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Part 8 of Mar writes Star Wars AU's , Part 5 of Mar Writes Jaster Mereel/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Finally Some Good Karking Tiingilar, Keeping an eye on these, Sunyshine's list of masterpieces, Mays Bamf Galaxy Far Far Away, Obi-wan just needed a Mandalorian

‘The Temporary Temple Guards’

Chapter 15: The Life Day Of The Bear Clan


New chapter! Lets goooo

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 15; The Life Day Of The Bear Clan

Once his spar with Walon was over, Obi-Wan took it upon himself to return Jango to his class. After all, the boy shouldn’t have been near the courtyard in the first place.


Jango went willingly, eagerly babbling as Obi-Wan lifted him up to bring him back to his teacher. One downside at beating Walon was that the boy was more convinced than ever that Obi-Wan should teach him his craft. The boy refused to take no for an answer.


Which in turn means that Obi-Wan threw Jaster under the bus.


Poor man would have the boy begging him instead. Obi-Wan felt a tiny bit guilty about it but he refused to apologise if the matter came up.


Once Jango was left with his Bajir, Obi-Wan started to make his way back to the Keep’s courtyard.


A relatively quiet walk. Plenty of dark corridors and mostly unpopulated. 


Which is why Obi-Wan was more than surprised when he was yanked into one of those dark corridors.


Being pushed against a wall, let out a grunt, grabbing for the hands keeping him in place. It took a second to recognise the being as a friendly and another to realise it was Jaster Mereel. 


“...This seems familiar.” Obi-Wan muttered, “What was it I said back then? ‘What are we, younglings?’”


Jaster grinned– a tad too feral– as he tilted his head, “You never told me you could fight like that.”


“I was in hiding, using my fighting abilities to their fullest extent seemed unwise.” Obi-Wan leaned his head back against the wall, content with his position and not in a hurry to push Jaster away.


Slowly, giving Obi-Wan enough time to break Jaster’s light hold or back away from him, Jaster lowered his head and leaned his forehead against Obi-Wan’s, lovingly brushing their noses together.


Smiling a bit, Obi-Wan closed his eyes as he leaned onto Jaster’s space, soaking in his warmth and attention.


Despite popular belief, Obi-Wan was very aware of Jaster’s affection towards him. He usually just chose to not acknowledge it. It was surprisingly hard to be oblivious to how someone was feeling towards a Jedi. Non-Jedi tended to shout their feelings into the Force, unaware Jedi could sense them or were unaware of that fact.


Besides, Jaster had made his intentions rather clear.


That being said, it might be good to speak their intentions regardless. Obi-Wan had interpreted Jaster’s intentions wrong before.


“What are we doing, Jaster?” Obi-Wan whispered.


“I don’t know, what are we doing?” Jaster replied.


Obi-Wan peered up at Jaster through his lashes, “You know what I mean.”


“Well, I have been trying to court you.” Jaster pointed out.


“Is that what you have been trying to do?” Obi-Wan leaned back a bit to look at Jaster properly, searching his eyes for any sign of a lie.


“You didn’t know?”


Blinking, Obi-Wan stared at Jaster, “Well, usually you tell the being you’re trying to court!” He argued.


“I did!”


“Did not.” Obi-Wan argued.


“I did.” Jaster repeated. “You actually didn’t know?”


“Well clearly I didn’t!” Obi-Wan replied, “Courting as in courting? Like courting?! When?!”


For some reason, Obi-Wan’s minor freakout was amusing to Jaster. As if he found Obi-Wan’s panic on the subject endearing. “Since during the Clan Wars. Come on, Ben.”


Jaster cradled Obi-Wan’s head in his hands, his fingers slightly brushing through Obi-Wan’s copper coloured hair as he pulled Obi-Wan closer to Jaster again. Their foreheads leaning against each other into a Kelsabe kiss once more.


“Since you can’t seem to remember–”


“Because you never asked.


“–because you can’t seem to remember.” Jaster repeated, pausing as he peered into Obi-Wan’s eyes, “Will you allow me to court you?”


Pausing for a moment, Obi-Wan took a deep breath. “We will try.” He muttered, “We will see how far we will get. Let’s try.”


“Let’s try.” Jaster agreed.



Obi-Wan found himself enjoying observing Mandalore.


The culture was as rich as ever, the people united under Mereel’s banner. The city was lively and the inhabitants warmed up to him the more they learned that Obi-Wan was more familiar to their standards than they had initially expected.


After having spoken with the heads of the local fauna researchers, Obi-Wan had put them in contact with the AgriCorp so they could speak about possibilities for an agreement between the Order and the Mando’ade.


Obi-Wan spoke with Clan Alor’e to make agreements to visit their districts and observe the more obscure locations in the Space Sector. For now he was still on Mando’yaim but in a few weeks he would travel to the other planets.


For now though, he was once again summoned by the Goran be Keldabe.


“I have questions.”


“Then ask them.” The Goran peered at Obi-Wan as they moved around him.


Standing on a slightly elevated platform, Obi-Wan recognised the significance of this moment. Pieces of Beskar’gam– ones that were newly forged from the metals of Obi-Wan’s very first set.


A set that wasn’t like that of traditional Mandalorians– it was oddly forged, likely why it took longer to create, and was more flexible compared to anything Obi-Wan had seen Mandalorians wear. Similar to Temple Guard armour yet different.


Pieces of beskar’gam were attached to his kute with a neat precision as the Goran fitted him personally to see if it ought to be altered.


“Tarre Vizsla was both Mand’alor as well as Jedi. Yet neither culture seems to know much of him. I do not understand why.”


The Goran hummed, “ Jetiise do not know much of his Mandalorian roots. Mandalore holds few records. Stories are shared through a tay'gehaa , few of them remember. I remember.”


Goran’e were some of the last few tay’gehaa’e. The last story tellers of Mandalore. Tales of old only shared with fellow Mando’ade. The more died, the more the culture died with them. It almost happened before. Before Jaster reunited their kin.


“How did he do it?” Obi-Wan asked, “How can one be both Mando’ad as well as Jedi?”


“Let me tell you a story.” The Goran moved around Obi-Wan, attaching his ceta’bur’e. “One of the start of something that never came. One of the end of something that might yet be. Will you listen, ad be Mando’Jetii .”


Elek. ” Obi-Wan felt the Force swirl around them.


Then tell you, I shall.


Sucking in a sharp breath, Obi-Wan watched with wide eyes as the Forge around them changed. 


The electric lights flickered, replaced by torches, the beskar forge shifting into something that looked less refined but decorated with great care. The floor that had been dull regained a mirror-like clarity, showing off the mosaic hidden below the years of ash, dust and dirt. Glinting metals decorated the Forge, bright coloured banners lined the walls.


The Goran’s form was replaced by that of a much taller figure. One who wore beskar’gam of olden standards, pure in nature and ringing with every move.


We meet again, ad be Mando’Jetii. As foreseen.’


Mand’alor Vizsla took the next piece of Obi-Wan’s newly forged beskar’gam and attached it. 


This set will be insufficient. ’ The Mand’alor of old mused as he picked up the next piece and observed it, ‘ Well crafted, but not correct for you just yet. It shall be a while before it will fit as it is meant to.


“So I will stay?” Obi-Wan asked, “On Mandalore?”


Your path is not set in stone. No fate is ever unavoidable. ’ Tarre replied, ‘ Once I thought it was. I was taught better only after joining the Darasuum’Taabir, for the fate I had built for my kin was shattered and with my passing.


My Padawans were not enough to keep my Lineage going. I was blinded by the idea of Jetii’Mando’ade that I failed to join together the entirety of Jedi and Mando’ade. My Lineage couldn’t withstand the test of time. Our efforts were misdirected and couldn’t last.


“How do I bring two ancient enemies together?” Obi-Wan looked at Tarre as he moved around him to attach the back panels of his beskar’gam. “How can we ignore centuries of pain and harm done to one another.”


The past is the past. It can not be changed or altered. The future is ever changing. You have already started to bring two people together. It comes naturally to you. Let the Manda and Force guide you and you will succeed where I failed. ’ Tarre circled around Obi-Wan and took the front pieces, ‘ You must unite Jedi and Mando’ad. Should you fail, you both will fall. Enemies are everywhere. Old enemies that wish for nothing more than to see you fail and to take your lives. They are approaching now.


Flinching back, Obi-Wan’s eyes widened, “What do you mean?”


Obi-Wan’s vision blurred as images flickered before his eyes. Blue and black beskar’gam. The sound of lightsabers. Red flashes lighting the dark halls of the Keldabe Keep. Blurred faces coming and going, some positive, others not so much. 


A blink was all it took to stop it. 


With a single blink, Obi-Wan was back in the Forge with the Goran be Keldabe standing in front of him. 






“...Are you alright?” The Goran peered at Obi-Wan. “Your eyes glowed brighter than they have up until now. What did you see?”


“A warning.” Obi-Wan muttered.


Looking down at the beskar’gam he was now wearing, Obi-Wan bent his arms and tested some of his flexibility.


Tarre said it would be altered in the future but up until now, the beskar’gam seemed perfect. All it would need now, was paint.


He had yet to pick colours– he hadn’t really thought about it up until this point and his old colours didn’t feel right anymore. Obi-Wan would paint his beskar’gam soon though.



“How far are you out?”


Just a few hours of Hyperspace, how about you?


“About to touch down.” 


Well, you better get going then. The sooner we find him the better.”


“See you in a bit.”


Try to land the ship this time.



Having briefly spoken to Jaster about his vision, Obi-Wan had called it a day and decided to retreat to his Buir’s apartment to meditate.


Another week of observing Mandalore passed before something of note happened.


Obi-Wan had never been called before so when he got a call from the hangar just outside of Keldabe he was more than confused. “Hello?”


Ehh… Sorry to bother you, Jusik, but… there is someone here for you?


Blinking at the idea, Obi-Wan frowned, “A… visitor?”


Honestly, no clue. You best drop by here.


And so, Obi-Wan took a speeder to head to the hanger, more confused than ever.


His confusion turned into surprise as he spotted a Jedi standing in front of the hanger guards. A very familiar Jedi.


“Obes! Hi!” Siri grinned as she skipped up to Obi-Wan. “There you are. You have no idea how annoying it was to get on this damned rock. Are the others here yet?”


“The others?” Obi-Wan’s eyebrows raised as he easily opened his arms to allow Siri to hug him tightly. “Wait, what do you mean?”


“We’re celebrating our life days, remember? Quinlan said he had told you about us coming here since you’re in the middle of a mission.”


Obi-Wan’s surprise switched to annoyance. “He told me not to worry about missing it this year.”


To Siri’s credit, she didn’t look surprised in the slightest as she threw her arm around Obi-Wan’s waist again as they walked side by side. Obi-Wan easily rested his arm over the woman’s shoulder, happy to see his Creche Sibling after so long.


“Well he was right about that, from a certain point of view.”


“I’m going to kill him.” Obi-Wan muttered, “Bastard is probably already on the planet. I should warn Buir and Jaster to expect rogue Jedi.”


Humming, Siri shrugged, “Bant and Garen are coming from the Temple. Quinlan had a mission so I have no clue what he has been up to. He said he was about to land hours ago so he probably is on the planet. How’s Mandalore so far? You seem well. The armour sure is new.”


“It’s fine.” Obi-Wan replied, “Mandalorians are a tad too blunt with their emotions at times– their shielding is truly limited to their helmets so it’s silent when they are on but when they take those things off… it’s a lot from time to time.”


“Well, if anyone can deal with it, it should be you.” Siri replied, “Your shielding is the best out of all of us.”


“How did your last mission go?” 


“Good. No injuries, mission accomplished and all that.” Siri grinned, “Not all of us get into trouble on regular missions.”


Obi-Wan glared at her, “That is both rude and uncalled for.”


“It is true though.” Siri replied, “Even if you refuse to talk about it.”


“I will have you know that I am in therapy for that.” Obi-Wan stuck his tongue out in a very adult way.


“Good, tell them about your kriffing excuse of a Master, will you?” Siri sassed.


“I will take your advice when you take your own.”


Guiding Siri to the Keep, Obi-Wan chatted with her until they came across Jaster. 


The Mandalorian walked up to the two Jedi immediately, “Who is this then?”


“Jedi Knight Siri Tachi.” Siri extracted herself from Jaster to greet the Mand’alor in the proper Jedi way. “I am one of Obi-Wan’s Creche Siblings. It is a pleasure to meet his boyfriend.”


Obi-Wan gawked at the term, “Siri!”


To Jaster’s credit, the man just laughed warmly, “The famous Siri Tachi. Your vod’e speak well of you.”


“They better be.” Siri grinned with a bit too much teeth, “I would know if they didn’t. Speaking of which. If you dare to lay a finger on Obes, just know Jedi are more stealthy than the Galaxy like to pretend they are.”


Pausing at the blatant threat, Jaster looked at Obi-Wan and grinned, “I didn’t know Jedi were so creative in threatening. That’s the fifth one that made the implication of murdering the Mand’alor to his face and get away with it because of your pretty words.”


Obi-Wan’s jaw dropped, “Who else did?!”


Jaster didn’t bother replying as he turned back to Siri, “Worry not. I would never hurt Ben.”


“It is in your best interest not to, yes.” Siri replied before her attention was drawn by her commlink. “Oh! Garen and Bant are here! We just missed them coming in. They are being escorted here by the hanger guards. That’s nice of ‘em, they could have done that for me, ya know. They were very rude about me being there.”


Sighing, Obi-Wan shook his head, “I would have warned them if I had known.”


“Is your entire Jetii’aliit coming?” Jaster asked.


“Apparently.” Obi-Wan sighed. “I am sorry.”


Stepping forwards, Jaster pulled Obi-Wan into a hug and smiled. “It’s alright, cyare , your aliit is always welcome. Though a heads up well in advance would have been appreciated.”


A voice from behind them spoke up, “Better ask for forgiveness than permission.” 


Obi-Wan would have strangled his Creche Sibling if it hadn’t been for Jaster's hand stopping him from instinctively leaping at Quinlan. “I am going to murder you, Quinlan!”


“No you won’t.” Quin grinned, draping his arm over Siri’s shoulder like Obi-Wan had not too long before. “I warned you. I told you you wouldn’t miss our Life Day.”


“Keep talking, let’s see where that gets you.” Obi-Wan warned.


“Hopefully in a cantina.” Garen commented, closely followed by Bant and a few Mandalorians. “I could use a good drink.”



After a short moment of introduction, the Bears learning of the Young’s presence and the Mandalorians realising the Jetiise were planning of going out to drink, the Bears decided to just invite whoever wanted to join their impromptu get together.


Ben had explained to Bardan and Jaster that while Jedi usually celebrate birthdays, the Bears decided to use theirs as an excuse to go out during their Padawan years. As they reached Senior Padawan and the Bears started seeing less of each other, they would meet up somewhere in the Galaxy to see each other at least once every year.


It was always sad to miss one but sometimes it couldn’t be helped. Ben himself had missed a total of four Life Days– the last time being the year he spent on Mandalore– and it seemed the Bears weren’t willing to let that happen again.


Or atleast Quinlan wasn’t willing to since he seemed to be the mastermind of this scheme.


As everyone involved soon would learn, the Jettise knew how to drink. And they drank a lot.


They had spotted a fun-looking cantina which they had decided to claim as theirs for the night, changed into ‘civilian clothing’ and claimed a booth. A lot of others had decided to join in on the party and the Bears ended up playing sabacc to start off the night strong.


“You’re cheating!” Nield accused, pointing at Quinlan.


“Why the kriff are you blaming me?! I lost too!” Quinlan yelled back, grinning as Ben pulled his newly acquired credits towards himself.


“You both cheated.” Ben deadpanned.


“So? You cheated too.” Siri pouted, “As per usual.”


“I won.”


“You cheated.”


“You can’t blame me for being better at cheating than a lot of you.” Ben shrugged.


Quinlan bared his teeth at Ben, “I’m going to find Hondo Ohnaka and make him teach me to cheat dirty like that.”


“Hondo had never won a dime from me.” Ben retorted, “He wishes he could cheat like me.”


Walon growled, slamming his cards down. “When did you even cheat!” He demanded.


Bant leaned over to him and Jaster, “Oh we have no clue. That’s the thing, we know he cheats like no other but we’ve never been able to catch him. It took us years to realise he was swindling us.”


“Is that why you folded immediately?” Jaster asked, highly amused. “I remember Ben pulling something similar during the Clan Wars.”


“Of course.” Bant smiled, “Of the Bears, I am the only one that doesn’t cheat so I stand little chance of winning. It’s tradition to play at least one round but I’m not spending my savings on losing to Obes.”


Sabacc was fun until Ben had drained all of the other players of their credits. They took the Bear’s challenge of trying to find when Ben cheated and how. The secret was not revealed and by the time they ran out it was starting to get frustrating. 


To sooth the slightly foul mood, Ben decided to open a tab for the players he robbed and pay for their drinks for the night.


Of course that sparked a drinking game.


One where everyone learned that Jetiise were rather good at holding their alcohol. It was not hard to drink the Young under the table, but to drink a Mandalorian under the table was impressive. The Jettise out drank them all.


Something that caused a spark of frustration.


Especially the next morning.


“How do you not have a hangover?!” Walon groaned as he looked at the Jetiise sitting at breakfast with no small amount of grace and politeness– the picture perfect Jetii unlike how they were the night before.


“We are sure we have no idea what you are referring to, Alor Vau.” Quinlan grinned.


Quinlan had won a drinking competition with the Mandalorians that were now nursing on their caff in hopes their headaches would pass. None of the Jetiise showed any sign of lack of sleep or of the drinking party they had started the night before.


Jaster was impressed. “It has to be a Jetii trick. No one can drink that much and not have a hangover.”


“Jedi don’t go drinking.” Ben informed innocently. “We have no clue what you are referring to.”


The Mando’s paused, looking at the Jetiise and narrowed their eyes at them. “We have holovideo’s.”


Quinlan’s smile turned a bit more feral. “No, I don’t think you do.” He nudged against Siri who had a grin a tad too wide as well.


A few checked their devices only to start swearing up a storm.


Jaster– who had a headache too after trying to keep up with Ben’s drinking– raised his cup of caff to his lips to hide his amusement. Jetiise were good drinking buddies. 



Jaster: I definitly asked you to court

Obi-Wan: I don’t think so

Author: I honestly have no idea if the conversation took place or not and I am too lazy to read all the way back so now it’s going to be the hill they die on– aka Jaster is going to keep insisting he did and Obi-Wan is going to keep telling him he didn’t. ┐(´~`ˇ)┌


Bears: Don’t worry about missing Life Day alright.

Obi-Wan: Well it’s a relief you guys are not mad.

Bears: *Scheming* Of course not!

Also Bears: *Show up on Mandalore unannounced and without informing Obi-Wan beforehand* Surely this can’t go wrong.


Nield: You cheated! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!

Quinlan: So what? I lost too! .·°՞(¯□¯)՞°·.

Obi-Wan: Everyone cheated except for Bant because she is a sweetheart that can do no wrong. (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)


Jaster: So… Did the pirate actually teach you to cheat?

Obi-Wan: *Snorting* He wishes.

Quinlan: Who taught you then?!

Obi-Wan: *Knowing fully well everyone would be pissed if he told that Qui-Gon taught him the art of cheating or the fact that he didn't cheat this time around* Who can say.


Everyone: *Hungover*

Bears: What a beautiful morning! It’s so lovely!

Everyone: This is why no one likes Jedi



Tay'gehaa - Storyteller

ad be Mando’Jetii - Child of the Mandalorian Jedi


Btw, my headcanon is that Obi-Wan actually doesn’t cheat at Sabbac nearly as much as he pretends to. He is just really really good at sabacc and he is just really good at seeing others cheat and anticipating their moves enough to turn the game in his favour. Sure, he cheats from time to time but not nearly as much as the others around him and that is why they can never catch him cheating– because he simply doesn’t– he is just clever enough to know when someone at the table cheats.

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you thought and see you in the next update whenever that might be.


Thanks for reading!
Let me know what you thought, I love reading all of your ideas and comments! I will see you in the next update! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )


Updates whenever inspiration strikes.