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Sakura Urameshi: Three Kings (Book 4)


In the aftermath of their harrowing battle with Sensui, Yusuke Urameshi and his twin sister Sakura attempt to pick up the pieces alongside their friends. But soon, they find themselves swept into a dangerous new world where loyalties are tested and old wounds re-open. As they navigate treacherous alliances and face new enemies, the fate of all three realms hangs in the balance. Kurama x OC

Chapter 1: Never Again



"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston Churchill

Chapter Text

“I love you, Kurama.”

“And I love you, my precious Sakura,” he pulled her closer. “I will choose you everytime, in this world and Spirit World. As Shuichi Minamino, or as Yoko, it is you I desire, and you alone.”

Sakura’s heart swelled so much it seemed her ribs would crack with the strain. She stretched up on her toes to meet him. 

“I want you, all of you. No-one else.”

Their lips met with such passion the forest might have been set ablaze. 

Neither would have noticed. 

The more Sakura kissed him, the more insatiable her thirst seemed to become. She didn’t know how the two of them ended up on the ground, kissing again and again, nor did she care. All Sakura knew was being in the embrace of the only one she desired, and he was kissing her like he could never get enough. One hand on her lower back, the other twisting in her hair… 



Kurama blinked twice and emerged from the memory. The luminous garden bathed in starlight became shoji screens. The perfumed flowers were replaced with the bitter scent of antiseptic. That was not soft grass under his hands, but a futon where his beloved lay unconscious. The happy, bright-eyed Sakura from their first date had become the gravely wounded and unresponsive Sakura lying before him. The Sakura who he feared may have shattered beyond repair.

Kurama’s fists clenched around the crisp cotton sheets. He was back in the same nightmare, as far away from that perfect evening as he could possibly get. 

My precious flower.

The final rays of golden sunlight trickled through the window and onto Sakura’s battered face. Kurama gazed at her, searching for any sign of waking, but there was none.

“Kura?” he whispered. “Can you hear me, my love?”

No response. 

Kurama crushed the sheets more tightly in his hands. More than anything, he wished she would wake up. Open her beautiful eyes and see him again. Know that she was out of the Demon World, out of that cave, away from her ordeal. 

“Kura? Please, love. Come back to me.”

No response. She was still locked in her self-induced coma, likely entangled by terrible nightmares, and he could do nothing. The helplessness threatened to eat him alive.

How long will she sleep for? 

Yukina had said Sakura would likely wake up ‘soon enough’. He knew there was little anyone could do to speed up the process. He knew her body had reached a breaking point, and he knew she needed rest. 

But he needed her to wake up. He needed her back with him. He needed to take her in his arms and apologise for letting her down. He needed to hold her close, to tell her that she was safe. That he would never let anyone hurt her again. He needed to tell her why he had erased her memory of Mushiyori Hospital, something he should have explained long before this.

I’m sorry, my love. I’m so sorry that I kept you in the dark.

In the glow of evening, the bruising softened a little, and Kurama found himself reaching for Sakura’s cheek…


He jerked his hand away. He couldn’t do it. He mustn't. If Sakura were conscious, she would likely recoil at any sign of physical touch. And he would not do anything to her without express permission. Not after the abuse she’d suffered at the hands of Haruki.

“Too slow, Spirit Fox…”

Kurama choked back a hiss. The monster’s voice rang in his ears as though spoken aloud. Even in death, Haruki still taunted him…


Kurama took a deep breath to steady himself. He had to calm down. Angry and devastated as he was, he couldn’t afford to give into those emotions. Not now. Not with his beloved so vulnerable and their friends on edge. 

No, he needed to be strong. Sakura needed him to be strong. They all did. 

One step at a time.

Kurama reached for Sakura’s left hand — the only part that seemed to have escaped severe damage — and allowed his eyes to drift over her once more. 

Though covered with bandages, Sakura’s shoulder wound did appear to have stopped bleeding. The largest lacerations on her forehead, jawline and neck looked much better now that they had been cleaned and dressed. And that revolting blue silk dress was folded neatly in the corner instead of being on Sakura’s body. 

Kurama suppressed another growl before making a mental note to destroy it at his first opportunity. Hopefully, before Sakura laid eyes on it again. She hadn’t put that dress on herself. He was sure of it. 

What did that monster do to her?

The question lingered over Kurama while his heart thumped painfully in his chest. He wished he could turn back time and undo the pain and suffering his precious flower had been subjected to. But that was impossible. All he could do was wait, and hope to see her eyes open once more. No, not hope. He had something more tangible than that. 

She’s the most resilient girl I’ve ever known. If she can find the strength to survive whatever happened in that cave, she can find the strength to overcome the aftermath. 

And this time, she wouldn’t be alone on the journey.

“It will be alright, my love,” Kurama whispered. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, I promise you.”

No response. 

Kurama slowly traced circles around the back of her hand with his thumb. 

It will be alright. Somehow. 

His thumb brushed the sapphire ring on her finger. 

Kurama’s stomach churned. The oval cut stone, set in platinum and surrounded by a halo of diamonds. To any outsider, it would appear to be a beautiful accessory instead of a symbol of Haruki’s sick obsession. 

Kurama gritted his teeth. He couldn’t bear to see her wearing such a shackle. All he wanted was to rip it from her finger. And he’d tried, of course. But it wouldn’t budge. Yukina might have been onto something when she suggested some sort of enchantment. He’d never seen anything like it. 

Of course, the ring was only part of the mystery. There was also the matter of the grotesque symbols on Sakura’s chest, underneath the markings of her Mazoku blood. Even as he looked, those strange twisted markings, neither kanji nor geometric, were slowly rising into prominence again. 

What could they be?

The ring sparkled in the final threads of sunlight. Kurama glared. It seemed to be mocking him, reminding him of his failures. 

“She belongs to me, Spirit Fox…she agreed to be mine…”

This time, Kurama could not prevent a hiss escaping while questions whirled around in his mind. 

What did they do to her? 

Were those symbols somehow tied to the ring? Were they affecting her healing process? Were they the effects of some sadistic technique or ritual? Or worse, had Haruki–?

“Kurama? May we come in?”

Yukina’s soft voice pulled Kurama from his reverie. He’d almost forgotten that his friends were here, who loved Sakura. Who were deeply worried about her and ready to help. Or at least, do all they could. 

Kurama shook his head a few times to clear it, then called, “Come in.”

The shoji screen slid aside to reveal Botan and Yukina with faces full of concern. 

“How is she?” Botan asked.

“No change,” Kurama said. “She hasn’t stirred, but other than a potential brief nightmare I’ve seen no signs of deterioration.”

Yukina knelt beside the futon and checked Sakura’s injured shoulder with a practised touch. 

“How is it looking?” Botan asked. 

“It looks like the bleeding has finally stopped,” Yukina said. “And the swelling has gone down a little. That’s good news.”

“Does that mean her body is healing?” Kurama asked.

“No, not at the rate she should be,” Yukina said. “If her body was responding properly, that bullet hole would have at least closed up by now. And it hasn’t.”

Botan sighed. “Definitely not the progress we hoped for, but I suppose it’s not altogether surprising. It’s only been a few hours.”

Kurama’s throat was too tight to speak. He could only nod. 

“Kurama, I’ll need to check her over again with my ki,” Yukina continued. “It’ll only take a moment.”

Kurama took the hint and reluctantly let go of Sakura’s hand. 

Yukina closed her eyes and began her examination. Kurama watched, hoping against hope that Sakura would regain consciousness again. But she remained still and senseless as ever. 

Botan sniffled as she joined Yukina by the futon and stared at Sakura. Kurama spotted her tears even before they sparkled in the light. 

Everyone is as concerned for her as I. They love Sakura too.

With this in mind, he forced himself to speak. “Botan, where is Yusuke? I thought he would have come to see her by now.”

“I’m not sure,” Botan said. “I don’t think anyone has seen him since…you know.”

Kurama’s whole frame stiffened. Yusuke was still off sulking in some far flung corner of the estate, while his sister lay here with such devastating wounds? Well, not for much longer if he had any say in the matter…

“Kurama, I wouldn’t worry too much,” Botan said quickly. “Really, Yusuke probably just needs to be alone.”

Kurama’s eyes narrowed. Yusuke needed to be alone? What about what Sakura needed?! Comatose or not, didn’t she deserve to have her twin by her side? Didn’t she deserve to have everyone who loved and cared about her waiting for her to improve? Taking a little time to cool off was one thing, but it had been around eight hours now. 


“It’s so strange,” Yukina suddenly murmured. 

“What is it?” Kurama asked.

“Kura’s energy. It’s fluctuating in a way I’ve never seen before. This hybrid mix, it almost feels as though it’s at war with itself. I wonder if that’s got something to do with her body’s current resistance to our healing power.”

Kurama’s heart sank at her words, but he pushed it aside. There were many factors to consider here, but he could not let himself be consumed by despair. 

“We’ll figure it out,” he said firmly. “We have to.”

“We will,” Yukina promised. “Botan, come on.”

Rubbing her tears away, Botan knelt beside Yukina. “Just tell me what you need me to do.”

Yukina directed Botan to a particularly deep laceration on Sakura’s forearm, then looked up at Kurama.

“We can take care of things here. Why don’t you go get some fresh air, or something to eat?”

“I’m staying by her side.”

“You’ve done everything you can for now,” Botan said. “Let us take over for a bit. You’ve been here all day.” 

“I am not leaving her–”

“Kurama,” Yukina’s voice was sharper than he’d ever heard it before. “I’m only going to say this once: you need to take care of yourself.”

He stared at her.

“How long has it been since you ate, or slept? Do you think Kura would be happy with you neglecting your own needs? Don’t even answer me; you already know what she’d want.”

Kurama opened his mouth to argue, but the words died on his tongue when he saw Yukina’s face. The stern look she wore reminded him of Hiei. 

Botan put her free hand on his shoulder. “She’s right, Kurama. Go get some air. We’ll look after her.”

Kurama stared down at Sakura and squeezed her hand a little tighter. What they were saying was true. Every word of it. And right now, cold logic was the only thing he could cling to.

He all but ripped himself away from Sakura and stood up. “Very well. But if anything happens, please call me.”

“Of course we will,” Yukina said.

As Kurama made his way out the room, a heavy weight settled in his chest. He paused in the doorway and looked back at Sakura, unmoving as Botan and Yukina tended to her. 

My love.  

She’d want him to attend to his own needs, Kurama knew. And the girls would take care of her. But even so, it felt wrong. No, more than wrong. 

How could he even think of prioritising his needs over hers, especially after all his mistakes? She was like this because he had failed to protect her.




The apartment door was now in eyesight, but Kurama felt nothing except panic flooding through him. He’d been correct. 

Haruki was alive. He was working with Sensui. And Sakura was all alone… 

A terrified scream split the air in two. “Kurama! Help!”


He was still a hundred metres away from his flower. “Kura!” he shouted. “I'm coming!”

Kurama heard a deafening bang, followed by Keiko's hysterical cries and the shattering of glass. He burst through the front door and sprinted down the hallway. He had to get to her, he had to stop this from happening… 

“Kurama, it’s Kura! I can’t get in there!” 

Keiko frantically pounded at Sakura’s door. Puu was flapping around, shrieking incessantly.

Kurama didn’t waste time in kicking the door open, only to find thick clouds of white mist engulfing everything. He held up his arm to shield his face while Koenma started coughing. 

“Kura?!?” Keiko went to run inside. “Kura, where are you?”

“Stay back!” Kurama flung out his other arm to stop her. He couldn’t be sure what this smoke was, but it seemed to be clearing quite rapidly. Within seconds, he could see why. 

The window had been smashed to pieces, along with the mirror. But there was no sign of anyone in the room. 

Sakura was gone.



If he’d been with her…if he hadn’t let her out of his sight for that brief moment, Sakura would never have been taken. She wouldn't be in this position at all—

Stop. You need to stop. As Botan said, you've done all I can for now. 

Kurama forced himself to turn away. 

She’s safe, he reminded himself. That monster is gone. Botan and Yukina will look after her. She’s not alone.

This knowledge was the only thing that gave him the strength to leave.

The moment Kurama stepped into the empty hallway, he heard hushed voices coming from the main sitting room. 

“ think the SDF will try again?”

“Of course they will. I wouldn’t put anything past them. Yusuke is obviously about the strongest person in the Living World now, but female Mazoku are almost unheard of, so there’s virtually no information in Spirit World archives. They said they’re worried about the danger she might pose–”

“Which is nonsense. That girl is about as malicious as a butterfly.”

“Of course. It goes without saying, but I don’t think that's the only reason they’re interested in her. Ootake said something about further testing, so I suspect they’re more interested in a potential goldmine of data.”

Yes, it was as Kurama suspected. Genkai and Koenma were in deep conversation about all that had happened.

“...they said King Enma knew about the atavism?”

“Yes, apparently he sensed traces of energy or something, but if you ask me, I’m not sure I believe it. Knowing my father, he probably…”

Kurama headed in the opposite direction. The last thing he wanted or needed was to be drawn into another discussion about this. 

It doesn’t matter what the SDF wants. They won’t touch her. Never again. 

Once he’d gotten a safe distance away, Kurama leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. 

His mind swirled with thoughts of Sakura and the events that had led them here.

My precious flower.

He focused on his breathing and let his thoughts turn to Yusuke. Where was he? Why wasn’t he by Sakura’s side when she needed him most? Even after everything they’d been through, had he still learned nothing? Did he truly fail to grasp how serious this was? He had seemed to earlier, but was that just 

No, surely not. In the heat of the moment, he’d watched Yusuke declare his faith in Sakura to finish Sensui off. He’d watched him fight tooth and nail to free Sakura from Haruki’s twisted clutches in the bonus round. 


The monster was still breathing down his neck. Kurama could see him, hear him, feel the rough stone wall against his back once again…




Haruki pressed down on the rose whip and Kurama lost his momentum. That single moment was all Haruki needed to hurl him to the floor. 


Haruki picked Kurama up with one hand and shoved him into the wall. “How I’ve longed for this, Spirit Fox.”

“Put him down!” Yusuke yelled.

Haruki ignored him and leaned in closer. He seemed to be whispering something in Kurama’s ear. 

It was inaudible to everyone, but the visceral, animalistic snarl Kurama responded with turned the whole group’s blood to ice.

“Never!” Kurama hissed. “I will never allow that!”

“Oh, Spirit Fox,” Haruki sneered. “You have no chance of stopping me!!”




Kurama pulled himself out of the vision with a gasp. Sweat dripped off his cheek and his nails dug into his palms. 

Those words Haruki had whispered…had he meant them? 

Kurama’s heart began to pound and the taste of bile rose up in his throat. 

Those words… 

Were they just an empty taunt? Or worse, had he been lying, and–?


Kurama forced himself to calm down. This wasn’t going to help. The memories might haunt him for a time, but he could not drown in them. Not now, not ever. 

Sakura. That’s who you need to think of right now. She’s the only thing that matters.

Sakura was safe. She was in good hands. And right now, her recovery was the priority. He couldn’t worry about what Haruki had whispered to him, at least until Sakura was awake.

Kurama leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

Haruki was gone. Sensui was gone and Itsuki, while alive, had apparently lost all interest in the mission. They could never harm his beloved again. And he, Kurama, would ensure it stayed that way.

No-one will ever touch her again. No-one.

Taking a moment to steel himself for whatever lay ahead, Kurama squared his shoulders. While Botan and Yukina cared for Sakura, he had tasks of his own to complete. Checking on the others, informing them of Sakura’s status, finding Yusuke and talking some sense into him.

But first, there was something else he had to do. Something important. 

Kurama turned the corner and made his way to the phone. He couldn’t put this call off any longer. 

But as Kurama began to dial the number, he failed to see the shadow coming around the door.

Chapter 2: Respite

Chapter Text

How much longer is this going to take?

Shiori got up and started pacing the room. 5:30pm. Well past the 24 hour mark since Sakura was taken, and there still hadn’t been so much as a whisper. She couldn’t take this anymore. She couldn’t–

“Shiori,” Kazuya came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her. “Shuichi will call when he has news.”

“I know,” she said. “But why hasn’t there been any at all? It’s almost been 27 hours since she went missing, and–!”

“For all we know, the investigators have likely told him not to contact anyone. A missing person case can change quickly. He probably doesn’t know much more than we do right now.”

The slight tremor in Kazuya’s voice made Shiori turn around. He was concerned too. And it was this, more than anything, that calmed her pounding heart. At least a little. 

She leaned into him again with a sigh. “You’re right. It’s just…I feel so helpless. The twins have already been through so much, and now this…”

Kazuya tightened his embrace. “It’s going to be alright, dear,” he said softly. “They’ll find Sakura. We have to trust them.”

Shiori nodded and allowed Kazuya to lead her back to the lounge. She looked at the phone, willing it to ring with good news. But it stayed silent. 

Shiori buried her head in her hands as time stretched on. Her mind drifted to her son, her precious son, the only person with Yusuke while they navigated this nightmare. She just wished she could hold him…

Brrring! Brrring!

Both of them paused at the shrill ring of the phone. 

Shiori reached for it, but her hands shook uncontrollably. What if it was bad news?

“It’s alright, Shiori. I'm here,” Kazuya said. “Put it on speaker.”

Shiori squeezed his hand. She pressed the button and, in a voice barely above a whisper, answered.

“Hello, Minamino residence.”

“Mother, it’s me.” 

“Shuichi!” Shiori gasped. Her son sounded exhausted, but fairly calm. “Thank goodness…listen dear, you’re on speakerphone; Kazuya’s with me. What’s going on?” 

“I’m still with Yusuke at the hospital,” Shuichi said. “And I don’t have a lot of time, but I do have some news.”

Shiori gripped Kazuya’s hand even tighter. “Tell me.”

“I received a phone call from one of the lead detectives a few minutes ago,” Shuichi’s voice trembled. “They found her. She's been rescued.”

Shiori burst into tears. “Oh thank God! Is she…?” 

The rest of her question was lost while she broke down. 

“Shuichi, is she alright?” Kazuya asked. “Is she injured?”

“I’m not sure. The detective merely said they’re bringing her to the hospital now. We should know soon.”

“How did…?” Shiori took a shaky breath before trying again. “How in the world did they manage to find her?”

Shuichi hesitated, then said, “All I can say at this point is that a lead came through in the early hours of the morning. I’ll explain later.”

“Where was she?” Kazuya asked. “And what about the offenders, have they been arrested?”

“The officer didn’t give any details regarding that. I’m sure we’ll find out as things unfold.”

“Of course, of course,” Shiori said. “What about Yusuke? Is he any better? And the twins’ mother?”

“We haven’t managed to make contact with their mother yet,” Shuichi muttered, and Shiori heard his anger. “As for Yusuke, he’s awake and stable. It won’t happen overnight, but his test results point to signs of a full recovery. And needless to say, he’s utterly beside himself at the news.”

Kazuya smiled. “We are too, Shuichi. This is the most wonderful outcome. You must be so relieved.”

There was silence on the other end of the line as Shuichi took a breath. “More than I can say,” he said, voice cracking slightly. “There is still much that we don’t know, but she’s safe, and that’s all I’m concerned about right now.”

“Absolutely,” Kazuya said. “That’s the most important thing.”

“I’m afraid I won’t be coming home just yet, Mother. I…I can’t leave her. I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t apologise,” Shiori said. “Is there anything we can do? Is there anything you need?”

“Not at this stage. Truly, the only thing I need right now is to hold her in my arms again and never let go. First chance I get, I’ll…oh, wait a moment…”

There was a brief pause and some unintelligible voices in the background. Shiori held her breath until her son spoke again. 

“They’ve just arrived, Mother. She’s here.”

“Thank goodness,” Shiori wept. “I hope she’s okay.”

“We’ll see what the doctors say, Mother. They’ll take care of her,” Shuichi said. “But for now, I really should be going. Forgive me.” 

“Not at all, son. You go right ahead,” Kazuya said.

“If you can, give our love to Sakura,” Shiori finally smiled through her tears. “And Yusuke as well.”

“Of course. I promise I’ll call back as soon as I know anything else.”

Click .

Shiori leaned into Kazuya’s chest and began to cry in earnest. “Oh, thank heavens, thank heavens…she’s safe, and Yusuke’s alright!”

Kazuya gently stroked her back, saying, “We couldn’t have asked for a better ending. It’s absolutely wonderful.”

“I just hope she’s not been hurt,” Shiori began, but then a horrible thought struck her. “Wait, if she’s in the hospital, then that must mean-!”

“Not necessarily,” Kazuya said. “She’ll need a medical check regardless. It’s standard procedure. I’m sure Shuichi will let us know when he’s able to.”

“Oh, yes. Of course,” Shiori mopped at her face. “Silly of me not to realise. But that poor girl, Kazuya. What a terrible ordeal she’s gone through. And Yusuke, imagine how he must be feeling.”

“It’s a dreadful situation,” Kazuya said. “But she’s been rescued. The worst is over now.”

Shiori nodded. “As much as I’d love to race over to the hospital and see her, I don’t think I’d be allowed in.”

“No, I’d say not. Best to wait until Shuichi calls again before we talk about visits.”

“That probably won’t be for a little while. Not until she’s been taken care of,” Shiori rubbed her tired eyes. 

“All in good time, dear,” Kazuya kissed her again before continuing, “I think you should go to bed for a little while. It’s been a difficult night, and I know you’re exhausted.”

“I suppose so, but I think I could do with a cup of tea first.”

“You head up to bed, dear. I’ll get it for you.”

Shiori heaved herself up from the couch and leaned into Kazuya’s embrace. “Thank you. For being with me. I love you.”

“And I love you,” Kazuya pointed Shiori towards the staircase. “Go on. I’ll bring your tea up when it’s ready.” 

Shiori climbed upstairs and collapsed on her bed. The exhaustion had started to hit home and she expected to fall asleep in moments, but this didn’t happen. She couldn’t even close her eyes right away. Instead, Shiori lay awake while Kazuya bustled around in the kitchen downstairs.

Sakura…that poor girl…

The relief she felt gave way to profound sorrow. Yes, Sakura had been rescued. She was going to be looked after in the hospital. The offenders would surely face justice, and any physical wounds would mend. 

But beyond that, how in the world could Sakura recover from such a nightmare? 

She’ll need a lot of support. More than Shuichi can give, probably. Definitely professional therapy. Will her mother be able to step up?

Unlikely, from what Shuichi had said. 

Shiori took another tissue. Sakura had been through so much already. But this? A violent attack and abduction, held for over twenty four hours, and heaven only knew what had happened during that time…

The thought was unbearable. Thankfully, at that moment Kazuya arrived with the tea. 

Shiori sat up and took the cup from him. A calming herbal blend. Exactly what she needed. 

“Shiori,” Kazuya began. “What Shuichi said before, about the twins’ mother…why aren’t their parents at the hospital?”

“Shuichi hasn’t said much, but from what he told me, their mother had Yusuke and Sakura when she was a young teenager. Their father is nowhere to be found, and…well, their mother isn’t the most responsible parent. Shuichi strongly implied that she’s an alcoholic.”

Kazuya shook his head. He hadn’t expected that. “It sounds like they’ve gone through a lot.”

Shiori nodded. There was really no other way to respond to that. 

“Well, they won’t have to handle this alone,” Kazuya said. “We can be there for them.”

“That’s right.”

Kazuya wrapped his arm around Shiori and she curled up beside him. Warmth and relief flooded through her in the silence.

“Get some rest, dear,” Kazuya said when she’d finished her cup. “Don’t worry; I’ll wake you when Shuichi calls again.”

With a kiss, he left. Shiori settled into the quilts. As she finally drifted off, she wondered what she could possibly say or do for Sakura when she saw her again.



Kurama hung up and took a deep breath. Underneath his fear and devastation, a tiny spark of relief reared up. His mother could stop worrying now. Even if she didn’t know the full details of the dire situation, at least she knew that Sakura was safe. 

He already had the cover story mapped out in his mind. Of course, he’d have to forge some evidence and iron out a few other details, but he could worry about that when he got home–whenever that happened. 

For now, home was out of the question. Sakura’s condition made moving her out of Genkai’s estate impossible for the time being. 

But then what?

The million dollar question. Her physical and mental health aside, she was in untold danger from Spirit World and the SDF. They might have retreated for now, but it wouldn’t last. If the SDF couldn’t attack Yusuke head on, then they would almost certainly target Sakura to get to him…


Kurama’s fists clenched. That wasn’t going to happen. He wouldn’t allow it. If anyone dared threaten his precious flower again, he’d unleash his wrath upon them without the slightest hesitation.

No-one will ever touch her again.

“What the hell was that about? Who were you talking to?”

Kurama turned around. Yusuke was standing behind him, seething under his fuzzy mop of hair. He must’ve only just returned.

“That was my mother, Yusuke. I was merely explaining that Sakura is safe now. She’s been worried sick.”

“Oh really?” Yusuke’s eyes narrowed. “Then what was all that crap about me being ‘awake and stable’ ?”

Kurama paused. This was not the way he’d wanted Yusuke to find out, but there was no sense in lying now.

“It’s all part of the cover story I’m working on,” he said. “I couldn’t tell her the truth about what happened.”

“So what exactly are you telling people, Fox Boy? That I got jumped and beat up?!”

“Essentially, yes,” Kurama said. “I told her that Sakura was abducted on your way home from school, and you were injured in the altercation. It was the most plausible explanation without mentioning demons or Spirit World.”

“WHAT?!” Yusuke shouted. “Why the hell would you say that?!”

“Because I knew that this case would have far-reaching consequences. It was best to be prepared.”

“Oh, gimme a break with that shit, Kurama! There’s a million other ways you could explain it, but did you think about that? No! You just had to go ahead and make me look like a total pansy who can’t take care of his sister–”

“Woah, woah! The heck is all this shouting for?”

Kuwabara appeared from around the corner. Yusuke shot a warning glare at him. 

“Stay out of this, Kuwabara!”

But Kuwabara took one look from Yusuke’s clenched fists to Kurama’s tight expression and made a beeline for them.

“Urameshi, what’s going on?” he asked. “What’s the matter?”

“Oh, you mean other than my sister being beaten into a coma, the whole of Spirit World after us and my stupid ancestor mistaking me for a sock puppet?!” Yusuke snapped. “Well, we’ve just added a side order of me looking like the world’s most useless brother!”

Kuwabara blinked. “Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Why don’t you ask him?!” Yusuke jabbed an accusing finger at Kurama. “Let’s see what else he comes up with. Maybe I’ll be made of glass next!”

“Ok, Urameshi. Just chill out,” Kuwabara said. “Kurama, what’s the deal?”

Kurama took a deep breath and began to explain. “As I said earlier, I came up with a cover story for the whole… situation. And I was just relaying part of it to my mother. To put it simply, I told her that Yusuke and Kura were attacked on their way home from school which resulted in Sakura being taken and Yusuke being significantly injured. I realise it’s not the most ideal of explanations, but I knew it would be credible. As long as I fabricate the correct paperwork, nobody should question it.”

“Oh, right,” Kuwabara said. “That makes sense.”

“Maybe it does, but why’d you have to drag me into it like that?” Yusuke hissed. “You could’ve just said she’d gone missing or something–!”

“Urameshi, will you just stop it already?” Kuwabara groaned. “I can see why this would tick you off, but it’s not worth throwing a fit over.”

“I’m sorry, Yusuke,” Kurama said. “Given the circumstances, I had to make a quick decision. One that would account for almost any outcome and prevent unwanted inquiries.”

“Exactly!” Kuwabara nodded. “Come on, Urameshi. I get it; you’re stressed out. We all are. But yelling at Kurama isn’t gonna help.”

“And neither is him making me look like a damn weakling! It’s already bad enough with Kura, and–!”

Yusuke stopped, chest heaving and hands shaking. Then, as if he could bear it no longer, he turned on his heel and stormed off, past the newly arrived Keiko and Shizuru.


He vanished into the garden without a word. 

“Urameshi!” Kuwabara yelled after him. “Come on!”

He made to follow when a hand went on his arm. 

“Kuwabara, let him go,” Kurama said firmly. 

Kuwabara hesitated for a moment, but one look from Kurama put an end to that.

“Alright, alright. I just…he’s just…GAH!” Kuwabara dragged his hands down his face. The already dire situation seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Kurama stared after Yusuke, unblinking, while the blood pounded in his ears. He barely heard Shizuru speak.

“Kazuma, what was that about?” she asked, and Kuwabara threw his hands up in defeat.

“Kurama made up a cover story for the whole thing and Urameshi’s all pissed off about it. Like we don’t have more important things to worry about,” he sighed. “I don’t know what we’re gonna do with him.”

“Oh no,” Keiko looked on the verge of tears. “Yusuke, wait!”

She’d barely taken a step when she too was stopped by a restraining hand. 


Keiko’s blood ran cold when she saw Kurama’s face. Shizuru and Kuwabara took a step backwards from the bone chilling fury that had begun to radiate from him.

Kurama narrowed his eyes in the direction Yusuke had left. 

“Stay here,” he said. “I’ll deal with him.”

And he strode off without looking back once.

Kuwabara, Keiko and Shizuru remained silent in the frosty atmosphere left in Kurama’s wake. His quiet, ice cold fury was truly the most frightening thing they’d ever experienced.

“I’ve never seen Kurama like that before,” Keiko breathed. “Should we follow them?”

“No,” Shizuru said. “What Kurama has to say is just between them. We can’t interfere.”

Kuwabara shuddered. The one time he'd ever seen Kurama that angry was when confronting Elder Toguro.

“Man, I’d hate to be in Urameshi’s shoes right now.”



Kurama followed Yusuke’s aura through the garden, around the house and towards the koi pond. He could already hear the sounds of Yusuke punching something, but that meant nothing.

This was it. The absolute last straw. Over and over again, he’d watched Yusuke treat his sister as an afterthought. Well, no more. He wasn’t going to let him get away with it. 

Not this time.

Chapter 3: Enough


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“But what if I fall?” Sakura whimpered. “I don’t want to die!”

Yusuke stood up and squeezed his sister’s hands. “You won’t die, Kura,” he said. “If you fall, I’ll save you!”

“Okay,” Sakura nodded. 

Yusuke went back on all fours. Gingerly, Sakura stepped on his back, and though she wobbled like jelly, she clambered up on the chair, onto the bench and managed to reach the cupboard. 

“You did it!” Yusuke cheered. “What do we have?”

Sakura yanked the package from the shelf and inspected it. “Crackers, Yu-chan!” she said. “Now let’s – AH!” 

She lost her balance and fell head first from the bench. 

Yusuke dived for her. “Kura!”

BANG! Sakura landed on top of her brother, and immediately began to wail as she saw a few drops of blood coming from her forehead. 

“Yu-chan!” she sobbed. “I’m dying!”

It was only a small cut, but Yusuke still looked scared. 

“I won’t let you die, Kura!” 

He ran to the bathroom and returned with a Band-Aid. “There,” he carefully stuck it on her wound. “All better,”

But Sakura continued to sob. “I broke the crackers,” she choked. “I’m sorry, Yu-chan. Now we can’t eat.”

“It’s ok, Kura,” Yusuke said. He ripped the package open and handed her a piece. “We can eat the broken crackers. They’ll still be yummy!”

Sakura stuffed the fragment in her mouth. “I don’t like it when Mama leaves, Yu-chan. It’s scary when she’s gone.”

“But we have each other,” Yusuke said while munching on his own crackers. “I won’t leave you. You’re my best sister." 

When more tears fell from Sakura’s eyes, Yusuke swallowed his mouthful and started pulling some funny faces. And at last, a few crumbs fell from Sakura’s mouth as she giggled at his antics. 

“You’re my best brother, Yu-chan. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world!”

Yusuke jumped to his feet. “See, Kura? We can still have fun. Let’s make a fort to keep the monsters out!”





Yusuke’s fist slammed into the tree trunk. Bark chips and wood splinters flew in all directions, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t even feel the impact of the blow. 

How the hell did we get here?!

Those memories felt like a lifetime ago, and they might as well be. Had he and Sakura ever truly been those four year old children wondering why their mother kept leaving them alone? Hell, turns out they weren’t even fully human…

Yusuke stopped punching the tree and rested his forehead against the trunk. What had happened to the days when he could cheer Sakura up by pulling a stupid face? When building a blanket fort was sufficient security for both of them? 

After everything they’d been through, after all the strength he’d gained, why was he still so damn helpless? What good was his power if he couldn’t use it to save his little sister?

“You don’t know how to use your power. Let me show you!”

The taunting words of their ancestor exploded in Yusuke’s mind. His vision went white with fury as his fist connected with the tree once more. 


He punched the tree again. And again. And again. But it did nothing to mitigate the absolute chaos inside him. 

“You don’t know how to use your power…”


The final fragments of the tree trunk parted company and crashed to the ground. Yusuke watched, motionless while his hand throbbed from the effort. 

“You won’t die, Kura! If you fall, I’ll save you!”

There had been a time when he could save his sister from falling. But not now. She’d fallen so far he wondered if she’d ever truly climb out of it. 

Overwhelmed, Yusuke trudged over to the porch. He sat down and buried his head in his hands. 

“You don’t know how to use your power…”

That same voice hammered away at him. The ancestor who had taken him over and ruined everything. The others dismissed it, but they didn’t understand. They didn’t know what it was like to lose control over your own body.

I’ll never forgive him. Never–  


As usual, Kurama appeared without a sound. And though Yusuke tensed up, he didn’t respond or acknowledge his friend.

“Yusuke, look at me.”

Yusuke didn’t move. He didn’t want to turn around, and frankly it wasn’t necessary. He could feel those eyes burning holes in his back from here.

“Yusuke, we need to talk.”

“Don’t start with me, Fox Boy. I’m not in the mood.”

Kurama took a step closer. “You know as well as I do what would happen if the truth got out. That cover story is necessary.”

“What part of I’m not in the mood don’t you understand?” Yusuke snapped. “Last thing I want or need is a stupid lecture.”

“This has nothing to do with lectures,” Kurama said, his voice becoming sharper. “This is about you putting your ego aside and listening for once.”

That got Yusuke’s attention. “You wanna run that by me again?”

“You heard me.”

Yusuke’s eyes flashed. He stood up and spun around. “The hell are you talking about?!”

“I don’t care how angry you are about the outcome of the fight,” Kurama said. “Your priorities are completely off-target.”

Glaring, Yusuke moved right in Kurama’s face as he hissed, “What exactly are you saying, Fox Boy?”

“I’m saying that you need to stop sulking about what may or may not have happened during your fight with Sensui and start worrying about what actually matters!” Kurama shot back. “Didn’t you listen to a word Hiei said? Kura is far more important than your ego!”

“Oh come off it, Kurama. Yukina and Botan are looking after her, aren’t they? And she’s not even conscious!”

“Be that as it may, she still needs her brother. And you aren’t at her side right now.”

Yusuke snorted. “Well, I guess I’m even more useless now. Lucky you. Now you’ve got something else to add to that damn cover story. Go on, make me look even worse!”

Even years later, Yusuke would still replay what happened next in his mind, trying to figure it out. 

Everything went deadly quiet. For a few seconds, Kurama looked at him without any kind of facial expression. And then, in the blink of an eye, Yusuke felt himself flying through the air. 


The force of Kurama’s punch sent Yusuke careening across the garden, straight through the shoji screen of Genkai’s house and across the training room until he landed on the ground and slid to a halt. 

Before he could even register what had happened, Kurama was standing over him.

“Have you learned nothing , Yusuke?”

Yusuke stared up at Kurama, rendered temporarily speechless from the shock of it all. 

“After all this time, you still behave this way,” Kurama breathed. “Dismissing reality, putting yourself above her needs. It’s beyond childish. I’m not going to tolerate it anymore.”

Yusuke wiped a trickle of blood from his mouth as Kurama continued.

“This isn’t about you, your pride or your failures. It’s about Sakura. Or aren’t you interested in that?”

“What…what the fuck was that?!” Yusuke asked with a snarl. “You seriously think I don’t care?!”

“You have a strange way of showing it!” Kurama said. “Your sister is possibly fighting for her life, and here you are wallowing in self pity–”

“I am NOT–!”

“That’s exactly what you’re doing! Your ego is the least of our worries right now, and it’s about time you got that through your head!”

Yusuke heaved himself up on his elbows, yelling, “You don’t know what it’s like! To have someone take over your body…not being able to control anything or even remember…” he shook his head, trying to clear it. “It was meant to be me , not my ancestor or anybody else. I had to finish him…it was my job…”

Kurama picked Yusuke up and slammed him against the wall with a resounding bang.

“You had no intention of finishing the fight! That’s why you sacrificed yourself, isn’t it? You trusted us to finish the job. And above all, you trusted Kura!”

Yusuke’s words died on his tongue. Kurama’s eyes were blazing with an intensity usually reserved for hated opponents. Not his friends. 

“I heard you, in the cave. How she would be the greatest threat to Sensui. Have you forgotten your own words?”

“What…what are you saying?”

“Remember what you said in the bonus round?” Kurama said fiercely. “About Kura? Or was that all a lie?”

The memory slammed into Yusuke harder than Kurama’s fist had.




“You can’t stop me, Detective,” Haruki laughed. “Me and my bride are going to have the new life we both deserve.”

“Shut it!” Yusuke shouted. “You think you can control her heart? Well, you’re dead wrong about that. You’ve underestimated how strong she is. And that’s the worst thing you could have done. I should know.”

He took a breath; tears were threatening to appear.

“I’m not making that mistake again. So you better get ready, asshole. Because as soon as we catch up to your real body, you won’t need to duplicate yourself again. You’ll be in a million pieces.”




"You are asking me to take your life, Yusuke?" Sensui said.

"Yeah, that's right. And do it with some style. I don't want some half-assed try. I know you can do it real quick."

"Yusuke!" Sakura yelled. "No! I won't let you!"

"See that?" Yusuke said. "If you think she's pissed now, wait til she powers up and gets her hands on you, Sensui. I'd rather face ten Toguros than her when she's mad."

"Interesting," Sensui chuckled. "Do you have faith in her, even in that condition? Some might call that optimism to the point of idiocy."

"If you want to underestimate her and learn the hard way, then be my guest. But don't say I didn't warn you."




“Well?” Kurama said. “Are you planning to leave her disappointed once again? How many times have we gone through this, Yusuke? A promise to change, with minimal results?”

Yusuke glared back, but didn’t respond.

“You said underestimating her was the worst mistake you made,” Kurama said. “So where is that resolve to learn from your past errors and stop repeating them? Where?!

“Get off me, Fox Boy! I’m doing the best I can–”

“Your best is not good enough!” Kurama shouted. “Did you mean a word of it, Yusuke? Or was it mere lip service?”

Shock flashed across Yusuke’s face for a split second. “I…”

“Answer me!” Kurama growled and shoved him further into the wall. “Did. You. Mean. It?”

Yusuke gritted his teeth. “Of course I meant it. Every word.”

“Really?” Kurama hissed. “You keep saying that you know she’s strong. You say you believe in her, yet you continue to doubt her!”

“That’s not what I do! I just–!”

“That’s exactly what you do! You’ve seen what she’s capable of. You’ve fought by her side…and still you treat her as a helpless child…” Kurama took a breath. “ Why , Yusuke? Why do you act this way?”

“What else can I do at this point?!” Yusuke shouted. “No matter what, it’s never made a difference! Go take a look at her if you don’t believe me!”

“And how is staying out here going to help? Hiding away from the situation is not going to heal her wounds; it will add to them!”

Yusuke clenched his fists. “You think I don’t know that?!”

“Then start acting like it!” Kurama said. “Because right now you’re failing in every single way. She needs her brother, Yusuke. She needs YOU!”

“Like hell she does! Didn’t you just say I’m a failure? That I can’t do anything right when it comes to her? What the hell do you want from me, Kurama?!”

With that, Kurama slammed Yusuke into the wall so hard that the panels squeaked in protest. 

“It’s not about what I want, or what you want; it’s about what Kura needs! You’re putting all your energy into worrying about Sensui, a fight you won, and neglecting your own sister—”

Yusuke’s temper flared. “I DIDN'T BEAT HIM!” he roared. “Don’t you get it?! I didn’t beat him, so quit rubbing it in!!”

“Come to your senses!” Kurama shouted back. “If you were the one lying in a coma, do you think Kura would be out here feeling sorry for herself?!”

Yusuke’s breath caught in his throat.

He’d never thought of it that way. If he had been taken hostage by a crazed enemy, if he’d been through all the abuse and trauma Sakura was subjected to, there was no way on earth she would be behaving like he was at this very moment. No matter how much she might blame herself, no matter how bleak the situation, she’d be glued to his side until he woke. She’d be holding his hand, calling him out from the darkness, helping him find his way back. She wouldn’t be out here, punching a tree to matchwood, throwing fists with Keiko or stewing about the unexpected ending of a fight. Not a chance. 

Yusuke shook his head. “I…no,” he said. “She wouldn’t.”

“Exactly! You need to be there for her, Yusuke. She needs you more than ever.”

Yusuke swallowed hard. “Don’t you get it?” he whispered. “I’m not…if I wasn’t strong enough to fight…I can’t… I screwed up so many times…”

Kurama’s grip tightened. 

“Do you think I’d be wasting time with you if I believed you were a lost cause?” he asked. “I know you aren’t, Yusuke. And your sister knows it too.”

“You reckon she’ll still think that way after this shit?” Yusuke said bitterly. “I’m supposed to protect her. And look how that turned out.”

“You aren’t the only one who failed,” Kurama said. “I made mistakes too. We all did. But this isn’t about blame. It’s about what we need to do next. Do you understand?!”

The slight tremor in Kurama’s voice made Yusuke pause, and they stared at each other until Kurama’s hold on Yusuke loosened. 

“Yusuke…this has to stop.”

The anger in Yusuke’s heart began to dissipate as he realised his friend’s hands were shaking. 

“Fox Boy?”

At last, Kurama released him and took a step backwards in the silence. Neither said a word. The raw tension between them said it all. 

What do we do now?

Kurama blinked, and something flickered in his eyes before he looked away.

What do we do now?

Yusuke opened his mouth, then instantly shut it. There was nothing worth saying at this point. Nothing that could fully convey everything he felt. Somehow, the simple act of turning around was the most vulnerable thing he’d ever seen Kurama do. 

“I see that you’ve beaten me to the punch, Kurama. Literally.”

Yusuke jumped about a foot in the air. 

Genkai stood in the doorway, arms folded and stone-faced while she observed the scene in front of her. Kuwabara hung slightly behind. His enormous fists were clenched and his eyes darted between Yusuke and Kurama, as if he was trying to decide whether or not to intervene. 

“Grandma?!” Yusuke spluttered. He hadn’t even sensed that anyone was nearby. “What the…how long have you been standing there?!”

“Long enough,” Genkai said. “Are you done shouting at each other yet?”

“We…what are you doing here?” Yusuke asked.

“Kuwabara came and got me. He was worried about potential bloodshed,” Genkai’s gaze flitted from the cracks in the wall to the shredded shoji screen, then through the hole at the tree Yusuke had punched to splinters. “But it seems the only casualty is my poor house.”

Kurama finally turned around to face them all. “My apologies for the damage, Genkai,” he said. “I’ll clear it up once Kura shows signs of improvement.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Dimwit here can do it.”
“What?!” Yusuke yelped. “But I didn’t—!”
Genkai shot him a look so full of venom it was a wonder Yusuke didn’t keel over from it.

“You might not have done the throwing and punching, but it was your idiocy that caused it to happen,” she snapped. “Get your head out of your ass for ten seconds and think!”

Yusuke glared back at her. But before he could say anything, Kuwabara stepped forward. 

“Come on, Urameshi. That’s enough.”

“Oh great; more talk,” Yusuke muttered. “Just what I need…”

He couldn’t take much more of this. The red hot fury from a few minutes earlier had been replaced with a deep, gnawing guilt. 

Useless. I’m so damn useless.

Kuwabara was still talking, but Yusuke barely heard it. His head was spinning with the trauma from what they’d been through, the despair of Sakura’s condition, the reality of Kurama’s words…

I'm such an idiot. 

Waves of helplessness lapped at Yusuke. Any second now, he might be dragged under and never resurface…

“Urameshi, they’re right. Look, we’re all feeling what we feel. But this is about helping Kura get better, not beating ourselves up,” Kuwabara was saying. “Just stop it already. We need you to—”

But Kuwabara was cut off as someone burst into the training room. 

“Yusuke! Kurama!”

Everyone looked around. “Shizuru?” Kuwabara said.

“Kurama, Yusuke,” Shizuru gasped. “Listen!!”

Kurama’s heart jumped at the sight of Shizuru’s pale face and panicked eyes. “What is it?”

“Something’s wrong with Kura!” she said. “You have to come, now!”


Thanks for your patience, everyone. I apologise for the delay; I've had some serious family drama that left me on a three-day crying marathon.

Next chapter will be ready in 1-2 weeks.

- Rosentic

Chapter 4: You Can Do This


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kurama was already halfway across the room by the time Yusuke had forced his legs to move. 

“Shizuru, what happened?”

“She’s worse. And those marks on her chest, they’re…we don’t know what it is, just come quickly!”

Kurama led the charge down the hallway towards Sakura’s room, where the door was slightly ajar and a strange light flickered behind the shoji screen. He shoved it aside and his eyes widened at the sight that greeted them. 

Yukina and Botan were kneeling beside the futon where Sakura’s whole body writhed and twisted as tremor after tremor wracked her tiny frame. Her pale skin was slick with sweat while the marks on her chest glowed a furious shade of red. 

Kurama’s ears picked up the sound of her erratic heartbeat, and his own heart jumped. He hurried forward and dropped to his knees beside Sakura. 

“Oh God,” Yusuke said. “The hell is going on?”

“She started getting a fever,” Yukina said without looking up. “Then those marks went red and she just started shaking…I don’t know what’s going on!”

Yukina’s hands hovered over Sakura as she channelled her power to no avail. Beads of sweat appeared on her own forehead from the effort. 

“Kura?” Botan said. “Kura, honey? Can you hear me?”

No response. 

“Genkai, what is this?!” Kuwabara asked. “What’s happening to her?!”

Genkai pushed past Yusuke and narrowed her eyes. “Her ki,” she said. “It’s volatile, uncontrolled. It seems that her body and energy are at war with each other.”

“But…but that doesn’t make any sense!” Kuwabara squeaked. 

“Who cares?!” Yusuke snapped. “What the heck do we do about it?”

Botan tore her eyes away from Sakura and said, “Kurama, this…curse, or whatever it is…her body can’t take much more.”

Kurama placed his hand on Sakura’s forehead. Beneath her searing temperature, he felt the chaotic storm within her body and spirit. 

What is this?

It had to be the marks on her chest. Whatever they were, it was causing this reaction. From the eerie glow to the raging colour, Kurama knew this had to be some kind of curse or spell, and it was tearing at Sakura from the inside. Her injuries and weakened state must simply be exacerbating the effect.

What did they do to her?!

No, he couldn’t think that way. He couldn’t afford to panic. Sakura needed him. And he needed to use cold logic.

Her heart beat is fluctuating. That could be related to her demon heritage. Demon hearts don’t beat like a human’s, and since her transformation is likely incomplete…

Kurama looked up and forced himself to speak calmly. “We need to stabilise her, now . Botan, try to keep her still. Yukina, keep channelling your energy and focus on slowing her heart rate. I will handle the rest.”

“What can we do?” Kuwabara asked. 

“Stay here,” Genkai said. “Let them concentrate.”

Kurama took a deep breath and raised his hands over Sakura’s trembling body while Botan tried to keep her steady.

“On my count,” Kurama said. “One, two, three…”

Like Yukina, Kurama’s hands glowed. His eyes narrowed slightly with concentration, and energy began to flow into Sakura’s torso.

The moment his ki entered, Sakura moaned and her body convulsed in apparent agony. 

“Sakura?“ Botan called. ”Can you hear me?”

The only response was another faint moan of agony.

Kurama’s jaw clenched. He’d suspected the energy inside Sakura would resist any foreign intervention. He could feel it thrashing against his ki, trying to repel him and Yukina, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t. If they did, Sakura didn’t have a chance. 

Come on, my love. Stay with me. 

He had to force her energy back. He had to save her.


Yusuke stared at the horrifying scene with clenched fists and his heart pounding at a similar rate to his twin. 

What the hell did they do to her?

On the other side of the futon, the ice blue glow coming from Yukina’s hands flickered slightly. Bit by bit, she manipulated her energy around Sakura’s turbulent heart and steeled herself. This was going to require intense concentration.  

Yukina closed her eyes and thought of how much she loved Sakura. The depth of their friendship. The vital role Sakura played in the Spirit Detective family. The fun and laughter they shared. The inspirational way Sakura emerged victorious from every match at the Dark Tournament, and how she’d saved Kuwabara from Toguro without hesitation. 

The emotions swelled within Yukina, and she poured it all into her ki, forming a protective cocoon around Sakura’s heart.

Come on, Kura. Come on.

Again, Yukina remembered the moment Sakura had arrived in Tarukane’s mansion and freed her from captivity. She thought of their tea drinking sessions, the conversations after training sessions, the laughter they’d shared and the unspoken understanding between the two of them. 

There’s so much more fun and laughter for us all to have together. Fight this, Kura. You have to!

Sakura’s heartbeat slowed down ever so slightly. 

“That's it…” Yukina whispered. “Stay with us, Kura…”

It was working. If they could regulate Sakura’s heartbeat, it would reduce the strain on her injured body and allow them all to combine their energy and stabilise her…

but before anyone could dare to breathe a sigh of relief, Sakura’s heart skipped a beat. Then another. 

Botan’s eyes went wide. “She’s burning up, Kurama. Her fever is spiking.”

Kurama could already feel Sakura’s temperature beginning to skyrocket. The power inside her was fighting tooth and nail against him. He suppressed a growl, braced himself against the energy and kept going.

Sakura seized again. Yukina flinched. But then her shock morphed into determination. She surged her ki and pushed back against the inferno with all her might. 

Don’t stop. Don’t give up. Sakura wouldn’t. 

Kurama stole a glance at Yukina, who was visibly struggling. She was still fighting, pushing as much power as she possibly could into Sakura, but she couldn’t keep this up much longer. 

And truthfully, neither could he. 

My own aura hasn’t sufficiently recovered yet. 

At full strength, he could have stabilised her easily. But with his body weakened after the fight, he would soon be entirely depleted. And then what?

No, he wasn’t going to let that happen. Never. 

Kurama pushed harder, forcing his ki to break through the barrier that was forming and into the chaos below. It lashed out at him, but he simply responded in kind. He had to force it into submission. He had to save her. 

Genkai was quite correct in her assessment that it was a war. And right now, Sakura was losing.

“What’s happening?” Kuwabara said desperately. “Why isn’t this working?!”

Kurama opened his mouth to say something when it happened.

Sakura convulsed again, this time more violently. The marks on her chest flared. A sound like crackling electricity filled the room. Without warning, an uncontrolled wave of energy erupted and hurled Yukina, Botan and Kurama away from Sakura. 

“No!” Yusuke and Kuwabara yelled together. 

Kurama pushed himself off the ground. His head spun from the impact, but he shook it off when he saw the ki swirling around Sakura. 

“Kura, no!” Botan shouted. 

Kurama didn’t wait. He instantly rose and flared his own power before diving towards the futon again. His energy crackled and sparked the moment it made contact with the raging ki. 

Kuwabara hurried forward, only to hit the wall of energy before he could get more than a few feet within Sakura. The force of it felt like a blunt knife on his face as it threw him backwards.  

“Stay back!” Genkai said. “Don’t get yourself killed!”

“Her energy is spiralling out of control!” Yukina cried. ”What do we do?”

Again, Kurama pushed at the pulsing ki barrier. He held up his arms and fought to stay upright as he too was forced back. 

The markings on Sakura’s chest turned jet black. Her body jerked again, and the terrible truth dawned on Kurama. 

I can’t stop this.

His human body was simply too weakened. Drained from their battle. The limited resources he had left were not sufficient to calm such a volatile curse, or whatever it was. He didn’t even have enough energy to transform into Yoko Kurama.

I’m losing her.

No, that wasn’t true. That couldn’t happen. Not like this. Not now. 

What can I do?


Yusuke’s anguished shout brought Kurama back to his senses. 

Of course!

How had he not thought of this? The ki spilling out of Sakura wasn’t spirit or demon. It was a blend, a hybrid of her two sides. One was incomplete. Whatever those marks meant, they might be feeding off this new instability, and therefore wouldn’t yield to a pure demon or spirit energy. 

He couldn’t stop this…but someone else could. 

“Yusuke, we need your help!”

Yusuke jumped. “What, me?”

“Her ki is unstable. It won’t respond to a pure form. But your power is the closest to hers. You need to bring it under control!”

Yusuke went pale. He looked down at his fists. Could Kurama be right? Was his power able to make a difference?

Can I save her?

His ancestor’s silhouette flashed through his mind. 

“You don’t know how to use your power!”

Yusuke’s mouth went dry. He clenched his fists even tighter as doubt coursed through him. 

What if I can’t? What if I make it worse?

All those times he failed, the times he let her down, the times he couldn’t protect her or be the brother she needed him to be. All the times he hadn’t been strong enough…

“You don’t know how to use your power!”

What if their ancestor was right? What if he couldn’t control it? 

“Yusuke!” Kurama’s voice dragged him back into reality. “You have the strength. Use your power to save her. You’re the only one who can!”

Yusuke’s chest tightened in fear. He might as well be that four year old boy again, hiding his own fear and being brave for his sister…

He closed his eyes. But even then, all he saw was her face at four years old.

“You’re my best brother, Yu-chan. I love you more than anything in the whole wide world!”


His eyes flew open and he saw it all. Sakura writhing in anguish. The symbols carved on her pale skin. The bruises from her ordeal, and the curse, or whatever it was, ravaging her body. Her body arched off the mattress. And something inside him snapped. 

He couldn’t watch this anymore. He couldn’t let her down again. This time, things were going to be different. 

I won’t lose her. I can’t!

Yusuke stepped forward and released his own aura. It collided with Sakura’s, but instead of producing sparks, it hummed gently. Bit by bit, Yusuke walked closer. And closer. He reached the distance that the others had failed to cross, and with a deep breath, he brought ki to his hands and pushed through the wall. 

“It’s working!” Kuwabara gasped. “Urameshi, you got through!”

Relief mixed with Yusuke’s fear. “What do I do now?” he asked.

“Channel your ki into her heart,” Kurama said. “Slowly now, don’t overwhelm her system.”

Yusuke immediately felt the pushback from the curse as soon as he positioned his hands. This was not Sakura’s power.  It was raw, ferocious, hammering against him with the force of steel. 

He gritted his teeth, but didn’t waver. The curse might be strong, but so was he. His Mazoku blood was ready to fight. And win.

“That’s it,” Kurama said. “On my count. One…two…three…”

Bit by bit, Yusuke’s Mazoku energy flowed through his hands and into Sakura. He felt the curse resisting, pushing back at his intrusion. The marks on her chest illuminated. Yusuke’s heart skipped a beat, but he narrowed his eyes and surged his anger and fear into his power. If Sakura didn’t have the strength to fight back right now, he would do it for her. 

Come on, Squirt. Fight it! 

Sakura convulsed again, and with it, panic gnawed at Yusuke.

“Yu-chan!” Sakura sobbed. “I’m dying!”

No. He didn’t let that happen then, and he sure as hell wasn’t letting it happen now. 

I won’t let you die, Kura. Not a chance!

Moments later, something shifted. His power resonated within her, beating in time to the vibrating curse.

The curse marks dimmed slightly. Sakura’s breathing slowed. The barrier gradually dissipated.

“Is it working?” Botan murmured.

Kurama didn’t dare confirm. Instead, he nodded to Yukina and said, “Come on. You too, Botan.”

They joined Yusuke at the bedside and three of them resumed channelling their own energy, weaving it around Sakura’s heart. 

Come on, my love. Kurama thought. Come back to me. 

Sakura’s convulsions reduced to a tremor. Her fever dropped. Her heartbeat regained a steady rhythm.

“That’s it,” Kuwabara whispered. “Keep going, guys. You almost got it!”

The marks on Sakura’s chest went from black, to red, to white. She took a shuddering breath and at last, became still.

Silence filled the room as Sakura’s ragged breathing evened out. When it was apparent that the danger had passed, Yukina collapsed on the floor, panting. “She’s…she’s stable.”

Kuwabara hurried over to help her up. “You did it, guys. You saved her.”

“For now,” Botan let out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. “We’ve alleviated the effects, but whatever this curse is…it’s still in her.”

“Holy shit,” Yusuke said. “So it could happen again?”

“Yes,” Genkai said. “But we’ve bought some time, thanks to you, dimwit.”

Yusuke barely heard her. His hands shook from the effort it had taken to subdue that awful curse.

Even if Genkai was right, he didn’t feel deserving of her praise. 

What the hell did those maniacs do to her?

“Oh God, Kura…”

Keiko’s choked sob snapped Kurama from his reverie. She was in the doorway, tears streaming down her face. Behind her, Mitari, Yana and Kaito looked on in shocked horror. They must have seen enough. 

“Keiko,” Shizuru hurried over and wrapped Keiko in a tight hug. “Shhh…it’s ok, it’s ok…”

The words of comfort rang hollow. Keiko barely seemed to register them. Her fearful gaze remained fixed on Sakura. 

Kuwabara swallowed. “So…what do we do now?”

Kurama brushed the hair away from Sakura’s damp forehead with trembling fingers. He couldn’t make a sound. 

What did that monster do to her?

The curse had retreated for now, but he knew it was still there, lying in wait like a coiled serpent. 

“Kurama?” Botan asked. “What’s our next move? Should we—?”

“We must find out what these symbols mean,” Kurama said as evenly as he could. “Once we understand the nature of what we’re dealing with, we can devise a solution.”

“We will,” Kuwabara growled. “Don’t worry.”

“Oh!” Yukina gasped again. “Botan, look!”

Blood was beginning to soak through the bandage on Sakura’s injured shoulder. The bullet wound was bleeding again. 

As Botan and Yukina tended to it, Kurama noticed a soft glow from the corner of his eye.

Her necklace?

Yes, Sakura’s Hiruseki stone was reacting again. The smooth surface shimmered with a gentle ice green light. 

What is this?

It had behaved in a similar fashion earlier, when Sakura had become agitated. What did that mean? Was Sakura’s necklace somehow responding to the curse? Her emotions? Was it…trying to protect her? He’d never heard of a Hiruseki jewel doing such a thing.

Before he could ponder further, another voice interrupted his thoughts. 

“Genkai, is she alright?”

The small crowd at the door parted to reveal Koenma, still in his teen form. 

“Where the hell have you been, Pacifier Breath?!” Yusuke snapped. 

“I’m here now, aren’t I?” Koenma said without looking at him. “Genkai?”

“She’s stable, for now,” Genkai said. “But we need to know what this curse is. Do you recognise those symbols?”

“I’ll take a look.”

Koenma only managed to take a single step forward when Kurama looked up and glared daggers at him. Koenma winced. No words needed to be exchanged. The fury in Kurama’s eyes said everything. Koenma knew all too well that his inadvertent negligence had contributed to this. 

“Kurama, I…will you let me take a look?”

Kurama’s eyes narrowed further. They looked at each other for a long moment before Kurama relented with a slight nod. 

Koenma stood over the futon and scrutinised the marks on Sakura’s chest without touching them. They had reverted to a pale brown instead of scarlet and no longer glowed.

Kurama gently held Sakura’s hand In the tense silence. Nobody even seemed to be breathing. 

“Well?” Yusuke said at last. “You got any ideas?”

Koenma frowned. “No, I don’t. I’ve never encountered anything like this before.”

“Never? Not even in Spirit World?”

“I’m not sure,” Koenma said. “It’s possible that this is some ancient curse, but it could also be the result of a ritual. Or maybe…” he hesitated, “Maybe there’s a duality here. An adverse reaction.”

Kurama tensed up. It might not be a curse?

“What does that mean?” Kuwabara asked. “You’re saying there’s no way to fight this off?”

“There’s always a way, but without looking through Spirit World’s archives, I can’t be of much help.”

“You can’t go back there?” Shizuru asked. 

“I’ve blatantly gone against my father’s orders,” Koenma sighed. “If I return, there’s no telling what might happen. I can’t risk it until things settle down.”

Worry flashed across Yusuke’s face before he clenched his fists again. “So what the hell are we supposed to do then? Just sit back and watch her suffer?”

“Nobody’s saying that, you idiot,” Genkai snapped. “Go on, Koenma.”

“I might not have access to Spirit World’s full resources, but there’s still someone else who might be able to help.”

Kurama sat up a little straighter. “Who would that be?” 

“The Spirit World guide from Living World,” Koenma said. “Hinageshi.”

Recognition dawned around the room. 

“Hinageshi?” Yusuke repeated. “That red haired girl from the Netherworld case?”

“Yes,” Kurama said, hardly daring to hope. “She has knowledge across all planes of existence. And as I recall, her guidebooks were extensive.”

“You’re right!” Kuwabara said. “We never would’ve been able to stop those Netherworld freaks without her.”

Koenma nodded. “I’ll contact Hinageshi now. Botan, when you’re done, can you go to Kasane Shrine and bring her here?”

“Of course, Koenma.”

“And what do we do in the meantime? Just wait?” Keiko sniffled. 

“Yes,” Genkai said. “We have to keep a close eye on her in case things flare up again. You understand, dimwit?”

Yusuke’s hands tingled with traces of the power that had saved his precious twin. As he took up his vigil beside the futon, he reached for Sakura’s hand and nodded. 

“Whatever I have to do.”

“We’ll find out what these markings mean,” Koenma promised. “And when we do, we’ll know how to break their hold.”

Kurama continued stroking Sakura’s hair and watched the steady rise and fall of her chest. Her heart had regained its familiar beat, but his own was gripped with fear and despair. 

He had almost lost her. Again. 

What did that monster do to her?

Just then, Kurama’s sharp senses picked up a flicker of movement outside the window, followed by a trace of ki that he would recognise anywhere. 


Yes, as promised, Hiei was still nearby, keeping watch. Kurama looked down to hide his smile. Hiei wouldn’t step forward – not yet – but the quiet understanding that they were all united in the aftermath was enough.

Rest now, love.

“Kurama?” Yusuke whispered. “We got this. We won’t lose her. You know that, right?”

Kurama tore his eyes away from Sakura long enough to face Yusuke. Those brown eyes, identical to Sakura’s, burning with an uncharacteristic sincerity. 

He nodded once. There was more they needed to say to each other, but for now, he simply said, “Yes.”


Hi everyone

Sorry this took a bit longer than I thought. I haven't been doing great lately. I think I'm ok now though.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and the surprise character return!

Next chapter is coming very soon!

Series this work belongs to: