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The Shy King


A What-if where instead of being captured by the Shy Guys and taken to Bowser, Luigi shows them a kindness they've never experienced before and becomes their new king.

Will he succeed in making new friends, will he build a safe haven for himself?

Will he ever be reunited with Mario?


I'm going away next weekend so I thought I'd upload this longer fic - a wee what-if that kind of spiralled into something entirely different.

Still, hope you enjoy it!

The series of firsts will continue when I get back, take care everyone!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Luigi threw himself through the doors of the derelict building, shutting them and blocking them behind him as quickly as possible. He took a moment to catch his breath as the commotion outside died down.

He'd been separated from his big brother after falling into a large pipe. Now he was in a strange land, one that seemed dark and lifeless – he’d stumbled around for a bit, trying to work out what to do next when suddenly a skeleton had rose from the ground.

Before he knew it, a whole hoard of undead turtles were chasing him, snapping at him and trying to grab him.

He’d jumped across lava streams between islands of rock to escape but the monsters still pursued him.

Maybe he was finally safe within these stone walls?

A flash of lightning lit the room around him, and he had this weird feeling he was being watched.

He slowly turned around to find a crowd of strange creatures watching him.

They wore cloaks of various colours, brown belts and white masks.

They were so small.

“Uh...” Luigi gulped as the two sides stared at one another.

The Shy Guys watched this new visitor, preparing for him to freak out and try to run – ready to catch him and take him to their ruler.

Instead, the human stepped towards them – the crowd backed away in surprise.

This wasn’t going as they expected.

“Don’t be scared!” Luigi soothed quickly, misreading the room. “I won’t hurt you!”

The Shy Guys glance at one another in confusion.

All around the kingdoms of their world, everyone knew of the Shy Guys. The creatures who roamed the Darklands and made people disappear – the quiet and sneaky agents of Bowser’s extensive army.

This new person seemed to have no idea how much danger he was in right now.

“Are you hiding from those skeletons outside too?” Luigi asked softly.

The Shy Guy with the red cloak and metallic mask shook his head.

“Oh...” Luigi frowned as he looked around the grand foyer. “Is this your place?”

The Shy Guys followed their visitor as he began exploring their hideout, he continued speaking to them as if they were equals. They were utterly fascinated by this newcomer and his refreshing cluelessness.

They wanted to see what he was going to do next.

They watched as he discovered their pantry, opening the cupboards and frowning at the food supplies stored up high.

The crowd tensed as they watched, fearful their food rations were about to be stolen.

Lord Bowser had moved their supplies out of reach, had said they wouldn’t get to eat until they started working harder.

Luigi pulled down an apple and studied it with a relieved smile.

This smile quickly turned into a concerned frown as a collection of tummies rumbled behind him.

“Woah, you guys sound starving!” He fussed as he pulled as many fruits and nuts from the store he could hold and handed them out.

Whenever one Shy Guy tried to snatch from his friend, Luigi was quick to ensure everyone had equal amounts of food.

He smiled as the group sat on the floor and happily munched on their meals.

Luigi then worked on moving the remaining supplies further down so they were in reach.

“Let’s make these a little easier to get, hmm?”

The crowd watched him as they ate, all humming in approval.

They all observed as he held a spotted Mushroom, studying it warily.

“This looks poisonous?” He frowned, glancing at the crowd who were now standing to attention.

The lead Shy Guy stepped forward and used his spear to write in the dust.

“It’s a power-up?” Luigi read aloud, “I don’t know what that means.”

The Shy Guys bounced up and down, urging him to try it.

Many creatures in this world couldn’t use these power-ups, they healed them at best but didn’t do anything if they were already okay. The only people able to use them were humans and those of the Mushroom Kingdom.

They wanted to know if their visitor could use it.

Luigi sighed before eating the strange Mushroom, he moaned at how good it tasted.

The Shy Guys whooped when he became taller and more energetic.

“Woah!” Luigi grinned as he jogged on the spot. “That’s amazing!”

He then glanced around the parlour and frowned.

“You guys don’t have much food... maybe we should go find you some more?” He hummed thoughtfully, now feeling more confident due to his newfound strength.

The human smiled as the Shy Guys crowded him with their spears, showing they were prepared to join him.

They walked out together, Luigi froze as the skeletons returned.

The lead Shy guy stepped forward and seemed to speak to the creatures. More and more skeletons gathered to listen.

At the end of the speech, the majority of the skeletons joined Luigi’s side happily while others rushed off as if to spread the word.

Luigi smiled gratefully and led his new friends out into the wilderness.

Over the next day or so, he discovered seeds and fruit trees which he planted in a sunny patch behind the Mansion – the only place where light penetrated the gloom.

A group of Shy Guys would go out in the morning to forage and bring their finds back to Luigi to store away for them.

The skeletons were friendlier, happily hanging out with the group and helping to plant and care for the crops – even using their skulls as watering cans.

The next two days were spent improving their home.

First, Luigi cleaned up the kitchen and showed the group that cooking their food made it taste amazing.

He stewed apples and sautéed nuts – meals that the Shy Guys enjoyed immensely.

They fussed when he burnt his hand and lost his previous power-up.

Luigi chuckled and assured them he was fine.

The creatures began bringing Luigi more power up mushrooms after this incident.

He worked with the skeletons to find his tools, then the Shy Guys joined them in fixing up the rest of their home to make it less dangerous.

The Shy Guys loved their repaired and now comfortable beds, always happier sharing the resting spots than having their own.

Luigi found he had to move the beds so there were four to a room, ensuring the little groups were happy.

He also found that a team of dry bones returned recently with a group of thin and ragged Shy Guys – these had been nervous until Luigi fed them his new specialty.

He found that his new friends became rather protective of him – they seemed to genuinely care.

They ensured he ate with them and a few even shared his room.

He was never left alone.

They reminded him of Mario.

He missed his brother terribly and swore he’d soon go searching for him, still wondering what had happened to him during their separation.

He just needed to finish helping these poor creatures first – they needed him more than his brave and strong big bro.


Mario was in disbelief.

After all he’d done, all the effort and fear and adventure he was still no closer to finding Luigi.

He had worked with Peach, Toad, DK and the Kong army to defeat Bowser and free the prisoners only to discover Luigi wasn’t being held with them.

Bowser knew nothing of the younger twin – even genuinely despairing at the news of a second Mario.

He just didn’t know what to do.

Bowser was now locked up, the Mushroom Kingdom now saved but Luigi was still missing.

The Toads kept telling him it likely meant that his brother had perished – Mario refused to listen. He kept threatening to return to the Darklands but no one would let him – there were guards at the warp pipe so he couldn’t even sneak off on his own.

After a week, Peach came to Mario while he, Toad and DK were hanging out at Mario’s temporary home.

“I spoke to Bowser.” She announced, the group listening intently. “He asked to see me.”

“And?” Donkey Kong huffed, “I don’t know why you bothered.”

“He told me that his army of Shy Guys had began disappearing. Deserting the army around the same time Mario came to our world.” She explained evenly. “By the time we faced him, he had no loyal Shy Guys left.”

“There were some in the cages.” Toad hummed thoughtfully. “Where did they go?”

“Same place the others did.” Peach nodded, glad her Toad was catching on quickly. “I believe they are gathering in the Darklands under a new ruler – perhaps if we discover more about this, we’ll find Luigi.”

“A new ruler?” Mario frowned, glancing at each of his friends. “My brother might have been a prisoner this whole time under some other guy!?”

“We don’t know for sure.” Peach sighed before shaking her head. “But it seems like the next logical step.”

The group agreed.


Luigi had discovered various pipes in the Darklands, he wanted to explore further to try and find Mario, but he was so afraid of ending up somewhere awful. He didn’t want to face scary monsters on his own and he didn’t want to get even more lost than he already was.

He didn’t know where to look, where to go or if these pipes were even safe!

Plus, if he went somewhere then all his friends would come with him, and he didn’t want any of them to get hurt because of him.

The Shy Guys and Dry Bones all looked to him for guidance, for wisdom.

They gifted him with power-ups and trinkets.

Even making him a necklace of pretty stones and shells which he wore with pride.

It worried him when they tried to give him a crown carved out of wood.

He explained that he wasn’t royal material, but this only seemed to please the group more.

They displayed their homemade crown on Luigi’s dresser in his room.

