emerged. Alakazam raised its spoons ready for its attack.

"Confuse ray"

The confuse ray landed causing Alakazam to become confused.

"Now bite".

"Alakazam use psychic!"

Alakazam hit itself in its confusion as bite also connected sending it down again but not out.

"Sludge bomb" the old lady pressed on the assault.

Alakazam saw the barrage of sludge balls incoming and raised a defensive wall.

"Alakazam why did you use reflect? It can't stop…"

But the defensive wall deflected the sludge balls to Sonic's surprise.

"But… that means… that's not reflect. You learnt light screen!" Sonic said in awe.

"That was unexpected" the old woman said smiling "but that's the true beauty of pokemon. The unpredictability. Can't you see it young Sonic?"

Sonic wanted to say yes but once again the only thing that came to his mind was Jolty's grave.

"Alakazam shadow ball!"

"Sludge bomb"

The attacks collided causing a small explosion and smoke to engulf the field.

"Alakazam stay on your guard" Sonic said knowing golbat had the advantage in such an environment.

Alakazam once again raised its spoons in defense.

"Sludge bomb"

Alakazam raised another light screen but saw the attacks hitting the ground instead. Before it could raise its guard again, golbat was right behind it.


Golbat bit Alakazam on the neck giving Sonic vampire vibes and creeping him out. Alakazam was knocked out. As Sonic recalled it he couldn't help but feel that battle was actually amazing. The old woman using the collision of their attacks to smokescreen him and knock out Alakazam was genius.

"Who are you lady?" Sonic asked.

"Not now young man. We're in the middle of a battle and you still have standing pokemon".

"Fine!" Sonic said winding up his hand to sent out blastoise before pinsir jumped into action, looking at him with determination.

"Pinsir" he said in surprise.

"Pin" it cried back.

Their gazes met.

"Let's do it! Rock slide!"

Pinsir unleashed its attack at golbat which easily dodged.

"Air cutter!"

Golbat directed wind currents at Pinsir damaging it.

"Submission!" Sonic ordered. He knew the attack wouldn't do that much but if he could get close it was over.

Pinsir jumped towards golbat. Golbat dodged and unleashed another air cutter attack. This time however Pinsir used its pincers to cut the air currents in two limiting their damage and jumping again. It grabbed onto golbat tackling to the ground as they rolled together.

"Don't let go pinsir! Rock slide on yourself!"

The old lady heard the attack order in surprise knowing that by doing that both pokemon would take massive damage.

Rock slide came crashing down on the two pokemon. At the last second pinsir still holding onto golbat rolled and had golbat take the most of the rock slide. The result was what Sonic expected. Pinsir threw golbat back to its trainer knocked out. She recalled it with a smile.

"Rest well my friend" she said warmly as her eyes met Sonic's.

"You have a lot of spirit young Sonic. But above all you have a good heart. You have merely lost the flare".

"The flare?" Sonic said in question.

"Yes. You have lost your reason for battling. Stopping team rocket was indeed a noble goal and you achieved it… but is it what you originally set out to do?"

Sonic allowed his mind to process the question. As that lady said, he had focused all of his efforts in bringing down team rocket. But before he started his journey he had no idea of its existence.

"I started my journey to escape a situation in my hometown" he said feeling trapped once again. He had successfully overcome that situation now.

"And has that situation been resolved?"

"From my point of view yes".

"Then is that it? Do you desire to stop your journey?"

The answer came out immediately. Sonic didn't think. It came from his heart.

"No. I don't want this to end yet".

"And why not?"

"Because" he said looking at his raichu "because I love pokemon".

"Good" the old lady smiled "and has that changed because of the tragic result of your battle with team rocket?"

"No. Not in the least" he said in determination for the first time in days.

"Then come at me with everything you've got. After all you're now facing my life-long partner! Go get him Gengar!"

Gengar flew back inside the field making a teasing look at Sonic. Instead of getting annoyed by it, he smiled.

"Let's do it Pinsir! Rock slide!"

Pinsir unleashed its rock barrage.


Gengar shielded itself from the rocks. Sonic went to use another move but realized his pinsir had a major flaw.

"Oh no!" he said in shock "Pinsir's remaining moves are all fighting!"

"I'm afraid that's checkmate then. Gengar shadow ball!"

Gengar unleashed its attack with immense speed before Sonic could react. Pinsir took it head on. Despite its greater level compared to the rest of Sonic's team the combined damage from the air cutters as well as the shadow ball proved too much for it as it fainted. Sonic recalled it.

"You were amazing Pinsir. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. We will make a new moveset for you soon" he promised as he winded up his hand with blastoise's pokeball.

"You're strong lady. I admit I was rude earlier and I apologize. But I'm not planning to lose! Go blastoise!"

Blastoise emerged strong and immovable. Sonic looked at it and remembered the small squirtle he had started with.

"We've come such a long way" he thought to himself "and in a way by returning to Pallet even if we have a long way to go… we are coming full circle. Blastoise" he thought smiling "let's do this! Surf!"

Blastoise's surf came out stronger than ever before. Gengar was hit by it not expecting it to be this strong but remained standing regardless.

"Gengar sludge bomb".

"Blastoise protect!"

Blastoise shielded itself from the sludge balls.

"Protect strategies are useless against my gengar young Sonic. Gengar use taunt!"

Gengar started taunting Blastoise who got mad after a while and stopped shielding itself.

"Damnit. There goes protect" Sonic thought.

"Shadow ball".

The shadow ball was launched.

"Counter with surf then ice beam!"

Blastoise obeyed though surf instead of coming out of the lower half of its body came out of its water cannons. The shadow ball was canceled out but the lack of focus of the surf cause ice beam to miss.

"Why did it miss?" Sonic thought "that surf was weird. Unless. No. Blastoise couldn't possibly learn it yet".

"Gengar use shadow punch!"

"Ice beam!"

The shadow punch being impossible to dodge or block, broke through the ice beam and struck blastoise head on. Gengar started charging shadow ball to finish it off.

"Gotcha!" Sonic said deciding to bet everything on it "ready blastoise? Aim. FIRE!"

High pressure water came out of blastoise's water cannons blasting gengar in the face. Gengar was launched back but stopped itself from crashing to the ground. The old lady however was unfazed.

"So it learnt hydro pump too. Rare for a blastoise to learn it and use it successfully at this point in its life. But that's only to be expected when it is with someone like you" the old woman complimented Sonic "however it will take a lot more to stop gengar. Shadow punch!"

"Rapid spin!"

Rapid spin however didn't work as Sonic intended. Apart from damaging gengar when it landed the shadow punch, gengar actually sent blastoise rolling like a spinning top towards Sonic. Sonic dived out of the way with relative ease having trained a lot with his pokemon to dodge their attacks but was taken aback by the lack of impact rapid spin usually had.

"Hydro pump!"

"Shadow ball!"

Shadow ball countered the hydro pump, deflecting it and crashing into blastoise. It tried to remain sturdy but toppled and fainted. Sonic was at a loss for words at Gengar's power. But he still had his final ace up his sleeve.

"Raichu" he said turning to it "it's all up to you".

"Rai!" Raichu cried out and stood opposite gengar that made the come at me hand gesture.

"Only two of our moves work. But that doesn't mean the other two are useless" Sonic thought with a smile "Quick attack!"

Raichu charged at gengar. The attack passed through it as it was immune.

"Use your iron tail as boost and then thunder punch!"

The old lady was taken aback by the weird set of moves Sonic had ordered. Raichu used its tail to land then balancing on it pushed against the ground propelling itself towards gengar. Before gengar could react, raichu had landed a perfectly good thunder punch sending it crashing to the ground.

For a moment Sonic thought it was over until Gengar sprang back up.

"That was out strongest move and it's still standing?!" he said in shock.

"Gengar make it rain! Sludge bomb!"

"Make it rain?!" Sonic said in shock. He had only heard this phrase coming from one person, having seen her on TV when he was a kid.

"There's no way I'm fighting… her" he thought in awe at the prospect "Raichu use quick attack to dodge the sludge balls!"

Gengar had used sludge bomb facing upwards creating a rain of sludge balls. Raichu used its quick attack to dodge all but one that damaged it greatly. Gengar also seemed tired. The two pokemon faced its other panting. Sonic felt his heart racing.

"Raichu" he said determined to risk it all "let's fire the last attack! Thunder punch!"

"Then we will respond the same way. Gengar shadow punch!"

The punch moves made contact as the two pokemon put all their remaining energy in that one move, neither giving an inch. The ground started shaking from the output of energy. Sonic took it all in in absolute awe.

"This is incredible" he thought "and you're telling me we're at the finale?"

Raichu shared that sensation as it made a cry towards gengar which answered back while they pushed each other with their punches, as if they were acknowledging each other. It had however reach its limit.

Raichu's energy was completely depleted and despite not wanting to disappoint Sonic, let go of thunder punch receiving the shadow punch head on.

"Raichu!" Sonic exclaimed in shock at seeing his partner fly through the air and crash on the hard ground. Knocked out.

Falling to his knees to check if raichu was ok he found it to be merely exhausted as it opened its eyes and cried out its name in an apologetic way.

"Don't be sorry buddy. You were amazing" Sonic said as their foreheads touched. He felt the electricity course through his body at that moment but it felt rejuvenating. It intrigued him momentarily until he heard gengar being recalled. Standing up he smiled at the old woman.

"Thank you for battle and the wake-up call ma'am. Or should I call you Agatha of the elite four".

Agatha was unfazed as she expected Sonic to identify her.

"Brave, good heart, quick on your feet and perceptive. The perfect combination for a trainer".

"How come you are out here?" Sonic asked in question not expecting an elite four member to be at that place at the time.

"I was just passing by my old friend professor oak's lab".

"You know professor oak?"

"I do. He was a trainer before dedicating his life to his pokemon research. Our battles back then shook the earth. The final collision of our pokemon's moves reminded me of that time. And I can't say that for a lot of my battles".

"I appreciate that. Thank you honestly".

She started walking towards holding her walking stuff firmly, intending to pass by him. When she got to his left, she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Do not ever forget what you remembered here today young Sonic. Never forget it. And your future will always be bright despite the challenges".

"I won't" Sonic said with a determined smile.

She nodded and walked past him. However after a few steps she stopped.

"And one more thing. Whether you like to be called a hero or not, what you did at silph co made you a hero. So did that other kid that was with you. Abolish the title of hero if you so desire. But do it out of humility, not guilt" she said and continued on her way.

Sonic took in her words as he looked at Pallet town in the distance while the wind caressed his face. Closing his eyes he made on decisive thought.

"The hardest thing is not losing a loved one. The hardest thing is living for that loved one. We will live for you Jolty. And for ourselves" he thought finally letting go of his guilt for what had happened.

"We are not heroes" he thought smiling "we merely did what we thought was right".

With their optimism and hope restored the duo of trainer and pokemon continued on their way, heading for the pokemon center first. Next up would be the trip to Cinnabar island. And little did Sonic know, the island had two major surprises waiting for him.

Chapter 27: The secret of the island


His purpose and liveliness restored, Sonic and Raichu venture to Cinnabar island for the 7th gym badge. A dark secret hidden in the island's mansion will shake them to their cores.

Chapter Text

Sonic was observing the horseas swimming outside the ferry while petting raichu as they headed for Cinnabar island. It was relaxing and rejuvenating after all the negativity he had been through lately.

His battle with Agatha had helped him come to terms with Jolty's death, having decided to live their life to the fullest as much as they could. After all mourning and feeling bad was hard to bear but easy to do. Living and embracing the beauty of life was easy to bear but not always easy to do. Those who smiled in the hardest times were the strongest for a reason. And Sonic's journey so far, having taught him to smile in bad situations, regardless of the origin of the situation was an invaluable lesson.

Now he was burning with the desire to continue his journey and eventually get to the tournament and the first part was finding the 7th gym leader. A part of him was wondering how the battle would go. He had easily bested Sabrina back during his dark hour and while coming to terms with that darkness had a very close battle with an elite four member.

"She used only 3 pokemon though" he thought "I have a lot to learn before reaching her level. But where would the 7th gym leader stand in terms of power?"

As the ferry docked on Cinnabar island and the passengers disembarked, Sonic decided to first stroll around for a while and see if there was something cool to do. After all where was the fun in the journey if you rushed it?

Taking a walk through the town, they were recognized by a lot of people. Sonic graciously accepted the fame but asked not to be called a hero because in his own words.

"I'm no hero. I just did the right thing".

To his surprise that brought him even more attention than before. A group of kids wanted to hear details from the battle when he passed by the town's central square and several trainers challenged him. All of them fell to his pokemon.

While sitting at a restaurant to have some well earned food after a while, the waitress kept coming to his table, sometimes to bring him more water despite him already having a lot of it, sometimes to pet raichu and even decided to spent her whole break having a conversation with him. Sonic didn't mind though aimless flirting wasn't his thing but decided nonetheless to just enjoy the moment.

"So you have six badges already?" the waitress asked him. Sonic noticing the name tag after a while, responded using her name.

"Yes Sally I do. And soon enough they will be seven".

"Hmm. I like guys with determination. Hope you have the same determination to find Blaine".


"The gym leader. He isn't always at his gym. No actually he is almost never at his gym. It has reached the point the island is being addressed as having no gym leader".

"Oh I see" Sonic said while analyzing internally the new info "any idea where I could possibly find him?"

"Many places. The beach on the north of the island, the mouth of the volcano, the mansion…"

"He has a mansion?!" Sonic asked in surprise.

"No. It's an abandoned mansion. Used to be owned by someone until a few years ago. Weird thing is no one ever saw the owner".

"And why is abandoned?" Sonic asked her intrigued.

"Noone really knows but there have been rumors going around. Some said experiments were run there and one went horribly wrong. Another says that there was a massacre there".


"Yes. Again no details but a rumor says a lot of dead bodies were removed once".

"Woah. If that's the case why does Blaine go there often enough that he can be found there?"

"He is a bit eccentric".

"Huh. Eccentric enough to go to a mansion around which such rumors are going?"

"I guess so. But I doubt the hero of Kanto would have a problem with an abandoned house" she said blinking her eyes in a cute way.

Sonic was flattered but asked again not to be called a hero. Sally eventually had to return to her shift but commented that she liked guys with determination and humility. Sonic smiled and checked if raichu had eaten.

After paying for their lunch and having to bid goodbye to Sally as she immediately darted out for the farewell, he too the chance to ask her where the mansion was found. She instructed him to the northwest part of the island.

"When you return I'd love to hear what you found. Maybe over a cold refreshment" she said winking and returning to her shift.

Sonic was impressed by her attitude and confidence and set out to find that mansion. The path was long and jagged but he didn't mind. While taking a five minute break to rest and relax looking at the sea, he saw a flying type pokemon flying amidst the clouds. For a moment he thought he noticed a little bit of fire on the pokemon but the next moment he was sure he had imagined it.

"Someday soon Moltres" Sonic thought looking at the wing hanging from his backpack "someday soon I will stand before you again".

After that moment of recollection the duo returned to following the path. The path eventually led them deep into the woods. As the shades of the trees were cast upon them Sonic was creeped out but braved on. They were sometimes jumped by wild pokemon but raichu valiantly drove them away. After all the crazy battles it had had, wild pokemon were a walk in the park.

Soon enough they came face to face with a closed metal gate. Pushing it they found it to be sealed shut.

"Damn" Sonic said annoyed. Looking around he saw a small hole in the wall.

Using the hole to enter the mansion grounds, they were impressed by the plethora of wild pokemon staying inside the mansion grounds. They curiously observed as Sonic walked through them and approached the giant mansion doors.

Pushing the doors open they walked inside to find a huge room with a set of stairs leading to the next floor, as well as doors to the sides of the room.

"Anybody here?" he asked loudly but got no response.


"I know raichu. I didn't expect to find him here. Well maybe he will come by later. What say you we actually explore a bit?"

"Rai" raichu cried out excitedly.

They started by taking the left door and finding the dining room. A giant round table with chairs around it. Dust covered the entire room. It covered the entire mansion as a matter of fact. Sonic wondered how long it was since the last time anyone had been here.

Noticing a book on the table his curiosity got the better of him and approached it. To his surprise the book's pages were either ripped or the contents were tampered with beyond understanding. One page however was visible. The first page. Blowing the book from the outside wondering who would do such a thing to a book he noticed it was a diary.

"A diary here?" he wondered as he got to the only readable page. It only had a date and a phrase.

July 5. We discovered a new pokemon deep in the jungle.

"A new pokemon?" Sonic wondered aloud "Could it be the flying pokemon I saw after my battle with Moltres?"

He went to put down the book but decided to take it with him instead.

"Nah. Flying types usually live in the mountains. I doubt such a majestic pokemon would live in the jungle".

Going to the other side of a dining room through the door, they found themselves in the kitchen. While approaching the counter he was disgusted to find moldy leftovers of what looked to be a stew once.

"Ew gross" he thought to himself as he looked around to see if there was anything else there. Seeing nothing but dust he proceeded to the next room.

Entering what looked like a gigantic living room, he realized its exit would lead back to the first room. Approaching a smaller table with 2 couches next to it by a fireplace, he noticed something inside the fireplace. Picking it up in question, he found it to be a piece of paper. It was readable. Again it was another phrase and a date.

July 10. We christened the newly discovered pokemon Mew.

"Mew?!" Sonic whispered in shock "I thought it… it was just a myth. How..?"

Raichu looked at him curiosity.

"It's ok buddy. It's just my mother used to read me and Jet a book called the tale of mew when we were kids. The book spoke about a mythical pokemon supposedly containing the genes of all pokemon. Like a common ancestor for all species. At least explained in terms kids could understand" he clarified looking back at the page.

"Could Mew be real?"

After that he searched thoroughly throughout the room, now intrigued to find more of the diary's pages.

"Why would someone scribble the entire diary but separate some of the pages like that?"

Afterwards he returned back to the first 2 rooms he explored just to make sure he had not missed anything. Confirming there was nothing else, he headed upstairs. The first room in front of him just after walking up the stairs, was the main bedroom. Entering he saw in front of him a huge four-poster bed. On the bed pillow was a piece of paper.

Sonic picked it up anxious to learn more but found it wasn't a page of the diary. It was a 3 digit number.

"A passcode perhaps?"

Exiting the bedroom he explored the rest of the floor but found nothing. Except for the last door. It was equipped with a 3 digit lock. Sonic entered the combination but found it not working. 3 red colored lights appeared on the door lock and one of them was turned off.

"Wait. So if I don't get it right within the next 2 tries it's locked permanently? Shit".

Thinking it over and over he decided to explore the floor again sure he had missed something. And he had indeed.

Visiting the mansion study again he saw a safe on the side of the room. He had previously thought it to be a box.

"Could the passcode on this be for the safe?"

He tried the combo on the safe holding his breath.

The lock unlocked and the safe opened. Raichu immediately put its head inside and to Sonic's surprise and excitement took out another piece of paper and handed it to Sonic's with its mouth. Scratching it as thanks he read the message.

February 6. The day everything changed.

We obtained a new pokemon from Mew. We have named this new pokemon 'Mewtwo'.

"WHAT?!" Sonic yelled in shock, his voice echoing throughout the empty mansion.

"What the fuck?!" he said still in shock as he dropped on the desk chair unable to stand. Raichu was looking at him ready to act in case anything happened.

"So… someone tried to play god? Create a new pokemon? This is the craziest thing I have ever heard… and they actually did it?" he muttered looking at the page.

February 6. The day everything changed.

"The day everything changed. February 6. 02/6. 026!" he said in realization "that could be the code to that locked room!"

Rushing back to the locked door, raichu following as fast as it could, Sonic typed the code. It was right. Bursting with anxiety he pushed the door open.

The room was empty. Not a single bit of furniture.

"What the?" he thought entering "why would someone lock an empty room? No,no,no. There has to be more than meets the eye" he said as began looking around to see if there were any loose parts of the wall he could push.

After about an hour of searching bit by bit, helped by raichu, Sonic found something; a loose brick. Pulling it out he found a lever. He pulled the lever expecting a hidden compartment to open. And it did.

But not on the wall next to him. Instead it opened right under his feet.

Dropping through the trapdoor screaming, he crashed on the hard ground in pain. Surprised he had survived, he saw a ladder leading back up to the empty room. Raichu's cry came from the hatch he had fallen inside.

"I'm alright buddy!" he screamed inside the hatch "wait for me I'll be back up soon!"

Seeking with his hands inside the absolute darkness, he found a small light switch. He pressed it but nothing happened. Knowing he needed a light source he went back to the hatch.

"Raichu! Change of plans! Jump down! I'll recall you so you won't crash!"

Raichu cried out and jumped. When Sonic could see its shadow approaching he pressed the button on its pokeball recalling it. Sending it back out it got scared by the sudden darkness and stuck to his feet.

"It's ok buddy" he said petting it to give it courage "Oh damn I forgot. You can't use thunderbolt to reactivate the circuit. Ok plan b. Alakazam!" he said calling it out.

"I want you to use psychic on raichu as soon as it charges its thunder punch. Then hold the electricity in place to dispel the darkness".

Alakazam hummed in agreement. Raichu charged its thunder punch. Alakazam used psychic on the electricity raising it in the air. The room was lit dimly by the rotating electricity.

"Woah what the?!" Sonic said in shock looking around.

They were inside a ruined lab. An old computer on the side desk was broken. A giant test tube was smashed. But to Sonic's horror the worst was the many skeletons lying on the floor. Some of them were horribly misaligned as if something had bend them the other way on every part of the body that could bend. Seeing a head being bent so far back that it must have snapped when the person was still alive, he got to his limit and puked. Raichu looked at him worried.

"What happened here?!" he asked terrified after drinking some water.

Cautiously approaching the giant test tube, he noticed the glass shards around it.

"It broke from the inside. Whatever was in broke free".

Looking around more, he found an old picture. Blowing it to clear it up, he saw a group of scientists around the intact test tube. Inside a white pokemon with a purple long tail was curled up like a baby.

"Was that…?" he wondered silently as he looked at the date the picture was taken on the down left side.


"February 6! That was Mewtwo's creation!" he whispered in disbelief.

Approaching the computer last, he saw a data floppy disc was still inside. Knowing he needed to take it with him, he forced the disc out. Thankfully it remained intact. And to his surprise, on the chair of the desk laid another page of the diary.

"What am in for this time?" Sonic thought as he read the page.

Septemeber 1. Mewtwo has grown too powerful. It's beyond even us. We have failed to curb its violent tendencies.

"Violent tendencies?" Sonic thought with a bit of fear "a pokemon this strong… violent? I can't imagine… they created a monster!"

Raichu looked at him worried.


"It's alright raichu. I'm fine. Let's… let's just get out of here".

Going back out of the hatch, resealing the passage, hiding the lever with the loose brick and leaving the mansion, Sonic had realized how much they had lost track of time. It was almost nighttime.

"Guess Blaine wasn't here today. Guess we will try somewhere else tomorrow. Maybe the volcano".

Taking the path back to town, Sonic kept going over his discoveries.

"They created a new pokemon. Who would be crazy enough to play god like this? And Mewtwo… is it alive still? Is it out there somewhere? And… since Mewtwo is a thing… does that mean Mew is also real?"

So many questions at the same time bombarded his mind that Sonic couldn't think straight anymore. What had started as a fun search for the gym leader had turned into a dark secret revelation.

"Those skeletons… back there" he thought disturbed "they must have been the scientists. Mewtwo broke free… and massacred them".

Sonic tried to imagine what had transpired back there. From everything he had read about Mew on its myths it was considered a psychic type. Mewtwo being created from it must have been a psychic type as well.

"Dear lord" Sonic thought as his mind played an imaginary scene of Mewtwo breaking the tube coming out of that embryonic state he saw in the picture and killing everyone in the room in the horrific way their skeletons were suggesting.

"But what happened to it after?"

Reaching the town again he went to get a cold refreshment to clear his mind.

"Good evening hero of Kanto" a familiar voice spoke to him.

Caught off guard, Sonic turned to meet Sally's eyes.

"Oh… hey".

"I see you remembered our date. You're sweet" she said pinching his cheek. Sonic again was impressed by her confidence while he blushed.


Taking a cold refreshment each, Sonic narrated his exploration of the mansion but chose to hide the secret lab, the messages as well as Mewtwo's existence. Sally surely was cute but Sonic barely knew her so telling her about such a dark and possibly dangerous secret was out of the question. Furthermore it was obvious to him that she was all flirty more because of his hero status than he who he was beyond that which again wasn't exactly his style.

Despite all those thoughts Sonic made sure to have a good time regardless. After splitting up, he went to see if the local pokemon center had any rooms. They didn't so Sonic decided he would just sleep in the wilderness for once. After all it had been a while he and his pokemon had gone camping.

Before leaving however he asked if there were any available computers for use to do some work on. There were but their use wasn't free. Sonic payed the fee for use, then requested for a computer with headphones available as he suspected that, whatever the floppy disc contained, it should stay with him.

Going to the far side of the computer room and putting on the headphones, he put the floppy disc inside the computer. Most of the date of the disc were corrupted. Sonic cursed in his mind before he noticed one uncorrupted file. A voice recording.

He looked around instinctively to make sure he was alone despite the headphones. He then played the message.

"September 3. Dr Fuji research log. I need to get this on tape. I have made a terrible mistake. Creating this… this monster. My benefactor intends to use it as a weapon. I can't let that happen. I must destroy my research… and my creation. Before their designs reach completion. May god, if one exists, forgive me because I will never forgive myself".
Sonic was at a loss for words. Dr Fuji whoever that was, had attempted to destroy Mewtwo.

"This must be the reason Mewtwo killed everyone" he thought "makes sense. It felt threatened. So it defended itself… all that loss" he said as he walked out of the pokemon center thinking of were to make camp.

"And that means that it still out there somewhere. But if it really is… how come no one knows about it?" Sonic thought as he built the tent he had bought at Pallet town. If he was going to go camping again he would do it right.

Curling inside the tent close to Raichu, he decided to stop thinking about Mewtwo for the time being. Today had been fun albeit dark too and all but he was on this island for a reason. And what would transpire on the next day would be his greatest achievement thus far.

Chapter 28: A legendary achievement


Before Sonic's battle with Blaine can begin, the legendary Moltres returns. The rematch is on. And this time things are far different.

Chapter Text

Sonic and raichu were battling using all of their power. Their opponent, a mysterious figure covered in the shadows wasn't going down.

"Raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu charged its opponent but was flung away into the darkness.


The mysterious figure then lifted their hand and Sonic was lifted from the ground. He felt his body being forced to bend in reverse. Putting all of his willpower in staying in one piece he heard a malicious voice.

"Choke the life out of him!"

Sonic was pulled into the mysterious figure's hand. He felt his airway close and his legs started shaking uncontrollably as he gasped for air. He tried to punch the mysterious figure only to have his hand hurt as if it had struck a piece of iron.

His vision slowly became blurred. Managing to take small breath he used to it to call raichu.

"Iron tail!"

Raichu came charging back through the darkness but was caught mid-air by the mysterious figure who used the same kind of power that held Sonic in place to hold raichu in place. In a small flick of their fingers, raichu's neck was snapped and it dropped to the ground not moving.

"Nooooo!" Sonic tried to scream but all that came out of its mouth were inhumane sounds as he had no air to expel to create a phrase.

The same malicious voice spoke.

"Did you really think you could win?! Finish him!"

The shock of dying at the figure's hands was so strong that Sonic burst awake inside his tent, gasping for air as if he really was being choked. In his sudden burst he had accidentally shoved raichu aside. It looked at him grumpy.

"Oh man. Sorry partner. I just had this nightmare… phew. Thank god it was just a nightmare. Felt so real too".

Raichu went outside the tent as Sonic soon followed. The sun was slowly beginning its rise in the sky in that beautiful orange color. Sonic stretched and called out his team to have their morning routine training before going looking for Blaine again.

After half an hour of training and a good breakfast consisting of sandwiches handmade by Reina when he was still in Celadon, Sonic thought he owed her an apology after the way he had treated her when he was lost in darkness. He wasn't rude back then but distant and cold.

"Next chance I get I'll apologize properly" he thought chewing a bite from the sandwich.

After the breakfast Sonic recalled the rest of his pokemon apart from Raichu and they began making their way towards the volcano. Sally had told Sonic the previous day that Blaine liked to go up to the mouth of the volcano.

Noticing the fumes coming out of the volcano he realized it was active.

"Is he crazy or something? Who would go to the mouth of an active volcano? One wrong move and…"

He didn't complete his thought. Thinking of ways to die was the last thing he wanted to do after the dream he had last night.

"What if he isn't there either today?" he thought realizing there was a chance Blaine wasn't at the volcano.

"Hmmm" he hummed as raichu ran ahead to explore the path to the volcano.

"Maybe if I went to the same place every day I would eventually find him" he considered the option. Under the current circumstances it really was the best chance.

"If he isn't up there" he said reaching the foot of the volcano as he found the path leading to the mouth "I'll just return to town and come back tomorrow. As for what we will do all day… I'll think about it when the time comes".

Beginning their journey to the top of the volcano the duo quickly started getting sweaty as the air slowly got hotter and hotter.

"He really is an eccentric person. No sane individual would come to this place often" Sonic commented as they continued on.

Going up the path in that heat was no easy feat. Raichu eventually got tired and Sonic recalled it to spare it the hard path and the burning heat.

After a rigorous walk and drinking 2 bottles of water to stay hydrated, Sonic finally reached the mouth of the volcano. Taking a moment to catch his breath and finding a spot where the wind actually blew cold, he admired the view. He could see the mainland of Kanto in the distance. His gaze shifted towards the mountain. He knew somewhere around that area the league tournament would be held.

Reaching out he recalled a song he heard back in his hometown. The name of the song was I'm here. And one the lyrics fitted his current state perfectly.

"I'm here. Reaching far across these new frontiers" Sonic muttered smiling.

Turning around he saw a man and a pokemon sitting and observing the endless ocean on the other side.

"Hello there" Sonic called out to be heard above the cry of the wind.

The man turned around.


"Are you Blaine the gym leader?!" Sonic yelled again as the wind wasn't making it easy.


"Are you Blaine the gym leader?!"


Sonic felt like an idiot for yelling so he just started walking around the mouth to approach the man. The man did the same thing and his pokemon, a magmar followed him. Sonic noticed the magmar and wondered if it really was Blaine.

"Magmar is a rare fire type. Who would have one if not the gym leader of a fire gym?"

When the two met face to face Sonic was able to ask the question without screaming.

"Are you Blaine the gym leader?"

"Why yes I am. And you" he said smiling "must be Sonic, the hero of Kanto".

Sonic tried to maintain his composure.

"Please don't call me a hero. I only did what I thought was right".

Blaine looked impressed at Sonic's humility.

"Forgive me that was unexpected. A kid was here the other day, claiming he knew you. He said you were an arrogant idiot and I wanted to test you".

"Did they mention their name?" Sonic asked wondering if he was referring to Ash though he found it unlikely Ash would have gotten to the 7th badge before him.

"No. But he had brown hair, purple shirt. And was a bit full of himself".

"Gary" Sonic said remembering their last battle. Made sense Gary would talk trash like that after both their encounters were not the friendliest.

"Anyway" Blaine said continuing "let us make our way to my gym. I have been waiting for the day to meet you on the battlefield" Blaine said with a hint of excitement.

The two began making their way towards the path down the volcano. However before they got to it, something flew up from the unseen part of the volcano and unleashed a huge flame, forcing Blaine and Sonic to cover their eyes. The thing whatever it was let out a very familiar cry to Sonic.

"No way!" he commented opening his eyes in shock as he looked up.

Sonic and Blaine looked at the source of the cry at the same time. In front of them, the legendary Moltres was flapping its wings, majestic as always, its gaze fixed on Sonic.

"Oh my" Blaine said taking a step back "the legendary bird of flames, Moltres. In our presence".

At that moment the wing on Sonic's backpack began emitting an orange light. Sonic picked it up as Blaine noticed it.

"Is that a feather from Moltres?!"

"Yeah" Sonic said not understanding why the feather was glowing "Moltres left it for me after our last battle".

"It left you the wing?!"

"Yeah. Brock, the rock gym leader said it was a sign of acknowledgement".

"The legend he spoke of is different from tradition" Blaine said.

"Tradition?" Sonic asked confused.

At that moment the feather caught fire forcing Sonic to let it go. The feather burned until there was nothing left of it.

"Oh my. It really is the case" Blaine said covering his mouth with his hand.

"What case?" Sonic said while looking at Moltres dead in the eyes.

"The original legend of Moltres was changed through the generations. People took Moltres leaving behind a feather as sign of acknowledgement. But it's not that at all. The original legend passed down through trainers who master the art of using fire pokemon, states that Moltres leaving a trainer its wing is a promise".

"A promise?"

"A promise of a rematch!"

"Rematch?!" Sonic momentarily taking his eyes off Moltres.

"The legendary pokemon only initiates the rematch by burning the feather when it knows you're ready. But to know you were ready at this moment…"

"You mean it was observing my journey?" Sonic said in disbelief looking back at Moltres which was still flapping its wings not taking its eyes off Sonic "ever since mount moon?"

"Apparently so" Blaine said "I guess before we can have our battle you will need to accept the challenge".

"Here? Now?" Sonic said in hesitation as his eyes went to inside the mouth of the volcano. He could see lava in the bottom of the pit thought it was very far down. Pillars were coming out of the lava and were reaching on the same height as the mouth of the volcano.

"Yes. This is one of the best possible locations to fight a fire type. On its own terms, inside its own turf. This is the place where I met and caught my magmar" Blaine explained.

Sonic looked around. He knew it was dangerous but at that moment Moltres cried out again in an impatient way. Sonic met its eyes again and his decision was cemented.

"Go nidoking!" he said calling it out "leer!"

Nidoking sparkling as it appeared, used its move weakening Moltres' defense. Moltres unleashed another cry and followed up with a flamethrower.

"Protect!" Sonic ordered nidoking.

As the flames engulfed the nidoking but not harming it because of the shield, while at the same time flying past Sonic whose quills billowed with the burning wind around them Blaine wondered if Sonic was not just challenged but chosen.

"Earthquake won't work on a flying type. Nidoking use sludge bomb!"

Nidoking unleashed the balls of sludge but Moltres dodged them with ease. Sonic knowing that they had to find a way to land the attacks decided to first try to lure Moltres below their ground level.

"Nidoking use sludge bomb slightly above Moltres!"

Nidoking aimed slightly higher than Moltres actually was. Moltres instinctively dodged by flying slightly below the mouth of the volcano.

"Got you! Nidoking use sludge bomb and make it rain!"

Nidoking having practiced that move with Sonic in secret as Sonic intended to only use it in the tournament as a secret weapon fired the sludge bombs vertically up and they started coming down on Moltres. Moltres was agile and dodge a lot of them but several found their mark damaging it without poisoning it. Before they could react however Motres used wing attack on nidoking with such speed and power that it fainted. It flew through the air fainted and Sonic, fearful that it would fall into the volcano immediately recalled it.

"Phew that was close" he thought sweating and not just from the heat "alright. Alakazam you're next!"

Alakazam hummed and observed Moltres' movements. Moltres unleashed a fire blast attack.

"Use light screen!"

Light screen was initiated but the power of the legendary pokemon was too great to perfectly shield against it. Alakazam was pushed back trying to maintain the shield.

"Quickly use psychic!"

Alakazam used its move damaging Moltres but not being able to stop it in its tracks. Moltres responded by going in for another wing attack.


Alakazam used its second barrier again being pushed back. It looked exhausted from the amount of effort it took to keep the barriers in place against such an opponent.

"Psychic again!"

Moltres however was already on the offensive releasing fire blast. Alakazam broke its focus to hold the barrier up. Moltres not giving it any chance to resist followed up with flamethrower.

"Shadow ball!"

The shadow ball collided with flamethrower as the attacks unleashed waves of power.

Back in town Sally was doing her shift wondering whether Sonic would be around today when she saw several people on looking at the direction of the volcano. Turning her head she saw a huge jet of flames and what appeared to be a flying type pokemon close to the mouth of the volcano.

Quickly and kind of rudely borrowing a customer's binoculars, she turned them towards the volcano and adjusted them to see what was going on. She witnessed the jet of flames and a shadow ball creating power waves. Adjusting the vision a little bit she witnessed Sonic and his Alakazam trying to maintain the attack while their opponent, the legendary pokemon Moltres was attacking with flamethrower.

"A hero and chosen by the legendary pokemon?" she wondered as she kept observing through the binoculars despite the customer's demand to return them.

Back on the volcano Alakazam had reached its limit. The shadow ball slowly faded as the attack engulfed it causing it to topple and faint.

"Return Alakazam" Sonic said "you were very brave. Rest well we're not losing this time" he said deciding to pull a risky move.

"Come on out pinsir!"

"Pinsir?" Blaine said in surprise. He knew Pinsir didn't learn any powerful moves to hit a moltres at least not naturally.

Sonic on the other hand knew his pinsir had a move to strike Moltres. However the play was risky. All of Moltres' attacks could knock pinsir out and their entire move was based on Moltres approaching them.

"Pinsir dodge the moves as best you can!"

Pinsir cried out as it clicked its pincers, challenging Moltres to make a move. Moltres responded by using flamethrower again.


Pinsir jumped off the cliff and nailed its pincers on the hard surface just enough to dodge the flamethrower. Using its strength it propelled itself back on the mouth of the volcano continuing to tease Moltres.

Moltres cried out in what felt like frustration and proceeded to use ancient power.

"Use your pincers to block or smash the rocks!"

Pinsir did just that. A lot of the rocks ended up smashed and its strong pincers kept some others from making perfect contact with it and knocking it out. The barrage took its toll on pinsir however as it knelt on one knee in pain.

"Just a little more pinsir" Sonic encouraged it.

Moltres to their luck used the one move they were waiting for next; wing attack.

"Now! Rock slide!"

Pinsir unleashed a barrage of rocks on Moltres which took insane damage however to make sure the rocks hit the spot, they had allowed their opponent to get too close. The wing attack connected and Pinsir was knocked back and crashed into Sonic, who fell back.

"You ok?" Blaine asked concerned.

Sonic with a lot of effort from under Pinsir, recalled it and got back up.

"I've been through worse" he said determined taking out blastoise's pokeball.

Blaine was in awe of Sonic's courage. Even though the move Pinsir pulled was daring and suicidal, Moltres was now flying unevenly due to its injuries.

"Blastoise come on out!" Sonic said calling it to battle.

Blastoise emerged and its water typing allowed it remain focused despite the great heat. Sonic however knew that heat from the volcano and heat from Moltres would soon be too much for Blastoise to resist. They had to pull a good move there and then.

"Blastoise hydro pump!"

Blastoise aimed and fired at Moltres. Moltres dodged for the most part but its injuries caused it to be scraped by the water attack damaging it further. It then unleashed flamethrower.

"Rapid spin!"

Blastoise span fast deflecting the attack. However the resistance was lowered due to the combined heat causing Sonic to curse in his mind at using that and not protect.

"Ice beam!"

Blastoise used the move which Moltres easily countered with fire blast. Blastoise was caught off guard by it resulting in a critical hit. It toppled but to Sonic's surprise was not out of the battle yet.

"Blastoise don't push yourself" Sonic said concerned for it.

Blastoise however wanting to make its trainer proud mustered all of its remaining energy and unleashed the strongest hydro pump it could. Moltres countered with a jet of flamethrower. The attacks proved to be even as the heat of the volcano enhanced flamethrower and weakened hydro pump. Eventually both the attacks evaporated as Blastoise fainted from exhaustion. Sonic recalled it amazed and proud of it.

"You did amazing buddy. Get a good rest".

One pokemon left. And Moltres looked too exhausted to continue. Sonic wondered why it was still continuing. He considered tossing a pokeball to try and catch it but decided he needed an opening first.

"Raichu" he said to its pokeball "it's all up to you!" he exclaimed sending it out.

Raichu and Moltres locked eyes, remembering their last encounter. This time however raichu was perfectly healthy and Moltres wasn't.

"Raichu what you're about to do is dangerous so I want you to be extremely careful. Blaine you might want to step on the path and clear the mouth of the volcano".

Blaine looked at Sonic confused but obeyed and allowed the mouth of volcano to be an empty circle.

"Raichu! Run around the mouth of the volcano! Quick attack!"

Raichu started running around the mouth of the volcano as fast it could. Moltres' eyes followed it but after a while it got tired and unleashed flamethrower. The attack missed as Raichu was going too fast.

Moltres then tried using ancient power and fire blast but both of those attacks also missed as raichu kept using quick attack. Sonic knew it would soon be frustrated.

And soon was the next moment. Moltres dived using wing attack on a collision course with the running raichu.

"Now! Use iron tail to propel yourself and jump on Moltres!"

Raichu made its tail hard and used it as a pole to launch off the ground using its built momentum. Dodging the attack it landed on Moltres' back. Moltres was caught off guard and tried to shake off raichu which held on as best as it could.

"Raichu! End this battle now! Thunder punch!"

Raichu charged its punch and struck at Moltres' neck. Moltres was damaged hard and started plummeting towards the mouth of the volcano.

"Oh no!" Sonic thought as he remembered where he was "raichu jump!"

Raichu jumped and was safely recalled then sent out again by Sonic. Moltres crashed on one of the pillars protruding from the hot lava. The pillar cracked a bit.

"No!" Sonic said in shock as he realized the amount of danger he had just put Moltres in.

Abandoning all sense of logic he jumped onto the closest pillar.

"Sonic no come back!" Blaine warned him.

Sonic however didn't listen. He wasn't responsible for Jolty's death. Certainly he wouldn't allow himself to become responsible for the death of a legendary pokemon.

"Don't worry Moltres. I'm coming!" he said as he jumped from pillar to pillar as best he could trying not to look down.

Moltres lifted its head in exhaustion and looked at Sonic slowly approaching. Its eyes, even though Sonic couldn't see it were glowing. If anyone knew, they would probably say it was surprise, disbelief and gratitude.

Sonic was now 2 pillars away from Moltres. He witnessed the pillar Moltres was on slowly cracking and breaking.

"No. no. no!" Sonic yelled jumping fast ignoring his safety and landing next to Moltres. Their combined weight caused the crack to expand and the pillar to tilt.

"Rai! Raichu!" Raichu cried out in fear for its trainer's life.

Sonic knew he was in too big of a jam this time. Kneeling next to Moltres he begged it to get up.

"Come on Moltres. Don't give up now!" he begged as he tried to lift it to help it fly away.

Moltres then did the unthinkable. It used wing attack on Sonic sending him flying back at the edge of the mouth of the volcano. Sonic crashed on the hard ground in pain but sprang back up. He witnessed the pillar give in.

Moltres plummeted inside the volcano unable to escape!

"NOOOOOOOO!" he screamed reaching out in despair.

At the next moment his world was turned upside down. Blaine had burst out laughing.

"My, oh my" he said after pulling himself together "you are something else. To best a legendary pokemon in combat? I have never seen that happen in my entire life!"

"What are you happy about?!" Sonic screamed in anger "I just killed Moltres!"

"Killed?" Blaine said in joyful confusion "don't you know fire types love lava?"

"Wait what?" Sonic said.

At the next moment a pillar of lava was erected from the inside of the volcano. Moltres emerged from it covered in lava and screeching like a phoenix.

"What?!" Sonic said taking a step back in fear. He wasn't prepared for something like this.

Moltres however shook the lava off, completely healed.

"Lava heals them?" Sonic asked over his shoulder.

"Of course. I'm surprised you didn't know it" Blaine commented.

Moltres then flew down and landed in front of Sonic. Their eyes met and Moltres lowered its head and closed its eyes.

"Is it… bowing to me?" Sonic muttered in disbelief.

"What does it look like it's doing?" Blaine asked laughing.

"Seriously though" he continued "you have got to be one of the most amazing trainers I have ever seen. Taking on the legendary bird of fire, on the top of a volcano AND beating it? You really are worthy of the title you bare".

Sonic turned to object but saw Blaine holding his hand out. Inside his palm laid…

"The volcano badge is yours".

"What?" Sonic said in surprise "I… I can't take that. I didn't beat you".

"You don't have to. What you achieved here today is a greater challenge than I could ever offer. If I could give you more badges I honestly would" Blaine said seriously, motioning for Sonic to take it.

Sonic was speechless but took the badge.

"Thanks. And thank you Moltres. Thank you for all the challenges and battles. It helped us grow stronger. I'll never forget it" Sonic said to the legendary pokemon that was simply staring back at him.

Turning to go to the path to get down from the volcano, he heard Moltres' footsteps behind him. Turning back to face it, he found its beak exactly in front of him. Moltres pushed him slightly with the beak. Sonic realizing what it was saying, despite his surprise, scratched it on the throat. Moltres closed its eyes to his touch and let out a grateful cry.

"That was so cool. Thank you again" Sonic said and turned to leave again.

Just like before he heard Moltres following him on foot. Confused he turned to face it again.

"What is it?" he asked confused.

"I knew it" Blaine exclaimed "it wasn't just a challenge. It chose you!"

"What?" Sonic turned to face him.

"It wants to join you".

"Join me? Moltres wants to join me?"

"Why the surprise? I told you the legend was more than common people know. Moltres doesn't just leave its wing for a rematch. It only leaves its wing to someone it feels it can trust. And I bet it now knows it can trust you".

Sonic didn't know what to say. Catch a legendary pokemon? That was a dream come true. Turning back to Moltres, he met its black eyes.

"You want to come with me?"

Moltres let out a cry. Sonic knew it couldn't speak his language but the cry sounded to him like "took you long enough to figure".

He smiled and took out a pokeball from his backpack.

"Wait" Blaine stopped him "use this instead" he tossed him an ultra ball "powerful pokemon deserve a powerful pokeball".

Sonic nodded smiling. He winded his hand and threw that ball at Moltres. The ball came into contact with the legendary bird and absorbed it as red energy. It fell on the ground and wiggled once. Twice. Thrice.

"No way it's gonna break out" Sonic thought.

But it didn't.

The sound confirming the catch reached his ears.

"I CAUGHT MOLTRES!" Sonic screamed in joy and started jumping ecstatically. Raichu followed suit and soon all his other pokemon came out. Sonic picked up Moltres' pokeball and called it out. The other pokemon all approached it one by one and had a one on one moment with it as Sonic observed happy.

He now had 6 pokemon. And they were all amazing.

"My team is stacked" he thought proudly.

"Well I guess it's time to go. Guys back in your balls" Sonic said as Blastoise, pinsir, alakazam and nidoking were recalled. Before he could recall Moltres however Blaine stopped him again.

"Are you planning to leave on foot?"

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing it's just… I assumed you would fly off".

Fly off? Sonic hadn't considered that. Never having a flying type before he didn't realize how easy it would make travelling from town to town. He turned to Moltres.

"Is it ok if we travel with your help?"

Moltres cried out and turned to face the mainland of Kanto. Moving its right wing out of the way so Sonic could ride it, it patiently waited for him.

"I'll take it as a yes. Thanks for the badge" he said shaking hands with the gym leader.

"Let's go" he said riding Moltres, his heart pumping with excitement at the prospect of flying.

Moltres cried out and took off fast, with Sonic and raichu holding on tight on its back.

Meanwhile on the ground Sally gave back the binoculars after Sonic and Moltres flew off. She got back to her shift processing the last hour. Sonic was indeed greater than the title of hero described. To be chosen by a legendary pokemon. Sally knew at that moment that she had barely known Sonic. She smiled as she saw Moltres fly off into the distance, wondering whether she and Sonic would meet again.

Chapter 29: True victory


The time for the eighth gym battle is finally here. But for Sonic and his now full team, it's not a battle for the earthbadge; it's a battle of life and death against the unrivaled pokemon Mewtwo.

Chapter Text

Sonic was feeling the wind on his face, eyes closed as him and raichu were flying on Moltres.

After the addition of Moltres on their team they had attempted to locate Mike. Sonic, having fully regained the will to live his life to the fullest wished to help Mike escape his darkness as well.

Unfortunately they had spent 3 days looking throughout the region and have been unable to find him. They had even had a stakeout at Jolty's grave to see if Mike would go there but he never showed up.

Realizing after the 3rd day that if he didn't want to be found, they would never find him, Sonic decided to go earn his 8th badge and wrap up the requirements to enter the indigo league tournament when the time came.

As they flew towards Viridian city, Sonic took pictures and sent them to his friends and brother on their common chat. They all answered by cursing in a friendly way so as to express their jealousy as to what he was experiencing.

During the end of the first day of their search for Mike, Sonic had another camping with his pokemon and this time had all of them out of their pokeballs. Taking a picture of his team interacting, most specifically raichu peacefully sleeping on top of Moltres which sat on the ground observing the rest of the team with curiosity, he had sent it to their chat. Needless to say they were shocked beyond imagination at Sonic's capture of a legendary pokemon, let alone the fact that Moltres had its eye on Sonic ever since their first meeting at mount moon.

Sonic and his team of course didn't miss training sessions even for a single day. Seeing Moltres' power first hand, Sonic easily figured Moltres was a special attacker and already had a plan for a moveset. The search for Mike however had postponed his visit to mr Fuji.

Deciding he would visit after earning the final gym badge, intending to return to visit mr Fuji and Reina triumphant in his badge quest, he had Moltres land 5 minutes from Viridian city. Dismounting it and recalling it to avoid attention as he was now known as both the hero of Kanto and the chosen one of Moltres –"Blaine couldn't keep his mouth shut" Sonic had thought the first time he was called the chosen one of Moltres – he headed towards the gym.

Approaching the big garage style door that led inside he was pumping with excitement. The idea of testing Moltres in battle intrigued him. He also wanted to see how well the two would work together.

"Hey" he called out to the door thinking someone was operating it from the inside "I'm here to challenge the gym! Open the door!"

The door started being raised. Sonic hopped in place anxiously and when it was open enough entered. But what he saw wasn't what he expected.

On his end of the arena of the gym was a kid fallen to the floor and next to it a toppled Blastoise. Overcoming the first shock he rushed in to help, identifying a purple shirt and spiky brown hair.

"GARY!" Sonic screamed in shock as he approached the fallen trainer while raichu checked on Gary's Blastoise.

"Gary you ok? Say something dude!" Sonic said while shaking him.

Gary's eyes suddenly jolted open and he grabbed Sonic by his shoulders.



"Run! It's a monster!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"What's all the ruckus about?" a voice was heard from a pedestal on the other side of the arena. A familiar voice.

"No" Sonic thought as memories of silph co returned "it can't be".

Steps echoed throughout the gym as Sonic held his breath. It couldn't be him. It couldn't.

A black haired man appeared on the pedestal. His left hand was in a cast and he had a small sticking plaster on his nose. Sonic and Giovanni's eyes met as hatred for each other flared.

"You" they both said at the same time.

"Well, well" Giovanni said without an ounce of evil humor in his voice "the hero of Kanto finally crosses my path again".

"Look what has become of you" Sonic mocked him "having to take over a gym to hide".

"Take over? What a joke. Why would I take over my own gym?"

"YOUR gym?!" Sonic shouted in disbelief. It couldn't be true.

"You're lying. Someone like you can't be the strongest gym leader!"

"After everything that has transpired this is what surprises you the most hedgehog?"

Sonic felt the blood rush to his head.

"You got away from me twice before. You won't get away this time. You're gonna pay for what you did to Jolteon!"

Giovanni started laughing maniacally.

"Oh on the contrary hedgehog! It is you who will be paying for all team rocket has lost at your hands! And you're gonna pay for it with your life!"

"Bring out your pokemon then! I know them this time. You don't have the element of surprise!"

"His pokemon are already fainted! I beat them!" Gary said cowering in fear on the back wall.


"I'm telling you Sonic! Run! You can't beat it!"

"Beat what?"

Another door similar to the entry door started rolling upwards opening this time under the pedestal Giovanni was sitting on. Sonic and raichu observed as the door opened completely. A pair of glowing eyes appeared from the room the door had revealed.

"What the?" Sonic said taking a step back instinctively.

Steps started sounding through the gym again, originating from the being with the glowing eyes. Heavy steps. As if the being was carrying something heavy.

Slowly the creature stepped into the light. An armored creature.

"Meet. Project two" Giovanni said maliciously.

Sonic felt fear creep up his spine momentarily until he noticed something familiar on the creature. A distinctive purple long tail.

"No… no… it can't be… Mewtwo!" Sonic muttered.

Giovanni stepped back in surprise as well, caught off guard that Sonic knew about Mewtwo.

"How do you know about this?!"

Sonic didn't listen however. His mind was racing as he recalled the data he had sent Tails during his raid on silph co and the diary from the mansion on Cinnabar island.

"Project two is proceeding better than I could have ever expected. Dr Fuji's job hasn't gone to waste. My benefactor intends to use it as a weapon. I must destroy my research… and my creation".

"You were dr Fuji's benefactor. You invested in Mewtwo's creation! Dr Fuji tried to stop you by destroying…" he said remembering Giovanni's words in that recording.

"The prototype!"

"Exactly. The old man destroyed the original Mewtwo. But by doing so he allowed my scientists to perfect it!"

"Yeah. Making it so strong you need to encase it in armor to weaken it!" Sonic said grimly disgusted.

"Heh. You are too perceptive for your own good hedgehog. If I wasn't intending to end your life here today I would be forced to. You know too much!"

The door behind Gary and Sonic slammed shut.

"Hey let Gary go! This is between you and me!"

"I'm afraid I can't. My business with you is personal. And by revealing how much you know you've sentenced that kid to death".

Gary gulped.

"No way in any life Giovanni! We end this now!"

"Mewtwo!" Giovanni ordered as Mewtwo slowly walked forward.

"Go Nidoking!" Sonic called it out.

"Mewtwo psychic!"


Mewtwo's attack was not impeded by protect. Easily breaking through it, it lifted nidoking up and slammed it down hard knocking it out immediately.


"One down. 4 more to go. And…"

A capsule came out of nowhere and before Sonic could react encased nidoking before floating on Sonic's right, displaying the trapped nidoking like a prize.

"Give it back!" Sonic screamed in anger as he tried to recall it. However the recalling mechanism didn't function.

"No… the capsule is jamming the signal?!"

"Your nidoking is now mine! Just like I said it would be!"

"You absolute coward! Just wait until I get my hands on you! Pinsir your turn!"

Pinsir emerged.

"Rock slide!"

Rock slide was launched Mewtwo's armor deflected most of the damage.



Mewtwo unleashed powerful jet of flames that struck Pinsir. It was knocked out immediately. Just like before a capsule appeared out from behind Mewtwo and trapped Pinsir having it showcased next to Nidoking.

"No! Pinsir!"

"AHAHAHA! How does it feel hedgehog?! How does it feel to lose everything you have bit by bit?! I will make you experience every ounce of pain I experienced before I put you 6 feet under!"

"You're a monster! How can you live with yourself hurting innocent creatures?"

"Because they are nothing but a business"

"Nothing but a business?!"

"Exactly. Just as was your friend's Jolteon. Nothing more than a side casualty in my business".

Sonic's fist was trembling and spasming from rage. That monster had killed Jolteon and felt a total of zero regret for it.

"Mewtwo can use flamethrower" he said in his mind "mew's myth says it can learn every move that exists. Can Mewtwo also do that?"

"What's wrong headgehog? Ready to finally give up?"

"Never! Go Blastoise!"

Blastoise emerged with a thud.

"Mewtwo thunderbolt!"

"I knew it" Sonic thought in fear as Giovanni had ordered the attack before he could even think "it can learn a lot of attacks. He must have forced it to learn moves that cans strike anything".

Mewtwo however didn't respond to Giovanni's command. It instead looked around through its helmet.

"I said use thunderbolt you damn thing!" Giovanni shouted in anger, taking out a remote and pressing the button.

Mewtwo released a cry of pain. To Sonic sounded more like a roar but he could feel the suffering emanating like an aura from Mewtwo. Mewtwo used thunderbolt while Giovanni let go off the button.


Protect shielded blastoise from thunderbolt as it wasn't a stab boosted move, though it was pushed back by the immense power.

"Use thunderbolt again!"

Mewtwo however still didn't respond as Sonic noticed it made spasms from the pain.

"I said use thunderbolt!" Giovanni screamed using the remote again.

Mewtwo roared in pain once more. Sonic, who noticed a small red light on the helmet activating every time the remote was pressed, didn't waste time to wait for the attack.

"Hydro pump!"

Blastoise fired 2 jets of water with its water cannons striking mewtwo head on. Mewtwo who had still not used thunderbolt was pushed back slightly as the attack connected. Mustering its power to stop the pain it used thunderbolt on itself. The attack coursed through the water and struck blastoise which cried out in pain as well and toppled before being captured by a third capsule.

"No!" Sonic screamed again this time in despair. Half his team was already captured as they helplessly watched their trainer and their team members fall to the strongest pokemon.

"This stupid thing!" Giovanni screamed as he pressed the button again to punish Mewtwo for striking itself too instead of just Blastoise.

Sonic who was watching the whole thing couldn't help but feel sorry for Mewtwo.

"Why am I thinking this way? Why am I feeling sorry about a monster?!" he thought to his own surprise.

"He's a psychic type. Maybe with my own psychic type I can turn the tables!"

"Go Alakazam" he said sending it out.

Alakazam appeared and Mewtwo stopped moving despite the pain it was still going through. The two psychic types stared at each other in silence, as Giovanni who forgot his anger for Mewtwo stopped using the remote.

"Using your Alakazam to try and save Mewtwo? Please. Mewtwo is my slave! Now and forever! Nothing you do can save it!"

"Save it?" Sonic thought "I'm not trying to save it".

"Alakazam use psychic!"

"Mewtwo counter with your own psychic!"

The two psychic types tried to use their best attack on each other. Mewtwo was leagues stronger than Alakazam. During the clash of the attacks however, Mewtwo's helmet was shaken a bit. Giovanni's eyes widened and immediately pressed a button that realigned it to make sure it wouldn't come off. Sonic noticed it but paid no mind.

Alakazam was hurt by Mewtwo's psychic while Mewtwo was barely phased.

"Flamethrower!" Giovanni ordered.

Mewtwo unleashed another jet of flames.

"Light screen!"

Alakazam created its barrier but Mewtwo's power was just too great. Being pushed back it looked at Sonic as if it was the last time. It then dropped the barrier and was engulfed by the flames.

"NO!" Sonic screamed in confusion and horror.

Alakazam had not dropped its defense to just faint however. Holding on barely it fired a shadow ball at Mewtwo who didn't see it coming. The attack connected damaging Mewtwo greatly and even removing a part of its armor on its right hand. Giovanni gasped in horror at this but regained his composure as Sonic's Alakazam fainted and was captured as well.

"One left. Your raichu will be my greatest trophy" he said maliciously.

Sonic, to Giovanni's surprise took out an ultra ball instead of sending raichu to battle.


"I'm not the same as I was at silph co. I'm not just the hero of Kanto" Sonic said not really embracing the title, instead just wanting to plant seeds of doubt in Giovanni "I'm the chosen one of this pokemon!"

The ultra ball opened and the whole room was lit by the flames of the legendary Moltres. Giovanni and Gary both looked at it in shock, Giovanni with a begrudging respect too.

"Chosen by Moltres huh? I will admit hedgehog. You really are something. And I also have to thank you".

"Thank me?"

"Yes. For bringing me the legendary Moltres as a gift".

"No I don't think so! Moltres! Strike down Mewtwo! Fire blast!"

Moltres unleashed his jet of flames shaped like a star. Mewtwo defended with ease.

"Don't let up! Flamethrower!"

Moltres unleashed a normal jet of flames. Mewtwo easily blocked that move with psychic as well though a part of his armor became black from the heat. Giovanni noticed it visibly shaken.

"Mewtwo enough playing around! Thunderbolt!"

Mewtwo used thunderbolt but Moltres dodged. Mewtwo unleashed another one and Moltres countered with ancient power, the barrage of rocks working as a barrier for the electricity as it couldn't course through them.

"Use psychic to throw the rocks back!"

Mewtwo was visibly exhausted and in pain both from the armor and forced use of its power. Giovanni losing his temper used his remote again causing Mewtwo great pain. Sonic now felt compelled to help Mewtwo but the memory of what it had done to its creators at that lab wouldn't let him see Mewtwo as anything more or less than a monster.

"Moltres quick before Mewtwo attacks! Wing attack!"

However the successful physical assault was a mistake. Mewtwo forgot about the pain dealt to him by Giovanni and unleashed thunderbolt roaring angry at Moltres. The legendary bird of fire was not quick enough this time and collapsed on the ground barely not fainted. Giovanni, not wanting to risk such a prize, had the capsule capture Moltres as best as it could, though it was too small for the bird which barely fit in. As the glass walls pressured it Moltres cried out in agony. Sonic shed a tear at the sound Moltres made.

"I will save you Moltres! I will save all of you hang in there!"

"Save them? Don't kid yourself hedgehog! You can't even save yourself!"

"Raichu! Let's save our friends! Quick attack!"

Raichu charged at Mewtwo too fast for the latter to react. It struck Mewtwo but merely pushed it back. Mewtwo simply flicked raichu aside with psychic. To Giovanni's horror however raichu merely got back up as well.

"That phenomenon" he said remembering how both Sonic and raichu had been engulfed by lightning at silph co and it somehow restored them "those 2 together will be my undoing".

"Mewtwo change of plans! Kill the hedgehog! Psychic!"

"What?!" Sonic was able to say before being lifted off his feet with psychic. Mewtwo who was reaching out with its right hand, its hand free from the armor was holding him in place as raichu saw it happen. Charging thunder punch, it jumped towards Mewtwo only to be flicked away again.

"Do it Mewtwo! Kill him! Like you did the fools that made you!"

Sonic felt his head tilt back, his arms bending the opposite way, his legs bend forward. He screamed in pain as Gary observed the scene unable to help as Mewtwo had defeated all of his pokemon and even knocked him down with psychic before Sonic arrived.

Sonic however remembering his advice to Ash, focused his mind on his goal of living. Not just surviving but living.

The effects of the psychic were reduced however Mewtwo was still too strong for him to break completely free. Raichu in the meantime was trying repeatedly to attack Mewtwo only to be flung away every time, each time more painful than the last.

Giovanni was unnerved by raichu's refusal to go down as well as Sonic actually fighting off Mewtwo's psychic attack.

"Drastic times call for drastic measures! Mewtwo! Choke the life out of him!"

Mewtwo stood still for a moment. Giovanni was ready to use his remote again. But at the next moment Sonic was brought to Mewtwo as its 3 fingers wrapped around Sonic's throat. Mewtwo then started putting pressure.

Raichu cried out in despair seeing its trainer gasp and cough for air as his legs started shaking uncontrollably. Sonic's other pokemon also started trying to break free but their battles with Mewtwo had left them too weak to escape.

A million thoughts crossed Sonic's mind as he was choked by Mewtwo. Panic, fear, his pokemon, raichu, his friends, his family, everything. An amalgamation of thoughts all spinning inside his head at the same time as he continued making inhuman sounds trying to breathe.

Then for a moment Mewtwo's grip was loosened. Giovanni noticed it as Sonic stopped struggling as much.

"Obey me you stupid thing! I command you!" Giovanni screamed using his remote.

Mewtwo roared in pain again and put more pressure on Sonic's throat.

Sonic put his hands on Mewtwo's hands trying to take them off long enough to create a phrase.

"Raichu use…"

But then he stopped. At that moment he was struck with a powerful feeling of déjà vu. His mind was suddenly working clearly and his mangled thoughts were somehow falling neatly together perfectly.

"Just like my dream" he thought as he continued his struggle to take a breath "if I order raichu to attack Mewtwo will kill it.

"I said obey me you piece of trash! Get it over with!" Giovanni's voice echoed in his ears. Sonic couldn't see him due to his vision becoming blurred from the lack of air.

He heard Mewtwo making a sad cry that Giovanni was too far away to hear.

"Mewtwo is suffering" Sonic thought.

Yes. The creature strangling him at that very moment was in as much pain as Sonic. Maybe even more than Sonic.

Under normal circumstances Sonic would question why he was being empathetic for a monster. But those thoughts had left his mind.

"Mewtwo is no monster. He is a pokemon. A pokemon held captive by team rocket".

His mind went back to all the captured pokemon he and Mike had saved at silph co. Alakazam's mother, Mike's beedrill.

"Mewtwo is a pokemon who needs my help!" Sonic made one last determined thought "and I will help it".

Grabbing Mewtwo's hands again, he started using all of his strength to stop the choking. He screamed as he gave it his all, determined to end the suffering of everyone.

Giovanni was observing the scene with a combination of sadistic pleasure with hints of anxiety every time Sonic looked like he would break free.

"Look at you hedgehog. One foot in the grave. That's what happens when you cross team rocket. Did you really think you could mess with us and walk unscathed?"

Sonic didn't respond as Mewtwo was beginning to overpower him again.

"Did you really think you could win?!" Giovanni asked him again both gloating and a bit frustrated as he wanted to get a response.

And Sonic did respond.

"I don't have to win".

"What?" Giovanni said as the smile disappeared from his face.

"I just need to free Mewtwo! Quick attack!"

Raichu who had been completely forgotten by Giovanni had managed to climb to the pedestal. Before Giovanni could react Raichu used quick attack on him, causing him to drop the remote. Sonic momentarily overpowered Mewtwo allowing himself to take a breath in and create another phrase.

"Raichu quick! Use iron tail on Mewtwo's helmet!"

Raichu jumped from the pedestal as its tail glowed. Giovanni screamed a fearful no and dived to catch the remote.

Raichu landed the attack creating a huge crack on the helmet. Sonic letting go of Mewtwo's hand, he grabbed the helmet from both parts of the crack and with a last surge of his strength, split it in two.

The metallic pieces fell to the ground making a clanking sound, as Mewtwo's face was now revealed. It had purple eyes and looked eerily similar to a combination of Mew and a human. Sonic would describe it as a humanoid version of Mew only much stronger. Its eyes were feral and full of fear and pain. The moment the helmet came off Mewtwo, having grown used to seeing through the lens of the helmet, was overcome by the sudden light and dropped Sonic covering its eyes.

As Sonic coughed to catch his breath Giovanni was fuming in rage.

"NO! MEWTWO OBEY ME! KILL THE HEDGEHOG!" Giovanni screamed as he pressed the button on the remote.

Mewtwo's roar was heard again. Only this time it was much louder. Sonic observed as Mewtwo's power was unleashed.

"The remote wasn't causing pain through the helmet. It did through the rest of the armor. The helmet was an inhibitor" Sonic said in realization.

With raichu hiding behind him, Sonic saw Mewtwo use its power to remove the armor, continuously roaring as it started sending psychic blasts throughout the room. Many of those blasts hit the capsules Sonic's pokemon were trapped in freeing them.

"NOOOOOO! YOU'RE RUNING EVERYTHING!" Giovanni screamed in despair this time. Sonic was actually surprised never expecting someone like Giovanni to sound like this.

Mewtwo having heard Giovanni's voice turned its feral eyes on him. Using a powerful psychic blast it blasted Giovanni from the pedestal sending him crashing to the ground not moving. Mewtwo then looked around with the same feral look until its eyes met Sonic's. Sonic got up, determined to protect raichu.

"Hey hey" he said calmly lifting his hands in front of his chest as if he was signaling to Mewtwo everything was fine.

"It's ok now. You're free. Get out of here".

Mewtwo's feral look got slightly calmer. Alakazam from the corner of the room took the chance and telepathically communicated with Mewtwo. Sonic observed the two psychic types look at each other wondering what they talked about. After a few moments Mewtwo sent a power wave towards the ceiling creating a huge hole. Then to Sonic and raichu's shock it flew away using its psychic power on itself.

"Woah it can fly?" Sonic said in shock.

A groan of pain brought him back to reality as he remembered Giovanni was still there.

Giovanni had already gotten up and called his flying device to him. Sonic rushed to tackle him to the ground but Giovanni merely flew out of the hole on the ceiling. Sonic cursed at the supposed escape until Moltres flew to the center of the room and then flew back down ready for Sonic to ride it. Sonic knew what he had to do.

"Raichu use your moves to get Gary out of here. Bring the door down if you have to! I will go after him!"

Mounting Moltres and recalling his other 4 pokemon he looked at Gary who had still not spoken a word throughout the entire battle with Giovanni.

"Gary call the police! Tell them to search the whole place!"

As he spoke the last word Moltres soared through the opening on the ceiling. They saw Giovanni riding his flying device in the distance.

"After him Moltres" Sonic asked his pokemon.

Moltres started flying as fast as it could despite its heavy injuries.

Giovanni heard the flapping of the wings and saw Moltres on his tail. Cursing he tried to speed up. Moltres however was a lot faster than his device even with its injuries. Getting in front of him, Sonic and Moltres cut off Giovanni's escape route.

"It's over Giovanni. You lose".

Giovanni gritted his teeth but then both archenemies heard sirens. Looking back they saw the police surrounding Giovanni's gym.

The boss of team rocket observed in shock as he knew he had now really lost. Every defeat left him to fall on another backup plan. But the seizing of the viridian gym destroyed all of his backup plans.

Closing his eyes and sighing he met Sonic's eyes.

"You're right. I lose. You win. So take these" he said tossing Sonic 2 shiny objects.

Sonic caught them with ease though his movement caused Moltres to momentarily lose its balance. After it steadied itself, Sonic looked at the objects. They were 2 earthbadges.

"One for you, one for the kid that beat my team".

"I don't care" Sonic said "you won't buy your way out against me. You're going in for a long time".

"And how will you catch me? Your Moltres doesn't look well enough to stop me".

Sonic clenched his fist. Giovanni was right. Mewtwo had damaged Moltres too much. They wouldn't be able to pursue him.

"I will escape here today. But…" Giovanni said closing his eyes "I never expected to say it. Team rocket won't escape here today. The seizing of my gym was the final nail in the coffin. As of now team rocket is disbanded".

Sonic listened at his archnemesis' words.

"Heh. And of course you would run away abandoning everyone on your team".

"They were mere pawns for my goal of world domination. Useless pawns too. Ariana lost to you when your team was much weaker".

Moltres cried out in pain as it started flying unevenly. Sonic knew once they fell down, Giovanni would escape.

"You may have brought down team rocket and ruined my dreams of domination. But after surviving my ultimate weapon, Mewtwo… I can't say anymore that you're only worth of my hatred. You have, as crazy as it sounds, earned my respect, Sonic the hedgehog".

"Your respect means nothing to me".

"I'm aware of that. But it is true. You were a worthy enemy. For that I will, as hard as it is for me, graciously accept my defeat… and go into exile".

Sonic didn't believe a single word but knew he didn't have any other choice to make.

"And I suggest you stay in exile. Cause if you try to rise again… you and team rocket… I will be there to stop you".

Giovanni begrudgingly smiled.

"I'm counting on that" he said with a combination of maliciousness and respect as Moltres' energy was completely depleted.

Moltres plummeted to the ground roughly as Sonic rolled on the ground.

"Not a happy landing" he thought as he looked at the direction he suspected Giovanni had escaped towards.

He had done it. Team rocket was gone. But Giovanni had escaped and if he was telling the truth going into exile. Sonic fell back down, his head resting on the exhausted Moltres. Looking at the sky he decided to heed mr Fuji's advice and try to look on the bright side too.

Team rocket was gone. Kanto was free from their reign of fear. From Giovanni's reign of fear. Sonic smiled, as he ached from the strangling he had gone through.

"Jolty" he thought "we have passed justice for you".

Chapter 30: Burying the hatchet


With the downfall of team Rocket and the departure of Giovanni, now in exile, Sonic decides to set things straight with everyone before heading off to train for the indigo league tournament.

Chapter Text

Sonic and Moltres laid in the forest catching their breath after their pursuit of Giovanni. The latter had escaped and gone into exile, hopefully permanently as Sonic hoped.

"Moltres" he said after finally feeling strong enough to get up "are you ok?"

Moltres let out a weak cry as it looked at its trainer.

"You were amazing" Sonic said rubbing its long neck.

Moltres closed its eyes to Sonic's touch.

The duo heard steps coming from somewhere. Sonic and Moltres witnessed an officer – "is it officer Jenny? Or someone else? I really need to know if there is a dress code" he wondered – approach. Once she saw the duo laying on the ground she spoke into her walkie talkie and then turned to them.

"Hello Sonic".

Sonic knew at that moment it was the same officer.

"Hi officer".

The officer approached Sonic and Moltres, amazed by the legendary pokemon.

"You just keep one-upping yourself" she commented "the titles you bear don't even begin to describe you".

"This titles mean nothing to me. I only did what I thought was right. I believe I had already explained that".

She nodded.

"Let's get back".

Sonic recalled Moltres and followed officer Jenny towards Viridian city.

"Did you find anything in the Viridian gym?"

"Only their final base. Arrested as many as we could catch. Several escaped though. Gary Oak told me you went after their boss".

"He escaped again" Sonic said with a hint of guilt "my Moltres was hurt during our confrontation. It didn't have enough strength to pursue him".

"I understand. Locating him will not be easy".

"I know. But he said he was going into exile after this defeat. And even though I hate to admit it, I believe him".

"That's good news. Though that doesn't mean he won't be hunted down. We will have to appeal for a warrant to be issued for him internationally. He will have nowhere to go if we can do it".

Sonic nodded.

"What else did you find in the gym?"

"Everything. Plans for dominion of Kanto, black market pokemon selling documents and a lot more. But the scariest part was a drawer in Giovanni's office. It contained photos of you, a girl with brown hair and an old man".


"And there's more. There was a recording. A girl calling for help, calling you for help".

"I received a phone call before the raid at silph co like that… they must have been planning to lure me away from Saffron by throwing me in a wild goose chase. My friend must have stopped them, learned of their plans and called me, sparking the events of the raid" Sonic concluded "and I assume they used a ditto to do it?"

"Yes we found a captured ditto in Giovanni's office as well".

Sonic felt a chill down his spine. Giovanni had a whole plan to destroy him. And it was ruined by Mike. Everyone called him the hero of Kanto but had it not been for Mike things would have ended way differently.

As they approached the Viridian gym, Sonic was surprised to find not only his raichu waiting but a huge crowd of reporters. Raichu saw him and run at him. Sonic knelt and hugged his partner, shedding a tear at their victory.

Of course the result of raichu's action was the journalists, who were up until that point asking Gary questions, immediately rushed to question Sonic.

"Mr the hedgehog what happened inside the gym?"

"Is the boss of team rocket arrested?"

"Is it true there was a powerful pokemon in there?"

Sonic hesitated to answer as he didn't want to get in trouble with the law for whatever reason. Officer Jenny pulled him aside for a moment and suggested he did make a statement. As he was one of the most known trainers throughout Kanto, his statement wouldn't only be real but make a positive impact. Sonic considered it and turned back to the cameras asking that he be allowed to speak. The journalists immediately stopped speaking.

"The Viridian gym was a front for team rocket. The gym leader, also known as Giovanni, the boss of team rocket was using it as a base for the team's operations. He was beaten by me. I gave chase but unfortunately he escaped. However team rocket has been compromised and has officially disbanded".

"Is it true there was a powerful new species of pokemon controlled by team rocket that escaped during the fight?"

Sonic knew immediately Gary had mentioned Mewtwo.

"That secret can't come out. Not yet anyway" he thought.

"It wasn't a new species. It was a powerful Alakazam wearing a suit of armor to control it and make it stronger" Sonic lied "it did escape during the fight".

"What do you plan to do next?" another reporter asked him.

"That is my move to decide" Sonic said "however I do have one last thing to say. Specifically to my friend and ally who fought bravely alongside me during the attack on silph co. And before you all ask no I won't reveal his identity".

Some reporters who looked ready to question Sonic on that front hesitated upon his statement and eventually pulled back. Sonic turned to the camera.

"My friend" he said "it's over. Team rocket is done. Jolty has been avenged. You don't have to suffer anymore mourning him. Mourning someone is a hard thing. But living your life to the fullest for them… that is a thousand times harder. But it is also worth it cause we only live once. If you're hearing this… I hope we have another battle one day. Because our first and only battle.. was by far the best one I've had" Sonic concluded.

Some of the journalists, who had come to know of what transpired in silph co, shed tears as they were moved by Sonic's statements. After that Sonic declared there would be no more statements and walked away, leaving officer Jenny to handle the crowd.

With raichu following him close by, Sonic approached Gary who was talking with professor Oak who had come as soon as heard about the incident.

"Hey Gary? A word please?"

Gary turned around and saw it was Sonic calling out to him. Excusing himself he approached Sonic.

"Have you come to gloat? That you beat the pokemon I couldn't beat?"

"No. I just came to give you this" he said handing Gary the earthbadge.

"I don't want your pity. I will earn it on my own".

"It's not pity. Giovanni gave me two before escaping. One is for you".

Gary took the earthbadge silently.

"Are you holding up ok?"

"I don't need sympathy either".

Sonic simply shrugged.

"Had to ask. You were in danger because of me after all. See you at the tournament".

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"To meet someone. Get some tutoring for my Moltres. And then somewhere secluded to train until the tournament" Sonic said as he headed towards the pokemon center to heal his team after the brutal fight.

"Wait" Gary called out.

Sonic looked over his shoulder.

"Why did you lie to the press about that pokemon? You obviously knew about it".

Sonic contemplated letting Gary in on the story of Mewtwo but decided against it.

"Some things are better left in the dark. That's all I'll say. And I will also ask one thing of you. Don't tell anyone about it. Not even your grandpa. At least not yet".


"Mewtwo has just been freed. It is a pokemon with intelligence. And immense power. So let's let it find a place it can call home and not disturb it. Maybe someday it will be able to trust humanity even after the pain it went through. On that day it will be ok for professor Oak to know about it".

"But when will that be?"

Sonic smiled mildly.

"Someday. You will know when".


"You'll just know" Sonic said as he moved to go to the pokemon center.

After healing his team he went into Viridan forest and called out Moltres. Riding it with Raichu they soared to the skies of Kanto. The rejuvenating fresh air screamed around them as they flew with incredible speed towards Celadon city.

Sonic took the sights in hungrily, as his near death experience at Mewtwo's hands had really showed him how disconnected he was from the beauty of the world. The vast blue sea, the lush green forests, the mountains on the north side of the region. It was as if he was seeing their beauty for the first time.

He wondered where Mewtwo had retreated to, if he had retreated to a secluded mountain top or perhaps a deserted island.

"Wherever it is, I hope it can find peace in its freedom" Sonic thought.

His mind then drifted back to the confrontation with Giovanni as he relived it in his head trying to figure if Giovanni had said something that could be a hint to his location in exile.

While reliving the fight he recalled a specific detail that he had ignored for the longest time ever since discovering Mewtwo existed.

"Giovanni mentioned Mewtwo's creator had created a prototype. A prototype that was destroyed by that person".

His mind then recalled the audio file from silph co.

"Dr Fuji's work hasn't gone to waste".

"Dr Fuji" Sonic repeated though the wind didn't let his voiced out thought reach raichu and Moltres.

"But where would this dr Fuji be now? Unless…" his mind made a crazy thought.

"After our raid with Mike… mr Fuji… was shocked when I mentioned project two".

No, there was no way, his mind kept repeating.

"There is no way mr Fuji and Mewtwo's creator… are one and the same. Right?" Sonic questioned himself.

But no matter how much he thought it over he couldn't just rule it out either. He didn't know about mr Fuji's past. So it was entirely possible.

"I need to find out" Sonic thought as Celadon city appeared in the horizon.

Sonic landed outside the city and recalled Moltres. Landing in the center of the town on a legendary pokemon wasn't the best idea for going unnoticed. He then headed immediately to mr Fuji's house to have Moltres and Pinsir's moves adjusted and to dig for answers.

Reaching mr Fuji's house he found him and Reina there watching a replay of the broadcast in which Sonic had given his speech. Hearing his footsteps they turned to see him and smiles lit up their faces.

Reina rushed and hugged him unexpectedly as Sonic after a moment of awkwardness hugged her back. Mr Fuji approached as well.

"Looks like you were able to find the strength to move forward. And on your own too".

"No. Not entirely on my own" Sonic said as he recalled his battle with elite four Agatha "did Mike happen to show up?"

"Unfortunately no" mr Fuji said seriously "we haven't seen him since the silph co battle. But I'm sure he heard your message. He is a good kid. He will find his way back".

"I hope so" Sonic said.

After a few more questions, Sonic asked mr Fuji to help teach Pinsir earthquake, and bulk up, forgetting submission and revenge, while Moltres, which mr Fuji and Reina were impressed but not surprised as the news of Sonic's chosen one of Moltres titled had reached them as well and had not doubt they were real, was to be taught to use sunny day, solar beam and air slash, replacing ancient power, fire blast and wing attack. As mr Fuji got to work Reina noticed the bruises on Sonic.

"What are those?" she asked concerned.

That was the chance Sonic was looking for to start digging for answers.

"During the battle in Viridian city Giovanni's ultimate weapon tried to strangle me".

"That monster" Reina said in shock "twice you fought him and twice he didn't hesitate to go after you".

"Yeah. That pokemon was very strong. Even with that armor it was wearing".

"I wonder what kind of Alakazam was that strong" Reina commented.

"It wasn't an Alakazam" Sonic admitted.

Reina looked at him in question while mr Fuji, who was helping teach Pinsir earthquake, was so shocked he turned so fast that he lost his balance and dropped to the ground.

Sonic immediately thought that was suspicious.

"What did you say?" mr Fuji asked, clearly shaken.

"It wasn't an Alakazam. It was a bioengineered pokemon named Mewtwo".

Mr Fuji started breathing fast, having a panic attack. Reina rushed inside to bring him water, while Sonic who was calm, waved his hands to give him air.

After drinking water and taking deep long breaths to calm down mr Fuji refrained from looking Sonic in the eyes.

"Why did you get so shocked mr Fuji?" Sonic asked him.

Mr Fuji still didn't look.

"And in fact… should I maybe refer to you as dr Fuji?"

Mr Fuji's eyes widened in shock. Sonic knew.

"I discovered the hidden lab in the Cinnabar mansion. And team rockets data that I released to the public spoke of a dr Fuji who destroyed the Mewtwo prototype".

"You… you know?"

"Know that you helped create a bioengineered pokemon from the dna of the mythical ancestor of all pokemon? That your creation grew so strong and violent you couldn't control it? That you knew Giovanni, your benefactor, intended to use it as a weapon? Yes I know".

"I…" mr Fuji began saying "I didn't know he wanted to use it as a weapon. Not until… until it was too late. Until that monster was already created. When I discovered Mew in the jungle… I wanted to prove its existence to the world… my original plan was to clone mew… and prove to the world it existed. What I accidentally created… that monster… my benefactor's views changed upon seeing my creation. He continued funding it until it was fully grown. When I…" mr Fuji had now began tearing up.

"When I discovered what had happened, I tried to poison the prototype inside its tube. I was successful. However the poison was also intended to destroy the body. To dissolve it completely. I ran away with my research without ever knowing whether I had completely destroyed my work".

"Apparently you failed" Sonic said "Giovanni said the 2.0 version was truly perfect compared to the prototype".

Mr Fuji covered his face with his hands as he shook.

"My mistakes led to those bruises on your body. To all your injuries. To all the painful confrontations with team rocket… to Jolteon's death".

No mr Fuji" Sonic said kneeling down "you were not responsible for any of it. Even if Mewtwo didn't exist team rocket would still pull evil schemes around the region. So I would probably have clashed with them regardless. But none of it matters anymore. It's over. Team rocket has disbanded. And Mewtwo is free from them".

Mr Fuji looked at Sonic in horror.

"Free? What do you mean free?!"

"I mean that that part of my speech was true. It did escape. Because I freed it".

"You… you didn't kill it? You freed that monster?"

"I couldn't kill it mr Fuji. It was too strong. If had tried to kill it, it would have killed me first. And besides" Sonic said as he remembered the look of pain, suffering and terror in Mewtwo's purple eyes "Mewtwo's no monster. It's a pokemon. A bioengineered pokemon but a pokemon nonetheless. A pokemon captured by team rocket and suffering. A pokemon I knew I had to help".

Mr Fuji took it all in with a combination of admiration for Sonic and terror at the situation.

"What you did was noble indeed. But Mewtwo… is still too strong. Being out there… if it hurts anyone…"

"I don't think it will. It's sentient. More sentient than most pokemon. It's probably somewhere in hiding. This is why I lied. To keep it safe. To let it find its place in the world. I'm sure it won't cause any trouble away from people".

Mr Fuji nodded as it made sense. He got up with the help of Reina and asked Sonic for forgiveness for everything he had indirectily caused. Sonic accepted it immediately.

After Moltres and Pinsir picked up their movesets, Sonic opened the map of Kanto and searched through it, eventually finding a secluded coast northeast where he could make camp and train in solitude until the tournament. After bidding farewell to Reina and mr Fuji, he then went to a clearing in the woods and brought out Moltres. Before he could ride it with raichu however Reina unexpectedly showed up.

"What are you doing here?" Sonic asked her.

Reina was blushing trying to find the words. Sonic immediately understood where this was going.

"Isn't it… possible you could stay here and train?"

"…No. I need to follow my path. My gut tells me to go and train. After getting close to death so many times, I just want to be alone for a while with my pokemon. Build my bond with them. Train with them. Grow our power together".

"I… I mean…".

"I know what you mean" Sonic said seriously "I remember. Before silph co. You're a good person Reina. And very beautiful. But I need to follow my own path at this point. And that's something I have to do alone for now".

Reina felt a small heartbreak but understood. Sonic had gone through a lot in the month that he had been a trainer. Nodding she said she understood and turned to leave but before Sonic could ride Moltres turned around and gave him another kiss.

"For the farewell" she said with a teary smile and left to return home.

Sonic smiled closing his eyes. He turned and saw raichu and Moltres were observing the whole time.

"Got a good peek?" Sonic joked.

Raichu and Moltres looked like they were caught stealing berries. Sonic simply laughed as he and raichu rode Moltres.

The flight to the secluded shore was smooth and with no trouble. As Sonic set up camp and let out his pokemon to play or just hang out, he laid on the soft sand and looked at the sky, simply enjoying the peace. Not just the silence but the peace that came with team rocket's disbandment.

Feeling his phone buzz, he received a facetime call from Tails.

"How's it going hero?"

"Haha. Just fine bud. Just fine at last".

Knuckles and Jet joined the call at that moment.

"My guy! Driving team rocket out of Kanto? You're nuts and awesome!" Knuckles exclaimed drowning in hype.

"Too nuts. But too awesome" Jet added "the broadcast aired here too. Everyone in town knows about your deeds" he explained.

"Really?" Sonic said intrigued.

"Yeah. Amy especially has yet to swallow the news".

"What's she got to do with it?" Sonic asked confused.

"I saw her" Knuckles explained "arguing with Shadow while on a date. I heard your name being spoken so I assumed it's about your heroic actions".


"Ok. Ok. You just did what you thought was right" Knuckles relented.

Sonic and Jet's parents appeared behind Jet on camera and took over the call for a while asking Sonic if he was ok and expressing how proud they were of him and that they were sure he'd bounce back up after what had started his journey. Leaving the 4 friends alone again, Sonic took the chance to tell his friends about what exactly transpired at the Viridian gym, his discovery at Cinnabar island and Mewtwo itself. Tails was intrigued that his dream of Mewtwo killing him was essentially a vision of a possible future which Sonic managed to twist just by being himself.

"So what are your plans now bro?" Jet asked Sonic.

"Just stay here at this beach until the tournament. Just training and hanging out with my pokemon. You're free to come if you want of course".

"We discussed the chance of coming early but unfortunately we can't" Tails said grumpy.

"Well that sucks. Guess it's just solo relaxing and training" Sonic said again.

"Make sure to train hard. After all we expect you to kick everyone's ass at the tournament".

"I know I will kick one Ash for sure" Sonic said as he recalled his challenge to Ash.

"Damn look at the time. I need to go now. Talk soon Sonic. Happy training" Tails said hanging up. Knuckles and Jet stayed online for a little longer and then hang up too.

Sonic immediately went to sleep after that. He instructed his pokemon to get a good rest as the next two weeks would include a lot of training. He entered the tent and fell asleep after a while, his sleep peaceful and dreamless.

Chapter 31: Special chapter; Mewtwo strikes back


A mysterious invitation to New Island will bring Sonic and his pokemon face to face with Mewtwo once again, as well as an opportunity for Sonic and Ash to make amends after their falling out.

Chapter Text

"Moltres solar beam!"

Moltres soaring high above the ground unleashed its attack with incredible speed under the effect of sunny day.

"Good. Again. And use sunny day again to harness more sunlight" Sonic said and moved on to observing Pinsir using brick break to smash rocks.

"More ferocity Pinsir. Imagine it's me in your nest".

Pinsir smahed the next rock on its training so hard it became peebles.

"Yeah that's neat! Try to turn it to dust next time" Sonic suggested.

Moving on he found Raichu and Nidoking sparring. Raichu was using iron tail to attack and deflect the incoming sludge bombs. On the other hand Nidoking, having acquired the move megahorn while training, was trying to slam into raichu using it. Raichu was using its speed and agility to dodge or clashing with megahorn using iron tail. Sonic smiled as the two noticed him and momentarily stopped.

"Don't let me distract you guys. Get back to it. I want to see ferocity".

The pokemon cried out and collided again, megahorn vs brick break this time, the megahorn used defensively to whip away the brick break.

Sonic then approached the final duo. Alakazam was using psychic to lift Blastoise which was incredibly heavy.

"Good. Ready Blastoise?"

"Blastoise" the huge water turtle cried out.

"Hydro pump".

Blastoise unleashed its water jets from its cannon, as Alakazam did its best to hold it steady. The combined weight of Blastoise and the force of the released water proved too much as Alakazam as it dropped Blastoise unpleasantly. Alakazam hummed saddened.

"Hey you ok?" Sonic asked it.

Alakazam hummed looking at its hands which held its spoons. Sonic understood.

"You're still thinking of Mewtwo?"

Alakazam hummed in a positive way.

"I understand. But don't let this bring you down for good Alakazam. You shouldn't compare yourself to Mewtwo. You and it are not the same".

Alakazam looked sad. Sonic realized it had misunderstood him.

"No wait. I didn't explain it right. What I meant to say was the only real comparison you should make is with your past self" Sonic explained.

Alakazam looked at him.

"Remember how you started? As a helpless abra? Look at you now. You have grown incredibly powerful. And you will only get stronger. I know you will".

Alakazam hummed and began trying to lift Blastoise again. Sonic stopped them saying it was time to eat.

Calling the rest of his pokemon, the team feasted as the previous day Sonic had gone to buy supplies via a flight on Moltres and therefore had picked a little extra for his pokemon as they had been working very hard.

After lunch Sonic usually let the pokemon play to relax and strengthen their bonds with each other. Usually he played with them while other times he let them play while he laid in his tent and rested, enjoyed the view, chatted with his friends and brother or just browsed the internet.

Over the past week of his stay on that secluded beach, a lot of articles had popped up online about his deeds against team rocket and more kept appearing every day. He had essentially become a celebrity throughout Kanto and the fact that he was confirmed to take place in the indigo tournament had increased the number of trainers taking the gym challenge tenfold. Sonic had discussed this with his friends but they concluded most of the newly registered trainers wouldn't possibly be able to collect the 8 badges fast enough to enter the tournament for a chance to face him.

"And plus" Tails had added the night before when they were discussing the specific topic "even if they enter, I doubt they will stand a chance against you. Your team is stacked, you literally kicked the pokemon mafia out of Kanto, came this close to defeating an elite four member... I can go on. I just think the tournament is in the bag for you".

"I won't count my chickens before they hatch Tails" Sonic had answered "after all who knows who else will join the tournament".

"No matter who enters, how many will possibly have a legendary pokemon? You got this Sonic" Knuckles had stated confident in his friend's chances of victory.

Sonic recalled all their discussions as he observed the endless blue of the sky, relaxed after a long half day of training with the other half having more training in store.

While observing the sky something flew so fast he was barely able to see it. His eyes were not fast enough to keep up with it. Wondering what it could be he let his eyes close intending to take a quick nap.

He was roughly awakened when he heard Moltres' battle cry pierce his ears. Rushing out of the tent he saw Moltres engaging a dragonite while his remaining pokemon were observing.

"What's going on here?" Sonic wondered as he prepared to give Moltres battle instructions.

However to his surprise, dragonite wasn't fighting back. It was merely dodging the attacks. Sonic knew something was up.

"Moltres down" he said as the legendary bird obeyed without taking its eyes of the dragon type pseudo legendary.

Dragonite landed close to Sonic and approached him with heavy steps. Moltres made a threatening cry which Sonic responded to by raising his hand to keep the peace. He noticed dragonite was wearing a bag over its shouder and around its body.

"What the… a mailman dragonite?" he thought in surprise while keeping his composure.

Dragonite took an envelope out of the bag and handed it to Sonic. Sonic not expecting this turn of events slowly took the envelope and the moment it was off dragonite's hands it soared faster than Sonic's eyes could register.

Looking up he saw nothing but the sky. Impressed with dragonite's speed, Sonic looked at the envelope.

"Who would send me an envelope through pokemon mail?"

He immediately guessed it was either mr Fuji, Reina or Mike. All of his guessed however were prover wrong as he ripped the envelope and read the letter resting inside. Or at least what he thought was a letter. Inside was a small device and a small piece of paper with the phrase play me on it. Curious Sonic pushed the device's play button.

The hologram of a woman appeared. Sonic was confused as he didn't know her.

"Trainer. You are being given the honor of being invited to New Island. On New Island you will be given the even greater honor of meeting and getting a chance at battling non-other than the world's greatest pokemon master. To get to New Island you will need to head to Old Shore Wharf and take a boat from there. My master will be expecting you" the hologram said and disappeared.

Sonic lowered the device as his mind was processing the new info.

"The world's greatest pokemon master wants to meet me? Seriously?"

He went back inside his tent and took his map out, locating Old Shore Wharf on it.

"A chance to battle the strongest trainer in the world huh?" Sonic considered it. He then smiled.

"Not a chance I'm missing this" he said starting disassembling and packing his tent.

After explaining to his pokemon where they were going he recalled all of them apart from Raichu and Moltres. Riding the latter, the trio soared to the skies heading for Old Shore Wharf.

"I wonder if anyone else got an invitation" Sonic thought "probably the elite four. Would be nice to see Agatha again. Maybe even get a rematch out of it".

His mind then drifted to Ash who had mentioned he wanted to become a pokemon master.

"No way he got an invite" Sonic theorized "he was literally gifted 4 of the badges".

While Sonic was ruling out the chance Ash had received an invite, the latter alongside Misty and Brock were arriving in Old Shore Wharf.

"Finally we're here! I can't wait to meet the world's greatest pokemon master! That idiot Sonic will regret doubting me".

"I won't deny that Sonic acted like a jerk last time but just because you got an invite to New Island doesn't necessarily mean he will just change his mind" Brock mentioned.

"And besides didn't you see all those news about him? If anything I expect his ego will be through the roof".

"He will be through the roof once we're done with him and his raichu" Ash declared undeterred.

"Pika pika" Pikachu cried out hyped.

"I wonder if those rumors about him catching Moltres are real" Misty continued.

"And this new title of chosen one Moltres. As much as Sonic was a jerk last time, he did have the Moltres wing. That proves Moltres did see something in him" Brock admitted.

"Who knows. Maybe he got an invite too and will come here as well" Misty commented.

"Well that's all the better. We'll beat raichu and the legendary pokemon. And sooner than later too" Ash still didn't budge.

Heading towards the boathouse to take the boats to New Island the trio noticed the town's nurse joy was reported missing. Blending in with the crowd they tried to get to the front to see why no one was boarding the boats.

Back on the skies of Kanto, the ride was long and painful as Sonic was wondering who the one inviting him was and who else would be invited. He let himself imagine meeting the rest of the elite four and even narrating his battles with team rocket to them. It would be like game recognizing game.

"Man how much longer?" he wondered though he knew it was about another 30 minutes to get to his destination.

Finally seeing Old Shore Wharf, he experienced a bittersweet feeling as he saw New Island in the distance alongside a storm coming their way. Not wanting to risk Moltres' health over an invitation and furthermore not knowing whether he would be welcomed if he just flew to the island Sonic landed somewhere secluded and recalled Moltres while wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat for a disguise. He had no intention of being stalked or badgered.

Reaching the port town, he immediately headed to the boathouse to see what the plan was with the upcoming storm. To his surprise when he reached the boathouse he didn't find any known powerful trainers but instead a big crowd of unnamed trainers. Blending in with the rest of them, he was disappointed but not surprised to hear that the boats were not allowed to set sail due to the storm. Exiting the boathouse again he decided to put his thoughts together.

"Something's fishy here" he muttered.

He then heard a familiar voice.

"We're gonna find another way on that island Pikachu".

Sonic felt a mix of surprise, frustration and assurance that his previous assumption was right. Looking towards the direction of the voice, he saw Ash with his Pikachu on his shoulder, Brock and Misty discussing.

"This moron actually got an invite too?" Sonic thought.

He was ready to just walk away but the assumption that the invitations were a fraud made him reconsider. Deciding he needed to discuss it with someone he approached the trio.

"Well, well, well. Got an invitation too?" he said in an ironic tone.

Ash turned around.

"Sonic" he said sounding kind of ready to pick a fight.

"The one and only" Sonic answered. He was surprised that Ash didn't call him Spike. But after the fall of team rocket, he assumed Ash had no choice but to stop calling him nicknames.

"Hi Sonic" Brock said with no color in his voice.

Sonic knew Brock and Misty were upset about his behavior last time they had met. He sighed as he decided to swallow his pride.

"I see how this is. Look I know last time we met I acted out of line. And I apologize for it. I was mourning the death of my friend's Jolteon but that was no reason to act like it. I'm sorry".

Brock remained silent while Misty answered.

"It's ok. We could never understand what you went through. Especially after the fight at the Viridian gym".

"And I'm not asking you too. Let's just put it behind us".

"Fine it's behind us" Ash said "but you still owe me a battle".

"In due time Ash, in due time. I'll beat you all the same at the tournament".

"Big talk. But no action to back it up".

"No action?" Sonic asked laughing "I believe my actions a week ago should be all you need to know".

"I would count it an action if you stopped being a chicken and battled me already".

"Did you get all 8 of the badges?"

"Yes I did".

"Good. Then be a little bit more patient. The tournament's in a week. Unless of course you can't wait to get kicked" Sonic teased him.

"I think something else will get kicked and it's on you" Ash fired back.

Sonic was dying from laughter inside thinking he could keep triggering Ash all day. However there were more pressing matters.

"We'll see about it. On a serious note now did you get an invitation from the supposed world's greatest pokemon master too?"

"Yes I did".



"There is something suspicious at play here" Sonic said.

"Suspicious? What seems suspicious about it?"

Sonic wasn't even surprised at Ash's density.

"Let me put it simply. Imagine you're the world's greatest pokemon master".

"I can do that. After all I will be that exact thing one day".

"Ok let's pretend I believe you for now" Sonic said "You decide to test your power and give others a chance to fight you. To do so you invite them to your island. Who would you invite?"

"Me?" Ash asked. Sonic face-slapped himself.

"Forget your dream for a moment ok? Please. Answer me and think the question over from an outside perspective".

Ash thought about it. However he wasn't answering.

"Oh dear lord. My question wasn't even that complicated" Sonic thought.

"Who would you wish to battle?" Sonic asked the simplest version of the question.

"The strongest trainers" Ash answered without a hint of hesitation.

"Finally. You're finally racking your brain. Now riddle me this. If this is the world's greatest pokemon master inviting us, why did he invite a bunch of nobodies and not…"

"Who are you calling a nobody?!" Ash got in Sonic's face angry. Pikachu growled at Raichu once again itching for a fight.

"Ok, ok. Let me rephrase. Why would he invite random trainers and not the region's strongest like the elite four, the gym leaders and any other known trainer?"

"I have to admit Sonic makes a valid point. That does sound kind of suspicious" Brock admitted.

"Maybe he is looking for someone to beat him who isn't known yet. Unlike someone else" Ash added.

"Ok. Maybe he is looking for rising stars. That is a possibility. But the fact that it could be a scam is still not out of the question".

"Scams usually aim to take something. What have we got to lose?" Misty asked Sonic.

Sonic struggled to counter-argue that. Sure there was a high chance the invitation was a fraud but what did the one sending the invitations have to gain from them?

"Regardless it's not like we'll be going to the island anytime soon" Sonic said pointing at the storm "not worth the risk".

"It's definately worth the risk" Ash countered "especially when there's a chance to fight the world's greatest pokemon master".

"Fine your choice, get there at your own risk. I will wait for the storm to clear".

"Wow. The hero of Kanto is scared of a little storm. And here I thought you knew to take risks".

Sonic stopped and turned to face Ash fighting to keep his cool.

"Stop calling me a hero. I may have driven team rocket out but the cost of it was great. You don't want to try and be a hero, I assure you".

"You think I will back down? I mean it when I say that the risk is worth it. I will go".

Sonic felt a rain droplet hit him.

"Fine. I'd like to see you try. I'm going to find somewhere to take cover for a while".

"Are you lot looking for a boat? Cause we will gladly offer our services" a familiar voice interfered.

Sonic looked to the direction of the voice as did Ash. They witnessed a man and a woman wearing Viking clothes pointing a boat docked outside the werehouse.

"Jessie and James?" Sonic thought immediately seeing through the disguises "what are these clowns doing here? Their team is gone".

Team rocket had also noticed Sonic and were doing their best not to panic.

"James, the hedgehog is here" Jessie said under her teeth.

"Just be cool. We get those brats on the boat and steal their pokemon no biggie" James tried to calm her down.

Meowth didn't add anything. All he could see in Sonic's eyes was the promise of being ripped apart.

"We'll take your offer" Ash said immediately causing Sonic to doubt his intelligence again.

"He is being stalked by these 3 idiots and still can't recognize them?" Sonic thought disappointed but shrugged "well it's his trouble".

While leaving the boathouse to find a place to cover he experienced a nagging feeling. The comment Ash had made about the risk being worth it didn't sit right with him.

"That moron will get himself killed" Sonic thought as he observed the boat leave the port. To his surprise many other trainers started calling out water pokemon to get to New Island.

"Oh what the hell. We're here now. Might as well go for it" Sonic said "come raichu".

"Rai rai" it followed.

"After all someone has to have his back. I doubt Misty and Brock will suffice if he gets way in over his head".

The rain started getting thicker by the minute. Sonic immediately ruled out flying to New Island. Moltres being a fire and flying type wouldn't react well to the rain. Taking their only other way, Sonic called out Blastoise. Riding on its back they started surfing towards the island following the other trainers.

Slowly overtaking some of them, he could feel their eyes fixated on him. He even heard some question themselves out loud if he was Sonic, the so called hero of Kanto.

"This just proves my point" Sonic said "if I'm the only one recognized something just isn't right with these invitations".

Looking around he tried to find the boat team rocket was using to give Ash and his friends a ride to the island. He couldn't see it anywhere however.

"Don't tell me it sank" Sonic thought in horror.

He was ready to ask Blastoise to dive to see if they were underwater until he noticed something that almost made him laugh. Ash and Brock were holding onto a squirtle while Misty was riding her Starmie to the island. Starmie was spinning in order to swim which Sonic found fascinating.

With his Blastoise slowly approaching them Sonic put his hands one on top of the other and sat his jaw on them.

"Fancy meeting you here" Sonic said with the air of someone who was saying I told you so.

Ash and Brock looked at Sonic who was riding his fully evolved pokemon.

"So a member of your team is Squirtle? And you wonder why I believe you cannot beat me?"

"Ha ha. Rub it in while you can. When we get on the island I will school you in front of the pokemon master".

Sonic found it amusing that Ash had such a high albeit baseless confidence.

"Well since the trip there is long, why don't you hop on board? It's ok right Blastoise?"

"Blastoise" his pokemon cried out positively. Carrying a few more people would be super easy for it.

"I don't need your help. We'll get there on our own".

"I'll take the ride" Brock said immediately grabbing onto Blastoise as Sonic helped him up.

"Brock whose side are you on?"

"Can I hop on as well?" Misty asked "Starmie isn't used to storms".

"Sure" Sonic said as Misty hopped on behind Brock.

"Some friends" Ash said grumpy.

"Come on Ashy just let go of your pride and hop on. You don't have to make it hard on yourself or your Pikachu or your squirtle".

Ash wanted to object but his squirtle had begun tiring itself out. With a heavy heart he climbed on the Blastoise and recalled his squirtle.

"How come you haven't evolved squirtle? Pikachu I understand, pride of its kind and all that" Sonic asked from behind his shoulder.

"That's squirtle's choice to make" Ash answered.

"It's kind of an inside thing" Brock explained.

"How so?"

"Ash's charmander's character drastically changed when evolving into Charizard. His squirtle and bulbasaur won't evolve because they don't want to change like charmander did" Misty explained in greater detail.

"Misty! You just exposed over half my team!"

"Ash no offense but the element of surprise would do you little good against my team" Sonic said over his shoulder.

"We'll see about that soon" Ash retorted undeterred.

Finally reaching the island, Sonic asked his blastoise to take them a bit further away from the trainers. Finding a temporary shelter from the rain, Sonic called out Moltres to the amazement of the trio. He then instructed them to approach Moltres. Afterwards he asked Moltres to dry them out. Moltres hugged them with its wings and started emitting enough heat to dry their wet clothes but not enough to roast them alive.

"I guess the chosen one of Moltres title was true as well" Brock commented, happy to be dry again "thanks for that. I doubt my drying pan would help here".

"Your what?" Sonic said in confusion.

"He used a frying pan to shield himself from rain once" Misty explained.

Sonic burst out laughing.

"A drying pan?! Ahahahaha. Sorry. That was just so funny! No pun intended".

Ash face-slapped himself while Misty and Brock laughed at Sonic's pun joke.

"Whatever let's go Spike. We can't let the pokemon master wait".

Sonic at this point wasn't even offended by Ash calling him Spike. He just laughed it off, recalled Moltres and followed the trio towards the island's palace.

Entering last of the rest of the trainers, all eyes fell on them as they entered. After Sonic was in clear view of the crowd someone identified him and everyone rushed to him asking him a million questions every moment.

Sonic asked everyone to be quiet and asked them to ask their questions one by one while he and his pokemon took a bite from the buffet. Sending out his pokemon, no longer needing to hide and thinking since Ash lost the element of surprise against him, it was only fair for Sonic not to have it. Everyone was ecstatic at the presence of a legendary pokemon amongst them.

To Sonic's disappointment very few trainers wanted to ask him questions. Most of them wanted a piece of him. He bluntly stated there would be no battles today and that if they wanted a piece of him they would have to earn it at the indigo tournament.

"That's not fair" a trainer named Fergus retorted "most of us won't even make it to the tournament".

"Sorry buddy but that's just how it is. I came here to see if this pokemon master is real and if not what they want with me".

"Sonic's gonna explain his theory to them?" Misty said worried.

"We might have to intervene" Brock added while chewing a bite of cake.

"No we don't. His mess, he should solve it" Ash countered anxious to see how it would all transpire.

"What do you mean if the pokemon master is real?"

"Has no one considered this could be a trick? If this pokemon master is real, shouldn't he also have invited the elite four?"

"Well maybe he chose us because he thinks we can stand against them".

"First of all" Sonic continued "you don't know if it's a man. Second don't make me laugh. I fought Agatha of the elite four before catching my Moltres. She beat all 5 of my other pokemon with just 3 of hers".

Everyone was shocked to hear the hero of Kanto had actually lost to someone.

"So yeah pal, you may want to think twice before stating you can stand up to any of the elite four".

Fergus was ready to say more until they were all approached by a woman. Sonic identified her as the woman from the hologram.

"Is that the missing nurse joy?" Ash wondered aloud.

"Welcome trainers, to New Island. My master will be here with us soon, so prepare for battle".

Sonic recalled all his pokemon except raichu who stood in front of him ready for its opponent. Ash and Pikachu observed them. As much they hated to admit it, they could learn a lot from someone with Sonic's accomplishments.

A round hatch opened on the ceiling of the room on the other end from the one the trainers were. A figure descended engulfed in blue light. Sonic immediately noticed the figure had a long tail.

"What the…?" he wondered taking a surprised expression.

"I forgot to mention" the woman said "my master, the world's greatest pokemon master, is also the world's strongest pokemon. Mewtwo".

"Mewtwo?!" Sonic said in shock.

Mewtwo emerged from the blue light his eyes sizing the trainers who were all looking at Sonic as it was clear he knew what was in front of them.

"A pokemon can't be a pokemon master!" Fergus objected and was about to send out a pokemon. Sonic raised his hand to stop him.

"Wait" he said calmly.

Hesitantly he started walking past the woman who was suddenly looking around in shock asking where she was. As its eyes met Mewtwo's Sonic spoke softly.

"Hey. Mewtwo. Remember me?"

To everyone's shock Mewtwo answered, his voice echoing through psychic waves.

"Remember you?"

"You… you can talk?!"

"Of course I can".

"Oh man this makes it so much easier. I'm so glad you're ok. I was wondering what happened to you after our fight".

"After your fight?" a kid next to Fergus asked aloud.

Sonic ignored it.

"Tell me please are you ok? You know after all that happened in Viridian?"

Mewtwo observed Sonic speaking in a slight confusion for a while.

When it got bored it lifted its hand and Sonic was lifted off the ground to everyone's surprise. Raichu tried to thunder punch Mewtwo but was lifted in the air as well.

"Hey what gives?!"

"I don't remember fighting you. And certainly I won't remember beating you" Mewtwo roasted the duo before flinging them hard to the other end of the room.

Sonic and raichu both crashed hard on the wall. Mr Fuji was right to fear Mewtwo. Its power was beyond imagination.

"That means war! Let's go gyarados!" Fergus ordered and everyone sent out their pokemon at the same time.

"No" Sonic thought "they don't know what they're up against".

Fighting off the pain he got up and dashed to get to the center of the room.

"Watch my back will you buddy?"


The duo got in between the trainers and Mewtwo who observed unfazed.

"Wait don't attack. I'm just fine".

"Who said we're attacking for you? Whatever this pokemon is has called for a fight and will have one" Fergus took charge while the others agreed with him.

Ash looked at Mewtwo.

"Sonic how do you know about this pokemon?"

The moment of truth was now. Sonic knew that the uproar of his lie would be massive.

"Mewtwo is the pokemon I really fought at Viridian city!"

"What? You statement was a lie?"

"I had to. In order to protect Mewtwo's secret. It was in pain. It controlled by team rocket and… argh!" he groaned as he was lifted again by Mewtwo.

"No one controls me!" it said in a mild anger before flinging Sonic forward again.

Sonic however landed on his feet this time. Him and raichu who had not taken any action as Mewtwo's action was too sudden, witnessed Mewtwo calling forth a charizard a venusaur and a blastoise. However those three final forms of the starter pokemon had strange marks on their bodies.

"You have come here to be challenged by me. So bring out your pokemon and fight".

"With pleasure!" Ash said sending out his charizard.

"Ash wait! We should try to resolve this peacefully!" Sonic pleaded.

"Like you did with team rocket?!"

Sonic knew where this was going again.

"Please listen to me Ash. Don't play hero. The cost is too great!"

"Charizard use flamethrower!" Ash ordered his pokemon, completely ignoring Sonic's warning.

The rest of the trainers followed suit. A huge battle broke out, with Mewtwo's pokemon fighting maybe even 5 opponents at once and effortlessly beating them. Soon everyone's pokemon save for Sonic's were beaten.

"Mewtwo this doesn't have to go down" Sonic tried to reason with it.

"Bring out your pokemon".

"No. I won't fight you again. This is pointless fighting".

Mewtwo responded by forcing Sonic's Blastoise out and pitting it against his Venusaur. Sonic tried to recall it but Mewtwo took the pokeball from Sonic and kept it out of reach.

"Blastoise be careful".

Venusaur unleashed a barrage of razor leafs.

"Protect then ice beam!"

Blastoise shielded itself from the leaves then fired an ice beam. To Sonic's shock it barely affected the Venusaur.

"How is this possible?" he asked aloud.

"Do not be surprised. My clone pokemon are much stronger than your pokemon".

"Your what?! Clone pokemon? Mewtwo what have you done?!"

"Win!" Mewtwo said as while him and Sonic were conversing Venusaur had charged and fired a powerful solarbeam knocking down Blastoise with ease. Sonic tried to reach for his pokeball to recall it but Mewtwo kept it out of reach still. Furthermore, Mewtwo called out forcibly Moltres and pitted it against his blastoise.

"That's so easy for you right Mewtwo?! If you dare pit it against your Venusaur!"

"We play by my rules!" Mewtwo countered as Blastoise fired hydro pump.

Moltres effortlessly dodged having trained against Sonic's Blastoise.

"Sunny day!" Sonic instructed Moltres.

Moltres made it sunnier inside the room. Blastoise again tried to strike it with hydro pump.

"Counter with solarbeam!"

Solarbeam was immediately charged and fired. Blastoise's hydro pump met the grass attack but was easily overpowered. The clone blastoise was struck head on and topped with a huge thud, to the trainers' applauds and Mewtwo's rage.

"You dare beat my clone pokemon?"

"Mewtwo please let's just end this now it doesn't have to be this way" Sonic pleaded.

"I agree. We end this now! Charizardtwo!" he roared as charizard took flight.

"Charizardtwo?" Sonic said in shock "he named them after himself?!"

Charizard flew towards Moltres as its wings glowed.

"Moltres counter with air slash!"

Air slash struck charizard but barely tickled it. Charizard struck Moltres head on with its wing attack. Moltres however was no ordinary pokemon.


Moltres and charizard both fired flamethrower. As the fire attacks collided Ash couldn't help but admit Sonic wasn't all bark and no bite.

Charizard then flew fast towards Moltres and used slash greatly damaging it. Sonic immediately responded by having Moltres use air slash in close range. It did damage the clone charizard but to everyone's shock it used seismic toss grabbing Moltres and diving down. Moltres crashed hard on the ground and despite its best efforts fainted.

Sonic was filled with fear at the sight of his second strongest if not his strongest pokemon fainting. Mewtwo didn't relent however, forcibly sending out Nidoking and Pinsir next.

The battles with Pinsir and Nidoking were swift and once again heavily on Mewtwo's side. Sonic was now left with just Raichu and Alakazam, the last line of defense.

Mewtwo once again decided to first force out all of Sonic's recalled pokemon. It called out Alakazam pitting it against Charizard.

Alakazam however coming face to face with Mewtwo again, after the initial surprise, started humming and communicating with Mewtwo. The latter felt the psychic connection and started being barraged by a whirlwind of visions. He found himself again in the pain inside the armor Giovanni had placed on him, fighting Gary's pokemon and then Sonic's pokemon.

Alakazam was intending to unlock the memory of Sonic freeing Mewtwo last however Mewtwo cut the psychic link before that could happen.

"You dare enter my mind! Charizardtwo destroy him!"

Charizard unleashed a powerful flamethrower which Alakazam shielded while using light screen. Sonic could tell that Mewtwo was intending to break Alakazam like it had seen in the memory.

"Raichu! Thunderpunch!"

Raichu charged to punch Mewtwo but was blocked by Venusaur using vine whip to grab raichu.

Raichu immediately used iron tail to free itself then started using iron tail while jumping and spinning to deflect the incoming vine whips and razor leaves. Sonic couldn't focus on both battles at once.

Ash witnessed Sonic trying his best and wanting to help rushed to punch Mewtwo.

"Ash no!" Sonic screamed.

Ash was thrown back by Mewtwo's psychic, crashing into Sonic. He immediately got up and tried to go after Mewtwo again.

"Ash stop playing hero!" Sonic said grabbing Ash by the arm "You're gonna get yourself killed!" he warned him.

"But we have to stop Mewtwo!" Ash declared and charged again only to be thrown further back by Mewtwo.

Their momentary lack of focus on the battle resulted in a knockout of Venusaur by raichu and charizard overpowering both raichu and Alakazam who was only defending trying to re-establish its psychic link with Mewtwo.

Mewtwo's Charizard roared triumphant.

"I win. Your pokemon shall now be taken" Mewtwo declared as a huge tube appeared from the hatch on the ceiling. Mewtwo then started lifting the defeated pokemon using its power, which the tube claimed by drawing them in.

"Pikachu no!" Ash rushed after his partner.

Sonic also rushed to stop his raichu from being absorbed, while looking around at the other trainers fighting to save their pokemon.

"What have I done?!" he thought. His freeing of Mewtwo had led to all of this.

Not being able to resist any longer he was lifted by Mewtwo's psychic as well. Ash and Pikachu were sucked into the tube behind them. The tube suddenly split into two with Ash being sent one way, and Pikachu, raichu and Sonic were sent the other way.

Sonic slid through the tube until he found himself trapped in one of those capsules Giovanni had used to trap his pokemon during their final battle. Looking around in panic he saw the team rocket logo on several places inside the lab the capsules were located in.

"What the… where did Mewtwo take us?"

The capsule was momentarily filled with water which was drained right under Sonic. After the initial shock he saw his raichu, Ash's Pikachu as well as his and many other pokemon also go through the same process.

Before he could process a voice echoed throughout the lab.

"Initiating cloning process".

"Cloning?" Sonic thought in shock "Mewtwo's cloning the pokemon? Cloning ME?"

"Warning, warning. Unidentified DNA found. Cloning result can be unpredicted".

Despite the warning however the machine started functioning. Sonic started knocking on the glass to break free but it was too thick.

Ash then burst into the room. Seeing Sonic trapped, he pushed the capsule which broke, freeing the hedgehog.

"Thanks" Sonic said after finally breathing fresh air.

"Now who's the hero?" Ash gloated.

"Rub it in. Listen, we need to free the pokemon quick".

Freeing raichu and Pikachu, the two rivals started using them to free other pokemon while simultaneously smashing capsules by breaking them. Sonic prioritized his own pokemon. After all the pokemon were freed the two trainers looked around at the chaos.

"What now?" Ash asked.

"Lead the pokemon out of here. I will find and destroy the cloning machine".

"Got it. Pikachu lead the way".

Pikachu made one teasing cry at Raichu and followed Ash out of the room while calling the remaining pokemon except Sonic's to follow. Sonic recalled his pokemon and exited the room.

Easily finding the room with the cloning machine he went to enter but heard a loud scary screech coming from inside. Raichu immediately hid behind him terrified.

"What the hell was that?" Sonic whispered as he slowly opened the door to the cloning room.

The cloning machine was on the other end of the room sending the clone pokemon through a tube towards the arena Mewtwo had fought them at. However there was also something else in the middle of the room, slowly crawling for the door. Something horrifying.

Sonic tried to scream but couldn't. He was literally petrified. On the ground slowly crawling towards him was a deformed monster. It's face looked like was once a cake before being baked, then some crazy baker decided to take a cake mixer and vandalize the cake then bake it. Its body was improperly shaped, resulting in what would have been a hunchback save for something familiar on its back.

"Quills!" Sonic thought in utter shock.

The abomination raised its eyes to meet Sonic's and let out another inhuman scream.


Sonic took a step back reactively. His clone started crawling on the ground again slowly approaching


Sonic gasped. It wasn't just a scream. Sonictwo was screaming for help.

"Mewtwo what have you done?" Sonic thought in panic as he tried to think what to do.

In the meantime Ash was walking in front of the pokemon he and Sonic had freed and walked back into the arena in a magnificent fashion, staring down Mewtwo and his army of cloned pokemon.

"You're mine this time! Sonic isn't here to save you!" Ash said dashing to Mewtwo trying to punch him once again.

Mewtwo effortlessly flung Ash backwards.

"I don't need someone to save me human!"

Ash ordered his pikachu to attack Mewtwo only to be blocked by Pikachutwo. The other pokemon all rushed to help while getting in fights with their clones. The clones of Sonic's pokemon were still standing behind Mewtwo who looked around looking for Sonic.

"Where is that hedgehog?"

Sonic and raichu in the meantime were still petrified in shock from witnessing Sonictwo suffering. Its mangled deformed body was causing it excruciating pain.


Sonic was breathing fast in panic. He wanted to help his clone but knew there was nothing he could do. It was improperly created. All life would offer it was suffering.

He knew the only choice was to show mercy to his clone. But he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"This is wrong" Sonic muttered "I can't".

Another cry of help from Sonictwo reached his ears. In a robotic fashion Sonic started walking towards his deformed clone.

"What am I doing?" he thought as he stood over his clone who couldn't even turn his head to look him in the eyes.

Kneeling down, his entire being was screaming not to do it. That there had to be another way.

Hearing the sounds of the pokemon battling echoing through the halls of the palace, Sonic knew he didn't have time. Closing his eyes and gritting his teeth, he quickly grabbed his clone's head and turned it fast to the left, snapping Sonictwo's neck.

The action was too much for the hero of Kanto as he broke down crying at what he had done.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he kept repeating.

The sounds of the pokemon clashing brought him back to reality long enough to fight off the sadness. Getting up he turned back to the cloning machine. Knowing he didn't have time to call Tails and destroy it via a virus, he grabbed a heavy box from the side of the room and started hitting the machine in several weak points. He used all of his rage, his sadness, his regret at killing his clone to strike the machine with all of his strength.

Soon enough the machine started emitting smoke and making strange sounds. After a while it stopped functioning. Sonic dropped the box panting heavily. It was done. There would no more cloning, no more playing god for anyone.

Turning to leave his eyes fell on something that seemed like a fridge. Or at least a capsule with a freezing circuit, essentially functioning like a fridge.

Wondering what Mewtwo had stored in there, Sonic opened it.

To his shock inside was Mewtwo.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sonic screamed backstepping.

It was an actual 2nd Mewtwo. It was dead. Its eyes were shut and it was poised like if it was inside a coffin. Sonic felt he would faint. Had Mewtwo tried to clone itself?

"No that doesn't make any sense" Sonic thought taking deep breaths "he is fighting to dominate, he wouldn't create a rival".

His mind then recalled all the team rocket logos in the other room. And mr Fuji's confession from last time he was there.

"I tried to poison the prototype inside its tube. I was successful. However the poison was also intended to destroy the body. To dissolve it completely".

"And it didn't work" Sonic completed his thought aloud.

The Mewtwo he was looking at was the prototype. It all made sense.

"Team rocket created the prototype here with mr Fuji's help! They must have then used the Cinnabar mansion to create the one that called us all here. It broke out, killed everyone… then Giovanni subdued it with the armor. They must have returned the prototype here in case they had to recreate it a third time. As a backup plan. The living Mewtwo must have found the prototype…" Sonic said realizing why Mewtwo was doing all of it.

Rushing back out following the sounds of battle, he entered the arena again to find all the pokemon battling their clone copies. Mewtwo's eyes met Sonic's.

"There you are!" he said forcing Sonic's pokemon out again before Sonic could react and ordering his clones of them to attack.

"No!" Sonic yelled as his pokemon were called out and started fighting. His Moltres clashed with Moltrestwo above everyone else in a brutal air battle.

Sonic looked at his pokemon fighting their clones.

"Guys no stop please this pointless" he begged.

His pokemon heard him but the continuous onslaught from the clones kept them from stopping.

Even raichu was fiercely fighting raichutwo who even knew how to copy raichu's fighting style. As the two electric types traded blows, Sonic rushed to stand in front of Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo please stop this!" Sonic pleaded "don't you see this is pointless?! All the pokemon, even your clone pokemon are suffering".

"Your facts are trivial" Mewtwo said.

"Listen I know why you're doing this. I saw what you saw. The dead you. Team rocket made you suffer. But it doesn't have to be this way! You can choose to be better!"

Mewtwo momentarily thought about it until it noticed a movement behind the Moltres' fierce battle.

Sonic also saw Mewtwo's attention divert and turned to see what it was looking at.

A small pokemon flew down from behind the two Moltres. It was small pink and with a tail similar to Mewtwo's.

"No way!" Sonic said "it can't be. Mew?!"

"Finally my rival appears! Time to see who is really the strongest!" Mewtwo declared rising from the ground as it started emitting a blue aura.

"You said I can choose to be better hedgehog! I choose to be better! Better than Mew!" Mewtwo roared as he charged a shadow ball.

"Wait Mewtwo. Didn't you hear me? You don't have to prove anything to mew".

"I do! And I won't let you get in my head!" Mewtwo yelled and flung Sonic back.

Sonic crashed hard into the wall and landed roughly. Grabbing his right hand in pain, he was approached by Ash.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine" Sonic groaned.

He was momentarily blinded by the clash of Mew and Mewtwo as the collision of their powers created a blinding light. Once he could see again he and Ash looked around and saw what the rest of the arena looked like.

The pokemon and their clone copies were all heavily injured. Raichu was exhausted but kept trading blows with raichutwo refusing to go down. Moltres and Moltrestwo had crashlanded and were struggling to get up to continue.

"This is all wrong" Sonic said.

"They're not gonna stop. They look ready to fight to the death" Brock commented.

"And that's a battle that no one is going to win" Misty adde grimly.

"Yeah but how do we stop it?" Sonic asked.

"Someone's got to take a stand. Someone's got to say no. And refuse to fight. Just like Pikachu".

Sonic looked around and saw Ash's Pikachu along with Pikachutwo. To his shock however Pikachu was not fighting, allowing itself to get slapped by Pikachutwo.

Mew and Mewtwo's clash had reached its peak in the meantime. With the two pokemon staring each other down ready to clash again Sonic knew they had to find a way to stop them. The more they clashed the more all the other pokemon would follow suit.

"Think Sonic think" he said trying to figure out a way to stop it.

Ash on the other hand acted on pure instinct. Getting up he started sprinting towards the center of the arena.

"Ash wait!" Brock called out to him.

"Ash don't do it!" Sonic also called out.

Ash didn't hear either of them.

"You've got to stop right now!"

Mew and Mewtwo discharged their attacks.

"STOOOOOOOOOOP!" Ash screamed as he reached the center of the arena.

The attacks collided right on top of Ash engulfing him in another blinding light.

"Ash!" Brock and Misty simultaneously shouted "oh no!"

"Pika pi!" Pikachu cried out at the development.

"No!" Sonic shouted as well.

When the light died down, they saw Ash momentarily stand, engulfed in a purple glow then slowly drop to his knees and then face down on the ground.

Mewtwo looked taken aback by Ash's rush action.

"Fool. Trying to stop our battle".

"Mew" Mew cried out tilting its head as if in confusion.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu cried out as it rushed to its fallen trainer.

"Ash!" Sonic yelled as he rushed as well to see if Ash was ok.

Both him and Pikachu reached Ash at the same time. They looked on as the purple glow lifted and realized Ash had been turned to stone.

"Pika chu. Pika. Pika pi" Pikachu tried to awaken Ash by slightly shaking him.

Sonic touched Ash's cheek felt the stony feeling.

"No… this… this can't be happening" he thought.

"Pika pi. Pika… CHUUUU!" Pikachu cried out as it zapped ash's stone body.

But there was no result.

"Pika… chuuuuu!" Pikachu zapped Ash again.

Sonic had experienced a lot of pain over his month of being a pokemon trainer but was not ready to experience this.

"RAICHU COME HELP QUICK!" he screamed in despair.

Raichu immediately rushed to the center of the arena with raichutwo observing in curiosity.

"Help Pikachu!"

"Rai! Rai….chuuuuu!"

The two electric types kept zapping Ash together over and over as with each zap the reality was sinking in. The pokemon around them started crying out in sadness while that very reality sinked in.

"Pi…pika… CHU!" Pikachu cried out one last time before exhausting itself. Ash was still stone.

"Pika pi. Pika pi" it cried out as tears started streaming down its cheeks.

Sonic couldn't hold his tears either.

"You fool" he muttered looking down "I told you not to play hero… why wouldn't you listen to me?"

Under normal circumstances, he would blame himself for freeing Mewtwo. But this time was not like silph co. Mewtwo had caused this. This knowledge and the sudden spark of anger caused Sonic to lash out.

"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED MEWTWO?!" he screamed turning to face the bioengineered psychic type.

"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?! YOU THINK THIS MAKES YOU BETTER?! TELL ME!" Sonic screamed again as tears were now actually visible on his face. Everyone saw them but he didn't care.

Mewtwo observed the hedgehog screaming at him as the impact of what he had done started sinking in. The foolish child that had stopped their battle was not in the wrong. And it was his actions had led to Ash's demise.

Before Mewtwo could speak however, him and Sonic heard the sad cries of the other pokemon. They also saw the tears of the crying pokemon converge to the center of the room and entering Ash's stone body.

Ash was engulfed in a blue glow this time. With Pikachu, raichu, Sonic and everyone else observing he slowly reverted back to normal and looked around confused.

"What happened?" he asked.

Pikachu cried out in happiness and jumped into his hug. All of the pokemon started celebrating at the unexpected turn of events.

"How did this…?" Sonic began wondering when he heard Brock's explanation of this.

"Of course! Pokemon tears! Just like that old lady back in town said".

Sonic was surprised to hear such a fact but regardless took in the picture smiling while wiping away his tears.

Petting raichu who was now interacting nicely with raichutwo, Sonic's mind remembered the clone he had to kill. He still felt regret over it. But at least no one else would share Sonictwo's fate.

"And plus… I showed him mercy by ending him" Sonic thought remembering Sonictwo's screams of pain and its calls for help

Looking back up at Mewtwo he saw it being approached by Mew. Calling his pokemon back to him, he recalled them all, except alakazam and raichu. He asked alakazam to lift itself, Sonic and raichu to the two legendary and mythical psychic types. As Sonic was being lifted up, he heard Mewtwo make an existential question.

"What is my reason for living?"

"Mew?" Mew answered.

"You're right. I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are".

"Took you long enough to figure it out" Sonic added smiling.

Mewtwo and Mew turned to face him.

"I sure did. And you were right all along. It was pointless fighting that I was initiating".

"I'm glad to hear that. I freed you cause I believe in this as well. I wanted you to be free and make that choice on your own".

"Freed me? When?"

Sonic at first thought that Mewtwo was just powerhungry. But now it was evident its earlier statement was honest.

'You… you really don't remember?"

Alakazam hummed getting everyone's attention. Mewtwo looked at it and Alakazam re-established their psychic link.

Mewtwo's mind was once again invaded by the visions it had before. Only this time he saw himself holding Sonic in the air with his powers then trying to strangle him. As he heard his master's old voice, he was filled by rage until he witnessed Sonic making the one statement he couldn't expect.

"I don't have to win. I just need to free Mewtwo".

The rest of the scene played out as it had transpired. When Mewtwo came out of the vision he looked at Sonic in surprise and gratitude.

"I… I remember now. You… did free me".

"At last" Sonic sighed in relief.

Mewtwo looked down at the trainers and then back at Sonic.

"I owe you my freedom twice now, Sonic the hedgehog. Physical and mental freedom. I can never thank you enough for this".

"And you don't need to" Sonic cut him off "but what are you planning to do now?"

Mewtwo looked at Mew and then up in the sky.

"There are many pokemon out there like me. That have suffered at the hands of humans. I wish to protect them".

"That is a noble cause" Sonic said "and I'm sure these pokemon will be safe if protected by someone as strong as you. I can even direct you towards the forest northwest of Saffron city. Many pokemon freed from team rocket were last seen there. You should start there".

Mewtwo nodded.

"I will. Thank you again Sonic the hedgehog. I'm sure our paths will cross again sooner than you think".

"I sure hope so".

"And for that reason" Mewtwo continued "I will not erase your memories of today".

"Wait what?"

"I will erase the memories of all the trainers I hurt, to take the pain away and to make sure the clone pokemon I will take under my wing will be safe. But you have proven time and time again, you are my ally. So for that I will trust you with the knowledge of our existence".

Sonic felt a mix of the need to ask how Mewtwo could possibly erase the memories of everyone and gratitude for the trust. He decided eventually to stick with the gratitude.

"I'm glad to hear that".

Mewtwo and Mew then lifted all the clone pokemon with their combined power and started floating away. At the same time, they initiated a powerful teleport that sent everyone back to Old Shore Wharf. During that teleport Sonic saw everyone's face's except his and his pokemon's to become emotionless as if they were zoning out. Once the teleport was complete, they looked around. Many of the trainers started asking where they were and why they were here. Sonic took his leave at that moment as he didn't want to be followed by the other trainers.

To his surprise however Ash had followed him.

"Our roads finally meet again Sonic! It's time for the battle you owe me".

Sonic looked at Ash and simply smiled.

"In a week Ash. You will show me your power at the tournament".

Ash was caught off guard by this as he expected Sonic to doubt him.

"Is that a trick?"

"No trick. But train hard. I expect you to give me your all" Sonic answered honestly then turned to leave but raised his hand doing the see you around gesture.

"See you soon Ash" Sonic said and walked away.

As they went back in the woods and rode Moltres out of there, Sonic looked back down at the trio who were leaving the town.

Ash may have not been the most powerful trainer that had crossed Sonic's path thus far. But Sonic had learnt through this encounter that power wasn't everything.

"Ash… you're a greater hero than I will ever be" Sonic commented remembering Ash's heroic sacrifice to stop the fighting.

As they flew back to their secluded beach Sonic built his tent back up and immediately went to sleep, raichu curled next to him.

Sonic observed the starry sky, feeling actually excited to face Ash at the tournament if they were paired together.

"Don't you dare lose before facing me Ash".

His mind then drifted to Mewtwo and his foreseeing of another future crossing of their paths.

"Would be nice" Sonic thought as he closed his eyes, beat by the adventure.

Chapter 32: The promised battle; Ash VS Sonic


The indigo tournament begins at last. Ash and Sonic prepare for their long awaited battle. But the difference of their parties couldn't be any greater.

Chapter Text

The sun appeared on the horizon as Sonic awaited for its rise, standing up facing east, eyes closed. He was awake for about an hour, his excitement and positive anxiety barely containable anymore.

Once the first sun ray reached his eyes, he opened them and smiled. The time of reckoning had come at last. As his pokemon slowly awoke to find their trainer observing the rising sun, raichu approached him standing next him.

"Today's the day raichu. All our work has led to this day" he turned and spoke to all his pokemon "are you all ready?!"

They all cried out in agreement. Moltres cried out the loudest.

"Good. Then let's have a good breakfast. We're gonna need all our strength for this".

After their breakfast, they had one final practice run of their moves and strategies. Deeming them perfectly ready, Sonic recalled 4 of them, rode Moltres alongside raichu and soared to the skies once again.

As Moltres slashed through the clouds, flying as fast as it could heading for the indigo plateau where the stadium was located, Sonic was taking deep breaths to calm his excitement.

As they flew over Celadon city he recalled he visit 3 days earlier. Reina and mr Fuji were glad to see him. Sonic had at first visited intending to let mr Fuji know that he had met Mewtwo again and that Mewtwo wouldn't be a threat to anyone. But at the last second remembering Mewtwo's placement of his trust in Sonic as well as Mewtwo's actions of erasing everyone's memories of it except Sonic himself, the latter changed his mind and simply chose to hang out with them for a while.

Flying over Pewter City too, Sonic knew it wouldn't be a long flight now. Raichu was restless, moving constantly and even almost caused them to plummet to the ground a couple of times. Anyone else in Sonic's place would be mad but Sonic was proud and excited. Raichu was itching for battle. It would be a force to be reckoned with.

Finally seeing Indigo Plateau, Sonic decided this time he would make a grand entrance. After all everyone was wondering where the hero of Kanto had disappeared at after the battle of Viridian city.

With Moltres slowly descending towards the stadium, they drew all eyes on them. They landed in a spectacular fashion outside the stadium as Sonic dismounted Moltres.

"The hero of Kanto is here!" a guy from the crowd excitedly said as everyone began cheering. Sonic smiled and chose to play along.

"Who's ready for some amazing battles?"

Everyone cheered as Sonic walked to be registered as present. After all the moment he had earned the earthbadge he was in the list of participants. Walking inside he was greeted by none other than…

"Surprise!" 3 voices said at the same time drawing everyone's attention.

"Jet? Tails? Knuckles?!"

"We weren't kidding when we said we would come big bro!" Jet said as they all rushed in to hug their friend after a month apart.

Sonic went to the counter to be registered as present. He then made his way to the stands with his friends and brother. The stadium was empty so far but was slowly filling up.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Jet talked for hours while the remaining contestants were arriving at the league. Sonic refrained from telling his friends about Mewtwo and wondered if he would ever be able to share that with anyone. They caught up regardless and even got the chance to see Sonic's pokemon up close. They were all amazed by the majestic legendary Moltres.

Slowly but steadily the stadium filled up and Sonic knew he would have to split with his friends for a while. Thankfully they had bought an extra ticket for him so they could hang out and observe the battles Sonic wouldn't be a part of.

Sonic made his way to the arena were the remaining 31 contestants were gathering. Amongst them were Ash and Gary. Sonic also noticed one of the contestants hiding his face under a hood. Sonic was of course immediately approached by many of the contestants. Several of them tried to make small talk, others wished him luck and hoped they would get a chance against him and several others trash-talked him, stating his achievements weren't all that great. Sonic having been humbled by his journey ignored their arrogant statements and stated their pokemon would do the talking today. After a while Ash and Gary also approached him alongside a third kid with a Pikachu on his shoulder just like Ash. Sonic noticed the Pikachu had a unique scruff of fur on the top its head.

"Nowhere to run this time Sonic" Ash immediately taunted him this time in a slightly friendlier way.

"Wasn't planning to Ash. The time has come. Just make sure not to lose before our battle".

"Not if I have anything to say about it hero" Gary entered the conversation.

"Your turn will come too Gary. Patience" Sonic added, confident in his abilities.

The third kid approached and offered Sonic a handshake.

"Hi I'm Ritchie. This is sparky my partner".

Sparky climbed down from Ritchie and introduced itself to Sonic's raichu which returned the gesture. Ash's Pikachu also climbed down from Ash's shoulder and tried to intervene. Sonic theorized its desire to fight his raichu again had to be at an all-time high.

"Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog" Sonic said as he shook Ritchie's hand.

"I know. Everyone knows you. What you did was amazing".

"I only did what I thought was right Ritchie. Nothing more nothing less".

Under normal circumstances Gary would object or trash-talk Sonic more. Although he was tempted to do so he stopped himself. After all he did owe Sonic his life.

"I really hope I get to battle you today".

"I don't think you will Ritchie. Unless you and I battle before any of us fights Sonic, I will be the one to kick him out of this tournament" Ash declared.

The pairings were announced on a big screen. Sonic was to be the first to battle against a kid named Joey. Ash's first battle would be against Gary and Ritchie with another trainer with the latter two pairings meeting on the next round. And to top it off the pairing after that was connected with Sonic's line in the tournament.

"Looks like you will all have to fight for the privilege to face me" Sonic joked referring to Ash, Ritchie and Gary.

"Get ready Sonic I'm coming for you!" Ash declared in confidence.

Gary looked at his childhood friend in silence.

"I hate to admit it Ash but I'm afraid none of us can beat him. He survived Mewtwo. I doubt any of us can really rival him" Gary thought begrudgingly. Sonic was just on a whole other level.

The rest of the contestants leaving, Sonic and Joey were left on the arena taking their places on either side.

After the announcer introduced them, Sonic's introduction taking a little longer, the two contestants sent out their first pokemon.

To everyone's amazement and surprise, Sonic used his Pinsir to sweep Joey's team by having it use bulk up first to tank hits better and then knocking most of his opponent's pokemon in a single strike.

Their training had paid off big time. A part of Sonic was disappointed by Joey and his pokemon's performance and hoped that in the later rounds his opponents would actually be stronger.

After going to sit at the stands with his friends, Sonic observed the battles, intending on collecting intel on his possible opponents. The more he watched however the more disappointed he got. A lot of the trainers didn't have a fully evolved team like his and some had even brought pokemon that were too unsuited for battle. Specifically a female trainer had brought her paras along. It was taken out in one strike by a fearow. And even worse she couldn't understand how.

"Either I have become too focused on the multilayer version of battling by adding too many variables or she is just clueless. With all due respect to her, there was no way a paras would best a fearow" Sonic told Tails.

"All the better" Tails commented "you really got this".

Sonic nodded and got back to observing.

Eventually the battle of Ash vs Gary took place. Ash's team really consisted of Pikachu, Charizard, bulbasur, squirtle , a muk and a primeape. Sonic thought it pity that Ash had such a brave heart as he had witnessed on new Island yet his team was so much less powerful that it could have been.

Gary's team on the other hand consisted of his Blastoise, his eevee, his Arcanine, a Golem, a nidoqueen and last but not least an Alakazam just like Sonic's. Sonic admitted to his friends that he gave the edge to Gary in this battle as it seemed overall stronger than Ash's.

He was proven wrong however while observing the battle. Ash was an incredibly special trainer, very quick on his feet on the battlefield and created the craziest strategies Sonic had even seen. And he and Jet had seen a lot of battles on TV.

The battle seemed endless but in the end Ash defeated Gary with an overwhelming defeat of Gary's blastoise at the hands of Ash's Pikachu. Pikachu looked for Sonic's raichu at the stands and started crying out as if it was publicly calling it out. Raichu went to answer but Sonic scratched it on the head to get his attention.

"In due time buddy. In due time".

Next up was Ritchie's battle with a girl named Valerie. Sonic after a while identified as one of the two girls he had met in Vermillion city after his defeat of Ariana and subsequent liberation of the pokemon captured team rocket during his first raid with Mike.

Ritchie beat Valerie and proceeded to the next round where he was going to face Ash. Sonic's turn eventually came again.

Once again he severely unimpressed by his opponent, a boy named Albert who had trash-talked him earlier. Sonic went a little bit overboard in the battle but decided Albert needed to be taught a lesson about trash-talking. Albert was easily overwhelmed by the power of Moltres.

Sonic once again returned to his friends after his battle. Tails who was observing the battles as well in great detail had opened his laptop and added any intel he had on Sonic's possible opponents. Comparing them with Sonic's team and the strategies he knew Sonic had developed with his pokemon, he concluded that the statistics were in Sonic's favor. The only one that actually worried him was the kid in the hood who was proving to be a formidable trainer as well, using only a dugtrio and a gengar so far.

"Don't count Ash out" Sonic said "his team might not look strong but he just showed he actually has a lot of potential".

After a few more battles, Ash and Ritchie's match took place. Ash almost lost as his Charizard at first seemed bored and unwilling to put in any effort. That was until Ash reminded Charizard that if they won they would face Sonic. Charizard immediately got up and sweeped Ritchie's team.

The power of Ash's Charizard sparked a little bit of anxiety in Sonic. He kept the faith however that his team and their combined power would prevail.

About another hour after Ash's victory over Ritchie, the time of reckoning finally arrived. Sonic got up from his seat and headed for the arena. Raichu was bursting with excitement. Sonic did too, but also felt another feeling he couldn't quite identify.

"Is it fear? I think so but I don't fear defeat" he whispered as he recalled his defeat at Agatha's hands and what he had learnt from it.

Finally entering the arena to the applauds of the crowd and meeting eyes with Ash who was waiting for him, with Pikachu on the ground next to Ash, barely able to not start the battle by attacking Raichu. Sonic immediately knew what he feared.

"Disappointment" he thought "I'm afraid Ash won't perform as well as I expect. He has such untapped potential. It's almost like I want to lose to him" Sonic realized.

As the two trainers stood opposite each other, Ash took out his first pokeball.

"The time has come Sonic!"

Sonic was still not used to hearing his actual name being spoken by Ash. Keeping his composure he nodded.

"I agree. Our long awaited battle has come at last".

"Trainers sent out your pokemon in 3" the referee said as Sonic took out Blastoise's pokeball.

"2" Ash smiled in anticipation.

"1" Sonic winded up his hand.


"Blastoise come on out!"

"Bulbasaur I choose you!"

The fully evolved form of the water Kanto starter alongside the first stage of the grass Kanto starter came out of the pokeballs. Blastoise made a huge thud as it landed on the arena. Bulbasaur appeared on the arena, getting slightly knocked up by Blastoise's landing.

"Battle start!" the referee shouted raising his flags.

"Bulbasaur! Razor leaf!"

Bublasaur sent his leaves towards Blastoise.

"Deflect them! Rapid spin!"

Blastoise started spinning deflecting the razor leafs with ease but not unscathed as they still did a small amount of damage.

"Use vine whip!"

Bulbasaur extended its vines towards Blastoise. The vines wrapped around Blastoise. Bulbasaur tried to lift Blastoise but it was too heavy.

"Is that the best you can do Ash? You disappoint me" Sonic said trying to egg him on.


Bublasaur charged into Blastoise. It headbutted Blastoise who didn't even budge or move. Sonic found it hard to watch.

"I knew it. Ash has amazing strategy abilities and the bravest heart I've ever seen but some of his pokemon just refuse to reach their full potential. Venusaur would have been a hard opponent to beat as was Venusaurtwo" he thought as he waited for Ash's next move.

"It seems the hero of Kanto is not making any moves. What could his plan be?"

Ash was getting frustrated by Sonic's lack of attack.

"Aren't you going to fight back?"

"Fight back? You're not even fighting forward" Sonic joked though he was confused by Ash's question. Ash really hadn't yet made any actual actions against Blastoise, or at least any actions that required a counterattack or a defense.

Ash clenched his fist.

"Bublasaur use solarbeam!"

Bublasaur charged its move slowly. Without sunny day active the move was taking a lot more to charge. Sonic resisted the urge to yawn.

Finally the attack was charged and fired.

"Protect" Sonic said calmly.

Blastoise shielded itself from the solarbeam which dissipated. Ash was shocked at the ineffectiveness of their strongest grass move.

"Well those are all 4 of your moves. I'm sorry Ash but this is checkmate for bulbasaur".

"Don't count us out just yet!" Ash retorted.

"I'm not counting you out. You ARE out. Escort them out blastoise! Ice beam!"

Blastoise fired its move with precision and speed catching Bulbasaur off guard and totally unprepared. Bulbasaur was hit head on by the ice move and fainted instantly.

"Bulbasaur no!" Ash exclaimed.

"Bulbasaur is unable to battle. Blastoise is the winner" the referee announced as the crowd cheered for Sonic.

Ash recalled bulbasaur.

"You will pay for this Sonic!"

"What are you waiting for then? I'm waiting".

"Go Muk!"

Muk came out as its stench covered up the field and annoyed Blastoise. Sonic had read about muk and its pre-evolution grimer stinking but didn't expect it to be this bad.

"Finally now that might be an interesting battle".

"Muk! Body slam!"

Muk started crawling towards Blastoise and then suddenly jumped, catching Sonic off guard as he didn't expect a living mass of goo to be able to jump.

Muk landed on Blastoise and started fully engulfing it.

"Valiant effort Ash but I'm afraid it won't cut it! Rapid spin!"

Blastoise once again started spinning shaking Muk off.

"Hydro pump!" Sonic ordered.

Blastoise aimed at Muk but then electricity crawled all over its body.

"Damnit! Body slam can paralyze! You sure are lucky!"

"It's skill not luck! Use sludge bomb!"

Muk unleashed a barrage of sludge balls at Blastoise. Unable to defend Blastoise toppled.

"Blastoise is unable to battle, Muk is the winner".

Sonic recalled it with a smile.

"Amazing work Blastoise. Leave the rest to us" he said turning back to Ash who was rubbing his nose with a smile of triumph.

"Still think we are weak?"

"I never thought you to be weak" Sonic admitted "I just believe you're holding yourself back from your true potential".

"Oh yeah?! Well then bring out your next pokemon and I'll show you what our potential is!"

"As you wish! Nidoking give me a hand!"

Nidoking appeared and sparkled. The crowd erupted in cheers and exclamations of surprise and shock at the hero of Kanto owning a shiny pokemon.

"Let's see you take this on! Nidoking! Megahorn!"

"Body slam!"

Muk once again jumped the same way onto nidoking which stabbed its horn into Muk. The attack barely affected Muk not only cause of its resistance to bug but its high defense and liquid body which also played a role in absorbing the attack. Unlike with Blastoise though, Nidoking's poison typing allowed it to better withstand the poison type Muk on it.

"Nidoking shake it off and use earthquake!"

Nidoking started hitting the ground causing waves of earthquake to damage Muk breaking its focus. Easily shaking it off afterwards it used earthquake to its fullest potential. Muk however was very defensive and withstood the attack.

"Muk use poison gas!"

Sonic thought he misheard. Ash was using poison gas against a pokemon that could not be poisoned.

The move was nullified the moment it touched Nidoking.

"Ash forgot poison types are immune to poison gas" Brock commented from his seat where he, Misty, Ash's mom and professor oak were sitting.

Sonic seized the opening.


This time there was no survival for Muk. The ground move knocked it out putting Sonic in the lead again.

"Muk is unable to battle. Nidoking's the winner".

"Muk return. Get some rest" Ash said as he looked at Sonic who had his arms crossed at his chest.

"You think you're tough don't you?"

"I'm waiting to be proven wrong about you. You're the one who said you'd prove me wrong".

"Go squirtle!"

Squirtle emerged from its pokeball ready for battle. Sonic seeing it reminded him of the start of his journey when his blastoise was a squirtle.

"So long ago" he thought.

"Squirtle use bubble beam!"

Squirtle unleashed a barrage of bubbles heading right for Nidoking.

"Nidoking protect!"

Nidoking easily shielded itself from the damage.

"Now use earthquake!"

Nidoking struck squirtle with its strongest move as squirtle got back up not ready to quit yet. Sonic was becoming a bit annoyed that despite all their training this Squirtle didn't go down in one hit.

"Hydro pump!"

Squirtle retreated into its shell and started releasing hydro pump from all holes on its shell while spinning. Sonic and nidoking were caught off guard by this and Nidoking was blasted several times getting severely weakened.

Sonic was both impressed and mad at this development. That use of hydro pump was exactly what he expected from Ash, making the best out of his team in such an unexpected way. However he was also mad that Ash could easily have been stronger than himself if he actually grew his team to their full potential.

"Nidoking! Playtime is over!" Sonic declared. He was hoping to use that move only at the finals but Ash needed to learn the hard way.

"Make it rain! Sludge bomb!"

Nidoking unleashed the move it had practiced a lot after Sonic's battle with Agatha. Releasing the sludge balls vertically upward, they started coming down on squirtle like rain. Squirtle tried its best to dodge them but its low agility caused it to get hit and faint. Ash was at a loss for words.

"Squirtle is unable to battle. Nidoking's the winner".

"3 to 5. I don't like your odds Ash" Sonic said seriously.

Ash clenched his fist as the referee declared it was breaktime as 3 of Ash's pokemon had fainted.

As the two trainers took a break Ash reconvened with Misty and Brock while Sonic met with his friends.

"Un-be-lievable!" Jet screamed in awe "you actually managed to replicate elite four Agatha's signature move?!"

"I suppose I did" Sonic smiled proud at himself.

"You got him on the ropes. He's only got Primeape, Charizard and Pikachu left" Tails said looking at the screen of his laptop.

"And your team is kind of full. Best of all you don't even have to send out Nidoking to continue the fight".

"Wasn't planning too. I'll let Moltres sweep him".

His friends looked at him in question.

"You… will?" Tails asked confused.

"My biggest fear was confirmed. He is not serious about his dream yet. Thinks that just because he wants to win he will win. It takes more than that. I did want to beat team rocket but had to train hard and still never really beat Giovanni on my own".

"But you did beat him" Knuckles countered.

"Once by a status condition, once with the help of Mike and with Mewtwo I didn't even beat him. I freed Mewtwo. So technically I have not defeated Giovanni. Point is I trained very hard to survive and face Giovanni. Ash has not. He cannot win this" Sonic said closing his eyes in disappointment.

His friends remained silent.

On the other side of the arena Ash was hitting the wall in anger.

"This guy will beat me?!"

Pikachu tried to get his attention to show him it would be fine. Brock and Misty however were not as optimistic.

"Ash I hate to say this but Sonic has a huge advantage here".

"He actually beat all of the gym leaders and even tamed a legendary pokemon" Misty added.

Ash couldn't accept that he could possibly lose to Sonic.

"Charizard is still up. He will deal with that Moltres. And Pikachu…" he said turning to his partner "you will have the chance to beat that raichu. I promise".

"Pika pi!" Pikachu cried out ready to go back out there.

As the two trainers reentered the arena to continue the battle, Sonic took out the ultra ball Moltres was stored in. Ash saw it and thought it had to be Sonic's Moltres. His hands went towards Charizard's pokeball but his anger for Sonic made him desire to prove him wrong in all ways. Choosing to go with Primeape instead he took out its pokeball.

"Send out your pokemon…. Now!"

"Primeape I choose you!"

"Soar Moltres!"

Primeape hopped onto the field as Moltres soared above the ground and shined like the sun, illuminating the arena. Everyone cheered for the reappearance of the legendary bird.

Sonic took in the picture of Primeape bracing itself to fight Moltres.

"I'll give you one chance Ash. Recall your Primeape and go with something else".

Ash raised his hand to his head and turned his hat backwards.

"Primeape use scratch!"

Primeape jumped towards Moltres really fast landing the attack. Sonic was annoyed that Ash had such a high speed pokemon and had it use scratch instead of an actually powerful move.

"Use flamethrower!"

Moltres released a jet of flames towards Primeape.

"Primeape dodge it then use mega punch!"

Primeape jumped out of the way and winded up its punch as it flew through the air towards Moltres.

"Predictable" Sonic said "air slash!"

Moltres slashed through the air with its wing sending a blade of wind towards Primeape. The fighting type pokemon was hit hard by the move and crashed to the ground but hopped back up albeit somewhat roughed up.

"Primeape use scratch again!"

Primeape jumped towards Moltres again.

"Air slash!"

"Dodge then seismic toss!"

Primeape was able to dodge the attack mid-air and grabbed onto Moltres' neck pulling it downwards into a collision course with the ground.

"It'll take more than that Ash! Moltres use flamethrower to soften the impact!"

Moltres sent a jet of flames towards the ground. The intensity of the flames was so great it was able to stop its fall. Primeape's hands slipped and fell off Moltres, crashing to the ground in a scary fashion. Once the dust settled Primeape had fainted as Moltres let out a victorious cry.

"Primeape is unable to battle. Moltres wins!"

Ash recalled his Primeape apologizing for their defeat and ensuring they would avenge it.

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep Ash. And to think I even gave a chance to come at me with a better matchup" Sonic said with his arms crossed at his chest.

"The battle's not over yet!"

"2 of your pokemon against 5 of mine. What exactly are your odds here? And even if you can bring down Moltres… you just won't beat raichu".

"That one especially I will beat! Pikachu has some unfinished business!"

"Pika pika!"

"Rai!" Raichu answered to Pikachu's challenge from Sonic's side of the arena.

"Contestant Ketchum send out your next pokemon" the referee instructed.

"Charizard I choose you!"

Charizard emerged and roared, taking to the skies as Moltres followed suit. As the two fire and flying types stared each other down while flying, Sonic felt a little bit of excitement. Charizard had sweeped Ritchie's team.

"Finally. A worthy opponent. Let's make this battle worthy of Moltres' legend status!"

"Charizard flamethrower!"

"Moltres show them a real flamethrower!"

The flamethrowers collided and both pokemon proved to be a match for the other as the attacks resulted in a stalemate.

"Impressive. Alright then Moltres! Air slash!"

"Charizard dodge it!"

Charizard dodged the air blades slowly approaching Moltres.

"Now use seismic toss!"

Sonic wasn't expecting this move which resulted in Charizard grabbing Moltres and diving with it. Right before hitting the ground, Charizard let go causing Moltres to crash down hard.

"Moltres!" Sonic called out to it in fear it had fainted.

"Ha! Told you I would beat it!"

Moltres heard that statement and fought to stand up, vowing to take Charizard down with it. It looked back at Sonic in determination.

"Got it" Sonic thought "Moltres use sunny day!"

Moltres harnessed the sun, showering the arena in sunlight.

"Empowering Charizard? Don't mind if I do! Charizard fire spin!"

Moltres was trapped momentarily in the fire spin. It however broke free the next moment. Sonic decided it was time to play sneaky.

"Moltres solarbeam!"

"Solarbeam?" Brock said confused from the stands "why is he using solarbeam?"

"Maybe the pressure is getting to him?" Delia guessed.

"No Sonic isn't the type of trainer to make such a mistake" Misty shut Delia down wondering what Sonic was aiming for.

On the stands as well, Sonic's friends were also wondering what he was thinking.

"Charizard resists grass moves 4 times. Solarbeam will barely affect it" Tails said analyzing the move and the types.

"What are you thinking bro?" Jet thought.

Moltres gathered the sunlight and immediately fired the solarbeam. Charizard was blinded by the sunlight and closed its eyes in response. The attack barely tickled it.

When the solarbeam stopped and everyone looked back at the arena Moltres was gone.

"Where did it go?" Ash asked confused.

"Now Moltres! Air slash!"

Ash and Charizard both looked up and saw Moltres sending a powerful blade of wind towards Charizard. The move found its mark and Charizard roared in pain as it had the wind knocked out of it. Before it could go down however, it used seismic toss again on its own, grabbing Moltres by the throat and holding on as hard as it could as they fell straight down.

The two fire and flying types crash landed with a thud that shook the entire arena raising a cloud of dust all over it. Ash and Sonic both covered their mouths and nose.

When the dust settled the referee looked at the two pokemon having simultaneously fainted.

"Charizard and Moltres are both unable to battle. The result is a draw".

Ash's face turned numb. Only Pikachu remained. And he had managed to beat only 2 of Sonic's pokemon.

"Pikachu it's all up to you now" he said.

"Pika pika! Pikachu!" it cried out immediately rushing into the field.

Sonic and raichu both knew what that meant.

"The time has come buddy. All the frustration you've been suppressing. Time to release it".

"Rai!" Raichu cried out in anticipation and dashed inside the arena as well as the two electric types readied themselves.

"Continue the battle… now!"

"Pikachu use quick attack!"

"Raichu use quick attack as well!"

Both mouse pokemon rushed towards each other, colliding head on. Pikachu was knocked back as raichu's bigger body compared to Pikachu allowed it to maintain its momentum and overpower its opponent.

"Use agility!"

Pikachu started racing around raichu trying once again to confuse it.

"You used that strategy once it didn't work. Raichu use iron tail on the ground!"

Raichu jumped and prepared to crack the ground again with its iron tail.

"Now Pikachu! THUNDER!"

Pikachu stopped running and released its move, putting all of its desire to beat raichu on that attack. Raichu was unprepared for this and the attack resulted in a critical hit.

A huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky on raichu. Sonic felt the electricity course through him as well as raichu. It didn't affect him as much as it did raichu but couldn't explain why he could feel his partner's pain.

Raichu however stood sturdy against the thunder and once the attack was over it cried out in defiance.

"How is this possible? That was our strongest attack".

"It will take a lot more than that to bring down my Raichu Ash. I told you! My raichu unlike any other raichu you have faced before!"

"This doesn't make any sense" Ash fired back "what is so special about you two anyway?"

Sonic's eyes momentarily met Tails as these two were the only ones who really knew raichu's secret. Sonic decided at that very moment revealing it wasn't that big of a deal anymore.

"My raichu is twice as strong as others of its kind! Its electricity output is twice that of other raichus. I am speaking literally. You've never faced a raichu like mine".

Ash took it all in but couldn't believe it. Why was Sonic's raichu so strong? Could Pikachu also grow that strong if it evolved?

"So you're saying you gave up your Pikachu's pride in return for power?"

Sonic sighed. The crowd around them had begun whispering at the revelations as well as the discussion the two trainers were having instead of battling. Sonic didn't care though. For him it was just the two of them.

"I've already explained my point of view Ash" he said calmly "my raichu desired to become raichu. I didn't force it too".

"What about your other pokemon? Did you force them?"

Sonic recalled all of his pokemon's evolutions. Blastoise evolved twice during their encounters with Moltres. Nidoking evolved of its own choice to be like its teammates. Alakazam's evolution was kind of giving a point to Ash. But back they were way different. Their aim was to take down team rocket. So they had to grow strong. Even if it meant shedding their former selves.

"No I did not. We were shaped as a team through our experiences. But I can tell you this. I would never force my pokemon to evolve... but that doesn't mean I wouldn't try to convince them to evolve. I believe in growth Ash. Unless we change and grow our potential will always have a threshold. And I refuse to not cross this threshold out of attachment to my current self".

"Throwing away yourself in pursuit of victory is no victory at all! You say that unless I evolve Pikachu I will never win! Well here is my point of view for you! Unless me and Pikachu earn this victory with our own worth then I'd rather lose! I will never become like you!"

Sonic closed his eyes and sighed in disappointment.

"Then prepare to lose. Last time I went easy on you. Now I will break your Pikachu and its pride!"

"Pikachu use thunderbolt!"

"Raichu! Brick break!"

Pikachu discharged its electricity while raichu jumped towards it winding up its paw. The electric attack barely tickled it as this time it was prepared for it. Bringing down the brick break hard, Pikachu was knocked down. It struggled but got back up crying out its name defiantly.

For a moment Sonic saw in Ash's Pikachu a glimpse of his raichu from back when it was a Pikachu. Now he believed his feeling of Ash having unlimited potential even more. He had felt it back in Celadon and now it was unmistakable.

"If only he didn't inhibit himself" Sonic thought "raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu charged but Pikachu dodged the attack and blasted raichu with another thunderbolt. Raichu once again was unfazed though Sonic did feel another small electric current cross through his body.

"Are we… connected?" he wondered in his thoughts, also recalling the time at silph co when both himself and raichu were engulfed in a bolt of lightning that somehow rejuvenated them.

Pikachu tried to use quick attack on raichu but Sonic wasn't having it anymore.

"Raichu pin it down with iron tail!"

Raichu used its tail and Pikachu was pinned down between the ground and the tail. It struggled trying to get out.

"Submit now Ash. It's over".

Ash saw Pikachu struggling to escape the predicament it found itself in.

"Pikachu! Use thunder!"

Pikachu charged its electricity ready to drop the lightning on itself and raichu.

"Not this time! Raichu! Dodge!"

Raichu immediately let go of Pikachu and jumped to the side. The bolt of lightning came crushing down on Pikachu.

Sonic observed Pikachu get engulfed in its own move wondering if it would still be standing afterwards.

The thunder stopped but Pikachu was still standing albeit it was clear a gust of wind would knock it out.

"Last chance Ash. It's over. Recall you Pikachu otherwise we will force it out".

Ash was torn. Pikachu wanted to continue and he desired nothing more than to prove Sonic wrong and beat him. But Pikachu had taken too much damage. As much as he hated to admit it, Sonic's raichu really was far more powerful than surge's. Than any raichu they had seen. Sonic and his raichu were the real deal. There was a reason they had earned the title of hero of Kanto as a team even though only Sonic was called that.

Ash finally relenting he walked up to Pikachu and picked it up as it let itself collapse.

"You did great Pikachu. I'm sorry we were not enough".

Sonic ordered his raichu to return as he was crowned victor of the round. Returning to his friends they all wondered if he had gone a bit too far.

"Maybe I did maybe I did not. But Ash had to realize his dream is not something he can achieve just because he wants to. He needs to put in the work for it. Maybe I'm being absolute when I say he can only win if he evolves Pikachu. But the fact that he didn't train enough for this tournament is undeniable" Sonic stated adamantly.

"Were you really going to strike Pikachu out of the arena if Ash didn't surrender?" Tails asked him.

"No. Pikachu would topple regardless. And also I knew Ash would surrender. He might be a bit of a moron but he has a good and brave heart. He values his pokemon and I know he wouldn't risk their health over a victory".

"How do you know?" Jet asked his brother confused.

Sonic remained silent. He knew because their adventure on New Island. But he couldn't reveal it to them. Not yet at least.

"I just know".

They looked at each other and decided not to question it further. The 4 of them them got back to witnessing the battles as they patiently waited for their friend's next fight.

Chapter 33: The true rival returns


As the tournament appraoches its climax, Sonic, Raichu and the team seem unrivaled. The return of Mike is about to change that.

Chapter Text

Sonic was talking with his friends and brother waiting for the announcement of the final to begin.

After his defeat of Ash he had decided to just get it over with and sweep the rest of the competition. As he expected most trainers didn't even hold a candle to the preparation he had done with his team for this day or against Moltres and raichu. They were an unstoppable force.

The excitement Sonic had felt one that very morning had completely dissolved. He felt like his soon to be triumph at this very tournament wouldn't be really earned. Having faced truly powerful opponents like Giovanni and Agatha, he just couldn't see anyone below their level as competition anymore.

"Look at the bright side Sonic" Tails said "you will win the tournament. Return home with a shiny trophy".

"It does sound cool… but I just feel like I haven't earned it. This tournament is supposed to host the best trainers to complete the gym challenge and not a single one has been able to beat more than 3 of my pokemon".

"You faced powerful and dangerous opponents which raised your threshold of power" Knuckles said arms crossed "I doubted from the start anyone would be a match for you here".

"That's nice of you Knucks but I just feel like I trained all that much just to stomp on everyone else".

The announcer declared the beginning of the final. Sonic and his friends parted way one more time before the end of the tournament. Afterwards they would all return home together as Sonic's journey would be complete with that. Sonic entered the arena under the applause of the crowd. His opponent, the kid with the hood also entered and stood opposite of him. Sonic could see a smile on his face.

"I hope whoever that guy is gives Sonic a good lesson" Ash said from the stands. He had stayed after his defeat hoping to see Sonic lose to someone.

Sonic took out Alakazam's pokeball intending to start with it. The strange kid also took out one of its pokeballs.

"Trainers send out your pokemon in 3, 2, 1! Go!"

"Go Alakazam!"

"Go gengar!"

As the two pokemon appeared, they looked into each other's eyes. Their eyes widened as they approached and shook hands as if they knew each other.

"Alakazam what are you doing?" Sonic asked it confused.

"Let them have their chat. It's been quite a while since the last time they met" his opponent said smiling under his hood.

"Last time they met?" Sonic asked him still confused.

"Well yeah. It's been a long time since their mutual evolution".

His words caused Sonic to gasp.

"No way! Mike is that you?!"

Mike smiled even brighter and removed his hood.

"In the flesh".

Sonic forgot about the final.

"How is that possible?"

"I saw your message on TV. You were right. Mourning Jolty is easier compared to living for it".

The referee cut them short and reminded them they were supposed to be battling not chatting. Mike asked to say something first through the microphone. The announcer of the match nodded to the referee and he passed Mike his earphone.

"Viewers of the tournament. My name is Mike. I'm other trainer who kicked team rocket out of silph co alongside Sonic the hedgehog".

Everyone of the viewers gasped and started speaking at the same time. Ash who was sitting at the stands with his friends, Delia and professor Oak remembered Sonic speaking about a friend of his who lost his Jolteon in that battle.

"Is that the guy Sonic was talking about?"

"Seems like it" Brock agreed.

"Our battle with team rocket's boss is exactly as Sonic has said. We won but my Jolteon perished in the battle. I was lost for a long time after this, mourning my partner. Until I heard of Sonic's accomplishments. Taming the legendary Moltres, kicking team rocket out of Kanto once and for all. It inspired me again. So I got back out there! Trained hard and made a full team as well! So I can fulfill your wish! Let's have the battle you desired!"

Sonic felt his heart pumping with excitement at last. Mike had almost beaten him in their first battle with 3 pokemon when he had 4. A full team would finally be a real challenge.

"You got it Mike! Ready Alakazam?!"

Alakazam raised its spoons and took its battle stance.

"Gengar shadow ball!"

"Counter with shadow ball!"

The shadow balls clashed canceling each other out. Sonic and Mike smiled as they knew each other would be their greatest challenge in this tournament. A battle worthy of the final round.

"Gengar use sludge bomb!"

"Use psychic to redirect it!"

Alakazam easily redirected the sludge balls towards gengar though they barely phased it.

"Shadow punch!"

Sonic racked his brain to make the best out of that situation as shadow punch was undodgable and not even reflect would protect them sufficiently.

"Alakazam use psychic around you!"

Alakazam released its psychic like an aura. Though it was hit by gengar causing major damage gengar was also hurt by the psychic aura. The two pokemon took a moment to catch their breath as they weren't particularly tanky.

"Gengar return" Mike recalled it "rest for now we'll get another chance soon. You impress me Sonic. But let's see how well you fare against this!"

The pokeball opened and a beedrill came out.

"Wait… is that..?"

"Yes" Mike said with a smile so wide it felt like it was reaching his ears "I found my beedrill again! And we trained hard for today so come at us with all you got!"

"Alakazam this matchup is not favorable. Return!" Sonic said also recalling his pokemon "come on out Nidoking!"

Nidoking came out sparkling. Mike smiled.

"Ah yes. The shiny nidoking. You know… it's almost poetic. Giovanni had a normal nidoking. You got a shiny nidoking. The two kings clashed. And the shiny one came out on top".

"That's not exactly how it happened" Sonic said with a smile as well "but I get your point. Now come get us!"

"Beedrill! Use pin missile!"

Beedrill unleashed a barrage of missiles heading towards nidoking.

"Nidoking make it rain! Sludge bomb!"

Nidoking used its move the same way Agatha had. Beedrill being a poison type resisted the move and also was able to dodge most of the sludge balls by flying in between them at great speed. Nidoking however took all the missiles head on. The damage wasn't big but Sonic knew it would add up if they let it go on.

"Nidoking use megahorn!" Sonic said intending to take the lead by putting Mike on the back-pedal. Beedril however dodged the attack with ease.

"Swords dance!"

Beedrill's attack was sharply risen.

"Damnit. Backfired" Sonic thought.

"Nidoking make it rain again!"

"Not this time! Aerial ace!"

Sonic witnessed in awe as beedrill flew high first then dived avoiding all the sludge balls as it flew so close to the ground one wrong move would cause it to crash. It then struck nidoking head on resulting in a critical hit. Nidoking toppled with a thud and fainted.

"Nidoking is unable to battle. Beedrill's the winner!"

Sonic was at a loss for words. He had gotten so used to sweeping everyone, Mike actually prevailing hit him like a truck. But that was exactly what he wanted to experience in that tournament.

"Nidoking return" Sonic recalled it as the viewers were processing seeing the hero of Kanto actually on the back-pedal in a battle.

"That was an amazing tactic Mike. But I'm not out of this yet! Go pinsir!"

Pinsir came out threateningly clicking its pincers.

"Ah yes. I never saw that one in battle. Let's see how well it stands up against my old partner".

Beedrill took its battle stance ready for instructions.

"Pin missile!"

"Pinsir use bulk up!"

Pinsir braced itself while increasing its defense and attack. The pin missiles struck but the combination of its pincers used to deflect the pin missiles and the defense boost helped it escape unscathed.

"Nah I don't think I will let you set up! Beedril use sludge bomb!"

Beedrill unleashed its sludge balls. Pinsir deflected as many as it could until one hit the spot poisoning it.

"Damnit" Sonic cursed.

"Now end it! Aerial ace!"

Beedrill used its move heading fast for Pinsir which seemed to distracted by the poisoning. Once beedrill was a breath away from hitting Pinsir, Sonic smiled.


Pinsir used its pincers with lightning quick reflexes to grab Beedrill. The attack pushed Pinsir back due to the built momentum but Pinsir soon came to a halt. Beedrill struggled to escape.

"Rock slide!"

Pinsir unleashed a barrage of rocks above it similar to its battle with Agatha's goldbat. At the last moment it raised beedrill above it to take the most of the damage. Beedrill fainted and Pinsir threw back at Mike who was in awe at Pinsir's might.

"Man. That is some power".

Sonic thought of what could have happened if he had sent any of his other pokemon to guard the employees and the freed pokemon back at silph co and had Pinsir with him. Mike figured out the same thing.

"Don't think about what ifs Sonic. All our actions and our choices led us here! And I wouldn't have it any other way! I miss Jolty too. So let's give it out all for it!"

Sonic closed his eyes momentarily and smiled.

"As you wish friend! Come get us!"

"I thank you for waking me up Sonic but now I'm gonna make you wish you didn't! Go ninetales!"

The beautiful yellow fox pokemon appeared. Sonic considered switching Blastoise in but knew if he did Mike would simply switch in something else and they would just go back and forth. On the other hand, Mike now knew about rock slide. But he didn't know about their other super-effective move.

"Pinsir get ready".


"Ninetails use fire blast!"

Ninetails unleashed the star-shaped fire attack. The attack was coming fast and pinsir wouldn't be able to dodge.

"Pinsir brace yourself!"

Pinsir used its pincers to cut the attack in half though it was pushed back. It knelt.

"Should have switched Sonic" Mike said smiling.

"Should have seen the bluff" Sonic countered.



At that moment Pinsir started using earthquake. The ground rumbled as the ninetales was affected heavily by the attack. It toppled.

"There we go" Sonic said smiling.

"Ninetales is unable to.."

Ninetales however sprang back up, injured but still very ready to battle.

"It survived?!"

Pinsir then was engulfed in flames. The flames burned it momentarily and it toppled, fainting.

"Pinsir is unable to battle. Ninetales is the winner".

"Damn got lucky there" Mike smiled as Sonic's smile was erased from his face "Pinsir got burned by the attack slashing its physical power in half".

"Figured as much" Sonic said through his teeth recalling it. He was now 4 against 5.

"Alakazam help me out!"

Alakazam came back out fully rested and ready.

"Ninetales don't give them a fighting chance! Fire blast!"

"Light screen!"


Light screen was created deflecting most of the damage of the fire blast.

"Now use psychic!"

Alakazam raised ninetales above the ground damaging it with psychic and then letting it drop to the ground. Already weakened from the earthquake damage, Ninetales fainted.

"Ninetales is unable to battle. Alakazam is the winner!"

Mike recalled Ninetales.

"So much stronger than I remember it to be. But I expected nothing less".

"Good! Now bring out your next pokemon!"

"Gengar! Time to settle this!" Mike shouted calling his gengar back out.

Gengar reemerged. Alakazam raised its spoons in defense.

"Continue the battle!"

"Shadow ball!" both trainers screamed.

The shadow balls collided as the two pokemon were evenly matched.

"Sludge bomb!"

"Reflect!" Sonic ordered Alakazam.

The light screen deflected most of the sludge balls. Alakazam took one head on but survived and created the reflect barrier, making sure gengar wouldn't be able to use shadow punch as effectively this time.


"Gengar! Hypnosis!"

Gengar unleashed its move though it was heavily damaged by psychic. Alakazam however fell asleep rendering it defenseless.

"Gengar quick! Break through the reflect and use shadow punch!"

Gengar got to the physical move barrier and started punching it repeatedly. The barrier started cracking.

"Alakazam! Wake up! Please!" Sonic pleaded.

Gengar knowing that if Alakazam woke up it would be over for it started using Shadow punch even faster. With another one used the barrier finally cracked and shattered. Gengar winded up its fist creating another shadow punch.

"Alakazam! Shadow ball!" Sonic shouted hoping it would wake up.

Alakazam, the sleeping effect of hypnosis finally lifting, unleashed the shadow ball, giving up any chance of defense.

The shadow punch connected and sent Alakazam flying backwards. At the same time Alakazam launched the shadow ball which struck gengar. Both pokemon were sent flying backwards at the same time landing in front of their trainers. The referee observed the two pokemon.

"Alakazam and Gengar are both unable to battle! The result is a draw!"

Everyone cheered at the amazing development the final battle had taken thus far. Sonic and Mike recalled their pokemon and were told to take a break before reconvening for the 2nd part of the battle. The two rivals and friends met up at the corridor under the stands.

Sonic went to high five Mike but got a hug instead. Surprised he hugged back and as they let go he witnessed a face of gratitude and awe.

"You battle amazingly. I can't believe that we're actually tied".

"Same here. This is so stressful in a good way" Sonic answered "but where have you been all this time? I asked Reina and mr Fuji if they had seen you several times and they said they didn't".

"Oh they did. 2 days ago. They told me you had found a secluded place to train. I had brought them my team for moveset building purposes. It was nice catching up. But I also had a lot of training to do".

At that moment Sonic's friends and brother approached them.

"Sonic that was incredible!" Tails said "this battle is by far unlike anything I have ever seen!"

Mike outstretched his hand.

"Mike" he said.

Tails was caught off guard but shook Mike's hand regardless.

"Miles Prower. But my friends call me Tails".

"Tails" Mike repeated "you were the one who performed the cyber assault during our battle at silph co?"

"Guilty as charged" Tails admitted scratching his head.

Mike turned to Sonic again.

"You got some good friends man. Such an act could have landed you both in prison. And yet you did it without hesitation" he said referring to Tails.

"I made sure to cover my tracks".

"Nice" Mike complimented him.

Knuckles and Jet also got to know Mike. While they had a good chat, Mike asked for a moment with Sonic as the break in the battle would end soon. As Tails, Jet and Knuckles wished them both luck, the two rivals started walking down the round corridor.

"So now that it's just us again" Sonic started talking "where have you been?"

"It's a very long story. Immediately after our victory against team rocket, I merely took to walking aimlessly around the region. I was like a ghost. No worse than that. Like a zombie. Existing but not living. I didn't blame you for a moment regardless of what I said or didn't say. I blamed myself".

Sonic nodded feeling a bit of relief as Mike continued.

"Eventually the rumors of you being dubbed the hero of Kanto and the chosen one of Moltres reached me. And then I saw the broadcast of your speech. About how you made team rocket disband but Giovanni escaped into exile. And then you told me it's harder to live for someone you mourn than to mourn them. Instead of getting out of the darkness I slipped deeper into it".

"Oh man. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I wish I knew where you were" Sonic admitted.

"My path eventually led me to a power plant close to the northwest entrance of the rock tunnel. I was so lost that I mindlessly walked in. Several electric types tried to attack me while I walked through the corridors. But my dugtrio jumped out to defend me. When I reached the generator room, I broke down. Literally I had a breakdown. I started screaming incomprehensible things. I even stated… that I wish I had died instead of Jolty".

"What?" Sonic said in shock.

"Exactly. I wished to die so that the pain would go away. Then something happened. Something inexplicable. The electric type pokemon that live in the power plant – I later learned it was a self-sustainable power plant that only requires a monthly check to make sure everything is working properly so naturally pokemon moved in – all started emmiting electricity. The electricity entered the generator and then came back out. I saw it crackle in front of me as I was on my knees on the ground. The electricity then took shape… the shape of Jolty".

"WHAT?!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Yes. And it wasn't just a mind trick. The Jolteon made out of energy in front of me approached me and put its paw on my hand. I knew at that moment it was Jolty. I hugged it thinking it was calling me to it. But the electricity didn't course through my body. It was like a warm feeling instead. Jolty hugged me back in a way. And at that moment I realized what you were saying was true. I had to learn again to live for myself… and to live the life Jolty would have wanted me to live".

"And you managed to train so hard and in such a short amount of time… and even found you beedrill. How?"

"I first went home and took its ball with me. Then I went to the forest where I supposed it fled to after we freed it. To be entirely honest, I don't remember how I found it. I just remember finding it along with a plethora of pokemon… and the next thing I remember was my beedrill being back in its pokeball".

"Mewtwo" Sonic thought. Mewtwo must have had helped Mike find its beedrill and then erased his memories to tie up loose ends.

"After that I caught another pokemon to make a team of 6 as I had caught one immediately after breaking through the darkness at the power plant".

"I assume the 2nd one was Ninetales?"


"And I can assume your last was an electric type from the plant. If I had to guess I'd say you caught an electabuzz".

"Maybe I did, maybe I caught something else" Mike said as he heard the announcer declaring the immediate continuation of the final "you'll see soon enough".

"Oh I hope it's something good. Cause what I said to Ash about my battle was true. My raichu really is twice as strong as others of its kind".

"All the better" Mike answered with confidence "it'll be all the more worth it when I beat it".

"Then less talking and more entering the arena" Sonic joked as the two opponents parted ways to enter the respective sides of the arena under the applause of the crowd. The two rivals looked at each other, each taking out their next pokeball. 3 against 3. The real battle was just beginning.

Chapter 34: The journey ends


As the battle between Sonic and Mikes approaches its grand finale, an epic battle against Mike's last pokemon will unveil just how deeply connected Sonic and Raichu really are.

Chapter Text

Sonic and Mike were waiting for the referee's signal to send out their next pokemon. They were evenly matched so far and were now starting again with 3 pokemon each. Sonic knew that Mike knew his other 3 pokemon. He also knew that Mike still had dugtrio, possibly his lapras and an electric type from the power plant.

"Trainers send out your pokemon… now!"

"Go raichu!"

"Go dugtrio!"

Raichu jumped on the field as dugtrio emerged. Sonic immediately went to recall raichu in hopes of a better matchup. However the pokeball didn't function.

"Damnit. Arena trap" Sonic cursed.

"Got lucky. Your raichu is your scariest pokemon so having this chance to take it out is good for me. So I'm afraid so Sonic, you're stuck. Let's see what your plan is here!"

"Ha I'd like to see how Sonic is planning to fight back" Ash said to his friends from the stand "now is his chance to prove if his raichu is all that powerful".

Gary who was observing from the top of the stands with his arms crossed remained stoic to this development.

"A ground type sure is a powerful opponent for an electric type. But Sonic and raichu are not the average trainer and pokemon".

"Battle continue!"

"Dugtrio earthquake!"

Dugtrio attacked with its ground waves. Sonic having to think fast ordered raichu to use iron tail to crack the ground beneath him and balance on its tail. Having discovered this trick during their training, the damage was minimized as raichu wasn't fully on the ground to be hit by the earth waves. Taking advantage of the opening Sonic ordered the next attack.

"Raichu quick! Use brick break!"

Raichu used its still hardened tail to propel itself towards dugtrio at a greater speed than Mike could expect. Raichu slammed hard on dugtrio and it took and big amount of damage. Dugtrio however wasn't out of the fight yet.

"Dig now!"

Dugtrio dag into the ground and disappeared. Sonic however also expected this. He knew raichu would have to train especially for a matchup like this.

"Use iron tail on the ground but this time as hard as you can, no balancing!"

Raichu once again nailed its hard tail on the ground sending sound waves through it. Dugtrio was forced to emerge due to the severity of the sound waves.

"Finish it with another brick break!"


Raichu attacked dugtrio with all its strength. The powerful but glass-cannon ground type was knocked out, unable to survive 2 brick breaks in a row. However its own attack also landed blurring raichu's vision and dealing a good chunk of damage.

"Dugtrio is unable to battle. Raichu is the winner".

"Dugtrio return" Mike said "good job. You weakened it. We'll finish it! Go Lapras!"

Lapras came out. Sonic remembered their battle on the beach. He was sure Mike did too. It would be risky to try and clear raichu's sight through lapras' attacks.

"Raichu come back take a break and clear your eyesight" Sonic commanded.

Raichu rushed out of the arena as Sonic took out his ultra ball. Mike noticed it and his face took an excited expression.

"There it is".

"Go Moltres!"

Moltres soared with its wings blazing like the sun under the cheers of the crowd.

"Risky move" Knuckles said "lapras is part water".

"Maybe but remember raichu needed to switch out. Sonic is in a bit of a disadvantage either way. Mike has lapras and something else. Sonic needs raichu healthy just in case and blastoise as a reserve".

"Yeah but Mike saw Sonic's strategy of solarbeaming. Won't he be able to counter it?" Jet inquired.

"Not necessarily" Tails explained "maybe he doesn't have a counter-plan set. Maybe he will still take it head on. But there is also a chance he could set up for his last pokemon".

"That's certainly strange. If he knew of Sonic's team why did he risk sending out dugtrio first? If Sonic brought out blastoise or Motres, Mike would be at a huge disadvantage against Blastoise and Moltres. They both would have a good chance of beating Dugtrio".

"I don't know. Maybe he could be intending to set up as I said. We'll have to watch to find out" Tails said getting back to the match.

"Absolutely magnificent" Mike commented on Moltres' greatness "let's see how well it battles".

"Moltres sunny day!"

"Just as I expected! Lapras use calm mind!"

Lapras closed its eyes and focused increasing its special attack and special defense.

"Damnit he's setting up! My plan backfired!" Sonic thought terrified.

"Moltres end this before it gets too tanky! Solarbeam!"

Moltres charged its attack and fired. Lapras however was too tanky to go down in one hit like that. And Mike wasn't even done with that.

"Make it rain lapras! Use hydro pump above you!"

"Make it rain?!" Sonic said in shock.

Lapras unleashed its hydro pump vertically up. Once the attack got to a high enough point it started splitting like a fountain and water drops started striking Moltres and Lapras at the same time. Lapras was slowly healed while Moltres was slowly but steadily taking more and more damage.

"Moltres don't let up! Solarbeam again!"

They had to find a way to end it fast. The sunlight from sunny day had at first weakened the effectiveness of hydro pump but calm mind had restored it. If they allowed lapras to get too strong their defeat was certain.

Back at Sonic's hometown unbeknown to everyone, his parents were watching the final. Most of the townsfolk who knew Sonic did. They were all cheering for him hoping he would break through Lapras. After all his reputation as the hero of Kanto had reached his hometown too.

Amy was also watching the final on her phone. Her state of mind was slowly deteriorating from the development.

"That loser is a hero and now will win the tournament?"

She couldn't understand how it had all gone that way. She had chosen Shadow over Sonic because of his ability to assert his dominance, to take what he desired and nothing would stand in his way. And somehow Sonic had become that very thing too. And a hero nonetheless.

They of course had had a big fight, Amy and Shadow over it. He was slowly becoming jealous of Amy's constant keeping tabs on Sonic for no apparent reason. They had gotten over it but it was obvious this crack in their relationship would expand over time.

Back in the tournament Sonic was racking his brain on how to beat Lapras. He could only see one way and it was a risky play. Knowing he had to take the risk he commanded the attack.

"Moltres use air slash at close range!"

"Lapras strike Moltres down! Hydro pump!"

Lapras unleashed its water jet aiming directily at Moltres this time. Moltres dodged the attack using its speed and once close enough unleashed a might air slash. The attack didn't do a lot but had the desired effect; lapras flinched.

"Lapras use calm mind quick!"

Lapras however didn't respond because of the flinching. It couldn't take its eyes off the legendary bird of flames. That attack, though not very powerful, had bought Sonic a few seconds.

"Again Moltres! Don't let it take a turn! Use air slash in quick succession!"

Moltres started flapping its wings fast, creating air blades very quickly, all aimed at lapras. The water and ice type endangered species pokemon found itself taking a barrage of air slashes. Taking cover by lowering its head Mike couldn't believe what was happening. He had not calculated for such an attack neither for Sonic to use such a strategy. However he had one final ace up his sleeve. But for that to work, he needed Moltres weakened severely.

"Lapras listen! I know you're scared! Use one more hydro pump above you once again!"

He wasn't really expecting lapras would heal itself fast enough with the hydro pump drops that would strike it and Moltres, especially if Sonic went for one more solarbeam. But it would certainly weaken Moltres if it used its move instead of trying to preserve its health. And best of all for Mike, he knew Sonic would go for it as by leaving Lapras alive he risked it using calm mind again and this time there would be no beating it.

"Moltres end this! solarbeam!"

Moltres taking advantage of the last turn of sunny day unleashed its grass attack. Despite the continuous damage from the hydro pump rain, it put all of its might in the attack. Lapras took it head on and collapsed unable to take any more punishment. The combined barrage of stab boosted air slashes and 2 solarbeams were just too much.

"Lapras return" Mike said "thank you and sorry. Your hard work will not be in vain" he said as he looked at Moltres again.

"Your legendary Moltres certainly doesn't disappoint Sonic. I will admit I wasn't expecting a tactic of fear to work on my team. Flinching is indeed a powerful tool in battles".

"I was saving it for the best time" Sonic admitted "and your Lapras was that time. Now bring out your last pokemon".

"Hehe" Mike said taking out to everyone's shock an ultra ball.

"He's got an ultra ball?" Tails said in surprise.

"What could he have?" Jet inquired worried.

Sonic was quick to connect the dots.

"Ultra ball. You visited a power plant… no it can't be!"

"Soar to the skies!" Mike shouted sending out his last pokemon.

The sky darkened momentarily and lightning bolts crackled as if a storm was approaching. The legendary Zapdos descended onto the field, screeching loudly.

"You caught Zapdos" Sonic commented with a hint of fear. That was one of the worst possible scenarios with his remaining pokemon.

"Yes. After Jolty's energy spirit disappeared Zapdos appeared and challenged me. Our battle was rough until my Lapras learned calm mind, was able to tank Zapdos' attacks and heal itself with the strategy you witnessed before. After that I was able to best and catch it".

Sonic was at a lack for words. Both he and Mike were equally heroes of Kanto. That proved it. Both were chosen by a legendary pokemon.

"Zapdos let's do this! For Jolty!"

Zapdos screeched awaiting commands. Moltres also let out a cry of anticipation.



The attacks collided and caused a small explosion and a lot of smoke. The power of the legendary pokemon was incredible.

"Smokescreens won't work on me! Drill peck!"

Zapdos darted through the smoke and started pecking at Moltres with insane speed. Moltres cried out in pain as it tried to fly away with Zapdos was in hot pursuit.

"Moltres! Use solarbeam to blind it!"

"Not this time! I saw what you did against Ketchum! Zapdos use thunder!"

Solarbeam was charged and fired but at the same time a bolt of lightning much bigger and far stronger than Ash's Pikachu had ever managed to conjure, fell square on Moltres. The legendary fire bird screeched in pain and after the thunder dissipated, fell to the ground motionless.

"Moltres is unable to battle. Zapdos is the winner".

Sonic couldn't believe the turn of events. He knew Mike would be a strong opponent but to have Zapdos, the strongest of the legendary birds… it was an almost hopeless battle.

"Great work Zapdos" Mike complimented it.

Sonic gritted his teeth as he took out Blastoise's pokeball.

"Blastoise help me out!"

Blastoise appeared as Zadpos stared it down.

"Zapdos no games this time! Use thunder!"

Zapdos dropped another bolt of lightning.


Blastoise shielded itself from the attack. Mike however knew he couldn't do it again.


Sonic also ordered an attack hoping Blastoise's good defenses would keep it from fainting.

"Ice beam!"

The attacks collided and thunderbolt prevailed. Blastoise was zapped and toppled.

"Blastoise is unable to…"

"Now!" Sonic yelled all of a sudden.

And Blastoise who had merely toppled and not fainted, just like during their battle with Moltres before it joined them, fired a powerful ice beam at Zapdos. The attack connected and did a considerable amound of damage. Zapdos annoyed at this struck Blastoise with thunderbolt again, causing it to faint for real this time.

The referee checked and verified Blastoise had fainted this time. Sonic recalled it. Just like last time. Electric vs electric would be their final clash.

"Raichu are you all cleared up?"

"Rai rai!"

"Then go get them!"

Raichu dashed inside the arena as Zapdos observed it closely. It sent a small bolt of electricity towards it. Raichu took it in and sent one towards Zapdos.

"What are they doing?" Sonic wondered before realizing "wait they are communicating".

"Why would they do that?" Mike inquired.

Sonic recalled the night his raichu evolved from Pikachu.

"The night raichu evolved from Pikachu… we were battling a Zapdos… your Zapdos… and the Zapdos I fought… are most likely one and the same".

"Woah" Mike said in realization "talk about a crazy coincidence if that's the case. Maybe you could even call it destiny. Zapdos granted your Pikachu the gift of growth… turning it into raichu. And now they meet again in a final test".

"A test" Sonic repeated "a test which we will pass won't we partner?"


"Zapdos! Ancient power!"

Zapdos threw a barrage of rocks towards raichu.

"Deflect them with iron tail!"

Raichu deflected the rocks with ease having trained with Moltres before the latter forgot ancient power.

"Now use quick attack!"

Raichu dashed fast and jumped trying to jump onto Zapdos.

"I don't think so! Shake it off!"

Zapdos dived down. Raichu was unable to hold on. It crashed to the ground with a big thud.

"Thunder now!"

Lightning came down on raichu hard. Sonic felt the electricity travel through his body as well. It wasn't a big amount but he still felt it. Grabbing his shoulders in pain, it was clearer than ever before. Raichu and he were connected. Though he did wonder why he only felt electricity and not any other type of attack, he shoved the thought aside. They had a challenge in their hands.

"Raichu use iron tail!"

Raichu jumped and tried to slam Zapdos with iron tail but the legendary bird of thunder dodged the attack.


Raichu was hit by the thunderbolt. Sonic felt once again the electricity crawl through him. Mike noticed it.

"Hey you ok?"

"I'm fine" Sonic retorted unwilling to stop the battle before the end.

"There's got to be a way to strike Zapdos" Sonic thought as raichu panted exhausted trying to figure out a battle plan.

"Zapdos don't give them time! Thunderbolt!"

"Launch yourself then use thunder punch!"

Raichu used its iron tail as a pole to jump avoiding thunderbolt. Reaching the same height as Zapdos it delivered a powerful punch. But it also left them defenseless.

"Drill peck!"

Zapdos pecked raichu repeatedly. Raichu dropped to the ground with a thud once again struggling to get up.

"That'll teach him!" Ash said from the stands satisfied.

Sonic looked at his raichu struggling to get up.

"Partner if you're unable to don't please. We fought our hardest. It's not worth getting hurt".

Raichu looked at Sonic in disbelief.

"Rai! Rai rai!"

Sonic couldn't understand exactly what it was saying. But he knew what it meant.

"We've come too far! We will go all the way! Whatever it takes"

"Yes" Sonic said slowly "whatever it takes".

"Rai!" Raichu growled.

Electricity started crackling on its tail. Both Sonic and Mike were bewildered by it.

The next moment 2 lightning bolts fell from the sky engulfing Sonic and raichu at the same time. Everyone at the stadium gasped some even screamed. Mike observed in terror what he perceived as his friend and rival being struck by a deadly bolt of lightning.

"SONIC!" he screamed.

The lightning bolts dissipated the next moment. Sonic and raichu were both unharmed. Raichu was standing proudly, albeit still injured.

"Is it rejuvenated? Or is it just running on will?" Mike wondered "but in that case what was the bolt of lightning? And why was Sonic also struck by it?"

"Raichu one last attack!" Sonic ordered "quick attack then thunder punch!"

Raichu was launched faster than eyes could see. Its speed had become insane. It jumped and latched onto Zapdos.

"Shake them off before they land the attack!"

Zapdos started trying to shake them off, eventually diving again. Raichu this time held on with all its strength.

"Do it!" Sonic shouted.

Raichu charged its punch and using its tail as a grappling hook to not fall off Zapdos, delivered a devastating punch just before Zapdos opened its wings to avoid crashing.

The legendary bird crashed with a thud that shook the whole stadium raising a huge cloud of dust. Once the dust settled, Raichu was standing on top of the fainted Zapdos as if it had done a superhero landing.

"Zapdos is unable to battle! Raichu wins! The winner of the tournament is Sonic the hedgehog!"

"The hero of Kanto wins the tournament!" the announcer called out as cheers erupted all throughout the stadium. Sonic took in the scenery with a blank phase.

"We… we won. We won! We won raichu!"

"Rai!" Raichu cried out as trainer and pokemon hugged in the middle of the arena. Mike recalled Zapdos and approached Sonic.

"And so you prevail again. Congratulation friend".

The two shared a handshake as a stadium worker brought Sonic the trophy. Lifting it high above his head, everyone cheered.

Amy of course back home was fuming. Shadow was also watching the video claiming that it was no big deal. Amy agreed and shut off her phone but didn't believe it.

As Sonic and Mike reconvened with his friends after his victory, Tails was ecstatic.

"Sonic that was unbelievable! What was that move you pulled back there?!"

"To be honest I too don't get it" Mike admitted "I saw you do the exact same thing against Giovanni".

Sonic took a moment to think.

"I don't really know to be honest. The only thing I noticed during the battle that was out of the ordinary was that every time raichu was struck by lightning I felt the electricity course through me as well. Not lethally but I still felt it".

Tails looked confused for a moment then remembered something.

"WAIT!" he yelled causing everyone to jump.

"That could be because of the way raichu evolve remember?"

"Remember what?"

"You two had a fight exactly before and then you dived in front of a thunderbolt to protect Pikachu. It then evolved by declaring you its friend. The bond that makes it twice as strong as other raichu's must have formed at that moment. You two have a connection".

Sonic recalled all of it and even though it sounded farfetched it wasn't exactly impossible either. Pokemon were mysterious creatures with unlimited potential after all.

"I guess we should investigate it back home" Sonic concluded.

"We sure will" Tails said doing a thumbs up.

At that moment Ash approached them.

"Well… congratulations I guess".

"Not to say I told you so but…"

"Yeah whatever. Next time we meet I will be much stronger just you wait".

"Oh I will wait" Sonic said smiling.

Once Ash left Sonic looked down closing his eyes.

"If only there was a next time".

"Huh?" Mike said in surprise "what are you talking about?"

"My journey has ended Mike. We're going home" he said referring to himself and his friends.

"Just… just like that?"

"Yeah. It started as an impulse when it started. I regret nothing but… it's over now. It's time to go home now".

Mike was speechless as he hadn't thought of what would happen after the tournament. He felt a small hint of regret as he had probably lost so much time with Sonic due to him being lost in darkness. He however managed to smile.

"I understand".

"Hey don't be sad. We're trainers right? Our paths will cross again someday. Just maybe not anytime soon".

Mike nodded. The two of them shared one final handshake before going their separate ways.

"See you around Sonic".

As Sonic and his friends headed for the airport to return home, Mike observed them fly off from Vermillion city.

"See you around Sonic" he said again as he mounted Zapdos and flew away, letting the wind guide them.

After a long and eventful flight as Sonic and his friends discussed every last bit of the tournament they landed home. When they all reached their neighborhood, Tails and Knuckles left the brothers to go to their houses. As Sonic and Jet headed for their home, Sonic still carrying his trophy and raichu curiously observing the new place, they heard a voice call out to them.

"Well, well look who returns triumphant".

Sonic and Jet knew who it was very well. Giving Jet the trophy to take home and telling raichu to go with Jet, Sonic turned around and came face to face with Amy.

"Looking good, been working out?"

Sonic giggled.

"You sure have a lot of nerve to show your face in front of me again" he said smiling.

"You should be honored. I am standing Shadow up a little bit to talk to you".

"Wow, talk about disrespect" Sonic commented "I should be honored because you treat your boyfriend like that? That's rough even for someone like Shadow".

Amy's smile slowly left her face.

"You think you're fooling me Sonic? Just because you played trainer for a month and won a tournament means you're anything but a softie loser?"

"Well that softie loser is known as the hero of Kanto and has tamed a legendary pokemon" Sonic said with a hint of gloating "so yeah. I think the only one fooling anyone here is you fooling yourself little girl".

Amy's face turned red. Sonic thought it was anger. And it was. But it was also a bit of turning on on her part.

"Who are calling a little girl?!" she said angrily approaching him, her face an inch away from his.

"You. And for that reason you're not worth my time doll. So mind your own business and leave me be. Ciao" Sonic toyed with her, putting his finger on her jaw as he spoke those words. She was left there trying to collect her thoughts. That wasn't Sonic she kept repeating. There was no way Sonic had become this confident.

"And this hot" Amy thought as she headed for her date with Shadow.

Sonic in the meantime entered the house with Raichu greeting his parents after a very long time.

Later that night, while Sonic and Jet were hanging out in their backyard, hanging out with Sonic's pokemon, their mother came out.

"I have some news boys. We're going on vacation".

"Vacation? Where?" Jet asked intrigued.

"And how come?" Sonic asked caught by surprise.

"To celebrate your victory of course. We're going to the orange islands for a week".

"Orange islands?!" Sonic repeated in pleasant surprise "they are a tropical paradise! For people and pokemon alike!"

"Exactly. We'll be leaving next week. So prepare your stuff".

"But… it's in a week" Jet said confused.

"Exactly. Only one week" she said and walked back in the house.

Sonic and Jet looked at each other silent for a moment then burst out laughing.

"Yeah same old mom" Sonic said.

Orange islands. Sonic couldn't wait. And neither could his pokemon desiring nothing more than to lay on a beach and relax. Back during their isolation on the secluded shore, they couldn't enjoy it as much in order to train. Now they would. At least for a little while.

Elsewhere a man named Lawrence was preparing his flying huge hovercraft, loading on high tech cages which could catch pokemon by encasing them with electromagnetic fields.

"Soon enough. Soon enough the prophecy will come true. And I will be there to collect my prize".

He returned to a map on his desk. He looked at it smiling menacingly.

"Orange islands here I come".

Chapter 35: Special chapter; The power of one


A retreat to the orange islands goes awry for Sonic, his brother Jet and their parents as the weather signifies trouble for the island's legendary titan protectors; the legendary birds. Newly selected chosen one Ash and a seemingly equally worthy Sonic must team up to uncover the source of danger and protect the islands from the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy.

Chapter Text

The calming sounds of the sea waves crashing on the shore and the warm feeling of the sun's rays were engulfing Sonic as he lied on a beach chair, sunglasses on, hat on and eyes closed taking all the sensation in.

On the side of his beach chair raichu was sleeping peacefully finally getting a chance to rest after all the crazy adventures they had been through in their Kanto journey. It was a well-earned rest.

Inside the water his blastoise was swimming peacefully, with pinsir on its back enjoying the boat ride. Nidoking was also swimming alongside them, as Sonic knew it was viable to learn surf so it had that ability. Alakazam was meditating nearby. As for Moltres, Sonic had let it soar to the skies and enjoy the freedom and beauty of the orange islands' climate. Moltres of course never flew too far away but relished in the simulated freedom of being a wild pokemon again.

Jet came out of the water soaking after his swim.

"Man I'm never leaving this place" he said as he laid on his own beach chair.

"Yeah" Sonic agreed "it's literally heaven on earth".

Jet looked at his phone.

"Mom says she wants to go to the festival tonight".


"Yeah. It's a Shamouti tradition. Didn't read the mythology behind all that much but I gotta be honest it sounds rather interesting".

Sonic didn't answer right away.

"Still wanting to avoid the crowd I presume?"

"I mean… everyone literally wants a piece of me after my triumph at the indigo tournament. I literally battled 3 opponents at once while you, mom and dad where checking into the hotel. I came here to relax not to battle".

"True. I mean you can just say you don't want to battle".

"True. Still getting used to saying no to battles".

"I understand. Wanting to be gentle and all. You know I might just read the mythology behind the festival before we attend".

Sonic nodded and got back to relaxing.

"Do you have any idea why that guy said when we first arrived I performed a blasphemy by catching Moltres?"

"Lol no idea. It's just funny. He treats Moltres like a deity or something. Who would do that?"

"I guess a madman but I can't get out of my head why it happened here of all places. Like literally I'm known as the chosen one of Moltres in Kanto and here that guy called me a blasphemer. Go figure".

Moltres then landed nearby raising a small cloud of sand.

"Speak of the devil. Had a good flight Moltres?"

Moltres cried out and laid down to relax closing its eyes ready to take a nap.

Sonic followed suit. Naps were his best friend now.

After a good amount of time – not actually knowing how much time had gone by – he felt a water drop falling on his forehead. He ignored it assuming Jet was about to prank him or something. But then another drop fell this time on his chest. And then another. And another. And another.

"Jet I swear if I open my eyes and…" he began saying but gasped once he opened his eyes and taking his sunglasses off to verify.

The sun had disappeared. Clouds had engulfed the sky. And powerful wind currents were slowly but steadily beginning to blow.

"Jet wake up!"

Jet woke up roughly.

"Why are you screaming? Wait… where is the sun?"

"No idea" Sonic said as his quills were billowing with the wind.

"We have to the return to the hotel! Now!"

Recalling his pokemon, the duo rode Moltres and flew back to the hotel just as the rain began showering them. As they arrived at the hotel, they quickly dismounted Moltres, Sonic recalled it and they went up to their room. Their parents were already there.

"Oh thank god you're ok" their mother said hugging them.

"What is happening?" Jet asked "the weather forecast when we came said there would be sunshine and a strong heatwave all week long".

"No idea" Sonic and Jet's father said "but we should stay in for now".

Sonic in the meantime believing it wasn't a coincidence or a wrong weather forecast called Tails.

"Yo champ. How's the vacation?"

The sound of thunder echoed in the room as a lightning bolt struck on the courtyard of the hotel.

"Was the lightning?" Tails said unprepared.

"Yeah. Something's going on. A storm appeared out of nowhere. Me and Jet where at the beach with my pokemon and in what I believe was 5 minutes the sun was gone and the storm appeared".

"I see" Tails said in deep thought "let me look into it. I'll call you when I got something. Stay inside just in case".

"Not like we have a choice" Sonic commented as Tails hang up.

The next two hours passed very slowly as the family was bored inside the hotel room. Sonic was playing with raichu to pass the time while Jet was watching the storm outside wondering if he could possibly see a zapdos somewhere in the dark clouds, the strong winds and the many drops of water falling from the sky.

Eventually the storm did clear and Sonic and Jet walked outside. The clouds were not entirely gone but for the most part Shamouti seemed unaffected. The people were once again setting up the festival, a fact that genuinely made Sonic's mom happy and she hoped the storm wouldn't restart and the clouds would lift.

Sonic however heard someone say that a ship was caught in a storm outside Shamouti. Feeling that he couldn't just sit idly by while someone was possibly fighting for their life in the waves, he took out Moltres' pokeball and approached Jet.

"Where are your binoculars?"

"Umm in the room why?"

"A ship was caught in that storm. That was no ordinary storm. I want to go and see if anyone needs help. So I'm gonna need to borrow your binoculars".

"Ok. Chill. I'll go bring them".

"I am chill".

"Then why is your hand shaking?"

Sonic looked down and noticed that indeed the hand the held Moltres' pokeball was shaking.

"What the… I'm not shaking it. It's shaking on its own".

"What? That's so bizzare. Why would it shake?"

"No idea. Regardless…"

"Yes. Be right back".

Moments later Sonic was soaring to the skies, not as high as the clouds but still very high. Using the binoculars he and Moltres headed to look around the perimeter of Shamouti. The sea was still rough from the storm. Sonic cursed as he knew it would be hard to locate anyone in the water.

After a full patrol of the sea around Shamouti, Sonic concluded there was no point to keep searching. He had tried but had found nothing. Turning back towards the mainland, he was about to take the binoculars off his face until he saw a mast floating in the water.

"The wreck!" he thought in a panic.

Looking around in the water he saw nothing. No body in sight. But turning his sight to the beach close to the floating mast, he saw 3 people face down on the sand.

"Oh no! Moltres down to the beach!"

Moltres reacted a second late as it was busy looking at one of the 3 islands opposite Shamouti. Afterwards the legendary bird flew down to the beach. Dismounting it and recalling it Sonic approached the trio of people that seemed to be the victims of the wreck. He also noticed a Pikachu next to one of them. And a particularly familiar hat.

"ASH!" Sonic screamed in realization.

He rushed to his side.

"Ash! Ash! Can you hear me?"

"Pika pika?" Pikachu looked at them caught off guard by their sudden arrival.

"Rai, rai" Raichu spoke to Pikachu who looked back at his fainted trainer.

Sonic took Ash's right hand and looked for a pulse. None. He took his left hand. Still no pulse.

"Damnit! Don't be dead you moron" Sonic said as he put his fingers on Ash's throat.

The throbbing of the pulse was felt. Sonic's pulse also calmed. And after that Ash's body slightly moved.

"P-pikachu?" he asked slowly raising his head.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cried out in happiness hugging Ash's face and accidentally zapping his with lightning.

"Thank god you're alive" Sonic said.

Ash looked at him.


He now wished he had died in the shipwreck.

"Don't tell me you saved us".

"No you were lying in the sand. Wait. Us?"

The other two people which Sonic had ignorantly not checked for pulse started awakening.

"Misty?" Sonic said confused "and… who are you?"

The other boy with Ash and Misty looked at the direction of the voice. Once he met Sonic's eyes, his widened in shock.

"Oh my… oh my… you are Sonic the hedgehog, the hero of Kanto!"

"Not a hero" Sonic said getting bored of having to explain that part over and over.

"Oh… I see…" the boy said as he cleared his throat "I'm Tracey Sketchit".

Sonic resisted the urge to laugh. Not in a mocking way but he just thought Tracey's name was funny.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"We were on our way to the orange islands" Tracey explained "I was sent here to study the climate and the pokemon living here by Professor Oak. I work at his lab as his assistant".

"Sounds nice" Sonic said.

"And I came here to challenge the orange league champion drake. But that freak storm sank our boat" Ash said.

"We must have been very unlucky" Misty guessed.

"Nah that was no ordinary storm" Sonic said looking up at the clouds "my friend Tails is already researching it on my behalf".

"What could be strange about a storm?" Tracey asked confused.

"Well nothing except for the fact that storms don't usually appear out of nowhere. There are signs. The storm caught me and my brother at the beach. In like 5 minutes since the moment I began napping" Sonic explained.

"Napping. Instead of training? You asking for a defeat?" Ash teased Sonic.

"You of all people should be telling yourself that Ash. I stomped on you at the league" Sonic teased him back.

"Well yeah but now I'm stronger!"

"It's only been a week".

"Enough!" Misty interfered deciding to stop them "as much as I would love to see you boys roast each other all day I want to go and dry myself from the seawater. Is there any civilization on this island?"

"Yes there is. Follow me" Sonic said leading them towards a path which led them to the main town.

While they were walking Sonic noticed again that Moltres was shaking in its ball.

"What is going on? Why is Moltres shaking?" he thought.

After reaching the town the trio looked for a place to stay while Sonic returned to the hotel to rendezvous with his family and let them know of his discovery. Jet was caught by surprise that Ash was here too and wondered if their coincidental meeting was more than a coincidence.

Later that afternoon, despite the cloudy weather the festival started taking place. Sonic and Jet were strolling around looking at all the local dances and the decorations. Sonic's parents were dancing together, with Sonic and Jet giving them some space.

The duo met Ash, Misty and Tracey and Jet got the chance to properly meet Ash. There was a little bit of teasing at Ash's defeat but unlike Sonic, Ash's Pikachu actually took a liking to Jet. The latter wished his parents would have let him travel with Sonic.

"Maybe someday bro" Sonic patted him on the back.

"Travelling with your friends and partner is amazing. It's honestly an experience for a lifetime" Ash said "wasn't it buddy?"

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cried out in joy.

A young girl then asked for everyone's attention.

"Welcome everyone to Shamouti's festival. Me and the residents of our island thank you for coming to honor the titans".

"The titans?" Sonic thought surprised.

While that girl kept talking, Sonic received a call from Tails. Moving away from the crowd he answered.

"Hey how's everything?"

"Mostly ok. The festival is taking place normally. And Ash is also here".

"Ash? How so?"

"He came to challenge the orange league champion. But the weirdest thing is I found him cast away on the beach. He, Misty and a guy named Tracey were caught in the storm from earlier".

"Oh man. This is more serious than I thought".

"What do you mean?"

Tails pulled up a printed piece of paper.

"It's a lot so will try to be clear. So you see the orange islands just like a lot of island complexes out there have their own microclimate".

"Yeah I'm aware of that".

"What you're probably not aware of is that microclimate of the orange islands is controlled by the titans of fire, ice and thunder".

"Yeah. A girl who I think is some sort of festival maiden said something similar".

"Well I'll tell you, you are already familiar with two of the titans".


"Yeah. The titans are in all actuality the legendary birds of Kanto".

"What?! Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres?"


"Woah wait. So basically that confirms first of all that there are multiple legendaries of each species".

"I mean yeah. They're a species of pokemon. If only one existed, the moment it died it would be gone for good. And there are legends about pokemon from a long time ago".

"So those species of pokemon have been around for a very long time" Sonic concluded.


"Ok but what does that mean about the recent storm?"

"I'm getting there. You see the titans are kind of heralds of the seasons. Not officially but they control the weather so… yeah. Moltres and Articuno are the heralds of summer and winter respectively though it's more complicated than that. I'm merely simplifying it. Now Zapdos, being the strongest of the 3, balances everything out as it causes storms and rain, which usually take place during the transition from summer to winter, aka during fall, and vice versa".

"Ok so essentially together they create the tropical climate with Moltres usually in control and Articuno and Zapdos sometimes interfering".

"Exactly. And if we take that logic and apply it to the recent storm… this is where things get a bit worrisome".


"You see, it's summer so rains should be very rare. For even though the titans have their balance, there are also territorial pokemon and sometimes fight over territory. That's when strong winds blow during summer, storms during summer or during winter the list goes on".

"So wait. You're saying that there is a high chance the storm was cause by the titan Zapdos and Moltres fighting?"

"No. It's not that. For you see, if it really was just a territorial struggle and Zapdos won, the climate wouldn't shift so drastically. And certainly the storm wouldn't be so bad in the middle of summer. I did find reports of unusual weather in the orange islands on specific seasons but nothing that severe".

"So... wait. The storm is abnormal I get it…"

"Before you continue are there cold wind currents? Doesn't matter whether they are strong or not".

Sonic licked his finger and raised it in the air. He felt a cold sensation of the wind blowing.

"Yeah. The air is a bit cold for a tropical paradise".

"Then it's the worst case scenario. Storm and colder weather can only mean one thing".

"That only 2 of the titans affect the climate at this very moment" Sonic said putting the pieces together.

"Yes" Tails said grimly.

"So something bad has happened to the titan Moltres" Sonic said "this is why my Moltres' pokeball won't stop shaking. It feels that the titan Moltres is in peril".

"Exactly. You might need to go to Moltres' island to investigate".

"I will first thing tomorrow. I need to verify if Moltres is ok or not and if not what the problem is. Ash almost drowned in that storm. And that was just the beginning. We can't let things spiral out of control".

"And we won't. There are more stuff about the titans in myths, but that's outside my field of expertise".

"Myths huh? Maybe Knuckles can help".

"Yeah! He is obsessed with myths and ancient history. Maybe he knows something. If not he will know where to find such answers!" Tails said excitedly.

"Ok it's settled. Let him in on everything and ask him if he has time to research the myths of the orange islands".

"Got it. Call you back when I got something champ. Have fun at the festival".

"Hehe. Talk soon pal" Sonic said hanging up.

Returning to Jet he saw Ash had been approached by the festival maiden and was talking to her.

"You missed the best part" Jet informed Sonic.

"What part?"

"She spoke in general about the myth of the islands and said something about a chosen one tradition. She selected Ash to be this year's chosen one!"

"What? That moron is the chosen one?" Sonic said in disappointment.

"Yeah as crazy as it sounds. The myth spoke about the chosen one taming the titans so they won't unleash their might upon the world or something".

Sonic felt a small pinch of jealousy. Ash was dubbed the chosen one even though it was Sonic who had tamed a Moltres and even made it a member of his team.

"Ash could barely stand up to my Moltres. How can he possibly be the chosen one?" Sonic wondered silently.

But then he reminded himself of the adventure on New Island. Ash wasn't the strongest trainer and his pokemon were not the strongest. But he had a good and brave heart. That was a thousand times more important.

"You know what? She picked right" Sonic said in the end smiling catching Jet off guard.

"Wait a minute" a voice belonging to the festival maiden reached their ears.

Sonic and Jet looked as the festival maiden walked through the crowd and approached them, followed by Ash and Misty. The festival maiden eyed Sonic top to bottom.

"How peculiar. Ash here is undeniably the chosen one. But I sense you" she said pointing at Sonic "will also play an equally important role in this year's festival tradition".

"Sonic is a chosen one too?!" Ash said in frustration.

While Sonic hadn't witnessed him being dubbed the chosen one, and Ash was a bit surprised, he was happy that he had the chance to one up Sonic by being Shamouti's chosen one. Now that chance was gone.

"No. There can't be two chosen ones. But he will play an important role. Maybe an equally important one".

"The sinner will play an important role?" another familiar voice said.

Sonic immediately identified the voice belonging to the middle aged man who scolded him for catching Moltres.

"This kid dared catch the titan of fire and you call him equally important to the chosen one?"

The maiden looked at Sonic.

"Is it true? You caught the titan of fire?"

"No. I mean yes. I mean… I have caught a Moltres but not the one you call the titan of fire".

Everyone was speechless. Sonic looked around confused.

"Don't tell you believed the titans were one of a kind" he said trying to explain himself.

The festival maiden then took his hand causing him to step back in surprise.

"Regardless of the circumstances it is unmistakable you will play an important role. Follow me both of you" she said referring to Ash and Sonic.

She started making way through the crowd. Jet attempted to follow them down a path leading away from town.

"I'm sorry but from this point forward only the chosen one can proceed. The only exception that can be made is for… your name?"


"Sonic. I'm Melody. Only you and the chosen one can follow. The rest must wait at town".

"No way" Misty disagreed "we're coming with Ash".

"I assume you're the chosen one's girlfriend?"

Misty's cheeks grew redder than strawberries. Sonic held in a small laugh. He hadn't noticed or even considered that chance but Misty's reaction to Melody's probable correct guess was hilarious.

"Look ms Melody".

"Just Melody" she said.

"Ok. Melody. Look a lot of things are out of the ordinary so just let my brother, Misty and Tracey tag along. Whatever it is that Ash and I are meant to do we are capable of doing it with or without help. No offense" he said referring to Jet, Misty and Tracey.

"Hmm.. fine. Follow me".

Walking down the path, the eventually arrived at a shrine overlooking the 3 islands. Inside the shrine there were 3 small pedestals.

"Are these the islands the titans reside at?" Jet asked Melody.

"Correct. The chosen one needs to venture to the islands and collect the treasures of the titans. Then bring them back here where I will play the festival's song with this conch shell" she said revealing the shell "to end your task".

"And what is my purpose here?"

"I do not know. I just told you all I knew".

"I see. And what are those treasures Ash has to collect?"

"3 spheres. Each containing the essence of fire, ice and thunder".

"I see" Sonic said taking out Moltres' pokeball noticing it to be shaking somewhat faster than before "alright then. Step back Ash and get ready cause we have some treasure hunting to do".

"WAIT!" Melody screamed causing everyone to flinch "you can't fly to the islands. You need to travel there by boat. And certainly you mustn't bring out your titan of fire against our titans. They will not react kindly to its presence".

Sonic remained silent. He considered revealing Tails' discovery about the titan Moltres being in trouble but decided he would investigate himself.

"Alright then. We'll go by boat. I suggest we get to the island of fire first. I know how to battle Moltres best so if it gives us trouble I can limit the trouble".

"Agreed" Ash said eager to begin, even forgetting his earlier frustration.

The group returned to the main town where Sonic asked for a moment. Returning to the hotel, he took his map, his compass and the rest of his pokemon. Sonic's parents asked what had happened and he explained what had transpired and his upcoming visit to the islands of the birds. His mother, albeit worried wished him luck and to be careful on Articuno's island as it was the only bird Sonic didn't have an actual experience with. Sonic's dad also wished him luck but declared Jet would stay with them. Jet tried to argue back but their parents were adamant. Sonic consoled and Jet and assured him he would embark on his own journey sooner than he imagined. Afterwards with raichu following they arrived at the docks where Ash and Pikachu were waiting.

"At last. I thought you backed out".

"No way I'm backing out from this one. I was planning to go to the island of fire regardless".

"What for?"

"I have my reasons" Sonic said hiding his real reason for visiting the island.

Boarding the boat of a man named captain Maren. During the ride, Pikachu and Raichu were constantly arguing in their own languages and Pikachu even tried to zap raichu which Sonic asked raichu to just tank so that they wouldn't cause any damage to the boat. After a berating from captain Maren and the rest of the short ride, Ash and Sonic were dropped off on the island of fire.

"Alright! Let's go find the treasure!"

"Wait" Sonic stopped him taking out his map and putting it on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"We can't just walk deep into unknown territory. We have to prepare. Ok so… did Melody give you any clues on the locations of the treasures?"

"She said they were at the shrines of the titans".

"And where are those shrines?"

"I don't know. She didn't say".

"I see. Ok" Sonic said looking up "from what I see there is a path there. The map doesn't contain it, though I'm not surprised. After all it is not too detailed. Alright plan b. We are on this beach here" he said pointing to a beach on the island of fire, the only one on the island ironically.

"From what I can assume the shrines will be at the center of the islands or close to it. In our case here… it must be in the volcano. Huh talk about déjà vu. I caught my Moltres on a volcano and now we're about to venture into another one to find another Moltres" he commented and refraining from adding "hopefully".

"To get to the center of the volcano we have to go…" he said looking at his compass "southwest, eleven degrees away from a pure west direction to the south".

Ash looked at him confused. Sonic face-slapped.

"Just follow my lead ok?"

"Why don't we just follow the path?"

That's the main plan. I needed to find the direction in case the path doesn't lead to the volcano or leads us astray".

"Why would it? What other purpose could it have?"

"Don't know and frankly we don't have to find out. Let's go".

Ash looked at him, his frustration returning. He felt Sonic was doing everything in his power to look better.

Started walking down the path, Sonic kept looking at the compass, making sure they were going the right direction. To his relief they were.

"How did you know all that about navigation?" Ash asked.

"Had to learn to navigate to travel through Kanto" Sonic explained "unlike you I was on my own with raichu".

Pikachu and raichu who were with them the entire time were struggling to get along as Pikachu was still sour regarding its defeat at the league to raichu.

"And just because you traveled alone I assume you think you're better than me?"

"My victory at the league is your answer" Sonic said making his way through a bush of leaves hanging by the nearby trees.

"I just don't get it. We started our journeys at around the same time. My mom told me how you got your squirtle from professor oak. Days later I got Pikachu from him. So how is it…"

"You got pikachu from the professor? How come? I thought usually trainers receive Bulbasaur, charmander or squirtle" Sonic said looking over his shoulder.

"I overslept and missed getting either of the 3. But professor oak had Pikachu still. And now I'm glad I overslept".

"Everything happens for a reason" Sonic said seriously.

He wholeheartedly believed that statement. His entire Kanto journey had begun due to his heartbreak from back home. And it had led to the present.

"So how is it we travelled at the same time maybe a few days apart in the duration of our journeys and your pokemon are so much stronger?"

Sonic sighed.

"Did you really expect us to be equally powerful when our journeys were so different? I will admit that…" he went to say his almost death at Mewtwo's hands was a really serious predicament but remembered Ash wouldn't remember it "that those 3 idiots of team rocket stalking you could give you some battle prowess but I literally tackled their boss 3 times, raided their bases 3 times too, trained every day. That's our difference. You talk the talk. But you haven't walked much of the walk. I did".

Ash heard all of it but still didn't believe the distance between them should be this big.

"So you went through harder challenges. I get it. But still… for your Blastoise to beat my bulbasaur in one move".

"Well let's see. Final form vs first form, hit you with a super-effective move and your bulbasaur barely scratched my Blastoise. Yeah I'd say Blastoise had the edge".

"But we trained hard. And we had the type advantage".

"Type advantages are not everything. Battling has more variables than just your bond with your pokemon and type advantages".

"I don't believe that. If you believe in your pokemon you can beat anyone".

"Like you beat…" again he almost revealed their adventure on new Island "like you beat my Moltres with your charizard? And to think I had hope that your charizard would give me trouble. But it was only evenly powerful with my Moltres".

"Perhaps you want a rematch to verify it!" Ash said getting in front of Sonic.

"Maybe another time. We have work to do here" Sonic said putting them back on track.

"Hm. You're still a total chicken" Ash teased him again.

Sonic then turned angry. Not at being called a chicken but at Ash's childish behavior.

"Alright, I've heard enough Ash. You claim you want to be a pokemon master right?!"


"Then start owning up to your failures. You undertrained for the indigo tournament yes or no?"


"… Ok fair enough. Maybe you didn't undertrain for the others. But you did hear of my battles, of the challenges I had to tackle. Did you or did you not consider that you would have to cross a greater threshold of power to defeat me?"

"I… I know I can beat you ok? I just…"

"No. No just. No excuses. Answer me with the facts. Both of our battles. Our compared journeys. Do you really believe you were my equal in battle at the indigo tournament?"

Ash clenched his fist. He remembered his feelings during the break in their battle at the indigo tournament. How he couldn't accept that he hadn't worked hard enough yet. He knew back then that Sonic was way stronger but couldn't accept it.

"I'm going to be a pokemon master one day. I know I am. And that means I will beat you one day".

"And I believe you have that potential" Sonic answered "but that's all you have. The potential. And it can only be realized through hard work and training. I hope you understand that" Sonic said as they proceeded on their way, having spent enough time chatting already.

After about 5 more minutes of walking the path they reached the foot of the volcano. The path led them inside the volcano. After entering they saw that the volcano from the inside wasn't as deep as it looked. It wasn't filled with lava but rather, a small valley where the titan Moltres probably lived.

At the center of the small round valley, was a small shrine with a glowing sphere containing an orange to red shining energy was located. Ash went to grab it immediately as Sonic received a phone call which surprised him as he had no signal ever since getting the island.


"Sonic… bzzt.. Sonic… bzzzt".


"…ig problem…. a prophecy… the titans… guardian of the seas will appear.." the signal was cut. Sonic barely made anything out of it.

"Knuckles must have found something" he thought as he looked around looking for any signs of Moltres.

Looking closely to a small opening on the inner wall of the volcano he saw a bunch of familiar feathers on the ground.

"Moltres feathers…" he said picking one of them up.

Feeling one of the pokeballs on his belt shaking he was now sure, something bad had happened.

"I got the treasure!" Ash called out to him.

Sonic didn't answer as his mind was racing. Where was the titan Moltres? If the titans were supposed to be tests for the chosen one, why wasn't it here to guard the treasure? And that storm. Moltres' mere presence would have kept it from happening.

"Everything ok?" Ash asked approaching him.

"No. Everything's not ok".

"What are those?"

"Moltres wings. The freak storm from earlier was caused because something happened to the titan Moltres. The fact that it wasn't here to test you proves it. The damn weather proves it" he said pointing upwards.

Suddenly a net came out of nowhere, trapping Pikachu, Raichu and Sonic. Ash was left dumbfounded as team rocket appeared in their hot air balloon pulling the net upward.

"Ahahaha. Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation".

"To unite all people's within our nation".

"To denounce the evils of truth and love".

"To extend our reach to the stars above".



"Team rocket blasts off the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight".

"Meowth that's right!"

"Team rocket?!" Ash said in shock not expecting them.

"You 3 idiots again?" Sonic said calmly but annoyed from inside the net "don't you have anything better to do now that your boss is in exile?"

"Oh he won't be for long. Once we deliver you, your raichu and the brat's Pikachu to him, we will be greatly rewarded".

"Yes. What you achieved means nothing" James teased Sonic "team rocket will blast off again".

"Oh it certainly will if I'm not out of this net within the next 3 seconds"

"Yeah or else what?" Meowth asked gloating finally feeling powerful against Sonic.

"Or I will just let my Moltres feast on you, kitty cat".

Meowth's face became yellow in fear and he hid back inside the basket of the balloon.

"So I will count to 3".

"Ash!" Misty's voice was heard.

Sonic looked and saw Misty, Tracey and Melody arrive.

"Huh how did they get here?" Sonic wondered.

"Team rocket has caught Pikachu, raichu and Sonic" Ash said taking out a pokeball "Charizard free them!"

Charizard flew out.

"1. 2 more seconds team rocket I don't need Ash to free me".

"M-maybe we should let the hedgehog go" Meowth said in fear.

"Oh please or else what? He is all talk right now Meowth" Jessie said hitting on the back of the head.


Charizard flew towards the net only to be stopped by the James sending out his weezing to buy them time.

"3" Sonic said running out patience "raichu use…"

A thunderbolt came out of nowhere and struck the balloon causing it to lose air and crashland in front of Ash and his friends. Sonic came out of the net calm but confused wiping out the dirt from himself. Pikachu rushed back to Ash while raichu approached Sonic. Sonic then turned to meet team rocket's eyes.

"No please anything but Moltres!" Meowth dropped to his knees in fear.

"That was a quick escape as much as I hate to admit" Ash complimented Sonic.

"What are you talking about? That wasn't raichu that freed us. Neither was Pikachu".


At that moment a powerful cry engulfed everyone. Sonic recognized the cry.

"What? No. That can't.. it shouldn't be here".

A Zapdos flew over the mouth of the volcano and then inside landing in front of the trio majestically.

"The titan of thunder" Melody said worried "what is it doing here?"

Pikachu and raichu immediately started communicating with Zapdos with electric shocks just like raichu and Mike's Zapdos had done during the indigo league.

"Hey" Sonic said looking at Meowth "translate now".

Meowth gulped.

"Pikachu is saying 'Zapdos what are you doing here? And where is Moltres? Raichu is saying that it shouldn't be here and it should go now".


"Zapdos says 'Moltres who used to rule the island of fire is no longer present. Therefore the island has no ruler and I have come to claim it".

Raichu then send another shock towards Zapdos.

"The island is not yours to take. Leave now".

Zapdos answered.

"And who are you who will tell me what to do, puny raichu?"

Raichu was offended by this and took a battle stance.

Sonic meanwhile was torn. He had come up with the idea to send Moltres out and scare Zapdos away but Melody had specifically instructed he does not call it out in front of the other titans.

And just as it seemed raichu and Zapdos would clash, a huge airship appeared over them. Square rings emerged from it, encasing Zapdos which screeched. Raichu tried to use iron tail on the rings but was thrown back.

"Oh the heck with it!" Sonic said and called out Moltres.

"No! You must not bring it out!" Melody warned.

Sonic not listening mounted Moltres as Zapdos was beginning to be lifted towards the airship.

"Raichu come quick!"

Raichu mounted Moltres alongside its trainer as more rings came out of the airship coming for them. Dodging them they soared fast. The rings instead trapped Ash and co. lifting them up towards the airship as well.

"Ash!" Sonic said as both the party and Zapdos were lifted towards the airship.

"Moltres quick! Use flamethrower to free them!"

The flamethrower however was deflected and struck them explosively. Sonic, raichu and Moltres were flung out of the mouth of the volcano. They crashlanded on the beach they had first arrived, Sonic losing his consciousness.

Ash and co were brought inside the airship looking down to see Sonic crash on the beach.

"Is he ok?" Melody asked.

"He is a tough one. But where are we?"

"Welcome" a disembodied voice welcomed them.

Ash looked around in surprise. He witnessed the titan Moltres trapped in a cage made off the square rings that had trapped Zapdos. As for the latter, the rings trapping it also had taken the shape of a cage. Both the cages were holding the birds in using electromagnetic, repelling forcefields.

"Sonic was right. Moltres was in trouble all along" Ash said in understanding.

A small floating cockpit was lowered from above. On it was a young man with green spiky hair dressed in a purple outfit combined with a sea blue jacket.

"Welcome aboard my humble airship. I assume you have already acquainted yourselves with the legendary titans of fire and thunder, Moltres and Zapdos?"

"You creep! Let them go!"

"Oh I am afraid I can't possibly do that. For I need them".

"Well we're freeing them right now!"

"If only you could. But perhaps if you listened to my reasoning you would understand my actions".

On the island of fire, Sonic started regaining his consciousness after the combined efforts of raichu, Moltres and the ringing of his phone got through to him. Getting up and thanking his pokemon, he observed the airship as he answered the phone.



"Thank god I got through! Why weren't you picking up?!"

"No signal. Brrr.. what's going…" he said until he saw the clouds thicken and felt the temperature dropping. The weirdest thing was that the sea had turned to ice.

"Ok this might sound strange but I was out for a few moments and the sea turned to ice".

"WHAT?! TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING!" Knuckles said in a bit of panic.

"No why?"

"This is bad. Tell me all that happened in the last minutes".

"Well we were heading me and Ash to get some treasures from the islands and we began with Moltres' island where me and Tails had figured out something had happened and then Zapdos showed up trying to claim the island".

"Oh no it's worse than I thought".

"What is?"

"The titans Sonic! The titans' balance of power! Ever since Moltres disappeared the balance tipped towards the other two. And now the sea turns to ice?! Articuno has all the control right now!"

"That airship!" Sonic said remembering Zapdos was trapped and brought in "someone from in there captured Zapdos. And I bet they are also responsible for Moltres disappearing!"

"You need to free them quick! For if Articuno tries to claim any of their islands before they return, they will start fighting! And the prophecy will be fulfilled!"

"Wait. I have to go to that airship! Moltres!" Sonic said as Moltres allowed him and raichu to mount it and it soared towards the airship.

"Now tell me about the prophecy quick".

"The prophecy says that when the titans inevitably clash again for control over the islands, the guardian of the seas shall awaken again to quell their rage".

"What is the guardian of the seas?"

"A legendary pokemon. From the faraway Johto region. A pokemon named Lugia".


"Yes. It is said that its species was the ancestor of the birds' species. It is also able to control the sea currents and winds. So you must realize you can't let Lugia awaken. The risk of all 3 titans plus their creator colliding is too great. You need to free them before that happens!"

"On it! Sonic out!" he said hanging up "Moltres quick to the airship!"

Moltres cried out and flew fast towards the airship.

As Ash and co were hearing Lawrence's explanation of the prophecy of Lugia, they were all caught by surprise as Sonic, raichu and Moltres flew inside the hangar majestically. Sonic climbed off Moltres which immediately rushed to the cage of its captured titan counterpart. Sonic took a moment to look around, seeing the trapped titans and then turned to Lawrence.

"I don't know who you are, but I will only warn you once. Let the titans go now! You can't possibly hope to control them or Lugia!"

"Sonic you know about Lugia too?" Melody said confused.

"I am well connected" Sonic explained.

"Oh I recognize you. Sonic the hedgehog, hero of Kanto, chosen one of Moltres. I am Lawrence the pokemon collector. And I terribly sorry to disappoint you but I can't possibly release them. Not when I am so close. So close to fulfilling the prophecy. So close to meeting and capturing the legendary Lugia. So close to…".

Sonic while Lawrence kept monologuing, made gestures towards the controls to raichu and Moltres. The two pokemon slowly made their way around Lawrence who was too caught up in his speech to pay them any attention.

"So close to finally achieving the glory I rightfully desire. And that glory is upon me now!"

"Heh. Such a novice" Sonic thought about to give the order to attack until he heard an unknown screech coming from behind him.

Turning, he and everyone saw another bird approaching. Sonic noticed it was blue. When an ice beam was fired, he knew his time was only seconds.

"Articuno!" he thought terrified "RAICHU MOLTRES NOW!"

As Lawrence fired the square rings towards Articuno, raichu and Moltres attacked. Moltres used air slash to knock Lawrence away, while Raichu destroyed the controls freeing the other 2 titans but damaging the airship in the process.

"Sonic what have you done?!" Ash said as the airship started plummeting towards the island of thunder.

As the airship crashed and everyone roughly rolled out, with Ash obtaining the treasure of thunder in the process, Sonic thought he had done it. But he was dead wrong.

The now freed birds all saw the state of the islands and began attacking each other viciously, unleashing their most common moves like thunderbolt, flamethrower and ice beam towards each other but also taking opportunities to physically harm each other any chance they got. For a moment Sonic saw Articuno being ganged up by Zapdos and Moltres, Zapdos drill pecking it and Moltres using wing attack though Articuno bounced back up to continue the fight.

"No… I was too late" he said in terror.

Everyone retreating to the beach away from Zapdos' shrine, they were all suddenly engulfed in a giant water spout.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Sonic screamed as everyone including raichu and Moltres as well as Ash and co were engulfed and lifted of their feet spiraling through the water spout.

Sonic closed his eyes as felt he would be sick and that any moment they would either drown or crash land so roughly they would die on impact. However he felt gently touching the ground instead. Opening his eyes, he and everyone found they had teleported back to the Shamouti shrine where Ash was meant to bring the treasures. Sonic saw a weird pokemon standing on the temple overlooking the battle of the titans. Furthermore he was the water spout that had teleported them dissipate. From inside emerged a beautiful white and blue pokemon which let out a very good hearing cry. Sonic thought it to be a song for a moment until the pokemon flew towards the birds and began fighting with them.

"Lugia" Sonic whispered.

"I see you are aware of the identity of the guardian of the seas" another voice said.

"Huh?" Ash looked around "who said that?"

"Me of course" the weird pokemon overlooking the battle said and turned around.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" Sonic said taking a step back and instinctively taking a crane stance, recalling a movie he had seen as a kid "what are you?!"

"Show some respect" Melody berated him.

"I am Slowking the guardian of this temple. I am the one who oversees the tradition fulfilled every year. Chosen one" he said turning to Ash "do you have the treasures?"

Ash silently walked up to the pedestals.

"The island of fire" he said as he put the fire treasure on the pedestal overlooking Moltres' island.

"The island of thunder" he said as he repeated the process with the other treasure.

"You still miss one" the slowking said.

"Yeah I know".

While they were talking Lugia was being overpowered as the birds were all striking it, choosing to ally first against the common enemy then continue destroying one another. Lugia plummeted and broke through the ice into the cold sea.

"NO!" Ash said seeing this development "we have to help it! We need to do something".

"We can't" the slowking said "only the guardian of the seas can quell the wrath of the titans. That is the prophecy".

"Yeah whatever Slowking" Sonic said heading to his Moltres "I'm not about to just let the islands be destroyed because of some prophecy".

"You can't possibly best the titans in battle alone" Slowking said again.

"And what am I supposed to do? Let them wage war? Kill their own creator? Everyone on the islands?"

"Still. You can't beat them alone" Melody warned him.

"If I have to I will".

Melody knew Sonic was going to head into a hopeless battle. Choosing to break tradition for once, she blew her conch shell.

The same song Sonic had heard coming from Lugia echoed through the air.

"What the… Lugia's cry? How?"

At that moment Lugia broke once again through the ice and approached the Shamouti shrine while still flying.

"The song has restored my health. But it alone cannot quell the rage of the titans".

"It talks… just like mewtwo. Is it a psychic type?" Sonic wondered.

"Then how do we stop them?" Ash asked Lugia.

"When all 3 treasures are placed on the pedestals my song will be able to calm the titans and end their conflict".

"One treasure remains" Sonic said "Articuno's".

"And it has to be the chosen one who gets it" the slowking clarified.

"So I have to go to Articuno's island and find the treasure" Ash summarized.

"And how will you get there with the titans obliterating everything they see?" Misty asked him worried.

"Maybe you can keep them busy. Or maybe even call your friend to come with his Zapdos and help you" Ash said referring to Sonic.

"Oh that's a great idea. Call Mike to come here in minutes from Kanto which is hundreds of miles away. Why didn't I consider it earlier?"

"Well at least I am considering an option this time".

"Just forget it. I will go to the island, get the treasure and you put it on the pedestal".

"The chosen one has to physically bring the treasure back" the slowking reminded them.

"Ash has to go? No other way? We're doomed" Sonic commented.

"Why exactly?"

"You cannot even stand up to my Moltres. You expect to go to the island unscathed by the battle of the titans and return still unscathed before they end up destroying the whole island complex?"

"Well I'm not the one who recklessly freed them!"

"Maybe one of you can keep the titans busy" Tracey suggested trying to calm them.

"And of course it has to be me because Ash is the so called chosen one" Sonic said frustrated "Some chosen one. I could go to the island and bring the treasure back in minutes but no. The fate of the entire orange island complex depends on this moron".

"Who are you calling a moron?!"

"You! You might have a brave heart but you are reckless and don't think before you act!"

"And you are too calculating and arrogant!"

"At least I can back up my words with actions!"

"You're an idiot!"

"You are a bigger idiot!"

"ENOUGH!" Melody screamed getting everyone's attention.

"I don't know what the history of the two of you is. But it doesn't matter. You Ash are the chosen one. But Sonic also has an equally important role to play. I know what I sensed. And I am never wrong in this regard".

Sonic looked down considering her words. His attention was brought back to Lugia who was still waiting for them to finish planning as well as the birds who were still trying to destroy one another. Sighing he decided it was time for them to stop acting like children.

"Melody's right" he said to Ash "whatever we believe of each other doesn't matter right now. What matters is saving the islands, the people and the pokemon living here. And whether we like it or not we have to work together to end this titan war".

Ash closed his eyes and sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, it was the truth.

"Ok then. We work together".

"Alright then first and foremost, we need to find a way to get you on that island. Now that I think about it… you all followed us to the island of fire. How?"

"With my multi-purpose boat. Unfortunately it's back on the island" Melody explained.

"Doubt it would be useful this time. The sea is frozen" Sonic said looking at the frozen surface.

"Frozen… that's it! Sonic you're a genius!" Ash said coming up with a plan.

"Excuse me?"

"I know what to do. There is a way to get to the island of ice".

Sonic would have loved to see the plan take shape but knew someone had to be the bait. He turned to Lugia.

"Lugia. Will you allow me to assist you against the titans?"

"Yes. We shall take them together this time. Your Moltres will prove a most useful ally".

Sonic's Moltres cried out in agreement, stretching its wings so Sonic could ride it.

"Then we have a plan" he said riding Moltres alongside raichu "good luck Ash. We're all counting on you".

Pikachu and raichu shared a nod of understanding.

"We will save the islands" Ash declared as he sent out Chrizard bulbasaur and squirtle "go and buy us time".

Sonic nodded and patted Moltres on the sides with its legs. The legendary bird soared fast and flew alongside Lugia towards the clashing titans.

"Lugia if I may ask?" Sonic ask loudly to be heard above the screams of the passing cold wind "what type are you and what moves do you know?"

Lugia was perplexed as a human asking a pokemon what type it was wasn't all that common but answered nevertheless.

"Flying and psychic type. I know the flying type move aeroblast, the water type move hydro pump, the psychic type move psychic and the water type move whirlpool".

"A pokemon known as guardian of the seas and is not a water type?" Sonic asked before he could refrain "sorry for that. Ok. Our main target will be articuno and Moltres. Take them out first then fight Zapdos together. I take articuno you take Moltres. If Zapdos gives you trouble try to dodge as much as possible and I will come to get its attention!"

"Understood. Your name?"

Moltres cried out before Sonic could answer.

"Sonic. I see your Moltres trusts you greatly. I will trust you too then".

"Good let's go!" Sonic said determined as they approached the clashing titans.

The titans immediately noticed the new arrivals including the non-titan Moltres. Immediately they rushed to attack the newcomers, aiming mostly for Lugia.

"Moltres! Get articuno's attention! Flamethrower!"

Moltres immediately unleashed a jet of flames that struck articuno. The legendary bird of ice changed its direction as a dogfight between them started.

"Moltres I know this is risky but try and use air slash while barrel rolling. Raichu hold on tight!"

Moltres immediately obeyed and started spinning unleashing a barrage of air blades that continuously struck Articuno. Several of them however went rogue and struck Zapdos instead getting its attention.

"Oh boy" Sonic thought as the two birds started attacking with thunderbolt and ice beam while pursuing them.

"Moltres we need to knock out Articuno quick!" Sonic said as they dodged a thunderbolt "flamethrower!"

Moltres turned around and fired another jet of flames at articuno which damaged it greatly. But it also left them vulnerable against Zapdos.

The legendary bird of thunder unleashed a powerful thunderbolt but before it could strike them, Raichu raised its tail and absorbed all the electricity as if it had lightning rod. Sonic did feel some of raichu's pain and grabbed his side. Moltres turned its head and looked at them concerned.

"We're fine Moltres. Don't worry about us. Focus on the battle at hand".

Looking down while in pain, he saw a pair of familiar orange webbed wings pulling some sort of makeshift sleight.

"Ash you maniac" Sonic said smiling.

While Lugia was doing its best to keep the titan Moltres busy, articuno noticed Ash and unleashed a powerful ancient power. The rocks landed in front of the sleight, causing Ash and his pokemon to stop their progress. Sonic cursed as he asked his Moltres to attack articuno again, considering the chance they would have to fly Ash to the island.

Caught up in their thoughts they were zapped again by Zapdos albeit raichu again absorbed the blast causing itself and Sonic some pain. Sonic decided that they had to try and take out the strongest opponent first. Articuno's ice beam could be tanked but not thunderbolt.

"Moltres fly close to Zapdos and burn it down!"

Moltres darted towards Zapdos dodging its attacks as best as it could, while Sonic and raichu did their best to hang on.

Finally reaching a breath away from Zapdos, Sonic ordered the flamethrower fired. Moltres' jet of fire hit Zapdos head on causing it to fall to the frozen surface. Sonic turned around to face the Articuno again when he saw it fleeing towards his island.

"What the… oh no Ash!"

Following Articuno over to its shrine on the mountain in the middle of the ice island, Sonic came across a very weird scene; Ash was there with Pikachu, Jessie James and Meowth. Thinking they were trying to catch Pikachu again, he ordered Moltres to attack articuno with air slash momentarily sending it plummeting down. Moltres then landed in front of Ash and team rocket with Sonic looking at them threateningly.

"Moltres take them out! They have annoyed us for the last time!"

Team rocket cowered in fear.

"Wait!" Ash stopped them "they are on our side. They brought me here".

Sonic was taken aback by the turn of events. He wished to question them further but the re-arising of articuno as well as the arrival of Zapdos changed his plans.

"Get back to Shamouti quick! I'll hold them off!"

Soaring back up, followed by Zapdos and Articuno, Sonic and Moltres flew towards Lugia and titan Moltres who were still clashing.

"Lugia!" Sonic screamed "Ash needs a ride!"

Lugia turned its head and saw Ash running down the side of the mountain of Articuno's island. Sonic saw the titan Moltres preparing to fire a jet of flames towards Lugia and had his Moltres counter with its own flamethrower to cancel out the effect. Doing so however had all 3 birds now on their tail.

Lugia flew towards the island of ice and flew side by side the running Ash.

"You got the sphere?"

"I did" Ash said revealing it.

"Good. Get on quick. Your friend won't be able to hold them off forever".

Ash witnessed Sonic, raichu and Moltres getting swarmed by the titans, doing their best to dodge, fire back and raichu specifically tanking Zapdos' electric attacks. Nodding he jumped on Lugia and rode it with Pikachu as did team rocket grabbing hold of Lugia's tail.

Sonic saw it happen looking sideways momentarily and smiled before having to help his Moltres dodge an ice beam from Articuno.

The titans however quickly figured out what was happening and charged Lugia together. Lugia did its best to dodge but the combined weight of Ash, Pikachu and team rocket was severely lowing its agility and flighty maneuvering ability. Sonic looked at Shamouti and saw it was still very far away.

"Shit they need more time!"

A crazy idea then came to his mind. Not exactly crazy. More like suicidal. But Ash needed time.

"Moltres I need you to get me above Zapdos ok?"

Moltres and raichu looked at him in question but Moltres regardless followed through.

Soaring above the other flying types, Sonic saw team rocket letting go off Lugia and falling down below losing them from his sight.

"What the..? Did they slip? Or did they… sacrifice themselves?"

Having no time to think about it as he saw Lugia getting swarmed, he looked down making sure he was right above Zapdos.

"Be ready to catch me ok?"

And before either of his pokemon could react, Sonic jumped off of Moltres and skydived through the air. His eyesight became blurred as the cold wind was burning his open eyes due to the speed of his fall. Eventually he achieved his target, falling onto and grabbing onto the Zapdos which lost its balance and started plummeting.

"GET TO SHAMOUTI!" Sonic managed to scream at Ash as Articuno and the titan Moltres followed the plummeting Zapdos.

Zapdos quicky regained its balance and flew back up only to be hit by an ice beam from Articuno which was aimed at Sonic.

Sonic's plan was working. The titans had forgotten about his Moltres and Lugia. That was all he could think. Making them attack each other.

As Articuno's wings glowed and it began darting towards Zapdos, Sonic balanced on it and jumped off, landing on Articuno. Articuno's steel wing slammed hard into Zapdos damaging it.

Sonic, now flying on Articuno's back as it tried to shake him off felt confident at his plan. He however had forgotten one very important factor; raichu was no longer with him to absorb Zapdos' attacks.

Zapdos unleashed another thunderbolt that hit Articuno head on. Sonic felt the electric current go through his body as his skin started roasting.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" he screamed in pain while Articuno screeched in pain.

Raichu who was observing the ordeal with Sonic's Moltres felt the searing pain course through its body as well, crying out in pain.

Ash who was still on Lugia's back heard the scream and the screech of pain and looked over his shoulder. He could tell even though he couldn't see that Sonic had just been zapped by Zapdos and was getting the attention of all 3 birds at once alone without his pokemon.

"Lugia hurry! Sonic's in danger" Ash told Lugia, surprised at himself that he was actually worried about Sonic.

Lugia increased its speed, the shrine of Shamouti now visible. Melody, Misty and Tracey alongside the guardian Slowking were observing concerned.

Zapdos stopped its attack as Articuno fired an ice beam towards it while Sonic panted heavily trying to collect himself after that shock. Having been zapped by Mike's Zapdos before he could tell the titan Zapdos was much stronger.

Looking back up, he saw Moltres and Zapdos preparing to attack Articuno, their aim being Sonic himself.

"Damnit! I got to jump!"

Whistling, hoping his Moltres would take this as a signal to come to his aid, Sonic jumped off just as the attacks hit Articuno. Skydiving this time much more chaotically, he closed his eyes ready to crash onto the hard ice and be torn apart.

A familiar cry reached his ears. Opening his eyes he saw his Moltres, with raichu on his back diving next to him. Reaching for Moltres' back to ride it again, he managed to position himself on it.


Moltres opened its wings to increase its wind resistance, break the fall and soar again.

But it was too little too late.

Crashing hard onto the ice and falling into the freezing water, Sonic looked around through the water as raichu was swimming towards the surface. Moltres on the other hand had fainted and was slowly sinking.

When articuno was struck by the other birds' attacks, it accidentally unleashed an ice beam. Lugia was hit and plummeted down crashing into the freezing water. Ash surfaced to catch his breath. He was just quick enough to witness his rival skydiving, trying to be saved by his Moltres and then crashing through the ice.

"SONIC!" he screamed in terror. Instinctively he and Pikachu who was just next to him swam towards the temple shore. Misty came to help him out worried.

"Are you ok Ash?"

"I am… but I need to get to the shrine. Sonic just…"

"I saw it".

Ash, followed by Pikachu and Misty started walking up the steps towards the Shamouti temple. Halfway through he knelt in exhaustion and pain.

"You alright? Let me help you".

"I'm fine Misty" Ash said in gratitude "thank you. But it falls to me to end it. I am the chosen one".

"You are" Misty nodded while thinking how amazing he was.

"I will save the islands" he said getting back up in determination and continuing his climb towards the temple where Tracey, Melody and Slowking were waiting anxiously.

"And Sonic".

Speaking of him, Sonic was swimming down towards Moltres despite the freezing cold water burning every fiber of his body. Grabbing Moltres by the body he hit it a couple of times until it regained its senses enough to swim and float back up towards the surface. Rising and breathing heavily taking in the oxygen, coughing as well to get the sea water off their mouth they slowly but steadily climbed out of the frozen sea and onto a steadier piece of frozen surface. Sonic helped Moltres whose flaming wings were now almost entirely out of flames out of the water but it was too weak to move.

He took out his pokeball to recall it, but Moltres cried out looking up. Sonic looked up as well and saw all 3 of the titans flying above them like vultures ready to attack.

Looking at each of the titans he tried to come up with a plan to escape but couldn't think of any. His only method of fast transportation was Moltres which was now too weak to move.

Moltres cried out at Sonic as if it was telling him and raichu to run. Raichu instead got to Moltres' side and hugged it as best as it could.

Sonic followed suit. They weren't going to abandon it. No matter what.

Looking back up to the titans he saw them charge their attacks and closed his eyes.

"I love you guys" he said hugging both of his pokemon waiting for the attacks.

Suddenly the song of Lugia echoed through the air. The titans immediately stopped their attacks and witnessed their creator flying towards them, singing its song. The birds all cried out in unison as the clouds began slowly lifting.

"HAHA! YES!" Sonic exclaimed in joy "ASH YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT!"

The frozen sea surface under them melted returning to liquid state, causing them to fall back in. As the sky appeared again and the air got warmer and warmer again, Sonic, raichu and Moltres were lifted by Lugia's psychic and raised to the level he and the titans were. The titan Moltres flew closer to Sonic's Moltres. The two Moltres exchanged a few cries before the titan Moltres shared its flames with Sonic's Moltres restoring its flaming wings and its health. Lugia's song also restored Sonic's injuries as well as raichu's as the duo was helped to ride Moltres again and flew along with Lugia towards the Shamouti shrine.

Ash waiting on the shrine seeing Sonic and his pokemon return alongside Lugia.

Sonic dismounted Moltres and approached.

"Well I owe you my life. Congratulations chosen one".

Ash grinned with a hint of gloating.

Melody also approached them.

"You saved the islands and helped the guardian of the seas restored balance. I was wrong to be so absolute".

"Wrong?" Sonic said confused "but you weren't. Ash did manage to fulfil his task".

"But not without your help. You risked your life to help him do it. I said he was the chosen one and you had an equally important role. But it wasn't the case at all. You two together were this year's chosen one".

Ash and Sonic looked at each other. They smiled at each other.

"I guess we were kind of absolute about each other before" Ash admitted.

"Yeah. I keep forgetting that real power comes from the heart. And I know first-hand you got the biggest heart man" Sonic responded.

"How do you know?"

Sonic face-palmed in his head as he also kept forgetting Ash's memories had been wiped by Mewtwo.

"I just know. And I know that one day you will reach your full potential".

"On that day I will beat you".

"I'm counting on that" Sonic said smiling.

The next moment, Delia and Professor Oak, having arrived on Shamouti on a chopper, albeit through a not very pleasant landing finally made their way to the shrine. As they started talking to Ash, Sonic excused himself and rode Moltres to return to his family.

While on the air his eyes met Lugia's and then roamed towards the middle of the archipelago were the titans were now peacefully and graciously flying with each other.

"It was nice meeting you Lugia" Sonic said.

"The pleasure was all mine Sonic. You are as powerful and brave as your Moltres claim you to be. I wish you the best of luck".

"See you around" Sonic said and flew off.

Returning to the hotel, Sonic was reunited with his parents and Jet. He narrated every last bit of the search for the treasure and the fight with the titans. Remembering while narrating that Lawrence was still out there and had crashed on the island of Zapdos, Sonic made a quick trip to the island.

He found Lawrence had already left, leaving his wrecked airship behind. As they had no way to find him, he could only hope that he would not repeat this crazy plan anymore and continue his life normally. Afterwards Sonic, raichu and Moltres returned to Shamouti, intending to continue spending the rest of their vacation peacefully.

Chapter 36: Renewed purpose


Following a lead back to Kanto, accompanied by Tails and Knuckles the echidna, Sonic reunites with Mewtwo while discovering the survival of team rocket. But before the inevitable departure for the Johto region, a tearful farewell is in the works.

Chapter Text

Sonic was lying on the sofa in his backyard, raichu a bit more nearby trying to find something to do.

After their vacation at the orange islands life had gone back to normal for a while and was fun at first. Being able to hang out with Tails, Knuckles and Jet again like old times, before his rejection from Amy and the whole debacle that lead to his journey through Kanto, felt nice.

But after a while Sonic began missing travelling. How every day was an adventure, full of new experiences, new faces, new battles. The battle part wasn't maybe his most favorite part but back then he felt like he had found a purpose. And his pokemon felt the same way back then.

Now his pokemon were all bored trying to find something to do. While they did spar pretty often, but only when they left the house as Sonic's mother forbade sparring in her backyard, there weren't a lot of really interesting things to do. Raichu was a lot more content compared to the rest of its teammates but it too felt bored from time to time.

One particular thing they had found to pass their time was testing Sonic and raichu's abnormal connection. Especially after the orange island battle, Sonic immediately contacted Tails and asked him to set up equipment for tests. Tails immediately got to work but was ready about 3 days after Sonic and his family were back home.

They ran loads of tests starting from simple physical trials and eventually reaching the point where raichu had to spar against its teammates. Just like before Sonic didn't feel anything. When however Tails researched online how to teach a pokemon thunderbolt for research purposes and had Sonic's shiny nidoking forget leer in favor of thunderbolt, they did find something. The moment raichu was struck by the thunderbolt, Sonic grabbed his sides as if he was shivering. Tails, looking through the readings of Sonic's body functions identified an unusual spike of energy going through Sonic's body, affecting his pain receptors a little bit.

"It has got to be from the night raichu evolved. The way it evolved. It evolved by declaring you its friend and fighting to protect you. I heard lately that an evolution of golbat was discovered named Crobat which evolves if someone has a powerful bond of friendship with their golbat" Tails explained.

"New pokemon?" Sonic asked intrigued.

"Yes. From Johto".

"Like Lugia?"


"Damn. So wait. Back to our original problem. Raichu evolved because of friendship in a way. That I get. How was that bond of me receiving its pain too created?"

"I think it's kind of a side effect of the double power thing. You know. There's always a catch with such deals. But it's too early to say for sure. There is a chance that the more you and raichu bond the more damage will be reflected onto you but also the stronger raichu will get. I doubt it will ever be lethal like it should have been from Zapdos back then".

"Or from Zapdos in the orange islands".

"Wait. You got zapped by Zapdos AGAIN? And you're still alive?!"

"Yeah. As crazy as it sounds".

"Oh boy there's a lot to find here. This is beyond just a bond. And that power boost, rejuvenation, whatever it was you did against Mike… that was also a result of your bond with raichu. We should keep running tests occasionally, maybe we'll find something".

And they did. Twice a week. But nothing new ever came up.

They also once gathered at Sonic's house to view the orange islands champion battle. The challenger was Ash. Tails having researched about the orange island challenge, found there were only 4 gyms but their challenges were sort of unique. Should one beat them all they had the right to challenge the champion, Drake, for the title of orange islands champion. Drake was known for his power as a trainer and his mastery of a dragonite. Sonic was impressed as Dragonite was one of the hardest pokemon to raise, which was a reason why he didn't try to pursue a dratini back in Kanto's safari zone.

After a long battle they all witnessed Ash's Pikachu prevail against Drake's dragonite, knocking it out and earning Ash the win. Tails tried to downplay this victory stating that Sonic would give Drake a run for his money as he had a team similar in some ways to Mike's and Sonic had prevailed against Mike and Zapdos so Dragonite would be an easy challenge. Sonic countered that Ash didn't win by luck or any other factor. He did have it in him. And Ash also had a lapras now. Lapras had proved almost deadly against Sonic so he couldn't underestimate Ash. Furthermore, Dragonite was a dragon and flying type. It was only weak to dragon, ice and rock moves, 4 times weak to ice to be more precise. Sonic did have an ice user on his party, his Blastoise but he did see in during his league experience that making his pokemon so one sided battlers was a tad bit dangerous, as he had admitted Moltres keeping ancient power instead of learning solarbeam would have been a lot more helpful. Raichu was a physical attacker so he could have had a good chance against Mike's Lapras.

They kept analyzing the match, Sonic's possible changes to his match with Mike and Ash's potential all night that night, all 4 of them. But after that life kept going.

Sonic recalled all that along with all of his adventures with his team nostalgically. He recalled everyone he had met. Mike, mr Fuji, Reina, Gary, Misty, Brock, Ash. His journey had earned him back his confidence and a new appreciation for himself and his real friends but now he felt like his life was kind of boring. Not in a not cool way but in a mundane way.

On the porch tables laid his pokeballs, their bright red color shining in the sun, with the exception of Moltres' ultra ball. They were stacked with the 4 pokeballs holding up Moltres' ultra ball. Raichu's pokeball was always on Sonic, be it his pocket or his belt when he wore one.

He closed his eyes though he didn't really want to nap. He needed some action.

The sound of a pokeball hitting the table was heard.

Sonic looked in confusion to see that one of his pokeballs was shaking, resulting in the formation being broken. Confused, he picked up the pokeball and sent out the pokemon inside.

The pokemon inside was his Alakazam.

"Everything alright Alakazam?"

Alakazam wasn't looking at him. The moment it came out it was in a meditative stance.

"Alakazam. Hello?"

Suddenly Alakazam started humming. Weird hums. Sonic feared something bad was happening until he started noticing the hums had some sort of pattern. He rushed to his phone.

"Tails. We have a situation".

Half an hour later, Sonic was in Tails' lab which was essentially his family's garage. Tails hooked up some equipment to Alakazam and bringing his laptop, downloaded psychic type translators.

"That's a thing?" Sonic asked him.

"As farfetched as it sounds, yes. Psychic types act with their mind so they are the closest scientists have ever gotten to communicating with pokemon".

Recording Alakazam's hums, the algorithm started slowly but steadily deciphering them. After a while a set of numbers appeared in the screen.

"Coordinates" Tails said intrigued "it's relaying out coordinates".

"Coordinates? To what? And where?" Sonic asked confused.

"To what I don't know. As for the where" Tails said adding the coordinates to an online map to give them a location.

The location was north of Celadon city in Kanto, deep into wild territory.

"What the…? Kanto?" Tails inquired.

Sonic then recalled a detail.

"Alakazam's mother escaped there after I freed her. Maybe she's calling to it!"

Alakazam was observing his trainer's and his trainer's friend's conversation when he received another psychic message like the coordinates.

"Bring him here".

Alakazam hummed again, relaying the message to Tails' computer.

"Bring him here? Someone's calling you Kanto".

Sonic remained silent. The only possible option to call him was Alakazam's mother. But why would she?

"Alakazam? Raichu?" he said to his pokemon.

A hum and a rai echoed in the lab.

"How would you like to visit your homeland?"

Raichu and Alakazam were ecstatic at the prospect of travelling again.

"Good. Let's go home. Moltres should be able to fly us there and back".

"Hey wait. It won't be able to" Tails stopped him.

"Why not?"

"Because" Knuckles' voice was heard as he entered the room to find his friends "it won't be able to carry 3 individuals at such a long distance".

"3?" Sonic asked before putting the dots together.

"You don't really think after all that's happened that we'll just let you go another possible death adventure alone, do you Sonic?"

"Guys" Sonic said in surprise "there will be no danger this time. Team rocket is disbanded. We're probably going for a reunion with Alakazam's mother".

"Regardless we're coming with you. And don't fight it. I've already booked tickets on the next flight" Tails revealed.

"But… we learned of the need to go to Kanto again like…2 minutes ago".

"Did I stutter?" Tails asked him savagely.

Sonic was left with his jaw hanging as Knuckles burst out in laughter. Sonic and Tails also joined.

"Alright then" Sonic relented in the end "get your stuff ready we'll be flying soon".

After returning home to collect his pokemon and let his family know of his departure, Sonic made for the airport. He met Tails and Knuckles there waiting for him, Knuckles even bringing a lot of camping gear.

"Why all the gear Knuckles?"

"You never know".

Sonic wanted to insist and get in an argument for fun that they would be going there and return rather soon so nothing would transpire out of the ordinary but a small part of him welcomed the possibility of adventure so he simply nodded.

About 2 hours later they were inside the plane. Since the flight was an overnight flight, bound to arrive to Kanto the next day, Knuckles knocked himself out to get a good rest, Sonic was relaxing listening to music including his favorite song, I'm here which he had just come to love even more after his Kanto journey and Tails who was pretending to sleep but was actually wondering why in any world would Alakazam's mother call them.

His slight jolt after some unexpected turbulence notified Sonic of his friend's pretending.

"Can't sleep?" Sonic asked him lowering his headphones.

"No. Something about the whole trip isn't clicking with me"

"What's not to click? Most likely we're just going to find Alakazam's mother".

"It can't be her".


"She herself told you Sonic take care of my boy before fleeing with the other pokemon. So why would she you call you now? It doesn't make sense for it to be her".

"But then who? Or what?"

"I don't know. The only clue is that is has to be a psychic type pokemon. Only that kind of pokemon could have communicated like that with Alakazam".

Sonic's eyes widened momentarily when Tails mentioned that.

"Was it… him?"


Sonic had spoken the question out accidentally.

"Was it who Sonic?"

Sonic tried to speak but couldn't get the words out. He couldn't reveal that secret.

"There is another possibility. But I can't reveal it. Not yet".

"Why not?"

"It's complicated. But you're going to have to wait until we verify it".

"Verify what?" Knuckles asked having woken up.

Sonic was now trapped.

"Sonic you're caught now so spill it. Do you know who's calling Alakazam and you to Kanto?" Tails insisted.

Sonic sighed.

"Not for sure. But there is a pokemon that could be calling us".


"Look I will be as honest as I can. During the time after fighting Agatha up to my final battle with Giovanni, I have been keeping stuff".

"You've been keeping stuff from us?" Tails said in disbelief.

"I had my reasons".

Tails was hurt by that revelation. In all their time they had never hidden anything from one another.

"What did you hide from us?"

"Not just from you. From all of Kanto".

"You lied on that broadcast?!" Knuckles almost screamed but managed to just whisper it instead.

"I had to" Sonic tried to explain.

"Did Giovanni escape and is regrouping?!" Tails guessed.

"No. I didn't lie about that. I lied about what I fought".

"Yeah we know that. You lied about the existence of Mewtwo".

Sonic didn't add anything. Tails however was able to easily connect the dots.

"You met Mewtwo again?!"

Sonic kept silent.

"You did!" Tails said as he could read Sonic like an open book since he knew him for so long.

"I can't tell you anything about this. And if it really is him, I need to go find him alone".

"Why?" Knuckles asked.

"I can't say. But you know what he is capable of. So you should stay in Celadon when we get there" Sonic said and put his headphones back on ending the conversation.

The next day after arriving in Kanto, the team was sour from last night's revelation. Getting to Celadon city, Tails and Knuckles agreed with Sonic that they would stay and tour the town while Sonic went to see what Alakazam was pointing him towards. Sonic set out towards the north of the city, heading for the foot of Mount Moon.

The walk was long and hard, not physically but emotionally. Sonic had hoped to keep Mewtwo's secret and not break his trust forever. It had been so long since their encounter at New Island that he had forgotten all about it.

"If it really is Mewtwo why did it call me here?" Sonic wondered.

He heard a twig break behind him and turned around, raichu ready to attack. Sonic saw a bush moving.

"Raichu get ready".


Just as it seemed something would jump out from the bush, something did jump out. A small growlithe.

"Oh thank god. For a moment I thought we were followed".

Returning to their quest they eventually reached the foot of Mount Moon. Sonic saw on his phone that the coordinates were leading him inside the mountain. Following the foot of the mountain, he found a small natural cave opening.

"This must be it" he said to raichu.

The duo walked inside the cave. At first it was dark and raichu charged its punch with electricity to illuminate the darkness.

Eventually they saw light on the end of the tunnel. Emerging from the darkness they witnessed a beautiful spectacle.

A big cave, so big that it could fit a building, was extending in front of them. Like a world under the world. Sonic slowly walked forward, followed by raichu. His pokemon voluntarily came out of his pokeballs, interacting with the other pokemon which observed their arrival with interest. Several even went and rubbed on his feet with a lot of familiarity. Sonic found it cute but couldn't understand why they were all so friendly.

"What would an appropriate welcome be for their savior if not their friendliness?" a familiar voice echoed in his mind.

Sonic looked up and there he was. Purple long tail, white skin and those purple once filled with rage and hatred eyes. Now filled with kindness and a sincere smile written across its face.


"Long time no see Sonic the hedgehog. Your accomplishments continue to impress me".

"My accomplishments? You mean my league victory?"

"I mean your brave stand against the titans of the orange islands".

"Oh that. How did you know about it?"

"Lugia told me. I can connect with any mind on the planet. I of course heard his thoughts about you. You really are someone worthy of trust".

Mewtwo's eyes suddenly jolted up towards the entrance. Sonic turned around and gasped.

Tails and Knuckles had followed him.

"Tails?! Knuckles?!"

"You know them?" Mewtwo looked at him.

"I do but.."

"You brought them here?!"

"No I didn't. I…"

"I will deal with you after" Mewtwo said as he charged a shadow ball and fired towards Sonic's friends.

"Duck!" Tails screamed dodging the shadow ball. Knuckles rushed forward and attempted to punch Mewtwo only to be flung away, roughly crashing into the wall.

Mewtwo then floated towards them only for Sonic to get in between.

"WAIT!" he screamed "let's all please take a deep breath".

"Tell that to this pale jerk!" Knuckles said unaware of the circumstances.

"Want to see how much of a jerk I can be?" Mewtwo's voice echoed inside Tails and Knuckles' minds.

"It… it talks?!" Tails yelled in shock, crawling away terrified.

"Mewtwo wait. There's been a misunderstanding" Sonic pleaded before turning back to Tails and Knuckles.

"I told you not to follow me. Do you have a death wish?"

"A death wish?" Tails repeated confused beyond belief.

"I told you what I learnt about Mewtwo from that lab! Did you not get the memo? No offense" Sonic apologized quickly to Mewtwo.

Sighing he looked back to his friends.

"Look. I know I lied to you and I'm sorry. But I had to. I promised Mewtwo I would keep his secret safe".

"His secret?"

"And since when are we not to be trusted?" Knuckles countered.

"It wasn't a matter of trust Knuckles. But you know I don't reveal the secrets of others. That's what trust means" Sonic tried to make them understand.

Tails looked around to the pokemon that were observing them hidden and in fear as before they were rubbing at Sonic's feet in joy.

"Are these the pokemon you saved from team rocket?" Tails asked Sonic.

"They are" Mewtwo explained before Sonic could answer "your friend directed me here after our second encounter".

"Your 2nd encounter?" Knuckles repeated unprepared for this "so it's true? You two really met again?"

Sonic didn't know what to say anymore. He hated lying but Mewtwo's case was just something not even his friends could know without Mewtwo's approval.

"Mewtwo… is it ok if I tell them?"

"No. I will tell them myself".


"I can just as easily make them forget. So I want to see what your friends are made of before I choose to do so".

Sonic was caught off guard but nodded and allowed Mewtwo to begin.

"After your friend freed me from my former master I escaped to the island I was created at. Seeing my prototype body in an ice box there, I began doubting my existence. So I created clones of 3 pokemon I knew in my early days as friends".

"Charizardtwo, venursaurtwo and blastoisetwo were your childhood… pokemonhood… your when-you-were-little friends?" Sonic asked Mewtwo.

"Yes. They didn't survive. After creating their clones, I invited trainers to the island to battle under the guise of an invitation from the world's greatest pokemon master. A lot of trainers, including Sonic responded to the invitation. I won't get into too much detail as your friend can tell you in more detail. The important thing is he helped me find peace with my origins and directed me here to help the pokemon also once enslaved by my former masters".

Tails and Knuckles were in awe listening to Mewtwo's story.

"But then why did no one tell anyone about you after that?"

"Because I erased the memories of everyone who came to the island. Everyone's… except Sonic's and his pokemons' memories".

"So that's why you lied. To make sure all these pokemon would find peace away from villains like team rocket".

"Exactly" Sonic admitted finally free from the burden of hiding it.

After Tails and Knuckles got up, Mewtwo started guiding the trio through the cave. Sonic's pokemon after the initial scuffle had begun interacting with the other pokemon, including but not limited to their clones.

"This is amazing" Tails exclaimed looking around the vast cavern "and you did it all on your own?"

"Yes. I've spend the last few weeks travelling around the region and bringing pokemon here. Not just ones who were hurt by team rocket, but ones who were hurt by humans in any way".

"I don't understand how someone could hurt such wonderful creatures" Knuckles commented while petting a nidoran male.

"Giovanni said that pokemon were nothing but a business to him. I'm not surprised others like him exist" Sonic added.

While the trio were following Mewtwo around the cave, Sonic's pokemon were getting slowly but surely starting to wonder about the same thing.

After the tour, they all sat next to the entrance of the cave where Sonic once again congratulated Mewtwo on all he had achieved.

"You have done an amazing work here Mewtwo. And I am sure you will continue to. Especially now that you won't have to deal with team rocket anymore".

Mewtwo was smiling on the first half of the sentence but when Sonic mentioned team rocket, his smile was erased.

"What is it?" Tails asked.

"I haven't yet explained why I called you here through your Alakazam".

Sonic then remembered the reason of their visit.

"True. I completely forgot. What'd you want to tell me?"

Mewtwo called forth a small ratatta from the lot. Sonic saw a familiar collar on its neck.

"Team rocket" he said gravely "they still have warehouses around the region?"

"No. This one was on the sevii islands. It's a complex of islands not far from here" Mewtwo explained "however I did find something else after I freed the pokemon there. A message. A message I knew you had to see. Or at least hear".

Mewtwo then called forth a small device from his own space in the cave. It was a small recorder. He gave it to Sonic through his psychic powers. Sonic waited a moment and then pressed play.

"Petrel. Archer has just send in commands. We're regrouping in the Johto region. The boss has been defeated at the hedgehog's hands. Join us with your remaining forces as soon as you can. Team rocket will blast off again. Ariana."

"Ariana" Sonic repeated, his hand beginning to tremble in rage as his blood boiled "team rocket isn't done yet".

"What?! That's not possible. How can they continue without their assets? Without their boss?" Tails asked in surprise.

"What do we do now Sonic?" Knuckles asked grabbing him by the shoulder to calm him.

"I'm going to go to Johto and put a tombstone on this bloody organization once and for all" Sonic said determined "guys come on. We got to go".

His pokemon however didn't come at once. Every single one except raichu approached but only raichu came all the way to Sonic.

"Is something wrong?" Sonic asked his pokemon.

Alakazam hummed talking on behalf of the team.

"He says that they are sorry to tell you but they want to stay and help me".


Alakazam hummed more.

"He says it's not personal. You are an amazing person and they would have never chosen anyone else to be their trainer. But they feel they need to stay and help. That they are meant to be here and help".

Sonic wasn't prepared for this. Saying goodbye to his pokemon? He never thought this was a possibility.

He looked down gathering his thoughts. Tails and Knuckles looked at him, glancing at each other momentarily, worrying for their friend.

After a few moments, Sonic looked up smiling. A tear had run down his cheek while he was looking down but now only the trail of it was visible.

"I understand. To be honest… I should be the one apologizing. We spent so many days back home doing nothing that I forgot to do stuff to keep you all feeling fulfilled and with a purpose. Now you have one. One for yourselves. I can't force you to follow me on this. I started this war with team rocket. And I will finish it. But you should stay here if that's what you really want to do. That includes you too raichu".

Raichu looked up to Sonic and then his teammates. Blastoise met raichu's eyes. They were Sonic's first 2 pokemon so they shared a unique understanding. Blastoise could tell raichu wanted to be with Sonic, to battle with him, to keep him safe.

Blastoise nodded and raichu looked up at Sonic crying out its name.

"Raichu says it will come with you to the ends of the world. To the ends of any world" Mewtwo translated.

Sonic was moved. He knelt and hugged his raichu. His other pokemon also moved in to join the hug.

"I will miss you all. I really will".

"This is not goodbye" Mewtwo said knowing it didn't have to be "come here".

Sonic obeyed. Mewtwo motioned at Alakazam to come too. Putting its hands on Sonic and Alakazam, Mewtwo's eyes glowed momentarily.

"There. Now you too are connected. If you ever need a really big help your Alakazam will sense it. Your pokemon will come to assist you. Leave me their pokeballs so that I can bring them easier to you if need be".

"You… you'd do that for me?" Sonic asked moved.

"I owe you my physical and mental health. It's the least I can do" Mewtwo said smiling.

Sonic also smiled sincerely.

"Thanks Mewtwo. Really. And don't worry about me or my friends. Your secret is safe with us" he said offering Mewtwo a power bump. Mewtwo looked at the fist confused as Tails giggled a bit.

"It's a humans' custom. An unbreakable promise".

Mewtwo closed his eyes smiling and power bumped Sonic back.

After a tearful farewell with his team, Sonic, raichu by his side, Tails and Knuckles walked out of the cave and returned to Celadon.

"So now what?" Tails asked.

"I'll go to Johto. I'll find team rocket and I will tear it down. I believe I already went through that".

"Ok. Let's book tickets then" Knuckles shrugged.


"You don't really think we'll let you fight round 2 alone, do you Sonic?"

"This won't be like the first round Tails".

"Exactly. We will be there to help you this time. With my smart, Knuckles' strength and your bond power with raichu, team rocket doesn't stand a chance, especially with Giovanni out of the picture" Tails explained excited.

"There's nothing you can do that will change our minds Sonic" Knuckles said "someone needs to have your back this time. Mike won't be there. And if not your friends then who?"

Sonic couldn't believe his fortune.

"Alright then. But remember it will be a long peerless journey. There's a chance we will return home after months".

Knuckles put his hand on Sonic's shoulders.

"Riddle me this. You expect me to accompany you to the Johto region and not spend at LEAST 2 months there? Do you know what crazy mythology the region has?! Not to mention all the ruins! It's candyland for me. So yeah. I don't mind staying away from home for a long time".

"No problem for me either. Honestly there is a couple of places I'd love to visit in Johto myself" Tails added.

"Alright then. Choice made. Ticket booking time".

"Rai rai!" Raichu cried out excited.

The trio booked their tickets and let their respective families know about their new journey. Later that evening, they were on the plane.

Meanwhile back home, Jet went jogging. He had just heard from Sonic, Tails and Knuckles and had learnt of their trip to Johto to get rid of team rocket for good. Slightly jealous but understanding since his and Sonic's mom again didn't let him go, he decided to jog to relieve the frustration a bit. While jogging he ran into Amy.

"Jet" she called out to him.

"What do you want Amy?"

"I want to talk to Sonic".

"Well too bad. Even if he was here, my brother is not the loser you thought he was anymore".

"What do you mean he's not here?"

"I mean that he embarked on a new journey to the Johto region. With Tails and Knuckles accompanying him".

Amy felt like she had been struck on the head. Was Sonic going for another league?

"Well I have things to do so see you around. Hopefully not" Jet said continuing his jog.

Amy was left there processing the info. When did Sonic become so adventurous?

On the plane to Johto, while the team was planning what to do when they arrived on their destination, New Bark town, Tails had an idea.

"You know I've been thinking. Team rocket is a catchy name that spread fear throughout Kanto right?"

"Yeah?" Sonic and Knuckles said at the same time.

"Well since we have teamed up to take the fight to them we should use the same tactic. A team led by the hero of Kanto to destroy team rocket? The mere name could make them shake in their boots".

"That is not too bad" Sonic agreed "so any name ideas?"

"How about the paws of justice?" Tails suggested.

Sonic and Knuckles looked at him in question.

"You know. Cause your ace is raichu and raichu has paws… you know what it sounded better in my head".

"Maybe something cool sounding like defenders of pokemon" Sonic said.

"Nah that's stupid" Tails said "it sounds like a comic series title".

"Yeah it is actually kind of comic book related".

Knuckles grinned.


"We don't need something flashy like that. All it take is the word team and the team name".

"Ok then what?"

"Team Knuckles".

Sonic and Tails were looking at him like he was retarded. Knuckles burst out laughing annoying the other passengers a bit.

"You guys should have seen your faces" he said gathering himself. Sonic and Tails looked at each other, jokingly doubting their friend's intelligence.

"But seriously. I'm not kidding about the team part. Let's ask ourselves. Who does team rocket fear the most?"

"The police?" Tails guessed

"Sure but they can evade them".

"Giovanni?" Sonic also guessed.

"Wouldn't they fear the one who defeated Giovanni more?"

Sonic laughed.

"So we name ourselves team Sonic? Come on Knucks".

"I'm serious. What better way to plant fear into our opponents if they have lost the war with just you before".

"But what does that have to do with…"

"No, no. He's got a point Sonic" Tails stopped him.

With both of his friends having settled on the name, Sonic smiled and agreed.

"Watch out team rocket. Team Sonic is coming for you".

Chapter 37: The adventure begins again


Arriving in Johto, New Bark Town, the newly assembled team Sonic sets out together to destroy team Rocket once and for all, joining the gym challenge of Johto in the process.

Chapter Text

Team Sonic exited the airport and took the bus to new bark town, intending to get something good to eat before getting started with their journey to track down and finish off team rocket.

Selecting a burger joint, the trio ordered their lunch. As raichu waited anxiously for the lunch as it was starving, Sonic narrated his adventure on New Island to his friends, all that had transpired between him and Mewtwo, as well as his gruesome act of killing his deformed clone.

"Mewtwo's cloning machine must have been programmed to clone pokemon specifically. Identifying an unknown dna sequence and yet proceeding with it could cause a kind of catastrophic result like that and it did" Tails explained.

Sonic furthermore told them of Ash's heroic act of jumping between Mewtwo and Mew's blast, turning to stone afterwards, essentially dying in the process and that the tears of the pokemon had saved him.

"That's a local myth" Knuckles commented "I read about it once but didn't pay it much attention as it was only a myth of a small town like Old Shore Wharf".

"So that's why you said that Ash has potential and the bravest heart" Tails said.

"Exactly. If only he didn't hold himself back. His statement during the indigo league is his biggest drawback. He isn't willing to change himself for the better to attain victory".

"His charizard was certainly strong" Tails added "being able to go toe to toe with your Moltres and end in a stalemate. But not evolving any of his other pokemon…"

"Do you remember that battle of his Bulbasaur and your Blastoise? Bulbasaur could literally do nothing despite the type advantage".

"Type advantage is a good advantage to have in a battle but there are a lot of other factors that can lead to victory. Too many to count them down right now but you get my point. His Bulbasaur stood no chance".

"Yeah. You know since we're in Johto I wonder what kind of pokemon we will meet" Tails inquired "Crobat was a new one I saw online. And you saw Lugia. Who knows how many other new species can be encountered here".

"You know I remember another one" Sonic said "a giant flying type pokemon. After my 2nd encounter with my Moltres, the unknown pokemon appeared and healed us both my pokemon and the then wild Moltres" he explained remembering that night, missing his Moltres.

"Who knows. It could be a local species. Maybe even a legendary".

"I know all about the legends of Johto" Knuckles said proudly "but I will recount the stories when we have a good chance. Maybe during a ruin visit".

"That's all nice guys but let's not forget to keep eyes on the price ok? We're here to end team rocket".

"And we will. But a little fun never hurt anyone" Knuckles shrugged smiling.

At that moment a window breaking sound was heard. Team Sonic looked around in surprise for the source of the sound.

"Thief!" someone screamed.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles nodded and immediately rushed off to see what was happening.

Reaching the source of the scream, they found a man wearing a lab coat coming out of a lab facility frantic.

"Stop that thief!"

Sonic only managed to see a wave of red hair before the thief took a turn and disappeared. He and his friends approached the man.

"Sir what's the problem?" Sonic asked.

The man looked at Sonic and a look of gratitude was sketched on his face.

"The hero of Kanto! Right on time! That thief stole one of my pokemon!"

"Stole?" Sonic repeated in surprise. That was low even for a thug.

"What did he look like? Where did he go towards?"

"Red hair, dark clothes. Stole my water type totodile. He went that way. Take these and use them to bring it back" he said handing Sonic 2 pokeballs.

Sonic tossed one to Knuckles.


"We need to trap the thief. Spread out. Use whatever moves the pokemon can use. Tails go with him and help him out. Raichu with me".


"Sonic wait! I'm not a…" Knuckles yelled but Sonic had already darted away "trainer".

"Come on Knuckles the thief can't have gotten far" Tails said taking a different direction as Knuckles followed hesitantly while observing the pokeball in his hand.

The duo run forward for a little while until Tails stopped, unsure where to go from here.

"How do we find the thief Tails?"

"Don't ask me. Sonic made the plan".

"Damnit" Knuckles said in frustration throwing the pokeball down.

The pokeball opened and a small green and yellow pokemon appeared. Flames erupted from its back.

"Woah" Knuckles jumped back "what is this?"

Tails quickly scanned the pokemon and looked it up online.

"A local one. Fire type. Its name is cyndaquil".

"Fire… what does it know?"

"It must be a starter pokemon. It probably knows something along the lines of tackle, growl and ember".

Cyndaquil observed Knuckles silently.

"Why is it looking at me like that?" Knuckles asked.

"I think it thinks you're its trainer".

"But… but I am no trainer".

Before Tails could answer, Cyndaquil jolted away. Knuckles instinctively chased after it, followed closely by Tails.

Entering an alleyway, they came across another duo of trainer and pokemon. A red haired boy and a totodile.

"The thief!" Tails said identifying totodile from the starter page he used to identify cyndaquil as well as the description of the thief.

"Damnit! Don't you people have better things to do than badgering me? Let them have it totodile! Water gun!"

Totodile unleashed water gun. Cyndaquil hid behind Knuckles who got wet from the water gun but it didn't damage him at all since it was merely a weak water attack. Angry and wet he walked to the red haired boy, passing by totodile and grabbed him by the shirt.

"Have I told you that I hate thieves?"

The raid haired boy smiled menacingly.

"Has anyone told you it's rude to not battle back? Scratch!"

Knuckles barely ducked away from the scratch attack from totodile. Unlike water gun that would actually damage him. Totodile lunged again.

Cyndaquil suddenly tackled Totodile out of the way. Knuckles and cyndaquil's eyes met and Knuckles felt an unspoken understanding. The only way to catch that thief was to knock out the pokemon, take it from him and then catch him.

"Cyndaquil use tackle!"

"Water gun!"

Cyndaquil was blasted in the face with water. Though its tackle attack went through unimpeded, totodile took it a lot better than cyndaquil did the water gun. The flames on its back became shorter as it struggled to get up.

The red haired boy thinking they had won, made a run for it. Tails warned Knuckles the kid would escape but Knuckles unexpectedly went to check on the cyndaquil.

"Knuckles he is going to escape!"

The red haired boy was almost to the exit of the alleyway until an iron tail knocked him backwards. Sonic appeared out of the corner, raichu and the chikorita that was in the pokeball he kept by his side.

"Nice work raichu" he said scratching its head.

Totodile lunged at raichu intending to use scratch on it.

"Chikorita vine whip!"

Chikorita grabbed totodile and slammed it down hard. Totodile took heavy damage but just like cyndaquil tried to get up.

Sonic grabbed the kid by the shirt forcing him to get up.

"Game over kid. Time to give that pokemon b…"

He froze as he looked at the face of the kid. That face. The traits. The eyes. Everything apart from the red hair. It was like he was looking at…

"Giovanni" he whispered.

The red haired kid's eyes widened in shock. Quickly punching Sonic who was caught off guard, being too busy being shocked seeing the similarity between this kid and his old nemesis, he made a break for it.

"Sonic!" Tails and Knuckles shouted running to their friend.

"What happened?" Tails asked Sonic.

"You let him get away?" Knuckles asked him.

"No… I… I froze".

"Why did you freeze though?"

"I don't know. I just looked into that kids eyes… and his face… and it was like being face to face with Giovanni".

"Don't tell me you're scared of a kid" Knuckles waved his head disappointed.

"No. I mean it literally. His face was exactly the same as Giovanni's".

"Weird. In any case the kid escaped with totodile" Tails said looking towards the direction the thief escaped towards.

"I'd like to see how you explain that to totodile's owner" Knuckles reminded Sonic.

"By telling the truth. I let him escape regardless of the situation. Let's go".

Team Sonic left the alleyway and headed back towards the lab facility. During the walk there, Knuckles was carrying the wounded cyndaquil which was curled in his hands, injured but with an obvious sense of safety.

Sonic too found the chikorita he had used to hold totodile down quite cute. His raichu had also taken a liking to the small grass type pokemon.

Eventually reaching the lab facility they headed inside. The man who lent them the pokemon looked up.

"Oh you're back. Did you catch that thief?"

"We did but he managed to trick us and escape. And I also kind of let him get away".

The man was disappointed but recovered quickly.

"It's a pity. That tododile was to be picked today".

"I'm really sorry. We can still try to find him and take it back for you".

"No it's ok. Don't actively look for him. But if you do run into him, take totodile from him if it's hurt in any way by him".

While Sonic was conversing with the man, Knuckles and Tails were busy petting the cyndaquil. Knuckles had started warming up to it. It wasn't that he didn't like pokemon he just didn't know earlier how to handle cyndaquil but he'd expect someone like Sonic to wield it in battle. Now he thought he could pet it all day.

"Well sorry again mr…"

"Elm. I'm professor Elm".

"Professor? As in a pokemon professor?" Tails asked intrigued.

"Yes. In fact I knew of your identity as the hero of Kanto from my colleague and good friend professor oak. He informed me of your achievements during the previous tournament conference gym challenge as well as during the tournament itself. Taming a legendary pokemon like Moltres? That is unheard of to me. Do you happen to have it with you right now?"


"Shame I'd love to have a look at it".

"Maybe one day professor. Well here's your pokemon back" Sonic motioned to give Elm chikorita's pokeball.

"Do we have to give them back?" Knuckles asked Tails quietly and hesitantly "I kinda like this little guy".

The chikorita put its front legs on Sonic, crying out its name as if it was saying no.

"I think it got attached to you. And I think same goes for your friend and the cyndaquil".

Sonic looked at Knuckles holding the cyndaquil. It did seem like it. But they were here for a reason, not to start another badge quest.

"Guys a quick fyi?" he said approaching them "I don't know how good of an idea it is we're here to end team rocket".

"Yeah but… this little guy".

Cyndaquil curled inside Knuckles' big hands was one of the most adorable things in the world. Sonic couldn't disagree but he didn't know if taking that cyndaquil and the chikorita along would be a good thing.

"I do tend to agree with Knuckles Sonic" Tails interjected "Plus… I don't know if your raichu will be powerful enough to beat team rocket alone. Your kanto team chose its path so… I think you will need to build a new team".

Sonic rubbed his chin. It was true. Just raichu and the 3 of them wouldn't be a good enough force to tackle team rocket. He didn't consider that.

"Hm… Ok. Since we essentially have no plan I have an idea. Knuckles how would you like for us to start a new badge quest?"

"You mean tackle the gyms?"

"Exactly. Team rocket is in hiding. Whatever their plans are can't really be region-wide. So why not make this an official trip through Johto? Meet new pokemon, visit the ruins like you wished and in general do whatever the heck we want while also looking for team rocket wherever we go".

"That does sound like a sweet plan" Tails agreed "as I said earlier I do want to visit a couple of places myself".

"Good" Sonic said "Knuckles?"

Knuckles remained silent. It was indeed a promising idea and the trip would certainly be something worth remembering for their entire lives. Especially since he had the chance to follow in Sonic's footsteps if possible.

"I'm in".

"Perfect" Sonic concluded and turned back to professor elm "we'll keep the pokemon professor".

"Splendid. I'm sure you and your friend will make excellent trainers. I mean I'm sure your friend will. Your reputation precedes you after all".

Sonic scratched his head saying thanks and the trio walked out of the lab.

"Ok so where to first?" Tails asked.

"Well first of we need a map of Johto" Sonic declared.

"I have one" Knuckles said taking one out of the massive mountain of supplies he was carrying.

"Knucks are you sure you can carry all that? Like throughout the journey?"

"That and maybe about another half more of this weight. In other words easily" Knuckles said giving Sonic a thumbs-up "here".

"Alright" Sonic said opening the map "ok… we're here in new bark. Tails do me a favor. Could you find the gym badge quest guide online so I can locate our first destination?"

"On it" Tails said immediately getting to work.

While Sonic was looking through the map, he looked at Knuckles observing the cyndaquil play in front of him.

"Hey Knucks, you know you should have cyndaquil practice its moves when we make camp later today. If we are to tackle the gym challenge, it will need the practice".

"Yeah. But… how do I do that? I have no idea".

"Is everything ok?" Sonic knelt next to his friend "ever since you got your hands on cyndaquil you've been acting weird. More reserved than usual".

"It's nothing. Honest".

Sonic remained silent but eventually got back up. He patted Knuckles on the shoulder.

"I believe you. But if anything bothers you, or if you need any advice with the training, we're here, me and Tails. We're team Sonic right?"

Knuckles smiled.


"Got it" Tails finally said "first gym is in Violet city".

"Colors again? What is wrong with the people of both regions?" Sonic joked half joking half actually wondering why they named the towns after color.

The team burst out laughing for a few moments. Their friend had developed a unique sense of humor during his Kanto journey.

Chikorita in the meantime was rubbing its head at Sonic's feet, clearly liking him already. As it went towards raichu next to also cuddle with it, it tripped and rolled on the ground for a moment.

Raichu, knowing that since Sonic would build a new team it would have to be the big brother for the new team members, took on the big brother role and lifted chikorita up with its tail. The two pokemon rubbed their cheeks, chikorita getting a small shock from raichu's cheek.

"Back on track" Tails got them to focus again "Violet city is actually quite a way from here. We have to go from here west towards cherrygrove city –huh not all towns are colors here "he commented smiling "then follow the path north towards Violet city. It's a long way there so you guys will have time to practice for the gym battle".

"Awesome" Sonic said "hey we should actually buy some pokeballs. You never know what we could encounter".

Team Sonic immediately headed towards a market to buy supplies and pokeballs. Knuckles stashed the supplies into his giant backpack while Sonic stocked up on pokeballs.

"Aren't you buying a little too many?"

"You never know what we may encounter or how many pokeballs it could take to catch a pokemon. Most of my kanto team was caught under special circumstances so I want to be prepared for the chance we run into something hard to catch. Plus there's two of us who will have pokemon teams this time".

"True I guess" Tails agreed seeing Sonic's point of view.

With their supplies collected and ready to begin the adventure, Team Sonic left New bark heading west towards cherrygrove.

The road there was much longer than they expected. Sun eventually began setting. Deciding it was time to make camp, Sonic and Knuckles sent out chikorita and cyndaquil respectively. Sonic seeing limited potential for the time being in chikorita as it only knew vine whip, decided to use vine whip as a mobility tool. He hadn't had a grass type before so he theorized they would have to wait and see as it learned moves.

Knuckles on the other hand immediately got to having cyndaquil use ember after ember in quick succession. Cyndaquil was strong for its level. And the ember looked like a good move for start.

After the quick training session, which involved raichu also helping chikorita get better at using vine whip as a grappling hook to maneuver around fast, the team sat down to eat. Knuckles who lived by himself back in their hometown, had become adept at cooking so he prepared them a good dinner.

"Knucks this rocks!" Sonic said with his mouth full while digging in.

"That's so cool. Did you really learn to cook on your own?"

"All on my own" he said proudly.

"You know we so often hang out in your place but never saw your parents" Sonic commented "how come they're never home?"

Knuckles for a moment looked clearly uncomfortable at the question. Before either Sonic or Tails could notice, an idea came to mind.

"Hey Sonic what do you say we have a battle? Chikorita versus cyndaquil".

"A battle? Sure" Sonic shrugged smiling. That would be an interesting battle to say the least.

As they stood opposite each other, Sonic looked to the trees on the side of the path. He had a plan on how to combat the type disadvantage and the low levels of the pokemon.

Knuckles immediately went to the offensive.


"Chikorita use vine whip to jump!"

Putting all of its strength on the move, Chikorita propelled itself a small amount from the ground dodging the move and landing closer to the trees.

"Don't let it get away. Tackle!"

"Chikorita growl".

Chikorita growled at cyndaquil, lowering its attack. The attack still connected shoving chikorita back.

"Ha take that! Now ember"

The attack was launched.

"Chikorita use vine whip to dodge again!"

"Not this time! Rapid fire ember!"

The attacks came in quick succession though not at the intensity Knuckles imagined. The attacks furthermore, being partially charged didn't cause as much damage as a fully charged ember. Chikorita was hit by the barrage but quickly recovered.

"Don't let them escape! Ember!"

However Knuckles failed to notice Sonic had deliberately pushed the battle towards the trees for a reason.

"Now chikorita! Vine whip!"

Chikorita used vine whip, grabbing from the branch of a tree and jumping over the ember, catching cyndaquil off guard.

"Now tackle!"

Chikorita used its move. In combination with the momentum it had built using vine whip and its own weight pulling it back down, it slammed hard into cyndaquil. Cyndaquil collapsed and attempted to get back up.

"Come on cyndaquil get up you can do this!"

Cyndaquil managed to get up.

"We're not out yet! Ember!"

Cyndaquil unleashed its move. Its weakened state however left it unable to knock chikorita out.

"Chikorita use vine whip to end this".

Chikorita wrapped its vines around cyndaquil and raised it on the air intending to slam it down.

"Wait!" Knuckles reached out "don't hurt it".

Sonic was impressed by Knuckles forfeiting to keep cyndaquil from being hurt. Chikorita realizing this as well, gently placed cyndaquil in Knuckles' hands. He pet it gently.

"You were great little one".

Sonic took in the sight remembering several moments from his Kanto journey. He never expected Knuckles to be this gentle and caring with a pokemon. He was always the tough, brave and adventurous echidna he remembered. Sure he was a loyal friend and an amazing person, but Sonic had never seen him being gentle and caring like that.

Shoving the thoughts aside, he approached Knuckles.

"Nice rapid fire idea there. It still needs some work but it has potential".

"Thanks. That move you pulled by swinging from the tree was crazy. And the way you managed to move the battle towards the tree to use it. You've become quite adept in battling".

"And I'll be happy to give you advice while we're on this journey" Sonic patted him on the back "but not all of my tricks. After all a trainer's power comes from their connection with their pokemon and their shared, attained power. And I can't attain that power for you and cyndaquil now can I?"

"Haha. No certainly not".

After the battle the team reconvened and relaxed for the night. Eventually they all retreated to rest inside their big shared tent. Knuckles commented before they sleep that he couldn't wait for tomorrow's training session before immediately falling asleep, snoring a bit.

Sonic smiled as he too was excited. If travelling alone with your pokemon was as fun as it was for his Kanto journey, despite all the challenges and bad times, he couldn't wait to experience a journey with his best friends. And to bury team rocket once and for all when he got the chance of course.

Chapter 38: Mr Pokemon


The first day of Sonc, Tails and Knuckles' shared journey is filled with new experiences and shenanigans, including meeting an eccentric old man named mr Pokemon.

Chapter Text

The sun rose steadily over the Johto region as Tails and Knuckles woke up still sleepy. Exiting the tent they found Sonic and raichu doing their morning routine of training, raichu perfecting its iron tail to use like a second nature, and Sonic standard workouts.

While Knuckles was prepping their stuff for departure, he asked Sonic to help cyndaquil train. Sonic agreed but informed Knuckles that it would be best if he found his own training program for his pokemon. Possibly it wouldn't involve waking up as early as Sonic and raichu –excluding chikorita as Sonic wanted to first build its bond with him before getting into hard training – but nonetheless, Knuckles and cyndaquil would have to find their own training method.

Tails in the meantime looked online to see if there were any coffee shops in cherrygrove. While browsing, he noticed Sonic do his morning laps to keep himself quick on his feet. He couldn't help but notice Sonic was somewhat faster than normal.

After team Sonic got back up, they continued on their way towards cherrygrove city. While on their way there, a strange pokemon cry was heard. What was clear about it however was that it was one of distress.

"Let's roll!" Sonic declared, racing alongside raichu towards the source of the cry. Tails and Knuckles followed.

The source of the cry was found and Sonic was struck by déjà vu. Just like the first time.

A team rocket grunt was trying to catch a small brown pokemon using a net. The grunt was almost successful until he heard steps behind him and turned.

"Gah! The hero of Kanto! Zubat use bite!"

A zubat emerged from the grunt's pokeball. Sonic merely snapped his fingers. Raichu moving in the blink of an eye, thunder punched zubat knocking it out. The grunt took a step back in fear and tried to run away.

"Chikorita vine whip!" Sonic shouted as he sent out his new pokemon.

Chikorita appeared and wrapped its vines around the grunt's legs causing him to trip and fall. Knuckles managed to reach the grunt and put him in a headlock immobilizing him. Sonic approached him, wearing his angriest and deadliest look –"too bad gazes can't be lethal sometimes" Sonic thought – while Tails went to check on the pokemon being attacked.

Sonic knelt to meet the grunt's eyes.

"P-please" the grunt begged "please don't hurt me".

"Like you weren't just trying to hurt and catch that pokemon just now?" Sonic responded menacingly.

"What do you want me to do Sonic?" Knuckles asked him. Sonic, his hatred for team rocket burning hot was itching to have Knuckles break the guy's legs as a warning for team rocket to stop but knew that if their war against team rocket went public just like in Kanto they would probably be prosecuted for physical damage and vigilantism. Plus they needed to show they were the good guys.

"You will go back to Archer empty handed. Yes I know who is leading you. You will tell him that the one you refer to as the hero of Kanto is coming for him and the rest of team rocket. And this time he's not alone. Let him know that team Sonic is coming for all of you. Am I clear?"

The grunt shook his head positively. Knuckles' eyes met Sonic's as he didn't want to let him go. Sonic however waved negatively and Knuckles relented letting him go. The grunt crawled in panic for a moment and then escaped as fast as he could yelling in fear.

"Tails the coast is clear. Is the pokemon ok?" Sonic asked behind his back.

"Firstly it's a sentret. The name of its species. Second it's only physically ok. It is a baby. It's too scared to be left alone".

Sonic recalled his Alakazam hearing this.

"Maybe if we found its mother? Or one of its species to care for it?"

Tails agreed and they started looking around to see if another sentret or its evolution furret was around. But nothing turned up. Returning to the main path team Sonic was now facing a dilemma.

"What do we do with the little guy?" Sonic asked his friends.

"We can't leave it alone. It won't survive without one of its kind" Tails insisted.

"I agree with Tails. But what do we do later on? I mean sure we can care for it now but what when we need to complete a team of 6? Furret is a normal type as I read online. And it's not that great as a battle partner. I'm all about caring for it but when the time comes to strike the rockets or if we take part in the league I'd prefer to have strong pokemon".

"Honestly both of you make valid points" Sonic also agreed "leaving it behind is not an option but it's not battle material".

Tails looked at the little helpless sentret.

"Give me a pokeball Sonic".

Sonic looked at Tails.

"You sure Tails?"

"We can't leave it. I'll care for it".

Sonic stared for a moment then gave Tails a pokeball from his backpack. A baby pokemon like this sentret would be a certain catch. Tails took it and touched sentret with the pokeball's middle button, causing it to be absorbed.

The pokeball shook thrice and beeped confirming the catch. Tails picked up the pokeball smiling. Sonic was happy with the outcome but couldn't help but think Tails had an ulterior motive for catching this sentret.

After the new addition to the team, Team Sonic went on and finally reached cherrygrove, finally getting their chance at a fresh cup of cold coffee. They strolled around town for a while to drink their coffee in peace, while bonding with the sentret, which bonded well with chikorita and cyndaquil. Raichu felt a bit of an outsider since the other pokemon were all so young and low leveled. Sonic petted it on the head.

"Don't worry buddy, our new friends will grow as we continue our journey and you won't feel that way then. But keep in mind I'm counting on you to be a big brother for them ok?"

Raichu let out a happy cry, agreeing.

After the coffee, team Sonic started making their way north. Tails calculated it would take at least 2 days to reach Violet city and even when they did, Knuckles would still need training. Sonic himself also wanted to train or maybe even catch another pokemon as he considered using the already battle hardened raichu against the gym leader not exactly a fair fight.

The team made their way up the complicated path to the north. Along the way they met several passing trainers or trainers who trained. A lot of them recognized Sonic as the hero of Kanto and asked to battle him. Knuckles ended up taking most of the challenges as he managed to gently goad his opponents into proving themselves first by beating him before taking crack at Sonic.

Sonic of course battled a bit as well, but only using chikorita. Again he didn't think using the already battle hardened raichu was fair for anyone. He made an exception when all of a sudden the trio along with the last opponent Sonic faced were jumped by a wild fearow. Raichu immediately jumped into action, sending the fearow away in terror with one thunder punch.

While following the path which was not as straightforward as the roads of Kanto, passing through the woods, by lakes and several parts of the path were uneven, forcing the team to look for other way around, Sonic noticed a strange thing about the path; it was becoming less and less distinct.

Opening his map he looked and verified they were still heading north, which confused him. Deciding to press on, the team entered deeper into the woods. Raichu took the lead fighting off powerful wild pokemon, while Sonic let chikorita walk behind it and asked raichu to let chikorita fight weak enough wild pokemon. Since a lot of them were bugs, Knuckles also took the chance to practice the rapid fire ember strategy.

After about another hour of traversing through the woods, the team had become exhausted and hungry. Their patience was growing thin with each step they took. Sonic again opened his map. He closed it again wondering what had gone wrong. Until he noticed a small detail.

"Tails which way is north?" Sonic asked not taking his eyes off the map.

Tails looked at the compass.

"That way" he said pointing towards a mountain.

Sonic cursed.

"Damnit. I knew it. We're lost".

"How do you know?" Knuckles asked "we're still heading north aren't we?"

"Yeah. But we strayed off the path to the east. That" he said pointing towards the mountain "is mount Tensei. Running through it is a cave the map names as the dark cave. Our path was meant to pass by its west entrance and then head a bit west to reach violet city. But" he said punching a tree "the mountain was to be on our right hand as we moved north at all times. And if we look north it's right in front of us".

"Damn you're right" Knuckles admitted taking a look at the map himself "where did we go wrong?"

"Hold on. Couldn't we then use mount Tensei as a landmark? You know to go west and find the path again?" Tails suggested.

"Of course we can" Sonic said "hopefully it won't take us too much to reach the path. I'm starving".

"You're not the only one" Knuckles countered "I could eat bark right now".

"Then let's not waste time" Tails got them to focus as he turned so that his gaze was to the west.

While walking trying to find the path Tails remembered something.

"Hey Sonic how did you know who the one leading the remaining rockets is? You said his name earlier when we interrogated that guy".

"From the message Mewtwo showed us. Ariana is one of the admins of team rocket. If that Archer sent her and the receiver of the message Mewtwo intercepted commands that means these 3 have to be the 3 admins of the team and he assumed control after Giovanni went in exile" Sonic explained.

"I honestly think we should have broken something in his body. Like who would believe them and how would they even prove we did it?" Knuckles inquired.

"We have to try to be the good guys Knuckles. As much as possible. It's not like our actions are exactly legal. I still don't know how I wasn't arrested after the damage we did to silph co".

Knuckles looked down. Sonic had a point but for those monsters to go as far as to harm baby pokemon. He assumed Sonic went through a similar phase with his Alakazam when it was an abra.

After about 20 minutes of walking the trees started thinning out until they found themselves outside a small cabin. To their delight the cabin was next to the path. As the team went to enter the path again, they turned right and run into an old man in an old style suit, a bowtie, a hat and a cane. He looked at them in surprise.

"What are you thugs doing on my lawn?"

"Y-your lawn?" Tails muttered.

"Forgive our trespassing sir, we got lost in the woods" Sonic apologized.

The man looked at Sonic top to bottom and then noticed raichu.

"My, my. Wait a minute. You're not Sonic the hedgehog, the hero of Kanto are you?"

Sonic began wondering how far his reputation had reached.

"I am indeed sir. And you are?"

"Oh what a pleasant surprise. My name is mr Pokemon. Forgive my earlier thug statement. Samuel has assured me you are an example of a trainer".


"Oh you know him as professor Oak".

"You know professor oak?"

"Why yes he is a very good friend of mine. He told me all about your achievements during the duration of the kanto conference tournament season. And your legendary final round. Legendary birds Moltres and Zapdos clashing? This is a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle".

"Thanks sir".

"And what brings you to the Johto region? Aiming to conquer a second tournament?"

"It's little complicated but our participation is part of the plan".


"I'll be entering the tournament alongside Sonic" Knuckles declared.

"I see. I shall warn you the gym challenge of Johto will be is considered harder compared to its Kanto counterpart. You and young Sonic will have your work cut out for you".

"We'll be ok sir".

"Why don't you join me inside my house? I have many questions for you and if my hunch is correct you also have at least one question for me".

Sonic considered the proposal. Apart from the fact that they were starving and would probably get something to eat, he did wonder what mr Pokemon knew about team rocket's presence in Johto.

"What say you guys?"

"No prob" Tails shrugged.

"Same" Knuckles also agreed.

"Then we accept your offer mr Pokemon".

They followed the old man inside the house. Knuckles was immediately fascinated with Mr Pokemon's collection of knowledge about pokemon legends and myths including several manuscripts about legendary pokemon. One of them was the story of the legend of Moltres, including the verse of its chosen one. Sonic felt nostalgic reading it as he still missed his old team. He wished that they were there with him but knew it was for the best that they stayed with Mewtwo for the time being.

One of the manuscripts caught Sonic's attention. It was the original one unlike most of the manuscripts that mr Pokemon had translated from ancient languages. Mr Pokemon's translated text only had one phrase currently.

The myth of the jade orb.

"I wonder that that is" Sonic thought "maybe if we meet again and he has finished translating the text I could learn about this jade orb".

"I have to admit that is an amazing collection mr Pokemon" Tails admitted.

"This is beyond candyland for me" Knuckles said not taking his eyes off the translated manuscripts "some of this stuff even I didn't know about. Like wow".

"I appreciate the compliment. But if I may be allowed, I have questions for your friend Sonic".

"Ask away then sir" Sonic said letting Tails and Knuckles to continue reading through the manuscripts.

"I would like to ask you several questions about your encounter with the legendary Moltres, as well as your ordeal with the titans of the orange islands".

"Ok. What would you like to know?"

"Is it true that the Moltres you are said to be the master of, previously acknowledged you by granting you one of its feathers?"

"Yes it's true".

"So the legend of it is real and has been proven true through you. How marvelous. Also is it true that you battled it on the mouth of an active volcano?"

"That is also true".

"Simply marvelous. Battling it on its home territory and coming out on top? Not a lot of trainers can claim such an accomplishment".

"I'm aware of that sir. Mind if I ask you a question of my own?"'

"One last question. Is it true that the legend of the orange islands has come to pass during the last festival there?"

"Yes. Lugia appeared".

"Oh how marvelous. If only I could witness that beast for myself. But it is very hard to come by. Not a lot people have seen it".

"Is it true one resides on the small complex of islands known as Whirl islands? Right off the coast of Cianwood city?" Knuckles asked momentarily taking his eyes off the manuscript he was reading.

"It is only a rumor but there have been sightings of Lugia in the vicinity of Cianwood and Olivine City. Though Lugia has been sighted many times across Johto. Therefore it's not for certain whirl islands is its home".

"I wonder if that Lugia and the Lugia Sonic fought alongside at the orange islands know each other" Tails asked rhetorically.

"Excuse me. Fought alongside?"

"Yes. Me, my raichu and my Moltres fought alongside Lugia against the titan birds. At least during the first half of the conflict. The other half of it was me, Moltres and raichu against them. We were the bait for lugia to take the chosen one to the Shamouti shrine to fulfil the treasure collecting tradition".

"The legendary lugia joined you in battle? And you fought all 3 of the titans at once?"

"Yeah. Almost perished doing so. The chosen one, Ash is his name, managed to complete the trio of treasures and Lugia calmed the titans down before they finished me off".

Mr Pokemon was at a loss for words.

"Taking on one of those legendary pokemon is hard enough as it is, taking on all 3 and living to tell the tale? You really are a tough and unique trainer Sonic. You two are lucky to be travelling with him".

Tails and Knuckles didn't know what to answer. Sonic spared them the need to answer.

"That's all very nice mr Pokemon but I really need to ask you a question of my own".

"Forgive me, I get carried away. Ask me anything".

"Is there any rumor around of the presence of team rocket here in Johto? Any sightings?"

"Team rocket? Didn't you force them to disband?"

"I did but I found out lately they are planning to regroup here and possibly start their team all over again. Me and my friends are here to stop them".

Mr pokemon was again at a loss for words.

"I…I can't believe it… I'm sorry my boy but I have not heard anything. But I know someone who might know something".

"Really? Who?"

"His name is looker. Detective looker. He is the leader of the search team for the boss of team rocket. His team's headquarters are in Ecutreak city. You are doing the gym challenge are you not?"

"We are" Knuckles verified.

"Excellent. Your path will lead you there eventually. You will have the chance to meet him somehow".

"More than perfect" Knuckles said rubbing his hands "I can't wait to get a chance to visit the city museum and the burned tower".

After the end of their conversation, team Sonic bid mr Pokemon goodbye and proceeded a little further, having forgotten their hunger. They kept going until nighttime came and their hunger returned even mightier than before. After making camp, Knuckles prepared dinner for everyone. While eating Tails posed a question.

"How do you guys think we should approach this detective looker once we are in ecutreak of course?"

"We won't" Sonic responded.

"What?" they both asked in unison.

"Why not?" Knuckles asked Sonic confused.

"This detective looker could be trouble. To him I'm the last person who saw Giovanni before he went into exile. Worse than that. I let him escape".

"You didn't let him escape. Moltres was too injured to pursue him".

"That's from my point of view Tails. As far as I'm concerned, he will probably be looking for an opportunity to question me. Currently I'm in the clear. But if looker finds out we're pursuing team rocket, he could arrest us. Or at least me. So meeting him is not an option. We will have to find team rocket ourselves".

Tails and Knuckles looked at each other. While detective looker's help would have been invaluable, Sonic made a valid point. Vigilantism wasn't exactly legal. Looker could have them in prison if he wanted to, Sonic especially for letting a mafia boss escape.

The trio spent the rest of the night mostly silent, going to bed each lost in their thoughts despite their exhaustion of the day's small adventure.

Meanwhile in Ecutreak City, in the police headquarters, an officer was heading towards the special ops room. Knocking on the door he was told to enter.

Approaching the detective and his assistant who were looking at a huge board of clues on Giovanni, the former turned to meet his eyes.

"Detective looker. A report just arrived. A report that you might find of the utmost importance".

Looker took the envelope the officer was holding. Opening it he saw nothing more than a picture. A picture of 3 individuals walking down the street in New bark town. The photo was from the previous day. And one of the 3 boys in the picture was undoubtably…

"The hero of Kanto" Looker whispered. He rubbed his chin.

"This should prove to be a most interesting turn of events".

Chapter 39: Legends of the ruins


Fast approaching Violet city for their first gym battle, team Sonic explore the ruins of Alph first. Their excursion leads them to meeting a new species as well as discovering a hidden room lost to time.

Chapter Text

Jet opened his eyes still sleepy. Getting up, he looked at his brother's empty bed. Last he had heard he, Tails and Knuckles had been registered for the gym challenge in Johto as a front to pursue team rocket.

Oh how much he envied them.

Getting to travel to a new place, meet many new pokemon and have a fun adventure in general. For Knuckles especially, Johto was candyland. The region with too much mythology to get enough of.

If only he could have been there with them.

He had even considered running away to join them, but had decided to be patient instead.

Getting out to jog for a while before beginning his daily routine he ran into – oh what a surprise – Amy. And literally outside their house too.

"Jeez. Don't you have anything better to do?"

"I want to talk to Sonic".

"You do remember he is Johto right?"

"Yes. I want to call him. But he has blocked me".

"About time" Jet said and turned to leave. Amy grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Tell him to unblock me please".

"And why would I do that? Do I seem like the kind of person to hate my brother?"

Amy was dumbfounded.

"Look. I know I did some questionable things…"

"Questionable? You were horrible to Sonic before but now… now you are essentially chasing after him while you're dating Shadow".

"…I broke up with Shadow".

Jet wasn't expecting to hear that.

"You broke up with him".


"And now you want to talk to Sonic".


"So let me get this straight… you mean to tell me… you got together with Shadow, breaking Sonic's heart in the process, and now that Sonic is the best version of himself you want him? How much of a whore are you?"

Amy was shocked.

"Take that back!"

"No. And I suggest you stay away from Sonic. And me. And Tails and Knuckles… you get the point. Just stay away from us" Jet said, withholding his anger and turned to leave again.

"You want stop me from talking to Sonic when he comes back".

"Too bad Sonic's not the loser you thought he was" Jet shouted as he jogged away.

He of course wasted no time texting Sonic of this encounter. The latter heard his phone buzz and took it out. Reading the message he recited it to Tails and Knuckles while they continued on their way towards Violet city.

"It's official" Tails commented "she's lost it".

"I can't believe it myself" Sonic answered "she was our friend for so long… and was hiding such a personality. I can't believe I was in love with her".

"I wonder how Shadow is taking it" Knuckles wondered.

"I don't even want to imagine. Getting together with someone, beating the supposed rival to that someone, only to find that the person was just using you… and I still don't know or get why".

"Why?" Tails asked confused.

"Why she would do such a thing. Play with both mine and Shadow's hearts. Like I can't even imagine a good enough reason" Sonic explained.

"And you don't have to. You're beyond that now" Knuckles commented smiling, smacking his friend on his back, just under the quills.

"Thanks Knucks".

Raichu rubbed its head on Sonic's leg to get his attention causing him to almost trip.

"Don't worry raichu we're not forgetting about you" he said petting it while they walked "I owe you a big part of my growth partner".

"Rai rai".

"You do owe it a lot. Like the wake-up call it gave you when you were growing an ego. Oh wait a minute that was me" Tails joked.

The three friends laughed and joked for hours while heading towards the southwest foot of mount tensei. Reaching the foot, Tails realized he had miscalculated and they would be at the city in about an hour more of walking. Sonic and Knuckles were relieved as they were hungry but first decided to stop and rest.

And as if by coincidence, they stopped on the entrance of the dark cave. Or at least what they assumed was the dark cave. It was a logical assumption however, as none of them could see due to the thick darkness.

Taking out their pokemon to stretch, the pokemon got to playing with each other. Sentret was the most playful of the 3 as it was a bit younger than even chikorita and cyndaquil. As Tails fed it some pokemon food he had brought along, he turned to Sonic and Knuckles.

"What do you think we should do at Violet city?"

"I'd suggest taking on the gym leader but clearly we need more training" Sonic said.

"You mean I need more training" Knuckles corrected him.

"Chikorita also needs training Knucks. I want to avoid depending on raichu as much as possible".

"But it's crazy strong" Tails argued.

"Which is exactly why I want to use chikorita and any other pokemon I catch while here. I want an equally powerful team not one super-powered pokemon and 5 more support ones. This is what got me victory in kanto and against team rocket. Strength is not just in numbers".

He was a bit shaken by his own statement, remembering Giovanni quoting this exact same thing at silph co.

Looking down he felt this bondage of destiny that had in a way bound the two enemies together.

And then that kid… that had stolen totodile.

"Why did he look like him?" Sonic thought confused.

"Sonic?" Tails asked him.


"You ok?"

"Yeah. Just zoned out".

"Well since we need training and therefore it will take us a while to be ready" Knuckles interjected "we should visit the nearby ruins. It's a life's dream to visit them. For me at least".

"Sure" Sonic agreed.

"Cool" Tails also agreed.

At that moment they noticed that cyndaquil and chikorita were sparring. They mostly used their already learnt moves. Until Chikorita unleashed a purple powder from its body. The powder made contact with cyndaquil poisoning it.

"Cyndaquil!" Knuckles shouted in a shocked surprise.

"Was that poison powder?" Sonic inquired.

"I think so. Many grass types can learn this move" Tails verified.

Chikorita didn't let up despite seeing its opponent in distress. It fired a seed towards cyndaquil. Once the seed came into contact with Cyndaquil, vines came out of it and constricted it. Then a small green glow emerged from cyndaquil. The glow then left it and flew towards chikorita entering its body and rejuvenating. Team Sonic was caught off guard but Tails quickly identified the move.

"That was leech seed!"

"What?" Sonic asked in surprise "isn't that supposed to be a rare move?"

"A rare and powerful one for this species".

Sonic looked at chikorita in awe as he asked raichu to stop the battle. Raichu intervened. The pokemon stopped and Tails proceeded to treat the injured cyndaquil.

"Leech seed. A healing move which drains the opponent's energy. Poison powder. Standard damage over time" he thought.

That chikorita had the makings of a powerful defensive wall in his eyes. He wondered what else he could possibly add to the mix. Protect was a good idea. But he would have to think it through before deciding.

After Cyndaquil was fully healed team Sonic recalled their pokemon and proceeded on their way.

Reaching the city, they grabbed a quick lunch. While eating Knuckles began explaining the legends of the ruins.

"So the ruins are called the ruins of alph. Their origin is unknown. Archeologists theorize they were built but the ancient people of Johto".

"Like a city of sorts?" Tails asked while chewing

"That's the interesting thing. No. They don't resemble a city resided by the ancients. It's a complex of buildings like underground temples. With many catacombs underneath them".

"Catacombs?" Sonic asked intrigued.

"Yeah. And trust me you don't want to get lost in there. Unless you're an experienced archeologist or an ancient cave expert, if you get lost down there, game over".

"We should totally descend into those catacombs" Sonic suggested "not too far in. Just look around the entrance or something. Maybe get a picture or two".

"I suppose that can't hurt" Knuckles shrugged.

Eating the rest of their lunch team Sonic headed off to the ruins.

Reaching the ruins, Sonic was surprised that there weren't a lot of people around. He was expecting tourists crawling all over the ruins.

"That's bizzare" Knuckles commented "usually there are plenty of people in such ruins".

While the team was making its way through the ruins, they heard a rustle from a patch of grass. Raichu took a battle stance.

"We've got company" Sonic said in caution.

Out from the grass walked a small blue pokemon. It looked at them in curiosity.

"What is that?" Sonic wondered aloud.

"You got a pokedex ask it" Tails looked at him with a look that read 'I'm not an encyclopedia'.

Sonic scanned the pokemon with his pokedex.

"Species unregistered no data found".


"Oh damnit I forgot" Tails face-slapped "this must be a johtonian species. Your pokedex originated from Kanto. Johto species are not in. Give me a moment".

Tails scanned the pokemon with his phone then entered an online database he had discovered during the incident in the orange islands. After a few moments, he got a match with the scan of the pokemon.

"This is a wooper. A water type".

Sonic looked at the small cute water type. He didn't know anything about Johto pokemon. He considered catching it but decided that there would be better water types out there.

"Raichu use thunder punch".

"No Sonic wait!" Tails tried to stop him having just read the other half of wooper's typing.

Raichu attacked wooper with its charged punch.

The attack was nullified.

"What in the world?" Sonic said confused.

"I wasn't done!" Tails explained "it's only part water. The other half is part ground!"

"A ground water type?!" Sonic asked aloud.

The wooper fled, scared of the massive raichu compared to its own size.

Sonic and Knuckles immediately chased after it, both desiring it for their team. This kind of type combination only had one weakness, grass.

The two friends soon realized it had fled somewhere in the tall grass. It could be very far at that point.

"Gentleman's bet?" Sonic asked Knuckles.

"May the best one win" Knuckles agreed heading off in a rush "and it will be me!" he shouted.

Sonic laughed slightly and headed off with raichu to find the wooper.

Tails who was left behind, tried to catch up to either of his friends.

Before they knew it, all 3 were lost.

Sonic, who was focused on finding the wooper, with raichu leading the way, got lucky. Wooper had retreated on top of a small stone monument.

"Raichu is too strong to weaken it, and chikorita will knock it out. One choice left" he said taking out a pokeball.

He aimed and threw.

The ball absorbed wooper.

One wiggle.

Two wiggles.

Three wiggles.

The catch was confirmed.

"Awesome!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Rai!" raichu cried outin excitement.

Sonic climbed onto the monument to retrieve the pokeball, eager to find Knuckles and gloat a bit of his catch.

As he grabbed the pokeball however, his movement moved a loose brick.

The roof of the monument collapsed.

"AAAAH!" Sonic screamed momentarily crashing on the hard rocky floor.

"Rai! Rai rai!" Raichu cried out as it attempted to climb on the monument which was now proven to be an underground dome.

Each movement raichu made trying to see inside, made the structure more unstable.

"Raichu stop!" Sonic screamed "find Tails and Knuckles and bring them here. I'll be fine!"

Raichu hesitated momentarily but rushed off.

At the same time, Knuckles was making his way through the grass and the ruins looking for the wooper. Cyndaquil was at his side, ready to attack at any moment.

A patch of grass rustled in front of them.

Cyndaquil's back erupted in flames as Knuckles ordered the attack.


Cyndaquil unleashed the ember.

"OUCH!" a familiar howling echoed as Tails jumped from the grass, one of his tails having a small flame on the edge.

Knuckles in a fit of panic tackled Tails to the ground and stomped the tail repeatedly putting out the small flame. Tails got back up rubbing his tail.

"Jeez Knuckles. Why are you attacking blindly?!"

"Sorry mate. Thought you were the wooper" Knuckles apologized.

"You seriously try to strike a water and ground type with a fire move?"

"Hey I was planning to drive it out of hiding".

"Rai rai!"

Raichu came running up to them.

"Raichu? Where's Sonic?" Tails asked confused.

"Rai! Rai rai raichu!" Raichu cried out and rushed off.

"Sonic wouldn't leave it alone. He must be in trouble!" Tails concluded.

"Let's go then!" Knuckles said as the two started running following raichu.

Back in the underground cavern, Sonic managed to get back up after a while despite the pain. He looked up towards the dome. He was impressed by the actual accomplishments of the ancients. He remembered reading about a similar type of building in a faraway land, being used mostly as a tomb.

He looked around hesitantly but saw no coffin or sarcophagus or body container of any sort. Sighing in relief he got up and looked back at the ceiling.

"How am I going to get out? No ladder out of here".

He rubbed his chin wondering how he could get himself out this pickle. As he racked his brain he looked around. The walls of the chamber were covered in weird patterns of carvings.

Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he approached the walls. The carvings were consisting of what looked like a weird shape of letters of the alphabet. Though he couldn't make a lot of the shapes, he did make out one word.

"This is U" he commented examining the carvings "this must be an N. Definitely an O. A W maybe. And another N. Unown".

The moment he spoke the word he felt a presence behind him. Turning around he saw nothing. Turning back towards the wall again, he came face to face with a big eye.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" he screamed jumping backwards.

The echo of his scream caused another loose brick to fall from the ceiling of the dome. Thankfully it fell a good distance away from him. Looking back at the eye, he noticed the rest of the being's body. It was a duo of circles the inner containing the eye and the outer one connected to the inner one via a point that made it so if you took out the outer circle the inner circle would look like a giant lollipop.

"Is that a pokemon?" Sonic inquired aloud.

The newly appeared pokemon attacked using a weird move. Sonic ducked out of the way, sending one of his 2 new pokemon randomly out to battle.

To his surprise, his new capture, wooper emerged.

"Wooper quick! Get that thing!"

Wooper however ran away instead. Sonic, dodging the barrage of power emerging from the body of the wild pokemon, wondered if it could even attack.

"Damnit chikorita help me out!" he said sending it out "vine whip!"

Chikorita used vine whip grabbing the pokemon with its move and easily swinging it around before slamming it hard on the ground. The pokemon however effortlessly got back up and unleashed the same move again.

The move struck the chikorita, revealed to be of fire typing as the moment it came into contact with chikorita it was engulfed in flames. Chikorita cried out in pain as wooper who was hiding behind a pillar to avoid the battle looked on.

"Chikorita are you ok?" Sonic got to its side worried.

The wild pokemon once again used the same move. A part of Sonic wondered if that was all it knew. The rest of him covered chikorita to protect him with his body.

The attack came into contact with Sonic who groaned in pain.

Back on the surface, raichu felt the same pain, momentarily stopping and crying out in pain.

"What's wrong with it?" Knuckles asked Tails.

"It's in pain… oh no! Their connection must be a two way street! Sonic is in trouble! Raichu get us there quick please!"

Raichu immediately cooperated, rushing towards their destination.

Sonic's felt the searing pain on his back.

"Was that a fire attack?" he thought before the attack discharged again.

This time however the wooper, moved by Sonic's resolve to protect his chikorita, took the attack. Its water typing allowed it to tank it fairly easily, countering afterwards by firing a water gun attack. The opposing pokemon retaliated by using the same move again, which again barely affected wooper. This cemented in Sonic's mind that this strange pokemon only knew this weird move.

Wooper then charged its opponent, slamming into it sending it crashing to the wall.

"Was that slam?" Sonic asked aloud.

Wooper cried out responding to Sonic as if it was confirming it.

"I'll take that as a yes. Slam it again!"

Wooper gladly obliged, slamming into the weird pokemon again. The pokemon fainted. While Sonic and wooper celebrated their victory however they witnessed a strange phenomenon occur; the black-eye-shaped pokemon dissolved and disappeared.

"What in the…" Sonic managed to say before hearing his name called out.

"Sonic! Can you hear us?!"

"Tails! I'm down here!"

"Sonic!" Knuckles' voice could be heard "do you have space to take cover?"

"Yeah why?"

"Then I suggest you take cover".

Sonic hurriedly took cover away from the center of the room where the dome was, chikorita and wooper at his feet.

A brick break from raichu brought down the dome, causing it collapse in on itself. As bricks and rocks fell to the ground in front of Sonic, a rope also came down. Knuckles climbed down.

"You ok mate?" he asked Sonic.

"I'm fine. Did raichu get you to me?"

"Yes. You have a very reliable partner".

"Thanks" Sonic said.

As Tails also climbed down the rope and raichu jumped down landing with a small thud, both of them catching up with Sonic, Knuckles looked around amazed.

"Wow. This is so fascinating. You must have landed in a new location for the ruins' experts to investigate. Although a good question would be… how did you manage to fall in?"

"Accident while catching this little guy. Or girl. Can't tell what it is" Sonic said pointing towards the wooper.

"You're kidding me" Knuckles said disappointed.

"That is a good addition to the team" Tails commented.

"Well it does require a lot of work but I believe we will concoct something good right little buddy?"


Knuckles got back to studying the carvings on the walls.

"Woah. Check it out. We hit the jackpot. Not literally" he quickly added "these are ancient texts written in the language of the unown".

"Unown… I read that word on the wall while examining it" Sonic said remembering it "weirdest thing is after I read the word aloud, a small pokemon shaped like an O appeared and attacked us".

Knuckles turned around in disbelief.

"You actually summoned an unown?!"

"A what?"

Knuckles went to explain but refrained.

"I'll explain later. Let me read the scriptures for a while, then we should head back. It's getting dark soon".

Sonic agreed and recalling his pokemon, climbed the rope back out. Tails followed. As Sonic brought raichu back out, Tails took the opportunity to examine him.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Did you get hurt down there?"

"I took an attack from the pokemon I fought. The one Knuckles called an unown".

"So I was right. The connection between you and raichu really is a two-way street!"


"We were coming to find you when raichu shivered in pain. Just like you did against Mike in the tournament. Both of you feel each other's pain".

"Wait… so when I get hurt... raichu can feel it?"

"Yes. It must be because of your bond developing further".

Sonic didn't know what to say.

"Why are we connected this way?" he thought worriedly "are we destined to harm each other?"

Knuckles came out of the hole and led his two friends away before experts came along.

Returning to town, as the team went to grab dinner, Knuckles explained his findings causing Sonic to forget about his worrying of his connection to raichu.

"So the cave spoke about legends about the unown. The unown are a species of pokemon with varying forms, shaped like the latin alphabet letters. Lately forms of a question mark and an exclamation mark unown have been discovered. The unown were mostly used by the ancients as a form of communication, since they are mostly harmless".

"Harmless? That thing attacked me. Weirdest thing it only used one move".

"Yes sometimes they do attack. As I said MOSTLY harmless. The unown only know a mysterious move called hidden power. Little is known about it, except for its typing and power varying".

"I guess I got unlucky then. The one I faced had a fire hidden power".

"That sounds like a crazy powerful pokemon species" Tails commented.

"Not really. The many typings of hidden power aren't all that useful" Knuckles explained "they are not a strong species. They are however tied with many of Johto's legends. One of those legends speaks about a spell the unown can cast".

"Spell?" Sonic inquired.

"Kind of. The legend goes like this; when a sacrifice is made, the one who makes the sacrifice will possess the power of the unown, as well as the guidance and assistance of what the legend describes, an ambassador of the unown".

"And what can the power of the unown do?"

"According to this legend? It's like having a genie that can grant unlimited wishes".

"A genie level powerful pokemon?" Tails asked in obvious surprise.

"That means there must be a genie level catch to obtain this power. What kind of sacrifice must be made?" Sonic asked Knuckles.

"The legend doesn't state what the sacrifice is. At least the version of the legend I read when I was young. There was a part of the scriptures I couldn't quite make out earlier. Maybe it contained the cost of the spell".

"Well that's all sounding cool and all but there's no point discussing it further. It's only a legend after all right?"

"Exactly. A story to teach us that we need to be careful what we wish for" Knuckles said jokingly trying to sound wise.

"Good. So do you think we should go look for room at the pokemon center or just go camping again?" Sonic asked his friends.

"Camping all the way. We didn't come out here to take it easy" Knuckles stated "plus we need to train for the gym".

"I agree" Tails added.

"It's settled then" Sonic concluding, going to pay the bill.

After dinner team Sonic headed out to the outskirts of the forest. Setting up camp rather quickly, they all fell asleep like logs.

All but Sonic, who was still thinking about how raichu felt his pain.

"What if this had taken place during our battle with the titans? Our battle with Mewtwo… so many battles it could have experienced so much pain in" Sonic thought worried. He couldn't bear the thought of his partner experiencing pain because of him.

However exhaustion soon set his mind at peace as he had to stick to the present. His two new pokemon would need a lot of training the next day.

Chapter 40: Trials of sprout tower


Sonic and Knuckles tackle the trials of sprout tower to earn the right to challenge the first gym leader Falkner. Sonic also struggles with the discovery that he and Raichu can feel each other's pain.

Chapter Text

Sonic woke up before dawn, having slept very little. His experience last day, discovering raichu could sense pain inflicted on him wasn't letting him rest.

Doing his morning ritual to wake up his mind, he tried to shove the worries aside. But it proved pointless.

They were on a warpath against the remnants of team rocket. Both of them were bound to get harmed along the way.

"I need to find a way to cut this part of our connection but how?" he thought as he looked down. He picked up a rock.

"But how" he wondered spinning the rock in his hand thinking "how do I make sure raichu is not harmed by my pain?"

He kept thinking it over and over. But he couldn't reach a conclusion. They knew too little about their connection.

"Damnit!" he yelled in frustration throwing the rock.

To his amazement the rock flew very far away.

"When did you get this strong?" Tails' voice was heard asking.

Sonic turned around and saw Tails and Knuckles looking at him in disbelief. They had probably been woken up by his yell.

"I… uh… I…"

He didn't know what to answer. He too was surprised at his own show of strength.

"I knew you were working out throughout your Kanto journey but not that you had gotten this strong" Knuckles commented.

"I didn't. I don't understand".

The team got silent each one trying to explain this weird occurrence. Knuckles prepared breakfast for all for all of them. While eating some bread, butter and honey which in Knuckles' opinion was one of the best breakfast meals you could have, maybe even better if you removed the butter, Tails asked Sonic if he had had any other surges of strength throughout his Kanto journey.

Sonic thought it through and at first was ready to say no, but remembered two instances; one during the silph co raid where he was pinned down by 2 rocket grunts, his arm hurt from their fight and somehow he was overpowering them before the lightning phenomenon engulfing him and raichu occurred. The second time was when he was battling Mewtwo or more accurately, being strangled by Mewtwo, when he had somehow enough strength to overpower Mewtwo long enough to breathe.

Tails hearing this got an insane idea.

"Knuckles. Go pick up that boulder" Tails said pointing towards a big rock sitting nearby.

"Ok" Knuckles shrugged wondering what Tails had in his mind.

He lift the boulder though not without some effort. And he was a very strong echidna.

"Your turn Sonic" Tails turned to him.

"You nuts? I can't possibly lift that".

"Have you tried?"

Sonic looked at Tails trying to figure out if he was trying to joke in a weird way or if he had gone completely insane.

He went and wrapped his palms around the boulder's sides. Raichu who had just woken up too, saw this and cried out in what sounded like encouragement. Tails observed this development with great interest.

Sonic took a deep breath and went to lift the boulder, thinking he wouldn't even be able to move it if Knuckles had to actually try to lift it.

But all 4 were caught by surprise. Sonic lifted it so easily that he lost his balance and fell, the boulder slamming down hard as he let it go.

"Wha… how?" Knuckles asked him in shock.

Sonic didn't answer. He couldn't wrap his mind around this.

"This seems to confirm my suspicion. Just one more test. Sonic I want you to run to that tree over there" he said pointing to an old tree in the distance "and back as fast as you can. Give it everything you got".

Sonic nodded. Calculating the distance and the time an average speed would take to cover the distance, Tails gave the go. Sonic sprinted as fast as he could, reaching the tree, running around it and back to his friends as Tails stopped the timer. As he compared times, Sonic drank some water to catch his breath.

Tails gasped.

"You run that time at half the estimated time".

"Ok something's fishy here" Knuckles said crossing his arms "how are you doing this?"

"It's their connection" Tails shouted as if he was screaming eureka "it's a two way street on more than just sharing their pain. Raichu is twice as strong as other raichus and will probably grow even stronger as time goes on. But so will you Sonic. Your strength and speed are being amplified because of your bond with raichu".

Sonic was dumbstruck. But when he thought it over, it only seemed to make sense. Those were impossible situations he had found himself in and somehow had managed to survive. It didn't explain the lightning phenomenon but it was a good start.

"But still… the fact that this bond causes pain" he thought.

"Rai" Raichu rubbed its head on his feet, having heard the conversation. It then took a battle stance clearly eager to start training.

Sonic looked at his partner visibly conflicted. How could they go through with this conflict with team rocket if when he got hurt so would raichu?

Regardless, Sonic pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the present, getting to train his new pokemon, along with Knuckles who sparred with Sonic in battles as well as wooper offering its typing as a training dummy for cyndaquil to use rapid fire ember in order to perfect it.

The training went by smoothly. Sonic got the idea to eventually teach protect to chikorita in order to use in combination with leech seed to buy time while weakening the opponent. However that would first require chikorita to train itself in taking attacks well enough for leech seed to heal the damage taken in tandem with the time given to them by the protect.

Knuckles too helped cyndaquil's rapid fire ember strategy grow more powerful but figured he needed at least one more pokemon before tackling the gym.

Regardless, deciding to test their current strength even if it meant losing once to the gym leader, the team headed for the gym.

To their surprise however, they were informed that in order to fight the gym leader they had to first pass the trials of the sprout tower.

"Sprout tower?" Tails inquired on the way there "trials? I don't know what to make of this. It's like taking a test to be allowed to take a test".

"I guess this confirms that the Johto gym challenge will be harder" Sonic said in deep thought.

"Did the guide say what the first gym type is?" Knuckles asked.

"No that would nullify the whole concept" Tails explained.

"Oh I see".

The team found the tower fairly easily as it was the tallest building in town. They were amazed to find the tower at the edge of the city. The tower was separated from the rest of the city by a small river.

Walking over the bridge the team found themselves in a small garden on the foot of the tower. Many bellsprout were either taking in sunlight or observing them in curiosity.

"I guess this is why they call it the sprout tower" Sonic commented.

Walking up to the doors, they opened before they could knock or push them open. An old man dressed in a sage robe came out to greet them.

"Greetings young trainers. I assume you are walking the pokemon path?"

"Yes" Knuckles answered.

"Very well. Then should you wish to walk the first step of this path you must traverse the tower trials and face me on the top floor".

"Sonic, Knuckles" Tails got their attention "I'm no trainer. Or at least not one to take the challenge. Get in there and dominate. I'll wait out here with sentret".

They both nodded. Entering the doors slammed shut behind them. A weird light coming from several bellsprout around them, all owned by the sages of the tower.

"In order to proceed to the next floor you need to beat all of our bellsprouts" one of the sages explained.

"Doesn't sound that hard" Knuckles said confidently taking out cyndaquil's pokeball.

Sonic also took out chikorita's pokeball. This would be a hard challenge.

"Whenever you're ready" the sage told them.

"Go cyndaquil!" Knuckles sent it out.

Sonic also sent out chikorita.

"Sonic I don't think chikorita will handles this. Call out raichu".

Sonic instead began the battle.

"Chikorita use tackle!"

Chikorita rammed into one of the bellsprouts.

The sages immediately retaliated by firing a plethora of attacks. Vine whips, razor leaves, tackles even stun spores. Both chikorita and cyndaquil managed to withstand the barrage.

"Cyndaquil rapid fire ember!"

Cyndaquil unleashed a minigun style barrage of fire attacks, striking each and every one of the bellsprouts. A lot of them fainted but several ones were still standing.

"Chikorita use leech seed on them!"

Chikorita fired a couple of seeds towards the bellsprouts. Two were ensnared by the leech seeds, their energy drained and chikorita's restored.

"Sonic this will take forever. You need to call out raichu".

Sonic hesitated. His fear of raichu getting hurt was unknowingly spreading throughout his mind rendering him unwilling to even use it in battle.

"We'll be fine" he said managing to sound calm "chikorita use tackle!"

Chikorita tackled one of the bellsprouts knocking it out. Cyndaquil unleashed another barrage of embers which knocked out the rest.

"You have done well" the sage's voice echoed through the room "proceed to the next floor for your next challenge".

Sonic and Knuckles, with chikorita and cyndaquil leading the way, made their way to a corridor which led to a set of stairs for the next floor. While walking up the stairs, Knuckles tapped Sonic on the shoulder.

"Why did you not call out raichu?"

"Chikorita needs to train".

"Indeed, but it has time for that. Sending it out against an army of bellsprouts was kind of suicide".

"I said it would be ok and it was. Let's go" Sonic countered getting defensive.

Knuckles wasn't expecting his friend to respond in such a way. He knew Sonic well enough to realize he wasn't using raichu for a reason.

Getting to the next floor, the duo came across a couple of sages.

"Welcome to your next challenge" the elder sage's voice echoed "proceed when ready".

Sonic took a step forward.

Suddenly the floor around them came to life as walls emerged, creating a small scale labyrinth inside the big room. Sonic and Knuckles, alongside their pokemon were separated.

"Sonic you ok?"


At that moment purple dust started spreading around them.

"Poison powder!" Sonic recognized it immediately.

"No time to waste. We need to make our way through".

"See you on the other side then" Sonic said and covered his mouth walking forward.

Soon enough however the powder started getting to him. He coughed, chikorita too being poisoned. But the worst was one of the two pokeballs on his belt shaking.

"Oh no. Raichu is being affected too" Sonic thought in panic "come chikorita quick".

Knuckles in the meantime, who was more used to encountering hazards during his exploring in the past, had covered his face with a mask to avoid being poisoned himself. Cyndaquil wasn't as fortunate however. Remaining calm Knuckles pushed onward taking the lead.

The labyrinth wasn't as hard as either of the two friends originally thought it to be. However when both of them emerged on the other side, where a couple of pecha berries were waiting for them to cure their poisoning, as well as pecha berry juice mixed with water as pecha berries weren't actually edible by non pokemon organisms, Sonic was shaken while Knuckles was calm.

Sonic immediately rushed to drink the juice while his chikorita ate the berry. Knuckles having no need for the juice, fed the pecha berry to his cyndaquil and then observed Sonic. The latter looked at Knuckles in question when he realized he was being observed.


"I'm waiting for you to tell me what. It's not like you to panic like that".

"I didn't panic. I just… wanted to get this poison off my system".

Knuckles remained silent.



Sonic knew this kind of psychological warfare but in his current state couldn't convince Knuckles to back off.

"I said I'm fine".

"I believe you".

Sonic clenched his fist and suggested they just go forward. Knuckles however blocked his path.

"What now Knuckles?"

"I'm still waiting for you to tell me why you are in such a state of panic. From refusing to follow the strategic route and use raichu against that army of bellsprouts to now panicking over one of the easiest labyrinths we have ever traversed".

"I… I just.."

"Talk to me Sonic".

"I… I panicked because of the poison".

"But it isn't lethal unless exposed to over a very long period of time. Worst case scenario in our case was a mild…" he said then his eyes widened as he realized what was bothering Sonic "discomfort. In other words mild pain".

Sonic opened his mouth to talk but instead just turned and punched the wall in frustration.

"It's about raichu isn't it?"

"I don't know how to process this Knuckles. Every time I experience pain, so does raichu".

Knuckles simply smiled.

"How can you be smiling at a time like this?"

"Look" Knuckles said putting his massive palm on Sonic's shouler "use raichu if need be on our final trial. Then we can get Tails to tinker with his voltmeter to get it to replicate that time you were able to communicate with raichu and talk things out with it".

Sonic took a moment to consider it and simply nodded.

As they were walking up the stairs to get up to their final trial Sonic looked at Knuckles.

"You know Knucks this journey has only lasted a few days and has revealed so much about you. I had no idea that you could be as caring as you are with your cyndaquil neither that you had such great therapy-like skills. How come?"

It was now Knuckles' turn to get silent.


"What do you think the final trial will be?" Knuckles asked changing the subject with a sudden smile on his face.

Sonic was surprised and impressed that Knuckles was obviously troubled by something yet could change the subject and the tone on a whim.

Before he could make any comment they made it to the final floor. The elder sage was waiting for them there.

"You have passed both of the first two trials. But now you will be facing the grand trial".

A weepinbell appeared from behind him.

"That's our opponent I assume" Sonic commented as chikorita took a battle stance ready to attack.

"Yes. For normal trainers. But someone like you, hero of Kanto, is worthy of a greater challenge".

"You know me?" Sonic asked wondering just how far his reputation had spread.

"Johto and Kanto are neighboring regions. Your legend has spread like wildfire young Sonic".

"Legend? I have achieved nothing legendary".

"Humble as always" Knuckles commented.

"You two will face the final trial together. And your challenge will be this!" the elder sage declared sending out a victreebel.

Sonic's eyes widened. That could only mean one thing. There was only one member of his team that would have a good chance of going toe to toe with a final evolution.

He took out raichu's pokeball observing it for a moment with the blurry sight of victreebell as background.

He had fought victreebels during his Kanto journey. Gym leader Erika had one herself. He was no stranger to battling it. But he once again hesitated not wanting any harm to come to his raichu.

Knuckles noticed the hesitation and encouraged his friend to fight on. Successfully encouraged, Sonic sent out raichu.

Raichu emerged, sending out a cry of desire to battle and dominate. It looked at Sonic with a smile, eager to receive battle instruction.

"Ready cyndaquil?" Knuckles asked his pokemon.

"Quiiii" Cyndaquil cried out and stood side by side with raichu.

Victreebel took the first turn sending out a barrage of razor leaves. Raichu used its tail to deflect a lot of the hits, protecting cyndaquil too.

"Our turn raichu! Quick attack then iron tail!"

Raichu dashed forward before anyone could react. It jumped upwards charging its iron tail.

"Cyndaquil now! Rapid fire ember!"

Cyndaquil obliged. The damage was little but managed to divert victreebel's attention long enough for raichu to land the iron tail, dealing a good chunk of damage.

Victreebel retaliated with a powerful vine whip which was wrapped around raichu, slamming it down hard. Sonic almost knelt, feeling some of the impact.

His movement in reaction to raichu's slamming didn't go unnoticed by raichu.

"Let him go! Cyndaquil use tackle!"

Cyndaquil however at that moment, chose to reveal its last move; smokescreen.

Sending a ball of ash towards victreebel, its eyesight became blurred. Raichu took advantage of the distraction using its iron tail to slam the vines causing them to pull back.

"Raichu quick! thunder punch!"

Raichu charged his punch and jumped towards victreebel. The latter however took the chance and launched a powerful sludge bomb which send raichu rolling backwards. It became poisoned as a result.

And Sonic was quick to follow.

Dropping to his knees he coughed. Knuckles witnessed this in shock, not expecting this sharing of their pain to go this far.

"You ok Sonic?"

Sonic coughed and looked at his raichu. It slammed its paw at the ground in determination looking at its trainer.

"Raiiii" it growled as lightning crackled from its tail.

"Is that..?" Knuckles was able to say before it happened.

Lightning fell from the sky breaking through the roof engulfing Sonic and raichu.

Sonic tried to grasp the feeling he was getting as he was struck by the lightning. It wasn't painful. It was actually sort of rejuvenating. They weren't really being healed, that he could tell. If he had to compare it with something, he would compare it to a functioning mind trick to remove distractions and perform at the best of your ability despite the injuries.

Only difference of course being it wasn't a mind trick. They really were having their distractions removed to fully grasp their maximum power.

After the lightning stopped, Sonic and raichu were both standing strong, the poisoning removed.

"Oh my" the elder sage said in awe.

"Raichu let's end this!"


"Knuckles, give me an opening!"

"You got it! Cyndaquil smokescreen!"

Cyndaquil used its move. This time however it had a different effect creating a smoke bomb style explosion. As the smoke covered victreebel rendering it unable to see its foes, Sonic ordered the attack.

"Raichu quick attack then thunder punch!"

Raichu came out of nowhere in a flash slamming hard into victreebel.

"Razor leaf!" the elder sage said betting it all on the one final attack.

Victreebel sharpened its side leaves like blades and charged at raichu. Raichu followed suit using thunder punch.

The attacks collided shaking the floor. Sonic felt a slight pain on his side as if he had been slashed by a sword but without any cut and the pain minimized.

Once the smoke from the smokescreen cleared, raichu could be seen using its tail to as a rod to stand and not faint while victreebel toppled. Raichu smiled and let out a small cry.

"Man" Knuckles said in awe.

The elder sage recalled victreebel.

"Just as mighty as your reputation suggests. You have passed the trials and are now eligible to challenge the gym leader, Falkner. Furthermore if you so desire you can take one of the many bellsprout living in the garden of the tower along in your journeys".

"I'll happily take one" Knuckles immediately accepted.

"Thanks but I already have a grass type so I'll pass" Sonic answered. As strong as victreebel was he didn't want more than one of any type if it was up to him.

Leaving the tower they were greeted by Tails who had spent the majority of his time waiting for his friends to pass the trials observing the bellsprout. Knuckles took his time choosing from the many bellsprout until he found one he felt a connection with. Sonic gave him a pokeball and Knuckles caught the bellsprout.

Going back out of town to set camp, Sonic asked Tails if he could tinker with his voltmeter to achieve contact between him and raichu again like the night when it evolved. Tails said he could only try as he still couldn't tell how it happened that night.

Hours went by as Knuckles prepared dinner for everyone and he and Sonic trained with their pokemon to prepare to tackle the gym. Chikorita and bellsprout immediately formed a bit of a rivalry between them.

After dinner Tails revealed his plan to try and establish communication between Sonic and raichu. He attached the voltmeter in raichu's cheeks to read the voltage it emitted every time it cried out its name and tried to essentially create an algorithm that would translate the readings based on the shape of the waves of electricity. It contained a lot of physics so he didn't bother explaining in great detail how it would function but essentially the voltmeter would read the wave of electricity and based on the pattern the wave had would translate it into a word.

"This is personal so I will leave you two to it. Anything goes wrong you call me immediately got it?"

"Got it" Sonic answered.

"Rai" Raichu cried out.

"Got it" a voice came from the mic connected to the voltmeter.

"Dear me it works! I'm a genius!" Tails exclaimed in surprise.

"Never had a doubt" Sonic smiled.

As Tails left the duo of trainer and pokemon Sonic started talking.

"Raichu I want to apologize for my mistakes for today".

"Rai rai rai".

"You don't have to. But why were you afraid to fight with me?"

"I… I was afraid you would get hurt. After my fight with that unown when my pain was reflected onto you I started hesitating. I didn't want to use you in battle so you wouldn't get hurt".

"Rai rai rai. Raichu rai".

"But I would be taking the pain regardless. And plus… now you know how I felt every time this happened".


"Rai rai. Raichu rai. Rai rai raichu".

"Think you dummy. You felt the pain I experienced in battle long before the opposite happened. How do you think that made me feel?"

Sonic's eyes widened. He never wondered how raichu felt about this from its own point of view.

"Rai raichu".

"Which is why I have been giving it my all every time we battle. To not take damage. So you won't feel it".

Sonic couldn't believe it. If his guilt over this two way street connection was one time great, raichu's must have been ten times that.

"Oh man… I never… I never thought about it that way".

"Raichu rai."

"It's ok. Because I welcome this connection".

"You do?"

"Rai rai. Raichu".

"Trainer and pokemon. Empowering one another and suffering together. This is the true form of a real connection between a trainer and a pokemon".

Sonic was moved. He smiled at his partner.

"Then let's give it our all partner. Just like our friends said. With Tails' smart, Knuckles' strength and our bond team rocket will fall once and for all".

"Rai rai!"

"Now you're talking!"

"And for the fun of it… I say we take home the league tournament trophy of Johto since we're here".

"Rai rai!"

"For sure!"

Sonic and raichu hugged after this, happy they had managed to communicate. Knuckles and Tails smiled seeing the two working it out and fairly easily too. Knuckles of course heard the statement Sonic would bring home the Johto trophy. He looked at Cyndaquil and bellsprout.

"We're friends and allies Sonic" he thought "but you won't be the one bringing the trophy home if I have anything to say about it".

Chapter 41: Rivalry reignited


Team Sonic comes across Ash and co. Things soon escalate into a battle. In the meantime, team rocket receives team Sonic's threatening message.

Chapter Text

Ariana was sitting alone in the dark conference room waiting for the rest of the rocket admins to start the meeting. Her thoughts were dwelling on their long gone boss. And to the hedgehog who had sent him to exile.

After the fall of team rocket and Giovanni's departure for exile, she, petrel and archer struggled to hold everything together. Grunts were making power plays and backstabbing each other, making off with captured pokemon to sell them. In general everything was going downhill nonstop.

And as if their troubles weren't enough, the team of Jessie and James along with their Meowth had gone rogue in a way pursuing some nobody child with a Pikachu they called powerful. Archer, the de facto leader and the strongest of the admins, had contacted them at first, ordering them to reunite with the rest of the team in Johto but the three morons bluntly refused stating they would get that Pikachu for the boss.

Archer had even tried to at least redirect them towards "the hedgehog who took down the boss". If they were not going to obey the chain of command, they could at least do something useful by trapping Sonic and his raichu.

The three idiots had of course refused stating that Sonic's raichu was worth nothing compared to the Pikachu they would steal.

"And the best part is" Ariana thought with a sour laugh "everyone saw the kid they are pursuing lose to the hedgehog. And not just lose, but get utterly crashed. Though it certainly was impressive how he brought down Moltres".

Just as she decided there was no point worrying about the three nuisances, she heard footsteps from the corridor. Finally they were here.

Archer and petrel, the other two admins of team rocket entered the room. They sat at the small table, Archer on the side of the table where Giovanni would sit back in Kanto, while petrel and Ariana sat opposite each other looking at him.

"Good news my comrades. The plan is ready to be set in motion. Soon enough we will have our first asset to get rolling again".

"Are you sure this is the best way to get us rolling archer?" Petrel asked with a hint of hesitation "there are so many more ways and better ways to make money".

"We can't risk attracting too much attention on us right now petrel" Archer explained patiently "and also. Slowpoke tails are a safe bet. Do you have any idea how much one costs? We'll be swimming in riches before even revealing ourselves again".

"I agree" Ariana added "we need an easy way to make money and stay unnoticed. Doesn't get easier than this".

Petrel nodded though still having reservations.

"So how soon are we talking about?" Ariana asked archer.

"Very soon. As soon as I give command. We have a full team waiting to get started on the slowpoke well here in Azalea".

"Then what's keeping you from giving the order?" Petrel asked him.

"The lack of buyers. Or more precisely, the lack of a fully negotiated and agreed-to cooperation deal with someone interested in buying slowpoke tails. I have a restaurant owner on standby who is interested. And I'll be meeting with him later today. He is also a safe bet. He is greedy so he will pay loads in exchange for what he sees as an investment".

"Excellent" Ariana exclaimed.

While discussing they heard a fuss from the corridor. The door burst open and a grunt walked in shaken. The two grunts guarding the meeting were trying to prevent him from disturbing the meeting, clearly failing.

"What is the meaning of this?" Archer asked slightly annoyed.

"It's…" the grunt said panting in exhaustion and panic "it's very bad news boss".

Archer, feeling his blood rising to his skull, walked up to the grunt, took him from the shirt and lifted him to meet his eyes.

"What. Did. You. Call me?"


Archer slammed his fist in the grunt's face fuming in anger.

"We only have one boss! And because of incompetent fools like you he is in exile! Never forget that!"

"Y-yes bo.. I mean mr archer… admin sir…"

"Now" Archer said taking a deep breath to calm down "what is the meaning of your intrusion?"

"We… are being trailed… sir" the grunt said shaking in fear.

"Trailed?" Archer asked "by who?"

"Who cares who it is?" Petrel intervened more annoyed than Archer "who could possibly be a threat to us here?"




Archer began losing his patience.

"Say it again. Slowly" he spoke the last word in a menacing tone.

"The hero of Kanto sir".

Archer's eyes widened. Petrel gasped. Ariana proceeded to grab the grunt by the neck.

"What sick joke is this?!"

"No joke ma'am. He jumped me in the woods outside of cherrygrove city. And this time he is not alone".

"Not alone?" Archer asked the grunt.

"Y-yes. He has brought two allies along. A smart one and a damn brute who… I think he would have broken my neck if the hero of Kanto didn't stop him. He also… knows you're leading us sir".

"Say what?"

"He… told me to deliver a message to you. He said… team Sonic is coming for all of us".

Archer heard the words echoing in his head.

The hero of Kanto was coming for them.

And this time he was not alone.

"He stopped the boss on his own" he thought completely ignoring and partially even forgetting Sonic's ally Mike during the time team rocket was reigning over Kanto "and now he has allies with him".

"Archer deploy me to stop him. I have unfinished business" Ariana volunteered.

"No" Archer silenced her raising his finger "our survival and preparation for the revival of team rocket is more important than some unfinished business. The chance for revenge will come in due time. But for now we will be patient".

Ariana desired to object but knew better than to disobey orders, unlike the three idiots.

"Understood sir".

"Petrel. Send proton to the slowpoke well and commence the tail harvesting".

"But sir the deal…"

"Will be sealed later today. You have your orders so follow them".

"…Yes sir" Petrel said and left.

"All of you leave" Archer ordered everyone out.

The grunts and Ariana walked out of the room. Archer took the silence in, trying to quell his rage for Sonic. The hero who had taken everything from team rocket.

"Team rocket vs team Sonic huh? Bring it on then. I will make sure team rocket prevails".

While this was taking place, team Sonic was having one final training session before taking on the gym leader, Falkner. Knuckles was a bit anxious as this would be his first gym battle.

"How did you feel during your battle against the first gym leader of Kanto Sonic?" he asked his friends as they headed towards the gym.

"Honestly, I felt sure of myself. And even more sure when I realized Brock used rock types. Blastoise handled them awesome even as only a squirtle. That was also the second time we saw my buddy here" he said as his hand grazed raichu's pokeball on his belt "reveal his uniqueness of striking ground types with electric moves".

"You know that is one factor I looked over when analyzing your bond with raichu. It was kind of unique before you met it. I can't imagine how just meeting you would empower it like this".

"Makes sense" Sonic shrugged "maybe we will learn more about that uniqueness down the line".

Finally making their way to the gym, Sonic heard a familiar voice cheering himself.

"We did Pikachu! Our first gym badge of Johto!"

"Pika pika!"

"You have got to be joking" Sonic commented. Tails and Knuckles looked at him in confusion.

The door of the gym opened and Ash walked out holding the zephyr badge. His eyes met Sonic's and his smile immediately changed to a look he would take if his birthday had come early.

"Well well well. What brings you here champ?"

"Hi Ash. Or should I call you champ as well?"

"Pika" Pikachu growled at the sight of its rival.

"Rai" Raichu growled back.

Misty and Brock also walked out following Ash. Misty was holding a pokemon egg.

"Huh speak of the devil. How are you doing Sonic?" Brock asked.

"You were talking about me?" Sonic asked back.

"Ash commented that he wished you could see him against Falkner".

"Yeah we are much stronger now. And we're both champions. What say you I finally prove myself?"

"Hold your horses there pal" Knuckles intervened "I don't think that will be a fair battle for Sonic. He is building a new team from scratch".

"So am I" Ash fired back.

"New team huh? Just make sure not to repeat the mistakes of your first team" Sonic said calmly.

"What mistakes?"

"I mean that make sure you get them all to their maximum power".

"If you mean evolve that's up to my pokemon".

Sonic sighed. It was pointless to argue.

"Well in any case we're here to challenge Falkner ourselves, so a battle with you will have to wait".

"Falkner's pokemon are resting. You're going to have to battle him later" Brock explained.

"Damnit" Sonic thought "well that sucks".

"Not at all" Ash said eager "now that you don't have an excuse so battle us!"

"Pika pika!"

Sonic was about to accept until Knuckles intervened again.

"How about this pal. Beat me first then Sonic's all yours".

"Ha! You think I'm afraid of you?"

"You're on Ketchum!" Knuckles said.

After a visit to the pokemon center to get Ash's pokemon all healed up, they found an open space for the battle. As Sonic, Tails, Misty and Brock stepped away to give Ash and Knuckles space to battle, Tails got to interact with Misty and Brock. He also explained his involvement in the attack on silph co and how he and Sonic had worked together to foil team rocket's plans. He also explained how he wasn't taking on the gym challenge but the he was taking care of a sentret they had rescued at the start of their journey. Although after getting elbowed by Sonic he omitted their encounter with a rocket grunt as well as team rocket's presence in Johto.

"I have only 2 pokemon Ketchum. You may use any 2 on your current team but no more. Agreed?"


"Good. Ready Ketchum?!"

"Bring it on Knucklehead!"

"Knucklehead?" Sonic asked aloud "are you gonna nickname every single person you meet?"

Ash ignored the question.

"Chikorita I choose you!"

"Go bellsprout!"

Bellsprout and chikorita emerged.

"Woah ash has a chikorita just like you Sonic" Tails commented.

"I can see that. Question is, how will they battle?"

"Chikorita razor leaf!"

Chikorita unleashed its barrage of leaves onto bellsprout. The latter's double resistance to grass allowed it to take the attack unscathed.

"Bellsprout growth!" Knuckles said smiling.

Bellsprout used its move successfully, raising its attack stats by one stage.

"Chikorita more razor leaves!"

Chikorita repeated the attack to once again little effect.

"Bellsprout growth again!"

Bellsprout also repeated its move.

"Ash razor leaf won't beat a bellsprout. You're giving him time to grow his attack and knock you out with one attack!"

"I know what I'm doing Brock don't worry" Ash said without convincing anyone, especially not Sonic.

"Chikorita tackle!"

"Bellspourt grab it with vine whip!"

Bellsprout used vine whip, wrapping the vines around its opponent. The increased attack proved vital to bringing chikorita to a complete halt.

"No chikorita!"

"Now slam it down!"

Bellsprout brought chikorita hard down. Chikorita took a big amount of damage but its grass typing allowed it to survive the attack.

"Chikorita use tackle again!"

"Bellsprout vine whip again!"

Bellsprout once again stopped chikorita mid-air.

"Now chikorita! Use razor leaf!"

The barrage of razor leaves came down onto bellsprout. The damage was nonexistent but its vision became blurred from all the leaves.

"Now break free and tackle!"

Chikorita took advantage of bellsprout's distraction and broke free from the vine whip. Coming down hard and unexpectedly, the attack resulted in a critical hit. Knuckles looked on helplessly as bellsprout was knocked out.

"Way to go chikorita!"

"Chiko chiko!" chikorita jumped up and down in joy that its trainer was happy.

"What are you waiting for Knucklehead? Bring out your next pokemon!"

Knuckles recalled bellsprout. He stood there for a moment observing the pokeball.

"I'm sorry" he said in a serious sad tone.

Sonic and Tails knowing their friend better than Ash, Brock or Misty could tell that something was bothering him. But before they could ask him if he was ok, Knuckles had sent out cyndaquil.

"Cyndaquil, avenge bellsprout! Rapid fire ember!"

Cyndaquil unleashed its attack, which after the training had increased its power greatly. Ash and chikorita were caught off guard expecting only one small ember to come towards them instead of a barrage of smaller embers. Chikorita tried to dodge, but eventually got struck over and over before toppling.

"Ha! Take that Ketchum!"

"Chikorita return" Ash recalled his grass type "you were amazing. Get a good rest" he looked back at Knuckles and his cyndaquil.

"Looks like we will have to fight fire with fire! Go charizard!"

"Charizard?!" Sonic exclaimed out loud.

The kanto fire starter emerged and roared, ready to attack.

"Hey that's not fair!" Tails tried to intervene "you said you were building a new team as well! Charizard has an unfair advantage over Cyndaquil".

"Why's it not fair?" Misty asked Tails "Falkner used stronger pokemon on Ash too".

"What do you mean stronger pokemon?" Sonic asked her.

"He used his pidgeot. His partner pokemon" Brock explained.

"Falkner uses flying types?" Sonic wondered silently, taking a silent note to train accordingly "in any case, that Charizard went toe to toe with my Moltres. Cyndaquil has been with us for a few days, it has barely trained".

"That's not Charizard's problem! Flamethrower!" Ash said undeterred, unable to wait to fight Sonic afterwards.

Cyndaquil tried to fight back with its rapid fire ember, but it was easily overpowered.

"Charizard don't let up! Fire spin!"

Charizard trapped cyndaquil in the fire spin.

"Now flamethrower again!"

The attack had devastating effects to both Cyndaquil's health and Knuckles' mentality. Badly hurt but still standing, it looked back at Knuckles and, wanting to make him proud refused to yield to Charizard.

"Charizard finish this! Flamethrower!"

"Ash stop! Cyndaquil can't take anymore!" Sonic warned him.

Charizard fired its attack.

"Raichu save it with quick attack!"

Raichu moved like a blur. Before the attack could land, Raichu had pulled Cyndaquil out of the way.

"Hey it's rude to intervene!" Ash turned to Sonic.

"You were about to hurt Cyndaquil. You really thought I would let you?"

"If your friend can't take the heat then he should've surrender" Ash fired back.

Sonic wasn't expecting someone like Ash to be pulling that sort of move, using an older pokemon on their new journey. Even he had had a talk with raichu explaining why he would use it less during their Johto journey, except of course against team rocket, as it wouldn't be fair for their beginner opponents.

"Knuckles" he turned back to his friend "let me end this battle for you".

Knuckles picked up Cyndaquil in his arms.

"Teach him a lesson Sonic".

"Oh I will" Sonic affirmed as raichu took its battle stance against Charizard.

"You think I'm scared of your raichu?"

"You should be. Especially after our battle at the league".

"Charizard flamethrower!"

"Raichu quick attack!"

Raichu easily dodged the flamethrower but Charizard soared to avoid getting hit by it. Raichu tried to use thunder punch but found itself unable to reach it.

"Damnit. Again with flying. Same problem with Zapdos" Sonic thought "but what if…"

"You should have never made your raichu such a one-sided fighter Sonic! Charizard fire spin!"

Raichu was engulfed in the fire spin as Sonic felt the heat but managed to hide it.

"Charizard flamethrower!"

Charizard unleashed its attack.

"Use quick attack to jump!"

Raichu realized what Sonic was going for. But having never trained in this version of quick attack before it had to stay still for a moment to charge before unleashing the attack to propel itself. The flamethrower found its mark burning raichu.

Sonic of course once again felt a fraction of raichu's pain. But unlike the previous times, the pain worked as a booster, making him desire to defeat Ash even more.

"Raichu do it!"

The next moment raichu disappeared like a yellow blur and smacked Charizard on the jaw at full force, causing it to get dizzy momentarily. Raichu span through the air momentarily and landed on Charizard's back.

"Thunder punch go!"

Raichu moved before Ash could react. The thunder punch came down hard on Charizard's back, causing it to roar in pain and plummet to the ground, crashing down hard and fainting.

Ash couldn't believe that even after everything he lost in such a fashion.

"This doesn't make any sense! There shouldn't be such a distance between us anymore".

As Raichu returned to Sonic's side, the latter looked at Ash in sincere confusion.

"What made you think we are suddenly equals in battle?"

"The fact that the two of us together were the orange islands' chosen one this year? And also that we are both champions now?"

"The fact that we were both the chosen one, the fact that we both won a regional league and our battle prowess difference are completely different things" Sonic countered.

"Sonic that actually isn't all true" Misty intervened "both you and Ash faced the titans there. Ash even beat Drake the orange island champion".

"That isn't true either" Tails joined in "Sonic got the birds' attention while Ash raced to get the treasure".

"Yeah. Sonic literally got zapped by Zapdos head on and survived. Had it not been for him Ash might have never made it back to Shamouti on time. Not to mention that Drake's team was powerful but Sonic's real rival in Kanto, Mike, had a similar team and with a Zapdos too. Ash merely beat an imitation of that team" Knuckles also added.

"Were you there Knucklehead?" Ash fired at him.

"It's Knuckles. And no I was not. But I believe Sonic's words on that. And also we saw your match on TV. Sonic would have run through that team no problem with his Kanto team".

"Drake's dragonite would give raichu a run for its money. Also you should have known that had it not been for me putting the treasure on the pedestal on time, Sonic would have perished at the hands of the titans".

"I know that Ash" Sonic said seriously "and I am grateful for that. But you need to realize that racing to the island of ice and back did not make you any better a trainer or your pokemon any stronger. Beating Drake was also very impressive and did increase your battle prowess. But it didn't lower the distance between us enough to beat us. It simply verified you have a pure soul and a brave heart and that you have indeed grown a bit stronger. But» Sonic emphasized when speaking the work "you're a long way from beating us".

Ash clenched his fist still unwilling to accept this difference in their power.

"Fine then. You're stronger for now. But just you wait until the Johto league. I will beat both you and your friend Knuckles!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it Ketchum" Knuckles fired back.

"We'll see about that Ash. I will only say this once. Don't talk the talk. Walk the walk. You know that I know you can do it. So do it. Come on guys. We'll be back tomorrow for the battle with Falkner. See you guys around" Sonic concluded bidding farewell to Ash's group and turned to leave with Raichu following.

Tails waved goodbye to Ash's group too. Knuckles shared one more rivalry look with Ash before following his friends back outside the city to train more before tackling the gym the next day.

Unbeknown to either Sonic or Ash's group, all of them were being observed by the red haired trainer who had stolen totodile on the day team Sonic's Johto journey began. He observed Sonic's tactics thinking of ways his totodile and his new addition, zubat would prevail in combat against a powerful raichu like his.

"You will pay" Silver swore "I will get stronger. Beat team rocket before you. And then you will pay for what you did to my father".

Chapter 42: Air battle


Sonic and Knuckles finally battle Falkner. The latter declares he will only battle Sonic on one condition; that he gets to face Sonic's Moltres.

Chapter Text

Ash, Brock and Misty headed off from Violet City heading for Azalea town next, first thing in the morning. Ash wasn't typically an early bird – after all this very fact was how he met his Pikachu – but now that he knew his rival was also there he wanted to race ahead and shorten the gap between himself and Sonic.

And Sonic's echidna friend also was on his radar. Even though their battle never concluded, the comment the third member of Sonic's party, the two-tailed fox Brock said was named Tails, was still echoing in his mind.

Ever since coming to Johto to deliver the gs ball to professor oak's colleague and consequently deciding to aim for the johto league, he had caught 2 new pokemon, firstly the chikorita that he used against Knuckles and a heracross. But he still mostly used charizard and Pikachu to end the battles. That caused complaints from his opponents but Ash disregarded them.

But the same fact coming from Sonic, the one Ash wanted to defeat above all others haunted him. Made him doubt himself again.

"Could I have really beaten Knuckles if I had used heracross? Or even Pikachu?"

Misty noticed his troubled face.

"You ok?"

"No I'm not ok. After finally believing I was catching up to him I now feel even further behind. And his raichu… how could it knock out Charizard with one thunder punch? That shouldn't be possible. Charizard battled Moltres to a draw. You mean to tell me Sonic's raichu is stronger than his Moltres?"

"I don't know. What do you think Brock?"

"I don't know either. It certainly is powerful. It beat that other kid's Zapdos. I think the kid's name was Mike. Anyway there's something else that bothers me. Sonic said after the indigo league that his journey was over. So how come he started a new one and in Johto of all places?"

"Beats me. All I know is that our distance is bigger than ever. And to think I won the orange league too. I just don't know how to get stronger to rub it in his face after I beat him".

"Well firstly you need to stop using Charizard as much. If you always depend on it then chikorita and heracross will never become stronger" Brock surmised.

Ash gritted his teeth at the thought of not using one of his strongest pokemon. But at the same time Charizard was knocked out with a single punch. Could it too need more training?

While the trio was busy walking and talking, they failed to notice team rocket following them, preparing an ambush.

"You all ready?" Jessie asked her teammates excited.

"Jessie I'm getting tired of this. Why don't we try something new for a change and go for the hedgehog instead?"

"No way. The twerp has made this personal. We're having that Pikachu!"

"Not to mention, he is not nearly as dangerous as the hedgehog" Meowth said with a hint of fear of Sonic in his voice.

"Oh well. Guess we should prepare for another blast-off then" James muttered.

"Oh shut up" Jessie countered slapping him on the back of his head "you'll see it will be different this time".

"No hedgehog no problem for me" Meowth smiled revealing its claws.

Meanwhile team Sonic entered Violet city ready once again to tackle Falkner. As Sonic and Knuckles were arguing over who would fight Falkner first they heard a faraway explosion.

"Huh?" all 3 spoke at once.

Looking at the direction of the boom they saw a small dot launching towards the sky, making an arch and then crashlanding in front of them.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. As if Ash is not enough I have to deal with you three morons?"

Meowth immediately identified the voice.

"Gah no save me!" he screamed hiding behind Jessie.

"Who are those guys?" Tails asked Sonic.

"Members of team rocket" Sonic said menacingly.

"Let me at them Sonic!" Knuckles asked bumping his fists together.

"Wait" Sonic stopped him and approached the frightened team rocket.

"We're in a good mood today. You could help us keep this mood and let you go off unscathed… if you tell us where your comrades are and what they're up too".

"We'd love to but we don't know" Jessie said waving her hands in a way that was screaming 'mercy we're beaten'.

"I don't buy it" Knuckles said cracking his knuckles.

"It's true. We've gone rogue in a way. We just want to find the boss and present it with the twerp's Pikachu to get him to come back to us".

Sonic felt his blood boiling. Bring him back?!



"Teach our good friends here a proper lesson".

"W-Wait! We told you all we know!"

"Yes. And you know what? I believe you. Thunder punch!"

Raichu used thunder punch on the lot.

"We're blasting off agaaiiiin!" team Sonic heard them scream as they disappeared into the sky.

"That… was a little harsh" Tails couldn't help but note.

"I was kind to them" Sonic said trying to quell his rage "you heard them? They want to help Giovanni return from exile. That alone should have been worthy of a death sentence".

"Death sentence?" Tails thought in horror. Sonic was actually scaring him.

"Ok maybe death sentence is too much. But I should have let Knuckles have a go at them first. And I don't mean in a pokemon battle".

"Not that they could. I wonder who beat them" Knuckles wondered aloud.

"Isn't it obvious? They are stalking Ash".


"Well" Sonic said taking deep breaths to calm down "let's go. We shouldn't keep Falkner waiting".

"He's not expecting us" Knuckles answered.

"Maybe. But my temper's flared now, I'm itching for a battle".

"No way. I'm taking him on first" Knuckles countered.

However their argument was pointless. For when they entered the gym, they were greeted by Falkner, his back turned against them and, even though they couldn't see it, his eyes closed.

"I was wondering when you would show up, hero of Kanto".

Sonic was caught by surprise. How did he tell they had arrived?

"Your and your friend's victory at the sprout tower trials was indeed impressive. I was hoping to face you sooner but no time like the present. But… I will only accept one fight with you" Falkner said still not turning to face them.

"Oh yeah? What challenge?"

"Your Moltres. I will only accept your battle for my badge if you bring it out".

Sonic wasn't expecting this. And that could pose a problem. Moltres was back in Kanto.

"Moltres is not with me at this point in time".

"And why does it have to be Moltres? Sonic is going for your badge you're supposed to use a set team for beginner trainers" Knuckles stood up for Sonic.

"I'm not the only one who wants to fight his Moltres" Falkner declared turning around.

At the same time, a Pidgeot flew inside the gym from the opening in the ceiling and flapped its wings majestically crying out a cry of excitement and battle determination.

"My partner pokemon desires to fight your legendary bird. So I suggest that, while your friend battles me with his team, you go and bring your Moltres from whichever place it rests. Pokemon center is right around the corner so you can retrieve it easily".

Sonic was backed into a corner. He hadn't left Moltres somewhere he could just pick it up. But at the same time it was the perfect opportunity to test his connection to his Alakazam.

"Ok" he shrugged. Tails looked at him sideways in question wondering how Sonic planning to bring Moltres here, having forgotten the connection.

Sonic exited the gym. Knuckles stepped forward ready.

"We use 2 pokemon each".

"Sounds good to me" Knuckles said eager to begin.

Falkner nodded.

"Go Pidgey!"

"Go bellsprout!"

The two pokemon stood opposite each other, bellsprout having the disadvantage. Both it and Knuckles however were ready.

"Battle begin" the gym referee declared.

"Pidgey use gust!"

"Bellsprout tough it out and use growth!"

Bellsprout resisted the wind gust as best as it could while raising its attack. It was obvious however that it wouldn't be able to take a supereffective move twice in a row like that.

"Pidgey gust again!"

"Bellsprout use vine whip to jump!"

Bellsprout used its vines to jump, dodging the gust.

"Looks like Sonic's tactic rubbed off on Knuckles" Tails commented smiling.

"Now bellsprout! Wrap!"

Wrap was a move Knuckles had concealed his pokemon learning as they had learnt it the night before. Still in the air, it wrapped its vines around pidgey, restricting its movements and sending them both plummeting down even though they were not at a high altitude.

The crash momentarily created a cloud of dirt that covered the two pokemon. When the dust settled, both Knuckles and Falkner witnessed pidgey desperately struggling to escape the wrap, managing to stand up, take one or two steps, try and fly away only to collapse back down again, all the while letting out cries of pain and determination.

"Pidgey use gust around you" Falkner tried to retaliate.

But it was no use. Sonic, albeit not thinking it to be exactly fair, had informed Knuckles of the comment Misty had made the day before, explaining that Falkner most likely used flying types. Knuckles had prepared for this type of matchup and his strategy was working out perfectly.

With one final strong wrap choke, pidgey toppled and bellsprout emerged victorious.

"Impressive" Falkner complimented Knuckles recalling pidgey "a grass type beating a flying type in this gym is not something I see often. But let's see how well you do against this!" he exclaimed sending out pidgeotto.

Knuckles gritted his teeth. An evolved form was going to be a challenge.

"This guy has the whole pidgey evolution line? I wonder how strong the pidgeot Sonic will face will be" he thought.

Outside the gym, Sonic had hid in an alleyway behind a garbage dumpster and racked his brain on how he could actually contact Alakazam. He had never tested it before and cursed not testing it when they were still at Mewtwo's cave.

All he could do was yell inside his mind.

"Alakazam can you hear me?"

Faraway in the Kanto region, Alakazam, Mewtwo and Moltres were bringing a pokemon that was abandoned by its trainer over to the cave. Alakazam and Mewtwo were floating through the air, Alakazam with help from Mewtwo hoping to one day become powerful enough in its psychic abilities that it would actually fly like Mewtwo.

Alakazam then heard the call.

"Alakazam it's Sonic. Can you hear me?"

Mewtwo who was also linked with Alakazam due to their past experiences heard it.

"It's Sonic" he said talking to Alakazam. It hummed it agreement.

"Alakazam if you can hear me, I need Moltres' help. We're in Johto, in Violet city".

Mewtwo also heard the message and nodded.

"Sonic needs you" he said talking to Moltres "leave the gloom with us. Go to Violet city" Mewtwo said implanting inside Moltres' head Sonic's location. Just like it had linked with Lugia, Mewtwo linked with Sonic momentarily, enabling him to find out the exact location of Violet City. Moltres cried out in excitement at the prospect of reuniting with Sonic. Mewtwo lifted the gloom that was riding on Moltres with its psychic and Moltres accelerated with immense speed heading west.

Back in Violet, Knuckles was ready for the second battle.

"Brace yourself challenger cause this won't go like the last one! Pidgeotto use wing attack!"

Pidgeotto dived faster than Knuckles could react heading straight for bellsprout.

"Use vine whip to dodge!"

Bellsprout extended its vines.

"Hit the vine whip with the wing attack!" Falkner suddenly ordered.

Pidgeotto's wings hit the vine whip, causing it to bend and launch bellsprout against its will sending it rolling to the ground.

"Now before it gets up! Quick attack!"

Pidgeotto in the blink of an eye crashed into bellsprout sending it crashing into the gym wall, knocking it out. Knuckles was in utter shock and run to bellsprout's side.

"Bellsprout are you ok?"

"Bell.. sprout".

Knuckles sighed in relief. Tails was again wondering how come Knuckles was so frightened and caring with his pokemon. Sonic was a trainer for far longer and probably saw his pokemon faint more than once but never seemed too worried for them.

"What are you hiding Knuckles?" Tails wondered silently.

Knuckles recalled bellsprout and turned to face Falkner sending out cyndaquil.

"Come at us!" he declared as cyndaquil's flames on its back erupted.

"As you wish! Quick attack!"

Knuckles expected the attack this time. He knew he couldn't dodge it but he would be able to profit off of it.


"Knuckles no!" Tails exclaimed when he realized what his friend said.

The smokescreen hit the pidgeotto but didn't affect it. Pidegotto hit Cyndaquil but it got back up fairly easily.

"Damnit no keen eye!" Knuckles cursed.

"And to think I warned him last night" Tails thought, sighing in disappointment.

"Again pidgeotto, quick attack!"


Cyndaquil fired ember. Pidegotto flew right through the ember.

It didn't come out unscathed.

The attack connected but didn't have the same effect as before. Pidgeotto was burned.

"Nice cyndaquil!" Knuckles exclaimed.

"Good and lucky" Falkner said smiling "but still not enough. Pidgeotto air cutter!"

Pidgeotto flapped its wings creating a powerful air current that struck cyndaquil, damaging it and even lowering the intensity of the flames on its back.

"Cyndaquil! Counter with rapid fire ember!"

Cyndaquil tried to use its move but most of the embers were deflected either away from it or right back into it damaging it further.

"No" Knuckles whispered, his hands trembling unable to take seeing his pokemon getting hurt.

He was about to lift Cyndaquil's pokeball to recall it and submit but Cyndaquil saw it.

"Quiiiiiil!" it cried out loudly determined not to sumbit. It looked back at Knuckles who became conflicted.

"Quiiiiil! Quiiiil! Lava!" it cried out on more time as a blue glow engulfed it.

"What?" Knuckles said in surprise.

"No way. How? It's too early!" Tails exclaimed just as surprised.

Cyndaquil's body was transformed becoming larger and longer. The air cutter stopped. Cyndaquil emerged as a new pokemon.

"Qui! Lava!"

"Woah" Knuckles said taking out his pokedex.

"Quilava the volcano pokemon. Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This pokemon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames".

"Wow" Knuckles said in awe "alright then quilava! Let's put that nimbleness to the test! Ember!"

Quilava unleashed a powerful ember, much more powerful than when it was a cyndaquil. Pidgeotto flew away to avoid getting too hurt, though the burn kept taking its toll.

"Pidgeotto quick attack!"

The quick attack was launched but the pokedex didn't lie. Quilava partially dodged the attack, still getting smacked but coming out mostly unharmed.

"Now quilava! Show them what we got! Rapid fire ember!"

Quilava unleashed a flurry of embers. Contrary to cyndaquil, each of the smaller embers of quilava had the ferocity of a fully charged cyndaquil ember. Pidgeotto tried to avoid the barrage but the moment one landed it was over. The rest also found their mark after the first one to land, and at last pidgeotto, too exhausted to even stay afloat anymore, crashlanded, fainted.

Falkner who couldn't have expected such a move, gave his pidgeotto a rawst berry to heal the burn and then looked at Knuckles.

"Congratulations. You have prevailed. So take this" he said tossing Knuckles a small shiny badge.

"The zephyr badge is yours" Falkner commented.

Knuckles smiled proud. No exclamation, not jumping in joy. That was the usual Knuckles Tails knew from their older adventures. But here he was so calm and in peace.

Falkner then looked around.

"Well where is your other friend Sonic? He said he would be back with his Moltres".

Tails who during the battle had texted Sonic to see if he had any luck summoning Moltres from Kanto, tried to come up with something.

"Well… the thing is…".

"I'm here" Sonic declared with a huge grin entering the gym again.

Falkner immediately asked Knuckles to step off the arena and give his place to Sonic. Eager to battle he ordered his Pidgeot who was standing by the whole time to soar.

"So? Where is your Moltres hero of Kanto?"

"The name's Sonic. I'm no hero. I only did the right thing. So let's get on with it. MOLTRES!" he yelled at the end of the phrase.

Moltres emerged from the opening of the gym ceiling illuminating every bit of the gym. Both Falkner and Pidgeot took the sight in, Pidgeot itself getting second thoughts against that beast.

"Ready?" Sonic asked smiling.

Falkner clenched his fist in excitement.

"Come get us!"

"Moltres sunny day!"

Moltres used its move successfully. Just as Sonic expected its moves were still the same.

"Pidgeot wing attack!"

Pidgeot flew fast towards its opponent.

Moltres effortlessly dodged. Having fought against the other legendary birds of Kanto, a pidgeot was nothing.


Moltres unleashed a more powerful flamethrower than it even had before during its Kanto journey. Pidgeot was engulfed in the flames and appeared to have fainted falling straight down.

"Easy win" Knuckles commented.

"NOW! QUICK ATTACK!" Falkner shouted.

It was a fake out. Pidgeot used its already built momentum from the fall, opened its wings and perfectly made an arch against the ground soaring again at incredible speed and slamming into Moltres. Moltres, caught off guard. Moltres lost its balance and plummeted down, though having learned from its experience at the orange islands, opened its wings cut the momentum in half, landing less roughly than it could have.

Sonic too was caught off guard. And he also remembered Misty mentioning Ash's Charizard fought that pidgeot too. Charizard had managed to get a draw out of Moltres.

"Then again" Sonic thought smiling as he remembered a detail he had forgotten "Ash used his primeape to deal some damage to Moltres before Charizard. That means they are not perfectly equal in power".

"Moltres can you go on?"

Moltres screeched in battle excitement. It soared again meeting pidgeot face to face.

"Pidgeot don't give them a chance! Wing attack!"

Pidgeot flew towards Moltres.

"Moltres fly away!"

Moltres flew away with Pidgeot in hot pursuit.

The battle carried them outside them gym and into the open sky. Sonic and Falkner rushed out to find the two flying types engaging in a dogfight.

"Pidgeot air cutter!"

Pidgeot unleashed the air current towards Moltres. Sonic witnessed Moltres get hit by it. But that gave him an idea.

"Pidgeot air cutter again!"

The moment the attack was launched Sonic found his opening.

"Moltres now! Do a loop de loop!"

"WHAT?!" Falkner exclaimed having never heard of such a strategy.

Moltres flew upwards, upside down and then rightside up again, making a circle and now flying right behind Pidgeot.

"Now use air slash while barrel rolling!"

Moltres started spinning clockwise doing a barrel roll. With each spin it sent a couple air slashes, one from each of its wings straight at Pidgeot. Pidgeot just like the pidgeotto before found itself getting struck over and over by a barrage of power stab boosted flying type attacks. And just like the pidgeotto once the barrage ended, Pidgeot plummeted.

Contrary to pidgeotto however which plummeted earlier at a lower altitude, a fall of that sort would certainly resort in pidgeot's death.

At least had it not been for Sonic's timely action.

"Moltres save pidgeot!"

Moltres flew down and under the falling pidgeot. Positioning itself under it, it fired a flamethrower to the ground. The force of the intense flames hitting the ground created enough counter force to allow Moltres to land safely and for pidgeot to slump down to the ground exhausted but grateful.

As the two flying types exchanged cries Sonic and Falkner approached them.

"You were amazing. Get a good rest" Falkner said to his pidgeot recalling it.

"You were great Moltres. Just as ever" Sonic said petting it on the neck.

Moltres placed its long neck on Sonic's shoulder almost causing him to fall down from the weight.

"Hehe I missed you too pal" he said hugging it.

Raichu went in for a hug as well, accidentally zapping Moltres a bit. Moltres however didn't seem to mind.

Falkner approached Sonic who let raichu and Moltres chat and turned to face him.

"Everything I heard about you and that Moltres and witnessed on tv could never describe the bond and power I witnessed here today. You really are something else hero of Kanto. Or if you prefer so, Sonic the hedgehog. You just like your friend have earned this" he said seriously but smiling handing Sonic a zephyr badge as well.

"Thanks man" Sonic answered observing the small shiny badge. Knuckles put his side by side with Sonic's.

"One down, seven to go" he said smiling.

"Yeah" Sonic nodded.

Afterwards Falkner left the team and their pokemon and returned inside his gym. After a little bit of catching up and short meeting between Moltres and the team's new pokemon, it was time for them to split again.

Sonic, raichu and Moltres hugged each other once again.

"Tell everyone I miss them and not to worry. Team rocket will be dealt with".

Moltres cried out in agreement and soared heading east this time, back to Kanto.

Sonic and raichu observed it flying away until it disappeared into the horizon. Sonic let a tear drop though didn't let Tails and Knuckles see it.

"Well. As Knuckles said. One down, seven to go. Next stop" Tails said looking at the map "Azalea town. Hey you know there is a local attraction called the slowpoke well there. Maybe we could visit the place. That pokemon always fascinated me".

"Same" Sonic commented as the team headed towards the south exit of the city "you know I once read the shell slowbro has on its tail is a shellder but it looks nothing like it".

"I've noticed it too. Scientists have been trying to figure out why that is" Tails recalled the documentary he had seen "one in specific said he had a theory the shell is something like a variant of shellder but that makes no sense with the current data. Both shellder and slowbro come from the same region aka same ecosystem aka why haven't any variants of shellder been reported?"

Sonic and Knuckles let Tails rumble on about it smiling.

"Yeah classic Tails" Sonic thought as they headed south towards Azalea town unaware of the two confrontations awaiting. One for team Sonic and one for the leader of team Sonic.

Chapter 43: New nemesis


As international police detectives, Looker and Morrison, try to unravel the mystery of Giovanni, Sonic becomes a lead for their investigation. Team Sonic is also attacked by vengeful Silver with whom they had a run-in in New Bark Town.

Chapter Text

Detective Looker sat alone in the police headquarters of Ecutreak city, lost in the maze that were his thoughts.

In front of him on the wall was a big bulletin board with several photographs of people the police suspected to be a part of team rocket. One was spotted on the tourist outpost near the lake of rage, another one in Goldenrod city and most recently one in Azalea town. Looker looked back and forth at the photos trying to piece together what team rocket was planning if they were really on the right track.

Then his gaze went to the middle of the board. On the photograph depicting what he perceived as his greatest lead.

"What are you up to?" he thought to himself "hero of Kanto".

A few moments later his partner, detective Morrison entered the room carrying an envelope with him.

"I'm here 836" he joked.

Looker laughed quietly.

"I no longer go by that codename, remember Jake?"

"Hehe I know".

Looker then turned serious again.

"Did you get what I need?"

Morrison handed him the envelope.

"Only as much as I could get my hands on".

Looker looked at him raising his eyebrow in question.

"Well the thing is… I got very little. Sonic the hedgehog remains a mystery. I couldn't get my hands on info. The league staff told me, respectably if I do say so myself" he said not really meaning it "that unless he is under real suspicion, they can't and won't give us his data. Not to mention they were not exactly happy to hear we are, and I quote, harassing the hero of Kanto after everything he selflessly did for the region".

Looker sighed.

"Why can't anything ever be easy… what did you get then?"

"Well… only that he was not born in Kanto. They didn't give us his actual place of birth".

"Hm… what about the other kid? The one that confessed during the league to have assisted him?"

"Unable to track him. Keep in mind he is in possession of a Zapdos. He could be halfway across the world right now if he so chose to".

"What about security cameras from silph co?"

"The tapes were stolen from the Saffron city station two days ago sir. The only clue we got was several witnesses claiming seeing a Zapdos fly away from the city".

Looker looked down.

"So he stole the tapes. We could have him arrested for that".

"Not really. The witnesses were actually partying teenagers. Drunk" Morrison informed him regrettably "their testimonies are not exactly usable in the investigation".

"Alright then. Call them and tell them to get another copy from the silph co".

"Already tried. The recordings of that day were mysteriously erased".


"It must have been an inside job. That kid must have not been involved. But we questioned all the employees and the CEO. No one confessed or made a questionable statement. All their alibies stand".

Looker turned back to the wall with team Sonic's picture.

"So either they're all telling the truth and someone managed to break in and erase them, or they're all lying".

"Probably the 2nd Looker".

Looker went back to the table all the reports about team rocket were piled on and slumped down on the chair.

"I don't get it. Sonic the hedgehog has brought that company to its knees with his reckless actions. They are on the brink of economic collapse. And yet they are lying to protect him?"

Jake looked at his friend in concern.

"Hey Looker… I just can't help but wonder… why are we going after the hedgehog? Shouldn't we be putting all of our efforts in finding team rocket? More specifically their boss Giovanni?"

Looker looked back at his partner.

"Exactly. And the hedgehog" he said pointing to the photo "is our only lead. He was the last to see Giovanni before he escaped. For all we know he could have let him escape. Or even worse".

Morrison was not into this idea entirely though.

"Look I know what he did was not exactly by the book… but the guy is a hero throughout Kanto. He saved all the pokemon in silph co, all the employees. Even I believe he wouldn't let him escape. And what do you mean worse?"

Looker merely separated one envelope from the pile. He handed it to Morrison.

Morrison took the envelope. It was from the investigation at silph co after the incident there.

The report was mostly about the damage done along with the testimonies of the witnesses. However the part of the report describing the findings in the CEO's office.

Two samples of blood had been found. The first sample, was proven to belong to the Jolteon that had perished there. The other was a human sample. And to Morrison's horror it was actually matched to…


"Yes. This is the worse I meant. Either Sonic the hedgehog or the other kid assaulted Giovanni. When the CEO started coming around before the two fled, he testified that the hedgehog tried to prevent Giovanni's escape. So maybe you have a point in your assumption Giovanni wasn't allowed to escape. But that signifies Sonic the hedgehog as the one who assaulted Giovanni".

Morrison remained quiet.

"In other words" Looker said turning back to the bulletin board "we have a vigilante capable of and possibly willing to kill or at least hurt those associated with team rocket" he turned back to Morrison "do you understand now what is at stake? That the so called hero of Kanto is our best lead and at the same time our greatest priority?"

Morrison was at a loss for words.

"But Looker, those are mere speculations".

"Yes. Which is why we need to find him and keep tabs on him. I need but one proof that he is potentially dangerous. Then we can bring him in and finally maybe start unravelling the mystery of Giovanni's disappearance".

Morrison nodded slowly though he still couldn't fully grasp the possibility. He admired Sonic deep down despite his questionable actions in the eyes of the law. Could he really be capable of such dark deeds as his partner suspected?

A long distance away, team Sonic was heading south from Violet city towards Azalea town, the next stop in their gym challenge.

As the three friends walked alongside the shoreline, Sonic enjoyed the peace and quiet as their pokemon run around them chasing each other as a game, sometimes leading the way and other times following the team.

In the back of Sonic's mind of course was still team rocket. Or more specifically, the absence of team rocket. He was sure there would be clues to find them all over but so far only that one random lonely grunt they had found.

"Damnit" he said out of the blue.

"What did you say?" Tails asked.

"I just realized something" Sonic said "that grunt we found a day into our journey. We could have questioned him, learn where team rocket was. Maybe even ambush them. Now they are probably aware we are coming for them. They will possibly even relocate. We screwed up".

Tails nodded. It was indeed a logical conclusion. But at the same time…

"We messed up indeed. But what else can we do but move forward? Train, become strong. They will have to show themselves eventually Sonic. Maybe not straight up like when they were in Kanto. But I'm sure when the time comes to tackle them we will know where to look".

Sonic scratched his head.

"How can we be sure?"

"We can't. But we're talking about team rocket right? Their motto is not just dominance but fear. Just making money, probably by harming pokemon" Tails said grimly "it won't be enough for them. Giovanni wanted to be feared throughout Kanto right. Not be in the forefront don't get me wrong. But be feared by being shrouded in darkness and giving himself a vibe of the unknown. So it's only natural that his pawns would behave the same way".

Sonic found this to be actually accurate. He remembered how Ariana had acted back in that warehouse. She feared and respected Giovanni so in his absence, she, Archer and Petrel would probably try to run team rocket like he would.

"So you think that we won't have to look hard to find them right?"

"Yup. I'm sure they will show themselves. But just to be safe I modified my phone to notify me when something nefarious is posted on social media or just on the net. Anything that could be rockets, we will know instantly".

Sonic smiled. He was lucky to have his two best friends along on this journey.

After a long walk, many challenges from trainers they encountered and wild pokemon that got in their way, team Sonic once again made camp for the night. Sonic was in shock to hear Knuckles' Cyndaquil had evolved and Tails himself stated he believed it was still too early and should have grown a lot more before evolving.

That came to show how great Knuckles was with pokemon unbeknown to even himself. Sonic wondered if that meant his chikorita was also close to evolving. After all evolution meant higher stats, meaning more power and stamina which a defensive wall that he was intending his chikorita to someday be needed to be fully evolved.

The three friends got to training, testing Quilava's speed, power and endurance and found it to be slowly turning into a menace on the battlefield. Its rapid fire ember attack was now a minigun of embers that could actually hurt Sonic's wooper. Though as they expected raichu still had the edge over it.

During the training, Sonic spent a lot of time with chikorita and pushed it hard during the training. Cyndaquil's evolution made him excited for chikorita's evolution.

Raichu observing its trainer give all of his attention to chikorita got a little jealous. At one point it tried to get Sonic to help it practice thunder punch, though it was merely an excuse to get some attention too.

"Not now buddy" Sonic said softly "our new teammates need training. Come on Chikorita give it all you got".

Chikorita obeyed but it was clear it wanted to rest.

"Sonic maybe you should let it take its time with evolving" Tails adviced.

"Oh come on, look at quilava. Can you imagine how tanky chikorita could be if it evolved if quilava is that speedy? Raichu I said not now please".

Raichu observed stone faced for the rest of the training session.

After training, the team got together to once again taste Knuckles' cooking. After dinner, the team let their pokemon play around. Raichu wanted to stay with Sonic for a while just to hand out but Sonic insisted it go play with its teammates. Raichu obeyed, albeit not wholeheartedly. While the pokemon were playing, team Sonic just sat in their big tent discussing possible strategies as well as what they would do should they encounter team rocket soon.

Hours later, everyone was out like a light. At one point Sonic got thirsty and reached for a bottle of water when he heard rustling in the grass.

He crawled to the edge of the tent and slid the zipper open.

He saw a dark figure holding his sleeping chikorita.

"HEY!" he yelled instinctively.

The figure made a break for it.

"GIVE ME BACK MY POKEMON YOU THIEF!" Sonic screamed reaching for chikorita's pokeball but it was pointless. It was well beyond the range of the pokeball's signal.

"Sonic?" Tails looked outside from the tent's opening still half asleep.

"A creep stole chikorita. I will hunt him down! Raichu! Come quick!"

Raichu was roughly awoken but realizing what happened immediately rushed after the thief.

"Sonic wait for us!" Tails managed to scream but Sonic was gone before he could process the situation.

"Knuckles get up we have a problem" Tails turned to wake his other friend up.

Sonic, running as fast as he could saw the dark figure make for the woods.

"Hang on chikorita I'm coming!"

The thief jumped over a bush, chikorita still somehow asleep in his arms. Sonic also jumped over the bush and raichu followed suit.

Entering the thick treeline, Sonic began having trouble catching up with the thief. He was slick and agile, and obviously knew where he was headed.

As if the entire thing was planned.

Raichu was racing behind Sonic, attempting to keep up as well.

Momentarily the three got to another bush. This one however had spiky leaves on top of it.

The thief rushed through the bush, making sure not to scratch himself. Sonic followed suit ignoring the risk and getting cut in the process.

Raichu also rushed through the bush and a couple of leaves got stuck on its face.

It stopped to remove them. Once its eyesight was restored, it raced forward hoping to catch up to its trainer.

Sonic felt his breath slowly running out. His eyesight started becoming blurry from the exhaustion but his mind only had one target.

Save chikorita.

Eventually the thief reached a clearing and stopped. Sonic caught up and looked on as the hooded thief revealed, chikorita was now wearing…

"A team rocket collar" Sonic thought in horror.

Instinctively he went to recall chikorita but just as he suspected the collar jammed the signal.

The hooded figure then removed the hood.

"You" Sonic whispered.

It was the kid who had stolen totodile.

"Me" he said. A voice full of anger and hatred.

"Give me back my chikorita!"

"Sure" the kid said releasing the chikorita from the collar which rushed back to Sonic who was not expecting this development.

"Everything's in place now! You will pay for what you did! Go zubat!"

A zubat emerged from the kid's pokeball.


Zubat attacked the unprepared chikorita.

"Chikorita use leech seed!"

Chikorita however had flinched, having taken a defensive stance but its face showing the fear it had.

"Again! Leech life!

Zubat bit chikorita and absorbed a bit of its energy. Chikorita cried out in pain.

"Chikorita return!" Sonic recalled it "Raichu thunder punch!"

No attack occurred. Sonic turned around to see if raichu was ok.

Raichu was not there.

"What?!" he said slowly but in shock.

"AHAHA! Not so tough without that rodent by your side are you?! Zubat leech his life!"

Sonic ducked to avoid the attack. The zubat however did manage to scratch him with one of its fangs. Sonic groaned and cursed the fact that he had not paid enough attention to raichu.

"Wooper help me out!"

Wooper emerged looking around, and then realizing a battle was going on. It turned its eyes to zubat and braced itself for the attack.

"Zubat leech life!"

"Wooper slam!"

Wooper slammed into zubat dealing a big amount of damage. Zubat managed to bit wooper but the water and ground type stood strong. The combined facts of the attack being fairly weak and doing normal damage left zubat in a pickle.

At the same time, Tails and Knuckles who had hurriedly packed up the tent and the rest of their stuff, tried to find Sonic but found his footsteps leading deep into the woods.

"He didn't take his compass" Tails murmured holding it "what now?"

"He will be ok. Raichu is with him" Knuckles answered.

But he was wrong.

Meanwhile Raichu had become lost. It cried out its name and run through the woods, trying to find or be heard by Sonic. But it was pointless.

Raichu momentarily wondered if Sonic had realized its absence. Until of course it felt Sonic's small jolt of pain.

Letting go of the small jealousy it held towards Sonic's recent slight neglect of it over Chikorita and determined to find its trainer Raichu looked around. A small distance away was a rocky and steep cliff. Raichu immediately run towards it.

It knew there was no way to climb to the top. But if it could climb up a tree and then a bit higher than the treetops, there was a good chance it would find Sonic or a clue to his location.

Tails and Knuckles in the meantime were still trying to find a way to find or call Sonic to them.

"Dumbass didn't even take his phone" Tails said disappointed.

"So how do we find him now?" Knuckles inquired. With the rush they were in, he had roughly grabbed the tent with everything still in it carrying it around as a pile of cloth, ropes and stakes.

Tails rubbed his chin. And then his face lit.

"We get to higher ground and find him!" he said as he pointed to the same steep cliff raichu had noticed.

"Let's not waste time then!" Knuckles rushed forward. Tails followed.

He was surprised that they were able to be this calm at such a situation. But from a certain point of view, such an incident would be another day in the office for Sonic and Raichu.

And that would be true if they were together.

While unbeknown to everyone else they were racing towards the same steep hill, Sonic was seizing the chance to get the advantage.

"Wooper slam it down!"

Wooper rammed zubat into a tree knocking it out. His opponent cursed in anger.

"Damn you! Croconaw get him!"

A familiar pokemon emerged from the pokeball. Eerily similar to totodile.

"Totodile evolved?!" Sonic thought in shock.

That meant that totodile was probably ok with its trainer. Sonic couldn't wrap his mind around it neither did he have time for it.

"Wooper don't let up now! Slam it!"

Wooper rammed into its new opponent but the difference in size minimized the effects of the attack.

"Croconaw bite!"

Croconaw seized the opening and bit down on wooper causing it to cry out in pain.

"No wooper! Water gun!"

"More croconaw! Bite it more!"

"Wooooopeeee!" Wooper cried out in pain.

Sonic couldn't take this scene.

It was just like old times.

Back when Giovanni had raichu pinned down and tortured it.

Sonic unable to stand by any longer recalled wooper and sent out chikorita instead.

"Why are you doing this to us? What do you want?!"

"To watch you suffer! Just like you made me suffer!"

"I made you suffer?! I don't even know you!"

"You took my father away from me!"

Sonic was confused beyond belief.

"Who is your father? What did I do to him?"

His opponent instead attacked.

"Croconaw bite!"

"Chikorita dodge and use leech seed!"

Chikorita jumped away at the last second and fired a seed towards croconaw. Croconaw was ensnared by the vines of the leech seed.

It moved with extreme speed however just the next moment and once again bit on chikorita causing the previous scene of terror to repeat.

"NO!" Sonic yelled in despair.

That kid was giving off too much Giovanni vibes.

"Wait… no…" Sonic thought momentarily forgetting about the situation.

He took that kid's father? The kid looked like Giovanni?

"It can't possibly be… can it?" he thought before he returned to the present.

Chikorita was still crying out in pain but unlike wooper, its energy was being regenerated after every bite because of the leech seed.

"Chikorita use poison powder!"

Chikorita unleashed the poisonous powder causing croconaw to spit it out. It then knelt on one of its paws from the damage before the leech seed again regenerated.

Sonic looked on as chikorita struggled to stay up. They were balancing very tensely.

"Maybe it can evolve now" Sonic thought "Cyndaquil evolved. Totodile evolved. It's your turn now chikorita".

Chikorita managed to stand up straight after the regeneration. Its opponent was in a bad shape but very much still standing as well.

Sonic encouraged chikorita to fight on. This was their chance.

Chikorita used vine whip trying to throw croconaw around but found it too hard. Croconaw despite the poisoning and the energy draining unleashed a water gun.

Chikorita rolled back. Sonic racked his brain momentarily.

"Come on chikorita. You can do it. Especially if you evolve" he thought.

Then an idea came to mind.

"Chikorita use vine whip as a whip!"

Chikorita obeyed. Croconaw took the attack head on and charged to bite chikorita again.

The attack found its mark and chikorita found itself again between croconaw's jaws.

"Chrikorita don't give up!"

Chikorita looked at Sonic and unleashed another vine whip. Unlike with poison powder earlier it wasn't released. Until it started emitting a blue glow. Croconaw spit it out as it was caught off guard.

"Yeah!" Sonic shouted in excitement.

"No!" his opponent exclaimed.

But the excitement was short lived. The glow suddenly stopped and chikorita was still chikorita.

"What? How can this be?" Sonic said, totally unprepared.

His enemy seized the opening.

"Now croconaw! Finish it with rage!"

Croconaw having built its anger over the consecutive damage charged chikorita and tackled it as hard as it could sending it flying straight into Sonic's lap where it fainted.

Sonic couldn't process the situation. Chikorita was supposed to evolve right there. Why didn't it?

"Damnit. Get a rest chikorita" he said recalling it and sending out wooper.

Wooper looked up at croconaw trapped in the leech seed and poisoned and immediately felt more confident at its chances of victory.

As this was taking place, Raichu was climbing the steep hill, trying to get a grip and get to a high enough ground to find Sonic.

It however tripped when the rock it was stepping on gave in.

Raichu fell down rough and got badly hurt. Tears started streaming down its face as it tried to get back up.

Sonic felt the pain as well and shivered which bewildered his opponent.

"Oh no raichu. Where are you buddy?" Sonic thought realizing his recklessness of pursuing this kid had led to raichu somehow getting hurt.

Once again however the opening was seized.

"Croconaw bite!"

Croconaw bit down on wooper trapping it in its jaws. Wooper cried out in pain.

Sonic was finding himself helpless again. Just like when he first battled Giovanni.

"Like father like son" a small voice echoed in his mind amidst all the confusion and inaction.

Wooper noticed this inaction and feeling of helplessness from Sonic. Getting a determined look just like back in the ruins of alph it opened its mouth and launched a new attack.

Croconaw was blasted in the face by mud. Wooper was released in the process and rushed to Sonic.

Sonic saw it happen but took a moment to process. Immediately taking out his pokedex he asked for the last recorded move.

"Last recorded move; mud shot".

"Mud shot?!" Sonic said in surprise. He was not aware of this move.

It seemed to work in great effect despite the lack of knowledge on his part. Croconaw was already ensnared in the leech seed, poisoned and now covered in mud slowing it down.

"Wooper again! Mud shot!"

"Woooopeeer!" Wooper cried out unleashing mud shot.

Croconaw too exhausted and not expecting this level of power from a mere small pokemon like wooper had a critical hit strike it. It balanced momentarily and then toppled, fainting.

"Damnit no! How could this happen?!" the kid screamed in rage.

Wooper rushed back to Sonic's feet in excitement. Sonic met the kid's eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked the kid.

His opponent was staring at him in intense rage. But unexpectedly he turned to leave.

"Hey I said, who are you?!"

The kid was shaking as if he was trying to stay calm.

"Even after my trick to separate you from your raichu, you still came out on top. No matter. You may win this time, hero of Kanto. But mark my words and remember my name. I, Silver, will make you pay".

And before Sonic could ask anything else he was gone.

Sonic stood there for a few moments until he remembered raichu was hurt. Recalling wooper fast he started calling out raichu's name.

Tails and Knuckles managed to reach the steep hill and to their surprise found themselves in the entrance of the union cave which was the cave they were planning to traverse the next day to reach Azalea town. Close by was raichu roughed up from the fall.

"It's raichu!" Tails exclaimed and rushed to its side. His sentret came out of its pokeball on its own trying to comfort raichu.

Tails saw the small rocks around raichu and then looked up.

"It must have thought the same thing as us. Trying to get to higher ground to find Sonic"

Knuckles then remembered something. Dropping the tent he ravaged through his backpack until he found what he was looking for; a road flare.

"Stay here with raichu" he said and proceeded to effortlessly climb the steep hill reaching a high enough ground.

Tails was impressed by this and wondered just how much free time Knuckles had and was able to learn all those useful skills and know to carry around all this gear.

Knuckles made sure he was over the top of the treeline and lit the flare waving it around as well.

"Come on Sonic" he murmured.

Sonic noticed the flare as well.

"Knuckles!" he thought as he rushed towards it.

Only Knuckles would be prepared for such an occasion.

After a short run he found the group; Raichu hurt on the ground looking up to meet his eyes, Tails and Sentret by its side and Knuckles climbing down from the hill.

Sonic slowly approached and knelt before the hurt raichu.

"How did.. how did this happen?"

"It tried to climb the hill" Knuckles explained.

"Wha.. why?"

"Rai" raichu cried out.

"Tails can you hook up your voltmeter to it?" Sonic asked rather ashamed.

Tails took it out from the mess that used to be their tent but sighed in disappointment.

"Algorithm got all scrambled in the chaos from earlier. It was in the tent and Knuckles had to carry it, rather chaotically if I do say so myself, in order to catch up to you".

"And besides" Knuckles added "there is no need for it. It's clear as day raichu was trying to find you".

Sonic met his partner's eyes.

"Raichu i… I'm sorry. I…I don't know what to say".

Raichu looked at one of Sonic's pokeballs. Sonic knew what it was about.

"No. I know what to say. I neglected you earlier and I'm sorry. I don't know how I got so lost chasing chikorita's evolution. And for that you got hurt. Had you been back there with me things would have been so different. Can you forgive me?" Sonic apologized.

Raichu's eyes gleamed. It tried to get up to hug Sonic but the pain kept it down.

"It's badly hurt" Tails explained "it needs a doctor urgently".

"Violet city is too far away" Sonic said in concern.

"And the cave is not exactly safe to traverse during the night" Knuckles said looking inside.

The team remained silent for a bit trying to find a solution.

But they didn't need to.

A golden shine pierced the darkness of the night. The team covered their eyes for a moment due the sudden change in light. After their eyes got used to the brightness, Sonic gasped.

"That's… that's the pokemon! The one I saw when I met my Moltres the 2nd time!"

Knuckles observed the flying type shining pokemon for a while and then gasped as well.

"You saw Ho-oh before?!"

"Ho-oh?" Sonic asked in confusion.

"Ho-oh is one of if not the most common pokemon met in Johto's legends! It is said that those who see it will be blessed with eternal happiness! And you have seen it before?!"

Sonic couldn't believe it.

Ho-oh's eyes met Sonic's. Then raichu's.

And then the same sparkling dust that had healed Sonic's Kanto team and Moltres during their first battle confrontation, started dropping from Ho-oh wings.

The dust collectively fell on raichu, slowly but surely healing all of its wounds and allowing to get up and finally hug Sonic. The latter gleamed and looked up at Ho-oh.

"Thank you Ho-oh. For back then and for now".

Ho-oh cried out but then something caught its eye.

Unbeknown to everybody, Knuckles had climbed the steep hill again, getting to the same height as Ho-oh's eyes.

Ho-oh wasn't startled at all. It turned mid-air wings still flapping to meet Knuckles' eyes.

Knuckles looked back into Ho-oh as if he was entranced. Both of his friends noticed it.

After a few more moments of shared staring, Ho-oh let out one more ear piercing cry and flew away. Knuckles was left there stunned.

A little while later the team had rebuilt their tent and were ready to get a little more sleep before their next day of adventure.

Before they fell asleep however, Sonic had one thing to ask Knuckles that he could just not wait until morning to ask.

"Knuckles… back when Ho-oh was here… it seemed like meeting it was a big deal for you. Like bigger than just being a fan of legends and well… meeting a legend".

Knuckles contemplated momentarily before answering.

"Ho-oh was… is my mother's favorite legend".

Sonic and Tails glanced at each other momentarily. Unbeknown to Knuckles they had caught the 'was'.

"That's cool" Tails said after a moment to ease the tension "it means it meant a lot to you to meet it".

"It did. Anyway I'm beat. Goodnight guys" he said turning to face the side of the tent.

Sonic and Tails exchanged another glance of concern before laying to sleep as well.

They would have to have a talk with Knuckles when they got a chance.

Chapter 44: Bonding


Ash and co. join with team Sonic to cross the union cave together. The two groups seize the chance to get to know each other better.

Chapter Text

The first light of the sun found every member of team Sonic awake and ready for action though very sleepy from their adventure the previous night.

"Was it always this crazy when you traveled throughout Kanto?" Tails asked Sonic.

"Pretty much" Sonic shrugged.

"Damn. And to think we only have one gym badge so far. Like what else can happen?"

"Ask and you shall receive" Knuckles said.

"Knuckles no offense but I'm sleepy, I need coffee and I'm not in the mood for wise quotes. Let's just walk through the cave and get some coffee in Azalea town" Tails complained.

"How are you guys in ahead of us?" a familiar voice caused him to jolt awake.

Sonic too turned and came face to face with – what a surprise – Ash and co.

"Good morning to you too Ash" he said yawning.

"You guys look rough" Brock commented "everything ok?"

"Mostly" Knuckles said gathering everything in his huge backpack "just had a small misadventure last night".

"What misadventure?" Misty asked.

"Nothing much. A thief tried to steal Sonic's chikorita and got pummeled" Tails simplified the situation.

Sonic's gaze momentarily shifted back to the woods, remembering that kid, Silver.

"He couldn't be… could he?"

"Sonic" Knuckles suddenly said "we're out of pokemon berries. I'll go into the woods to collect some before we move on ok?"

"Do as you please. But please be quick. I need coffee" Sonic answered.

His eyes then met Ash's who was observing the team.

"You going to Azalea too?"

"Yeah. The next gym leader awaits. And with him beat I will be one step closer to fighting you again".

Sonic's lips slightly moved upwards. Just as energetic as ever. And just as determined.

"Well guess you will be taking him on first".

"Why's that? So you can see them battle and know beforehand how they battle?"

"Nnnno… Just assumed you guys were going to proceed through the cave".

"It's better to wait for you three to join us as well" Brock explained "union cave is said to be really rough to traverse. So the more the merrier".

"Are you sure you guys want to wait? Knuckles could take a while" Tails asked them.

"No problem at all" Misty answered as everyone just joined in the relaxation. The pokemon egg she was carrying when the two teams met at Falkner's gym was now visible inside her backpack. Sonic wondered what was going hatch from it.

"Probably a water type" he guessed in silence "she did mention wanting to master water types".

Ash soon got bored.

"Are we going to wait for much longer?"

"We told you" Sonic answered "Knuckles will take his time collecting berries. So if you're patient it will probably be about 20 minutes".

"As long as you're not playing smartypants I don't care if it's 120 minutes" Ash roasted him.

"Daaaamn. That was rough" Tails couldn't help but comment "are you always that savage?"

"All the time" Misty answered for Ash while holding her egg.

Bored beyond belief and unwilling to just sit down and do nothing, Ash had Pikachu practice thunderbolt as well as taking out his new pokemon heracross.

"Woah that's a big one" Sonic was impressed by the big blue beetle.

"Jealous much?" Ash asked with a grin.

"Depends" Sonic shrugged "what's its type?"

"Like I'd tell you. Only a fool would give away his advantage" Ash said still grinning and teasing Sonic.

"Bug and fighting type" Brock simply answered for Ash.

"Brock! Whose side are you on anyway?!" Ash asked angry.

This same question asked to Brock during the whole Mewtwo adventure brought Sonic back momentarily again missing his old team a bit.

"Bug and fighting huh? Nah. Too many weaknesses, too little resistances. Maybe it's strong but I'd settle for good type coverage" Sonic spoke his mind.

"And then brag about power against types that beat you" Ash murmured though Sonic heard him.

While the two travelling squads interacted, Knuckles was doing well in his quest to collect berries. Apart from straight up feeding them to pokemon, they made for great pokemon food if mushed and turned to pokemon stew.

As he collected several ones like pecha berries for poisoning or cheri berries for paralysis, he heard chewing from something big.

"What could that be?" he wondered stashing the berries inside his berry pouch.

Walking through the thick trees he found the source of a chewing. A big blue beetle pokemon was eating from a GIGANTIC pile of berries.

"Dude" he said with a look that read jackpot "a powerful pokemon for my team and berries for us? Don't mind if I do" he spoke the last phrase as he sent out his quilava.

The big beetle turned in response to the appearance of an opponent. Quilava's back burst in flames as it was filled with excitement.

The wild pokemon attacked first with its huge horn sending quilava flying. Quilava rolled on the ground for a while but bounced back up.

"Quilava use ember!"

Quilava unleashed its attack against the wild pokemon causing it great damage.

"Oh damn it must be a bug type! I should have checked the dex first! No matter" he said taking out a pokeball and throwing it at the wild blue beetle before it got a chance to counterattack.

One, two and then three wiggles.

The catch was confirmed.

"Hell yeah!" Knuckles said picking up the pokeball and sending out his new catch "Sonic's gonna be so jealous. And this thing is bound to be a big help against team rocket".

He then proceeded to scan his new catch with his pokedex.

"Heracross, the Single Horn Pokémon. Though gentle and docile, Heracross possesses great strength and power, enough to topple a massive tree".

"Nice" Knuckles commented as he recalled heracross and collected as many berries as his pouch could carry.

Back at the entrance of the cave, Tails had got into a conversation with Brock who talked about his dream of becoming a pokemon breeder. Tails brought out his sentret which Misty found cute, but had to lie about the conditions of their meeting.

While they were talking Sonic observed Ash training. The training was rather simple and Sonic could think of more than 5 better ways for Pikachu to train, one of which would be for Ash to drop the idea of a mixed attacker.

"Why are you keeping quick attack if Pikachu can't take physical confrontations?" he asked Ash.

"I'm surprised you ask. Your raichu too knows quick attack".

"Indeed but mine has been built for physical combat. This is why I keep quick attack. Cause we've maximized its effectiveness".

Ash refrained from answering simply because he could see Sonic's point. He hated it when his rival's logic made sense.

"Plus" Sonic added "raichu's momentum and force of impact is increased not only by the physical strength it has built but also because of its shape. Small but strong. Like a bullet".

"Same case for Pikachu" Ash countered.

"Not exactly. Pikachu is smaller in size. That takes away from the force of impact. If my raichu was any bigger in size, the force would be greater and could actually do more damage but the speed would be less. On the contrary if like in Pikachu's case it was smaller it would be faster, but the move would be ineffective. Adding two and two together small combined with the mixed attacker idea quick attack is nothing more than a love tap for your Pikachu".

"I think I asked you not to be smartypants while we're here" Ash looked sideways.

"Hey just trying to help" Sonic shrugged.

"You're not helping by suggesting I evolve Pikachu to get… whatever you said" Ash confronted him.

"I didn't even suggest that. I simply suggest replacing quick attack with a move that puts you in a better spot during a battle".

"The moves we choose is for me and Pikachu to decide" Ash declared and went back to training while Sonic went back to observing.

Soon after that Knuckles finally returned.

"Yo guys! You won't believe what I…" he paused when he realized Ash also had a heracross "caught".

"What did you catch?" Tails asked him.

Knuckles sent out heracross. Ash's heracross approached Knuckles' gently and they began interacting – "huh guess the pokedex wasn't lying about gentle and docile" Knuckles thought. Ash of course took that personally.

"Copying me Knucklehead?"

"Why would I need to copy you?" Knuckles countered "I actually aim to beat Sonic in the league".

"Oh yeah? Heracross show him your horn attack!" Ash ordered the attack.

The heracrosses looked at Ash in confusion.

"My heracross not you heracross" he said referring to Knuckles' heracross.

"Yeah… anyway. Should we begin? The cave will be long" Knuckles suggested recalling his heracross leaving Ash with the battle desire.

"Sure thing" Brock agreed.

Knuckles took out a flashlight and then took the lead as the 6 trainers walked into union cave.

The cave wasn't particularly dark. Knuckles' experience also made him proficient in traversing wild hazards like caves, canyons and of course ruins. If anything came to wild exploring, he was the echidna for the job.

Brock followed close by. Misty and Tails each holding their egg and pokemon respectively were right behind while Ash was second to last on the line with Sonic dead last, his mind drifting once again back to last night.

"Could Silver be Giovanni's son? Could Giovanni even have a son?" were the first questions to pop in his mind.

The respective answers where he could be and probably. Giovanni was certainly old enough to have been married or at least in an affair with someone.

"But if that kid is his son… why didn't he come after me right after team rocket's downfall?" Sonic wondered.

There was of course no answer for that, only speculation.

"More than that. The theft of totodile… it no longer seems to be a coincidence. For it to happen on the same day we arrived in new bark town… he must have been waiting for me. But how would he know when to act? Or even that I would be there at all?"

Too many questions. And too few answers.

Ash in the meantime, looked ahead, observing Knuckles expertly navigate through the cave, leading everyone forward.

"Hey Knucklehead".

"It's Knuckles, Ketchum" Knuckles answered.

Ash continued.

"Did you teach Sonic how to navigate?"

"I did give him a hint or two during the Kanto journey. Why?"

"He effortlessly found the nest of the titan Moltres in the orange islands when we went to find the treasures".

"Ash I merely navigated to make sure we wouldn't get lost" Sonic interjected "we were in a race against time back then. There was no room for mistakes".

"How did you even know to look there Sonic?" Misty asked him.

"My friends here helped me with everything. Tails researched the climate of the islands and that way we were able to surmise that the titan Moltres was in trouble. Knuckles filled me in when it came to the legend of Lugia".

"Oh that's what you meant when you said you were well connected" Misty realized looking back at him.

"Exactly" Sonic smiled proud of his friends.

While the two teams were pushing on together, Pikachu kept a close eye on raichu at all times. While their rivalry was still strong, Pikachu had to admit that its rival taking down its charizard friend, and in just one hit, was a rather impressive feat.

And now as Ash's undisputed strongest pokemon, Pikachu had to grow stronger.

Strong enough to stand against its rival.

"Hey Ash?" Knuckles said from the lead of the group "do you mind bringing out Charizard? We could use a fire type to light the path and scare away those annoying zubats".

Ash didn't respond, merely looking down as if he was trying to avoid everyone's gaze.

"Ash?" Knuckles stopped and looked back.

Sonic realized something was wrong.

"Hey you ok?"

"Yeah… just… Charizard is not with me right now".

Sonic was taken aback at this response. Their battle had actually taught Ash something?

"Where is it then? Did you send it home in order to focus on the new team?" Tails asked.

Misty waved no at Tails, suggesting he just not bring it up.

"No" Ash answered as a tear could be seen on his right cheek, right under that small lightning shaped feature he had on his cheek "I left it at the charicific valley".

"Charicific valley? What is it, a heaven for Charizards?" Knuckles asked.

"In a way" Brock explained "let's move forward. Ash is it ok if I fill them in on the rest?"

"Go ahead" Ash said still looking down. Pikachu climbed on his shoulder to make him feel better.

"After we left Violet city we kept on our path until we came across the entrance to the charicific valley on the west of the path. There lived a charizard trainer and many powerful Charizards and if I may add, bigger in size than Ash's".

"That is to be expected" Tails agreed "pokemon biology is different per organism. Just like humans".

"You know a lot about pokemon don't you?" Brock asked Tails intrigued.

"Well I had to learn. My friend run off to become a trainer. Had it not been for me, Knuckles and his brother Jet, he would have landed roughly a lot of times".

"Landed?" Ash asked confused.

"Figure of speech dude" Tails joked.

Everyone laughed, even Ash. He wondered how Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were friends when they were nothing alike at least in his eyes.

"As I was saying, Charizard immediately challenged the other charizards to battles and lost. All of them. Badly" Brock continued his explanation.

"After that I left Charizard there. So it could grow stronger. It had a lot to learn. So the sooner it got started the better" Ash ended the story.

Sonic nodded though no one saw. He understood this. His pokemon also parted ways with him, only their reason was self fulfilment. Though he still had access to them whenever he wanted as the battle with Falkner had showed, he still understood why it was better for them to be apart for now. The pain of separation wasn't any less though.

"I understand you dude" Sonic said after a while "I too miss my Kanto team a lot. Raichu does too. They were its first teammates. I am sure your Pikachu also misses his Kanto team teammates right?"

Ash looked back, momentarily wondering if Sonic was sincere. Afterwards he nodded.

"It does. A lot. But we both feel better when we look ahead. Every day is filled with a new adventure. And besides it's not like we will never see our friends from Kanto again. They are chilling at professor oak's lab back in pallet town. Where's your old team?"

Sonic hesitated to answer momentarily.

"Back in our hometown" he lied trying to sound sincere "enjoying a calm routine at my parents' house".

He hoped they would believe his lie.

And as it looked like, they did.

"I see. I hope you can access them though. I intend to do a little mixing in the johto league. You better be prepared" Ash said smiling mischievously.

"You mean you will use pokemon from your entire pool of choices?" Knuckles asked him.

"Yes. Everyone of my partners will have a share in the glory of our soon to be victory".

"Heh. We'll see about that Ketchum. You have two roadblocks in your way".

"I will run over both you and Sonic" Ash declared confident.

"One step at a time Ash" Sonic reminded him "we're still at the start of the journey through Johto. Focus on the present and grow your pokemon like me and Knuckles do".

After a lot more banters, roasts, jokes and discussion including but not limited to Tails narrating to Ash's team the events of the night raichu evolved from Pikachu and their encounter with Zapdos – which Sonic added was the same Zapdos Mike used in the league against him -, Sonic revealing his discovery of team rocket's plans and how he had managed to recover and break the master ball the very same day Ash got the marshbadge and lastly his legendary battle with Moltres and how it took place on top of Cinnabar island's volcano – Ash revealed that he fought and beat Blaine at the same place – the gang finally saw light at the end of the tunnel.

Exiting the cave they were all blinded by the harsh sunlight but there it was. They had done it.

"Azalea town. I can't wait to challenge the gym leader" Ash said pumped.

"You guys coming?" Brock asked team Sonic.

"Nah. We need something to eat pronto" Sonic said and as if on cue his stomach growled "see? It agrees with me".

"Ok then so long for now. Knuckles thanks for leading us through the cave" Brock thanked the echidna as they shook hands.


As Ash's team left to get to find the gym, team Sonic found a place to sit down and grab a good old sandwich.

As Sonic was chewing and cutting a piece to give to raichu, he couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness about the place. As if something was out of place here.

While the team was eating, raichu decided to stroll around for a moment, though Sonic warned it not to stray too far away.

Not even 5 steps away from the café, Raichu immediately got distracted by a wild spearow. Annoying creatures.

As raichu chased the spearow, he suddenly stopped as two very distinct sounds reached its ears.

A punch and a gasp in response.

Raichu forgot about the spearow and looked for the source of the sound.

It didn't take long to find it.

In an alleyway, a man was getting beat up.

By a team rocket grunt.

"Rai!" raichu almost cried out but refrained.

"Has that refreshed your memory buddy? Are you ready to tell me for real? Did you snitch on us?"

"No… I didn't. The manager sent me" he said as he coughed "to tell you that he is waiting".

"Your manager better be telling the truth cause if he or anyone in your stupid restaurant snitches on us, team rocket will retaliate with full force".

Raichu's eyes widened at the mention of team rocket.

"As for the waiting, tell him that he will get the slowpoke tails when we are ready to deliver. After all we're the only supply. And tell him admin Archer sends his regards" the grunt said and left.

Raichu immediately rushed to a couple passing nearby and directed them to the alleyway to at least get some help to the guy who got beat up. Before the couple noticed Raichu had slipped away and rushed back to the restaurant in a fit of panic.

"Raichu?" Sonic asked worried when he noticed his partner's panic "are you ok? What's wrong?"

"Rai rai raichu rai! Rai!" raichu cried out while pointing on all directions.

"What is it saying?" Knuckles asked Sonic.

"I don't know. Tails the voltmeter".

"I can't. The algorithm got scrambled remember?"


Raichu kept crying out its name when suddenly an idea came to its mind. It first dropped down and took as best as it could the relaxed posture of a slowpoke.

"Raichu get up you're not a slowpoke" Sonic said in confusion.

"Rai rai!"

"Wait could it be panicking about slowpokes? There is an attraction here called the slowpoke well. It was one of the things on my to-visit bucket list" Tails explained.

Raichu started nodding extremely fast and then did another depiction. Standing on its tail momentarily it put its hands on its sides and looked up taking the shape of a rocket.

"Now what is it doing?" Sonic asked Tails.

"I think this is a reenactment of rocket launching" Tails said before realizing what he just said.

"Team rocket!" all 3 said at once as raichu sighed in relief.

"What does that mean though? Team rocket is at the slowpoke well?" Sonic wondered "why would they bother with slowpokes?"

Knuckles knew the answer.

"Slowpoke tails are edible. And extremely expensive".

"What?!" Sonic and Tails asked in unison.

"I remember having them once. They were really delicious. But back then I was only a kid. Later on too, I learned that the restaurant in which I had them was shut down for illegally harvesting them. The process is long and monitored because just cutting the tail causes excruciating pain to the slowpoke. Normally slowpoke water farms are where tails are harvested under special measures to spare the slowpokes the pain".

Sonic felt his blood boil.

"Of course. And let me guess the place is a sanctuary for slowpokes so people usually don't go in there right?"

"Exactly" Knuckles reaffirmed.

"Damn rockets. Every time they sink into new lows of evil. They must harvesting the tails as we speak" Sonic said and then sprang up "get up team Sonic. Our first battle approaches".

Tails and Knuckles also got up equally determined.

Team Sonic exited the café and started walking down the street towards the slowpoke well. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Raichu.

"We warned you team rocket. Now we're coming for you" Sonic thought eager to finally do what he had come to Johto for.

Chapter 45: Descent into darkness


Discovering the atrocious plan to harvest slowpoke tails, team Sonic intercepts team Rocket. And the events of the confrontation leave Tails deeply shaken.

Chapter Text

Rocket executive proton picked up the cut-off tail and stuffed it in the bag along with all the already collected ones.

"Money sweet money" he thought smiling despite all the cries of pain coming from the slowpoke.

He looked around him, taking the sight. His grunts were working fast and organized in pairs, one of them holding down the slowpoke and the other using a machete to cut the tail off. No hesitation, no second thoughts.

It was not off course like they were pressured to hurry. The slowpokes were too slow to escape them.

"Archer was right" he admitted "this is the easiest money we have ever made. The boss will be back with us soon" he said as he smiled menacingly looking at the cash flowing in front of his eyes.

They had been there for over an hour and had already collected more than the required tails. And since their hideout had fridges they could store the ones they wouldn't sell right away and pretend they harvested more and sell them even more expensively.

Giovanni may had been a leader but Archer was a businessman. Perhaps it would be for the benefit of team rocket that Archer became the boss' second hand when they regained their former glory.

His communicator buzzed.

"Proton here" he barked into the communicator.

"Don't ever bark at me again" Archer's voice came through.

"Hey there bossman. Calling to check if our assets are safely collected?"

"No I'm aware of that. I'm calling to see if any trouble has appeared?"

"If by trouble you mean the hero of Kanto no he hasn't appeared yet".

"I see. Keep your eyes open though. And send someone up to stand guard or keep watch".

"Chill Archer. How will he find us? Your new M.O. of operating in the shadows for real this time has worked like a charm so far. Even after that foolish grunt was found last week by them, they won't find us so easily".

"Need I remind you he was under your command?"

"Ok. Ok. Chill. We'll collect the tails and be back soon. Just make sure to have my cut ready".

Archer signed off without answering. Proton smiled.

Archer may not like him but he had to admit that the job was getting done nicely.

Footsteps were heard coming from the entrance of the cave.

Proton turned and found the grunt he had sent to 'discuss business' with that restaurant's representative come up to him.

"Everything ok sir. The guy seemed sincere".

"Good. And what of the deal?"

"They have no choice but to wait for us. The restaurant is not performing well. We're their only chance of comeback".

"Excellent. Everything is going as planned. Now do your part and harvest those tails".

The grunt saluted proton and got to work.

Little did proton know however that the very grunt he had sent to discuss business would be his undoing.

For he had led team Sonic to the slowpoke well.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles easily snuck to the entrance of the cave, avoiding all detection.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Sonic asked Tails.

"Yeah. Too bad we're visiting under these conditions".

"But the place is not to be visited. You were planning to sneak in regardless?" Knuckles asked.

"I mean… maybe".

"Guys focus" Sonic brought them back to their mission "plan is simple. We go in, beat the hell out them and then call the police before disappearing".

"Wait what am I going to do?" Tails asked "I don't have a good pokemon like you and Knuckles".

"Just stick with Knuckles ok?" Sonic said "don't worry about fighting them, they are morons. They only ever attacked me when Giovanni ordered them to at silph co. Just use your pokemon and we'll be fine".

Knuckles had one final question to ask.

"Is Raichu going to fight alongside us?"

"Of course. We're all in this together".

The team put hands in the middle, mentally preparing themselves. Afterwards they reached the entrance of the well and climbed down the ladder. Sonic recalled raichu during the descent and then brought it back out.

Immediately upon entering the well they were bombarded by the cries of slowpokes. But those were not regular cries. They could all tell.

"They have already started" Sonic whispered clenching his fist so much he felt it would burst.

"Then let's not waste time" Knuckles said taking the lead.

The walk to the main section of the cave took merely seconds. They peeked from behind a boulder to take in the gruesome image of suffering. It filled Sonic with extreme hatred for team rocket.

"On three we reveal ourselves. Jump over the boulder style" Sonic whispered to his friends.

"Got it" Knuckles said.

Tails also nodded.

"One. Two. Three!"

They all jumped almost at the same time over the boulder. Their sudden movement took every single rocket grunt's attention.

"Jig's up rockets!" Sonic declared loudly.

Panic ensued.

"THE HERO OF KANTO! ATTACK!" one of them dressed differently than the others screamed.

A lot of the grunts obeyed and sent out several pokemon, including koffings, zubats, ekans and rattatas. The rest however all rushed to escape. Facing down the hero of Kanto was not in their plans for today.

"Knuckles don't let them leave! Use your fists if you have to. I'm going after their leader!" Sonic called out to his friend and then sent wooper.

"Wooper mud shot!"

Wooper unleashed its attack striking a lot of the enemy pokemon. Raichu also charged forward entering a frenzy, using all of its moves to knock out not only the pokemon but also the grunts.

Sonic locked eyes with the one who had ordered the attack. The one he had told Knuckles he believed was the leader of this operation.

The latter looked into Sonic's eyes and realized exactly why the rest of team rocket, including Archer himself feared the possibility of Sonic, the hero of Kanto, coming after them.

His eyes were blazing with fury.

The hedgehog was here to end them. Once and for all.

Sonic started taking slow but steady steps towards proton not taking his eyes off him.

"D-don't just stand there morons get him!" Proton screamed in doubt.

The grunts however all stepped back. No one had the balls to mess with the hero of Kanto. Especially with his two pokemon beating their pokemon almost effortlessly.

While this was taking place, Tails and Knuckles had blocked the exit and fighting off as many of the escaping grunts as possible. Tails who had no pokemon to utilize in battle, had borrowed Knuckles' bellsprout and using his intellect, utilized vine whip to its fullest extent, setting up various traps in the blink of an eye causing many of the escaping grunts to trip, fall and some even crash either on the cave wall or on Knuckles.

The first case would have been the merciful one.

Knuckles too was not messing around. His immense strength made him a nightmare to deal with. That combined with his quilava's ferocity, speed and dodging capability made them almost unrivaled. If anyone had seen Sonic's attacks on the rockets in Kanto with raichu, they would see Knuckles and quilava in the current situation as a mirror reflecting Sonic and raichu from back then.

Knuckles also did what Sonic told him. Use his fists. The grunts who didn't manage to walk past him, were slammed hard back, rolling on the ground and some of those tried to get back up.

Momentarily Knuckles' eyes fell on a slowpoke which had curled on the ground trying to reach for its severed tail end.

Anger consumed him.

A grunt tried to take advantage of his momentary lack of focus. He also managed to land a punch on Knuckles' left cheek.

All that achieved was pissing him off.

Grabbing the grunt by the throat he brought him closer.

"Have mercy please" the grunt whispered under the pressure on his throat.

"Mercy?" Knuckles asked with a menacing voice before throwing him back as hard as he could.

Tails was witnessing Knuckles' fit of fury and it scared him a bit.

But when he looked past Knuckles to see how Sonic was doing, he stepped back and gasped though no one heard.

Sonic had just knocked out a grunt. His eyes had bulged from rage. He was vicious and ravaging. Like a wild arcanine off its leash.

"Was he that vicious in Kanto too?" Tails wondered momentarily before returning to preventing the grunts from escaping as best he could though a team of 4 managed to elude him when he focus was on the ravaging Sonic.

Speaking of him, the grunts around him, either beaten or just too scared to battle, were all cowering away. It slowly dawned on Proton that he was defenseless.

"Get up you morons! Get him!"

Raichu let out an angry and threatening cry, daring any of the grunts to get up.

Sonic then got Proton's attention.

"All this pain… all this suffering you caused. You had your chance to walk away. Your boss is gone. And yet here you are pursuing his ambitions. Now you will reap the rewards of your choices!"

Proton managed to smile. Sonic was indeed a scary enemy to have but at the end of the day he was just a pokemon trainer. He didn't have any real power over team rocket like the law did. Sure he had broken the boss' hand during the invasion of silph co but back then things were way different.

"You think I'm scared of you hedgehog? Go zubat!"

Zubat appeared. Wooper went to engage, but Sonic recalled it.

Proton would learn the hard way.

"Thunder punch" he said coldly.

Raichu in the blink of an eye struck zubat so hard it made a small crater of the side of the cave. Proton was shocked but still not ready to surrender.

"Go koffing!"

He sent out a couple of koffings.


Each koffing launched one ball of sludge.

"Quick attack!"

And just like he had described to Ash, raichu moved like a bullet, knocking out both koffing by first hitting one then ricocheting and hitting the other one. At the same time Knuckles had knocked out the last grunt.

"We're clear here Sonic" he called out to his friend.

"Good. Come here".

Tails and Knuckles approached Sonic as Proton took a step back instinctively but tripped and fell down. He crawled away from them until his back was against the wall.

Sonic approached him and snapped his fingers as raichu immobilized Proton with its tail, catching Tails off guard.

"As I said at the beginning" Sonic spoke "jig's up buddy".

"Name's Proton. Executive Proton".

"Whatever. Here's how this is going to go Proton. I'm going to ask you only once. Where is Archer?"

"Hehe. If you think I'm going to talk you're even dumber than I thought, hero" he mocked Sonic.

Sonic snapped his fingers and raichu charged its punch and smacked its own tail, closing the circuit and electrocuting Proton.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the team rocket executive's scream echoed through the cave.

Tails was horrified by the scream and the scene. But even more he was horrified by Sonic's calm demeanor at what he was doing.

"Let's try that again shall we?" he said almost amusedly "where's Archer?"

"Funny" Proton managed to say "you said you would only ask once and that's twice".

Sonic snapped his fingers again as Raichu electrocuted the executive again causing him to scream. Tails averted his gaze.

That was wrong.

They were supposed to be there to save the pokemon, not torture people.

"Third time's the charm" Sonic warned "Where. Is. Archer?"

"Fuck. You!" Proton smiled.

Sonic was about to snap his fingers again when Tails grabbed his shoulder claiming he had heard voices from above.

"Raichu don't let him off got it?"


As Raichu stood guard, Sonic followed Tails to where Knuckles was.

"Sonic this too much. The guy is obviously not going to talk. Any more of this and you will kill him!" Tails whispered in anxiety.

"He is our only lead Tails. We need to find the location of Archer".

"I know but this wrong".

"Wrong? Look around you Tails. Look at what they did!"

Tails had a hard time ignoring the sight of the crying slowpokes.

"I know. But by torturing him you're not any better".

"Not any better? Seriously? After everything you know about them you take pity on those monsters?"

Knuckles tried to change the subject to ease the tension.

"What about the grunts? Why don't we interrogate them?"

"They're the pokemon mafia Knuckles. The grunts won't talk out of fear, and the executives won't talk out of loyalty. It's the loyalty we need to break" Sonic counter-argued.

Knuckles had a hard time disagreeing.

"Look" Tails interjected "he is obviously not going to talk. Let's just call the police and get out of here".

Sonic hesitated but nodded at the end. Tails headed outside momentarily to make the call.

"You know" Proton's voice came from the corner "my higher ups have come to know of what transpired before you fought project two".

"Shut up" Sonic said calmly.

"We found out everything. About that puny Jolteon".

That was a mistake.

Sonic's eyes bulged in anger. He started shaking.

"Shut your mouth" he said still calmly.

"Did I make you angry? Is the hero of Kanto really a softie?"

"I said shut your mouth!" Sonic yelled turning to charge only to be held back by Knuckles.

"Sonic calm down he is trying to bait you".

"And you too" Proton said referring to Knuckles "you were powerful back there. Your friend was just like that when he started messing with us. And yet he was unable to save that Jolteon. I can't help but wonder which one of his pokemon you will be unable to save".

Sonic fought with all his might to escape Knuckles' grip.

"Your words are not going to work on me".

"Tough guy huh? Daddy taught you how to fight so well?"


Was an even bigger mistake.

Sonic found himself shoved to the ground as Knuckles rushed to Proton and punched him so hard the back of his skull started bleeding, though only very little.

"Sonic" he said panting heavily trying to calm himself down "what are we going to do with this guy?"

Sonic wanted nothing more than to continue the interrogation but he knew they would have to leave soon. He picked up a rock from the ground.

"He took a limb from those slowpokes. I think it is only fair we return the favor" he said tossing Knuckles the rock.

"Break his legs".

Proton laughed it off.

"Break my legs? You're not capable of that".

"Do it Knuckles".

And Knuckles obeyed.

The rock came hard down twice.

The screams pierced their eardrums as raichu released the executive who grabbed both of his legs and started rolling and writhing in pain on the ground.

Sonic observed his suffering with a calm demeanor and with a little satisfaction too.

Tails of course chose that very moment to return to inform them of the police being on their way.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" he asked angry and terrified.

"Taught him a painful lesson" Sonic said still calm.

Tails felt he would vomit. His friends had just broken a person's legs and they were calm over it?

He would try to get through to them later though.

"We have to get out of here the police will be on their way".

Sonic nodded but before they went towards the exit, he remembered something. Returning to the writhing Proton he took him by the shirt.

"You didn't see us if the cops ask. Otherwise we will find you and make sure you feel the entirety of the pain you inflicted on those slowpokes and not just a fraction of it like now, got it?"

And before waiting for Proton to answer, not that he would be able to while screaming his lungs out, team Sonic headed for exit.

Reaching the stairs though they heard police sirens.

"Shit they're here!" Knuckles cursed.

"Come on we have to hurry" Tails said attempting to climb the ladder.

"No they will see us" Sonic stopped him.

"There is no other way out" Tails countered.

"That's impossible Tails. If there is no other way out where did the slowpokes come from? They weren't brought here" Knuckles interjected to ease the tension again.

"You're right" Sonic said realizing this "back inside. We need to find that other exit".

At that moment he heard cars come to a halt from the surface.

"Like now!" he said pushing his friends back inside.

The team rushed back into the main section of the cave where all the grunts and the still writhing Proton were. Sonic picked up the rock that they used to break his legs and washed it off in a small pond to make sure the police wouldn't have any blood traces to follow.

Knuckles in the meantime managed to find what they were looking for; a small underwater tunnel which connected the cave to the nearby coast.

"We have an exit" Knuckles said after reemerging from the dive he took to find the tunnel "take a deep breath and follow me quick".

He then dived again after recalling quilava. Tails dived behind him and so did Sonic after recalling Raichu. He stood behind for a moment to hear an officer scream for paramedics to come quick, before diving himself.

The swim was rough through the absolute darkness but Knuckles was experienced in this regard as well, having explored several underwater ruins. Holding the flashlight on his mouth to light the way, he quickly led his friends towards the blue of the sea.

Emerging off the coast to take deep, heavy breaths after holding them for so long, the team swam to a nearby shore. Knuckles brought out Quilava again and the three friends laid on the sand besides it so the heat would take the soaking off until they found a place to shower and remove the salt as well.

After a while Tails was calm enough to talk.

"Have you lost your damn mind Sonic? Why did you do that?!"

"I couldn't just let him off like that. You saw what he did".

"I did Sonic. I did. But what you did…"

"Tails" Knuckles stopped him "he dismembered those innocent slowpokes. Their pain won't go away without a huge amount of medication and painkillers that are bound to have side effects of their own. We did nothing to him compared to all he and his grunts did".

"You do realize that now the police will come for us right?"

"No they won't" Sonic said revealing the rock "without this having Knuckles' fingerprints they can't place us there. And I doubt team rocket would be believed. Plus I did warn Proton not to snitch on us. He won't. He will not risk revealing anything in fear of it having an effect on team rocket's survival. His higher ups will surely bust him out eventually so they will know that we are serious".

Tails felt a bit of relief knowing that they had covered their tracks but still couldn't come to terms with their actions. As evil as team rocket was, what Sonic and Knuckles did was just too much.

Sonic too allowed his mind to recall Proton's suffering as he threw the rock at the water to let it get lost. He tried to feel some remorse as he too didn't fully agree with that action but just couldn't. Proton was a monster. He couldn't find any sympathy for him.

Then he remembered the detail of Knuckles being triggered by the mention of his father.

"Hey Knucks. Why did Proton's insult of your father trigger you like that?"

Knuckles remained silent for a moment before answering.

"Would you just accept it if someone like Proton made fun of your family?"

"Hmph" Sonic shrugged "true".

"So now what? We just stay here?" Tails asked.

"No. We find a place to stay. Probably the pokemon center. And don't worry about the authorities. They will need more than testimonies of criminals to actually come after us".

Tails looked at his friend one more time and the lied back down. Still very conflicted.

Later than night after team Sonic was completely dried off and found a room in the pokemon center, and then proceeded to spend the entire day in there to stay off the grid for a few hours until the rounding up of the rockets was over, went to bed each lost in their thoughts and not talking to each other much.

Tails himself was wondering how long they would continue like this before this difference in their opinion on how to handle the rockets would cause a rift in their team.

As all this was taking place, team rocket was not out of the loop. After arriving in Johto, they had managed to place a mole into each police department in the region to make sure they stayed one step in front of the police at all times.

The mole in Azalea immediately went to report to Archer about the total failure of the plan to harvest the slowpoke tails. And even worse to inform him of what had transpired with Proton.

Archer of course watched the news of the arrest when he got the call.

"I hope what I am watching on the news is lies".

"I'm sorry sir but it's not. Proton's division was arrested".

"Shit. That is a major setback".

"There is… something else too sir. Something the police withheld from the public".

"What is that?"

"Proton's legs… they were broken".


"I managed to get some alone time with one of our guys. He said that… the hero of Kanto and his friends showed up. That it was him and one of his friends who broke Proton's legs as payback for all the slowpoke tails".

Archer was shaken by this revelation.

"Instruct as many of our people not to tell the cops a thing. Even if we direct the police towards the hedgehog we are also giving them a chance to catch us as well. We will deal with the hedgehog ourselves".

"Sir… is this wise? If he could do such a thing to Proton…"

"Proton is an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut. He must have brought this on himself somehow. As long as we play the game carefully we'll be fine. Now go do your job".

"Yes sir. Signing off".

Archer was very shaken by this development. A few days ago he had sat in that very same room, calm and confident that they would prevail over team Sonic.

But today's events showed a different way this conflict could play out.

"We will need to accelerate the plans a lot. My leadership is obviously not enough" he said as he looked on the table at the many versions of the plans he had come up with all of which involving the radio tower on Goldenrod city.

"We need our boss back. As soon as possible".

And there was also the problem of team Sonic. He couldn't possibly let them roam free any longer.

"Time to call in an old acquaintance. He has hunted for Celebi long enough" Archer thought as he reached for his phone, intending to take team rocket's assault hound off his leash and send him after team Sonic.

Chapter 46: Harsh reality, part 1


Haunted by their actions at the slowpoke well, Tails tries to confront Sonic about it before declaring he is going home. Retaliation from team Rocket makes matters worse.

Chapter Text

Tails breathed in and out as calmly as he could trying to keep his emotions in line. He opened his eyes and gazed into the endless blue of the sea.

A magikarp jumped out the water momentarily in front of him before disappearing from sight.

Tails regretted coming here. The sea wasn't relaxing him as it would otherwise.

It was full of water type pokemon.

Just like slowpoke.

"GAAAAAHH!" Proton's scream echoed in his mind again.

Tails grabbed the sides of his head, unable to escape the mental pain of that day. Of what he thought he had allowed Sonic to do.

After their attack on team rocket at the slowpoke well, the team laid low for a few days until things cooled down and the police finished their investigation. Sonic of course wasn't worried at all. Knuckles was only eager to get back out there and continue their quest.

Tails on the other hand was haunted by that scream both in his sleep and while he was awake.

"How could they do such a horrible thing and be this calm? I don't understand it. Don't they have any regrets?"

His phone buzzed. Looking at it he saw a text from Knuckles.

Sonic had beaten Bugsy, the Azalea town gym leader for the hive badge. It was time for them to move on to the next location, Goldenrod city.

Tails put down his phone and buried his face in his palms.

"Move on? Just like that?" he thought in a mix of anger and confusion.

Eventually the two-tailed fox met up with his friends on the edge of Azalea town where Sonic was training Chikorita hoping it would evolve soon.

Knuckles easily noticed the whirlwind of wild emotions in Tails' eyes.

"Everything ok?"

"Yes. Let's just go" Tails said with a voice devoid of any emotion of liveliness.

Sonic and Knuckles exchanged a quick glance. Knuckles planned to get Tails to tell them what was going while they were traversing through the Ilex forest.

The team gathered supplies and ventured into the wilderness. Unlike the thick treeline of the forest south of mount Tensei, Ilex forest was actually much more easily traversable, having actual paths to guide the travelers.

Sonic however couldn't help but feel like there was an aura of mystery surrounding those woods. Like the trees themselves were talking to each other, but the three friends couldn't hear it.

"I wonder why that is?" he thought to himself as they pressed on. A small part of him also wondered if they would run into Ash again. Their team and Ash's team were on a very similar travelling path.

When the team got far enough into the woods, Knuckles decided it was time.

"Tails, is everything ok?"

Tails looked at him sideways.

"Yes" he said coldly.

Knuckles was assured.

"That was a no just now and you damn well know it".

"I said I'm fine ok?"

"Tails buddy you know you can talk to us about anything" Sonic went to place his hand on Tails' shoulder.

"I'm surprised that's the case. Last I checked you two didn't like talking all that much" Tails said in a voice oozing of irony.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sonic asked him a little hurt.

"I mean that you and Knuckles obviously first act and then think".

"What's gotten into you today?" Knuckles asked tilting his head in confusion.

"I think I know" Sonic said getting a suspicion.

"You got some remorse after all?" Tails looked him in this eyes. Sonic could see disappointment and suffering in his eyes.

"Is this about Proton?"

"What do you think?"

"I think that I'm surprised to find one of my two best friends who knows what team rocket is capable of and who helped me bring them down the first time is actually pitying them".

"PITYING THEM?!" Tails screamed, his anger and need to rid himself of his guilt growing every second.

"Why are you screaming?" Sonic asked him not understanding why his most usually chill friend was so out of chill today.

"You think I'm like this because I'm pitying team rocket?! That I feel bad for them?"

"Yeah… that's what it looks like to me" Sonic responded.

Tails started walking back and forth to calm his nerves.

"How can you do this? How can you be so calm, so… detached?"

"I'm detached? How am I detached? Like honestly dude if you want to say something just go ahead and say it"?

Tails felt his blood rush to his head. He approached Sonic so fast that both he and Knuckles stepped back out of instinct.


"SHHHH!" Sonic shushed him while looking around in panic. The echo would definitely carry that yell throughout the forest.

"Are you insane?! You want to get us arrested after our perfect escape?!"

"I can't do this anymore! I can't! Every waking or sleeping moment his scream echoes in my head! You broke a man's legs Sonic!"

"Why are you pitying him? You saw him. He had no remorse".

"Because I am not like him Sonic! Unlike him I have empathy! I can tell when someone hurts! You used to be like that too! But now… now you're becoming just like Giovanni!"

Sonic was offended by his friend's statement.

"Take that back! I am nothing like him!"

"No I'm not taking it back! You used to understand others' pain! And now you're actively inflicting pain!"

"He deserved it! He mutilated those poor slowpokes!"

"Noone deserves such a thing Sonic! We're not judges! We can't pass judgement like that! Is that what you did in Kanto too?! Torture any rocket you got your hands on?"

"Not if I could avoid it".

Tails was horrified.

"Tails just calm down. We can work through this" Knuckles tried to approach Tails.

"Stay away from me! You're not any less guilty Knuckles! Sonic may have given the order but you carried it out without hesitation!"

Knuckles clenched his fist and looked down.

"I know. I shouldn't have".

"Look Tails" Sonic tried to reason with him "I know that was hardcore what we did…"

"Hardcore?! Hurting others on purpose is hardcore?!"

"Ok maybe it was wrong. Maybe. Proton just had it coming. But Tails… team rocket is attempting to rise again. What I went through in Kanto… it will happen all over again if we don't stop them here and now".

Tails was momentarily conflicted. Only momentarily.

He turned and started walking away.

"Where are you going?!"

"…I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign up to harm people. I'm going home".

"You're leaving?!" Sonic yelled betrayed "just like that?! You said you'd be with me every step of this path no matter what!"

"Yes! With you! Not with a wannabe Giovanni!"

Sonic was determined not to let him off so easily. Especially after his last statement.

He rushed in front of Tails.

"I'm nothing like Giovanni Tails. We are fighting for good".

"It doesn't matter if we fight for good Sonic! Wrong actions are wrong regardless of which side you're on".

Sonic didn't want to listen to Tails' words. In his eyes after everything he had seen in Kanto team rocket deserved more than just breaking one of their executive's legs. And certainly more than just imprisonment.

"Fine then. Go home. Go back to our previous way of life when we remained oblivious and ignored the pain people like team rocket inflicted on pokemon. Go and practice your so called empathy as much as you please. As for me I promised I would end team rocket and I am a hedgehog of my word!" he said and turned to continue moving west.

"Knuckles are you with me?"

Knuckles was torn. He could barely process the exchange between his two friends.

"Maybe… maybe we should escort Tails to the airport Sonic. Split on good terms you know?"

Sonic remained stoic.

"Fine. I get it. See you back home" Sonic said at the end and kept walking.

Raichu who was merely observing this whole time not knowing if it should intervene, looked at Tails and Knuckles with a hint of a sad goodbye before following its trainer forward.

"Sonic wait" Knuckles tried to get him to stay.

But after a few moments Sonic had disappeared into the treeline.

Knuckles remained there looking at the direction Sonic disappeared towards. Tails also started walking back towards Azalea town, intending to get a ride to Violet City and fly home from there.

Knuckles caught up to Tails.

"You should catch up to Sonic" Tails said without any emotion in his voice.

"Why are you running away?"

"I'm not running away. I'm just going home".

"Tails this is greater than us. You saw what Sonic went through in Kanto".

"Have you ever stopped and wondered what that might mean? Do you think he just suffered? Did you even hear what he said?"

"What did he say?"

"He said he didn't torture rockets 'if he could avoid it!' That means he tortured rockets before" Tails said as he started getting dizzy "what did he do to them? Electrocute them? Snap their bones? KILL THEM?!"

"Tails snap out of it!" Knuckles tried to shake him out of his breakdown.

Tails then realized something.

"He's going to do it again".


"Remember what he did to Giovanni? He snapped his hand. He almost killed him. Had his minions not rescued him… Sonic would have killed him".

Knuckles remembered that. It did surprise him that Sonic would go that far but on the other hand…

"Giovanni murdered an innocent Jolteon Tails. Can you even imagine what Sonic went through?"

"No. And I'm not planning to find out" Tails said and continued on his way with Knuckles following him.

At the same time, Sonic and Raichu continued on their way, alone once again.

"Can you believe them?" Sonic asked Raichu "after everything, they just turn tail and run?"

"Rai" Raichu grabbed him from the leg.

"No Raichu I'm not going back for them. Tails made his choice. I just wish he had made it from the start instead of coming all the way here" he said as he sat down on a log to let all his emotions out.

"I mean… what did he think would happen? That we would just beat the grunts in pokemon battles and then turn them to the police? Especially after what Proton did?"

He let himself take in the forest air trying to relax.

"Raichu" he asked his partner "do you feel guilty over the things I had you do over the many confrontations we had with team rocket? All the times you hurt them?"

"Rai" Raichu cried out as it nodded negatively.

Sonic too nodded but remained sad over Tails' desertion. If his partner, the one electrocuting the rockets they interrogated didn't feel any guilt about them, why did Tails feel?

"He is too kind for this" Sonic concluded "he thinks we are some sort of heroes who beat the bad guys without hurting them. That's a fairy tale truth. These people are willing to attack and will kill us if they have to, to protect their operation. Maybe it is for the best that Tails leaves. I can't have him be a sitting duck on the battlefield".

He got up and turned to leave.

Until he heard a scream.

"Sonic help!"

"Tails?! Tails!" he screamed back to the scream but got no response.

Tails and Knuckles were now approaching the edge of the woods.

"Tails I strongly suggest you reconsider. Sonic needs us".

"And I don't need to or plan to compromise my beliefs over his personal war with team rocket. Life is sacred regardless of context".

Knuckles gritted his teeth.

"Tails… what did you think this was going to be? A field trip?"

"I came here to save the pokemon from their tormentors Knuckles, not to torture the tormentors".

"These tormentors are hiding and if we don't find them now that they are at their lowest, we will miss the chance to end them".

Tails looked back over his shoulder.

"Are you intending to help Sonic carry out the deed? Kill Archer?"

"Sonic doesn't want to kill Archer. He just needs him stopped".

"Like he wanted Giovanni stopped?"

Knuckles could see the trees thinning.

"Tails I.." Knuckles began saying before he was slammed to the side by something red and fast. He was sent flying and crashed into a tree.

Tails couldn't even gasp fast enough after this happened. He turned and saw a man dressed in a weird black and red suit with a yellow helmet on too. But the most important thing was the big red R on his chest.

"Team rocket" Tails thought taking a step back.

"Scizor quick attack!"

Tails was barely fast enough to dodge an attack made by the newly appeared red pokemon.

"Who are you?" Tails asked the man "what do you want?!"

But before the man could answer an ember struck the scizor causing huge damage. Knuckles was barely on his feet but managed to get in front of Tails.

"Run" he said to his friend "I'll hold him off".

"Don't be an idiot Knuckles!"

"I said run quick!"

Tails tried to object before he saw the scizor coming for them again. Knuckles tried to shield his friend from the Scizor before it slammed into him, sending him rolling on the ground.

"Run Tails please" he said before losing consciousness.

Tails rushed to Knuckles' side before noticing Scizor coming for him again. Quilava was shaking Knuckles to try and awaken him but to no avail.

"He is lucky that Quilava is already in a ball" the masked man said with a terrifyingly menacing voice.

Tails tried to get Quilava to run but it wouldn't badge. Fear got the better of him and he ran away, leaving Knuckles behind.

The masked man saw Tails run away. He shrugged.

"It's ok. This one will be good enough as well. The echidna who broke Proton's legs. Buuut… I think I will wait until he tells me where the hero of Kanto is. Scizor, knock out the Quilava with slash then carry the echidna".

Scizor obeyed immediately. In the span of 5 seconds Quilava had fainted. The marauder grabbed the quilava and held it as he headed back deeper into Ilex forest. Scizor followed carrying Knuckles.

Tails was helpless to watch his friend get kidnapped for afar.

"How did this… how did this happen?" he thought in despair.

It was not meant to be this way.

Tails fell to his knees trying to pull himself together. It was too much.

Sonic had just been proven right. Those people were dangerous. And yet…

"GAAAAAHH!" Proton's scream echoed in his mind again.

"Aaaaah!" Tails screamed in frustration and despair. He was at a dead end.

A hand was placed gently on his shoulder.

"Everything ok?" an angelic voice asked him.

Tails looked up and his soul left his body.

"I'm dead. I have to be. This is an angel" he thought completely captivated.

In front of him stood a beautiful green haired girl with a green dress and a flower on her hair. "A florist I'm sure" Tails thought. She was accompanied by an eevee that was eyeing him in curiosity.

"You alright?" she asked gently again.

Her melodic voice was music to Tails' ears. It almost made him forget about his predicament. About Sonic's dark actions, Knuckles' captivity, everything.

"I… I am…"

The girl didn't say a word merely waiting for his response in as much curiosity as the eevee that was with her.

Tails tried to speak a couple more times, each time his own mind betraying him, stunned by her. In the end he managed to get a sentence out.

"I'm.. I'm Miles Prower".

"Nice to meet you Miles. I'm Cosmo. Is everything ok? You looked distressed there".

"Distressed?" Tails thought before returning to reality and remembering the pickle he was in.

"Oh no Knuckles!" he said turning back to look at the woods.

"Who?" Cosmo asked confused.

Her voice was soothing and helping Tails calm his panic down.

"This can't be happening right now can it?" a part of him wondered unable to understand how he barely knew this girl and felt this way.

"Knuckles is my friend. He was taken captive by some masked thug. He was taken into the woods".

"That's horrible" Cosmo said covering her mouth.

"I need to find him" Tails said to himself and went to leave.

"I'm coming with you" Cosmo offered or rather decided for him.

"Wha… n-no. I mean.. T-thanks but it's going to be dangerous".

"I know the Ilex forest very well. I can be of assistance. And so can eevee here".

"Vee!" eevee jumped in place eager to help.

Tails wished in that moment for time to stop so that he could process what had just happened. Meeting this angel.

"Ok. Lead the way Cosmo".

Cosmo took the lead with eevee by her side as Tails followed.

The duo walked back into Ilex forest.

"Where did that thug went towards?" Cosmo asked.

"That way" Tails answered pointing northwest.

"Alright. I know a couple of places someone like him would hide. Let's go" Cosmo moved forward, followed by Tails.

Sonic and raichu in the meantime were racing through the woods calling out Tails' name.

"What happened?" Sonic thought in horror "were they attacked? Are they ok? If Tails is the only one calling for help, does that mean Knuckles was unable to?"

Knuckles was indeed unable to. Arms tied behind his back on the root of a tree emerging from the ground, and Quilava in a cage. Knuckles tried his best to break free but was unable too due to his exhaustion from that fight. Whatever that pokemon was, it was very strong.

His attacker soon arrived, followed by its trainer.

"Finally you're awake. Very good. Cause I have some questions for you, my friend. And if you want to keep your partner safe you will answer".

"You're team rocket aren't you?"

"Perceptive huh? Impressive for someone like you. You look to be more brawn than brain".

"That or you're going around with a big R on your chest".

"Yeah that too I guess. But the real question is" he said leaning over Knuckles "where is your friend? Where is the hero of Kanto?"

"Far away. He knows where your boss is. And he is going for them. So I suggest you hurry rocketman".

The man laughed.

"My name is iron masked marauder. And you're not fooling anyone. If your friend knew anything he would know that our leader goes by sir not by boss. Our boss is the one your friend sent into exile. Oh and if he knew where my paymaster is, he wouldn't have had to break Proton's legs".

"How do you know about that?" Knuckles said in shock. He was sure the police would hide this fact from the public.

"Broke him out last night you dense echidna. Team rocket has people in the police. Proton is already back with us safe and sound. All you achieved is sending me after you".

Knuckles gritted his teeth in frustration.

"So I'll ask again now that you have the required context. Where is Sonic the hedgehog?"

"You really think I would betray my friends?"

"Hehe. No I don't" the marauder said "scizor make him talk. Slash!"

Scizor unleashed its attack.

"Argh!" Knuckles groaned as the scizor merely made a small cut on his left shoulder.

"Let's try again shall we?" the marauder said. Knuckles was flooded by a feeling of déjà vu. That was exactly like Proton's interrogation. Archer must have ordered the marauder to interrogate Knuckles same style.

"Where. Is. Sonic the hedgehog?"

"Go. To. Hell" Knuckles answered spitting on the last word.

"Feisty. I like that. But everyone has a breaking point. Slash!"

"AAArgh!" Knuckles yelled in pain. This time the slash was a bit bigger and this time at his leg.

"Ready to talk now?"

"I have news for you pal. You won't break me" Knuckles managed to smile.

The marauder's smile momentarily wavered.

"Scizor again!"

"AAAAArgh!" this time the yell of pain actually made an echo.

An echo heard by Sonic and raichu as well as Tails and Cosmo.

"Knuckles!" both unknowingly spoke the name at the same time.

"Let's hurry Raichu!" Sonic urged his partner.


"Cosmo lead me to Knuckles quick please" Tails pleaded.

Cosmo nodded stiffly and with her eevee leading the way marched forward as both parties headed for the site of the confrontation.

Chapter 47: Harsh reality part 2


With Knuckles at the mercy of the iron masked marauder, the situation is dire. Sonic and Tails, the latter assisted by newly met crush Cosmo, race to his aid.

Chapter Text

Archer entered the room the recovering Proton was in; the team executive was in horrible shape. He was on a wheelchair with both legs in casts. His wheelchair was equipped with a navigation system which Archer was not too pleased with as he believed Proton deserved to suffer for his failure.

"Sir" Proton saluted when Archer entered.

"What went wrong Proton? Our team depended on you and you had one job. Just that one simple job".

"We were doing well sir. Until the moment the hero of Kanto and his minions showed up".

Archer took in that last phase with great interest.

His assumption was correct. Proton had underestimated team Sonic.

He viewed them as boss and minions not as equals acting as one.

"And what did you do when they showed up? The hedgehog had to be triggered to the extreme to assault our boss like that at silph co. So this means you triggered him enough to go this far".

"I…I just… I don't know why everyone of our guys rushed for the exit instead of attacking. 20 plus grunts to 3? That should have been an easy battle".

"The boss once tackled 40 grunts at once and won effortlessly. The hedgehog is his equal in battle you blithering idiot whether you like it or not. You really thought our grunts would stand beside you in the face of not only him but his friends as well?"

"But then what should I have done sir? Play friends with our grunts?"

"No. You should have just been smart and set precautions to avoid a confrontation with him".

Proton looked down in shame. Archer had even warned him minutes before things went downhill to have someone watch the entrance and warn them if Sonic or his friends approached.

"Normally you would be punished for your failure but the hedgehog did my job for me here. Consider yourself lucky" Archer said and turned to leave.

"But what are we going to do with him sir?"

"I've already sent… him… after the hedgehog".

"Him?!" Proton gasped "the traitor? He left us when the boss went into exile".

"Unlike you and the lot however he is strong and he is faithful to the boss' ambitions. And above all he is smart and capable. He will deal with team Sonic while I prepare for the revival of team rocket".

Proton took all this in as Archer left the room, smiling.

"And even if he fails he will still buy us time. Or at least enough time to make sure the plan is carried out successfully" he thought as he contacted Ariana. She would need to bring in more Electrodes.

While that was taking place, on the depths of Ilex forest Knuckles laid on his back, badly cut in many parts of his body. His tormentor, the marauder's Scizor was indeed strong.

The marauder's patience had also started running thin.

"I don't get it" he said looking at the badly hurt echidna "why won't you talk? Do you even understand that I have you at my mercy? That you are on the verge of death?"

"Is it even a question?" Knuckles answered with a lot of effort "I told you already. I would never betray my friends".

"Why? You are going to lay down your life for them? For two strangers when your family is probably waiting for you back home?"

Knuckles felt a tear crawl up to his eye at the mention of his family. Fighting it back, he answered.

"They ARE my family. The only family I have left. They saved me from my darkest moments. I owe them my life. Which is why you cannot and will not break me".

The marauder cursed. The echidna was indeed not going to break.

At least not by torturing him.

"I believe you. But you know what? You showed me your weak point just now".

"Did I?" Knuckles asked trying to sound confident.

"Yes. Your weakness is your hopeless loyalty. Or rather your undying loyalty even during times of hopelessness. I say we test it shall we?" the marauder said opening Quilava's cage.

Knuckles immediately knew what the plan was.

"Stay away from it!"

"Oh I think not. That is of course unless you are finally ready to talk. Scizor when you are ready".

Scizor prepared to strike.

"Where is Sonic the hedgehog?"

Knuckles gritted his teeth trying to figure out what to answer to keep Quilava from getting hurt without revealing Sonic's location. He also tried to break free but was too weak too after that torture.


Scizor struck and Quilava cried out in pain.

"Noo!" Knuckles yelled in anger.

"You know the drill so you know what's awaiting your partner. Where is the hedgehog?"

"… Ecutreak. I told you he is already very far away"


"QUIIII!" Quilava cried out in more pain unable to avoid it.

"Quilava no!" Knuckles yelled trying to desperately to break free "I'm telling you the truth please stop!"

"No you're not. I stalked you three in the woods before your little team broke apart. I know he is not very far. Now" he said as Scizor winded its arm to strike again.

"The truth".

"You want the truth? Well this is the truth" Knuckles said in a last ditch attempt to get him to lose focus in order to have a moment to try and escape "they are right behind us. They will come to save me. Cause I am not the only loyal member on our team".

The marauder burst out laughing for a solid 20 seconds before getting serious again.

"They're coming for us? I feel so sorry for you. And to think you consider them your family. They both left you! The hedgehog went forward to pursue us, choosing revenge over you two. And the fox abandoned you. He turned tail and run like the coward he is. You are alone" the marauder taunted Knuckles.

Knuckles momentarily felt the doubt creep into his soul. It did indeed seem that way. Sonic didn't budge in his mission to destroy team rocket. And Tails was just not cut out for the dangers that lied ahead in this conflict.

It was indeed entirely possible both had abandoned him.

But the next moment he pushed it all down. His friends were not like that.

"I may be alone right now but when they get here you're going to regret messing with us".

"Heh. Feisty and loyal until the end. So be it then. Pity it had to come to this. But if you won't talk… you and your Quilava are useless to me".

"W-wait! Let Quilava go please. Do with me whatever you want but don't hurt it".

Tails and Cosmo were close by when they heard that plea for mercy.

"It's Knuckles!" Tails whispered as to not be heard.

"Then we have to hurry come on" Cosmo said guiding Tails.

"It may have been the hedgehog's orders but you broke Proton's legs" the marauder said with a hint of sadism in his voice "it is only fair that such an action has consequences. Scizor" he said to his pokemon "use swords dance twice then prepare to strike!"

Knuckles' face became a mask of horror and despair.

Double swords dance?

That wouldn't just knock out the pokemon.

It would most likely cut it in half. Especially if Scizor put all of its effort and focus into it.

"Last chance" the marauder warned him "where is Sonic the hedgehog now?"

"I… he is…"

"Time's up. Scizor Slash!"

"Noooooooo!" Knuckles could do nothing but scream in terror of what was about to happen.

"Eevee quick attack!" a female voice suddenly ordered.

An eevee fast like a bullet came out of nowhere and slammed into Scizor's claw, sending it off course just enough to miss Quilava, slamming the claw into the cage floor and getting stuck.

"What?!" the marauder said in shock as Quilava was able to escape its cage and rush towards the direction eevee came from "where did this joke of a pokemon come from?!"

"Knuckles!" Tails called out to his friend as he and Cosmo arrived on the scene.

The marauder took the sight in fascinated.

"The fox returns. With backup too. Interesting. Scizor slash them!"

Scizor tried to attack Tails and Cosmo but couldn't unstuck his hand from the cage floor.

"Oh right you are trapped. No matter. Come on out!"

Another pokemon came out from one of the marauder's pokeballs. A dark blue pokemon with white claws and a red edge on its head.

"What is that?" Tails asked on edge.

"A sneasel. Look out they are relentless" Cosmo warned him.

"Sneasel use icy wind!"

Sneasel unleashed a cold breath upon the duo. Tails instinctively stood in front of Cosmo to shield her from the cold.

"Looks we got a knight here" the marauder joked with an evil smile "sneasel give him a challenge! Faint attack!"

Sneasel immediately rushed towards Tails baiting him into stepping back. The next moment it backstepped very fast causing Tails to get confused and step forward again then jumped towards him. Tails shoved Cosmo aside before being shoved down himself.

"Slash him!"


Eevee came out nowhere and slammed into the sneasel with another quick attack. Sneasel recovered from it quickly and prepared to attack.

Knuckles watched this all unfold as he noticed his backpack next to him.

"If only I could get my knife" he thought as he tried to reach for it with his legs.

Cosmo noticed it.

Tails and eevee kept their focus on sneasel. It was quick so they would need to be quicker.

"Eevee growl" Tails ordered it as he knew that they would need to first try and limit the damage.

"Vee" eevee growled.

"That's how you waste your turn? So be it! Slash!"

"Eevee dodge!"

Eevee tried to dodge but was just not quick enough. Thankfully the slash only clipped a little bit of its chest fur so it remained mostly unscathed.

"Ready to quit little fox? Or would you rather see how much you can take before I break you like your friend?!"

Only then Tails noticed Knuckles' body. He was covered in cuts.

"This is my fault" Tails thought "had I not left this wouldn't have happened".

Then he noticed something else; Cosmo was slowly sneaking towards Knuckles, holding a sharp rock.

"You certainly tried to break Knuckles. But you haven't broken him. And you won't break me either!"

"Hehe and why's that?"

"Cause we're a team!" Knuckles declared freed at last as he sent out his heracross while using his pokeball to recall Quilava.

"Heracross horn attack!"

Heracross slammed into sneasel. It was sent flying and crashed into a tree but bounced back immediately.

Tails and Knuckles stood side by side ready to face the Marauder. Cosmo stood back.

"You got this Miles" she encouraged him.

Knuckles momentarily looked at her in surprise. Calling Tails by his first name?

"But then again she may not know that we call him Tails" he thought as he shifted his focus back to the battle at hand as his heracross and Cosmo's eevee readied themselves for the battle.

Faraway from there Sonic and raichu were practically running in circles following the calls of help from Tails until he also heard another voice.

"Sonic help us!" Knuckles voice could be heard.

"What is going on?!" Sonic screamed in frustration and fear for his friends "whoever you are quit it!"

"Rai!" raichu touched him with his paw pointing at something in the distance.

Sonic looked and saw in the distance something faintly resembling a small fairy.

"What is that?"

The pink fairy flew away and the voice was heard again coming from the direction of the fairy.

"Sonic this way".

Sonic not thinking rushed that way. Raichu followed.

"Heracross use leer!" Knuckles ordered his pokemon.

"Eevee quick attack!"

Heracross lowered his opponent's defense while eevee slammed into it pushing it back.

"Sneasel slash them!"

Sneasel tried to slash eevee but eevee proved to be quite agile dodging the attack.

The marauder was bewildered that they were not already defeated.

"Scizor what are you waiting for! Break free!"

Scizor immediately put its all into freeing itself from its stuck state.

"Sneasel you too stop playing around! Slash them apart!"

Sneasel attacked only to be stopped by heracross' massive size compared to it. Though neither Knuckles nor Tails knew it, it was a pity that heracross didn't know a fighting move at that point in time because that would certainly knock out sneasel with one strike. Nevertheless heracross and eevee kept playing off of one another trying to strike and keep each other safe.

Until of course the marauder came up with the simple solution to recall Scizor so it would get unstuck then send it back out making it a two against two again.

"Damnit" Knuckles cursed "heracross horn attack on Scizor!"

Heracross rushed Scizor. Sneasel took the opportunity to attack eevee.

"Knuckles I need backup!"

"Got my hands full mate. That thing knows swords dance. If I don't keep it busy it will set up and slash us apart like it tried to do earlier.

"Then let me wield Quilava in battle! Eevee go back to Cosmo and get her out of here!"

"No way. I'm not leaving you here Miles!"

Knuckles sent Quilava out immediately and asked it to fight alongside Tails. Eevee however refused to leave.

"Cosmo you need to get eevee out of here this guy's dangerous!"

"In front of you!" Cosmo point forward.

Sneasel had tried to use ice punch against Quilava and Tails. The duo dodged and Tails tried to tell Cosmo to run again.

"If you want me to be safe, get off your ass and win this battle already! I'm not leaving!" she declared causing Tails to silently gasp in shock, awe and to his surprise, butterfrees in the stomach.

"That thing used ice punch!" Knuckles whispered as heracross and Scizor clashed "Tails! Sneasel is an ice type!"

Tails immediately took action upon processing the info.

"Got it! Quilava Rapid fire ember!"

Quilava launched a barrage of embers towards Sneasel. The result was devastating as Sneasel, already hurt against heracross, fainted.

The marauder knowing that he had to take action now, ordered Scizor to strike at heracross' horn's base, causing it to momentarily retreat in pain and finally giving him the time to use sword's dance then using bullet punch to move first, striking fast at Quilava, knocking it out.

"The threat is out. And so are you! Scizor finish them!"

Scizor moving like a blur went for the strike aiming at eevee.

"Not this time! Raichu iron tail!" a voice determined to prevent history from being repeated was heard.

A yellow blur rushed by Tails, Knuckles and Cosmo. Raichu, using its iron tail as a defensive maneuver, parried the slash, knocking Scizor off balance.

Before any of them could turn around to look, Sonic walked past them, ready to end the battle.

"That was a pretty snazzy performance there guys" he said looking sideways to his friends smiling "now let me do my part for our team".

Tails and Knuckles smiled.

"So you came" Knuckles teased him.

"Did you doubt I would?"

"Maybe for a moment".

Sonic smiled and turned his attention to the marauder. The latter gritted his teeth. Tackling the hedgehog alone would have been a hard task by itself which is why he waited for the chance that was their temporary disbandment to attack. But facing them all at once?

"Scizor attack raichu with slash!"

But things were now just destined to be in team Sonic's favor; raichu's earlier defense of eevee triggered static.


"Raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu charged and punched the paralyzed Scizor, knocking it out with ease. The marauder backstepped once at the realization of his defeat then turned away and fled, dropping a small device as he did so.

Sonic went to pursue him, before Tails and Knuckles took him by the shoulder at the same time one shoulder each, while nodding negatively. Sonic took a deep breath and decided their opponent would get away for that day.

Sonic turned to meet his friend's gaze when he saw Knuckles' wounds.

"My god! What did he do to you?!"

"Tried to break me to find you. Obviously he didn't".

Cosmo looked at Knuckles' wounds.

"I have a friend at Azalea town who has a slowbro that knows the rare move heal pulse. Come to my place for tonight and I will bring her Slowbro to use its move and heal your wounds".

"Will that work?" Tails asked "I mean, Knuckles is no pokemon".

"I see no reason why not. Chanseys working at pokemon center usually know it and are known to use it for healing non pokemon wounds as well but it's better not to draw people's attention after this".

Tails nodded. Indeed they could just do the latter but then they would have to explain how Knuckles' wounds were inflicted and that could draw attention.

Plus spending time around Cosmo with the butterfrees still in Tails' stomach was definite yes-yes.

After Sonic picked up the device dropped by the iron masked marauder, team Sonic followed Cosmo to her place, which to Tails' accurate guess was a flat over her shop. She was actually a florist.

The team was brought in discreetly so no one would notice the injured echidna and afterwards Cosmo left momentarily to borrow her friend's Slowbro.

While Tails and Sonic were waiting for her to come back, Sonic tried to apologize to his friends but Tails stopped him saying it was not the time yet. Knuckles who was recovering asked Tails where he had met this girl in the literal half hour that transpired between Tails' flight from the fight and his return to save Knuckles.

"She uh… run into me…" Tails said getting red like a strawberry.

"Now that I recall… she called you Miles" Knuckles also added remembering.

"What she called you by your first name?!" Sonic gasped in surprise.

"Yeah. I mean… she doesn't know you guys call me Tails… and also…".

"Now that I also recall" Knuckles remembered again "you shielded her from Sneasel and tried to get her to leave".

"I… uh… I did… I mean it was our battle and everything… she helped us and all…"

Sonic and Knuckles looked at each other and smiled mischievously.

"W-what?" Tails said looking back and forth at his two friends.

"Looks like our little friend here has fallen in love" Knuckles joked.

"What…? Of course not!"

"Haha! Butterfrees in the stomach!" Sonic yelled in excitement.

"Shhh! Cut it out. You're acting like children".

"Oooooh! You've fallen hard for her to deny it so fiercely and try to reflect it on us" Knuckles whistled to tease his friend.

"J-jerks" Tails looked away to hide the blushing as his two friends continued teasing him playfully.

A couple of moments later Cosmo returned. She brought out slowbro and it used heal pulse on Knuckles, healing the scratches on his body. His body was still exhausted from the fight however. Cosmo insisted that the team stay at her place for the night before setting out again and even offered to guide them through ilex forest. The team agreed.

Later on as Knuckles had fallen asleep, Sonic had also retreated to rest, while Tails went outside and laid on the grass to process the events of the day.

As Sonic laid in Knuckles' sleeping bag next to the bed Knuckles was sleeping at he petted raichu telling it how proud he was off his save of eevee from that attack today. He closed his eyes and started drifting asleep.

Until he felt the marauder's device buzzing.

Intrigued he took it out and read the contact name on the screen.


Chapter 48: Harsh reality, part 3


While Sonic leaves a warning to acting team Rocket leader Archer, Tails opens up to Cosmo about his feelings for the team's mission. In turn she asks a favor of him; to take her adventurous eevee with him.

Chapter Text

Sonic stared at the name on the iron masked marauder's communication device.


That was the case from the start. The marauder's attack was payback for the slowpoke well. For Proton.

Sonic intrigued went to the bathroom, while keeping the lights off and accepted the call.

Archer appeared on screen.

"Marauder what happened? I instructed you to call me first chance you got".

Sonic kept the screen pointing upwards on purpose to make his reveal all the more dramatic. He picked up the device and turned the camera towards himself.

"Your marauder is unavailable right now".

Archer momentarily entered a state of shock. The marauder had lost to team Sonic?!

Sonic took the moment to study Archer. He was obviously using a computer to call the marauder. He could see Archer was in a dark room as well sitting behind a desk. He had teal hair and teal eyes. But the most intriguing part about him was that unlike most of team rocket, he wore a white version of team rocket's outfit –"Probably to stand out as their current boss" Sonic thought.

Archer realized quickly he was passing himself off as shocked to Sonic so he just as quickly regained his composure.

"What an interesting turn of events. We finally meet face to face, Sonic the hedgehog, hero of Kanto".

"Oh you have no idea what meeting face to face will be like Archer".

"Your resolve to pursue us is fascinating. And a little touching as well. But you are doomed to fail. Soon enough our boss will be back with us and under his leadership once again, we will smash your pathetic team".

Sonic didn't believe him one bit. Not after what Giovanni had said.

"Funny. I could say the same about you. You say we are doomed to fail. I say you have already failed. Your boss is not coming back to you. He didn't run away just to escape the police. He abandoned all of you".

"You'd really want me to believe such an obvious lie wouldn't you?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. It's the truth. You and the rest of your team were nothing more than his useless pawns. His words not mine".

Archer felt there was a fraction of truth in Sonic's words. He himself had heard Giovanni call his underlings useless pawns before.

"He can't have abandoned us… can he?" Archer thought, this time without showing that Sonic's words had affected him.

"Today you bested team rocket again, you and your pathetic friends. But when it will really count, you will fail. Just like you failed to save your friend's Jolteon".

Sonic's face didn't show any emotion or reaction to that.

"That was then and this is now. And let Ariana, Petrel and Proton know that as well. Together, me and my friends cannot lose. Today's events proved it. We're coming for you" Sonic said and hang up.

Archer was left in the dark room, trying to collect his thoughts after things took the worst turn imaginable for team rocket. The only card they had left was that team Sonic didn't know where they were.

Ariana entered the conference room to inform him on her success to bring in more Electrodes.

"I collected the Electrodes sir. We should be able to create more power for our purpose soon".

Archer didn't respond.

"How did our assault hound do?" Ariana asked not noticing Archer's bad state.

"Our assault hound was sent running with his tail between his legs".


"Team Sonic beat him. Sonic the hedgehog answered his communicator".

"Damnit! How is this possible! The hedgehog no longer carries his entire team from Kanto?! How did he possibly overpower the marauder?!"

"They must all have fought him together. Like you were beaten in that werehouse, so long ago by him".

Ariana cursed. This was not optimal.

"So? What now?"

"We stick to the plan. Use the Electrodes. When the time comes, we will call out boss back to us. The hedgehog will not find us if we stick underground".

"What are we going to do about the grunts? They will riot to get paid eventually".

"I will give a speech to inform them of the plan to bring the boss back. They will definitely do our bidding until the boss returns, free of charge".

"So that's it? We just stay here and wait until we are ready, hoping the hedgehog and his allies don't come knocking?"

"Of course not. The laying low is only part of the plan. We will of course string them along, getting them to waste their time. Patience. It won't be long" Archer said having managed to calm down himself. And with an evil grin on his face.

Sonic returned to the bedroom to get some rest at last. Knuckles was awakened by his departure.

"What happened?"

"Your tormentor was under orders to come after us. On the bright side, I just found out they are severely underestimating us. Just had a call with Archer".

Knuckles sat up like a spring.

"Archer?! You actually talked to him?!"

"Yes he called because he was expecting to see the marauder having dealt with us. Saw his face too. I can definitely identify him when the time comes".

Knuckles smiled decisively before lying back down as Sonic got into the sleeping bag.

"Hey Sonic?"


"What was it like fighting the rockets back in Kanto?"

"I'm not sure I understand your question Knucks. I kept you all posted all the way".

"I know it's just… you know the whole situation with Tails… and all that guy did to me… I never wondered what it actually was like from your own point of view".

"I did get some good punches to the jaw in Kanto. Almost got choked to death as well. But my pain was mostly mental not physical. After Jolty died… I almost fell to depression. The only thing that saved me was my battle with Agatha. I guess I accepted back then… the darkness that exists in the world. And also decided to focus on the light without ignoring the dark of course. After all this is what we're here for right?"

"I agree… I'm just not sure Tails does".

Sonic remained silent for a few moments.

"I guess I need to have a talk with him tomorrow morning. I really don't want him to go home. We'll need each other to see this journey, this mission through".

"I believe if anyone can convince him to stay, it's you Sonic. But you will need to listen to him, really listen. Because… whether you like it or not… the slowpoke well was just the beginning. We will probably tackle the rockets in similar ways many more times as we go forward. You, me and Tails will need to be absolutely focused and determined to see this through. So we will have to find a middle ground for the situation that bothers him".

"…personally I can't feel sorry for what we did to Proton. But… you're right. Friends are meant to listen to each other. I will do my best to listen tomorrow".

"Good. Now if you don't mind I'll grab some zs. Good night Sonic".

"Night Knucks" Sonic answered as he to closed his eyes to get some much needed rest.

At the same time outside, Tails was thinking the exact same thing, lying down on the grass, observing the starry sky. For the first time in days he could properly relax.

His mind of course was still racing. He was glad they saved Knuckles from the marauder but the rift formed in their team was still there and pretty much not taken care of.

Footsteps reached his ears as Cosmo's cute face emerged from above.

"Trouble sleeping?" she asked in her soft voice. Tails felt his stomach would burst from all the butterfrees.


Cosmo giggled at his stuttering which Tails wondered if she was laughing at him or found him cute. Cosmo then proceeded to sit beside him and hug her legs looking up at the stars.

Tails also took to stargazing, racking his brain on what to say, though the silence just felt right. Not because he didn't want to talk to her but rather because he just wanted to just sit there and hang out with her, forgetting momentarily about the choice that lied ahead.

"The stars are beautiful aren't they?" she commented after a while.

"Not…" Tails began to say but stopped "not something I noticed before. I guess after today's events I can see it more clearly".

As he waited for Cosmo to answer he thought of the original answer he wanted to give but stopped himself.

"Not as beautiful as you" he thought.

Cosmo then looked straight in his eyes. Tails gulped silently as he gazed into her deep blue eyes.

"So" she asked gently "what's your story?"


"Today was a hell of a way to meet you. Breaking down after the kidnapping of your friend. Don't get me wrong. Most individuals would not take such a situation calmly. The fact that you pulled yourself back together after is impressive".

"Wouldn't have managed to without your help".

"Oh you're sweet. But seriously, you fought alongside your friend against overwhelming odds. Sneasel is a pain to deal with and you and your friend handled it great before your third friend arrived".

"Thanks" Tails said with a sincere smile.

Eevee then came besides him and rubbed its head on his side affectionately. Tails petted it for a while before it went to Cosmo's side and curled closing its eyes.

"Another question too" Cosmo said suddenly "I heard your friends call you Tails earlier. Why is that?"

"Oh that. My name is Miles Prower but my friends call me Tails".

"Oh I see. Ok then. Tails. That is a nice nickname".

Tails felt a small heartbreak. Though it was too early to tell and certainly too early to even think about it, Cosmo using the nickname his friends used for him made him feel like he had just been friendzoned by the prettiest girl he had ever met.

"Thanks" Tails answered in the end.

"So? Will you tell me your story?"

"Well… it's just… I don't know how much of it I can tell you".

"Because it has to do with team rocket?"

"Yeah. Noticed the logo on the marauder I assume?"

"That… and the fact that one of your friends is literally the hero of Kanto".

"Oh. Yeah. That too" Tails muttered.

Cosmo noticed the sudden change in tone in Tails' voice.

"Oh I'm… I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn't mean to".

"It's ok. I guess it won't hurt to tell you some stuff. After all I do owe you Knuckles' life. You got me there on time".

"You should thank your friend Sonic. He also arrived there on time, even if it was the finale".

Tails frowned. That was not going to be an easy thing to do.

"Thing is… things are rough at the moment between me and my friends".


"Yeah. You see… the reason we're here in Johto is… actually let me take this from the start. It will require some context".


"I assume you are already aware of Sonic's reputation as the hero of Kanto? You mentioned his title".

"Yes. Everyone in Johto has heard about him. Kanto and Johto are neighboring regions, it only makes sense news got here fast".

"True. After Sonic won the Kanto league tournament, we all returned home, thinking team rocket was done and we wouldn't have to deal with them anymore".

"Makes sense. Wait you said we right? Were you in Kanto with Sonic?"

"Not in the flesh. I helped him during his fatal confrontation with team rocket's boss during which that Jolteon died. While he was dealing with Giovanni, I exposed team rocket's secrets that Sonic had sent me from inside and took down several servers of silph co with a virus to destroy all data on team rocket's secret weapon".

"Wait you're the reason the company went downhill?"

"In a way" Tails mumbled with some guilt.

Cosmo stared at him for a moment then continued.

"I see. It's just that my friend, the one whose slowbro I borrowed to heal your friend… her father had some stocks in that company".

"Oh man" Tails said realizing for the first time how deep the consequences of that day really ran.

"I'm so sorry for that. I know it means nothing…"

"It can mean something… if you tell me what that secret weapon was. Convince me its destruction was worth the cost".

Tails weighed his options for a moment and then relented.

"The masterball. The ultimate pokeball. A pokeball powerful enough to catch any pokemon without fail. Probably even legendary pokemon".

"What?" Cosmo whispered in shock "I… I can't believe it".

"Back there for a moment I did doubt that move on Sonic's part. But knowing what I know now… I cannot say anymore that the cost was not worth paying".

Cosmo took the info in silent.

"Why are you telling me all of it? I know I asked but.. why would you go that deep?"

"To give you enough context on why team rocket is dangerous… why me and my friends are hunting them down".

"You what?!"

"We learnt from a reliable source that they retreated here in Johto. We came here to find and end their team once and for all" Tails said fighting not to break down as memories of the slowpoke well started creeping in again.

"And it all went downhill in slowpoke well".

"The slowpoke well? I heard something went down there but the police didn't reveal any info to the public yet".

"Team rocket sneaked in… to harvest slowpoke tails to sell to a restaurant" Tails managed to say.

Cosmo covered her mouth with her hands.

"What monsters" she whispered again "slowpokes are a local attraction. The locals adore them. And the act… of cutting their tails… some of the people in town are protesting to even legitimate slowpoke tail farms, stating it is wrong to cut a slowpoke's tail even if done at the farms the right way so that the slowpoke doesn't suffer and the tail certainly regrows. But to straight up cut it off…" Cosmo rumbled on for a while before realizing what Tails really meant.

"You intervened didn't you?"

"Yes. Me and my friends stopped them… caused many of them to get arrested".

Cosmo's eyes flared with joy as Tails confirmed it. And, even though Tails was sure he had imagined it, he could even see something resembling admiration in her eyes.

"No. Not just admiration" Tails thought "adoration?"

"That was so brave. You're so brave. You're a hero Tails" she said eyes locked onto his eyes.

Tails broke off the contact.

"You haven't heard the whole story yet".

"There's more?"

"Yes. And you might want to rethink calling me a hero after hearing it".

"I'm all ears".

"After we beat all of the rockets who stuck around to fight us…" Tails forced himself to narrate the events "Sonic interrogated the one in charge of the tail harvesting. I won't mention his name cause you already know too much for your own safety".

"And? Did you get anything out of him?"

"No. He refused to betray team rocket. But Sonic…" Tails said as he started trembling at the thought "he… tortured him… with raichu… electrocuting him over and over and over trying to get him to confess".

Cosmo's eyes widened but she remained calm.

"And after I stopped them I went to make an anonymous call to the police… only to return to find out my two friends, my two comrades on this mission… had broken his legs!"

Cosmo gasped but again remained mostly cool. The gasp was probably just because of the element of not expecting such a development.

"Ever since then the guy's screams have been haunting me… it was wrong. I should have been there to keep them from acting. I just can't… I can't keep going like this. This guy was evil but to make him suffer like that… no one deserves such pain" Tails completed saying all he had been wanting to say for the past week and then stuffed his face in his palms, wondering if he had just passed himself to his crush as an emotionless assaulter just like his friends. Or even worse someone who just sits idly by while others suffered. Or maybe just as a wimp who can't handle something of the sort.

Cosmo looked down for a moment then took Tails by the shoulder who looked back at her. She crouched a little bit closer to him.

"Tails… I can easily say I have never met someone like you. To have such capacity for goodness and even feel bad about someone who has done such horrific things. You must never lose this empathy".

Tails felt gratitude. He remembered Sonic telling him to go home and do nothing practicing empathy by ignoring the darkness of the world. He was not wrong to feel breaking Proton's legs was wrong.

"But" Cosmo continued "I can't agree with you on this matter. Whoever that person is, your friends went easy on him".

"What? You agree with them?"

"No Tails. I'm not picking sides. I'm saying this from an objective point of view. That man mutilated innocent helpless creatures for money. He got a punishment less severe than what he really deserved".

She took him by the hand to help him remain calm.

"I admire that you manage to feel empathy towards everyone, even people like him. But you must never allow yourself to become complacent with acts like his just to not stoop to his level. Team rocket is out there. Preparing to hurt others no doubt. And now, right now, you Tails and your friends are the only ones standing between them and this exact result".

Tails was experiencing the most complicated mix of emotions, including but not limited to gratitude, confusion, anger and regret, though the most dominant of them all was the butterfrees in his stomach.

"So you're saying that next time I should allow Sonic to break their bones? Or go even further? Even cross the line?"

"No. I'm saying that you and your friends are Johto's, and maybe even Kanto's or even the world's only hope. But you're only as strong as you are united as weak as you are divided. The events of the slowpoke well as you described them and today's events proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt".

Tails looked back to the sky with a hint of despair.

"But what do I do? How do I live with myself after what I allowed to happen?"

"It wasn't up to you so don't beat yourself up about it. But what happens afterwards is".

"…I was planning to leave. Me and Knuckles were returning to Azalea so I can fly home from here".

Cosmo clearly disapproved.

"Your friends need you Tails. You all need each other now more than ever. So before leaving tomorrow… talk it out. Tell them everything. Find your common ground. When you do that… I believe you three will become unstoppable".

Tails allowed himself to consider this possibility. Last time he tried to talk to Sonic they got into an argument and not one of the two tried to listen to the other. Maybe if they talked instead of fighting, they could work it out.

"I will. First thing in the morning I will talk to Sonic. Get this out of my chest once and for all" he said smiling.

Cosmo smiled back at him.

And only at that moment did the two realize how close their faces were to each other.

The two laughed it off with some added blushing on both their parts.

Trying to break the ice and lighten the mood, Tails shifted his attention to her eevee.

"Your eevee was rather brave today".

"Thanks. He's always been like that. Ever since I ran into him".

"Eevee can evolve into so many pokemon, its potential is astounding. Has it considered evolving?"

"Never really paid attention to it in that regard" Cosmo shrugged "I'm content with my life as a florist. It's not an adventurous or even too exciting of a life but I am just content. Eevee though… has always been more of an adventure seeker. Always got into trouble with several pokemon living in town like rattatas or pidgeys. Nothing ever too serious. I just wish I could do more for it sometimes" she admitted as she scratched its head.

"Heh, reminds me a certain echidna I know".

"I think eevee could certainly benefit having a trainer like you" Cosmo commented.

"Nice of you to say this but… I'm not actually a trainer. Sonic and Knuckles are the pokemon wielders of our team".

"Really? But you battled so amazingly with eevee today. You really have no pokemon or ever even battled before?"

"I did work with Knuckles' bellsprout in battle at the slowpoke well. But no. The only pokemon I have" Tails said taking out his pokeball "is this little guy" he said sending out sentret.

"Oh how cute" Cosmo couldn't help but say "is this your partner?"

"No. I'm more of its guardian. We met it during the first day of our journey through Johto. A team rocket grunt was trying to catch it. We subdued him and sent him back to team rocket with a warning. But then we had to decide what to do with this little guy. I didn't want to leave him, none of us did. I ended up its guardian however as Knuckles and Sonic want to catch pokemon with greater battle potential. To both help against team rocket and because they intend to enter the league tournament after all this is over".

Cosmo took the little sentret in her arms as it curled, obviously feeling safe because of her presence.

As she rocked it in her arms and it rubbed its head against her enjoying the petting an idea came to Cosmo's mind. Not a pleasant one. But one that would be for the best.

"This little one needs a forever home. Or at least a home to grow enough to learn to survive in the wild. And walking around with it, especially heading into danger like in your case… it's not advisable".

"I know" Tails admitted "but I don't know anyone who would accept it. Most people would call it a burden".

Cosmo then took a decisive look.

"I'm not most people".

Tails looked at her in question.

"If you want me to… I can take care of sentret. Having a mouth to feed is no big deal for me".

"But won't two mouths be a little much?"

Cosmo didn't immediately answer.

"That's only half of the idea I'm proposing".

"What's the other half?"

She took his hand again.

"Tails, would you take eevee with you if I asked you?"

Tails was caught off guard.

"Take eevee? I can't do that. It's your pokemon".

"Not really. I never really caught it. So I'm not its trainer. We just coexisted".

"… If that's the case… are you sure you want to let it go?"

Cosmo shed a tear at this question but smiled with a beautiful yet sad smile.

"No. But it is for the best. Eevee wants to go out there and experience the world. I can't give it that. I know it has no hard feelings for me but… now that a chance like that exists… I would be selfish not to give it to eevee".

Tails was moved. Cosmo wasn't just angelically beautiful when it came to looks but to soul as well.

"If it means that much to you then yes. I will take eevee. And I promise to take good care of it".

Cosmo's face gleamed in joy and she hugged Tails, whispering a 'thank you' in his ear. After they broke off the hug they remained there looking into each other's eyes not saying a word.

"I um… should go to bed… long day tomorrow… you know" Cosmo muttered blushing once she realized they had just stood there for a while.

"Yeah… I know" Tails also muttered.

Cosmo then took sentret in and eevee, who had listened to their conversation and felt eager to join Tails when asked, followed suit. Tails after handing her sentret's pokeball, suspected he would officially have eevee join the team, or rather give it the choice to do so, in the morning. Next moment his mind went into overdrive, mostly consisting of trying to process the entirety of their heart to heart conversation and also beating himself up over and over for not being brave and going for the kiss.

"Idiot. You had the perfect chance" Tails muttered covering his face with his palms wondering if he would ever have another one.

Chapter 49: Carving a new path, hatching a new plan


With team Sonic talking it out and moving forward, more united than before, they engage in funny shenanigans to blow some steam off. A pokemon egg also comes into Sonic's possession, with an unimaginable pokemon inside.

Chapter Text

Sonic woke up earlier than his teammates and unwilling to be rude to Cosmo by being awake when she was not, he left to do his morning routine, leaving raichu still asleep.

As he went for a walk to help his body wake up, he watched the sun emerging from the horizon.

A new day. A new beginning.

"Will we leave town as a team?" he wondered as he continued on his walk.

After about an hour of walking, jogging and completing his morning routine, he grabbed breakfast for everyone and returned to Cosmo's house. Cosmo and Knuckles had woken up. Tails would have to have to wake up soon too, as Cosmo would eventually have to go about her day too.

"Morning" Sonic said upon entering.

Cosmo noticed the bag he was holding.

"Did you buy breakfast for everyone?"

"Yes. It's the least I could do for the hospitality".

"You shouldn't have" she said with a smile "Tails has indeed the best friends" she commented as she was petting Tails' sentret.

Sonic noticed it as well.

"Is that the sentret Tails was taking care of?"

"It is" Tails answered before Cosmo could, entering the room "I'll explain everything soon enough".

Cosmo knowing what team Sonic was about to discuss, excused herself, going to wake up eevee as well. Sonic and Tails sat at the table with Knuckles.

"Well" Sonic opened the conversation "I think we have a discussion due".

"We do" Tails confirmed.

"I'm all ears" Sonic invited Tails to begin.

"Sonic. You know I would follow you to the ends of the earth".


"And that I am all in on stopping the rockets before they harm anyone else. Or any more pokemon".

"I believe you".

"But I need you to understand me here. I want to stop them yes. But I don't want to hurt them. What we did to Proton is wrong, regardless of the context".

Sonic did his best to remain calm as he fully disagreed with the sentiment.

"Explain yourself further please. Why do you feel it was wrong?"

"It doesn't need any further explanation. It was just wrong".

"Tails" Knuckles intervened, hoping to act as the middle ground "I understand. As the one who carried out the act I do understand. I too hear his screams of pain".

Tails didn't immediately reply.

"But then… why are you so calm?"

"Because I believe he deserved more than we did to him Tails. I didn't mention it before. Do you remember how slowpokes evolve into slowbros?"

"Yeah. A shellder bites…" but then he paused as he finally understood why his friends weren't feeling any regrets "their tail".

"Exactly" Sonic took over "they cut their tails causing them excruciating pain. But there's more to it. There is a good chance some slowpokes will never regrow their tails. In other words they will never be able to evolve. All because of them".

Tails slowly nodded.

"I see but… even so. I can't help but feel sorry for Proton. He didn't need to suffer too".

Sonic closed his eyes and smiled.

"You were always the most empathetic of us Tails. Always there, ready to hear us out and help us out".

Tails didn't reply. He still waited to see where Sonic was going with this.

"I agree with you. We don't need to hurt them, as long as they don't get in our way. Most of those grunts tried to escape and only some of them fought back".

"Do you feel guilty about beating them up like we did?" Knuckles asked his friend.

"A little. But I can cope with it. It was necessary to keep them from escaping. But breaking Proton's legs… or electrocuting him… that was uncalled for. He wasn't a threat or trying to escape".

Sonic slowly nodded.

"You're right. But even so… I still believe he deserved what he got".

"He did. But just because he did, doesn't mean we should have given him what he deserved. We have to be better than them Sonic" Tails pleaded.

Sonic also remained silent for a while.

"I'm glad we got someone like you on our team Tails. But whether we like or not… our enemies are willing to commit horrific acts. We need to be ready to carry out stuff like that as well. Certainly not as severe and certainly not to pokemon. But we don't have the luxury of playing nice with them".

Tails wanted to object again. But then he remembered what the iron masked marauder had done to Knuckles. Sonic also had a point. Team rocket were indeed monsters. And the iron masked marauder was one of the worst.

"Tails" Sonic spoke again intending to suggest a middle ground "you have the kind of kindness that can keep us on the good side of things. I have the willpower to end the rockets once and for all but I will need your guys' help. Only together we can win. So let's do it together. Let's go forward together. As for how we treat the rockets… we will only hurt them if they really call for it".

"Or if they really deserve it" Tails added as Proton's scream finally faded from his mind as his desire to bring the iron masked marauder to justice rooted itself in his mind.

"Then it is settled" Sonic smiled getting up "team Sonic is back in business".

"All the way" Knuckles said putting his hand on Sonic's.

Tails smiled copying him.

"One for all and all for one" he added.

As team Sonic reaffirmed their alliance, Cosmo smiled from the corner she was waiting at. She then pretended to have returned to feed sentret.

"Sorry to interrupt" she pretended to apologize.

"No worries. We're done here" Tails immediately answered.

"Really? And?"

"Team Sonic is back".

"That's great!"

Tails nodded.

"Is eevee around?"

As if that was the signal, eevee sprinted into the room. Tails turned back to his teammates.

"Yesterday we had a chat" he explained referring to himself and Cosmo "and Cosmo suggested that she take care of sentret. Our mission will lead us to dangerous encounters so carrying a baby pokemon that we won't actually train isn't advisable. But that's only half of the idea. Eevee here" he said as eevee jumped on the table at the sound of its name "wants to explore the world. It is adventurous and Cosmo cannot really grant that wish for it. But we can so…"

Sonic immediately understood. Looking at eevee he was reminded a lot of Jolty. Its death still hurt but remembered just how much of a help and what a great pokemon and partner it was for Mike.

"Say no more Tails. Ask eevee the question".

Tails was not expecting such a quick acceptance. Knuckles also nodded positively. Tails turned to eevee.

"Eevee, I thank you sincerely for helping us back in the forest yesterday. Cosmo tells me you're quite adventurous. We are too. Would you like to join us on our adventures?"

"Vee! Vee! Eevee!" the cute normal type jumped repeatedly in excitement.

Sonic smiled and tossed Tails a pokeball.

Tails pointed the pokeball at eevee and the latter touched it with its forehead. One wiggle, two wiggles, three wiggles and ding. It was caught.

Tails sent it out.

"Welcome to team Sonic eevee".

Eevee climbed on Tails' shoulder to everyone's surprise. Cosmo felt pure happiness that her companion was finding its path even though there was a small pinch of sadness.

She would miss eevee. Dearly.

As team Sonic was about to leave, Cosmo offered to guide them through the Ilex forest, joking that someone should keep an eye on them based on how their attempt their previous day had gone. Team Sonic laughed but all of them agreed, Tails especially happy.

As the four made their way through the woods, Cosmo describing the beauty of Ilex forest to Tails, as Knuckles and Sonic stayed a little further behind giving their friend space with his crush.

After a while Knuckles remembered something he wanted to ask Sonic the previous day but it slipped his mind.

"Hey Sonic. I was wondering. How did you find us yesterday? By the time I and Tails engaged the marauder you should have made it to Goldenrod city".

"What do you mean? I heard your calls for help and rushed to your aid".

"But… we never called for help. Neither I nor Tails".

"What?" Sonic asked greatly puzzled.

Hating to do this he approached Tails and Cosmo.

"Sorry to interrupt but Tails did you call for help yesterday when I was coming to your aid against the marauder?"

"Huh? No. And even if we did we would be too far away for you to hear".

"What?! Then who was calling for help? I heard someone call out to me in your voices. And…" he said remembering something else "I saw… something. Like a fairy or something".

Cosmo was rather intrigued.

"You heard and saw the voice of the forest?"

"The what?"

"Oh sorry. That's what Johtonians call it".

"Call what it?"

"Celebi. The protector of the forest".

"Celebi?" Knuckles asked in a bit of disapproval "it's a myth. It's not real".

"Oh but it is" Cosmo countered "many travelers have heard the forest talk to them. Some claim to have even seen it. Like, up close".

"It can't be real" Knuckles insisted "the myth says it has the ability to time travel. Such power can't possibly exist".

"Time travel?" Sonic asked next "like it can travel through time at will?"

"Yes. It is said to travel to many points in time, helping people and pokemon and restoring plant life".

"A pokemon straight out of nature" Tails surmised rather intrigued as well "but still… time travel? That breaks so many laws of physics. Like to even theoretically open a portal through space and time you would need to harness the hypothetical particle tachyon. And supposing tachyons exist, excluding all the countless calculations you would have to do to even get such a technology to function, it just doesn't seem plausible. Like, all the energy required to open a portal could very easily cause a quantum fluctuation which would mess with the planck scale and thereby triggering the deutsch proposition…" he rumbled on for a while until he realized Sonic and Knuckles were completely lost and Cosmo, even though she clearly understood very little, was observing with great interest.

"To put it simply, time travel technology has been attempted and has never functioned because of all the aforementioned facts. And you mean to tell me a pokemon actually has that kind of power? And if it has… can you even imagine the chaos that would ensue… if more than one of itself met? And I'm not talking about just 2 Celebis meeting. I'm referring to a Celebi meeting a past of future version of itself. Something like that could very well break reality".

Cosmo felt she could hear him rumble on like that for days.

At that same moment, they all came across a shrine. It had the shape of a fairytale house but it had a double door that seemed like double balcony doors.

"What is that?" Sonic asked as he slowly approached it.

"No" Cosmo stopped him "that is Celebi's shrine. The locals built it in its honor. You shouldn't touch it".

"Or what?" Sonic asked confused.

"Probably nothing but you never know. Celebi could be offended".

"Oh please" Knuckles said in frustration walking past them and touching it "see? Nothing. Celebi isn't real. I respect legends and myths but the difference is myths are unsubstantiated legends. In other words legends with no truth behind them. Acts like this shrine here make absolutely no sense".

Sonic was rather worried to hear his friend talk about a theme of his greatest passion with such disregard and somewhat… angry? Why would the theme of Celebi ever or rather could possibly ever make him angry like that?

Leaving the shrine behind, they finally emerged on the west side of the forest. On the distance the buildings of goldenrod city could be made out.

"Well here we are" Cosmo pointed out "and this is where I have to leave you guys. I got to go back to Azalea".

"Oh I see" Tails turned to her "thanks. For everything".

Cosmo smiled and approached Tails who was petrified.

"Is she gonna kiss me?!" he thought in panic.

Cosmo remained silent for a moment and then raised her hand, petting eevee on Tails' shoulder.

"Take care of them ok eevee?"


Cosmo then grabbed Tails and hugged him hard. Sonic and Knuckles were anxiously waiting to see what would follow.

Eventually Cosmo broke the hug.

"See you around Tailsy".

Tails' cheeks became redder than a strawberry as Cosmo turned around and walked back into Ilex forest. Tails remained there staring.

"Hey Casanova!" Sonic joked holding in a laugh "we should get going!"

Tails turned around with an expressionless face and Knuckles gave in and laughed.

"Duuude! Your crush on her is visible from a mile away!"

"If only I wasn't a damn chicken" Tails said with a hint of regret "I had a chance to kiss her last night and I didn't take it".

"What?! During the chat you had about eevee?" Sonic asked in surprise.

"Yes. I had one chance and I missed it" he muttered putting his hand in his pocket.

He felt something inside the pocket. It was a folded piece of paper.

Unfolding it he read.

"Give me a call if you're around again. Or just when you feel like it. Cosmo".

A winky face and a phone number were also written.


"Huh?" Ash turned around confused as he walked through Goldenrod city.

"Everything ok?" Brock asked him.

"Yeah. I just could swear I heard someone scream dude".

"Weird. Come on. The gym leader's waiting" Brock said as he and Ash moved forward.

"My dude! You meet her literally for the first time on day one and get her number and invitation to call her on day two?! You're an icon! I worship you!" Knuckles knelt and pretended to pray to Tails half-jokingly, half seriously.

Sonic laughed hard about the whole thing as Tails didn't even register Knuckles' act. His mind was still processing the contents of the paper.

After a while Sonic told Knuckles to pull himself together and get up as he approached Tails to snap him out of his existential funk.

"Well, looks like you were given another chance. Definitely call her later today".

"C-call her?"

"Absolutely. She's literally ready to serve herself on a silver platter for you. You can't miss that chance".

Tails would normally be encouraged but instead fell deeper into the trance.

"Well looks like he'll be like that for a while" Sonic joked "let's go forward but be sure to keep an eye on loverboy here to make sure he doesn't go astray".

Knuckles still cracking up and letting out small laughs from time to time had Tails walking in their midst to make sure he would not get lost.

Slowly but steadily, Tails started coming out of the existential funk and immediately worrying about what to say to Cosmo when he called her. Sonic and Knuckles offered their best advice, Sonic telling him to just be himself and under no circumstance pretend to be anything else, and Knuckles told him to show interest in her, ask her about herself but at the same time let the conversation flow normally.

"Never try to force the flow one way, direct it if you can but don't force it" were his exact words.

After a good walk and several more banters as well as raichu and eevee bonding, raichu itself showing a particular feeling of familiarity for eevee as if it had met it before, the team reached a pokemon day care facility located on the outskirts of Goldenrod city.

Passing by the fenced area they could see several pokemon just casually walking around. Most of them were small pokemon like weedles and bellsprouts, though team Sonic noticed several ones they didn't recognize.

Passing by the office of the facility located on the edge of the fenced field, they noticed a pokemon egg left by the entrance.

"Look guys an egg" Sonic mentioned.

The team approached and Sonic knelt next to the egg.

"Who would leave this here?" he inquired.

"Could that be the same egg Misty was carrying?" Tails wondered.

"Doubt it. She took really good care of it. And plus she doesn't seem the kind of person to leave an egg behind".

The door of the office suddenly opened and an old man, most likely the owner of the day care peeked out.

"What are you three doing with the egg?"

"Oh nothing. We were just wondering why it's out here".

The man didn't respond straight away.

"It was left there by a trainer a few days ago. His hitmonchan mated while in my care with a machamp that also happened to be here. He didn't want it so he left it behind".

Sonic looked back at the egg. He didn't know a lot about eggs or how pokemon mating worked but one thing was clear; that egg contained a fighting type. Either a machop or a hitmonchan.

"What a jerk" Tails commented "their pokemon made this egg and they just leave it behind?"

"Do you have someone to take care of the egg?" Sonic asked the day care man.

"No. To be honest I was about to ask if you three would be interested in taking the egg".

"I'll take it" Sonic immediately jumped at the opportunity.

The day care man suggested he get a bigger backpack first chance he got so that it could fit the egg and store it safely if carrying it got much. He also warned to be very, very careful. Sonic didn't need to be warned. The sentret they had taken care of for a while was a prime example as to how a baby pokemon should be cared for.

Taking the egg with them, with Sonic carrying it in his arms being very careful, raichu looked up at the egg with interest.


"New team member buddy" Sonic explained "I'll need you to really step up now. It will be a baby pokemon".

"Rai rai!" raichu cried out eager for that time to come. Sonic smiled and pet its head.

"You are the best, partner" he said.

"Hey what does that make us? Extras?" Tails asked joking.

"Ahaha. Funny. Just keep in mind this joke will come back like a boomerang when you grow closer with eevee" Sonic jokingly warned him.

"We'll see".

Finally reaching Goldenrod city, they were all taken aback by the sights. The city was much larger than any other Sonic had visited in his journey thus far.

Immediately Tails wanted to go visit the one place in Goldenrod he just had to visit; their experimental power station.

"No please not again. Don't you remember what happened last time you and I found ourselves at a power station?" Sonic joked pretending to panic.

"Yeah I do. Raichu evolved from Pikachu. You're welcome" Tails roasted his friend hard with a smile, causing Knuckles to scream 'ooooooooooh snaaaap!' directily in Sonic's ear.

"Ouch. Jeez Knuckles, you scream too loudly" Sonic groaned rubbing the side of his head.

Relenting the three friends made their way towards the power station. Raichu grew a little sleepy after a while so Sonic recalled it promising to call it out when it was lunchtime. With the egg still in his hands, team Sonic reached the perimeter fence of the power station.

"Inside the main building there is an experimental reactor running on an early version of a self-sustaining energy conversion circuit." Tails explained clearly having the time of his life "the circuit is electrical, but when it started they used a small-scale nuclear reaction as jumpstart to create the necessary starting electricity. They then momentarily connected the main generator to the reactor to supply the circuit with more power then let it do its thing. The reactor creates electricity sending it through the city like any power station would, but here's the thing; it absorbs the natural heat of the sun by making its surface super conductive to heat. The thermal energy is then turned to electrical while whatever energy isn't converted to electrical is turned into chemical energy and stored".

"But what happens during the night when there is no sun?" Knuckles asked his friend.

"The stored chemical energy takes over. Since the surface is super conductive to heat, a lot of energy is gathered. More than required during the day".

"And what when there is no sunny weather?" Sonic asked without taking his eyes of the reactor.

"So far not much. In those cases, the workers use their electric type pokemon to generate electricity. They are looking for ways to harness more natural energy to jump over the weather hurdle".

"How many electric types are they using for this? Such a generator would require tens of them".

"Yeah they use a lot. You would either need a lot of normal ones or a thunderbolt struck by a legendary electric type, so Zapdos".

"Couldn't raichu do this as well? It did go toe to toe with Mike's Zapdos".

"Not really. Battle power output and standard electricity output are not one and the same. Raichu definitely has the ability to create enough electricity to rival Zapdos for a moment or for the duration of a battle but consistently? I don't think so" Tails explained.

"Oh I see".

After Tails admired the reactor for a while longer, the team went around the city touring and just enjoying the day, buying hot dogs for lunch, more specifically chili dogs after a dare from Knuckles. Tails ended up burning his tongue while Sonic could be described as having grown obsessed with the chili dogs, even going as far as buying 5 more for the following days. Or maybe just later that same day.

After a relaxing day of adventuring through the city casually and training a while with their pokemon, the team went to enjoy the sunset at the Goldenrod city port.

"This is one big port" Tails commented chewing down a normal hot dog.

"Yeah. Goldenrod city is in essence the capital of Johto so it only makes sense it has such a big port. This is also where the S.S. Anne docks from time to time during its long cruises" Knuckles explained.

"Wish we could see it" Sonic commented "we were in Vermillion city for a while back during the Kanto journey and didn't happen to see it. Would have been really cool to see it".

Tails agreed as he took in the sight of the setting sun.

"Wish more of the journey is like today".

"It wouldn't hurt if my journey through Kanto was a little more like it. But I regret nothing" Sonic added as he raised his hand to take another bite from his chili dog.

"We should try to repeat today as much as possible wherever we go" Knuckles suggested "we're on a mission sure but it isn't everything".

"I agree" Sonic said before attempted to bite the chili dog.

His hand was shaken by an external force and he missed his mouth. Confused he looked down and saw the egg he had taken earlier that day, which he kept next to him at all times, was actually shaking.

"YO GUYS!" he screamed causing a couple of port workers to look at them from afar momentarily.

"It's hatching?!" Tails asked in surprise.

"What will it be?" Sonic asked rhetorically.

"My money's on machop" Knuckles betted.

"I say hitmonchan" Tails countered.

"Deal. Loser buys the winner another chili dog".

The egg kept shaking and cracks started appearing on its surface. Eventually a head popped up from it. Arms and legs followed.

A pair of yellow eyes on a small grey head met Sonic's eyes. The baby pokemon's eyes bulged as it broke out of the egg completely and latched itself on Sonic by hugging him.

Team Sonic was left speechless.

"Well… guess we were both wrong" Knuckles managed to say.

"What is that pokemon?" Tails inquired.

"No idea" Sonic said as he had his arms reaching out trying not to touch the small pokemon hugging him "but whatever its name is, it probably now thinks I'm its mom".

"Dude that was so unexpected" Knuckles said reaching out to pet the small pokemon, which shook against his touch.

"Um… Knuckles I don't think it likes the touch" Sonic warned his friend as he got up.

Tails went online to find the pokemon's species but couldn't match anything.

"Wait I can try and scan it with my dex" Knuckles remembered "it must be a johtonian species".

He took out his dex and tried to scan the small pokemon but found himself unable to as the dex couldn't get a clear image of it while it still latched on to Sonic for dear life even though there was no danger.

"Sonic could you make it unlatch from you momentarily?"

"I'll try. I don't want to scare it" Sonic said as he carefully put his arms around the small pokemon and carefully applying enough force to break off the hug.

The baby pokemon was visible for a moment. It was grey and its body was shaped in a way that it looked like it wore blue pants and shoes. It looked like a baby version of a fighter.

Or rather it did as next moment it started crying causing the three friends to panic momentarily. Sonic instinctively tried to hug it again which actually calmed it down. Knuckles did get the picture though.

"Alright let's see what we got" he said as the dex loaded the info.

"Tyrogue, the Scuffle Pokémon. Tyrogue is the pre-evolved form of hitmonlee and hitmonchan. It has a small but very energetic body".

"Uuuuhhh…" Knuckles made a weird noise as he was processing the picture of the dex.

"What's wrong?" Sonic asked him.

"Well… Tails was partially right. This will eventually evolve into either hitmonlee or hitmonchan. But… this isn't what it should look like".

"What do you mean?" Tails asked.

Knuckles showed them the picture. Tyrogue was presented but the picture had a pinkish skin color with red pants and shoes.

"Different color? How is that possible?" Tails asked in surprise.

Sonic wondered for a moment then gasped.

"No fucking way!"

"What? What is it?" Tails turned to him.

"Guys. Either this tyrogue or the one in the picture is a shiny tyrogue!"

"Woah you mean like your nidoking?!"


"But… which is which? Which is the normal and which is the shiny?"

"I know how to find out but we will have to first set camp somewhere. I will get this little guy to get more comfortable with us then catch it in a pokeball. If I send it out and sparkles appear…"

All of them went dead quiet. Was it possible that Sonic that somehow had found his way to another shiny pokemon?

Quickly making their way to the fields outside Goldenrod, they set up camp and Sonic brought out his other two pokemon. Wooper and chikorita alongside raichu, distracted tyrogue long enough for Sonic to get a moment of freedom from the hug, while also gaining tyrogue's trust. Sonic took out a pokeball and once the three pokemon explained to tyrogue what Sonic was going for, it touched the ball on its own, turning into red energy and going into the pokeball. Sonic winded up his hand about to send it out again.

"Moment of truth guys" he said to his friends.

Tails and Knuckles nodded, holding their breath in anxiety.

Sonic exhaled and sent out tyrogue. Immediately upon emerging, sparkles indeed appeared.


"Pika pika?" Pikachu's ears perked up as it picked up the scream.

"You guys heard that too right?" Ash asked Brock and Misty as they were touring Goldenrod one last time before going forward.

"I'm pretty sure I did hear something" Brock confirmed.

"Me too. Sounded like yo or something. Weird".

"I'm calling Jet right now!" Knuckles screamed back at the campsite before Sonic or Tails could react.

"Two journeys and two shinies? That is a clear improbability" Tails commented "what? I am well versed on the rarity of a shiny pokemon" he added as Sonic looked at him in question.

"Yeah. Weird indeed" Sonic agreed though something about the whole situation gave him a feeling of accomplishment that he couldn't quite grasp.

After a while Jet picked up and of course cursed at his brother in a most brotherly way upon realizing Sonic had found another shiny. He promised Sonic he would get one himself one day.

After that Jet hang up, leaving team Sonic to relax. Taking out the trash, he found, oh what a surprise, Amy outside their house.

"Is this how it's going to be from now on? You're going to stake out at my house waiting for Sonic?"

"I just want to talk to him".

"How about" Jet said opening up the bin and throwing the trash bag in "you do something useful and get in? This is where you belong after".

"Rude" Amy tried to play it off.

"If I'm rude you're a hypocrite. You should go back to Shadow before he actually realizes that your home is in a trash bin".

"Shadow left. For a faraway land. I think it was called Hoenn".

"That's a great idea. I'll even buy you the ticket there myself. Anything to get you away from Sonic" Jet had the final word and went back inside, with Amy eventually leaving as well.

"At least that's a bit of good news. Shadow is out of town. Hopefully for good. The air is finally clearing for Sonic here" Jet thought as he opened the TV to do some zapping for the night, wishing more than anything to have been with his brother, Tails and Knuckles in Johto.

Chapter 50: Choice


While the detectives trying to make sense of the finding at the slowpoke well, team Sonic trains to defeat the menace of a gym leader named Whitney and her Miltank. Sonic's Chikorita also struggles with its feelings on evolution.

Chapter Text

Looker entered Ecutreak city's police headquarter, shaken and exhausted. And above all pissed off.

He had just returned from Azalea town. Where he had interrogated rocket executive Proton before his breakout.

His partner Jake was there waiting for his arrival.

"Finally. Did it take you that long to get that guy to talk?"

Looker didn't answer right away. He instead walked over to the table and slumped into a chair.

"Looker are you ok?"


"Why not? I thought the capture of a team rocket higher up would brighten up your mood".

"He was broken out a few hours after I left. But yes it would have if we made any progress. He didn't budge. Refused to even call a lawyer".

"Damn. Well still, at least now team rocket is falling in power once again. Daring stunt they pulled at the slowpoke well even under a calculated risk".

"Yes but they didn't account for one factor".

"What factor?"

Looker pointed to the center of the bulletin board. At team Sonic's picture.

"The hero of Kanto?"

"Yes. He and his two allies were spotted in Azalea the same morning team rocket was stopped".

"Seriously? I heard reports at least 40 grunts were there. 3 against 40 and they came out on top?"

Looker remained silent.

"Ok I see. But Looker… just because Sonic the hedgehog is taking the law in his hands to save the slowpokes doesn't mean he deserves to go to prison".

"Morrison" Looker said trying not to shout. Jake immediately stopped. When Looker used his last name he knew he was being utterly serious.

"Morrison… both of Proton's legs were broken".


"Doctors said the breaking came from impact with a rock. And that great force was applied".

Jake was mortified.

"The hedgehog has just shown he is capable of hurting them like I feared. But we can't bring him in. There is no proof of their involvement".

"Are you sure? Like are you sure the broken legs were result of aggression and not an accident?"

"Yes. The angle of the break showed the rock came from above. If he had tripped and somehow broken both of his legs it would be obvious from the injury".

Jake didn't know what to say.

"And the rest of the captured rockets were not in much better shape. A lot of them had been beaten up and many obviously didn't talk out of fear. The hedgehog has come here to terrorize them before ending them".

"Looker… I agree with you that if that's true they could be a loose end… but don't you feel like team rocket has kind of called for it?"

Looker looked at his partner so fast and intensely that Jake felt fear.

"Do not bring emotions into this Morisson. We uphold the law. Team rocket will pay for what they did but so will the hedgehog and his cronies. I did not spend 10 years of my life upholding the law even in unorthodox ways for nothing".

Jake couldn't disagree but couldn't fully agree either. If team Sonic had really beaten up team rocket so badly, they were indeed potentially dangerous… but who were they dangerous to exactly?

While this was taking place in ecutreak city, team Sonic had spent a total of 3 days training, all 3 of them. Tails was working to get eevee to grow stronger so it could be an asset to the team against team rocket one day while also making it his partner.

Knuckles was also trying to power up his team members to take on the next gym. He did try to the first day of their training. Sonic and Tails were there to witness his crashing defeat.

The gym leader whitney was a menace. Or rather her miltank was. A tanky normal type that had the ability to use a move called milk drink which worked a lot like the recover move healing it to almost full health in battle. At the same time it could use rollout and when it started it was nearly impossible to stop. Knuckles' quilava and bellsprout were completely run over. Heracross tried to stop the rolling and it did, but it took too much damage doing so. Before it could act, Miltank had used milk drink and Knuckles was back to square one.

Now knowing of course what they were up against, Knuckles was training heracross to knock out that miltank. Though no real progress was being made. Heracross just didn't seem to learn any actual fighting move.

Sonic was also working towards solving the problem. Or rather solving it without having to resort to use raichu. He knew his partner was so strong he would knock out miltank with a single brick break even though it wouldn't come out unscathed.

His original idea was training up the new member of his team, his shiny tyrogue but that proved harder than expected. Though tyrogue trained hard on its own to gain strength as this was the nature of a fighting type and had already displayed extreme shows of strength, it was still essentially just a baby in age. It would be hard for it to perform as well as required against such a menace of a pokemon like miltank.

Sonic then thought to resort to using chikorita as a wall to drain miltank using leech seed and poison powder as well as dodging to outlast it. But there was a slight problem with his plan.

Chikorita was not willing to evolve.

The glowing phenomenon a pokemon underwent when evolving took place 2 more times during their training but both times chikorita stopped on its own. All 3 members of team Sonic were taken aback by this development.

Now Sonic was thinking of a way he could understand why chikorita was so against evolving. But he just couldn't seem to find a reason. Outside of training chikorita was perfectly normally interacting with the other pokemon, not a single problem throughout their short team-up so far.

He had of course asked Tails to possibly get the voltmeter to actually function as translator again, wanting to raichu to act as the middle ground for Sonic and chikorita, but Tails made little progress. The compiler he had added to the voltmeter to actually function the way it did got messed up badly and needed a change. Problem was the new compiler now needed to be programmed again in the required sequence which could take days. Last time it functioned because Tails had worked on it during Sonic's Kanto journey and during the time Sonic was still back in their hometown, Green hills. Plus now Tails was busy being in love via the phone with Cosmo which didn't leave much mind for restructuring the algorithm.

In other words the team had to find the answer on their own.

While the team was considering their choices, both in the case of Sonic's team and of Knuckles' the latter came up with an idea.

"Hey Sonic. I think I have a solution to beat that menace of a gym leader".

"I'm all ears".

"She uses normal types right?"


"And you have raichu on your party that knows brick break".

"I know but raichu will be my last resort".

"It shouldn't be. It should be one of our first resorts".

"Huh? You mean like we both use raichu as a member of our team? I fight whitney with it, then trade it to you for your battle?"

"No. That would be counterproductive. And also cheating. Wouldn't it be better if raichu taught tyrogue and heracross how to use brick break instead?"

Sonic's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my lord I'm an idiot! Why didn't I think of that?! You're absolutely right!"

Sonic immediately called raichu and tyrogue to them, while Knuckles called heracross. Sonic filled the pokemon in on their plan, essentially giving raichu its first task as de facto leader of his party and big brother to their new team members. Raichu, albeit a bit disappointed it wouldn't tackle whitney itself, excitedly took on the task and, with Sonic's command, demonstrated brick break, smashing a rock with ease.

Heracross and tyrogue immediately got to work, as chikorita observed them from afar with a lot of curiosity but a serious expression.

After about 2 hours of practice, heracross managed to pick up brick break and Knuckles suggested Raichu and heracross try to use brick break against each other to see how well heracross would do. Heracross' resistance to the move would make sure it wasn't badly hurt and its low power level compared to that of the battle hardened raichu would make a balanced environment.

The two pokemon collided and surprisingly enough, even though raichu did overpower heracross with relative ease, it did take some damage as well. Knuckles was ecstatic and decided he would challenge Whitney again same afternoon.

Sonic told his friend he was confident this time he would come out on top and be done with that menace, though he would face her himself when tyrogue managed to pick up the move as well.

As team Sonic and the pokemon were having lunch, raichu walked around their party to see if all the other pokemon were ok. It noticed chikorita hadn't touched its food.

"You ok?" Raichu asked its teammate. To its trainer that would sound as raichu crying out its name but to the pokemon it would sound like normal dialog.

"I'm fine… just not hungry".

"You don't feel well? We should let our trainer know if that's the case".

"It's not that".

Raichu knew right away what was on chikorita's mind. Sonic hadn't noticed of course though that was to be expected. It wasn't like he could understand pokemon language.

"I noticed twice during our training you stopped yourself from evolving. Why?"

Chikorita contemplated what to answer but in the end decided to tell the truth. After all Raichu could possess the answer it sought.

"I'm not happy with the way he treats me".

Raichu was taken aback. Sonic had been nothing but kind to his pokemon.

"Why would you think that?"

"He doesn't accept me as I am".

"What are you talking about of course he does".

"If he did he wouldn't pressure me to evolve".

Raichu stared at Chikorita for a moment and then to the endless blue of the sea as if doing that would grant it the answer.

"I see how it is. To be honest… I can't relate. I evolved fairly quickly from my first form into my Pikachu form and about 2 weeks into my journey with Sonic, into my current form".

If Raichu of course thought that would clear things, it was dead wrong. For Chikorita had become even more confused.

"You evolved so fast? Why? What was so wrong with you as you were before?"

"Nothing. Evolving was just my desire ever since I was a pichu".

"You… you wanted it? You wanted to become… as you are now?"

"Yeah. Is there anything wrong with the way I am now?"

"No. But still… you can never be a pichu again. Don't you regret it?"

"Not at all".

"How can this be? How can you do this?"

Raichu felt Chikorita was reflecting its own problem onto it.

"What's this really about?"

Chikorita looked down.

"I don't want to evolve. I like who I am. If I evolve I will become bigger… and less cute than I am now. I know it sounds stupid but I like being cute".

"That's not wrong".

"Then why won't he accept me as I am?"

Raichu recalled Sonic's words to Ash during their Kanto league battle. Unbeknown to Sonic and Ash, Pikachu and Raichu had actually had conversations during Pikachu's repeated attempts to goad Raichu into fighting. Pikachu ran on its pride as a Pikachu to justify its desire not to evolve. Raichu had no real problem with it, but if Pikachu wanted to surpass it and its bond with Sonic it would have to find another way cause the Pikachu way just wouldn't cut it for now.

"He does accept you. Even if he doesn't seem to do. But that's because of circumstance you are unaware of".


"I told you when we met, but I originated from the Kanto region. I met our trainer there. I also had other teammates back then. We were a tight team. And we had one goal. To grow stronger together".

"Did they evolve?"

"Yes. 3 of them that could evolved. All the way to their final forms".

"…I don't get it. Why would they change themselves for someone else? I don't want to do that. I love myself as I am and refuse to change even if Sonic is really as kind as you say" Chikorita declared crying out its name so loudly that Sonic and Tails looked at it. Seeing Raichu with it, they passed it off as an argument between pokemon.

Raichu of course knew that even though Sonic couldn't understand them they could understand him and the only way for Chikorita to understand his point of view was if they told him their story together.

Raichu left Chikorita alone for now and returned to helping tyrogue learn brick break. Before the lesson began though, Raichu fell victim to a prank from tyrogue and wooper, spraying him top to bottom with mud shot.

After a while Knuckles returned and to everyone's surprise, triumphant. Heracross had dominated, using its giant horn to stop Miltank in its tracks and acting quickly landed a devastating brick break, earning Knuckles the win. Sonic congratulated his friend and felt confident that with a little more training and of course mastering brick break, tyrogue too had a chance.

Later that night after a hard day of trying, Tyrogue was able to pick up brick break and use it flawlessly as if it was in its nature. Tails theorized this was because unlike Heracross which was a bug pokemon and therefore living in the woods, Tyrogue was a human-like pokemon and that combined with the fighting type just made moves of that sort easier to master. Of course its young age meant it would still need to build its strength a lot more but Sonic felt confident in their victory tomorrow.

As Knuckles was narrating his epic victory against Whitney and her menace of a miltank, Raichu pulled Sonic apart from the rest and got him to Chikorita.

"Is everything ok guys?" Sonic asked them realizing they had isolated him for a reason.

"Chiko chiko rita" Chikorita cried out telling raichu "why's he here?"

Raichu using mostly gestures asked Sonic to tell Chikorita about their journey through Kanto. It of course started by explaining to both of them, talking to Chikorita and gesturing to Sonic, that Chikorita had an issue with him. Sonic took a while but figured it out when Raichu finally nodded at this accurate conclusion.

"Are you mad at me for pushing you to evolve Chikorita?"

"Chiko" Chikorita cried out and looked away.

Sonic sighed.

"I see. Heh. Who would have thought I would actually have to test the philosophy I explained to Ash back then" Sonic muttered.

"Chikorita… I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. That was not my intention".

Chikorita turned to Raichu.

"Not his intention? Are you kidding me?"

"Patience please" Raichu answered its teammate as it gestured to Sonic to take a trip down memory lane.

"I don't know if raichu has told you Chikorita… but it and I share a bit of history together. Good history. But… with a lot of dark points".

Chikorita looked up towards Sonic, who laid back and looked at the sky.

"A little while after I began my first journey, the same one during which I met Raichu, I came into conflict with an evil organization known as team rocket. They did horrible things to pokemon. I became determined to bring them down. Each member of my then team joined me for this goal. And to achieve that goal we all had to grow" Sonic spoke as he was fighting to hold back the tears as memories of his kanto team flooded his mind.

"Maybe… one or two of the pokemon on my team then didn't want to evolve… but they chose our team over their thoughts on that matter. I too went through a journey of improvement back then… we all grew together and eventually were able to accomplish our goal of bringing down team rocket".

Chikorita's attitude of anger had changed into silent interest but still couldn't understand why Sonic was telling it all of this and what it had to do with him pushing it to evolve so much.

"But that time is now behind us. Team rocket though is not. They are here, in your homeland. And they are planning to make a comeback. Me, raichu and our friends are here to stop them. And we are off to a good start already".

Chikorita looked at Raichu in question. Raichu explained the events of the slowpoke well and Chikorita asked frustrated why it wasn't called out to help. Raichu doing its best to mimic, got the message across.

"Because they are dangerous Chikorita. And your battle with Silver back then showed that soon the opponents will be too strong for you to fight".

"Chiko chiko!"

Raichu once again got the clear message of "but I want to help if that's the case" across.

"I know Chikorita" Sonic said turning his head to meet the grass type's eyes "but you can't. Not in your current form. You have a threshold of power than can be crossed by evolving. Evolution will grand you power, keep you safe… and help you keep others safe".

Chikorita looked down considering its trainer's words.

"I understand your hesitation about evolving. And I respect it. But… you need to understand me too here. We're dealing with dangerous people. And in your current form you just will not be strong enough to help us. Not now not ever. I know it's rough to hear" Sonic closed his eyes as Chikorita took on a sad face "but it's the truth. As your trainer my primary obligation is to keep you safe and happy. As Sonic the hedgehog, me and my friends are heading into danger. And I can't let you follow me into that danger. Not as Chikorita".

Chikorita felt betrayed beyond belief. Sonic was bluntly stating that unless it evolved, it would get left behind?

"The choice is yours to make Chikorita. I can't make it for you. You need to choose between your attachment to your current self and the desire to help me and your teammates into the coming conflict. And that conflict will affect your homeland. So I suggest you choose wisely" Sonic muttered obviously saddened as well and left the two pokemon alone.

Raichu tried to reach for Chikorita but the latter looked away using vine whip to redirect Raichu's hand away. Raichu saddened turned to leave.

"He does care you know. More than you can imagine".

"If he cared he would accept me".

Raichu looked back momentarily and then let its teammate think it over.

The next morning after team Sonic woke up, Sonic went to collect his pokemon to head over to Whitney's gym.

"Weird. Where's Chikorita?" he wondered as he looked around.

He started calling out to Chikorita, after a while waking up Tails and Knuckles.

"What's wrong?" Tails asked him.

"I can't find Chikorita" Sonic answered visibly worried.

"After what happened last night, it's understandably upset".

"I know but what should have I done? Lie to it? Tell it to take its time when any day could spell a dangerous confrontation with team rocket?"

"Relax. It's probably around here somewhere. Use the pokeball to forcibly recall it".

Sonic hesitated but relented wanting to make sure Chikorita was ok.

He took out Chikorita's pokeball and pressed the button. But nothing happened.

"Wha…?" Sonic muttered as he repeatedly pushed the button to no avail "Tails?"


"When does a pokeball not function?"

"If it's not being used, the signal is being jammed or the pokemon is out of range".

The feeling of understanding washed over team Sonic like a waterfall.

"Chikorita left" Sonic whispered in disbelief.

"What? Why would it?"

"I… our talk…"

"Sonic what did you tell it?" Knuckles asked to know.

"I told you last night".

"No you said you tried to convince it to evolve by explaining the dangers".

"…I told it that I wouldn't wield it in battle if it didn't evolve ok? I feel bad enough as is knowing that everytime either me or raichu get hurt the other feels the pain as well. Chikorita is slowly getting overpowered by our opponents and yet refused to evolve. What was I supposed to do? Sugarcoat it?"

"Sonic Chikorita must've interpreted it as a warning of desertion" Tails said seriously.

"I would never abandon it!"

"We know that. But it didn't".

Sonic refusing to give up, suggested they spread around and look.

They searched the fields and the edge of the forest for about an hour. Nothing. Chikorita was gone.

When the three friends reconvened and it was painfully obvious that there was no result, Sonic was overcome with emotion and dropped to his knees.

"What have I done?" he said as he tried to fight the emotions "I… I never wanted it to leave… I just wanted it to evolve so it could be safe".

Tails and Knuckles knelt on his sides.

"We know that Sonic. You told it to make its choice. It did. And maybe… maybe it's for both of your best".

Sonic couldn't find a reason to disagree with Tails' logic but the pain was still overwhelming. His pokemon had left him. What if his other pokemon were also unhappy?

"What if raichu also leaves one day?" he asked aloud.

Raichu came out of its pokeball on its own having heard the question. It stood in front of Sonic and then walked in against him trying to hug him with its small paws. Sonic hugged his partner back, treasuring it even more now.

"Partner do you ever feel like I don't care for you?"

"Rai" raichu cried out waving negatively.

Sonic was grateful for this reaction but was now also determined to have a talk with tyrogue and wooper after the gym battle regardless of the result. With support from Tails and Knuckles the three made their way for Whitney's gym.

Chapter 51: Αcceptance


Chikorita, unable to handle the situation, runs away, meeting pokemon affected by Sonic's actions in Kanto, leading it to have a change of heart.

Chapter Text

Chikorita walked through the forest alone for the first time in its life. The calming sounds of the woods would help most relax, but Chikorita felt the conflict rising within it with every step it took, every moment it spent alone.

Sonic's words the night before had broken its heart. They were also the reason of the immense conflict it found itself in.

"As your trainer my primary obligation is to keep you safe and happy. As Sonic the hedgehog, me and my friends are heading into danger. And I can't let you follow me into that danger. Not as Chikorita".

"How can you keep me safe and happy if I can't be myself?" Chikorita thought in confusion as it reached a lake and looked at its reflection.

"Look at me. What is so wrong with me that I need to evolve?"

Chikorita stayed there for a few moments pondering that question. It ultimately was unable to get a satisfying answer.

"What do I do now? Where do I go?"

At that moment Chikorita realized it that its plan to just run away had a major flaw; Sonic still had its pokeball and since it was functioning, no other trainer would be able to catch it.

"So that's it?" Chikorita thought slumping down on the ground "I'm destined to be alone? Or with a trainer who will never accept me?"

While these thoughts were occupying its mind, Chikorita didn't pay attention to its surroundings, leading it to be tickled by an aipom which came out of nowhere.

"Hey quit it" Chikorita said annoyed.

Aipom merely laughed and dodged as Chikorita tried to use vine whip on it. It annoyed Chikorita to no end.

Soon enough the duo were joined by Aipom's trainer, a girl named Lisa.

"Woah a chikorita. Nice find aipom. Tackle it".

Chikorita found itself being tackled by Aipom. In its confused stated it went again and again for vine whip not even thinking to use another attack. Lisa seized the opportunity and threw a pokeball towards it.

The pokeball however hit the forcefield that appeared around Chikorita, indicating it already belonged to a trainer.

Sonic felt Chikorita's pokeball buzz in his pocket at the same moment in Goldenrod city. Realizing this meant Chikorita would probably join whoever tried to catch it even if it wasn't caught, he became visibly saddened. To cheer him up, Tails and Knuckles suggested they grab a chilli dog before heading to the gym. The idea did make Sonic feel a little bit better but still not enough as the reality of Chikorita living had not sunk in completely yet.

Back in the forest Lisa was disappointed.

"Oh man. You would have been an awesome catch little guy. Where is your trainer though?"

Chikorita obviously couldn't communicate back but looked down in sadness.

"Were you abandoned?"

Chikorita nodded.

"What a jerk whoever that was. Why would they keep your pokeball though?" Lisa wondered as she looked around.

"Well this is a nice place. We could camp here for a while".

Five minutes later Chikorita was socializing with Lisa's pokemon; the aipom from earlier, a quagsire, a butterfree, a mankey and a snubbull. Lisa also prepared food for everyone including Chikorita. The latter was able to forget its conflict for a while.

After lunch, Lisa took snubbull away from the group to train. The other pokemon apart from aipom also split up to do whatever they wanted in the moment, leaving aipom and Chikorita alone.

"Sorry for before" Aipom said in its own language though Chikorita was able to understand it.

"No worries".

"How come you're out here alone in the woods?"

"… I left my trainer".

"Really? Why?"

"Because he said he was going to abandon me if I didn't evolve".

Aipom was taken aback by this response. Its gaze shifted to Lisa and snubbull momentarily who were training for that very reason.

"What?" Chikorita asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Nothing. Just that… I don't understand your logic".

"What do you mean?"

"Do you see my trainer and my friend snubbull?"


"They're training because we think snubbull's time to evolve is soon to come".

"And they're actively pursuing it?"


"But why? Snubbull is cute as is. I've met its evolution, granbull, before being picked by my trainer. It is, no offense to your friend, ugly. Why would your friend pursue evolution?"

Aipom looked at Chikorita in question.

"Why wouldn't it? Evolving is cool. It gets to be bigger, stronger. Who wouldn't want that?"

"I don't want that. I like who I am. If I evolve will lose my current self".

Aipom's usual permanent smile slowly disappeared.


"… I know we just met but… if I'm being honest I'm jealous of you".


"You speak of your potential future with such a distaste and denial… but have you ever wondered what other pokemon think of evolving?"

"What other pokemon think about it matters not to me. I like who I am and I refuse to be abandoned by my trainer because he doesn't accept me".

Aipom looked away and then down.

"What now?"

"I too had that fear once. That my trainer won't accept me as I am".

"You… did?"

"Yes. My species can't evolve as far as I know. So what is an option to you is a set path for me. I am destined to be an aipom forever".

Chikorita listened not saying a word.

"And you tell me that you have the chance to evolve and abandon your trainer over it?"

"He was going to do that to me".

"Are you sure he would?"

"Yes. He told me himself. That he would go into danger him and his friends. And that his duty as my trainer was to keep me safe and happy but his duty as Sonic the hedgehog was to…"

"As what?!"

Chikorita was surprised by the sudden outburst.

"What did you just say?" Aipom asked in shock.

"I said that he has a duty as Sonic the hedgehog to…"

"Your trainer is Sonic the hedgehog?!"


Aipom turned around and called out to Mankey and Butterfree to come to them. Once they approached it told them of who Chikorita's trainer was. Both mankey and butterfree were shocked to hear that.

"What's the big deal about who my trainer is?" Chikorita interrupted their conversation.

Butterfree and mankey looked at Chikorita as if it was a lunatic.

"Your trainer is the reason my 2 friends here are free and happy" Aipom explained.

"How so?"

"They were captured by team rocket in the Kanto region but freed after your trainer brought the team down. It is thanks to him that they were able to escape and meet our trainer. And butterfree is the luckiest of us. It was only a metapod back then so it couldn't really do anything but harden".

Butterfree smacked aipom playfully with its wing receving a 'what it's true' answer from its teammate while laughing. Chikorita was about to say that he was aware of it until butterfree walked forward.

"Aipom can't ever express how grateful I am to your trainer. Had it not been for him..."

"Had it not been for him you would still be a metapod. Would that be so bad?"

"You're too fixated on your own desire to remain a chikorita to listen. Because no, had it not been for Sonic the hedgehog I would have either been sold away, or locked up with a rocket collar around my neck, electrocuting me unless I obeyed any command given to me. I remember… I remember wishing to die during my captivity. That I would give anything to have a chance to escape that hell. And your trainer saved us from it. And from what we heard from pokemon in Azalea town he did it again with the slowpokes there".

"I know! And he didn't bring me out to help!" Chikorita asked in rage, feeling more betrayed than before.

"From what we heard from a slowpoke we met there he and his friends were heavily outnumbered. You indeed wouldn't have been much help to him in your current form".

Chikorita felt dizzy.

"What is so wrong with my current form?!"

"It's your first form. Your trainer was going to battle an entire small army. If you had evolved maybe you would have been able to help him".

"Why can't I help him as I am now?"

Aipom looked down for a moment. Chikorita was too stubborn to see past its own desire to remain the same.

"You said earlier" aipom suddenly got everyone's attention "that you would never change who you are for anyone right?"


"Ok. And what about the rest of the pokemon travelling with your trainer?"

"They're nice. The wooper we met a while ago is playful and the tyrogue that hatched from an egg my trainer came across is eager to grow…" Chikorita said until it realized that Tyrogue and it were polar opposites, both first form pokemon and yet Tyrogue raced to evolve.

"Your friend is eager to evolve into whatever it evolves into" Aipom said hoping they were finally getting somewhere "because it doesn't look only inward but outward. He feels itself part of the team. Didn't you?"

"Of course I did. But how can he expect me to throw away the version of me I love?"

"Because he isn't expecting you to. He is expecting that self to grow to something far greater than it could ever be as a chikorita. Evolution isn't always only change. It's also improvement. Maybe you should try seeing it as such".

Chikorita pondered this question.

Could it be true? Could evolution really improve it instead of changing it as it feared?

"How can you be sure if I evolve I will still be lovable?"

"Your form will change. But what is on the inside… it will remain the same. If not improve. I'm sure of it. Sunbbull too" aipom said looking at snubbull biting a fat stick in order to break it "is sure that's what expects it".

Chikorita looked at Snubbull as understanding began washing over it.

Sonic was indeed speaking the truth.

And so was Raichu.

"I… have to find my way back to him".

"We'll help you. Once our trainer falls asleep after training we will help you find him".

Chikorita smiled thanking its new friends.

After a few more minutes Lisa's training session with Snubbull ended. As the former dozed off by the lake, the pokemon hatched their plan. Butterfree and Aipom would get Chikorita back to Goldenrod city, Aipom swinging from the trees and Butterfree carrying Chikorita.

After Chikorita bid farewell to everyone of its new friends, it rode on Butterfree's back and with Aipom leading the way, headed off northwest.

As the trio of pokemon raced through the woods, Aipom asked Chikorita how they would find Sonic. Chikorita said that they would probably be somewhere in the city.

While Chikorita was busy trying to remember where Whitney's gym was exactly, an air cutter attack came out of nowhere and knocked aipom down.

Butterfree too was hit by the attack, crashing down on the ground. A zubat came out of nowhere followed by a rocket dressed in a white suit. Red heir. Menacing face.


"It's her!" Butterfree said to its friends in horror.

"Is she with team rocket?" Aipom asked it urgently.

"Yes! She is dangerous, we have to run!" Butterfree said to its friends trying to fly away only to be struck by another air cutter.

"None of you is going anywhere" Ariana said with a menacing smile as she was planning to knock them all out them effortlessly trap them and take them back to base.

She hated having to do a grunt's job but everyone had to carry their weight for a little more after the blow team Sonic inflicted on them. She would tolerate it but do it her way.

Aipom charged the zubat intending to use fury swipes. Zubat countered with a powerful supersonic attack that confused Aipom, giving zubat the opportunity to use leech life on it, weakening it severely.

Chikorita tried to tackle the zubat as well as leech seeding. The leech seed did work but zubat was too fast. It used air cutter sending Chikorita crashing down on Butterfree. Aipom tried to get its attention so the leech seed could heal Chikorita but the confusion got in the way. Zubat bit the aipom causing it to stumble back in pain.

"And then there was one" Ariana said looking at the seemingly weak Chikorita.

Chikorita tried attacking again with vine whip. The attack barely did anything.

Zubat tried to leech life and partially struck Chikorita, not damaging it too much but also gaining some health back. Chikorita realized at that moment that they were trapped.

This was a battle of endurance between itself and zubat. And at this point zubat had the upper hand.

"Get out of here" Aipom said to Chikorita.

"No. I'm not leaving you" Chikorita declared.


"I said no!"

Zubat attacked again. Chikorita stood its ground but the attack too hard to take.

Chikorita felt its body go numb, but something inside of it kept it from falling.

It was running on will. The will to protect.

"You were right you know" Chikorita admitted closing its eyes as it struggled to rise "sometimes you have to look outward" it said smiling.

Ariana grew impatient.

"Get it over with zubat!"

Zubat attacked again with air cutter. Chikorita rooted itself to the ground using vine whip to stay standing.

"Looking outward for me" it said looking back at Aipom "means protecting my friends".

To Ariana this all sounded like simple pokemon cries.

"Chiko. Chikorita! Chiko! Bay!"

Chikorita's body began glowing as it finally let go. Aipom and Butterfree looked on in awe as Chikorita finally embraced the evolution that it had been holding back for so long. Its body became bigger and its neck grew longer.

When the glow stopped, Chikorita's transformation was complete.

"Bay! Bayleef!" was what Ariana heard. What Butterfree and Aipom heard was "now I'll teach you to mess with my friends!"

"Damnit zubat get it already!" Ariana pushed zubat onward still believing she had the upper hand.

Zubat used air cutter again but this time bayleef's higher stats compared to its stats as Chikorita allowed it to better tank the attack. After taking the hit, Bayleef used its new move, absorbing the sunlight and using synthesis, healing itself almost to full health. Butterfree and aipom looked on in awe at their friend's new move, synthesis.

Bayleef wasting no time –not that it had the time to waste playing who can survive the longest with its opponent – unleashed its last new move razor leaf. While the attack was very ineffective against zubat, the sharp leaves got a critical hit, slashing zubat hard and getting a knock out. Ariana was about to send out another pokemon though in that moment Lisa arrived. Outnumbered and not willing to risk compromising team rocket, Ariana fled.

Lisa immediately chastised her pokemon for straying off and getting into trouble but stopped when she saw the chikorita they had encountered had evolved into bayleef.

"Wow you're incredible!" she exclaimed "whoever your trainer used to be they are definitely missing out!"

Bayleef, remembering Sonic, looked to the barely visible through the treeline Goldenrod city.

"That's where your trainer is?" Lisa asked it.

Bayleef then got an idea. It had seen its mother use the same move before to look around for predators. It rooted its vine whip in the ground, using a sort of echolocation by allowing the vines to feel into the ground for the vibrations of the beings around for a good enough radius to hopefully find Sonic.

It felt of course Lisa and her pokemon then felt pokemon further away. Forest pokemon like caterpie, weedles and ratattas. In the fields several drowzees as well as a couple of pidgeys hopping on the ground.

And then the city. A huge number of vibrations of both pokemon and humans all at the same time. And yet, one different from the rest; one vibration heading outside the city that seemed to be two beings yet vibrating as one.

Bayleef opened its eyes. It knew where Sonic and Raichu were.

Quickly thanking Lisa's team for the guidance and Lisa herself for the food by offering her a small leaf as a thank you and goodbye gesture, Bayleef ran off heading for a small hill on the northeast of Goldenrod.

On said hill, Sonic and tyrogue had quickly knocked out Whitney's cleffairy. Now the real deal was coming.

"Go Miltank!"

Miltank emerged. The pink, round and menacingly smiling cow of death.

"Brace yourself tyrogue" Sonic warned it.

"Miltank rollout!"

Miltank curled up and started rolling towards tyrogue.

"Tyrogue use fake out quick!"

Tyrogue used its move momentarily disorienting Miltank enough to stop the rolling.

"Now's our chance! Brick break!"

Tyrogue jumped and landed a devastating brick break on Miltank's head. Miltank fell back but wasn't done yet.

"Miltank mink drink!"

Miltank healed itself putting Sonic and tyrogue immediately back to square one.

"Tyrogue again before it moves!"

"Miltank rollout!"

Miltank started rolling again just as tyrogue landed the attack minimizing the damage. Tyrogue was completely run over by Miltank though not knocked out. But it was just as Sonic feared. Despite its incredible and very quick growth, it was still too early for it to face such a powerful opponent.

Before Miltank could run over Tyrogue again Sonic recalled it.

"You were perfect tyrogue, get some rest while we wrap this up" Sonic said turning to Raichu".

"I wish it didn't have to be this way Raichu. But I want you to go out there and tip this cow".


"My second pokemon will be…" Sonic said about to send out Raichu before a loud cry reached his ears.


Bayleef jumped over the team by using vine whip as best it could though it made a note to self to never try that again as it was no longer as light as a Chikorita. Sonic's eyes met Bayleef's. Raichu cried out in excitement realizing who this Bayleef was.

"What the heck is that?" Tails wondered aloud in total disbelief.

Knuckles immediately took out his pokedex and scanned the pokemon.

"Bayleef, the Leaf Pokémon. The evolved form of Chikorita. Bayleef emits a spicy aroma from the leaves around its neck and its razor leaf is extremely powerful".

"The evolved form of…" Knuckles began to say.

"Chikorita?! Is that you?!" Sonic finished the sentence.

"Bay!" Bayleef nodded.

"You evolved" Sonic whispered in admiration, his earlier sadness now turning into joy and excitement.

"I assume bayleef is your second pokemon?" Whitney asked eager to continue.

Sonic and Bayleef's eyes met once again and both nodded.

"Yes it is".

"Good! Miltank rollout!"

Miltank started rolling towards Bayleef.

"Bayleef use leech seed!"

Bayleef fired the seed before taking the attack head on. With its newfound determination to protect its friends it was able to tank it very well, eventually jumping out of the way to allow Miltank to continue rolling while at the same time healing thanks to leech seed.

"Here it comes again! Poisson powder!"

Bayleef unleashed the poisonous powder. Miltank rolled right through it getting poisoned. Bayleef stood its ground again tanking the attack before Miltank rolled away taking damage from both leech seed which healed Bayleef and from poison.

"Bayleef won't be able to tank rollout at this level if it keeps building" Sonic thought "this is a longshot but… maybe our only chance".

"Ram them Miltank!"

"Bayleef use your vine whip to change its trajectory!"

Bayleef of course having forgotten vine whip in favor of synthesis and tackle in favor of razor leaf, got slammed hard but immediately used synthesis to heal itself impressing Sonic greatly. The Miltank however was coming back for more.

"Bayleef get ready to dodge!" Sonic warned it.

But Bayleef had another idea. It unleashed razor leaf, sending the leaves to the ground. The leaves got stuck on the ground, their pointy edges protruding upward. Miltank rolled right through them. The pain of the sharp leaves caused it to lose focus and roll past Bayleef, stopping the rollout.

"Miltank milk drink again!"

Miltank healed itself again. Sonic however smiled.

"Whitney you shouldn't continue it. Your Miltank can keep rolling all you want but a strategy of brute force like it will never get through my amazing teammate!"

Bayleef was overjoyed. Its new friends were right. It was no longer as cute as a Chikorita but Sonic obviously didn't mind.

It also felt overjoyed that next time it would be able to help against team rocket. It had unfinished business with Ariana now.

"Thank goodness then I have more! Miltank attract!"

Miltank blinked at Bayleef. Bayleef looked at it in confusion.

"You're kidding! Your Bayleef is a girl?!"

"Why the surprise?" Sonic asked confused as well.

"Well um Sonic…" Tails intervened "pokemon like Chikorita who are given to trainers as starter pokemon in gym challenges are actually bred in special farms because their birthrates are unbalanced, with gender ratios being one female to eight males. You are indeed lucky to have received a female chikorita".

"Huh the more you know" Sonic joked "oh well. There goes your attract strategy".

"This isn't out last trick! Miltank stomp!"

Miltank didn't obey immediately as while Tails was explaining the starter pokemon breeding process, had eaten the lum berry it was holding the entire battle, finally curing it from the poison. It then attack Bayleef, though the latter was able to hold on determined to not let Sonic down.

"Bayleef poison powder again quick!"

Bayleef used the move while Miltank was still stomping on it causing it to stumble back.

"Razor leaf!"

Using its leaves, Bayleef unleashed a barrage of leaves against the unaware Miltank causing it great damage. Miltank still snared by the leech seed and once again poisoned struggled to get up.

Whitney contemplated using milk drink again but there was no point. It was checkmate. They had used all 4 of their moves and even resorted to the lum berry and yet it clear as day bayleef would outlast Miltank. Smiling she recalled it to spare it any more beating.

"That was an impressive although unusual battle. It's like you bayleef came out of nowhere to help you out. In any case you've won. The plain badge is yours".

"Thanks" Sonic took the badge smiling "and thank you too Bayleef. Your arrival was just on time".

"Bay!" Bayleef cried out rubbing itself against Sonic, resulting in it being pinched by one of his quills by accident.

After the battle the team returned to their earlier campsite, setting camp once again. Sonic and Raichu went a little further away from the others with Bayleef to have their private chat.

"Bayleef… I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sure I made you feel unwelcomed… and probably made your fear I would abandon you".

Bayleef spoke to Raichu and once again through mimicking, Raichu got the message that Bayleef did actually feel that way.

"I would never abandon you" Sonic continued "I only wanted you to be safe. When we battled Silver… your lower stats compared to that of his Croconaw brought you to the jaws of danger. Quite literally too" he said remembering that night.

Bayleef told Raichu to tell Sonic that it was ok now and that he was right when he referred to his old team, about how they had probably sacrificed their older selves for the team. Bayleef now knew full well what such an act meant.

"I'm glad you do" Sonic sighed in relief after about 5 minutes of translating raichu's mimicking "and I'm glad you're back with us. And I hope it will be all the way" Sonic said hugging it.

Bayleef affirmed his hope by knocking him down playfully. Raichu also chimed in. Trainer and pokemon rolled on the ground playing as Tails and Knuckles looked on smiling, Knuckles petting Quilava at the same time.

Both Sonic and Knuckles had begun building their bonds with their teams now. Knuckles wondered whether an all-out battle was in their future.

"Probably with the league coming up sooner than we think" Knuckles thought but then also remembered Ash. The rival triangle was not fully formed yet. But after team rocket's future fall it would be. And Knuckles wondered if he would be ready to face his strongest ally at full power when that time came.

Chapter 52: A growing team


Determined to be helpful to his friends against team Rocket, Tails joins the national park bug catching contest to add new members to his party.

Chapter Text

Team Sonic woke up early morning from excitement eager to get back on track with their journey.

Their last few days had been full of trials and challenges but they had all emerged together, trainers and pokemon stronger than before. Now it was time to go forward.

Packing all their stuff up and restocking on supplies, they left goldenrod city heading north towards their 4th destination. Ecutreak city.

"The time has come" Sonic said as he realized this fact "we should keep a low profile when we get there. Detective Looker could be on the lookout for us, especially after the slowpoke well. We should do our best not to attract any unwanted attention".

"I agree" Tails said looking sideways "a few days ago his help may have not been totally out of reach but now it'd be too dangerous to approach him. We will have to see this mission through ourselves".

"That's ok with me" Knuckles shrugged "I honestly prefer it to be just us and our pokemon against the world. Or at least against team rocket".

"Then it's settled. Onward team Sonic! " Sonic declared pointing forward trying to look cool.

"You've been waiting for a chance to do that haven't you?" Tails teased him.

"Haha. Guilty as charged" Sonic smiled as the three friends laughed.

Their way forward took them north, with the team hoping the way to Ecutreak would be relatively uneventful.

After about an hour of walking they came up to a crossroads with a sign pointing towards…

"The national park! It's on my to-visit bucket list! We should go check it out!" Tails exclaimed hyped.

"Sounds cool in all actuality. Is there any rocket activity though? "

Tails took out his phone. No notifications.

"Not one bit".

"Good. National park… "

"Please don't" Tails teased him again.

Team Sonic burst out laughing as they took the left path. After a short walk of 20 minutes they found themselves at the park's entrance.

The park was huge and incredible. Fields extending as far as the eye could see as well as several small scale forests throughout. Team Sonic let their pokemon out so they could walk alongside them. Of course Sonic's shiny tyrogue attracted attention but none of the three friends or their partners seemed to care.

Following a bit of strolling the team stopped to just sit around and relax. Sonic remembered he had a chat in order with his pokemon including bayleef. Bayleef in fact was the one pokemon he needed to urgently talk with in greater depth so they could solidify their bond as trainer and pokemon.

As Sonic took his party further away from Tails and Knuckles, the latter two got into a conversation about the potential future of their journey through Johto.

"What's after Ecutreak?" Knuckles wondered.

"We go southewest towards olivine city. The 6th gym is located there. From there we're going to have to find a way to get to cianwood city on the other side of the bay. The 5th gym is located there".

"That is a strange path we have to take" Knuckles commented "we go back and forth for no reason".

"We can make the most of it. West of Cianwood and through a path through the cliffs there is the Johto safari zone. Could be worth the visit".

"Definitely worth the visit. Remember Sonic's pinsir? It came from the safari zone in Kanto and it was crazy strong. Imagine if each one of us catches a pokemon like that".

"Team rocket won't know where to hide" Tails said confidently, a small part of him desiring to have payback for Knuckles against the iron mask marauder.

"You know, with Proton possibly out of the picture due to his injuries, there only 3 higher ups of team rocket. Archer, Ariana and Petrel".

"Three of us and three of them" Tails surmised rubbing his chin "Sonic will probably deal with Archer. So that leaves Ariana and Petrel".

"I'd say I take Petrel and you take Ariana since Sonic has encountered her before but he never battled her team so… yeah we're going to have to be ready. You know eevee will probably prove powerful when it evolves into whatever it chooses but it alone… maybe you should catch more pokemon too".

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while. And I think I know exactly where to start" Tails smiled as he showed Knuckles an online announcement for a competition.

The bug catching contest of the national park.

"Bugs huh? I don't know they seem to have too many weaknesses to be worth it".

"Remember how much trouble Mike's beedril gave Sonic?"

"You have a point".

"I know. And best of all I'm not aiming for a beedril. What I really want to find is a butterfree".

"Another one? All the ones in your stomach are not enough?" Knuckles teased him.

"Oh shut up" Tails fired back with a smile "seriously though butterfree will be very efficient. It has access to the powder moves like sleep powder which could prove useful against wild pokemon as well as against our enemies. Aaand to top that off it can learn confusion".

"Confusion? Now I'm starting to like the idea".

"Great. The contest starts in an hour. Let's let Sonic know. Maybe he wants to enter too".

"Let me know what?"

Sonic had just finished his conversation with his pokemon with raichu once again filling the role of translator between Sonic and the other 3 pokemon.

"What'd I miss?"

"Oh I just decided to enter the bug catching contest that starts in an hour here. Get myself another pokemon to grow our team more".

"Bug huh? We've got time".

"Will you enter?"

"Nah don't want a bug type again. Don't get me wrong pinsir was crazy powerful but most bug types require longtime training and we don't have that much time".

After the team went to the registration desk at the entrance of the park, they waited patiently. In the meantime Tails explained his plan of adding a butterfree to the team as a support pokemon that could be used offensively against team rocket. Sonic agreed it was the perfect fit for Tails who wasn't so battle focused as his two friends but also didn't miss the opportunity to tease Tails for his crush on Cosmo as a duet with Knuckles.

Eventually more trainers along with some random kids registered for the contest. Tails wasn't particularly bothered by it, as he didn't care for victory, he just wanted to be able to assist his friends in battle when the time came.

After everyone was registered the contest master explained the rules of the contest. The contestants would be rewarded points based on the number of pokemon they caught as well as the pokemon's rarity. They were provided with what appeared to be regular poke balls though the contest master called them competition balls. He also informed them they could only take one pokemon with them and the balls, no other gear including no cell phones. Tails was caught off guard by this as it meant he would have to venture into the park with just eevee and nothing else.

Sonic and Knuckles realized his anxiety and encouraged their friend telling him he would do just fine. Tails smiled and when the contest began headed off.

Immediately the rest of the competitors raced into the tall grass, running into several pokemon like paras, weedle and caterpie. Tails however didn't follow suit. He had considered the chance of catching a caterpie and evolving it but knew it would take time and their debacle at ilex forest had already put them behind schedule.

Heading off with eevee on his shoulder, he made for one of the small forests. Tails had already researched butterfree so he knew that they either stayed into treelines to find food and avoid predators or flew in groups in the open, again to avoid predators.

Tails and eevee entered the woods cautiously and quietly, making sure not to startle the wild bug types. They came across several caterpies on the ground as well as metapods hanging from the trees waiting to evolve but no butterfree.

"Damnit" Tails thought "they're really rare. If I had my gadgets with me I could set up a fake cry of their species to lure one out".

Tails was out of his element. Usually depending heavily on his tech, he now found himself for the first time ever having to depend on his instincts and what he remembered about butterfrees to find what he sought. And the fact that the mere word butterfree brought Cosmo to his mind didn't make it any easier.

He momentarily let his mind drift to he remembered how her stunning beauty had paralyzed every fiber of his being. And her smell. Working as a florist she was drowning in flower smells.


"Eureka! " Tails screamed triumphantly having hatched a plan. Eevee got startled and fell off his shoulder.

"Sorry eevee" Tails apologized as he looked around.

"Butterfrees love flowers. If I can make a big enough bouquet, it should attract at least one" he thought excitedly as he started picking them up as fast as he could.

Two minutes later trainer and pokemon were being swarmed by bugs. Weedles, caterpies, paras, even venonats.

Racing to a tree in panic, Tails and eevee tried to climb only to remember that bugs could also climb.

"Looks like my plan worked too well" Tails commented racking his brain on how to get out of the situation

Just when they were ready to retreat and flee, their plan came to fruition; a butterfree flew down from the tree coming after the flowers.

Tails wasted no time ordering eevee to use quick attack to get its attention. Eevee obeyed. Butterfree was slammed into a branch and Tails took the opportunity using a competition ball. The ball shook thrice and captured the butterfree.

"Mission accomplished" Tails smiled before hearing a loud screech.

His gathering of bug types had something in common; they were all prey pokemon.

And when so much prey gathered together, a predator was bound to not be far behind.

A large winged bug type emerged from one of the bushes. From its limbs protruded two large scythes.

"A scyther!" Tails gulped trying not to panic. Scythers were deadly hunters.

Scyther started chasing the other bug types around as they all made a run for it. Tails looked to the ground where his competition ball containing butterfree was.

"Eevee when I say go we run like there's no tomorrow got it? Because otherwise there might really be no tomorrow".


Tails turned his gaze back to scyther. The moment the predator flying bug cornered a venonat, Tails gave the signal, jumping off the tree with Eevee following suit.

While landing they accidentally stepped on a branch which cracked.

Scyther's lightning quick reflexes sent them running away in a panic with Tails managing to grab Butterfree's pokeball in the process. Scyther started chasing them while flying.

"It's getting closer!" Tails yelled looking back over his shoulder as eevee picked up the pace though it clearly didn't seem too happy to be running away instead of confronting the predator.

Eevee's eyes then fell on the competition ball containing Butterfree.

"Vee!" eevee cried out jumping on Tails while pointing at the completion ball.

Tails figured out what eevee was referring to but wasn't too sure about the idea; they didn't know any of butterfree's moves. Hearing scyther's scythes slashing the trees behind them as it got closer and closer, Tails relented.

"Go butterfree!"

Butterfree emerged. Scyther momentarily halted deciding which prey would be the one most worth it. But only momentarily.

The fox was obviously the prize.

"Butterfree use something on scyther quick!"

Butterfree of course hid instead of fighting. Tails jumped out of the way to avoid the scythe that would have no doubt cut him in half had he stayed where he was.

"How are bug catcher trainers so chill when they do this?" he thought terrified trying to figure a way out the predicament.

And then it hit him; he was the prey right? Then he should act smart, hide and wait.

All they needed was a moment of distraction. In other words…

"Butterfree" Tails called out to it hoping it knew the move and would obey "confusion!"

Butterfree did obey and used the move successfully. Scyther started seeing doubles as it hit itself once in its confusion and in anger started slashing on a tree. Tails took the chance to recall eevee and Butterfree and climbed a tree quickly and silently.

Once he got on top he held his breath looking down to see scyther snap out of the confusion and begin searching for its prey – "more like its lunch" Tails thought gulping "how did Sonic tame a legendary pokemon like Moltres if a mere predator is that dangerous?"

Dangerous. Yeah. Scyther was dangerous. And that could prove just as useful as Butterfree.

Tails wasted no time taking out Butterfree and asking it to silently demonstrate him its moves. Butterfree looked at the two tailed fox for a moment and then obeyed revealing it knew confusion, sleep powder, gust and to Tails' amazement stun spore. That could be the key.

"We got the way to tame it. Now we need a plan on how to hit it so I can throw a competition ball".

But then he got another idea, this time from Sonic. He remembered how Sonic described he had caught his shiny nidoking when it was a nidorino. By surrounding it and preparing to immobilize it in case it wasn't caught on first try.

"Butterfree I will try to catch it. When it goes into the ball spray around it with stun spore. That should paralyze it in case it breaks out".

Buttefree got into position as Tails threw the competition ball at the unsuspecting scyther just as it just through a bush. The ball absorbed scyther and started shaking. Butterfree immediately jumped into action spraying the area around the ball with stun spore.

The ball shook once and broke releasing a now angry scyther. The stun spore however worked to great effect paralyzing it just as it tried to slash at Tails with a lightning quick strike. Tails flinched momentarily as he saw the giant scythe an inch from his face but wasted no time pushing another competition ball against scyther. The ball shook 3 times and the catch was confirmed.

Tails dropped back down taking deep breaths to calm himself due to the adrenaline rushing through his body. He had done it. Better than he could have ever imagined. A perfect support pokemon and a powerful attacker for their team.

"Hey butterfree. Good job" he said in between breaths.

"Free!" buttefree cried out as it flew above him with joyful motion.

Evntually Tails calmed down enough to return to the rendezvous point for the end of the contest. The contest master revealed a list of points for the competitors to count how many points they got based on how many and what pokemon they caught. Most competitors had caught a bunch of weedles, caterpies and kakunas as well as venonats and paras. Those were worth one and two points respectively. A teenager who had caught a total of 5 pokemon consisting of a paras, a weedle, a kakuna, a venonat and a beedrill got the lead with the point adding up 11 as beedril counted for 5 points. Tails was the last to present his catches. He revealed butterfree getting a thumbs up from Knuckles and Sonic as well as five points.

All hell broke loose though when he revealed his caught scyther. No one expected anyone to catch a predator bug like scyther and pinsir. Those were worth 20 points but that didn't really matter most of the time cause no one was crazy enough to try and catch them.

"Or at least no one who didn't have a crazy hedgehog best friend to learn from" Tails smiled as he got first place in the contest by a mile, earning first place and to his pleasant surprise, an evolutionary stone of his choice.

"Eevee" he said bringing out his partner "which one do you think we should take?"

Eevee looked at the fire, thunder, water and leaf stones in front of it. It contemplated picking the thunder stone but instead chose to everyone's surprise the leaf stone. Everyone expected for eevee to transform into a new evolution – why else would it pick a leaf stone after all – but instead eevee remained the same. Tails was disappointed nothing happened but, with rules being rules, he had picked his price.

As team Sonic packed up and left the national park heading north they got into a conversation regarding this strange choice by eevee, which was walking a bit further ahead with raichu.

"Why would it choose the leaf stone if it can't evolve with it?" Tails inquired trying to make sense of it.

"I was fully expecting it to choose the water stone. A vaporeon would be a nice addition. But to choose a stone it can't evolve with? Weird".

Before entering the treeline separating them between the field they were currently in and Ecutreak city, the team set camp for a while so they could have lunch. As they were eating, with Knuckles this time cooking them a variant of the homemade soup his mother once made him which his grandmother taught him to make, the three continued discussing the weird choice eevee made.

Unbeknown to them eevee had already explained its choice to raichu. It didn't want to evolve into one of its three stone based forms. It was momentarily temped to evolve into Jolteon because of raichu but felt another path call to it. It instead picked the leaf stone for their friend bellsprout. After all leaf stones were not super common so bellsprout would eventually need it.

Raichu, again by mimicking, got the message along to Sonic. Tails immediately agreed and forced the leaf stone into Knuckles' bag by tricking him despite resistance from the latter.

As the team got ready to venture into the treeline and finally reach Ecutreak city, Sonic's mind returned to the delicious soup they had and the fact that Knuckles told him his grandmother had taught him to make it. But why his grandmother and not his mother? And why even teach him to make soup?

He refrained from asking however as he had tried asking Knuckles about his parents before and Knuckles had just changed the subject. And all those weird inconsistencies. Most specifically when he called ho oh his mother's favorite legend.

"He said was then changed it to is… but why?" Sonic thought as a million possibilities raced through his mind.

He and Tails had both promised to have a talk with Knuckles about this when they got the chance but things just kept getting in their way. And unbeknown to the three friends they would continue to. Especially with destiny awaiting at Ecutreak city's burned tower.

Chapter 53: Ecutreak city shenanigans part 1; battle mania


As Looker slowly decides to arrest Sonic as a means to an end for the investigation, the latter alongside Tails and Knuckles arrive in Ecutreak city, having a fun evening, including an encounter with Ash and co. once again.

Chapter Text

Detective Looker kept going over the case facts over and over with no lead to follow anymore.

After the slowpoke well, the trail of team rocket went cold. There was no sign of them anywhere.

The hero of Kanto had made his life a lot harder by doing what the people of Azalea town called a heroic act.

After news of him and his allies being spotted in town that same day, everyone was convinced they had stopped team rocket. No one had provided any useful evidence. And Looker could tell that everyone was lying.

He had considered revealing the breaking of executive Proton's legs to the public in order to turn public opinion against Sonic and his friends. But that would also mean admitting Proton had been broken out of prison. And that would certainly not make a good impression to the people of Johto.

"How is it possible that in order to make any progress on the case we need to admit that a trio of vigilantes is more effective than the entire police force of Johto assisted by 2 international detectives? " he asked aloud.

"Are you still tormenting yourself with the Sonic side of our investigation?" Looker's partner Jake Morrison walked in.

"… I've made a decision"

"What? "

"The hero of Kanto is on a badge quest right? That means he will have to eventually challenge this city's gym leader Morty. I want someone outside the gym 24/7. The moment the hedgehog appears we arrest him".

"Looker you're losing it. We can't arrest him without any charges and right now we have nothing to accuse him of".

"Jake he is dangerous. There is no doubt anymore".

Morisson contemplated voicing his opinion.

"Looker… I know we're supposed to not bring our feelings on the job. But I can't help but wonder… ever since the first time we discussed the possibility he is indeed dangerous… just who is he dangerous to?"

Looker looked at his partner in utter disbelief.

"What did you just say?"

"Who's supposed to fear him? The average Joe or criminals like team rocket?"

"… Him and his friends broke a man's legs Morrison. What happens if their moral compass breaks?"

"Hasn't broken so far though right? And that's not easy to claim with what the hedgehog went through in Kanto".

Looker couldn't disagree with the fact that Sonic's resolve was admirable despite the trials he had endured.

"In any case he is the only lead we have on team rocket now. We need him".

"About that… he is not our only lead anymore".


"We got this report this morning. Apparently last night someone assaulted a team of people in a truck. Empty pokemon cages were found in the back of the track and all passengers of the track were beaten both in a pokemon battle and beaten up. They also wore team rocket uniforms under their clothes".


"East of Ecutreak but get this. The perpetrator, as seen by a farmer returning from a trip to the lake of rage to the moo moo farms, had red hair. So definitely not the hero of Kanto".

Looker was dumbfounded.

"So the hero of Kanto has an ally?"

"Could be an ally or maybe a rival even. Someone who knows of Sonic the hedgehog's goal to end team rocket and has taken it upon themselves".

Looker sighed.

"Great. As if one vigilante wasn't enough now we have to deal with two".

"There's also something intresting about the truck incident. The actions of the redhead showed something else… rage".


"Yes. And not just rage. We have already interrogated the grunts. The refused to discolse anything about the attacker. Which is bizzare if you ask me. But it also obviously can't have been the hedgehog cause he and his team are still far away".

"What about the other kid?"

"His ally from Kanto?"

"Yes, Mike was his name right? Did we get a last name for him?"

"Nope still a ghost. I don't rule him out as a suspect but… if it was him why did team rocket not admit to it? The hedgehog I understand, he is closing in on them, they don't want him caught so we don't close in on them".

"So we're most likely dealing with a new player on this game of cat and mouse who has a vendetta against team rocket?"

"Possibly. But I wouldn't specifically call the assault the result of a vendetta. Something personal definitely. A vendetta, not so sure. Why don't you come to see the crime scene yourself, maybe you'll see something we missed".

"Alright. I guess the hero can wait. Take me to the crime scene" Looker relented.

This development was really favorable to team Sonic who were no making their way through the woods to Ecutreak city.

"I say when we get there we immediately challenge the gym leader. Get it over with then do whatever the heck we want for a while" Sonic suggested.

"I agree. Ecutreak city is the top of my to-visit bucket list" Tails agreed.

"Oh trust me" Knuckles chimed in "we have too much to see in this place to leave immediately. Goldenrod might be the capital of Johto, but Ecutreak is the city everyone comes here to visit. The mythology around the place is crazy. I can't wait to start touring the place so I can play a little tour guide" he said with an obvious eagerness in his voice.

"What's kept you from going all out tour guide on us from the get go?" Sonic teased him.

"It's not the same talking about legends and mythology on some random street and in front of a location or hopefully at said location".

"What do you mean hopefully?" Tails asked raising his eyebrow.

"You'll see what I mean soon enough" Knuckles said half smiling half worried, obviously inferring that they would sneak into someplace.

While walking down the path, making jokes and laughing they encountered a bizzare sight; a tree just about their size in the exact middle of the path.

"That's strange" Sonic commented "why would they let the tree grow like this?"

"And those are some weird roots" Tails said in deep thought as he knelt to examine the base of the tree

"Well what can you say. Johto is a real wonderland" Knuckles joked leaning against the tree.

A pair of eyes suddenly opened and stared right into his eyes.

"WHAT THE FU…" Knuckles screamed, instinctively punching the tree which was pushed back a few steps to the team's surprise.

"Holy cow Knuckles! When did you get strong enough to uproot a tree?"

"Thats not a tree!" Knuckles warned him.

"Come again?"

The tree jumped back up and threw a rock at the team, forcing them to dive out of the way resulting in a pile-up with Knuckles at the bottom.

"Is that a pokemon?" Sonic asked intrigued.

Knuckles immediately took out his pokedex and easily getting up causing his 2 friends to be sort of shoved off, scanned the pokemon.

"Sudowoodo, the Imitation Pokémon. This rare Pokémon hides in trees to avoid capture by pretending to be one".

"An imposter pokemon?" Tails questioned getting up.

Sudowoodo tried to throw another rock causing the team to roll out of the way.

"Oh you've done it now!" Knuckles declared desiring to catch it "Heracross help me out!"

Heracross emerged.

"Horn attack!"

Heracross charged sudowoodo. The attack barely phased sudowoodo.

"Wha.. ? How?"

Sudowoodo realizing the element of surprise was now lost attempted to run away.

"Oh no you don't! Go tyrogue! Fake out!"

Tyrogue emerged and used its move causing sudowoodo to flinch.

"Awesome work little one! Knuckles now's your chance!"

Knuckles took the chance throwing a poke ball. The ball wiggled thrice but sudowoodo was able to break out and attack tyrogue with low kick. Tyrogue was swept under it's feet and crashed down.

"Tyrogue come back" Sonic attempted to recall it but it jumped back up in determination, letting out a cry and beginning to glow.

"What?!" all 3 friends shouted in shock.

"You got this 3 days ago and it's evolving?!" Tails exclaimed trying to process the situation.

"Pokemon abandoned by their original trainers are said to grow extremely fast if cared for by another" Knuckles murmured, realizing this applied to egg Pokemon too.

"What's it going to become?" Sonic wondered aloud.

"My money's on Hitmonchan" Tails said in excitement.

"I say Hitmonlee!" Knuckles countered.

And once again both were wrong.

The transformation was completed and there stood a brand new Pokemon, looking like an upside down spinning top.

"What in the world?! A third evolution?!" Tails said with his jaw hanging.

Knuckles wasted no time.

"Hitmontop the handstand Pokemon. Hitmontop's smooth graceful kicks are deceptively powerful. Opponents may be surprised of their force so beware".

"Smooth kicks?" Knuckles commented confused "doesn't look capable of kicking in all honesty".

Upon hearing this Hitmontop, eager to prove its power to Sonic, or in its own eyes its dad, jumped and started spinning while flipping upside down, using its head spike to balance. It then started moving while spinning like an actual spinning top, and with incredible speed as well. Before anyone could react, especially sudowoodo, it crashed into it, causing it to topple.

Hitmontop then jumped again and tried to use brick break on sudowoodo but the latter fled in fear.

"After it!" Knuckles said running after sudowoodo.

Sonic and Tails chased after their friend.

The adrenaline rush was short lived. Before they knew it sudowoodo had disappeared.

"It's got to be around here somewhere" Knuckles whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Tails whispered back.

"So it won't hear us" Knuckles whispered looking around, eyes half closed, trying to spot any difference among the many trees around them.

The team silently got to searching trying to draw the sudowoodo out but it proved pointless. The pokedex wasn't lying about the blending in with the trees part.

"Damnit where is it?!" Knuckles yelled frustrated.

"Probably somewhere around us but we can't see it. And we probably never will" Sonic added half heartedly.

"Oh come on. We're gonna give up so easily?" Knuckles tried to mobilize them.

"Hate to be the pessimist but I have to agree with Sonic" Tails said from the top of a tree on which he had climbed to get a better view "we're searching for a pokemon that looks like a tree in a forest. It could take hours to find. Plus I starting to get hungry".

Knuckles cursed but relented.

Calling off the search the team returned to the path.

"I can't believe tyrogue evolved so fast. And here I thought Knuckles' quilava was quick to evolve" Tails said clearly amazed.

"Baby Pokemon tend to grow fast if cared for. Adding that with Sonic not being the original trainer from a certain point of view could explain this".

"Wait scratch that" Tails stopped him "I went online to find more about this evolution and turns out tyrogues tend to evolve quickly in general. Never so fast like Sonic's but that could explain some of it. Plus fighting types tend to desire to build strength from an early age which indicates a quick rate of growth for the Pokemon. Man Johto species are so damn interesting".

"Hey Knucks hitmontop is a johtonian species right? I mean your dex had the info so…" Sonic asked him.

Knuckles nodded positively though he was still grumpy about his failure to catch sudowoodo. Sonic figured it out immediately.

"Pity indeed we lost it. But hey, everything happens for a reason right? Perhaps something greater awaits us for our parties" Sonic tried to cheer his friend up.

Knuckles smiled after a few moments.

"You know what? I have a feeling you may be right".

"That's the spirit!" Sonic patted his friend on the back.

Both he and Tails though were unaware that Knuckles was talking semi-literally. He had a feeling they would soon cross paths with something mind-blowing.

After a few more minutes of walking team Sonic finally exited the treeline, coming face to face with the big gate of Ecutreak city. They were finally here.

The sight was indeed one to behold. Right after exiting the forest they could see the tall Bell Tower if the city, standing grand and majestic. Moreover another shorter tower could be seen albeit that one seemed damaged.

"Truly a marvel right?" Knuckles smiled.

"I can't believe we're finally here" Tails said in disbelief "and this place signifies the halfway point of our journey. Can you imagine how many more adventures are waiting for us?"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Sonic said rushing forward.

The team entered the city and was instantly tempted to postpone the battles with the gym leader, Morty. Shoving the temptation aside however, they grabbed lunch real quick had one good practice session with their Pokemon and headed to the gym.

Morty's ghost type team posed a challenge for Sonic and Knuckles as none of them had actual counters for it. Sonic also was down one Pokemon as he couldn't use hitmontop as it knew no moves that could hurt ghosts so far and made a note to himself to see if there was any way to get some moves tutored even if he had to find instructions online.

The battles ended with victories for both Sonic and Knuckles. Sonic did manage to knock out Morty's ghastly with his wooper and his haunter with bayleef but gengar proved to be more than a match for the 2 Pokemon. Deciding that they would train more on the way to the next city and just grasp the present, Sonic sent Raichu into battle. Raichu dominated against Gengar due to its knowledge of the way gengar fought having discussed that battle with Alakazam back in Green hills.

Knuckles had a tougher time but managed to outsmart gengar with quilava's agility. During the battle his bellsprout also evolved into weepinbell and learning the spore moves Tails' butterfree had although choosing to keep sleep powder. The addition of sleep powder proved vital to defeating gengar.

After acquiring the fog badge, team Sonic finally let loose and started touring the city to their heart's content.

Their first destination was the Ecutreak city dance Theatre. Knuckles wanted to visit and watch the dance performed by a team of dancers known as the kimono girls. He explained their dance was an ancient tradition of Johto and one of his mother's favorite things about the region.

They were surprised to find one of the dancers badgered by a team rocket thug dressed as a civilian but didn't expect him to be foolish enough to declare they were team rocket. One thunder punch from Raichu brought the grunt to his knees.

Deciding they should return to watch the dance another time they dropped the rocket grunt off to the police station with a note explaining the situation. Which was ironic as just after they left Looker returned with Morrison and almost had a breakdown at the fact that they were still so far behind team Sonic and had even missed the chance to apprehend them at the city gym.

After this debacle a big part of team Sonic's time was spent buying chili dogs and getting as close as allowed to Bell Tower with Knuckles starting going over the tower's history and how it was connected to Ho-oh.

"So. The tower is around 700 years old. Built by the Johtonian people along with the tower on the other side of the city"

"The damaged one?" Tails asked while chewing a bite from his chili dog. He had decided to give them another chance and the 2nd time it was more enjoyable.

"Yeah. That one has more history but I say we go over it tomorrow when we visit. Let's focus on the Bell Tower for now. Atop the tower there is a small perch. A perch where Ho-oh used to live at".

"Ho-oh lived so close to people?" Sonic asked in surprise.

"Yes. Ho-oh is basically a deity to the Johtonians. They used to worship it like a god. But around 300 years after the tower was built Ho-oh flew away, never to return".

"Why would it leave?" Tails asked as he looked to the top of the tower as the sun had begun setting.

"Because of the downfall of humans. Same as all civilizations. When darkness starts to take over their souls bad things happen. That was the case for Ho-oh. It left cause it seized to trust people. But unlike most cases people tried to change for the better for Ho-oh. They brought gifts to the tower hoping to appease it. When Pokemon training started becoming a thing, many trainers came to the tower to meet Ho-oh. No one was successful".

"We were" Sonic countered "we met Ho-oh remember? Outside union cave. And for me it was the 2nd time".

"True" Knuckles agreed taking a bite.

"I have one question though" Tails asked having finished his chili dog "why two towers?"

"The pair of towers were built to foster friendship between people and Pokemon. Pokemon were said to rest in the West tower and awaken in the Bell Tower. And if you're wondering yes, awaken and rest means life and death".

"Brrr… thanks for the creep" Tails mumbled.

As the sun finally hid behind the mountains, the team decided they should go walking a little more while debating where to set camp for the night or if they could try finding rooms in a Pokemon center.

The debate ended with the Pokemon center choice being made. When reaching the city's central Square they run into a familiar Pikachu that wasted no time getting into an argument with Raichu.

"If this Pikachu is here a certain Pallet town trainer is bound to be near" Sonic said half smiling.

Not even 2 seconds later Ash and his 2 friends arrived on scene.

"Fancy seeing you three here" Ash joked.

"I could say the same thing about you" Sonic joked back. The atmosphere was certainly less tense after the 2 teams' journey through union cave.

"Long time no see" Brock came forward to greet Tails and Knuckles.

"Too long" Knuckles answered shaking his hand.

"New member?" Misty asked seeing the eevee on Tails' shoulder.

"Yup" Tails smiled scratching eevee's head which eevee enjoyed.

"So I'm waiting. How many badges so far?" Ash asked Knuckles and Sonic.

"Beat Morty this afternoon" Knuckles answered proudly.

"4 badges? Same here. We absolutely must battle now".

"I agree . We have unfinished business since Violet" Knuckles was quick to agree.

"I was actually meaning to battle Sonic".

"Get through me and he's all yours".

"I don't need Charizard to beat you Knucklehead. My opponent is Sonic"

"Fine. Then we battle for the honor of battling him. I too want a go at him".

"Really?" Sonic asked him surprised.

"Why the surprise? We're on a badge quest and the final stop is the league. If I wanna win – and trust me I do – I've for to be able to beat the best".

"You're not beating me Knucklehead".

"I said the best" Knuckles countered.

"We will be the best me and Pikachu, so your argument is as empty as your head".

"Daaaamn" Tails exclaimed in shock.

"Let me guess. The very best like no one ever was" Knuckles fired back.

"Alright hear me out" Sonic intervened. While watching Knuckles and Ash go at it like kids was fun he had an idea which would both please everyone and give himself a challenge.

"You both want to battle me right? So just do it".

"Ok I'm going first" Ash declared.

"No way Ketchum" Knuckles disagreed.

"You both go first".

"How?" Knuckles asked his friend.

"Battle me together. Two against one".

"Two versus one? You don't stand a chance" Ash spoke his mind.

"I think Raichu here has a different opinion, don't you partner?"

"Rai rai!"

"Pikaaa!" Pikachu cried out in determination, eager to make the most of this battle.

"Sonic are you sure?" Knuckles asked him. Sonic nodded with an assuring smile.

"Very well then. Let's go find someplace where we won't hurt anyone with stray attacks".

The two squads traversed the city for a while until thru found an empty smaller square.

Ash and Knuckles stood side by side opposite of Sonic who decided this battle was the perfect opportunity to test out his newly evolved hitmontop.

Brock who would be the referee, let them in on the rules which was simply each trainer uses 2 pokemon no more no less. He then ordered them to prepare and select their Pokemon. Ash chose one of his new Pokemon and Knuckles knowing what his friend would go with, picked weepinbell.

"Send out your Pokemon… now!"

Three voices shouted at the same time.

"Go hitmontop".

"Weepinbell come on out".

"Noctowl I choose you!".

All 3 Pokemon emerged at once. Weepinbell and Noctowl were intimidated by hitmontop's spinning ability, causing their attack to drop one stage. To Misty and Brock's shock sparkles appeared when hitmontop emerged.

But to team Sonic's shock too, sparkles emerged from Ash's Noctowl as well.

"You caught a shiny Noctowl?! Tails screamed his lungs out.

"You bet I did! You have a shiny Pokemon, I have a shiny Pokemon too!"

"Technically now Sonic has 2 shiny Pokemon" Brock corrected his friend "his Nidoking was also shiny".

Ash felt like back at the orange islands when he hoped to one up Sonic by becoming the chosen one, only to end up sharing the title with Sonic.

"Well whatever. We'll beat you all the same".

"Get set!" Brock reminded them to get ready and then he gave the signal "Go!"

"Weepinbell use vine whip!"

Weepinbell attempted to smack hitmontop with its vines but the attack wasn't very effective. Intimidate was functioning as intended.

"Noctowl use tackle!"

Noctowl flew straight into hitmontop but again a physical attack would just not cut it here.

"My turn. Hitmontop use fake out on weepinbell then rapid spin!"

Moving like a blur, hitmontop smacked weepinbell causing it to flinch. It then started spinning while upside down, smacking weepinbell repeatedly. Using the momentum it carried the attack to Noctowl, which was smacked 3 times before flying away to avoid getting hit more.

"Noctowl use confusion quick!"

Noctowl unleashed a blinding light from the crest on its head, damaging hitmontop greatly. Hitmontop was by no means out of the battle but its young age made it lose focus momentarily.

Sonic was very impressed by the performance of his new pokemon but was leaning on recalling it as it obviously needed more training in battle endurance. Evolving made it strong for sure but not battle hardened.

Hitmontop noticed Sonic was about to recall it and determined to not let him down like it felt it had during the battle with Miltank, hopped back up and attacked Noctowl unleashing a new move, triple kick. Using its spinning ability to increase the momentum and by extension the force applied with each kick it landed 3 powerful kicks to Noctowl sending it crashing down hard. As Noctowl struggled to get back up, hitmontop turned its attention to weepinbell.

"Weepinbell wrap quick!"

Weepinbell used its vines to wrap itself around hitmontop. Hitmontop tried spinning to shake it off but was unable to before weepinbell started applying pressure, immobilizing its opponent.

Ash seizing the opportunity gave the attack order to its Noctowl who had managed to get back up.

"Noctowl quick! Confusion!".

Noctowl fired confusion on both Pokemon. Both were hurt by the confusion and both were knocked out.

"Yeah! We did Noctowl!"

Noctowl cried out in joy.

"What are you doing Ketchum? We're on the same side here!"

"Oh just relax we got this".

Sonic recalled hitmontop.

"You were awesome hitmontop. Get some rest and don't worry you will only grow stronger".

"When did Sonic get that shiny hitmontop?" Misty asked Tails while they were observing.

"3 days ago. As a tyrogue from an egg".

"It evolved from a baby Pokemon in 3 days?!"

"As crazy as it sounds yes. Knuckles has his theory on this but after everything it doesn't surprise me as much as it did this morning when it evolved".

"What do you mean after everything?" Ash asked Tails.

"I mean after everything the bond connection between Sonic and Raichu has brought forth".

"Oh right. Twice as strong as other raichu huh? I don't buy it" Ash said in a teasing way trying to goad Sonic into sending raichu out.

Knuckles gritted his teeth in frustration. Ash was underestimating Raichu again. Because Sonic would definitely go with it now that he was one Pokemon down and Ash and Knuckles still had a total of 3 Pokemon to use.

"Sonic when you're ready send out your next Pokemon" Brock instructed.

"Raichu you're up" Sonic said to his partner smiling.

"Rai! Raichu!" Raichu cried out as it jumped onto the battlefield.

"Knuckles you too" Brock let the echidna know to send out his 2nd Pokemon.

"Quilava you're up!"

Quilava emerged as flames erupted on its back.

"Battle resume!"

"Noctowl use confusion on raichu!"

Noctowl used its attack. Raichu merely closed its eyes to it. Damage was applied normally but at the level it and Sonic were at this point it was merely a tickle for them.

"Quick attack" Sonic instructed calmly.

Raichu moved like a bullet, crashing hard into Noctowl which had no time to react.

"Now thunder punch!"

"Quilava stop it! Ember!"

Quilava attacked raichu but not with ember. Instead it started spinning like a wheel. Charging towards the surprised raichu the attack found its mark and knocked it back, sending some heat through Sonic's body.

"What was that move?" he asked confused.

"It learned flame wheel!" Misty said in amazement. Team Sonic was indeed full of surprises.

Raichu jumped back up to continue the fight. A flame suddenly engulfed it revealing flame wheel had burnt it.

"Oh no not a burn! Raichu depends on physical fighting" Sonic thought in terror.

"Now's our chance Noctowl! Whirlwind!"

Brock however stopped the attack by raising his hand.

"Ash you're not allowed to use this attack. We agreed each one of you can use 2 Pokemon and raichu is Sonic's 2nd Pokemon. Sending it back and forcing out another is not a choice now".

Ash was annoyed he couldn't deal with raichu this way but relented.

The seconds Brock bought unknowingly for Raichu by stopping Ash's move proved vital.

"Raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu moved before Quilava or Noctowl could react, knocking out Noctowl with ease this time. As it landed back down the burn took its toll on it again but it was far from out if the fight.

Ash was furious Noctowl had been defeated and a part of him blamed Brock for stopping him from what he viewed as defeating Sonic but changed his mind when he realized the scenario where Pikachu could finally have its chance to beat that Raichu had been created.

"Pikachu it's time! I choose you".

"Pikachu! Pika pika!"


Sonic looked at the 2 Pokemon staring down Raichu. It wasn't going to be an easy fight.

Separately they would be a walk in the park. But together against Raichu things were not so simple. Adding the burn factor in as well also made it harder on both of them.

"Pikachu quick attack!"

Pikachu slammed into Raichu. Sonic smiled at this move. Ash just refused to listen.

Quick attack was completely ineffective against Raichu'a bigger stature.

"Brick break!"

Raichu brought its paw down on Pikachu before it could react. The damage was great but not enough to knock Pikachu out, courtesy of the burn.

"Help me out already Knucklehead!"

"Well maybe if you hadn't knocked out my weepinbell I would be able to help faster" Knuckles fired back.

"Just help me out already!"

Knuckles felt the urge to just help Sonic win this battle but at the same time Sonic would be his opponent in the future. He had to learn to see him as such as well as an ally.

"Quilava flame wheel!"

Quilava once again used its move but this time Knuckles had an idea he got from seeing Whitney's Miltank in action.

Quilava's attack was dodged by Raichu but then Knuckles encouraged Quilava to continue rolling. The result was a non stop flame wheel that Raichu had to constantly dodge while dealing with the burn and the thunderbolts Pikachu kept sending its way.

Sonic found himself and Raichu cornered. Somehow Ash and Knuckles had become the perfect storm. Quilava being the close range attacker, Pikachu being the blaster and at the same time just dodging would only drain them.

"But" he thought smiling "two can play at that game".

Sonic had Raichu strategically dodge until both it and Pikachu were on Quilava's path. Sonic then had Raichu tank a thunderbolt from Pikachu, both of them feeling the electric current coursing through Raichu before immobilizing Pikachu with their signature now iron tail lock. Pikachu was run over by Quilava before Raichu was also slammed back.

When the dust of the crash settled, all 3 pokemon were in a very rough shape. Pikachu had become burnt from the flame wheel, Raichu had started getting exhausted from the continuous burns and Quilava had become paralyzed from the combined static of both Pikachu and Raichu affecting it.

Raichu was damaged by burn again. Sonic felt it but then something really strange occurred; Raichu discharged electricity like the previous times where it and Sonic were struck by lightning only this time it was just Raichu.

"On its own?" Ash said aloud caught by surprise by this development.

Raichu stopped discharging the electricity and it was revealed to have somehow self-healed itself from the burn.

"How is that even possible?" Misty couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Another result of their bond?" Knuckles wondered aloud.

"Raichu time to end this! Use thunder punch on Quilava!"

No longer held back by the burn Raichu delivered a devastating thunder punch to Quilava knocking it out with ease. Knuckles was mortified when he realized what threshold of power he would have to aim for after team Sonic's goal was met.

Raichu turned to face Pikachu. The tables had completely turned.

"Hate to break it to you Ash but it's over. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Take your pick".

Ash was not ready to quit.

"Pikachu thunder!"

Pikachu unleashed thunder which Raichu tanked. Not that it couldn't dodged but it wanted to prove a point. Sonic smiled not bothering about the electricity that coursed through his body a moment ago.

"The hard way it is. Raichu quick attack!"

Pikachu found itself slammed and flying through the air, crashing into a tree. It got back up and used quick attack itself.

"End this! Iron tail!"

Before Pikachu could land its attack, not that it would have done more than pushing Raichu back a bit, the latter did a perfect 360 turn, using iron tail at the same time, exactly like back at silph co against Giovanni's Rhydon. Pikachu was sent flying straight into Ash knocking both of them down and Pikachu out.

Everyone was either impressed, which included Tails and Knuckles, or speechless. Sonic had been holding back in all of his battles ever since coming to Johto and this very battle was proof.

Ash hit the ground with his fist in frustration.

"How can it be that every time we battle, you're further and further ahead of me?!"

"Hey you got close this time. Raichu actually got exhausted there".

Knuckles recalled Quilava while telling it he was proud of it. Tails approached him to check if he was ok.

"I'm fine" he said and smiled after a moment "and much less worried about our future with the rockets".

"Was that an admittance of a doubt?" Tails joked.

"No… maybe a little bit" Knuckles shrugged with a smile.

The two laughed and observed the back and forth between Ash and Sonic.

"Will you for once just listen to me?"

"No! You and your Raichu have just too many inconsistencies".

"What exactly is inconsistent to you? The power we trained day and night to achieve back in Kanto?"

"A pokemon healing itself from a burn is not something I would call an common power".

"I hate to admit it Sonic but Ash has a point" Brock agreed "how is your Raichu capable of such a feat?"

Sonic considered his options for a moment but decided there would be no harm in sharing their recent findings.

"There is a connection between me and my Raichu. That connection is what causes its uniqueness. What I explained during the indigo league about Raichu being twice as strong as normal one is a direct result of this bond"

"Wait a minute" Misty entered the conversation "Knuckles also said something about the healing of the burn being 'another' result of your bond. As in there have already been other results too".

"There have been" Tails explained "Sonic's own speed and strength are amplified every time their bond connection is active. What the trigger is we are unsure. Furthermore… " but he stopped. He didn't think it was a good idea to reveal the fact Sonic and Raichu could feel each other's pain. That could possibly influence Ash in the future and he knew Sonic wouldn't accept something like that.

"Furthermore what?" Ash pressured Tails for answers.

"Well… furthermore… we could also call the phenomenon we witnessed in the indigo league a result of their bond but we just don't know anything about it. It seemed to rejuvenate them but in action it didn't seem to have such an effect. It also feels like said phenomenon, at least in my opinion, seems like a physical manifestation of their bond. As if the power shared between them explodes outwards trying to create something but nothing happens. Probably because it's too early to say, Sonic hasn't known Raichu that long so it could just take years for the bond to grow to a point where…"

"ALRIGHT I GET IT!" Ash screamed having reached his breaking point. That was too much scientific explanation.

"Ok sorry. I tend to rumble on and on. To put it in one phrase, Sonic and Raichu's bond connection is at its beginning point. The two will grow stronger in ways that can't be predicted".

"How comes he gets such a boost? My bond with Pikachu is just like that".

"Not quite" Tails disagreed "it is certainly similar but not the same. Sonic and Raichu went through hell together. And there is also the night Raichu evolved. The evolution was unique. Mike's Zapdos, which back then was a wild Zapdos, broke the thunderstone by accident and Raichu was able to absorb the shards and evolve. There has never been a recording of such an evolution occurring which truly points to ther bond being…" Tails again rumbled on but stopped when Ash lunged attempting to strangle him so he would shut up.

Sonic found it to be funny but also wondered if that's what he looked like when he tried to lunge at Ash back when he couldn't identify Sabrina's father even though it was too obvious.

After a bit more of bantering, the two squads split for the night. Ash and co went to watch a performance at the dance theatre while team Sonic decided to call it a day and get some rest.

Having decided to sleep under a roof for once, they got a room at a pokemon center. It had been a long day.

Before going to bed, the three friends debated over what to do the next day. Many choices were presented but Knuckles had the most intriguing one. As it turned out he did indeed want to sneak into somewhere.

And that somewhere was the off-limits burned tower.

The place where a destiny set in motion 40 years ago awaited them.

Chapter 54: Ecutreak city shenanigans part 2; Awakening at burned tower


Team Sonic visits the burned tower in Ecutreak city which is full of bizzare mysteries, the greatest of them hidden away in the basement of the tower.

Chapter Text

Sonic completed his morning jog, while also grabbing coffee and a donut for each of his friends. They were going to have a quick breakfast.

He then met his friends at their rendezvous point, the central Square of Ecutreak city. As they quickly had their breakfast while also gave each of their pokemon 2 berries for breakfast, it was painfully obvious Knuckles couldn't contain his excitement.

"Knuckles cool down buddy we'll be there before you realize" Sonic tried to get him to relax but it was a lost cause.

"I can't. Burned tower is the most significant locations in all of Johto lore".

"What's so special about a burned tower anyway" Tails asked while eating.

"Oh you have no idea. And best of all it's directly linked with Ho-oh".

"Ho-oh again? Is Lugia in any of the Johtonian legends? And if not shouldn't we really call it an orange island Pokemon?" Sonic inquired as he finished his donut.

"Lugia is just as important as Ho-oh but moreso for the people of Johto leaving by the coast. You know guardian of the seas and all" Knuckles explained.

"That's a valid point" Sonic agreed "so why did the tower burn down? Did Ho-oh burn it?"

"This couldn't be further from the truth" Knuckles responded with a smile of eagerness "I'll tell you the tower's story when we are in".

"Are you sure we won't get in trouble? Breaking into a power plant like we did back in Kanto is one thing but breaking into a national landmark of Johto is in a league of its own" Tails voiced his concerns.

"Oh come on. That's exactly why we need to get in there! To not only learn about the history of the tower but witness it up close".

"But there's nothing inside right?" Sonic asked Knuckles.

"Correct. But still. We come all this way and we won't go in?"

"Heh you make a fair point" Sonic shrugged.

"Ok. But let's try to not draw and attention on ourselves ok?" Tails suggested while chewing the last bite of his donut.

"No worries. We go in and out. Twenty minute business" Knuckles said confidently.

Wrapping up their breakfast and recalling their pokemon, the three friends made for the burned tower.

The sight was both magnificent and grim at the same time. Unlike the bell tower which stood grand and majestic, perfectly maintained against the test of time, the burned tower was left to rot. That was to be expected but not to this extent.

The path to the burned tower was guarded by a small barrier. On the barrier was a sign. Knuckles read the sign.

"Restricted area. Do not enter. Danger/death".

"Danger/death? What in the world?" Tails said totally crept out.

"What kind of danger could lurk in there?" Sonic asked Knuckles "it looks like a regular abandoned run down building… only it's a tower".

Knuckles however noticed something else. The sign was handwritten. And the handwriting seemed very familiar.

No. Not just familiar.

"Is that my handwriting?" he thought crept out as well.

"Knuckles?" Sonic shook him to bring him back to the present.

"What?... Oh right, inside. Yeah I can't seem to think of something other than, the tower is on the brink of collapsing so we'll need to be very careful once we're in".

Sonic and Tails agreed. Team Sonic proceeded to jump over the barrier and walk up to the stairs leading to the entrance of the tower.

As they slowly walked up the stairs they found them to be surprisingly sturdy. Considering the warning from before they found it very strange.

Getting to the entrance and looking inside without entering, they saw just what they expected; burned debris.

And yet there was something mysterious about the tower. As if there was a secret in there. A secret waiting for team Sonic specifically to be revealed.

"You have the same weird feeling I have?" Tails asked Sonic while carefully inspecting the inside of the tower's ground floor.

"Like there's something here waiting to be found? Yes but it doesn't make any sense. The tower is totally burned and barely standing" Sonic commented.

"Although" he continued "that very fact makes this the perfect place to hide a secret. But what kind of secret though? What do you think Knuckles? Knuckles?"

Knuckles hadn't walked into the room yet. Sonic and Tails went back to the entrance and found him staring at a weird symbol, carved into the wood by the door.

"Knuckles everything ok?"

Knuckles didn't answer. He looked like he had gotten into a trance.

"Hey" Sonic snapped his fingers in front of Knuckles to get him back to the present again "you with us?"

"I am. It's just…" Knuckles muttered looking back at the symbol "this symbol".

"What about it?"

"My parents used to draw that symbol. My mother specifically. She drew it when she was a kid out of her imagination. It became almost like a signature for her. My father also adopted this symbol when they met. So why is it here?"

"Strange indeed" Sonic said intrigued "maybe your parents visited the tower and left it as proof they were here?"

"Yeah people do it all the time when they conquer mount Everest" Tails added.

"Possibly" Knuckles said without taking his eyes off the symbol "but I don't think it to be highly probable. Not the visiting the tower part but the carving the symbol part. It's not like the tower is a hard place to get to. There's just little to no reason for them to carve the symbol".

Tails agreed with the logic.

"What it the symbol was here before they visited? Actually can we even determine when it was carved?" he asked referring to Tails.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm smart but I'm no computer. And certainly I'm not an expert on this kind of subject".

"What are you three thugs doing here?" a male voice called out to them.

Team Sonic turned to the direction of the voice. They came face to face with a man dressed in a purple outfit along with a small white cape, completed with a red ribbon holding the cape over his shoulders. Sonic roughly made him out to be in his mid thirties.

"Answer the question! Who are you who defile this sacred ground?!"

"Sacred ground?" Tails wondered aloud "what do you mean?"

"He is referring to the legend of the burned tower. The legend of the beasts" Knuckles said without a hint of surprise or second thought.

"The what?" Sonic looked at his friend in question.

The man looked straight at Knuckles.

"You know?"

"Of course I do".

"Could somebody please fill us in here?" Tails asked trying to make sense of what they were talking about.

The man sized up the three friends individually and then answered in a calmer demeanor.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Forgive my earlier words. I am Eusine".

"I'm Knuckles the echidna" the red echidna introduced himself "and these are my friends, Miles Prower and Sonic the hedgehog".

"Ah yes. The legendary hero of Kanto. And unless i'm wrong the chosen one of Moltres correct?"

"What do you mean by calling this tower sacred ground?" Sonic asked back. He was tired of answering this question, having to explain that his war with team rocket was just him doing what he believed was right.

"Let's walk inside. I'll tell you the story".

As Eusine walked in, the three friends followed him. Once all 3 were inside he began narrating.

"This tower alongside it's twin, the tower known as Bell Tower, were built 700 years ago, as a symbol of friendship between humans and pokemon. The legendary Ho-oh perched on top of the bell tower while the legendary pokemon Lugia, which correct me if I'm wrong, you'very met before?" he inquired referring to Sonic.

"Yes at the orange islands".

Eusine nodded and continued.

"The legendary Lugia used to perch on the top of this tower".

"Wait it did?" Sonic said not expecting this.

"Knuckles did you know about this?" Tails asked his friend.

"This detail? I did, but I didn't mention it because I was going to tell you guys about the legend of the beasts today myself and Lugia has nothing to do with this legend. I wanted the focus to be on Ho-oh".

"As I was saying" Eusine shifted their attention back to himself "Long before this tower was burnt to the ground both pokemon left. They sensed the relationship between humans and pokemon was changing for the worse. For that reason they flew away, never to return to this day".

"Wow. To live so close to 2 pokemon that are basically minor deities" Tails said in amazement "but where did Lugia go after?"

"Rumor has it it has made its home on a small complex of uninhabited islands in the bay of the region. They are called the Whirl islands".

"That's nice and all but you said this place was sacred ground because of the legend of the beasts" Sonic said to Eusine, eager to learn more about that legend.

"Yes. And that legend begins 150 years ago, long after Lugia left. It's a day the Johto region will never forget. The clouds had converged high in the sky. A storm was brewing. But then something truly bizzare happened. A lightning bolt struck the tower setting it on fire. The fire spread throughout the tower before anyone even realized the tower was on fire. The townsfolk immediately rushed to save the tower but it was already too late. The rain came eventually but at that point half the tower had already collapsed… and three unnamed pokemon had already been trapped inside".

Tails gasped in shock not anticipating this development. Knuckles was calm, as he obviously already knew of that legend.

"After the storm passed however, a rainbow appeared on the sky. And I think you all know what follows a rainbow".

"Ho-oh" Knuckles answered.

"Exactly. Ho-oh arrived, angry at the unfair death of the three pokemon. Unwilling to let them suffer such an unfair fate, it used the miraculous ash that it expelled every time it uses a fire move, to ressurect the three pokemon".

"Ressurect?! As in bring them back to life?" Sonic exclaimed in shock.


Sonic could barely process this info. Ho-oh could ressurect pokemon?

"Where was it when Jolty died?" a small part of him thought in anger "if there's any pokemon that suffered an unfair death it's Jolty".

"But Ho-oh didn't just ressurect them. It changed them, made them better stronger, faster, more elegant and more perfect than anything this world has ever seen" Eusine narrated with an obvious passion in his voice.

"Those pokemon" Knuckles suddenly said having an odd but powerful feeling that he had to speak that part of the legend "became known as Raikou the thunder pokemon, Entei the volcano pokemon and Suicune the aurora pokemon".

Sonic and Tails were captivated.

"The townsfolk bore witness to their resurrection. And they didn't react well" Eusine said with sadness in his voice.

"They became afraid of the pokemon that had manipulated life as well as the pokemon that were affected by said manipulation" Knuckles said as he wiped some ash of the floor, clearly referring to Ho-oh "they turned against the three beasts. They however didn't fight back. Instead they left the city as well, never to return".

"I believe I'm telling the story, Knuckles is it?"

"Chill out pal, I'm not stealing any more of your thunder. That's the end of the story. The only thing left to add is that the beasts are out there in the wilderness of Johto, racing through the land and sea, waiting for the day were humans will be trustworthy enough for them to reveal themselves again".

"You're right" Eusine said with a gloating smile "you won't steal more of my thunder. Because that is not the end of the story".

"Say what?"

"The beasts did indeed roam the land of the Johto region for a long time. But what has not been revealed… is that they have been missing for 40 years".

"What?!" Knuckles exclaimed in absolute shock.

"Yes indeed. Suicune and its two brethren were last spotted here, in this city 40 years ago, heading for this very tower. But that's the thing. Everyone saw them head for the tower. Noone, I repeat, NOONE" Eusine emphasised on that last word "saw them enter the tower or leave the city. They simply disappeared. And haven't been seen since".

Team Sonic looked at each other trying to make sense of this. Knuckles himself was particularly perplexed.

Why would the Johtonians hide that part of the legend?

"Well, that's our time" Eusine suddenly said "you heard the legend and you have visited the tower. It's time to leave now. We shouldn't disturb this sacred place any longer".

As Eusine made for the exit, team Sonic who had spread throughout the room looking around, started to follow.

Suddenly the old floor gave away under Sonic's feet.

"Aaaaahh!" could be heard along with a thud.

"Sonic!" Tails screamed as be rushed to the opening on the floor "Sonic are you ok?!"

"I'm fine" Sonic's voice echoed from the absolute darkness "a little roughed up but ok".

"Knuckles get a rope quick!" Tails turned to him.

Knuckles was about to take off his huge backpack and take out a rope but Eusine stopped him.

"Not a good idea. If we all converge on that part of the floor to pull him up it could give away and send us all down".

"Then what are you suggesting? Cause we're not leaving Sonic behind" Knuckles countered determined.

Tails looked at them and then back inside the pit.

"Sonic we're gonna get you out just hang in there".

"Don't really have much of a choice now do I?" Sonic joked despite the predicament.

Tails took a good look around the room hoping to find anything to help Sonic. And he did find something; A ladder leading to the next floor.

"Here!" he yelled rushing to the ladder "help me move this ladder!"

Eusine came to his side and together they started pulling to uproot the ladder from the wall.

Knuckles on the other hand while beginning to move at the same moment as Eusine to get to Tails stopped midway when he noticed something on the wall; his parents' symbol.

Moving slowly as if he had entered a trance, he made his way to the symbol.

"Knuckles what are you doing?! Come give us a hand!"

Meanwhile Sonic, whose eyes had begun getting used to the darkness, looked around trying to find anything to help him. His eyes fell on a massive shadowy object.

No. Not an object. That shadow could only belong to something alive.

"Uh… guys?" he said trying to remain calm "there's something big down here. Like minivan big".

Tails was frightened by that.

"Pull harder!" he practically screamed into Eusine's face as he put his back into getting that ladder.

Knuckles at the same time was transfixed by the symbol.

Carving it once to prove they were here maybe. Carving it twice? No way.

"Could they be… clues?"

Looking around him, he saw something that verified his hunch; a trapdoor.

Knuckles took the trapdoor's handle and pulled with all his strength. Dust and ash were raised like a cloud as a set of stairs heading down was revealed.

Sonic from his end could see the small amount of light entering, illuminating the first stairs.

"I found a way down!" Knuckles called out to Tails and Eusine who were halfway there uprooting the ladder from the wall.

As they gathered and headed down, they finally met up with Sonic.

"You ok?" Tails immediately asked him.

"I'm ok but what are those?" he pointed to the now three massive shadows in the end of the room.

Tails instinctively backstepped. Knuckles immediately took out a powerful and big flashlight and illuminated the darkness.

On the end of the room there were 3 large statues of 3 huge quadruped creatures. Each of the 3 had a big mane on their back.

"No way!" Eusine whispered in surprise "the legendary beasts!"

"The beasts?" Sonic repeated in surprise as well "those are Raikou, Entei and Suicune?"

Eusine waved negatively.

"No. This is what they looked like. Before they disappeared".

Sonic looked back at the beasts' statues. They looked magnificent indeed. One could only imagine how magnificent the real ones would be.

"But why are their statues down here?" Tails questioned the situation.

"Maybe they were secretly built by the locals" Eusine guessed "in this very room as a monument to them after they disappeared".

Knuckles however knew that wasn't possible. The room was sealed. And his parents' symbol was right over the trapdoor leading down here.

"That doesn't make any sense" he countered still unsure but trusting his gut "if the locals wanted to make statues for the beasts, why not put them in the city's central Square so that everyone could pay their respect? Down here makes absolutely no sense".

"Knuckles makes a valid point" Sonic agreed "why build statues down here and then seal the exit?"

Knuckles took a few steps closer until he was standing right in front of one of the middle statue.

"Is this Suicune?" he asked Eusine.

"Yes. The leader of the three. And the most elegant of the three. It is said that Suicune travels the land at incredible speeds and possesses the ability to purify polluted waters. Suicune is also believed to represent the rainfall that ended the fire that burned this tower".

Knuckles nodded. He knew of those facts about Suicune but wasn't aware of what it looked like which was why he asked. Turning back to the statue, he went to touch the statue out of curiosity.

The moment he made contact with the statue however something truly unexpected occurred.

A crack was created from the point Knuckles touched Suicune's statue. The crack then started expanding all over the statue. Through the cracks a blue glow was being emitted.

Knuckles stepped back in shock, terrified at what he had triggered. Sonic and Tails rushed to his sides, standing opposite the statues.

The moment they reached Knuckles cracks appeared on Entei and Raikou's statues. A red and yellow glow was emitted from the cracks on the respective statues.

"What have you done?! What is happening?!" Eusine shouted at team Sonic in anger and terror.

The cracks continued to expand on the statues and the glow got brighter as that happened. At the same time the statues started shaking.

Eventually the whole statues were covered in cracks and looked like they would blow up. Team Sonic having no time to run simply closed their eyes and covered their faces fully expecting to get blown back by the explosion. Eusine on the other hand couldn't take his eyes off the crumbling statues.

A loud bang echoed in the tower as if the explosion had occurred but no force was applied on anyone.

Team Sonic could tell even though their eyes we're closed that something bright had entered the room. And then three loud roars. Magnificent, elegant roars.

Team Sonic opened their eyes. Opposite them stood the legendary beasts, Raikou, Entei and Suicune, roaring as loudly as they could as if they had been waiting for this moment for 40 years.

The beasts stopped roaring after a while and each proceeded to lock eyes with a member of team Sonic.

Raikou with Tails.

Entei with Sonic.

Suicune with Knuckles.

The beasts roared once again and then charged, jumped over team Sonic and Eusine, to escape the tower heading for the exit.

The beasts exited the tower feeling the blinding light and the heat of the sun for the first time in 40 years. They then climbed to the top of the tower and roared once more, attracting the attention of everyone in the city, including Ash and his friends.

An elder who was stationed on the bell tower's bell witnessed the return of the beasts and proceeded to ring the bell.

Team Sonic along with Eusine exited the tower as well, only to see the beasts split up and leave town, each going its own way.

"What… just happened?" Tails muttered in utter shock.

"You!" Eusine shouted getting into Knuckles' face "how did you know those were the real beasts trapped in statues?!"

"Are you kidding me? I didn't know" Knuckles countered visibly as shocked as his 2 friends.

Eusine wasn't fully convinced but let it slide when he realized the bell was ringing.

"Follow me" he said quickly not explaining why they should. When he noticed they weren't following but merely standing there he barked a quick "Now!" which got them to follow.

Gym leader Morty was in the process of healing his pokemon after another battle when he heard the bell ring. He rushed outside looking towards Bell Tower.

"The bell! It's ringing! That must mean Ho-oh is returning to the city!" he said amazed.

"Not quite Morty" Eusine said arriving at that very moment with team Sonic.

"Eusine! What do you mean?!"

"I mean that it's Suicune that returned. Not just it but its two brethren as well!"

"What?!" Morty shouted in disbelief "they finally returned?! After 40 years?!"

"They never left. They were in the burned tower all along".

"What?!" Morty exclaimed "that's not possible. I went there many times since then. They were not there".

"Didn't you ever check the basement of the tower?" Eusine asked confused.

"The basement? The door was sealed. No one even knows where it is".

"This one found it" Eusine pointed at Knuckles "to save this one who fell through the floor" he pointed to Sonic next.

Morty looked at Sonic and Knuckles for a few moments before identifying them as the trainers from the previous day.

"How did you find them?" he finally asked Knuckles.

Knuckles hesitated to answer. The answer to that question was just another question.

Who had carved that symbol? Who had led him to free the beasts?

At that moment, Ash and co. also arrived to ask Morty about the ringing of the bell. Ash especially wanted to know if Ho-oh really was returning as he wanted to meet it again ever since seeing on the day his journey began. He also wanted to ask about the three magnificent pokemon he saw on the burned tower from afar before they fled.

Morty, fully overwhelmed by the rapid development shoved everyone back inside his gym and took them to his quarters on the back of the gym.

Once there, he asked all of them to keep quiet while he narrated the tale of the beasts and then would ask questions to team Sonic about it. Ash tried to ask about the beasts but Morty shushed him so he could begin.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were giving each other looks of question as they waited for the narration to end.

"And that is all we knew" Morty explained in the end "Raikou, Entei and Suicune have not been seen for 40 years. And you 3 newcomers" he said turning to face team Sonic "found them not only by sneaking into the burned tower which is strictly prohibited…"

"I know. We shouldn't have ignored your sign" Tails apologized.

"What sign?"

"The one outside the tower. The one that said danger/death".

"… I didn't write this message. It was there from the day the beasts disappeared".

Sonic and Tails were shocked. Knuckles on the other hand felt dizzy.

If it was not Morty who wrote that message then who?

Someone clearly strung him along with those symbols. Someone who knew him. Not only knew him but knew him well enough to know he would ignore the sign and go in.

"And also knowing the symbol my own mother once drew" Knuckles thought as his mind was shifting into maximum overdrive trying to find a reasonable answer.

"So wait" Ash interjected "you mean to tell me that these legendary pokemon were inside that tower?"

"Yes" Eusine answered "in a sealed basement. And you" he said referring to Knuckles "still have not answered. How did you know how to find them?! And most importantly, why did Suicune seem to acknowledge you before it fled?!"

Knuckles remained silent.

"I can't answer those questions. Because I myself don't know why or how they were down there. As for what you call acknowledgement from Suicune… we just locked eyes momentarily. How is that acknowledgement?"

Eusine couldn't help but feel Knuckles wasn't telling him everything.

"Your touch literally freed Suicune and the others from those forms. I know you're not telling us everything".

Knuckles had started becoming annoyed with him.

"You're right. I am not telling you everything".

Sonic and Tails looked at him as they gasped. Was he really lying the whole time? Ash and his friends were also waiting holding their breath in anxiety.

"I'm telling you only everything I know" Knuckles said in the end disappointing everyone who was expecting some grand reveal.

But both Sonic and Tails knew that he really was not telling them everything; he wasn't telling them about the symbol. Or at least his suspicions about it.

"It still doesn't add up entirely" Morty suddenly spoke agreeing with Eusine albeit with less aggression in his voice "One day you arrive in town and the next day you unlock a 40-year old mystery that no one in the Johto region has even been able to even begin to unravel. What is so special about the three of you?"

"Sonic is…" Ash began to say but was stopped by Eusine.

"We know of your friend's title as the hero of Kanto kid. But that title is insignificant here" Eusine stopped Ash.

"Hey Sonic went through hell to earn that title!" Tails snapped at the apparent downplay of his friend's actions.

"We are aware of this" Morty reassured Tails "but Eusine also makes a valid point. Whatever caused the beasts to awaken from that statue form if that is indeed what happened, it couldn't have possibly had anything to do with your friend Sonic's title".

"But if not that then what?" Brock asked after being silent during the whole conversation.

No one answered. And it was understandable.

All they had was questions. And no answers for any of those questions.

Eventually the meeting was dismissed as it was painfully obvious all they would achieve was perpetuate the existing questions. Morty asked both Ash and Sonic's teams to not leave town for a couple more days in case anything new turned up. Both teams agreed though team Sonic was a tad bit annoyed that it had to come to this.

At the end of the day team Sonic once again found room at a pokemon center. Ash and his friends also found room at the same center. When both teams realized that they all converged in team Sonic's room to talk it over more. Knuckles ended up revealing what had led him to discovering and accidentally freeing the beasts. Brock then assumed Knuckles' parents had something to do with it. Not in an accusing way of course.

He further explained his theory that it was entirely possible Knuckles' parents had been approached by the beasts 40 years ago and asked for their help to go in hiding.

Throughout the explanation Knuckles was very uncomfortable, both dodging the questions about his parents and even shutting down the entire theory hard by stating it was not possible for his parents to have met the beasts since 40 years ago they would have both been around 5 years old.

The two teams continued conversing until late at night, during which time oddly, Pikachu didn't try at all to goad Raichu into a battle. Sonic guessed it and Ash were just similar in that regard. Ash being hyped to battle Sonic in turn hyped Pikachu into fighting Raichu.

Eventually the two teams called it a day. Team Sonic went to bed totally exhausted though one of their members couldn't get any sleep.

He wondered just how long it would be until he had to confess the truth to his two friends.

Chapter 55: Ecutreak city shenanigans part 3; Team Sonic on the run


Sonic and Raichu clash with the legendary Entei, before they along with Tails and Knuckles have a few run-ins with the police and Looker.

Chapter Text

"Pikachu thunderbolt!"

Pikachu unleashed thunderbolt as hard as it could. Ash was satisfied.

"Great now show me your quick attack. Strike heracross with everything you got!"

Pikachu obeyed and launched. Heracross was slammed so hard it was pushed back a few meters.

"Great job both if you" Ash congratulated his two pokemon "he won't stand a chance this time".

Brock and Misty, who was holding her togepi in her arms, observed his training.

"Should we remind him that the reason he got close to beating Sonic last time was because he was going against both Ash and Knuckles?" Misty asked Brock.

"I don't think it will make any meaningful difference" Brock surmised "at least he has the confidence to challenge Sonic again so soon".

Misty nodded as she petted togepi.

"Do you think Knuckles was hiding something yesterday?"

"Not sure" Brock said in deep thought "I believe that he was telling the truth when he told Morty he was keeping no secrets… but there is still something mysterious about him".

Misty nodded. She couldn't quite express the feeling but she felt as if Knuckles was indeed hiding a secret. And it also felt he was hiding it even from himself.

After another 3 minutes, Ash and his pokemon finished their training and packed up, heading back to town to find Sonic and his crew. A rematch was in order.

While this was trying place in the edge of the treeline west of Ecutreak city, Team Sonic was training on the south clearing one last time before returning to town to restock on supplies and set out for Olivine city. Tails was also training with his friends, as he had to start creating bonds with his pokemon as well as warming up to scyther, something that would take a while just like with Sonic and his Pinsir.

Eevee and butterfree had already begun warming up to Tails and sparred with Sonic's pokemon to get a simulated battle experience. Butterfree, although not the strongest, proved to be a rather annoying opponent with its confusion attack as well as stun spore. Eevee also grew in power at a rather quick pace which was to be expected due to its very adventurous nature.

Knuckles' team was also steadily growing in power, although not learning any new moves. Not that they needed new moves at this point in time.

Sonic's team was a similar case. His pokemon didn't learn any new moves but kept growing in power.

After wrapping up the training session they began to pack up to return to the city. There was a lot of silence amongst them.

The tension of the previous day was still very present. None of the three friends had fully digested the events yet.

"How long are we going to continue postponing the overdue discussion?" Sonic suddenly said.

"What overdue discussion?" Knuckles said as calmly as he could.

"Knuckles we awakened three legendary pokemon that have been in that statue form of slumber for 40 years!" Sonic said loudly borderline shouting "and it wasn't just your touch on Suicune's statue that caused it! When we came to your sides, Entei and Raikou were also awakened. It can't have been a coincidence! They were awakened because of our combined presence!"

"That doesn't make any sense Sonic and you know it".

"Then what is your opinion?" Sonic fired back obviously meaning "let's see you smartass".

"We have no opinion on this because we have no proof of anything regarding to the beasts Sonic" Tails tried to calm his friend down.

Sonic however hadn't revealed something.

"When they awakened… Entei looked straight at me. In the same way Moltres looked into my eyes every time we met".

"As if it was acknowledging you?" Tails guessed.

"Yes!" Sonic yelled in relief "but how did you know?"

"I had the exact same feeling. Raikou looked at me in the exact same way" Tails explained.

"That was also the case with me and Suicune" Knuckles admitted.

"It was?" Sonic exclaimed totally unprepared.

"Yes. Eusine wasn't entirely wrong in his assumption".

"But… this… I… how can any of this be?" Sonic muttered but got no response.

Team Sonic fell silent once again.

Was each one of them acknowledged by one of the three legendary beasts? And if that was the case why?

Why would the legendary beasts acknowledge them? Or more accurately how would they possibly know them to be worthy of acknowledgement when they were trapped as statues for 40 years, long before any of the three friends even existed?

With the three friends occupied by their deep thoughts, they were barely quick enough to dodge a flamethrower. Before they could even look at the direction the flamethrower came from, a familiar, ferocious roar filled the area.

"ENTEI!" Tails screamed.

Entei, with its majestic and glorious mane billowing in the calm wind, roared once again, this time at Sonic and Raichu. It then unleashed another flamethrower which Raichu was not quick enough to dodge.

Both Raichu and Sonic felt the searing heat engulf them. Entei's flamethrower was far more powerful than Sonic's Moltres' flamethrower.

Once the flames stopped coming g however, they immediately sprang into action.

"You want to fight Entei?! Raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu jumped towards Entei fist charged but Entei unleashed a powerful roar that pushed raichu back causing it to roll on the ground.

"Don't give up! Quick attack then brick break!"

Raichu sprang back up and with the speed of a bullet, slammed into Entei. Entei was barely phased but the fact that it was phased at all gave Sonic some confidence.

Raichu, having ricochetted from the attack, landed on its feet and jumped again, winding up its paw to use brick break.

Entei moved very fast, having its majestic mane absorb the attack. It then shook raichu off very easily. Raichu once again rolled on the ground.

Before either Sonic or Raichu could react, Entei was right in front of Raichu and momentarily stood on its back legs, preparing to use stomp Raichu down.

"NOOOO!" Sonic yelled as he felt energy gather into his body. He moved faster than Tails or Knuckles could have ever anticipated.

As Entei brought its huge paw down on Raichu, Sonic found himself holding the paw back, putting all of his strength into preventing the legendary Pokemon from hurting raichu like that.

Entei looked down on Sonic with a momentary look of deep impression. Sonic also met Entei's eyes at that very moment. The feeling of familiarity with this pokemon filled Sonic's entire being. But it was slightly different.

One thing felt obvious though; Sonic didn't know Entei. But Entei knew Sonic. And it was obvious Sonic was not ready yet. That Entei could tell.

Putting more force down, Entei overpowered Sonic resulting in both him and raichu being stomped down very hard.

That was the exact moment Ash and his friends chose to arrive.

Shocked beyond belief to see Sonic be utterly and literally crushed Ash immediately attacked.

"Pikachu use thunderbolt!"

Entei easily dodged the thunderbolt and fled the area. Its job here was done. It had to let its two brethren know that team Sonic was not ready and would need more time.

Ash, Misty, Brock immediately rushed to Sonic's side alongside Tails and Knuckles.

The two teams immediately rushed Sonic and Raichu to a Pokemon center to get the patched up. Along the way Ash demanded to know how they found Entei and how Sonic was momentarily overpowering it with his bare hands.

"It's just like I explained to you 2 days ago" Tails reminded him "Sonic and Raichu's bond connection empowers them. I wasn't kidding. Before you arrived Sonic moved like a blur to keep Entei from harming Raichu".

"But if that's the case how did Entei overpower him after all?" Misty inquired while togepi slept peacefully in her lap.

"Their bond is strong but when it comes to how long it has existed, it's still in its very early stage. It will develop more over time. Although we don't know if the bond boost can be actively triggered, Sonic could conceivably become as fast as a pokemon using quick attack or even extreme speed. And possibly even strong enough to go toe to toe with a Machamp".

Aah found that very hard to believe. He looked at Sonic laying down on the bed inside the healing room, Raichu by his side. Both were still without their senses from the stomp attack.

"As fast as extreme speed and as strong as a Machamp? Just who is he really?" Ash wondered. Sonic was just full of surprises, and apparently had only began to scratch the surface of those surprises.

Sonic and Raichu's confrontation with Entei as well as their hospitalization in the Pokemon center didn't go unnoticed throughout the city. Eusine arrived about an hour later and demanded to know all the details and if Suicune appeared alongside Entei. Knuckles assured him that Suicune didn't appear but expressed his curiosity as to why Eusine cared whether Suicune appeared. Eusine left without answering, merely requesting if they spotted Suicune they let him know.

"Sonic literally got stomped down and all this guy cares about is whether we saw Suicune?" Tails said in a disapproving disbelief.

Eventually Sonic and Raichu regained their consciousness and were healed just enough to be allowed to leave. Knuckles returned from shopping for the supplies for their trip just in time to see his recovering friend back to normal.

Leaving the Pokemon center however, they were met with a couple of guns pointed at them.

"Woah woah!" Sonic yelled raising his hands with Tails and Knuckles following suit. Thankfully Raichu was back in its pokeball cause it there was no way it would tolerate such an uncalled for action.

"Don't you move a muscle" the one of the two men aiming their weapons at them said in a somewhat pleased tone "we got you now, hero of Kanto".

"Team rocket?" Tails asked aloud before he could stop himself.

"No. We work with the police" the second man corrected Tails in an almost apologetic way.

"And what do you want from us?" Knuckles asked with a hint of fury in his voice.

Sonic on the other hand immediately realized the answer to the question as soon as that second guy mentioned they were working with the police. Looking at the first of the two, he took a guess.

"Detective Looker I assume?"

Looker was momentarily shocked by the fact that Sonic knew of him and wondered how it was possible that those three vigilantes could stay consistently one step ahead of the police. He however regained his composure almost immediately.

"Yes. And you're coming with us".

"What for?" Sonic asked to know.

"Assault on team rocket executive Proton and financial destruction of silph co".

Tails looked horrified. Had they in fact left clues at the slowpoke well? Knuckles cursed on the inside for allowing his emotions to get the better of him back then.

Sonic too was wondering on what grounds they could possibly arrest him. Keeping cool he spoke up.

"My actions in Kanto have been pardoned detective. You can't arrest me for that. As for the alleged assault you're talking about, we have absolutely no idea what you'referring to".

"We're not going to play 20 questions here. You will come with us to the station now".

At that exact moment a young girl and her oddish came out of the pokemon center and she screamed her lungs out when she saw the guns.

Looker and Morrison panicked as their arrest of team Sonic was not by the book. And to top it off, two international detectives frightening a little girl with guns wasn't a good look on either of them.

Immediately pointing the guns in the air, Morrison tried to comfort the little girl claiming everything was ok. And this momentary distraction was all team Sonic needed.

"GO GO GO!" Sonic yelled.

The three trainers ran off as fast as they could, with Looker and Morrison in pursuit.

"STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!" Looker's voice could be heard over their shoulders but neither of the three friends looked back.

Taking a sharp right turn into a crowded street, team Sonic hid into an alley to their right behind a dumpster. As Tails and Knuckles took deep, silent breaths to calm down, Sonic peeked over the side of the dumpster to see Looker and Morrison run past the alley, thinking team Sonic was trying to lose them in the crowd.

The team then went deeper into the alley before Tails went off.

"This is the worst possible development!" he said loudly but not loudly enough for his voice to reach the streets "pursued by the cops?! I'm too young to rot in jail!"

"Nobody's rotting in jail Tails. Not today anyway" Sonic assured his friend, sounding strangely calm and confident.

"Sonic, do you even understand the magnitude of this?" Tails asked him dumbfounded by his friend's lack of worry.

"Of course I do. But it's ok".

Knuckles wasn't one to panic but Sonic's statement was just reckless if not panic inducing.

"Sonic do you realize that we are wanted by the law?"

"No. Because we are not".

Tails looked at him as if he was insane.

"You're the one who yelled at us to go. Literally three times".

"I did. And what did our pursuers do?"

"They hunted us down" Knuckles responded.

"Indeed. But that action reveals more that you think".

Tails and Knuckles looked at each other and then back at Sonic.

"Riddle me this" Sonic said with a smile "why didn't they call for backup?"

Tails and Knuckles gasped.

"Holy cow you're right! It's standard procedure!" Tails said in realization.

"So wait" Knuckles asked "you're saying that we are not being pursued?"

"Yes that is exactly what I'm saying" Sonic smiled even more.

"But then why would these 2 guys pursue us? Who even are they? If they're not police, how did they know about the slowpoke well?" Tails rumbled on trying to make sense of it all.

"That is a good point" Knuckles agreed "for them to know about the slowpoke well, they have to be with the police. But if they are with the police why didn't they call for backup? Those are two major contradictions that just cannot add up".

"They were international police" Sonic told them "and one of the two was Looker, the detective Mr Pokemon suggested we meet up with".

"Wait so he's the lead detective in team rocket's Kanto case?" Knuckles asked confused "but then why didn't he bring more forces to arrest us? I mean if he suspects you… and also… the slowpoke well. He knew. And yet again he didn't call for backup… i'm so confused".

"It is a weird situation indeed" Sonic also agreed "at least without the required context".

"And how do you propose we find said context to make sense of the situation?" Tails asked him.

"That requires planning" Sonic said as the smile was wiped off his face "and us risking an actual breaking of the law to figure out what those two wanted. Or rather, how much they know".

"What are you thinking?" Knuckles asked hesitantly not liking where this was going.

"I'll give you one clue. The plan requires a rope and a crowbar. And a way to access the police station's vents".

Knuckles nodded without an ounce of agreeing.

"It's official. You've lost it".

"Breaking and entering? Into the police station?!" Tails almost screamed "if we aren't already wanted by the law you can bet your ass we will be after that!"

Sonic was caught by surprise at Tails cursing, he was usually a wall flower.

"Look" Sonic said seriously "I'm gonna be honest. I'm not entirely sure myself that we aren't actually wanted. This is why we need to do this. We need to know how we're going to go about our mission from now on. Which means we need to know what the police knows. And if necessary, destroy evidence on us".

Tails grabbed his head with his hands, feeling a little dizzy.

"Do you even realize we're talking like criminals right now?"

"I know. But there is no other way" Sonic concluded.

Knuckles nodded slowly. As dangerous as it was they needed to know what the police had on them, if they even had anything at all.

Tails argued once more then about the insanity of the idea, but relented.

For the rest of the day team Sonic found refuge in an abandoned building, laying low, waiting for the sun to set so they could execute their plan. Knuckles also went out and managed to find a crowbar to use to break into the vents.

After a long and painful day of patience, the sun finally set and team Sonic, under the cover of the night, slowly but steadily made their way to the building opposite the police station.

Jumping from building to building, they made it to the roof of the police station. Tying the rope to a pipe on the roof, Knuckles climbed down to the level of the vent and used the crowbar to open the hatch. There was a near miss when he almost dropped the hatch when he climbed back up to put it on the roof and help Tails and Sonic climb down.

The vents of the Ecutreak city Police Department were large for them to squeeze through but they had to be one behind the other. It was also very hot in there.

Regardless team Sonic started navigating the vents with Tails memorizing the turns to make sure they wouldn't get lost in the vents.

They passed over several rooms, including but not limited to the main lobby, an interrogation room where a man was interrogated for a supposed theft of a bike, over a cell corridor and finally made it to their target; the team rocket case room.

Once above there the three friends argued about who would go down there and look at the case facts and documents to get an idea of where they were in the police's radar.

In the end Sonic and Knuckles made Tails go down with the argument that since he was the lightest of the three, he would be the easiest to pull back up if there was a need to make a quick escape.

Tails objected heavily until he was tricked into tying the rope around his waist and thrown out of the vent by Knuckles. The latter made sure Tails wouldn't crash down by holding the rope firmly.

Tails, regaining his composure after the rush, touched down gently and started quietly pacing around the room looking for clues.

The first thing that attracted his attention was the huge bulletin board with all the pictures of the people involved in the case. There were pictures of Giovanni, pictures of his admins, Archer, Petrel and Ariana, abs many other known rockets including the iron masked marauder though still with his mask on.

The weirdest of all however about this board was that Sonic's picture was pinned in the middle. And worst of all it was a picture of all three of them.

"They got a picture of us from New Bark Town" he whispered in a panic to his friends in the vent.

"Ignore it" Sonic instructed him "they know our faces so it's pointless to take it. What else is there?"

Tails then made his way to the table with the case files. Most files were about team rocket's activities. However there were also several files on Sonic and Mike as well.

Tails quickly grabbed one of each and was relieved to find the police didn't have much on them. But what worried him was the amount of effort they were going through to get those files. As if pursuing Sonic was personal for Looker.

"They got files on Sonic and Mike" he whispered as quietly as he could "nothing major but do we leave them here?"

Sonic pondered about it and asked Tails what the files contained. Tails explained it was mostly reports of the police's investigation in Kanto but most of them were fruitless as the locals had refused to indulge information about Sonic after his heroic actions. Sonic relieved as well that the police didn't have any actual leads on them told Knuckles to pull Tails up, it was time to go.

When Knuckles started pulling Tails up however the door opened. Panicking he used so much force that Tails almost crashed into the ceiling and then ended up hanging upside down.

Sonic helped Knuckles stabilize Tails while silently shushing him. As Tails tried to his best to remain calm, they started pulling him closer to the hatch in order to get him back in when they heard Looker's voice.

"How is it possible that they escaped?!"

Sonic again brought his finger in front of his mouth to keep his friends quiet while they tried to time their efforts to pull Tails back in with the two detectives' phrases to cover any minor sounds they made.

"Looker please just relax. It was a stupid idea to try and catch them like that in the first place".

"We had one chance to make progress with the case and we kicked it!" Looker yelled punching a wall, hurting his hand. Undeterred he started pacing around the room.

"Looker even if we arrested them we would achieve nothing other than angering the locals. Sonic the hedgehog is a hero and after the recent re-emergence of the legendary beasts which presumably have acknowledged them upon awakening… arresting the hedgehog and his allies without any proof of their wrongdoing… it would be a suicidal move".

"Oh so we just let them roam free? Terrorizing team rocket?"

Sonic was perplexed. Why was Looker so sympathetic of team rocket?

"Looker had it not been for them we wouldn't have even ever known of the slowpoke well operation. Team rocket would have made off with the harvested slowpoke tails. If anything the hedgehog and his friends stopped them from gaining any momentum for the foreseeable future".

"What did I tell you about bringing your emotions to our work?"

"It's not emotions. It's a logical conclusion. Their ways are not by the book…"

"Exactly. A trio of vigilantes is making fools of us".

Sonic and Knuckles looked at each other in confusion. Was Looker after team Sonic out of spite?

"Is that what matters more to you Looker? More than the downfall of team rocket? You care more about bringing them down yourself?"

Looker took a deep breath.

"No. I care about bringing them down by the book. Giovanni and Sonic the hedgehog have been turned into mythical figures throughout Kanto, one because of the fear he spread throughout the region and the other for standing up to that fear. No one. I mean no one, not one person looks past them, to the damage they left behind after their clash".

Sonic felt a touch of guilt up in hearing why Looker was after him. That guilt caused him to loosen his grip on the rope.

Tails dropped a few centimeters, dangling like a Christmas ornament for the detectives to see. If their attention was to his direction that is.

Silently cursing at Sonic and telling him to get his shit together, Knuckles put his back into pulling Tails back up, pulling far enough up just quick enough for the detectives not to see him when they turned to that direction.

"Looker" Morrison began saying before momentarily stopping "I understand what you're saying. Really I do. But have you tried wondering how Sonic the hedgehog feels about that? About being seen as a mythical figure? As a hero?"

Looker observed his partner silent wondering where he was going with this.

"Him and that other kid fought against the mafia all on their own and beat them at the cost of the other kid's partner Jolteon. Can you imagine how that kid felt? How the hedgehog probably felt for failing to save it?"

Looker looked down in deep thought.

"Do you think the hedgehog views this as a necessary sacrifice for glory? That he even looks for glory in the first place?"

Looker couldn't disagree. He had personally interrogated many known associates of Sonic throughout Kanto during his investigation, including the gym leader Blaine and Elite Four Agatha. Both had only the best time say about Sonic. And of course both had refused to divulge any info about him.

"So let's let them be. They might not be by the book but they are clearly allies. Let's focus our efforts on finding Giovanni instead what do you say?" Morrison suggested.

Looker was ready to agree. His partner was actually making very valid points.

But then a bang was heard from above them.

Looking up both of them saw a leg disappear into the vent and its hatch close quickly behind it.

"Looks like we got company" Looker said in glea sure it was Sonic and his friends.

The bangs coming from the vents as team Sonic was making their escape confirmed his theory.

"I blew it I blew it I blew it!" Tails whispered over and over in panic as they quickly made their way to the hatch from where they entered from.

Quickly exiting the vents and jumping down instead if climbing down, they were faced with headlights of a police car waiting for them at the exit of the alley.

"RUN!" Sonic screamed.

And as if their legs had been set on fire, team Sonic fled the scene.

Looker exiting the station to see the three friends flee towards the west of the city opened his radio.

"Attention all units. We got 3 male suspects on the loose heading west of the city. Capture at all costs" he spoke into the radio before turning back to Morrison.

"Looks like your hero isn't as much an ally as you want to believe".

"Any lawyer can claim we are framing them Looker".

Looker's smile didn't waver but he knew Morrison was right. They had to capture them before they got too far away from the city. Otherwise they would be painted as the bad guys for pursuing them.

Team Sonic ran frantic through the curious crowd looking at them dash through them like lunatics. And even weirder was officers following shortly after.

After a good run, the three friends stopped in the midst the dark trees to catch the breath.

"Well…" Sonic began saying trying to be positive "on the bright side, now we know they have no real reason to chase us"

"We're not out of the woods yet Sonic" Tails berated him "we need to make sure we lost them".

"Come on. There is no way they have followed us this far" Knuckles patted him on the back sure they had escaped.

That was until another headlight pierced the darkness pointed at them through the trees.

"You had to go and jinx it didn't you?!" Tails shouted as they again started running.

The chase was on and was very real. For a moment too, Sonic was sure he had heard growls of growlithes and another growl he didn't recognize.

The police was coming hard for them.

"Guys I think they've let the dogs out" Sonic managed to say after jumping over a bush.

"Now's not the time for jokes Sonic!" Tails shouted over his shoulder.

"Don't worry guys" Knuckles shouted to keep them focused "we will lose them eventually. The trees will cover us".

At that very moment the treeline suddenly ended leaving only open fields ahead.

"Knuckles" Tails managed to say as they coughed from all the running "do me a favor and don't say another word please".

"How do we lose them now?" Sonic asked while looking around frantic.

Knuckles looked around a bit calmer and saw it; a small wooden bridge over a wide trench used for watering the crops.

"There! That bridge!" Knuckles said excitedly "it's the official border between the city region of Ecutreak and the fields! We cross it, they have no choice but to abandon pursuit, lest they turn the whole Johto region against them!"

"Let's go!" Sonic yelled as searchlights could be seen waving through the woods looking got them.

Team Sonic dashed like there was no tomorrow towards the bridge. The police walked out the woods and saw them heading for the bridge.

Looker screamed that they stop them. He then screamed the same thing into his radio.

A chopper then appeared over the woods. Attached to it by a chain was a wrecking ball, heading straight for the bridge.

"GO GO GO GO GO!" Knuckles screamed at his friends as he made it to the bridge and crossed it.

Tails was the next to cross it.

"Sonic come quick!" he said momentarily stopping and looking back at his friend who was essentially racing the chopper.

Sonic however had started becoming exhausted. His fight with Entei and subsequent short hospitalization and right after that their daring breaking and entering into the police headquarters had started draining him.

He tripped.

As he rolled on the ground, he looked up to see the chopper destroy the bridge with the wrecking ball seperating him from his friends.

Thinking fast he took of the belt containing his pokeballs and threw them as hard as he could on the other side. Tails caught them in question.

"Get out of here!" Sonic called out to his friends before turning to face the police.

Detective Looker came out from the formed wall of officers. A smile of triumph was sketched on his face.

"End of the line hero".

Sonic gritted his teeth.

"Why are you doing this detective? We're all on the same side here".

"Wrong. You are on your side and I'm on the side of the law. You're coming with us and you are going to help us find and stop Giovanni. You will then be tried for causing the financial collapse of silph co".

Sonic looked over his shoulder. His friends had not escaped yet. But Looker seemed focused only on him. That was good for them. But his friends would have to finish the mission if he didn't manage to talk his way out.

There was a huge chance he wasn't coming out of this alive.

"Detective I had to do what I did. If I didn't team rocket would have just lived to fight another day and win".

"If you're going to lie to an international detective who has been finding reasons to pursue you for weeks, you should at least actually try to" Looker answered not believing Sonic.

"Team rocket was developing a weapon at silph co. Or rather a tool that would allow them to use their real weapon. The master ball. The ultimate pokeball powerful enough to capture any pokemon. Including legendary pokemon".

Looker smiled mockingly still not believing Sonic.

"Where's your evidence then? Oh wait you destroyed it".

"I had no other choice. The master ball was too dangerous to exist. I had to erase all evidence of its existence, digital and material".

"Material?" Looker repeated caught off guard "what do you mean material?"

Sonic cursed inside his head. He didn't want to reveal this info but now he had no choice.

"The president of silph co tried to entrust me with the prototype master ball. I broke it to destroy it for good".

Looker couldn't believe his ears. Still…

"So I take it you surrender?"


"The master ball, if it really existed as you claim, was not legally yours to destroy. You just confessed to destroying a completely legally created corporation product entirely" Looked raising his gun targeting Sonic.

"Come quietly or we will open fire".

Sonic raising his hands looked back for a moment, sizing the trench as best he could. If he pretended to surrender he could try to get enough momentum to jump over to his friends.

"If they don't get me with their bullets that is" he thought grimly.

"Ok detective. I'm coming slowly. Just don't shoot".

He started taking slow steps towards the line of cops.

"Sonic don't be an idiot! Your Pokemon need you! Raichu needs you!" Tails called out to him.

Sonic resisted the urge to turn and tell them it would be ok. He had to try and make this work.

"Come faster" Looker egged him on eager to place the hero of Kanto in handcuffs.

Sonic slightly sped up. This small increase in walking speed gave him an idea.

Just as he was about to be grabbed by an officer, he pushed him back and kicked dust into the faces of the officers. He then sprinted towards the trench.

"So be it" Looker said disappointed "Fire!"

At that moment a powerful flamethrower which came out of nowhere, created a huge wall of fire between them and the running Sonic.

"Fire!" Looker yelled, this time out of fear for the wall of fire in front of them.

Sonic didn't register the sudden appearence of the wall of flames as he jumped with all his remaining energy over the trench, landing roughly next to Tails and Knuckles.

Looker observed Sonic jump over the trench. He was now legally outside of Ecutreak city but he wasn't just about to let them escape.

"After them!" he ordered.

The police immediately rushed through the now smaller flames and started climbing down the trench planning to climb to the other side and capture team Sonic.

When several officers reached the bottom of the trench and were about to cross it and start climbing the other wall, they all felt the trench rumble. Looking to their left they saw a huge wave of water coming towards them.

Screaming in fear the officers tried to run away, climb out of the trench on either side. Very few made it out before the wave swallowed them and took them away from the scene. Sonic hoping whatever had caused that flood didn't kill those officers, ran away with Tails and Knuckles following.

The chopper was also following, and it had released the wrecking ball to be able to keep up with them and keep the searchlight on them.

"Sonic how do we outrun a chopper?" Knuckles asked as they sprinted through the fields.

Before Sonic could answer a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, striking the chopper and destroying 3 of its rotors as well as its tail being seperated from it. The pilot bailed and used a parachute to survive as the chopper crash landed, creating a fireball that illuminated the night. As team Sonic observed the flames while trying to make sense of what happened, Sonic caught a slow movement with the side of his eye. Turning, he witnessed a scene of true awe.

On a small hill nearby stood Entei, Raikou and Suicune observing their work.

"Guys…" Sonic muttered.

Tails and Knuckles also looked towards the legendary pokemon. Realization hit team Sonic as they figured that Entei created that wall of flames to slow down the police, Suicune flooded the trench to stop their pursuers and Raikou brought the chopper down.

The legendary beasts took notice of team Sonic looking at them. The pairs that had locked eyes at burned tower locked eyes again for a moment that felt like eternity.

"Guys we have to go" Tails brought them back to reality "the authorities won't be far behind".

Sonic and Knuckles nodded.

The three friends then took one last look at the beasts.

"Thank you" Sonic shouted.

Entei nodded and fled.

"Thanks for the save" Tails also thanked them.

Raikou roared as if it was saying any time and fled as well.

Now there was only Knuckles and Suicune. The two locked eyes silently as if no words had to be exchanged.

"See you around Suicune" Knuckles said in the end.

Suicune remained still for a while with its mane and the ribbons protruding from its back billowing to the night breeze. Knuckles thought he saw the edges of Suicune's mouth move slightly upward though he was sure it was just his mind playing tricks because of all the shadows created by the fireball. Suicune then turned around and jumped high into the air majestically, still looking down at team Sonic before it disappeared into the night.

Team Sonic also took their leave from the scene heading west. The path forward would take a long while now. But that was all the better with Ecutreak city now off limits to them for a while.

Chapter 56: Special chapter; Spell of the unown


When young Molly Hale unleashes a mysterious power, following the disappearence of her father Spencer Hale, Ash and co. join up with team Sonic to save her. Along the way, Sonic learns about Knuckles' motivations to help Molly, proving why the echidna is the only one who can resolve the incident peacefully.

Chapter Text

It was a nice warn day in the small Johto town if Greenfield. People were walking the streets as usual, talking gently to their friends and acquaintances. Pokemon were running around town, playing and looking for something to eat, like berries from one of the many trees found in the many beautiful gardens of Greenfield.

On one of the many streets of Greenfield, teeming with life walked a father with his young daughter, no more than 5 years old.

"It is such a nice day today" the father thought smiling while holding his daughter's hand.

"Good morning professor Hale. And good morning to you to little Molly" the gentle voice of the town baker, mrs Carter greeted them.

"Good morning mrs Carter" professor Spencer Hale greeted her as well.

"Good morning" Molly said with a big, gentle smile on her face.

"Are you doing well today professor?"

"Just fine, thank you" professor Hale answered.

Mrs Carter then offered a cookie to Molly before she and her father continued their morning stroll through town.

While visiting the local park, professor Hale watched Molly play with a wild but friendly sentret. The smile and look of pure joy in his daughter's face gave the professor a feeling if pure happiness.

"If only you were here to witness this my love" he though thinking of his wife.

He looked at the sky as he recalled her. Lucy Katsuya Hale. His life's one true love.

Although painful he allowed his mind to take a trip down memory lane.

He remembered the day he met her, a young inexperienced archeologist in his group of researchers who studied the Pokemon known as unown. He remembered as her stunning beauty had him not paying attention to what his colleagues would say. To be more accurate she was the only thing he remembered from that day, though one weird last name from one of his colleagues from that day had stuck to his mind.

"The echidna" professor Hale thought "what a strange last name"

As their work progressed Spencer found himself less and less willing to continue rejecting his feelings for Lucy until he spontaneously asked her out and she accepted.

What followed was the best 8 years of his life. 5 of them living in his mansion with his wonderful wife. The other 3 were the first 3 years of their daughter Molly. Her arrival had completed their happiness.

Spencer and Lucy had of course continued their work on the unown but Lucy knew how to keep the balance between work and family, keeping Spencer balanced in his life.

But like all beautiful things it wasn't meant to last.

During the beginning of the 4th year as parents, Lucy disappeared. She had planned to take a trip to the ruins of alph to explore the catacombs. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. She knew the catacombs very well having traversed them countless times before.

But days passed and she no longer gave any life signs. Organized search teams sweeped the top to bottom but not one clue was found.

Lucy had disappeared from the face of the earth.

And Spencer of course took the news the hardest.

For the first 6 months he was almost entirely at the ruins of alph, traversing the catacombs himself. He couldn't believe his wife would just get lost.

He also didn't know what he feared more; not ever finding out what happened to her or finding out.

It was only at the beginning of the 7th month when he was about to leave for the ruins again, when he realized he had to let go.

Molly had begged him not to go. She was so young and although she couldn't quite comprehend the entirety of the situation, she could understand one thing.

Her mom wasn't coming home.

"Please don't go Papa" her innocent begging voice echoed through Spencer's mind in the present.

Spencer had realized in that very moment that there was no other way. Molly was the last part of Lucy remaining. And she was his little girl. All he had left in their world.

From that day forward, Spencer stopped actively researching the ruins of alph and had become a stay at home parent while also writing a book about the unown with all the facts he and his team had discovered through their research.

The book ended up becoming a best seller, allowing them to maintain the mansion and for Spencer to spend time with Molly. But on the back of his mind was always his missing wife.

When it was time to go home, Molly was sad to part ways with sentret.

"Papa I'm going to miss it" she had said, clearly saddened.

Spencer caressed Molly on the head.

"You and it will find each other again one day. You're friends now right?"

Molly managed to smile.


That same evening, back in the mansion, Molly was getting ready for bed.

"Papa can you read me a bedtime story?"

Spencer nodded his head smiling although his heart ached; bedtime stories were usually told to Molly by Lucy.

He picked up one of the books from the shelf titled Legends of Johto. The professor was at first planning to tell his daughter the story of Ho-oh and the beasts but at the last moment chose another legend. The stories of the unown.

Molly listened to the stories about the unown with great interest before asking what they were.

"They are legendary pokemon Molly".

"Legendary?" Molly asked fascinated.

"Yes. Very few people have actually seen them. They have been a great mystery for hundreds of years" Spencer explained "in this book, the artist imagined what some of them might look like".

"They are what you and mama have been looking for, right?"

"Yes we…" he stopped momentarily to regain his composure. Talking about Lucy even to Molly was an incredibly painful task.

"We have been searching for them for… for a long time now".

"This one looks funny".

"That is Entei. One of the three legendary Pokemon saved by the mighty Ho-oh after the fire. Entei is believed to have a connection to the unown".

Molly looked at the picture of the ferocious legendary beast.

"Entei looks a little scary to me" Molly admitted.

"But you like Entei. Entei's big and strong but still nice".

"Just like you Papa".

Spencer's heart was filled with warmth at his daughter's words. Especially after how hard Lucy's disappearance had affected them.

"I'm like Entei huh? Imagine that" he commented "well then I AM Entei!"

"You're Entei!" Molly said excited.

The two of them played for a few moments, with Spencer pretending to be Entei and Molly riding him.

Afterwards it was bedtime for Molly. Spencer covered her with the blanket and kissed her in the forehead.

"Goodnight sweetie".

"I love you Papa".

Spencer smiled.

"I love you too" he answered before closing the door.

Hale then made his way back to his room, intending to go to sleep as well.

Entering his room he was about to just lie down when he saw his open laptop on his desk. An email notification was beeping.

"It must be Skyler again. It's always him. Trying to get me back to action".

He went to turn off his laptop but stopped at the last second, wondering if there was any chance it was anything different like Skyler checking in to see if Spencer was ok.

"Professor. We found something. A new room under that supposed dome. A hidden chamber with many clues about the unown. I know you don't want any part in this but please. Come quickly".

Spencer was left stunned. A new chamber?

Was there still hope for Lucy?

Giving in, he quickly gathered his gear and went to Molly's room.

"Papa?" Molly asked him confused "is everything ok?"

Spencer looked at his daughter's cute face with a forced calm look. He didn't want to tell her that he was going. But on the other hand…

"I have to go for a while Molly".

"What? Why?"

"Just doing Skyler a small favor" Spencer lied. He didn't want his daughter to fear he would start chasing ghosts again "I'll be back very soon".

Molly remained silent for a few agonizing moments.

"I'm going to miss you papa".

"And I'll miss you my sweet angel. Keep me close in your dreams until I am back".

"Papa" Molly suddenly said. Spencer stopped.

"I love you".

Spencer smiled.

"I love you too. Pleasant dreams Molly".

Spencer headed for his car, still torn by his choice. Regardless he pressed on. He couldn't give up without trying.

Reaching the ruins of Alphs in the middle of the night he was met by Skyler who took him to the chamber's location. Apparently a group of young trainers accidentally brought the dome down a while ago, but that was verified earlier that same day.

"Here it is Professor" Skyler pointed to the inside of the chamber while also showing Spencer photos of the walls in the chamber.

"I've never seen markings like these" Spencer said skeptical "but they seem to be about the unown".

"Well if anybody can figure out what the scriptures say it's you" Skyler patted his boss and friend on the back "I'll go let the team know you are here and be right back".

"Good. Meet you soon" Spencer answered.

Skyler left and Spencer climbed down into the chamber. Approaching the walls of the Unown he began translating the scriptures while also looking around trying to locate any clue that his wife had been in that chamber. But nothing.

"Where are you Lucy?" he muttered as a tear ran down his cheek.

He felt a presence behind him. Turning around he saw what he had come here to find.

"Unown!" he said in awe but then realized he had a chance to know "where is my wife?!"

The unown suddenly began multiplying into many more unown all different from each other. The many newly arrived unown used their powers to open a portal. The portal then sucked Spencer in before he could process the situation or make any choice.

After completing their work, the unown disappeared. Right before Skyler returned.

"Alright professor. The team is on their… professor? Professor!"

News of Spencer Hale's disappearance in the exact same way as his wife spread like wildfire. By that same morning it had already reached Greenfield.

As Skyler was informing an officer who had come to Spencer's home to look for clues, the two saw Molly ran outside.

"Papa! Where is my Papa?!"

"Molly" the officer whispered in realization of what would transpire for Molly.

"I should tell her" Skyler said.

But Molly didn't need telling. It was obvious.

Running back inside she went up to her room and laid face down crying in her pillow.

She heard a sound coming from the door and thought it was Skyler coming to talk to her. She got up to confront him but saw a small box by the door. On it was a message from Spencer.

"Something to keep you entertained while I'm away" could be read.

Molly, her curiosity getting the better of her, opened the box. Inside where small tablets containing images of forms of the unown. With her emotions overwhelming her, Molly formed one word with the tablets.


Instantly the tablets sprang to life. The unown depicted started appearing and hovering around Molly who wasn't scared of them at all.

"Unown" she whispered in admiration "do you all want to play with me?"

The unown responded to her question by gathering together and unleashing a bright light. Molly turned away, blinded by the brightness.

From the light she heard her father's voice.

"I am like Entei, am I? Well then I AM Entei".

"Papa?" Molly called out still not looking "please come back".

From light emerged the towering figure of a pokemon. Huge. Four-legged. Ferocious-looking. But at the same time gentle.

The pokemon looked down at the little girl.

"Are you the one who called me here?"

Molly looked at the pokemon in absolute awe.

"Are you my…?"

"I am Entei".

"Papa! It's you!" Molly rushed with a look of pure joy, stuffing her face in Entei's chest fur.

"You look just like the Entei from the storybook but it is you! Papa!" she screamed in absolute bliss.

"Papa" Entei repeated slightly confused.

"Papa?" Molly looked up with a hint of fear in her voice over the small confusion in Entei's voice.

Entei met her eyes.

"If that is what you wish".

"I knew you'd be back Papa" Molly once again stuffed her face in Entei's fur, unaware of the power she had inadvertently unleashed swallowing the mansion and Greenfield turning them into a crystal dystopia.

The news of it spread like wildfire just like Spencer's disappearence but unlike those news, the latest ones reached the Kanto region. Soon enough the news had made its way to professor Oak's lab.

Mortified by what happened to his friend's house and worrying about him and his daughter, Oak called Delia Ketchum.

"Delia no time for pleasantries. It's our friend Spencer. Something horrible happened. We need to get to Greenfield ASAP".

Oak and Delia boarded a helicopter called by him and took off for John. Unaware that two groups of heroes were on their way to Greenfield at the same time as them.

One of those groups was in a particularly good mood that day. Especially after their successful escape from Ecutreak city.

"Ahahaha! Did you see their faces when they tried to cross the trench?" Tails asked Sonic while laughing.

"Yeah" Sonic responded smiling "they never saw it coming. And Suicune. Wow. Total savage. Waited for them to get in to sweep them away".

"Raikou too was sick. Bringing down that helicopter. It was like they had no regard for life" Tails joked. He didn't really believe the beasts would kill those officers back there but their assault on them was pretty funny from their current point of view.

"What do think Knuckles? Was it sick?" Sonic turned to his other friend.

The lightheadidness that was spread amongst team Sonic hadn't been spread to Knuckles. He looked down and saddened.

"Knuckles? Everything ok?"

Knuckles didn't respond.

"Hey Knuckles" Sonic took him from the shoulder.

"What?" a defeated and pessimistic voice answered.

Sonic and Tails were both taken aback. Knuckles wasn't impervious to sadness but for his mood to shift so drastically from last night… that was just a huge red flag that something was wrong.

"We're just… wondering why you're so down all of a sudden" Tails explained.

"Don't I have the right to be down if I feel like down?"

Sonic was now really concerned.

"Of course you do. But that sudden change mood is worrying us".

"Walk it off. I'm fine".

Sonic and Tails looked at each other in concern. Such a level of an abrupt answer was the polar opposite of who they knew to be Knuckles.

Knuckles realized the same fact at the same time.

"Hey. Sorry for that. I'm just not feeling it today. It will pass but I want you to respect how I feel right now".

Sonic was momentary torn between pressing the matter and letting it go. He chose the latter path after a few moments as he knew Knuckles wouldn't talk unless he wanted to.

"We understand" Sonic said in the end "if you need to talk we're here. Do me just this favor and don't forget it you Knucklehead" he patted his friend on the back.

Knuckles smiled faintly.

"We're arriving at Greenfield soon. Maybe we should take a walk around town since we're here, the gardens here are said to be small paradises. Who knows it could help lift your mood" Tails chimed in.

Knuckles doubted it would but wouldn't say no to such a chance.

He had suffered for so long on this very day every year.

Maybe today would make a difference.

The three friends climbed up the hill behind which was Greenfield. When they reached the top they were shocked.

The whole area had been covered in a blue crystallized matter. And the source of that weird terraforming phenomenon seemed to be the huge crystal shaped palace in the middle of town.

"What happened here?" Sonic wondered aloud, shaken.

"It looks like the whole place was terraformed. But that's impossible. Such technology should be tens of years away from being fully and successfully developed" Tails answered.

"Let's go find out" Knuckles said immediately walking down the hill. Tails and Sonic were quick to follow.

Team Sonic made their way for a small group of people on the edge of the crystal field. Apparently there was something really big going on.

While walking through the crowd trying to make sense what was going on a familiar voice called out to them.

"Sonic! Knuckles!"

It was Ash.

All three turned to meet the Pallet town trainer who approached them in a rush.

"Boy am I glad to see you guys. We could use your help".

Both Sonic and Knuckles were already taken aback by Ash not only not being savage as usual but immediately asking for their help?

Something really really big was going on here.

"What happened here?" Sonic asked Ash.

"Follow me. Professor Oak will fill you in".

Team Sonic followed Ash. Tails was at first annoyed that Ash didn't even acknowledge him, as if unless you're his rival he won't even remember you.

That frustration was immediately shoved aside when Tails realized he had an idea to meet the famous professor Oak. He had been wanting to consult a professional on pokemon for their findings on Sonic and Raichu's bond connection.

Ash quickly led the three friends to his group, consisting of Professor Oak, Ash's mother Delia, Misty, Brock and Lisa who unbeknown to everyone was the same trainer Sonic's Bayleef had met the day it ran away from Sonic.

The groups said hello for a few moments and introduced each other to each other until Oak decided it was time to get back on track.

"We're dealing with a very dire situation here. That" he said pointing to the crystal castle "was the home of my old student and good friend professor Spencer Hale. He was reported missing earlier today. But beyond that… his young daughter Molly is apparently trapped inside. We are organizing an operation to get her out. And we're going to need all the help we can get".

"Wait so all this just came out of nowhere?" Sonic asked Oak in total disbelief.

"Indeed. We don't know what the trigger was but one thing is for certain. Molly needs our help. Especially after Spencer's disappearance".

"What about Molly's mother?" Knuckles suddenly asked.

"She has been missing too. For 2 years" Delia explained saddened. She and Lucy were just as good friends as Oak and Spencer were.

"What?!" Knuckles almost screamed "so Molly… Molly's… an orphan now?"

"I'm afraid so" Oak said in a serious tone, closing his eyes "and she is so young too. Only 5 years old".

Knuckles shifted his gaze to the huge crystal castle. Sonic observed his friend carefully. He looked like he felt as if he had been hit by a truck.

Ever since beginning their common journey through Johto, there had been moments when Knuckles was inconsistent. Perhaps today they would get to the bottom of those inconsistencies.

"We'll help you get her out, I promise" Knuckles immediately declared without even asking Sonic and Tails if they agreed.

Both of them did agree of course but the fact that he didn't even think to ask them if they did, even at least saying a "right guys?" just seemed out of character.

"We will help professor" Sonic said in the end "what's the plan?"

"First thing we need to do is find a way inside. For that purpose we will need…"

Suddenly Pikachu's ears perked up as if they were hearing a distant sound. Raichu also came out of its pokeball looking around nervous.

"What's the matter Pikachu?" Ash asked it.

"Raichu you ok?" Sonic asked his partner as well.

Strong, heavy and quick footsteps, clearly belonging to something big were felt, making the ground slightly rumble. A huge pokemon appeared out from behind the house they currently in front of. Sonic immediately recognized it.


"What is that?" Oak asked in shock and awe.

"A legendary pokemon. Sonic and his friends freed it and its two brethren pokemon from Ecutreak city's burned tower two days ago" Brock quickly explained "it stomped Sonic and Raichu down bad".

"Are you back for a rematch Entei?!" Sonic asked nervously. Despite his desire to fight Entei again, its strength was plainly terrifying.

"No. I have come for you!" Entei answered referring to Delia.

"It talks?!" Tails yelled in shock. Just how many pokemon in this world could talk? First team rocket's meowth, then Mewtwo, then Lugia and now Entei?

"For my mom?!" Ash asked Entei angry.

Entei didn't answer. Using the power of the unown it transferred to Delia's mind the memory of itself and Molly watching the operation unfold from inside the castle from Molly's TV. Molly had seen Ash hug Delia and call her mom.

"You're… Mama" she had whispered watching. Entei immediately set out to fulfill her wish.

The full memory played in Delia's mind putting her in a trance.

"Take me to her" Delia said in a calm manner and an emotionless face shocking everyone.

"It must be controlling her mind!" Tails surmised.

"Raichu! Break that mind control! Thunder punch!" Sonic ordered.

Raichu jumped charging its paw to land the punch. Entei roared loudly.

Sonic was hit with a feeling if deja vu. Entei would just flick raichu away.

Except it didn't.

The roar slowed down Raichu a little but the attack still got through knocking Entei back.

"What?" Sonic muttered caught off guard by this.

Taking advantage of his momentary lack of focus, Entei slammed into Raichu, sending it crashing into the wall and soon after it, Pikachu followed. Ash and Sonic looked on helpless as Entei approached Delia before they could even move.

"Take me to my child" she said before collapsing on its back and then Entei fled towards the castle.

"Mom!" Ash called out in despair.

Sonic knelt down trying to cope with the crazy development when he noticed something weird; wherever the fleeing Entei stepped before it reached the territory covered in crystal, crystal was formed under its paws. As if it couldn't step on regular ground.

Ash tried to chase after Entei only to be held back by Brock and Knuckles.

"Let me go! I can't let them get away!"

"Ash you don't know what's out there!" Brock warned him.

All of them stood helpless and watched as Entei disappeared into the crystal field heading for the castle.

Ash stopped fighting and knelt once they were out of sight.

"She's gone… I couldn't save her…"

Sonic looked at Ash, his eyes widening. It was just like looking at himself after the battle at silph co. After Jolty's death.

Entei raced through the castle with Delia on its back until it reached Molly's bedroom. Molly looked at it in excitement.

"I have brought you what you wished for" Entei said as Delia gently got off it, her eyes still revealing she was entranced.

"Mama?" Molly asked hesitantly. When Delia's eyes turned to Molly she ran into her embrace.


"You called me Mama?"

"Yeah and I'm Molly, remember?"

"Molly" Delia repeated without any color in her voice. Molly wasn't bothered by this.

"Thank you Papa. Can we all stay here forever?"

"If that is what you wish".

Molly felt complete. Her Papa was still with her and now she had a Mama too.

The unown sensed her joy and started transforming the inside of the palace.

"Your world is growing bigger" Entei commented.

"It's so pretty Papa" Molly said, her ears sparkling with joy as she saw her house transforming into a magical world. Just for her and her parents.

"I am so happy Papa".

"And I am happy that you are happy" Entei answered sitting down next to the bed Molly and Delia were sitting at.

Back at the edge of the crystal field, everything had descended into chaos.

"Why did Entei take my mom?" Ash kept shouting angry but with no one to truly direct his anger at.

"I honestly can't explain it" Tails answered trying to make sense of it "Entei helped us last time. Why would it kidnap Mrs Ketchum now?"

"And how could it talk?" Brock also chimed in.

Oak closed his eyes in deep thought.

"There is a chance this Entei is not the same one that young Sonic fought".

"Huh?" everyone but Knuckles reacted in shock. The latter had his gaze fixed on the castle.

"In some legends the legendary beasts have connections to the legendary pokemon species known as unown. Professor Hale was actively researching them until his wife's disappearence 2 years ago. Now his disappearance, this giant crystal field and even Entei appearing? It just can't be a coincidence".

"So now we're dealing with a new foe?" Tails wondered aloud.

"It would be nice if the Entei we know came to assist" Sonic admitted.

"What does any of this matter?" Ash said angry "my mom is inside that place. Who we're fighting doesn't change that. So what do we do to get her out?"

"I've already arranged for a bulldozer to try and break through the crystal barriers" Oak explained.

On cue, the bulldozer started slowly moving towards the castle.

Halfway through the crystal field however Molly's voice echoed through the field.

"Go away! Leave us alone!"

Entei emerged again. Unleashing a powerful and weirdly colored flamethrower, he caused the bulldozer to topple due to the intensity of the flames. The driver was able to escape but sustained major burns when Entei fired another, normal flamethrower towards him.

Everyone of the heroes was shocked at Entei actually hurting someone like that. And in the next moment, Oak received an email.

Everyone gathered around his makeshift desk. The email contained a recording of Molly.

"Mama and Papa and me just want to stay by ourselves forever so please stay away. Everybody leave us alone".

"Molly! Molly!" Oak shouted at the computer thinking for a moment it was a live video call and not a recording.

Team Sonic, or at least just Tails and Sonic as Knuckles was still looking at the castle with a lost look on his face, looked at each other.

"Did she just say her mother and father were with her?" Sonic asked getting more confused every minute.

"But that can't be. They're both missing!" Misty answered instead of Tails.

Ash got up and started heading for the crystal field.

"Woah woah!" Sonic stopped him by getting in his way "where are you going?"

"I'm not going to wait around anymore. It's up to me to save mom now"

"Us Ash" Brock intervened "up to us. You're not going alone".

"We're coming with you" Misty also declared.

"And so am I" Knuckles suddenly spoke up shocking everyone.

"Knuckles?" Sonic looked at him confused.

"They need our help Sonic. That's why we're here right? We came to Johto to help right?"

Sonic of course knew Knuckles meant their mission to find and end team rocket.

But still… they?

It was as if Knuckles was inferring that Molly too needed saving. But at the same time she had just declared herself and Entei their opponents.

"Right. Then I'm coming too" Sonic declared.

"Same" Tails said ready to follow.

"No. I need you to stay outside and help us navigate once we're in Tails. We need eyes on the sky for this" Knuckles said without giving Tails room to argue back.

The inconsistencies just kept piling up. Why was Knuckles so take charge all of a sudden?

After having Tails cause a distraction, the two teams snuck out and entered the crystal field. Sonic urged them all to be constantly vigilant, just in case Entei jumped them.

A news broadcasting chopper that had been flying over the area ever since the emergence of the crystals spotted the 5 trainers heading towards the castle.

The reporter on it immediately started reporting.

"We are once again live over the scene of the crystal phenomenon shortly after the kidnapping of Mrs Delia Ketchum by a supposedly legendary pokemon. As you can see on the ground, 5 trainers are bravely heading towards the castle despite the total destruction of the bulldozer only moments ago. Wait a minute… we've just received intel that one of the 5 trainers is Sonic the hedgehog, the famous hero of the Kanto region. Rumors have circulated yesterday that he had a battle with the legendary pokemon that has kidnapped Mrs Ketchum. That is a hopeful development. I daresay it is a matter of time before Mrs Ketchum and young Molly Hale are safely extracted from the mansion".

Molly watched this from inside the mansion and was instantly filled with fear.

If that guy was a hero, why was he coming to separate her from her Mama and Papa?

Delia at the same time, seeing Ash on his way was able to snap out of her trance but seeing her predicament she decided to try and help them from the inside as much as she could and if not, at least keep Molly distracted.

The five trainers circled the mansion for a while until they found what they were looking for; an entrance into the mansion in the form of a tunnel water was exiting from.

"How can there be water coming from the inside?" Sonic wondered.

"Don't know, don't care we're going in to find my mom" Ash declared.

"Alright then here's the plan" Knuckles took charge again to then slight annoyance of Sonic "I will use my gear to climb to that opening. I will then throw a rope down and you will climb".

And before anyone could object Knuckles started climbing the wall by using his special gloves that were embedded with spikes on the knuckles to dig into the wall.

Climbing the wall in record time, he then threw the rope down. Ash immediately started climbing. Brock and Misty were quick to follow. Sonic was the last to climb.

Halfway through however Ash slipped and started sliding down towards Brock. They were now in danger of falling into Misty and Sonic.

"Knuckles!" Sonic called out "lower us down! Ash and Brock are ready to fall!"

A loud 'no way' was heard from the opening of the tunnel. Then suddenly a roar of determination and the four trainers were being pulled up.

Managing to climb into the tunnel, Ash and Brock leaned against the wall to calm down from the danger. Sonic walked past them to see Knuckles rubbing his right arm, obviously in pain from the massive effort.

"Knuckles you didn't have to force yourself. We could have just climbed from the start".

"No" Knuckles declared determined "we can't waste any time. They need our help".

They. He used the word they again instead of she. Sonic was now sure.

Knuckles wasn't here to get Ash's mother out.

He was here to get Molly out.

"But why? Why is he so personally invested into saving her?" Sonic thought.

After everyone was ready, the group walked through the tunnel unaware that team rocket, more specifically the three idiots of Jessie, James and Meowth were attempting to follow them only to be brutally sent down to the mansion's ground level floor by Entei.

After a short walk of 10 minutes in total silence, the heroes used a combination of Ash's bulbasaur and chikorita, Sonic's Raichu and Knuckles' Quilava to cut open a way into the mansion.

They found themselves into the mansion's entry Hall. Tens of unown were located there, creating a huge orb of light while revolving around it. It was like a huge atom with the unown acting as the electrons.

Deciding it would be best to leave the unown alone for the time being as finding Delia and Molly was more important at the moment, the two teams prepared to traverse the mansion. Sonic called Tails on a walkie talkie they got before departing.

"Tails do you read me?"

"Loud and clear blue leader".

"We have successfully infiltrated the mansion. We're in the main hall. I need you to guide us towards…" he stopped.

Where would Molly be?

"Towards Molly's room" Knuckles snatched the walkie talkie from Sonic's hand "Molly is there guaranteed".

"Huh… ok. Take the stairs, then third door to your right is Molly's room".

"Thanks Tails" Sonic said taking the walkie talkie back "alright everyone. Molly is up the stairs, third door to the right. Brace yourselves. You know how strong Entei is and you saw what it did to me and Raichu. Be ready to engage at any moment".

Sending out Raichu he looked at it.

"Buddy it's time for a rematch with Entei. Are you up for it?"

"Rai rai!"

"Pika pi!" Pikachu cried out as the two electric types nodded at each other.

Upstairs in Molly's room she could see through her father's laptop which was connected to the tv, through the mansion's surveillance system, the infiltrators making their way through the mansion.

"Is that a Pikachu on this boy's shoulder?"

"Yes" Entei verified "and the orange one next to the blue one is Raichu, Pikachu's evolved form".

Molly, momentarily forgetting that Sonic could be a problem for her dream world, allowed herself to imagine having pokemon.

"I wish I was a trainer like them".

"You can be".

"I can Papa? Even though I'm not old enough?"

"If that is what you wish, then yes".

The two teams made their way to the designated door. Sonic who was taking the lead, kicked the door open and immediately lost balance as he noticed an eternity of black except for hundreds of white unsupported floating stairs leading to a higher floor.

Knuckles grabbed Sonic and pulled him back to make sure he wouldn't fall over.

"What in the… echo!" Sonic screamed testing to see how far that abyss stretched.

No echo could be heard though.

"Rules of physics may not apply here" Knuckles explained "especially if all this is created by the unown".

Sonic nodded.

"Now what?" Ash asked them.

"Give me a sec" Sonic took out the walkie talkie.

"Tails we got a problem. Castle has been magically changed from the inside. The unown have thrown the laws of physics out the window. Can you get me any clue as to where we can find Molly?"

Turning around to let the others know of Tails' directions once he had them, he found himself alone.

Knuckles must have convinced Ash and his friends to take a leap of faith and walk up the stairs.

"Damnit. Got to go. Looks like we'll sweep the mansion top to bottom, I'll keep in touch" Sonic said and started racing up the stairs.

While Sonic was at the foot of the stairs, Knuckles and Ash's group had reached the top and found themselves in a field full of flowers along with a pink sky. In the distant a second set of stairs awaited.

"Looks like there's more floors" Knuckles surmised "we take a breath then move on".

Ash's group agreed.

Next moment, Entei appeared roaring majestically. A young woman was riding it.

"Entei" Knuckles muttered. Leaving Sonic behind was a dumb idea after all.

"Hello" the young woman said dismounting Entei "you are pokemon trainers aren't you?"

Ash wasn't in the mood for small talk.

"Entei! What did you do with my mother?!"

"Then let's have a battle" the young woman suggested undeterred.

"Don't change the subject! Where is mother?"

"You're no fun".

"Entei answer the question! You took mother where is she?!"

"There's no Entei. There's only my Papa, my Mama and me".

"Yes" Entei also confirmed.

"You liar! Where is she?!"

At that moment Sonic arrived at the scene. Raichu and Entei locked eyes and growled at each other.

"You" the woman said with a hint of anxiety "you're here to take my Mama away aren't you?"

"Your Mama? Who are you?" Sonic asked confused.

"Wait" Brock intervened "by any chance would your name be Molly? ".

"Yes, I am Molly Hale".

Sonic felt like a bullet train had hit him. That was impossible.

"Don't lie to us" he said "professor Oak said Molly Hale is 5 years old. You can't possibly be one and the same".

Knuckles on the other hand took the info in from a different perspective. The presence of the unown on the main hall could indicate what was going on here. There was indeed a way that woman could be Molly. And if that was the case he knew what they had to do. But first they would have to reach the real Molly to confirm his suspicion.

"Sonic I don't think she is lying. She really is Molly" he told his friend without an ounce of hesitation.

Sonic was ready to start arguing but then looked back at Entei that seemed ready to make a move on them.

"You are going to leave this place now" Molly declared at Sonic.

"Make me" Sonic fired back.

"Rai!" Raichu growled.

Entei was about to pounce before Brock made a suggestion.

"Molly you said you want a battle right? Are you aware of the gym challenge?"


"Sonic completed Kanto's challenge and won the tournament. I am a gym leader myself. What do you say you prove to me first you are capable of fighting Sonic? Beat me and you can fight him fair and square".

Molly worried that allowing Sonic to proceed would risk it all but Entei nodded to her that it would be ok. Molly accepted Brock's challenge and Brock encouraged Ash, Misty, Knuckles and Sonic to go on without him.

The four remaining trainers raced for the stairs to the next floor. Right before taking the first step, Sonic looked back at Brock and Molly's battle. It had only just began and Brock wasn't doing well.

Wasting no more time he followed the others upstairs, this time reaching an underwater environment. Once again stopping to catch their breath, Sonic cornered Knuckles.

"You got some explaining to do pal. What's with you since this morning?"


"That's bullshit and you know it! What are you not telling me? Why are you so eager to find Molly?!"

"How do you know?"

"You kept saying they need our help. And you have been taking action without asking mine or Tails' opinion. That's not teamwork".

"You… you won't understand".

"I won't as long as you don't tell me. We're supposed to be a team. So why don't you just tell me?"

Knuckles seemed ready to answer before Entei appeared again with the adult Molly.

Brock had lost.

"I beat your friend. Your turn blue".

"The name's Sonic. And I'm not leaving this madness without Ash's mother".

"You're not taking Mama!" Molly yelled and took out a crystal pokeball.

Sonic was about to jump into battle until Misty stopped him.

"Let me battle Molly".

Sonic hesitated.

"You won't win".

"I don't have to win. The time I can buy you is enough".

Sonic remembered saying those exact same words when he freed Mewtwo. Nodding he urged Ash and Knuckles forward.

The three rivals raced up the stairs. Sonic got a call on the walkie talkie from Tails.

"Blue leader this is yellow sky! I have eyes on the castle. Professor oak brought heat detectors. You're approaching the target".

"Right on time as always Tails".

Tails on the outside smiled until something bizzare happened. There were only a few stairs separating them from Molly and Delia but in a moment a whole new floor was created.

Arriving on said floor, they found themselves in a perfect replica of the stadium the indigo tournament took place at. Ash, having grown exhausted by the stairs knelt for a moment to catch his breath. Pikachu and raichu went to his side as Sonic cornered Knuckles again.

"Where were we? Oh yeah. You were about to tell me why this is so personal to you".

"We don't have time for this. Misty won't last long against Molly".

"Alright then. We're doing this the hard way" Sonic said going to stand between the stairs and Ash and Knuckles.

"We're not moving from this place until you come clean".

Knuckles tightened his fists. His face was suddenly a mask of pain. Ash didn't notice any of that being too busy catching his breath.

Knuckles started walking towards Sonic. The latter got ready for a fight.

Knuckles winded up his punch but stopped and dropped to his knees shaking uncontrollably.

"Knuckles?" Sonic knelt as well concerned for his friend.

Knuckles was crying. Sonic was truly shocked. He had never seen Knuckles yield to emotion that much.

"Knuckles whatever you're not telling me is eating you up inside isn't it?" Sonic guessed accurately "that's how it was for me not facing my own emotions of darkness back in Kanto. Please talk to me".

Knuckles met Sonic's eyes.

"I have to save Molly Sonic. She needs my help. I'm the only one who can save her".

"What do you mean the only one? We're all here for that same reason".

"No. You're here for Ash's mother and the whole crystal castle thing. I'm here because I'm the only one who understands even a fraction of what Molly is going through".

Sonic couldn't wrap his mind around this.

"How can you possibly understand a 5 year old girl who just lost the only parent that remained to her?"

Knuckles' eyes released more tears.

"Because I was exactly her age when both of my parents died!"

"What?!" Sonic backstepped in shock.

Of all the scenarios that had crossed his mind, that was not one of them.

"You mean… you're… "

"An orphan. Just like Molly".

"Why didn't you ever tell me or Tails?"

"I… it didn't matter back then. And I didn't want to seem weak".

Sonic could barely process what he was hearing anymore.

"Is this… connected to the reason you felt down today?"

"It's the reason I felt down today" Knuckles admitted "today… is the 10th anniversary of their deaths".

"Oh man… Knuckles I… " Sonic began saying but stopped.

Entei had appeared again. This time with a younger Molly.

Misty had lost too.

"Nowhere to run anymore blue".

Sonic stepped up.

"Go" he said over his shoulder to Ash and Knuckles.

"Are you sure?" Knuckles asked him.

"I am. Now go. You got somewhere to go right?"

Knuckles' mouth hung slightly open. He had never considered his friends would be there for him. All his life he had had to deal with this pain alone.

Even when he wasn't living alone yet.

Nodding in a thankful way, he and Ash left Sonic alone with Molly and Entei and raced to the last set of stairs.

Sonic watched then leave then turned to face Molly.

"Well… I'm all yours. Come get me".

"I finally have my Mama and my Papa with me. And I won't let you take that from me".

"Molly are you even listening to yourself?" Sonic asked her "you kidnapped another person's mother. That doesn't make her your mom".

"She is my Mama!" Molly insisted "right Papa?"

"If that is what you wish" Entei answered.

"Seems like the only way to end this is to defeat you. I will do what I must then" Sonic declared taking out Hitmontop's pokeball.

Molly and Sonic sent out a pokemon at the same time. Sonic sent out Hitmontop. Molly sent out a rhydon.

Rhydon brought back painful memories for Sonic. But that also made him wonder.

How did Molly have access to such a pokemon? Hell how was she able to change her appearance twice? She had battled Brock as a teenager and Misty as presumably the preteen he was looking at.

Hitmontop sparkled upon entering the field and its ability weakened rhydon in terms of strength.

"Rhydon use rock slide!" Molly went on the offensive immediately.

Rhydon unleashed a powerful rock slide. Sonic expected hitmontop to barely feel a thing, adding together the intimidate ability taking effect as well as the limited effectiveness of rock against fighting.

Hitmontop however was actually shoved back trying to hold the rock slide back. Sonic gritted his teeth.

That rhydon was stronger than a normal one. It now made sense that she had beaten Brock and Misty.

But Sonic was neither of them.

He was keeping the new move hitmontop had learnt during their training the previous day for a special occasion. And Molly definitely was one.

"Hitmontop rapid spin, then triple kick!"

Hitmontop jumped on its head and started spinning heading for rhydon.

"Rhydon use mega punch!"

Rhydon aimed to punch Hitmontop back hard but hitmontop blocked the punch and delivered three precise kicks on rhydon.

Rhydon was hurt so badly by the attack that it fainted, angering and scaring Molly.

Sonic wouldn't be as easy of an opponent as Misty and Brock were.

"Rhydon come back. You're up!"

The next opponent was a Pikachu. Sonic again felt something familiar about this Pikachu.

It reminded him a lot of Ash's Pikachu.

As if Molly was generating pokemon.

And somehow those pokemon came straight out of some of his most meaningful opponents.

"Can she read my thoughts? Or more accurately" he thought remembering how Entei had put Delia in that trance to kidnap her when it was not a psychic type "can this Entei read my thoughts?"

"Pikachu iron tail!"

Pikachu moved with incredible agility and speed. Now that hitmontop was already in battle, intimidate wouldn't affect Pikachu. Hitmontop was slammed hard while spinning, causing it to lose balance and roll a good distance away before fainting.

"You were perfect hitmontop" Sonic complimented it after he recalled it "get some rest now. Go wooper!

Wooper emerged. Pikachu was in a clear disadvantage here. Molly however didn't recall Pikachu.

"Pikachu thunderbolt!"

Pikachu unkeashed a thunderbolt. Wooper was immune to it so it didn't even blink.

"What? How can this… ? Papa is wooper a ground type?"

"Yes" Entei answered. It was sitting on the ground like the Sphinx, observing the battle with patience.

Sonic however was focused on something else.

Molly obviously didn't know about wooper's typing.

Whatever that power she had over the castle and the Pokemon she generated had, one thing was for certain.

This Molly wasn't real. The real one was probably where Ash and Knuckles were heading. This one must have been a fake created by Entei to allow Molly to experience battles.

In other words Sonic's opponent was an inexperienced 5 year old using very powerful pokemon.

"Power without control is not nearly as dangerous as it sounds" Sonic thought smiling.

"Wooper mud shot!"

Wooper unleashed a powerful mud shot, striking Pikachu head on. A regular Pikachu would have easily fainted but this one would require a few more hits to beat.

"Pikachu iron tail!"

Pikachu slammed its tail into wooper. The attack did some considerable damage to wooper but Sonic was pleased and relieved when it sprang back up ready to continue.

"Pikachu don't let up! Quick attack!"

"Wooper mud shot again!"

Pikachu was struck by the mud shot but was able to push through sending wooper flying. Wooper landed on its two feet, letting out an angry cry and beginning to glow.

"No way!" Sonic exclaimed. He had no idea when that was going to happen.

"Papa what's happening?" Molly asked Entei unnerved.

Wooper grew in size while glowing and then revealed its new form.

"It evolved" Entei said slightly amused "into quagsire".

"Quagsire" Sonic repeated "awesome! Let them have it! Mud shot!"

Quagsire unleashed a far stronger mud shot than it ever had as a wooper. Pikachu fainted right after.

"Papa how is he so strong?"

"Do not fear Molly. You will win if that is what you wish".

Sonic was getting annoyed by this constant quote. A wish alone couldn't possibly be enough to get her a win.

"Thanks Papa" Molly smiled sending out another pokemon.

Another electric type.

A Jolteon.

"Papa?" Molly asked confused "why does this one have a huge scar on its side?"

Sonic gasped and started whizzing, getting into a panic attack.

Molly had materialized Jolty.

"How… how dare you… use that against me" he muttered in anger as he took deep breaths to calm himself "Quagsire! Mud shot! Destroy that imposter!"

Quagsire obeyed and struck Jolty with all its might.

At that moment something bizzare happened. Jolty fainted from the strike and even weirder, Molly ordered it to dodge but it didn't.

Jolty's body then melted into a formless crystal-like liquid that started shaping into something else.

"Wait!" Sonic whispered in realization "if Molly really is using the aces of my strongest opponents… Giovanni, Ash and Mike… then… after Jolty died… Mike caught…"

He looked up and saw exactly what he feared; The crystal goo took the shape and colors of Zapdos.

"That's so cool" Molly exclaimed identifying Zapdos "a legendary pokemon is my friend! Let's show him Zapdos! Drill peck!"

Zapdos struck true. Quagsire didn't have a single chance to miss. Within an instant it collapsed.

Sonic gritted his teeth in frustration and anxiety. He would have to play it very carefully to win.

"Go! Bayleef!"


"Leech seed!"

Zapdos was seeded and had its energy drained.

"Zapdos thunderbolt!"

The legendary bird of thunder unleoits move on bayleef but its training with raichu the previous day allowed it to tank the attack and then regain some of its health back with leech seed.

"Bayleef! Poison powder!"

Bayleef poisoned Zapdos causing Molly to get angry and sad.

"Why are you doing this to my friend? Why are you here to make me sad?"

"You started this when you kidnapped Ash's mom! And I'm gonna finish it!"

"Zapdos drill peck!"

Sonic knew Bayleef wouldn't be able to dodge. Their only chance was to try to endure it.

"Bayleef! Synthesis!"

Bayleef started healing itself but Zapdos was just too strong. Bayleef fought to stand but collapsed as well.

Sonic approached it to make sure it was ok and to let it know it was ok and that its hard work wouldn't be in vain. Bayleef rubbed its head weakly against him and then was recalled. Sonic then looked at Molly and Zapdos which wasn't looking so well.

Bayleef had done its job. Zapdos was one hit away from fainting. And Molly had yet to experience their true power.

"Raichu! Time to end this!"

"Rai rai!" raichy cried out as it prepared to attack.

"Zapdos use thunder!"

Molly was so focused on beating Sonic that she didn't even realize throughout their battle that those pokemon were ones he had fought before. There was no way he was losing against them now.

"Quick attack! Then thunder punch!"

Raichu moved like a blur before the thunder from Zapdos connected. Before either it or Molly could react, Raichu had slammed into Zapdos and having perfected agile movements, struck a devastating thunder punch causing Zapdos to plummet and faint.

Molly had lost.

"It's over Molly. I win! Now let go of Ash's mom!"

"No! You won't take Mama away! Papa! Teach him a lesson!"

"With pleasure!" Entei roared as it pounced on Raichu while the illusion Zapdos disappeared.

Raichu dodged Entei's attack and stood against the beast, ready for the confrontation.

Meanwhile, Ash and Knuckles were only halfway there. That final set of stairs was the longest one. They were forced to stop twice to catch their breath.

"Do you think Sonic doing ok?" Ash asked Knuckles.

"Well Entei hasn't intercepted us yet. So I think he's doing ok. Let's not waste the time he's buying us through" Knuckles began running up the stairs again determined to save Molly.

"Raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu jumped towards Entei. The latter used flamethrower greatly harming Raichu as well as Sonic who felt the attack. Raichu'a attack connected as well, causing Molly to call out to Entei in fear if it was ok.

Entei immediately got back up and pounced on Raichu. It was going for a stomp.

"No not again!" Sonic thought but regardless moved to intercept the attack.

The attack came down on raichu but once again Sonic found himself holding Entei down.

Both trainer and pokemon filling the surge of power inside their bodies, raichu got up and used its tail to help Sonic push Entei back.

Sonic was fully expecting Entei to suddenly apply more pressure and stomp them down just like the previous day. The pressure was indeed applied after a moment.

Unlike the previous day however, Sonic and raichu were now pushing back together. Sonic still expected Entei to overpower them albeit with some effort on its part.

But the complete opposite happened.

Letting out a battle cry, Sonic and raichu pushed Entei back, sending it flying for a few moments before it roughly crashed next to Molly.

"Papa no!"

Sonic was looking at his hands in shock. Their bond power had certainly been activated just now but even so they still shouldn't have possibly bested Entei. The parameters were exactly the same as the previous day.

This new fact confirmed Sonic's suspicion.

"You're not Entei" he said calmly.

Molly was helping Entei stand again when she heard Sonic make that statement.


"I don't know what this thing is that you call Papa but it's not Entei!"

"But… it is Entei. My Papa is Entei!"

"No way Molly! I have fought the real Entei! It crashed me and Raichu! Literally! But this one? Able to talk, to mind control Mrs Ketchum yet has to create crystal footprints to walk past all this… and now unable to overpower us when the real Entei was? I don't know what you are Entei but you are an imposter! And there is no way an imposter will win against us!"


Ash and Knuckles in the meantime barged in Molly's room, finding her sleeping and Delia by her side.


"Ash!" Delia said as Ash run into her hug.

Knuckles cautiously approached the sleeping Molly. It was definitely a 5 year old girl.

That confirmed his theory. The Molly that battled Brock, Misty and Sonic was an illusion. The real one was the sleeping girl in front of him. And yet…

"What kind of power has she control of that all of this was possible?"

Back in the indigo replica, Entei decided that it would have to play dirty to fulfill Molly's wish. Unleashing a flamethrower, it forced Sonic and Raichu to dodge. Using the power of the unown to shape the field, Entei essentially teleported them under his incoming stomp attack.

This time there was no blocking it.

Sonic and Raichu both collapsed.

Alakazam's eyes jolted open in a cave in the Kanto region. Its friends Mewtwo and Moltres witnessed it.

"Alakazam what is it?" Mewtwo asked before surmising the answer itself.

"Is Sonic in danger?"

Alakazam nodded.

Mewtwo immediately connected Alakazam and Sonic's minds to discover their location.

"Moltres he needs you. Johto region, Greenfield go!"

Moltres screeched and flew out of the cave in a flash.

"You win Molly" Entei declared as it believed the battle had ended.

Molly had some reservations about Entei harming Sonic and Raichu like that but nevertheless hugged Entei thanking it for allowing her to experience battling.

That was until the two of them heard a fist being slammed into the ground.

"No…" Sonic could be heard saying as be and Raichu were groaning and shaking trying to get back up.

"No Molly... You… you haven't won yet!" Sonic met Molly's eyes.

Both Molly and Entei were left with hanging jaws. How could those two still keep fighting after literally being stomped down?

Entei was prepared to pounce again until it felt through its power, Ash and Knuckles entering the room in which the real Molly was in.

Informing her of this, the preteen Molly disappeared into thin air while Entei disappeared into a portal.

Sonic and raichu watched it happen and realized Entei was heading to intercept Ash and Knuckles.

Channeling their connection, they summoned two bolts of lightning to temporarily rejuvenate them. Sonic recalled Raichu to rest and started racing up the stairs.

Back in Molly's room Knuckles had introduced himself to Delia and explained she and Ash had to get out. He would stay and try to reason with Molly. He also asked Delia if she had seen any unown in the room. Delia said that the only pokemon she had seen was the one that brought her to Molly which Knuckles also explained it wasn't the one he was referring to.

Knuckles' eyes then fell on a book on the drawer next to the bed. He asked Ash and Delia to wait. Picking up the book he opened it.

And he gasped. It was THAT legend.

The legend he had read on those walls in that chamber they had accidentally discovered in the ruins of alph. The legend spoke of the unown granting a wish fulfillment power if a sacrifice was made.

"Professor Hale disappeared searching for his wife… who disappeared searching for the unown… they accidentally became the sacrifice that gave Molly the power" he thought in realization.

"The unown made that Entei" he muttered.

"What?" Ash asked him confused.

"And terraformed this place into a crystal dystopia… all because of Molly's imagination".

"Oh dear" Delia said in shock.

"Mrs Ketchum wake her up. I know how to convince her to end this. And by all means be very very careful how you talk to her. She's in control of all of this".

Delia nodded after a while and gently woke up Molly, whose face seemed distorted by fear as at the exact same time she was witnessing Sonic and Raichu getting back up after being stomped down by Entei.

"Molly wake up" Delia said in a sweet voice.

Molly opened her eyes.

"I was dreaming Mama".

Delia didn't have the heart to do what she did next but they were running out of time.

"Molly sweetie please listen to me. I'm very sorry but I'm not your real mama".


"You'll have to know the truth sooner or later".

"Mama what are you saying?"

"I'm really Ash's mother".

Molly wore a look of confusion and betrayal.

"Don't you remember when we played together Molly? At professor Oak's lab?" Delia tried to remind her of when Molly and her parents had visited Pallet town in Kanto.

"I… I… "

"I can explain it all Molly but now we have to go".

"But why?"

Knuckles felt the floor rumble. Their time had just been reduced to seconds.

Either Sonic had lost or Entei retreated to come for them.

Delia realized the same thing.

"We have to leave now Molly please".

"I won't" Molly said looking down "I won't!" she suddenly screamed unleashing a power wave through her imagination that sent Delia to the wall.

"Mom!" Ash rushed to her side.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine" she reassured her son.

"Knucklehead we're leaving! You want to save her you're on your own" Ash called out to Knuckles.

Knuckles had no problem with that but before he had any chance to interact with Molly Entei emerged from a postal similar to the one it had used to escape Sonic.

"What is it Molly?"

"That boy is taking Mama away!"

Entei immediately slammed Ash, knocking him against the wall. It then forcibly returned Delia next to Molly.

"Leave her here and leave this place"

"I won't do that Entei! She's my mother!"

"Entei" Knuckles suddenly spoke up "please let me talk to Molly. Just talk I promise".

Entei sized Knuckles from top to bottom before choosing to ignore him and turn back to Ash.

"No. Now she's Molly's mother. Now leave this place before I make you leave!"

Knuckles tried to talk Entei down but Ash chose violence.

"Totodile I choose you!"

"Your blue friend couldn't defeat me! You think you can?!"

Ash and Knuckles were horrified. Ash however shook his head bringing himself to focus.

"I don't believe you. Sonic wouldn't lose to some illusion! And if he wouldn't, neither will I! Totodile water gun!"

Water gun was fired but it barely hurt Entei got really mad.

"See if this is an illusion then!" it roared, releasing the attack it had used to topple that bulldozer earlier, sacred fire.

Totodile was about to be struck down before being saved by the timely intervention of Knuckles' Quilava that pushed it out of the way before using its agility to partially dodge the attack.

"Stay out of this!" Entei roared sending another sacred fire straight towards Knuckles who jumped out of the way.

Sonic was racing up the stairs when he received a call from Tails, telling him of what he could see going down in Molly's room. Sonic picked up the pace immediately so much so that small bolts of electricity started crackling out of his shoes as his bond connection with Raichu took over.

Tails from the outside was watching the battle unfold in Molly's room through both the heat signature cameras as well as binoculars. The battle was brutal with Entei easily defeating both Ash's and Knuckles' pokemon. The binoculars proved specifically useful when Ash's Charizard arrived from Charicific valley to save Ash from falling to his doom, having seen the situation on TV.

Molly was amazed by Charizard's arrival before Ash explained it is his friend that all pokemon were. That they were a family.

""Just like me and Papa" Molly muttered.

"Molly this Entei is not your family" Ash pleaded with her.

Before Knuckles could seize the chance and talk to Molly during the break in the battle Entei attacked Charizard who pushed Ash out of the way.

"I am Molly's father and I will protect her as long as that is her wish!"

"Molly please don't listen to it" Delia begged the little girl "come with us you can have a real family. Real pokemon".

If she thought however that such a statement would plant seeds of doubt in Molly she was dead wrong.

"I already have real pokemon and a real family! Now go away!"

Charizard and Entei attacked each other again before Ash had Charizard bait Entei out of the room. The two battled all over the mansion's roofs before Entei easily overpowered it and had it crash through the roof in Molly's room.

With its paw on Charizard's neck, claws out it felt like it was over. Knuckles tried one more time to get Entei to listen.

"Entei please. You've won. Just let me talk to Molly".

"Talk to this!" Entei roared as it prepared to fire a sacred fire on Knuckles.

Before Knuckles could even move however, Sonic passed by him like a blur, ramming into Entei and inadvertently freeing Charizard. Grabbing hold of Entei's fur, the two engaged in a rodeo style battle with Entei trying to buck Sonic off and Sonic doing his best to hold on.

During the chaos Sonic sent out raichu and asked Ash and Knuckles to attack assuring them that he would be ok and to take down Entei. Ash immediately got into action but Knuckles tried again to diffuse the situation but Sonic was too preoccupied holding onto Entei for dear life to hear anything.

Raichu and Ash's Pikachu and charizard managed to get some good hits in, with Pikachu accidentally zapping Sonic as well as Entei but nevertheless Sonic didn't let go. Instead he wrapped his arms around Entei's throat and applying pressure, trying to get him to loosen his movement and allow the others more attack openings.

"PAPA NO!" Molly screamed in despair seeing Entei get ganged on like that.

Empowered by her desire for it to be ok, Entei heated its mane so much that Sonic was forced to let go. Entei kicked him to the opening that had been created when Ash was thrown off the room. Sonic barely managed to hang on and climb back out but by that time Entei had defeated everyone else and was the last pokemon standing. Even raichu had fallen.

Entei saw him climb back up and turned towards him.

"You don't know when to quit do you?" it growled towards Sonic.

"… not really no".

"Papa make him leave!" Molly declared still fearing Sonic had the power to take her Mama and Papa away from her.

Entei obeyed. It created a small firewall between it and Sonic and the rest of the group. It then took a predator stance and eyed Sonic.

"Step back".

Sonic's eyes widened in shock.

"W… what?"

"Step back. Now!"

Sonic looked over his shoulder. The fall would be lethal.

At that moment Misty and Brock finally made it to the room to witness the scene.

"We have to stop it!" Brock tried to rally them.

"With what?" Ash asked in despair "even Sonic's Raichu fainted!"

"Molly please stop your Papa" Delia pleaded.

"Make him leave Papa! Make him go away!"

"You heard Molly! Step back!"

"There is no room to back up" Sonic tried to explain.

Entei took a step forward and Sonic instinctively took a step back almost falling off.

"Step. Back" Entei growled one last time.

Sonic was trying his hardest not to panic as he looked over his shoulder down in hope there was somewhere to jump to.

Until he heard a familiar cry. Looking up still over his shoulder, he saw a familiar pair of fiery wings heading his way.

Sonic first gasped. Then he slowly turned to Entei. While he turned his shocked gasped expression turned into wild confidence with a smile.

"You want me to Step back Entei?"

"Sonic what are you doing?" Ash asked him thinking he heard wrong.

"Step back now!" Entei repeated.

Sonic still smiling lifted his hands in a manner that stated 'if you say so'.

"If that is what you wish Entei" Sonic slightly mocked it "very well" before taking a step back and falling off.

"NOOOO!" Ash screamed in shock. Knuckles on the other hand was calm hoping Sonic had a plan.

Entei was taken aback. After all of that blue hedgehog's foolish stubbornness he went out on his own?

Regardless it turner back to deal with the rest of the intruders.

"Your friend is gone. And if you don't want to share his fate, leave Molly alone now!"

The temperature in the room started rising.

But Entei wasn't the one creating it.

A bright orange glow illuminated the room.


Everyone including Entei turned to the source of the glow as well as the yell.

Outside the opening was Sonic, riding his trusted Moltres that had come to save him all the way from Kanto.

"Rai rai!" Raichu cried out in relief and overjoyed to see both its trainer alive and its friend joining the party.

Entei locked eyes with Sonic, too stunned to speak.

"What do you say we really play with fire now?!" Sonic challenged it.

Entei roared and unleashed a sacred fire. Moltres dodged the attack as it carried Sonic higher into the sky. Entei jumped on the rooftops on the mansion in pursuit.

The legendary battle was observed by the rest of the operation group to rescue Molly including Tails and Oak. Tails especially was in awe of Moltres coming all the way from Kanto and being able to go toe to toe with Entei.

Moltres and Entei exchanged several blasts, which included flamethrower duels, sacred fire near misses and many successful air slash strikes.

"This could go on forever" Sonic said as they dodged another attack "I kinda regret rounding you up so much. You got nothing to strike Entei with".

Moltres cried out in response looking back at Sonic.

"Wait… you don't mean… Mewtwo helped you remember that move?"

Moltres blinked indicating that was the case.

"Great. Then get ready. We end this with one strike!"

Entei jumped in front of them and unleashed another flamethrower.

"Bait it over Molly's room!" Sonic told Moltres.

Moltres dodged the incoming attacks, showing the utmost patience until Entei jumped on the roof over Molly's room.

"NOW! Solar beam!"

Moltres fired the bright beam using the sun as a booster. Entei took the attack head on, looking away. When the attack stopped, Sonic and Moltres were gone.

Entei looked left and then right and then up.

His opponents had flown very high and were now skydiving towards him.

Entei's eyes flared with anger and it released the strongest sacred fire it could.

"Moltres now! Use ancient power while barrel rolling!"

Moltres did just that. A barrabe of rocks created by the ancient power colllided with the sacred fire, causing to dissolve after a while. When the attack was completely dissolved, all Entei managed to see, was the black eyes of Moltres right in front of it for a moment before the legendary bird slammed the legendary beast through the roof.

Everyone took cover from the cloud of dust. When the dust settled, Sonic and Moltres were standing victorious, with Entei trapped, its own neck on the mercy of Moltres' sharp talons.

"Papa!" Molly screamed trying to get to Entei but was held back by Delia.

Sonic got off of Moltres, complimenting it on its perfectly executed dive. He then knelt to meet Entei's face.

"It's over Entei. Now be a good illusion and get dispelled. And take all the crystals with you!"

"I can't".


"I can't" Entei simply repeated.

Sonic felt his rage built up. Why was Entei not going to stop?

"Moltres. Give our friend Entei here our arguments".

Moltres responded by slightly digging its talons into Entei's neck. Entei roared in pain.

"NOOOOO! STOP! LET PAPA GO!" Molly screamed in despair as she started crying.

Moltres stopped digging into Entei's neck as Sonic motioned to it to stop.

"My patience with you has run thin today Entei. Or should I call you imposter Entei? In any case you will dispell all of this NOW".

"I… can't".

Sonic snapped his fingers and Moltres dug its talons into Entei's neck again.

"PLEASE STOP PLEASE!" Molly kept screaming and crying.

"Knuckles make her stop" Sonic said over his shoulder.

Knuckles didn't move.

He was too stunned to move.

Tails' image of Sonic becoming violent had just taken shape right before his very eyes.

Sonic didn't even bother asking Entei why it kept repeating it could dispell the illusion.

"Last chance Entei" Sonic warned it "Dispell. The. Illusion. Now".

"I can not!" Entei insisted.

That was the last straw.

"Moltres put this faker down"

Moltres hesitated but was about to do it before…

"SONIC ENOUGH!" Knuckles shiuted getting everyone's attention.

"What did you say?" Sonic asked angry.

"I said stop. Entei can't make this all go away".

Sonic looked back at the hurt legendary pokemon.

"It has to be. It's part of all this. It has to be the source as well".

"If that's the case" Knuckles said knowing he would have to play smart "ask it why it can't".

Sonic was perplexed but turned to Entei.

"If you really can't dispell the illusion tell me why".

"I can't… because that's not what Molly wishes".

"Say what?" Sonic asked in shock "you're in control?" he turned to Molly.

Molly was ready to break down.

"Please stop hurting my Papa. Leave us alone!"

"Sonic" Knuckles approached him "don't try that…" he said referring to Moltres still holding down Entei "on Molly. She won't listen".

"We have to make this go away Knuckles. And she can't be left to leave in a dream".

"I know. And I know what to do. But I need to trust me. And not just trust me but do as I say. Everything I say. You understand?"

Sonic looked at Molly and then nodded.

"Alright. First things first. Let Entei go".


"I said everything I say".

Sonic hesitated but eventually agreed.

"Moltres let it go".

Moltres released Entei and got next to Sonic. Entei remained there trying to get used to the pain.

Knuckles then took the book with the picture of Entei and the unown and approached Molly.

"Hey there Molly" he said with a smile "I'm sorry about my friend's actions. He didn't mean to harm your Papa".

"Knuckles why are you encouraging…?" Sonic tried to say but Knuckles shushed him.

Ash and his two friends observed all of that with a perplexed look. What was Knuckles aiming for?

"I didn't get a chance to introduce myself earlier. I'm Knuckles".

Molly was slightly hiding behind Delia at this point.

"Your friend is a jerk".

"Yeah" Knuckles agreed giving Sonic a side look of disapproval "he is a bit of a jerk sometimes".

Sonic rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to ask you something before Entei first arrived Molly" Knuckles continued revealing the book "is this your book?"

"… yes".

Knuckles looked at the book with a sad smile.

"What's wrong?" Molly asked him confused.

"I remember this book. Back when I was your age. My own Mama used to read that to me".

"Really?" Molly asked, coming out from behind Delia.

"Yes. Does yours read you that?"

Sonic and Ash shot a look of confusion at each other. Knuckles knew of Molly's mother's disappearence. Yet he was acting like he didn't?

"No" Molly answered saddened "Papa did. Mama has been… for a while… " she tried to explain in a way that wouldn't cause her to have to say her mom was missing "but it's ok now. Papa came back to me as Entei. And brought me a Mama too".

"That's my mo…" Ash tried to argue before Knuckles silenced him with his look.

"I'm happy to hear that Molly. And I'm sorry we barged in like that. We should have first asked you if you were really ok. From how we saw it, we feared Entei was holding you against your will".

"I'm merely here to protect Molly and grant her what she wishes" Entei said.

Knuckles nodded at it. He gave the book to Molly who was now looking at him without a hint of fear.

"Did your Mama read you other stories too?"

Knuckles let a tear slip down his cheek. He had been holding them for a while but for his plan to work he let one slip.

"Mr Knuckles?"

"Sorry" he quickly apologized wiping it "it's just hard to talk about her".

"Why?" Molly asked him.

Knuckles let another tear slip.

"She… is dead Molly. Both her and my Papa. They… had an accident during work".

Molly was horrified.

"I'm sorry to hear that" she tried to comfort Knuckles.

"It's ok" Knuckles said calmly "it doesn't hurt as much anymore".

Molly nodded waiting to see what Knuckles would say.

"When I first heard about you, I feared you would suffer my fate Molly. That you would grow up alone. So I came here. And now I see I have no reason to worry".

Sonic felt the urge to dive off the hole in the wall. Had Knuckles completely lost his mind?

"It was wrong of us to barge in. So we will leave you alone".

"You will?"

"Yes Molly. But before we go… could I ask you to ask Entei something for me?"

"Anything" Molly answered eager for them to go.

Knuckles smiled. His plan was one question away from being a success.

"I want you to ask Entei if it is your Papa".

Molly looked confused for a moment, wondering why Knuckles would have her ask a question with such an obvious answer. Nevertheless she turned to Entei.

"Entei are you my Papa?"

"If that is what you wish".

Sonic smirked. Knuckles had achieved nothing with this question. All he would achieve is forcing Sonic to battle Entei to death again.

When he looked at Knuckles though he found him to be surprisingly calm. Not just calm either.

Confident. As if with every word Molly was speaking he was one step closer to ending all of this.

Molly turned back to Knuckles.

"I asked the question like you asked. Now keep your promise and leave".

Knuckles didn't move. He looked dissatisfied.

"I know Molly. And I intend to. Once Entei gives us a real answer".

"What do you mean a real answer?"

"I mean that Entei didn't really answer the question. Please ask it the question again and this time request it answers with a yes or a no".

Molly immediately got to it.

"Entei are you my Papa, yes or no?"

Entei looked torn after being answered the question. As if there was no way to answer it.

Molly noticed its hesitation.

"Entei why aren't you answering?"

"I am your Papa… if that is what you wish" Entei managed to answer.

Molly almost gasped. Why didn't Entei just answer yes? Looking back at Knuckles he saw him waving his head negatively as if he was sad it had come to this.

Molly turned back to Entei again.

"Entei are you my Papa? Yes or no?"

"I am… if that is what you wish".

Molly started breathing really fast.

"What I wish for is for you to answer like I want you too! Are you my Papa, yes or no?!"

Entei closed its eyes sad.

"….. No"

Molly gasped.

That couldn't be.

Entei was her Papa. He had told her he was Entei. But then again…

"I am your Papa… if that is what you wish".

That was the case all along.

Entei was her Papa. Because she wished it to be. Not because it really was.

Molly knelt as she started crying uncontrollably. Her whole world crumbled under her feet.

Delia moved in to hug her, trying to comfort her as best she could.

Ash, Misty, Brock and Sonic were all moved and saddened by the turn of events. Sonic in particular felt bad for having hurt Entei like that. Causing Molly more sadness before the one she was experiencing right now.

Knuckles moved next to Molly whom Delia was still hugging.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like that Molly. It was the only way I could show you what happened".

Molly looked at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. Knuckles pointed at her book.

"Your Papa was kidnapped by the unown. He accidentally became a sacrifice for them to grant your wishes until the end of time. Entei took his place as the guardian created by the unown. He was… never your Papa. Probably doesn't even know what the word means".

Molly couldn't even go on crying anymore. It was too much.

Her Papa was gone. There was no coming back.

Knuckles closed his eyes sighing in sadness, then got up and headed for the door.

"Mr Knuckles?" Molly looked at him go.

"Knuckles where are you going?" Sonic asked him.

Knuckles met Molly's eyes.

"I'm leaving. Molly asked Entei the question I asked her to ask. And I promised if she did we would leave. So we're leaving".

Everyone in the room was shocked beyond belief. And Molly most of all.

"But… what about… the crystals?" Molly asked Knuckles trying to understand why he was leaving.

"The crystals are connected to your wish for a family Molly" Knuckles explained "so they're staying".

"What?!" everyone gasped.

"Wait so you mean you will force me to leave my mother here?!" Ash asked Knuckles angry.

"Knuckles have you lost it?" Sonic objected as well.

Everyone kept asking Knuckles why he was acting this way, while the latter remained silent.

Until Molly shot up as well.

"Why Mr Knuckles? Didn't you come to get my Mama… I mean that boy's mama back?"

"I did Molly. But seeing what you have now… what I never had the chance of having after my parents… " Knuckles stopped for a moment overwhelmed by the emotions "I can't possibly ask you to let it all go. I know that pain very well. I don't want you to go through it if you can avoid it. So we're going to leave you alone".

"Knuckles listen to yourself!" Sonic tried to reason with his friend "are you really going to condemn all of Greenfield into an eternal crystal wasteland?"

"That is not up to me Sonic. That is up to Molly".

Molly's eyes widened.

"What do you mean Mr Knuckles?"

"It's your choice to make Molly. You can let this all go. The unown and Entei can disappear and the town can return to normal. But the power of wish granting you have now will be lost. You will be alone".

Molly looked down devastated. There was no middle ground.

Knuckles approached her and knelt to meet her eyes.

"It's your choice to make Molly. And no one will judge you for it".

Molly's teary eyes met his.

"Why are you giving me this choice?"

Knuckles didn't answer right away.

"Because… we are alike. But we're not the same. If I was in your shoes… I wouldn't let it all go. But you're not me Molly. I am giving you this choice because I believe you deserve to be the one to make it. And I believe you will choose the right path regardless of which path it is".

Molly looked down again torn between what she thought was right and what she wanted.

"If Papa… Entei goes away… I will be alone" she muttered.

"No Molly" Knuckles countered "you won't be alone. Want to know how I know that?".

Molly nodded.

Knuckles looked at Sonic smiling.

"Because life sent me two amazing friends. And these friends became my brothers. And now I believe life has sent me to you. To be your friend if you choose this path".

He put his hand on her head gently.

"No matter which path you choose you won't be alone little one".

Molly looked at Sonic and then back at Knuckles. She then thought of everyone she knew in Greenfield. What they had lost because of what she wished for.

The people. The Pokemon.

There really was no choice to make here.

"I'll do it Mr Knuckles" she said after a while albeit with tears in her eyes "I wish to end this all".

Sonic thought for a fleeting moment that he saw something like a gleam of triumph in Knuckles' eyes. But only for a moment.

"Very well then" Knuckles said seriously "we need to make our way to the main hall then. The unown are all gathered there. It is where Entei must, under your wish Molly, have them open a portal and walk through. That will cause the unown to return to their dimension as well and revert the crystal transformation".

Molly nodded.

Everyone slowly started making their way out of the room. Knuckles motioned to Sonic to wait for a bit. Ash warned Knuckles that he better be right about that. Eventually Sonic and Knuckles were the only ones left in the room.

"Won't we go down with the others?"

"We will. But first I want you to send Moltres to Tails".

Sonic looked confused for a moment before Knuckles repeated his request.

Moltres, under Sonic's instructions, left the castle and headed to find Tails in the outskirts of the crystal field. Sonic and Knuckles then followed the others.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm ok" Knuckles answered.

"Man…" Sonic continued "that was all so unexpected. I can't believe you managed to convince her so easily".

"You could have possibly convinced her yourself if you weren't so focused in causing pain to Entei".

Sonic took a guilty expression and then revealed to Knuckles how Entei had created illusionary pokemon for Molly based on his most significant opponents so far. It had manifested Jolty. And that had filled Sonic with rage.

Knuckles understood. It wasn't easy and certainly it would feel like a personal attack.

"At least it's over now. But I can't help but feel sorry for Molly. She is destined to be alone now".

"She won't be" Knuckles answered.

"Knucks" Sonic tried to say before stopping then trying again "look. I am moved that you see me and Tails as your brothers. The feeling is mutual. But your promise to Molly to be her friend… how are you planning to keep it? We have a mission we can't stay here".

"There's a good chance we won't have to".

"What do you mean?"

At that moment they were contacted by Tails who asked them why Moltres had come to him. Knuckles instructed him to ride it and go to the ruins of alph and more specifically to the room they had accidentally discovered. Tails asked why but Knuckles simply said it trust him and go. Tails then signed off and rode Moltres, informing professor oak that the crisis was almost over and that he had his own mission to complete.

"What did you mean that there is a good chance Molly won't have to be alone?" Sonic asked Knuckles once Tails signed off.

"Remember that part of the wall that was destroyed and I couldn't read the rest of the legend back at the ruins?"


"I remembered the rest. The book is based on that legend. The legend ends as follows. If the holder of the power of the unown willingly and selflessly lets the power go, the sacrifice will be reversed".

"You mean that professor Hale will return?!" Sonic asked in shock.

"Not for certain. As I said Molly has to do this not only willingly but selflessly. She is only 5 years old Sonic. Letting go of such basic wishes… is next to impossible even for adults".

Sonic was legitimately saddened to hear that.

"I can only hope this is the case" Knuckles explained "that's why I sent Tails to the ruins".

Eventually the group made it to the room with the unown. Knuckles told Molly that it was time if she was ready and absolutely certain. Molly nodded without hesitation, increasing Knuckles' hope.

Molly had a heart to heart with Entei, thanking it for everything but now it was time to say goodbye. Knuckles was hopeful when she talked to it as Entei instead of Papa. Entei asked her one final time if him and the unown leaving was what she wished. Molly said 'it is'. Entei nodded. Using the power of the unown, he opened a portal. It bid goodbye to everyone and then walked through with the portal closing behind it.

Instantly, the unown started losing power and disappear. Soon enough the crystals started disappearing as well. Before they knew it, Greenfield was back to normal.

Of course upon the end of the crisis the authorities tried to intervene but team Sonic, along with professor Oak explained the situation and quietly got them to leave Molly alone for the time being. Sonic's reputation helped immeasurably.

Afterwards, Ash and his group left to continue their travels, but not before thanking Knuckles for getting him his mother back. Oak and Delia left to return to Kanto as well, at least after Knuckles assured them Molly would be ok.

Team Sonic minus Tails were now left alone with Molly. Knuckles bought her some ice cream and kept her busy, telling her stories about Entei and its two brethren, Raikou and Suicune. In the meantime, Sonic watched with binoculars towards the direction of the ruins of alph.

After a while the pair of fiery wings appeared in the sky.

"Knuckles he is back" Sonic informed Knuckles.

"Is he alone?"

Sonic zoomed in on Moltres. Behind Tails who looked like he was having the time of his life riding Moltres, there was a man behind him.

"No! A man is behind him! It worked!" Sonic yelled in excitement before noticing another detail.

At first it seemed like the man had long wavy hair. That was until Moltres slightly turned and Sonic saw another passenger behind the man.

"Knuckles… I think a woman is also riding on Moltres!"

Knuckles wasn't expecting that.

"Molly?" he turned to the little girl "what did your Mama do when she was still here?"

"She studied the unown like Papa. Why?"

Sonic and Knuckles exchanged a look of shock.

It had worked. Better than they could have ever expected.

Moltres descended and landed. A man and a woman climbed off.

"Molly!" Professor Hale said in relief once he saw his daughter alright".

"Papa!" Molly exclaimed before she noticed Lucy next to Spencer "MAMA!"

The little girl run as fast as she could into her parents' embrace. The latter two knelt and hugged their daughter back, letting go out tears of bliss.

Tails approached his two friends.

"You won't believe what happened. I reached the ruins like you said, kind of forced our way into the chamber and they just appeared!"

"I know" Knuckles simply smiled "I'll let you in on it later".

After the tearful reunion, team Sonic had a chat with Molly's parents explaining what transpired. Spencer and Lucy were eternally grateful to Knuckles for helping Molly.

After the debriefing, the time had finally come for team Sonic to also go on their way. Spencer asked how he could ever thank them and Knuckles remembered something that pushed him to ask a question to Spencer privately.

"Professor… did you have a married couple with the last name the echidna on your research team?"

"Yes i did. How do you know?"

"Could you please tell me how they died?"

Spencer contemplated it for a moment before answering.

"It was an accident. A piece of debris from a ruin site fell on Mr the echidna. His wife unsuccessfully tried to push him out of the way. Tragic loss. Their 5 year old boy was left alone that day".

Knuckles teared up when he heard.

"What were they to you young man?"

"…my parents".

Spencer was shocked by the revelation and the game fate had played with them.

The son of two researchers on his team saving his daughter from the fate he was forced into that fateful day.

"I… i don't know what to say".

"You don't have to say anything professor. Thank you for telling me" Knuckles simply said and went to join I is two friends.

Spencer stood by his wife and daughter who was still holding the book about Entei.

"Papa where are they going?"

"On their path Molly".

Molly looked at Knuckles leaving. But she couldn't let him leave yet.

Dashing off she ran after team Sonjc.

"Mr Knuckles please wait!"

Team Sonic were surprised Molly came after them. Knuckles turned and knelt to meet her eyes.

"What is it Molly?" he asked gently.

Molly then pushed the book towards him.

"I want you to take this".

Knuckles was taken aback.

"I can't take that" he said in surprise "that's your book. The one your Papa read you".

"Papa is back now. And so is Mama" Molly looked back at her parents in pure happiness "but yours are not. So I want you to have it".

Knuckles was deeply moved.

"Are you sure? Absolutely sure?"

"Yes. Take it. So you can feel as if your Mama is still with you".

Knuckles slowly took the book as he was brought to tears again.

"My Mama is always with me Molly. And so is my Papa. Still… thank you. I promise to cherish this my little friend".

Molly smiled her sweetest smile and then wrapped her hands around Knuckles hugging him tightly. Knuckles wasn't expecting a hug but reciprocated.

After they broke off the hug, team Sonic finally went on their way, following the setting sun. Molly and her family waved them goodbye wishing them luck on their journey.

Team Sonic left Greenfield, more united than when they arrived.

"Knuckles?" Tails asked him hesitantly "we're you able to help Molly successfully because…"

"Because I could really understand her pain? Yes. I saw myself in her".

"Man I wish we knew… we could have been there for you man" Sonic said.

"You have been. And I promise you right now you will know. Once I feel ready enough, I will tell you all about my past. You are my brothers. So you deserve to know".

"You don't have to" Tails looked at his friend.

"I don't. But I want to".

Sonic and Tails smiled at their friend as the team began making jokes to lighten the mood.

From far away, the real Entei along with Raikou and Suicune observed the three friends walk off, seeing them grow a considerable amount to the heroes they would become sooner than they thought.

Chapter 57: An unusual trainer


Following the Greenfield incident, Sonic and crew head west to continue their badge quest, meeting Hoennian trainer Harrison.

Chapter Text

The sun was steadily rising over Green hills just like any other day. Jet woke up just like any other day, fully prepared for it to be another mundane uneventful day.

That was until he went to grab coffee with a friend. A duo of men could be overheard by the nearby table.

"Believe it or not it's true. They went in, fought against the legendary pokemon and they all survived and to top it off rescued Molly Hale without a single issue".

"Dude I watched that. The authorities couldn't break into that mansion with all their men and gear and our very Sonic, Tails and Knuckles went in and got the job done".

Jet was intrigued by what he was hearing. He didn't have any contact the last few days with either of the 3 so he was wondering what kept them off the phone the entire time.

Of course he was aware that those two could be exaggerating but still there had to be a certain amount of truth in their words.

"And what they said about a legendary pokemon. What did they fight?" Jet wondered, again with a little jealousy.

Amy too had learnt of the Greenfield incident. But unlike Jet, she was keeping tabs on team Sonic a whole lot more.

She had also caught wind of the rumors circulating in Ecutreak city. Several ones in fact.

One rumor has team Sonic visiting burned tower and the three legendary beasts Entei, Raikou and Suicune sensing Sonic's presence and worthiness, causing them to finally return from exile and kneeling before him.

Another rumor had all 3 of the legendary pokemon challenging Sonic and raichu. The result was a glorious battle unlike any the Johto region had witnessed before… only there was almost no one to bare witness.

Of course Sonic had been overwhelmed by them and even hospitalized for a few hours, no serious injury though.

Amy had of course not only had a rough landing when she realized Sonic wasn't invincible, but also felt her heart beat with desire for him. That last bit however stemmed from her naiveness as she believed those rumors without any second thoughts or even trying to filter what was real and what wasn't.

She couldn't hold on anymore. She had to talk with Sonic.

Only problem was he knew her cell phone number and house number. He had also blocked calls from both.

And life in Green hills hadn't been exactly easy. After news of Sonic's deeds reached town, a lot of people had ostracized her as it wasn't exactly a secret how she had broken his heart. So just using another phone to call him wasn't as good an option as it sounded.

"I had to go and do it in public didn't I?" she thought in frustration.

She then remembered a very crucial detail.

Her parents had visited recently and her mother had forgotten her cell phone at her place.

"Making one call won't hurt" Amy smiled jumping at the opportunity, dialing Sonic's number.

The call was initiated and Amy waited patiently.

"Hello?" his voice flooded her ear.

"Hi Sonic".

"Who is this?" he asked half confused and half angry at hearing her voice.

"It's Amy".


"How much lower could you possibly sink? Calling me from another phone? Do you really have no dignity left?"

"Look I know I've made some questionable choices…"

"And you're not even going to own up to your mistakes. Typical at this point really".

"Look just give me a few minutes to explain"

"You have nothing I want to hear. Now if you don't mind me and my friends have another blast of a day to get started. Bye" and he hung up.

Amy was triggered and heartbroken at the same time. Sonic had mastered asserting his dominance. And at the same time…

"Bye? No ciao?"

Amy wasted no time. She called him back. 7 times in total.

"Dude she's not giving up" Sonic said annoyed.

"I'd say you could at least hear her out but such levels of toxicity can't be good for your health" Knuckles joked.

An eight call came.

"Oh my god" Sonic said reaching the end of his patience. He answered not caring about sounding triggered.

"You don't get the message do you Amy? Fuck you!"

"Uuuh.. not Amy bro".

"Oh shit… sorry Jet. Amy has been annoying me again through the phone".

"Hey no worries. To be honest it would have done her some good to hear such harsh words. Anyway I'm calling for something else. The town is buzzing with rumors about you guys. What have you been up to?"

Sonic put Jet on speaker and the team spent the next hour while walking narrating him the last few days, from the awakening of the beasts, whose mystery Jet found absolutely bonkers and amazing, to their skirmish with the police and their breaking and entering operation which left Jet jaw hanging wide open, and lastly their adventure in Greenfield.

"Wow. You've been quite busy" Jet admitted in awe.

"We sure have" Tails joked.

"How come the rumors only circulate around Sonic though?" Knuckles asked with a slight hint of jealousy. After all it was him who had saved Molly from herself in Greenfield.

"Well I mean… his war with team rocket has made him almost a living legend. Rumors around such topics tend to become exaggerated. So it's kind of natural that details like you two" Jet said in an apologetic tone "would get left out".

"Hmmm…" Sonic hummed in deep thought "detective Looker said something similar when we broke into the police station. He said that both me and Giovanni have been turned into mythical figures and that's why he is after me. He wants to shut down our legends if you even call them that".

"So instead of pursuing probably the most dangerous mob boss in the entire world, he pursues the one who stopped him. That sounds like glory hounding to me" Jet voiced his opinion.

"Nah" Knuckles disagreed "if that was the case he would try to have us publicly arrested and also try to turn the public's opinion against us. But he has done neither. Something does indeed drive him to want to arrest us for the reason we have surmised but i don't think it's seeking glory. It must be something more personal".

"With me? Or with Giovanni? He also said he wanted me to help then find and catch Giovanni".

"Odds are with Giovanni" Tails explained "I'd say you're more of a means to an end".

"Yeah that does make a bit more sense I guess" Sonic agreed.

"In any case you guys are just having the time of your lives. I wish mom and dad would let me join you".

"You never know Jet" Sonic comforted his brother "maybe someday. And maybe sooner than you think".

"Sure wish that. Anyways I got to go. Much love bro. I'll be expecting new stories from you guys soon".

"Bye" team Sonic said in unison before Jet hung up.

"Man looks like our accomplishments have made it to Green hills" Tails commented "we're beginning to make a name for ourselves aren't we?" he joked.

"Hehe. I suppose we are" Sonic laughed along.

"I'd agree if the rumors were about us. But they're about you alone" Knuckles reminded them.

Sonic looked at his friend.

"Hey. You're not jealous right? I mean don't get me wrong, I didn't think it was cool that they left you guys out of the rumors. All we accomplished, I don't think i would have managed to pull it off alone. Your help has been invaluable so far. What I'm trying to say is we should pay no mind to the rumors. Not only because they're exactly that, rumors. But also because we didn't come here to seek glory, right".

"Right. We're on a mission. A mission we will see through to the end" Tails agreed clenching his fist in determination.

Knuckles smiled.

"To the very end" he said fist bumping his two friends.

The three friends then continued on their way through the wide fields of the Johto region. Unlike the lush forests on the rest of the region, here was only fields. Of course their path contained more than just fields but for the time being they would just enjoy the openness of the endless crop fields.

Eventually the team began taking turns letting one of their pokemon at a time out of their balls to stretch and walk with them, taking advantage of the journey to strengthen the bond with their parties.

Eventually they decided to make a quick stop so they could rest and get something to eat.

While chewing down on some delicious chili dogs a teenage boy was travelling down the path towards ecutreak city. Crossing eyes with the team momentarily, his own eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" he asked with uncertainty "are you Sonic the hedgehog?"

Sonic had started getting tired of this. Was there anyone in Kanto or Johto who wouldn't recognize him at this point?

"Yup that's me alright".

The boy looked flabbergasted.

"Woah. I… I didn't except to meet you so soon. I'm Harrison".

"Good to meet you Harrison. These are my friends, Tails and Knuckles".

"What's good?" Knuckles said.

"Actually my name is Miles Prower. Tails is what my friends call me".

"Glad to meet you all. Are you heading to Olivine city?"

"Yeah. And from there to Cianwood for the 5th badge".

"The 5th?" Harrison questioned even more flabbergasted "sorry, I just thought with a reputation like yours you'd be at the 7th badge by now".

"Well let's just say we prefer to enjoy the journey than straight up race to the finish line" Sonic said. It was getting a bit annoying that so many people assumed things about him.

"Well if you're not in a hurry, you could join us" Tails offered "we got chili dogs to spare".

"It would be my pleasure" Harrison thanked them, taking a seat next to Tails.

Tails then gave Harrison a chili dog. The 4 trainers then dug in or rather, team Sonic finished their food, while Harisson dug in.

After the latter finished his chili dog, the 4 started discussing random things, or at least team Sonic did. Harrison was more interested in asking about Sonic's adventures this far and more specifically about silph co.

Sonic answered as many questions as he felt comfortable answering. At the same time he asked Harisson about himself and his own journey this far. Harrison revealed he was from a faraway land called Hoenn.

When the three trainers heard the name of the region they asked Harrison if he happened to know someone named Shadow the hedgehog. Harisson of course hadn't heard that name before which made sense since he had been in Johto for a month and and Shadow had left about 2 weeks ago. There was little to no chance the two had crossed paths.

When asked if Shadow was their friend, Sonic said it couldn't be further from the truth but refused to elaborate, explaining they had heard of his departure from their hometown and wanted to verify if that was indeed the case from an actual resident of Hoenn.

Harrison also asked team Sonic if they really had anything to do with the supposed return of Entei, Raikou and Suicune. He was deeply enamored with the legend of Ho-oh and wondered from time to time what had actually happened to its children as Harisson referred to the beasts as.

They momentarily contemplated whether they should reveal what happened to Harrison but eventually they agreed with a shared look that they could reveal the events of the awakening of the beasts but not their apparent connection to them. Not yet anyway.

They narrated to Harrison how they visited the burned tower, thinking it was just a symbol of a time long past, before Sonic fell through the weak floor, straight into the basement where they found the beasts trapped as statues.

Harrison was fascinated and perplexed at the info, wondering aloud how the beasts ended up down there and in those forms. The question was obviously rhetorical as team Sonic was wondering the same thing.

Eventually all 4 decided it was time to go but Harisson had one last thing to ask.

"A battle?" Sonic asked in surprise.

"Yeah I think it could be a chance for both of us to learn a lot".

Sonic weighed the pros and cons. Harrison had told them during their chat that he had already beaten olivine gym leader jasmine for the 6th badge. That placed his team on a higher level than Sonic's. But Sonic had raichu.

He eventually agreed when Harrison mentioned he would be using Pokemon from his homeland. That didn't mean his entire team was from Hoenn but Sonic just couldn't resist the temptation to battle against such something that unknown to them. It would serve as good practice for expecting the unexpected, which would definitely serve them against team rocket later on.

The two trainers stood opposite each other, with Harrison agreeing to use 4 Pokemon only as Sonic only had that many Pokemon at this point in time.

"On three?" Sonic asked his opponent.

"On three" Harrison answered.

"One two three!" Tails counted for them.

"Go Bayleef!"

"Go steelix!"

A huge snake like pokemon emerged, towering over bayleef that back stepped in fear.

"What the heck?!" Tails exclaimed equally as frightened.

Knuckles immediately scanned steelix with his pokedex.

"Steelix, the Iron Snake Pokémon. Steelix is the evolved form of Onix. It has been compressed underground, making its body harder than diamonds".

"Evolved form of what?!" Knuckles repeated in shock.

"Onix can evolve!" Sonic surmised speechless.

Harrison smiled in confidence.

"Well no matter. Bayleef use…"

"Not gonna happen! Steelix bind!"

Steelix moved fast like a whip despite its massive size. Before bayleef could even register the movement, it has been bound by Steelix which began squeezing it.

"Bind is a powerful tool in battling" Harisson smiled "and if a heavy pokemon applies it, it becomes deadly. Your pokemon can't use any of its aggressive moves as is. Can you break out if this hero of Kanto?"

Sonic thought for a moment then smiled.

"It's thankful then that my Bayleef isn't an aggressor. Bayleef leech seed!"

Despite being squeezed, Bayleef fired a leech seed. Vines came out of the seed ensnaring Steelix. The huge pokemon wasn't particularly affected by the restriction of movement. That was until the leech seed started draining its health.

"Oh no!" Harrison shouted realizing his strategy had backfired "Steelix bind harder!"

Steelix applied more pressure as Bayleef cried out in pain.

"Come on Bayleef tough it out you can do it!"

Bayleef endured the attack, despite the great pressure. It was rewarded as the leech seed was constantly bringing Steelix back to square one.

"Damnit! Steelix use iron tail! Slam it down!"

Steelix raised Bayleef and using iron tail on the ground, slammed down Bayleef. Bayleef rolled on the ground in pain but managed to stand up.

"Nice strike. But it will take more than that! Synthesis!"

Bayleef harvested the sunlight to heal it wounds, again bringing Harrison back to square one. And to top it off, Steelix had started getting exhausted.

"Steelix come back!" Harrison recalled it, freeing from the leech seed.

"I hate to admit it, but you outplayed me here. At the same time I can't say I expected anything less".

"Appreciated. Now hurry up and bring out your next pokemon".

"As you wish! Go Houndoom!"

His second pokemon emerged and roared. Team Sonic found its bark eerily familiar. They all made the same thought.

"That is the other pokemon the police used when they chased us".

Knuckles went to scan the Pokemon but Sonic's gesture prevented him. It wouldn't be fair to take away Harrison's element of surprise. Besides being able to quickly adapt was something all 3 of them would have to learn for their upcoming confrontation.

"From the looks of it… I'd say it's a fire type. Bayleef could be at a disadvantage. So in this case… I guess I should try leech seeding to at least have a long term advantage".

"Bayleef, leech seed!"

Bayleef fired the attack.

"Houndoom dodge then flamethrower!"

Houndoom obeyed. Bayleef took heavy damage.

"Damnit. Bayleef return" Sonic had his grass type retreat. A more suitable matchup was in order.

"Quagsire give me a hand!"

Quagsire emerged with that permanent smile etched on its face.

"Mud shot!"

Quagsire covered houndoom in mud, slowing it down significantly. Harrison wasn't having this matchup though.

"Houndoom roar!"

Houndoom roared at Quagsire. Quagsire was forcibly recalled. Bayleef emerged again. Before either Sonic or Bayleef realized what happened, houndoom unleashed another, more devastating flamethrower. Bayleef, completely overwhelmed, toppled.

Harrison smiled confidently.

"One down. Though I expected a real challenge from you after everything I've heard Sonic" he said confidently as his eyes made their way to raichu.

Sonic immediately knew Harrison bad challenged him in hope of fighting Raichu. He wondered for a second if word of their quirk of summoning lightning to strike them as a way of sort of rejuvenating themselves had traveled as far as their accomplishments.

Next second however his mind was back in the battle.

"What was that move you used?"

"Roar. It forces your pokemon back in its pokeball then randomly calls out another one. Think of it like a call to battle at least for the pokemon inside the balls. A call they can't resist".

Sonic nodded in understanding.

"Quagsire! We have a job to finish! Sonic called out his water type again "mud shot!"

"I don't think so! Roar again!"

Houndoom was able to roar again before quagsire could move. Quagsire was recalled and Raichu was sent out.

"There it is!" Harrison said confidently "Houndoom return! Go steelix!"

Steelix emerged again and once again before Sonic could think, Raichu was bound by Steelix.

"Iron tail!"

Raichu smacked Steelix repeatedly with its tail but nothing major happened.

Steelix wasn't rock anymore. It had been changed into steel.

"Steel ground" Sonic surmised quietly "ingenious".

Harrison had completely trapped them. His plan as long was to keep Steelix alive long enough to trap and bind Raichu into unconsciousness. And almost none of Raichu's attacks would work on Steelix.

That was a brilliant tactic. And certainly would work.

At least if not for the fact that Harrison and Steelix had bitten more than they could chew.

"Raichu don't worry. Remember our training" Sonic calmly said.

Raichu remembered. They has spent a lot of time back in Kanto practicing that move on wild Onix for situations like this. Fighting larger opponents and escaping situations that limited them, especially after their first encounter with Giovanni, was a vital part of their training.

Raichu waited for a few seconds then stopped resisting the bind, causing Steelix to lose its center moment so and become slightly unbalanced. The momentary lack of balance was just what Raichu needed.

Raichy took advantage of the sudden loosening of the bind to take a quick breath and then immediately use brick break. Brick break hurt Steelix enough to have it fully release raichu. Sonic immediately recalled it. Even he wouldn't have his raichu fight such an unfavorable matchup.

"Quagsire!" he called it out a third time.

Harrison gritted his teeth. His strategy had completely failed. The rumors were more than true. They were fact.

Sonic and Raichu were the real deal.

"Quagsire! Mud shot"

Quagsire covered Steelix in mud just like houndoom before it. Steelix couldn't take any more punishment having dealt with Bayleef earlier and then taking a brick break from Raichu. It cried our its name and then fainted with a huge thud.

Harrison recalled Steelix thanking it for the effort but slightly worried. Although he and Sonic were even in pokemon, his greatest counter to Raichu was now gone.

"Looks like I need to play sneaky" he said "let me introduce you to my first pokemon from Hoenn! Kecleon come on out!"

Kecleon came out of its pokeball. Team Sonic were all intrigued by its seemingly harmless look.

"Doesn't look so tough to me" Knuckles commented.

"Looks can be misleading" Harrison countered.

As be spoke those words, Kecleon disappeared. Right were it stood, it disappeared.

"What the…" Sonic said in shock.

"Where did it go?" Tails looked around frantic.

"Lick" Harrison said calmly.

A tongue came out of nowhere and basically slapped Quagsire. Quagsire looked around in confusion trying to find its attacker.

Sonic, remaining a bit calmer, followed the retreating tongue and noticed a strange detail.

The tongue disappeared into a patch of grass. After a few seconds he saw a red jagged line waking away.

"You sneaky thing. It can camouflage" he said deeply impressed.

Harrison smiled proudly but got slightly worried.

Any other trainer would falter when they realized they were fighting a near invisible opponent. That would give him a considerable advantage as by the time they pulled themselves together to fight back, Kecleon would already have taken the lead.

Sonic now knowing what he was fighting and how to fight it, immediately recalled Quagsire and sent out Hitmontop. The sparkles and the rarity of such a pokemon impressed Harrison.

The whole while it took for Sonic to recall Quagsire and send out Hitmontop, he never took his eyes off the jagged line indicating Kecleon's location. As soon as sent out Hitmontop he went on the offensive.

"Fake out! On the jagged line there"

Hitmontop moved too quickly for kecleon to react. It smacked kecleon from both sides, causing it to flinch and also revealing its location.

"Triple kick!"

Kecleon took the attack head on but survived and became invisible again. Sonic of course saw the jagged line move.

"Kecleon took great damage there and as I suspected it's a normal type. Sorry Harrison but one more attack will end it. Brick break!"

Hitmontop landed its attack but unlike what Sonic expected Kecleon took it a lot better than triple kick. As if the attack wasn't super effective.

Kecleon took its chance to lick Hitmontop who was unprepared for it. And to make matters worse, the attack ended up paralyzing it.

"Now kecleon! Psybeam!"

Kecleon fired its psychic move to great effect. He had obviously prepared for fighting figting types. Hitmontop fainted upon taking the psybeam as it was unable to resist due to the paralysis.

"What gives here?" Sonic asked Harrison "why didn't brick break finish off kecleon?"

"Kecleon doesn't just camouflage itself physically. It also camouflages to cancel out type advantage. Its ability is color change. Kecleon becomes the same type as the last move you used on it. Meaning that the moment it was hit with triple kick, it became a fighting type and therefore brick break's effectiveness was lowered" Harrison explained pleased to have taken the lead again by catching Sonic by surprise.

Sonic clenched his fist in frustration and a little anxiety. Kecleon was very annoying to deal with. But then again…

"Alright then! Quagsire I know this is the fourth time but help me out one last time!"

Quagsire emerged.

"Mud shot then water gun!"

Kecleon failed to dodge the mud shot. In turn that turned it into a ground type. That mattered little however as, covered in mud, it was too slow to dodge water gun. The water gun was super effective on it, causing it to faint.

"2 vs 2 Harrison. Let's see what your last pokemon can do".

Harrison was now beginning to worry he would lose. He shoved the thought aside.

He wasn't one to accept defeat even against someone like the hero of Kanto.

"Houndoom come out!"

Houndoom came back out. Harrison contemplated using roar but that would only draw out Raichu which would be very bad for him.

"Houndoom crunch!"

Houndoom pounced on Quagsire pinning it down and biting hard. Quagsire cried out for instructions.

"Quagsire use mud shot quick".

Quagsire obeyed covering Houndoom and inadvertently itself , in mud. The two pokemon had taken too much punishment. They however, not wanting to let their trainers down, stood facing each other, panting heavily.


"Water gun!"

The two attacks collided and ended up cancelling each other out regardless of how long they kept firing them. The intensity of the flames perfectly matched water gun's advantage.

Quagsire and Houndoom pushed themselves on and on until they collapsed from exhaustion.

Sonci and Harrison were speechless from the outcome. They recalled their pokemon. Now it was just one final battle to fight.

And Harrison knew it would be the hardest one yet.

Sonic's raichu, even after having taken some punishment from Steelix was just a terror to deal with. At the same time though its opponent was Harrison's partner Pokemon.

"You certainly don't disappoint Sonic. But it's not over yet. I refuse to accept defeat! I choose combusken!"

An orange and yellow chicken like pokemon, around Raichu's size emerged.

"Another pokemon from Hoenn I assume?" Sonic guessed.

"Yes. My partner and first pokemon".

Sonic half smiled. Combusken didn't look very tough. A small part of him wondered how this could be as, if this really was Harrison's partner it must have been the case for a while and therefore that was probably its peak form.

At the same time, the lack of any info when it came to combusken would make this fight a bit of a challenge.

Deciding to test the waters, Sonic gave Harrison the first move.

"Combusken double kick!"

A physical attacker. Raichu already had the advantage due to its training.

"Counter with iron tail!"

The two attacks collided but curiously, combusken came out on top.

Sonic quickly noticed iron tail's lack of effectiveness.

"Orange pokemon. Steel doesn't do a lot… a fire type" he accurately guessed.

Harrison clenched his fist. Sonic wasn't only quick to figure out the situation but accurate in his assumptions.

It was no wonder he had become a legend.

"Combusken! Use ember!"

Combusken unleashed a strong ember.

"Raichu dodge with quick attack!"

Raichu dodged the attack moving like an orange blur.

"Two can play this game! Combusken quick attack!"

Combusken also moving like a blur collided with Raichu. The two pokemon's moves proved to be equally powerful as they were both knocked back. The two pokemon smiled at each other, each one acknowledging the other.

"Thunder punch!"

"Fire punch!"

The two trainers' aces collided using their punch moves. Combusken was overpowered by Raichu, taking heavy damage and rolling on the ground afterwards.

"Get up combusken you can do it!" Harrison encouraged his starter "quick attack!"

"Quick attack!" Sonic also ordered.

Raichu and combusken collided again, but unlike before, they were not pushed back. Instead they got locked in an aggressive pushing contest with raichu slowly but steadily pushing combusken back, slowly overpowering it.

"Come on Combusken. You can do it!"

"Raichu use thunder punch to end this!"

Raichu let go of one of combusken's arms and charged its punch.

Determined to not lose, combusken caught the punch, taking some damage but holding on strong.

"Combusken! Combusken! Blazi!" combusken cried out as it began glowing.

"No way!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Combusken" Harrison muttered in awe.

Combusken's form started becoming bigger and taller than raichu. The two were still holding hands pushing each other but now combusken was slowly bringing raichu to a halt.

Combusken's head then grew two long extrusions creating a reverse v shape. The glowing then stopped and raichu found itself finding an entirely new battle.

"Blaziken!" the newly evolved fire type cried out in battle passion.

"It evolved!" Harrison yelled in excitement.

"Is that its final form?!" Knuckles wondered aloud in as much awe as Harrison.

The latter immediately took out his pokedex.

"Blaziken, the Blaze Pokémon. When it meets a powerful enemy, fire burns around its arms and legs. Its powerful legs are strong enough to leap over buildings".

As if on cue, the moment Blaziken stopped admiring its new form and laid eyes on Raichu again, fire erupted around its arms and legs.

Sonic and Raichu looked at each other and smiled in battle passion.

Finally an opponent that would push them to their limits.

"Raichu quick attack!"

"Blaziken use quick attack too!"

Blaziken was not as quick and agile as when it was a combusken but was still able to match Raichu's speed for the most part. The two attacks proved them an even match for each other.

Blaziken use ember!"

Blaziken however had forgotten ember upon evolving. And it was preparing to strike Raichu with its brand new move.

"Raichu brick break!"

Raichu jumped winding up its paw fully expecting to have dodged the ember by the time it had jumped.

On the air however it realized that blaziken hadn't moved.

And now it was too late to do anything about it.

Blaziken too jumped, fire erupting around its right leg and delivering a devastating kick to its opponent. Raichu was sent crashing down rough, actually sending some pain throughout Sonic's body as well.

Sonic had to use all his willpower to act cool and ignore the pain. Harrison didn't have to know about his and Raichu's connection. That could deter him from fighting at full power.

"That was blaze kick!" Harrison realized in excitement "way to go Blaziken! Let's do this! Blaze kick!"

Blaziken prepared to land another kick at the downed Raichu.

"Counter with iron tail!"

Raichu immediately moved to intercept the blaze kick. The two pokemon got move lock, none of then giving in an inch, refusing to let either of their trainers down.

Harrison quickly figured out that if Raichu let go it would get obliterated by blaze kick.

"Blaziken quick! Use fire punch!"

Sonic however wasn't oblivious to this possible development.

"Raichu disengage and use thunder punch!"

Raichu did just that, shoving blaze kick aside and going for the thunder punch just as blaziken went for the fire punch.

The two pokemon started exchanging a flurry of punches, some missing the mark and some landing bullseye. Sonic felt each and every one of the successful strikes but refused to show even an ounce of weakness.

Raichu and Blaziken, now nearing their limit, each charged one last punch. Jumping towards each other they both let out a battle cry, as their fists collided.

Pushing each other with all their might, the ground under them slightly cracked. Both Harrison and Sonic gasped at this and even considered stopping so as for their pokemon to not be hurt more than they needed to.

Not that it would matter though. Even if they did ask them to stop there was no stopping them.

Electricity started crackling down raichu's tail.

"No" Sonic thought causing the electricity to stop "we're not revealing this. And we don't need it to win here!"

Raichu realized that same fact. Sonic did have a point. If they were going to win they should do it with their own might.

They had stood up to many powerful opponents before. And not always using that connection.

"Goooo!" Sonic let out a battle screech.

Raichu feeling the surge of willpower rushing through it, overpowered Blaziken, causing it to fall backwards. The Hoenn fire type starter struggled to get up before letting out a weak regretful cry and fainting.

"We win!" Sonic said before kneeling in pain. Their connection boost was probably an ignition matter, but their shared pain was a constant.

Harrison was of course immediately concerned with Sonic's sudden sort of collapse. The latter was forced to explain his connection to Raichu and how he had stopped himself from displaying that connection so as to not deter Harrison from coming at him with full force.

After the battle Harrison stuck around a little longer to discuss their battle and what they could learn from each and every one of their moves. He was particularly impressed with Raichu's physical combat prowess which surprised him, taking into account Pikachus were more adept in ranged attacks like thunderbolt. This led to Sonic narrating his first battle with Giovanni and how they were pinned down, which in turn pushed them to focus on hand to hand combat so it would never be repeated again.

Eventually it was time to go. Harrison bid farewell to team Sonic and declared he would meet Sonic and Knuckles head on in the Johto league. They assured him they would be there, solidifying their promise to have a rematch if they could help it. Blaziken shook Raichu's paw as a form of acknowledgement before returning to Harrison's pokeball.

After that team Sonic went on their way while Harrison made for Ecutreak. Along the way Tails decided to voice his question.

"Did you actively stop Raichu from using the lightning phenomenon you two have displayed time and time again?"

"Yes" Sonic confirmed.

"But why?" Knuckles asked him confused "it could have helped you in the fight and prevented you from getting too much punishment".

"First of all we know little to nothing about its effects Knuckles, so we can't say for sure it would have actually done anything. But even if we did it wouldn't be fair. Harrison was a powerful trainer and ahead of us sure, but that would just be cheating. If I was to win I wanted it to be with our own might, not by borderline cheating".

"But that form is part of you and Raichu. Are you rejecting it?"

"No Knuckles. I plan to eventually explore it. Discover what it can offer me and Raichu. But until then I will limit its active usage. Whatever it can do for me, I will only use it against our enemies and in the tournament where everyone will be at full power and it is only fair I answer with all my might as well".

The three friends went silent as they considered what that could mean for Sonic and Raichu in the future. Their connection already had its ups and downs but that undefined factor was something not even Tails could wrap his mind around.

His mind drifted back to the night Raichu evolved. With the intervention of the confrontation with Zapdos.

And then something else clicked for Tails. His apparent familiarity with Raikou.

"Could Raikou be able to help us shed some light on that unaccounted factor?" Tails wondered silently as team Sonic went on their way.

Chapter 58: Ranch tasks


Team Sonic get themselves in trouble with a farmer couple, earning them a day's worth of free labor on the farm.

Chapter Text

Tails was twisting and turning in his sleep. The question of the previous day was lingering in his mind.

After the team set camp for the night, he had then discuss everything they had on Sonic and Raichu's lightning phenomenon or as Tails decided to call it, their quirk.

"Admit it" Knuckles had teased him "you picked it up from that anime you've been watching lately. About those heroes".

"Hehe. You got me" Tails had admitted scratching his head.

They had discussed it for a long time the previous night, mostly having Sonic recall all the times they had activated it and what it granted him. Sonic said that it was mostly activated when his bond with Raichu was challenged during some of his hardest fights. Giovanni and Mike were two prime examples. But the thing was even though it seemed they had grown in power, speed or even rejuvenated themselves, none of those scenarios was the case.

In all honesty the only effect their quirk seemed to have so far is a psychological one. Boosting their confidence and reducing their opponent's.

Tails heavily doubted that was the only effect. There had to be more. But at the moment they had neither a way to test any other possible effects on Sonic and Raichu, nor the time.

Tails' phone had received a notification that possible rocket activity was near Olivine city, but nothing confirmed. This meant they had to keep going so they would be nearby in case something did happen.

Sonic woke up from Tails' constant twisting. He immediately knew what was happening. Tails usually slept like a log.

"Tails…" he yawned before fully realizing it was Tails who accidentally woke him up "don't tell me you didn't get any sleep".

"I couldn't. I don't need sleep. I need answers. Your quirk doesn't make any sense".

"Lol. My quirk, you lose your sleep over it. Best math I have ever heard".

"Doesn't it bother you? Like at all?"

"It does. But can I or you do anything about it right now? Or in the near future?"

"… No" Tails admitted.

"See? Nothing we can do at the moment. Don't lose your sleep like that pal" Sonic advised his friend.

"I have an idea though. Or more like… a crazy and probably pointless lead we can check out to try and explain your quirk".

Sonic was intrigued.

"What's your idea?"

Tails motioned that they go outside so as not to disturb Knuckles' sleep. Once out of the tent, he began explaining.

"That quirk was probably born when Raichu evolved. Raichu evolved the night you first fought Zapdos. Or to be more accurate when you got zapped by Zapdos and its desire to protect you just like you protected it, caused it to evolve in that unique way".

"I'm not sure I'm following you. We know all that so what are you getting at?"

"Zapdos did something to you that night. It must have somehow changed you. I don't know how but whatever your quirk is, your entire connection is probably Raichu's natural electricity and the electricity that coursed through your body that night somehow getting entangled. This is the only explanation I can find".

Sonic was shocked at the level of analysis Tails had put into that theory.

"Ok. So Zapdos somehow was a catalyst for the creation of that bond. What does that have to do with figuring its internal workings out?"

"I theorize that electricity of Zapdos' caliber is a way we can explore that connection further. But as we have already surmised, looking for a Zapdos or even calling Mike to us isn't a viable option. We're on the clock, so we have no time for experiments. Unless of course we had access to another legendary of electricity that we could try using while on our journey. And one that I apparently am already somehow familiar with".

Sonic put two and two together almost instantly.

"So you want us to pursue Raikou?"

"I know it's crazy. But I can't stop thinking about it. What if Raikou could somehow be a test for Raichu. Help us understand and unlock more of your quirk? Can you even imagine the possibilities?"

Sonic thought about it. The idea was indeed tempting but searching for Raikou sounded like a whole lot of trouble over a huge if.

"How can we be sure that my quirk" Sonic managed to hold a laugh "will reveal something new if Raichu and Raikou were to fight?"

"We can't" Tails admitted "which is why this a crazy idea".

Sonic thought about it for a moment.

"Look. Currently we have bigger problems that my quirk. Let's focus on the present. If nothing changes by the time we are done with team rocket and the league, we can try looking for Raikou. You never know. We might encounter it at some point in our journey".

Tails smiled "that would be nice".

Eventually Knuckles woke up as well. Tails told him his plan and Knuckles was quick to point out not only the if anything would change by encountering Raikou, as well as deeming the plan of chasing the beasts a wild goose chase.

If those beasts didn't want to be found they wouldn't be found.

After a quick breakfast the team was on the move again, heading for Olivine city.

Throughout the way they were challenged by several passing trainers who Sonic and Knuckles took turns beating. Their teams were slowly growing stronger and stronger.

During that time, Tails was in the phone again, talking with Cosmo, with a huge smile etched upon his face.

Sonic was happy to see his friend happy like that but at the same time a question had rooted in his mind.

"Tails tends to overthink things sometimes but why would he lose his sleep over my quirk?"

That was new. Tails had been troubled by science riddles several times but never lost sleep over them.

After a while the right side of their path was barred by a fence.

"Could this be a ranch?" Sonic wondered aloud.

"Let's go check. Maybe they're selling supplies. We're close to running low" Knuckles warned his teammates.

The three kept on their way heading for the ranch entrance. Halfway there, Tails noticed something strange. A pokemon was lying face down on the grass.

"Guys are you seeing this?" he asked worried.

"I see it but what is it?" Sonic wondered.

"Is it sleeping?" Knuckles wondered too while putting his hand on his forehead , covering his eyes and squinted to get a batter look.

"It doesn't look to just be sleeping. It might need help!" Tails surmised and jumped over the fence.

"Tails wait!"

Tails rushed to the pokemon. Upon approaching he noticed it to be slightly moving indicating it was sleeping. Sighing in relief he turned to return it his friends.

Tails had only taken two steps towards his friends before he felt the ground rumbling. He looked around confused and saw it.

A huge pink ball rolling his way.

"WHAT THE..!" he yelled before jumping out of the way.

The ball passed right by him but simply made a large arc and was once again rolling his way.

"HELP!" Tails screamed at his friends as he started running for dear life to avoid getting run over.

Sonic and Knuckles looked at each other confused. All Tails had to do was take a sharp turn so that whatever that ball was would miss him. Taking a look at the ball next, they both were quick to identify it.

"Oh great that thing again" Sonic was less than happy to see another Miltank.

Jumping over the fence he shouted to Tails to bait the Miltank towards him. Tails responded by almost running into Sonic.

Once Tails had passed by him, Sonic called out his hitmontop and had it use fake out in order for it to lose focus and stop rolling.

Miltank, immediately after being hit by fake out, lost its focus and ended up uncurling mid-air and crashing face down.

The sleeping Miltank was awakened by all the commotion and was instantly fearful for the other Miltank. Using rollout, it rushed to its side with Sonic, Tails and th arriving Knuckles worried if the Miltank they had forced to a halt was ok.

And of course they were not the only ones.

"Abby! Daisy!" a female voice screamed.

Team Sonic were suddenly on the receiving end of a huge shovel wielded by a woman dressed in farmer clothes.

"What are you doing to my Miltanks you delinquents!"

"Wait this is a misunderstanding!" Tails tried to explain while avoiding strikes from the shovel.

"Ma'am" Sonic tried to say as well "we saw one of your Miltanks and thought…"

"To have some fun by tipping them?!"

"No we just…" was all Knuckles managed to say before the farm lady got him, striking him with the shovel so hard he was knocked almost unconscious.

"Knuckles!" Tails was shocked.

"That was your warning. Now get out of here!" the farm lady said aiming the shovel at Tails.

"Ma'am one of your Miltank's was face down in the grass. We thought it needed help" Sonic managed to say before Tails got the end of the shovel on the head as well.

The farm lady sized them up then relented.

"I see. Lack of context. Abby just likes to sleep face down. She wasn't in danger".

Sonic and Tails sighed in relief as Tails checked on the downed Knuckles.

"Knuckles you ok?"

"He'll be fine. Our friend is one tough knucklehead" Sonic joked as Knuckles groaned getting up rubbing his head in pain.

"Very… argh… funny" Knuckles groaned.

"Ma'am we're very, very sorry for this misunderstanding. Is there anything we can do to make it right?" Tails offered.

The farm lady considered the offer for a moment.

"Well you did cause a ruckus. But… if you three do one job for me and my husband, we will let you go without trouble".

Sonic was about to object, fearing the possibility team rocket pulled something in Olivine city, but when the word trouble was spoken he kept quiet. He wasn't about to give detective Looker even the most unimportant reason to have him arrested.

"Ok… and what would that job be ma'am?" he tested the waters.

"One whole day of manual labor. You will help me and my husband around the farm. That is unless you want me to call the sheriff".

"A day?! That's…" Knuckles tried to object before being elbowed by Tails and not very gently either.

"Alright what would you first have us do?" Sonic asked half-


"Follow me. My husband will give you three delinquents chores to do".

As the three friends followed her towards the cottage close to the entrance of the farm, Knuckles wasn't very pleased with Tails for not only earning them a full day of unpaid manual labor but also for the bump in the head.

The farm lady's husband was confused to see his wife return from checking on the Miltanks with three young trainees. He even laughed at the whole misunderstanding before being convinced by his wife to have the three delinquents learn a good lesson. He immediately tasked each of the three friends with a chore.

Sonic was tasked with collecting the ponyta and rapidash for feeding, Tails with helping with the crop harvesting and Knuckles with carrying heavy bales of hay outside for the ponyta and rapidash Sonic would bring back for feeding.

Funniest part was that was Knuckles' task would normally be the hardest for the average Joe but for someone of his strength it was child's play. And therefore in a sense of poetic justice Tails ended up with the hardest chore. Crop harvesting was a very lengthy an exhausting chore without the use of machinery. Which was also something the farm lady strictly forbade them, especially Tails when she realize just how tech savvy he was.

Having no outs, team Sonic got to work. Sonic left to find the ponyta and the rapidash who were spread thin throughout the pastures and the fields, Tails followed the farmer to the crop fields to start the harvesting and Knuckles followed the farm lady to the barn to start carrying out the bales of hay.

Right away team Sonic encountered issues. The bales of hay were large and so heavy that even Knuckles had trouble carrying them, the crop field was so wide that Tails knew it would take him days to harvest the crops without any tech and the ponyta and rapidash wouldn't let Sonic approach them to guide them to the barn so they could be fed.

In the span of half an hour, Sonic had nearly exhausted himself chasing the horse pokemon, Tails was ready to collapse and had barely collected 5© of the crops and Knuckles couldn't even complete his task before Sonic actually brought the horse pokemon back so they could start getting fed.

The team met up for 5 minutes to get some water before they completely collapsed. The sun was also not helping.

"What's taking you so long with those horses?" Knuckles said cranky because of the bump on his head.

"Those damn horses are just too fast. And very distrustful" Sonic said wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"She must have sized us up upon meeting. Harvesting all the crops in that field without any tech? That's not possible".

"Well on the bright side we agreed to only one day of manual labor so she will have to let us go by the evening".

"I think it more likely she will find some loophole to keep us here unless we complete at least one task" Knuckles spoke his mind while rubbing his head.

"There's got to be some easier way to complete our tasks" Tails paced back and forth.

"You mean your tasks" Knuckles corrected him "mine is done from a certain point of view".

"Knuckles you're not helping" Sonic came out a little extra sassy.

Eventually the farm lady had them get back to work before they could come up with a solution. Knuckles was back to waiting by the barn for Sonic to get his task done, Tails back at the crop fields and Sonic back to chasing the horse pokemon.

Again neither the ponyta nor the rapidash trusted Sonic. They kept running away.

While chasing them Sonic noticed one was a bit bigger than the rest and the other ones seemed to treat it as their leader.

"Maybe if we caught it we could get the rest to follow. But how?" he concluded now having a target but still no way to get said target.

Tails wasn't having any more luck either. The field seemed literally endless.

"There's got to be a quicker way to harvest. But what's a way to do it without tech?"

He looked around and noticed the farmer who was nearby using a scythe to harvest the crops.

A scythe.

"THAT'S IT!" Tails' triumphant yell echoed throughout the field momentarily confusing Knuckles and Sonic.

Walking out of the crops and into an open area, Tails took out one of his pokeballs while taking a deep breath. He had trained with scyther but didn't know if they were ok with each other, at least enough to help him get the job done without ruining the crops ir worse, cutting someone open.

He sent out scyther.

The bug and flying type looked around into the wide open field and was immediately disappointed. It wanted to slash something very badly.

Of course when Tails called out to it, it contemplated slashing him to calm its instincts but seeing he was still holding the poke ball, it simply flew a bit further away uninterested.

"Hey scyther?" Tails asked hesitantly "do you feel like using your scythes?"

Scyther perked up at this. The fox was reading its mind.

But if course it had to take it the wrong way. Jumping at the opportunity it started trying to slash Tails.

"WOAH WOAH WAIT!" he screamed as he dodged "not me!"

Scyther halted. Tails wasn't expecting obedience but nevertheless showed scyther the farmer who was using the scythe to harvest the crops.

"What do you say? Care to harvest those crops till you can't slash anymore?"

Scyther couldn't have asked for a better task. Immediately getting to work, it started slashing at the crops, which was launched upwards momentarily. Tails used the bag he was given to collect them as they fell though found it hard to keep up with Scyther's insane cutting speed.

Knuckles was using his binoculars to observe this from the barn's entrance and who impressed by Tails' thinking outside the box.

Shifting his gaze to Sonic however he witnessed him sitting on the grass as close as he could to the alpha rapidash trying to ambush it.

He failed and the rapidash raced away.

Sonic slammed his fist on the ground. That rapidash just wouldn't be caught.

For a moment he wished he could be as fast as it. And then he remembered the two times he moved like a blur to intercept Entei from attacking Raichu.

And then he recalled the speed he had managed to manifest when racing up the stairs during the Greenfield incident.

"Physical enhancement is part of my bond with Raichu. We might not know the trigger but it won't hurt to try".

He called it out.

"Buddy I need your help. That rapidash" he said pointing at the alpha "we need to catch it. Not catch it for the team but keep up with it. And I will need your help for that".

"Raichu rai" Raichu cried out eager to help.

Sonic smiled.

The two got ready to dash off.

"When I tell you, use quick attack ok?"


The two observed the alpha rapidash and slowly started walking towards it without breaking their stance.

Eventually the alpha rapidash notice them and made a break for it.

"Now! Quick attack!"

Raichu put pressure on its back paws ready to use the move. At the same time, bolts of electricity crackled from Sonic's shoes like spiders. The two moved like a blur at the same time.

Sonic couldn't believe the sensation. The speed, the air hitting his face, the adrenaline. It was almost addicting. Feeling an urge, he moved his hands to point backwards, taking an aerodynamic shape.

Steadily the two started catching up to the rapidash until they were right next to it.

"Now! Slam into it!"

Raichu tackled rapidash while at the same time, Sonic jumped on it. The rapidash lost its balance for a while and by the time it regained it, Sonic was riding on its back, though he almost fell off twice.

"That was a good run" he said petting it on the neck "but that's enough. It's lunchtime. Call your herd so they can eat".

The rapidash obeyed. The other rapidash as well as the ponyta followed it to the barn where Knuckles was waiting with a mountain of hay waiting to be eaten.

Tails too had managed to finish his task at the same time, collecting a total of 5 bags of crops before scyther got tired and demanded a berry before retreating into its poke ball to rest.

Both the farmer and his wife where very impressed with the unexpected speed with which team Sonic accomplished their respective tasks and the farm lady admitted she had set those tasks to exhaust them as a sort of payback for attacking that Miltank but their ability to think on their feet, outside of their comfort zone and with such speed on top of the rest.

Having kept their end of the bargain team Sonic were free to go, but the farmer couple insisted they repay their service by inviting them to lunch. Team Sonic were starving and Knuckles specifically had mentioned their supplies were running short so they agreed.

During lunch, they were asked by the farmer couple what brought them to Johto in the first place. Sonic determining it wouldn't hurt, explained they were after team rocket which led to him being identified as the hero of Kanto.

The farmer couple did have some interesting information for them. 2 days ago a truck stopped to buy some moomoo milk from them and the driver was yelling to the passenger to hurry up as the shipment they were supposed to deliver was behind schedule. The farm lady had also noticed on the back of the truck a device that resembled a mix or a lightning rod and a generator. She also saw a few boxes in the back with a big R drawn on them.

Team Sonic looked at each other now more sure than ever. Team rocket was indeed preparing something near Olivine city. And they would stop it.

Later after thanking the farm couple for the delicious lunch and buying supplies from them despite the insistence from the farmers to take it for free, the three heroes went on their way again, each step bringing them closer not only to another confrontation with team rocket but also to a major upgrade for one of the three in a way none of them could ever possibly imagine.

Chapter 59: The tragedy of the echidnas


Knuckles, in an attempt to ease himself from the burden of his trauma, opens up to Tails and Sonic about the tragedy of his family.

Chapter Text

This is what it feels like to be detective Looker right now

It was too much.

Too much to handle anymore.

"We had him" detective Looker muttered on the verge of a breakdown.

"We had him, and those legendary pokemon helped him and his allies escape" he said as he recalled the events of that night.

"And not just helped him. They killed 2 officers. Suicune's flooding of the trench knocked them unconscious, leaving them to drown" he whispered as he tried to wrap his mind around the situation.

Now the hedgehog and his two friends were too far away to arrest without turning the people of Johto against them.

"Why? Why did they help him escape?And most importantly why did my men have to die?"

After the events of that night Morrison took a temporary leave from the case, needing to clear his mind. Now Looker was all alone trying to hold together a crumbling case.

They had no leads anymore. All they could do was wait for team rocket to make a move.

And if they did, he was sure the hedgehog would get to them before Looker.

"The entire police force of Johto pursuing team rocket. And they're losing to a trio of vigilantes. And as if that wasn't enough, they are now assisted by three legendary pokemon".

The same thing he had thought a minute ago only this time from the start.

All the while being drowned like his men by a horrible feeling.

Feeling powerless to do your job.

Feeling powerless to do anything when your men could get hurt or worse.

Feeling powerless.

This is what it feels to be detective Looker right now.

While the detective was experiencing all those dark emotions, team Sonic was a day closer to reaching Olivine city and preparing for a confrontation with team rocket.

Their members were all making sure they were in tip top shape both physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Sonic and his party were eager to get their hands on some rockets. Raichu wanted to zap one of them very badly.

Tails was also in the mood to teach them a good lesson without hurting then if they could avoid it of course. The only one he was willing to make an exception for was the iron masked marauder. A small part of him wished they would run into him.

Lastly, Knuckles was ready in all but one sectors. He was going through emotions about his parents again. Going through the dark cycle of the tragedy of his family all over again.

At the end of the day, after team Sonic set camp and trained, while roasting some marshmallows, Knuckles remembered his promise to his friends after Greenfield.

He took a deep breath. He didn't feel perfectly ready yet, but their time was running short. They had to be perfectly ready. Things wouldn't be like the slowpoke well.

It was time.

"What do you think that device the farm lady said she saw in that truck?" Sonic asked Tails.

"Could be anything honestly. A mix between a lightning rod and a generator? Or at least look like one? Whatever it is we're going to shut it down. Though if I could get my hands on the schematics we could figure out something about their future plans. Whatever they're intending to do with that thing must be for their long term plan" Tails said in deep thought.

Sonic nodded.

"All the more reason to be perfectly prepared. None of them are going to get away with it".

"About that" Knuckles interrupted.

Sonic and Tails looked at their friend.

"We have to be perfectly ready. But I am… well… going through with emotions".

Sonic and Tails looked at each other.

"Normally I would push them down or go somewhere to be alone until I feel better but we haven't time for neither."

Sonic remained expressionless.

"Knucks talk to us if you need. What is it about?"

"… my family".

Both Tails and Sonic knew immediately what was going on.

"Do you need some time Knuckles?" Tails asked him "we could spare a day so you can feel better".

Knuckles was tempted to accept but that was enough running already.

"No Tails. If I simply let them slide and don't confront them they will simply come back later to bite us. I can't risk that happening when we confront the rockets. I won't risk it".

Sonic realized Knuckles was serious. As painful as that was for him, it was time to face it.

"Then speak to us buddy. We'll face it with you".

Tails also nodded encouraging Knuckles.

The red echidna felt blessed to have friends – no. Brothers like them.

Taking a deep breath he began.

"It all started with my maternal grandfather. He was never an easy person, both before and after meeting my grandmother. She was a saint, almost in the literal sense. I never understood how she came to love my grandfather".

"Many couples' dynamics seem weird to others" Tails spoke his mind.

"Speaking of couples have you made it into Cosmo's heart yet?" Sonic teased him.

Tails blushed "this… ain't about me… "

Knuckles laughed. His friends were just pure gold.

"They met here in Johto" Knuckles continued his narration "when they were both very young. 20 years olds. My grandmother lived in Azalea. She met my grandfather at Ilex forest".

"Lol similar to me and Cosmo" Tails realised.

Knuckles nodded.

"What was your grandfather doing here?" Sonic expressed his question.

"Looking for the mythical Celebi".

"Celebi?!" both Sonic and Tails exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes. Celebi the mythical time travel pokemon".

"Wait" Tails stopped him, feeling his mind would blow "it's real?! Like really real?! Despite literally breaking the laws of physics?!"

Knuckles shrugged.

"I don't know. But he believed it's real. He always claimed it appeared to him when he was a boy. He had sworn that day he would meet it again".

"What are the odds he was telling the truth?" Sonic wondered.

"Don't know don't care" Knuckles shut down the question "that's not important. The important part is that him wanting to find Celebi wasn't just a desire. It was an obsession".

Tails gasped.

"Yes you heard right. An obsession. Not even meeting my grandmother, the love of his life helped him to conquer it".

"Knuckles let me stop you for a moment" Sonic gently stopped his friend "I get it. He was obsessed with finding Celebi. But why?"

"He would never answer that question. All I know is that every chance he got he wandered around Johto looking for Celebi. And that didn't change after him and my grandmother got together and moved to Green hills. Or even after they had their daughter, my mother Lara-le".

"Wait your grandparents live in Green hills?" Sonic asked him surprised.

"Not in the city. In the general area".

"He left your mother behind and went off to look for Celebi?" Tails asked disgusted.

"Worse. He took my mother along. He always said that maybe Celebi only appeared to pure souls so he essentially had my mother along as bait".

Sonic and Tails were both at their limit. Did Knuckles' grandfather not care about even his own daughter?

Knuckles guessed their thoughts.

"Don't get me wrong. My grandfather loved his family. But his obsession corrupted that love. And it only got worse when my mother met my father".

"Let me guess. Classic case of father-in-law not liking his son-in-law?" Sonic assumed.

"An accurate guess but it goes deeper than that" Knuckles said before pausing.

"You ok? Do you need a moment?" Tails asked him.

"No. It's just… my grandfather's obsession… started affecting his judgement at one point. Maybe even his grip on reality".

"You mean he went insane?"

"Not exactly. You'll understand as we go on. You see the first hint of this loss of his grip on reality came when him and mother were in Johto for another trip to find Celebi. She was 5 years old".

Sonic and Tails didn't say anything waiting to see where this was going.

"During that trip, a lot of bizzare things occurred. My grandfather claimed a rival hunter got in their way. That he was also looking for Celebi. And that it was because of him he lost the chance to meet it again".

"Woah" Tails gasped as that possibly meant that Celebi had indeed appeared that day.

"It goes further than that. You see… my grandfather claims that he pursued that hunter across Johto, stringing my mother along the way. But the reason he never caught him was that, according to my grandfather at least… Entei, Raikou and Suicune helped the hunter escape".

"The beasts?!" Tails exclaimed in shock.

"I never believed that statement" Knuckles shrugged "after seeing his obsession with Celebi I assumed he just made it up. To not lose his sanity over losing Celebi".

Sonic and Tails were at a loss for words.

"Eventually my grandfather called it a day and returned home. He of course went on many more excursions to find Celebi, sometimes taking my mother along even when she became a teenager and was no longer a pure child and therefore not a perfect bait for Celebi. But that all changed when my mother was 25 on an excursion with my grandfather as usual. They met my father".

Silence. Again Tails and Sonic were hanging on Knuckles' every word.

"All hell broke loose, metaphorically of course. My grandfather claimed my father was the hunter that had cost him meeting Celebi back then. That of course was impossible, my father would have been 8 at that time".

"Wait so he claimed that your father was the one who helped Celebi escape him? On what grounds?" Tails asked confused.

"None really. They probably just looked alike. But my grandfather was convinced they were the same person. Never even believed my father on his age. He just assumed he was lying. And that all got worse when he realized my father and my mother had perfect chemistry from the first moment".

Sonic nodded. A man believing his daughter liking someone who was so much older was indeed a maddening thought.

"My grandfather did everything in his power to keep my mother and father separated but nothing beats love so got together. Eventually she moved out. That caused my grandfather to become even more bitter. Even to my grandmother".

His two friends were no longer sure they wanted to hear the rest of the story.

"Of course after around 5 years of relationship the two got married and had me. My grandmother couldn't have been happier that her daughter had walked down the aisle and had become a mommy as well. But my grandfather… he refused to give them his blessing. He even refused to walk my mother down the aisle".

"What?!" both of his friends gasped.

"Not just that. He refused to even attend. My mom tried many times to reconnect with him before and after the wedding but he always refused completely shutting her out of his life. My grandmother had to be the one visiting us all the time because my grandfather wouldn't come along or allow my father or me in his house".

Sonic didn't feel like going anymore. Tails and he exchanged a glance and could tell they were both feeling the same thing. But they both nodded at each other, agreeing to endure it. Their friend needed them at this moment. They would go it all the way.

"Eventually of course disaster struck. You see my mother, spending so much time in Johto was enamored with its legends, learning them by heart. My father was an archeologist and explorer so they fit like two puzzle pieces. Guess that's also where I get my adventurous nature from" Knuckles smiled with a tear dropping at the memory of his parents.

"Knuckles if you need a break" Sonic tried to say.

"No. I can't, I won't stop now. My mother and father took me along even as a baby on their exploration or archaeological trips. Sometimes my grandmother would agree to babysit me but that was only because my grandfather was too preoccupied being stuck in the emotions of the past to say no. When I was 5 was one of those times. And also the last time I ever saw my parents. They died during one of Professor Hale's excavations while he was researching the unown".

Sonic then remembered Knuckles talking to Professor Hale before they left Greenfield.

"Is that what you wanted to talk to him about? How they died?"

"Yes" Knuckles admitted "I had to know".

"Knuckles… I don't know what to say… we are… " Tails tried to comfort his friend.

"Don't say you're sorry Tails" Knuckles stopped him "I know you are. I just don't want to hear it. I'm going through this to finally, hopefully at least, get over it enough so I won't be a drawback against team rocket the following days".

"You could never be a drawback Knuckles" Sonic told him sympathetically.

"Thanks Sonic. Now are you ready to continue? We still have a long way to the end. Or rather to the present".

Sonic and Tails both nodded. Truthfully they were not sure how much more they could take. But there was no stopping now.

"My grandmother was the first to be informed. She was babysitting me and child services came to take me as my father's parents were unfit to be parents".

"How so?" Tails inquired.

"Gambling addicts. My father had to survive on his own. Which is why he became an archeologist. He traversed ruins on his own, discovering ancient secrets at the risk of his own life. He was researching Celebi as he was studying its shrine as well as an ancient ruin site known as the sinjoh ruins which is said to have some connection to time travel like Celebi. Which was how he met my mother".

Sonic and Tails were on the verge of tears. And Sonic thought he was the one to have gone through hell when Jolty died.

"Going back on track, child services would have taken me had my mother's parents not been qualified to raise me. At least in society's eyes. You know how it goes. They could live comfortably and were happily married for a long time so there you go, a proper household to raise a 5 year old. Oh how wrong they were".

Sonic didn't like where this was going.

"My grandfather was against raising me from the get go. He threatened to leave my grandmother until she reminded him of my mother. I was the last part of their mother that remained and she would raise me like my mother would have wanted with or without him. He begrudgingly agreed but I'm sure deep down he wished I never existed".

"Surely that was just what it felt like. There's no way it was really the case right?" Tails asked trying to sound optimistic.

"My grandfather was constantly out of the house, spending as little time as possible around me. And when he was around he constantly offended my father calling him a sick perverted child predator. It drove me mad but my grandmother was the one source of peace in that house of negativity" Knuckles again smiled and teared up as he remembered her.

"She was essentially my second mother after my birth mother died. She taught me everything I know. I mean everything. How to read, how to write, how to cook, how to organize for exploring everything. She knew my parents' blood run through my veins. So she had to teach me how to survive out in the world" Knuckles explained before pausing and smiling softly "she always said I had to learn those things as they wouldn't be around forever".

"Oh man. Buddy I…"

Knuckles raised his hand to stop him. He had to finish the story.

"The more she prepared me however and the more I grew up the more my grandfather changed. His distaste for me transformed. It turned into hatred".

"Hatred?!" both of his friends exclaimed at once.

"Yes. For you see" he said taking out a picture from his backpack "I'm the spitting image of my father".

"Dude" Sonic said in shock "you're identical".

"Indeed. And the older I grew, the more my grandfather lost his grip on reality. He started referring to me by my father's name, Locke. Or to be more accurate he would treat me as if I was him, he never used the name".

Silence spread throughout the camp. Sonic and Tails were just completely speechless.

"And as you can imagine that caused great friction in his already strained relationship with my grandmother. And it all changed 2 years before I met you guys. The day I lost that home forever".

"Why? Did you run away?" Sonic asked but knew he would regret it immediately.

"It was the anniversary of my parents' deaths again. My grandfather had gone out to drink. Before I go on, I need to mention that the more time went by and I grew up, the more he became obsessed with Celebi but his body was no longer as able to get him to travel. So he started drinking to escape the reality of never meeting Celebi and the loss of my mother. On the fateful day he was so drunk that he got into the loudest fight he had ever gotten into with my grandmother, getting into a frenzy and breaking everything on sight. He went on and on about how it was all my fault for taking his little girl away from him and if I hadn't shown up back then everything would have been perfect. He would have met Celebi again and his life would have been perfect with my grandmother and my mother".

Sonic and Tails were leaning forward in anxiety. This was it.

"And during the argument, he grabbed a pot and threw it against a drawer right next to my grandmother. I don't know if he was just blinded by rage or he was aiming at her but it matters not. For the pot shook a jar on too of the drawer. And that pot fell… on my grandmother's head" Knuckles said as he finally reached his limit. He lowered his head and started slightly shaking as tears were visible dropping on the ground.

Sonic and Tails also couldn't hold their tears any longer. Jolty's death and the subsequent darkness Sonic experienced were nothing compared to the trauma Knuckles had experienced and was still experiencing.

They moved to his sides and hugged him. A lot would say that a mere patting on the back would suffice. But it wouldn't.

This was their friend. Their brother. And he wasn't made of stone.

And it was perfectly ok.

The three friends remained there silent, letting Knuckles let it all out.

Eventually after drinking some water, he was ready to finish the story.

"My grandfather couldn't believe what he had done. And I found him over the body after coming back from a walk".

Sonic and Tails both gasped.

"I don't remember a lot. One thing I remember clearly was breaking his nose as he was laying on the floor at my mercy. The only thing that spared him was the arrival of the cops. They kept us separated and had me spend a night on lock-up for assault until they figured out what happened".

"They locked you up?! How did you get out?!" Sonic asked him in total shock.

"My grandfather inadvertently released me. He kept going on and on that he killed her but didn't want to. A full on mental breakdown" Knuckles said "the autopsy came back and backed his claim up, releasing me".

"Dude" Tails muttered.

"It was ruled as an accident so they let it go. But my whole world had been shattered. All the love I had left up to that point in my life was gone. To escape insanity I dove deep into the legends of Johto. I desperately needed to feel my mother close to me. I learned the legends of not only Johto but also Kanto by heart. Learned to draw my mother's symbol as well, hence why I was able to identify it at burned tower".

Sonic nodded. He remembered clearly.

"All the while my grandfather who now had legally full custody of me couldn't care less. He threw himself in depression and preparing my grandmother's funeral. All the while drinking. One night I heard him screaming out drunk".

"What was he screaming?" Tails asked his friend.

"He was calling out to Celebi. Begging it to appear to him like it did in the past. Give him a chance to fix things. To save his daughter and wife from the destiny my good for nothing pervert father would bring down upon them. Even at that moment he would only blame my father".

His two friends were disgusted beyond belief now. That old fool had allowed his obsession to destroy his life and family and would still only blame others?

"The final straw came during my grandmother's funeral. I had found my first treasure in a ruin close to our city so I had begun making a living on my own. I spent the money I got for finding that treasure – sold it to a museum so you know, I ain't a smuggler – to buy a nice suit to wear. To say goodbye to my second mother properly. And my grandfather ruined that day for me as well. He started screaming –and might I add in front of everyone - that it was all my fault, that I seduced his daughter and led her to her death and now took his wife away. That was the final straw. I called him a delusional obsessed sad excuse of an echidna and that my grandmother and mother were better off dead than with a husband and father like him and left. That was the last time I saw him. I got to work and managed to get a place to live in our neighborhood. And that was when I met you guys".

Sonic slumped back on the ground trying to process all he had heard.

No wonder Knuckles was so inconsistent during their Johto trip. He was carrying an excruciating burden.

"And on a final note" Knuckles felt a need to thank his friends "those last two years have been the best of my entire life. You guys started as my neighbors and became my family. My brothers. I want you to know that I will be eternally grateful to you for that. Always".

"You just had to go and get all emotional in the end didn't you, you knucklehead?" Sonic smiled a bitter smile.

"Knuckles you didn't have to tell us that" Tails said feeling guilty about Knuckles forcing himself to go down memory lane for them to know.

"It's ok Tails" Knuckles managed to smile despite all the bitterness in the air "I promised you'd know. Now you do".

They all remained there, raichu sleeping peacefully on the side of the campfire Sonic was sitting at earlier. The only sound was the burning wood from the campfire.

"And now that you told us?" Sonic asked Knuckles "do you feel better?"

Knuckles waved negatively.

"No. Not better. Just lighter".

"That's ok too" Tails said with his voice a bit distorted from all the emotion.

Knuckles closed his eyes as another smile was etched upon his face.

"Yes. I feel some weightlessness. I may not be emotionally balanced and may never be. But I am stable now. Stable enough to make the rockets pay when we meet them head on".

Sonic patted him on the shoulder.

"You said it Knucks. We're bringing them down".

"For good" Tails said placing his hand on Knuckles' other shoulder.

Knuckles first looked at Sonic and then at Tails smiling. He then placed his hand in the middle.

"Team Sonic all the way" he said with a hint of pride in his voice.

Tails mimicked him.

"Team Sonic all the way".

It was now Sonic's turn.

"Team Sonic all the way".

Yes. All the way. All the way to the eventual transformation of team Sonic into the Sonic heroes.

Chapter 60: On the trail of the rockets


Accidentally discovering a team rocket plot unfolding, Ash and his friends inform team Sonic of this. The ensuing events result in Tails questioning everything he thought about himself until this point.

Chapter Text

Team rocket admin Archer was observing the finalization of the construction of their masterpiece.

He was in their temporary hideout when word came that the fabled legendary beasts were supposedly freed by team Sonic in Ecutreak city. And that rumor, if real, played into their plans too perfectly to pass up.

Their plan for the eventual return of Giovanni required the hijacking of the experimental generator in Goldenrod city and its subsequent supercharge in order to broadcast the message of team rocket's return worldwide. That of course was the secondary part of the plan. The main purpose was to call Giovanni back from exile to lead them.

He was the only one they believed could stand tall against Sonic the hedgehog. Without him they were destined to fall to team Sonic.

Therefore immediately after the re-emergence of the legendary beasts, Archer immediately tasked their forces to converge at once and help in the construction of a special device; an electricity container that would harness the power of several electric types they had captured as well as several wild electric types. The device would be a useful tool to use when the time came but the big prize in Archer's eyes was a pokemon they could call by gathering so much electricity in one place.

The legendary Raikou.

He had heard stories of Raikou's power. It would make a most useful asset in their plan.

Not only as a tool for the production of electricity for their master plan, but also as a weapon against team Sonic.

More specifically against Sonic the hedgehog's mighty raichu.

That bloody rodent was a menace. Just calling it out in the slowpoke well had everyone turn tail and run, ruining the operation beyond saving.

It had to be dealt with. And Raikou would make a most excellent exterminator for the disgusting rodent that had chosen to make an enemy out of team rocket.

Those were Archer's thoughts as he was informed in the present that the device was set in place. Now they just needed a jumpstart for it. And Olivine city's lighthouse's permanent resident, the iconic Ampharos that lit the way for ships to enter the port, would make an excellent ignition switch.

Archer smiled. Everything was going according to plan. And he was sure team Sonic would arrive on scene too late to ever hope to stop them.

If only he knew that an accidental run-in one of his final arriving squads would have would set off a chain reaction the results if which noone would ever be able to predict.

And the first to be affected by that chain reaction would be none other than Ash and his two friends Brock and Misty who had taken an alternate route to Olivine city and had gotten ahead of team Sonic.

And the day of reckoning found them training by a lake around 3 hours away from Olivine.

"Totodile bite harder!"

Totodile bit down on the branch harder. The eventual result was the breaking of the branch.

"Great work totodile. Now try it with this" Ash encouraged it giving it a fatter branch to bite and snap.

He couldn't help but adopt several methods in which Sonic trained his own pokemon. He turned to his heracross which trying to bring down a tree using horn attack. It had also learned the move false swipe which along with quick attack was an almost surefire way to victory.

Or at least Ash would normally consider it as such. But he had been studying his rival for so long that it was like his mindset was being affected.

"A pokemon of that strength but that weak to flying and you are going to give your opponents a chance to fight back? Come on Ash you can do better" was the thought Ash made when he considered this combo. And the thought spoke to him in Sonic's voice nonetheless.

Ash couldn't even disagree fully anymore. The move combo did show some promise but in the big leagues… Sonic was just so ahead of him that the only way to catch up was to understand how he thought in battle.

And he had to admit that indeed in the big leagues or just at the Johto league, they wouldn't have the luxury of giving their opponents a chance to fight back.

Sonic would not.

"So we won't either" Ash thought as he noticed pikachu practicing thunderbolt and thunder, its mind fixated on increasing its electricity output. The only kind of victory it would accept was a total overpowering of its rival, Raichu.

Pikachu's mind went back to Tails' words that day when Sonic explained to Ash how Raichu was twice as strong as others of its kind.

That meant that if Pikachu had one time trouble beating its evolved form, defeating Sonic's Raichu would mean that many more times the trouble.

It also recalled asking Raichu why it abandoned their middle form in order to become a brute. Raichu simply had explained that not everyone of their kind was the same and that Pikachu had to stop reflecting its desire to remain a Pikachu to their entire race.

Remaining a Pikachu was perfectly ok, at least in Raichu's eyes. He knew Sonic would disagree, claiming Pikachu was choosing to hold itself back. But the two didn't share that belief entirely.

Becoming a Raichu was also perfectly ok. Some Pikachus just wanted that. And it was Ash's Pikachu's job to accept that fact.

A job that Pikachu hadn't made much progress thus far.

"There is no going back from evolving" it thought as it summoned the strongest thunder it could, trying to increase the output even if it got exhausted "I don't need it. I will beat him with my own might" it thought as it summoned another lightning bolt.

All the while, Misty was starving. Their supplies had run thin but according to Brock it was ok. Olivine was relatively close. And they would have been there already if Ash had chosen to go instead of overpracticing.

"Ash I'm starving. Can we please go?"

"Just 5 more minutes Misty. We're on the verge of a powerful breakthrough I can feel it".

Misty slumped back against the log she and Brock were sitting at, sliding down in despair.

"You said the same thing the last 6 times I asked you" she said with a cranky voice.

Brock's stomach also growled.

"My stomach tends to agree" he admitted "come on Ash we will train more in Olivine".

"We're almost done Brock. Just a little more".

"Misty please go and pull him from the ear. You know like you did to me yesterday".

"Yesterday you had it coming for annoying that poor girl".

"You could never understand" Brock said with a tragic voice "I had never felt that way before".

"You literally say that everytime you meet a pretty girl".

