Comment on Sakura Urameshi: Three Kings (Book 4)

  1. Hi there my friend! Thank you very much, I'm glad to be back.

    Ps. I still consider you my unoffical quality control for the twin-on-twin relationship. Other than you, the only reference I have are my fraternal twin cousins but they're girl-girl. LOL.

    What are you looking forward to most in this book?

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    1. Thank you! I'm quite honored to be your unofficial semi-gal in the chair when it comes to twin relationships ^o^!

      The thing I'm probably looking forward to is the development of the relationship between the twins. We all know it's gonna change for better (0or maybe for worse or even a mix of both) in this installment and I'm really curious as to how. I've seen the series a buncha times so I know around this time Yusuke really get enveloped into discovering his demon heritage. which does entail him into going to demon world. He chooses the side of Raizen and gets really into his training afterward, but I feel as though Sakura would be different. Yes, it's likely she'll go with Raizen but I feel there's gonna be some reluctance there. I'm not even sure if she wants to fully delve into her demon side, and WHAT her demon side is gonna look like is just a mystery to me. I feel like there could be some tension there. Yusuke, already gung ho on confronting Raizen and exploring this new power, and already traumatized with almost losing his biggest support (Sakura) might push him to be more rash and violent before he eventually finds himself. I don't know how long that will be but in his journey to try to get stronger to protect, he might push her away even further.

      As for Sakura, I really don't know what she'll do, almost being forced to uproot herself from her support so soon after Haruki and make a life for herself in demon world, trying to find more about her mazoku ancestry AND dealing with the fact the her and Kurama may be in opposing sides on this brewing war could change her, I'm thinking. How much I'm not sure, but I guess I gotta buckle in for the ride. I just hope Sakura recovers well from all this :(. And I know it all ends with a full on demon tournament, but the damage could already be done 🤔 There's just a lot of questions brewing in my mind idk.

      Sorry for the long comment btw, I just needed to get this off my chest :Þ

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      1. Lots of really deep and interesting thoughts there!

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        1. What can I say, I'm very curious to see how things turn out! :>

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          1. There's a lot planned.

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