
Work Header

The Moon Will Sing

Chapter 2: We Could Have Been Anywhere, Instead I Made a Bed with Apathy


“You know, we should discuss how we act in public,” she cuts off, making her way to sit next to Armin on the edge of the bed.
Armin thinks for a second, eyes widening in panic. “Shit, I didn’t even think of that.”
Annie flips her hair out of her face just for it to fall back into its previous place. “I’m not a fan of pet names, just off base. However, the public would probably enjoy the occasional ‘babe’ here and there. Hand holding is fine, so is cheek kissing and hand kissing. Arm linking is also fine and same with your arm around my shoulders and waist. However I will politely decline kissing on the lips with you for now. How does that sound?”


I have a beach chapter pending and y'all should be very thankful for that approaching content, you're welcome

Chapter Text

“So this is our new house?” Armin asks, pushing the doors open to a very large mansion. It is elegant, with white trim and accents of blue and gold. It is a very rich looking home, not particularly Armin’s style, but he can’t complain.
“I’m assuming so,” Annie says, exhaustion laced in her voice. “Mind if I change?”
“Oh, not at all. Um… we do have press conferences in an hour,” Armin informs her.
“The news is already out about the two of us being engaged?” Annie asks, disgust across her face.
Armin nods, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out two rings, both gold. Armin’s is thick and shiny and Annie’s is thin with a diamond as big as Armin’s nail. “These are for us.”
“I’m not a gold person,” Annie says, refusing the ring.
“I’m not either,” Armin says, laughing a bit. “They’re from your parents though, they’re requesting we wear them.”
She sighs, taking the ring from Armin’s delicate hand. Their fingers brush against each other, a small ounce of intimacy between the two. She slips it onto her ring finger and frowns.
“It’s big.”
“I know,” Armin chuckles, slipping his ring on too. “Unfortunately we’re rich and very strong in the public eye and this is what they want.”
Annie frowns. “I just wish it’s what we wanted too.”
“I’m sorry?” Armin asks, glancing at her, worried he misheard what she said.
She shakes her head. “Never mind, it’s nothing. I’m going to put on a dress that actually fits me, not my mother’s old thing,” she says, making her way up the spiral staircase.
“I think I’ll change as well,” Armin says following her. “Are we… sharing a bed?” Armin asks as they walk into the master bedroom and notice how it’s decorated for the two of them.
Annie nods. “It was per my parent’s request. They’re… you know.”
“I’m actually afraid I do not,” Armin says, walking to one of the walk-in closets, which is clearly targeted for his wardrobe.
“They are worried I won’t find love so this is their way of imposing love in my life. They get money and they get their daughter a husband. And oh god, how they hope I’ll give them babies,” she rambles off, walking to her closet.
“That’s… a lot. I’m sorry, Annie,” Armin mumbles, putting on a pale blue button up, black slacks, and a black tie.
“Well it’s not your fault, you very clearly didn’t know about it until two hours ago,” she says.
“I’m afraid I didn’t. I think my parents knew I would be hesitant.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well who wouldn’t be? However, me specifically… it’s really less about me in the grand scheme of things. It’s more about you not getting the choice.”
Annie’s silent for what feels like an eternity and Armin steps out of his closet, heading to put his shoes on.
“You’re really a humble, down to earth person, aren’t you?” she says after a bit.
Armin’s jaw becomes slack. “I… guess you could say that.”
“You never focus on yourself… I don’t understand,” she whispers, Armin is afraid he didn’t even hear her properly.
He makes his way over to Annie’s closet, stepping in to check on her. He unfortunately didn’t take into account the fact that she would be changing.
She stands naked in her closet, her silky hair cascading along her neck and shoulders. Her body is very muscular, a defined six pack across her stomach. Armin notices her thighs which are thick with muscle, her arms toned. She could probably fuck Armin up if he says the wrong thing. Her breasts sit, rising and falling as she breathes. Armin stutters and she runs a hand through her messy hair.
“Never seen a naked woman before?” Annie asks, turning around to pick her clothes off the floor.
Armin can’t draw his eyes off her body as she moves, mesmerizingly. He watches her as she dips down to pick her clothes off the floor of her closet, his eyes pinned on her muscular ass, the definition in her back so prominent it makes Armin sweat. She glances back at Armin as she finishes picking up her clothes, through those hooded, tired eyes. She pushes a wisp of her hair behind her ear.
“Armin, I really would like some privacy changing.”
“Oh my god, no I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”
“It’s okay. Drink a glass of water or something,” she mumbles, turning back away from him. Armin quickly sees himself out of her closet, suddenly very aware of the sweat under his armpits, along his neck, and his forehead.
He sits on the edge of their bed, fanning himself, and undoing the top two buttons of his shirt, attempting to get any air flow to his body. He can feel the flush on his cheeks and he really hopes that Annie hadn’t noticed it. He’s never had a girlfriend, much less fiance and future wife, and therefore never had a beautiful, naked woman just casually in front of him.
Armin doesn’t know how long he has his internal existential crisis for, but Annie walking out of her closet snaps him out of it. She’s also wearing a button up, hers being black and long sleeved, rolled up just below her elbows. It’s neatly tucked into a pencil skirt, one that’s plaid and probably riding the line of being too short to be considered professional, but Armin can tell she's not the type to care. She also wears delicate black ankle heels. She walks out, tying her hair back into her messy low bun, pulling her bangs around her face intricately.
“I’m sorry about-”
“You know, we should discuss how we act in public,” she cuts off, making her way to sit next to Armin on the edge of the bed.
Armin thinks for a second, eyes widening in panic. “Shit, I didn’t even think of that.”
Annie flips her hair out of her face just for it to fall back into its previous place. “I’m not a fan of pet names, just off base. However, the public would probably enjoy the occasional ‘babe’ here and there. Hand holding is fine, so is cheek kissing and hand kissing. Arm linking is also fine and same with your arm around my shoulders and waist. However I will politely decline kissing on the lips with you for now. How does that sound?”
Armin listens as she speaks quickly, rattling off everything. He is pretty sure he catches everything, but his head still feels jumbled from a few minutes ago. “Yeah, no, that's perfectly fine. Should we… get going?” He asks.
Annie nods, standing up and quickly followed by Armin. She delicately links her thin fingers through his. Armin freezes nervously.
“Our parents are the only people who know this is arranged. Not even the staff knows,” she reminds, tightening her grip on his hand as she pulls him forward.
Armin very strongly wills his hand to not sweat as she holds it. “Right, thank you. Let’s go phone the limo.”
“Oh and… Armin? It’s fine by the way,” she says quietly.
“What is…” he trails off, realizing that she was referring to him walking on her. She doesn’t say anything and Armin just nods, smiling slightly.
“Armin! Please just make one statement!”
The second that both Armin and Annie step out of their limo at the press conference, they are bombarded with press; cameras flashing in their faces and microphones pressed into their personal space, not allowing either of them to function or think. Armin’s bodyguard pushes everyone out of the way, allowing Armin and Annie to get through and inside to the conference center. They make their way to the stage, a room filled with people and more press in front of them.
This isn’t Armin or Annie’s first time giving a press conference, but it is their first being engaged and being in a merged company. Annie sits on stage and Armin makes his way to the podium, clearing his throat.
“I would just like to start by saying thank you to everyone who was able to make it out this afternoon. Both my fiance and I are thrilled to have you all here.”
Armin takes a deep breath after saying his last sentence, a buzz in the air as he says the word ‘fiance’.
“Yes, yes, it’s big news, news that I’m assuming you’ve all heard by now. I’m excited to be here this afternoon with my future wife to discuss the future of our companies. I’ve heard the conspiracies of what is to happen between both Annie Leonhart’s, soon to be Annie Artlert, and my company, and we are here to put any of those rumors to rest.
“My beautiful fiance is now going to come up and explain our future together, and then we’ll both be answering any questions that you all may have, press-wise.”
Armin is an extremely eloquent speaker and Annie feels her chest tighten as she has to follow him and explain their future together, as well as the future of their companies.
“Hello, everyone, and thank you honey for the kind introduction.” Annie prays that her pet name didn’t come off as bitter in any way. “I am pleased to announce that Armin and I will be having our wedding within the next month. This may seem spontaneous to the public, however, it’s been in the works for awhile. As far as the future of our companies goes, he and I will be merging ‘Leonhart Infotech’ and ‘Arlert Technologies’ into ‘Arlert Infotech’. This is going to be new for everyone involved, however we are thrilled for this new chapter in our lives and we thank everyone for their support and their love during this time.”
Annie steps back from the microphone, Armin comes and joins her, hooking his arm around her waist. The couple smiles together, the camera’s flashing aggressively at the display of affection.
“We’ll be taking questions now!” Armin says, Annie’s body pressed tightly against his.
Suddenly, a female reporter yells out from the audience “What’s your sex life like?!?”
Armin and Annie glance at each other, a panic arising on their faces.
“I don’t think that’s an appropriate question to ask,” Armin responds, clearly his pr training shining through.
“ANSWER IT!” A male report calls out.
“I-” Armin starts, but Annie cuts him off.
“-It’s wonderful, I couldn’t ask for a better man to rock my world,” Annie winks. “However, if you aren’t going to ask us professional or appropriate questions, we will be leaving.”
They are then flooded with an array of actually applicable, business oriented questions that the couple answers. Afterwards, the two say their thanks and their goodbyes, and head into their limo.
“Want a glass of wine?” Annie asks Armin as she pours herself a glass.
Armin nods, thankfully taking the glass from his fiance. “Thank you. That was… odd.”
Annie takes a long sip of her wine, thinking on how to respond. “It was odd, but I didn’t mind.”
Armin practically spits out his wine, choking on her answer. “Come again?”
“Hm?” she asks, taking another sip of her wine, glancing out the limo window to the city outside.
“Never mind,” Armin whispers, turning his face away from Annie’s.
Annie glances at Armin hesitantly, her eyes laced with so much unsaid, all Armin can sense is her exhaustion though.
“You look tired,” Armin says after a second.
“I am… I always am. I don’t sleep very well which is why I’m not sure it’s a good idea for us to share a room, to… share a bed,” Annie says quietly, turning away as she rings her hands together.
Armin swallows the tightness in his throat, suddenly realizing how hard it is for him to breathe. “I don’t mind, Annie. Plus… it’ll raise suspicion,” he whispers.
She looks back at him, a frown on her lips. She opens and shuts her mouth multiple times before figuring out what she’s actually trying to say. “You don’t understand, Armin. I don’t sleep and when I do… I have nightmares. It’s bad, it’ll keep you up.”
Armin nods, realizing his leg has been bouncing with nerves this whole time. “I just want you to be as comfortable as possible… and seriously, it won’t bother me. I read most of the night anyway,” he lies. He sleeps a lot of the night, but he wants to provide her comfort, knowing this was a lot for her, a huge change.
“If you’re sure,” she says quietly.
Armin nods definitively as they pull up to their house. He hops out of the car and opens the door for Annie, a small smile on his lips. “My dear,” he says, holding out his hand to help her out of the car.
She tries her best to hide her smile with a frown, but fails, letting out a small laugh as she takes Armin’s hand to help her out of the car. “Thank you,” she says, a deeper meaning laced behind her words, hoping that Armin can sense it.
“You go upstairs and get ready for bed, I need to finish up some things down here,” Armin says as they walk into the kitchen of their house.
Annie nods, walking up the stairs to their huge room. A handmaiden waits for her to enter, holding up a silky slip dress and lingerie. Annie can’t help but make a face at what she was holding.
“What is that?” Annie says, her eyebrows interlaced.
“Your nightgown, ma’am. It is your and Armin’s first night sleeping together,” the maid says respectfully.
Annie hesitantly takes the clothes from her, nodding to signal she could leave, and she does, leaving Annie holding the lacy clothing in her hand. Annie walks to her closet, tossing it on the floor and picking out a pair of exercise shorts and tank top, which she slips on. As she walks out of her closet, Armin approaches, holding two cups of tea.
“For you,” he says, setting one on her night table.
She tilts her head, but takes the tea gratefully, taking a sip. “This is really good but um… what for?” she asks.
Armin gets into his side of the bed, taking his cup of tea to his lips. He sits in a peaceful silence for a few seconds, then turns to watch as Annie hops into bed. “I’m not sure how you take your tea so I hope sugar and honey is fine. It’s decaf, no caffeine. I hear tea can help you sleep so I wanted to offer you some.”
Annie looks up at him through hooded eyes, her heart fluttering slightly at his words, her pulse speeding. She wills herself to calm down as she speaks.
“Well, thank you. And the sugar and honey are perfectly fine.”
“Great! Mind if I keep the table lamp on while I read for a bit?”
“Be my guest,” Annie says, finishing her cup of tea and rolling over in bed.
After a few minutes of silence, she breaks it. “Armin?”
“Hm?” he whispers. He has clearly been woken up by Annie’s voice, the gravel in his throat clear with his response.
“Sorry,” she whispers.
“No worries,” he mumbles. “What’s wrong?”
“You know, the maid in here earlier picked out something for me to wear which was odd.”
“Was it?” Armin asks, rolling over to face her. She turns over too, the both of them facing each other in the bed, face to face, a breath away from each other.
Armin’s eyes flick down to Annie’s lips then back up to her eyes, so quickly that Annie almost didn’t notice. Almost.
Annie licks her lips gently before speaking; she’s not entirely sure if she does it on purpose or not. “It was this… silk dress and lingerie,” she says slowly, the dim light coming from Armin’s lamp making his eyes sparkle relentlessly, almost distracting her from what she is trying to say.
“Oh?” he says, a knot in his stomach forming slightly. “I don’t blame you for not wanting to wear it,” he whispers, eyes flickering open and shut.
“It’s not necessarily that… it’s just. I got to thinking and… what happens when we have to kiss on our wedding day soon?” she asks.
Something in the air immediately shifts and Annie suddenly becomes very aware of their situation, laying extremely vulnerably next to this man she just met… a met she feels herself possibly, just possibly falling for.
Armin’s eyes dart away from Annie and he turns over, flicking his lamp off. “I’m not sure. It’ll be fine though. What did you say… ‘purely professional’?” he asks.
Annie feels sick to her stomach, a tension now writhing in the air between them. “True… are you going to bed now?” she asks.
“Yes, goodnight, Annie,” Armin hums, feeling himself drift to bed.