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His Skin Burns Less Than His Morals


With both of them sharing a concerned look between them, Belle sets down the boxes of tapes back inside the store, and Wise bends in the doorway to take out the rubber door stopper. Them moving at once startled the feline officer, and he stuttered a question.

“W, Why are you closing up? I swear it's just a sunburn—!” He tried to explain himself.

“Don't worry, Seth, we're not trying to shake you out of our hair at all; we're just going to invite you inside.” Belle soothes his nerves with a big smile and offers an entrance to the store with a wave of her hand. “We turned the air conditioning off to prioritize cleaning the door, but we'd like you to get out of the sun if you'd take our help.”

Having overworked himself out of guilt, Seth ends up with a sunburn. Belle and Wise take notice. I mean: who wouldn't? They extend a helping hand.


Catching up slowly, but I got three prompts in one day down!

Few Things To Note:

1) This is ambiguously set. This is post Special Episode 1/post Chapter 3 Interlude inside of Random Play, everything is on Sixth Street

2) 𝘔𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨. Please, don't overwork yourself and especially not in weather you can get hurt in. Even the sun can be deadly.

3) Prompt Used: Day 5 Sunburn (𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘷𝘦) and Day 29 Fatigue (𝘍𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘦).

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

          Wise keeps himself busy this Sunday morning by scraping off stickers from their front door. He's on his knees before Random Play with a razor blade scraper going easy across the grain to get some pink stickers from the bottom of the door. Belle had woken up earlier than him and had started the store before he came downstairs, and an old lady not forty minutes after they opened complained about the vulgar decorations. Belle almost had a conniption trying to understand where or what she was referring to until she mentioned the front door and how some of the stickers had curse words on them. She held up Belle for quite a while, but eventually she left, and the rest of the morning customers whispered with giggles. 

When Wise had come downstairs, Belle had filled him in, and he went outside to check for her to see if it was true. And it was; stickers ranging from Bangboo’s cursing to stickers only lonely people put on their cars littered the bottom of their shops doors. From how high it was, Wise wouldn't rule out an unruly Bangboo at night coming to mess with them, especially since Officer Mewmew was still updating him about all the new reports. This sounds similar to the Bangboo who plastered stickers all over Ask’s face about a week ago. 

But alas, without being able to see the culprit, all Wise can do is clean up the mess and update Officer Mewmew when the time comes. 

He has the door propped open so he can work without hindering the foot traffic for the store, and it works great as customers wave hello and greet him as he works. No helpers come to the store on Sunday, as both Belle and Wise usually stick to home during the weekend, but some familiar faces do actually come over and question the situation. 

Of the few customers who have a deep relationship with the pair of siblings, Public Security officers usually don't come around. But the notable one that does…

“Wise, what happened to your shop's door?” The voice was masculine and full of surprise. “Does Sixth Street have a vandal?”

Seth, he identified from his memories. The Public Security officer had started coming around because of a recommendation from a friend, and the warm welcome his hemming and hawing outside their store had been given. Wise had been the first of the siblings to serve Seth as a customer and was the main one as well, who seemed to catch Seth during his patronage. Although he was no stranger to Belle as well. 

“We've had rambunctious Bangboo this last week using stickers to harass the stores, but nothing too aggravating.” Wise answers the man while he finally peels off one of the flirtatious stickers. “If you need anything, Belle’s on customer duty.” 

“Nothing too aggravating still means you're upset about it; if I were on duty, I could have reported this in for you.” Seth was upset on their behalf, and Wise smiles more genuinely at the care of the officer. “But I'm off work and I wanted to go somewhere... familiar.”

That last part came out strange, and it caused Wise’s hands to still be against the door as he pondered just what emotions he heard. And almost a second after Seth finished his sentence and they held a pause between them, Belle came out of the store with a box in her arms with tapes rattling inside. 

Her voice is cheery as ever, even through the heat. “Oh, Seth, it's good to see—” And her voice changes with a gasp, all the way into concern. “What happened to your skin? Is that a rash or something?”

That finally got Wise to look up and place the razor scraper into the small bin with the peeled stickers. Finally looking at Seth correctly, the officer's pale skin had a nasty reddish tint underneath the light of the sun. The officer's face had a deep burn, especially across his nose and cheeks, with his shoulders following in the severity. While it was nothing Wise hadn't seen on himself and Belle during lengthy times outside in summer when they were younger, seeing it on someone so pale... Well, even his own skin feels the phantom pains. 

Seth looks sheepish underneath his dejected expression, but any blush he might have mustered probably couldn't show. “No, it's not a rash. It's a sunburn from my shift this week, and it just keeps getting worse. Even with ointment.”

With both of them sharing a concerned look between them, Belle sets down the boxes of tapes back inside the store, and Wise bends in the doorway to take out the rubber door stopper. Them moving at once startled the feline officer, and he stuttered a question. 

“W, Why are you closing up? I swear it's just a sunburn—!” He tried to explain himself. 

“Don't worry, Seth, we're not trying to shake you out of our hair at all; we're just going to invite you inside.” Belle soothes his nerves with a big smile and offers an entrance to the store with a wave of her hand. “We turned the air conditioning off to prioritize cleaning the door, but we'd like you to get out of the sun if you'd take our help.”

They both can see the apprehensive to contemplative pipeline of emotions fly across Seth's face in a matter of seconds. They could tell home wasn't about to just accept them outright, especially if his self-sufficient mindset that Wise has known for quite some time had anything to say about it. Seth is usually already in the middle of an adventure when they cross paths on the street. The one street interview from a neighboring city journalist trying to pry fake drama from him came to mind, and how well Seth had handled everything except the emotional outbursts part. Wise is still unsure how Seth hasn't caught on to why these journalists always cuss him out after his stern reprimandations of forgoing facts for embellishments. 

But that's neither here nor there. 

Seth eventually decides that standing outside isn't worth its weight in gold compared to the shade the store brings, and perhaps any reprieve from the pulsing sun just seemed too tempting. He gives them a soft smile in turn. “I would love to browse your selection if it gives me a chance to spend my day outside the house.”

And with that declaration, he walks inside the door Wise held open for him, and he nearly shivers from head to toe when the air conditioning sets in. The store can't stay too cold because of their inventory and the comfort of the Bangboo that work the store, but definitely, it was warmer in here because of the open door and good airflow from the whole door fiasco. Belle looks at Seth in concern as Wise closes the door with ease. 

Belle shoots him a glance over Seth's shoulder, and Wise flips their sign to CLOSED before joining them next to the mini pop-ups of movies against the wall.

“Seth, you mentioned you got your sunburn working all week in this heat; what happened to your schedule?” Wise inquires as Belle takes in the wall of movies Seth was prioritizing. 

“Oh, I just needed some hours, and I couldn't think of anything better to do then...” The thiran doesn't sound like he's lying, but his voice has a harsh edge as he pivots whatever he had wanted to bring up. “The barracks needed me out, is all I can say.”

“Is PubSec refurbishing your living quarters; is it anything exciting?” Belle pressed the topic with genuine interest. 

It seems whatever Seth had said couldn't be supported, confirmed, or denied, as Wise watched Seth flounder for words. A tightening of the lips, furrowed brows, and darting eyes. 

“I can't say it's worth missing hours of training, but the head office put in the order. It's what it has to be.” Seth answers as he picks up a case for a sci-fi and flips it around to read it. 

If Belle picked up on what Wise did—after all, they both got to know Seth quite well over these last two months of his infrequent stops—her wide eyes spoke volumes. Seth lives in those police barracks, and usually the whole of weekdays is spent there unless otherwise stated. If they were being refurbished, Seth had to go home. Sure, he has an alternative place to stay outside of work, but if someone was there the whole week (by chance), Wise knows why Seth would rather be outside in the summer sun. 

Belle gives a flat reply, trying not to strain her smile. “Oh, I apologize for prying.”

That perked up Seth's ears as he turned his head to Belle with wide eyes, his surprise evident across his relaxing features. “Prying? What do you mean?”

“We know you've shared with us your struggles at home when your brother comes home. You get along for your parents sake, but you often fight with him when you see each other.” Wise fills him in on what they've both worried about. “We just assumed the reason you took so many hours, causing your sunburn, was because of a certain brother of yours.”

More than just assume, Wise hears Belle mutter under her breath. 

The thiran officer slowly puts the movie back onto the shelf and gives the deepest sigh either of them have ever heard from him. The sound doesn't sound sad or angry, only resigned; like he knew he couldn't avoid the burning, bright red topic across his back.

“We fought. Last Sunday, exactly one week ago today.” Seth starts, and like an instinct, he starts scratching at the back of his neck. Of course, his nails running across his neck hurt, so he hisses. “Ow!” 

Wise’s brows furrow as Belle winces in sympathy. “Seth, I know this is overstepping and a bit much to ask, but please allow us to help you.”

“Help me? With what?” The officer genuinely did look confused again as he turned on the pale blue-haired manager, his head tilt quite noticeable. 

“Your sunburn. We have a proper first aid kit, and the medicine inside is good stuff. It's also a good excuse to stay inside until the sun goes down some more.” Wise points out. “If you'd allow us. Your burns go all the way down your back, so I would have to help you.”

“I, I can't ask that of you!” Of course, Seth denied him outright. His hair was flaring with how tense he became. “I already caused you great concern, and I imposed on your business!” 

So he noticed the closing sigh, but there isn't anything Wise can do about it, as both he and Belle shared a genuine look between them. Help him? Help him. Insist? But don't push him. 

“Seth, we really wouldn't mind. It's the least we can do as friends!” Belle gives her consent with a gentle tone. “Wise can help you, and I'll stay out of your hair, mostly. We'll even get back to work right after.”

