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a million sorrys


ricky punishes gyuvin with a toy up his ass and his hands handcuffed to the bed. gyuvin's only task was to sit there for the 30 minutes and be the good boy he is. but what happens when ricky leaves the room?


i thought of this idea after reading back these two seperate fics from two different fandoms and i really liked the plot so i'm merging them hehe. ricky is so mean at first but then he makes up for it. just give him some time. he's kind of stupid lol. (also, i'm lazy asf so before the story, ricky already prepped gyuvin lol)

lowercase intended

please don't forget to leave kudos or a comment! i appreciate it a lot <3

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

gyuvin felt the second handcuff tighten around his wrist; followed by it being connected to the bed post. gyuvin thought back to the events that had occurred earlier in the day. sure, he had acted bratty in the restaurant earlier while ricky was catching up with some old friends from shanghai, but that didn't mean he needed to be punished THIS badly. his eyes already began to gloss over as ricky began going over the harsh restrictions were placed.

"okay, gyuvin. you know the rules: no talking back, no fighting back. if you are feeling as if it's too much, however, what is your safe word again, dear?" ricky said, standing tall over gyuvin who was stripped besides the purple handcuffs restraining his arms up in the air above his head.

"p-pineapple" stuttered gyuvin. his eyes were already beginning to generate tears.

"very good. there is also the color red. what do the colors mean?" ricky replied while reaching in a pink box that was bedazzled in rubies. a box the couple had become too familiar with when it came to situations such as these. gyuvin's eyes widened a little more.

"green means keep going. yellow means to slow down or c-check in," gyuvin stuttered again as he craned his head to get a better view at what ricky was pulling out of the box. ricky noticed this and moved to shield gyuvin's view.

"and? keep going."

"red means to completely stop."

"excellent. that wasn't so hard now, was it?" ricky explained as he turned around with two different objects in both his hands. gyuvin's jaw dropped as his eyes dashed back n forth from object to object.

in ricky's right hand was a large pink vibrator that he was aware of the fact that it had a plethora of different stimulation settings. in ricky's left hand, however, was a toy that gyuvin wasn't particularly fond of: a cock ring.

"ricky..." gyuvin said with hesitation, not a fan of the object ricky was moving closer to him with.

"now, gyuvin. you know that if you have an issue with the ring then you can let me know," he held it up. "color?"

gyuvin looked at the object and pondered. he could do it. he could be good for his ricky. he nodded his head.

"words, baby."

"green. i can take it" gyuvin said determined.

"good boy, using your words." gyuvin smiled at the small praise.

"what you're going to do is you will be good and take this faux cock up your ass whilst i use its remote to change the frequencies to my liking. do you understand?"

"yes." gyuvin gave a verbal reply this time.

"good. you're learning. i also except you not to cum until i give you permission. and to enforce you into doing so, i'm going to use something to make sure you behave," ricky siad moving towards gyuvin's dick to put the ring upon his length. gyuvin let out a wince as he felt ricky push the ring down a decent amount.

next gyuvin had felt a girthy object protruding his entrance. he braced himself for the breach the vibrator was about to make. ricky had a decently sized cock. what he lacked in girth, he made up for in length. the vibrator or ricky's choosing was on the opposite scale. similiar to gyuvin's except he was packed with length and grith.

he felt the toy begin to enter him and tears began to well up. even with ricky's prep, the toy still managed to stretch him open with a dull sting. once the toy was fully settled in between gyuvin's hole, he let out a small sigh. the beginning was also the hardest parts of his punishments.

"now remember, gyuvin," ricky said while grabbing gyuvin's cock, eliciting a small whimper from the boy. "i'm going to leave the room to go and tidy up some downstairs. if i come back and see you covered in your own mess then the punishment will come back ten times fold. do i make myself clear?"

"y-yes," gyuvin replied. eyes falling shut just the slightest.

"good. i'm glad you understand. i'll set a timer for thirty minutes." ricky said while getting his phone out to set a timer.

"but, ricky! that's far too long, i'll never make it. you know that," said gyuvin attempting to raise his body off the mattress; the small tug on both his wrists was a small but harsh reminder that his arms were being restrained above his head. right, handcuffs. he thought.

"if you're a good boy then you take what i give you and you won't complain. do you understand?" ricky asked while crawling over gyuvin's body.

gyuvin leaned back further into the bed like he was the prey and ricky was the predator. "yes, i understand."

ricky scanned gyuvin's face for a breif moment. "color?"

"green" came gyuvin's immediate reply. he would be good for ricky, no matter how intimidating the punishment may be. it is his fault that he's in this predicament in the first place after all.

"good," and a smile crossed his face. not too beaming, but enough to give gyuvin some comfort as this is the first time the corners of the ravenette's mouth were up turned since their scene began.

ricky placed a small kiss on gyuvin's temple and leaned away. gyuvin savored the feeling of ricky's lips on his forehead.

"i'll start out easy," ricky said, reaching into his pocket. gyuvin's face contorted a look of confusion until he felt small vibrations in his lower region ricky had turned on the vibrator.

"be as loud as you want, bambi. there's no one here but us," said ricky has he held a light grip on gyuvin's chin. he turned the vibration frequencies up to 1. the highest setting was 5.

"i'll be downstairs, pretty," said ricky blowing a kiss as he walked elegantly to the door of their shared bedroom. the door closed before gyuvin could even reply and now gyuvin was left alone with his thoughts. they mostly involved gyuvin maintaining his control on not cumming before the timer went off. ricky would be so disappointed in him if he did and that was the last thing he wanted.

a few minutes had passed when gyuvin felt the frequency spike up again. gyuvin let out a soft moan and his body closed in on itself out of the pleasure that was moving its way throughout his body. gyuvin had tried to move his hips in hopes of obtaining a new angle that would send him delicious waves of ecstasy. however, out of fear for the toy accidentally slipping out and angering ricky as a possibility, he ceased his motions and laid there. soaking in the vibrations causing his mouth to erupt a string of soft moans and whines.

"this was harder than i thought" gyuvin thought a loud to no one in particular. it's not like the two hadn't used toys before, hell, they had even used the cock ring that was fitting snugly on his cock right now, but he had never had to have it on him for such a lengthy period of time. never mind the fact his hands were handcuffed, and he had a restriction on his ability to cum.

he could do it. no, scratch that, he WOULD do it. he could withhold cumming for a little while longer. besides, he was sure that a little over five minutes had passed already.

things were going smoothly over the next ten minutes until gyuvin then felt another change in the vibrational pattern, only this time it was as if ricky was downstairs moving the settings' button up and down; making the intensity rise and fall between a quicker pace and lower pace. almost imitating the feeling of getting fucked. although imitation is just a form of art. he could see ricky now: walking around downstairs, completing every day, ordinary tasks while remembering to mess around with the settings now and then. a cheeky smile on his face knowing the intense emotions gyuvin was feeling only a story above him.

gyuvin pulled at the restraints out of habit of wanting to move the toy around but after realizing that he couldn't, he turned his head to the right to meet the gaze of their bed-side clock. the time read 6:48 meaning only it had been roughly 15 minutes since their scene had started. gyuvin was really starting to feel the worst of it now. with each jostle of his body, his cock would move with him; hitting his stomach and causing him to whimper as each stimulation made to his cock ended in pain due to the cock ring restricting him. gyuvin whined as he felt the vibration intensify by a multitude. ricky must've turned it all the way up. the constant vibrations felt so good and he knew that if could angle his body right then maybe the amazing feeling could even hit his prostate. he figured it was worth another try. and gyuvin declared it was as he moved his hips up and then down in an almost vertical position, the vibrator pressing hard into the small bundle of nerves that could potentially send him over the edge.

well, that is if he didn't have this damn ring on.

gyuvin had looked at the clock once more realizing that he only had roughly two minutes until he assumed this punishment was over. he could finally feel the comfort and sweet words of affirmation from his beloved ricky. maybe they could even bathe together afterwards like they do when the two conclude a normal love making session.

gyuvin's body tensed up as he felt a stronge urge to cum wash over him.

"please let this be over soon. i don't know how much longer i'm going to make it, ricky," gyuvin whimpered into the air. lower half of his body wallowing side to side as best as he could with his arms handcuffed.

almost as if his prayers were answered, ricky's timer he had set on his phone blared loudly, letting gyuvin know that his punishment was finally coming to a close. gyuvin could only imagine how his appearance looked: tears continuously streaming down his cheeks like an infinite cascade. wrists with a small red outline from where he had pulled on the cuffs. not exactly raw, but not too pleasant either. his whole-body head to toe covered in a sheer layer of sweat; his forehead dripping it as a matter of fact.

he silently celebrated in his mind at his accomplishment. he had done it! he held in the urge and was good for his ricky. ricky would surely compliment him and make sure to give him all sorts of praise when he finally walked through the door. although, the timer's end had been ringing out for over a minute now and ricky still hadn't made his grand entry yet.

"maybe he's just using the bathroom real quick or getting the bath ready" gyuvin's brain supplied him. he kept a hopeful and awaiting smile on his face. ricky would come in very soon. gyuvin could wait another minute.

or two.

or three.

or ten.

ten minutes. it had been ten minutes since the timer initially starting to ring out, still going as if it was taunting gyuvin that ricky still had not come back yet. the vibrating sensations had yet to dull, still going at full blast as gyuvin writhed on the bed; the handcuffs keeping him in check.

"is something wrong? did he leave the house fully?" gyuvin asked himself aloud. his nerves began to increase rapidly as the idea of ricky not even being present int their home anymore arose within him.

"no, ricky wouldn't do that. he's probably just testing me to see if i crack with an extra ten minutes added on that he didn't mention. he'll come in soon" gyuvin said closing his eyes for a moment to regain his strength and willpower.

but he didn't. and it took gyuvin only another five minutes of waiting for his hyung to walk in to force him to realize that something was wrong and that he should use his safe word. he didn't want to, but this was out of the ordinary. 15 minutes overtime? ricky wouldn't be mad at him. while he WOULD have to use his safeword, he already completed the original task of thirty minutes of not cumming and even an additional 15. his hyung would be proud. gyuvin didn't think he could last too much longer anyway. he was starting to feel slightly overstimulated, and his wrists began to ache from being suspended into the air for so long.

gyuvin sucked in a large breath and bellowed out a loud "PINEAPPLE." only there was no rushing up the stairs or any response back. this is when gyuvin began to panic.

"ricky! ricky, red! red, hyung! hyung, p-please!" gyuvin whimpered at the end of his shouts. he could only feel the pressure until he could no longer hold it in anymore. his cock let out the tiniest of spurts but gyuvin still concluded it as a dry orgasm. he wheeped auidbly. auidbly enough for anyone that cared enough to listen and come in to see what's wrong and if he was okay. which he clearly was NOT. and even after shouts, pleads, dry orgasm and loud sobs ricocheting off the walls, there was still no sign of ricky.

hmm, maybe he didn't care after all.

gyuvin curled in on himself the best he could with his wrists handcuffed. he sobbed at the pain he was experiencing in a multitudinous locations on his body. that being his hole, wrists, and cock. he sobbed at the fact that ricky still wasn't here despite using all form of communication that he no longer wanted this scene taking place. he sobbed at the overstimulation he felt. he sobbed at the idea of ricky not caring and that he was truly upset at his behavior earlier. he wallowed in self-deprecating thoughts, letting out pitiful cries.

"hyung, please," gyuvin whispered out as another dry orgasm breached the head of his cock. the cascade of tears flowing endlessly.




after ricky had shut the door to the bedroom, he walked downstairs to clean the kitchen. ricky smiled at the image of his beloved bambi restrained with a few tears racing down his cheeks. he got out the soap and sponge and began to scrub the dishes from their leftover dinner. while ricky performed small, domestic duties downstairs, he didn't forget to mess with the settings of the vibrator every now n then. smirking slightly as he heard gyuvin's moans reach a higher volume.

after finishing cleaning up their kitchen and dining room set, ricky wanted to relax for a minute on their downstairs couches. ricky had turned on a drama to watch while he waited for time to pass, but at a lower volume than he would have normally had it at so he could listen for the timer or one of gyuvin's safewords. he loved his bambi and didn't like to do punishments (even though he did like the effect they had on gyuvin. making him into a whimpering, moaning mess). but his behavior at the restaurant earlier was unacceptable. while gyuvin acting jealous of ricky and his old friends was cute and something he would normally find endearing had gyuvin not been so obvious about it and even a little rude if he was being honest. gyuvin realized his mistakes much sooner rather than later after ricky gave him a look and continued his chat with his friends.

once the pair had finished their meal, ricky held gyuvin's hand to their car and walked him to his side. he held the door open for him but didn't say a word. gyuvin knew he was in deep shit and that's why as soon as the doors to the car shut, he immediately bombarded ricky with a million sorrys. ricky had forgiven him but established that a punishment would be set in place for him when the two arrived home.

thinking back to the situation that had occurred filled ricky with a very faint and vague feeling of annoyance. but it was enough for ricky to turn the settings on the vibrator up to 5, the highest setting. he heard gyuvin's moans and whines turn high pitched as he chuckled and turned his attention back to the T.V. that was placed in front of him.

he didn't mean to doze off into a deeper than normal sleep.

he really didn't.

but by the time ricky had awoken from his slumber, the damage had already been done and ricky noticed the fatal error he had just made as soon as he read aloud the numbers shown on their wall clock.


"fuck" ricky said in his native tongue as he jumped from his seat and rushed up the stairs.

it had been two hours since gyuvin had started the scene and gyuvin's punishment had only intended to be half an hour. not fucking two. ricky cursed himself both audibly and internally as he thought about the state of his baby. he knew gyuvin couldn't last too long and how he got overstimulated easily. ricky's eyes began to gloss over at the thought of how much pain he probably was in. as he ascended further onto the stairs, ricky's ears picked up on the soft sobs derive from the bedroom. he opened the door and ricky felt his break into two at the sight that was bestowed upon him.

gyuvin, whose wrists were rubbed raw from all the friction the cuffs provided, whose cheeks that held past tear streaks and new ones as the constant flow didn't stop. it didn't look like it was going to any time soon either. gyuvin, whose cock was a bruising red and that looked almost swollen. gyuvin, whose hole was puffed up from around the toy from where it had been penetrating him for over the past two hours. his gyuvin. in so much pain and it's because of him.

when ricky had initially opened the door, he failed to notice the harsh flinch that arose from gyuvin. gyuvin had almost given up on the idea of ricky returning, at least the idea of him returning any time soon. so when he finally had heard the door open, he was heavily surprised, and the sudden noise had scared him. if you would've asked gyuvin an hour ago if he would be delighted to see ricky, ecstatic in fact, he would've answered with an enthusiastic yes! but now? after gyuvin's thoughts had run rapid for the last hour and a half and now he was scared to see him. why had ricky left him? why did he ignore him? abandon him?

that's where gyuvin's mind was at. that's where his thoughts were currently. so as ricky approached gyuvin with a heartbroken expression, all gyuvin saw was a cruel person who no longer cared for him. and that thought had fully broken him.

gyuvin let out a violent sob was ricky attempted to consul him. he flinched away from him harshly and he too had missed the second heartbroken expression on rickys face.

"gyuvin, baby, please? i'm so, so sorry," he pleaded. "i didn't mean to fall asleep. oh, my love i am so, sorry." but gyuvin wasn't listening. the sound from the world around him was muffled from his own spiraling thoughts and sobs.

he reached into his pocket to turn the vibrator off but gyuvin saw him reach into his pocket and screamed.

"NO! please, hyung! please! no more! i c-can't do anymore" he broke down again. ricky joined in on his tears fully this time.

"no, baby. i was turning it off. i promise. no more. see? i turned it off. it's over now," ricky explained as he held up both his hands and even went as far as emptying out his pockets. gyuvin watched him with extreme caution and moved back further into the bed when ricky moved closer to him. ricky's features visibly frowned.

"i'm not going to hurt you. i never wanted to nor meant to. i'm so sorry. can i please take the handcuffs off of you?" ricky asked while slowly moving his hands closer to the right hand handcuff. ricky wanted to make sure he had his consent on everything from here on out. gyuvin stared for a moment and nodded. ricky gently removed the handcuff and immediately gyuvin's right arm fell down to his side due to exhaustion, the only thing supporting his arm being the cuff. ricky did the same to the other as gyuvin laid there still, not moving with both the cock ring on him and the vibrator still in him.

"these two will be harder to remove because his sensitivity levels will be so high," ricky thought. "my poor baby" followed.

"i'm going to take the ring off of you now, baby. is that okay?" ricky said putting a hand on gyuvin's shoulder. suddenly, the mention of ricky removing the ring and even touching his cock sent him on high alert and he raised himself from the bed rapidly.

"no! please! it will hurt too much and i can't take any more of this pain, please," gyuvin pleaded pitifully. he was genuinely scared. ricky's heart cracked a little more if that was even possible.

"it will feel so much better once it's off of you." ricky tried again.

"i don't believe you!" gyuvin screamed as a fresh new wave of tears rushed down his face.

ricky stared at his expression and felt himself crumble into a huge pile of guilt. another tear escaped his eye, passing perfectly over the mole that fell directly under it.

"baby, please?" ricky tried again.

gyuvin pondered again. "okay. please, be gentle."

ricky nodded and moved his hand to the side of the ring where he could get a decent grip. the motion of anything even touching his cock made gyuvin whimper. ricky finally got enough finger grip on it as he tugged it off of his cock. almost as if the restraints being lifted was the issue, the second the ring left his cock, it spurted an abundance of white ropes, decorating his chest, thighs and even shoulders in certain spots. the long-built up release, however, was anything but releaving but rather the opposite. the second the cum began to leave his cock, he cried audibly at the pain it brought with it. and it felt like a never ending one at that. ricky watched in sorrow just rubbing his hand on gyuvin's shoulder muttering soft praises to him.

"you did so well. so exceptionally great for hyung. that's it, baby. let it all out. hyung is so proud of you," ricky encouraged. and finally, gyuvin's cock let out the last few, pathetic squirts and it was declared over. but there was still one thing ricky had to do and that was remove the vibrator from gyuvin's hole.

"one more thing, my love," ricky gently grabbed the base of the toy and then he looked up at gyuvin, silently asking for consent.

gyuvin nodded his head sluggishly. he was so tired. but tired was an understatement. "just get on with it, please. i d-don't want to drag this out longer than it needs to be."

ricky adjusted his grip and slid the toy out of him in one swift, quick motion to reduce the amount of hurt gyuvin would receive. gyuvin let out a choked whimper at the loss but also sighed in relief almost immediately after. that horrid torture device was out of him. he was free. ricky watched in awe as gyuvin's hole began to slowly close but he shook his head roughly. now was NOT the time. he needed to aid and care for his baby. his gyuvin. that he so foolishly hurt.

gyuvin had already began to drift asleep due to utter exhaustion but ricky had exclaimed that he would bathe the younger and dress him, even if he was unconscious the entire time. despite gyuvin's weariness, he let his boyfriend carry him to their bathroom connected to their bedroom as he sat him on the counter. gyuvin's eyes radiated sleepiness as he watched ricky's movements. he watched ricky pour a strawberry scented soap into the bath water as he turned the water temperature to the warmer side. he put in the drain and sprinkled in a couple of bath salts. he got down gyuvin's soaps, shampoo and conditioner. he was dedicated to make it up to him. even in pieces if that's what it took.

ricky undressed himself as well and picked up gyuvin from the sink's counter and placed him in the warm, relaxing bath water. gyuvin sighed softly as he relished in the way the water's warmth soothed his aching body. he felt ricky slip in behind him as he closed his eyes. he leaned against his chest as ricky begun to wash his hair and body. being extra cautious around his sensitive areas. when ricky had washed his arms, he made sure to place a soft kiss on each of gyuvin's wrists and applied some pain cream to his sore areas. ricky scrubbed him clean of any cum and sweat that was left remaining.

as gyuvin drifted off he thought back to the events that just occurred and listed them off in chronological order. first he and ricky had went to the restaurant for their date that they just so happened to run into some of ricky's friends from back home. he acted put of jealous and was a bit rude, causing ricky to declare a punishment upon him. said punishment began to take place and all was well until ricky had fallen asleep? as he said in his watery confession earlier. (gyuvin can't actually remember, they were both a mess). and then ricky came to him and hour and a half after it was supposed to end and immediately sprang into action to help gyuvin. he apologized numerous times and gyuvin could tell that his lover was genuinely upset. he knows ricky didn't do it on purpose. but he also knows that he's going to need a lot of extra love and TLC for the next couple days. or maybe weeks. and with that, gyuvin drifted off and let his boyfriend continue to bathe him and shower him with all the lobe he knows he needed and deserved.




"i HEARD you. you can stop apologizing now. gosh, who knew shen quanrui could be this clingy," said gyuvin. acting annoyed at his boyfriend who was currently clinging onto his waist as the two were surrounded by ricky's apology gifts. it was the following day after the absolute catastrophic mess that occurred the previous day.

"i know you forgive me but i don't forgive myself," ricky said into the back part of his shoulder, tightening the hug.

gyuvin turned around and grabbed ricky's face. "ricky, shen quanrui, my kitty princess," gyuvin laughed a little at ricky's scrunched up face at the nickname. "i am not upset anymore, ricky. i know it was an honest mistake. i know you didn't mean to fall asleep. i love you so much. and i hope you know i don't love you any less because of this." gyuvin said lovingly as he pressed a gentle kiss to ricky's temple first, then to his nose, then both of his cheeks and finally on his lips.

ricky stared at gyuvin with a small rosy hue coating his cheeks.

"i love you too," ricky said smiling, placing another deep, loving and intimate kiss upon gyuvin's lips. he reciprocated the action immediately. his way of putting it into ricky's head once and for all that he wasn't mad at him anymore.


"i'm sorry."




i haven't written smut in foreverrrrrrrrrrrr so sorry if this wasn't allat fr lmao. i love gyubrik and i would die for them idk. if the end was abrupt, that's because i wrote this in one night from 12:30am-5:30am and i am so tired. i hope you all enjoyed this. stay tuned for so many more gyubrik plots i got in store...

this fic is dedicated to my fujoshi brothers and sister. love u, guys

Series this work belongs to: