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Castle family checks Stark


Peter and Alexis are hanging out at Castle's loft alongside Richard, and Kate Beckett when Tony Stark shows up looking to drag Spider-Man back into the Avengers mess. It doesn't go well for shell head.


Hello gentlemen and ladies.

A crossover between MCU Spider-Man and Castle. This will not be friendly towards Tony Stark or a little over Ned Leeds meaning leave now if that’s problematic.

This occurs following Spider-Man Homecoming and after Countdown for Castle.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Castle’s Loft

Peter Parker, wearing a T-shirt and dark-colored pants is sitting at the dining room table while across is Alexis Castle, his girlfriend and fellow confidant regarding his main secret. One of a few handful of people knowledgeable that have come to exist in the past months. Two of the others are Richard Castle, and Kate Beckett who are currently in the kitchen preparing dinner acting like they’ve been doing it for years, instead of just a handful of months.

“You know I’m glad I recused them from that freezing shipping container, it caused them to get their act together” Peter says quietly.

“I don’t blame you. Watching the two of them on all their dancing around has made me like the mature one” Alexis says.

“And your grandmother. Though Shocker has less wild outfits than she does” Peter says.

“No arguments from me. You done with that math problem?” Alexis replies.

“Yeah, a few seconds ago, once I figured out what on earth it is. Seriously they don’t teach math in schools. It’s explain like an English problem and a fifty-mile rectangle. The Empire State Building is only 1,454 feet high, and that’s with an internet check” Peter says.

“Not your personal dives off the building?” Alexis inquiries teasingly.

“Well, it is how I got over my fear of heights. I could take you swinging from up there if you wanted but be sure to dress warm” Peter says.

Frowning “You hardly ever need one” Alexis notes.

“After… that spider bit me, my body temperature usually corrects itself, and I’ve gotten used to moving through New York’s skylines in the winter months real quick,” Peter says carefully.

“Oh,” Alexis replies.

“Yeah, has certain benefits,” Peter says.

Alexis leans over, giving his hand a brief squeeze in support knowing how at times her boyfriend having once completely normal, to then have his DNA changed does affect Peter. On one reason why is reserved, and well issues with Ned Leeds for the former friend given Ned saw Peter as nothing more than some superhero star for glory purposes.

Looking over both teenagers see Richard and Kate in a discussion on something over Green Lantern voice actors. At times  Peter with Alexis wonder if they just oppose a topic just for the sake of their bantering. Or well flirting is more fitting yet Peter’s polite enough not to point it out to Richard Castle’s daughter. After all, does remember how his Uncle Ben and Aunt May could be.

Yet all their attention is drawn to the door being opened as Tony Stark, wearing one of his expensive suits strolls in. A persona of could buy this building, and two others using couch money yet not even know it was missing.

“Spider boy, get your stuff. You’re coming up with me” Tony orders.

Glaring “I’m not going anywhere, except later tonight when I’ve got a pedophile to track down alongside my usual patrol. You just refuse to understand no. I don’t care you guys are putting the Avengers back together” Peter asks rhetorically.

“Never mind the first time you locked yourself in a room with a teenager, blackmailed then transported him out of the country went from federal into international laws you broke. If it didn’t endanger Peter as easily, I’d arrest you for that” Kate says angrily.

“Let’s not forget the ferry incident, I mean why do you think I’d just walk away? Oh, wait that’s all you Avengers do” Peter says.

“Never mind following forcing my boyfriend to give the suit back you left him in nothing more than his boxers. I found him near a dumpster getting into a fight with a couple of street thugs who thought he would be an easy target” Alexis says harshly.

“Well yeah, but that’s in the past. Listen I need you; I can give you a full scholarship and college ride while insuring you have a spot for Stark Industries” Tony replies.

Rolling her eyes “Typical of rich, pampered rich dirt bags thinking just because you have money you can do whatever you want. Not surprising given you haven’t changed from your weapon manufacturing days” Kate says.

Glaring “Are you Miss Niki Heat, hot body by the way, get your limelight from a Ricky over there who followed you around because of his money?” Tony asks mockingly.

“That’s what I thought at first for Castle being nothing more than a self-centered prick only following me around for the sake of his annoying entertainment. But unlike you, Rick has more depth and compassion than you could ever hope to have in an arc reactor” Kate says.

“Wow, thank you,” Richard says, “I knew you care, deep down.”

Exhaling “Sometimes, you can still be the annoying kid dressed in your space cowboy outfit, and wanting me to use sirens in a normal traffic jam when we are not on a case,” Kate says playfully.

“Oh, I’ll never stop trying to make the sirens go on their highest setting,” Richard says.

Looking over “I’m not sure you can handle the volume up to max” Kate says smirking.

“Is that a challenge Beckett?” Richard replies.

Meanwhile, Peter and Alexis share a knowing look given it’s them as usual before looking back towards the false hero.

“Let me make this clear Starky, I don’t use your gear which is a massive walking surveillance system tracking my every movement. And I don’t want you in our lives or harassing my Aunt May” Peter says.

“This coming from a teenager who frequently breaks into people’s homes, places of business and spies on endless conversations? You’re complaining I broke your constitutional rights? Rather hypocritical” Tony points out.

“One difference is I break those laws for the sake of protecting others, and I’m usually doing it to the wrong people. You gave me a walking NSA system out of selfishness” Peter says, “I’m not your janitor.”

“I loathe abusers which is what you are. Letting you in on a little secret I gained certain entry into SHIELD for Derrick Storm novels, and Fury took quite the interest in me. I can and will call that card if you threaten the people in my life. Next is an email to Paula detailing a video of Iron Man drunk firing live ammo at unarmed civilians” Richard says icily.

“How do you even have any proof of that?” Tony inquires aghast.

“Simple, I was there at the party. By force mind you given my publicist thought it would be a good idea” Richard says.

“Do you have any idea how irresponsible that is? Do you even care that somebody could have been killed or worse” Kate says.

Scoffing “You know I don’t know it was possible to like you even less, I do now,” Alexis says.

“No disagreement there, and let me guess Stark you had your scum bag PR team cover everything up? You’re no different than Martin Li” Peter adds angrily.

“Fine, I could have made your life into something wonderful if you just listened to me. Now you’re nothing more than a Rogers fanboy. Although I’ll even take that kiddo. You could come join us Avengers as your family” Tony snarls.

“I’m nobody’s fanboy, and I’ve got no desire for some happy Avengers adopted family, especially not among people who break apart under light pressure. Ben and May Parker are my parents” Peter replies.

Tony exits slamming the door behind him which shakes the house for a moment before all turn to look at one shrugging. A voice from up on the stairs draws their attention.

“Oh, Stark reminds me of R Downey, a one-note theater actor who had a tantrum cause he wasn’t being given the lead role, and not being pandered to. So, Mr. Downey ripped down a part of the set. No manners, I don’t know what is with actors these days” Martha says walking down the stairwell “Absolutely no class.”

“Class is too complicated a word,” Peter says.

“Ah dear, will your aunt be joining us this evening?” Martha inquiries.

“No sadly, Aunt May’s got a double shift at the hospital” Peter replies.

Only a cell phone begins ringing causing Kate to answer, “This is Beckett.”

“Ah Alexis, mother, feel free to eat whatever and make sure to put the rest in containers for later,” Richard says, “Normally I’m happy for a body drop, but I was kind of looking forward to the supposed night off.”

“Right, on my way” Kate replies closing the phone.

“So, need be to scout ahead, make sure the crime scene is secure?” Peter asks.

Exhaling “I don’t suppose there is zero possibility of you remaining here, like a normal teenager and boyfriend to Alexis? You would just show up regardless and keep giving Espo heart attacks” Kate says resignedly.

“Nice thought but Peter’s probably the only person I’ve ever met who’s more determined than dad,” Alexis says.

“Guess you would call it being nice, and giving Espo a scare is fun,” Peter says.

“You’re a teenager, I shouldn’t even be,” Kate says yet flinching upon remembering the dressing down from May Parker when trying to give May the riot act for letting her nephew do this. Only it's not something she feels like repeating.

Because Peter’s caused her to rethink in regards rabbit holes and her mother’s case. Has watched Spider-Man swing into burning buildings without hesitation, knocked through brick walls by Rhino, or get shot four times by Hammerhead’s men. This teenager just does not know what quitting is. Like somehow that entire word or meaning is erased from Peter’s memory.

Nobody can make him stop, heck has heard from the kid’s mouth that the only way is if he’s dead, and the individual better ensure it sticks. Yet remembers seeing the people Spider-Man has recused, one individual ready to jump only the vigilante managed to get through. Later learned it was two words Peter spoke for “Please don’t” for why the person didn’t commit suicide.

Sharing a look with Alexis alongside Martha in a familiar understanding of similar thoughts. Because of whom they care for, and love in different ways. Neither needing yet, Peter and Richard risk dying, or worse, to do the right thing.

One’s a teenager who has his whole life ahead but chooses to spend it waging at times what’s probably a solo war on crime across all five New York boroughs.

Rick despite the wealth, even having Alexis and Martha, is choosing to be her partner. Choosing to spend nights in the 12th or on the streets working investigations, going to locations where murders happened at unholy hours, risking life endlessly from all manner of killers.

Despite all of Rick’s ego, bluster, whatever wants to call it, even the reasoning over book research they know it’s not been that for some time. Kate wonders if Alexis thinks it’s mostly just following her around, and wonders if Martha knows more, yet Rick follows due to understanding of catching murderers. In helping victims find closure.

Has watched quietly of Rick’s eyes carry a weight from nightmares, seeing evil on a near daily basis, and a heaviness of understanding the cases unable to close like 3XK. How Rick went from being a civilian the others at the 12th were weary around to now casual exchanging greetings.

In a way, and obviously more secretive, but the 12th is friendlier to Spider-Man. Other precincts happily follow the shoot-on-site order. After all, Peter is a vigilante, who has said if Spider-Man ever got exposed he expects her to do her job, so yes there is a usual arrest warrant out. However various officers like Detective Ethan Slaughter, SWAT unit members, etc. seem to have certain joy in hunting the web head down.

Both Richard and Peter are alike in regards to enjoying a feeling of doing good in a world that doesn’t care. They seemingly look all the dark selfishness in the eye, and don’t blink for a firm belief of knowing things will get better.

Exiting out of thoughts which feels like an hour yet only a few minutes glances over seeing Peter already heading up the stairs. Gently tries to resist just running along the ceiling since is respectful of it not being his house. Not that Castle’s really mind, but his Aunt May and Uncle Ben did teach manners.

“Don’t you need the address?” Martha inquires casually.

“No, heard from dispatch over Beckett’s phone, good hearing” Peter replies.

“I’ll have my laptop running if you need me to look into anything,” Alexis says.

“East Village, near 13th street, and 4th avenue, near a Joad’s laundry mat. Check the surveillance cameras, see if they caught something” Peter replies disappearing.

Facepalms “I give up on the amount of illegal activity that goes on around here,” Kate says sighing.

“Hey, a good bit of research and such is just basic websites or social media accounts. Everything else is just an over-tired imagination” Alexis replies, recalling that Peter taught her a few things about working around encrypted computer systems.

“That works on your dad Alexis, not me,” Kate says.

“Right, and you are the master of not overthinking things I forget,” Alexis says dryly.

“Um, are you guys forgetting a dead body? They might not be in a rush to go someplace, but keeping a better drag of time might be important. I feel like I’m sending Rick off to school to go into New York City’s underbelly for murder. How morbid” Martha adds “Oh well never let me say my life is dull.”

“Actually, you have a point mother, and nobody has ever accused you of being dull. Huh, maybe the body is hidden behind some drywall following aliens hiding his body. I know an officer out in LA who used to be in construction, has it’s useful moments” Richard says.

“There’s no aliens involved,” Kate says.

“How do you know? After all aliens invaded New York, we have Thor running around and we just kicked Iron Man out of our apartment. Holy crap we just kicked Stark out, that’s so cool” Richard says excitedly.

Rolling her eyes “Come on, let’s go Castle” Kate says fighting an amused smile.

Castle and Beckett exit as Alexis with Martha venture over to the massive living room window seeing Spider-Man swinging by.


Hope you all enjoyed this one.

Speaking of RDJ, yes, the reference Martha makes is towards Robert Downey Jr.

Not completely sold on Peter/Alexis Castle pairing but could just be from a somewhat indifference towards Alexis.

I changed Castle doing work in the CIA for Derrick Storm to it being in SHIELD instead, after all crossover fun.

The references to Castle’s space cowboy costume is referencing Nathan Fillion’s roles of Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly, and John Nolan in The Rookie.

Richard and Kate’s discussion over Green Lantern voice work is a nod towards Nathan playing Hal Jordan in multiple animation projects.

Until next time