
Work Header

Good News


"Seriously, it's fine. It's just coffee," Will says, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Mike feels like he's made a fool of himself, but he can't help the little smile that tugs at his lips. Will's laugh is contagious, even when it's at his own expense.

"I'm Will," the brunette says, extending his hand. Mike takes a moment to admire the brunette. The script tucked under his arm, the pencil tucked behind his ear, the long, flow black pants he's paired with the turtleneck.

Mike's hand shakes a bit as he takes it, "Mike Wheeler," he says, trying to keep his cool. Will's grip is firm but gentle, a perfect blend of confidence and kindness.

"I know," Will says with a grin, "I watch your weather reports every morning."

Mike's jaw drops, "You do?" He feels like a teenager who's just found out their celebrity crush knows their name.

Chapter 1: I spent the whole day in my head, do a little spring cleaning

Chapter Text

Mike Wheeler was 19 when he first got the job as a coffee boy for Neighbour News, now here he is, 24 and the weather reporter for the same show. The excitement of the job had never worn off, but the nerves? They were as fresh as ever. Will Byers, the host of the segment 'The Wink' , had an infectious smile and a laugh that could brighten the darkest of days. Mike had watched him from afar, delivering the news with a charm that made him feel like an old friend, even though they'd never exchanged more than a handful of words.


"Mike pull your head out your ass, you're almost up." Dustin all but yelled into the ravenette's earpiece.


Mike jumped, the sound of Dustin's voice snapping him out of his daze. He took a deep breath, "Yeah, good morning to you too Dustin."


The countdown began, a series of lights flickering in the corner of Mike's eye as the producer signaled the start of his segment. He took his place in front of the green screen, the brightness of the studio lights washing out any hint of the dreary afternoon outside.


"Now over to weather with Mike Wheeler." He heard El say with a smile in her voice, the camera panning over to him.


Mike grinned at the camera as usual, "Well folks, if you're looking at the rain outside right now and actually expect it to pick up then I personally would recommend an eye test because it is gray clouds all week." He moves to a point at the top of the green screen, staring at the tv in front of him. "New York, some of you need to remember where we live because I don't even remember what the sun looks like at this point." He says, chuckling. The segment goes smoothly, with Mike delivering the weather report with his trademark charm and a sprinkle of humor.


As soon as he's done, he rushes off to the control room, planning to bother Dustin and maybe a coffee runner.


"That was great, Mike!" Dustin says without looking up from his screens, his eyes darting between the live feed and the upcoming script.


Mike nods with a grin, slumping into the chair next to Dustins. All the other camera and tech people have grown used to it by now. "Have I missed Will and Lucas' segment yet?"


Dustin glances over, his fingers hovering over the controls, "Nah, man. They're just about to start. You got perfect timing, as usual." He winks and tosses Mike a headset. "Here, listen in. Maybe you should, y'know, talk to him? Instead of ogling over him for the past 4 years?"


Mike rolls his eyes, but the tease hits a little too close to home. "No way," he mumbles, but his cheeks betray him with a blush. He slips the headset on and leans closer to the monitors, his heart racing as he hears Will's unmistakable laughter fill his ears. He can see the brunette's head thrown back as Lucas talks.


"Hey Byers, almost up. Robin will count you in." Dustin says into the microphone, his voice echoing through the headset Mike has on.


Will's laughter dims as he hears the message in his ear. "Thanks, Dustin. Do you-"


Before Will can finish, Lucas' voice interrupts him through the microphone. "Oi, Dustybun. You still owe me from lunch last wednesday."


"Oh, what? What's that sound? Oh! It's your segment starting early!" Dustin says pettily, switching over to camera crew 3.


Mike laughs, thankfully Dustin had muted his microphone from coming through to Will and Lucas' earpieces. "Dustin, such an ass." But his heart is racing with excitement as he watches the screen.


On the small TV, Lucas starts the segment with a mischievous smile, "Welcome back everyone, today we're discussing Will's lack of dating life." He teases and Will snorts, rolling his eyes.


"Thanks, Lucas," Will says, his cheeks tinting a faint pink, "But actually, today I wanted to discuss Eddie Munson's new album, 'learn about love,' a tribute actually, to his boyfriend, one of our beloved hairstylists on set. Isn't that so romantic?"


Mike's heart skips a beat as Will looks directly into the camera with a smile. Mike's cheeks flush as Dustin glances over with a shit-eating grin.


Lucas laughs, "My girlfriend better be taking notes right now," he says, holding up a hand. Will's eyes twinkle with amusement, and Mike feels a strange warmth spread through his chest. It's moments like these that make 'The Wink' so special; the easy camaraderie between the hosts, the way they can turn any topic into a light-hearted banter.


"So, Will," Lucas leans in, his voice dropping a bit, "If you wrote an album for a partner, what would you call it?"


Will shrugs, sipping his coffee in that adorable cat mug Mike's seen so many times in the cast kitchen. "I guess it depends on who it is. I mean, you can't expect one thing from every partner when that thing could be very specific to one person."


Lucas nods thoughtfully, his eyes on Will. "True. Okay, say someone wrote one for you? What would you want it to be called?"


Will laughs, "That's pretty much the exact same question."


Lucas rolls his eyes, leaning back in his seat. "Just answer it."


Will considers the question, his smile slipping into a gentle contemplation. "Well, if someone did write an album for me, I'd love maybe a theme of one of my favorite paintings in it, like starry night or something." The brunette shrugs, "I don't know. What about you, Mr Cupid?"


Lucas laughs and then looks directly at the camera, pointing at it. "Max, I want you to call it 'Lucas Sinclair is the hottest most sexiest man ever'. Because obviously, it'd be all about me," he says with a wink.


Mike's heart skips a beat as Will laughs, the sound echoing through the headset and the studio. It's the kind of laugh that's so genuine and carefree, it's impossible not to get swept up in it. Will's eyes are shining with mirth, and he's leaning back in his chair, his head thrown back. It's a full-body laugh, the kind that makes Mike's chest ache with something he can't quite place.


"Can't argue with that one." Will says as his laughs die down, "Max, drop the album."


Dustin's voice comes through the headset again, "Lucas, you guys have 7 more minutes to fill bud, bring the conversation back to dating, our viewer count peaked at it," he says, not bothering to hide his amusement.


Lucas grins at Will, "Alright, Byers, let's get serious. If you had to pick, what are the top three qualities you'd want in a partner?"


Will takes a moment, tapping his finger against the mug thoughtfully. "Hmm, I'd say someone who can make me laugh, obviously. That's a big one. You can't take life too seriously." He glances at Lucas, who nods in agreement. "Someone who's genuine, you know? Someone who actually cares about what's going on in the world and in our life."


Lucas nods, smiling warmly at Will. "I've got that with Maxine. She keeps me grounded, you know? And she laughs at all my terrible dad jokes."


Will laughs, "She is going to kill you for calling her Maxine on live tv."


"Probably." Lucas says with a wink, "But back to you. What's number three on your list?"


Will's gaze drifts to the side, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Someone who...understands me, I guess. These aren't in order by the way, I feel like that's important to note."


Mike's heart is racing. The description feels eerily accurate. He's always been one to laugh at Will's jokes, to get the little nods to 80s culture that Will sometimes throws into his segments. And as for being genuine? Mike had always prided himself on being an open book, not playing games or hiding behind a facade.


Dustin looks over at Mike, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the man who's got everything Will's looking for in a partner." He says into the microphone, the tease clear in his tone.


Before he can respond, he hears Will talking in his headset. "Sorry everyone, one of our producers is teasing me." Will chuckles and Mike is mortified.


"Shit." Dustin says, turning his microphone off. "At least I didn't say your name right?" He smiles awkwardly and Mike could seriously strangle him right now.


Mike's face feels hot under the headset, his eyes darting to the floor. "Very funny," he says, trying to keep his voice even.


Dustin laughs, "I'm just saying, you've got the charm, the humor, and I'm pretty sure you care about the news more than anyone else in this building. You're basically Will's dream date wrapped up in a neat little bow." He doesn't wait for Mike to answer, swiveling his chair back to the screen and switching on his microphone. "Guys wrap it up, Camera 3 zoom out slowly."


On the monitor, Will and Lucas are finishing up their banter, the camera moving back to show the entire set.


Mike watches Will's smile fade slightly as he sips his coffee, the conversation shifting gears back to his and Lucas' off camera banter as the program switches over to El again.


With a sigh, Mike takes off his headset, his heart racing. He's never talked to Will about anything other than a greeting and the occasional awkward nod in the hallway. He's always felt like he was in a different league, like he wasn't cool enough to be part of Will's world. There is no way he can talk to Will now.




"So, Mike," Mike's boss, Mr. Clarke, says from behind his cluttered desk.  "How would you feel about doing a segment with Will Byers?"


Mike's segments had started trending massively on social media. His self-deprecating humor and boy-next-door looks had caught the attention of viewers across the nation, and it wasn't just for his weather reports anymore. Clips of his candid interactions with the cast and crew had found their way onto various platforms, showcasing his charm and infectious laughter. People posting edits and comments about his boyish charm.


"I'm sorry?" Mike asks, shell shocked. "Can you repeat that?"


Mr. Clarke chuckles, "I know, it's a surprise, but your fan base is growing, and we want you to capitalize on that." He says, leaning back in his chair. "We've had great feedback from your recent segments, so we thought, why not pair you with our other fan fav?"


Mike's heart thuds in his chest, "Are you serious?"


Mr. Clarke nods, "Very. You two seem to have personalities that'll mix together nicely."


Mike gulps, trying to keep his cool. "When would we start?"


Mr. Clarke glances down at his schedule, "Tuesday afternoon. It'll be a trial run, just to see how the chemistry is between you two. If it flops, we can always just keep you on your solo weather spot only."


Mike nods, his mind racing. He's been a weather reporter for the last five years and has had his fair share of segments, but nothing as big as this. Working with Will? It's like a dream come true.


"Okay, I'll do it," Mike says, trying to sound as calm as possible.


Mr. Clarke's eyes light up, "Great, I knew you'd be up for it. I've already talked to Will, and he's looking forward to it. It'll be a new segment called ‘Stranger Talk’ , a little mix of pop culture and light banter with incoming callers, Nothing too serious."


Mike nods, trying not to let the excitement show on his face.


"Perfect," Mr. Clarke says, standing up and offering his hand. "We'll get the script to you by tomorrow. Good luck, Mike. You're going to kill it."


Mike shakes his hand, his palms sweaty. "Thanks, I won't let you down." He turns to leave, picking up his coffee from the desk, his mind racing with the implications of what he's just agreed to.


As Mike steps into the hallway, the bustle of the evening newsroom surrounds him. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.


Suddenly, he rounds a corner and crashes into someone, his coffee cup flying from his hand. The liquid splashes over the person's shirt, the scent of burnt coffee beans and sweet creamer filling the air. Mike's eyes widen in horror as he sees it's Will Byers, standing there with his signature smile wiped clean, now replaced with surprise.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Mike exclaims, his voice high pitched with panic as he frantically looks around for something to clean it up with. The brunette's brown knitted turtleneck is now a sad canvas of dark stains, the material already starting to stick to his skin.


Will looks down at the mess, his eyes wide with shock before a small giggle escapes his lips. "It's okay," he says, but he's laughing too hard to sound convincing. Mike's cheeks burn with embarrassment as he dabs at the stains with a napkin he's pulled from his pocket.


"I'm so clumsy, I swear, it's not usually this bad." Mike keeps apologizing, his voice shaky. Will's laughter grows louder, the sound of it bouncing off the walls of the hallway.


"Yeah," Will nods, his laughter subsiding into a soft chuckle, "Every morning in my change room."


"Wow really? I always try to catch The Wink after my segment," Mike says, trying to play it cool, but the way his eyes light up betrays his excitement.


Will's smile widens, "You do?" He asks, his voice genuinely surprised. "That means a lot, I had no idea."


Mike nods, "You guys are like the best part of my morning, even if it's just to see you both bicker."


"Well, I'm flattered." Will says, his cheeks reddening slightly. "But I really should get going, I've got an art show downtown to get to." He says, pulling out his phone to check the time.


Mike's eyes go wide, "Oh no, I've kept you, I'm so sorry. Your shirt!" He says, pointing at the stains.


Will waves him off, "It's fine, really. Besides, I'm kind of looking forward to telling the story behind it." He laughs, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "But yeah, I've got to go. I'll see you on Tuesday though, for the big segment."


Mike nods, his heart racing, "Yeah, I can't wait. It's going to be amazing." He says, trying to keep his voice steady.


Will's grin is infectious, "I know, it's going to be great. And who knows, maybe we'll get to bicker live on air."


Mike laughs, feeling his cheeks heat up. "I wouldn't put it past you."


"See ya, Mike." Will says, giving a small wave before turning to leave.


Mike watches him go, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling in his stomach. He's finally going to get the chance to talk to Will Byers, not just in passing but actually work with him. 


As the brunette walks away, Mike can't help but feel a flutter in his stomach. It's not just nerves, it's something more. Something that makes him want to follow Will, to be part of his world, to be the person Will laughs with every day.


He shakes his head, trying to focus. He's got to prepare for this. He can't just wing it. He needs to be ready to hold his own against the legend that is Will Byers.


Mike takes a deep breath, squaring his shoulders. He's going to make sure Tuesday is perfect. He's going to make Will laugh, he's going to show him that he's more than just the awkward weather guy.




The days leading up to Tuesday felt like a blur to Mike. He spent every free moment researching, preparing jokes, and running through potential conversation topics in his head. He barely slept the night before, his thoughts racing with excitement and nerves.


Finally, Tuesday afternoon rolled around, and Mike found himself pacing backstage, his heart hammering in his chest. He could hear the faint murmur of El wrapping up her every morning segment.


"Mike," Dustin's voice called out, breaking his trance. "You're up next. Will's already in place."


Mike nodded, trying to swallow the lump in his throat as he took his place behind the set. The lights grew brighter, and the murmur grew louder as El announced, "And now, welcome to a brand-new segment, 'Stranger Talk', with Will Byers and...Mike Wheeler!"


The applause washed over him as he stepped into view, his eyes immediately finding Will's. The brunette offered a reassuring smile. Mike returned the gesture, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. They sat down in the plush armchairs, the set designed to look like a cozy living room, complete with paintings that Mike's 99% sure are Will's hanging up, and funny photos of the cast.


"So, Will," Mike began, his voice surprisingly steady, "You're known for your love of the arts. What's the strangest piece of art you've ever seen?"


Will's eyes lit up at the question, and he launched into a story about a sculpture he'd once stumbled upon in a small town gallery. It was a vivid description of a melting phone booth, painted in dark colors that somehow conveyed a sense of whimsy. Mike listened intently, nodding along and adding in the occasional laugh or question to keep the conversation flowing. The chemistry between them was palpable, even through the cameras and lights.


Mike cursed Dustin's whole bloodline when he heard the curly haired boy's voice in their earpieces.


"Guys, read the question, we need radio callers that we can patch through."


"Speaking of art, what's some of the strangest pieces you guys have seen? Call in at 607-723-4093." Will easily side steps.


Mike nods, a bit thrown off by the interactive audience aspect of the show. "Sure, let's get into it."


The first few callers are a mix of weather jokes and genuine art enthusiasts, which Mike and Will navigate with ease. They laugh together, build off each other's answers, and the nerves that had plagued Mike earlier start to dissipate. The banter feels natural, like they've been doing this for years.


Then, a gruff voice comes through the line, "Hi, this is Benny from Hawkins."


Mike's heart skips a beat. Hawkins was his hometown, a place that held so many memories for him.


"No way!" Will says excitedly. "That's where I grew up!"


Mike's eyes widened, "You're kidding?"


"Nope, I'm not," Will grins, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "What's the weirdest art piece you've seen, Benny?"


The caller chuckles, "Well, there's this one at the old junkyard, it's a giant statue of a flipped over van with Christmas lights all over it."


The conversation shifts to the bizarre art of Hawkins, with Mike sharing his own peculiar memories of the place. Will laughs along, the energy in the room crackling with excitement.


And then, without meaning to, Mike blurts out an embarrassing anecdote from his childhood. A time when he'd tried to create his own 'masterpiece' in the schoolyard, only to have it collapse on him. It's a story he hasn't told in years, one that still makes him cringe to think about. But the way Will's eyes light up with laughter, the way his head tilts back and his shoulders shake, it's like nothing Mike has ever seen before. It's real, genuine, and it wraps around Mike like a warm blanket.


As they wrap up the segment, Will turns to Mike, his smile genuine. "You did great," he whispers, the mic and cameras off.


Mike nods, his cheeks reddening with the praise. "Thanks. You too."


The feedback from the control room is a mix of applause and relieved laughter. "Alright, that's a wrap,"


Mr. Clarke's voice booms through the studio speakers, "Great job, guys! That was fantastic. You've got real chemistry up there." Mike's chest swells with pride, his eyes flicking over to Will who's nodding in agreement.


"Seriously," Mr. Clarke continues, "The phones have been ringing off the hook with positive feedback. 'Stranger Talk' is a hit, and we're definitely keeping it in the lineup."


The two hosts look at each other, sharing a look of excitement and relief. Will reaches over and claps Mike on the back, "Told you we'd do great."


Mike laughs, feeling like he's floating.


Dustin gives them a thumbs up from the control room as the two hosts make their way backstage.


"Hey, Mikey," Dustin says, leaning into Mike's ear as soon as they're out of earshot from Will.


Mike flinches, "What?"


"You're doing great," Dustin whispers, his voice a conspiratorial murmur. "But maybe try to flirt a little more with Will on air, you know, play it cool but show him you're interested."


Mike's cheeks heat up, "What? No, Dustin, I can't do that!"


Dustin laughs, "Why not? He's totally into you."


"How would you know?" Mike hisses back at Dustin, trying to keep his voice low.


Dustin winks, "Love is on the air my friend."