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Kinesthetic Learner


Santi helps you cram for your anatomy exam...


I wrote this over a year ago and only just realized I never posted it. Anyway, enjoy my original notes...

I’m currently trying to cram and learn all the bones etc. and of course, a Santi fic just came to mind while doing this, and I haven't been able to concentrate since, so here you go... Also, everything italicized + bolded the reader is thinking in their head.

Work Text:

Santi is usually the early riser, but you’re already awake and reading in bed. You know you have to study for your anatomy test on Monday, and with the weekend almost complete, you should use any time you have while Santi isn't distracting you (even though he promised he wouldn't).

Using the small beams of light coming through the window to read for the past hour, Santi starts to stir. You lean down and kiss him on the forehead frontal lobe, and he whines when your lips leave.

"Wait," his eyes slightly open, and he kisses you on the lips before you sit back up. Before looking up at you, he curled his arms around his pillow and asked, ‘What are you doing up so early,’ he knew you had been working hard on your courses going back to school was rough, but he also knew how much you wanted this.

"Trying to learn all these stupid bones!" You say, tossing your textbook on the floor, which landed much harder on the floor than you expected.

You jump just slightly, "...whoops."

Santi rolls his eyes and starts to push himself off the bed to come towards you, but before he's completely up, you hear a disgustingly loud clunk. Santi winces, and you know it's his shoulder. Santi's knees were bad (not that it ever stopped him kneeling in front of you and eating you out), but being in the military for as long as Santi had been, most of his joints and bones hurt, but especially his shoulders. Santi slowly lowered himself back down to his previous position, hoping the pain would dissipate.

You slowly move the sheets down to show Santi's bareback, and as carefully as you can, swing your leg over him so you’re straddling his lower back.

"Baby, what are you doing? You need to study."

You quietly hush him and start massaging his back, being very careful of his shoulder. You start to lightly trace the scars he had, caused by bullets, knives, even the one from when he and Frankie were goofing off. All of these scars covered the man you loved. Santi gave little moans, indicating it felt good and to keep going.

You were helping, but part of the way in, he grabs your calf fibula and tibia and with his eyes still closed, he practically mumbles, disbelieving he's the one about to stop this, "Babe, not that this doesn't feel amazing, but you need to study, and I promised I wouldn't distract you"

You think for a moment "Maybe we can do both." This causes Santi to open his eyes completely, questioning what you meant.

You start at the top of his neck, massaging, whispering to yourself, but knowing he could hear you in the morning silence that rested in your house. "C1," you slowly start sliding your hands down, "C2," and slowly starting to kiss his shoulder scapula, whispering, "spinous process," even quieter because no matter how hard you tried, these weren't all going to be sexy. You covered his back with kisses and soft touches, naming everything. You can feel him relaxed beneath you, and you slowly roll off of him.

"Man, how did I get such a smart, hot girlfriend?" He says, giving you a tender kiss,

"Same way, I got such a hot old boyfriend," you retort with a teasing grin.

This next kiss is more primal, Santi showing you that no one could ever compare to him, especially someone younger. After an hour or so of Santi making sure you knew he was the only one who could make you feel this way, 5 or 6 times for good measure. You had finally stopped shaking; once he finished with the washcloth, he crawled back into bed and held you. You rested your head on his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his chest and the rhythmic beats of his heart. Your eyes started to flutter, but before you fell asleep from exhaustion, you felt a light kiss on the top of your head parietal with a final last cocky remark,

"We should study together more often."