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You Know, Like Mwah Mwah?


Lili takes her new girlfriend Asuka to Switzerland!


Hi !
Haven't made self indulgent fanfics in a while! Please excuse the cringiness they just make me happy...

Events happen like a few days before Tekken 8!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Lili had a tendency to bring her to surprise vacations, she often claims that it’s not like she can plan everything in advance. Surely you should seize the moment! So that’s exactly what she did, a seemingly tame holiday break exchanged for a freezing and adventurous week in Switzerland.

But really, what got Asuka so nervous was that they were spending the whole vacation together. They had sleepovers sure, falling asleep in her jet only to find out Lili flew her across the country, again sure. But a week alone in the mountains? Embarrassingly enough it drove her mad. It didn’t help that the blonde teased her about cuddling and spending all their time attached to the hip. Just the thought of hanging out as a newly established couple would send her rolling down the slope. It is her first relationship after all..

Lili on the other hand, clung to her arm ever so sweetly. Stuck in a honeymoon-like trance as she dragged Asuka along gift shops and designer boutiques, enjoying dressing her up like a doll. It almost felt unfair that she was a natural in their new ordeal!

“Ma puce, you look so charming!” She cooed, adjusting the collar of the blue knitted sweater Asuka slipped on. The customer’s around them would giggle at the two, a few old women would mutter something about their youth, and a few people around their age would feign jealousy.

“Ya think?” She smiled, half proud and half bashful. It took her so much to compose herself, her lips unable to conceal the giddiness in her voice.

Asuka felt a weight dig into her neck, arms sliding behind to pull her close, Lili’s familiar voice humming. “ Mhm, So cute!” She says, locking eyes through the mirror in front of them.


When the nervousness simmers down, what feelings remain? Does Asuka just fall into place? Would it finally come naturally? She asked herself throughout the trip to the lodge, their way up to their room, and when they got under the blankets. Lili would still act accordingly, if not already normal from how she treated her even before then… The blonde was first to pull the other in.

“Long trip?”

Asuka still lost in her thoughts would nod her head.

It shouldn’t be that foreign, all these years of fighting Lili pushed them both closer than any hug could get them. And yet there’s this tenderness that keeps her on her toes. She didn’t want to sleep, she wanted to pull her closer, breathe through her lungs, and share one heart beat. But the other had already fallen asleep, and all Asuka could do was stare at her longingly until Lili’s eyes would pay her any attention again.


When the sun favours such no other, making her glow so bright that she makes your nights dim and lonely. Accompanied by her friend wind, who takes your breath away, sparing it only when she’s near. Then going to the ocean for help, only to have it drown you in such yearning. How do you win against an opponent like this?


A hand tilted her face up, Asuka taken by surprise as a pair of lips levelled with hers.

“You’re not sleeping..are you okay?” Lili murmured, watching the other struggle to form a sentence.


“Yeah.. just thinking of stuff”

“No more stuff… go sleep..”

“In a bit.. I’ll catch up..”

“Ok..Wanna kiss?”


Asuka jumps up from her sheets, unable to decipher just what Lili meant. Like kisses? Like actually kissing or is that some metaphor she’s too jetlagged to figure out.
Lili then joins her, rising up from her makeshift cocoon.

“You know, like mwah mwah..”

They hardly even spent time holding hands honestly. Barely in their first week together either. Everything was just so fast… But admittedly Asuka wouldn't mind it at all, DAMN !

Lili looks at her with anticipation, as if telepathically coming to the conclusion that they did want to kiss.

They spent maybe what, 3 minutes just staring at each other? Before they both tried to lean in but ultimately pulled away embarrassed. Why couldn’t they start with something easier..

“Maybe if we close the lights.”


They bumped heads

“What if one close their eyes”


They both close their eyes.

“FUCK are we doing this or not!’

Asuka exploded in frustration, hands covering her face. Lili would be taken over by a fit of laughter, falling to the bed.

“Patience mon chérie...”

Lili would say between wheezes, pulling Asuka down to her as she tries to catch her restless gaze. And for a minute things start to feel serious, Asuka’s arms holding her up would tremble, Lili’s would pull her closer as their lips start to touch.

They melt in the middle, pushing almost hungrily against each other’s lips. They didn’t know exactly how to go on with it, but all they knew is that they had to chase the feeling. Lili snaked a hand behind Asuka’s rowdy hair as she bit hard.


Asuka jolted up, both horribly dishevelled from their first kiss.

“I’m sorry, was that too much!” Lili hurried to make sure the other was okay, Asuka then shook her head.

“No no, it just took me by surprise”

Lili sighed in relief, the both of them retreating under the covers again.

“So, are we good, are you okay?” Asuka asks, coming to cuddle Lili again.

“Yeah, and you?” Lili answers, returning to their position once more.


Asuka nods, still a bit taken aback. But at least it helped ease her mind a little. She couldn’t help but smile, her chest is lighter and she feels good. She looks back at Lili, sharing the same content expression as her.

“You were thinking of this all day weren’t you?” She teases.


“Awe come on! I was!”

Of course she was..

Probably should've finished it off with I love you, though that might be a heck of a first liner to look forward in the morning maybe,,


I hope you guys like it! Please ... talk to me about Asulili

(Is there a place where people talk about it...♡´・ᴗ・`♡)