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A Slice of Muffin and a Dash of Mafia


Chay was placed in a chair and had to blink a few times to allow his eyes to adjust to the sudden light as the bag was removed from his head. As the men tied his hands behind his back, he looked around and saw what looked like a warehouse of some sort, probably in an abandoned location. Where else would they take their hostages, anyway?

“Scared, sweetheart?” a man, who clearly learned how to be tough from watching way too many bad mafia movies, chuckled while lighting his cigarette.

“Do I look scared?” Chay raised his eyebrows, smirking when the guy’s smug smirk wavered when he saw that Chay really didn’t seem to be scared whatsoever. Why should he be anyway? He was not the one who should be fearing for his life.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Chay was placed in a chair and had to blink a few times to allow his eyes to adjust to the sudden light as the bag was removed from his head. As the men tied his hands behind his back, he looked around and saw what looked like a warehouse of some sort, probably in an abandoned location. Where else would they take their hostages, anyway?

“Scared, sweetheart?” a man, who clearly learned how to be tough from watching way too many bad mafia movies, chuckled while lighting his cigarette.

“Do I look scared?” Chay raised his eyebrows, smirking when the guy’s smug smirk wavered when he saw that Chay really didn’t seem to be scared whatsoever. Why should he be anyway? He was not the one who should be fearing for his life.

“Playing brave, are you?” the guy stepped closer and grabbed Chay’s chin to make him look up at him.

“Better than playing dumb” Chay shrugged, pleased to see the frustrated look on the man’s face at the lack of fear from Chay. Chay was not surprised by the slap that followed shortly after Chay’s lack of respect.

“You probably should have done that” Chay looked at the man, ignoring the slight stinging sensation on his cheek.

“We’re gonna do way worse than that” the guy assured Chay and glanced at his men who were scattered around the room. “I doubt your Theerapanyakun boyfriends will even recognise you after we are done with you will dumb what's left of you in the river” he added with a smirk and his men laughed.

“Come on… give my lovely boyfriends some credit” Chay disagreed, still refusing to get even a little bit nervous. Partly to annoy the leader of the kidnappers more but mostly because he really didn’t feel like he needed to worry whatsoever.

“Sir… look what we found sneaking around the building” two men entered the warehouse, bringing in the reason why Chay was not worried whatsoever. They brought in Macau who had his hands tied behind his back and on his cheek had quite a big bruise.

“Theerapanyakun… here to rescue your boy toy?” the leader snickered.

“How are you doing, babe?” Macau looked at Chay, completely ignoring the kidnaper.

“I’ve been better… when these goons grabbed me on the street I was snacking on a muffin… I dropped it” Chay sighed and pouted a bit.

“Oh baby…” Macau said sympathetically “Don’t worry we’ll stop to get more on our way home, ok?” he assured Chay who smiled and nodded.

“You are… hey! You are not about to have any muffins! You are about to die here!” the kidnapper snapped, really getting annoyed at not only the lack of respect but also absolute lack of attention Chay and Macau were paying to him.

“From the bakery on across the flower shop?” Chay asked.

“Ooh… they have those really, really good toffee cakes there” Macau’s eyes lit up with the idea of one of his favorite baked goods.

“Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you two?!” The kidnapper pulled out his gun when he got tired of not being taken seriously whatsoever by Macau and Chay.

“What?” Macau blinked in confusion.

“You are about to fucking die!” The kidnapper really had no idea why the two were so calm about the fact they were about to die.

“Oh… that” Macau laughed. “Yeah… not gonna happen, pal” he chuckled.

The kidnapper looked from Macau to Chay as if silently asking for an explanation.

“Did you forget?” Chay rolled his eyes, bored by the man’s stupidity.

“Forgot about what?” The guy frowned but before Chay could explain why he was an idiot the two men who were standing next to Macau fell down on the ground, each with a bullet hole in their foreheads.

Macau quickly ducked down and took the gun from one of them. Chay was not ashamed to admit that Macau being able to break free from the ropes as quickly as he did and without anyone knowing about it was really hot. He was sure he was getting close to freeing himself from his rope as well but Macau was way more skilled in that. Probably one of the perks of being raised by the mafia.

The guy who was planning to kill Chay and Macau quickly snapped out of the shock of what was happening and raised his hand, aiming his gun at Chay but before his finger could get anywhere near the trigger two bullets hit him. One in the chest and the other one in his back. One bullet from Kim and one from Macau.

Macau shot another guy who seemed like he wanted to reach for his gun while Kim took care of the remaining two guys there.

While that was happening Chay successfully managed to free himself from the rope and when he felt it was safe to do so stood up.

“Look at you. Our little Houdini” Macau smiled proudly when he walked up to Chay and kissed him. Chay giggled at hearing that.

“Me? Who just freed himself in like twenty seconds?” Chay giggled. “I was trying to untangle the stupid rope since they dragged me into their car” he added.

“But you did it. Good job” Macau kissed Chay again before he became more serious. “Are you ok, Chay?”

“Are you?” Chay answered Macau’s question with another question, raised his hand and gently ran his thumb over the bruise on Macau’s cheek.

“Trust me, my pride took way more damage than my face did” Macau chuckled and kissed Chay’s wrist as a silent thank you for Chay’s concern.

“Rock beats scissors, Macau. If you would play paper you could have been the one sneaking around, killing these goons while I would be happily distracting them by getting captured” Kim said when, after he made sure there was no one around who would pose a threat to Chay, joined them.

“I still think you cheated” Macau said while Kim was gently tilting Chay’s head back to take a better look at his cheek. His eyes narrowed at seeing the slightly reddened spot on his cheek but when Chay assured him he is absolutely fine, and added a cute smile on top of that Kim’s concern frown slowly vanished before he leaned closer and kissed Chay.

“Are you really ok, angel?” Kim whispered when he pulled back and when Chay smiled and nodded Kim smiled as well and kissed him again. Chay’s smile grew bigger when Macau circled around them and pressed himself to Chay’s back. Chay hummed happily when he felt Macau’s lips on his neck and placed his hand on top of Macau’s which was wrapped around Chay’s middle.

“I think maybe we should get out of there. What do you think?” Kim pulled back and looked from Chay to Macau and back.

“Uh-huh” Macau agreed and placed one last kiss on Chay's sensitive neck before he raised his head. “This place is quite dead anyway so what’s the point of sticking around” he shrugged and Chay rested his forehead on Kim’s shoulder while shaking his head in amusement at hearing that.

“Kinn will send someone to take care of the mess here” Kim said while running his hand through Chay’s hair, then he placed a quick kiss there before he asked Chay if he was ready to head home and when Chay nodded they headed to the car.


“You missed a turn there, buddy” Kim noted from the back seat when Macau was taking an unusual route home.

“Nope, he did not” Chay smiled while resting his head on Kim’s shoulder.


“Those bastards killed Chay’s muffin when they scooped him off the streets” Macau said from behind the wheel.

“Uh-huh” Chay pouted.

“Oh… I am sorry, angel” Kim wrapped his arm around Chay’s shoulders to pull him closer and kissed his hair to help his boyfriend deal with the terrible loss. Chay happily cuddled closer to Kim.

“Hey… unfair” Macau complained when he was not in a position to join them.

“Shut up and drive” Kim chuckled before he looked down on Chay and gently stroked his cheek.

“Be nice, Kim” Chay frowned playfully but his frown was erased by Kim kissing his forehead before he pressed his lips against Chay’s. “You know you’re the only person on the planet I can be nice to, Chay” Kim muttered with a smile while stroking Chay’s cheek. Chay decided to be happy with that kind of answer, for the time being anyway.


“You’re driving” Macau threw Kim the keys when they walked out of the bakery with a paper bag filled with sweet pastries. Chay was already snacking on his brand new muffin. “What? I will not just watch you two cuddle while I can do nothing because I have to drive. You had your fun while we were driving here, it’s only fair for me to have my turn now” he added when Kim looked mildly confused.

“But what if I want to cuddle Chay again?”

While the two were having their very serious debate Chay was looking from one to the other and back while chewing his muffin. He was willing to give them a chance to come up with a solution on their own. He decided to give them time until he will finish the muffin and then he will step in. Probably snatching the keys from Kim and getting on the driver’s seat himself. He preferred it when it was either Kim or Macau behind the wheel so he can just chill out, look outside of the window, looking for any cute animals while listening to music but if the two will not stop bickering about it he will have no other choice but to get behind the wheel and force the two to sit down on the back seat together.

“Like I said. It’s only fair if you will get behind the wheel now” Macau shrugged.

“Since when any of us plays fair?” Kim asked, confused but also amused.

“Never” Chay muttered and took another bite of his muffin.

Kim and Macau gave Chay a quick “you’re adorable and also absolutely right, honey” look before they focused back on their little problem.

“You know what it means, don’t you?” Kim raised his eyebrows and lifted his hand, closed in fist.

Chay really hoped his boyfriends do have enough brain cells to not actually get in a fist fight over this. Luckily when Macau raised his hand as well it was only to have a quick game of rock-paper-scissors with Kim.

Chay was glad that this was how the two were about to settle their argument. Not so long ago the two would probably start a screaming match, calling each other all sorts of names and insults which would not stop until they would notice that Chay is no longer standing next to them because he got tired of having to listen to their fighting and walked away to haul a taxi to get home. Kim and Macau really started to get along very well after Chay’s last big intervention and Chay was very proud of them for that. They started to act like adults who know how to handle their disagreements like grown ups… by playing rock-paper-scissors. Ok, maybe not like very adult-like adults but at least they were not starting fights over every little thing and for that Chay was beyond happy.

“Oh come on!” Macau exclaimed in disbelief when Kim played scissors to Macau’s paper.

“Have fun behind the wheel” Kim threw the keys back to Macau and added a way too friendly wink just to rub his victory in a little bit more. Chay wasn’t sure if he liked it so he quickly came up with a little punishment for Kim’s cockiness.

“Stupid scissors… stupid game” Macau muttered while going to the car and getting behind the wheel.

Kim smirked happily while also going to the car, opening the backdoor for Chay. Chay however had different plans and went to sit in the passenger seat, leaving just a little bit shocked Kim standing by the car. Chay smiled at Macau who immediately smiled back at him when he saw Chay chose to go sit next to him and not in the back with Kim again.

“Chay… it’s… it will be more comfortable for you in the back” Kim opened the passenger’s door, trying to lure Chay out and to make him go sit in the back seat.

“It’s ok, Kim. I am quite comfortable here. But thank you for your concern” Chay smiled sweetly while putting on the seatbelt.


“Get in or we are leaving without you” Macau looked at Kim before he started the car.

Kim was almost sure Macau would not do that. Well… no he was sure Macau would do that but Kim was also sure that Chay would not allow Macau to do that but nevertheless he closed the passenger’s door, not slamming it shut, despite his mild annoyance, since Chay was sitting there, and then got in the back seat.

Once Kim was in the car he moved in the middle of the seat and leaned forward in an attempt to feel less left out.

“No seatbelt? If we crush you’ll go flying through the windscreen, you know that right?” Macau said.

“How about you drive so we will not crush? Do you think you’ll manage that?” Kim replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Chay, wanting to prevent any problems and also not wanting Kim to feel left out, turned around and offered him a bite of his muffin, which Kim knew was the highest honor anyone can get from Chay so he forgot all about his little banter with Macau and happily took a bite of Chay’s sweet treat.

“Oh… here, hold it please” Chay handed Kim the muffin so he had both hands free and could find his phone in his bag when it started to ring. “Hello, Porsche” Chay greeted his brother, who was probably informed about the kidnapping by Kinn by now. “Yep… I am fine… absolutely fine I promise” Chay nodded. “Hm? Oh I am not sure… hold a sec…” Chay frowned and looked at Macau and Kim “Any idea why I was kidnaped this time?” he asked.

“They were about to kill us so I’d say some petty revenge for whatever and not them wanting to get rich by trading you back for some cash” Macau replied.

“Most likely” Kim agreed while nipping on the muffin.

“The boys think that it was supposed to be a revenge for something” Chay spoke into the phone again. “Take a pick. Million reasons why someone would want to take revenge on the family” he shrugged when Porsche asked what the revenge was for. “I don’t know Porsche, my lovely boyfriends showed up before the goons got to share their evil plan with me” Chay laughed. “Alright… yes I am really absolutely alright” Chay assured his brother again. “Ok. Love you, bye” he smiled before he hung up.

Chay put the phone back in his bag and turned around to take his muffin back from Kim.

Kim’s eyes slightly widened at the realization that he was probably supposed to just hold on to Chay’s snack and not finish it.

Chay, still with his hand midair, reaching for his muffin, raised his eyebrows at the lack of sweet pastry in Kim’s hand. Kim instinctively licked his lips to make sure there was no trace or physical evidence of the terrible crime he just committed.

Chay looked around to make sure Kim didn’t just put the muffin on the seat, for whatever reason, but he did not see his unfinished snack anywhere.

“Crash the car. I want to see Kim fly through the windshield” Chay turned to Macau who laughed upon hearing that. Kim narrowed his eyes and gave Macau a quick death glare for that. It was so easy to be amused when you are not the one who upset Chay, wasn’t it?

“I just… I thought that…” Kim focused back on Chay.

“You’re so lucky you literally just saved me AND that there are more muffins in there” Chay said and glanced at the paper bag that was on the seat next to Kim.

Kim took the hint and quickly reached in the bag for a brand new muffin as a peace offering. It hardly mattered that Kim just saved and rescued him. Chay takes his snacks and sweets very seriously and he doesn’t like to share them that much. No, that’s not correct, Chay doesn’t mind sharing but he definitely isn’t happy when someone abuses his generosity by taking way too big bites or even worse just straight up eats the whole thing.

Chay took the new muffin and since they were standing at the intersection, waiting for the green light Chay offered Macau a bite of it. Kim crossed his arms over his chest and grumpily looked to the side, pouting at seeing it but didn’t dare to say anything in order not to provoke Chay any further at that moment.

“Thanks, babe” Macau smiled at Chay and leaned closer to kiss him, making Chay smile happily.

“You’ve got the green light” Kim informed Macau, who didn’t seem to immediately notice it.

“Oh… thanks mate. Good thing you have no one there to distract you with cuddles so you can keep an eye on the road for me, right?” Macau laughed teasingly and began to drive again.

“Did you forget I have a gun?” Kim raised his eyebrows.

“I do too. What’s your point?” Macau asked, pretending to be confused about why would Kim have the need to mention his possession of the fire weapon.

“But I have the luxury of free hands and very tempting target that can not do anything but get shot… since he has to focus on driving”

Chay rolled his eyes in amusement, focusing more on finishing up his sweet little muffin than listening to the two.

“I always knew you’re a coward, Kim. No need to prove me right” Macau said calmly while parking the car.

“Coward?” Kim repeated.

“Well… you are about to shoot me in the back of the head with no way for me to fight back? Kind of cowardly, don’t you think?” Macau explained while the three got out of the car.

“Do we know what we want for dinner?” Chay asked while they were entering their apartment complex. There was still time to worry about dinner but Chay felt that they could at least choose what they would want.

“Anything you want, angel” Kim smiled at him while wrapping his hand around Chay’s waist. “I would be able to kill you even if you could fight back, Macau” he then swiftly went back to this conversation he had with Macau.

“Macau? Pizza?” Chay looked at his other boyfriend.

“Yes please” Macau nodded with a happy smile and while holding Chay’s hand in his he used his free hand to reach for the button to call the elevator. “With or without us using guns?” he looked at Kim.

“Does it matter?” Kim asked and when the elevator arrived and the door opened they all got in.

“It does. With us blasting our guns I think I’d got you. Fist fight? I’d say it could be both you or me who’d win” Macau said while pressing the button to make the elevator move. “Chay? Who do you think would win?”

“Kim? Will you want a pizza as well? Or rather something else?” Chay asked while looking into his phone, looking for a place they can order their dinners from. He had absolutely no intention to get involved in that debate whatsoever. “We could order from here. They have pizza and other stuff as well. How does khao pad sapparod sound?” he turned his phone towards Kim to show him the restaurant he found, offering him one of Kim’s favorite meals.

“Khao pad sapparod sounds great, thank you” Kim nodded with a smile. “How on earth did you figure you’d be able to shoot me before I will shoot you?” he focused back on his conversation with Macau. Neither he nor Macau even expected Chay to actually pick one over the other so they were not surprised at all by Chay’s plain ignorance of Macau’s question.

“Because I am good with guns?” Macau shrugged.

“Are you saying I am not?” Kim raised his eyebrows and when the elevator door opened they got out and headed to the door leading into their apartment.

“I am not saying you’re not good. I am just saying I am better” Macau replied calmly.

“Sure” Kim chuckled when they entered their apartment.

“Maybe we should really test it so I can prove to you that… Chay? Babe?” Macau’s attention shifted from his conversation with Kim to Chay who took off his shirt while heading towards their bedroom.

“Hm?” Chay turned around. “Oh… don’t mind me. I am just going to play with the blue dildo you gave me for my birthday” he said with a casual shrug. “I was planning to play with something else. I was planning to reward my amazing and sweet boyfriends for them coming to save me… preferably by getting fuck by one of them while sucking off the other one… but my boyfriends seem to be rather busy with who can kill who debate” he said and gave his boyfriends a quick smile before he turned around he continued into their bedroom.

Kim and Macau looked at each other, not needing to say anything, and quickly followed Chay, pulling their shirts off and tossing them aside on their way there. Their argument was immediately forgotten and unimportant at all.

When Chay heard the footsteps of his boyfriends behind him he didn’t even try to hide the pleased smirk that turned into a giggle when he was scooped off his feet by Macau and then carried into their comfy, king-size bed.


“So… are we better than some pretty little toy?” Macau asked, still enjoying the last moment of his high while hugging Chay from behind. Chay was resting his head on Kim’s chest with Kim having one arm wrapped around him.

“What toy?” Chay mumbled, eyes closer and not in a state to use his brain too much just yet.

“We’ll take it as yes then” Kim said with a pleased smirk and raised his hand. Macau did as well when he saw it and exchanged a victorious fist bump with Kim.

“Please tell me you did not just high fived or fist bumped or whatever you just did there” Chay asked, trying to sound horrified and offended but he failed to hide the amusement in his voice.

“We beat your favorite blue dildo, babe. We had to celebrate that accomplishment” Macau chuckled and exchanged amused looks with Kim while Chay hid his face in the crook of Kim’s neck in an attempt to deal with the two. Chay’s shoulders were shaking as he was trying to hold back the laughter.

“Are we ready to order the take outs by the way? It’s getting close to dinner time” Macau asked while running his hand over Chay’s back.

“Yes please” Chay, forgetting all about his amusement, raised his head and nodded. Kim agreed as well so Macau placed a quick kiss on Chay’s shoulder before he rolled away from the two to go get his phone. Chay whined a bit when Macau moved away so Kim pulled him closer and hugged him tighter to compensate for the temporary lack of Macau.

“Shower?” Kim looked down at Chay who nodded.


“Food’s here!” Chay gasped happily and jumped from the sofa when someone knocked on the door. Macau smiled fondly at Chay’s excitement and enthusiasm before he stood up as well and went to prepare the utensils and a plate for Kim’s order, knowing Kim isn't a fan of having to eat from the cardboard boxes the food was delivered in.

“Kim… dinner” he peaked in Kim’s office on his way to the kitchen.

“Uh-huh” Kim nodded while sitting at his desk, typing on his laptop.

“Kim! Dinner’s here!” Chay called out, louder, while he was coming back from the door with their dinners. He placed his and Macau’s pizzas on the coffee table in the living room and then headed in the kitchen with Kim’s meal to put it on the plate.

“I already told him about it, Chay” Macau smiled when Chay joined him in the kitchen.

“Oh… alright then” Chay shrugged while opening the cardboard box to put the food on the plate.

Kim silently entered the kitchen while doing something on his phone. “Anything I can do?” he asked without looking up from his phone.

“Nah… we’ve got it” Chay smiled and shook his head.

“Are you done with that? I’ll take it to the living room” Kim looked up from his phone and glanced at the tray with the drinks Macau prepared for them.

“Yeah. Thanks” Macau nodded.

Kim took the tray and left the kitchen.

“I’ll take it, babe” Macau gently pushed Chay aside so he could take Kim’s dinner and so Chay didn’t have to carry anything and could go on and enjoy his pizza finally.

Chay turned to Macau and kissed his cheek for that before he followed Kim to the living room.

“Thanks” Kim, again focused on his phone, nodded when Macau placed his meal in front of him.

Macau went to settle down next to Chay who was already munching on his pizza.

“Your food’s gonna get cold” Chay told Kim who was still more focused on his phone than on the food.

“What’s so important?” Macau wondered.

“Bombs” Kim replied.

“Ok, ok… I just asked” Macau rolled his eyes, thinking Kim was just telling him to mind his own business and not be nosy.

“Hm?” Kim looked up from his phone and when he realized how Macau heard his answer Kim chuckled in amusement “I am actually looking for some bomb, Macau” he said.

“Yeah?” Macau asked with interest. “Where are you looking? I have a really good place where they have all sorts of goodies” he pulled out his phone and moved to sit down next to Kim.

“What do you need bombs for?” Chay asked curiously and just a little bit concerned but not at all surprised that Macau was not even asking what Kim needs the bombs for before happily offering his help with it.

“I found the base of those sons of bitches” Kim said, not needing to specify any further who he was talking about, while looking at the options Macau was showing him.

“What does the base look like?” Macau asked and Kim showed him the information he found so Macau was able to find the perfect type of explosives for the job.

“Didn’t Kinn say not to do anything like that? That he will handle it himself?” Chay recalled Kinn mentioning something like that after one of the bases of another, smaller, gang who got a brilliant idea to kidnap Chay went up in flames not long after Chay was rescued. Kim showed up with a present in the form of a few molotov cocktails while Macau, who helped Kim with making the molotov cocktails and offered his help with delivering them but was assured that Kim will handle it on his own, was at home cuddling Chay while they watched a movie. When Kinn found out about it he was not very happy, mostly because he had no idea Kim was planning something like that so Kinn, as the head of the family, felt like he should have been informed about it and more importantly that he should have allowed Kim to do that.

“No” Kim shook his head.

“He did. I was there when he said it” Chay disagreed with that.

“Said what?” Macau asked, confused and then he and Kim exchanged a very mischievous glance while Chay rolled his eyes in amusement and decided to rather focus on the pizza.


* * *


“Kim… I said, very clearly, not to blow up any bases of the other gangs!” A few days later Kinn said, hands on his hips, as if that was supposed to make him look more authoritatively.

“I have no idea what makes you think I have anything to do that” Kim, calm as ever, shrugged while standing in front of Kinn. He was the only person in the room, beside Kinn, that was not comfortably seated but Kim chose to remain standing because he didn’t want to have to look up at Kinn while talking to him because that might give Kinn the impression that he is the one in charge.

“Do you think I am stupid?” Kinn raised his eyebrows. “Shut up Vegas!” he snapped when his cousin almost choked on the wine he was drinking in order to quickly answer that. And how could Vegas resist that, right?

“What? It’s rude not to answer someone’s question. Especially when someone asks such a simple question. Are you stupid, Kinn? Yes. Yes, Kinn. Of course you are stupid” Vegas said, pretending to be confused about why Kinn told him off like that. Kim looked down to let his hair hide his amusement.

“I told you to shut up!” Kinn looked at his cousin, who was comfortably sprawled out on the sofa by the wall. Pete, sitting next to him, paid most of his attention to the bowl of fruit he was snacking on while the rest of his attention went to enjoying the feel of Vegas's hand running up and down his back as his husband argued with the head of the family.

“Why are you even here?!” Kinn gritted through his teeth while looking at Vegas.

“Because I heard you are about to attempt to scold Kim?” Vegas said, as if it was not obvious.

“Attempt… I am not attempting to scold him. I am scolding him!”

“Are you?” Kim, Vegas and literally everyone who was in the room, except for Kinn of course, asked. Pete even cutely tilted his head to the side in confusion while asking it. Vegas hid his smile caused by that cute spectacle by taking another sip of the wine.

“Do you know that your brother was there as well this time?” Kinn informed Vegas who looked at Macau who was sitting on the other sofa, playing some game on his phone. Next to him was sitting Porsche and Chay who was resting his head on Porsche’s shoulder while being hugged by Tankhun from the other side. Tankun was, as always, helping Chay to get over the traumatic experience of being kidnaped by offering as many cuddles as necessary. Chay didn’t consider the kidnapping as traumatic as he probably should but he would never say no to affection so he happily exapted all the cuddles Tankhun and Porsche were offering.

“Macau’s good with bombs and stuff like that so why would I not bring him along?” Kim shrugged.

“And it was also my boyfriend who got kidnaped so why should I not be allowed to take a little revenge?” Macau added, without looking up from his phone.

“That too” Kim nodded.

“But you were not allowed to do that. I didn’t allow you to blow anything up!” Kinn reminded them.

“Couldn’t it be because we were not asking for permission?” Kim raised his eyebrow, really starting to get bored of having to have that conversation.

“Sounds like you're on to something, Kim” Macau agreed with him, still more focused on his phone than on the debate.

Kinn clenched his jaw and took a deep breath before he turned back to Vegas. “Aren’t you going to say anything to your lovely little brother?”

“Sure” Vegas nodded but made a pause to take another sip of the wine. Kinn felt another wave of frustration when he realized that Vegas probably plundered his personal, very expensive, collection in order to get his drink. “Macau… Macau!” Vegas looked at his brother who quickly looked up from his phone, not carrying that he just lost the game because of that. Vegas was talking to him so some game was the last thing he would care about. “I am so very proud of you. Well done” Vegas said seriously before a small, proud smile appeared on his face while he raised his glass in a silent toast to his brother before he emptied the glass.

“Vegas!” Kinn snapped while a proud and very amused smile appeared on Macau’s face and the others in the room were not really trying to hide their amusement either. Did Kinn really have no one on his side? It looked like because even Tankhun chuckled while cuddling with Chay.

“What? What else do you want me to say? His beloved got kidnaped and he made sure to send a message that it’s a very stupid idea to do something like… plus he pissed you off by doing so. How can I be anything but super proud of him right now… darling would you be so kind please…thank you, love” Vegas was explaining and then reached for the wine bottle to refill his glass but then rather asked Pete to pass him the bottle since it was on the tea table on the side of the sofa where Pete was sitting.

“Porsche?” Kinn looked at his boyfriend, expecting support.

“I wish I could have blown up that place myself and you know it. So I should probably say, thank you Kim, thank you Macau for taking care of that and saving me some time that way” Porsche’s supporting was not very supportive in Kinn’s opinion.

“Always/No problem, mate” Kim and Macau nodded.

“I really don’t know what you are playing at here, Kinn. You would demolish the whole building as well if they would take Porsche. I would level the whole neighborhood to the ground if they would dare to touch my Pete” Vegas rolled his eyes and ran his hand through Pete’s hair which made Pete smile more since it felt nice.

“The difference is that I am the head of the fami…”

“Pain in the ass is what you are” Vegas muttered and stole one grape from Pete’s bowl before he stood up.

Kinn felt betrayed not only by the amused chuckle that came from both Kim and Tankhun but also by Porsche’s laughter.

“Don’t you think those assholes deserved it after they snatched our Chay off the street like that?” Vegas tilted his head to the side and looked at Kinn while standing next to the other sofa, gesturing to Chay, as if Kinn needed the visual reminded who Vegas was talking about.

Vegas caused the whole room to go tomb-like silent while everyone looked at Kinn to see what he would say to that.

“And considering that it has been a while since the last time something like that happened it’s only a good thing that Kim and Macau made sure people will keep in mind to think twice before trying something like that, don’t you think?” Vegas continued. “Or do you think people should be allowed to just kidnap our Chay whenever they want to?” Vegas asked, horrified by Kinn possibly thinking that, and then hiding his amused smirk behind his glass.

“I did not say that!” Kinn snapped, annoyed that his cousin was twisting his words around just to make him look like the bad guy. “I really didn’t” he said again while looking at Porsche to assure his boyfriend that he really didn’t even think let alone say anything like Vegas was implying there.

“So maybe you should thank Macau and Kim for what they did… rather than amusing us here by attempting to scold Kim, don’t you think?” Vegas suggested while leaning against the back of the sofa.

“I am just saying that…” Kinn started.

“Thank them or you’re sleeping on the sofa!” Porsche said, feeling that Vegas did have a point.

Pete frowned, pretending to be focused on what fruit he should try next, to hide his amusement by once again witnessing Porsche bossing Kinn around like that. It was far from the first time he saw it but it was always a very funny thing to see.

“Thank you” Kinn rolled his eyes.

“For?” Tankhun raised his eyebrows, which, in Kinn’s opinion, was an ultimate betrayal, because even his own family very obviously sided with Vegas rather than with him.

“For… blowing up the hideout of the guys who took Chay” Kinn said, looking stubbornly down.

“Oh, really? But… that’s strange. Isn’t that what you just scolded me for… oh… well… tried to scold me for?” Kim asked, confused, teasingly and amused at the same time. Kinn felt like he had enough of his whole family and decided to just give up and not say anything to that since it would backfire anyway.

“Come on, Kim. Be nice to him. It’s not easy to be the head of the family when you have some serious brain damage. Vegas chuckled. “Probably from when they dropped him as a baby” he muttered almost quietly but Kinn didn’t feel like it was a good idea to try to start arguing with Vegas at that moment because clearly it was the whole family versus Kinn. “You should try the wine, by the way. It's delicious” Vegas added casually while looking at the others in the room, everyone but Kinn of course.

“Haven’t you two thought about teaching Chay some self defense? Freeing himself from ropes… things like that?” Kinn looked at Kim, who was filling up the glasses for anyone who looked like they would like a glass of wine, and then at Macau who was putting away his phone since the boring part of the visit seemed to come to an end.

“And what exactly makes you think we have not done it already?” Kim asked, confused and honestly offended by what he just heard.

“They have been teaching me for a while now, P’Kinn” Chay nodded with a smile. “But… I know they will always come get me in time so I am not really trying too hard to escape when someone’s about to kidnap me I guess” he added with slightly pink cheeks.

“Of course we will” Kim confirmed.

“Always, honey” Macau nodded.

“And how is he doing?” Porsche wanted to know if he could be proud of his little brother’s self defense skills.

“I think he would be able to escape if he really needed to” Kim said while carrying two glasses of wine, one for Tankhun and one for Porsche and while handing out the drinks he gave Chay a quick proud smile before he went to sit down next to Pete.

“And he’s really good at getting himself out of the ropes as well” Macau said. “We had to switch to handcuffs only because of that” he added and then laughed when Chay reached over Porsche to hit Macau’s shoulder.

“I did not need to hear that” Porsche shook his head to make that image go away and then decided to use the wine to help him with it.

“I’d like to say as if you have not done worse, but… knowing Kinn you probably have not” Vegas looked at Porsche and then at his cousin.

“And what does that supposed to mean?!” Kinn asked, offended.

“Please… have you forgot that I fucked almost every guy you have? Some of them were quite chatty after sex and from what they said you’re not very adventurous in bed” Vegas smirked. “Seriously Porsche… if you’ll ever get bored of vanilla Kinn over there just come to me and Pete. We will be more than happy to…” When Vegas looked at Pete he forgot what he was about to say when he saw that Pete was licking off the orange juice that was running down his hand. When Pete felt Vegas’s eyes on him he met his husband’s gaze and slowed down, slowly licking off the rest of the juice off his hand, shamelessly putting on a show for Vegas.

“I am not vanilla!” Kinn crossed his arms over his chest. “And could you stop getting horny every time you as much as glance at Pete!” he added.

“That’s something I can promise you will never happen, Kinn” Vegas said while looking at his husband who, judging by the tiny smirk he had, knew exactly what he was doing.

“Handcuffs are fun, but you should try chains” Pete looked away from Vegas and looked at Macau, talking casually, as if just talking about weather.

“Don’t you think that’s something Chay is way too innocent for?” Kinn looked at Pete, probably expecting the others, mostly Porsche, to be impressed by his care about Chay’s innocence.

Vegas choked on the wine when he heard what Kinn just said.

“Innocent?” Vegas laughed and looked at Chay who looked very amused to be labeled as the innocent one of the family. “Did you forget he’s the only one here who takes two cocks… sorry Porsche… that he is the only one here who beds two people at the same pretty much daily?” Vegas laughed, quickly finding better words when Porsche made a not very happy sound while drinking the wine.

“Pretty much daily?” Kim wasn’t sure about that part while taking a piece of the fruit when Pete moved the bowl closer to him.

“You and Macau might not be at home every night, right?” Vegas shrugged.

“It doesn’t mean we will not make sure to spend some quality time with Chay before he goes to sleep” Kim shook his head.

“I am not into phone sex that much” Pete muttered, prefering to have Vegas in the room rather than just having to listen to what Vegas would or could do to or with Pete.

“Me neither. But they are a different generation, pet. Younger and all” Vegas agreed with his husband while coming back to him and sitting down next to him.

“What makes you think anyone in this room gives a fuck about your sex live, Vegas?” Kinn rolled his eyes.

“Because mine, unlike yours, is actually rather interesting” Vegas replied while looking at the bowl in Pete’s hand, thinking what fruit he should try now.

“My sex life is very interesting!” Kinn placed his hands on his hips again.

Vegas looked at Porsche who rolled his eyes before he finished his wine. “Yeah… it’s interesting” he confirmed. He was not lying, but he was also a bit annoyed by Vegas’s and Kinn’s little pissing contest.

“Who do you think will die?” Tankhun asked Chay when he was showing him on his phone something from the current K-drama he was watching.

“Oh! I am watching that one too” Chay perked up. Tankhun smiled, pleased to hear that and offered Chay a sip of his wine. “Kim thinks Hiro will die” Chay added while giving Tankhun back the glass.

“Kim is watching K-dramas?” Kinn looked from Chay to his brother.

“No” Kim shook his head. “But Chay does so I want to know what he is interested in and what he enjoys” he added, earning a happy smile from Chay for that.

“Isn’t that nice? When your spouse shares your interests with you?” Vegas asked teasingly and looked at Pete who playfully rolled his eyes.

“I am sharing your K-dramas with you, Vegas” Pete said. “I am just not awake while doing so” he shrugged with no shame. It’s not his fault he never manages to stay awake for long while he and Vegas are watching one of the K-dramas Vegas finds or Tankhun recommends him. When Pete got together and moved in with Vegas he really hoped he would be free from K-dramas marathons but apparently he was wrong. Luckily Vegas was satisfied with watching everything only once and not 10times in a row.

“You’re lucky you’re cute when asleep, you know that, right?” Vegas smiled at his husband who smiled back at him so Vegas didn’t resist and leaned closer to kiss him.

“You’re missing out, Pete. Some of the dramas are really great” Macau told him.

“You too?” Kinn looked at his cousin.

“Of course me too! Do you think I would miss out on a chance to be huddled under a blanket with Chay?”

“Only an idiot would not like to watch K-dramas” Tankhun said.

“You don’t like to watch K-dramas, do you, Kinn?” Vegas looked at his cousin with a poorly hidden smirk.

“What? No. I love to watch K-dramas” Kinn shook his head.

“Reeeally?” Porsche asked.

“Yes. Of course” Kinn nodded.

“Name one drama you’ve watched” Kim looked at his brother.

“The… the one with… where… I don’t have time to watch K-dramas, ok? I would love to but I have to run this whole family. Someone has to be in charge” Kinn, unable to think of any name of any of the dramas he heard Tankhun talk about, decided to change the tactique and blame it all on his work.

“But P’Vegas is also the head of the family and still has time to watch K-dramas. He, me and P'Khun watched Golden Melody together” Chay noted innocently.

“It was very good, wasn’t it?” Vegas looked at Chay who nodded. “It was nice to watch with someone who contributes to the debate about the story” Vegas added and then chuckled and caught Pete’s hand when Pete pinched his side when he could very well guess who Vegas was talking about there.

“Anyway… this was lovely as ever but maybe it’s time to head home, what do you think?” Kim looked at Macau and Chay, feeling like he had more than enough family drama for one day.

Both Macau and Chay agreed and stood up. Macau went to hug Vegas and Pete goodbye, while Chay was hugged by Porsche and Tankhun.

“Kim, pleasure as always” Vegas nodded at his cousin who is actually rather nice to be around since he, unlike Kinn, doesn’t piss Vegas off with everything he says.

Kim smiled and nodded while waiting for Chay and Macau to be done with hugging the others.

“I was going to say that, Vegas. Kim is my brother, not yours” Kinn said, annoyed.

“Yet, he likes me more than he ever did you” Vegas said with a casual shrug.

“He does not!” Kinn said immediately and looked at his brother, expecting him to confirm it.

“I’d not be so sure about that” Kim muttered teasingly before he followed Chay and Macau to the door and out of the room.

“Khun… say something” Kinn looked at his other brother.

“Have you seen the last episode of City of Stars yet?” Tankhun looked at Vegas, ignoring Kinn’s whining.

“Not yet. I was planning to do that but then I was informed about this little spectacle so we rushed here to not miss it” Vegas shook his head.

“Let’s go then” Tankhun nodded and followed by everyone but Kinn left the room to watch the newest episode of that K-drama.

“What’s the point of being the head of the family when no one’s taking you seriously” Kinn ran his hand over his face before he went to find something alcoholic to help him deal with his ungrateful family.


Thank you for reading 🩵

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