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Rescue Bots: Season X (REBOOT)


It starts as any other day on Griffin Rock. The Family of Heroes recive a call in the afternoon. It's just a "normal" rescue mission. Nothing least that's what they thought. Cody on the other hand doesn't care about the missions at all anymore. After years of being alone and left behind eventually made him more closed towards people (and bots). But when he meets new faces he becomes..someone he was always meant to be.
When his family noticed the changes it was too late.

Join me on this adventure and let's watch as our heroes fight through the X Season!


Hello fellow Rescue Bots fans. This story is a reboot of a very old fic I've first posted on Wattpad- since then I've deleted it, posted it on here and..deleted it as well.
I'm not sure if any of my old readers will find this story again but if they do- Hi! I'm really sorry I deleted the fic, I had way too many things going on.
But I recently found all the old chapters and I fell in love with the story all over again. So I've decided to reboot the entire story! I almost have it finished, then I only need to rewrite/reword the earlier chapters, change a few things, add some stuff- things like that.
I'm very excited to complete this fic, I've been craving a good Cody-centric story:3

The first episode is separated into 3 chapters. I will upload them in the following days.

Chapter Text

Episode 1: Accidents always happen (part 1)

Griffin Rock. A place with highly advanced technology, the latest machines to help the people with their everyday lives and of course, alien robots. The people here are used to this kind of tech after being saved thousands of times by the Rescue Team or as they commonly called, The Family of Heroes. After the Burns family finally got rid of the Morocco Virus and succesfully saved Cody from him, everything settled down. The bots even returned here, more frequently, to help with rescues. Nothing can keep them apart it seems. No more difficulties. No more Morocco. No more bad guys.

That was three years ago.

But there is one thing that haven't changed a bit: Cody still doesn't have a robot partner. This made Cody change. He's more closed off towards people and bots and has little bit trust issues. He belives that his family still doesn't trust him enough to have this kind of responsibility. Although he acts like everything is normal and is happy, deep down he knows what's going on. And the fact that his dad doesn't even realize this just hurts him more and more everyday.

It's not fair, he thinks everyday as he's watching his family work effortlessly with each other. That's why he's walking in the park alone. To get away from his family. But he didn't change just inside, he changed outside too. A lot. Cody is now taller, around Graham's height, and after watching endless action movies with Frankie he started to work out. He's not buff like his big brother Kade, instead he has lean muscles. In one word Cody has grown up to be one handsome youngman. He's now 18. Well, in two weeks.

'I bet they will forget it.' he thought. Unfortunately that happened once before. That was last year. Kade won a game in football on Cody's Birthday and everyone cheered for him. Two days later they've found out that Cody just turned 17. But he just said: "It's fine, really. An international game is more important than my Birthday. It's not everyday that you win a game like that." Cody regretted immediately his answer but he didn't care anymore after a while. He was just not important anymore. Not important enough for his family, for the bots, his friends. Oh, what he would give for a change...

Suddenly he heard a tire blow up and metal crashing. 'A collision!' he thought and ran towards the accident. When he arrived he saw two cars. One of them was Mrs. Rubio's which was totally srcewed. However the other car was fine, as he looked over it. In fact it didn't even have a single scrach. Cody recognized the car. 'A Porsche 911 Turbo! Oh my...thank to whoever it's alright.' after a few moments the Rescue Team arrived, Chase and Heatwave with their sirens blazing. Chief helped Mrs. Rubio out of her car before it could blow up. Which was about to happen but Heatwave and Kade put out the fire before it could. After that they helped to lift the car up to bring it to the side, out of the way of traffic. Chase offered to take Mrs Rubio to the hospital.

"Is everyone alright?" asked Chief. No one got hurt on the sidewalk, luckily. He also spotted Cody and was relieved to see him okay.

"Chief! What about the other car? The driver hasn't come out since the crash!" someone said as they pointed to the grey car. Chief was about to ran to it but the car's engine suddenly started. With a loud 'roar' the Porsche did a 90º turn and stormed off to the direction it was heading to originally. When it went towards Cody time seemed to slow down. Cody watched as this mighty car drove away in front of him, a sudden shiver going down his spine. 'Woah...'

"Cody!" his father's voice brought back him to reality. He looked at him. "Did you see what happened?" Without hesitation Cody answered:

"No." and with that he went back to the park. Chief, with a questioning look on his face, watched as his son walk away so simply. He turned around and went back to work. It wasn't the reaction he was hoping to see from his son but right now he had to do his job. He decided to ask Cody about this later.


A certain grey car was driving furiously down the empty road outside of the town. "I can't belive that idiot just crashed into me! This town is full of dumb people! Luckly they didn't scratch my paint job...or else they would pay." the driver angrily shouted to mostly no one. The buzzing of their broke the silence.

"Where are you!?"

"Not even a 'Hello'?"

"Don't try to play games with me. Come back to the house. Now."

"Alright, alright roger that. Geez." with that the speech ended. The driver began to drive back to the mentioned place.

Back at the Firehouse...

After Heatwave towed the damaged car to be repaired, they all headed home. Right now it was only him, Chase, Kade and the Chief in the Firehouse. They were preparing for dinner when the firetruck looked around.

"Where's Cody?" asked Heatwave. The bots looked around in the garage while the Chief and Kade looked around the rest of their home. He wasn't in his room nor in the kitchen.

"Maybe he's still out. He was walking in the park when that accident happen." Chase answered and hoped that it would calm down the Chief. It was 7 pm but since it was summer the Sun was still high up in the sky.

"If he doesn't come back by 9 pm we will go and look for him. Alright team?" the others nodded and slowly went back to do their own thing. The Chief did hope that they won't have to organize a search party for his son.

With Cody...

Cody was lost. He literally just got lost in the forest. 'Aw, man! I thought I could tell my way around here! Where am I?' he found himself in a small clearing. As he looked up he saw Mount Griffin just up ahead. 'I'm at the foot of the mountain! So that means, I have to go...that way!'

After a while, the day turned into night. The air was just right for an evening stroll. Cody would have enjoyed the scenery if it weren't for the fact that he was still lost in the forest.

"The Hell! How did I get lost again!?" not wanting to disappear into the forest again he tried his to hope his family could help him get home. Unfortunately the wasn't working, due to something blocking the signal, as such only static could be heard. And so did his phone, it died from not being charged the night before. "Oh no... now I'm in trouble! I really am! Dang it!" he punched a tree to let out his anger but it just scratched his fist. "..." he started to walk again while he carefully rubbed his hand where it hurt and failed to realize that he was walking towards a small downhill. It was too late.


He stumbled over a fallen tree and hit his head on a hard rock. After that, it was just darkness.

Not that far away...


A man who was just walking in the forest not too far away heard a yell and then the sound of a body hitting the ground. He was curious so he went to investigate it, wondering who could be out in the forest at this time...besides himself of course. Moments later he found a teenager with a bloody head on the ground. He looked at him, not very eager to help him. He was actually about to leave until his head started to hurt. The more he ignored the stranger on the ground, the more his head hurt. When he shook his head and kneeled down to the boy, suddenly the pain went away.

"Weird." he muttered and decided it's best to bring this boy back with him, to the place he was staying at.



' head. What...happened?'

Cody felt like he was floating in the air. No pain. He didn't feel anything. He was peaceful, in the darkness that surrounded him. Although he did hear someone saying something.


There was it again. But this time it was louder. But not loud enough to wake him up.

"Hey! Wake up Blondie!"

Now that got his attention. Not only the loudness but also the feelimg of someone shaking him by the shoulders. Cody slowly opened his eyes. He saw light. He was in a house. 'Wait...wasn't I in the forest?'


'Who the Hell keeps calling me Blondie?'

"Daniel, stop calling him that! And stop shaking him! Can't you see he hit his head? He was bleeding give him time to wake up!" a second voice argued with the other one. It was a more feminine one.

"Yes, I know because I found him and bought him here. Now, wake up Sleeping Beauty!" he fully opened his eyes and saw a pair of redish-brown eyes. The eyes carefully looked all over him. As his eyes got use to the light, the eyes now had a face...a head...a body. The man with the brown-red eyes smiled at him and said: "Good to see you awake, Blondie." the man was sitting next to him. Cody slowly sat up.

"Oh, what happened?" he asked weakly.

"I would like to know that too. First I hear someone cry out and the next thing I find is a body with bloody head. Were you running away from someone or you were just clumsy?" the man asked. Before Cody would say anything he looked around. There was the man and a girl. He was in the living room on a dark blue sofa. The room had a TV in front of the sofa. To the left there was a fire place. To the right there was the kitchen which was connectet to the living room. After examining his surrondings Cody finally answered:

"I was just walking...and I didn't pay attention. Guess I was just clumsy." the man chuckled and placed his hand on Cody's head.

"It's alright Blondie. Luckily, nothing serious happened to you." he locked eyes with Cody. That's when Cody realized he was looking at a really handsome man. He had semi short messy black hair. His eyes were red or brown, depending on from where you were looking at them. He had quite a strong jaw line and a rather muscular body. He was dark skinned, a very beautiful shade of brown. He was wearing a light colored tank top and military green cargo pants. He didn't look like he belonged here, Cody wondered if he was new to the city. Oh, there were also two little spike piercings on his left eyebrow.

There was also a girl in there next to the man. She had V shaped bangs and her black hair was pulled into a high pony tail. Her skin was pale and she wore a black turtleneck with a black long skirt that almost reached the floor. She also had an eyepatch, covering her right eye. The eye that wasn't covered was blue colored. Cody wondered why the other was covered.

"What's your name, kid?" the girl asked like she was much older than Cody yet she looked like she was around his age. He couldn't tell if Daniel was the same though.

"It's...uh.." that was...odd. He didn't remember his name. No matter how much he tried to remember, he couldn't give her an answer. The man saw the confusion on his face and said:

"Well, my name is Daniel Dawn. any chance don't remember your name?" Cody nodded, still staring down at the bed in disbelief.

"Must be because of the hit you took. Do you have a phone? Let me see it." Cody handed Daniel his phone and he frowned. "Shit, it's dead. Do we have a charger?" The girl walked off and pulled out a charger from the nightstand.

"Gimmie." Daniel handed the phone to her and she plugged it in. "Let's just wait a few minutes. Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"Uhm..thirsty a little."

"Alright, I'll get you water." with that she left the room. Cody was starting to feel a little awkward. Daniel was sitting on his bed, seemingly in deep thoughts. The blonde couldn't help but stare at him. Even his side profile was handsome as Cody noticed it. Daniel could feel Cody's staring but he decided not to embarass him. The girl came back a few moments later with a glass of water and handed it to Cody.

"Thank you." She nodded then went to check the phone and was happy to see it got enough battery life to turn it on. "Can you unlock it?" she handed him the phone and he started at the screen until muscle memory kicked in, unlocking the phone.

"Alright, rad! Lemme see," Daniel sat closer to him and began scrolling through his phone. It was in the contacts they discovered his identity. "Looks like your name is 'Cody Burns'." Daniel waited a few seconds and added: "But I like 'Blondie' better." Cody sent him a glare.

"So you don't remember your name...Then you must have some sort of memory loss." the girl said. "But don't worry Cody! We will help you. By the way, name is Adria Cot." Cody looked at Adria and smiled. He tried to stand up but suddenly he felt dizzy. He fell down back to the sofa.

"Oh, must be exhausted after all this information. Adria?"


"Do we have a guest room? I don't want him to sleep on the couch."

"Yes we have! Over here." with that, Daniel picked Cody up again. They went into an empty room. After Adria set the bed, the man carefuly put Cody down. Within a minute Cody fell asleep. Adria and Daniel just watched him.

"We have to be more careful if we gonna let him stay here." said Daniel. "But, you're the Boss. Your choice if we even gonna let him stay here." Adria sent him a glare.

"He needs help. We won't be like those guys back know. We're going to help him no matter what."

"Fine by me." they then went out the room to let Cody rest. Cody was in the comfortable darkness again, sleeping away. But this time, in the distance, there were more colors emerging, slowly overtaking the darkness. He didn't notice of course, he had his eyes closed.


No matter, he will understand it soon enough.

Chapter Text

Episode 1: Breaking point (part 2)

On the next day's morning, Daniel and Adria didn't know anything better to do so they were sitting in the living room, while Cody slept and waited for him to wake up.

"He will probably be hungry when he wakes up. Did you send someone for food?" Adria asked Daniel. Adria was working on her laptop while Daniel was fidgeting with Cody's Oh yeah, he took it the night before.

"Yeah. Greya and Cat." he asnwered simply.

"We need to find his family. Or help him regain his memories. Should we go to a hospital?" she asked. Daniel thought for a moment then shook his head.

"We can't just go around asking people if their son went missing. They would think we kidnapped him. You know how people react to these thing. And if we go to a hospital they would ask stupid questions." he explained.

"True. So-" before she could continue Cody groaned, standing in the entrace of the living room, making them both look at him. Cody blinked a few times, trying to get the sleepyness out of his eyes.

"Ugh.." he held his head where he hit it and felt bandages over it.

"Good to see you awake, Cody." Daniel greeted him. Cody looked at him and got confused for a moment then remembered yesterday's evening. Well, that's what all he could rembember so..

"H-hi..."he blushed just the tiniest bit as he looked at Daniel.

"Aw, don't be so shy." Adria found Cody's embarassment cute. Just when she was about to speak again a car's honk broke their converstation. "Oh, they're back! Good, let's meet with the others!" with that Adria grabbed Cody's hand and dragged him out the room. He yelped and tried to tell the girl that he was still feeling dizzy but Adria ignored him. Daniel just chuckled and followed them.

Two girls stood in the entrance. One of them had long silver-white hair. Her eyes were blood red. She was small, as small as a 14 year old girl but she certanly didn't look like one. She was wearing dark grey jeans with black combat boots, a white top and a black hoodie and black fingerless gloves. Her expression read more as a resting bitch face, someone you knew not to mess with. The other girl was smaller than the white haired one but not by much. Her brown hair was short and messy, like a boy's. She had icy blue eyes. She was wearing a blue, black and orange motorcycle outfit and boots. Unlike the other girl, her expression was full of energy as she saw Adria and Cody.

"Hello there! You must be Cody." the smaller one greeted him. Cody waved back. "My name is Kate Nora and this is Devon Winter. But call her Devy. Nice to meet youu~!"

"Yeah, what she said."

'Devon is the cold one, alright. No wonder why her name is Winter. And Kate is like the complete oppositive of her. She's the cheerful one..'

"Where's Pu-" Daniel started but quickly shut up after Adria hit him with her elbows in the side which Cody didn't see because Kate was talking to him. "Um, where's Asena and Rider?"

"We dropped them in the city." Devon answered. She then went over to Cody. Cody was a head taller than her. "I'm keeping my eyes on you." she glared at him. Before he could ask Devon, Adria spoke up.

"Hey Cody? You must be hungry, right?" the said boy nodded. "Then let's have some breakfast while we wait for the others, shall we?"

Meanwhile in the Firehouse...

Almost every citizen was here who had free time. Chief organized a search party to find his son. He didn't come home yesterday and couldn't find him either, when they looked for him, nor could they track down his or phone. "If we have to search the whole island we will! Cody could be danger. Now everyone knows where to search, right?" Everyone nodded then headed out to do their thing. Chief turned to his family. "Ready?" they nodded. Chief hoped that with the bots they can find Cody easily, even if it was just Heatwave, Kade and Chase. The others will join them as soon as possible. 'Don't worry son. We will find you. I will...I'm going to find you!'

In the town...

Everyone was either doing his daily work or was looking for Cody. No one was walking on the street because they had spare time. Except for two. A male and a female. Kade was nearby with Heatwave -who was in bot mode- and they saw them. "Hey! You two!" the said ones turned to Kade. As soon as they saw Heatwave they tensed up.

"Do you think they...?" the male asked but the female shook her head.

"No. It can't be. Act natural." she whispered back. When Kade stopped and looked at them more closely he realised that they weren't from Griffin Rock at all. The male was dressed up elegantly. He wore black shoes, black pants, a crimson suit jacket and under that a white button-up with both top's sleeves rolled up. His hair was dark brown and was elegantly pushed back. He had beautiful turquoise eyes. He was as tall as Kade. The female was taller. Her skin was a rich chocolate brown color, making her shoulder lenght purple hair pop out. Her eyes were red, wore tight black jeans with black chunky high heel boots and a dark purple crop top, over a tight sleevless top. She also had black lipstick on. She looked like she could take on a man and win. Both had a terrifiying aura around them.

"You two aren't from Griffin Rock, are you?" Kade asked, trying to appear friendly.

"No. We're just passing by." answered the male. Quick and onto the point. The female looked up at Heatwave. The firebot had to put up his old act for these two. Oh, how he hated doing it but it was for the sake of the town so..And strangely for Cody.

"Nice robot you got there." she said. Kade with a smug smile answered.

"Yeah. It's mine. Because I'm a firefighter and this robot is my ride. With this I can do a whole team's duty." proudly he leaned on Heatwave's leg. Heatwave mentally rolled his optics. He hated when Kade did this. He didn't miss it one bit.

"Anyway. I saw citizens all over the town looking extra cautious. Like they were searching for something. Why is that?" the male asked politely. That seemed to click something in Kade because he immediately switched to proffessional mode.

"Oh, because my...little brother went missing yesrerday." he answered sadly.

"Oh how unfortunate. Can we help somehow?" Kade looked at the male surprised. They were turists and they were willing to help?

"He's about this tall-" he showed how tall he was, "He has blonde hair and light brown eyes. Yesterday he wore a light brown jacket with dark brown jeans and black boots. If you see him call this number. It's my personal. Thanks in advance." with that, Kade turned away and left. The male and female watched as he disappeared into the corner.

"I think this is enough informaion. Let's go back." the male said. The female nodded and went back to their home in the forest.

With Heatwave and Kade...

Heatwave was in deep thoughts. 'Those two are sucpicious. Why did they decide to come here now? After Cody went missing? Did they kidnap him? If so then we have to go and capture them!'

Kade looked at his partner, concerned. He knew when Heatwave was silent, it was never good. "What's wrong big guy?"

"Those two...I can't get them out of my head. They seemed so...odd."

I agree. If we see them again, we will question them more." Heatwave nodded. The firetruck didn't like it one bit to trust these newcomers, but for Cody he was willing to give them a chance.

Back in the forest...

"We're back!"

"Rider! Asena! Finally you're back." said Adria. The two from earlier went and hugged their friend, with her squeezing them one last time before letting them go. "Now, come and meet our guest!" In the living room there was Daniel sitting on the couch, just watching some show on the TV. Cody was next to him. Cody had his legs over Daniel's leg and just relaxed while Kate was making his hair into a braid. Granted it was very tiny but she was still having fun. Devon was in the kitchen, cooking some lunch. "Aw, this is such a cute view." Adria said and snapped a photo with her phone. "Hey Cody, meet with the last two member of our little family!" Just in time, Kate finished Cody's hair and stood up. She urged him to follow her, with Daniel right behind him. He felt better with him close to him.

"Hi.." he greeted them. Asena went over to him and kissed his cheeks, both sides. That caught Cody off guard.

"I'm Asena Cot. Adria's big sis'. Nice to meet you." she smiled. Cody couldn't say anything because he was still in shook, with the smallest blush on his face. He couldn't help it, she was very pretty. Next, Rider went to him and shook hands with him.

"And I'm Rider Ryp. It's a pleasure meeting with you." he politely greeted him, even bowing a little bit. Cody smiled at how nice he was. Rider then turned to Adria. "Adria? May I speak with you for a moment?" she nodded and they went to the kitchen. Cody and the others went back to the living room, to get to know each other more. He felt very relaxed with this little family for some reason.

"What did you find?" she asked in a hushed tone, careful so that Cody won't hear them.

"We met Cody's brother. We have his phone number. And you were right. There are cybertronians here. They are helping the citizens." he answered. Adria smiled at that.

"I see...thank you. I'm going to do some research now. Have fun our new friend."

"Will do Boss." with that she retreated to her own room at the other side of the house. Rider walked back to the little group and Cody noticed that Adria was nowhere to be seen. He asked, and Rider replied. "Ah, she had some bussiness to attend to, work related."

"She works from home?" he asked, sitting back on the couch to have Kate braid more of his hair.

"Yes, her work allows such thing. Truly a blessing." he made his way to the couch as well, leaning against the back of it.

"Cool! What's her job?" Kate answered that

"I think it has to do with computer science and a bunch of technical gibberish that would bore us aaaall!" she giggled and she was right. If Adria had a really complicated job, then he doesn't really want to interupt her. "And it pays well! We only need to work occasionally if we want more money."


"We help around the house and her in exchange of course. We owe her that much." Daniel said, looking at the TV still. Cody looked at him and blushed.

'He's still so handsome- I need to focus on something else. Watch the TV!!' Cody panicked, not really understanding why though. Daniel of course knew Cody was looking at him but he didn't mind it. He enjoyed it, Cody must be thinking that he was handsome and it just stroked his ego even more. Even though they only met barely two days ago, they felt like they've known each other for far longer.

In the evening, at the Firehouse...

The Burns family was exhausted. Cody is still out there somewhere, they were looking for him all day and still couldn't find him and not to mention the rescue missions they had during the search. This day drained their energy. Even with the extra help, as Dani, Graham, Blades and Boulder came back over the Ground Bridge, they still found nothing, not even a clue.

"Has anyone found something? Anything?" Chief asked his kids and the bots. The citizens didn't find anything either.

"No...sorry dad." Dani answered as she lowered her head. Blades just looked away. Boulder and Graham shook their head. Heatwave and Kade looked at each other, concerned.

" may be nothing. Then again it may be something." Kade started and once all eyes were on them, Heatwave continued.

"We met two people who were not from around here. But they were odd. They looked suspicious I could feel that." he recalled their faces, their eyes that seemed to be seeing right through him.

"I gave them my number so if they call maybe we can track them?" added Kade. Chief thought about that. At least it's something.

"Good job, son. We will definitely do that if we can't find Cody soon. For now please go and have some rest. We had a long and and tomorrow we will have just as long."

With Cody...

"Cody!" Adria came back in the living room after a few hours, claiming her work was done. Besides she wanted to spend more time with Cody.


"Check this out!" Cody went over to Adria. She showed him her laptop. What he found was confusing for a moment but eventually understood it.

"Are family?" he asked with hope in his voice. Adria showed him a picture of the Burns family. The picture was from the day they introduced the Rescue Bots to the people of Griffin Rock.

"Yes, Cody they are. Are you happy? Tomorrow you can meet them if you-"

"No." that was sudden.

"No? Why?"

"For some reason...I...when I look at their faces a bad feeling goes through me. I don't like that." he was shivering from said feeling. "I don't want to meet them.."

Adria looked at Cody's face. She saw a fearful expression. He's scared. ' me...long, long ago.'

"Hey..if you don't want to meet them that's fine. But you have to eventually." she smiled at him, and put her hand on his shoulder as a way to show support.

"Really?" he asked, sounding grateful.

"Yes, really. No one is going to force you to see your family. But they might be extremely worried about you. For now, go get some rest, okay?" Adria said in her most kind and gentle voice. Cody showed her a weak smile and headed back to his room to sleep. With that, Adria closed her laptop and turned towards the rest of the gang.

"So...there are four other cybertronians here?" asked Kate.

"Apparently there are four more autobots on the main land too. Two of them are in China though." Adria added, pulling up a hologram map of the world from her closed laptop, marking the said locations.

" you think...he's here too?" Devon asked quitely. The others looked down not wanting to remember him. Adria nodded, surprising everyone.

"He's on the main land too, sometimes. There's actually another team stationed in a bigger city on the other side of the continent. He visits them sometimes." Heavy silence fell on them, until Daniel decided to break it.

" it's not the time to think about that. We have to do something about Cody and his situation."

"You two have grown close, haven't ya?" Asena teased Daniel. He just smiled at it.

"Well what can I say? He's kinda cute. And he reminds me of myself when I was younger. When I was still-" but he couldn't finish his sentence as a big 'BAM' could be heard from Cody's room. Daniel immediately jumped up and ran into Cody's room, the others following close-by. What they found shocked them, Cody was on the floor. Daniel rushed to his side. He picked up Cody to put him down onto the bed.

"Not again, what did you do this time you idiot!?"

"Wha..?" Cody weakly groaned.

"'re awake this time. Now what did you do?" Adria worriedly asked as she carefully helped Cody to sit up.

"I just wanted to hush out that wasp over there." he pointed to the chandelier were the wasp was. "I'm...allergic to it."

"Then why didn't you call me? I ain't scared of that little shit." he joked and easily scared off the wasp.

"Yeah Cody. Luckily nothing happened to you but...could have." Asena said. Devon has already went and got a medkit just in case.

"Adria is right. So why?" Rider asked. Cody just looked at them, dumbfounded. Soon a single tear ran down his cheek.

"Huh..?" Cody tapped his now wet cheek as more tears appeared. "Why am I crying..."

"Cody...?" the said teen looked up to see everyone around him. They were worried about him. "Are you alright?" Asena placed her hand on Cody's shoulder. That's when he lost it. Tears began falling down his face like warerfall. All the pain from the past he felt now broke out. He never cried in his entire life and now he can't stop. "Aww...shhh..everything is going to be okay.." Asena was the one who comforted him. She hugged him close and could feel Cody's tears on her shirt and skin. She rubbed his back to calm him down. "Shh...alright. Cry as much as you want."

After a while he calmed down. "I'm sorry..." he whispered.

"Don't be.."

"Yes! It's all my fault! And I'm just a weight to you! I' sorry for everything I caused. You should have just left me in the forest and let m-!"


Cody held his cheek where Daniel slapped him. It wasn't a hard slap but it was hard enough to snap him out of his disstress. With wide eyes he looked up at him. Daniel was angry.

"Don't you EVER say something like that! You are NOT a weight to us! We just want to help because...becasue when we needed help no one was there to save us! You didn't do anything wrong. Infact you made our day better. You're a great company and when we get your memories back we can still hang out. And yes, I could have left you in the forest...but I didn't. I didn't because all I saw was...myself. You remind me of myself so much Cody. When I didn't have to worry about a thing. I know it will sound crazy but I want to protect you. I lost my innocence when bad things happened to my team and I got locked away. I want to protect you and your innocence." when Daniel finished the others looked at him with a sad, understanding smile.

"Just...exacly what happened to you guys?" Cody asked, his tears have stopped falling. He looked into Daniel's beautiful eyes and it calmed him.

"Heh..that's a story for another day." Adria answered him and stroke his head.

"I..I'm so-" but before Cody could apologize Rider shut him up, gently.

"Don't say sorry. You did nothing wrong." he smiled, his tone was soft. Clearly none of them were mad or angry at him. They were telling the truth.

"..Thank you." Cody sniffed finally. Daniel hugged him one last time before they all left his room, leaving Cody alone. This time however he layed in bed with a smile on his face.

Chapter 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Episode 1: I remember you (part 3)


It's been two days since Cody went missing. The Burns family and the bots were worried as they have already searched the whole island, multiple times. They started to lose hope, thinking that he somehow was taken off the island. That was the worst case scenario.

The team just got back from a mission. It was 5 in the afternoon. The humans went upstairs, leaving the bots in the garage. It's been a while since they had a day like this so they decided to pick up their old hobbies.

Boulder decided to paint out his feelings about the situation which was not really rosie...Heatwave was already punching his punching bag. Blades just sat down and with a straight face he started to watch his favorite TV show. So nothing to do Chase went to their ship and decided to upgrade the diary he has been doing since they arrived here. He went inside the ship and pushed the record button.

"This is Chase from Sigma 17. Me and my teamates just got back from a rescue mission...It's beed two days since young Cody Burns went missing. His currect location is still unknown. My partners and the humans are...lifeless without him but Chief hasn't given up on him. Neither I and my teammates have."

"Chase?" came a voice from the door, interupting his recording.

"Oh, Heatwave. What a pleasent surprise." Heatwave knew about Chase's diary so it didn't surprise him.

"Do you think...Cody's gone forever?" Heatwave asked quietly. It was odd of him to care for something or someone this much.

"Negative. We will find him." he said, confidently. It made Heatwave relax a little. Knowing that others feel the same way like was nice.

"Yeah..You're right. Cody will come home." he said with more hope. It caused Chase to smile a little.

"Let's get going. I'm sure Chief Burns will want to have another round around the island before it gets dark." 

Chase nodded closed the diary and with Heatwave he left the ship.

With Cody...

In the house Cody and Daniel were just sitting and watching some TV. The others were in the city yet again. Cody wasn't really watching the screen in front of him, he was in deep thoughts. Thoughts about his supposed family. On the picture they seemed so..close and happy. And he had seen more pictures with them, ones where he himself was present too, and those looked just as close and happy. Should he go find them? If they were close as a family they must be worried, right? But then again, what was this horrible gut feeling he had? So negative and..sad. On the other hand, maybe it was nothing but guilt from his supposed runaway-or something like that.

"Daniel..." Cody started. "I'd like with my get my memories back." Daniel just stared at him but quickly smiled.

"That's awesome! What made you decide?"

"You...guys. You guys were so helpful and nice to me and I just have to make it up to you somehow. And..I can't do that with half my memory missing. Plus, I'd like to get some answers to questions I've been thinking about. So all I'm asking for is...please come with me tomorrow?" the end of the sentence was almost a whisper. Cody looked at Daniel with almost puppy eyes, which made the man chuckle. "So..?"

"Of course I will." Daniel gave him a sweet smile.

"Really!? Thank you so much! All of you." Cody smiled then looked at the clock on the wall. It was getting late but he was full of energy, especially from the conversation they had just now. "What are the others doing in the city anyways?" Daniel seemed to tense up a little when Cody asked that but quickly played off...or at least tried to. It couldn't be because of the bright smile Cody gave him, right?

"Uh, I don't stuff? Cool stuff," Daniel is not good at making lies, especially in front of someone this cute.

Wait what.

"Oh, yeah? Well then let's go out into the forest!" almost immediately Daniel jumped up and blocked the enterance. "What? You're not gonna let me out? Am I a prisoner or what?" he playfuly smiled.

"The last time you were in the forest you almost killed yourself you idiot." despite the topic, Daniel smiled too. It was nice to see Cody's more playful personality come out.

"That's not fair. I'm bored! I wanna go and watch the stars like back home with the-"

'...with the what? Or who?'

Cody seemed to remember something but just couldn't figure it out. The more he thought about it, the moree it made his head hurt. He looked down, holding his head with one hand. He deeply sighed.

"I'm going to go to bed..." he started to walk towards the stairs. Daniel felt a little guitly so he called out for him.

"Cody? Are you feeling alright?" He weakly turned halfway around, not even looking at Daniel and just nodded. Cody left the room. "Don't give me that idiot."

The next day...

Usually people wake up to the sound of their phone ringing or to the birds...or to an emergency. Well, the Burns family at least. Kade was the one who answered the call, still a little disoriented from just waking up.

"Emergency dispatch, go ahead."

"Fire! There's fire everywhere and I'm trapped! The bank! I-I'm not..sure how long..." a panicked voice came from the other side, waking Kade up immediately.

"Hello?? Mr Harison!?" but he most likely fainted. Soon the rest of the team were there, in various staged of getting dressed.

"What is it son?"

"Fire in the bank and Mr Harison is in there unconscious!"

"Let's move it team!" said Chief and turned around to tell his youngest to go to the command center but as soon as he saw that he wasn't there guilt and sadness came over him.

Everyone climbed into their partners and they were ready to go.

"Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!"

They arrived just in time. Flames were dancing high inside the bank making everyone run away. "Me, Chase, Boulder and Graham will secure the area! Kade, Heatwave, Dani and Blades you put out the fire!"

"Roger!" So they did what they were told to do. Moments later it was safe enough to go inside the bank to search for people. Kade went inside and made his way through the flames. He saw the unconcious banker on the ground and made his way towards him.

"Don't worry Mr Harison, I'll get you out!" he could see a way out to the left, where Heatwave most likely cleared the path for him. He hoisted the man on his back and jogged to the exit.

Oh his way there however, he saw something- or someone? On the right side to him.

"Hello?" he shouted through the flames. The figure was there no more. Kade made the split decision to escape the fire first.

They successfully made it out. Heatwave and Blades, with the help of the scoop claw, put out the fire completely. Blades landed and Dani ran over to Mr Harison to treat his injuries. Slowly but surely he was waking up.

Kade walked over to his father.


"Yes Kade?"

" nevermind. I mean yes I mind but...agh! I'll tell you all once we get home. It's important." he said and walked back to Heatwave. The Chief just looked at his son, confused. After that they made sure the fire wouldn't start again and no one else could get hurt, the Family of Heroes drove back to the Firehouse.

The rescue bots transformed and used the lift to go to the undergroung garage. The Burns family followed them, with Kade in the front who was unusually quiet.

"So Kade what did you want to tell us?" his father asked as he leaned back to Chase's leg which the said bot didn't mind.

"I..I saw someone else in the bank." he admitted.

"What?! And you didn't rescue them!? What's wrong with you!?" but before Heatwave could shout at him more Chief spoke up.

"I don't think it's the end of the story yet. Continue son."

"Okay so, I didn't get to see their face and when I was about to go and help them the mysterious figure just vanished into the flames." he recalled the events.

"Wait what? Why?" Blades asked confused. Kade looked at the helicopter bot annoyed.

"Well I don't know! All I could know that they were reason for the fire- Wait what caused the fire?" Kade looked at his younger brother. Graham fixed his glasses before answering.

"More likely who. I don't know how and why because no money were taken. But there was clear evidence of a man made fire inside the building. Strange...I'll go back later with Boulder to get more information." the Chief nodded. It could have been the mysterious person Kade saw, who caused the fire. Soon silence took over the garage. Most likely because of Cody's disappearence. They were about the go on with their day, but then someone rang the door bell.

"Who could it be this time?" Dani asked annoyed. Before she could go up the elevator and answer the door, her dad stopped her.

"Let's use the security cameras. The ones Doc gave us." the team nodded. Soon they were in the room where they often spoke to Optimus. They activated the cameras.

What they saw really surprised them. It was a young man with black short hair. He wore a black leather jacket, most likely a biker jacket. No one in the room recognized him. He was not from Griffin Rock. But there was someone else with him. They couldn't see the other person as he was hiding behind the taller one. The black haired one however looked around and spotted the camera. He quickly grabbed the other one from behind him most likely to show them who it was...and it was!...

"CODY!" everyone in the room shouted at the same time. No one questioned anything they just went over to the elevator and up. Once they were up, the Chief told the robots to act like ones as the other male clearly wasn't from here so they must keep their identities a secret once again. They opened the doors for them. As soon as the door opened they heard Cody saying something.

"Okay maybe this wasn't the best idea! L-let's go back!" Cody said as he turned around and almost ran away. But the other male grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and swung Cody over his shoulder. "RETREAT! RETREAT!"

"Retreat my ass! You wanted this and you are going to do it no matter what!" the Family of Heroes looked at the scene in front of them. Why would Cody say something like that? Why didn't he come back earlier? Was he kept elsewhere against his will? Who was this other person?

The unknown male dropped Cody in front of his family. He landed on his back, head pointing towards them so Cody saw them upside down.


"Are you crazy!? You can't just throw someone like that!" Kade snapped at the male while Dani and Chief ran over to Cody. But it took an unexpected turn because as soon as Cody saw them he sat right up and joilted away from them right next to the other male.

"Cody?" Dani ask worriedly. Why would he do that?


"What are you waiting for?" the black haired one asked from Cody.

"I...don't know." he sounded confused.

"What's going on?" Graham asked as he already made up something in his mind. But that can't be...

"Well if it's not working immediatley then I should tell you the problem itself." he said. Then he squated down next to Cody only to push his head down revealing the injury. "Long-story-short, he lost his memories. Like all of them. He couldn't remember his name when we asked him. Since then, when I found him two days ago me and my friends who were luckily camping in the forest treated his injuries and took care of him. One of my friends is a doctor so no need to worry about the wound anymore. Instead of what the injury caused is what we should worry about. We figured out if we just come here to his family he will regain his memories know how that turned out. So I'm out of ideas." when he finished he sat down next to Cody. Cody just sat there, nothing to do because he was too scared to say anything. This wasn't a good idea after all...

"Cody? Can't you regocnize me?" Cody jumped a little at the sudden voice that belonged to the old man. Cody looked at the old policeman but just couldn't put him anywhere. It was like a black barrier in his mind that wasn't going to disappear anytime soon blocked him from remembering. He shook his head.

"C'mon Code. No one can forget me." Kade said as he flexed mostly to himself and everyone else rolled their eyes. Or optics. The male just raised his eyebrow.

"Well then I'm glad I forgot you. No offence but no one would like the idea knowing you." Cody said and awkwardly chuckled afterwards.

"Apply cold water to the burnt area." the male added. Kade blushed a little out of embarrassment then snapped at the male.

"And who are you exacly? Because-" but before he could say anything his dad interrupted him.

"Because we would like to thank you for keeping Cody safe." the male smirked then stood up to shake hands with the chief.

"My name is Daniel Dawn. Pleasure meeting with ya. Me and my mates just arrived to the island a week ago." they shook hands. Blades was a little scared, as always, and he made a little noise of discomfort, which unfortunately didn't go unnoticed by Daniel. He immediately looked up at Blades in the optics which Blades tried to avoid the best he could. "Something wrong with the robots? The helicopter one in particular." he said as he took a few steps towards them. The Burns and even the robots tensed up. This guy right here was someone not to mess with. "Impressive robots I must say. What are they for?"

"Thank you Daniel. They are state of the art rescue veichles-" The Chief began when suddenly the alarm went off meaning there was another emergency. "Please, excuse me-" Chief answered the call. "Emergency dispatch, go ahead."

"The bank is about to collaps! There are workers trapped inside!"

"You heard it team! Let's go!"

"Wait dad!" Graham called out. "If we let Cody in the command center and let him watch the rescue, that might trigger the memories back."

"Good thinking Graham. Cody-" Cody stood up. "What do you say?"

"Only if Daniel can come too." He insisted, holding the said man's hand. There was little time left so Chief just agreed to it. Dani showed them where to go. When they were in the command center Cody sat down in the yellow chair, which felt strangely familiar to him. Daniel stood behind him and he was amazed by the technology in here. They watched as the four bots now in veichle mode made their way to the bank.

'It' familiar...the chair...the monitors...them.' Cody continued to watch as the team rescued everyone out the unstable building. Graham and Boulder with the help of Heatwave were trying to hold together the walls. Suddenly the right side of the bank collapsed into the street. But what they didn't see that there was a little girl trapped under the ruins, only Cody could through the lense of the camera. Cody immediately reached out for the microphone to warn his family but before he could say anything, questions and possible memories hit him like thunder.

'Wait...what am I doing? Why did I reach for this? I...I know I have to warn them. I know I've done it before. What was I thinking when doubting my family? The's still there. I know why it's there. I...I'm a part of this family. I am a Burns too! I am Cody Burns.'

"Dad there's a girl trapped under the roof's ruins! And it's blocking the street! The cars are going to have a collision!" no time to react the rescue bots helped the poor girl and stopped the cars just in time.

"Good to have you back, son." Cody smiled to himself. Granted it was a bitter sweet smile.That's when he remembered that he wasn't alone in the room. He turned around and saw Daniel just smiling at him.

"Nicely done, Cody." he reached out and patted Cody on the head.

"Couldn't have done it without you." he smiled up at him. After a while the rescue team arrived and Daniel left. The family saw him as a trustworthy young man. Then Cody's family and the bots, all of them one by one welcomed him back, promised that they will always protect him and so on.

What they didn't realize that during the time when the mission took action, a little robotic bug explored every little inch of the house, including the secret garage where the robots' space ship was. It got a perfect blue print map of the house. Before it could be detected it quickly left the house when it collected all the data.

Cody slept soundly in his bed, his mind replaying the events of the last few days. His new friends...he was so happy. He couldn't wait to hang out with them again.

The Family of Heroes have not suspected anything. As far as they knew, Cody's new friends meant no harm. They saved and protected Cody, so why would they hurt him or them?


The Recue Bots and the Burns family are yet to face the most dangerous threat of all.


The new season begins. I will probably update once every month, since I have to rewrite most of the chapters. But I might post sooner, who knows:3

Chapter 4: Chapter 4


Cody is having a great time with his new friends but he's forgotting the old ones. One day he gets into trouble on the Mainland and only his new friends are there to help him, meanwhile his dad is worried sick.

Chapter Text

Episode 2: The new Gang in town


It's been one week since Cody got his memories back. Since then, almost everyday he would hang out with his rescuers, now friends. His dad was fine with it. Cody needed friends close to his age after all. Those kids weren't punks. They didn't mean harm to anyone...well, not to everyone.

"Bye dad! I'll be back in the evening!" then without waiting for an answer, Cody stormed out the Firehouse. Chief watched as his son walked away with his new found friend. Usually it was the guy who would pick him up but sometimes Cody would just run away without saying anything. That one part got Chief worried.

"Relax dad. He's...a teenager. Which means he's in that time of his life." Kade explained as he approached the kitchen and began to make his burnt toast.

"I know I'm just...worried a little Kade." he smiled and took a sip of his coffee and read the rest of the news paper. But still...he was still his precious son. He was allowed to feel worried. He hoped the worry was the typical parental worry...


With Cody...


"Hello Dan!" Cody greeted his friend with a smile (and a nickname) which Daniel returned and didn't mind. "What are we doing today?"

"How about going to the main land? Let's see what's there." they began walking towards downtown. Daniel liked the fact the island was small enough to not need a car, they could walk to anywhere.

"Alright. The others are coming too?" Daniel nodded. "Noble!"

The man chuckled. "You sure like to use that word." he actually thought it was cute.

"Yeah." Cody blushed but he managed to hide it by turning away. They walked side by side to the ferry where the others waited for them.

"Hey guys!" they all greeted each other. In the last few days they hung out, Cody realized that the got along really well, even with Devon. The girl was small but lethal when needed to be and she had this charm to her. Her and Cody had a lot in common due to his rescue family, he had knowledge she was interested in. Rider was a little harder to get along with, he reminded Cody of Chase actually, but he was determined to find common ground. The rest of them were easier to get along with, they understood each other very well. Maybe him and Daniel understood each other a little too well, but Cody enjoyed the connection they had.

They got on the ferry and found the perfect place to look at the sea ahead of them.

"Did you tell your family where you are going?" asked Devon.

"Well, sorta." Cody anwered truthfully.

"Sorta? Whatcha mean by that, hm?" Asena leaned closer to Cody.

"Well...I-it's not like they would care about it anyway. They let me to go where ever I want." he added quieter this time. Asena raised an eyebrow at this.

"Why wouldn't they?"

"They just...don't." for a while it was quiet but Daniel quickly changed that. He put an arm around Cody's shoulders.

"How old are you again?"

"I will be 18 years old in a few days. Why?"

"Damn it I thought you were old enough to drink. I was thinking you could drown your depression in alcohol. Changing the plans..." Daniel only said this to lighten up the mood. Cody blushed at that really hard.

"What!?" Cody tried to get out of Daniel's hug but he held Cody in place easily.

"How about we find a casino and win some money? There's nothing wrong in having fun while playing to get some cash." Daniel spoke close to his head as he visualized their winning streak.

"Can I even enter a casino?"

"Don't worry about that part." Daniel smirked, Cody gupled.

"Oh, boy. Don't try to get him wasted before his 18th birthday party you idiot." Adria walked over to the boys only to smack Daniel on the head. After that they just laughed it off. It's not like Cody thought it was a horrible plan, quite the opposite actually. He was curious since he never gambled before. The rest of the ferry ride was filled with laughter as the others started to make fun of Daniel or anything for that matter. Cody watched them and wondered how he could have found friends like them.

'Oh, right. I lost my memories for three days. I could've died there in the forest...but they didn't give up on me...might as well just enjoy this day with my friends...why do I feel like I forgot something?'


In the Firehouse...


"Chief? Do you know where Cody is? We're suppose to watch movies together tonight." Blades wandered around in the Firehouse asking everyone he found. So far no one knew where the young Burns was. Since it was one of the rare days where he could visit the island, he wanted to spend it with Cody.

"Cody? He's...out with his friends again." the old policeman said. Blades' winges visibly dropped.

"Again?? Aw but he promised! I'm going to call him!"

"Blades I'm sure he's just..." but Chief couldn't finish his sentence as Blades was already calling Cody on his phone. Chief just left the room.


"Hello?" answered the young Burns.

"Cody did you forget that today we were suppose to watch movies together? Where are you?" Blades asked. In the meantime the other bots entered the garage too.

"Oh no, I knew I forgot something...I'm so sorry Blades but I can't keep that promise now. I'm...kinda not on the island anymore."

"Yo, Cody it's our stop!"

"Cody who was that?"

"Coming Asena!-Sorry Blades I need to go. Tell dad that he should not worry about me. Bye!"

"But-!" but it was no use, Cody already ended the call. Chase walked over to Blades.

"Is everything alright, Blades?" Blades just looked in the direction where the TV was and sighed.

"No..." then he walked away in the opposite direction. Heatwave and Boulder stepped in too.

"What was that all about?" Heatwave asked as he watched Blades walking away with head pointing to the ground. Dani answered the question as she was also present during the call.

"It was Cody. He forgot the movie night with Blades..." she sadly said while looking at the TV.

"Cody's been forgetting a lot things lately, despite getting his memories back. I hope he's okay." being the gentle giant, Boulder was worried for Cody. But Graham, who just got out of the elevator with Kade, said otherwise him.

"He's been hanging out with those guys who saved him. You know the one with the piercings? He's not exactly the kind of guy I'd want Cody to hang out with." Boulder's optics sparkled as soon as Graham said 'piercings'.

"So that's what they called? What's the purpose of them? Why does he have them? Doesn't it bother him? Tell me more!" Boulder even sat down in front of him so there was no escaping now.

"W-well piercings are jewelry so people who like jewelry so much they...get more..and..." Graham just couldn't think of anything else to say. He wasn't a fan of piercings so he didn't know much thing of them. Luckily Kade was there to save the day.

"Okay little bro let me handle this. Piercings are cool. People who have them want to look cool and some of them manages to succeed but sometimes it looks completely hideous. In his case he looks cool. And no, they doesn't bother him otherwise he wouldn't have them. And I guess he was bored with his face." Kade explained and proudly smiled which caused Heatwave to roll his optics.

Boulder was amazed. "So that means Dani has piercings too?"

"No, these are earrings. Well, I guess they could be piercings but they have different names." she answered. Boulder looked confused for a second.

"Humans are so interesting."




Time went by fast on Griffin Rock. No big emergencies happened. Mr. Pettypaws got stuck on the tree again, Don tried to out run Chase, the Major lost his fake hair...nothing bad happened.

Well, at least on Griffin Rock.

On the Mainland things were...complicated. Let's just say that when you win lots of money, people don't really like it. It was night time, so the streets were almost empty. Just some night owls or cars were out...but not this time.

Cars zoomed through the streets chasing one car. In that one car there were seven teenagers who were all slightly drunk. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that one of the teens had won way too much money for his own good. Oh, and the car was a reward too.

"DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE! WE CAN'T LET THEM CATCH UP ON US!" Asena shouted the obvious as she watched the possibly more than five cars chasing them. Maybe seven?

"That's what I'M TRYING TO FUCKING DO!" Daniel, who was driving, tried his best to lose them but these guys knew these streets. "I need someone to slow them down! Throw some shit at them or I don't know! Just don't let them close!" the teens looked around in the car. There were some other gifts such as flowers or cards, a few household items maybe, but nothing was heavy enough.

"Let's rule them into the ocean! Hahaha-hick-!"

"Cody, all you need to do is to hold onto the pretty box in your hand, okay? It's yours, you won it so protect it. That's your task. Alright?" Adria explained to Cody, again. Cody didn't drink that much but he clearly wasn't used to alcohol.

"Riiiiiiiight!" he hugged the box in his hands, which contained the credit card that had the money on it that Cody won.

"But what he said may be a good idea. Let's rule them somewhere where they can't follow us anymore." Rider asked the others. They all agreed to it. Adria began to search for places like that.

"When will the ferry take off?" Kate asked from everyone. Devon answered.

"We still got one hour left so that shouldn't be a problem."

"If we managed to found a solution to this mess-AH!" Daniel took an unexpected sharp right turn causing the teens to fall over each other. Cody held onto the box more tightly.

"Alright I can't take this anymore! Someone take the wheel!" Asena, who were the closest took over while Daniel climbed onto the back seats.

"Cody don't freak out." he warned him.

"O-" but before he could finish it Daniel climbed next to him so he can be close to the door. With one arm he covered Cody's eyes and ears then he rolled down the window and he climbed half out. The next thing the teens heard was gun shots. Seven bullets were shot and all the cars seemed to slow down.

"What did you-?" Adria looked at Daniel, shocked.

"I took out one of their front wheels. They won't be able to follow us anymore." he explained proudly. He climbed back into the car and closed the window. He scooted down next to Cody. Luckily the car was big enough for all of them.

"Cody? You okay?" Adria asked from next to him. Cody just looked at her and smiled sweetly like he was the most innocent boy in the whole universe. But Adria couldn't look past what he did in that casino. Cody swore he never gambled before but the moment he got his hands on the cards it was like he was a whole different person. A calculated player, that's who he was. It was like he knew every step the other players were going to make. To top it off, he even played roulette only to lose once but win back everything, even doubling it, in the next round. His poker face was terrifyingly good. It wasn't long until the security in the casino noticed his winning streak and tried to apprehand him, but they were able to get away. The car he won was the perfect getaway veichle for them. Of course then they started to chase them, but it has been taken care of, thanks to Daniel.

'I wonder if he will be able to remember all this.' thought Adria. The next thing they knew was Cody's phone started to ring. Probably his family were calling him. But instead of just answering the phone, Cody turned off the device, not wanting to talk to his family. He may be tipsy (he swore to never drink alcohol again, he hated the taste) but he still knew better to not talk to them in his state.

"What you do that for?" Daniel asked, not really worried about what his family might think.

Cody shrugged. "Wasn't in the mood to talk to 'em. Heheh.." looks like Cody didn't care as well.

"Well, we will cross that bridge when we get him home." Said Rider and the others nodded in agreement. It was almost after 10pm when they finally got back to Griffin Rock. They kind of expected to find Cody's family waiting at the docs for him, but they were nowhere to be seen. So they just drove Cody back to the Firehouse.

"Oh yeah. What about the car? It's Cody's too, isn't it?" Kate asked her friends.

"Yes it is. So just park it in the garage and we will walk back." Adria replied. Soon they arrived to Cody's home. They honked really loud. Moments later the middle door opened and they drove in.

The Burns family, as well as the bots in their veichle modes, were in the garage, waiting. They were surprised, some where even shocked, to see this massive white car drive into the garage. It stopped and the teens exited it. They decided to leave the bigger gifts in it, Cody only held the box with the credit card, and looked at his family.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Cody tried his best to appear sober.

"Mind explaining where have you been? Where did you get the car? And what's in your hands?" Chief asked, a little more harsher than he liked to. He couldn't help it though, he was worried for his youngest.

"I won it at a fair. Crazy, right?" he said with his usual smile. The rest of the gang tried not to act suspicious, but they were gagged to say the least at how easily Cody lied to his entire family. "The box has the car keys."

"Yeah, no way you won that thing, twerp." Kade, as usually, said in disbelief.

"I can show you the paper proving it-" Cody started but Chief interupted them.

"All of you, please. The car is the least of our problems. Why didn't you answer our calls?"

To that Cody pulled out his phone, began pressing the buttons on the sides- the screen showed nothing, it remained black.

'That clever little shit..' Daniel could barely keep his grin back.

"It died, the battery is getting old. I was thinking of getting a new phone, anyways."

A few moments of silence passed before Chief sighed, bringing attention to him.

"Okay son, let's..go to sleep, alright? All of us."

"Sure. Goodnight guys, let's meet tomorrow too!" he waved at his friends with a big smile.

"See ya, devil." Adria added as they walked out the garage, the huge doors closing behind them.

"Goodnight to you too all." Cody said quickly to his family as he made his way to the elevator. Once it left upstairs, silence fell on the family once more. They believed his story, of course, why wouldn't they? There was just..something so off about Cody, about his friends.




Those kids weren't punks. They didn't mean harm to anyone...or at least that's what they thought.

Tomorrow they were going to have to make some rules for Cody.