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A Ride to Remember


A curious biker with a knack for ignoring warnings, stumbles upon a spooky old road and accidentally summons a ghost with a mysterious past.

Now stuck with a hauntingly cute companion, Jungkook's break from the city turns into an unexpected adventure filled with spooky shenanigans and ghostly mischief.

Who knew lighting a candle could be such a grave mistake?

Chapter 1: A Night to Remember

Chapter Text

The small town on the outskirts of Seoul seemed like the perfect getaway for someone like Jungkook. The 27-year-old had been feeling the weight of city life pressing down on him, and the idea of a place where time seemed to move a little slower was exactly what he needed. The town was quaint, with narrow streets lined by old houses, each bearing the mark of decades gone by. The air was crisp and clean, a refreshing change from the smog of Seoul.

Jungkook had arrived early in the morning, his motorcycle rumbling softly as he navigated the quiet streets. He took in the sight of the sleepy town, the way the morning sun filtered through the trees, casting long shadows on the pavement. It was peaceful here, almost too peaceful. The kind of peace that made you want to close your eyes and breathe it all in, to let it seep into your bones and erase every trace of the noise and chaos of city life.

As he parked his bike near a small, family-run inn, he couldn't help but notice the way the locals looked at him. It wasn't the usual curiosity that strangers received in a small town, but something more cautious, almost as if they were wary of him. Jungkook shrugged it off, attributing it to his appearance - his tattoos, his motorcycle, his general air of nonchalance. He was used to it.

After checking in and dropping off his bags, Jungkook decided to explore the town on foot. It was small enough to cover in an afternoon, but something about it made him want to take his time. There was an odd charm to the place, a kind of nostalgic beauty that made you feel like you were stepping into another era.

The locals were friendly enough, though there was a certain reserve in their interactions. It wasn't long before he overheard snippets of conversation about the town's infamous legend. It seemed that everyone here was well-acquainted with the story, though they were reluctant to speak about it openly. The legend told of a ghost that haunted the countryside at night, appearing on the old, abandoned road that wound through the forest just outside of town.

His curiosity was piqued. He had always been drawn to the unknown, to the thrill of exploring places that others feared. The idea of an abandoned road with a ghostly legend attached to it was too intriguing to pass up.

As he walked into the local café for lunch, Jungkook decided to ask the owner about the legend. The café was cozy, with a few small tables and a counter lined with pastries. The owner, an elderly man with a kind face, greeted Jungkook with a smile as he entered.

"What brings you to our little town, young man?" the owner asked, his voice warm and welcoming.

"Just passing through," Jungkook replied with a grin. "Needed a break from the city."

"Well, you've picked the right place for that," the owner said with a nod. "Not much happens around here. It's quiet and peaceful, perfect for someone looking to get away."

Jungkook took a seat at the counter, ordering a sandwich and a coffee. As the owner prepared his meal, he decided to bring up the topic that had been on his mind since he arrived.

"I've been hearing some talk about a ghost that haunts an old road around here," Jungkook said casually. "What's the story behind that?"

The owner paused for a moment, his hands stilling as he sliced the bread. He glanced at Jungkook, his expression serious. "You don't want to be messing around with that road, son," he said quietly. "It's not a place for outsiders. Best you stay clear of it."

"Come on, it's just a story, right?" Jungkook replied with a playful smirk. "A ghost? On an abandoned road? Sounds like something out of a horror movie."

The owner sighed, shaking his head. "It may sound like just a story to you, but it's real enough for the people around here. There's been more than one person who's gone down that road and never come back. And those that do... well, they're never quite the same."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the man's words. "So, you believe in the ghost?" he asked.

The owner set his plate on the counter, his eyes meeting Jungkook's with a serious expression. "I've lived here all my life, seen things that I can't explain. Whether you believe it or not, that road is dangerous. You'd do well to stay away."

Jungkook nodded, though he had no intention of taking the man's advice. The more he heard, the more he wanted to see this road for himself. "Thanks for the warning," he said, his tone respectful.

The owner's gaze lingered on Jungkook for a moment before he sighed again. "Just be careful," he said, almost as if he knew that his warning would go unheeded.

He finished his meal in silence, his thoughts consumed by the legend of the ghost. As he left the café, he made up his mind. That night, he would find the old road and see if the legend was true.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the town as he returned to the inn to prepare for his adventure. The excitement in his chest was palpable; it was the same feeling he got before every ride, that mix of thrill and anticipation. But this time, there was something more, a sense of the unknown that made his heart beat a little faster.

As darkness fell over the town, Jungkook mounted his motorcycle, the engine roaring to life beneath him. He adjusted his helmet, glancing up at the sky. The moon was full, its light casting eerie shadows on the ground as he turned onto the road leading out of town.

The streets were deserted as he rode, the only sound the hum of his bike and the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. The further he went, the less familiar the surroundings became, until he found himself on a narrow, overgrown path that led into the forest.

"This must be it," Jungkook murmured to himself as he slowed the bike, taking in the sight of the old, abandoned road before him. It was exactly as the owner had described - narrow, cracked pavement with weeds growing through the gaps, the trees on either side creating a canopy that blocked out most of the moonlight.

Hi heart raced as he revved the engine, the thrill of the unknown driving him forward. He didn't know what he would find on this road, but he was determined to see it through.

The narrow road seemed to stretch endlessly into the darkened forest, the hum of his motorcycle echoing eerily in the silence. The trees pressed in on either side, their twisted branches forming shadowy patterns on the cracked pavement. Despite the chill in the air, a thrill of excitement surged through him, pushing him onward. He had always been drawn to places like this - places that held secrets, mysteries that begged to be uncovered.

As he rode deeper into the forest, something caught his eye. A faint glimmer of light flickered through the dense trees on his left. Jungkook slowed the bike to a stop, curiosity getting the better of him. He cut the engine, the sudden quiet amplifying the sounds of the forest around him. The light was faint, almost as if it was beckoning him closer. He dismounted, leaving his helmet on the seat, and stepped cautiously toward the source.

The path was narrow and overgrown, barely more than a trail through the underbrush. The light grew brighter as he moved closer, revealing a small, hidden clearing. In the center of the clearing stood an old, weathered shrine, its stone surfaces covered in moss and ivy. The shrine was small, but it had an air of reverence, as if it had been forgotten by time but still held some significance.

Jungkook approached the shrine, noticing a few offerings left behind - faded flowers, old coins, and what appeared to be a small, intricately carved figurine. There was a sense of tranquility in the clearing, a stark contrast to the eerie atmosphere of the road he had just traveled. His eyes were drawn to a single, unlit candle resting on the shrine, the wick barely visible beneath a layer of dust.

Without thinking, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. The idea of lighting the candle felt natural, almost as if it was something he was meant to do. He flicked the lighter open, the small flame dancing in the cool night air. As he held it to the wick, the candle sputtered to life, its warm glow casting long shadows over the shrine.

"There we go," he murmured to himself, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

The flame flickered for a moment, and then a sudden gust of wind swept through the clearing. Jungkook shivered, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. The wind seemed to swirl around him, rustling the leaves and making the trees creak. It was as if the entire forest had suddenly come alive.

He took a step back, his eyes scanning the shadows nervously. The atmosphere had shifted, the peacefulness of the clearing replaced by an unsettling feeling of anticipation. He felt as if he was being watched, though there was no one else around.

"Maybe I shouldn't have done that," he whispered to himself, trying to shake off the unease that had settled in his chest.

But even as he turned to leave, he couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed. The wind died down just as quickly as it had started, leaving the clearing in an almost unnatural stillness. The candle continued to burn brightly on the shrine, its flame unwavering despite the strange breeze.

Jungkook cast one last glance at the shrine before heading back to his bike. He couldn't explain it, but the clearing suddenly felt... different. As if it was waiting for something - or someone. But he, unaware of the forces he had just set in motion, simply shrugged off the strange feeling and continued on his way, the echoes of the wind still whispering in his ears.