Brock then went on a tragic monologue on how he had found love and his heart was broken beyond repair. Just another day in the office for Misty.

Her train of thought about food and Brock's repeatable behavior was disrupted when she heard a truck.

Jumping up in an instant hoping they could hitch a ride on the truck, she rushed to the street. At the very least she would go ahead to town and meet Brock and Ash there later.

Getting to the side of the street she started waving her hands to get the driver to stop.

When that didn't seem to work, her hunger got the best of her and she almost got in the way of the truck. The driver tried to maneuver around her and caused the truck to flip much to Misty's shock.

She called out to Ash and Brock to come and help, almost screaming as she did so. Rushing to help the driver exit the truck, she noticed his jacket's zipper was open. On the shirt underneath was etched a big red R.

"Team rocket!" she screamed in anger and shock.

The driver knowing he was caught, pressed a button in the truck's dashboard. He then took out two pokeball and sent out an arbok and a golbat to keep Misty as well as the arriving Ash and Brock at bay while he tried to head to the back of the truck.

"Pikachu quick! Use thunderbolt on golbat!"

"Starmie!" Misty called it out to help "water gun on arbok!"

Brock however quickly noticed the guy sneaking to the back of the truck.

Unwilling to risk allowing the grunt to go through with whatever plan he had, Brock chose the explosive way out.

"Forretress!" he called it out "Explosion!"

Before either Misty or Ash could react, Brock had pushed them down. The explosion occurred knocking out both Arbok and Golbat and somewhat hurting Pikachu and Starmie as they didn't have time to dodge the attack. The grunt was also knocked back crashing into his truck.

Brock looked up and saw the grunt try to get back up, again heading to the back of the truck.

"Pikachu! Stop him with quick attack!" Brock urgently ordered Pikachu.

Pikachu did as Brock asked, knocking the grunt against the truck, which caused him to pass out. Ash and Misty got up in confusion.

"Brock… why did you have Pikachu attack him like that?" Ash asked his friend trying to make sense of what had just transpired.

Brock didn't immediately answer. Instead he went to the back of the truck. Ash repeating his question followed Brock.

Brock unlocked the container's door and slid the door upwards opening it. Misty got a clear view of the inside of the truck as soon as she got there as well and what she saw caused her to gasp.

Inside the truck was a bound and muzzled Tyranitar, in a very bad shape too. On its side curled up was a small larvitar, with no source of comfort other than physical contact with its mother. That last fact was obvious from its constant shivering of terror before the door opened and it immediately hiding behind Tyranitar as soon as the door was opened.

"What kind of monsters would keep Pokemon locked up like this?" Misty asked with tears in her eyes. The sight was too much to bare.

"Team rocket" Brock said with a hint of anger. Being someone with a dream to become a pokemon breeder, with recent thoughts of taking the Pokemon doctor path instead, such a cruel mistreatment of Pokemon was just unforgivable.

"They're still around? I thought Sonic brought them down" Ash said in surprise.

"Well it looks like they're making a comeback" Brock said taking out his pokegear.

"What are you doing?" Ash looked on as Brock selected a number in his pokegear and pressed the call button.

Brock remained silent until the call was answered.

"Knuckles it's Brock. I think I have something for you guys. Come to this location" he said as he activated the pokegear's location feature.

After ending the call with Knuckles assuring Brock they were on the way, the latter turned back to Misty and Ash.

"When we were still in Ecutreak, Knuckles gave me his number and entrusted me with their team's mission. He also asked me to call him immediately if we came across team rocket".

"Wait he expected us to run into one of team rocket? Excluding Jessie and James obviously" Ash asked confused.

"Yes. You see Sonic, Tails and Knuckles didn't come here for sightseeing. Not for the Johto league either".

Ash and Misty could guess were Brock was going with this.

"They came here because they found evidence team rocket regrouped here in Johto. They are pursuing them to end the team once and got all. Knuckles asked me not to tell you guys anything because the police don't like their meddling with team rocket much".

"So they didn't tell us because they believed we would turn them in?" Ash asked angry, especially after Sonic had admitted Ash was a great person in the orange islands.

"No. It's exactly the opposite. To keep us safe from them" Brock explained.

"Oh I see. They don't think I can handle it" Ash surmised.

"I never said that Ash" Brock stopped his line of thought. Team Sonic weren't that kind of individuals.

Ash, Misty and Pikachu all looked at Tyranitar and larvitar and then to each other with looks of concern.

"So now what?"

"We wait" Brock said seriously. And it was the truth. All they could do was wait for team Sonic to arrive.

Taking the necessary precautions, they tied up the rocket grunt so he wouldn't escape and Brock tried to mend Tyranitar's injuries as best he could. Unfortunately for Tyranitar, its own lack of trust was preventing Brock from helping it.

After a painful wait of approximately 30 minutes team Sonic arrived totally out of breath as they ran the whole way there.

"Is it true?" Knuckles immediately asked Brock while panting heavily trying to catch his breath "you got one of team rocket's members?"

"Yeah we have him nearby guarded by Pikachu" Ash said pointing towards the front of the toppled track.

"We got bigger problems than him right now" Brock intervened "we got a mother Tyranitar and her offspring on the back of the truck. It's gravely injured but it won't let me treat its wounds".

"Why didn't you just call for medical assistance from Olivine?" Tails inquired looking inside the truck. He was amazed by the huge pokemon as well as saddened by the scared larvitar still hiding behind it's mother.

"I suggested we do so while waiting for you. Brock insisted we wait for you".

"You didn't have to" Sonic disagreed "you could have moved the guy somewhere for us to find and have someone come help this… wow" he said amazed "that is one big pokemon".

"If we did we would have to explain what happened. So we either give that guy to the beautiful officer Jennys" Brock began straying from the point before Misty pulled his ear to get him to focus "or we would have to somehow explain what happened to the driver of the truck who in that case would be missing".

"Damn you make a valid point" Sonic agreed "alright. Tails do you mind helping Brock with Tyranitar? You and your butterfree may be able to calm it down".

"Would do so regardless. Question is what do I do if it won't calm down?"

"Have Knuckles' weepinbel use sleep powder together with butterfree. And make sure to spray both the mother and the child. They need to calm down from the terror they probably went through".

"I see" Tails said as he looked at Knuckles who brought out his Weepinbel "Knuckles you coming with me?"

"No need to mate. Brock is more experienced than me in caring for pokemon. You two will definitely be able to treat Tyranitar sufficiently".

Tails nodded as he entered the container with Brock, after catching weepinbel's pokeball that Knuckles threw at him.

"Knuckles I want you to go in the front and try getting the guy to talk. Raichu will assist you if need be".

"Rai" Raichu growled in excitement eager to zap the subject of the interrogation.

"I think you better do it Sonic" Knuckles disagreed "you're the one team rocket fears. You will get him to confess a lot easier. I'll look through the driver's cab to try and find any clue that could be of use to us".

Sonic nodded. Ash immediately rushed to the front of the truck with him declaring he was just as responsible to help stop team rocket as Sonic was. The latter didn't object, not because he wanted Ash in the interrogation but because they didn't have time to argue.

There was one thing however Ash could help him with.

Sonic sent Ash to try to get the grunt to talk first. Ash found that strange but agreed regardless.

Ash went to the front of the truck first where the grunt was trying to break free from his binds.

"Let me go kid. You have no idea who you and your puny friends are messing with".

"What were you planning to do with that poor Tyranitar in the back?" Ash grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Nothing you would understand kid. Now let me go before you regret it".

Ash didn't really know what to do in this scenario. Interrogating team rocket wasn't something new for him but Jessie and James usually didn't resist. This wasn't the case.

"We'll regret it huh?" Sonic said while still being outside the field of view of the grunt.

The grunt gasped and his eyes widened. He also started trembling.

The trembling got more and more intense with each footstep he heard from his right. His worst nightmare, every team rocket member's worst nightmare had found him.

A raichu appeared next to him without him ever even feeling it approach. It growled angrily, its usually cute black eyes devoid of anything except boiling rage.

And Raichu's trainer soon followed.

The grunt wanted to scream but couldn't. He was petrified. And it was perfectly understandable. Every team rocket member knew of what team Sonic had done to them at the slowpoke well.

Sonic looked down at the grunt without any hint of mercy in his green eyes. Even Ash was creeped out by the look in his rival's face.

"Is that right?" Sonic asked with what sounded like amusement in his voice but his face contained no hint of amusement "we'll regret it you say?"

"Rai" raichu growled.

"Very fascinating my friend but I have a better idea. You're going to tell us everything. Starting with… where is Archer?"

The grunt gulped.

"If I talk… he stuttered "there will be dire consequences".

Sonic snapped his fingers. Raichu used his signature trapping move to trap the grunt's throat between raichu's tail and the truck.

"I find you rather confident pal" Sonic let out a menacing laugh "you are rather sure you will make it back to Archer in order for there to be consequences".

Ash backed Sonic up, oblivious to what Sonic really meant with that statement.

Inside the truck, Tails had eventually resorted to putting the Tyranitar and the larvitar to sleep as they were too distrustful for Brock and himself to help. Afterwards he observed as Brock sprayed the tyranitar's wounds with a super potion. Tails noted that the larvitar was uninjured which Brock said as a good thing. A pokemon as young as that would have a lot less chance of healing than a fully grown one.

"Still" he said grimly "Tyranitar doesn't look good. It's very hurt. Something really powerful must have been used to get it to this point".

"Does that mean… " Tails asked concerned.

"That there's a high chance it won't make it? Yes and no. Not a high chance. But a chance nonetheless".

Tails immediately started browsing through his phone looking for anything he could use to help the tyranitar. He couldn't stand by and leave it up to chance.

"Couldn't we feed it some berries?" he asked while browsing.

"What's the point?" Brock asked "berries healing pokemon by eating them is a false rumor. There is one berry that could get the job done though".

"What berry?" Tails asked with his voice radiating restored hope.

"It's called sitrus berry. But it's very rare and usually only planted in farms. The odds of finding one on the wild are very low".

Tails rushed to the door of the container.

"Knuckles! Do we have any sitrus berries?"

Knuckles' head protruded from the cab. He looked at him confused.

"What's a sitrus berry?"

"You don't know?!"

"I didn't know berries had names".

Tails cursed silently but looked up an image of the sitrus berry on his phone. He showed it to Knuckles and the latter got out and began rummaging through their few remaining berries. The farmer couple had given them mostly moomoo milk and processed pokemon food as supplies for their pokemon. They didn't really plant pokemon berries.

"No luck. And to be entirely honest, I don't remember ever picking up a berry like that" Knuckles said in the end.

At that moment a punch was heard from the front of the truck.

"What was that?" Brock asked from inside the container as he heard it through the wall of it.

Tails didn't like the answer he was about to give them.

"Sonic is trying to get the grunt to break and confess" he explained to an unnerved Brock.

The grunt was on the verge of fainting. Being loyal to team rocket to the bone was one thing. Being on the receiving end of the wrath of the hero of Kanto however… only a fool like Proton would choose loyalty in the face of such fear.

"P-please…" the grunt begged trapped between his two fears.

"Ash you might want to look away. That won't be pretty" Sonic warned his rival, finally ready to resort to a more drastic solution.


Sonic didn't answer.

"I'll ask you again pal. Where is Archer?"

"Please… I only deliver shipments. I don't hurt the pokemon we catch".

Sonic snapped his fingers unimpressed.

Raichu used thunder punch on its tail, closing the circuit.

The grunt was electrocuted briefly as raichu didn't keep the circuit closed for more than a moment. He cried out in pain. Ash wasn't disturbed as he often found himself on the receiving end of Pikachu's thunderbolts so they no longer hurt as much. For that reason he didn't see it as much of torture.

Sonic looked disgusted at the panting grunt.

"You think that just because you are not actively hurting pokemon you're innocent? Don't make me laugh. You are just as guilty as the rest of the rockets. Now let's try again. Just so you know the more you don't talk, the longer raichu will wait before opening the circuit again. Now that I've made myself clear I will repeat my question" Sonic leaned over the grunt again.

"Where is Archer?"

"Please don't do this…" the grunt begged again "I'm only a cog in this system".

Sonic snapped his fingers again. Raichu closed the circuit for a total of 2 seconds. Again Ash didn't realize the pain Sonic was putting the grunt through.

"That matters not to me" Sonic said coldly "where is Archer?"

The grunt was close to his breaking point. Proton had described the pain he experienced in team Sonic's hands. He spoke with pride, declaring he was a true rocket to the end. The grunts also said the same thing at the time.

But it was easy to be brave when there was no risk involved.

"I can't tell you that. Please no more".

Sonic wanted nothing more than to allow raichu to close the circuit for 5 seconds but relented. After all there were more things he could learn from that sorry excuse of a man that would be beneficial for the team.

"Alright pal. I'll give you another chance. I am aware team rocket is planning something near Olivine city. What are they planning?"

The grunt still wouldn't talk. Again out of the conflict of his fears.

"Please… you don't know what Archer is capable of. I can't say".

Ash asked Sonic what the grunt meant. Sonic merely answered that he was lying.

"You really think I'm falling for such an obvious lie? If Archer was really that scary you wouldn't beg me. Because you wouldn't be conflicted. But compared to your old boss Giovanni he is nothing. So" Sonic said as Raichu charged its punch again "will you answer or will Raichu fry you alive?"

Ash was unnerved. The way Sonic spoke that phrase was creepy. As if he meant it.

The grunt was at a dead end. It was either a painful way to go at the hands of the hero of Kanto or a painful way to go when Archer called their boss back and told him everything. Because that was his real fear.

He didn't fear Archer. He feared Giovanni but couldn't let it slip to the hedgehog that they were going to call him back.


Sonic sighed.

"Your usefulness has expired".

The grunt's face became a mask of horror.

His fate was sealed.

Before Sonic could decide however what to do – he wasn't planning to hurt that grunt any longer but wanted to play this out so that if the grunt found his way back into team rocket's hideout, he would think he was super lucky to be alive – Tails called out to him from the container.

"Raichu don't let him out of there" he instructed his partner.

Heading on the back, he found Knuckles and Misty keeping watch just in case and Tails at the door of the container.

"What's the issue?" Sonic asked. He knew Tails would only call out if it was something serious.

"Tyranitar is too drained. Nothing we have is working. Our only hope right now is to use a sitrus berry to heal it".

"Don't we have one of those?"

"No. They're very rare. Brock said there is a small chance some can be found in the woods around us" he said pointing to the trees "but the odds are very low. For that reason we need speed".

Sonic understood the severity of the situation but wasn't sure how he could help yet.

"You can use your quirk to get faster Sonic. Knuckles told me back at the farm how you went up that crazy flight of stairs in Molly's house in record time. You probably activated your quirk to enhance your speed without even realizing it".

Sonic nodded as he recalled the instance. But he wasn't sure how to trigger it. Back at the farm he had Raichu use quick attack but now that wasn't a choice as Raichu was holding the grunt down. Not to mention Sonic wasn't sure if the farm instance was a coincidence or not.

"Look in any case we need someone to go into the woods and look for sitrus berries. You are our best bet. Knuckles and I will keep watch along with Ash and his team. You go and if possible use your quirk".

Sonic looked down momentarily and then nodded. Tails nodded as well and sent him the image of the sitrus berry he had downloaded.

Sonic then prepared to run. Ash who had heard the entire conversation despite the grunts pleas for mercy peeked from the side of the truck, eager to see that speed Sonic had displayed at Greenfield with his own eyes.

Sonic took a moment to focus and then sped off.

To Ash's disappointment his speed was normal.

Sonic's departure however was just the opportunity a certain group of team rocket members was hoping for.

After Sonic left, Tails gathered everyone apart from Ash, Pikachu and Raichu to help him move Tyranitar out of the truck so that it could get some warmth from the sunlight. The task proved impossibly hard as Tyranitar weighed almost more than the truck. Larvitar itself required the combined effort of Knuckles, Tails and Knuckles' weepinbel.

Neither of the two friends believed Ash when he said he had lifted a larvitar fairly easily a while back.

When both Tyranitar and Larvitar were out of the container at last, a giant hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed them – with incredible ease to the surprise of Tails' science obsessed part – and threw them in a net. The two teams gasped in shock following the hand to the source with their eyes only to find a second hand having grabbed Raichu and Pikachu as well and throwing them into the same net.

A net hanging from a familiar meowth shaped hot air balloon.

"Ahahaha! Prepare for trouble!"

"Make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation".

"To unite all peoples within our nation".

"To denounce the evils of truth and love".

"To extend our reach to the stars above".


"And James".

"And Meowth too".

"Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight".

"Meowth that's right!"

"Team rocket!" Ash said angry "what makes you think you'll get away with this?!"

Jessie laughed in a classic Jessie confidence.

"We already have you little twerp. You can't beat us without the help of your blue friend".

"Yeah. Without him you lot are nothing" Meowth gloated.

Raichu threatened Meowth from inside the net. Meowth mocked it, saying that without Sonic it was no threat to them.

"You must be truly idiots" Tails said angry at not only the three idiots' cowardice in attacking only when Sonic was out of the picture but also their mistreatment of an already injured pokemon like tyranitar "to think we are weak. Sonic may be the strongest of us, but you forgot something vital".

"And what is that?" James asked with a slightly taunting tone.

"The slowpoke well".

Team rocket looked at each other confused.

"Oh right I remember" Tails said with a confident smile "you weren't there. So you don't know who we are".

"Oh please. Just who do you think you are?".

Tails and Knuckles nodded at each other and called out a pokemon each. Scyther and Heracross.

"We're team Sonic!"

The statement of course made Jessie and James laugh. They still didn't think them to be a threat.

"Knuckles give me a boost".

Knuckles ordered Heracross to use horn attack on scyther in order to launch it towards the balloon. Scyther was launched at an incredible speed and using its strong wings to increase its speed even more, managed to penetrate the balloon.

The balloon started flying around very fast and in a chaotic way, entirely out of control. After a few seconds, it crash landed, with the three idiots getting roughed up and the trapped pokemon landing safely on the now deflated balloon.

Tails then had scyther release them and immediately had Knuckles as well as Ash's team hold their captives down so Sonic could have a word with them when he came back while he checked on Tyranitar. Meowth of course reverted back to a coward and begged for its life, especially when it got face to face with raichu, knowing what it was capable of.

Brock joined Tails in caring for the now awake but even weaker than before Tyranitar. Larvitar was also awake and was hugging its mother's face. Knuckles was about to go through his backpack to see if there was anything until he realized raichu was standing right next to him.

"Wait a minute" he said as his eyes slowly widened "if you're here… then who's…"

He turned to look at where the captured grunt was supposed to be.

And of course he was no longer there having escaped during the chaos after raichu was captured inadvertently freeing him.

After his escape the grunt raced through the woods, fields and cliffs, reaching the location of team rocket's operation. Two agents of the team were overseeing the final preparations when he arrived, dropping on his knees totally out of breath and coughing.

"What took you so long?" the male agent asked the grunt angry.

"And where's the shipment?" the female agent followed suit with another question.

"At… at…" he tried to say as he coughed.

"At?!" both of the agents asked at the same time.

"At the hands of the hero of Kanto and his crew, agent Butch, sir".

The two agents looked at each other. That was a concerning development.

Telling the grunt they would deal with him later for losing the shipment and risking the entire operation due to his inadequacy, they ordered the grunts to end the preparations and left, hopping in their small jeep. They would have to try and clean up themselves or at least draw the hero of Kanto and his allies away from the site of operations.

While the villains were coming for them, the heroes were in disarray.

"We went and let him escape!" Knuckles said angry punching a tree causing it to shake and several berries to fall off.

"Sonic's going to be furious" Tails mumbled.

"With you?" Ash asked them.

"Not with us. With the entire situation. Team rocket is planning something soon and our only lead is gone".

"Why don't we question the three dumbos?" Misty suggested.

Knuckles waved negatively.

"They have gone rogue. They are chasing you three because they want Ash's Pikachu above all else. In other words they know nothing that is of use to us and Sonic".

Ash wasn't going to not try however. He approached the tied up team rocket.

"Alright spill it. What is your team planning and where?"

"We don't know and if we did we wouldn't tell you" James mockingly responded.

"Yeah you are not getting anything out of us" Meowth added mockingly.

Tails having never heard the talking Meowth himself pushed down the urge to question its whole existence. He smiled with a mischievous smile.

"Shall we then have Sonic ask you this question?"

Meowth's face became a mask of horror but it refrained from answering.

"What if they're telling the truth?" Brock wondered referring to Tails.

Tails turned to him. Talking down so they wouldn't hear then he explained.

"They are. But we had to try just in case. Now our only hope is that there is a clue in the truck that could lead us to whatever operation they have going on".

"But if there isn't…" Ash tried to speak.

"There will be" Knuckles stopped him. He immediately went back inside the truck looking for anything of use to them. The rest went back to caring for Tyranitar while Pikachu and Raichu were keeping Larvitar busy to distract it from its injured mother.

But their troubles were only just beginning.

Ash was about to give some water to the injured Tyranitar when he suddenly jumped and pushed Tails out of the way of a projectile aiming for him.

"We're under attack!" he yelled.

Knuckles immediately jumped out of the toppled truck. Tails and Ash got back up too.

The two teams were met with an unpleasant development. And said development was the newly arrived duo of team rocket grunts. Or at least that was what Knuckles thought until he noticed their slightly different suits. They looked to be more like Jessie and James in whatever title they held as members of team rocket. On their sides were a duo of drowzees, which explained the projectile that was heading for Tails a few moments ago.

The duo immediately laughed menacingly at the heroes.

"Prepare for trouble!" the woman started.

"And make it double!" the man continued.

"They stole the three idiots' motto?" Tails thought confused.

"Oh great it's them" Jessie said grumpy.

"Here's our mission so you better listen" both said debunking Tails' theory.

"To infect the world with devastation".

"To blight all people in every nation".

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love".

"To extend our wrath to the stars above".


"And Butch of course".

"We're team rocket circling the earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight".

Tails couldn't help but feel that without a third voice to finish their motto like Meowth did, it felt incomplete, missing some rhyme. The content was darker but at this point none of them scared him.

"Butch and Cassidy!" Ash said in anger "you two again! Finally teaming up with them?!"

The duo of team rocket agents laughed.

"We? Team up with those clowns? No way kiddo. But since they are here, we might as well handle them, right Butch?"

"Agreed. They are more trouble than they're worth anyway" Butch commented.

"Mhm I smell a promotion" Cassidy smiled greedily "bringing in all those pokemon, securing the shipment AND nullifying the threat to our team? Right hands to the boss to say the least".

"What makes you two jokers think we will cooperate?" Knuckles asked taking out his Heracross' pokeball.

"Nothing. Because it doesn't matter whether you resist or not. Without your friend, especially without his Raichu you're no match for us".

As he spoke those words, a capsule similar to the ones Giovanni used in Kanto appeared and trapped raichu before any of them could react.

"Mission accomplished. Well almost" Butch smiled menacingly.

You'd love that wouldn't you" Tails rushed to Knuckles' side taking out eevee's pokeball.

"It's a fact kid. Team Sonic? More like team joke" Cassidy mocked them.

"You think you can be any danger to us little fox? Your friend is the only real threat to us and he is not here to save you".

"Get up you two immediately!" Jessie tried to motivate James and Meowth despite the fact they were tied up "we're not losing our payday and our promotion to the twerps or those two… those two… " Jessie hesitated twice before insulting them so hard that even Tails and Knuckles gasped.

"Oh the nerve! Just wait until Archer hears about this, you… you failures" Cassidy fired back again causing team Sonic to gasp.

"The time for talking is over! Drowzee use psychic on those two wannabe heroes!" Butch declared.

The two drowzee used their combined psychic to lift Tails and Knuckles before they had their chance to throw out their pokemon.

"Ash I hate to ask but we need some help here" Knuckles said without turning to Ash being unable to move.

Ash was shocked at the calmness. Nevertheless he immediately went on the offensive.

"Bayleef, totodile come on out!"

Butch and Cassidy didn't even bat an eye to Ash, having faced him before and therefore believing him to be no danger compared to team Sonic.

"Totodile bite that drowzee! Bayleef razor leaf!"

Totodile charged drowzee. Bayleef unleashed a barrage of razor leaves against both the drowzees.

The two psychic types lost focus trying to avoid the attacks which resulted in Tails and Knuckles being released. The two immediately called out Heracross and eevee. The fight was back in their favor.

"You should surrender" Tails warned Butch and Cassidy "there's 3 of us and 2 of you".

Butch and Cassidy burst out laughing.

"Surrender? To you lot?" Cassidy said in between laughs.

"You think we are as stupid and weak as Proton?" Butch looked at Tails menacingly.

Tails' look of determination was momentarily replaced by regret as he remembered Proton. He was past the point of feeling sorry for team rocket but two wrongs didn't make one right.

Butch and Cassidy then attacked, taking advantage of Tails' lack of focus, unleashing a couple of psychic attacks.

After dodging Tails responded by recalling eevee and sending out Butterfree. Knuckles also went on the offensive having his Heracross use horn attack while Ash ordered Bayleef to use razor leaf again.

The two Drowzees were badly hurt by the razor leaf and the horn attack but the fight was only just beginning.

"Drowzee use confusion" both agents said in unison.

The two drowzees attacked Butterfree and Heracross, greatly damaging the latter and confusing the former. Butterfree attempted to use stun spore on the drowzees but it's confusion led it to not only hurting itself but also accidentally using stun spore on totodile, leaving it vulnerable to a combination attack by Butch and Cassidy resulting in a knockout.

Ash got angry and had bayleef use vine whip again only for the psychic to redirect it on Heracross.

"These two are like the three idiots without the Meowth and also if they were actually a threat to anyone" Knuckles commented, impressed by the teamwork.

"Wow rude!" James' voice was heard.

Tails couldn't help but agree. He contemplated calling Sonic back from his search but heard the weak cry of the injured tyranitar as well as the sad cry of its Larvitar offspring.

"We can't always depend on Sonic. We're a team. That means we have to make sure he can depend on us. And that the Pokemon we're trying to save can depend on us as well" Tails thought determined.

An idea then came to his mind on how to break the teamwork of those 2 drowzees.

"Ash have bayleef use razor leaf!"

Ash complied right away. The drowzees deflected the barrage of razor leaves with psychic. Doing so however gave Tails the opening be needed.

"Butterfree now! Use sleep powder!"

Butterfree wasted no time using its newly unveiled move putting both drowzees to sleep. Knuckles looked at Tails in question who explained that he waited for the perfect chance to use the move as a surprise weapon. His friend smiled and seized the opening.

"Together Ketchum! Heracross horn attack!"

"Bayleef vine whip!"

Heracross slammed into one of the drowzees with devastating force knocking it out cold. Bayleef grabbed the other drowzee with vine whip and placed it in the trajectory path of the other drowzee resulting in a double knockout.

Butch and Cassidy were barely phased.

"A temporary setback" Cassidy smiled.

"We're not weak like the rest of our incompetent coworkers. Go cloyster!"

"Go tentacruel!"

Tails, Knuckles and Ash were caught completely by surprise. They weren't expecting pokemon like those.

Butch and Cassidy wasted no time targeting the main counter to their combo first.

"Tentacruel use sludge bomb!"

"Cloyster icy wind!"

The icy wind was fired first, stalling the three pokemon and damaging the still inexperienced butterfree greatly. Before Heracross or Bayleef could make a move the sludge bomb came down hard on the latter, brutally knocking it out.

"Bayleef no!" Ash exclaimed in terror.

Tails quickly realized what had transpired.

Being agents, Butch and Cassidy were very often in the field. And if that was indeed the case they would have probably captured more pokemon than the average grunt. Stronger pokemon too.

And that could be backed by Ash's earlier interaction with them, indicating he had come across those two back in Kanto.

In other words they were all outclassed. Especially Tails.

Tails was now torn. Tyranitar was depending on Sonic to find a sitrus berry but Butch and Cassidy were using too powerful pokemon for him and Knuckles to deal with.

Ash however was confident they could win. After all they were not the only ones with a battle hardened pokemon.

"Pikachu I choose you! Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu immediately attacked cloyster with thunderbolt striking hard. Cloyster faltered for a moment. Knuckles seized the opportunity to strike.

"Heracross brick break!"

The docile bug type brought the attack down on cloyster with tremendous strength.

But Cloyster was still not out. Tails and Knuckles' pokemon were just not ready for such a battle.

Tails' decision was cemented.

Sonic, who had been racing through the woods this whole time, had had a stroke of luck; a lone sitrus berry was waiting for him dangling from the branch of a bush.

The moment he took the berry in his hand his phone rang.

"SONIC COME QUICK! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" was all Tails managed to scream before an attack by Cassidy's Tentacruel engulfed the phone in goo, rendering it useless.

Sonic wasted no time, fear creeping up on him. Why didn't they call him back right away?

He started running like there was no tomorrow, activating his quirk in the process without realizing. Small bolts of electricity crackled on his shoes as his mind was focused on one singular target.

Saving his friends.

Butch and Cassidy were instantly aware their time was reduced to minutes at best. Sonic the hedgehog wouldn't have strayed very far.

And they were not foolish enough to risk team rocket's freedom by fighting the hero of Kanto head on.

"Playtime's over!" Butch declared "Cloyster icy wind!"

The heroes' pokemon again faltered before the cold wind.

The change in the pace of the battle caused the Larvitar to panic. Mustering the last of its strength, Tyranitar shoved Brock who was still trying to treat it aside and, with Larvitar on its back, attempted to flee.

"Tentacruel stop the shipment!" Cassidy screamed "hydro pump!"

Tentacruel fired hydro pump with all the pressure it could. Tyranitar felt it coming and turned 180 degrees to shield Larvitar from harm.

A heartbreaking cry echoed throughout the area as Tyranitar let out a momentary cry of pain. The next moment the high pressurised water attack sent it flying a couple of centimeters back and sending it to the ground motionless.

Tails took the sight in, eyes widened, shock and disbelief etched upon his face. It wasn't conceivably happening.

The otherwise mighty tyranitar was lying face down on the ground motionless while Larvitar, who had rolled a few centimeters away, had raced back next to its mother's face and shaking her, trying desperately to wake her up.

Butch scowled disappointed.

"Damnit Cassidy. You ruined the shipment".

The shipment. Tails couldn't believe what he was hearing. Those two had called tyranitar, a mother tyranitar with a literal baby Larvitar, a shipment. Not even their prey.

His conflicting emotions of wanting to bring down team rocket without causing them harm and his desire to protect pokemon from them reached whole new levels.

Team rocket were monsters. All of them.

"How could you?! You're going to pay!" Ash yelled in rage and had pikachu use thunderbolt on cloyster only for it to close its shell and nullify the thunderbolt.

"How could we? What an innocent child. There is no reason. It was ours to do with as we pleased. We could so we did. No reason" Butch smiled menacingly.

Tails couldn't believe his ears. His hopes to beat the rockets without hurting them were crumbling one by one.

There couldn't possibly be a middle ground with such heartless beings. And yet Tails' kind nature didn't allow him to bring himself to hate them to the point of hurting them.

Looking at the baby Larvitar crying a flare was lit inside Tails' chest.

He called out his scyther.

"Sonic was right about all of you. You are monsters".

The two team rocket agents didn't even acknowledge his insult.

"So what?" she answered to Butch "we still have the little one".

Tails was growing beyond furious.

"No way! I won't let you hurt Larvitar. I won't let team rocket hurt another pokemon as long as I live!" he declared as Scyther charged tentacruel with wing attack.

The wild bug type proved to be very powerful, greatly hurting it but not completely knocking it out.

Butch and Cassidy burst out laughing.

"Oh look Butch that little fox wants to play hero. I say we teach him the true might of team rocket".

"Couldn't agree more. Ice beam!"

Scyther tried to dodge Cloyster's attack but was clipped in the wings, freezing one of them. Eevee came out on its own and used quick attack on Cloyster only to be grabbed by Tentacruel using wrap to immobilize it.

Knuckles and Ash tried to intervene only to be blocked by the Butch sending out a houndoom to hold them off.

"Tentacruel show eevee a world of pain" Cassidy said trying to imitate Giovanni.

Eevee cried out in pain as it was squeezed to breaking point.

Tails racked his mind asking himself what Sonic would do.

But he couldn't find an answer.

For he wasn't Sonic. And at the same time, he hadn't fully found his own style of battling.

His tempered flare was already extinguishing. He looked at the helpless raichu that was trying to break out of the capsule. And it was Butch who had the controller to the capsule.

The next moment felt like a century for Tails. For even in the panic of the situation, even when he wanted to save the pokemon around him, like Sonic would, his nerdy scientific, analytic self came out.

"Why aren't they retreating? Why are they risking a confrontation with Sonic over a Tyranitar and a Larvitar?"

He looked back for a moment as his mind raced. The Larvitar was still crying over its fainted mother. But apart from the heartbreak there was nothing particular about the two pokemon.

Why would they not run when Tails called Sonic?

Whatever the answer was that was a choice Butch and Cassidy would come to greatly regret.

Raichu shifted its gaze to the woods when it caught a movement. Its face lit up with relief.

"HEY!" the voice Butch and Cassidy hoped they would never have to hear reached their ears.

They turned to send out a pokemon each but never got the chance to as Sonic slammed into Butch who in turn slammed into Cassidy.

Ash managed to see his rival move like a blur, his shoes crackling with electricity until he slammed into the agents.

"Beat the pokemon!" Sonic called out to them as he punched Butch and got the controller, freeing raichu.

Cassidy grabbed a nearby branch and brought it down hard on Sonic's head, disorienting him. His distraction however gave his allies the chance they needed.

Ash immediately had Pikachu use quick attack on tentacruel. The poison and water pokemon was unprepared, looking back at Cassidy waiting for instructions. Consequently Eevee was freed.

United now, the pokemon of the two hero teams used their combined attacks to knock out tentacruel and Cloyster at the same time, with Pikachu zapping tentacruel with thunderbolt while assisted by eevee's quick attack. Heracross and Scyther struck at Cloyster with all their might. The Cloyster tried to close its shell to protect itself from the attacks but it proved futile.

Butch and Cassidy managed to push the disoriented Sonic off of themselves, recalled their pokemon and fled, in what seemed to Tails like playing terrified.

Knuckles and Ash approached Sonic to make sure he was ok while Tails rushed to the fallen Tyranitar's side. Brock was already next to it trying everything he could to help it in anyway he could.

"Is it ok?" Tails asked Brock in fear of what answer he would get.

Brock nodded negatively.

"It's… gone".

Tails knelt as his legs suddenly felt like jelly.

Knuckles had told him what Proton had told them back at the slowpoke well in order to trigger them into breaking his legs.

He had taunted them. Telling them they would fail and one of their pokemon would die.

Tails had come to believe after that victory that Proton was an arrogant idiot. That they would stomp over team rocket.

He had chosen to become a support for his teammates thinking they would easily win either way. And he didn't train as much as Sonic and Knuckles to begin with.

In other words Tails had unknowingly become a drawback rather than an asset.

His butterfree had offered minimal assistance to Ash and Brock in that fight due to the better teamwork of Butch and Cassidy. And when it came to helping out his losing teammates all he could do was watch as even scyther, his strongest pokemon at this point couldn't even hurt Cloyster.

He was weak compared to Sonic and Knuckles. And because of that Tyranitar was dead.

Larvitar had now curled up next to the deceased tyranitar's body, unable to comprehend what had happened to its mother.

Sonic, Ash and Knuckles joined the group a few moments later.

Sonic's mind flatlined from shock for a moment. It then raced for a moment trying to process what happened,or rather what he felt he had allowed to happen. Lastly it was taken over by one emotion.


Guilt for not taking their training seriously this whole time. For failing to save a pokemon again.

Tails too was consumed by grief. But unlike Sonic he was also flooded by a feeling of powerlessness.

All he could do the entire fight was just apply status conditions to their opponents. But against rockets like Butch and Cassidy, that strategy would apply if Sonic was battling with them against many.

In other words his idea of being a support for his friends really had just led to the death of a pokemon.

His face during the whole whirlwind of emotions was a mask of shock and pain. But most of all powerlessness.

His eyes then noticed the sitrus berry in Sonic's hands. And that made him feel 100 times worse.

His mind tortured him, asking what they could have done different. What they could have dove to prevent this very outcome.

Sonic with a cold and heartless look, told Knuckles to go back inside the truck and look for anything even the most minute detail that would give them any clue as to what team rocket was planning.

Knuckles nodded and got back in the driver's cab again.

Sonic then approached the still tied team rocket who had been guarded by Brock and Misty this whole time, hence why they didn't help in the fight.

"What is your team planning?" he asked with a chilling voice.

"We don't know and if we did we wouldn't tell you" Jessie taunted him, using the same taunt he had used on Ash, forgetting who he was talking to.

Sonic's fist landed right next to Jessie's head. Accidentally channeling his bond with Raichu to enhance his strength via his rage, he made a dent on the steel basket of what was about half an hour ago, team rocket's Meowth hot air balloon.

"Do I look to be in the mood for jokes?!" he said angry causing Meowth's to leave its body.

Ash was creeped out by his rival. He too was angry at team rocket for what they had done. But seeing Sonic terrorizing the three idiots just made him feel uneasy.

"Please we're telling you the truth" James pleaded "we told you back in Violet too. We've gone rogue. We're not following the main body of team rocket so we don't even know where they're hiding let alone what they're planning".

Sonic remembered that conversation. However his cold look didn't change a bit.

Turning back to the rest he asked Ash who those 2 who attacked them were.

"They were Butch and Cassidy, two of team rocket's agents. We've come across them before but never had such trouble with them".

"Hmm…" Sonic hummed in deep thought.

"What are you thinking?" Brock asked him.

"Their actions just now showed inconsistency. They first appear and attack only after I'm gone. Then the moment I come they flee almost instantly. And if you add the factor of their shipment" he said as he spat on the word disgusted at team rocket's inhumane actions "it makes even less sense".

Tails was silent during Sonic's recap of the facts.

"What do you think Tails?" Sonic asked him, in great need of his friend's analytic thinking.

"I think we failed" he spoke his mind looking at the fallen Tyranitar. The sadness so great that he couldn't even shed tears. His heart was broken and his tear ducts were dry from the shock.

Sonic closed his eyes and sighed.

"I know Tails. Better than anyone".

"From the death of your friend's Jolteon right?" Misty accurately guessed.

"Yes. You three bore witness to my darkest hours. After silph co. And now that I recall… I was rather mean back then and haven't actually apologized Ash. So well… sorry for that".

Ash nodded. He was way past the events of that day.

"Still…" Tails said in sadness "things were supposed to be better now. We were supposed to be stronger together. And yet…"

"Tails" Sonic grabbed his friend by the shoulder "me and Mike combined couldn't beat Giovanni. And back then we each had 5 badges. You and Knuckles are only now building your teams and only Knuckles is doing the gym challenge. Yet you were able to stand up to them. You were amazing buddy" he gave Tails a hug "the only thing we forgot is the kind of monsters we're dealing with".

Tails felt his last hope for a not very violent confrontation die out. His support battling style wasn't as viable an option as he thought. At their current state it was a drawback.

Team rocket wouldn't hesitate. He had to be ready to strike back.

And yet he felt powerless. Powerless to help Tyranitar, powerless to help Knuckles.

Powerless and unworthy to be called a member of team Sonic.

"What do we do about team rocket now though? These 3 know nothing and all our leads are gone" Ash brought them back to the present.

Sonic cursed as he knew Ash was right. This was the worst situation they could be in.

"Sonic" Knuckles suddenly said.

Sonic looked at his friend's direction. The red echidna's head was protruding from the opening of the container of the toppled track, having finished checking the cab.

"Tyranitar wasn't the only thing in here".

Sonic jumped in the container. Behind Tyranitar, at least when it was still in the truck, were several spare parts.

"Tails?" he called out to his tech savvy friend "what can you tell me about these?"

Tails jumped inside the container, needing something to distract himself, when his phone buzzed. Taking a look at the screen his face froze.

"Shit!" he screamed in shock.

"What's wrong?"

"My phone just reported team rocket activity in Olivine city. The Ampharos living in the city's lighthouse was taken!"


"It says they disguided themselves as tourists to visit the lighthouse then snatched it and threw it off the lighthouse straight into the back of a truck similar to this one" Tails explained referring to the truck they were currently in "and drove off. Noone knows where".

Sonic slammed his fist into the container's wall.

Damnit. They're two steps ahead".

"There's got to be something in here we could use right?" Ash said climbing into the container himself.

Tails looked at the parts Sonic had called him to examine.

"These look like generic parts. Except for this one" he said pointing to a long rod "it's a part for a lightning rod".

"A lightning rod? What could they want a lightning rod for?" Ash asked Tails.

Sonic pondered this question himself.

"Do you guys remember what that farmer couple said?" he asked aloud in deep thought "that truck that stopped by their farm also carried parts like that".

"I do. More specifically they mentioned a device that was a mix of a lightning rod and a generator" Tails confirmed.

"They must be trying to generate electricity with the generator and use the lightning rods to attract wild electric types" Brock explained from outside the truck "it is a similar logic to why electric type pokemon choose to live in power plants. They are attracted by the generating of electricity".

"So we got that their plan involves electric types. But we still need a location" Sonic reminded them.

"Wait!" Knuckles suddenly exclaimed jumping out of the container and back into the driver's cab. 5 seconds later he came back out holding a map.

"I noticed it before but was too much of a dumbass to pick it up before. Look here" he gave the map to Sonic. The latter, with Tails and Ash on his sides, observed the contents of the map.

The map was of the area mostly. But it contained a vital piece of info.

"The grunt who was delivering…" Sonic went to say but he knew it would make Tails feel bad again "was an idiot. He marked not only the route he would follow but even marked the destination as exactly that".

Everyone looked at the area marked with a big red circle. A nameless rocky terrain.

"Perfect place to go through with an evil plan" Brock admitted.

"Then let's not waste any time. Let's go get them" Ash was quick to take action.

"Wait Ash" Misty stopped him "what are we going to do with… " she shed a tear, unable to speak Tyranitar's name.

Sonic also knew they couldn't leave them here. Especially not Larvitar. Without someone to care for it, it wouldn't survive.

"You're right Misty. We can't leave it here. Knuckles".


"Go on. Catch Larvitar".

"Catch it? Me?"

"Yes you. You're the only one here who can care for it like it needs".

Knuckles' eyes widened. He knew what Sonic meant. After all he had only yesterday narrated his backstory to his teammates.

"Why should Knuckles catch it exactly? What about me? Am I not a viable option?" Ash interjected, annoyed.

"And what do you mean he is the only one who can properly care got it?" Brock inquired.

Sonic looked at the pewter trainer.

"You were there. All of you were. You saw how Knuckles was the only one of us who could get through to Molly Hale. That's what makes him the best option to care for an orphaned pokemon".

Ash raised his eyebrow still not understanding. Brock on the other hand figured it out almost instantly.

"You mean what he said to Molly… about losing his parents. That was true?" he asked Knuckles.

"Yes. I wasn't making it up to get Molly to feel like I could understand her. It was the truth".

Ash looked down remembering that day. If what Knuckles had told Molly was true then Sonic was right. Knuckles could take care of Larvitar better than Ash would.

"You understand it" he said in the end.

"I do" Knuckles confirmed.

Ash went to say something but Knuckles motioned him not to. No words had to be exchanged.

As Knuckles went to catch Larvitar the remaining 5 were discussing how to proceed. It was decided that Brock and Misty would call the police – Brock jumped at the idea to Sonic's face slap – and Ash would go with team Sonic to take down team rocket's operation and save Ampharos.

When Sonic went to inform Knuckles however, the latter looked at him concerned.

"I caught Larvitar and Quilava was able to help it as much as possible with accepting the situation. But now it won't stop pointing the other way from where we have to go".

Sonic, weirded out, brought Raichu forward. Raichu asked Larvitar what it was trying to tell them and after a bit of mimicking, it got the message across that Larvitar was leading them to the cave Tyranitar and it used to live before they were taken by team rocket.

Returning to Ash and Tails they relayed the info.

"We don't have time for such a detour" Ash immediately disagreed.

Sonic was inclined to agree. Larvitar was probably just wanting to go back to feel safe or to mentally say goodbye.

Tails however had a different option to offer.

"We can do both".

Everyone looked at him.

"Knuckles, you and Sonic go to the cave and see what Larvitar wants. Ash and I will scout out ahead and see what we're dealing with".

"No way Tails" Sonic disagreed heavily "I let team rocket already get away once just now. I won't take this risk again".

Tails looked at his ally with a troubled face. He managed to fake confidence however.

"We don't have time to argue about it Sonic. Don't worry. We'll just scout and report. I promise".

Sonic didn't know if he fully believed Tails but nodded. He looked at the map again. Thankfully the cave wasn't very far.

"All right. But you won't engage them until we get there got it?"

"Got it".

Sonic nodded fist bumping Tails. He then turned to Brock and Misty.

"Go to Olivine with the police. Tell them everything. I hate to involve the police but this isn't about us and the rockets anymore".

Brock and Misty nodded.

"All right. Good luck everyone. Call Knuckles if anything goes south on any front" Sonic instructed them before heading off with Knuckles.

The two walked as fast as possible, sprinting some of the way too to gain some time. Eventually they reached the cave.

Knuckles brought out Larvitar. The small ground and rock type started crying out inside the cave.

Sonic and Knuckles looked at each other perplexed until Larvitar rushed inside before Knuckles could stop it forcing them to chase after it.

Larvitar didn't go too deep in the cave but kept crying out its name the whole time.

"Wait…" Knuckles suddenly got a crazy idea "could it be calling out to something?"

"Or someone?" Sonic asked back.

Their questions were answered the next moment.

From behind a rock protruded the head of another Larvitar. Knuckles' Larvitar called out to it and the newly appeared Larvitar rushed to hug it relieved and happy to see it.

"There were two" Sonic whispered "the mother probably managed to hide this one… but not the one you caught".

Knuckles observed the two Larvitars as the second one started crying as well. Knuckles' one had told it about their mother.

The two Larvitars then turned to meet the two trainers' eyes. The second Larvitar approached Sonic rubbing its heavy body on Sonic's legs causing him to almost trip and fall.

No words needed to be spoken. Knuckles looked at Sonic and nodded.

"We were meant to be here mate. There is no room for doubt anymore".

Sonic smiled a faint smile of sadness mixed with excitement at catching a pseudo legendary.

"There never was Knucks" he said taking out a pokeball and holding it out. The Larvitar wasted no time headbutting it. 3 wiggles later the catch was confirmed.

As the two trainers headed out Sonic turned to Knuckles.

"Hey um… will you help me if I prove to be improper to raise such a pokemon?"

"You caught a legendary man. A pseudo legend won't be as hard to train".

"No I mean… when it comes to helping it be happy. You can understand these two but I…"

Knuckles patted him on the back sympathetically.

"Don't let yourself be defined by your mistake in Greenfield. The illusion Entei played dirty with the Jolty illusion. You will be a great trainer for Larvitar's sibling".

"You think so?"

"I know so" Knuckles smiled as they walked out of the cave.

"You know… we should probably do something to tell these two Larvitars apart. Don't want to mix them up when we get them to train with us later".

"True" Knuckles agreed "we could give them a nickname. You know so they can answer our call when we call them".

"Great idea" Sonic agreed.

The two friends threw their pokeballs in the air calling out their new pokemon.

Little did the two know however, there would be no need for nicknames.

The moment Sonic's Larvitar appeared, sparkles emerged.

"WHAT THE FU…" Sonic's scream echoed through the area.

"A shiny Larvitar?!" Knuckles exaimed in shock.

Sonic couldn't believe it. 3 shinies? How could this be?

Knuckles looked at Sonic in disbelief.

"What are the odds of this?"

"I have no idea. But even if we took the odds reported by people who research shinies, it still is too big of a coincidence".

Knuckles had a different opinion.

"Maybe not. Nidoking was luck. But hitmontop? And now Larvitar? You were at the right place at the right time. That is not luck".

Sonic contemplated what Knuckles meant.

Was he destined to meet these shinies?

And was he destined to meet more shinies along his way as a trainer?

And then… there was something else. Just the feeling of achievement he got because of the discovery and capture of a shiny pokemon gave him an inexplicable yet intoxicating emotion of accomplishment. Made him feel good.

The ringing of Knuckles' phone brought him back to reality.

The number was that of a pokegear.

"Brock?" Sonic guessed.

"No" Knuckles answered worried "I registered Brock's number".

"Well answer it".

Knuckles answered.


It was Ash. Lying next to him was an unconscious Tails covered in what looked to be electrical burns.

"Tails!" Sonic exclaimed in terror grabbing Knuckles' phone "what happened?"

"We saw… team rocket with a machine… and then Tails tried… and Raikou…"


"It was an accident. I didn't… it all happened so fast".

Ash was in a state of panic. He couldn't get the words out properly. Sonic became concerned. Ash panicking like that wasn't something normal for him.

"Stay where you are we're on our way!" Knuckles instructed Ash and taking the phone back ended the call.

"Did you see Tails?" Sonic murmured.

"I did. So let's go quick! They need us!"

Sonic nodded.

Recalling their Larvitars, they started sprinting with Knuckles directing them to their destination with the help of the map.

The slowpoke well had been just the beginning. Now things were going to get really serious.

Chapter 61: The duo of thunder


With Tails gravely injured and the legendary beast Raikou captured by team Rocket, the heroes find themselves facing down two of team rocket's best agents, Butch and Cassidy. The day can only be saved by a miracle.

Chapter Text

Brock and Misty were anxiously waiting for the cops having had no contact with either Ash and Tails or Sonic and Knuckles.

"Do you think they're ok?"

"I hope so. I'm afraid Ash will get his headstrong nature get the better of him and try to stop team rocket alone".

"Your little friends have no idea what they're in for" Jessie taunted them. James and Meowth had surrendered completely and didn't even try to taunt their guardians.

"We've already established you only know to lie. Now shut up" Misty fired back.

Jessie was obviously lying, hoping a chance for then to escape would arise. But Misty didn't have to know that.

"We lied you know" she said with a menacing voice "we do know what our comrades are planning".

Misty and Brock didn't seem to believe them until Jessie decided to play mind games.

"Don't you know what team rocket wants above all?"

"Yes we do" Brock answered not seeing how that could hurt "to rule the world".

"Then riddle me this" Jessie wore a sinister smile "could they possibly do that with the hedgehog and his little crew on the loose, constantly on their tail?"

It worked. Misty and Brock were unnerved.

"What do you mean?" Brock asked.

Jessie laughed a sinister laugh.

"Your twerp friend and the three menaces are heading into a trap. A trap meant for Sonic alone".

Misty and Brock looked at each other in looks of concern.

"Buuut… if you let us go we can direct you to where you need to go before it's too late".

Brock weighed their options for a while wondering if they were lying or not. If what they were telling was the truth why didn't they confess to Sonic? He hadn't been exactly gentle in his approach.

Misty on the other hand didn't want to risk it. She dreaded the possibility of something happening to Ash.

"Alright. You can go… after you tell us what the trap is".

"Nah ah. First you let us go".

Brock tried to stop Misty.

"They must be lying. We need to trust Ash. He is not alone, Tails will be with him".

Misty contemplated it but in the end made her choice.

Cutting Meowth free she demanded to know what trap team rocket had set for Ash and team Sonic before she released Jessie and James.

Meowth seeing its chance to escape an encounter with Sonic after everything had gone down, slashed at Misty. The latter dodged the attack by jumping backwards. Meowth took the chance to free Jessie and James. As the three fled towards freedom Jessie was laughing like a maniac to the disappointment of her two teammates who were more focused on running away than taunting the twerps.

"You fell for it! We know nothing! Ahahaha!" Jessie's maniacal laugh echoed through the area.

Misty was very disappointed at herself. Brock tried to comfort her, stating she only wanted to protect Ash and team Sonic from harm. Misty suggested they contact Ash to let him know of their goof-up.

After calling him 3 times, Brock got worried. His friend wasn't picking up.

"Something has gone wrong. He wouldn't not pick up" he said worried.

"Try calling Sonic or Knuckles"

Brock went to do so, until a police car arrived and an officer Jenny came out. Brock's attention instantly shifted.

Misty, after the initial disappointment in her fellow gym leader, looked up in the sky, hoping Ash would be careful. They would have to get the mess with Tyranitar cleared up here.

While that was taking place, Sonic and Knuckles were racing through the woods heading for the site of team rocker's operation. Their anxiousness was at an all time high.

"He promised they would only scout and report. What went wrong?" Sonic exclaimed as they jumped over a log.

"A lot could have gone wrong" Knuckles grimly suggested "and I'm afraid Ash had something to do with it".

Sonic didn't support or oppose this theory. Ash was the action type. There was a good chance he tried to save the day and got Tails hurt by accident.

His mind went back to Brock's explanation that team rocket was using the device to call electric types to themselves. With a lot of lightning rods there was a good chance they had amassed a small army of electric types.

"What if Tails was zapped by all of them combined?" Sonic said stopping to consider the chance.

Knuckles stopped as well.

"That is a frightening thought. But if i'm being honest, it doesn't sound like team rocket to me".

"Excuse me?"

"They want you out if the picture. Why not have a bargaining chip against you?"

Sonic nodded. His friend's guess was indeed accurate or at least made sense.

"Then let's go. If we stay here any longer I will overthink it and the rockets will get away".

He then dashed off, with Knuckles following right behind him.

Following the map, they easily found the place.

When they arrived they couldn't believe their eyes. Brock had been right about team rocket's plan.

There were about 30 rockets there similar to the slowpoke well. Most of them were regular grunts, which made sense. To Sonic's anger, the ones leading the operation were Butch and Cassidy. He could tell it was them, even though their backs were turned.

"So that was the case all along" he said pissed off "they came to intercept us to buy time".

"Sonic look" Knuckles suddenly pointed to the device.

Sonic turned his head and saw several pokemon. Some of them he did recognize as pokemon usually wielded by the rockets like Ekans and rattata but there were also other. Both Kantonian and probably Johtonian species. They all looked to be guarding the device.

"That explains the Tyranitar" Knuckles said half heartedly "they brought several captured but powerful pokemon to assist them with guarding the device".

"What's the point though? To protect the device means they wanted it to keep running at all costs. But why in heck would they care about that?"

"To capture more pokemon?" Knuckles guessed.

Sonic wasn't absolutely sure. Sure more pokemon sounded good but not worth the risk after the slowpoke well.

"Sonic! Knuckles!"

It was Ash, carrying the half conscious Tails.

Sonic and Knuckles shushed him, praying the rockets had not heard them. Gently placing Tails down, they were immediately concerned with how regretful his face was.

"I'm sorry" he kept repeating with an very low voice, barely over a whisper.

"Shh. It's ok Tails. We got you" Knuckles tried to comfort his friend.

Sonic turned to Ash.

"What happened?"

Ash hesitated to answer.

"Answer me man. Why is my friend in this state? What went wrong?"

"That happened" Ash answered pointing to the rockets.

Sonic and Knuckles looked towards the rockets just as Butch and Cassidy stopped obstructing the view of what they were looking at.

What they saw was out of this world. It was inconceivable, impossible. And yet very much happening right in front of their eyes.

The legendary Raikou was standing on a platform covered head to toes with mud, shackles around its legs and chains attached to the shackles, holding it in place while one long chain was wrapped around its body, preventing it from moving too far in any way.

Raikou of course wasn't just having it, but there wasn't really a lot it could do. It roared over and over as it tried to break free with no success.

Butch and Cassidy were observing, satisfied with the successful capture, but not smiling as it was impossible to do anything with it while it was still conscious even if tied up. Cassidy specifically was surprised their trap had worked as intended.

Butch on the other hand was not surprised at all. The intervention of the fox was something he expected when he heard that declaration from him.

That team rocket wouldn't hurt another pokemon.

All that had earned that kid was a thunderbolt from Raikou straight to the face.

From the cover of the bushes, Sonic and Knuckles took a whole 20 seconds to process this before turning back to Ash.

"What happened here? We can't have taken more than 10 minutes to get to the cave and back" Sonic demanded to know.

Tails again said a soft "I'm sorry" followed by a just as weak "I… I tried".

"We got here just as planned" Ash began narrating.


Tails and Ash cautiously walked through the woods, heading for the location indicated on the map. As Sonic and Knuckles had the map in order to get there ASAP after going to that cave to see why Larvitar was eager to return there, they were using Ash's Pikachu as a compass.

Their idea soon proved to be a good one as they finally reached the rocky clearing and blow in the hole, there they were. A small team of rocket grunts, with the leaders of the operation being Butch and Cassidy.

Tails felt like an idiot for having not figured it out sooner. Butch and Cassidy were the leaders of this operation. And they had come to intercept them in person to throw them off their trail.

There was also a device that confirmed the claims of the farmer couple; an electricity generator, powering many lightning rods attached to the generator.

A big cage was also placed nearby with many electric type pokemon trapped inside. Most of them were first stage ones like magnemite, voltorb and mareep. There was also a bigger yellow one which Tails identified as Ampharos, the pokemon they had stolen from Olivine city's most lighthouse.

"They stole it to jumpstart the device" Tails was quick to point out "ingenious. They take a considerable risk, then sit back, relax and allow their assets to come to them".

"What creeps" Ash said disgusted "not even having the spine to do their dirty work themselves".

Tails waved his head in disagreement.

"No that's the right course of action. They need to play smart to make a comeback like they intend. But then again… why are they just stacking the pokemon inside that cage? Why even bring a bigger cage to begin with?"

"Probably because they want to get as many of them as possible" Ash assumed.

Tails again didn't think this was the case.

"That doesn't sound like an optimal plan. One mistake could cost them the entire operation. And after the blow we dealt them at the slowpoke well they don't have the luxury of failing again".

"Does it matter why the big cage? Let's call Sonic and tell him".

"No. Not yet".


"We need to play this smart. If we try to attack them head on, they will overpower us and we will lose any chance we have of freeing the pokemon" Tails racked his brain before deciding to take a risk.

"Stay here" he said as took off his backpack.

"Where are you going?"

"I will sneak to the cage and free the Pokemon. When I signal you, cause a distraction. By the time they figure out what's happening the pokemon will be free".

"But what about team rocket? Aren't you supposed to make sure they don't get away again?"

Tails gritted his teeth. Sonic would probably tell him off afterwards.

"I won't risk the lives of those pokemon to bring them down. Just cause the distraction when I signal you".

And before Ash could object again, Tails started crawling through the bushes approaching the cage as quietly as he could. He had to be careful to not be noticed not only by team rocket but by any of the pokemon as well. If they saw him, their reaction could blow his cover.

After getting as close to the cage as possible, Tails found it to be far too simple to open. Electric cage that opened with the push of the button. Getting ready to signal Ash, he wondered what their intended target was as it had to be a pokemon that wouldn't be physically able to open the cage.

Signaling Ash, the latter sent out Cyndaquil and Totodile and, along with Pikachu emerged from the bushes pretending to challenge them.

Tails immediately sneaked towards the cage. He was right about to push the button when he was grabbed from behind by a brute of a grunt.

"Agent Butch sir, this one was trying to open the cage like you predicted".

Butch and Cassidy let the grunts deal with Ash and his pokemon. Standing in front of Tails who was struggling to escape they began mocking him again.

"What a predictable little fox. Trying to play hero like his hedgehog friend and free the pokemon".

"You won't get away with this. When Sonic gets here…"

"By that time it will be too late. We will already have escaped with our prize".

Butch laughed at Tails' statement while Cassidy shut his threat of Sonic down.

"Did you hear him? When his friend gets here. Even if we're still here he will lose to us pathetic hero wannabe".

A beeping came from a small screen on the device they had been using to attract the electric types. Butch went over. Once he checked the readings his face took a greedy expression.

"Readings are off the charts. It's here Cassidy".

"Good" she smiled.

A roar pierced their eardrums. Dark clouds covered the sky. A lightning bolt came crashing down on a nearby cliff.

The legend of thunder had arrived.

Raikou looked down at team rocket and the captured pokemon, angry beyond imagination. And not just angry. Furious.

Raikou roared and brought down another lightning bolt, this time on team rocket, causing them to scatter, afraid of being electrocuted.

"Yeah! Show them what you got Raikou!" Tails cheered for it.

"Incredible" Ash said in awe as Pikachu and his other two pokemon witnessed the legendary beast of thunder do what it was good at.

"Don't just stand there morons! Subdue the prize!" Cassidy ordered the grunts.

Some of the grunts hesitated but a lot sent out several poison types and some ground types like sandshrews. Raikou wasn't even a little bit concerned about the overwhelming number of adversaries.

Roaring it used the move discharge sending electricity around it, causing some of the opposing pokemon to faint. Several grunts were also struck. Some of them however were smart enough to use their ground type pokemon as insulation by literally standing on top of them, causing them immense pain, and filling both Raikou and Tails with immense rage.

Butch and Cassidy observed the battle taking place with a calm and greedy expression patiently waiting for Ash and Raikou to get exhausted. The former was doing his best to assist Raikou in any way he could. The sheer number of opponents however had begun tiring them out.

A small part of Ash was filled with awe for Sonic and his Kanto team for taking on similar numbers back in Kanto most of the time alone and coming out on top.

Tails, knowing he couldn't be a sitting duck while Ash and Raikou fought so hard to save the pokemon, kicked backwards hurting the knee of the brute who was holding him. The brute grunt didn't fully let go of Tails but cursed as his right a rubbed the knee. Taking advantage of the distraction, Tails elbowed him, not hurting him but causing him to lose his balance. Grabbing a small rock he used it to knock out the brute, hoping he didn't hurt him too much.

Rushing to the cage, he was about to press the button to open it, until Butch pulled him from the shoulder, causing Tails to turn 180 degrees to face him. As Cassidy had called out a Granbull to assist the grunts who weren't holding Ash off, in subduing Raikou, Butch pushed Tails against the cage bars, his arm against Tails' throat, immobilizing him.

"Try as you might kid, you won't win. You're no hero. And certainly you're not like your friend".

Tails felt the same powerlessness he felt when he was unable to help Knuckles and Ash against them or when he was unable to save Tyranitar wash over him. He tried to reach for any of his pokeballs but couldn't.

But even if he could, if himself, Knuckles and Ash together couldn't beat Butch and Cassidy alone, what chance did they stand against them plus an entire batallion of rocket grunts?

Raikou witnessing Tails in need of help as well as the pokemon still trapped in the cage, unleashed another discharge to get its opponents off of it for a while. It then unleashed a thunderbolt, heading straight for Butch.

Butch saw it coming. Acting out of instinct – not that he would act any differently if he had time to consider his options – he shoved Tails in front of him before letting go just in the nick of time.

The thunderbolt that was meant for Butch hit Tails instead.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Tails screamed as his body was fried and his skin was roasted. Pain exploded throughout his entire being, his mind flatlining, unable to make any thoughts. Unable to even wish, to even beg for the pain to end.

"TAILS NO!" Ash yelled in shock and disbelief.

Raikou took an entire 10 seconds to realize who it was really electrocuting.

Raikou immediately seized firing thunderbolt. Tails collapsed on the ground, unconscious and his body twitching a little.

Raikou stood still for about another 10 seconds, forgetting where it was, wondering how it would break the news to Suicune and Entei.

A barrage of mud slaps and mud shots came down on Raikou like rain. The attacks showered Raikou in mud, greatly hurting it due to the high effectiveness of the attacks as well as their use in unison by team rocket.

"SEIZE THAT BEAST!" Butch ordered when the barrage stopped.

The grunts threw a big, heavy chain over Raikou, forcing the already hurt beast on its knees. As the mighty legend of thunder roared in pain, the grunts forgot all about Ash.

The Pallet town trainer found himself at a vital crossroad. He had to choose who to try and save.

Tails who was now half-conscious, reaching for Raikou in despair, or Raikou which was struggling against the overwhelming combined force against it, its fur covered in mud therefore greatly reducing the amount of electricity its body emitted.

Ash couldn't make that choice. He couldn't possibly leave someone behind.

Pikachu made the choice for him, firing thunderbolt against Butch, knocking him away from Tails.

Pikachu cried out to Ash to hurry and get Tails away while they still had time. Ash looked into Pikachu's eyes and knew what its partner meant.

They would have to retreat and fight again when the chance arose.

Ash recalled Totodile and Cyndaquil and rushed to Tails' side, Pikachu holding off any grunt while was not trying to subdue Raikou.

Reaching Tails he took his by the arms and dragged him into the bushes as fast as he could. He wished Brock was there to help him carry Tails away so the latter would have to be dragged so roughly away.

"Forget about me. Save the pokemon. Save Raikou" Tails faintly said but Ash didn't stop.

Cassidy had rushed to Butch's side when Pikachu used thunderbolt on him. When she noticed the twerp and the fox were escaping she went to pursue them but was held back when Butch grabbed her by the hand.

"Let them be. They're not important. Let's load the prize and the rest of our prey on the trucks and go back to the hideout quickly" he groaned as he got up, gazing upon their marvelous accomplishment.

Ash put Tails down gently and immediately took out his pokegear, dialing Knuckles' number which Brock bad given him before splitting.


"And that was when I called you guys" Ash finished his quick narration.

Sonic looked down at Tails.

His friend had just gone through the same experience Sonic had gone through with Zapdos twice.

"Why didn't you wait for us?" Knuckles asked Ash frustrated.

"I wanted to but…" Ash didn't complete his phrase.

Tails again faintly apologized.

"Ssh" Sonic gently shushed his friend "get some rest Tails. And don't move ok? We'll get you to a hospital as soon as we free Raikou".

Sonic thought his friend would calm down and stay still if he assured him Raikou would be ok. But instead Tails' eyes widened and he started forcing himself to get up.

"N-no. I want to help".

"You can't help us Tails. Not in your condition. Please. Just lay down and let us handle this".

"No way…" Tails tried to push himself off the ground "we're… we're team Sonic. We're here to save the pokemon".

Sonic's heart broke at those words. Even in this state Tails' kind nature would kick into overdrive.

"Tails" Sonic's tone changed "stay down. We'll handle this".

His tone was one of anger. Hatred.

Team rocket had made a crucial mistake hurting his best friend like that.

"Follow me" Sonic coldly said to Knuckles and Ash.

Stepping outside the bushes, the three trainers stood together.

"HEY ROCKETS!" Sonic called out causing many of the grunts to flinch "let Raikou go and I might just show you some mercy".

Several grunts were tempted to run but Butch simply laughed.

"Do you really believe a mere threat can get us to surrender hedgehog?"

"I'm only going to give you this chance once. Let Raikou go or you'll go back to your base in pieces".

Knuckles was unnerved by Sonic's statement, remembering what he and Moltres had done against that illusion Entei.

Butch, without a hint of fear looked back to the grunts and then to Cassidy.

"Observe closely my comrades. My partner and I will show you here and now why we need not fear this so called hero. We are leaving this place victorious".

The grunts looked at their superior in anxiousness, wondering if they really could fight against the hero of Kanto especially in a 2 vs 3. But orders were orders.

"Shall we?" he smiled to Cassidy eager to avenge the boss.

"Indeed we shall. Go granbull!"

"Go primeape!"

"Together" Sonic said to Knuckles and Ash.

Tails in the meantime had forced himself to stand up, using a nearby branch as a crutch.

Sonic looked over his shoulder and gasped.

"Tails stand down! We got this".

"I got…" he said losing his balance due to his injuries but quickly regaining it "I got Raikou into this mess. I'm getting it out too".

"Tails I said stand down please. I don't want to have to save you too".

Tails' face became a mask of shock.

Even his best friend was saying it.

He was powerless.

What was even his purpose in team Sonic if he couldn't help anyone?

Sonic, Knuckles and Ash turned back to the battle at hand.

"Go Hitmontop!"

"Heracross let's finish what we started!"

"Cyndaquil I choose you!"

The three pokemon stood side by side as Hitmontop's intimidate weakened Granbull and Primeape.

"Hitmontop! Fake out that Primeape!"

Hitmontop went to use its move but Cassidy's Granbull got in the way, getting damaged and flinching instead of Primeape.

Butch seized the opening.

"Primeape thrash that Hitmontop!"

Primeape fought back against hitmontop hard. Hitmontop rolled on the ground but having trained a lot landed on its head like a spinning top, getting into position.

"Triple kick!"

Spinning towards Primeape, Hitmontop landed 3 precise kicks, giving Ash and Knuckles and opening.

"Heracross brick break!"

"Cyndaquil! Flamethrower!"

The two pokemon moved to attack, Cyndaquil striking Primeape and Heracross Granbull. Both were greatly damaged.

"How do you like my flamethrowing cyndaquil?" Ash said proud of his first stage pokemon knowing such a powerful fire move.

Primeape jumped back up, still in tip top shape despite the damage.

"I'd like it if it could actually do some damage. Primeape's still standing!"

"No time for arguing! Horn attack!" Knuckles pushed forward, stopping Ash and Sonic from bickering.

"Granbull! Stop that horn attack! Bite!"

Granbull stood its ground and bit down hard on Heracross' horn, causing it to cry out in pain.

Hitmontop use brick break!"

"Primeape counter with dynamic punch!"

Primeape countered brick break perfectly, sending Hitmontop flying backwards. Granbull also managed to lift Heracross by the horn, spin around once and throw it back to Knuckles.

Hitmontop and Heracross both fainted.

Tails tried to take out one of its pokeballs but the feeling of powerlessness prevented him from acting.

Butterfree and Scyther were already damaged from earlier and Eevee would have trouble against a fighting type.

Knuckles recalled Heracross and sent out Quilava while Sonic went with his Bayleef.

"Looks like we need to play smart. Ash Knuckles you be the sword. We will be the shield. Bayleef leech seed on Primeape!"

Granbull again jumped in front of Primeape getting hit instead. Seizing the opening Primeape used dynamic punch on Bayleef.

The attack went through. Bayleef managed to stand back up, while Ash's Cyndaquil and Knuckles' Quilava used their fire moves on Primeape which was recovering from using its move.

The flame barrage caused Primeape to finally topple. And after a few moments the effect of leech seed drained Granbull of its energy, restoring Bayleef and fainting Granbull.

"Looks like the fight's back in our favor" Sonic said smiling.

Butch and Cassidy merely laughed again, not a tad bit afraid of Sonic.

"The fight is over hero!"

The sound of a truck's exhaust hose was heard.

Sonic followed it to its source and only then did he realize just how much different this war with team rocket truly was.

It was obvious during the battle too. But he was too blind to see it. Blinded by his arrogance believing it would all go just like Kanto.

The rockets had changed. Had adapted to survive. All their moves, albeit with risks were carefully calculated.

And the theft of Raikou by loading it into the back of a truck while the agents kept the three trainers occupied and their attention to themselves was one of those moves.

"Agent Butch. The cage won't fit" a grunt called out to him as they were trying to load the cage with the captured electric types onto a second truck.

"Leave it! We got what we need!"

"No! We have to stop them!" Ash said in a shocked realization as well.

Sonic and Knuckles went to intercept the fleeing rockets. Knuckles reached the second truck on time as it took too long to ditch the cage resulting in him knocking out about 10 grunts who were trying to escape in the container as well as another 2 who were in the cab.

Sonic and Raichu were not as successful. Sonic had Raichu try to stop Butch and Cassidy from escaping but Raichu was repelled by a barrage of ground attacks similar to the one that had been used to subdue Raikou.

Butch and Cassidy climbed on the truck and looked down at the fallen Sonic.

"You can't win them all hero! Ahahahaha!" they laughed as they drove away abandoning the other half of their team.

"No!" Sonic yelled in shock.

He wanted to punch himself for not seeing through their plan sooner until he remembered they had actually abandoned their comrades.

Looking back at the truck his face gleamed until he remembered he didn't know how to drive.

Knuckles read his friend's mind.

"I got us mate! I can drive!"

"Wait you know?"

Knuckles jumped in the cab.

As he was trying to begin the truck, Sonic approached Ash and the now kneeling Tails who still couldn't fully support his weight.

"Tell Brock and Misty to come here. Keep those rockets here at all costs. We're going after them".

"Help me… on the truck…" Tails asked trying to stand up.

"Tails no. You're too injured for this".


"Tails. To help others you need to help yourself first. You guys taught me that during my darkest hours in Kanto. Look at me in the eyes and tell me you can help yourself right now".

Tails looked into his friend's eyes but didn't utter a word.

"Don't worry" Sonic assured him "Raikou will be ok. Watch out for him ok?" he said to Ash as Knuckles pulled the truck alongside them so Sonic could hop on.

Hitting the road they followed the tire tracks until they could see the truck Raikou was in in the distance.

"Agent Butch we got company" the grunt driving warned his superior.

Butch looked back and Cassidy did too from inside the container.

"Those wannabe heroes don't know when to quit. Speed up!"

"We're losing them Knuckles go faster!"

Knuckles swapped speeds in the gearbox but wasn't very smooth with it, causing the truck to swerve a bit.

"Woah!" Sonic exclaimed until Knuckles stabilized the truck "I thought you said you know how to drive!"

"I've never really driven before! Last time was when my grandma was still alive! This is a huge step-up!"

Sonic cursed.

"Ok. Get me next to the truck" he said opening the door "when we're next to them I'll jump on it and free Raikou!"

"Are you insane?!" Knuckles asked to no avail as Sonic had already climbed on top of the cabin and then on the container.

Sitting on his knees to keep his balance, he patiently waited for his friend to bring them closer.

In the meantime Misty and Brock had received Ash's call and had reached the site of the fight. Tails was sitting on a log trying to catch his breath, somewhat forcing himself to remain standing.

When they arrived, Ash informed them of all that had transpired, along with the fact Sonic and Knuckles were pursuing team rocket on a truck.

Brock moved to help treat Tails as best he could.

"You're pretty roughed up" he commented worried as he bandaged one of Tails' burns.

Tails didn't answer.

"You ok?"

"No. I came here with my friends as a team and now I realize I was only dead weight the whole time! I was weak before and Tyranitar died. And now I was weak and Raikou got captured!"

"You did your best" Brock tried to comfort him.

"No. I didn't. If I did…"

"You tried to imitate Sonic" Ash suddenly said.


"Back during the fight when Tyranitar…" Ash didn't finish the phrase. It was too fresh to speak about.

"In any case when Jessie and James attacked, you insulted them like Sonic would. And then you tried to scare them into confessing by suggesting Sonic takes over. And that declaration that no pokemon would suffer…"

Tails recalled those instances and a stroke of realization hit him.

From the moment he had sent Sonic to retrieve that sitrus berry he had been trying to act like him because it was too new to him to essentially be in charge and be out in the real world facing team rocket in the flesh and not just from behind a screen.

Ever since the journey had begun he had experienced many new things and trials and even fallen in love.

But until the moment he had met Cosmo, he had been seeing himself as Sonic's guy in the chair. Just like back in Kanto. Working from a desk was all he had known being a tech nerd. This was exactly why he had chosen to shape his team into a support team to help his two friends.

Cosmo's words now made even more sense. Yes. He had incredible amounts of kindness in him. But he lacked something important.

Tails recalled all of his life up until that point. How he was always a tech nerd and the only one who ever approached him was Sonic. It was Sonic who had introduced him to Knuckles and Amy. It was Sonic who had begun pushing Tails into accepting who he was and that it was ok to be a tech nerd even if that meant being in a lot of solitude.

And that had inadvertently led to Tails becoming complacent with his life, not needing a purpose other than helping his friends when they needed too and remaining a guy in the chair.

Now all of his views on reality had been shattered. And at the same time a new one was forming.

A reality in which Tails had to step up.

Sonic stepped up in Kanto and saved the region from team rocket.

Now it was time for Tails to step up and help his friends save Johto and the world from the return of team rocket.

Not as the guy in the chair. But as their equal.

He never had a purpose of his own. Up until now.

The flare that had burned inside him momentarily when he battled Butch and Cassidy earlier was ignited again.

"I want to help pokemon!" he declared loudly causing Brock to jump back in surprise and Ash and Misty to look at him in confusion.

"I am Miles Tails Prower! And I'm not a guy in the chair! I'm a member of team Sonic! And I will help my friends!"

He felt his legs lift from the ground.

"Just a little closer Knuckles!" Sonic urged his friend getting ready to jump.

Knuckles floored it.

Sonic jumped on the team rocket truck, losing his balance in the process.

Regaining it quickly, he was immediately cornered. Butch climbed on top of the can and Cassidy from inside the container on top of it.

"Don't make us do this hedgehog!"

Sonic responded by calling out Raichu.

"So be it" Butch smiled. It wasn't like they would allow Sonic to roam free if they could take him out "Go hitmontop!"

"Go houndour!"

Trainer and pokemon were surrounded. Raichu was weakened thanks to intimidate by the normal colored hitmontop.

"Quagsire help me out!"

Quagsire stood against houndour and Raichu against hitmontop.

"Hitmontop fake out!"

Hitmontop immediately went for Sonic's Raichu causing it to flinch.

While the battle was beginning however, team rocket truck's driver tried to ram Knuckles off the road.

The slam caused the battle to end before it had even began.

All 4 pokemon were launched onto Knuckles' truck while Sonic lost his balance, falling and almost slamming into Cassidy.

The team rocket agent dodged the hedgehog who managed to hold on by the container's edge. Seeing inside from a small window on the door he saw Raikou, chained in place, its fur now cleaned as team rocket had used Cassidy's tentacruel to clean it before presenting it to Archer.

Sonic was so distracted by the sight that he felt a boot stomp on one of his hands. Letting go in pain, he looked up and saw Butch ready to stomp down again. Cassidy was sadistically observing from behind.

"Sonic!" Knuckles called out slamming into the truck, causing Butch to miss Sonic's other hand and giving Sonic some time to try and climb.

Sonic fought to climb back up, calling out to Knuckles to bring the truck closer so Raichu could help him out.

But even if they did it wouldn't matter. Raichu and Quagsire were battling houndour and hitmontop on top of the other truck so even if Knuckles brought it closer, they wouldn't jump back.

Sonic tried to take out Bayleef but before he could send it out, Butch kicked him in the face.

Bayleef's pokeball slipped through his fingers.

"Nooo!" Sonic called out in a dramatic tone before his hand was again stomped by Butch, leaving him hanging on by just his other hand.

"End of the line hero. This is for the boss!"

The boot came down on Sonic's other hand causing him to let go.

The second went by like a millennium as Sonic fell off. He closed his eyes, waiting to be torn apart by the impact with the ground and the consequent force that would be applied to his body due to the momentum which would carry him forward before his body came to a halt.

The scientific explanation brought Tails to his mind. And the harsh words he had spoken to him earlier.

"I'm sorry Tails" he thought.

A pair of hands grabbed his own.

Sonic felt his fall coming to a halt and his body regaining momentum despite being in the air.

Opening his eyes he looked up and saw none other than his friend.


"I got you Sonic!" the two-tailed fox shouted to be heard over the loud wheezing of the air with a huge smile etched on his face.

"But… how is this…?" Sonic stuttered as he tilted his head back as much as he could.

Tails was flying. His two tails were spinning at insane speed, somewhat resembling the rotor blades of a helicopter.

"Did… did your butt turn into a helicopter?"

"Haha a buttcopter. Good one Sonic!"

Knuckles was so shocked by his Tails' deus ex machina intervention, that he took his eyes off the road for a moment to get a glimpse of his friend's greatness.

Butch and Cassidy were taken aback so much that their jaws dropped almost to the container's roof.

How was it possible that fox, the apparent weakest member of team Sonic, would be the one to come to their rescue and give them a legitimate chance at victory here and now? And with the ability to fly nonetheless.

Tails flew Sonic back on the truck, while the two team rocket agents stepped back in fear.

"Oh by the way" Tails tossed Sonic a pokeball while still in the air "you lose Bayleef again I'm keeping it" he joked.

Sonic was beyond grateful. Tails had not only saved his life just now, he had saved Bayleef too.

The two teammates exchanged a nod. The tables were finally turning.

Tails then exchanged a nod with Knuckles as well who managed to do a thumbs-up despite almost losing control of the track in the process.

As for the Pokemon who were battling on the truck, Raichu and Quagsire had prevailed.

When Knuckles almost lost control of the truck, all 4 were launched off the roof. Sonic acted instantly, recalling his pokemon but Butch and Cassidy didn't move a muscle.

Tails made his choice in nanoseconds. Performing a crazy mid-air flip while flying, he caught houndour in a hug and grabbed hitmontop by the leg, sparing them a painful if not fatal collision with the rough asphalt.

Soaring back up, Tails released the pokemon in front of their idly standing trainers who were still trying to comprehend the complete reversal of the situation.

Tails noticed a key hanging from a small chain on Butch's waist.

"I'll take that" he smiled confidently, as he momentarily landed in front of the agents, stealing the key and jumping off again, using his tails to fly out of their reach.

"Yeah! Go Tails!" Knuckles cheered him on.

Tails flew at the back of the truck.

"Keep them busy! I'll free Raikou!"

"You got it!" Sonic said sending Raichu back out.

"Now… where were we?" he said in a menacing tone to the two agents.

Cassidy responded by calling out a Raticate and having it use super fang on Raichu.

Butch on the other hand, had only a meowth left. It wouldn't make any difference if he sent out or not.

The plan was to bring back Raikou and if they could get rid of the hero of Kanto, do so by any means necessary.

The timely arrival of that fox had ruined everything.

As Raichu and Raticate clashed, Tails opened the container doors, landing inside. He was met with about 10 rocket grunts.

Raikou's face lit up when it saw Tails. Then grunts on the other hand were not so happy.

Two of them tried to rush Tails who instinctively, with his mind focused on the singular task of saving Raikou, tried to punch the first one.

To his shock, the moment his fist came into contact with the grunt's body, electricity was sent out like a small scale thunderbolt. The attack then proceeded to go through the bodies of all the grunts in the container, knocking them all out.

Shocked but not having the time to check if they were ok, and not particularly caring if they were ok in the moment, Tails rushed to unlock Raikou's chains and shackles.

The legendary beast however, was visibly weakened. Team rocket had roughed it up a lot trying to capture it.

"In this state it won't be able to escape even if I free it. Unless… of course!"

Flying back out of the container and next to the truck Knuckles was driving, he called out to him.

"Where is the sitrus berry?!"

"What?!" Knuckles asked back trying to shout over the wind.

"The sitrus berry!"

Knuckles' eyes widened. He knew what Tails was meaning.

"In my backpack! Passenger's seat!"

Tails moved quickly, flying to the other side, climbing inside and quickly grabbing the berry from the berry pouch.

Knuckles then witnessed his friend fly back inside the container, full of pride.

"Go get them" he thought as he turned his attention back to the road.

Tails cautiously approached the still bound Raikou and presented it with the sitrus berry. Raikou sniffed it and then immediately started chewing down the berry as Tails began unlocking its bonds.

The ceiling of the container got a few dents along the way, which had Tails smiling. Raticate was getting pummeled.

Sonic thought the exact same thing. Raticate did manage to land a super fang on Raichu but it still far from a fair match.

"Surrender. There is no point in continuing".

"Never!" Cassidy refused defiantly "team rocket will not lose to you!"

Sonic waited for a second before smiling.

"But it will lose to us".

On queue Raikou roared from inside the container, sending chills down Cassidy and Butch's spines.

Tails flew on top of the container and landed next to Sonic.

"I warned you I won't let you hurt any more pokemon. And I intend to keep that promise!"

That very moment, Raikou jumped out of the container fully healed and free from the chains.

"The prize!" Cassidy reached out in anger and frustration.

"Get out of here Raikou! You're free!" Tails called out to the legend of thunder.

Instead of fleeing towards freedom however, it started chasing the trucks.


"What?" Sonic looked at his friend, before also noticing Raikou in hot pursuit.

The beast was catching up fast, anger written all over its face. Dark clouds began converging ahead.

Tails having seen it earlier knew what Raikou was up to.

"KNUCKLES STOP THE TRUCK!" he screamed out in urgency.

Knuckles went to object as that would strand then on the enemy truck but face slapped. They would be ok. He slammed on the breaks, as the truck came to a halt. Raikou raced by, still chasing team rocket's truck.

"Recall Raichu, we're out of here!" Tails called out as he took off.

Sonic was about to ask why the urgency but when he saw lightning bolts crackle on Raikou's mane he knew what the urgency was.

Quickly recalling Raichu, Sonic jumped off the truck, being carried away by Tails.

Raikou then unleashed a mighty roar, sending a lightning bolt down on the truck, causing a tremendous explosion.

As Sonic and Tails landed next to Knuckles who had climbed off the truck, they witnessed the awesome and at the same time, terrifying spectacle. Raikou was observing the truck pieces and the fire his lightning bolt had started, though there was no wind and no trees nearby for the fire to spread.

As team Sonic simply observed, not know how to respond to this, Raikou turned back to them and simply stared. Tails, drawn to the legendary beast, cautiously flew closer.

"Tails?" Sonic asked hesitantly, spooked by what Raikou was truly capable of.

Tails landed 5 steps away from Raikou. As the two locked eyes, Tails couldn't explain or describe it. But the sense of familiarity between the two was a lot more prominent than it was back at burned tower.

It was like the two of them were tied by something stronger than life. Their bond felt like it was stretching beyond time. Only difference was Tails only suspected this. Raikou on the other hand, knew it to be a fact.

Raikou growled for a few moments still locking eyes with Tails. The growls weren't threatening. Tails could swear they weren't even real growls. More like purrs. Like if Raikou was a common house meowth.

Before Tails could question why Raikou seemed to have this familiarity towards it, the legend of thunder roared as if it was saying thank you and left the area, racing through the fields and up cliffs, heading for the unknown. Tails was left there, having unconsciously lifted his hand to reach out for Raikou as if to pet it.

After Raikou left, Sonic and Knuckles came to Tails' sides.

"That… was… wow" Sonic commented deeply impressed.

"I could swear Raikou took a step forward when you reached out" Knuckles said equally as impressed.

Tails didn't utter a word. Instead he simply smiled before collapsing.

"Tails?!" both of his friends exclaimed in shock, kneeling to check on their comrade.

Tails didn't respond.

"We need to get him to a hospital. Like now!" Sonic urgently told Knuckles.

Knuckles nodded and immediately contacted Ash to send help their way.

As team Sonic stood at the site of their victory, worrying over their fallen friend, Raikou raced away. It had to inform its brethren ASAP.

Chapter 62: Aftermath


Following the explosive events of their confrontation with team Rocket, team Sonic retreats to discuss Tails' new abilites as well as their strategy moving forward.

Chapter Text

Ash Ketchum had seen many crazy things over his Kanto journey and his current journey. But a flying fox was by far the craziest.

After the authorities arrived on the scene of team rocket's scheme, he was contacted by Knuckles to send medical help their way yesterday as he put it. Ash was surprised at the urgency but had acted immediately nonetheless.

Now they were in Olivine city's hospital all 5 of them. Knuckles and Brock were idly sitting down waiting for the doctor. Misty was petting togepi to distract herself. As for his rival, he was pacing up and down worried sick about his best friend.

Ash had tried to talk to Sonic a couple of times throughout their wait but didn't know what to say. He had so many questions but as long as Tails' health was in jeopardy he couldn't ask.

Some time later, the doctor came out of the operating room. Sonic rushed to him so fast that everyone thought he would tackle the doctor to the ground.

"How is he doc?"

"Your friend will be fine" the doctor raised his hands to defuse the tension.

Sonic exhaled in relief, having to keep himself from slumping down in relief as well. Knuckles too exhaled in relief from his seat.

"So he will recover?"

"Yes. But it will take a few days. And he must rest. Not push himself as much as possible".

Sonic nodded. It would be a tedious task convincing Tails to take it easy, but they would handle it.

"But there is something else. Something we were hoping you had an explanation for" the doctor continued.

Sonic immediately signalled Knuckles to come. The two followed the doc inside the room Tails was.

The sight was heartbreaking. Tails was lying still unconscious on a bed, needles pouring water in his body and an oxygen mask.

"Oh man" Sonic muttered.

"Do not worry" the doctor reminded him "they are just there as a precaution. When we wakes up, he will be free to go".

"Then what do you want to talk with us about?"

The doctor, not answering, simply went to his laptop which was connected to a projector. After closing the lights so that the room was only illuminated by the projector, he placed a small flash drive in a USB slot of his laptop.

After a few seconds a folder opened, with two videos.

"Those were filmed during your friend's treatment because we experienced bizzare moments during that time. First this".

The doctor the proceeded to play the first video. On screen Tails could be seen laying upside down, as he was being treated for the burns on his back. All of a sudden, his tails started rotating, causing all the staff in the room to step back in shock.

Tails was lifted a few centimeters off the table, surprisingly still unconscious and then landed gently back down. Knuckles and Sonic were at a loss for words, just not for the same reason as the doctor.

The latter then proceeded to play the second video. During the final stages of the treatment a nurse went to change the serum that was keeping Tails hydrated. The moment she touched his arm to disconnect the tube and switch it up however, small bolts of lightning crackled from Tails' arm, mildly injuring her.

The doctor had instructed on both occasions for tests to be performed. Opening Tails' medical record folder which was in a folder in his laptop instead of in a flash drive like the videos of Tails' new abilities manifesting, presented them to the two friends.

"The tests were run right after those occasions. Surprisingly the reason those phenomenon occurred could be explained through the tests. This is your friend's inside, literally" the doctor explained showing them a live feed of Tails' body a few moments after he unconsciously flew.

Going on a microscopic level the doctor showed them a depiction of Tails' body cells on his tails.

"When your friend manifested this unique, and dare I say unheard of ability, his body cells displayed outputs of electricity. But not in the way you would think. This is more like the electric signals that travel through our brain. However those are harmless and with no real effect on our body other than brain function. But here" the doctor continued while playing the video of Tails flying while unconscious side by side with the cells video "see for yourselves".

Sonic and Knuckles observed the two videos playing side by side. When Tails began lifting from the table they noticed the electricity crackling on his tail cells but couldn't figure out why. The doctor didn't expect them to so he explained.

"The electricity looks similar to the brain signals I described earlier but the effect here is different. They increase your friend's body's energy output on his tails. That can be compared to an athlete taking steroids to allow his body to perform beyond human capabilities. So in your friend's case, the electricity allows his tails to move faster than normally possible. The flight thing… I'm going to assume that was just instinctive action on his part".

"That's all nice and good doctor, but speak English" Knuckles lost his patience with the scientific explanation, which he understood very little of "what does that mean for Tails?"

"It means that your friend has permanently gained the ability of flight. And I was hoping you two could explain how this happened".

Sonic and Knuckles glanced at each other. Deep down they both knew what was the cause.

The doctor read through their silence, playing the second video of Tails' body side by side with the video where Tails accidentally injured the nurse.

Again the two videos gave them very interesting data to work with. When the nurse began tampering with the serum, aiming only to change it, a signal in the form of a small bolt of electricity travelled through his brain, down his throat and his hand, coming out of his fingers as the electricity that mildy burned the nurse.

"If I had to guess" the doctor said in deep consideration "a reflective reaction. Subconscious too. He wasn't awake meaning his defensive instincts have dialed to 11 defending him from threats somewhat at least, even when unconscious. Do you still have no explanation as to how this happened?"

Sonic nodded negatively.

"No. We have no idea".

The doctor sized him up, trying to figure out if Sonic was lying. Sonic felt sweat running down his back right between his quills. Not out of fear or anxiety. Just because the doctor's look was creeping him out.

"What'd I miss?" a voice then suddenly spoke up, albeit quietly.

Tails was awake. And his two comrades were beyond relieved.

"Nothing major mate" Sonic went to his side.

As the doctor promised, team Sonic was free to go although he instructed Tails not to push himself as he was still not perfectly fine, just fine enough to leave.

Leaving the hospital they ran into Ash's group again. They had stuck around waiting to see if Tails was fine. After Tails assured them he was just fine, Ash tried to question him about the way he had flown away earlier. Tails didn't utter a word.

Instead he showed them by turning into a foxcopter again. They were awestruck but still Ash demanded answers. Sonic covered for Tails, claiming they had no idea how this happened.

Wanting to be alone with his teammates to talk it out, Tails claimed they would go visit the lighthouse to make sure the Ampharos was back where it belonged safe and sound. Ash and his friends would take a boat to head to Cianwood city on the other side of the bay to challenge the 5th gym leader, Chuck. Before leaving however he let team Sonic know that they were all really something but he was coming for Sonic and Knuckles so they better be prepared in the future.

A little bantering and roasts later, the three friends were heading for the lighthouse but Tails changed course at the last second, leading them to the beach. They needed to get some things out of the way.

Far away from Olivine, Raikou met up with its two brethren. The three started roaring at each other. Or at least that's what it would sound like to a human. They were merely talking. And Suicune in particular was livid.

"Are you insane?! Why did you interfere?!"

"It's all good. Everything turned out as we saw back then".

"You could have ruined everything" Entei berated its thunder brother "you could have ruined the future we saw".

Raikou looked down for a moment.

"The yellow one… the one destined to go into combat with me… remember how he could fly?"

"Yeah" Suicune barked in anger.

"I gave him this power".

Entei and Suicune's eyes widened and their jaws dropped.

"I think I know why they weren't exactly what we expected when they awakened us. They are not the heroes we know them to be. Not yet anyway. The trials they will encounter on this journey will shape them. And something tells me we need to be part of those trials".

Suicune and Entei looked at each other. Suicune contemplated before nodding.

"Very well then. Then we shall continue to observe. Soon one of the other two will have to be tested. And when that time comes we will be there. Whatever way that goes down".

Raikou nodded. Entei nodded as well.

The three beasts, having reach an agreement, split up, continuing their roaming of the land. Suicune had decided to stay west, in order to keep an eye on team Sonic.

It had a feeling that soon it would be its turn to test them. In particular, the red echidna.

Back in Olivine, while waiting for the boat, Ash, Brock and Misty were discussing team Sonic, Tails specifically.

"I mean how cool is that?!" Ash exclaimed still trying to believe it himself "he can fly. He can literally fly!"

"I know. And from what that beautiful officer Jenny said" Brock said, earning himself an angry look from Misty which caused him to silently retract his statement "he was vital in making sure team rocket didn't get away with Raikou. He freed Raikou himself too".

Misty however was quiet. She has made a connection that just seemed too big of a coincidence to actually one.

"Now two of them are unique".

"What do you mean?" Ash looked at her, wondering what she meant.

"Remember what Tails said about Sonic after his fight with Entei in Ecutreak city?"

"I do" Brock answered going into deep thought "he said that there is a bond between Sonic and his Raichu, empowering him beyond normal".

"Exactly. And now Tails has gained unique abilities. It could…" Misty stopped as she wasn't fully sure now to proceed with her thoughts.

"Look" she continued "I'm not exactly sure what I'm onto here, or even if I'm onto anything at all. It just feels too… too improbable that they ally to fight team rocket and two out of the three gain abilities. And Knuckles' strength too. I'm not sure I would call it normal. Sure maybe he built his strength over time… but still. A team of unique trainers? And the legendary beasts appearing to them repeatedly, all 3 of them at the same time twice too?"

Ash had started buying into it.

"Yeah. There definitely is something peculiar about them. Which is all the more reason to give our all into our training and grow stronger. It will be all the more worth it defeating them if they are so unique. And you know what? Now I want to fight Tails too, when he grows stronger as a trainer as well".

Brock and Misty smiled at each other. Of course powerful opponents would get Ash hyped to fight them.

"Looks like the Sonic effect is taking over again" they agreed.

As the boat for Cianwood city finally set sail, team Sonic were resting after the crazy day they had. Having set camp there they let out all their pokemon so they could run, stretch and play with each other. They had earned it.

Sonic and Knuckles decided to start the afternoon by getting the topic of how they went to that cave and found – "Holy cow! A shiny larvitar?!" was Tails' exact reaction – so Tails could get with the program. Afterwards, while still keeping the two larvitars in their field of view at all times, it was time to tackle the important topics.

"So" Knuckles started the conversation "what should we mark today as?"

Tails wasn't sure what to make of today. It was probably the most chaotic day of his life thus far. And the rapidly events developing events didn't leave him enough time to fully process anything.

One event however he felt could define today as a defeat.

Sonic could almost read his pal's thoughts. Or it was just painfully obvious by the way Tails was observing the two Larvitars whom the other pokemon in their teams had started getting familiar with.

"I won't disagree buddy" he said to Tails in a serious tone "we messed up there. Greatly".

"We didn't just mess up" Tails was fighting not to tear up "we failed. We failed miserably".

Sonic grabbed him by the shoulder gently.

"We did Tails. I know. But… it's not entirely a failure".

"Pardon me?"

"There are many ways today could have played out. Many things could have been done differently. We could have done many things differently, and so could team rocket. Today is by no circumstance the best possible outcome. But it's not the worst either".

"How is it not? We failed to save Tyranitar. If the death of a pokemon isn't the worst possible outcome what is?"

"Honestly" Sonic refrained from shrugging even though it wasn't hard to imagine the worst possible outcome "team rocket making off with every single pokemon we saved today, including Raikou. And probably forcing us out of the picture too".

Tails couldn't disagree. That sounded a thousand times worse. It didn't make it any easier though.

Sonic, understanding to a great extent what Tails was going through, had one more card to play.

"Back when Jolty died… when I was simply existing without living, lost in darkness… I kept asking myself what we could have done different. Me and Mike that is. At first I saw every other possible outcome as positive. In every scenario I imagined, Jolty lived".

Tails waited to see where his best friend was going with this.

"But when I started escaping the darkness, I realized I was only coming up with positive outcomes because I simply felt pain over Jolty's death. Going over those same scenarios with a clear mind, I started seeing other outcomes. Worse outcomes. Giovanni could have escaped with the master ball. Team rocket could have made off with all the captured pokemon they had" Sonic paused looking around until he found Raichu.

"My partner could have been the one impaled by rhydon that day" he said with a hint of horror at the prospect of that outcome.

Tails looked at Raichu too and nodded in an eye-widening understanding. If the death of Mike's pokemon had caused him to slip so deep into darkness, he didn't want to even begin to imagine what would have happened if Raichu had perished that day. Especially during such a critical point in Sonic's path.

"I can imagine a scenario like that too" Knuckles interjected "can you imagine what would have happened if we have saved Tyranitar by feeding it the sitrus berry?"

Tails looked at him in question.

"The same sitrus berry you fed Raikou so it could regain its strength and escape?" Knuckles added.

"Or more accurately, utterly destroy that truck and then escape" Sonic added.

Tails didn't need to widen his eyes this time. He had reached the outcome in his mind the moment Knuckles began speaking the second part of that outcome. And that was an outcome he didn't want the imagine either.

"Look, point is" Sonic continued "it's just as Knuckles said back then. Dwelling on what ifs will only slow us down. Reality is the one thing we need to accept right now. It's all we have to work with".

"And might I add we need to work fast" Knuckles added "we struggled against them today. We were way too unprepared and we didn't even know".

Tails nodded.

"We literally couldn't beat Butch and Cassidy in one fight. We struck repeatedly, giving them no time to heal their pokemon. Eventually they ran out. But they were stronger than us. Hell they were even able to resist your and Raichu's onslaught".

Sonic knew. He had come to the same conclusion during the second battle, when Ash, Knuckles and himself were battling the two agents. A vital piece of the puzzle that, had it been the same case in the slowpoke well, there was a good chance they would have lost.

"Do you remember what you told me when I tried to discourage you from coming with me?"

"Of course" Tails responded not sure what Sonic meant by this.

"Remind me the exact words".

Knuckles answered that one for Tails.

"He asked you if you really thought we'll let you fight round 2 alone".

"Exactly. We treated this as round 2 of my war against the rockets. But that was wrong. For this is not round 2"

Tails and Knuckles looked at each other clueless.

Sonic elaborated.

"It's not a round 2 of my war. Because we're not facing my old enemy but an entirely new threat altogether".

Tails and Knuckles still couldn't quite grasp Sonic's point of view.

"But… aren't we facing team rocket?" Tails asked confused.

"We are. But they are not the same organization I fought in Kanto".

"I don't follow" Knuckles responded to this explanation.

Sonic sighed.

"The enemies I faced were a dangerous organization for sure. But there is a key difference. Back then they functioned like a pyramid, with Giovanni at the very top. All the power was consolidated to him, therefore leaving the grunts and the admins weaker. Giovanni wanted power so he made sure none of his subordinates would ever pose a threat to him. The organization was bigger but it was weak because they were fighting out of fear for his power or maybe because they even craved to be in his shoes. Hence why the grunts are scared of me. They feared Giovanni so as you said at the plane Knuckles, they fear the one who beat him even more".

Knuckles remembered pointing out that fact when they gave themselves the name team Sonic.

"But the team rocket we are facing here in Johto… that's an entirely different story. Different person in charge, Archer. Or more accurately, the three former admins of team rocket acting as one. Furthermore unlike the old team rocket these ones prioritize their own survival. They haven't come after us because they are doing their absolute best to survive. Self preservation is a vital factor as to why we have had so few run-ins with them. Giovanni's team rocket though was everywhere. And certainly he didn't care about their survival, otherwise he would have come back to lead them himself".

Tails couldn't help but be impressed that Sonic had figured all that out. Then again it was only natural. To beat your enemy you need to know them. And Sonic knew team rocket all too well.

"Lastly, and this is a conclusion from the fact they are now an organization acting as one, every single member contributing for the betterment of the entire team, they are actually working together. The polar opposite of Giovanni's team rocket. But that is also what makes them stronger and more likely to succeed long term" Sonic finished analyzing his views on their enemies.

His two companions understood now. They struggled against Butch and Cassidy because of that very reason; they covered each other's flanks.

"Meaning that our insufficient performance against them is our fault as well" Sonic concluded "our training so far has been not only very little but insufficient as well. We are not prepared yet to fight enemies like them, let alone take on the entire team ourselves".

Looking on to their parties he sighed again.

"This is why Tyranitar died. Because we were too weak".

Tails now felt even worse because it took him so long before he realized he didn't want to sit idly by anymore as the guy in the chair or the support trainer.

"Which is all the more reason" Sonic continued "to get off our asses and get serious from now on. We treated this war with the rockets like some kind of game ever since the slowpoke well. But back then they weren't expecting us. This time they were. And they will expect us next time as well. Which is why we need to be prepared. Like really prepared. Our pokemon need to get stronger. A whole lot stronger. Therefore I propose we follow the training regimen I followed in Kanto. It worked then so it should work again… with the right adjustments".

"What kind of adjustments?" Knuckles asked him intrigued. After all training wouldn't only give them an edge against team rocket but it would also prepare Sonic and Knuckles for the league.

"First of all, sparring. A whole lot of it. We need to get our pokemon acclimated to battling. To be like second nature to them. Like how it was with my Kanto team. It got to a point where they could work independently sometimes. This is exactly what we need here too. Remember how Raichu and Quagsire handled themselves while you saved me from falling off that truck?"

"I do" Tails nodded. While flying towards the truck, after picking up Bayleef's pokeball that Sonic dropped accidentally, he could see Raichu helping Quagsire coordinate their attacks allowing them to prevail against their adversaries, who weren't sure how to battle without instructions from their trainers.

"Excellent. We need to get all our pokemon to battle like that, to be able to make decisions on their own if we can't give them instructions. But that's only one aspect in which we need to grow. Another one is teamwork".

"Teamwork? But we're already a team" Knuckles was confused at Sonic's line of thinking.

"Well yes but actually no Knucks" Sonic joked but then got serious again "we are 3 individuals aiming towards the same goal. Yet on the battlefield we don't act as one. Butch and Cassidy did. Like I said earlier. This team rocket are working off of each other to achieve their goals. Hence why they were able to fight back so effectively. Which is why we need to not only train hard but together. Merge our minds into one with the same singular goal. In other words, learn to work off of each other on the battlefield as well. We watch out for each other out there, the rockets won't stand a chance against us".

Tails and Knuckles were 1000% on board with this. Tails hopped up.

"Alright then. Let's get started".

"Woah woah hold your rapidash there pal" Sonic stopped him "you need to rest. Your body was pushed to exhaustion".

Tails looked like he wanted to say something but was holding back.

"We just agreed to train hard right?"

"Yes. But I was referring to me and Knuckles for the first few days. You need to rest".

"Rest? No way, I'm fine".

"Tails you got electrocuted by Raikou. You literally collapsed. Sure you got some cool new tricks from this ordeal but that's not fine. Hell I'm surprised you recovered so quickly".

"That was then Sonic. Now I've recovered. So let's get started".

Sonic was barely able to keep up with this. Tails was suddenly pushing himself too far for no reason.

Or maybe… not so suddenly.

"Wait a minute" Sonic muttered before reaching a shocking conclusion "oh my god. You insane?"

"Excuse me?" Tails asked confused.

"This whole time I thought unlocking flight also rejuvenated you enough to help us out and you just eventually tired yourself out. But you weren't rejuvenated were you?"

Tails looked away not answering. But just that was an answer in itself.

"You madman. You an absolute madman Tails" Sonic grabbed the sides of his head in shock "you could have gotten yourself killed".

"Need I remind you I saved your life?"

"No you don't need too. But pushing yourself so hard was reckless. Don't deny that".

"I'm not denying or confirming anything" Tails simply said and went to call his pokemon to start training.

"I literally tell you off for pushing yourself to the point of collapse and yet you continue to push yourself even harder. Tails what are you not telling us?"

"Nothing. I just refuse to let team rocket hurt another pokemon due to my own weakness".

Sonic wasn't expecting this. Sure he had pointed out they were unprepared and that had led to Tyranitar's death but right now Tails was placing the entire blame on himself.

"Tails" Knuckles got up as well "you two were there for me when I needed you. Let us be here for you now".

Tails hesitated. The hesitation lasted about 5 seconds before he cracked under the pressure.

"This is all my fault. All the failures we have up until now with team rocket are my fault".

"Your fault?" Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing "why do you think that?"

"My weakness caused Knuckles to get tortured at the hands of the iron masked marauder. And now it cost the life of Tyranitar".

"Tails…" Sonic was worried for his friend now "I thought we were past that. Is this about Raikou destroying the truck? Probably taking out a few rockets along with it?"

"No. It's… damnit!" the two tailed fox screamed in frustration picking up a rock and throwing it as far as he could into the ocean.

His two companions were now truly worried.

"Tails…" Sonic tried to approach him "talk to us buddy. Why have you gone self-loathing?"

Tails sat down in the sand and curled his tails around himself.

"Ever since this started… your entire journey, since Kanto… all I could do to help was sit uselessly behind a screen. You needed help so many times and I wasn't there to help you".

"Tails you did help me" Sonic countered "you led me to meeting Mr Fuji and Reina. Thanks to them my Kanto team became almighty. We won the league because of that. You helped me realize what I was becoming because of my ego. Helped me figure out what was going on at the orange islands when the Titan Moltres needed saving. And now you're here with us, fighting against team rocket. You were always there Tails. So how can you say you were not?"

Tails didn't meet his eyes like Sonic hoped.

"I literally almost abandoned you and Knuckles because I didn't want to hurt criminals of the worst sort. And after realizing my error, I wanted to build a support team. For you and Knuckles to be our vanguard while I sit idly by just so I don't hurt anyone. My inaction and weakness cost us today".

Sonic didn't realize Tails was hiding such emotions.

"Right before I managed to fly for the first time, Ash said something that made me realize a lot. He said I was trying to imitate you when you were looking for the sitrus berry. He was right. That is because my current self is weak. I didn't believe I could keep everything under control myself".

"Tails I was there too" Knuckles tried to assure him it wasn't true "you weren't imitating Sonic. You were just out of your comfort zone".

"I know" Tails let his friend know "but when I found myself against the threats Sonic faced head on the first time while I was idly sitting in front of a computer screen, I found myself unable to rise to the circumstances. And because of that Tyranitar died. I can't accept it happening again. I won't even if it means pushing myself to the edge of collapsing again".

"Tails…" Sonic went to say before being shushed by Tails.

"Right before flying at that moment I promised I would earn my spot as a member of team Sonic. And I intend to keep that promise to myself. If you and Knuckles want to help me… then help me grow stronger. Help me be able to stand by you two with pride. Help me stand against team rocket and save the pokemon that need us".

Sonic and Knuckles couldn't help but be impressed and inspired by their friend's resolve.

"You were always worthy of your spot in our team Tails. Never doubt that" Sonic smiled "but I understand your feelings on the matter".

"Thanks blue leader" Tails joked but felt gratitude for his friends.

"Then it's settled" Sonic declared "we're setting camp here for the foreseeable future. We train hard for about a week, then if we feel we're ready we continue on but slow down the pace. Get stronger and enjoy the moments. How does that sound team?"

"I'm all in" Knuckles agreed.

"Same" Tails was beyond on board with this plan "and personally I'm starting training right now. And no. Don't object. Nothing. I repeat. Nothing you say, nothing you do, nothing in this universe can convince me to reconsider".

His phone rang. Cosmo's name was written on the screen.

Tails now objected to his own declaration. Sonic and Knuckles burst out laughing.

"Man, talk about the universe having other plans" Knuckles was holding his belly, which ached from the laughing.

Sonic managed to calm down long enough to get Tails to choose the obvious.

"Answer the phone dude" he said while trying his hardest not to continue laughing "don't keep your girl waiting".

Tails' cheeks turned red when Sonic called Cosmo Tails' girl. Walking a few steps away he answered. Cosmo immediately asked what all that laughing was.

"Oh nothing. Just my jerk friends" Tails joked as he laughed along with the situation before picking up where they left off last time they talked.

Chapter 63: Nemesis or frenemy?


With team Sonic's training reaching its end for now, along with their imminent departure for Cianwood city, Sonic and gym leader Jasmine find themselves tailing Silver whom Sonic intends to confront.

Chapter Text

Sonic woke up fully energized from a good night's sleep. He exited the tent and stretched, observing the rising sun with excitement for the new day to start.

Things had settled down a lot ever since their latest clash with team rocket. Team Sonic had spent about 2 weeks training hard at the beach close to Olivine city's lighthouse. They were determined to get stronger for the next round with their enemies no matter what.

Their daily routine consisted of 4 main training sessions. The first part was combat training which consisted of basic stuff like practicing moves and working hard to increase their power output. Simple but vital as Sonic had suggested.

The second part was sparring. The three trainers would take turns sparring with each other. They chose at random who would spar with who in order to stay vigilant. Most of the times it was Tails or Knuckles vs Sonic or more specifically Sonic and his Raichu. The electric type mouse pokemon was proving to be a good opponent for their teams who grew continuously stronger with every spar with it.

The results of this part of the training started becoming visible around the 9th day for 2 main reasons. First was the revelation of the Larvitars knowing rock slide. The two rock and ground types had used this move in unison impressing everyone present. Hitmontop had immediately set out to replicate the move, succeeding after 2 days of hard work

The second hint that they were growing stronger was when Tails and Knuckles would have a full battle or at least as much of a full battle as they could since neither had a full team. At first Knuckles won with relative ease. But as time went on Knuckles started having difficulties even with Tails only having 3 pokemon.

Tails had trained the most out of everyone in team Sonic, so he would undoubtedly be the one with the most growth. His scyther had become an absolute terror on the battlefield. Its wild nature and incredible power reminded Sonic a lot of his Pinsir.

Tails' butterfree was also becoming a very annoying opponent to deal with. Having learned silver wind, which Tails wasn't expecting as that was a move butterfrees usually learned later in life, it had become adept in flying around and dodging moves, while firing stun spore and sleep powder to give them openings as well as confusion and silver wind for damage.

Tails had of course learned not to depend on dodging and waiting to apply status conditions before attacking. Butterfree had also gained battle might, its confusion so powerful it managed to confuse Raichu and silver wind was equally as powerful of a move.

Lastly eevee was becoming agile and nimble, making sure it wouldn't get hurt out there, though Tails hadn't yet decided what to evolve it into or even find another evolution stone. He didn't regret choosing the leaf stone in the bug contest a while ago but just couldn't help but want eevee to evolve. Eevee's adventurous nature also made it want to grow stronger and experience new things, including evolving. It had grown incredibly close to Tails, though it didn't miss an opportunity to meet Cosmo on camera whenever she and Tails video called one another.

Tails had also started becoming more confident as an individual and that could be noticed in the way he talked to Cosmo as the days went by.

Normally he was calm and reserved like a wall flower. Sometimes he would allow his nerdy nature to take over and get all technical and just rumble on and on before he realized he was doing so. Cosmo didn't mind, in fact she laughed every time the moment he realized, as she found it very cute.

But as Tails' battle might grew, so did his confidence. He began using words that reflected his confidence, cracking jokes to make her laugh, and sometimes even going the extra mile by slightly deepening his voice.

His two teammates had noticed these changes in their attitude and of course teased him about it from time to time. But deep down both were very proud. Their wall flower friend was growing up on them very fast.

As the second part of their training was yielding these very results, the third part was also yielding its own results. The team trained a lot together, putting their minds together and working out ways to cooperate most effectively in battle. A lot of their pokemon could work well with each other, one example being Raichu and Quilava. The two were growing to be an unrivalled battering ram, with Quilava using flame wheel to break an enemy's defense and Raichu seizing the opening to take out at least one opponent.

Another powerful pair was Bayleef and Butterfree. If one was being attacked by more than one opponents the other would take the attention off of the first by using their moves with the utmost effectiveness, like Bayleef using razor leaf to force possible opponents to stop attacking butterfree or butterfree spraying their opponents with either of its status moves while Bayleef could buy some time with protect if there was a way to learn it.

The list went on and on. Of course not all party members could work together with the same effectiveness but team Sonic would continue trying to make breakthroughs in their teamwork training.

Lastly, the fourth part of their training was bonding with their pokemon. This was vital, if not the most vital part of their training according to Sonic, as one bonding with their pokemon encouraged them to grow stronger. That was the reason Tails and eevee had grown so close. It was also how the two larvitars they had caught had managed to learn to trust them. Sonic feared that they would not trust them easily as they were so young and orphaned. Knuckles however broke the barriers of the two Larvitars after a while, getting them to start trusting him and Sonic.

As Tails and Knuckles also woke up after a while, they were not surprised to find their comrade already awake and ready to start the day.

"You really have become an early bird" Tails joked.

"The early pidgey gets the caterpie" Sonic responded smiling at the sunrise.

"So what's the plan for today?" Knuckles answered while yawning.

Sonic took a moment to consider their progress.

"We've come rather far these last 2 weeks. I say we have one final training session for today and tomorrow we take the first boat to Cianwood city".

"I agree" Tails answered eager "and you know what? I may not be doing the gym challenge but I think I will challenge the gym leader myself. He should prove a challenge for me and my team to take on".

Sonic was inspired once again by Tails' unending eagerness. It kinda reminded him of Ash.

A small part of him wondered if Ash had already beaten the Cianwood city gym leader.

"That would mean his power is growing. But so has ours. I think the Johto league will prove a most interesting event" Sonic thought at the prospect of fighting an actually powerful Ash.

While team Sonic was planning their day, a voice called out to them.

"Early pidgeys as always I see".

It was Jasmine, the gym leader of Olivine city.

"Good morning to you too Jaz!" Sonic called out.

The steel type trainer walked up to the three heroes having brought them breakfast as she often did when she visited. A couple of bagels and coffee for everyone.

"Hope I got them right" she joked.

"Perfection as always" Sonic answered with a smile, causing her to blush.

The first day of their training, the trio had visited the Ampharos in the lighthouse, as Tails wanted to see how it was doing. There they had met Jasmine who was actually Ampharos' caretaker in a way.

The Olivine city gym leader was quick to identify team Sonic as the ones who had saved Ampharos from team rocket. Though only rumors had spread as no one knew the full details of that day, Jasmine knew one thing for certain. The legendary Raikou had appeared and the same individuals who had supposedly awakened it at burned tower were present in the clash with team rocket. Therefore Jasmine put two and two together almost instantly.

She immediately thanked them for bringing Ampharos back safe and sound. After learning of their intention to set camp at the beach next to the lighthouse to train, she would visit from time to time, hanging out, giving them instructions on battle tactics and even offering to help Tails evolve his scyther by having it traded with her.

Tails of course was taken aback, not only in the face of such an offer but to learn that scyther could even evolve. Of course there was a catch in his eyes. Jasmine explained that scyther's evolved form was Scizor. The Pokemon species that had tortured Knuckles.

Upon hearing it Tails was completely against the idea. He still hated the iron masked marauder and getting a Scizor of his own would make the two similar. It took an entire day of consulting his teammates to understand that his choices made him who he was, not what Pokemon he used in battle.

"And besides, think of the irony" Knuckles had encouraged him "the Pokemon species that was once their spear against us will be used against them".

In the end, Tails was convinced, especially when he learned Scizor was steel and bug type, meaning it had a lot of resistance to most moves and only one weakness, that being fire. And with team rocket using poison types, a steel type, in other words a Pokemon that could not be poisoned would be a perfect spear.

He would however hold on to scyther for the time being, deciding it would evolve when they came back from Cianwood with the 5th badge earned by Sonic and Knuckles. Tails explained that we wanted to first catch another Pokemon, possibly in the safari zone which was just west of Cianwood and then challenge Jasmine himself even though he wasn't doing the gym challenge. He believed that in order to obtain a pokemon as powerful as Scizor he would have to earn it first.

While the team prepared to enjoy breakfast, they informed Jasmine of their intentions. She was rather sad they were leaving as she had enjoyed spending time with them.

As the four dug in, Jasmine again asked Tails to show her how he was able to fly. She just couldn't get enough of watching the two tailed fox soar to the sky like a flying type, often joined by several wild flying types like pidgeys and sometimes hoothoots.

After Tails landed, he remembered something.

"Oh shoot. I forgot I need to go town today".

"What for?" Knuckles inquired.

"I wanted to buy several parts to tinker with".

"Another invention idea? What have you got in mind this time?" Sonic asked amused.

"Not sure exactly what route I'm following yet but I will give you a clue" Tails said raising his hand.

As he did, a small bolt of lightning crackled and landed close to Sonic who instinctively pulled back.

"Message received" he said half amused half frightened.

That sort of occurrence had become more and more common as the days went by. Tails would sometimes relax and when he would have to get up to do just about anything, lightning would launch from his arms. He had even accidentally hit Knuckles with a bolt when fist bumping. After several of those instances Tails was able to figure out that, apart from defensive instinctive reflexes, this new ability was triggered when he had a clear goal in mind. He of course didn't reveal this to his friends just yet, not only because he wasn't perfectly certain the idea he had would work, but also because he wanted it to be a surprise if it did work. Tails however was eager to train with eevee and therefore torn over what to do.

Sonic offered to go to town himself, asking only for a list of what to get Tails. Jasmine in turn offered to accompany him.

Tails and Knuckles of course teased their blue friend by raising their eyebrows. Sonic replied middle fingering them with a smile, without Jasmine witnessing any of the exchange as they burst out laughing.

"Do you think anything will happen this time?" Tails asked Knuckles dying to hear his opinion.

"Honestly? 50-50. She is cute but our friend is, one, too focused on our task here to notice and two, you know him. Unless he is in love he doesn't care about romance".

The smile was momentarily wiped as they recalled the time right before Sonic left for Kanto. They weren't of course as affected by Amy's actions as much as Sonic was, but Tails and Jet knew her since they were kids. It still made absolutely no sense why she would act that way even if her supposed feelings for Shadow were added to the mix.

The next moment Tails shoved the though aside.

"Tell you what. A chili dog says they will kiss".

"Deal but you should focus on yourself and your girl, lover boy"

"Oh shut up" Tails brushed him off, though in the back of his mind he still beat himself up over the night he had the chance to kiss Cosmo and be didn't take it. He wondered when their paths would cross again, or more accurately when they would meet face to face again.

In the meantime, Sonic received a message from Jet saying that Amy was planning to come find him in Johto. Sonic of course called her bluff, stating she was all talk. Jasmine wasted no time asking about her, with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Sonic quickly and without details explained Amy was his friend turned crush turned out to be a horrible person and therefore he, his two comrades and his brother back home has turned their backs on her. Jasmine was relieved to some extent.

Having heard from Morty who had come by looking for Sonic in regards to the supposed appearance of Raikou during their scuffle with team rocket, she was amazed by Sonic's apparent accomplishments. Up until that point Jasmine had only heard rumors of who Sonic was but hearing in greater detail from both Morty and Falkner who happened to be in the area as well and who narrated his glorious battle with Sonic's Moltres had her falling for him.

Unfortunately for her, Sonic either didn't like her back or was immune to her hints.

And now that they had only one day left before team Sonic continued their journey, Jasmine was fighting to overcome her hesitation and make the most out of this day.

The two reached the tech store and started collecting the parts on Tails' list. Most were simple lab items and some were actual parts, but one in particular intrigued Sonic.

A trigger-shaped switch.

Reading the list all over again, Sonic went into a state of shock momentarily. The items on the list could be used to make a weapon.

Was Tails planning to create a gun? But then again… why would he ask for an electricity conductive hilt?

"What in the world are you planning Tails?" he wondered silently as they paid for the parts and exited the store.

As they walked down the street the duo started talking about team Sonic's plans after departing from town, a conversation of course initiated by Jasmine.

"Just curious" she said innocently "don't get me wrong, Cianwood is a nice place and all but there isn't really a lot you can do there".

"Well Jaz, apart from defeating the gym leader… what was his name again?"

"Chuck. He uses… "

"I'm gonna stop you Right here. Don't tell me what type he uses. One of us will figure it out upon fighting him. Don't want to give him an unfair advantage" Sonic said referring to himself and his friends.

"Anyway as I was saying, apart from defeating Chuck, we will probably stroll around town at least once, and of course visit the safari zone. One of the Pokemon in my Kanto team that proved vital in both my scuffles with team rocket there and my league victory came from Kanto's safari zone so it would be a huge mistake not to go explore the place. You never know what we could find there".

"Judging by your party I don't know how your team could get better. Maybe with a fire type but your type coverage so far is insane" Jasmine complimented him.

"It's ok but I still need to make my pokemon more versatile. I believe a lot of breakthrough can happen when our Larvitars grow and learn moves. They could help other pokemon learn said moves by example. Knuckles' Heracross and my shiny Hitmontop learned brick break via my Raichu's knowledge of it".

"Very smart" Jasmine commented.

Sonic went to elaborate on his idea to recall one of his Kanto pokemon to have bayleef learn protect from it until he saw a teenage boy exit from Jasmine's gym a bit further ahead. The teenager was a redhead.

Gasping silently, Sonic pushed Jasmine to a nearby alley, the latter about to greet the boy. Sonic motioned her to keep quiet while Silver passed by the alley looking very grumpy.

Jasmine, with her back against the wall couldn't help but be on cloud 9 at the close contact with Sonic despite the massive confusion. She subconsciously closed her eyes.

Sonic took a cautious look outside to see Silver's back.

"Ok he's leaving. Let's…" he stopped when he saw Jasmine's eyes closed and her face an inch from his.

"Uuh… Jaz?"

She opened her eyes slowly realizing what she was doing and blushing like a strawberry.

"What are you doing?"

"I… uh…"

"You know what scratch that. Listen. Do you know any place one would go to where noone else would bother them?"

Jasmine's eyes bulged. That was a complete 180 turn.

"W-why you ask?" she asked with a pretending cute and innocent voice.

"That guy and I have some unfinished business. And he also could lead me to team rocket. I need you to bait him somewhere where I can ambush him and get info out of him. And quick. This is of the utmost importance".

"Oh…" Jasmine tried not to sound too disappointed "wait. Bait him?"

"He came out of your gym. He must have wanted to battle you for your badge. Make him pursue you somewhere secluded and I will take care of the rest".

Any other guy saying this, Jasmine would not even consider agreeing. Sonic however had something reassuring on him. So reassuring in fact that she nodded positively right away.

The two started tailing Silver. Along the way Jasmine informed Sonic of an abandoned building teenagers had taken over for graffiti purposes. Sonic was in total agreement. That would be the perfect place.

Eventually the duo had Jasmine reveal herself while Sonic went on. Upon spotting Jasmine, Silver called out to her.


Jasmine, a little creeped out as she didn't know what Sonic meant by unfinished business, pretended not to listen and walked away.

"Hey you! The gym leader! Wait!"

Jasmine was relieved not a lot of people were around for this. Otherwise the makeshift plan they had would have been ruined already.

Reaching the abandoned building, Jasmine entered and, as per Sonic's instructions, hid in a room near the entrance. Sonic was already waiting inside.

"Did he follow you?" he whispered.

She nodded positively.

"Good" he said before hearing steps, his eyes widening.

"Shit he's coming this way! Sorry in advance for this!" he whispered before pressing his lips against Jasmine's.

The steel type gym leader's mind flatlined. Her eyes closed slowly forgetting where she was, why she was there and the approaching Silver. She let herself get lost in the eternity of the kiss.

Silver half entered the room and immediately stopped and turned around. He didn't have time to waste on lovebirds, neither did he care to. He had to get that 6th badge. Though he didn't understand why she had come here.

As Sonic heard him walk away, he pulled away from the kiss, not even realizing Jasmine had wrapped her hands around him.

"I think he's gone. So sorry for that. Anyway get out of here. I'll go confront this guy".

"Huh… what?"

Sonic looked back at her and she was having a blank dreamy look on her face.

"Well this took a turn for the… I don't know exactly but I will handle it later" he thought determined not to let Silver get away.

"Go back to your gym and I will come find you later. I need to go and confront that guy".

Jasmine was trying very hard to decide whether to have a heartbreak or not as she couldn't tell if that kiss was purely to keep Silver away or if Sonic did it for more than one reasons.

"Are you going to be ok though? Should I call Tails and Knuckles for backup".

"No need. The guy had to attack us at night to get a chance at me the first time around. He doesn't stand a chance if I expect him. Now go quick. I'll come by afterwards to let you know how it went".

Jasmine considered sticking around as backup but in the end nodded and left. Sonic then went to find Silver in the main room of the building.

Silver was there just as Sonic thought. He was about to go confront that couple again, realizing she must have come here to meet her possible boyfriend.

And that was the moment he came face to face with Sonic.


Sonic grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the wall.

"That's right. And you're going to answer some questions".

Silver responded by delivering a good right hook, causing Sonic to stumble back.

"I don't have time for weaklings like you".

Turning to leave, he was tripped and fell to the ground. Sonic immediately hopped on top of him.

"Who do you think you're calling a weakling?"

Silver tried to escape but it was pointless.

"What do you want?" he asked Sonic calmly.

"I want you to answer some questions".

"… fine. Let me stand back up and I will answer".

Sonic lifted him up and pushed him back into the room, just to make sure he wouldn't try to make a run for it.

"Is the Pokemon you stole ok? Show me".

Silver's eyes closed half way as his expression darkened. Not saying a word he called out his croconaw.

Sonic also brought out Raichu.

"Buddy, ask it if it's ok".

Raichu nodded and proceeded to talk to croconaw for a few moments. It then nodded back to Sonic again in a positive way.

"I guess you're not mistreating it".

"No reason to. It's pulling its weight in my team".

Sonic felt anger rising.

"You told me that night that I took your father away from you. Who is your father?"

Silver looked away.

"Answer the question pal. Who's your father?"

"Drop the subject ok? It's not important".

"Not important? You declared war on me over this".

"There is a bigger war coming. So I suggest you let me go. We both fight for the same cause".

"Excuse me?"

"I fight to destroy team rocket".

Sonic wasn't expecting such a response. If Silver was who Sonic suspected his was, this target made absolutely no sense. Tails would even say it made reverse sense. Or at least that it would make sense in a reverse world.

"What kind of joke is this? You expect me to believe you?"

"That's up to you. Now ask your remaining questions".

Sonic fully expected Silver to get all defensive and try to fight his way out.

"Why do you want to bring team rocket down?"

"To end them once and for all. They're weaklings who lost to you at the height of their power. They were literally on the verge of victory and they blew it! The whole world was within his grasp and he went and blundered everything by losing to you!"

He. Sonic's eyes widened. Silver gad slipped up.

"Your father is Giovanni. Am I wrong?"

Silver gasped. He had expected Sonic to figure it out but not that fast. After all who in their right mind would imagine the teenage son of their archnemesis would try to hurt them?

"Croconaw! Surf!"

Croconaw responded immediately by firing water towards Raichu. Both it and Sonic were caught off guard as they were blasted by the wave. They were pushed back against the wall, Sonic feeling part of the force inflicted on Raichu both from the water attack and from the impact with the wall.

Angry and determined to get answers, he sent out Bayleef.

"Leech seed!"

Bayleef fired a seed. Vines emerged from the seed upon contact with the target, ensnaring croconaw.


Croconaw, managing to move despite tangled in the leech seed, bit Bayleef in the neck hard.

Silver, remembering how that strategy had worked the first time around, thought Sonic would rush to recall it. However the hedgehog was calm. And with the hint of a smile on his face.

"Poison powder".

Bayleef, having pretended to be in pain, unleashed the poisonous powder from its body, causing Croconaw to let go. As the water type was damaged by both poisoning and the leech seed, Bayleef was regaining its health and standing strong. Silver recalled it to free it from the vines.

"You can't win pal. So answer the question. Your pokemon doesn't need to get any more hurt. If Giovanni is your father, why are you fighting to destroy what's left of his ambition?"

Silver didn't answer. He only looked at Sonic in hate and anger.

"What do you want from me hero of Kanto? You took everything from me, what more do you want?"

Sonic kept a blank face but found the whole interaction weird thus far. Silver first swore revenge for his father and now intended to destroy team rocket?

But more importantly, the fact that he seemed to harbor anger not only for Sonic which was understandable from a certain point of view but for Giovanni as well.

"I want to understand whose side you're on" he said after a while "because frankly, you don't make any sense".

"I'm on my side. That's all I will tell you".

"Not gonna cut it. I need a real answer. Why are you so eager to go against both me and team rocket?"

Silver gritted his teeth and screamed in frustration.

"You took my father away from me. What about me coming after you doesn't make sense to you?"

"Because it is me and my friends against team rocket. And you want to destroy both sides".

Silver again refused to answer.

"All right then. You leave me no choice. You either answer me right now or I call the police and tell them you stole that totodile".

Silver scoffed.

"You think I'm scared of spending a night on lock-up or even just paying a fine?"

"No. But I'm going to also tell them you are Giovanni's son. Your father is the most wanted man alive right now. Therefore they will have you do a DNA test. And if it comes out positive… which I have a hunch it will" Sonic smiled menacingly "trust me pal, your life will be over. Detective Looker has come after me and my team simply because I fought Giovanni. Just imagine how hard he will go after Giovanni's own son. A son who apparently is following in his father's footsteps by stealing that totodile".

Silver was expecting anything but this.

"You wouldn't dare".

"Oh I would dare. And I daresay to… my reputation will tip the scales against you even more. Unless… you come clean right now. Why are you after team rocket as much as me?"

Silver spat. It was a dead end.

"I want to destroy them because they are what is left of my father's weakness. He lost to you thrice then ran away. He should have been here, leading them into a comeback. He is weak. I am not. And I will prove it. I will purge that weakness no matter what".

Sonic sized up Silver, considering his words. In all honesty they did add up with the little he knew about him so far.

"I see. Very well then" Sonic said and turned to leave.

"What that's it?"

"Yes. Unless you actually want me to expose you as his son".

Silver didn't reply right away again.

"No. I don't want that".


He motioned to leave but was stopped again.

"Hey. Don't think that makes as friends. Team rocket is the last proof of my father's failure. But you…" he clenched his trembling fist "you took him away from me. You forced him into exile. Because of you I'm all alone! My father was all I had left and you took him away from me. Once team rocket is out of the picture I will strike! And I will strike when you least expect it!"

Sonic was less than impressed.

"By that time me and my team will have reached out full potential. And so will my friends and their teams as well. I suggest you make peace with your reality. Because if your father crosses my path again… he will answer for all his crimes. And for Jolty's death".

And before Silver could give a response Sonic exited the room with Raichu after recalling Bayleef, leaving the teenage trainer in the room with his thoughts.

Making his way back to Jasmine's gym, he waited for her to finish a battle with a challenger which she ended up winning. The two of them then started walking back to team Sonic's campsite as he went through everything that transpired from moment Jasmine left until the present.

Sonic of course left out the bit where he blackmailed Silver into admitting Giovanni was his father. Jasmine didn't have to know that. The latter was really worried about Silver's statement.

"Hey cheer up Jaz. This was an absolute win. The guy is also planning to fight team rocket so that's one more problem for them".

"But what happens afterwards? What if he goes through with his threats?"

"Don't worry ok?" Sonic reassured her "he's all talk. I'm sure of it. I can't judge him when it comes to his battle prowess, but he is no Giovanni. We'll be fine".

Jasmine still had reservations but trusted Sonic's judgement.

As the duo reached the campsite, Tails told them ecstatic that scyther had learned wing attack. The attack wasn't anything crazy, but as long as they were still far from the big leagues, and with Scyther's incredible physical power backing it up, it could do some serious damage.

After a small demonstration of the attack, Jasmine promised she would find and keep a metal coat waiting for Tails when they returned from Cianwood so he could evolve scyther whether he chose to challenge Jasmine or not.

After the steel type gym leader left, Tails and Knuckles began bantering again while Tails checked the parts Sonic bought for him. And of course the bantering was aimed at Sonic, as they were trying to get him to answer about their bet.

Sonic laughed a little bit.

"You seriously placed a bet over that?" he asked amidst laughter.

"We did but don't change the subject".

"Ok then. I guess chili dogs are on Knuckles tonight" Sonic joked while slightly bracing himself.

A loud yell echoed throughout the beach as Tails was ecstatic and not only because he won the bet. Knuckles on the other hand, took his time before overcoming the shock and demanding details immediately.

The rest of the day was spent discussing the events of that day, with the conversation shifting from Silver's reasoning as well as his threats to Tails and Knuckles constantly teasing Sonic for being a chick magnet lately. Sonic punished them by declaring he would share the exact details of how the kiss occurred the following day on the ship before going to train with his Larvitar.

A new day was coming and with it a new destination to reach as well as new places to visit and new pokemon to meet.

Chapter 64: Battle for Suicune's respect


As team Sonic travels to Cianwood city, they realize that they're being followed. Their stalker? The legendary Suicune.


Before the chapter starts I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year, hope you like the story so far and keep enjoying the adventures of Sonic and friends in the pokemon universe. Chapters will come out slower throughout January due to college exams. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter Text

Absolute panic.

Absolute terror.

Absolute chaos.

All the above would be the situation in team rocket's current hideout had the three admins' grip on the situation been anything less than absolute in keeping the grunts in check. Or at least if they had allowed themselves to panic.

For the first time ever since learning of team Sonic being in pursuit of them, Archer felt fear. And not just fear of being caught or of team rocket ending. But crippling fear of many other possible scenarios and some of them a lot worse than jail.

The last time he contacted the operation team that day, everything was going very smoothly. But after that nothing. Absolute gap of information.

There were a few hints of what transpired here and there of course which his spies had managed to pass to him in hopes he could make any sense of the end result.

Firstly, the cage in which they were originally planning to trap Raikou in was found empty. But that made sense, they had gathered a lot of electric types last time he had talked to them so they would go with the backup plan instead.

Secondly, one of the two trucks had fallen into the hands of the police. All the grunts that were supposed to escape on that truck had been captured at the operation site, most of them without their senses.

Again nothing new. Team Sonic had assaulted them at the slowpoke well in the same way. But it was what happened to the second truck, that worried him to the point of crippling fear.

Utter destruction. Nothing but scrap metal remained. The entire truck had blown up. And knowing that truck had escaped with Raikou captured , as the platform on which they had tied it up wasn't found at the operation site, it was safe to assume team Sonic wouldn't blow it up. They wouldn't hurt the legend of thunder.

In other words the only conceivable way the truck could have been destroyed like that was at the hands, or more accurately the paws, of the aforementioned legend of thunder.

And there was backup evidence on this theory as well. Several team rocket grunts' body parts lying around near the site of the explosion. They had been completely torn apart in the blast. That was of course the case, provided there was anything that wasn't incinerated on the spot by the blast.

Archer was now more sure than ever. And his comrades in Ariana and Petrel shared his opinion on the matter. Trying to turn the beasts into assets was suicide. Those beasts were clearly somehow allied with team Sonic specifically.

"Perhaps there are some hints of truth to the rumors revolving around the three menaces awakening them" Archer commented to himself.

Ariana and Petrel entered the conference room as well, looking like thet were pursued by an angry mob. His suspicions were confirmed as angry voices could be heard behind them in the distance.

"Archer we can't contain them for much longer. They're scared silly. Shit just got real. We actually had casualties this time" Ariana informed him.

"You think I'm not aware?" he answered reeking of sarcasm.

"They're out for blood Archer. We're not safe" Petrel said, partially shocked their leader was so calm.

"Then we lay low. Stick to the plan and we'll be fine" Archer simply answered trying to sound calm and confident.

"Archer…" Ariana paused momentarily "some of the grunts want out".

"What?!" the team rocket admin almost jumped up "are you serious?"

"Yes" Petrel confirmed "they even banded together to demand out. More specifically, their representative said that it is no longer worth the risk. Before it was either jail or punishment at the hands of the boss. Now it's either punishment at the hands of the boss or risk of death at the hands of the hero of Kanto".

Archer's pupils darted around in his eyes as he was trying to process the continuously worsening development.

Team Sonic had managed to instill fear in their ranks. Archer had to deal with that pronto. And the most efficient way to fight fear was to obtain knowledge about what they were fighting.

Only problem was there were no witnesses. All their members who were present when team Sonic prevailed were dead or presumed dead.

Archer's phone then received an encrypted message. Quickly translating the code her face lit.

"We have a survivor".

"What?!" both his fellow admins exclaimed in shock.

"They're in hiding. Waiting for retrieval. Ariana assemble a squad and go retrieve them now".

"Assemble a squad? They will riot the moment we order such a thing".

"Fine then. Petrel you do it".

"Why me?"

"Proton is still unable to serve and our two best agents in the field are presumed dead. With any luck this survivor will be one of the two. In any case someone has to go. So either you go or…"

"Or what Archer?!" Petrel got to his face "or what?! All you've been doing this whole time is staying here! It must be so easy being the one in charge, staying in the safety of the hideout while everyone else goes out there and risks running into those maniacs! Why don't you grow a pair and go out yourself for once!"

"What did you say?!"

"You heard me!"

"You unruly…"

"Will you two stop acting like children?!" Ariana screamed, scaring them into silence.

"Do you see what they're doing to us? They're breaking us apart. We need to stop them. And for that we need the boss".

Archer nodded. She was right. All they were doing was for the boss.

Their boss, Giovanni, whom the hedgehog had exiled. Burning hatred for Sonic engulfed Archer's mind.

In a moment of inspiration, he stepped up.

"Very well then. I will lead a squad myself to retrieve the survivor. Maybe if the grunts see me do this, they will settle down for now".

"That would be a smart move" Ariana agreed.

Archer waited to see if Petrel had anything to say. He didn't.

"Don't think I forgot your little outburst. I don't take insubordination lightly".

"Whatever" Petrel brushed him off.

The three admins left the room heading to their respective tasks.

"Before you go… Petrel" Archer spat while speaking the name "you'll be taking over the whirl islands mission. With our agents out of the picture we need a higher up to take over when we locate the target. And don't object. That's an order".

"Whatever you say boss man" Petrel fired back.

Archer gave him an angry look.

"You're lucky you just called me boss man and not boss. Now go".

Petrel left and soon enough Archer and Ariana went their ways as well. There was a lot of recovering to do. And a lot of preparing as well.

As team rocket was beginning its recovery, team Sonic was boarding the boat to Cianwood city. Jasmine was seeing them off, urging them to be done quickly so they could have their battles with her. As the boat left, she winked at Sonic.

That earned him another 5 minute badgering, bordering on interrogation, to learn about the previous day and how Sonic had actually kissed Jasmine.

Sonic tormented them a little bit by pretending to go back on his word and not revealing anything about that day. Right when his two friends were about to quit he told them. They were clearly expecting it to be like in movies where the hero and the heroine find themselves about to be confronted by the villain and kissing to avoid that confrontation.

They were therefore disappointed to hear that even though that was the case, there was no aftermath, no cringe or awkward talk and blushing.

"So you like, kissed her just for that? To avoid Silver?" Tails asked him.

Sonic looked to the horizon.

"I'm not dumb Tails. I can tell she likes me. But currently this is not what I'm looking for. Don't get me wrong. She is cute. But apart from that, I don't feel in love so there's no point in pursuing anything. At least, that's what I figure".

Knuckles observed him silent for a few moments.

"Is that really the case? Or are you still thinking about Amy?"

Sonic showed no emotion to the question. He did however think out the answer a bit.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't Knucks. It doesn't happen often but… it's like what we talked about 2 weeks ago. Our mind is programmed to think of what ifs. A part of me wonders what if Amy wasn't… you know".

Tails also took to looking at the horizon due to their deep talk.

"And if you were given the opportunity? To change the past or something like that? Would you do it? To have a chance with Amy?"

Sonic didn't reply with words. He replied by taking out Raichu's pokeball and holding it in front the rising sun.

"I would be a fool to wish for something like that" he answered with a genuine smile.

Tails and Knuckles were happy to hear that. Sonic had gone through so much but simply the thought of Raichu alone made his entire journey so far worth it. He had seen so many amazing places, met and battled so many pokemon and even tamed a legendary pokemon.

Maybe it wasn't in a sentient being's nature to let go. But if you had something more powerful driving you, you could move past the trauma while limiting its effect on you. Sonic had achieved that. And his two mates were proud of him for that.

Knuckles also took out Quilava's pokeball, wondering if he would ever get to that point as well. Sonic had managed to get over his trauma for the most part in mere months. His trauma was over 10 years old and he still held on.

As they passed by the whirl islands, a passenger on the boat told everyone to look at the islands as they were said to be home to the legendary Lugia. Sonic and Tails looked around from time to time hoping to see the guardian of the seas.

Knuckles was also looking but he wasn't seeing anything. His mind was continuing to drift into his trauma.

His eye caught a movement nearby as they passed next to a cluster of rocks.

Looking up he felt a piercing glare and noticed a majestic purple mane with ribbons on the sides.

Knuckles gasped silently.

"Suicune?" he whispered.

Trainer and pokemon stared at each other for a few moments.

"Guys!" Knuckles called out to his friends "look!"

But when he pointed, Suicune was no longer there.

"What is it?" Sonic asked the red echidna.

Knuckles remained there pointing. Suicune had disappeared in the blink of an eye. As if it was never there.

"Knuckles you ok?" Tails took him by the shoulder.

Knuckles took a few seconds to register the question.

"Yeah" he said in the end "I just… I thought I saw Suicune".

"Suicune?!" both Tails and Sonic exclaimed in surprise.


Sonic and Tails looked at each other in confusion.

"Are they following us?" Sonic wondered aloud.

"I'm not one to assume but it does feel like it. Ever since we awakened them they have always been nearby. You fought Entei, they saved us from the police, then Raikou…" Tails stopped as he still didn't like talking about that day "and now Suicune appears? They might just be following us".

"So you think I will end up with some crazy ability as well?" Knuckles joked.

"Nah you're super strong man. You don't need more power" Sonic joked.

Knuckles laughed for a while before going silent again. A part of him felt a deep connection to Suicune. The same way Sonic and Tails felt a deep connection to Entei and and Raikou respectively.

That same part of Knuckles wanted to meet Suicune again but up close and personal. To try and make sense of that sense of familiarity.

Soon enough the shoreline of Cianwood city appeared in the horizon. Wanting to take it easy, the team simply strolled around for the day, enjoying the city, the endless blue horizon, and of course Tails chatting on the phone with Cosmo, with Sonic and Knuckles silently teasing him in the background at their campsite, just north of town.

While Sonic was considering which of the two would challenge Chuck first as the best choice was for Tails to face him last since that would be his first real battle and it would be only fair to have the advantage of watching Chuck fight twice. Knuckles was arguing he should battle Chuck first when he again caught a movement with his eye. A ribbon dancing in the wind.

"Suicune?!" he exclaimed and turned to look before even knowing whether he had imagined it or it was real.

It proved to be real. Suicune was standing about 20 steps away, looking stoic and serious, observing them as its mane and ribbons danced with the evening breeze.

"Tails" Sonic said surprisingly calm getting his friend's attention almost causing him to drop the phone.

"Cosmo I'm gonna have to call you back in a bit. Something came up" Tails said hanging up.

As the three friends looked on towards the aurora pokemon, nobody made any moves.

"Why is it staring at us like that?" Tails wondered aloud as calmly as he could. Seeing Raikou up close for a moment was one thing, but observing Suicune up close for this long was mind-blowing. For some reason the beast wasn't fleeing.

Knuckles, acting on a hunch, slowly stood up.

"Knuckles?" Sonic was caught off guard by this move.

"Knuckles what are you doing? You'll scare it away" Tails whispered trying to get Knuckles to stop.

Suicune sized Knuckles up for a few moments as the echidna made a few reluctant steps towards it. Suddenly it turned and raced towards the rocky section of the beach.

Once it reached the rock formation, Suicune stopped and turned to face Knuckles again, as if it was inviting him to follow.

Knuckles, not uttering a word followed. Suicune jumped onto the rocks and raced a little further away. Knuckles followed it on the rocks.

Sonic and Tails could no longer see Suicune at this point and realizing it was drawing Knuckles too far away, they got worried and urgently got up to follow. Regardless of what Suicune's intentions were with Knuckles, they didn't feel safe leaving the two alone at this point in time.

Knuckles, his experience with hazardous terrain allowing him to follow Suicune with relative ease, tried to get it to stop.

"Suicune! What do you want? Where are you leading me?"

He got his answer when Suicune stopped in a small clearing between the rocks and the sea. It then once again turned to face the red echidna. Knuckles climbed off the rock and onto the sand.

"Why did you bring me here Suicune?"

Suicune responded by moving one step closer. Knuckles, slightly tilting his head to the left in confusion, took a step forward as well.

The two slowly approached each other, one step at a time. Knuckles was trying very hard not to make any sudden movement and scare Suicune away. As he got closer and closer, he noticed Suicune's eyes were red. Also unlike its two brethren its mouth didn't feature any wild characteristics like Raikou's saber fangs or Entei's mask-like facial feature. It looked serene and elegant, its mane billowing behind it. Unlike the manes of Entei and Raikou that were slightly below their neck in the back, making them look more like capes than manes, Suicune's looked like a perfect extension of its majesticness.

Before they knew it the duo were standing face to face. Suicune's expression was still serious, but Knuckles felt it sizing him, as if it was trying to tell if he was who he seemed to be.

Subconsciously, Knuckles slowly lifted his hand, as if something was drawing him to pet Suicune. The beast of water backstepped instinctively, its eyes narrowing as it growled.

Normally Knuckles would have immediately pulled back. But the words of Tails describing his interaction with Raikou in a way that indicated somehow it really knew of Tails before they freed them from burned tower, he kept his hand steady, taking a leap of faith.

Suicune growled for a short while, then cautiously approached and sniffed Knuckles palm. Knuckles still remained perfectly calm.

In the end Suicune's eyes widened for a moment as if it finally reached a conclusion. It then took one more step forward, allowing its forehead to make contact with Knuckles' palm. Suicune also closed its eyes to his touch.

Sonic and Tails arrived at that very moment, having fallen behind due to having to carefully traverse the rocky terrain, something that was no problem for Knuckles. Upon reaching, they witnessed their friend and Suicune making contact in the most unexpected way imaginable.

"Woah" Sonic didn't believe his eyes "you seeing that?"

"Yeah" Tails confirmed "and I still don't believe it".

Knuckles didn't believe it either. Who would. A legendary pokemon acting so friendly towards someone? Moltres never treated Sonic like that before he defeated it and had it voluntarily join his Kanto team.

Sonic had told Knuckles back then how Moltres first had him pet it and then when Sonic didn't get the hint, demand he caught it. And now Knuckles felt this moment was mirroring that day.

"Does it want me to catch it?" Knuckles wondered silently, not wanting to scare Suicune or diminish its apparent trust in Knuckles.

A loud yell rendered his line of thought pointless.

"What?! This is an outrage!"

Suicune's eyes jolted open. Knuckles turned to look for the source of the scream. In the split second he took his eyes away from Suicune, the beast was gone.

Tails and Sonic also looked for the source of the scream. It was a familiar man dressed in purple with a signature white cape over his shoulders.

"How can this be?!" Eisune yelled in frustration "how were you able to connect with Suicune like that?!"

"Eusine" Sonic said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. After all he had just scared Suicune away "long time no see".

Eusine payed no mind to the blue hedgehog. Climbing off the rocks he approached Knuckles.

"Tell me! Why did Suicune acknowledge you like that? And don't try lying like you did at burned tower!"

Knuckles was at a loss for words but wasn't about to just accept what he had done.

"What is wrong with you? Why did you scare it away?!"

"I did no such thing" Eusine denied the accusation "and don't change the subject. Why did Suicune allow you to pet it like that?! A pokemon as majestic, wonderful and powerful like that wouldn't possibly trust someone it doesn't know so easily. So spill it!"

"I don't know" Knuckles answered calmly "I'm as much in the dark about it as you are. All I can tell you is that I'm not the only one with this sort of connection to one of the legendary beasts".

Eusine took a second to process this info then turned to look at Tails and Sonic. He remembered how the other two beasts also seemed to acknowledge them as well.

"So what I heard is true? You three came across the legendary Raikou 2 weeks ago?"

"We did" Sonic confirmed wondering what his next revelation would cause "and it was thanks to it and Tails that team rocket lost".

Eusine's eyes locked on Tails.

"You mean to tell me you were chosen by the legend of thunder?"

"I was" Tails answered with pride "and I'd bet money Sonic is also chosen by Entei".

Silence filled the area as no one spoke a word.

"How?" Eusine asked in frustration "how is it you three strangers are acknowledged by the legendary beasts?!"

"We told you already!" Knuckles started losing his patience "we don't know! And even if we did, why do you care exactly? What do you care if the beasts have acknowledged us?"

Eusine turned to Knuckles.

"I have spent 10 years researching the beasts, Suicune in particular. I wanted nothing more my entire life than to meet it. To tell it humans are not afraid of it anymore, that it can trust us again. And your arrival..." he said as he clenched his fist "is both the greatest blessing and the worst curse that could ever befall me!"

"What are you talking about?" Knuckles asked back, totally lost. Eusine looked like his was losing it.

"Before you arrived, meeting Suicune was merely a fool's dream. It had been missing for years, and I never found it. I could never have found it on my own. And then you three came along. You came along and unleashed it, along with its brethren".

Sonic and Tails didn't utter a word.

"And right when I thought I was about to finally achieve my dream and meet Suicune, it fled alongside Entei and Raikou. But not before acknowledging you. And now… after having followed it for weeks… I find it… standing before you… allowing you to pet it".

Knuckles looked away just as confused as Eusine. That moment was still etched in his mind. And something about seemed awfully familiar for some reason.

"So I'll ask you again" Eusine almost got into Knuckles' face "how is this possible?!"

"I" Knuckles answerer back by slightly pushing the man away "do. Not. Know. Get the hint!"

Eusine clearly still didn't believe Knuckles.

"In any case… today was the closest I've ever been to Suicune. I was all choked up just by the mere thought of meeting it. And yet it chooses you" Eusine concluded taking out a pokeball.

"They say respect is earned. I shall face you in single combat. I will prevail and prove myself to Suicune as a trainer and earn its respect".

Knuckles didn't really comprehend this deep desire to meet Suicune, borderlining on obsession on Eusine's part, but grasped it to some extent. After all that was the very reason he had followed Suicune to this small clearing between the rocks and the sea. To meet it again.

"Then show me what you got!" he accepted the challenge taking out Heracross' pokeball.

"Are we really going to let them go through with this?" Tailsn looked at Sonic with concern.

"I see no reason why we should intervene. If Eusine wants to lose this badly, who's Knuckles to deny him that" Sonic said with a smile, confident Eusine didn't stand a chance against Knuckles after their rigorous training.

Suicune, having merely retreated a little further away, cautiously approached again, being careful not to get anyone's attention. It had to witness the echinda battling with its own eyes.

"Go Heracross!"

"Go drowzee!"

The two pokemon emerged from their pokeballs eager for battle. Sonic grinned. After their hard training, a single drowzee didn't stand a chance.

"Horn attack!"

Heracross launched towards drowzee.


Drowzee moved out of the way and using its psychic powers, put heracross to sleep.

"No not this! Wake up heracross!"

"Dream eater!".

Using its psychic abilities again, drowzee started draining heracross' energy.

"Heracross come on wake up! We trained for this!"

Eusine smiled while narrowing his eyes. Today he would prove to Suicune that the red echidna wasn't worthy of its attention.

"Dream eater again".

Dream eater was used again. No energy was drained however.

"What?" Eusine and drowzee both got confused at the apparent failure of their move "how can this be? This move can't miss or fail. Unless the target is…"

"NOW! Horn attack!"

Launching itself, travelling through the air like missile, heracross' horn slammed into drowzee, sending it crashing against a boulder, knocking it out. Eusine was at a loss for words.

"Way to go Knuckles!" Tails cheered for him.

"Our training is paying off" Sonic smiled confidently.

Eusine recalled drowzee.

"Powerful attack. Perhaps there is something in you that earns you Suicune's acknowledgement. But we're just getting started. Suicune! Wherever you are pay close attention! I will earn your respect here today no matter what! Haunter! Come on out!"

Haunter emerged as Eusine's 2nd pokemon. Knuckles smiled. He had fought Morty already. And he had something special for this one.

"Hey Sonic" Knuckles called out to him taking out one of his pokeballs, the smile still etched on his face "do you think this little one is ready?"

"Only one way to find out" Sonic responded with a smile as well.

Knuckles grinned and sent out Larvitar. Upon emerging, Larvitar looked back at Knuckles.

"This is your time little one. Go make me proud!"

Larvitar cried out in excitement and jumped towards Haunter, intending to bite it.


"Not this time! Screech!"

Larvitar unleashed a loud screech that broke Haunter's concentration and harshly lowered its defense. Eusine wasn't ready to quit though.

As Larvitar bit down on Haunter, Eusine seized the opportunity.

"Haunter lick!"

Haunter's long tongue run over Larvitar, causing it to let go and back away in shock.

"Now Haunter! Curse!"

Haunter unleashed a shadow that struck Larvitar. The next moment Haunter fainted.

"What?!" Eusine exclaimed in shock. The complete opposite result of the one he hoped came to be.

"What happened?" Knuckles asked confused until the shadow emerged from Larvitar and damaged it, causing it to cry out in pain.

"Hey what gives?! My Larvitar took damage. But your pokemon has fainted. How does it still do damage to mine?!"

"Tails?" Sonic turned to his tech savvy nerd friend. Being exactly that, Tails had already looked up info on curse, proving the awesome benefit of being a tech savvy nerd true.

"Curse is a mysterious move" he began explaining what he read "it is considered a ghost type move, though many pokemon can learn it. It has been observed that curse has two outcomes when used, based on the type of pokemon using it. Any pokemon other than a ghost becomes slower but its physical prowess is enhanced while in battle. But when used by a ghost type, the user slashes its own life to place an actual curse on the target, taking out chunks of its health the longer the fight goes on".

"I know that already fox" Eusine said impatiently "what I want to know is why my Haunter fainted".

"Well apparently by slashing its own life, it means it gives up energy equal to half of its battle endurance. Since it took damage from bite earlier, it tried to pay the cost of using curse, fainting in the process. The move did work though".

"I see" Eusine answered in understanding as he recalled Haunter.

Knuckles also recalled Larvitar. From what he understood, curse worked like confusion. Recalling the Pokemon should remove the effects. He only hoped that was the case.

"Weepinbell help me out!"

Weepinbell appeared. Sonic observed the grass type pokemon getting ready for battle. A part of him wondered when Knuckles would evolve it, since he had the stone for it. So far it knew vine whip, sleep powder, stun spore and razor leaf. It had been quite a while since it had learned a move on its own. Even razor leaf was taught to it by Sonic's Bayleef. Sonic even wondered if weepinbell could learn any more moves at this point.

Eusine took out his third pokemon, refraining from showing any more frustration even though he was drowning in it.

"Why Suicune?" he asked silently as he winded up his hand to send out his pokemon "what do you see in him? What does he that makes him worthy of your respect?"

As his third pokemon, Electrode, emerged, Eusine remembered something else.

The way Knuckles had petted Suicune earlier. It was exactly the same way Knuckles had touched Suicune's statue of at burned tower, inadvertently releasing it.

Raikou and Entei didn't require that their statues be touched by Tails or Sonic to be freed. It was only Suicune that required this. And even more than that, it looked like Suicune's release was also a key to releasing Raikou and Entei.

In other words, though all of team Sonic had freed the beasts together, the catalyst was Knuckles.

This whole line of thought made Eusine more determined than ever to defeat Knuckles and prove it was just as worthy of Suicune's respect, if not more.

"Come on!" he called out to Knuckles "show me what Suicune sees in you! Whatever it is, I will defeat it!"

Knuckles didn't respond. Not only because it would be a pointless answer to an equally pointless question but because he didn't know himself what Suicune saw in him.

Sonic would berate him if he heard this thought of course, telling his friend he was selling himself short. But the thing was he didn't even have to sell himself tall or anything. It just seemed too much like Suicune knew him already and therefore Knuckles didn't have to earn its trust.

"There is no point thinking it over" Knuckles thought in determination "maybe the answer will present itself one day. But right now I have a battle to win!"

"Weepinbell! Sleep powder!"

"Electrode! Sonic boom!"

Electrode span quickly twice, sending 2 wind blades towards weepinbell. The grass type got struck hard, thereby missing its attack.

Sonic narrowed his eyes. That attack was deadly when pokemon where still fairly young and not at their full potential. Its damage was standard and therefore no amount of defense would block it or reduce it. Knuckles would have to think of something quick before the attack knocked out weepinbell cause it would eventually.

"Weepinbell! Wrap it with vine whip!"

Vine whip was used to perfection, wrapping weepinbell around Electrode to the point that sonic boom would never strike weepinbell no matter the angle it was fired from.

"Electrode rollout!"

"Rollout?!" Sonic and Tails exclaimed simultaneously.

Electrode started rolling before weepinbell could let go, being run over multiple times while the attack continued. When Electrode stopped rolling, weepinbell let go falling motionless to the ground.

"Do you see Suicune? Do you need more proof than this?!" Eusine called out to the sea.

Suicune, who had been observing the battle unbeknownst to Eusine even to this point, looked at Knuckles. He didn't need any proof from Eusine. Knuckles was the one worthy of its respect and eventually companionship. And Suicune knew it all too well.

Perhaps Raikou did have a point when it said they would need to intervene.

Knuckles recalled the fainted weepinbell and smiled. Eusine's pokemon may have been powerful but he had the perfect counter even for the sonic boom.

"Larvitar you're up again!"

Larvitar emerged, freed from the curse.

"Big mistake!" Eusine declared "sonic boom!"

"Screech" Knuckles instructed with a mischievous smile.

Larvitar screeched. The sonic boom, being sonic attacks, were redirected because of the loud screech missing the target.

"What?!" Eusine was dumbfounded "that's not possible!"

"Now larvitar! Rock slide!"

Larvitar unleashed a barrage of rocks towards Electrode. The rocks found the mark, dealing great damage to Electrode.

"Now bite and end this!"

Larvitar landed the attack perfectly. Electrode fainted.

"Got anything else? Or shall we call it a day?"

Eusine was on his last leg. But not ready to quit. He took out one final pokeball.

"I was intending to use this against Suicune only. I tried once too. We run into it, me and your friend named Ash. It roared at me, causing my pokemon to be recalled forcibly. Suicune didn't even bother giving me a chance to earn its favor. But you… a stranger from far away and Suicune allows you to pet it? I can't accept this! Prepare to lose!" he declared sending out his last pokemon. An alakazam.

Knuckles was taken aback, and even got slightly worried. That was one powerful pokemon. But then again, this is what he was preparing for these last few weeks.

"Alakazam psybeam!"

"Counter with screech!"

The two attacks collided. Even though a status move like screech wouldn't be able to completely block psybeam, it did deflect a lot of the damage while lowering Alakazam's defense.



The confusion landed, resulting in Larvitar getting confused and biting itself. Crying out in pain, it tried using rock slide but hurt itself again.

While Larvitar continued hurting itself in its confusion, Eusine took the chance to put up reflect and light screen.

Larvitar eventually toppled, unable to continue. Knuckles didn't recall it immediately. Instead he approached it and knelt before it as it looked up towards him in disappointment.

"You were great out there little one. Get some rest we got this".

Larvitar cried out weakly but happily as it was recalled. Knuckles looked on to Alakazam, considering his options now that it was guarded by the two barriers.

The two moves reminded Sonic of his Alakazam. The two barriers were annoying to deal with on their own. Together they would make Knuckles' job a lot harder.

That was until Sonic remembered an interesting interaction Raichu and Alakazam had during sparring. One particular move Raichu had that could break through both barriers at once. And Knuckles' Heracross also has the move. But using it, especially against a psychic type when it knew no bug move was a very sharp double-edged sword.

Knuckles contemplated his options and went with Heracross to Sonic's delight, though his line of thinking was different. He hated doing this but he didn't know of that move interaction and Sonic hadn't told him or Tails having forgotten it himself for a time.

Heracross was basically cannon fodder.

"Heracross! Horn attack!"


The confusion landed and the horn attack was repelled by reflect. Heracross began slapping itself on its confusion, just like Larvitar before it.

"Heracross listen to my voice! Horn attack again with all your might!"

In its confusion, Heracross went for brick break instead.

"No not that!"

But Sonic smiled as the attack started, knowing it was blessing in disguise.

Brick break easily shattered the barriers, dealing some damage to Alakazam as well. Eusine hated to admit he was impressed. Knuckles was more formidable than he looked. And the best part of all was that Knuckles didn't even know that was a possibility.

"Playtime's over! Alakazam psybeam!"

Alakazam landed the attack, knocking Heracross out. One pokemon remained.

Knuckles took out Quilava's pokeball, trying to think of any way to defeat Alakazam.

Sending it out the two braced themselves.

"Flame wheel!"

Quilava started rolling like a fire wheel, only to be confused into missing the attack. Even though confusion didn't confuse Quilava so it would hurt itself, it could still keep redirecting the attack over and over.

Knuckles gritted his teeth. There had to be a way to win. But how could anyone outsmart a pokemom with an IQ of 5000?

Mist started crawling to his feet. Both Knuckles and Eusine noticed it. Looking for the source of the mist, they found it to be Suicune using the move mist while staring at Knuckles.

"What's it trying to do?" Tails couldn't help but ask aloud "distract them?"

Knuckles looked down at the mist again while taking in Tails' speaking of the word distract before gasping.

"Quilava! Flame wheel! Run circles around him!"

Quilava did just that. Eusine wanted to launch an attack to end the battle, but the combination of the confusion Knuckles' choice of move and enactment of said move and the awe he felt at the presence of Suicune had him just stand there.

"Quilava keep on rolling! Use smokescreen at the same time!"

Quilava started unleashing a cloud of smoke around itself while rolling. The clouds of smoke soon started spreading covering both the trainers and the pokemon in the battle to be engulfed in it.

"Alakazam!" Eusine called out as he could barely see it "fire psybeam everywhere to clear the smoke!"

Alakazam started firing psybeam but that left it vulnerable to be struck by flame wheel. Quilava then rolled into the smoke.

"It's over" Sonic said in satisfaction "Eusine can't clear the smoke without opening Alakazam to attack by Quilava and Alakazam cannot see Quilava coming fast enough to stop it".

His analysis of the situation proved to be correct. Alakazam tried fighting back multiple times or clear the smoke but Quilava couldn't be stopped. Eventually Quilava landed a critical hit, knocking Alakazam down and out.

Suicune roared while unleashing a blue aura, clearing the smoke. Eusine dropped to his knees.

He had lost. And worst of all, in the presence of Suicune.

He witnessed Suicune climb back down to the sand and approach Knuckles.

The red echidna and the aurora pokemon stood there looking at each other not moving in the slightest. Knuckles lifted his hand again.

"Thanks for the inspiration Suicune".

The beast of water remained still for a bit and then pressed his forehead against Knuckles' palm for a few moments again, before roaring one final time and racing off into the distance, running on the water to the shock and amazement of team Sonic.

Eusine watched Suicune leave. Slowly he got up to leave.

"Don't think you've seen the last of me. I will keep looking for Suicune and become stronger to gain its approval and respect. So you better watch your back, Knuckles the echidna".

"He doesn't need to" Tails declared "he's got friends for that".

Eusine observed Tails for a few moments before climbing on the rocks and leaving. Team Sonic also returned to their campsite.

Later that night they narrated everything to Jet through video call. Not surprisingly, he couldn't believe it but more than that couldn't wrap his mind around the situation. The beasts seemed to somehow really know team Sonic already despite the fact that the last time they were seen, 40 years ago, team Sonic wouldn't even be born yet.

"We will look into it when the time is right" Knuckles decided for everyone "researching such a mystery will take time that we don't have right now".

"I agree" Sonic took his side "we need to focus on growing stronger and more prepared to end team rocket. Today was a success but this time we won't be tricked into relaxing".

"Good thinking bro. But if you have time before the league definitely look into it. Who knows what is to be discovered about them".

Shortly after this, team Sonic hang up and prepared to go to sleep. Tomorrow was the day to battle Chuck. The next step of their journey awaited them.

Chapter 65: A new path forward, bond evolution


Archer and team Rocket rescue the survivor of the clash with team Sonic and find out some deeply disturbing facts. At the same time, with the battle prowess of the heroes constantly rising, it seems like eevee's time to evolve is at hand.

Chapter Text

Team rocket admin Archer found himself caught by surprise many times during the car ride to the coordinates the survivor had given them.

Throughout the ride, they were stopped by the cops twice for speeding, which had him sweating bullets. One of the female grunts riding along charmed the male officer the second time into letting them go without a ticket. It was fortunate but it showed Archer a lot.

His long stay in the hideout had made him relax. Drop his guard. Thinking that just because they were in the shadows no one could see them.

But when a shadow moves it is only natural someone would notice it. If they were looking for it.

Team Sonic was doing that every thing. They were chasing shadows. And they were winning. They were winning hard.

The grunts, as Ariana had foreseen, had almost started a riot when he ordered a team assemble to retrieve the survivor. Archer had given a speech as to boost their morale, convincing them temporarily that they were not out of this yet. Twice they had clashed with team Sonic and twice they had lost but survived.

"We persevered this long. Let's persevere a little more. Those who remain loyal will be the ones most rewarded when the boss returns. And when he does, we will be safe once again. Safe from the menace that is Sonic the hedgehog".

Yes. Sonic the hedgehog. He had banned the grunts from calling him the hero of Kanto. By referring to their enemy like that, they were deifying him. And that was not good for their morale.

Their enemy was not a god. He was an average trainer like so many others out there. Sure somewhat gifted in battling but nothing the boss wouldn't be able to handle. After all the hedgehog had not fought him alone in silph co.

Soon enough, they reached the agreed coordinates. Exiting their sedan, they looked around, finding themselves following a small path into the woods. The path eventually led them to an abandoned rundown cabin.

Archer, taking the lead to pass off as a leader to the grunts, slowly and cautiously pushed the door opened.

Inside he witnessed a scene that made his skin crawl.

On an old mattress in the middle of a broken down bed, lied team rocket agent Butch, breathing heavily and coughing up a storm. He was also covered in burns from the thunder and the fireball that had followed Raikou's attack.

On his side was his partner, agent Cassidy. She was in a somewhat better state but she was shivering and had obviously caught a cold.

Archer felt himself shaking in his boots. Team Sonic had already proven they were capable of dark acts but now allied with legendary pokemon that seemed to have no regard for life?

A small part of him considered turning himself over to the police for safety. The thought was drowned quickly as his hatred for Sonic came to the surface.

Ordering the grunts to get them back to the hideout ASAP, they were quickly and somewhat roughly carried to the sedan. The drive back was quick though theυ were spared from receiving a speeding ticket by Butch and Cassidy's obviously bad state.

Reaching the hideout in record speed, the two agents were rushed to the infirmary. As Butch received intense treatment as he had been diagnosed with pneumonia from the long exposure to the elements while in that rundown cabin, Cassidy was given something to trick her hunger as well as medicine to ease the pain in her chest from the cold. When she felt just a little bit better, Archer asked to have a word with her. She obliged only after being assured Butch would be looked after.

When they were away from everyone else, Archer immediately asked her what happened. More specifically, how they had lost.

Cassidy started trembling right at the end of the question. In her mind's eye was the look of burning hatred Raikou had on when it summoned that lightning bolt, causing the truck to explode.

Cassidy, with a quivering voice, explained that she had grabbed Butch and jumped off the truck's roof right as the lightning bolt began falling from the sky. The moment it came into contact with the truck, it ignited the gas, causing the explosion. The grunts who were all inside the truck were incinerated or torn apart by the explosion. As for her and Butch, the explosion had sent them flying into the woods. Thankfully they were too far away from team Sonic at the moment to be noticed.

They immediately went into hiding, though Butch was too injured to move. Cassidy had risked multiple times going to Olivine city to steal food and medicine for the two of them to survive until the police investigation was complete.

"I sincerely thank you sir" she thanked Archer after finishing the explanation "you came very quickly. I don't know how much longer we could have lasted".

Archer looked down, his hands clasped together.

"It's thankful we retrieved you alive agent. But you have not answered one of my questions. You had outsmarted them. How did they end up coming out on top?"

Cassidy hesitated. She wasn't sure Archer would believe it. Especially after an isolation period of two weeks in a cabin in the woods accompanied by illness and subsequent hallucinations.

"The fox sir… the inexperienced one… who got mad at the hedgehog and their common brute friend a while back… he came to their rescue".

"How? You had one truck and they followed you on the second. The grunt told me it was only the hedgehog who was trying to fight you. The brute was driving. The fox wasn't on the truck".

"He… he followed us sir. By flying".

"What?! But how? Our Intel says he doesn't have a flying type capable of carrying him".

"He wasn't flying on a Pokemon sir. He was flying on his own".

Archer didn't respond. Instead he remained silent. Almost looking at her in sympathy.

"I see. That's enough for now. Get some rest and we will figure out the rest when you're better".

Cassidy felt panic crawling all over her. He didn't believe her. The fox had become a major threat, maybe just as much of a threat as the hedgehog and admin Archer had no idea.

"Sir please you need to believe me. The fox could fly. I'm not lying. My partner saw it. There is no way we could have both hallucinated the same thing and you know it".

Archer couldn't disagree with her logic in the moment but he still didn't seem to believe her.

"Lay low for now and recover. You and your partner are to stay at the hideout until recovery. For this reason the operation at the whirl islands has been assigned to Petrel. Dismissed".

"You can't do this sir. We tracked down the targets there".

"I'm well aware. And for that reason we need to move quickly. Before the hedgehog and his crew stumble upon this as well. We can't afford another defeat like yours".

He got up to leave.

"When your partner… if… your partner recovers… I will ask him to verify your claim. If he does then I will set counter plans in action immediately".

Cassidy waited until he got to the door of the interrogation room before scoffing.

"By then it will be too late sir".

Archer left the agent alone as he went to inform Ariana of the rescue as well as Petrel who was already on his way to the whirl islands. The latter would need some time to set up the temporary base there before going for the targets.

At the same time Archer considered Cassidy's claims. At first the very concept of the fox flying seemed ludicrous. But in hindsight, her claim that they couldn't have both have the same hallucination checked out.

"Unless…" he murmured rubbing his chin "they did. But in that case they witnessed something so shocking it was etched in their minds".

Question marks. That was all they had when it came to team Sonic.

Another thought came to his mind as he recalled the rest of his contact that day with Butch and Cassidy. The fox had been accidentally electrocuted by Raikou.

"Meaning that there is a good chance he was hospitalized afterwards" he concluded murmuring as he met up with Ariana.

"What?" she asked upon realizing he was murmuring.

"Things have taken a plethora of turns. I'll fill you in and Petrel as soon as we get things under control again. But first I will need you to gather a team and pay a visit to the Olivine hospital".

"The hospital sir?"

"I have reason to believe the little nerd who runs along with the hedgehog has somehow become a major threat. There is also indication he was hospitalized. I need you to infiltrate the hospital and find something. Anything. Am I clear?"

"Crystal clear sir. But how are we going to do that?"

"That's up to you. You are the genius planner here. You have your orders so follow them".

Ariana wanted to object but after the catastrophic failure to capture the legendary Raikou, she knew Archer wouldn't order something so risky unless it was of the utmost importance. Nodding she got to work planning how to pull off this mission.

While team rocket's sinister plot began taking shape, team Sonic was getting ready to dominate Cianwood city. Sonic and Knuckles were all ready to fight the gym leader, Chuck. Their training had made them unrivalled. Sonic almost felt like he was back in Kanto. Just after his first encounter with Giovanni when his team had started becoming unstoppable.

But before being done with their task in Cianwood and taking it easy for a short while before heading back to Olivine to challenge Jasmine, Tails needed to prepare too. He too would have his chance against Chuck. And he was really nervous about it.

What was routine for Sonic and Knuckles at this point was a huge deal for Tails. This would be his first real pokemon battle. And even though Chuck would be the perfect opponent for a team like Tails', which consisted of two bug and flying types meaning the resisted Chuck's fighting types 4 times, they also had counter moves in confusion for Butterfree and wing attack for Scyther. The only thing that Tails wasn't quite sure about was eevee.

It had been a long time since Azalea and he and eevee had grown very close. It had also proven very capable in battle even as just an eevee having learned swift and, with its growl and quick attack as well its natural agility, could rival several of his friends' pokemon.

But even so, as long as it remained an eevee its power would be limited. And Tails knew that.

He had tried talking to eevee a couple of times about evolving, thinking that just like Sonic's Bayleef once did, eevee didn't like the idea of evolving. But it was in fact quite the opposite. Eevee wanted to evolve.

That perplexed Tails as he couldn't help but wonder why eevee had chosen the leaf stone as their trophy after the bug catching contest if it couldn't use it to evolve.

But since their time was running out and Sonic and Knuckles had defeated Chuck, it was now Tails' turn. He decided he would use eevee as a last resort which was not a bad strategy. It would most likely be able to defeat a weakened fighting type, especially with a move like quick attack.

Sonic had noticed Tails' hesitation when it came to eevee. The night before the battle was set to take place, right after Knuckles went to town to buy some sausages for them to cook and eat at the campfire, Sonic decided to check on his friend who was practicing with eevee one final time.

"You ok dude?"

"Yeah. Why you ask?"

"Just checking in".

Tails answered after a few seconds.

"How did you feel? Before your first gym battle?"

Sonic knew this would come eventually. Since the first day of their training.

"Honestly, I felt pretty confident. Having fought off team rocket twice the previous day, although one of the two encounters was with the three idiots, I felt somewhat unstoppable. Though Giovanni humbled me when we ended in a draw".

Tails looked at eevee that was practicing swift.

"Your Raichu evolved from Pikachu before your third gym battle right?"

"Yes. Why you ask?"

"I can't help but wonder what's in store for eevee. We have no evolution stone for it and it even rejected all 3 possible options back then. Why would it?"

Sonic scratched his head.

"I mean… we saw it with my Bayleef. It didn't want to evolve but changed its mind later. Maybe eevee didn't want to evolve back then either".

"But it considered it. It considered picking up a stone that could allow it to evolve. And yet in the end it chose the leaf stone".

"Well then, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I suggest we let go for tonight, calm down and enjoy the sausages. What's taking Knuckles so long anyway?"

Knuckles was then spotted walking towards them with the sausages.

"Speak of the devil. Let's get cooking" Sonic said slurping. He was starving.

An awesome feast later, the three trainers were fast asleep. But the same couldn't be said for their pokemon. Eevee was up practicing its moves.

Raichu, who was sleeping by Sonic's side, was woken from the noise and exited the tent to find eevee practicing.

"What are you doing up so late?"

Eevee didn't stop but still answered as it fired a swift.

"Getting stronger".

"You should be resting. You and Tails have a big battle tomorrow".

"I need to be ready. My time is coming tomorrow I can feel it".

"Your time?" Raichu asked confused and slightly unnerved.

"My time to battle. I want to make Tails proud tomorrow. So I have to be ready".

Raichu approached eevee, causing it to stop firing swifts.

"More power won't do you any good if your mind is not clear. You need sleep not more practice".

Eevee stared for a few moments with a blank face, then turned towards the sea. The moon was casting its light across the water, illuminating the two pokemon.

"I know what you're trying to say. But… you don't exactly understand".

"What do you mean?"

"My time is coming. My time to evolve".

"Evolve?" Raichu cried out in surprise "you found a stone? Which one?"

"None. I don't need one to evolve".


Eevee looked at the moon, its eyes reflecting the bright white light.

"I don't need a stone to evolve. I can do it anytime at this point. But I'm bidding my time".

"Bidding your time? What do you mean?"

Eevee looked sideways towards Raichu.

"Is there no bond evolution in your homeland?"

"Bond what?"

"Bond evolution. Some pokemon evolve by being really close with their trainers. My kind is one of those pokemon".

"What?" Raichu cried out in utter disbelief.

Eevee nodded and looked up again smiling.

"That's right. Tails and I have gotten to the point where I can evolve. All I have to do now is wait for the right time".

Raichu remained silent as it was comprehending what was reaching its ears. Eevee continued.

"Tails has been so nice to me and has allowed me to gain so many cool experiences. Battling, travelling with friends, eating until I can't eat another bite. Thanks to all that my body and spirit are ready for my transformation into my evolved form".

Raichu understood the sentiment but still it seemed out of this world. A pokemon evolving out of love?

But then again, wasn't it how it had managed to evolve? That night. When the thunder stone was shattered to bits and Sonic was lying at the mercy of Zapdos, Raichu had still miraculously evolved from Pikachu.

Eevee suddenly turned and headed for the tent.

"Believe it or not, relaxed talking made me drowsy. Thanks for the chat Raichu" eevee said about to enter the tent.

Raichu was left there, pondering all the question marks partying inside its head.

Heading back inside the tent to get some sleep, it made a note to self to continue that chat after their battles with Chuck. There were just so many things Raichu just had to ask eevee.

The sun eventually rose to the sky and upon awakening Raichu found itself still plagued by the question marks from last night. Only now it knew why they plagued it so hard.

A quick breakfast later, team Sonic had entered the gym. Chuck was expecting all 3, having prepared his pokemon for 3 consecutive battles. He had heard from Morty who, after informing Jasmine had set out to inform the rest of the gym leaders who had yet to face team Sonic in battle, of their accomplishments and also to ask them to keep watch in their respective towns for any signs of Ho-oh or the legendary beasts while team Sonic was in town. The last bit had slipped Chuck's mind at the face of the opportunity to battle the three heroes.

The battle spirit of all the participants was ignited the moment team Sonic entered the gym. Chuck welcomed them and informed them of the rules, clearly eager to begin.

They would use 3 pokemon each, and so would Chuck. Afterwards they would allow his pokemon to rest for an hour so they would be able to take on the next opponent fully rejuvenated. Sonic was to fight him first, then Knuckles and lastly Tails.

Eevee came out of its pokeball right before the start of the first fight. Raichu and eevee exchanged a glance, as Raichu knew it would scout out the competition, again eager to make Tails proud.

"But if it can evolve at any time" Raichu thought as it stood beside Sonic waiting in case he would send it out first "what's it waiting for?"

Its inquiries were forgotten when the battle began. Chuck's team consisted of Primeape, Poliwrath and Machoke. Having battled Primeape many times before, Sonic went with the perfect opening. His shiny hitmontop. With intimidate weakening Primeape and the advantage fake out provided it was able to easily best Primeape.

Chuck then sent out his Poliwrath. That was new for all members of team Sonic. Thinking ahead the blue hedgehog recalled Hitmontop and went with Bayleef. The grass type johto starter and the water fighting type had a match of unstoppable force versus immovable object which resulted in an unexpected knockout for Bayleef. Sonic comforted it before recalling it while making a note to self that he needed to urgently find a way to teach it protect.

"Or better yet" Sonic smiled as he sent out Hitmontop again "meet up with an old friend who knows it".

Hitmontop then proceeded to clash with Poliwrath, overpowering it with ease, intimidate working like a charm.

Unexpectedly, Poliwrath landed a critical hit in the final attack causing both pokemon to faint. Sonic was taken aback but alas, that meant that his original plan to fight the last pokemon with Quagsire and hitmontop was out of the question. Raichu would deal with it.

The last pokemon was revealed to be a Machoke. It and Raichu collided with earth-shattering might, trading a flurry of punches, mostly thunder punch and dynamic punch.

During the clash, both Knuckles and Tails observed their friend fight to cover the fact that he felt every punch Raichu was taking, as if he was getting punched himself. The fact that Sonic not only took part of that punishment and fought back even harder had them in awe of him. Knuckles even found himself wondering if he even stood a chance against Sonic. Be it now or at the Johto league.

Raichu eventually managed to block a cross chop by using iron tail to block the chop, then using the momentum to deliver a devastating right hook thunder punch knocking Machoke out, earning Sonic the storm badge.

Chuck burst out laughing from excitement at the end of the battle, saying that the Johto tournament would be very interesting this season. When asked by Sonic why that was, the gym leader explained he had battled a kid named Ash a few days ago who had just as much of a heart to heart battle with his pokemon as Sonic just did. The latter smiled, hoping that was indeed the case.

Apart from bringing down team rocket he wanted nothing more than to battle full power Ash.

Taking an hour-long break for Chuck's pokemon to heal so they would take on Knuckles' party next, Sonic and Tails sat while Knuckles and Chuck had a friendly sparring match, fists to fists. The fighter gym leader was impressed by Knuckles' strength though he pointed out Knuckles could use a lesson or two in combat techniques.

As Chuck went to take his pokemon to prepare for the battle with Knuckles, a quick chat was initiated between Knuckles and Sonic.

"You know, with a confrontation with the entirety of team rocket in our future, maybe you should take him up on his offer. We might just need that kind of edge".

"Agreed. He shows me, I show you and Tails".

"I won't need that" Tails refused confidently.

"How are you planning to defend yourself if anyone charges you?" Sonic looked at his friend in confusion.

"Let's just say for now that my tinkering is coming along nicely" he answered mischievously, eager to finish his new invention as soon as possible.

After that short discussion, Chuck's battle with Knuckles took place. Knuckles used his weepinbell, his heracross and his Quilava for this. The battle went smoothly for Knuckles all the way. Knuckles even used the move he used against Eusine the previous day, covering the room in smokescreen and allowing a flame wheel rolling Quilava to strike over and over. The combo didn't decided the battle as Machoke was a lot tankier than Alakazam but it had Chuck distracted long enough to deliver a powerful newly-learnt flamethrower to the face, knocking it out.

During the battle, Raichu chatted with eevee, asking it if it still felt it wasn't the right time to evolve. Eevee confirmed that was the case.

"I know it sounds confusing to you but you don't ever know when the time has come. Until it comes".

"How do you know?"

"One of my two siblings, my sister, was like that before she evolved. She was drowning in anxiety when we were younger as she lived with the trainer who raised us".

"That girl you were with before you joined us?"

"No. She wasn't my original owner".


"Really. But that's a very long conversation. So let's have it in greater detail later k?"

Raichu was intrigued. Eevee had a lot more than meets the eye to it. Although there was something familiar about it too. Something that just reminded Raichu a lot of Jolty. But it had also already verified while thinking it over, that it wasn't the fact that they belonged to the same evolution family.

After Knuckles earned the storm badge himself, Chuck let his pokemon rest one more time. Tails took deep breaths to calm himself.

Even though he had seen both Knuckles and Sonic battle Chuck and had several ideas on how to go about the battle, he still felt a lot of anxiety.

He recalled the battle with Butch and Cassidy. They were powerful opponents for sure but Tails had essentially battled from the sidelines. Now he would be the one doing all the battling. His first real battle.

He and Sonic glanced at each other for a moment. Sonic nodded to his friend, thereby helping him calm down a little. Tails took out Butterfree's pokeball as Chuck chose to go with Primeape this time around, having used Poliwrath first against Knuckles.

"All right kid" Chuck winded up his hand "your two friends we're worthy challenges. Let's see if the triangle will be completed".

"I sure hope so" Tails though as he too winded up his hand.

"Go Primeape!"

"Butterfree! Give me a hand!"

The two pokemon emerged and once the referee gave the word, Chuck immediately went on the offensive.

"Rock slide!"

Primeape unleashed a barrage of rocks towards butterfree.

"Dodge, then sleep powder!"

Butterfree having trained rigorously avoided the rocks with elegance, then sprayed primeape. Primeape staggered and then fell on its back, snoring.

"Primeape get up!" Chuck called out to it but it answered with another snore.

"Butterfree quick! Confusion!"

Confusion landed dealing great damage to Primeape which still snored.

"Primeape get up! This is supposed to be our third glorious fight against them!"

"Now silver wind!"

Silver wind was fired but Primeape didn't seem to be very affected by it.

"Huh? Why no damage?" Tails asked surprised.

"Bug can't be harmed much by fighting moves" Sonic said mostly to himself "but apparently it's also the other way around".

"Correct" Chuck said as Primeape opened its eyes "bugs can't hurt fighting that much!"

"Dammit! Butterfree quick confusion!"

"Rock slide!"

The confusion didn't get its chance to land. Rock slide knocked out Butterfree cold.

Tails' face became a mask of horror and disappointment. He felt the same emotion of powerlessness begin to wash over him.

Thankfully Sonic noticed it.

"Tails!" he called out to his friend "the past has come and gone. You're here now. And it's not over. The battle has only just began. Now go out there and earn your spot in our team. You promised yourself right?"

Tails stared for a moment with widened eyes before getting the same wild confidence Sonic had against the illusion Entei in Greenfield.

"Butterfree return" he recalled it "you were great. But together we will become greater".

Hoisting the pokeball on his belt, he picked up scyther's next.

"Scyther! Time to mow through the competition!"

Scyther appeared, eager to slash through everything in its path. Chuck was unnerved. Scyther could be a terrifying opponent. There was a reason one of them was gym leader bugsy's ace.

"Primeape! Get ready!"

Primeape stood its ground ready for battle.

"Rock slide!"

"Wing attack!"

Primeape attempted to fire rock slide at Scyther but was met with a wing attack to the face. The attack sent it flying for a moment. Next moment it slammed into Chuck, knocked out.

"Hell yeah! Amazing work Scyther!"

"Scy scy!"

Chuck got out from under Primeape and let it know it was incredible before recalling it himself. He then took out his second pokeball.

"Go Poliwrath!"

Poliwrath emerged. Scyther prepared its scythes for combat.

"Wing attack!" Tails immediately went on the offensive, his confidence growing.

"Poliwrath hypnosis!"

Poliwrath's chest started swirling creating the spinning hypnotizing illusion. Scyther slammed into Poliwrath dealing some damage but the illusion took away from its momentum, bringing it to a a halt and soon after making it fall asleep.

"Oh no Scyther!"

"Not so nice when you're on the receiving end is it? Poliwrath! Body slam!"

Poliwrath jumped as high as it could and landed flat on Scyther.

Getting up from the attack, Scyther was revealed to be bruised, though it was still asleep.

"Scyther wake up!"

"Poliwrath again!"

Poliwrath repeated the attack. Tails was now really worried. Scyther was certainly strong but endurance was not its strong point.

"One last time Poliwrath! Body slam!"

"Scyther! Wake up and dodge!"

Scyther's eyes jolted open. Moving incredibly fast it dodged the attack causing Poliwrath to fall flat on its belly.

"Quick! Use wing attack before it gets up!"

Scyther's attack landed before Poliwrath could get a good stance, resulting in a critical hit. Poliwrath was sent flying momentarily and in that moment when it was in the air, Scyther, high on adrenaline, used slash without Tails ordering it, knocking Poliwrath out.

Tails had won the round. But Scyther wasn't stopping. It prepared to slash again.

Tails realized this and jumped in front of Scyther before it could strike.

"STOP!" he screamed with a strict voice, trying his best to sound assertive.

He had learnt throughout the training with his pokemon that Scyther's wild nature could make it unpredictable. The only way to control such a pokemon was to assert one's self as a dominant figure in its eyes. Tails of course wasn't planning to hurt Scyther in any way but had to be strict with it so as to keep it line.

He had achieved this by immediately halting the training and demanding Scyther stop attacking. At first, Scyther would either try to continue or ignore him altogether a lot of the time. But as the days went by and Tails continued to be assertive with Scyther, he slowly established himself as the alpha of their team. Scyther had learnt enough to not go against him, although there were times its instincts prevailed and Tails would have to fly away, baiting it into Raichu so the electric mouse ace of Sonic would stop it.

Thankfully there was no need for that this time. Scyther lowered its scythes and backed away to its side of the field, waiting for the final opponent while looking at Tails with a little bit of an uneasy respect. After all two dominating types of characters wasn't the best idea.

Chuck was impressed with Tails' ability to wield his team as efficiently as he did while also managing to establish himself as the alpha in their eyes with no prior badges. He took out his final pokemon.

"Here it comes" Tails thought while getting focused in the moment.

"Machoke! Let's go all out!"

Machoke emerged. Tails allowed himself to recall Sonic's battle with Chuck and smiled.

Machamp only knew fighting moves. Scyther had this in the bag. Or rather it would had Chuck not planned ahead for fighting counter picks.

"Wing attack!"

Chuck didn't make a move. Machoke took the attack but stood its ground, fighting to bring scyther to a halt.


"Now! Submission!"

Machoke moved in an instant before Scyther could strike. Tackling Scyther to the ground, the two rolled for about 2 seconds before Scyther was trapped in a meatball with Machoke. The fighting type, having technique on its side, shoved Scyther down.

"Now cross chop!"

Unleashing the attack, which ended up being a critical hit, Machoke struck at Scyther's check, knocking the air out of it. Even with the 4 times resistance to the move, the attack was devastating enough to allow Chuck the opening he needed.

"Dynamic punch!"

It was the death blow. Scyther was knocked out. Overpowered for the first time in its life.

Tails' jaw was hanging open. Things had gone very south very fast.

Approaching Scyther, Tails thought it wouldn't hurt and comforted Scyther.

"You were amazing".


"Don't doubt it ok? Now get some rest" Tails assured it as he recalled it.

"One pokemon left" Sonic commented with his arms crossed "things are not looking good for Tails".

"He'll pull through. I know it" Knuckles expressed.

Tails took out eevee's pokeball. He noticed his hand was trembling.

"Go eevee!"

Eevee emerged and bravely stood against the towering machoke.

Eevee and Raichu exchanged a quick glance. Eevee nodded with a determined look. Raichu wondered if it was time.

"Do it you moron. You'll get destroyed" it thought concerned for its friend.

Eevee cried out its name and looked back at Tails awaiting instructions.

"… ok. Eevee. Swift!"

Eevee unleashed a small barrage of star-like objects towards machoke. The attack would have normally merely tickled it, but after a wing attack from Scyther, Machoke wasn't in tip top shape. Chuck wasn't particularly bothered, as he was aware the odds were in his favor.

"Machoke! Karate chop!"

"Dodge with quick attack!"

Eevee disappeared faster than eyes could see, running a circle around Machoke then headbutting into Machoke's belly.

Machoke was pushed slightly back. Chuck began getting worried. But at the same time, the battle passion was filling his very being.

It was a pity Tails wouldn't be taking place in the Johto league along with his two comrades.

"Machoke! Karate chop!"

"Dodge with quick attack again!"

Eevee dodged again but no strategy was perfect. Chuck waited for only a moment so eevee would get into position.


Machoke jumped towards eevee just as it was about to try and headbutt it again. The attack landed, with eevee taking the brunt of the attack as they rolled on the ground.

Unlike with Scyther, eevee was pushed a little farther from Machoke. It struggled to get up. Raichu was barely resisting the urge to defend it.

"Do it now you moron" it cried out to it, which to Sonic sounded like a normal cry.

Tails was now sweating bullets. It couldn't end like this. Not after all the training. All the bonding.

"Eevee! We can still win! So let's win together!"

Eevee didn't turn to meet his eyes but smiled confidently. It was time.

"Machoke! End this now! Dynamic punch!"

Machoke prepared to deliver another death blow.

"Veeeeee!" eevee suddenly cried out loudly as it began glowing.

"WHAAAAT?!" every single member of team Sonic shouted at once.

Machoke was so taken aback that it just stood there, forgetting to finish the attack.

Eevee's body began growing. Sonic couldn't believe what he was seeing but regardless tried to notice anything within the glow that would give away what eevee was evolving into.

Among the many characteristics he noticed that didn't ring a bell, he noticed one that he knew no eeveelution – a term created by eevee fan clubs in Kanto – had. A thin tail splitting in two near the end.

The glow stopped. A new pokemon was standing there crying out its name loudly.

"What! Is! That!" Tails grabbed his head in disbelief.

Knuckles was quick to scan the new pokemon with his dex.

"Espeon, the sun pokemon. Espeon are able to read air currents, allowing it to predict the future, as well as its opponent's next moves".

"A new eeveelution?!" Sonic exclaimed. This was unreal.

Chuck burst out laughing.

"You really are something kid! Your eevee had grown so close to you that you enabled it to evolve!"

"Wait what?" Tails asked confused.

"Eevee can evolve into two possible pokemon if it shares a strong bond with its trainer" Chuck explained, still very impressed "the psychic type espeon and the dark type umbreon. What it evolves onto depends on the time of day it chooses to evolve".

"The dex called it the sun Pokemon" Knuckles muttered "and it's daytime. So that's why it evolved into Espeon!"

"Espeon" Tails whispered as Espeon turned to meet its eyes. They were now purple and serene. But eevee's burning and adventurous soul was still visible through them.

Trainer and pokemon smiled.

"Looks like the winds are changing Chuck!"

"I don't think so! Dynamic punch!"

Machoke again attempted to go for a death blow. Espeon's eyes narrowed momentarily as it dodged with immense ease.

Machoke looked to its right in utter shock at Espeon. The psychic type's eyes began glowing blue.

"Machoke! Don't let it move! Dynamic punch!"

Machoke attempted to deliver the punch to Espeon's face but the confusion the psychic eeveelution fired caused it to deliver it to itself. Machoke stumbled back shaking its head trying to snap out of the confusion.

"It's over! Swift!"

With its enhanced power, Espeon sent a barrage of stars towards Machoke. The stars struck over and over until the final one landed on Machoke's forehead. The fighting type stood still for a moment before falling back and fainting, defeated.

Chuck processed it for a moment before bursting in laughter once again.

"Incredible! Absolutely incredible! I daresay team rocket doesn't stand a chance against the three of you!"

"They certainly don't" Sonic agreed with a confident smile.

Tails was gleaming. He had won. His hard work had paid off.

For the first time he finally felt he actually belonged in team Sonic, while also making a self-note never to reveal this thought to Sonic.

After the battle, the three friends bid farewell to Chuck and returned to their campsite, with Knuckles agreeing to come by the gym sometime in the following days to train with Chuck and Machoke in combat technique.

Later at the campsite, after a long feast to celebrate their victories, during which all the Pokemon got to interact with Espeon and Quilava in particular to spar with it, Raichu and Espeon finally had their chance to talk.

"Well… you certainly stole the show today" Raichu congratulated Espeon.

"Thanks mate".

"Why didn't you explain in greater detail how you could evolve yesterday?"

"I guess I'm like Tails in that regard. We both like surprises".

"He's really preparing something?"

"Yes. They won't believe it when it's ready".

When. Not if. Espeon certainly seemed to have a lot of faith in Tails.

Raichu then recalled Espeon taking about how its sister evolved the same way it did.

"Did your sister evolve into Espeon as well?"

"Nah. Into umbreon, our other possible form. They had a heart to heart talk with our caretaker one night and upon reaffirming their bond it happened".

"I see" Raichu said moved "how come you didn't evolve when you were with that girl though?"

"Cosmo?" Espeon inquired before taking a moment to consider the answer to the question.

Raichu waited patiently.

"Well… she did treat me nicely. But if I'm being honest… life with her was always so…quiet. Somewhat mundane sometimes. Don't get me wrong. She was amazing to live with. But she was also… just not what I was looking for I guess".

Raichu didn't respond immediately.

"But Tails isn't like that either".

"But he is the helping type. He wants to go out of his way for others. That makes him unpredictable. And life with him all that much more exciting of a prospect" Espeon explained.

Raichu looked at the yellow two tailed fox who was talking and laughing with Knuckles and Sonic. Espeon did make a valid point.

"I understand. And I'm happy for you. But maybe next time try being less cryptic" Raichu joked.

"Don't bet on it. I'm a psychic type now. We are very unpredictable" Espeon joked back.

"Oh I know" Raichu smiled "one of my old teammates is an Alakazam. You know we should get you two together sometime. You could learn a lot from him".

"That would be cool" Espeon agreed, the opportunity sounding very tempting.

The two Pokemon then just remained silent enjoying the quiet of the night. Until Raichu remembered one final question it wanted to ask.

"You said you were three siblings right? What did the third evolve into?"


Raichu's expression momentarily changed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Raichu brushed it off "just knew a Jolteon once".

"Friend of yours?"


"What a coincidence".

"Yeah… so I assume your brother lives with your sister?"

Espeon's expression darkened for a few moments.

"No. He is somewhere in Kanto".

"How so?"

"Taken… by those guys you are after… a while back. But believe it or not he was saved. And he managed to relay a message to me in the craziest way possible".


"Yeah. You see it was in a big city with a big port where a big ship called the S.S. Anne docks. It befriended a Pokemon that was moving to my hometown back then. It told it to come find me and my sister and tell us it's ok and not to worry. It also told it to tell us that we would meet again one day. And that was a promise".

"That's nice to hear" Raichu smiled.

"Yeah. I just wonder when that day will come. I only hope when that happens I am there to reunite with him again. Though that is up to its trainer… if only I could remember his name".

"I'm sure you will reunite with him one day" Raichu assured Espeon before yawning "well I think I will go get some shut eye. Battle exhausted me today".

"Ok. We'll talk tomorrow then" Espeon said and turned back to looking at the dark sea.

Raichu motioned to leave.

"Wait I remember!" Espeon suddenly cried out, causing team Sonic to momentarily look at it.

"What was that?" Raichu turned around.

"I remembered my brother's trainer's name".




"Well what is it?" Raichu asked impatiently.

"It's Mike".

Chapter 66: An ever growing team


As Raichu struggles with the disturbing truth it has discovered, team Sonic sets out for the Johto safari zone in pursuit of new powerful additions to their respective parties.

Chapter Text

Raichu tried to strike back against its opponent. Its attack was met with a mega punch.

Crashing into the wall, it felt its entire body begin to fail as rhydon was bearing down on it.

Sonic was nearby, knocked out. Raichu had tried waking him up plenty of times but was never able to.

"Say goodbye to your partner! Rhydon horn drill!"

Raichu struggled to move, its entire body burning with pain. Rhydon knealt and prepared to jump towards Raichu.

"No no no!" Raichu though in despair.

Rhydon jumped. Raichu closed its eyes.

The attack never came.

Instead the sound of the implement of flesh pierced Raichu's eardrums.

Raichu's eyes tore wide open as it looked on to witness Jolty crying out in pain, impaled by Rhydon's horn.

"No! Not again!" Raichu cried out.

Jolty's eyes met Raichu's.

"You… failed me…"

"No… Jolty I didn't…"

"Failed… "

"No. No! Nooooo!"

"Nooooo!" Raichu cried out accidentally striking Sonic and by conduction, Tails and Knuckles, with thunder punch. Sonic was shocked.

"Raichu!" Sonic began berating it before noticing its troubled face "Raichu? You ok?"

Raichu didn't answer back or meet his eyes.

"You had a bad dream pal?" Sonic tried again while petting its head.

Raichu tried to exit the tent but couldn't open the zipper with its paws. Sonic looked at his friends and Tails, although troubled by Raichu's sudden behavior nodded. Sonic opened the zipper and Raichu ran aa small distance away, wishing to be alone for now.

"Go back to sleep" Sonic said while observing Raichu "it will reenter when ready".

"Yeah we will do that" Tails ironically agreed while also taking a spot to quietly observe Raichu.

Despite Tails saying they would watch over Raichu to make sure it was ok, all 3 were back asleep in about 5 minutes. If Raichu wanted some solitude it could have it.

The latter had just lied down on its back looking at the starry sky. Reaching out, Raichu wished it had asked Mewtwo to wipe its memory.

After the revelation the previous evening that Mike was the trainer of Espeon's brother, in other words that Espeon's brother was Jolty, Raichu felt a crushing pain in its heart.

It had managed to lie to Espeon saying that it was sure it and its brother would meet again someday. But that day would never come.

"It will never come" Raichu thought as a tear rolled down its cheek, causing a small bolt to crackle on it "and it's all my fault. Jolty jumped in front of that cursed horn to save me".

He recalled that moment with a lot of sorrow. How it had crashed into the wall during its battle with rhydon, being temporarily incapacitated. And then those horrible words were spoken in a demonic voice reeking pure evil.

"Say goodbye to your partner! Rhydon! Horn drill!"

Raichu had witnessed its adversary getting on 4 legs, then the drill starting rotating like a drill. It and Sonic had crossed eyes, fearing it was the end. And at that fatal moment Jolteon, its comrade, its rival – "my friend" Raichu thought in that instance – had electrocuted the rockets trying to seize it and had selflessly jumped in the way of horn drill.

Pokemon language couldn't be understood by humans but pokemon themselves could understand each other even if they were not the same species. But in that moment, no words needed to be spoken between Raichu and Jolteon.

Raichu relieved the moment as if it was happening right in front of it, and in slow motion too.

As Jolteon was jumping in front of the horn drill, being a moment away from being fatally impaled, its eyes had met Raichu. And the latter electric pokemon couldn't believe the look of Jolteon's face.

It was a confident smile. A reassuring smile. A way for Jolteon to speak a thousand words with a single look that meant "it's ok".

And at the next moment Raichu's face had been splattered by its friend's blood.

Returning to the present, the one tear had now become a stream. A stream that Raichu knew, wouldn't be able to hide forever in front of Espeon.

"What am I going to do?" Raichu wondered still in sorrow "I can't tell him that his brother is dead. It will break his heart".

The alternative wasn't any better though. If Raichu wouldn't come clean and even worse, lie about it, it knew once Espeon found out it would never forgive him. And in Raichu's mind rightly so.

"But it also will never forgive me when it finds out the truth" Raichu assumed.

One way or another it all led to a revelation that would be hard at best and unbearable at worst.

The continuous loop exhausted Raichu that fell asleep lying on the sand.

Once morning came and team Sonic was slowly waking up, Sonic himself found Raichu still outside.

"What the… it slept outside? That's so unlike it. I wonder what's going through its mind".

Tails woke up as well, eager to begin a new day on their journey.

"Morning blue leader".

Sonic didn't respond.

"I said morning".

Still no response.

"Earth to Sonic do you copy?"


"What's on your mind?"

Sonic silently pointed to the still sleeping Raichu.

Tails too wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Maybe it wanted to stargaze to relax from the night terror and fell asleep?" he asked though it was obvious he didn't believe it to be the case.

Sonic nodded negatively but didn't outright deny it. Regardless of what was actually the case, one thing was for certain. Raichu was bothered by something.

"Go wake up Knuckles. We need to start packing up if we are to visit the safari zone today. I'll go see what the matter is with my partner pokemon".

Tails took one last look at Raichu and nodded. Sonic nodded as well and approached Raichu.

Sitting on the sand next to his partner, he put his hand on Raichu and very gently shook it.

"Hey buddy. Wakey wakey".

Raichu's eyes slowly opened, not immediately registering it was morning.

As the electric type's mind started processing its surroundings, it came to question why it was sleeping outside the tent. And that was when the memories of last night's painful dilemma returned.

For a moment Raichu contemplated telling or rather, mimicking the fact that Tails' Espeon was related to Jolty, to Sonic. If anyone had a good idea on how to proceed under such delicate circumstances, it would be Sonic.

The train of thought was stopped when Raichu caught eye of Espeon, having woken up and pacing up and down in the sand excitedly, clearly ready to begin a new adventure. And that image was enough for Raichu to make its choice. It knew what the consequences could possibly be but still made it.

"He won't learn. He mustn't learn about his brother's demise. Or that it was my fault".

With its decision made, Raichu hopped up, an excited smile etched on its face, looking just as ready as the rest to tackle the new day. Sonic smiled.

"First time for everything I guess" he thought relieved it wasn't anything serious "hope you got some good rest pal. A new day awaits" he told his partner.

"Rai rai!" Raichu excitedly cried out.

As Sonic went to help Knuckles and Tails pack everything up so they could set out for the safari zone, Raichu followed, it's seemingly confident and optimistic look, faltering for just a moment. Determined, it kept smiling.

Espeon wouldn't know. Its heart didn't need to break like that.

After team Sonic packed up, they made their way to town to restock on supplies before heading for the beginning of the mountain pass that led to the safari zone. A new, easier to traverse way there was currently under construction but wouldn't be completed for another month.

Of course team Sonic didn't have the time frame to wait for the easy way so they quickly decided they would take the mountain pass. Knuckles backed this up by jokingly saying 'go hard or go home, and I sure as hell am not going home yet' to hype up his friends for the journey there.

The three friends quickly found the start of the path and, with a couple of donuts for breakfast, began the hike.

The path soon became steep and narrow, though without any immediate danger. Tails was slightly nervous as he used to be afraid of heights. He was over that a long time ago but the circumstances he found himself in were a bit anxiety inducing.

"You'd figure the path would be rough to walk, not straight up hazardous" he commented he looked down, verifying that falling would lead to serious injury if not straight up passage to the afterlife.

"Just stick to the path and we'll be fine" Knuckles assured him.

Every now and then, the path included small caves. Those were more tunnels than caves as the path didn't naturally go forward by itself.

While into one of the longer tunnels, Sonic voiced his excitement for the safari zone.

"I can't wait" he suddenly said sending a small echo throughout the tunnel "just imagine what powerful pokemon could be waiting for us there".

"If we're half as lucky as you were when you found Pinsir back in Kanto, I will see it as an absolute win" Tails agreed.

"Speaking of lucky, have you had any luck with Cosmo yet?" Knuckles seized the opportunity to tease his friend again.

"Well…" Tails stuttered while blushing like a strawberry "she did suggest I should come by first chance we get".

"Seriously?!" Sonic exclaimed, this time sending a bigger echo through the tunnel "my dude she's going all out".

"Lucky you foxboy" Knuckles rubbed his huge palm on Tails' head.

"I'm very nervous" Tails admitted "I know our next visit there won't be any time soon but what do I do when it is?"

"Easy. You seize the chance this time" Sonic answered, sounding optimistic about his friend's odds.

"You think she will reciprocate?"

"Dude. She literally gave you her number on her own and now suggests you go to her. If those are not clear signals I don't know what is" Knuckles argued.

"Have you ever dated?"

"Well… no".

"Then how can you be sure?"

"It doesn't take a genius mate. I've already said it once and the more time passes, the more I believe I am correct. She is ready to serve herself on a silver platter for you".

Tails' heart beat a million times a second at the thought something would happen next time. He fought to not think of what if this or what if that, as he was sure it would cause his mind to short circuit.

After exiting the tunnel, they found their path blocked by pile of boulders.

"Seriously?" Sonic said frustrated "I'm starting to agree with Tails. A hard path to walk is one thing. This…"

"Chill pal" Knuckles said walking forward "I am here. I will climb up and then pull you up".

"We don't even need to do that" Tails smiled turning into a foxcopter "I can lift you over".

"I'm starting to get jealous" Sonic jokingly admitted as Tails grabbed his hands and lifted him over to the other side with ease.

Tails then went to lift Knuckles. Sonic was expecting then to soar over the pile of rocks but instead heard Tails groaning.

"Everything ok?" he called out to the other side.

"No" Tails voice replied "I can't lift him".

"Put me down. Don't strain yourself" Knuckles said.

Tails without an ounce of objection did so.

"Argh. My back. You're really heavy Knuckles".

"That's because I am one million percent muscle" the echidna jokingly gloated.

"Easy there heavyweight champion" Sonic roasted his friend.

"Well, back to plan A" Knuckles said walking up to the pile of rocks wearing his spiked gloves "I'll just climb over".

"Good" Tails said relieved as he flew on top of the pile of rocks.

Knuckles prepared for a moment then attempted to dig into the rock. A second later he cried out in pain.

"What happened?" Sonic asked, wondering what could have happened.

"Rock's too hard. I couldn't dig in".

"What?" Tails exclaimed looking down towards Knuckles "but I personally reinforced the spikes with a stronger material back in Green hills. This shouldn't be possible".

"Impossible yet very possible" Knuckles groaned rubbing his knuckles.

Suddenly the pile of boulders started shaking. Tails immediately flew off.

"What the hell?!" he shouted as the pile began moving.

"The rocks are moving?!" Knuckles wondered aloud.

"This is not a pile of rocks!" Sonic said in realization "this is a pokemon!"

"A pokemon?!" Tails and Knuckles exclaimed in unison.

The rocks then started lifting upwards.

"Pokemon disgusting as a pile of boulders… too hard for Knuckles to climb… only one pokemon we know fits the bill" Sonic surmised remembering his battle with a certain Hoenn region trainer.

The pile of rocks wasn't what it seemed. It was a wild…

"Steelix!" Tails said in shock.

The steelix roared in pain, looking around to see who punched it. A part of Sonic was impressed. Steelix was clearly hurt by Knuckles' attempt to climb it, even though the pokedex entry said its skin was hard as diamond. This was a very strong indication of how strong Knuckles was.

Steelix quickly realized it was surrounded from all sides. And that was never a good thing.

Grabbing an actual rock with its tail, it launched it towards Tails who was barely quick enough to get out of the way. Steelix wasted no time picking up another rock.

"Tails look out!" Sonic tried to warn his friend.

Steelix launched the rock. But this time the target was Sonic.

Sonic ducked out of the rock's trajectory, finding himself flat on the ground, his still short life having flashed before his eyes. On the bright side what he saw, which was his entire journey through Kanto, was awesome which did bring some momentary peace to his soul before remembering they were in a pickle.

Steelix and tried throwing a rock again. Knuckles, not being able to understand if it was aiming for Sonic or Tails, tried to distract it.

"Hey! Leave my friends alone you iron snake!" he shouted as he punched Steelix's body again.

The Steelix was surprisingly distracted, causing it to miss the attack, which was aimed for Tails. The huge pokemon then menacingly turned its attention to Knuckles, growling, clearly pissed off.

"Oh boy" Knuckles muttered.

Steelix roared and lunged at Knuckles. The echidna dodged to the side, playing right into the pokemon's hands. Steelix wrapped its tail around Knuckles, binding him in a devastating lock.

"Aaaargh!" Knuckles groaned as he was trying to push the tail off of him, but only being able to give himself room to breathe.

"Knuckles!" Tails tried to rush in only for Steelix to spin, surprisingly quickly for its massive size, sending another boulder towards Tails who barely got out of the way. Steelix then squeezed Knuckles even harder.

"Any day now guys! That thing is super heavy!" Knuckles called out to his teammates, a vein now visible on his forehead from the massive effort.

"Raichu! Brick break!"

Raichu attacked Steelix, but once it was too close to dodge, Steelix repeated the attack it used against Tails. Raichu was slammed into the boulder which then proceeded to slam into the rocky terrain around them. As Raichu's body took the impact of both the rock and the collision with the terrain, Sonic cried out in pain and knelt while grabbing his shoulders, feeling Raichu's pain to some extent.

"Sonic you ok?!" Tails called out to him while still airborne.

Steelix roared and squeezed even harder, completely wrapping its body around Knuckles.

"Aaaaaaaahhh!" the red echidna screamed as he felt his body being mushed like a potato.

Both Sonic and Tails reacted in an instant, with Sonic forgetting the pain. Each took out a pokeball without thinking and threw it towards Steelix.

Sonic's pokeball smacked Steelix and opened unleashing Quagsire. Before Quagsire could attack however, Tails' pokeball smacked Steelix. The pokeball was revealed to be empty, therefore transforming Steelix into red energy, absorbing it into the ball and freeing Knuckles. As the latter breathed heavily from all the squeezing, all 3 witnessed the ball shake once, twice, thrice. And lastly the catch sound.

As the pokeball laid there, with Tails' unexpected new team member, the three heroes were speechless.

Knuckles was the first to speak.

"Nice going Tails! Thanks for the save".

"That was some quick thinking" Sonic complimented Tails, deeply impressed.

"I wasn't thinking" Tails admitted as he landed next to the pokeball "I was just trying anything to get it off of Knuckles" he explained picking up the ball.

After making sure Knuckles was ok the three friends continued on their way.

"Admittedly, we started off quite good" Sonic said with a sudden memory jolt "Steelix is quite strong. Remember how much trouble Harrison's Steelix gave me? Had Raichu not been as battle hardened as it is, I don't think we would have won".

Raichu reacted to this statement by slightly electrocuting Sonic via contact with its left cheek.

"And this one is surprisingly fast" Knuckles continued Sonic's line of thought "did you see how quick it could throw those rocks? Imagine what it could do with a powerful attack like rock slide".

"A surprise to be sure but a welcome one then" Tails smiled while looking at his new pokemon's ball.

"Not to mention it will be devastating against team rocket" Sonic added "steel and ground? Super effective against poison types and immune to them? The perfect counter".

"That makes 4 for you right?" Knuckles asked Tails.

"Yeah. Two more and I got a full house".

"I believe a full house is 5 cards" Sonic teased him.

The three friends embraced the opportunity and got to joking and roasting each other as their way continued with their ups and downs, tunnels and steep paths.

Until it didn't.

Finding themselves on ground level again, the path suddenly ended. Or at least that was what it looked like. Upon closer examination, Knuckles figured out that the path had collapsed due to the constant corrosion from the sea.

"It's only natural that the sea eats away at the land over the years. That's how the earth changes".

"That's good but what now?" Sonic asked "how do we cross this?"

"Tails could lift you over and I could climb over the cliffside".

Upon attempting to dig into the rock with his spike gauntlets, a crack appeared on the surface of the cliffside.

"On second thought swimming would be preferable" Knuckles stepped back, having had his fair share of accidentally caused landslides during his work as an treasure hunter.

"Swimming would ruin our supplies" Tails argued.

"Well then I guess we sit down and try to figure it out" Knuckles shrugged, sitting on the edge of the path, feet dangling over the seawater and rubbing his chin going into deep thought.

Tails started flying in a serene way which as he had figured during their training, calmed him down immensely.

Sonic took to observing the distance they would have to cross to continue on their way. It was rather long and rather deep for a shoreline area. Tails was right, their supplies would be ruined by the seawater. Swimming was out of the question.

Tails wouldn't be able to carry Knuckles over and Knuckles would probably cause a landslide if he dug into the cliffside.

"What would Ash do?" he thought silently.

He wondered for a moment why he was asking himself this question. But upon recalling Ash's quick improvisation on how to get to the island of ice during their adventure at the orange islands he had his answer.

Ash's way of thinking was unique. Which was why Sonic was super hyped about battling a full power Ash during the Johto league.

He hoped only Ash wouldn't make the same mistake of not evolving his pokemon like he did in Kanto. He had teased him about it when they were riding Blastoise to New Island but truth be told, it was disappointing.

"Wait a minute" he suddenly said.

Tails and Knuckles looked at him in hopes he had an idea.

Sonic rolled back his thoughts for a moment.

"When we were riding Blastoise to New Island… riding…" he thought.

"That's it!" he screamed, causing an echo throughout the cliffs.

"You got something?" Tails landed next to him.

"I think I do. But I need a few moments" he said closing his eyes.

Tails and Knuckles exchanged a glance of question.

Sonic, with his eyes closed, reached out.

"Alakazam can you hear me?"

In Mewtwo's cave Alakazam jolted its head in shock. Mewtwo immediately knew what was going on.


Alakazam nodded.

"Alakazam can you hear me? It's Sonic" Sonic's voice echoed in the cave, causing all of his Kanto team members to rejoice after having gone so long without hearing it.

"We hear you" Mewtwo answered for Alakazam.

"Hey Mewtwo" the voice answered "we need some help here. Can you send Blastoise over?"

Mewtwo turned to the big, scarred turtle pokemon.

"He needs your help".

Blastoise's eyes gleamed as it nodded positively. Mewtwo smiled.

"Take him to your friend" he said to Alakazam.

Alakazam nodded and, using teleport as he was tutored by its mother to remember it for this purpose, temporarily forgetting shadow ball, disappeared in a flash along with Blastoise.

Sonic opened his eyes with a wide smile as well.

"Help is on the way" he let Tails and Knuckles know.

"Wait…" Tails seemed to realize what Sonic had done.

Raichu's ears perked up as it heard water splashing coming from the ocean. Looking towards the sound, its face gleamed as well and it started calling out to something.

Tails and Knuckles turned both wondering what Raichu was calling out to. Sonic was simply smiling.

And there, in the distance was Sonic's Blastoise, swimming towards them, crying out back at Raichu.

"You called Blastoise for assistance?" Tails said pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah. And more than just that. I'll explain later".

As Blastoise finally reached shoreline, Raichu jumped on it, rubbing against the shell, causing a pokeball that was on the shell to fall into the water. As Tails flew to retrieve it, he realized it was Blastoise's pokeball.

"You asked for Blastoise's pokeball to also be brought along?"

"I did" Sonic confirmed.

Blastoise positioned itself against the rocks and cried out. Sonic hopped on it. Raichu, Tails and Knuckles were quick to follow.

"We're all aboard Blastoise".

Blastoise let out another cry and started swimming for the other side.

After reaching the other side, they all climbed off of Blastoise. Sonic, retrieving Blastoise's pokeball from Tails, thanked it for the assist before recalling it, to his friends' surprise.

"Aren't you going to send it back?" Knuckles inquired.

"Nope. Not yet anyway. Doing so will get us stuck on this side. And plus… Blastoise can help with our training".

"But now you are carrying 6 pokemon" Tails said in concern "whatever you catch in the safari zone, you will not be able to call out until you send another one away for a while".

"I know. Stupid system in my opinion. In any case, Blastoise will stay with us to get us back and help us train. Afterwards it will return to Mewtwo's cave. But not to worry guys" Sonic smiled "it will be back for the Johto league. All of them will. Right pal?"

"Blastoise!" Blastoise cried out.

"You will do mixing of your own?" Tails asked his friend.

"Ash says he will go all out. It's only fair I do the same".

After that exchange team Sonic once again set out to reach the safari zone wondering what that place had in store for them.

Elsewhere, more specifically by some weird game of fate, in the same abandoned building were Sonic and Silver had had their confrontation, team rocket admin Ariana was waiting patiently. The grunts were scheduled to return shortly.

It was time to start getting to the bottom of just how big of a threat team Sonic was to them.

Chapter 67: Enemies on the move


With the threat of team Sonic becoming greater every day, team rocket's admins preapare to convene in order to discuss their future moves.


Update: Due to circumstances outside my control, the college exams may potentially last until the end of February so chapters will continue coming out at a slower pace for the next month. As a small compensation, I will pose one question for everyone who wants to take a wild guess. What can you imagine awaits Sonic in his Hoenn journey? Only hint I will give is that Shadow will finally make his appearence, this time as a major character. I'll let yall make your own guesses until that time comes (share the guesses if you so desire I'm really intrested to hear them)

Chapter Text

Ariana's communicator beeped but she rejected the call. She was rather busy.

She returned her attention to the scene in front of her; the tied up dr Leeds was being struck over and over in the belly with a crowbar.

"Enough" she said to the grunt who was wielding the crowbar as she approached the doctor.

"Please no more! This is insanity! Who the hell tortures without asking questions?!" the doctor begged.

Ariana remained cold and indifferent to his begging.

"Oh just making sure you know we are serious about those questions before asking them. So am I to assume I have your attention?"

Dr Leeds nodded in a desperate panic.

"Excellent" Ariana smiled menacingly "now. A few weeks ago you treated a young trainer travelling with Sonic the hedgehog for electrical injuries. Am I right?"

Dr Leeds took a few seconds to process the question, as Sonic being mentioned by name and not by title didn't click right away. Ariana got impatient and snapped her fingers.

The grunt wielding the crowbar smacked the doctor on the back this time, causing him to swing back and forth as he was tied up by his wrists from the ceiling. As the doctor screamed in pain and even coughed up blood Ariana repeated the question with a much more menacing voice.

"Yes…" he said, entirely out of breath "I did…"

"Tell me everything. What was he treated for? What was the significance of his injuries? Did he display any inexplicable action during his treatment?"

Dr Leeds hesitated as he couldn't understand how they knew of that. Ariana was about to snap her fingers again.

"Wait!" he screamed "he…" he whispered before coughing and continuing "his… his metabolism was off the charts. That's all".

Ariana sized him up for a moment then snapped her fingers again. The grunt struck again. Bone cracking sound filled the room as the doctor's leg was broken. His scream of pain followed.

"Maybe i wasn't clear enough. I said tell me everything" Ariana repeated, ice cold.

The doctor took heavy deep breaths trying to calm himself down long enough to speak actual words.

"He… he… when we were treating him… his two tails started rotating so fast he lifted off the table…"

Ariana didn't respond to that but silently thought it checked out.

"Do you have any physical evidence of this?"


Ariana could tell he was lying. She pressed a button on her communicator and a female voice answered.

"We're in position ma'am? Do we go in?"

"Hold your positions for now but verify them for me".

"We're outside dr Leeds' house"

The doctor's eyes almost popped out of their eye sockets.

"Is the family home?"

"Yes ma'am".

"And what are they doing?" Ariana asked with the hint of a smile.

"The wife is cooking while the two kids are doing their homework. Wait… oh ok, she just went over to look at their work".

"Excellent. Maintain your position until you're instructed otherwise" Ariana said and hang up, turning back to dr Leeds.

"I am a very generous woman doctor. But I also have a short fuse. And currently it's close to its shortest ever. Therefore I will only ask this question one more time" she approached him staring daggers.

"Do you have any physical evidence of the supposed display of flight Sonic the hedgehog's friend displayed? And for your family's sake you better tell me the truth".

Dr Leeds truthfully didn't want to give up Sonic and his friends but in all honesty, he didn't have a choice. His family was everything to him.

My laptop…" he answered after a few moments "I… I ran some tests on him".

Ariana silently went towards the grunt holding the laptop. Holding it for her as there was no desk to put it on, she quickly found it the file the videos were stored in.

Pressing play, she saw Tails indeed lifting himself from the table while still unconscious as well as shooting electricity out of his hand. That last one was new and seemed eerily similar to the lightning phenomenon Sonic had displayed at silph co.

Regardless, these videos needed to be examined carefully. But more importantly, they need to be examined ASAP.

She contacted Archer.

"You got anything?" his voice was heard.

"I got the information we were looking for. Turns out agent Cassidy wasn't lying or talking nonsense".


More pause.

"I see" Archer's voice again echoed in the mostly silent room, the only exception being dr Leeds' heavy breathing.

"Very well. Wrap everything up and return to the hideout immediately".

"What about the doctor?" Ariana asked.

A long pause.

"Get rid of him".

Ariana kept her composure but was taken aback.


"Get rid of him. He's a loose end now. We can't afford any loose ends".

Ariana turned to the grunt with the crowbar and, silent and ice cold, run her finger on her throat.

The doctor's eyes widened.

"Wait! Please! I gave you what you wanted! I g…" was all he managed to scream out before getting struck on the back of the head with the crowbar, hard, relentlessly and repeatedly.

Ariana turned around. The necessity of this didn't mean she enjoyed the view.

"What about his family sir?"

"Let them be. They pose no threat to us".

"Understood. Over and out" she said as she closed her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest waiting for the job to be finished.

Archer hang up and returned to managing the hideout.

That was his reality for the last 2 months. Leading team rocket to survive. Ever since discovering their fall he had taken immediate action.

At first he had to locate a good hideout, somewhere close enough to civilization to keep it packed up with supplies, but remote so they would get there unnoticed and remain unnoticed during their stay. His search had led him to Johto. And eventually here, in Mahogany town.

Reaching the main room, Archer looked around at what they had managed to build. A grunt informed him that the experiment for the lake of rage was ready to begin and if they had the green light. Archer confirmed this and left to check on agents Butch and Cassidy.

As he walked towards the infirmary, grunts saluting him as he walked by, his mind was engulfed by hatred for Sonic and his allies, being forced to live underground because of them. There was no other way to not be found.

His mind then travelled back to the day the hedgehog took everything from tem rocket.

That day he was on one of the sevii islands, specifically island 5 in that location's warehouse. He was checking the inventory of the warehouse when he received the worst news imaginable; Sonic the hedgehog had found the boss again. And he had prevailed again, this time alone against project two.

He had immediately dropped everything, leaving a message to Ariana and setting off for Johto at once. Leaving behind hundreds of captured Pokemon in the warehouse on island 5. Sometimes he wondered whether those pokemon were still there.

As Archer was walking through the hideout, making sure the grunts remained focused on team rocket's goals and no got any funny ideas of leaving, all the while heading for the infirmary, he recalled the message.

"To all team rocket personnel. This is code red. The boss has fallen at the hedgehog's hands. Project two has escaped. Team Rocket has been compromised and none of us are safe. Evade capture at all costs and await orders from the boss. Team rocket will blast off again. This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds".

Archer wasn't sure of what happened after he fled, but it was of no importance. By the time the police would have found the warehouse it would be too late.

As Archer suspected but had no way of knowing, the police did find the building. The message had been destroyed and, to the police's confusion, all the Pokemon had escaped. Unbeknownst to everyone but team Sonic, that was the work of project two, aka Mewtwo who had found Ariana's message to Petrel, and delivered it to Sonic, sparking his pursuit of team rocket.

Mewtwo had not been fast enough as before his arrival, Ariana had gotten to the warehouse first to inform Archer of the fall of team rocket, only to find his message and leave a subsequent message for Petrel. The very message Mewtwo found.

Archer of course had no idea that was the case. Ariana and he had randomly met up with Petrel in Mahogany town where the new hideout was. Archer was glad to see him and just thought he had followed Ariana's instructions.

As the team rocket admin was now approaching the infirmary he was sent a message by agent Cassidy, claiming she was ready to get back in action. Archer ordered her to come to his office to discuss what she could offer team rocket in her state and with her partner still recovering.

Entering his office to wait out the arrival of Cassidy for their talk and the return of Ariana, he left Petrel, who was at the whirl islands, a message to be available on the next few hours for a video call. Invaluable information was on its way.

As Archer waited patiently, he found himself struggling with what he believed was his failure to be there for the boss in Kanto.

Archer's story in team rocket was one of quick ascension through the ranks, achieving the rank of admin and one of the bosses 3 right hands in mere months.

The rapid promotion was the result of two factors. First, was his immense loyalty to Giovanni. His boss had saved him from his previous life. At least from Archer's point of view.

Growing up as a child, Archer idolized his parents, his father in particular. But his father believed in a strict upbringing, seeing his own son as more of a personal project rather than his son.

Archer never felt any warmth from his parents despite them being his idols. His mother tried to and was successful a lot of times, teaching him to always take care of those close to him.

But her fear of her husband kept her from helping her son develop emotionally more. The roots had been planted but that was pretty much it.

Growing up, Archer stopped idolizing his father and started rebelling. His father would always force him into whatever he believed would give him a successful future and an esteemed career and by extension fame to his name.

Regardless of how much Archer tried to rebel, it was pointless. The more he struggled, the more his father's strictness would close in around him, choking him. Archer had a business mind from a young age, and his ideas could have made the family a lot of money, had it not been for his father's lack of a heart and his mother's inability to help him grow into anything other than a cold hearted follower to whoever was the top dog.

That was when an acquaintance of Archer's father approached the young adult. A man who would come to be not only someone for Archer to idolize but one who would give him the one thing he always desired.

Freedom. True freedom.

That man's name was Giovanni.

Running away from home, Archer quickly found himself in the Kanto region, becoming a member of team rocket albeit just a grunt. At first he wasn't perfectly ok with harming Pokemon as his family used to have a pet pidgeotto around.

But as time went on he found himself easily letting go of such trivial facts as the well-being of Pokemon. Whatever order he was given, his purpose was clear. Carry it out to perfection no matter what it took.

By the time Archer was an executive, whatever emotion of kindness and mercy he had left for Pokemon, despite his mother's efforts to help in his emotional development vanished. His cold heart became devoid of any semblance of sentiment.

Executive Archer no longer had kindness, he had respect. He didn't have compassion, only loyalty. Loyalty to team rocket. But most of all loyalty and respect for his boss, Giovanni.

"Yes" Archer thought in total silence "he is the only one worth of my respect".

Giovanni had seen the young man's potential to be of assistance to team rocket right away. But he wasn't a fool. From the first day, he had placed counter measures in place. Archer was smart and he was cunning. Therefore he could pose a threat someday.

Little did Giovanni know then that there was no danger then, or ever would be, from Archer.

The latter's respect and desire to make his new boss and role model notice him, had Archer slowly become one of team rocket's best. The lessons his parents had taught him also proved somewhat useful.

Archer believed in team rocket working together with each other for the betterment of the group and therefore was someone the grunts would get behind in order to carry out a task successfully for the boss.

Giovanni admired the young executive's potential and effectiveness but disagreed with his idea of working together. His view of a perfect team rocket was a pyramid with him at the top. It was also in his interest if the grunts backstabbed one another to gain favor with him. That took away their attention from his place at the summit of the pyramid.

Furthermore Giovanni still didn't entirely trust Archer. The young man could inspire others to work together and act as one while Giovanni ruled by fear. Both inside and outside of team rocket.

One event however convinced him not only to stop seeing Archer as a threat but also proved his loyalty to such an extent that Giovanni thought it only fair to reward him with the rank of admin and one of his three right hands.

During the end of Archer's time as an executive, the three admins of team rocket were Ariana, Petrel and a half pint asshole named Carr. Carr was one of the strongest enforcers in team rocket under Giovanni, his only equal being their assault hound, the iron masked marauder.

As it always happened, the power went to Carr's head. While betraying the boss never even cross his mind, he bragged to everyone about it, especially the grunts he would push around, claiming they should show him more respect as in his words "I could become the boss if I wanted to. So behave fools!"

Archer didn't like this one bit. Neither the mistreatment of the team's assets, nor the declaration that this half pint arrogant idiot could ever hold a candle to the boss.

And on a fateful night, Carr made the big mistake of trying to push Archer around. And Archer wasn't having any of this.

Fighting Carr in a pokemon battle, he utterly pummeled him down. Carr himself, having been away from the battlefield ever since acquiring the position of admin, as team rocket was at its peak and therefore unrivalled, could neither believe not accept such a defeat.

Archer, his patience lost, and unwilling to allow the midget to continue make a mockery of the boss, had his raticate slash Carr's throat open. Standing victorious over the dying former admin, Archer wore a cold, apathetic look and spoke only three words.

"For the boss".

Giovanni had learnt of this as soon as it happened. And that was the proof he could finally safely trust Archer.

Archer could have seized the opportunity to take control of team rocket. But instead he had declared his loyalty to Giovanni.

"The perfect tool" Giovanni had thought in glee as he awarded Archer the rank of admin.

Back in the present, Archer heard faint footsteps from the corridor leading to the office. Next came a knock on the door.


And in entered agent Cassidy. Immediately, before even 3 seconds had passed, Archer had decided she wasn't in any shape to return to the field. She still looked exhausted and obviously still recovering.

"Sir" she managed to salute.

"Take a sit agent" Archer simply said, setting the formalities aside.

Cassidy obeyed.

As Archer waited for her to get comfortable, he recalled reading her file when he took over team rocket, after Ariana had brought him everyone's files.

Unlike most higher-ups the files of Cassidy and her partner agent Butch didn't contain a lot. One thing they were missing was any background at all. Archer remembered them joining as grunts during his time as an executive.

There were a couple of missions that gave him a few chances to evaluate them. From the closeness of their cooperation he could tell they had joined team rocket together. Furthermore they exhibited an unusual amount of brutality and lack of empathy for Pokemon, somewhat on par to their newest executive in the present, Proton.

Of course Archer wrote about that in his reports to Giovanni. As a result Butch and Cassidy entered his radar and soon enough they achieved the rank of agent.

"Agents" Archer thought in the present "in other words grunts strong enough to go on their own. Our best of the best" he paused his line of thought momentarily "and team Sonic rose to the challenge like it was nothing".

Cassidy finally managed to get comfortable enough to speak.

"Sir… I have come to ask… to be assigned on a mission".

Archer didn't answer right away.

"Agent you're still healing. You need to take it easy for now".

"I…" she tried to say as she coughed "I got to get back out there sir. I got to make the hedgehog and his cronies pay for what they did to Butch".

Archer's fingers touched each other as he clasped his hands together, pondering whether she would be able to handle the news.

"Admin Ariana has just completed the interrogation of dr Jefferson Leeds".

"The doctor who treated the fox's injuries?" Cassidy almost jumped from her seat.

"Precisely. We managed to obtain valuable info regarding our enemies" Archer continued as he leaned forward.

"Turns out you really were not hallucinating agent"

Cassidy's eyes bulged. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't even believe whether she wanted to believe what they had seen that day.

"You mean… I'm not insane sir? The fox could really fly?"

"Yes. Ariana described it very faintly but the tests showed the accidental electrocution from Raikou altered several parts of his DNA. His twin tails can move so fast due to insanely quick metabolism that they can now rotate like helicopter blades. In other words one of our enemies is now a metabeing".

Cassidy's pupils were dancing in her eyes as she was processing the info. And Archer wasn't done yet.

"And that is only the first of his two abilities".

Cassidy's pupils stopped dancing.

"The fox can shoot small amounts of electricity out of his fingers. Not lethal electricity but certainly strong enough to paralyze and/or knock someone out".

Cassidy slumped back in the chair. That couldn't be. That was how they lost. That was how the fox had freed Raikou while it was guarded by 10 grunts.

"Which means agent" Archer concluded "that facing them head on has become more dangerous and a greater risk than ever before. There's still a lot we need to look into regarding the fox of course but from now on, we will have to play defensively only, wait for the perfect opportunity to call our boss back to us. Only he can take care of the hedgehog while the rest of us take care of his crew".

Silence echoed in the room as Cassidy didn't utter a word.

She wanted to shout, to scream to blame everyone and everything for her partner having almost died due to pneumonia. But it was not anybody's fault in specific. The circumstances had led them there. Archer was right.

Everyone in team rocket had a reason to hate Sonic the hedgehog and wanting to see him fall. But trying to do so was suicide.

Proton's failure proved it. The iron masked marauder's failure proved it. And now her failure proved it. It was time to let go.

"Unless you have anything to say you are free to go agent".

She nodded got up.

"Sir" she saluted and left Archer alone.

After Cassidy's departure, Archer received a message from Petrel, asking if the meeting was happening. Archer texted back to be patient, Ariana would take a bit to return. Safety was the top priority.

Archer then let his mind relax for a moment. Managing the team took its toll on him, especially since grunts kept demanding out due to fear.

The rocket admin couldn't help but be impressed from a certain point of view. Giovanni had established team rocket based on fear of him. Once you were in, there was no out. And since they would call him back, anyone who fled would face his wrath. But the fear of team Sonic was somehow greater.

Thankfully for Archer he had a supporter; Proton. Although his legs were still somewhat hurting, he had recovered enough to walk again. And he didn't let himself take it easy. He threw himself into work, determined to have his revenge against team Sonic no matter the cost.

When Archer had read Proton's file for the first time, he had actually felt the urge to throw up. Proton was a straight up psychopath.

From a young age, he didn't display any emotion. He was described as a cold and heartless kid. But of course that wasn't all. As a teenager, Proton had gotten into trouble in school for twisting the neck of a spearow that annoyed him, leaving it paralyzed and braindead. The poor spearow had to be put down as there was no hope for it.

When asked why his only response was "because I can". His voice at the time was calm and cold but his face revealed a psychotic, sadistic pleasure at the suffering of the innocent flying type pokemon.

His lack of emotion was the primary reason Archer had selected him to lead the campaign into the slowpoke well. Some of the grunts did struggle with it to a small extent but not him.

Proton was so his main weapon against the desire of the grunts to quit due to fear of team Sonic.

He was going around the headquarters bragging about how he was the most faithful to the boss and his battle scars proved it. He also claimed he would gladly lay his life down for Giovanni in the face of team Sonic. Although extreme, he was inspiring the grunts to fight the fear.

Archer however was careful to keep him on a short leash as the more time he spent in the headquarters instead of helping the cause or pursuing their enemies, the more his psychosis turned him into a ravaging animal.

"If those 3 menaces come knocking, he will be the perfect tool against them" Archer smiled. Even if they beat him, he would buy the team time to escape. And hopefully even cripple team Sonic in any way. Any member would do.

Another message arrived. This time from Ariana. They had returned. Satisfied, Archer ordered her immediately to his office so they could hold their meeting.

Messaging Petrel it was time, his face appeared on the screen of Archer's computer.

"About time. We're busy here. Those whirls are too hard to cross safely. So make this quick".

"Ariana will be arriving any second now".

"Even seconds matter right now Archer. One grunt on patrol saw the three maniacs travel to Cianwood city lately. It took everything I had to convince them to remain calm".

"Have you got the defensive measures set in place?"


"Good. Then just stick to the plan and you'll all be fine".

Petrel gave Archer a dirty look.

"Easy for you to say. Still hiding in HQ. Come here and lead us if you're a man".

"I'll pretend you didn't say that" Archer answered calm. A leader needed to control their emotions after all.

That was admin Petrel's nature always; antagonistic, brash, a man of action. And very adept in physical combat to Archer's surprise when he first found out.

Petrel's headstrong nature brought him to conflict with his surroundings ever since he was a teenager. He would often solve problems with his fists or pokemon battling instead if talking. Though admittedly he preferred the fists.

While under Giovanni, Archer and Petrel got along well enough to not have any friction. Each one worked on his field of expertise, Archer in managing team rocket under Giovanni's instructions and Petrel going out doing all the work.

Some would think that Petrel would be hard for Giovanni to control based on how he and Archer interacted in the present. But Archer was no Giovanni.

Giovanni didn't tolerate insubordination but was smart enough to know he had to first teach this to his underlings before delivering any consequences.

Petrel had talked back to Giovanni once when tasked with a somewhat risky mission. He complained that it wasn't fair that the boss just gave the orders and just hang back and relaxed.

Giovanni had reacted surprisingly calm. He calmly got up, walked to the center of the room… and proceeded to sweep Petrel's pokemon team with his Persian.

When Petrel still didn't give Giovanni his proper respect, Giovanni proceeded to completely humiliate him. Removing the upper part of his suit, he was revealed to he insanely muscular. Petrel had flinched but didn't give in.

Half a minute later, Giovanni had absolutely pummeled Petrel. Difference in physique and in strength, and adding Giovanni's technique to the mix, brought Petrel near death.

Giovanni had immediately ordered him healed and when he was better, he let Petrel know the beating was the consequences of his disrespect. Giovanni was his boss and he had proved it.

"Behave from now on" he had warned Petrel as witnessed by Archer who was standing by "because I do not tolerate disrespect. Consider yourself lucky I only demonstrated today".

From that day on, Petrel never spoke back again. Only performed his tasks without talking back.

Before Petrel could, back in the present, continue the argument, Ariana finally walked in.

As she approached the desk, holding Dr Leeds' laptop, Archer smiled.

Successful as always. Ariana just seemed to have a gift for succeeding.

Ariana was considered a child prodigy when she was younger. However her college professor father always tried to keep her down, insecure at the possibility his own daughter would surpass him in brilliance one day.

Of course it didn't take long for a teenage Ariana to be recruited by Giovanni, once he realized her brilliance. As a student she had picked managing for a career, but her tactics, which relied too much on logic and were so focused on yielding the desired results, as well as her deep desire to get back at her father for holding her back, had earned her the nickname 'the robo girl'. But unlike Proton she was no robot or a psycho. She had feelings. And a need to belong.

Feelings Giovanni played on to recruit her, giving her a place to belong.

And belong she did. Her tactics were always near perfect.

Giovanni had found the perfect right hands. Ariana, the planner. Petrel the one to carry out the plan. And lastly Archer, the middle ground, smart enough to understand Ariana's tactics and visionary enough to envision the best way of carrying them out via Petrel. Sometimes taking place in the carrying out of course.

But all that had begun falling apart the day Ariana had encountered Sonic the hedgehog.

Her plan to defeat him was almost foolproof. And that cursed inexplicable way the hedgehog's pikachu had defeated nidoking had signaled the beginning of the end.

After all for all his greatness, Giovanni had one flaw; Arrogance. He dismissed this threat. Archer wouldn't make the same mistake.

That was the reason they were playing it safe. Because Archer knew that the hedgehog and his crew were dangerous.

Question was, just how dangerous.

That question was now going to be answered as the meeting began.

"I've brought the intel sir".

"Good. And the good doctor?"

"Can't talk even if he wanted to".

"Excellent. Now… the info".

Ariana opened the laptop and prepared the files. Archer connected his computer with the doctor's laptop and shared the screen with Petrel.

The three admins watched the videos in absolute silence. Archer was intrigued not only by the display of flight from Tails, but also by what that meant.

The fox could fly sure. But according to agent Cassidy's report, he had performed crazy tricks while airborne, including carrying the hedgehog back on the track.

There was a lot to be researched to be prepared to handle him.

"That's quite a lot to unpack" Archer said in deep thought "but good work nonetheless. Flawless plan as always".

"Sir" Ariana nodded.

"So what about me? Does this change how we proceed here?"

"So far no. Keep up the good work. Maybe pick up the pace if you can".

Petrel gave Archer another dirty look before saluting saying a "sir" and hanging up.

"Anything for me sir?" Ariana asked after Petrel hang up.

"Go run some checks at the lake of rage project. Let me know if you can make any betterments to the plan".

"Yes sir" Ariana saluted and left.

Archer was left alone after that, deciding to take a short while to put his mind back in order before continuing with his day of managing the team.

"The whirl islands plan has to work… otherwise we will only have the lake of rage project to work on in preparations for the grand day" he thought.

Getting up, he decided to take a page from Petrel's book and get into the action regarding a possible emergency.

"Better be prepared right? Can't risk allowing the three nuisances to come knocking without being prepared right?"

The grand day was fast approaching. The satellite was nearly in place. He had to make sure they would be there to take advantage of it.

Chapter 68: A Wave of emotions


An old friend of the gang, Wave the swallow, returns to Green Hills, only for her reunion with Jet to show her how their hometown is no longer the same.

Chapter Text

Jet was waiting patiently to get his coffee and leave. He didn't want to risk running into Amy.

Over the last two and a half weeks, rumors about his brother and the team kept popping up everywhere, and for that reason many people in their hometown kept asking him to verify said rumors. But none as persistent as Amy Rose.

From the awakening of the legendary beasts to the Greenfield incident and then foiling team rocket's plot, the popularity of team Sonic kept rising. And that, at least from Jet's point of view, was the trigger for Amy's insistence to try and make amends with them.

Finally getting the coffee, he left before the coffee place became too crowded.

Life as the relative of a celebrity, or whatever similar to it Sonic was, wasn't as easy as one would imagine. Every day new rumors, each one more far fetched than the last, kept appearing. And people usually ended up badgering Jet and his parents for answers.

Jet of course knew the truth. He was keeping in touch with team Sonic and therefore knew the truth of their endeavors. What they did with that truth was for them to decide.

And then there was the incredible progress both Tails and Knuckles had made as trainers. Knuckles especially was seriously trying to rival Sonic.

With the Johto tournament being about a month away, Jet could barely stay patient enough to wait. Now not only would Sonic be taking place, possibly rematching Ash in the process but Knuckles was also set to participate.

The excitement was getting him to bursting point. Especially as he couldn't decide which matchups of the triangle of Sonic, Knuckles and Ash would be the best to watch.

As he went to the beach near the town to drink his coffee in solitude and peace, he watched on as a couple of magikarps jumped out of the water for a moment.

Oh how jealous he was of Sonic for getting to encounter so many pokemon. Hopefully next adventure, he would be allowed to tag along. Or maybe just sneak along.

While drinking, he received a text message from Sonic, telling him they had just arrived at the safari zone and pictures of the place, themselves and their prey, as he jokingly called what they would catch, would soon be on the way.

Jet allowed himself to relax as he drank a little more coffee, wondering what powerful pokemon were awaiting capture in the safari zone.

Few moments later a voice called out to him.

"Never expected I'd find you here".

At first Jet thought that it was Amy coming to badger him about Sonic again, but the voice was not Amy's. Yet it was strangely familiar.

Turning his head in confusion his face lit up when he saw…

"Wave?! Is that you?"

Wave the swallow smiled just as much.

"Long time no see".

Jet jumped up and to her surprise hugged her. She returned the hug after a moment.

"It's been so long" Jet said after they broke the hug.

"4 years" Wave said with a hint of guilt "I'm sorry we fell out of touch".

"Hey don't worry about it. Life happens" Jet reassured her.

She smiled in relief as she took a seat at the sand next to Jet.

"What are you doing out here all alone?"

Jet went to answer but had to lie back to be less visible when a couple of people passed by the beach.

"You hiding from someone?" Wave asked half-amused and half confused.

"I'm hiding from everyone" he responded while sitting normally again.


"To avoid badgering".

"Who'd want to badger you?"

"Oh pretty much the whole town. But more than everyone Amy".

"Amy? Haven't heard from her in a while. How is she?"

Jet sighed. He had a lot to tell Wave.

"Before I explain, tell me about your news first. How come you're back in Green Hills? I thought your dad had found a good job at that place… what was it called again?"

"The Devon corporation. In the Hoenn region".

"Yeah that's right! So how come you're here?"

"Oh dad actually got a promotion and so applied for a transfer at the department here. His application was approved" she explained as her smile broadened.

"Does that mean you're here to stay?!"


Jet was just left there stunned, not saying a word, processing it.

"But… what about there? Didn't you make friends there? Had a new life there?"

"I did. I met a girl named May. Daughter of pokemon professor Birch".

"Just that?"

"Well I wouldn't call littleroot town the paragon of social life exactly. Dewford town was a lot more lively, though I only visited when my dad took me there on bring your child to work days".

"What post did he have?"

"Fossil studies".

"Huh" Jet smirked "your dad might some interesting conversations with one of our friends".

"Really? Did Tails get a passion for fossils? I mean he always had this nerdy nature but more on the tech savvy part".

"Oh I know. But a bit after you left, a boy named Knuckles moved in our neighborhood. He, my brother and Tails quickly became inseparable. Not to say that I was excluded, but their dynamic is just different".

"And I assume Amy has had it with all those boys and no female friends?" Wave joked.

Jet's smile was gone in an instant.

"You ok?" she asked curious.

Jet's brain was racing. Only now id he realize how hard of a conversation was in order. After all before she left, Wave and Amy were inseparable.


"Wha… oh yeah. Yeah I'm ok. I'm just grateful you're here. And to stay too".

"Me too. I missed everyone so much. Can't wait to see all of them. And meet your new friend of course".

Jet again got silent.

"Jet what's going on?"

"A lot has happened since last time you were here" he said with a hint of frustration.

Wave looked concerned.

"Is something wrong with one of our friends? Your brother?"

"What? No. Of course not. I mean… not now at least".

Wave was now just curious as there was no reason to be concerned apparently.

"Well why don't we just all group up and talk about it together? You know like we used to".

"Not an option".

"Huh? Why not?"

"Correction. We can but not in the flesh and with some changes".

"Ok no more cryptic answers please. Let's start at the beginning".

Jet sighed.

"It started around 6 months ago. A guy named Shadow moved into town".

"Shadow…" Wave repeated, seemingly reminded of something.

Jet then realized something himself.

"Wait Wave. When did you and your family return?"


Jet's eyes widened.

"Did you by any chance run into someone called Shadow the hedgehog while in Hoenn these last few days?"

"Yeah… yeah I did".


"Dewford town. He was hanging out with someone named Tabitha. Or more accurately grumbling about someone and this Tabitha was just taking it".

"Who was he talking about?"

Wave shrugged.

"Not sure. From the little I heard while waiting for my turn to order - I was grabbing chinese for the family as we were on the final stages of packing to leave- it was someone he called… the hero of Kanto".

Jet's eyes widened again momentarily then he smiled in a satisfied way.

"Did you know this Shadow?" Wave asked, noticing his expression.

"Yeah I did. He's an asshole. He and Sonic didn't get along well. Though that it an understatement".

"What happened between them?"

Jet hesitated.

"Amy happened".

"Excuse me?"

"Before Shadow came along it was all as you remember. When he came he started courting Amy. And Sonic didn't like that".

"So I was right back then? He likes Amy?"

"Liked. Thankfully no longer".


"When Sonic realized if he didn't act fast he would miss his chance he expressed his feelings to Amy. And she destroyed him in return".


"You heard right. She destroyed him. She called my brother a softie loser who can't assert his dominance, revealing Shadow had already beaten Sonic to her".

Wave couldn't believe her ears.

"No… no. Not Amy. She couldn't…" she mumbled.

"And yet she did. Not even the combined efforts of me, Tails and Knuckles could get him to snap out of it".

"But why would Amy treat him like that? I mean ok this Shadow beat Sonic to her, but why would she treat Sonic so horribly?"

"I wish I knew. But that wasn't the worst of it all. Shadow's way of courting Amy was to belittle Sonic. It never got physical but it affected him deeply".

Wave gasped.

"So she goes and gets together with the bully of her childhood friend?"

"Yes. And adopts his beliefs on top of it".

"Oh man… but wait… Shadow is in Hoenn correct? Does that mean Amy left Green Hills with him?"

"Wish she did. But no she's still here. Which honestly, I don't understand why. She's become the town's pariah after that was revealed".

"Dude…" Wave was saddened by her friend's fall from grace.

"The place has changed a lot ever since I was here".

"You have no idea" Jet agreed.

Wave let herself wonder about Amy and how she could have fallen from grace like that. Getting together with a bully and even worse, joining the bullying. And even worse than that, bullying someone she knew since childhood.

Then she realized that posed another question.

"Wait a sec. If Shadow left and Amy stayed, that means they broke up correct?"



"Amy started changing her mind about Sonic after he became high and mighty".


"Yeah. Broke Shadow's heart the same way she broke Sonic's, maybe in a less dramatic way" Jet continued on, not giving context about calling Sonic high and mighty "I'm just glad the tables have turned on Shadow. Made fun of Sonic, now he is grumbling about him".

"But he's not here. So how do you know?"

"You told me" Jet explained confused.

"I told you? I told you he was grumbling about someone called the hero of Kanto".

"Yeah. And that's Sonic".


"You didn't know?!"

"No. That's new to me".

Jet was visibly surprised. He was so used to Sonic's fame being spread so far and wide that someone not knowing felt out of this world.

"Wow. I was not expecting that. Ok. I need to take this from the beginning".

"Do so" Wave agreed, thinking to herself that Green Hills was definitely not as she remembered it.

"After Amy broke his heart, as I have already stated, we fought to help Sonic get over it. We were unsuccessful. But then my dad suggested he took a trip to the Kanto region, on an errand for him of course".

"Ok. And?"

"Sonic agreed. More so to get away from everything but he did" Jet said getting up.

"Get up".


"Let's walk over to my place. Some of the facts you will probably only believe if you see the proof with your own eyes".

Wave got up intrigued. And besides she was planning to come by and greet Sonic and Jet's parents later that day. They were always so nice when the gang go together as kids and played in the backyard, sometimes just them, and sometimes with random pokemon that came by.

As the two started walking back to town, Jet continued.

"As I was saying, Sonic was tasked delivering a file to professor Oak on dad's behalf".

"The esteemed pokemon professor? I heard professor Birch, the Hoenn region's equivalent praise him many times"

"Yes. Sonic did so but before he could leave, he took along a squirtle that was not picked by trainers starting Kanto's gym challenge. Later he also decided to take the challenge to instead of returning home".

"Seriously? He became a trainer?"

"Yes. Though at the time it was merely an excuse to stay away from Amy and Shadow. But I'm glad he did. That journey changed his life".

Reaching the house, Sonic and Jet's parents were excited to see Wave back in town. After a bit of catching up, the two headed, to Wave's surprise, to Sonic's bedroom.

Once inside, she gasped and felt her mind flatlining.

On the desk stood the shiny golden trophy of the indigo league conference tournament.

"You're kidding! He won a league tournament?!"

"Oh yeah. But with the training he had and a team like his, what chance did his opponents really stand?"

Wave, with a hanging jaw looked at the trophy again in awe.

Next to the trophy was a picture taken outside the stadium, right before the squad left to return to Green Hills.

Sonic was holding the trophy, a gleaming smiled etched upon his face. Wave was deeply impressed. She didn't remember him being so confident, though that was to be expected after such an accomplishment.

Around Sonic, Tails, Jet and a red echidna who she presumed was the one named Knuckles who Jet had mentioned, and a kid whom she didn't recognize.

"Who's the kid with you guys in the picture?"

"In due time. Check Sonic's team first".

Wave took another look and noticed the trainers in the photo were amidst a full team of pokemon.

"His team?"

"Yeah. They deserved to be part of this memory".

Wave looked at the picture carefully, identifying a Blastoise, a Raichu, an Alakazam, a Pinsir, a blue nidoking which she found cool, not knowing its true rarity and behind everyone, its wings stretched out majestically…


"I know pretty cool right?"

"You mean to tell me Sonic got a freaking Moltres?! A legendary pokemon?!"

"Yup. That's part of why his legend grew so much".

"His what?"

"Look on the wall".

Wave turned back to the wall behind the desk. On it were several newspaper clippings.

The first one that caught her eye was one reading "team rocket assault thwarted; heroic trainer repels mob boss".

Wave read the article, her mouth moving but no sound coming out. Once she finished she slowly turned to Jet.

"That was Sonic?"

"Not alone. The other kid from the photo? His name is Mike. They stormed the place together".

Wave then looked at the next clipping.

She read "Hero of Kanto saves the day again; team rocket disbanded".

"He took down team rocket on his own?"

"He finished the job on his own. But without Mike they wouldn't have made it".

"How's that?"

Jet's face darkened.

"Sonic's partner, his Raichu… it was spared from death by Mike's Jolteon sacrificing itself to the horn of a rhydon. Without it…"

Wave raised her hand to stop him, a tear streaming down her cheek.

"No need to continue" she whispered. She didn't know how much more of it she could take.

Her friends had gone through a small hell of their own and she had no idea.

"And what happened afterwards?"

"Well Sonic won the tournament as we have established. Then… look at the next clipping".

The next clipping read "crisis at orange islands averted; Hero of Kanto and orange islands chosen one save the day".

On the cover was a photo of Ash and Sonic taken by a bystander who had captured the moment when Melody had proclaimed Sonic had an equally important role to Ash in that year's festival. On the background was Jet.

"You were there?"

"Yes but there wasn't a lot I could do to help" Jet said sitting at the desk's chair "I was stuck at the hotel with mom and dad as I had and still have no pokemon".

"I see" Wave nodded "dude… Sonic took Kanto by storm huh?"

"You can say that again. But that wasn't the end. Quite the contrary in fact".

"How so?"

Jet again motioned to the next clipping. Their parents had collected even the newest mentions of Sonic's deeds.

The next clipping, as Wave noticed was not from Kanto but rather its neighboring region, Johto. Specifically it was the New Bark town news. The headline read "Hero of Kanto spotted in New Bark town; Soon to be two time champion?"

"He went to Johto too?" Wave inquired not taking her eyes off the photo of team Sonic in New Bark town.

"They went. Together. In pursuit of team rocket".

"Team rocket? But he brought them down right?"

"Not quite. Merely disbanded them. Now he's gone there with Tails and Knuckles to finish the job".

Wave slumped on Sonic's bed. It was seriously getting too much.

"Like he's in Johto right now?"

"Yes. And as I said, Tails and Knuckles are there with him. And they already have begun making a name for themselves there" Jet explained as he showed her the last newspaper clipping while taking out his phone and typing something.

Wave read the final clipping. It read "Greenfield crisis averted; Hale family saved by three heroes".

Under the headline was a small note indicating the reader to go to page 3 for professor Hale's interview and opinion on team Sonic. And under the note were 2 pictures. The first was of Greenfield when it was a crystal dystopia and the second was of team Sonic bidding goodbye to the Hale family, taken by a paparazzi.

"How long have I been away?" Wave rhetorically asked.

"And all this" Jet said having one final thing to show "is their recorded achievements" he explained as he gave her the phone.

He had entered a forum about the legendary beasts of Johto. Several photos of them could be viewed there, having been taken by trainers looking for them. There were also several conversations about the beasts.

One such conversation was about their legend, their disappearance and their supposed return thanks to team Sonic.

"They were responsible for this too?!" Wave exclaimed in shock "the legendary beasts had appeared in Hoenn in the past but stopped appearing for the same reason as in Johto. And you mean to tell me Sonic…"

"Brought them back? No. It's more complicated".

They spent the next hour discussing the beasts, the facts about them Knuckles had explained so far and all of team Sonic's encounters with them as well as their supposed connections to them. By the end Wave was at a loss for words.

Her phone suddenly beeped as she received a message from her mother.

"Damn I got to go home. Hey. If you talk to Sonic anytime soon, I'd like to be there ok? You know catch up and all but…"

"Chill I understand" Jet reassured her "I have trouble believing some of all that has transpired myself".

Wave thanked Jet and left, heading home. Unfortunately for her, their old house was not up for sale when they were planning to return so they had to compromise with an apartment 2 neighborhoods away.

As Wave was making a note to self to download a video call app so she could participate in the group's video calls, a voice called out to her.


Wave recognized the voice. That wouldn't be easy.

It was Amy.

"That you Wave?" she asked again as she caught up to her old friend "my gosh it is you!" she exclaimed giving her a hug.

Wave didn't reciprocate.

"When did you return?" Amy asked her, trying not to look concerned with the lack of reciprocation.


"Why didn't you tell me you were visiting?"

"Amy" Wave stopped her. She didn't like to pretend "drop the act. I know".

Amy's face dropped.

"You… know?"

"Jet told me".

Amy went silent.

"How could you do this? Not only get together with Sonic's bully but bully him as well?"

"Look I know it seems bad but if you let me explain…"

"Explain what?! Jet showed me Sonic's accomplishments. He showed me your texts to Sonic. How could you?!"

"I made mistakes I know. But I swear it wasn't my fault…"

"Not your fault?! You really going to blame everything on your infatuation with that bully Shadow?"

"No it's not that. It was my…"

"Save it. I can't do this Amy. I didn't want to believe it but what I saw is your true face. So leave me be" Wave shushed her and walked past.

After a few steps she stopped.

"You should have gone to Hoenn with Shadow. Sonic doesn't deserve someone like you. Not when he has been chosen by the legendary beasts".

"Wave I…" Amy tried to say in vain as Wave walked away.

Amy was left there, alone once again, reaping the rewards of her actions.

Even her closest friend had turned her back on her.

"I don't get it… why… she… she wouldn't… set me up to fail… would she?" she wondered as she slowly and painfully headed for her empty home once again, struggling with her conflicting emotions.

Chapter 69: A constantly growing team


Team Sonic finally arrives at the safari zone, ready for new and powerful additions to the squad.


Update; Half of the exams got cancelled due to political issues resulting in the takeover of the campus for an entire month so far and still going strong. On the bright side, there is only one lab exam left which will take place this week most likely so soon enough I will be able to bring out chapters somewhat faster again. For now enjoy the current one.

Chapter Text

"There I see it!" Tails exclaimed, looking ahead with his binoculars while flying.

"How far away?" Sonic called out to him.

"Five minutes tops".

"Great. Get ready gentlemen" Sonic joked "it's time to go hunting!"

Tails landed next to his two friends, wishing he could pull them both up and just fly them there.

"Oh man I'm so excited. The time has come".

"There are so many rare species leaving in unique and hard to find environments" Sonic said "with patience and a lot of luck we will find something as powerful as my pinsir but that will obey us, whoever catches it".

"Say what about a bet?" Knuckles suggested.

"What bet?" Tails inquired.

"Whoever catches the rarest species gets a chili dog. Loser's treat".

"Are you so eager to lose another bet?" Tails teased him.

"Nobody won either of the hitmontop bets buddy. We both guessed wrong both times. But this time? Only chance no one wins is if we both catch the same species".

"Huh. True. But I'll warn you; I can fly".

"And I can climb" Knuckles responded.

"Oh ok then. It's on" Tails concluded, his spirit fired up "you in Sonic?"

Sonic looked away, contemplating the answer.


"I… I'm not sure I'm going to catch anything Tails".

"You what?!" both his friends exclaimed at once.

"Well first of all whatever I catch I won't be able to call out so long as Blastoise is with us. But it's not just that…"

Pause. Only silence as they were approaching the gate of the safari zone.

"Well… are you gonna tell us or what?" Knuckles asked Sonic.

"… I know it will sound a little crazy… but I want my 6th pokemon here in Johto to be Entei".

Both Tails and Knuckles were surprised for a moment.

But after everything team Sonic had seen and experienced when it came to the beasts, wanting to tame one just made sense. Plus he already had a history with taming legendary pokemon.

"I get the feeling" Knuckles admitted "I was tempted you know… when Suicune came around and let me pet it… I wanted to catch it. But I didn't want to ruin that moment".

"Feeling's mutual for me as well" Tails also admitted as he looked at his hand. Small bolts of electricity crackled on command.

"This… and flight… they are both the result of Raikou's blasting of me. I can feel it. It and I are connected… and not just by these powers".

The three friends went silent for a few moments, lost in their individual thoughts.

"Well since we're here" Sonic said as they crossed the gates "I will enter as well. I will go to higher ground and observe the both of you with the binoculars. If I see something worth catching, I will go for it".

"Agreed" Tails went with the idea. It wouldn't be fair if Sonic joined either of them since they would be competing.

"Hey no objection from me" Knuckles' fists met each other "just make sure to have my chili dog waiting for me on the way out".

"I'll make you eat those words" Tails fired back in a competitive flare.

"And I'll make you eat my chili dog!" Knuckles fired back as well.

Sonic's head span 90 degrees as if it was fixed with a spring from the confusion. Knuckles' eye pupils went back and forth for a moment before realizing what he said and facepalmed himself.

"Can we forget I ever said that?"

"Nope" Tails tried desperately not to laugh.

Upon arriving, the three teammates went to get something to eat as they were starving from the long walk here. To their pleasant surprise, the place had chili dogs. The moment Tails and Knuckles realized it, their eyes crossed challenging each other again.

After a quick lunch, the time had come. Before entering, Sonic explained how the safari zone works. Unlike the Kanto zone, as they were informed, their pokemon could join them instead of being in their pokeballs, provided of course they wouldn't fight.

Upon entering, Tails and Knuckles were filled with awe with the vast open fields, the great lakes and the rocky terrains. There was even a small dessert habitat.

Sonic looked around as his friends were taking it all in and saw it; a hill of considerably higher altitude compared to the others.

"There" he said as he pointed to the hill "the high ground. That's where I'll be if either of you need anything".

"Got it" Knuckles nodded.

"Here you go" Tails gave Sonic the binoculars.

"All set them. Happy hunting mates. Come Raichu".

"Rai rai" the mouse pokemon followed.

After Sonic left, Tails and Knuckles again faced each other.

"May the best man win" Tails offered a handshake with a mischievous smile.

"Oh don't worry I intend to" Knuckles said before jolting off "better have my chili dog ready!"

"Hey no fair we didn't say go!" Tails called out before sighing with a smile and flying off.

Sonic looked over his shoulder as he heard Tails call out to Knuckles before giggling.

"Man they never change. I wonder who will win".

"Rai" Raichu cried out looking at Knuckles' direction.

"You think Knuckles will win?"

Raichu blinked.

"He is surely more adept to hazardous environment but Tails is smart and he can fly" Sonic said as he made it to the top of the hill.

"This will be fun" he said as put on the binoculars while Raichu curled to relax.

Tails, considering what his team lacked, decided he desperately needed something that countered bug weaknesses. Bugs were weak to flying, rock and fire.

"Steelix should be able to help with flying and rock. But fire will be a problem… in other words a water type will be the optimal pick… question is… what water types live here?" he monologued.

Tails and Espeon, which was out of its pokeball, following the airborne Tails, headed for the lake section of the safari. Tails landed momentarily to check his map and navigate on where to fly towards.

Espeon who was standing next to him, read his thoughts and, after locating a magikarp splashing in a nearby pond, tickled Tails with its forked tail, informing him of the fact.

"Good find Espeon" he scratched it on the head "but a magikarp will take a long time to raise. Time we don't have. Let's keep moving. Find us some more if you can too. Your help will be invaluable".

Espeon rubbed its head against Tails' leg crying out in joy before they went on their way, Tails airborne.

On the other side of the safari, Knuckles was also trying to find something to compensate for his weaknesses. Tails was smart but Knuckles had been actively battling longer. Therefore he had quickly come to the conclusion that he needed something to compensate against flying for his heracross as well as water for Larvitar and Quilava. Although Larvitar could counter flying and weepinbel could beat water, he wanted something to compensate for both. And only one type fit the bill.

"Eyes open, ears open Quilava. We're looking for an electric type".

"Qui" Quilava responded looking around and sneaking around.

Though both Tails and Knuckles knew what they were looking for, there was one major difference; Tails already knew what he was looking for and where to look. Knuckles only knew the first.

"Where do electric types usually live?" Knuckles inquired.

It was indeed a good question. And he had only 2 examples to go by. Sonic's raichu and Mike's Zapdos.

Sonic had caught Raichu as a pikachu in the woods. Mike had caught Zapdos in a power plant inhabited by other electric type pokemon.

"Forest and power plant right? Therefore…to the forest there. And it has got to be something both rare and powerful. Damnit what is rare and powerful?" he thought.

As both friends were heading towards their respective goals, Sonic was observing their progress, quickly identifying each of their goals. He smiled in pride as he realized that even now his two teammates didn't forget what they were up against.

Setting his eyes on Tails, he saw his two tailed pal carry Espeon up a small hill that the psychic type couldn't climb.

"Man seeing those two together just reminds me so much of Mike and Jolty" Sonic commented.

Raichu heard the comment. It was immediately bombarded with guilt.

"Why did you have to go and say that?" it thought as it looked away, not wanting Sonic to see it visibly sad. If he realized anything it was game over.

"Huh?" Sonic looked around in confusion.

"Did you hear anything pal?" he asked Raichu.


Sonic looked around for a while then shrugged and put the binoculars back on.

"Forget it. I just thought I heard someone say why did you have to go and say that".

Raichu's eyes widened in shock. Sonic had heard? How?

Tails finally arrived at the lake, only to realize he had to find a way to attract water pokemon out. No one in the team possessed a fishing rod.

"Hmmm…" Tails thought as he sat by the lake rubbing his chin. Espeon cuddled beside him while sitting.

"We need to find a way to bait something out. But what… and how?"

An idea crossed his mind but it was incomplete. He could try loading pokemon cries into his phone and try calling water species towards him but wasn't sure they would hear the cries from underwater. And of course putting the phone even remotely close to the water was asking to drop it in.

"There has to be a way. Think" he said to himself.

While Tails was taking his time thinking over his options, Knuckles was acting. Climbing trees, sneaking through bushes and even hearing through the ground for vibrations had him locating several species, including but not limited to misdreavous, Mr mimes, bellsprouts and even a voltorb.

He considered catching the ball pokemon but decided against it. Although Eusine's electrode had given him some trouble, later on it would be ineffective in combat.

"Damnit am I thinking it wrong?" he yelled as Quilava jumped up taken aback by the yell.

