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The Legend of Zelda Stories, Reader Insert

Hypnotic | {Master Kohga x Fem! Reader}


Have you ever wondered how deathly beautiful a single voice can be? How a single note can send shivers up one's spine?

The owner of that voice, her soul lost to time, was none other than a Kitsune maiden, a mischievous one at that. But that mischief, can turn into anger and hurt at any moment.

Calamity Ganon is coming, innocent lives have been taken in the heat of the battle between Malice and Mortals. And yet, the Princess and the Champions could give no care to the life they seemingly lost upon the field. No care was given, no grieving for the person who had guided the Princess during her darkest hours.

(Y/N), Royal Advisor to King Rhoam. How do you feel about the betrayal you will face?


The Legend of Zelda characters and yourself do NOT belong to me. I am purely writing this for entertainment purposes, I do not own you or the franchise.

Date began: 10th February, 2022


NOTE: This has been ported over from Wattpad! This was my second ever fanfic that I'd written, and it's still not done since life got in the way, but I'm hoping everyone here will like it like others do at Wattpad. I hope you all enjoy! <3

Chapter 1: Waking Up

Chapter Text

Frost, one of the deadliest elements to have existed amongst the mythical beings of the land. An icy temperature that could freeze nations until the end of time, perhaps even further.

Even then, such temperatures could only do so much to your own skin. You yourself were one with the frost, despite your own fired up attitude. At least-- that's what the Queen's words were long ago.

Memories of the King flooded your mind as you lied in an unfamiliar bed, he was often the only person whom ever noticed your hard work and your ambitions. Memories of his smile, how he always checked in on you when you were overworking yourself. However, something about these memories, about these dreams of him, something felt wrong.

How long have you been asleep for?

Memories of the King were hesitantly- yet quickly- pushed aside as thoughts begun to spin in your mind. Your body felt solid, as if it was being held down with such force that would send you crying in pain. It was hot. It was dark. You couldn't even open your eyes from your once deep slumber. Where are you?

"Sir, she continues to move," an unfamiliar voice came, "if we do not wake her up, she will continue to tear open her wounds."

Vaguely, more voices rang through your ears. Your eyebrows furrowed as the scent of unfamiliarity filled your nose, they weren't harming you, were they?

A deep, low sigh came from another person, they seemed to be rather exhausted, "I shall alert the Master of her behaviors, continue to heal her with your utmost abilities. If anything happens, call out and I'll assist."

"Yes sir!" You heard them salute. So they truly weren't going to harm you? Were you in the possession of the Sheikah? Were the Princess and the Champions here?

As thoughts spun through your mind once more, the warm touch of whoever these people were, was laid upon your delicate, icy skin. Your ears twitched, and your many tails stood on edge. This didn't feel right. You didn't feel safe.

"I think she's awake!" another voice was heard, including the snapping of fingers beside your ears, "madam? Can you hear us?"

Almost immediately, the sound of the clicking alerted you and your ears stood straight. Within seconds, your fist clenched around the persons own arm, "please refrain from doing that. My ears are incredibly sensitive."

The person immediately jumped in fright, their heavy breathing indicating their fear. Why would a Sheikah be afraid of you?

"Your heart rate has increased," you said, now sitting up while distancing yourself. Despite not being able to see, you picked up the sounds and the scents from these unfamiliar people. They felt like Sheikah, but didn't at the same time?

"I— I guess you can say that," the person said, "you really gave us quite a scare there, lady."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry about that," you apologised, the sincerity in your tone assisting with their calmness, "what happened to me...? You all carry unfamiliar scents and voices. Am I in Kakariko Village?"

Upon the mention of the Village, the room grew tense with silence. No one dared speak a word.

"Hello? Will you answer me?" You asked, reaching your arm out gently, "where are the Princess and the Champions? Tell me, are they safe?"

"Er...we can't answer that-" the person said, slightly agitated, "but uh...we're sure the Master knows!"

You raised an eyebrow in confusion, this Master they spoke of, did you know them?

"I see..." you mumbled, gently biting your knuckle as thoughts begun to swirl once more. You were in unfamiliar terrain, strange people surrounded you, and it was far too warm for your body to handle. Sweat dribbled down your skin, being in such heat was no good for your health. With a sigh, you pushed the heavy, thick blanket off your body. The warm air waved across your skin, but it was better than being stuck trapped beneath a thick blanket.

Almost immediately, the scent in the room grew more noticeable. The smell of hot sand and the warmth of the sun filled your nose, it quite quickly gave you a headache. "I'm in the Desert...?" You queried, "but the Gerudo would never let Voe inside the Village walls? Is Urbosa around?"

Silence answered your questions, the people too stunned to speak at the sight of your bare skin. The only clothing that was wrapped around your skin were light trousers and bandages covering your chest and eyes. You truly were a pleasant sight to see. "Um...hello...? Did you leave...?" You mumbled, the heat getting to your head and making your words slow just a tad.

"N— No! Of course n-not Madam!" one of the people cried, "it's j-just that-"


The sound of a nearby door opening quickly cut off the person. Another stranger and unfamiliar scent filled your nose and your ears pricked up.

"Leave us."

The voice was low, deep, it was that same man from before. His voice was familiar, as was the scent that surrounded him. You couldn't decipher if they were friend or foe.

Almost immediately, the room was filled with silence, the only sound echoing through your ears was that of metal gently tapping together as the man sat down beside you.

"Tell me, how are you feeling?" The voice came, the touch of sincerity easing your nerves.

"I've felt better, that's for sure," you laughed nervously, "though the feeling of people seeing my body in such a state made me a bit nervous."

"I deeply apologise for leaving you with little clothing-" the sound of a tea kettle brewing interrupted him for a moment, "but we did try out best. We also apologise for such temperature conditions."

You smiled gently, staring in the direction of the voice as the scent of herbal tea wafted around you. "I will be alright in time, just need to cool down a tad. Could you tell me where I am and what happened to me...?"

Silence once more filled the room, with an exception of the tea kettle bubbling with steam. Whoever this man was, he seemed kind, he and those others did take you in after all.

"Regarding our location, I'm afraid I cannot tell you," he said, investigating your bandages, "but if it makes you feel any better, I can explain what did happen to you and your friends."

You raised an eyebrow and pulled your arm away from his touch, not enjoying the feeling of the warmth on your skin, "I-- I see..."

"Apologies," he said, pouring tea into a cup and letting it sit upon the bedside table, "sometimes I tend to forget that you're more used to colder temperatures..."

"Well," you laughed, "being a creature such as myself has led me to...react differently to things that the other species deem as 'normal'."

The man also let out a small chuckle, "I do suppose that is correct."

You smiled gently and placed your arm back out for him to see, allowing him to check on whatever wounds you had, "so? Will you tell me what happened?"

"Are you certain you'd like to hear it? It's not a pretty story."

You immediately nodded to his words, wincing in pain slightly as the bandages were gently unwrapped from your skin. You sense the feeling of blood running down your arm, even as the scent of iron filled your nose.

"You were instructed by the King to assist the Champions upon their Divine Beasts, were you not?" He asked, gently cleaning your wounds.

"Yes...he did," you replied, the stinging feeling of alcohol being dabbed around the wound causing tears to well in your eyes, despite that they were quickly soaked up by the bandages covering your face, "I travelled to Divine Beast, Vah Medoh to help Champion Revali...and there was a creature inside..."

"You were met face-to-face with Windblight Ganon, one of the four monstrous deities created from malice by Calamity Ganon," he explained as he began picking out dirt and dead skin from your wound, "if it hadn't been for myself and my Master, you would have perished whilst being left atop the Divine Beast. Windblight did not hold back."

You listened intently, occasionally clenching your fists in the blanket as he cleaned your wounds, "but- but why would I have been left alone...? Surely— Surely Revali would have helped me."

"I'm afraid not," he answered, a touch of anger lacing his voice, "The Rito Champion struck the final blow to Windblight and claimed victory, despite his great wounds as well."


"However, I remember his look upon your own defeated body," he continued, bandaging your arm up before moving to your leg, "I do not know what he was feeling, but right as before he flew off to assist the other Champions, I believe he took something of value. A weapon of sorts that perhaps Windblight dropped whence it was defeated."

Your ears flattened against your head, hearing such talk of Revali, how could it be true? Sure he adored boasting and putting himself before the others with his ego, but why would ever do such a thing as to abandon you when you're about to die?

"I...I..." you began, not having the confidence to find the words, "that— that can't be true. You're lying to me."

"Believe what you wish, madame," he said, slightly taken aback by your raised voice, "but by all means, please do not move."

"This—This is a trick right? Is Purah playing another silly prank on me?" you cried, feeling around for your own weapon, no longer feeling safe with this man.

"This is no such prank, Madame," the man said, firmly grasping your wrist, "but please calm down, you are going to harm yourself far more..."

More and more you struggled to remove his hand from your wrist, pain filling your body at your continued thrashing about, "let—let me go! Please!"

The man sighed at your cries and released his hand from your arm, watching silently as you crawled back away from him along the floor. Your tails stood on edge, puffed up in fear.

"S-Stay back!" you ordered, despite not having a single thing to defend yourself with besides your claws, and being this wounded prevented you from switching to full Kitsune, "y-you're not Hylian, or Rito or Goron or even Zora! Tell me who you are!"

Another sigh came from the man, feeling his presence sit on the floor directly in front of you, "you know of who I am, but to you I am an enemy. However, myself and the rest of us do not wish of any harm upon you."

Your breaths were fast, almost as fast as to what your heartrate was going at the current moment in time. And yet, the feeling of a cold, porcelain cup being placed into your hands reminded you of your home.

"I brewed a special type of tea for you, I read about it being a special type of cold, herbal tea strong enough to calm a Kitsune bearing the Frost element," he said, "I had a few of my comrades head to Hebra Mountains to fetch the ingredients for when you awoke."

Your heartrate calmed slightly as the temperature in your hands begun to drop from the fresh coolness of the cup, the heat from the desert made it quite easy for you to loose your temper, "I...I-I apologise...I let the h-heat get the better of my temper.."

"It is alright, Madame," the man said, "but again, you are justified to disliking myself and my comrades. We are your enemy of course."

You sniffed the tea nervously, searching for some type of scent that would prove that they were attempting to drug you. However thankfully, no such aroma came, it was just a fresh cup of tea brewed.

"T-Tell me...why are my eyes covered," you mumbled, sipping the tea slowly whilst your hands trembled, "did W-Windblight do something to m-me...?"

The man perked up from your question, debating whether or not to take the chance to further gain your trust. He sighed, "do you know what the Blights and Calamity Ganon are made of?"

"I believe so." you pondered, "malice..."

"Correct,' he said, gently tapping your forehead, "I'm afraid yourself now have malice coursing through your blood."

Almost immediately, your lips parted, and you lowered the cup back down onto the saucer, "I see..."

"When you were fighting against Windblight, I believe pieces of itself latched onto your own body," he explained, "your largest wound is believed to be the cause of it."

You gulped loudly, the feeling of pain swirling through your bones growing by the second. Thoughts once more piled up inside your head, when a memory struck you blindly.

You were watching your own memory from your eyes, Windblight had picked you up into the air and was raking its claws along your body, seemingly trying to kill you slowly. You remember watching a strange substance leak from it and into your wounds.

"You remember?"

"I...I do..." you replied, placing your tea onto the floor, "may— may I remove the bandages on my face?"

Debating once more on the topic, the man sighed, "I'm afraid not, must continue to heal for just a bit longer."

Discourage filled your mind and you sighed, your head drooping into your lap.

"However," he continued, "if you would like, I could arrange for you to meet the Master tomorrow evening. Then we could remove the bandages and allow you to walk around for a little while to get used to everything."

Your lips pressed together slightly at his offer, but if he was your enemy, why would he like you to meet with his Master? And tomorrow evening of all times, but to be fair... if it was during a dinner, you couldn't say no. You were starving anyways and haven't been on a hunt in a long time.


"O-Oh sorry! I m-must've been stuck in thought..." you replied, "b-but yes, I'll— I'll take you up on that offer."

"Then it shall be arranged," he chuckled, gently lifting you from the floor and back onto the bed, "the Master has been looking forward to finally meet you anyways."

"He has?"

"Why of course," he replied, "he is rather intrigued by you, almost everyone is."

You leaned back against the pillow, wondering why so many would be interested in you. No one at Hyrule Castle ever was, so why would anyone be intrigued now?

"Now is you'll excuse me madame," he said, "but I must go check in on some things, I will have some others be stationed outside your door so if you were ever to need anything, just call out."

"O-Oh...thank you..." you mumbled, "even if you're supposedly my enemy, you seem to be very kind."

"Thank you, madame," he replied with a chuckle while opening the door, "continue to get some rest, it will grow much cooler for you by tonight."

And with that, the room befell to silence once more, just you, alone with your thoughts. It was a shame you couldn't at least read a book or anything. But oh well, the least you could do to make it easier for those people was rest.

You carefully lied down, resting your head against the plush pillows while cuddling your tails between your legs. Deep down, you still had a bad feeling about this...





"So Boss? How's the girl?"

"Do we still need to be careful of her? She doesn't seem to be as energetic as those Hylians claim she is."

"Oooh! Does she like Banana's? I bet she likes banana's!"

Sooga groaned in annoyance at the rest of his clan. Ever since this Kitsune woman arrived to their hideout, it's been nothing but chatting and strange excitement.

"She is fine, yes we must still be wary of her, and I do not have a single clue if she even likes fruit," Sooga replied to all three, a hand rested on the hilt of one of his swords, "we will find out more about her if she ever comes to trust us."

"Do you think Master Kohga is excited? We haven't had a lady as pretty and as strong as herself here in the hideout in a long time!"

"The Master's feelings on the topic are as he claims," Sooga replied, "he merely wishes to know more about her, her species and the going-ons at Hyrule Castle."

"In that case, ya think she's single?" a Yiga member chuckled.

Sooga once more, groaned in annoyance. If such topics are all his fellow Yiga are thinking of, then there's no way you would stick around, "enough talk. Such topics are highly inappropriate. Now return to your posts before Master Kohga returns."