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Spiderling Lost Spiderling Found


Aidan Stark was kidnapped by Mary Parker on November 15th, 2005, at the tender age of 4 while playing in the playground of a nearby park under the not-so-watchful supervision of his nanny.

Tony and Pepper searched desperately for Aidan, but they were unable to find him for ten excruciating years until Friday miraculously alerts Tony that the NYPD has found a match for Aidan's fingerprints on the tenth year anniversary of Aidan's kidnapping.

Peter Parker has been living in foster care for a couple months now after he recently lost both his aunt and uncle. He thinks he will never be part of a family again after losing both set of parents all thanks to his Parker Luck. Who would have guessed he wasn't a Parker to begin with, or that his dad and mom are the well-known billionaires Tony Stark and Pepper Potts of Stark Industries?

Warning: this story contains corporal punishment of a minor in later chapters so please don't read if this isn't your cup of tea.

Chapter 1: The Backstory

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: This work is set in a very fictional AU where corporal punishment is an acceptable form of punishment of minors. Please, please do not read if this is not your cup of tea. I would like to emphasize that I do not condone this in real life and that this is purley a work of fiction.

This work is non-compliant to the MCU timeline and different events, places and characters are mish-mashed to my liking. This work is also influenced by several fanfictions written on the Peter Parker is the kidnapped son of Tony Stark trope.

This is also my first fanfiction and English is not my first langage. With that being said, I hope you enjoy.




Aidan Stark was born on October 3rd, 2001, as the son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. Although he was the result of an unexpected pregnancy from Tony's drunken one-night stand with Pepper (who wasn't Tony's girlfriend yet at the time but his personal assistant), Tony loved Aidan dearly from the moment he laid his eyes on him and vowed to put a stop to his playboy days and become a man his son and girlfriend would be proud of. He quit drinking and going to extravegent parties. He started taking work seriously. His love for Pepper also grew over time, and they officially tied the knot when Peter was 2 years old.


Aidan was a cheerful and bubbly baby, always chattering away happily and smiling up affectionately at his mommy and daddy. He was quick to show affection not only to his family but also to strangers he just met, which worried his parents immensely. Aidan was also extremely empathetic and considerate of others. Not wanting to cause trouble to his parents, Aidan rarely cried out or threw tantrums like other toddlers tend to do. In moments of frustration or pain when Aidan felt an urge to cry, he chose to hide away from others to wipe away his tears silently in an unconspicuous corner nearby until he calmed himself down.


Aidan was kidnapped by Mary Parker on November 15th, 2005, at the tender age of 4 while playing in the playground of a nearby park under the not-so-watchful supervision of his nanny.


Mary Parker kidnapped Aidan without knowing he was the son of well-known billionaire Tony Stark. Having tried for years unsuccessfully to conceive a baby of her own, Mary Parker was desperate to find a child of her own. One day, while dejectedly strolling through the park, her eyes met the tearful doe-eyes of one Aidan Stark squatting on the ground and silently sobbing while grabbing at his injured knee after falling from the swings. She instantly made the rash decision that the little boy was her baby. When she saw how no one seemed to come tend to the young boy (the nanny, having barely had any sleep the past week from working overtime, was quitely dozing off at a nearby bench), something snapped inside of her. She quickly scooped the boy up and left the park without anyone noticing while rocking the boy gently in her arms.


When Mary found out the boy was the child of Tony Stark, she immediately fled to Canada with Aidan and her husband, Richard, going into hiding in the countryside. At first, Aidan sought out his mommy and daddy, but Mary brainwashed Aidan into believing that Mary and Richard are his real parents and that the parents he was seeking out were from his imagination. Mary also renamed him Peter and created a fake birth certificate under that name. According to the very realistic birth certificate made for Aidan, he was Peter Parker, born on August 10th, 2001.


Tony and Pepper desperately searched for Aidan for 3 painstaking years until Tony was kidnapped himself by the Ten Rings at the age of 38. When Tony returned, he was greeted by the red, swollen eyes of his wife, Pepper, who had lost twenty pounds from the stress of losing both her son and husband and looked even worse for wear than Tony did. He knew he had to focus on repairing his relationship with Pepper and reluctantly ceases his efforts to actively find his son.


Mary homeschooled Peter until both Mary and Richard passed away in a plane accident when Peter just turned 7. (This happened only days after Tony was kidnapped, and the press was too preoccupied with Tony's disappearance to look into the plane accident in depth.)


