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as long as you're mine, (you will never be satisfied )


Death Note theatre kid au! Misa, L and Light are the leads every year in the school musicals. They're also best friends, but most people don't realize that because L and Light are heated rivals at everything in their lives. This year however, Light and L have been cast as the romantic leads. Chaos ensues.

This can get out of hand, and L and Light, as well as the others, can be incredibly toxic and horrible, at least for freshmen. There is a lot of offensive jokes and remarks made. Read at your own risk.


hi!!! this is something so very dear to my heart, and I'm so excited for you all to read it!


here's the link to the playlist I've put together for this fic!!!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Back to School!

Chapter Text

August 25th. Monday. Thousands of excited, nervous, anxious teens lined the halls of To-Oh High. New and familiar faces alike gathered in the assembly hall, waiting for the principal to arrive.

The loud chatter of the other kids drowned out the heavy beating of his heart. He sat there in the bleachers anxious, wishing this whole thing would be over soon. Really, the only thing keeping him there was Bea, talking his ear off. Right now his topic of choice was his mother. You see, she woke him up for school this morning, and that just doesn't happen.

"Bea, really, must you continue?" L was agitated, to say the least. He was already on edge, but this was just the icing on the cake. Although on second thought, no it isn't. Icing on cake is one of life's greatest pleasures. To compare it to anything as insignificant as Bea's complaining was a sin.

"And then there's that! The crazy woman, she's mad, I'm telling you, babe, mad! Who names their son Bea?! She's mental, that one…" He trailed off, lost in thought.

Thank god. That was getting too unbearable. He loved Bea to death, really, but there's only so much one can take. The commotion around them simmered down and in walked the principal, bless him, immediately getting to the point.

"Good morning, dear students, and welcome to a new school year! We're so proud to have such a great-" Yeah, L wasn't paying attention anymore. He decided Bea's eyes were much more interesting to him and stared deep into the abyss hidden within them. "-Amane and Light Yagami!"

L's ears perked up at this. His entire self did, actually. His eyes instantly left Bea's and locked into contact with a certain pair of ember ones. L watched the boy with all the interest in the world- no, not boy. To call the wondrous being in front of him a boy was a cruel insult.He's more of a god, L thought.

He was brought out of his trance when she started speaking, "I can't wait for us to begin this new chapter of our lives! I just know it's going to be great… just like this year's musical!"

Wow, she was practically vibrating in her excitement. She was met with collective gasps and whispers as the auditorium waited with bated breath for Misa to continue her announcement.

She jumped up and down just then and made eye contact with L. "Yes, you heard that right, I'm going to announce this year's musical!" Cheers. "Are you ready?" More cheers. "Okay then, here goes!" Again, they go mental at this and god, would she please just get on with this?

"This year's musical is… Wicked!" And the crowd goes wild.

Wicked? That's an interesting choice, he thinks. There's the cynical outcast Elphaba, the popular and bubbly Glinda, and the perfect Fiyero. Mhm, L could almost see it now. Light would perfectly portray the powerful Witch, L would make for a lovely Princess, and Misa would be the perfect love interest for the both of them.

Once the crowd's enthusiasm died down, Light spoke up, "Yes, thank you, Misa. I'm glad you all agree, it is a rather great choice. Thank you all very much for your time, but we won't ask for anymore of it now. Please, get on with your day and enjoy the rest of your first day back!"
He grinned, all charming and confident and L could almost swear he saw a girl faint. Ugh.

Permission was all the students needed, they made quick work of getting the hell out of there. Hooray! He gets to leave too, and a good thing that is, because any longer and it would've brought on a sensory overload. He followed the stream of students out into the hallway, and was met with his two favourite people.

He was instantly caught between the two and he hugged them back just as hard, clinging on for dear life. Good god, he'd missed them. He'd missed them so much, it had genuinely made him physically ill. His mother had to hand feed him chicken soup for a week straight. L hadn't been home for the summer, instead spending it in Europe with his mother's family. He loosened out of their grasp and took a step back to admire them both.

Misa was literally glowing, the dim lights of the halls giving the illusion of a halo above her golden hair. She was beautiful, ethereal even, and she beamed at him with such fervent adoration shining through it, he had to look away and blink his eyes a few times. She blew a kiss at him and he caught it and lightly pressed a couple fingers to his nose, a growing smile on his lips.

A throat cleared, and L redirected his attention to the glorious sight in front of him. He took in a sharp breath as his eyes trail over the boy, eyes lingering a few seconds too long. Light's bangs reached just past his eyebrows and his hair, a touch longer now, hovered over his nape. His hair was translucent in the fluorescents and his eyes seemed almost gold. He wore a simple black turtleneck tucked into khaki trousers, with some black Vans.

L memorized every detail of the scene before him and filed it deep within the recess of his mind. He'd make sure to mention this to Bea later.

"L! Hi! I missed you so much! Did you miss me? Light missed you too! Of course, he won't admit it, the asshole, but just know he did as well. How was your vacation, honey? I heard Europe is quite lovely this time of year." Misa starts, completely missing the looks being shared right in front of her.

"I missed you too, Princess. Yes and you as well, Raito." L spared a glance at His Majesty."Honestly, Europe was quite the bore, but then, everything is a bore without you, Misa Misa." He tucked his bottom lip under the top one in an inverted pout and blinked up at her with wide eyes. He brought his thumb to his mouth and absent-mindedly chewed on it.

He was quite sure Misa's face would fall off if her smile grew any larger. Light wasn't impressed by L's ability to make his girlfriend smile more than he could himself.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't say the same for you, Eru." He smirked. He smirked, the smug bastard! Outwardly, L ignored this and held out his arm, which Misa took gratefully and they started off toward the theatre.

Light quickly deduced that they didn't care anymore and chased after them, slowing down once he reached them. The three made their way to the theatre door. On the door, freshly put out, was the year's cast list.

All three of them held their breath, L and Misa holding onto each other's arms as well, as they read through the cast list. 'Fiyero: Light Yagami. Glinda: Misa Amane. Elphaba: L Lawliet.' No. No this couldn't be. They must've read it wrong. But they didn't. Then it's true, L conceded, he and Light were cast as each other's romantic interest.

He turned to face his best friend, only to be met with an expression of pure contempt. Light looked borderline hysterical, "What the fuck?!"

Chapter 2: A Day In the Life of Light Yagami


Light Yagami's daily routine is something that had remained mostly untouched since he stayed school. Well, except for one thing...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

L grabs his waist and shoves him up against the wall. Their lips meet and Light thinks he's gonna explode . They stay like that for a while until L grabs his head and tilts it up. His neck is smothered by L's mouth and he can't believe it, that it's L , and that this is real, and holy fuck . He can feel L's hand slither down his shirt and he lets out a noise and—

What the fuck was that. That is the first thing Light Yagami thinks as he woke up that morning. He gets out of bed and heads to his bathroom. He splashes his face with water for a good minute then goes for a shower. It's a quick shower, only 6 minutes, but it does its job. He brushes his teeth, dries his hair, sets his hair, pulls out his outfit for the day, pulls it on and grabs his bag.

He inhales the cold eggs, bacon, and toast his mom set aside for him, and almost swallows his coffee in one sip. He ignored his mom's amused chuckle. He puts his empty dishes in the sink and gives his mom a kiss on the cheek. He's about to head out the door when he hears Sayu start to cry.

“NO!! DON'T LEAVE ME, BIG BROTHER! “ Sayu wailed.

She was lying on the floor, wallowing in her misery. He loved the girl. Really, he did, but god could she be annoying sometimes.

“You know, Sayu, I read somewhere that little kids who cry when their siblings go to school grow up to become friendless losers.”

Now, maybe this fact would've been alright with one of his classmates, but this was a hypersensitive 5 year old we're talking about. She is not fine with it. Her cries only get louder as his mom scolds him for being so harsh to his poor, sweet baby sister. He should know better! Doesn't he remember she's only a little baby, she doesn't understand why he can't play with her all day!

This too is ignored as Light heads out the door. He walks about approximately 17 steps before he hears it:

“Light-kun, wait for me!”

He turns around and is met with an all too familiar face. His face is set into a hard grimace while his mind launched into a borderline incoherent rant about how much he hated L's stupid, fluffy hair.

He hated everything about L, but right now, it was mainly his hair. The way it curled right at the ends, the way it stopped just shy of his neck, the way his bangs covered his eyebrows, for so long, kids in their class had a bet over whether or not he had eyebrows. The hair that turns lighter in the sun, the hair Light's mother cut for L because his didn't do it the way he liked it, the hair he wanted to pull so bad


L is now joined by Misa, and neither looks impressed. He just blinks slowly in response. What?>

“You know what, you little bitch. You were doing the thing again. The one where you just stand there like you're frozen.” L spat.

You know, it's impressive. For a 14 year old, he sure had a lot of aggression in him. And over absolutely nothing, too. Wow. > They should have an award for that.

“Sure, sure, whatever. Hey, would you look at the time,” He checks his watch, “We're almost late for class.”

The other two join him in a mad dash to school, because he was right, there's five minutes to homeroom. They say their goodbyes and head to their respective homeroom class, with a minute to spare. Except L, who paces outside his class until 10 minutes after the bell.


“And that was when I woke up.” Light finished telling Bea his dream that morning. He knew Bea and L were close, like really close. In an almost disturbing way. Everytime he saa them together, he could swear Bea was smelling L's neck. But it didn't matter to him. He knew Bea wouldn't dare tell L what he told him just now. He knew better than that.

“DUDE. YOU WANNA FUCK L?!” Bea said very quietly.

“Shut the fuck up!” Light hissed. “God, I'm pretty sure everyone in the building heard that, you bastard.”

“Yeah, yeah. You're just cranky cause L would never sleep with you.” Bea retorted.

“What makes you think that? Of course he would. Anyone would, I'm goddamn perfect. ” Light snapped.

“Hmm. How does it feel? Knowing the man in your dreams will never love you back?” Bea feigned sympathy, asshole.

“How does it feel? Knowing your mother was so ashamed by your existence and unable to accept her part in it, she blamed your father, and decided she never wanted anything to do with either of you and left you. And who knows? She probably figured out she was also to blame for you and killed herself.”

And he smirked. Sure, what he said was harsh, but god, was it oh so delightfulto see the tears forming in that little brat's eyes. He loved making Bea cry.


The bell had just rung and Light was sorting the last of his things in his locker. He was very focused on this and had completely zoned out, until he felt a small tug on his pants. He turned around and was met with three little kids.

“God, not fucking Jeevas.” Light was not okay with Near or Mello, but he couldn't stand Matt, which was odd because,

“I'm just a kid…” Matt looked him, blankly.

He had this look on his face that would make any normal person pause for a moment. But Light Yagami is not any normal person.

“He's just a kid!” A chorus of voices sounded off in unison.

The chorus in question was L, Misa, Bea, Matsuda, Ryuk, Rem, Naomi, Kiyomi, Mikami and Mello.

Light scoffed “ How'd you three get in anyway?”

Near pointed at L. Of course. When he looked at him, he simply shrugged and held out his hands for Near and Matt. Along with Mello and Misa, they headed down the hallway and down the main doors.

Light barged off, annoyed, his textbooks and locker long forgotten, and after them.


What dream?


let me know what you thought of this chapter!! feel free to leave a comment, i love reading them ^_^

my tumblr is @try-cry-why-try, if u wanna chat :)

anyway tysm for reading, and have a lovely day!

Series this work belongs to: