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Hellaverse Halloween: Costume Conundrums


As Cash and Tilla are watching old broadcasts from earth, the two imps discuss what they'll eventually wear for Halloween and how "sexy" costumes from earth seem rather silly.


This one's a short but funny one since I could imagine Cash and Tilla watching old Halloween movies on TV that the kiddos wouldn't be that into (Fizz not liking horror and Barbie and Blitzo not liking black & white movies). I think they'd be in that generation that would like watching those anthology shows and shows that have showcases of old B-Movies that are popular around this time of year.

And as much as they like to flirt with each other, even they could see some of the "sexy" Halloween costumes that are put out every year seem pretty silly since they're not even that creative. And looking some up for women and men, they do look pretty silly. Cash adores his wife but he'd never make her wear anything that goofy. But Tilla wouldn't mind wearing something more...appealing for her husband provided it was actually creative. He wants to scare the kiddos that'll come to his haunted circus without just wearing his normal circus outfit and Tilla wants to wear something seasonal that makes her feel nice.

But when they watch Elvira's old show, they both agree she's got confidence that makes her very appealing. And in the privacy of their own home, I could see Tilla dolling herself up to look like Elvira to make her husband happy. She'd need to do a variation on the puffy hairdo since she has a lot of hair but I could see her pulling it off. And Cash would absolutely love it even if it does make his brain start to reboot at the sight of her and her playing up the flirting.

Also as a sidenote, his fear of puppets and marionettes would still be at play with the Cryptkeeper from Tales From The Crypt. If it's a puppet, he's terrified no matter what it is. Even if it's a screeching puppet that makes corny jokes.

And it looks like she found a way to get her hubby back for that beard tickle attack from a few stories ago ;)

Work Text:

It was a quiet evening in the Buckzo household for once. The kids didn’t want to watch old horror movies on TV–Fizz hated horror and Barbie and Blitzo found black and white movies boring–so Cash and Tilla were letting one of the rare broadcasts from Earth play on TV, Cash running his claws through Tilla’s hair as she laid on his lap.

“So ya gonna dress up to give candy out to the little gremlins?” Cash guessed.

“I was thinking about it.” Tilla mused. “But it’s hard to pick since the store’s choices…are kind of boring.”

“I know, right?” Cash smirked, looking down at his wife. “Don’t get me wrong, you’d look gorgeous in anything but those ‘sexy’ costumes are so dumb. How the heck is a pizza supposed to be sexy? I like pizza but not enough to fuck it.”

“And some look more off-putting than appealing.” the taller imp woman added, pulling out a flier that advertised some of the costumes the local costume shops this year had. “This sexy Mrs. Potato-head costume looks horrific! Well, I suppose that could work but I want something that would appeal to me and you.”

The older imp blushed as he smiled awkwardly. “Well uh…I’d wanna make you happy too but I don’t see myself wearin’ anything like that these days.” he joked, pointing to a sexy football player costume that had the helmet, shoulderpads, and booty shorts. “How the hell am I supposed to wear that? My damned horns wouldn’t fit!

“Well…you could just wear the booty shorts.” she teased, laughing when he pecked her on the forehead.

“And scar the kids for life? Uh I’ll let my haunted circus do that, thank you.” he reasoned, leaning back on the couch.

The two decided to put their costume talk on-hold for now as the next movie night host began to tune in. They were watching one of those anthology horror shows earlier but Cash couldn’t handle it. Even if he knew it was a puppet, they still freaked him out so he couldn’t stand watching Tales From The Crypt with that screechy horror host.

Elvira’s Movie Macabre was much more their speed with her corny jokes and self-aware humor.

“Shame the pipsqueaks ain’t into B-movies. This would be right up their alley.” Cash commented.

“I do like her sense of style. But I have to wonder how she got her hair that high. Is it a wig?” Tilla wondered.

“Humans can do weird shit with their hair.” Cash told her.

As they waited for her little opening monologue about the old movie that was about to play and jokes about her…very well-endowed chest, Tilla began to think. Costume shops didn’t know what sexy really was. Sure they could make a miniskirt and tubetop barely resemble a costume and call it a night but that wasn’t clever at all.

Confidence was sexy as well as creativity. For a human, this Elvira person showed she had sex appeal and confidence in herself. She was making jokes about her boobs to make her viewers laugh.

Tilla looked at her outfit and hair and it seemed simple enough to do. A black cleavage exposed dress with a slit up the leg and black tights along with that iconic hair and makeup?

The tall imp smiled as an idea formed in her head. It might be a bit too much for the kiddos trick-or-treating but she could definitely show her husband a little Halloween spirit.

And besides…she wanted to tease him a little after that goat beard tickle attack.


Cash was in his trailer trying to decide what type of creepy costume he should wear for Halloween. He still had a few weeks to narrow it down but he didn’t want to JUST wear his normal clown outfit. That would be boring.

Maybe one of those old-timey clowns? A vampire? A monster?

“Geh! Why is this so damned hard?!” he moaned, sitting at his desk with a pout. “Maybe the little gremlins can give me some ideas. They can be pretty creepy.”

A knock at his door caught his attention, confusing him a bit. The pipsqueaks would just barge in so this was strange.

“Cash? You in here, hun?” Tilla’s voice sounded.

“Yeah. Just stuck on somethin’...” he told her, leaning back in his chair with a moan. “I wanna scare the piss out of the little pipsqueaks this year but I’m stuck.”

“You poor thing. Do you want some attention?” Tilla guessed.

Cash got up from his desk and opened the door, smiling a bit. “Babe I always want attention from you but I like ya came ta see me–GUH?!”

The ringmaster was stunned as he stared up at his wife. Much to his shock, he saw his wife with a beehive hairdo, makeup that somehow made her face look gaunt yet hauntingly beautiful, and a dress that allowed her…well-endowed chest to shine as well as show off those fine legs.

“Tuh…tuh…TILLA?!” Cash stammered, eyes bugging out in pure awe.

“I was thinking about our conversation about sexy costumes yesterday…” Tilla began as she sauntered into Cash’s office, leaving the shorter imp stunned.

“W-Were ya?” he gulped, not able to take his eyes off his wife.

“Yeah…and I realized I don’t need anything tacky like that to impress anyone.” she went on, crossing her legs as she beckoned him to come closer. “I already have you…but I wouldn’t mind showing you how much I appreciate you.”

Cash blinked a few times, wondering if this was a dream before straightening up. “Well…you certainly know how to knock me out of the park.” he grinned, moving over to her. “I mean, I knew you’d look good in anything but this…this is perfect for you.”

Tilla giggled as she wrapped her arms around him. “Maybe when Halloween’s settled for the night, we can have our own spooky fun.” she purred, twirling his little goatee with her finger.

Cash nodded, not able to take his eyes off her beautiful face. “Y-Yeah…I-I’d like that a lot.” he nodded, feeling his face heat up.

“Wanna…have a sneak preview?” she offered, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

That did it for him. He was so turned on and terrified at how gorgeous she was that he passed out in her arms, rambling nonsense about how she was so pretty. His face was flushed bright red and he had a goofy smile on his face which showed he did like her costume. Even if it made him a little too excited at the moment. Cash could hold it together around her well enough but when she turned on her natural charms, he was done for.

He might be a tease but she’s learned a few tricks.

“Hmm…maybe I laid it on a little thick.” Tilla smiled sheepishly before she looked over the costume choices he was looking at on his desk. He really was thinking hard about what to wear this year for Halloween.

Did he want to impress her too?

“Oh honey…” Tilla sighed as she carried him over to the nearby couch. “You’ll look great no matter what you pick.” she whispered as she kissed his forehead, placing a blanket over him. She put a coat on since it was getting a little chilly out but also to cover up a little bit.

No sense in him passing out twice in a row.

Cash woke up a bit later with a damp cloth on his forehead and Tilla looking at him with an apologetic smile. She still had her hair poofed up but she had a coat covering her up so he could look at her without going all cuckoo again. He blinked a bit as she gently stroked his face.

“Tills…?” he mumbled.

“Sorry hun. I guess this costume was a bit too much.” she smiled shyly. “But I take it you thought I looked good?”

He stared at her before pulling her close for a kiss. “Baby you got me good.” he told her with a grin as he touched the ends of her hair. “I think you found a good contender for this year. But uh…maybe we can save it after the gremlins go to bed?”

“Funny. I was thinking the same thing.” she replied before giving him a knowing smile. “But now I know one more way to make you squirm.”

The ringmaster blushed as he laughed, bumping foreheads with her. “And that’s why I love ya, babe. Ya keep this old geezer on his toes.” he snickered.