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Into the Parallel


Emma and Killian are Travelers with and ability to travel through time and across parallel realms. A chance meeting will change their lives forever.


Here is my 2024 story for the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer event. Thanks go to @cssns for running this event one last time, and to my fantastic Beta, @resident-of-storybrooke. She has been gripped by this story, so I hope you are too.

My story has been inspired by many different TV Shows and films I enjoy watching: Quantum Leap, The Librarians, Timeless, Indiana Jones and of course Once Upon A Time. From these, if you have seen any of these shows, you may have guessed that there is a supernatural time travel element to my story.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter One: Prologue

Chapter Text


Into the Parallel

Chapter One: Prologue


The Jones family held a secret they shared with no one in the land without magic. Outwardly they were much like any other single parent family, but one of the family was a Traveler who had the ability to move through time.


Killian Jones's love for rare stories started at a young age. His mum, Alice, a beautiful red headed lady, would read to him every night. They shared tales that took them on adventures with pirates, elves and even some with vampires.


As he grew, his love for books remained, so when he came of age and started Traveling he started his task was to collect lost artifacts. Killian also shared stories of his adventures with his mum, who was now older and confined to her bed. Cancer may have stopped her going outdoors, but Killian was still making sure they had their nightly storytelling’s to world's vastly different to their own.


Liam Jones, Killian's older brother, would listen in as Killian regaled to them how he had battled this mythical beast or climbed that humongous mountain just to get the mysterious artifact he'd been tasked to get.


It wasn't long after their mum's passing that Liam and Killian found themselves in Boston. Liam worked for the University Library while Killian continued his travels to seek out  rare artifacts for the collections. These travels often took him to places he never thought he'd see; he found himself living the adventures he'd shared with his mum. Lands that were not always on the earth as we know it.


Killian even traveled into parallel worlds to get some rare books. It was on one of these visits he met Emma Swan, keeper of the rarest storybook of all and owner of his heart.


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Emma Swan lived in Storybrooke, Maine, with her son Henry. Her parents lived in the same town, on a farm. Henry's Foster mum, Regina, was the town's mayor. She lived in a mansion house close to the center of the town.


This all sounds idyllic, if a little complex. And it is, but the one thing that makes this town special is that it is home to fairy tale folk.


Storybrooke is a wonderfully picturesque harbor town that has a backdrop of an enchanted forest. This is the same one that has been made famous by many authors of fairy tales. The town itself, once known as Misthaven, changed its name in the late twentieth century when it became obvious that more visitors were finding it. The townsfolk adapted to modern life.


Granny, however, wanted to keep some of their Misthavien history so, in the diner she ran with her granddaughter, she had a dual currency system where doubloons and dollars were accepted.


Emma had a secret of her own too. She was a Traveler. Once a month she found herself in different places and times.  She hadn't intended on getting pregnant… but shit happens, especially when you meet a man with the bluest eyes you've ever seen and a hot British accent to boot.


The connection was intense and short lived…and wonderful, but as he was a fellow Traveler they'd no idea if or when they'd meet again. Emma had hope, she was the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming after all, she had virtually no choice in that matter. But boy did she wish she could see him soon.


Ten years of traveling and she'd not even caught a whiff of his cologne. If it weren't for their son, she would think she'd made up her fling with Killian Jones.


As she felt the familiar tingle of magic under her skin, Emma made herself ready to battle with whatever creature she was faced with in whatever world she found herself in. However, she could never be prepared for what faced her when she opened her front door to step outside. She was frozen to the spot, as she raked her eyes over the man she’d looked and longed for years.




“Who the bloody hell are you and how did you get onto my ship?”


Before Emma could answer, a huge wave crashed over the edge of the rails sweeping her off her feet. Sounds muffled around her, then her world went dark.