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Skeletons In The Closet


Dangan Salmon Team but instead of a reality TV show, it's a knock-off Halloween special! Monokuma came up with the idea after the success of Danganronpa S as a summer holiday. This time, only the cast of NDRV3 will be participating in the spooky events or risk execution by Exisal if they refuse. This is a daily uploading story (fingers crossed) with a continuing story line until October 31st, where the cast will celebrate a massive Halloween trick or treating party.


I have kinda retconned the last chapter of Let's Have Ourselves a Merry Little Christmas by continuing this work after it. I'm really excited for this one as I have a lot of ideas for it. As per usual, the titles of each chapter will have Easter eggs in it. Each chapter title is an iconic line from a horror movie that more or less fits the theme of that day so hopefully you all can guess which movie the title is from!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Prologue: Welcome to the Halloween Special

Chapter Text

It was the start of the tenth month since everyone had awoken trapped within the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. They were supposed to graduate in the spring and move on to college, but…

Rantaro sighed softly to himself, surveying the courtyard through a window from the second story classroom. 

For some reason, Monokuma hadn’t let them escape, even after the Christmas debacle. And while friendships, and relationships, had blossomed further within the forced confinement of the End Wall, just as many tensions and rivalries had formed. Rantaro hoped, for all that seemed to be worth it, that Monokuma’s newest “idea” wasn’t as disastrous as the Pudding Incident. The shouting matches hadn’t calmed down for three weeks after that. 

The monitor flared to life, interrupting Rantaro from his musings. As usual, Monokuma was lounging on a black armchair with a flute of sparkling campaign. “Tired of all this moping about already? Oh, you’ve been tired of it for a while now? Well then, bring your festive asses down to the gym for an announcement!”

Rantaro sighed again, pushing himself up. In the hallway, he ran into Korekiyo and Kirumi.

“Good evening, Rantaro.” Kirumi offered politely.

Rantaro returned the smile, falling into step on her other side.

“Kehehe… I wonder if Monokuma is planning another festive challenge. October is often known for being closely related to the supernatural and paranormal.” 

Rantaro shrugged. “I guess there’s no way to be sure until we hear it from Monokuma.”

“If the others plan on decorating for this celebration, I should endeavor to assist.”

Rantaro patted her on the shoulder gently. “If you ever need a break, I’m sure I can think of something dire I need your help with.”

Kirumi shook her head, vaguely amused. “Quite right.”

Reaching the doors, Rantaro moved to hold it open for the others. But both Korekiyo and Kirumi froze for a moment. Peering around the door, Rantaro also stared in shock at what he could only describe as a scene straight out of a horror movie. At first, Rantaro is even sure that he opened the door into a different classroom entirely. The entire room seemed enveloped in shadow, as if someone had taken a BB gun, shot out all the lights, and then hung black cloth from the ceiling. The floor was littered in pumpkins with various snarling expressions, bright candles flickering the patterns onto the walls. Chalk lined missing corpses around the room. Cobwebs, mud, and grime had appeared overnight as if it was the first time they entered the gym again. The most distressing part was the various clumps of flesh, limbs, and blood sprayed around the gymnasium like an over enthusiastic kid given glitter for the first time.

“Wonderful.” Korekiyo breathed, sounding completely genuine. 

Kirumi sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose with a thumb and forefinger. 

Rantaro followed the others into the gymnasium, carefully avoiding stepping in a particularly gloopy mound of flesh with a pair of googly eyes smacked on carelessly. From across the gym, Rantaro could spot Kokichi slapping on more uneven pairs of googly eyes onto other body parts. 

In the ten months that had passed, distinct friend groups had formed despite the near constant intermingling. Kokichi and Miu were nearly inseparable, often dragging Gonta or Kiibo along with them for some terrorist plot or another. Rantaro sometimes got dragged into them too, unlikely though it may seem. 

Of course, Shuichi, Kaito, and Maki were as close as ever, with the frequent addition of Kaede. Ryoma had somehow gotten abducted into Angie’s circle with Tenko, Tsumugi, and Himiko. And finally, Rantaro’s been spending his time with either Korekiyo or Kirumi. 

“Rantaro!” Kaede called, waving him over to where she stood half-heartedly chiding Kokichi.

The little supreme leader instantly perked up upon seeing Rantaro and darted to duck behind him, clinging to his arm. “Rantaro-chaaaan! Kaeyayday’s being soooo mean!”

Rantaro ran a hand through his hair. 

Kaede puffed out her cheeks. “That’s not what I was doing at all!”

Kokichi stuck his tongue out at the pianist. 

Rantaro raised his hands placatingly. “Now, now. I’m sure it isn’t that serious.”

“Rantaro!” Kaede complained. 

“Yay! Rantaro-chan agrees with me!” Kokichi chirped smugly, racing away when Kaede glared at him. 

“Sorry, Kaede. But you know it’s better not to give Kokichi the attention.” Rantaro chuckled. “So I guess this means we’re doing Halloween for the next few weeks.”

Kaede crossed her arms, feigning frustration. But she quickly broke into a smile. “Yeah! Some of the others and I have already been discussing ideas--”

Lights on the stage suddenly flared to life in the form of mountains of lit candles piled around the podium. The Monokubs all lined up in front of it, jittering with barely concealed excitement. Monokuma jumped onto it, a half-black, half-white Jason mask over his face. “I am the god of this new world...and the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy!” Monokuma preached, “The one, the only...Monokuma!”

“Not this again…” Kaede muttered. 

“Hey! I heard that, missy!” Monokuma complained. “Everyone knows that real villains always make dramatic entrances!”

“Yep, yep!” Kokichi confirmed. “A shame that they’re wasted on such a bland one.”

Monokuma deflated, kicking a stray piece of flesh off the podium. “Kids these days, yeesh. And the higher ups are demanding more from these boring schmucks? Anyway, you guys need to get back into the swing of things! It’s not every day that the spooky season rolls around!”

“We’re not doing this bullshit again after last time!” Kaito shouted. 

Monokuma sighed. “Yep, that kinda stock reaction is to be expected… But no one is getting any younger here! The academy is still surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape to the outside world… And as long as we have the Exisals, you can't defy us!”

Everyone hesitated. At the end of the day, there was nothing they could do in defiance of Monokuma. 

Rantaro sighed. “What do you need from us this time?” After all, it could always be worse. 

Monokuma broke into a sadistic grin. “It’s Halloween, ain’t it? ‘Tis the season of murder, creepy crawlies, and all the things that make your skin crawl. To hop to it! Take chances, get messy, make mistakes! Even murder is allowed if it’s done on-theme!”

“A Halloween special... That sounds so exciting!” Monophanie sighed dreamily. 

Monokib strummed some chords, “Papa Kuma is on the pulse of society's trends!”

Monosuke adjusted his glasses. “Pops is such a great capitalist! There's no idea he won't rip off to make a profit!”

Monodam said nothing. 

Monokuma continued, “Oh, by the way, the point of this is to entertain the masses! So don’t do anything boring while the cameras are rolling, got it?”

There was a collective groan from the students. 

“Ahem!” Monokuma coughed. “As I was saying, each day I’m going to announce a motive or activity that all of you are required to participate in. Some will be audience requests and others good ol’e fashion fun! So you’d better do your best! Also, some motives will require objects to complete but I never said these things were free, did I? Wanting something gives it value—in other words, you gotta shell out cash for 'em! You guys have already seen a place on campus where you can earn cash, haven't you?”

Monokid sweats, “...Earn cash?”

“I know, I know! I bet he's talking about the casino!” Monophanie called out.


Monophanie flinched. 

Monosuke sighed, “Uh-oh... Monophanie's gonna get punished by Pops—”

Monokuma yelled at his Kubs, “In a democracy, everyone shares the blame!”

“Nrghhhhhh! I feel so bad! This is all my fault!” Monophanie lamented. 

“No, it's democracy's fault!” Monosuke cursed

“Now then, I can't wait to see what kinda festive hijinks you get into! Ah-hahahahaha!” Monokuma cackled. 

With mechanical laughter echoing throughout the gym, the students stood in more or less “totally-over-it” fashion. They’d survived the last challenge that Monokuma demanded of them. And most of them would be lying if they said it hadn’t been a complete waste of time, some of it was even fun! With another holiday season fast approaching, many of the students found themselves planning devilishly fun entertainment for this supposed watching audience.