
Work Header

Chapter 7: Routine

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Emma was up for work early as usual. She was wearing a hoodie over her scrubs and sneakers. Henry wakes up hearing his Mom getting ready. “Mommy!”

“Hi, kid.”

Henry hugged his Mommy. “I miss you. After nurse, I go to bed.”

Emma hugged her son, her schedule has been making her busy. “How about we get Granny’s for breakfast before I go to work?”

“Weally? Now?”

“Yes.” She packed her bag as her son got ready for the day.  She helped him with his outfit. 

Snow White saw her daughter and grandson. “Emma.”

“Nana Mommy gwanny’s!”

“Henry and I are getting Granny’s for breakfast before I go to work.”

“Have fun.” She hugged her daughter. “I will bring him to preschool.” 

“Thank you, Mom.” She packed her travel cup of coffee and puts her red leather jacket over her scrub shirt and long sleeve. 

At Granny’s, Granny saw Emma and Henry. “Hi, Emma.”

“Hi, Granny.”

“Hi, Henry.”

“Hi! I have bweakfast wif my mommy before she is nurse.”

Granny smiles at the four-year-old. “That is wonderful.” She leads them to the booth where Emma and her parents usually sit. She gives Henry paper and crayons. 

“Thank you, Granny. I will have my usual grilled cheese and onion rings.”

“I will have chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Both with cinnamon hot cocoa!”

“You both got it.” She went to the counter. 


“Yes, baby?”

“Dada is not going to find us wight?”

“He is not going to find us because he never knew where I lived. I only met him in Boston.”

“What if he does?”

“Where does the question…”

“I heard Nana and Gramps talk about him…”

She went around and hugged her son. “If he does find us, we have Grandpa, Nana, who uses bows and arrows, and Killian to protect us. He did not know I was from Maine. He is not going to hurt us ever again.” 

“I miss you at home wif Nana and Gwamps.”

“How about every morning, you and I have breakfast here before I go to work? At home, we will play. What do you say?”

“Bweakfast and play at home. Killy play too?”

“Yes. Do you like that plan?”


“On weekends, you have me all weekend and Killian.”

“Yay!” He hugged his Mommy. She kissed her son on the head. 

Granny brings Emma and Henry’s cinnamon hot cocoa. “Hot cocoa!!”

“Yes, hot cocoa with cinnamon is the best!” The mother and son drink hot cocoa. 

A little while later, Killian sees the mother and son leave Granny’s. “There is my beautiful swan and little pirate.”

“Killy!!!” Henry runs to him.

He scooped Henry in his arms. “Hi, Henry!” He faced his swan. “Hi, love.” 

“Hi, Killian.” They kiss.

“Mommy and I went to Gwannys.” 

“That is great.” He faced his swan. 

“You are up early.”

“I went home early from the pub. I am going to grab coffee and breakfast at Storybrooke Coffee.”

“I have to get Henry to my Mom so she can take him to preschool.”

“I can take him.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I can. His backpack is in my yellow bug. I can walk you to the coffee shop.” 

“Yay, Killy wif us!!” She smiles at her son and texted her Mom, Killian is taking Henry to preschool. They walk to the coffee shop. 

“Mommy, can I get a muffin?”

“You just had breakfast.”

“Lad, I can buy you a muffin to go with your lunch.”

“Yay!” Emma smiles, her two boys are close. 

Outside, “Kid, be good at preschool.”

“I will!’ They hug.

Emma hugs her boyfriend. “Thank you for the quick morning meet-up.”

“I am very happy to see my swan before work.” They kiss. Emma gets in her yellow bug. Killian holds Henry. “Have a good day at work!”

“Bye, Mommy!”

“Bye!” She drives to work.

Killian sets Henry down and begins walking to Miss Ashley’s preschool. Henry talks to him as they walk. 

Emma arrives at work, on time. She checks her surgery schedule she was on and went to the operating room to prep for the surgery she was on.

Killian and Henry arrive at the preschool. “My classwoom!”

“That is right. You are going to have a fun day.”

“Will I see you after pweschool?”


“Bye, Killy!”

“Bye, little pirate.” 

Henry enters his classroom. He runs back and hugs Killian. “Bye,Killy!”  

He smiles at the little lad.“Go to your class, lad.” Henry returns to his classroom. Ashley waves at Killian. 

He smiles, Henry looks up to him as a male role model. He thinks of Henry as a son. If he and Emma get married, he wants to adopt Henry as his own.