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Treasure of Utopia

Chapter 10: Sick


if youre reading this because u saw it in bl recommendations in our school bl club, hi :*

Chapter Text

The dining area of the ship was a lively scene, the pirate crew gathered around long tables, digging into a hearty meal. The room was filled with the sounds of clinking silverware, boisterous laughter, and the occasional shouted story or joke.

Seonghwa sat at the dinner table, but he didn't feel quite like himself that night. He felt tired, his head heavy and his limbs weary. Despite the lively atmosphere, he found it hard to focus and join in the conversations. As the meal droned on, Seonghwa felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up his facade much longer.

With a subtle, almost invisible sigh, Seonghwa pushed his plate away and quietly rose from his seat. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, but the pirates noticed his lack of energy.

"What's wrong, Seonghwa?" Jongho asked before putting another piece of meat in his mouth. Hongjoong turned his head towards them as soon as he heard the prince's name.

"I am just feeling a bit's probably from the cooking." he tried to put a convincing smile on his face, rubbing his eyes.

"It could be from the sun too, I am sure you're not used to it," Jongho added, supporting his head with his hand, "but go rest, I am sure you will feel better tomorrow." he smiled at him.

As Seonghwa was leaving the dinner table, he chanced a glance around the room and noticed Hongjoong's concerned expression. The younger man's brow was furrowed, his eyes fixed intently on Seonghwa. Seonghwa's steps faltered for a moment as he caught Hongjoong's gaze, surprised that he had noticed his tiredness.
He forced a small smile in an attempt to reassure Hongjoong that he was fine, but he could tell that Hongjoong wasn't fooled.

After quietly making his way out of the dining area, Seonghwa entered the cabin he shared with Hongjoong. The room was quiet and dimly lit, the silence a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere of the dinner. Seonghwa shed his vest and shoes, sinking down onto the bed with a deep sigh. The exhaustion washed over him in waves, and before he even had a chance to get comfortable, he felt his eyelids growing heavy. Within moments, Seonghwa was fast asleep, his body finally giving in to the fatigue.

After few hours, Seonghwa's eyelids fluttered open, his vision still cloudy and disoriented. He was drenched in sweat, the fabric of his clothes sticking to his skin uncomfortably. Seonghwa's body felt unusually hot, like he was burning from the inside out, and he had an odd, foreign sensation pooling in his abdomen. He groaned softly, trying to shift positions on the bed in an effort to cool down and ease the strange feeling.

As he struggled to stand up, his legs shaking slightly with the effort. The unfamiliar sensation in his body hadn't abated, only worsening with the movement. He gritted his teeth, fighting through the discomfort, and took a few unsteady steps towards the door. He had to find Hongjoong, hoping the younger man could help him make sense of what was happening.

Seonghwa's vision was bleary as he stumbled out of the cabin, the world around him appearing a bit blurred and unsteady. He could faintly hear the sound of the others' laughter and voices from the dining area, no doubt still engaging in their drinking game. Seonghwa's head throbbed, and he felt unusually hot, as if he was coming down with a fever. The cool, night air hit his damp skin like a fresh, soothing breeze. The biting cold of the wind provided a brief moment of relief from the heat that had built up inside of him, helping to clear his fuzzy mind for a moment. Seonghwa took a deep, shuddering breath, closing his eyes for a brief moment as he relished the sensation of the wind caressing his heated skin.

Suddenly, he noticed a shadowy person in the distance. Seonghwa squinted his eyes into the darkness, trying to focus on the distant figure he'd spotted. His heart leapt in his chest as he assumed it was Hongjoong standing there, possibly waiting for him. The thought of getting help from him spurred him on further, and he began taking slow, unsteady steps towards the figure.

"Hongjoong..?" he called out, but as he got closer, he noticed that the person is taller than Hongjoong.

"Of course, who else would it be right." he heard a deep chuckle, and as the figure stepped into the light, Seonghwa's hope instantly shattered when he saw the familiar face of Mingi. He paused in his tracks, shock and disappointment washing over him as he realized it wasn't Hongjoong after all. But as Seonghwa's eyes moved over Mingi, he noticed the fresh black eye that was starting to form on the other man's face.

"I am sorry I-"

"Hongjoong is in the dining area." Mingi replied shortly, and Seonghwa felt as if the taller man wanted to avoid him at all cost.

Seonghwa thanked him, relieved that their conversation didn't last long. But as he was passing by, the sweet, heady scent of his pheromones wafted through the air, momentarily enveloping Mingi. The fragrance was stronger than usual, and it sent a slight shiver down Mingi's spine, his instincts involuntarily responding to the potent scent.

"Wait." Mingi's hand shot out quickly, latching onto Seonghwa's wrist and pulling him closer. The alpha's nose twitched as he caught another whiff of the omega's scent, and realization dawned on him as he identified the familiar, unmistakable hint of heat. His eyes darkened as he gazed at Seonghwa, his own instincts stirring in response to the omega's condition.

"You're in heat.." he mumbled, voice raspy.
Mingi's grip tightened as he leaned in closer, the alpha's nose tracing along the sensitive skin of Seonghwa's neck, taking deep breaths to fully take in his heady scent. Seonghwa shivered involuntarily as a mix of sensations washed over him, the proximity of the alpha combined with the sensitive area stimulated by the sniffing sending tremors through his body.

Was it true? But his heat was supposed to come later; in a week or so.
"Mingi I- I need to find Hongjoo-"

"No." Mingi interrupted him, his own body temperature rising. "You don't need Hongjoong, you need me..Seonghwa.." he breathed out, hands moving from his wrists to his waist, gripping it tightly.
"I am the perfect one for you, you just don't know it yet." he continued babbling, moving his hands over the omega's body.

Mingi felt a strong, nearly overpowering urge to touch Seonghwa, to feel the omega's skin under his fingers. The potent scent of Seonghwa's heat was clouding his mind, his instincts taking over as he desperately reached out to run his hands over the omega's body. His touch was rough, almost grasping, as if he couldn't get enough of the sensation.

"Mingi please..stop.." As Mingi's hands roamed over Seonghwa's body, the omega protested weakly, his pleas for Mingi to stop falling on mostly deaf ears. The heat coursing through Seonghwa's veins made his resolve weak, his body involuntarily responding to the alpha's touch. He trembled beneath Mingi's hands, his breathing becoming more shallow as his senses were overwhelmed.

As Mingi was about to sink his teeth into Seonghwa's neck, ready to claim him as his mate, a sharp voice cut through the air. "Hey! Stop!" It was Yeosang, his face appearing in the low light, his expression stern. He quickly approached the pair, pulling Mingi away from Seonghwa with a firm grip on the alpha's arm.

"You didn't get enough punches from Hongjoong today?!" Yeosang growled, holding Mingi tightly by the collar of his blouse, "go back to your room." he ordered firmly.
Mingi breathed heavily as spared one last glance on Seonghwa's flushed face before turning around and disappearing in the shadows.

Yeosang quickly turned his attention to Seonghwa, checking on the his condition. The closer he got, the stronger Seonghwa's scent became, the unmistakable fragrance of heat clouding Yeosang's senses. Concern etched on his features, he softly asked, "Are you okay, Seonghwa?"

Seonghwa nodded, clearing his throat. Suddenly every scent of the pirates felt like it was hundred times stronger, making his head spin.

"Can you..get Hongjoong..please.." he begged, voice quiet and desperate.

Yeosang could feel his own alpha instincts stirring in response to Seonghwa's strong heat scent, his body's natural response to the omega's pheromones. Knowing what could happen if he allowed himself to become too affected, Yeosang quickly covered his nose with his hand, trying to block the aroma from clouding his senses further.
"Yes, of course. But go back to the quarters, it's not safe to be out here when you're in heat." he said, keeping his distance from Seonghwa.

Seonghwa reluctantly returned to his quarters, the cool air of the room providing a brief respite from the feverish heat that was still coursing through his body. As he waited for Hongjoong, his mind raced with thoughts, the events of the past few minutes replaying in his mind. The scent of his heat lingered in the air, a constant reminder of his vulnerable state.

As Yeosang entered the dining area, he approached Hongjoong discreetly, his voice dropping to a soft whisper so only the other alpha could hear him. "Captain," he began "I think you should go check on Seonghwa.."

Hongjoong frowned, the worst scenarios playing in his head already. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew he was worried about him.
"What happened?" he asked, holding Yeosang's arm.

"He.." Yeosang quickly glanced around, making sure nobody was paying close attention to their dialogue. "He's in heat."

Upon hearing Yeosang's revelation, Hongjoong's expression immediately darkened. The atmosphere shifted in an instant, and he sprung up from his seat, a mixture of urgency and concern etched on his face. Hongjoong's every sense was attuned to the information, his instincts compelling him to act and ensure Seonghwa's safety and comfort.

"I found him outside, he was sweaty and confused, looking for you." Yeosang continued, avoiding the part with Mingi, as he knew it wouldn't end well if Hongjoong found out.

Hongjoong quickly nodded his thanks to Yeosang, and without further delay, he set off on a swift and determined stride towards the quarters where Seonghwa was waiting. His mind was focused solely on reaching the omega as quickly as possible, the thought of Seonghwa in distress driving him forward with a sense of urgency.

As Hongjoong stepped into the room, his gaze immediately fell upon Seonghwa's form on the bed. The omega's body was drenched in sweat, and the air in the room was thick with the intense heat scent that Seonghwa was giving off. Hongjoong's heart skipped a beat at the sight, worry and protectiveness welling up within him.
He noticed how tightly Seonghwa was clinging to his pillow, burying his face into the fabric, seeking comfort in Hongjoong's scent.

"Hongjoong..?" Seonghwa lifted up his head, his eyes glassy and pupils dilated.

"Seonghwa, are you okay..? Do you want me know-"

"No." Despite the intense heat coursing through his body and the overwhelming fatigue, Seonghwa's stubbornness kicked in. He tried to sit up on the bed, attempting to appear fine despite the obvious signs of distress on his face and his voice wavering slightly.

"It, it will go away..I don't usually have it that intense.." he explained while still clutching the pillow.

"But, you told me you were supposed to-"

"In a few weeks, I know.." Seonghwa cut him off again with a firm voice, he himself being quite nervous about the fact that his heat came suspiciously early.

Hongjoong's expression softened a bit as he looked at Seonghwa, acknowledging the omega's stubbornness. He knew better than to push the matter further, understanding that the heat can make an omega more protective and defensive. So, with a small sigh, Hongjoong replied, "Alright, if you need anything, just let me know."

He then walked over to the nearby hammock and settled in, setting up a make-shift bed to sleep. He made sure to keep a respectable distance from Seonghwa, knowing that his own alpha instincts could be triggered by the omega's heat scent.

While Hongjoong found himself drifting to sleep relatively quickly, Seonghwa struggled in the bed. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on him, he couldn't seem to find the comfort to fall asleep. The continuous heat and the thoughts swirling through his head kept him restless, his body still thrumming with tension. He tossed and turned, the sheets sticking to his sweaty skin, as he fought to find a comfortable position in the bed. The intense heat of his heat made it nearly impossible for him to relax.