"Sorry pal. Just frustrated. I can't let foxboy beat me. But at the same time I don't understand where electric types would live".

Suddenly Knuckles recalled another detail. Team rocket had managed to collect an entire cage worth of electric types during their last clash. Sure they had used a magnet-like device to bring them to them but they were in an empty rocky terrain. In other words…

"Yeah… electric types would prefer high rocky places. So they could be closer to lightning during storms".

Combining the two clues, Knuckles chose the perfect spot; the spot where the forest and the rocky terrain met. Electric types had to exist there.

"Let's go Quilava".

"Qui!" Quilava followed eagerly.

While the two friends were working through their approaches to finding their desired targets, Sonic kept observing, wondering most specifically where Knuckles was as he was no longer visible after entering the woods.

"What are you up to Knucks?" the blue hedgehog thought.

In the meantime Raichu was still trying to come to terms with its choice to keep the fate of Jolty from Espeon.

"It's not right but I can't. It will break his heart".

Sonic again looked around confused.

"Anybody there?" he called out.

"Strange. I could swear I'm hearing voices. Something about a broken heart this time".

Raichu heard this and felt the urge to thunder punch itself to faint. Sonic seemed to somehow listen to its thoughts.

"Is there a psychic type nearby doing that?" Raichu wondered, causally strolling around looking for the perpetrator of that mind connection.

Tails, having exhausted himself from all the thought had resorted to just staring at the sky.

"I'm totally unequipped for this. Damnit we should have caught that magikarp".

Espeon in the meantime was busy. Another magikarp was just below the surface. The two pokemon were staring at each other, communicating.

Tails took notice of this and then suddenly…

"Eureka! This is it!" he exclaimed taking out his phone again.

Espeon looked at him in confusion and a little annoyed as Magikarp had fled in fear due to the yell.

"Espeon I need your help big time. I will download some water type cries. I want you to use your psychic abilities to send them towards the lake like sound waves. Can you do that?"

Espeon nodded.

"Great. Let's start with this" Tails said downloading poliwag's cry. Chuck's poliwrath was strong and adding fighting to his roster would be good as well.

Nothing happened. Not losing hope in the least, Tails tried poliwhirl cry.

Espeon again used its psychic powers to disperse the cry but no result.

"We're not giving up. Drastic measures. Try gyarados" Tails said determined.

While Tails was executing his plan, Knuckles had finally arrived at the foot of the hill where the forest ended. He found some voltorbs there as well as magnemites, and even a species his dex identified as mareep.

Intrigued by mareep's seemingly innocent looks, Knuckles started pursuing it. Mareep of course run away.

"After it!" he told Quilava as they started pursuing it towards the open field habitat.

The mareep was faster but its terror of being chased made it swerve.

"We have to surround it. You go right I go left!"

The two split as Knuckles kept pursuing Mareep while baiting it towards a small hill that it wouldn't be able to climb.

Mareep reached the hill but got stuck. Trying to just run away again, it found itself cornered by Quilava.

"Nice work Quilava. We got it now!"

The excitement lasted mere moments as a new cry filled the air. And it seemed to come from something strong.

Sonic heard that cry as well as the habitat was close to his location. Looking there, he saw Knuckles having cornered a small, woolly pokemon but looking around frantic.

"He must have found something else. Or rather that has found him. But what is it?"

Raichu paid no attention to its trainers mumbling as it found a pokemon that a dex would identify as girafarig hiding in the bushes, using its apparently alive tail to observe them.

Raichu cried out in anger and tried to unleash a thunder punch towards it. Girafarig fled in fear.

"Raichu!" Sonic berated it, having heard the attack "what's gotten into you? You want to get us kicked out?"

Raichu looked away but still returned to his side. Sonic put down the binoculars.

"Raichu something's bothering you. Ever since last night when you wanted to exit the tent and slept outside. What is it?"

Raichu just looked away. Nobody could know.

"Raichu you know you can tell me right? We're a team" Sonic said softly as he kneeled "one for all and all for one right? There for each other. So please tell me what's bothering you".

Raichu contemplated it before a tall shadow was cast over them.

And then a breath.

A fiery breath.

Sonic's pupils shrank to a point.

"Oh boy" Sonic said shaken as he recognized the shadow and felt the breath on his back.

Turning around slowly, he was met by the ferocious look of Entei.

"Uh.. haha… hi".

Entei responded by preparing a stomp attack.

"Watch out!" Sonic screamed, grabbing Raichu and diving away.

Entei's stomp created a small crater on the ground. Looking at the duo of trainer and pokemon it roared. Somewhat angry too.

"Let's hope this won't get us much attention" Sonic thought as the two prepared for battle.

In the meantime Tails' trick had worked a little too well. An entire horde of the poliwag family had arrived. Tails had to bring out Steelix to keep them intimidated while deciding if and what to catch.

Steelix was doing a fine job holding the line, proving surprisingly obedient. Tails attributed this to his battle with Chuck as it had changed his whole viewpoint of himself as a trainer and Steelix probably felt that.

Right as Tails was about to decide to go for a poliwhirl, a hydro pump blasted Steelix, weakening it greatly. Following the attack back to the attacker, Tails gasped.

It was a Lapras that was racing towards them, swiftly swimming to the apparent defense of the other water pokemon.

"Wow! Now that is something. And a certain way to win the bet!" Tails exclaimed as he recalled Steelix and sent out butterfree.

"Butterfree I need you to bait Lapras! Do not use your moves just fly around it".

Butterfree obeyed and flew towards Lapras, flying around its before baiting it away from the shore. Tails, flying in pursuit took out a safari ball.

"Alright. Hope this works" he thought as he waited for the perfect opportunity to throw the ball.

On the other side Knuckles finally came face to face with the source of the cry he heard; a tall, yellow, familiar pokemon that first walked over from the other side of the cliff, then jumped down in front of mareep, giving it a chance to flee.

"No way! That's a…?!" Knuckles thought in awe as he let the pokedex do the work.

"Ampharos, the Light Pokémon. Ampharos is the second evolution of Mareep. Ampharos emits a strong light from the tip of its tail, which can be seen over long distances and serve as a beacon to those who are lost".

"I knew it!" Knuckles smiled in excitement "I knew it looked familiar! Now that is a worthy catch!"

Ampharos cried out and unleashed a thunderbolt. Knuckles and Quilava ducked out of the way.

"Dammit we can't fight back. This won't be easy" he said as the two prepared.

The three heroes had met their desired targets. All that was left was to do their best to catch them.

As butterfree dodged the attacks from Lapras as best it could, Tails kept putting off the attempt to catch it, trying to find the perfect opportunity but it just never came.

"Not good angle" he had thought the first time "too far away" the second time "it saw me" the third.

Lapras had quickly realized what was happening. Firing an ice beam towards butterfree, it clipped its wing, causing it to plummet into the water.

"Butterfree no!"

He remembered his lessons. No more inaction. Time to rise to the challenge.

As Lapras was preparing to fire another ice beam at the struggling butterfree, Tails flew in front of Lapras getting its attention for a moment.

That moment was enough.

The pokeball found its mark. Lapras was absorbed and the pokeball fell into the water.

Tails was hearing it wiggling but didn't look at it. Instead he rushed to lift Butterfree out of the water.

The ice clipping the big type's wing made his job harder and he made a self note to get some workouts with Knuckles to increase his strength enough to lift heavy loads.

"Butterfree you ok?"

The bug type cried out in discomfort. Tails immediately sent out scyther and tasked it with removing the ice without hurting butterfree.

The moment he gave the order, the catch sound was heard. Turning back he saw the pokeball peacefully floating in the water.

"Woah we caught it" he said in a joyous disbelief. That was one powerful pokemon. Both Mike's and Ash's were strong after all.

As Tails retrieved the pokeball, scyther managed to remove the ice from butterfree's wing by carefully slashing it off.

Tails praised his two pokemon for their help before all 3 were startled by a familiar roar.

The roar came from the direction Tails knew Sonic would be observing.

Turning his head he saw a thunder punch impact occurring as well as the billowing of a familiar mane.

"Entei?!" he exclaimed in shock.

Quickly recalling his pokemon, he took off, heading for his blue friend.

On the other side of the safari, Knuckles had adopted a similar battle style. Only difference was he tried throwing balls a lot more.

But ampharos just wouldn't seem to get caught no matter what. It kept breaking out of the balls.

"I just need some way to tank the thunderbolts until I can catch this thing. But how?"

Quilava slammed into the thinking Knuckles while dodging another thunderbolt, accidentally causing him to drop Larvitar's pokeball.

"Larvitar get back in!"

Larvitar however jumped in front of the next thunderbolt instead tanking it to perfection.

"OMG of course! You're a ground type! All right! Get ampharos' attention!"

Recalling Quilava, Knuckles decided to implement another crazy idea. In between thunderbolts he jumped towards ampharos holding the pokeball ahead.

The pokeball made contact with ampharos absorbing it. Knuckles then held the pokeball with all his strength to prevent it from breaking.

Many would tell him this was pointless and that he would get hurt if ampharos broke out while he was trying to forcibly hold it in. But Knuckles didn't care.

Two thoughts were prevalent in his mind at that very moment.

The first.

"Please join me Ampharos. We need you in the team".

The second.

"Just join us ok? I am not losing this bet".

The pokeball wiggled thrice and then beeped confirming the catch.

"Hell yeah!" Knuckles yelled raising the pokeball high in the air.

A fired flamethrower caught his eye. And it was coming from the hill Sonic was.

Knuckles looked that way and saw Entei attacking Raichu.

"What in the world?!" he shouted recalling Larvitar and racing there.

As both Knuckles and Tails were racing to his aid, Sonic was doing his best to dodge the attacks from the volcano pokemon. On the bright side, since Entei wasn't really a safari zone pokemon, Sonic decided to ignore the rules and had Raichu strike back.

"More thunder punches!"

Raichu jumped again and again trying to strike Entei, the legendary beast either absorbing the attacks with its mane or just dodging.

As Raichu was attacking again, it managed to deliver a thunder punch right at Entei's face. However the beast was barely phased.

The two pokemon crossed eyes for a split second as Raichu was still in mid-air ricochetting from the attack. And in that slow motion moment, Raichu heard Entei talk to it.

"Your conflict holds you back!"

Before Raichu could even process it, Entei had blasted it in the face with flamethrower, sending it rolling on the ground and pain through Sonic's body as he crouched groaning and grabbing his sides.

Raichu struggled to get up.

"I am not conflicted!" it cried out at Entei.

Entei roared and prepared to stomp down on Raichu.

Sonic took notice.

"No! Not this time!" he yelled.

With Tails and Knuckles arriving in that moment, Sonic moved like. A blur, getting in front of Entei and in a moment of deja vu, holding back the massive paw from stomping Raichu down.

"Sonic!" Knuckles called out to him, in fear that this was Ecutreak all over again.

"No not again!" Tails mumbled in concern.

Even though Sonic felt his body melt under the pressure he refused to back down. Instead letting out a battle screech, he shoved Entei to the side, causing the beast to topple and fall to its side, taken aback by the hedgehog's burst of strength.

Before Entei could react, Sonic had thrown a pokeball.

The ball absorbed Entei and then fell down.

Team Sonic held their breath.

One shake.

Two shakes.

Three shakes.

"No way!" Tails whispered under his breath.

The pokeball exploded in a burst of fire as Entei emerged, its body covered in a flaming aura and its look fierce and ferocious.

Sonic gulping, prepared to defend Raichu as he took out Quagsire's pokeball.

Entei however, stopped emitting the flaming aura and just looked at Raichu disappointed. Roaring one more time it started racing off.

"Rai!" Raichu cried out, getting up and chasing after Entei despite its injuries.

"Raichu where are you going?! Argh!" Sonic tried to stop it before kneeling again, exhausted from the effort.

As Tails and Knuckles rushed to tend to their injured comrade, Raichu managed to catch up to Entei who stopped.

"We're not done".

"Yes we are" Entei retorted.

"Why did you call me weak there?"

The final roar of Entei was the volcano pokemon calling Raichu weak.

"Because you are. I feel it. Your internal conflict is holding you back".

"I said I'm not conflicted!" Raichu jumped trying to thunder punch Entei again.

Entei again absorbed the attack with its mane and slammed Raichu down before pressing its paw against the electric type.

Entei looked down at Raichu, disgusted that this puny, torn electric type was meant to be its comrade very soon.

"Your inner conflict makes you slow and predictable. Go against your enemies with this mindset and what you fear will certainly come true!"

"Shut up!" Raichu tried breaking free using iron tail to no effect "you don't know me!"

Entei roared and prepared a sacred fire. Raichu's eyes were filled with fear.

The sacred fire was launched. And it missed on purpose.

"You have allowed fear to consume you" Entei said disappointed still holding down Raichu "such a disappointment. The mighty Raichu that stood against the monsters who captured my brother Raikou is a big fraud in the end".

Raichu felt broken at those words. Tears were now streaming down its cheeks.

Entei then let go and turned its back to leave. 3 steps away it looked over its shoulder or at least that's what it would do if it was a humanoid pokemon.

"Face your fear before it's too late. Or everything you cherish will be gone. And this time it will be your fault alone" it cryptically said before fleeing into the wilderness.

Raichu was left there looking at the sky, utterly lost. A crossroads was now before it. A choice.

A choice it thought had been made just that very morning.

Tell Espeon the truth and break its heart or lie to it and live with the guilt.

Either choice would mean the end of their friendship, whether that was sooner or later.

Chapter 70: Brewing catastrophe


As ominous signs foretell of a new plot by team rocket, team Sonic races to figure out the plot with the help of their allies. At the same time, detective Looker decides to take drastic measures against the heroes.

Chapter Text

Detective Jake Morrison switched off the engine of his car and exited the vehicle locking it.

Looker's call was concerning. Though it was indeed time to get back into the case after an extended leave due to the event with the beasts west of Ecutreak, he knew Looker wouldn't call him in such a rush. It must have been something truly horrific.

Making his way through the crowd of onlookers who were barraging him with questions about the police's progress in tracking down team rocket and if they were working with team Sonic to apprehend the criminals, he entered the abandoned building.

He found Looker in the main room of the building, along with several officers who were taking photos and collecting evidence.

"About time" Looker said without a hint of liveliness.

Before Morrison could respond, he finally noticed the reason he had been called there so urgently; the dead and bloodied body of Dr Jefferson Leeds. His skull had been smashed from the back and dried trails of blood were running down his back.

"Oh my god… what happened here?"

Looker then pointed to another critical piece of evidence; a big drawn red R in plain sight for everyone to see.

"Team rocket?!"

"Not sure. Maybe it is the case or someone could be trying to frame them".

"Could it be both? You know, they do it in secret then someone comes along and makes sure we know it was them".

"Possibly. Let's go to the station I'll fill you in on the details there".

As the two detectives exited the building a reporter again started badgering them.

"Detective a word please? Is it true team rocket was behind the murder of Dr Leeds?"

"We do not know for certain" Looker answered tersely.

"Detective team rocket is running rampant. What is your plan to protect Johto from them" another reporter tried to talk to him.

"No more comments" Looker dodged the question.

"Detective. Is team Sonic helping you with your investigation? "

Looker looked ready to explode and would have done so had Morrison not intervened in time.

"No more comments" Morrison said in a strict tone.

Before Looker could get into an argument with the reporters, the two were in Morrison's car, heading for the police station.

Along the way Morrison tried to get some info on the case but Looker insisted despite his anger they wait until they were at the station.

Once inside, they were faced with a gruesome task; breaking the news to Dr Leeds' family.

"Mrs Leeds?"

The widow looked up to meet their eyes. Her own eyes were red from all the tears.

In a nearby room, the two kids of Dr Leeds and his wife were being kept company by an officer Jenny who kept them busy while trying to break the news in a way that would not traumatize them for life.

"D-detective?" Mrs Leeds stuttered "d-did you find any c-clues?"

"All evidence currently points to team rocket ma'am" Morrison answered for Looker.

Mrs Leeds was fighting to not break down again.

"B-but… but why? What did they want? What did we have so valuable that was worth… taking him from us?"

"That's what we want to talk to you about ma'am" Looker stepped in "did your husband display any unusual behavior in the last few days?"

"N-no. Not at all. The only thing that broke our routine was the story he told our children about meeting team Sonic".

Team Sonic. Looker struggled to maintain his composure.

Ever since the incident with the legendary Raikou which had resulted in the gruesome death of at least 10 rocket grunts, the hedgehog and his allies had become known as team Sonic throughout Johto. And so had their mission.

The catalyst for it was gym leader Jasmine. She had started spreading these facts, as she called them, about team Sonic. Now the three vigilantes were being seen as heroes. And Looker couldn't stand it.

The three maniacs had apparently killed 10 rocket grunts and no one batted an eye to it?

"What were the conditions of their meeting?" Morrison asked to give Looker a second to cool down.

"One of their members was injured. My husband… treated them. He said to our children that they were heroes who had returned from battle and needed his help to get better and continue their fight against the bad guys".

Looker was fuming. He started pacing up and down the room.

"Did he tell you anything about this?"

"Yes… he told me the one he treated… the one named Tails… displayed unique abilities during treatment".

Looker calmed down enough to process this new info.

That was the case in the end.

Team rocket captured, interrogated and tortured Dr Leeds to death for information.

For information on team Sonic.

"I see" Morrison nodded "thank you ma'am. Your help has been invaluable".

"Are they helping you?" she asked before they left.


"Is team Sonic helping you track down the… criminals".

Morrison hesitated.

"No ma'am. We are not cooperating".

"I… I just thought… they could be of help to finding my husband's…"

"Team Sonic is the reason your husband's dead!" Looker exploded.


"Looker calm down. Let's leave her be".

"No Morrison! Enough is enough! I won't let three vigilantes be seen as heroes! Ma'am" he approached her "team rocket went after your husband to learn about team Sonic. They are the reason your husband and was tortured and killed! Do you really think we would work with them?!"

Mrs Leeds managed to maintain her composure despite the massive stress.

"You think it didn't cross my mind just now detective? I figured as much myself… but I don't care. They weren't the ones to kill him. They are pursuing the ones who did it".

Looker wasn't ready to quit. Taking out a picture he had in his jacket he revealed the scene of the truck's explosion to her.

"You see that? This is the work of your heroes".

"Looker are you insane?! This is not for public eyes!" Morrison tried to stop him but was shoved aside.

"Your heroes brutally murdered more than 10 human beings! What do you think of them now?"

Mrs Leeds grabbed the photo with surprisingly steady hands.

Most would think that knowing what team Sonic was capable of, she would start doubting them.

But her face wasn't one of doubt. It was one of assurance.

"Those who took my husband were not human beings detective. They were monsters. And these… they got what they deserved".

"NOBODY DESERVES TO…" Looker began screaming before being knocked unconscious by Morrison.

"I'm terribly sorry Mrs Leeds. I cannot apologize enough for…"

"Is it true?" she asked him giving back the photo "I do believe they got what they deserved but did team Sonic really kill…"

"According to what is said, not directly ma'am".

"… shame"

Morrison thanked her again for her help and let her be. Taking the unconscious Looker to the room provided for the case, he splashed water into his face to wake him up.

"Are you out of you mind Looker?!"

Looker didn't respond.

"Tell me are you out of your mind?"

"… we're publishing the photo".


"You heard me. I won't accept these maniacs being treated like heroes. They killed… no they tore apart an entire team of team rocket members".

Morrison was at a loss for words.

"Looker… this has gone on long enough. Ever since we started on this case, you have never lost your cool" Morrison said taking a seat.

"Back when team Sonic broke into the police station – and for the record this is your claim – I asked you why you wanted to bring down both team Sonic and Giovanni. You told me that you want to tear down their legends" Morrison leaned forward.

"What do you care whether Sonic the hedgehog and Giovanni are legends? Our job is to find and bring Giovanni to justice for his crimes in Kanto".

Looker breathed heavily for a few moments before answering.

"I've already explained myself Morrison. I can't accept that no one cares about the destruction Sonic the hedgehog and his allies leave behind. Do you even know that silph co is on the edge of bankruptcy?"

"I'm well aware".

"You're well aware… are you well aware that hundreds of employees, hundreds of innocent people are on the verge of losing their jobs and therefore their ability to provide for their families, don't blame him at all?! No one, not even one damn person tries to hold him accountable for bringing an entire company to its knees!"

Morrison remained calm.

"Looker I took their statements before we came here. I know that already. But have you even tried to consider their own point of view?"

"What have I told you about bringing your emotions to work?"

"Funny. It's you who went berserk there".

Looker spat.

"Is the feeling of despair and uncertainty they are probably feeling not enough for you?"

Morrison waved his head in dissatisfaction.

"These very same people were the ones manufacturing pokeballs, that item called silph scope to locate ghost pokemon, and many other pokemon related gear. All for the purpose of hurting the pokemon because of team rocket having a secret hold on them. Can you imagine how they felt about that? How much, much stronger they were making team rocket? How much stronger team rocket would have become had the hedgehog not stopped them?"

"So you're excusing his actions based on a sentiment?"

Morrison closed his eyes as he thought about it.

"No. Nor is it my job to do so to begin with. The company had the choice to press charges against him. The president literally put this up to a vote amongst his employees. 93% of them voted that charges no be pressed".

Looker cursed and started pacing around the room again.

"So you see Looker, there is really no point in trying to get the hedgehog about anything anymore. Maybe if you had managed to get him in Ecutreak we could have something against him. Now that is no longer possible. The people see him and his comrades as heroes. And frankly…" Morrison smiled a bitter smile "I hate to admit it but they are doing a fine job against team Rocket".

"So that's it?" Looker asked his partner in anger "we just continue allowing them to ruthlessly murder them?"

"You know they weren't the ones who killed team rocket right? The truck pieces were covered in burn marks. Also molecules of gasoline drops found on the scene proved that the gas had been ignited by electricity. Electricity of magnitude a Raichu can't possibly reach".

Looker knew what this meant. One of the clear facts about that day was that team rocket had tried to capture the legendary Raikou.

"So you see… the one who took the lives of those team rocket members had to have been Raikou. And that paired with Suicune's accidental drowning of two of our men… yeah I don't think it's wise or even safe to try and get team Sonic. The beasts clearly have their back".

Looker slumped into a chair.

"I just… this isn't right… we're supposed to uphold the law. Allowing vigilantes to take the law into their own hands will lead to chaos".

Morrison thought about it before answering.

"Have you wondered why no one else tried to fight back against team rocket in Kanto?"

Looker didn't understand the question.

"What are you talking about? It was the police's job. Why else would anyone…"

"No Looker. When you're attacked and your pokemon is threatened to be taken…" Morrison stopped before continuing "you have the obligation to fight back. Not just surrender your pokemon and hope the police will find it. But team Rocket had such utter domination in the Kantonian underworld that fear crippled everyone they came across before the battle even began. I don't think the hedgehog is the only who did… but I doubt many had the courage to stand against such overwhelming odds and come out on top".

Looker waited to see what his partner was getting at.

"Sonic the hedgehog's greatest opponent was fear. Fear of team rocket. Of their horrible capabilities. Of their heartless boss. And he stood against it all, never faltered and destroyed them. Can you even begin to imagine what he seems to others like? A symbol of hope. A hero with no fear" Morrison explained passionately "someone on our side".

Looker could see through the passion though.

"This is personal isn't it?"

Morrison looked away for a moment.

"My son's Ivysaur was stolen by them. The destruction of their final base in Viridian city brought upon its reunion with my son. I owe the hedgehog my son's happiness… or at least a big part of it".

Looker sighed.

"Jake… I'm sorry. But you are out of the case".


"You're too close to be impartial. Your sympathy for the hedgehog is clouding your judgement".

"Are you serious now Looker? After literally losing your shit over someone asking if we are working together with team Sonic you're going to kick me out because of clouded judgement?!"

"I will not have a trio of vigilantes roaming free anymore. The moment they return to town, they will be arrested for the murder of the rocket grunts".

"Looker you're losing it".

Looker headed out of the room without replying.

"Someone escort detective Morrison out of the building please".

2 minutes later, Morrison was in his car, having forcibly been removed from the case.

"What now? If team Sonic is arrested, team Rocket wins…" Morrison thought before getting an idea.

Igniting the engine, he started driving. A premature plan was forming in his mind.

On the other side of the bay in Cianwood city, team Sonic was wrapping up the next leg of training. And said leg had brought big changes to their lineup.

Having Blastoise along for the training made a huge difference. The battle hardened turtle proved to be a match for all team members, save Raichu, of all 3 heroes.

After the sparring, the team began having Blastoise teach moves to any pokemon who could learn it. That included giving protect to several team members, including Knuckles' weepinbel with its moveset now consisting of razor leaf, poison powder, protect and sleep powder. With protect now added over vine whip, Knuckles wanted to remove sleep powder over a poison move like sludge bomb. But that would have to wait until they had a proper reunion with Sonic's Kanto team to pick up more moves.

Knuckles also decided it was time and placed the leaf stone in front of Weepinbel. The grass and poison type took the opportunity and evolved magnificently into Victreebel. Its journey had come full circle as it was picked up as a bellsprout in the sprout tower after the defeat of a Victreebel and now it was a Victreebel as well.

Another who benefited from learning protect was Sonic's Bayleef. Its moveset was now complete as well. Poison powder, leech seed, protect and razor leaf. Adding that to its rigorous defensive training, it was now a nearly immovable object. It would be their shield in the coming conflict.

Tails' new additions to his team, Steelix and Lapras also benefited greatly from Blastoise. Steelix picked up protect to shield itself from moves while squeezing its opponents to defeat. Though the fine tuning would require a little bit of work as it would be making contact with its opponent and therefore had to try and shield from a close range attack.

Steelix also picked up rock slide after being tutored by Sonic and Knuckle's Larvitars which seemed hilarious to the team. The little ones teaching the big one.

Lapras picked up ice beam from Blastoise to add to hydro pump, confuse ray and body slam. According to Tails, the reason it knew hydro pump so early was probably because it had been passed down to it from its parents. It was rare for powerful moves to be passed down at birth but not unheard of.

Knuckles' new addition, Ampharos also picked up protect, as it already knew thunderbolt and a useful move known as cotton spore which would prove useful in lower the opponent's mobility and speed.

Lastly Sonic's Quagsire learned hydro pump from Blastoise as well as ice beam to add to mud shot along with protect.

Their team was slowly but steadily reaching their final forms. And evidence of this was seen on a unique occasion.

On their final spar, Sonic and Knuckles were having a two vs two battle. Sonic was using his Bayleef and his shiny Larvitar, and Knuckles had gone with his own Larvitar and Quilava.

Their clash was epic and close to its finale, all 4 pokemon evolved at once. Tails managed to record the final leg of the evolution, as 3 new pokemon emerged.

Typhlosion, Meganium, a normal sea blue Pupitar and a shiny purple Pupitar.

Of course they had shown Jet in a video call who fell off his chair in shock. 4 pokemon evolving at the same time had to be a one in a lifetime instance, if not first time ever.

During the call, team Sonic got to interact with Wave as well, who was introduced to Knuckles. They all then discussed Wave's return to Green Hills as well as explaining what had transpired over their Johto journey along with what laid ahead.

The call ended with Wave wishing the team good luck and to be very careful. They assured her and Jet they had it and hang up.

Right upon hanging up however, they were called by a familiar face.

"Hello?" Sonic answered the phone.



"Sonic listen! Things have gone to hell here. The police is crawling all over the city! You need to stay away from here for now!"

"What?!" Sonic exclaimed in shock "what happened?!"

"Someone was murdered!"

Sonic couldn't respond. What he had heard was unreal.

"Jaz what are you saying?! And what has this got to do with us?"

"Detective Looker is planning to indirectly blame you for it!"

Sonic was shocked beyond belief.

"H-hold on. I'm putting you on speaker".

Tails and Knuckles joined in.

"Jaz everything ok?" Tails asked her.

"No! I told you someone was murdered!"

"Who?!" Knuckles almost grabbed the phone out of Sonic's hand.

"Dr… Dr Leeds".

"Who's that?" Sonic asked confused.

Tails however gasped as his pupils widened. He recalled seeing a name plate at the hospital after his treatment.

"Dr Jefferson Leeds?" he asked with a trembling voice.


"You know him?" Sonic asked his friend.

"We… know him Sonic".

"We do?"

"Yeah… he is the doctor who healed me after the last battle".

Silence took over.

"Jaz is that true?" Sonic tried to keep his cool "was he…"

"Yes. By team rocket".

"What?!" all three members of team Sonic cried out at once.

Anger flared, Sonic responded.

"We're on our way Jaz!"

"No you need to stay away. I learned from a reliable source detective Looker wants to go public with everything… and have the police go after you!"

"Us?!" Knuckles yelled angry "we did nothing!"

"I know… but detective Looker is holding you accountable for the brutal demise of everyone in that truck… and is ready to paint the murder of Dr Leeds as payback towards you!"

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles looked at each other. Things had just gone from bad to catastrophic.

"There's got to be something we can do" Sonic thought.

"Wait a minute".


"Someone named Ash is waiting at the lobby, wanting to challenge me for my badge".

"ASH!" team Sonic screamed at once.

That was their way out.

"Jaz let him in! We need to talk to him!"

Jasmine was perplexed by this but relented.

Heading to the main lobby she was immediately greeted by a battle eager Ash.

"Gym leader Jasmine I challenge you for your badge!" he immediately said oblivious to her clearly disturbed mentality.

"Someone wants to talk to you" she said handing him the phone.

"Ash can you hear me?!" Sonic's voice came out of the phone.


"Listen! The situation is dire. And we need your help NOW!"

Ash was deeply perplexed by the apparent severity but agreed.

"All right. What do you want me to do?!"

"Jaz when was the body found?"

"The body?!" Ash exclaimed in disbelief, causing Pikachu to fall off his shoulder.

"About 3 hours ago".

"Did your source say when..."

"Yesterday" she tersely said so as to not disturb Ash.

"I see. Ash listen. I need you to tell me if you saw any weird activity today in Olivine city!"

Ash racked his brain.

"Jessie and James tried to steal Pikachu while we were at the port".

"Anything else?"

"Well… no".

"Are you certain?" Sonic asked him before turning to see how their quick preparedness was coming along.

"Yes… I mean Jessie did look at a boat leaving the port as if she recognized some of the passengers but she didn't pay them any mind".

Sonic considered it before taking a risk.

"Where was the boat headed?"

"… i'm not sure… but I think it was the islands in the middle of the bay".

"The whirl islands?!" Jasmine interjected "I heard a group negotiating with a boat captain to get there".

Tails heard this as Knuckles was gathering the last of their things.

"Do you know him?"

"Captain Stevens. Gives tours of the whirl islands from afar".

"Could you go and find him? Ask him to describe what that group looked like?" Tails asked her.


"Do so and quickly. Let us know what he said as soon as possible!" Sonic told them and hang up, helping Knuckles pack everything up as soon as possible.

Jasmine and Ash immediately headed out, running into Brock and Misty who were busy, more specifically Misty pulling Brock ear from 'harassing' another girl with his non-existent rizz.

Both could tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Misty asked them, releasing Brock.

"A lot. Follow me. I'll explain as we go" Jasmine said in a hurry.

As the four trainers made their way to the port where captain Stevens' apartment was, Jasmine informed them of murder of Dr Leeds sparing the gruesome details and explaining Sonic's forthcoming troubles.

"He believes the people who were negotiating with captain Stevens were team rocket. So we need to know what he talked about with them".

"How do we know he is here?" Brock asked her as he saw no boat where it was meant to be docked, in front of a billboard advertising the tours of the whirl islands.

Jasmine however knew captain Stevens' schedule. He wasn't giving tours at the present time. The absence of the boat was unnerving.

Rushing to his apartment building's door she rang the bell but no one responded.

"Come on" she pleased but still no one answered.

"Step aside" Ash said "Pikachu thunderbolt!"

The electric type mouse struck the bell, disabling the lock as it was circuit was burned.

Rushing to his apartment door, they found it mysteriously unlocked.

Jasmine cautiously pushed the door open.

"Hello? Captain Stevens?"

No one answered.

The four trainers entered cautiously.

"Maybe he is out for a walk?" Ash guessed as looked around the living room.

As if guided by a hunch, Jasmine headed for the bedroom.

She pushed the door open.

What she saw scarred her for life.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!" she screamed her lungs out.

On his own bed, or rather his deathbed, was captain Stevens, skull burst open from behind due to strike by a blunt object.

Jasmine stepped back out and shut the door in horror, kneeling in the floor and hugging her feet.

It was the exact same way her contact had said Dr Leeds was killed.

Ash and co came rushing.

"Jasmine what's wrong?!"

Getting up in an almost lifeless but scarred fashion, Jasmine simply said 5 words.

"Don't. Go… in there…"

Ash tried to regardless, but Brock held him back.

He could tell what Jasmine meant.

Leaving the scene before anyone noticed them snooping around, Jasmine took some fresh breaths by the sea before all 4 of them used her phone to contact team Sonic.

"What did you find?" he immediately asked.

Jasmine tried to speak but her voice cracked.

Brock took the phone.

"Jasmine… found him… gone…"

Pause from the other side.

"Damn… we pushed them too much into a corner… they're not leaving any loose ends".

"Sonic his boat is missing" Ash informed the hedgehog.

Pause again as Sonic thought it over.

"I see… that means they probably stole it… we need to find that boat".

"It will probably be at the whirl islands by now…" Jasmine managed to say, upsetting Sonic by the way she sounded.

Gathering his composure again, Sonic called his friends together and relayed the info to them.

"Tails any ideas on how to proceed?"

Tails took a moment to consider it.

"We need to find them… and to find them, we need to find the boat… that requires… someone finding the boat from above".

"So flying" Sonic surmised "but I don't have a flying type… none of us does".

"You do" Ash reminded him "your Moltres. It came to you in Greenfield right? Maybe you can call it again".

"Not a good idea. If the police are crawling all over Olivine, they will realize what the sudden appearance of the Moltres means" Sonic shut him down.

"What if Tails flew to find the boat?" Misty suggested.

"Or I could use Noctowl to look myself" Ash also suggested.

"No…" Sonic again disagreed "flying in general is not really the best option here. Any such action will attract attention. We need a way to scan the islands from a high enough point to find the boat without attracting unwanted attention".

"Is there even such a spot that looks at the bay?" Knuckles asked aloud.

Everyone went silent for a few moments.

"There is!" Jasmine yelled startling everyone "the lighthouse! It has those rooted binoculars where you pay to use to observe, just without the paying part".

"Yeah… yeah that will work. Would they be good enough to look at the whirl islands in great detail?"

"That's what they were made for" Jasmine explained "ships would wreck there a lot a few years ago".

"Perfect. Go to the lighthouse and relay what you see. Also um… give the police an anonymous call. Someone should find… the poor captain" Sonic concluded.

"Will do" Jasmine confirmed hanging up.

"You said you have a Noctowl correct?"

"I do".

"We'll fly to the lighthouse with it. Time is of the essence. Brock, Misty, call the police ANONYMOUSLY. Tell them… about captain Stevens".

"Got it" Brock nodded.

Calling out Noctowl, Ash and Jasmine soared towards the lighthouse. It was thankful Noctowl was big enough to carry them both there.

Reaching the lighthouse, Jasmine raced up the stairs while Ash followed in his own pace.

Reaching the top, after petting Sparkle the Ampharos for a moment to calm it down, she started observing the whirl islands through the binoculars.

As she looked through each of the small islands, she couldn't help but wonder why captain Stevens had to die.

Sonic had said team Rocket was tying up loose ends. But why was he a loose end?

The answer came to her as she finally located the boat on the center island.

The largest of them. And the hardest one to get to.

"That's it" she muttered as Ash arrived.

"What's what?"

"I know why they had to take out captain Stevens" she muttered as she sat down with the back against the lighthouse's wall "they must have known stealing the boat wouldn't be enough. They needed to navigate to the islands. He knew how to get to each one through the whirls. And once they got what they needed…"

Ash looked towards the islands in realization as well.

He called Sonic.

"Tell me you got something".

"We do. The boat is in the central island".

"Where there is a system of caves said to be inhabited by the legendary Lugia" Jasmine added as she remembered captain Stevens' apparent stories of his encounters with the Guardian of the Seas.

"Of course…" Sonic said with a rising anger in his voice "they don't give up. They are desperate to get a legendary pokemon to fight us and/or for their evil plans. When I get my hands on them I swear I'll…"

"Can you guys help us navigate there from where you are?" Tails stopped him.

Ash and Jasmine, unnerved by Sonic's sudden shift in tone, feeling his rage even from the lighthouse, confirmed they could. Ash however wasn't fond of the idea.

"Will you be able to help both of us at once?"

"What for?"

"I'm going there too".

"No Ash. This is between them and us" Sonic's cold and menacing voice echoed in the room "stay where you are. Things will get ugly there".

"If you think I will sit down and do nothing while Lugia needs our help you are wrong! I am on my way and that's final" Ash said hanging up and running down the stairs.

Jasmine barely had time to process this before her phone rang.

"Jaz you need to stop him! If he comes flying he will lead the police there himself! Do NOT let him escape!"

Before the phrase was even completed, Jasmine witnessed Ash and his shiny Noctowl fly away.

"Too late".

"What?! Shit! There's no time to waste then! Do not hang up. Lead us there".

"Got it!" she said, steadying the phone on her shoulder with her head and putting the binoculars on again.

"Tails! Knuckles! We're off!" Sonic declared.

With Sonic and Knuckles riding on Blastoise and Tails following while airborne, holding Sonic's phone to communicate with Jasmine, the heroes set sail for the whirl islands.

From afar they could see Ash who had just informed Brock and Misty via a call that they were heading to the whirl islands to save Lugia.

Brock and Misty understood and wished him luck as they had no safe way of following.

A new battle was at hand. And the stakes were a lot higher than before.

Chapter 71: A whirl of conflict, part 1


As team Sonic approaches the whirl islands to stop team rocket, things take a turn for the worse when Looker reveals crucial evidence to the public regarding the two teams' previous encounter.

Chapter Text

Detective Looker was sick to his stomach.

Two bodies in one day.

And both killed in the same way.

Team Rocket had crossed a big line today.

"All because team Sonic pushed them into a corner" he thought in anger.

The moment an anonymous call arrived, secretly made by Kanto gym leader Brock, he knew something was taking place in that very moment somewhere close.

And that somewhere else had to be the whirl islands.

After all the murder of captain Stevens meant this very thing; team Rocket was planning something at the whirl islands. And it was most likely going down now.

"And he was the only one who knew how to safely cross the whirls" he thought in frustration "that's why they killed him. To make sure they wouldn't be followed by sea".

"What do we do now detective?" an officer asked after finally gathering all the evidence from the crime scene.

"Man the boats and circle the whirl islands as soon as possible. Team Rocket is there now. That means team Sonic will go there as well. This is our chance to capture both".

The officer nodded and rushed to relay the order to bring out the police boats.

When Looker however came out of the apartment, the same crowd that had been trying to get answers about the death of dr Leeds had gathered outside.

At first Looker paid them no mind. He thought they once again had come to confirm the murder. After all captain Stevens was a beloved member of the community.

But he soon realized they were not there for the death of the captain; instead they were all looking towards the whirl islands.

Looker was about to ask what was happening when a helicopter flew over the crowd heading for the whirl islands.

At the same time, a TV crew arrived. A reporter came out and positioned herself in front of the sea so that the whirl islands could be seen behind her. She then started talking as they went live.

"We are live at the scene of the murder of beloved ferry boat captain Kai Stevens. The crime has been confirmed to be the doing of the notorious criminal gang known as team rocket. Evidence points to the criminals having interrogated and executed the captain for information regarding safe passage to the whirl islands complex where for decades people have speculated the legendary Lugia has made its home. Thomas what do you see from up there?"

Looker, who had blended in with the crowd, stood next to a young woman as she took out her phone and entered the livestream of the channel reporting the news.

"As you can see Miranda below us there in the distance is the famous ferry boat that captain Stevens used to sail the bay so many times in his life. Also there's seems to be some activity down there. We will try to get a better view".

Looker couldn't believe it. How did the public know of this? The death of captain Stevens was not more than two hours ago.

Who had leaked the news to the public?

In the distance the chopper attempted to lower down towards the islands only to be forced to retreat when a barrage of poison, ground and flying type attacks threatened to bring it down.

The livestream then went back up.

"As you probably saw Miranda we were almost struck down from the sky. There are tens of team rocket members down there, obviously standing guard. I am afraid the worst yet to come".

Miranda turned back to the camera taking over the feed.

"Unbelievable news ladies and gentlemen. The whirl islands have been taken over. What are the authorities' plans to apprehend the criminals? Stay tuned for more soon".

The onlookers immediately started discussing amongst themselves.

"Team rocket needs to be stopped".

"But who will? The police hasn't made any progress in stopping them".

"Do you think team Sonic will come to the rescue?"

The last question made Looker mad. Quickly removing himself from the crowd he dialed a number.

"Where are those damn boats already?"

"We uuh… have a slight problem sir".

"Slight? How slight we talking about?"

"Well… someone emptied all the boats of fuel slight".

"Say what?!"

"They were locked away sir. That means there are moles inside the police".

"Don't point out the obvious! Fuel them and get out there!"

"It's going to take a while sir".

Looker cursed.

"Make that while last less! And hurry!" he yelled hanging up and rejoining the crowd.

As he was about to approach reporter Miranda to have her get his statement that the police boats were about to set out for the whirl islands to apprehend the criminals, the livestream started again.

"Thomas you got something for us?" Miranda spoke the camera.

"Yes Miranda! I got something the world needs to hear! Hope lives! Help is on the way".

Looker smiled in satisfaction.

But he had smiled prematurely.

The livestream then played a scene of the sea below the helicopter which was on the other side of the bay.

"Underneath us, even though they're too far to make out clearly, three trainers are heading towards the whirl islands".

A kid from the crowd identified a familiar spiky blue head.

"It's team Sonic!" it shouted with all its lung capacity.

Everyone started murmuring and looking at their screens trying to make out what they were watching.

Soon enough the murmurs started turning into loud cheers.

Looker tried to make out what they were saying.

"Kid's right!"

"It's them!"

"Team Sonic is here!"

"Go get them team Sonic!"

And before Looker knew it the entire port was screaming one singular phrase.


Miranda positioned herself to show the cheering crowd behind her while instructing the channel to play the video footage Thomas got from the helicopter.

"My dear watchers. Hope lives. As you can see in the video footage playing and hear the roars of the crowd behind me, the heroes known as team Sonic, consisting of the hero of Kanto Sonic the hedgehog and his two loyal allies, having been identified as Miles Prower and Knuckles the echidna, are on their way to once again foil team rocket's plans. With just their emergence they have restored hope to everyone. And after their great victory against the criminal organization two weeks ago, I dare say the legendary Lugia has nothing to fear".

Jasmine, who was watching the livestream while helping Sonic navigate towards the island was satisfied at what she was seeing.

"You hear that guys?" she asked them via the phone "everyone's cheering for you".

"We can hear them from down here too" Sonic confirmed.

"Turn left. Reef up ahead".

Blastoise turned, avoiding crashing into the barely visible underwater reef.

"Close call. Thanks Jaz".

"Don't thank me yet. There's still a ways to go".

"We know" Tails said as he could see they were still too far from the islands to relax.

As the crowd of onlookers kept cheering for team Sonic, Looker left for a few moments.

Then returned with a couple of officers and a megaphone.

As he tested it, the annoyed crowd turned to the source of the sound.

"Attention, attention! Remove yourselves from the scene immediately. The police will shortly be heading out to arrest the criminals".

The onlookers remained silent for a moment then immediately went back to cheering for team Sonic.

Looker sighed in disappointment. The crowd wouldn't listen. At least not to him.

Approaching Miranda he requested that he be allowed to make a statement on the case. As he was positioned in front of the crowd he took a deep breath.

The legend of Sonic ended today.

"Residents of Johto. I am detective Looker, the lead detective in the case of team rocket. And today the police is going to arrest all lawbreakers that are on that island complex".

"That's great detective. How soon will the police be joining team Sonic in the fight against team Rocket?" Miranda asked pointing the microphone towards him.

"I believe there's a misunderstanding here. There will be no joining. The police doesn't cooperate with criminals".

Both Miranda and the cameraman exchanged a look of confusion.

"I must be misunderstanding something myself here detective. For a moment there you seemed to be indicating that the police is planning to arrest team Sonic as well".

"That is exactly what's going to happen on the whirl islands today" Looker said, his entire being flooding with a sense of satisfaction.

The effects of his last phrase however were profound.

The crowd immediately went silent. And they all turned to look at him stunned.

"It's time the truth comes out about team Sonic. They are not the heroes everyone thinks they are" Looker continued undeterred, revealing the photo of the destroyed truck.

"This is the aftermath of what you called their great victory. A truck torn apart by an explosion and over 10 team rocket members dead. This is THEIR work. These!" he shouted pointing towards the islands "these are your heroes! Nothing more or less than cold blooded murderers who are out to completely obliterate team rocket!"

The crowd was looking at the photo through the livestream. They could not believe it. It couldn't possibly be true.

Jasmine herself was shaken by the turn of events. But not for the same reason as everyone else.

"Guys! Detective Looker is painting you as monsters!"

To her surprise however Tails responded with an uncanny calmness.

"I thought that would happen. Thankfully being a tech savvy genius, I have an out to this. But we will need your help Jaz. You spread the rumors that turned us into heroes in the eyes of the Johtonians. Therefore you are the only one who can shatter Looker's effort. Will you do it?"

"Of course!" Jasmine agreed in a heartbeat though not understanding how.

"Good. Then allow me".

Getting his phone and using an advanced software he developed himself based on the technology tech experts used to connect from afar to other peoples' computers for tech service, he hacked into Jasmine's phone.

"Don't panic and sorry in advance. That is me. I will hack into the livestream with your phone so that everyone can see and hear you. Afterwards it's up to you".

Jasmine understood and agreed.

A few clicks and processing bars later everything was set. In the meantime, Jasmine could see the people faltering in their beliefs. It was natural though.

Looker had spoken first. He could paint the situation any way he chose unless stopped.

"We're set" Tails' voice informed her. You ready?"


Tails took a deep breath. From atop Blastoise Sonic nodded.

Now or never.

"Here goes nothing" Tails said establishing the link.

The live feed was cut. Looker's face was replaced by Jasmine's.

"My friends this is gym leader Jasmine. Don't listen to detective Looker. He is not telling you the whole truth".

Everyone started murmuring.

"What?!" Looker exclaimed then turning to the reporter "what's happening?"

"We're not live anymore. Someone hacked into the system" the cameraman said.

Looker couldn't believe it.

It had to be the hedgehog's tech savvy friend's doing.

"What the detective showed you is real" Jasmine continued trusting that trust was built on truth "but it wasn't team Sonic who did this. That was the revenge the legendary Raikou had on team rocket. Team Sonic released it and it chose to destroy its captors".

The onlookers seemed to believe it. After all rumors of the legendary beasts being acquainted with team Sonic was no longer just rumors but facts according not only to gym leader Morty but known legendary beast researcher Eusine.

"Detective Looker is painting them as monsters because of their unorthodox actions. He is out to get Sonic the hedgehog for what happened at Silph co in the Kanto region. But by doing so he is dangerously ignoring the big picture" Jasmine continued with her voice gaining a hint of passion.

"Team Sonic may not be officials… but they are the ones out there right now. Heading to the whirl islands to save pokemon. They are the ones about to risk their lives selflessly to save Pokemon for the who-knows-how-manyeth time. So it's time someone said it at last" Jasmine said before taking a deep breath.

"Team rocket are monsters. And team Sonic are the monster hunters we need. So let's give them all the support we can. For right here, right now… it is them who are on their way to the whirl islands! Not the police! They are the ones about to risk their necks again for the safety of the pokemon as well as our own, not the police!"

Every last one of the onlookers started roaring cries of support that easily reached both the ears of team Sonic as well as Ash who had been trying to find a spot to land on the whirl islands while the rocket grunts were making his life harder.

"Woah" both he and Noctowl froze for a moment as they heard the cries of support "look at that".

Detective Looker wasn't ready to give up however.

"Stop supporting them! They have caused the collapse of Silph…" he tried to say through the megaphone before the mob grew angry and tried to get him only to be stopped by the two officers revealing their guns.

Fleeing the scene in defeat Looker again called to see what was going on with the boats.

"We found a mole sir. But he is not talking".

"What about the boats?"

"That's the problem sir… we caught him trying to sabotage the boats. He drilled holes in the hulls. We need to plug them first".

"Damnit. Do so but quickly! Team Sonic will escape".

"Sir don't you mean team Rocket will escape?"

"I know what I said! Do your job!"

Hanging up, he leaned against the wall.

It couldn't possibly be happening. He had told everyone what team Sonic had done and still they supported them.

"Why…" Looker muttered defeated "why is no one looking at the bigger picture?"

After Jasmine's speech, Tails cut the link with her phone, although the call continued.

"You did it Jaz. I knew we could count on you" Sonic thanked her.

"We owe you big time" Knuckles added in gratefulness.

"Kick team rocket out and we're even" Jasmine's voice answered.

"Will do" Sonic said confidently. "how close are we?"

"You're almost there. Dodge the underwater rock in front of you and you will have successfully passed through the whirls".

Sonic patted Blastoise. The water type swam by the underwater rock and just like that team Sonic had entered the whirl islands.

A pair of rocket grunts stationed nearby refrained from engaging, calling the head of the operation, admin Petrel, for instructions.

"Stop them by any means necessary!" was he short and angry reply.

As he shut off his communicator, he looked forward at the crossroad.

"This whole damn place is a maze" he thought fighting to maintain his calmness.

"Sir, where do we go?" a grunt asked from behind, agitating him further.

"We split. Half of you go right, the rest with me on the left. Let's go chop-chop. Lest you want to stay here to slow team Sonic down".

The grunts didn't need another word. Quickly splitting into two teams they proceeded deeper into the caves.

On the surface, team Sonic finally managed to get on the main island where the cave was located. Quickly spotting the grunts on patrol, Knuckles knocked them out, though not as quietly as he hoped.

There was no follow up however. And that worried the three heroes.

"Where is everyone?" Tails inquired as he flew around for a bit seeing no one.

"Jaz?" Sonic spoke to the phone "give me something. Do you see where the rockets are?"

A short pause later she replied.

"On the other side of the island. And they are trying to capture Ash!"

Sonic gasped but was also filled with disappointment.

"Why can't that moron ever listen? Let's go!"

"Wait!" Tails stopped him "I have an idea. Knuckles look for the entrance to the cave. Sonic with me. I need you to be the bait".

"For what?"

"You can say its' time to unveil what I've been tinkering with" the fox smiled mischievously.

Both Sonic and Knuckles were intrigued but had no time to ask for details. Knuckles immediately started scaling the walls of the rocky surface, his gauntlets digging into the rock like it was butter.

Tails then soared and grabbed Sonic's hands, lifting him high in the air, as he began explaining his plan.

A little further away

"Raticate super fang!"

Raticate's attack connected, damaging Pikachu greatly.

"Golbat air cutter!"

Golbat unleashed the power of the wind towards Heracross. The massive bug and fighting type fainted instantly.

"Heracross no!"

"Surrender kid!" one of the grunts warned Ash "you are outmatched".

"Never! I'm the one who will become a Pokemon master! I won't let you hurt any more pokemon".

"Hehe that's rich. You can't beat us alone!"

"He is not alone!" Sonic called out from a higher ground.

Just as the grunts all turned to see their nightmare incarnate, they saw a barrage of rocks heading their way.

All of them ducking out of the way, bought the heroes time.

"Do it Tails".

Tails then took out, to Ash's surprise, what looked like a gun.

"What are you doing?!"

Tails opened fire.

From the barrel of the gun came yellow shining energy. Coming into contact with one of the grunts cause him to go limb.

Before Ash could even take in what had happened, Tails fired over and over, getting each and every one of the grunts, not all on first try though. Making a self-note that he needed to practice on his targeting abilities after today, he carried Sonic down to meet Ash.

"They… you… what did you do to them?!"

"Relax, they're just stunned".


Tails revealed his creation. Up close, it no longer seemed like a regular gun. It resembled more a mix of parts having the shape of a gun.

"It's a stun gun I invented. You see after our battle with Raikou I discovered I had also gained the ability to shoot small amounts of electricity from my fingertips. Like that space wars movie series I once saw. So I gathered several parts and put them together building this baby. The idea is that I shoot electricity which is then conducted through the hilt towards an empty battery. The empty battery then gathers the electricity to its tip, gathering not only its amount but its intensity as well into a singular spot. The trigger then pushes a small platform through the hollow battery, ejecting the energy through the barrel. The aim is always straight forward, as energy is not affected by wind resistance and can only affect biological beings since…" Tails rumbled on and on until he heard Sonic trying to refrain from laughing.

Ash on the other hand was looking at Tails with his head tilted and totally lost.


Tails sighed.

"I'm doing it again aren't I?"

"No… pffft" Sonic said looking ready to burst out laughing "no not at all pal. Pffft".

Tails gritted his teeth in cringe.

"To put it simply this is a stun gun meant to harness the electricity coming out of my fingertips and fire it towards enemies. A non-lethal weapon to use against team rocket".

"Oh I see" Ash answered without an ounce of understanding. But at the end of the day it was an advantage against team rocket and that was good enough for him.

"Jokes aside" Sonic then went serious "what are you doing here? I told you to stay at the lighthouse with Jasmine".

"You really expected me to just sit back and watch as pokemon suffer? You and I both met Lugia. Therefore it's just as much my responsibility to help it as it is yours".

Sonic gritted his teeth but didn't answer. They had no time to argue.

A grunt who was on observation duty on a higher ground saw what happened.

"Sir" he spoke to his communication device "the maniacs took out everyone!"

"What?! I left two battalions worth of grunts outside. Just how incompetent are you lot?!"

"What now sir?"

Petrel cursed. He had to come up with something quick.

He couldn't understand how team Sonic had followed them. He and his squad had spent weeks trying to find a way through the whirls to get to the islands. How did their enemies get through first try? No one was that lucky.

"Unless… they had outside help" he surmised calling Ariana.

Admin Ariana was stationed near Olivine city, in a small van with 6 rocket grunts, ready to extract Petrel if need be. After learning of the details of Tails' abilities, Archer sent her there as backup. Even if they failed to get the target, the real goal was survival.

Her communication device beeped. It was Petrel.

"Trouble already?" she spoke into the device annoyed it had come to this so early.

"Trouble is an understatement. Our enemies have found us again. And I think I know how".

"Then get to the point and stop wasting time".

"They came right at our location. The only way they could have known was by finding that boat the idiots I command stole. And that means they must have seen the boat from afar. Yet they came from Cianwood. Therefore…"

"Get to the fucking point already Petrel! We don't have time for elaborations!"

"Someone must be helping them from higher ground. And the only higher ground one could see the boat from is…"

"The lighthouse" Ariana finished his sentence looking at the majestic building "say no more. We'll handle this".

"Good. That should distract them. Heroes prioritize saving others, like the idiots they are" Petrel said maliciously as he ended the call and headed deeper inside the cave.

"Floor it! Get us to that lighthouse!" Ariana ordered the driver.

As Jasmine was celebrating the small victory her friends had just achieved, she noticed the van heading for the lighthouse.

She felt chill running down her spine.

"Uuh… Sonic?"

"Calling to congratulate us?" Sonic innocently gloated thinking they had a second to spare.

"A van is heading for the lighthouse".

"Say what?!" Sonic and Tails both exclaimed.

"Correction. They have arrived!"


"They're rockets!"

Sonic grasped.

"Jaz get out of there NOW!"

"I can't. I can't let them get their hands on Ampharos again".

Sonic fully agreed but still.

"Barricade yourself in quick! Any way you can!"

"Got it!" she replied and rushed down the stairs as quickly as she could.

"What's happening?" Ash asked Sonic and Tails.

"Jasmine is trapped in the lighthouse".

"Oh no! What do we do?"

"We save her duh" Tails roasted him.

"But how are we gonna get there? Noctowl can carry me but not all of you too".

"Tsk" Sonic spat "alright. Tails go with Ash to assist Jasmine. Knuckles and I will intercept the rockets!"

"You sure?" Tails said with a hint of doubt "last time we split…"

"It won't be like last time. You're much stronger now right? They won't a chance against the two of you" Sonic encouraged his friend.

Tails nodded fully inspired and battle hyped. With his tails spinning, he soared a few centimeters off the ground.

"Ash" he turned to face the Pallet town trainer "whenever you're ready".

Ash called out Noctowl and rode it. He then exchanged a glance with Sonic.

"Good luck" he said.

"You too. I'm counting on you to help Jaz. Now go!"

Ash patted Noctowl's sides with his feet and the owl pokemon soared with a loud cry. Tails and Sonic also nodded at each other and then the two tailed fox followed Noctowl.

"I'll never get used to this" Ash shouted to be heard over the wind.

"Flying?" Tails shouted back.

"You flying, not flying in general" Ash clarified.

After Sonic observed them fly away, he contacted Knuckles.

"Sonic we got a problem" Knuckles' voice came out of the phone "place has too many damn entrances. How do we ensure team rocket won't escape?"

Sonic thought about it for a moment.

"Use Larvitar's rock slide to seal as many as you can find shut. I will do the same for the ground level ones with mine. Then we enter through the one we leave open and catch up to them".

"Got it. Did you save Ash's skin?"

"We did but now he and Tails are headed to save Jaz's skin. Rockets had backup on land. They figured how we got here and are trying to get her. Oh shit I forgot to call her back. Get to work then meet me at the main beach of the island. The entrance we will enter through is there!"

"Roger. Over and out" Knuckles confirmed and called out Larvitar having it use rock slide. The attack cause a small scale landslide that sealed the entrance to the caves shut.

"Good. Onward to the next".

As Sonic began racing around the island, looking for cave openings, he called Jasmine.

"Jaz you ok?"

"Locked the door but that won't hold them forever. What's the plan? I'm strong but we can't handle them alone, my pokemon and I".

"Ash and Tails are on the way! Hold out just a little longer".

The door of the lighthouse was banged by something big sending chills down Jasmine's spine.

"The door doesn't seem likely to hold though".

Sonic's hand trembled momentarily.

"Hold out as long as you can. We will win Jaz I promise!"

"I know".

Sonic hesitated but knew he couldn't stay on the line and find the cave openings fast enough.

"Stall them ok. I got to go".



"If we all make it through this…"

"We will!"

"Let me finish… what say you we go for ice cream?"

Sonic's anxiety melted. Jasmine was calm enough to believe they would win and seize her chance.

"Honestly, that sounds like a really great idea".

"That's great" her very voice reeked of blushing "go get them hero".

Sonic's confidence burst through the roof. Team rocket was going down.

"I will. Talk later".

Jasmine hang up and sent out her Skarmory.

"Skarmory hold the door. We can't let them get Sparkle again".

Skarmory cried out and stood against the door, its metal talons digging into the floor for extra resistance.

On the outside Ariana was getting impatient.

"Get this over with already you morons".

"Ma'am the door won't budge"

"Oh for the love of… step aside" she pushed a grunt out the way and knocked on the door.

"Come on little girl and we won't hurt you much".

Jasmine breathed deeply to calm her anxiety.

"You'd love that wouldn't you?"

"We will bring the door down you know. You and your pokemon will be bargaining chips against our enemies. You can come willingly and not get hurt much, or we will force you to come and your pokemon will suffer. No one will deny team rocket!"

"You sure about that?!"

Before Ariana could figure who had spoken, Tails slammed into her, still flying. Pushing her away, Ariana rolled on the ground, as Tails landed and pointed his stun gun at her.

"End of the line. Surrender"

Ariana moved like a blur, kicking Tails on the side of the feet. The floor was swept from underneath Tails' feet and he crashed down on the ground.

"Seize him!" Ariana screamed.

Before any of the grunts could move however, a strong whirlwind knocked them off their feet. Ash and his Noctowl landed between the fallen grunts and Tails and Ariana. Dismounting Noctowl, it, Ash and Pikachu stood against the 5 grunts.

"You won't hurt any more pokemon! I won't let you!"

"You don't know who you're dealing with kids!" Ariana hopped up and attempted to stomp Tails down with her boot.

Acting barely fast enough, Tails used his tails to push himself out of the way and get back in the air, pointing the stun gun towards Ariana again.

"Don't make me use this".

"Yeah you show her" Ash encouraged Tails. Having found himself on the receiving end of a gun's barrel, it was nice to see someone deserving of it at that end for a change.

"Hehehe. You had to grow up I assume little fox. From not wanting to hurt Proton to being ready to shoot me in cold blood".

"You will talk about killing in cold blood? You of all people?! An admin of team rocket?!"

Taking advantage of his short monologue, Ariana sent out a muk. Tails fired as soon as he processed it.

To his horror the muk absorbed the blast.

"Of course" Tails thought in realization "it's just living goo. There's nothing in it to stun".

"You were saying kid?"

"You think I'm afraid of you?! Come on out!"

The ground rumbled as Tails' Steelix emerged with a loud cry.

At that moment, Jasmine came out of the lighthouse with her Skarmory to help in the battles.

"You caught a Steelix?!"

"Yeah. Pretty sweet right?!"

Jasmine smiled confidently and sent out her Steelix. The latter Steelix and Skarmory then faced down the grunts.

"Ash may we?!"

"You bet! Pikachu thunderbolt! Noctowl confusion!"

"Steelix Screech! Skarmory steel wing!"

The 4 pokemon attacked the grunts who sent out several stronger pokemon than Tails expected. Amongst them were arbor, Sandslash, weezing, a couple of golbats, several raticates, a magnemite and even a crobat.

The pokemon all took the assault together but the intimidate of arbor allowed them to persevere and get back into it.

Tails considered joining in but Ariana had Muk use body slam on Steelix. The attack barely affected the massive pokemon but got its attention.

There was no helping it. He had to trust Ash and Jasmine to handle themselves.

"Looks like it's just you and me! Steelix! Bind!"

Steelix wrapped its massive body around Muk, dealing some pain to it.

"It will take more than that! Muk! Minimize!"

The goo pokemon used its liquid body to escape the bind with immense ease. Tails knew that the longer the battle went on, the more Ariana would use minimize to increase Muk's evasiveness. That combined with its liquid body would make it near impossible to beat.

"Steelix return! Espeon your turn!"

The psychic eeveelution emerged. Ariana simply laughed.

"A weak and pathetic psychic type like Espeon against my Muk? You still trying to play hero like your blue friend, kid?"

Tails smiled confidently.

"No. I'm not Sonic. Nor do I need to be to beat you".

Ariana felt doubt crawling up her mind. Agents Butch and Cassidy had informed her and the other two admins of how they were able to break the fox's mentality by making him feel powerless.

But the fox wasn't powerless anymore. Agent Cassidy was telling the truth.

The fox had become a major threat in more ways than one.

As she waited for Tails to make his move, her brain was racked on how to beat him. She knew from their data that Tails was incredibly smart. While she herself was a brilliant tactician, how did one outsmart a genius?

It was said that to defeat your enemy you need to know your enemy. But no matter how much team rocket learned about team Sonic they could never seem to get the better of them.

And that had all began when she first encountered Sonic in that warehouse all those months ago.

"Why isn't he afraid?" Ariana had thought then. And ironically that was her exact same thought against Tails now.

"Espeon confusion!"

Espeon used its psychic abilities to land a good hit on Muk. Muk may have been able to dodge physical attacks but an attack straight to the mind? That couldn't be dodged.

"Back you useless goo!" Ariana recalled it before it fainted. She didn't have the privilege of losing right now.

To continue the battle she sent out a small black bird.

"What the heck is that?" Tails questioned silently.

"Murkrow pursuit!"

Murkrow dived through the air, going for Espeon.

"Dodge and use confusion!"

Espeon jumped out of the way. However when it attempted to enter Murkrow's mind and damage it, it was unable to.

"Murkrow again!"

Murkrow again dived through the air.

"Why isn't it affected?" Tails asked aloud in confusion. That had never happened before.

Murkrow smacked into Espeon, dealing big damage.

"What gives?! What's going on?!"

"Murkrow keep it up!"

As Jasmine and Ash were trying their best to fight off the rocket grunts whose superior numbers made the battle more even than it should have been, the former heard Tails' loud statement.

Looking over her head she saw the matchup and knew what eluded him.

"Tails Murkrow is a dark type! Dark types are immune to psychic attacks and advantageous over psychic types!"

"Say what?!" Tails exclaimed. How come they hadn't come across a dark type before?

Unbeknownst to him of course they had. Harrison's houndoom was a dark type, but Sonic had fought it with Quagsire resulting in them never figuring out what a dark type was or what the matchups with it were like.

"Espeon retreat!" Tails recalled it "thanks for the heads up Jaz! Go!"

His new pokemon, Lapras, emerged.

"My, my. That's a rare one. Should make a good buck for the team once we sell it after I take it from you" Ariana taunted Tails still hoping to make him doubt himself.

Alas instead, the fox smiled.

"You really think I would fall for a taunt? I failed because of this once. Never again! Lapras! Ice beam!"

Ice beam was launched. To Tails' surprise murkrow didn't faint bit was clearly in a bad shape.


Murkrow attacked Lapras but the water and ice type unleashed another ice beam. The attack missed but caused it to retreat.

Ash who was about to beat the last pokemon of one of the grunts looked over his head for a moment and witnessed Tails battling.

The sight reminded him of Sonic. He felt his excitement burst through the roof. If Tails could hold his own so well thus far against someone like Ariana, even though Ash didn't know she hadn't brought all of her pokemon aalong, he could only imagine how strong Sonic and his pokemon would be.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

The electric mouse type fried another golbat knocking it out.

It had made the same thought as its trainer.

Even though it and its rival were far away from each other they were fighting for the same goal right now. But Pikachu had sworn during their training in Cianwood city.

It wouldn't rest until Raichu had fallen at its hands. It would beat its evolved form no matter what.

Ariana spat. The fox was more of a danger than they thought. His power had increased tenfold since their last meeting. One could only imagine how strong his two friends would be.

Pressing a button on her communicator she made the hard choice.

Tails felt the ground rumble from under his feet. Turning around he saw a second van racing towards him, intending to run him over.

Soaring while recalling Lapras he instantly knew what Ariana was planning.

He tried to take aim and stun the rocket admin but she jumped into the van door that slid open and closed in the blink of an eye.

"You're not getting away!" Tails flew and landed on the van but was unable to hold on to it on time.

"The admin had abandoned us!" one of the grunts shouted once he realized what happened.

The rest of his comrades tried to run away upon hearing this. Tails wasn't having it.

Landing in front of them, he called out Steelix. The massive iron snake pokemon prevented the escape of the grunts by laying down like a wall.

Hopping on top of Steelix, Tails opened fire on the grunts stunning each and every one of them.

"Heh, this is fun" he thought as he hoisted the stun gun on his belt.

Jasmine and Ash recalled their pokemon and cautious approached the knocked out grunts.

"Are they… dead?" Jasmine asked hesitantly.

"Of course not. Just stunned".

"What do we do with them?" Ash questioned.

Tails recalled Steelix.

"Call the police to come and arrest them, then hide. Looker obviously has no reservations on how far he is willing to go to arrest team rocket by the books as he claims. I don't want you to get caught in this".

"How do you know what Looker wants?" Jasmine asked though knowing she wouldn't like the answer.

"We might or might not have had to break into the police stations through the vents to see what the police had on us".

"What? That was crazy! What were you thinking?!" Jasmine berated him.

"Forget crazy! That was awesome!" Ash disagreed, causing Jasmine to face slap.

"In any case, do what I tell you. Call the police, wait for them to arrive and hide" Tails instructed them as he lifted off the ground again.

"Where are you going?" Ash asked Tails.

"Back to the islands. We have a score to settle there, my friends and I".

"I'm coming with you" Ash went to ride Noctowl.

"No. Stay here with Jasmine until the police arrives. These grunts must not escape. I trust you both to keep them here for the police to collect".

Ash gritted his teeth berore begrudgingly agreeing.

"Tell Sonic to kick their butts for me".

"Don't worry" Tails said as he turned midair to the direction of the whirl islands.

"We will" were his final words as he flew off so fast Ash and Jasmine had to close their eyes due to the sudden gust of wind. Jasmine then remembered something.

"Tell Sonic to take care for me!"

"You can call him and tell him yourself!" Tails' response came through the wind. Jasmine then proceeded to call the police.

As Tails flew towards the islands, he contacted Sonic.

"Hey Jaz is safe. She and Ash are watching over the beaten grunts until the police arrives to take them. Ariana was there but she escaped. How are things on your end?"

Static echoed.

"Bad reception in the caves" Tails thought.

"…Pursuing… bzt… rockets… Knuckles… bzzzt" the line was cut.

"Dammit. At least he sounds normal. Hopefully they are on top of things" Tails hoped as he continued to fly towards the next part of their conflict with their enemies.

Chapter 72: A whirl of conflict, part 2


The battle of the whirl islands continues as team Sonic races to intercept team Rocket before they reach Lugia.

Chapter Text

"Honestly, that sounds like a really great idea".

"That's great" her very voice reeked of blushing "go get them hero".

"I will. Talk later" Sonic assured Jasmine as she hang up.

"Let's go Raichu. There's got to be more cave openings around here!"

His hunch was proven correct. Another cave opening was waiting them right around the corner.

Sending out Pupitar once again, Sonic immediately got to work.

"Pupitar rock slide!"

Pupitar executed its move perfectly, sealing the entrance to the caves shut.

"Excellent. Next one quick! Not a second to waste!"

To his surprise however he was done; he, Raichu and Pupitar found themselves right where they began.

Satisfied Sonic called Knuckles.

"All wrapped up here Knuckles. You done yet?"

"About that…"


"I uuh… am inside".

"What?!... How? Why?!"

"I heard some noises coming from inside. So I had Pupitar seal the entrance after walking in… bzzt".

"No, no, no" Sonic thought anxiously as static played. Knuckles was losing signal.

"I will go ahead… bzzt… join me when… can… bzzt".

"Knuckles? Knuckles!" Sonic yelled at the phone but the line was cut.

"Damn" he spat as he looked into the one cave opening he left open on purpose.


"I know buddy. We're going in. Knuckles is strong but taking on whoever is in there plus all the grunts… let's not get to that point" Sonic decided as he and Raichu took a deep breath and headed into the unknown.

The cave was dark and cold. Raichu helped illuminate the darkness by gathering electricity in its cheeks. Zubats and geodudes tried to get in their way like most caves but a mere angry growl from raichu kept them at bay.

As trainer and pokemon headed deeper and deeper in the cave they noticed the path was slowly beginning to descend.

"We're going under the sea?" Sonic thought as he tried to keep his senses dialed to 11 for any rocket activity.

A sudden loud sound echoed in the cave, causing him to jump.

It took him an entire 4 seconds to realize it was his phone. Quickly taking it out he answered.


"Hey…bzzt safe…. watching over …bzzt… until the police … bzzt… Ariana… escaped… bzzt your end?"

Sonic could barely understand what his friend was saying. The cave was messing with his signal.

"Tails I'm in the cave pursuing the rockets. Closed off all exits but the main entrance so rockets won't escape. Knuckles went in earlier so…" but before Sonic could finish the sentence the line was cut.

"Shit!" he whispered "hope he can catch up" he muttered going forward.

After a while the path started splitting. Every now and then Sonic was forced to make a new choice of direction.

"Damnit think. There got to be a way to find Knuckles or the rockets. Think".

Leaning against the sharp wall, adjusting until he was comfortable enough to think clearly, he took a deep breath.

"They must have come here pursuing Lugia. Whatever makes them think they can tame Lugia, I don't know. But still… where would Lugia be in this cave maze?"

As he pondered the answer, he heard small droplets of water falling from small stalactites on the ceiling.

"Water… yeah… yeah… water. Lugia is the guardian of the seas. That must mean it would be most comfortable below sea level. In other words…"

"The deepest part of the cave" Sonic and Knuckles both said at the same time in different parts of the cave, reaching the same conclusion.

As the hedgehog now started walking down the dark tunnels again looking for a way down, he texted Tails, hoping the message would be sent eventually.

At the same time the echidna started getting frustrated. He had been walking got a while but hadn't found any paths leading down. Even with all his gear he couldn't see or find anything that would lead him on the right track.

Turning a corner again he saw another deep hole in front of him. He stopped and sighed.

Many of the paths lead to such dead ends with holes at the end. First time he came across such a home, he almost fell into. Now he had come to expect it.

He was about to turn around and walk back to the crossroads that had lead him to this dead end and pick the other path when he heard it; voices.

And they were coming from the hole.

Most of the words spoken were indistinguishable but one word spoken told Knuckles everything he needed to know.


He had found them.

Having no time to contact Sonic, not that he would be able to if he had, Knuckles equipped his gauntlets and jumped.

After a short fall, he nailed his gauntlets into the wall, digging into it a bit.

Soon enough his quick fall had become a slow descent by climbing down the wall.

The voices were now clear.

"Sir please next time don't go too far. We need to be able to catch up".

"That is your problem" a second voice that Knuckles assumed belonged to the one in charge "my problem is finding the Guardians of the seas and accomplishing my mission"

"Guardians?!" Knuckles whispered in shock "as in multiple?"

There were multiple Lugias here?

Speeding up his climb while trying to be as quiet as possible, he reached the end of the hole finding himself in a bigger underground room.

As he remained there hanging from ceiling, the spikes of his gauntlets still digging into the rocky surface, Knuckles noticed that there were steep paths leading downward. All the paths began in a small round platform above which he was hanging.

"Lugia must live somewhere below" Knuckles assumed "I can't let them go any further".

And on cue, they arrived. A purple haired man with a mohawk and a total of 12 grunts.

"We're close" the man with the mohawk said "this room is the chamber of choice. One of the paths leads to the domain Lugia lives in. The others are said to lead to a watery grave".

"So who do we pick admin Petrel sir?"

Knuckles was fully ready to jump down but refrained. Even he didn't know which path was the correct one.

Honestly speaking Knuckles didn't even remember ever being a chamber of choice in the legends of Johto.

"But mom knew all of them. They were in her books were they not?"

Petrel then took a small notebook out.

"Only the one with a clear mind and a soul made of silver may proceed" he read.

Knuckles shook his head as he realized team rocket had a clue. He had allowed his lack of knowledge of this place to trigger his trauma by feeling distant from his mother's memory. He had felt she probably knew about this place and he had failed to learn about it as well.

There was no time to think about it or a point in letting team rocket decipher the clue.

Jumping down, he landed next to two team rocket grunts. Before they could realize what had landed next to them, each had received a punch in the head falling unconscious.

Petrel turned around horrified at first but then simply smiled.

It was the echidna. And he was alone.

"Well well. The one of the three Musketeers. Where are your two friends?"

"Right behind me. And I think I will make their lives a little easier. Surrender now".

Petrel simply kept smiling. His hand moved towards one of his pokeballs but refrained. He wanted to enjoy this.

"Split in 5 teams of two. Take a path each. I'll make this quick".

The grunts looked at each other, in obvious refusal.

"Will I have to deal with you lot too? If the path leads nowhere just stop and return! Go!"

"Yes sir" the grunts obeyed. Knuckles couldn't help but wonder why.

After the grunts left, Petrel turned back to Knuckles.

"So… now that we're alone. What say you we deal with each other ourselves? No need to waste time using pokemon when we can simply use our fists".

Knuckles was sure he heard wrong. Petrel had obviously heard about the slowpoke well and how Knuckles had beaten up the grunts there.

"Yeah… if you think I'll play your game you are totally lost pal" he said taking out Typhlosion's pokeball.

"Heh. All bark and no bite? All those muscles are for nothing?"

"Unlike you I actually have brains as well as brawn".

"Ooooh. Shot's fired. Daddy taught you his jokes?"

Knuckles' brain flatlined. His fists started trembling.

"What did you say… rocket scum?!"

Petrel smiled. It had actually worked. And one taunt was all it took.

After the catastrophic first defeat at the slowpoke well, he, Archer and Ariana had had Proton inform them of every last bit of what happened. When he revealed Knuckles broke his legs because he lost his cool over Proton taunting him about his father, Archer had found it very interesting.

Before Petrel left for the whirl islands a while ago, Archer had instructed him to try and mess with the echidna's mind if it came to it.

"Try taunting him like Proton did. Get in his mind and you will have already won… or at least be on a good track. Don't mess this up".

"For once the bossman was right" Petrel thought in admiration of his de facto leader.

"You're no funny. Can't even take a dad joke about dad jokes?"

"Shut up! You don't talk about things you don't know!"

"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings?"

"Don't…" Knuckles was barely holding himself from assaulting the admin "talk about things you don't know!"

"Oh you're right. I don't know. So insensitive of me. But if it's of any consolation to you, my dad never came back with the milk either".

Knuckles' eyes got bloodshot.

"You have a death wish?!"

"Not any more than you do. Which of course you shouldn't. Can you even imagine how much pain that would bring to your mommy?"


Was the last drop.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" Knuckles screamed charging Petrel.

Petrel sidestepped, dodging Knuckles' fist. In a split second, Petrel's knee found its way to Knuckles' belly. As the echidna knelt and coughed, Petrel resisted the urge to laugh.

"Come on Echidna. Get up. Or are you not as tough as you look?"

Knuckles let out a large roar, which echoed throughout the chamber of choice as he tried to charge Petrel again, who merely ducked and dodged the attacks before delivering a powerful right hook, disorienting the echidna.

Sonic, as well as the arriving Tails who had just walked through the entrance, heard the roar.

"Knuckles!" they both whispered horrified.

Sonic started sprinting towards the sound, Raichu following right behind. Tails would have a lot of catching up to do.

Deeper in the cave, Petrel kept dodging the attacks, striking back when he got an opening, playing it patiently.

"Why! Don't! You! Stand still! AND DIE!" Knuckles screamed each part of that phrase as he tried to punch Petrel.

Petrel, dodging one more time, grabbed the huge fist and pushed Knuckles against the wall. The echidna crashed into the rocky surface, scratching his arm.

"For a guy named Knuckles you are REALLY bad at punching" Petrel teased him.

Knuckles tried one more time to punch Petrel but at this point he was blinded by rage.

With immense ease, Petrel redirected the punch and delivered a devastating uppercut at Knuckles jaw, knocking him down. The echidna struggled to get back up but collapsed without losing consciousness.

"Such a disappointment. You could have made an excellent recruit. But oh well. You chose the way of the hero. Now you will reap the rewards of that choice".

And with those words the rocket executive grabbed Knuckles and with significant effort raised his over his head. He then carefully approached the chasm in front of him, stepping in between one of the 5 stair paths leading downwards.

He heard footsteps behind him.

He looked over his shoulder.

It was Sonic.


Petrel smiled menacingly.

"End of the line for all of you".

And with those words, he threw Knuckles off the cliff.

The splashing sound echoed throughout the chamber.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Sonic's scream of despair reached Tails who wasn't far behind.

"What happened to them?!" he thought as he began racing through the cave.

"You monster!" Sonic screamed as he tried to punch Petrel.

Laughing, Petrel kicked Sonic back against the wall. But Sonic wasn't having it.

"Raichu! Relieve him of his head! Iron tail!"

Raichu was shocked at the statement but quickly acted as it too was mad at the team rocket admin.

Before the attack could even begin however, Petrel had sent out a pokemon.

A massive green body blocked the iron tail. Before Raichu could process anything, a powerful bite attack had it crashing against the wall.

"Tyranitar?!" Sonic exclaimed in shock.

Team rocket had captured more than the one that had died on their watch and whose offspring they now had.

As Raichu felt Tyranitar's sharp teeth bite down against its body, Sonic too felt the same. But his rage was so deep, he completely ignored all pain.

Jumping onto Tyranitar, he tried the same trick he pulled on the illusion Enter by wrapping his hands against its throat and applying pressure.

Tyranitar's body however was too hard for that to work.


As the crunch damaged Raichu, the pain finally affected Sonic who dropped to the ground, something that Petrel noticed.

"Fascinating" he thought "should inform Archer if he gets out of this".

"Raichu thunder punch!" Sonic shouted before he felt a boot stomp against his face.

Raichu tried to thunder punch but the attack barely phased Tyranitar. It simply bit down again as its jaws moved in reflex to the thunder punch.

Petrel savored the moment, thinking of the glory he would experience for destroying team Sonic single-handedly.

"Farewell moron" he said as he was about to stomp down again.

Before he could, his reflexes caught a blast coming his way.

Back stepping just in time, he dodged the energy bullet fired from Tails' stun gun.

"Let go of my friends!" Tails screamed as he fired over and over.

Petrel merely sent out a rhydon that had the ability lightning rod which absorbed the stun blasts. Tails cursed. His new tool was really not as almighty as he hoped.

Aiming at Tyranitar, he fired. The blast didn't knock out the massive pokemon but caused it to release Raichu. Grabbing Sonic by the hand and Raichu by the tail, Tails used all of his strength to lift them up into the tunnel Knuckles ambushed the rockets from.

Petrel watched them escape with a smile. He had done it. The three menaces were now only two. And by the time they regrouped, it would be too late.

Returning to the riddle of how to find the lair of Lugia, he took out a small beacon detecting device. Having placed trackers on all of the grunts that would escort him to finding the Guardian of the seas, he activated the detecting device.

The beacons activated, one of them showing him the right path. That one was further away. The other four were stationary just a little bit ahead in length.

Smiling he took off, taking the path he knew would lead him to the prize. Along the way he tried informing Archer of the supposed weakness Sonic had when it came to his Raichu but found himself unable to call.

"Of course. No signal even from the satellite so deep. Oh well up close later" he shrugged heading off.

Above him, Tails had Sonic lying against the wall as Raichu struggled to get up and check on its trainer.

"You ok?"

"No" Sonic said despite the pain. The physical one was nothing in the moment.

"Who was that guy?"

"I don't know. I've never seen him before. But he had a Tyranitar".

"I noticed".

"And a Rhydon. They came prepared to fight Lugia. We need to…" Sonic's voice cracked.

"Then we got no time to waste. Where is Knuckles? Further ahead?"

A tear streamed down Sonic's face. And that was all the information Tails needed.

"No… no… no tell me you're lying! Where's Knuckles?!"

"… in a watery grave".

Tails crumbled. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Not here.

"No… this… this wasn't supposed to happen… " he murmured as he too couldn't hold his emotions "after all the training… all the efforts… it was for nothing?!"

Sonic took deep breaths. The feeling of loss was crashing him.

Doubt crept up on him.

Whoever that guy was he had overpowered Knuckles. His tyranitar had overpowered Raichu. What chance did they even stand?

Right on the verge of complete breakdown a memory of their training came to his mind. Knuckles and he were resting after their pokemon had sparred. Knuckles was feeling down again so Sonic had him talk about it.

After Knuckles was done and feeling better however, he made Sonic promise something.

"Mate, I've been thinking… this war with the rockets… yours started similarly in Kanto. And you saw how it went south halfway".

"It won't happen this time Knuckles. We're stronger now".

"Let me finish. I want you to promise me something if anything happens to me, or Tails, or any of our pokemon. Promise me we will not stop. We will not rest until team rocket is behind bars for their crimes. Promise me if anything happens to any of us we will see this through to the end like you did in Kanto".

Sonic remembered how he was wondering why Knuckles had such doubts. But he had promised him nonetheless.

"I promise you dude. We will win this war".

In the present again, Sonic felt even more crashing pain upon recalling that promise. But he was also intending to keep it.

"Help me up".


"Help me up" Sonic repeated "Knuckles would want us to see this through to the end".

Tails couldn't believe it.

"How can you be so… calm?! Our friend is gone!"

"He is" Sonic managed to hold all but one of his tears again "and the time to mourn him will come. But now we need to keep our focus. I won't let team rocket get away with this. I didn't let them the first time. So no way I'm letting them now!"

Tails despite the sadness was inspired. Helping his friend up, the two made their way back down to the chamber of choice.

Fighting to not let their emotions take over again, the two pondered which of the paths to choose.

"What now?"

Tails started flying.

"I'll look around for clues below. You look around here"

Sonic nodded and started pacing around the platform looking for anything out of place or anything they could use to proceed.

And blow in the hole there it was; Petrel's notebook describing the riddle of the chamber.

"He probably dropped during his fight with Knuckles" Sonic forced himself to remain calm.

"Only the one with a clear mind and a soul made of silver may proceed" he read "a riddle?"

A clear mind and a soul made of silver. That made no sense. Maybe 1 in a thousand could be like this. But there was no way team rocket wouldn't find a way around it.

"In other words it must be an indicator rather than a requirement" Sonic surmised.

Heading to each of the paths' beginning he looked around in the rocks. In the middle path he found it.

A carved arrow. But it was blending in with its surroundings perfectly.

"That must be the clear mind indicator. Being able to see clearly around you" Sonic thought wondering who had even created this riddle. Probably the ancient Johtonians.

"I got it!" he called out to Tails.

"So do I! It's the middle path!"

"How do you know?!" Sonic asked him.

Tails flew back towards the platform and lifted up his friend.

Following the path down while airborne they made it to the ground level. The paths were visible underwater but were deep enough so that water would reach someone's waist for them to walk down the paths.

"They look the same. How do you know the middle path is the right path?"

Tails merely pointed towards the ends of the other paths. When Sonic looked, he felt the need to throw up.

Towards the end, 5 waterfalls were waiting. And on the base of those waterfalls the water was red.

At that moment something surfaced next to them. What they saw was so grim and scary that Tails accidentally dropped Sonic.

Sonic fell into the water but stepped on the rocky underwater path and looked again.

It was a skull with the flesh half eaten off of it.

That was the last straw.

He threw up.

"What the actual fuck happened here?! This is a slaughterfest! What killed those guys?!"

Tails took out a small bolt, leftover from his tinkering and threw it in the water.

As soon as water splashed from the fall of the bolt into it, a massive being emerged from the water faster than eyes could see.

The being splashed water all over Tails and Sonic. But they managed to make out what that being was.

"Gyarados" Sonic muttered.

"The four must be guarding the wrong paths… and eat those who try to cross" Tails surmised fully disgusted.

Sonic nodded. But before he could step forward Tails stopped him.

"Wait. How do we know this is not a wrong path you're on?!"

"There was an arrow at the beginning of this path. It's the right one".

"You sure? Maybe we should double back, follow the path from the beginning".

A cry echoed through the cave before Tails even finished his sentence. Sonic recognized it.

"Lugia!" he screamed.

Turning to Tails he spoke urgently.

"They have begun! Let's go!"

"But the gyarados!"

"If I'm wrong path it's too bad!" Sonic said as walked as fast as he could through the water.

Every step of the way he expected to be suddenly swallowed by a gyarados. But it never happened.

Instead he reached the waterfall. Passing through it, he found himself at the beginning of a tunnel.

"I'm through! Come quick!"

Tails followed. The roaring water falling down the waterfall caused him to land prematurely, stumbling to his feet.

"Well I guess you were right".

"A risk we had to take pal. As the riddle said" Sonic gave Tails the now almost ruined notebook.

Tails quickly read and nodded.

"Alright then. Let's not waste any time" he said taking out his stun gun.

The two friends started racing through the cave. It was payback time.

Chapter 73: A whirl of conflict, part 3


The conflict at the whirl islands reaches its climax as the heroes and the villains collide once again, with the fate of an entire Lugia family at stake.

Chapter Text

Knuckles felt the bright ray of the sun hitting his face.

Opening his eyes he found himself tugged in his bed in his house in Green Hills.

"What happened?" he wondered aloud.

He closed his eyes and tried to remember what happened.

"I… I fell" he remembered "that guy threw me off the cliff… but how… how did I survive that? How did I even get here?"

Getting off the bed, he looked outside. The town was just as he remembered it.

Shaking his head Knuckles tried desperately to remember anything after his fall. But nothing. Blank.

Rushing to the door he knew what he had to do.

"I gotta find Sonic and Tails. They must know what happened".

As he left home, Knuckles started racing down the street, heading for Tails' home first.

Along the way he passed by the neighborhood's corner shop. Several people were reading the news outside, others on newspapers and others on their phones. Regardless of which they read from, the topic they were discussing must have been very serious because no one even batted an eye to Knuckles appearing.

Making his way through the crowd he tried to get Tom the shop owner's attention.

"Hey Tom what's going on here? Why is everyone so upset?"

Tom didn't respond.

"Uuh.. earth to Tom. Hello?"

Still no response. Knuckles even tried to wave in front of Tom's eyes but still nothing.

"Why you ignoring me man?"

That was when he noticed that Tom was reading today's news too. His curiosity finally besting him, Knuckles read the headline.

Guardian of the seas reported dead.

"What?" Knuckles whispered opening his phone as well and finding the article.

The headline was indeed telling the truth. The legendary Lugia had been found dead at an illegal auction after being captured by team rocket and died from extreme mistreatment. More specifically continuous electrocution to remain subdued.

"What?!" Knuckles shouted but no one paid him any mind again "we failed?!"

Rushing out of the store, pushing a girl out of the way accidentally.

"I'm so sorry" he quickly apologized.

But the girl just stood up and continued reading. Again it was like Knuckles wasn't really there.

"What is happening?!" Knuckles grabbed his head in dizziness.

Needing an explanation desperastely, he rushed to Tails' house.

Heading immediately for Tails' workshop which was just the house's garage he found it in the worst possible state; abandoned. Full of dust and dirt. Like no one had lived there for a while.

Fearing the worst, Knuckles started banging on Tails' door repeatedly.

"Tails! It's Knuckles open up!"

Again nothing.

Knuckles losing his patience started punching the door repeatedly until it eventually was torn from its hinges.

The house was in no better shape either. More specifically it just as dirty and dusty as the workshop.

Knuckles took the scene in with a racing mind.

"What happened to Tails? He would never let this place go like that!"

Exiting the house, he started racing towards Sonic's house. Maybe Tails was living with Sonic and Jet's family for some reason.

Along the way he ran into Amy sitting on a bench alone.

"Amy? I can't believe I'm saying this after everything but am I glad to see you. Have you seen Tails?

Amy didn't respond. Upon examining her closer Knuckles noticed she was crying.

"Oh Sonic" she said during whimpers "I wish I had made things right when I had the chance".

Knuckles was now beginning to really worry. Sure Amy was trying to make amends in the worst way imaginable but she wouldn't cry over it.

Leaving her alone he finally arrived at Sonic's house. But what he found was worse than Tails'.

The house was abandoned. Entirely. To the point that thugs had drawn graffiti on the walls.

"What the actual heck?"

The echidna noticed the door was open. Or more specifically there was no door. It was gone.

Slowly walking in, he found the building's inside just like the outside. Dirty and full of graffiti.

Knuckles explored a little bit trying to figure out anything, find any clue on the whereabouts of his friends.

His search led his to the door in Sonic's room.

The door was locked. On the door was a note.

"Do not open. In honor of a fallen hero".

His eyes bulging and in complete denial, Knuckles broke the door down.

The room was in considerably better shape than the rest of the house. More specifically it was just as it would have been if Sonic still lived there, albeit covered in dust.

As Knuckles looked around, his eyes found all the newspaper clippings Sonic's family had collected over his adventures.

But there was one that wasn't pinned on the wall. It was left there by someone.

A headline from a magazine.

The headline read one phrase.

Hero of Kanto falls to team rocket.

Knuckles' legs gave out. He knelt and grabbed his head.

That couldn't possibly be happening. It was inconceivable. A nightmare.

Everything went black.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself back in his room. He lifted his head to look around and then rested it back on the pillow groaning.

"Please tell me I'm not caught in a time loop or something" he thought.

He then heard a sound coming from downstairs. Someone pacing around.

"What the?!" he thought as he jumped up instinctively.

The pacing went back and forth in the ground floor repeatedly.

"Someone is in my house!" Knuckles thought as he quickly donned his gauntlets, ready to defend himself.

Slowly walking down the stairs, he heard voices coming from the kitchen. He also felt a gust of wind coming from the kitchen.

"They broke in through the kitchen door" he thought as he put his fists up.

Walking sideways with his back against the wall as silently as he could, he took a deep breath.

Last fight had not gone so well but he would defend his house.

"You picked the wrong house fool!" he screamed as he charged in, grabbing the first person he came across.

Following the momentum, he shoved the one he grabbed against the counter, taking advantage of the stranger standing in front of the counter for no apparent reason.

"Ow, ow, ow" the stranger groaned.

"Thought you could sneak in and rob me?!" Knuckles said trying to be intimidate.

The stranger laughed with a hint of confusion.

"Rob you? Son why did you get up if you don't feel better yet?"

Knuckles tilted his head.

"What did you call me?"

The stranger looked over his shoulder.

"How else would I call my own son?" Locke the echidna said with a smile, clearly unbothered by Knuckles' seeming unprovoked and unreasonable attack.

Knuckles gasped and back stepped until his back bumped against the wall.

"What kind of sick joke is this?"

Locke straightened himself and looked at his son with a smirk mixed with confusion.

"Knuckles the food is not ready yet so maybe you should go rest some more".

Knuckles started waving his head left and right really quickly.

"No, no, no! This is a trick!" he said charging Locke.

Holding him at fistpoint his eyes were bloodshot in rage.

"Who are you?!"

"What's going on here?" a female voice asked concerned.

Knuckles looked to the source of the voice.

The gasp this time echoed through the house.

A female echidna was standing at the door.

"Dear are you ok?" she approached Locke.

"Yeah don't worry Lara-le. Our boy is just a little confused that's all",

Knuckles felt himself slipping into insanity.

"Who the hell are you people?!"

"You people? Knucky I never raised you to talk like that!"



The word echoed in his mind over and over.

That was not possible.

No one used that nickname for Knuckles.

No one except…

"Mom?" Knuckles whispered in disbelief "Dad?"

Lara-le and Locke smiled at their son in pride.

Knuckles cautiously approached them.

"Is it really you?"

"Of course we are son" Locke assured him.

Knuckles' pupils rolled around in his eye sockets as he processed this.

"But… if you're here… I fell… then… that must mean I'm…"

They nodded. Knuckles was now sure.

His fall from that cliff had killed him. It had to have.

Lara-le put her palm on his cheek.

"You've grown up so much sweetheart".

Knuckles felt her warm palm with his huge fist and could hold his tears no longer. It was them. Right in front of him. After all this time.

"I'm sorry" he said as hugged Lara-le.

As Lara-le caressed him, she spoke softly.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for sweetheart".

"You never had to die… it never had to be this way".

"It wasn't your fault son" Locke comforted Knuckles "so you don't have to be sorry".

"We're all ok here Knuckles" Lara-le assured him.

"All?" Knuckles broke the hug, looking at her in question.

As Lara-le moved herself out of the way, allowing Knuckles to observe at the backyard, he saw someone else he recognized.

His second mother, his grandmother, Jenna-lu.

As Jenna-lu was serving the homemade food and setting up the family table, she saw Knuckles from afar and waved with a huge smile.

Knuckles waved back. A huge smile etched on his face as well.

They were all here. They were all happy. Away from his toxic grandfather, Athair.

"Yes my boy" Lara-le said again "we're all ok here".

Knuckles looked into her eyes. If he was really dead there was only one thing he wanted.

"Can I come? Can I join you?"

"Of course".

Knuckles shed another tear. A feeling of bliss filled his entire being. He took one step forward.

He was about to take the second step before he felt something push against his chest.

He looked down to see his mother preventing him from going any forward.

"But not yet".

"What?" he whispered in confusion.

Lara-le pointed at the front door of their house at the end of the hallway.

"You still have a purpose here".

Knuckles felt his heart break. Again.

He had finally found his parents and they were asking him to let them go again?

"A purpose for what? My life is empty. Every day the life that was taken from us dominates my mind. What have I even got to live for? "

Locke smirked. He handed Knuckles a polaroid photo.

"We all forget sometimes son" he began saying as Knuckles took the photo.

It was of Knuckles, Sonic and Tails. The photo was one of the many they had taken throughout their Johto journey.

"That the reasons to continue on even in the darkest of times are all around us. We just need to know where and how to look".

Knuckles' hands started shaking. What was he doing?

The answer was already known to him.

He was just about to abandon his friends. His comrades.

His brothers.

His parents were right. He indeed had a purpose still.

Locke smiled. He knew Knuckles remembered now. He looked at his wife indicating the inevitable.

Lara-le shed a tear. Even though she knew how it had to be, seperating from her boy was unbearable.

"My little Knucky" she hugged him tightly "I love you so much and I'm so proud of you".

"I love you too mom" he hugged her back.

"Never forget son" Locke wrapped his arms around his wife and Knuckles "we love you. And your friends, your brothers love you. So go save them alright?"

Knuckles savored the moment, a part of him in peace in knowing it was a till next time and not a goodbye.

As the hug was broken however, he realized the last words of his father.

"Save them?" was all he managed to say before the ground collapsed below him.

"Aaaaaah!" Knuckles screamed as he fell forever.

The shock was so was great he was jolted awake.

Coughing, he spat out the sea water and looked around.

He was outside cave, on the island's shore.

Taking deep breaths he tried to pull himself together.

"What… was that? Was it real? Or was it in my head?"

"Of course it was inside your head dummy" a voice answered.

Knuckles looked around shook up. No one was around.

"Who's there?"

The voice responded again after a while.

"But who's to say it has to be one or the other right?"

"Who are you?!" Knuckles screamed out trying to make sense of the situation.

The ocean roared as something big emerged from the surface of the water.

After Knuckles opened his eyes again following the splashing from emergence, his eyes crawled up a majestic white-to-silver body with a blue belly, huge arm-like wings and a long neck.

It was him.

"No way! You are…"

"That is correct. I am Lugia".

Knuckles was blown away. But at the same time he had so many questions.

"The answer to your first question is no. You're not dead".

Knuckles gasped.

"You can read minds?"

It was a stupid question really but the situation kept Knuckles from remembering Lugia was a psychic type so reading minds was probably within the realm of its power.

"Yes. But that's beside the point. We have to hurry. Your friends won't last long".

Knuckles took a moment to realize Lugia was referring to Tails and Sonic.

"So go and save them…" he whispered as he recalled his conversation with the dream version of his father.

Gasping he raised his eyes to meet Lugia's.

"Do you mean…"

"Yes. What you experienced inside your head wasn't only a meeting with your parents between this world and the afterlife. You also saw…".

"The future" Knuckles knelt in horror.

"Wrong. A future. But one that is bound to come true if we don't hurry" Lugia explained while landing inside the swallow water of the island's beach.

"Hop on, hold tight and take a deep breath. And most importantly hurry".

Knuckles nodded.

Riding Lugia, he made one last determined thought.

"Hang in there guys I'm coming".

Lugia soared momentarily then dived into the water, with Knuckles doing his best to hold onto its rather smooth body.

Heading for an underwater tunnel, Lugia could only hope it wasn't too late.

As they were swimming Knuckles made a thought.

"What happened while I was off?"

Lugia began explaining telepathically while traveling thought the water.

"It started a few minutes ago".

A few minutes ago

Footsteps reached the ears of Lugia as it was relaxing. Lots of them. And they were coming their way fast.

Flying inside its makeshift nest in the cave, it shook its partner with its head while telepathically speaking to her.

"Wake up. Someone's coming our way".

Still sleepy she responded.


Before Lugia could even speak another word, they walked in. 2 team rocket grunts.

"We found them!"

Their cry of discovery awakened the Lugia's offspring. The baby Lugia turned its gaze to the newcomers innocently.

"And there's the prize" one of the two grunts smiled greedily.

The mother Lugia immediately realized what they were thinking. Roaring loudly it soared and stood in front of its offspring, ready to protect it. The father Lugia unleashed a hydro pump towards the grunts.

Following the orders they had been given, the grunts sent out 2 pokemon.

A quagsire and a Tyranitar.

Quagsire was forced to take the blast though its ability, water absorb, canceled out the effect.

"Tyranitar! Rock slide".

Tyranitar at first refused to obey. That was until the grunt used a remote controller to trigger one of their old electric collars.

Tyranitar, both angry and scared of the pain, was forced to obey and unleashed a powerful rock slide attack towards the baby Lugia.

Just as Archer had predicted when he had begun planning the whole operation out, the adult Lugias took the attack instead in order to protect their offspring. Their insane endurance to both physical and special attacks allowed them to take it pretty well.

The father Lugia then unleashed an aeroblast attack which damaged the enemies greatly but had a major side effect; a piece of the ceiling almost crashed their offspring.

"Quagsire! Ice beam!"

Quagsure, having been zapped by its collar already many times, obeyed instantly.

Again the attack was directed at the baby Lugia but the mother Lugia blocked the attack.

The father Lugia then attempted to use psychic on quagsire but Tyranitar got in the way, using its dark type as well as its scary appearance to completely nullify the psychic.

Lugia unleashed another hydro pump, which tyranitar dodged and quagsire absorbed.

The mother Lugia then attempted to get her baby to safety by diving into the watery tunnel inside their cave but the grunts, having been instructed by Ariana who had planned everything down to the last detail, blocked their path by sending out a lanturn inside the water.

The baby Lugia was now trapped. If they attempted to escape it would be electrocuted. The adult Lugias would be able to handle it but not the baby.

Letting out a loud cry, Lugia continued its attacks but all of them were nullified or in the case of aeroblast couldn't be used.

They were boxed in.

All the while Lugia felt a weird set of emotions in the walls around him. A mix of dark emotions yet for some reason distant.

After a while of the back and forth things took another turn for the worse; a third rocket member walked into the room.

"Admin Petrel sir! We have found the targets but they are too tough for us to bring down!"

Petrel looked around. He smiled with a sinister expression. The Lugias were trapped.

"That's ok. We take our time and wear them down".

"But sir. What about the hero of Kanto and his crew?"

"They will be of no concern to us. I crippled them".

The grunts looked at each other in disbelief but nevertheless continued their onslaught.

The Lugias were theirs for the taking.

Petrel joined the fight as well, sending out his Tyranitar and rhydon who immediately started firing rock slides towards the Lugias. The mother Lugia stuffed the baby Lugia in a corner and resorted to taking the attacks head on.

As the father Lugia tried to use anything to get its family out of harm's way, he felt a familiar presence.

"Sonic" it thought figuring out who it was, remembering the trainer it had fought alongside at the orange islands.

But something about Sonic was different. He felt a whirlwind of emotions rampaging inside him. Anger, hatred, loss, suffering.

He was unbalanced.

Probing deeper into his mind Lugia felt why he was unbalanced.

His friend Knuckles was presumed dead.

But when feeling for that Knuckles in Sonic's mind, it got the same weird feeling it got when feeling those dark feelings through the walls.

Feeling around it while firing a psychic which was again blocked by Tyranitar, Lugia found the source of those dark emotions.

Knuckles was still alive and was lying unconscious on the beach outside, having been swept away by underwater currents.

The moment Lugia came to this conclusion, Sonic and Tails walked in.

"Hey you!" Sonic called out to Petrel.

Petrel and the two grunts turned around. The grunts immediately backstepped in fear.

"Sir you told us he wasn't coming!"

Petrel merely smiled.

"Back for more hedgehog?"

"You'll pay for what you did to Knuckles!" Sonic warned him.

Petrel turned to the grunts.

"Use your other pokemon to take care of the fox. The hedgehog is mine".

Tails raised his stun gun in response.

"Get on your knees or I will open fire!"

Petrel responded by sending out another rhydon. Sonic noticed it was wearing an electric collar.

"You're all just as monstrous as your old boss! And you will pay for my friend's life with yours! Raichu!"

Raichu emerged accompanied by Sonic's Meganium.

"Tails you take the grunts. He is mine and mine alone".

Tails took out Steelix's pokeball.

"Sonic be careful. He…"

"I know. Go help Lugia".

Tails sent out Steelix and along with his Espeon, charged into battle against the rocket grunts. Unlike Petrel who had a powerful team of pokemon, the only had one powerful pokemon each, which was already fighting the Lugias and the rest were common grunt pokemon.

As Tails began his assault, Sonic went on the offensive, hellbent on revenge.

"Raichu! Iron tail! Meganium leech seed!"

Raichu jumped up, aiming for Rhydon's head. Meganium fired a seed which ensnared Rhydon, rendering it unable to stop the iron tail.

Petrel figured out almost immediately that fighting Sonic in a pokemon battle wasn't going to go in his favor.

"It worked on the red one. I see no reason blue won't fall for it to".

By the time he had completed that thought however, Rhydon had already fallen.

"Come on! Bring out more!" Sonic tried to egg him on.

"Such power" Petrel pretended to be impressed "I can see why the boss fell to you. Same way as your red friend fell to me".

Sonic felt the blood rush to his head.


"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings? Are you a softie like your red friend was?"


Tails who was trying to finish the grunts fast to help Sonic, could tell what Petrel was doing.

"Sonic he is baiting you! Don't listen to him".

"Actual good advice" Petrel taunted him "too bad you didn't tell your red friend before I sent him to the depths".

Sonic felt his fist trembling.

"I guess… you have chosen… DEATH!" he said coldly, screaming the word deat,h before charging at Petrel.

The rocket admin wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack as Sonic harnessed his bond connection to increase his speed. Due to his unbalanced emotions unfortunately, his strength wasn't harnessed resulting in the punch merely shoving Petrel backwards a little bit.

Recovering quickly, Petrel attempted to deliver a powerful kick towards Sonic.

Bending backwards in a limbo fashion, Sonic dodged the attack.

"Raichu bring me his head! Iron tail!"

Tails was shaken by Sonic's lack of hesitation and even more so by the fact that Raichu immediately attempted the attack only for Petrel's Tyranitar to intercept it.

As the two pokemon clashed, with the battle being a lot less one-sided, Sonic again attempted to attack Petrel while harnessing his bond with Raichu, blinded by rage.

Petrel smiled as he ducked under Sonic's fist and delivered a strong elbow into Sonic's chest followed by an equally powerful kick to the side.

Sonic stumbled back trying to catch his breath. The hits were subsequently felt by Raichu through their bond distracting it and allowing for Tyranitar to crunch down on it, sending the two into more shared pain.

Not giving his enemy a chance, Petrel kicked Sonic down. Grabbing him by the leg, Sonic also caused him to fall, elbowing him in the face. Angry, Petrel hopped up, forcing Sonic to roll away from another kick to his head.

Tails tried to take aim at Petrel but was forced to dodge an incoming sludge bomb from an arbok.

The father Lugia, who was still in the annoying lock against Quagsire and Tyranitar, only very greatly damaged, could tell Sonic and his friend wouldn't win this one. Not on their own.

They needed urgent backup.

"Go and quick" the mother Lugia urged him on, realizing what her partner had in mind.

Roaring and unleashing a powerful enough aeroblast to open a path, it motioned for the father Lugia to go.

The aeroblast brought another piece of the roof down. The boulder threatened to land on Sonic and Petrel who pushed each other back to avoid it.

Lugia then flew into the water, hearing a distant distorted voice through the water and then being electrocuted by the Lanturn. Despite the pain, Lugia swam out of the cave.

"Sir one of the two Lugia escaped!" one of the grunts informed Petrel.

"Duh you think?!" Petrel said frustrated. That was a legendary worth of payday gone.

Because of Sonic.

"You have gotten in our way for the last time!" he charged Sonic who was barely quick enough to dodge the attack.

Petrel recovered faster than Sonic and unleashed a relentless flurry of punches on the hedgehog who was no longer able to harness his connection to Raichu due to his lack of a clear mind.

"Sonic!" Tails called out while sending out his scyther only for it to be attacked by rhydon who, with the father Lugia's departure, had no opponent to fight so it picked a new one.

With his back against the wall Sonic tried one last time to fight back only for Petrel to push him back, causing him to fall to the ground.

Immobilizing the hedgehog, Petrel said prepared to turn his head into mush.

Raichu witnessed this and tried to intervene but Tyranitar kept it busy.

"This is for the boss" Petrel said as both he prepared to kick.

The water from the underwater tunnel burst up like a huge fountain and Lugia's cry filled the room. Lanturn was ejected from the water as a result.

A thud then ehcoed in the room as something heavy landed on the hard floor.

"Pick on someone your own size coward!" Knuckles called out to Petrel.

"Knuckles?!" both Tails and Sonic exclaimed in shock.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Sonic kicked Petrel away and dashed to Tails' side, just as Raichu engaged Tyranitar with much more focus.

"Well, well" Petrel smiled menacingly "the echidna comes back from the dead. You ready for another beating?"

Knuckles refrained from answering, instead turning his attention to his friends.

"You guys ok?"

"Yeah" Tails assured him.

"Good" Knuckles bumped his fists together "Tails take those grunts down. Sonic save the Lugias. He" he said meeting Petrel's eyes again "is all mine".

"Knuckles he…"

"He beat me once because I made a mistake. I won't make that same mistake twice. Trust me on this".

Sonic looked at Petrel again. He didn't seem strong but overpowering Knuckles…

"I got this Sonic" Knuckles assured his friend again.

His voice sounded confident. And Sonic knew in the moment that he could trust Knuckles here and now to win.

"Raichu!" he said looking at the grunts with Tails "time to send some rockets blasting off!"


The grunts gulped.

"Admin Petrel sir what do we do?"

Petrel was petrified.

"You morons! I told you not to…"

All of team Sonic looked at him simultaneously. This was a jackpot.

"Knuckles" Sonic looked at his friend "he can't be allowed to escape. I'm trusting you".

Knuckles nodded.

Sonic sent out his own Quagsire and alongside Raichu, Tails and Tails' Espeon and Steelix they started attacking the grunts as well as Petrel's Tyranitar.

Knuckles and Petrel circled each other slowly like predators ready to pounce on each other.

"What makes you think this will end any different like last time fool?"

"Come get me and find out" Knuckles fired back.

"Confidence. I bet daddy would be proud of you for being confident right?"

Both Sonic and Tails heard it and knew that was the way he had beaten Sonic before. That must have also been the way he had beaten Knuckles.

To their surprise, Petrel's included, Knuckles smiled.

"Yeah. He would be. Actually, correction. He is".

Petrel was shaken. It had worked last time.

Why wasn't the echidna blinded by rage now?

"… oh… controlling your emotions. Impressive… especially for someone with no mommy".

"Right back at you" Knuckles smiled raising his fists.

Petrel's mind was racing. He was desperately trying to figure out why he was no longer inside the mind of his opponent.

Taking advantage of the lack of focus, Knuckles charged the rocket admin, landing a powerful strike.

Recovering quickly, Petrel started unleashing a flurry of strikes all over Knuckles. The echidna, much more reserved and controlled, deflected as many attacks as he could and taking the rest head-on, all the while striking back every chance he got.

"Come on" he egged Petrel on "last time I was fighting a man".

Petrel spat and continued attacking.

Sonic witnessed his friend getting struck over and over by kicks, punches and hooks, his entire being screaming to help him.

But hearing the baby Lugia's cry of help, he knew there was no other way. He had to trust Knuckles. Like he trusted Sonic and Tails.

The grunts' weak poison and normal types quickly fell to Sonic, Tails and their pokemon. With two shots, Tails stunned the two grunts into unconsciousness. The pokemon attacking the Lugias were next. But those would be a hard fight.

Quickly figuring out Tyranitar's typing, Sonic called out his hitmontop and Meganium. Tails also called out Lapras and, with Steelix by their side, charged the opposing pokemon, finally letting the two Lugias catch their breath and try to heal as much as they could from the brutal barrage of attacks. It was only thankful they were such a defensive pokemon species.

Angered by his minions' failure, Petrel started losing his cool, his attacks becoming increasingly unfocused and unbalanced. Knuckles, bruised but still standing was able to smile.

"How the turntables" he thought picking a line from a comedy he had seen with his grandma.

"Why won't you just die?!" Petrel screamed panting "you don't matter! You're an embarrassment!"

"Because…" Knuckles stood his ground "I'm not weak like you. Or like your old boss was".

Letting out a war cry, Petrel tried to attack Knuckles one more time, this time more unbalanced and blinded by rage than ever. Ducking, Knuckles landed his fist straight into his belly, using all of his strength, knocking the rocket admin off his feet, into the air and then on the ground.

Quickly hopping on top of him, Knuckles took his pokeballs and forcibly recalled the pokemon to stop the assault on the Lugia family.

"Game over" Knuckles declared grabbing the rocket admin by the collar of his shirt "I ought to pummel you for what you said about my parents".

Petrel had only felt this way, utterly powerless, against Giovanni. Fear crept up on him.

Not for himself but for the team.

First the hedgehog was the major threat. Then the fox. And now the echidna. The triangle was complete.

Team Sonic had become truly capable of ending team rocket.

Tails rushed to Knuckles and hugged him, breaking the cloud of darkness the latter had allowed to creep in after his victory.

"I thought we lost you man".

"Chill foxboy. You're not getting rid of me that easily".

"How did you survive? Sonic said..."

"Don't know. All I know is who brought me here in the nick of time" Knuckles smiled while nodding at the father Lugia.

Sonic looked at Lugia too. While the two Lugia parents were almost identical in appearance, he could tell it was the same Lugia he had met at the orange islands. And when he saw their offspring his heart was filled with warmth.

"Are you all ok?" he asked them.

The father Lugia answered.

"We are. Thank you, Sonic the hedgehog".

"I guess we're even now" Sonic joked referring to Lugia ferrying Ash to Shamouti fast enough to save Sonic from the titans.

"Not in the least. I owe you my family's life. To all 3 of you. Thank you".

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all looked at each other in pride and pure joy, feeling blessed to not only have made it out of it alive but to have saved the Lugias.

"Oh please" Petrel ruined the moment "you think you won? I am one of three. Ariana and Archer are a lot worse than me. You will see. They will break you. They will get revenge for the boss. They will make you wish you were never born…"

The three friends simply heard him rumble on for a while until Sonic sighed having had enough.

"Knuckles make him shut up please".

Knuckles prepared to take out a small cloth to stuff in his mouth so he could shut Petrel up before Tails simply fired 2 shots at Petrel stunning him into unconsciousness.

"Hey why stuff one of our stuff into his filthy rocket mouth right?" he tried to joke.

The only thing missing from the moment was the sound of a cricket.

"Yeah… maybe not try to

humor your way into Cosmo's heart pal. No offense".

Knuckles patted his friend on the shoulder.

"You don't even need to. If you saw how she looked at you when we were walking through ilex forest and you were rumbling about time travel and physics you wouldn't even worry is she will like you back".

Tails laughed somewhat awkwardly.

The three heroes then grabbed a team rocket member each and started walking back towards the surface, bidding Lugia and his family farewell in the process. Reaching the chamber of choice, Tails and Sonic explained to Knuckles how the chamber worked and how some rocket grunts were eaten.

Knuckles subsequently revealed that before beating him into submission, Petrel ordered his grunts to split into 5 teams and take a path each. The implication that team rocket knew what awaited at the end of the paths and that they chose to sacrifice several grunts to figure out the correct path made them want to throw up.

Leaving the chamber of choice behind the path slowly started ascending towards the surface. Knuckles who was carrying Petrel, felt him twitch as soon as they saw the light of day at the end of the tunnel.

"There's the light" he taunted the admin "take a good look at it because you will never see it again, unless you're lucky enough to get a window in your cell".

One step at a time the team walked out.

They were met by all hell breaking loose.

Helicopters, ships, everything. And all around them police aiming at them.

"Woah!" Sonic put his hands in the air reflexively dropping his grunt.

Amongst the officers was detective Looker wearing a swat uniform.

"End of the line heroes. And thanks for bringing the evidence of your crimes to me in person".

"Are you kidding me?" Knuckles also put his hands up but only after carefully laying Petrel down.

"Detective they were after the legendary Lugia. We stopped them just in time" Sonic tried to explain.

"Speculation. Where is your proof that a Lugia even lives here? All I see is three vigilantes having killed everyone they came across on this island in cold blood".

"They're not dead just stunned" Tails clarified.

"Makes no difference. You're going in for a long time".

"Uh sir?" he heard from his earphone.

"Not now. I'm busy".

A metallic thud made them all jump.

Turning to find the source, it was revealed to be a ferry boat having slammed into one of the police's ships, nearly sinking it.

More ships suddenly started coming all around the islands, all filled with angry citizens from Olivine and Cianwood.

On the ship that nearly sank the boat it slammed into, the driver or the ship, revealed to be Jasmine, having taken the controls from the actual captain, spoke in a megaphone.

"Let team Sonic go! You have no right to arrest these heroes!"

Everyone of the people riding on the ships roared in agreement, sending chills down Looker's spine wondering how they would take team Sonic off the island. There was no room for a chopper to land.

The distraction gave Sonic the split second window he needed.

"GO GO GO! INSIDE QUICK!" he screamed, dashing back into the cave, followed by his friends.

Looker reacted almost the next moment.

"After them! They can't be allowed to escape!"

The police rushed to the cave. As Looker observed them rushed in, he examined the stunned team rocket members team Sonic had brought out. One of them made him gasp.

"Wanted team rocket admin Petrel. If it gets out that they defeated and captured him for us, it's game over".

He motioned to another officer to approach.

"Take those rockets out of here, discreetly. No one can know who was captured".

His earphone spoke again. This time it was one of the officers from inside the cave. A lot of static could also be heard.

"Sir… boulders… path… escaping".

Looker figured it meant team Sonic was slowing down the police by blocking the path with boulders. Looking around he saw several of the other cave entrances blocked by boulders.

"Keep going. They trapped themselves in like amateurs".

Inside team Sonic had also come to the same conclusion. They were trapped.

"What now?" Tails asked his allies when they made it to the chamber of choice.

Knuckles used his gauntlets to smash several key points in the entrance to bring it down as much as possible but it would only delay the authorities.

"That won't hold them forever".

"There's got to another way out" Tails looked around frantic.

"Wait. Maybe the way you were carried out of the cave when you were unconscious" Sonic remembered.

"Good idea. Only one problem. I was unconscious. I don't even know how I ended up in the beach again".

"Damn. That means even if we find that exit, they will be waiting for us".

"Meaning we need another way out. And a way to get out that will not result in us being sent to jail".

Sonic thought it over and came to the conclusion.

"Thankfully I think I can cash in a favor we earned a little bit ago".

Tails and Knuckles looked confused for a moment until they figured out what he meant.

Tails took off. Sonic hopped on, grabbing his arms. Knuckles grabbed Sonic's legs.

"Quick. Fly forward and allow gravity to make us descend. Just make sure you pick the right path".

Tails nodded and despite the immense load, flew forward.

Outside the cave, Looker was trying to bring some order to the chaos unfolding around him.

His biggest concern was Jasmine egging everyone on. And worst of all he could not arrest her. Legally they were all merely protesting. And also if he tried, it would be him asking to get ganged on by the mob.

The surface started trembling as if it was the ground shaking due to an earthquake. It caused everyone to immediately stop what they were doing upon noticing.

Suddenly bubbles of air started appearing in the surface, popping the moment they left the surface. Jasmine had a strong hunch what it was.

"Get the ships out of that zone!" she spoke urgently through the megaphone.

The ships all moved aside in a hurry. And rightly so.

A few moments later a huge spout of water appeared, causing everyone to gasp and move further away.

The spout disappeared as soon as it appeared and a beautiful song filled the air. The Johtonians all knew what this song was.

Looking up in the sky they all saw Lugia flying in circles peacefully, singing its song.

Eventually someone noticed Lugia was carrying 3 individuals.

"It's them!" Jasmine exclaimed after noticing them herself.

An eruption of cheers filled the bay as every single Johtonian hailed team Sonic as heroes, acknowledged even by the legendary Lugia that had left its home in Ecutreak city due to the worsening of human souls.

Ash, Misty and Brock witnessed the grand spectacle from same boat as Jasmine.

"Wow look at them go" Ash was awestruck.

"I expected nothing less" Brock smiled proud.

"Let's cheer then! All hail team Sonic!" Jasmine seized the opportunity.

The three friends were not expecting such a development. Their plan was to have Lugia help them merely escape. Lugia had agreed in an instant as its family was also leaving the island to find a new home somewhere secret.

None of the three could have ever anticipated their escape to result in a round of applauds from the residents of the bay.

"Wow" Tails could only say, totally dumbfounded.

"Did you ever receive such treatment in Kanto?" Knuckles asked Sonic.

"Not really no" Sonic admitted, he too out of his water here.

Looking down at the island he found detective Looker again. The latter looked at them in utter defeat, with a touch of…

"Hatred?" Sonic thought.

He knew in the moment they couldn't waste any more time.

"Lugia! That's enough singing. Please get us out of here".

"Where to?" Lugia asked.

Sonic contemplated the answer.

"East of Ecutreak".

"What?!" Tails and Knuckles both exclaimed in shock.

"But what about our battles with Jaz?"

"We can have them later. Right now it's more important to lay low for a while. Looker crossed many lines today and that's dangerous for us" Sonic explained as Lugia flew off towards the mainland of Johto, leaving the bay behind, carrying the three heroes far from the site of their victory and leaving behind Ash, Brock, Misty and Jasmine perplexed.

Chapter 74: Keeping the momentum


As tensions rise in Olivine city following the glorious escape of team Sonic, the three heroes find themselves joined by an unexpected ally.

Chapter Text

The sun was slowly descending in Olivine city as the town was still in turmoil after the magnificent exit of team Sonic following their victory over team rocket.

Detective Looker was escorted back to the police station via helicopter as the mob was trying to get to him hard. The situation was only worsening each second for him.

After the appearance of the legendary Lugia and its extraction of team Sonic back to the Johtonian mainland, Looker decided not to press his luck any further for the time being.

After all team Sonic had just been acknowledged by a pokemon known for leaving its home in Ecutreak city because of its distrust of mankind.

Therefore Looker decided the best course of action would be to interrogate Petrel for information about team rocket's hideout. His plan was simple; get to the hideout first, quietly arrest team rocket, then arrest team Sonic as soon as they came knocking.

Of course he wouldn't disclose that to the crowd. Telling them that he was planning to protect the criminals would be like asking to be lynched.

In the moment he was waiting for Petrel's arrival at the station. More specifically he was waiting for the mob to quiet down so they could sneak him through the back.

Gym leader Jasmine was at the forefront of this protest. Along with her were Ash and co. Ash more so because he wanted to eventually battle Jasmine for the mineral badge, though he did agree that Looker persecution of team Sonic was wrong.

Jasmine then suddenly received a call. It was from Sonic.

Excusing herself for a moment she went to a quiet alley and answered.


"Hey Jaz".

"Thank goodness. Where are you guys?"

"Can't disclose that. Not yet. Hope you understand".

"You don't trust me?"

"Of course we do" Tails' voice was heard "but you saw what happened. Thanks for the save back there by the way".

"Don't mention it. But what now? We need to find a way to get you guys acquitted".

"That will be hard. Looker is out for us specifically. We literally served him one of the three admins of team rocket on a silver platter and…"

"Wait what?!" Jasmine almost screeched "you guys captured an admin of team rocket?!"

"Yeah. But it wasn't easy. He gave us a beating, literally. He almost killed Knuckles".

Jasmine felt the earth disappear under her feet.

Looker had an actual lead on team rocket and he was still pursuing team Sonic instead?

"Don't hang up" Jasmine instructed the heroes then returned to the crowd.

Picking up the megaphone again she yelled in it.

"Quiet! QUIET!"

Everyone turned to look at her.

"I just learned some vital information" she explained putting the phone on speaker mode and placing the megaphone before it, hoping the voice would be amplified.

"You're on speaker Sonic. Tell them".

Everyone started murmuring. Ash immediately tried to contact Sonic.

"You guys ok?"

"We're fine Ash. People of Olivine city" Sonic's voice echoed through the megaphone "this is team Sonic. We're all alive and well. But not everything is ok. Detective Looker is not telling you everything. The head of team rocket's operation to capture Lugia was team rocket admin Petrel".

The crowd began speaking to each other with the voices steadkly rising in tone.

"Did he say admin?"

"I'm pretty sure he said admin".

"Does that mean they caught a higher-up?"

"Incredible. They beat all those minions plus a higher up?"

"The police literally can end team rocket and choose to pursue the heroes instead?!"

Far away, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles could hear the commotion. Not wanting to add more fuel to the fire of that commotion but needing the time to think their next move, Sonic kept going.

"Admin Petrel was a strong opponent. No, correction. He almost beat us. No, correction again. He almost killed my friend Knuckles the echidna".

The voices started again, this time borderlining on a full-fledged riot.

"We are not trying to hurt team rocket. We only want them in jail for their crimes. But they won't play nice. If they won't neither will we. Let this be known to everyone" Sonic ended his speech.

The voices became screams of support for the heroes. The fear of team rocket had fully been replaced by hope for their downfall.

Jasmine ended the speaker mode and returned to the alley to continue the call privately.

"Amazing speech".


Jasmine remained quiet for a few seconds before continuing.

"Look about your location… you better tell me. My contact… the one who helped us uncover team rocket's plans and foil them in time. He can help you guys. But he needs to come to you quick. He is probably under surveillance by Looker as well".

The three heroes looked at each other in question pondering the offer.

"Give us a second to consider it ok? Call you back in a bit".

"Ok" Jasmine agreed and hang up.

Ash and co then arrived in the alley.

"Did you learn where they are?"

"Not yet".

Ash kicked a can in frustration.

"We need to get to them and quick".

"Ash they can take care of themselves. We need to be patient" Brock advised his friend.

"Whoever said I'm worried about them Brock? I just want to make sure they will be ok so I can beat them in the Johto league".

Brock couldn't tell if that was Ash's way of showing he cared or he was only thinking about the Johto league.

"They have each other to watch their backs sure. But what if they need an extra pair of eyes and ears you know" Ash elaborated.

"Pika pika" Pikachu added to it, wanting to have Raichu's back so it could beat it later on.

Brock smirked. That was such an Ash thing to say.

The phone rang again. Jasmine picked up.

"Are you alone there Jaz?"

"Ash and his team are also here".

"… alright. We will tell you where we are, just promise this will not get out. And under no circumstances are you to join us. You all could be under surveillance too".

Jasmine understood. Although it hurt.

"We're east of Ecutreak, near a small lake. Tell your contact that we will ask for a keyword. The word will be…" Sonic paused.

He had to think of something that no one else would be able to figure out no matter how hard they thought. But what?

Knuckles chose for him to spare him the brainstorming.

"Lara-le. Tell your contact when he meets us to speak the words Lara-le".

Both Sonic and Tails were perplexed but nodded in agreement.

"You catch that guys?"

"We do" Jasmine confirmed.

"Good. Oh and Jaz… you might want to delete your call history. Legally you haven't done anything wrong so they won't have a right to search up your call history but Looker plays dirty. So you know… for safety purposes".

Jasmine was saddened at what this meant.

"When will I see you guys again?"

"Hopefully when this whole thing blows over we will come to challenge you at the gym" Tails tried to sound reassuring.

"I see" Jasmine said "I understand".

"I hope you don't mind" Sonic added on a final note "but I'm gonna need a rain check on that ice cream date".

"The what?!" everyone except Sonic and Jasmine exclaimed.

"I know. Just promise you'll stay safe".

"I will".

Despite the shock Tails rushed to answer as well.

"No need to worry Jaz. He's got us to watch his back".

"We will win this war you'll see" Knuckles reassured everyone on the other side of the call.

"You better. We have our battles waiting at the Johto league".

Sonic let out a small laugh.

"You just make sure you are on the top of your game Ash. Later" Sonic said and hang up.

Jasmine lowered the phone.

"What did Sonic mean by ice cream date?" Ash immediately questioned her, earning himself a disappointed/disapproving look from Misty.

"It means Sonic is very lucky" Brock said but before starting a dramatic monologue about his broken heart, Misty pulled his ear.

"I'll return to the gym" Jasmine suddenly said "I'll be available for battle tomorrow if you want".

"Got it. I'll give it my all tomorrow then. Let's go get some rest guys. It was a very exhausting day" Ash declared.

"If it was one time exhausting for you, what should Sonic and the others say?" Misty berated him jokingly.

Jasmine was left alone for a few moments then began walking towards her gym, leaving the riot behind.

On the way she called her contact.

"I take it you saw their escape?"

Pause as her contact answered.

"Good. They are east of Ecutreak. When you see them say the words Lara Le. Don't ask why. Just know if you don't, they will probably not react well".

Pause again.

"Good. Let me know if they're ok when you find them".

Jasmine hang up and decided to instead go to her home. She needed some time to calm down and expel her frustration at Looker for keeping Sonic away.

The protesters eventually got tired and ended the riot, allowing Looker to get relieved.

Deciding it was time, he went to the captured Petrel's cell.

Upon entering, Petrel stared at him intensely.

"Where is your team?"

Petrel didn't utter a word.

Looker looked around in frustration for a moment.

"Tell me where your team is. They're in danger".

Petrel smirked.

"My team is in danger? Just how weak do you have us for cop?"

Looker pointed to Petrel's bruises. Furthermore he revealed the photos from the exploded truck.

"I wouldn't call you at the top of your game without your boss. But team Sonic is out for blood. Unless you cooperate I won't be able to save your teammates from them".

Petrel was still smirking although a small part of him wondered if he had somehow entered an alternate reality after being stunned by the fox. This detective had him in custody and instead of trying to get him to break in order to end team rocket for good and maybe even arrest the boss, he wanted to protect them from team Sonic.

"We don't need you to protect us copper. My team will be able to handle the three maniacs. On our turf, they will fall. No, more than that. They will perish".

Looker stared intensely into the admin's eyes.

"This arrogance is the reason you have lost time and time again against them. Do you want to be next?" Looker waved the photo in front of Petrel.

Petrel, to Looker's shock laughed quietly.

"Minor setbacks. Honestly it's a wonder why you and the hedgehog aren't working together. You are both blind to the real game being played here".

Looker tilted his head in confusion.

"What game are you talking about?"

Petrel giggled.

"You don't really think I'll tell you, do you?"

"If you don't tell me…"

"I'll take my chances" Petrel declared, ending the conversation.

Looker left frustrated.

Heading back to the case room, he knew he had to find a way to get the guy to break.

But in order to get someone like him to break, he would need to use the good cop-bad cop technique.

Letting go of his pride he dialed a number.


"Hi, Morrison".


"How's the interrogation of the captured rockets going old friend?"

"I need your help. We caught an admin of team rocket".

"We? That's strange. I could swear it was team Sonic who did it for you".

Gritting his teeth Looker continued.

"Jake… look. I'm sorry about kicking you off the case. I need your help".

"That depends. What do you need my help for?"

"To get the admin to admit where his team is hiding".

"… that's sad. If we had focused our resources and time into looking for them instead of pursuing team Sonic, this whole case would have been over weeks ago".

"Jake… they are armed now. The fox was spotted from far away, wielding a handmade stun gun. The rest of team rocket are in grave danger. If team Sonic gets their hands on them…"

"Looker let me stop you for a moment" Morrison said as a loud beep was heard.

"Where are you at?"

"On the road. Since I'm no longer on the case, I decided to visit my wife and son, whose ivysaur if you remember…"

"All right I get it" Looker said "point is you have seen what team Sonic is capable of".

"Yes I know. They are capable of ending the threat of team rocket once and for all. The mere fact that they were ok with stunning their enemies instead of hurting them or worse should be enough for you at this point".

"No it's not enough. They are still acting against…"

"Looker I'd love to have this back and forth all day but I'm almost there" Morrison stopped him "as you can probably tell I can't help you from here and even I could I wouldn't".

"Why not?"

"For one you have evidence on not one but two homicides, and said evidence points to team rocket, yet you continue to pursue team Sonic instead. Also you literally tried to smear their name when they were literally heading into danger to save Lugia from team rocket. Frankly I'm surprised the public didn't throw tomatoes at you".

"How can you just ignore the slowpoke well? The blown up truck?"

"I never said they are perfect. But compared to team rocket's crimes they have done nothing" Morrison declared before continuing.

"I strongly suggest you be honest with yourself and take the right course of action before something irreversible happens. Because then it will be too late. Later".

Looker lowered the phone.

Be honest with himself.

Truth was he wanted Sonic the hedgehog in jail long before he started pursuing team rocket.

What he had told Morrison about wanting to arrest team rocket by the book and tear down Sonic and Giovanni's legends was only a version of the truth. A mere fragment of the actual reason.

But he had sworn he would only reveal this reason to Sonic himself when he had him in handcuffs and locked up.

Getting up he got ready to leave. He needed to get some rest and decide his next course of action.

In the meantime Morrison arrived at his home in Ecutreak. As soon as he opened the door he was met with a hug around the waist.


"Hey little buddy".

Morrison's wife, Carrie, walked in from the hallway.

"Jake?! My goodness!" she rushed to hug her husband as well.

"What are you doing here daddy? Did you catch the criminals?"

Morrison maintained his composure.

"We made a big breakthrough today so Looker let me come home for the night. I don't need to be there 24/7".

"Did it have to do with team Sonic?" his son, Nolan, asked in excitement.

"Yes. It was them who took down the big bad who tried to hurt Lugia today".

"I knew it! I saw Lugia a little bit before you came! It flew to the east then landed somewhere in the treeline. And I was sure I saw someone riding it!"

Morrison found this to be good news. They were close, just like he hoped.

"That's great buddy. Did you happen to tell anyone except mommy what you saw?"

"No. But I can't wait to tell my friends at school tomorrow. Maybe we could even go looking for them, it would be so cool to meet them".

Morrison was heartbroken to have to speak the next words.

"Maybe that's not a good idea Nolan. They could use the rest. Their battle today was brutal. They deserve some rest".

"Oh" Nolan said in disappointment.

"But I promise you when their fight is over I will ask them as a personal favor to meet you and your friends. Who knows, maybe they will also be alongside the legendary beasts on that day".

Nolan looked like a firework ready to explode from excitement.

A few hours later after a casual family night, Jake and Carrie were going to bed when the latter saw the former setting his alarm clock for the next day.

At first she thought nothing of it until she realized something; Jake set the clock to wake up at 8 am. In other words he would have breakfast with them.


"Yes honey?"

"What happened today at work?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jake I know you. When there's an active case you want to be there. The mere fact that you came home instead of pushing to finish your current case was weird enough but now not setting your alarm to leave for Olivine at dawn? What happened?"

Jake hesitated. He loved his wife and would trust her with his life. After all they were each other's life.

But he couldn't trust her completely with someone else's life other than their son's.

"Look. I can't tell you everything right now. But I will tell you all I can so no one will be in any danger. Starting with… I was kicked off the case".


"Looker went ballistic this morning. A doctor's body turned up. Team rocket crossed the line today. But instead of blaming them and turning his attention into arresting them, he tried to smear the names of team Sonic's members. He revealed sensitive evidence we had agreed would not be revealed until we legally could prosecute the rockets. And after the fact, after team Sonic caught one of team rocket's admins - yes an admin, in other words one of their current leaders" Morrison clarified when his wife got shocked – "Looker still tried to arrest them. He had them surrounded and the only thing that saved them was the distraction the residents of Olivine and Cianwood caused. The legendary Lugia extracted them somewhere east of here".



Carrie was dumbfounded by all the revelations.

"And what will you do tomorrow?"

"After we all have breakfast like a family" Jake kissed her forehead "I will…"

A creaking sound disturbed them.

"What are you doing up so late little man?" Morrison asked playfully.

Nolan opened the door and hopped on the bed.

"You really staying for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Not just for tomorrow son. For the next few days. Tell you what. Go to bed for now and tomorrow after you've done your homework we can do whatever you want".



Nolan gave his father a big hug.

"You're the best dad".

"One thing though. Don't eavesdrop on others. It's not nice".

"Oh. Sorry. I promise I won't do that again" Nolan said and left, allowing Morrison to tell his wife about his plans for the next day.

Several hours later, east of the city, a Magikarp splashed into the water in front of Sonic who was taking the time to relax. Tails and Knuckles were soon to join him after finishing their training on Tails lifting heavy stuff while flying.

As he laid on the grass staring at the endless sky, he found himself wondering how everything was in Olivine after their escape. Everything and everyone.

Or rather just a very specific gym leader.

"I guess it's true when they say they come at the worst possible timing" he commented.

"They?" Tails asked as he and Knuckles finally joined Sonic.

"Nothing" Sonic played it off "just talking to myself here".

As his two friends lied back down and simply stared, their partner pokemon playing nearby, Sonic deduced something that just didn't click last night.

"Hey Knucks".


"Last night. When you gave Jaz that code phrase to give her contact… you chose it to be Lara-le. Wasn't that your mother's name?"

"Yes it is" Knuckles confirmed, surprisingly with a smile.

Sonic and Tails looked at each other.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I do. But not for the reason you think".

Another look exchanged between Sonic and Tails.

"Ok. We're all ears".

"Yesterday… you remember how Petrel was taunting me about my parents?"

"Yeah" Sonic said remembering also how impressed he was that Knuckles kept his composure.

"He did it the first time to. In that big chamber. He got into my mind and danced around my fists until he knocked the wind out of me. I lost because again I allowed my emotions to get the better of me" Knuckles said reaching for the sky.

Sonic and Tails remained silent.

"After Petrel threw me off that cliff… everything went black for a while. Until I woke up. I don't know what I experienced… but my parents were there".

"What?!" both of his friends exclaimed in shock.

"And not just my parents. My grandmother was there too".

"So… you mean to tell us… you actually died?!" Tails stuttered trying to wrap his mind around it.

"Not sure. I think I was in kind of a middle-stasis, hovering somewhere between life and death. That's how I would describe it anyway. You see I was back in Green hills, in my house. My parents and grandmother were in the backyard preparing for a barbeque. So if I had to guess I'd say that if it was up to me and I crossed into my backyard with my parents and grandmother… I would have died then and there".

"Dude…" Sonic muttered "wait. What do you mean up to you?"

Knuckles hesitated. He knew his friends probably wouldn't like what they heard but they had to hear it.

"When I saw my parents and grandmother… I… I almost walked into the backyard. Mindlessly. Without even considering the consequences. My mother stopped me. My father reminded me of you guys. He helped me realize I was giving up. That I was ready to abandon you after everything we went through together. I'm sorry for that".

Silence spread throughout the area apart from the cries of the Pokemon playing.

"Knuckles… what are you sorry about?" Tails asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you seriously think we would get mad at you like that you Knucklehead? You don't have to suffer anymore. If that was the way we would be sad but… at least we would find solace in knowing you would finally be happy".

"I am happy" Knuckles smiled "that I am here with you guys. It was foolish of me to think I would be happy in another timeline or in the afterlife. Because nothing… and I repeat nothing!... would ever be as awesome as being your friend".

"Our brother you Knucklehead" Tails poked him.

Knuckles felt true bliss in the moment for the first time in his entire life. That moment was everything.

"That's enough dwelling in the past" he thought.

"Sooo…" Sonic decided to bring up another topic "what do we do now? Sure we escaped but we're all out of leads about the rockets".

"Honestly" Tails took a moment to think "I'm stumped. We probably messed up by giving Petrel over to the police so quick. We should have tried to extract information first".

"Doubt he would have talked" Knuckles argued "guy was Giovanni's fist, literally I guess" he said as he looked at his bruises from the battle "so I don't think he would give anything to us and certainly not to the police".

"And we can't even just continue on as usual. Looker is pulling out the big guns. The people might be on our side but the police will still arrest us if Looker commands it" Sonic surmised.

"There's gotta be a lead somewhere. But how do we find it?" Tails wondered.

"I can provide it to you" a voice responded.

All 3 members of team Sonic looked to the source of the voice at the same time.

It was…

"You!" Tails hopped up immediately pointing his stun gun at detective Morrison.

"Wait wait!" Morrison put his hands in the air "Lara. Le".

Tails' expression turned to a silent gasp. Sonic slowly got up as well.

"You are Jasmine's contact? What gives? Is she a double agent or something?"

"No. It's much simpler than you think. I just need a few minutes to explain everything".

"Why should we believe you? You and your partner tried to arrest us in Ecutreak" Knuckles reminded him.

"I know. But many things have changed and rather lately too. Look" Morrison said taking off his jacket and lifting his sleeves "no mic. I'm here as a friend".

Team Sonic looked at each other. This was a risk. If they were caught it was game over. But at the same time they needed a lead and fast.

"All right. We're listening" Sonic said albeit still clearly distrustful.

Morrison lowered his hands.

The three trainers and the detective then went and sat in front of the formers' tent.

"First of all, you need not worry about me being an agent of the law. I am no longer in the case".

"Say what?" Tails exclaimed "how come?"

"I tried to convince Looker many times to leave you guys alone. Every time he accused me of not being impartial. And he is not entirely wrong".

Silence for a few moments.

"I'm gonna be entirely honest here. I don't agree with your actions. Assault and physical damage at the slowpoke well, driving without a permit, the first thing again at the whirl islands… charges could very easily be pressed against all 3 of you".

"Then why are you and Looker not on the same page?" Sonic asked, distrust reeking off of him.

"Because I see the bigger picture. We share a common enemy. The Pokemon mafia. An organization so dangerous they terrorized Kanto for years. And you" he said referring to Sonic "you brought them down by yourself. One trainer against the world and you won".

"I wasn't alone. My friend Mike helped me. No, he was vital to our victory".

"I'm well aware. Of that and of the cost of your victory" Morrison said grimly.

When he spoke those words, Raichu looked away in shame. Espeon picked up on it.

"But even so… even after having travelled around Johto as a celebrity of sorts… you still have no idea just how deeply your actions affected everyone else and in how many ways both negative and positive. I… and my family too… were some of the people affected positively by your bravery".

"You were?" Sonic looked at him in question.

"Yes. My son Nolan's ivysaur was taken. Your defeat of Giovanni at Viridian city brought forth the reunion between my son and his partner Pokemon" Morrison was now looking at Sonic in gratitude.

"That's what I meant when I said Looker had a point when he accused me of not being impartial".

Sonic allowed himself to doze off, think about the impact of his actions one more time and from another, newer perspective.

"But still" Tails' words brought him back to reality "why help us all of a sudden? I mean you're off the case, meaning your helping of us could land you in jail".

Morrison sighed.

"It's true. But you see… while Looker was obsessing over finding you three, I focused my efforts on finding team rocket. Taking into consideration all of their sightings as well as the timing between each of their operations… I couldn't help but notice a weird pattern".

"What pattern?" Knuckles asked him.

"The first operation, at least that we know of, is the slowpoke well. South part of Johto. Alone it seems to make sense. Slowpoke tails are expensive so they harvest them for comeback money".

Team Sonic remained silent.

"Then we got the incident with the legend of thunder, Raikou. Outside of Olivine. Again sounds simple when you examine the facts of the case alone. They wanted to attract the legend of thunder, they needed a jumpstart for their device, in our case Sparkle the Ampharos".

Team Sonic was still silent, wondering where Morrison was going with this.

"And now you got the whirl islands. Again in Olivine. Again west like the previous one. And again like the other 2 times, a lot of time between each event"

"Ok what does this all tell us?" Tails asked.

"Firstly the obvious, they plan out everything just in case, and rightly so against the likes of you three" he complimented them.

"But there is another possible reason; they take a lot to set up because they do it far away from their base".

The three heroes looked at each other and realized he had a major point. They never thought to look at it that way.

"Damn you're right" Sonic answered "but where would that base be then?"

"I have a lead. Just that, a lead. You see, a day before you supposedly awakened the legendary beasts, a truck was attacked east of Ecutreak heading for Mahogany town. The attacker showed clear signs of rage towards team rocket. But it couldn't have been you because the timing was impossible. However I focused on something else. Why would a team rocket truck head towards Mahogany town and nothing ever went down there, yet every event regarding team rocket happens further and further away from Mahogany?"

"Because they're hiding there! Son of a bitch! How did I not see that?!" Sonic shouted in anger.

They were so close to the answer the whole time.

"But wait? Couldn't they be at…" Tails stopped to look at his map "Blackthorn city?"

"No. It's surrounded by mountains and not very easily accessible. Plus there lives the strongest gym leader in Johto, Clair. She is extremely well versed with dragon Pokemon, the type of the gym and is also the cousin of Kanto and Johto champion Lance".

"SAY WHAT?!" all 3 trainers exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"Yeah power with Pokemon runs in their family apparently. Point is she is strong. They wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. Mahogany on the other hand, although the home of the region's 2nd strongest gym leader Pryce, is quiet. They would be able to go undetected there for a long time".

"So let me get this straight" Knuckles tried to surmise everything for his own understanding "team rocket is about an hour away from us right now?"

"Yes. That's what I believe at least".

"Then let's go there and end this now!" Sonic said, temper flared, his entire being itching to finish what should have been finished in Kanto.

"We can't" Morrison explained "we don't know exactly where they're hiding. We need to first figure out where they are. Right now we got one advantage, that team rocket doesn't know where exactly you are. But when news come out of Lugia flying over Ecutreak, they will figure it out. So we need to move fast".

"Ok so what's the plan?"

"I will take you to Mahogany myself. There is something going on there but not in the same scale as the last two incidents. For the last couple of months, pokemon around town have become inexplicably irritated. No one could explain until it started affecting the pokemon in the lake of rage".

"The what?" Knuckles was surprised by the name.

"You know what? Since we got to go there as soon as possible, I'll explain in greater detail on the way there".

Getting up he revealed his car keys.

"You coming?"

Team Sonic, although believing him to be an ally for the most part, hesitated.

But before Morrison could insist they relented. After all if Morrison betrayed them it would be every Johtonian who suffered and that included himself and his family. That was enough of a reason to put faith in him.

Hopping into his car, with Sonic sitting on the front sit and Tails with Knuckles at the back, they started driving, heading for Mahogany. Each of the three friends took deep silent breaths to calm down.

The final battle was right around the corner. They had to end it now or never.

Chapter 75: The duo of thunder: reunion


Arriving in Mahogany town, team Sonic set out to investigate detective Morrison's lead, running into Gary Oak in the process.

Chapter Text

"Cyndaquil don't stop! Flamethrower full power!"

Cyndaquil putting all of its power into the final flamethrower, showered the whirling Steelix with flames, turning the sandstorm swirling move into a blazing whirlwind. Steelix stopped and after a few short moments collapsed, seared to unconsciousness, being trapped in its own move.

"Steelix is unable to battle. Cyndaquil wins! The winner is the challenger Ash Ketchum!" Janina the referee declared.

"Oh yeah! We did it Cyndaquil!"

"Qui!" cyndaquil cried out before stumbling from exhaustion.

Jasmine recalled Steelix.

"That was one sweet strategy. Trapping the opponent in their own move is not something you see every day".

Ash rubbed his nose with a prideful smile.

"Yeah. I intend to strike back at Sonic in the same way in the Johto league. I owe it to him after the way he beat Pikachu in Kanto".

"What do you mean?"

"Sonic's raichu had trapped Pikachu in a headlock with its tail, Pikachu fired thunder and raichu let go just in time, causing Pikachu to get struck by its own move" Brock explained in short.

Jasmine was rather impressed.

"I see. You intend to adapt his strategies in your own way".

"You bet. And I intend to take the victory I should have gotten in Kanto".

After Jasmine gave Ash the mineral badge and escorting them out, Brock remembered he wanted to ask something.

"Have you had any contact with them?"

"… no".

"Do you think they're ok?" Misty voiced her concern.

"After their latest victory, I don't see a reason to worry about them. But I still do".

"Ooh" Ash decided to get in teasing mode "looks like someone has fallen hard".

Jasmine's cheeks turned red.

"Cut it out you're being immature again" Misty berated Ash.

"What? I'm just making a joke".

"Playing with a girl's heart is no joke!" Misty continued on.

"And why are you offended? You don't even have a heart" Ash shut her down, ice cold calm.

Jasmine gasped. Sonic had mentioned Ash being savage during his stay near the lighthouse but that was just too savage.

"In any case" she spoke in order to prevent war breaking out "it's for the best at the current time. No one but my contact can know where they are".

"But we could help" Misty argued.

"After the dirty moves detective Looker pulled yesterday we need to let things shimmer down for a while. Hopefully by that time our friends will have ended this".

Ash rolled his eyes.

Jasmine took notice of this and raised her eyebrow in question.

Brock took notice of this small exchange.

"Yeah… Ash and Sonic are not exactly friends in the literal way" he explained to Jasmine.

"Really? But you helped him without any hesitation yesterday. That's what friends usually do".

"We had a couple of adventures together sure. One of them was me saving his skin" Ash began explaining.

"Actually the debacle at the orange islands might not have been resolved successfully had it not been for both of you" Misty reminded him of how Sonic was the bait.

"Maybe. But I just cannot agree with him as a trainer. He had his entire team evolve, possibly pushing aside any feelings they had towards evolving. Sure he did it to fight team rocket but I have been kicking their butts since Kanto too without evolving all my Pokemon".

Jasmine was wondering what Sonic's side of the story was.

"Well I guess the time will come for you two to settle it in the Johto league. I will be attending too. No way am I missing this year's tournament. It's a pity I can't really compete though".

"Good. I want everyone to witness my triumph over both him and Knuckles" Ash declared, his confidence at an all-time high.

Afterwards Ash and co left to prepare for their departure for the next gym. Which was in Mahogany town.

The same town detective Jake Morrison was driving towards with team Sonic riding along.

"So to answer your earlier question" Morrison continued "it is believed that the lake of rage is not a natural lake. Once, a hoard of Gyarados assembled there and caused a storm so wild and devastating it created a massive crater. The crater then filled with water as time went by and rains occurred and eventually became known as the lake of rage".

"And if I had to guess, Gyarados live there by the tens?" Tails guessed.

"Precisely" Morrison confirmed as he overtook another car, driving a bit faster than allowed.

"Ok but what does that lake have to do with the Pokemon becoming irritated?" Sonic brought them back to the original topic.

"There has been a lot of reports from swimmers and fishermen lately, that gyarados have been getting irritated, attacking people and sinking boats as a result. Thankfully there have been no casualties so far, but still when we're talking about a Pokemon like Gyarados…"

"I know what you mean" Tails stopped him "inside the cave of Lugia was a chamber that required one to choose one of 5 possible paths. Choose the wrong path… and a Gyarados would eat you" he explained grimly.

"Petrel didn't share this detail with his minions. 8 of them were devoured by the time we got there" Sonic revealed.

Morrison was shaken but nodded.

"If only Looker could see the bigger picture you guys wouldn't be in this mess right now".

"Did he tell you what he wants with us?" Sonic asked Morrison.

"He said he wants to tear down your legend because you unwillingly built it on the destruction of silph co".

"I remember that" Tails said "it was the same thing he tried to arrest us for in Ecutreak".

"And when I mentioned I destroyed the master ball, he again tried to use it as a stepping stone to arrest me" Sonic also remembered.

"So clearly whatever reason he has to want to arrest us is connected to silph co. But what is it?" Knuckles asked.

"I don't really know. You see Looker isn't his real name. It's a codename. I've worked with him on another case in the past when he had a different codename. That's how we know each other. Back then he was much more lax. He did uphold the law as much as possible like he claims he wants to do now but there is clearly something else here".

"Maybe we should try figuring it out" Tails suggested.

"That will be my task. You 3 have your own task to accomplish. We're here".

Looking outside team Sonic noticed they were on the outskirts of mahogany town, outside a small cottage.

"Where are we?"

"My family's cottage. It's the one place no one will think to look. And it's where you three will be staying to go unnoticed. No neighbors around so perfect place. Just make sure you go into town or back here through the small forest in the back" Morrison explained handing them the keys.

Sonic was taken aback and wanted to object.

"Don't you dare object" Morrison got to him first "the least I can do is to help you go unnoticed. Though if possible don't open any curtains or windows. Can't risk anyone… you know".

"We know. We won't let you down" Sonic assured him, offering him a handshake.

The two shook hands, solidifying their trust in each other. It was a vital component for their mission with so much at stake.

Afterwards Morrison left and the three trainers entered the house locking the door behind them.

The house was cozy and warm though it only had 2 beds, a double bed and a single bed. Standard core family bed lineup.

"Alright who'll be sleeping with who?" Knuckles asked.

"Right now, nobody with noone. We got work to do" Sonic reminded him.

"Alright. So where do we start?" Tails inquired.

"At the lake of rage obviously. We have to go there and try to see what's happening with all the Gyarados" Sonic said.

Nodding Tails opened his map.

"Alright. The path to the lake of rage is at the north of the town. The quickest route is through the upper west neighborhood of the town. You know" he realized lowering the map "I think we should disguise ourselves while here. If we can use the element of surprise we should".

"Well" Knuckles rummaged through their stuff "I got some stuff. A hat, sunglasses, a bandana. We can definitely come up with something".

10 minutes later, they were heading to town through the small forest. Sonic was now wearing the bandana in a way that pushed down his spiky hair in order to go undetected along with sunglasses. Tails was rocking a hat worn backwards along with sunglasses of his own. Lastly Knuckles wore a fedora hat he wore during his treasure hunts along with – what a surprise – a pair of sunglasses.

"Why do I have a feeling these disguises are actually going to backfire?" Sonic asked while wiping some sweat off his forehead.

"No way" Knuckles assured him "we totally blend in".

As they began crossing the neighborhood in order to get to the path leading to the lake of rage, they crossed paths with a familiar face.

Gary Oak. Followed by a group of cheerleaders.

"Haha. Check those losers out. Have you girls seen anyone so pathetic before?"

The cheerleaders all began laughing and sucking up to Gary.

Sonic side-eyed Knuckles who scratched his head.

"Yeah… in hindsight, looking like a hippie, a rapper and a cowboy are not the most subtle of disguises".

"Duh you think?" Sonic sarcastically asked before turning back to Gary.

"Was he such a douche in Kanto too?" Tails asked while murmuring.

"Yeah he was" Sonic replied also murmuring, taking a step forward.

"You haven't changed at all since last time pal" he said taking the sunglasses off.

Gary's pupils jumped out of their eye sockets. The cheerleaders converged and began whispering amongst themselves.

Gary had just insulted team Sonic.

"Well, well, well" Gary tried to recover "what a surprise finding you here heroes".

"What are you even doing here?" Sonic asked him.

"Oh nothing much, just taking a walk with my lovely fan club after my great victory" he gloated revealing the glacier badge.

"Huh. So that makes 7 for you. I guess you will meet me and Knuckles in the league".

Knuckles fist bumped his fists together so Gary could tell who Sonic was referring to.

"That's good. Twice the heroes against me, double the glory for beating you".

Sonic cracked a smile.

"You literally lost to Ash in Kanto and I pummeled Ash. What chance do think you stand against us?"

Gary struggled to counter that. The memory of Sonic and his raichu standing up to Giovanni and Mewtwo came to his mind. The hedgehog had a point.

He might be able to beat Knuckles but could he really beat Sonic?

"Ash lost to me and when we met in Goldenrod city. My eevee and his Pikachu had one of the most amazing one on one battles I have ever been a part of but he lost. So you better watch your back hero. The Johto league is mine for the taking".

"Hmph" Sonic kept smiling "I bet my friend Tails here could beat you. And he is not even taking part in the league".

"Sonic? Why are you dragging me into this?"

"Challenge accepted. Full battle!"

"Suit yourself" Sonic shrugged and turned to his friends.

"Sonic what are you doing?"

"Come on. Ash beat him in Kanto. With all our training you will stomp him down even with just 5 pokemon".

Tails was still unsure but with some encouragement from Knuckles he stepped forward.

The cheerleaders immediately started dancing and cheering Gary on.

"Gary Gary he is our man. If he can't do it no one can!"

"Someone wipe my memory. This is so much cringe" Tails thought as he took out scyther's pokeball.

"All right here goes! Nidoqueen!"

Nidoqueen emerged. Tails was impressed by the immediate use of a fully evolved species but nevertheless met him head on.

"Scyther how about some slashing?!"

Scyther also appeared wielding its scythes around for a few moments eager to attack.

"Nidoqueen mega punch!"

Nidoqueen charged up its fist with energy and attempted to attack.

Scyther used its wings to dodge the attack.

"Too slow! Slash!"

Scyther let out a loud cry then started slashing with all its might. Nidoqueen cried out in pain, catching Gary off guard.

"Dammit they're his friends. They probably are almost just as strong as he is" Gary thought as he recalled the time he had spent in his grandfather's lab thinking after the Kanto tournament.

After his defeat at the hands of Ash and the latter's subsequent defeat at Sonic's hands he had started having second thoughts about the whole power thing. He had always claimed he would be the best only to be saved from Mewtwo when the time came.

In the end he had chosen to make a fresh start in Johto and build power with his pokemon from scratch. He believed this time it would be different.

For a long time it seemed like it. He had managed to beat Ash this time around as he had mentioned earlier. But when he heard from Ash that Sonic was also around and not only that but he also had friends with him this time, Gary knew he would have to up his game even further.

He had also met Ash in Olivine once a few days ago. After the back and forth they had about how they would beat each other in the league, Ash told him not only about the return of Sonic but also the potential Tails and Knuckles were carrying. He had also claimed Tails was somehow familiar with a legend of Johto called Raikou. That and the fact Tails was the least strong of the three members of team Sonic.

"If I can't stand against their weakest member… no! It wasn't all for nothing! I will be the strongest" Gary thought as he prepared the counter attack.

"Nidoqueen double kick!"

The double kick did almost no damage to scyther but succeeded in pushing it away, giving Nidoqueen time to breathe.

Furthermore the slashes triggered Nidoqueen's ability.

Scyther's face got a purple color.

"Damnit! It has poison point?" Tails rhetorically asked.

"Now's our chance Nidoqueen! Hyper beam!"

Nidoqueen unleashed a powerful beam of orange energy. The beam landed head on, knocking scyther into a tree. Scyther collapsed.

"One down! Am I the best or what?" Gary gloated.

Scyther however started screeching, its wild instincts kicking in. Getting up it flew like a blur towards Nidoqueen readying a wing attack.

"Dodge it Nidoqueen!"

"No point" Sonic smiled "you used hyper beam. Your pokemon needs time to catch its breath now".

The wing attack landed, followed by a nonstop slashfest. Scyther was in the zone, having entered a frenzy, its mind focused on one thing; destroying its opponent.

"Nidoqueen!" Gary called out to it as it toppled, fainting.

Scyther however didn't seem ready to stop.

"Scyther stop!" Tails commanded it, trying to make his voice dominating.

Scyther stood still for a moment then obliged.

Tails smiled. 1-0 to him.

That was until the poison kicked in again. Without the berserker rage driving it, scyther collapsed, fainting as well.

"Scyther you ok?" Tails ran to its side.


"You were amazing. And I'm proud of you for not hurting it further. Get a good rest".

Gary also recalled Nidoqueen, a tad bit worried. That was an unevolved form being strong enough to knock out a fully evolved form, not to mention a pokemon he had since Kanto.

"I won't lose this! If I can't beat their least strong then neither Ash not I stand a chance against Sonic".

Tails took out Espeon's pokeball next.

"Espeon! Your turn!"

Espeon appeared. From the first moment it looked bothered by something.


"It must be the same effect causing the gyarados to rampage. This means it affects and possibly originates here" Sonic reminded Tails "Espeon's psychic type must be making it extra susceptible to it".

Tails turned to Espeon again.

"Espeon do you need to go back in?"

Espeon cried out negatively, merely bothered by whatever was causing that disturbance, still perfectly fit to battle.

"All right then! I will respond with this!"

A roar was carried through the wind as an Arcanine appeared and roared.

"So it evolved" Tails said chenched his fist, knowing this was going to be a hard fight.

"How would you know my Arcanine started off as a growlithe?" Gary asked him tilting his head.

"I was there. When you and Sonic first battled in Vermillion city".

Gary recalled the moment and realized the fox was right.

"True. No matter! Arcanine fire blast!"

Arcanine launched a powerful star shaped fire attack towards Espeon.

"Dodge with quick attack!"

Espeon moved out of the way, causing the fire blast to miss. Using its momentum it rammed into Arcanine's fur. Tails however expected the outcome of the attack; a big pokemon like arcanine would be phased at best by a smaller size pokemon ramming into it.

"Too weak! Arcanine flamethrower!"

"Use confusion to redirect it!"

Using confusion on Arcanine, Espeon caused it to misfire the attack, giving Tails another opening.

"Now Espeon! Psychic!"

"Psychic?!" Sonic and Knuckles both exclaimed.

Lifting Arcanine with its psychic abilities, Epseon slammed it hard against the ground, damaging it greatly.

"Yeah way to go!" Tails complimented his partner pokemon.

"Not yet! Get up Arcanine! Take down!"

Arcanine hopped up and rammed into Espeon. Unlike the previous physical altercation, this time the attack had dire consequences.

Arcanine slammed into Espeon, sending it rolling on the ground. Espeon despite the cries of pain, managed to stand up.

Arcanine on the other hand, knocked itself out due to the recoil from take down.

"What?! It's still standing?!" Gary couldn't believe his eyes.

Doubt began creeping up on him. Arcanine was literally one of his first pokemon, having been with him since Cerulean city. And yet it was defeated by an Espeon with probably only weeks of experience.

After all Ash had told him that when they first met in Johto, only Sonic and Knuckles had pokemon.

That meant Tails and his party had become an actual challenge in mere weeks.

Before doubt completely took over he pushed it back down, taking out his next pokeball. It wasn't over, not by a longshot.

"Go Golem!"

Golem appeared.

"Where did he even get someone to trade for it?" Knuckles asked Sonic quietly.

"Beats me. Maybe Ash… but then again he is just as insufferable to Ash so… don't know" Sonic shrugged.

"Espeon back!" Tails recalled it. Golem required a special treatment.

"Lapras!" Tails sent it out.

Gary took a second to consider his choices. It was the most unfavorable matchup. But then again his other pokemon, save for one of them, would have trouble against Lapras. As much as he hated to do it, Golem had to be cannon fodder.

"Golem rollout!"

Golem retracted its limbs and head into its round body and started rolling around like a huge wrecking ball.

"Lapras hit it with hydro pump!"

Lapras fired hydro pump but with only one training session done so far, it was not able to hit a moving target, especially not at this speed.

Golem seized the opening and rolled into Lapras, its massive, heavy and hard body damaging the endangered water type heavily.

However it also gave Tails an opening. Lapras getting hit had managed to halt the golem as it wasn't able to continue rolling afterwards.

"Hydro pump go!"

Hydro pump found its mark, hitting the golem in close range. The ground and rock type stood no chance as it collapsed.

Gary gritted his teeth. But the damage Lapras had sustained allowed him to send out the best possible choice for this scenario.

"Scizor cleanup duty!"

The red armored bug appeared, causing Tails to go back to the day Knuckles was tortured.

"This… thing!" he muttered as his fist trembled.

Sonic took notice.

"Tails calm down. Remember that was then".

"Lapras Hydro pump!"

"Quick attack then slash!"

The quick attack allowed Scizor to dodge the hydro pump and, using its already built momentum, to slash at Lapras's throat, knocking the wind out of it and subsequently Lapras itself out.

"No!" Tails reached out.

He couldn't believe it. A lot of his training was driven because of his desire to make the iron masked marauder pay.

He had to beat that Scizor. And he would start with Gary's.

"Butterfree! Come on out!"

Butterfree came out, ready to fight.

"A butterfree? Don't mock me! Scizor return! Magmar you're up!"

"Magmar?!" Tails exclaimed.

Knowing Gary's last pokemon was probably his Blastoise as he had seen Gary having a Wartortle in Vermillion, that meant Tails had to defeat a fire type, a water type and a bug and steel type with, a ground and steel type, a psychic type and a bug and flying type.

It was the worst possible matchup.

"Damnit I should have recalled Lapras!" he thought in frustration.

"Tails calm down" Sonic tried to get to his friend "it's far from over. Remember. You're strong and a member of team Sonic right?"

Tails' mouth opened for a moment in realization and then nodded confidently.

"Ahahaha!" Gary burst out laughing "you call yourselves team Sonic? As in you and the red one are invisible? I have never come across anyone so pathetic" Gary roasted them as he laughed.

"Does your home have no mirrors?" Knuckles fired back.

"Oh snap!" Sonic backed him up.

Tails, his confidence restored and his gratefulness for his friends at its peak, set his plan in motion.

"Butterfree charge!"

Butterfree charged airborne towards Magmar.

"What a moron. Magmar fire blast!"

Magmar unleashed a star shaped attack just like Arcanine earlier.

"Now! Barrel roll then sleep powder!"

Butterfree rolled mid-air, flying just around the attack, passing between two of the 5 of the fire blast's extrusions. Before Gary or Magmar could react, Magmar was sprayed with the sleep powder, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.

"You gotta be kidding! Magmar wake up!"

"Butterfree confusion!"

Butterfree started attacking Magmar with confusion, using the move over and over. Magmar in its sleep started hurting itself as it was dreaming attacking the butterfree and was instead hurting itself.

"Damnit Magmar get up!"

Magmar's eyes opened widely. After one more attack on itself cause of confusion it stood up.

"No chance this time! Flamethrower!"

With all its might, Magmar unleashed a powerful flamethrower that engulfed Butterfree.

"Noooo!" Tails reached out.

Butterfree collapsed. But before Gary could celebrate, a gold dust was emitted from Butterfree's body, engulfing Magmar right before the bug type fainted.

"What was that?" Gary asked Tails but the latter merely recalled Butterfree.

"You were perfect. Leave the rest to us" Tails said hoisting the pokeball on his belt and taking out his last healthy pokemon.

"Hope this works! Steelix let's rumble!"

Steelix caused a mini quake when it emerged.

"Ha. A steel type as your final stand? But then again what else have you got left? Your Espeon is crippled. I'd say this is as good as over. Magmar! Finish this with flamethrower!"

Magmar prepared the flamethrower but upon firing, yellow electricity crackled on its body, immobilizing it and canceling out the flamethrower.


"Now Steelix! Rock slide!"

Steelix fired the barrage of rocks to Magmar, which was unable to dodge, or even try to block in any capacity, resulting in a critical hit and an immediate knockout.

Gary clenched his fist as well. He wouldn't lose. Not now. Not to a trainer with no badges.

"You leave me no choice!" he said revealing a pokeball. He quickly kissed the pokeball before winding his hand.

"Blastoise! Come on out!"

Blastoise emerged. Tails felt uneasy. Having seen Sonic's Blastoise battle up close he knew how strong their kind was. And he was at a severe disadvantage.

"Steelix rock slide!"

"Blastoise rapid spin!"

Blastoise started spinning deflected the thrown rocks but not without some damage.

"Now! Hydro pump!"

Blastoise aimed with its cannons and opened fire.


The hydro pump was blocked by the protect. Gary knew in the moment if they tried to go this back and forth Blastoise would get tired quickly. Therefore…

"Blastoise! Skull bash!"

Blastoise's head retreated into its shell. Sonic didn't expect a physical move on Blastoise but quickly realized what Gary was aiming for.

He wanted to warn Tails but refrained. It wouldn't be fair.

"Rock slide!"

Rock slide smacked Blastoise repeatedly but retreating into the shell had allowed it to raise its defense, therefore tanking the attacks better.

"Go!" Gary suddenly commanded.

Blastoise launched itself, head first into Steelix. The attack was not very effective but Gary had achieved what he wanted.

There was no longer any distance between the two pokemon.

Tails too realized what he was aiming for.

"Steelix quick! Bind Blastoise!"

Steelix wrapped its massive body around Blastoise, squeezing its shell with all its might. Blastoise did feel the pressure but maintained its composure. Gary smiled.




Blastoise prepared to bite.


The protect did work but their training was incomplete. The shield was created around them instead of around Steelix's body.

The bite attack went through, causing Steelix to lose its balance and for Blastoise to move just enough for its right cannon to be positioned directly in front of Steelix's face.

"Hydro pump!"

The attack blasted Steelix at point blank range. Steelix's head remained still for a few moments as it looked like it was looking at the sky for something.

And then the massive steel snake toppled causing a loud thud and releasing Blastoise.

"Game over fox. Looks like your friend put too much faith in you after all".

Sonic gritted his teeth. He didn't expect Gary to be this strong. But then again Gary was using pokemon from Kanto too. The fact that Tails had actually left him with 1 damaged and 1 healthy pokemon on a 5v6 wasn't a small accomplishment especially with his short time as an actual trainer, not to mention not having any badges.

Tails recalled steelix and was about to concede when Espeon came out on its own, bruised but still able to battle.


Espeon turned its eyes to Tails. Determination was written all over its face.

Tails couldn't help but respect its wishes to see this through to the end.

"Hmph. This puny Espeon isn't worth facing my ace. Blastoise return! Scizor you're up!"

Scizor came back out. Tails took deep breaths. It was now or never.


Espeon fired a small barrage of stars towards Scizor. The bug and steel type didn't feel a thing.

"Weak! Scizor! Slash!"

Scizor prepared to slash.

"Quick attack!"

"Quick attack!"

The two pokemon moved like blurs then collided. Espeon was sent rolling on the ground as both its smaller size and its opponent's typing were against it.


Espeon's eyes glowed blue and Scizor was lifted from the ground. Again due to its typing, it was able to resist the move just enough to limit the impact with the ground after Espeon slammed it down.

"Finish this already! Slash!"

Espeon, still recovering from the earlier clash, was not quick enough to dodge.

The slash brought back the memory of Knuckles with cuts all over his body in Tails' mind. Gary was for a moment replaced by the iron masked marauder.

As Espeon struggled to get back up, Tails made his decision.

This battle wasn't worth Espeon getting unnecessarily hurt.

"Wait!" he called out as Scizor was preparing another slash.

The cheerleaders, who had been so entranced by the battle they had stopped cheering for Gary for the longest time, realized Tails was about to concede. They started cheering and dancing again.

Tails paid them no mind. To him all that mattered was that his partner wasn't hurt anymore. Not for this.

Tails reached out to Espeon again before beginning to speak the words.

"I yi…"

But before he could say the word yield, small bolts crackled in his hand.


Gary took notice of this.

"What is this?"

"Tails?" Sonic cautiously asked.

"That's not me. I'm not doing this" Tails said calmly although his mind was racing.

The sky then suddenly started slowly but steadily darkening. Sounds of thunder crashing down filled the air all around them.

"What's happening?!" Gary demanded to know.

Tails remembered this pattern after a few seconds.

"Dark sky, thunderbolts… and now my arm… are you here?!" he called out.

"Who's he talking to?" Gary inquired.

He got his answer the next moment.

On a nearby building's roof, something appeared looking down at them. The moment everyone present turned their eyes to it, lightning struck in the background, blinding them to it.

The only one who didn't avert his gaze was Tails.

"You are here… Raikou" he smiled.

Raikou let out a loud roar, causing everyone besides Tails to flinch.

"That's… the legend of thunder of these lands! Raikou!" Gary said trying to believe what he was witnessing.

Raikou then jumped down to ground level and dashed toward them, stopping about 5 steps away from Tails.

The latter was shocked. They weren't this close last time.

With its mane billowing behind it, Raikou took a step forward.

Almost entranced, so did Tails.

Everyone held their breath.

Trainer and pokemon found themselves one step away from touching. Espeon looked at the mighty beast in awe.

Tails taking a leap of faith just like Knuckles did a few days ago, reached out with his hand.

Raikou sniffed the arm, and without warning, started rubbing its head against the arm and purring like a meowth.

Tails' smile was wider than a snorlax. This was too good to be true.

"And here I thought Suicune had taken a liking to me" Knuckles commented rubbing his eyes.

"Well" Sonic said as he slowly shook his head, deeply impressed "our little buddy did save Raikou's life".

Raikou then unexpectedly moved closer and started rubbing his head against Tails' face, even licking him once.

Espeon excitedly approached despite its injuries to greet the legend of thunder. The moment Raikou noticed said injuries, it became a beast again.

The two pokemon conversed for a few moments before Raikou locked eyes with Scizor and Gary while growling, unnerving them both.

Raikou then turned to Tails and cried out once.

"What are you telling me?" Tails asked it, not understanding what Raikou wanted, hoping it wasn't to kill Gary. It had a history with violence after all.

Raichu which had been standing next to Sonic for the whole battle, understood and was about to mimic it to Sonic. But there was no need.

"Weird" Sonic monologued for a moment "Tails I don't know how but I know what Raikou wants".

"And what is that?" Tails asked him.

"It wants to finish the battle as your unofficial sixth pokemon".

"Say what?!" Gary objected "that's not fair! I won already! Your friend was about to concede!"

Raikou growled at Gary silencing him.

"Yeah I don't think anyone of us is calling the shots right now Gary" Sonic joked amused.

Tails looked at Raikou.

"Is that what you want?"

Raikou nodded.

"Alright! Go get him! Thunderbolt!"

Raikou's thunderbolt was fired so fast it was almost impossible to notice with naked eyes. Scizor was blasted but by no means out of the fight.

"Scizor! Quick attack then slash!"

Scizor's attack landed but Raikou retaliated with devastating consequences, biting down on Scizor and holding down with its paws.

As the sky darkened again and thunder roared, Tails knew what attack Raikou wanted to fire.

"Raikou! Thunder!"

Raikou summoned a lightning bolt then jumped out of the way, causing the thunderbolt to fall straight down at Scizor.

When the lightning stopped, Scizor was knocked out cold. Raikou roared triumphant then impatiently tapped its paw on the ground, egging Gary on to bring out Blastoise again.

"Zugzwang Gary".

"What does that mean?" Knuckles asked Tails.

"Chess term from a show I saw once. It means Gary can either fight and lose or concede. Either way we win".

Gary gritted his teeth.

"I do concede. But this isn't fair. I had you beat!"

"Then we call it a draw. What say you?" Tails suggested.

Gary wanted nothing more than to disagree.

"Come on. It's only fair. There were too many elements in our battle that made it unfair for both of us" Tails pushed him to accept.

Gary looked down for a moment. The fox made a fair point. Gary carried 3 pokemon from Kanto in this battle and had been a trainer far longer than Tails. And yet Tails had almost beaten him before Raikou intervened.

Even though Raikou's intervention altered the outcome, Gary couldn't help but believe that a Tails with as much experience as Gary had in battle would be far superior to him.

"Fine. I accept the draw" he begrudgingly agreed.

The cheerleaders were shocked at the outcome.

Afterwards before team Sonic continued on their way, with a stop at a pokemon center planned to heal Tails' team, Gary asked to speak privately to Sonic. As two walked a few steps away, one of the cheerleaders approached Tails who had gone back to petting Raikou.

"So… are you single?"

Tails' cheeks became red as Knuckles began laughing.

"I hate to admit it" Gary said to Sonic "but your friend's got some skill. The moves he pulled… even Ash hasn't impressed me this much. Is he really the weakest of you lot?"

"Wow rude" Sonic berated him "no. The proper pronunciation is the least strong of us. Trust me you don't want to be on his receiving end especially if you're team rocket".

"So it's true? They're really here?"


"Is… that… with them?"

"Mewtwo? No. Far away from this place".

"Oh I see. Phew" Gary said relieved "did you happen to see it again?"

"No" Sonic lied. He didn't like it but Gary knowing about Mewtwo's existence was bad enough.

"I see. Well… guess I'll be off. Make sure both you and your other friend bring your A game to the Johto league. Cause I will".

"Right back at you" Sonic said with a confident smile.

After Gary and his fun club left, the three heroes were left alone with their pokemon and Raikou.

Tails then turned to the legend of thunder again. There was something that just needed to be asked.

"You were awesome Raikou. You're insanely powerful and capable. And somewhat adorable too might I add" Tails added as he was licked again by the thunder pokemon.

"Do you want to come with us?"

Raikou was caught off guard.

"We could really use your help. And besides…" Tails said as he looked at his hand and lightning crackled on it "I never thanked you for these gifts. I want to repay you one day in full. So what do you say?" Tails asked revealing a pokeball.

Raikou looked at the pokeball, deeply conflicted.

It wanted nothing more than to join Tails. His kind soul and his desire to keep pokemon safe was resonating very much with Raikou.

Tails was basically Raikou in anthropomorphic animal form. They were in a way soulmates.

But no. It couldn't join Tails. Not yet.

Closing its eyes for a second Raikou gave Tails an almost apologetic look and then roared loudly before racing back into the wilderness.

Tails was left there heartbroken.

"Hey" Sonic took him by the shoulder "it's ok pal. Maybe it wasn't ready to give up its freedom yet. But I'm sure you will see it again soon".

"You definitely will" Knuckles also agreed.

Tails looked at the pokeball that it had offered to Raikou.

He cracked a smile. A faint smile but still a smile.

Maybe that was Raikou's final roar.

A promise of another reunion.

Raikou in the meantime was racing to meet its brethren again.

It had sensed it. Team Sonic was ready.

The time of reckoning was almost at hand. They had to decide their next move right away.

Chapter 76: Zeroing in


Team Sonic investigates the lead in Mahogany town and the lake of rage, finding all the clues pointing towards team rocket's hideout.

Chapter Text

Raikou raced through the wilderness, putting its all into reaching the rendezvous point with its brethren. Time was of the essence.

A couple of roars reached it. They had arrived.

Arriving on the small mountain range his brethren awaited, it was again berated by Suicune.

"You just can't stay away from the fox until the time comes right?"

"The time has come" Raikou countered "they are ready. I felt it".

"No" Entei disagreed "the Raichu is not ready. It has given in to fear".

"What? When? How do you know?"

"I challenged them again a few days ago. That puny electric type was unbalanced, torn by its lies to its friend".

"How do you know that? You've been spying on them?" Suicune asked Entei disappointment. His two brethren just kept risking everything.

"I only intervened once. Either way the time won't come until all three are ready".

"And how will we know that?" Raikou wondered "that echidna didn't tell us everything".

Suicune looked down in deep thought for a moment.

"He said we would know when the time had come. We shall trust his words".

Raikou wasn't in agreement with this. But Suicune was in charge. And it had a point. They couldn't risk altering events any more than they did already.

All they could do was wait for the right time and hope to know it was the right time indeed.

"You see anything from up there Tails?" Sonic asked him from the ground as the trio headed for the lake of rage.

"Well, the lake looks normal" Tails reported, observing with the binoculars "but they do say looks can be deceiving".

"We need to be on guard there at all times" Knuckles warned his friends "Gyarados are already dangerous enough as is. If something is really agitating them…"

"I know" Sonic nodded remembering the gruesome sight in the whirl islands cave.

As Tails landed, he decided to tackle a question he had for Sonic.

"Why did you pit me against Gary back there? And without asking me too".

Sonic scratched his head awkwardly.

"Well… I just… I thought you would easily beat him. I didn't consider the chance he would use pokemon from his Kanto journey or that his team would be more rounded up compared to yours".

"Hey look at it from this perspective" Knuckles interjected "you have been a trainer seriously for about 3 weeks now. And the battle actually came down to the wire, and you also had less pokemon. That's a huge accomplishment in an insanely small amount of time".

Tails smiled. It was indeed quite the achievement.

"You make a valid point. But the lack of fire coverage sucked. It's thankful Raikou arrived just in time" Tails looked up to the sky remembering the beast.

"The way Raikou acted though" Sonic recalled "it was literally like if it was domesticated or even a pet. And it's a legendary".

"Wasn't Moltres like this too?"

"Only after I tamed it. But Raikou… Jet actually has a point here. Once we're done with team Rocket we should look into the mystery of the beasts".

Finally arriving at the lake, the heroes looked around. They were mostly by themselves which made sense. Who but them would be mad enough to approach a lake full of giant water monsters that ate people?

Sending out their partners each, Raichu, Espeon and Typhlosion respectively, they noticed Espeon close its eyes and crying out as if it was getting hurt.

"Damn there really is something at play here. Espeon must be sensitive to it because of its psychic type" Tails surmised as he petted his partner to make it feel better.

"Raichu feels it too" Sonic also said grabbing the right side of his head "I can feel a mild discomfort which probably means Raichu is experiencing a somewhat amplified version of that but nothing really painful. And if I had to guess same for Typhlosion".

His guess was accurate. And that caused Tails' brain gears to start rotating.

"Hm… interesting. Our pokemon are indeed affected, Espeon a bit more… but they're not going berserk".

"Are we even sure they are going berserk? Maybe we should find a gyarados, see how it reacts" Knuckles suggested.

"You really want us to fight a crazed gyarados?" Tails asked his red friend with a look that read 'you insane?'.

"Knuckles may have a point. We need to find out how the gyarados act to try and figure out what is causing the pokemon this agitation. Plus we don't have to fight. Knuckles has ampharos. It knows thunderbolt. It will either knock out the gyarados or cause it to flee" Sonic supported Knuckles' idea.

"True" Tails shrugged "water and flying so 4 times weak to electric AND we don't have to engage".

"Cool. All that's left then is to find a way to attract a gyarados" Sonic turned his gaze to the water.

"I got this" Knuckles said picking up a rock and throwing it to the water.

Nothing happened.

"Well shoot. I thought that would work. You guys said it worked in the chamber of choice".

"Yeah… maybe the gyarados here, being in the wild but not in total isolation can tell the difference. What do we do?" Tails rubbed his chin in deep thought.

Looking around for a moment, the three friends tried to come up with an idea.

Sonic eventually got one. An old, frail boat stood nearby.

"Hey we could use that" he suggested "it probably doesn't belong to anyone so no harm. The gyarados could think someone is crossing their lake or something".

"Could work" Tails said inspecting the boat "it has a hole though. It will sink fast".

"I know. We set it on the water and push it far with Espeon's psychic and maybe even a small push with hitmontop's strength" Sonic suggested another way.

"Yeah that could work. Alright bring out Hitmontop. Knuckles you and it will lift the boat. Espeon you will hold it in place as long as you can ok buddy?"

Espeon cried out ready.

A few moments later they were set. The boat was in the water, held in place by Espeon's psychic powers. With hitmontop ready Sonic gave the signal.


Hitmontop and Knuckles gave the boat a strong push. Espeon did its best to keep it afloat.

The result was immediate.

A huge splash swallowed the boat and sprinkled water around. When the three heroes looked they gasped.

It was a red gyarados.

"No fucking way!" Sonic screamed.

"Is that a shiny gyarados?!" Tails exclaimed.

"Wow!" Knuckles was amazed.

The gyarados crunched on the boat for a moment, then roared in obvious anger before preparing to retreat in the depths.

"No!" Sonic refused to let it escape, sending out Quagsire "ice beam!"

"Sonic what are you doing?!" Tails was taken aback by the sudden action.

Sonic ignored him. He wasn't thinking. His mind was dominated by one thought in the moment.

"I want this!"

The gyarados roared and started swimming really fast towards the trio.

"Here it comes!" Knuckles took out Ampharos' pokeball in order to chase it away.

"No! It's going to flee if you use lightning!" Sonic warned him.

Gyarados then suddenly launched itself towards Quagsire, forcing Sonic to push it out of the way just in time to spare both of them.

The red gyarados lifted its upper half over the ground like a snake ready to strike and roared.

"Quagsire ice beam!"

The attack only seemed to make the gyarados angrier.

"Sonic stop! You're making it angrier!" Tails tried to reason with his friend.

"I can't let it get away!"

Gyarados lunged again aiming for a crunch.

"Meganium protect!" Sonic called it out.

The shield held giving Sonic the chance to land another ice beam with the help of Quagsire.

Gyarados roared in pain, but not only from the attack. Tails took notice of something obviously bothering it a lot more. Probably the same thing bothering Espeon and the rest of their pokemon.

"You're mine!" Sonic declared throwing a pokeball.

The ball shook once before breaking, releasing gyarados which fired hydro pump.

Before Sonic could decide on a move, a big silhouette stepped in front of him and tanked the hydro pump.

The silhouette proved to belong to a dragonite.

"Dragonite dragon claw!" a voice commanded it.

Dragonite struck at gyarados driving it back.

Out of nowhere, a pokeball was thrown at Gyarados. And it didn't belong to Sonic.

"What?! No!" Sonic whispered reaching out as he witnessed the ball shaking once, twice, thrice.

The catch was confirmed.

Sonic knelt overwhelmed, an inexplicable feeling of failure and frustration washing over him.

He had just lost the shiny gyarados. But to who?

Turning his head he saw a man with red hair, dressed in a dark blue outfit with orange stripes and wearing a black cape over his shoulders picking up the pokeball.

"You three ok?" he asked the three friends.

"We're fine" Tails answered until he noticed who he was actually talking to.

"Oh my gosh! You're… you're… you're…"

"My name is Lance. I am a pokemon trainer just like you three".

Sonic, his frustration still very present but not showing, also identified him.

"Nice to meet you. Champion".

Lance smiled.

"Perceptive. Agatha rightly speaks highly of you Sonic the hedgehog".

"Wait you're champion Lance? As in the champion of Kanto and Johto?" Knuckles came forward.

They were just talking about his cousin, Clair, on the way there while deciding their moves. To think they would actually meet the champion was far etched to say the least 5 minutes ago.

"Yes. I assume you are here for the same reason I am".

"Investigate the gyarados" Sonic answered as he stared into the shiny gyarados' pokeball.

Lance took notice of it but didn't mention it.

"I have been looking into this myself. Gyarados is one of the species me and my family have mastered as dragon tamers. My cousin, Clair, the gym leader of blackthorn city wields dragons, including a gyarados even though it's not a dragon type. So when I heard the lake of rage had become dangerous, I took it up in myself to find out what was happening".

"And did you find anything?" Tails asked him.

"As a matter of fact I did. Just now. Catching this one" he said referring to the shiny gyarados "has given me the confirmation I needed. Whoever is behind this they are using radio waves".

"Radio waves?" Sonic asked in surprise, forgetting his frustration for a moment.

"Yes. I found this one as a Magikarp splashing violently in the water. It was in a lot of pain. It then evolved right before my eyes into the red gyarados before attempting to eat me and retreating into the depths".

"You were almost eaten by that thing?!" Tails grabbed the sides of his head, shocked by Lance's calmness.

"Not at all. Me and my family are Gyarados tamers remember? But thing is, no matter what I tried before it fled, it wouldn't calm down, getting more agitated instead. I noticed several more Magikarp display the same behavior. My only explanation for this is that they are being forced to evolve".

"Forced?" Knuckles tilted his head.

"Via the radio waves. Have your pokemon been acting different or seem to be in discomfort ever since you got here?"

"Yeah… yeah my Espeon. It is picking up something and I couldn't tell what" Tails nodded slowly in realization.

"The radio waves. They are affecting pokemon around and in the lake much more than the surrounding area. Only way this makes sense is that the Magikarp and gyarados are being bombarded with these waves on purpose".

"It makes sense… but who would do such a thing?" Tails rubbed his chin in deep thought.

"Team rocket. Obviously" Sonic jumped to conclusion. Morrison had informed them of this exact thing.

"It isn't something they would hesitate to do" Tails continued "but what's their motive? Why would they bombard the lake with waves causing Magikarp to evolve into Gyarados?"

"Probably catch them in order to gain an advantage over us" Knuckles took a guess.

Lance nodded negatively.

"Gyarados are not easy pokemon to handle. In their current state that doesn't seem something they could do en masse".

"Even if they did, it's a bad move. They know of my raichu. It would be suicide to use Gyarados" Sonic assumed.

Lance although agreeing, couldn't help but notice a small amount of underestimating towards the rockets from Sonic.

"In any case" he let it go "we need to stop this. The Pokemon here have suffered enough".

"Agreed. Maybe whoever does this could lead us to the rockets" Sonic supported the idea.

"But how do we find them?" Knuckles pointed the issue.

"I have a couple of places for you to check. Dragonite and I will check some places that seems suspicious. Although you might want to change to a less obvious disguise" Lance advised.

A few minutes later, the three heroes had split with Lance, trading phone numbers so one would call the other if they found anything. Furthermore, team Sonic had swapped disguises, going with average stuff like sunglasses and hats that hid their identities just enough to go unnoticed.

The first stop was the building hosting a local radio channel. Forced to do this quietly and stealthily, the team resorted to split by having Tails spy on the main entrance and hack into the building's com system to gather evidence, while Sonic and Knuckles repeated their Ecutreak city stunt by breaking into the vents.

An hour later they had come up with nothing. Place was perfectly clean although Tails accidentally overheard one of the technicians admitting to his colleague about cheating on his wife with her sister, causing the fox to feel guilty about using this kind of means to achieve their desired ends.

The process was repeated in the town's mall and power station, once again yielding no results. And they were on the beginning of the list Lance had given them.

The team's morale was very low as they were resting laying on the grass in a park. And their patience was thin, as they were very hungry and thirsty.

"This is pointless" Knuckles complained after a while "whoever is doing this could be hiding anywhere. We can't just break into every building in town. I'm tired of hoisting Sonic to help him in the vents".

"Hey I'm not that heavy" Sonic replied annoyed.

"Well then suggest another idea" Knuckles retorted.

"How about you break into the vents for once" Sonic almost bumped into Knuckles' forehead.

"How about you just find them? You are the expert at finding the rockets".

"How about…"

"Will you two quiet down?!" Tails shouted stopping them "quarreling won't get us anywhere. We will find them. We just need to approach it smartly".

"We have nothing on it though foxboy. How do you find a location you know nothing about?"

"I mean it's not impossible" Sonic shrugged as he looked up towards the sky "Tails found my Alakazam as an abra by…"

"Triangulating! That's it! That's the answer!" Tails hopped up excited.

"Triangulating? But what do we use as data to triangulate from? Last time we had locations were my abra had stolen things or dropped things accidentally".

Tails' pupils danced in his eyes for a few moments.

"It's going to be a little harder this time. We need to do two things. First we need to locate the part of town where the radio waves are affecting our pokemon the most. Secondly I will need to analyze the irradiance in that area to pinpoint the location of the source of the radio waves. That will require a lot of data though. If I had my equipment from back home I would require a lot less but now…"

"No worries we got this now" Sonic hyped his friends up as he and Knuckles exchanged a small 'it's ok' nod for their small fight.

"Let's get something to eat and drink and we will start right away" Knuckles agreed.

And so they did. With a chili dog and a bottle of water in hand each, team Sonic split, while constantly on the phone.

After a while Tails' Espeon picked up the radio waves close to the north edge of the town.

Calling his friends to him, they regrouped. Immediately, using only Espeon this time as a meter, the three friends started walking around the area.

Every once in a while Tails stopped and marked something on their map of Mahogany. Slowly but steadily, a triangle was formed on the map with its base at the edge of the map towards the lake of rage and its two other sides progressively extending. With each addition to the map, the sides were coming ever closer to crossing.

The three heroes were silent about this. Because there was no need to say it.

When the lines crossed, they would be at the desired location.

"Do you think they will be rockets?" Knuckles voiced his question.

"Maybe" Tails answered. His voice revealed his anxiousness.

After a few more rounds of data collecting and triangulating, Tails found it; a small souvenir shop.

"A souvenir shop? Are you sure this is where the data leads?" Sonic looked at Tails with a hint of doubt.

Tails didn't notice. He too was stumped.

The place barely looked like it even used electricity. How could it possibly be what they were looking for?

His eyes slowly observed the building top to bottom. And then he noticed something.

The nearby tree.

Its trunk was covered in moss and other bits of plant life.

"Impossible" Tails muttered walking towards it.

"Tails?" Sonic asked him in concern. His friend looked like he was in a trance.

Tails reached the foot of the tree and started feeling for the trunk under the moss.

"Tails what are you doing?" Sonic asked him again as he and Knuckles approached.

"Sonic look around you. At the trees surrounding the town" Tails replied in an unsettling tone as he began looking even harder for something.

Sonic looked around. The trees looked absolutely normal just like the tree his friend was touching for some reason.

"What am I supposed to look at?"

"Their trunks".

Sonic again looked but saw nothing strange.

"I see only normal trees"

Knuckles gasped. He had apparently picked up on what Tails was saying.

"Sonic… haven't you noticed this tree is the only one with moss on its trunk on an ecosystem that produces trees without moss on their trunks?"

On que, Tails found what he was looking for. Ripping the moss off, he revealed a cable attached to the tree via small vices bolted to the tree.

"What the…" Sonic exclaimed as quietly as he could.

Ripping more moss, revealing more of the cable and eventually flying a bit higher, Tails revealed a small radio disk stashed amidst the leaves.

"Definitely the place" the fox said seriously.

"Then let's go see what excuse they have for this. We get them, then call Lance" Sonic decided.

"Wouldn't it be wiser to call Lance first?"

Sonic contemplated it but his frustration over Lance catching the shiny gyarados made the decision for him.

"Nah. Look at this place. Just how many could we possibly have to deal with? Come on" Sonic began heading for the front door.

Tails was about to land and follow when he noticed a familiar van parked nearby.

"Sonic wait!" Tails flew to the van and landed.

"What is it?" Sonic asked him.

"Give me a moment" Tails answered without taking his eyes off the van.

As Sonic and Knuckles waited for their friend to finish what he was doing, Espeon turned to Raichu.

"How did it feel to battle all those bad guys you fought back then at once?"

Raichu was caught off guard by the question.

"I don't know… I guess I felt confident. We had trained hard to not lose to that monster who killed…" it stopped.

It was so caught up in the emotions that it almost said 'your brother' instead of Jolteon.

"What was he like? The Jolteon you fought alongside?"

Raichu processed the question fighting to not panic.

Entei's words came to mind.

"You have allowed fear to consume you. Face your fear before it's too late. Or everything you cherish will be gone. And this time it will be your fault alone".

This was it. This was the final act. The crossroads of destiny. Raichu had to make the choice now.

"He was… brave. Braver than I will ever be" it said with a broken voice, meaning more than Espeon could ever understand.

Espeon rubbed its head against Raichu to try and help it feel better.

"Well let's win today then. For your friend".

Raichu went to say for your brother but refrained. It couldn't.

It wouldn't break its friend's heart like that.

"Tails are you seeing something or what?" Sonic asked him losing his patience.

"Sonic… that's the truck Ariana escaped in yesterday!" Tails verified.


"That means they're close. And the drive from Olivine to Mahogany is long. They may have just returned".

Sonic's temper was flared.

"If it's parked here then they must be connected to the radio waves! Come! We end this now!"

"Wait! Let's call Lance!" Tails rushed to his side.

But Sonic didn't listen.

With Knuckles by his side, he kicked the door open, ripping it from one of the hinges.

Three people inside looked at him in total shock from his aggressive entrance. One of them met Sonic's gaze.

Time stopped.

"You?!" Sonic shouted in disbelief.

Chapter 77: When teams collide


Chaos erupts in Mahogany town as team Sonic invades team Rocket's hideout. Unfortunately for the heroes, the villains had had a lot of time to prepare.

Chapter Text

"Step on it already!"

"Admin Ariana I'm already over the speed limit. Any more and we will be pulled over".

"Do you have even the slightest idea what's at stake?!"

"I do but…"

"But nothing! Just shut up and drive! We need to get back to the hideout IMMEDIATELY!"

The grunt didn't object again and sped up.

Ariana went back to tapping her foot on the car floor in anxiety. Things were now critical.

Not only had they lost to team Sonic again, but Petrel was captured. Their enforcer was out of commission.

It was now only a matter of time until team Sonic came for them.

Arriving outside the humble front of their hideout, the grunt parked the van, while Ariana exited frantic and raced inside.

The old man they had hired to pose as the souvenir seller went to speak but her response silenced him.


The old man, taken aback, spoke to a small communicator.

A few seconds later, the huge gold cabinet chilling on the side of the room moved aside, revealing a set of stairs. Admin Archer walked up, dressed in a casual outfit.

As the grunts took the stairs down to the hideout, Archer stared at Ariana pissed.

"Tell me what I heard on the news is lies. Tell me you didn't lose to the fox!"

"Is this really what's bothering you now?! Petrel has been arrested!"

"I'm well aware".

"Do you know what this means you dunderhead?! The three menaces could come knocking any second!"

"Petrel might have proven to be just as incompetent as every one of our assets who have lost to team Sonic already, but that's not something to worry about. He wouldn't talk. He is truly loyal to the boss. He won't give us up. In fact, his arrest is a victory for us. Team Sonic can't get any info out of him about us".

Ariana however, hadn't revealed a crucial detail yet.

"They left the scene of Petrel's failure riding on Lugia".

Archer froze.

"Say… what?! Where are they now then?!"

"I don't know! Noone does! Noone saw Lugia head somewhere specifically. For all we know they could be on our doorstep right now. What do we do if…"

The door was suddenly kicked open with such force, it was ripped off one of its hinges.

Archer, Ariana and the old man accomplice all turned their heads towards the entrance.

There stood their nightmare incarnate.

Sonic the hedgehog and his two friends.

Sonic and Archer's eyes crossed.

"You?!" Sonic exclaimed in disbelief mixed with anger "figures".

Archer stood there, the single second turning into an eternity.

Fear, panic, anger, terror, rage and many more emotions swirled inside his entire being for the duration of that eternity.

The hedgehog was right.

Meeting him face to face was something Archer would never be able to prepare for or even comprehend what it would feel like.

Acting fast, Archer grabbed a heavy souvenir from a shelf behind him and threw it towards Sonic.

The three heroes ducked out of the way, giving Archer and Ariana time to walk down the stairs again.

"Sound the alarm!" Ariana screamed as she raced to try and secure the team's plans.

Archer headed for a small panel on the wall. A big red button awaited there, begging to pressed

Archer slammed his fist against it.

Alarms started going off throughout the tunnels. The main force of team rocket, oblivious to the development were taken aback and wondered what was going on.

Archer then reached for a small radio he had had installed near the entrance for this exact reason.

"Attention team rocket! This is code red! Team Sonic has found us! All personnel evacuate the hideout immediately! I repeat this is code red! Team Sonic has found us!"

The effects of his warning were instant.

For a whole ten seconds everyone went into a panic frenzy.




Ariana then entered the main room, holding a big rolled-up piece of paper and blew a horn.

"All right you lot! Compose yourselves! Follow the evacuation procedure! Squad A and B, stall the nuisances! Squad C and D, retreat to the safe houses and prepare for arrival! Squad E with me and admin Archer. Go!"

The evacuation procedure. Knowing this day was inevitably coming sooner or later team rocket had prepared. Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of drills to execute it perfectly. And tens upon tens upon tens of reviews of the procedure to cover their flanks.

All in the name of the survival of team rocket.

Of course squads A and B knew they were risking a lot. Facing team Sonic head-on after defeat upon defeat. But it was now or never. Team rocket had to persevere. Just a little longer.

The day of reckoning was nearing.

Team rocket would persevere.

"YES MA'AM!" the grunts all replied, pushing their fear aside, as each grunt headed to their assigned squad.

Archer arrived shortly afterwards.

"How are we doing? I used the switch to pull the cabinet over the stairs but I heard it come off. The echidna must have ripped it off the mechanism. They're coming!"

"We're ok. Got the plans right here… shit!" Ariana screamed when taking a look at the plans.

"Shit what?!"

"I forgot the generator blueprints!"

"WHAT?! You moron! You choose this time to forget the most crucial bit of the master plan?!"

Ariana considered their options.

"It can't be helped. We need those plans. Squad E! We head to the planning room. Cover our flanks".

"Yes ma'am!" the grunts all replied.

Archer followed as he spoke into his communicator.

"Squad A report!"

Sounds of battle came out of the communicator.

"They broke through the entrance! The hedgehog and the echidna are bombarding us with rock slides! No sign of the fox yet!"

"Damnit! Keep tabs on all of them! And for the love of Ho-oh do NOT let them get through!"

The reply he got was static.

Archer got the message and picked up the pace.

Further back, at the entrance of the tunnels, Sonic and Knuckles were slowly but steadily breaking through the squads. Their enemies' pokemon were weak but the narrow corridors made it impossible to give it their all.

"Dammit how do we break through them faster?!" Sonic wondered aloud as he ordered his Pupitar to fire another round of rock slide.

"Getting up close is an idea! But I need an opening! We need something to sweep them away!" Knuckles replied.

Tails then joined them.

"What took you so long?" Sonic asked over his shoulder.

"I was texting Lance. I wrote him party at souvenir shop. EveRyone present. Hurry!"

"Good. But by the time he arrives the admins will escape! Typhlosion flamethrower!"

Typhlosion unleashed a powerful flamethrower, causing the grunts to stumble back and take cover, while some of their pokemon fainted.

"That's it! That's how we break through!" Sonic said in realization "Tails call Lapras out!"

Tails brought out his water and ice type. Sonic followed up with his Quagsire and his still present Blastoise. The scar on its cheek reminded the grunts opposing it of who they were facing.

"On three!" Sonic instructed.


"One!" both said at once.

"Here it comes!" a grunt screamed "retreat!"

"Three!" the two friends shouted skipping two and firing their move.

"Hydro pump!"

The three water types fired the powerful move, creating a combined version of it that swallowed a lot of the opponent's pokemon as well as some of the grunts, knocking them out with ease.

"Let's go!" Sonic said recalling Blastoise and Quagsire. Raichu tapped its paw on the ground eager.

Tails also recalled Lapras. Espeon was by his side, just as eager as Raichu.

Or not so much. Raichu was very nervous about the whole situation, getting powerful deja vu feelings. Along with silph co flashbacks.

Team Sonic along with their pokemon started racing through the tunnels, Tails airborne.

Another part of Squad B blocked their way.

"STOP IN THE NAME OF THE BOSS!" they all shouted sending out a dozen pokemon.

Amongst the opponents, were koffing, ekans, drowzee, rattata, raricate, arbok and many more.

"Sludge bomb!" many of the grunts said at once.

"Espeon send them back! Psychic!"

Espeon held most of the sludge bombs in place for a second, then fired them back towards the rockets, breaking their formation.

"Get them Knuckles!" Sonic encouraged his friend to attack.

Knuckles and Typhlosion charged into battle, Typhlosion running over the Pokemon with flame wheel and Knuckles taking on the grunts.

Suddenly a rattata jumped him and bit him in the arm.

"OUCH! SON OF A BITCH!" he screamed grabbing the small rat pokemon.

"Typhlosion flamethrower!"

Upon ordering the attack, he threw the rattata in the air. Typhlosion stopped rolling with flame wheel and blasted the rat pokemon with a powerful jet of flames knocking it out.

Tails was kicking ass just like Knuckles, thought unlike Knuckles he was fighting with his brain instead of his fists.

Espeon used psychic strategically to both knockout opponents and redirect attacks. Tails also using his stun gun to get it over with instantly.

"If this was a video game, I'd definitely get an 'untouchable' achievement" he smiled as he dodged an attack while stunning a grunt at point blank range.

Turning his head to his hedgehog friend, he couldn't help but be filled with a mix of awe and nervousness.

Sonic and raichu were an unstoppable force.

Anyone who came their way was knocked out with a single strike. Their power was undeniable and was the source of Tails' awe.

But there was also the nervousness. And it was stemming from the fact that Sonic and raichu didn't seem to care who was on the receiving end of their one-strike-knock-out attacks or more specifically, whether it was a grunt or a pokemon.

In the heat of the battle an Arbok fired a sludge bomb towards the distracted Espeon.

"Rai!" Raichu jumped in front of the sludge bomb.

Ironically, Espeon had foreseen the attack coming and was beginning to redirect it.

Raichu's heroic action had it get blasted in the face by the sludge bomb.

"Gah!" Sonic groaned as he felt the attack, this time the connection, and consequently the damage, intensified.

The grunt fighting Sonic in that very moment managed to get a good punch in, thinking they stood a chance.

He was gravely mistaken.

As Sonic knocked him out with a right hook, Tails noticed bubbles coming out of Raichu's face.

"Knuckles! Raichu has been poisoned! Pecha berry quick, I'll cover you!"

And with that he started firing on any approaching rockets or pokemon, stunning each and every one of them.

As Knuckles fed Raichu the pecha berry to cure it of the poisoning, Espeon knelt next to Raichu.

"Why did you do that? I was going to be fine".

"No you…" Raichu went to say but refrained "just be careful from now on ok? For my own peace of mind. Please".

Espeon didn't expect this response. What did Raichu mean by it?

Just as Raichu was cured, Sonic and Tails simultaneously knocked out the last grunt.

"Clear! Let's move!" Sonic said with determination.

Soon enough however, the path split.

"Where to?" Tails inquired looking both ways.

"We split up. I take the right path, you take the left".

"No way. We're not splitting again" Knuckles objected.

"We don't have time for this. They must have split to make sure the team survives. We need to capture both. Go!" Sonic quickly explained and before his friends could object he darted off to the right path.

"Sonic! Dammit! Knuckles let's go quick!"

Knuckles and Tails then headed for the left path hoping Sonic's assumption that they had split to escape separately was accurate.

Along the way, Tails couldn't help but notice something peculiar about the tunnels.

"That's strange. This feels more like a mine rather than a hideout".

"You're not entirely wrong. These must be the famed Mahogany smuggling tunnels".

"The what?"

"Long story short" Knuckles began explaining as he pushed some crates out of the way "there was once a town on the other side of the lake of rage and as you can imagine the two towns would do trade with each other. But unfortunately… rockets 12 o'clock!" he suddenly shouted as Typhlosion unleashed a flamethrower.

Tails quickly stunned their two human opponents as Typhlosion and Espeon KOed their pokemon.

With their path clear, Knuckles continued.

"As I was saying, unfortunately during the dynasty of a not so benevolent ruler, taxes went into an all-time high for Johtonian history. Therefore to survive financially, the locals as well as their trade partners across the lake, built these tunnels to store goods, they didn't want to be charged by the ruler with taxes for. Rockets must have found the tunnels and set up their hideout here. Truly brilliant in all honesty".

"I see. Wait. You said they are commerce tunnels right? For trades across the lake. That must mean there are hidden entrances and/or exits. Sonic was right. If we don't pick up the pace, Ariana and Archer will escape!"

"Then let's hurry" Knuckles wholeheartedly agreed.

As the two were fast approaching the end of the path, they failed to notice they were being tailed.

"Ma'am they split up just like you predicted. We got eyes on the fox and the echidna. The hedgehog must be coming your way".

"Excellent" Ariana replied with a devious smile "everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. Stall them".

"For the boss" a duo of rockets replied before hanging up.

Ariana and Archer in the meantime, accompanied by squad E, retrieved the blueprints she needed and cautiously started making their way towards the planned exit.

"Everything is going as planned. The three menaces' story ends today" Ariana said still wearing her devious smile.

"Excellent. The boss will be very pleased" Archer smiled as well.

"You three scout out the tunnels. Report how far along the hedgehog is" Ariana randomly sent off three members of their squad.

"YES MA'AM" they swiftly replied before leaving.

Before long they were facing Sonic.

"Stop in the name of the boss!"

"This is getting old" Sonic thought sending out Quagsire "surf!"

On the flip side, reaching the end of their path, Tails and Knuckles found themselves facing a big metal door.

The door of course didn't budge.

"What now?" Tails looked to his friend.

Knuckles donned his gauntlets and turned to Typhlosion.

"Flamethrower on the door!"

Typhlosion unleashed its powerful jet of flames on the door. Soon enough the door began turning into a reddish color.

Letting out a war cry, Knuckles began pounding on the door with his gauntlets repeatedly, slightly terrifying Tails.

After a few punches a big enough hole was formed.

Walking in, they found something both bizzare and heartbreaking; a total of 24 Electrodes, all held in place with a round frame trapping each one individually and holding them in place. Furthermore they Electrodes were forced to provide Electricity from their own bodies to a generator.

Some of the Electrodes noticed the newcomers and looked at then with hope. Others however let out a scared cry and increased their electricity output.

"Dude" Knuckles was dumbfounded. It wasn't his first time seeing abused pokemon but this just twisted his stomach to a vomiting point.

"I can't believe I felt sorry for the rockets. Look at these pokemon" Tails said deeply shaken "they must have been forced to provide electricity non-stop for who knows how long. Sonic was right. They're all just as heartless as Giovanni!"

"I'll set them free. You look around for anything of use" Knuckles headed for the first Electrode.

Tails looked around frantic as Knuckles began ripping the frames trapping the electrodes off of them, setting them free in the process.

His eyes soon fell came across a small table.

On the table was a huge planning sheet.

"Jackpot!" he screamed ecstatic "I got plans! It must be their endgame!"

His happy line of thought was interrupted by an Electrode ramming into the table, flipping it in the process.

Knuckles was done. All 24 of the Electrodes were now free. Some were sticking close to Knuckles, feeling safe by his side, while others were randomly rolling around trying to find a way out.

"We got to get these Electrode out of here then join Sonic!" Knuckles turned to Tails immediately after freeing the last Electrode.

"Don't be so sure heroes!" a familiar voice caught their attention.

The Electrode all immediately rolled to the other end of the room, rubbing against each other in fear.

Blocking their way out were…

"Butch and Cassidy" Knuckles spat while saying their names "why am I not surprised. So you actually survived Raikou's revenge".

"It is time for some payback" Butch said as he coughed. He had still not healed from pneumonia 100%.

Tails wasn't having it. He went to take aim at then with his stun gun before it was blasted out of his hand by a sludge bomb.

The sludge bomb came from Cassidy's Tentacruel.

"We end this tonight heroes. Especially you" she said looking at Tails with burning hatred "I will take pleasure in defeating".

"That was then and this is now!" Tails declared "I will not let you harm these Electrode or any other pokemon ever again!"

"Then let's settle this" Butch egged then on "your hedgehog friend isn't here to save you this time".

"Ampharos!" Knuckles called his latest addition out.

"Espeon come on out! Time to end this!"

"Cloyster!" Butch sent out his water type as well.

Same opponents, same opening from them. Tails smiled.

"You rockets really like to overestimate your abilities don't you? Espeon! Take out that Tentacruel! Psychic!"

"Ampharos thunderbolt!"

The heroes' pokemon moved almost instantaneously. Cassidy's Tentacruel was immobilized in the air, while taking damage from the psychic.

Cloyster however retreated into its shell by using withdraw, its hard shell blocking thunderbolt to some extent.

Tails, thinking quickly, turned to Knuckles.

"On three fire thunderbolt!"


Espeon read Tails' intentions and threw Tentacruel against Cloyster, causing it to open its shell again.



Thunderbolt struck true, and even better, struck both opponents at once as they were touching.

Tentacruel and Cloyster both collapsed.

Butch and Cassidy felt fear crawling down their spines.

Last time they had dominated them, along with the little brat Jessie and James liked to pursue. Now they had taken out two of their strongest pokemon with a single attack.

Archer was right to tell them to only stall them, not to actually try to beat them.

Sticking to the plan despite the frustration, Cassidy sent out her Raticate while Butch went with his hitmontop.

"You want more punishment?" Knuckles taunted them "cause if you surrender now we could accept it".

"Surrender? To you?! Never! Not after everything we went through after our last encounter!" Cassidy screamed in fury.

Tails looked at her in question.

"And what is it you two went through?"

Cassidy pretended to be upset, unwilling to talk. But on the inside she was ecstatic.

Ariana truly was a master strategist.

She was sure the heroes' compassion would get the better of them. Especially the fox's. After all that was his strong point.

Archer and Ariana could hear this whole conversation happening in real time as the room was wired.

"Perfect. They're too occupied" she smiled as they were nearing the exit "Squad E report on the hedgehog's position".

"You can ask me that yourself!" an angry voice answered from behind.

Ariana was taken aback and Archer flinched.

Slowly turning they came face to face with their enemy.

"Heh. Long time no see, Sonic the hedgehog" Ariana greeted her enemy.

Sonic narrowed his eyes, having no desire for pleasantries.

"It's over. Your base has been compromised. There's nowhere to go. Surrender now, I don't want to hurt you".

To his surprise and Raichu's both admin's burst out laughing.

"Oh you have no idea what hurt really means" she remarked confidently.

Sonic smirked.

"Is she wearing the pants in your version of the organization Archer?"

Archer took offense to this but refrained from showing it, smiling instead.

"My only regrets from this meeting, Sonic the hedgehog, is that I will not be the one to end you. Pity indeed. Destroy him" he spoke the final words to someone else.

"Wha…" Sonic went to say before being tackled to the ground.

Both the hero and his attacker rolled on the ground for a few seconds before Sonic kicked him off and managed to get a good look at his psychotic, deranged, bloodthirsty face.

"Proton" he scowled.

"Payback time hedgehog!"

As this confrontation was beginning, Tails tried to get Cassidy to answer.

"Tell me. What did you two go through?"

"I almost died" Butch answered for Cassidy "I got pneumonia because my partner couldn't get me back to the hideout due to my injuries. Injuries I got because of Raikou's attack! The Raikou you freed!"

Tails' expression didn't change.

"You really expect me to feel sorry for you? You captured Raikou! Those were your choices! And you reaped the rewards that day!"

"Enough! Raticate super fang!"

Raticate went to slash at Espeon. Ampharos blocked the attack, taking the damage and allowing Espeon to fire another psychic, damaging hitmontop to near fainting.

"You won't win this time. So please get out of our way. Stop making the wrong choice. There is no point in continuing" Tails pleaded trying to reason with them.

"The wrong choice? What makes you think we have another choice?!" Butch screamed in anger.

"There's always a choice!" Knuckles yelled in response, startling everyone including Tails.

"How do you know that exactly, knucklebrain?"

Knuckles went silent. Tails knew what he was referring to.

His choice to almost pass on.

"I can't explain how I know but I know. You don't have to be with team rocket anymore. There's more to life than them. You can choose to be better than this".

Butch's expression slowly turned calmer as if he was actually considering it.

"Enough talking!" Cassidy screamed again bringing Butch back to reality.

Tails was struck by a powerful feeling of deja vu.

This exact scenario played merely seconds ago. Butch tried to get them to talk and Cassidy tried to get the fight going again.

But every time Butch talked she didn't try to get a dirty attack in.

"You're stalling" Tails realized.

Everyone in the room looked at him.

"You know you can't beat us… yet you act like you want to continue the fight but you don't fight and talk instead… oh no! Sonic!"

Ariana heard the conversation.

"Damn. The fox is too smart. He figured it out".

Archer bit his lip. He wanted nothing more than to stay and watch the hedgehog meet his doom. But survival was the top priority.

"Proton! To the death you hear me?!" he ordered the executive before he and Ariana booked it through the exit tunnel.

"No!" Sonic tried to pursue them only to be forced to stop Proton's assault again.

"I've been waiting for this! Because of you and your team I spent weeks here healing! Weeks that could have been used to restore the glory of team rocket! Now I am going to pay you back the pain a thousand times!"

"Get out of my way! I didn't hesitate the first time! No way I'm hesitating now, especially not for a psycho!"

Proton responded by taking out a singular pokeball.

"Prepare for the second coming hedgehog!"

And with those words he sent out the pokemon inside.

A rhydon.

A rhydon that Sonic's Raichu found all too familiar.

"Rai!" it backstepped in shock.

Once again Sonic somehow heard Raichu's thoughts.

"This is… Giovanni's Rhydon!" he muttered in disbelief and with a hint of fear in his voice.

Rhydon seemed definitely recognized Sonic and Raichu as the moment it laid eyes on them it roared loudly, eager for a rematch.

The roar was so loud it travelled through the tunnels to Knuckles and Tails.

"What was that?" Knuckles inquired.

Cassidy laughed in response.

"The end of Sonic the hedgehog" she declared.

Tails gasped realizing he was spot on.

Before Butch or Cassidy could react, Tails jumped for his stun gun.

"No! Raticate slash!"

"Hitmontop fake out!"

Hitmontop caused Espeon to flinch, rendering it unable to protect Tails.

As the fox reached for his stun gun, the slash connected, opening a huge wound across his arm.

"Aaah!" Tails screamed grabbing his wound with his other arm while holding the stun gun.

"Tails!" Knuckles dived towards Raticate.

Grabbing the mouse pokemon, he prepared to throw it in the air.

"Ampharos thunderbolt!"

While throwing Raticate in the air however, the latter slashed once more, creating another huge wound, this time on Knuckles' elbow.


"No!" Tails screamed, taking aim and firing despite the pain, stunning Raticate, hitmontop and the two agents in quick succession.

All four shots found their mark, causing their enemies to collapse.

"Knuckles you ok?!"

"Don't worry about me I'm fine! We got to get to Sonic NOW!"

Tails nodded.

Calling out to the Electrode, they helped them as quickly as they could through the opening in the door and then started racing the clock.

"So you somehow got your old boss' rhydon. You think this fourth rate mind game will get to us?" Sonic challenged Proton.


With a psychotic smile Proton took out a small canister and threw it to the ground next to Rhydon.

The canister cracked upon impact. Sonic could read a phrase on the side of it.

"Shadow gas?" he thought confused.

The moment Rhydon inhaled the gas, it roared so loud Sonic felt his eardrums would burst.

Rhydon then started slamming its foot on the ground causing tremors and even accidentally unleashed a rock slide.

"What the hell is this gas?" Sonic thought in shock "this thing is turning rabid!"

Proton took great pleasure in seeing his enemy getting unnerved.

"Rhydon! Destroy them!"

Rhydon started unleashing a barrage of rock slides back to back. Sonic and Raichu were forced to duck and dive to avoid them. Raichu got hit by one of two, with Sonic sharing the pain.

"Damnit! Meganium! Protect!"

Meganium came out and with Sonic and Raichu standing behind it, created a powerful shield to protect against the rock slides.

"Pathetic! Rhydon! Horn drill!"

"Shit I forgot! Dodge!"

Rhydon launched itself with its horn rotating like a drill aiming for Meganium.

The shield smashed into a thousand tiny bits and Meganium was struck by the horn drill. However thanks to its heavy defenses and the loss of momentum from rhydon due to the shield, the move merely KOed it.

Quickly recalling it, Sonic tried to think but rhydon roared and started coming after them again this time with horn drill.

"Raichu dodge and strike back with iron tail!"

Raichu dodged the horn drill and after a mid-air flip, landed a heavy blow on rhydon.

Unfortunately for them the only effect the move had was agitating Rhydon further!

"Forget the rodent! Kill the hedgehog!"

Rhydon turned its attention to Sonic who barely jumped out of the way. Raichu managed to land another blow with a combination of quick attack and brick break but it was no use. The more it struck rhydon the angrier and stronger it got.

"What the hell was in that gas?!" Sonic thought in panic trying to find a way out "what even was it?! Hulk gas?!"

After another dodge from Sonic, raichu prepared another iron tail.

"Mega punch!" Proton saw the move coming and ordered the counter.

Rhydon, its eyes overcome with uncontrollable rage, its entire being submerged into rabies, grabbed Raichu's iron tail, immobilizing the electric type for just a moment.

The next moment the mega punch sent Raichu flying and crashing into a wall, sending shockwaves of pain through Sonic's body.

"Gah!" Sonic knelt, his mind almost flatlining. It was too much.

Tails and Knuckles arrived that same moment.

"Sonic!" they both called out to their friend at once.

Proton took notice of them. And then he took notice of Espeon.

His eyes gleamed with a psychotic evil glow.

Archer's words came to his mind as he was informing him of his role if the three heroes came knocking.

"Cripple them. I don't care how or in what way. Make sure they're out of our way"

"Yes… that's the best way to cripple them!" Proton thought.


Rhydon momentarily stopped.


Both Sonic and raichu's widened as PTSD kicked in.

"No not again!" Sonic thought "Tails! Take cover!"

But it was too late.

By the time the warning left Sonic's lips Rhydon was launching towards Espeon.

Sonic closed his eyes, wishing this was all just a bad dream and they were still asleep by that lake near Ecutreak.

The next moment he felt a searing pain in his stomach explode throughout his body.

He felt like he had been stabbed.

And yet he was only lying on the ground.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Tails screamed in absolute terror.

That scream triggered another painful memory for Sonic. Mike's scream of denial.

Sonic put two and two together and gasped.


Slowly and with a trembling head Sonic turned his head to the side.

Raichu and Rhydon were standing still as Rhydon had stopped its charge.

Raichu and Sonic both looked down to see Rhydon's horn stabbing deep into Raichu's stomach!

"No… no… no no no no no no no!" Sonic pleaded over and over and pinching himself, begging to wake up.

Rhydon growled and stood on its two feet lifting Raichu off the ground as the electiric type cried out in pain.

"Nooo!" Espeon cried out sounding like a normal cry to everyone else.

With a sudden move, rhydon sent Raichu flying into the wall again. Raichu crashed into the ground not moving and seconds later a pool of blood started forming around it.

Darkness engulfed Sonic's mind. Silph co all over again. Jolty's death. His battles with Giovanni.

"Aaahahahahahaha!" Proton laughed maniacally "finally the hero falls! Team rocket wins! Team rocket will always…!"

Bone breaking sound filled the room as Sonic's fist met Proton's jaw.

"YOU MONSTER!" Sonic screamed shoving Proton against the hard rock wall, then slamming his fist into him.

"Hit me more! What do I care?! Your puny raichu is doomed!"

"SHUT UP!" Sonic elbowed him in the face, causing the back of his head to bleed.

Despite those brutal injuries, Proton merely kept laughing.

"Is the cost of playing hero worth it?"

"RAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" Sonic screamed as he relentlessly and mercilessly began pummeling Proton's face as punch after punch, uppercut after uppercut, started chipping away at the executive's face. Teeth came out, one eye was gouged out.

Tails and Knuckles couldn't believe what they were witnessing. The shock had rendered them apathetic.


But Sonic wasn't listening. He had lost himself to rage entirely. The grief, the pain, not only the shared one with Raichu but the mental pain of what had transpired moments ago fueling his assault further.

Near death, Proton soon realized if this rage was allowed to continue existing, team rocket could still fall.

With one last surge of strength he kicked Sonic back.

"Rhydon! Horn drill!"

Sonic looked back and saw rhydon coming for him the drill screaming doom.

He ducked out of the way.

For a moment he thought he had made it.

Until his right side was slashed open by the horn drill, before the rest of him was thrown aside by the sheer momentum of rhydon.

The same sheer momentum kept rhydon going.

Straight for Proton.

"Oh" was all the executive managed to say before not only Rhydon's horn but its entire face went straight through him, the drill managing to dig into the wall. Rhydon fainted upon impact as Proton spat out blood and his upper half slumped on rhydon's back, barely clinging to life.

"Sonic!" Tails rushed to his friend's side, as the hedgehog too was unconscious.

"He's not responding!" he told Knuckles.

Knuckles immediately rummaged through his supplies, taking out two big rolls of bandages.

"We got to bandage them and then get the hell out of here!"

Footsteps were heard in the distance coming from the tunnel leading back to the hideout's entrance.


Tails nodded and quickly bandaged the unconscious Sonic's wound.

"Come on Sonic! Stay with me!"

Knuckles did the same with Raichu but tears left his eyes as he did this.

Its wound was too severe.

The footsteps became louder. Furthermore a small roar was heard.

"Go!" Knuckles said urgently as he picked up Raichu and rushed to the exit tunnel.

Tails followed, carrying Sonic while airborne.

Proton witnessed them leave as he laid dying, nailed to the wall because of Rhydon.

His slowly dying brain was filled with only one thought.

"Have I done enough? Have I… have I saved team rocket?"

Suddenly images started playing in front of his eyes. At first he thought it was the cliche of life flashing before his eyes. But it wasn't that.

It was a vision.

A city burning.

People running away in fear.

Sonic's two friends as well as several others he didn't recognize cowering before something.

And in the center of it all…

"Project two" Proton whispered.

But this wasn't purely Mewtwo. He could feel Giovanni's essence coming from it. As if he and Mewtwo were one and the same.

He couldn't explain what he was seeing. But it felt real.

Proton smiled. That was more than enough of an assurance.

The footsteps finally reached the room.

They belonged to champion Lance and his Dragonite.

Looking around he witnessed his fears come true. He was too late.

"So much blood" he whispered. No way whoever this blood belonged to had made it out alive.

His eyes then fell on the dying Proton.

Rushing to his side, Lance tried to shake him back into consciousness.

"Where is team Sonic?!"

Proton whizzed as he tried to get words out.

"Answer me! Where is team Sonic?!"

Proton grabbed Lance's shirt collar to bring him closer.

With one final psychotic smile he got the words out.

"Long live the boss".

And then he slumped back on Rhydon, taking his last breath, the psychotic smile, now a grin, still etched upon his face.

And Lance was left all alone, in the scene of the carnage, Dragonite by his side, trying to make sense of everything.

But he could only really think of one thing.

Where is team Sonic?

Chapter 78: Mourning


The news of the Mahogany battle spread like wildfire across Johto and even to Green Hills, sending a wave of sadness to all who knew team Sonic.


Before this chapter starts i noticed a couple of minor mistakes I made in earlier chapters which i would like to address moving forward. One, Knuckles' grandfather's name is actually Sabre not Athair, which will be important later on. Second, i recently found out Quagsire cannot learn hydro pump which i wish i knew before writing Sonic's Quagsire learning it. Though it's nothing major i will take this chance to create a mini-timetable for the future of the story as a small compensation even for such tiny errors. Below is a list of which characters will make their debut in the future and in which region each.

-Shadow the hedgehog (major character)
-Wally (obviously) (major character)
-Maria (Sonic adventure 2 Maria as recurring character with impact)
-Mike (return after Kanto journey and recurring character)

-Jet the Hawk (companion and major character)
-Storm the albatross (recurring character)

-Amy Rose (major character)
-Cream the rabbit (major character for Unova journey)
-Vanilla the rabbit (major character for Unova journey)
-Team chaotix (cameo -maybe recurring characters)

-Silver the hedgehog (cameo -maybe recurring character)
-Rouge the bat (recurring character)

-Big the cat (recurring character)
-Dr Eggman (a couple of cameos)
-Blaze the cat (recurring character)
-Sticks the badger (cameo)

And of course Tails and Knuckles will continue being recurring characters in all the regions moving forward.

Chapter Text

"Alright! Nothing better to start the day than a huge breakfast!" Ash started digging in alongside Pikachu.

"You eat so much you'll burst" Misty said disapprovingly.

"Yeah whatever Mom" Ash roasted her "I need a full stomach to win the amazing battles I will have today. And to train hard. The Johto league is not too long now. I got two scores to settle with a certain red echidna and a even more certain blue hedgehog".

Misty sighed. Ash was Ash till the end.

"I wonder if they're ok" she voiced her thoughts "noone has heard from them in a couple of days".

"Wish we could have joined them. I'd love to kick some team rocket butt".

Afterwards the trio continued their journey towards Ecutreak again, their destination being Mahogany town.

Passing by a small corner shop, they stopped to pick up some water. As Brock was about to pay for the water he took notice of the TV playing behind the shop owner.

It was a news broadcast.

The headline read 'Disaster in Mahogany town'.

"Mahogany? That's where they are!"

"Say what now?" the shop owner replied in confusion.

"Please raise the volume" Brock asked.

Shrugging the shop owner obliged.

The same reporter who had reported from the port of Olivine a few days ago during the battle of the whirl islands was speaking.

"My friends… what started two days ago, as a wave of celebration, a wave of hope… has turned into a day of mourning. I have the sad duty to bring you today's news regarding…" she stopped she was clearly having a hard time bringing these news to light.

"Brock what's taking you so long?" Ash poked him as he and Misty walked into the store.

"…regarding… Thomas please take over".

"I got you Miranda. My dear viewers we are live in the old tunnels of Mahogany town, once known you be hiding spots for commerce goods to be traded between Mahogany town and Aero town, whose ruins can be found on the other side of the lake of rage. As you can see behind me, the walls are now partially covered in metal covers, resembling a team rocket hideout like the ones uncovered by hero of Kanto Sonic the hedgehog in the Kanto region".

"Wait, team rocket was in Mahogany?!" Ash exclaimed.

"Shhh" Brock shushed his friend.

"As you can see behind me, the hideout was outfitted with everything required for team rocket to call their home while at the same time have room to keep captured Pokemon. Many such Pokemon were discovered here by Kanto and Johto Champion Lance who arrived on the scene late after being contacted by team Sonic who apparently discovered the place first".

"They found them!" Misty gasped.

"I never doubted they would. All the better. Now team rocket is done and they can focus on preparing for our battles" Ash optimistically assumed.

"I said shhh" Brock shushed his friend again as the beginning of the broadcast foretold something ominous.

The camera then entered a room covered in red stains.

"What the…" Ash managed to say as he stumbled back knocking a few cans of a shelf.

"As you can see behind me now… this room was where team rocket executive Proton was discovered by Champion Lance in his final moments. The executive was brutally stabbed into the wall, with the murder weapon being a rhydon that used the illegal move horn drill".

"Wha…" Misty was horrified.

"They… did that?" Ash muttered not believing it.

Brock wanted to say there was no way. But they didn't know all of Sonic and his team's Pokemon. Then again if that was their Pokemon why leave it there?

"With us right now is champion Lance who will give his own statement as to what he discovered. Champion you're live".

"Thank you. Residents of Johto… fellow trainers… today marks a grim day for this region. What I found… I cannot describe. What I found… was nightmare fuel. But there is something else I discovered… that everyone should know… with the help of the police we gathered blood samples across the hideout, trying to piece together what happened. In total, apart from executive Proton's blood, 4 other blood samples were discovered".

Ash and co's eyes were now glued to the screen.

"Two of the blood samples have not been matched by the police with anyone. The third blood sample…" Lance stopped.

Ash and his friends looked at each other. Having met the Kanto elite Four, they all described Lance as not someone who would be easily moved by anything, a master of emotions, something required when handling dragon Pokemon.

For someone like him to be overtaken by emotion even if it just meant to stop talking to gather his composure…

"The third blood sample belonged to a pokemon. The DNA matched with the Raichu species".

"WHAT?!" Ash shouted in horror.

"D-does that mean…" Misty brought her hands to her mouth in disbelief.

Brock couldn't even utter a word.

"As for the 4th blood sample… it too hasn't been matched to a person… but it does match with one of the blood samples collected from the office of the CEO of silph co a few months back".

Ash gasped. Was Lance inferring…

"It's only speculation… but I am afraid there is a good possibility that Sonic the hedgehog and his partner Raichu… met their bitter end here".

"NO!" Ash shouted as he knelt, his legs giving in.

This wasn't happening. Not after everything.

Sonic had survived so much. He couldn't possibly be gone.

Jasmine had had the exact same reaction in her apartment, as the news kept coming.

"Champion… how are you sure enough to make this speculation?"

"Those two blood samples were found in this very room, with trails leading outside towards the lake of rage. The quantity of blood found overall is too much for anyone to survive without immediate treatment. More specifically, it's been estimated that at least one pint of Raichu blood was spilled.".

Jasmine's eyes teared. She knew what the champion would say next.

"It is commonly known that Raichus usually have around 2.5 pints of blood in their system".

"And… how do we know this is the result of battle injury?" Thomas asked Lance.

"Raichu DNA was found on rhydon's horn. I assume you can tell the rest".

That was the last straw.

Jasmine shut the TV off. She couldn't handle this anymore. It had to be a nightmare, it just had to be.

The same exact thought ran through detective Morrison's mind as he watched the broadcast from his home in Ecutreak with his wife.

A pause took place as Thomas was now somewhat forced to ask what it would all mean about the future regarding team rocket but it just didn't feel appropriate.

"And um…" he cleared his throat deciding in the last second to tackle another, more relevant question first "have they found… the fallen heroes?"

An officer Jenny entered the frame to answer that question.

"Negative. No bodies have been recovered so far. Normally in such an occasion a person would be listed as missing, but as the champion stated, with the amount of blood loss around us… we are forced to declare them presumed dead… and maybe without the presumed".

"What have I done?" Morrison whispered, drowning in guilt, finding his wife's hand "I sent those 3 kids to their doom".

His wife held his hand tight, letting his know she was by his side in this. She was also searching for the right words to tell him it wasn't his fault but it was an almost impossible task, despite her husband having lost coworkers in the field before.

And how could it not be. Three young trainers, with their whole life ahead of them, and probably their pokemon were being presumed dead. The life that awaited them was taken like nothing.

"I see…" Thomas stuttered trying to keep calm "one last question. What does this all mean in regards to team rocket?"

Lance closed his eyes. It still was an inappropriate question but it required some answering with all the insecurity the presence of team rocket in Johto brought.

"Unfortunately apart from executive Proton, the fate of a huge part of team rocket is still unknown. Several dozens of grunts were found either knocked out or stunned. Team Sonic put up a good fight" Lance said before stopping again.

Jake and Carrie hugged each other trying to ease the suffering. They couldn't even begin to imagine how their son would take the news.

Another person who took the news very hard was Molly Hale and her family in Greenfield.

They were all preparing to go for a stroll around town when they, alongside a lot of the Greenfield residents heard about it on TV in the town's central cafe/restaurant.

Molly of course burst in tears immediately, under the belief her friend Knuckles had perished as well. Professor Spencer and his wife Lucy couldn't believe it either.

In Mahogany Lance was finally able to continue.

"There are strong indications team rocket had emergency protocols for scenarios for either the police or their enemies coming to their front door and knocking. The good news is in their current state it is going to be very hard for them to stay under the radar. But for safety, we advise the public to remain vigilant. They are still out there and even in their current state they are still very dangerous".

"And what's the plan of action if they re-emerge and they…" Thomas paused "and no one is there to stand in their way?"

"We will do our best not to get to this point" officer Jenny stated "all leads that could lead to them will be followed. That's all from here".

"And that is all folks" the camera showed Miranda in front of the hideout again "today is a day of loss. The fall of three young heroes who stood against the fear of team rocket and prevailed time and time again. If they are truly gone then wherever they are we only hope they will find some peace in knowing no one will stop until their battle is won".

The broadcast ended.

Leaving Amy Rose devastated.

It was now officially too late for apologies.

They were gone.

Her former friends were gone.

There was no making things right anymore.

Feeling the need to do it, she headed to Sonic's home.

Before even crossing the lawn door, she could hear mourning coming from inside the house.

A small part of her wanted to turn back.

But she had to see this through.

She knocked on the door.

A tearful Jet opened it.

"Go away" he swiftly and harshly said the moment her presence was registered "you're the last person we need here right now".

"Jet… I'm so, so sorry".

"For what? For which of the many things you have done to us can you possibly be sorry enough for?! And what good is your apology now?! My brother is gone! And he was on that path because of you!"

"Because of me?! I never told him to pursue those criminals".

"Maybe. But you were the catalyst to that choice and that is the irrefutable truth! So yes! His death is on your hands!"

Amy felt like being stabbed in the heart.

"Jet I…"

She was interrupted when Wave walked past her, giving her a look of disapproval.

"You shouldn't have come" she let her former friend know the obvious before walking in to offer her condolences to Sonic and Jet's parents.

"As you can tell, probably" Jet emphasized the word "you are not welcome here. So go home Amy" he said slamming the door to her phase.

Amy was left there, alone once again, and this time truly irredeemable.

"Oh Sonic" she whispered as tears flooded her cheeks "I wish I had made things right when I had the chance".

The whole Johto region fell into a state of mourning.

Team Sonic had touched the lives of so many people ever since their arrival. Their loss was felt everywhere. Things would never be the same again.

Similar to Amy in Green hills, Tails' crush Cosmo in Azalea took the news very hard. Unlike Amy however she began maniacally calling Tails' phone.

But it was turned off.

Cosmo found this to be very strange.

"If he's… gone… then why is his phone turned off… he would have never had a chance to turn it off…"

She played with the idea of closing the shop for a few days and heading to Mahogany. But her fear of what she would find there kept her from doing so.

Tails' phone could have been shut up for a number of reasons.

It could have broken in the battle.

It could have fallen in the lake of rage.

Those and many more possibilities.

In other words, it was in a way, a wild goose chase.

"Tails… wherever you are please give me a sign. Please" she begged in silence, praying something would change.

A small part of her wanted to go to the forest and look for Celebi. It was a fool's dream but maybe Celebi could do something about it.

But Cosmo had been taking walks through the woods her entire life. And she had never seen Celebi.

What chance was there she would find it now?

All she could do was pray Tails was alive and that they would meet again.

A while later detective Looker finally arrived on scene, as he had been so focused trying to convince Petrel to give up his team's location that no one could even find him.

Of course the moment he arrived he attracted many angry looks and many more even angrier comments from the locals who had learnt what had been transpiring for so long literally next to them.

"Some time you choose to arrive" a woman said sarcastically to Looker.

Looker ignored her as headed inside to meet up with Lance and the rest of the officers.

"How are we doing?"

"We have everyone of the arrested rockets ready for transport to Ecutreak. Also the whole hideout has been swept top to bottom. Several incriminating stuff we need to look into sir"

"Good. Everything goes to Ecutreak. Did detective Morrison happen to come by?"

"No sir".

Looker nodded.

"I see. Alright then. Back to Ecutreak. We have a lot to look into".

"Sir? Shouldn't we investigate the surrounding area? To find… the bodies?"

Looker was less than moved.

In his mind, if he had really perished, then the hedgehog had gotten what he deserved.

"No. We don't have the time or the resources to commit to this. We need to prioritize arresting team rocket".

Lance's eyes narrowed.

"Something wrong champion?"

"… these three young trainers have been committing to this very task ever since they set foot in this region… and you, the leading detective on the team rocket investigation have been pursuing them from the get go instead of the real villains in this story. And now that these brave heroes… fell trying to make this world a better place, for people and Pokemon alike… now you are willing to do your job?"

Looker remained stoic and unmoved.

"These three vigilantes... because that's what they were champion. Not heroes… those vigilantes met a fate they had coming. Now they're done. Now I can proceed to find the remnants of team rocket without having to compete with team Sonic".

"Compete?!" another voice echoed.

Morrison's voice.

Looker turned around to find his former partner having just arrived to hear his statement.

"That was the reason you went after them so hard Looker? You were competing with them? This was all just glory hounding?"

"No. It was an inaccurate explanation. But from a certain point of view it's true. They should have never interfered from the beginning. I am simply trying to uphold the law".

"And those three young trainers were trying to uphold their ideals. Ideals the whole world shares Looker. You know what I mean" Morrison said while subconsciously touching a small pendant he was wearing which contained a picture of his family.

Looker knew this.

"Those ideals led to casualties Morrison".

"Yeah. Once at the hands of Suicune and once at the hands of Raikou. Are you going to arrest the legendary beasts too for suspected collaboration with team Sonic?"

Looker didn't reply. He wouldn't fall for such an obvious trick question.

"This matter is no longer of anyone's concern Morrison. Team Sonic is out of the picture now. It's best for everyone".

Morrison closed his eyes in disappointment with what seemed to Looker like guilt. He then proceeded to walk past them towards the exit leading to the lake of rage.

He stopped right next to Looker and gave him a side look.

"Best for everyone? Or best for you?"

Looker's eyes widened for a second.

He watched as Morrison left.

What he didn't see was Morrison tricking his way into taking the shadow gas canister with him before leaving.

In the car Morrison dialed his wife.

"Hey honey".

"How did it go?" she asked him, knowing confronting his long-time colleague and friend couldn't have been easy.

"About as well as you'd expect. But this is not why I'm calling".

"What is it then?"

"I know I said I'd stay… but I can't. Something has come up here. I found a canister labeled shadow gas in the hideout. Looker probably didn't give this thing a real look. But I believe there's something sinister about it".

He paused, taking a deep breath.

"Something leading to team rocket boss Giovanni".

His wife didn't reply.

"Are you saying we're all in danger?"

"If Sonic the hedgehog is really dead… then there is no one left to stand against Giovanni. The other kid, Mike, is still unaccounted for. But even if he wasn't, it was Sonic who prevailed in Viridian city. I've got to chase this lead. For the safety of our family. For the safety of everyone".

Carrie understood.

If Giovanni returned, team rocket would too. And no one, be it person or pokemon, would be safe.

"Go do your job honey. And don't worry" she assured him as she knew that by taking that canister he would be an outlaw for a while "I didn't hear from you".

Morrison smiled. It broke his heart but it had to be done.

"I love you".

"I love you too" she said as he hang up.

Carrie then walked to the balcony window and stared outside into the busy streets of Ecutreak.

She wondered what the future had in store for their family. What it had in store for every Johtonian.

She didn't know.

Neither did she know that the day of reckoning, the day of the Atachi satellite's return, was only 3 days away.

Later that same night, in the wilderness of Johto, Misty opened her eyes after a bad dream.

A new day was to begin in a few hours but the world seemed a lot less bright.

Getting out of the tent to get some air, she found Ash sitting alone, Pikachu asleep somewhere. Ash was sitting on a log just looking at the stars.

"What are you doing up so late?" she asked in surprise.

"It's not like I can get any sleep".

"You didn't?!"

"How could I? After what happened".

Misty shared the feeling. But still she couldn't help but wonder why it had affected Ash so much.

"You want to talk about what's on your mind?"

"I just… I just don't get it. I didn't like the guy. He was frustrating and… and so stuck up in his ways of training pokemon, seeking power… saying he would convince his pokemon to evolve instead of accepting their emotions… and yet…"

"And yet you knew there was more to him. You knew he wasn't like surge or Gary or anyone we met who got the same reaction out of you".

Ash lowered his head. He didn't like but there was something unique about him.

Before he met Sonic, Gary was Ash's main rival. At times he would look at an imaginary distance and see Gary's back and pursue him.

Now in that imagination, Gary had been replaced with Sonic. And even worse, it always felt to Ash that no matter how hard they tried the distance between him and Sonic was only getting bigger.

That was one of the main reasons he had trained hard before the indigo conference, beating Gary as a result. And yet Sonic, his Raichu and their team went nearly unrivalled.

And now they were gone. Just like that.

Misty thought about it for a moment before putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Remember what he always said? He said he saw immense potential in you. I too am sad he is gone… but".

Ash put his hand on her hand to stop her.

"No need to say it. No way I'm stopping. Not now. I will train hard. Harder than ever, with Pikachu and our other friends. The Silver conference will end in my victory. If Sonic won't be there, then I will give it my all like he would" Ash declared, burning with determination.

Yes he didn't like Sonic. But the hedgehog had a way of pushing Ash to get stronger while being himself.

And winning the Johto league in Ash's mind was the proper way to pay respect to his fallen rival.

He would win it all.

Chapter 79: Searching for hope


Jasmine, unwilling to give up hope, puts together a search party with fellow gym leaders to look for clues regarding team Sonic's fate in Mahogany.

Chapter Text

Jasmine's phone alarm rang. Checking the time she hit the snooze button and tugged herself in the blanket again.

Some would think she was trying to get more sleep.

They would be bold to assume she had gotten any sleep.

24 hours had passed since the revelation of the carnage in Mahogany town. And she still couldn't accept it.

They couldn't possibly be gone.

There was no way.

"There is no way" she thought over and over "they can't be dead. He can't be dead. It sounds stupid… but I can feel it. They are alive. Somehow. Somewhere".

This thought had been torturing her all night. The voice of hope whispering in her ear.

She jolted up, reaching for her phone.

"I can't just sit around. I need to know"

She quickly dialed a number.

On the other side of the bay, gym leader chuck was heading to his gym to open it for either challenges or simply workout.

The apparent demise of team Sonic did weigh on him a lot, though not to a point of total paralysis.

Those three young trainers had given him some of the best battles he had ever had. Especially Tails.

Taking on the 5th gym leader without any prior badges or real experience and winning was something Chuck didn't believe possible.

As he was about to put the key in the keyhole, his phone rang.


"Chuck it's me".


"Listen. You owe me a favor right?"

"Yeah…" Chuck raised his eyebrow in question.

He did actually. Jasmine had borrowed his team and took challenges for him and at her gym while he was going through a rough phase for a couple of months, essentially fulfilling double gym leader duties which wasn't an easy task.

"Good. Cause I want to cash in that favor right now".

"Ok… what do you need?"

"I need you to come to Olivine. NOW".

Chuck was taken aback by the shift in the tone.

"You alright?"

"One more thing. You know how to drive right?"

"Yeah I do".

"Good. Meet me at the car renting store in Olivine. I'll fill you in when we're on the road".

And just like that she hang up.

Chuck was bursting with questions.

What did Jasmine want? Where was she intending to have him drive them?

Shrugging as it couldn't he helped, he assigned one of the trainers working at his gym to be a temporary gym leader until his return, hopefully by the end of the day.

Taking the first ferry of the day, Chuck headed to Olivine.

Immediately upon making port, he headed for the car renting store. Jasmine was waiting there, next to a rented car.

"What is going on?"

"Shut up and drive. I'll fill you in when we are out of Olivine".

Chuck was now totally confused. Jasmine was never this brash.

Getting in the car he ignited the engine with Jasmine taking the passenger seat.

Once they were on the road heading for Ecutreak, Chuck demanded answers.

"What is going on?! You have me come here right away and now we are on the road going… where are we going actually?"


Chuck's mouth hang open for a moment.

"Is this about your friends? Team Sonic?"


"Jasmine they're gone. I too have a hard time with this but you should be trying to make peace with it".

"They're not dead Chuck. I can feel it".

"You saw the news. You saw how much blood there was on the scene. There is no way…"

"I don't care!" she screamed, holding her tears back "I will not believe it. Not until…" she kept silent for a moment "we have found… proof".

Chuck was well aware now that she was intending to look for the bodies.

"But if that's your goal… what do you need me for?"

"You're not the only one who's going to help me with this".

Chuck raised his eyebrow in question.

"You will see when we get there. Now please remain quiet and focus on the road for the rest of the trip. I need the quiet for a bit".

As the two gym leaders went quiet, each lost in their own thoughts, another event was taking place in Ecutreak's police station.

Looker was rummaging through the evidence from the Mahogany carnage, looking for the shadow gas canister. But it was nowhere to be found.

Finally giving up, he headed for file room, looking for the report of the previous day.

An officer Jenny found him.

"Detective what are you doing here? You need something?"

"I need the report from yesterday. One piece of evidence has gone missing".

Officer Jenny took over and found the report in a matter of seconds.

Looker quickly read it. The canister wasn't even mentioned in the report.

"What?! Where is it?!"


"Who wrote this report?"

"Lieutenant Jameson. He the one responsible for the evidence yesterday as well".

Looker booked it out of the room, heading for the lieutenant's office desk.

In the main room of the headquarters, everyone gave Looker either a confused look as he was heading frantic for Jameson's desk or a slightly angry look. Those who gave him an angry look were of course angry about the doom of team Sonic and the police's lack of action when they were needed the most.

Jameson noticed Looker and stood up.

"Sir?" he put his arms behind his back.

"Don't you sir me lieutenant. Where is the shadow gas canister from yesterday?!"

Jameson looked at Looker in confusion.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sir… detective Morrison told me yesterday you ordered him to discreetly investigate the canister and its origin. He also told me you ordered it not in the report".

"YOU GAVE HIM THE CANISTER?!" Looker's voice sent chills down everyone's spines.

"I… I did sir… On your orders".

"You imbecile! He tricked you! He never rejoined the case! He had no jurisdiction! Whatever gave you the impression he did?!"

"W-well… I just… I didn't question it… he has helped immeasurably in cases before so I thought…"

"To hand him the most vital piece of evidence, possibly a link to team rocket boss Giovanni, without confirming with me first!"

Jameson regained his composure after a few seconds. Professionally he had messed up. So now, there was only a one in a million chance he wouldn't get fired. So he decided to speak his mind.

"Forgive me in advance for my lack of respect sir, but you didn't seem to share this desire with detective Morrison before the fall of team Sonic. Detective Morrison was the one trying to pursue team rocket alongside team Sonic and all you did was get in the way. Is it any wonder I didn't hesitate?"

Looker was fuming.

"Your chief will know about this when this whole case is over. So enjoy whatever service time you have left because I'll have your badge!"

And with those words Looker left the room, his image to the rest of the officers, unbeknownst to him, having been smeared even more than before.

The contents of the exchange of course didn't go unnoticed. One hour later an officer left the station for her lunch break.

Hiding in a storage closet, she activated her communicator.

"What is it?" a voice responded.

"I need to speak with admin Archer immediately. This is urgent".

A moment of silence.

"Patching you through".

Static played for a second.

"I hope this is serious" Archer's voice spoke through the device.

"Sir, we cannot retrieve the shadow gas canister. The detective who was thrown off the case took it".

"Hm…" Archer's voice hummed "I see. Unfortunate. But it's not a very big deal. By the time his investigation has borne fruit, it will be too late. The boss will be back with us. Team rocket will be officially back… and this time" he said maliciously with an evil laugh "Sonic the hedgehog will not be there to stand in the boss' way. So let the canister be. We have won".

"Yes sir" the grunt signed off before actually heading to grab lunch.

Several hours later, Jasmine and Chuck finally arrived at Mahogany town's central square. There expected them the last two people Chuck would anticipate.

"Pryce? Clair?"

Clair immediately turned to Jasmine.

"What was so urgent you had to bring us all the way here Jasmine? I'm supposed to be back in Blackthorn, helping my cousin regain his sense if perfect balance in order to be safe around our dragon pokemon".

"This has to do with those three young trainers who met their bitter ends here, am I right?" Pryce made a guess.

"An accurate guess Pryce. I want your help in finding team Sonic".

Clair closed her eyes in a slight disappointment.

"Jasmine they're gone. Finding their bodies won't change anything".

"They're not gone! I can feel it!" Jasmine got in her face "and even if they are… finding them will change something… my own internal pain".

"So this is just your own personal quest. Hmph. I'm leaving then".

"Clair?" Pryce looked at her in question.

"My cousin is unbalanced. His dragonite can feel it. Their bond is strong but it is based on Lance's balance of mind. He needs me".

"And I need your help! All of yours' help!" Jasmine pleaded.

Clair stopped. She turned to them.

"Give me one good reason why I should be chasing ghosts instead of being there for Lance".

"We ought to find them" Chuck explained, having changed his mind "they deserve a proper sendoff if they're really gone".

"This is mere sentiment. We need to focus on the present, on reality. Not…"

"We need to find them" Pryce declared, surprising everyone.

One would think Pryce would discourage them, as Mahogany was in disarray. As gym leader it was his duty to help his fellow residents get back in order.

"What about your gym leader duties?" Clair questioned him.

"One day without me won't bring ruin to town. At least no more than my failure already has".

"Your failure?" Clair tilted her head in confusion.

"It was my duty as gym leader to protect pokemon and trainers in Mahogany from threats to their well-being. Team rocket was here, under my nose, for months. And what did I do? Nothing. A big part of the blame for team Sonic's doom lies on my shoulders. I too want to find them… to properly apologize… as stupid as it sounds".

"Come on Clair" Jasmine pleaded "we're all on the same side here. It will be just a few hours. Please".

Clair sighed

"Fine. But remember. Only a few hours".

"Good enough for me" Jasmine nodded.

The four gym leaders then headed for the scene of the crime.

Finding the entrance of the tunnels from the souvenir shop, they walked into the underground passages.

Signs of battles stretched all around them. They couldn't help but be impressed.

"Heading into the heart of the earth, in a place crawling with their enemies… they must have put up quite the fight" Pryce admitted impressed.

"You have no idea how great they are. In more ways than one" Jasmine replied.

Clair gave Jasmine a side look. This was more than personal for Jasmine.

Reaching the room the carnage had taken place, they all felt sick from all the blood stains.

"The blood leads outside" Clair pointed out "they must have fled after that executive's fatal injury".

Jasmine gulped. They had left the tunnels.

That meant there was bound to be one or more trails of blood outside.

She couldn't bear the thought of what awaited at the end of those trails.

Following the exit tunnel, they found themselves outside again, by the lake of rage.

"I guess the tunnels must have been very useful back in the day" Chuck commented.

"So where to now?" Clair asked.

"Look around. There must be blood trails" Jasmine explained.

Splitting up the four gym leaders started carefully observing the ground for any hint of direction.

After a few minutes, Pryce found something.

"Over here! Dried blood!"

The other three converged and saw what he meant; dried drops of blood were decorating, for lack of a better word, the leaves of several bushes.

"Must be theirs" Jasmine assumed

"No sign of them though" Chuck looked around.

"Maybe they hid in the bushes immediately after their escape for a while".

"But where did they go afterwards?" Pryce inquired rhetorically as he looked around in deep thought.

"They must have gone somewhere to get medical assistance" Jasmine stated the obvious.

"But how would they go under the radar? They must have been trying to go in hiding instead" Clair shut down her theory.

"But Sonic and his Raichu were bleeding heavily. If they didn't get medical assistance…"

Everyone went silent.

"There" Pryce pointed to a small path by the lake "more blood drops".

They made for the start of the path.

"Has to be theirs" Pryce surmised while kneeling to check the trail.

"And look!" Jasmine pointed forward "more drops ahead".

Indeed there were more blood drops further down the path.

"How did the police miss all this?" Chuck inquired.

"Because they didn't bother to look. And I am sure Looker made the call to not look for them" Jasmine guessed disgusted.

"Well in any case" Clair spoke with her hand on her waist "to find anything we will have to follow the path. Question is, are we all prepared to face what possibly awaits at the end?"

All four went silent once again. Jamsine was breathing heavily thought the nose, her conflicting emotions rampaging like a whirlwind.

"We need to see this through" she declared.

"Very well then" Clair nodded taking the lead "just remember. This was your choice".

And with her black cape, similar to that of her cousin, Lance's, billowing behind her, Clair started walking down the path, followed by Jasmine, Pryce and Chuck.

As the four gym leaders paid close attention to both the path and their surroundings for any clues, Clair asked Jasmine to walk side by side with her.

"What is it?"

"You didn't bring us here for your peace of mind, right?"

"What… what do you mean?"

"You're a steel type trainer. Steel is hard but if enough force is applied it can be easily bent or broken. And I believe something that can apply enough force like that isn't necessarily something physical. Like love".

Jasmine didn't reply but her cheeks turning into a mix of pink and red gave Clair the answer she needed.

"You're in love with Sonic, aren't you?"

"This… doesn't have anything to do with our search".

"But it does. It's the very reason we seek them. If you're gonna do this, at least be honest with yourself".

"I am".

"Then why don't you tell yourself the truth? You know the facts" Clair tried to reason with fellow gym leader.

"There is no way so much blood was spilled and they are still alive. Hope is a good thing. But you need to know when it is ok to have it. Otherwise you're not hopeful. You're foolish. Which is what you are being right now".

"Take that back. I'm not foolish".

"You brought us here because you felt they are alive. This is hoping despite all the undeniable facts. In other words foolishness. You know it, I know it. Which is why I gave you the chance to not go through with this. Now if we find what I believe we'll find at the end, unfortunately… I believe you will not be able to handle it".

Jasmine hated when Clair did this.

Her mastery of emotions like her cousin made her able to feel not only dragon pokemon's emotions but others' as well.

And she was, just like always, spot on.

Soon after this exchange, they found something that deeply shook them; a huge pool of dried blood, in a small clearing on the side of the path.

But once again, no bodies.

Pryce examined their discovery.

"This must be where they took their last breath" he said sadly.

"This can't be!" Jasmine countered in absolute denial "if that's the case where are their bodies?!"

"Look around you Jasmine. We're standing literally next to the lake of rage. A lake known for its gyarados population. What chance is there that the savage gyarados smell their blood, come out of the lake and feast on their flesh?" Clair brought the harsh fact down on Jasmine hard.

Jasmine knelt, the weight of her emotions too much to bear.

Clair was making a point that was just too valid to ignore.

Wild gyarados were savage by nature. Especially with the radio waves bombarding them, they would have become bloodthirsty.

Her fellow gym leader was probably right.

This was a foolish chase from the start.

As she finally let her tears fall, Clair closed her eyes tightly and placed her arm on Jasmine's shoulder.

The fact she was assuming the most probable outcome from the start didn't mean she didn't wish she was wrong.

All four gym leaders took a moment alone allowing the reality to sink in.

That was until Chuck noticed something a bit further down the path towards Aero town.

Picking it up, he found it to be a bandage full of dry blood.

"Guys check this out" he called out to them, showing them his discovery.

Jasmine stood up and took the bandage.

Her face lit up.

"They're not dead!" she whispered.

"What?" Clair looked at her in disbelief "what are you talking about? This is the final proof they are gone!"

"No they're not! The bandage was on the ground, obviously taken off. A gyarados wouldn't take off the bandage before eating them! They have to be alive!"

"But if they are, where would they be?" Pryce inquired.

"The bandage was further away from the pool of dried blood" Chuck said allowing his mind to piece together the answer "towards the ruins of Aero town. That must be it".

"But this doesn't make any sense" Clair tried to use logic "why would they go hide in the ruins? In fact why hide at all? That would mean they are faking their deaths".

"Only one way to find out!" Jasmine said with a smile, hopeful once again as she started walking, almost sprinting to Aero town's ruins.

The three gym leaders followed her, Pryce as best he could, as he was not as young as he used to be.

Soon enough they were on the outskirts of the town, the old abandoned, collapsed buildings giving off an eerie feeling.

"They can't be hiding here. Look around you. The place is crumbling. Hiding here is dangerous" Clair tried to deter them.

"Then we better hurry. Split up" Jamsine declared as she took off, running through the crumbling, ancient buildings.

Clair sighed.

"It can't be helped. Split up. Meet back here again in 30 minutes. And don't do anything risky without reason".

"Got it" Chuck nodded.

"I'm not young enough for risks anyway" Pryce chuckled.

And just like that, the search was on.

Clair walked as quietly as she could throughout the ancient town, her black cape billowing behind her, trying to pick up anything strange, be it image or sound.

But nothing. Place was just what she imagined. A ghost town.

"Why would they hide out here?" she thought.

The sound of footsteps made her turn in an instant.

They belonged to a small ratatta, looking around for food.

Clair was about to turn around when something stuck itself on the back of her head.

It felt like a small round pipe.

"Don't move a muscle" a voice then warned her.

Clair put her hands in the air, as her eyes widened. That thing was not a pipe.

It was the barrel of a gun.

Chapter 80: Back from the dead


The events of the Mahogany rocket hideout raid come to light for Jasmine and her fellow gym leaders by none other than the alive and well team Sonic.

Chapter Text

Clair was breathing heavily, trying to think of any feasible way out of this predicament.

Hands in the air, the barrel of a gun on the back of her head.

"What is your purpose here?" the voice belonging to the one aiming at Clair asked.

Clair gulped.

"I am… looking for someone".

Silence for a few moments.

"You're out here… in the ruins of Aero town. Looking for someone. I don't buy it".

"It's true. I… I am looking for… some friends of my cousin".

The barrel was pressed harder against her head.

"I'm gonna need more than that to believe you. Who is it that you seek?"

Clair hesitated. If that was an enemy of team Sonic then revealing she and the others were looking for them would set off all sorts of alarms within team rocket.

But then again… was it even team rocket? They weren't known to use guns.

"Who am I speaking to?"

"That's on a need to know basis. And don't try to answer the question with a question. Who is it that you seek?"

Clair was trapped. She would never be able to send out her pokemon in time.

"I seek team Sonic".

A very quiet but still audible gasp reached her ears. The barrel of the gun was lowered, allowing her to sigh in relief.

"Why do you seek us? Who are you?"

Clair's widened.


Turning around she came face to face with none other than…

"Tails?!" Jasmine came out of nowhere, sprinting and hugging the fox.

"Jaz? What are you doing here?"

"We've been looking for you! I can't believe it! You're ok!"

Chuck and Pryce rushed to their location after hearing the shouting.

"Tails!" Chuck exclaimed "well I'll be! Jasmine was right! You guys are alive!"

Tails looked at the group of four before him with a million questions.

"Ok. Just so I do not get overwhelmed here, let's take this from the beginning. Hi Chuck and Jaz it's been a while. And you are?" he turned to Pryce and Clair.

"I'm Pryce, the Mahogany town gym leader.

"I'm Clair".

"Woah woah woah! Clair as in Clair the blackthorn city gym leader and Lance's cousin?!"

"I guess my cousin talked to you guys about me".

"Matter of fact he did. Wow. The four strongest gym leaders of Johto. All here. But why are you all here?"

"Jasmine rallied us here. She didn't want to give up hope. And now I'm glad she didn't" Clair admitted.

"Enough with the pleasantries. Where have you guys been?! Everyone thinks you are dead!" Jasmine demanded to know.

"We thought this would be the case. And I'm sorry we had you all believing this. But it was for a good reason".

"What reason could possibly be good enough to fake your own deaths?!" Chuck asked the fox, finding the very concept of one faking his death absurd.

"And how did you survive?" Pryce inquired "we found enough blood on the way for 3 Miltanks".

Everyone looked at him, creeped out.

"Ok I apologize bad analogy but still. How did you survive?"

"Follow me. It's a very long story for me to tackle alone. Plus I got to get Sonic. He is a bit isolated during the day".

"How come?"

"You'll understand" Tails merely said before taking off. Pryce and Clair were left with jaws hanging open.

With Tails leading the the way, the group headed deeper into the rings of the town until the were outside their destination; the town's old community center where the people of Aero town would assemble in the ancient past for all sorts of occasions, be it gatherings, feasts or even serious matters.

Tails landed and led them to a hole in the wall they had hidden with bushes to keep them safe.

As the four gym leaders walked through the hole into the massive ruined building, they found the remnants of a small campfire, which apparently had been lit with withered wood so no smoke would be released.

Next to the campfire was a tent.

And outside that tent was Knuckles, relaxing and listening to some music with Sonic's headphones.

"Jaz?!" he exclaimed in shock, hopping up and removing the headphones "you're here?! Chuck too?! And who are you two?!"

A few short exchanges later, including Knuckles meeting Pryce and Clair, the two were asked once again how they survived. Tails was about to explain but Knuckles stopped him.

"This is for Sonic to tell".

"Where is he then?" Jasmine asked again, impatiently.

"On the outskirts of the town, on the other side of it. He goes there a lot, when we don't train. He and Raichu go there a lot after what happened".

Tails lifted off the ground, intending to go call Sonic.

"Wait. I'll go find him" Jasmine offered to go instead.

"No need I got this. You guys make yourselves at home".

"Jasmine will go" Clair said with a tone indicating she wasn't taking no for an answer and if Tails wanted to insist he would have to fight.

"Ok then" Tails landed, understanding why Clair sounded so absolute about this.

Jasmine left the 5 trainers to chat as she got out of the building same way she got in and began heading east, to the other side of the town.

Every step felt like she was carrying a Golem on her back.

He was really alive.

He would be right in front of her.

She tried to think of what to say when she met him.

But her mind was empty.

What were you to say to someone you felt so strongly for but who had faked his death after a massive battle, let alone the fact he had somehow survived.

Not knowing how long had passed, she came out of her funk when she saw him in the distance.

Sonic was sitting by the lake, arms crossed on his chest, eyes closed, feeling the breeze and from what it looked in the distance, taking deep long breaths.

Next to him was Raichu, alive and well, doing the same thing its trainer was.

Jasmine wanted to call out to him, to run to him, so many things that she couldn't choose.

Sonic's ear moved as he picked up the sound of her shoes on the grass.

He smiled as his gaze turned to her direction and his green eyes met her browns ones.

"Took you long enough" he joked.

Her mouth slightly opened as she started slowly walking towards him.

Sonic turned his body to face her.

Raichu cried out in excitement seeing her again.

Jasmine didn't utter a word, only kept walking forward, until she was standing right in front of Sonic.

And without any warning, she gave him a strong slap.

Sonic was so shocked he couldn't reply.

"That! Was for faking your death you big blue idiot!" she berated him though he could tell she was emotionally overwhelmed.

"Ok, alright. I admit I deserved this" Sonic said smiling again.

"It's good to see you again".

With her lips trembling, she buried herself in his embrace.

"Heh. I missed you too" he hugged her back.

"Why?" she asked without breaking the hug "why did you do this? Why no text, no call, no sign you were ok?! II thought you were gone! I thought I lost you! I… I mourned you!"

Sonic's smile turned bitter.

"I can tell. And I'm so sorry you had to go through this. A lot happened that you don't know about. But I promise I'll explain it all. Me, Knuckles and Tails together. Follow me. Let's go meet up with them".

"I already met up with them. They told me where to find you".

Sonic nodded.

"That's good then. Let's go".

As they walked back to the team's hiding spot, Jasmine took a look at Raichu, trying to find its injury from the battle.

But there was nothing. As if Raichu had never been wounded.

"How is this possible?" she wondered silently.

Before she could ponder on this more, they had arrived. Sonic walked through the hidden entrance and after Jasmine walked in too, covered it with the bush just in case they were followed.

Of course upon entering he was met with the other 3 gym leaders with whom he first go acquainted with before Jasmine decided enough was enough. Some answers were in order.

"How did you guys survive your injuries?" she asked them.

Sonic rubbed his side, where the rhydon had pierced him. There was no injury there anymore either.

"Oh man you guys are in for a rollercoaster of a story here"


Police sirens screamed through the night, echoing throughout the valley as in the dark, Tails was observing with his night vision goggles, another creation of his with parts somewhat acquired without permission from his military uncle's house, the police arriving outside the souvenir shop and the cops racing inside.

"They just arrived at the souvenir shop!" he called out to Knuckles who was hiding with the unconscious Sonic and Raichu within some bushes.

"We need to get them help now! Tell me the streets are clear!"

Tails looked around town.

"No they're not! Cops are crawling all over the city! Some have even arrested escaping rockets!"

"Fuck! Then where do we go?! Sonic and Raichu won't last long if this continues!"

"What if we recalled Raichu and flew Sonic to Morrison's house?"

"I don't know how pokemon injuries work inside of a poke ball Tails! It's too big of a risk!"

He then noticed Raichu's bandage was getting too wet and therefore its effectiveness decreasing.

Quickly looking through their supplies his eyes widened in realization.

He only had one bandage left.

If he replaced Raichu's then there was a good chance Sonic would be the one to die.

As he was pondering what to do, Tails called out to him again.

"The cops are coming out of the exit! We need to go or they will find us!"

"Go where?!"

Tails looked around for a moment picking a path around west side of the lake of rage.

"What are you doing?!" Knuckles questioned him as Tails was picking up Sonic "civilization is the other way!"

"We need to dodge the cops first! Come quick!"

Knuckles cursed and picked up Raichu, following the airborne Tails on foot.

As they were racing through the path however, Knuckles felt his hands getting wet.

The bandage was failing.

"Tails stop!" Knuckles yelled as he cautiously and carefully set Raichu down in a clearing on the side of the path.

Tails landed with Sonic who had begun groaning in and out of consciousness.


"Shh. Don't talk. Save your strength" Tails pleaded.

"Is… R-raichu…"

Knuckles closed his eyes tightly. He couldn't speak the words.

But he didn't have to.

As Sonic and Raichu were laying side by side on the grass facing the sky, Sonic felt the blood crawl under his palm.

He looked to his left to see Raichu barely staying conscious.

"R… rai…"

"I'm sorry" Sonic heard in his head.

"Raichu…" Sonic whispered.

He wanted to scream why. Why Raichu had jumped in the way.

But if it didn't…

He tried to get any words out but couldn't. His throat was dry.

"Rai… chu.."

"Entei was… right… about me" Sonic heard in his mind.


Espeon rubbed its head against its comrade's failing body, with tears in its eyes.

"Why you fool?" it cried out "I didn't need saving. I was going to dodge!"

"I… I couldn't risk it…"

"Why?! Why throw your life away for me?!"

"Paying… my debt… to your brother".

"My brother?" Espeon's eyes widened.

"Brother?" Sonic whispered. Tails and Knuckles heard.

"Sonic?" Tails muttered not knowing Sonic could hear Raichu's thoughts "Jet is not here…"

His voice was broken. He was sure his friend was hallucinating because of his failing body.

"You know my brother? You know Jolteon? " Espeon asked Raichu.

"I… knew him…"

"Knew?" Sonic whispered before gasping.

"No… you can't be…" he looked to Tails' Espeon.

"What do you mean you knew him?!" Espeon shook Raichu with its head trying to get a response.

"He… died… to save… me" Raichu admitted with shame.

Sonic exhaled in disbelief.

"It can't be… Tails".

"What is it?" Tails knelt.

"Your Espeon… Jolty was its brother".

Tails fell back, looking down in shock.

It was all too much.

He didn't even know how or what to feel anymore.

"No" Espeon denied it "you're lying! This can't be true! Tell me it's not true!"

"It is… that's why… I did this… now… my debt is…" Raichu managed to say before falling out of consciousness once again.

Sonic too started falling out of consciousness. Their life forces were not connected but with injuries like theirs, there was no hope.

"No no no no! Come on Sonic stay with us!" Tails tried to snap him out of it.

But neither Sonic nor Raichu moved. In fact blood dripped out of Sonic's lips.

Horrified Tails placed his palm on Sonic, invoking his powers trying to send jolts of electricity through his body like a defibrillator.

"Come on Sonic!" Tails begged as Sonic's body was jolted, shaking for a moment.

Knuckles closed his eyes, forcing himself to remain calm.

Tails jolted Sonic again.

"Come on!"


"No! Don't tell me that!"

"You know it's the truth".

"He's not gone!"

"It's too late… he will be gone soon".

Tails broke down.

Was this what Sonic felt after Jolteon's death? This excruciating level of endless heartache? Endless despair?

Espeon had curled next to Raichu now. One thought dominating in its mind.

"You fool… it didn't have to end this way".

Knuckles had turned his gaze away, a different kind of darkness taking over him.

He had seen it.

In his dream version of Green hills, literally the previous day.

He had foreseen Sonic's fall.

He thought he had prevented it by returning.

"Dread it… run from it… destiny arrives all the same" he knelt as he spoke those words.

Tails heard them but he too was too busy mourning to question Knuckles about what he meant.

Knuckles took out his family's photo. His mother and father holding him as a baby in their arms.

"Mom… dad… I'm sorry. I couldn't save them".

Through his tears it seemed like his mother's eyes in the photo were glowing in a gold color.

Knuckles blinked a few times to clear the tears.

But the glow didn't go away.

It spread instead throughout the photo.

Throughout their surroundings.

Tails also noticed the glow.

Both friends turning their heads up at the same time, they came face to face with the source of the glow.

"Ho-oh" Knuckles muttered.

Tails was captivated. It was as majestic as the first time.

Then his mind remembered the legend of the beasts.

How Ho-oh had saved them.

Gasping he stood up.

"Ho-oh! My friend and his raichu are dying! They got hurt trying to save pokemon! Please! I beg of you! Save them!"

Ho-oh remained stoic for a moment while flapping its huge wings. It then let out a loud cry and proceeded to hover over Sonic and Raichu.

As it did, ashes started falling onto the fallen hero duo.

"Its sacred ash! In some legends Ho-oh bursts into flames at the end of its life and ressurects as a young Ho-oh! Its ashes are said to be miraculous! That must be how it ressurected the beasts back in the day" Knuckles said in disbelief at what they were witnessing.

A legend of Johto taking form before their eyes.

Slowly, Sonic and Raichu's wounds closed as their bodies were healed by the sacred ash.

Groaning Sonic opened his eyes first.

"What… happened… Ho-oh?!" he said in disbelief as he sat up looking at the falling ashes around him and then to his partner.

The hole in Raichu's stomach was closing right before his very eyes. And slowly but steadily, Sonic could feel their shared pain lessening.

Raichu's eyes jolted open and it hopped up, fully healed and looking at the rainbow pokemon in awe.

With a look of absolute gratitude Sonic got up and then down to one knee.

"Thank you Ho-oh. I swear to repay this gift of life one day".

Ho-oh let out a loud cry and then flew away majestically, glowing enough for just the three friends to see.

Sonic witnessed the deity of Johto leave, before being nearly crushed by a hug from Tails and Knuckles.

"You can't stop worrying us, can you? You blue idiot" Tails spoke in his ear.

Sonic simply smiled and closed his eyes, relishing in their brotherhood.

Raichu joined the hug as well, with Espeon by its side.

Team Sonic had made it out alive.

With a lot of help but they had nonetheless.


"You're kidding!" Jasmine uttered in disbelief "Ho-oh brought you back from the jaws of death?!"

"I suppose it did" Sonic grinned, happy to be alive.

"My, my" Pryce was speechless "to think I'd live to see the legend of the beasts coming true for you two. The mighty Ho-oh saving your lives as it once did for Raikou, Entei and Suicune. You must be something really special Sonic the hedgehog".

"I'm not special Pryce" Sonic said humbly "I'm just a hedgehog who does what he thinks is best for pokemon".

All 4 gym leaders were impressed. Even now, after coming back from the dead, Sonic didn't seek any glory.

Jasmine was proud of him. And of Tails and Knuckles of course. Without them he would have surely met his end.

"You are special because of this Sonic. Because of your lack of glory seeking. And so are you guys" she told Knuckles and Tails, meaning it.

"Appreciated" Tails smiled.

"Well, I'm happy you guys are alright. But still you have not explained how you came to seek refuge here" Chuck asked team Sonic.

"Well it's real simple actually" Sonic shrugged.


Team Sonic had no idea how long they had spent hugging. The sounds of the police from the exit of the rocket hideout brought them back to reality.

"Shit. We need to hide then head to Morrison's house to decide our next move" Sonic said

"No. We can't go there. They could see us" Tails countered that.

"Ok… maybe if called Jaz… tell her that…"

With quick moves, Tails took Sonic's phone and turned it off. He repeated the process with Knuckles' as well as his own.

"What the heck are you doing mate?"

"We can't call anyone Sonic".

"Why not? Are you suggesting we go off the grid?"


"Tails" Knuckles took him by the shoulder "Sonic and Raichu spilled nearly half their blood in there and around here. If we do not give anyone a life sign, everyone will think we died".

"I know. Which is why we have to do this".

"Do what? Fake our deaths?" Sonic tilted his head trying to make sense of Tails' logic.

Search lights then began dancing in the darkness as the police swept the area around the lake of rage for escaping rockets.

"We need to go now!" Tails urged his friends.


"Aero town. We can hide in the ruins for a while".

"For how long?" Sonic asked him.

"… let's find somewhere to hide first. I'll explain once we're settled. Trust me you will understand why I'm suggesting something so stupid".

Sonic and Knuckles gave each other a look and nodded. Tails must have had a good reason.

Leaving the clearing, full of Raichu's blood behind, with the latter taking off the bandage and dropping it on the ground, team Sonic followed the path towards Aero town.


"And so we found this place, settled in and trained hard for the last two days" Sonic explained.

Clair however was not satisfied.

"You faked your own deaths, not just to the Johto region but your families as well. And you still have not given us a satisfying answer. Why would you do that?"

Team Sonic frowned.

"Because it's not over yet" Sonic said seriously.

"Not over?" Jasmine looked at him in question.

Tails then revealed a big rolled-up piece of paper.

"We're in the endgame now".

Chapter 81: Final preparations


With the day of reckoning fast approaching, the members of team Sonic wrap up their loose ends before they cross the point of no return.

Chapter Text

"Quagsire! Earthquake!"

"Pupitar earthquake!"

The two pokemon used the move simultaneously, causing the earth to tremble, accidentally bringing down a small building in Aero town.

"Awesome! Again!" Sonic instructed Quagsire.

Before it could fire the move however a metal claw came out of nowhere slashing against Pupitar.

The aggressor, a scizor, took a battle stance challenging Pupitar.

"You want another beating foxboy?" Knuckles playfully challenged his friend who descended to the ground.

"Come get me! Scizor! Metal claw!"

"Pupitar crunch!"

The two pokemon collided with extreme force impressing their trainers who smiled with wild confidence.

"Join the fray Sonic!" Tails invited him.

"You bet! Go pupitar!"

The shiny pupitar emerged in sparkles, attacking with a rock slide first, then following up with a crunch of its own.

"Not gonna cut it! Scizor bullet punch!"

Scizor moved like a blur striking at Sonic's pupitar. Tails grinned.

Scizor was a very powerful pokemon indeed.

As Jasmine had promised, she had found a metal coat for him and had someone bring it along, claiming Pryce wanted it. She and Tails then traded back and forth, causing Scyther to finally evolve into scizor.

As the three friends' battle raged on, Jasmine and Clair arrived and chose to observe before greeting the three friends.

The growth the three heroes had undergone in such a short amount of time since Jasmine last saw them was unimaginable.

Their pokemon had picked up even more, stronger moves than the last time she saw them and was in fact very surprised as to how they had learned some of those moves. One example was Knuckles' victreebel learning sludge bomb which wasn't a move it could learn naturally despite its poison typing.

Another one was his heracross finally learning megahorn. Unlike Victreebel that was a move it could learn so now it the literal definition of a battering ram, only it only had to strike once.

There was also Sonic's Quagsire, the two Pupitars learning earthquake as well as Tails' Espeon learning shadow ball. Jasmine was very impressed and had begged Sonic to reveal the secret of how their pokemon had learnt such powerful moves without tutoring.

Sonic had gently and jokingly denied her this knowledge. Because it involved Mewtwo.

During their first day in hiding, Sonic had contacted Mewtwo via Alakazam and asked for the rest of his Kanto team to join them for a day.

Mewtwo had agreed and helped Alakazam teleport Nidoking, Pinsir, itself and Moltres to the ruins of Aero town. Sonic was overjoyed to be reunited with his Kanto team, feeling even more gratefulness for Ho-oh saving his life.

Of course after Sonic's Kanto team had gotten acquainted with the three trainers' current pokemon, Sonic asked them for their help in tutoring their pokemon with whatever moves they could, explaining they would need all the power they could get.

His Kanto team of course agreed and got to work immediately. Mewtwo did agree to leave the pokemon there for a day but would then need to take them with him for a couple of days as he was about to pull a big stunt against some traffickers and would need their help as well. Team Sonic had no problem with it and just asked Mewtwo to kick some butt for them as well.

Of course while the Johto teams were getting tutored into more moves by the Kanto pokemon, team Sonic filled Mewtwo in on everything that had transpired this far and asked him if he had come across any leads on its old master.

"No" he had replied "Kanto is peaceful. If I had discovered anything, you three would be the first to know. And you will be in the future should that time come".

"Good to know" Sonic nodded, grateful for Mewtwo as an ally.

Eventually the end of the day came and Mewtwo had to take Sonic's Kanto team back home to prepare for his own mission. Sonic bid his pokemon goodbye, him and raichu having a moment with Moltres, before the Kanto pokemon disappeared in a huge flash.

Back in the present, as the three friends' pokemon continued to clash, Jamsine looked at Sonic giving his Pupitar instructions dreamily.

Clair of course picked up on it.

"Have you told him yet? Or is it still an unspoken thing?"

"I will… eventually".

"Jasmine… you do know time is running out right? Tails and I figured out the plans yesterday after the 3 versus 3 battle".

The previous day, before Pryce and Chuck left, the former alongside Jasmine and Clair fought against team Sonic in a three on three battle. One pokemon each.

Sonic of course went with his Raichu, Tails with his Espeon and Knuckles with Typhlosion.

Their aces against the gym leaders' aces. Steelix for Jasmine, Piloswine for Pryce and Dragonair for Clair.

The battle was epic, with many surprises, twists and genius moves on both sides. One such moment was when Steelix trapped Espeon in a bind.

Tails chose the moment to reveal Espeon's knowledge of shadow ball, firing at point blank range. The opening was seized by Knuckles, as Typhlosion unleashed a devastating flamethrower, beating it and knocking Jasmine out of the fight, demonstrating just how well team Sonic worked off of each other.

Piloswine had then taken Typhlosion out with an earthquake of its own balancing the scales once again.

Tails had unleashed a powerful barrage of psychics and shadow balls along with using quick attack to keep their opponents on check, eventually knocking out Piloswine before getting trapped in a bind this time by Dragonair. Unlike Steelix however, Dragonair immediately let go, firing a hyper beam at the immobilized Espeon taking it out in one move.

Now it was just Raichu and Dragonair.

Clair quickly realized all the things Lance had said about Sonic, even if it was just him reciting Agatha's opinion of Sonic, were true.

They were not just a gifted duo when it came to battles but to their bond as well.

She had battled Raichus during gym challenges. But Sonic's was nothing like them.

Its physical combat prowess and the quick thinking of both its part and Sonic's, made them a duo you'd want to be on your toes when facing.

But it was what happened at the end of the battle that truly earned them, not only victory over Clair as well as her respect, but her admiration.

Dragonair managed to pull off the same combo of attacks it had on Espeon, on Raichu. While Raichu clearly took the brunt of the assault, it was more that obvious Sonc also felt the attack.

Clair immediately offered to stop the battle but Sonic refused. And not just refused but outright stated it would only end when one of their pokemon fell.

"A true trainer and pokemon bond is one that can go the distance!" the hedgehog had declared with a gleam of determination in his eyes.

Clair was impressed and somewhat unnerved, a first time for her ever since mastering her emotions to become a dragon trainer.

And then there was something else.

When Sonic declared his belief, Clair could swear the pupils in his eyes were not his usual green.

They were red.

The next moment lightning bolts fell from the sky slamming down on Sonic and Raichu.

But the sky was clear.

Tails was about to tell Clair not to be worried as he had seen that before.

But this time wasn't like before.

The lightning bolts suddenly leaned until they met and converged, become a singular lightning bolt connecting Sonic and Raichu.

Before anyone could get a grasp on this phenomenon, a thunderbolt came out of nowhere from where Raichu stood and struck Dragonair with such force that it instantly fainted.

Clair was left with her jaw hanging open. Dragonair downed with a single move and a not very effective one at that.

Shortly after the lightning dissipated and Sonic and Raichu were back to normal. Tails was ecstatic, claiming that Raichu had somehow used thunderbolt which Clair deemed impossible as Raichu already knew 4 moves.

Of course eventually they let it go but before that, the gym leaders handed Sonic and Knuckles their respective g badges, claiming a full gym battle was unnecessary for them. Thru clearly deserved them.

Sonic and Knuckles had fist bumped when they realized they were set for the Johto league. But team rocket came first.

Back in the present Jasmine nodded in response to Clair's reminder. The prospect terrified her but she was right.

"I know. I know".

"Then do it quickly or you may regret it. Things might be on our side for now but you saw how easy it could turn ugly. Make sure you have no regrets".

"Have you ever considered becoming a psychologist?" Jasmine teased her.

"No" she answered without using humor.

"You're no funny".

"I don't claim to be" Clair countered.

Jasmine turned her gaze back to Sonic. Clair may have been kind of too serious in the moment but she was right.

Especially if she was telling the truth about discovering team rocket's plans with Tails.

As Tails had explained to them 2 days ago, when they first found them, what he had come into his possession was team rocket's grand plan designs. It was however drawn in symbols instead of common language. Tails assumed this was a failsafe in case the plans fell into their hands which was obviously the case.

But he had spent an entire day studying them and still couldn't figure out what was coming.

That was until Clair took a look at the symbols.

As she had explained, the plans were not in some sort of code or ancient language but merely inferring what was to come. And after identifying one of the symbols, she became personally invested in helping Tails figure it out.

For the symbol she had identified was the symbol of the dojo she and Lance were a part of, home of a clandestine dedicated to the use of dragon type pokemon.

With a lot of research and brainstorming on both trainers' parts, they were able to piece together team rocket's endgame.

They were planning to attack the dojo and loot all the dragon types living in the cave and the surrounding area of the dojo.

There had also been a small explanation on Clair's part as to why the clandestine used a cave for their dojo which basically was due to the dojo's first grandmaster meeting his partner, a very powerful dragonite, in that cave and spent weeks in there trying to tame it.

That was until he realized a dragon pokemon could never truly be tamed. He then resorted to creating a strong bond with that dragonite which he had succeeded in doing already in his attempts to tame it as Dragonite had grown closer to him without him realizing it.

Tails of course agreed it had to be the case. A dragon pokemon by itself was a deadly opponent. An army of them would be virtually invincible.

Therefore a plan was put together. Clair sent some of the other trainees in the dojo to investigate the surrounding area for any suspicious movement, or any stranger seemingly strolling around the area without a real goal.

At the same time, arrangements were made to secretly transport team Sonic to Blackthorn city and provide them with a safe house for both before and after their final clash with team rocket.

In other words as Jasmine surmised remembering all of it, her only chance to talk to Sonic before everything went down, was today.

Not just today but right now. After all the only reason team Sonic was out here practicing was because they were awaiting their transport vehicle to leave for Blackthorn.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she jumped up in reaction when Scizor using bullet punch on both Pupitars at once, one claw striking each of the two rock pokemon.

The two pupitars pushed up against the steel type move, letting out a loud cry before both started glowing.

"NO WAY! " Jasmine exclaimed.

"Again?!" Tails stumbled back.

"Both?" Sonic and Knuckles said at once.

The glow blinded them, causing them to avert their gaze. Raichu and Espeon observed undeterred in awe as their Pupitar friends' bodies grew exponentially.

The glow stopped as unexpectedly as it began. And when it did, two tyranitars, a normal green one with a blue section on its belly and a shiny very light brown one with a purple section instead, pushed back against Scizor, roaring loudly as they did.

"Unbelievable" Clair was filled with awe.

"They evolved together again" Tails muttered.

"Like the first time" Sonic completed his thought.

A huge grin was etched on his face.

This was a sign.

They were ready to finish this once and for all.

The sparring stopped as the other pokemon approach the tyranitars and interact excitedly with them, allowing the members of team Sonic to interact with Jasmine and Clair.

"How are we doing?" Tails immediately questioned Clair.

"Our ride is on the way. I will ride with you to Blackthorn. After we get you situated in the safe house we will start finalizing the details of our counter-plan".

"Excellent. This time it has to go flawlessly. Ho-oh might not be there next time".

Clair nodded.

"Well we have some time left here. I suggest you wrap up any loose ends you have".

Jasmine's eyes met Sonic's. He knew instantly.

He started walking towards his spot where he and Raichu went to relax by the lake, motioning for Jasmine to follow.

Watching its trainer walk away, Raichu decided to also just chill by the lake until it was time to go.

As it sat down and observed the Magikarp, jump over the surface before diving back in, its mind returned to its earlier realization when it was near death.

"Entei was right about me back there".

It had allowed fear of history repeating itself to consume it.

And there was a way around it.

But instead of taking it, instead of making the brave choice, Raichu behaved with cowardice, choosing to hide the truth from its friend.

"We haven't talked about it. He needs to hear the whole truth" Raichu concluded.

"You got that right" Espeon said in Raichu's ear.

"Will you stop doing that?" Raichu was caught by surprise. Espeon had developed the harmless but bad habit of reading the thoughts of anyone it would talk to in order to scare them.

"Nope. But don't try to evade this again" Espeon got serious.

"Did you mean it that night? Did you really know my brother?"

"… yes".

"And he is really…"

Raichu nodded sad.

"Yes. He's gone" it confirmed as a tear streamed down its electric cheek, causing a small bolt to crackle "buried in a beautiful beach across my homeland's coastline where we had our first battle".

Espeon laid down as it allowed itself to feel the loss.

Its brother was gone. All the hopes that had been building inside its heart for years crumbled in with those words.

Raichu allowed itself to feel Jolty's loss again. He missed its energetic personality that blossomed after Mike had his hope restored when he met Sonic. Its unbending will to fight and support its friends. And of course its incomparable courage.

That very same courage was the reason Raichu was still alive.

And now it owed to Jolty, even if it was long overdue, to show the same courage and bring the truth to Espeon, facing it in the process.

"Can you tell me how…?"

Raichu took a deep breath.

"I don't have to. You saw it happen".

"What do you mean?"

"What that rhydon did to me… it was the exact same thing that happened to your brother".

Espeon was horrified.

"Only difference is in his case the horn went through its body and came out on the other side".

Espeon could no longer show signs of shock. It was its default for now.

Raichu tried to pet Espeon.

"What you feel right now… I can't possibly imagine it or really grasp it…"

"Does it ever go away? This pain?" Espeon asked ignoring the attempt to comfort it.

Raichu looked down.

"So far it hasn't for me".

"How do you do this? Live your life without being affected?"

"I was. When me and my trainer battled Entei in the safari zone, it read right through my inner conflict. That same conflict almost got me killed. I was a coward for not facing what happened back then and sharing it with you. I wanted to avoid this scenario. But… it was wrong. You had the right to know that your brother… that he died a hero. That it's ok to be sad by his passing. And that you can be proud of the Jolteon he was".

Espeon closed its eyes in deep sadness trying to find a semblance of peace.

But it was impossible. A part of it was gone.

"How am I going to tell my sister when… if… I see her again?"

"That's… that's something you need to figure out yourself. All I can advise you is, do not hide it. The guilt will eat you up. That much I know".

Espeon stood up to leave.

"There are no hard feelings just so you know" it told Raichu without looking it in the eyes "it wasn't your fault. But I need some space right now".

Raichu understood. And Espeon didn't need a reply to tell it did.

Coincidentally on Sonic's quiet spot, he was explaining those same truths he had learnt that night to Jasmine.

"Dude" she uttered under her breath in disbelief "that day changed the destinies of so many… and intermingled the destinies of so many others. Yours, Mike's, Raichu's Jolteon's, Espeon's, that detective's… and I have a feeling this is just the surface".

"That's what detective Morrison said. Everything changed that day. And what is taking place here in Johto right now is a direct result of that day".

Jasmine looked at him with puppy eyes.

"So it's settled? After everything you and your friends went through, after literally almost dying, you still are going to chase them?"

"I have to".

"What if you went to the police?"

"Looker will simply arrest me for faking my death. And plus… taking down team rocket now feels like something I need to do personally. After nearly dying… I feel like I've got to be the one to end it. It started with me that day at silph co. It needs to end with me wherever it's going to go down".

Jasmine nodded. She didn't agree, not in the least.

But Sonic's destiny was now completely entangled with team rocket's. It had to be him. Alongside Tails and Knuckles of course but it had to be him who ended them.

Neither side would stop until the other fell.

Sonic could tell she didn't want him to go.

"I can't promise you that nothing will go wrong. We both know it can. All I can promise you is that I will do whatever it takes to stop them. Whatever it takes for Johto to be safe".

He caressed her cheek.

"Whatever it takes for you to be safe".

Her lips met his before he even finished the phrase. And the feeling was intoxicating.

Once she broke the kiss, she was met with a smile.

"You taste like candy" Sonic complimented.

Jasmine grinned before kissing him again.

Tails and Knuckles, observed quietly behind a tree, having come to inform Sonic their ride was here.

"Pay close attention foxboy. You need to know the ropes for when your time comes".

Tails blushed while looking away.

"I haven't contacted her in days Knuckles. She may think I'm dead just like everyone else. How do I know she's going to forgive me for the deception?"

Knuckles shrugged.

"Beats me. Same way Jaz forgave Sonic I guess".

"Are you guys done over there?" Sonic called out to them.

Both friends were now blushing. Out of shame.

Jasmine giggled.

"They're pure gold aren't they?" she joked, having no hard feelings about them observing her and Sonic.

"I'd say diamonds in the rough" Sonic smiled grateful for them.

Having wrapped up all the loose ends, team Sonic and Clair hoped into the back of a delivery truck, their incognito ride to Blackthorn.

Jasmine kissed Sonic goodbye and watched as the truck set out for Blackthorn city.

"Be careful Sonic" she thought with a lot of adoration and just as much anxiety for what this day had in store for the heroes and for Johto.

Chapter 82: The endgame begins


Arriving in Blackthorn city, team Sonic is in for a very nasty surprise as a trap laid by Ariana for them is triggered.

Chapter Text

The truck carrying team Sonic and gym leader Clair finally exited the tunnel, allowing the heroes to take a good look at the valley Blackthorn city was located in, surrounded by high mountains, one of them being mount Tensei.

"We are here" Sonic said seriously.

"So this is it" Knuckles took a deep breath. Although this was going to be a coordinated attack unlike last time, the nervousness was the same.

"Yes" Clair nodded "it's one of the most historic places in all of Johto, not only known for our deep culture about dragon type pokemon but the geography too".

"The geography? How come?"

"Are you aware of the legend of the beasts?"

"Of course we are" Knuckles confirmed, wondering why Clair was bringing this up.

"You must be aware then that Lugia's tower was burned to a crisp and the legendary Ho-oh ressurected three pokemon that had perished as the beasts, Raikou, Entei and Suicune correct?"

"We do" Sonic confirmed this time, wanting Clair to get to the point.

"Lugia's tower had been desserted for a long time before it burned down. Lugia and Ho-oh had left due to their distrust of humans".

"We are aware of all this. So why are you bringing it up?" Knuckles inquired.

"Lugia left and made its home in the whirl islands as you are aware since you ventured into its home to save it" Clair explained before finally getting to the point.

"It is believed the mighty Ho-oh made its new home somewhere in these mountains, going the exact opposite way Lugia went"

"Huh Never thought about it that way. Where though?" Knuckles asked Clair.

"No one knows where. This is what I meant. Ho-oh enthusiasts visit the city a lot hoping to get a glimpse of the rainbow pokemon".

Knuckles nodded.

"Yeah. It is said seeing Ho-oh sets you up with eternal happiness. Makes sense why a lot of people would seek it out".

"I don't buy this" Sonic disagreed "as powerful as Ho-oh is, and I have firsthand experience of its power" he said rubbing his once slashed side "I don't believe it can grant eternal happiness. Because happiness is not a destination, it's a choice".

Knuckles and Clair gave him a weird look. Sonic took it as the message had gotten across wrong.

"Sorry if I was unclear. I know it sounds impossible but honestly, if one walks through life, thinking this or that needs to be done or certain conditions need to be met for one to be happy, they will spent their entire life miserable. We all have the choice to be happy in the moment with what we have right now".

The weird look didn't go away for Knuckles but Clair nodded understanding. Part of her training to master her emotions included this line of thought.

"I get what you're saying. If you are to seek Ho-oh, do it to meet it, not in pursuit of a cheap way to happiness".

"Exactly" Sonic said in relief "You ok Knucks?"

"Yeah just… wow you went full philosopher there for a moment. All deep and stuff".

"Hehe" Sonic giggled.

He then noticed Tails hadn't uttered a single word in a long time.

"Tails you want to share what's on your mind?"

Tails however was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even listen.

"Tails" Sonic snapped his fingers next to his friend's ear, causing him to gasp in surprise.

"You ok? You've been silent for a while".

"I know. It's just… something's been bugging me for a while".

"Then share it with us. That's what we're here for".

Tails thought about it for a moment before replying.

"Don't you guys think that this endgame plan by team rocket is a little… random?"

"What's so random about it?" Knuckles asked him.

"I mean… acquiring a dragon type army sounds like something they should have done from the beginning. Whether it was for themselves or for money… like what makes them think a dragon army will stop us?"

"We will freeze them solid" Sonic joked.

"I don't mean that they are so weak to ice. A dragon army would be a real threat regardless of what we fight them with. But that's not the point. I mean… sure they are powerful pokemon… but they have hit us with other powerful pokemon before. And plus… we're not part of the equation for them. They think we're dead. So why a dragon army? It doesn't make any sense".

"Whether it makes sense or not what we saw in those plans is undeniable. So be ready" Clair warned him, trying to get him to stay focused.

Tails nodded but wasn't done thinking about it. Something wasn't right here. He just couldn't quite grasp what.

The truck then drove through town, as team Sonic paid close attention to their surroundings as well as the people they passed by, trying to spot anything that would lead them to the right direction.

Eventually the truck arrived outside Clair's gym which was by the town's lake.

Clair hopped off the truck and looked around.

"Alright. I will get a boat so we can cross the lake to the clandestine's dojo. Do NOT move before I'm back"

"Got it" Sonic assured her.

As Sonic and Knuckles patiently laid back and waited, Tails looked around them seemingly admiring the high mountains.

"Guys?" he asked them as he still looked around "do you have the same eerie feeling that I have that we're about to head right into a trap?"

"What gives you this feeling exactly? They'll never see us coming".

"Look around. The place is surrounded by mountains. It feels sort of like a cage. Anything goes wrong they all get captured".

"But what else could the symbols mean then? Clair herself said they are leading here" Knuckles reminded him.

"I don't know. I just know something still doesn't add up".

Clair whistled to them, having brought the boat.

"Come quick! One at a time!"

Sonic nodded and went first.

Knuckles and Tails followed shortly after.

The three friends then laid inside the boat as Clair began rowing.

"Should I take over?" Knuckles offered.

"No for two reasons. One, I got this. Two, they see you, our entire plan goes to hell. You stay down and shut up until we're there".

The three friends exchanged a look of admiral. Clair wasn't playing around.

The journey to the entrance of the cave was relatively short, though ended funny when Knuckles slammed his head against one of the boat's sitting planks as he got up, causing his two friends to have a little laugh and for Clair to giggle.

Hopping out of the boat they found themselves in front of a large opening in the mountain foot.

"Here we are" Clair said "the dragon's den. Inside is the dragon shrine, my clandestine's dojo. Normally when one comes here, after defeating me in battle, they need to prove themselves by traversing the cave, reaching the dojo and face the master. Not in a battle of course. He asks questions that reflect one's attitude and treatment towards pokemon and only the worthy truly earn my badge".

"I see" Tails said in understanding "a final test to make sure whoever is strong enough to beat you has a kind and uncorrupted heart that won't abuse the power".

"Correct. You three have proven this already to me and the entire region. So there will be no need for a test here".

"Will this master be expecting us?" Sonic inquired.

"Yes. He wants to meet you three, you especially" she told Sonic "he will also be the one to point us to where we need to look for team rocket".

"Good then. Shall we go in?" Knuckles asked.

"Yes" Clair nodded.

"Alright then. Ladies first" Sonic said gently.

Clair smiled.

"I can see why Jasmine is so fond of you" she teased him as she took the lead with her cape billowing behind her.

"Now that's confidence" Tails teased his friend.

"Just setting an example for you pal. Our mission will be over soon. And afterwards Cosmo awaits you in Azalea".

"You and Knuckles just won't stop poking me with this will you?" Tails bumped him on the shoulder with his fist.

"Nope. Not until you get the girl" Sonic scratched his friend's head playfully.

"And maybe not even after that" Knuckles joined the teasing.

After a short walk, the three friends found themselves in a large underground chamber, a big underground lake extending in front of them. And right there in the middle, the dojo stood proudly.

Their presence was soon felt by the inhabitants of the lake as Magikarps, poliwags and dratinis appeared on the surface looking at the newcomers.

"Wow" Knuckles was impressed "wish I could get a dragonite".

"Who knows, maybe one day" Sonic commented.

Suddenly a boat appeared coming from the dojo. Inside was a young man rowing and an old man with a very long beard who stood sternly looking at them.

Once the boat docked on their side, the old man walked calmly outside.

Clair bowed.


The master nodded and told Clair to straighten herself. He then took a good long look at team Sonic's members. His look unnerved Tails.

"Yes, yes. Exactly as you described them, my old student. I can feel their intent is true. But…"

Silence ran throughout the cave.

"I sense… something in you… hero of Kanto".

"Me?" Sonic asked him.

"What do you sense master?"

"Not sure… what I feel is dark in origin… and yet… non-existent".

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sonic again asked.

"I do not know. The dragon clandestine will help you as promised. But I will ask you to be mindful of your emotions. I sense something ominous in your near future young hedgehog. So be very, very careful, of what you allow in your heart".

The three friends exchanged a glance of confusion.

What could possibly be that supposed nonexistent source of darkness?

"What if it's Sonic's feelings for Jaz?" Tails wondered silently. That was certainly something that could be used against him.

The master then turned back to Clair.

"We have discreetly investigated the town and found one rather suspicious location that fits the bill for what you sought Clair. The old factory on the outskirts of town, close to the dark cave. Piper noticed some suspicious individuals enter the premises yesterday and after asking around town, she did learn that a young boy was heading there to explore when they were chased out by some people claiming to be doing maintenance work. One of them was wearing a dark grey shirt with R on it".

"Definitely them" Sonic said with a hint of anger and anticipation.

The master sized Sonic up for a moment, trying to tell of this was frustration because of what team rocket did to pokemon or something darker.

"The plan must be to raid the dragon's den to loot the pokemon of the cave master. We found these plans in their hideout in Mahogany. Show master, Tails".

Tails revealed the plans. The master took a good look and nodded.

"Yes, yes. It does seem to confirm everything. We need to take action immediately. Darin!"

"Yes master" the boy rowing the boat stood up.

"Gather your peers and station yourselves around the old factory. I and Clair will get these young trainers here to the main entrance discreetly. Go".

"Yes master" Darin confirmed and rowed back to the dojo.

The master then turned to Clair again.

"We will need an hour to get everything set up, my old student. Show your friends to their safe house and then bring them to the factory when I let you know".

"Yes master" Clair bowed and turned, motioning to the three friends to follow.

Returning to the truck, Clair instructed the driver to take them to the safe house.

When he heard the term safe house, Sonic imagined a warehouse or an old basement. But instead the truck stopped in front of…

"My place" Clair explained as the three trainers looked around trying to guess where they would be staying to lay low.

"Say what?! We can't accept that" Sonic tried to object.

Clair, not accepting objections, shoved Sonic out, surprising him with her unexpected strength while motioning to Tails and Knuckles to follow after a few minutes, one by one, so noone would notice.

After Clair basically dragged Sonic to her apartment, once they were in, she started observing the street to signal Tails to come in.

"Why did you try to refuse back there?" she asked Sonic while observing.

"Look, sorry if I came out as ungrateful…"

"I know you were not. But something bothered you about it and I'd like to know what it was".

Sonic was rather impressed. Clair never seemed to mince words.

"Long story short, one of the two detectives in the team rocket case helped us find them in Mahogany. He offered us his house as a safe house. And now we are presumed dead and…"

"And you think he blames himself" Clair finished his sentence.

"Basically" Sonic said.

"Faking your deaths wasn't the optimal choice, sure. If anything it was stupid. But I can tell it came from a place of good intentions. So don't feel guilty about getting help because of guilt".

Sonic looked down thinking about her words of wisdom.

As she signaled Tails to come in, she tried to be more direct.

"Don't be sorry. Be better next time, get it?"

"I do. Thanks for the help" Sonic finally said.

Soon after this exchange, Tails and Knuckles finally came in. Clair closed the curtains and locked the door before offering them a quick snack.

"Get some peace and prepare yourselves. We will be going soon".

Sonic nodded and joined his friends in the couch as they chewed on cereal bars to distract themselves. Raichu decided to spend its time curling on the rug and resting, with Espeon next to it, as it was battling its thought about Jolty.

"Time sure does fly" Sonic commented "it feels like yesterday we came here and now we're about to finally end this mission".

"Tell me about it" Knuckles agreed "what do we do afterwards? We have all the badges so we have around a month before the tournament".

"Heh. Talk about speedrunning the gym challenge" Sonic had a laugh "honestly I don't know. There's so much stuff we could do, apart from training of course, we should not neglect it".

"Maybe we could try to seek the beasts, get to the bottom of their mystery" Knuckles suggested.

"You guys seem to be forgetting that the moment Looker realizes we're still alive he will start pursuing us again" Tails reminded them.

Sonic face palmed himself.

"Damn I forgot. I guess we will have to deal with this first".

"One step at a time" Knuckles told his friends "first we take care of the rockets. Then we deal with Looker's pursuit".

Sonic and Tails nodded in agreement. They had to stay in the present.

Another twenty minutes later, Clair returned. The look on her phase said it all.

It was time.

Taking a deep breath Sonic stood up.

"It's time".

Tails and Knuckles also stood up.

"Let's finish this" Tails declared.

"Once and for all" Knuckles added.

The ride to the factory was short but felt like a century. All three friends felt a mix of anxiety combined with eagerness.

They wanted to end this very badly.

Once arriving at their destination, they met up with Darin.

"Is everything set?" Clair asked him.

"Yes. Everyone is in position. Are you sure the master's plan is ok? Shouldn't some of us join you four inside?"

"No" Sonic answered for Clair "I'm already making an exception for Clair here. We started this fight, my friends and I. And we're going to be the ones to finish it".

He looked at the factory.

"It's no longer about just the Pokemon for us".

Darin nodded, slightly unnerved but also in awe of Sonic's determination. He knew now why team rocket feared the hedgehog.

Cautiously team Sonic and Clair approached the massive building, finding an entry relatively easily.

Once inside the walked on the tips of their toes, trying to be as quiet as possible. Tails had the advantage of being airborne as his tails spinning made almost no sound and therefore he assumed the role of scout.

"I hear something from the main room up ahead" he informed them.

Turning the hallway to meet with him, they found themselves in front of a large of double door.

Voices could be heard on the other side.

"Ready?" Clair asked Sonic.

His look of determination showed there was no need for an answer.

"Knuckles. Do the honors".

Bumping his fists together in determination, Knuckles winded his hand and then smashed the door open with all of his strength.

One of the twin sides of the door was torn from its hinges as team Sonic charged in, poke balls in hand, ready for combat.

But nothing. Empty.

"Clear" Sonic called out to Clair.

"Empty? How? I heard voices" Tails looked around in confusion.

"Mistress Clair!" a voice called from outside.

Clair told team Sonic to stay there and run outside using a small door to the side.

Outside were two of the dojo students, holding a total of four teenagers from the back of the shirts.

"What's happening here?"

"Those four came out of the side door over there? Are they ones we're looking for?"

"What are you about you moron? Let us go" one of the four teenagers, a boy complained.

Clair sighed.

"Do they look like team rocket to you? Let them go and tell the others to sweep the place top to bottom".

Walking back inside, she informed team Sonic of this.

"So no team rocket? We were wrong?" Tails muttered in disbelief.

"Don't lost faith just yet. We will search this whole place".

The search lasted for hours. At around 4PM they found a sealed room. With a big R on the door.

Knuckles tried breaking the door down but it didn't budge.

"Stand aside" Clair ordered sending out a pokemon the three friends had never seen before.

"Kingdra! Hyper beam!"

Kingdra unleashed the powerful attack easily breaking the door down, almost disintegrating it.

Team Sonic cautiously walked in.

Inside was nothing but a small locker. Confused Sonic grabbed the handle.

He opened it.

Inside was a small device, looking like a remote controller.

"What is this joke?" he asked in frustration "this is their great endgame?"

Tails was stumped. It didn't make any sense. Where was team rocket?

Clair observed the inside of the locker and found a mechanism connected to a metal pin that was removed the moment the locker was opened.

"That's strange. This feels like a booby trap. Yet nothing happened".

Unbeknownst to all of them, the controller was activated the moment the metal pin was removed, as it was keeping a button permanently pushed until that point.

"So now what?" Sonic asked them for ideas.

"For now we will get you back to the safe house. Obviously something else is at play. Unfortunately, Lance asked me to join him for a league obligation so I have to leave town for today. You can stay at my place as long as you need. Just one thing. If you need anything, contact my master. He will send for anything you need".

"I understand. We will" Sonic assured her.

Afterwards the heroes returned to Clair's apartment, where she bid them farewell and left.

Now alone, the three friends didn't know what to say to each other. Somehow somewhere they had messed up. And they needed to find out where their error was.

As Sonic was pondering ideas that didn't include using his still turned off phone, Knuckles was exercising to get his mind to focus and Tails was maniacally trying going over the plans and again looking for anything.

This went on for hours. By nightfall, Knuckles was just staring at the ceiling, Sonic had fallen asleep and Tails was ready to give up. No matter how many times he thought it over it, it didn't seem to lead anywhere.

Espeon hopped on the desk, finding Tails with his cheek against the plans, laying in misery.

"It's pointless Espeon. I can't figure this out".

Espeon rubbed its head against Tails' face lovingly, causing him to crack a smile.

"Thank you Espeon".

Espeon then pointed to the sleeping Sonic and his Raichu.

"You think I could benefit from it?"

"Eees" Espeon cried out.

"Alright. I'll take a breather" he smiled petting it and reaching for the lamp on the desk, intending to close it and get some rest.

The moment he shut the light off, his brain exploded.

The room was now fully dark. And the plans could still be read.

"Luminous paint" he whispered in shock as he read through the plans again.

And the plans were not the same.

In fact now they spelled team rocket's true endgame.

And a devastating endgame it was.

"THAT'S IT!" he screamed, waking up Knuckles.

"What's wrong?! We under attack?!"

"I figured it out!"

"You figured what out?"

Tails without replying rushed to Sonic.

"Sonic wake up!" he yelled shaking him.

"Hmm… what did you say sugarplum?"

"Ew don't call him sugarplum, he's not Jaz" Knuckles joked.

Tails, not in the mood for fan, pinched Sonic's nose, causing him to wake up after a few seconds.

"What the… Tails?! What are you doing? Unhand my face!"

"Sonic I figured it out! Team rocket's endgame! We've been duped!"

"Duped?" Sonic asked him in confusion, his mind still not fully awake.

"Bamboozled!" Tails continued.

"We've been smeckledorfed!" Knuckles yelled.

"Seriously?! You found the time to make this joke?!" Tails asked him angry.

"Hey how can you resist such a setup?"

"Quiet!" Sonic stopped them "what are you talking about Tails?"

Tails brought the plans.

"Take a look!"

The plans, with the luminous paint glowing in the dark, were no longer symbols of dragons and mountains.

It was basically a map of Goldenrod city.

"Goldenrod?" Sonic inquired intrigued.

"There are Xs on the map. One here" Knuckles pointed out "another here and another on the port".

"Indicating their targets" Tails explained with an upset voice "the power plant, the radio station and the port".

Sonic set the plans down as Tails opened the lights back up.

"I still don't get it. What's their plan?"

"Take over Goldenrod, broadcast their return through the radio station and then escape by boat" Tails assumed.

Sonic was still not sold.

"No, no. Something doesn't add up. Everyone already knows they're still around. Why make a power play like that with no real reward? There's nothing to gain".

"Maybe it's not about gaining something" Knuckles guessed "maybe they just want to spread fear again".

"They wouldn't risk such a thing. Even with us out of the picture they're in shambles. They would need a really strong leader to get them back on… SHIT!" Tails screamed rummaging around Clair's apartment until he found a calendar.

"FUCK! I forgot!"

Sonic and Knuckles were really worried. Tails may not have been such a wall flower any more but cursing like this meant he must have been really shocked by something.

"Tails what's wrong?" Sonic asked him.

"Sonic… tomorrow is the day".

"What day?"

"The passage of the Atachi satellite" Tails almost regretfully explained.

"What's that?" Knuckles asked him.

"Only the world's most advanced satellite. It was originally created to broadcast the first world championship of Pokemon battling around the world. Wherever it is, if one can connect to it, they could broadcast to the entire world!"

"But what does this satellite have to do with team rocket?" Knuckles again asked.

"Giovanni" Sonic whispered in horror.

Tails nodded.

"They're planning to call out to him. Now that we're out of the picture there's no need for him to remain in exile. If he returned… team rocket would return to its full power".

"That was their plan before too. They were trying to buy enough time and prepare for taking over the city. They need the experimental generator I showed you when we were there to reach out to the satellite and broadcast the message" Tails explained before getting hit by another realization.

"That's why they were using those radio waves… they were testing their equipment before using it for their real purpose… contact Giovanni".

"So you're saying… our enemies are going to attack Goldenrod city tomorrow?!" Knuckles asked in realization.

"Exactly. And we fell for it. I fell for it. Ariana outsmarted me again! She left those plans there on purpose, never expecting me to imagine she would use something as childish as luminous paint!"

"Why would she paint the real plans though?" Sonic asked him, wondering if this was another trick.

"Arrogance. Their boss had it, they have it" Tails assumed.

"What do we do now? They're planning a citywide attack. How are we going to stop them?"

"There's only one thing we can do" Sonic said without a hint of confidence in his voice.

"We got to go to Looker".

"Say what?! Are you insane?!" Tails grabbed his friend from the shoulders.

"We can't stop a citywide attack alone Tails. You know that".

"But in what world is the logical choice to go to Looker?! He is gonna lock us up!"

"No. Not us. Only me".

"What makes you think he is gonna let me and Tails go?"

"You're not coming with me. I won't let you take the fall for this".

"And we're not letting you take the fall Sonic. There's got to be another way!" Tails heavily objected

"Yeah. Let's call Lance and Clair. They will be able to help".

"They have that league obligation, I doubt we'll reach them via phone".

"Mewtwo maybe?" Tails suggested.

"Won't work. He and my Kanto team are out there fighting poachers".

Tails paced back and forth trying to find another way out.

Sonic got up.

"Stop" Tails ordered him.

"I'm sorry Tails. But we're out of time. This started with me all those months ago in Saffron. Let it end with me here. Please".

Tails' fist trembled.

He hated it but Sonic was right.

If they didn't stop team rocket, their reign of terror would return. And Sonic wouldn't be there to stop them. Which even if he, it was wasn't guaranteed they would be able to stop Giovanni again.

They needed to stop it before it started. And Looker was their best hope.

"What if we called Morrison?" Tails tried one last idea.

"Looker won't even listen to him. In fact he will probably lock him up too. I won't let him take the fall either. He's got a family Tails" Sonic reminded his two-tailed friend.

"It just… doesn't seem right. After everything we've done. Everything you have done… to end like this".

"It's a thousand times better than the terror of Giovanni's reign returning. You don't have to come with me. You can both go home and live out your lives quietly".

"You won't face this alone mate" Knuckles said without any hesitation.

"If that's really the only way… then we'll face the end with you Sonic" Tails concluded.

Sonic shed a tear as the three friends hugged.

"Alright then. Let's go".

Leaving a message for Clair and locking the door, hiding the key under the doormat, the three friends set out to find the entrance of the dark cave. It was the quickest route. And with their pokemon's power level so high they would little trouble traversing it.

Once there of course, they were met by a weird scene; the police having blocked the entrance to the cave.

"What the…?" Knuckles was taken aback.

"Stay here" Tails said as he took off, flying just over the heads of the officers stealthily.

Approaching close enough to listen he picked up some phrases.

"It's very bad, the path is blocked".

"We found the remains of explosives in the cave".

"I just got a report. The ice path has also crumbled in a similar manner. Explosives".

"So only way out of Blackthorn is by car?"

Tails was horrified.

Then he remembered the remote that did nothing.

Returning to his friends he didn't have the courage to tell them looking them in the eye.

"We're stuck here".

"What? How?"

"All paths leading away from the city have been destroyed by explosives. That remote we found was the trigger. And we pulled it!" he buried his face in his palms.

"Tails it wasn't your fault" Sonic comforted him "you could never have seen this whole thing coming. Noone could".

"What do we do now?" Tails asked him still sounding sad "how are we going to get to Ecutreak now? We don't have a car, and even if we steal one, if we are arrested or even pulled over and identified no one will listen to us. Ariana boxed us in like ratattas! And she doesn't even know her plan worked".

"There's got to be another way to get there on time. Think" Sonic went into deep thought.

"I have half an idea" Knuckles said.

"Half?" Tails asked, so confused by the idea of a half idea that he stopped blaming himself.

"There is a path on the other side of mount Tensei for hikers. Maybe… just maybe… we could climb Tensei. And walk down from there. Maybe even roll down or glide down I don't know. But it's something".

"Climb Tensei? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Hey I don't see any other way ok?"

"Sonic?" Tails turned to their leader.

Sonic took a good look at the towering mountain.

"Hope you both are not tired. We have a long climb ahead of us" he decided.

Tails and Knuckles exchanged a look.

It was insanity.

But at this point team Sonic was improvising. All that mattered was reaching Ecutreak in time to warn Looker.

"Alright. Let's go!"

Getting as close to the foot of the mountain as possible, Knuckles donned his climbing gauntlets. Tails took off, with him and Sonic recalling their pokemon and the latter grabbing onto Tails' hands.

And with that team Sonic began their slow ascent up mount Tensei.

Unaware of the destiny that was in store for them on the peak, having spent 40 years awaiting fulfilment.

Chapter 83: Destiny fulfilled


With Goldenrod city under attack, team Sonic realizes their only hope of finally bringing down team rocket and saving Johto is taking one final test; taming the legendary beasts

Chapter Text

Team rocket admin Petrel laid on his cell bed, staring at the ceiling, awaiting any move from his comrades anxiously.

The day of reckoning was here. The operation had to begin by dawn when everyone was at their most vulnerable.

Petrel smiled sinisterly. If – no. When- his comrades busted him out, their victory would be complete for the most part.

Only regret he had was not being the one to destroy team Sonic.

"At least that echidna is no more" he thought with an evil grin, remembering his fight with Knuckles.

The sound of a key rotating in the keyhole brought him back to reality.

His cell door opened and in walked Archer.

"Took you long enough boss man" he said sarcastically but with a hint of joking.

Archer managed to crack a smile as well. He hated when someone failed him like Petrel did, but it didn't matter anymore.

"Come comrade. Victory awaits us".

"Is everything ready?" Petrel wanted to know eagerly.

"Yes. Right as we speak, our moles are freeing our captured comrades. Ariana is already at Goldenrod, preparing for her own role in the grand plan".

"Will everyone be joining?"

"Everyone. Not that we need everyone. The goddess of victory is already smiling upon us".

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's bring back the glory days" Petrel said with passion.

Archer couldn't agree more.

"Yes. Let's do it".

As the villains were setting everything into place, the heroes were fighting exhaustion, struggling to continue climbing mount Tensei.

Tails was the most tired of the three, his flying now uneven and sometimes failing causing him and Sonic to almost descend rapidly.

Knuckles was in no better shape either. While he was used to hardship, he had never had to climb a mountain. And certainly not without any sleep beforehand.

Looking up, he saw the mountainside end.

"Guys" he called out to then despite the massive exhaustion "we're almost there. Just hang in there a little longer".

Taking a deep breath and groaning in pain and exhaustion, Tails ascended one final time, carrying Sonic whose arms were now completely numb from the continuous holding on to Tails as well as the cold.

Knuckles also used his final bit of strength to climb to the top. Right before climbing over, he heard his two friends roll on the ground and panting heavily.

Finally climbing over, he saw the three had reached the peak. The ground was surprisingly very smooth despite the mountainside being extremely rough as they were climbing.

Dropping on his knees as well Knuckles too started panting heavily. That climb was insanity from the beginning.

Sonic suddenly walked to him and asked to borrow the binoculars. Knuckles was too exhausted to object and so Sonic took them and went to the edge of the peak overlooking the rest of the Johto mainland.

"I see Goldenrod" he told his friends with hope in his voice "everything seems ok! We're not too late!"

He looked around, trying to find the path leading down.

"Guys get off your asses. Help me find the path down".

"I… I can't… I can't go on Sonic. My whole body is hurting" Tails complained.

"What? Tails there's no time! Team rocket could attack any second. We don't have time to waste!"

"I hate to admit it" Knuckles spoke up "but Tails has a point. That climb was brutal. We need to rest, just for a little bit Sonic".

The hedgehog looked back towards Goldenrod. His entire being was screaming to keep going, that they had no time to waste.

But he also knew his friends deserved a rest. They had been climbing for hours with no sleep. Or to be more accurate, Knuckles was climbing while Tails was carrying Sonic up.

"Alright. One hour of rest. Then we continue ok?"

Tails felt tempted to object but knew deep down they had no time. Even this hour of rest was a risk in itself.

"Better than nothing I guess" he complied "Brrr… it's cold up here" he said shivering.

Knuckles proceeded to take a huge blanket out of their stash of supplies.

"Come here. We need to keep ourselves warm".

The three friends bunched up in the dark, only illuminated by the stars above.

"Damn it's still very cold" Sonic said as they tried to stay warm by sharing body heat.

"Less commenting more resting" Knuckles reminded them.

"True. Alright get some shut eye guys".

"Won't you sleep?" Tails looked at him in question.

"Someone's got to make sure we don't oversleep. You guys did all the work climbing. I'll do my part now".

"You sure?" Knuckles asked.


Tails and Knuckles pondered a few more seconds whether they should let him do it on his own before falling asleep almost instantly from the exhaustion.

Sonic looked at them by his sides, his inner conflict about turning himself in raging inside him.

It was for the greater good but at the same time the very concept of the life he was giving up tortured him.

A life of adventure with Raichu. With his friends, his brother.

"Jaz" he thought closing his eyes and remembering their kiss by the lake of rage again.

By the time he was presumably released she would probably have moved on.

To soothe himself, he allowed his mind to create a scenario where Looker just let everything go and team rocket was successfully stopped. Nothing would keep him and Jasmine apart if that was the case.

Sonic had no idea how long his eyes were closed. All he knew was he didn't want to open them. The harsh reality would hit him like a truck.

A loud snore directly into his face roughly woke him up.

It was from Tails surprisingly.

"Huh. So he snores. The more you know" Sonic before his mind started processing their surroundings.

"Wait a minute…" he muttered as he realized he could actually see their surroundings.

It was daytime.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" he screamed.

Tails and Knuckles jolted awake and looked around.

"Oh no! We overslept!" Tails said in realization.

"How did this happen?! Sonic you said you would be ok!"

"I was! I…" he went to say before remembering what had actually caused him to fall asleep.

"I… tried to handle my surrender by thinking of Jaz… the dream swayed me…"

Tails rushed to the edge of the peak and looked with his binoculars towards Goldenrod.

"Shit! I see smoke! We're too late!"

Sonic felt the ground vanish from beneath him.

They had failed. For real this time.

The people of Goldenrod needed them and they weren't there.

Kneeling he let out a scream of frustration and despair as the reality of the imminent return of his archnemesis was now inevitable.

And what ate at him the most was that they could have prevented it.

But they didn't. And it was his fault alone.

Knuckles turned around, the sight of his usually hopeful and confident friend, taken over by despair too much for him to handle.

His eyes met with a strange sight; A huge empty nest.

Forgetting about their predicament for a moment, he walked to the nest and hopped in.

The nest was massive. Obviously something huge lived here. But what?

A bunch of feathers got his attention. Knuckles picked one up to examine it.

The pattern looked very familiar. The colors reminded him of a rainbow.

"Rainbow" he whispered before gasping at the revelation of what they had stumbled upon.

"Guys…" he said with a somewhat unsteady voice "I think we accidentally found Ho-oh's nest".

"What?!" Tails and Sonic exclaimed, rushing to see what their friend was talking about.

The sight of the massive nest filled them with awe. Tails also confirmed there was a very high chance those were indeed Ho-oh wings, also known as rainbow wings in Johto lore.

Sonic's face lit.

"There's still hope!" he said with a huge smile "Knuckles is there any way to call Ho-oh in Johto's legends?"

"Well it is said that waving a rainbow wing and calling out its name could do the trick but it's only a rumor".

"It's better than nothing! Quick grab a wing and get to work!" Sonic said, quickly grabbing one of the feathers.

"You want to call Ho-oh?" Tails looked at him like a madman.

"We can ask it for help in fighting team rocket" Sonic revealed his line of thought.

"There a huge if in there. What if it refuses to help?"

"At least we will have tried" Sonic said without a hint of hesitation.

Knuckles and Tails, seeing no other plan of action, quickly grabbed a feather each and went to the edges of the peak.

"Ho-oh!" they started screaming, their voices echoing in the endless mountaintops "Ho-oh!"

"Ho-oh! Ho-oh!" Sonic was screaming the loudest, praying, begging Ho-oh to show up.

It couldn't end like this. It couldn't end with team rocket winning.

With every scream however their hope was diminished. Ho-oh wasn't showing up.

"Ho-oh!" Sonic let out a scream, borderlining on roar.

"Sonic" Knuckles tried to talk to him.

"Ho-oh! Please come to us! The people need your help!"

"Sonic it's not coming" Tails hated to tell his friend.

"HO-OH! PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE TO FIX EVERYTHING!" Sonic gave it one last try.

Again nothing.

He knelt in despair.

Raichu came out of its pokeball and tried to comfort him. Tails and Knuckles joined in.

"Why Ho-oh" Sonic uttered "what did you save us for?"

A loud screech was the reply he got.

The air around them grew hotter as Ho-oh soared from the side of the mountain, just over the mountain peak.

"No way! It worked!" Tails said in amazement.

Sonic was filled with a hopeful smile again.

"Mighty Ho-oh. We need your help! Bad people have taken over Goldenrod city. Please lend us your power so we can stop them".

Ho-oh replied with another, louder screech. And that screech carried an aura of what felt to the three friends like rage.

"Ho-oh?" Sonic managed to say in confusion before a lightning bolt crashed down behind them.

And a roar.

A familiar roar.

Raikou emerged from the thunderbolt.

"Raikou!" Tails exclaimed in excitement "it's so good to see you" he went to approach it.

Raikou however growled threateningly, even roaring at Tails while taking the stance of a predator ready to pounce.

"Raikou? Don't your remember me? It's me".

"Groaaar!" Raikou roared again, sounding even angrier this time.

"What's wrong with it? It was so friendly last time" Tails said over his shoulder in confusion and very unnerved at the sight of Raikou's saber teeth.

Before either Sonic or Knuckles could even guess anything, another roar filled the air.

A ferocious roar.

"I know that roar" Sonic's pupils shrinked as he turned around to find himself and Raichu staring down Entei.

Entei was in the same predator stance as Raikou, growling at Sonic, looking ready to pounce at any moment.

"Guys…is it me or are they mad for some reason?" Sonic asked his friends trying to sound calm.

As if the two were not enough a huge pillar of water appeared and after it so did Suicune, staring Knuckles down with determined and fierce eyes.

Knuckles tried to reach out but Suicune revealed its teeth while growling.

The three friends stumbled back until their backs met.

"Fellas… don't panic… but we're surrounded" Knuckles said looking over his shoulders, realizing the beasts had boxed them in.

Ho-oh landed in its nest and, looking weirdly funny like a giant turkey, eyed the three pairs of trainer and beast with great interest.

"Knuckles what's happening?" Sonic asked, Raichu in its battle stance, neither taking their eyes off Entei.

"I see two possibilities".

"Which are?" Tails asked nervously.

"The first, they're waiting for us to falter so they can pounce and feast on our flesh for trespassing in their father's home".

Tails gulped. That actually sounded like a legit possibility. Ho-oh had left Ecutreak and come here for a reason after all.

"And the second?" Sonic's voice reeked of adrenaline, having experienced Entei's power twice before.

Knuckles' eyes met Ho-oh's and then Suicune's.

"The second… I think… this is a test".

"A test?" Tails looked over his shoudee to Knuckles.

"We asked Ho-oh for help right? Maybe… just maybe… the beasts are this help".

He turned to Suicune again.

"Is this what it is?" he asked it.

To his surprise, Suicune nodded.

Knuckles knew in that very moment what they had to do.

How and why the beasts were connected to them was a mystery. Their entire being was covered in mystery. But one thing was crystal clear now.

If they wanted to save Goldenrod city and Johto from team rocket…

"We need to tame the beasts!" he spoke the last bit of his thought out loud.

"You mean face them in battle?!"

Knuckles nodded.

"And catch them!"

"Seriously?!" Sonic was so surprised he actually looked over his shoulder to Knuckles.

"Think about it. It makes sense. Too many times we met them and you even got close to catching Entei".

Sonic looked back at Entei. While it was still looking as majestic and ferocious as ever there was something different about it.

Something inviting him to earn its allegiance.

"I think you're right".

"So we battle them?" Tails asked.


"What's the plan then?"

Sonic thought it over for a moment.

"Each one of us is connected to one of them right? A triple one on one sounds like the way to go".

He looked over at Ho-oh.

"Is that ok?!"

Ho-oh responded by firing 3 sacred fires, each taking the shape of a ring, surrounding the legendary beasts but leaving enough room like a small arena for each of them.

And each member of team Sonic needed to take one step forward to enter the rings.

"I think Ho-oh agrees" Sonic said with the hint of a smile again.

Tails took another look at Raikou and nodded.

"Let's do this! Good luck guys!"

The three heroes made a power bump and then taking a deep breath each and choosing their first pokemon, stepped in the rings.

Raikou went on the offensive first, firing a thunderbolt towards Tails.

"Steelix go!"

Steelix emerged, nullifying the thunderbolt and roaring at Raikou who roared back.

"Steelix earthquake!"

The earthquake, taught to Steelix by Sonic's nidoking during their time in hiding in Aero town, was fired. Ho-oh flames had the unique effect that large scale attacks like earthquake wouldn't be able to affect their surroundings so only Raikou was hurt.

This seemed to confirm Sonic and Knuckles' respective theories. The beasts did want team Sonic to face them. And it had to be a one on one for each of them.

Raikou despite the massive damage from the earthquake, roared and pounced with scary speed, landing a devastating bite on Steelix.

"No! Steelix bind Raikou!"

Steelix's massive body wrapped around Raikou, applying extreme pressure. Raikou roared in pain and its look of suffering broke Tails' heart.

"Raikou please don't resist more than necessary. I don't want to hurt you".

Raikou heard this and was tempted to stop. Ho-oh gave it a stern look. The meaning was clear.

If Tails was to be its comrade, he would have to earn it.

Raikou roared and prepared a familiar looking move. A dark colored ball.

Tails figured it out a second too late.

"It knows shadow ball?" he managed to think before the shadow ball connected, damaging Steelix greatly and causing it to free Raikou which hopped back, inviting Tails to continue the attack.

Contrary to Tails' battle with Raikou, the battle between Sonic and Entei was taking a bizzare turn. Raichu and Entei began communicating.

"So… you stand before me again. But the question is, are you still the puny and weak Raichu you were last time?".

Raichu, hyperfocused and dead calm, replied with four words.

"Come and find out!"

Entei smirked though it was not very clear because of its facial feature. Roaring loudly, it prepared a flamethrower.

"Quick attack!" Sonic gave the instruction.

Raichu moved like a blur, dodging the flamethrower with ease.

Entei was able to follow Raichu with its eyes but the electric type mouse pokemon had grown at least twice as fast as last time.

Having analysed their two previous battles with Entei, Sonic instructed Raichu to attack Entei's body right below the mane.

The attack worked to perfection. Entei, albeit strong, was clearly affected by the attack, being shoved to the side a little.

"Thunder punch go!"

Raichu, having ricochetted from the attack landed on its paws and immediately jumped again with its move ready.

Entei was so caught off guard by the speed and force of quick attack, it never saw the thunder punch coming.

Taking heavy damage, it kicked raichu away who landed on its feet this time.

"Your strength has returned. Let us now see if the weakness of fear still remains!"

Raichu let out a cry and braced itself.

As his two friends were already engaging in their battles, Knuckles and Suicune maintained eye contact, something about this moment giving the two inner peace.

Although Knuckles didn't know it, Suicune was using the move extrasensory on him, to look into his soul.

What it found was exactly what it hoped.

Inner peace. Knuckles had made peace with the tragedies of his past and was now prepared to fight to the end for his two friends.

His two brothers.

Suicune felt the same kind of brotherhood for Entei and Raikou. They really were the same with Knuckles in that regard.

Its mind made up, Suicune unleashed hydro pump on Knuckles, who dodged the attack and sent out his Victreebel.

"Razor leaf!"

Victreebel fired a barrage of leaves towards Suicune. Once upon a time those leaves wouldn't even tickle Suicune. But Knuckles had had Victreebel train to use its side leaves, which was where the razor leaf was fired from to, to try and slash at trees in order to make them sharper.

Now each leaf felt like a mini stab to Suicune.

Roaring loudly while unleashing a blue aura around it, Suicune fired aurora beam towards Victreebel.

Knuckles warned Victreebel to dodge but the attack still landed, knocking Victreebel out.

Knuckles quickly recalled it, pondering on his next move. Suicune was a very bulky pokemon.

"The leaves did damage it however. That means its strong defense is its special one" he surmised choosing his next pokemon.

"Go heracross!"

The blue beetle emerged, its wings flapping extremely fast as it awaited instructions.

"Megahorn go!"

Heracross charged forward. Suicune responded with another hydro pump.

Knuckles smiled. Sonic's blastoise had helped them train well.

"Break through the hydro pump!"

And against all the pressure, Heracross pushed through and slammed its horn against Suicune, shoving it back and causing it to stumble.

Suicune was shocked. It had never expected the echidna to be so strong.

Its gaze momentarily turned to Raikou, which was surprisingly battling both Tails' Steelix and his butterfree. Steelix was trying to subdue Raikou and butterfree was trying to put it to sleep so Tails would avoid hurting it any more.

"Steelix! Bind it!"

Steelix's body wrapped around Raikou again, as Butterfree's sleep powder rained over the beast of thunder.

Its eyes became heavy but it fought against the sleepiness attempting to bite Steelix.


Their strategy was now perfected. The protect covered only Steelix's body, unlike during the battle with Gary, nullifying Raikou's attack. Steelix then applied more force on Raikou, trying to get it to surrender.

A thundering crash filled everyone's ears, causing Tails, Knuckles, Raikou and Suicune to momentarily stop and observe the brutal but magnificent battle taking place between Entei and Raichu.

The latter pokemon was in the zone, taking advantage of its speed and smaller stature compared to Entei, dancing around the beast of flames, landing thunder punches and brick breaks left and right.

Entei however was also fighting with all its might. On one occasion one of its sacred fires found its mark, blasting Raichu in the face and sending waves of pain through its body and Sonic's.

The latter was a bit unnerved by the fact that his side of the pain was somewhat dialed up over the last few days. But he refused to back down.

Exchanging a look of understanding with Raichu they stood strong.

"Still think I'm weak?" he heard in his mind Raichu call out Entei.

"Show me your power!" Entei roared unleashing another sacred fire.

Raichu dodged but flames engulfed his body. It had been burned by the earlier sacred fire.

Sonic gritted his teeth.

"I hate it when Raichu gets burned. No matter! We're not going down!"

Raichu cried out and prepared another thunder punch as Entei prepared for a bite.

The attacks collided, sending both pokemon back due to the sheer force of the conflict.

Entei roared and tried to fire a flamethrower.

As it did, electricity crawled on its body immobilizing it.

"Paralysis. This ought to even the odds" Sonic smiled confidently.

The other two pairs, their battle passion burning hot, returned to clashing.

Suicune attacked Heracross with extrasensory, knocking it down but not out. Heracross retaliated with brick break, striking Suicune hard.

Knuckles' hunch was right. Its physical defenses were not as good as its special ones. Or maybe this Suicune was more adept to tanking special attacks.

"Heracross! Megahorn again!"

As Heracross was about to land the move again, Suicune, with unexpected speed, hopped to the side and fired a hydro pump at point blank range.

The move was so powerful Knuckles thought heracross would get decapitated for a moment. Fortunately it merely fainted.

Recalling it quickly, he decided to get a page out of Sonic's book, sending out Ampharos.

At this point his two best counters to Suicune had fainted. Tyranitar was strong and so was Typhlosion but weak to water. Ampharos countered water but special moves just wouldn't do as much. His only hope was to try and stun Suicune.

"Ampharos thunderbolt!"

Ampharos fired thunderbolt towards Suicune. The attack did hurt Suicune but it took it leagues better than the earlier razor leaf.

Suicune fought back with water pulse, revealing its final move.

Knuckles smiled. Suicune may be a tough opponent but knowing your opponent was power.

He would beat it.

While this was happening, Tails was in a tough spot. Raikou had managed to break out of Steelix's bind and used thunder on Butterfree, crisping its wings and knocking it out. It then fired another shadow ball on Steelix, knocking out the massive iron snake too.

Tails was also down to three pokemon.

Both friends' exchanged a look, realizing they were in the same predicament.

Tails proceeded to send out Scizor. Ironic. Raikou had helped him defeat Gary's Scizor a few days ago.


Scizor lunged at Raikou but the beast pulled the same move it had on Gary's Scizor, using thunderbolt first and then pinning it down while preparing thunder.

"Not this time! Protect!"

Having trained with Steelix on this, Scizor protected itself, causing Raikou to get struck by its own thunder.

Raikou stumbled back. Tails felt horrible but also confident.

He was almost there.

"Ampharos! Thunderbolt again!"

The thunderbolt landed but Suicune struck back with icy wind. Ampharos was growing exhausted.

Knuckles gripped his fist. It wasn't getting paralyzed.

Suicune locked eyes with him.

The serene look in its eyes despite the brutal battle, helped Knuckles calm down immensely.

Taking a deep breath he smiled, getting a crazy idea.

"Ampharos! Use thunderbolt from close range!"

Ampharos tried to approach Suicune who fought back with hydro pump.

"I'm sorry Ampharos but please tank this" Knuckles apologized.

The moment the attack landed they made their move.


Thunderbolt was fired, travelling through the hydro pump and into Suicune's mouth causing insane damage. By the time the attack was over, steam was coming out of Suicune's body, indicating it had been slightly fried from the inside.

It was getting much weaker.

Knuckles too was close. All that was left was Sonic.

With Knuckles and Tails being so focused on their own battles, they didn't even realize the impact of the clash between Raichu and Entei.

The two pokemon were going the distance, both extremely exhausted. Sonic had tried multiple times to switch Raichu out but the electric type refused.

This wasn't just about earning the beasts' allegiance.

It was personal.

"So tell me" Raichu called out to Entei using its tail to stand up "am I still weak?"

Entei growled.

"You have proven nothing!"

And with that it jumped towards Raichu, preparing a stomp.

"Not this time!" Sonic shouted, as he got side by side with Raichu.

The duo of trainer and pokemon experienced for the third time the familiar feeling of their bodies melting in the face of Entei's might.

But this time.

This time they wouldn't lose. Or draw.

They were here to win.

With a combined battle cry, the two were engulfed by lightning.

Entei was taken by surprise at this as he felt thunderbolt course through its body.

With a golden glow surrounding them, Sonic and Raichu pushed back against Entei, sending it flying for a moment and then crashing on the ground hard, struggling to get back up.

Looking over his shoulders as quickly as he could as the lightning dissipated, he witnessed his friends having cornered the other two beasts as well.

"Now or never!" he called out to them as he took out a pokeball.

Tails and Knuckles mimicked him.

With a singular move each member of team Sonic threw their held pokeball.

Entei, Raikou and Suicune were absorbed into the balls which then fell to the ground wiggling.

Each of the three friends stared at their own pokeball with anxiety.

"One…" Sonic said.

"Two" Tails continued.

"Three" Knuckles uttered fully expecting the beasts to break out.

The catch sound echoed on the peak of mount Tensei. Three times.

"WE DID IT!" Sonic screamed as he ran to pick up Entei's pokeball.

"I can't believe it" Tails also picked up Raikou's ball with trembling hands.

Knuckles brought Suicune's pokeball to his forehead.

"Thank you for choosing me Suicune".

Getting side by side again, the three friends, each with a grin bigger than the former's etched on their faces, sent out the beasts.

The three legendary pokemon appeared but were still damaged from the battle.

"Damn we injured them too much. Sorry Raikou".

Raikou, slightly limping, approached Tails and started cuddling with him again, filling the fox's heart with pure joy.

Knuckles approached Suicune.

"I hope there's no hard feelings" he said with a smile as he reached out.

Suicune responded by pressing its head against Knuckles' palm. Knuckles took the chance to pet Suicune.

As for Sonic, Raichu and Entei, they were taking their time. Their history was kind of the roughest of the three pairs.

Sonic understood Entei's stiffness. Ferocity and power was its thing more than socializing.

"Glad to have you with us big guy" Sonic reached out, stroking Entei's fur.

Entei looked into the hedgehog's eyes for a moment before meeting Raichu's.

"It seems you really have faced your fear".

Raichu rubbed its stomach where its wound once was.

"I wouldn't have done it without your father's interference. I am eternally grateful".

Entei nodded negatively.

"My father did save you but it's you who took advantage of the chance granted to you" it said as it knelt to meet Raichu face to face.

"It will be my honor to go into battle with you".

Raichu and Entei shared a nod of understanding as Sonic continued stroking Entei.

Ho-oh, seeing the three trainers having successfully passed its trial, let out another loud cry before taking off and spraying team Sonic and the beasts with sacred ash, healing them and restoring the beasts to their former glory, before flying off into the endless blue sky, entrusting the fate of the region to its children and their trainers.

As the three legendary pokemon roared in pride once again, Sonic remembered the whole reason they had tamed them.

"Oh snap! Goldenrod!" he shouted, getting the binoculars from Knuckles and racing to the edge.

"How bad is it?" Tails came to his side.

Sonic looked for a while before silently gasping.

"Very bad. It's saffron city all over again. Rockets inside. Police outside".

Knuckles bumped him to the side.

"That was then right? So let's take advantage of now and beat the hell out of them!"

Sonic smiled confidently.

The beasts approached them, awaiting instructions.

"We need to get there quickly" Sonic said "Knuckles?"


"Ask Suicune to get us there".

"Why are you asking me to ask them?"

"Suicune is the alpha of the three right? The leader. And he is with you".

"And I am in team Sonic" Knuckles simply smiled.

Sonic opened his mouth trying to speak but couldn't.

"No time to debate Sonic. You're our leader. So lead us to battle" Tails encouraged him.

Sonic was encouraged indeed.

"Legendary beasts" he turned to them "please get us to Goldenrod".

The beasts proceeded to sit like average felines, allowing team Sonic to ride one each.

The beasts then stood on the edge of the peak with their trainers.

Tails riding Raikou.

Knuckles riding Suicune.

Sonic riding Entei.

"Ready team Sonic?" he asked them with a hyped tone.

"You bet!" Tails replied just as hyped.

"Let's blow those rockets out of the sky!" Knuckles waved his fist in the air, eager to use it soon.

"Rai!" Raichu cried out before being recalled.

The beasts roared once each in the following order: Raikou, Suicune and lastly Entei.

"To battle then!" Sonic gave the signal as Entei roared as loudly as it could before pouncing off the edge, landing on a rock, followed closely by Raikou and Suicune as they started quickly racing down the mountain.

It was time for team Sonic to show the Johto region that hope lived on.

"You will soon learn team rocket" Sonic thought determined "if bad rises, good will always rise up to meet it. You're going down!"

Chapter 84: Battle of Goldenrod City


The final clash between team Sonic and team rocket begins as the battle for Goldenrod city and Johto commences.

Chapter Text

A news helicopter flew over the taken over Goldenrod city as the police's siege on the city kept getting nowhere due to team rocket's pokemon outnumbering them two to one.

Thomas the news reporter from the previous two major livestreams regarding team rocket was talking to the camera.

"My friends… the worst has happened. As you can see below us, Goldenrod city has turned into a war zone. In the early hours, at dawn specifically as witnesses state, team rocket swarmed the city, creating an impenetrable perimeter around town. We cannot clearly make out what their purpose is but whatever it is, it can't be good. Miranda what can you tell us from the ground?"

"We are live from ground level on the northern entrance of the city, where team rocket has created a makeshift barrier with the trucks in which they arrived in. The barrier is protected by their army of pokemon, rendering all attempts to enter, be it via battling or any other way impossible. We'very also been informed that the situation on the southern entrance is pretty much the same as here. On scene are as many of the police forces of Johto, doing their best to save the civilians and stop the criminals. Strangely detective Looker, the lead detective in the case of THESE very criminals" she pointed at the barrier "is nowhere to be found. Makes one wonder Thomas, whose side he is really on".

The broadcast was muted at the police station as the chief of police was screaming his lungs out at Looker.

"Some detective you are! My homeland is overrun by criminals and you pursued a gang of teens instead!"

"Chief I assure you the situation will be settled without any problems".

"Without any problems?! Without any fucking problems?! Look at the television you imbecile! This is the very same predicament Saffron city found itself in! And the one individual who resolved that matter, at the cost of so much is dead! Dead! Who will stop them now?! What are they even doing in there?!"

Looker felt the pressure of the situation get to him but fought to remain calm.

"Chief please calm down. I promise you, a strategy is being worked on right now".

The chief gave Looker a dirty look and left, feeling the need to be there. Looked sighed and slumped on the chair.

He turned the mute off.

Just as Miranda was finishing her report.

"That's all we know so far. On a final note we received a call the chief of police of Ecutreak city is on his way to help any way he can. I pray to mighty Ho-oh his arrival changes something, anything" she went silent for a moment.

And then she decided to go off script.

"If you're watching this, detective Looker, then ask yourself this. Is the cost of upholding the law to a T worth it? Is the suffering of these people worth team Sonic's doom for going out of their way to help them? And who's going to help them now?"

The live ended as Looker indeed asked himself this.

Had he worked together with team Sonic, there was a huge chance things wouldn't have escalated this far.

But at the same time, he couldn't accept Sonic the hedgehog out into the world, free.

He needed to pay for what he indirectly did to Looker. And now he had.

In Azalea, Cosmo, with sentret on her lap, watched the stream anxiously, hoping from the first moment, something would change.

That Tails and his friends would come to the rescue.

But nothing.

For three hours the same loop of the police attempting to enter the city only to be repelled.

With every minute she felt her heart lose faith, one tiny bit at a time.

"Tails would never let this escalate" she thought. It was like he had died all over again.

Sentret rubbed its head against her, trying to comfort her. She hugged it for comfort but it was no use.

Her ringtone played as she received a message.

She picked up the phone, then proceeded to almost drop it when she read the message.


The message read 'meet me where we met. Quickly'.

Rushing out of the house without even locking the door, Cosmo raced to that spot at the entrance of Ilex forest.

But when she arrived her heart sank.

Tails wasn't here.

Forcing a tear back Cosmo went to leave when she heard her name called.

"Cosmo over here".

It was Tails' voice.

Rushing into the woods, she began shouting his name.

"Tails?! Tails!"

The fox appeared stealthily behind her and covered her mouth shusing her.

"Be quiet. Someone could hear you".

Forcing his hand off her mouth she turned and almost broke his spine hugging him.

"Where have you been? Why did you shut your phone off? I was so worried, I thought you died".

"There will be a time for all of this but it's not now Cosmo. You've probably seen what's going down in Goldenrod".

"I know. Why aren't you there stopping team rocket?"

"That's where we're going. It's a very long story to tell right now. But we need your help".

"My help?"

"Yes. Sonic will explain when we meet up with him".

Cosmo then noticed the wound on Tails' arm, horrifying her.

"What happened?" she asked with a quiver.

"It's nothing. Look I promise you I will tell you everything when this is over. But before that there's someone I want you to meet".

Taking her by the hand, he led Cosmo behind some bushes.

Cosmo was weirded out by this suddem move until her eyes met the sight of Raikou.

"The… The legend of thunder…"

Raikou, not knowing Cosmo or that she was an ally, growled defensively.

"Raikou no. She's a friend" Tails told the beast.

Raikou sized Cosmo up and the sat back down waiting.

Cosmo, with her mouth hanging open turned to Tails.

"How in creation did you join up with the legendary Raikou?"

"What can I say? There's more to me than meets the eye" Tails winked as he mounted Raikou.

"Seriously though we have to go. My friends are waiting".

Cosmo, with her heart beating fast at this development – like who would even imagine meeting, let alone riding the legend of thunder in their lifetime – climbed behind Tails, who helped her on by holding her hand, the sight of him causing her eyes to bulge. He was like a knight. A dream come true, at least in her eyes.

"Hold on to me" Tails instructed as Raikou began racing through the woods, heading deeper into the forest.

At the end of the run, Cosmo couldn't hold a gasp in.

Awaiting them were Sonic and Knuckles riding Entei and Suicune respectively.

"You caught…!"

"Yes, the beasts have joined us" Sonic confirmed "Cosmo listen closely cause we don't have much time. Is there any spot in this woods that has view of Goldenrod city but where we will not be spotted?"

Cosmo, overcoming the shock of team Sonic taming the legendary beasts, nodded positively.

"Yes. There is a spot. But I don't know exactly what directions to give you to get there"

"Could you lead us there then?" Knuckles asked her.

"Yes, easily".

"What about afterwards? I don't think there will be enough time to return you to Azalea".

"Don't worry about me Tails, I can find my way back if I can lead you there" Cosmo assured him "why do you need to get to higher ground though? Shouldn't you be there fighting?"

"We need to plan the attack first" Sonic explained "improvising and blitz attacking almost got us killed. Can't take this chance again".

Cosmo looked at Tails, half hesitating and half demanding to know if Sonic was implying that wound on Tails' arm really almost killed him.

"Later. Please lead us there".

Cosmo immediately started directing Raikou towards the desired destination.

The four teenagers raced through the woods, Tails, Cosmo and Raikou in the lead, followed by Sonic and Entei, and lastly by Knuckles and Suicune.

The ride seemed endless until finally, the path took a slight incline.

Tails had Raikou stop so Cosmo could get off.

Sonic and Knuckles caught up and told Tails to join them soon as they raced up the incline.

Tails and Cosmo were left alone.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok? Making your way back alone?"

"Have no worry. I know this forest like the back of my hand. I will be fine".

"Alright then. I'll come find you when it's over".

"Wait" she took his hand stopping him.

Tails could tell by her voice she was struggling to not be emotional in the moment.

"Why… why did you fake your deaths? I… those few days… they were the worst of my life".

Tails closed his eyes in guilt.

"Because I was an idiot who thought I could beat team rocket admin Ariana at her own game. I thought by faking our deaths we could lose the heat and catch them off guard. I was wrong".

"Did you… did you even consider calling me?" Cosmo asked him while staring.

Taking a leap of faith Tails decided to seize the opportunity this time.

Running his finger on her cheek, moving her hair out of the way in the process, he thought it was time to be brave.

"Every waking moment. You never left my mind".

And leaning in, he kissed her, letting himself get high on the feeling as she kissed him back.

Moments later she broke the kiss.

"Go get them tiger".

Tails chuckled raising his eyebrow.

"Be honest. Was that for me or for Raikou?"

Cosmo chuckled too.

"Go. Your friends are waiting".

Demonstrating his flight to her for the first time, Tails flew back on Raikou as the beast took off up the path.

Cosmo watched them leave.

"Be careful Tails".

At last Tails and Raikou joined the other four at the end of the path where Sonic was assessing the situation with the binoculars.

"How bad is it?" he asked.

"Very. They're playing it very smart. But good news is I have eyes on all 3 admins".

"All three?" Tails gasped.

"They must have broken everyone captured out before converging here. This was in the works for months, so they had time to plan everything" Knuckles filled him in.

"So Petrel is back… and what are they doing?"

"Archer is at the radio tower, I can see him enjoying the view on the balcony. Look at him all high and mighty" Sonic said in disgust.

"Petrel is at the port… he and his squad are keeping an eye on their hostages" Knuckles grimly added.

"Hostages?!" Tails exclaimed. That went south very fast.

"And Ariana is at the power plant, messing with the generator. Can you tell me what they're doing exactly?"

Tails looked through the binoculars.

"They're rerouting the power to the radio tower. They must be attempting to connect to the Atachi satellite. But from what I see they've only just began".

"Makes sense, big city, need to take control first" Sonic agreed "so how much time does that leave us?"

"I'd say 30 minutes tops. What's the plan?"

Sonic considered their options for a moment.

"Divide and conquer".

"What?! Every time we split up something bad happens!" Tails objected.

"I know. But there is no other way. We need to save those hostages and sabotage the connection in 30 minutes. Every second counts".

Tails looked at the city. Too much was at stake to play it safe.

Cosmo's encouragement rang in his ears.

"Alright. What do we do?" he said determinedly.

"Here's the plan. Knuckles, you and Suicune get to the port from the sea, STEALTHILY! Wait for the signal and attack the rockets hard enough to get the hostages somewhere safe".

"Got it. Wait what signal?"

Sonic took a moment to think.

"Wait I have an idea" Tails stepped up "here. Earphones. I bought them here when we first came around intending for us to use them in our battles but… I ended up forgetting about them…"

Sonic examined it for a moment and smiled.

"Better late than never" he said putting it in his ear.

Knuckles mimicked him before taking off on Suicune, wishing his friends good luck and assuring them he would be expecting the signal.

Sonic then turned to Tails again.

"Tails, you and Raikou handle the rockets in the generator".

Tails' eyes widened as that meant facing Ariana again.

Sonic read through the hesitation.

"The last few days were not your fault Tails. We didn't fake our deaths just to catch the rockets off guard. Looker pushed us to do it".

Having Entei approach Raikou just enough, Sonic placed his hand on Tails' shoulder.

"You're the only one who can outsmart Ariana and foil her plan for the generator Tails. I trust you".

"How do I know I'm not going to mess up again?"

Sonic gave his friend a warm encouraging smile.

"Did you hesitate kissing Cosmo this time?"

Tails processed the question and then nodded.

"Right… it's a leap of faith".

Sonic nodded as he and Entei prepared to move out.

"Wait. What are you going to do?" Tails asked him.

Sonic stopped and took a mischievous expression.

"I'm going to take the fight to them. After all someone needs to cause a distraction right?"

Tails nodded as the two friends prepared to move towards their respective targets.

"Wait I almost forgot" Sonic stopped "do you have a jacket with a hood or something you don't mind losing?"

On the north entrance of Goldenrod another plan of the police, more specifically their attempt have a negotiator approach the barrier and have his partner machamp ambush them and break it down , failed miserably.

That same moment the chief of Ecutreak police department arrived.

"What's the progress?" he almost barked out the question.

"Nothing works sir. There is just too many of them and they won't be tricked".

"Dammit. What did they say about the hostages?"

"They said the hostages will remain safe as long as we don't try anything funny".

The chief cursed but then his gaze turned.

A hooded figure was walking towards the street, straight down the middle of the two factions.

"Hey you!" the chief called out "get out of here! Don't you see what's happening around you?!"

The figure didn't stop. With steady but assuring steps he got to the center of the street and turned to face the rockets.

"Team rocket! I'll give you one chance. Surrender or face my wrath!"

The police looked at the figure as if they were crazy.

On the other side the rockets burst out laughing.

The figure too chuckled before unzipping his jacket and removing it.

The laughter turned to cries of fear.

"No way!"

"It can't be! He's dead!"

All the grunts were taken over by a feeling if nervousness and doubt their plan would work.

In front of them stood a very angry and determined Sonic the hedgehog.

One of the grunts almost screamed into his communicator.

"Admin Archer sir! It's the hedgehog!"

The chief was about to try and talk Sonic down, as there were hostages involved.

A hand grabbed his shoulder.

Turning he was met by…

"Detective Morrison?!"

"Hello chief".

The chief was barely holding it together now.

"Did you know? That…"

"That Sonic the hedgehog was alive? No I didn't. That's why I came. Because I feared no one would be here to stand up to them".

"Sir this is insanity. He can't possibly take on them all on his own. We got to stop him" a lieutenant tried to reason with the chief.

"No sir" Morrison countered "let him do his thing".

The chief was torn.

"Why should I listen to you? Looker reported you stole a critical piece of evidence from Mahogany".

"I know sir. And I am ready to accept any punishment the law deems fitting for my actions. But right now I'm asking to trust me. Trust him" he pointed to Sonic "if anyone can turn this thing around it's him and his friends".

The chief spat. There wasn't really a choice here.

"You better be right about him Morrison. The fate of our homeland is in his hands".

"In their hands chief. In their hands" Morrison confidently corrected the chief.

On the other side after receiving an order, the grunt opened the massive screen on the entrance of the city, which was normally used to greet those arriving in town. Archer had had it wired so he could send a message to the police if need be.

Archer's face appeared on screen.

"Well, well, well" his voice took over, the volume set to max "what do we have here? The hero of Kanto comes back from the dead. Where are you two pathetic friends? And more importantly, where is your partner?"

He burst out laughing, thinking Sonic was alone. Some of the grunts also joined the laughing.

Sonic chuckled.

"How these next 30 minutes go down Archer, is entirely your choice. You would all do well to end this pathetic circus performance you put up and surrender".

"Please. Or else what hedgehog?"

Sonic shrugged.

"Ok then. Prepare to be invaded".

Many more of the grunts broke into laughter again.

"Invaded? By you and what army?" Archer mocked Sonic.

Sonic grinned taking out 5 pokeballs.

"This army" he replied and started throwing then in the air.

One by one, Meganiun, Quagsire, shiny hitmontop and shiny tyranitar emerged on the sides of their trainer.

The final pokeball opened and a pillar of fire was risen to the sky as the ferocious roar of Entei echoed through the plain and the forest.

At the sight of the legendary Entei by the side of the hero of Kanto the side of the police was filled by hope while the rockets struggled to maintain the composure, the only thing keeping them together was Archer's confidence.

"That is an impressive squad hedgehog. But team rocket already bested Raikou before. What makes you think its brother will make any actual difference? Face it. You have already…"

Sonic didn't reply with words.

His reply was taking out his final pokeball.

At the sight of that ball Archer's confidence was replaced by a mix of curiosity and anxiety as he stopped his monologue.

Sonic, with a confident grin of his own, sent out the final pokemon.

A huge lightning bolt, not unlike the pillar of fire Entei invoked only moments ago, came crashing down in front of Sonic and his team.

Once the lightning dissipated a cry was heard.


That was the last drop.

"It's his Raichu!"

"That's not possible!"

"It's immortal!"

"That can't be!" Archer murmured "the evidence pointed to death!"

It was accomplished. Their morale had broken.

Before any of the rockets could regain their composure, Sonic made his move.

"Entei! Sacred fire!"

Entei charged the move for 3 seconds before firing at the barrier, tearing it down with incredible force that shook not only the rockets but the police too to their cores.

"He broke through!" a grunt screamed.

"Now my friends!" Sonic shouted referring to his pokemon "CHARGE!"

His pokemon, all letting out war cries, went into the offensive.

Raichu immediately began with a quick attack, slamming against a sandlash.

Meganium, Tyranitar and Quagsire followed up by mass attacking with razor leaf, rock slide and surf.

Hitmontop, joining Raichu in taking the fight to their enemies, worked together with the electric type. With Raichu's iron tail and hitmontop's triple kick combined, hitmontop became an unstoppable force breaking through any formation it came across, even knocking out a trio of golbats with a single move.

And when the first attacks were completed, Sonic ordered Raichu and hitmontop back.


A huge jet of flames came crashing down against team rocket, who all retreated in fear despite Archer's protests to fight back.

The officers were all left in awe of the sudden turn of events as well as the power of Entei and the fearlessness of Sonic and his pokemon.

Miranda of course went live without confirming with the studio.

"People of Johto! We are witnessing a miracle! Our prayers have been answered! Sonic the hedgehog has returned, assisted by the legendary Entei!" she said with passion in her voice as the camera turned to the pandemonium at the city's gate.

Among the tens of moves fired from pokemon to all directions, the silhouette of Sonic could be seen, with his back turned and his spiky hair billowing from force of the moves as he ordered his Meganium to shield everyone with a massive protect as the other bunched up around Sonic and behind Meganium.

"He's alive!" Ash exclaimed from Ecutreak as he had only just arrived there with his friends, watching the broadcast through a TV store's display glass.

Misty and Brock didn't reply as they were too focused on the screen.

Pikachu witnessed its rival taking out enemy pokemon nearly every second, being entirely in the zone, not thinking, just acting.

"Pika pika! Pikachu!" it cheered on for its rival.

From atop the radio tower, Archer was watching as everything they had worked for for entire months was falling apart.

Checking the task bar, seeing it was only at 31% Archer sighed and, riding his massive Crobat, flew down to ground level.

"Damn those imbeciles. No matter, I will stop him myself! One way or another!"

Just as Entei completed another flamethrower attack, an air cutter attack struck it and Sonic, who ended up doing a backflip in the air due to the force applied before landing on his feet and meeting the sight of Archer riding his Crobat.

"This is far enough hedgehog! Take one more step and the hostages will pay the price!"

"Hostages?" Sonic feigned shock.

Archer smiled maliciously.

"Yes hedgehog. We are not above taking hostages. Tell your pokemon to stand down or the hostages will all find themselves in a watery grave!"

Sonic decided it was time.

"NOW!" he screamed, pausing for a second before continuing "now I see the Giovanni in you. But if you think that this pathetic attempt to stop us could actually work, you are dumber than I thought".

"Hahaha! So be it, hedgehog! Team rocket wins either way! Petrel start getting rid of the hostages!"

All that came out of his communicator were battle noises.

"What?! Petrel what's happening?! Respond dammit!"

A few moments earlier at the city port

Admin Petrel was pacing back and forth in anticipation. Today was their day.

Team rocket was making its comeback. The world would tremble before them again.

"Please let me go" a woman from the crowd of hostages, guarded by a squad of poison type pokemon begged "I'm all my kids have left".

"You stay quiet and you might live to see the next day" Petrel advised menacingly.

"You won't get away with this rocket scumbags!" a man next to her suddenly spoke up.

Petrel snapped his fingers.

One of the grunts slammed a crowbar on the man's back with great force knocking the wind out of him.

As the man wheezed tried to catch his breath, he was dragged away from the crowd before the first grunt was joined by another as they started mercilessly striking at him with their crowbars.

"STOP! STOP IT PLEASE!" the woman from earlier begged.

Petrel snapped his fingers again as the man laid on the ground, twitching from the pain.

"Listen here peasants! And get it in your head! We are in charge here! No one, I repeat, NO ONE, is coming to save you! So do yourselves a favor and shut up!" he threatened them enjoying the feeling of dominance.

A loud crashing sound reached their ears in that moment. Petrel was taken completely by surprise.

"Archer what happened?" he spoke into his communicator.

Several seconds passed before Archer responded.

"The hedgehog is here!"


A tall pillar of fire, followed by a lightning bolt crashing near the north entrance of the city shook Petrel to his core.

"The legend of fire is with him!" Archer reported.

"Say what?!"

"Yeah! Get them hero of…" a teenager tried to cheer before being smacked with a crowbar.

"Listen closely. If I tell you to, start killing the hostages!"

"You sure Archer? We lose our leverage like this".

"Trust me on this. Just be ready once I give the signal. I will go confront him".

"Whatever you say bossman" Petrel shrugged.

"Now!" a voice was suddenly heard.

Petrel turned around.

"Who said now?!"

No one confessed.

Petrel pointed at the teenager who cheered for Sonic.

"Beat the hell out of him!"

The grunt raised crowbar and was about to bring it down, before being punched in the stomach so hard he was sent flying.

"Now Suicune!"

A hydro pump was fired at the poison types guarding the hostages, sweeping them away along with half the grunts surrounding them.

"Ready for round three?!" Petrel heard the annoying voice of Knuckles the echidna challenge him.

Following it to the source, he found the annoying echidna that just wouldn't stay dead. A little further back the majestic Suicune was staring him down.

"You just can't seem to stay dead can you?!"

"As long as you and your kin are free, we will always come for you! Even if it means returning from the dead!" Knuckles taunted him.

"What are you waiting for you idiots! Get the hostages!"

Some of the grunts hesitated but sooner or later, Knuckles was facing down an army of Pokemon.

But to their horror, he smiled, sending out all of his other pokemon.

"You still want to do this?" he challenged them.

"Attack!" Petrel ordered the grunts.

The grunts all fired a barrage of attacks. Knuckles' pokemon fought back but since none knew protect, Tyranitar stepped up and took the brunt of the assault.

"Typhlosion! Flame wheel! Run them down!"

Typhlosion cried out and turned into a huge a flaming wheel, rolling with intent towards the rockets, some of whom fled in fear and the rest dodging and attempting to fight back.

"Victreebel! Free the hostages with your razor leaves!"

Victreebel protruded its sharp side leaves as the hostages started rubbing their bonds on them, gradually being free and helping the others.

Petrel's communicator rang.

"Petrel start getting rid of the hostages" Archer's malicious voice came out of it.

A bunch of Pokemon next to Petrel were knocked out by a massive megahorn attack from Knuckles' heracross.

"What?! Petrel what's happening?! Respond dammit!"

Petrel was forced to dodge a thunderbolt by Knuckles' Ampharos and send out a weezing to keep it busy before replying.

"The echidna jumped us! He is freeing the hostages!"

"What?! One of him and an entire squad plus you and you are losing, you useless idiot?!" Archer screamed into his communicator as Sonic enjoyed the show despite fighting off his own bunch of rocket grunts and pokemon.

"What was it you said? Team rocket wins either way? Care to reconsider?" he taunted Archer, part of him hoping he fell off Crobat and made his life a little easier.

Archer gritted his teeth and looked at his watch.

Ten minutes to go.

Sonic noticed this and remembered they were on the clock.

"Tails talk to me buddy. How're we doing?" he spoke as quietly as he could, trying not to be noticed by Archer, the chaos of the fight helping with that.

"Not good. Their progress is a lot further along than I thought".

"What does that mean? What's our timeline?" Sonic asked fearing what answer he would get.

"Rough estimation… ten minutes tops".

Sonic's eyes widened.

"Take out the rockets and stop the connection!"

"Even if I do that Archer will be able to broadcast to all of Johto!"

"Don't worry about him! I'll handle it! You focus on beating Ariana!"

Tails signed off, taking a deep breath. Raikou rubbed against him to comfort him.

While his two friends were engaging their enemies, he had been assessing Ariana's progress with the connection to the Atachi satellite. And as he had explained to Sonic, the three friends had ten minutes to defeat team rocket.

"Raikou it's time to battle. Ready?"

Raikou purred in agreement. Tails couldn't help but relax. Who'd knew a legendary pokemon could be so cute and yet look and be so deadly at the same time.

"Good. Here's what I need you to do".

Admin Ariana in the meantime was working her butt off with her grunts, trying to speed up the connection so Archer could broadcast their message and hopefully get into contact with Giovanni.

As she connected another extension cord to the generator to harness even more electricity, she contacted Archer.

"Where are we in terms of process?"

"Last I checked it was at 31%".

"Then check it again and tell me".

The sound of a flamethrower came out of the communicator.


"I'm can't! The hedgehog is unstoppable! If I let him get to the tower it's all been for nothing!"

"Curses! Get the two morons to hold him back!"

Archer considered this possibility.

It was alluring indeed.

It didn't matter whether they won or lost as long as they got to contact their boss.

"Alright. I'll let you know what the progress is when I get back in. And tell your grunts to be careful. Petrel has engaged the echidna and I'm currently engaging the hedgehog. That means the fox may be near you. Do NOT let him anywhere near the generator, you hear me?!"

"Roger. Over and out" Ariana signed off.

After turning around however, fear took hold of her.

All her grunts had been knocked out.


"Where are you fox?! Show yourself!"

A small bolt of electricity came out of nowhere, barely missing her. Ariana turned to the direction it came from.

"Not there Ariana" Tails teased her without revealing himself.

"Where are you?! Come out of hiding and face me!"

"Like you did at Mahogany? You and Archer ran away. You left Proton to die".

"He knew what he signed up for! Show yourself coward!"

Another small bolt of lightning came out of nowhere. Ariana was barely fast enough to dodge.

However that gave her an idea as to where the bolts were coming from.

"You think you can beat me in a mind game fox? Me? The brains behind team rocket?" she calmly tried to taunt Tails.

"See that's the thing about us smart individuals. We tend to overthink everything, believing complicated means better".

"Compilated is better fox. You were too much of a simpleton to see what was right in front of you from the beginning" Ariana taunted him as she took out Muk's pokeball, remembering how Tails' stun gun couldn't stun living goo.

As she was about to turn the corner she believed Tails was hiding behind, he chuckled.

"And you are too blind and arrogant to see I'm just stringing you along".

Ariana turned the corner as Tails spoke those words.

In front of her was Raikou with eyes glowing with fury.

Before Ariana could turn and run, Raikou pounced.

Ariana was tackled to the ground, the sight of two huge saber teeth terrifying her into staying still.

She then noticed a phone taped on Raikou's fur.

"You sneaky trickster fox!" Ariana yelled in anger, realizing Raikou had been baiting her by using thunder shocks to replicate Tails' stun rounds.

Looking up, she saw Tails flying by the side of the generator examining her work, trying to find a safe way to stop it.

Ariana, drowning in a sea of inability to act, averted her gaze.

"Forgive me boss. I failed" she uttered in a dramatic tone, causing Tails to roll his eyes.

"What a drama queen" he commented quickly stunning her with a shot so he could focus.

Ariana's communicator rang.

"Hey Espeon. Pass it to me please?" Tails gently asked as he called it out.

Espeon let out a positive cry and using its psychic powers, passed the ringing communicator to Tails.

"Ariana. Agents Butch and Cassidy went down instantly. Progress is at 62%. Send some of your guys to stall the hedgehog quick!"

Tails smirked.

"Ariana is unavailable at the moment. And you better sit because this is the end of your plan!"

And with those words, Tails and Raikou cut the cords connecting the generator to the radio tower.

Sparks flew as Tails warned Espeon to stay away from the exposed wires.

However, just as he thought they won, the generator started making loud noises as if it was kicking into overdrive.

Tails was dumbfounded. This wasn't supposed to happen.

That was when he noticed it; a third cord, carefully concealed underneath the surface of the generator with metal plates covering it to make it blend in. Tails however noticed the end of the wire at its connection point with the generator.

Quickly examining it, he just couldn't help but be impressed by Ariana's genius; it was built like a collapsing circuit. Disconnecting the original wires had triggered the third one to kick in and pump more juice to the radio tower signal, and much faster too.

"Sonic we got a big problem!"

"How big?"

"Ariana installed a failsafe! Energy is being pumped much faster than before. Rough estimation, the connection to the Atachi satellite will be achieved in 5 minutes!"

"Five minutes?!"

"If we do not hurry, not only will they be able to contact Giovanni but the continuous pumping of energy will overload the city's power grid causing a blackout! Huge chance it will be region wide too!"

Sonic weighed their options forcing himself to keep calm.

"Alright then! Is there a way to stop it?"

"Yes but we got to get into the radio tower to cut the connection from there!"

"Got it. Start working on it and I'll get back to you".

Tails signed off and started working on stopping the failsafe.

Close to the radio tower now, but with around 50 grunts blocking his path, the only thing stopping them from charging him was Entei's flamethrowers and sacred fire blasts, Sonic contacted Knuckles.

"Knuckles I need backup! Are you finished there?!"

Punches and brawls filled the inside of his ear.

"You kidding?! They're not giving up! Beating the soul out of Petrel didn't change anything, they are all simply waiting for me and Suicune to get exhausted from fighting them all off!"

"Shit! I need you here though! We need to get into the tower to stop the signal transmission! Ariana installed a failsafe to make sure they can contact Giovanni even if they are arrested! I need you and Suicune here to break through them!"

Knuckles knocked another grunt out with a powerful punch to the face as he considered his options to get out of this predicament.

An idea crossed his mind. It was a longshot but if their actions were really that impactful, there was a chance this could work.

"Suicune! Victreebel! Tyranitar! Use your ranged attacks to keep them at bay!"

The three pokemon started blasting their opponents with hydro pump, razor leaf and rock slide as Knuckles turned to the now free hostages.

"Does anyone have pokemon they can fight with?"

Over half the crowd raised their hands.

"Listen closely. I hate to ask this of you… but Sonic needs our help! He needs to get to the tower!" he said pointing to the radio tower "and for that I need to get there to help him. So I need you all to fight back against the rockets here and now!"

"Are you crazy?! You're the heroes here" the man who was beaten up earlier replied in shock.

Knuckles took a second to think before answering.

"I know you all think we are some sort of super trainers. But here's the thing. When we started this journey my friend Tails and I had nothing to offer to our friend's cause. We had zero experience in being trainers. Same goes for Sonic when he got his first pokemon. He was just like all of you, a normal trainer without anything setting him apart. And yet he fought back against the fear of team rocket when they at the peak of their power. If he could do that what's stopping all of you?!"

The crowd started murmuring.

"Those… rockets… came here today, threatening your lives, your pokemon! They carry all those pokemon of their own with them. But their only real weapon is fear! And real heroes are stronger than fear!"

The crowd were now captivated.

"Fot heroes are not born" Knuckles continued trying to rally the crowd "They are forged. Sonic the hedgehog forged his own path for his own reasons and that proved him worthy to be a hero! Now I ask you all to find that same hero in you! Fight back with us against the monsters that are team rocket! Help us bring them to justice and save your homes! Now who's with me?!"

The hostages responded by sending out an army of pokemon of their own. Knuckles smirked and whistled. Suicune came to his side and he rode it.

"Today you all become heroes! Today team rocket falls! Today hope reigns supreme!" he rallied them further, unnerving the rockets opposing them.

"To battle everyone!"

Chaos ensued as the Goldenrod residents charged forward with their partner pokemon. The rocket grunts found themselves faltering. The greatest power of team Sonic was shining bright, signaling their defeat.

The power of hope. The only power stronger than fear.

Knuckles riding Suicune and recalling his pokemon, charged through the rockets, Suicune knocking out as many pokemon with its attacks as possible to help the Johtonians fight back.

Amidst the chaos, Knuckles spotted Petrel trying to escape. Reaching out he grabbed him by the back of his shirt and quickly knocked him out by smacking him on the neck, before stuffing the admin behind him on Suicune. The legendary beast then started hopping across the rooftops, heading for the tower.

At the same moment at the tower, Archer was smiling maliciously as the progress bar was at 90%. It would only need about three minutes at worst.

Returning to the radio equipment, he started setting the switches on the desires positions so that the broadcast could begin at the exact moment contact with the Atachi satellite was made.

"Just a little more" he thought.

Once the boss heard his team was still loyal, surely he would come back and with him at the helm team Rocket would crash team Sonic.

The tower was suddenly shaken by something.

"An earthquake?" he thought rushing to the balcony.

To his horror, it wasn't an earthquake.

Entei and Suicune had used their combined power to take out all the opposing pokemon at once, with the hedgehog, his raichu and the echidna knocking out the grunts.

"Fuck no not now!" Archer cursed rushing back in, checking the meter.


He would need to buy time himself.

Rushing out of the room, he made his way to the electrical room.

Outside Sonic and Knuckles cleared out the remaining grunts.

"I'm going in to stop Archer. You three guard the perimeter" Sonic instructed Knuckles, Entei and Suicune.

"You got it. Go finish this!"

Sonic and Raichu then rushed in and up the stairs, getting into contact with Tails again and heading for the electrical room.

Outside the electrical room however, Archer blocked their path.

"No more running hedgehog. Let's finish this! Just you and me!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way Archer!"

"Go houndoom!"


The two pokemon collided with extreme force, their moves being bite and brick break. Houndoom got the worst end of the stick in this matchup but Archer wasn't going to lose. Not yet.

He knew he couldn't defeat Sonic. His pokemon had barely had any training after the first fall of team rocket.

That was the thing that made him hate Sonic the most.

Before he came along team rocket didn't need more power. Their pokemon as they were plus the crippling fear they instilled in their victims was enough.

But not for Sonic. He would just not give in to fear.

But it didn't matter anymore. Archer had to buy a little more time.

As houndoom fainted to a thunder punch, Archer sent out his Crobat ordering it to use air cutter.

The attack did stall Raichu for a few moments but thunder punch was in store for Crobat too.

Archer sent out his final pokemon; Koffing.

One iron tail knocked it out.

"Game over!" Sonic attempted to immobilize Archer only for the admin to use dodge and rush back upstairs.

Before Sonic gave chase, Tails called.


"Archer happened" Sonic explained.


"Connection to the Atachi satellite is complete Sonic".

"Say what?!"

"We're too late".

"Not on my watch!" Sonic burst through the door and found himself in the electrical room.

It didn't take long to find what he was looking for; a weird device connected to some wires which in turn were connected to the tower's power grid.

"I have eyes on the device".

"Good. Destroy it".

Tails then heard a weak but sinister smile coming from Ariana.

"What's so funny?" he asked her in anger.

"Oh nothing. Go ahead. Tell your friend to go ahead".

Tails however wasn't buying it.

"What did you do?!"

"Destroying or disconnecting the device will release all the collected power that is being used to connect the radio station to the satellite" she explained with a sadistic pleasure.

"In other words if your friend breaks the connection he will be fried to a crisp!"

Tails was so horrified he aimed and fired a stun round, knocking Ariana down and halfway out.

"Sonic! Stop Archer from making the transmission!"

"No time! I won't get up there fast enough!"

"You mess with that thing you will get blasted with enough electricity to power the city for a month!"

To his shock Sonic chuckled.

"No worries, I got this" he said before signing off.

"No, no, NO!" Tails screamed, loading Ariana on Raikou and riding it, heading to the tower in a hurry.

"Sonic don't be an idiot!" he uttered in anxiousness.

Ariana groaned from behind him as they were hopping from rooftop to rooftop.

Just as they were 3 blocks away from the tower, lightning bolts crackled on the walls of the tower.

"NOOOOO!" Tails screamed as Raikou halted in utter shock, having felt the release of more electricity than 10 of its kind together could produce.

Knuckles felt the power surge from the foot of the tower, looking up with a mix of disbelief and fear.

"Sonic what did you do?"

Chapter 85: Sonic heroes


The battle of Goldenrod city ends in the most unexpected way for team Sonic.



Chapter Text

Time stopped across Johto as everyone witnessed the outburst of energy from the radio tower in the form of electricity crawling down it's walls.

"Ahahaha! This time, Sonic the hedgehog truly perished! You may beat us but team rocket still wins fox!" Ariana mocked Tails.

Tails didn't even care about the taunt. He was only beginning to process what had just happened.

Before he could actually process, his earphone went on.

"Be honest, did it look cool?" Sonic's voice came out of Tails' earphone.

"Sonic?!" Tails exclaimed.

"Impossible!" Ariana uttered in disbelief. How had the hedgehog survived that?

In the radio broadcast room, Archer slammed his first on the desk in rage. Connection to the Atachi satellite was lost.

At this point there was only one card left to play. And it wasn't the surrender card.

He went on air.

"This is Archer, admin of team rocket. We are in control of Goldenrod city and our return to power is just beginning. The return of team Sonic and their attempt to stop us means nothing. It has begun. No one can stop us".

He took a deep breath. He had to be listening. Else this was all for nothing.

"Sonic he's broadcasting!" Tails warned his friend.

"Did we fail?" Knuckles asked through his earphone.

"Didn't we break connection to the satellite?" Sonic asked in confusion.

"We did but he is still broadcasting just limited to Johto".

Sonic smiled.

"No worries. He is trying to spread fear huh? Then let's fix that. Let him finish then hack into the signal so I can give a statement of my own".

Tails smiled upon hearing this. He just loved when Sonic didn't rush into things and chose another way instead.

Ariana could hear the broadcast and so could Petrel. Every radio in Goldenrod was speaking with Archer's voice.

"Evil always wins at the end hero" Petrel mocked Knuckles, still laying on Suicune's back, bound by rope.

Tails and Raikou alongside the captured Ariana arrived in that very moment. The look of calmness on Tails' face was enough for Knuckles to refrain from answering while also filling Petrel with doubt.

Archer continued his monologue about the return of team rocket for about a minute before getting to the actual important part.

"Boss Giovanni. If you can hear me we're all still with you. Team rocket still stands strong. Wherever you are, give us a sign so that we can all join together and…"

The signal was cut, bringing his speech to a sudden and anticlimactic end.

And the next moment, Sonic's voice took over the broadcast.

"Great speech, admin Archer. Pity it's only the words of a desperate fool not knowing when he's beaten. But I think it's time you wake up and smell the coffee. Your grunts are falling like dominos, be it against us or the invading police. Your two fellow admins are in our custody. And soon enough you'll be joining them. I'm not really big on speeches so I'll stop here and let hope take over following your team's fall and your last desperate attempt to keep the fear going. What I will do however is leave you with one parting message".

Pause for a few seconds.

"Checkmate" Sonic's sarcastic final word shattered the last bit of Archer's final stand before Tails cut the connection completely locking Archer out of the frequency.

And so the team rocket admin was left alone in the radio room, headphones on, eyes wide with shock, his ears buzzing, the reality of the matter closing in around him as if it was the room's walls.

Team rocket had failed.

Just as he completed this thought, the phone rang.

Someone was calling the tower.

Archer picked up the phone.


"Hehehe" a small laugh reeking pure evil, foretelling a world of pain for every breath that came out of the mouth that voice belonged to filled Archer's entire being.

"An amusing stunt, Archer. You always had such grand visions for team Rocket".

"Boss?!" Archer said with disbelief turning to hope.

"In the flesh, or more accurately on the line".

"I knew it boss! I knew you would be back! Tell me, what's the plan?! Where do we meet?!"

Another evil, calm laugh.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Former team Rocket admin".

"F-former?" Archer stuttered.

"Did you seriously believe this pathetic stunt would get me to return to lead you again?" Giovanni's voice said before he laughed again "Ah, you were always so gullible".

"B-boss what are you talking about?"

"What doesn't your innocent, weak little mind don't understand Archer? I'm not coming back to you failures. I never planned to".

"But boss… we're all still loyal. We did this all for you!"

"Loyalty is for fools like you. Honestly I'm surprised neither you nor Ariana were able up figure out you were all nothing more than worthless pawns in my plans of domination. Foolish, worthless pawns who have long outlived their usefulness to me".

Archer took the words of the man he looked up to for years, feeling each one stabbing him like a blade of fire.

"I believe there's nothing else to talk about here. Have a nice incarceration, former admin" Giovanni mocked him one more time before hanging up.

And Archer was left in the room alone in total silence, his whole world having crumbled in seconds.

He had spent years of his life for Giovanni, proving his loyalty, sacrificing so much for team rocket and was discarded like a broken tool.

His mind subconsciously played a memory that seemed to come from another life, despite the actual instance being mere weeks ago, right after the slowpoke well.

His meeting with Sonic on camera.

He remembered the words spoken to him by team rocket's worst enemy.

"You and the rest of your team were nothing more than his useless pawns".

Those words had been true all along. All their clashes with team Sonic, all the fear, all the planning.

Everything he and the rest of team had built in the last few months and the perseverance they showed was for nothing.

His existential crisis was halted by loud bangs on the door before an iron tail brought it down.

Sonic and Raichu walked in. The former took a moment to study Archer's expression.

Once he noticed the phone having been moved from its base he put two and two together.

"So he did hear you. And from your look I take it I was correct in my assumption?"

"After everything we did for him, after everything we risked going up against you… he abandoned us…"

"Well. Can't say I didn't warn you".

Sonic then moved to apprehend Archer but the admin tried to attack the hedgehog.

Sonic dodged the attack, giving Archer the time to flee to the balcony.

"Just give up already Archer. There's nowhere to go".

To his shock Archer climbed over the railing.

"Woah! What are you doing?!"

"Everything I worked for, everything I cherished was taken from me! I gave up everything for the cause of team rocket! I have planned and carried out unspeakable things. So you're wrong hedgehog. There's two ways out. Either jail or this. And I sure as hell, am not going to jail!"

"Just calm down. Don't do this! It's not worth it" Sonic pleaded.

Archer looked down, hesitating for a second before giving Sonic one last look of determination.

"Team rocket forever" he saluted before letting go of the rail.

Sonic's mouth slightly opened, in shock at the lengths of Archer's action.

"What a moron" he sighed "you got him?" he spoke to the earphone.

Angry grunts reached his ear as Tails lifted Archer back towards the balcony.

"No! Let me go!" Archer demanded.

"As you wish" Tails obliged throwing him back on the balcony.

The admin rolled on the floor for a moment before Sonic immobilized him.

"Game over. We win" he teased Archer.

The door to the broadcast room opened.

Sonic and Tails turned to face whoever entered. Tails even raised his stun gun instinctively.

"Woah, woah. No friendly fire".

"Detective Morrison!" Tails exclaimed, glad to finally see a friendly face.

"I'm so glad you three are safe. After Mahogany I thought…"

"You were not the only one we fooled like that detective. Sorry for that by the way".

Morrison nodded, letting them know there were no hard feelings.

He then looked down at the captured Archer.

"That's the final admin, right?"

"Yes. Knuckles is on the ground floor, guarding Ariana and Petrel".

"Then it's done. You did it. Team rocket is finally, permanently out of the picture".

Sonic allowed the situation to sip in.

Morrison was right.

They had done it. What they had come to Johto for was accomplished.

"Yes. Yes it is" Sonic said feeling a sincere peace, as if Jolty's memory was once again honored by their victory.

The two friends, Sonic's raichu and detective Morrison then began making their way down, Morrison dragging the handcuffed Archer along.

"How are things outside?" Sonic inquired.

"The hostages fought back against the grunts with bravery, breaking their formations and allowing our forces to enter the city. A few grunts managed to escape but this time I do not believe there will possibly be any way for them to cause trouble".

Reaching the ground floor, they found Knuckles at the lobby, Petrel and Ariana on the floor with their backs against the wall, under the watchful eye

Once Knuckles saw the captured Archer, a huge smile was etched upon his face.

The three trainers hugged each other as hard as they could. Their bond had prevailed over their enemies. They had won and they had done it together.

Morrison was proud of them. They had seen through what the police struggled with for months.

After the three friends broke their hug, they heard cheering coming from outside as Morrison opened the door, revealing a huge crowd had assembled on the street leading to the north entrance of the city.

"What's happening?" Sonic asked Morrison.

The latter didn't immediately reply as he was talking to an officer Jenny. After they finished their talk he turned back to the three heroes.

"The chief has told me that a police van is waiting on the northern entrance of the city. And he wants you three to escort our three friends here with me to the van".

"Us?" Sonic was taken aback.

Morrison also pointed outside to the cheering.

"I tend to agree with him on this. The people want to see their heroes".

Sonic didn't know how to react to that. This wasn't anything like the glorious exit after the whirl islands battle. It was a whole lot more.

Tails and Knuckles on the other hand were much more open to the idea.

"I say we do it. Others would beg to be in our position right now".

"I'm ok with it so long as the beasts walk with us" Knuckles shrugged.

Morrison took one look at the majestic trio of beasts and nodded.

"I think the people of Johto need this. It will be a message of hope in more than one ways".

Sonic was now the lone holdout.

"Oh what the hell. Let's do it".

"Good" Morrison turned and walked outside.

"People of Goldenrod city. I give you team…"

He was pulled back in by Sonic before he could finish the sentence.

"Wait, wait. Let's discuss this a bit. I don't think we should be addressed as team Sonic".

His two friends were dumbfounded.

"Why not? That's what the people of Johto know us as" Tails questioned his friend.

"I know it's just… team Sonic… gives too much credit to me. But you guys were with me all the way. Without you two by my side, I don't think I would have been able to see this mission through. You are each just as much of a hero as I am… even though I was only doing what I thought was right" he quickly added at the end.

"Wait so you want us to get a new team name now?" Knuckles asked for clarification.

"Yes. Even if it's just for the occasion… I want a name that shows all of ours' bravery. You deserve it" Sonic ended his explanation.

Tails and Knuckles looked at each other for a moment and smiled, getting the exact same idea.

"Detective Morrison" Tails spoke first and nodded to Knuckles to finish it.

"We are the Sonic heroes" Knuckles said with pride.

Sonic facepalmed laughing.

"Seriously?" he asked them still laughing.

"Yup. And that name is final" Tails declared.

Morrison grinned and turned back to the crowd as the three team rocket admins were forced on their feet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… the Sonic heroes!"

Cheers became even louder. Sonic tapped Morrison on the shoulder as the admins began walking towards the door, pushed by a growling Raikou.

"Why the introduction though?"

"Setting the stage for a heroes parade of course" Morrison cheerfully explained.

The celebration of the end of the terror of team rocker was glorious. A hundred times more glorious than the aftermath of the whirl islands.

As the three admins of team rocket walked in the lead, their gazes fixed on the ground in frustration, disappointment, shame and defeat, and in Archer's case, total loss, detective Morrison followed with his gun out just in case the admins tried anything funny.

And lastly behind him, the Sonic heroes followed with pride, their lineup being from left to right, Tails Sonic and Knuckles, waving at the crowd, cheering in their own way and accepting the applause.

"Go Sonic heroes!"

"We love you Sonic heroes!"

"All hail the Sonic heroes!"

"They love us" Tails innocently said.

"What gave it away? The loud cheers or the parade?" Sonic jabbed him playfully as they laughed about it.

Behind them the legendary beasts followed proudly, their manes billowing majestically. Raikou had the same reaction to the crowd as Tails.

"They love us. Can you believe it? They really love us" it spoke to Entei and Suicune.

"After saving their city it was the least they could do".

"Hey we wouldn't leave them hanging would we?" Raikou asked referring to the Sonic heroes.

Entei took a long look at the three trainers.

"No. Maybe we never met them in person before our reawakening but no. We wouldn't".

"See Suicune? Everything turned out as we saw" Raikou cheered the weirdly quiet Suicune.

But as it looked at its brother it could see why.

Suicune's face was reflecting its inability to react in such a situation.

"After all this time…" it spoke as if it was trying to process the parade "we are finally no longer treated as monsters for them to hunt".

"That was then brother. It's over now. They no longer have reason to fear us. We and our new allies showed the people what true monsters really look like" Entei spoke with confidence and a reassuring tone.

Suicune's lip edges moved slightly upward.

"You're right. We did. And you are right too Raikou. We didn't know enough about the future to actually cause a significant change".

"Exactly" Raikou looked at Tails as he remembered his earlier exchange with Sonic "it's a leap of faith".

With the parade slowly reaching its finale as the northern entrance to the town in sight, Sonic spotted the chief of police waiting in front of the armored van that would take the three admins, a sincere look of gratitude on his face.

Not ten steps to go however, more police cars arrived along with another armored van.

"Huh. A little bit of overkill but with their history it actually makes sense" Sonic shrugged.

As the newly arrived officers exited their cars, a barrage of gunshots was fired, causing the celebration to come to an abrupt stop as screams of panic could be heard.

The three friends, Morrison and the admins all knelt in reaction. The beasts took a predator stance and roared.

Sonic looked up to see none other than…

"Looker. Of course".

The detective was aiming his gun at them.

"Sorry to rain on your parade. Team Sonic you are under arrest".

"Are you kidding me?!" Tails burst out "after literally coming to the city's aid, you're still going to arrest us?!"

"You are under arrest on command of the international police's director, for vigilantism, for destruction of public property, for instigating a public fight…"

"Looker you're losing it" Morrison tried to reason with him "don't do anything rush. Just put the gun down so we can talk this through".

"You too have the right to remain silent former detective Jake Morrison for theft of police evidence and for obstruction of justice".

"Hey man back off!" the same teenager that got beat up by team rocket, a stain of blood on his forehead due to the beating "the criminals are right in front of you, captured by the ones you're trying to arrest!"

Looker aimed his gun at the youngster.

"Stay out of this kid".

That was a big mistake.

The people of Goldenrod, already disgusted by Looker's actions throughout the last few weeks, wouldn't stand for Looker now threatening them the same way he threatened the heroes.

Out of nowhere an all-out riot broke out, with the residents of the city trying to get Looker, while the police got in the way resulting in a huge brawl.

The Sonic heroes were left with jaws hanging.

"We got to stop this" Tails went to intervene, but was stopped by Morrison.

"No. What you need to do is get out of here! Now!"

"Leave?! But how are we going to solve this misunderstanding if we run?!"

"You three can't. But I can".

"How?" Sonic asked him.

"I'm going to let myself get arrested then confront Looker with the truth".

"Are you out of your mind?! Looker won't even bother to listen!"

"He will, if he thinks I know where you're going".

The three friends looked at each other.

"But where would we go?" Knuckles inquired.

"Where the events of today started" Sonic declared as his eyes darted towards the peak of mount Tensei.

Morrison, narrowing his eyes tried to guess the rest.

"So all I know is you're heading where your mission began correct?"

"Exactly" Sonic nodded.

"Stop them!" Looker's voice was heard from the crowd approaching.

"Go!" Morrison urged the three trainers.

"This is crazy we can't leave you here!" Tails tried to object.

"Stop in the name of the law!" Looker's voice sounded like he was about to emerge from the fighting crowd.

Sonic didn't need more convincing.

Harnessing his bond with Raichu, he jumped backwards very high, landing on Entei's back.

Tails and Knuckles followed suit riding Raikou and Suicune.

"Don't let them get away!" Looker screamed. But it was too late.

Hopping across rooftops the legendary beasts carrying the heroes escaped the city and into the fields.

"Get a bird on the air! Follow them to the fie…!" Looker barked in his phone before being tackled to the ground by Morrison who smashed the phone.

Looker, fuming with rage, tackled Morrison back, sending him tumbling to the ground.

With lightning quick moves, he handcuffed Morrison, whilst shoving him to the ground.

"Idiot" he told Morrison who didn't reply.

The chopper took off minutes after Looker gave the command, flying towards the fields, easily spotting the three fleeing beasts with their riders.

"Sonic we have a chopper on our tail!" Tails warned him upon spotting it.

Sonic looked over his shoulder, having heard the sound of the chopper's blades himself.

"Crap. He just doesn't quit".

"Talk about deja vu" Knuckles commented, remembering the last time when the beasts saved them.

Sonic considered their options before deciding.

"Split up!"


"Looker wants me not you! Go hide at Cosmo's house or Jaz's gym, preferably both! One beast will go unnoticed much easier".

"But won't that get heat on Jaz and Cosmo?!"

Sonic bit his lip.

"Reverse psychology! Looker thinks he's got my number, he will believe we're going into hiding again away from others. 99% he won't see this coming!"

"Are you sure about this?!" Tails asked him, not liking the thought of splitting again.

"It's going to be ok! Entei and I will lose the heat then meet at the agreed location when I call you ok?!"

"Is it really safe to open our phones?!"

"A small calculated risk! I need to let you know somehow!"

"… alright! See you soon!" Tails wished his friends luck and took off, splitting and heading towards Azalea town.

"Stay safe Sonic! See you soon!" Knuckles too split, with Suicune doing a slow 180 degree turn so they could head for Olivine city.

Sonic watched his two friends bitterly as his plan worked; the chopper didn't alter its course. He was the target.

Tails and Raikou raced through the fields, entering Ilex forest but not going too deep, remaining near the edge of the woods.

Finally arriving he recalled Raikou and stealthily made his way around Cosmo's house, looking for a way in, hoping Cosmo wouldn't be too crept out.

Spotting her in her living room watching the news of Goldenrod unfolding live, with the riot still going strong, he tapped the window.

Turning her head she saw him and her face lit as she opened the window for him to enter.

"We saw everything! You guys were amazing!" she said, closing the window before grabbing his hand and pulling him closer.

"You were amazing" she whispered as she kissed him again.

But something was different.

"What is it?" she asked him holding his hand.

"I split from my friends to lose the heat. Sonic is somewhere out there right now, with Entei, being chased by the police. He said once he is safe he will calls us and we will meet at the top of mount Tensei where today started. Is it ok if I… stayed here until that time comes?"

Cosmo smiled. Tails was just a keeper. The fact that he cared about his friends like that always melted her heart.

"As long as you need. And even more than that".

"Thanks" Tails gratefully said before leaning in for another kiss. After a few seconds he broke it.

"Are you absolutely sure? It's not just me, it's my pokemon too. And it could be a few hours to a few days. I don't wanna be a burden if it comes to that?"

"It may be an hour?"


"Alright then no time to waste" she gave him a mischievous look before pulling him in again. Tails was on cloud nine.

He allowed himself to get lost in the eternity of their kiss, forgetting about the uncertain future that awaited them now that their mission was over.

Chapter 86: Seeking peace


With their mission a success, team Sonic focuses on clearing their name in Looker's eyes, with Morrison pushing him towards the same direction.



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tails breathed in and out, his entire being in absolute bliss as he watched the sunrise.

The last day had gone by without any signs from Sonic, which did worry him a great deal. But Cosmo knew just how to take his mind off of it.

Her head popped up next to his as she caressed his chest and kissed him on the cheek.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"Force of habit. Used to wake up at dawn to train with Knuckles and Sonic" Tails explained as he caressed her hand.

Cosmo could tell his worry had returned.

"No news?"

"No. I opened my phone just as Sonic suggested i do but no call or text. I know he hasn't been caught because it would be all over the news" Tails said.

Cosmo agreed but could tell there was something else bothering the fox.

"Why don't you try calling Knuckles? He's hiding at Olivine city at gym leader Jasmine's place right?"

"Yeah. I should have given him a call yesterday to be honest".

"Why didn't you then?"

"Honestly I was too busy" Tails smirked as he turned his head to meet her lips.

"Seriously though, I didn't because part of me doesn't want this to end. Getting the call from Sonic means I'll have to go so that we can decide what's next. And I don't want to go. Last night was… magical".

Cosmo felt the same way but also knew what the right thing was.

"It has to happen" she whispered in his ear as they cuddled, looking at the sea as the sun had now fully risen "your friends need you".

She then had him look to the sleeping Raikou that had spent the night in the living room, sleeping while laying like a cat.

"Your pokemon need you" she completed her thought.

Tails knew it to be true.

"But what about us? Just talking on the phone is no longer enough for me".

Another kiss was shared.

"We'll figure something out ok? Focus on ending this feud with Looker for now. And don't worry about us. I'm not going anywhere".

Tails was encouraged, the prospect of a real relationship with Cosmo sounding like a dream.

That would mean a hard conversation with his friends at a later date.

"Focus on the present" he thought to himself "you're here with her now. Enjoy it".

And then his phone rang.

It was Sonic.

"There. I jinxed it" he complained feeling the universe was working against him in the moment.

Cosmo's look of encouragement combined with strictness convinced him to pick up.


"Hey you ok pal?"

"I should be asking that question".

"I lost the heat. It's time to meet. I'll call Knuckles so don't worry about it, just get here safely".

"Got it. See you soon" Tails said as Sonic hang up.

"I wish we had more time" he solemnly wished.

"We do" Cosmo hugged him for comfort "go to your friends now".

Tails nodded. He was very grateful for her encouragement.

Turning to Raikou to wake it up, he noticed one its eyes open before quickly shutting, looking like it was sleeping.

"Heeeyy!" Tails teased his legendary pokemon "are you peeking?"

Raikou continued pretending to be asleep.

"Don't you know curiosity killed the meowth? Huh don't you?" Tails rubbed Raikou's belly playfully.

Raikou flipped around in response to the cuddling while purring, even pulling Tails and Cosmo in.

A few minutes of cuddling later, the trio were on the edge of Ilex forest, with Tails riding Raikou, ready to head to Tensei.

"I'll miss you" he told Cosmo.

"Then hurry up and resolve the situation fast my Tailsy" she lovingly encouraged him.

With his face gleaming, Tails was ready.

"Let's go Raikou".

And with a loud roar, Raikou took off, heading for mount Tensei, eager to meet with its brethren.

Far away, in new bark town, police activity was very high.

Looker himself was in town at one point, patrolling, hoping they would show up.

He had gotten word of team Sonic's plan before their escape.

"But where would we go?" the echidna had inquired.

"Where the events of today started" Sonic had clearly said.

And the events of that day had started in new bark town, where team Sonic began their journey.

But they just wouldn't show up.

Looker of course attributed this as misdirection. By his old partner no less.

Heading back to Ecutreak, he went to Morrison's cell.

His old partner lifted his head from the floor, not uttering a word and his apparent calmness enraged Looker.

"Where are they?" he demanded to know.

"I told you all I know" Morrison replied with the same calmness.

"You told me they were heading where the events of yesterday began".

"I did. I never claimed that was what they meant. You made that assumption on your own".

Looker paced around in the cell for a few moments.

"Morrison if you don't tell me where they are there's nothing I can do for you. Is ruining your career as a detective not enough?"

"I have stated my position in this many times Looker. I regret nothing".

"You are willing to rot in prison, leaving behind your wife and child…"


Looker got confused for a moment before gasping.


"She told me last night. During her visit".

Looker was at a loss for words.

"So you're willing to give up your family over a trio of vigilantes? Because of a sentiment?!"

Morrison, albeit remaining calm, gave off an aura of anger at those words.

"You will talk about sentiment Looker? You of all people?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I figured it out, you know. While investigating the shadow gas canister. I looked into why you were so adamant in pursuing team Sonic. And I found out why".

"Back off ok?"

"I couldn't help but notice you kept mentioning silph co you know".

"I said back off".

"And yet when you were in Kanto investigating the incident at the same time that the hedgehog was in Kanto, you never tried to arrest him".

"I'm warning you Morrison!"

"Ironic really. You claimed I was acting on a sentiment but it was you who was a slave to your emotions!"

Looker went ballistic, hitting the cell bars with all his might until his hand bled.

Morrison waited patiently until his coworker got exhausted.

"Are you better now?"

"Am I better? You tell me. Do I look better to you?!" Looked turned to Morrison with eyes bloodshot from rage.

"Better no. Maybe lighter though".

Looker slumped next to Morrison on the bed.

"If you know, then you know what the hedgehog took from me".

"I know who you lost. But he wasn't taken from you".

"The hedgehog's actions caused it!"

"It was weeks after silph co Looker. I can't blame Sonic the hedgehog for it even if I wanted to".

Looker buried his face on his palms trying to calm down.

"Looker… I cannot understand your pain so I won't pretend I do. But I implore you to push the anger aside and look at the facts. Sonic was on our side the whole time. The events of Goldenrod wouldn't have happened if we had been working with him and not against him. But that's in the past now. The threat is over" Morrison paused letting Looker process his words before continuing.

"Johto is safe once more. And it's thanks to them it is. They went against all the odds, including you and prevailed. Because of them hope has returned to my homeland. That's an irrefutable proof of their allegiance in my eyes. So follow in their footsteps and be the better man. Call Sonic to a meeting and talk things out, peacefully".

"You're asking me to just forgive him like that? After everything I went through because of him?"

"I'm not asking you to forgive Sonic if you can't. But holding on to your hate and pursuing him will never yield anything good, nor will it make you feel any better. All I am asking is that you and he make peace. Find a common ground and let each other continue their life in peace. That's all everyone wants following the chaos of the last few days".

Looker remained silent. He got up to leave.

As he locked the cell door, he took one look at Morrison and left.

The latter was left alone with his hope that his old friend would heed his advice.

Not too far away from Ecutreak, Raikou was hopping fast from rock to rock, climbing to the top of Tensei, with Tails on its back. Tails was wondering if he would be the first to arrive. His mind was also pondering what their possible next moves were.

The fox's heart however was still back in Azalea.

With one last jump, Raikou made it to the peak, where the beasts and team Sonic had joined forces only the previous day.

There they found Sonic, Raichu and Entei awaiting.

The moment Tails dismounted Raikou, Espeon came out of its ball and made its way to Raichu. Raikou also approached Entei, interacting with it.

As for Sonic and Tails, after exchanging a big hug, Sonic could immediately tell something was different about his friend. His entire being felt different.

His expression switched to mischief.

"Tell me everything".

"Is it that obvious?" Tails blushed like a strawberry but unlike all the other times his smile remained broad.

Before Sonic could reply, Suicune also made its entry with Knuckles. The echidna dismounted his beast and rushed to hug his two friends. Suicune also approached Entei and Raikou.

Just like Sonic, Knuckles also saw through Tails.

"Nooooo! You didn't!"

"Ok seriously what is giving it away?" Tails joked.

"Dude your entire being emits the truth. You feel somehow more… mature in a way. But it's only been a day".

"A day and a night" Sonic added "and that's what I want to hear".

"Yeah dream on" Tails teased him, paying him back for teasing them in Olivine by refusing to speak of his kiss with Jasmine.

Sonic let out a small laugh before getting serious.

"Alright joking is fun but we actually have a situation to resolve. Team rocket is out of commission but now we're wanted by the law".

"More than that, by international police" Tails reminded them.

"It feels so unfair. After everything we did, we are being treated the same way as Giovanni aka the worst human being in existence?" Knuckles said in frustration.

"So what even are our choices at this point? Even if we called Mewtwo and Alakazam here and asked them to get us back to Green Hills, we wouldn't be safe" Sonic wondered aloud.

"We need to negotiate with Looker. Get him to sit down and talk it out. Maybe even understand his motives for pursuing you" Tails suggested.

"But how are we going to do that? And even if we did the guy doesn't seem willing to talk" Knuckles reminded them.

"Maybe detective Morrison could act as some kind of middle man?" Tails suggested.

"And how do we get him to do that? He gave himself up. I don't know how much help he can actually be from behind bars, if he even can be of any help.

Tails paced around, brainstorming, trying to get an idea.

Unfortunately Cosmo dominated his thoughts which made it insanely hard to focus. Now in his eyes Looked kept him away from the girl he was in love with.

The Sonic heroes spent around an hour in relative silence, considering their possible courses of action. Every once in a while, someone would suggest something only for the other two to find many holes in the plan.

While thinking Tails remembered he had something to ask Sonic.

"Did you call your family in Green Hills?"

"I did. Believe it or not, mom and dad actually told me off for scaring them like that".

"Wow. True legends" Tails chuckled.

"Jet and Wave were also happy to hear from me. Though I told them not to mention anything to Amy. She doesn't need to know".

"Maybe that's a little harsh. I mean despite her actions, we shouldn't actively cause her to be sad".

Sonic's look read no.

"Ok. Your call" Tails shrugged and returned to brainstorming.

Another ten minutes later, Sonic's phone rang. It was Jasmine.

"Sonic you there?"

"Yes Jaz talk to me. Everything ok?"

"Good evening. Sonic the hedgehog".

It was Looker's voice.

"Jaz what's happening?" Sonic said calmly but his voice emitted burning rage "what is he doing there?"

"Don't get worked up. I'm calling in peace. I think it's time we had a peaceful meeting" Looker replied.

"Is Jaz ok? I want to hear her voice".

"Yes Sonic. He's telling the truth".

Sonic wasn't fully sold yet.

"How do I know this isn't a trick to get me?"

"You don't. It's a leap of faith. Just like Morrison allowing himself to get arrested for you".

Sonic hated that Looker mentioned this, knowing he would take the bait.

"Ok. But I choose where we meet and you come alone. No police. Just you and me, man to hedgehog".


Tails looked at Sonic in question.

"You're not seriously going right?"

"I have to. It's a risk I have to take" Sonic whispered "alright you still there?"


"Alright. Olivine lighthouse. This afternoon. 6 pm. Don't be late. And most importantly just you and me".

"Understood" Looker simply said and allowed Jasmine to continue the call.

"Jaz are you ok?"

"Yes. He came to the gym, asking me to set up a meeting for you two. The way he spoke… he sounds sincere Sonic".

"We have heard that kind of sincerity from him before though. Last time we had to race to escape Ecutreak" Knuckles reminded his friends.

"Wait he's not still listening is he?" Tails asked.

"No he left".


"Regardless, I got to risk it. Plus it's not like they will be able to catch me" Sonic said confidently as he watched Entei who was observing Raikou laying like a cat, awaiting pets, with a look of disappointment.

"Get up, you're embarrassing our status".

"I suggest you got and get some cuddles with your one".

"I am a proud, fierce and powerful wanderer. I don't get cuddles".

In response to this Raichu nuzzled on Entei's fur who didn't react or pull away.

"Oh my ferocious brother is growing a softer side. I'm so moved".

"CUT IT OUT!" Entei fired a flamethrower on the air trying to make a statement.

"You're lucky nothing's at stake anymore and you have the luxury of acting like cubs" Suicune berated them, though a lot more lax than before.

The hours slowly passed as the rendezvous time approached. All three friends were very nervous, knowing this was their one chance to be done and leave the nightmare of team rocket behind for the foreseeable future.

During that time of course, Knuckles and Sonic interrogated Tails on his night with Cosmo. Even though Tails confirmed it did happen, he refused to reveal anything. That moment was for him and his girlfriend alone.

As they waited Tails remembered something else he was meaning to ask.

"Hey Sonic. Back there in Goldenrod… how did you survive that blast? You know the one strong enough to power the city for a month?"

"It was real simply actually. Right before destroying it, I managed to activate my connection to Raichu on purpose, summoning a lightning bolt and essentially allowing the released electricity to travel through it and into the tower floor and walls. Only after the release was complete did we stop the lightning".

Tails was impressed.

"Quick thinking. How did you know that would work though?"

"I didn't. Just don't make me say it again".

"No worries I will. It's a leap of faith" Tails said with a smile.

"Exactly" Sonic nodded.

Eventually the time came. Around 5:30 PM, Sonic mounted Entei and took off, warning his friends to go back into hiding if they didn't hear from him by 9PM.

Entei covered the distance at insane speed. As the wind hit Sonic's face, he took deep breaths to calm himself.

Arriving halfway up the hill leading to the lighthouse, Sonic saw him in the distance. Looker was already here, taking the view of the sea in.

Sonic dismounted Entei and instructed it and Raichu to keep their distance for now but not stay too far. He then walked slowly up to the lighthouse.

Looker didn't bother turning to meet his gaze as he arrived. Sonic took to also observing the sea for a few moments.

"Place is beautiful" he commented "would have hated to see it under the influence of team rocket".

"Hm… that does make two of us".

A small pause.

"So what changed? Why the sudden urge to meet?"

Looker didn't reply immediately, letting out a deep sigh first.

"Morrison has a way with words. He always did".

"He convinced you to come here?"

"Yes. With team rocket out of the picture for good, I don't really have a feasible excuse to pursue you anymore".

"I see" Sonic said, testing the waters before finally bringing it up.

"Why pursue me though? Morrison did tell me you want to tear down the legend I inadvertently created during my Kanto journey, but that can't be the reason. Your obsession with hunting me could only be attributed to rage… rage caused by something personal".

"You're correct. My reason for wanting you behind bars is personal".

"And if I had to guess it's connected to silph co?"

"That is also correct".

"So what is that reason?"

Looker struggled to answer at first.

"A few weeks after the events if silph co… my father took his own life".

"Say what?!"

Looker now had his eyes closed, clearly holding tears back.

"He was one of silph co's board members. And he had invested a lot in that company. When the extent of the damages caused by you and your friend was revealed he couldn't handle it. That was years, no, that was over half his life stolen in a singular moment. I… I found him hanging in his house three days after last hearing from him".

"Say what?!" Sonic stumbled back. He always knew his actions that day had caused a lot of damage but to actually lead to someone's death?

"I found a note he wrote before going through with the act. He was blaming you, as by that time you were already widely known as the hero of Kanto and no one was looking at the damage you left in your passing".

"Detective I… I don't know what to say… I know I can never apologize enough…"

Looker shushed him.

"Part of my reasoning for chasing you was that I failed to notice my father's deteriorating mental state. I was so focused on chasing Giovanni that I neglected to call him. And now not a day goes by that I don't regret putting my job before him".

"And pursuing me was a sadness outlet?"

"It was wrong of me to blame you for everything. I could always see the bigger picture… but it was only when I saw Morrison's sacrifice to ensure your freedom that I truly tried to comprehend everything".

"I know. I owe him quite a lot, we all do. Had it not been for him, we might have never found their hideout in Mahogany. He risked his freedom and his life with his wife and son to help us.

"Not just his wife and son".

Sonic looked at Looker in question.

"His wife visited him yesterday when we imprisoned him. And she delivered some rather exciting news.

Sonic's eyes widened.

"No! You're not saying…"

"Morrison is going to be a father for the second time".

Sonic's jaw hang wide open.

"But that means…"

"He gave that up for you".

Sonic started waving his head negatively.

"No. This isn't right. He is a good man, he doesn't deserve this".

"I know that. More than you know. More than you will ever know. But he knew the consequences and still went through with it. I don't want to keep him in but my higher-ups demand progress on the Giovanni case. Morrison stole evidence vital to the case, maybe even a lead to Giovanni himself. My higher-ups don't care if I was the reason he did it, they want him punished for it".

"Isn't there anything we can do? Something that could get him acquitted?"

"Do you happen to have a lead on Giovanni? Finding something like that could be used as a bargaining chip for my higher-ups to convince them to release Morrison".

Sonic racked his brain before being blasted on the back with a hydro pump.

Crashing on the lighthouse wall, he heard another hydro pump coming but jumped out of the way just in time.

In a flash Raichu and Entei came to his defense, growling angry at a Feraligatr.

Sonic found the Pokemon familiar before remembering a promise from a couple of weeks ago.

"I have to admit you're true to your word. Silver".

The red haired trainer emerged from behind his pokemon, a look of hatred etched upon his face.

"Yes I am. Team rocket is finished. Now it's your turn to pay!"

Sonic, in all honesty found the threat amusing. He chuckled as he got up.

"This will not go well for you pal. For one you can't beat me. Also you wouldn't want to make me mad, would you?" Sonic cryptically warned Silver.

The hedgehog's frenemy tightened his fist in anger.

"So you take everything from me and now you blackmail me?!"

"What does he mean?" Looker asked Sonic.

Sonic then got an idea. Silver's identity was the key to freeing Morrison.

But at the same time, Silver was just a kid. He didn't deserve to become an outcast because of his father's crimes.

"Silver… I understand you're upset. Really I do. But you also need to understand that your father only reaped the rewards of his own actions. I am the catalyst of his departure indeed. But are you really that blind to his evil?"

"What are you talking about?" Looker asked again. Sonic raised his hand to silence him.

He had to make this work. And he only had one chance.

"You told me yourself Silver. He was weak. And so he left instead of staying and continuing the fight. Bur you are not like that. You didn't give up. You started your own journey, seeking power".

"Don't talk like you know me!"

"I don't know you. That is a fact. But I look at your starter pokemon… and see a pokemon trusting its trainer. Your…"

"It's Feraligatr" Looker informed him.

"Your Feraligatr doesn't seem to hurt. And certainly it doesn't look tortured or even just unhappy and miserable to me. This proves beyond the shadow of a doubt you're not like your father. And therefore you don't need to try and avenge him".

"He's my father! You expect me to just let go of what you did?!"

"Yes he is your father. But where was he in your childhood? Don't answer. In Kanto, doing you know what".

Silver looked to be in extreme conflict.

"So you see Silver… you are right to be angry at me from a certain point of view. But your father wasn't there for you, time and time again. So what real reason do you have to fight for him?"

Silver fell to his knees and screamed, letting out all of his bottled up emotions.

Sonic motioned to Entei and Raichu to stand down as Feraligatr was trying to comfort Silver.

Sonic approached the red haired trainer.

"You don't owe your father anything. You don't have to seek power to prove yourself superior to him. He left. Long before I entered the fray. Your anger is justified but misplaced. So I implore you to look deep into yourself and ask yourself with honesty. Who are you and what do you want?"

Silver's look of anger didn't change one bit. But he did do as Sonic implored.

"I am Silver. And I want to be the strongest. And I want to do it for myself. Not for my father".

Sonic smiled. It was now or never.

"That's good to hear. You are not your father. And you have a chance to prove it".

"What chance?"

"Detective" Sonic motioned to Looker to come forward.

Silver was horrified.

"You're snitching on me?!"

"No. For if you can help detective Looker here, we can ensure no one can ever connect you to your father".

Silver was not sold on it.

"How can you guarantee that?"

"Because this is what the detective and I were discussing before you came along. So here's my proposal. You got information detective Looker needs. I have a friend locked up who needs that information to get out. You share that information, my friend walks and your anonymity is ensured. What do you say? Does the offer of breaking free from your past appeal to you?"

Silver contemplated the offer. He had a lot of work to do before he could completely let go of his father. At this point he wanted him to pay. He couldn't let go yet. So he might as well get back at his father in his own way.

"I will take you up on that. Detective… I am Giovanni's son".

Looker gasped, trying to grasp the situation. This sounded unreal. Giovanni had a son?

"And more than that I saw my father. A few days after he went into exile he came to find me. I'll tell you everything I know, so long as you can promise what the hedgehog promised. That my identity as his son will be lost to time forever".

Looker took a second to reply.

"This is a very peculiar and delicate situation you are putting me in. But there is a chance, if your information yields good enough results, my higher-ups will consider your request".

"I'll take it" Silver nodded.

"Alright then. Come by the Ecutreak police department when you get a chance and we'll talk".

Silver nodded again, recalling Feraligatr. Before he left however he turned to Sonic.

"Hey. Just because I will help your friend by doing this doesn't make us friends. I can't forgive you for your part in my father leaving. I can't".

Sonic nodded.

"It's understandable. I don't know if I would be able to. So I understand".

"And one more thing. Make sure you're at the top of your game in the Johto league. I will do everything in my power to defeat you there".

"I'll be waiting".

Silver then left. Looker also motioned to leave, his work here done. He had to contact his superiors to inform them of the news.

"I share the kid's view you know".


"I'm not ready to forgive you for your actions. Not yet".

Sonic didn't enjoy this feeling that there was bad blood with others. But sometimes that's just how life was.

"I understand detective".

Looker nodded.

"Tell your friends you three are free. You've earned it".

"Thank you detective. Do your best to get detective Morrison acquitted".

"I am optimistic about his release. I'll be in touch".

And so Sonic was left alone with his pokemon, a huge smile etching itself on his face.

He quickly called Tails.

"How'd it go?"

"It's done. We're in the clear!"



The three friends celebrated via phone before Knuckles realized something.

"Wait… now what?"

"I don't know about you two but I have somewhere to be" Tails mischievously said.

"And I owe Jaz an ice cream date".

"So… that's it? The team's breaking up?"

"From a certain point of view yes. But no worries Knucks. We'll still hang out, train together from time to time. Our mission may be over, but now the Johto league awaits".

"True. I completely forgot about this. We got a lot of training to do".

"Correction, you do" Tails joked.

"Wow keep rubbing it in" Knuckles jabbed him in fun.

"Oh I will".

Sonic laughed at this.

"Well guys if that's all, I'll be going. I got a date to get to".

"Don't slack too much. I'm coming for you in the league".

"Oh trust me I won't".

"You guys got plenty of time. The league is three weeks away".

"A correction of my own foxboy. The league is ONLY three weeks away. There's no time to waste".

"Hehe. If only Ash was as focused as you are" Sonic wished.

"I wouldn't count him out yet. But it's too early to tell. Anyway I'm off. Cosmo awaits. See you guys later".

"Talk soon" Sonic hang up and mounted Entei heading to Olivine.

Thirty minutes later as Jasmine was closing the gym for the day, she heard a familiar voice.

"Excuse me miss but I believe I owe you an ice cream date".

Jasmine smiled.

"The meeting went well I presume?"

"Yes. Come I'll tell you all about it" Sonic said smiling as the two headed off through the streets of Olivine.


Due to increasing workload for my university and exams approaching, mixed with watching the new episodes of my hero academia which air every saturday and give off the vibe of an event, I decided to try and give this story that same vibe and for all the above reasons, chapters from now on will be posted every Sunday unless otherwise stated beforehand. Hope the current chapter was enjoyable.

Also brace yourselves for the next two weeks for what is soon to come for Sonic and friends is going to be a very bumpy ride.

Especially for Knuckles.

Chapter 87: Special chapter; Celebi 4ever, part 1


When Knuckles is pulled into the past because of Celebi, the Sonic heroes find themselves in their most dire predicament up to this point. The return of the iron mask marauder and the possible consequences of Knuckles' time displacement only up the stakes further.

Chapter Text

A flock of pidgeottos and pidgeys led by a pidgeot flew in a V formation across the skies of Green Hills, passive over a house on the outskirts of the city.

Inside the house a very old echidna was sleeping, dreaming of his lost family.

Eventually however reality kicked in and Sabre the echidna's miserable existence continued.

Dressing up in rugs he went out to the town's market, buying pokemon food as well as some food for himself and bottles of alcohol. Many bottles.

Walking to the cash register to pay, he was greeted by the cashier, a young girl no more than 19.

"Good morning Mr Sabre".

"Hmph" the echidna acknowledged her without speaking as she began tagging his things.

As he was putting them into bags, assisted by the cashier, he noticed a TV playing. It was an interview of one of the hostages of Goldenrod city after the takeover as he talked about how one of the three Sonic heroes, Knuckles the echidna had first saved them and then rallied them against team rocket.

A picture of Knuckles, along with Sonic and Tails during the celebration following their victory was shown.

"That's our Knuckles. Our very Knuckles the echidna is a hero" one of the customers said with pride.

"All three of them are" another customer, coincidentally Sonic and Jet's mother added, proud of her son.

The cashier looked at the TV and then Sabre over and over.

"You and Knuckles really look alike Mr Sabre. If I didn't know better I'd say he's your grandson".

Sabre slammed his hand on the desk. His hand was trembling.

"I have no grandson" he declared with a trembling voice.

And without another word, he left with his bags despite the cashier's offer for someone to help him carry them home.

Sabre wished he had not seen that show.

The son of Locke, a hero?

"That boy shouldn't even exist" Sabre mumbled under his teeth.

Reaching his home, the small cabin he had built with his own hands with the love of his life, Jenna-lu, on the foundation of his childhood home, Sabre set the bags on the kitchen table, then took the pokemon food on the back room.

Inside were several pokemom cages. Filled with the pokemon he once wielded in his pursuit of Celebi.

A houndoom, a scyther and a tyranitar amongst them.

The moment the pokemon saw him they moved closer to the door of the cage, crying out in hunger mixed with a desire to be out of their cages.

Sabre, without even a hint of compassion pushed a bowl with food through a small gap between the cage bars of each cage and left without uttering a word.

Right afterwards, he returned to his living room, with a bottle of beer in his hand.

As he was about to slump onto his sofa, his eyes fell on a picture of his family.

Him, his wife Jenna-lu and their little girl, their daughter Lara-le.

Normally in such a case, happy memories would fill someone's soul. But this didn't apply for Sabre. His emotions raged like a whirlwind.

"Your father takes everything from me… and everyone treats you like a hero… you should have never been born!" his voice echoed in his empty house.

Slumping onto his sofa, he rubbed his slightly crooked nose. It still hurt after those two years. Knuckles had gotten him good that day.

Taking a sip of the beer, he prepared to spend another day of drinking his way into unconsciousness.

A sound coming from the cage room disrupted him.

"Darn creatures. Can't they leave me in my suffering?"

Heading to the cage room, Locke opened the door to see his pokemon unnerved in their cages.

"Quit your yapping!" he ordered them.

A tapping noise on the back wall then got his attention. Approaching it, he put his ear on the wall to listen closer.

Someone was banging the wall on the other side.

Sabre went to the door leading into his backyard. He unlocked it and opened it.

The moment the door was opened a huge fist grabbed him from the neck and threw him back inside.

Sabre crashed into the wall and looked up in shock to see a man with a dark suit and a mask.

"W-who are you?!"

The masked man approached him, each step a stomp.

"Listen closely old geezer. I know you once found the mythical Celebi once. You will tell me exactly where you found it!"

"H-how do you know about…"

"None of your business! Answer the question!"

Sabre, his mind already weak from the constant years of drinking, gave in.

"I-Ilex forest. Near… near a lake at the north of it".

The man gasped.

"You found the location of the mythical lake of life?"


The marauder remained there with his jaw hanging wide open for a second. Sabre the echidna was known throughout Johto for his attempts to locate Celebi 40 years ago but not even in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine Sabre had found the lake of life.

It wasn't really a big deal for him but he couldn't help but be impressed.

Right afterwards he let out an evil grin.

"Smart move, old timer. You saved your skin".

Looking to the cages, he noticed the Tyranitar.

"Aaah. This will prove useful".

"Huh? What are you doing?! Stay away from my pokemon!"

The marauder ignored Sabre. Opening the cage door he took a small round object from his vest. The object then took the shape of a pokeball.

"Stop please!"

The pokeball was forced on Tyranitar, absorbing it and catching it. The marauder then laughed again before sending it out.

Tyranitar's look was empty and emotionless.

"Hehehe. It works. Just as the blueprints suggested it would".

"What have you done?! What is this?!"

"A dark ball. A pokeball not only with the ability to capture any pokemon but also force them to reach unimaginable levels of power. Allow me to demonstrate! Tyranitar! Hyper beam!"

Tyranitar fired the powerful move, bringing down the entire house apart from the back room and inadvertently freeing the rest of Sabre's pokemon.

As Sabre crawled out of the wreckage, he broke down.

The last piece of his family was gone.

"WHY?! I GAVE YOU WHAT YOU WANTED!" he screamed to marauder who was merely observing.

"Because I can. And soon enough, after I get my hands on Celebi, I will be able to do a whole lot more. Thank you for the hospitality old fool. Ahahahaha!"

Sabre helplessly watched the marauder leave, until he remembered his pokemon.

"Houndoom…" he tried to get his once faithful dark and fire pokemon to help him.

But houndoom, scyther and the rest of his pokemon gave him a dirty look before taking off, escaping into the wilderness, leaving Sabre alone.

The pressure broke him at last and Sabre cracked.


His wind carried his voice all the way to Green Hills, and was actually picked up by Jet and Wave who were hanging out but shrugged it off as a game of the wind.

Far away, in the Johto region, the days were rolling by like a dream for team Sonic.

Even though the three friends were not together 24/7 each was having the time of their lives.

Tails was spending most of his time in Azalea town, essentially living with his now official girlfriend Cosmo. The two would often ride Raikou and sprint through the endless fields of Johto or find distant high grounds to enjoy the view. They would also take strolls through the Ilex forest, once even meeting one of Cosmo's friends, Diana as well as her grandmother Towa.

The elderly woman told them all sorts of tales about the Ilex forest and of course Celebi. Or at least what she referred to as the voice of the forest. Tails of course assumed she meant Celebi and therefore didn't question it, though he found it kind of unnerving that Celebi would randomly snatch people and force them into another time period.

Towa even had an example from her youth; a young boy named Sam had gone exploring with his charmeleon and had ended up missing after the voice of the forest supposedly made its presence known.

Furthermore she claimed to have even heard the roar of the North wind that day. When asked by Tails what the North Wind was, she explained it was none other than Suicune which she knew his friend Knuckles the echidna had caught and befriended.

Tails was fascinated by the story but forgot to ask when that story took place; with all their relaxing for over a week, and the Silver conference being delayed by a total of two weeks in order for Johto to get back to normal rhythms after team rocket's attack, he had considered researching the mystery of the legendary beasts with his friends but always postponed it in favor of Cosmo.

And honestly, who could blame him. Their time together was a dream come true.

Tails however also had taken up another habit; legit vigilantism.

After Silver's testimony of being Giovanni's son, and a very complicated process, detective Morrison was acquitted.

The Sonic heroes were there to witness his release and thanked him for his help while apologizing profusely for getting him caught up in that.

Morrison had no hard feelings for the heroes, having a proposal for them instead; to help the police with pokemon related crimes.

Sonic had respectfully declined, stating he wanted to take things easy for the time being. Knuckles also declined, wanting to visit more ruins in Johto, including the sinjoh ruins on the north and also prepare for the league.

Tails asked for a day to consider it and, after some encouragement from Cosmo, agreed to help in some cases. Morrison understood and handed him a file with leads on Pokemon poachers.

Tails and Raikou had since made a name for themselves, becoming terror incarnate for said poachers. They had become known as the duo of thunder.

Back in the present day, Tails was racing through Ilex forest, having just defeated another group of poachers and sending their coordinates to Morrison and Looker. Now it was time for some quality time for himself and his beloved.

Outside Cosmo's home however, he was met with a pleasant surprise.

"Knuckles?! What a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you get the message?"

Tails nodded negatively but intrigued, took out his phone as he received a message from Sonic.

"Bad reception in the forest I guess".

The message read; Ash and co want to meet. I smell battles. You guys in?

Tails was torn. He wanted to be with Cosmo right now but truth be told he hadn't seen Sonic in over 3 days. After all the hedgehog spent all his time in Olivine, going in dates with Jasmine and training for the Silver conference as well.

Knuckles could tell what was bothering Tails.

"Hey we can arrange they come here to Azalea by bus or something foxboy".

"We could but we need to also take their location into account".

And with those words he called Sonic.

"Sup guys?" Sonic's cheerful voice came out of the phone.

"How's it going blue leader?"

"Oh you know the usual. Life is great".

"Awesome. So about this meeting with Ash, where exactly are they?"

"Ash said during our call, he just defeated Clair for her badge".

"So Blackthorn. That's actually kinda far".

"No worries. I can send Suicune to bring them here. Plus Ash has Noctowl so he can ride on it and Misty and Brock on Suicune" Knuckles quickly offered a solution.

"That would be perfect".

After informing Sonic to come to Azalea and sending Suicune to retrieve Ash and co the two friends then sat outside observing the horizon aimlessly.

"Hey so… there's something I've been meaning to talk to you guys about".

"I think Sonic already guessed it. You are thinking about not coming home right?"

Tails nodded. He was both surprised Sonic knew him so well and sad about it. Staying in Johto and not returning to Green Hills meant he would not see anyone in town for a long time.

But at the same time he didn't want to ask Cosmo to follow him to Green Hills. She had a life of her own here.

Knuckles realizing exactly what Tails was feeling as his grandmother, Jenna-lu had told him all about how she followed Sabre to Green Hills, because she couldn't imagine life without him.

Of course part of Knuckles wondered why his grandfather, Sabre didn't just move to Johto to start his family and look for Celebi. But the point to take from this was, Sabre and Jenna-lu talked about their relationship before going to Green Hills.

"Tails, this is not a discussion you need to have with me, but with Cosmo. You both need to find a common ground for your relationship in all aspects and that includes whether you stay here, she comes to Green Hills with us or something else. Just know that whatever choice you two make, I will support you all the way. And I'd bet money Sonic agrees with me".

Tails smiled.


About an hour of sea gazing later, Cosmo joined them and suggested that they meet Ash's group in the forest as there was a place she hadn't had the chance to show them yet and believed they would like it.

When asked by Knuckles what place that was, Cosmo said it was the lake of life which almost made him choke on his saliva.

"You found the lake of life?!"

"Not exactly. My friend Diana and her grandmother Towa live right outside the section of the forest the lake is located at. It's surrounded by rocky terrain, kinda like a bowl for lack of a better word".

Knuckles was tempted to ask if that Towa person had met someone by the name of Sabre but refrained. No reason to ruin his own happy attitude by remembering him.

Informing Sonic to rendezvous with Suicune at the north section of the forest, the three rode Raikou and headed for Towa's home.

Upon arrival they were greeted by Diana who was happy to meet Knuckles. A little too happy in Tails' eyes.

Towa's reaction to Knuckles however was rather interesting. She claimed she had seen someone looking exactly like Knuckles 40 years ago run through the woods when she was a teenager.

Knuckles and Tails exchanged a glance of question in that moment. That aligned with Knuckles' story about his grandfather claiming to see a hunter looking like Knuckles' father.

Too much of a coincidence.

Eventually, they were contacted by Sonic they he had successfully met up with Suicune and Ash's team. Tails had to fly over the trees to get signal.

Arranging for everyone to meet at the lake of life, Towa telling them not to worry as Suicune would find it with ease, the two hang up and Knuckles, Tails, Cosmo and Diana began making their way to the lake.

Along the way they came across a small shrine made of rocks. Diana explained it was a shrine for Celebi.

While she was explaining it, Knuckles was hit by a powerful feeling of deja vu. As if he had literally been to this place before. And yet it was undoubtedly his first time here.

Straying a bit further away, lost in his thoughts as Diana kept explaining the history of the shrine to Tails and Cosmo, a loud cry echoed through the trees.

"What's that?" Tails wondered.

The treetops suddenly started emitting a blueish glow. Diana gasped.

"It's the voice of the forest!"

"Celebi?!" Tails asked in shock. Was he about to really meet a pokemon powerful enough to bend the laws of physics?

"Stand still or it will get you!" Diana warned them.

Only then did Tails notice Knuckles' absence.


"You guys hear this too?!" Knuckles asked from a bit further away.

"Knuckles stand still! If Celebi gets you…!"

Before Knuckles could reply however a white glow began surrounding him.

He attempted to move but found himself unable to. Furthermore he felt something wrapped around his right leg.

Looking down, confusion and fear crawled up on him; his leg was wrapped by vines.

"Tails I'm stuck!"

Tails took off immediately, despite Diana's warnings. He found Knuckles trapped by the vines, the glow growing brighter by the second.

"What happened?!"

"I don't know! Help me find a knife!" he said as he took off his huge backpack rummaging through their supplies, accidentally removing the belt holding his pokeballs.

"No time! Grab my hands!"

And without waiting for a reply, Tails grabbed Knuckles' huge palms and tried to rip his leg free from the vines.

But the vines were too strong. Which didn't make any sense in the back of Tails' mind. They were too thin.

Cosmo and Diana arrived to witness the scene.

"Get out of there! This is must be Celebi's power!"

"Those damn vines won't let go!" Tails yelled as he groaned, going beyond his limits in pulling Knuckles.

Sonic, Raichu, Entei, Suicune, Ash and co could hear the commotion as they were approaching.

"What's happening?" Misty asked worried.

"Trouble! Go Entei!" Sonic instructed it as Suicune and the others followed.

The glow was now almost fully white. And Knuckles was still stuck.

"Tails please get out of there!" Cosmos begged him.

The fox instead started spinning his tails so fast, lightning bolts crackled on them.

"Tails let go! Get away!"

"No way! I'm not leaving you!"

Knuckles gritted his teeth and pulled Tails down, forcing him to stop flying before throwing him away.

Sonic, his pokemon, Suicune and Ash's squad arrived just in time to see the silhouette of Knuckles being engulfed in the light.

"Knuckles!" Sonic reached out.

And the next moment, with a huge flash, Knuckles was gone.

The cry stopped and trees returned to normal.

Where Knuckles stood only a second ago, was now a young boy with brown hair around Ash's age, curled to the ground dressed in old fashioned clothes.

"What in the world?" Sonic managed to say.

Suddenly a small green being emerged from the boy's embrace and flew away before anyone could get a good glimpse at it. The boy didn't react as it was unconscious.

"Who is that boy?" Ash asked, getting off his Noctowl as Misty and Brock dismounted Suicune.

"And more importantly" Sonic also said while dismounting Entei "what happened to Knuckles?"

Knuckles slowly opened his eyes, finding himself alone in the woods.

"Tails? You ok?" he called out wondering where his friend had gone.

His leg now free, Knuckles took a few cautious steps forward, wondering where the others had gone.

"Guys if this is some elaborate prank, it's not a funny one. Show yourselves".

No response.


Still nothing.

"Where did they all go?" he wondered silently as he walked around.

Slowly but steadily the echidna began noticing something was off.

His backpack was gone. And so were his pokeballs.

Of course Tails could have stolen them to mess with him but he knew his fox friend well. He wouldn't create some elaborate prank when he could spend time with his girlfriend. And certainty he wouldn't be able to get everyone in on it.

"But if this isn't a prank… what is this?" Knuckles looked around in confusion.

Suddenly the area around him was lit as if something flashed behind him.

Turning around, Knuckles came face to face with a small pink being that looked like an onion fairy.

The shape looked all too familiar. He had seen that being before in his mother's stories.

He stumbled back.

"It can't be… are you… Celebi?"

Celebi flew circles around him, crying out in joy.

Knuckles tried to process this. He was actually standing before a Celebi.

Sabre was right. It did exist.

"But… the myths had described it as green. This here is pink… is it a shiny Celebi?"

He dropped the subject, remembering that his grandfather or just unsubstantiated legends weren't exactly the most reliable source. But he was still right.

But before he could decide whether to try to find the others and show them Celebi or just make an actual thought, he heard the distant sound of a motorbike approach.

"A bike? Here?"

The sound got louder. Celebi instinctively hid behind Knuckles.

A Houndoom and a scyther appeared out of nowhere, followed by the aforementioned motorbike.

As the Houndoom and the scyther growled to Knuckles, he noticed the bike was equipped with a side-car.

He then tried to get a good look at the riders' faces. But the googles they were wearing made it hard to see their faces.

"Houndoom did you find it?"

Houndoom barked back at the rider.

"Interesting. Alright chump. Where are you hiding that boy?"

"What boy?"

"Don't play dumb with me! The boy that stole Celebi from me!"

Knuckles was bewildered. This guy was chasing a boy along with Celebi?

"Daddy I think I see Celebi behind him" a voice belonging to the little girl riding on the side-car spoke.

The rider took a better look and saw the Celebi peeking just over Knuckles' head towards the little girl.

"Hehehe. Great work. I'm proud of you, Lara-le".

Knuckles gasped. Lara-le?!

His mother?!

He took a good look at the girl's face as she took off the googles, pushing them a bit upwards towards her forehead to see without them.

Her face clearly belonged to Knuckles' mother. Even as a little girl, he could tell it was her.

Memories flooded Knuckles' entire being, overwhelming him for a moment. His mother's angelic smile, her lullabies, her tales of Johto's legends.

Knuckles quickly regained his composure remembering where he was and reminding himself this was the child version of his mother.

And if that was his mother… then the rider was…

"Sabre" he mumbled accidentally.

Sabre's eyes widened in shock behind his googles. Knuckles covered his mouth reactively but it was too late. He had messed up.

"You know of me. Of my quest. No doubt you're a rival hunter! Well news flash buddy! That Celebi is mine! So hand it over or I will take it by force!"

Knuckles stumbled back, accidentally revealing Celebi.

Sabre took a better look at it and understanding washed over him.

"How fascinating. It appears this is not the same Celebi my daughter and I were after earlier. Hehe. Little guy must have jumped to another time. No matter. I don't care which Celebi we catch! Houndoom bite!"

Houndoom pounced. Knuckles without even thinking got in the way and shoved the pokemon back.

"Knock it off! Celebi isn't yours to catch!"

"You really think I will let the one thing I have been pursuing my entire life go to you? I don't think so. Now get out of my way".


"Fine then! Scyther slash!"

Scyther swung at Knuckles who barely dodged.

"Papa don't! You're going to hurt him" Lara-le pleaded with her father.

"I don't want to do this Lara-le but we can't stop now. Celebi is right before us".

Knuckles took advantage of their little back and forth.

"Please trust me ok?" he whispered to Celebi.

Without awaiting for a reply, Knuckles pulled Celebi into his arms and took off, running away from his grandfather and mother.

"Hey! Get back here with my Celebi! After him houndoom!"

The hunt was on.

In the present, Sonic, Ash and the rest of their parties and friends took the unconscious boy back to Towa's house.

"I can't believe it. It's him" she muttered the moment she laid eyes on him.

"Who's that?" Ash asked her.

"The boy I saw 40 years ago walk through these very woods before he went missing when the voice of the forest was last heard around these parts".

Tails had an epiphany.

"Your story! You told me and Cosmo!"

"I did" Towa nodded.

"Wait wait wait. So this kid travelled through time because of Celebi from 40 years ago? And if that's the case what happened to Knuckles?" Sonic asked again, wanting to know where his friend was.

Diana who was there when Tails tried to save Knuckles connected the dots.

"Your friend vanished and this kid appeared right after… I'm afraid he fell through the time ripple".

"The what?" Sonic and Tails asked simultaneously.

"When Celebi travels through time, it rips a hole through time, the so called time ripple. Whatever the reason it travelled through time, this boy and your friend must have been standing in the range of area affected by the time ripple".

"So that means… if this boy was pulled from the past here…" Brock scratched the surface of the truth.

"Knuckles was pulled into the past?!" Sonic completed the thought in absolute horror.

"I'm afraid so" Towa confirmed their thoughts.

Tails' expression was already horrified, before suddenly turning to terror.

"What is it?" Cosmo took his hand to comfort him.

"We need to wake that kid up. Learn as much as we can about the circumstances he was in before being pulled through time" he explained still terrified.

"What do the circumstances matter?" Ash asked him.

"Just do it" Tails insisted.

Towa nodded and began gently shaking the boy.

The boy groaned for a moment, half opening his eyes before jolting up, catching everyone off guard.

"Celebi!" he screamed.

"Shh. It's ok. You're safe" Towa comforted him.

The boy looked around at all the faces present, sizing them up for a moment.

"Where is Celebi? What happened to Celebi?"

"It took off when you were unconscious".

"Wait that green thing was Celebi?" Sonic asked in surprise as he hadn't realized it was actually there.

"I need to find it. Before that hunter" the boy tried to get out of the bed.

"Take it easy" Towa stopped him "it's ok. There is no threat".

"But… there was a hunter… he was pursuing Celebi. I…"

"You saved Celebi. Just not the way you think" Towa explained.

The boy looked at her in question.

"Hey what do you say we start over? Hi I'm Ash and I'm trying to be a pokemon master. What's your name"?

Sonic wanted to object and remind them they had no time for pleasantries but refrained from doing so for the moment.

"Hi Ash. I'm Sam".

"Nice to meet you. These are my friends Misty and Brock. And this is my rival Sonic, his friend Tails and Tails' girlfriend…" Ash stopped as he didn't know her name.

"I'm Cosmo" the green haired girl introduced herself.

"Good to meet you all but I'd like to head out now. I need to find Celebi, make sure it's ok".

"Of course. We'll help you" Tails offered, intending to question Sam while they were searching.

The two groups headed out, leaving Towa and Diana at their treehouse and looked around the woods, splitting up to cover more ground but not too far.

Along the way, while Ash and Sam were chatting, with Sam lamenting that even though it would be nice to live here, he would miss his own time, Tails interjected.

"Sam I had a question for you earlier. You said there was a hunter pursuing Celebi before you were pulled to this time period. Could you describe him?"

"Huh? Why do you want to know?"

"Personal reasons. So could you…"

"Sorry but no. I didn't get a good look at him. He was chasing me with his motorbike along with his houndoom and scyther".

"I see. Was there anything that caught your attention? Anything at all?"

"Why's that important?" Ash asked as well.

"It is in more ways that you can imagine. Sam please".

Sam racked his brain and remembered something.

"Yes. There was something weird. The hunter had a little girl with him, no more than 5 years old".

Tails held his breath.

And furthermore, Sam beat him to his next question.

"I think she was his daughter because he called her by name. Lara-le".

Forcing himself to remain calm, Tails thanked Sam and rushed back to Sonic, no longer caring about looking like panicking.

"We got a big problem! And by that I mean we are fucked!"

"Woah" Sonic looked at him worried. Tails cursing meant it was something really bad.

"Give it to me. How bad is it?"

"Sam was being pursued by a hunter with a little girl around 5 years old named Lara-le".

Sonic was so shocked by the revelation he tripped and fell.

"Tell me you're joking!"

"I wish I was".

"So… you mean to tell me… Knuckles is about to, if he hasn't already that is, meet the younger versions of his grandfather and mother?!"


Sonic slumped against a tree.

"You're right. We are fucked. Any action Knuckles takes or doesn't take could literally mess up the entire timeline. And himself and us with it!"

"We got to do something!" Tails said with an urgency in his voice.

"There's only one thing we can do. We need to find Celebi and have it take Sam back to his era AND bring Knuckles back. And we need to do so quickly. Before the timeline breaks".

"Are we going to tell this to the others?"

Sonic weighted their options for a moment.

"No. Not yet. Sam had just been time displaced. He has enough to process already. We need to find Celebi, get it to trust us and then have it do what we just said".

"And we have to do it quickly. Time is our enemy. Literally" Tails agreed.

Knuckles was racing through Ilex forest, not paying attention to where he was going anymore. Celebi was now flying besides him, placing its trust in him.

The sound of the motorbike was still audible. And so they were not safe.

"Dammit! If only I had Suicune and my team or my gear with me!" Knuckles thought, having to solely depend on his survival skills now.

A growl made them stop.

Sabre's houndoom was blocking their path.

Knuckles got in front of Celebi instinctively.

The motorbike carrying Sabre and Lara-le arrived.

"There's nowhere for you to run rival. Just surrender Celebi already!"

"What are you going to do to it?! Why are you even pursuing it anyway?!"

"That is none of your business! Surrender!"

"No! You're not having Celebi!"

"Houndoom! Flamethrower!"

Houndoom unleashed a jet of flames.

Knuckles turned around and hugged Celebi, feeling the flames searing his back as he screamed.

Celebi looked at the echidna in utter shock. They had never met before and Knuckles was taking a flamethrower to protect it.

"Daddy you're hurting him!"

Sabre gritted his teeth and ordered Houndoom to stop.

"Why did you make me do this in front of my daughter?! Just surrender Celebi already! That's all I want!"


Sabre spat.

"Whatever! Scyther bring me that Celebi!"

Scyther attempted to slash at Knuckles before being blasted by a hydro pump.

An elegant cry followed.

A cry Knuckles knew all too well by now.

A huge figure jumped out of nowhere between him and scyther.

"The North Wind… Suicune" Sabre mumbled.

"So pretty" Lara-le said with glowing eyes and a huge smile.

Suicune turned and looked at Celebi alongside the hurt Knuckles.

Suicune approached and grabbed Celebi with its mouth gently before preparing to leave.

"No!" Knuckles thought as he fought against the pain and jumped. If Suicune took Celebi away he would be stuck in the past.

He managed to grab a bit of Suicune's mane. Right before the beast sped off through the woods.

"No! Give me back my Celebi North Wind!" Sabre's voice echoed as the motorbike also sped off in pursuit of the aurora pokemon.

Suicune was fast but in the woods it couldn't pick up the pace. That caused the motorbike to slowly gain ground on it.

Suicune unleashed a loud roar through the woods before noticing Knuckles had climbed on it by hanging from its mane.

Suicune was pissed but would deal with this stowaway later. Right now he needed help to escape the hunter.

Sabre and Lara-le both wearing their googles could tell they were getting close to Suicune.

"Lara-le! When I tell you, order houndoom to use flamethrower on Suicune!"

"Daddy that will hurt Suicune"

"Not if it stops and dodges! I'm counting on you!"

Lara-le hesitantly obeyed.


"Flamethrower!" she ordered the houndoom as it was running besides them.

Houndoom unleashed a flamethrower aiming for Suicune's back.

Another, more powerful flamethrower countered houndoom's flamethrower.

Before Sabre could realize who had fired that flamethrower, a thunderbolt came out of nowhere and struck Scyther, knocking it out cold.

Two more roars were heard.

Suicune stopped running as it was joined by its brethren, Entei and Raikou.

And they were not happy with Sabre.

"Legendary pokemon please get out of my way. I just want that Celebi!"

Entei and Raikou responded by attacking with their basic moves, scaring Lara-le.

"Stop! We need to get Celebi out of here" Suicune ordered them.

"Then let's go!" Raikou turned to follow.

"Ditch that guy first" Entei told Suicune, reminding the aurora pokemon of Knuckles' presence on its back.

Suicune tried to buck Knuckles off.

"Wait Suicune stop! I'm your friend!"

"You know him?" Raikou asked Suicune.

"No I don't! Entei, get him off me!"

Entei however was too busy fighting off Sabre's other pokemon.

Sabre, unwilling to give up, sent out another pokemon. A tyranitar.

"Rock blast!"

Tyranitar started throwing rocks towards Entei, damaging it a great deal and allowing Scyther to sneak past it, only for Raikou to intercept.

"Take him with us" Celebi pleaded with Suicune "he saved me".

"He's with the humans. He can't he trusted" Suicune countered.

"Yes he can. I told you, he saved me from him. Please".

Suicune, still holding Celebi gently in its mouth, relented.

"Leave them! Let's go!" it instructed before speeding off with Celebi and Knuckles still as a stowaway.

"Get back here!" Sabre yelled before recalling Tyranitar and initiating pursuit once again.

Knuckles heard the bike sound from Suicune's back despite the wind screaming around him due to the high velocity. Sabre was just not giving up.

"What else would an obsession have him do?" he thought disgusted. Witnessing Sabre's obsession at home was one thing but out here, pursuing all 3 legendary beasts, knowing what damage they could do, with his own daughter in tow just made him sick to his stomach. Like he didn't even care if she got hurt as long as he got Celebi.

Back in the present, the heroes had decided to use the legendary beasts in their search to find Celebi. With Tails riding Raikou, Sonic his Entei and Suicune mostly on its own with Sonic holding onto to Knuckles' pokeballs until his friend returned.

The results were immediate. The beasts quickly led them to a huge tree, from which a weak cry only audible to them was coming.

Entei and Suicune looked at Sonic when they arrived, confirming this was the place.

"We got it" he told the others "it's here".

Immediately Ash and Sam started climbing the tree by a vine, with Brock making a comment that Ash climbed like a mankey.

Sonic and Tails took their own approach to climbing. Meaning of course, Tails lifted Sonic up, causing Sam to almost fall on Ash from shock.

Once the 4 trainers arrived atop a huge branch, they saw moving vines in front of a hole in the tree.

Inside was the little green pokemon. Celebi.

Tails was in total awe. It was indeed real. A pokemon powerful enough to bend the rules of physics and travel through time itself.

"What wouldn't I give to be able to take this little guy back to my workshop in Green Hills and run some tests" he mumbled to Sonic who smiled at his friend's geekiness for science but needn't remind him that doing so could destroy all of existence.

"Is that really Celebi?" Ash asked Sam.

Sam nodded.

"Hey Celebi… you ok?" he reached for the mythical pokemon.

Celebi squealed in fear, bringing more nearby vines to life. The vines slammed Ash and Sam backwards, even sending Ash flying away from the branch.

Tails caught Ash with his flying and brought him closer, allowing him to climb back up.

"Patience" he told the two trainers "it's terrified. What it must have go through trying to escape that hunter…"

Ash nodded and approached Celebi again.

The vines struck him over and over as Celebi tried to defend itself.

Pikachu tried to intervene, only to be held back by Raichu.

Ash assured Pikachu it was ok, before pushing through the vines.

"Hey can you catch me again if…"

"No problem" Tails assured him.

"OK. Here goes. Celebi, we're your friends. We don't want to hurt you. We just want to help you".

Celebi looked up in hesitation.

Sonic then had an idea. Whistling, he motioned to Suicune to come up and talk to Celebi.

Suicune did so.

"Do not worry. They are good. You are safe. Let them help you".

Celebi, having met Suicune before had no reason not to trust it. Cautiously it came out and stashed itself in Sam's arms.

Climbing down, the heroes allowed Brock and Tails to examine Celebi for injuries while looking through Knuckles' stuff that Sonic had been carrying ever since the echidna's disappearance, for anything that could help.

Although Tails found some healing spray dubbed super potion and some berries to feed it, it didn't seem to get much better.

"Brock, it seems really weak".

"Yeah, there's not much we can do for it ourselves. We'll take it to a Pokemon center".

He was met with looks of hesitation from both Sonic and Tails.

"What's the matter?"

"Is it really wise? Bringing Celebi around other people? Especially with all the power it has?" Sonic asked him.

"It's going to be ok. We need to go. It needs our help" Sam pleaded.

Sonic looked at the small green pokemon. It did seem to be in need of actual medical assistance.

But if anything went wrong, if they lost Celebi…

"If we lose Celebi… we lose Knuckles" he completed his thought.

The destruction of the timeline wasn't even at the back of his mind. All he wanted was for Knuckles' return.

Entei got next to Sonic and gave him a stoic assuring look.

Sonic nodded.

"Alright. Let's go".

The group decided to head to Azalea for this. It was a bit further away than the original idea, Goldenrod city but team Sonic would not go unnoticed in Goldenrod. And for Celebi's good -and by extension Knuckles' - it was better they were under the radar.

Not too long into their walk however, they were interrupted by a smoke bomb.

"What the…" Sonic halted while outstretching his arms to signal the others to stop.

"Prepare for trouble. Your future looks grim".

"And we're not afraid to go out on a limb".

"To protect the world from devastation".

"To unite all peoples within our nation".

"To denounce the evils of truth and love".

"To extend our reach to the stars above".




"Those three clowns again?" Sonic thought annoyed "team rocket is done for good and they still can't get the hint".

"Team Rocket… blasts off at the speed of light".

"Surrender now or prepare to fight".

"Meowth—that's right".


"New recruit?" Sonic tilted his head slightly, reacting to Wobbufett.

"This is hard to watch" Tails whispered "those guys are insufferable".

"I know. Stun them real quick so we can be on our way".

Tails nodded taking aim at Jessie first.

But before he could pull the trigger, the branch the three idiots and their new recruit were standing on gave way, sending them tumbling to the ground.

"Huh. Guess that works too" Tails shrugged putting away his stun gun.

"Do you think they're gonna be OK?" Sam asked concerned.

"Unfortunately, yes" Misty replied grumpy.

"For now" Sonic added before raising his voice "but if they bother us again they won't be!"

On the forest floor nearby as team rocket was being cranky about this unfortunate development, Meowth heard Sonic's warning. Its soul left its body in response.

The heroes were ready to proceed but before they could, Sonic saw something huge coming from above, heading straight for Sam.

"Watch out!" he shouted pulling the time displaced trainer back, barely dodging the giant black machine that dug into the forest floor.

A menacing laugh was then heard. The black machine that almost stepped on Sam and Celebi belonged to a huge spider-like mobile. Above it was a masked man dressed in black.

"At last. I've been looking for that little Celebi".

"Who are you?"

"A Pokemon lover".

From the first moment the voice sounded familiar to Tails. The realization struck him like Raikou's thunderbolt.

"Sonic it's him! It's the marauder!"

Sonic looked at his friend in disbelief before crossing eyes with the marauder.

The marauder recognized them.

"Ah so we meet again heroes. Where is your red friend?"

"You're gonna pay for what you did that day!" Tails replied, his anger rising, his desire to bring him to justice stoking the flame in him.

"You know this guy?" Ash asked Sonic.

"Yeah. We got some unfinished business" Sonic said, just as angry as Tails.

"Things will not go so well for you this time heroes" the marauder said, emphasizing the last word sarcastically "I'll give you one chance. Surrender that Celebi or I will finish what I started that day!"

Sonic and Tails exchanged one look before reaching to the same conclusion.

"You might want to reconsider" Sonic said as he and Tails brought out the three beasts, partially shaking the marauder's confidence.

Only moments later however he smiled and took out a black pokeball.

"The hard way it is" he said sending out his captured Tyranitar.

The Tyranitar's roar shook the heroes to their very cores… including Sonic even though he had a tyranitar of his own.

"Tyranitar!" Ash exclaimed.

"Stay sharp everyone" Sonic instructed everyone with a calm voice "there's something funny about it".

Tails took notice of what Sonic was saying. The Tyranitar's look was devoid of emotions apart from feral instinct and its pupils had shrunk to a point.

The marauder made the first move.


The heroes and the pokemon dodged the attack, with Tails flying Sam out of the way.

When he and Sonic however looked back they were greatly unnerved.

Hyper beam wasn't an attack they were unfamiliar with. After all Clair had used it against them before.

But her attack was never strong enough to decimate a tree.

"Suicune! Hydro pump!" Sonic called out the counter-attack.

Suicune's move struck Tyranitar head-on. The massive pokemon was shoved back but stood its ground and roared in battle rage. Sonic was unnerved.

"That was the same reaction Giovanni's rhydon had when Proton used it" he thought.

His eyes then found the dark ball in the marauder's hands. It gave him the same eerie feeling as the shadow gas canister.

"They must function the same way… everyone retreat!"

"What?!" they all looked at him in utter shock, calling for retreat being the last thing they would expect him to decide.

Hopping on Entei, Sonic had unleash a sacred fire in front of the marauder's spider like vehicle to stall just long enough for the heroes to flee.

The marauder chuckled.

"You can run hedgehog, but you can't hide" he commented, recalling Tyranitar before noticing Jessie, James and Meowth crawling into his vehicle.

"What are you three think you're doing?"

The three villains took a good look at him and gasped.

"I knew it! I knew I recognized the mask!" Jessie exclaimed.

"You're with team rocket! The legendary iron mask marauder" James said in awe.

"We are with team rocket too" Meowth explained quickly.

The marauder stared at the three with a cold expression.

"And what do you want?"

"To offer our assistance in destroying those twerps for what they did to team rocket" Jessie said with a voice reeking of vengeance.

"Hm… alright. What exactly can you do for me here? But before that… Go!" he sent out his scizor and his sneasel from 2 dark balls.

"Find those nuisances and bring me Celebi".

The two pokemon left before the marauder turned to face the three villains.

"You have until they return or until we find them to convince me you are worth keeping around. I'm listening".

As the three villains began making their case, Ash almost headbutted Sonic.

"Why did you have us run?! It was just a Tyranitar. You have one! You should know how to beat it!"

"It's not that simple" Sonic countered "that Tyranitar was somehow enhanced. And I think I know how".

"You do?" Tails stood next to him in question. Even he had not figured out any particular reason for that.

In the past, after a long run, the beasts stopped running. Raikou checked around to see if Sabre was still on their tail.

"I think we lost him" it informed its brethren.

"Good" Entei nodded turning to Suicune "now ditch that guy and let's get out of here".

Suicune nodded and kicked the already exhausted and still burned Knuckles off.

"Wait! We can't leave him here" Celebi objected.

"We can and we will" Suicune turned to leave.

Celebi racked its brain, knowing Knuckles didn't belong in this era and leaving him would have dire consequences for the timeline.

But at the same time, telling the beasts of this now could also damage the timeline. Its mission was very delicate.

"At least let me heal him".

Suicune looked at Celebi in shock.

"You want to help him? Don't you know what he and his kin have done to pokemon so many times?"

"I know. I have been pursued for my power many times. But even so, judging him like that without knowing him… or worse knowing him… it's just wrong".

"We have already asserted we don't know him!" Entei roared.

"Not personally. But he saved me. That is enough to at least give him the benefit of the doubt".

"That's a valid point there" Raikou interjected.

"Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement" Suicune berated Raikou.

"All Celebi asks is we heal him before going on our way. How is that clouded judgement?"

Suicune hesitated and looked at Knuckles.

The echidna looked back at the aurora pokemon.

Suicune felt a bizarre sense of familiarity coming from the echidna. As if it somehow already knew him.

"Alright. Make it quick" Suicune relented, partially because of that inexplicable familiarity.

Entei looked at its brother in disappointment before realizing something.

"Wait, how are you going to heal him?"

Celebi closed its eyes and started using one of its moves. A move known as heal bell.

Knuckles was covered in a green aura for a few moments and the beasts along with Celebi believed their work to be done.

But after the completion of the move, they were shocked to see Knuckles' wounds had not healed.

"Impossible" Celebi mumbled.

Knuckles managed to stand despite the massive searing sensation on his back.

He let his mind process his predicament. Burned by a flamethrower attack, stranded in the past, pursued by his grandfather.

It was only then he realized he wasn't stranded. Celebi was still there. He could ask it to return him to the right time.

For a moment he wondered how things were on Sonic and Tails' end. They were probably frantically looking for him.

As his mind was forming the decision to have him return to his own time, Celebi got an idea.

"Let's take him to the lake of life. With my heal bell and the lake's healing properties, there's no doubt his wounds will heal".

"We will not carry him around any longer" Entei strongly disagreed "he can't be trusted".

"How do you know that?" Raikou asked him "what if he is ok?"

Knuckles refrained from asking Celebi, believing it would be better if the beasts ended their discussion first, even though said discussion was just roars to him.

"He is with the humans. Need I remind you two how everyone has been treating us ever since father brought us back?"

"But times are changing" Raikou countered "maybe he's ok. Maybe the humans are ok too".

"Ask Celebi this then. Let's see if it agrees after being chased by a hunter" Entei dared Raikou.

"What do you think brother?" Raikou asked Suicune.

Suicune met the silent Knuckles' eyes again. The echidna had something undoubtedly reassuring about him.

"We'll take him to the lake. After he is healed he is on his own".

Entei disapproved but Raikou was very positive about this.

Suicune sat down, allowing Knuckles to mount it.

"You're seriously going to let him ride you?" Entei asked Suicune.

"Does he look capable or even able to keep up with us on his own? Unless you want to carry him".

"In your dreams" Entei retorted.

"Then it can't be helped" Suicune concluded as Knuckles rode it "let's go".

The sound of a motorbike was heard in the distance.

"Now!" Suicune barked as the beasts went on the run again.

While the past beasts were racing towards the lake of life, the present beasts were keeping watch as Sonic began his explanation.

"When we broke into team rocket's hideout in Mahogany, a rhydon was used against us. Also a canister containing something called shadow gas was used. The gas drove that rhydon completely savage, making it stronger, faster and insanely durable. That Tyranitar earlier exhibited the exact same behavior".

"You mean it's stronger? Like stronger than normal?" Sam questioned him.

"Exactly. Hyper beam is a strong move but this one decimated a tree. Last time I went against this kind of power, both me and my Raichu almost perished. We can't take this chance".

Ash's headstrong nature made him want to object, believing they could win. But if Sonic was spot on with his assumption, then it was indeed too risky to attempt this fight.

"We can't run forever though. The marauder will keep hunting us as long as Celebi is with us" Brock said.

"And if he finds us we will have to fight back" Ash got his chance to express his desire for battle.

"Maybe we don't have to" Tails interjected "if Celebi takes Sam back to his era the marauder will have no reason to pursue us. That could allow me, Sonic and Knuckles, once we retrieve him from the past, to take on the marauder on our own terms".

The Celebi however, still curled up in Sam's hands, didn't look ready to go through with it.

"It's too injured. There's no way it can open a portal right now".

"Then we need a way to heal it. And quickly. Time is running out" Sonic urgently said.

Ash was ready to ask Sonic to elaborate until he heard rustling from some nearby bushes.

A scizor and a sneasel emerged.

"Of course. No way it would be easy" Tails said as Raikou took a battle stance.

Sonic was quick to notice their opponents had the same empty look as that Tyranitar.

"Stay sharp. They are enhanced".

"Well no way we're retreating this time! Go bayleef!"

Sam followed up by sending out his own partner, a charmeleon.

"Alright. Ash, Sam you take out that sneasel. Tails and I are on the scizor. Brock, Misty, Cosmo watch out for Celebi" Sonic quickly devised a battle strategy.

"You got it! Bayleef razor leaf!"

"Charmeleon flamethrower!"

The sneasel's attention immediately shifted to the two pokemon, leaving the enhanced Scizor facing down Sonic, Tails and the beasts.

"Are we sure it's enhanced?" Tails asked while on his toes, ready for any sudden movements.

"Only one way to find out. Flamethrower!"

Entei fired a jet of flames towards scizor. The bug and steel type wasn't quick enough to avoid the attack.

The flamethrower damaged Scizor a little bit which terrified Sonic. A normal scizor wouldn't have been able to take it.

Scizor let out a loud screech and retaliated with slash.

The attack brought back painful memories for Tails as he realized this was the same scizor the marauder had used to torture Knuckles.

As the two friends dodged the attack, Tails immediately went on the offensive.

"Raikou! Thunderbolt!"

Raikou discharged its electricity on scizor. The attack merely tickled it.

"Tails get back!"

"Shadow ball!"

Raikou followed up with a shadow ball, inadvertently reducing scizor's special defense but allowing the enhanced pokemon to retaliate with a devastating slash against the beast of thunder.


"Raikou no!"

Raikou stumbled and fell to its side as Scizor prepared another slash.

"Suicune! Hydro pump!"

Suicune fired its attack, getting the attention away from Raikou, allowing it to retreat to catch its breath.

"This isn't working! Striking it head on will only make it angrier and stronger!" Tails said in realization of what Sonic actually faced and survived.

Sonic gritted his teeth before looking at each of the beasts and getting an idea.

"I have a plan. It's a longshot but maybe the only way to defeat this scizor is to overwhelm it".

"How do we do that?"

"On my signal fire thunder! Suicune with me!" Sonic instructed as he rushed into battle, getting the attention of the scizor.

Suicune followed suit, using icy wind on scizor, slowing it down just enough for Sonic to dodge a slash.

This repeated a few times, with two near misses that had Tails sweating bullets.

Once scizor was slowed enough, Sonic gave the command.

"Hydro pump!"

Suicune blasted scizor with high pressure water, shoving it back. Despite the immense rage and fury that whatever was enhancing the scizor was causing, the effects of icy wind kept it from retaliating.

Once Sonic verified scizor was soaked top to bottom, he gave the signal to Tails who realized what his friend was aiming for.


Thunder came crashing down on Scizor, its soaked body acting like a super conductor, frying its inside.

The thunder dissipated and Scizor stumbled back, its body, less than a moment ago soaked, now fried and emmiting smoke.

"Entei! Sacred fire!"

The volcano pokemon's attack landed with earth-shaking power. And on top of that, Sonic's plan worked.

Overwhelmed by the combined onslaught, Scizor collapsed, knocked out.

Panting heavily, Sonic and Tails fist bumped.

"Good call" Tails complimented.

"Can't believe that actually worked".

"I think this year's tournament will be rather interesting".

"Don't count your pokemon before they hatch" Sonic reminded him before looking over towards Ash and Sam.

Surprisingly the two trainers had prevailed against Sneasel with some help from Ash's Pikachu and some even more unexpected help from the sentret Cosmo had adopted from Tails, which had since evolved into Furret. It wasn't strong by any means but it was incredibly agile and eager to help which had it dancing around sneasel's claws Pikachu, Bayleef and Charmeleon wore it down to the point of collapse.

"Hey, you're a very good trainer" Ash complimented Sam.

"As are you. We make a good team" Sam replied.

"Good job both of you but we got to move! If those two found us, the marauder can't be far behind!" Sonic urgently told them as they regrouped.

"But where do we go? If we go to the pokemon center that guy will follow us and innocents could get hurt" Cosmo warned them.

Distant mechanical sounds reached them.

"Flee first discuss later!" Sonic decided as he hopped on Entei.

The rest followed either on Raikou or Suicune to cover more ground.

Sonic was correct in his assumption. The marauder arrived shortly after with the three rocket stalkers in tow.

"Hehe. I expected the hedgehog and his little buddy to be tough but those kids that were with them aren't as wimpy as I thought they'd be. This makes things interesting".

Quickly recalling his scizor and his Sneasel he looked to the ground, easily finding footprints that could only possibly belong to the beasts.

"We're on the right track" the marauder declared as they continued following the heroes.

The latter eventually stopped to decide their next move.

"We can't run forever. We gotta find the way out of the forest" Ash said just as be climbed off Suicune, helping Sam off as well. The time displaced trainer was still holding Celebi.

"No. I'm not risking this. Anything happens to Celebi, not only do we lose Knuckles but everything goes to hell" Sonic strongly disagreed.

"What do you mean by that?" Brock asked Sonic.

Sonic looked at Tails as the two were torn between explaining to the others as to the amount of danger that loomed over all of reality and not wanting to panic everyone.

"Look what's important is, we find a way to heal Celebi and then have it return Sam and Knuckles to the right time periods" Sonic explained.

Celebi let out a weak cry.

"And by this sound, I'd say our time is really running out".

"We better keep moving forward then. If we stop now, we might be too late" Ash agreed with his rival.

The rustling of grass was heard nearby.

"Not again" Sonic uttered in frustration as he and Entei prepared for an attack.

But no attack came. Instead a big brown pokemon came up to them. Its expression was calm and collected.

"What in the world is that?" Sonic titled his head.

"It's an Ursaring" Sam explained.

"An Ursaring?!" Cosmo exclaimed in excitement "they are not common in the general forest. But there have been rumors of rare and powerful pokemon living by the lake of life!"

"Wait! The lake of life? As in…" Tails asked his girlfriend.

"The mystical lake in the middle of the forest, yes. Where we were heading before Celebi switched Sam and Knuckles' locations. The lake is said to have healing properties. That means…"

"It could heal Celebi!" Sonic completed her thought. He turned to Ursaring.

"Can you lead us to the lake of life? Celebi needs help".

Ursaring didn't reply, instead turning around and walking away.

"I think they're telling us to follow them" Misty correctly assumed.

"Should we though?" Ash questioned the plan.

"We are going" Sonic declared "If you want to stay behind very well. Sam you're coming with us. We need you to be there so Celebi can return you home".

Sam nodded, climbing onto Entei behind Sonic. Ash followed suit.

As the three beasts carrying the trainers marched, following the Ursaring and the other forest pokemon, Ash tapped Sonic in the back.

"That wasn't nice back there. It looked like you were deciding for Sam".

"Who wouldn't want to go home?" Sonic asked without looking back.

"It's not about going home. It's about making his decision on your own".

"Ash it's ok. I'm not offended" Sam assured Ash.

"Trust me pal, even if you were, you don't have a choice here" Sonic said seriously.

"What if he didn't want to go home huh? Have you considered that?" Ash replied annoyed by Sonic's supposedly bossy attitude.

"No more than you have considered the implications of his and Knuckles' time displacement".

"What implications?"

"Forget it. When we get there, we heal Celebi and it does what it needs to do. End of discussion" Sonic seriously declared, stopping Ash from continuing.

As the heroes and the beasts in the present headed for the lake of life, the past beasts were arriving there with Celebi and Knuckles.

"Alright. Let's get it over with" Suicune declared to Celebi. The latter looked at Knuckles.

The echidna looked at the lake.

"You want me to go in there?"

Celebi nodded.

"Ok" Knuckles said and walked in. The cold water irritated his burns before slowly soothing them.

"Do it" Entei told Celebi.

Celebi used heal bell as the healing power of the lake also began washing over Knuckles.

The echidna was amazed by the experience. But he was at the same time very confused about everything.

What was the lake supposed to do? He felt the burns still on his back although slightly less painful.

"It's not working" Celebi talked to the beasts with telepathy, this time also heard by Knuckles "the lake is not healing him. Neither does my move".

"Impossible. The lake healed me once when I was attacked by humans" Suicune retorted.

Celebi, knowing the truth about Knuckles, realized why.

"There is another way. But for that… I'm going to need you to protect him and me for a while".

"What do you mean?" Raikou asked confused.

Celebi started using heal bell again but this time a small blue-green glow came out of its body and flew straight into Knuckles' body.

The burns on his back were healed.

"Well I'll be. It worked" Raikou said amazed.

"What did you do?" Entei asked Celebi, smelling an unpleasant explanation.

"The lake couldn't heal him and neither could I. The reason is because he is time displaced and therefore his temporal aura is incompatible with our surroundings".

Knuckles looked at Celebi with a mix of realization and confusion. Celebi had healed him with some weird mix of his time travelling abilities and heal bell. But how?

"And how did you heal him if that's the case?" Suicune inquired.

"I put some of my own temporal aura into heal bell to heal him".

"You did what?!" Entei roared angry "that means you're stuck here until you gather enough temporal aura to open a time ripple again!"

"And if you're stuck here for a while so is he" Raikou said referring to Knuckles.

"I know. Which I why I need your help".

"Why should we help him?! Did you forget how the humans treated us?!" Entei roared, almost getting into Celebi's face before Suicune got in the middle.

"It can't be helped brother. We have to play by their rules now".

Entei looked at its brother in disappointment.

"You are in favor of this aren't you? You were always eager for something like this to happen, eager for the humans to grow fond of us again".

"This has nothing to do with it" Suicune denied it.

"Don't lie to me. Or yourself" Entei's eyes narrowed.

Raikou approached Entei with calm steps.

"Whether Suicune is lying to himself or not is irrelevant brother. Regardless of what the case is, one thing is crystal clear; he... Actually who is he?"

Suicune looked over towards Knuckles.

"What's your name?"

Knuckles only heard a bark-like cry until Celebi explained with telepathy.

"Suicune is asking what your name us".

"Knuckles. Knuckles the echidna".

Suicune stared into Knuckles with an inquisitive calmness before Raikou got its and Entei's attention again.

"As I was saying, Knuckles doesn't belong here. His mere presence here could alter the course of history. We need to make sure something like this doesn't happen. And that includes keeping him and Celebi safe from that guy pursuing Celebi".

Suicune nodded, understanding the predicament. Entei did too but wasn't pleased.

"How long will it take for your temporal aura to be fully restored?" it asked Celebi.

"About 3 days".

Entei growled.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be all buddy buddy with this… Knuckles. Once the three days have passed he's out of here" Entei said before walking a bit further away and lying down by s tree.

Raikou informed Suicune that it would look around, see if the hunter was nearby. Suicune instructed its thunder brother to take care before taking to observing Knuckles with great interest after the echidna thanked Celebi for vouching for him before giving the beasts some space.

Just as the group in the past settled around the lake, the group in the present finally arrived at the lake, guided there by the forest pokemon.

Sonic noticed, as he, Sam and Ash dismounted Entei that the three beasts looked around in an almost nostalgic way.

"Could this really be The Lake of Life… that Diana's grandmother was talking about?" Brock wondered aloud.

"Only one way to find out" Tails said.

On que, Sam walked into the lake and carefully placed Celebi in the crystal waters.

The water soon began glowing. As everyone looked on in awe, Celebi's injuries were healed and it cried out in excitement, flying around in joy and happily interacting with Ash and Sam.

"Such a beautiful scene" Cosmo uttered moved, as she and Tails held each other's hand.

Sonic too was moved. But it didn't change anything. He approached Ash and Sam.

"Alright guys. I'm happy for you but fun's over. Celebi please take Sam back to his own time and return my friend Knuckles here".

Ash was very annoyed at Sonic for immediately demanding Celebi to leave, seemingly only caring about Knuckles. Brock and Misty on the other hand exchanged a glance, believing something else was at play.

Celebi, using telepathy, spoke to everyone.

"I'm sorry. I can't. Not yet. My temporal aura is depleted".

"Your what?" Sonic said in confusion.

"What's a temporal aura?" Ash asked, equally confused.

"Tails do you got anything?" Sonic looked over to his friend, who was already on it.

"Yeah. Several myths about Celebi explain it. Though admittedly Knuckles could probably tell us a lot more… anyway basically, Celebi can't travel through time in quick succession. It collects a kind of temporal energy from its surrounds, the aforementioned temporal aura, to travel through time once it reaches a certain amount. On a side note, it says here when a Celebi departs from one point in time another Celebi arrives as one must always exist somewhere at any given point in time".

"What has that got to do with anything?" Misty questioned the fox.

"Nothing, just an interesting fact. In any case it means that because Celebi only recently travelled through time we need to wait until it gathers enough temporal aura naturally to open a ripple in time and send Sam back".

"But what about Knuckles? Does Celebi choose where and when to arrive?" Sonic again asked about Knuckles.

"Not sure" Tails looked at Sonic worried.

Silence ran through the lakeside. All they had was questions.

"Well in any case" Ash suddenly piped up "we got some time to spare right? You know, until Celebi recharges this temporal aura. So let's enjoy the time we have with Celebi right now. What do you say Celebi?"

The time travel Pokemon squealed in excitement and flew around the group giving them pure joy.

"Well it can't be helped" Sonic relented "alright. Let's set camp and wait it out" he suggested.

The others agreed and started helping him unpack Knuckles' massive backpack.

Further away from the lake, the members of team rocket were slowly but steadily searching through the woods.

"Don't you worry. We'll find Celebi" the marauder said, more to himself than to the group he had taken with him.

"I'd rather find some lunch" Jessie lamented.

James agreed "so would l".

The three then noticed a peach tree and attempted to grab a few peaches to eat. Their attempt caused them to fall off the vehicle, with the marauder less than amused.

"And then they wonder why no one takes them seriously. Whatever. One less distraction" he thought with an evil smile, ignoring their pleas to wait for them.

Hours passed and night fell in the Ilex forest. The lake of life and the surrounding area was dead quiet, with the exception of the cries of a few hoothoot and the occasional murkrow cries as the group relaxed.

While Brock, Misty, Sonic, Tails and Cosmo we're sitting around a campfire, with Cosmo's head on Tails' shoulder, Ash and Sam were bonding with each other over their love of pokemon.

At some point Sam mentioned liking the possibility of having to live in the future. Ash replied bitterly that he shouldn't count on it as his eyes found Sonic.

"Hey don't worry about it. I understand his concern. He's worried about his friend, whoever he is".

"I know that. But the way he was so quick to decide for you…"

"You think he is a bit take charge and disregarding of others?"

"Yeah. Well, a little bit".

"Did you ask him why he is like that right now?"

Ash contemplated Sam's words.

"You know what? Come".

The two trainers approached the campfire where Ash addressed Sonic.

"Why were you so quick to decide for Sam back there?"

"I already answered that question".

"I'm not blaming you. I just want to understand".

Sonic sized up his rival before deciding it was for the better he knew.

"I have to be this absolute here. We are all in grave danger".

"From that guy you called the marauder? We stood our ground just fine earlier".

"No. And I don't mean just us. Everyone. All of reality is at risk here".

"All of reality?" Ash's expression changed from interrogative to surprised.

Tails nodded, taking over from Sonic.

"There are dire consequences that could plague our reality at any moment because of Sam and Knuckles' time displacement".

"What consequences?" Brock asked Tails to elaborate.

"Sam is here. Meaning he's no longer in the past and therefore won't live the life he is meant to live whatever it is. Can you imagine what would happen if anyone of us knew Sam and he had an impact on our lives, even if just a random meeting?"

Sam nodded.

"Yeah. If I somehow influence anyone of you in this time but am no longer in the past to grow up and do it…"

"Exactly. Everything changes".

"But how can we know if we have met Sam here so we can be affected?" Ash questioned the logic.

"It doesn't matter if it won't be us. Someone will be affected. Probably hundreds. So it's a no brainer that Sam returns to his time as quickly as possible".

Ash however wasn't satisfied. Something was still missing.

"Ok. I get it. But why as quickly as possible?"

"Because Knuckles is also time displaced. And…" Tails exchanged a glance of concern with Sonic "we are absolutely certain his presence there can alter the course of our lives".

"How so?" Misty asked Tails.

Sam was quick to connect the dots.

"Does it have to do with the hunter that was after Celebi in my time?"

"Yes. Remember what I asked you?"

"Yes. All I could tell you is his young daughter was with him. Her name was…"

"Lara-le. In other words… Knuckles' mother" Sonic revealed shocking everyone.

"What?!" Ash stumbled back.

"Are you sure?!" Cosmo looked at her boyfriend and Sonic in shock.

"We are. Knuckles has told us about his family's history. We know his grandfather was taking his daughter to look for Celebi. Meaning that since Knuckles went to the time and place Sam came from…"

"He will meet them!" Sam uttered.

"But what does that mean for us?" Brock asked Sonic.

"A multitude of things. All beginning with the possibility of Knuckles seizing to exist".

Brock gasped but then nodded.

"I understand. Anything he changes could lead to his parents never meeting".

"And without Knuckles around so many things could change. I may never begin my journey. Tails and Cosmo never meet… but even if all comes to pass… without Knuckles, Tails and I fall to team rocket at the whirl islands".

Everyone was beyond shocked.

"And that's just the surface" Tails continued "imagine this. Knuckles seizes to exist. Therefore he never returns to the past to cause it. Therefore he once again exists and causes it again. The loop goes round and round and reality gets stuck eternally. In other words the grandfather paradox" Tails said seriously.

"And what would happen if that came to pass?" Cosmo asked him.

"Most probable scenario… reality collapses and we all perish".

The realization of what danger they were all really in hit everyone but Sonic and Tails like a ton of bricks.

"But how do we know it's not too late?" Ash pondered.

"We don't" Sonic revealed "we just proceed and hope all goes well".

Cosmo took Tails' hand and held it tight.

The fox took to caressing his girlfriend's hair to comfort her.

Ash looked at Pikachu who was playing with Raikou. Raichu was lying beside Entei. Suicune was simply staring at the lakeside.

All of them. His friends, their pokemon. All could be gone in a moment.

Sonic was right. As hard as it would be to say goodbye with Sam, they would have to do it.

One fact that eluded everyone was that Suicune was looking at the exact spot its past self was standing at that point in time, remembering what had unfolded back then.

Destiny was fulfilled on top of mount Tensei recently. But it had started at the lake of life 40 years ago.

Chapter 88: Special chapter; Celebi 4ever, part 2


As the heroes clash again with the iron mask marauder to protect Celebi, Knuckles discovers his true role in his family's tragedy and the mystery of the beasts, leading to a final reality-shaping choice.

Chapter Text

With its mane billowing in the wind, Suicune took in the night breeze, trying to process the events of that day. More importantly trying to understand why it felt so drawn to Knuckles.

The echidna was undoubtedly brave and unlike those who had been harboring fear and hate for it and its brethren for all this time. But it was far more than that.

The grass next to Suicune rustled and it turned in an instant, causing Knuckles to flinch for a moment.

"Hey. Sorry if I scared you. Just wanted to thank you for vouching for me earlier".

Suicune studied the echidna's face without moving.

"I went and gathered these as a thank you" Knuckles outstretched his hand, a few of Suicune's favorite berries in his giant palm.

Suicune's eyes opened slightly. Had the echidna picked those by accident? And if not, how did it know they were Suicune's favorites?

Cautiously approaching it sniffed and then took one with its tongue. Soon enough the rest of the resistance was gone and it was digging in.

Knuckles smiled in bliss, forgetting Suicune and he were not partners yet. He proceeded to pet the back of its head.

Suicune jolted in response but didn't run away. It merely stared at Knuckles again who froze, knowing the aurora pokemon's power.

The two remained in that position for a few seconds not taking their eyes off of each other. Eventually Knuckles kept rubbing the beast.

Not even a second later, Suicune closed its eyes to the touch. It felt… familiar.

Yet it had never been pet before.

Knuckles allowed himself to get lost in the moment though questions started popping up in his head.

Most of them revolved around the same question.

Was he changing the past? Or had he already changed it? And if so what was to come for his friends in the future?

Celebi, pretending to sleep near Entei, observed the moment shared between Knuckles and Suicune with a warm smile.

Eventually Knuckles stopped and left Suicune to its solitude again, needing to get some shut eye.

Suicune returned to processing everything though it was disrupted immediately.

"Where is your pride?"

Entei was looking disapprovingly at Suicune. The latter didn't respond.

"First you let him ride you and now you let him pet you like you're some average meowth".

"You wouldn't understand".

"Wouldn't understand you're making the same mistake again?" Entei reminded him.

Ever since their rebirth thanks to Ho-oh, the beasts had been on the run, away from civilization. Humans were terrified of them. Just like with everything they couldn't understand or control.

Suicune allowed itself to remember those dark times due to its brother's cold remark.

At first it, Entei and Raikou were on their own, each left to fend for itself. And that existence was the loneliest Suicune had ever been.

Of course with its new form its power was increased to a considerable point and upon meeting Raikou again, one time when it was defending a bunch of pokemon from some hunters, Suicune also took to protecting the weaker pokemon, inspired by its thunder brother.

Entei on the other hand, remained distant from the two even after that, as it valued power and believed having Suicune and Raikou by its side would be a drawback.

Its mind was changed when it battled a man wielding a dragonite and was overpowered for the first time. Suicune came to its aid driving back the dragonite with aurora beam.

And since that day the beasts had been looking out for each other, giving themselves the titles of brothers.

Of course despite their new bond, the three beasts had differing views on humans. Although a lot of time had passed and people had stopped actively chasing them, trusting them again was no easy task.

The beasts had approached or been approached by humans more than once in their long lifespan. And more often than not, the ones approaching them ended up betraying them in one way or another.

But there was one encounter for each beast that cemented what they sought or rather the type of person they sought to call their partner.

Raikou had been approached by a poacher, who pretended to be terrified of the magnificent pokemon, though slowly tamed it. Once that had happened she trapped Raikou and had it kept alongside her collection of other pokemon, most of them weaker than Raikou.

The legend of thunder knew from the first moment it could easily escape as it had never revealed its true power to the poacher but couldn't leave the other pokemon behind yet couldn't take the poacher's pokemon on alone. Therefore it withstood the abuse from the poacher while helping a pidgeotto escape and find Entei and Suicune.

The rest was simple. Its two brothers arrived and took down her pokemon while helping the captured ones flee towards freedom.

As for the poacher… Raikou couldn't forgive her for the mistreatment on the other pokemon. Therefore it feasted on her flesh, savoring her pleas of mercy as it did so.

Although it later came to regret killing her like that, the event gave Raikou clarity on what it sought. It wanted to find someone who shared its desire to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

Entei, unlike Raikou, valued power. Its dominating presence intimidated most of its foes even though it didn't possess the ability of the same name. Furthermore Entei had inherited the move sacred fire from Ho-oh, increasing its power even further.

Throughout its existence as Entei, twice it had been tempted to ally itself with two humans. Both of those times it was incredibly disappointed.

The first one was an aspiring pokemon wielder, who wanted to be the best in his village and in the land. But that young man had an extreme lack of confidence, mentally surrendering every battle before it even started unless all the odds were on his side.

One random day, that man came across Entei and his desire for power was felt by the beast. Sharing this desire the duo started making a name for themselves throughout Johto.

But as time went on, Entei found itself more and more relied on by the man, reaching a point where he refused to use his other pokemon, and even more than that, having grown accustomed to a lot of his opponents submitting the moment Entei hit the field.

Eventually Entei was fed up, as the man's desire for power was overshadowed by his cowardice. And Entei despised cowards. So it abandoned the man in the middle of a battle, leaving him to face the results of his cowardice alone.

The second time Entei had tried placing its trust on someone, it was the other side of the spectrum; the guy was power hungry.

He abused Entei's power to get anything he wanted for a while. Entei drew the line almost instantly when the man ordered him to burn down the house of a girl that rejected his advances. Entei did obey his command and burned something down. Him.

After that, Entei was done. Despite knowing now that it sought someone who valued power as well but without losing themselves to it, it didn't believe anymore that anyone was like that, and tried to dissuade its brothers from trying to see the good in humans.

Its argument clashed with Suicune, as it sought a true connection. It wanted very badly for someone who wouldn't be afraid of it as those people were back in the day.

Being seen and treated like a monster had scarred the beast's soul. It sought a connection that would heal it.

He remembered one of those moments very clearly. Immediately upon their resurrection thanks to Ho-oh. His eyes had crossed with those if a little boy. The pure joy and amazement in its eyes had filled Suicune with peace and gratefulness for Ho-oh bringing it back to life.

And all those positive emotions left when one of the residents of Ecutreak city took a rock and threw it at Suicune.

The rock landed next to its right paw. But it had more than enough impact as it was.

Suicune and its brothers fled the scene immediately not desiring to hurt the humans.

But that look on that little boy's face haunted Suicune. The desire to no longer be feared and find a partner was permanently etched into the deepest depths of its wild heart.

And it felt like Knuckles was the one who could give it that.

Its gaze found Knuckles who had fallen asleep stargazing, lying on the grass, holding something

Curious and against its better judgement, Suicune approached.

"Hey I'm talking to you" Entei growled.

Suicune reached Knuckles and just observed him, not knowing a human would call that act creepy.

Its eyes fell on the item. With its face it moved Knuckles' massive palm off it. It was an image.

The moment Suicune saw the picture it was sure that this was it. Reality was going to break. Knowing about the future was just this dangerous.

On the image was it and its brothers. Next to Suicune was Knuckles. And next to Entei and Raikou two others he didn't recognize.

Suicune stumbled back.

Knuckles and it were meant to be partners in the future. Surely it wasn't supposed to know that. Knuckles had probably forgotten to hide the photo due to falling asleep.

"You alright?" Entei approached Suicune in concern before also seeing the image.

"What kind of trick is this? What even is this?!" Entei roared in anger, surprisingly not waking Knuckles up.

"You see it too?"

"I see it but it can't be real. Look around, a Noctowl must be playing tricks on our minds".

"What's all the commotion about?" Raikou also approached having woken up from the growling and barking.

"Look at this" Suicune took the photo with its mouth and showed it to Raikou.

"Woah. That's us. What is this magic thing?"

"It's a photo" Celebi interjected.

The three beasts looked at the mythical pokemon, Suicune still holding the photo in its mouth.

"What's a photo?" Raikou asked in curiosity.

"It's a piece of paper humans can encase images in with the help of a machine. Such devices are common in his time period" Celebi explained.

"In his time period? Then… aren't we supposed to not know about this?" Raikou asked with concern.

"Who cares about this?! Who is that blue guy next to me?! You mean to tell me I allowed myself to make the same mistake again?" Entei roared in anger.

"I can't tell you everything. But I can tell you that what you see is the future where he comes from. In other words you three and Knuckles and his friends are destined to join forces".

Raikou took another look at the photo.

"Is that yellow dude a nice person? I seem to be rather happy with him".

"Raikou don't you get what we stumbled upon?" Suicune finally opened its mouth causing the photo to fall "we weren't supposed to know any of this. Now everything could change".

It then turned to Celebi again.

"Do you know any of this? Have you seen this future?"

"No. But from my experience with time travel… I think what you see is a future you can choose to have".

"Choose?" Raikou wondered.

"Yes. After all it is our choices that shape the future, not our knowledge of it. You can know the future and still make a choice that will change it. That's what humans believe at least".

"And why should we follow one of their ideas?" Entei asked in fury.

Suicune looked at the sleeping Knuckles again.

"There is only one way to figure out what to do. Ask him".

"You're joking right? Didn't you learn anything from my encounters? From what Raikou went through? Just like everyone, this one will betray us too. It's always been this way" Entei again reminded him.

"You don't know that" Raikou countered "they can't be all like that".

"And I say they are!" Entei roared as its mane heated up.

Lightning bolts crackled on Raikou's mane as the two beasts growled.

"Enough!" Suicune barked.

The two beasts went silent.

"I have the final say and I believe what we see is the truth. We will seek out the details tomorrow morning. End of discussion".

Entei growled in anger but refrained from acting out. Suicune was the alpha for a reason.

"Fine" it barked before laying down next to a tree again and closing its eyes.

Raikou took one more look at the photo before mirroring Entei's behavior. In the photo it saw itself being literally hugged by the two-tailed fox.

It peaked Raikou's curiosity about Knuckles' friend.

Suicune was the last to go to sleep.

As Celebi curled itself inside Suicune's mane just in case the hunter found then while they were asleep, Suicune decided to ask one more question.

"Do you know what is to come regarding Knuckles and his two friends? When it comes to me and my brothers that is".

"I do".


"I can't say. I was tasked with coming here and making sure you three meet Knuckles properly".


"Shouldn't have said that. Forget I said anything" Celebi replied before also falling asleep.

Suicune was somehow left with more question marks than before asking the question, but also went to sleep.

The hours passed by very slowly that night. For the heroes in both the past and the present.

In the morning of the present, Ash woke up, finding his rival already awake, running laps around the lake while tapping into his bond with Raichu to increase his speed.

Ash walked towards the lakeside, causing Sonic to stop running, his shoes rubbing against the grass as he halted.

"Anxious?" Ash asked.

"You have no idea".

"You know I've been thinking… there is indeed a good chance Knuckles will meet his grandfather and mother. But wouldn't he know what that could cause?"

"He would indeed".

"So we agree. There isn't really a reason to worry. He's not dumb. He wouldn't risk you and Tails like that".

Sonic's look however inferred something else.

"What is it?"

"You don't know everything. Knuckles will be tempted".


"Do you remember Molly from Greenfield?"

"Can't forget her even if I wanted to" Ash joked.

"Knuckles revealed to me that day why he was so invested in saving her too. It's the same reason he was the only one of us able to convince her to let everything go. Because he too has lost his parents".

"Really? I… I didn't know. I thought he was making it up".

"It's the truth. And more than that" Sonic continued "it's all because of his grandfather who was obsessed with Celebi. Can you imagine what is within Knuckles' grasp right now?"

Ash nodded. He allowed himself to recall all the memories of his mother. He couldn't imagine a world without her.

"Knuckles could try convincing his grandfather to stop in order to prevent the death of his parents, right?"

"No. I doubt that could be prevented like that. He would have to be in the very moment of their deaths to prevent it. But by redeeming his grandfather, he would be preventing the death of his grandmother and the eight horrible years he lived in his grandparents' house. And by doing that he wouldn't move in our neighborhood and wouldn't meet me and Tails".

Ash was overwhelmed. Knuckles literally had the option to have his family back. It was indeed a very delicate situation.

"Which is why we should wake Celebi up and get this over with as quickly as possible".

Ash struggled to counterargue this.

"Alright. It is for the best".

Just as the two rivals agreed, Sonic noticed a black tentacle heading straight for Ash.

"Watch out!" he shouted as he pushed Ash out of the way before dodging the tentacle himself.

More tentacles appeared. It was him.

"Battle stations!" Sonic called out to everyone.

Tails and the beasts reacted immediately. Tails locked eyes with the marauder, begging the latter to give him any reason to hurt him.

"Thought you'd gotten rid of us… didn't you, twerps?" Jessie mocked the heroes as she and her two allies stood against them with bug nets

"You should know by now team Rocket doesn't give up so easily!" James added.

"Maybe today would be a good day to start" Sonic fired back.

Meowth gulped, still scared of Sonic but didn't let it show.

"All right… we ain't leaving without that Celebi".

"Entei?" Sonic called over his shoulder "how would you like some meowth for lunch today?"

Entei's head turned instantly, causing Meowth to hide behind his allies.

"Why do I even bother with those imbeciles?" the marauder thought without losing his smile.

Pikachu attempted to attack the marauder. A red forcefield protected hihim from the thunderbolt. Raichu tried following up by smacking one of the vehicle's robotic feet but was thrown back.

"Nice try" the marauder mocked, taking advantage of their surroundings and causing several trees to fall over.

As the beasts protected everyone, one of the tentacles encased Celebi and with an evil grin the marauder zapped it with electricity.

"Celebi!" Sam reached out.

"Let it go!" Tails flew on the vehicle beside the marauder and attempting to stun him.

With lightning quick moves, the marauder slammed his huge fist against Tails' cheek, knocking him down as well as his stun gun out of his hand.

Quickly taking aim, the marauder attempted to fire at Sonic.

Nothing happened.

Tails' two tails wrapped around the marauder's body in response.

"Fool. Only I can use this" Tails turned him around and attempted to punch him.

But he was no Knuckles. The punch merely annoyed him but also gave him an idea.

Quickly wrapping his arm around Tails' neck, placing him in a headlock, the marauder took a dark ball out of his vest and threw it at Celebi.

"Dark ball go!"

The dark ball captured Celebi immediately.

"No! Let it go!" Ash demanded.

"No chance! Celebi is mine!"

"You'd like that!" Sonic's voice was heard as he grabbed onto a tentacle and letting it carry him up to the marauder.

With a quick flip, he kicked the dark ball out of the marauder's hand.

Ash caught the dark ball.

"I got it".

"And I got him" the marauder said maliciously as he still kept Tails in a headlock.

"Let him go and face me!" Sonic challenged him.

"I call the shots here hedgehog. Give me back my Celebi and get off my vehicle or your friend is toast!"

With those words, he grabbed the sides of Tails' head.

"Tails!" Cosmo reached out.

Sonic gritted his teeth in rage.

"Let him go".

"Then do as I say or…"

"Forget about me Sonic! Save Celebi!" Tails demanded as his tails frantically moved due to the pain of the headlock.

"So what's it going to be hedgehog? Celebi or your friend?"

Sonic exhaled in frustration before jumping off the vehicle and landing in front of Ash.

"Give it to me".

"You can't give it to him".

"Give me Celebi".


"Give it to me dammit! I'm not going to lose another friend to team rocket!" Sonic pleaded.

The place went silent with the only exception being Tails' groans of pain.

Ash closed his eyes in and gritted his teeth, hating himself as he handed the dark ball to Sonic.

Sonic turned and threw it to the marauder.

"There. Now let Tails go!"

The marauder grinned and sent out Celebi. The empty look and soulless eyes broke the group's heart before the mythical pokemon unleashed a powerful burst of energy all around it, sending trees tumbling down and even Ash, Sonic and Cosmo straight into the lake while wrapping the rest in vines.

"That's it Celebi! Show me more of your power! Ahahaha! With a Pokemon like you, no one will ever stop me!"

Celebi took one look at the group with its soulless eyes and flew by the marauder's vehicle as it began making its way through the woods, slowly gathering twigs, branches and leaves around it.

The group minus Ash, Sonic and Cosmo were forced to watch as the marauder took Celebi, Tails and unknowingly Jessie and left, the vines rendering them unable to act.

Raikou in particular, fought against the vines, roaring nonstop and discharging thunderbolts all around it as its eyes watered.

As Sonic emerged from the lake, followed soon by Ash and Cosmo, he was surprised to find he didn't feel angry, sad, in despair or even rageful.

His mind was in perfect peace.

"I told you we shouldn't have surrendered! Now he's got Celebi!" Ash shouted at his rival.

Sonic, with a dead calm expression, took a knife out of Knuckles' stuff and freed Entei which in turn used its flames, aided by Knuckles' Typhlosion to free the others.

"What do we do now? Celebi is with him" Sam asked them.

"As is my Tails" Cosmo added.

"For now" Sonic said with a chilling calmness "but when we're done with that guy he's going to wish he was never born. That I promise you all".

"What are you planning to do?" Misty asked Sonic.

"The marauder has taken my best friend and Celebi which is the key to saving my other best friend. For that I am going to give him a very good reason to fear me just as his old boss does!"

"You know sometimes you really creep me out. But I'm in" Ash bumped Sonic's shoulder with his fist "what's the plan?"

"There's plenty of us here. And we got a lot of pokemon at our disposal including three legendary pokemon. I think we can come up with a good plan rather quickly" Sonic said confidently.

Raikou was already tapping its paw on the ground in anxiety but hearing that they wouldn't go to save Tails right away almost caused it to run away to do so alone had it not been for its two brethren.

"Patience brother. We will get him back. I promise you" Suicune attempted to calm it down.

Raikou pretended to shimmer down but didn't really. It couldn't come to terms with Tails being held captive. He had saved it back then. It needed to return the favor.

As the heroes in the present got to planning in order to ambush and beat the marauder, the day was just beginning in the past, with Knuckles waking up early, pondering what to do to pass the time.

As Celebi had explained it would take three days for it to recharge its temporal aura and return him to his own time. And since he didn't have his pokemon with him, thankfully from a certain point of view as two versions of the same Suicune interacting would probably have dire consequences for all of reality, he couldn't train with them or just hang out.

As he began considering several ideas, he heard familiar voices nearby.


Knuckles wanted to go livid. That fool just wouldn't stop.

But there was something else too.

Ever since he could remember, even though Knuckles condemned his grandfather's obsession and despised him for it, he couldn't help but ponder on one simple question, consisting of just one word.

"Why?" he thought to himself.

Why was Sabre doing all of this?

Even after the death of Jenna-lu he wouldn't stop thinking about Celebi. What kind of person loses the love of their lives and still thinks of something else?

Without even realizing it, Knuckles was now walking towards the direction of the voice, leaving the beasts and Celebi behind.

His entire being was showering in a mix of emotions. But at the same time it was screaming at him to stop. Simply interacting with Sabre could change everything.

But the memories of his parents and grandmother kept him from stopping.

"Why did they have to die because of you?" Knuckles whispered.

He didn't ponder this question in anger. He did it in sadness. For whatever reason it happened, there was no changing it.

He even wondered if he even wanted to know the reason. But nothing stopped him. Something even stronger was driving him.

Before he knew it he was hiding behind a bush near Sabre's camp.

As Lara-le was playing with a nearby caterpie Sabre was obsessively studying his map, trying to make sense of where they were before proceeding with the search.

Knuckles' very core was screaming at him to turn around and walk away before he was spotted.

Caterpie eventually left.

"Papa I'm hungry. Can we go get something to eat in Azalea town?"

"Not now Lara-le. We can't stop now. We're close, I can feel it".

Lara-le huffed.

"When are we going home to mommy? She must be missing us".

"We will return soon with Celebi".

Lara-le approached her father.

"But what if we don't? What if we just let it be and go home?"

"WE CAN'T GO HOME WITHOUT CELEBI!" Sabre exploded scaring Lara-le and even catching Knuckles by surprise.

Sabre's look immediately switched to shock upon realizing what he had done.

"I'm so sorry Lara-le. I shouldn't have screamed" he apologized hugging her.

But Lara-le was still saddened.

"You are scary when you act like that Papa".

Sabre was heartbroken to hear that.

"I know and I'm so sorry".

"Sure you are" Knuckles thought from the bush.

Sabre kissed Lara-le's forehead before continuing.

"I know I have made you sad a lot of times Lara-le but I want to promise me that you will never forget that I love you. You and your mother are my entire world. Promise you will never forget that".

Lara-le nodded. Sabre hugged her again.

Knuckles was disappointed by this development. And yet…

"Promise me you will never forget that I love you".

The way Sabre spoke those words… they betrayed a sense of… longing for that very same love. And that confused Knuckles to no end.

Against his better judgement he walked out of the bushes.


Both Sabre and Lara-le turned their heads towards him.

"You!" Sabre scowled as he sent out scizor "where's Celebi!"

"Far away. I sent it off".

"Youuuu… you took it away from me! After everything you had to get in my way!"

"Why are you doing this? Why are you so obsessed with getting Celebi?"

"And who are you exactly to ask me this?" Sabre asked back.

"Who I am is irrelevant" Knuckles replied before noticing Lara-le had walked right front of him, getting caught off guard.

"Are ok mister? From yesterday?"

"I am just fine little girl" Knuckles patted her head gently, getting a bizzare feeling of warmth.

"Get back Lara-le" Sabre warned his daughter "and let daddy find out where Celebi is".

Knuckles struggled to remain calm.

"Why are you taking your daughter on such a journey? I know Celebi considers kids pure and shows itself to them sometimes but using her as a bait for it? That's just low. Why do you even want Celebi to begin with?"

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you".

"Try me then".

Back at the lake of life, the legendary beasts slowly awoke to find Knuckles missing.

"Where is he?!" Suicune looked around frantically.

"We need to find him and quick. He can cause immense damage to reality!" Celebi warned the beasts.

"I hear voices nearby" Raikou looked towards the direction he could hear the voices coming from.

Suicune, with Celebi hiding in its mane rushed towards the voices, closely followed by Raikou and Entei.

Almost immediately they came across Knuckles and Sabre talking.

"I knew it!" Entei almost roared in anger "he is betraying us!"

"We don't know that" Raikou countered.

"We need to get him away from them. The more he talks the more likely it is he will cause a change in time!" Celebi told Suicune urgently.

Suicune however didn't move. Instead it was looking at Knuckles and listening what he was talking about, its heart hoping that Raikou was right and not Entei.

"Come on. Just try me. Why are you pursuing Celebi instead of being home with your family?"

"I… I need to find it ok? I have to!"

"This is no reason. Your family should be a hundred times more important. Your wife, your daughter… your future grandchild".

It was a huge gamble. By saying those final words Knuckles had either caused a change great enough to eradicate him or nothing at all if Sabre was as far gone as he always suspected.

"My family will still be here after I find Celebi. But he won't".

Knuckles didn't expect this answer. While he did feel some disgust at Sabre taking his family for granted, the other half spoke volumes.

"Who is he?"

Sabre gasped realizing he slipped up.

"Doesn't matter. Tell me where…"

But he didn't need to complete the question.

He noticed the beasts in the trees, Celebi in Suicune's mane.

"There! Get them!"

Sabre's pokemon, having strayed off before a decision was made on where they would go all ambushed the beasts. Now aside from houndoom, Tyranitar and scyther there was also a nidoking and a piloswine.

Piloswine and Nidoking attacked Entei and Raikou with their ground moves, dealing great damage and getting their attention.

"That enough of an answer for you?!" Entei roared before engaging their opponents, instantly knocking down the ice type piloswine with a flamethrower. Nidoking on the other hand would be harder to deal with.

On Suicune's end, it was ganged up by Tyranitar and scyther, with its escape route being cut off by houndoom.

"Daddy stop you're hurting them!"

"Listen to your daughter! They have nothing to do with this!" Knuckles pleaded.

Sabre didn't listen.

"Suicune! Surrender Celebi and you and your two brothers can walk away!"

Raikou blasted Tyranitar with a thunderbolt, only to be struck by a counter rock slide.

"What do we do brothers?" it barked as it took a defensive stance.

Entei attempted to attack Sabre only for Nidoking to strike with sludge bomb hurting the volcano pokemon.

Knuckles was completely lost. The situation had spiraled entirely out of control. There was no way that the past wasn't changed anymore.

"Sabre please stop! Your daughter wouldn't want…"

"Keep my daughter out of your damn mouth! And you scyther! Stop wasting time and get that Celebi!"

Obeying, Scyther took advantage of Suicune's lack of concentration from the continuous assault and the deep betrayal.

Scyther sliced a small piece of Suicune's mane off, grabbing Celebi with its scythes at the mythical pokemon's neck.

Knuckles' mind was made up.

It no longer mattered whether the past, the present, the future, reality or anything else was changed anymore.

Sabre wouldn't get Celebi. Not like this.

Knuckles wouldn't let it happen.

Rushing to Suicune's side, he dodged a a rock throw made by Tyranitar before throwing the rock with all his strength at Nidoking, giving Entei and Raikou the opening they needed to fight back.

With its scythes holding Celebi in place, Scyther was unable to react when Knuckles grabbed it by the waist and slammed it down, before picking Celebi up and putting it back on Suicune.

The aurora pokemon was at a loss for words. It wasn't a betrayal after all. Only a misunderstanding.

"No! Houndoom stop them!"

Houndoom unleashed a flamethrower towards Suicune and Celebi. Thinking quickly, Knuckles raised Scyther and used it as a shield against the flamethrower.

As the beasts observed the echidna defending them from the attack, Suicune heard Knuckles whispering sorry to scyther as if he regretted having to do this.

Once the attack was finished, Knuckles threw scyther away and looked at Suicune, momentarily forgetting it wasn't its partner again.

"Hydro pump!"

Suicune charged its attack, unaware of the incoming rock slide.

Both Knuckles and Entei rushed in to intercept the attack, Entei taking the brunt of it and Knuckles deflecting a few rocks.

Entei looked sideways towards Knuckles and wondered if it had really misjudged the echidna. Furthermore it wondered if what it and its brethren had seen in that photo was true.

If this blue hedgehog in the photo next to him was indeed worthy of its allegiance.

Even with all of Sabre's pokemon knocked out, he wouldn't quit, rushing to his motorbike.

"Lara-le come quickly!"

"But daddy our stuff"

"We'll get more! Come!"

Knuckles spat and turned to Suicune.

"Please get me and Celebi out of here!"

Suicune nodded and Knuckles quickly rode it just as Lara-le hopped into the side-car.

Suicune and the beasts took off with Knuckles and Celebi, racing through the woods. But they could still hear the motorbike.

"What's the plan?!" Raikou barked.

"We outrun them!" Suicune barked back as they kept racing towards the outskirts of Ilex forest.

As the past beasts fled the forest, the present beasts were waiting patiently, save for Raikou, for the heroes to finalize their plan.

"Alright. We're going to ride the beasts and follow the path of destruction. Once we hear them in the distance, Ash will get me off ground with his Noctowl, I will hop onto the marauder's vehicle, free Tails and then we all fight him head on".

"Ok but how do we save Celebi?" Ash asked.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. We don't know exactly what we're facing so we'll need to assess the situation up close. Tails, I and the beasts will probably handle Tyranitar. Worst case we will have to send out our entire teams to combat Celebi but let's hope it doesn't come to that. Are we all ok?"

Everyone agreed and so did the beasts letting out a bark each.

Sonic gasped.

"What's wrong?" Brock asked.

"How many barks did you guys hear?"

"Two" Cosmo answered.

The realization hit everyone like a truck. Including Entei and Suicune.

Raikou had left without anyone noticing.

"Dammit! We got to catch up! It's going to try and save Tails alone!"

"What's so bad about that? Won't it give is time to catch up?" Sam inquired.

"Tails did the same for Raikou a while back. It didn't end well".

Quickly riding Entei, Sonic helped Cosmo and Sam climb on, as Brock Misty and Ash rode Suicune.

"Let's go!" Sonic called out as Entei charged forward.

As the heroes gave chase, with James and Meowth following on foot as Jessie was accidentally captured during the skirmish, the marauder, alongside the captive Tails who was held in place via one of the vehicle's tentacles, observed, the former in glea and the latter in terror as Celebi slowly began using pieces of the forest as twigs, branches, leaves and much more to slowly form a protective orb around it. Once the orb was complete, Celebi started forming a huge draconian armor around it, so big that trees were uprooted in its passage.

"Hahahaha! With such power nothing can stand in my way!"

"I wouldn't bet on it!" Tails challenged him, only to be zapped by the tentacle's electrical feature.

"Feisty little fox. But not even your hedgehog friend will stand in my way anymore" the marauder mocked him.

"Uh, excuse me, Mr. Masked Person but could you let me out of here?" Jessie tried to get their attention, trapped on Celebi's armor.

"No. I don't think I will. I think I like you two helpless fools witnessing my ascent to absolute power".

"Oh I'm very impressed. You and Celebi are extremely powerful! Now just get me down from here and… I think I have a proposition for you. We can find the boss together. Offer him Celebi and the little twerp here and together defeat the hedgehog and those other twerps once and for all".

"Hehe… do you really believe I would hand over the most powerful pokemon in the world… to that failure of a boss?"

Both Jessie and Tails were shocked. But Tails was for more than one reasons. If the marauder really knew what kind of power he controlled…

"The boss needs to be afraid of me now. I can destroy Sonic the hedgehog with Celebi. Therefore I can also destroy Giovanni".

"But what about team rocket? You're one of them! Are you just going to let them really end?"

"They were done for the moment they failed to stop this one" he pointed at Tails "from saving Raikou. The hedgehog's sidekick. With no real pokemon. And they lost to him. I knew in the moment I wouldn't go down with them. And certainly I won't use this power to bring them back when I can do so much more…"

"I'm no sidekick!" Tails protested only to get zapped again.

"But how can you be sure you can beat the hedgehog?! The only one powerful enough for that is the boss!" Jessie insisted.

"Whoever said I would need to beat him?"

Tails, panting from the electric shocks, was now sure.

"So this is your plan. You're going to force Celebi to recharge its temporal aura and go back in time… and kill Sonic before he becomes a threat to your team!"

The marauder burst out in laughter.

"Silly fox. Of course not. Why would I kill the hedgehog before he destroys team rocket the first time around? With the boss in exile, everyone will bow to me as the witness the hero of Kanto fall at my hands!"

"You'd wish! Sonic and the others will stop you! They're on their way right… gaaaah!" he was forced to stop as he was zapped a third time.

Small bolts of yellow electricity crackled at his fingertips causing him to smile.

The next moment Raikou, its face a mask of rage jumped high in the air landing on Celebi's armor.

"Now you're in for it!"

Raikou summoned a thunder attack and struck at the marauder's vehicle.

The attack was blocked by Celebi using its draconian armor.

"Celebi! Subdue that beast!"

Vines wrapped around Raikou's paws too quickly for the beast to react. Raikou attempted to escape by firing an attack that would be eventually known as discharge.

But the vines didn't let go. In fact they lifted the legend of thunder high above ground as it struggled to get out.

The marauder grinned taking out another dark ball.

"No Raikou!"

"Dark ball go!"

The dark ball absorbed Raikou and caught it before returning to the marauder.

"Point proven. I achieved in one second what the entirety of team rocket failed to do with tens of grunts! Raikou is mine!"

He sent out the beast of thunder. Raikou let out an eardrum breaking roar, accidentally pinpointing their location to the others who were still chasing them down.

Raikou continued to roar and bark until a dark aura began enveloping it. Tails looked on with his heart breaking as the legendary pokemon that had placed its faith in him was completely engulfed in that shadowy aura.

But the cherry on top came when Raikou opened its eyes.

The white of his eyes had turned completely red.

"Aah. Very interesting. It appears Raikou has so much contained power it is overflowing in the form of this aura. I think I will dub this form… Shadow Raikou" the marauder commented pleasantly intrigued.

Tails took in the sight as he struggled to keep despair at bay. Raikou had gone fully savage because of the dark ball.

Sonic and the others witnessed it from afar when they got close enough.

"Dammit we're too late. He caught Raikou!" Sonic saw through the binoculars.

"An enhanced legendary and an enhanced mythical?" Cosmo uttered in question of their odds.

"We stick to the plan. Ash get me in the air".

"You got it" Ash climbed off Suicune and called out Noctowl.

Ash mounted Noctowl and took off with Sonic grabbing onto the flying type pokemon's feet.

"Once Tails is free attack!" he instructed the others.

Taking out Raichu's pokeball he waited patiently before they were right above the draconian armor of Celebi.

"Now!" Sonic declared as he let go, freefalling.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt on the armor!"

"Pikaaa… chuuuu!" the electric type unleashed its power, tearing a small hole in the armor.

"What in the…" the marauder managed to utter before his eye caught Sonic landing on the armor with Raichu by his side.

Before he could react or press any button on his vehicle, Sonic hopped on again and slammed his fist into the marauder's cheek causing him to stumble back.

"Now! Iron tail!"

Raichu's tail slammed into the tentacle holding Tails captured, severing and freeing the fox, who instantly carried Sonic away as Raichu used quick attack to land back onto the draconian armor of Celebi.

"You meddling kids never give up. I'll give you that much. But you can't stop me! With Celebi and Raikou by my side you cannot win!"

"Are you sure about that?!" Ash's voice was heard as Noctowl fired confusion on Raikou, causing it to misfire a thunderbolt on the armor.

In response, Entei and Suicune blocked the marauder's path, with Brock climbing off and sending out Onix.

Ash also had Noctowl land and sent out Bayleef, cyndaquil and stood side by side with them, Pikachu and Noctowl. Sam also called out his charmeleon.

Sonic and Tails also sent out their remaining pokemon as well as the rest of Knuckles' pokemon. A massive army now stood against the marauder and his enslaved pokemon.

"Heh. I like those odds. Celebi! Destroy them all!"

"Everyone split!" Sonic called out as the heroes broke formation, encircling the marauder.

"Fine then! Tyranitar! Break the twerps! Raikou destroy the hedgehog and your pathetic former partner!"

A huge battle broke out with Ash, Misty, Sam, Brock and Cosmo fighting off Tyranitar. Half of Knuckles' pokemon including Suicune were assisting them, more specifically, victreebel and Heracross.

As for Typhlosion, Ampharos and Knuckles' Tyranitar, they were fighting against the shadow Raikou, alongside Sonic and Tails' pokemon, including Entei.

The battle was ferocious. Typhlosion and Entei were working off of each other unloading barrages of flames on Raikou. Sonic and Knuckles' tyranitars, aided by Sonic's hitmontop were trying to physically subdue the beast to no avail. Lapras, Butterfree and Quagsire were trying to help with their ranged attacks from afar. Tails' scizor and Steelix alongside Sonic's Meganium were the vanguard, taking the brunt of Raikou's deadly electric blasts. As for Raichu, it was leading the charge, determined to not let team rocket take anything from it again.

But the more they struck, the stronger and the more savage Raikou got. It unleashed a discharge so powerful, it blasted the two Tyranitars and hitmontop away, knocking them all out at once.

The enraged Raikou then clashed with Raichu, sending waves of power coursing through Sonic's body as he felt every bit of the clash.

"This isn't working!" Tails tried to tell Sonic "Raikou is just too strong to fight head on! And I can't keep hurting it like this!"

"We need to bring it down!" Sonic insisted "otherwise we can't free Celebi!"

His line of thought was cut short, when Raikou bit down against Raichu. Before Sonic could even process the feeling, Raikou threw Raichu against him.

Raichu and Sonic both tumbled down.

"Raikou please stop!" Tails pleaded without thinking.

Raikou surprisingly stopped momentarily. The marauder, although focused more on Tyranitar's battle with Ash's group which wasn't going well for him, took notice of it.

"Raikou! I order you to destroy them now!" he said pressing the button of the dark ball, unleashing more of ball's influence on the thunder pokemon.

Raikou, completely under the dark ball's control, blasted Sonic and Raichu with thunder.

Tails could only watch as his friend and his Raichu writhed in pain as they were fried by the thunder, resulting in an eventual explosion that sent them flying in different directions.

Raichu crashed into the draconian armor of Celebi and was quickly ensnared by its vines. Sonic on the other hand was sent flying into the woods.

"Sonic!" Ash witnessed this, realizing they were now on their own as one by one, Sonic and Tails' remaining pokemon were faltering before Raikou.

Tails took the chaos around him in as he tried to make a decision.

It was unwinnable.

They couldn't beat Raikou.

But maybe they didn't have to beat it. Or Celebi.

"Ash! Listen up! You need to get through to Celebi! I will keep Raikou occupied!"

He then turned to the rest of the pokemon fighting Raikou.

"Help them. Save Raichu! Sonic will be ok. I will draw Raikou away!"

And with those words, and a deep hope that Sonic was indeed ok, he called out to Raikou.

"You heard him! Come destroy me!"

With a loud growl Raikou started pursuing Tails, who took off, heading away from the battlefield as the remaining pokemon joined the fight against Celebi and Tyranitar, doing their best to turn the tide.

Pikachu joined them, riding on Entei who called out to him, aiming to free Raichu from the armor.

"Hey!" Jessie called out to the duo "please free me too I'm closer!"

"Poor Jessie" James uttered as he and Meowth were observing the battle from afar.

"Yeah. There's no way we could ever fight off Celebi if the twerps cannot" Meowth admitted.

Raikou looked around with its red eyes reflecting its savage state of mind, growling and roaring, trying to find Tails.

Tails saved it the trouble by revealing himself.

"Raikou. It's me. Please stop. This isn't you!"

Raikou growled revealing its saber teeth.

"You're being controlled. This isn't you" Tails repeated "you wouldn't ever hurt pokemon. You defend them remember?"

Raikou stop for a moment before unleashing a thunderbolt that Tails barely dodged.

Something about this encounter felt familiar to Raikou. Not just a feeling of deja vu but everything.

As if it had found itself in this exact moment a lifetime ago.

Little did it know the moment was coming for its past self as it now raced through the fields of Johto, alongside its brethren, with the motorbike of Sabre following, unable to outrun him completely.

"We can't keep running!" it warned Entei and Suicune.

"Then let's take him out!" Entei suggested.

"No!" Suicune vetoed it, unwilling to be seen as a monster again.

Knuckles looked over his shoulder. Sabre and Lara-le wouldn't stop.

He tried desperately to think of any out to this.

He noticed the bell tower of Ecutreak city in the distance.

He got a crazy idea. There was a spot in that place noone had found.

"I know how to outrun them!" he screamed so he could be heard over the loud wind by the beasts and Celebi "get us to the burned tower!"

The beasts were perplexed. Why would Knuckles lead them to the place of their death in their previous life?

Suicune didn't question this for a long turning towards the city. Entei and Raikou soon followed, fully trusting of Knuckles despite the questionable decision.

Arriving outside the city, the motorbike sound still audible behind them, they raced across the rooftops observed by the citizens who were amazed by their appearance.

Sabre on the other hand had trouble keeping up with them in the city. He was forced to turn multiple times, racing through alleys and even almost running over a couple in the middle of the street he used as a shortcut, seemingly ignorant to the fact it was a pedestrian zone.

"Daddy watch out!"

"Don't worry Lara-le! We got it!"

The beasts arrived outside the tower. Knuckles took a deep breath as Sabre would take a few minutes to catch up.

He looked at the ruined tower, wondering if this idea would change anything in the timeline. How would the beasts react once they saw their statue forms?

"One problem at a time" he thought as he was about to tell them to get inside quickly before noticing something strange.

The sign declaring the tower a dangerous area, the one Morty had claimed was there ever since the last time the beasts were spotted before disappearing wasn't there.

Knuckles then made another connection in his mind.

The beasts were gone for 40 years. And he was right now 40 years in the past.

The sound of a motorbike brought him back to reality.

"Inside go!"

The beasts rushed inside, finding themselves in the burned main chamber.

The trapdoor was exactly where Knuckles remembered it was. But his mother's symbol was not there.

With his breathing growing faster, he opened the trapdoor.

"In here! We hide and wait for him to leave!"

The beasts walked through the trapdoor to the basement and Knuckles sealed it shut, making sure it blended perfectly with the floor.

At first Celebi started glowing by using its power to light the absolute darkness around them but Knuckles motioned it to stop. There were probably holes on the walls.

Footsteps were heard above them as rushed steps walked in.

"I know you're in here! Show yourself Celebi!"

Knuckles and the 4 pokemon remained dead quiet.

"I said show yourself!" Sabre screamed taking something heavy and throwing it on the floor which creecked.

Knuckles realized the heavy object landed on the piece of the floor Sonic fell through the first time they came to the tower.

One by one the puzzle pieces began falling neatly in place.

With his eyes used to the darkness, Knuckles looked around finding exactly what he thought.


The statues were not there.

"What do we do?" Raikou growled quietly.

"We have to get out of here" Entei urgently said.

"How? There's only one way out and if we go he will keep coming for Celebi" Suicune reminded them.

"If only I could leave. Another one of my kind would appear somewhere else and he would have to leave" Celebi said via telepathy so Knuckles could also hear it.

"But your temporal aura is not fully recharged" Knuckles said.

"There is another way to recharge it".

"There is?" Suicune asked Celebi surprised.

"But I can't use it. It involves taking the temporal aura of living beings for a long period of time".

"In other words… ours?" Raikou barked shocked.


Knuckles was racking its brain upon hearing this fact.

If his gut was right then he knew the answer to the question he was going to ask Celebi.

"What would happen if you took their temporal aura to restore yourself?"

"They would be frozen in time. Like statues".

That was it. The final piece of the puzzle.

The mystery of the beasts disappearing finally made sense.

Ironically Eusine was right.

Knuckles did know more about it than he was letting on. Just not at that time. But he knew.

Because he was the one who had caused it before.

And now his linear life was leading him to make it happen.

"Do it".

The 4 pokemon looked at him in question.

"Take their temporal aura".

The three beasts barked in shock witn Suicune even stumbling back.

"Didn't you just hear what would happen to them?"

"I knew before you answered".


Knuckles took a deep breath. Everything depended on how he would explain the future to the beasts.

"I come from a time where you 3 have been missing for 40 years. My friends and I found you by accident. And by the same accident we freed you from your statue forms. From the first moment you 3 bonded with my 2 friends and my past self… or is it future self… anyway there was an inexplicable connection that led me and my friends to continuously interacting with you 3. Eventually we joined forces to save Johto from a group of very bad people".

The beasts looked at each other in disbelief.

"I know it sounds crazy. But it's the truth. I couldn't understand why it was the case. But now I see it always has been the case and I just needed to discover it by coming here and setting it all in motion. Please. I beg of you to trust me as Celebi trusted me to keep it away from Sabre… from my grandfather".

With the exception of Sabre's footsteps exploring the upper floors of the tower everything fell into silence.

"Celebi?" Suicune looked at the mythical pokemon "if we were to be trapped in those forms… would anything be able to bring us back?"

"Yes. I can link his temporal aura to your statue forms. The moment his future self comes and touches your statue he will release all 3 of you".

"But how do we know he is going to touch the statue?" Entei correctly doubted Celebi, as it was all or nothing in a game of luck.

"I will. Because I already did so before" Knuckles confidently said.

The beasts looked one final time to each other and nodded.

"Do it. Take him home" Suicune nodded.

He then looked at Knuckles.

"You better come and release us" Celebi translated to Knuckles.

Knuckles reached out with his hand.

"Don't worry. I will".

Suicune nodded and pressed its forehead against Knuckles palm, sniffing it in the process.

He wanted to remember the scent. So it could be sure it was Knuckles when they met again.

As the beasts stood opposite Celebi Knuckles remembered something else.

"Wait. Before this happens you need to know. We will not be ready for us to join me and my friends when you awaken. You will need to test us. Watch over us. And when the time is right, and you will know when it's right, you will be called to join us".

The three beasts nodded.

"Alright. Here goes" Celebi said and invoked its power.

A pink glow engulfed the room.

Suicune closed its eyes.

This was probably the biggest leap of faith in the history of leaps of faith.

But somehow it was at peace.

It was sure Knuckles would come.

As the three beasts were slowly having their temporal aura removed, each experienced a vision.

Suicune saw its reunion with Knuckles in that secluded beach in Cianwood in the third person, its battle on mount Tensei with Knuckles… and then further ahead. The two adventuring together, exploring ruins, having the time of their lives.

Entei saw its future battles with Sonic, its soul ablaze with the power it felt shared between Sonic and Raichu. It even saw further ahead, far into the future. He saw the same Raichu, alongside Sonic, battling a kid with a blue jacket with its partner being a blue humanoid pokemon wielding a huge blue shuriken.

But Raikou… Raikou's consciousness went ahead in time by 40 years for a few moments.

The glow stopped and Celebi flew around in excitement, fully recharged.

Knuckles looked over at the beasts.

They had been turned into statues.

"And so destiny begins" he thought.

"Are you sure this was the right move? Freezing all 3? I got too much temporal aura. Maybe we should return… "

"No. It needs to be" Knuckles declared not taking no for an answer.

Celebi looked down with a blank stare.

"Alright. Well since I got to blow some temporal aura off before returning to the time stream normally… do you want to visit any cool place? As a thank you gift?"

Knuckles found the idea very tempting. But he then remembered several other instances in team Sonic's journey that could require intervention.

"How does your time travelling affect your temporal aura?"

"Usually travelling takes my entire aura. But with that much… I might be able to take you to quite a few places before being done. So be careful what you ask for".

"Ok… what if I asked you to take me to the next day right here?"

"Next day? That would take almost no energy".

"Good. Let's start with that".

Celebi was perplexed but obeyed, opening a time ripple and passing through it with Knuckles.

The duo arrived at seemingly the exact same place. Only it was quiet.

The statues of the beasts were right there. Everything was coming together.

Knuckles smiled and walked out of the basement, pushing the huge trapdoor open.

Celebi flew out then Knuckles sealed the door shut and spread dirt all over it, camouflaging it perfectly.

He then took a sharp piece of woods and started carving a weird symbol on the wall.

"What are you doing?" Celebi asked him.

"Making sure my other self finds Suicune and the others when they come".

"But won't anyone else identify the symbol?"

"No. It's my mother's symbol" Knuckles explained finally understanding.

He repeated the process with the entrance to the tower and then had Celebi borrow a piece of paper and a pen from nearby without permission and wrote the message he and his friends found that day before fleeing the scene.

"Alright we're done here. Now get me to the future".

"Excited to reunite with your friends?"

"Not yet".

Celebi was confused when Knuckles asked it to take him to the day he's past self was tortured at the hands of the iron mask marauder.

Before going through the time ripple, Knuckles asked Celebi to use Sonic's temporal aura as a sort of compass so they would appear nearby but not see him.

They found themselves exactly where Knuckles hoped; a few meters away from Sonic walking through the woods.

Knuckles waited for a few seconds before mimicking Tails' voice.

"Sonic help!"

The past Sonic turned in response.

"Tails? Tails!"

"What are you doing? He mustn't see you!" Celebi warned him.

"I know. Follow me!"

The two tailed Sonic for a while as he raced through the woods looking for Tails. After a while Knuckles used his own voice.

"Sonic help us!"

"Are you insane?" Celebi tried to stop him.

"What is going on? Whoever you are quit it!"

"Go there so he can see you and then lead him to where my temporal aura is".

"To you?"

"Yes but my past self! Go!"

Celebi appeared within Raichu's field of view. Raichu touched Sonic with its paw showing him Celebi.

"Sonic this way" Celebi invited him and flew away.

Sonic and Raichu gave chase with Knuckles in close pursuit.

The 4 raced through the woods for about 3 minutes until Celebi hid up in hearing the voices of the marauder battling Tails and Knuckles.

"There they are! Let's go Raichu!"

"Rai rai!" the mouse pokemon cried out as they rushed to battle.

Celebi returned to Knuckles.

"How did you know?"

Knuckles grinned.

"Wait. You lived through this too?"

"Sonic did and told us. I simply came here to make sure if it was me or not".

Celebi was dumbfounded. Its mission wasn't supposed to be this complex.

"Ok. Is that it? Do we go back to the right time now?"

"No. Not yet. Our last two stops were us making sure the timeline is secure. Now I want to go where you offered to take me to visit".

"Ok. Where would that be? Burned tower disaster? Lugia and Ho-oh leaving Ecutreak city?" Celebi took a couple of guesses. Throughout its life those were the two primary reasons Johtonians wanted to time travel.

"No. Green hills. Use Sabre's temporal aura from when he was five".

Celebi was very perplexed now. Why did Knuckles want to go back even further?

"Why then?"

"I have my reasons".

Celebi trusted Knuckles and obeyed. The two went through the time ripple.

The duo found themselves in the woods near a small cottage in the countryside. The town of Green Hills could be seen in the distance.

"Huh. Smaller than I imagined for this era" Knuckles commented.

"Why are we here?"

Knuckles stealthily made his way towards the cottage, followed by a reluctant Celebi.

On the front yard of the house was Sabre, a five year old echidna playing happily though alone.

"Where is the other Celebi?" Knuckles inquired.

"Say what?"

"My grandfather claims he saw a Celebi when he was 5. Today" Knuckles explained before gasping.

Was this his doing too?

"There can't be more than one of me at the same time except for very special circumstances" Celebi reminded him.

This confirmed Knuckles' suspicion.

Life could indeed be very cruel.

"Go. Let him see you".


"If he doesn't see a Celebi, his life changes. And I am never born".

Celebi knew it to be true. With a heavy heart it flew in front of Sabre.

"Woah no way!" Sabre exclaimed jumping up "Celebi! You are real! I knew it!"

The young Sabre then rushed inside.

"Mommy, Daddy! Celebi is on our front yard!"

The sound of a glass breaking reached Knuckles' ear, causing his eyes to widen.

"What happened?"

More sounds like that could be heard. Sounds of stuff getting smashed.

"I told you not to tell him that story you idiotic woman!"

"Athair please…" a female voice begged him before the sound of punch caused Knuckles to fall back.

Unable to resist the urge, he rushed to the window and cautiously looked inside.

The living room was torn apart. The young Sabre was curled in the corner, hugged by his mother, whom Knuckles vaguely remembered was named Crystal-la.

And in front of them stood a livid Athair the echidna, Knuckles' maternal great grandfather. Holding a belt.

"I will NOT tolerate such disrespect towards the mighty Ho-oh in my own house! You two need to be disciplined!"

"But daddy I'm telling you I saw it" Sabre pleaded before the belt came down on his head.

Knuckles averted his gaze. He felt the urge to throw up.

He didn't even know what to feel. Sadness? Pity? Anger? Compassion? Disgust? All at once?

Unable to take this anymore, Knuckles asked Celebi to take them further ahead by locking onto Knuckles' grandmother, Jenna-lu's temporal aura when she first got together with Sabre.

They arrived at the exact same cottage, again making their way to the window cautiously.

Inside were Athair and Crystal-la, with Sabre introducing his girlfriend, now fiancee, Jenna-lu to them. Knuckles felt so much nostalgia upon seeing his grandmother alive and even felt pity for her. She didn't know what she was getting into.

The echidna family, then sat at a table and after about an hour during which Knuckles was absorbing everything and even felt somewhat jealous that he never got to experience something like that, Crystal-la asked how the two met.

"During my trip to Johto. We met at the Ilex forest" Sabre explained.

"Yeah. To be more precise, Celebi's shrine. Boo here was looking for it and I told him all about it" Jenna-lu joyfully said.

Athair broke the glass he was holding.

"Dear are you ok?"

"Yeah. Small accident. Excuse me for a while" he said and headed to his and Crystal-la's room to change as he had spilled wine all over himself.

Sabre followed him.

Knuckles walked around the house as silently as he could, startling a wild oddish by accident as he could hear the two echidna arguing.

"Why did you do that?! In front of Jenna-lu?!"

Athair didn't reply.

"Answer me father!"

"You will go in there and break the engagement!"

"Say what?!"

"I will not tolerate my daughter-in-law having such disrespectful beliefs!"

"Is this about Celebi?"

"Don't say that word in my house boy!"

"For Ho-oh's sake father! Stop denying it! Celebi is real! And I saw it!"

Athair responded by pushing Sabre to the wall and delivering a devastating punch to his right eye.

"How much more of a disgrace can you possibly be?! Mighty Ho-oh is the supreme being of our world! To even claim a pokemon has the ability to time travel, a power greater than Ho-oh's … it's a sin to even think about it! Mighty Ho-oh saved your grandfather from death you ungrateful bastard child! And what do I ask?! To give it its proper respect!"

"What's going on here?!" Crystal-la and Jenna-lu rushed in, with the latter's presence forcing Athair to release Sabre.

"I'm not disrespectful father. Celebi's existence is not an insult to the power of Ho-oh".

"Sabre I think it's better if we left" Jenna-lu took him by the hand.

"I agree" Athair looked at her with disgust.

Knuckles, outside the house, laid against the wall. He had started to regret coming here. But he had to see this through to the end.

Rushing back to the main entrance, Sabre asked Crystal-la to accompany Jenna-lu to the entrance of the yard as he wanted to talk to Athair alone, echidna to echidna.

"Why are you doing this to me father?"

"Because you're an ungrateful son of a bitch who wouldn't exist without the intervention of mighty Ho-oh".

"Father… I do respect Ho-oh. And I do respect you".

"If you do you will do as I say and dump that disrespectful girl!" Athair shouted that final sentence.

"Please father just give her a chance".

Athair got into Sabre's face.

"Leave my home boy".

Sabre, tears in his eyes relented and followed Jenna-lu outside.

Knuckles followed the two for a while until Sabre sat by a rock, comforted by Jenna-lu.

"Why? Why won't he love me? Why won't he accept me?"

"Baby he does love you. Maybe he is very harsh outside but…"

"No… you don't know him. He will never be convinced… not until I bring him Celebi".

Knuckles and Celebi quietly looked at each other.

It was Athair's abuse that triggered Sabre's obsession with Celebi all along.

"But still…" Knuckles whispered "why did he begin disassociating himself from reality when I came into the picture?"

There was one more stop. The time after he and Sabre met in the past.

With Celebi leading the way the two arrived in the desired time.

Sabre this time was in a hospital.

Having to react quickly, Knuckles put together a disguise to pass off as staff and quietly followed Sabre, hiding Celebi underneath the disguise.

The latter made his way to a room where a clearly terminally ill Athair was lying in a bed.

"Father I'm here".

Athair weakly looked at Sabre.

"What took your sorry ass so long?"

"I was in Johto father".

"You were literally called 2 days ago".

"I know. But I found it father. I found Celebi!"

Athair's look became a mix of disapproval and disappointment.

"And where is it then?"

"It… got away".

Athair spat.

"A disappointment till the very end. Chasing a myth instead of paying respect to the pokemon that is the very reason he is alive".

He grabbed Sabre's wrist with a sudden surge of strength as the cardiogragh started beeping from the sudden increase in heart rate.

"You... are not my son" Athair uttered with the most bitter tone he could muster before involuntarily letting go.

The flatline beep echoed through the room.

"No, no, no! Someone help! My father is dying!" Sabre screamed.

A doctor and 2 nurses rushed to the room, inadvertently dragging Knuckles in, mistaking him for actual staff.

Knuckles, with Celebi squirming in his disguise, could only watch as the doctor and the two nurses tried their best to revive Athair.

But the old echidna had already passed away.

The doctor closed his eyes regretfully.

"I'm so sorry" he told Sabre "there was nothing we could do. His heart gave out".

Sabre knelt, wheezing.

Knuckles observed his grandfather in pity.

As he left the room, and subsequently the hospital, Knuckles searched for a bit until he found a place where he could just collapse and let Celebi back out.

It all finally made sense. Sabre's obsession, his delusions, his breakdowns. All of it.

All along he was but a son seeking his father's love. And that cruel echidna never gave it to him.

"He worshipped Ho-oh as if it were a god" Knuckles muttered, still lying against the wall in an alley.

He allowed himself to recall all of his painful memories of his grandfather under the light of this new discovery.

So many things made so much sense with this new context.

Athair's death was the trigger for Sabre's grasp on reality slipping from time to time. And in those moments he couldn't tell the difference between Knuckles and Locke.

"This is why he thought my father helped Celebi escape with the help of the beasts. He really couldn't tell the difference".

Although the difference between Locke and Knuckles physically was almost non-existent, everyone he had met in his life who knew his father from Green Hills, told him they looked alike but never mixed them up.

Only Sabre did.

"Because in his eyes I didn't steal Celebi from him. I stole his final chance to hear his father tell him he loved him".

The feeling was incredibly bizzare. He couldn't forget the pain he had experienced growing up because of Sabre but it wasn't really his fault.

It was generational trauma.

And there was only one way to end it.

Knuckles used of all his willpower to stand up.

"Hey Celebi?"


"Do you have any way of sending a message through time?"

Celebi was rather confused.

"I could use your temporal aura to leave behind a message in the form of a spectral version of yourself but why do you ask?"

Knuckles didn't t reply. He was thinking about the content of the message he would leave to his brothers.

As the reality changing decision was being formed in Knuckles' head, the heroes were slowly but steadily turning the tide of the battle. The marauder sent out his scizor and sneasel again, trying to divide the heroes but the presence of Suicune and Entei was keeping the odds even and maybe slightly on the heroes' side.

But Ash was getting worried. As he and Sam climbed on Celebi's armor, looking for a way inside to get to Celebi and reach out to it, he couldn't see Sonic or Tails anywhere.

And worst of all, he didn't have a chance to verify if they were ok or not.

Further away, Raikou and Tails were facing each other, Tails unarmed and without his other pokemon. Raikou, the shadow aura covering its entire body and its eyes red and savage, was preparing to pounce.

"Raikou you need to fight back. You're stronger than this. Please come back" Tails pleaded again to no avail.

Raikou fired a thunderbolt which Tails barely dodged by flying out of the way.

"Remember all our good times Raikou! Our battles, our cuddles! Our adventures!"

Raikou stopped moving allowing the memories to sip in before unleashing a powerful roar and firing discharge.

Tails felt his fur stand up by the unimaginable amount of electricity emitted.

Raikou, lost in its savage state, pounced again while still emitting discharge.

Tails dodged but didn't fly away. Instead he grabbed onto Raikou's fur in determination.

His gloves were burned off as he felt his entire being fried from the inside.

"RAIKOUUUU! PLEAAASEEE!" Tails screamed his lungs out until all air was gone and the electricity kept his muscles from moving to bring in more air.

Raikou roared again without stopping emitting electricity until it met a pair of eyes opposite it.

A pair of familiar eyes.

Raikou's own eyes.

In front of him stood another Raikou.

The shadow Raikou, still using discharge just locked eyes until the other Raikou roared.


That roar wasn't another Raikou's roar.

It was its own roar.

And then the shadow Raikou remembered what it saw the day it was turned into a statue.

Its consciousness travelled into the future.

Into this exact moment.

It wasn't another Raikou. It was its past self.

The shock of realization allowed the memories to fully invade Raikou's mind as it remembered Tails saving him, their battle against Gary, the two joining forces on mount Tensei, the battle of Goldenrod city, all their cuddles at Cosmo's place, all their missions against poachers.

Forcing itself to stop firing discharge, Raikou roared once again as the shadow aura dissipated and its eyes returned to normal.

The marauder sensed the dark ball he had caught Raikou in shake on his vest before it malfunctioned and broke into two.

"What?! It broke free?!"

Ash and Sam heard those words. They knew Tails had done it.

That meant Celebi too could be saved.

Raikou exhaled trying to calm down. It was back.

Turning to Tails its eyes widened.

The fox's fur was black from all the burns. His gloves had been completely burned off. And worst of all he wasn't moving.

Raikou purred and licked Tails trying to wake him up to no avail.

Refusing to believe what it did, it rushed to find its brethren.

It found them having been cornered by the marauder and the Celebi. Although the Tyranitar and his other two pokemon and gone down, Celebi was just far superior to them all.

Everyone looked at the arriving Raikou before noticing Tails on its back.

The marauder grinned maliciously.

"So the fox perished trying to save its pokemon. How touching. And how pointless".

Raichu, still trapped on Celebi's armor, repeated this in its head in disbelief.

Lightning cracked on its tail.

"Rai" it cried out to Pikachu which was still trying to free it, telling it to get back.

Pikachu did so just in time before a lightning bolt came from inside the woods, striking Raichu and freeing it from the armor after a few seconds.

"Say what?!" the marauder said in shock as Pikachu and the now freed Raichu jumped off the armor.

From inside the armor, Ash and Sam felt the impact of the lightning as they were trying to talk Celebi down. Looking outside from a crack in the armor they saw the same thing.

"Raichu is free!" Sam exclaimed.

"But how?" Ash replied in question.

The battle sounds died down as everyone heard calm but determined steps coming from the woods.

Out walked Sonic. His face nothing more or less than determination, stemming from rage.

His gaze turned to Raikou and the crispy Tails on its back.

Slowly he looked at the marauder again.

"Playtime's over. Let's finish this. Just you and me!"

The marauder from atop his vehicle laughed.

"You don't stand a chance against the power of Celebi hedgehog!"

"I don't have to. Ash and Sam are on it. Now come get me!"

Raichu went to stand next to its trainer.

"Heh. Easy to fight me when I got no pokemon other than Celebi left isn't it?"

"Who said anything about pokemon?" Sonic replied.

Everyone looked at him in question.

"Go help the others Raichu. He is mine and mine alone".

Raichu wanted to object but read its trainers thoughts and nodded.

Sonic then stood against the marauder as his vehicle's tentacles waved around threateningly.

"You really want to play it like this hedgehog?"

Sonic didn't reply. Instead he got down on his knees and pushed against the ground as if he was about to take part in a race.

Raichu's tail crackled with electricity again.

Yellow bolts of lightning also crackled on Sonic's arms and legs towards the ground.

The marauder's eyes widened before having the tentacles of his vehicle grab a huge rock and prepare to throw it at Sonic.

The latter closed his eyes.

"Alright. I can do this".

The lightning bolts crackling on his limbs turned blue.

"I gotta go fast" he said as he raised his eyes to meet the marauders. His green pupils turned blue for a moment.

The marauder threw the boulder.

Right before the boulder slammed into Sonic, he disappeared as a strong wind current struck everyone.

Before the marauder could even process what happened, one of his vehicle's spider legs was slammed with extreme force, causing the entire thing to lose balance and almost fall over.

Everyone watched in awe as Sonic appeared stationary again, having moved faster than sound itself.

"What is this?!" the marauder said in horror.

Sonic grinned before dashing forward again too fast for the naked eye to process.

This time he grabbed two of the machine's tentacles and with the appliance of force so extreme due to the speed it was applied at, he tore them off.

The marauder couldn't comprehend this. Somehow Sonic had acquired a power mirroring his name.

Supersonic speed.

Ash witnessed this in disbelief, remembering Tails' words at that pokemon center right after Sonic's first encounter with Entei.

"He could conceivably become as fast as a pokemon using extreme speed".

And he was right.

"Celebi! Destroy that hedgehog!"

Celebi unleashed a number of vines towards Sonic.

The hedgehog moved once again too fast to see. Hopping on and running in the massive vines he found himself running circles on Celebi's armor.

"Free it! I'm not used to this yet!" Ash heard as an echo from outside, reminding him of his own task.

"Sam help me! Sonic can only buys us so much time" Ash told his time displaced friend.

The two turned back towards Celebi.

"Celebi, we're not your enemies! We're trying to save you! Try to remember!"

"Celebi… you brought me with you here to the future!"

The vibrations on Celebi's armor began getting more uneven as Sonic was slowly losing his balance.

"Celebi" Ash grabbed the sides of the glowing orb Celebi had created around itself "Sonic is fighting for you. The beasts are fighting for you. Our friends are fighting for you. We are fighting for you. Come back to us please!"

Celebi's pupils started dilating and shrinking rapidly as it fought off the control of the dark ball.

Sonic on the outside could feel the armor loosening under his feet. He tripped, falling off the armor but landing on his feet, rubbing against the ground as he slid back facing the marauder again.

The latter was about to attack Sonic again when the dark ball he had caught Celebi in also began to malfunction until it broke in half.


The armor collapsed as the free Celebi flew outside using its psychic power to carry Ash and Sam away.

The marauder, livid, turned back to Sonic.

"You and your meddlesome fox friend got in my way for the last time, you blue rat!" he yelled as his vehicle's tentacles flew towards Sonic.

The hedgehog grinned, instinct taking over.

"I'm not a rat! I'm Sonic! Sonic the hedgehog!"

He curled into a ball and started spinning incredibly fast without moving.

The tentacles were repelled, one even breaking.

"What in team rocket it this?!" the marauder stumbled back, falling away from the controls.

"What is he doing?" Sam asked Ash.

The latter could only watch as Sonic, whose body emitted the same blue bolts of lightning for a few moments was launched forward, too fast for the naked eye to see, ramming through the marauder's vehicle, ripping the core out and emerging from the other side with a superhero landing, still grinning.

The vehicle let out some mechanical failure sounds and then toppled sending the marauder to the ground.

Before he could move to escape, Sonic stood over him, causing team rocket's assault hound to cower in fear.

Sonic looked over at Tails' burned body and then to their defeated enemy.

"Give me one good reason not to beat the hell out of you".

The marauder gulped but needn't worry.

"You know what? Never mind. You're wearing the reason" Sonic said before smacking the marauder on the neck, knocking him out.

"Everyone ok?" he turned to the others.

They did seem ok for a moment. The next moment Celebi weakly fell into Sam's arms as its green body began wilting.

"What's happening?" Brock rushed to Sam's side as did the beasts.

"I don't know! Celebi are you ok? Wake up!"

Sonic looked down at the marauder's vest, at the dark balls.

"The dark ball must have had a corrosive effect on Celebi. Entei here!"

Entei rushed to its trainer's side as Sonic put the marauder on Entei's back with a lot of effort before riding the beast.

"We got to get Celebi and Tails to the lake of life quick!"

Everyone rushed to the lake only to find it tainted and dirty.

"What happened here?" Ash immediately questioned.

"Celebi's power affected the forest. The lake got dirty because of the corrupted power" Cosmo correctly assumed.

"What now? How do we heal Celebi?" Sam urgently asked.

Sonic took a moment to think before remembering something Knuckles had once said about Suicune during one of their lazy days after the battle of Goldenrod city.

"Suicune. Please purify the water quick".

Suicune nodded and raced over the polluted surface, slowly clearing the water and turning it back to a bright blue.

As soon as Suicune was done, Ash and Sam placed Celebi in the water, while Sonic did the same with Tails.

With the lake's water glowing, Tails' fur slowly began returning to its normal color as the fox opened his eyes weakly before jolting up.


The beast of thunder rushed to its trainer's side, licking and rubbing against Tails, who was relieved Raikou was ok. He looked to Sonic with question but the hedgehog just nodded, assuring his friend he would tell him everything when it was all over.

"It's not working" Ash's voice made them both turn.

Sonic and Tails both saw the still wilted body of Celebi, safely stashed in Sam's arms, not being healed by the lake.

Sonic's heart shattered at the realization.

"We're too late" he uttered.

"No! We're not! We'll keep trying. See? These are those berries we found in the forest. Here you go. That's OK. Uh, Celebi?"

But the time travel pokemon still didn't move.

"CELEBI, YOU CAN'T DIE!" Ash screamed his lungs out to no avail.

Sam knelt inside the water.

"Celebi didn't do anything wrong. It was a human being who forced Celebi to destroy the forest. Celebi never even had a choice. And now… it can't have a choice. Now it's too late to choose 'cause Celebi is gonna die!" Sam said sobbing.

Sonic and Tails were also sobbing. Suicune with them.

Knuckles was now lost in time. There was no getting him back.

The treetops suddenly started emitting a blueish glow.

"Again?!" Tails yelled in shock.

"The voice of the forest" Cosmo uttered in disbelief, instinctively grabbing Tails' hand.

"How can this be?" Sonic was taking the sight in "Celebi is dead!"

A golden light appeared as soon as the blueish glow englufed them.

From the light came out countless Celebis, all flying around the group of trainers.

"Tails… pinch me so that I can wake up" Sonic had now seen it all.

"I'm the one who needs the wake-up here. This is totally impossible! Those Celebis have to be, at least some of them, different time versions of the same being. The timelines should normally be ruined and yet…"

The other Celebis all started using heal bell to heal the forest as well as the fallen Celebi.

The combined usage of heal bell, with a small bit of temporal aura from all the other Celebis restored and revived the wilted Celebi that flew amongst its kind in joy.

The group of trainers as well as the beasts were all amazed at the sight. It was a once in a lifetime event.

The other Celebis then created the golden light again and started flying into it, each returning in its own time.

Celebi flew back down to meet Ash and Sam. They knew what was to come now.

"Celebi is going home. And now would be my chance to follow it home" Sam said before crossing eyes with Sonic "if there was a choice to make here".

The hedgehog nodded. That was how it had to be.

Ash surprisingly, was smiling.

"Looks like you're goin' home, Sam".

"Yeah, I guess so".

"Don't worry. It won't matter… 'cause wherever you are, or whenever you are—heh—we'll always be friends".

"Thank you, Ash. You're a great friend. Thank you all for everything. Maybe I'll see you again…someday!"

"I know we will! I'll see you!"

"Good-bye!" Sam waved at the group as Celebi took him into the golden light, which then disappeared in a huge flash.

Everyone covered their eyes. When the flash was gone Sonic looked forward in anticipation and hope.


It was Knuckles' voice.

Sonic and Tails looked up and saw their brother looking at them.

Suicune barked and dashed to get to its trainer.

But the North wind literally ran through Knuckles to everyone's confusion.

"What the?!" Ash stumbled back in shock.

Suicune tried rubbing its head against the echidna only to again walk right through him.

"This isn't Knuckles" Tails surmised.

"Sonic… Tails... my friends, my brothers… if you're hearing this then my plan is taking place in this exact moment".

"Plan?" Sonic and Tails exchanged a worried look.

"During my stay in the past, I discovered a lot. And more specifically about my grandfather".

"They interacted" Tails whispered "and somehow the timeline is still intact".

The projection of Knuckles then continued.

"Growing up, I always believed the worst that can happen to one is if they grew up without parents. But Sabre… no… my grandpa grew up with a father who never loved him… it was he who created the generational trauma of my family".

Sonic and Tails remained silent trying to process the news as well as what Knuckles meant.

"My grandpa didn't deserve to suffer as he did. And I can't return to you. Not before trying to put him on a different path. If… this is the last time we talk… thank you both. For everything. For all the brotherhood, all the fun and hard moments and especially for this grand adventure we had in Johto. Farewell".

Just as the farewell was spoken, Sonic connected the dots in his head.

"No Knuckles no!"

But the projection disappeared. Sonic knelt, unable to handle the realization.

"You ok?" Tails rushed to his side followed by Ash.

Sonic looked at them, first Ash and then Tails.

"He is going to try and change everything".

"What do you mean?" Tails asked him.

"Knuckles said he wants to put his grandfather on a different path. For him to be able to contact us, whatever that way was, he found a Celebi in the past".

Tails now too connected the dots.

"He's going to offer it to his grandfather!"

"Yes. And his grandfather could use its power".

Ash also reached the conclusion.

"And if that were to happen".

Sonic looked at Raichu and Entei.

"All this… will be undone".

The realization hit the rest of the group as soon as they saw Sonic looking at his two pokemon with sadness. Cosmo rushed and hugged Tails, the fear of an imminent separation taking over her entire being.

Just as Knuckles' projection told them, the real one arrived at the present in Green Hills.

To his shock, the home he had grown up in was reduced to rubble. And to his even greater shock, he could see Sabre in the distance, sleeping in a cardboard box.

Knuckles waved his head to remind himself why he was here. Whatever reason his old home was destroyed it didn't matter. It could be fixed.

But it would all be up to Sabre.

He took a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" Celebi asked him telepathically.

"I have to do this. He is my grandpa. I need to try and save him".

With decisive steps, Knuckles walked to the house's ruins.

"When I tell you, you reveal yourself" Knuckles instructed Celebi.

Sabre's body moved at the sound of Knuckles' footsteps.

"Who goes there?" he asked weakly.

Knuckles didn't expect it to be that hard. That was the same person who had made his life miserable until he met his brothers.

"Hello. Grandfather".

Sabre's face twisted in confusion as he was not fully associated with reality in the moment.

"The son of Locke. What are you doing here…? Did you come to finish what you started the day Jenna-lu died?"

Knuckles looked at the poorly dressed, obviously drunk, pathetic old echinda in front of him. He searched inside and despite pain from his past found only the desire to forgive.

"No. I came to end your suffering".

Sabre scowled.

"Then go ahead and do it. You took everything from me anyway. What more have I got to lose? My home? Gone! My family! Gone! Celebi?! Gon…"

Knuckles whistled the moment Sabre spoke the word Celebi.

The mythical pokemon emerged from behind him, causing Sabre to gasp.

"C-Celebi… after all this time… how did you…?"

"How doesn't matter. This is your life's desire isn't it? It's yours. Yours to do with as you please".

Sabre struggled to get up, his old body weak from all the drinking.

"As I wish? I can… go back?"

"Yes. You can go back. Erase your mistakes. Be with my grandmother and mother again. Your life can be just as you envisioned it".

Sabre looked at Celebi with longing. In the pink pokemon's power laid the promise of a reunion with Jenna-lu the love of his life and Lara-le, his little girl.

And of course…

"I love you son" the imaginary voice if Athair rang inside Sabre's head.

But before he completely submerged himself in this daydream, he realized something.

"What's the catch?"

"Catch?" Knuckles slightly tilted his head in question.

"What is your price for using Celebi's power? That I can't change anything before my little girl met your pervert father?!"

Knuckles took another deep breath. He forced himself to remember what he saw in the past.

"There is no catch grandfather. Celebi will do your bidding without any strings attached. You can have the life you always wanted".

Sabre was now perplexed.

"Don't you know what's going to happen if I do what you suggest I do?"

"I'm well aware".

"You will be erased from existence you moron! Don't you realize that?!"

"I do".

Sabre tried to approach Knuckles, stumbling as he did. Knuckles grabbed him to keep him from falling.

"What… what game are you playing son of Locke?"

"No game grandfather. As I said. I just want to end your suffering".

Sabre couldn't wrap his mind around what he was hearing.

"What do you care about my suffering? It is you who caused it".

"No. That was your own father. Athair".

Sabre gasped. Knuckles knew his great grandfather's name but Sabre never allowed it to be spoken in their home.

"I know how Athair treated you grandfather. He made your life miserable and all you ever wanted was his love. Now you can have it. Celebi will grant you that".

Sabre was flirting with insanity.

"Why? Why would you risk your own existence for me?"

"Because. Everyone I met in my path thus far blessed me. My mother gave me life. My father gave me a path to follow, his passion for the ancient past. My grandmother… my second mother, gave me all I would need to survive. And after them… my two brothers, Sonic and Tails. They gave me the love that kept being taken away from me" Knuckles teared up as he spoke of his friends.

"I focused on the past. On the pain you inflicted on me for a very long time. But through everyone's love I learned to let go. And when I found out you were never the cause of my pain… I couldn't let you continue to suffer. For all you did to our family Sabre… you are my grandfather. And I want to forgive you for everything".

For the first time in Knuckles' life, Sabre looked at him in a different light. He no longer saw the son of a perverted older man who eyed children.

He saw his little girl's kindness in Knuckles. Her unending desire to reconnect with him, to be a family again.

In Sabre's mind all of his memories of his daughter and his son-in-law replayed and he realized how much his daughter truly loved him and how much Locke had tried to earn his respect and prove he loved Lara-le.

And then Jenna-lu. He remembered all of the times she supported him and was there for him when he chased Celebi, how she had tried so many times to show him he was loved and the selfless act of taking Knuckles in despite knowing what an effect he had on Sabre.

He saw it all manifest in his grandson, who came back after 2 years, offering to give up his entire existence so Sabre could hear a singular 'I love you' from someone who was supposed to do that no matter what.

Tears run down the old echidna's cheeks as the emotions rampaged inside him.

"What have I done? Oh my beautiful daughter, my love! I ruined everything!" he yelled out as he sobbed, only now truly understanding what he gave up in pursuit of Athair's love.

He felt Knuckles' massive palms wrap around him.

"They never stopped loving you grandfather. Wherever they are, they are happy and they have forgiven you for everything. And they wouldn't want you to continue living like this".

Sabre looked up to Knuckles.

"It's too late for me Knuckles. My life is already ruined. I have nothing left".

"You're wrong. You still have me. And I'm not going anywhere. Not if you make this choice. Because it's never too late to make another choice. Even if that choice buys you only a moment of happiness… it's still worth making. I know that first hand".

Sabre buried himself in Knuckles' embrace, feeling the ghost of his father disappearing from within, his entire being only now filled with newfound love for his grandchild.

After the emotional release, the two echidnas stood up.

"So… what now?"

"Now I have to return to my friends. They're waiting for me in Johto. But have no worries grandfather. We will be back after the upcoming Johto league. And when we do, we will help you rebuild our home".

"You'd do that? Even your friends?"

"They will need some convincing first but I believe they will. They are the best" Knuckles smiled proud of them "in the meantime, come with me".

Following his grandson, the two echidnas walked all the way to Green Hills, reaching Sonic's place.

Knuckles knocked on the door. Jet opened.

"Woah! Knuckles?! You guys are back?!"

"Not exactly. It's a long story but I need to ask a big favor of your parents".

Sonic and Jet's mother came on que.

"Knuckles what a surprise. Is Sonic with you?"

"No Ma'm. I'm here alone and I hate to ask but… this is my grandfather Sabre. His home has been destroyed recently, not sure by what. I hate to ask but… could he stay with you for a while, until me and the others return and help rebuild it?"

"We'll do more than that. Honey!" she yelled towards the inside of the house "didn't you say Cyrus was in town?"

"He is why?" Sonic and Jet's father replied.

"I think we should cash in that favor he owes us".

"Ok. What should he have the company do then?"

"Help rebuild a house. I'll give you address in a bit" she said and turned to invite Sabre in who was at a loss for words.

"Come in Mr Sabre. Have no worries. Your house will be restored in about two weeks".

Sabre graciously thanked Mrs the hedgehog and stepped through the door. Before walking in further he turned to Knuckles.

"You have indeed found two brothers if they are anything like these people".

"I know" Knuckles said with a smile.

The two echidnas then nodded and Sabre followed Sonic and Jet's mother in the house.

Jet turned to Knuckles.

"What'd I miss here?"

Knuckles chuckled.

"A lot. Give me a couple of hours to meet with Sonic and Tails and then give us a call. I have a loooot to tell you all".

Intrigued, Jet nodded and then went back inside the house.

Leaving the city, Knuckles found a quiet place to bring Celebi back out.

"Well guess everything turned out fine".

"It did. Do you have enough temporal aura to take me to my friends?"

"There will be no need for temporal aura for that. You will only be travelling through space since time period doesn't change".

"Then thank you. For everything".

Celebi nodded and opened a time ripple.

The other end of the ripple opened by the lake of life, where everyone was waiting defeated, expecting reality to change and them with it any second.

"Look!" Brock pointed.

"A time ripple!" Tails immediately identified it.

Out of the time ripple walked Knuckles.

"KNUCKLES!" Sonic and Tails both shouted before rushing in to crush his spine with a hug.

"What were you thinking you red idiot?" Sonic asked him, his voice showing concern rather than sarcasm.

"You will understand" Knuckles assured him as he greeted Cosmo and Ash's squad.

Celebi looked on at the reunion through the time ripple with a smile as it closed.

Celebi then proceeded to open another ripple, but this time not to another time period.

Celebi passed through the ripple and found itself in a dimension filled with nothing but darkness.

"Here we are. The temporal dimension".

In front of Celebi stood a massive quadruped pokemon. Celebi bowed its head once the being acknowledged its presence.

"I did as you ordered. Master Dialga".

Dialga, the pokemon god of time, nodded.

"Good. Very good my agent. Now there is just one final mission for you".

"Yes master Dialga".

Dialga used its power to open a portal to an unknown time.

"In lies your final mission".

Celebi bowed to Dialga and flew through the portal finding himself in its shrine at Ilex forest.

The sound of foosteps immediately reached it as it came face to face with Sonic the hedgehog and his Raichu.

Sonic grinned.

"Shiny Celebi. Just as I planned. Raichu you ready?!"

"Rai rai!" Raichu cried out as it charged into battle against their target.

Chapter 89: A lead on nemesis


The Sonic heroes are contacted by Looker and Morrison about an update on the investigation into Giovanni and the shadow gas as well as a chance to help bring him to justice.

Chapter Text

A new day started in Johto. A Johto now free from team rocket once and for all.

The new day found the members of the Sonic heroes once again split in the own individual daily lives. And the days were passing both incredibly fast and incredibly slowly.

The Johto league was only 3 weeks away once again. And with every day that passed the three friends' anticipation grew more and more. Everyone would have an incredibly long time to practice. That was bound to kick the tournament up a notch.

The three heroes of course didn't miss a single opportunity to train together when they got the chance. With the beasts assisting in the training, Sonic and Knuckles' teams were becoming increasingly more powerful, Meganium even becoming tanky enough to take a sacred fire from Entei head-on and still stand afterwards.

Tails had of course questioned if all that training would cause the silver conference to be a repeat of the Kanto tournament all over again but Sonic was sure it was going to be a lot different this time around.

Their journey throughout Johto had led them to meeting so many trainers like Ash, Gary, Harrison, Silver and many more. All of those could be future opponents for them and each had its own unique reason for the three heroes to train extra hard.

Despite all their training however, along with the soft relationships Sonic and Tails were in, with Tails wanting to go serious about his, they also made sure to meet up for fun activities. So far their favorite one was just racing through Johto on the legendary beasts, enjoying the sensation of freedom as well at the wind in their face and afterwards finding a distant corner in the region, preferably with a great view, to just be the three of them and their pokemon.

During one of those moments, Knuckles took the opportunity to finally narrate his adventures in the past to Sonic and Tails, explaining the weird paradox of having caused so much yet not changing a single thing, including how Sonic had seen Celebi in Ilex forest during their first encounter with the iron mask marauder and had led him to saving Knuckles and Tails from the marauder.

"It actually makes a lot of sense" Tails had explained "I never thought that was a possibility with how time works but in essence everything that happened had always happened".

Furthermore, the three heroes were discussing the possibility that Jet and Wave could come to Johto early and just hang out with them until the league. The two homebound friends were ecstatic at the prospect.

That was the life. But like all good things it had to come to an end.

And all started with Sonic receiving a call from Tails while on a date with Jasmine.

"Hey pal".

"Ecutreak. Now. Absolutely can't wait".

"Wha…? What is this about?"

"… Giovanni".

Sonic gasped.

"They found him?" he almost whispered from the shock.

"Kind of. Can't really explain. You need to come NOW!"

Sonic nodded.

"Alright. On my way".

He then turned to his date.

"I'm really sorry but I got to bail. Apparently Looker is calling us to Ecutreak".

"What for?"

"I think… a lead on Giovanni".

"The exiled boss of team rocket?!"


Jasmine of course understood the implications of the situation.

A rematch could be in order.

"Alright. But let me know immediately what has been uncovered. I know things are different but…"

"Don't worry" Sonic gave her a kiss to calm her "I got my friends this time and they got my back. I'll be back before you know it".

And with that, he called out Entei, quickly riding it.

"Ecutreak city Entei. And hurry. The others are waiting for us".

Entei let out a small roar and dashed off towards the capital of Johto.

The ride was filled with silence. Usually Sonic would talk to Entei to further bond with it but this time he couldn't.

The thought of meeting Giovanni again gave him the creeps. That monster had haunted him ever since their first meeting in Celadon.

And then there was something else. The prospect of a rematch with his nemesis presented an opportunity to capture him.

"I can't let him escape if we find him. Not again".

But question was, at what length was the hero of Kanto willing to go to make sure the boss of team rocket wouldn't escape?

Occupied by his thoughts, Sonic didn't realize they had arrived at the Ecutreak police station. Tails and Raikou were waiting outside, a bunch of kids admiring the legend of thunder who allowed them to pet.

"Finally. Come on in. Knuckles is inside with detective Morrison".

"What did you find?" Sonic asked his friends as he got off Entei and recalled it.

"Not me" Tails answered as he recalled Raikou to the kids' disappointment and walked into the station, not giving another explanation.

Sonic followed him in.

As they walked through the corridors, they were greeted by many of the officers working there.

"Most of them feel indebted to us for our actions at the battle of Goldenrod city" Tails quickly whispered with a small grin.

Sonic also grinned for a second. It did feel nice to finally not be pursued.

They arrived at the case room provided to Looker and Morrison when they first set up in Ecutreak to continue their investigation on team Rocket in Johto. Inside was Knuckles having a conversation with detective Morrison.

"Hey guys".

Sonic and Tails greeted him before shaking hands with Morrison.

"How have you kids been?"

"We're doing great detective. And it's all thanks to you" Sonic replied.

"We haven't had a chance yet to properly apologize for what you went through for us to escape. We're so sorry" Tails remembered, feeling a pinch of guilt because they forgot to address it when Morrison was released.

"Don't be. It was the least I could do. You saved Johto. Had it not been for you the terror would have returned".

Sonic however knew what Morrison was willing to sacrifice. Just one sorry wasn't enough. Not in the least.

But before anyone could mention it, Looker walked in, greeting the three heroes while exchanging a nod with Sonic.

"Why did you call us here detective?" Knuckles asked him.

Looker set a folder he was holding on the desk and turned to face them.

"Normally this is breach of protocol. But as we have learned recently, sometimes protocol can and should be breached. And with your recent capture of the iron mask marauder, you helped us immeasurably in our investigation".

"So I was right? Those dark balls were important?" Sonic asked, remembering the amount of restraint he had to apply to himself in the moment.

"Not only important. Vital" Morrison answered for Looker "in fact they were connected to the shadow gas canister used against you".

"Say what?!" all three teenagers shouted at once.

"Precisely" Looker confirmed "and to be even more precise, the dark ball was a tool meant to use the shadow gas effectively and elegantly if I may add".

"A tool?" Tails tilted his head intrigued.

"Yes. But I think that to better understand it, Morrison should go over what he found during the few days you three were off the grid following the supposed carnage at Mahogany town".

"You found something?" Sonic looked at the detective.

"Yes. Apart from my dive into Looker's past, I investigated the origins of the canister. I found out it was created in a factory owned by the Devon corporation, which is based in the Hoenn region. The manager of the factory had no idea of the illegal activities happening, as rocket members had infiltrated the workforce under the pretense of filling in for other coworkers. No one questioned it".

"Did you find out what that gas was?" Sonic tried to get to the point.

"It wasn't easy. To do so, I had to blend in with the rest of the rockets. And they are very, very, VERY distrustful".

"How did you do it so quickly?" Knuckles asked in surprise, understanding how short the time window was between the events of those days.

"Improvised. Thankfully they were in disarray after your raid in Mahogany so they didn't question my story for very long. And therefore I was able to get access to this".

And with those words he unveiled a report from one of the drawers, handing it to Tails who quickly read it and his eyes widened.

"What monsters".

"What does it say?" Knuckles looked over Tails' shoulder.

"It explains how the shadow gas works. Once inhaled by a pokemon, it introduces an enzyme that drastically increases its aggressiveness, to a point of insanity. A big side effect from this is also that as the pokemon succumbs to this rabies form of insanity, its pain receptors are completely cut off from its nervous system".

"Wait you mean they don't feel any pain?!" Knuckles perked up taken aback.

"Exactly. Until the effects of the gas wear off at least".

Sonic's pupils, while his jaw hang open, danced in his eyes as he remembered his fight with rhydon.

"So basically, the rhydon that almost killed me was taking damage normally but didn't feel it?"

"Correct" Looker verified "and for that very reason the more you hit it, the angrier it got and the harder it fought back, creating the illusion of invincibility".

"The gas induced insanity however does increase their power. And that is verified by the testimony of the guy you caught" Morrison revealed more.

"The marauder talked?" Tails looked surprised.

"Yes. He saw that with Giovanni and the rest of team rocket out of the picture his only chance for a reduced sentence was to cooperate. He revealed the dark ball was the mechanism of a pokeball mixed with a gas container that turned the pokemon into what you dubbed as the shadow pokemon as you explained what your Raikou turned into for a while during your fight with him".

Tails nodded. He didn't really want to remember the pain Raikou was obviously in or what it did to Tails in that state.

"So we figured out team rocket created a gas that drives pokemon insane and insanely powerful. And then a ball that essentially functions like the masterball. But how would they do that at their state?" Tails tried to make sense of this discovery.

Sonic was quicker to connect the dots. His facial expression said it all.

"It's because of Giovanni isn't it?"

"Yes. After the recent fall of team rocket at your hands, Morrison led a raid on that factory. We discovered the manager that said he knew nothing was a decoy. The real one…"

"Dead…" Knuckles grimly said.

"Yes. We found out this was Giovanni's contingency plan. He was planning to mass produce the dark ball and pursue something called… project two".

Sonic gasped. And that was more than enough of a reason for Looker to raise his eyebrow in question.

"What have you hidden from the world?"

Sonic knew there was no point in lying but he didn't have to tell them everything.

"The ultimate pokemon. Mewtwo. A bioengineered pokemon created from the genes of a mythical mew, a being of near-omnipotence".

"A being he survived an encounter with" Tails added.

"And where is this Mewtwo now?" Looker inquired.

"I can't say defective. I made a promise. All I can tell you is Mewtwo is no threat to anyone unless threatened. And I know a thing or two about this".

Looker sized the hedgehog up before nodding.

"In any case, it appears Giovanni is obsessed with this thing. We found several old school communication messages urgently demanding the completion of the dark ball".

"Makes sense" Sonic paced around the room, a creep up his spine just by the thought of Giovanni "he is a narcissistic power hungry psychopath. He won't stop going after Mewtwo. But without something as powerful as the masterball or the dark ball he can't have it. And this time his minions can't even be of use to him from afar".

"Does that mean we win this round?" Tails asked the two detectives.

"Yes. But there is still one match to be played in this round. We are close to pinpointing Giovanni's location" Morrison revealed.

"WHAAAT?!" the Sonic heroes shouted at once.

"Yes. That's why we called you three here. We want to ask you to join us in his arrest after we track him down. And if he retaliates with his pokemon" Looker's eyes met Sonic's "I believe it's only fair that the hero of Kanto should be there to settle that score".

A flare of determination ignited in Sonic's eyes.

"I'll be there".

"Me too" Tails added.

"Me three" Knuckles jumped up from his seat.

"Then it's settled. I will talk to the director to get the politics of the protocol breach out of the way. When the time comes I will call you" Looker assured the three trainers.

"We'll be ready" Sonic answered for the entire team.

After the conversation ended, detective Morrison escorted out the three friends.

"Talk about wrapping up loose ends huh?" he commented.

"Tell me about it. I only wish I had not let him escape the first time" Sonic solemnly said.

Seeing the concerned look of his friends he quickly added.

"Though if I had we would have never come to Johto. And we would have never met our friends and our pokemon here".

The three trainers smiled.

"Wise words. I can tell you have worked with yourself a lot" Morrison complimented the hedgehog.

"Had to detective".

"By the way, do you kids have any plans for the afternoon?"

"Not really. Why do you ask though?" Tails asked perplexed.

"That's good news. For me at least. My wife has basically been demanding I invite you three for dinner. She insists it's the least she can do to thank you for everything you've done for the region and for our family".

"Dinner? I… I don't know what to say" Sonic replied more perplexed than Tails. Did Morrison's wife even know her husband almost faced life in prison because of them?

"Just say yes".

Sonic looked at his two friends who seemed positive to the idea.

"Alright detective. We'll take you up on that".

"Great. Follow me then".

"Wait now? Will you wife be ready for the dinner?"

"Well… she kinda texted me to bring you three along before our meeting".

The three friends burst out laughing and Morrison with them. His wife Carrie was not really giving them a choice with this dinner.

"That's legendary" Tails said in between laughter.

The four continued joking while exchanging stories with Morrison until they arrived at his house.

Entering they were greeted with the energetic voice of Morrison's preteen son Nolan, who was accompanied by his ivysaur.

"Daddy! They're here?!"

"Now, now Nolan. It's not polite to say they" Morrison berated him without losing his smile.

"It's alright detective" Sonic said from behind him.

In then walked Carrie, Morrison's pregnant wife. Barely at the second month of course.

As the couple greeted and kissed, Carrie greeted her visitors and thanked them profusely for all their acts of bravery to save her and her family's homeland from team Rocket.

Following the pleasantries, the Morrison family and team Sonic began having dinner. Immediately Nolan began asking the three trainers about their adventures throughout Johto and if it was true they had tamed the legendary beasts. Although Carrie tried to berate her son that it was impolite to be so indiscreet, team Sonic was more than happy to answer.

The dinner was delicious and the Morrison family were very pleasant people to be around. After the meal, Morrison offered to wash the dishes so that Carrie and Nolan could get to know the Sonic heroes better as he had already had plenty of interactions with them.

"So what are your plans for the future?" Carrie asked the three friends.

"Honestly we haven't thought very far ahead Mrs Morrison" Tails replied "we are trying to live in the moment".

"Besides, the Johto league is nearing. Sonic and I are set to compete" Knuckles added.

"You are going to be in the Johto league?!" Nolan exclaimed excitedly while cuddling with Entei, which Sonic had let out of its pokeball at the preteen's request.

Nolan's ivysaur was also interacting with Entei as if they were already great friends, causing the ferocious fire type legendary to realize it actually enjoyed social interactions.

Entei also wondered just how much Raikou would tease it about becoming a little less wild.

"Yes we are. And I am once again aiming to win" Sonic confidently said.

"You'll have to get through me and Suicune first" Knuckles jabbed his friend with the tone of a friendly rival.

"Then be ready for us you Knucklehead" Sonic playfully jabbed him back.

"I am going to embark on my own journey soon too Mr Sonic. I am going to grow strong with ivysaur just like you and become strong enough to battle you one day".

"Train hard and I have no doubt you will give me a good challenge kid" Sonic encouraged Nolan.

The evening went by smoothly and eventually, it was time for team Sonic to leave. Just as they were about to leave, Sonic remembered he still had the keys to Morrison's family's cottage from the time the three teens and the detective had joined forces.

He told Knuckles and Tails to go on ahead and knocked on their door again. The detective opened it.

"I forgot to give you these back. Sorry" Sonic apologized handing him the keys.

"It's ok. Being forgetful is natural" the detective assured him.

"Daddy you coming?" Nolan's voice came from inside.

Morrison chuckled.

"He wants to watch your matches in the Kanto tournament again".

"The Kanto league?" Sonic asked surprised.

"Yes. We were there you see. I recorded the battles with my camera. My son was cheering you on the entire time. The way you battled that day. The power your pokemon displayed and the courage with which you defended your opinion against that kid in the middle of the tournament…"

"His name is Ash. And yeah he can be a bit stubborn".

"As I was saying, the courage you displayed that day, was one of the main reasons I decided to help you. You are a great trainer and a great individual. And you got amazing friends. That didn't seem to me like someone chasing glory or vengeance".

Sonic nodded with a smile.

"I got the best friends detective. And thanks for the compliments".

"Daddy he is about to send out Moltres!"

"Coming Nolan".

Sonic chuckled too.

"You have a great family too detective. You're a lucky man".

"I'm the luckiest man. Anyways I got to go back in".

"And I got to leave. See you tomorrow" Sonic offered a handshake.

Morrison shook it.

"Tomorrow we make the world a better place once again. Together".

The two nodded and split.

The night rolled without any issues as Sonic called Jasmine to tell her all that happened and to push their next date forward to the afternoon so that he would have time to return.

The next day when the three trainers arrived at the police station they found a huge operation in its organization stage.

Making their way slowly and as carefully as they could through the many officers running around performing tasks and getting everything ready for the operation to begin, they found Looker and Morrison giving instructions. They were wearing swat bulletproof uniforms.

"What's happening here?" Sonic and crew approached them.

"Getting ready for anything. Giovanni almost ended you in Viridian. We gotta go prepared" Morrison explained.

"Alright. What do we do?"

"Go to the garages. Morrison and I will accompany you in a jeep" Looker quickly said throwing Sonic the keys.

Team Sonic shrugged after exchanging a glance and headed for the garages.

As they were traversing the corridors and passing by the other officers who were still buzzing with activity, they assumed Looker and Morrison had let everyone in on the fact team Sonic would be joining them in this.

Arriving at the garages, Sonic unlocked the jeep via the keys button in order to find it. The three heroes then stood by the van with Tails flying and sitting on the hood.

"So that's it" he said, his voice reeking anxiety.

"Yeah. It's time".

"Is this what it felt like? Before silph co? This impossible feeling of heading into the Arbok's nest?" Knuckles asked as he watched Sonic pace back and down trying to calm himself.

"The circumstances were a lot different. Mike and I were kicking ass up until going against Giovanni" Sonic explained before taking a deep breath.

"You ok?" Tails asked him concerned.

"This has got to work. I let him escape in Kanto once and team rocket rallied trying to call him back. I can't let him get away again".

"You won't" Knuckles assured him "we're with you this time. He won't be able to take all three of us".

"And certainly not without Mewtwo in his control" Tails reminded his blue friend.

Sonic smiled faintly but was still very anxious.

"Wait I just remembered! His rhydon! It's no longer with him!"

"Of course! It stabbed Raichu in Mahogany" Tails remembered, almost mad at himself for forgetting something so crucial.

"We need to tell detective Morrison ASAP" Knuckles said.

At that moment detective Morrison joined them.

"Are we ready to serve some justice today?"

Sonic was encouraged by his optimism.

"Yes we are".

"Let's do this" Tails hopped off the hood.

"What was it also that you wanted to tell me something?"

"When we're on the road" Sonic cut him off.

A few moments later a huge police caravan raced out of Ecutreak city, or to be more accurate, a small army heading to arrest the real villain in this story.

"So where is he?" Sonic asked as he, Tails and Knuckles wore bulletproof suits of their own, as demanded by Looker.

"Ironically, close to the lake I met you three" Morrison said "there is a small natural uncharted cave there. My homeland never seems to run out of new things to discover I guess".

"A cave? Why would he hide in a cave like a savage?" Tails asked more so rhetorically. Someone with Giovanni's connections wouldn't possibly need to leave in a cave.

"How did you even find that location?" Sonic questioned the detectives.

"During investigation in the factory the shadow gas was being processed at, we discovered numerous phone calls from a strange number. The phone calls were recorded which I can only assume is the case because the decoy manager was suspecting possible betrayal from his boss. In any case we traced the number to one of those phone booths that are set up in the paths trainers usually take to get from one city to the next for the gym challenge. Only thing is, that specific booth was in the middle of nowhere. No civilization around it within at least a five mile radius. So we went from there and discovered the cave's existence but didn't charge in. Not without getting prepared".

"We set up two of our own there to monitor the cave from afar, to see if we could arrest him early. But there has been no activity. He must probably be hiding deeper. Maybe even built some sort of bunker in there, with rations that could last him months" Looked continued.

"And with all his connections he could very well have not even remotely began feeding off of those rations to survive" Tails assumed that Giovanni had sealed himself inside until the fuss of team rocket's attempted takeover ended.

"He could very well have fled though" Knuckles brought up this possibility.

"He is bound to have left something incriminating and/or a lead to himself behind" Morrison said, still optimistic.

Silence filled the inside of the jeep for a few moments.

"So what do we do when we get there? Me and my friends I mean?"

"You lead the charge with us. You have proven beyond doubt you can handle it".

Sonic nodded.

"I believe there was something you were planning to share?" Morrison reminded the heroes.

"Right! The rhydon from Mahogany. The one that… you know".

"What about it?"

"It belongs to Giovanni. Don't ask me how I know I just do".

Looker looked like he was considering it for a moment.

"You got something old friend?" Morrison asked him.

"Sonic might be onto something. We have never really connected any set of fingerprints to Giovanni. But the prints on the pokeball match a set of prints found in silph co that fateful day. And it's neither Sonic's nor Mike's".

Morrison was profoundly dumbfounded.

"How did rhydon end up with team rocket?"

"Giovanni must have accidentally left it behind when I survived my battle with Mewtwo. One of his cronies probably took it with them and took care of it for him".

Looker nodded.

"That gives a whole new aspect to the investigation. But hopefully it will be over soon".

And sure enough soon afterwards they were there; a small opening on the mountainside on north of the valley.

"Alright everyone!" Looker called out to the other officers "you know the drill. Spread out and look for other possible openings the unsub could escape from. Sonic heroes, detective Morrison and I will take the main entrance. Five officers with me. Let's go!"

The cave was dark and cold. Zubats jumped them every five steps but at this point Sonic merely waved them away. Tails then suggested Sonic's hitmontop lead the way as it had intimidate and wouldn't attract too much attention unlike the beasts.

Their path was soon met with something very suspicious; a metal door.

"This must be it" Looker said in anticipation "call in the technical squad to break it open".

A faint sound from behind the door was heard. Like a beep.

"No time. Everyone get back" Sonic said as he got to his knees and began spinning like a ball.

"What the…!" Looker stepped back in shock as Morrison's jaw hung open.

Blue jolts of lightning crackled on Sonic's ball form for a second before he launched bringing down the door with a loud metal thud.

"Alright Giovanni! Show yourself!" Tails and Knuckles heard as they charged into the room following their friend who was holding Raichu and Entei's pokeballs in his hands.

Tails holding Raikou's ball and Knuckles holding Suicune's ball entered the room. Finding noone.

Exchanging a quick glance with Sonic, the latter shouted over his shoulder.


Morrison, Looker and the 5 officers accompanying them cautiously entered.

"He must have anticipated our arrival after we raided his factory" Looker monologued.

"And left in a hurry" Morrison completed the thought.

Sonic looked around, unable to not be impressed. Giovanni had actually managed to survive in there. The place was like a mini home. Everything. Rations for months as predicted, a TV, a radio, everything.

"Alright let's look around" Looker commanded "there's got to be something that will lead us to him in here".

They all began searching the place top to bottom. Morrison took a small study a corner.

As he looked through the drawers he noticed something that sparked his curiosity.

On the desk was what seemed like a small box at first. But upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a laptop.

And a note was on the laptop. The note read 'for Sonic the hedgehog only'.

"Hey Looker there is something here for Sonic" Morrison said without looking away.

Unbeknownst to him a camera was recording his moves, scanning his face.

The scan didn't match with Sonic's face.

Morrison pulled the laptop screen up to open it.

A loud BANG echoed throughout the room and the cave, causing everyone to grab the sides of their head in pain due to the loud noise.

Sonic, his vision blurry, saw red at his feet. But it wasn't his red shoes.

It was blood and entrails.

And then a thud.

"MORRISON!" Looker's scream echoed in his ears.

All three members of team Sonic gasped at the scream.

They all looked at the same time to see Looker standing before the now headless body of detective Jake Morrison.

Looker's face was a mask of horror and shock.

"WE NEED A MEDIC!" he screamed instinctively, even though he knew it deep down.

Time stopped.

"Wha… how did..." Sonic's mind barely made a thought as he looked up to see a shotgun attached to a metal rod protruding from above pointing at where detective Morrison stood only a moments ago.

Tails and Knuckles were equally as shocked.

"He… wanted to… kill you" Tails stuttered only to be proven wrong the next moment.

The laptop screen turned on and a video started playing.

On the screen was the man himself, Giovanni, sitting like a boss, his trusted Persian by his side, and with the same malicious grin that haunted Sonic's nightmares etched upon his face.

"Congratulations. If this video is playing, then you are an illiterate moron who didn't get the most obvious message in history. Hopefully for me, you are a friend of Sonic the hedgehog, preferably one of his two annoying teammates, and even more preferably, the flying fox. Whatever the case is, congratulations once again. You earned yourself a one-way ticket to a headless afterlife. That is all".

"You monster!" Sonic rushed the computer only for the message to end.

In silence once again, team Sonic took the reality in, their entire beings numb, everything seeming distant and like it was happening to someone else.

And as if this wasn't enough, a small beep was heard from the laptop as the camera registered Sonic's presence and played the real message.

"Hello, Sonic the hedgehog. Long time no see".

"Where are you, you bastard?!" Sonic grabbed the sides of the monitor, not realizing it was a recording.

"If you are watching this version of my message, then someone found my hideout with you and met their doom in the process. Once again, you needed someone to die to even get remotely close to me. Oh how history repeats itself".

Sonic, harnessing his bond with Raichu for a moment, cracked the sides of the monitor, causing the image to be slightly distorted.

"Unfortunately all of history repeated lately. Once again, team Rocket fell to you and your friends. Once again, you never seize to impress me, and proved once more why you're the only one worthy of my respect".

Silence filled the room as everyone waited for the message to continue, save for their heavy breathing.

"But as I stated before we parted ways, you're not only worth of my respect. You are worthy of my hatred, my wrath and my rage. You once again destroyed the aspirations of team rocket. And subsequently my aspirations for world domination. And I do not take kindly to such an offense".

Tails and Knuckles were now worried at seeing their friend so ready to burst.

"This time you and your friends prevailed again. But team rocket cannot ever truly fall. For as long as I live, team rocket will always come back. Be it in a week, a month, a year or even in 20 years. Team rocket will return one day. And on that day…" Giovanni grinned, his look promising utter destruction and endless suffering for his nemesis "on that day, you will pay for everything you stole from me. On that day you will watch your home burn and everyone you love with it. On that day, I will rain down every agony, every violation imaginable upon your loved ones and have you watch every single second of it. Savor your life until that day hedgehog… because all that awaits at the end, is my vengeance. See you around".

And with that, the message ended and smoke came out of the laptop as its circuits were fried to cover up Giovanni's tracks.

Sonic went ballistic, grabbing the laptop and smashing it into a tiny million bits before kneeling and burying his face in his palms.

Tails and Knuckles hearts broke as they saw their friend's body shake as he sobbed.

They slowly approached him and after testing the waters hugged him. Knuckles was hit with deja vu.

Sonic and Tails had hugged him when he was suffering. Now he was hugging the suffering Sonic with Tails.

The three trainers didn't really process the hours that followed. About 4 hours passed until the police concluded their investigations. Detective Morrison's body was sent to the coroner and Looker, knowing Sonic still hadn't processed it allowed the three friends to ride along.

He had after all the hardest task now. Informing Carrie.

The next thing Looker knew was him barging into the coroner's lab looking for team Sonic.

"Carrie's in the hospital! Doctors said she may have had a miscarriage!"

Sonic left too fast for them to see even though he wasn't using his sonic speed.

His entire being was consumed by one thought.

"Not the baby too!"

He reached the hospital long before Tails, Knuckles and Looker could follow.

He stopped at the front desk.

"Carrie Morrison?!"

"You a relative?"

"No but please tell me it's important!"

"Sorry I can't…"

But she couldn't even complete the phrase before Sonic just took off.

"Hey stop that kid!"

But Sonic was just faster, even harnessing some of his speed. Before anyone could even lay eyes on him, he had already found the room.

The doctor was just exiting.

"Doctor how is Mrs Morrison?!"

The doctor was surprised, but assuming Sonic was allowed in, he answered.

"Mighty Ho-oh must have had a hand in this. The baby is ok and so it the mother".

Sonic exhaled in relief, dropping to his knees once again.

"You… uh… the father?"

"What? No. Of course not. It's just… can I please go in to see her?"

"Sorry but no. She needs to rest".

"Let him in" Carrie's weak voice reached them.

Against his better judgment, the doctor relented.

Sonic's numbness at this point was the only reason he didn't collapse.

Carrie was on the bed, rubbing her belly, eyes red from the tears. Nolan was by her side, also in tears, but a bit more collected as he was just allowed in to see his mother too and was grateful both she and his unborn sibling were ok.

A few moments went by with noone saying anything.

Carrie opened her mouth a couple of times before managing to ask a question.

"D-d-did he suffer?"

Sonic's voice was sore and cracked.

"No. It all happened so fast. He… he probably didn't even realize…"

Carrie began sobbing again.

"Mrs Morrison I…"

"Don't!" she said, surprisingly steadily "don't apologize. You weren't the one who killed Jake".

"There… there was a recorded message. For me. He tried to see it first… if I had seen it first…"

Tails and Knuckles joined him in that very moment, followed almost immediately by Looker.

"You out of your mind?!" Tails shook his friend "you could upset her!"

"I…" Sonic tried to apologize again but didn't know what to apologize for anymore. It was all too much.

Knuckles in that moment was making sure Carrie and Nolan were ok, as he didn't know Sonic's sudden arrival hadn't bewildered them.

After Carrie assured him she was ok, Knuckles asked Nolan if he was ok. The kid was fighting off his tears.

"I am ok Mr Knuckles. I will be ok".

Knuckles was worried at this response. The kid was blocking his emotions as he once did.

"I have some understanding of what you're experiencing right now Nolan. And I'm sorry you're going through it".

"You lost your dad too?"

"And my mom. And my grandma".

Nolan's pupils widened for a second.

"Then… it's going… to be ok. Mom is ok. So I will be ok. I will get stronger with ivysaur to protect her and make my dad proud"

Knuckles knelt to meet Nolan's eye level.

"Your dad is proud of you kid. I know he is. And I believe you will get stronger with your partner. But… don't force yourself to be ok. It's toxic. You're a sentient being. So… you have the right to not be strong and ok right now".

Nolan buried himself in Knuckles' embrace, allowing himself to heed Knuckles' advice.

Team Sonic spent the rest of the day at the hospital making sure Morrison's family was going to be ok, before Carrie insisting they go. They needn't stay there all day. They were going to be ok.

"We will visit. I promise" Tails promised profusely, allowing Carrie to smile faintly.

But just as they were walking out of the door.

"Wait" Carrie stopped them "could I get a moment with Sonic?"

Despite everyone's perplexity, they all agreed and Nolan escorted Tails and Knuckles outside.

The three waited outside patiently before being joined momentarily by Looker who came to visit before heading to inform the director of the fiasco.

Looker was hoping to speak to Sonic specifically but as he was still in the room with Carrie asked Tails to pass him a message.

"Whatever our history is, if you need any help, you have my number. I will help. As would Morrison".

Tails agreed and Looker left.

Two minutes later Sonic walked out. And the look on his face terrified Tails to his core.

"You ok?"

Sonic didn't reply, walking towards the exit.

Tails and Knuckles followed him and tried to get him to talk but Sonic wouldn't reply.

Leaving the hospital, Sonic went to a secluded location, followed still by his friends and called out Entei, riding it.

"Where are you going?!" Tails asked him urgently.

"… Giovanni left most likely yesterday. That means he may still be somewhere in Johto. I will find him".

"You mean we will find him" Knuckles corrected him".

"No Knuckles. I. I need to do this alone".

"Sonic this isn't your fault. You don't have to go through this alone" Tails tried to reason with him.

"I know. It's that monster's fault. And I will find him. Don't try to follow me. I'll be in touch" Sonic said before patting Entei on the side, taking off for the Johtonian wilderness, leaving his friends behind.

Chapter 90: Special chapter; Heroes-Latias and Latios


The Sonic heroes visit the beautiful city of Alto Mare in the Johtonian sea for Knuckles' birthday, with him and Tails planning to get Sonic to open up to them about his recent secretive behavior.

Chapter Text

Pokemon cries filled the dimly lit clearing in the woods as the poachers continued rounding up their prey.

"Round them all up boys! They're all ours for the taking!"

"Got it boss. You better have a good cut for us this time though".

The poacher laughed.

"With team rocket out of the picture, our services have become sold out. Big cuts are coming for all of us!"

Everyone celebrated at the apparent fortune coming their way.

"More like big cuts in prison food" a voice called out to them.

The poachers were all bewildered.

"Who said that?!" the boss poacher called out.

One of his guys suddenly dropped to the ground, stunned.

"It's t-them! The duo of thunder!"

"Battle stations! We are not losing our payday to…"

His word were cut short as he was stunned by a stun blast.


A scizor came out of nowhere and slashed the lock keeping the captured pokemon in the poachers' cage. They all made a run for it.

The poachers also attempted to run only to be blocked by a growling Raikou.

"Raikou. Discharge".

Raikou fired discharge, zapping all of the poachers as Tails landed next to it.

"Great job pal. Honestly sometimes they just deserve it" he commented as he dialed a number leaving a message.

"Got another gang of poachers detective Looker. Sending you the location".

After informing Looker and tying up the hunters so they wouldn't try to escape, Tails rode Raikou and left the scene, returning to Cosmo's house.

Upon arriving, Tails found the place empty. Cosmo was probably at the flower shop.

Laying on the sofa as Raikou sat down next to him, placing its massive head right next to Tails demanding cuddles, Tails allowed himself to once again process more of his thoughts.

The last week was hellish for all three friends. The death of detective Morrison took a big toll on them. They owed their victory and their freedom to him. He was an invaluable ally and a great man.

And in a single moment he was gone, his life and the lives of his family destroyed by Giovanni in an attempt to bring suffering to Sonic.

Although Tails was deeply scarred by that incident, he was coping well. He had Cosmo for support and going out to distract himself by hunting poachers for the police was a good way to do so.

During one of the many nights he spent at Cosmo's place, the two had a long and serious conversation, the demise of detective Morrison pushing Tails to reveal his hand and tell Cosmo he wanted a serious relationship with her. She reciprocated and even though the future was uncertain as Tails still had a life in Green Hills, the two promised they would find a solution to this and in the meantime they would visit each other as often as they could.

Tails of course checked on his friends regularly or in Sonic's case tried to.

With Knuckles it was easier as the echidna often came by and hung out with Tails and even joined him a couple of times in hunting poachers. Tails in turn also joined Knuckles in exploring ancient ruins.

Knuckles was also deeply scarred by Morrison's death. In his case however, unlike Tails he had grown accustomed to dealing with grief. It was he who suggested to Tails to do something that gave him fulfilment to remain in touch with himself and not get lost in the grief.

Unfortunately they were unsuccessful in trying to convince Sonic to face the grief head-on.

Their friend had been searching for Giovanni throughout Johto for the last week without any success but weirdly with increasing intensity. The more he didn't find Giovanni the more he searched.

Thankfully Sonic didn't act like he did following Jolty's death where he was not talking to anyone. He was talking to them everyday but only for two minutes at best, letting them know he was ok, asking if they were ok and then hanging up to sleep so he could continue the search the next day.

In other words Sonic was still neglecting himself, Jasmine and his family all over again. But this time it wasn't despair or sadness. It was vengeance. And that was a lot worse.

His phone rang while he was processing all of his thoughts. It was Knuckles.

"Hey pal? How did the hunting go?"

"The usual. They tried to run, we stunned them, end of story".

Knuckles nodded as if he was saying 'classic'.

"Did you have any contact with Sonic today?"

"No. Probably gonna talk to him before sleep like every day".

Knuckles sighed.

"This isn't natural. He wouldn't act like this. Something happened" he paused "something Mrs Morrison told him triggered him like this".

Tails considered the possibility and thought it to be the only explanation.

"But what did she tell him?"

"I don't know. What I do know is, we need to find a way to get Sonic to sit down and talk to us" Knuckles said.

"But how? He won't even talk to us by phone let alone actually meeting us someplace".

Knuckles and Tails remained silent for a few moments, looking at their alternatives.

Knuckles' eyes then suddenly widened.

"I got! Do you remember what's tomorrow?"

Tails remembered after a moment.

"Your birthday!"

"Precisely. No way Sonic won't come to meet us for this".

"True. But even so, I don't think he will stick around if we try to talk to him, even if it's your birthday. In his state of mind…"

The two friends went silent again trying to piece together a plan that would hit two pidgeys with one stone.

"I know! There is a place I wanted to visit in Johto but didn't have the chance to!"

"What place?"

"It's called the Alto Mare. It translates to deep sea. And as its name implies, it's a city in the middle of the Johtonian sea!"

"Woah a city in the sea? Like that mythical city, Atlantis?"

"Not exactly. But yeah. A city crawling with canals, easily one of them most visited places in Johto. Aaaand… it's mythology is vast. Like really vast. I wanted to visit that place for ages".

"And since it's in the middle of the sea, Sonic will have no choice but to stick around so we can get to the bottom of his pursuit of Giovanni" Tails concluded "great idea Knuckles".

"So who's going to bring the news to Sonic?"

"I will. I'll pretend that we're organizing the trip as a surprise. He will help, I know it".

"Alright mate. Good luck".

Knuckles signed off, leaving Tails alone as he prepared to call his blue friend.

Raikou could tell Tails was anxious so it licked him to cheer him up.

"Thanks pal" Tails said as he lovingly pet the thunder pokemon that purred as it was pet.

After a few minutes of cuddling, Tails walked outside and called Sonic.

"Make it quick. I got a hunch I'm close".

"Hey Sonic".

"What is it? If it can wait then it should".

"It can't. It's Knuckles' birthday tomorrow remember?"

Silence for a few moments.

"Right" a sigh followed "right. I almost forgot".

"Well thankfully I have an idea for a gift for our friend. He told me recently he wanted to visit Alto Mare, a city in the middle of the Johtonian sea. He says the place has crazy mythology and from what I found looking it up, actual pokemon fossils!"

"Yeah. Sounds cool" the hedgehog replied without any color in his voice.

"So I thought we could book the tickets and surprise him tomorrow. What do you say?"

Silence again as it was obvious Sonic was struggling with the idea.

"A daily trip right?"


"… ok. But could you book them? I got to get back to the search".

Tails closed his eyes in sadness at this response.

"Sure. No problem. See you tomorrow at Olivine. That's where the ship departs from".

Sonic hung up without replying. Tails was heartbroken.

His friend was a lot worse than he feared. This was too much unlike him. That trip had to work.

Later that day as Tails and Cosmo were out on a date watching the stars on the beach of Azalea town, the latter couldn't help but notice Tails was distraught.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"It's Sonic. He's become too distant. He is obsessed with finding Giovanni, I could swear he was tempted to not celebrate Knuckles' birthday with us in favor of pursuing that monster".

Cosmo took his hand.

"That monster put Sonic and you and Knuckles and so many others through untold pain. I'm not saying Sonic is right but… when you try and talk to him, try to first sympathize with him".

Tails was dumbfounded.

"Sympathize? What makes you think I don't sympathize? Morrison died in front of me too! But I'm not out there seeking to find Giovanni!"

Cosmo's look of shock also filled him with shock as well as confusion. Had he actually yelled at her?

"I… Cosmo I…"

"Relax I'm not mad at you. But I want you to answer a question. What is the source of this sudden anger?"

"I don't know".

"You do know. Don't answer straight away. Take a moment to organize your thoughts.

Tails hugged his knees as he needed her advice.

"I just don't understand… what changed? I keep replaying that day over and over in my mind… he wasn't taken over by anger. Sure he smashed that laptop but I would do the same thing if I was in his shoes. I just can't understand what triggered him to take such drastic action".

Cosmo gripped his hand tighter.

"If that's the answer you seek, then you need only ask him. Tell him this is not ok. Maybe he doesn't want your help but if you and Knuckles are really like brothers to him then he should tell you".

Tails was filled with gratitude for her and thanked her with a kiss for her words of wisdom.

"Knuckles has a hunch Mrs Morrison told something to Sonic when she was at the hospital. Something that causes this need for vengeance. But I don't want to blame her after everything".

Cosmo caressed him.

"It will be ok" she kissed him gently "Sonic will come back to you and Knuckles. Just promise you will listen to him as he did for you when we met".

Tails smiled, remembering that day.

"I will".

"Anyway, why don't we go back home now?" she asked with a playful tone.

"Oh you wanna play?" Tails teased her with a small tickle.

"Come catch me and find out" she got up and playfully teased him, before rushing back to her place.

The next morning, a fully rested and confident Tails bid Cosmo goodbye, rode Raikou and headed to Olivine city.

On the way they were joined by Knuckles and Suicune, who were happy to see them.

Sonic and Entei however were still not showing up.

The long journey to Olivine ended and after recalling Raikou and Suicune, the two friends made for the docks to find the ship on which they would sail to Alto Mare on.

Surprisingly, Sonic was already there. While he did greet his friends in what seemed like a friendly tone as well as wishing Knuckles a happy birthday, Tails and Knuckles could tell that both the tone and the smile were forced.

As they boarded and sat by the window, Tails asked Knuckles about what they could see in Alto Mare as well as its history. Surprisingly the echidna had very little to say, explaining that the reason he wanted to go visit the place was because he knew so little about it.

"You see even though it is legally a city belonging to Johto, the history behind it wasn't in my mother's legends. And because its entire existence is based on legends, historians have not covered its origins in great detail. All that is known is that a great battle took place there when it became an ocean town and that the villain of that conflict had 2 fossil pokemon, an aerodactyl and a Kabutops".

"That sounds so cool" Tails admitted "fossil pokemon are an ongoing mystery because their DNA is incomplete and and attempts to reverse engineer them into life have either backfired horribly or created incredibly violent versions. And in the rare instance that the revival process was successful, the revived pokemon were not what scientists expected. The incomplete DNA was the square root of the result".

"I know. Wish we could see what these pokemon really looked like. They existed in the distant past before that meteor crashed on earth and its impact followed by the subsequent volcano eruptions and total change of climate caused their extinction. Something the scientists noticed recently was that both of these species as well as the third confirmed ancient species, Omanyte and its evolution Omastar, were all rock types. Their actual forms shouldn't be rock however, specifically it is theorized that in the ancient past, aerodactyl was a flying and grass type" Knuckles monologued.

"That is an interesting type combination. Don't you think Sonic?"

Sonic wasn't participating in the conversation, staring out the window instead, his stare blank.

"Sonic you here with us?"

"What? Oh yeah right right. Should be interesting".

Tails and Knuckles exchanged a quick glance.

"Yeah Cosmo breaking up with Tails is very interesting".

"Very" Sonic replied before getting jabbed by Knuckles and not very pleasantly either.

"Alright. Spill it. What is going on with you?"

"Nothing" Sonic adamantly denied.

"Did you even hear what I said?"

"Yeah I…"

"He said that Cosmo and I broke up" Tails lied, wanting to speed things up.

"Wait what?! How? When?!" Sonic almost yelled, causing several passengers to look at him annoyed.

"No way and never because we didn't. We said this to prove you're not listening. And now I want you to tell us why".

"I think you already know why" Sonic admitted.

"No we don't and here's why" Knuckles said annoyed, not because Sonic couldn't focus on the present day which should have been about Knuckles but because Knuckles was really worried since he and Tails couldn't determine the missing variable.

"You have never acted this way before, ever. Not when Amy hurt you, not when Shadow bullied you, hell not even when Espeon's brother was killed. And now all of a sudden you have grown obsessed with finding Giovanni when he has been out in exile for months and you didn't care back then. So what changed?"

"What changed? What changed?! You were there! You saw what he did to Morrison! I can't let him hurt anyone else again!"

"It's not your responsibility to find him mate. It's the police's".

"No way. I can't let them find him first".

Tails was unnerved. Sonic sounded like Looker when he was chasing team Sonic throughout Johto.

"And why is that?" Knuckles pressed on.

"That's for me to know only" Sonic shut him down, leaving his two friends fully weirded out. He never acted such a way, keeping secrets.

Before they could continue their interrogation, the boat made port in Alto Mare. Upon going ashore, they were all amazed.

Alto Mare was unlike any city they had ever been to before in Johto. Half the city, or more accurate what would be normally considered as city blocks were surrounded by canals of water, where boats with their owners rowing would transport others from one part of the city to the other. Furthermore there were bridges everywhere as the city still had streets but only for pedestrians.

"Wow. Look around. No cars at all. And most boats don't have motors. This city is drowning in natural energy. It's better than going green, it's going blue!" Tails joked.

Sonic nodded, for the first time in days truly tempted to slow down and relax.

"Let's go get some breaky and stroll around for a while" Knuckles suggested "can't believe I'm saying this but screw history for now. Let's relax".

Tails was in total agreement and Sonic also agreed.

His two friends did notice the shift in tone to a more accepting and willing one but felt something else was in the mix but couldn't quite grasp it.

The three grabbed a bagel and a coffee each and started strolling around town, enjoying the local landmarks and culture, all the while commenting on everything with lots of excitement. Even Sonic found himself getting swayed away by the excitement.

"Hey look at this. There's an event taking place today. It's called the tour de altomare and from what I can is a water chariot race with our pokemon being the steeds".

"You should enter" Knuckles suggested to Sonic.

The hedgehog was hesitant and suggested Tails should.

"Nah. It requires water pokemon. My only water type is Lapras and could be an illegal entry".

"Illegal entry? Why?" Knuckles inquired.

"Its whole thing is transportation. It could have an unfair advantage over the others".

"Nah no way" Knuckles countered "but even if it's the case what have you got to lose if you go and ask?"

Tails thought about it and smiled.

"Nothing. Alright let's go. Are you sure you guys don't want to join?"

"Don't think I can mate. Suicune is definitely going to be considered an illegal entry. It can literally run on water".

"Huh fair point. Sonic what about you? You have Quagsire, it's definitely not an illegal entry".

"I don't know Tails. It's just not my thing".

"Don't tell me you're still afraid of water" Knuckles teased him.

"Hey I used to be. Not anymore ok? Oh the heck with it. Let's do it".

The three headed for the start of the race where the registration was. Sonic's Quagsire and Tails' Lapras were quickly accepted and even though Tails convinced Knuckles to try and enter Suicune, it was unfortunately denied entry for obvious reasons.

Sonic and Tails then had their Pokemon hitched to their water chariots and stepped on them, being warned to keep their balance as the race had a lot of sharp turns.

Tails was excited and couldn't wait to be allowed to head to the start line.

Sonic on the other hand, while making sure Quagsire was hitched properly to the chariot and asked it if it was feeling ok, was being consumed by regrets.

"This feels wrong. I should be back at the mainland searching for that monster. What if he hurts someone else?" he whispered.

"Did you say something?" Tails asked.

"No" Sonic quickly denied it as he rode the chariot "ready?"

"Ready to kick your butt" Tails joked.

Sonic cracked a smile which added to his guilt.

The two headed to the start line. That was when Sonic crossed eyes with the competitor on his left.


"Sonic?! What a surprise".

"What are you guys doing in Alto Mare?" Misty asked them equally as surprised as her head popped up from behind Ash.

"Knuckles wanted to visit the place and it's his birthday today so we thought we'd surprise him with a trip here" Tails explained.

"How thoughtful" Misty complimented the gesture.

"So you guys are competing too huh? Ready to lose?" Ash taunted them in a friendly manner.

Sonic took a look at the Pokemon Ash and Misty had entered. Totodile and a pink pokemon Sonic didn't recognize respectively.

Pikachu, which was on Ash's shoulder looked to the crowd on the bridge and found Raichu looking at the competitors alongside Knuckles.

It called out to Raichu, teasing it that soon it would see its trainer lose. Raichu stuck its tongue out to tease it back.

A trio of natus alongside their evolution, xatu landed next to the competitors.

"Alright trainers" the announcer spoke "when you hear the xatu, it's your que to go!"

Sonic didn't know which was xatu but correctly assumed it was the big one on the base of the totem the 4 pokemon formed.


"Let's go!" Ash exclaimed as Totodile took off with the crowd cheering.

Sonic and Tails also had Quagsire and Lapras begin pulling while holding onto the grapple that was provided.

The race was quite rejuvenating for Sonic who found himself experiencing freedom from the darkness of the last week. The smile on everyone's faces, the cheers from the spectators, even Ash's rivalry jabs.

It filled Sonic with extreme joy and equally as extreme guilt.

"I'm breaking my promise" he thought as he and Quagsire overtook Ash and Totodile leaving him in second place behind Misty and her Corsola.

"You're not" a voice spoke in his ear.

"What the…" he thought weirded out. That was not the same feeling he had when experiencing Raichu's thoughts.

And then he saw it for a moment; a blue pokemon with red eyes and a red triangle crest on its body staring down at him from a nearby rooftop.

Sonic didn't pay attention to the upcoming turn.

Quagsire and he crashed into a small pavement dock, with Sonic being ejected off and crashing into the wall, scaring a couple that was nearby away.

"Sonic you ok?!" Tails called out as Lapras and he stopped to check on their friend.

"I'm fine" Sonic groaned "go. I'll catch up!"

"You sure?!"

"Yeah! Go get them!"

Tails nodded.

"Let's go Lapras!"

Lapras cried out and chased after the rest of the racers.

Sonic was about to also get back on the chariot until he remembered why he crashed.

He looked up again and saw it at the same spot not having moved an inch.

"Quagsire you seeing this?"

Quagsire looked at the pokemon and was also captivated.

Trainer and pokemon had now completely forgotten about the race.

The pokemon staring at them then flew away, with Sonic noticing it resembled an airplane.


"You think we should chase it?"

"Quag!" the water and ground type nodded.

Sonic nodded back and recalled it, leaving the chariot behind, as they proceeded to begin climbing up a pipe.

As the race was nearing its finale, Brock and Knuckles had met on the bridge overlooking the canal where the finish line was with the echidna informing the Pewter city gym leader of everything that transpired while trying his hardest not to ruin the mood.

"I'm really sorry to hear that" Brock explained "how are Tails and Sonic taking it?"

"Tails is mostly ok. Certainly sad but he has me and his girlfriend to confide in. It's Sonic I'm worried about. He had grown distant. And I don't know why".

Brock rubbed his chin as Misty's togepi observed the canal waiting for the racers.

"Maybe I could try talking to him about it. Perhaps there is something he would easier talk about to a stranger than a familiar face".

Knuckles was perplexed.

"I literally talked to him about my family's history. Am I supposed to take this as he doesn't trust me?"

"No. Definitely not. Which is exactly why I suggest you let me have a go at it. I don't know Sonic very well but I know for certain having watched how he fought to get you back from the past that he values you and Tails a lot. Which consequently indicates something much more serious could be at play as to why he distanced himself".

Knuckles was about to respond before they heard the racers approaching.

"They're coming!"

The racers took the last turn and in the lead were Misty and Tails neck to neck.

"Go Corsola!"

"Come on Lapras just a little more!"

Knuckles and Brock cheered them on as they crossed the finish line together making it impossible to determine a winner.

Ash soon followed, ending in 6th place having taken a wrong turn somewhere inexplicably.

Knuckles and Brock rushed to meet their friends who got out of the water.

"Wow. That was a rush! Probably one of the funniest activities I've been a part of" Tails said still in adrenaline.

"Your Lapras is impressive. Where did you even get such a rare and magnificent water pokemon?" Misty asked him.

"Johto safari zone. You gave me quite the challenge to catch didn't you?" Tails rubbed Lapras' neck.

Ash also got out of the water.

"That was awesome! Wish it went better though. The most bizzare thing happened. Something pulled me, Pikachu and Totodile away from the track. But I saw nothing".

"Huh. Bizzare. Did you and Sonic notice anything?" Brock asked Tails.

It was only in that moment Tails noticed Sonic wasn't with them.

"Oh no! Where's Sonic?"

"What happened?" Knuckles questioned him.

"He crashed about halfway into the race. He said he would catch up but he never even finished the race".

"This is worrisome. Do you anything happened to him?"

A sudden gust of wind blew over the canal. Tails was barely quick enough to notice something blue moving over the rooftops at insane speed.

And soon enough Sonic was spotted in pursuit, using his sonic speed to keep up.

"You guys saw it?"

"Yeah. What is he doing?" Ash inquired.

"And what was that thing?" Knuckles added his own question.

"Give me a sec. I'll go get him" Tails before taking off.

On the rooftops, Sonic was using all of his speed, agility and his spinning ball move which he had nicknamed spindash.

He hopped onto another rooftop and used a speed burst to launch himself away, managing to finally catch up to the blue pokemon, getting in its way and causing it to come to a halt.

As the hedgehog and the pokemon crossed eyes, Sonic tried not to make any sudden movements as he observed the pokemon.

"What… are you?" he inquired tilting his head.

"The pokemon let out a cry before going invisible.

"What the...!" Sonic stumbled back, falling off the roof and into the canal with a huge splash.

Tails found him by hearing the splash, arriving just as his friend resurfaced.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Get me out please".

Tails gave it his all which was hard as Sonic was waterlogged and that made him extremely heavy. With a lot of effort, he lifted Sonic to the nearby bridge.

"What happened to you after you crashed? We were all worried sick because you never finished the race".

"I saw something… I think it was a pokemon. Quagsire and I were compelled to chase it so I recalled it and used my speed to pursue it across the rooftops. I dropped the race to follow it".

"We saw it for an instant, the others and I. Where did it go? Did it outrun you?"

"No. I caught up to it and stopped it in its tracks but it disappeared. Not with teleport though. It camouflaged itself".

"Woah. You mean like that species Harrison had? Kecleon?"

"Yes, exactly like that but without any drawbacks. Completely invisible".

Tails was very intrigued.

"Let's get back to the others for the award ceremony. Then we can look into that pokemon more".

"Good idea".

The two friends headed off to return to the start line, with Sonic running and Tails flying.

"By the way, who won?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know. Misty and I had a photo finish for first place".

"You won?!"

"Don't know. Let's get back to the others and we'll find out".

As soon as they arrived back applause erupted from the spectators as Misty was expecting Tails holding a medal in her hand while also wearing a medal herself.

"Congratulations co-victor".

"We ended in a draw?!" Tails was taken aback pleasantly.

"You sure did!" Knuckles gave Tails a friendly back bump with his huge fist causing the fox to stumble while chuckling.

The awards ceremony was glorious and as Misty and Tails stood on the podium to greet the crowd, each wearing a medal, Sonic smiled proud of his friend, forcing a guilty look back.

Afterwards the two groups were approached by Ross, the former champion of the event, who congratulated them as well on their victory, stating that even though he always expected to be defeated someday, two victors was something he could have never anticipated.

He then invited the groups on a tour of the town on his gondola while explaining the town's history which would have Knuckles geeking if he was the type especially after Ross revealed he would let them off at the museum.

The ride was very relaxing and enjoyable. Ross was a very chill dude and was amazed at Tails' flying ability, asking the fox why he didn't use it during the race. Tails, who was flying by the gondola as to not overload it and cause it to sink due to the already big amount of passengers, said he didn't think of it and even if he did it wouldn't be fair.

Ash and Pikachu were taking it all in, until they actually realized Sonic wasn't his usual cheerful self. He was serious and not talking and weirdest lf all, Raichu was not out of its pokeball.

Soon enough, the gondola sailed into a more open area of the town where two pillars stood as gondolas and boats sailed around them.

On top were two statues, one on each pillar.

"Hey those look similar to the markings on the medals" Tails pointed out as he held his medal side by side with the statues in his field of view.

"Oh, yeah. Those are the two pokemon known as the Guardians of Alto Mare. That's Latios on the left, and Latias on the right".

"I've never heard of them before" Knuckles said, hoping to learn about the history of Alto Mare.

"They are said to be legendary pokemon" Ross said.

Tails searched online and found two audio pokedex entries for Latias and Latios.

"I got something" he said as he pressed play.

Latias' dex entry played first. A picture was also shown on his phone revealing a red pokemon similar to the one Sonic chased with blue triangle under its throat.

"Latias, the Eon Pokémon, a Dragon and Psychic type. Latias ruffles its feathers and cries loudly when there is hostility toward it. Its glass-like, downy feathers can enfold its body and refract light, which allows it to become invisible or alter its appearance like its counterpart Latios".

On the mention of the invisibility ability Sonic and Tails exchanged a glance before Tails played Latios' dex entry.

"Latios, the Eon Pokémon, a Dragon and Psychic type. Latios can fly faster than a jet by tucking in its arms. Its glass-like, downy feathers can enfold its body and refract light, which allows it to become invisible or alter its appearance like its counterpart Latias".

As Tails showed everyone Latios' photo, Sonic's look confirmed their suspicion.

Sonic had seen and chased Latios around town.

"Pretty sweet huh? Legend has it that they watch over our town and protect us in case of danger".

"Are they just statues, or do they really exist?" Brock inquired.

"Some say they do" Ross shrugged.

"They do exist" Sonic suddenly said causing everyone to look at him.

"How do you know?" Ross asked him.

"Because I saw Latios. During the race. It was staring at me, took me attention and caused me to crash. I then chased it across town before knowing what it was".

Ross connected the dots.

"Wait so that blue blur was Latios?! And you could keep up with it?! That's not possible. The pokemon entry said it flies as fast as a jet".

Ash was more accepting of the idea.

"And Sonic is probably faster than a jet".

Ross couldn't wrap his mind around what he was hearing.

"I even got a look up close and personal" Sonic continued "before it disappeared by camouflaging itself".

Ash pet Pikachu on the head.

"Lucky you. I sure would like to see it or Latias for myself, wouldn't you buddy?"

"Pika pika!"

Ross however was skeptical.

"Who are you?" he asked Sonic.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I always assumed the reason noone saw Latias and Latios around is because there was never any danger. Then you come to town and suddenly Latios appears?"

"They're ok" Ash spoke up inferring for all of team Sonic "they're the Sonic heroes".

Ross gasped.

"Wait! As in the trainers who took down team rocket at Goldenrod city assisted by the legendary beasts Entei Raikou and Suicune?!"

"Guilty as charged" Tails joked.

"Wow. Ok then. Sorry for the tone. I guess Latios appeared for the same reason the beasts returned. You three must be that reason".

Tails looked at Sonic who didn't say anything.

As Ross directed the gondola towards the museum, in a nearby plaza a small robotic scanner was scanning the people passing through or just socializing.

"Uh this is taking forever. If these Latios and Latias are supposed to be guarding the town, how come we haven't seen them yet?"

"Patience Annie. It's not that simple. The book says they can take on a completely different shape, even human beings if they want to".

"I thought we were here to get some good payday, not play that imposter video game in real life".

"Well it's not like we have a choice anymore do we? And it's that foolish Archer's fault. Having us stationed at the hideout instead of doing something useful to stop team Sonic".

"We shouldn't have left in the first place. Maybe we could have repelled them when they came knocking".

"At that point they were too powerful. Sonic the hedgehog even survived a lethal injury" Oakley said annoyed "if only Archer had taken action when he had the chance. We would have easily trampled them when they started their quest. The hedgehog had even left his Kanto pokemon behind".

"Hey that's in the past now. Let's find those two guardian pokemon catch them and go collect some good payday. What say you girl?"

Oakley didn't seem satisfied but before she could reply her computer beeped.

"Finally we got something. Turns out the theory that they have lower body temperatures than humans is accurate. Bingo. Well, that's one of them. Let's go pay our new friend a visit, shall we?"

The two ignited the boat's engine and took off to pursue their target, followed by Jessie James and Meowth who had been stalking Ash as usual and identified them.

While that was taking place, the two trainer groups decided to get off Ross' gondola next to an ice cream shop.

The 6 trainers got an ice cream cone each and sat by the canal to enjoy it while Knuckles narrated his adventure in the past to Ash's group.

All the while once again Sonic remained silent, having barely touched his ice cream which had begun melting.

Ash took notice of this.

"What's with him today? He seems so… distant" he thought.

Pikachu was even more perplexed that Raichu still hadn't come out of its ball.

Sonic got up.

"Sonic?" Tails looked at him.

"I'm going for a little walk. Be right back".

And with those words he walked away.

Tails looked down saddened.

"What are we going to do with him? He's not been the same since…"

"Since what?" Misty asked him.

Tails didn't want to be the bearer of bad news by any means but Knuckles nodded at him.

"It's a long story but remember how there were two detectives that pursued us originally? One eventually turned into an ally and was vital to our victory over team rocket. But he… recently…"

"His life was taken by a trap set by Giovanni. A trap meant for either me or Tails" Knuckles spoke bluntly.

"What?!" Ash and Misty shouted at once.

"Yes. That… that… I can't even find a word for him. He set a trap meant to take me or Tails out because he wanted Sonic to suffer. And from what I've seen him act like recently, he got what he wanted".

"That's horrible. We got to do something to cheer him up" Ash perked up.

"We've tried everything. But he's not talking to us. He hasn't even visited Jasmine in a week" Tails explained.

Brock prepared to get up.

"Let me go talk to him. Maybe he'll open up to me, like I suggested".

Tails was confused as to why Sonic would open up to Brock but Knuckles again nodded, passing the silent message that they had talked about it.

Suddenly Pikachu's ears perked up.

"You ok buddy?"

Pikschu let out a cry and took off.

"Pikachu where are you going?!" Ash chased after his partner.

Nearby, Sonic stood on the bridge overlooking the canal and all the people having a good time.

His face was blank but inside he was hurting. Greatly.

"What am I doing here?! Why am I having fun?! I'm breaking my promise to her" he thought in despair.

Pikachu's cries brought him back to reality.

"Huh?" he watched Ash run past him confused "what's happening?"

"Don't know!" Ash shouted without looking back.

Sonic sighed and raced after him at normal speed.

Pikachu led Ash to a couple of teenage girls having trapped another girl in the webs of an Ariados' string shot.

"Why did you run away? We just wanted to tell you something about the shirt you're wearing".

"Yeah. It's last year's color".

"Hey!" Ash called out to them as Pikachu got in a battle stance "what do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh nothing much. We're just trying to prevent a major fashion disaster".

"Well this is no way to do it".

"Oh? Would you like to give her some tips instead?"

"Yes, please do. I could use the laughter".

I've got a tip for you! Leave her alone!"

"Kachu!" Pikachu growled as lightning crackled on its cheeks.

"Oh, I didn't know she had a bodyguard! You're not going to hurt us, are you?"

"Whatever would we do if he attacked us, Annie?"

Annie was about to order Espeon to attack when Sonic arrived at the scene.

"Everything alright here?"

Both Annie and Oakley's eyes widened when they realized who it was. Before either Ash or Sonic could react, they had fled on the boat.

"Huh" Sonic tilted his head perplexed as he approached Ash "that was… random".

"Why did they flee like that? By your presence alone too?"

Sonic's face darkened momentarily.

"Beats me. Only people I've seen acting remotely close to this is team Rocket".

Ash then remembered the girl that was being assaulted by the other two.

Turning to her, he found her to be…

"Gone" he said in disbelief.

"Who's gone?"

"The girl that was here. You know, the one…"

"I know. How bizzare. How did she even get free of those binds?"

The two were left pondering the questions until their 4 friends arrived.

"You guys ok?" Misty asked.

"Yeah" Sonic confirmed "some bullies were teasing a girl but they're gone now".

After a brief retelling of the event, the two teams decided to do something relaxing, which Tails managed to convince them to be a visit to the city's museum for Knuckles' sake. The others agreed as it was Knuckles' birthday, though Tails and Brock were hoping Brock could get Sonic alone to ask him about the recent events.

As the group headed to the museum, Annie and Oakley spied on them, very shaken.

"What in tarnation are the Sonic heroes doing here?!" Annie asked terrified.

"I don't think they're onto us" Oakley said a lot calmer than her partner in crime "otherwise we probably wouldn't have been able to flee".

"What do we do now?"

"Plan just got a lot more complicated. But on the bright side, with the right adjustments to the plan we could make those heroes" she spoke the word sarcastically "perish like they ought to have when everyone thought they did".

"What's on your mind?"

"The DMA".

"The defense mechanism of Alto Mare?"

"Yes. With a weapon of such power, even the mighty Sonic the hedgehog and his Raichu will fall. And it's only the beginning. But for that we will need perfect timing. We will need to capture Latias, Latios and the soul dew in one fell swoop. And that certainly won't be easy".

"What if we just went after something easier?"

"Did you forget what the Sonic heroes took from us? From all of team rocket? Are you going to run away when we have a chance to make them pay?"

"I don't know if risking our freedom is worth it".

"Let's weight the options then. A life of power through the DMA, the Sonic heroes gone in the process. Or a life of running away and living hand to mouth with powerful pokemon we catch. Which do you pick?"

The answer was easy. Annie was already annoyed they had to work for themselves instead of being provided for by team Rocket.

"Alright but we will plan everything meticulously. Down to the last detail".

"Of course. Let's get planning".

The two friend groups arrived at the museum and Knuckles couldn't get enough of the exhibits.

Especially when he got to the fossils he nearly screeched.

"Wow. Is this really the fossil of a Pokémon?"

"You might say that" a voice belonging to an old, bald and bearded man replied "but it's also a reminder of our past. These fossils are of the Pokémon that once terrorized Alto Mare".

"Just like the story from this morning" Knuckles said to Tails and Sonic.

"Oh so you know. One was an Aerodactyl and the other was a…"

"Kabutops" Misty and Knuckles said at once.

"That's right. Belonging to a vile and evil pokemon wielder. But these are not the most vital piece of history of Alto Mare. Come have a look over here".

The man the led them in front of a huge and very complicated-looking machine, with a small orb containing a seat.

"This is called the DMA. The Defense Mechanism of Alto Mare".

"Defense mechanism? What was it built to fight against?" Tails inquired.

"So far nothing. More so a failsafe in an hour of need for the city. Thankfully we have never had to use it as we have our guardians".

"Latios and Latias" Sonic said.

"Exactly. And they're the reason the evil trainer's reign of fear came to an end. They brought light and hope back to the city".

A stained window shed some light on the group, especially Brock.

"I have seen the light! I will definitely meet a girl in this town!"

"Just don't hold your breath" Misty joked.

Tails was taken aback at the randomness of that statement from Brock. But then again, Sonic had mentioned such occurrences in his Kanto journey.

"As I was saying, long ago, the Aerodactyl and Kabutops were taught by that vile trainer to attack people. So everyone lived in fear until Latios and Latias came and brought water to the town, drowning the evil Pokémon and turning our streets into canals. That's when the town was named Alto Mare, which means High Sea. That's also when they built the DMA. They wanted to make sure that no one would ever disrupt their peace again. Fortunately as I said, they never had to use it".

Ash looked at Sonic as this was taking place, still wondering what was going on with his rival until he noticed a familiar face right behind Sonic's head.

"Wait a sec. It's her!" he shouted instinctively putting his hand on one of the DMA's pillars.

"Hey don't touch that!" Lorenzo berated him.

"Sonic it's her!" Ash called out to him.

"Huh?" Sonic was confused until he looked at what Ash was looking.

It was indeed the girl that disappeared in front of them earlier.

A moment later she turned to leave.

Ash was quick to follow.

"Thanks a lot for the tour, mister. It was really interesting. See you guys later!"

And he dashed away.

"What's with him?" Tails tilted his head in confusion.

"Where's he going?" Misty also questioned.

"I don't know. You got anything?" Brock asked Sonic.

"Well the girl from earlier was here. You know the one who disappeared?"

He felt a gaze on him. Looking to the window he saw a blue head.

"Latios! On our nine!" he shouted and rushed out.

Outside he saw it; Latios was once again on a rooftop looking down. Once he had exited the museum, Latios flew away.

"Hey wait up!" Sonic called out to it, rushing to that same building and hopping on top of a few boxes to climb up.

"Where is your friend going? Does he really think he can keep up with Latios?" the old man asked the trainers.

"He sure can. I just wonder why he pursues it" Tails explained.

Sonic quickly caught up to Latios as it flew away only so far as for the two of them to not be seen by anyone else.

"What do you want with me?"

Latios flew towards Sonic at an insane speed. The hedgehog was barely quick enough to dodge. Instinctively he took out Tyranitar's pokeball.

"You want to fight?"

Latios stopped and merely stared into his eyes.

On the ground Ash and Pikachu caught up to the girl they saw.

"Hey! Why'd you disappear like that before?" he called out to her from one side of a canal as she was on the other side.

"I don't know you!" the girl replied sounding slightly bewildered before leaving.

"Hey wait up!" Ash gave chase with Pikachu by his side.

Sonic and Latios hadn't moved an inch. Latios considered repeating the gesture of flying towards him before deciding to just be direct and telepathically saying one word to Sonic who gasped, putting the pokeball away.

"Woah. I see. You're not looking for a fight, are you?"

Silence for a few seconds.

"You're looking for a race".

Latios blinked to confirm his suspicion.

"Alright then" Sonic said getting on his knees and into a runner's posture "let's race".

Latios flew to his side and the two looked onward as the rooftops were aligning for the most part.

Blue lightning bolts crackled on his body as his pupils turned blue.

"Gotta go fast" he whispered.

Latios let out a small cry as if it was replying.

A sonic boom later the race was on.

The cold breeze hit Sonic's face as the buildings around him were an unrecognizable blur and all he could see clearly was right in front of him.

The screaming of the wind next to his ear as well as looking sideways for a singular moment had him in shock. Latios was keeping up easily.

"More like I should be shocked I can keep up" he thought as they continued to race with Latios taking the lead.

Ash and Pikachu in the meantime had once again lost the girl.

"What was wrong with her? She acted like she never seen me before".


"You see something Pikachu?"

Sure enough there she was again.

"Oh, there you are! Hey, what's the big idea?"

She giggled and motioned for them to follow her before running away.

"Slow down, will you?! Who even are you?"

The chase led them to a dead end before the girl winked at him and ran into the wall disappearing.

"Hey!" Ash followed her in, not even a tiny bit surprised at the invisible passageway.

The two run through the passageway before finding themselves in a beautiful garden with various pokemon species from Kanto and Johto present.

"Woah. Look at this place. It's beautiful".

His eyes eventually found the girl again, playfully swinging in a swing.

"Hey. You got some explaining to do. Who are you? What is this place? What is going on with you?"

"Hey what are you doing here?!" the girl's voice spoke but from behind him causing him to turn back in horror.

There she stood. And yet she was right next to him on the swing.

As Pikachu looked back and forth so quick it got dizzy, Ash grabbed the sides of his head.

"Pikachu zap me and wake me up please. This has to be a weird dream"

"Pika… chuuuuu!"

The thunderbolt did shake Ash pretty good but when he opened his eyes he was still in the garden.

The girl that had actually spoken walked up to him while her lookalike kept swinging.

"What are you doing here? How did you find this place?"

"You led me here. I mean… this you, not you you".

He then noticed that the girl he was speaking to, wore a white hat, causing her to stand out from her lookalike.

"Your brother doesn't like you doing that Latias".

Latias hopped off the swing when it got to its peak and transformed.

"Woaaah! Latias! You're real!"

"Bianca. Everything ok?"

It was the old man from the museum. With Misty, Brock, Tails and Knuckles in tow.

"Who are these people grandpa?"

Tails then saw Latias.

"Omg! Latias! That really it?!"

"Is this Latios and Latias' home?" Misty inquired.

"Looks like it" Brock assumed.

"Grandpa why did you bring them here? Latias bringing this boy here is bad enough. No one's supposed to know about them!"

Ash decided to act like Sonic and get some answers.

"Everybody chill!" he shouted before taking a deep breath.

"Let me start from the beginning. You're Bianca right? Hi I'm Ash Ketchum from pallet town. This is my partner Pikachu. Those are my friends Misty and Brock and these are Tails and Knuckles, friends of my rival Sonic".

Bianca was far from comfortable at this sudden development but decided to be gentle.

"Hi Ash. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Latias tends to turn into me a lot since she's my best friend. And for her to lead you here she must have taken quite a liking to you. This is my grandfather Lorenzo".

Ash almost chuckled at this big misunderstanding. Bianca then looked to the group again with a hint of confusion.

"How bizzare. You introduced five individuals and there are only four here".

Only then did everyone remember Sonic was somewhere else.

"Where's Sonic?" Tails managed to ponder before the sound of the wind screaming was heard from far away.

Sonic and Latios had by this point raced all across Alto Mare, with Sonic having to pull some crazy tricks to keep up, including but not limited to jumping from roof to roof, taking an aerodynamic style by putting his hands backwards and leaning forward and even running on water on one occasion which was extremely hard as it required to move fast enough for his weight not to be applied to the surface long enough for him to sink in.

All the while Latios was in the lead, looking back at him with the hint of a smile, as if it was asking him if he liked this.

Sonic after a point had started actually enjoying the sensation and even let out a woohoo when he was able to crank up the speed even more.

And then the two entered at what seemed the final stretch.

And then the whispering began in Sonic's ear.

"I will show you a world of pain. You will watch your home burn. I will rain down every violation imaginable upon your loved ones".

Without even realizing it, his pupils had shrunk to a point and his emotions were taking oher, causing him to overtake Latios, to the eon pokemon's surprise.

Sonic was not paying attention anymore. All he saw in front of him was Giovanni mocking him.

And that caused him to trip and eject into the air because of his speed, causing a small scale sonic boom.

The same sonic boom everyone in Latios and Latias' garden heard.

The next moment they all saw the blue blur that was Sonic appear in the sky over them before falling straight down into the garden, crashing hard and shaking the ground, all the while screaming.

When the dust settled everyone watched a rather funny scene; Sonic's limbs were stretched backwards because of the insane speed for a moment as if he was a living missile before falling to the ground as he struggled to get out.

"What… is… that?" Bianca managed to ask as Lorenzo couldn't even speak.

Latios flew into the garden to the amazement of everyone else and floated next to Sonic who was still struggling to get out. Incoherent mumbles could also be heard.

"That would be my rival Sonic" Ash said, fighting the urge to laugh.

"Sonic are you ok? Anything broken?" Tails asked as he got to his friend's side with Knuckles.

Sonic did a thumbs up for a moment before continuing trying to get his head out.

"That was some entrance" Brock commented.

"Nice of you to drop in" Ash teased him.

More incoherent mumbles of obvious frustration as well as hand gestures.

"Come on Knuckles help me out".

More mumbles made them reconsider as Sonic harnessed his bond with Raichu and finally pulled his head out.

"Ouch. That fall really hurt".

"How did you do that?" Lorenzo asked Sonic "fall from the sky like that?"

Sonic shook his head to remember.

"I… I was racing Latios. I tripped and the speed carried me into the air".

"You were racing Latios?! So your friend was telling the truth? You can go faster than a jet?" Lorenzo said in disbelief.

"Sure did. I even outrun it for a moment".

"Twice. You caught up to it the first time right?" Tails reminded him.

Latios extended its small fanged hand to Sonic resembling a 'good run' gesture.

"Well would you look at that. Latios has taken a liking to you the same way Latias has taken a liking to your friend".

Sonic looked at Ash and Latias which was cuddling with Pikachu.

His eyes then returned to Latios.

"Good race" he said eventually mustering a smile.

"You know maybe you should race again. I would really like to see this with my own eyes if Latios would allow that" Lorenzo suggested.

"But Latios trusts you doesn't it? Why wouldn't it let you watch?"

On que Latios cried out to Sonic as if it was saying pay attention and flew upwards getting far over the city.

Latias' eyes then began glowing and the environment around them changed.

They were now far above Alto Mare, as if they were floating hundreds of feet in the air.

"What the hell!" Tails shouted flying instinctively.

"Calm down" Lorenzo chuckled "it's Latios' sight sharing ability".

"Sight sharing?" Misty questioned.

"Latias can show us what Latios sees. As of we are watching through Latios' own eyes. Latias doesn't have this ability yet".

"That's so cool!" Ash said excited "Lorenzo is right! You should race again after you get some rest. Something like this would be too awesome!"

The two groups eventually settled into the garden with Lorenzo and Bianca to spend the day with the two Eon pokemon as they had taken a great liking to them, especially Ash and Sonic.

Soon enough both Ash and Sonic's squads called out their own pokemon to socialize. What resulted was a one in a lifetime meeting between the thought to be gone legendary beasts Entei, Raikou and Suicune, and the two Eon Pokemon, Latios and Latias.

Raichu however retreated back to its ball on its own, but not without giving Sonic a dirty look first, leaving the latter very disheartened. Bianca took notice of this.

Later on, the six trainers began sharing stories with Lorenzo and Bianca about their adventures and travels throughout Johto and Kanto. Ash's stories were more lighthearted and fun-filled while Sonic's were more grounded and dark. Despite that the two were able to get a greater understanding of each other, especially Ash who came to begin grasping Sonic's statements in the Kanto league about evolution.

On his end Sonic also understood just how many things he had possibly missed in his Kanto journey as Ash had more fun throughout his journey while he was keeping eyes on the prize.

The afternoon rolled by incredibly fast, to the point that Sonic didn't realize time had gone by so quickly.

And when he did, the guilt returned.

He got up quietly, careful not to attract attention and harnessing his bond with Raichu, he jumped up to the top of the building.

Latios watched him go. It then approached Entei.

"What is with your trainer?"

Entei became grumpy.

"He's not been what I thought him to be lately. He's become lost. Unyielding. Borderline emotionless when it was just the two of us. He even kept his partner Raichu in its pokeball because it kept suggesting calling off the search".

What followed was Entei giving Latios a short version of the latest events and how Sonic was obsessively pursuing his nemesis, leaving everyone of his friends and loved ones out of the loop.

When Entei mentioned the trigger was the death of one of their allies, Latios' mouth opened slightly.

That was why it was compelled to approach Sonic.

They were sharing this feeling. Or at least Latios knew that feeling.

Tails was planning to go talk to Sonic before Latios used psychic on him to make him forget what he wanted to do.

As for Sonic, he was observing the sunset, though also looking north towards the Johtonian mainland's direction.

He sat down, allowing his feet to dangle over the canal which was a long way down from the roof, and just allowed his emotions to take over. But it wasn't rage.

Sadness, guilt, regrets made their way into his heart.

"Every second he is out there I'm breaking my promise to her" he thought in despair.

He felt a presence near him.

"Tails I'm not in the mood for…" he began saying before meeting the red eyes of Latios.

"Oh. Hi".

Latios stared at him not moving at all making any sound.

"So uuuh… nice place you live in".

Still no reaction.

"Are you challenging me to a staring contest or something?" Sonic asked confused.

"That's not why it came to you".

It was Bianca. Latias had carried her up there.

As the other Eon pokemon and the girl joined Latios and Sonic, the hedgehog looked at her in question.

"Why then?"

"You tell me" she said as she sat down next to him "Latios was never really fond of anyone apart from me, grandpa and its sister".

Sonic looked back at Latios.

"You can communicate telepathically, right?"

"Not to humans, at least not without the proper connection. I am closer with Latias so I can understand her sometimes, like literally as if she could speak to me, but never Latios".

"When it challenged me to a race, it did telepathically speak the word race to me" Sonic revealed.

Bianca was surprised.

"Then somehow you two have an emotional connection. Something like that, in the absence of a bond could only be created through empathy. In other words Latios and you share an emotion or set of emotions unique to just the two of you".

"Hmph. If I had a dime for every time a legendary and I have seen things eye to eye, I'd have three dimes".

Bianca nodded.

"I know. Your legend has made it here you know. Just because people didn't recognize you doesn't mean they don't know what you have accomplished. Taming Moltres and Entei? No easy feat".

Sonic didn't reply to that.

"Look. I know you're probably not going to tell me anything. But this is not why I'm here. I'm responsible, and so is my grandfather, to help Latias and Latios be happy. So I don't want you emotionally compromising Latios".

"What reason could they possibly have to not be happy? They have you, your grandfather, all these pokemon in the garden and everyone in town loves them".

Bianca sighed in sadness.

"The death of their father".


Bianca then walked over to the opening of the roof overlooking the garden.

"Come here".

Sonic approached followed by the two Eon pokemon.

"You see that?" she pointed at a small round jewel at the bottom of a swallow pool.

"What's that?" Sonic asked her.

"The soul dew. It's a gem of untold power. When held by Latias or Latios it enhances them in combat. Makes them stronger".

Sonic was amazed.

"How come you're not holding onto it to keep the city safe?" he asked Latios.

The Eon pokemon closed its eyes, its psychic abilities emitting its sadness.

"Wha… Latios what's wrong?"

"It is sad. Because that jewel used to be its father, also a Latios".

"Say what?!"

Bianca nodded.

"When Latias and Latios species die, the souls turn into a soul dew. The soul dew can either be blue or red, based on which soul it contains. As you can see it's blue".

"Yeah. I see it. How did… how did that Latios…?"

"Defending the town from the evil trainer with the fossil pokemon from the museum. It is said to have even created the canals in the town. Such was its power".

Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"If I had a dime for every time I was shocked, confused, hurt or in any way emotionally compromised ever since beginning my journey my family would be rich" he thought.

"And you're sad because of his passing?" he asked Latios.

The blue Eon pokemon nodded.

"Not just sad. Latias has told me a bit about it as they have existed here long before me or my grandfather ever came to be. After his passing, Latios isolated himself from Latias, choosing to go it alone, taking everything upon itself, wanting to grow stronger so it wouldn't go through that pain ever again. All it achieved was neglecting its sister. Sound familiar?"

Sonic looked away, partially in shame.

"I… I understand that pain. But… it's not the same. It's not the pain that has driven me away from my friends or from the girl I'm going out with".

Latios looked at him sternly, its eyes in a shape that showed it was angry at Sonic.

Latias got between Latios and Sonic while telepathically explaining to Bianca.

"Latios is angry at you because you're lying. It wasn't the promise that pushed you away from your loved ones. You did that".

Sonic gasped.

"How did you…?"

"Latios is a psychic type remember? And it wants you to see what it saw before it's too late. Latios neglected his sister for far too long" Bianca said before riding Latias to go back down to the group.

"Don't make Latios' mistake. Don't neglect your brothers" she said before flying down.

Latios too took its leave disappearing. And Sonic was left alone.

"Alone" he thought in his head.

Yes. He was alone. And Latios was right. This was his doing.

He had pushed everyone away. All for that promise. The promise he made to Carrie Morrison in that hospital room.

He got to his knees.

"Gotta go fast" he thought as he sped away, needing to clear his mind.

Bianca then joined the group again.

"Did he talk to you?" Tails asked her urgently.

"Not exactly. Latios read his thoughts and passed me some of them".

"What did it tell you about Sonic?" Knuckles asked as well.

Latios looked at Bianca in a disapproving way.

"I can't say".

"Why not?!" Tails objected.

"I think I understand" Ash suddenly spoke. He looked at Latios and Latias.

"You want him to come clean himself don't you?"

Latios nodded.

"He hasn't come clean for a week. How will that change by itself?" Knuckles pointed out.

"Because Latios showed Sonic how alone he truly is right now. He will come talk to you soon. For that I am certain" Lorenzo explained having known Latios' story and understanding what his granddaughter was referring to.

Tails looked at the sky in hope despite the sadness. He wanted his friend to come back very much. To see him sink in such darkness up close just hurt him.

He then noticed the sky had darkened as night had fallen.

"Oh damn. We missed the last boat of the day. Sonic will be furious".

"If he is then Latios' efforts were for nothing. But I am hopeful he will see reason" Lorenzo optimistically said before yawning.

"Well it's time we let Latias and Latios rest. They are not keen on people sleeping close to them, even if it's Bianca or me".

Tails and Knuckles looked at each other in question. They had no place to go. Their plan was to be here for only a day.

Brock read through the predicament.

"The hotel we stay at has a few vacant rooms. You can come there. The receptionist is so cute too!" he monologued before getting slapped in the back of the head by Misty, causing everyone to laugh.

After the laugh Tails agreed, texting Sonic as to where they would be.

As for the hedgehog, he had reached the edge of the town, where the boat that would normally take them back to the mainland was docked.

Temptation crawled all over him to steal it and go back.

He shoved it back down, remembering Latios' words.

"I'm not going to make your mistake Latios. No more" he said though noone heard.

As he sped off to find Tails and Knuckles only one thought filled his mind. And it wasn't vengeance.

"Time to make things right".

Unbeknownst to him, Latios observed him from afar, alongside Entei, which had remained behind for a while while Raikou and Suicune took their trainers as well as Ash's squad to the hotel.

"What can you feel?" Entei asked Latios.

"I think the time is right. Go to him".

Entei nodded and dashed off as well, racing across the rooftops.

Both and it and Sonic arrived at the same time.

Sonic had completely forgotten about Entei. His heart was consumed by guilt as apart from feeding his pokemon, only Entei was outside of its ball constantly. And was only treated as a steed to get Sonic from one place to another.

Taking a deep breath, Sonic took a few cautious steps towards Entei.

"Hey big guy".

Entei remained stoic.

"I know you probably want to burn me down right now for the way I treated you and everyone else in the last week. And I wouldn't blame you if you did. I made a promise that went fundamentally against who I was. I let it change me for the worst and you, Raichu, our friends… Jaz" he said after a small pause, wondering if he broken her heart beyond forgiveness "you all paid the price for it. I'm so, so sorry about that. I want to make things right. I know I have no right to ask but… could you find it in that blazing heart of yours to give me a chance to fix this?"

All the while he had been taking slow cautious steps, slowly approaching Entei. Now he was standing right in front of it, giving himself no hope of dodging a sacred fire.

"What do you say? Entei?" he reached out to brush its fur.

Right before making contact with the fur, he closed his eyes, fully expecting to be burned to a crisp or even crunched down. But no such thing happened.

Entei instead shoved its face against Sonic's, actually purring like Raikou, although its purr was a lot deeper, like a volcano erupting on low sound.

Sonic felt indescribable joy and hugged Entei.

"I won't let you down" he whispered as they broke the hug and he recalled it, before jumping down and making his way to the room Tails had texted him to come.

He knocked on the door.

Tails opened it.

He didn't say a word.

Knuckles was on his bed already, reading a book about the history of Alto Mare.

Sonic took a deep breath, determined not to let things become awkward.

"I'm sorry" he said.

Tails and Knuckles' expressions didn't change.

"I'm sorry for everything. For all this week of nonsense you and so many others went through because of me. It was wrong. And it's all my fault".

Tails studied his friend's expression and tone before speaking.

"It is your doing yes. But we're not mad at you Sonic. We're worried and it's a lot worse. This isn't you. It never was and it's killing us to not be able to tell what happened to you".

Sonic took another deep breath.

"I made a promise I shouldn't have. But in the moment I made it felt right even though it was not".

"What did you promise Sonic?" Knuckles asked him to get to the point "was it to Mrs Morrison?"


"You were right" Tails said remembering Knuckles suggesting that could the case.

"What did you promise?!" Knuckles insisted.

Sonic went down memory lane as he explained.


"Looker told me before I came here that there is strong indication the monster who took Jake away from me and Nolan fled his hideout not too long ago. Is it true?"

"That's what the evidence shows" Sonic confirmed.

Carrie took a deep breath.

"Promise me. Promise me right now you will find him".

Sonic, his hand on the bedpost subconsciously, nodded.

"I will find him".

Carrie grabbed his hand, causing him to almost jump up.

"Promise me you will find him. And that he will not get a trial".

Sonic gasped silently.

"You… you mean…"

"The legal system will treat him like a human. But he is not human. He is a monster. A demon. Evil incarnate. He doesn't deserve to be tried, to go to jail. Promise me. Promise me right now he will not get that chance. Promise me he will pay for what he did to Jake".

Sonic was on the verge of objecting but his own emotions took over.

He remembered everyone who was hurt by Giovanni's actions directly or indirectly.



Mr Fuji.



Sparkle the ampharos.



Captain Kai Stevens.

Dr Leeds.

Thousands of innocent Pokemon, Mewtwo included.

And now the Morrison family.

Carrie Morrison was right.

"I promise" Sonic replied as his eyes glowed with intent "I will be the last thing he will ever see".


Silence filled the room of the hotel. No one was speaking. The only sound that could be heard was the flow of the water.

Tails had slumped down on a sofa and Knuckles was looking at the ceiling, each trying to cope with the revelation.

"She had you promise to kill Giovanni?" Tails asked, more so because he needed to hear it again.


"And you were going to do it?"

"I wasn't thinking clearly at that point. But… she makes a valid point. Giovanni is a monster. If he is tried he could be sent to jail. There is no guarantee he will stay there until the end of his life. And plus… why should he be fed and have a roof over his head and… and…" Sonic also slumped down, unable to runt on.

"Why should he be allowed to live? After everything he's done?"

More silence for a few minutes.

"I agree with you Sonic" Knuckles suddenly said.

Both Tails and Sonic looked at him in shock without making any sound.

"I do believe the same as you. But… the promise was still wrong".

"Are you really going to get all noble now?!" Sonic said angry "taking the high road and everything?!"

"No. Because that's not what I'm saying".

"Then what are you saying?" Tails said just as confused as Sonic.

"He does deserve to die yes. But why should you be the one do it?" Knuckles asked back.

Sonic wasn't expecting this question.

"Because… it has to be me ok? I made that promise".

"And yet here you are apologizing for it. Seeing with your own eyes what it has brought you. Loneliness and misery. How long has it been since you were able to smile for no reason? How long has it been since you woke up and the world was a shining beautiful place?!"

"You're saying I should ignore this?! Go back on my word?!"

"Yes. But not because you ignore it. But because you're no murderer. You're not like Giovanni. You could never kill anyone. Even with the rockets we hurt, we never crossed that line. They deserved to hurt yes. But even you wouldn't go this far. Look at you. The mere thought of carrying out the act has split your spirit to the bone. You're unbalanced and miserable. Is that what you want your life to be?!"

Sonic breathed heavily trying to calm down. The dilemma was at its peak.

Tails put his hand on his shoulder.

"Sonic. Nothing forces you to fulfill this promise. You are free to choose, to live your own life. I am just as upset at detective Morrison's death as you are. But his wife asking you to kill Giovanni in return is just not right".

The tension was now slowly lifting.

"Come back to us man. We want our brother back. And your pokemon want their trainer back".

Sonic actually teared up. That must have been what Knuckles felt the night he told them about his family.

His lips began saying something but it was cut short as several weird mechanical sounds came from outside.

Rushing to the balcony, the three friends found themselves cut off from the rest of the city as weirdly shaped bars covered the balcony trapping them inside.

"What the heck?!" Tails staggered.

Knuckles grabbed two of the bars and used all of his strength as he grunted but was unable to free them.

"What kind of sick joke is this? Who would lock us in like that?"

Sonic however looked around as he suspected it was a lot more.

"This isn't just for us. Look" he pointed outside "all of the streets have been blocked off in a similar way. And something tells me this is citywide".

"Sonic! Guys!"

It was Ash. Riding one of the chariots from earlier, only this time it was pulled by Latias.

"What's happening? Why is Latias here?"

"The two creep women who attacked Latias when she was looking like Bianca kidnapped Latios! They also took the soul dew!"

Knuckles gasped.

"Please don't tell me they're at the museum!"

"They are. How did you…?"

"They're insane! They plan to activate the DMA! It requires Latios or Latias or both as well as the soul dew to use!"

"That's why the city's blocked?" Tails hit his finger against the bars.

"Yes. I'm heading there now".

"Alright. Step aside!" Sonic ordered his friends, liveliness returning to his voice as he started preparing a spin dash.

He launched himself against the bars. They didn't falter or even get dented.

"Damn. No result. And to think I worked on these abilities the whole week".

Latias cried out as she felt her brother's pain.

"We don't have time! I'll go ahead! You guys catch up as soon as you can".

"Wait!" Sonic said, calling out Entei and Raichu outside of the bars.

The electric mouse pokemon was surprised at its surroundings as well the fact it had actually been called out.

"Raichu I know there is a lot you and I need to talk about but right now we need your help. Latios is in danger. I need you and Entei to join Ash in saving her. I promise we will catch up soon".

Tails and Knuckles motioned to send out Raikou and Suicune but Sonic stopped them. They would need them to join Ash in time. With his newfound powers, Sonic had no need to ride Entei anymore to get somewhere fast.

As Ash and the pokemon left for the museum, Pikachu got the chance to hop onto Entei, asking its rival if it felt ready for such an encounter.

Raichu assured Pikachu it wanted to pummel something but that was a talk for another time.

Back at the hotel the team was trying everything. They had tried throwing items at the bars, more spin dashes and even calling out hitmontop. Nothing seemed to dent them.

"Dammit! We need to get out of here!" Knuckles punched the bars hard.

Sonic also landed another spin dash at the exact location Knuckles punched the bars. Tails noticed a small dent at that place.

"Of course! What are we doing?!"

"What?" Sonic asked him.

"We're trying to get out on our own".

Sonic realized what his friend was getting at.

"You're right. We should be working together. We're a team".

"We're the Sonic heroes" Tails grinned as he said it.

"Let's get out there and do some heroing then!" Knuckles eagerly suggested.

Sonic nodded.

"Knuckles when I rebound, give me a boost!"

And with those words he started creating another spin dash, this time blue lightning crackling around him.

He launched himself at the bars and rebounded. Straight towards Knuckles who also grinned.

"It's time for Knuckles sandwich!" he stated as he punched Sonic in his ball form, sending him back against the bars with such strength that not only the bars but part of the balcony ripped off the building.

Sonic landed in the water and was helped out by Tails again.

"Alright! Time to get to the museum!"

Distant cries reached their ears. Pokemon cries. Cries they didn't recognize.

And then pain travelled through Sonic's body due to his connection with Raichu. Grabbing his sides he looked at Tails and Knuckles.


The two called out Raikou and Suicune and Tails helped Sonic up the rooftops.

With Knuckles and the two legendary pokemob joining them, they noticed something flying a bit further away.

"What is that?" Sonic pointed at the flying creature.

Knuckles looked through his binoculars, identifying the shape.

"Oh no".


"It's an Aerodactyl".

"A what?!" both Tails and Sonic exclaimed at once "but they're extinct!" Tails reminded him.

"DMA must have somehow revived them! We need to catch up! Let's go!" Sonic sped off.

"I'll never get used to this" Tails commented as Raikou roared and sped off alongside Knuckles and Suicune, following Sonic.

They were quick to catch up. The moment they arrived Aerodactyl noticed them.

When it turned to them, the three heroes were creeped out. Its eyes had no pupils.

"What the hell?!" Tails said as he instinctively fired a couple of stun rounds on Aerodactyl, only to discover it was unfazed.

Sonic, being movie lover, identified the symptoms.

"It's a zombie!"

As they dodged an attack from Aerodactyl, Tails tried to get some clarification.

"Zombie as in undead and therefore immortal?!"

At that moment, Raichu, Pikachu and Entei appeared and blasted Aerodactyl with their attacks, sending it plummeting into the canal. Moments later it was back on the hunt, weirdly going for Ash and Latias.

And as if that wasn't enough Kaputops was also attacking from inside the water.

"Sonic what do we do?" Tails turned to him, hoping to see their team's leader be his old self again.

"Tails, Knuckles distract the zombies. If possible destroy them. Ash and I will go to the museum to crash the party" Sonic said before whistling.

Entei came to his side as Sonic hopped on.

"Good luck team! Let's do some heroing!"

Ash grinned, seeing his rival be his old self once again.

With Ash and Sonic well on the way, Tails and Knuckles took the attention of Kabutops and Aerodactyl, baiting them with a thunderbolt on the former and a hydro pump on the latter.

The attacks were super effective but didn't even faze the zombies who just continued their onslaught.

Tails then noticed something bizarre; the zombies once again ignored them and chased down Ash and Sonic.

"They have eyes on the sky. Knuckles! We need to stall the zombies!"

"Aren't we already doing that?"

"No. We're trying to destroy them. But they're being controlled by the DMA to target Ash and Sonic. We need to give them time to get there and stop all of this".

Knuckles gritted his teeth. They had to be the shield here. And the shield was meant to take hits.

"Alright! Let's go!"

Ash and Latias had trouble dodging the attacks from Aerodactyl as it fired rock throw upon rock throw upon rock throw. One rock even almost caused him to fall off the chariot.

Sonic wasn't doing any better either. Kabutops was four times resistant to Entei's attacks, and since Raichu was a physical attacker, it had limited chances fight back.

Kaputops cried out and fired a water pulse.


Suicune got in the way and tanked the attack.

"Go! We'll hold them off!"

Sonic nodded, patting Entei to rush forward.

A similar predicament occurred as Tails and Raikou blocked a rock throw from Aerodactyl. Unlike Suicune however which was resistant to water pulse, Raikou wasn't resistant to rock throw, roaring in pain and anger.

"Stay strong Raikou! We have to stay strong!"

Raikou barked back as it fired thunderbolt at Aerodactyl. The flying type plummeted down into the canal.

"Those heroes just don't know when to quit!" Oakley said in frustration as she once again forcefully revived the Aerodactyl.

"You got to stop this!" Lorenzo pleaded as he and Bianca laid there trapped, having tried to intervene only to be captured "you keep this up, the DMA will go critical and there will be no turning back!"

Oakley responded by using the DMA to manipulate water currents around the city, causing Latias and Ash's progress to halt.

The move also took a toll on Latios which cried out in pain.

"Stop please! Latios is hurting!" Bianca also pleaded.

"Oh shut up both of you! I don't care whether your pathetic town dries or if Latios perishes! With this thing I can rule the world! And I daresay Latias will make a good enough replacement as fuel for it!"

Latias heard this all as Latios telepathically shared the thoughts with her.

Determined she flew right next to Ash who was taken aback at Latias' invitation to ride it.

"Hop on!" Sonic called out to him "we're running out of time!"

Ash nodded in determination and rode Latias which followed Entei as they were now nearing the museum.

The front door was of course sealed shut. But Sonic was done playing.

Getting on his knees and speeding forward, he turned into a ball and allowed the momentum to enhance his homing attack, bringing the door down.

Annie, Oakley, Lorenzo and Bianca all witnessed them enter.

"Oakley the hedgehog is here!"

"All the better! Time for some revenge!" Oakley said from inside the sphere cockpit as she used the DMA to manipulate nearby water into an attack on Entei.

The volcano pokemon didn't see it coming and got blasted, getting severely weakened.

"Sonic!" Ash called out to his rival, before witnessing Entei downed, Sonic and Raichu having violently fallen off.

Sonic had never seen Entei so vulnerable. It almost terrified him.

"So weak. Honestly how did Archer even lose to this beast?" Oakley gloated.

By the time she realized what she said it was too late.

Sonic slowly turned his eyes on the cockpit. His rage was palpable.

"What… did you say?"

Annie stumbled back and rushed to hide. Oakley had just doomed them.

"You are team rocket aren't you?" Sonic calmly guessed.

"Were! Because of you! Now it's payback time!"

Sonic recalled Entei without taking his eyes off the cockpit which shook Oakley.

"Mr Lorenzo" he spoke still not averting his gaze "I hope your city can live without the DMA".

"Do what you have to do just stop them!" he encouraged Sonic.

Sonic smirked.

"Ash, Pikachu, Latias! Save Latios! Raichu and I will handle them!"

"Handle this, hedgehog!" Oakley screamed before using another water attack.

"Dodge!" Sonic thought as he and Raichu both got out of the way with time to spare.

"Raichu! We need to break down this machine! Use your moves to do this any way you see fit ok partner?"

"Rai Rai!" Raichu replied as it immediately used quick attack against one of the support beams, slightly denting it.

"Oh no you don't! Ariados! String shot!"

Ariados ensnared Raichu in its string shot.

"Not gonna cut it!" Sonic confidently said as Raichu used its tail to slash the string shot off.

"What?! How?!"

"You are team rocket! You should know there is a reason your boss is gone! Raichu thunder punch!"

Raichu attacked Ariados, initiating a fight. Annie joined in with her Espeon.

Raichu cried out to Sonic to do his part as it fought back against Espeon and Ariados.

Sonic smirked and used his homing attack to slam into the cockpit shaking Oakley.

"Know when you're beat rodent!"

Another water attack came, this time on Sonic who was slammed into the wall.

"We got to help him!" Lorenzo tried to intervene as he and Bianca had been freed by Ash, Pikachu and Latias.

"No" Ash held him back with Bianca's help "he told us to free Latios. Maybe without it the machine will stop".

Lorenzo relented when it saw Latias reaching out for Latios only to be kept apart by the sphere forcefield keeping Latios trapped in place. The three rushed to the Eon pokemons' side, unnoticed by Oakley who was too busy trying to keep Sonic down.

Suicune fired another aurora beam at Aerodactyl but the ancient pokemon zombie just wouldn't slow down or stay down. And Suicune was getting exhausted.

Same case was for Tails and Raikou.

"This isn't working anymore Tails! We can't hold them any longer!"

"Dammit think! What would Sonic do?" the fox thought.

He shook his head to keep calm. He reminded himself that he was his own hero. The hero Cosmo had seen off to battle not too long ago.

A crazy idea then crossed his mind as he remembered a strategy they had used against the iron mask marauder's scizor.

"That's it! Knuckles! Help me get them both in the water at once!"

Knuckles could tell where this was going. He only hoped it would be enough.

"Hydro pump! Aim for the Aerodactyl!"

"Raikou thunderbolt on Kabutops!"

The two attacks landed, once again sending the two pokemon into the canal.

Oakley watched this and was ready to revive then once again, but Tails was one step ahead.


Raikou's roar echoed throughout the entire city and beyond as it summoned the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning, sending it crashing down on the fossil pokemon. The two pokemon were fried for a few seconds before exploding, ending their threat once and for all.

"Woah" Knuckles was amazed not only by Raikou's power but by Tails overall.

"Impressed?" Tails joked with a hint of gloating.

"You are no longer the wall flower who left Green Hills to join Sonic here. I'll give you that foxboy".

"Hehe. Alright, fun's over. Let's go help Sonic" Tails said before Raikou and Suicune made for the museum.

"What?!" Oakley screamed in anger, just as the cockpit was slammed again by Sonic's homing attack.

"Stinks not to have an awesome team like mine doesn't it?!" he teased her before preparing another attack.

Oakley had enough.

Predicting where Sonic's homing attack would land, she used the DMA, to create a thick shield of water, halting and canceling out the homing attack.

"Time for some sweet vengeance" she declared as she then manipulated the water shield to close around Sonic, trapping him in a sphere of water.

Sonic's eyes widened when he realized the predicament. He tried to swim out but the sphere mirrored his movements, so of he tried to swim forward, the water would move backwards keeping him centered and trapped.

"Mmmph!" he tried to call out to Ash but he couldn't hear him.

Raichu witnessed this and cried out to Pikachu.

"Pika pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu poked Ash on the shoulder, showing him .

"Hey! Let him go!" the young trainer tried to jump towards the cockpit which had now lowered in front of the sphere of water and opened so Oakley could meet Sonic's eyes.

Oakley rolled her eyes with a grin and blasted Ash with water, knocking him back against the forcefield keeping Latios trapped.

"Oakley…" Annie stuttered "he's drowning".

"Of course dummy what did you expect?"

Raichu got a good punch on Espeon, knocking it out.

"Focus on your battle! The hedgehog is all mine!"

"But Oakley…"

"I will not have my power taken from me by this meddlesome hero! And certainly no one will deny me the glory of ending the hero of Kanto and world domination!" Oakley screamed drunk with power.

"You ok?" Bianca got to Ash's side.

"We need to save Latios! Otherwise…"

Bubbles of air escaped Sonic's mouth.

Tails and Knuckles alongside their beasts barged in.

"Sonic!" they both yelled at once.

"Oh no you don't!" Oakley tried to attack them with water before Suicune countered with hydro pump.

"Tails help them! I'll distract her!"

Tails and Raikou rushed to Ash's side.

"We have to stop this machine! Suicune is hurt, it won't be able to hold her off for long".

Latias tried to reach out to Latios again only for the forcefield to repel it again. Tails realized they were using their bonds as siblings to do it.

"Raikou do you have enough energy for this?"

Raikou growled positively.

"Ash, when the forcefield weakens, pull Latios out!"

Before Ash replied, lightning crackled on Raikou's mane.

"Make sure you don't hit them".



Raikou unleashed discharge on the machine just as Oakley was about to strike the downed Suicune with water.

Electricity coursed through the DMA, causing a short circuit and canceling out the attack.

"No!" Oakley screeched.

"Now!" Ash shouted and with help from Latias and Bianca pulled the hurt Latios outside, causing the machine to shut off.

The water holding Sonic trapped fell to the ground and the hedgehog dropped to his knees coughing.

"Sonic you ok?"

He looked up, cracking a smile.

"Never been better" he said before charging another homing attack for a second before striking the DMA's cockpit at the connection point, severing the cockpit from the rest of the DMA.

Raichu beat Ariados at that same moment as Sonic landed next to it.

"Great job partner".

"Rai!" Raichu jumped and high fived its trainer.

The cockpit opened forcefully and a livid Oakley came out.

"You will not deny me my power hero of Kanto!" she declared before attempting to grab a darkened soul dew from its resting place next to the cockpit.

The once beautiful jewel shattered and disintegrated in her hands, whilst sending a power surge on her, knocking her into the chair of the cockpit.

"No! My precious!" Annie reached for the soul dew.

Everyone was perplexed at this development, except Lorenzo who was terrified.

"Oh no".

"You ok mr Lorenzo?" Tails asked him, thinking he was hurt or something.

"Oakley you ok?" Annie hoped into the cockpit.

"What happened?"

"You broke my precious jewel because of your thirst for power that's what happened" she berated her partner before the two were jumped by Knuckles, who slammed the cockpit shut by rolling the moving half of it down, trapping the two former team rocket agents in.

"Hey let us out!" a muffled scream was heard.

Ignoring them, Knuckles and Sonic joined the others.

"Well, we win" Sonic said with a smile, oblivious to the water draining around town.

Lorenzo, not sharing the sentiment, rushed outside, soon followed by everyone else.

Tails was horrified to see the water slowly draining away he knew what it meant.

"Why is this happening?" Ash asked Lorenzo.

"The father of Latios and Latias created the city's canals. The soul dew was keeping them in balance".

"So now that it's destroyed the water is draining away" Ash realized in sadness, thinking that was all.

"Water that is drained like that always comes back" Tails uttered trying to control himself.

"Only all at once" Sonic also realized as his survival instinct went into overdrive.

"Guys!" Misty and Brock arrived at last, having managed to get out of the hotel.

"Did you win?"

"Not going to matter" Tails uttered, sounding pessimistic for the first time ever.

"Why?" Brock asked him.

A distant roaring sound answered the question.

"Tsunami" Sonic uttered as well.

"A tidal wave?!" Ash exclaimed.

"Everyone to the port!" Lorenzo ordered.

Everyone, including the beasts and the Eon twins rushed to the pier. And there it was in the distance.

A huge rogue wave, at least 50 meters tall. And it was heading towards Alto Mare with terrifying speed.

"We need to evacuate the city!" Sonic urgently said.

"There's not enough boats or enough time, or even water for the boats" Lorenzo bitterly said.

"Sonic! You guys get on Suicune and get out here!" Ash turned to him.

"Are you insane? We can't just leave you guys here to drown!"

"We can't let anyone drown!" Knuckles added.

"But do we stop a tidal wave?" Tails tried to remind them of what they were up against.

A cry of determination from Latios made them turn towards it and its sister.

"No Latios" Bianca tried to dissuade it "you're too weak right now!"

Latios shoved her aside gently and locked eyes with Sonic.

Sonic then heard something in his head. A voice. But not like the one he heard when it was Raichu's thoughts.

"Embrace the choice. Embrace your life".

And with those words, the Eon pokemon flew straight towards the tsunami.

"Latias, Latios no!" Bianca reached out as Ash took her by the shoulders to stop her.

Latias had passed Latios' thoughts to Sonic into his head.

The Eon twins faced down the tsunami. They exchanged a glance and a nod.

Their bodies then began glowing. A beautiful sea blue glow engulfed them.

The two let out a loud cry as the glow spread to the wave, illuminating the night.

The two trainers groups, Lorenzo and Bianca watched in awe as the wave gradually shrank in size before it died down completely and the sea water peacefully returned to the canals, returning the city to normal.

The glow also disappeared and Latios and Latias were still floating just over the surface.

"They did it! They did it!" Ash exclaimed.

But the celebration proved to be short lived and premature.

Latios fell into the water with a splash.

"Latios is down!" Lorenzo said in realization.

Sonic's body moved before he could think, harnessing all of his speed, running on the water and reaching the Eon twins in a matter of seconds.

As he slowed down, he sank into the water but surfaced again and swam to Latios holding it above the surface.

"HEY!" his plea echoed into the night "help! Latios is not responding!"

The response was immediate as Lorenzo commandeered a boat and before long, they were all on their way.

Once they reached, they helped Sonic lift Latios into the boat. The blue Eon twin had awakened by that point but was extremely weak.

Latias, with tears in her eyes rubbed her head against Latios' as the blue twin comforted his sister.

His eyes then turned to Sonic once again.

"Do not blame yourself for this. It was my choice. Never forget it" Sonic heard in his head as Latios' lips moved slightly upwards.

Latios then started glowing once again while becoming transparent. Latias and Latios' hands touched as it comforted its sister once again before passing on, disappearing into nothingness.

"So it's gone. Just like its father" Lorenzo regretfully said as Bianca teared up, crying on Ash's shoulder.

Team Sonic were devastated. Bad things just wouldn't stop happening to those around them.

Latias then let out a cry and began sight sharing.

It was Earth from outer space. It was getting further away by the second.

"Woah" Ash was amazed before smiling widely "this is what you're seeing isn't it Latios?"

Sonic too was amazed at this. It was so extraordinary and yet amazing at the same time.

Latios wasn't hurting. It was in peace.

Silence took over following the passing of Latios. With the exception of a minor fight taking place in the cockpit of the DMA.

"You had one job Annie! One job and you failed miserably!"

"And I asked you one thing, not to ruin my precious soul dew! And you broke it!"

A metallic sound, belonging to the revolving part of the spherical cockpit moving, brought them back to reality.

The revolving part was forcibly removed, revealing the Sonic heroes. Oakley gulped.

"Oh hehe… parley?"

Her offer was met with a couple of stun rounds from Tails.

In the morning, detective Looker arrived with a huge police escort to take the two women into custody. Tails and Knuckles met him as Sonic excused himself, saying he needed a few minutes to himself, which his friends understood as he had formed somewhat of a bond with Latios.

Looker sighed upon hearing the story.

"Annie and Oakley were low level agents according to Giovanni's records. They had been reported active during team rocket's activity in Johto but I never expected them to be this dangerous. That was a big mistake on my part".

"Detective… I know Sonic told us not to tell you anything… but we think you should know" Tails began speaking.

"Remember when you visited us at the hospital and Sonic was talking to Carrie Morrison alone?"


"She asked him to find Giovanni and kill him as payback for detective Morrison's death".

Looker was deeply shaken.

"Carrie… no she… oh no. This is bad. I haven't checked on her in a while at her insistence".

"You need to do so ASAP" Knuckles strongly advised "she is pregnant. The embryo could be in danger because of her mental state".

Looker was about to reply, before he, Tails and Knuckles saw Sonic and Raichu walking towards them.

Tails noticed there was something serene about Sonic.

"Hi detective".

"Is it true? Did Carrie ask you do such a thing?"

Sonic shot a look of disappointment to his friends before shrugging as at the end of the day it made no difference.

"Yes detective. And I am ashamed to admit it but I have been trying to keep that promise all week".

Looker was rightly shocked but Sonic was not done yet.

"After Latios' passing, I remembered its words. Not to blame myself. I blamed myself for detective Morrison's death, believing I would have stopped it if I had caught Giovanni in Kanto. But it was not my fault. I see that now".

He took a deep breath.

"Wait for us to come back to the mainland ok? We'll visit Mrs Morrison together".

"You mean…" Tails lifted his hopes up.

"Yes. I am not proud to go back on my word. But I will tell her I can't seek vengeance on Giovanni anymore. It won't take away the pain and it's not me to seek vengeance in the first place. She needs to hear that from me".

Looker nodded in approval.

"Morrison wouldn't want you to become a killer either. I am sure of that".

Sonic nodded back and the two exchanged a handshake before Looker and his forces took Annie and Oakley and left Alto Mare.

The three friends then walked around Alto Mare in silence trying to clear their minds each, all the while heading for the docks.

When they arrived, they found the boat for the mainland was to depart in ten minutes.

"Well. It was a nice trip for the most part" Knuckles solemnly said

"Now back to the mainland" Tails added.

"Do we have to though?" Sonic asked with a surprising hint of optimism in his voice.

His two friends looked at him in question.

"The place is just too good to leave just yet. We could spend another day or two here. Explore. Do fun stuff".

"You ok?" Tails asked him concerned.

Sonic nodded with a smile.

"Latios helped me understand a lot yesterday. And so did Ash. Ever since beginning my journey through Kanto I focused on the dark aspects of it. Pursuing team rocket, seeking power. When Ash was telling all those fun stories about how his badges were stolen by spearows or meeting that old lady in the woods at night whom he literally called nightmare fuel… I just realized his journey has been a lot more enjoyable than mine. Sure he is not the strongest trainer but he lives in the moment and chooses to see the bright side".

Tails and Knuckles exchanged a glance.

"Don't get me wrong. I regret nothing about the way things have been this far. And certainly I'm not going to ignore the darkness. But… it's time I acted as Latios suggested and embrace life. That's what detective Morrison would have wanted as Looked said".

"You absolutely sure about this?" Tails asked him, hoping this was real.

"Yes buddy. I am".

"What about your visit to Mrs Morrison?"

"I'll give Looker the heads up that we will stay for a couple of days before returning. That way he can set the ground for us to break the news".

Tails nodded.

"Yeah. It needs to be handled delicately. In her state everything is about delicacy".

"What about Jaz?" Knuckles brought up another aspect of the situation.

Sonic's smile became less evident.

"I'll give her a call in a bit. I have a lot to explain, both in regards to my actions and to the fact we will stay for a couple of days".

"Well she forgave faking your death. And she literally worked with Morrison to help us time and time again. I think she will understand" Tails said, also sounding optimistic.

Sonic's smile became wider again.

"So what do you think we should do first?"

"Sonic! Guys!"

It was Ash and his friends. They were on the pier about to board. Ash approached them.

"Morning! Returning to the mainland?"

"Yes. It was fun here but it's time to go back".

"I see. We will stick around a bit. Just take some time to relax".

"Don't relax too much though. You know what's in two weeks".

Sonic nodded.

"I know. Make sure you are fully prepared. I won't hold back".

"Neither will I" Knuckles also added.

The rivalry tension was palpable. Not so much for Knuckles and Sonic as they were more of friends than rivals but it was still there.

After that rivalry stare, Ash reverted to his friendly self and bid the Sonic heroes goodbye, heading to board the boat with Misty and Brock.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles turned around and prepared for a fun filled day when they spotted someone running towards the boat.

"Hey look. It's Bianca" Knuckles pointed out.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed she was not wearing her white hat, which she usually wore to tell her apart from Latias.

The three friends greeted her but she ran past them, leaving them confused.

They witnessed her approach Ash who also greeted her but got no response. She handed him a drawing folded and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait…" Tails was mindblown "is that Bianca or Latias?"

"Wait you mean… Latias developed romantic feelings for him? If that is her…" Sonic felt nauseous.

Knuckles simply covered his eyes when he processed this possibility.

The Bianca lookalike then left, again without speaking to the three trainers, again not giving any hint as to whether it was actually Bianca or Latias in disguise.

Sonic quickly shook his head.

"You know what? Let's just leave this for now. Come on team. A new day begins".

Calling out Raichu, Espeon and Typhlosion, the Sonic heroes set out to continue exploring and enjoying Alto Mare, eager to embrace the moment.

Chapter 91: Rematch in the Johto league


The long anticipated Johto league begins at last with Knuckles fighting in the very first match of the tournament against a returning rival.

Chapter Text

"Hurry up Wave! We'll miss the plane!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!" she complained.

"I told you we shouldn't have booked the tickets so late" Jet replied.

"Note taken" Wave begrudgingly agreed.

The two made a run for it until they were at the terminal.

Breathing heavily, they looked at the screen. The gate was set to open in five minutes.

"Phew. We made it" Jet slumped down on a seat, though not before taking off his backpack.

Wave slumped next to him.

"I promise I'm not postponing anything ever again" she declared out of breath.

After a few minutes of silence and many attempts to catch their breath, hype took over.

"Can you believe it? The time has finally come!"

"I know! I can't wait to see my brother and our friends again! It's been so long and so much has happened it feels unreal to finally see them again".

"They've been gone way longer than Sonic did in Kanto, right? " Wave pointed out.

"Yes. Way way longer".

The boarding began shortly after the exchange. Jet and Wave rushed to board first to get it out of the way.

The flight was smooth though long. By the time the plane arrived in Ecutreak city, Jet and Wave's excitement could no longer be contained.

Sonic had arranged to meet them there with Knuckles so that they could take them to Azalea with the assistance of Entei and Suicune. And also because the day of their arrival happened to be the day Sonic had one of the hardest talks of his life.

Despite his initial intention of confronting Carrie Morrison with his choice right after his return from Alto Mare, Looker convinced him to wait for a few days, while he personally arranged a few sessions with a therapist to help her and her son Nolan start coming to terms with what happened.

The few days became two weeks, and Sonic ended up confronting Looker with this, explaining that the Johto league was set to begin the following day and there was no more time. After the league, Sonic and his friends were to return to their hometown.

Looker, despite the conflict, asked the therapist if Carrie was stable enough to take such news. The therapist asked for a little more time and called Carrie to an urgent solo session so that she could mentally prepare her.

Once that was done, Sonic and Looker walked in and Looker explained that although the sessions were meant to help her long term, there was also a reason that had to be addressed in the moment.

Sonic then took over.

"Mrs Morrison. I know this will not be easy for you to hear. But it needs to be dealt with. It's about the promise I made to you".

Carrie's eyes widened as she immediately knew what Sonic was about to say but nevertheless remained calm.

"I tried to keep that promise at first. Really, I did. But that promise strained my relationship with my loved ones. And it took a heavy toll on me, mentally and physically. So I came here today to tell you… I'm not going to pursue Giovanni anymore".

Her eyes widened even more.

"You promised…"

"I know. But it was wrong. I am no killer. I too want that monster to die for what he did to your husband. He didn't deserve to have such a fate. But I can't be the one to do it. I'm not like that monster" he said before pausing "and I can't neglect my loved ones anymore over this".

Carrie began tearing up.

"And what about me and Nolan? My baby? How can you expect us to go on knowing that monster will either continue to exist or just be sent to jail for what he did?"

"Carrie, the charges against him are far too many and just as serious. He hasn't bothered covering his tracks. With all the evidence we have against him, I am confident he will get the death penalty once we catch him. Justice will be served one day for Jake".

Carrie didn't move a muscle despite Looker's words. Her eyes mirrored a broken heart.

"Some hero you are. Jake risked so much for you. And what did that earn him?"

"Carrie" her therapist took her by the shoulders "I think that's enough for now. Remember your baby. Please leave" she ordered Sonic and Looker out.

The two nodded and Sonic gave the broken mother an apologetic look.

"You know" he said to Looker as they were heading out "I don't know if the current situation is worse… or if I had found Giovanni and probably beat his face into mush before realizing I couldn't kill him and just gave him to the authorities".

Looker saw were the hedgehog was coming from.

"I understand. Walking out of the promise or not keeping it because you can't. Not an easy dilemma. But you did well back there".

"It doesn't feel that way".

"She's a good woman. She will snap out of this eventually. I'm sure of it. Morrison always told me what he loved most about her is her compassion and her empathy. I'm sure that given enough time, she will understand what she was really asking of you".

Sonic bitterly smiled.

"I hope so. Thanks for being here for that".

"Don't mention it. By the way, will your friend Tails be leaving too?"

"I think so".

"Hm… I might need to have a chat with him. His help with the poachers has been immeasurable. I'm hoping to convince him to stay".

Sonic hadn't actually considered what would become of Tails after their journey in Johto had ended. And he knew for a fact Tails loved Cosmo way too much to ask her to give up everything and follow him to Green Hills when their relationship was barely a month old.

After leaving the therapist's office's building, Sonic had joined Knuckles and the two headed towards Ecutreak city's airport to get Jet and Wave.

Upon seeing them, Jet and Wave rushed in and hugged Sonic, Wave a bit longer as she and Sonic hadn't seen each other in years. Knuckles was also introduced to her.

After a little bit of catching up, Sonic and Knuckles called out Entei and Suicune to Jet and Wave's amazement. Wave rode with Knuckles as Suicune was the more serene dasher.

The 4 friends then made their way to Azalea town through Ilex forest, passing through the most beautiful parts of it for Wave and Jet to see, as well as see the Pokemon in their natural environment.

"I'm so jealous of you bro. You got to experience so many amazing things" Jet admitted during the final leg of the journey.

The reunion with Tails was actually a little bit teary eyed as it had been a very long time and furthermore Amy's absence, even though it was for a good reason, weighed on them for a few moments.

The matter was quickly forgotten however, as they all started catching up. Sonic and Tails especially had a lot to unpack as they showcased their abilities, speed and flight respectively. Knuckles joked that now they were finally equals as he already had extreme strength before their journey began. Having made that joke before and during the actual travels, they all laughed about it.

In the afternoon, after being joined by Jasmine so they would all head to Silver city together the following day, the group of teenagers watched Knuckles and Sonic have a friendly match with their pokemon teams which they refrained from finishing as they didn't give it their all and wanted it to be a surprise for each other in the league. Everyone was excited for the event. In Jasmine's words it was bound to be the greatest league conference in the history of the region.

The group continued to have fun and relax until around 10PM when Knuckles declared it was bedtime as today was the big day and he and Sonic needed to be at their peak. Nobody objected and so arrangements were made. Cosmo and Tails were to of course sleep in her bed, while Jet and Wave would sleep in the double sized guest bed which was usually reserved for her parents. Sonic, Knuckles and Jasmine would make themselves comfortable in the living room with Jasmine taking the couch at Sonic's insistence.

Before they all went to bed however, Sonic asked to talk to Tails in private. The two headed out.

"What is it? You shouldn't stay up too late".

"I know. I just… need to address the question that arose just before the celebi incident. What is your plan after the league?"

Tails knew where this was going. He kept postponing this chat but their time was running out. The league was set to last 3 days and afterwards they were to go home.

"I haven't come to a concrete conclusion yet Sonic. But as of the end of the Johto league… I won't be joining you guys".

Sonic was legitimately saddened. He pushed through it and smiled.

"I understand. You have a lot here".

"I know it may sound stupid. We've only known Cosmo for like two months but… I just can't be apart from her. We've talked about it but still haven't reached a final decision. And what I do with Raikou… pursuing poachers… it gives me fulfilment… fulfillment I kinda lacked in Green Hills" Tails rumbled on.

"I understand you may find it selfish…"

"Don't" Sonic stopped him, remembering what had gone down that very morning "don't call yourself selfish for choosing yourself and your happiness. I can see it in your eyes that you feel complete here. So you must stay".

Tails gave him an unexpected hug.

"Thanks blue leader".

"Hehe. You grew up on me way too fast little buddy. I remember the Tails that left Green Hills with me to hunt down team rocket and I just have to say I'm so proud of the hero and individual you've become" he put his hand on Tails' shoulder.

"Even though you were never less of a member of team Sonic, you stayed true to your word that you would earn your spot in our team. And for that I'm eternally grateful to call you my friend".

"Now that's the Sonic I know. Not the dark individual you've been lately".

Sonic smiled before yawning.

"Alright. Time to heed your advice. The big day is tomorrow".

The night was endless as even though everyone was trying their best to sleep, it was incredibly difficult. The very concept of the tournament finally starting was just nerve wracking in a good way.

In the morning, the teens all rode the beasts, with the exception of Sonic who decided he would get there on foot with his speed so as to not have Entei carry three individuals.

The journey to Silver City was just as nerve wracking as the previous night and trying to make small talk while racing there didn't exactly work.

Upon arrival, everyone dismounted the legendary beasts and Sonic, Tails and Knuckles recalled them. They considered making a similar entrance to the one Sonic had made in the Kanto league but Sonic shut it down hard as that would mean arriving on the beasts and it would be kind of downgrading to them since they were adored by the Johtonians.

The rest agreed and so they walked the rest of the way to the stadium.

Immediately upon arrival, they were greeted by many cheers and applause which made their way to the stadium a little harder.

After getting the registration to the tournament by showing their badges, the teens got some seats and Jasmine informed everyone about the tournament worked.

Each trainer participating had received a number and every round, two numbers would be slotted. The trainers given those numbers would then battle. The battles were to be full battles this time around, mostly due to pressure from the Johtonians as a symbol of celebration for the return of peace to the region.

When asked how many competitors there were, Jasmine revealed there was 64 which took everyone by surprise. That was going to be twice the size of the Kanto league which only hyped Sonic and Knuckles more.

When asked by Sonic if they had to use the team they used during the gym challenge, Jasmine explained that they had to use their Johto teams until they reached the semi-finals. At that point they could register older pokemon if they so desired, but they would have to do it before their battle of the semi-finals actually began.

As the more participants arrived, they were surprised to find a lot of acquaintances had come to watch. One specific encounter began with Knuckles getting jumpscared with a hug.

"Missed me?"

"Molly?! What a surprise!"

Spencer and Lucy Hale also appeared from behind them.

"Good morning kids".

"Good morning professor, Mrs Hale" Knuckles got up to greet them.

"So the time has come. Are you and your friend ready?"

"Born ready" Sonic replied, joining in on the conversation.

"Knuckles is it true you caught the legendary Suicune?!" Molly eagerly asked him.

"Not exactly Molly. I didn't catch it. That would be me subduing it. Suicune joined me. So did Raikou and Entei join Tails and Sonic respectively" Knuckles replied while crouching to meet her eyes.

Molly looked at Sonic in awe.

"Really?! Can I meet it?!"

"Now, now Molly" her mother took her by the shoulders "they have battles coming so now's not the time".

"We could arrange it after the battles" Tails suggested.

"I'd love to!" Molly jumped up and down in excitement.

Spencer giggled at his little girl being so excited. He then reminded his wife they had to find their seats. He wished the two participating friends good luck and joined his family.

The Sonic heroes were left with a sense of joy seeing the Hale family again and wondered who else they would get to meet here.

They were later pleasantly surprised to find Harrison, the trainer from Hoenn who had battled Sonic shortly following the Greenfield incident, which resulted in Raichu and Blaziken having a small back and forth about how they hoped they had a rematch here.

Another pleasant surprise was the arrival of Chuck, Pryce, Clair and even Lance, who finally got his chance to congratulate the three heroes on the success of their mission and apologize for not being with them in Mahogany when they needed him. He also revealed Clair had told him about that unique phenomenon Sonic and Raichu displayed during their battle by the lake of rage and expressed his desire to one day battle Sonic. Sonic was honored by this as even though he knew himself and his team to be strong, he didn't actually believe he could rival Lance.

And of course, there wasn't any feasible way Ash wasn't there. Though they invited him, Misty and Brock to sit with them, Ash politely rejected as his mother and professor Oak had come to watch. Sonic and Knuckles learned that Gary had also of course qualified though in Ash's words, he seemed a little less provocative than he usually was.

Sonic and his two comrades looked over the stands and found him talking to professor Oak, his cheerleading club not far behind. Gary spotted their eyes on them but locked out eyes with Tails specifically.

Eventually the 64 slots for the tournament were filled and the announcer gave a speech at first about the latest events and how he sincerely wished this to be the greatest Johto league ever before the first two numbers were picked.

"Our first competitor will be… number 14!"

"Woah that's mine!" Knuckles exclaimed as he showed them his tournament pass on which a big 14 was printed.

"Nice! You get to open the tournament! Get down there and give them a good show!" Sonic encouraged his friend, remembering how he opened the Kanto tournament all those months ago.

Knuckles took a deep breath while not losing his grin and left the stands, rushing to the entrance while the announcer revealed his opponent's number, 51.

Knuckles walked down the corridor leading to the arena, unable to contain his excitement but also his nervousness. Opening the tournament was a surprise to him.

Suicune and Typhlosion came out of their pokeballs to encourage him, Suicune fitting awkwardly into the corridor. Despite that, Knuckles was encouraged and recalled them, entering the arena under the applause of the crowd.

He sincerely wished his grandfather had also come but Sabre had told him he was going to rehab under the suggestion of Sonic's parents to deal with his drinking problem healthily but that he would watch the tournament on TV.

Unbeknownst to Knuckles, Sabre was actually watching from Sonic's house with Sonic and Jets parents, a look of pride for his grandchild.

Knuckles then caught a movement from his opponent's side, signaling his arrival. He turned to face him but was shocked at the sight of a white cape.

"Eusine?! You're my opponent?!"

"That's right. I warned you we would cross paths again Knuckles the echidna. But I could have never expected that Suicune would have allied itself with you by then".

Knuckles couldn't help but respect the dedication. Eusine had qualified for the league within a month, all in hopes of battling him again.

"I wished Suicune was still wild by today so that I could defeat you and prove myself worthy to it. But I was too late. The day I witnessed you and Suicune battle team Rocket side by side in Goldenrod city, I was devastated. It had only been what? A week at best?"

Knuckles felt a bit uncomfortable at this runting in front of everyone when they should be battling.

He took out Heracross' pokeball, intending to lead with it.

"I can't tell you everything you want to hear Eusine but I will tell you this. You had lost before you had started. For circumstances outside both of ours contol, you never stood a chance at acknowledgment from Suicune".

Eusine gritted his teeth in frustration.

"I dedicated my life to Suicune! How is it that it chooses you, a stranger from far away?"

"It's complicated. But what I will tell you is that Suicune had chosen me before I was born".

Eusine also took out a pokeball unwilling to continue this back and forth anymore.

"Fine then! Keep your secrets! I will beat you here today either way and prove to Suicune why I'm equally worthy of its respect!"

The annoyed crowd got to cheering as finally the battle was set to begin.

"Trainers sent out your pokemon!" the referee ordered.

"Go Heracross!"

"Go Magcargo!"

A snail made of lava opposed Knuckles' Heracross.

"From the looks of this thing I assume it's a fire type?" Sonic asked Jasmine.

"Yes but it's also a rock type. The matchup is like a double-edged sword".

Knuckles, unbeknownst to his friends knew of Magcargo. His training following their victory over team rocket had him travel to the far ends of the region, battling many trainers and learning more about the species of Johto.

But he was also aware of Magcargo's two potential abilities. And one of them would be very bad to deal with.

"Flame body" Knuckles thought in an instant as we weighing his options.

One possibility was to call out Suicune but he wasn't about to give Eusine this pleasure.

"Heracross! Double team!"

Heracross created multiple decoys of itself, unnerving Eusine and Magcargo.

"Magcargo, strike them all with flamethrower!"

Magcargo unleashed a powerful flamethrower, striking each and every one of the decoys.

The distraction gave the real Heracross the opportunity to fly over the Magcargo. Knuckles knew it was a risk to touch magcargo so he put another plan in motion just in case.

"Earthquake go!"

Heracross slammed into the ground, sending shockwaves through it to Magcargo which was unable to take a four times effective move, toppling in an instant.

"Magcargo is unable to battle! Heracross is the winner!"

Eusine was shocked at this. Drawing out Suicune would be harder than he thought.

"Strong start" he said recalling Magcargo "but I came here to battle Suicune! And I will get that fight out of you one way or another! Skarmory take flight!"

The steel and flying type emerged. Knuckles weighed his options once again.

He considered calling out Typhlosion but then had to remind himself he had limited chances to switch out his pokemon. The rule was set in place so trainers would have to adjust to the circumstances instead of simply switching out continuously and draw out the battle unnecessarily.

"Heracross double team!"

Heracross created more clones of itself. Eusine smirked.

"Not falling for this trick again! Skarmory! Strike them down with air slash!"

Using its strong metallic wings, Skarmory sent powerful blasts of air slash to the clones, eventually striking the real Heracross.

Just like with Magcargo, Heracross fainted instantly to the four times effective attack.

"Heracross is unable to battle! Skarmory is the winner!"

Knuckles recalled it and thanked it for taking one for the team before taking a minute to consider his options.

Skarmory was a steel and flying type and Knuckles himself actually sparred with Jasmine's to be prepared. His two major counters were Typhlosion and Ampharos.

The choice was clear as day.

"Come on out Ampharos!"

Ampharos came out with Jasmine cheering for it as it reminded her of Sparkle.

"You know your stuff I'll give you that. But I know when to fight and when not to. Skarmory come back! Go!"

A gengar came out. Eusine had evolved his haunter.

Knuckles remembered his first fight with Eusine and fought to not chuckle.

"Let's see if he kept that move" he thought to himself.

"Gengar! Shadow ball!"

"Ampharos! Thunderbolt!"

The attacks collided, canceling each other out, giving Knuckles some insight. Gengar was going to be a lot worse than haunter.

But then again, he picked up a couple of moves from Sonic's battle with Mike.

"Again! Shadow ball!"

"Light screen!"

Ampharos created a small barrier than cut the shadow ball's power in half, merely shoving it backwards a bit.

Eusine was frustrated. He didn't want to admit Knuckles was worthy of Suicune's respect but that was just a very smart move.

"Look at him go!" Ash commented from the stands.

"Wasn't that a similar move Sonic pulled in Kanto in the final?" Misty inquired.

"Why yes it was. Goes to show the depth of their bond" professor Oak said referring to the Sonic heroes "they are part of each other's growth. Like you and Gary were when you were toddlers Ash".

Ash was amazed at this, finally realizing Knuckles would be just as much of a challenge as Sonic. He remained confident in spite of that, believing that he and his pokemon would be up to the challenge.

"Gengar is too annoying. And very agile. I need it immobilized".

"Ampharos! Thunder wave!"

"Gengar! Shadow punch!"

The light screen couldn't hold back the shadow punch. Ampharos took heavy damage, but thunder wave went through, paralyzing gengar. The grin disappeared from the ghost type's face.

"Gotcha! Thunderbolt!"

Ampharos zapped Gengar with all of its power, bringing the ghost type to its knees.

"You leave me no choice! Curse!"

Gengar, annoyed at its trainer, but understanding the strategic value of the move at their current predicament, obeyed, slashing its own energy and fainting while placing the curse on Ampharos.

"Gengar is unable to battle. Ampharos is the winner!"

As Eusine recalled Gengar, the curse took its toll on Ampharos, leaving Knuckles with a choice. Thankfully he had the luxury of seeing what Eusine's next pokemon would be.

"Alakazam! Your turn!"

The Alakazam that had given Knuckles a hard time in their last battle emerged, perplexing Knuckles. Though he had an amazing counter in Tyranitar, he didn't know whether Ampharos would rest enough to hold its own later on.

Ampharos looked at Knuckles and its eyes begging for release from the curse made the choice for Knuckles.

"Ampharos return! Go! Tyranitar!"

The massive pokemon appeared, earning Knuckles a loud cheer. During the battle of Goldenrod city, Tyranitar had been momentarily swarmed by team rocket's pokemon before dramatically pushing them off in a dramatic fashion straight out of a television show, making it seem out of this world.

"Crunch!" Knuckles called the attack.

"Reflect!" Eusine countered.

The barrier kept Tyranitar from going close enough to actually harm Alakazam though the effort to do so did harm the psychic type.

"Your Alakazam won't be able to handle this forever! And psychic moves won't work! Tyranitar! Use rock slide! Bring that barrier down!"

A rain of rocks started coming down on Alakazam as it struggled to hold on, each rock slamming against the reflect taking a little bit of its energy.

Eventually Alakazam faltered and the barrier broke, sending it down to the ground. Tyranitar stood over the Alakazam.

"End this with crunch!" Knuckles seized the opening until he witnessed Eusine grin.

"Gotcha! Alakazam! Focus punch!"

Alakazam had knelt but it wasn't because if exhaustion. It was preparing a focus punch.

Before Knuckles or Tyranitar could react, the focus punch was launched, hitting bullseye straight into Tyranitar's mouth as it was preparing to crunch down on Alakazam.

The attack sent Tyranitar flying and then crashing down on the ground. Fainted. Knuckles was at a loss for words.

"Do you see this Suicune?!" Eusine called out, looking at the pokeballs on Knuckles' belt "do you need more proof that this?"

"Oh give me a break! Enough with the drama!" Knuckles retorted annoyed "Suicune is my partner now so get over it already!"

"Not until you tell me why it chose you!"

"You know what?" Knuckles decided he was done "ask it yourself!"

And with those words he sent out Suicune.

At the sight of the beast, Eusine's demeanor changed.

"Suicune… before me at last… please tell me! What do you see in him?! Why is it he is worthy and I am not?!"

"Hydro pump!"

Suicune fired its powerful move. Alakazam was not quick enough to pull up a light screen.

The hydro pump sent it flying out of the arena and crashing into a wall, knocking it out in the process.

"Alakazam is unable to battle. Suicune wins!" the referee declared, as now three of Eusine's pokemon had fainted, granting them a small break.

"That was a cheap shot!" Eusine complained as he and Knuckles stood face to face in the corridor with Sonic and Tails behind their friend.

"And this is a battle! There are no cheap shots!"

"You have tainted the elegant Suicune with your cheap tactics! I will not stand for this! Not unless you tell me what the history between you two is!"

Knuckles was really tired at this. Glancing back at his friends for advice he got nothing. Sonic's look however spoke one thing.

"It's your choice man".

Knuckles sighed.

"Suicune chose me 40 years ago. When they disappeared. I was the one who turned them into statues".


"Exactly. I was accidentally sent to the past because of Celebi, only to discover the mystery of the disappearance of the beasts was my doing. It was at that time Suicune and I formed our bond. A bond that then travelled through time to become reality at the day of the battle of Goldenrod city".

Eusine looked flabbergasted.

"Do you seriously expect me to believe this? Just how stupid do you think I am?"

"With the way you act and the drama you stir? Very" Knuckles fired the shot.

The announcer ending the break prevented things from escalating.

"If I have to defeat Suicune to earn its respect then so be it! I don't believe a word you say and I will not accept all the years I spent dedicating myself to the study of Suicune were for nothing!"

"See you out there" Knuckles replied calmly.

Eusine left to return to his side of the arena. Knuckles was accompanied by Tails and Sonic until the entrance to his side.

"You ok?" Sonic asked him.

"Relax. I know better than to fall for his drama" Knuckles confidently replied.

"You're in the lead but not by a lot. Ampharos is damaged. Be careful. He saw your entire team back in Cianwood so he probably knows what to expect" Tails warned him.

"He can throw whatever he wants at us. We will come out on top. We didn't train as much as we did to lose on the very first round".

And with those words, Knuckles walked back into the arena, Typhlosion's pokeball in hand.

"Send out your pokemon… now!"

"Go! Typhlosion!"

"Take flight Skarmory!"

"Knuckles' got the advantage in matchup" Jasmine commented "let's see how Eusine responds to that".

"Skarmory return!" Eusine called it back. It wasn't his ideal choice but Knuckles' Typhlosion would have to be dealt with before all the conditions to beat Suicune were met.

"Go! Lanturn!"

A very annoying pokemon, Lanturn emerged. Knuckles hated its typing, acknowledging this was going to be a rough fight. Now he had to make a choice himself.

If he switched into Victreebel, Eusine would switch back into Skarmory and then they would have a back and forth switch one more time until Typhlosion was facing Lanturn again. And at that point the choice of switching would be gone for both of them.

The good thing for Knuckles was that Typhlosion was very agile. Not quite as agile as its previous forms but he had thought of a few ways to circumvent that.

One specific move he had helped his Typhlosion learn, Sonic was hesitant about as Typhlosion's special attack power was greater than its physical but it was exactly for matchups like this. Maybe in the future they would change their battle style but for now they would battle the way they had up to this point.

"Water pulse!"

Lanturn's attack headed straight for Typhlosion.

"Dodge with quick attack!"

Typhlosion dodged the attack and then slammed into Lanturn. Unlike Raichu which usually ricocheted after such an attack, the momentum carried Typhlosion forward.

"Don't let it get away! Thunderbolt!"

Knuckles smirked. It was time for his trump card.


"This is it!" Sonic said from stands. It was time to see if Knuckles' idea was going to work.

Typhlosion dived towards the ground and dug its way underground, causing the thunderbolt to be nullified.

"Running away?" Eusine tried to taunt Knuckles.

"Where is it going to emerge?" Ash genuinely wondered.

The obvious answer showed itself the next moment; Typhlosion knocked Lanturn over as it emerged, jumping high in the air.

"Now typhlosion! Flame wheel!"

Typhlosion began spinning as it was falling, creating a flaming wheel with continuously increasing intensity.

"Don't let him hit you! Hydro pump!"

Hydro pump was fired. The intensity of Typhlosion's attack allowed it to push through, slamming down into Lanturn with such force that it was immediately knocked out.

"Lanturn is unable to battle, Typhlosion's the winner".

Sonic smiled, impressed by his friend's strategy. Knuckles had actually trained his typhlosion by taking a lot of inspiration from Ash, whose stories when they hung out in Alto Mare revolved around the belief that a pinch could always be turned into an opportunity.

Typhlosion's back erupted into flames as it cried out excitement over its victory but it was short lived as it then dropped on its four legs, the hydro pump having done damage as well.

"Knuckles is up by two but both are injured. He needs to stay on his toes" Tails once again said, the lack of knowledge of Eusine's team being a source of concern.

"You have some skills. That I'll admit. But you may be wondering why I went out of my way to keep Skarmory out of harm's way".

Knuckles remained steadfast, thinking this was just a bluff. After all both Typhlosion and Ampharos were still up, despite their injuries.

"Time for you to find out! Take flight!"

Skarmory appeared for third time.

"Time to end this! Skarmory! Spikes!"

Skarmory fired a few spikes down on the battlefield.

"Don't give Skarmory another chance Typhlosion! Flame wheel!"

Skarmory was slammed by flame wheel. But mysteriously it didn't faint despite the brutal attack. Knuckles gasped.


"Exactly! Air cutter!"

Typhlosion was hit by the air cutter which landed critically, getting knocked out and leaving Knuckles with 2 pokemon like Eusine.

"Typhlosion is unable to battle. Skarmory's the winner!"

Knuckles recalled Typhlosion and thanked it before assessing the situation.

Ampharos normally would be able to take Skarmory out but with spikes out, it was questionable. Furthermore, Eusine would have the advantage of Suicune taking damage upon entering the battlefield while his final pokemon would start off full power.

"Ampharos! Let's finish this!"

Ampharos came out, crying out in pain as it stepped on the spikes.

"Skarmory! Spikes again!"

More spikes rained down on the battlefield as Knuckles called out the attack.


Thunderbolt fried Skarmory sending it plummeting to the ground.

"Skarmory is unable to battle Ampharos is the winner!"

Eusine recalled Skarmory, with a sly smile on his face.

"And so, everything is set! By the end of this round, Suicune will have to acknowledge me! Keep it for all I care! I will have its respect and that's all I ever wanted!"

"Just call out your final pokemon!"

"With pleasure! Come on out! Venusaur!"

A venusaur came out with a deep cry. Ampharos braced itself.

"Let's do this! Venusaur! Sunny day!"

The sun shined bright upon the battlefield.

"Ampharos! Thunder wave!" Knuckles called the attack, knowing Ampharos stood little chance against a grass type. Suicune would already be at a disadvantage itself.

Knuckles' best bet was to buy Suicune time.

"Not this time! Razor leaf!"

The razor leaves rained down on Ampharos that tried discharging its move and for a moment it did.

But before the attack could connect, Ampharos was struck at the throat by a razor leaf, knocking the wind out of it and consequently Ampharos itself out of the fight, causing the thunder wave to fizzle.

"Ampharos is unable to battle! Venusaur's the winner!"

Knuckles recalled it, thanking it but his face was blank. All the odds were against them. Spikes on the field, bad typing matchup and sunny day out so solarbeam would be instantaneous.

"Suicune… I… I don't know what to do" he thought.

"You can do it Knuckles!" a child's voice called out.

Knuckles looked over noticed Molly cheering him on.

"Go get him Knuckles!" Sonic's voice also rang in his ears.

"You got this Knuckles!" Tails' voice was added as well.

"Don't you dare lose before our battle Knuckles!" Ash also encouraged the echidna.

The rest of the spectators began cheering and roaring in support of Knuckles, the hero who had rallied the hostages in Goldenrod city against team rocket.

A look of wild confidence along with a grin were etched on Knuckles' face, causing Eusine to doubt himself.

"Suicune! Come on out! We have a battle to win!"

Suicune came out with a loud roar, which became even louder as the North wind used it as an outlet for the pain caused by the spikes.

"The time has come! Watch me Suicune! Venusaur! Razor leaf!"

"Dodge them Suicune!"

The aurora pokemon showcased its speed, literally running circles around Venusaur.

"Now use extrasensory!"

Suicune used its move on Venusaur, dealing great damage and bewildering Eusine for a moment.

"Not going to cut it! Venusaur! Synthesis!"

Venusaur harnessed the sunlight healing all of the damage, putting Knuckles back to square one.

"Heal then! We'll keep coming until you go down! Suicune! Hydro pump!"

Suicune fired its attack which despite the lack of effectiveness and the sunlight weakening it, shoved Venusaur back, truly worrying Eusine.

"No other choice! I wish I wouldn't have to use that but I'm not losing to him".

"Suicune! Get up close and hit him again!"

Venusaur pretended to get ready to use synthesis to tank the attack. Suicune used its speed and agility to get close and then started charging hydro pump.

"Now! Venusaur! Sludge bomb!"

Venusaur fired the sludge bomb straight into Suicune's mouth causing it great damage and shoving it back hard. Purple bubbles indicating poisoning came out of Suicune's nose as it toppled to its side, laying still on the battlefield.


Eusine raised his fist to the sky in triumph.

"You see Suicune?! I beat you! This is why I deserved your respect from the start! I dedicated my life to you and this battle proves it!"

Suicune flinched from the ground, its paws twitching as it tried to get up.

"Suicune is unable to ba…"

"No!" Eusine stopped the referee "No! Let it stand up if it can. I want this victory to be perfect!"

Knuckles was heartbroken to see Suicune in this state.

"Suicune don't push yourself if you can't. Please. It isn't worth getting hurt so much!"

"Huh. What a wimp. Your influence has made the great Suicune into a husk of its former self. Some bond you two have".

Knuckles gritted his teeth in anger.

"How could you ever understand our bond? You can't even understand Suicune!"

"That's rich! I can't understand the once mighty North wind is now lying on the ground against me. And it's all because you tamed it!"

Knuckles however wasn't going to just let Eusine get away with it.

"When we first met, you claimed you wanted to find Suicune and show it that it doesn't have to mistrust humans anymore!"

"That is correct!"

"And yet look at you! Acting like an immature brat who thinks they're entitled to Suicune's respect! You came here today, seeking to dominate in battle against me and Suicune, thinking that would prove you worthy! But while you were training to beat Suicune, I showed it the very thing you claimed to want to show it! I earned its trust and so did my friends! I showed Suicune that not everyone was like the people who forced it and its brethren into hiding, that I truly wanted to be its friend, its partner!"

Knuckles pushed his chest out, wanting to speak the next words with pride. Suicune looked back at him weakly.

"You treated Suicune as a trophy you had to earn! As a milestone you had to conquer! I treated it as my equal from the first moment I met it, both times! Is it any wonder that it and I are standing before you right now together, as a team?"

Strong gusts of winds blew all over the arena as a loud roar broke everyone's eardrums.


Suicune was roaring incredibly loudly, standing up straight once again, a blue aura emitting from its body and its mane and ribbons billowing faster than usual.

Eusine was genuinely terrified.

"How can this be?!"

"Suicune! Time for our secret weapon!"

Suicune nodded and dashed towards Venusaur.


Venusaur gathered the sunlight into its flower and opened fire on Suicune.

With another loud roar, Suicune jumped high above the ground, dodging the solarbeam and shocking both Eusine and Venusaur.

"Suicune! Frost that Venusaur! Ice beam!"

As soon as Suicune got into point blank range, ice beam was fired. Venusaur had no chance to dodge, block or do anything to lower the damage. The attack landed as a critical hit, knocking the massive grass and poison pokemon on its back and therefore out of the match.

Suicune took more damage from the poison but stood its ground and roared again, victorious.

"… Venusaur is unable to battle! Suicune wins! The winner of the battle is Knuckles the echidna!"

"YEEEES!" Knuckles screeched rushing to hug Suicune, which reciprocated by closing its eyes as it knelt down.

"He did it!" Sonic exclaimed in joy.

"Way to go Knuckles!" Tails also cheered their friend on.

Ash and his friends were all in awe of Knuckles for that miraculous comeback. Ash even felt the bond between Knuckles and Suicune and how it was so similar to the bond between Pikachu and himself only exactly as Knuckles described it.

A bond lasting longer than a lifetime. Because from a certain point of view that was the case.

Eusine, humbled and humiliated and finally accepting of everything, recalled Venusaur and approached Knuckles and Suicune.

"I lost. You win".

"That was a great battle. I daresay it was probably our toughest battle this far".

Eusine nodded before meeting Suicune's eyes.

"Your partner is right. I started off wanting to give you what he gave you but it became about me and my pride along the way. I'm inexcusable for my actions and for my words. You have my sincerest apologies".

Suicune barked in response, a calm assuring bark.

Knuckles offered Eusine a handshake.

"No hard feelings".

Eusine shook Knuckles' massive hand.

"Is it true? That Celebi took you back in time and you ended up causing everything?"

"Yes. It's way more complicated but yes".

Eusine then remembered how Knuckles described that symbol at the burned tower as his mother's.

"You drew that symbol right? To make sure the version of you that arrived there for the first time found and freed Suicune and its brethren".

Knuckles nodded again. Eusine closed his eyes, taking it in.

"You two have a bond stronger than time itself. I am proud to have battled you. I wish you both the best".

And with those words he lifted Knuckles' hand upwards as a signal to the crowd to cheer for Knuckles as the victor.

A few minutes later, Knuckles met up with his friends at the corridors below the stands.

"What! A! Battle!" Jet shouted.

"The best way to start the league hands down!" Jamsine agreed.

Knuckles chuckled.

"It was indeed. Now up to you to keep up" he jabbed Sonic.

"Oh you can count on it" Sonic replied with confidence "I'm here to win this".

Hedgehog and echidna fist bumped, promising to make it as far as it took to have an all-out battle with each other.

Chapter 92: Semifinals-round 1


After a long and brutal tournament, the semi-finals of the Johto league begin at last, with Sonic taking on his frenemy Silver in the first match.

Chapter Text

"Finish this Entei! Sacred fire!"

Entei bursted down the opposing magneton in one blast, resulting in Sonic's undisputed victory, under the roaring cheers of the crowd.

Following Sonic's battle the announcer declared a two hour break so everyone's pokemon could get some rest. Afterwards they would proceed with the semifinals.

Sonic of course, immediately rushed to rendezvous with his friends.

"It's happening! You're in the top 4! Again!" Jet exclaimed almost jumping up and down.

"The tournament was brutal but we made it" Knuckles jabbed Sonic on the shoulder.

"We sure did".

"All right boys time to get some lunch" Jasmine teased them while giving Sonic a kiss on the cheek "our aspiring champions need strength".

"Hehe" Sonic giggled.

Heading outside to grab anything they could find to eat, all of the crew began discussing the best parts of the tournament. It had been a crazy day and a half.

The first major event was of course the opening of the tournament by Knuckles and his come from behind victory against Eusine, though that had already been discussed.

The next major event was the battle between Ash and Gary Oak. Their rivalry was pretty much still there despite the experiences with Sonic's crew. Unbeknownst to each other, Ash had looked at Sonic and Knuckles during his battle with Gary as if he was saying watch me, while Gary had done the same with Tails.

Gary ended up losing as Ash outplayed him by taking advantage of the field. When the battles got into the top 16, the tournament took a turn for the better by introducing a changing arena with habitats. Thought Gary had taken the lead in the first half and the mostly meadow field, when it came to a rocky field, Ash had Charizard dance around Blastoise's hydro pumps while using flamethrower on the field to the point it became a burning wasteland and essentially mimicking the effects of sunny day for Blastoise.

Sonic's crew were all impressed by this thinking. Knuckles specifically momentarily wondered how he would battle Ash if it came down to it as this was just too unexpected. Sonic on the other hand had smiled like a maniac for a moment, stating that this was exactly why he always pushed Ash to grow stronger and believed Ash not evolving his pokemon to their final stage held him back.

Ash then got the opportunity to have Charizard approach Blastoise when it attempted to use hydro pump to clear the battlefield only to create a smokescreen.

At first Ash wanted to use seismic toss on Blastoise but decided to instead take a page out of Knuckles' book first as he remembered Blastoise knew bite. Therefore he first had Charizard fire flamethrower straight into Blastoise's face, making it unable to fight off the seismic toss.

Ash's unpredictable nature and on-the-spot strategies also persisted on the next round on the top 8 when he battled Harrison, the Hoennian trainer who had promised to have a rematch with Sonic, making the stakes of their battle even greater.

Just like with Sonic, Harrison's Hoennian species had taken Ash by surprise, Blaziken specifically. It and Charizard's battle was brutal. Pikachu had to encourage Charizard to get up and not faint as losing would mean losing their chance for a rematch with Sonic. Charizard, frustrated from the many weeks it had spent at the Charicific valley, following its battle with Sonic's Moltres had become determined to not lose to another fire type and pushed itself beyond its limits, outlasting Blaziken and earning Ash the ticket to the top 4 just after Knuckles had earned his ticket.

Sonic and crew had ended up talking about those events almost all night last night and even today they couldn't stop discussing them.

Ash's unique strategies, Knuckles' warrior heart in battle, shared by his pokemon, and Sonic and his team's unrivalled power had become the all-star talk of the tournament. Fans of the Sonic heroes had even approached Ash during the lunch break to ask him about how he was able to rival them so effectively. That of course boosted his confidence as he finally started feeling the gap between himself and Sonic lessening.

Eventually of course the lunch break ended and with the atmosphere being very tense, everyone gathered back inside the stadium.

The announcer first gave a small speech while the matchups were being determined, about how this had been an incredible tournament conference thus far and how he sincerely hoped it would go down in history as the greatest tournament in the history of the region.

Immediately after the speech, on the stadium's big screen, the pictures of the four semifinalists appeared.

Sonic, Knuckles, Ash and a boy named Plata.

But the photo was that of Silver.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles exchanged a glance as they knew that meant Looker had kept his word about helping Silver bury his past forever, giving them a sense of peace.

"And without further ado, let's see those matchups!"

The 4 images were flipped to show the logo of the Silver conference and then started spinning round and round, as two frames appeared in the middle with a big VS between them.

After a few seconds one of the images darted into one of the frames, though still upside down. And then the second one, again upside down.

"Our first contestant is…!"

The image flipped.

"Sonic the hedgehog!"

"That's all you!" Tails encouraged his friend.

"And his opponent will be…"

The other image flipped.


The stadium erupted in cheers. Sonic was kind of disappointed as he wanted to battle Ash and Knuckles but now they would have battle each other first.

Coming to terms with this reality he got up to head to the arena. Tails and Knuckles followed him until the entrance.

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Silver masked his name and didn't attract too much attention on himself for the entire tournament. Like I didn't even know he was there" Tails explained.

"Neither did I but why is that so important?"

"I think what Tails is asking is, how can you be certain he is still not angry?"

Sonic took a deep breath.

"If he wants to hold onto hatred, he's free to do so. I can't forgive Giovanni for his crimes but I won't allow hatred to poison me anymore".

"That's something else I wanted to talk to you about Sonic" Tails tried to say "you let go of everything that befell us far too fast. Are you sure you're ok?"

The noise of the crowd brought them out of their conversation.

"Gotta go. I promise you, after the tournament we will have a chat, either by phone or before we leave. I promise" Sonic quickly said before entering the arena.

As the crowd cheered him on, Sonic stood face to face with Silver.

"Long time no see".


"Has everything worked out?"

"A lot. Enough small talk. We have a score to settle".

"Hm. True. We never truly battled. So show me your power!"

The arena opened and a grassy terrain, similar to that Ash and Harrison's battle earlier was lifted from underground.

"Interesting setup" Sonic commented taking out Meganium's pokeball.

"Battle begin!"

"Go meganium!"

"Go Crobat!"

The matchup was very unfavorable for Sonic. To Silver's surprise the hedgehog smiled.

"Shall we start?"

"Crobat! Air cutter!"

"Meganium! Leech seed!"

Meganium stood strong against the air cutter despite the effectiveness, shaking Silver's resolve as he didn't expect Meganium to be this strong in the defense department. Meganium then seized the opening and fired leech seed on Crobat.

Vines came out of the seed and ensnared Crobat, causing it to fly unevenly. The effects of the leech seed then activated, draining Crobat's health and sending it to Meganium.

"I saw that strategy! It won't work on me! Crobat toxic!"

Crobat spat poison towards Meganium!

"Protect!" Sonic instinctively ordered.

Meganium shielded itself from the poison but it was obvious it couldn't stay in against Crobat. It was built to counter their stalling strategy.

"Meganium back!" Sonic recalled it "Raichu this Crobat needs to go down!"

"Rai rai!" Raichu charged in, as the effects of the leech seed kicked in again though Raichu was already at full health.

Silver hadn't really faced Raichu before but just knowing that this Raichu had contributed in the downfall of his father made him immediately pull back Crobat. He went with his next best pick for this as he knew Raichu was a physical attacker.

"Go Gengar!"

"He's got a gengar too?" Tails exclaimed.

"What do you expect? It's a very powerful species" Wave commented as she had seen ghost types in Hoenn, more specifically a species called duskull that could evolve into dusclops and anothee, shuppet that evolved into Banette but neither could really rival Gengar in power.

"Smart. But that's not going to cut it! Raichu! Quick attack to get close then thunder punch!"

Raichu dashed too fast for Gengar to make any move. But it as it expected the thunder punch, it barely dodged before landing a shadow ball on Raichu, sending shockwaves through Sonic's body.

Sonic groaned internally, getting more determined instead of faltering like most would.

"Iron tail!" his mind devised the idea for their next attack.

Mysteriously, Raichu span through the air before Sonic could call out the attack, delivering a devastating iron tail head-on on Gengar, knocking it out in an instant as it was pretty much a powerful glass cannon.

"Say what?!" Silver shouted in disbelief.

"Gengar is unable to battle! Raichu wins!"

Sonic himself was taken aback. Raichu had actually performed the attack before Sonic could even complete the thought.

"How did you do it buddy?" he wondered with a pleased smile as the battle was in their favor already.

"Did you see that?" Ash said with widened eyes.

"I have never seen anything like that in all my years" Professor Oak said rubbing his chin "Raichu acted entirely on its own. It's certainly not an illegal move but usually trainers and pokemon work together coordinating their attacks. Yet young Sonic doesn't seem bothered by this, almost as if he welcomes it".

"But what does that mean? That Sonic and Raichu are two beings battling as one?" Gary, who had joined them to watch the semifinals asked his grandfather.

"But to do that they would have to…" Brock tried to say but stopped. The idea was ludicrous.

"They would have to read each other's thoughts. And that would that would make them nearly invincible as noone would ever see any of their moves coming" he thought to himself.

Ash took to observing Sonic as he pondered what that meant. Did his rival and his partner had such a powerful bond that something like this was possible? And if so, what had caused it?

Silver recalled Gengar. That Raichu would be very annoying to beat. And he had no actual counter to it. Furthermore he knew from his father, or at least what was said about his father, that Sonic had an Alakazam so using his Alakazam wouldn't be as effective. Feraligart was also a bad choice. Crobat too.

One by one his choices were being deemed as bad.

Sonic saw the hesitation in Silver and called out to him.

"Don't lose faith. Our battle's only just began. Remember who you are and what you stand for!"

Silver was amazed that even after everything and especially now that Sonic was winning, he was still willing to encourage his opponent. And with a smile no less.

Even though none of his options was really good, especially with Raichu's well rounded moveset, Silver picked one and smiled as he sent it out.


A magneton appeared.

"Battle resume!"

"Magneton! Thunder wave!"

"Dodge with quick aattack, then brick break!"

It was the exact same combo. Although the power made it very hard to counter, Silver already had a plan for it.

The moment Raichu ricocheted from the quick attack Silver unveiled his plan.


Magneton created three elemental spheres, each containing the essence of ice, thunder and fire.

Just as the brick break connected, the tri-attack was launched, sending Raichu flying back.

Magneton survived the attack because of sturdy. And top it off, the additional effect of tri-attack kicked in, freezing Raichu solid.

"Raichu!" Sonic called out to it, impervious to the tri-attack effects as they were not much damage.

"Now's our chance magneton! Thunderbolt!"

Magneton zapped the frozen Raichu with thunderbolt. The ice shook as Raichu wiggled inside trying to break free.

"Again! Beat it before it breaks free!"

Another thunderbolt landed. The effects were starting to actually take their toll on Sonic. Before long his pain would be visible.

"We didn't come this far to lose! Raichu!"

"Raaaai!" the electric mouse broke free with a loud cry terrifying Silver.

"Quick attack!"

Raichu moved like a blur, smacking the barely standing Magneton into unconsciousness.

"Magneton is unable to battle! Raichu wins!"

Silver recalled Magneton.

"Raichu back!" Sonic called back his partner as he knelt to supposedly pet it.

"Hey buddy, get some rest for now. The shared pain part of our bond has been amplified over our Johto journey. Let us both recover and if necessary you can wrap the battle up ok?"

"Rai rai!"

"Was calling Raichu back a wise move? Now he's only got one chance to switch" Ash questioned his rival's move.

None of his friends replied. Neither did Gary. But his childhood friend knew what he had seen in the Kanto league. And remembered what Sonic had stated.

"My Raichu is twice as strong as others of its kind".

And he remembered how the other finalist in that tournament, Mike, had pushed Sonic and Raichu to the brink. Both of them looked like actually sharing the pain back then.

And it was just as obvious now.

"Please send out your next pokemon" the referee ordered Sonic and Silver.

Both took out a pokeball.

"Go sneasel!"

"Quagsire give me a hand!"

A fairly even matchup was in order.

"Sneasel! Faint attack!"

Sneasel being faster than Quagsire landed the attack without fail, giving him a small lead.

"Quagsire, use surf!"

Quagsire unleashed its water attack only for sneasel to dash on the grass, avoiding the water barrage with ease.

"Icy wind!"

Quagsire was hit with a cold breeze from Sneasel, slowing down its movements and its attacks.

"Sneasel is all about speed" Sonic thought "Quagsire is not good about it. But I shouldn't blindly switch back into Raichu or even hitmontop for that matter. Not yet anyway".

"Sneasel! Metal claw!"

The attack was weak against Quagsire's typing but its additional effect kicked in, raising Sneasel's power.

"Sonic might want to do something fast" Jasmine said anxiously "sneasel will become too strong too fast".

"Don't let up sneasel! Shadow claw!"

Sneasel wound up its claws heading straight for Quagsire.

The attack landed, surprisingly on Quagsire's stomach.

Silver was perplexed as to why Sonic would leave one of a pokemon's most vital parts of body open on purpose.

That was until he witnessed the smile on Sonic's face.

"Thank you for that".


"Quagsire? You feel sick enough? Let it all out! Sludge bomb!"

Quagsire essentially puked on Sneasel, the shadow claw having shaken it to the point the sludge bomb was maximum power.

The ice and dark type, already at point blank range and not expecting such an attack, giving it no chance to dodge, collapsed fainting.

"Sneasel is unable to battle. Quagsire is the winner!"

"What a move by the hero of Kanto!" the announcer nearly screamed sending the stadium into a frenzy of cheers.

The battle was cut once again as now three of Silver's pokemon had fainted. And all of Sonic's pokemon, albeit with some injuries, were still battle ready, giving him a decisive lead.

Meeting up with his friends, they congratulated him on a well battled match thus far.

"I think Ash and I have our work cut out for us. You battle like a hedgehog possessed!"

"Your lead is immense! I can't help but wonder why he is not giving up?" Wave wondered aloud.

"The battle's not over yet everyone. I don't know Silver but I believe him when he says he battles for power. I think he hasn't shown his true strength in battle yet" Sonic brought them back down to earth.

As they discussed the battle, Jasmine turned to Sonic.

"Why did you recall Raichu back there? It seemed just fine".

"Our bond. It makes me feel Raichu's pain. I didn't want it to show".

"But you told me it wasn't all that serious".

Tails took over.

"That connection has been amplified over our Johto travels. To the point that Raichu getting stabbed back then and Sonic experiencing that pain were one and the same".

Everyone was shocked to hear that besides Knuckles.

"And even though it's not a very common occurrence" Sonic decided to add something "this connection is a two way street. Raichu can also feel my pain. It was revealed to us very early on our journey here".

"You know I have a theory about this" Tails suddenly remembered what he had been toying over with in his mind over the last few weeks, especially following the display of Sonic's speed at Alto Mare.

"I think that these two additions to your bond, pain sharing and your speed abilities… are like yin and yang. One completing the other".

"Almost like those 'deal' memes online" Jet brought up an example "you get this but under this condition".

Sonic nodded. That certainly seemed like a legit explanation. Despite that the lightning phenomenon still lingered in the back of his mind. If that was to ever fully manifest what would the catch be, if any?

The announcement of the ending of the break ended as he was called back to the arena.

Wished good luck by his friends, Sonic stepped back into the arena. The grass habitat was lowered under the arena and a new habitat took its place. A beach habitat. Half water, half land.

Sonic's eyes narrowed. Although he had a major lead, he didn't know how strong Silver's Feraligart was. Adding the habitat to the equation evened things out a little too much for comfort.

He took out Tyranitar's pokeball. It was a risk but with three of Silver's pokemon down and the knowledge of Crobat and Feraligart as his 4th and 5th pokemon, choosing Hitmontop didn't seem as good anymore. He needed something strong overall. Tyranitar was the perfect pick.

"Battle resume!"

"Come forth! Alakazam!"

"Tyranitar! Let's rumble!"

The two pokemon emerged, Sonic's sparkling in the process. Watching the sparkles spin outwards was a very satisfying feeling for Sonic.

Silver was in a bit of a bind. Tyranitar was too powerful of a pick against either Alakazam or Crobat. But at this point his only choice was to set up for his most powerful team member to try and sweep.

"Alakazam return! Take flight Crobat!"

The Crobat appeared again, slightly annoying Sonic. Tyranitar gave him a reassuring look, letting him know it was going to be fine. Sonic nodded back.

"Knock that bat out of the sky! Rock slide!"

"Dodge it, then toxic!"

Tyranitar fired its move. Taking advantage of the open space, Crobat dodged all of boulders coming its way by flying just over the surface of the water. Once the move was over, Crobat spat poison on Tyranitar, poisoning it.

Silver grinned, thinking he had done it. But getting poisoned was within Sonic and his pokemon's training. After all they had also trained with Sonic's Kanto pokemon a lot before the league.

"Tyranitar crunch!"

Without missing a beat, Tyranitar's massive jaws locked down on Crobat, the momentum even causing Tyranitar to stumble and fall, with Crobat taking the brunt of the fall as Tyranitar chewed down on it, damaging it.

Crobat flapped its wings as hard as it could trying to break free but Tyranitar's grip was just too great. Although bubbles came out of Tyranitar's nose, indicating poison damage, the massive shiny pokemon didn't budge.

Silver hoped he could reveal this move against either Raichu when it was already weak or against Entei but no longer had the luxury of biding his time.

"Crobat! Confuse ray!"

Crobat unleashed a small golden glow from its eyes which took the form of a sphere. The sphere flew in front of Tyranitar's eyes, hypnotizing it and causing it to get confused and weaken its grip over Crobat, allowing it to break free.

Tyranitar shook its head trying to snap out of its confusion.

"Bite Crobat!"

Crobat sank its sharp teeth into Tyranitar, which roared and attempted to punch Crobat to get it off but in its confusion, the punch ended up on its cheek instead. And the increasingly severe poisoning kept chipping away at the massive dark and rock type.

"Tyranitar listen to my voice! You are strong remember?! Like your mother!"

The mention of its mother reminded Tyranitar of the day its mother was taken. How those bad people had arrived and forcibly captured her and its older sibling before it could hide.

With a powerful roar Tyranitar shook itself out of the confusion.

"Finish this! Rock slide!"

"Dodge it crobat!"

Crobat dodged a few of the boulders but still took major damage. It landed to catch its breath.

Just as Sonic was about to grin and have Tyranitar crunch it down again, the poison completely drained Tyranitar's energy, knocking it out to everyone's surprise.

"Tyranitar is unable to battle! Crobat's the winner!"

It was the first defeat for Sonic's pokemon in this battle. Tails had an eerie feeling the tide was going to turn. Sonic would have to stay on his toes.

"Tyranitar return! You were great. Your mother would be proud of you. Leave the rest to us" Sonic said to the pokeball before assessing his choices.

He smirked upon deciding to overwhelm his opponent.

"Roar with pride!"

A pillar of fire erupted as the volcano pokemon, Entei, let out a mighty roar, shaking Crobat and the viewers to their very cores.

Silver found himself unnerved against Entei. For Sonic to call it out, it meant he was done playing around.

"Crobat! Confuse ray!"

"A trick like that only works the first time! Entei! Dodge and stomp it down!"

Entei, moving incredibly fast despite being the slowest of the three beasts in terms of speed, dodged the confuse ray before making its way to Crobat.

Entei then leaped upwards, shoving its massive paw against Crobat and stomping it down. Crobat's wings flapped for a while before stopping.


Sonic's friends looked unnerved at this. That move was a little bit of overkill.

"Entei back".

Entei backed off Crobat so the referee could check if it was ok. It was merely knocked out.

"Crobat is unable to battle! Entei's the winner!"

Silver recalled Crobat.

"That was a bit uncalled for don't you think?"

"Entei only knows to fight at full force" Sonic shrugged off the question "so you should understand it. Maybe in another life you two would be allies".

Silver gritted his teeth. He hated when Sonic could read him.

His mind went back to before the disappearence of his father. To the Kanto league.

He had watched it on TV, at the time hating only Sonic, thinking his father would come for him so they could work together to take revenge on the blue hedgehog.

And he had seen how Sonic had defeated Ash so undisputedly.

He was now in a similar predicament.

"Maybe you were right all along. Maybe I can't beat you. Not yet anyway".

Sonic was genuinely not expecting this reply.

"But that doesn't mean I will go down without a good fight first! Come forth Alakazam!"

Alakazam appeared. Entei growled at it.


"Entei Sacred fire!"

Entei was not quick enough to fire its move before the psychic connected. The pain angered the beast of fire, empowering sacred fire further.


Alakazam barriered itself. The sacred fire, being weirdly a move inflicting physical damage despite being ranged, was greatly weakened because of the reflect, allowing Alakazam to survive.

"Not good enough! Flamethrower!"

Learning from his usage of Moltres, Sonic had kept flamethrower on Entei for reasons like this despite training with it in physical attacks like Raichu.

The flamethrower connected, knocking Alakazam out. Silver recalled it.

"Alakazam is unable to battle! Entei's the winner!"

"Is this going to be like his battle with Ash? What you described as an undisputed win?" Cosmo asked Tails.

"It looks like it. Kind of an anticlimactic end honestly".

Silver took out his final pokeball. Feraligatr's.

"Now or never! All or nothing!"

The way he spoke those words had Sonic questioning the odds for a moment. But the thought was absurd.

Silver had one pokemon left while Sonic had five, including Entei and Raichu.

"Go Feraligatr!"

The water Johto starter appeared and growled at Entei while giving off a teasing look.

"Go ahead. Make your move" Silver invited Sonic to attack.

Sonic was now in total loss. Regardless he wouldn't hold back.

"Entei! Bite!"

Entei charged Feraligatr, intending to bite it.

"Jump into the water!"

Feraligatr immediately retreated into the water section of the arena, before Entei's attack could connect.

"Don't let it get away Entei! Use Sacred fire to force it out!"

Entei charged up sacred fire, intending to nuke the water and blow Feraligatr out.

"Now! Waterfall!"

Feraligatr jumped out of the water with terrifying speed, slamming its body against Entei, as waterfall connected.

Entei was pushed to the ground, Feraligatr all over it.

"Finish this! Dragon claw!"

"Bite the dragon claw!"

Entei chewed down on Feraligatr's claws, canceling out a big part of the attack.

"What a strategy!" Ash commented impressed.

Silver grinned despite the supposed lock they were in.




Using its other hand, Feraligatr created another, weaker version of waterfall. Or to be more accurate the normal version of waterfall as the previous one was empowered because of the attack coming from inside the water.

Entei got blasted with the attack before shoving Feraligatr off with a bite.

The two pokemon faced each other down for a moment, growling at each other.

The next moment, Entei fell on its side, toppling over and fainting, leaving Sonic to stumble back and gasp.

"It's down!" Brock exclaimed in shock.

"This is quite unexpected" Professor Oak said with a serious face "so far every time either Entei or Suicune were brought out, the battle was decided. But now… for it to go down so easily…"

"The battle is not over" Tails told his friends in realization on the other side of the arena unbeknownst to Oak "that Feraligatr is Silver's comeback plan!"

"Couldn't it be just the type advantage?"

"No. That gyarados in round 3 struck Entei with hydro pump and it didn't go down. That means this Feraligatr is hypertrained quantitywise. It won't go down easily".

Knuckles and the others looked at Feraligatr and then back at Sonic while he was trying to make a decision as to how to proceed.

It suddenly felt like Sonic was fighting an overleveled boss.

"Aggressive huh? Time for some defense! Go! Meganium!"

Meganium came out, ready to take some punishment for the team.

"Not going to help! Bite!"

Feraligatr launched itself at Meganium, sinking its teeth into the grass type's neck, like a vampire.

"Leech seed!"

The attack connected, ensnaring Feraligatr as its health was drained.

"Not going to be enough! Ice punch!"

"Ice punch?!" Sonic thought in shock as he didn't see such a move coming.

The ice punch was brutal but thanks to its high defense, Meganium survived.



Meganium shielded itself, blocking the ice punch as the leech seed drained more of Feraligatr's energy.

"Get into the water quick!"

Feraligatr jumped back. Sonic was perplexed.

"Synthesis quick!"

"No you don't! Waterfall!"

The attack, once again empowered by the terrain, toppled Meganium but also had an unforseen side effect or at least unforseen for Sonic; the expulsion of power removed the leech seed.

"There goes your wall" Silver grinned.

"Poison powder!"

Meganium, using its last bit of energy, expelled its poisonous powder, infecting Feraligatr, before completely fainting.

"Meganium is unable to battle! Feraligatr's the winner!"

Silver looked at his poisoned Feraligatr and grinned.

"So you gave yourself a lifeline. Question is, can you last long enough to win?"

Sonic closed his eyes with a hint of guilt.

"I lasted long enough against him the first time".

Silver's eyes widened. This was exact same scenario his father had been in when he first fought Sonic.

Back then Sonic and his Raichu were beginners and his father played with his food which cost him the win.

But now they were strong. And Silver knew it.

He vowed it wouldn't repeat. He wouldn't lose like his father.

Sonic recalled Meganium, thanking it for its effort. Now he was down to 3.

"Got to weaken it! Go! Hitmontop!"

Hitmontop came out, its ability immediately going off, weakening its opponent.

"Meaningless tricks! Just bring out your Raichu already and come at me with everything you got!"

Raichu looked up at Sonic, begging him to comply.

"Not yet" Sonic nodded negatively "we need to weaken it first, let the poison do its work".

"Hitmontop! Fake out!"

Hitmontop faked out the Feraligatr, catching it by surprise and causing it to flinch, giving the poison more time to act.

"Now! Triple kick!"

"Dragon claw!"

The first kick landed but dragon claw stopped the second in its tracks before slashing at Hitmontop, sending it rolling down on the ground.

"Don't let up! Ice punch!"

Moving with scary speed, Feraligatr's fist slammed into Hitmontop's face, sending the shiny fighting type at Sonic's feet. Fainted.

"Hitmontop is unable to battle! Feraligatr's the winner!"

Sonic felt numb. Even weakening it had not worked.

"Enough playing hedgehog! Face me head-on! Strike me with all your might like you did him!"

Sonic looked into Silver's eyes.

"Come on then! Come at me already! Show me your power! Let our pokemon clash!"

Sonic then recalled Silver's words at the lighthouse.

"I am Silver! And I want to be the strongest! And I want to do it for myself. Not for my father".

"And now's your one chance to live up to your words" Sonic spoke to his opponent in understanding "Raichu!"


"To heck with hiding! We got a battle to win!"

"Rai! Raichu!" Raichu jumped into the field, staring down Feraligatr.

"This is it!" Tails said, bursting with anxiety.

"But Sonic still has Quagsire" Jasmine reminded him.

"If Raichu loses, I don't think Sonic will be able to continue" Tails spoke grimly, worrying Jasmine as she remembered the bond connection.

"Finally! To hell with winning! To hell with the Johto league! Just you and me!"

"Raichu! Quick attack!"

Raichu moved before Feraligatr could even think, slamming into it and ricochetting.

Silver expected this opening.

"Ice punch!"

"Thunder punch!"

The two pokemon's blows collided, shaking the field slightly. The shockwave was felt by Sonic and Ash's groups. Ash especially got nervous at this level of power.

"Iron tail!"

"Dragon claw!"

The iron tail met the claws, barely deflecting them. Sonic gritted his teeth at the wasted chances of static kicking in. But because of the poisoning, it would never work.

Feraligatr was affected by the poison again, roaring.

"Not now Feraligatr! Stand strong! You can't go down! Not before we beat them!"

Feraligatr looked back and nodded. The trust between the two was clear to Sonic and came to believe Silver was not his father more than before.


"Brick break!"

The fangs bit down on Raichu, sending the feeling through Sonic's body. Raichu immediately slammed its paw into Feraligatr's face, causing it to let go.

Silver carefully observed his pokemon, like he was expecting something to change after the attack.

"Not yet. I need to force it out" he thought "Feraligatr! Ice punch! Knock it out!"

"Thunder punch!" Sonic instructed.

The two pokemon at first repeated their punches colliding before Feraligatr went for another punch with its left hand. Raichu was taken by surprise, the attack connecting because of it.

Sonic rubbed his right cheek which was burning from the punch.

"This is how it's going to be? Raichu! A flurry of thunder punches!"

"Eye for an eye! Feraligatr a flurry of ice punches!"

The two pokemon began trading blows with incredible speed and horrifying ferocity. Each punch that landed felt like the receiver had attempted to kiss the express train. And yet with each such punch, the desire to push on increased.

"Get them Feraligatr! Show them who we are!"

"We have not come this far to lose so easily Raichu! You got this!"

The whole stadium was in total awe. This was truly a marvelous fight.

It was like the spectators or the referee weren't even there.

The two trainer and pokemon fighting were the only ones there in the moment.

Feraligatr punched Raichu one more time, causing both it and Sonic to kneel.

"Now to finish this! Feraligatr! Get in the water and use waterfall!"

"Not even Entei could stop that attack!" Knuckles spoke to the others with widened eyes.

"He can't lose like this!" Ash gripped the seat in front of him anxiously.

Feraligatr jumped into the water. The attack was launched, like a huge wave heading for Raichu.

Lightning crackled on Raichu's tail.

"Huh?" Silver managed to hum for a moment.

Thunder crashed on Sonic and Raichu for a moment before instantly converging and becoming a singular thunderbolt uniting them.

"What the hell?!" Silver stumbled back as Feraligatr was heading for Raichu mid-air.

For a fleeting moment Tails saw through the glow of the thunderbolt. He managed to get a glimpse of Sonic's outline. But it was different.

There was no greenish glow from the mix of the yellow of the lightning and Sonic's blue. Only a golden glow.

And his quills. They were pointing upward.

Sonic's silhouette made a gesture as if he was ordering an attack.

Thunderbolt was launched against Feraligatr while at the same time it was stopped mid air for a moment before being launched back, the thunderbolt colliding just as Feraligatr crashed on the shallow waters.

The result was both apparent and shocking. Literally.

When the attack stopped, the thunderbolt dissipated and Sonic stood strong albeit clearly drained of energy, same as Raichu. Feraligatr had fainted.

A few seconds of silence ran by with no one making a sound, everyone trying to process what happened.

Eventually the referee snapped out of it.

"Feraligatr is unable to battle! Raichu wins! The winner of the first semifinal round is Sonic the hedgehog!"

Cheers erupted as Sonic raised his tighened fist high in the air despite the exhaustion.

Raichu rushed to his side, despite its own injuries.

"We did it partner" Sonic said as they hugged.

Upon leaving the arena, Sonic was joined by his two friends, Jet and Jasmine who helped him back to his seat as Tails examined him as best he could.

"Man… the fight took a serious toll on you. Any more and you could have collapsed then and there".

"Well thankfully we didn't" Sonic smirked as Jasmine hugged him tightly.

He then remembered Silver was nowhere to be found.

"Wait. Have you guys seen Silver?"

"I think he was leaving" Cosmo informed them.

"Get me to him please. I don't think I'm in much shape to catch up".

Tails nodded and took off, holding Sonic by the arms.

The two flew over the town for a few minutes before finally spotting Silver who was already at the outskirts.

"Silver wait" Sonic called out to him as they landed.

Silver turned around, a look of apathy on his face.

"Have you come to gloat?"

"No. I came to thank you".

"Thank me? For what?"

"For the good fight. You lived up to your word and I respect that".

Silver scowled.

"Don't patronize me hero of Kanto. I lost. I failed myself".

"No you didn't" Sonic insisted "you proved yourself today. You proved you are strong and you're not… him".

Silver was annoyed that Sonic was playing on that heart string.

"I lost just like he did. So quit your sugar coating. You prevailed. That's all there is to it".

"But you have done something he didn't. You didn't abandon your pokemon. You walked this path with them. Hell you have a Crobat, a pokemon that requires love to evolve. And your Feraligatr… you said during the battle that it would show me and Raichu who you both are. Plural. This already proves you are not Giovanni Silver. In just a few months, your Feraligatr became a force to be reckoned with. It almost swept my team man".

Silver held Feraligatr's pokeball in hand, looking at it with a mix of emotions.

"You lost our battle Silver. But you won the battle with yourself. And that makes you one of the strongest trainers I know".

Silver cracked a very faint smile.

"You have a taste for trying to push others forward don't you?"

Sonic also smirked.

"What can I say? Good influence shows" he said as he looked towards Tails and the stadium.

Silver closed his eyes, his back turned towards Sonic at this point.

"We're not friends just so you know. But you're alright. Sonic the hedgehog".

Sonic nodded.

"We'll battle again one day. Be ready for it".

"We will" Silver said as he left, doing a thumbs up gesture as he walked away.

Sonic and Tails watched him leave.

"Redeeming your archnemesis' son. Not something I imagined would come out of today".

"He was lost in his rage. But just because someone stumbles and loses their way in darkness, doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes all they need is a little help and a little understanding".

Tails jabbed Sonic which hurt because of his exhaustion.


"Sorry. Just when did you become so wisecracking?" Tails joked.

"Hehe. Let's go back to the stadium. The others will be waiting".

"Hope Knuckles' match with Ash hasn't started yet".

"Oh this we got to see" Sonic eagerly said as they soared back towards the stadium, eager to find out who would be Sonic's opponent in the finals.

Chapter 93: Semifinals-round 2


The Johto league semifinals continue with Knuckles facing Ash. With both competitors carrying a deep desire to battle Sonic in the final, their clash becomes all the more impactful.


Chapter on Saturday evening next weekend due to go fest. Hope everyone who participates gets their fair share of Necrozmas and shinies. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter Text

Knuckles took deep breaths to keep himself cool and focused. It was time.

As he patiently waited for the announcer to call him to the arena, he couldn't help but wonder what was coming his way when it came to Ash.

The guy was incredibly unpredictable as an opponent and his pool of pokemon was very diverse.

Although a lot of his pokemon were not fully evolved and some like Bulbasaur and totodile were first forms, he would still have to be on his guard.

In the moment, Knuckles understood why Sonic wanted Ash to grow his team to their full potential. The kid did have the heart and virtues required to be a pokemon master. But it just felt like he lacked the required power to achieve that.

"And now without further ado, let's welcome our two combatants! Ladies and gentlemen give a warm welcome to the first contestant! Ash Ketchum from Pallet town!"

Loud cheers reached Knuckles who inhaled a deep breath before exhaling waiting for his own entrance.

"And his opponent! The chosen one of the North wind!"

Knuckles grinned as he walked forward. He recalled the rumors of Sonic in Kanto when he was dubbed the chosen one of Moltres.

"Give a round of applause for Knuckles the Echidna of the Sonic heroes!"

Knuckles got into the arena with his chest propped forward to give himself confidence.

Just as he arrived the arena changed. The habitat created was a desert with a small hint of rocks on the side.

"Well. Guess it's finally happening" Ash spoke to Knuckles.

"Yeah. It's time we settle our score once for all and truly prove which one of us is worthy to battle Sonic!"

Ash took out a pokeball.

"That will be me! Count on that!"

Knuckles took out Victreebel's pokeball intending to lead with it.

"I'll make you eat those words!"

"Battle…" the referee raised his two flags "start!" be quickly waved them downwards.

"Go Victreebel!"

"Tauros! I choose you!"

Knuckles was rather impressed by the appearance of the wild bull pokemon. He was equally as annoyed when Tauros' intimidate kicked in, weakening Victreebel.

"That's a rather good opening" Tails spoke to Sonic.

"Kid's finally learning something" Sonic replied as he began thinking of possible counters to such an opening.

"Alright! Let's go tauros! Horn attack!"

Tauros charged forward, horns first.

"Victreebel! Razor leaf!"

Victreebel used its variation of razor leaf where its side leaves were stretched outwards, like blades. It then charged towards tauros, as if they were jousting.

Tauros' horns slammed into Victreebel, sending it backwards with extreme force, although the razor leaf made sure the exchange was equivalent.

"Don't stop Tauros! Take down!"

"Use sleep powder!"

Victreebel dodged the attack, baiting Tauros into a cloud of sleep powder. Tauros attempted to attack again before the effects of the move kicked in and it fell asleep.

"Oh no! Tauros wake up!"

"Sludge bomb!"

Tauros was showered in sludge bombs. The sleep condition, prevented Tauros from getting poisoned but Ash knew it was only a matter of time before Tauros fainted.

"Wake up Tauros!"

"More sludge bombs!"

The sludge shower continued, leaving Ash no choice. The conditions wouldn't get any better to pull this move off.

"Tauros rest!"


Tauros, already asleep as it was, began healing by sleeping.

"I don't believe it! Ash used sleep powder against Knuckles!" Tails said in shock.

"He never seizes to impress" Sonic answered with a hint of a smile, his arms crossed on his chest.

After regaining all of its health, Tauros awoke and let out a loud deep moo.

"Victreebel! Razor leaf!"

This time victreebel used the normal version, unleashing a barrage of leaves towards Tauros.

"Charge through them and use take down!"

Tauros charged forward, unhindered by the sharp leaves. Victreebel took the attack head-on, the hit being critical.

Victreebel attempted to rise but fainted, slumping on the sand.

"Victreebel is unable to battle! Tauros wins!"

"Way to go Tauros!"

"Pika pi!"

"Mooooo!" Tauros cried out back to Ash and Pikachu.

"Ash actually took the lead" Brock smiled, very impressed that his friend was performing this well in this tournament, a far better rank than Kanto already, being in the semifinals and all.

Knuckles recalled Victreebel.

"You were great. Don't you worry, we got this" Knuckles assured it before selecting the next pokemon to go with.

"Tauros return!"

Knuckles' eyes widened. Ash had deliberately recalled Tauros, giving himself a switch disadvantage.

"The intimidate" Knuckles realized "he wants to reuse it later. He is actually picking up from Sonic a lot more than I give him credit for. After all this was Sonic's move throughout the tournament if he assessed it to be the correct move. Ash knows my pokemon since I only have 6 but I don't know his" Knuckles surmised in his mind.

Ash not only had the lead when it came to the number of pokemon standing but he was actually fighting with strategy and not just improvisation.

Knuckles shook his head to stop his overthinking. He had to pick a pokemon.

His palm grabbed Typhlosion's pokeball.

"Send out your pokemon… now!"

"Typhlosion! You're up!"

"Heracross! I choose you!"

The two pokemon faced down each other. Knuckles smiled. He had the type advantage.

But he also knew the strength a Heracross had. He would have to be careful.

"Time to test the waters" he thought "flamethrower!"

"Plow through with megahorn!"

Heracross flew straight towards the flamethrower but was overwhelmed.

Knuckles remembered Ash attempting to use the same move against Gary's Blastoise as it fired hydro pump. It didn't work then. He felt a pinch of disappointment. Ash was by no means an easy opponent but such a move was just disappointing to see from someone like him.

"Flamethrower again!"

"Dodge and use horn attack!"

Heracross sidestepped to avoid the flamethrower then slammed its massive horn into Typhlosion.

"Grab onto Heracross and use flame wheel!"

Typhlosion grabbed Heracross and started rolling, taking the bug type pokemon with it. Although the move wasn't very well executed due to the sheer difference in size, the result was still to be expected. Heracross was thrown off the flame wheel and toppled fainting.

"Heracross is unable to battle! Typhlosion's the winner".

"Return Heracross. You were great, your effort won't be in vain. Alright next one! I choose you! Kingler!"

A kingler appeared, taking Knuckles aback. He hadn't seen Ash use Kingler before and it changed everything.

"Do I switch out into Ampharos? I have one more switch compared to him… alright let's do it!" he thought "Typhlosion return! Ampharos! Give them a shock!"

The signature johtonian electric type came out. Ash was annoyed that he had to deal with another bad matchup but remembering Knuckles' lineup, he decided he had to switch. Heracross was out of commission so he would need something to handle Knuckles' Tyranitar.

"Kingler return! Charizard, I choose you!"

Charizard roared as it soared.

"Trading one bad matchup for another? You disappoint me Ketchum".

"We'll see what you have to say in halftime! Charizard! Flamethrower!"

"Counter with thunderbolt!"

The two attacks collided with great force canceling each other out.

"Let's see you block this Knucklehead! Charizard! Use dragon rage!"

"Dragon rage?!" Knuckles exclaimed, both surprised and perplexed.

Ampharos tried to use light screen to block the attack but it went through. Thankfully dragon rage's damage was very little to a fully trained pokemon.

"Big deal. Unblockable but weak. Thunder wave!"

"Fly away to dodge it!"

Charizard soared but was still hit, its wings paralyzed, causing it to plummet down.

Ash hated having to resort to this move but if Charizard was to crash down at least it could try taking ampharos with it.

"Charizard! Take down!"

Charizard moved its wings just enough to change the trajectory of its fall, causing it to crash into Ampharos, breaking the light screen in the process.

Dust rose on the battlefield because of dessert field. When it settled charizard stood up, with Ampharos struggling on the ground.

"Way to go Charizard!"

Charizard roared with pride, satisfied it had won against a bad matchup.

"Counting your pokemon before they hatch? Big mistake! Ampharos thunderbolt!"

Ampharos, using the last bit of its energy, struck at Charizard, angering the Kanto fire starter which blasted Ampharos with flamethrower, knocking it out. The damage however was done. Charizard was covered in bruises from the unexpected thunderbolt.

"Ampharos is unable to battle! Charizard's the winner!"

Ash was mad at himself for celebrating too soon. His eyes found Sonic at the stands.

The look of disapproval from his rival made Ash even more determined to win.

He turned his gaze back to Knuckles. The echidna was now another pokemon down, with his Typhlosion being injured, but the two pokemon Ash worried about the most, Tyranitar and Suicune had not hit the field yet.

"We can't mess this up now! We trained too much to lose! I will prove him wrong here and now!"

Knuckles recalled Ampharos.

"Well done Ampharos. Get some rest. Alright. No time like the present! Tyranitar, let's roll on some rocks!"

The massive pokemon emerged and let out a loud roar. Ash kept a cool face despite the anxiety.

If he beat Tyranitar then his odds of winning would go up significantly. But before that he would have to make a choice.

Throw another of his switches out and weaken Tyranitar through Tauros, potentially not achieving anything as Tauros had no actual super effective moves against Tyranitar, or risk it all by having Charizard fight the pseudo legendary and throw kingler out to finish the job?

"His Heracross is still up. It will be very annoying to handle especially without Charizard. What do we do?"

"Pika pika" Pikachu climbed on his shoulders, smiling at him assuringly. Charizard also looked back at him the same way.

They were both willing to continue as they were. Ash smiled, trusting his team members.

Then he remembered Charizard still had something to weaken Tyranitar with. All Ash had to do was play it carefully.

"Contestant Ketchum are you ready to proceed?" the referee asked him.

"I'm sticking with Charizard".

Knuckles' eyes narrowed. Ash had to be planning something. But what?

"Tyranitar! Let's do this! Crunch!"

Tyranitar running towards Charizard, its teeth ready to chew.

"Charizard soar quick!"

Charizard spread its wings and soared before Tyranitar got to it.

"Big mistake! Rock slide!"

Tyranitar fired its rocks towards Charizard. The flying and fire type danced around the rocks, way out of reach.

"Looks like stalemate" Knuckles commented.

"Not quite! Charizard flamethrower on the sand!"

Charizard, still flying out of reach for Tyranitar's rock slide to strike, rained fire on the sand, intending to heat it up and turn the field into an oven.

"I saw that strategy already, what makes you think it will work on me?! Tyranitar! Time to reveal our new move! Sandstorm!"

Tyranitar smacked the ground with its foot, raising the sands and causing a heating sandstorm. Charizard's move had backfired.

But Ash had seen a version of this coming.

"Now Charizard! Fire spin!"

The attack came out of nowhere and surrounded Tyranitar, trapping it in the vortex, chipping away at its health as sandstorm did the same to Charizard.

"Charizard quick! Lift Tyranitar and use seismic toss!"

Charizard grabbed onto Tyranitar but it proved too heavy to lift. Knuckles grinned.

"You made the same mistake against Gary! Now it's going to cost you! Crunch!"

Tyranitar bit Charizard hard causing them to plummet down.

"Finish this with rock slide!"

Tyranitar's move found its mark, knocking Charizard out of the fight.

"Charizard is unable to battle! Tyranitar's the winner!"

Ash recalled Charizard, thanking it for its effort.

The fight was lost but it was far from over. Ash may have been unable to best Tyranitar in the moment, but the fire spin was still there.

Knuckles couldn't switch out Tyranitar for the time being. And that was Ash's only chance.

"Kingler! I choose you!"

Kingler appeared again, facing Tyranitar.

Tails caught on to Ash's strategy.

"He trapped Tyranitar in! He knows Knuckles' team. Therefore he must have something to counter Heracross and sacrificed Charizard as a strategic move. Now Tyranitar has to fight a losing battle!"

Knuckles came to the same conclusion but remained steadfast. He wouldn't go down without a fight. Tyranitar felt the same way.

"Let's go Kingler! Water gun!"

The water attack came through and even though the power level made it strong enough to hurt Tyranitar it was far from capable of knocking it out.

"Is that the best you can do? Earthquake!"

Tyranitar slammed its foot down sending shockwaves towards Kingler which took massive damage, yet remained strong.

"Kingler! You need to knock it out! Use crabhammer!"

"Crabhammer?!" all of team Sonic said at once, not seeing the powerful move coming.

Tyranitar was slammed by the attack, going down but getting back up.

"No more games Tyranitar! Rock slide!"

Tyranitar roared and fired rock slide.

"Counter it with hyper beam!"

Kingler charged and unleashed the powerful beam in such a way the rock slide was deflected and smacked Tyranitar instead. The hyper beam struck right afterwards, shoving the massive pokemon backwards.

The fire spin burned one final time, taking away the last of Tyranitar's energy. The massive godzilla looking pokemon toppled with a huge thud, knocking Kingler up momentarily as the sandstorm seized.

"Tyranitar is unable to battle! Kingler is the winner!"

Knuckles was in complete denial. Ash was actually beating him. And he was ahead by one pokemon.

As the battle took a break for the two trainers to compose themselves, Knuckles met with Sonic and Tails.

"He is actually winning. I can't believe it. Despite all our training and all our power he is actually keeping up".

"I didn't see this coming in all honesty" Tails admitted "he is a formidable trainer but I didn't expect him to use such pokemon".

"That's what I've been saying all along. If he can beat someone like champion Drake of the orange league by using Squirtle and Bublasaur against a freaking dragonite, imagine what he could with fully grown pokemon. No scratch that. We are witnessing what he can do with fully grown pokemon" Sonic said, deeply impressed by Ash and especially impressed by Kingler surviving that earthquake from Tyranitar. Part of him wondered why Ash didn't go with Kingler against him in Kanto.

On the other side of the arena, Ash was meeting with Brock, Misty and surprisingly Gary. He was over the moon.

"Oh yeah! We got this battle in the bag!"

"That was an impressive battle so far" Brock agreed "especially the way you handled the Tyranitar. Trapping it and weakening it over time was a very smart move".

"It's so impressive you can actually rival Knuckles and Sonic" Misty complimented Ash who rubbed his nose with a hint of gloating.

Gary had not spoken a word so far.

"What are your thoughts on the battle?" Ash asked him.

Gary was dead serious as he spoke.

"Honestly? I think you're again celebrating too soon".

"How so?"

"I used the exact team I used against you in our battle, against their friend Tails. And whether you believe me or not, he gave me quite a challenge".

"Tails gave you a challenge? But he is not taking part in the tournament. Isn't he just the brains in their team?"

Gary shook his head.

"I was afraid you would say that. You have no idea how strong these three really are. My battle with Tails ended in a draw because I had beat his five pokemon before the legend of thunder joined him for the duration of the battle and beat me utterly and decisively".

Gary put his hand on his childhood rival and friend's shoulder.

"I considered Tails weak before battling him. But I learned that he is insanely strong and at the same time, the least strong of the three. You're battling Knuckles, in other words their beta. You got the lead now. But you still have to beat Suicune".

He let go and turned to leave. Just as he was about to head to the stands he looked over his shoulder.

"If you can't beat Suicune here and now, then you are still a very long way from even dreaming of rivaling Sonic. I know what I'm saying here. So beware of what you're actually up against Ash. And for the love of Ho-oh, do NOT let up until you have won".

And with those words Gary left.

After his defeat at Ash's hands again, he remained isolated for the rest of the day, trying to find a new path to follow as the path of power just wouldn't seem to work out. Not when truly powerful trainers like Sonic and his crew were out there.

Their effect on Ash was the final evidence Gary needed to start reconsidering everything.

Ash was now showing great promise because of that effect. The way of training as well as the hours he had put into training had made him actually capable of rivaling team Sonic in the moment.

But for Ash to truly stand a chance of defeating them, he would need to defeat the legendary beasts, more accurately, Suicune and Entei.

And Ash had barely beaten Dragonite at the orange islands. That made Gary question his childhood friend's chances against a pokemon of Suicune's caliber.

The break ended and Ash faced Knuckles again as they took out a pokeball each, waiting for the referee's signal.

The arena changed once again. This time it was resembling the top of a mountain.

Knuckles thought long and hard before going with his Typhlosion. If his gut was right, he knew what Ash would go for.

"Battle… continue!"

"Typhlosion! Let's turn up the heat!"

"Tauros! I choose you!"

Tauros emerged, intimidating Typhlosion. Knuckles' eyes narrowed. His guess was right but it didn't make the situation easier for him.

"Tauros! Horn attack!"

"Typhlosion! Dodge with quick attack then flame wheel!"

Typhlosion dodged the horn attack before using the momentum built by the quick attack to use the flame wheel. Making a complete U-turn, Typhlosion slammed into Tauros which cried out.

"Tauros! Take down!"

Tauros attempted again to slam into the spinning Typhlosion. Though the attack worked and Typhlosion's flame wheel came to a halt, the recoil of the take down as well as the force applied on Tauros when it clashed with Typhlosion were massive, greatly weakening the bull pokemon.

"Tauros rest!"

"Not gonna happen! Typhlosion! Flamethrower!"

Typhlosion unleashed a powerful jet of flames, empowered by blaze. Just as Tauros was falling asleep, the flames engulfed it, knocking it out before it could heal itself.

"Tauros is unable to battle! Typhlosion's the winner!"

Things were even once again in terms of numbers. But Sonic and Tails were still observing with anxiety about their friend. He is was by no means in the clear. Typhlosion was basically running on will, the blaze kicking in, keeping it from fainting. Heracross was up but Tails was sure that for Ash to sacrifice Charizard early he needed to have another flying type.

Suicune would be Knuckles' greatest asset in this fight but with the odds so overwhelmingly against them, they couldn't be sure it would win.

Ash recalled Tauros, thanking it. He then grinned. It was secret weapon time.

With Typhlosion in place, there was not better way to reveal one of his orange island catches. Which also happened to be one of his strongest pokemon. He had considered using it against Gary but had gone for his Primeape instead which did an amazing job.

"I choose you!"

A thud shook the battlefield as something massive came out with a loud roar.

Knuckles stumbled back, his eyes widening. He never expected Ash to have a…

"Snorlax" he stuttered.

The sleeping pokemon, unfortunately for Knuckles, wasn't living up to its name. It was eager to battle. One of its feet slammed into the ground, sending shivers down both Knuckles and Typhlosion's spines.

"Ash has a snorlax?!" Tails exclaimed at the stands.

"This is a very strong and resilient species. Knuckles is in trouble" Jasmine correctly assumed.

"Sonic… what are Knuckles' chances now?" Jet asked him.

"Well… I've narrated the story of my battle with a snorlax back in Kanto. And we also have Ash's story about how he tried to have a snorlax moved so a river could be unblocked. In other words Knuckles is facing down a literal immovable object. And even though he is strong… I can't say for sure Knuckles is an unstoppable force…"

Knuckles was thinking the same thoughts.

"Typhlosion stay on your toes. This will turn ugly soon".

Typhlosion braced itself despite the exhaustion.

"Snorlax! Headbutt!"

Snorlax charged forward, not particularly fast but with each step causing the ground to rumble.

"Quick attack! Then flame wheel!"

Typhlosion repeated the combination of attacks, easily dodging the move. Once again using its momentum it turned into a burning wheel.

"Ram him!"

Typhlosion rammed right into Snorlax's belly.

To Knuckles' horror, the attack wasn't only absorbed but deflected, shoving Typhlosion back roughly.

"You gotta be kidding me!" he grabbed the sides of his head in shock.

"It has thick fat!" Tails said in horror "Fire and ice attacks pretty much won't work!"

"Snorlax now! Body slam!"

Snorlax jumped, which was am impressive for its size. Pointing its belly downward, it prepared to slam dunk on Typhlosion.

"Get out of there Typhlosion!"

The attack landed, causing a mini earthquake.

Ash was smiling confidently after the attack while Knuckles was gritting his teeth in anxiety.

Snorlax then pushed against the ground to get up.

Underneath its belly was a hole dug into the ground.

"What?!" Ash's eyes widened.

"Now Typhlosion!"

Typhlosion dug its way out of the ground, slamming right into Snorlax's face, disorienting the massive pokemon.

"Now! Flamethrower!"

Typhlosion's jet of flames hit Snorlax square in the face, sending it crashing down on its back.

Snorlax didn't move.

"Snorlax is unable to battle! Typhlosion is…"

"Wait!" Ash shouted as he noticed Snorlax's body wiggle as if it was breathing.

A loud snore gave the confirmation.

"It's sleeping?!" everyone of Knuckles' friends exclaimed in shock.

"It knows rest too!" Knuckles whispered in realization that all of their hard work was reset just like that.

Typhlosion's exhaustion had begun taking its toll on it as the flames on its back were visibly losing their intensity.

"Typhlosion! Burn Snorlax with all you got! Before it gets back up!"

Typhlosion let out a cry and unleashed its flames again, engulfing Snorlax completely. But the thick fat was protecting Snorlax from them to a great extent.

After a while Typhlosion stopped to catch its breath. And – "of course it had to be now" Knuckles thought – Snorlax awoke.

"Now Snorlax! Headbutt!"

Snorlax headbutted Typhlosion so hard it was launched out of the arena and crashed into the wall, fainting instantly. Knuckles rushed to its side.

"Typhlosion is unable to battle! Snorlax is the winner!"

"Way to go Snorlax!"

Snorlax let out a cry the resembled a roar.

Knuckles stroke Typhlosion's back affectionately.

"You were amazing. You can rest now. Leave the rest to us ok?"

Knuckles then returned to his position. He was now officially out of alternatives.

He took out Heracross' pokeball, putting all of its faith in it.

Suicune handling three back to back opponents would be too much.

"Go Heracross!"

Heracross came out, eager to battle.

Ash contemplated switching out Snorlax for Kingler. But unlike Typhlosion, Suicune was of a size similar to Snorlax. Its attacks wouldn't be nearly as effective against the beasts. Heracross itself was big but not as big as Snorlax.

Ash's best bet was using Snorlax's bulk against Heracross which he was much more familiar compared to Suicune and fire everything he had left at Suicune afterwards.

"Snorlax! Body slam!" he initiated the battle.

"Repel it with megahorn!"

Heracross stood its ground and unleashed megahorn on Snorlax, managing to actually stop it in its trucks.

"Now brick break!"

Despite its small hands, Heracross' attack had a devastating effect. Snorlax roared in anger as it was shoved back.

"Don't stop Snorlax! Headbutt!"


The two attacks collided, shaking the battlefield. Snorlax was clearly meeting its match.

Ash gritted his teeth. Knuckles had trained Heracross well. Probably had taken some ideas from Sonic too.

"No!" he thought with determination "I won't doubt myself! Not now! Snorlax can win!"

"We'll never get anywhere with head-on clashes. Time to overwhelm him" Knuckles thought on his own end.

"Heracross! Double team!"

Dozens of Heracross clones appeared, driving Snorlax and Ash into a corner.

"Your Snorlax is indeed strong Ash. But let's seen it shake off this many attacks! Heracross! Megahorn!"

The heracrosses all launched towards Snorlax, smacking it with their horns. Snorlax couldn't tell which one was the real one so in its mind they were all attacking.

"Now to finish this! Heracross! Brick break!"

The brick breaks rained down on Snorlax, causing it to roar very loudly from the pain.

Ash tightened his fist. He had hoped to only use this move against Sonic but if he didn't he wouldn't even get a chance to face him.

"Snorlax! Fire hyper beam on all the heracrosses!"

With an eardrum piercing cry, Snorlax charged and fired the hyper beam while rotating. The hyper beam struck the clones one by one, causing them to disappear, until it struck the real Heracross which ended up being a critical hit.

Heracross toppled. Knocked out.

"Heracross is unable to battle! Snorlax is the winner!"

"He's almost there!" Misty exclaimed "Knuckles has only one pokemon left!"

Brock nodded with a smile before going serious again.

"One pokemon sure. But I think which pokemon that is, makes the situation a lot less simple".

Misty's smile disappeared.

Brock was right.

The greatest battle was at hand.

Brock recalled Heracross before cracking a smile.

"A most impressive strategy Ash. I only hope it fits into your overall plan".

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Knuckles took out his final pokeball.

"We've trained against hyper beam you know. We discovered, my friends and I, its huge drawback early on".

Ash's eyes were filled with realization.

"Suicune! Time to turn the tide!"

The aurora pokemon came out majestically, its mane and ribbons dancing in the wind.


"Suicune! Knock out Snorlax! Hydro pump!"

Suicune charged hydro pump and fired.

Snorlax took the attack head-on unable to move or react because of the hyper beam as it was recharging.

The force of the attack mixed with the pressure of the water and the inability of Snorlax to heal signaled the end of the battle for it.

Snorlax fell back and caused a mini quake, fainting.

"Snorlax is unable to battle! Suicune's the winner!"

Ash, bewildered by Suicune's power, felt doubt getting a grip on him.

"How do we defeat Suicune? What if we're not strong enough to do so?"

Pikachu's cheek rubbed against him, electrocuting him slightly. Pikachu was looking at him with a look that read a very empowering thought.

"It hasn't happened yet. So you have nothing to fear".

"You're right" Ash answered even though Pikachu hadn't said anything "we will not fear what hasn't happened yet" he took out his second to last pokeball "we will win this! Kingler! I choose you!"

Kingler came out, clicking its massive clamps. Suicune took a predator's stance, ready for battle.

"Kingler! Use water gun!"

The water gun merely tickled Suicune.

"Not enough! Suicune! Extrasensory!"

Kingler was roughed up very badly from the attack. Ash was mad at himself for testing the waters literally.

"Kingler! Crabhammer!"

Kingler moved surprisingly fast. Its massive clamp closed on Suicune's leg. Suicune roared in pain.


Suicune bit down on Kingler, causing the water pokemon to release the North wind.

"Kingler! Now or never! Hyper beam!"

Kingler charged the move and fired.

Suicune dodged with ease. Knuckles smirked.

"Big mistake! Point blank hydro pump!"

Suicune got in front of the still Kingler and fired a powerful hydro pump right in its face.

Mirroring the case with Typhlosion earlier, Kingler was sent flying out of the arena. Ash watched it crash on the stands in shock.

"Kingler is unable to battle! Suicune is the winner!"

"Cuuuuuune!" Suicune roared with pride, having evened the odds.

Ash took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Suicune was a devastating opponent. And he had made the same stupid mistake of using hyper beam twice, allowing Suicune an opening twice.

"Pikachu. It's all up to you now. I'm at fault for Kingler's defeat. I was hoping we could have weakened Suicune more. But now… now I have to bestow all our hopes onto you. Are you up for it?"

"Pika pi!"

"Good then!"

Ash grabbed his hat and span it the other way. Pikachu jumped on his left hand, raced across his shoulder and up to the edge of his right hand.

"Pikachu! I choose YOU!"

"Pika pika! Pikachu!"

"Cuuune!" Suicune replied as the final confrontation began.

"This is it!" Tails anxiously said "one of them loses now!"

"Come on Knuckles!" Sonic thought.

"Pikachu! Quick attack!"

"Piiiikaaaa!" Pikachu raced across the battlefield, smacking Suicune.

Just as Sonic had predicted about quick attack at the start of their journey, it was merely a love tap.

"Suicune! Hydro pump!"

"Dodge it quick!"

The hydro pump was fired. Pikachu was barely quick enough to dodge, but Suicune was not going to let it find an opening.

"Ice beam!"

Ice beam struck Pikachu. Surprisingly, the electric mouse pokemon sprang back up, peaking Sonic's interest.

"Pikachu! Use agility! Don't let Suicune strike you!"

Pikachu started running circles around Suicune, hoping to disorient it.

Unfortunately for Ash, Knuckles was aware of this strategy. Sonic had told him and Taiks about his first battle with Ash.

"Suicune! Use ice beam to freeze the ground ahead!"

Suicune fired ice beam, creating a line of frozen surface. Pikachu eventually tried to cross it, only to slip and roll on the ground.

"Hydro pump!"

Pikachu was again blasted with water and much more roughly than the first time.

"Stop running around and fight me head-on Ketchum!"

"Don't tell me how to battle!"

Knuckles scoffed.

"Sonic was right about you".


"Your Pikachu is not fighting head-on because it knows it can't win! Where's your thunderbolt?! Your thunder?! Why haven't you used them already?! I'm here striking you with all our might and how do you respond?! With tricks and dodges! Is this how you expect to be a pokemon master?!"

"I am going to be a pokemon master! And I'm going to do it my way!"

"Grrrr! Wake up already you foolish boy! To achieve something so great you need to earn it! And to earn it you need power! Power you deny yourself over fear of change! Sonic was right in his assessment of you! You hold yourself back! As for me? I only have one thing to say! You will never surpass him!"

Something snapped inside Ash. Maybe it was Knuckles' words or the look Pikachu gave him when they crossed eyes.

Its eyes were gleaming with determination.

Pikachu let out a loud cry, aimed at Raichu.

"You're wrong! I'm not weak! I promised I would beat you one day and I'm a pokemon of my word!"

Sonic was able to hear those words as Raichu took them in, its battle spirit fully ignited.

Pikachu then unexpectedly fired a powerful thunderbolt, not unlike the one it had fired on the day it and Ash had met and Pikachu saved him from a flock of spearows.

The thunderbolt came crashing down on Suicune with such speed and intensity that it ended up being a critical hit.

"Cuuuuuune!" the North wind roared in pain as Knuckles was caught off guard.

"Finally! Counter with ice beam!"

Once the thunderbolt dissipated, Suicune fired ice beam. The ice beam connected but Pikachu again sprang right back up.

Ash, witnessing the power and remembering the first day of his journey as well, realized Knuckles made a valid point. They were facing Suicune, a legendary pokemon. Charizard had gone all out against Moltres in Kanto and had only ended in a draw.

If he wanted to beat Knuckles and later Sonic, they needed to really go all out.

"Pikachu! Quick attack! Give him everything you got!"

Pikachu launched itself towards Suicune. Halfway through the attack it span through the air, as its tail began glowing.

"Is that?!" Sonic's eyes widened.

The attack, although clearly not very effective, disoriented Suicune.

"You learned iron tail!" Ash exclaimed in realization.

"Well, what do you know" Knuckles grinned "maybe there is hope for you after all. But that doesn't mean I will let you win! Suicune! Extrasensory!"

Pikachu was hurt by the psychic attack but remained unfazed.

"Iron tail!"


The physical attacks clashed. Neither pokemon prevailed as they were both forced back.

"Again Pikachu!"

"Not this time Ketchum! Suicune! Hydro pump!"

Still grasping how to use iron tail quickly and effectively, Pikachu was blasted in the face by the hydro pump. This time it had to force itself to stand up.

"Your sudden improvement was good Ash, but it came too late! It's over! Suicune! Finish this! Hydro pump!"

"Pikachu! Jump on Suicune! Quick attack!"

Pikachu launched itself in the air, grabbing onto Suicune's mane. Knuckles was horrified by what that could mean.

"Suicune shake it off quickly!"

Suicune started rampaging around the field, trying to violently shake Pikachu off but it was hanging on for dear life.

"Pikachu! Now or never! Thunder attack!"

"Pikaaaaa….. CHUUUUUU!" Pikachu invoked thunder, the attack crashing down on Suicune. The North wind roared very loudly, with its eyes open wide, as it was fried inside out.

The attack eventually stopped and the exhausted Pikachu was shook off, rolling in front of Suicune. Pikachu managed to stand up as the two pokemon were breathing heavily.

"You fought valiantly. But it's over! Suicune! End this with ice beam!"

Suicune charged ice beam. Pikachu had no more energy and merely braced itself.

"No Pikachu!" Ash reached out to it.

Ice bean grazed Pikachu momentarily.

Pikachu opened its eyes instinctively and witnessed Suicune firing the ice beam while falling on its side.

The aurora pokemon toppled and laid still.

Silence spread throughout the stadium. Knuckles, Ash, Pikachu, every single one of the spectators were in shock, barely processing the scene.

Eventually the referee approached Suicune and examined it.

"Suicune… is unable to battle! Pikachu wins! The winner of the round is Ash Ketchum!"

Cheers erupted all around the stands, everyone screaming their lungs out to honor the trainer who had taken on Suicune and prevailed.

"We… did it… we did it! We did it Pikachu!"

"Pika pi!" Pikachu jumped into Ash's embrace, overjoyed at its achievement.

Knuckles upon hearing Suicune was down, approached it and asked it if it was ok. Suicune nodded at him with a faint smile. Knuckles returned the smile before lowering his head and letting his tears of frustration go.

"Knuckles… lost" Tails muttered in disbelief "Ash… is in the finals…"

"He overpowered Suicune. Pikachu overpowered Suicune…" Sonic also muttered before the same maniacal smile was etched on his face. Tails was kinda crept out.

Ash found Sonic in the stands.

"You better watch out! We're coming for you!"

The promise filled Sonic's soul to the brim with adrenaline and excitement. That team was by far one of the strongest he had seen Ash come up with.

"This is it… this… this is the Ash I have been itching to fight all along" Sonic said in glea to Tails and his friends as the celebrations continued.

Chapter 94: Final gone wrong


The Johto league final goes south when Ash decides to double down on his beliefs on Sonic disregarding the feelings of his pokemon as well as the return of a grieving Carrie Morrison planting seeds of darkness in Sonic.

Chapter Text

Tails twisted and span in his bed, trying to get some shut eye. But he just couldn’t seem to relax.

Following Ash's victory over Knuckles and his advancement to the finals where he would face Sonic, the crew met up again and they all comforted Knuckles telling him he battled incredibly throughout the tournament.

Knuckles was comforted by his friends’ kind words and admitted his frustration was not because of losing but because he wanted to face Sonic just as much as Ash did. Sonic assured him that they could do that anytime back in Green Hills.

Afterwards, the talk shifted over to the upcoming final match that would take place the next day.

The grand rematch was becoming reality.

Ash vs Sonic.

Knuckles commented on how the team Ash used was surprisingly powerful and had it not been for Heracross weakening Snorlax enough for Suicune to out it, he would have lost a lot earlier.
Sonic also reminded them Ash had other powerful options too like Muk and Primeape from Kanto and Noctowl from Johto. And those were the ones they knew about. He could have anything for all they knew.

That made Sonic even more excited. When asked by Jasmine why he was so eager to fight Ash, he told her of the feeling he had when the two met for the first time. It was like Sonic could sense Ash's future. Not see it but sense it.

The kid had immense potential. And now with that fully evolved team save for Pikachu, that potential was coming out.

Jasmine nodded at this, explaining to everyone how Ash had used his cyndaquil to defeat her Steelix, as it had gone for sandstorm and with the use of flamethrower it became a flaming whirlpool, trapping Steelix in and driving it to defeat.

Right before going to bed, Ash briefly joined them, thanking Knuckles for the great battle and assuring him there were no hard feelings about the words exchanged. Afterwards he and Sonic exchanged a few quips with each other about their upcoming final battle. Lastly Knuckles was asked to join Ash for a while as Brock was intending to continue travelling after the Johto league with Ash probably joining him or more probably vise versa and wanted Knuckles opinion on a few fronts regarding surviving in the wild. Knuckles took his massive backpack and headed for their room in the Pokemon center.
The rest called it a day and headed for their rooms each.

All those events had left Tails unable to get any sleep. But there was also something else. A bad feeling that he could not shake off.

He had managed to pinpoint it earlier in fact. During the faking of their deaths. The words of the dragon dojo's master about something dark surrounding Sonic.

“That darkness was not about team rocket. But what could it have been about? Am I overthinking this?”

He had completely forgotten those words during their five weeks of just doing whatever they wanted while waiting for the league up until Morrison’s death.

All the psychological rollercoaster rides Sonic had had to go through following that incident… Tails wondered how he was back to normal so fast.

It didn’t feel natural. And he worried about his friend.

He twisted in the bed to look towards Sonic’s bed and talk to him but found him gone.

Curious, Tails headed outside. Knuckles had yet to return.

He found Sonic in the main room. He was observing 11 pokeballs.

“What are you doing up so late?”

“Shhh.. I'm thinking”.

“Thinking about what?”

The number 11 then helped him realize.

“You brought all your pokemon here?”

“Yes. Mewtwo brought them a few minutes ago”.

“And why are you staring at them?”

“I'm trying to figure out the perfect team to use against Ash tomorrow. There’s just so many possibilities. Part of me wants to use both Moltres and Entei tomorrow but with his Snorlax having thick fat, two fire types are a suicide move. And there’s also his tauros with intimidate. And I also only have one fighting type but I also have pinsir which only knows fighting moves so it could also prove useful against both of his normal types. And I also need to think about all the possible type coverage…”

Tails was very surprised to see Sonic kinda geeking out.

“You really that excited to battle him?”

Before Sonic could answer, Knuckles walked into the dark room. Although there was a nurse joy available at all times, she wasn’t always present so when she wasn’t the room was dimly lit.

“Woah you guys still awake?”

“Yeah. I'm trying to decide what to register for the match tomorrow”.

“Heh” Knuckles joined them “with the power that team had it’s completely understandable”.

“I know right. My opponent has unrivalled battle potential AND his team is so strong. Finally what I desired in Kanto will happen”.

“Didn’t it already? I mean his tactics in Kanto were amazing too” Tails asked confused.

While this conversation was taking place, Ash was arriving at the pokemon centre to return Knuckles’ knife which he had forgotten at their room.

He was about to walk in when he heard the three friends talk.

“Yes his tactics were good” Sonic’s voice was heard “but ineffective”.

Ash was surprised to hear that from his rival.

“Ineffective as in?” Tails asked for details.

“Remember how his squirtle could use hydro pump? By retreating into its shell and spinning? That move was clever indeed. But… weak”.

Ash silently gasped.

“But the move is very strong. You saw how well Suicune performed today”.

Sonic looked at Knuckles disapprovingly.

“Are you really going to compare a first stage pokemon to a legendary? Come on Knuckles. Let’s be real here. A hydro pump from a Squirtle is like Suicune firing water gun”.

Ash felt his blood rush to his head. Squirtle was a very powerful and trustworthy team member in his eyes.

“So… you still believe Ash could have done better in Kanto?”

“Definitely. I believe he could have beaten me. Had battled smart too of course”.


“I mean to not save Pikachu for last. He clearly wanted for Pikachu and Raichu to clash. Now of course it’s clear that Pikachu is strong, there’s no denying it. Those electric attacks brought down Suicune. But back then… to make it so it would battle Raichu when he KNEW… I repeat… he KNEW he stood no chance against it… it was just foolish. He stood no chance”.

“So you’re saying if he had used Pikachu first against your Blastoise back then, things would be different?”

“He would have stood a far better chance. He could have won. Pikachu is powerful but Bulbasaur… I don’t know what he was thinking. A first form can he as tricky and unpredicable a matchup as you want but it will never, I repeat, NEVER… be strong enough to defeat a final form or a legendary”.

Ash wanted very badly to go in and confront Sonic but refrained. Knuckles was also there and he didn’t want to be mean in front of him so he left to return to his room with his friends.

“And what do you think now is the probable result of a possible clash between Pikachu and Raichu? ”

“Honestly I can’t say. It probably all depends on how much punishment me and Raichu can both take before losing. But come on. Ash won’t be so stupid as to have Raichu and Pikachu clash. He could have Tauros weaken Raichu and Snorlax draw out the battle. Anything but a head-on confrontation between Pikachu and Raichu could likely result in his victory. And I believe he knows it. The way he battled at the end, when you tried to explain to him why he needs power… I think he understood it his own Ash way. Which is why I want to give it my all tomorrow”.

While his rival was admitting Ash stood a legitimate chance at defeating him under these circumstances, Ash walked into his and his friends’ room and slammed the door in anger.

“Woah what happened?” Brock jolted up, taken by surprise at the loud sound.

“That blue arrogant idiot happened!” Ash threw his backpack on the wall fuming.

“Sonic? What happened there? I thought you were going to return Knuckles’ knife”.

“I was! But I heard them talk! Sonic was calling Squirtle and Bulbasaur weak!”

Brock was genuinely surprised but asked for greater detail.

“He said that because Squirtle hasn’t evolved it was a mistake using it in Kanto! He said its hydro pump attack could only reach the power level of Suicune when it fires water gun!”

He took long deep breaths. Misty didn’t even wake up as she had an eye mask and ear plugs on.

“He said the exact same thing he said in Kanto! That I battled him mistakenly and stood no chance! Basically saying that unless I use only fully evolved pokemon tomorrow I stand no chance!” he slammed his hands on the wall.

“I'm sure he didn’t mean it this way” Brock tried to reason with his friend.

“What else could he mean?! You know what else he said?! That Bulbasaur was weak and would never have beaten Blastoise back in the Kanto league!”


“Aaargh!!! I can’t believe I felt sorry for him in Alto Mare! He is the same arrogant hedgehog I met in Kanto!”

“Ash just calm down. You heard his stories. All throughout his two journeys he needed power to survive. Even you can’t deny that”.

“And what did he sacrifice for that power?! Remember his Chikorita?! He himself admitted back then that it left him because it didn’t want to evolve!”

“But then it returned and evolved on its own. It changed its own mind”.

“Because he didn’t accept it! That little Chikorita became a Meganium only to fight! Only for power! It pushed its own feelings aside like they were nothing!”

Brock now struggled to counterargue. Neither of them knew what had caused Meganium’s change of heart back then so it did seem like it returned to Sonic and evolved because it had no place to go. But he also couldn’t deny Sonic and his friends were at war. Power was essential.

Both parties were right. But Ash was unwilling to budge any longer.

“His true colors have come out at last. I promise you and all my pokemon right here, right now, tomorrow I will defeat him! My way!”

He took a deep breath.

“I respect what Knuckles tried to say in our match. But he is wrong. I can still become a pokemon master while being me and my pokemon being themselves. And I will prove it to this blue jerk tomorrow. I swear I will”.

The tense night rolled over slowly, giving its place to the next day. Sonic awoke earlier than anyone in the crew, having barely slept. He couldn’t hold himself anymore.

He had spent around 2 more hours after Knuckles and Tails withdrew to sleep until he came up with the perfect lineup in his opinion.

As his crew was waking up, a woman entered the Pokemon center.

Carrie Morrison.

“Mrs Morrison?!” he exclaimed in surprise “what a surprise. Are you ok? Is Nolan and the baby ok?”

She nodded, not saying a word and not altering her depressed expression.

“I was told the final is today”.

“Yes. It is indeed”.

“And what comes next for you?”

Sonic felt uneasy by the question.

“I… will return home with my friends”.

Carrie looked visibly upset at hearing this.

“Have you…considered … reconsidering your choice?”

Sonic’s eyes widened for the fraction of a second before he sighed.

“No Mrs Morrison. There is no reconsidering this. I almost lost everyone and everything by pursuing Giovanni. I can’t take that chance again”.

Tears started streaming down her cheeks.

“You will talk to me about losing everything?! After what Jake did for you and your friends this is the thanks?!”

“Mrs Morrison this is not about me or my friends…”

“Of course not. It’s about doing the right thing. That’s what Jake said you always claimed while playing the hero! Do you know what Looker said about the case?!”

Sonic waved his head negatively.

“He said his superiors want Giovanni alive. They believed what Looker stood upon to pursue you. The world still fears Giovanni and they want to humanize him again! To show the world he is only a man and therefore not someone that should be feared!”

Sonic honestly didn’t know what to answer. The conflict from a few weeks ago was rising inside him again.

“Their politics will result in my husband’s killer being locked up, allowed to rot in a cell and breathe the same air as everyone else! Have free food and shelter until the end of his life for society’s eyes! You think that's fair?!”

“No… but I can’t be the one to do it”.

Carrie gave him a dirty look while rubbing her belly.

“I used to think my unborn baby was coming to a better world if more individuals like you were out there. But in the end you are just as much of a hypocrite as everyone else. Unwilling to do what must be done and letting evil continue to exist. And that in my eyes, makes you just as bad as Giovanni. Good luck in the final. Hero”.

She spat as she spoke that word with the utmost sarcasm. Afterwards she turned and left the Pokemon center. Sonic was left mentally broken by her words.

Was it a mistake giving up? Choosing his loved ones over revenge? Had he allowed the world to continue being darker even though he could do something about it?

And most importantly, was that making him as bad as Giovanni?

Tails' hand came out of nowhere and grabbed his shoulder.

“Gah! You scared me!”

“You ok?”

“Y-yeah… Mrs Morrison was just here. Her words… were not the most pleasant”.

“What did she tell you?”

The arrival of their other friends put their talk on hold as they all began making their way to the stadium.

Tails and Knuckles accompanied Sonic to the start of the hallway leading into the arena.

“Sonic wait. Before you go. What did Mrs Morrison tell you?” Tails brought it up again.

Sonic hesitated.

“She said Looker's higher ups want Giovanni alive. That by going back on my promise I perpetuated the existence of his evil”.

Tails was shocked at this. Clearly her therapy wasn’t working.

“I'll go contact Looker. Inform him of this. Afterwards since I will remain here I will keep an eye on Mrs Morrison myself. You focus on your battle for now ok?”

Sonic smiled despite the crushing feeling Carrie's words had bestowed upon him.

“At least the time has come. I can finally battle full power Ash”.

“Don’t take too long. Plane leaves tonight” Tails joked.

Knuckles patted Sonic on the shoulder.

“Go give him a piece of me too”.

“I will” Sonic confidently said as he turned and awaited for the announcer to call him and Ash out.

“The time has come my friends! The final battle of the greatest Silver conference in history is at hand! Our first contestant! The rising star that blew out the North wind! Give a warm welcome to Ash Ketchup from Pallet town!”

Sonic hopped in place. He could no longer hold himself. He called out Raichu to stand by him during the battle as it was so excited its pokeball was wiggling.

“And his competition! The leader of the Sonic heroes, chosen one of Moltres and tamer of the legend of the flames Entei, the hero of Kanto, Sonic the hedgehog!”

Sonic walked into the arena, spontaneously waving his fist in the air. His friends all cheered from the stands. Tails was standing at the top, on a phone call with Looker but also cheered.

Sonic also noticed the arena wasn’t switching. He figured that meant no field advantages. It was only their skill here.

Smiling he then stood opposite Ash. Despite the atmosphere of excitement, he was confused to see Ash staring at him with what seemed like annoyance.

Wrong. Not annoyance. Anger.

“You ready to put this show on the road?” Sonic asked him excitedly.

“Ask that to yourself!” Ash bluntly answered.

Sonic was taken aback but took out his first pokeball.

“Trainers send out your pokemon… now!”

“Go! Alakazam!”

“Totodile! I choose you!”

Sonic’s trusted Alakazam hit the field. On the opposing, a mere smiling Totodile cried out its name.

“What the…?” Sonic thought although his surprised expression gave away the thought.

“Let the final round… begin!”

“Totodile! Bite Alakazam!”

Totodile jumped towards Alakazam. Alakazam raised its spoons in defense but Sonic was too shocked to move.

The bite attack went through, damaging Alakazam. The psychic type threw Totodile back and hummed towards Sonic, asking for instructions.

Sonic's mind was racing and didn’t eve realize Alakazam was trying to get through to him.

“What is this? Why is he using totodile? It’s a first form. What is his plan here? Is he faking me out? Probably. He has to be. Yeah that’s it. He’s trying to get me to lower my guard to bring out something overpowered afterwards and try to beat me like Silver did. But what would he use? What could he have so powerful”.

While the hedgehog overthought every scenario, Alakazam was bit again by Totodile getting frustrated and actually cried out towards Sonic.

“Come on! Fight back already! Is totodile so weak in your eyes it’s not worth fighting?”

Sonic got a strong feeling of deja vu at this. This was similar to the start of their battle in the Kanto league.

Shaking his head, he quickly determined if Ash was really faking him out to bring something strong in later, he needed all of his pokemon as healthy as possible.

As Totodile was still biting down on Alakazam, Sonic called out the attack.


Alakazam used its move to cast Totodile away with great force. Totodile slammed into the ground so hard it fainted, getting a yell of denial from Ash and a look of surprise from Sonic.

“Totodile is unable to battle! Alakazam is the winner!”

“Huh. Talk about having a good training partner” Sonic said to Alakazam, inferring to Mewtwo. Alakazam nodded as it had trained with Mewtwo extensively for this event.

Ash recalled Totodile, complimenting it on its performance before looking back at Sonic.

“Still think you’re so tough! I was foolish to think you had changed!”

“Woah! Where is this coming from?!”

“Forget it! I choose you!”

Sonic held his breath, expecting something big to come out and change the tide of the battle.

“Bay. Bayleef” the cry reached his ears.

“Wha…” Sonic was again stunned.

Bayleef was Ash's great play to turn the tide?

“Bayleef! Vine whip!”

“Bay!” Bayleef cried out wrapping its vines around Alakazam who looked at Sonic for guidance. The hedgehog again didn’t move.

Bayleef quickly raised Alakazam and slammed it down. The already tired Alakazam, hurt by the two bite attacks fainted.

“Alakazam is unable to battle! Bayleef’s the winner!”

“Ash is actually keeping up!” Misty said joyfully in the stands.

“I'm surprised Sonic’s Alakazam went down so easily. It took down a Gengar in Kanto” Brock said, pleasantly surprised with his friend's progress.

Gary heard them comment and couldn’t disagree more.

His eyes were carefully observing Sonic and quickly figured the hedgehog wasn’t fighting back.

Ash wasn’t keeping up with Sonic. For Sonic wasn’t even trying.

Sonic stood there, looking at his fainted Alakazam, not even bothered. Raichu jabbed him with its tail to get him to return to reality.

Sonic shook his head again.

“What the heck is this guy’s plan? Why is using these pokemon and not the ones from yesterday”.

Knowing from the schedule that the final was not going to have a break, Sonic decided there was only one way to get Ash to fight back.

Ash would have to use whatever strong pokemon he was holding onto if Sonic went all out.

“Come on out Entei!”

Entei came out and roared ferociously. Everyone, both in Sonic's crew and Ash's group were surprised at his pick. Sonic usually kept his legendaries for later.

“Bayleef get ready!”

Sonic gasped.

“Get ready? What the heck is he thinking? Bayleef can’t beat Entei”.

And so he just stood there. A few seconds passed with neither of the two contestants making a move.

“Come on already!” Ash egged him on.

Sonic didn’t take the bait.

“What game are you playing?”

“No game! I'm all serious!” Ash fired back.

Sonic was getting dizzy.

“He can’t be serious. What’s wrong with him?”

“Fine! If you won’t attack we will! Bayleef razor leaf!”

Bayleef unleashed a barrage of leaves towards Entei. Standing its ground, the ferocious beast of fire allowed the leaves to strike it on its chest, tanking the attack perfectly.

“Don’t stop bayleef! Vine whip!”

Bayleef’s vines wrapped around Entei's body. Its mane heated up in response, forcing Bayleef to let go.

All this while Sonic was still in his existential funk.

“What the hell did he catch so strong he can have two throwaway team members just to bait me?”

“Fight back already!”

Sonic this time took the bait, needing to figure out his opponent’s plan.

“Entei! Sacred fire!”

Entei fired the mighty attack.

“Dodge and use body slam!”

Bayleef dodged the attack, jumping high in the air, aided by its vines.

This move reminded Sonic of his Meganium, back when it was Chikorita and his first battle with Knuckles. But this was certainly a very different case.


Flames erupted from Entei's mouth, engulfing bayleef with such intensity the attack was stopped mid air and it was sent to Ash's side fainting.

“Bayleef is unable to battle! Entei's the winner!”

Ash recalled Bayleef, thanking it just like he did Totodile, albeit with a less obvious smile.

“Come on bring it out already!” Sonic spoke to him.

“You want it?! You got it! Go! Snorlax!”

The sleeping pokemon emerged.

“Finally!” Sonic said, his brain racking as he tried to conceive the best way to beat Snorlax and be ready for whatever Ash was planning to throw at him next.

“Entei return!”



The pincers clicked in anticipation as Pinsir appeared in the arena, glad to finally see some competitive action again.

“Just how little do you think of me?! Bring Entei back out and face Snorlax with it!”

“Why would I be foolish enough to do that? Entei is strong but why would I deliberately fight an unfavorable matchup when I don’t have to?”

“Because a true trainer can face anything with their partner if they believe in each other! You just proved you don’t believe in Entei's power enough to fight!”

“Just what is wrong with you today? What is this logic you’re using?”

“You should know! You’re the one who called me weak!”

Sonic remained confused for a little longer before deciding to just keep forcing Ash's power out.

“Pinsir! Bulk up!”

Pinsir raised its stats bewildering Ash.

“Snorlax! Body slam!”

Snorlax slammed down on Pinsir but the powerful bug type stood its ground, pushing Snorlax off just enough to get out of the danger zone.

“Now! Brick break!”

Pinsir’s attack was far from powerful enough to knock Snorlax out but its effects were still devastating.

“All matchups can be won is that right Ash? Do you still believe in this flawed logic? I remember how you tried battling Harrison's Steelix with Pikachu. Just what gave you the idea you could win?!”

“My belief in Pikachu! And in the same way my belief in Snorlax will lead us to victory! Snorlax headbutt!”

Snorlax charged forward with a roar. It slammed its hard head into Pinsir. Pinsir was pushed back.


Pinsir however braced itself.

“Pinsir's scared?” Wave said in surprise.

“Headbutt can cause the opponents to flinch” Knuckles explained “Ash just got lucky here”.

Ash didn’t see it that way.

“Now's our chance Snorlax! Hyper beam!”

Snorlax fired the powerful move, striking Pinsir right in the face.

Pinsir toppled. Fainted.

“Pinsir is unable to battle! Snorlax wins!”

“Ash tied it again!” Misty exclaimed remembering how one-sided the Kanto tournament was.

Sonic observed Snorlax for a bit. Right now he had one chance to beat it. But then again he had not registered Hitmontop.

Therefore he had to slowly draw out Snorlax’s health. No matter how many times it rested it wouldn’t win the next matchup.

“See Sonic?! See that any matchup can be won?!”

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you today but your logic is flawed, it’s mere sentimentality. And this next pokemon will make you see it! Go!”

Meganium came out.

“Snorlax can’t move right now. So let’s see you scurry out of this! Meganiun! Leech seed!”

Meganium fired a seed at Snorlax. Sonic and his crew had seen Meganium’s leech seed wrap many pokemon before but never one as big as Snorlax. It was quite the spectacle as well as a testament to the move's power.

Snorlax roared as the leech seed drained its health.

“That all you got? Snorlax headbutt!”

“Poison powder!”

Meganium unleashed the poisonous cloud of powder around it. The moment Snorlax made contact, it got poisoned.

Meganium also flinched because of the attack.

Ash smiled, thinking now was his prime chance to knock it out. But to his horror the leech seed kicked in again, restoring Meganium to full health.

“Care to reconsider Ash?” Sonic taunted him as Snorlax was also damaged by the poison “you are free to switch Snorlax out you know”.

“No! We’re not losing to you! We are not weak and we can achieve our dream our way! Snorlax rest!”

Snorlax went to sleep, Ash thinking it was a reset. But the leech seed started draining Snorlax’s health again.

“Meganium! Use razor leaf!”

The leaf barrage came down on the sleeping Snorlax.

“The damage is small but it will add up. Especially with leech seed too ” Brock solemnly warned his fellow viewers.

“I need to switch Snorlax out! Charizard can handle Meganium” Ash thought before crossing eyes with Sonic.

“No! If I do it I'm admitting he is right! I won’t accept that!”

Unconsciously, he had shouted the last words, confusing Sonic.

“What won’t you accept? Defeat? Or the fact that not all matchups are winnable?”

“I won’t accept that I have to be like you to win! Only battling on favorable conditions is cowardice! My pokemon and I never feared the odds being against us!”

Sonic felt a flame of anger ignite in him.

“You will speak to me about unfavorable conditions?! You know what I have fought against! Were the conditions in my favor back then too?!”

“What’s happening? Why are they fighting?” Jasmine asked Tails perplexed.

“I don’t know. But I think Ash is actually hitting Sonic where it hurts the most right now”.

“Tell me Ash! Were the conditions in my favor at silph co?!”

“This isn’t the same!”

“It doesn’t matter! Knuckles showed you yesterday that you need power to achieve your dream! Hell we needed power to survive! We had to learn to gain control over all variables in a battle to survive! Why is this so hard for you to wrap your brain around?!”

“Because power changes you! Makes you arrogant! Just like you showed when you claimed I battled mistakenly in Kanto!”

Ash had slipped there. And Sonic caught on to it.

He realized Ash had heard what he and his friends had talked about last night. And he had taken his words personally.

And then another realization came.

“You… how many not fully evolved pokemon did you bring in this battle?”

“Three! Excluding Pikachu!”

Sonic felt his mind snapping.

Ash had just admitted he was using a less powerful team to prove Sonic wrong.

“You… you battled Knuckles with you full might! You beat Knuckles with your full might! I wanted to battle that team! How can you do this to me now?!”

“This is why! Because my team yesterday only contained pokemon either fully evolved or that couldn’t evolve! And you call that my full power! But you’re wrong! Squirtle! Bulbasaur! Cyndaquil! All my non evolved pokemon are just as strong and are capable of beating you!”

“… you’re delusional! Totodile and Bayleef went down instantly! Why can’t you just see that you’re inhibiting your own power?!”

“I’m not! We are strong! And I’m not an arrogant jerk like you!”

Sonic lowered his head. He couldn’t take it anymore.

He lifted his pokeball and recalled Meganium.

“Raichu… go in there and make him regret his words!”

“Rai! Raichu!” Raichu charged in.

“Snorlax wake up and use body slam!”

Snorlax remained asleep.

“Launch with quick attack then spin and use brick break!”

Raichu did just that.

The attack was devastating and even worse, Snorlax was smacked on the head.

Although it wasn’t very obvious, Snorlax fainted.

“Snorlax is unable to battle! Raichu wins!”

Ash recalled Snorlax and immediately sent out another pokemon.

His bulbasaur.

“You still won’t respect us enough to battle seriously, will you?!”

“I won’t if it means becoming like you! Bulbasaur show him how powerful you are! Razor leaf!”

“Use iron tail to deflect it!”

Raichu started spinning and twisting mid air so its tail could deflect the lead barrage. Having practiced with Knuckles’ victreebel in this move, it was child’s play to do so with a bulbasaur.

This time however Sonic wasn’t going to play around.

“Now iron tail that Bulbasaur!”

“Vine whip!”

Bulbasaur tried to stop Raichu mid air. It succeeded in stopping Raichu but not the tail strike.

“Bulbasaur!” Ash reached out.

Bulbasaur immediately fainted.

“Bulbasaur is unable to battle! Raichu wins”.

“I think Ash just triggered Sonic big time” Brock said seriously.

“None of you has any idea what Sonic has survived through” Gary cryptically said “Ash completely disregarding his point of view was a massive mistake”.

“How weak. Still think Bulbasaur could beat Raichu?!”

“I’ll show you weak! Charizard I choose you!”

Charizard emerged, firing flamethrower in the air, trying to intimidate Raichu. Raichu growled back as lightning crackled on its tail.

“No!” Sonic thought “they’re not worth us using the lightning phenomenon!”

Surprisingly, the lightning stopped crackling.

“Charizard! Flamethrower!”

“Quick attack then thunder punch!”

“Counter with slash!”

The slash and the thunder punch collided. Charizard wasn’t overpowered by Raichu but came out of the exchange a lot more hurt than its opponent.

“This doesn’t make any sense! Why is it that you with your disregarding your pokemon’s feelings logic are winning?!”

“Because my pokemon and I fought for something greater than ourselves! We had to let go of our pride, continuously adapt, learn and change to survive and achieve our goals! Our minds were all focused on one goal! Stopping team rocket! We knew what we were up against and accepted we would have to change! But you?! You battle for your dream! And therefore for yourself! I used to respect that because what you seek to achieve is no easy feat! But now all I see is a brat who thinks his dream will be handed to him just because he wants it, without sacrificing anything along the way! And your Pikachu is just the same!”

“If we can’t achieve our dream without being ourselves then the dream is meaningless!”

“Heh. So you think you already are a pokemon master and all you have to do is claim it. Such a disappointment. Worse than Kanto!”

“Charizard show him disappointment! Fire spin!”

“Use iron tail to disperse it!”

Raichu was encircled by the flames. With a strong sweep of its iron tail however, the flames were out actually causing Ash to step back.

“Now finish this with thunder punch!”

Charizard tried firing flamethrower. Raichu pushed through the flames with both it and Sonic feeling the heat but pushing through regardless.

Charizard's face took the thunder punch. The fire and flying type toppled with a thud.

“Charizard is unable to battle! Raichu wins!”

Ash felt his spirit break. It couldn’t end like this. Respecting his Pokemon’s wishes couldn’t be what was causing his defeat.

“Pikachu! It’s the end of the show! We won’t let history repeat buddy!”


Ash turned his hat.

“Pikachu! I choose you!”

Pikachu faced its rival at long last after so many weeks since their battle in Ecutreak city.

“Make this quick Raichu! Brick break!”

“Dodge with quick attack!”

Pikachu dodged the attack before slamming into Raichu’s stomach where its wound once was. Although it shouldn’t have mattered something about it made Sonic even more mad.

“Thunder punch!”

With a good right hook, the thunder punch landed, sending Pikachu rolling to the ground. Just like with Suicune the previous day, it sprang back up.

“Pika pika!”

The previous day, this had filled Sonic with respect. But now that Ash was so adamant on his view that he disregarded what Sonic and his friends had gone through simply because they had to change and adapt to survive and win, it only filled him with anger.

“Pikachu iron tail!”

“Counter with iron tail!”

The two iron tails clashed. Raichu easily overpowered Pikachu as Pikachu had only learnt the move the previous day.

Pikachu again didn’t give up.


Raichu was zapped but in the current state it was a pinch to it and Sonic.

“Quick attack!”

Just as he had explained to Ash at the entrance of unity cave, Raichu's bigger body compared to Pikachu made the quick attack all the more devastating towards the latter electric type.
Pikachu was now visibly injured but wouldn’t stop.

“Pika pika! Pikachu!”

“You will not beat me! Not again! I don’t need to evolve to be strong! And neither did you! You are an embarrassment to all Pikachus!” Sonic heard in his head from Raichu’s thoughts.

Raichu let out a loud cry as Sonic called out brick break.

Pikachu tried to dodge but the attack put it in the ground literally, opening a small crater.

Even then Pikachu would just not quit.

“Just stop Ash! Stop! You can’t win!”


“If you truly care about your pokemon as you claim you do, prove it to me and stop! Pikachu can’t take it anymore!”

“If anyone here doesn’t care about their pokemon it’s you! If you did you would let them choose their path! But you didn’t! So you don’t care!”

Sonic snapped. That was the last straw.

“Iron tail Pikachu!”

Pikachu jumped.

“Iron tail!” Sonic also shouted.

“Make it suffer!” he thought.

Raichu's eyes widened and it looked back at Sonic in shock.

The momentary distraction allowed Pikachu’s iron tail to land. Sonic felt the sharp pain in his head as the iron tail landed on Raichu's head.

Pikachu ricochetted and went for another iron tail.

“Iron tail now!” Sonic snapped at Raichu “make it wish it was dead!” he thought.

Raichu looked visibly torn for a moment again.

“DO IT!”

Raichu obeyed spooked, going for iron tail.

The iron tails clashed.

But the usual metal clashing sound wasn’t heard.

Bone cracking sound echoed instead.

“Pikaaaaaaaa!” pikachu screeched as it rolled on the ground, hugging its tail.

Sonic snapped out of his enraged state and gasped.

The cameras of the event focused on pikachu. The big screens also showed it.

