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~Heaven Betrayal~

Chapter 5: Clouds Tear


As the sky grows darker as Lucifer and Adam negotiate their emotions, the atmosphere is packed with emotion. Lucifer consoles and reassures Adam as he battles his concerns of uncertainty. Themes of trust and vulnerability are explored throughout their discourse, underscoring their growing bond. They have meaningful conversations in the pouring rain, highlighting the intricacies of their relationship and creating a moving atmosphere.


Hi Yall! How's your day? This week I have a theatre for me to do so the chapter will be later than usual... Like this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I never want to be without you,
not in a million years.
You keep me at peace with myself,
and chase away all my fears.
~ Lindsey

Three days after Adam's birth, God prepared to implement His plan, ready to take Adam into the Garden of Eden and officially assign Lucifer as his protector. The anticipation was palpable as God gathered His divine energy, intent on making this moment one of significance.

With a wave of His hand, He summoned the chimes, a beautiful tolling of bells that resonated throughout Heaven. The sound echoed powerfully, beckoning the angels and seraphim to gather. Whispers of curiosity and excitement spread as they flocked to God’s palace, wondering what important announcement awaited them.

As the last notes of the bells faded, God stood tall, a serene authority emanating from Him. He paused, taking a moment to gather His thoughts and prepare to share the news
In Lucifer's room, the atmosphere was charged with emotions. Adam sat on the couch, fidgeting nervously as he contemplated the day ahead. *Today will be my last day in Heaven,* he thought, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. *I hope I can see Lucifer as soon as possible after I settle in the Garden.*

Across the room, Lucifer was pacing back and forth, his anxious energy palpable. He desperately wanted to get Adam a gift—something meaningful to mark this transition—but after three days of searching, he still hadn’t found the perfect thing. God had reassured him that the Garden of Eden was filled with all manner of wonders, so what could he give someone who would have everything they needed?

Raphael watched his brother, noting the worry etched on his face. He couldn’t help but feel a mix of sympathy and amusement at Lucifer’s frantic energy. "You know, walking in circles won’t magically create a gift, right?" he quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

Lucifer paused, glancing at Raphael. “I know, but I want it to be special! This isn’t just any day; it’s the beginning of Adam’s new life. I need to give him something that shows how much I care.”

Raphael stepped in closer, sensing the moment’s gravity. “Why not something that symbolizes your bond? Something that represents your friendship?” he suggested thoughtfully.

Lucifer’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea! But what? And no, this is a surprise gift. Don’t tell me—just help me think of something!”

“Just use your head, brother. Use that wondrous popping brain of yours,” Raphael replied with a grin, encouraging him to dig deeper into his thoughts.

The sound of chimes filled the room, resonating with a profound clarity. “Is that the sound telling us to go now?” Adam asked, his voice a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

Raphael nodded, stepping closer to him. “Yes, Adam. That’s the sound of the chimes from God, signalling that He is asking the beings of Heaven to be present.”

Adam felt a rush of nervousness wash over him. *It’s time.* He swallowed hard, contemplating whether he was truly ready for this transition. While he felt comfortable and safe with Lucifer in Heaven, he remembered God’s words—his true home awaited him in the Garden. He also had responsibilities ahead, like naming the animals and plants he would encounter.

“Hey,” Raphael said softly, drawing Adam’s gaze up. He offered a sincere smile, one filled with genuine warmth. “Just remember this: if you ever feel overwhelmed or uncertain, keep in mind that Lucifer has faced similar challenges too. He’s still thriving. Don’t give up, Adam.”

The reassurance in Raphael’s voice gave Adam a sense of comfort. He nodded, absorbing the words. “Thanks, Raphael. I really appreciate your support. It means a lot to me,” he replied, feeling a bit more grounded in the face of the impending change.

Lucifer stepped closer, a teasing glint in his eye. “Are you talking behind my back to Adam, brother?” He raised an eyebrow, taking a playful stance.

Raphael and Adam burst into laughter, which only added to Lucifer's confusion. “You are talking behind my back!” Lucifer exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at Raphael, a mock pout forming on his lips.

“Well, I just spoke the truth, brother,” Raphael snickered, unable to contain his amusement. “Besides, it’s good for Adam to know that even powerful beings like you can have your challenges.”

Adam chuckled, his nervousness melting away. “I’m just learning all sorts of things today! It sounds like you have a lot of wisdom to share, Lucifer.”

Lucifer feigned indignation but couldn't help the smile tugging at his lips. “Wisdom? You mean embarrassing secrets!” he retorted, crossing his arms dramatically.

“Secrets that make you—” Raphael paused for effect, “—relatable!”

Adam couldn’t contain a laugh at the banter. “This is the best way to start a new adventure!”

Lucifer shook his head, finally joining the laughter. “Alright, alright! I guess if I’m going to be a guardian, I should get used to sharing a little humility.”

“LUCIFER!” Adam heard Raphael scream, the urgency stark against the backdrop of laughter. But when he turned to look at Raphael, he was still laughing with Lucifer. *Is this… the dream that God mentioned to me?* With the memory of God’s words swirling in his mind, doubt began to creep in. *But He said that dream only happened when I sleep. Am I dreaming?*

Grabbing his head, Adam suddenly felt discomfort, a sharp pain cutting through his thoughts.

“Adam?” he heard someone call his name, and for a moment, it sounded like Lucifer’s voice. “ADAM! WAKE UP!” There was an edge of fear in his tone that echoed the sensations from his earlier dreams, stirring something deep within Adam.

With a sudden jolt, Adam opened his eyes to find Lucifer’s worried face inches from his own. “Adam? Oh thank God! Are you alright?” Lucifer exclaimed, relief flooding his features.

The reality of the moment washed over Adam, and he took a moment to process. “I… I think I was just dreaming,” he stammered, still disoriented. “It felt so real, like I could actually feel the laughter…”
Lucifer’s brow furrowed with concern as he knelt closer. “You were restless. I heard you startle and yell my name. I was worried something was wrong!”

Adam took a deep breath, the last vestiges of confusion slowly dissipating. “I’m okay now. Just a little overwhelmed, I guess.”

“Good,” Lucifer said softly, visibly relaxing. “Just remember, if you ever feel uneasy, you can always talk to me. I’m here for you, no matter what.”

Nodding slowly, Adam felt comforted by Lucifer’s presence. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. It's just… everything feels so new.”

Feeling a reassuring hand touch his shoulder, Adam turned to his left and saw Raphael looking at him with a supportive expression. “Remember what I told you, Adam,” Raphael said softly, his voice full of encouragement.

Adam nodded, taking a moment to absorb the reminder. He focused on his breathing, drawing in deep breaths and exhaling slowly. *Just as God said,* he thought, letting the calm wash over him. After a minute, the tension began to ebb away, and he felt more centered.

With each breath, the world around him seemed to settle. The earlier chaos of his thoughts faded, replaced by a growing sense of clarity and purpose. “Thank you, Raphael,” he replied, his voice steadier now. “I needed that.”

Raphael nodded, a playful glint in his eyes. “Let’s go! We wouldn’t want God to wait, right?”

“Let’s meet the big G!” Lucifer shouted happily, his excitement bubbling over.


Raphael quickly slapped the back of Lucifer’s head, the suddenness catching everyone off guard. “If I hear you calling God like that in front of Him, I will tell every embarrassing moment you’ve had with Adam!” he warned, a smirk on his face.

“What! No, no, I’m begging you, brother! I promise I will behave!” Lucifer pleaded, his eyes wide with mock horror.

Adam couldn’t help but laugh, the sound ringing through the room and breaking any lingering tension. It was heartening to see the playful banter between the brothers, a reminder that they too could embrace this new start together.

“See? This is what I needed!” Adam said, chuckling. “I feel so much better already.”

The camaraderie lifted Adam's spirits as they moved towards the door. “Alright, let’s go and meet the big G properly,” Adam joked, mirroring Lucifer’s earlier enthusiasm.

Lucifer and Raphael exchanged glances, then burst into laughter, the atmosphere light and full of promise. With hearts happy and spirits high, the trio set off to meet God, ready to make new memories.

At God’s palace, a magnificent assembly had gathered. Cherubs, Seraphim, angels, and even the higher archangels were in attendance, filling the grand space with divine energy. This was a momentous occasion, marking Adam’s transition into the Garden of Eden.

During Adam's birth, only two archangels had come—Raphael and Michael. But today, all eyes were focused on the unfolding events, a mixture of curiosity and reverence palpable in the air.

Yet, despite the gathering, God sensed an undercurrent of disunity among the angels. He had commanded them to treat Lucifer as a sibling, to support him like a true family. However, most remained silent, their indifference hanging heavily between them. Only Raphael had stepped forward to express remorse, while others sat quietly in their seats, a gesture that stung more deeply than God would have liked to admit.

God felt a surge of disappointment. *I want unity among my creations,* He thought, grappling with the temptation to impose some form of punishment. Yet He also recognized the futility of such actions. Soon, He would no longer inhabit this world, and the dynamics would shift irrevocably.

Instead of succumbing to anger, God took a deep breath, channeling His divine wisdom. He would focus on what truly mattered—nurturing the bond between Adam and Lucifer, while letting the rest find their own paths in this new world.

As the gathering settled, God raised His hands, a gesture that commanded attention. “Welcome, my beloved creations.”

His words resonated in the grand hall, and as the moment unfolded, God hoped to inspire the angels to find a renewed sense of purpose, even as He prepared to step back and let the world evolve without His direct influence.

As Adam, Lucifer, and Raphael rushed into the palace, they barely made it before the massive doors began to close behind them. The trio exchanged a glance, a mix of relief and amusement flooding over them. They had been so caught up in their excitement that they almost forgot Adam couldn't fly.

“Ahh, don’t worry!” Adam exclaimed with an enthusiastic grin. “I know I can make my own wings and fly with both of you in the future!”

Lucifer and Raphael exchanged amused glances, a mix of pride and disbelief in their expressions. “Make your own wings?” Lucifer echoed, smirking playfully. “But I have to say, you’d make a rather stunning angel!”

Adam chuckled, his confidence shining through. “Well, why not? If you two believe in me, I can’t let a little thing like needing wings hold me back!”

Raphael nodded, his expression full of encouragement. “Just remember, it’s okay to take things one step at a time. For now, you have us to help you through this transition.”

Adam shrugged, a mixture of excitement and determination igniting within him. “I want to experience everything the Garden has to offer. Wings are just the beginning!”

With that, they joined the assembly in the grand hall, a wave of energy washing over them as they stepped into the divine atmosphere. The presence of the other angels was palpable, and Adam felt a surge of anticipation, ready to meet God and embrace the future that awaited him in the Garden.

Michael spotted the trio entering the grand hall and felt a flicker of discontent rise within him. He shot them a glare, thoughts swirling in his mind. *I knew that useless Raphael would side with Lucifer. What a mistake, pairing them together. A match made in confusion,* he thought, smirking as he observed them.

His gaze landed on Adam, whose face radiated with excitement and joy. *But what is this human’s true purpose?* Michael wondered, his skepticism lingering. Despite Adam's bright smile, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that the presence of a human among them could disrupt the divine order.

As the assembly settled into place, Michael anticipated what God would reveal about Adam's role in the grand scheme of things. *Perhaps today,* he mused, *God will finally clarify this strange choice and enlighten us all.*

“Thank you all for coming to my call,” God began, His voice resonating through the grand hall. Every angel, cherub, and seraphim focused intently on Him, sensing the importance of the moment.

“It has been three days since I last summoned you. As you know, the previous ceremony celebrated the birth of our first human. I would like to request that this first human introduce himself.”

Adam felt a lump form in his throat. *This is it,* he thought, a mixture of excitement and nerves swirling inside him. Just then, he felt the reassuring presence of Lucifer and Raphael close by. They exchanged encouraging looks, and their silent support infused him with courage.

“You’ve got this, Adam. We’re right here with you,” Lucifer whispered, giving him a warm smile.

“We’ll walk with you to God,” Raphael added, his expression full of encouragement.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Adam nodded appreciatively to his friends. With their support, he felt a bit more at ease. “Alright, I’m ready,” he said, summoning his determination.

Standing before God, Adam felt the weight of the moment wash over him. Lucifer and Raphael leaned in, offering quick words of encouragement. “Good luck, Adam! You’ll do great,” Lucifer whispered, a proud smile on his face. Raphael nodded, his eyes sparkling with support before they both stepped back to join the crowd, leaving Adam in the spotlight.

“Now, human, please introduce yourself and your duties to them,” God prompted, His voice filled with warmth and authority.

Taking a deep breath, Adam steadied himself. *I can do this,* he thought. “M-My name is Adam. I am the first human that God has created,” he began, his voice steadying with each word. “I will live in the new place called the Garden of Eden, where I have my own duties: to give names to the new plants and animals that I will encounter.”

His heart raced as he declared his purpose, the significance of it settling in. Adam looked out at the celestial assembly, noting the varied expressions on their faces—curiosity, skepticism, and glare.
I look forward to learning and growing in the Garden,” he added, a spark of determination igniting within him. “This is not just a responsibility; it’s a chance to connect with all living things, to give them their identities.”

“Did you prepare that speech for Adam, brother?” Lucifer whispered to Raphael, clearly mesmerized by Adam’s heartfelt words.

“It’s all from his heart, Lucifer,” Raphael replied, pride swelling within him. Watching Adam speak with such confidence and maturity was inspiring. He remembered the first time they’d met—the human had barely spoken, yet he had the power to scream his frustration like a tornado when he’d been upset.

Now, seeing Adam articulate his purpose with clarity brought a smile to Raphael's face. *This is what trial and error is really about, huh?* he thought, a smirk forming on his lips.

Lucifer nodded, captivated. “He’s truly remarkable. It’s amazing how he’s grown in just a few days.”

Raphael’s gaze remained fixed on Adam, noticing how he was slowly captivating the attention of the entire assembly. “Humans are fascinating creatures. They adapt, they grow, and they create connections,” Raphael mused aloud.

“Indeed,” Lucifer responded, his admiration for Adam deepening. “I can’t wait to see how he embraces his journey in the Garden.”

“As you all have heard, Adam will not live with us here in Heaven,” God announced, a hint of sorrow colouring His voice. “This separation is necessary for the humans, but do not worry; they will still thrive under certain circumstances.” The realization echoed through the crowd that humans, unlike angels, would not be immortal in their earthly forms. *It’s a bittersweet truth,* God thought, recognizing the fragility of human life.

“Now, let me show all of you how the Garden of Eden looks,” God continued, his presence commanding attention. With a wave of His hand, He conjured a radiant mirror portal. The surface shimmered and rippled, gradually revealing the beauty of the Garden beyond.

As the portal opened, the assembly gasped collectively at the sight. Before them unfolded a lush landscape, vibrant with green nature. Trees reached toward the sky, their leaves dancing gently in the breeze. Structures reminiscent of caves and mountains created a breathtaking backdrop, while animals frolicked joyfully—some playfully running through fields, others swimming in crystal-clear streams, and flyers darting gracefully above.

Adam stood wide-eyed, absorbing the wonder before him. The scenery was enchanting, full of life and promise. He felt a sense of belonging swell within him, the vision igniting his spirit.

“Behold the beauty and harmony of the Garden,” God proclaimed, the love for His creation evident in His voice. “This is the place where you, Adam, will learn, grow, and fulfill your purpose.”

“Are you ready, Adam?” God asked, extending His hand toward him, a gesture filled with warmth and reassurance. Adam gulped, nerves swirling in his belly, but he slowly took God’s hand.

“I am ready on the first day, God,” he replied with a playful smile, attempting to lighten the moment with humour.

God chuckled softly, the sound resonating with love. “Is the fruit named apple your favourite? There are many fruits you can choose from in the Garden.”

Adam thought back to the moment he had named the apple with Lucifer's encouragement. “Of course, it’s the first fruit I named! And Lucifer was with me when I did,” he said, his face lighting up with a smile as he scanned the crowd for his friend.

When their eyes finally met, a range of emotions swirled between them. Adam saw happiness and pride shining in Lucifer’s eyes, a testament to the growth he had experienced in such a short time. But within Lucifer lingered an undercurrent of sadness, the reality of their separation beginning to weigh on him. Though joy filled the moment, there was an acknowledgement of the limited time they would share in this capacity.

“Now, Lucifer, shall you accompany him,” God said, the gaze of the divine settling firmly on him. The atmosphere felt charged with anticipation as all eyes turned toward Lucifer.

With a heart full of gratitude and purpose, Lucifer opened his wings wide and took to the air, soaring gracefully to Adam’s side. Upon landing, he bowed respectfully before God. “Thank you for the opportunity, God,” he said, his voice sincere and steady.

God opened the portal to the Garden, a radiant archway shimmering with light and possibility. Feeling a rush of nerves, Adam instinctively gripped Lucifer's arm, seeking comfort as the moment of transition approached.

Together, they stepped through the portal, crossing into the vast expanse of the Garden of Eden. The instant they emerged, a tapestry of vibrant greenery unfolded before them.

Birds chirped joyfully in the trees, filling the air with their melodies. The gentle rustle of leaves accompanied the soft whisper of the wind, creating a harmonious backdrop. A clear river flowed nearby, its waters sparkling in the sunlight, where animals could be seen happily swimming and drinking, completely at ease in their environment.

Adam stood in awe, taking it all in. The beauty of the Garden was breathtaking—the lively colors, the rich scents, the sounds of nature awakening around him. He turned to Lucifer, eyes wide with wonder. “It’s… incredible!” he exclaimed, his earlier nervousness fading as excitement took over.

Lucifer smiled, feeling a swell of pride for Adam. “Welcome to your new home, my friend. This place is full of life and beauty, and it will be your playground and sanctuary.”

Adam took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air fill his lungs, invigorating him. “I can’t wait to explore and learn! I want to name everything,” he said, his face lighting up with joy.

“I guess this is a goodbye then… for now,” Lucifer said, giving Adam a bittersweet smile. Adam looked up at him, disappointment evident on his face.

“Promise me that you will visit me as much as you can,” Adam insisted, stepping closer and resting his head against Lucifer's chest.

Lucifer smiled warmly, though sadness lingered in his eyes. “I promise to try my best to visit you,” he replied. His gaze searched the lush surroundings of the Garden, and it landed on a cluster of vibrant purple flowers swaying gently in the breeze.

With a flick of his power, he gently pulled a purple flower, along with some branches, toward him. “And this—” he said, creating a bracelet with the branches and the flower at its center, “this bracelet carries my energy. If you miss me, remember that I am at your hand.” He chuckled lightly, trying to inject some humor into their parting.

Adam looked at the bracelet in awe, its beauty shining against the backdrop of the Garden. “Lilac,” he murmured, giving the flower’s name.

Lucifer raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Well, that was fast! But you can’t just call this flower lilac.” He gestured to the vast expanse filled with many lilac flowers in varying shades. “There are so many colors of lilac.”

“Purple lilac then,” Adam replied confidently.

Lucifer smirked. “What a unique name you’ve given it!”

“Syringa vulgaris,” Adam shot back, a hint of playful sarcasm in his tone as he looked at Lucifer with feigned disinterest in his jokes.

“Purple lilac sounds nice! Good job, Adam!” Lucifer exclaimed, giving him a thumbs up.

Lucifer carefully placed the bracelet on Adam's right wrist, ensuring it fit snugly. Just then, he felt a drop of water land on his head. He looked up, noticing the sky growing darker as clouds gathered ominously. *Can clouds cry?* Adam thought, puzzled by the phenomenon above them.

“Adam,” Lucifer's voice broke through his thoughts, drawing his attention. Turning back, Adam was taken aback to see tears streaming down Lucifer's face. “Don’t be sad, Adam. It’s your new chapter now,” Lucifer reassured him, the quiver in his voice mirroring his own emotional turmoil.

“When did I—” Adam started, but his voice faltered as he felt the warmth pooling in his own eyes. He quickly realized that the dampness was not just from the rain. Oh... when did I cry? The thought struck him.

In a sudden surge of emotion, Adam launched himself at Lucifer, causing them both to tumble to the ground. He cried, the sound filled with sorrow and a sense of loss. Hugging Lucifer tightly, he felt an overwhelming fear that the angel might truly disappear from his life. He knew they would reunite, but for now, the thought of being alone was daunting.

Lucifer was momentarily stunned by the force of Adam's embrace, but he quickly melted into it, wishing he could hold Adam forever. This feeling, he thought, was still so new to him—this mixture of joy and pain. It hurt so much that he knew he had to let go of Adam, at least for a time.

“Be good, Adam,” he said softly, stroking Adam’s hair as he cried against his chest. “When I visit you, I want to know that you’ve named all the plants and animals in this Garden. Promise me, Adam.” He leaned down to kiss the top of Adam's head gently, the gesture a mix of love and reassurance.

“I-I, I promise,” Adam replied through his tears, his voice muffled against Lucifer’s fabric. The weight of the moment pressed on him, but in that embrace, he felt tethered to Lucifer, even amidst the uncertainty.

As the rain began to fall softly around them, blending with their shared emotions, both knew that this was not an end, promised to carry each other in their hearts, even when apart.

~First Human Arc finish~


Finally! The ending for the First Human Arc is finished! Next Up! LILITH ARC!