After Mary and Richard passed away, Peter was taken in by Richard's brother, Ben Parker, and his wife May Parker. May and Ben had no doubt in their minds that Peter was biologically Mary and Richard's son. Both Mary and Richard had brown eyes and brown hair just like Peter's, and because Ben and Richard had a fallout ten years ago, they were never in close contact with each other. Peter moved in with May and Ben in their modest three-bedroom apartment in Queens, NY. Peter felt safe and loved living with them. Although Ben and May did not have much money, they did not hold back on spending what they had to make sure Peter had a warm bed to sleep in, plenty of food available, and a good education. They were never shy in showing their affection to Peter, often hugging Peter and ruffling his brown curls whenever they were together. Having lost his 'mother' and 'father' at a young age, Peter regarded his Aunt May and Uncle Ben as his parents. Uncle Ben was the disciplinarian of the household, but rarely did he have to discipline Peter as he did not cause much trouble for them. When Peter did get the occasional spanking, it was mostly for neglecting to take care of himself, unknowingly putting himself in danger, or from failing to let May and Ben know he needed help with something, not wanting to be bothersome to his surrogate parents.


Peter first met Ned in the second grade at Midtown Elementary and instantly became best friends with him. They bonded over their love of Star Wars, robots and superheroes, specifically the Avengers. Both Peter and Ned's favorite superhero was Iron Man. The duo became a trio once they started middle school and met MJ. Although MJ acted like she didn't care much for the two 'losers' she happened to hang out with because 'she unfortunately didn't have any other friends', MJ actually found the two boys' bubbly personalities and giddy excitement to be endearing. She made sure the two boys stayed out of trouble and weren't outwardly bullied by the taller and more atheletic students in the class.


When Peter was thirteen, his eighth grade class went on a fieldtrip to Oscorp where Peter got bitten by a radioactive spider after he accidentally wandered alone into a restricted area. Overnight, his eyesight improved, his asthma was gone, and he suddenly had a six-pack. He could even stick to walls and was extremely strong. Peter was totally freaked out by the changes to his body, but, as he did with most problems he faced in life, kept it a secret from his aunt and uncle (well, until Peter had a better idea what was really happening to his body, he told himself).


Nothing much changed for a couple months, except for the fact that Peter broke fifteen pencils, ripped four shirts, and broke his bedroom doorknob while trying to adjust to his new strength. He found out that he had gotten a full ride to Midtown High and celebrated by getting Thai food with his aunt and uncle. He still hung out with Ned every Saturday to build Legos. He had weekly movie nights with his aunt and uncle every Sunday, and they watched Empire Strikes Back for the fifth time.


But EVERYTHING changed two weeks before Peter's middle school graduation when Uncle Ben was shot dead. Uncle Ben was a police officer investigating an ultra-secretive drug cartel selling a newly developed, extremely dangerous drug called Eureka. He was shot while undercover and was left to bleed out on the ground for hours, but his shooter was never caught.


Peter and Aunt May were devastated. Aunt May was overcome with grief and chose to bury herself in work, often working double shifts at the hospital. Peter suddenly spent more time alone in the apartment than he ever did.


Often alone and lost in thought, Peter regreted that he wasn't there with Ben when he was in danger. Maybe with his powers, he would have been able to save Ben. Although Peter could not go back in time, Peter decided that going forward, he will use his powers to help other people in danger. He also vowed to find Ben's shooter so that they could be properly prosecuted and face the consequences for their actions. Peter decides to becomes Spiderman.


Two months after Uncle Ben's death, Aunt May fell asleep on the wheel coming back from work and crashed into a railing. She lost her life and Peter found himself utterly alone once again. Just one week before Peter turned fourteen, he was placed into foster care. Uncle Ben's best friend Marcus, who is also a cop, made sure that Peter was placed in a decent home with plenty of fostering experience in Queens so that Peter would not have to transfer schools.


Peter's foster mom, Dana, tried her best to welcome Peter into her home, but Peter was too distraught from losing both his uncle and aunt in the span of less than three months to truly appreciate her efforts. Peter barely ate, barely talked to his foster mom and chose to stay in his room alone, silently crying himself to sleep for most of August.


When September rolled around and Peter started school at Midtown High, Peter's dejection turned in anger. He spent most of his hours outside of school as Spiderman, trying to get a lead into finding Ben's murderer. He started coming home later at night with random bruises on his body. For a couple weeks, he was able to hide his brusies from Dana and lied to her that he was busy from joining several clubs as well as the marching band after class, and that he got home late because he usually went to the library after dinner to finish his homework before heading home (well, he did go to the library from time to time to research information about Ben's murderer so this part wasn't a complete lie). However, on one particular patrol chasing down a couple drug dealers on the street, Peter came home after being struck hard on the side of his jaw by one of the drug dealers and could not hide the painful-looking black bruise from Dana, even with his hoodie covering most of his face.


When Peter was unwilling to confess what happened, Dana called Peter's school to try to ask if they knew what was going on. In the process, she found out Peter had completely lied to her. He hasn't joined any clubs after school and he hasn't handed in homework for some of his classes. Worried and furious, Dana put Peter over her knee and spanked him with a hairbrush over his pajama bottoms. Peter was surprised it stungs quite a bit despite his super strength and accelerated healing. He wondered if it was due to the fact that he has been frequently skipping meals for the past month.


As Dana smacked Peter, she questioned him again about what he has been doing after school and how he got the bruise. Peter stayed silent as the heat built up in the seat of his pajama bottoms. He knew that he's a terrible liar and couldn't come up with a good excuse, especially in his compromised positon. It is not until Dana threatened to take down Peter's pants that Peter panicked, burst into tears and confessed that he had been trying to search for information about Ben's murderer. He also confesses that he got the bruise today from questioning a drug dealer on the streets.


As Peter cried while lying limp across Dana's lap, Dana sighed and drew calming circles across Peter's back. She told Peter that while she understood that Peter wants answers to what happened with Uncle Ben, what Peter has been doing was extremely dangerous and was likely to get him killed. She then told him that Ben and May would feel heartbroken if he hurt himself while trying to get revenge and that Peter should stop hunting down Ben's murderer for their sake.


Peter wanted to disagree. He wanted to scream that he's not a normal teenage boy and that he has to use his powers to get justice because with great power comes great responsibility. But Peter couldn't risk revealing his identity as Spiderman, so he stayed silent and buried his face into a pillow.


Dana then told Peter that there are plenty of people —his friends, Marcus, and herself— who worry about him and care for his well-being. She had tears in her eyes as she pleaded Peter to stop risking his life for her sake too. Peter, shocked when he looked up and saw his foster parent in tears, mumbled a soft yes. Dana pulled Peter into a big hug, then sternly announced that if she catched Peter risking his life to find Ben's murderer again, he will receive a bare-bottom spanking that time around. Peter gulped. He couldn't risk getting a bare-bottom spanking. Dana would certainly find it strange when his ass remains unblemished even after a couple dozen swats, and she might figure out he's a mutant with super-strength. She might then alert the authorities and have him sent to Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. That's where most mutant minors are sent off to when they are found out. And he wouldn't be able to keep Spiderman a secret anymore or go to school with his friends. He couldn't let that happen.


Peter was pleasantly surprised when his butt heals instantly after he gulfed down three sandwiches for dinner that night. He felt his bruises starting to heal too, so he excused himself to his room while pretending to still be upset. He was once again reminded just how crucial food is to his healing factor and started to eat regularly again.


From that day on, Peter decided to set aside his revenge scheme for the time being. He settled into a new rhythm. He joined the Academic Decatholn team alongside his friends. He only patroled three times on the weekdays after school and went to Decatholon practice the other two days. On his patrols, he was more careful to avoid being hurt. He usually webbed up his targets from afar and tried to keep a safe distance when he could. He always stopped his patrols around 6:30 pm and made his way back to Dana's place before 7 pm. Dana, Peter's foster sibling, Jake, and Peter had dinner together and afterwards, Peter worked on his school assignments in the kitchen under the watchful eyes of his foster mom while his foster brother watched cartoons in the living room. He was relieved for the company, since when he was alone in his room, all he could think about were the deaths of his aunt and uncle.


In October, after some hesitation, he confessed to Ned that he is Spiderman. Ned was blown away by the reveal and giddily exclaims that he will be Peter's Guy-in -the-Chair. He once again started going to Ned's apartment on Saturdays, but instead of building Legos, he went out as Spiderman with an earpiece and a small camera that Ned made for him. Ned hacked into local police radio stations and informed Peter of what crime was nearby. Ned also cheered him on while Peter webbed up the bad guys and high-fived Peter when he got back from the patrols. They were a great pair and Peter found himself enjoying his Saturday patrols even more than his solo outings.


For the first time in a while, Peter was feeling ok with life again. Well, until something really unexpected happened in November.