
Work Header

it's always been you


practice kissing with goten gets a little out of hand.


i love truten SO MUCH!!!! i wrote this entirely at work. hope you enjoy!!!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

"have you ever kissed anyone, trunks?" the question caught him off guard, red rushing to his features. 


the two were sitting on goten's bed, game over screen flashing colors over his tv. 


"why're you asking?" he presses, fiddling with the game controller in his lap. 


"just curious," goten replied. "i don't think i've ever seen you go on a date before. let alone kiss someone." 


"that's because i haven't." he mumbles, ashamed. he knew his best friend had been on countless dates, likely kissing at least a dozen girls. he felt jealous, and strangely, not of goten. but of the girls. "and i don't know if i ever will..." 


"hey, don't say that." goten scoots closer, and trunks' heart thuds. their knees are touching. "if you wanna get some practice in... i'm here, y'know?" 








"sorry, trunks, you can forget i said anything. i don't wanna make things weird between u--"


"hold on." he says, blush seeping down to his neck. "it wouldn't be weird, i mean, come on. we've been the same person before, how is this any weirder? i'm ready to try anything with you, 'ten." he murmurs the words, stumbling a little bit as he sends himself further into a flustered state.


"really?" there are stars in the younger boy's eyes, and he leans closer. "so youd be up for it? no pressure, of course!" 


trunks watches goten's eyes flicker to his lips and he thinks he just might die. 


"y-yeah, id be cool with that." trunks' own eyes find them magnetized to goten's soft lips, watching as his tongue darts out to wet them. trunks has to contain a shiver, as he leans even closer, almost closing the distance between them. "what do we... do?" 


"alright, so..." goten's eyes dart down again, and this time trunks can't repress the shudder that wracks his body. "youre gonna pucker your lips, and we're gonna press 'em together. once you get comfortable, you can move them if you want to. its okay if we dont get that far though, maybe next time." goten reaches to grab trunks' hand and squeeze it, reassuring.


trunks gasps softly at the contact, and the implication of his words sends goosebumps along his flesh. next time? would there... really be a next time? 


"okay, im ready to try it." trunks breathes, and his exhale fans right across gotens face. their lips were nearly touching already and trunks couldnt even handle it. 


"alright, trunks." is the last thing goten says before trunks' vision is full of him, and theres a damp pressure on his lips. 


trunks' eyes flutter shut, and he huffs through his nose. fireworks shoot across trunks' limbs from where theyre connected, and he cant believe this is what hes been missing out on. 


he didnt know kissing his very best friend would feel this damn good. 


his hands scrabble for goten's hair and he threads his fingers through it, twisting his head to the side. goten meets him with equal enthusiasm and parts his lips slightly, moving them against trunks'. 


trunks lets slip a soft moan, and he climbs into goten's lap, straddling him. he's never been with anyone else before, but he's seen enough movies to get an idea. he swipes his tongue across gotens bottom lip, and goten chuckles deeply into the kiss. the younger breaks it, momentarily. trunks is still sitting in his lap, shifting his hips. 


"eager, huh?" he questions, and trunks doesn't even ask what he means. goten's eyes are half lidded as he licks his lips. the lips trunks was just touching. trunks wonders briefly if goten can taste him. the thought flusters him, almost just as much as  the idea of kissing goten itself. "that's alright. we can go a little further." he whispers. 


trunks all but dives back in, whimpering as their lips touch again and subconsciously pressing his hips into goten's. 


trunks' fingers are spread through goten's spiky hair and goten is grasping him by the waist. somewhere, distantly, the older of the two can feel goten rolling his hips up into trunks.


it's goten, this time, prodding his tongue against trunks' lips. the older demi-saiyan parts his lips immediately, brushing his tongue against goten's almost desperately. 


he had never discovered just how much he craved goten. he thought it was just a crush, natural, that would pass with time. over the years, it only strengthened as their bond did. 


goten licks into his mouth and slides his tongue along the older's teeth, ripping a mewl from the other. his hips move without him even thinking. 


it's intoxicating, and trunks doesn't even realize he's teetering over the edge until he breaks their kiss with a whine of, "'ten!" he's bucking his hips, grasping at goten's shoulders now, practically riding him through his clothes. "oh, fuck..." his head collapses onto the space where gotens collarbones lie. 


he can feel, from somewhere far away, that goten is stroking his sides up and down.


as trunks comes back to, the stuffing falling out of his ears, gotens voice becomes clearer. 


"--trunks?" he says, and before trunks can respond, "did i make you come?" 


"shit." his face burns cherry-red as he buries his face further into goten's neck. "fuck, im so sorry, goten, i--"  


"hey, trunks, its okay." goten chuckles lightly, and now trunks can feel the outline of... something, pressing into his damp shorts. "i liked that. a lot. and i really liked kissing you, too." 


"oh," he breathes. "'ten..." 


"yeah." goten hasnt stopped the caress of his hands along trunks' sides, and something about gotens hands on him makes a renowned tingle return between his legs. "i like you, in case you haven't noticed."


"oh," trunks chokes. "my gods." he cant say he expected that at all, but he accepts it with open arms entirely. "i like you too. if it wasnt obvious, the way i was... y'know." he trails off, looking down.


"well i'm glad i asked you to kiss me." he says, bringing one hand up to cup trunks' cheek. "i've been dying to do that forever."


"so have i," the older boy replies. "i didnt want to kiss anyone else. it's... always been you."


"although ive... dated around... it was always a distraction for me. something to get my mind off you. but its always been you, too." trunks curls his arms around goten's waist and inhales his scent. it's comforting, he smells like home-- that underlying scent that all saiyans have, and something undeniably earthy. it brings him great comfort, and he hugs him tighter.


this was perfect. 


pls comment it feeds me