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The First Room


I watched as Azzy staggered his way back up Mt. Ebott and dying in the throne room, as he likely left nothing but dust, pollen, and trauma for a generation of monsters.
So. Why. am I. Still conscious?
And why am I all the way at the beginning of the Ruins, a day's journey away from the place that we had died?

Chara is reawoken as the final human falls into the underground, and is justifiably very confused.


A bit of a writing exercise, to see if I can really nail down Chara dialogue. I'm not sure whether to make this canon to Light and Dark, but at the moment you can accept or reject it yourself.

Work Text:

It was over, right? I was dead. I failed. Asriel, sweet as a cinnabun, could not bear the guilt of murder on his SOUL, and died to preserve his innocence. Hahaha, 'Savior of Humans and Monsters'. I could not even save myself.

I watched as Azzy staggered his way back up Mt. Ebott and dying in the throne room, as he likely left nothing but dust, pollen, and trauma for a generation of monsters.

So. Why. am I. Still conscious?

And why am I all the way at the beginning of the Ruins, a day's journey away from the place that we had died?

The answer became clear as my point of view shifted from laying down to standing up. This was not my body. It was another human's by the looks of things, and I was only along for the ride.

The Moirai must be cackling to themselves weaving this thread of irony.

I watched as the human explored around this starting room, evidently confused at why there is anything down here. It would remind me of fonder memories, had I been anything more than half-conscious when I fell.

As they entered the next room, they were greeted by a golden flower.

With a face.

The human was obviously very shocked, but if I could describe my expression, I would say that I am even more so. Golden flowers are a surface species, and as a... former prince, for lack of a better word, I know that there are no monster species that are talking flowers. Echo flowers would be the closest comparison, but that is not even a monster, merely a magic-fueled species of flower. But I digress.

The flower then noticed the human and began to greet them. "Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!" Give applause to this specimen for the most inconspicuous name in existence. You might as well have introduced yourself as John Johnson, totally not a conspirator. 

The flower continued his ‘totally-not-gonna-do-anything-bad’ speech. "Hmmm... You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha? Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do.” He then prepared for a FIGHT, finally ending his monologue with “Ready? Here we go!”

Okay, a few things. One, what is this cutesy façade you’re putting up? Nobody is gonna believe you any better if you speak like a Texan stereotype. Two, if memory is any indication, you should know that the RUINS are one of the safest places on Earth. Or in Earth, rather, but who’s counting. You could probably leave this human alone and within 2 hours, Toriel or Asgore would spontaneously appear, noticing an unaccounted child in their kingdom and adopt them.

And three, why did you start a FIGHT with this human? Do you have a death wish? A human can muster enough hate to eviscerate a Boss Monster, let alone someone with a STAT of…

Wait, why did you get the first turn?

The flower then interrupted my barrage of internal questioning by hitting the human with, and I quote, “friendliness pellets”, that were, surprise surprise, very unfriendly, and it was enough to bring the human down to 1 HP. Which… raises even more questions, but I am starting to feel like that it is pointless to shout objections into the uncaring void.

Regardless, as the flower began to go on about taking the human’s SOUL, which, ballsy move, but I digress, I start to realize something.

I do not know how long it has been since I died.

Monsters may have completely given up on cohabitation with humans. This flower may not be the only one seeking their SOUL.

This human, no, this child, has no idea what they are about to face, and will have no chance at a peaceful resolution.

Because of me. Hahahaha, I am just so great, aren’t I?

You know what? Not if I have anything to do about it.

As Mo- Toriel beat back the pestilent flower, I make a decision. However many lives were lost over my and Azzy’s name, I will not let any more pass on. I will help this human navigate through the underground and make something out of these rotten lemons I have been given.

But, returning to reality, this human seems to have backtracked to the patch of golden flowers after meeting with Toriel. They look at the garden forlornly, and I attempt to utter words directed at them specifically, hoping they don’t get lost into echoes.


Golden flowers. They must have broken your fall.

Series this work belongs to: