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A Zora's Love (Sidlink Fanfic)


After the defeat of Calamity Ganon, Link and Zelda set out to unite the people of Hyrule. During their time in the Zora's Domain, the unthinkable happens, causing Sidon and Link to set out to continue fixing Hyrule on their own.


Main locations: Central Hyrule, Zora’s Domain, Hebra Mountains, Death Mountain, Faron, Gerudo Desert.

Perspective: Shifting 1st, will be noted and separated by chapter.

Warnings: Blood, an amount of gore, and at some point if I decide I want to write it, maybe some smut.

Other Mentions: I know other fanfics make Link a mute, by choice or nature, I will not be doing that because that seems like too much work and I’ll pass.
Also, if you read something I write and think “hey, that sounds like a reference to another story I read”, it probably is, I am not original.

Work Text:

Chapter 1: On the Road, Again.

With Calamity Ganon defeated, I set out with Zelda, now the new Queen of Hyrule. Zelda had always dreamed of uniting the tribes and peoples of Hyrule. I suppose my job now was simply to escort her to different locations. Since she didn’t have a Sheikah Slate, all our traveling was done on foot or with horses. Presently, she and I were riding together towards the Zora’s Domain, planning on meeting with King Dorphan. I was focused on the road until Zelda spoke up,

“Link, what is that?” I looked up, unsure of what she was referring to, until I noticed a looming figure in the distance.

“Stop.” I said, bringing my horse to a halt and gesturing for Zelda to stay quiet as I helped her down. “That’s a Lynel,” I said, hoping it hadn’t seen us, “they’re very territorial animals, and incredibly aggressive.”

“Can you beat one?” Zelda asked, a tinge of fear in her voice.

“Yes,” I replied, “however I’m not a big fan of fighting them.”

In the distance I could see the Lynel perk up and sniff the air. My stomach dropped as I saw it turn towards us, and begin to gallop.

“You and me, trees, now. Leave the horses.” I said, dragging Zelda behind a rock just in the tree line.

Zelda didn’t argue, she simply gasped and followed my lead as we both ducked down behind the rock. I could hear the Lynel getting closer, they weren’t exactly quiet creatures. I heard the horses turn and run, I cursed silently, knowing that it would be a fine at the stables to have them returned. The Lynel slid to a stop, I peeked around the rock to get a better look at the beast that just cost me 100 rupees. I almost had a heart attack right there. I had fought Lynels, taken out entire waves of enemies, even stopped the great Calamity Ganon. None of that compared to the massive white Lynel in front of me. I held Zelda down and put a finger to my lips to keep her quiet. After what felt like an eternity, the Lynel stomped off, nearly shaking the earth with each step.

“Is it safe?” Zelda asked, fear still lingering in her voice.

“Yes, it’s gone now.” I replied. I didn’t know that. The size of that thing was unlike anything I had ever seen. I almost didn’t believe it myself.

After talking, we decided to take a different route to the Zora’s domain. I wasn’t a fan of this route, it took too long and was annoyingly steep, but it kept that Lynel far away, so I kept my mouth shut and walked. Losing the horses was a pain in the ass. Two days of walking later, we finally made it to the Domain. Upon our arrival, we found a concerning sight. The guards for the Domain were all on high alert, and security had been almost doubled.

“Stop!” Called out one of the guards. I knew that voice.

“Baz! It’s Link!” I called out, hoping that he would recognize me in the evening light.

“Link! Welcome back to the Domain my friend! I see you have the princess with you. I’ll send word to King Dorphan and Prince Sidon that you’ve arrived.” Baz replied, examining us both for any injury.

As we walked towards the main part of the Domain, several guards bowed to Zelda, as much as she tried to stop them. She wasn’t a fan of the publicity, or the extra attention it got her.

As we checked into the inn for the night, I heard the familiar sound of Prince Sidon’s voice outside the inn.

“He’s here? As in, he made it through to the Domain? I wouldn’t expect anything less from the great hero!” As if on queue, Sidon burst into the inn, eyes settling on me. “Link!” He exclaimed, running over to me and nearly tackling me to the ground in a hug.

“Hey Sidon,” I coughed a little, “missed you too buddy, but you’re kinda crushing me.” I gasped out.

He released me, looking almost upset that he had nearly hurt me.

“Prince Sidon of the Zora,” Zelda began, trying her best to keep formalities while nearly falling over laughing at the sight of the large fish man hugging me. “It is an honor to meet you again, the last we met, you were much smaller.”

Sidon looked over, apparently just now realizing the princess was there. “Princess, I mean Queen Zelda, my apologies. It is a pleasure to have you here in the Domain. Please rest the night and my father will see you in the morning,” he said, before excusing himself, probably out of embarrassment.

I went to bed, tired after walking so far the past two days. Sleeping wasn’t hard for me, which was unusual. Normally sleep wasn’t important to me, having gone days without it before. I drifted off, still thinking about that massive Lynel.


Chapter 2: It’s All In Your Head
(From Link’s Perspective)

I was running. I didn’t know why, or from what, but I was running. I couldn’t hear it, or see it when I glanced over my shoulder. Really, I couldn’t see much of anything. Suddenly I tripped on something. Falling to the ground, I finally saw my pursuant. That same white fur and massive body loomed over me. I reached for any weapon I could find, but my hands found nothing. I cursed myself for leaving my sword somewhere. The Lynel raised its sword, but I knew I couldn’t dodge in time. The sword came down, and in a moment I was sitting upright, cold sweat running down my back as I struggled to breathe. What was that dream? More accurately it was a nightmare, but still, I didn’t have those. I hadn’t had a dream in years. I stood up, walking out of the inn and out into the main courtyard, trying to calm myself down.

“Link?” I heard a voice ask from behind me. I turned around to find Sidon standing next to the statue of Mipha, looking concerned. “What are you doing awake at this hour?”

I sighed, meeting his worried gaze. “It’s nothing, just a nightmare.” I replied, trying my best to not show the fear I really felt.

He walked over, his stride smooth and slow. “Would you like to talk about it?” He asked, clearly unsure as to what to do.

“On our way to the Domain we encountered a Lynel.” I explained. “Normally that wouldn’t be so bad, but this Lynel was massive. I’d say double or triple a standard Lynel.”

Sidon’s eyes widened, realizing what I was referring to. “You saw it as well then?” He asked, clearly more concerned now than he had been. “That Lynel took out at least a dozen of our guards out on patrol. The scene it left behind was horrific.”

We talked for a while longer, Sidon seemed to be getting cold, so I suggested we go inside somewhere that he could stay warmer.

“We could go back to my living space if you’d like.” Sidon suggested gently, trying not to make it sound awkward.

I agreed, and we made the short walk back to his area of the Domain. I sat as he brought me a drink, and we caught up on the events since I had defeated Ganon. Before I knew it, light was peeking through the windows, and it was time to see King Dorphan. Leaving his chambers, I returned to the inn to grab my gear and Zelda.

I was never a fan of diplomatic meetings. They were long, boring conversations that never got anywhere. Zelda and King Dorphan had been interacting for what seemed like days when finally the meeting was complete. Zelda decided to go shopping for a bit, and visited with the people of the Domain. Typically I would escort her, but she was safe here. I spent my time with Sidon, exchanging stories and offering advice as I could. It was late in the afternoon when Baz came sprinting into the courtyard, yelling for Sidon.


Chapter 3: Deja Vu All Over Again
(Link’s Perspective)

Sidon and I hurried over to Baz, who was very clearly bleeding from a nasty cut on his shoulder.

“Baz, what happened, is everything alright?” Sidon asked, trying to keep Baz on his feet.

Baz coughed, trying to stay conscious. “They took the princess.” That’s all he managed to get out before collapsing into Sidon’s arms.

Immediately I was on high alert. Upon inspection of Baz’s wounds, I realized something that terrified me. I knew what blades made these cuts. The curved blade used by the Yiga Clan were unlike anything else I had seen before. Given the wounds on Baz, it wasn’t likely he would be awake for several days.

“I have to go.” I said, as I began running to the bridge connecting the Domain to the rest of Hyrule.

Sidon called after me, eventually coming up on my side, keeping pace easily with legs almost double the size of mine. “Link, let me help you save her.” He said, concern and worry in his voice.

I know he was trying to be kind, that was his nature. Sidon was always so caring. But I couldn’t let him get hurt trying to follow me. Without a word I just kept running, waving him off as I continued down the path.


Chapter 4: Maybe, Just Maybe.
(Sidon’s Perspective)

There he went again. Running off to save the princess. Link was always off on some mission. I would never tell him how I truly felt. That I worried about him day and night, hoping he would return to the Domain. My father knew I had a personal connection to the hero, but he did not realize how deep that ran for me. Link was amazing, his golden blonde hair and small frame was perfect to me.

I returned to the infirmary, where Baz was being treated for his wounds. He stabilized when dipped in water, but still took very shallow breaths. I stayed by his side for a week. Barely eating or drinking, and stricken with worry for both Baz and Link. I only left to speak to my father, who requested my presence to check on my wellbeing.

After a week, I finally heard a commotion from the bridge, not thinking any of it until I heard someone yell
“Isn’t that Link and princess Zelda?” I bolted up, sprinting as fast as I could into the courtyard. Across the bridge I could see Link, princess Zelda in his arms, limping towards the Domain. I ran to him, as I arrived he simply collapsed in a sudden burst of tears and rage. I heard him shout obscenities, but I was more focused on the condition of the princess and Link. Zelda looked as if she had been beaten and tortured horribly, her breath almost nonexistent, and her heartbeat was difficult for even my senses to detect.

“I tried to save her faster, I did everything I could.” Link sobbed, trying to stand again, desperately trying to get her to the Domain.

I took Zelda from him, carrying her to a nearby guard and ordering him to take her to the infirmary immediately. I turned back to Link to find him unconscious, blood soaking through his shirt. I panicked and ran him to the royal doctors as fast as I could, begging Hylia to save them both.


Chapter 5: The Cart to Gerudo
(Zelda’s Perspective)

I stood near the window, looking out over the Domain, remembering how I used to accompany my father when he would come here on diplomatic missions. I heard the sound of something shuffling behind me before everything went dark. When I woke up, I was tied to a cart being dragged by people in deep red uniforms. The Yiga clan, a group that Link had caught me up on after my return. Apparently they had formed some time after the Calamity and were intent on finding the Hero and destroying him. I could hear them whispering in hushed voices, unsure of what to do to escape with my bonds keeping me quiet and in place.

Suddenly, the cart came to a halt, as if they had sensed I was awake. As I heard them walk around to the cart I pretended to be unconscious still, hoping they wouldn’t notice any changes. As the curtain to the cart opened, I felt the heat of the Gerudo desert hit me like I was back in the kitchens of the castle learning to bake. I felt the ropes around me loosen as one of the clan members picked me up and tossed me into a cell, forcing the wind out of me as I hit the ground.

I felt one of them approach me, and nearly gasped as something poked me in the neck. The last thing I heard before passing out again was “I hope you like it here Queen. You’re going to be here a very long time.”


Chapter 6: Failures
(Link’s Perspective)

Damn it! I let my guard down once. I knew better. I got too busy catching up with Sidon to realize I still had a job to do. This is what it gets me. The Yiga had Zelda. I failed as a knight…

I ran. I ran all the way to the Gerudo desert. I didn’t sleep for days. All I could think about is Zelda. My duty. My charge. Her father once trusted me to protect her with my life. I had betrayed that trust. I knew where the Yiga hideout was. I had fought them before. I knew they would have traps waiting for me at every turn but I didn’t care. I kept running.

I killed so many. I dipped into my ancient arrow supply. I cursed their souls to oblivion. A fate worse than death. I don’t know what made me do it, I had sworn to never use those arrows on a living thing, let alone a person. All I could think about was Zelda. We had won, we had our moment of peace. And they ruined it.

When I finally found Zelda, she had been beaten and battered, clearly unconscious for several days and severely malnourished. I picked her up, ignoring my own wounds to carry her. I picked her up and I ran, harder than I had to get here. I had to get her to the Domain. It’s the only place with doctors who could fix what the Yiga had done to her.

I’m sure my arm was broken, and I probably fractured more than that, but none of that mattered. I made it to the Domain, my body giving out as I reached the outer end of the bridge. I tried to lift myself, crying and yelling to Hylia, begging her to give me strength. I felt my body completely give out, the last blurry image in my mind was that of a large red fish barreling towards me.