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Part 2 of There's No Place I'd Rather You Be

Lovin’ You is More Than Just a Dream Come True


After a whirlwind first time with his dream boy, Sangwoo sets about feeding him and opening some healthy lines of communication. He's not dumb enough to let Bum slip away again.


The title is taken from Minnie Riperton's Loving You, which Sangwoo is crooning to Bum in the first bit. Might wanna play it to set the mood ;)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Bum was in a daze as he sat at Sangwoo’s table wearing only his underwear and one of Sangwoo’s oversized t-shirts. It was drooping down over his shoulder and Sangwoo said it was adorable and kissed his exposed shoulder. Sangwoo was currently at the stove, heating up some mandoo. Bum would have pinched himself, but the delicious throb in his ass told him this wasn’t a dream. The feeling of being well fucked was like a warm sweater he was wearing. He could smell the mandoo heating up and Sangwoo was singing along to the radio.

When he’d come here, at most he’d expected to get into Sangwoo’s house and look around and where Sangwoo lived. He had planned to take some pictures, maybe lay in Sangwoo’s bed and imagine himself wrapped in his crush’s arms, then leave. At worst, he expected to be caught. Hell, he almost had been caught by the police, but then he’d lucked out and slipped inside. Maybe that success had made him too bold. That’s why he’d ended up half dressed in Sangwoo’s bed jerking off with his dirty underwear. But even that hadn’t been enough as the thought of Sangwoo made his other hand creep back to finger his ass open. And that’s how Sangwoo had found him, with a pair of the man’s dirty underwear wrapped around his cock and his fingers in his ass. There were so many ways that could have gone so wrong. But somehow, it didn’t. Somehow, he got lucky again and here he was listening to Sangwoo sing some English love song as he served him a plate of mandoo.

“Loving you is easy cause you’re beautiful,” Sangwoo crooned as he slid the plate in front of Bum. He grinned down at him. “What do you want to drink?”

“Tea is fine,” Bum said, watching as Sangwoo moved away to comply. Sangwoo was wearing some low-slung joggers and a tight t-shirt. It showed off a delicious sliver of skin that Bum had trouble drawing his eyes away from.

Soon, Bum had a cup of tea in front of him. Sangwoo sat across from him, staring at him with a pleased expression. “Go ahead and eat,” he urged.

Bum blushed. “Y-you too,” he said, fiddling with his chopsticks.

“I will,” Sangwoo said, reaching out and picking up a mandoo from Bum’s plate. “Open up,” he said, holding the food up to Bum’s lips.

Bum obediently opened his mouth, letting Sangwoo place the food onto his tongue. He closed his mouth around it and Sangwoo slowly drew his chopsticks from Bum’s closed lips. Bum chewed, blowing out a little steam. Sangwoo picked up a mandoo from his own plate and ate it, still watching Bum closely.

Bum looked down. “It’s good,” he said after he swallowed. He picked up another of his mandoo and nibbled it.

“Good,” Sangwoo said. “Mandoo is one of my favorite foods. What is yours?”

“Um…I like ramen and fried chicken,” Bum said.

“We’ll have to go out for some,” Sangwoo said.

Bum tilted his head. Had he heard that correctly? “You want to go out with me?” He thought this was just a one-time thing. He surely couldn’t get lucky more than once. His life did not work that way.

“Of course!” Sangwoo replied immediately. Bum blinked at the force of his reply. “I’ve been thinking about you for years. There is no way I’m letting you walk right out of my life. Besides, given that I found you in my bed, I hardly doubt you’re ready to leave.”

Bum flushed and fiddled with his chopsticks. “I’m s-sorry.”

“I’m not,” Sangwoo said, his tone sure. “I was happy to find you there. But maybe you can explain it to me?”

Bum bit his lip. He knew how bad it would all sound and said as much. “It will sound bad,”

Sangwoo sat back and shrugged. “Maybe it will, but if we’re going to date, and we are, I’d like to have the truth on the table. I can tell you some stuff about me first. Like how I hate most of the people I hang out with. My parents were shitty. My dad beat me and my mom let him. They died when I was a kid, murder-suicide and I was happy they were dead. I hated my mom for not protecting me. I used to sleep around with lots of women and I hated myself for it. I realized I don’t like women after you. I’ve been a regular on the gay scene ever since, but it was always you I was keeping an eye out for. Does that make you hate me?”

“No!” Bum said, shocked by the sudden heavy admissions. “I don’t. I couldn’t. I’ve been watching you since we started college together. It looked like you were loved by everyone around you and I felt like I was loved by no one. I just, I just wanted you.”

Sangwoo smiled. “That’s cute.”

Bum sucked in a breath at the words, at the smile. Sangwoo didn’t look disgusted at all. “I…my parents are dead too,” he said. “I got taken in by my uncle and grandmother, but he beat me and r-raped me.” He watched Sangwoo’s expression, watching the rage wash across it, followed by sadness. Sangwoo reached out and took his hand and Bum stared down at the strong hand holding his own.

“What a piece of trash. You don’t live with him anymore do you?” Sangwoo asked, concerned.

Bum shook his head quickly. “I got out. I live on my own now.”

“Good. That’s good….do you need me to beat the shit out of him?” Sangwoo flashed a dangerous, almost crazy grin at him.

“No! Don’t get in trouble for him. He’s not worth it.”

“But you’re worth it,” Sangwoo said, bringing Bum’s hand up to his mouth and kissing Bum’s knuckles.

Bum stared at him. Nobody had ever said that to him before. Nobody ever made him feel worthy. He blinked, feeling tears welling up in his eyes. He used his free hand to try to rub them away.

“It’s ok if you cry,” Sangwoo said. He pushed his chair back, stood up and walked around the table. Bum gasped as Sangwoo picked him up from his chair as if he weighed nothing. His hands flew around Sangwoo’s neck to steady himself. Sangwoo grinned as he leaned in to kiss the corner of his eye.

Bum fought back his tears, but he was cradled in Sangwoo’s warm strong arms and Sangwoo had just kissed him so gently. He pressed his face into Sangwoo’s neck so he couldn’t see the hot tears that were leaking out.

“It’s fine, let it happen,” Sangwoo said as he began to move. They walked back through the house and soon Sangwoo was sitting down on a couch and arranging Bum in his lap, keeping him close as Bum tried to keep his crying quiet. Sangwoo rubbed his back and pressed little kisses to his head and neck and cheeks.

Bum sniffled and pulled back, staring at Sangwoo. Sangwoo grinned at him. Bum wiped at his wet cheeks. “I’m a mess,” he said. “You wouldn’t say those nice things if you knew what a mess I am,” he said.

“Tell me sweetheart,” Sangwoo said. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

“I have Borderline Personality Disorder,” Bum admitted.

Sangwoo nodded. “Ok.” He didn’t look disgusted, but the term clearly didn’t mean anything to him. “What does mean?” he coaxed.

“A l-lot of th-things,” he muttered. “I feel empty a lot. I’m b-bad at relationships. I get too close t-too fast. I have abandonment issues. I take stupid risks. All sorts of other things.” He trailed off.

Sangwoo pet his hair. “How is it treated?” He traced the shell of Bum’s ear with his finger.

Bum shivered and glanced up at him. “Um…therapy. Sometimes antidepressants.”

“Are you doing those things?” Sangwoo asked. “Going to therapy?”

Bum looked away. Even though Sangwoo’s gaze wasn’t judging him at all. “No,” he admitted. “Not right now.”

“So you did before. Did it help?”

“A little. I’ve been better….till now. I shouldn’t have broken into your house,” Bum admitted as he stared down at his clenched fists. He could feel his short nails biting into his skin.

Sangwoo chuckled. “That was wreckless darling.” He coaxed Bum’s face back to look at him. “But I’m thinking maybe if we’re going to date, you should do therapy again. I’d hate to break up because your brain kept telling you I was going to break up with you. I’ll tell you those things if it’s going to happen. But this is the beginning, so I like to think we have a long happy relationship in front of us.”

Bum just stared at him. It was so hard to believe. Even though Sangwoo kept saying it, it didn’t seem real. “You really want to date me?” he asked.

“Yeah, I really want to date you.”

Bum swallowed back all the comments about how that was probably a bad idea and how he was so broken. Instead, he gave Sangwoo a watery smile. “I want to date you too.”

Sangwoo grinned. “Then it’s official,” he announced. “We’re dating.” Then he leaned in to kiss Bum.

Bum wrapped his arms around Sangwoo and the initial sweet brush of lips deepened into something more. He moaned softly as Sangwoo’s tongue caressed his. Sangwoo’s hands ended up on his ass, squeezing.

“I hope you don’t think less of me that I put out on the first date,” Sangwoo said, giving him a naughty look as he kneaded Bum’s ass cheeks.

Bum groaned at the touch. “As long as you don’t think bad of me for the same thing,” he said.

“Absolutely not. It was a dream come true,” Sangwoo insisted. Then he shifted his hips, letting his erection press up against Bum. “Want to do it again?” he asked.

Bum laughed breathlessly. How could he be this lucky? Maybe Sangwoo was just as crazy as he was, but that was ok. “Yes,” he whispered. “Let’s do it again.”

Then he squealed as Sangwoo picked him back up and carried him across to the bedroom.


And so after the hot sexy times, we get the *gasp* open and honest communication to set the foundation for a healthy relationship? *swoon*

I sort of started another part, but I haven't finished it yet and I write slowly. So we could see it in a month, a year, or never. But you can subscribe to the series and maybe I'll squeeze out another dollop of fluff.

Thanks for Reading!

Series this work belongs to: