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Zelda's Knight


The cut scenes from Hyrule Warriors and Breath of the Wild.


If I ever get round to it, may contain Tears of the Kingdom scenes (don't get your hopes up)

Work Text:

A sea of silver filled the open space in front of Hyrule castle. Beams of light shone upon them, reflecting the knights' polished armour. At the head of the crowd on the balcony of the stone wall stood King Rhoam, gazing across his army.

"Listen well, soldiers of Hyrule. In our long history, we have scarcely faced a threat of this magnitude. The years have passed quickly since Calamity Ganon's revival was prophesied. Yes, we have unearthed the divine beasts and filled columns with our knowledge of ancient relics, but a barricade of books will not protect us, because this way surges a horde like we have never faced before," he frowned and stared behind them, over the gates of the castle and onto the field, where hints of red platter the fresh grass.

"Even now the enemy is clawing for our throat- for Hyrule itself. We must exterminate the monsters roaming Hyrule field. Thus will begin our renewed effort to stop the Calamity!" He lifted his royal claymore and stood up impossibly straighter. "Here, now, go forth, and be brave for our kingdom!"

The knights below raised their swords to the sky in unison, turning around as the mighty door was raised, displaying the hoard of beasts stampeding towards the mighty castle.



Link narrowed his eyes as he looked around, scanning the area for any stray bokoblins. A yell for help reverberated behind him and he whipped around to see a small group of red, pig-like beasts charge towards who he recognised to be the Lady Impa, who was carrying a rectangular device.

She didn't appear to have her weapons on her as she ran, frantically looking for somewhere to hide. She locked eyes with the knight. "You! Help!" She suddenly tripped over and the device flew from her grip, hurling through the air, and into Links awaiting hands as he pulled his sword out of his sheath, before being unceremoniously shaken, startling him, Impa and the monsters, The ground began to erupt, spewing out a large golden tower from beneath the cobblestones. Rubble fell from the sky as it ascended, showering the broken ground in mud, stone and dust.

"It's... a tower?" Spoke the Sheikah, standing beside Link, dusting herself off. "I hate to say it, but we have little hope of figuring this out on our own, Sir...?" She trailed off, staring expectantly at him.

He sheathed his sword and began to sign the individual letters of his name. "Ah, Sir Link. We must return to the King." He nodded and they ran back to the field.



"Each of you has served your kingdom admirably, not go and celebrate your victory." The king dismissed them and turned back towards the castle. Link and Impa cut through the beeline of knights and caught a glimpse of the Princess Zelda head towards them through the main entrance, wearing a deep blue dress. Her eyes lit up when she caught sight of her advisor and friend impa.

"You made it! I'm glad you're safe, Impa," she said, the Sheikah in question rushed forwards to greet her friend, Link bowing silently behind them.

"Yes, your Highness. And I've received the Sheikah slate from Purah! I also have an important matter to discuss with your father and yourself. On my way here I was being chased by the Bokoblins when Sir Link came to my aid. Out of nowhere a tower mysteriously broke through the ground and rose up. I would like permission for myself, Purah and Robbie to investigate it"

"I'm sure he'll give you his consent. Please, join me in the sanctum with my father." Impa nodded and walked beside the princess back towards the castle, standing up and heading towards the barracks.



It turned out that the King had not only given Zelda permission to go to Purah's research facility in Hateno, but to commemorate Link for his defeat of the moblins back on the field, ordering him to be a bodyguard for them on their journey, along with a small group of knights that Link commanded. They were half through their trek when Link heard a faint crash from somewhere behind them. He turned his head to see a cloud of black and red smoke swirling through the air. Amidst the smoke a glowing circle shone. A guardian, yet not one on their side it seemed. It activated its lazer that quickly focused and locked onto the princess who was unaware of the danger. Link immediately sprang into action, throwing up his shield, protecting both himself and the princess from the fatal blast, causing it to ricochet back at it, hitting squarely at its glowing eye.

"A guardian? But why?" Impa frowned. It appeared that the machine had not been defeated, only temporarily disabled, so Link turned to Impa who nodded, and grabbed the princess by the arm, pulling her away into a quick run.

In any other situation, Zelda would have shouted at him to unhand her, and complained about how she was the princess of Hyrule, but this was a life or death situation and so she was too preoccupied to be thinking about it, although that didn't stop her from keeping her complaint at the back of her mind. However he came to a halt when he saw an army of bokoblins and moblins run towards them from over the muddy slope. "And monsters too. Now, of all times!" Impa rolled her eyes, this time prepared for the attack.