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Golden Boy


George felt replaced. It was a painful sting that he tried to ignore, but he couldn't get it out of his mind. He said nothing, showed no signs of jealousy or dissatisfaction, but inside he was seething. At the same time, he felt incredibly stupid for even thinking like that. After all, he was a grown man.


Or: George is jealous of Kimi being the new Golden Boy, his Boyfriend Alex tries to distract him from the Kimi topic and it ends up in an accident with a head injury and the drama starts


George looked so upset in Monza and there is this picture of Toto having his arm around Kimi, that I couldn't get this idea out of my mind that george is worried about being the favorite of Toto (we all remember the sleepover in the winterbreak)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

George Russell was nervous as he stood in the garage watching Kimi Antonelli prepare for FP1. It was the first time his future teammate had taken over his car during an official session, and although he trusted the team and Toto, something inside him just didn't feel right. It wasn't that he didn't like Kimi - the young driver was talented, determined and had a promising future ahead of him. But the decision to hand over his car was met with resistance from George, which he swallowed deeply to avoid causing trouble for the team.

He had hardly slept the night before, wondering what it would be like to hand over his precious cockpit to another driver. But out of respect for Toto and the team, he swallowed his doubts and concerns. ‘It's for the best,’ he kept telling himself. ‘The team knows what it's doing.’

When Kimi finally sat in the car and went on track, George could do nothing but sit in front of the screen and watch every lap. His stomach churned with every little mistake, every correction Kimi had to make. Then it happened. Kimi had crashed the car into the wall.

George froze. His heart raced, and at the same time, time seemed to stand still. The mechanics jumped up and prepared for the arrival of the damaged car. Despite everything that had happened, the first thing George thought of was Kimi. He was relieved when he heard that the young driver had gotten out of the car unharmed. But once the initial shock had passed, George was seized by another worry: Would his car be repaired in time for FP2?

He went to see Toto, who was already talking to the engineers. "Toto..." George began anxiously. The team boss turned to him briefly, put a hand on his shoulder and said reassuringly: "Don't worry, George. The team is working on getting your car back to FP2. Kimi is okay, that's the most important thing. We'll get the car back together."

But as soon as Toto had said that, he turned his attention back to Kimi and his crash. It took a good 10 minutes for Kimi to come into the garage. He apologised directly to Toto and Toto simply tousled his hair and hugged him with his arm around Kimi's waist. George felt a knot forming in his stomach. He was used to being Toto's ‘golden boy’ - the driver who got all the attention. But now he saw the focus shifting more and more to the young Kimi, and it affected him deeply.

George felt replaced. It was a painful sting that he tried to ignore, but he couldn't get it out of his mind. He said nothing, showed no signs of jealousy or dissatisfaction, but inside he was seething. At the same time, he felt incredibly stupid for even thinking like that. After all, he was a grown man.

As the day drew to a close and George arrived at the hotel, he couldn't shake off the unease. Alex, who was already lying on the bed in the room playing on his mobile phone, noticed immediately that something was wrong. "Georgie, hey," he said gently and sat up, "are you OK?" He tilted his head and made room for his friend on the bed. George flopped down next to him and smiled as Alex lay right next to him. George smiled weakly, pulled Alex closer to him and just said, "Nothing, I'm just tired. Been busy today. Let's just have a cuddle, shall we?" Alex sensed that there was more to it than that, but he didn't push any further. He had known George long enough to know that sometimes he just wanted some peace and quiet. Instead, he put an arm around George and gently stroked his back as they lay in the silence of the room.

The race on Sunday was absolutely chaotic. George made mistakes that he wouldn't normally do. He was frustrated with himself and it showed on the radio. His tone was harsh, but luckily Dudley knew it wasn't aimed at him. He finished the race frustrated with himself and the team. The day was over, and although he had done his best, it was not what he had hoped for.

As he walked back to the hospitality area after the media pen, he heard Toto talking about Kimi in an interview. Other television crews, who had positioned themselves in front of the Mercedes hospitality centre, were also talking about the newcomer. George was getting really tired of hearing it.

Kimi, Kimi, Kimi.

It was frustrating and annoying at the same time. He was also incredibly annoyed with his own feelings. He should be happy. He could show his full potential without constantly being compared to Lewis. But what if Kimi was better than him?

George sighed and went to the hospitality centre. He had a quick shower and then packed up his things. Alex was already waiting in the car park and the two of them made their way to the airport together with Lando and a few others. George hardly spoke a word during the flight, avoiding Alex's questions and staring out of the window. Alex was worried, but he knew that George needed time to come to terms with everything. He gave him the affection and cuddles he needed without pestering him any further.

When they arrived at their flat in Monaco, the silence was almost suffocating. George went straight into the living room, slumped heavily onto the sofa and stared into space. Thoughts raced through his head, mingling into a chaotic storm of doubts, fears and self-reproach. Alex, who had followed him with a worried look, sat down next to him, placed a hand on George's thigh and asked gently: "Georgie, what's wrong? Please, talk to me."

George just shook his head and tried to force a weak smile, but it was no use. He could no longer hold back the tears that were stinging his eyes. It was as if the wall he had so painstakingly built around his feelings was collapsing under the weight of his inner burden. "I... I hate it Lex," he finally whispered, his voice trembling. "It's all too much. I feel like I'm losing control with Mercedes... like I'm losing my footing." Alex moved closer, put both arms around George and gently pulled him into a hug. George hesitated briefly, then let himself sink into the warmth of Alex's arms and buried his face in his shoulder. The tears were flowing unstoppably now and he could no longer stifle the sobs.

"It hurts so much, Alex," George finally managed to say. "I know it's stupid... I should be happy that Kimi's doing so well, but... I feel so replaced. Like I'm not important anymore. Toto... the team... it's all about Kimi. Since months! I know it's childish, but I... I just can't help it." Alex held him tightly, stroking his back gently and letting George talk without interrupting him. "You're not being childish, Georgie. Your feelings are perfectly understandable. It's okay to feel that way. You've worked so hard to be where you are. It's only natural that you're afraid of losing that position. This is a whole new situation for you."

George pulled back slightly and looked at Alex with teary eyes. "But it feels so wrong to be so jealous. I should be better... stronger. And now that Kimi's going to be my teammate... what if I'm not good enough? What if they really do replace me?" Alex shook his head and gently took George's face in his hands. "Georgie, you're one of the best drivers in the world. Everyone knows that, including Toto. Kimi is talented, yes, but that doesn't change your value. You are unique and no one can simply replace you. Not in the team and certainly not in my life."

Alex' words affected George deeply. He felt the coldness and pressure that had built up in his chest slowly ease. "But it feels like I'm... like I'm failing, Alex. Like I'm not good enough." Alex brushed a tear from George's cheek and looked at him with a mixture of love and determination. "You're not. You're strong, you're amazing, and you'll get through all of this. But you have to allow yourself to have these feelings. It's not a failure if you can't be strong sometimes. And you don't have to carry this alone. I'm here for you, and we'll get through this together."

George sniffled and nodded slowly. Being close to Alex, the warmth of his words and the love that was in every look he gave him gave him the support he so desperately needed. "Thank you, Lex... thank you for being there for me," he whispered as he snuggled back into Alex's arms. "Always, Georgie," Alex replied softly, hugging him gently. "Always."

The two of them sat like that for a long time, embraced tightly, as darkness fell over Monaco. Alex held George tightly, giving him the security and affection he so desperately needed. And slowly, very slowly, George began to feel a little more stable again. He knew that the road ahead would still be long and rocky, but sharing this with Alex and letting himself vent for a moment had really helped.

While George laid in Alex' arms, Alex struggled with his own feelings. He knew how much pressure George was under and he wanted nothing more than to relieve him of that pain. But it wasn't easy for him to see the man he loved sitting in front of him, so vulnerable and broken. Alex felt helpless, unsure whether he was really doing enough to support George.

Usually, George was the one who had everything under control. The one who didn't let anything get him off track. Of course, George was someone who was built close to the water. But the fact that something like this upset him so much surprised Alex.

Alex was usually the one who stayed positive, who brought lightness to difficult situations. He knew that George needed reassurance like others needed air to breathe. He also knew that the reassurance George needed had to come from Toto. So no matter how much Alex told him he was good enough, if Toto didn't do it, George would be stuck in his mental spiral.

He loved George with every fibre of his being and it broke his heart to see him like this. Alex remembered all the times George had supported him when he himself was caught in dark moments. George had always been there to pick him up and show him that everything would be okay. Especially during his time at Red Bull and when he lost his seat. He had also helped him get a Seat at Williams. Now it was up to him to take on that role, and although it weighed on him inside, he wanted to be the same support for George.

"You know, Georgie," Alex began quietly after a while, his voice calm and gentle as he stroked George's hair lovingly, "it hurts me so much to see you like this. I wish I could make everything easier for you, take away the burden you're carrying right now. But I also know that all I can do is be here, hold you and show you that you're not alone. And that's what I'll do. Always." George slowly lifted his head and looked at Alex with teary eyes. He could see the worry in Alex's gaze, the affection, but also the uncertainty that Alex so rarely showed. "I love you." Alex's heart lightened a little at those words. He pressed a gentle kiss to George's forehead and whispered, "We can do this together, Georgie. No matter what."




The days following the emotional breakdown had been surprisingly calm for George and Alex. George had put the Kimi situation behind him for the time being, and it seemed as if the two of them had finally returned to their usual ease.

Knowing that they had a week off before the next race, they enjoyed their time in Monaco, away from the hustle and bustle and the constant attention. It was a cloudy morning, and although the sky hung heavy and grey above them, they decided to go for a run. They both loved exploring the little hidden paths along the coast that were off the beaten track. The path they chose today meandered along the sea, and although it kept drizzling, George didn't let it stop him from enjoying the fresh air and freedom.

"I think we're going to get wet," Alex grumbled as the first drops became heavier. George grinned broadly and winked at him. "Oh, come on, Lex! A little rain never hurt anyone. This is perfect!" He raised his arms, spun around in the rain and laughed. His joy was infectious and although Alex didn't really like the rain, he had to smile at George's unbridled enthusiasm.

"Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" Alex pulled his hood lower over his face and tried to escape the heavier rain. "Oh come on Lex, don't be like that!" teased George, bouncing in front of him as he mocked Alex' disgruntled expression. "Come on, catch me!" Alex rolled his eyes, but he couldn't suppress his laughter. "You'll see who catches who, Georgie."

He loved these moments when they could both just be themselves. Alex caught up with George and jumped on his back. George laughed and twirled him around a bit before Alex voluntarily climbed off him again. George grinned at him and gripped Alex's chin exuberantly, squishing his cheeks. George grinned broadly at him "Arrrrrgh I love you so much, my rain-hating teddy bear" then kissed him so lovingly that it took Alex a moment after the kiss to even understand what had just happened. Then he beamed and followed George directly, who had jogged off again.

The two of them continued jogging, the rain became heavier and heavier and the paths started to become slippery. But George didn't let this put him off. On the contrary, he seemed to really get into it. He jumped over puddles, ran along the narrow paths and kept calling playfully to Alex to catch up with him. But suddenly, as George headed for a small flight of stony steps, it happened.

One false move, the slippery steps, and George lost his balance. Alex saw it happen in slow motion - George slipped away, his arms grasping in vain for support, but the fall was unstoppable. He fell hard and hit his head on a protruding stone. "George!" cried Alex in panic as he saw George hit the ground. He ran to him, but at that moment the world seemed to stand still. George was lying motionless on the ground, blood seeping over his temple and dripping into the rain, which was now pelting down heavily on them.

"George, please, say something!" Alex knelt beside him, trembling with fear. His hands found George's face, his cheeks, the bleeding area on his temple. George was awake, but his eyes seemed glazed over, as if he could barely orientate himself. He tried to say something, but his words were unintelligible, blurred. "Georgie, stay with me! Look at me!" Alex fought against the panic in his chest, his heart racing. He placed his hand gently on George's cheek, trying to hold his attention. But George's gaze was blank, and he seemed unable to respond to Alex's words. His breathing was shallow, his hands and knees scraped from the fall.

Alex knew he had to act quickly. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialled the emergency number with trembling fingers and spoke frantically to the control centre. "My friend... he's hit his head. He's bleeding... he's dazed... please, we need help!" While he waited for the emergency call centre to answer, Alex pressed lightly on George's shoulder to keep him calm. "Georgie, please... hang in there. They'll be here soon. Can you hear me? It's going to be okay... you're going to be okay." But inside, Alex was filled with fear. The seconds felt like hours, and the rain drenching them both made the situation even more surreal. He tried to remain calm, but the sight of George's dazed face and the blood running down his forehead caused his façade to crumble.

He whispered soothing words, holding George's face the whole time and hoping fervently that help would arrive quickly. He didn't want to think about what might happen if George was seriously injured. At that moment, all that mattered was that George stayed with him - that he held on until help arrived. Alex tried desperately to keep his panic under control "Georgie, please, stay with me. Can you hear me? You have to stay awake, okay? You can do're doing great sweetheart"

George struggled, but his body didn't seem to be listening to his commands. It was as if the blow above his temple had paralysed him. His thoughts were clearer than he could express them, but the words he wanted to say remained trapped in his head. His lips moved, but no real sound came out. The pain throbbed violently in his head, his vision was blurred and he could barely keep his eyes open. Every attempt to move or to calm Alex down failed due to his numb, sluggish body. The fear grew in him as he realised how his eyelids were getting heavier, as if they no longer wanted to obey him. He heard Alex's voice, trembling with fear, and it hurt his heart that he was unable to do anything to reassure him.

Alex noticed how George's eyes kept closing, and his own panic increased. "No, Georgie, you can't drift off! Stay awake, do you hear me?" He felt the wetness of George's blood on his hands and his heart raced as he watched the blood continue to flow. Without hesitation, Alex took off his hoodie, threw it on the wet floor and then hastily pulled his T-shirt over his head. With shaky hands, he pressed the T-shirt firmly against the wound on George's temple, hoping to stop the bleeding. He then slipped back into his hoodie without removing the shirt from the wound.

George winced weakly, a low moan escaping him as the pressure on the wound caused pain. It was the first time a sound had come from him, and although it was only a faint sign, it gave Alex a tiny spark of hope. "I'm sorry Georgie, I know it hurts, but I have to do this... Please, stay with me." Alex fought back tears as he pressed the t-shirt to the wound while holding George's cheek to see his face better. "You're strong, George... you'll be fine... they'll be here soon," Alex spoke, although he felt like the minutes dragged on for an eternity.

Thoughts were chasing each other in his head and the worry about George's condition barely allowed him to breathe. George heard Alex's words as if through a thick fog. He tried to concentrate on the voice that was so familiar and so important to him. But his body seemed to betray him, as if he had lost his connection to himself. It was as if the blow above his temple had slowed down not only his body but also his senses. The pain, the dazed state, the weakness - everything blurred together and he fought desperately not to lose control. But despite all his efforts, he found it increasingly difficult to keep his eyes open. Every attempt to defend himself against the threat of unconsciousness became weaker. Only a short time later, he lost the battle against the darkness that was slowly but surely overtaking him.

"No, George No! Stay with me, please!" cried Alex desperately as he felt George's head getting heavier and his eyes closing. The fear inside him exploded and he felt his heart racing in his chest. "Help! Please, someone help us!" he shouted out into the solitude of the path, even though he knew they were probably alone here. He sobbed bitterly. Alex knelt trembling next to George, the T-shirt he was pressing against the wound was now completely soaked with blood. The colour that had once been white was now deep red, and Alex could hardly believe how quickly the situation had deteriorated so dramatically in just a few minutes. Just a moment ago they had both been laughing, teasing each other, and now George was fighting for consciousness right before his eyes. 'How could this have happened...?’ thought Alex in a panic, trying not to burst into tears.

He could barely process the reality - the blood, the silence that now stemmed from George's weakness, it all felt like a nightmare that he desperately wanted to wake up from. His hands were shaking and he felt the fear tightening in his chest like a cold, hard knot. "George... please..." Alex whispered in a trembling voice as he carefully felt for George's pulse. To his relief, he felt a faint but regular beating under his fingers. But the weakness of this pulse only frightened him more. Again and again Alex tried to get George awake, his voice trembling and full of worry. ‘George, open your eyes. You have to wake up, do you hear me? Please, Georgie, I need you. Don't leave me alone in this shitty situation right now,’ Alex was already ranting

And then, finally, a faint moment of triumph: George opened his eyes, if only for a brief moment. A soft, pained sound escaped him as the pain shot through him. Alex felt George trying to catch sight of him, but his eyelids fluttered as if he was fighting the darkness that was once again overtaking him. "Yes, that's it, George! Stay with me, look at me," Alex urged, trying to make his voice sound calm and reassuring, even though the panic was eating him up inside. "You're strong, you can do this. I'm here, with you, and I won't leave you alone. Everything will be fine, okay? Just listen to my voice. Rescue is coming, I can hear it now. They're coming, Georgie. Just hold on a little longer."

George blinked several times, but his vision was so blurred that he could barely recognise Alex. The world around him was spinning, blurring into a sea of colour and pain, but Alex's soft, familiar voice kept him grounded in reality. He wanted to tell Alex that he was there, that he was trying to stay awake, but his lips formed no words, only incoherent sounds. Alex took advantage of this brief moment of George's attention to continue talking at him. "I know it's hard, but you're stronger than this. I'm here, Georgie, and you're not alone. Just concentrate on my voice. I know it hurts, but you have to hang in there. They're almost here..." In the distance, Alex could actually hear the wailing of sirens, and although it seemed like an eternity before they got any closer, the sound was a sign of hope for him. "they're coming, George... just a little longer, please," he whispered, squeezing George's hand even tighter.

The sound of the sirens grew louder and Alex clung desperately to the thought that George would make it. He would hold out, he just had to. But the fear wouldn't let go, it gnawed at him as he listened to George's increasingly weakening breath and held his trembling hand in his. "Please, George... please, stay with me," Alex whispered again, his voice now barely more than a breath in the pelting rain. Alex felt the panic rising in him as he saw George threatening to lose consciousness again. The sirens were getting louder, but they weren't close enough yet, and the rain pelting down harder and harder only made things more difficult. It felt like the whole world was working against them and Alex hated himself for not being able to do more.

He didn't hesitate for long and gently took George's face in his hands, forcing him to focus on him. "George, look at me, please... I'm here," he whispered urgently, his voice trembling, but he tried to remain as calm as possible. His fingers felt the cold, wet skin beneath him, but he held George's head so he could keep his eyes on him. Slowly, hesitantly, George opened his eyes again. The pain was written all over his face, but his pupils searched for Alex. The rain obscured everything, and tears ran unnoticed down Alex's cheeks, mixing with the drops that fell incessantly from the sky. But when he saw George's eyes finally resting on him, Alex felt a breath of relief well up inside him. “There you are, Georgie,” Alex whispered, smiling gently despite his heart still racing with fear. It was an encouraging smile meant to hide all his worries and fears, even though his eyes were still glistening with tears. He wanted to show George that he was strong, that everything would be okay, even though the situation was far from good. George blinked and recognized the smile. It was weak, but at that moment, it was all he needed. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly upward, a small attempt to reassure Alex that he heard and understood him. It was hardly more than a tiny hint of a smile, but for Alex, it meant the world. “Yes, just like that, Georgie,” Alex said with pride, holding his face even tighter in his hands.

“Everything will be okay, I promise. Just hold on, they’re almost here.” Alex’s greatest fear was that George’s brain had been damaged, that the blow might have been too severe. But as long as George reacted, even if only with a weak smile, he clung to the hope that there was still a chance. But the increasingly heavy rain didn’t make things easier. Alex felt the stress grow inside him because he couldn’t protect George from the rain. The water streamed into his eyes, burned on his skin, and he knew it was an additional burden for George as well. He wanted to shield him, to somehow protect him from the relentless weather, but all he could do was stay with him, hold his face, and stop the bleeding. “I wish I could protect you from the rain,” Alex murmured as he glanced again at George’s temple, where the blood was still seeping, though less so.

“But I promise you, they’ll be here soon… Just a little longer, Georgie, please…” His voice was barely more than a whisper as he repeated the sames words over and over again and continued to hold George’s face in his hands and look at him, full of love and hope, even though the tears were hidden under the rain.

In the distance, Alex finally heard the sound of tires coming to a stop on wet asphalt. The sirens faded, and the rescue team was finally here. A wave of relief washed over him, but the fear remained until he was sure George was in good hands. The rescue team hurried along the narrow path, their steps on the wet ground sounding like thunder in the quiet surroundings. Alex heard them coming, and a feeling of relief flowed through him, even though the fear still gripped his heart like iron. He held George’s hand tightly and stroked it gently as the paramedics finally arrived.

One of the paramedics immediately knelt beside Alex and George and began to assess the situation. “What happened? How long has he been here?” the paramedic asked calmly while examining George’s condition. His hands were practiced and secure, but Alex could see the urgency in his eyes. “About… 15 minutes ago… He fell… he hit his head on a rock… He lost consciousness for a moment, but he reacted when I spoke to him,” Alex said, his voice trembling, but he forced himself to stay calm. “His pulse was weak but regular. He also tried to smile when I talked to him… but he’s very dazed, and it’s hard for him to keep his eyes open.” As Alex spoke, the paramedic focused on George, carefully feeling his temple, checking his pupils and reactions. “It’s good that you stayed with him. We’ll stabilize him now and get him to the hospital as quickly as possible,” the paramedic said calmly, nodding to his colleague, who was already opening a large umbrella to shield George from the still relentless rain.

Alex didn’t let go of George’s hand, holding it firmly and stroking it gently to calm himself. The sight of George’s blood on his own hands made him shudder repeatedly, but he forced himself to stay calm. “I’m here, Georgie… I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered softly, more to himself than to George, as the paramedics began preparing him for transport. With quick, practiced movements, the rescue team fitted George with a neck brace and prepared the stretcher. One of them spoke reassuringly to Alex: “We’ll take good care of him. He’ll be in safe hands.” But Alex couldn’t shake the lump in his throat as he watched George being lifted onto the stretcher. The rain still pounded relentlessly on the umbrella, and the sound blended with the throbbing in Alex’s ears.

As the paramedics carried George to the ambulance, Alex followed them immediately. He never let go of George’s hand, and when they secured the stretcher in the vehicle, Alex climbed in after them and sat beside George. The ambulance doors closed behind them, and suddenly they were alone in that narrow, sterile space, filled with the flashing lights outside and the soft hum of medical equipment. Alex leaned forward, took George’s hand in both of his, and pressed it gently to his lips. “Everything will be okay, Georgie… I’m here with you. You’re strong, and we’ll get through this together, okay?” His voice was calm, but the tears in his eyes betrayed the deep-seated fear churning within him. He kissed George’s hand repeatedly, as if by doing so he could transfer a little bit of his own confidence to him.

George seemed to hear Alex’s words somehow. A weak twitch went through his fingers, and Alex clung to that sign like a lifeline. He continued to whisper reassuring words, repeating over and over that everything would be okay, even though he was consumed by fear inside. He knew what it was like when George crashed on the track; usually, he only had to wait a few minutes for confirmation that he was okay. He rarely came away with injuries. Alex could handle that to some extent after all these years. But this situation overwhelmed him completley.

The ambulance sped away, the sirens wailing again, but Alex blocked everything around him out. His entire focus was on George, on the delicate hand he was holding, and on the quiet promises he kept whispering to him. “We’ll make it, Georgie… I won’t leave you alone, never.” When they finally arrived at the hospital, everything happened very quickly. The ambulance doors were opened, and George was immediately pulled out by the paramedics, who continued to talk to him. Alex followed them hastily, his hands trembling and his heart pounding in his chest, but he couldn’t really grasp what was happening around him. The doctors took George immediately, and Alex suddenly felt a painful tear in his chest as George was simply taken away from him.

“Please, do everything you can,” Alex called after the doctors, but they had already disappeared, rushing George through the heavy doors of the emergency room that immediately closed behind them. He was left behind, his hands covered in blood, his clothes soaking wet, and the helplessness of the situation overwhelmed him like a wave. The hectic activity in the emergency room seemed to pass Alex by as he stood helplessly in the middle of the room. His thoughts felt frozen; he could hardly breathe, let alone think. The thought that George might have pressure on his brain, that he might need surgery, was like a shock piercing through his chest.

A gentle hand rested on his shoulder. “Come, please sit down,” said a nurse with a calm but friendly voice. She guided him carefully to the waiting area, where she sat him into a chair. Alex sat down, his legs feeling as if they might give way beneath him. He was too soaked and too distraught to perceive anything else. The reality of the situation began to sink in slowly, but it was like a heavy, unbearable fog. Alex stared at his hands, which still bore traces of George’s blood. His fingers trembled as he tried to collect his thoughts, but everything revolved around George. He kept seeing the scene over and over: George’s falling body, the blood, his weak eyes… and now he was gone, behind those doors, and Alex could do nothing.

A few minutes passed, or maybe it was an eternity—Alex couldn’t say for sure. Time seemed to distort as he tried to somehow come to terms with the situation. Then came the realization: he needed to inform someone. Toto. Alex grabbed his phone with trembling hands and searched for Toto’s number. When the phone rang, Alex felt the world around him come to a standstill. Finally, after a few seconds that felt like hours, he heard Toto’s familiar voice. “Alex? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” “Toto…,” Alex began, his voice breaking, and he swallowed hard before he could continue. “Something… something happened. George had an accident. We were jogging, and he fell… he hit his head. It was bad, Toto. He’s in the emergency room now… they think he has pressure on his brain and… and…” Alex’s voice trembled again as the reality of the words he was speaking overwhelmed him. On the other end of the line,

Alex heard Toto sharply inhale. “Oh my God… How is he now? Do you know anything?” The worry in Toto’s voice was unmistakable, and it became clear immediately that George was still Toto’s “golden boy.” The relationship between them had always been more than just that of a team principal and a driver—George was like a son to him. “I don’t know much… They took him straight to surgery,” Alex replied, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I… I just hope he makes it. He reacted before they took him away, but… there was so much blood, Toto.” Alex pressed his lips together, struggling against the tears that threatened to break out again. “Alex, listen,” Toto said with a serious but gentle voice. “George is strong. He will fight, I know that. And he has you with him, which is important. Stay strong for him, okay? And please keep me updated as soon as you know anything. I’ll come to the hospital as soon as I can.” “Thank you, Toto…” Alex mumbled before the call ended.

The weight of Toto’s words slowly sank in, and although he was still overwhelmed by fear, the confidence in Toto’s voice gave him a glimmer of hope. Alex leaned back, staring at his phone, waiting—for the emergency room doors to open again and bring him the relief that George had made it through.

No more than twenty minutes later, Toto entered the hospital waiting area. His face was a mask of tension, but when he spotted Alex, his gaze softened immediately. He walked straight to Alex, who was sitting in one of the plastic chairs, still in his soaked clothes, with tears in his eyes and an expression of despair on his face. “Hey,” Toto said gently as he squatted down in front of Alex and took his hands. The touch was soothing and gentle, and Toto could almost feel how upset and anxious Alex was. His eyes were red and swollen, and it was clear that he could hardly contain all the stress and fear he had been through.

As Alex saw Toto in front of him, the facade he had painstakingly maintained finally broke down. A sob escaped him, and he felt the relief of not being alone in this situation anymore. He collapsed into Toto’s arms as tears streamed down his cheeks, this time not hidden by the rain. “I’m so sorry… I couldn’t do anything,” Alex stammered between sobs. His voice was choked with tears, but Toto held him tight, his arms protectively around him. He let Alex cry, allowing him to release all the fear and pain, while soothingly stroking his back. “Shhhh, it’s okay, Alex… it was an accident. You were there for him, that’s the most important thing,” Toto murmured softly, his voice warm and full of compassion. “George is strong. You did everything you could. Now we just have to trust that the doctors will help him.”

After a while, as Alex’s tears gradually subsided and he began to calm down a bit, Toto let him go, only to gently urge him to lean back. Toto stood up and turned to a nearby nurse. He spoke briefly with her, and she brought him a damp cloth. Gently, Toto began to clean Alex’s face and hands of the dried blood. While Toto did this, Alex began to speak softly, his voice still shaky. “He was… he was responsive before they took him away. He reacted to me… a small smile… but there was so, so, so much blood, Toto. I… I was so scared.” He looked at Toto with a desperate expression in his eyes as Toto continued to carefully wipe away the blood. “I understand, Alex. But you did everything right. You were there for him, you comforted him. That’s priceless,” Toto said, continuing to gently wipe Alex’s hands.

Alex nodded slowly, took a deep breath, and then said, quietly and almost as if talking to himself: “George was… he was upset a few days ago… that he wasn’t important to you anymore… because of Kimi. He felt replaced. He didn’t want to tell me, but… I knew he’d keep it to himself.” Toto paused, surprised, but quickly composed himself and looked at Alex seriously. “George will always be important to me. He’s more than just a driver to me… he’s like a son. Whatever happens, that will never change.” His words were firm and assured, but his voice carried a hint of guilt as he realized that George might have harbored more insecurities than he had noticed. “He’ll get through this, Alex. And when he’s back on his feet, I’ll tell him that. But for now, we have to stay strong and trust that everything will be okay.” Toto squeezed Alex’s hand one last time before sitting down to wait with him, as the seconds felt like hours and the uncertainty weighed heavily on them.

Just over an hour later, the waiting area door finally opened, and a doctor walked in. Alex and Toto jumped up almost simultaneously, their eyes full of anticipation and fear as they focused on the doctor. “Mr. Albon, Mr. Wolff,” the doctor began with a friendly but professional tone. “Mr Russell came through the surgery well. It was a difficult situation because the ongoing bleeding caused swelling in the brain that we had to address immediately. We stopped the bleeding and successfully reduced the pressure in the brain.” Alex took a visible breath, his hands tightly clasped. “Will he… will he make a full recovery?” he asked, barely concealing the fear in his voice.

“At this point, things look promising,” the doctor continued, offering them a reassuring smile. “George’s reflexes were already promising after the surgery. However, we need to wait until he is fully awake to ensure that there are no lasting damages from the fall. But as I said, what we’ve seen so far gives us reason for hope.” Alex felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over him, although the concern about potential long-term damage remained like a quiet voice in the back of his mind. Tears welled up in his eyes, but this time they were not only from fear but also from gratitude. “Thank you… thank you for saving him,” he finally said, his voice trembling.

Toto, who had remained quiet throughout, placed a reassuring hand on Alex’s shoulder and nodded gratefully at the doctor. “Thank you. We really appreciate your work.” The doctor nodded once more before adding, “You can go see him now. He’s not awake yet, but it will surely help him to see familiar faces when he does.” With that, he led them through the hospital corridors to George’s room. As they entered the room, Alex paused for a moment to take in the sight. George laid in a white hospital bed, a thick bandage wrapped around his head, and the soft beeping of the ECG filled the room. The scene was both comforting and unsettling; comforting because George was still here, still fighting, and unsettling because he looked so vulnerable.

Alex let out a soft sigh and tried to lighten the heavy mood with a joke. “He’s not going to like that they shaved his hair in that spot,” he murmured with a faint smile that almost got lost in his sadness. Toto, standing behind him, couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “You’re probably right,” he replied quietly with a touch of tenderness in his voice. “George has always been vain about his hair. But that’s the least of his worries right now.”

Alex moved closer to the bed and took George’s hand in his, gently stroking his knuckles. The skin was warm, a living sign that George was still there. “You don’t have to worry,” he whispered, even though he knew George probably couldn’t hear him. “Everything will be okay. We’re here with you.” Toto positioned himself on the other side of the bed, his eyes never leaving George’s face. “He’s a fighter, Alex,” he said after a while. “And he has both of us by his side. That’s all that matters.” His words were calm but also resolute, and Alex felt a part of the weight he carried lift just a little. The room was quiet except for the soft sounds of the medical equipment monitoring George’s condition. But in this silence was also a kind of comfort, a sense that they could endure everything together as long as they had each other.

As Alex sat quietly by George’s side, holding his hand, he let his gaze drift over George’s face repeatedly. His thoughts wandered back to the past days and weeks, to all the moments they had spent preparing for races together, but also to the quieter moments when they had simply been together. Then he suddenly realized how naturally Toto had dealt with their relationship. Alex had never been sure how much Toto knew or how he felt about it, but now it seemed as if it was nothing new to him. After a while, Alex looked over at Toto, who was still calmly standing on the other side of the bed. “Toto… how did you know about George and me?” Alex finally asked, his voice soft and cautious, almost as if he were afraid to hear the answer. Toto looked at him with a gentle smile. “George told me a few months ago,” he began calmly. “It was after a race where you drove really well. He couldn’t contain his pride in you and wanted to tell me how great you were. He mentioned it so casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.”

Alex was surprised but also touched. He could easily imagine George proudly talking about him, and the thought brought a small smile to his lips. “Really? He just told you like that?” Toto nodded. “Yes, really. He was so happy and proud of you that he couldn’t keep it to himself. Besides…” Toto smiled slightly, “…I have eyes, Alex. It was hard not to notice how you two interacted.” Alex laughed softly. “Yeah, I guess we weren’t always that discreet.” Toto sat down in a chair next to the bed and continued. “Also, there was that one time when George was so sick during the Las Vegas and Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. He accidentally mentioned that his medication was with you because he had forgotten it at the hotel. That made it clear to me that you two were more than just colleagues if you shared a hotel room.” Alex had to smile at the memory. “Oh yes, that sounds like George. He was so disoriented back then… I can imagine how he just let it slip.” He laughed softly, almost a bit relieved that they found a moment of lightness in this tense situation. Toto also smiled and nodded. “Yes, it was obvious. But honestly, Alex, it never bothered me. On the contrary, I was happy to see how happy you both were. George meant a lot to me, and knowing that you are there for him reassured me.”

Alex looked at Toto gratefully, his heart a bit lighter, even though the concern for George still lingered in his mind. “Thank you, Toto. That means a lot to me… and I know it would mean a lot to George as well.” Toto nodded, and for a moment, it was quiet in the room, except for the soft beeping of the machines. But this silence was not oppressive this time; it was comforting. It was a moment of understanding and connection that gave them both strength as they waited for George to wake up. Toto looked into Alex’s eyes and sensed the unspoken question hanging between them. “Don’t worry, Alex,” he said reassuringly. “No one else knows about your relationship. It will stay between us until you’re ready to make it public.” Alex breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Toto. That’s really a relief.” Toto stood up and gave Alex’s shoulder a reassuring pat. “I need to make a few phone calls, but I’ll be back soon. If anything changes, call me right away, okay?” Alex nodded, and Toto left the room to make the necessary calls.

The door closed quietly behind him, and Alex was alone again with George. He sat in the chair next to the bed, took George’s hand once more, and gently stroked the tanned skin with his fingers. The room was quiet, except for the soft humming of the medical equipment and the rhythmic beeping of the ECG.

Suddenly, Alex felt a slight pressure on his hand. For a moment, he thought he had imagined it, but then he felt it again—this time more clearly. George’s fingers moved slightly, and his hand gently squeezed Alex’.

Alex’ heart raced, and he lifted his head to look at George’s face more closely. George’s eyelids fluttered slightly, and after a few laborious attempts, they slowly opened. He blinked, clearly overwhelmed by the bright light in the room and the disorientation around him. For a moment, he looked around in confusion, as if trying to grasp his surroundings. Then his gaze fell on Alex, and a small, weak smile crept onto George’s lips. His voice was soft and fragile, but the loving word he murmured reached Alex’s ears clearly and distinctly. “Lex…” Alex' eyes filled with tears, and he had to smile despite still being worried. “Hey, you,” he whispered and leaned forward slightly to see George better.

“I’m here. Everything will be okay.” George blinked a few more times, his thoughts slowly coming into focus. “What… what happened?” he asked in a weak voice, trying to remember. Alex held his hand tighter and stroked soothingly over George’s fingers. “You fell when we were jogging. You hit your head, but you’re in good hands. The doctors took care of you, and now you just need to rest.” George nodded slightly as he tried to process the situation.

“And you… are you okay?” he murmured, though his voice was barely more than a whisper. Alex had to suppress a small laugh. Even in this state, George was more concerned about him. “Yes, I’m okay,” he answered gently. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll stay here with you.” George blinked and looked at Alex for a long time, his eyes alert and attentive, though tired. “I thought… I really scared you, didn’t I?” A faint, crooked smile played on his lips. Alex laughed softly, a little nervously but also relieved. “Yes, you did scare me quite a bit. But you’re here, you’re awake… and that’s all that matters.” He couldn’t quite suppress the tremor in his voice, but relief outweighed it.

George let his hand fall and smiled weakly. “Thank you for being here.” Alex leaned forward and gently kissed George’s forehead. “I’ll always be here. And now rest, okay? I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.” George nodded, his eyes still on Alex before he relaxed back into the pillows. Although he was exhausted, his mind seemed clear, and that gave Alex hope that everything would be okay. George looked at Alex with gentle but worried eyes. He noticed how swollen Alex’s face was from crying, and his heart ached at the thought of how much fear and sorrow he had caused him. With a difficult movement, he lifted his hand and gently stroked Alex’s hand, his touch soothing and full of affection.

“I’m so sorry…” Alex shook his head slightly, his fingers still intertwined with George’s hand. “Don’t worry about me, George. I’m just glad you’re awake and can remember everything. That’s all that matters.” Despite his words, Alex couldn’t hide the tremor in his voice. The emotional storm of the past hours had left its mark, and he felt exhausted but also infinitely relieved. George smiled weakly and lifted his hand to gently rest against Alex’s cheek. “I didn’t think a little fall could upset my teddy bear so much. But… I’m glad you’re here. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Alex leaned into George’s hand and closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the familiar warmth of his touch. “You don’t have to worry,” he whispered softly. “I’m here. Always.” He opened his eyes and looked at George intently, a mix of love and concern in his gaze. “And you’ll be back on your feet soon, okay?” George nodded slightly, his eyes heavy with exhaustion but still awake and clear. “With you by my side, I’ll make it. But you have to rest too, Lex. Promise?” Alex laughed softly, though tears were still close. “Promise,” he replied, and the promise between them seemed to fill the room for a moment. “But only when I know you’re really getting better.” George smiled again, comforted by Alex’s words and his presence. “Deal,” he murmured quietly as his eyelids grew heavy once more. “I love you, Lex.” “I love you too, George,” Alex whispered and gently squeezed George’s hand while George rested his eyes for a bit.

As George slowly opened his eyes again, he heard the sound of footsteps and the soft creak of the door. He blinked a few times and noticed someone entering the room. To his surprise and slight discomfort, he recognized Toto quietly stepping in. It was an unexpected sight—his team principal, who usually seemed so busy and strong, was now standing before him with an expression of concern and relief.

“Toto?” George’s voice was quiet and somewhat uncertain as he tried to grasp the situation. It felt strange to see Toto here, especially after everything that had happened recently. Toto nodded, approached the bed, and briefly looked at George before turning to Alex, who stood by his side. Alex felt the tension and gently held George’s hand to reassure him. “I had to call someone, George,” Alex explained calmly, though his voice still carried the emotions of the past hours. “I was at the end of my nerves and didn’t know what else to do. I… needed help.”

George looked back and forth between the two, a hint of embarrassment overtaking him. But as he looked at Toto more closely, he noticed the warmth in his eyes. Toto smiled slightly, moved closer to the bed, and placed a reassuring hand on George’s shoulder. “George,” Toto began in a gentle but firm voice, “you gave us all a huge scare. But I’m just glad you’re okay. You need to rest now and get back on your feet.” George nodded slightly but still felt overwhelmed by the whole situation. “I… I don’t know what to say,” he murmured softly, his thoughts still a bit muddled.

Toto leaned in a little closer to George, his voice softening but still resolute. “Listen, George. I know you’ve been thinking a lot lately… about Kimi and your role in the team. But let me make one thing clear: No Kimi in the world—or any other driver—could ever replace you. You’re an indispensable part of this team, and not just because of your performance on the track. You’re like a son to me, and I don’t want you to ever worry that that could change.” George looked at Toto with a hint of emotion in his eyes. The words from him untangled a knot he had been carrying for a long time. The reassurance that he was still the “Golden Boy,” as he secretly called himself, was exactly what he needed to hear.

“Thank you, Toto,” George finally whispered, his voice breaking. “That means a lot to me.” Toto nodded, his gaze firmly on George. “You don’t need to be afraid. Your future with us is secure. But right now, the most important thing is that you recover. Everything else can wait. I am to old to get scarred from you so much” Alex, who had been quietly standing by, gently squeezed George’s hand, his eyes also filled with relief. “You heard what Toto said,” he added with a small smile. “So no more unnecessary worries, okay?” George smiled slightly in return and sank back into the pillows, feeling relaxed. “Okay, okay,” he said, his eyelids growing heavy again, but this time without the shadow of worry that had previously troubled him. Toto stood up and gently patted George on the shoulder. “Rest up, my boy. I’ll be outside if you need anything.” With those words, he left the room, but the space now felt much lighter. George felt the warmth of Alex’s hand in his and knew he wasn’t alone—neither in this moment nor in his future. He was going to be ok


If you liked it I would be super happy about some comments. and we need more Galex fanfics! :D