Seth’s self-sufficient nature kicks in yet again, and Wise can see the defiance run across his face. Obviously the thiran hadn't had this kind of sibling network for a long time, even if his envy of their bond had long passed, and it probably stung to have someone else dote on him. First, Wise saw his head shake, and he wondered if Seth was trying to wake himself up from a dream. Second, Seth seemed hurt by something, but it was gone before Wise could grow concerned. Third, it seemed like he was conflicted yet again. Taking too much of the siblings' time seemed to be the obvious reason he held back, but Wise wasn't about to assume that was Seth's only issue on the matter. 

A few of those problems even Wise could guess. He was in a stranger's home and business, so of course he'd feel strange about taking his shirt off. If he was raised certain ways, the thought of Belle being able to see him might put it off the table. While Seth didn't seem the type to be unreasonable about this, anyone can hold any values above their wellbeing or others' generosity. 

But it seemed to all be for not as Seth seemed to relax where he stood, and his shoulders slumped. “I'd like to request your help, Wise.” 

“Of course, anything for a friend.” He answers with a smile. 

And over Seth's shoulder, Belle gives him a thumbs up.



From downstairs, Belle can hear the goings on above her because she just cares too much. She narrowed down her hearing to keep track of her brother and their guest as the shop hours went by. A habit? Maybe. But a concerned little sister was a sneaky little sister. 

After they both went upstairs, Belle heard them talking about the layout of their bathroom. Wise explaining how their shower works and then coming downstairs to give their guests privacy. While the older sibling wanted to continue on the door, he knew it would take precious time and lead him to waiting outside. It wouldn't do to leave Seth upstairs without his guide—his Proxy, Belle joked—for help. So, Wise worked the most and relieved Belle for a break during their wait for Seth's return. 

And once Seth called down to Wise about ten minutes later, her brother disappeared upstairs with the first aid kit from the medicine box on the wall. While the customers picked up over the next two hours, Belle couldn't notice any noticeable noises from upstairs. At one point, she's sure she saw Wise come down for water, but she was busy explaining to Anton outside that the stickers were not welcome, thank you. 

Almost at the mark of the hour, Belle decides she could go upstairs to at least check in with Wise and Seth. If the officer wasn't busy, that was. With orders given to Eighteen, she takes measured steps upstairs until she reaches the top. Across from the stairs is the only bathroom in the whole house, sitting right to her room, with its door cracked ever so slightly to let the cold air escape. 

She could hear a quiet, somber conversation through the air but couldn't make out any words in particular. Not wanting to pry on their vulnerable friend, she gently raps her knuckle against the door frame to get their attention. 

“Wise. Seth. Is everything alright?” Belle questions gently, keeping her eyes firmly on the wooden door. “It's been two hours; I just wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly.”

From inside she could hear a dejected Seth groan about two hours being too much and apologizing for the holdup, but she was glad to hear Wise talk the thiran out of his self-deprecation. A quick exchange happens as Wise excuses himself to Seth, and he squeezes himself out the door so as to not expose Seth and gently lets the door click shut behind him. 

“How is he?” Belle questions her brother quietly. 

“He's okay physically. His sunburn is just going to blister from here, but he took a cold shower and has a cold towel across his shoulders. I have him on aloe vera for his face and back, and an anti-inflammatory.” Wise lists off as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall, his face stiff in the way only Belle can know. 

Seth must not be doing fine other than physically. Her sympathy only grows. “His fight with his brother was that bad, huh?” 

“It went both ways, from what Seth has told me.” Wise concludes. “His self-isolation at work wasn't just because of anything his brother said, but some nasty stuff he threw back at him.” 

Oh, that makes far more sense. Seth was always the more righteous of persons Belle had ever seen, next to Lycaon, Ben, or Rina. He'd hold himself to a higher standard in all things social. Courtesy, words, manners, actions. She couldn't outright imagine Seth saying anything cruel back at someone, but she could definitely think of situations where anyone would be angry. Sure, none of them were on the level of ideals clashing (they were more crimes than anything), but she supposes everyone has a breaking point. 

“I won't ask if you would share what he said,” but from Wise's tapping finger and tight expression, she could guess he knew. “But do give Seth my regards. And if he needs a place to stay tonight, there's a room just down the hall from mine he could borrow!”

That brought Wise out of his brooding, as his eyes widened and his voice grew in pitch. “My room? Why my room?”

“Putting poor Seth on the proverbial couch already? He's hurt, dear brother, and now I'm hurt.” She gives him a pout, and her teasing is answered with a snort. 

Wise seemed to be in better spirits as he sighs, tension releasing in his muscles. “I'll offer him another hour of treatment; that aloe vera can only do so much. Being indoors will help.”

Belle gives him a nod, and she only hopes Seth takes the offer. She'd much rather he be safe and sorry than hurt and prideful.