He found he was growing more and more fond of his little group.

The Shy Guys were playful and funny, they were excellent at foraging and exploring. They made such happy little noises and were completely gluttonous – he was even beginning to understand what some of the noises and gestures meant.

The Dry Bones were slow and gentle – they cared for the crops with a tenderness Luigi had never seen before. They were also very relaxed, happy to let the Shy Guys run around them and knock them over if it brought them joy.

As the days continued, Luigi noticed the Darklands became lighter. The trees and plants became greener, and the fog thinned. Their mansion was no longer a rickety shell but a thriving community hub. The lava had cooled and hardened, making the soil around it fertile.

He found little Goombas and Koopas often came for refuge and a good meal. Something he was happy to supply, a lot of them even stayed, became part of their little family.

Luigi found himself growing protective of this home he’d built – he wanted to show it to Mario so desperately.

His friends needed him though.

More Koopas and Goombas arrived, some starved and filthy, others injured and needing care.

Luigi welcomed them all and worked hard to take care of every individual. He even taught the gentle Dry Bones how to nurse the injured and sick – together they made a little infirmary as more and more patients came for help.

The most recent resident was a tiny Spiney. He had been terribly dehydrated, a group of green shell Koopas had found him and rushed him to Luigi – making worried noises and seemingly begging him to help.

Luigi didn’t leave the frail creature’s side, constantly monitoring it.

The lead Shy guy was now in charge of cooking meals, even ensuring Luigi continued to eat even with his vigil.

Still, every night Luigi found his gaze wandering to the starry sky outside – he missed Mario so much.

He often had the residents come and visit him at night, they knew there was something making him sad – he’d tell them the story of Mario as often as they would listen. By this point, the little creatures knew of his brother very well.

They would come and tell him they had searched and found nothing of his twin – sounding sad that they couldn’t make their leader happy.

“We’ve never been apart for this long… no longer than an hour…” Luigi would tell them in a quiet murmur, a faraway look in his eye. “I wish I could see him again… Maybe I never will… I just wish I knew where he was, if he’s okay… If he’s given up on me.”

Of course, the creatures couldn’t answer – for they had no idea what had happened to the eldest brother. Instead, they offered comfort and companionship – reassurance that their leader was not alone despite this absence.


It was a morning not long after their sickly Spiney arrived that a commotion began outside.

Luigi had just been helping the Spiney eat its first meal when he heard it, frowning as the shy little thing curled into its shell and shook.

He left it in the hands of one of the Dry Bones as he headed to the window.

Outside, the Shy Guys, Koopas and Goombas were lined up like an army defending their land.

Dry Bones were running to surround their farms to protect their crops.

The group of forager Shy Guys hurried off to investigate the disturbance.

Luigi became angry, wondering who was trying to ruin the little haven he worked so hard to build.

He grabbed an ice flower to power-up and marched out the room to defend his new friends.


Peach, Mario, Toad, Donkey Kong and the Kong army ventured through the Darklands together.

“The armies have been hiding here.” Cranky Kong seethed. “Rebuilding their numbers and strength.”

“They must have a powerful leader.” Peach agreed cautiously, “They seem to be thriving.”

“Is anyone else confused by how light this place is?” Toad asked pointedly. “it’s supposed to be the Darklands but it’s just... a little dull? I’m pretty sure I can see sunshine further ahead.”

“That’s what I mean, only a powerful leader could influence the land like this.” Peach explained darkly.

“We gotta stop ‘em.” Mario agreed, his shoulders set as he listened out for any attacks. “Stomp the army and their leader, then rescue my little brother.”

The group agreed.

Mario soon found himself distracted, he gazed into the berry bushes as rustling caught his attention – he glanced over to see the others had continued their search. He knew he should catch up but the noises in the bushes were getting more urgent.

He huffed and leaned closer, parting the branches to try and work out what was making such a fuss.

He choked on a yelp as he was grabbed and pulled through the leaves.


Mario grit his teeth in irritation as he was pulled along a dirt path – his wrists were tied with vines and he had a long leaf wrapped over his mouth to muffle his sounds – the strange little cloaked creatures were in a tizzy as they hurried him along.

He only grew angrier as he imagined them doing the same thing to his frightened little brother.

Still, he hoped they would lead him closer to Luigi, so he obeyed their tugs and relentless pushes for now.

They weren’t hurting him, being surprisingly gentle in fact.

Mario realised with a start that he was now behind a massive army of enemies, they all kept glancing over at him in surprise – and a strange kind of hope.

He looked up as he approached a very beautiful old mansion, the doors already being held open for him by Dry Bones.

All eyes were glued on him.

They entered the foyer, a Shy Guy jumped up and ripped the leaf off from over his mouth.

Mario shook his head and looked around.

Everywhere was so clean and cozy looking – there was a box of food supplies, vases of flowers and plush chairs and stools everywhere.

A bit like a waiting room.

The door in the far corner opened and a group of enemies came bustling in, looking back at someone and ushering them into the room.

Mario assumed this was their leader, he stood up straight and prepared to fix the enemy with his best glare of determination.

Only to gape as the leader stepped in.

It was Luigi; he was trying to calm his small friends and smiling kindly down at them. He looked healthy and unharmed – he wore a strange necklace though which he hadn’t had before they were separated.

His brother hadn’t seen him yet, Mario couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Lu?” He called out gently, relaxing at the new revelation.

He watched as Luigi’s head snapped over to him, eyes widening as a relieved and wobbly smile shone on his face.

“M-Mario?” Luigi stumbled forwards, hurrying when he spotted the vines restraining him. “Mario!”

He rushed to tear off the ties, Mario hissed as how cold his hands were – recognising the ice flower power-up.

As soon as his hands were free, Mario pulled his brother into a tight embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Luigi cried, cold tears soaking Mario’s shoulder.

“Have you been here the whole time!?” Mario fussed softly. “All alone? I’m so sorry Lu, I’m sorry I let go and left you here for so long!”

“No!” The youngest sniffled. “I’m sorry! I’m the one that fell down the pipe and dragged us here! Where did you even go!?”

The brothers laughed before finally separating and grinning at each other.

“I’ve been looking for you all this time!” Mario insisted. “I fought people and gathered armies and searched everywhere for you! Well, everywhere except here – everyone told me you would’ve been taken to Bowser and imprisoned but then we defeated him, and you were nowhere! No one would let me come here to find you, they said it was too dangerous!”

“Bowser?” Luigi cocked his head, glancing back at his friends as they shuddered at the name.

“Yeah!” Mario nodded.

“I’ve just been here... I wanted to go looking for you, but I met these guys and they needed help.” Luigi explained sadly, “I couldn’t just leave them.”

Mario watched as the mixed crowd shuffled closer nervously, Luigi glanced down at them.

“You found my brother… thank you.” He smiled gently at them before frowning a little. “But… why’d you tie him up?”

A green Shy Guy waved his arms and made a few noises – Mario was amazed when Luigi chuckled and nodded.

“You understand them?”

“Kinda?” Luigi blushed with a smile. “They said they needed to get you to me but, with all the tales I’d told them about you, they were worried you’d try and fight them.”

“They’re not wrong.” Mario grinned, crouching down and thanking the creatures. “Thank you for taking such good care of my little brother – I’m so grateful.”

The eldest twin then straightened up and looked to his tall brother.

“But… I thought these guys were evil… they were working with Bowser and…” Mario shook his head worriedly. “I think I hurt some of them in the fight.”

“These guys aren’t evil.” Luigi assured him. “Are you part of the reason they came here to hide? I’ve been healing them.”

“Of course, you have.” Mario chuckled fondly. “This place is so different from the brief glimpse I got of it when you were pulled away… you’ve somehow made this place into, like, a paradise! How’d you do it?”

“I don’t know!” The other chuckled bashfully. “Just started looking after these guys feeding them, showing them how to farm and fix stuff. Over time, the land itself just… rejuvenated, I guess? It’s beautiful here.”

“It really is… and I think that’s all down to you.” The eldest smiled proudly. “I always knew you’d do something amazing… but this is incredible.”

“Let me show you around!” Luigi insisted excitedly. “We’ve really fixed this place up! Plus, you gotta apologise to them for fighting them.”

A Shy Guy hurried in and jumped up and down to gain their attention, Mario frowned as Luigi set his shoulders.

“You didn’t come alone… did you?” He asked, glancing at Mario warily.

“No.” Mario winced before nodding. “But my friends will understand – they’ll see what you’ve done, and everything will be okay.”

“Let’s go then, before they hurt anyone.” Luigi agreed, trusting his brother completely.

Together they walked out of the building and strolled through the army – reaching the front where the Princess, Toad, DK, Cranky and the rest of the Kong army stood.

“Mario?” Peach gasped, her eyes then falling on the brother. “Luigi!? You’re the ruler of this place?”

“Ruler?” Luigi questioned, looking to Mario for answers.

“Yeah… these guys said you must be powerful to have influenced the land and strengthened your army like this.” The eldest was quick to explain.

The princess and her loyal Toad glanced between the two sides, completely unsure what to do.

Donkey Kong glanced at Mario, then at his father.

“These creatures are evil.” Cranky announced furiously. “They imprisoned my people and helped Bowser in taking over Kingdom after Kingdom.”

“These guys came to me starved, injured and abused.” Luigi insisted nervously. “They’re victims too.”

“How dare you.” Cranky curled his lip in disgust. “How dare you pity these monsters.”

“They’re not monsters!” Luigi yelled back, only calming when Mario placed a hand on his arm.

“C’mon, my brother’s right. These lil guys were just following orders – look at this place! He’s made it better and he’s saved all these creatures.” Mario nodded proudly. “You can’t tell me you honestly believe this is the work of someone evil?”

“Your brother has joined the wrong side and I don’t have time to educate him.” Cranky dismissed. “Son, break every bone in this boy’s body.”

Luigi raised his hands in defence as he realised the giant ape was the son in question, his army all tensing behind him.

A shy guy in red with a metal mask rushed to his leader’s side, pointing his spear at the enemy threateningly.

DK didn’t move.

Cranky looked over at him.

“DONKEY KONG.” He snarled furiously. “I have given you a command!”

“Yeah but... this is the guy we’re supposed to be rescuing.” DK pointed out warily. “Like... he’s Mario’s bro so... why are we fighting him?”

“He is the new ruler of the Darklands and the Koopa army.” Cranky sighed irritably. “He is now the enemy.”

“But... he’s not Bowser?” The Prince shook his head. “Mario’s a good guy so... his brother must be too, right?”

“He’s the best guy!” Mario called out from beside his brother, stepping forward protectively.

“Cranky, be reasonable-“ Peach tried but the King rounded on her.

“Traitor!” He rumbled, teeth clenched and hands shaking. “This army nearly killed Mario and my son! This army imprisoned my people and threatened to sacrifice them in burning lava! This army followed Bowser and his orders with no mercy! Such evil cannot be forgiven!”

Luigi looked surprised and looked over at his friends.

“This true?” He asked quietly. The crowds murmured awkwardly.

The red Shy Guy tugged at Luigi’s clothes to get his attention.

Luigi knelt down so he was close to the creature.

The Shy Guy waved his little arms and made a series of noises that only the army and Luigi seemed to understand.

Luigi then frowned and nodded along, showing his understanding.

He then straightened with determination.

“Like I said before, they are as much a victim as you.” He announced sternly, “They were not obeying Bowser out of loyalty but fear, I saw first-hand the injuries they arrived with, the trauma and pain they’ve endured - This is a refuge, and I will not let you torture these innocent creatures any further.”

Mario felt so proud.

Cranky snarled as one of his soldiers threw himself forward, colliding with Luigi. Sending them both sprawling onto the ground, Luigi yelped as his power- up faded.

“No!” Mario cried, as he tried to pull the giant ape off his brother.

The army were quick to defend Luigi, the Kong army preparing to do the same.

Everyone was surprised when the soldier was thrown back at the Kongs unharmed, and a wall surrounded Luigi and Mario – the creatures panicking and protecting their leaders.

They scolded the apes and their friends, shaking their spears at them angrily.

But none of them made a move to attack or hurt anyone – instead placing themselves in harm’s way to protect the twins.

They were so small compared to the hulking Kongs but they fearlessly shielded the humans anyway.

Something Mario had often done himself for Luigi.

He recognised protectiveness when he saw it, he knew in an instant he could trust these creatures who were so ready to defend his brother and himself.

Mario leaned down and helped Luigi back onto his feet, patting him down to ensure he wasn’t hurt from the tumble.

Luigi relaxed and smiled gratefully at his big brother.

“I am so proud of you.” He murmured softly, gazing at his little brother lovingly. “You’ve done amazing work here… and you’re standing up for what’s right.”

“They deserve peace – they’re not evil, I swear.” The youngest insisted gently.

“I know. The Kongs... DK, Peach and Toad... they’re not evil either... just... scared.” Mario replied seriously. “Please don’t hurt them.”

“I won’t and neither will my friends.” Luigi promised earnestly.

Together, the brothers made their way back to the others – facing them and protecting their small friends.

Cranky now looked unsure, his eyes flitting between his unharmed soldier and the group of Shy Guys standing against them.

“Let me show you what this place is.” Luigi asked hopefully. “It was dark and dead but now... now it’s safe... please?”

“I think that’s fair.” Peach smiled kindly, walking forwards and surprising Luigi with a gentle hug. “Mario’s told us so much about you... I’m glad we’ve finally met.”

“Thank you.” Luigi beamed at her; he looked down at the Toad that hurried over to join them.

“Hi! I’m Mario’s best friend! That means I’m yours too!” He greeted exuberantly before stepping aside to stand with Peach as Luigi chuckled.

“Hey.” DK sauntered over calmly, “I already like you more than Mario – just saying.”

Mario stuck his tongue out at the ape who simply pushed the eldest plumber enough to make him stumble.

“Son, get back here!” Cranky scolded furiously.

“No, Greenie says he’s made this place better so we should take a look around! I mean, it looks totally different now – that can only be a good thing, right?” The prince insisted with an eye roll.

“They are the enemy!”

“No, Bowser was the enemy and he’s locked up!” Donkey Kong snapped back. “If Greenie’s right then these guys are just like you!”

Luigi led the way and the Kong King, and his army seemed to finally relent.

He showed them the orchards and farms, showed them the refurnished rooms with beds like nests. He showed them the kitchen and the dining room where the creatures were learning how to cook and were being fed good food.

He showed them the parlour and their storage full of their own grown supplies and power-ups.

Finally, he showed them the recovery hall – where the Shy Guys, Goombas and Koopas who had been injured by Bowser now stayed while they recovered.

There were Koopas with missing limbs, Goombas with one eye or blinded.

Eventually they came to the frail Spiney, still too weak to move. Still trembling with fear at the group of new faces, curling in on itself as best it could.

The Dry Bones hurried around, looking after all their patients with a kindness never seen before.

By the end, Mario was holding onto Luigi tearfully.

“Wow... You really have made this place into something special... I’m so, so proud of you.”

“I have to concede... this place... it is...” Cranky hummed quietly as he watched the now relaxed Shy Guys, Koopas, Goombas and Dry Bones now simply getting on with their days. “It is a haven... I was wrong.”

Luigi grinned proudly as he continued to show his brother and his new friends around – everything was finally perfect.

“I think, if you’re happy to, this could become a refuge for even more creatures.” Cranky hummed thoughtfully.

“Yes! This place is so wonderful, and I believe some medical Toads could help tremendously!” Peach agreed happily. “We could make this a protected area for everyone and anyone who just needs help or rest.”

Luigi deflated a little, he didn’t want to leave this place in the hands of others – it was like his home now.

“And Luigi and I could stay here and keep an eye on it all!” Mario piped up excitedly. “We’ll be able to venture to other kingdoms and bring patients here! What do you think, Lu?”

Luigi beamed at his brother.

“I think I’d love nothing more.” He nodded, pleased that he was going to be able to continue running the refuge. “You and me, big bro!”

“Always!” Mario nodded, pulling Luigi into a hug. “As long as we’re together, nothing can hurt us… and nothing will hurt our friends either.”

They had a lot of work ahead of them, but Luigi was excited about their new life – taking comfort that his brother was back by his side, and he had a whole kingdoms of new friends to help them along the way.

Everything would be okay as long as they were together.



Thanks for reading, please let me know if you enjoyed it!

Series this work belongs to: