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Help From A Fellow Lion


Harry knew that being quidditch captain has it’s downsides, and unsurprisingly his stress levels are high without any signs of any going away. Then Demelza Robins shows up unexpectedly and offers to help knock some of the stress out, remembering his policy to get to know their teammates better. What does she have in mind to take some emotional baggage off of his shoulders? Read on to find out!


Disclaimer: All I own is this fanfic, everything else belongs to J.K. Rowling. No copyright intended!

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It was a cool afternoon of October 19, 1996; and sixteen-year-old Harry Potter had even more emotional baggage piling up on his shoulders due to a combination of being the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, Dumbledore trying to use him as a pawn once more with help from his former best friends (and the Weasley girl), being in his sixth year that meant he was in his Pre-NEWT year, and certain people expecting him to pursue a career as an auror. Harry felt that he was at his limit because certain people kept making decisions for him and not letting him live life like a normal teenager. Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley kept treating him like a five-year-old while using him as a pawn, with Ron and Hermione even spying on him for the headmaster to ‘keep him in line,’ Ron’s sister Ginny continuing to hound him like the ultimate fangirl of the Boy-Who-Lived she always had been, and Hermione even pressuring him to forgive and forget. Heck, Dumbledore even called him up after finding out about Harry leaving Privet Drive for good and calling it a reckless thing to do. But Harry had enough of his relatives’ treatment and left to take control of his life and not be a pawn anymore.

Harry was currently in the captain’s office reading through some suggested strategies the team could use for their first quidditch match of the season in a few more weeks. He still had Katie Bell on the team as one of the chasers and co-captain, as she was his remaining teammate from his original Gryffindor Quidditch team from his first year. There were two new chasers for the team, one of them being Katie’s sister Karley (who was a fifth-year Gryffindor) and Demelza Robins (who was also a fifth-year Gryffindor). Dean Thomas happened to be the keeper, and two new beaters named Preston Holmes and Henry Webb, brown-haired boys in their fifth year. Needless to say, Ginny was outraged by the fact that she didn’t make the team (not even a reserve player) even though Harry made it clear that just because someone made the team last year didn’t guarantee them a spot this year. Hermione even tried to blackmail Harry into reconsidering with the threat of house point docking and detention, but Harry told the bushy-haired girl to piss off. Harry didn’t realize that he had a visitor in the office until he looked up.

“Gah!” Harry exclaimed, his heart pounding as he took some deep breaths.

His visitor was Demelza Robins, who was one of the chasers. She had shoulder-length reddish-brown hair in a mid-ponytail, forest-green eyes, and stood at a height of five-foot-two. She was still in her Gryffindor Quidditch uniform, but had a grin on her face for some reason. From what Harry examined of Demelza, her grin didn’t have any signs of hostility or the very fangirl-like grin he would see from Ginny, nor did she blush just because she was close to him. Harry already knew Demelza was a fifth-year, especially when he encouraged those who tried out for the team to introduce themselves as part of his new policy because he felt that teammates should get to know and trust one another. Harry had to admit that Demelza looked kind of cute even if she wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous, but he quickly came back to his senses when he remembered that he needed to be professional.

“I’m sorry I startled you, Harry,” Demelza apologized, feeling rather sheepish. “I was waiting for you to finish what you were going over. I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt you.”

“It’s all good, Demelza,” assured Harry. “Just have alot on my mind and got so focused that I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I stopped by because you look all stressed, Harry,” Demelza informed him, with concern in her voice. “I did admire your policy for our teammates to get to know one another, as it’s vital if we’re to perform to the best of our abilities.”

“What do you have in mind to help relieve me of a decent amount of my stress?” asked Harry, intrigued by the suggestion.

“Maybe I can give you a good massage,” suggested Demelza. “We can go somewhere more private if you wish, that is if you are interested.”

“That’s pretty intriguing,” said Harry. “But dinnertime is just around the corner.”

“We can find an empty classroom or something if you’d like,” said Demelza. “To get you away from all the fangirls especially. That could also be the right time to tell you about my massaging suggestion.”

Harry became even more intrigued to try getting a massage, to the point where Harry told Demelza that he would be interested. Then she left the office to return to the locker room and change into her everyday outfit. Harry left not long after and waited outside since he was already back in his outfit (consisting of a gray long-sleeve t-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of gray sneakers). The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to get a massage. It would get him away from Ginny and her tendency to kiss Dean on the lips when he was in the same room as them. It would even get him away from Ron and Hermione, the latter’s nagging tendencies in particular. Neville and Luna would wonder why he was absent at dinner, but Harry could always tell them afterwards. Neville and Luna were now Harry’s best friends, since they genuinely cared about him and had his best interests at heart.

Demelza exited the locker rooms a few minutes later dressed in a pink long-sleeve t-shirt, a pair of gray jeans, and black trainers. Once they were outside and off the main path, Harry called for Dobby to take him and Demelza over to the entrance to the Room of Requirement. After they made it, Harry explained to Demelza how to get into the Room. Then she walked past the entrance thrice while thinking of her intention to make the entrance door reveal itself. Then Harry opened the door and let Demelza walk in first because he was strictly adamant on the ladies first policy. When he followed her in, Harry closed the door and saw some kind of bed that had a hole in it for someone’s face if they wanted to lay on their front. There was also a table with two chairs across from each other pushed in.

“Shall we eat dinner before we start?” asked Harry.

Demelza nodded her head in confirmation, knowing that having the strength for something like massage therapy was necessary. Harry pulled a chair out for Demelza, who smiled back in gratitude as she took a seat just as the raven-haired young man gently pushed the chair back into place. Once Harry took his seat across from his fellow lion, he called for Dobby to get him and Demelza some dinner. After the house elf brought the teens their dinners, Dobby returned to the kitchen so he could give Harry and Demelza their time to eat. Once the teens finished, Harry called Dobby back so the house elf could take the dishes back to the kitchens and get them washed. Then Harry got up and pulled the chair Demelza was sitting on away from the table to allow her to get up. Then Demelza led Harry over to the massage table and cast a spell on it to give it a cushiony feeling for Harry.

“How do you want to do the massaging, Demelza?” asked Harry.

“It can be a specific part of your body or your whole body,” stated Demelza. “Whether you wish to stay clothed is up to you. However, stripping down to your undergarments could help make the massaging easier.”

“Tempting,” said Harry. “But difficult to do, as I’d never thought about being in my boxer shorts in your presence, or in the presence of a lady in general.”

“I understand, Harry,” Demelza replied. “If it makes you feel better, I can strip down to my bra and panties.”

“Wha… um… well…?” Harry responded in nervousness, his face turning red as it radiated heat.

“I take that as a yes?” said Demelza, blushing herself.

All Harry could do was nod his head, clearly at a loss for words. So the teens went into separate changing rooms to change out of their respective outfits. Harry was in a pair of dark-green boxer shorts when he stepped out. Demelza quickly exited in a red bra and panty set, which caused Harry to blush again as his heart rate increased a little while his stomach got a funny feeling. Then Harry headed back towards the table to get on it, took his glasses off and putting them on a nearby side table, laid down on his stomach, and let Demelza do her massaging. The Gryffindor girl started off by massaging Harry’s neck first and gradually working her way towards his shoulders. Harry closed his eyes when he felt just how good the massaging was, Demelza really did know what she suggested. Demelza eventually made her way down to Harry’s back, with the expression on Harry’s face made it feel like he was in heaven. Harry felt some of the sensation in his body dissipating when he felt Demelza’s hands massaging the back of his legs and all the way down to his feet.

“Are you ready for me to massage the front part of your body, Harry?” asked Demelza.

Harry felt another funny jolt in his stomach and he felt certain his manhood was rising up. He knew that he was going to get another look at Demelza in her bra and panties. With his arms and legs wobbling, Harry slowly turned himself over to try laying on his back. His member stiffened a bit more and was bulging from underneath his boxer shorts. Naturally, that didn’t go unnoticed by Demelza because she looked down and saw Harry’s manhood rising. Then she looked over at Harry with a smirk on her face, resulting in Harry’s face radiating heat as it turned bright-red.

“It looks like you want something more than just massages, Harry.” stated Demelza. “Maybe we can make love to each other and help you understand girls better, if you’re interested.”

“What about the risk of me impregnating you?” asked Harry, even if he was still blushing and his face still radiated heat.

“No need to worry, Harry,” assured Demelza. “Female students, myself included, have to take a vial of contraceptive potions every morning before breakfast, since that’ll prevent them from getting pregnant for twenty-four hours. There are also contraceptive charms, but those only last for six hours. So the potion is easier to handle, as it isn’t much of a hassle.”

“Well, okay,” Harry replied. “Then yes, we can make love if you really want to. I just don’t know how well I’m gonna do it. Shall we do it standing up first, or shall I continue laying down on the table?”

“Well, you’re already laying down,” stated Demelza. “So why don’t I climb up and lay down on top of you?”

“Wait, I see an actual bed close by.” said Harry, pointing a finger in the direction.

“Oh,” Demelza replied with realization. “Better to do it there for more comfort.”

Then Harry got up off the massage table and followed his housemate towards the bed. He couldn’t help checking her out and seeing her red panties covering her nice-looking butt that swayed as she walked on towards the bed. Then Demelza turned her torso around to face Harry when they made it to the foot of the bed and, with a smirk forming on her face, wiggled her butt for him. Harry thought he could feel his heartbeat redlining to see that, resulting in Demelza giggling as she saw how red Harry’s face was.

“We’ll start off with a little kissing and touching first, Harry,” stated Demelza. “To try and help ease you into it a little better since this has to be your first time.”

All Harry could do was nod his head somewhat stiffly, since he was at a loss for words. Then Demelza approached Harry to drape her arms over the back of his neck, while Harry placed his hands on Demelza’s waist. Due to her stature of five-foot-two, Demelza jumped up to wrap her legs around Harry’s waist. Harry kept his hands on Demelza’s waist as the two began kissing each other on the lips, where they also took turns with their tongues exploring the inside of their mouths. Harry’s hands slowly found their way onto Demelza’s butt, but he remained ready to pull them away if she didn’t want his hands there. When she didn’t move his hands away, Harry squeezed Demelza’s buttcheeks firmly while making sure they weren’t too hard. Demelza moaned with pleasure when she felt Harry squeezing her butt, especially when they felt as though he was massaging them (which could’ve been seen as a way of Harry returning the favour). After a minute of kissing and tongue exploring, Harry and Demelza stopped and pulled their mouths away to catch their breaths (with Harry’s hands still on Demelza’s butt).

“Are you ready to take this up a notch?” asked Demelza.

“Yeah!” exclaimed Harry in a partially high-pitched tone.

With that decision finalized, Demelza unwrapped her legs around Harry and put her feet on the ground, with Harry stepping back a couple paces. Then Demelza unhooked her bra and pulled it off before pulling her knickers off, dropping them right next to her bra. Harry followed suit by yanking his boxer shorts down to his ankles and stepping out of them, leaving his stiffening manhood exposed to Demelza (who was standing before Harry with a wonderful pair of beasts). Then Demelza gently pushed Harry on the bed, where he wriggled his way towards the middle.

Harry laid down on his back just as Demelza climbed on top of the bed and crawled her way towards him, stopping when she was poised above him. Harry’s manhood was painfully stiff as his heart rate increased to see a girl in her birthday suit poised over him. Then Demelza slowly lowered herself on top of Harry. To Harry’s further surprise, Demelza got into a cowgirl position and inserted his stiffened manhood up her vagina before she started rubbing his stomach gently. That resulted in Harry’s stomach getting a third funny jolt, with the girl who had reddish-brown hair keeping at it.

“Cum inside of me, Harry!” Demelza begged.

Harry nodded his head stiffly as he began focusing his thoughts on the whim while staring at his housemate’s breasts. It didn’t take Demelza long before she felt Harry’s manhood ejaculating his lovemaking fluids inside her pussy. It was enough for her to moan in pleasure as her limbs shook with elation since it was giving her an orgasm. When Harry started massaging Demelza’s breasts, her body shook more violently and squealed out as though she were in heaven. Then she pulled Harry’s fluid-soaked manhood out and began licking the tip of it to lap up any of the excess milky-white fluid. Then they started rubbing their hands over each others’ bodies as they began kissing again. When Demelza began massaging Harry’s thighs, Harry put his hands on Demelza’s butt to massage it again.

“Give me some spankings, Harry!” Demelza begged when she pulled away for a moment.

When they went back to kissing, Harry complied with Demelza’s request and began giving her buttcheeks spankings (making sure they weren’t too hard). The fifth-year female kept begging for more, with Harry continuing to give her her request. After about fifteen minutes, they stopped because of exhaustion while their sweaty bodies were covered in the smelly milky-white fluids. Demelza was sprawled out on top of Harry’s body. The teens were taking deep breaths as they were waiting to regain their strength. They weren’t even sure they wanted to return to Gryffindor Tower tonight because of the feeling of elation still going through their teenage minds.

“Would you like to do this again in the future, Harry?” asked Demelza in a whisper.

“Definitely!” Harry replied, also in a whisper. “I never knew that this would’ve been a great stress reliever if you hadn’t shown up at the captain’s office earlier.”

“Let’s stay here tonight,” stated Demelza. “I’m too exhausted to leave the Room of Requirement.”

“Me, too,” said Harry. “And I think sleeping together would be a wonderful bonus.”

“Maybe we can also shower together, if you’d like.” Demelza offered.

“Okay,” said Harry. “And we can even sleep together when we get the whole smelly mess cleaned up.”

Demelza smiled at that as she and Harry got up and headed for the bathroom, which had a big walk-in shower and the two placed their towels on a countertop nearby. The moment the teens were in the bathroom, Dobby and Winky came by to clean up the mess for Harry and Demelza. Before leaving to return to the kitchens, the house elves placed two pairs of pajamas on the massage table (with Dobby placing a pair of black boxer shorts on top of one pair, while Winky put a pink bra and pink panties on top of the other). Then they gathered the dirty clothes and sheets to get them washed, that way Harry and Demelza could get their respective clothes washed and returned to them as soon as possible. The teens were taking turns in washing each other while giggling, as the experience was just as good as the lovemaking and massages earlier.

A few minutes later, Dobby and Winky finished putting clean bedsheets and blankets on top of the bed and replacing the pillows with clean pillowcases. Not long after they returned to the kitchens was when Harry and Demelza finally left the bathroom with towels over themselves and went to get their respective piles of clothes to put them on and get ready for bed. The teens got dressed in their pajamas in the same room, as they felt that there was no point in going into separate rooms when they already made love to each other earlier. Then they climbed in bed and pulled the blanket over themselves to stay warm. The light turned out as if it sensed when the occupants were getting ready for sleep. It didn’t take Harry and Demelza very long for them to fall asleep because of the quidditch tryouts along with the sexual intercourse afterwards. But Harry could tell that his and Demelza’s failure to return to Gryffindor Tower was going to stir up alot of questions. With Demelza there, maybe this year would lead to something wonderful later.

The End!

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