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Brought the heat back


Gyuvin slowly started placing soft kisses on the expanse of skin around Ricky's scent gland. "Is it just me, or fuck, you smell so sweet, baby," Gyuvin growled against his skin, sending shivers down Ricky's spine as he leaned back into the touch.

"It's because of my stupid heat messing with my hormones," Ricky sighed. "It's been so long since my last one, I just know this one's going to be a bitch."

"All the more reason to stay with you," Gyuvin mumbled as he started to suck on the skin he was previously mouthing.


"No buts, baby. The only 'but' we should be talking about is yours when I'm pounding into it." Ricky chuckled, rolling his eyes and swatting at the alpha's shoulders at the absurdly lame joke.


Or, where Rickys heat comes early and his more than eger to help alpha, helps him through it.



Had to join in on the Gyubrink omegaverse porn fr.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

"Shit," Ricky muttered under his breath as he looked over at the calendar he and his boyfriend had hanging in the living room of their shared apartment. All the important dates were highlighted and written in red as soon as possible, so how did he not realize this until the last minute?

"What's wrong, baby?" Gyuvin asked from across the room where he sat on the couch, his eyes not straying from the show playing on the TV for even a second as he spoke.

"My heat's in a few days. How the fuck did I not realize?" Ricky groaned.

The mention of a heat immediately sparked the younger’s interest. He turned his head at record speed, a small smirk plastered on his face. "A heat, you say?"

"Dumb horny alpha," the raven-haired omega sighed. He and Gyuvin always helped each other when the time for either of their ruts or heats approached, so it was clear why his boyfriend was so smug—he got to fuck his omega for days on end until his heat cleared.

"Don't get so excited, dumbfuck. Look here," he pointed at a later date marked on the calendar, still well within Ricky's heat cycle. "We have that dinner reservation with Hao and Hanbin." He frowned; he didn't want to miss it since he loved spending time with the older couple. Plus, it had been a while since he had a chance to dress all pretty and dolled up.

"Aww, is my omega all disappointed?" Gyuvin cooed. "What if I just fuck you so hard your heat gets over sooner?" He said it as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"You know that's not how it works, Gyuvin," Ricky narrowed his eyes, unimpressed at the notion. Ricky's heats had always been more intense than most, so no matter how good he got dicked down, it always took him a few days to fully recover from the whole ordeal.

Ricky couldn't always complain, though. Of course, it had its ups (marathon sex for hours on end), but there were dreary moments like this where it proved to be an absolute impediment.

"Either we cancel on them, or you go, and I just ride out my heat until you get back—"

"No!" Gyuvin yelled, cutting him off, thoroughly offended at the idea. "I am not going to leave you for even a second when you're in heat, Ricky. I'd go insane from worry." Ricky heard footsteps, but he was too busy looking at the calendar to realize Gyuvin had made his way to where he stood, wrapping his large arms around the older omega's waist in a back hug.

Ricky let out a little gasp in shock at the sudden contact but softened to the touch immediately as he inhaled his alpha's familiar cinnamon scent.

"Gyu, I won't die when you're away, you know. I can handle a couple of hours," he assured, but Gyuvin didn't seem to be listening as he nestled his head into the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

Gyuvin slightly nudged his head, and Ricky got the message, craning his neck so the boy could sink his face deeper into the omega's sweet strawberry scent. He hummed contentedly before Ricky prodded him for a response.

"You won't, but I will, so if you think you can convince me to leave you alone, no can do, baby."

Gyuvin slowly started placing soft kisses on the expanse of skin around Ricky's scent gland. "Is it just me, or fuck, you smell so sweet, baby," Gyuvin growled against his skin, sending shivers down Ricky's spine as he leaned back into the touch.

"It's because of my stupid heat messing with my hormones," Ricky sighed. "It's been so long since my last one, I just know this one's going to be a bitch."

"All the more reason to stay with you," Gyuvin mumbled as he started to suck on the skin he was previously mouthing.


"No buts, baby. The only 'but' we should be talking about is yours when I'm pounding into it." Ricky chuckled, rolling his eyes and swatting at the alpha's shoulders at the absurdly lame joke.

Of course, he was happy he had such an amazing alpha there to help take care of him, and it made his inner omega brim with contentment at how enthusiastic his boyfriend always was to help him out during his heats, but he just couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that he couldn't go to dinner.

The two couples had made the reservation weeks ago; the new fusion restaurant had garnered a lot of buzz, so he and Hao had planned a double date with their boyfriends as a much-needed catch-up.

His thoughts were cut off as he felt something hard rub against the swell of his ass.

That can't be, can it?

"Uh, Gyuvin?" he questioned incredulously.

"All this talk about heats is making me horny," the younger admitted sheepishly, sucking and nipping at the omega's skin slowly.

Ricky turned around, glaring at his alpha. "You cannot actually be serious right now, Gyuvin. I am here losing my mind over this dinner thing, and here you are getting all bricked up," he scolded.

"Please, baby," his alpha whined, pulling the omega closer. "At least suck me off?" The small grin plastered on his face was enough of an indication that he shouldn't, that he should just blue-ball his boyfriend and begin prepping for his oncoming heat. But he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel the least bit tempted.

He sank to his knees as he slowly teased Gyuvin by mouthing at the younger's clothed cock.

Ricky's lips hovered just above the bulge straining against Gyuvin's pants, teasing with soft, barely-there touches. He could feel the heat radiating from his alpha, hear the soft hitch in his breath as he resisted the urge to thrust forward.

"Ricky…" Gyuvin’s voice came out as a low growl, his hands gripping the back of Ricky’s head, fingers threading through the soft strands of raven hair, but he didn’t pull. Not yet.

The older hummed, sending vibrations across. "Stop teasing."

"Am I?" Ricky's tone was playful as he finally began to undo the buttons of Gyuvin's pants, taking his time as he slipped in a few small touches over the boy's bulge. Gyuvin groaned at the minimal contact, and the older finally pulled the zipper down before bringing down the alpha's pants achingly slowly.

Ricky chuckled softly, his breath ghosting over Gyuvin’s clothed cock, making the alpha curse under his breath. He slowly peeled the fabric away, revealing Gyuvin's hard length, already leaking with anticipation. The omega’s mouth watered at the sight.

“No touching,” Ricky commanded, his voice low and full of intent. Gyuvin’s breath caught, his arousal only growing as he nodded, obediently dropping his hands to his sides.

“Good boy,” Ricky murmured, smirking up at his alpha. Slowly, he peeled back the waistband of Gyuvin’s boxers, freeing his hard cock. It stood proudly, the tip already slick with pre-cum. Ricky licked his lips, his eyes locked on Gyuvin’s as he wrapped a hand around the base, giving it a slow, deliberate stroke.

Gyuvin acted almost instantaneously, throwing his head back in pleasure as he struggled to keep his hands to himself.

“You’re so fucking hard for me,” Ricky whispered, his voice dripping with satisfaction as he finally took the tip of Gyuvin’s cock into his mouth, sucking lightly. He could feel Gyuvin’s hips twitching, his alpha fighting the urge to thrust forward.

Slowly, he took more of Gyuvin into his mouth, inch by inch, until he felt the head brushing the back of his throat. He moaned around the cock, the vibration making Gyuvin curse under his breath.

Ricky’s hand gripped the base of Gyuvin’s cock, stroking in time with the movements of his mouth. Ricky could tell Gyuvin was close—he could feel the alpha’s cock twitching in his mouth, could hear the desperate, needy sounds spilling from his lips. But he wasn’t ready to let him come just yet.

Ricky set a slow, deliberate pace, hollowing his cheeks as he bobbed his head, his tongue pressing firmly against Gyuvin’s cock.

The youners hips began to move on their own accord, thrusting gently into Ricky’s mouth as he got lost in the sensation. “Fuck, you feel so good, baby,” he panted.

He loved the way Gyuvin fell apart for him, how easily he could reduce his usually confident and dominant alpha to a pleading mess with just his mouth.

He pulled back suddenly, releasing the alphas cock with a wet pop.

Gyuvin growled, his eyes darkening with frustration. "What do you think you're doing?"

"You want to come, alpha?”

“Yes,” Gyuvin practically gasped, his hips twitching with the effort of holding back. “Please, Ricky…” the younger begged, his resolve dying quickly.

Ricky’s eyes brightened with satisfaction, hearing his alpha beg so sweetly. Without another word, he took Gyuvin back into his mouth, sucking hard as he bobbed his head quickly, determined to push Gyuvin over the edge.

It didn’t take long. Within moments, Gyuvin was panting, his hands trembling as he fought to keep them at his sides. “Fuck, Ricky, I’m gonna—”

Before he knew it, hot spurts of liquid burned the back of his throat as he struggled to take it all, his eyes tearing up at the sudden intensity. As Gyuvin slowly came down from his high, he looked down at Ricky, who was licking his lips and wiping away a stray drop of cum with the back of his hand before taking it into his mouth, not leaving an ounce to waste.

"How was that?" he rasped, his voice hoarse after all that.

"Fucking amazing," Gyuvin replied instantly as he began to come back down from his post-nut haze. He reached down, pulling Ricky up to his feet.

"What can I say? I'm just that good."

Gyuvin chuckled, wrapping his arms around Ricky and pulling him close, pressing their foreheads together. “Next time, let me take care of you.”

He giggled softly as the younger placed a soft kiss on his forehead.




Ricky woke up, interrupted from his sleep as he felt his skin burn and his lower abdomen swell with pain. Could it be that his heat came early? But that had never happened before, and it made no sense for it to start now. He didn't have time to dwell on the specifics; right now, he needed his alpha, and badly.

He turned to face his boyfriend, still asleep and painfully unaware of the situation. But before he could stop and think straight, a waft of Gyuvin's cinnamon scent filled the room, ridding Ricky of any common chain of reasoning.

The raven-haired omega didn’t think twice before he moved to straddle his boyfriend, his brain too overcome by heat hormones to stop any rash decisions. He began rocking his hips, the friction sending waves of pleasure through him as he felt Gyuvin harden.

The younger stirred in his sleep, eyes slowly opening.

“Ricky? What’s going on, baby?” Gyuvin’s voice was still hoarse as he just woke up, but he was alert now, his hands instinctively moving to hold Ricky’s hips, grounding him.

“I-I think my heat came early,” Ricky admitted, his voice trembling as he pressed closer, his body aching for relief. “I need you, Gyu… please.”

His hands tightened their grip on Ricky’s hips, his eyes darkening. “Fuck, Ricky… of course, I’m here. I’ve got you, baby.”

Without wasting another second, Gyuvin shifted beneath Ricky, sitting up slightly so that he could pull his omega closer, their bodies pressed together. The sudden movement made Ricky gasp, his arms wrapping around Gyuvin’s neck as he clung to him.

Gyuvin’s hands roamed Ricky’s back, soothing and steadying him as he kissed the side of Ricky’s neck, his lips lingering over the omega’s scent gland. “You’re burning up,” Gyuvin murmured, his voice low and full of concern as he started to pepper Ricky’s neck with soft kisses, paying extra attention to where the omega had his tattoo.

“I know,” Ricky whimpered, his body shaking despite the heat radiating from him. “I just… I need you inside me, Gyu… now. Please.”

Gyuvin’s breath hitched at the plea, his cock hardening at the desperate need in Ricky’s voice.

He moved his hands to help Ricky out of his clothes, discarding them quickly. He was already halfway there himself, having gone to bed in just his boxers, which were now painfully tight.

"Lie down for me so I can prep you," Gyuvin instructed, his tone calm and reassuring, making the omega feel safe. He hesitantly got off, spreading his legs, the slick coating his rim and dripping down his thighs.

"Fuck, you look like a sin," Gyuvin rasped as he inserted two fingers into the omega’s tight hole. He scissored his fingers, working the omega open.

"Just like that, Gyuvin," Ricky moaned, arching his back as Gyuvin's fingers brushed past his prostate. Gyuvin jammed his fingers in deeper, eliciting a sharp cry from Ricky.

"A-alpha," he whimpered, clutching onto the sheets as his boyfriend thrust his fingers in and out of the omega's hole. The loud squelching sounds echoed through the room as slick gushed out. He should've been embarrassed, really, but after the countless heats he had spent with the alpha, he knew Gyuvin liked things messy, and what kind of omega would he be if he didn’t please his alpha?

"You're so wet, and I've barely done anything," the younger teased, earning himself a small mewl.

"Please, Qubing," Ricky begged. "I need more."

"I know, baby, but we need to prep you properly," Gyuvin mumbled against Ricky's hole before lapping his tongue at the entrance. "God, you taste so sweet." Ricky couldn't help but roll his eyes back in pleasure, releasing a loud moan when Gyuvin rubbed across his prostate intentionally.

Seeing that his two fingers had loosened up the older, Gyuvin thrust in a third, scissoring the omega expertly in an attempt to work him open enough for his own cock to fit.

"A-alpha, please, I need you inside."

"Patience, princess. I'll give you everything when I think you're stretched properly. I don't want to hurt you, hm?"

Ricky huffed in protest, opening his mouth to say something, but Gyuvin, sensing the older's disapproval, tried to appease him in other ways.

Ricky gasped as he felt something warm and wet lap at his nipples. He looked down only to be met with the erotic sight of his boyfriend slowly working his tongue around his quickly hardening buds. While Gyuvin sucked and twirled his tongue around one, he used the hand that wasn't occupied fingering his hole to roll the omega's other nipple between his fingers. The alpha used his thumb to graze across the raven-haired’s now-sensitive nipples. Ricky whined as Gyuvin switched sides, lapping his tongue like a little puppy sucking at its treat.

He felt the cold air brush past his wet nipples, letting out a needy whine at the sensation.

The feeling sent waves of pleasure through his body as he tried to accommodate the various stimulations coursing through him. He spread his legs further in an attempt to get his alpha to reach deeper inside, arching his back so Gyuvin's mouth sucked him in further.

"And to think, when I knock you up, these tits will swell up all nicely for our pups, hm?" The vibrations from his low voice around his sensitive buds made Ricky shudder ever so slightly.

He grew harder at the idea as copious amounts of slick poured out of him. "I guess someone here likes the idea of me stuffing my knot so deep inside we have a cute little pup running around." Gyuvin chuckled as Ricky moaned at the implication.

"Pl-please, Gyuvin."

"You want to carry your alpha's pups like the good omega you are, Rick?" The thought of a baby that resembled both him and Gyuvin in their hands had him clutching the younger's hair as he rutted helplessly into the alpha's fingers.

"Aw, look at my pretty omega getting all worked up at the idea of me getting him pregnant." The alpha halted his movements before pulling his fingers out in a swift motion. Ricky whined at the sudden emptiness that left his hole gaping. He could hear Gyuvin's breath hitch at the sight. He spread his legs to give the alpha a clear view of his pink swollen rim, dripping with saliva and slick, puckering, ready to be filled and fucked.

He took the chance to thrust two of his own fingers into his hole, fucking himself while watching Gyuvin stroke his member at the sight.

"Kim Ricky, you are going to be the death of me," he groaned as he threw his head back. "You know that?"

Gyuvin massaged his boner before removing the older's hands to align his cock with the omega's hole. The tip grazed against his rim, providing him with some much-needed friction. He bucked his hips in an attempt to get his alpha's cock inside, but Gyuvin held his hips down, stopping any further movements.

"I love seeing you like this, baby," he rubbed his cock around the omega's hole, teasing him as he caressed the soft flesh of Ricky's ass, "all needy and desperate for my cock."

The omega let out a pathetic wail. "Qubing, I swear if you don't fuck my brain out right now, I'll go insane."

Gyuvin let go of his resolve as he started to ease his dick into the older, letting out a groan as the omega sucked him into his heat, almost blacking out at the feeling. "You're clenching around me so tight, baby. Relax," he traced circles around Ricky's thighs in an attempt to calm him.

"Ngh, Gyuvin... so full," Ricky moaned, unable to form coherent sentences. No matter how many times he'd been fucked by Gyuvin, he had never been able to get used to the younger's size. The stretch burned, but it was nothing compared to the heat he felt creeping and flaring against his skin. He needed to be fucked, and fast.

The alpha, sensing Ricky was not going to loosen up any further, began slowly easing the rest of his member in. The omega screamed from being stretched so wide around Gyuvin's cock, but the younger was quick to muffle the noises by connecting their lips together, an attempt to distract his boyfriend from the pain, something he did when Ricky was too impatient to be stretched properly but too tight for it not to burn plus the omega loved kissing his boyfriend.

"Shh, it's okay, Princess," he reassured between kisses. "Your alpha will take good care of you, alright Rwick?"

Ricky moaned into the kiss, running his hands through the alpha's soft auburn strands. Gyuvin held onto Ricky's waist as he bottomed out completely. Pulling away from Ricky's lips, much to Ricky's displeasure, panting at the feeling of the omega wrapping around him so tightly.

Ricky whined at the loss of his boyfriend's soft lips on his own, wrapping his arms around his alpha's neck to bring him back down to kiss him agin, not wasting a single moment to be wrapped in his alpha.

The kiss was sloppy and messy as saliva dribbled past their mouths, escaping as their tongues fought for dominance. Ricky was the first to give in, allowing his alpha to suck on his tongue and nibble at his bottom lip, probably swollen and red for what it was worth, but he loved it, he loved his alpha treating him as if he was the only omega left on the world.

"Can I move now, princess?" Gyuvin whispered between the kiss. Ricky nodded his head frantically, and Gyuvin reacted instantly, thrusting forward.

" good" he praised between moans as Gyuvin filled him to the brim, his pheromes were going wild and feral right now, much like his desire as it consumed the room, the ever so sweet strawberry scent that drove his alpha wild wrapping them togther as it unravelled Gyuvin, visiblly inntoxicating the younger.

"fuck" he moaned, "I'm not going to last much longer if you clench around me so tight princess" Gyuvin looked down, growling at the sight of his pretty omega all spread out for him, his hair was toused and a mess as tears began to form at the corners of the omegas eyes, his mouth fell wide open letting out the sweetest noises.

Ricky knew he probably looked like a sin right now, he felt like it too but the pleasure was too good for him to think about anything else, espically not when his alpha was pounding into him like this.

The omegas small gasps and whimpers drove the alpha insane. Rickys hands were clutching at the sheets as he tried to match Gyuvins thrusts, the younger took one of Rickys hands in his own, interlocking them togther before pulling out until the tip and slamming himself all the way inside.

Ricky wailed as he held onto his alpha tightly, his grip so hard his knuckes began to turn white.

Rickys writhed at the sheets feeling a familair heat begin to form in his lower abdomen, "Gyu-Gyuvin I'm close" he breathed out as the alpha slammed into again, he could feel the alpha's knot begin to form inside of himself aswell.

"me too, princess" he rasped "me too," he slid his arms under the olders legs before lifting them and placing them on his shoulder. The new angle only drove himself deeper into the omega as he gripped onto the boys hips, thrusting himself at a new found emergency.

"shit Ricky" he breathed out, "look"

the omega slowly lifted his head to look at what the alpha was refrencing to, and fuck was he about to go insane. There was a little buldge in his belly that moved each time the alpha thrused in and out of his hole.He threw his head back pleasure and tighted himself around his boyfriends dick at the sight.

Gyuvin pressed onto the buldge as he contined to move into the omega setting a steady rythm and the feeling of Gyin pressing onto his lower abdomen sent sparks of electricy through his body.

"ngh..Qubing" he moaned,

"what do you need princess, Im right here"

"T-touch me please"

Gyuvin didn't reply to that, he just dipped his head down and began sucking hickeys onto the olders pale skin as his free hand romed around his omegas body.

“Gyuvin… I’m gonna… I’m gonna come,” Ricky cried out, his body trembling as he felt his orgasm building, the heat in his core growing tighter with every thrust.

“Come for me, baby,” Gyuvin urged, his own voice strained as he fought to keep control. “Come on your alpha’s cock.”

That was all it took. Ricky’s orgasm hit him like a tidal wave, crashing through him with an intensity that left him breathless. His body shook, every muscle tensing as he cried out Gyuvin’s name, his vision going black as the pleasure consumed him. His cock spilled untouched onto his stomach, his body writhing beneath Gyuvin’s.

The feeling of Ricky clenching around him was too much for Gyuvin. With a deep, guttural moan, he buried himself deep inside his omega, his knot swelling fully as he came, hot and thick, filling Ricky to the brim.

They collapsed soon after, Ricky’s head resting against Gyuvin’s chest, both of them breathless and spent. Gyuvin’s arms wrapped around Ricky, holding him close as they came down from the high, their bodies still intertwined.

“Are you okay, princess?” Gyuvin asked softly, his voice gentle as he peppered Ricky’s face with kisses, replacing them with tender care.

Ricky nodded, too exhausted to speak.

“You did so good, baby,” Gyuvin murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Ricky’s head as he gently stroked his back. "I guess we won't be cancelling that dinner reservation after all" He chuckled.


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