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Tell me I’m yours


“You are so... innocent in your sensuality. You don't even realize how you make me feel,” He explained, his voice a whisper in the noise of the shower.

George blushed brighter, his eyes darting away shyly.

“It's just me, Lew,” he murmured, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lewis lifted his chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.

“You’re much more than that, angel. You're everything to me,” he said, his voice full of sincerity. “I want you to always feel that way, sweetheart. Protected, loved.”


Spanish version available on my profile.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Arriving at the room, George gently knocked on the door and waited. A moment later, Lewis opened it, his face lighting up at the sight of him.


“Hi, Georgie,” he said, with a smile that made his heart race.

“Hello, Lewis,” he responded, entering and letting the door close behind him.


The older's room was a cozy haven, with soft lights and an intimate atmosphere that contrasted with the outside world. George felt instantly relaxed, knowing that here he could be himself without reservation. After all, Lewis had always made sure that this was the case.


“Would you like something to drink?” he asked, heading to the small kitchen.

“Sure, whatever you have is fine,” he agreed, taking off his jacket and leaving it on a chair.


Lewis poured two glasses of wine and brought them over, handing him one before sitting next to him on the couch. They drank in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company.


“It's been a hard week, right?” George commented, breaking the silence.

“Yes. Finally we can have this time together, I missed this,” he answered, his dark eyes fixing on the younger's with an intensity that made him blush slightly.


He looked away. Despite the closeness they had developed over time, there was still something about the way Lewis looked at him that made him feel vulnerable, like he could see right through him.


“I missed this too,” he admitted quietly, toying with the rim of his glass.


Lewis smiled, leaning in a little, with that natural confidence he always had. He wasn't aggressive, but his presence filled the room, commanding the space with a confidence that was both comforting and overwhelming.


"I'm glad you're here, Georgie," he murmured, his voice low and enveloping. "You always know how to make me feel better."


He blushed even more. He felt the weight of the words, and the atmosphere, charged with more than just camaraderie, was beginning to tense in a way he didn't quite know how to handle. He had always admired Lewis, that imperturbable confidence, that way of controlling any situation with a confident smile. Next to him, he felt small, but not in an uncomfortable way.


“You… you make me feel better too,” he replied awkwardly, feeling his throat tighten. He took another sip of wine, hoping it would help calm him down, but the knot in his chest only seemed to grow tighter.


Lewis set his glass down on the coffee table and moved closer, invading George’s personal space without asking, as if he owned it. George felt him so close that he could smell the familiar scent of his skin, that warm, slightly spicy mix that always made him lose his train of thought.


“You know something, George?” he asked, his voice vibrating with calm confidence and a slight hint of amusement. “Sometimes I wonder why you get so nervous around me.”


He swallowed, trying to form a response, but the words wouldn't come out. How could he explain it? Lewis had always been someone who challenged him, who made him feel more than he was ready to feel. But talking about it… no, he couldn't.


"I don't know…" was all he managed to say, but his tone betrayed the truth.


Lewis smirked, that mischievous grin that always managed to disarm him. Without another word, he tilted his head, dark eyes fixed on his lips, as if he already knew what the next move would be. George, on the other hand, felt the air in the room grow thicker, and with each passing second was a quickening of the pulse in his ears.


“Relax,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t bite, Georgie.”


A nervous laugh died in his throat as Lewis suddenly closed the distance between them. The world seemed to stop as lips brushed his own softly, almost carefully, as if giving him time to pull back. But George didn’t. His mind was blank, his senses hyper-alert, taking in every little detail: the warmth of lips, the smell of wine, the gentle pressure that only lasted a second but felt like forever.

When Lewis pulled back a little, staying close enough for their breaths to mingle, he still had his eyes closed, trying to process what had just happened.


“See?” he whispered, his voice low and laden with something George didn’t know how to name. “It wasn’t that hard, was it?”


Before he could react, Lewis pulled him to him again, capturing his lips in a firm, possessive kiss. George surrendered to it, feeling the intensity and desire sweeping over him. It was a kiss that spoke of passion, and he felt himself burning under Lewis’s attention.

When they broke apart, they were both breathing heavily, their eyes shining with need.


“You’re mine, George. You’ve always been,” he said, his voice husky and thick with emotion. “I don’t want you to ever forget that.”


George felt a chill run down his spine. There was something in the way the other looked at him, like he was the only person in the world that mattered.


“I won't forget it, Lew,” he responded, his voice barely a whisper.


The older man smiled, but there was a shadow of something darker in his eyes, something that made him feel a little nervous and excited at the same time.


“Prove it to me,” he ordered, his tone lower and more serious.


George swallowed, feeling anticipation and desire bubbling within him. He nodded slowly, hesitating about what the man wanted.


“How do you want me to do it?” he asked, his voice trembling slightly.


Lewis leaned forward, lips brushing his ear.


“Take off your shirt,” he instructed softly, his breath warm against the younger's skin.


With shaking hands, he began to unbutton his shirt, feeling Lewis' eyes fixated on every movement. He pulled it off his body and let it fall beside him, then the older man let out a sound of approval, his eyes scanning George's naked torso with a hungry gaze.


“You are perfect,” he murmured, his hands finding their way to exposed skin.


He closed his eyes, letting himself be carried away by the sensations. The hands were firm and sure, exploring every inch of his skin with a mixture of tenderness and possession. He felt each caress like a liquid fire, igniting a desire that was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.

Lewis pushed him gently, laying him down onto the couch, their lips meeting again in a deep kiss. He moaned against the more experienced man's mouth, his body instinctively responding to every touch.


“I want more,” he begged, his voice thick with need, “please.”


Lewis smiled against his lips, his gaze darkening even more.


“And you shall have it. But first, I want to hear you say it,” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. “Say you’re mine.”


George opened his eyes, which he did not remember having closed, and found the other's filled with an intensity that stole his breath. He gulped, the movement not ignored.


“I'm yours, Lewis,” he said. His voice, although nervous, clear. Sincere. “Only yours.”


He let out a satisfied growl, his mouth capturing his again in a fierce, passionate kiss. George clung to him, almost dizzy, letting himself be carried away by the whirlwind of emotions and sensations that Lewis aroused in him.


The silence of the night enveloped the room, creating an atmosphere heavy with anticipation and desire. He felt vulnerable, exposed in his half-naked state, but Lewis’ presence comforted him. He looked at him with a mixture of adoration and desire, his eyes shining in the dim light of the lamp.

Lewis caressed his face tenderly, his fingers gently tracing George’s jawline.


“Are you ok?” he asked, his voice low and filled with genuine concern.


He nodded, his heart pounding in his chest.


“Yes, just... a little nervous,” he admitted, looking down.

Lewis gently lifted his chin, forcing him to look into his eyes. “You don't have to be nervous, Georgie. I am here with you,” he said, his voice firm but comforting. “We’ll take tonight at your pace.”


George was overwhelmed with gratitude and love at that moment. He nodded again, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. He leaned forward doubtfully and kissed Lewis, a soft and delicate kiss.

The other responded with a tenderness that contrasted with the passion latent beneath the surface. His hands moved slowly, exploring George's body with infinite patience. Caressing his soft skin carefully. The younger let himself go, enjoying the feeling of being cared for and adored by the man he loved.

Lewis pulled away slightly and began to unbutton his own shirt, calmly undressing before his watchful gaze. Each piece of clothing that fell to the floor increased the tension and expectation in the air. When he was completely naked, his muscular and perfectly sculpted body on display, George couldn't help but admire him.


“You’re so handsome, Lew,” he murmured, his voice filled with admiration.

Lewis smiled amusedly, a warm and loving smile. “Thank you, angel,” he replied, approaching him again.


He lowered his hands to George's waist, slowly unbuttoning his pants and gently sliding them down his legs along with his boxers. He felt exposed and somewhat vulnerable, but the look of adoration in the other's eyes filled him with a calm he had never experienced before.


“You're so beautiful, darling,” he whispered, his hands slowly running over the naked body in front of him. “Gorgeous.”


George shuddered under the experienced touches, his skin burning where the hands landed. Lewis pulled him to the edge of the sofa, sat up in front of him, and held the underside of his thighs tightly. He lifted him into the air, to the younger's surprise, and carried him to the bed, where he carefully placed him on the sheets. They sat opposite each other, their bodies so close they were almost touching.


Lewis gently caressed his cheek, his dark eyes locked with his. “I want this to be special for you, Georgie. I want you to feel loved and safe,” he said, his voice heavy with emotion and protection.


He felt a lump in his throat, moved by his words.


“I know, Lewis. And I feel like that. With you,” he responded, his voice barely a whisper.


Lewis kissed him again, this time making his body heat up. They lay on the bed, intertwined in an intimate embrace. He was slow and meticulous in his movements, making sure that every caress, every kiss, was an affirmation of his love and devotion. George let himself go, his nerves dissipating under the expert touch.


The younger's moans filled the room as Lewis explored every inch of his skin with reverence and care. His skillful hands slid over his body, caressing, touching, licking, biting, marking, and eliciting sensations George had never experienced before with another person. Every touch was electric, every kiss a promise of infinite pleasure.

Lewis moved with innate skill, his lips finding the most sensitive spots, eliciting muffled moans and sighs of pure ecstasy. George clung to him, his nails clawing at his back with desperate urgency as the pleasure enveloped him like a warm, comforting blanket.


“Oh, Lewis…” he murmured between moans, his voice trembling with pure pleasure. “I can't... this is…”


Lewis smiled against his skin, his breath warm and inviting.


“Shh, love. Let me take care of you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire and a need to possess.


George nodded weakly, unable to articulate words as he lost himself in the storm of sensations that the older man unleashed in him. Every touch, every kiss, every whisper of desire brought him closer to the edge, threatening to make him fall into an abyss of endless pleasure.


“Just relax, honey. Let me make you feel good,” he said, his expert hands at work.


George let himself be carried away by the tide of pleasure, his mind clouded by passion and desire. And when he finally climaxed, it was as if the entire world stopped, leaving him suspended in overwhelming ecstasy.


“Lewis…” he moaned, his body trembling with the intensity of pleasure. “Oh, god, Lewis…”


The man hugged him tightly, holding him as he rode the waves of pleasure with him.


“Don’t worry, I'm not done with you, angel,” he whispered before kissing him again.


George's gasps filled the room as Lewis continued to explore every corner of his body with passionate devotion. His hands caressed his curves with precision, sending waves of pleasure through every fiber of his being. He moved down his body with deliberate slowness, worshiping every inch of his skin with his burning lips. He kissed every part of him as if it were sacred, as if he were marking his territory in an intimate way. George writhed under his touch, his breath hitching and his hands gripping the sheets tightly as pleasure washed over him like a wave.


“Lewis…” he begged. “Please don't stop… Please!”


He looked up at him with a mischievous smile, his dark eyes shining with anticipation.


“Don’t worry honey. I'm right here with you.” he assured. “And I'm not going to stop until you've melted in my hands. I'm going to ruin you for anyone else, you're not going to want anyone else’s touch. You will only want my caresses, my kisses.”


George trembled under the weight of these words, feeling a fire burn inside him. He bit his lip, his eyes filled with desire and submission.



“Shhh…” Lewis placed a finger on his lips, softly silencing him. “Let me show you what it's really like to be mine.”


With fierce gentleness, he began to kiss George's neck, gently sucking on the sensitive skin as his hands continued to explore the trembling young body beneath him. His fingers dug into Lewis' shoulders, his moans becoming more intense with each caress.


“You are perfect, George,” he murmured against his skin, descending his chest with burning kisses. “Every part of you is mine. You are made to be mine.”


His lips found a nipple, licking and sucking on it until George arched into him, his moans echoing through the room. Lewis smiled against his skin, enjoying the power he had over his lover.


“Lew, please…” George could barely speak, his body burning with desire. “I can't take it anymore…”

“Hold on a little longer, baby boy,” he said with a sweetness that contrasted with his actions. “I want you to come undone for me, to scream my name when you arrive.”


Lewis continued his descent, kissing and licking his flat abdomen, stopping at his lower belly before moving further down. George gasped, his hands tangling in Lewis's hair, pulling lightly as his body trembled.

When he finally took him into his mouth, George let out a gasp, his hips rising instinctively to meet the heat and wetness that enveloped him. Lewis moved with a skill and passion that made him feel as if he were in heaven and hell at the same time.


“Oh, God... Lew…” His body shaking with each movement. “I can't... I'm... I'm going to…”


Lewis increased the pace, his eyes locked with the other’s unfocused ones as he brought him over the edge again. And when he finally arrived, he came with an intensity that took his breath away, his body shaking violently as he screamed Lewis's name, as he had asked.

He held him as he fell apart, his hands firm and protective, making sure every moment was perfect. When he finally calmed down, Lewis kissed him softly, his lips caressing the other’s with a tenderness that contrasted with the fierce passion of moments before.


“You're mine, Georgie,” he stated, his eyes filled with burning possession. “You will always be mine.”

George nodded weakly, his eyes shining with love. “Always yours, Lewis,” he responded, his voice barely a whisper as he snuggled against his lover's chest, feeling more safe and loved than ever. Then he looked at him with worry. “And you?”

“Oh angel, you don't believe it's over, do you?” he asked temptingly. “I've been waiting for months to be able to undo you under my fingers, we're not going to sleep soon today.”


He let out a muffled moan in response, his body trembling. Lewis caressed him tenderly, letting his hands run over his back, slowly going down to his hips. George shuddered under the soft touch, his breathing quickening again.


“I want you to feel every second, to remember this night forever,” he murmured.


George nodded, trusting the older man to take care of him. He closed his eyes as the he carried him to the bed and laid him face down. His firm, warm hands began to massage his shoulders, slowly moving down his back, releasing the tension built up in every muscle.


“Relax, honey,” he whispered, his breath hot against the back of George's neck. “I'm here to take care of you.”


He let out a sigh of pure pleasure, feeling his muscles relax under her strong hands. His soft moans filled the room, a melody of satisfaction that resonated with every caress.

Lewis moved down his back, his lips following the path traced by his hands. He kissed the soft skin, licking and nibbling, sending shivers of pleasure down George's spine. His firm hands rested on his hips, holding him in place as his lips continued their descent.


“Lew…” he moaned. “Please…”

“Shh, love. Patience.”


When his lips finally reached his asscheeks, George let out a muffled moan, his hips instinctively moving upward, seeking more contact.


“All in good time, darling.” Lewis said with a mischievous smile.


He let out a frustrated sigh, but forced himself to relax, letting himself be carried away by the slow, meticulous pace. Finally, Lewis settled between his legs, his firm hands lifting his hips slightly. He lowered his head and let his tongue gently caress the sensitive skin, eliciting a high-pitched moan of pure pleasure. George gripped the sheets tightly, his body trembling under his touches.


“Oh God…Lew, please…” he begged, his voice broken and overwhelmed. “I want to feel you... inside me.”


The words had barely left his mouth when Lewis moved with surprising speed, his eyes shining with an intensity that left him breathless. Still looking at him, he reached over to the nightstand and pulled out a small bottle of lubricant. With quick but careful movements, he applied a generous amount to his fingers, warming it between his hands before returning his attention to George.


“Relax, baby,” he whispered, his voice low and comforting. “I'm going to prepare you, I want this to be perfect for you.”


George nodded, his legs shaking slightly as the other settled between them again. The older man leaned over him, kissing him tenderly before sliding his fingers between his cheeks. George gasped at the first contact, his body tensing momentarily before relaxing under the gentle caresses.


“That's it, love,” he congratulated, his fingers moving with expert delicacy. “Just relax, let me make you feel good. Just like that, good boy.”

“Lew…” he moaned, his hands clinging to his lover's arms. “Please…”


Lewis increased the speed and pressure of his fingers slightly, targeting the area of nerves that he knew would make his teammate scream his name, eliciting louder moans. 

When he felt that the younger was fully prepared, he slowly withdrew his fingers, leaving George gasping and shaking with anticipation. He carefully turned him over and placed a cushion under his hips.


“You are so beautiful like this,” he murmured, kissing the inside of George's thighs before positioning himself correctly.


With a slow, deliberate movement, Lewis aligned himself with his entrance, his eyes locked with his. 


“Look at me, Georgie,” he ordered. “I want to see you when I enter you.”


George opened his eyes, meeting Lewis's intense gaze. He felt a mixture of nerves and excitement.


“I'm ready.” His voice barely a whisper.


Lewis smiled and began to thrust slowly, entering him gently. George let out a muffled moan, his body tensing momentarily before relaxing again. He felt every inch of him, filling him completely and causing an overwhelming sensation of pleasure. He felt the pressure on his throat.


“Oh, God…” he moaned, his nails digging into Lewis's back. “Lew…”


The older stopped when he was fully inside, allowing him to adjust to the sensation. He kissed his lips softly, his hands caressing the other’s face tenderly.


“You’re perfect, Georgie,” he murmured, his voice hoarse with excitement. “So tight and hot... you're all I need. So pretty for me.”


George moaned at his words, his body shaking with pure pleasure. He liked listening to Lewis. He wanted to be his pretty boy, just for him. His completely. 


When Lewis began to move, it was with a slow and deliberate pace, each thrust seeking to maximize the pleasure of both of them. George arched into him, his moans filling the room as he let himself be carried away by the sensations.


“Faster…” he pleaded.

“Whatever you want,” he gasped back.


Lewis smiled against his skin, increasing the pace of his movements. Each thrust was deeper and more intense, overstimulating George, who felt as if he were floating, suspended in a sea of overwhelming pleasure.


“So good love.” His voice cracked with effort. “Let yourself go... feel me. So deep… just mine.”


George wrapped his legs around Lewis's waist, taking him even deeper inside him as he abandoned himself to the overwhelming pleasure of their union. Each thrust was like a bolt of electricity, sending waves of ecstasy through his being and taking them to new heights of unimaginable pleasure.


Finally, when George couldn't take it anymore, he climaxed with an intensity that left his body shaking. He saw black for a few moments. When he came back to himself, he noticed that he was clean, Lewis had taken care of him as he had promised.


“Are you okay, Georgie?” he asked, his voice low and sensual, as he caressed his face with a soft but dominant firmness.


He nodded, his lips still parted from the recent ecstasy. A tired but happy smile on his face.


“Yes, Lewis,” he whispered, his voice weak but satisfied. “And you?”

“Of course, baby. I had never been so affected by an orgasm in my life. You're irresistible.”


George lay back on the bed, his body still shaking with pleasure. Lewis, with a hot look full of desire, leaned over him, his hands running over his skin with a mixture of tenderness and possession. He smiled, his fingers slowly tracing the outline of George's lips before leaning in to kiss him deeply, his tongue exploring his mouth insatiably. As they separated, his eyes locked with the other’s, filled with fierce determination.


“No one else will touch you like I do,” he said, his voice low and possessive, as his hands slid over George's neck and down his chest, marking his territory with firm caresses. “I have never felt this with anyone else. You're mine, George. Only mine.”


He shuddered under Lewis's touch, trembling hands finding their way to muscular arms, clinging to him needily.


“Lewis, I…” he started, but was silenced by another deep and dominant kiss.


He pulled away just enough to whisper against George's lips, his hands now caressing his lover's sides roughly.


“I will never let anyone else have you,” he growled, his voice full of desire and possession. “You are so beautiful, so perfect. Only I can make you feel this way. You are mine, and you always will be.”

“Only yours, Lew,” he promised, full of devotion.


Lewis smiled, his eyes shining with a mix of love and desire as his hands continued to explore George's body, reaffirming his possession.


“I love you darling. You're everything I need. I won't let anyone else touch you. Always mine.” George snuggled closer to Lewis, feeling completely loved and protected.


They stayed like that, tangled in each other's arms, enjoying the tranquility and intimacy of the night. They had found something special, something worth fighting for and protecting.





Dawn light filtered through the bedroom curtains, bathing the room in a soft golden glow. George woke up first, feeling the warmth of Lewis's body next to him. A smile spread across his face as he watched his sleeping boyfriend, his features relaxed and peaceful. He moved carefully, trying not to wake him, and slowly got out of bed.

He decided that a quick shower would be a good way to start the day. He walked towards the small bathroom, his nakedness illuminated by the morning light. He turned on the water and waited for it to warm up, then slid under the stream, enjoying the feel of the warm water against his skin. 


While he soaped up, George couldn't stop thinking about the night before. A mixture of sensations ran through his body. His thoughts stopped when he heard a noise behind him. He turned and saw Lewis standing at the entrance to the bathroom, his eyes fixed on him.


“Good morning,” George greeted, his voice soft and cheerful.


Lewis was watching him with an intensity that made him blush slightly and look away. The other entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him and approaching him with determined steps.


“Good morning, angel,” he answered, his voice hoarse from sleep and loaded with something deeper.


Lewis joined him under the shower, his hands automatically finding George's waist. He pulled him close, his lips finding the marks he had left on the boy's skin a few hours ago. After nibbling and licking, he attacked the other's lips in a hungry, possessive kiss. George responded with equal intensity, his fingers tangling in Lewis' wet hair.

They broke apart after a few moments, both breathing heavily. Lewis looked at him, his eyes dark and full of desire.


“You don't know what you provoke in me, do you?” he asked, his voice low and charged with emotion.


George blinked, confused.


“What do you mean?” he questioned, tilting his head slightly.


Lewis smiled, a smile that was possessive and full of love. His hands slid down George's back, caressing every inch of his wet skin.


“You are so... innocent in your sensuality. You don't even realize how you make me feel,” he explained, his voice a whisper in the noise of the shower.


George blushed brighter, his eyes darting away shyly.


“It's just me, Lew,” he murmured, feeling a little embarrassed.


Lewis lifted his chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.


“You’re much more than that, angel. You're everything to me,” he said, his voice full of sincerity.


George felt a wave of emotion run through him. He leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend, a soft kiss but full of promise. Lewis responded, his hands exploring the younger's body needily.


When they finally got out of the shower, Lewis wrapped him in a towel, drying him carefully. His hands were soft but firm, each movement an affirmation of his love and need to care for him.


“I want you to always feel that way, sweetheart. Protected, loved...” he shared, his eyes fixed on George's.


The other nodded, his heart pounding in his chest.


“Good. Because I will never let anything or anyone hurt you. You're mine, George,” he reminded him. Voice firm, like an order.





George sank onto the couch, his heavy eyelids fighting against the day's accumulated fatigue. His muscles relaxed as he felt the soft cushion beneath his body, and a small smile played on his lips as he settled in. Lewis watched him from across the room, his gaze hot and eager as he stared at the half-asleep boy in front of him.


“Georgie, are you feeling okay?” he asked.


The other nodded slowly, his eyes half-lidded as he responded in a sleepy voice.


“I'm just a little tired, Lew. But I’ll be ok,” he murmured, his voice soft and melodic.


Lewis approached with a determined step, his heart pounding at the sight in front of him. He knelt in front of the couch, his gaze fixed on the sleepy eyes of his boyfriend.


“You look incredibly sexy when you're half asleep, you know?” he commented, his voice hoarse with desire.


George smiled slightly, a soft blush tinting his cheeks at the compliment.


“You also look incredibly handsome all the time,” he responded, his voice barely a whisper.


Lewis couldn't hold back anymore. He leaned forward and captured his lips in a hot, passionate kiss. The response was instantaneous, his lips responding fervently to the older's kiss. His tongues met in a sensual and unrestrained dance, exploring and savoring every inch of each other's mouths.

The kiss intensified, the desire between them burning with a searing intensity. Lewis's hands roamed hungrily over the other’s body, caressing every curve with voracious need. George shuddered at the touch, his skin electrified by the passion that burned between them.


“I want to make you feel good, Georgie. Let me take care of you,” he asked, his voice full of desire.

“And I want too, but I'm so tired,” he answered with regret, closing his eyes.

“You won't have to move a muscle, I promise.” He dropped soft kisses on his cheeks and hair, caressing his back. “I'll carry you to bed and you can just lay there, I'll do all the work.”


George sighed, his body giving in completely to the possessive touch. Lewis bent down to pick him up, holding him firmly and lovingly.


“So pretty. Only for me,” he murmured as he carried him towards the bed, voice low and possessive.


He placed him lovingly and began to slowly undress him. His skin crawled under the tender touch of Lewis's hands. Once naked, George let himself be carried away by the caresses, his skillful hands exploring every inch of his skin. He moaned softly, his lips parted and eyes closed, enjoying the devotion with which his boyfriend pampered him.


“You’re so pretty, baby,” he whispered, his voice full of admiration.


He leaned over him, kissing every part of his body with a mixture of reverence and passion. His lips brushed the other's collarbone, slowly descending down his chest, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses.

George sighed and shuddered with every touch, his moans increasing in intensity. The hands moving his body were firm but affectionate, the fingers tracing paths of fire over his sensitive skin.


“Don't worry about anything, love,” he murmured against his skin, his lips gently brushing against his abdomen before moving further down. “I'm here.”


George nodded weakly, his eyes closed as he completely abandoned himself to the pleasure. Lewis moved with care and precision, his movements confident and full of desire. Every touch, every kiss, loaded with deep love.

Lewis's hands gently slid over each other's thighs, gently separating them. His mouth followed suit, kissing and licking with devotion, making George arch and moan with pleasure.


“Sometimes I can't believe you're really mine,” he murmured in a possessive voice, his eyes full of desire as he observed the reactions of his lover.


He positioned himself between George's legs, his movements slow and sensual, making sure every second was filled with pleasure for his boyfriend. He began to move his hips, entering the body with a softness that contrasted with the intensity of his possessive gaze. George let out a deep moan, shuddering with pleasure as he felt Lewis inside him.


“I love you, Georgie,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss the parted lips of his boyfriend.


George responded to the kiss with equal fervor, his moans drowning in the other's mouth. Lewis quickened the pace, his movements becoming more intense and deeper. Each thrust made him arch further, his moans filling the room. Lewis's hands never stopped exploring, touching, caressing with tenderness and abandon.


Finally, they both climaxed together, their bodies trembling and their breaths coming in short gasps. Lewis dropped gently next to George, careful not to crush him, whispering words of love and devotion as they both recovered from the intensity of the moment.


George smiled weakly, his heart pounding as he snuggled closer to his boyfriend's warm body. Lewis hugged him tightly, his lips gently brushing his forehead, leaving a kiss.


“Rest, my love,” he murmured in the heat of the afternoon, his voice soft and full of love.


With those words, George drifted off to sleep, feeling loved and protected in Lewis's arms.




Thanks for reading! Comments and kudos would be appreciated 😊😊