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A Song of Heaven and War

Chapter 4: Of Titles and Gods: The Heavenly Emperor?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Xie Lian didn't know if he should laugh or cry.


Since the start of the New Heavenly Realm, many of the golden palaces were rebuilt exactly as they had been for the past several millennia. The gardens and other buildings also reshaped to their former glory. The only thing that had gotten a complete and utter change, was the Palace of Divine Might. Where it once sat like an ivory tower, over all the other palaces in Heaven, now stood a different kind of structure. Most wanted it to simply be a place holder, others liked it as it was, but both were due to the current argument going on inside it's walls would not yet decide that.

The Hall of Judgment: a massive room where many upper court officials stood inside and held their grand meetings. Whether it was a discussion of dealing with creatures of evil or... as of this moment, who would take on the position of Heavenly Emperor, it was all done inside. The only people to not stand in the hall, were those who sat on the six seats at the end of it. The seats of the Heavens most powerful Martial Gods.

The far right seat was the for the Palace of Tai Hua, where Lang Qianqiu sat looking somewhat exhausted but trying his best to stay awake. The far left seat was for the Palace of Nan Yang where Feng Xin sat, with his brow furrowed and over looking the hall with a hard stare. The second seat to the right was for the Palace of Xuan Zhen, now seating Mu Qing who had his arms crossed, a finger tapping on his elbow and his lips pursed. The second seat to the left was for the Palace of Qi Ying... but to no ones surprise, it was empty as Quan Yizhen wasn't answering Ling Wen in the array. Even Xie Lian had tried contacting him, but he must have been asleep cause he still didn't answer.

Then there were the two center most seats. To the right, a seat set for the Palace of Ming Guang, where Pei Ming just sat looking a tad bit annoyed at the arguing going on. To the left was the seat for the Palace of Xianle, and that was where Xie Lian sat calling out to get the courts attention.

“Please, everyone, settle down. This arguing is... there not listening....” Xie Lian sighed, leaning back and rubbing his temples.

Ling Wen, who stood in front of the six seats looked back, “Dianxia, your being too quiet and passive. It's very unlikely that they will hear you, let alone listen.”

“... General Pei, why don't you try-” Xie Lian asked, but was quickly cut off.

“Dianxia, not to be rude, but I really don't care which way this meeting goes.” Pei Ming said with a small stretch. “If they waste the entire meeting arguing among themselves, then so be it. Soon enough, some of us will have better things to do then listen to them.”

“... But if we... sigh... Feng Xin,” Xie Lian leaned over to look at his friend. “Do you think you could get their attention?”

Feng Xin just nodded, and only gave Mu Qing a glare when the other plugged his ears.

“Hey!” Was all the Martial God of the South East needed to say to silence the majority.

Of course there were two groups who still grumbled among themselves when he spoke. The first was those who simply sided with the Palace of Xuan Zhen but they were soon after silenced by a sharp look from Mu Qing. The final few were those who had lost respect for Feng Xin after, he still pursued a relationship with his son, the fetus spirit Cuocuo. (many hidden teeth mark scars were hidden under his sleeves from attempts to calm and or discipline the spirit..)

Those Heavenly Official's only went quiet after Xie Lian finally cleared his throat and began to speak.

“Thank you. Now, as of this time there is no plan to instate a new Heavenly Emperor-” Many voices from the crowd began to rise up again but were quickly silenced when Xie Lian continued, “However, we are not against listening to those who wish to politely discuss the issue.”

“Dianxia Xianle,” One martial official called out, “Many of us still don't see why you won't take the position yourself! As the most powerful Martial God in all the Heavens, why not accept a throne that is rightfully yours?”

Xie Lian hid how stiff he went in that moment. He couldn't however, erase the image of the previous Heavenly Emperor from his mind. “I have my own reasons for not accepting the position of Emperor over Heaven, and I will not repeat myself on that matter.”

“But the next option is General Ming Guang!” One official complained.

“Ming Guang is still a better option then Qi Ying.” Another official snapped.

“Don't want it either.” Pei Ming hummed, crossing his arms. “And I also disagree with it being Qi Ying. That brat won't even appear at this meeting, why expect him to show up at any even if he was Emperor?”

“General Pei....” Xie Lian rubbed his forehead.

“Why not General Xuan Zhen then?” One Official called out, “He is always in the know of what's going on in the Heavenly Realm.”

“That's because he is always eaves dropping on what's going on in the array.” One official snapped. “Why not Nan Yang?”

“You mean Ju Yang?” someone called out.

“Who the hell said that?!” Feng Xin jumped up and gave a harsh look over the room, “Say it louder, I fucking dare you!”

“That's exactly why he shouldn't be Emperor, that bad temper and foul mouth.... not to mention connection to such a foul beast as the fetus spirit...” the official who said this mumble the last part under his breath.

Xie Lian was quick to call them out. “My husband is the Crimson Rain Sought Flower Hua Chengzhu, yet you are one of the many who demand I take up this throne. You have no right to judge one for their relation to a ghost and not the others.”

The official felt eyes on him from all around and quickly lowered his head and scooted back into the crowd as to hide himself.

“But then what about Dianxia Tai Hua?” Someone called out.

“What? Me?” Lang Qianqiu had almost fallen asleep but when he heard his title he was suddenly wide awake.

“Of course,” Another official called out, “There has never been a negative word said against Dianxia Tai Hua. He is truly a symbol of power and providence.”

Lang Qianqiu shot Xie Lian a pleading look but was quickly brought back when another official said-

“Nothing against Dianxia, but... his martial might is... nowhere near that of Dianxia Xianle, or General Pei.”

“True, wasn't Pei Xiu even stronger then him when a Heavenly Official?”

Lang Qianqiu made a face and opened his mouth like he wanted to argue but no words came out. He just frowned and looked at the crowd and then back at Xie Lian with a helpless expression.

Xie Lian sighed and was about to speak, when Mu Qing said. “Let's put it this way. I don't care who or if there is a new Heavenly Emperor, as long as its not the Palace of Nan Yang.”

Oh dear... Xie Lian suddenly started to stand to shut down the inevitable down fall of the meeting, but it was a little too late.

“What do you mean as long as it isn't me?” Feng Xin huffed.

Mu Qing rolled his eyes. “Funny, I'm sure I said your entire Palace, not just you.”

“Well, I don't think you should be Heavenly Emperor either.” Feng Xin snapped. “As far as I can see, you'll just roll your eyes at every problem thrown your way. And I would frankly rather throw myself off the edge of the Heavens.”

“Better idea.” Mu Qing sneered. “I push you.”

Xie Lian was unable to move quickly enough before Feng Xin was already over to the opposite end and throwing a fist into Mu Qing's face. Lang Qianqiu had to jump out of the way as both men crashed past him. Seeing this, Ling Wen just sighed, collected her things and made to leave, followed out by many officials who hadn't decided to stay and watch the two southern Martial God's fight it out. Xie Lian moved in as if to try and stop them, but Pei Ming grabbed his shoulder.

“Let them at it. If damages are done it's only their palaces that suffer the cost.”

Xie Lian didn't know if he should laugh or cry, but chose to follow Pei Ming out of the court room, followed closely behind by a startled looking Lang Qianqiu.

“Do those two ever agree on anything?” he sighed and glanced at Xie Lian.

“Of course,” Pei Ming said with a smile. “They agree that they don't like Crimson Rain Sought Flower.”

“General Pei....” Xie Lian sighed, rubbing his forehead. “You know, you could have helped me hold Feng Xin back.”

Pei Ming shrugged. “I could have, but then the meeting would have ended later.”

Xie Lian gave him a look, but was only answered back by a dashing smile. Then he remembered. “General Pei, are you going to return to my daughter? You were helping her with her most recent night hunt before you were called in.”

“Hmm? Oh, no. She said she had it covered. Besides, you did leave that interesting little Spiritual Device of yours with her. She will most definitely be fine. I'll bet she has already returned home to your dear husband.”

Xie Lian just shook his head and smiled. “Well, since I know my daughter can in fact handle herself, how is Lan Xichen? I heard he has been an excellent help to the Palace of Ming Guang.”

“But of course he is.” Pei Ming smiled. “It will be a shame when the day comes that he returns to the Lan Clan. He had been quite the stellar Martial Junior Official... speaking of him, I think he left for Puqi Shrine earlier this morning to meet with that young man you've had helping you with the place.”

Xie Lian really did smile at that.

It had just so happened that, one day while he was out washing some things in the creek out behind Puqi Shrine that Lan Xichen had come by to say hello, having been passing through the area on a mission for the Palace of Ming Guang. He had kept up his side of the deal, to help Pei Ming after everything he did for him and his brother after the Water Master Shi Wudu had been killed. The deal as simple as acting as a Junior Official in his Palace till the day the Lan Clan of Gusu could come out of the Shadows and re join the Cultivation world.

However, Lan Xichen had been a bit surprised by the person who opened the door, as he had only ever known Xie Lian and his kids to be at the shrine... or maybe Crimson Rain Sought Flower. The person who did open the door happened to be Meng Yao, the boy Xie Lian had saved after Jin Guangshan had had him thrown from Carp Tower on Jin Zixuan's birthday banquet after he had shown up to see the Clan Leader himself, in hopes that he would acknowledge him as his son.

Meng Yao had been working at Puqi Shrine ever since. He invited Lan Xichen in to await Xie Lian, and when the god returned to his shrine, he found the two deep in conversation, thoroughly enjoying each other's company. It had then become a common place occurrence to see Lan Xichen coming to visit the young man every so often.

“I was planning to stop by Puqi Shrine Myself after the meeting.” Xie Lian said. “Maybe I can catch him before he returns to your palace to catch up on some things.” He paused, then looked back at Lang Qianqiu, “Speaking of, how are your students doing?”

That tired look suddenly returned to Lang Qianqiu's face. “... Guoshi... I apologize if I was ever a nuasance to you back then....”

“That bad huh?” Xie Lian laughed.

“More so.” Lang Qianqiu slumped. “Guzi is a handful on his own, but that Xue Yang- Guoshi, why did you press me into taking him on as a student? When it comes to learning the basics, he excels, even past Guzi. But everything else, it's like he has to cause a problems on purpose. He even drags Guzi in on some of his mischief. Its almost impossible to take them anywhere!”

Xie Lian gave him a sympathetic look. It was true that he had indeed been asked by Lang Qianqiu three years ago as to what to do with the odd boy. Xue Yang was not only a handful, but a cruel child even at the age of ten. Now he was thirteen and only seemed to become more rowdy with age. Good news was that he got along well with Guzi, the two at this point were almost thick as thieves, beside the occasional fist fight the two would get into over silly things. However, he had a special place in his heart for mentally torturing his teacher. Examples included: leaving snakes in Lang Qianqiu's things when he went to check up on the boys; Stealing things from locals then blaming Lang Qiangqiu for not watching him close enough and most commonly, stealing things from Lang Qianqiu himself and then hiding them in places the Martial God couldn't find them, or if he did find them, they would be broken.

“It's like I said back then.” Xie Lian said in a comforting voice, patting Lang Qianqiu on the shoulder. “Your going to have to learn patience. I'm certain that in a few years time, he'll come to understand and you'll see a... less... chaotic side of him.”

“Or you could just knock the snot out of him every time he acts up.” Pei Ming joked.

“General Pei!” Xie Lian spun around with an offended expression.

“I kid, I kid. You know I've never been good with children. Take your Wuxian for example. He's still a menace after all these years.” Pei Ming said.

“Never? What about Lan Wangji? You two have had a decent relationship.” Xie Lian pointed out.

“Little Jade is different, and you know that.” Pei Ming smirked. “Besides, he's a young man now.... how is his and Wuxian's little romance blooming by the way?”

Xie Lian shook his head. “I don't put my nose in my children's love lives General... but it seems to be going very well.”

“Better then Miss Yanli and the Peacock I presume?”

“Peacock?” Lang Qianqiu quirked a brow.

“Please stop calling him that.” Xie Lian sighed. “I hear it enough from San Lang and the boys as is.”

“Jin Zixuan is a Peacock, and if he doesn't like the title he should stop acting like one.” Pei Ming said. “It's not my fault if any advice I give him just annoys him.”

“Why do I feel like your advice is less then appropriate for a courtship?” Lang Qianqiu said with a knit brow.

“Tai Hua, I have the title of God of Love. I think I can give a bit of advice on the topic of courtship.” Pei Ming said a bit defensively.

Xie Lian just shook his head and continued forward. “I'll be taking my leave then. See you two around... oh and.. maybe we should come up with a system to make sure those two don't cause a scene during meetings anymore.”

“Hmm? Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen?” Pei Ming asked. “We already put their seats as far from each other as possible. Its not really our job to make sure they behave. They're grown men, Esteemed Martial God's no less. If they can't deal with each other for a single meeting, that's between them.”

Xie Lian couldn't disagree with that. Even after all they had been through together at this point, Feng Xin and Mu Qing still were at each others throats.


Just as he left, a sleepy looking Quan Yizhen had just left his own palace. He looked after Xie Lian then back toward the judgment hall where yelling could be heard all the way to where he stood, before looking at Pei Ming and Lang Qianqiu. “Did I miss something?”

Lang Qianqiu just looked more tired, while Pei Ming just quirked a brow.

When he arrived at Puqi Shrine and stepped up to the door, he could already hear laughter inside. Xie Lian smiled as he pushed open the door to see the two young men sitting at a table drinking tea.

The first was Lan Xichen, who looked like he hadn't aged a day since Xie Lian first met him years ago. Tall with skin like smooth jade and warm dark colored eyes that smiled so gently with the rest of his face. Although he still wore the forehead ribbon and white robes of his Clan, while on duty he would also wear a small bit of armor that was registered under the Palace of Ming Guang. But of course the forehead band was hidden when he was not in territory he was certain he had a chance to have his appearance recognized by anyone and sent back to the Wens.

The second young man was Meng Yao, who... while Xie Lian didn't want to point it out aloud, hadn't grown much since they first met. It was rare that he would find a young man shorter then even him but, Meng Yao was definitely of shorter stature. He was still a handsome young man mind you, with an almost permanent smile and a way with people that Xie Lian had never seen in anyone. It was like he had a library in his mind, in which each book was dedicated to a single person and he kept them up to date on what someone liked or disliked. He was highly intelligent and it was the single reason why Xie Lian was certain that the young man already knew the truth of who he was... or rather what he was.

However, Meng Yao never said it aloud.


“Xie-Daozhang,” Meng Yao saw him and smiled, standing up and giving him a small bow. “It's good to see you.”

Lan Xichen also stood and bowed. “And here I was, just about to be heading out soon.”

“Oh it's all right. Stay, finish your tea.” Xie Lian said. “I was just stopping by to take care of a few minor things and check on A-Yao.”

There was a glimmer in Meng Yao's eye as he bowed his head. “I'm ever appreciative of your concern Daozhang.”

And so, after checking some prayer's and seeing how things were, Xie Lian sat down and had tea with the two, and they talked long into the evening. It was simple things like this, or spending time with his family, that all the trouble of Heavenly Emperors and Upper Court nonsense, fell away. He liked these days.


I'm starting to feel much better and hope to get back on track with my writing!
Next chapter should focus on where Lan Wangji is at.... after that is one last catch up chapter before I start diving into the meat of the story. It will focus on Guzi and Xue Yang.


For context!!!! the last story was much more linear than this one so, time jumps are bound to happen.
Ages for the main Cast at the beginning of this story:
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, (Still over 800 years old)
Wei Wuxian: 18
Jiang Cheng: 18
Jiang Yanli: 20
Lan Wangji: 19
Jin Zixuan: 19
Lan Xichen: 21
Guzi: 13
Xue Yang: 13
Meng Yao: 19
Nie Mingjue: 22
Nie Huaisang:17 (turning 18)

Series this work belongs to: