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Izuku's grandfather used to say, "Into everyone's life a little rain must fall-rain, assholes, and assorted bullshit. Deku added that last part. But his grandfather was right. Everyone gets their share of tragedy or insanity or drama, but what they do with that horror makes all the difference.


Or, Izuku messes up; fake dating ensues


this is a remix of the story black butterfly. :3 kisses I hope you enjoy

Chapter 1: prolouge

Chapter Text

"Not a chance," Izuku chuckles, staring into those sharp ruby red eyes people always mention in shitty fiction.

He stands toe to toe with Bakugou Katsuki, the gorgeous boy he hates more than any other human being on the planet.

"You totally want me to help you." Katsuki flashes his insolent grin, the one that makes all the girls-and certain boys-in school drool over him and write his name in their notebooks and stalk his social media in hopes that he'll mention them. "You've always wanted me to, Deku."

Izuku's anger rises and he snorts, "I've never even wanted that much, Kachaan." He spits out the stupid childhood nickname like it's filthy. "You must think I'm pretty stupid and that I don't know what you're up to."

In the distance, a flickering rainbow of light beams from the end-of-year carnival set up behind their high school. All that thrill and fun seems a million miles away.

It's one in the morning and Deku is all alone with Katsuki under the starry night sky.

He folds his arms defensively across his chest and growls in Katsuki's stubborn face. "We've never gotten along. Who do you think you're trying to fool here? I'm sure this is some shitty prank or bet you made with your football buddies-fuck with a member of the swim team, spread rumors, wreck another innocent life-just like the rest of them have. Tell me I'm wrong."

Katsuki opens his mouth to speak. A strained half syllable wheezes out but catches in his throat. "What the fuc-" He deflates, his muscled shoulders sagging.

"That's what I thought." Izuku smirks. "And I've got some news for you, Kachaan. I will never be your joke and I will never be your friend."

Izuku turns on the heel of his Converse and strides across the damp grass field toward the main parking lot. He never looks back.