Pikachu was crying in pain while hugging its tail. The tail was twisted.

The tail bone had snapped.

“PIKACHU!” Ash rushed to its side with terror in his voice.

Everyone of the spectators began talking at the same time while they all got up to get a better look. Some were pointing at the big screen, others at the arena.

“Sonic!” Tails’ voice was the only audible thing in Sonic’s head. The rest was incoherent buzzing. His mind was numb. His body was numb.

Then he heard another thing.

His own broken voice.

“What have I done?”

Chapter 95: Navigating the darkness


A month after the events of the Johto league, the reality behind Sonic's actions comes to light as he confesses to Tails and Knuckles about it.

Chapter Text

Jet walked past Sonic's room. He looked inside, sighing in sadness.

Sonic was gone again.

"Out again" he spoke to the phone.

"Just great" Tails' voice replied "a month has gone by since the Johto league and he still won't talk to anyone".

"And we can't find him either. With his powers he could be on the other end of the continent by the time we try to say we want to talk".

"I know. Our only hope is if he talks to us".

"But will he? Mom and dad are really worried. They fear he might do something to himself".

Tails grabbed the sides of his head.

"I don't get it. This is much worse than when he was pursuing Giovanni".

Jet looked at the Johto league trophy on Sonic's desk, next to the Kanto one.

"Me neither. I got to go. If Sonic appears call me".

"I will. Talk soon" Tails said and hang up, sighing in sadness.

Raikou approached him and rubbed its head against him purring a deep purr.

Tails pet his legendary pokemon.

"Thanks for being here Raikou. I'm sorry you're so far from home".

He allowed himself to recall the events of that day. The day everything went to hell.


Pikachu was immediately rushed to the infirmary followed by both Sonic, Ash and their respective groups.

A doctor examined Pikachu and verified the tail bone had been broken in the collision of the iron tails.

Ash couldn't hold himself in the moment and attacked Sonic, tackling him to the ground, screaming in gibberish and punching the hell out of the hedgehog.

Brock and Knuckles had had to physically restrain Ash to stop him from continuing beating Sonic up who had gotten a nosebleed and a couple of bruises.

The event was anticlimactically ended as the league officials gathered to make a decision on what they would decide as the result of the battle since according to the rules Pikachu was taken out of the fight and therefore Ash has technically lost.

Pikachu's injury was of course very serious and could result in Sonic being permanently suspended from any and all official Pokemon competitions.

Also the fact that Ash and Sonic were having a verbal fight during their battle wasn't helping anyone's case.

In the end they decided to examine the camera footage to observe both competitors closely.

According to the director of the league the only way this could be determined was simple; prove there was ill intent behind Raichu's brutal attack on Pikachu.

If it could be proven Sonic was to be suspended. Otherwise it would be classified as an unfortunate incident and he would only get a warning about fair engagement in battles. Something like the yellow card in soccer.

The footage was examined thoroughly and despite the obvious angry tone in Sonic's voice before the attack, there was no incriminating evidence.

"Are you serious?!" Ash screamed his lungs off.

"I understand your frustration Mr Ketchum. But since there is no ill intent from Mr the hedgehog's side, there's really noone to blame. Your Pikachu technically lost fair and square".

"That Raichu broke Pikachu's tail! Pikachu will not be able to battle for a month!"

"I'm deeply sorry but we can't punish Mr the hedgehog since there clearly was no ill intent. Unless… there was ill intent Mr the hedgehog?"

The question fell on deaf ears as Sonic was barely hanging on to sanity by a thread. He only kept repeating "I didn't mean to" like a crazy person.

"You believe him?!"

"Look at him Mr Ketchum. Does that look like someone who did that on purpose?"

"Ash just let it go. It was accident" Brock tried to reason with his friend.

"Let go of me! Look at Pikachu! Look at what they did! What does it matter if it was intentional or not?!"

Tails then spoke up, agreeing with Brock.

"Your friend is right. You pushed Pikachu way too far. And not only that, Pikachu pushed itself too far. What were you even thinking fighting so recklessly?"

"He called us weak! All because Pikachu and some of my pokemon don't wish to evolve!"

"When did that happen? From our point of view, all we saw is you trying to prove your point out of the blue. You disregarded everything we have had to go through because it involved evolving our pokemon".

"His chikorita wanted to remain chikorita! He admitted to it!"

"Things change. It's the nature of everything. Why is it so hard for you to accept such a simple truth?" Tails took Sonic's side.

"Because if Pikachu doesn't want to evolve I won't force it to. We will…"

"Win regardless. Yes you said so during the battle. And what do you have to show for it? Sonic literally beat four of your pokemon with Raichu. Let alone that you tried to fight unwinnable matchups to prove the same point".

"Well maybe if he respected my choices I…"

"Enough!" Knuckles shouted, silencing everyone "clearly we are all very tense. Perhaps it's better to leave things be for now".

Brock agreed. At this point they wouldn't get anywhere.

Ash was fuming until he heard Sonic unknowingly say I didn't mean to again.

With Knuckles and Brock having let him go, he lunged at Sonic again, nailing him to the wall and breaking the hedgehog's nose.

After Knuckles restrained him again, Ash was forced out. As they left, he and Sonic locked eyes one more time.

"I hate you!" he said with as much malice as he could muster before leaving.


Tails felt horrible, regretting recollecting it all. The situation was so complex just thinking about it brought him headaches.

And they couldn't try working it out. After returning home, Sonic became depressed, disappearing for days on end and wouldn't talk to anyone. Jasmine had ended up going no contact with him as it had already hurt the first time and she couldn't go through that again.

She had explained to Tails, who had returned to Green Hills urgently at Cosmo's request until Sonic was back to normal, and Knuckles that she cared for Sonic deeply but he clearly had a few issues to resolve and had tried her best to help but without communication there was nothing to fight for.

Both Knuckles and Tails understood and told her that, wishing her good luck and apologizing for their friend's actions, while also thanking her for everything she had done for the team during the Johto journey and assured her that Sonic too was grateful for it even if he didn't seem to be.

They were video calling in the moment and Jasmine had actually shed a tear upon hearing that, answering that she knew and that was what broke her heart more than anything.

That was the last time anyone of them had talked with her. And the fact that it was apparently no one's true fault made them fill all the more shitty.

As the days went by, although Tails and Knuckles did hang out with Jet and Wave from time to time, they were mostly doing their own thing. Knuckles had returned to his treasure hunting, aided by Suicune, while Tails returned to his workshop and began researching Sonic and Raichu's bond by using DNA from one of Sonic's quills and a bit of Raichu's fur.

After a lot of research, including speaking with some experts about DNA research on an online forum, Tails discovered something rather intriguing.

Sonic and Raichu's DNAs had somehow mingled together.

Although this didn't alter the basis for their DNAs, it explained all the perks of their connection.

Raichu had grown stronger compared to other Raichus because it had been bonded on a deeper biological level with another living being. While Sonic's super speed had come from Raichu's use of quick attack only a lot more complex.

The two were literally being empowered off of one another.

Tails also discovered a lot more mysterious sequences in their DNA, indicating more possible abilities. But for some reason he couldn't analyze them.

There was one that seemed a little closer to the others, close enough for Tails to grasp it but something was inhibiting him.

He had theorized that the recent developments in Sonic's psyche were inhibiting this ability from manifesting or more accurately, inhibiting him from studying it, as he believed it had already manifested.

But it was only a theory. To do so he would need to talk to his friend. And Sonic wasn't cooperating.

After petting and feeding Raikou, the beast went to sit on its side where Tails had bought a massive meowth bed. Raikou laid down and began falling asleep.

Tails smiled at the sight, unable to get enough of his legendary partner. It had no business being this adorable.

The door to his workshop opened.

Tails turned and his face dropped.

He couldn't utter a word.

He had never seen Sonic this bad. He even wondered if that was what he looked like when pursuing Giovanni for revenge.

He looked sleep deprived, malnourished and very much anything else an extreme case of depression had in store for someone.

The moment Sonic entered, Raikou lifted its head and stared at Sonic intensely, not even blinking.

The two friends remained in silence for a while until the hedgehog decided to speak.

"I need to confess".

"Clearly. But first go and take a shower, eat, take care of yourself in general. I can't look at my friend being a wreck".

Sonic nodded and headed home.

His parents and Jet tried once again to ask him how he was but he brushed them off, stating he would tell them soon too.

After a quick shower and a sandwich, Sonic was able to think again. A premature plan had began forming in his mind about how to finally proceed.

He walked into his home's backyard, where his Johto team was. His Kanto team had gone back to Mewtwo's cave, although they frequently visited thanks to Mewtwo per their own request as Alakazam could feel Sonic's deteriorating state.

Sonic had a small exchange with each of his pokemon before recalling them, planning to take them to Tails place.

Upon approaching Entei, however, the beast growled. It wasn't friendly.

Sonic was heartbroken this was still the case. Ever since returning from Johto, Entei had turned hostile towards him. It reacted well to the rest of his family and his friends but every time he approached it, it felt ready to pounce and eat him.

With a heavy heart Sonic apologized to Entei and recalled it. He then headed to Tails' place.

Knuckles was there. Suicune was in the corner with Raikou.

Once Sonic walked in, both beasts began staring at him, their gazes following him everywhere he went like cameras.

"Hey" Knuckles greeted Sonic.

"Hey" Sonic greeted back.

"So… what have you got to say for yourself?" Tails asked him interrogatively. He didn't want to sound mean but they couldn't be nice now.

"I have to say… that I messed up. I messed up and it messed me up in return".

Tails tilted his head as he was sitting at his desk.

"Is this about what happened in the Johto league?"


Tails sighed. Knuckles closed his eyes in sadness.

"I thought we were past this Sonic. You made mistakes before. When you pursued Giovanni. We even talked about this. Why would you isolate yourself from us, from Jasmine, over an accident?"

Sonic averted his gaze in shame.

"Because it was no accident".

"What?!" Knuckles' head twisted so fast Tails thought it would tear off.

"What do you mean it was no accident? They proved it. You had no ill intent".

"Yes I did".

Tails and Knuckles were very confused.

"But… this doesn't make any sense. Sure tension ran high that day but we all saw that footage. Sure you were on edge when you declared that attack but you only declared it. If you had ill intent for Ash's Pikachu, the only way Raichu could have known is if…"

Suddenly Tails gasped, remembering his research. That supposed unlocked but not manifested ability.

And then further back, the night Ho-oh had healed Sonic and Raichu, saving them from death.

Sonic had figured out Tails' Espeon was Jolty's brother. And yet it was communicated through Raichu and Espeon.

"The only way Raichu could have known is if it read your thoughts".

Sonic regretfully nodded.

Tails' hand covered his mouth.

"What thought did you make Sonic?" he asked him weakly.

"Make it suffer" Sonic admitted.

His two friends were now staring at him in utter disbelief. Suicune's eyes had narrowed.

"Why?" Tails managed to ask even though his mind was no longer functioning properly.

"I no longer know. I don't know what's real or not anymore" Sonic slumped down in a chair "all I know for sure is in that moment, I snapped".

"But why would you snap? You had been in that situation before. Ash had a similar though less extreme reaction in the Kanto league. What was different this time?" Knuckles tried to get more out of Sonic.

Sonic navigated the mess of memories of the last month even though he already knew the answer.

"Carrie Morrison's visit".

Tails remembered. She had visited Sonic right before his battle with Ash. She had tried to get him to continue pursuing Giovanni.

"Sonic… what did she tell you?"

"A lot. But… there's one thing in there. The one thing that messed me up. The one thing that has plunged me in darkness and uncertainty".

"Just tell us already!" Knuckles grabbed him by the shoulders, annoyed at the unnecessary elaboration.

"She said that because I wouldn't pursue Giovanni… that I'm just as bad as him".

The silence was palpable.

No response could be issued.

How could it?

"At first I thought she was just unable to control her emotions. But… then I got so angry… with Ash, with Giovanni, with fucking everything! And when Pikachu just wouldn't give up and declared it wasn't weak and could rise above us I snapped. Neither it nor Ash understand just how much we went through. They only saw us pursuing power for our own gain. And in that moment all I was thinking was I'd do anything for him to see how wrong he was even if it meant hurting Pikachu. And I did" his voice cracked as he began sobbing, unable to hold his emotions anymore.

Tails and Knuckles didn't know what to say anymore. It was beyond whatever they could have imagined.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"Because I couldn't. I'm ashamed. I don't know what to think, what to feel anymore. Hell I don't know who I am anymore. I used to think all I did to stop team rocket was because I wanted to do the right thing but now I no longer feel this is the case. I only feel shame. In all the rockets we hurt, all the people I tricked with my actions, everything".

He buried his face in palms.

"Maybe Mrs Morrison was right. Maybe… in trying to stop Giovanni… I became him".

Knuckles' massive fist met his cheek, sending him to the wall.

"Just how pathetic can you be?!" his stoic, dead calm voice asked him.

Sonic didn't reply.

"The Sonic I know is a good person who wouldn't hurt anyone. And if he made a mistake, even if he was dumb and tried to go it alone, he would come around eventually and own up to it. What did you do? You ran away. You went no contact with a girl that loved you and lost her forever. You allowed the words of a grieving widow to determine who you are!"

Tails tried to be a bit more delicate.

"I think what Knuckles is trying to tell you Sonic is, you made a huge mistake this time sure. But… you're wrong here. You're not like Giovanni. You only feel this way because your mind is trying to find a quick solution to process everything that happened in quick succession following Morrison's death. So to keep your sanity you convinced yourself you're just as evil as the monster who killed Jake Morrison".

Sonic was fully expecting his friends to disown him for his actions.

"How can you say that? After all I did? I had you break Proton's legs. I tortured the rockets we got our hands on. How can these be the actions of a good individual?"

"They are not. But you are not perfect either. Which is why we want to stand by you Sonic. But to do that you need to start owning up to your failure" Tails explained.

"How do I do that? How do I take back something like this?"

"You can't" Knuckles sternly said "just like you said. The people think it was just an accident. Convincing them Raichu did what it did by reading your thoughts will be next to impossible".

"But I believe" Tails continued for Knuckles "a good start would be reaching out to Ash. Try to apologize. Properly".

Knuckles agreed.

"He has seen you gain you super speed and knows of the bond between you and Raichu. Convincing him of something like this is not impossible".

Sonic didn't say anything. His heart was telling him this was the right thing to do but Ash's hateful expression and his last words to him were like a brick wall that he had to break through.

"What if he doesn't forgive me?"

Tails looked away.

"As the leading authority on forgiveness here" Knuckles took over, as he had managed to forgive his grandfather recently "I can tell you right now that what you did is unforgivable. Ash may never forgive you. But I agree with Tails. It's worth trying. The kid is headstrong and somewhat dense but he has a kind heart. So there's hope".

Sonic allowed himself to weigh the pros and cons. He quickly figured there weren't really any cons as the situation couldn't really get much worse.

"Alright. I guess I should go and prepare my backpack for a quick trip to Kanto. Then again Mewtwo may be able to take me there".

"Wait" Tails stopped him and logged into his computer preparing for a video call.

The receiver of the call was going to be professor Oak.

"You are in contact with the professor?" Knuckles asked Tails in surprise.

"Yeah. I wanted his opinion on some of my findings regarding Sonic and Raichu's bond. Thankfully he was kind enough to reply immediately. Maybe he…"

Tails didn't even manage to finish his sentence as Oak picked up appeared on screen.

"Well hello Tails my boy. Did you have any breakthroughs in your research? Oh and hello there Sonic and Knuckles".

"Good evening professor. Sorry for the unexpected call" Tails quickly took over skipping the pleasantries "actually I called you for something else".

Sonic took over before Tails could continue.

"I want to give a very long overdue apology to Ash professor. About my misconduct in the Johto league".

Oak's smile was erased.

"Hmmm… that will be rather tricky. Ash is still very angry at you. And also he's not here".

"Where then?"

"Pikachu's tail was healed two days ago and so it, Ash and Brock took off on a new journey. They are visiting the Hoenn region".

"Hoenn" Sonic repeated, remembering Wave had returned from there recently "I see. Thanks professor. And if you see Mrs Ketchum please apologize to her for me since I will not be coming over for the apology".

"She is not upset my boy. And neither am I. It was an accident".

Sonic contemplated revealing Tails' discovery about the reading of thoughts between himself and Raichu but Tails nodded negatively. They needn't complex the situation further. Not yet anyway.

"Thanks again professor. Talk soon" Tails ended the call.

"So Hoenn" Knuckles said "he could be back in Kanto after months. What's the plan?"

"There is only one plan. I go find him in Hoenn" Sonic quickly declared with no hesitation.

"Are you sure?"

"I need to face my failure. And my grave mistake. Even if he doesn't accept my apology he deserves to know he was right" Sonic said before taking off his belt with his pokeballs.

When Tails looked at him in question, Sonic was quick to explain.

"Don't give me that look. I'm not going there to battle. I'm merely going to apologize. Bringing them with me could feel like an aggressive move. So until I return I want you to take care of my pokemon for me Tails. Pretty please?"

Tails nodded, though still looking like he was questioning something.

Sonic then turned to leave so he could go prepare.

"That's not what I'm questioning you about" Tails stopped him from leaving.

Sonic turned around again.

"Why are you leaving all of them?"

"I just said why".

Tails took off Raichu's pokeball.

"Even Raichu?"

Sonic's eyes glowed with regret.

"Especially Raichu. I forced it to carry out that horrible act. It shouldn't have to bare the weight of my errors".

"Raichu is your partner! Partners are there to share this kind of burden!" Tails protested.

"Not this time. Raichu won't come with me for this. It doesn't deserve to pay for my mistake. My decision is final" Sonic shut down the conversation and left.

Quickly heading home, shutting down an attempt from Amy to talk to him, not caring what her situation was in the moment, he prepared his backpack and called Jet and his parents to the living room to explain that he was leaving again as well as the mistake he made and to open up about all the darkness he had been wrestling with at the final leg of his Johto journey as well as the last month.

His parents were disappointed by his actions, even though they found it hard to believe that Raichu could actually hear his thoughts and the other way around.

Regardless his mother, Bernadette let Sonic know that they still loved him and she was proud that he was going to own up to his mistake regardless of the consequences. His father, Jules, subsequently also wisely told his son that, although he needed to own up to his mistake, he shouldn't judge himself based only his mistakes.

"Remember son. Life is complicated. So you should never judge someone based on their worst mistakes alone. And that includes yourself".

Sonic was encouraged despite the immense guilt he still felt over the entire situation as he hugged his parents goodbye, taking his backpack and leaving Green Hills once again.

With his speed, he was just in time to catch the plane. As he took off, heading for the faraway Hoenn region, he looked through his phone for any new songs to listen to try and help himself relax just a little.

He came across one and downloaded it. Although the song was cool, Sonic could never imagine how much impact it would have on his journey.

The title of the song was Live and Learn.

Chapter 96: First step to redemption


Sonic arrives in Littleroot town, meeting Wave's friend May and her brother Max, as well as finally confronting his failure in the form of a very unwelcoming Ash.

Chapter Text

The plane arrived at last near littleroot town. As the flight attendant was seeing everybody out, she proceeded to do a check of the cabin to see if anyone had forgotten any suitcase.

What she found instead was an asleep Sonic the hedgehog by the window, his head leaning against the cabin wall. He was shaking and whispering in his sleep, his headphones still over his ears.

"Sir. You need to wake up".

"No… no".

"Sir the plane has landed. You need to disembark".

"No… I didn't mean to" he moaned in his sleep.

"Sir" the flight attendant grabbed him by the shoulder.

"NOOOOO!" he screamed, jolting awake and scaring her silly.

As he breathed heavily, Sonic remembered he wasn't back at the Silver conference. Exhaling in relief he apologized profusely and grabbed his backpack.

"Sir are you ok? Do you need anything?"

"No… no I'm fine. Thanks".

A few minutes later he was walking through the fields, the morning breeze hitting him in the face, as he made his way towards Littleroot town.

Since Ash was planning a new journey, there was no doubt he was intending to participate in a tournament in Hoenn. Sonic's best bet was to start with the region's pokemon professor, professional Birch.

"Are you sure he lives in Littleroot town?" he had asked Wave via video call.

"Positive. That's where my friend May also lives. If you happen to run into her, greet her for me will you?"

Sonic had promised he would, before realizing on the plane that he had no idea what May looked like.

Thinking of it in the present, he shrugged. There was a good chance if she was the daughter of professor Birch, he would run into her.

The treeline around grew thicker as he was nearing the town.

Sonic took deep breaths. The idea of a confrontation after a month of self-loathing on his end and hatred from Ash's made him want to run away.

But confronting Ash would be a thousand easier than living another day with himself.

While being busy lost in his thoughts, he heard a growl from nearby.

Out the treeline walked a small grey pokemon.

"Huh what are you little guy?"

The wild pokemon proceeded to lunge and bite him in his right hand.

"Ouch! That hurt!" Sonic groaned, taking the pokemon and throwing it aside.

The wild pokemon though got angrier and tried to attack again.

Sonic ducked out of the way and got ready to run.

As he knelt to speed away, something fell out of his backpack. A pokeball.

It opened.

Out came Raichu, which proceeded to thunder punch the wild pokemon, sending away terrified.

"What the hell?! Why are you here?!"

"Rai! Rai rai!" Raichu cried out, delivering another thunder punch, this time on Sonic.

Sonic was sent rolling to the ground, as Raichu grabbed its stomach, having felt its own attack through their bond.

"You left me behind!" Sonic heard in his head. A light feeling of relief washed over him as Raichu wouldn't have to mime to him.

"You shouldn't be here. How did you even follow me? I left your pokeball with… Tails" Sonic face slapped. It would be child's play for the present Tails to sneak into his house as he was talking to his parents and sneak Raichu's ball into his backpack.

Deciding he would argue about it with his friend later, Sonic turned back to Raichu which kept crying out.

"Rai rai! Raichu!"

"Why did you leave me behind?!"

"Because this is my burden to carry. I made you do something unforgivable that day! You shouldn't have to suffer because of my inability to control my own emotions!"

More cries.

"You idiot! You made me use iron tail? Last I checked we could hear each other's thoughts, not control each other!"

Sonic knew where this was going instantly.

"Stop right there! Don't even try to blame this on yourself! You did nothing wrong!"

"Nothing wrong?! It was my tail that caused that injury, that pain to Pikachu! You ordered the attack, but it was I that carried it out! I could have chosen to not obey your command but I did!"

Sonic's eyes widened. He had never considered this aspect.

"This burden is just as much mine as it yours, maybe more so mine! So spare me the nobility and all the crap about it being your mistake alone! It is our mistake! And we need to fix it together!"

Sonic allowed Raichu's words to sink in. It actually made a valid point.

Ash needed to forgive Raichu too. If by some miracle Sonic was to be forgiven but not Raichu, then the forgiveness would have no actual meaning.

Raichu was right. It and Sonic were partners. So if Ash was to forgive one, he would have to forgive them both.

"Not that he is obligated to. But if he is to do it, it needs to be both of us" Sonic thought in understanding as he rubbed his hand where that wild pokemon had bitten him.

"You're right Raichu. It is indeed both of ours' fault. And we need to atone for it together. You up for it?"


"All the way" Sonic heard in his head, cracking a faint smile as he pet his partner. Raichu's happy face warmed his heart.

The two walked the rest of the way to Littleroot town. The town was very small, kinda like Pallet town.

It brought back memories for Sonic as back then he was alone and had no idea how much his life would change when he arrived there.

Asking a couple of locals where professor Birch's lab was, he was quickly directed there. Soon enough he was walking towards the property.

Looking around, he quickly noticed a brunette bearded man along with a young girl in a red outfit and a preschooler kid in a green shirt.

"Excuse me" Sonic called out to them.

The man turned around.

"Well hey there. Can I help you with something?"

"Yes. Do you happen to know professor Birch?"

"Well of course I know him. He is me".

"Oh. That makes everything simpler" Sonic said approaching.

Once Sonic had approached fully, the kid recognized him.

"No way! Are you THE Sonic the hedgehog?!"

Normally Sonic would smile but being identified now made him feel uncomfortable.


"I can't believe it's really you! You and your friends are legends! I'm Max and this is my older sister May!"

"May?" Sonic looked at her in surprise causing her to blush.

"You… know me?"

"Not me. But I think you know my friend Wave the Swallow".

"You're Wave's friend?!" May asked him with gleaming eyes.

"Yeah. She moved back into my hometown recently. Told me she knew you".

"I'm glad to meet you then. Wave always said how cool you and her friends were. She wouldn't stop saying how much she missed you all. How is she? Settled back in well?"

"Yeah. Reconnected with me, my brother and our friends. Most of them anyway".

"So what brings you to Hoenn? Team rocket here too?! Or are you here to conquer another league?!" Max eagerly asked Sonic.

"Neither. I'm… looking for someone. Reason I came to you professor is because…" Sonic began explaining while awkwardly scratching his head with his injured arm.

"What happened to you?" May asked him shook at the injury.

"Just an unfortunate encounter with a pokemon, nothing major".

"Let me bandage it" she said taking a bandage out of her backpack.

"It's nothing really" Sonic objected being forced down to treat the bite.

"Why didn't your Raichu fight off the Pokemon? What Pokemon was it anyway?"

"Long story about the Raichu question. The Pokemon was a small grey one".

"A poochyena. Nasty creatures those critters. Very aggressive. But if you tame one they are very loyal" Birch explained.

Sonic unintentionally noticed a lot of travelling supplies in May's backpack.

"You plan to travel?"

"Yes. I received my partner from the professor two weeks ago. I will begin journey with Max and two friends of ours".

"The professor?" Sonic thought "is he not her father? Wave did say so…"

"And what is your goal?"

"I want to be a Pokemon trainer. Nothing further than that for now".

Sonic noticed a hint of dodging in her voice, as if she was trying to hide something but didn't push the subject.

"Well, I guess I can sympathize with that. When I started my journey in Kanto I didn't have a clear target either. I lived in the present and adapted accordingly. Your approach is very wise, in my eyes at least".

"Thanks!" May thanked him, surprisingly grateful for such a simple gesture as an encouragement.

"So what were you saying about coming to me to find someone?" Birch inquired again.

"Well… I am looking for a kid named…"

"Ash!" Max exclaimed.

Sonic was shocked.

"How did you know?!"

"What? No, I'm just saying Ash is back!" he said pointing.

Sonic's eyes widened.

Taking a quick but deep breath, he turned.

And there they were. Ash, Pikachu and Brock.

Ash was of course shocked beyond belief. Pikachu hid behind his head as Raichu was also there.

"Hey" Sonic tried greeting.

Ash dropped the supplies he was carrying and dashed forward, Pikachu falling off his shoulder in the process.

May jumped out of the way instinctively as Ash tackled Sonic to ground again, punching him over and over.

"You! Dare! Show! Your! Face! After! Hurting! Pikachu?!" he screamed with each fist.

Brock quickly restrained Ash.

"What's gotten into you Ash?!" May asked him, somewhat fearful of him.

"Let me go Brock!"

"Calm down Ash. Anger won't solve anything".

Ash stopped fighting but Brock still held on just in case.

"What are you doing here?! Why are you showing your face in front of me after what you did?!"

Groaning, Sonic stood back up.

"I wanted to see you. To tell you how sorry I am for all that happened".

"You're sorry?! Please, you have idea what that word means! Pikachu spent an entire month in bed, not moving because of its broken tail!"

"Is this true?" May asked Sonic.

"Yes. He is telling the truth".

"It was an accident. He didn't mean to" Brock tried to pacify everyone.

This was it. This was Sonic's one chance to fix everything.

"No Brock. It wasn't" Sonic admitted.

Everyone went silent.

"What do you mean it wasn't?" Max asked Sonic "we saw the Johto league final, May and I".

"Everyone knows what it came down to" May elaborated "there was no ill intent in play".

"Yes there was" Sonic insisted "but there's no way to prove it".

Everyone was super confused.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Birch asked Sonic "maybe Ash's hits…"

"No professor. I'm telling the truth. I know no one will believe me… but my Raichu and I have a unique bond that enhances us. One of the recent perks of this bond… is that we can hear its other's thoughts".

Brock let go of Ash in surprise. He did recall a few instances in the Johto league that Raichu seemed to move on its own, without Sonic giving it any instructions.

"What… did you think in that moment?"

Struggling to maintain his composure, Sonic confessed. It was the moment of truth.

"My only thought… was for Raichu to make Pikachu suffer".

More silence. This was not how everyone was expecting their day to go.

"So you come here to tell to my face how mean your truly are! What were you hoping to gain?!"

"I won't try explaining what I was hoping to gain back then. No matter the reason my actions are unforgivable. It was foolish of me to come but I was hoping…"

"That I'd forgive you" Ash finished his sentence "well here's my answer! I won't forgive you! Not now! Not ever! So get out of my sight!"

Sonic closed his eyes in sadness. It was a lost cause from the start. But he found a very small amount of solace in knowing he had tried.

Nodding, he silently walked away. Pikachu cowered away as Raichu walked past it.

"Good riddance" Ash said when Sonic was out of hearing range.

May however had not yet swallowed that pill. There was no reason not believe Ash but Sonic also seemed like a nice person. There was no way the situation was as simple as they were both making it.

"Wait here" she said rushing after Sonic.

The latter was at the outskirts of the town. He was not going to fly home. He didn't have the energy for it. Instead he would ask Mewtwo to have Alakazam take him home or at least send Moltres.

"Sonic wait!" May's voices rang in his ears.

Sonic stopped. He looked over his shoulder as May overtook him and blocked his path.

"Why did you leave?"

"Why did you follow me? Ash won't like this gesture".

May's jaw hang open.

"Ash literally beat you up. Why are you letting him walk over you?"

"After what I did, a few punches are nothing".

"Maybe but it's still not right. You came all the way from your hometown to apologize".

Sonic scoffed.

"Why are you trying to be the mediator? You don't know me or what I've done".

"I don't know you sure but I know what others know".

Back at Birch's lab, Ash was still fuming.

"That creep dares show his face after what he did. What a nerve!"

Brock was not replying. Max was not in the picture as Birch was keeping him busy with a new batch of starter Pokemon.

"Aren't you going to say anything?!"

Brock was still skeptical.

"Brock I'm talking to you!"

"I know".

"Then why are you not replying?!"

"I'm thinking".

"What about?"

"I kept in touch with Knuckles over the last month. He said Sonic… was not himself after what happened. I think he went thought depression Ash".

Ash was not moved at all.

"You feel sorry for him?! After what he did to Pikachu?!"


"Some friend you are!" Ash told him off.

"Ash I'm not defending his actions. What he did was not cool, not by a longshot. Especially if he's telling the truth and was intending for it to go this way in the moment".

"Good! Let's expose him then! Professor Birch heard his confession!"

"He also said it can't be proven. And he's right. Would you believe it if you were a bystander?"

Ash thought about it for a moment and admitted unwillingly Brock was right. No one would believe Sonic had a mind connection with his Raichu.

"So we let him get away with it. Is that not enough for you?!"

"This is not about his image Ash. This is about you. Your anger".

"How can I not be angry?!"

"Look" Brock took him by the shoulders "We're about to embark on a new journey here. If you set out full of anger, May and Max will be affected in the long run. I'm not asking you to forgive Sonic. I don't know if I can and I'm just a bystander. But after hearing all the details from Knuckles… I don't want to stay mad at him. He has been through a lot already Ash. So please find it in your heart to let go of the anger. So we can all set out peacefully".

Ash was torn. Brock was right. May and Max would be affected by this. And they didn't deserve to.

But still… forgive Sonic?

As this confrontation was taking place at Birch's lab, the other was continuing in the outskirts of the town.

"And what is it that the others know that allow you to decide it's the real me?"

"I know you had no reason to go after team rocket but you did. You had no obligation to save anyone but you did. Your friends had the same choice and they followed you all the way. I don't know your friends but I know that no one would follow a path out of obligation! They chose to walk it with you! So all I know is the choices you made so far that the world knows. And I don't believe a single bad choice erases all the good ones".

She took a deep breath.

"And most importantly, I know that I believe Wave about you".

Sonic really didn't feel like continuing. May was saying the same things his father had said and at this point it wasn't changing anything.

"Ok so? What do you want from me now? I tried. Ash won't forgive me. I don't blame him for it either. So why are you still standing in my way, bringing all of this up?"

"Because… because…" May hesitated to answer.

"May!" Max's voice reached them as he, Brock and Ash arrived.

"I was just leaving" Sonic quickly said, not wanting another unnecessary confrontation.

Ash saw May's conflicted expression. Brock was truly right. If the feud remained it would come back to bite them even if Sonic was out of the picture.

"Wait!" he called out to the blue hedgehog.

Sonic's eyes widened for a moment. He took a deep breath and turned, believing the confrontation was unavoidable.

"You want me to forgive you?"

"Not by force. If you can't then don't. You don't have to to begin with".

"Answer the question. Do you want it or not?"

Sonic was surprising by the insistence.

"I do".

"Then battle me".

Sonic was taken aback. Pikachu didn't seem willing to fight Raichu.

"Right here, right now?"

"No. In the Hoenn league".

"The Hoenn league" Sonic repeated with a very low voice.

This meant he would have to embark on another journey. It wasn't part of his plan. And the idea of battling in front of a crowd again only brought back the painful memories of the Johto league final.

"So? Do you want this chance or not?!"

Sonic made his choice before he had a chance to consider alternatives.


"Good. Then it's settled. I will tell professor Birch you will take part in the league. You put your affairs in order so you can have no distractions".

Sonic nodded. That would mean a lot of calls to home but this was a chance at redemption. He couldn't pass it up.

Ash then turned to leave.

"Remember. This is only a chance. There's no guarantee I will forgive you".

"I'll take my chances" Sonic answered seriously.

Ash gave him another mix of dirty and angry look and left. Max and Brock were quick to follow.

Sonic and May were left alone.

"Well. You got your wish. I'm not leaving".

"I didn't do it for purely for you. As I said, I did it because I believe in my friend Wave's words as well as your actions in Johto. What you did to Ash's Pikachu was not cool. Ash's attack on you was not cool either. Especially since you still came all the way from your hometown to make amends. That means something and makes you deserving of the chance to earn Ash's forgiveness in my eyes at least".

Sonic closed his eyes and headed to find a room for the day so that he could prepare everything to set out the next day.

"I wonder if you will still feel the same way when Ash gives you the details. Thanks anyway. See you around".

And with those words, the two split, May wondering if she had made the right choice by mediating even though she didn't know the whole story and Sonic calling home. He had a lot of things to say to his friends.

Chapter 97: The fanboy


Sonic's journey in Hoenn begins with the hero of Kanto meeting a big fan of his in Petalburg city.


Sunday 11th chapter is to be released on Tuesday 13th (vacation trip)

Chapter Text

The first day of the Hoenn journey found Sonic awakening from another rough night of nightmares, albeit this time less severe than back in Green Hills.

"I guess one could say I'm starting to hope again. Or maybe I'm just a fool" he thought.

Heading to professor Birch's lab for his official registration as well as to pick his starter pokemon, he found the professor outside with the batch from which Sonic would pick his starter.

"Morning professor".

"Oh good morning. Come, they're ready for you".

Before he could finish his sentence one of the three pokemon, a small golden chick with orange bits jumped off the table approached Sonic, hopping around him and Raichu joyfully.

"Fire type?" Sonic accurately guessed.

"Yes. This is torchic. May also picked a torchic as her partner. It may not look like much at first but when it grows no its final form, it is a devastating fighter".

Sonic knelt and gave the torchic a petting. Torchic was indeed very cute.

"I guess this little guy made the choice for me".

"Actually it's a she. But yeah. I think you two are meant to be" Birch said handing Sonic a pokeball.

Sonic set it on the ground. Torchic knew what to do, headbutting the pokeball, being absorbed and caught immediately.

"And so your journey begins" Birch joked.

"Yeah. The journey to redemption" Sonic thought.

"Anyway, your first destination is Rustboro city. It's a good distance away so you're going to have a lot of time to connect with Torchic".

"I see. Thank you professor.".

"Hey just to make your start a bit easier, would you like a lift to the next town, Oldale town? I got to run some errands there so it will be no trouble. Unless you prefer walking of course".

Sonic accepted the offer, although he was filled with guilt. May, Max and now professor Birch were so nice to him even though they knew what he had done.

As the two rode to Oldale town, Sonic was silent.

"Not much of a talker?" Birch jokingly asked.

"Just a lot on my mind lately" Sonic answered.

"I'd be surprised otherwise. Rumors have been going around about you and your crew a lot. You three took Johto by storm".

"That's only the public point of view. Very few saw the dark times me and my friends faced".

Birch nodded.

After a few more minutes of silence Sonic addressed a question he had.

"Professor… how can you know all I have done to Ash and still treat me normally?"

Birch took a moment before responding.

"Your act of breaking Pikachu's tail was indeed horrible. But even so… coming here to apologize to Ash in person when you could have easily tried texting him or anything that didn't involve travelling… that's something only someone truly sorry would do".

"Yeah I am sorry but still…"

"Oh look! It's a wild mightyena! The evolved form of poochyena!"

Sonic did notice the wild Mightyena and was indeed impressed and bewildered by its terrifying form. He recalled Birch's words from yesterday and tried imagining it as an affectionate pokemon.

As they arrived in Oldale town and Sonic got out of the car, Birch lowered the window.

"I didn't forget what you were trying to say before that Mightyena appeared. My advice to you; try looking inwards too in this journey as well as outwards. You will be surprised at what you may discover. Oh and by the way, when you get to Petalburg, do visit the gym there. It is normally the 5th in line for the challenge but the gym leader, Norman is a good friend and neighbor and, upon hearing from his kids that you were here, requested to meet you. Anyways, got to leave! Good luck on your journey!" he shouted as he drove away.

Sonic, Raichu and Torchic which was sitting on Sonic's shoulder, its legs wrapped around the hedgehog's shoulder for balance.

"Well, you guys hungry? Should we get something and get going?"

Both Pikachu and Torchic were in agreement.

Torchic rubbed against Sonic's cheek joyfully giving him a faint smile.

As he got some supplies for their journey as well as snacks to himself and his pokemon, Sonic looked at Torchic playing with Raichu.

Torchic was so innocent and happy to be in his team. It didn't know his dark deeds.

His mind then drifted to Birch and May. The way they had not cast him aside the moment they learned what he had done to Pikachu.

And then there was also that meeting with gym leader Norman Birch wanted Sonic to have. For him to request to meet Sonic, it meant he was looking past his horrible deed.

"Why?" was all Sonic could wonder as they headed off, officially beginning their journey.

The landscape of Hoenn was unlike Kanto or Johto. The two former regions were seaside regions with mountains in the North. Hoenn was an island region which as the map showed was half land and half sea which intrigued Sonic. Furthermore it contained several habitats Sonic had not traversed before like a desert or just the actual sea. Sure he and his friends had visited Alto Mare but it was more of an excursion. If he was going for the gym challenge, that would require a lot of traveling.

One option was to have his Moltres rejoin him when that time came or even to have Blastoise surf him there. The latter choice wasn't all that appealing to Sonic as the distances were huge but he decided to cross that bridge when he got there.

As the team followed the path, Sonic chewed on a sandwich while Raichu and Torchic shared one, or more accurately, Torchic attempted to eat as much as Raichu but the sandwich was too big for it so it ended up feeding on the bread crumbs that fell off of both Sonic's and Raichu's sandwiches.

Taking in the peace of the moment, Sonic came to a shocking revelation. Throughout both his Kanto and Johto journey, he had very few moments like these. Sure he had bonded with his two teams but it was more so because they were training to fight their enemies.

But now there was no battle to fight. In other words, even though they would train for the league, it wouldn't be as severe a training regime as his previous two were. And therefore the bonding process with Torchic would likely be way different. That was all pretty much an uncharted territory for him.

Although the realisation did give Sonic a sense of peace and control as he had been working with himself to understand what he was feeling eventually, he also realized a lot more.

Throughout his depressive state in Green Hills, he hadn't tried to process his feelings on the deaths of Morrison and Latios as well as the darkness of vengeance he had shoved himself in and come to terms with them. Instead he had shoved them down and acted strong and ok, ironically the same piece of advice Knuckles had given to Morrison's son, Nolan.

In other words, Sonic was finding himself in a much brighter and more peaceful reality and yet he himself had become such a dark individual it was all disturbing and unfamiliar to him.

"How did I allow myself to fall so far?" he thought as he observed Raichu and Torchic play while walking.

The new mindset also allowed Sonic to be more receptive of the world around him. Everything, from the trees to the sky to even a small lake they passed by. All of them seemed like a first time to him.

Along the way, he allowed Torchic to fight off some species they encountered. Before he left Littleroot town, professor Birch updated his pokedex so he would get some info on Hoenn species. Although none of the species they encountered seemed worth catching, grass and bug types like seedot and wurmple made great target practice for Torchic's ember attack.

Having had no previous fire type to train from scratch, Sonic was a bit unimpressed by the low intensity of the ember but didn't allow that to spoil his view on Torchic's potential. After all Knuckles had started with Cyndaquil and the now Typhlosion had been an incredible ally in their battles and a worthy adversary for anyone it came across in the Johto league. Although as he noticed soon, Torchic felt more adept to using scratch instead, looking to be a physical fighter. Sonic smiled as Raichu would be the perfect mentor in that field.

Eventually the trio walked into Petalburg city. As they walked through the streets, he was met with all shorts of reactions ranging from smiles to greetings, to some giggles from girl groups but also some not so pleasant reactions like dirty looks.

"Guess not everyone thinks I had no ill intent back then" Sonic thought. Although he wished back in Green Hills for anyone to have such a reaction, he wasn't sure what to make of it now.

After asking for instructions on how to find the gym, Sonic and his two pokemon arrived. He mentally prepared himself, wondering what this Norman guy wanted with him.

Walking through, they found themselves in a rather normal arena. Nothing to indicate any one specific type.

"Huh. No hints on the typing. That's new".

A door from a side room opened and in walked the man himself. Grey shirt, red blazer, dark blue trousers and dark hair.

Norman smiled upon identifying Sonic.

"So we meet at last. Sonic the hedgehog".

"I heard you wished to meet me. Is it for a battle?"

"Oh the time for that will come. My good friend professor Birch told me you registered for the gym challenge. Though admittedly I am hoping to battle either of your legendary pokemon".

Sonic nodded. Norman looked at him in question.

"It's not the first time a gym leader has told me that" Sonic quickly explained.

"I see. Anyway as I was saying, no, I didn't want to meet you for battle but to introduce you to someone".

Sonic's eyes widened. Introduce him?

A big part of him wanted no part in this but for him to ask something like this out of the blue, literally one day after Sonic arrived in Hoenn, there could actually be a valid reason.

"Ok. And who's the one you want to introduce me to?"

"He'll be here shortly. In the meantime, why don't we spar?"

With those words, he sent out a white ape like pokemon. Intrigued Sonic scanned it with his dex.

"Vigoroth, the Wild Monkey Pokémon. Vigoroth is only comfortable going berserk, will destroy anything in its path by spinning both arms, and goes more berserk when done".

True to the dex's words, Vigoroth slammed its arms to the ground in anticipation, calling out Raichu.

"Vigo! Vigoroth!"


"You want it?! Fine!" Sonic heard in his head as Raichu hopped into the arena. It still felt bizarre as throughout his month of depression he couldn't hear Raichu's thoughts. Or it could be a matter of vicinity.

Norman and Sonic stood opposite each other.


Honestly, Sonic wasn't. He wasn't sure just how much power Raichu could use without seriously injuring Vigoroth. He nodded nonetheless.

"Very well then! Vigoroth! Slash!"

Vigoroth moved with terrifying speed, taking Sonic aback.

Raichu was slashed by the claws but after all it had been through it would take a lot more to beat it. Using its iron tail and with a quick spin, it pushed Vigoroth back.

"Thunder punch!"

Raichu charged forward before Vigoroth regained its footing, delivering a devastating punch. Vigoroth, overwhelmed by the attack, stumbled back before falling over.

Sonic gasped. Had he just done it again? Go too far?

To his relief, Vigoroth sprang back up, rubbing its jaw with a grin.

"Ahahaha" Norman burst out in impressed laughter "just as strong as my family and I witnessed in the Johto league. I think our real battle will be one for the ages".

"Is Vigoroth ok?" Sonic asked in concern.

"But of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

The door of the gym slid open.

"Mr Norman I'm here".

"Right on time. Come in".

Sonic turned and came face to face with a young boy, around Ash's age maybe one or two years older. The boy had green hair, and a rather semi formal outfit of a very light blue jacket, a white buttoned-up shirt and green long trousers.

Upon crossing eyes with Sonic, the boy's eyes gleamed.

"No way! Are you Sonic the hedgehog?! THE Sonic the hedgehog?!" the boy almost screeched as well as getting into Sonic's face.

Sonic took a step back in surprise.

"Well that kid is certainly excited" he thought, unable to utter a word.

"Why yes he is Wally" Norman verified "and since the day has come to get your first pokemon, I couldn't think of a better surprise to accompany that".

He then turned to Sonic.

"Would you be so kind as to help Wally catch his first pokemon? You are already an experienced trainer and I'm to meet up with my children soon so…"

"Oh" Sonic uttered, not expecting such a development "ok. I suppose to wouldn't hurt".

"Really?! You would?! I can't believe it! Sonic the hedgehog will be there when I catch my first pokemon! Somebody pinch me!"

After Norman handed Wally a rental pokemon so Wally could battle whatever he was going to catch, Sonic and Wally headed out back to route 102.

"I can't believe this is happening! I'm like your biggest fan! Your battles are the stuff of legend! Please tell me how did it feel battling the legendary pokemon you've caught?! Or when you battled team rocket's boss?! Are your friends just as cool as you?!"

"Woah woah slow down there kid uh… Wally is it?"


"Look Wally… I'm kind of in a rough patch right now so the questions you ask I don't really want to talk about. Tell me about yourself instead until we find something" Sonic asked him as they walked into a patch of tall grass trying to find anything. Raichu and Torchic took the lead.

"Me? I don't know exactly what to say about myself. I haven't had any cool adventures like you yet".

"Well sure, but why do you want to walk this path? The pokemon's path?"

"To go on this adventure of course. Pretty much everyone knows how you started your journey without planning or even considering it beforehand. I wanted to go on a journey last year but my parents are a bit overprotective and wouldn't let me. Even now they're not fully aware of my intentions".

"You intend to start a journey without telling them? Why would you do that?"

"Oh and now that I remember, you might be wondering why I am going to catch my first pokemon myself instead of receiving it from professor Birch like most trainers do" Wally dodged the question.

Sonic noticed the dodging of the question but the point Wally made was valid so he forgot about it.

"True. Why?"

"Because of you" Wally explained as it witnessed Raichu scare away a poochyena "and your Raichu. I learned how your Raichu was not your first pokemon but the first wild one you caught. But you two have grown into an unrivalled team and I was deeply inspired. Usually trainers tend to bond with their first pokemon deeper than the rest of their team members so I wanted to have a similar experience if possible".

"Oh I see" Sonic said, feeling bad about Wally seeing him as his idol when he felt so rotten inside.

"Hey look at that" Sonic stopped him as they ducked.

In a small clearing of the tall grass was a very peculiar pokemon.

It was very small with a white body and a green hairdo of bangs that covered its forehead and eyes, if it had of course.

"Woah this is rare! I'm going to catch it!" Wally sent out Norman's rental pokemon without much thinking.

A small pokemon called zigzagoon emerged facing down the wild pokemon.

"Alright zigzagoon! Tackle!"

Zigzagoon tackled ralts which cried out and then growled.

"Huh? It doesn't fight back?" Sonic tilted his head in confusion.

"All the better! Tackle again!"

Ralts was tackled again. And again it only growled.

"I think that's enough zigzagoon! Go pokeball!"

The wild pokemon turned into red energy and was absorbed. The pokeball wiggled thrice and clicked, confirming the catch.

"I… I did it! I caught it! My first pokemon!"

Eagerly he sent it out. The small pokemon looked scared at first until Torchic assured it it was in no danger.

"Which pokemon is this?" Wally eagerly asked Sonic.

"No idea. Let's see" Sonic scanned the wild pokemon with his dex.

"Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon. It can use the horns on its head to read human emotions. Ralts rarely shows itself to humans, but may occasionally approach when it senses positive or happy feelings".

"Huh. Guess this little fellow sensed your excitement and allowed you to find it" Sonic surmised.

Ralts turned to Wally and just as the dex suggested used its horns. It confirmed Sonic's assumption as it immediately became more joyful, hopping around and rubbing its head on Wally's leg.

"Glad you're my friend too ralts" Wally took it in his arms and hugged it.

Ralts then hopped back down and used its horn power on Sonic.

Its expression turned from joy to concern and it immediately hugged Sonic's leg with its two tiny hands as if trying to comfort him.

Wally looked at Sonic in question.

"Ralts looks sad. Why would that be? What did it feel in you?"

Sonic hesitated.

"I'd rather not say right now. Anyway, why don't we go back to return the zigzagoon?"

"Oh right. Let's go".

The two trainers got out of the tall grass and back on the path towards Norman's gym.

Along the way, Ralts and Torchic played with each other as they were more like children than Raichu.

At the same time Wally bombarded Sonic with more questions about how he spent time with his pokemon and how he trained them, saying he wanted to be the best trainer he could be for Ralts. Sonic answered all these questions with a single phrase.

"Just be the best version of yourself and the pokemon will grow just fine".

Although the answer was correct, it felt wrong in Wally's ears. Not when it came to its content but the reason it was spoken.

As if Sonic was trying his hardest to remain distant from Wally.

Finally arriving at Norman's gym the two were about to head in when the door opened and someone rushed out, crashing into Sonic.

Sonic and Ash fell down, only looking at each other after the fact.

"Oh great, it's you" Ash sarcastically said.

"Hi to you too".

Norman rushed out.

"Are you kids ok?"

"Yeah. We're just fine. Didn't know he had gotten here before us" Ash added.

"I was just leaving" Sonic added quickly "I only brought Wally back so that he could return your zigzagoon".

"Oh excellent. And I see you caught a rare one" Norman complimented Wally.

"I did sir. And it's thanks to Sonic".

"What are you talking about? You battled and caught it" Sonic reminded Wally.

"But it was thanks to you I found it. Oh by the way, would you help us with training? I'm not sure what to do about it?"

Sonic contemplated whether he should accept or not but Ash beat him to it.

"You might want to reconsider. You would find training with him a little… accident prone".

Sonic felt it is a low blow but didn't object.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wally fired back.

"Nothing. Forget I said anything. Let's go guys. Expect me soon Mr Norman. And if you happen to spar with Sonic again, make sure he plays nice".

Afterwards Ash and his squad left, Brock, May and Max not having said a word.

"What's the deal with this guy? He looked familiar but is undeniably a jerk".

"Don't mind him. He may have been a bit sour because Sonic won our small exchange while his Pikachu lost".

"I won? When? The battle stopped because of Wally's arrival".

"Raichu overpowered Vigoroth. That's a victory in my book" Norman shrugged.

It didn't feel like a victory to Sonic but he nodded.

"Though it is questionable why my kids would hang out with him".

"Your kids? Wait. May and Max are your children?" Sonic inquired.


"Oh. I see".

Norman raised his eyebrow in question.

"Oh nothing major. One of my friends who moved back to our hometown recently knew May from here but assumed she was professor Birch's daughter because she saw them together in Rustboro city".

"You a friend of Wave's? May spoke about her plenty of times but their friendship didn't manage to blossom as much as they hoped. As for the misunderstanding, yes May visited Rustboro because we had recently moved and ended up meeting Wave there".

"Oh I see. Yeah my crew and I know Wave she is one of our oldest friends. Also Wave did mention she wants to visit me during my journey here and meet May again in the process".

"I think May will like to know that. Do tell her if you run into her again please".

"Why don't you? I… am probably not exactly welcome in their midst".

"Why would you say that?" Wally inquired but Sonic ignored the question.

"Well… the situation is a bit complicated. But it's better if you do it" Norman replied without going into detail.

Sonic sighed but ended up agreeing.

After bidding goodbye to Norman, Sonic realized it was evening. The day was almost already over.

"Oh shoot I got to home. My mom will be worried sick. Hey um… how do I hide Ralts?"

"Why would you need to?"

"It's… well um… I just don't want them to know yet. They can be a bit much sometimes. Oh and about that training?"

Sonic didn't have the strength to resist anymore so he agreed to spend the night in Petalburg and meet Wally in route 104 the next morning to help him train. Wally profusely thanked the hedgehog before excitedly heading home.

After finding room in a pokemon center as he didn't have the strength to go camping, Sonic just laid in bed thinking about Wally and the fact that the kid had called Ash a jerk even though Sonic was the jerk here.

"At the same time though… how do I tell him his idol is not who he seems to be?" the question lingered in Sonic's mind as he fell asleep, and so did Raichu and Torchic, cuddled together.

Chapter 98: Journeying to Rustboro


Sonic and Wally train together to help Ralts grow in power and journey together to Rustboro city afterwards, resulting in their encounter with a very unexpected and dangerous adversary.

Chapter Text

"Seriously?! You met May?!" Wave almost stuffed her head through the camera.

"Yeah. You actually got it wrong. She is the daughter of gym leader Norman and has actually moved here with her younger brother Max from Johto around the time your father probably asked for transfer back home" Sonic explained.

"I see. Makes sense why we could never hang out in her place" Wave said in understanding "if they were still moving and stuff. Well, that and her brother".

"What about her brother?"

"Well, he tends to be a little… insufferable at times. Not in a bad way, just in an annoying way".

"Elaborate a little" Sonic asked her as he waited for Raichu and Torchic to awaken.

"Well May told me once that during the first days their father had taken up his duties as gym leader, Max would dress up with adult clothes and pretend he was the gym leader. Most who didn't know him found it adorable but to me and May it was kinda cringy. Oh and he tends to be a know-it-all at times".

"He did seem like a smart kid. Though from my experience, knowledge without experience is nothing. Knuckles, Tails and I thought we would run over team rocket and almost ended up dying, at least once each".

Wave giggled as she remembered Max arguing with their father once about how to better wield Vigoroth in battle. Once her giggle stop she turned serious again.

"You know, they've been worrying about you. You haven't contacted them or anyone for that matter after your encounter with Ash. They didn't reach out because they understood you needed the solidarity..."

"I understand. I promise I will call everyone later today. I got a lot to explain".

"Wouldn't it be better if you returned home and told us yourself?"

Sonic merely turned the camera to reveal Torchic.

"Wait. I know this one. Torchic. One of the region's starters. Why are you going for the gym challenge?"

"As I said, I wasn't in the state of mind to explain everything before. I'll explain everything later today though,I promise. But for now I got to go. I got somewhere to be soon and those two" he threw a pillow on Raichu to wake it up "are a bit of sleepy heads" he raised his voice tone, attempting to joke after a long time.

"Rai!" Raichu cried out.

"No enemies! Let me sleep!" Sonic heard in his head, chuckling.

"Oh great. Got to go Wave. I need to be a dad now. Sorry if my joke was bad".

Wave laughed.

"At least the Sonic we know is slowly returning. Talk soon".

She then hung up, her words echoing in Sonic's head.

"Was he ever even here?" the voice of doubt whispered "or was he a front the entire time?"

Leaving the Pokemon center, with Raichu on foot and Torchic on his shoulder, the small golden pokemon refusing to budge and stop rubbing its head against him, Sonic made his way for route 104.

He found Wally there already, tending to some obvious injuries on Ralts.

"What happened here?" he asked in concern.

"I… I couldn't wait to train with Ralts so I came earlier… but it hasn't been able to fight. All it does is growl as if it is afraid".

Sonic immediately looked up about the Ralts species and saw it was a psychic type. Immediately he got suspicious of what was the case.

"Well having trained a psychic type myself, I think I know what's going on. But let me verify. Raichu, please ask Ralts what attacks it knows".

Raichu did so. Sonic heard the thoughts.


"Just as I thought. It knows no aggressive moves. All it knows it to growl".

"What? Then how do we train?"

"Don't worry. We'll stay here and help it learn its first move so you can work from there".

"Really?! You'd do that?!"

"Of course. I relate to the struggle and I can tell you it's well worth it".

"Oh my gosh! Learning from Sonic the hedgehog! I can't believe it!"

Sonic chuckled at Wally's enthusiasm.

"Alright. Usually a psychic type's first aggressive move is confusion. My Alakazam learned it by evolving into Kadabra which as my friend Tails explained is natural because they tend to evolve fast and build their power from there. I don't know how much of this applies to Ralts though. So I think best we can do for now is have it observe Raichu and Torchic train".

"Couldn't we call your Alakazam here?"

"No. It's training off the grid" Sonic lied "I don't have access to it right now".

"Pity. Would have been so cool to learn from the best".

"Hey cheer up, Ralts can still learn by observing. How pokemon grow is unique for each species but even just desiring power can put them in a state of mind to learn an attack".


"Yes. You see right before my Raichu evolved from Pikachu, I was holding on until it learned thunderbolt. For a long time it couldn't muster the power. But when I was attacked by a Zapdos, coincidentally the same Zapdos I fought at the end of the Kanto league, Pikachu not only mastered its power enough to learn thunderbolt but also evolved".

"So cool! You say Ralts can do that too?!"


"Alright let's do it then!"

Ralts got to observing as Raichu and Torchic got to practicing. Once again Torchic preferred using scratch instead of ember. And the behavior reminded Sonic a lot of a pokemon species eerily similar to Torchic.

"Woah wait a minute… could it evolve into… Blaziken?!" he thought remembering Harrison who had stated his Blaziken was his first pokemon.

That thing was crazy strong. He remembered how it almost defeated Ash's Charizard. If Torchic really evolve into that then it was already an amazing pick though Torchic had actually chosen Sonic and not the other way around.

After a while Ralts joined in, getting closer to the fighting pokemon and while they were occupied with a wild wingull, it fired confusion.

"It did it! You did it! You did it Ralts!" Wally exclaimed jumping up and down before suddenly stopping and beginning to choke and suffocate.

"Wally? Wally!"

Wally grabbed his throat and reached for his bag which he had taken off but dropped on his knees!

"Wally!" another voice called out.

Sonic looked up and saw a teenage girl rush to them.

"His inhaler! Where is his inhaler?!"

"Inhaler?" Sonic asked confused.

"He has asthma!"

Sonic rushed to Wally's bag and emptied it instantly handing the girl the inhaler. The latter basically shoved it in Wally's month and pushed the button, with Wally taking over after the first few breaths as his breathing returned to normal.

"What where you thinking Wally?! Aunt and uncle told you not to stray too far!"

"I was…" *cough* "training with Ralts".

"That's not helping your case! And who are you exactly?!" she shouted in Sonic's face.

"Woah woah. Calm down please. My name is…"

The girl didn't even need to hear his name to identify him. She sighed in frustration.

"Great. Just what the family needed. Wally meeting his idol".

Despite believing he deserved the criticism for his actions, Sonic was offended.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that Wally's getting ideas".

"Wanda would you stop talking about me as if I'm not here?" Wally complained.

"Wally just go home. Your parents are worried sick!"

Wally huffed but obeyed.

"As for you" Wanda turned to Sonic again "stay away from my cousin! He doesn't need to take unnecessary risks".

"Wha… hey wait a minute!" Sonic followed them.

"I said stay away!"

"Just please tell what's going on! Who are you? Is it true Wally has asthma?"

"This is my cousin Wanda" Wally quickly explained "and yes I do have asthma".

"Which you triggered because of your overexcitement! Can you even imagine what would have happened if I hadn't arrived?"

Sonic realized in silent horror what that would mean. There was no way to be sure he would figure it out alone unless Wally would somehow communicate it to him or manage to do it himself.

"Hey leave him alone already! It was my fault for not telling him! I didn't expect it would be triggered!" Wally protested.

"It doesn't matter Wally. We are responsible for your safety" Wanda shut down the conversation as they arrived at Wally's house.

His parents were outside and not very happy.

"Wally why did you sneak out like that?!" his father berated him.

"I wanted to train with Ralts".

Wally's mother identified Sonic.

"I know you. Was it you who encouraged this behavior?!"

"N-no. I did agree to help him train but…"

"Aha! The truth comes out! Get out of here! Wally doesn't need role models like you!"

"Listen I didn't know Wally had asthma" Sonic tried to explain "and certainly I did not know you all were against him training".

"Doesn't matter whether you knew or not. You need to leave".

"Mom will you listen to me please?" Wally tried to protest this whole time only to be ignored.

"Go inside Wally. And pray I don't decide to release the Ralts you're carrying around" his mom sharply said.

"Now just wait a minute" Sonic tried to protest. It wasn't his place but having seen how happy Ralts seemed to be with Wally, it wasn't fair to split them up.

The angry faces of Wally's parents and Wanda silenced him.

"Alright. I relent. I'm going" he said and turned around, looking at Wally apologetically.

Wally and by extension, his Ralts were very sad to see them go.

With a heavy heart Sonic headed back to route 104, sitting by the beach. In the distance was a small shack.

As he gazed at the endless sea, he found himself wondering what he could do to help Wally. He also wondered why he was wondering something like that.

The answer came to him with Torchic rubbing its head on his leg.

Both Torchic and Wally were seeing the good in Sonic when all Sonic could see was what Carrie Morrison had had him believing.

That he was no different than Giovanni.

He picked up Torchic and hugged it, grateful it had chosen him.

"Thank you Torchic".

Raichu zapped him with its cheek as it rubbed on his side.

"Hehe, come here you jealous you" Sonic smiled as he laid back on the sand and pulled both his pokemon in.

The three spent around 10 minutes there just looking up at the sky. Sonic was overcome with peace which as he predicted, felt surreal and unfamiliar.

While relaxing Sonic allowed himself to imagine a team he would build in Hoenn even though he knew very little about the region.

This team would be drastically different than his previous two. They were built with the intent to fight. And they had graciously followed him to it.

But now, even though they were still going to fight, Sonic knew he would have to create a new dream with his team. Chasing redemption wasn't something his pokemon would embrace enough to evolve.

They would need to do a lot of bonding and introspection to build power this time around.

"Is that Ash's point of view too?" he wondered.

It was certainly a possibility. Ash didn't have to battle dangerous enemies all the time, the three idiots not even counting as danger in Sonic's eyes.

"It does explain why his pokemon are not as strong as they could be. Maybe he is not actively inhibiting his power" he thought.

But it was more than that. Sonic's realization that he would have to bond with his new team over a new goal to achieve was connected to Ash's dream.

"This dream has been his goal in both journeys. So what does this mean about his pokemon?"

It was too vague a topic to reach a conclusion. If he did it would be biased. So Sonic let it go, although he made a side note to ask Ash about it if they got on talking terms throughout their Hoenn journey.

Deciding it was time to move on, he got up and, followed by his two pokemon, made for Petalburg woods.

Along the way he was challenged by a couple of trainers, one of whom recognized him. Sonic used Torchic for training but also because he was still unsure about using Raichu.

Just as he was about to walk into the woods, he heard his name called out.

"Hey Sonic! Wait for me please!"

It was Wally.

"Woah what are you doing here?"

"I snuck out".


"Shhh! I snuck out. You're going to Rustboro right?"


"No worries then. I can accompany you there, then take the bus back home. They'll never even know is skipped town for a while".

"Look I appreciate your enthusiasm but that's a little…"

"Come on! What could go wrong? You're THE Sonic the hedgehog! Your Raichu is literally with us. So let's do it!"

Wally was almost begging.

"Please just let me accompany you! It's maybe the closest I will get to actually going on a journey".

Sonic felt bad for Wally but didn't want trouble.

"Come on please".

"Alright fine. But once we get to Rustboro I will see you off back to Petalburg by bus personally. Am I clear?"

"Yes absolutely!"

Ralts was also excited to go on this small trip.

The two trainers set out through the forest. The trees were quite thick and it was very shady.

Several bug and grass pokemon tried getting in their way many times but Torchic and Ralts, both mentored by Raichu fought them off, Ralts confusion attack being impressively strong.

"Way to go Ralts!"

"Looks like it's getting stronger. You two are quite the pair. Reminds me of me and Raichu at our beginning".

"Really?! Do you think we could become like you one day?!"

"Hehe. I wouldn't suggest it Wally. The path I chose was a dangerous one".

"I'm not afraid of danger. With Ralts by my side especially when it grows stronger I know we could…"

His words were choked when he started coughing again.

"No not again!" Sonic tried reaching out but Wally was quicker this time. He quickly pulled out his inhaler and began breathing.

"Phew. Close one. Must have been the pollen".

"Is your asthma so bad? How often do you choke?"

"When I was a kid almost constantly. It's been better lately. But my parents are still too protective of me" Wally said, frowning at the end.

"Well… I mean…" Sonic tried to say "they are trying to keep you safe".

"I know that. And I love them for that. But it suffocates me more when they do that. Especially when they treat others how they treated you. They don't usually scare others away but try to inform them about my condition, everything I need to avoid, stuff like that. It just annoys me so much. And of course others are overwhelmed and leave. I know I'm just a kid but still…"

"They worry" Sonic comforted him "and it's understandable. Though… I have to admit shielding you from everything is not the right move. You won't be a kid forever after all".

Wally looked at Sonic in gratitude for the understanding.

"I wish I could tell them that".

"What's stopping you?"

"I… I don't want to make them sad".

"But is it better if you're constantly sad?"

Wally wrestled with this idea.

"Another thing too" Sonic remembered something "they looked like they hold a grudge against me in particular. Why is that?"

"Before you became known, I was much more reserved. Too shy to even speak sometimes. But when you started coming into the spotlight, a rising star in battling and then a hero… I don't know it… it just inspired me. You inspired me. And my parents didn't like that, especially when tales of the dangers you faced surfaced. My uncle, Wanda's father does understand a bit but won't go against my parents".

"Ok… is it ok if I ask you something?"


"Do you just strive for freedom or is there something deeper that drives you? A dream maybe?" Sonic asked Wally.

Wally wasn't sure what to respond. He had never had the freedom of dreaming before as his asthma was basically the restraining factor in everything.

But before he could conclude in anything, a man dressed in a green suit holding a briefcase, ran into them.

"Oh thank god! Please help me! He is after me!"

"What?" Sonic asked, taken aback.

"Who is after you sir?" Wally asked him kindly.

"The… The enforcer!"

"Who?" Sonic asked before steps could be heard.

A silhouette dressed in a red costume with a hood brandishing horns as well as a mask over the eyes stepped in front of them.

"Enough running! Hand over those papers, before I take them from your sorry beat-up ass!"

"Hey! Back off pal!" Sonic warned him as Raichu growled with lightning crackling on its tail.

The silhouette's eyes widened under the mask momentarily.

"You dare get in the way of team magma?! I'll teach you respect!"

With those words he took out a pokeball and sent out a massive pokemon.

"Salamence!" the suited man shouted hiding behind Wally.

Both Sonic and Raichu were bewildered by the massive pokemon but stood their ground.

"Salamence! Dragon claw!"

"Thunder punch!"

The attacks collided, shaking the forest.

"Is this thing a dragon?" Sonic asked over his shoulder.

"Yes. A dragon and flying type" Wally confirmed.

"Great" Sonic thought but wasn't too worried. The woods were not optimal for a flying type.

"Salamence! Crunch!"

"Counter with iron tail!"

Raichu's tail slammed into Salamence's mouth, driving the dragon back.

"Idiot! Flamethrower!"

Raichu's tail was burned as it cried out in pain. Salamence took the opportunity to throw Raichu into Sonic.

"Still the same loser" the silhouette laughed.

The voice and the tone were so familiar they triggered a painful memory in Sonic. And then he remembered where he was.

In Hoenn.

His desire for victory growing exponentially in the moment, he and Raichu jumped back up. Before the enforcer could react, Sonic had Raichu quick attack Salamence before striking a tree with iron tail.

The tree came down on Salamence knocking it out.

Taking the opportunity, Sonic shoved the enforcer to another tree and took off his mask.

The face that stared back at him was exactly the one he knew it would be and yet prayed it wasn't.

Realizing he was identified, the enforcer shoved Sonic back, quickly recalled Salamence and fled.

Wally was amazed.

"That… was… AWESOME!"

"You… actually fought off the enforcer?!" the suited man said in disbelief.

But Sonic wasn't replying. He still looked at the direction the enforcer had fled towards.

Wally approached Sonic cautiously.

"Hey you ok?"

Sonic nodded but still didn't reply.

The green-suited man also approached.

"The enforcer acted like he knew you. Who are you? " the suited man quickly pointed out.

"Do you know him?" Wally asked Sonic.

He again didn't reply. But in his mind he did.

"A shadow from my past. Shadow the hedgehog".

Chapter 99: A hero's welcome


Upon his arrival at Rustboro city, Sonic is greeted as a hero by many in both the Devon corporation and the pokemon school, struggling to accept their view of him in the process.


Hey everyone. Before the chapter starts, I would like to give a big shoutout to digital artist Stina Sia who reached out to me for the potential of collaborating about turning the story into a comic. Sadly I had to decline because I am not financially independent and was therefore in no position to accept but had I been I would definitely have accepted. Her art and work is stunning and the comic would have undoubtedly looked absolutely gorgeous. You can check out her work on instagram (profile stinasia9) and if any of you is interested you can reach out to her through Instagram or through the following accounts (Twitter: stina_sia4, Discord: stinasia). Very kind, very understanding, reasonable prices and again, her work is just gorgeous, strongly recommend. With all that said and without further ado, enjoy the chapter.

Chapter Text

The treeline finally started to end as Sonic, Wally and Devon corporation researcher Ian, as he had introduced himself without giving a last name, finally made it out of Petalburg woods.

"Oh there it is" Ian said in gratefulness at the sight of Rustboro city in the distance, on the other side of the lake "I've never been happier to see this place".

"Yeah. I could eat something" Sonic said, wanting to eat something to distract himself for a while.

As the trio and the pokemon accompanying Sonic and Wally rested by the lakeside to relax a bit before heading into town, Ian spoke again.

"Thank you again. For saving me from the enforcer".

"Don't mention it. But… could you please tell me about him? Why do you call him the enforcer?"

Ian didn't feel really bad comfortable talking about it but relented.

"There is a company here in Hoenn called the Socexp corporation. It's being chaired by a businessman named Maxie. The corporation is mostly known for building construction and other activities that are linked with human expansion. Socexp is actually a short for society expansion. Maxie believes and has made it his life's goal to raise the living standards worldwide, starting with Hoenn. According to him, this can be solved with making the most effective usage of the ground we live on. Though he has mentioned a couple of times that we could do so much more if we had more ground to work with".

Sonic found it all fairly interesting but outside the point.

"That's good and all but what has this got to do with the enforcer?"

"In recent years, a group of people has been seen around Hoenn doing shady things that eventually resulted in more contracts for Socexp. The group has taken responsibility for those shady actions and call themselves team Magma. They have declared their allegiance to Socexp but Maxie has denied any connection to them whatsoever multiple times. Investigations into Socexp and its properties seem to back his claim up. Regardless the activities of team Magma have only increased in capacity and severity".

Sonic connected the dots.

"And this enforcer…"

"Is team Magma's fist. He appeared a few months ago, but I could swear it feels like he was always here, hidden. Any hard or important task, he takes upon himself to complete. And he ALWAYS, achieves his goals. Until today".

"And do you know his name?"

"No. Noone does. I daresay noone but you has seen his face. Come to think of it…" Ian suddenly remembered "you still haven't told me your name".

"You really don't recognize him?!" Wally asked Ian in utter disbelief.

"Should I?"

Wally was flabbergasted.

"Relax Wally. I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog".

Ian's eyes widened but quickly returned to normal.

"That explains why you were able to stand up to the enforcer. Again, thank you for that. In fact, follow me. I daresay the president of Devon would like to personally thank you".

"The president?" Sonic exclaimed. That was growing a bit out of proportion.

"That is so cool! Just like after your legendary saving of silph co! Do you think you'll get some cool gear for your journey or something?!" Wally asked ecstatic.

Before he knew it, Sonic was basically being dragged towards the Devon corporation building.

Upon arrival, they were informed that the president, Mr Stone, was overseeing part of the research while also awaiting Ian with the papers.

They rode the elevator to the research floor. When Mr Stone saw Ian, his face was worried, as the enforcer had stolen a lot from them lately.

Ian's joyful face however calmed Mr Stone but also made him wonder…

"What went right?" he asked as Ian handed the papers over.

"A hero happened sir".

Everyone of the present employees locked eyes on Sonic and realized what had happened. They all began applauding as Mr Stone hugged the overwhelmed Sonic's hand.

"We all owe you a great debt now Mr the hedgehog. From revealing the corruption of our branch in Johto recently to actually driving away the enforcer. You have my sincerest gratitude".

The next few minutes went by like a dizzy blur for Sonic. He felt like the biggest imposter in history. All these employees and even the president thought him a hero just for one random battle.

All throughout the blur of shaking hands and listening to compliments Sonic was almost forcing himself to smile so that he wouldn't raise any suspicions.

Eventually Mr Stone asked for Sonic and Wally to come up to his office and Sonic asked for a minute to go to the bathroom before following.

Once inside he almost collapsed on the sink, grabbing his head. He didn't expect such a reaction from himself.

"I want to scream I'm guilty… but who will believe me?" he whispered.

After a few short breaths, Sonic rode the elevator up to the president's office. Wally was already there waiting.

"Ah there you are. Join us for a moment".

Sonic obliged, still keeping calm after his silent panic attack.

"Once again, I sincerely thank you for your brave act of driving away the enforcer. He has been a plague to our fair corporation as well as other businesses around Hoenn".

"Have you tried turning to the police?" Wally asked him.

Mr Stone smiled warmly and apologetically.

"My boy, as the president of major corporation I have to do things by the book. I need evidence to accuse the enforcer of anything".

"What if you knew who it was?"

Mr Stone turned to Sonic in hope.

"Do you know who it is? Do you have evidence?"

Sonic was disappointing when the word evidence was spoken. Acting outside the law had worked in Johto but it wouldn't here.

"No sir. I am certainly sure I know who it is but… if you need evidence then I got nothing to offer".

Mr Stone closed his eyes sadly.

"Pity. Just his name will not cut it. Either way thank you again. As a token of my appreciation, I'd like to offer you this" he said handing Sonic a device.

"It's called a pokenav. It's in a way the region's brand of a cell phone".

"Oh I see. I appreciate it Mr President…"

"Please call me Mr Stone".

"Right. Mr Stone. Thank you but I already have a cell phone. I don't want to be a snob though so… would you be ok if I passed it on to Wally here?"

Wally's eyes widened.

"You would?! This thing costs a lot! You just going to part with it?!"

"I just believe it will be more useful to you than me" Sonic explained genuinely.

Mr Stone smiled at this act of kindness and nodded.

"Of course. Here you go kid".

Wally was plain and simple ecstatic.

Sonic and Wally then motioned to leave, until Sonic remembered something else Ian had mentioned.

"If you don't mind me asking, how is your company's relationship with Socexp?"

"Cordial for the most part. The two companies have cooperated from time to time but I don't think I could say I trust chairman Maxie. He is a bit too… ambitious… when it comes to his work".

"Do you think he and the enforcer and team Magma are connected?" Wally asked him.

"I wouldn't put it past Maxie but he has never shown any support for that team. He has even offered to be an open book for the police at least without damaging his business if it means limiting their actions. So I don't really know to answer this question".

"Oh I see" Wally nodded.

After leaving, Sonic reminded Wally about their deal. Wally had accompanied Sonic to Rustboro and now it was time for him to return to Petalburg.

As Wally boarded the bus, he was legitimately saddened.

"It was only a day but I can argue it was the best of my life. Travelling with you, learning from you, seeing you in action… I just wish I could stick around".

Sonic felt sympathy for Wally in the moment so he decided to make the separation a little bit less painful.

"Hand me the pokenav".

"What for?"

"Trust me".

Sonic took the pokenav and typed something on it.

The bus began moving.

"Sonic!" Wally said urgently as Sonic walked by the bus still typing.

Sonic finished and handed it back to Wally just in time. He then waved him goodbye.

Wally was perplexed before receiving a message in his pokenav.

"If you ever need any advice on training, give me a call. S."

Wally was overjoyed and grateful. Sonic was offering to keep in touch.

"I will. Thanks" he typed back as the bus left Rustboro.

Sonic watched it leave with a smile, before deciding to go looking for the gym.

He found the gym easily, surprisingly only 2 blocks away from the Devon building. Walking in he was met with a decor that could only indicate one thing.

The first gym leader used rock types.

Sonic was disturbed by this, as it meant Torchic would be at a severe disadvantage and using Raichu against the first leader was a risk due to its battle hardened nature.

Regardless, he approached one of the gym's trainer workers, asking him about the gym leader.

"Oh my! It's you! The leader of the Sonic heroes!"

"Oh come on! How many times will I be hit with such a greeting?" Sonic complained in his head.

"Gym leader Roxanne has been anticipating your arrival ever since it became known you registered for the Hoenn gym challenge. In fact she tasked me with leading you to her if you arrived while she was away".

"Uuh what?" Sonic was taken aback.

"Come on follow me" the young female trainer said, taking Sonic by the hand and dragging him before he could process or protest.

The two exited the gym as Sonic asked repeatedly where they were going and the trainer told him it was a surprise.

"Ok this is getting a bit unhinged" Sonic thought, wondering what was expecting him this time.

Soon enough they were outside a school building. The building had a big sign on the front.

"Pokemon school? That's a thing?" Sonic asked confused.

"Of course. Roxanne is basically running it. She is here right now, giving classes to the kids. She loves doing this".

Sonic then realized that he was brought here to meet not just Roxanne but the kids as well.

"You know I think I will meet her another time" he said attempting to leave.

"Nonsense! Come on they're waiting for you" the trainer stopped him, displaying unexpected strength by holding Sonic's arm tightly, preventing him from leaving.

Inside, in the courtyard, Roxanne was refereeing a small battle with rental pokemon between Max and another kid named Tommy. Max was using a poliwag and Tommy a magby.

Roxanne was also interacting with Ash's squad while refereeing the battle.

The battle ended without a result as Roxanne didn't want either of the two pokemon to faint but it was clear as day Tommy had the edge as Max had misplayed by increasing Poliwag's defense constantly with defense curl, leaving it open to get relentlessly attacked by Magby over and over, wearing it down.

"Don't worry Max. You did great" Ash encouraged him.

"You did do great but you should have fought back too" Roxanne told Max, disagreeing with Ash.

"I thought poliwag being strong defensively would give it an extra edge" Max admitted.

"Hey don't sweat it. You believed in Poliwag and had you been a little luckier you would have won I'm sure".

Roxanne again disagreed with Ash.

"Just belief is not enough. It's crucial but not everything. Which is why" she said to all the kids by raising her voice "I have invited a truly experienced trainer whom I'm sure you can learn a lot from".

"Who is it Ms Roxanne?" a young girl named Vivi asked.

Ash rubbed his nose while smiling confidently, thinking Roxanne meant him. After all why would he bring him and his friends to the school, right after Ash defeating her for her badge?

"He hasn't arrived yet" Roxanne replied.

Ash's eyes widened in silent shock. If not him then…

Roxanne noticed movement at the door leading into the courtyard.

"Actually I'm wrong. He is here!"

The kids as well as Ash's and his crew all looked to see the arriving or more accurately dragged there Sonic.

"It's him! The hero of Kanto!" Vivi screeched.

All the kids rushed to greet Sonic who attempted to run as he was not ready for such an occasion. The female trainer from Roxanne's gym barred his exit, trapping him in.

The kids all surrounded Sonic and bombarded him with questions and yells at how they admired him. Trying to act brave and confident, Sonic played the part as best he could even though once again he felt like an imposter.

Ash on the other hand, was fuming with jealousy.

"Why does he get such a treatment after everything?! I was in the Johto league finals like him!"

Brock didn't reply. No matter what he answered it was not the whole truth.

Max however didn't hold back.

"Yes but he brought down team rocket twice. And has tamed two legendary pokemon".

"So you're on his side?!"

"No. Of course not".

May tried to be the mediator.

"Ash I am on your side too but you got to admit Roxanne has a point wanting to bring him here. He is like an idol for those kids".

Ash got her point but wasn't going to make it easy for Sonic.

He causally approached wearing a taunting smile.

"Well, what a nice surprise meeting you here. Not every day a bunch of kids can meet their hero, right?" he said speaking the word hero with sarcasm.

Sonic was clearly uneasy but forced it down.

"Hi to you too Ash. How are the gym badges coming up?"

Ash revealed the stone badge.

"Nice! Already working your way up the ranks".

"You bet. But I make sure not to get too worked up".

Sonic fought his hardest not to change his expression. A kid then asked if they could meet his legendaries.

"Well maybe I could bring my Moltres here but my Entei… well it's on a… a mission with my friend Tails so…"

"Oh" the kid was disappointed "I was hoping you were using them on your journey here".

"Frankly I'm surprised you aren't. After all power is mandatory isn't it?" Ash jabbed him again.

That roast hit much closer to home than Sonic would have wanted. More specifically it brought Carrie Morrison's words to his mind.

"And that in my eyes, makes you just as bad as Giovanni".

He didn't even realize he had began whizzing until Roxanne got to his side.

"Are you ok?" she seemed really concerned.

"Yeah… I just need a moment to collect myself. Haven't had anything to eat. Where is the bathroom? A little water to the face would snap me back".

"Over there" she pointed to a door next to the courtyard's exit.

Sonic thanked her and headed there.

Roxanne watched him walk away until she heard May berating Ash.

"What's wrong with you? You see it's bothering him".

"Good. Because it should".

"What's happening here?" Roxanne asked to know.

"Sonic and Ash are not exactly on good terms" Max explained.

"Correction. We're in no terms at all. He is an enemy now" Ash stated.

"Woah those are big words. Why such an absolute?" Roxanne was surprised.

"Because Sonic went too far in the Johto league" Brock explained.

"Oh. I see. But it was an accident".

Ash wanted nothing more than to tell her it wasn't but he agreed with Sonic on this matter even if he didn't admit it. Even if Sonic went public about his bond with Raichu, who would believe him?

"It doesn't matter. Pikachu spent a month in bed, hurting inside and out. And it's all his fault".

"Noone denies you're in the right here but by acting like this, you're making him the victim" May tried to reason with him.

"Really?! Just whose side are you on?!"

"Enough!" Roxanne shushed them "regardless of what's going on with you and Sonic, it is undeniable the kids look up to him. So my decision to bring him here to meet and inspire the kids doesn't change".

"Whatever. I will get my payback in the Hoenn league. You know actually? Forget it. Someone bring him back".

"What are you planning?" May asked him.

"I say we give those kids a show".

Brock heard his friend talk as he walked off to find Sonic. The conditions under which he found Sonic were very disturbing.

Sonic had collapsed on the sink, trying to get his mind back in order. It was extremely difficult. Then again, the reaction wasn't fully unexpected when had convinced himself he was evil incarnate just like his nemesis and then most of his surroundings said otherwise. The contradiction was corrosive.

"Hey" Brock's voice brought him back.

"Need a minute" Sonic answered.

"Ash is asking for you".

"For what?"

"Knowing his language, a battle".

"A battle? He seriously wants a go at Raichu after everything?"

"No. He has caught another pokemon here. And knowing you got a pokemon from professor Birch, he probably wants those to battle".

Sonic looked back down. A battle between Torchic and whatever Ash had caught seemed like something that couldn't possibly go wrong.

"Alright. Set the stage and I'll be right there".

Brock nodded and turned to leave.

"I'm not in on board with this you know. His attitude towards you. You messed up big time but Ash continuously bringing it up and jabbing you with it is still not cool".

Sonic didn't reply. He assured Brock he was coming soon. Brock left and informed Roxanne to line up the kids so they could watch.

Ash stood proudly on one side of the arena. Sonic, with a much calmer face now, stood opposite him.

"One pokemon each" Ash said taking out a pokeball.

"Agreed" Sonic nodded as Raichu stood aside.

"Battle start!" Brock who was refereeing declared.

"Treecko I choose you!"

"Come on out Torchic!"

Ash's treecko emerged, battle ready and holding a small twig on its mouth which Sonic admitted in his mind made it look cool.

Torchic came out and, to everyone's shock, sparkles as well.

"No way! How is this…?" Sonic back stepped, realizing he hadn't recalled Torchic before today.

"May that is a shiny Torchic!" Max told her.

May brought out her own Torchic, which was basically an inversed colored version of Sonic's Torchic.

Ash paid no mind to the shininess, as he called out the attack.

"Treecko! Quick attack!"

Treecko rammed into unsuspecting Torchic. Torchic used its legs to push back, crying out at Sonic to fight back.

"Alright… scratch!"

Torchic used its clawed legs to attack Treecko. The grass type expertly dodged.

"Go treecko! Pound!"

Treecko span and slammed its tail against Torchic that rolled on the ground but quickly recovered.

"Not so easy when you don't have all the power in the world isn't it?" Ash taunted Sonic.

The hedgehog did give Ash a point as they had never battled under those circumstances. Both times their pokemon had already grown quite a bit but Torchic and Treecko were literally beginners. The battle was truly even right now.

Though Sonic still had the type advantage. But it wasn't something he wanted to use yet.

"Perhaps if…" a thought started forming in his head but something pushed it down.

"No. Letting him win won't appease him. In fact he will take it as an insult".

"Don't stop Treecko! Quick attack again!"


Torchic growled at Treecko, weakening the attack which showed as Torchic stood its ground better this time.

"Ha! You yourself stated back then moves like growl are not worth it and yet here you are resorting to it!"

"I never said anything like this. What are you talking about?"

Ash was referring to his own thought of removing false swipe from Heracross because of the opening it gave an opponent. Therefore in his eyes Sonic viewed all moves that gave an opening as weak in his eyes.

"Forget it! Treecko beat that Torchic! Pound!"

Torchic took this attack too a lot better than before.


Torchic's attack landed, but again Treecko was not hindered.

"Ok that thing has an insane amount of endurance" Sonic admitted.

"And we're just getting started! Treecko pound!"

"It only knows two moves!" Sonic realized as Torchic used scratch at the same time, the attacks cancelling each other out "and not a grass move either. How did he beat Roxanne?"

"That battle is so cool!" one kid shouted.

"They're both awesome!"

"Ha you see! I told you I can defeat you!"

Despite the guilt of the Johto league, Sonic couldn't help but feel the same sense of perplexion. Torchic and Treecko were fighting hand to hand and so far were evenly matched. Sure, Treecko was very durable but Sonic doubted it would handle ember well. And Torchic was going to go for it if it started getting exhausted. So what victory was Ash talking about?

"Nothing's over yet. You need to win before you can claim something like that".

"Then watch us win! Treecko! Pound!"

The moves collided again, though this time Torchic got the short end of the stick. The time was now.

"Torchic! No more games! Ember!"

Torchic fired ember. The flame damaged Treecko greatly and also annoyed Ash.

"Wow! Still the same! Still building power before any confrontation!"

"We trained! What did you think would happen? That we would remain the same?"

"If you believed in your pokemon, you wouldn't need to go to such lengths to win! But you don't!"

"Torchic end this! Ember!"

"Treecko jump and dodge it!"

Treecko jumped over the ember. As it began falling, it prepared a pound.

Sonic recognized the move; he had used a similar version on Knuckles and cyndaquil in their first battle. And he had the perfect moves to stop it.

"Torchic! Stand your ground and focus your energy!"

Torchic stood firm and used focus energy, becoming pumped.

"Pound it Treecko!"

At the last possible second, right as Treecko's tail was about to make contact with Torchic, Sonic made his move.

"Parry with scratch!"

With a lightning quick move, Torchic scratched the tail away, sending Treecko crashing to the ground.

"No Treecko!"

"Now ember!"

Treecko could do nothing as the ember struck it head on, resulting in a critical hit that knocked it out.

"Sonic wins!" Brock declared.

The kids rushed to Sonic ecstatic, all asking about the last move he pulled with parrying the pound. Sonic, with a hint of a smile and momentarily forgetting his guilt, explained how after Torchic had focused its energy and standing its ground, it had been able to move at the perfect time to parry the attack and fight back with the winning strike.

Following the battle, class for the kids was adjourned and they left, each walking up to Sonic and telling him either how great of a battle that was or that they wished to be like him one day. Sonic had smiled throughout the process but felt a pinch of guilt rise back up as none of the kids knew about his darkness.

After the kids had left, Ash spoke his mind.

"Must feel nice, always battling with a boost".

Sonic was fed up. Forgiveness or no forgiveness, the jabs would end.

"Alright this has gone on far enough. I kept my mouth shut in front of the kids but now you're just asking for it".

"Oh yeah? Go on! Show everyone who you really are!"

"What are you mad about in this very moment?! What I did to Pikachu had no effect on Torchic and Treecko's battle!"

"Treecko doesn't know any grass move yet! I had to improvise that attack to beat Roxanne!"

"And whose fault is that?! You knew what you were heading into and went through with it instead of taking the wise path and prepare!"

"I had faith in Treecko and it paid off! But you? You once again overtrained your pokemon to learn a powerful move! Which means you have no faith in it!"

Torchic was visibly shaken by this. Raichu took it aside.

Sonic noticed Torchic get sad.

"Leave Torchic out of this, you hear me?!"

"I just think it deserved to know its trainer doesn't have faith in it, that's all".

"Ash I think you're going a little too far" Brock warned him.

"A little too far?! If this is a little too far then he has crossed every line imaginable!"

Sonic felt the urge to punch Ash for being so unreasonable, his hand even forming a fist but refrained. He sighed deeply to push down the frustration.

"Are you really going to blame the result of this battle, on our core difference? That I build bonds with my pokemon by building power and you do so by being all huggy-waggy?"

"Huggy-waggy?" Roxanne tilted her head in confusion.

"Write that down! Write that down!" Max shouted to himself as he looked for something to write the line down, wanting to remember this expression so as to use it in the future.

"I won't push my pokemon to grow stronger against their will! I want them to grow at their own pace! When they feel like it! How many times did your pokemon just want to relax only to have to train?!"

Sonic closed his eyes for a moment actually pondering the question. But it just didn't seem like it was the case. Neither of his two teams had ever a problem with training to protect other pokemon.

"That was at war and I did what I had to do. As did my friends. You beat Knuckles so you should be able to tell how much work we all had to put in to win".

"I was there with you when they caught Raikou and when they tried to catch Lugia. I handled myself pretty well. So your war is an excuse".

Sonic sighed. Ash lacked the context of their enemies' power. So he wouldn't understand.

"There is no more point discussing this. I'm heading out cause frankly, I'm starving. Just know one thing Ash. I want to earn your forgiveness, sure. But don't think I will let you walk all over me with jabs like today's. There is a big difference between the two. Keep that in mind".

He then turned to leave before stopping.

"And one more thing. Keep in mind also, that just because I intend to do whatever I can to make it right for my mistake in Johto, it doesn't mean I will go easy on you in the Hoenn league or during our journey here. Expect a team as strong as my previous two".

"And you expect to be defeated next time".

Sonic shot him one blank look and left.

He wanted to fire one last shot at Ash but that would only perpetuate the back and forth.

As he went with Raichu and the still troubled Torchic to grab something to eat, he allowed himself to speak the phrase he wanted to speak to Ash in his mind.

"Then put in the work to beat us. Cause we certainly will".

Chapter 100: The enforcer


Sonic takes on Roxanne for the stone badge before once again crossing paths with the enforcer.

Chapter Text

"What went wrong?" the metallic voice from the communicator spoke, audibly worked up.

"Sonic the hedgehog went wrong. That researcher just had to run into him".

Silence for a few moments.

"What did he use against you?"

"Just his Raichu".

"You mean to tell one average Raichu managed to fight back against your Salamence? The Salamence I provided you with?"


"Hm… I do not take kindly to failure. But if you're telling the truth then I can forgive your hopefully one-time inadequacy. I will make sure team Magma begins preparing for his future interference".

"What is my next task?"

"Your task hasn't changed, merely adjusted. I want you to get the remaining parts. Parts that could be vital to executing the grand plan. Locating the final piece for the original version of the grand plan could take a lot longer than anticipated. Therefore we will use the energy extractor on the meteorite as our first attempt. Get the parts by any means necessary. And under no circumstances is anyone to get hurt. With the hero of Kanto around, team Magma will need to move even more swiftly and under the radar to achieve our goal".

"What are we going to do about the pathetic scums of team Aqua?"

"Just as you said, they are pathetic scums that hold no real power over us. Ignore them and stay focused on your mission, Shadow the hedgehog".

"Understood" Shadow signed off as he returned to his post.

Remaining quiet and not drawing any attention to himself, Shadow the hedgehog observed the Devon corp building, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. He knew where the parts were located but if he was to go under the radar, he would need to wait for just the right moment.

As he waited and continued his stakeout, Shadow wondered if he would run into Sonic again. He wanted very badly just one chance to make right of a clash with him.

Ever since being forced to leave Green Hills, life kept spitting in his face, just as it did before he first arrived there. It was only thanks to team Magma he was not out on the streets surviving.

And in his eyes, Sonic had caused that by suddenly growing a spine and Amy falling for him.

"When I get my hands on him, I'll make him regret he was ever born. That son of a…"

He shook his head to return to the present, realizing he was losing focus. His feud with Sonic could wait. The mission was the priority.

"I will not let him down" he thought with determination.

Looking at his watch, he noticed the pointers being at the right points. The opportune moment had arrived.

"Time to get to work" he stood up and headed to towards Devon corp.

While one hedgehog headed for his target, another wrapped his training session with his Torchic and his Raichu.

Torchic had grown a lot more adept to using its moves but had yet to learn anything more than scratch or ember. Focus energy and growl wouldn't do much good against Roxanne.

In other words, Sonic could either use Raichu and be done with it, or could go find a grass or water type.

He started leaning towards the second option as he actively looked around for anything that could help them. The Petalburg woods were bound to have grass type species.

After a few minutes of searching, he saw a small pokemon. It was yellow with green spots and green tiny legs.

"Hm" Sonic hummed as he scanned it with his dex.

"Shroomish, the Mushroom Pokémon, a grass type. Shroomish is mild-tempered and inhabits piles of rotting leaves inside of forests".

"Right on que" Sonic smiled "alright. Torchic, fire an ember and once it's distracted we catch it".

Raichu tapped him with his tail, wanting to do something to help.

"Raichu you're too strong. You'll scare it away. Better let Torchic do this".

Raichu sat down with a jealous frown.

"Ready? Now!"

Torchic fired ember. The ember struck Shroomish.

As Shroomish tried to stand up again, Sonic made his move, throwing a pokeball.

The pokeball wiggled twice and Shroomish broke free, making a run for it.

"No! After it!"

Torchic and Raichu both pursued the Shroomish. Torchic fired another ember but Shroomish was able to dodge.

Shroomish then jumped into a bush. Sonic and his pokemon crawled through the bush only to find the Shroomish was gone.

"Damn. Lost it. Now we got to find another one".


"Or we could just go and I could get it over with in minutes" Sonic heard in his head.

"I said no. You're too strong for this. There is a reason I refrained fron using you for gym battles in Johto".

"Rai! Raichu rai!"

"So I'm too strong for our average battles but good when it comes to battling tough opponents llike that guy from yesterday".

Sonic sighed and sat down. Torchic jumped on his shoulder.

"What if Johto happens again? How can I know… how can I know that I won't have you do that again?"

Raichu jabbed him with its tail.

"Rai rai".

"Because while you were out there alone, leaving me and our other friends behind, I trained severely to control my strength again. Mewtwo saw to it personally".

"What?! Why didn't it or you tell me about it?"


"Where were you so we could tell you?"

Sonic again felt shame for leaving his pokemon behind and isolating himself to suffer in depression.

"Rai. Rai rai" Raichu hugged him as Torchic also joined in.

"I too want to fix our mistake. But to do that I need you to trust me again. I need you to trust that I will not go that far even if you order me to. Please. We can only fix this together".

Raichu looked at Torchic.

"All of us".

Sonic felt his confidence restoring. Raichu was right. And besides, if Ash only had treecko when it came to Hoenn species and it didn't know a grass move, he had to have used Pikachu. And Pikachu knew iron tail.

"Come on. We got a battle to win".

The trio made for Roxanne's gym.

Upon entering, she was already in the arena as if she was expecting them.

"At last. I seriously thought you would have been here by now".

"Had to screw my head back in place" Sonic answered with a smile "ready to get this show on the road?"

Roxanne took out a pokeball.

"Go Nosepass!"

Nosepass came out.

"Raichu! You're up!"

Raichu dashed into the arena. Sonic also quickly scanned Nosepass with his dex and quickly realized it was not a ground type, only a rock.

"Battle start!" the referee declared.

"Nosepass! Use thunder wave!"

Nosepass attempted to stun Raichu.

"Dodge then iron tail!"

Raichu sidestepped and launched itself towards Nosepass. The iron tail was brutal and for a moment Sonic was filled with anxiety that Raichu had gone too far again.

Nosepass didn't faint but was clearly damaged. Thankfully it still looked fine for the most part.


"Ash used that already on me! Nosepass rock tomb!"

Raichu tried fighting off the rock rain but was soon trapped by it.

"Now Nosepass! Zap cannon!"

Nosepass charged a ball of electricity, aiming to blast the rock entombed Raichu.

"Let's see how you scurry out of this" Roxanne said as Nosepass fired the attack.

"Raichu! Thunder punch the boulder towards Nosepass!"

The zapping sound made the hair on Roxanne's neck stand tall as the boulder was fired like a cannon ball towards Nosepass. The compass pokemon was thrown out of arena fainting upon impact with the wall.

The referee was just as shocked at the display of power as Roxanne and forgot to announce the fainting.

Roxanne snapped out of her funk and recalled Nosepass with an impressed look on her face.

"Now this is a battle! Ash was an interesting opponent but you are something else! A challenger like you calls for special treatment!" she said taking out another pokeball.

"Let's see how well your Raichu fights against this!"

A thud shook the ground.


"Woah. I take it this is not something you use on average challengers".

"As I said. You're a special occasion. Golem! Rollout!"

Golem retracted its limbs and head into its body and began rolling.

"Spin to dodge and iron tail it!"

Raichu span counterclockwise, dodging the rolling Golem. Golem lost its balance due to the damage and stopped rolling.

"Golem earthquake!"

Golem slammed its foot on the ground sending waves of power through the ground.

"Jump with quick attack!"

Raichu used all of its energy to propel itself upward, surprising Golem.

"I saw that strategy from you in the Johto league! Golem protect!"

Golem shielded itself from the incoming brick break before trapping Raichu by biting its tail.

"I may not be able to defeat you and prevent your acquiring of my badge but I can knock out your Raichu! Golem! Explosion!"

Golem's ball form cracked at several points as glowing energy came out.

"Raichu brick break your iron tail!"

Raichu acted fast,hoping it would work. The force applied to its tail moved to either end and caused its body to move upwards as the tail was still in Golem's mouth and therefore its main body moved instead.

Golem exploded, letting go of Raichu. The force sent the now freed Raichu upwards, its quick thinking allowing it to go with the energy flow instead of taking it head-on. The damage was still massive and Sonic felt his body melt under the force of explosion.

Braving it, he stood strong as Raichu landed somewhat roughly to the ground while Golem toppled with a loud thud.

Roxanne was amazed.

"That was… wow. I've never seen a crazier tactic. How did you know it was going to work?"

"I didn't. I only hoped physics would make the iron tail act like a trampoline".

"And it did. Wow. Well here you go then. You've earned the stone badge".

"Thanks" Sonic took it with a smile as he thought "1 down. 7 to go".

"I think your Raichu will have just the most amazing battle with Brawly, the next gym leader. He just LOVES hand to hand battles".

"That will prove interesting" Sonic nodded.

After bidding goodbye to Roxanne, Sonic left the gym.

As soon as he walked out of the gym he was hit with a gut feeling that something was amiss.

Looking around, everything seemed normal until he saw a pokemon on a roof. But that Pokemon had something disturbing about it. It was white with a black face and black claws. But the what bewildered Sonic the most was that its very presence gave him a feeling danger was nearing.

And then he heard it.

"Help! Stop him! Thief!"

Sonic then noticed someone run towards the north part of the town.

No. Not someone.

The enforcer.

"Shadow" he whispered.

As soon as the enforcer fled, the white pokemon also fled.

Ian saw him and quickly came up to him.

"Oh thank goodness you're here!"

"What did the enforcer steal?"

"Mechanical parts. I don't know what for. But we need to stop him before he escapes with them".

"Stay here and call the police! I will go after him!"

"Do so quick! Before he escapes on his Salamence!"

Sonic then rushed off, following the path the enforcer had taken.

A small part of him wondered why didn't Shadow just fly away on his Salamence right away. But if his whole M.O. matched his name, it made sense.

Along the way he asked several passerbys if they had seen someone dressed in a funny outfit run. All of them directed him to route 116.

And there amongst a small bunch of trees he saw him, trying to ride his Salamence.

"Hey!" Sonic yelled.

The enforcer saw him and patted Salamence on the sides, telling it to take off.

Sonic got on his knees and span really fast, homing attacking on Salamence, clipping it on the right wing and causing it to plummet.

The enforcer looked at Sonic in hate and fear before jumping off and recalling Salamence before it crash landed. He then made a break for it.

"Oh no you don't!" Sonic harnessed his speed, catching up to the enforcer with ease.

The latter, despite the immense shock of suddenly seeing Sonic appear in front of him, attempted to plow through.

Sonic dodged him but that allowed him to just rush into a nearby cave known as the Rustuff tunnel.

Sonic followed him in.

The enforcer found his path quickly blocked by a couple of boulders.

"Fuck. Dead end".

Footsteps made him turn.

The two hedgehogs faced down each other.

"End of the line. Shadow".

Shadow smirked despite the fact he was literally up against the wall. He lowered the magma costume hood and removed the mask covering the area around his eyes.

"I'd say it's nice seeing you face to face after all this time, Sonic. But that would be a lie".

Sonic also smirked.

"So this is what has become of you. Stealing and hiding in the shadows like a coward".

Shadow's face twitched for a moment.

"So you finally grew a spine. Still. For Amy to ditch me to chase you… I'm disappointed".

"So predictable" Sonic smirked "trying to get under my skin with anciemlnt history".

"Well living in the same town as you and your loser friends rubs off on others".

Sonic felt like snapping, in the span of a second. Shadow insulting him was one thing but insulting his friends was another.

"Keep my friends out of your filthy mouth!"

Shadow grinned.

"So I can still strike a cord. But then again how could I not? After all all trash can do for each other is stick together".

"I'll make you eat those words!" Sonic charged attempting to punch Shadow.

Effortlessly, Shadow sidestepped and delivered a devastating kick in Sonic's belly, sending him sprawling back next to Raichu.

Raichu experienced the feeling of having the wind knocked out of it, which Shadow noticed but couldn't fully comprehend.

Sonic looked up in anger.

"Now you've done it!" he said as blue lightning bolts crackled on his body.

"What the..!" Shadow managed to day before Sonic moved too fast to see, shoving Shadow against the boulders, causing him to drop the machine parts.

Sonic, with his left arm pressed against Shadow's throat, winded up his right hand.

"I'm going to make you regret everything you did to me and my friends!" Sonic prepared to turn's Shadow's face into mush.

"Yeah right. You don't have the guts".

Sonic gritted his teeth and delivered a powerful punch on Shadow's cheek.

The black hedgehog groaned in silent shock as searing pain burned his left cheek. Sonic was really not as he remembered him.

Sonic winded his hand again, preparing another punch.

Shadow quickly blocked it and kicked Sonic away, hopping over the boulder and fleeing, being forced to leave the parts behind.

"Run coward!" Sonic yelled, fuming and shaking his palm.

"At least I got him good" he thought somewhat pleased as he noticed the parts.

"Huh. He really did try to steal machine parts. What would this jerk want with machine parts? Maybe for team Magma?" Sonic wondered before shrugging and heading back, taking the parts with him.

The way back was calm but Sonic's mind was a whirlwind.

The mocking look on Shadow's face made him want to smash stuff with his homing attack.

"I can't believe I let that jerk get away twice. I swear next time I see him I'll…"

"You got him?" Ian's voice brought him back.

Sonic had arrived back without realizing.

"No. He escaped. But I got the parts back".

"Oh thank you! They were part of a delivery for a big project. You saved the company's skin".

Sonic didn't feel like a hero in the moment so he didn't reply to it.

"Well… here take them. I got to go. Need to plan how I can get to Dewford town".

"Wait did you say Dewford?"

"Yeah. Next gym is there".

"Then you must absolutely follow me. Mr Stone is in dire need of assistance with something. Plus I believe he should know you helped us again".

Sonic again didn't feel like meeting Mr Stone. But something else popped up in his mind.

Mr Stone had mentioned Devon corp having a cordial relationship with Socexp corp. In other words a corporation serving as a possible link to team Magma.

In other words, a possible lead to Shadow.

"Alright. Lead the way".

The two made their way back to Devon corp. Ian went to take care of the parts being delivered for the project as Sonic rode up to Mr Stone's office, the latter having already been informed by Ian about the incident.

As Sonic was about to walk in he weighed the words he use to would try to pass his request to Mr Stone.

Normally it wasn't like him to ask for a favor like that, certainly not from the CEO of a corporation as big as Devon corp but all he could think was the possibility he could get to Shadow that way.

He knocked on the door.

"Come on in".

Sonic walked in.

Mr Stone greeted him with a warm smile.

"And here I thought the company was indebted to you before. You have no idea how much you have helped us by stopping the enforcer this time".

"I only did what I thought was right" Sonic said believing it.

"By the way, Ian said something about you requiring some assistance about something in Dewford town?"

"Why yes I do. Are you heading there soon?"

"Tomorrow. I haven't figured a way to get there yet though".

Mr Stone smiled although it quickly faded.

"Speaking honestly my boy, the assistance I need is actually in Slateport city".

"Slateport?" Sonic repeated in surprise.

"Yes. You see, the parts that were almost stolen were to he transported to captain Stern, owner of Stern shipyards".

"He is the manager of the project Ian spoke about?"

"Yes. He calls it project Moby-Dick. It's a very advanced submarine he has been dreaming of building for a long time. His lifelong dream is to shed more light on the mysteries and pokemon species of the Hoennian seas".

"I see".

"Unfortunately the enforcer attempted to steal the very parts we were going to send to him. I know it's not right of me to ask, especially after all you have done for no reward… but could I entrust you with the parts? Clearly the enforcer is having trouble with you. Your path will lead your right to Slateport after Dewford. So you'd be doing the company a huge favor if you accepted".

Sonic couldn't have asked for a better chance.

"I can do it Mr Stone. But if you don't mind… I would like to ask something of you in return".

"Anything my boy, anything".

"I would like you to use your contacts with Socexp to try and get any lead on team Magma. Whether they are on Socexp's payroll or not, they are acting for them and therefore there must be something there".

Mr Stone was taken aback.

"What you ask is not easy to accomplish. Chairman Maxie may be an open book for the police but if he found out someone is spying on his company…"

"Could you at least… I don't know, have people near his facilities, reporting any abnormal behavior?"

Mr Stone thought about it.

"I'm not proud to agree to this, but ok. As long as you can also deliver this to my son Steven as a personal favor".

He took a letter out of his suit's pocket.

"He is in Dewford with his cousin, my niece. You will probably find them around town either marveling over stones or researching the history of the region".

Sonic was surprised to hear Mr Stone talk so disapprovingly about his son but nodded and took the letter.

"As for how you get there, there is an old man leaving by the beach near Petalburg town. His name is Mr Briney. He is a fisherman and often commutes between Rustboro, Petalburg, Dewford and Slateport. He could probably give you a lift".

Sonic nodded again as the two shared a handshake, affirming their deal.

"Anything suspicious I discover about Socexp, regarding to team Magma at least I will pass onto you. But be aware that if you get into any kind of trouble, this conversation has never happened. You will be on your own".

"I understand. Don't worry. All I want is to get even with the enforcer" Sonic assured him.

Mr Stone nodded and Sonic left, the mechanical parts in his backpack and the letter on the backpack's side pocket.

Leaving town he reached out to Alakazam with his mind. He wasn't going to travel all that distance by boat.

But he got a response from Mewtwo instead, who used his connection with Alakazam as psychic types to reply.

"I know what happened. Your Raichu told me. Until you fix your mistake, you two are on your own".

Sonic's mind flatlined. Now both his Kanto and Johto pokemon were out of reach.

The Johto ones he had left behind on purpose. But the Kanto ones he believed he would still be able to utilize as training partners.

But no. He and Raichu were alone in Hoenn.

He looked down, reminding himself that maybe it was for the best. If Entei was hostile for that reason, then Mewtwo who was literally the world's most sentient Pokemon, undoubtedly would also need to see real change from him to trust him again.

As he went out for one final training session with his pokemon in the afternoon, Sonic called Tails. They hadn't talked in a while.

"Still on this behavior?" Tails immediately asked him upon picking up.

Sonic sighed. Tails and Knuckles were not the type of friends to sugarcoat a problem.

"A lot happened. Like way too much".

"I have time".

Sonic narrated everything. His recently revealed to be shiny Torchic having joined him, meeting Wally and their interactions, running into Shadow, getting himself acquainted with Mr Stone, his battle with Ash and the aftermath of it, his gym battle with Roxanne and lastly his standoff with Shadow.

Tails was receptive at first and even agreed that even though Ash was right to be mad at Sonic, fighting bad matchups on purpose to prove a point and then accuse Sonic of overtraining when he lost to him was immature and stupid. In his eyes that was the message Knuckles tried to pass to Ash in their battle in Johto and Ash reverted back in the finals for no reason.

But when he heard Sonic had used his powers to hurt Shadow, even if it was just one punch, Tails was mortified.

"You did what?!"

"I know pretty sweet right?"

"Pretty sweet?! Pretty sweet?! Sonic this is the exact reason you're on this redemption journey!"

"Shadow's bullying?"

"No! Your dark tendencies! Every time you have come face to face with someone you see as your enemy you were ready to hurt them! Team rocket, Giovanni, the marauder and now Shadow!"

"Seriously? Are we going to have this discussion again?!"

"No Sonic. I'm not saying they didn't deserve it. But don't you see that the more you choose to resort to hurt those who hurt you the worse you end up becoming? You snapped against Ash because his lack of understanding of your point of view made him an enemy in your eyes! Like what you said to him after your battle yesterday…"

"You just said you agreed with me".

"I do. But you were still in the mindset to vehemently oppose him, despite claiming you want to earn his forgiveness".

"What should I have done? Let him walk all over me?"

"I'm not saying that".

"Then what the hell are you saying?!"

Tails sighed.

"Look. I'm exhausted and I have an online meeting with professor Oak soon, to discuss your bond with Raichu more. Just try to calm down and we'll talk more later ok?"

Sonic sighed.

"Fine. Talk soon. Got to train".

The two hung up and even though on the outside Sonic seemed focused on overseeing Torchic's training, he was not focused at all.

He didn't know what was what anymore. All he knew was it felt good getting some of his frustration with Shadow out on him. The jerk had literally been making his life hell for no reason.

How could Tails expect Sonic to just let him off, when he was right in front of him and he never had a chance to confront him before? Especially with his new powers.

The dilemma followed him back to bed as he tried to get some sleep. There was a long voyage ahead of him to get to Dewford town.

Chapter 101: Voyage with a friend


Sonic sets out for Dewford town with the help of sailor mr Briney, with an unexpected surprise encounter mid-journey.

Chapter Text

"Alright Ralts! Confusion!"

Ralts fired confusion and knocked out the opponent's wurmple.

"Way to go!" Wally hugged his Ralts which shared the excitement of their victory through its empath ability.

After their victory, the two returned home for lunch. His mother had already set the table up and Wally's father and cousin Wanda were already there.

"Hey I'm back" Wally greeted them.

His father greeted him back normally, his cousin a bit coldly and his mother didn't reply at all.

Wally silently sighed and he and Ralts sat next to each other.

Just as Wally was about to start chewing the first bite, his mother looked at Ralts disapprovingly.

"Please put your pokemon back in its ball Wally".

"Ralts is hungry. It also needs to eat".

"Maybe but it has no place in the family table".

"How can you say that?" Wally asked her saddened.

"Just recall it Wally. It's no big deal" Wanda tried to convince her cousin.

"No big deal? Excluding it is no big deal?"

His mother then noticed Ralts was bruised as it had been battling and hadn't healed yet.

"Were you two out battling again?!"

"N-no. We were training" Wally lied.

But it made no difference.

"Why do you keep going behind our backs like this?! What did we do to you?"

"I was just training it's no big deal".

"Need I remind you what happened a few days ago? During training?" Wanda bluntly reminded him of his asthma attack.

"It was one time".

"One time is all that is needed for something horrible to happen Wally!" his mother said at the point of tears.

"But that will always be the case! When will I be able to do something I like?!"

"Just give it a couple more years Wally" his father tried to appease everyone "let your body grow and…"

"And what?! That's all you always say! Let my body grow out of asthma! What if it can't?"

"Wally we're your family. We're responsible for your well-being".

"What about my mental well-being? Or Ralts'? My emotions affect its emotions".

His father looked away for a moment.

"You're right. Ralts is too empathetic and it will get hurt unnecessarily. Maybe it's best to take it back to the fields and let it go".

"Let it go?!" Wally exclaimed "are you serious?"

"You said it yourself Wally. Its mental well-being also matters".

Wally wanted to explode but didn't have the heart to yell at his parents anymore.

"You know what? I'm not hungry. Come on Ralts".

"Wally come back let's talk about this" his father tried sounding reasoning.

"Wally it's for your own good" his mother begged but he didn't listen.

Wally went up to his room and took out his hidden pokenav. He couldn't face them right now.

"Hey. What's up?" he texted.

A reply came shortly after.

"Hey. Won first badge. Setting out for Dewford right now. By the way do you know someone named Mr Briney?"

"Yes I do" Wally texted "he lives by the sea in a wooden shack. Can't miss it".

"Thanks. How are things on your end?"

Wally contemplated a bit before replying.

"My parents suggested I release Ralts because of what happened when we trained together".

A few seconds passed in silence. He read his own message again, allowing it to sink in.

"That's horrible. Like what the heck? They bottle you up to keep you safe?"

"I didn't mind back when I was little. But it's choking me. Worse than asthma ever could".

Sonic took a while to reply.

"Well… since I am gonna be in the neighborhood, want to meet where we trained? Catch up a bit before I leave for Dewford?"

Wally's eyes gleamed in excitement but he got an even better idea.

"Don't know if I can make it. Sorry".

"Oh rip. Ok. I promise I'll keep in touch".

"Thanks. Though I have a feeling we will meet again sooner than you think".

"Lol ok. Talk soon" Sonic typed and headed to the beach.

The wide open space and golden sand brought him peace after his clash with Shadow. It was rejuvenating.

And just as Wally had said, there it was. A small wooden shack by the sea.

Sonic walked up to the door and immediately a white flying pokemon came out of nowhere and started pecking him.

"Hey quit it!" he tried to scare it away but it came on harder.

Raichu came out of its pokeball and attempted to thunder punch the pokemon only for it to fly away.

It landed on the shoulder of a tanned stocky old man.

"Mr Briney I presume?" Sonic asked as Raichu returned to his side.

The old man nodded.

"I was wondering when our paths would cross young Sonic the hedgehog".

Sonic sighed. He couldn't not be recognized.

"Go on bring it in. Treat me like a hero like everyone else I meet does" he said in an almost annoyed tone.

"You are a hero alright. But you are no saint" Briney replied with that cheeky smile on his face, catching Sonic off guard.

"Ok that was unexpected" the hedgehog admitted.

Briney laughed out loud.

"I love a good joke. As does Peeko".


The pokemon on Briney's shoulder cried out.

"Peeko. My trusty wingull partner".

"Oh I see" Sonic nodded.

"So I assume you came to me for a trip to Dewford island?"

"How did you… ?"

"Mr Stone and I are acquaintances. His son Steven usually commutes to and from Dewford island in my boat. He absolutely loves visiting the Granite cave near Dewford town".

Sonic didn't really know what to reply as everything was pretty much said.

"Well… when are we leaving?"

"As soon as my boat is ready. And I expect you also lend a hand in preparing it".

"Oh. Sure".

The two walked a little further away and saw a beautiful and breathtaking ship, shaped like a Wingull, docked just over the edge of the beach, so it wasn't visible from Mr Briney's cabin.

"Woah" Sonic, Raichu and Torchic were awestruck.

"A beauty isn't she? Built at the Stern shipyards as a personal favor by my good friend, captain Stern".

"This is really impressive. And it's shaped like Peeko".

Mr Briney pet Peeko.

"Little gal here has been a very caring partner in my retirement years. Or what should have normally be my retirement years. Anyway I returned from Dewford only this morning so it needs fuel. Help me fill her up and we're good to go".

Sonic nodded and the two got to work.

Mr Briney headed over to the fuel tank on the side of the ship. Sonic climbed aboard and was instructed to hand him fuel containers from the storage room which was a trapdoor on the same side of the ship.

As Sonic got to work, carrying the huge containers to hand them to me Briney, having to rely partially on his bond with Raichu to increase his strength, Raichu, Torchic and Wingull socialized. Wingull even offered Torchic some some of its treats.

"So uuuh… Mr Briney?"


"Apart from Mr Stone letting you know… you seemed a little too calm meeting me. As in you were expecting me to show up regardless. Or to at least run into me".

"That's because I was. You see the reason I returned from Dewford this morning was because I transported a group there yesterday. A group that seems to know you".

Sonic could only think of one group.

"Let me guess. A group led by a kid named Ash".


Sonic was a bit ashamed to be asking Mr Briney for transportation to Dewford but was also quite puzzled.

"Then… you must know… what Ash thinks of me".

"Why yes I do. And his friend Brock shares the sentiment to an extent. The other two kids… I'd say they're on the fence about it".

As Sonic handed him the last container, he looked over the edge.

"But then why are you nice to me? You must know what I did to Ash".

"I do".

Sonic was perplexed.

The trapdoor suddenly slammed shut behind him, causing him to jump.

"Oh don't worry about it. It tends to close sometimes. And to think I used to complain it wouldn't before I oiled the hinges" Briney laughed out loud "alright then. Anchors aweigh! Peeko we're setting sail my darling!"

Wingull cried out in excitement.

A few minutes later, the ship had reversed out of the bay and was heading south.

Sonic took in the endless sea at the right of the boat and the land of Hoenn moving at the left. It was very soothing.

Raichu and Torchic also marvelled at the sights and also at Wingull flying besides the boat without a caring in the world.

"So how long have you been a sailor?" Sonic asked, wanting to break the ice before asking Briney more about how he knew Ash and more importantly, why he was expecting to meet Sonic.

"From a very young age lad. I was an avid sailor ever since I can remember. My father was also a sailor and I got my love of the sea from him. Together and later after his eventual passing, I travelled the seven seas. I was sometimes tempted to settled down somewhere with a woman but my love for the sea was just stronger".

Sonic contemplated such a life. It did sound adventurous to travel all the time, being a free bird. He had never thought if that could be a life for him with everything he had in Green Hills.

The continuing rumbling of Mr Briney brought him out of his what if daydreaming.

"After thinking my time to retire had come, I thought I would grow depressed from not sailing anymore until I met Peeko. She increased my liveliness tenfold and I decided when my time comes, it will be where I love. The endless beautiful sea. So I had this boat built and I make any kind of living I can. Usually it's either fishing or transporting people from Dewford to Rustboro and vice versa, which is why I met your rival, Ash".

Sonic, even though waiting for this chance, allowed guilt to distort his expression.

"I'd say I am more his enemy than his rival now".

"Kid's hurt but kind. I don't think he truly hates you".

"After what I did? Unlikely".

Briney went to reply until he noticed the fuel storage trapdoor slightly moved.

"I think we got a stowaway".

"Stowaway?" Sonic jumped up as Raichu instinctively rushed to his side.

The two walked to the trapdoor. Sonic grabbed the handle and pulled it open.

Inside layed…


"Surprise!" Wally smiled and climbed out.

Sonic was too shocked to speak.

"How long have you been hiding in there?"

"Snuck in while you were fueling the boat".

Mr Briney could have easily gotten angry at this but instead burst out laughing.

"Ahahaha! You're a sneaky little one young lad. So the trapdoor closed because you closed it".

"It did" Wally scratched his head as Ralts crawled out of the storage and approached the other pokemon, overjoyed to see them.

"What were you doing in there?" Sonic asked Wally.

"Joining you of course".

"Joining me?!"

"Yes. I couldn't stay home any longer with them after what dad suggested about releasing Ralts. Packed everything I could need in case of emergency".

"But… what about your parents? Won't they be worried?"

"They will. But it's ok. They will get over it" Wally brushed it off.

Sonic still had his reservations about Wally joining him.

In any case Briney welcomed Wally abroad as long as Sonic was ok with it which he was.

As Briney stayed at the steering wheel for a while, just to enjoy the moment as the ship had an autopilot setting, Wally started excitedly suggesting all the fun things they could do on their journey.

"We could try fishing for some water pokemon. Or explore the Granite cave. Some really fascinating lore is said to be hidden in there. Or maybe go watch a pokemon contest. And training too. There's so much room for growth for me and Ralts. All the stuff we could learn from you and Raichu and your other pokemon…"

It was only then that he noticed Sonic wasn't replying as he was still processing having Wally along.

"Oh sorry. I just realized I was improper. I should have asked if I could join you. I didn't think it through, I was just eager to leave home. I'm so sorry".

"It's no problem Wally relax. It's just… aren't you rushing things a little?"

"Not at all. That's how you started your journey isn't it? You were given the option and you just did".

"I did but… it's not exactly the same. My parents encouraged me to do it because I was going through a rough patch and believed it would be the best for me. Yours are not exactly in agreement".

"They will never be. If it was up to them I promise you they would bottle me up literally. You know, shut me in one of those bubbles things for sick people".

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just being a bit sentimental but it just feels like you are doing this to punish them".

"Sonic, they would feel like this even if I was to move out as an adult. I'm telling you, you haven't seen anything of them yet. Let's just forget about them ok? Let's look ahead. The world is ours to discover. I want to see everything and experience everything with Ralts. And if I can learn from you along the way it will be all the better".

Sonic couldn't help but be infected by Wally's contagious hype. The kid was clearly having this desire in its purest form. All he sought was freedom.

"Alright. Guess we should discuss what we do when we get to Dewford. After a small errand I have to get out of the way at least".

"What errand?"

"I'll explain later" Sonic said as Briney joined them.

"So how long have you been friends with Sonic?"

"I'm actually his biggest fan!" Wally proudly declared. Sonic felt a mix of gratefulness and shame at this.

"Maybe not introduce yourself like that mate" Sonic told Wally "you're Wally. Not an unnamed fan".

Briney was impressed by Sonic's decision to try and push Wally to start growing into his own person so that he wouldn't just be know as Sonic's biggest fan.

"Well I think you have a very good role model going for you young lad. You couldn't have asked for a better mentor in battling. If you seek something fun to do in Dewford town, I strongly suggest visiting the local fishing club. They're great fellas and it's always good to have a water pokemon for your team".

Sonic couldn't help but agree. With half the map being water and his Kanto and Johto teams out of reach, he would need to get a water type to surf on if need be. A gyarados wouldn't be a bad catch but training it from a Magikarp would be a pain to deal with.

"Maybe I can get a red gyarados with some luck" he thought, still somewhat bitter Lance had beaten him to it back then.

"We will! Thank you Mr Briney".

The three continued talking as the ship sailed itself, getting closer to Dewford town every minute.

Towards the end of the trip, Mr Briney informed Sonic that since he had to take the package to captain Stern and would need Briney's help to cross the sea and get to Slateport which was a lot further away compared to the distance they had just crossed, he would return every two days and to meet him at the pier of Dewford town so he could collect them when they were ready to go.

As Wally saw the lines of Dewford island appear faintly in the horizon he exclaimed excitedly, Ralts joining him in it.

"You know it's very likely you will run into your rival on the island" Briney spoke to Sonic seriously.

Sonic sighed.

"I know. And a confrontation with him won't be pleasant".

"You'd rather avoid him?"

"I mean… what good will running into him do? All we will do is clash. When we met in Rustboro he kept jabbing me about my actions. I feel horrible already, I don't need him twisting the dagger more".

Briney looked down, lost in deep thought.

"Have you talked about this with someone?"

"Everyone. My friends, my family…"

Briney shook his head.

"You are blessed with good friends and a loving family young Sonic. I don't have a family of my own but I have friends all over the world thanks to my travels. And I can tell you this. Your friends are a great support… but not the one you need".

"Not the one I need?"

"I noticed how you felt uncomfortable during our talk with Wally. The kid idolizes you and you feel like an imposter".

"I might be. I don't know who I am anymore after everything. I thought what I did was because it was the right thing but now…"

"Now you don't know if you should believe your friends who value you and want the best for you and so they may only be seeing the best in you, while the person you've wronged and his group of close friends sees only the worst in you" Briney surmised.

Sonic was amazed at how accurate Briney was. He nodded.

"So who do I listen to?"

"Your situation is unique so take what I say with a grain of salt. But my advice? Neither side".


"Don't get me wrong. Your friends are there for you and you're lucky to have them. But they can't tell you who you truly are because they may be sidelining the worst of you. Maybe they don't and I'm wrong but from my experience, you will never be sure about yourself in this case".

"So what am I to do?"

"Befriend someone new. Someone who won't be biased when it comes to you, positively or negatively. A truly neutral individual will see the whole you, the real you. And if they end up becoming your friend, you will know to trust their opinion on you".

Sonic looked at Wally and knew the answer already.

Wally wasn't that person. He was as biased as one could get.

Soon after this discussion, the S. S. Wingull docked in Dewford town.

"Ahoy! We hit land in Dewford!" Mr Briney announced.

Sonic and Wally disembarked and thanked Mr Briney for the lift. It was a very enjoyable voyage.

Mr Briney wished them luck on their adventures on the island and reminded them about the exact hours of day he would come by to take them to Slateport if they were ready.

He and Sonic also exchanged a look which from Mr Briney's side was encouraging to follow his advice.

Following that Sonic and Wally set out to head to town and explore, and more importantly get something to eat. Their pokemon were starving.

Chapter 102: Encounters in the Granite Cave


Sonic and Wally head for the Granite cave where both pokemon and non-pokemon encounters await them.

Chapter Text

"Are you serious?" Cosmo asked Tails in absolute disbelief.

"I'm afraid so" Tails said with a sad tone "which is why he is in Hoenn right now".

"Are you going to visit him?"

"Well… between caring for my pokemon and his johto team plus my research on his bond with Raichu I don't know".

He sighed.

"I'm tempted you know. To just drop everything here, take my research with me and come to Johto to be with you. Looker too has been asking if I'm coming by anytime soon. But… I don't want to leave the others here alone. Knuckles is busy with his work and visiting his grandfather in rehab. Jet and Wave have each other but… and Sonic's parents too. I can tell they're hurting at what he is going through and yet can't do anything because this is something he has to fix himself".

He slumped down on his chair.

"It's just all so much. I miss the chill times before we became trainers".

Raikou placed its head on Tails' lap purring. Cosmo also hugged him from behind.

"I don't regret having you in my life" he said gratefully, petting Raikou's head and stroking Cosmo's hand "but I just wish Sonic could become the individual he was once. Before Shadow came along and messed him up, sending him down a path that led to clashing with team Rocket".

Cosmo affectionately kissed Tails on the cheek.

"He needs to rediscover himself on his own Tails. We all need to stand by him even if it's from afar in this".

"I know. It just sucks. Ever since Sonic became a trainer it feels like he can't stay happy for more than a couple of weeks. Every time some new disaster waits for him around the corner".

"But team rocket is gone now. What danger could there possibly be in a peaceful region like Hoenn?"

Tails showed her his phone. One of Sonic's latest messages popped on screen.

The message was narrating his deal with Mr Stone to have eyes on Socexp corp in exchange for a few favors to the president.

Tails had replied to that message asking Sonic why in hell would he do something so shady.

Sonic's reply had worried him because it was bound to mess up his attempt at redemption.

"You need to walk into the shadows to catch a Shadow little buddy".

"He met that bully there?" Cosmo asked Tails concerned.

"Yes. And he is letting his emotions dictate his actions. And that could cause major damage to Devon corp. I know Mr Stone said he would throw Sonic under the bus if Maxie took legal action against it but Devon would still be affected".

Cosmo nodded.

"Have you ever talked to Sonic about the possibility that he let go of his hatred for Shadow?"

Tails smiled bitterly.

"No chance. He stated a little bit before leaving for Kanto the first time that he would never forgive Shadow".

Cosmo however meant something entirely different but let it slide for now. Both of them were exhausted, Tails by his word and her by the flight.

"Maybe we should cancel our plans" she suggested "let's just order something and get cozy in your place".

"But Jet, Wave and Knuckles have already agreed on meeting".

"We could call them over. If you want of course".

Tails actually smiled at the prospect. He was indeed exhausted as he had been trying to understand the complexities of Sonic and Raichu's thought sharing ability but wanted to see his friends. He wanted their input on the matter as well.

He pulled her in and kissed her.

"I love you, do you know that?"

Cosmo's face gleamed.

"I'll give them a call" Tails said after another kiss "I think Raikou and Entei" he said as looked at the side of the workshop where Entei was laying, taking a nap, somehow looking ferocious, proud and untamable even asleep "would like to hang out with their brother".

As this was taking place in Green Hills, in Dewford island of Hoenn, Sonic and Wally were wrapping up their meal and began making their way to the Granite Cave.

"What lore do you think exists in that cave?" Wally asked Sonic in excitement.

"Who knows. All I know is my friend Knuckles would die for a chance at anything related to ancient lore" Aonic joked.

As the two arrived outside the cave, Wally motioned to go in but Sonic stopped him.

"Don't think it's a good idea. Your asthma".

"Oh come on" Wally pushed his hand aside and walked in.

"See? Everything is fine. I am just…" he said before coughing took over.

Sonic just nodded as Wally used his inhaler and then walked back out.

"Ok ok you win. I'll train with Ralts".

Sonic nodded.

"I won't be long. If Steven Stone isn't here we'll go back to town and come back later" he said as he walked in.

The cave was very dark but at this point Sonic was used to it. Mt moon in Kanto and union cave in Johto had given him plenty of experience with dark caves.

Raichu took the lead, using its electric cheeks to light the way forward, scaring zubats and geodudes away.

Torchic attempted to attack some of the Pokemon they encountered but Sonic picked it up and put it on top of his head. They didn't need the unwanted attention right now.

Suddenly a pair of blue eyes shined in the darkness in front of them.

"Woah!" Sonic instinctively stepped back. Raichu growled to scare the being the blue eyes belonged to away but it didn't budge.

Instead mud came out of nowhere, striking Torchic off of Sonic's head and covering Sonic's face in mud.

Torchic sprang back up annoyed and fired ember. The ember lit the cave, revealing a small silver pokemon as it was struck by the ember.

Sonic cleaned some of the mud off his face, annoyed but intrigued by the discovery.

"Raichu immobilize it" Sonic suggested as Raichu stabbed iron tail into the ground as gently as it could, holding the pokemon down before it had a chance to attack again.

The small pokemon struggled to get out but was unable to, giving Sonic the chance to scan it with his pokedex.

"Aron, the Iron Armor Pokémon. Aron has an impressive defense power and eats iron ore in order to build up the metal in its body".

"A steel type?" Sonic spoke as he considered catching it. It was a steel type most definitely and it knew a ground move so it could also be a ground type. Tails' steelix typing was a massive pain to deal with without a type advantage.

"Why not?" he rhetorically asked as he took out a pokeball.

Aron didn't seem keen to be caught however. Sonic hesitated not wanting to force it into his team. Despite the potential he imagined Aron had, he didn't have to build an almighty team now.

While Sonic was contemplating on how to proceed about this, Torchic approached the Aron and began arguing with it over the mud on its face. Being a girl, it was disgusted.

Aron teased it about the mud causing Torchic to try and attack it only to be picked up by Sonic. Aron was surprised Sonic wasn't biased towards Torchic.

Aron now felt bad about its act so it turned back to Torchic and apologized, stating it was wrong to have teased it about it, especially after Torchic's trainer wasn't going to let it attack Aron. The steel type then requested a chance to make it up to Torchic by joining the team.

Torchic was surprised but cried out, smacking the pokeball out of Sonic's hand with its leg. The ball landed on Aron and absorbed it.

One, two, three wiggles.

The catch was confirmed.

Sonic was surprised but smiled at this. This was the first time his pokemon made the decision for him to bring another into their ranks. Sending out Aron so it could continue its chat with Torchic, he and Raichu looked into Aron's data in the pokedex.

The typing was revealed to be steel and rock which genuinely shocked and kind of unnerved Sonic at first. Aron was double weak to both ground and fighting.

But when he got to aron's ability he was shocked to find it had sturdy.

"Just like Eusine's Skarmory. It can't faint with a single strike".

All of a sudden Aron now seemed like a broken catch.

After a little bit of interaction between Aron and Torchic and brainstorming on Sonic's side as to how Aron could possibly battle, although he would have to see how it also chose to battle, Sonic gently recalled his two pokemon and proceeded further with Raichu. They had to get this over with.

Eventually the end of the tunnel could be seen. Sonic walked in and was amazed.

It was a huge chamber. Drawings on the walls everywhere. Each drawing carrying thousands of moments of Hoenn's history.

At the end of the chamber stood a young man and a teenage girl with their backs turned to Sonic, admiring part of the wall.

"The history of Hoenn never seizes to run of out secrets" the man said.

"I think I got something Steven. This part here says…"

"Steven" Sonic thought, instinctively taking a step to approach them.

"Hey there".

Both of them turned around. The girl took out a pokeball instinctively.

"State your business!"

"Woah, woah relax. I'm looking for Steven Stone".

"That would be me" Steven replied.

Sonic walked towards them, his face still covered in mud from aron's attack.

"What happened to you?" Steven asked him.

"Nothing major, got mud-slapped by a wild Aron I caught" Sonic shrugged.

A handkerchief was forced on his hands by the girl.

"Please clean your face. You shouldn't stay covered in mud" she asked with a formal tone.

Sonic was perplexed by this uncalled gesture but thanked her and rubbed the mud off.

Once his face is was clean, Steven's eyes widened.

"Wow. So the rumors are true. You really are in Hoenn".

The girl looked at him in confusion.

"What rumors are you referring to Steven?"

"Blaze you really don't know who this is?"

Blaze looked at Sonic for a few moments.

"He does look familiar… oh I think I remember you. You're that trainer everyone's talking about. Sonic right?"

"Yup that's me".

Blaze then steadied her pose and slightly bowed as she offered him a handshake.

"I'm Blaze the cat. It's an honor meeting you face to face".

"Oh um… nice to meet you too" Sonic replied in loss, still not getting why the formal tone.

"I have to admit" Steven spoke up again after Blaze was done introducing herself "this is not how I imagined I would meet you after all Lance has told me about you".

"You know Lance?" Sonic asked Steven.

"Yes I do. We have had a few battles a while back, the latest 3 weeks ago".

Sonic thought back to his depressed days and recalled a detail. A battle between Lance and another trainer had been advertised.

The opposing trainer was a champion.

Sonic gasped.

"Wait. Don't tell me… are you the champion of Hoenn?"

"Yes I am. Which is why I was expecting to meet you on the battlefield as my opponent instead of like this".

"Me? Opponent?" Sonic asked, kinda honored. The feeling was just like when Lance suggested the same thing.

"Who knows. Maybe someday. Anyways I was sent here by your father. He wanted me to hand this to you" Sonic quickly explained, handing Steven the envelope.

Steven's smile was erased. Blaze frowned.

"Something wrong?"

"No, nothing at all" Blaze replied, acting very serious but also sounding genuine "anyway, Steven I got what I needed from here. We should go".

"Very well then. I got to see what father wants anyway".

The two made for the exit, followed by Sonic who was also heading out.

"So…" Sonic said trying to break the silence "what were you guys looking at in there?"

"Apologies but this is a personal matter to me so I cannot say" Blaze said, again sounding unnecessarily formal.

"Oh. I see. I was asking because a friend of mine is interested in ancient lore so I could suggest he visited this cave if he ever came here" Sonic came up with a quick reply.

"It was a part of the history of Hoenn" Steven casually answered "one explaining the great war".

"The great war?" Sonic asked surprised.

"There will be a time for that" Blaze stopped Steven from revealing more "what is uncle writing to you about Steven?"

"I didn't look at it yet Blaze. Don't know when I will. I'm not sure how much I want to get involved with company matters".

"What if uncle is in need of our assistance? It is our duty to offer it if it is within our ability to do so".

Sonic wondered why Blaze was so keen on talking so formally and elegantly. He contemplated bringing it up but refrained. She didn't seem welcoming earlier.

"I know Blaze, I know. We'll look into it once we're out ok?"

Of course upon walking out they were met by Wally who almost had a heart attack.

"Oh! My! Goodness! Champion Steven! In the flesh! All this time i thought it was just a case of same name different person! You were meeting with Sonic?! Is a battle going to happen?!"

Both Sonic and Steven were taken aback at Wally's enthusiasm. Sonic was mostly used to it but it was still a bit much.

"Apologies but we are in a hurry so I do not think there is enough time for…" Blaze began saying.

"You know… I think I agree with the kid" Steven said "let's throw down".

"Wait what?" Sonic was shocked.

"Let's do it. Champion to champion".

"I'm not champion. I haven't beaten Lance".

"You have won two tournaments. That counts as a challenge to me and you count as a champion level trainer in my eyes" Steven quelled his doubts.

"Oh my god! It's happening! A battle between Sonic the hedgehog and Champion Steven Stone! This is the best day of my life!" Wally yelled in excitement.

"Just make it quick Steven. We need to look into uncle's letter" Blaze said, crossing her arms and laying back against the rocky surface.

Sonic looked at each of them one at a time, questioning his options before accepting the challenge.

The two walked a bit further away, closer to the water as they were on a beach.

Sonic nodded at Raichu and it dashed forward, taking a battle stance.

"So here's my partner! Metagross!" Steven called out as he threw the pokeball in the air.

A pokemon came out but before Sonic could get a good look at it, it landed on the sand with a loud thud, raising a cloud of sand.

Sonic and Raichu covered their faces and when the dust settled they were both amazed and unnerved.

Metagross was a huge silver pokemon with a huge golden x across its face or at least what Sonic thought to be its face. It also had 4 huge legs supporting its main body with small but sharp golden claws on each.

And to top it off, sparkles emerged from Metagross.

Sonic's jaw hang open.

"This Metagross is a shiny?!"

"Ah so you're aware of the term. But you should know shininess is only for show. Are you ready for our power?".

Sonic and Raichu exchanged a look and nodded.

"Bring it on!"

"Go get him Sonic!" Wally cheered him on.

"Your friend is strong but he has never battled someone like Steven" Blaze calmly said.

"Alright Metagross! Use Psychic!"

The psychic connected. Sonic didn't expect such an attack as Metagross didn't seem to be a psychic type so both he and Raichu were unprepared for the damage.

He fought not to groan before going on the offensive.

"Raichu! Quick attack!"

Raichu charged Metagross. It slammed into it and prepared to ricochet.

"Shadow ball!"

Metagross fired the shadow ball too fast for Raichu to dodge, taking advantage of the opening quick attack ricochetting gave him.

Raichu rolled down on the ground.

"You alright?" Sonic asked it.

"Rai rai".

"Come on Sonic! You can do it!"

"Don't get your hopes up kid. Your friend is good but Steven is the best" Blaze tried to bring Wally down to earth again.

As Raichu stood back up, Steven continued his assault.

"Shadow ball again!"

Sonic wasn't going to get hit by the same attack twice.

"Spin and use iron tail!"

Raichu span quickly. Steven saw the move coming a second too late.

Iron tail deflected the shadow ball right back at Metagross.

"Return to sender" Sonic joked as the iron tail deflected the shadow ball right back at Metagross, striking it head on.

"That was unexpected" Blaze was genuinely surprised, so much so she stood side by side with Wally, her interest peaked.

Metagross easily stood up again. Steven grinned.

"A very well executed counter attack. Not a lot of trainers can pull such a move off. But let's see you handle this! Metagross! Earthquake!"

Metagross slammed its foot down, sending shockwaves through the ground.

"Jump with quick attack and charge thunder punch!"

Raichu flew through the air as its paw crackled with electricity.

It pointed the paw forward as thunder punch headed for Metagross.

"Head-on! Just the style I love! Metagross let's meet them halfway! Meteor mash!"

"Meteor mash?" Sonic managed to voice his question at what move this was before the attacks collided.

The clash of the attacks lasted for a fraction of a second. A cry came out of Metagross as the thunder punch took its toll. But meteor mash gave Raichu the short end of the stick.

The powerful steel move sent Raichu flying back, into a rock by the beach, knocking Raichu out.

Sonic gasped at the explosion of the impact through his body. His eyes bulged and he blacked out.

Trainer and pokemon collapsed at once.

"SONIC!" Wally rushed to his side.

Steven was shocked at this outcome, unable to understand what happened to Sonic.

"Step aside" Blaze ordered Wally urgently as she took Sonic's pulse.

"He's ok. A bit of heightened pulse but nonetheless ok".

On que, Sonic groaned as Raichu also twitched, struggling to get back up.

"You ok?" Wally asked him in concern.

Sonic's left eye opened.

"Well… that was new" he muttered.

"Steven call an ambulance. We need to get him professional medical assistance".

"No need" Sonic groaned as he recalled Raichu and fought to stand up with Wally and Steven's help.

"There is absolutely need. Something like that could be a serious hazzard to your physical health" Blaze insisted.

Sonic almost chuckled at the formal tone.

"Don't worry. That was just part of my bond connection to my Raichu" he said as they began walking towards the town, still aided by Wally and Steven.

"Connection?" Wally looked at him in question and interest.

"My Raichu is kinda unique. It is twice as strong as others of its kind. It was because of the way it evolved. A bond was formed between it and me, literally. It has enhanced us in more than one ways but also causes us to experience each other's pain. At first it was not a lot but throughout our Johto journey the connection has been amplified, making the pain greater as well".

Silence took over. Steven spoke after a while.

"So wait… it has been revealed that when you and your friends stormed team rocket's hideout and Lance didn't get to you in time, Raichu was stabbed by a horn drill. You mean to tell me…"

"I felt it. Every ounce of it" Sonic bitterly smiled.

Blaze was looking at him in disbelief and a hint of awe.

"So if we healed Raichu would you also be healed?"

"No. My physical health is just fine. I only feel the pain, it doesn't affect my health".

"So you have this string attached and yet you fought so bravely at Goldenrod city with your friends, getting the attention of team rocket all on your own even though any attack could literally knock you out?" Blaze voiced her question.

"Not any attack" Sonic smiled at her, looking cool despite being helped by Steven and Wally "only a champion level one. Right champ?"

Steven was relieved Sonic was harboring no hard feelings for that meteor mash.

The group made it back to Dewford town. Just as Sonic predicted, Raichu being healed didn't take away from his physical torment. Regardless he thanked Steven and Wally for the carrying.

"Thanks for the battle" Sonic offered Steven a handshake.

"I'll be waiting for the day of our rematch" Steven gently challenged him.

Steven and Blaze then left Sonic and Wally to go find shelter for the night and read Mr Stone's letter.



"Do you really wish to rematch him? Or were you just trying to be gentle?"

Steven smiled.

"Do you know how long he has been a trainer for?"

Blaze shook her head.

"4 months" Steven revealed.

Blaze's eyes widened.

"4 months and he actually got a hit on your Metagross?!"

"I know. I can only imagine what he and his Raichu could do with a lot more training and experience" Steven kept smiling at the prospect of such a challenge.

Blaze looked over her shoulder. Sonic and Wally were no longer visible but it felt like they were.

Blaze looked back ahead, trying to make sense of what that sensation was. It didn't feel romantic that was for sure.

But there was just something about Sonic. Something unique.

Another thought then crossed her mind. Sonic was known for a lot of things. One of them was taming two legendary pokemon. Blaze made a mental note of this.

Later on, as Steven read the letter from his father, which was revealed to be a piece of paper containing the rest of the Braille message in the sealed chamber, Blaze inquired about it.

"It's ok. Duty doesn't call right now" Steven assured his cousin.

Blaze nodded.

"That's good".

Steven raised his eyebrow.

"What's on your mind? Knowing you, you would be leaving for Rustboro already to see if my father really needs any amount of help".

"I know. But… I think I want to keep tabs on our new hedgehog friend for a while" Blaze said looking out the window, lost in her thoughts. Or more accurately, only one thought.

"Maybe… he is the key. Maybe he can help me find it".

Chapter 103: Pride and practicality


While seeking to battle Brawly for the Knucklebadge, Sonic and Wally end up as spectators in the gym leader's rematch with Ash.

Chapter Text

"So it's official?" Jet asked Tails as they walked "you're going back to Johto?"

"Yeah. I had a talk with Cosmo and… it's just what I want. Sonic is in Hoenn right now so…"

"So where you are won't make much of a difference on how you can offer help to Sonic" Jet finished his sentence.

"I know. It sounds like a selfish choice. I don't want you and Wave and Knuckles to think I'm abandoning you but… I don't want to lose Cosmo either. We have been apart for a month. She can't stay any longer. And to be honest… I want to also hunt some poachers with Raikou again".

"Hey relax. There's no hard feelings. It's not like you're leaving forever right?"

"We're still working on it but as of now… no I'm not".

"Then it's good enough for now. Just so you know you have hit the lottery. The amount of understanding Cosmo has displayed is out of this world. Don't you dare lose her. She is a keeper".

"Thanks" Tails smiled.

"Sonic would say the exact same thing" Jet simply added.

A few seconds went by until Tails brought up another question.

"Did Sonic tell you… that he ran into Shadow there?"


"And did he tell you…"

"That he gave Shadow a piece of everyone's mind?"

"You agree with him punching Shadow?"

"He had it coming. He literally came out of nowhere and messed us all up, Sonic most of all".

"I know but… both us and Sonic have seen how dark he has truly become because of our war with team rocket. He is literally on a redemption journey to make right of his mistake to Ash which is a result of this darkness. How can he hope to be redeemed if he continues to embrace this darkness against those he hates?"

Jet couldn't help but agree. Sonic was stepping on eggshells already. And Ash's stubborn nature wouldn't make it any easier whenever they met.

Not that Sonic hated Ash but Ash just knew how to push his buttons and everyone knew where that had led them.

"We need to trust my brother. It's all we can do either way. The change has to come from within".

"When you talk" Tails said, disagreeing with the sentiment as he believed Sonic needed positive pushes "do try to convince him to not get angry with Shadow again. Catch him if he can but not hurt him. You're his brother he'll listen".

"You and Knuckles are like brothers to him too. So I don't know. What we're trying to tell him, he needs to understand on his own".

Tails went silent. Sonic had an near impossible task to complete.

How does one master their emotions if said emotions were corrupted by darkness for such a long time?

Far away, in Hoenn, Sonic and Raichu were back to their rigorous training. They would be ready if they ran into Steven again.

After the fight, Wally's excitement made its way into Sonic and he decided he would continue training further with Raichu to get even stronger and be able to tank the damage together. At the same time Raichu helped in the training of their new team member Aron.

With all 3 pokemon leaning on the hand to hand combat style, Raichu was in its element, helping them spar while also serving as a bit of a punching bag for them. Torchic had managed to actually make Sonic feel something through his bond with Raichu which made him smile.

"It must be close to evolving" he hoped.

Aron on the other hand had a long way to go. It was able to learn headbutt which, although a normal type move, was going to be extra effective due to aron's weight and also could flinch the opponent. Sonic had smiled at this realization.

Wally's Ralts also participated in the training but was going to be a late bloomer as it still was only knowing confusion. It managed to learn double team and practiced with Sonic's pokemon at dodging, using its psychic powers to become really good at it. But its offensive capabilities were still very low.

Sonic comforted Wally by promising to eventually give Ralts a chance to learn from his Alakazam. Wally was excited at the prospect.

Sonic, remembering Mewtwo had barred him from calling his Kanto pokemon, made a mental promise that he would be redeemed enough for Mewtwo to allow this to happen. He wouldn't let Wally down.

Ending their training session, Sonic reminisced on the two weeks the two had spent training.

Wally had been tempted to talk to his parents and let them know he was ok but doing so could lead them to finding out where he was and coming to get him. One look at Sonic had Wally remaining steadfast in his choice and declared he was not going home until he felt like it. Sonic couldn't help but be impressed. Wally was slowly growing out of his timid self.

With all that in mind the two decided it was time to challenge the second gym leader, Brawly. Wally followed, excited to observe the battle.

When they arrived at the gym, they walked in to find the place equipped with fitness equipment, quickly hinting at the typing they would face. Immediately Sonic knew he couldn't use Aron due to its typing and need of more training.

But the more pressing matter was that the gym leader wasn't there.

"Where is he?" Sonic wondered aloud.

"Hey Sonic! There is a note here" Wally called him.

On a bulletin board was pinned note.

"Out on a challenge. If you seek me come to the islet on the middle of the bay. Stay cool, Brawly".

"To the beach" Sonic immediately declared.

The two trainers reached the beach and observed their destination.

"Isn't it… a little far to get at by swimming?" Wally asked Sonic.

"It is. We need to find another way there".

"Looking for Brawly?" a girl's voice asked them.

The two turned and were met with the image of a blue haired girl in a surfing suit. Wally couldn't help but blush.

Before Sonic could reply however, the girl identified him.

"I was wondering when you would show up".

"I'll never get to introduce myself aren't I?" Sonic joked causing her to giggle.

"Brawly has been anticipating your challenge for a while. I've known him for a while and he is very chill so for him to have such anticipation is new. I'm Shauna".

"Sonic. This is my friend Wally".

Wally awkwardly shook her hand.

"So… how do we get there?" Sonic asked her.

"Same way Brawly gets. By surfing".

"Surfing?" Sonic exclaimed in surprise. Wally hesitated.

"Yes. Also the same way his challenger met him there today. I wonder how their rematch will go".

"Would be cool if we could see that rematch" Wally spoke, mostly referring to Sonic.

"Would be, but they've probably started".

"Nah you definitely got time. Just grab a board and go".

Sonic was all about it but Wally wasn't very excited about it.

"I don't know if I can come. I don't have any swimming trunks".

"Nonsense. Follow me" Shauna excitedly took him by the hand and they rushed off, leaving Sonic to follow.

Before either of them knew it, they were brandishing surfing suits.

"Well that took an interesting turn" Sonic commented.

"Here I can carry your backpacks if you want. I'm experienced at surfing so no chance of your stuff getting ruined".

"Mine's waterproof so I'm ok" Sonic said.

Wally ended up handing her his bag.

The three then rode a surfing board each and headed out. Wally ended up remaining close to Shauna as he wasn't very good with water, especially this deep.

Sonic on the other hand, quickly found himself relaxing and going with the flow. It was surprising to him that such calmness could be attained.

"I can't believe how much I've been missing out on" he thought as he experienced the freedom and the open air.

The waves were not big but riding along them was very pleasant. Wally had trouble maintaining his balance and ended up falling into the water a couple of times.

At a point in the distance Sonic noticed another surfer who was seemingly looking for a bigger wave.

"Good luck. The wind is not strong enough right now" he joked silently.

Despite the pleasant ride, it had to end.

They made it the islet and Shauna directed them to a small cave which had a natural arena inside. Sonic hoped he would get to battle Brawly in that arena. Adapting to an environment was one of the best factors in battling. He had trained heavily on that with Tails and Knuckles in Johto.

Shauna ended up joining them as she also wanted to observe that battle. The kid challenging Brawly had lost to him the first time and she was present so she wanted to see how it would turn out this time.

Upon walking into the large room containing the arena, Sonic saw 3 back turned alongside a red outfit.

"Oh no" he thought.

"Please don't tell me the kid's name was Ash" he said to Shauna.

"How did you know?"

Brock, May and Max turned around at the sound of their voices.

"Sonic?" May exclaimed in surprise.

"Hi" Sonic tried to greet pleasantly, although it was obvious they were not very glad to see him.

Ash and Brawly were standing on the arena getting ready for their battle.

Immediately upon spotting Sonic, Ash got visibly upset. Brawly on the other hand looked ready to bail on the rematch. Not that he would but Roxanne had hyped him about battling the hero of Kanto.

"Came to watch me triumph this time?" Ash called out.

"I didn't know you were rematching but since we're all here… feel free to entertain me if that is what you want".

"Watch me" Ash said turning back to Brawly. The latter asked the unexpectedly arriving Shauna to act as the referee for the match.

"Been quite a while since last time" May tried to chat with Sonic "what have you been up to?"

"Training with my friend here" he casually said pointing to Wally who was quick to greet them.

Max pointed out Wally was the kid Sonic had helped catch a ralts with the help of a zigzagoon rented to him by their father and Wally confirmed it was the case. Max asked Wally why he hang out with Sonic to which Wally answered that he would be dumb not to. A fan hanging out with their idol was a dream come true.

May stopped their conversation before things spiralled out of control. Although she was mostly neutral in the matter of Ash and Sonic, Brock and Max were on Ash's side although without hating on Sonic like Ash did. So putting them and Wally together was like adding fuel to an already unstable fire.

Therefore Sonic and Wally stood a little further away as Ash and Brawly sent out their first pokemon.

"Go Machop!"

"Treecko! I choose you!"

Sonic remembered how agile and durant Ash's treecko was. This was going to be interesting.

"At least I hope it will" he thought.

"Machop! Use karate chop!"

Machop jumped, going for a quick one.

"I didn't notice but this guy's voice is actually similar to mine. Go figure" Sonic thought.

"Treecko dodge it!"

Treecko effortlessly dodged the attack.

"Again machop!"

Machop tried striking again but again the attack was dodged.

"Don't let it off! Karate chop!"

Treecko stood its ground, as the move came for it.

"They're gonna clash!" Wally said excited.

He was proven wrong as Ash ordered Treecko to dodge again. The grass type did more than that, jumping off the arena into a field of stalagmites. Machop followed karate chopping all the way but Treecko hopped from one stalagmite to the next as if they were trees.

"Look at Treecko go!" Brock commented.

"It's not fighting back though" Wally spoke his mind.

Ash heard him.

"Treecko now! Quick attack!"

Treecko took advantage of a missed cross chop by machop, landing a quick attack.

Machop was sent back, looking very roughed up.

Sonic couldn't help but be impressed. If Treecko could do so much damage to a fighting type like machop which had good defense, was so durant and so agile, he could only imagine what actual power training would make it.

Brawly however smiled.

"You forgot the geysers Ash".

Ash gasped.

Machop took a cross chop pose as the ground rumbled.

A geyser fired machop straight at Treecko.

"Machop! Cross chop!"

"This is it!" Wally said, still eager to see and actual clash.

This time he wasn't just proven wrong but let down. Ash recalled Treecko right before the clash occurred.

Sonic was shocked at this. He felt his anger rising again.

Ash kept calling him out for building power while all he did was run?

Machop's move ended up smashing a rock instead.

"Woah did you see that?" Wally said in shock.

"That was so close. Machop is so strong" May sounded relieved.

"That was a big rock" Max commented.

"And it would have been Treecko if Ash hadn't returned it in its pokeball".

"So you're ok with it?" Sonic spoke up.

They all looked at him.

"You're ok with Ash just avoiding all the attacks?"

"What else can he do?" May inquired.

"Haven't you heard the saying no pain no gain?" Sonic countered.

"That's not his style" Brock disapproved.

"Maybe but this style will not get him too far. That much I can tell you".

"You sure can" Brock roasted him.

Sonic gritted his teeth. After what he had done it was indeed not cool to try and give pointers but Ash just pulling tricks and dodging instead of fighting head-on just pissed him off.

"Had he fought against the actual rockets we faced, he wouldn't have lasted more than a minute with this style. These people wouldn't hold back" he thought frustrated.

What was even more frustrating was no one was on his side apart from Wally but Sonic couldn't exactly count him because of his massive bias.

Meanwhile Ash chose his second pokemon.

"Alright! Corphish I choose you!"

A red crab like pokemon appeared.

"Hm" Sonic hummed as he scanned it with his dex.

"Corphish, the Ruffian Pokémon. Corphish lives anywhere, adapting to its surroundings. Its pincers hold on tightly when it catches prey".

"Huh, a fascinating catch. A water type. Adaptive huh? Let's see what he does".

"Corphish, bubble beam!"

The attack came down on Machop hard as its special defense wasn't great.

"Machop karate chop!"

"Counter with crabhammer!"

"Crabhammer?!" Sonic exclaimed, not expecting the powerful move on this pokemon.

The crabhammer landed, brutally damaging machop, leaving it on the brink of fainting.

"Don't let up corphish! Another crabhammer!"

The second crabhammer was the final nail. Machop toppled, fainting.

Brawly recalled Machop.

"Well dude I gotta hand it to you. You have gotten better since last time. But the battle is far from over".

With those words he took out his second pokeball.

"This must be his Hariyama" Brock said.

"His what?" Sonic thought.

"Now fresh from the surf! Hariyama ride it dude!"

A massive thud shook the cave as a gigantic pokemon stood opposite of corphish. Sonic himself was shaken mentally by the massive fighting type wondering if even his Raichu could go toe to toe with this.

His eyes then examined Corphish. It still seemed to be in prime condition. And crabhammer was certainly not a move to laugh at.

"Alright Hariyama!" Brawly went on the offensive "arm thrust!"

Hariyama charged Corphish.

"Let's see how he puts crabhammer to use" Sonic thought with the hint of a smile. There was no way Ash could mess this up.

But as they say, never say never.

"Corphish! Harden!"

"HUH?!" Sonic's cry of shock echoed in the cave.

Corphish's body became extremely hard. Arm thrust came down on it but it stood its ground, taking every one of the attacks.

"Hang on Corphish! Hariyama is heavy! It will get tired eventually!"

Sonic's jaw hang open. That was his big plan? To just let Corphish get beat up until the opponent stopped?

"Are you insane?! Don't just take it! Fight back!" he called out to Ash.

"Mind your business!" Ash fired.

Brawly grinned.

"You'd like it if Hariyama got tired. Keep up the arm thrust!"

Hariyama did just that, not slowing down an inch.

"What's happening? Why isn't Hariyama slowing down?" Ash troed to assess the situation.

"You should have listened to your friend. You were not the only one to train after all".

Ash got annoyed at being called Sonic's friend.

"Corphish jump in the water!"

Sonic at first believed Ash was still running but when Hariyama followed Corphish in, he understood why Ash had done it. He had obviously taken a note from his battle with Silver in the Johto league.

Corphish jumped and used crabhammer on Hariyama when the fighting type least expected it before retreating back in. The advantage was massive.

Sonic felt both satisfaction that Ash was fighting back and annoyance that he didn't fight Brawly head-on. He just never seemed to want to resort to that with any of his pokemon. Maybe that was just because of the earlier failed attempt to use treecko when it could have obviously been so much stronger if trained properly.

"A special opponent requires a special treatment! Hariyama let's try something special! Arm thrust the water!"

Hariyama's hand made an arch and slammed into the water. Physics took over as Corphish was forced out.

"Corphish?!" Ash exclaimed.

"Now seismic toss!"

Hariyama jumped, grabbed ahold of Corphish and span 3 times before throwing it at ground. The brutal attack signaled the end of the battle for Corphish who fainted.

Ash recalled and thanked Corphish before taking out Treecko's pokeball again.

"It's all up to Treecko now" Brock said in a serious tone.

"Let's hope it ends better than last time" May hoped.

"What do you mean like last time?" Sonic couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Treecko was defeated by Hariyama in their previous battle. It evolved from its previous form, Makuhita mid battle and fought back".

"Ok… so why isn't Ash using Pikachu then?"

"Simple!" he replied for May "Treecko and I have a score to settle with Hariyama. We trained for this!"

Sonic processed his words.

"So wait… let me get this straight… you can only use two pokemon… you KNOW what Brawly was going to use… and you still choose to forgo the optimal choices for your party… to prove a point?!"


Sonic walked off, signaling to Wally to not follow him for a moment.

"What's with him?" Max asked.

"I don't know" Brock shrugged.

May followed Sonic. She found him facing the wall and grabbing his head, taking deep breaths.

"You ok?"


"Is there anything I can do?"

"Can you find a brain for him? Cause he is brainless!"

"Look, I understand you do not agree with his battle style…"

Sonic punched the wall, accidentally harnessing his bond with Raichu creating a small hole on the wall, startling May.

"I tried proving a point once and it almost got me killed! I had to learn to adapt flawlessly and forgo my pride to survive! That is why my pokemon have grown so strong! How can he expect me to respect him… when all he does is run, dodge, pulling tricks and not fighting head-on?!"

"It's just not Ash's style ok? Please there's no reason to be upset".

Sonic took another deep breath and went to walk back into the arena.

Before passing by May he stopped

"If that is his style, then he needs to be ready to embrace its limits. Because it has limits. A lot of them" he said before walking away.

To his surprise he found Treecko actually keeping up with Hariyama. Ash's strategy quickly became apparent when Sonic analyzed Treecko's movements.

Treecko kept pounding at Hariyama's legs to slow it down. Sonic was again immensely disappointed.

Ash claimed to have trained for this and his Treecko only still knew pound and quick attack. All he did was just develop a specific attack pattern against Hariyama.

"In two weeks he made this much progress. Close to zero" Sonic thought.

Hariyama tried using vital throw but Ash's strategy made it fizzle due to the pain in its legs and allowing Treecko to get a few more pounds in before jumping away.

With both pokemon exhausted it was obvious the next attack would end it.

The ground rumbled again.

Treecko and Hariyama both got into position.

Two geysers launched them at each other, Treecko spinning to pound and Hariyama preparing to use knock off.

The attacks collided.

The two pokemon passed by each other and stood there kneeling.

In the next moment, with a huge thud, Hariyama fainted.

"He did it!" Max exclaimed.

"Way to go Ash!" Brock cheered for his friend.

"He did it" Wally spoke after a long while, having gotten that clash of attacks he was awaiting.

Ash hopped back next to his friends, accepting the congratulations before standing before Sonic.

"So? Were you entertained?" he gloatingly asked.



"I'm disappointed".

Everyone was shocked. Especially Brawly and Shauna. They weren't expecting this kind of reaction after what they saw as an epic battle.

"Of course. Why do I even bother? Why did I expect a jerk like you to not look down on me?" Ash coldly stated.

"You admitted yourself you trained for two weeks. What have you got to show for it? Treecko has learned no new moves. So it hasn't gotten any stronger overall".

"You say that. All you care about is power".

"It's not only the power part. You battled so well with your corphish at first and then stupidly chose to shift gears completely and just tank attacks from a much stronger pokemon. Why not just immediately retreat in the water?"

"The plan was to tire it out!"

"By blocking with corphish's face? And you wonder why I every time we battle we end up arguing?!"

"You know what? I don't have to listen to you. Your opinion is the last thing I need. Especially after what you've done".

"Would you like a more objective opinion then?" a voice echoed through the cave.

The clicking of heels came from the entrance of the cave.

In walked…

"Blaze?!" Sonic was shocked to see her there.

With a dead calm expression, Blaze locked eyes with Ash.

"Well? Would you like an objective opinion?"

"H-how did you get here?" Sonic managed to ask her.

"Same way you did. I saw you heading here too".

"Who are you?" Ash asked her.

"Someone who observed this contest just now and doesn't know either of you two well enough to be biased in any way or capacity".

"Sonic called you by name" Brock pointed out.

"We met two weeks ago once, when Sonic delivered a letter to my cousin from my uncle. I wouldn't classify that as sufficient time to consider myself close to him".

"Wow, she talks all fancy" May couldn't help but be kind of impressed by the formal tone.

"Ok then. Let me have your opinion then" Ash confidently invited Blaze to share her opinion.

Blaze wasted no time.

"You are inadequate".

"What?!" Ash stepped back in shock.

"You are inadequate. Your battling style is impractical and your need to prove a point in your battles is your greatest flaw. You select the pokemon you use in battle based on sentiment and deny yourself other possible advantages. Yet you don't try to cover up for those disadvantages with adequate training, instead simply creating temporary and improvised tactics to win the battle at hand. So yes. In one sentence, you are an inadequate trainer".

Ash took the opinion in with shock at first before getting into Blaze's face.

"Just who do you think you are lady?! What gives you the right to have this opinion of me?!"

Brawly and Shauna didn't speak. They knew.

Blaze slightly smiled.

"I am Blaze the cat. Cousin of Hoenn champion Steven Stone".

Ash and his friends were shocked beyond belief.

Ash tried to bounce back.

"Even so… you're wrong. I'm not inadequate! You don't know me! I am not what you describe".

"Your behavior is identical to the way you organized your pokemon and matchups in the Johto league. You set yourself up in impossible situations where no trainer would ever stand a chance to fight back and against a trainer of Sonic's caliber no less, and proceeded to get upset when things did not go your way. The only time this behavior did not occur was against Sonic's friend Knuckles the echidna".

"I beat Knuckles! I should have beaten Sonic too!"

"Should have, could have, would have" Blaze roasted him and then decided to hit Ash were it would hurt the most.

"You claimed during those battles you want to be a pokemon master. Yet you don't work for it".

"I am working for it! I trained and beat Brawly after losing the first time".

Blaze scoffed.

"As a champion's cousin, I can tell you with absolute certainty that to become a champion or even just a champion level trainer you need power. And all you have is average playground tricks. Your style is inadequate, your pokemon are not strong and unless you change that, you will never get you as far as you desire to go. That is not just my opinion. It is the undeniable truth".

She then got into Ash's face.

"You told Sonic he was wrong to push his pokemon to evolve so they could become stronger. By extension, everyone who does this is wrong. Including my cousin. Yet if he didn't he wouldn't be champion. Think about it".

And with those words Blaze turned around and left, her boot heels clicking as she walked away.

Ash turned to Brawly and Shauna with a hint of need for affirmation.

"You don't believe what she says right?"

Both gym leader and apprentice hesitated.

"I don't think you are inadequate. But… she is right. Power is necessary. Your strategies alone can't cut it in the big leagues".

Ash entered a funk, not responding, as if he had a processing bar over him.

To avoid further clash, Sonic and Wally snuck out, using the boards to return to Dewford town. They needed a long rest after that and more importantly Sonic had to calm down. The battle with Brawly could wait.

Chapter 104: Blazing fury


Sonic finally battles Brawly for the Knuckle badge while Ash tries to prove Blaze was wrong about him.

Chapter Text

Torchic used a quick flipping maneuver to parry the headbutt from Aron. The attack did minimal damage but Torchic came out unscathed.

"Very good" Sonic encouraged them both "now again".

The two pokemon cried out and repeated the attack exchange. Sonic smiled.

Since he was going to challenge Brawly today, Torchic needed to ready to fight. Machop was certainly strong but with good preparation, Torchic would be a match for it.

As for Hariyama…

"Raichu are you ready?" Sonic asked it as it stood in the distance, facing him.

"Rai rai".

"Do it already" Sonic heard in his mind.

"Ok" Sonic nodded and got to his knees.

He started spinning, preparing a homing attack.

Raichu charged thunder punch.

"Here I come!" Sonic's voice came from his spinning ball form as he was launched towards Raichu.

Raichu punched Sonic's ball form with thunder punch, sending him sprawling back. Though the attack affected them both, their training had lessened the effects or more accurately made them more immune to them.

"You got me good there partner" Sonic hopped back up "the training is paying off".


"Let's go fight the fighting types!" Sonic heard in his mind.

He grinned and recalled his pokemon, heading to rendezvous with Wally.

As he walked, he recalled the last two days, following Ash's battle with Brawly.

Following their return to Dewford town, Sonic immediately went back to training to fight Brawly. Roxanne had only rock types so it was natural that he couldn't use anything but his Raichu. Now this was not the case. Torchic would need to carry its weight.

Combining the training of Aron to help it grow and Torchic to prepare it, he had had Torchic master using scratch to parry close range attacks while using ember from far away if need be. By using focus energy first, not only did Torchic become better at knowing when to parry due to the increased focus but the parry could do some serious damage.

And of course, not only to fight Brawly's Hariyama but also Steven again in the future, Sonic knew Raichu and he would have to continue growing in power, cultivating their strength and empowering their bond further.

Since their other team members were out of reach for this journey, Sonic decided to use his powers to help Raichu train, at first using his speed to increase Raichu's reflexes and later his homing attack in an attempt to replicate powerful moves like meteor mash.

With this training regimen, not only did Raichu's power keep increasing but also both and it and Sonic became more durable, their sharing of the pain becoming less of a factor.

And if they were to run into Shadow again, his Salamence wouldn't stand a chance, that Sonic was certain of.

Arriving at the beach, Sonic saw Brawly from far away, riding a wave. The waves were actually large that day.

Wally approached Sonic with Ralts.

"Hey. Is it time?"

"Yes. How did training go for you?"

"Ralts did grow in power a bit and even learned teleport".

"Teleport? Nice. With a little more growth, it could be an easier way to get around for you".

"You teleported with your pokemon?"

"Not exactly. My Alakazam helped us escape silph co that day with its mother using teleport. Everyone mocks it for its battle effect but miss its actual usefulness" Sonic explained.

Wally pet Ralts as it had stuffed itself in his arms.

"I'm looking forward to it then. Hey look. Brawly is coming out".

As Brawly slowly walked out of the water, holding his surfboard, people started gathering around as it was obvious what was going to go down.

Raichu noticed Ash and his friends also approaching and let Sonic know by tapping him with his paw.

"You're still here?" Sonic casually asked Ash.

"You saw my battle with Brawly. It's only fair I see yours".

"That's good" Blaze walked out from behind Sonic, accidentally scaring him "perhaps you will learn something by observing".

"Woah where did you come from? How do you even do that?" Sonic asked her, surprised at her ability to get close unnoticed.

"I wish to observe this contest myself. Steven would have too but he has left since the day you battled him to attend to some personal matters".

"The only thing one can learn from this jerk is how to fight dirty. Maybe that's why Knuckles fired that hydro pump when Eusine was busy talking" Ash fired back at Blaze.

"Hey watch it. My friends have nothing to do with our issues" Sonic warned him.

"Yeah or else what?"

Sonic refrained from replying. Actions would speak now. All that was to be said had been said.

Brawly set his board by burying it in the sand a bit and took out a pokeball from a small watertight pocket on his surfing suit.

"Ready to get this show on the road my dude?"

"Ready as I'll ever be" Sonic nodded with a smile by taking out Torchic's pokeball.

"Trainers ready?" Brawly's apprentice Shauna asked them as she refereed just like she did with Ash.

"Ready" both said at once, their similar voices almost merging into one.

"Then send out your pokemon!"

"Machop battle time!"

"Torchic come on out!"

Machop and Torchic faced down each other, with sparkles coming out of Torchic.

"So his Torchic has not evolved yet. Unexpected" Ash commented.

"We have trained a lot for this battle either way. I wasn't going to make your mistake of blindly challenging someone" Sonic fired back.

"Battle start!"

"Torchic focus energy!"

Torchic used the move, an aura of power surrounding it as it got hyperfocused.

"Machop! Karate chop!"

Machop jumped and came down on Torchic.

"Hold… hold… parry with scratch!"

With a lightning fast move, Torchic used its clawed legs to parry the attack, breaking Machop's momentum.

"Now scratch it!"

Again moving super fast, landing on one leg and hopping again, Torchic scratched at Machop, dealing big damage. After repeatedly sparring with a pokemon twice resistant to scratch, hitting a normally affected one showed the results of their training.

Machop hopped back up but instinctively kept its distance.

"That was a great start for him. Torchic is obviously in its element" Max quickly recognized the training.

Sonic smiled at the attempt of Brawly to come up with a strategy.

"Not going to attack? I'll make you! Torchic ember!"

Torchic fired ember at Machop. The superpower pokemon dodged but it was only the beginning.

"Don't let it relax! Ember rapid fire!"

Using Knuckles' variation of the move, Torchic fired back to back embers, weaker than a fully charged one. But the result was what Sonic was hoping for.

Machop not only couldn't dodge them all but had less time to think overall. Brawly was essentially backed into a corner.

Machop could try attacking up close but it was obvious Torchic had trained for close encounters. But if kept his distance, defeat was certain.

"Machop! Prepare a cross chop!"

Machop stopped, taking the embers head on as it crossed its hands, preparing to charge.

"Keep firing Torchic!" Sonic instructed it.

"Go! Cross chop!"

"Parry with scratch!"

Unlike karate chop, Torchic couldn't fully parry cross chop, taking damage and getting knocked down. After the attack however, Machop took burn damage as the embers had burned it.

"What happened to machop? That should have knocked out Torchic" Ash was confused.

"Burn weakened cross chop" Brock explained to Ash "Sonic was actually smart about it, he predicted cross chop needs around 3 seconds to charge before attacking, and took advantage of the opening".

"Heh. He talks a big game about fighting head-on but needs to weaken the opponent first. Just like him to not play nice. Can't say I'm surprised" Ash replied.

The comment earned him an angry look from Blaze.

"Torchic enough playing around! Use scratch to end this!"

"Cross chop! Before…!"

He was meaning to say before the attack landed but Torchic landed scratch before he could even finish the sentence. Overwhelmed and with burn taking the final toll, machop fainted.

"Machop is unable to battle! Torchic is the winner!" Shauna declared.

Torchic cried out in excitement and rushed to Sonic for pets before just as excitedly standing before Brawly who took out Hariyama's pokeball.

"Your Torchic is insane my dude. And I thought Ash's Treecko was a great fighter".

Ash fumed at this. In his eyes the only reason Torchic was this strong was because Sonic deliberately trained too much so he wouldn't lose.

"Alright Hariyama! Ride it dude!"

Hariyama came out, causing Torchic to actually involuntarily hop because of the shock of Hariyama's landing.

"Ready Torchic?"


"Hariyama! Arm thrust!"

Hariyama prepared to smack Torchic with its massive hands.

"Torchic parry the first with scratch then dodge!"

Torchic quickly parried the first arm thrust with scratch then quickly scurried out of the way as the next one slammed into the sand.


The ember landed but Hariyama was barely affected.

"It has thick fat?" Sonic wondered for a moment, giving Brawly and opening.

"Hariyama quick! Knock off!"

Hariyama used its signature attack on Torchic but instead of just shoving it back, it kept it down, immobilizing its legs so it couldn't scratch again.

"Now Hariyama! Arm thrust!"

Hariyama started slamming its other massive hand down on Torchic. The fire type cried out in pain but refused to go down.

"Come on Torchic! You can do this! Ember it to break free!"

Torchic instead, after the final arm thrust, cried out loudly and used a new move; it started hitting Hariyama's hand holding its legs with its beak.

Hariyama cried out in pain and stumbled back, holding its hurt hand with its other hand.

"What was that?" May inquired.

Blaze was quicker to identify the move.

"Peck" she said in actual awe.

"Peck?!" Sonic exclaimed in pleasant surprise. This was probably the best move Torchic could have learned in the moment. A flying type move.

"Then let's not waste time! Torchic peck it!"

Torchic rushed Hariyama, pecking it hard on the legs, then following up with a scratch, causing Hariyama to stumble.

"Torchic! Torchic! Combu!" Torchic cried out as it began glowing.

"No way! It's evolving!" May said in awe, as her Torchic had yet to evolve.

"Of course it would" Ash commented, crossing his arms on his chest, not surprised in the least.

The shape of Torchic changed and when it came out it was…

"Combusken!" Sonic was beyond elated "you really are going to become Blaziken one day!"

"Combu!" combusken cried out as it hopped onto Hariyama, pecking it some more.

"Hariyama! It's not over yet! Seismic toss!"

Hariyama grabbed onto combusken with its massive hands and jumped spinning three times, preparing to slam Combusken down.

But combusken had one more surprise to unveil.

Using another move it learned in the moment, double kick, it kicked Hariyama in the legs causing it to cry out in pain and let go, ruining the attack and causing the massive fighting type to crash head first into the sand.

"What was that?" Sonic wondered in surprise before seizing the opening "peck!"

Combusken pecked down on Hariyama mercilessly, causing the massive fighting type to go down, just as overwhelmed as Machop before it. Brawly was at a loss for words.

"Hariyama is unable to battle! Combusken wins! The winner is Sonic the hedgehog!"

"You were AMAZING Combusken!"

Combusken rushed to hug Sonic with its newly grown arms, having waited so long for this momemt.

"Well now I see why you have conquered two leagues. Congratulations. The Knuckle badge is yours".

Sonic received it with a smile.

"Six to go" he said before shaking Brawly's hand.

The crowd cheered at them for the awesome battle before dispersing.

Wally immediately approached Sonic as did Blaze.

"That was awesome! Torchic single handedly bested both of his pokemon!"

"It was a rather impressive display of strength and growth from your Torchic, well now Combusken. You two must have been training for quite a while for it to handle two fighting types so well, let alone pick up two moves and evolve at the same time".

Ash however had not left and was not going to make it easy for Sonic.

"So. How much convincing did Torchic need before agreeing to evolve?"

"There was no convincing. Torchic evolved naturally".

"Sure it did. Must feel nice to only live to build power".

"I see you have not learnt anything from our talk two days ago" Blaze calmly berated Ash.

"There's nothing to learn from that. For all I know your cousin's pokemon chose to evolve! But can he say the same for his?!" Ash countered pointing at Sonic.

"Would you just knock it off already?" Wally tried to stop Ash "I was training with them. He didn't try to control Combusken at all. If anything it has shown to be a little clingy at times".

Combusken proved him right by hugging Sonic's leg. Sonic smiled though felt a bit uncomfortable as combusken was more humanoid now and it just felt awkward.

"Not to mention it's a girl" Sonic thought, forcing the thought of a female Blaziken crushing on him out of his mind.

"May also has a Torchic and it has yet to evolve. So spare me the Sonic didn't overtrain speech. It's obvious he pushed it to".

"Why are you comparing incomparable things? Is the duo of me and my combusken the same as the duo of May and her Torchic?"

"Don't try to smart your way out of this".

Sonic shook his head.

"So you're still going to prepare for the Hoenn league the same way as the previous two? You won't give it your all in your training?"

"I will give it my all but in the training that is best for my pokemon. And this time we will beat you!"

Sonic shook his head.

"I can't… I can't even argue with you anymore. Your ideals are from another reality".

Blaze then decided to speak up, stopping their argument.

"Do you know what the vocabulary definition of an idiot is?"

"Stupid?" Ash looked at her half-annoyed and half-confused at her question.

"I said the vocabulary term. Allow me to recite it for us all. An idiot is a person who repeats the same thing over and over and anticipates different results".

Sonic and Wally's jaws dropped.

"I'm pretty sure that was the biggest roast in history" Wally whispered to Sonic.

"Are you calling me an idiot?" Ash got into Blaze's face.

"I do not recall calling you this specifically. Draw whatever conclusion you desire from my statement".

"Oh you think you're so smart because your cousin is the champion. Must be easy having such a footing to insult others".

Blaze's eyes narrowed.

"I do not allow others to insult me, certainly not a brat like you".

"You did it first. When you called me inadequate!"

"Very well then. I offer you the opportunity to prove yourself to everyone present. Face me and my pokemon in a contest of strength. A single two against two battle. Single battle rules. How does that sound?"

"You got yourself a deal, lady" Ash agreed in an instant.

"Ash what about the contest?" May asked him.

"Contest?" Sonic looked at them in silent question before dropping it.

"No worries May. I'll make it quick".

"Maybe we should bail?" Wally whispered in Sonic's ear.

"Nah. I want to watch this. I'd like to witness her battle prowess for myself" Sonic said intrigued.

"On three we call out our pokemon" Blaze said taking out a pokeball.

"You bet!"

"One, two, three!"

"Tailow I choose you!"

"Marshtomp, please assist me".

Both Tailow and Marshtomp appeared. Sonic quickly scanned the latter.

"Marshtomp, the Mud Fish Pokémon, a water and ground type. Marshtomp is the evolved form of Mudkip. It is able to move and swim more quickly through mud than through water".

"Water and ground? Well that takes away two of Ash's picks" Sonic commented, having experience from training his Quagsire. Pikachu and Treecko were useless.

What annoyed him the most was that Treecko should have had been the optimal choice. A grass type had a massive advantage over a pokemon like Marshtomp.

Knuckles' Victreebel had once knocked out Sonic's Quagsire when it was still a weepinbel with a single vine whip.

Then he realized Ash was using a flying type.

"Where was this during your rematch with Brawly?"

"I didn't need Tailow to win! Treecko was strong enough!"

Sonic shook his head in frustration but decided to remain calm and watch and see what happened.

"You may make the first move" Blaze allowed Ash.

"Here we come! Tailow! Use wing attack!"

Tailow charged Marshtomp. The mud fish pokemon didn't budge in the least, looking at Tailow in question, as if it was wondering if it was worth it fighting back.

"A Tailow with a flying move. Which, as already stated, you did not utilize against the gym leader. Disappointing" Blaze mocked Ash.

"Show her disappointing Tailow! Peck!"

Tailow pecked Marshtomp. This time the attack annoyed the water and ground type.

"Marshtomp, take down".

Marshtomp pushed Tailow off before using take down.

The difference in sizes made the attack devastating, knocking Tailow out with a single blow.

"Perhaps I spoke too soon. Your tailow being flying and normal type would have barely been cannon fodder even against fighting types".

"Don't you dare mock Tailow! It took many thunderbolts from Pikachu and didn't go down when it joined us!"

Blaze tilted her head in slight confusion.

"Is this supposed to be a defense? Because from where I am standing, you have just confessed that your Pikachu, the same Pikachu that has gone toe to toe with Sonic's Raichu in not one but two leagues, struck at a low power and very young and inexperienced flying type multiple times and didn't knock it out?"

"Yes! Because Tailow is incredibly strong and you have no right to call it weak!"

"Or -the more probable scenario - you are delusional and your Pikachu has grown weak".

Ash's eyes got bloodshot.

"Take back what you said this instant!"

"Or what? You're going to throw a tantrum?"

"Fine then! We will make you eat those words! Ready Pikachu?!"

"Pika pika!"

"I choose you!"

Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder. With Raichu being in its pokeball it felt more relaxed than it would feel if it was observing.

"Ash this matchup isn't in your favor" Brock tried to warn Ash.

"He is correct" Blaze confirmed "this face-off is far too unbalanced to call it a fair contest. I offer you the chance to you to pick another pokemon. I shall not swap".

"I don't need to. Pikachu has got this in the bag!"

"Ash, from a technical standpoint they're both right" Max tried to deter him "the only one of Pikachu's attacks that will hit normally is quick attack and it's its least powerful move".

Ash contemplated actually heeding their advice for a moment before refusing.

"No way! I believe in Pikachu! He is not weak! We will win this".

Blaze merely blinked.

"Very well. The chance was offered, you rejected it. Remember that. Marshtomp. Mud shot!"

Marshtomp quickly picked up some sand and threw it at Raichu, using its water typing to turn it into mud.

"Counter it with iron tail!"

He was trying to replicate Sonic's use of iron tail against projectile attacks like he had done in the Johto league against Ash's Bublasaur.

Pikachu span and attempted to use iron tail to either disperse or repel the mud shot but it failed miserably.

The mud shot covered Pikachu head to paws, dealing great damage and covering its fur with mud, decreasing its speed by a little bit.

"Be honest. How many times have you practiced this move? Or was this the first attempt?" Blaze accurately guessed this was Ash's first attempt.

"Grr. Lucky break! Pikachu quick attack! Run through the water!"

Pikachu used quick attack in a circle. The water cleared the mud off due to it being recent and therefore not solid enough to stick.

Pikachu then slammed into Marshtomp but to Ash's shock the water and ground type stood its ground.

"Water gun" Blaze instructed calmly.

Marshtomp blasted Pikachu with water. Pikachu rolled on the ground. Sonic was both disappointed at this because Pikachu only a month and a half ago had withstood a hydro pump from Suicune and now a water gun could deter it but also guilty because a month in bed was bound to have this effect.

Blaze made the same observation but had a different opinion.

"Not just inadequate as it seems. You're also lazy".

"What did you just say?!"

"You select a bad fight on purpose which makes you inadequate. And from your Tailow and Pikachu's performance, it is obvious the first has barely put any effort into actual training and the latter has yet to return to its former level of power. So the facts have spoken. You are lazy".

Ash was fuming.

"PIKACHU WAS BEDRIDDEN FOR A MONTH! BECAUSE OF HIM!" he screamed pointing at Sonic.

"Womp womp" Blaze mocked him "this is the excuse of a boy. Champions do not require excuses. They continue forward, face the challenges head on and conquer them despite the odds. You are no champion and certainly you are not a pokemon master. You are a bratty child throwing tantrums".

"Pikachu iron tail!"

Pikachu jumped towards Marshtomp. The attack had little effect because of the water typing.

Blaze however was not going to play with Ash as Sonic often did, trying to give Ash a chance to fight back in hopes of his power coming out.

"Marshtomp grab it".

With a quick move, Marshtomp wrapped its arms around Pikachu, immobilizing it entirely.

"No! Pikachu break free with thunder!"

Pikachu invoked a thunder but it achieved nothing.

Blaze smirked.

"Inadequate, lazy and a moron too. Finish this Marshtomp. Mud shot. Make it extra sticky".

Marshtomp threw Pikachu upwards and just as it came back down, delivered a devastating mud shot with no chance of dodging or blocking.

Pikachu was slammed into Ash who was knocked down, also getting covered in mud.

Sonic and Wally were awestruck by Blaze. She was by far one of the most impressive trainers Sonic had seen to date that wasn't a champion.

Blaze recalled Marshtomp after thanking it with a faint smile. She then approached Ash once again dead serious.

Ash looked up towards her with a frustrated look.

"Lucky break. We'll get you next time, just you wait".

Blaze's expression didn't change one bit unnerving the Pallet town boy.

She glanced towards Sonic for a moment before looking at Ash again.

"Luck played no part in this battle. Sonic and his friend Knuckles tried being nice to you in the Johto league. But I am not nice, nor will I pretend to be. You are weak".

"Don't call me weak!" Ash tried to get to her level only to trip in the mud and fall back down.

"I'm not sugarcoating it for you. You are lazy, weak and entitled to your dream. You have no idea what it truly takes to become a real champion".

"Shut up!"

"Make me".

Ash tried to get up again, only to once again trip in the sticky mud.

Blaze shook her head in disappointment.

"You deliberately used a pokemon without any actual experience in battle and pit Pikachu against my Marshtomp knowing the level of disadvantage you were putting yourself in. You once again set yourself in an impossible situation to prove a point. You denied yourself all advantages. And when you inevitably lost, you tried to use the excuse of your Pikachu's injury to justify defeat in a match you had no chance of winning whatsoever".

She got down to his eye level.

"I watched footage of all of your matches in the Kanto and Johto leagues, and even your battle for the orange league. You battle like a child. You were weak in Kanto, you were weak in Johto and you are still weak now. Your victory in the orange league means little to nothing. You never stood a chance against Sonic".

"So you're ok with Sonic cheating to win?" Brock asked Blaze.

Blaze shot him a look before directing the reply to Ash.

"Sonic's illegal move that resulted in your Pikachu's injury is by no means excused or fair, but it had no real effect on the overall battle. You forfeited that battle yourself in your childish, immature need to satisfy your pride. And unless you grow up, ditch that pride and the need to prove meaningless points, forever you shall remain weak".

And just to twist the dagger more, believing Ash needed a real wake up call, Blaze added on final thing.

"Or allow me to be more accurate. Forever you shall remain weaker than Sonic".

Ash's face was distorted as his spirit breaking was felt like an aura. Sonic was shocked to even see tears in his eyes.

"Blaze this was a little too harsh, don't you think?" he tried to reason with her.

She turned to him with the same ferocity as she just talked to Ash, causing the hedgehog to flinch.

"You want to continue sugarcoating his weakness, no issue with me. But it doesn't change the truth. I stand on the facts. And the facts speak for themselves. You had him beat with or without that accidental illegal move. This is irrefutable" she said in the same tone as she had berated Ash, before once again congratulating him on his victory against Brawly and walking off with a "until we meet again".

Sonic tried to talk to Ash only for Brock to silently block his way. Getting the hint Sonic and Wally also left.

Wishing to be alone for a while, Sonic retreated away with his speed, but not before promising Wally to visit that fishing club Mr Briney had suggested before contacting him to take them to Slateport city.

As Sonic stood at the edge of the town he tried to organize his tangled mess of thoughts. He couldn't deny his guilt of what he did to Ash's Pikachu but couldn't shake Blaze's words out of his head either.

Her words were cruel and unforgiving but also held truth. Even if they hadn't broken Pikachu's tailbone, it would have still lost. Because Ash just had to prove Sonic wrong about evolution.

"But why is he so obsessed with the idea? It can't be only because of Lt Surge's Raichu as he claimed in Alto Mare right? Or was it my outburst on him for how he got Sabrina's badge?" he continued to wonder as he gazed into the endless horizon to the east, where Slateport city awaited them.

Chapter 105: Deep talks


Sonic and Wally set out for Slateport city, accompanied by Blaze, exchanging words of wisdom along the way.

Chapter Text

"Alright Torchic ember!"

Torchic fired ember. The attack was ordinarily powerful.

"Oh man. We're not getting anywhere" May sat down and hugged her legs, wondering how they could make such an attack a spectacle if it was so underwhelming.

Ash then approached.

"Hey. We're getting ready to leave".

He quickly noticed his friend was sad and troubled.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" she said getting up and wiping a tear away.

"May you know you can trust me. What's wrong?"

May hesitated but relented.

"Remember that charmander from yesterday at that contest? How it was able to use ember so well, it became a spinning fire ribbon?"

"Yeah. It was rather impressive actually. Though I think the move was actually fire spin".

"She called out ember Ash. It had to be ember".

"Ok ok I don't doubt that. But what has that got to do with your troubled look?"

"I… I was trying to replicate it. You know, following your instructions when were in Rustboro city?"


"It's just not working. The attack is not coming out as I want it".

"Maybe you just need more practice. Or maybe an entirely new approach".

"This is… something I've been considering actually. But… there is something I don't know about that approach".

"Tell me. We'll find out the way together".

"… alright here goes. How did… how do Sonic's pokemon grow so strong?"

Ash was annoyed at the question but due to not understanding the reason it was asked didn't show it.

"What does he got to do with this?"

"I was thinking… maybe if Torchic's ember's power grew… it could make it easier replicating that move from yesterday. But to do that I need to understand…"

"Forget it. We'll find another way".

"What other way though? I can't seem to see any other way…" she sighed "it's just so frustrating. All I want is for my Torchic to be able to use that move in this way".

"Then you keep trying. You will get it eventually".

May was not sold. Blaze's words from yesterday rang in her head.

"What if it doesn't? What if I'm just wasting my time? Just doing the same thing over and over again won't make ember a spectacle. And I don't just want to replicate it, I want to enhance it into a greater spectacle. Maybe if I had Squirtle act as Torchic's sparring partner to increase its ember power…"

"You're going to pit your pokemon against each other?!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"That is Sonic's method of training! And he got his two friends to adopt the same method! Having their pokemon strike at each other as hard as they could! He had them attack their own friends to gain power!"

May was taken aback at his outburst.

"I obviously won't do it Squirtle doesn't feel comfortable with it".

"Good. And don't mention that again. We need to be better than him. Now come on we'll miss the boat" Ash said and headed off to help Brock finish the packing.

May watched Torchic continue practicing ember on its own but no real result came out. She again played wit the thought of having Squirtle and Torchic spar and practice together.

If she was going to be a coordinator she had to learn to make her attacks look pretty and she was already far behind compared to others.

And even though they were training, it was not enough. Their moves were too ordinary to impress anyone.

May knew from the beginning she would need two things to become a real coordinator; One, she would need to work with her pokemon to make their moves look unique. The other would be that the moves would have to be as strong as they needed to be to create an unforgettable spectacle.

Ash had taught her about some moves but insisted she work with what she had and allow Torchic and Squirtle to grow at their own pace.

Only problem was, both had already agreed they wanted to follow her in that dream. They were willing to grow at a required pace to achieve that dream.

"How can we grow as much as required when my own mentor refuses to help us cover the half of the training required to succeed?"

Again Blaze's words echoed in her head. Ash did have a keen mind for improvising strategies but lacked power. Sonic lacked what Ash had but building power and endurance was a key to success for every champion.

Ash had the strategy. Sonic had the power.

Both had half of what May needed.

In that moment May came to that realization. But she paid it no further mind for now. She would have to extremely careful with how she conducted herself when it came to Sonic.

"All I need is a chance to talk to him. Ask him".

She sighed again.

It was very exhausting walking on eggshells because of Ash's anger towards Sonic.

Unknowingly, Brock's warning was coming true. May had already began being affected by Ash's attitude towards the hedgehog.

Those events replayed in her mind as she observed the contest Hall in Slateport city and knowing she was going to compete there soon, wondering just how her pokemon could be as magnificent as that.

She also wondered where Sonic was and if he was going to catch up to them so she could look for a chance to ask him for advice as well.

And the answer was fairly soon as two days later, Sonic was awaiting at the pier with Wally for the S.S. Wingull to pick them up.

Wally, in an attempt to kill the time had taken to fishing, having visited the fishing club Mr Britney suggested and even gotten a free retractable rod. He had tried fishing in the last few days as they tied their last loose ends in Dewford town but had gotten nothing.

"So. We're leaving at last" Sonic commented as he observed the distance with the binoculars "excited to move onward?"

"Yeah. I have barely gone anywhere besides Petalburg town so it's all new. So many new experiences for me and Ralts to have and…"

The float sank.


Sonic looked at Wally quickly pulling up the rod but whatever had caught started putting up a fight.

Wally struggled a lot but his flimsy body was making it hard to pull up the pokemon.

"Help me!"

"I got you!" Sonic rushed to his side grabbing the rod as well and pulling as hard as he could. Whatever Wally had caught had to be huge.

Harnessing his bond with Raichu, Sonic attempted to increase his strength and he succeeded. Way too much.

A Magikarp was ejected out of the water. A huge Magikarp.

"Woah" Wally was amazed.

"Look at that" Sonic managed to say, just as amazed before realizing he was in the landing zone.

And by the time he did realize it, it was too late. The smile was wiped from his face.

"Ah shi…" was all Sonic managed to say before the Magikarp fell on top of him, squashing him down. And to make it worse, it started splashing around, stomping him down more.

"You ok?!" Wally dropped the rod and tried to get to Sonic's side.

"My backpack!" Sonic called out in between flailing "get a pokeball and catch it!"

Wally quickly rushed to Sonic's backpack, took out a pokeball and threw it at Magikarp.

The ball missed the mark, landing in the water instead.

"I missed!"

"Try again then!" Sonic shouted back, as he fought to get out of underneath the huge Magikarp.

Wally took out another pokeball and threw it. He missed again.

"No, no, no" Wally whispered as he started panicking. Sonic was being turned to mush and he couldn't help him.

There was one final pokeball left.

He took it out and hesitated.

A hand gripped his shoulder.

It was Blaze.

"Inhale, exhale, throw" she tersely said.

Wally, calming down to avoid an asthma attack, threw the pokeball, finally hitting the Magikarp.

The pokeball absorbed Magikarp, releasing Sonic from the splashing torture. Quickly hopping back up to get away from the pokeball, he joined Blaze and Wally as they observed the pokeball shake three times before securing the catch.

"Whew" Sonic exhaled relieved "that was one big Magikarp. Great catch" he complimented Wally.

Only then did Wally register he had not just freed Sonic from becoming one with the pier.

He had actually caught his second pokemon.

He picked up the pokeball, processing the feeling. It was a mix of satisfaction and question.

"Big Magikarp tend to grow into big Gyarados when they evolve" Blaze brought up a fact about the species "meaning this is going to be a rather powerful ally in the future. A most excellent catch".

Wally smiled faintly but was still visibly perplexed.

"Hey look it's Mr Briney!" Sonic pointed at the S.S. Wingull approaching from the distance.

"Off to Slateport?" Blaze asked them.

"Yeah. It is time to move on. In hindsight, I should have maybe commuted there once to deliver the parts your uncle asked I deliver".

"It is ok. Uncle thought you would think that and requested Steven tell me to tell you to get there at your own pace as long as the parts get there safely".

"Oh good to know i'm not late then".

As the S.S. wingull approached, Blaze seized her chance.

"If you do not mind, I would like to join you in this voyage to Slateport".

Sonic and Wally were quick to accept her request though Sonic couldn't help but wonder if Blaze had an agenda. She just seemed to appear far too often and interject herself in their affairs quite a lot for it to be a coincidence.

The S.S. Wingull docked and Mr Briney greeted the group awaiting.

"Ahoy there young lads and lady".

"Good morning Mr Briney. We are ready to leave. Blaze here will be joining us if you are ok with it" Sonic greeted in return.

"But of course. All aboard then".

Sonic, Wally and Blaze boarded the wingull shaped vessel.

"Anchors aweigh!" Mr Briney joyfully shouted as they set sail for Slateport city.

After so many days spent in Dewford town, Sonic felt a sense of excitement traveling to someplace new.

Quickly reading through his guide, he saw the third gym was going to be at Mauville city which was quite the distance from Slateport.

Since that was the case, he decided to suggest taking it easy with Wally for the next few days. Not skipping training of course but he felt there was no need to rush the journey right now.

"You know" Sonic thought to himself "after delivering the parts I should contact Mr Stone, let him know it's done. Maybe ask if he has any news for me".

Returning to the present he looked around. Mr Briney and Blaze were talking, Blaze probably explaining how she was Steven's cousin and how she had come to know Sonic.

But to his surprise, Wally wasn't part of the conversation. He seemed to be in deep thought, staring at his two pokeballs.

"You ok?" Sonic asked him with a hint of a smile as he looked at Magikarp's pokeball, remembering just how heavy it was.

"I am".

"Yet you looked troubled by something. What is it?"

Wally seemed to get saddened by the question.

"It's… complicated but… I kinda feel like missing the warmth of my room in Petalburg".

Sonic didn't anticipate this.

"You feel homesick? Why didn't you say so?"

"I don't feel homesick. Getting to experience all I have experienced… I would do it all over again. I felt trapped at Petalburg. But… it's been almost three weeks and… I feel like I have made so little progress as a trainer for Ralts".

"Don't say that" Sonic tried to comfort him "when I met you you were an enthusiastic yet shy asthmatic kid. Now look at you. Your second pokemon already".

"Yeah but… a Magikarp. And Ralts hasn't grown much stronger since I first met it… doubt is creeping up on me. Maybe my parents were right maybe I'm not ready".

"Not ready?" Blaze's voice scared them "who knows that but you?"

"Will you stop doing that?" Sonic protested, tired of Blaze sneaking up on them.

"No" she bluntly replied.

Sonic sighed.

"I think what you feel right now is discomfort for the unknown. In your hometown you were in familiar environment, feeling safe. Out here, on your own, with the responsibility of two pokemon upon you, you begin to doubt yourself. It's natural. But one can never truly know if they are ready to face the world".

Sonic nodded.

"Blaze makes a valid point Wally. I didn't know I was ready to walk the pokemon path until I got my Blastoise as a Squirtle. And I'm sure Steven Stone didn't know whether he was ready before his grand match that made him champion".

"He didn't doubt himself but yes, he did not know whether he was truly ready. He just went for it" Blaze confirmed.

"So cut yourself some slack already. Your Ralts already knows confusion. For a first form psychic type, this is a big milestone".

"But your Alakazam…"

"Don't do that" Blaze cut him out "Do not compare yourself to others. It is a one-way road to unhappiness".

Sonic was taken aback at how fast Blaze had uttered this phrase. Sure he had told something like that to Tails in Johto when the fox began building his power with his pokemon to be of assistance to his friends but the way Blaze spoke indicated something deeper.

That maybe she had gone down that path before.

"She's right. You are you. And I believe you are ready, just a late bloomer. Your pokemon also mirror that. Psychic types are late bloomers by nature. And I'll tell you that I know from personal experience Gyarados is a very powerful species. The potential of your Magikarp will be insane".

Wally smiled.

"You think so?"

"I know so" Sonic patted him on the shoulder "my friend Tails was a late bloomer. When he started catching pokemon to help in our cause against team rocket he had no idea how to handle it and now look at him. Acknowledged by the legendary Raikou. So yeah. I believe there is a bright future as a trainer for you".

Wally's smile turned into a gleam.


"Remember never stop trying" Blaze also encouraged Wally "others give up after a few days of training because of lack of quick success. And that with pokemon that are known to grow quickly. Yours will require a lot more training. But the payoff will be all the more rewarding. Steven's Metagross is a living example of this".

"Metagross is hard to raise?" Sonic asked intrigued.

"Extremely. As a Beldum, its first form, it only knows take down. You can probably tell how much training a Beldum would require to evolve into Metang, the second stage of the evolution line".

"Heh. I guess you could say I can and can't tell. Steven has probably trained with his Metagross more than I and Raichu will in a lifetime".

Blaze doubted that but before she could voice her doubt, Mr Briney called out to them.

"Anyone hungry? I got some snacks".

The three trainers accepted and continued discussing next to Mr Briney at the helm as the ss Wingull was now officially halfway to Slateporr city.

Some time later, Wally asked Sonic to tell them a story of his and his friends' adventures in Johto. Sonic chose to narrate the story of the team's rescue of Molly Hale in Greenfield.

He started with how they had arrived to find the place as a crystal dystopia, later discovering Molly had accidentally unleashed the power of the unown species.

When he got to the part that his and Ash's had joined forces to go in and rescue Molly and Ash's mother Delia, Blaze asked for more details, more specifically what happened when Ash was forced to confront the illusion Entei.

Sonic told her how Ash's pokemon were no match for it and even the arrival of his Charizard had failed to turn the tide. Wally chimed in and asked how they had managed to defeat Entei.

Sonic after a little bit of hesitation revealed how his Moltres had come all the way from Kanto to save him and they had bested Entei together, choosing to omit the part where he had had Moltres wound Entei when it refused to obey and end that illusion even though it could not.

Both Wally and Blaze were moved by the happy ending where Molly got both her parents back and Knuckles was able to save her because he could relate.

Seeing how Sonic's friends both had had their own challenges, tackled them and emerged stronger than before, Wally too was inspired to continue training. He told Sonic as such.

"You had quite the adventure in Johto young lad" Briney commented "you left no stone unturned in the region".

"In and out of the region" Sonic commented himself "we visited the town of Alto Mare a bit before the league".

Blaze was rather intrigued but refrained from bringing it up in the moment.

After the story everyone just naturally returned to their own business with Wally petting Ralts, Blaze and Mr Briney conversing and Sonic just aimlessly looking at the distance.

Having grown so accustomed to Blaze appearing out of nowhere, he wasn't surprised when she joined him in staring.

"Why the long face?"

Sonic looked at her in question.

"What? Just because I belong to the stone family doesn't mean I'm out touch with common folk. Hope this didn't sound offensive".

Sonic shrugged.

Blaze decided to be more direct.

"What did you hide from the kid in that story?"

Sonic again looked at her, this time in silent shock.

"Growing up in a wealthy family in the proper way" she said with a clear indication that she didn't approve of the term proper "you grow to read people. So. What did you not say?"

Sonic sighed.

"After I beat Entei with Moltres… I… tsk… I had my Moltres hurt it with its talons because I thought it could reverse the illusion".

"But it couldn't".

Sonic nodded.

"You couldn't have known that".

"But I tortured it. I had a choice in the moment and I chose violence".

He looked at Wally in sadness.

"Wally keeps saying he is my biggest fan. It's cowardly of me but… after finally being free to experience the world... I don't want to hurt him more".

Blaze didn't speak or change her expression. Sonic was truly impressed at her ability to control her emotions to this extent. A person like that was one whose anger you didn't want to he at the receiving end of.

"I see" she said as she too looked at the horizon "you feel bad for choosing to hurt that fake Entei".


"Ash may be inadequate but you are blind".

"Wha…?" Sonic was flabbergasted but not upset. Just taken aback.

"Allow me be more clear and utilize facts. That Entei was an agent of the unown. It kidnapped Ash's mother against everyone's will and then proceeded to fight you off again and again. Combined with the lack of knowledge and inability to have anticipated Molly was the one in control and the fact that Entei would not stop…"

"Don't say it" Sonic stopped her "don't you dare say it's not really my fault. We had won. I didn't need to hurt it".

"And if you had let it go? Wouldn't it have continued attacking?"

"I don't know".

"Well there's the answer. You don't know. And you needn't find out. You could have been more gentle but you are not entirely in the wrong".

Sonic looked at her in question again.

"Why are you nice to me?"

Blaze looked back in question as well.

"You know what I did to Ash, what I did to team rocket and now know what I did to illusion Entei. Yet you continue to take my side".

"You are mistaken. I never took your side".

"You called Ash inadequate".

"Because it is the truth. The kid is not ready to claim such a dream. Same reason why I stated you're blind. You don't see the big picture of yourself".

"But… how can I? What does the big picture even matter? All my mistakes…"

She snapped her fingers in front of him to break him out of his ranting.

"You can't judge yourself fairly because of your guilt, in other words your bias".

"And you can?"

"Not entirely. I don't know you well enough. But for that reason I am unbiased and can see more clearly what your bias distorts".

Sonic's eyes widened. He remembered Briney's words from when he was arriving in Dewford.

"A truly neutral individual will see the whole you, the real you. And if they end up becoming your friend, you will know to trust their opinion on you".

"Hey" Blaze again snapped her fingers in front of Sonic's face, bringing him back to reality.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"… yes".

"Good. Keep it in mind then. Stay the course and keep being yourself. The entirety of your actions will reveal who you really are, not a specific one or ones" she encouraged him.

"But hasn't my true self already been revealed by my actions?"

"No. Because a single bad choice does not erase a hundred good ones. Just as a good choice doesn't erase a hundred bad ones. The world is complicated like that".

Sonic nodded in understanding after a few seconds of contemplation and thanked her with a sincere smile as she turned to talk to Mr Briney again.

"Could Blaze… be the one I need to befriend as Mr Briney suggested?" he wondered silently.

The S. S. Wingull docked at long last at Slateport.

"Ahoy! We have made land in Slateport!" Briney announced.

Sonic, Blaze and Wally disembarked.

"I appreciate the commute here Mr Briney. You have my sincerest thanks" Blaze thanked him with a slight bow.

"Thank you sir".

"I thank you for the great company during the ride lads and lady. Safe travels".

The three trainers left the port and entered the busy town.

"Want to join us in delivering the parts to captain Stern?" Wally asked Blaze.

"I appreciate the invitation but I need to respectfully decline. I'm here on Devon business".

"Oh pity. It was nice these last few days hanging out" Wally genuinely said.

"Maybe we could have skipped the unexpected appearance part but I agree with Wally" Sonic jokingly added.

Blaze smiled faintly for a moment.

"Take care both of you".

She then motioned to leave. Sonic and Wally also were ready to leave before Sonic remembered something.

"Stay here" he said and rushed after Blaze.

"Hey" Sonic called out to her.

"What is it?" she asked perplexed.

"There was something bugging me on the ship. When I mentioned Alto Mare. You seemed… a bit too interested but didn't bring it up".

Blaze's eyes widened for a moment.

"I too can read others somewhat" Sonic explained.

Blaze composed herself.

"The present time is not the best time for this talk. However… I would like to ask you about it one day".

"May I ask why?" Sonic asked her.

Blaze hesitated.

"You may but I cannot reply to it".

"No worries then. I understand. As you said you don't know me well yet. It's natural not to trust me".

Blaze contemplated for a moment.

"You are right. I don't know you. I request that I do get to know you better then".

Sonic was confused by the reply.

"Let us exchange numbers" Blaze clarified.

"Oh. I see. Sure why not?" he smiled.

Blaze remained stoic but her aura radiated positivity for this.

The two quickly exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. Blaze then left to attend to her business as Sonic went back to Wally.

The two then started chatting about what to do after delivering the parts, unaware they were being stalked by a black and white pokemon.

An Absol.

Chapter 106: Deep talks on the other side


Shadow finally resurfaces to receive orders for his next mission, meeting someone who is bound to change his life along the way.

Chapter Text

"And so I believe it is in our company's best interest to take on this project. What is your opinion sir?"

No response.


Still nothing.

"President Maxie?"

Maxie's eyes looked up.

"Yes. It does show great promise. Leave me be for a few minutes so that I may consider it in peace".

The presenter nodded and walked outside closing the door behind him.

Maxie got up and walked to the window of his office, watching over Mauville city.

Truth was, he didn't care about that project right now. The only project that mattered was at the heart of mt Chimney, waiting for two thousand years to be awakened.

And yet somehow, problems had began spawning left and right.

"Explain yourself" he spoke calmly yet imperatively.

Shadow the hedgehog, having entered from a secret passage leading straight into Maxie's office, wasted no time.

"I was thwarted again. By that… that…"

"That loser blue hedgehog?"


"Excuses. You are the enforcer. You don't fail. Failure is not tolerated. The mission of team Magma demands no failure".

"It's not as simple as it sounds sir. He… I don't know how but… he has powers sir".

Maxie's eyes narrowed.


"He caught up to me with unparalleled speed. And I mean it sir. No normal individual can run so fast".

Maxie gave himself a few seconds to take the new information in.

"Living in a world where the potential of Pokemon is endless… I cannot outright deny the possibility of your claims. However, this also means that the plan now has to branch out. The parts are out of reach now, no thanks to you" he said with a hint of mocking "so we will need a new way to acquire them from elsewhere. I cannot risk the company being associated with the mission".

"What are your orders sir?" Shadow asked, slightly bowing his head.

"You are to catch the hero of Kanto. My people at Stern shipyards have reported he has not showed up yet with the parts. When he does, you subdue him and bring him to me. If he really has unique abilities, they could be of use to the cause".

"Shall I capture him before he delivers the parts?"

"… no. Mr Stone is a smart man. He will put two and two together quickly. If the hedgehog is captured before he can deliver the parts then Mr Stone could send the authorities our way. We shall not create a lead for the authorities before the completion of grand plan".

"What am I to do about his powers sir? With such speed and strength… maybe if I had some reinforcements with me to subdue his Raichu and then him…"

"No. No reinforcements. This is a task meant to be carried by you specifically. You will be joined by others if need be, but you will handle the hedgehog alone. I do not forgive failure. You will need to make right of your failure to retrieve the parts".

"With all due respect, that is not fair sir. His powers are not something I could ever have foreseen".

Maxie turned and looked at Shadow with his cold, calculating look.

"Then you should have no problem. Life hasn't been fair to you, am I wrong? Wasn't it I who pulled you out of your old life? Who gave you a purpose? You have a debt, enforcer. A debt that will only be repaid after the grand plan is successfully executed. You have your orders. So follow them".

Shadow stared back at Maxie for a few moments, wanting to object more but bowed his head in the end.

"It shall be done sir. But before I set out… I would appreciate it if you at least finally let me in on this grand plan. What is our endgame? What is at Mt Chimney?"

Maxie considered his response before turning to face the black hedgehog.

"Bring the hero of Kanto to me… and I will show you".

"Understood" Shadow bowed his head again momentarily and left through the secret passageway.

The journey to Slateport would take a while. And since he had to get there incognito so that he could capture Sonic as the enforcer, he would have to take the bus.

Buying a ticket and sitting in a corner alone so as to not attract any attention, Shadow allowed himself to process the upcoming encounter with Sonic.

The softie he was using for fun in Green Hills was not a softie anymore. If anything he was actually dangerous.

"How is he enhanced? That speed… and that jump. Salamence's wing is still not fully healed. How in all heck did he become this?"

He rubbed his left cheek. One of his teeth had cracked from that punch and he had spent 2 weeks in hiding while visiting a dentist to have it removed and replaced by a fake one.

Now inside Shadow's mind fear of Sonic's new powers and rage for him were clashing like a seviper would clash with a zangooze.

"My mission is to catch him now. Maxie never said anything about delivering that loser perfectly healthy…"

He opened and closed his fist over and over, wanting to punch something.

"I guess it will be eye for an eye when I get him. Or maybe a tooth for a…"

His train of thought was derailed when a stack of boxes fell on his head.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going you…"

He froze.

A blonde angel was standing in front of him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" the girl apologized as she put the rest of her boxes down next to Shadow and went to pick up the rest.

Before he could even think Shadow had already grabbed the first box and handed it back to her, not realizing how much he was blushing.

More than that, he felt like he had no control of his body.

"No worries,let me help you" he heard himself say.

Again he didn't think. His mind was working on autopilot. His thought processors had short circuited.

"Thank you very much" she smiled as she stacked the boxes back up, her smile so radiant and addictive, Shadow felt like he was being deprived of air.

"You're welcome. I'm Shadow the hedgehog" again Shadow spoke before he could hold himself. It was truly like he had gone into autopilot.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Maria. Maria Robotnik".

As Shadow gathered the rest of the boxes for her, he couldn't stop looking at her.

"Is this a dream?" he thought.

After a few moments he realized he has not been saying anything, possibly making the situation awkward.

"Say something you idiot. Anything, just don't sound stupid!" he heard a voice scream in his head.

"Are you an angel?" Shadow couldn't stop himself.

"What?" she asked him, pleasantly taken aback.

"I said NOT stupid!" the voice echoed in his head.

"No… I… I just… I didn't…" Shadow stuttered, wishing for the earth to crack open and swallow him.

Maria giggled.

"This is so cute. Your stuttering".

Shadow tried to say anything consciously but no word came out. It was like he was hypnotized.

The situation persisted for a couple of seconds until Maria noticed the ticket in Shadow's hand.

"Oh you're going to Slateport too?"


"What a coincidence. So am I. Want to sit with me? The drive there can be very monotonous when you have no company".

This time Shadow blanked out entirely. It was thankful his mouth wasn't hanging open otherwise saliva would probably escape.

Maria took it the wrong way.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I apologize sincerely".

"N-no you didn't… I just… it took me by surprise that's all" he scratched the side of his head, averting his gaze, wondering if he was soon to be known as Shadow the red hedgehog.

Maria giggled half-relieved.

"Oh it's ok then. The offer still stands though" she informed him with a smile gleaming like the sun.

Shadow managed to smile despite feeling the need to shut down before her smile.

"I'll take it".

The two boarded the bus after loading the boxes on the bus' side door.

"Thank you" Maria thanked Shadow again after they took their seats "carrying all those boxes was rough".

"Don't mention it. But if I may, where are you taking this many boxes?"

"I'm visiting my grandfather Gerald Robotnik in Slateport for the whole week. He works at Stern shipyards, even at his age, as a blueprint designer. He assisted captain Stern with several blueprints for sections of his Moby Dick submarine".

"Impressive" Shadow commented though the moment the word Stern shipyards was spoken was immediately reminded of his mission for a moment.

"I know" Maria answered with pride "but for that reason he is very busy and doesn't visit often. But I don't mind. When we do meet his mind is in the present and that's enough for me".

"I see" Shadow replied without relating.

As the bus left Mauville city, wild pokemon could be seen next to the road.

"Aren't Pokemon the cutest?" Maria commented as she noticed a pair of zigzagoons playing on the grass.

"Yeah, maybe" Shadow replied, having never thought about Pokemon that way. His position made him view them as tools. Even Salamence.

"Do you have any Pokemon of your own?" Maria asked him.

"… No. No I don't".

After a moment he added "do you?"

"Yes. I have a marill I adopted when I was a little girl as an azurill. She's been my best friend ever since I can remember".

"That's nice".

"So what about you? Why are you going to Slateport?"

Shadow's mind went into overdrive. He couldn't tell the truth but couldn't bring himself to lie either.

"I'm an intern at Socexp. I have to tail the project manager at Slateport as part of my internship".

Maria was visibly disturbed by this.

"Did I say something wrong?" Shadow asked her, almost panicking.

"Of course not" she rushed to calm him by placing her hand on his, sending every single one of his senses into overdrive "it's just… I'm not exactly a fan of Socexp".

"Really? How so?"

"They are known to not take Pokemon into consideration in their projects aren't they? Like a few months ago, when chairman Maxie had that factory built by the river at route 119, very close to the weather Institute".

"It is for production of paper and other writing resources. To help people".

"The river has been polluted" Maria countered "Pokemon are suffering there. Why should our gain be at their expense?"

Shadow didn't know what to reply.

"But I understand the employees are not the ones to blame. They didn't make the decision right? And by extension neither did you" Maria reassured him that his 'job' didn't make him bad.

If only she knew Shadow was literally stationed at the factory for a month to repel team Aqua scums who had tried to raid it multiple times.

"I guess" he ended up saying.

A part of him was tempting him to ask her what she thought of team Magma and team Aqua but that would be risking jeopardizing his identity no matter how small the risk.

"And you?"

"Helping my parents run their shop. Pokemon food farmers. The shop is more known as the daycare center in route 117. They expanded the business when times got hard taking a risk in the process by I digress. I usually stand at the cash register. I grew up with Pokemon all my life so I have a really soft spot for them, hence why I am so against Socexp".

"I see" Shadow nodded "do you have any other relatives in the region apart from your parents and grandfather?"

"No. I have a second cousin named Ivo who went down the science path like our grandfather but I'm not on really good terms with him, he tends to be a jerk to Pokemon".

Every time Maria mentioned her love for Pokemon and her frustration with those who mistreated them, Shadow felt a knife stab him somewhere new. What were his odds with her when he was who he was?

"You know what I notice know that I get a better look at you?" Maria asked as she observed him in deep thought.


"Wait, wait, backtrack a bit. What did you say your last name was?"

"The hedgehog".

"Oh! Do you happen to be related to Sonic the hedgehog?"


"You know, Sonic the hedgehog. The hero of Kanto".

Shadow's spot where his broken tooth was once didn't ache anymore but in the moment he felt like it did.

Him, related to that loser?

"No. No I'm not".

"Oh pity. I'd love to meet him someday. All his heroics on saving Pokemon… the world is just brighter with individuals like him out there".

Shadow didn't reply. He didn't want to show his anger.

"Yes" he lied in the end "he is an inspiration".

"I know. Oh hey look. We're almost there".

The city of Slateport appeared in the distance at last. The bus drove for another ten minutes before finally reaching the bus station.

Shadow and Maria got off the bus and once again Shadow helped her load the boxes off.

Once they were done, Maria thanked Shadow insisting he needn't help her as she would call a cab to get them to her grandfather's house.

Shadow wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet.

"Maria wait".


"I… I want to… to ask you something" he said scratching his head awkwardly.

"What is it?"

"I… um… I was wondering… if you would be interested in meeting again… sometime…"

Maria was taken aback but smiled.

"Of course. I never reject great company. You know if you're ever in the neighborhood, you should come by the shop. I would love to show you all the Pokemon living on the premises as well as the ones we take care of. Who knows maybe it could help you with your projects in your future at Socexp, make them more Pokemon friendly".

"I… I will… I'll come by when I get the chance" Shadow the red hedgehog replied.

"Sweet. Oh the cab is here. I got to go. Bye bye Shadow" she waved him goodbye as the cab driver helped load the boxes on.

Shadow also left, the thought of his mission almost insignificant in front of the girl he had just met. He had never felt that way with Amy.

Sure it was fun but and after a while he did invest in Amy but his heart had never beat this way for her.

Requiring a little while to gather his composure he called out another of his pokemon.

"Find him" he ordered Absol showing him a picture of Sonic.

Absol cried out and jumped on a rooftop, racing across town.

Shadow then headed for the pier next to the boathouse. In the distance the outline of Pacifidlog town could be seen in the distance.

Shadow didn't expect Absol to find Sonic. The hedgehog had been off the grid following their clash in that cave. But if Maxie's assumption was correct – and that man rarely made mistakes – he would have to come to Slateport sooner or later. All Shadow would have to do was wait.

Or maybe not.

A cry was heard from his phone.

His phone was unique as it had been tinkered by team Magma for his missions as the enforcer. One feature was being connected to his Absol by a small tracker on its neck. Every time the tracker detected a cry from Absol, Shadow was informed with a similar cry notification.

"Already?" Shadow thought in surprise as he raced to the location.

Finding Absol on a roof as he was assisted in climbing it thanks to Salamence, he saw him in the distance.

Sonic and that green haired kid from Petalburg woods.

"Excellent Absol. Now all we need is the opportune moment. He is mine".

Chapter 107: An uneasy alliance


Sonic and Wally seek to deliver the parts to captain Stern, their quest leading them to the oceanic museum where all sorts of shenanigans await them.

Chapter Text

"Mmhmm. This amazing" Wally said as he hungrily took another bite from his chili dog.

"Well call me impressed. First time I had one my tongue was burned" Sonic joked.

"It is very spicy but that's exactly why I love it. I've never had something real spicy to eat, courtesy of my parents".

"Wait, they kept you from eating spicy stuff?"

"Yes, because once during a family gathering I choked on a spicy piece of meat and my mom assumed it triggered my asthma".

"Ok this is getting very unreasonable. Hasn't your mother ever taken you to a doctor? Or even just ask one about asthma?"

"No. Want to know why? Cause mother knows best".

"Dude" Sonic was shocked.

"Yeah. They are total helicopter parents, my dad a bit less but just won't stand up to her because he also worries".

"So basically they are just accepting of the status quo".

"As is my cousin Wanda. Only my uncle tries to take my side but can't really go against the entire family".

"I see".

"How did your parents take it? You know when they discovered you had gone to war against team rocket in Kanto?"

"They were shocked. And angry. Especially since they learned of it after the fact. I had a lengthy chat with them during our vacation on the orange islands and they accepted I could handle myself. If I could tame Moltres, they were sure I would be ok".

"I'm so jealous. You did so many dangerous things and they trusted you to be ok. My mom literally still struggles not to call me every single second when it's my turn to go buy groceries".

"Ok this is very unhealthy with all due respect" Sonic couldn't help himself.

Wally nodded but before he could continue a big sign caught his attention. The sign read 'Stern Shipyards'.

"We're here!" he exclaimed.

Looking inside they were amazed beyond belief. The massive hull of a ship was being constructed in one of the yards, which was buzzing with activity. On a nearby yard, some workers had dried the water underneath a boat brought in for maintenance and were performing said maintenance. All around the air, metallic clanging sounds and sounds of heavy machinery were surrounding them.

Many Pokemon species were also helping around the shipyards. A lot of them belonged to the machop line which was known for its incredible strength but several grass types like ivysaurs were also utilized for their vine whip to help lift objects into place. Water type Pokemon were also doing their part in cleaning the hull of the boat.

"So cool" Wally whispered.

"Totally. I never wondered how much work it takes to build or maintain a ship. So neat".

"Hey what are you kids doing here? This area is prohibited to non-stuff" a worker approached them.

"Oh apologies. I was sent by Mr Stone with some parts for captain Stern".

"There you're out of luck. Captain Stern isn't here".

Sonic frowned. Of course it wouldn't be this easy.

"Any idea where we could find him?"

"You could try at the oceanic museum. He frequents there a lot".

"Ok where is it exactly?"

"Near the shore to the east. Can't miss it. Oh and when you meet him, tell him Dock sent for you before anything else. Sometimes he doesn't want to be bothered".

"I'll keep that in mind thanks" Sonic said as they left.

"Well I guess a detour is in order" he commented.

"Let's make the most of it then. If I am to train Magikarp I should know about the sea. Anything could prove useful for it" Wally eagerly said.

Sonic approved of the line of thought.

As Dock said, the museum was impossibly to miss. It was the most breathtaking building in town, its blue glass exterior reflecting the sunlight from the sun like a glowing blue lightbulb. The background of the sea behind it was also quite relaxing.

Outside the museum, Sonic and Wally came across a huge sign that read

«The endless sea sustains all life.»


Founded by Captain Stern.

"Woah, captain Stern built the museum?" Sonic wondered aloud.

"That means there's bound to be so much to see in there! His career is legendary here in Hoenn! Let's go!" Wally excitedly rushed to the entrance.

Sonic followed, Wally's excitement infecting him once again.

After paying the entry fee the pair walked in and were met with an unexpected view that left them both baffled.

In the main hall of the museum where most of the basic exhibits were, a huge crowd of people wearing the same outfit, consisting of blue and white striped shirts and shocks, grey trousers for the men and a mix between grey and brown for the women and lastly, a black bandana on the head with a weird symbol. The symbol resembled the skull on pirate flags in a way but instead of a skull it was only a circle with a small horn on the top.

"What in the… what is this? Some pirate club visiting the museum?" Sonic inquired.

"Beats me" Wally was just as flabbergasted "let's stick together though".

The two started traversing the museum, admiring the exhibits and looking for captain Stern.

Wally immediately pressed a button on one of those exhibits that described an exhibit.

"Oceanic mini fact #1; Why is seawater blue?"

Another voice then continued as if this was a conversation.

"Light composes of many colors. When light passes through water, most kinds of light lose color. However blue light retains its color, making the sea appear blue".

"Woah that is so neat. Did you know about that?" Wally asked Sonic.

"Honestly no. I always thought that the sea just reflected the sky. That is really a neat fact" Sonic admitted.

The pair continued listening to those facts from the speakers as well as looking through the exhibits.

All the while the pirates gave them weird glances, causing Sonic to stay vigilant. Those guys just looked a little too suspicious.

Eventually they explored the entire first floor and headed to the staircase to go to the 2nd floor, hoping to also find captain Stern there.

Just as Sonic took the 1st step…

"Is this some kind of joke?"

Sonic stopped. It really did feel like some joke. He sighed closing his eyes.

"If you can't avoid it, enjoy it Ash" he spoke as he turned to face the Pallet town trainer.

Pikachu, with Raichu being in its pokeball, remained on Ash's shoulder giving Sonic an angry look.

"So this is how this journey is going to go? I will have to run into your jerk face everywhere?"

"Hey you're not that pleasant to be around either" the hedgehog crossed his arms.

He then noticed Ash was alone.

"Where are the others?"

"Looking around. Where is your arrogant friend?"

"We split. For now".

"Pity. I wanted another go at her".

"After last time's fiasco?" Wally interjected.

"She got a lucky break. Next time she won't be that lucky. And neither will you".

Sonic didn't bother answering. Pride was Ash's issue to solve.

"Did you happen to run into someone named captain Stern here? We're looking for him".

"What for?"

"Running an errand for someone" Sonic answered in a general manner.

"No. I haven't".

"I see. Alright then. We will keep looking for him. Enjoy the museum" Sonic said and tried to turn and walk up the stairs.

"Hey. Don't you have anything to say about my challenge?"

"Nope" Sonic didn't even look back.

Ash didn't expect such a reply. He was sure his challenge would trigger Sonic even a little bit.

"Aren't you going to try and prove me wrong?"

"The only thing I have to prove to you is that I can be worthy of your forgiveness, not such a pointless and trivial fact as something stemming from pride" Sonic this time looked over his shoulder before continuing up the stairs with Wally.

"Hmph. Coward".

Sonic turned again but found Wally already facing Ash, having apparently jumped down 5 stairs.

"Take that back! You have no right to talk to him that way! You're not even half the trainer he is!"

"What was that kid?!" Ash got into Wally's face.

"Wally no" Sonic pulled him back "this isn't worth fighting about".

"You're going to let him speak to you that way?" Wally was shocked by Sonic's passive stance.

"Things are not as simple as you think. Just let it go for now. We're here for a reason".

Ash however wasn't ready to give up. He chased them up the stairs.

"Hey we're not done!"

"Yes we are. Go back to your friends".

Ash caught up to them and blocked Sonic's way.

"I said we're not done".

Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Let me finish my task here and we'll take it outside. You good with that?"

"Make it quick".

The three trainers reached the top of the stairs. Again, more pirate looking people were looking around at the exhibits. Amongst them a man stood out.

"That's our guy" the edge of Sonic's lip moved upwards as he left to approach him.

Wally was left alone with Ash.

"So you're Sonic's biggest fan aren't you?"

"Of course I am. And I don't like the way you're treating him".

"So you're ok with the way he won the Johto league? By breaking Pikachu's tail?"

Pikachu, as Ash spoke those words, stared at Raichu's pokeball on Sonic's belt. It felt its rival's electricity emit from the pokeball.

The painful memories of the Johto league returned as it recalled how it felt when its tail was broken into two. Remembering as it cried out to Ho-oh, anyone to cut it off, burn it, anything that would free it from the searing pain.

Unbeknownst to Sonic, his wish had come true. Pikachu had been wishing it was dead in that moment.

"He made a mistake. But you didn't know when to quit. As you didn't against Blaze".

"Oh yeah? Well what if I told you that your idol is a fraud? That he did what he did on purpose?"

"You really expect me to believe that?"

"He confessed to me. He said he wished that his Raichu make Pikachu suffer and Raichu heard his thought because of their bond".

Wally was shocked to hear this, despite how impossible it sounded.

But then again… Sonic had explained to him, Steven and Blaze that he and Raichu were connected.

"You didn't… did you?" Wally silently wondered while keeping a steady face in front of Ash.

At the same time Sonic approached captain Stern.

"Captain Stern?"

Stern turned and his face gleamed.

"At long last. It is an honor to meet you" he eagerly shook Sonic's hand.

"Pleasure's all mine sir. I'm sorry I took so long to arrive".

"Better late than never. Literally. A thousand times preferable to the parts falling in the hands of the enforcer and team magma".

"They never bothered us. So, do you want me to hand you the parts right here, or should I drop them off at your shipyards?"

"I'll join you there. I need to verify their delivery with Mr Stone to finalize the transaction" Stern quickly decided.

"Ok that's good then" Sonic nodded.

The two then headed towards Ash and Wally, who had since been joined by the rest of Ash's group. Wally was driven into a corner by Ash who demanded an answer.

"Well? What have you go to say?!"

"Hey! Lay off him!" Sonic came to Wally's defense.

Before Ash could fire back, Max stopped them by getting captain Stern's attention, asking him about a rock exhibit they had seen earlier. The exhibit was on the ground floor.

Sonic and Ash both went silent, not wanting to disturb Max's eagerness to learn. May in the meantime racked her brain, trying to find a way to get Sonic alone for a few moments to ask for the advice she sought.

Midway through Stern's explanation of the rock, things started going south.

Angry voices from the ground floor had them all looking down from the railing.

Around three dozen people dressed in red outfits with hoods had entered and were quarreling with the pirate club. Sonic was confused until he noticed a particular trait that had him widening his eyes.

The hoods all had horns.

"Team Magma!" the final confirmation came from Ash himself.

Upon the confirmation, the quarreling turned into an all-out brawl. Almost everyone on the ground floor called out a poochyena although several others called out species Sonic didn't recognize. One attack order later and the ground floor turned into a battlefield.

"We got to do something!" Wally grabbed Sonic's shoulder.

Sonic went to reply but was stopped by the sound of a glass window breaking.

And a familiar voice.

"Seviper fetch!"

Sonic was suddenly pulled back by something wrapping around him.

"Sonic!" Wally reached for him.

Sonic found himself constricted by a scaly body, facing a snake-like Pokemon with massive red saber teeth bearing down on him as well as a chilling hiss.

"Why am I not surprised you have tamed a snake? After all you always were one. Shadow" he said as he looked sideways.

Shadow, in his enforcer disguise, grinned maliciously.

"My employer would like a word with you, hedgehog".

"Hey creep let him go!" Wally shouted calling out Ralts.

Ralts of course found itself against Shadow's salamence which kept everyone at bay.

Everyone that is, except Ash.

"You think I'm scared of you?! Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Pikaaaa… chuuuu!"

Salamence was zapped by thunderbolt, crying out in anger.

"Trash should know their place! Salamence! Dragon claw!"

Salamence struck with terrifying speed, sending Pikachu crashing into the ground.

"Now crunch down on it!"

Salamence's fangs came down on Pikachu, causing it to cry out in pain as it struggled to break free.

"Ralts confusion!"

The confusion barely tickled salamence which slammed its tail into Ralts sending it into Wally's embrace.

"Leave them alone!" Sonic called to Shadow in anger "it's me you want!"

"Not just you" Shadow replied just as maliciously as before, as he sent out another pokemon. His absol.

"Fetch the parts!"

Absol charged captain Stern. Ash pushed him out of the way just in time. He then hopped back up and sent out another pokemon.

"Treecko! Pound!"

Treecko came out of its pokeball and tried to pound Absol with its signature tail sweep pound, only to be slashed away.

May and Brock immediately went on the offensive as well with Brock sending out his Onix and May her Torchic.

But just like with treecko, Absol's slash knocked out Torchic with immense ease before hurting Onix greatly.

Sonic was done with that. Blue lightning bolts crackled on his body.

"I said… let… them… GO!" he yelled before spindashing in place, pulling Seviper with him into it, damaging it greatly and causing it to release him as it was launched into a wall, knocked out.

Before Shadow could react Sonic had retreated back to his allies and called out Raichu and Combusken.

"Raichu thunder punch! Combusken double kick!"

Raichu punched Salamence, causing it to release Pikachu. Combusken clashed with Absol but got the short end of the stick. Regardless it sprang back up read to continue.

Shadow however wasn't going to play fair. Maxie could go screw himself if he expected him to not use all the tricks in the book.

"Backup now!"

In an instant 3 magma grunts emerged from the staircase, saying a quick yes sir before sending out a poochyena, a numel and a mightyena.

"Damn. We're surrounded" Sonic uttered.

Ash, always ready to refuse to surrender, called out Corphish.

"Don't tell me you're scared of them" Ash looked over his shoulder.

"We'll handle them. Protect the captain!" Brock said as he attempted to have Onix attack.

Before any of them could move, a muddy wave of water blasted all 3 grunts as well as their pokemon from behind.

As the three grunts groaned trying to get up, they all cowered in fear as a tanned man with a pointy beard dressed in blue and brandishing a blue bandana with that weird pirate symbol walked in. Followed by what seemed to be the evolution of Marshtomp.

"Bwahaha. Bold move, enforcer".

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the nature avenger" Shadow mocked him.

"Who are you?" Sonic asked him, sizing him up with reservations.

"The name's Archie and I am the leader of team Aqua. And you" he pointed towards Shadow "we have unfinished business".

"As much as I'd love to squash you Aqua scums, I'm on a deadline. Salamence! Get me the hedgehog!"

Salamence attempted to crunch Sonic to get him to Shadow only to be blocked by Swampert as it used ice punch to scare it away.

"We have no time to waste. You all" Archie immediately turned to Wally and Ash and his crew "go downstairs and help get the fight under control. Protect the museum visitors".

"You go down! I want a go at this jerk over there" Ash objected.

"Go down and help them Ash" Sonic insisted as he looked towards Shadow with determination "this battle is personal".

"Ash let's go" May dragged him by the arm, causing him to relent.

"Take care" Wally told Sonic as he followed them, leaving Sonic, Archie and Shadow alone.

"So. Shall we Enforcer?"

"Mind your business aqua trash! Sceptile!" he called out another pokemon. The familiar look allowed Sonic to deduce this was the final evolution of treecko.

"Raichu get ready!"


"Don't be foolish" Archie warned Sonic "we need to take him together".

"Mind your business pal. I have unfinished business with him as well".

Archie sized Sonic up before having to have Swampert avoid a leaf blade from Sceptile that was bound to strike down Swampert.

"Raichu thunder punch that Salamence!"

The punch found its mark on Salamence's neck causing it to roar before going for dragon claw.

"Iron tail!"

The iron tail countered the dragon claw.

"Crunch now!"

Salamence crunched down on Raichu's tail, sending shivers of pain through Sonic's body as well before being thrown against the wall.

Shadow noticed that connection again. The next bit was easy to deduce.

Knocking Raichu out would knock Sonic out and it would be smooth sailing from there.

"Salamence! Flamethrower! Sceptile leaf blade! Absol! Slash! Strike down that Raichu!"

The two physical attacking pokemon charged Raichu. Combusken tried to intervene but was knocked out by Sceptile, leaving Raichu to get slashed by Absol.

The pain exploded inside Sonic's body as Salamence fired flamethrower as soon as Absol got out of the way.

"No!" he thought as he doubted he could take more.

Raichu closed its eyes but the flamethrower never struck.

Raichu opened its eyes and witnessed Swampert shielding it from the flamethrower which took a toll on it.

Sonic was taken aback at this before Archie called out to him.

"Don't just stand there! End this!"

Sonic nodded.

"Brick break!"

Raichu's paw came down on Absol which was knocked out in an instant.

"Now iron tail sceptile!"

"Leaf blade!"

The two moves collided, shaking the floor and were even felt by Ash and Pikachu who were helping evacuate the museum visitors while the battle between team aqua and team magma continued escalating.

"Salamence get me the hedgehog NOW!"

Salamence attempted to bite Sonic who spindashed to scare it away before launching and slamming into it, knocking it back.

"Raichu iron tail Sceptile's neck!"

Raichu obeyed and knocked the wind out of Sceptile knocking it out. It was just Salamence now.

"Together!" Archie grinned.

Sonic nodded.

"Thunder punch!"

"Ice punch!"

Swampert and Raichu both slammed their attacks into the overwhelmed Salamence which toppled.

"No!" Shadow yelled before instinctively dodging Sonic's attempt to pin him down again like he did at the cave.

Shadow quickly recalled his fainted pokemon with only one choice left.

"MAGMAS RETREAT!" he yelled before escaping out of the same broken window he had entered from.

The result was instantaneous. All the team Magma grunts retreated and fled the museum, leaving the team aqua grunts, Ash, his crew, Wally and captain Stern who had been hiding for his own safety through the brawl in question as to why.

As the murmurs of the people on the ground floor starred flooding the museum again, Archie turned to Sonic.

"Bwahaha. You impress me scumpo. That was some good battling right there".

"Who are you?" Sonic asked him, still suspicious.

"As I said, I'm Archie. Leader of team Aqua. We are Pokemon lovers who vehemently oppose team Magma".

"You oppose team Magma?" Sonic tilted his head still very suspicious. Archie just didn't emit trustworthiness.

"Of course. And from the looks of things, I'd say that so do you".

Sonic didn't reply right away.

"What is it exactly that you are? Team Aqua that is".

"We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting Hoenn's environment and Pokemon from any and all threats like team Magma and the enforcer who have no regard for them".

Sonic's eyes narrowed. He was still not sold.

"Bwahaha. I like you scumpo" Archie laughed at Sonic's cautious approach "you don't trust easy do you? That's another thing we have in common".


"We both love Pokemon and want to protect them don't we? Sonic the hedgehog?"

Sonic was no longer surprised at being identified.

"So you know about me".

"Everyone does. Your feats against those monsters once known as team rocket have made you an idol for every member of team Aqua".

Sonic allowed Archie's words to sink in. Especially the part where Archie referred to team Rocket as monsters, for the first time in a while Sonic's stance against them being validated.

"But now I have a question for you scumpo" Archie suddenly went serious "you referred to the enforcer by name. Do you know him?"

"… I do. That's why I told Ash earlier our battle was personal. I only wish I had not let him escape again".

Archie sized him up again before laughing again.

"Bwahaha. That's a good mix right there. The desire to protect Pokemon and having a bone to pick with team Aqua's greatest enemy. You could prove an extraordinary ally".

Sonic contemplated it for a moment.

"Not interested. I have my own troubles these days".

"Bwahaha. Everyone does kid. But I respect that. Just a bit of advice; if you run into the enforcer again, make sure you are ready. Your Pokemon clearly need more growth. See you around scumpo" Archie said and left, the rest of team Aqua following him out.

Sonic remained there, processing all that had happened in the span of the last 10 minutes with as much of a clear mind as he could muster.

So there were two teams. Magma and Aqua.

One supposedly working on behalf of humanity, the other defending pokemon.

One apparently led by Shadow, the other by this Archie.

"They could be useful in tracking down Shadow" Sonic considered Archie's offer for a moment before shaking his head.

"No. I'm here for a reason. I can't stray from the path now. I will take his advice however. Shadow's pokemon are extremely strong. Raichu can't handle them all at once. We will need to train…"

"Sonic!" Wally's voice interrupted his line of thought.

Sonic looked down on the ground floor. The museum was in shambles. The battle had destroyed almost everything. Miraculously none of the exhibits were damaged, save for one stone, the biggest part of which was missing.

Quickly, Sonic recalled his Pokemon and jumped to the ground floor.

"Everyone ok?"

"Yeah. Creeps all ran away the moment that masked guy ordered the retreat" Ash explained.

"Team Aqua followed shortly after, as soon as their leader left" Wally concluded.

Sonic nodded as he looked around at the destruction.

"I'm so sorry captain".

"No worries. I was meaning to do a renovation soon anyway. You sped up the process if anything".

"Did you get that guy?" Ash asked Sonic.

"No. He escaped again".

"Again? You've left him escape before?"

"Not on purpose".

"Hmph. Ok. If there isn't anything else, we'll be going then" Ash declared and after a few seconds where no one objected, he left, followed by his friends.

Sonic and Wally also bid farewell to captain Stern and left the building, heading to the coast to clear their minds off that whole ordeal, not before handing the parts to him and washing their hands off of that errand at last.

"That was… so… intense" Wally commented after a while.

"Did you get hurt in the battle?"

"No. We handled ourselves ok. Ralts couldn't hurt the poochyenas so Ash took them on and I attacked the numels which aren't dark types".

Sonic had no idea what a numel was but nodded.

"Well call me impressed again. All-out brawls usually turn uglier than this. My friends and I have first-hand experience on this subject".

"Was it like that? When you fought team rocket?"

"Yes. Only a thousand times worse. Those guys were merely thugs. Team rocket were not thugs. They were monsters who would stop at nothing".

Wally recalled how overwhelmed he felt during the brawl. His admiration of Sonic only increased upon experiencing first-hand what Sonic has experienced, albeit at a less serious set of circumstances.

Still… Ash's words kept lingering in his head.

"Have you heard of team Aqua?" Sonic suddenly asked.

"Yes but I don't know much. They are pretty much environmental activists. The target of their activities is usually Socexp" Wally explained.

Sonic nodded.

"That's what their leader, Archie, told me" he said, more so to himself.

So that checked out.

"Hoennians are on their side for the most part because of some of Socexp projects that disregarded Pokemon but there have been times that they have done unhinged things".

"Unhinged as in?"

"Well… one of their members has been arrested for vandalizing one of Socexp's warehouses. I'll give him the benefit of sacrificing himself for his teammates. He held off the police until his fellow Aqua members escaped".

Sonic's eyes widened for a moment and his face was a mask of silent admiration. Whoever that guy was, that was a bold move.

"Well, they sure got their priorities settled".

Although Archie just gave off a weird vibe this news started changing Sonic's perspective of team Aqua. Maybe for once, Sonic wouldn't be constantly going against adversaries.

In any case, Archie made a vital point.

Sonic hopped up.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to train. Shadow was incredibly strong today. If I am to stand any chance against him, I need to get Combusken and aron to a good enough level to fight off his other Pokemon. Raichu can handle Salamence if there are no other distractions".

Wally agreed and joined in the training as well, bringing out Magikarp and Ralts.

An underlying desire had started forming in his heart.

He didn't know whether to believe Ash or not.

The only way to be sure was one.

Face him in battle when he was ready.

He knew he would know when that happened.

Chapter 108: Mentoring a coordinator


Sonic and Wally continue their training for their future encounters with Shadow when May joins the fray, with an unexpected request.

Chapter Text

"Alright Combusken! Double kick!"

"Com..busken!" Combusken struck with such might that the rock turned to dust.

"Excellent. Again".

Sonic then turned to aron.

"Aron metal claw".

Aron also struck at a rock, cracking it with ease.

"Very good. Defense training now. Raichu you ready?"

Raichu cried out as it prepared to attack.

"Quick attack".

Raichu charged Aron.

"Iron defense".

Aron's body glowed as its defense sharply rose. Raichu slammed into it with all its might, causing Aron to be shoved back.

Sonic counted the distance Aron covered as it was shoved back and smiled.

"Excellent little buddy. Half distance".

Aron cried out in joy. The training was paying off.

"Do it again. Try to cut this distance in half. Raichu you ok to continue?"

"Rai rai" Raichu cried out.

"I can do this all day" Sonic heard in his head with a smile. That was good.

Shadow wouldn't get them next time.

Leaving his pokemon to their training for a moment he approached Wally.

"How are we doing?"

"You won't believe it. Magikarp learned tackle".

"Really?" Sonic was surprised. He didn't even know Magikarp could learn tackle.

"Well that's good then. Have it tackle things more. Over time its strength will build enough to evolve into Gyarados".

"Do you think I will be able to control such a pokemon?"

"Gyarados evolved from Magikarp in the care of someone are extremely loyal. That's what I hear at least. So I think you will be ok" Sonic encouraged Wally.

Wally smiled, eager for that be the case and happen soon.

He wanted very badly to battle Ash. To assess his character himself. After all Blaze's assessment had been a little too practical.

"Any new moves on Ralts?" Sonic asked Wally.

"Nope. Same moves. Only confusion".

Sonic frowned.

"Unfortunate. You know I've been thinking. I conferred with my friend Tails last night and asked him to do me a favor".

"What favor?"

"Research the Ralts species. See what moves it has been known to learn, whether naturally or by tutoring".

"Wait, you mean…?"

"You're going to be stuck with confusion for a while right? Dark types could be a problem for you for all we saw yesterday. Spoiler, they are a problem".

"True. So can Ralts learn something on hand?"

"Yes. My Raichu's speciality. Thunder punch".

"You're joking!" Wally said in pleasant disbelief.

"No chance pal. So what do you say? Or rather what does Ralts have to say?"

Wally immediately knelt in front of his partner pokemon.

"What do you think Ralts? Do you want Raichu to teach you to use thunder punch?"

Ralts didn't even think it twice before jumping up and down in excitement.

"Let's get to work then" Sonic said as he turned to Raichu which was still practicing with aron.

"Time out guys!"

All three of his pokemon stopped and approached him.

"Excellent work so far. But we're gonna shift some gears now. Combusken, I want you to train with aron. You two are not that far apart in terms of growth so I want you to help aron with its defense training. Start with scratch then once aron feels confident enough, switch to double kick. You got this?"

Combusken's reply was a happy cry and then a sudden hug. Sonic was filled with warmth as well as awkwardness. Being hugged by a humanoid pokemon still felt kinda weird.

As combusken and aron got to work, Sonic turned to Raichu.

"Alright buddy. I want you to help teach Ralts thunder punch. You up for it?"

"Rai rai!"

"Let's do it" Sonic heard in his head.

Ralts and Raichu stood side by side as Sonic read Tails' research.

"Alright. It says here that usually pokemon can learn powerful moves like thunder punch once they reach a certain power level, when it comes to tutoring at least. However exceptions have been observed on pokemon that either have a growth spurt, meaning that their training is basically paying off and they're getting stronger, or that they have a very strong bond with their trainers. Pokemon at the first stage of their evolution line tend to have a hard time learning powerful moves".

"So what does that mean for me and Ralts?"

"I think we will find out soon. All three of these facts are true about you and Ralts. Ralts has two evolutions according to Tails' data so it's still very young in both power term and evolution term. But it also has learned a lot of moves in a short amount of time and I'm certain your bond with it is strong. The sharing of you two's feelings thanks to Ralts empath ability is a major factor for that. So I think Ralts will manage to learn thunder punch".

"That's great" Wally said before realizing he didn't know what to do next.

"So what now?"

"Ralts will need to observe Raichu carefully. Tails says that pokemon power comes from within therefore the power is already inside of Ralts. Observing Raichu and focusing on performing the attack will likely allow it to conjure the power to perform the attack" Sonic explained.

"You can do it Ralts" Wally encouraged it.

Ralts cried out in joy.

"Raichu ready?"

Raichu let out a battle cry and delivered a powerful thunder punch at a boulder, smashing it with ease.

"Great. Again. Ralts, observe Raichu carefully".

Ralts did just that, observing Raichu, paying all the attention it could, slowly beginning to covet the power.

After a few repeats, Ralts started performing the hand movement of thunder punch while crying out with each repeat.

Wally observed anxiously, standing frozen in place, wondering if Ralts would manage to perform the move.

Sonic on the other hand walked up and down calmly, with his hands behind his back, almost looking like a sensei observing their apprentice's effort and whether those efforts would bear fruit.

And then, without any warning, with a confident cry, Ralts' arm conjured electricity and struck at a rock. The rock wasn't cracked but merely shoved back. Yet it didn't matter to them.

"You did it Ralts!" Wally rushed to hug it, overjoyed at the success of the process.

Sonic smiled, feeling a sense of pride for having helped Wally and Ralts.

Maybe there wasn't only darkness in him after all.

After breaking their hug, Wally excitedly announced he was going to buy some pokeblocks for Ralts so they could celebrate the achievement. He asked Sonic to observe the training while he was away to which the hedgehog graciously agreed.

Wally left their camp and headed for the open market, having noticed a shop selling both pokeblocks as well as ingredients and recipes for pokeblocks the previous day.

He contemplated buying the recipes as well as he wanted to try and learn to make the pokeblocks for Ralts, Magikarp and any other pokemon he would catch in the future. He deeply desired to treat them, maybe spoil them a little bit too.

"Wish my parents would treat me the same way" he thought sadly for a moment before letting go of it. He didn't want it to bear down on him.

Reaching the shop, he allowed his desire to prevail and bought many pokeblocks as well as a couple of recipes for sweet pokeblocks, which he knew Ralts would love as it loved sweet food.

Right as he turned to leave Wally came across a familiar girl dressed in red.

"Oh hi" he greeted, identifying May but not remembering her name.

"Hi" she greeted back "Wally right?"

"Yes… sorry if this is offensive but could you remind me your name?"

"Don't worry. It's ok. I'm May".

"Oh right. Silly of me. How have you and your friends been since yesterday's brawl?"

"Holding up ok. It wasn't the first time we ran into team Magma. But that guy who captured Sonic… him we have never seen".

"It wasn't our first time running into him. Sonic has gotten the best of him twice already" Wally said.

May was impressed. The enforcer had such a powerful presence and of course enough power that the Magma grunts didn't even bother arguing before retreating.

And Sonic had really bested him twice?

"Has he been ok? You know after getting captured?"

"Yeah. He has been through a lot worse than that. His words not mine. That's why I admire him so much. He just feels so…"


"Exactly. And resourceful too. He helped my Ralts learn a move only a while ago. His Raichu helped my Ralts learn thunder punch!"

May was deeply impressed. Ralts wasn't known to be much of a physical fighter. Sure it could be but Ralts and its evolutions didn't learn physical moves that easily.

And Sonic had achieved that in a day?

"You know I just realized, I didn't ask you how come you're here in the market?"

"Oh I wanted to buy some pokeblocks for my Beautifly. I want to give it a good treat before the contest".

"You're entering the Slateport contest? Like, you wanna be a coordinator?"

"More like I'm trying out something new but yeah".

"Oh I see. I'm here for kinda the same reason. Just wanting to give my Ralts some treats".

May then perked up, remembering the chance she was looking for.

As the two were walking towards the exit of the market, May seized her chance.

"Is Sonic available?"

"What do you mean?" Wally asked her in surprise, having heard from Sonic that he was still getting over a girl he had messed up with in Johto.

"I would like to talk to him… about the contest. Maybe he can help me".

"Oh. Sure I don't think he will mind. But do you have time, the contest starts soon".

"It's ok. I got like 2 more hours. Plenty of time".

Wally nodded and asked May to follow him.

The two walked through town, talking about random stuff though more often than not the discussion ended up shifting towards Sonic and Ash's complicated situation.

May ended up confessing that the reason she wanted to talk to Sonic was that her training with Ash for the contest was just not yielding the results she desired. Ash just refused to train in any way that would resemble Sonic's way of training even to the slightest extent.

Lately he had even caught May having Beautifly and torchic training together. By this point Torchic had managed to grow the power of its ember and May was experimenting with the moves, trying to create a spectacle. Needless to say Ash was livid, accusing May of harming her pokemon despite her continuous protests that Beautifly didn't mind their way of training.

Eventually the two made up and apologized to each other but May was a bit frustrated because the clash of Torchic's ember and Beautifly's silver wind had managed to create a beautiful gust of embers and that was something she couldn't have figured out without sparring.

Ironically, Ash allowed his pokemon to spar but May didn't mind because the moment things were getting heated he stopped his pokemon, his thinking being that if they were being overwhelmed then the other's power was rising.

"And worst of all, he doesn't see any problem with it because he handled himself well in the brawl two days ago".

"That's nonsense. He battled average grunts" Wally protested "against the enforcer…"

"I know. He did admit that using Pikachu against Blaze and her Marshtomp was a stupid choice and he would have had a much better chance if he went with Treecko or Corphish. But still… he refuses to actively train his pokemon to get stronger. I even asked him to spar with me for this but he refused stating he didn't want to risk hurting my pokemon".

Wally remained silent for a few moments.

"In any case, that's his choice. But getting mad at you because you wanted to try a different style of training…"

"It's ok. Really. He is very supportive overall".

Wally felt there was more to that dynamic but refrained from pressing on as they had arrived.

Before Sonic could notice them, Wally made another mental note.

He wanted to have a chat with Ash one day. Try to explain his point of view and how training with Sonic and in a similar style had made him stronger and even if that didn't work just try to get Ash to leave May alone when it came to her training.

"May?" Sonic was surprised to see her there "what are you doing here?"

"I ran into Wally at the market and he told me how your training is paying off. So… I wanted to talk to you about it".

"About training?"

"Yes. But not the kind of training you think".

Sonic was intrigued.

"Very well. Tell me".

"Walk with me for a bit. It's a lot I need to explain".

Sonic nodded.

"Wally, Ralts is getting better with each repeat. Keep it up and when it feels ready, have it spar with aron. I'll be back soon".

"You got it. Thanks! Alright Ralts let's do it! Thunder punch!"

Ralts jumped and landed the punch on a rock, cracking it.

Sonic smiled proudly again as he followed May, walking along the coastline.

"So… what kind of training do you need help with?"

"Well here's the deal; I'm taking place in a contest in about 2 hours".

"Contest?" Sonic tilted his head in question "you did mention something about a contest when we were in Dewford island".

"Yes. I want to try out being a pokemon coordinator".

The answer only raised more questions for the hedgehog.

"You've never heard about pokemon contests?"

"No. Enlighten me please".

"It's like pokemon battling but it focuses on a lot more than pure power. A contest has two rounds. The first round is basically a display of a pokemon's style and moves. I have to work with my pokemon to perform great feats like for example playing catch with a frisbee but using their moves. The second round, if one qualifies is battles. But unlike normal pokemon battles it's not as much about knocking my opponent's pokemon as it is how we battle. We are given a number of points and the goal is to end the battle after 5 minutes with more points than our opponent. We can lose points several ways".

"Which are?" Sonic asked her.

"Plenty. When my pokemon get hit by an attack, when my pokemon's attack fails, when my opponent uses my move against me or when my opponent makes an appealing move".

"Appealing as in?"

"A stylish move that creates an impressive enough spectacle".

Sonic went into deep thought. Those were major differences from the battles he was accustomed to. But he could also see a couple of ways of training May could take to train for such a contest.

Ways that she wouldn't need to approach him to learn. Ways that involved simply sparring.

"Ash isn't helping you the way you need right?"

"… No".

Sonic sighed.

"And I'm the reason for it, right?"

"No you're not" she tried to assure him.

Sonic didn't fully believe her as he was aware the truth was somewhere in between. Regardless he looked at her.

"When did you say the contest is?"

"In two hours".

Sonic frowned. Two hours was nothing.

And with the limited training May had had so far, her odds were not good.

"Alright. You said if your opponent's move connects you lose points right?"


"Alright then. We'll start there. Improving your pokemons' reflexes should do the trick for now. If your opponent can't land an attack, you can't lose points".

"What about the other factors?"

"With such a short amount of time it's the only thing we can work on so that there can be some semblance of result".

"Maybe if we worked on a little bit of everything…"

"Look" Sonic stopped her as they stopped to turn back "I want to help but I can't do a lot more for you right now. Multitasking is not the way to go. I know that first hand. Dodging saved my skin and that of my friends more times than I can count in our war with team rocket. So do you want my help starting with that or not?"

May considered it and decided something was better than nothing.

As they started walking back, Sonic explained his reasoning. Splitting one's focus reduced their efficiency in whatever they were doing. Contrary focusing on one aspect of the training at a time, not only yielded fruit but also opened unexpected possibilities for other aspects.

To prove his point Sonic told May a story of his, Tails and Knuckles' training near Olivine city. Tails, having only just started his journey of growing into an equal member of team Sonic, was pushing himself and his pokemon too hard, training disorganized and chaotically.

As a result his pokemon didn't show much growth during the first few days and Tails began doubting himself again. Seeing his peril, Sonic and Knuckles took Tails to town to get some air and some snacks.

Along the way the two asked Tails to explain his training plan and he admitted he didn't have a real one. All he knew was that he had to catch up.

Sonic then explained to Tails his own experience in Kanto and how at first he did try raising his pokemon in the same way, trying to make each and everyone almighty on its own until he realized that was impossible. Each pokemon had its own strengths and weaknesses and the only way to cover them was with his other pokemon. Working together and off of one another, all aiming for one goal.

With this in mind, Tails had had a conversation with his pokemon and they decided they would work on their strengths each while Tails would decide on how to cover each weakness through teamwork.

May was inspired by this story, realizing that dodging was only a small step of the training she would have to do. Though her pokemon didn't need so much endurance as actual battle pokemon did, dodging was vital. So was exploring combinations of their moves, learning to read their opponent and adapting to their actions and of course power to make their moves stronger and be able to create a greater spectacle.

By the time they had arrived back, everyone was on break, Ralts having gotten a pretty good grip on thunder punch and talking with Raichu to learn more about how to master it.

Sonic informed everyone that they would all be helping May with a training session in dodging attacks. That included not only his pokemon but Wally's Ralts as well.

Wally and Ralts were eager to help out, especially since he sympathized with May being restricted from blossoming due to her circumstances with Ash.

And so the session started. May revealed she was going to use her Beautifly at the contest, which Sonic was glad about. Having trained with Tails' butterfree, he had a pretty good idea on how to help May, especially since Tails also focused on dodging at first even before deciding he wanted to build power like his friends.

So as to not rough up Beautifly too much, Sonic went with aron first as it was the least physically strong of his 3 current team members. He ordered aron to fire mud slap at Beautifly. The attacks were slow but as Sonic explained, Beautifly needed to get acclimated to the training first.

Following up, Combusken took over by firing embers at Beautifly. This time around, Beautifly and May had troubled anticipating all of the attacks and were hit several times.

May quickly grew frustrated but was comforted by Wally and Sonic, telling her it was better to mess up during training than during the contest. May appreciated and they continued with Beautifly soon being more adept to dodging.

Ralts too had a go with its confusion attacks and Beautifly was successful at dodging.

Half an hour before the contest, May was beaming with confidence.

"Beautifly you're amazing! We're gonna do great!"

Beautifly cried out in excitement.

"Hey Sonic. Can we do one more attack before I go?"

"Sure. Combusken…"

"No. Use Raichu".


"Come on I'm ready".

"Not sure Beautifly is ready for this, May. Raichu is too fast".

"Please. How can we learn if we don't practice?"

"The key word is gradually May".

"Please. Just once".

Sonic sighed and relented.

"Get ready".

Beautifly braced itself and focused to avoid the attack.

"Raichu! Thunder punch!"

Sonic was right. May had grown too confident.

Raichu moved with such terrifying speed, neither May not Beautifly even registered it.

Thunder punch connected, brutally knocking out Beautifly.

"Oh no Beautifly!"

Sonic was mortified. He had just done it again.

"M… May I..." he stuttered.

May quickly picked up Beautifly.

"We need to get it to the pokemon center quick!"

The three scurried to the pokemon center.

Nurse joy quickly got to patching up Beautifly. May was devastated at the fear of it being unable to participate in the contest.

"May I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen" Sonic tried to apologize, expecting a response like Ash's.

May teared up instead.

"No it's my fault. I went too deep. We were not ready and I asked you to do it anyway".

Sonic was taken aback at this.

Before he could comfort her however, the universe decided the situation had to get worse in the worst way.

Ash, Brock and Max walked into the pokemon center looking for May.

"May?! What's wrong?!" Max rushed to her side.

Ash was quick to notice the injured Beautifly getting healed.

His gaze was fixated on Sonic.

"What did you do?!" he asked angry.

"It was an accident. We were helping her train and…" Sonic honestly answered.

At the word accident, Ash lunged, Pikachu falling from his shoulders in the process.

Unlike Birch's lab however, Sonic dodged the first punch and blocked the second one, holding it back with his palm.

Ash tried to push through but Sonic was just physically stronger. Stepping back he looked at the hedgehog in pure hatred.

"Hurting Pikachu is one thing but Pikachu is adept to battling! Hurting an inexperienced pokemon like Beautifly is unforgivable!"

"I told you it was an accident!"

"I don't believe you! You cruel, heartless…"

"Ash stop!" May got between him and Sonic "he's telling the truth. It's my fault. I pushed too far when I wasn't ready".

"What are you talking about?"

"I… I asked Sonic to help me train for the contest. We were practicing on dodging and…"

"And he went too far again" Ash immediately assumed.

"No. He and Wally only used their weaker pokemon. I asked Sonic to have Raichu attack Beautifly to try and dodge. He warned me and I insisted. It's my fault" she said as she kept sobbing.

"W-why didn't you come to me for help?"

"I wanted to but… you wouldn't have helped me" she tried to speak before sobbing again.

Ash felt betrayed by the fact that she had sought out Sonic for help instead of coming to him but couldn't get mad at May in the moment.

"May it will be ok" he said, forcing the feeling of betrayal down "I'm sure Beautifly will be just fine".

The next few minutes rolled by awkwardly with Sonic and Wally keeping their distance for Ash and his crew as they tried to comfort May.

Eventually nurse Joy informed them Beautifly was fully healed and all set to participate in the contest.

May, utterly relieved, thanked her and recalled Beautifly.

"Thank goodness you're ok. I'm sorry I pushed you too hard" she had said before recalling it.

"We should get going May. The contest is set to begin in 10 minutes".

"Let's go then" Ash said as he moved to the exit.

"Good luck May" Sonic wished her as she went to leave also.

She stopped and looked at him.

"You're not coming?"

Sonic looked at Ash for a fleeting moment.

"You'll be ok without me there. You have trained well with Beautifly" Sonic encouraged her. He knew he wouldn't be welcome there "go. You'll be late".

May hesitated before following Ash and the others out.

The four left the pokemon center heading for the contest Hall.

Along the way though the tension was palpable.

As Brock and Max walked behind them, Ash tried to not voice his frustration with May before her big moment but was unable to.

"Why did you go to him? Did you want Beautifly to get hurt?" he eventually asked her.

May shot him an apologetic but also upset look.

"Because I didn't feel ready Ash. The training I had so far wasn't enough".

"But the power of your ember increased. And it did naturally".

"It's more than that Ash. A lot more".

"Don't you believe in your pokemon?You have trained a lot. You're going to be ok".

May shot him an even more upset look.

"How can you ask me such a thing?! You know how much I believe in all of them! Torchic, Squirtle, Beautifly! I believe in them from the bottom of my heart!"

"Then what is the problem?"

"It's not enough Ash! Just belief is not enough! I won't win with just belief! You know the rules of contests. I need to adapt to my opponent's moves. And how can I learn to do that, to read and adapt to the flow of the battle, if I don't spar with anyone? Just attacking rocks and trees isn't real training. And anytime I bring it up you get upset".

"I won't have you hurt your own pokemon. I can't allow you to become like him".

"Has your empty head even tried to consider what I and my pokemon want?!" May burst out, having grown tired of hearing this.

Ash was taken aback.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that my pokemon and I want to explore the role of a coordinator! And to do that we need to practice! And that practice includes sparring!"

She looked down trying to calm herself.

"I'm your friend and I understand your feelings of anger towards Sonic. But I need you to also be a friend to me now. I need you to understand that my pokemon and I want this. I need you to understand that I went to Sonic because he was willing to give me the kind of help you refuse to!"

Ash didn't know what to stay.

"You don't have to spar with me if you don't want to" May continued "but for the love of goodness Ash, stop trying to dictate my and my pokemon's training based on your distaste of Sonic!"

After a moment she added "please".

Ash allowed her words to sink in.

She was right.

He hadn't heeded Brock's warning in Littleroot town and instead had allowed his distaste of Sonic to sour his friendship with May.

"Get to the contest Hall. I'll catch up" he said before racing off, leaving May and passing by Brock, Max and Pikachu who had spent the entire walk from the Pokemon center on Max's shoulder.

"Ash the contest is starting in 5 minutes!" Brock called out to him but he was too far away to hear.

Hoping Ash would indeed catch up, May, Max, Brock and Pikachu arrived at the contest Hall.

May went backstage while Brock and Max found seats. As she got ready she exchanged a couple of banters with a rival coordinator, Drew, before

The contest began shortly after and May observed the first few participants performing, including Drew.

"Will I be good enough?" she kept wondering "what if I'm not ready?"

"Who knows ready?" Sonic's voice suddenly reached her ears.

May took the words in. The voice was right.

She couldn't know that. All she could do was her best.

And just as she reached that conclusion, it was her turn.

"Go get them" Sonic's voice was heard again, only more distant. As if it was coming from…

"The stands!" May whispered, quickly turning.

Ash had returned. And he had brought Sonic and Wally along.

Overjoyed and encouraged, May took the stage.

Ash, his group, Sonic and Wally observed the contest as peacefully as they could for the rest of the evening, watching May perform incredibly for her first time. Although her score in performing her pokemon's skills wasn't the greatest at a mere 24.9, she was able to qualify to the second round where she lost to Drew after a great battle during which her training with Beautifly in dodging shined, though in the end, Drew's greater experience prevailed.

May was saddened by her defeat but got over it quickly as she joined her friends in the stand.

"How is this possible?" she immediately asked Ash, obviously referring to Sonic's presence.

Ash shrugged while smiling.

"You asked me to be a friend to you. So I did".

Her response filled her with joy. Him bringing Sonic here for her was a very touching gesture.

She gave him a big hug which he reciprocated.

The two teams then watched the rest of the contest with May taking it all in, trying to get any inspiration for her future contests while at the same time talking with Sonic about how well she did and what she could to do improve.

Eventually, the contest ended and with it, the time for Sonic and Wally to leave also came.

May once again thanked Sonic for the training to which Sonic encouraged her to keep training and aim as high as she desired to go.

May, Brock and Max then headed off, leaving Ash and Sonic alone as Wally stepped a little further away to give them some space.

"That was very kind of you" Sonic complimented him "she is lucky to have you as a friend".

"Yeah. Whatever. Don't think this changes anything".

"I didn't expect it to. This wasn't about me or you. It was about May" Sonic said nodding and turning to leave.

"See you around Ash" he waved goodbye as he left to join Wally.

Ash watched Sonic leave before catching up to his friends.

Later that night as the four friends were preparing to sleep, Ash and May got into a conversation about possible ideas to incorporate into her training to prepare for her next contest.

"There are so many possibilities" May said, positively overwhelmed by them "I can't wait to explore them".

"And I will help you explore them. And don't you worry, I won't strike as hard as Sonic".

May's eyes widened, realizing he was offering to spar with her.

She smiled, feeling blessed.

"Thank you for being my friend Ash".

"You're welcome. And sorry we got to this point. I will try to be better. You, Max and Brock shouldn't have to be affected by my animosity towards him".

May smiled and then went to bed.

Today was such a win in so many ways but also made her wonder about what the future had in store for all of them. After all, Ash tolerating Sonic's presence for her and even accepting her desire to use his advice to practice was a big step.

"Does that mean there is hope? Could Ash manage to forgive Sonic in the end?" she asked herself as she fell asleep.