Chapter Text
Enamoured And So In Love
'Enamoured' and 'in love' were the two things that Danny kept thinking as he was unable to take his eyes off his new-born baby girl who just happened to be the most beautiful thing he had even seen. Baby Grace was the most perfect baby that he had ever seen from her button nose to her small soft lips to her tiny little hands that wrapped steadfast around his own index finger to her perfect tiny feet that wiggled and curled when he ran his thumb delicately across the sole.
Danny looked over at Rachel who looked gorgeous despite her exhaustion after the long labour and delivery as she slept soundly recovering. He had a rush of love for her as he watched her deliver Grace, and he was so proud of her. And he hoped their newest addition would be beautiful and strong just like her Mom.
A soft whimper stole Danny's attention as Grace squirmed in his arms and against his bare chest as the nurse had been insistent on skin to skin bonding time for them. He ducked his head down and lightly pressed his lips to the top of her head while inhaling the distinctive scent of his baby girl and baby powder as he began to hum quietly and rub his hand over her blanket covered back.
"I love you baby girl." Danny whispered softly as hours old Grace settled down against his chest once more as the enamoured feeling had not lessened in the hours since he had first laid eyes on his daughter and he silently doubted it ever would.