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The Smoothie Challenge


Hagakure is not allowed to be in the kitchen unsupervised, due to her inability to make food without committing a violation of the Geneva Convention.

It's a real shame that she fancies a nice smoothie and there's no one around to help her. Looks like she's gonna have to do it herself!

Prompt: Ingredients & Spells


Day 11!
Yeah, I made Hagakure do the smoothie challenge.

Same spiel as the Whump fic. Work, party, responsible drinking, home at 10:20pm. Sorry lol, it probably will happen again.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Tooru is not typically allowed in the kitchen.


This is for good reason, according to Bakugou. And Iida. And Momo. And Aizawa-sensei. And Recovery Girl. And-


Doesn’t matter! What matters is that people don’t like her being in the kitchen. Tooru thinks this is unfair, but sometimes you just have to smile and nod when people are being unreasonable.

Or, if you’re invisible, you can glare and flip them off, because they can’t see you to say you’re not nodding, can they?


Tooru’s getting distracted. She came here because she wanted a drink.

But not just any drink. Tooru... wants a smoothie.


Are there ingredients in the kitchen to make a smoothie? No, not the traditional ones. Is Tooru allowed to touch the blender, or the knives, or literally anything that isn’t a cup and water? Definitely not. Are either of those things going to stop her? No, a huge part of being a hero is going against the grain to save people!


There may not be a villain that needs defeating, but Tooru’s counting the gnawing hunger and smoothie craving as an attack in and of itself.


The rest of 1-A are elsewhere, scattered around the building and campus doing their normal weekend activities. With a quick peek around the corner, Tooru confirms that no one is in the common room. With a swift glance in the other direction, Tooru feels confident that no one is going to come thundering down the stairs or out of the lift any time soon.

Alright, that means it’s game time.


Getting to work scampering around the kitchen, Tooru grabs whatever looks interesting to her. Does onion relish belong in a smoothie? Not traditionally, but there aren’t any laws stopping it from happening.

Is it smart to mix onion relish with rice pudding? Debatably so, but Tooru is all for the advancement of science. She’s pretty sure this counts as science.


Feeling like she needs some sort of fruit to even things out, Tooru grabs a handful of the nearest available produce. Raspberries? That’ll do!


Looking over her spread of goodies, Tooru decides to add a liquid of some kind. As of right now, she doubts any of this will blend properly. Or, more important to her right now, quietly.



Does Shinsou still have that instant coffee? Oh, he does! Or, he did, before Tooru borrowed it for her own gain.


With just a spoonful of honey, and a teensy sprinkle of salt (Satou mentioned once that the salt makes the honey richer) and some ice, Tooru crams her ingredients into the blender she’s not allowed to use.


After making sure it’s on, she presses the go button. Whirring sounds immediately fill the air, sounding halfway between a screaming animal and a dying car engine. Tooru presses the stop button. She blinks, disturbed, and shakes up the blender jug to get things a bit more mixed up.

A moment of inspiration causes her to add milk. It blends.


She takes a sip...




Welcome to the end note!
If anyone is curious, the smoothie challenge in question involves taking a bunch of random food items in your kitchen, & either blindfolding yourself or writing them all down & putting them in a hat. You then pick a few ingredients, & blend them into a smoothie.

I based Hagakure's smoothie off of ingredients I had in my kitchen. I was not brave enough to make & drink the smoothie after already consuming a considerable amount of alcohol. If I do try it, I will edit this note with an update.

It's fun, I don't recommend it!
I once did it & ended up drinking cat food mixed with a strawberry milkshake. It wasn't good.

Seriously, if you have a weak stomach, don't do this challenge. It seems fun in the moment but the taste never leaves you alone...

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! Take a sip of water or a bite of food, you deserve it! (Don't forget any meds you need either!)

If this fic made you want more from this prompt, leave a comment telling me! I'm making a list of prompts that people liked with the intention of maybe continuing them!
(Feedback is welcomed & encouraged, criticism is welcome if it's constructive!)

Series this work belongs to: