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Like a Firework Show


He remembers watching the colors bloom in the sky like noisy flowers with awed wonder.


This was written for a Guess The Author challenge. The prompt was "Fireworks". The maximum word count was 500 words (my writing app tells me this story is 498 words long, gdocs says 499, and AO3 says 503... idek 🤷‍♀️ and I'm not counting it myself).

Work Text:

His only memory of his parents is being held in his dad's arms, Porsche jumping and gesturing excitedly below while mom tried to reign him in before he could bump into someone.

He remembers watching the colors bloom in the sky like noisy flowers with awed wonder.

Porsche hunts down any occasion. Keeping an ear out for both the official ones and the not-so-official ones. Marking them down on their paper calendar.

The best thing about firework shows is that they are free.

The worst thing about firework shows is how still Porsche holds himself, keeping Porchay protectively close, carefully navigating the crowd so they don't bump into anyone.

Then, Porsche is gone. Only a letter and a list of upcoming shows left behind.

Porchay doesn't go to the first one.

He drags Kim to the second one.

Then, Porsche is back—but he doesn't have time—and Kim is gone and Porchay shuts down.

Porchay isn't sure how Tankhun even learns about their thing for fireworks—Porsche swears it wasn't him—but, once he does, there is no stopping him.

And, Tankhun being Tankhun, he isn't content with just waiting for New Year's or anything. No, Tankhun decides he's going to make one. (Luckily for everyone, someone manages to stop him from lighting the fuses himself.)

That is how Porchay finds himself on a boat floating on the Chao Phraya with most of the Theerapanyakun clan plus bodyguards, watching fireworks being launched into the sky.

The worst part is how much this must have cost.

The best part is Porsche. He drove them to the pier on his bike. He sat beside him all the way through dinner. And now, as they are standing at the railing, watching the sky bloom with colors, Porsche holds him close in a half-hug. His other arm is gesturing wildly, unafraid to hit anyone around them, loud and alive, the way Porsche should always be.

After about twenty minutes, Porchay spies Kinn edging closer, looking dejected at the lack of attention. Porchay takes pity on him. He nudges his brother, pointing into Kinn's direction, smiling when Porsche asks if he's sure. His brother gives him a lingering glance as he detaches himself slowly, as if giving Porchay time to change his mind. Porchay digs a finger into his side, making Porsche jump away. He laughs but takes the hint, stepping away to join Kinn.

Porchay watches him go until he gets drawn into a kiss, looking around him at all the people present.

Tankhun, surrounded by his usual bodyguards, behaving as exuberantly as ever.

Pete, Vegas, and Macau, there because of Pete's ongoing campaign reconciling major and minor families.

Kim, lurking in the shadows, looking like he wants to come closer but doesn't know if he's allowed. Seeing him hurts less and less and Porchay thinks that maybe, some day soon, he will be.

He turns back to look at the fireworks just as the finale explodes above them in a riot of sounds and colors.