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Angel on Board


A midnight expedition to get wine takes an unexpected turn after Crowley returns to the Bentley.

Can the two of them finally discover their true emotions towards each other, and leave the insecurities of the past behind?

Love always prevails.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The Bentley swerved and jolted its way through the west end, much to the annoyance of pedestrians as all the traffic lights had somehow been red for the past 5 minutes. “Another bites the dust” reverberated in the car for the third time tonight.

Aziraphale plastered himself to the seat, terrified even to move a single muscle which might lead to catastrophic lurch forwards. 100 years of experience did not dampen his fear of Crowley’s driving, no, it might even have made it worse.

“Can we plea-“
“Please slow do-“
“What?” Crowley shouted dismissively, as if he didn’t know what he was about to say anyways. The two things Aziraphale talked about in the car was one, his driving speed, or two, his music choices. Maybe the occasional blather about how he should be cleaning the leather, maintaining the motor- noise, noise, noise. As if he’s owned a car. It’s the same as a bookstore, he would say without fail.

Crowley pulled up to a wine store, groaning as the metal gates were slowly cranked down- he looked at his watch- they were indeed five minutes away from closing time.
“Don’t you dare,” Crowley muttered, as the gates sprang back up with a flick of his fingers. “I’ll deal with this- you stay here.” He said before Aziraphale could bicker, slamming the Bentley door behind him.

Disgruntled but with no choice, Aziraphale settled into the seat, looking at the passerbys that walked in drabs of twos and threes, brandishing thick coats and drunken smiles. He felt ever the more comfortable in the warmth of the Bentley as the battering wind hammered through the streets of London. The warmth enveloped him and caressed his face, as he felt a spell of sleepiness overcome him…

Crowley swaggered down the street, his spoils of war proudly clutched in either hand. The bottles clanked against each other as he held them in one hand, tugging the Bentley door open.

“They gave me a really good deal- well- they had no choice- well- I made them give-“ Crowley immediately became silent as he observed the sleeping angel, nestled in the leather seat of the Bentley. He slipped in beside Aziraphale, cringing as the bottles clattering against each other as he placed them on the back seat.

“Angel,” Crowley whispered, knowing that waking him now would be a kinder option than being him being jolted awake from some turn he made at a roundabout. Aziraphale mumbled incoherently, evidently still in deep sleep as his head drooped on his chest.

Tentatively, Crowley considered gently shaking him awake. He raised his arm, phasing it back and forth as he pondered. Deciding, he placed his trembling hand on Aziraphale’s shoulder; his face flushed as thoughts of intimacy seeped in. Crowley admired his soft white curls, nose angled in perfect proportion. A desire to love and protect Aziraphale burst forth from him- so overwhelming that tears welled in his eyes, and his heart raced.

“I love you.” Crowley whispered. “I love you,” He repeated, as if it was too good to be true.
Taking off his overcoat, Crowley draped it over Aziraphale affectionately, making sure he was comfortable.
“All tucked in… let’s go home.” He turned the engine on, holding himself back from stepping on the gas vigorously; no longer swerving through the streets, but cruised slowly through the midnight air - with some reminders from the Bentley whose speed meters
whined angrily even if he dared pass 30 miles an hour.

The indicator hoarsely ticked as he turned onto the street that A.Z. Fell and Co resided. Crowley parked the car smoothly beside the curb, sans the usual jolt from hasty braking. Amber lights above flooded the car, flickering amongst the shadows masking Aziraphale’s pale face. After turning the engine off, Crowley resumed looking over the sleeping angel, immensely reluctant to wake him. But before long, Aziraphale stirred, confusedly running his fingers through the leather seats and Crowley’s overcoat.

“Oh- I am so sorry- sorry- I hope I wasn’t asleep for long-“ Aziraphale prattled. “You should have woken me up! Let’s go back to the bookstore now- have you got the wine?”
“We’re already at the bookstore.”
Aziraphale shot up from his slumped position, staring at the view of his bookstore, unremarkable and dull without the warm glow of lights.
“But- but how- was- was I really that tired that I slept through your driving?” Aziraphale chuckled, but soon it faded to a growing realisation.
“Oh… you drove… slowly… for me, didn’t you?”
Evading his gaze, Crowley looked out of the grimy window by his seat.
“No- you were just really- really tired.” Crowley stated firmly.
“And this- this is- your coat-“
Aziraphale sank into a silence as Crowley continued to divert his gaze. He shuffled closer to Crowley, putting a hand on his lap.
“I just wanted to say thank you.” Aziraphale said. “Crowley… look at me…”
Crowley turned his head tentatively towards Aziraphale, unable to hide the blush of his face. They gazed at each other- they knew what came next- Aziraphale tenderly kissed him, and was met by trembling hands slipping around him. Crowley leant into him, as they kissed again and again.

“You’re… you’re crying…” Aziraphale whispered as he felt the dampness of tears on his face as they kissed. He tightly held Crowley, who started to cry, burying his face into Aziraphale’s chest.
“Shhh…. shhh… it’s okay… it’s okay…” Aziraphale said soothingly as he stroked Crowley’s hair.
“I- I-“ Crowley muttered in between sobs, “I’ve never knew what it was like to be- be loved… I was so scared… so scared, Angel, I thought I was alone in feeling our love…”
“Never loved?” Aziraphale faltered, in shock. “Oh, Crowley…” He held Crowley’s hands to his lips, kissing them softly. “I have always loved you. But I was afraid, too… that you wouldn’t love me. I couldn’t understand why a demon would love an angel, of all things.”
“Does it need a reason?”
“Never.” Aziraphale smiled, sighing as Crowley nuzzled into his neck, every stroke of warm breath mingling against sensitive skin.
They sat, nestled in each other, in the sanctuary of the Bentley, watching as misty rain pattered over the windows and clouded the glass.


hello! i hope you liked this fluffier fic - probably back to more angst-y stuff next time- enjoy while you can!!

-joy :)