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Timeline 2 - The mess

Chapter 3: chapter 3

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Mara was still shaking, trying hard to not let her own SPIRIT fall, she feels broken, her SPIRIT was still trying to search for her mate, crying over the broken link, and she herself was the same, she couldn’t stop stop shaking, and judging by the tears going down her face, she was also crying, Aveline went to her, taking her by the face “its okay..” she said softly “But your not only crying for Echo… aren’t you?” she sighed, Mara couldn’t with it anymore, hugging Aveline and crying on her arms, and even if every tear made Aveline feel as if her body was melting, to know that the poor skeleton was letting her feelings be seen, was calming
Spirit couldn’t stop herself, hiding behind Soul, Soul just let the happen, Pintura looked broken as his moms were either crying, or fainted, Soul hugged him, making sure that he was as closer as possible, wanting him to feel safe and to know that everything would be fine

Aveline sighed… she didn’t liked what she needed to do… but she needs to take Maya out before something happens… and to make sure that Mara wouldn’t try something stupid.. the poor girl was still crying… and Aveline just let her do this, but said softly “I’ll accompany you to your multiverse..” she said softly, the girl denied fast “!” Mara denied “Y..You.. will get hurt, no!” she sobbed and Aveline looked more serious
“If you haven’t noticed, you can’t even look at me without crying, or tell me, what would you tell Error once he notices that Echo is not with them?” she asked harshly, making the girl shake even more, Aveline just hugged her closer, frowning “I will go with you, you like it or not, okay?” she said softly, the girl just nodded before separating from her, Aveline then looked at Soul and smiled softly “I’ll go for our baby Soul” she said softly before opening an portal and vanishing on it
On reality, she took that as a distraction for her to be able to gave a small breakdown… she felt it, the SOULING on Echo Soul…it would be impossible for her to not notice.. She was even surprised.. but as she thought, she fell down, she tried to control her breathing as she felt herself get even closer to a panic attack, but two small arms made her go back to reality, she hugged the baby even closer, “Why Mami sad?” the question almost broke her, she just sobbed, hugging him closer for some minutes, wanting nothing but to feel safe for at least another few minutes…

The day arrived, and Aveline sighed, getting closer to her mate and kissing her on the mouth “I’ll try to not take that long” she said to the blushing mess that had become her mate, she just smiled at her, glad to see her like this, at least, with her mate being like this, she knows that she really loves her..
She sighed and bent down, hugging her kid, kid that hugged her closer “mami.. you have to go?” he asked with sadness, making the girl frown “sorry baby, but I promise to be fast, okay? Now, if you promise to be a good boy I promise you to let you eat all the candies that you want” she smirked as the boy eyes become two stars
“Aveline!” her mate scolded, making her giggle, just smiling at her as she stood up, The boy was just smiling and nodding “I’ll be the best boy ever!” he said with happiness, making Soul sight at this
“Always works” she giggled, Spirit, even if still scared, on those days she had received therapy and was a bit better, but even then, she was traumatized, so she stayed closer to the other Soul..
Aveline smiled at Spired and offered a hand towards her, who took the hand with a bit of fear, she just let her act on her own, when the dragon finally took her hand she just smiled at her “its okay Spirit, everything will be okay, alright?” the girl nodded and with that Mara opened a portal back to the Multiverse, Mallow give her mate a last kiss before the three went inside..,

Aveline sighed again and Mara went directly to her room,the poor girl was still shaken,but aveline gived herself the work to make them at least a bit more relaxed.. she just hopes that this doesn’t end bad…

Fuck! She knows that she should have been more careful! if she had been, she wouldn’t even be here now!
she could do nothing but shake as the Nightmare had shoved something down her throat.. she knows better.. and yet she let her own defenses down, she whined as her throat felt way to thigh, and her SPIRIT felt even tired, she whined, the past days had been relaxing,hell, she even had gotten a way to how to free Maya!... but it ended when she was called as they wanted to know if she had been able to preg Soul… and while Spirit was pregnant,, she didn’t let them that information, saying that she hasn’t been able to, and so, she had been called for the next day.. this day..
It has started like a normal day, it had gone well, as well as it could go until she needed to go there, when she arrived, something was forced on her throat before she could even think about it, and now, here she was, breathing harsh as she tried tocontrol teleport herself into the garden, feeling how her SPIRIT was freeing itself from the SOUL, she gasped as she fall on her knees, Mara, who had just arrived the room, immediately went closer to her, worried as she teleported her to the garden, Spirit going with them
“what happened?” Mara asked, worried over the girl, girl who couldn’t even talk, she whined as she was hugged by the dragon, making her feel more relaxed as her SPIRIT cried for Soul, it was pure luck when Soul arrived, looking at the girl with panic and fear, but not fear at the girl, no, fear at what was happening as she used her magic to calm the girl down, she couldn’t even feel the SOUL, and that was worrying her even more
Mara whined, but said “we.. we need to get her back home..” she said weakly and the Soul, even worried, nodded “lets go.” she said, taking her mate in arms and opening another portal, the three went inside fast, and Lust, upon seeing the girl, immediately took her in his arms “Fuck!” he cursed as he started to search for a few things on the office “Mara, call Nim, NOW!” he urged and the scared girl nodded, immediately taking Aveline phone out and calling Swap
Nim Started to do several things to stabilize the poor girl, as he did this, he was also making sure that her SPIRIT didn’t destroyed all the SOUL, this was bad, and the girl was sweeting bad, when Nim appeared she immediately got closer and started to stabilize the SPIRIT
Soul couldn’t do nothing but watch, not wanting to stop them, so she stayed far, just… looking, Spirit was at her side, giving the same comfort that she had been receiving some days ago, Mara was just looking, her mind wasn’t good since her mate broke with her, she was constantly trying, and failing, to stay mentally sane..