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Begin Again

Chapter 2: Learning


Newly single in the usual way, and out on the town to drown their sorrow in music and cocktails, Lila and Leeloo Latvala set their eyes on some new friendships. The twins' goal to be positive is easily achieved as they help celebrate the birthday of a certain newly-legal Togruta padawan with a group of her closest friends from the 501st. Liquor flows as does the conversation, and Leeloo finds herself learning interesting things about her new companions...


As promised, another chapter with the L's! The latest writing theme was learning, which played pretty nicely for a follow-up to the first installment so let's get on with the girl's night out. When we left off Leeloo was hatching a plot, this time we discover the results.

Suggested listening again - "Shake It Up" by The Cars. An awesome band if you don't already know! Hope everyone is enjoying the fluff because there's at least one more helping after this!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world,
I wanna be the one to walk in the sun..."

Oh, these girls are definitely having fun! The trio of Twi'leks harmonize a third verse before the final chorus when Leeloo and Lila spin off, dancing out into the crowd and leaving Danae to solo the finale. Trying not to be obvious about her goal, Leeloo weaves through the throng, grabbing the hands of a couple women who appear to be enjoying the music. She gets them dancing with her, then each other, and then steers them in the direction of her companion on stage. Moving on, she encourages a few more women towards the stage before reaching her objective, still singing as she grabs the hands of a smiling Ahsoka Tano. 

It takes very little encouragement to get the girl to join her and the Twi'lek gives the boys of the 501st a wink as she dances off again with their Commander in tow. A quick visual assessment of the group shows a rather uniform level of amusement at the turn of events - even the stony blonde quirks a small grin which he attempts to hide by sipping his whiskey. Meanwhile, the Togruta starts singing along as she follows Lee to eagerly join the other dancing girls encircling Danae, and when the song ends, the previous singer plays directly into Leeloo's hand, soliciting the twins and the other girls to stay with her and dance some more.

Danae's boyfriend is going next and Ahsoka recognizes the old Speeders song, agreeing to the proposal enthusiastically. Between dancing and singing a few bars in support of the clone performing 'Shake It Up', the two girls make some small talk. To Leeloo's amusement, the Togruta is completely unfamiliar with karaoke and highly entertained by it, asking if this happens a lot and remarking sulkily that the boys had never told her. The Commander clearly doesn't get out often and she's having an absolute blast. When the song comes to an end and the impromptu dance corps begins to disperse, Leeloo takes Ahsoka by an arm, gesturing towards the bar. 

"A drink for the birthday girl?" Leeloo offers.

The Twi'lek can't imagine being a military leader at such an age. If she remembers correctly, majority for Togruta is seventeen, making the padawan quite a bit younger than the twins in standard cycles but much older in other ways. Add the fact that she's a Jedi padawan and, despite them basically being a slave army, Ahsoka probably has less freedom than the men she commands. It's sad to think just how little of a personal life she must have. Ahsoka starts to demur but Lila joins them then, taking the Togruta by her other elbow.

"We insist," she states with a bright smile, teal eyes sparkling.

Leeloo introduces herself and her twin and Lila orders a night-flower for their new friend. Unsurprisingly, Ahsoka professes little knowledge of cocktails, admitting to only taking nips off the straight liquor her troopers keep stashed. Tes chuckles as she returns the twins' partial drinks and begins preparing another.

"Dis no be tiharr," she shakes her head then winks at the Togruta as she pours the finished product and slides it across the bar, "an' it be no Shirley Temple."

The Commander giggles self-consciously and thanks Tes. Taking a sip, she then compliments the drink choice and offers some animated commentary on how much superior it is to her boys' horde.

"Isn't alcohol in the barracks against regulation... Commander?" Lila asks with a smirk and a raised brow.

Ahsoka blushes, her montral tips darkening as she shrugs and declares that if command put any concerted effort into stamping out petty reg-breaking, the Seppies would win the war tomorrow. Both twins and the nearby bartenders laugh righteously at the comically delivered assertion while the Commander sips again, glancing back toward the 501st before concluding fondly.

"You'd be surprised at the amount of shenanigans they find time for..." 

"No..." Leeloo looks at the girl with a wistful smile while Lila snorts, "we really wouldn't, actually."

"Oh? Oh!" At first, the young woman looks confused but then realization dawns in her eyes. Followed closely by embarrassment. "You're... uh... you guys umm -" 

"We're White Women, honey, you can just say it." Lila's words are blunt but not unkind and Ahsoka sighs, pressing her lips together in chagrin. 

"But it's so degrading..." 

"Only when it's intended to be," Leeloo soothes, meeting the girl's dazzling blue eyes. "They deserve love same as anyone, yeah?"

Commander Tano answers with an emphatic yes and her gaze strays back towards her men for a moment. Then she considers the sisters, brows furrowing as she sips her drink. Her eyes dart between the two Twi'leks, up to the stage and back, and finally, down to Lila's chest. Leeloo expects that her observation includes a little Force-peek at their minds too, and is not surprised to see sad understanding crease the corners of Ahsoka's eyes when they meet her own again.

"I'm... so sorry," she says softly. 

Lila promptly buries her face in her drink while Leeloo murmurs an acknowledgement and forces herself to keep smiling - positivity and all. For her part, the Togruta begins to look a little uncomfortable, glancing again to where the blonde is casually tracking everything transpiring around his Commander. When she focuses back on the twins, she's blushing again and Lee speaks with amusement before the other woman can.

"I see your chaperone would like you returned..."

"Oh! Rex? Yes... probably," she titters in response, sipping her drink nervously. Lila's mouth opens, perhaps to make a suggestion but the Togruta beats her to it. "You guys wanna tag along? I mean - if it's not too soon! I understand if -"

Lila cuts her off. "It's never too soon to make new friends."

"And we'd be honored to help you celebrate tonight," her sister adds.

Ahsoka's face lights up, her reaction confirming Leeloo's suspicion that the young commander doesn't get much female companionship. She pops off her stool, drink in one hand, the other catching the older twin by an elbow. Lila mirrors the action, slipping her free hand under the Togruta's other elbow and Lee snatches her drink, hastily standing before she's physically pulled from her seat. 

While the Commander arrived with a rather large contingent, many have dispersed to socialize with other patrons or in smaller groups. A dozen or so remain in a loose cluster, centered on the ranking man and chatting casually while he keeps tabs on his Jedi. Conversation pauses as the girls approach, their high spirits showing in the way they sing along cheerily to the current performer while they walk. 

"Making friends, I see?" A neatly dressed clone next to the blonde comments archly. 

"Yes!" Ahsoka affirms excitedly. "Boys, this is Lila and Leeloo."

She presents her new friends, then goes on to introduce the boys who look on in amused interest, each giving some form of greeting as she names them. Miss Tano's chaperone, Rex, is their Captain and he's flanked by his lieutenant, Jesse, and the first man to speak, his head medic Kix. The medic's neatly pressed casual uniform and cap are somewhat in contrast to the tattoos at the flanks of his scalp proclaiming the only good droid to be a dead one, while the lieutenant's half armored condition is perfectly in line with a bald head marked prominently by a Republic cog in black ink. 

The faces and comportment of all three mark them as older clones, along with two others: Jester, as full of wise cracks as his name implies, and Chopper, who appears to have been through one. Among the younger men are two ARC troopers, Echo and Fives, who Lee feels certain she's run into somewhere else; Frosty, who she's definitely seen before, mostly making passes at Tes; Spots and Mouth, who seem to be his wingmen tonight; and the announcer, who's understated and aesthetic decoration of face and armor seem an unlikely choice for one of his apparent personality.

"Helloooo, ladies," Hardcase crows immediately after his introduction, and that's all the invitation Lila needs. 

"Hey, boy!" Instantly releasing Ahsoka's elbow, she transfers herself to his more-than-willing arms.

"Is he always like that?" The other twin asks, looking to the Togruta who looks back incredulously, countering; "Is she always like that?"

The two dissolve into laughter and a ripple of amusement spreads through the group, earning hurt looks from the couple in question. Before too long they're not paying attention to much of anything but each other, leaving Leeloo to chat with the rest. Still enjoying the evening's entertainment, as another performer takes the stage Ahsoka talks about regularly singing with her men during their training and on the tedious, repetitive - and often unpleasant - duties of a campaign. She claims to have had an affinity for it since childhood, being hatched into a musically inclined clan on Shili and staying in practice during more peaceful years at the Temple. 

"You're gonna give us a performance for your birthday, right?" Mouth teases.

"Excuse me!" Leeloo interjects with mock offense. "If it's the Commander's birthday, shouldn't one of you be performing for her?"

"Yeah!" The slightly tipsy Commander agrees and the boys start exchanging looks, apparently not expecting the suggestion to be turned on them. 

"You're her brother," Mouth pokes Chopper.

"Got a face for radio," the scarred man counters, elbowing his neighbor. "Jest?"

"No can do, Sarge," Jester demurs, spreading his hands, "I sing like a tooka."

"I think I'd be nice if the Captain gave her a song," Fives suggests in an overly casual manner, his large dark eyes dancing with mischief as he surveys his companions, seeming to linger a bit on Lee. 

"Fives, for the love of..." the medic's eyes pinch shut and he rubs one temple, trailing off.

"What?" The named man asks with an innocence so fake it's comical.

"Personally, I'd love to see it," Mouth offers. 

"Yeah and Echo would love a dance with General ShaakTi," Spots quips, "but I think your odds are about even."

"Spots!" Echo gasps in affront at the same time Jester crows. "OH! Zing!" 

Cheeks flaming, the butt of their joke glares at the other two while Jester gives his apparent protégé a high five for his humor and the rest of their companions have a good laugh. Including the Commander, albeit surreptitiously. Leeloo herself is also trying to stifle her giggles when she finds Fives grinning at her. Through the distraction provided by his fellow ARCs embarrassment, she lets herself lock eyes with the man and something about what she sees in them right then, for just a moment, makes her certain she knows him.

"Wanna put your money where your mouth is, boy," the scarred man drawls when his comrades settle down, making a pun of the subject's name.

Chopper had been rather quiet heretofore, seemingly - and understandably - not wishing to draw attention to himself. The addressed man pales a little. The other may be grinning but the state of his face makes the expression more disturbing than disarming.

"No?" Mouth responds slowly looking at his superior apprehensively.

"Oh, c'mon!" Frosty encourages. "Spots is right, there's no way-" 

"Bet?" Fives cuts him off, locking eyes with Chopper.

"Bet." That disturbing grin widens. "Forty cred."

"Forty?!" Kix blurts in astonishment but Fives doesn't even blink.

"You're on." 

"Fives, you know better than to bet with him..." Echo chides as the disfigured man finishs his drink and walks away without another word. 

"Ah, but this time it'll be worth the loss," Fives assures his brother with a cheshire smile and a rough pat on the back after Jester politely excuses himself to follow.

"How the frack is he..." Mouth watches the two walk away, apprehension replaced by incredulity.

"Kid, you prolly don't wanna know," Kix deadpans, taking a deep drink of ale and shaking his head at what he just witnessed.

"Don't want to know what?" Rex asks as he and Jesse return from the bar bearing fresh whiskeys, along with a pitcher of water and disposable cups for the table.

While Rex pours some water and sets it pointedly in front of Ahsoka, Spots provides a comically crude response. Followed promptly by a slightly weaker 'with all due respect' when the Captain looks up, raising unamused brows that remind the younger man to whom he's speaking. Leeloo's jaw nearly drops in shock - but not from the comment so much as from the Commander's reaction. Ahsoka doubles over on her stool, clutching the table for support as she cackles and becoming the next target for the Captain's look of disapproval.

"Kriff, would you look at the time?" Frosty says dramatically, grabbing Spots by the shoulder to steer him out of danger.

"Well! It's been grand, Commander, but we gotta split," Mouth excuses them swiftly, trying unsuccessfully to contain his own mirth. "Happy birthday and all!"

The three hustle off snickering like schoolboys while around the table, the older men contain themselves a bit better. At least two of them being somewhat preoccupied; Echo with scowling after the departing men and Fives with smoothly repositioning himself to stand beside Leeloo.

"So Commander," he leans close in order to address Ahsoka on her other side once the Togruta gets her laughter under control, "do we get a performance tonight?"

Those large liquid eyes are lit up again, and quite fetchingly if Lee's honest. Those deep, dark orbs had glinted with quiet awareness a minute ago, and though she'd never seen his face before tonight, she knew she recognized him nonetheless. It was only one chance meeting during a frightening episode of the common occupational hazard, diplomacy-gone-wrong, but his voice and mannerisms were unique and charming enough to remember. 

Meanwhile, the girl's cerulean eyes keep her companion focused, full of both excitement and anxiety as she sips her water and looks to the Twi'lek rather than the clone. A commander she might be, but the young Togruta is clearly a little nervous and out of her element, so the older woman takes charge. 

"I think that can be arranged," Leeloo answers mysteriously, meeting her gaze and nodding towards the DJ's kiosk before standing up to get her sister's attention. The young Jedi jumps up too, grinning.

"'Soka..." The solemn gaze of the Captain, which has barely wavered from the girl, drops to the half-drank water meaningfully before returning to her face. 

"Sir, yes sir," she says petulantly, finishing the water and giving him an overly toothy smile before the three girls depart. 

Three girls and one guy, that is, since neither Lila nor Hardcase are interested in letting go of the other. The boisterous clone even provides some drunken input as the women choose their songs. They end up deciding on a set covering a shared favorite band, with each woman singing lead for one tune and backup for the rest, and they all agree that Ahsoka will be their closer.

"Can I interest you ladies in a game of darts while we wait?" Fives asks as the four rejoin the rest of the group.

He probably meant to include all three women but Lila's companion simultaneously suggests another round of shots and the barest nod from Jesse sends him on his way to the bar with the other Twi'lek in tow. Leeloo and Ahsoka look at each other and giggle, then link arms.

"Ladies against gentleman?" Ahsoka suggests and Fives nods enthusiastically, turning to choose a partner.

He looks towards the Captain first, but it's the two ARCs who face off against the women. Perhaps Fives was only looking to the blonde for approval. Still flanked by his second and his medic, all three are giving off a collective air of dads left in charge of a bunch of teenagers and they opt to maintain their vigil at the table while the others move off to the nearest dartboard. 

Echo goes first and does poorly, earning some light teasing from his brother. Ahsoka quirks a brow at the flustered ARC and he blushes again when she asks, apparently judging correctly:

"Are you still sore about what Spots said?" The Commander makes her throws next, bringing their team to the lead before she continues with an affectionate smile and a bit of a snicker, "I say this in the most loving way possible Echo, your crush is not a state secret."

Lee tries very hard not to laugh as Fives takes the darts from the Togruta and adds: "What do you really expect from a guy who hangs around the likes of Jester and Mouth, anyway?"

He makes an impressive score while Echo continues to gripe that the kid didn't have to blurt it out like that OR make the accompanying insinuation. Sparkling eyes find Leeloo's again as he hands her the darts, speaking to his brother over her shoulder.

"I bet he'd reconsider your odds if he'd seen the two of you spar back on Kamino."

Leeloo raises eyebrows, ostensibly in response to the comment but also because of the light caress Fives somehow manages to deliver to her hand along with the projectiles. Echo blushes at the salacious tone but straightens with obvious pride and Ahsoka squeals for him to spill the rations. As the game continues, the Twi'lek learns a bit about the brothers' history with ShaakTi as cadets, and about a particularly intense round of hand-to-hand she and Echo had engaged in when the Togruta Master visited their ARC training. As Fives concludes the story, she even learns something interesting about her new friend.

"Only other time I've seen someone wipe the mats with a bunch of clones like that," he elbows the younger Togruta in a teasing manner, "it was the Commander here."

"Oh?" Lee looks to Ahsoka. Incongruously, she is now the one blushing furiously.

"Oh!" The echo has a note of sudden understanding and she turns slightly widened eyes to the man of that name, though he avoids her gaze. Noticing Lee's scrutiny she adds with a suspicious sounding giggle. "Well, you know we Togruta love a good fight!" 

The Twi'lek gets the distinct feeling there's more to it than that but the other woman promptly and smoothly changes the subject. Not, however, before Lee notices her gaze flicker past Echo to the men still hunkered around the table - one of them anyway. Likely the one whose blonde head comes up at that instant as if she'd called his name aloud.

"Well, enough about Echo and ShaakTi," Ahsoka's bright gaze snaps back to her new friend, "tell us about you, Leeloo."

I think I'd rather hear about your spar with the Captain... That thought doesn't occur solely due to her growing curiosity about the two, however. 

The twins had agreed long ago not to bring up their specific profession or employer in casual conversation and that was easy enough to accomplish most times. Leeloo worries it might come out tonight though, even if Ahsoka doesn't seem to recognize the Latvala sisters from her visits to the Senate. Because the brothers are most definitely the same ARCs who had been aboard Duchess Satine's spaceliner when the sisters were traveling to Coruscant from Mandalore attending Senator Free Tau several months ago.

"What do you wanna know?" Leeloo ventures instead, looking to her darts partner.

It's the goateed clone who answers though, and in doing so, instantly allays her concerns.

"What's your favorite color?" 

"Blue." But he knew that already.

She gives him a crooked grin and he gives her fingers another light touch as he passes the darts. 


Ah yes... in the Foregone Universe, Fives and Echo were aboard Coronet along with Anakin, Rex and the others. That encounter might be a story for another day, but for now suffice it to say, while it may have taken her awhile to make the connection, Fives remembered Leeloo immediately. Seemingly, not only is he still interested but his instinct correctly told him she'd prefer to avoid association with her employer outside of work. Where will things go from here, though? Will Fives' persistent flirting change her mind about her readiness to move on?

If you've been here from the start of the Short Transmissions, you may be starting to put things together but come back next time for more fluffy deets! It's spoopy season and you know what that means...

Series this work belongs to: