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Sejanus, The Horse Ridin' Cowboy


Sejanus, rather lonely out by himself on his farm, starts to get strange nightly visits leaving his barn door ajar and food missing from inside

Then one day his visitor comes a bit early, yet somehow perfectly on time


this first bit is just a little bit of setup, I didn't have a great way to connect it to the smut in the second park but that'll be out tomorrow (neither of them fit the prompts for these two days lol I just had nowhere else to put them)

Chapter Text

The latch on his barn door was open.


It was the second night in a row, which had Sejanus downright concerned after purposefully ensuring the latch was in place after seeing it ajar the night before and assuming he’d simply forgotten to fix it before he finished up for the night. He was quick to inventory the animals in their pens and his most expensive equipment, thankfully finding both unbothered, though some of the items sat on the floor had been pushed around as though someone had searched through them in quite a hurry.


Odd, I could have sworn I had more sacks of apples. One of the remaining ones was even torn open, too roughly to be from a knife. More likely some animal had been looking for food and struggled off with quite the bounty. Sejanus calmed a bit with the reminder they were likely quite hungry to have found out how to make their way into his barn night after night in search of something. He could afford it, after all, and hunger was quite the motivator in any species.


He glanced toward the chicken coop, making a quick count of the sleeping hens. Not a fox or raccoon then, probably. There wouldn’t be so many eggs remaining and they certainly wouldn’t be resting so easy if one of their own had been attacked.


The only other thing out of the ordinary was how restless his mares seemed even for how calm he’d left them to sleep the night before. The blankets draped over their backs were shifted and something in their eyes seemed disturbed. Horses were certainly finicky animals, for all their beauty that Sejanus could appreciate they had a tendency to react to even the slightest disturbances.


“Seen somethin’ strange in here last night, huh?” Sejanus offered out a small cube of sugar as a treat, beckoning the largest of his horses to come with a few small clicks of his tongue. “Don’ you worry. I won’ have nothin’ coming in this barn t’ hurtcha.”


He didn’t often use a lock, finding it overall cumbersome when theft had never been an issue and the latch successfully kept out most critters, but he did own a few that would fit into the metal latch. What worried him more was the fact that the nails holding it in place already seemed loose and if whatever had managed to break in was simply forcing the thing open it was more likely the latch would pop off entirely rather than prevent another break-in.


Just one more thing I need to go to town and replace, if I ever find the time. As much as he adored his little farm, there were certainly more than his fair share of issues that seemed to crop up by the day and far too often it became too much for him to handle alone.


Not that he would consider selling. Too many in the area had already sold out to the massive lab that sat down in the valley, ever-expanding through their little town with its strange lights and sounds coming from within the tall fence that encased its borders. As much as it creeped him out he rather didn’t mind that it discouraged anyone else coming to his land. It was peaceful, if lonely, out on the land on his own.


That night before he latched the door he made a decision, dragging out one of his old water troughs and hosing it out to set up with fresh clean water by the side of the barn door, taking some more of his apples that he was confident enough could be spared for a good cause as well as some fresh hay and oats. Whatever the creature was breaking in it surely would be dissuaded when there was a feast already set out in welcome. We all deserve to eat, after all.


Even though he was tired, he did his best to stay up watching from his window to squint through the darkness after the sun had set, wondering if he could catch sight of the mysterious intruder before sleep overtook him entirely.


Waking in the morning proved otherwise. Only providing him with a crick in his back having dosed off in his chair instead of the far more comfortable bed that usually waited. It seemed his gift was welcomed though, as he approached the barn to find the apples and oats disappeared along with a good portion of hay and water. The latch to his door remaining untouched in its place along with the other contents of his barn as far as he could see.


Sejanus hummed with a soft smile on his lips. It wasn’t so much trouble to have one more animal under his care, even if the additional chores on his nightly routine meant he’d be trudging back to his bed even later in the evenings, he’d never turned away a stray. People could be cruel to animals in the wild. Passing their judgments on what they considered to be wild, irrational actions only motivated by hunger or fear. Never understanding that a gentle hand and a safe home could make most any beast a friend.


And so it became a habit, leaving out what he could spare from his supplies, even a few treats when he could afford it, along with fresh water and after a while what he could sort for bedding, realizing this new guest would be staying and soon enough seeing the hoof prints clearly enough marked in the mud after it rained. A wild horse. No wonder his own had been so disturbed after their visits inside the barn, though not nearly so much as he would’ve imagined considering how they’d reacted to seeing unfamiliar horses in the past.


Maybe they won’t mind too much if I clear out the extra stall and try to coax the newcomer inside a bit more properly.

Chapter 2


hehe :)


Size queen Sejanus is real in my heart don't judge me for this alright

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a rare afternoon Sejanus got even a moment of relief. Not for lack of trying, certainly, just that between caring for his farm and stocking supplies both to sell and get himself and his livestock through winter it didn’t leave him so much time for self-relaxation.


Toys had been somewhat of a wonder, once he’d discovered just how much more he enjoyed having something inside teasing his nerves instead of simply jacking one off and being done with it. It had certainly been embarrassing to walk himself into the one shop in town that sold that sort of things and explain himself, but once he’d returned home with the newfound treasure he near instantly found himself wishing he’d gone for something larger. ‘For-beginners’ didn’t seem nearly adequate to dissolve the knot of tension that grew near constantly from the labor he endured, so over passing weeks he’d grown the confidence to return. Eventually working through up to the largest size the rather small shop had in stock and even then finding himself slipping in his fingers alongside the fake phallus in order to truly grant himself some pleasure in the act.


He was getting addicted, to be sure. Something inside of him knowing he should go and find a proper partner, yet never truly drawing up the courage to do more than attempt to flirt with the men he hung around with in town. Usually winding up rejected and back to commiserating himself with the hunk of plastic that took up far more of his time with each passing day.


It was worst the times he lost track of time enough to be rushing through his duties for the rest of the day still feeling the emptiness inside of him. It ached enough to make him wonder if it would be worse to try shoveling out dirty stalls and scrubbing down troughs would truly be worse having the thing still inside him, though every time the soreness and his need to complete his tasks in a timely manner prevented him from attempting the experiment.


Other than his moments of loneliness, Sejanus truly enjoyed his simple life on his farm. Taking care of his animals like a family who depended on him and cared for him in turn. Truly he wouldn’t have it any other way.


Fuck, y’all stink,” Sejanus muttered for what had to be the dozenth time that evening. Two of his cows hadn’t deemed it worth their time to go out to the pasture and Sejanus had been too busy and careless going back to pleasure himself in the precious hour he could spare for himself that he hadn’t realized they were wandering the barn, knocking things over and leaving piles of manure where they pleased. “Surprised ya weren’t tryin’ fer some fresh air, keepin’ cooped up in ‘ere all day.” He shook his head, eyeing the two where they continued to stay under the shelter of the barn, though they’d been corralled back into the fenced off portion leading out to the pasture where the rest of their sisters were free to come and go as they pleased so long as the weather stayed pleasant.


One of his horses seemed to snort in agreement, neighing softly as he passed her stall.


“One more thing to do, then I’ll get you some fresh hay,” He assured, patting the stall door as he headed into the empty one to the side. It was mostly used for spare equipment, but since the spring he hadn’t moved the breeding setup for the cows which was set up to allow them to walk in at their leisure. Though the through wasn’t filled with treats, it was better to be sure none of the sows would get trapped if they were so persistent in staying in the barn despite the bright summer weather.


It was a bit difficult to get around in the small space so Sejanus usually resorted to climbing over the bars, as tricky was it was. He’d heard a good warning or two about trying to slip through the openings when they were unlocked, and how easy it was to trigger it to close automatically like it would around a cattle’s neck. It wouldn’t be physically harmful, so long as he was in the gap where a cow’s head and neck would push through and not where the bars fit together, but getting stuck out on his own held its own dangers that he didn’t care to face, even if trying to straddle over the tall metal bars often left him falling into the trough on the other side.


The time, however, he only got so far as to pick up his leg before he heard a rattling at the barn door.


Instantly Sejanus froze. He didn’t have neighbors for miles, and even those were some strange laboratory he didn’t ever dare to approach for all the strange vehicles he’d seen coming in and out of the place. It sounded far too large to be an animal, except with the possibility of the wild horse he’d suspected of wandering around the barn at night, but it was far too early in the day to expect such a visit.


“Hello?” He called out, hunching down on the platform in attempt to inch back and see the barn doors from outside the open stall. “Someon’ there?”


The rustling continued and the door creaked open. Sejanus nearly falling back on his heels trying to stretch out to view the intruder without much success. He cursed, considering how quickly he could get to the shotgun resting on hooks over the door in case of emergencies, rather wishing he’d opted to pocket the pistol that rested in his bedside drawer as he occasionally did on nights he heard too much howling out in the woods beyond his pastures.


He wouldn’t make it, though by the faintly familiar sound of clopping on the packed dirt floor of the barn promised it wasn’t a human he was shortly to encounter. As confident as he was with animals, wild horses were unpredictable in enough ways to still leave him nervous as he got to his feet and dusted off the dirt he’d collected on his overalls.


I must have a sugar cube around here somewhere. Feeling down his pockets left him with nothing that might be suitable, but it wasn’t uncommon for him to leave small treats and such lying around so he kept an open eye as he crept forward. Quietly, so as not to startle the likely nervous and hungry animal.


The noises of frustration were even more familiar, though not in a particularly good way. Sejanus had been near stallions after they’d been teased before, and it was easily distinguishable the eager grunts and snorts they made, waiting for the mate they knew would be delivered to them. While Sejanus certainly had a heart for lost and starving animals, his mares had their own stresses that year and he certainly couldn’t afford a foal not knowing the lineage enough to even attempt to train it up to sell and not having the space for yet another in his small herd.


“Alright buddy,” Sejanus put a hand against the wall to steady himself as he looked around for a bit of rope, hopeful he could at least lead the creature out, possibly stake it in one of his empty pastures while he looked for a solution that wouldn’t involve harming it. “I’ll set out food cuz’ I know yer hungry, but I can’ have you messin’ around in here.”


He stopped the moment the noises came closer, his mouth going dry when at first glance it was a human staring back at him with piercing blue eyes and wild blond curls before the rest of his mind registered the solid white body of a horse that stretched down below the man’s torso. Even still it took several seconds to register that the two were connected seamlessly instead of the human part simply being a rider of some sort. How? Sejanus found himself staring. Gaping, really, entirely without words as the creature gazed back at him.


“You’re the sweet little sow leaving food for me?” It was likely the last thing Sejanus had anticipated coming from the strange half-human being, barely capable of reacting when his long pale arms reached out toward him with an eager smile. “Oh you’re even more gorgeous than I’d imagined you’d be.”


Um… thank you?” Sejanus’s heart stuttered as the being stepped closer, his mind swimming with thoughts immediately going toward how stunningly beautiful the silvery white stallion was, strutting out in a clear display of power and strength as though he might for a mate he desired to woo. His human upper half stretching up over Sejanus’s head even leaning in, his skin so pale it nearly blended with the pale coat of his lower half and his muscles stretching underneath his skin to show off further the power he held.


“Pretty little sow,” He cooed, reaching out close enough to stroke down Sejanus’s cheek. “Usually they would bring one in for me but my you’re far sweeter than any of the ones they had to offer. Fixing my meals, setting out fresh hay and water for me every night before you go to prepare yourself. The others were never nearly so eager to take me.”


Sejanus’s head began to fog between all the questions he couldn’t begin to answer. “Wh- who are you?” How long have you been watching me? He held back a shout when he was pushed backwards instead of receiving an answer. An arm wrapping around to catch his back and keep him from slamming down against the rough wooden platform at the same time as another forced one of his wrists into place between the bars of the breeding stall before it could snap close around his neck. Leaving enough room for him to shift and struggle, but nowhere to escape even with one arm still free to grasp in the lever far above where he could reach.


“Shhh,” He was hushed, thin fingers tracing down his chest to find the buttons securing his overalls. “I’ll take good care of you, sweet one.”


“Listen, I don’t know what you think-” Sejanus gasped, half shivering as he was exposed to the air, his boots and overalls removed with surprising ease when his body couldn’t manage to struggle against the exploratory touches. “I’m not a sow.”


The statement earned a laugh that was more of a neigh as well as a hand smoothing up his bare thigh. “You’re awfully eager,” He hummed, pressing thin fingers between Sejanus’s legs. “And wet.” His tongue popped, only leaning down closer over Sejanus’s splayed out body. “I can smell how much you need me inside you.”


Sejanus groaned. This isn’t happening. It can’t be. Being pinned down by some gorgeous mythical creature, making nasty implications that likely would have anyone else screaming and thrashing to fight against the encounter.


I have to be dreaming.


It should perhaps be more concerning that he’d managed to nod off during his nearly daily sessions of self-pleasure, but with how exhausted he’d been of late it was hardly a surprise. Morseso was the fantasy his mind chose to come up with but one glance down to the impressive girth now moving to straddle between his legs had him realizing exactly why he would fantasize about such a thing.


After all, it was what he’d always ached for inside. Something large enough to fill every nook of emptiness within, paired with a face with would have him stuttering his words at such a beauty even willing to give him the time of day.


Some less favorable neighbors in his time had called him a freak, though usually for the care he held for injured and weakened animals. Runts of every litter that would otherwise have been disposed of finding him staying up to feed to creatures even when their mothers wouldn’t. Maybe they’re right, just for reasons they’ll never know. Hopefully, at the very least, such notions of his true depraved thoughts would stay there in his subconscious, unknown by anyone but himself.


Sejanus shifted his legs open wider. He was already slick and open he knew, likely still having his precious toy between his legs, ready to tease inside himself and sate some of the subconscious desire for more.


There you go,” His fantasy creature praised, teasing hands up his sides to grasp at his chest. “That’s a good sow, all ready to take me…”


Sejanus moaned louder feeling the head of the massive cock brushing his hole and wondering vaguely just how it would fit before he recalled that it was simply a dream. At best he could hope it would intensify the feeling of being breached if he leaned into what his mind had supplied him with.


“What should I call you?” Maybe he ought to make something up on his own, it being his own subconscious. Sejanus leaned back to allow his body to fall more lax and allow the idea of a cock easily the size of his fist sinking inside of him. It could be his fist, considering he was crying out by the time it finally managed to force past his rim. He could’ve sworn he was as loose as he’d ever been for all he’d worked himself open that afternoon, yet somehow the stretch was unimaginably massive. Unlike anything he’d ever felt when fucking himself with the purchased toy.


“You’re pretty when you moo like that,” The blond stallion praised, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh of Sejanus’s pecs with his human hands while the front two of his horse legs knelt down by his sides, easing the way to thrust deeper inside of him. “Come on, let me really hear you cry out for me.”


Sejanus lost all trains of thought in a matter of seconds, the air pushed from his lungs as the stallion began to thrust more and more inches of his delicious cock inside of him, only encouraged by his loud groans even as his pleasure only barely clouded the pain of the stretch as it continued.


He’d certainly never had a dream like it before, yet somehow he could only wish he could repeat the experience of being stretched out at his leisure. I should find a larger toy somewhere.


Somehow he still didn’t think it would be enough though, with the forceful way he was pounded into mixed with the continued filthy praises falling from the creature’s mouth every time he moaned. Calling him a sow like such a thing was normal, made all the worse by how thrilling it was to feel the hot tingles up his back when he allowed himself fall into the fantasy. Shifting his feet and crying out with desperation for the stallion to fuck him harder like he was one of his cows getting far too much enjoyment from her time with a visiting bull.


O-oh,” The creature was panting, his human face glistening with sweat as his hands continued to explore, pressing ever downward with the weight of his body nearly crushing the breath from Sejanus’s lungs. “You take my cock like you were made for it, you gorgeous thing.”


Sejanus was sure could listen to him coo and whinny for hours. Letting the sounds drown anything else in his mind, trying to memorize the tones of his voice singing him praises to recall in his mind when he might desire. How his mind could create such a perfect fantasy he was unsure. Though he had been lonely his usual waking thoughts drifted to meeting a kind stranger at the local bar and something kicking off from there. Nothing like this.


His orgasm crashed over him with a strangled cry that truly did sound bovine in nature. Frankly surprised to see his dream still had his body entirely human when he caught a glance down at himself. His stomach coated in thick ropes of his cum and stretched out with an unnatural bulge that could only be the cock sunk deep inside of him. Sejanus rolled his head back, relaxing against the bars holding him in place as he moaned once more at the sight, rocking back despite how sensitive he was after riding out the rather intense orgasm.


I wonder what it would feel like if he cums inside of me. It was a depraved thought to have, but the experience would surely stay there in the filthy recesses of his mind. Regardless he couldn’t get himself to stop chasing the hot waves of pleasure that came with every thrust. Desperate to continue the experience despite having spent himself already, sure there was still more to draw from his imagined lover.


Could I even imagine all of this? Even through the fog in his mind having so many unique sensations pulsing through his body was certainly tipping over into what had to be reality, if not the most lucid dream he’d ever experienced.


His question remained unanswered in the midst of the sudden flood, the pounding inside of his guts ceasing to allow the endless stream of heated cum filling him inside. It was incredible. Everything he’d hoped it to be and somehow more than he ever could have imagined.


Please,” He gasped out a whimper, pulling weakly against the bars holding him in place as the creature slipped out of him entirely and left him shivering naked and exposed, covering in and leaking cum between his legs. Further words wouldn’t come to him past the stars floating in his mind, only barely hearing the clop of hooves on dirt. Come back, please, don’t leave me here…




Coriolanus shifted around the laid out form of the adorable sow, listening to the soft cries it made in the aftermath of their coupling with a smile. Since escaping out into the wild he’d missed the cute little things the scientists would bring in for him to attempt to breed with, and offered the freedom now he was more than eager to indulge his instincts to remain at his mate’s side instead of being led away never to discover the outcome of their coupling.


The device that held his mate in place was more rudimentary than he was accustomed to, but it only took him a minute to find the lever to release the wooden slats keeping him from pulling his head out, giving him enough room to push up at the bar that had held his wrist. The poor thing hardly able to move through his sluggish moans, still clearly dazed and his soft face lit up with the afterglow of orgasm.


“You’re gorgeous.” Coriolanus reached down, praising him once more as he gathered the half-asleep sow in his arms, tucking up his legs even when he attempted weakly to pull back. “Shhh. You’ve taken care of me—now let me take care of you.”


The little cow yawned, finally content after another moment to allow Coriolanus to carry him out to the center of the barn. Setting him down to rest on a small bench while Coriolanus set about gathering materials for a bed. The amounts of hay he’d been provided on previous nights had at least kept him off the cold ground as nights grew chillier, but he snorted when seeing the large stock held up in the loft of the stuff, hauling down an entire bale to arrange into a proper bed with a few blankets pulled from a hook by the door. It looked quite comfortable once he was finished. Even better than his stall back at the lab and certainly better than his meager sleeping arrangements since his escape.


It was even easier to lift the sow into his arms as he seemed to have drifted off into a peaceful slumber, the only protests coming from the horses in their stalls neighing as he passed them by.


“He’ll be up to care for you later,” Coriolanus snorted, holding the man closer in his arms and petting over his soft brown curls. “It’s my time with him now.”


It was strange that he lacked the usual small nubs of horns sows usually sported, along with the floppy ears and fattened chest that often spurted small drops of milk when he squeezed too roughly. Perhaps he escaped before they finished with him. Lucky little thing. Though Coriolanus could only wonder how much cuter he would be with such adjustments to match his beautiful eyes and round cheeks. No matter, he’s a perfect mate without any of it. Taking me with only squeals of pleasure and never trying to fight.


Coriolanus laid him down on the bed he’d fixed, covering him in thick blankets as well as his own arms as he laid himself out on the cushion of hay. Listening to the soft huffs of his breath mixing with the thumping beat of his heart like a symphony slowly lulling him into the same peaceful slumber and finally settling on his decision to stay.


:))))))) Hope you've enjoyed this weirdness lol