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Stalked in the Spotlight

Chapter 4: Breaking Points


The atmosphere in the dorm was heavy with unspoken tension. Despite the band’s best efforts to support Yuta, the relentless negative comments and threats continued to take their toll. The daily grind of interviews, performances, and public appearances was overshadowed by the growing shadow of online hate.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The next morning, as Yuta scrolled through social media, his heart sank further.

The comments were unrelenting:
“Why is he even in the group? He’s just extra.”

“He’s too fat and looks like a girl. Is it because he’s Japanese?”

“Is he a ladyboy or something? He’s so girly.”

“Why does Mark like him so much? What a hoe.”

“What a slut. He’s just using the group for attention.”

Each comment felt like a dagger to his heart. The repeated attacks on his appearance, his role in the group, and even his relationship with his bandmates left him feeling isolated and worthless.

Yuta’s self-doubt deepened. He tried to maintain a brave face, but the constant barrage of negativity was eroding his resilience. During practice sessions and public appearances, his once-vibrant energy was replaced with a subdued demeanor.

The band noticed the change but struggled to understand the full extent of Yuta’s distress. His reluctance to open up made it difficult for them to offer the support he needed.

The texts from the unknown number grew increasingly menacing. They began to include direct threats:
“You’re worthless. No one wants you here.”

“You should just disappear. No one would miss you.”

“I’m watching you. You won’t be able to hide forever.”

Yuta read each message with growing fear, but he kept the contents to himself. The fear of alarming his bandmates and the public scrutiny held him back from sharing the full extent of the threats.

In a desperate attempt to cope with the overwhelming stress, Yuta began engaging in self-harm. In the solitude of his room, he would use a small blade to cut his thighs, trying to find an escape from the emotional pain. The physical pain provided a temporary distraction from the mental anguish, but the relief was short-lived.

Later that evening, after a particularly grueling schedule, Taeyong and Johnny noticed that Yuta was more withdrawn than usual. They tried to engage him in conversation during dinner, but Yuta’s responses were minimal and his appetite non-existent.

“Hyung, you need to eat something,” Johnny said, pushing a plate of food towards Yuta. “You’re not taking care of yourself.”
Taeyong added, “We’re worried about you. You’ve been acting differently lately. Is there something you want to talk about?”

Yuta forced a smile and shook his head. “I’m just tired. It’s nothing.”

The bandmates exchanged concerned glances but respected Yuta’s decision not to open up. They decided to increase their efforts to support him, planning more group activities and ensuring he was included in every aspect of their daily lives.

As the threats continued to escalate, Yuta’s anxiety grew. He would often lock himself in the bathroom, staring at the threatening messages and trying to steady his breathing. The fear of what the next message might bring was consuming him.

Two day later in the evening, after receiving another threatening text, Yuta’s hands shook as he tried to steady his breathing. He clenched his phone, tears streaming down his face, but he continued to keep his struggles hidden.
The tension came to a head during a group meeting. The band was discussing upcoming plans when Yuta’s phone buzzed with a new message.
\His face went pale as he read the contents:
“Your time is running out. You’ll soon understand what real pain is.”

Unable to hide his distress any longer, Yuta excused himself from the meeting and retreated to his room. The burden of the comments and threats was too much to bear.
Taeyong and Johnny, growing increasingly concerned about Yuta’s well-being, decided to check on him. They knocked on his door, their voices filled with worry.

“yuta, are you okay?” Taeyong called out.

“I’m fine,” Yuta replied, though his voice was trembling. “Just need some time alone.”

Despite his attempts to reassure them, Taeyong and Johnny were not convinced. They decided to seek help from their management and professional counselors to address Yuta’s distress.

The following day, the band’s management arranged for Yuta to meet with a counselor. Taeyong and Johnny accompanied him, providing support and encouragement.

“You don’t have to go through this alone,” Taeyong said softly as they walked into the counseling office. “We’re here for you, every step of the way.”

Johnny nodded. “We’ll get through this together. You’re not alone.”


if yall have any advice let me know. if u guys have any suggestions, ill be more then happy to hear.


this is just for fun noting is real as most would know. if u guys want me to continue this let me know.