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How to: Farm


Farming is really difficult, as you soon find out after you inherit the family farm. Unfortunately, it’s in disarray and you simply cannot fix it on your own.

When you find yourself with the opportunity to own a few wolf dogs, you realize maybe you can actually pull this off with their help. That is until you realize they’re hybrids.

Very, very affectionate hybrids.

With great big needs.

Chapter 1: Farming: 101

Chapter Text

When my father passed away I was devastated. We weren’t very close, heck I hadn’t seen him in the last 12 years but, he was family. My mother took the news only slightly better, but refused to claim the 4500 acres of farm land that he left behind.

Naturally that meant it went to me. I have absolutely no clue how to farm, what to farm, when to farm, etc. I hadn’t picked up a hoe and seeds since I was in grade school. But if family didn’t claim the farm, we’d lose it, and he wouldn’t have wanted that.

And so here I was, across the family lawyer as he presented the deed and property ownership papers to me.

“I feel like I’m signing my life away Sero.” I measured the stack of papers with my fingers, about an inch and a half thick.

“Well in some ways you are.” He tapped his pen against the table thoughtfully. “Owning a farm is a huge responsibility, especially one as large as your father’s.”

Sero leaned in, a serious look on his face. “It won’t be easy.”

I sighed. “Look, I know that. But I can’t let all his work go to waste. I don’t want to lose our farm.”

He nodded, handing over the pen. “I’ll give you a moment to look everything over while I speak to your mother about his will.”

My mother was stationed in the living room of the farmhouse while Sero and I were in my late father’s study going over the paperwork. He hadn’t left me shit in his will, but a couple shared accounts were now in my mother’s name.

I stopped Sero as he was walking out the door. “My father never let me touch a thing on this farm. He never thought I could do this. Do you think I can?”

Sero turned my words over in his head before letting out a loose sigh, dropping his hand from the doorframe. “You’ll need a lot of help, please don’t be afraid to ask for it. That being said, yes. Absolutely. You’ll make something great out of this space.”

With that, Sero left the room, leaving me to sign the papers alone.

The farm was vast, and my father was a drunk. In the last few years he’d sincerely let the place go to shit. The farmhouse was absolutely breaking apart, and most of the arable land was overgrown with weeds and would take a lot of work before it’d be profitable again.

The bank had been sending dozens of late notices before my father expired. This was a huge responsibility and risk I was taking on but, I did spend a small part of my childhood here. The farm was grand and so beautiful before, it could be that way again.

I wasn’t absolutely sure what state the farm was left in now. I’d have to begin bright and early in the morning, making an updated map of the land and building a growing plan.

Half of me thought I was stupid signing legal papers when I had half a clue how the farm operated or its profitability. The other half of me was sheer determination and stubbornness; unwilling to fail.

My mother came in the room just as I was finishing up, leaning against the doorway with her hands crossed against her chest. “This is really going to be a piece of work. I don’t understand why you won’t let one of your brothers sell this place and build real estate.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Mama, I wanna do this. I can do this. Please.”

She threw her hands into the air, mumbling under her breath. “Well I brought some groceries too so your first couple nights should go smoothly without you having to go out to the city.”

“Thanks,” I whispered, trying to evade the awkward silence that followed. We both grieved in separate ways, I understood that. I also understood she was trying to bridge that gap, make us stronger than ever in the face of adversity and all that other parenting nonsense but I didn’t want to console each other. We never had that type of relationship anyways. Pointless to start now.

“Alright mama, you should probably get going. The city is a 45 minute drive and the Sun is starting to set. I don’t want you out driving by yourself.”

She nodded in agreement, coming over to wrap me up into a hug. “Anything you need, I’m here. Okay? Don’t forget to call.”

“I won’t,” I whispered, holding back my tears in this rare moment with her.

She left quickly and quietly, leaving me in this too big house with too much responsibility.

Sero came in, shortly thereafter, and I handed him the signed stack of paperwork.

“I’ll scan you the copies later on after I submit this to the bank, okay?”

I nodded solemnly. “Okay.”

He clasped a hand over my shoulder. “Hang in there kiddo. You’ve got this.” And then Sero left too, leaving me totally alone.

I didn’t have much to go back to. My big girl job in the city was failing, my romantic interest had cheated on me, and my social life was in the garbage. This endeavor just had to work itself out, and I would make that happen, however I could.

I walked through the home for some time, trying to memorize the layout but my father really had let the place go to shit. Half the bedrooms looked condemned. The only “safe” room looked like a guest room on the first floor.

In total there appeared to be seven rooms and five bathrooms. Two guest bedrooms and two bathrooms were on the first floor, along with a fucked up kitchen, living room, dining room, and a trashed wine cellar. The second floor has five other bedrooms, and three bathrooms. All uninhabitable.

How does a house have water and fire damage, I mean seriously. Ridiculous. Coupled with termites.

I was royally fucked.

Chapter 2: Farming: 102

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I had spent nearly the entire night throwing away empty cans of beer and trying to clean the disastrous kitchen. I couldn’t sleep in such filth, no matter how badly I wanted to escape the dire consequences of owning this house.

Really, truly, the house needed serious remodeling. The tiles on the ground floor were totally cracked and destroyed while the wood countertops were stained and water-logged. The cabinets had mold and holes, and the appliances were completely outdated.

And this was only the kitchen. In total, my father left about 32,000 with last years earnings from the farm. I had about a year to prove to the bank that I could build a profit with this farm and delay repossession. Naturally that left me in a tight spot, needing to put all the money into making the farm profitable. Yet, I couldn’t imagine living in such filth, but even I knew this was damage beyond DIY repairing.

If worse came to worse, I could get a mini stove and fridge for the guest bedroom, and live in there, ignoring the filth of the rest of the house. No, the farm absolutely had to be my priority for now. I’d have to grit and bear it.

Light was streaming through the dirty windows of the kitchen though, and I did tell myself last night that I would explore the farm. With a heavy sigh, I chucked the last beer can into a trash bag and grabbed two or three full bags, intending to find the trashcan outside. I got as far as the front porch before one of them decided to break open.

“Seriously?! Fuck!” I dropped the bags all together and left them in one hunking mess on the porch steps.

About 20 feet to the left of our home was a large shed that kept the majority of the farming equipment. I walked there, minding my step amongst the overgrown weeds and vines covering the sodden Earth. The shed was very large, and absolutely full of cobwebs and mice. It would have been entirely overwhelming to search through all the farm equipment.

The only vehicle I recognized in the shed was the ATV, which even with my limited knowledge, I knew I’d need to travel across the farm. There was no way I was getting through 4500 acres on foot, and even with the ATV it’d take me most of the day.

I had brought along the original map of the farm and I placed it on the passenger seat as I got into the ATV. It looked slightly more used than the rest of the farm equipment. I knew how to drive a car, how much different could it be to drive this?

After some fiddling I found the keys hanging from the rear mirror and I turned the ATV on. I was able to drive it out of the shed but it was very rocky and made squeaks and grunts as if it was on its last legs.

According to the map, the left side of the farm was meant to hold all of the arable land and had three large fields on the outskirts that my father had used for vegetables one field closer to the house that was used for livestock and beekeeping. In the right lower quadrant of the farm were fruit orchards and a small vineyard, as well as significantly more beehives. In the upper right quadrant of the farm were wildflowers and untamed land that went unfarmed.

The goal was to at least tend to the livestock today and see what was left of the plant fields. I knew when I was younger my father had been very invested in growing corn and carrots, but I very easily could have imagined that so I didn’t have much clue what to expect. Furthermore in his later years of life my father was a poor historian and kept little records on the farms exports and profits.

I headed in the general direction of where the livestock should be first, using the map as my guide. For several minutes I drove past mouse dens, wild snakes, rabbits, and bluebirds amongst the untamed land until I came across my first cow.

He was a skinny little bull, dark brown and munching on the overgrown grasses.

“Hi little guy.” I approached him carefully as he warily looked towards me. When I stepped out of the ATV I could see several other oxens and cows mulling around, not too far from a large barn.

The barn was a shitshow, just like every other part of the farm. Manure and dirty hay piled up around the floor, and the water troughs were soiled. A couple sheep lay haphazardly on the barn floor, alive, but knee deep in dirt and old hay.

A chicken coop was near the back of the barn, and in the same disarray. I could be here all day, and there was no way I would be able to do this on my own. This in itself looked like a three person job and I hadn’t even seen the fields yet. I was already devastatingly overwhelmed.

Yes. It was decided. I needed farmhands.

Right then and there I whipped out my phone and called Sero.


“Hi Sero. How are you?” I timidly tried to approach one of the sheep as I placed the phone between my ear and shoulder.

“I’m fine. How’s the farming life?”

“Erm. Well, I need farmhands. Desperately. I won’t be able to fix all of this by myself, it’ll just be impossible.”

“When I said you should call me if you ever needed help I sincerely meant it, but I wouldn’t know where to find farmhands.”

“I see,” I mumbled, disappointed.

“But, I might know someone who does. Mr. Aizawa’s got a farm not too far from you, maybe 10 miles down the road. Have a stop by at his farm and see if he knows anybody looking.”

“Okay. Will you let him know I can stop by today?”

“Sure. He was an old friend of your father’s. I’m sure he’d help you out.”

“Ya okay. I’ll be there soon. Thanks.” I hung up and tucked the phone into the back pocket of my shorts. I wanted to leave as soon as possible; no point exploring a farm I can’t fix. But, I couldn’t very well leave a sheep sitting in its own filth.

They didn’t wanna budge from their spots, until I miraculously found a clean bush of hay to wave in front of them. I led three sheep outside the barn house, near the outdoor hose. “I’m so sorry for tricking you, one day you’ll forgive me.”

I expected then to protest as I hosed them down, but they seemed to really enjoy it. That made me feel worse; they probably hadn’t been cleaned properly in a very long time. The water logged their matted fur, weighing them down until they collapsed into the Earth.

I figured they’d stay here for a while till they dried, and it would be good being in the Sun. At least they weren’t sitting in their own shit anymore. The hose wasn’t long enough to spray down the barn, or else I would have cleaned up all the manure right then and there.

The clean and dirty hay were all mixed in together amongst the mess on the floor. It was an absolute disaster in there but I tried now to dwell on it as I turned around to get back into the ATV. I wasn’t abandoning it, I was going to get more help, I reassured myself.

As I drove back to the farmhouse I grew more and more furious. What an absolute asshat my father had become. I couldn’t believe he let his animals live like that. I wanted to believe things just fell to the wayside after he died but he’s only passed three days ago. This looks like months, if not years, of neglect.

I stomped from the ATV into my SUV before getting on the dirt path that led to the main road. I took off my farm boots before jumping in, satisfied with driving in my socks. Very carefully, so as not to stain my car with manure, I put my boots on the floor of my passenger seat, and I started to drive.

Chapter 3: Farming: 103

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The drive was quiet as I listened to the music on the radio. The farm really was in the middle of nowhere, with the city being almost an hour out. I was getting excited to meet some of my new neighbors soon, maybe I’d bake a pie or something friendly like that.

Aizawa’s farm was huge, just like my father’s. Thankfully, he also had a main dirt road that led straight to his farmhouse. Unlike mine, however, it was very much well kept up with and seemed to beam with pride. I pulled over in the driveway and stepped out, carrying my farm boots in one hand to leave on the porch. I knocked once, twice, then waited for him to open up.

What I didn’t expect was a woman to open the door; tall and curvaceous with long eyelashes and even longer back hair.

“Hello? Can I help you?”

“Oh, umm hi! I’m your next door neighbor, I was just looking for Mr. Aizawa. I’m Toshinori’s daughter.”

“Oh!” Her eyes lit up in recognition. “Yes, Sero said you’d be coming. I’m Nemura Kayama, Aizawa’s wife, but please, call me Kayama. He’s just out wrangling the goats, they jumped the fence again.” Her laugh tinkled as she beckoned me to come in.

“Anyways, follow me, I’ll show you to the wild dogs Shouta found the other day.” As we passed through her foyer my face screwed in confusion.

“Wild dogs? I don’t mean to be rude at all but I’m a bit confused. I told Sero I was looking into farmhands?”

“Oh,” Kayama spoke over her shoulder. “We don’t know any interested farmhands on such short notice, but Shouta is asking around for you. I’m sure these dogs could help you in the meantime, they’re very good at farm work.”

“Well, what do you mean by that?”

Kayama led me through her beautiful living room that had direct access to her sprawling backward. It was huge, which made sense she did live on a farm, but it was bare.

“They herded the sheep very well, and one of them was even digging holes. With the right direction I’m sure they’d be a great help to you.”

“I don’t see any-

And there, nuzzled against the wall of her backyard shed were four massive dogs.

“They like to stay together, all of them. But they’re very helpful and follow commands well.”

“They’re absolutely huge. Are you sure they’re not wolves!” I threw my hands into the air to make a point.

Kayama shrugged. “Well actually we’re not very sure, not like we can get genetic testing in the backwoods.”

“Are they friendly?”


“What does that even mean Kayama?”

She laughed. “They’ll get the job done sweetheart, just until we can get you some actual farmhands. Your father just about ran all the old ones he had away. It’ll be difficult, you’ve got a hard journey ahead.”

“Ya I know,” I sighed, squeezing the bridge of my nose. “I can take all the help I can get, including them. Do they have names?”

Kayama shook her head. “We only found them yesterday night. Well really one of them was trying to eat a sheep and the others just followed. They’ve been very well behaved since.”

“You think they’ll fit in my car?”

“Guess there’s only one way to find out.” Kayama placed two fingers in her mouth and whistled. One dog raised its head, then they all did. Shaking their heads and stretching, one by one, they raised themselves up to their full heights.

“Kayama I do not think they’re gonna fit.”

“Come on boys, you’ve got a new mommy! Around the house, let’s go!” Kayama called out, leading them and me, around the side of the house towards my car.

They trotted slowly, warily, in pairs behind us. And truly they were massive. They had to have been wolf-dogs, and each was tall enough to reach my waist, long enough to be taller than me standing. They stayed about 10 feet away from me as I walked alongside Kayama.

I darted from her quickly when we reached her front porch to grab my boots.

When we approached my car I nervously opened it up, throwing my boots in the passenger seat and looking at Kayama dubiously.

“We can put the first two on the backseats and the other two can lay on the floor.” Kayama got straight in my car, pulling my backseats father out to make more room.

I spared a glance at the dogs who seemed to be looking straight at me expectedly. I shrugged at them with an “idk” expression. Hopefully they understood I was just winging this shit.

“There!” Kayama called as she successfully made more room. “They should fit now. Okay boys come on in.” She stepped away from the car to allow them entrance.

But the dogs were all focused on me; again, looking at me expectedly. I motioned with my hand towards the car entrance. “Go on.”Embarrassingly my voice broke, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say one of them scoffed.

The first wolf-dog to approach was dark brown, almost black with blended splotches of dark green fur and bright green eyes. He assessed me a moment before stepping into my backseat.

The second wolf-dog was dual toned, with a dark red top coat and a a white undercoat and grey eyes. He seemed to nod at me appreciably and wag his tail as he jumped in. The two of them claimed the seats for themselves.

The third wolf-dog didn’t seem friendly at all. He stared me down intimidatingly, never once breaking eye contact with me even as he entered my car. He was a ruddy reddish- brown all over, with bright golden eyes and seemed to growl quietly as he took his seat on the floor.

Finally, the fourth wolf-dog seemed easy going and excited. His tail wagged aggressively and he almost looked like he would have approached me if not for the warning growls of his litter mate. Still, he watched me excitedly with calm, red eyes and a dark brown coat as he climbed in. For a short moment, him and the third dog fought for space before they both settled down.

Kayama carefully closed the door behind them, mindful of their long tails before grinning at me. “Safe travels!”

“You know it’s illegal to drive with unrestrained animals right?”

“Pssh.” Kayama put her hands on her hips. “You’ve only got a few miles to go. Besides, we’re farmers. We’re exempt. Call me with an update sometime, I’ll have Sero send over my contact.”

“Okay, thanks for all your help.”

“Don’t mention it!”

Chapter 4: Farming: 104

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The hell if I knew how to take care of wolf-dogs. The ride home was eerily quiet, besides the soft pants in the backseat. I kept looking in my rear view mirror to make sure they looked comfortable, and for the most part, they did. I wonder if they could smell my nervousness.

I tried to drive slower than usual to make this a pleasant experience, turned the air conditioning all the way up so they’d stay cool. I was debating where I’d have them sleep when we pulled into the driveway.

“Alright guys, we’re here!” I stepped on, wrestling my boots back on.

“I know it isn’t much, but, it’s what we’ve got.” I opened the backseat door warily.

The wolf-dogs on the car floor stepped out first, again, the second staring at me threateningly. Then, the next two came down from the seat. My backseats were a wreck but I guess it was another thing I’d just add to the list.

“Umm okay, so I know you all probably don’t understand me.” I put a hand on my hips as I turned to face them, closing my car door. “But, I just inherited this farm yesterday and it’s a fucking mess. I know you guys can’t really help me clean but I’m going to tend to the farm animals first. Maybe there will be something for y’all to do when we get there?”

Even though they were just animals they seemed sentient and conscious of what I was telling them, almost nodding along to my words. I led them to the ATV which definitely wouldn’t fit them all but the open bench in the back would fit two of them.

“Umm, could two of you hop on and then the other two can run beside us? Will that work?” I felt like I was crazy talking to them, but they listened! The friendly and the dual-toned dogs obediently lifted themselves onto the bench.

“Good job boys!” Oh my goodness were they smiling?! Perhaps this wouldn’t be too bad of an experience. Facing the other two dogs I said, “okay, you two follow behind, okay?”

“Ruff!” The green-eyed dog replied.

I smiled brightly, climbing into the ATV with newfound hope. I drove slowly, looking in the rear view mirror to make sure that the dogs were not falling off the bench. They seemed to be enjoying themselves though as I drove, their tongues sticking out in the breeze.

The other two ran slowly on either sides of the ATV, watching me all the while. Even as the reddish-brown dog glared at me besides the vehicle, his running form was beautiful. Large paws, a shiny healthy coat with long fur, a sleek muzzle and bright, expressive eyes. It was a shame he was so mean though. Maybe I could win him over.

When we got to the barn I came to a slow stop and stepped out. The sheep had migrated back into the shade of the barn; the midday Sun must have been too much for them. They really needed to be sheared.
Okay. That would be my first task.

There was a tool area within the barn by the chicken coop. Thus, it was covered in bird shit and feathers, but thankfully, contained a pair of hand shears. I realized the dogs didn’t follow me in and I didn’t blame them; truly the barn was filthy.

I stepped back out to see where they were and they were basking in the Sun, inspecting the cows. The gray-eyed wolf-dog seemed to be chasing away mice and stomping out the snakes outside the barn.

The large fan at the top of the barn seemed to be the only thing working, moving the air around and providing some relief for the animals. But the barn desperately needed to be cleaned and sorted, and that meant I had to get the animals out. It’d be torture for the sheep under all that wool so I had to shear them first.

And I didn’t know how to do that. I pulled out my phone, fully prepared to launch YouTube University. After a quick 15 minute video, I was ready. I picked the smallest sheep out of the eight to start with; she was burdened with so much fur that even her eyes were covered.

I rolled up my sleeves and led her outside. The sheep bleated and moaned as I led her into the heat. I hosed her down first to give her some relief, and to slow her down and force her to lay down for me.

“Okay love, I’m going to be really gentle, okay?” I started off clipping the top of her back, just a little. Then I realized she was so matted and I needed to really fight to part her hair and cut her properly. To do that I had to half mount her and actually rip part of her hair apart to expose her skin.

The first cut was terribly short, and I needed to go deeper. With the second cut I almost nicked her and she let out a warning bleat. “I’m sorry ma’am but you try shearing a two-hundred pound animal for the first time!”

It probably took me ten minutes just to get through her back, but even then the sheep looked so relieved already. I maneuvered myself behind her and lifted up her leg and began sheering her underbelly and legs.

I was so engrossed, in shearing her that I hadn’t realized when the dogs had gathered close, lying in a circle around me. Another 40 minutes and finally, the sheep was fully sheared. Her skin beneath was dirty; she’d need a full washing and the wool I gathered was so filthy that it was unusable. But she was so happy. She frolicked in the field happily and I smiled after her.

I’d have to be a little faster if I was going to get through the other seven, but they also needed fresh water. But when I tried to dump the water out of the trolley it was too heavy. I pushed with all my might but I couldn’t overturn the stone basin.

“Ruff! Ruff!” Then there was my green-eyed wolf-dog, running into the barn to help me overturn the trough. With two paws he pushed his weight against it, overthrowing the dirty water on the ground. “Thanks pup.”

He panted happily, looking mighty proud of himself.

Somehow, I was able to wrangle the hose into the barn and I tried power washing the algae and germs out of the trough. I found an old metal scrubber and used it to get the more stubborn pieces of dirt and scum out before refilling it with cool, clean water. It was depressing how fast the sheep flocked there.

But that’s how I wrangled my second sheep, which I brought outside and began shearing. He was a much bigger guy and it took me nearly two hours to properly shear him. By the time I cleaned up after him it had become mid-afternoon and I was famished. The dogs had found a cool, surprisingly clean space on the porch of the barn to rest.

“I’ll be right back guys! I’m gonna make myself lunch or something.” They seemed to understand, and weren’t too concerned when I started up the ATV. I got pretty close to the farmhouse before I looked in my rear view mirror to see them running behind me at full speed.

They were a tremendous force; I could almost feel their paws striking the ground as they chased me. For a moment there a thrill raced through my body and I unconsciously sped up. Amazingly, they caught up, running alongside the ATV. Again, so majestic in there running forms; absolutely beautiful animals.

We reached the house together and they waited for me at the front door, watching me exit the vehicle as they panted. “You guys are really incredible.” We entered together.

I winced hard as I looked at the dirty kitchen. It looked worlds better than yesterday but still, terrible. Thankfully I had leftovers from my mama in the fridge, and I looked anywhere but the mess of a kitchen as I reheated it.

That got me thinking, how exactly was I going to feed these massive dogs. I couldn’t exactly sacrifice a sheep. Maybe there was dog food somewhere in the barn?

“What exactly do you guys wanna eat?” It was completely a rhetorical question, but then the gray-eyed dog used his muzzle to open the fridge door.

“What the-

And then the bad-tempered dog grabbed a pack of ribeye from the fridge!

I stood there shocked as they tore into the package, wrestling apart the steaks into even portions and eating together.

“So I guess you can all understand English?” They paid me no mind, eating their food quietly and quickly. I was surprised, and ultimately very tired after being out in the midday Sun for so long. I needed a strong power nap. Perhaps I’d eat the leftovers for dinner. I left the dogs briefly to their own devices and walked into the guest bedroom.

I’d take a nap, wake up well-rested, and then conquer more of the barn in the early morning, when it was a bit cooler. I pulled off my wool-covered tank top and hopped into the guest bed in my bra and a pair of sleep shorts.

I kept the bedroom door wide open, so I could hear if the dogs got up to any mischief and I let myself fall asleep.

Chapter 5: Farming: 105

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I was half asleep when I felt a pair of furry paws curl into my side. I blearily opened one eye to see the dual-toned wolf curled into me. I wasn’t sure how I felt about dogs in the bed, but then again I hadn’t showered either when I came home and I could always wash the sheets.

Falling back asleep was easy, especially with his added warmth. Progressively though, the heat began warring with my ability to sleep. When I dared open an eye again it was to see the dark green wolf curled into my right side. The ill-tempered wolf was sprawled on top of my right leg, his head atop my hip. The sweetest of them all was tucked right between my legs.

They were all snoring so softly and looked so relaxed. They must have had a long couple of days, relocating and adjusting taking its toll. No I couldn’t make them move. I pet the dual-toned wolf as he nuzzled further into me, his fur so soft against my bare skin.

The next time I had woken up it was to nails digging softly into my sides. Light was softly streaming in from the windows, but I was reluctant to wake up. I was so comfortable in their arms.

My eyes opened widely as I was startled awake. Immediately I began hyperventilating while trying my best not to let out the curdling scream in my throat. Four grown men were wrapped around my body.

Four grown men that I had never fucking met or invited into my home.

I was way too entangled with them to be able to make a slow escape, someone would inevitably wake up and God know’s where we’d be. No. Maybe if I did a quick jump out of bed I’d be able to run out and get help.

But even then they were so with my extremities, there was no way I’d be able to get away. And I was still hyperventilating: my chest heaving uncontrollably fast and my breaths short and stunted.

The green-eyed man tucked into my right size realized I was awake first. He shuffled, and then tilted his head up to look up at me.

“Umm hi. Who are you?” I was trying really, really hard to stay calm.

Those big, bright green eyes, I’d seen them before. Why did they look so familiar?

“I’m yours.” He answered, nuzzling back into me like that was the most normal thing in the world.

So naturally, I screamed, and thrashed myself in the bed to get free. Immediately all of them woke up, clinging to my extremities and holding me down in the bed.

“Oh my God who are you people!! And why are you in my bed.”

“Fuck are you talking about, you brought us here.” A very disgruntled, red-eyed man said before interlacing his fingers and resting his head back against my pubic bone.

“Huh!?” I swiveled my head to look back at the green eyed man in confusion. “What’s he saying?”

He tilted his head, stroking the side of my face a moment. “I’m Izuku.”

“That answers none of my questions.”

He chuckled lightly, bearing a full smile of gleaming sharp teeth. He had a head of dark green hair with slightly lighter tips and a face full of freckles.

“I’m Shoto.” This time it was the boy on my left with red and white hair and a red scar around his left eye. He was the one who had been pressed into my waist; in fact, his hand was still there wrapped around my bare skin.

“Eijiro.” Mindlessly stroking the underside of my left knee was a red-headed man with calm, red eyes. Now I understood, these were my wolves.

Eijiro pushed the other man feigning sleep on my hip. “Tell the pretty girl your name bro.”

“Leave me alone,” the “bro” responded, trying to get comfortable once more.

“Kacchan!” Izuku hissed under his breath, “introduce yourself.”

“My name is fucking Katsuki.” He must have been the unfriendly wolf from before. He absolutely refused to open his eyes, but the attitude was unmistakeable.

“Well. Umm. Can I get a little space please? I’m half-naked.”

“We would all like you fully undressed but this is still much preferable to you being fully clothed.” Shoto answered casually.

My eyes bugged out of my head.

And to make matters worse my head was spinning. Wolves didn’t wear any clothes, and if they became humans now then…

I looked down and oh wow.

“Where are all your clothes?”

“Well, you never gave us any.” Izuku nuzzled in closer.

“Okay I really, really need some space. I cannot be in a bed with four naked men. I need to find you all some clothes and then we can talk about this. Okay? Ya?”

Katsuki groaned out. “I don’t wanna move right now. Later.”

“Uh uh. Now please.”

Very, very reluctantly the boys began to pull away from me. Shoto wouldn’t let go completely, pulling back until he could just interlace our hands.

I averted my eyes the best I could but fucking damn. I couldn’t have envisioned a more attractive set of men in my bedroom.

“Okay.” I sat up in the bed then, consciously trying to place my right hand over my chest while my left was interlaced with Shoto’s. “I’m going to go into my father’s old bedroom and find you all some clothes okay. Can you please stay here?”

“Mhm.” “Sure.” “Fine.” “No.”

My head shot up at Shoto’s resistance.

“Shoto I will come back.” My voice came out flustered and shaky, even as I attempted to regain some control. “I just need you all clothed so I can talk with you guys properly.”

“Why can’t you talk with us now. Why don’t you like our human forms?”

He was taking this personally, I could tell. Someone had hurt him badly before to make him react like this.

“It’s not you I don’t like I just-.” I sighed. “Your appendages and body parts are very much on display and we’ll have a much more productive conversation with you fully clothed.”

I couldn’t believe I was having to explain why I couldn’t talk comfortably to a room of grown men with rippling abs and hanging cocks.

I slowly disentangled my hand from Shoto’s, even as he released a low whine. “I’ll be right back!” And then I darted out of the room.

Chapter 6: Farming: 106

Chapter Text

Fuck this was insane. I was crouched on the floor of my father’s old bedroom upstairs, risking my life trying to dig through his old clothing and find some clothes for the very naked men in my bedroom.

Unfortunately most of my father’s clothes were ranked with beer, and this task was proving to be very difficult. My own clothes certainly would not fit these much larger men.

It would take an hour to drive into the damn city to get them proper clothes and then an hour back. Poor Shota would probably have a conniption if I left them alone for that long.

I suppose I could ask Aizawa, but that would come with so many questions. No, I needed a quick short-term solution. Thank God almighty my late father owned a pack of new boxers. I found a few clean shirts and some old farming overalls and figured this would do the trick.

And not a moment too soon. “Hey, sweet pea?” Izuku called from down the stairs.

“Shoto’s starting to get antsy and honestly I am too. When are you coming back?”

“I’m coming now, baby.” Shit. Why did I just say that to a naked man. His voice was just so polite, I couldn’t help the pet name from slipping out.

I grabbed the clothes to my chest and hurriedly went back down the stairs. Unfortunately, trying to keep your eyes down while simultaneously going down stairs is statistically unsafe. I shouldn’t have been so surprised when I tripped and lost my balance.

“Ah,” I yelped as the clothes flew from my hands. But then there was Izuku, wrapping his hands around my waist and catching me before I could hit the ground.

Izuku slipped one hand behind my head, while the other smoothly caressed my ribs, just beneath my bra. “I’ve got you sweet pea.” His cock was at full attention, the head poking straight up and into my back. I couldn’t move for a moment, totally enraptured.

“Get the fuck off her nerd!”

And suddenly I was pulled into Shoto’s arms as Katsuki full force ran into Izuku. I shrieked as they tumbled onto the floor, openly brawling on the already cracked tiles.

“Stop it! Both of you stop!” I cried. I pushed against Shoto’s chest but he held me firm to him. “I will not let you get hurt flower.”

“Stop it guys cmon. Break it up bros.” Eijiro pried the two apart off the floor, both panting, sweaty messes.

“He put his hands on me first!”

“You’re the one who fucking said we’d fuck her together. Then I see you already touching up on her you fucking hypocrite.”

“Woah woah woah woah.” I threw my hands up into the air. “No one is fucking anything.”

“Woah wait a minute what? You don’t wanna fuck us.” Shouto exclaimed.

“Shoto!” I pushed myself out of his arms, though he let me go reluctantly. “I didn’t say I didn’t wanna-. Okay can we just please put the clothes on.”

I reached down, grabbing the fallen boxers and overalls. “Here everybody gets a pair. Don’t forget the pants please. It’s the most important part.”

“Umm, I don’t really know how to put these on,” Eijiro admitted. “Can you show me please?”

Lord have mercy on my soul. “You haven’t worn human clothes before?”

“We never really needed to.” Izuku explained.

Internally, I face palmed. Externally, I took a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll show you how Eijiro and then the rest of you guys can just watch and learn, ya?”

Everyone agreed, no one more eager than Eijiro. I picked up the pair of boxers first. I flung them open and then fell to my knees. “Eijiro, come here please.”

He stepped forward, and his cock bobbed just above my head. My face was as red as a tomato, my voice so high pitched it was ridiculous. “Okay so you just step into them, one leg at a time.”

Eijiro put his hand on my shoulder for balance, and my entire body shivered. I could not handle his fucking cock in my face, let alone him touching me at the same time.

“Umm and then you, uh-

My mouth had totally gone dry, and my lips were flopping together uselessly.

“Careful sweetheart. You keep gasping like that and I might just have to fill up that hole.”

My ears burned and my eyes snapped shut. “Okay just pull them up over your appendage and uhm yup that’s it your done.”

I tried to stand too quickly and I didn’t judge the distance between us well, which probably resulted from my eyes being closed. His cock bounced against my cheek as I stood up and in mortification I sprinted from the stairs and into my room, closing the door shut behind me.

I slid down the door slowly, trying to calm my racing heart. I could hear a faint growl emitting from the other side of the door.

“You can’t run away like that princess. It does things to us.” Katsuki emitted through clenched teeth, his fist banging the other side of the door.

“Okay I’m coming just one second.” These boys were going to be the death of me. I threw the closest tee I could find over my head and opened the door.

“Eep!” I hurriedly tried to slam the door closed again but Katsuki’s foot was in the way. The boys were still naked, except for Eijiro wearing heavily tented boxers.

“Please, please, please I’ll come out after y’all put some clothes on!”

“No. I want you within sight.” Katsuki growled.

I huffed out a breath. “Okay compromise. I’ll stay right here, you can hear my voice okay?”

“No. This door stays wide open. If you don’t wanna see us naked you turn around.”

“Katsuki!” I cried out in complaint.

“Princess.” He growled out. My goodness he was not relenting.

“Okay, okay. Whatever.”

I stepped away from the door and turned my back, in which Katsuki immediately flung the door open with a flourish.

Then, a symphony of stumbling, cursing, and ah-ha moments as the men figured out how to put on clothes.

“Okay. You can turn around now!” Izuku’s cheery voice was unmistakeable.

I took a deep breath and turned. They all did a pretty decent job, although Shoto seemed to be the only one capable of putting on a shirt and Katsuki’s overalls were only half on.

“Okay.” Shoto crossed his arms across his chest. “Let’s talk.”

Chapter 7: Farming: 107

Chapter Text

I gestured towards the rickety table across the practically condemned kitchen. It was a small wooden table with three legs instead of four, and only three chairs. I sat down first, while Izuku and Shoto took the seats across from me, and Eijiro stood between them. Katsuki seemed to want to stand behind me.

“Katsuki can you please stand by Eijiro. That way I can look and address all of you at once.” I started.

“Nah, I’m good.”

Eijiro kept him well in check. “Bro. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do.”

Katsuki let out a rather large grumble before walking out from behind me to stand across.

“Okay.” I took in a deep breath. “Im not sure that I fully understand the entirety of the situation. I took you all from Aizawa’s care under the impression that you could become my shepherding dogs.”

“If that’s what you want,” Izuku started, “we can do that for you. But we can also do so much more.”

“What he means to say is that we’re wolf hybrids. Generally, we live in packs but it wasn’t safe for us to remain in the forest where we used to live.” Shoto finished.

“So then you came out of the forest and found shelter at Aizawa’s farm? Is that right?”

Izuku nodded affirmatively. “We only meant to spend the night, and then planned to go back into the forest. But then you came to claim us and-“

“And, you stayed with me.” I finished softly.
“Look, I don’t know if I can host four grown men indefinitely. I mean this farmhouse is a terrible mess, and I haven’t even seen the full extent of the damage to the farm.”

“Exactly why you need us!” Eijiro exclaimed. “You’ll need the help around here.“

I turned the thought over in my head. I really, desperately needed farmhands; they’d be an invaluable help.

“You need us, and we need you Princess.” Katsuki added on, with a bored roll of his eyes.

“Okay but, we need to lay down some ground rules. I’m not sure what to feed you guys.” I said awkwardly.

Eijiro waved his hand in the air to dismiss the question. “We’ll eat what you eat.”

“Okay,” I spoke my words slowly. “And where will you all sleep?”

Shoto tilted his head in confusion, speaking just as slow. “With you?”

“There’s not enough space in my bed for all of you.”

“You want us to take turns? That’s not very fair!”

“No Shoto, I just mean we need to get you all separate sleeping arrangements.”

“Uh uh, no way.“

“That’s another thing,” Eijiro interrupted. “Even in our human forms, we are still wolves at heart. We’ve imprinted, and soon, you’ll start to feel the effects of it too. It’ll be easier for all of us if we stay and breed together.”

My eyes popped out of my head. “Breed!? Imprinted!?”

“Aye ya aye woman.” Katsuki rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Can you behave? Please?”

“This is all new for her Kacchan. She needs to know what she’s getting into.”

“What’s she’s getting into? She’s already in it! If we had listened to me she’d be senseless and drooling for our cocks right about now.”

I abruptly stood up from the table. “Okay then, umm okay we’ve talked enough. Can we go out to see the farm and talk about how you all can help me?”

I didn’t wait to see if they’d follow I just got up and walked out. I had enough embarrassment to last for a lifetime and I only knew them for a day.

I slid in the front seat of the ATV and put my head against the wheel to force myself to focus on the tasks ahead.

The passenger seat door opened and Eijiro hopped in beside me. He flashed me a pretty smile that tugged at my heart strings.

“The other boys are gonna ride in the back, you mind if I sit up here with you sweetheart?”

I could already hear them mildly bickering in the bench seat about space.

“No, not at all.” I started up the ATV, and tried to focus on driving in a straight line. It wasn’t until 5 minutes had passed that I realized I’d forgotten the map.

“Oh shit.” I slammed to a sudden stop. For a second there I’d totally forgotten about the men hanging on for dear life in the bench seat and Katsuki was thrown out the car with a “what the fuck!”

I gasped harshly, throwing open my car door to rush out and check on him. “I am so so sorry.” I approached him quickly, quietly assessing him for injuries. He looked furious, absolutely livid until I pressed my face to cheek, and the fine cut on his lip.

Immediately his face turned red as a tomato and that livid exterior became sheepish. “Katsuki I’m so sorry. Please don’t be upset, it was an accident.” I was stroking his cheek and I didn’t even realize until he closed his eyes and leaned into me.

“You can’t drive for shit princess, but this is worth it.” Katsuki mumbled into my hand.

“Come on,” I whispered, taking his hands and leading him back to his seat. I couldn’t believe he’d let me but it’s like once I soothed him he became so docile. Even though I practically threw him out the back of a moving vehicle, I think he was starting to develop trust in me.

Maybe it was the sentiment that made me so emotional, but I wanted to reward his calm behavior. When I sat him back down on the bench, I leaned in and kissed his cheek. “All better,” I whispered in his ear, and then I went to go back into the drivers seat.

“Okay Eijiro, how do we get to the heart of the farm without the map?”

“You give me a kiss too and I’ll scent the way.”

“Eijiro!” I laughed nervously. “I just uh felt bad because I’d hurt him. It wasn’t meant to be romantic at all.”

But then Eijiro was leaning into my space and holding my cheek in his hand. “Do you remember what I said earlier?”

I didn’t trust myself to speak so I nodded dumbly.

“We were all Alpha wolves and even in this form it is who we are. You have to understand, the urge to mate you is very, very strong.”

“But I can’t mate with four people, let alone four alphas. And aren’t you all supposed to have omegas in the wild to, umm, breed?”

Eijiro’s beautiful red eyes were turning black as his pupils dilated massively. “You’ll take our cocks as good as any omega sweetheart.”

I couldn’t help the squeeze of my thighs or the whimper that left me. Eijiro growled and half-threw himself across the seat to press me into a searing kiss.

His tongue massaged my lips until I opened up for him. He tasted so sweet, like raspberries and amber as he explored my mouth. His tongue was teasing but gentle, but totally all-consuming.

I moaned into his mouth and he kissed me deeper. I had no control as he ravished me, tasted me, owned me. I could feel myself leaking, my slick running down between my folds.

And just as soon, he was pulled away from me by two other angry men. Katsuki and Izuku had Eijiro by the throat yelling at him incessantly after they pulled him out the car, while Shoto had come around on the drivers side.

He actually picked me up and managed to put me down in the passengers seat, before reaching over and closing that door. Then, he sat in the drivers seat and locked the doors. “How do you drive this thing?”

I was still completely breathless and had half a sense what was going on. “You press the pedals beneath your feet.” And not a moment later Shoto put a hand on my thigh, the other on the wheel, and slammed the gas pedal.

Chapter 8: Farming: 108

Chapter Text

Shoto hit the gas pedal hard and the ATV flung forward. I let out a small yelp and he squeezed my thigh reassuringly. In the rear view mirror I could see the fight ending, as they began shoving the other to stand, and run after the racing car.

“Umm Shoto, shouldn’t we wait for them?”

“They’ll catch up eventually.”

“Shoto I-

“Look I know how important this farm is to you and if I hadn’t gotten us out of there we’d never get any work done. As much as I wanna fuck you first, I want you happy.”

My face was beet red. That was so sweet. And sinfully arousing.

Shoto flashed me a sweet smile, showing off all his pearly whites. Fuck I thought I might swoon for him.

He pulled over a small distance from the barn doors. Not even a moment later the boys caught up, just a little out of breath; Eijiro slightly more beat up than I’d last seen him. He walked forward to get my door, but Katsuki put a hand to his chest, shaking his head no.

Instead, Katsuki opened the door for me and then Izuku held out his hand, helping me down the step. “Thank you,” I murmured to the both of them.

“So where do we start first Princess?”


The cows were outside of the barn, as were the two sheep I sheared yesterday, but the rest of the sheep must have still been inside. That meant we had to clear them out first, shear em, and then clean out the barn.

“I had one pair of shears yesterday, maybe I can find a few more?” The boys followed me into the barn as I went back to the miniature tool shed. I found two more shears but that was it; these severely more dulled than the other.

“Okay so we’ve got three shears. Perhaps three of you can start shearing the sheep and one of you can help me with cleaning out the barn?”

“I’ll be staying with you,” Shoto announced, arms crossed against his chest.

“Whatever nerd.” Katsuki remarked.

Tentatively, Eijiro approached me, under the watching eyes of the other men. He gently removed the shears from my hands before turning away, but not before throwing me a small wink.

“I saw that!” SMACK. Katsuki hit Eijiro up down the head.

I let out a small gasp of concern. Izuku waved me away, and ushed the bickering boys out the barn, leaving me and Shoto alone.

“The animals aren’t very happy with all this uh, manure, everywhere. There’s a hose outside, do you wanna spray it down?”

Shoto nodded, moving just past me to take a look into the tool shed. He pulled out two pairs of red rubber gloves, one of which he handed to me.

“Do you wanna wash the sheep while I do that?” He asked.

“Uhm, that’s a great idea actually! Yes! I’ll wash all the sheep that the boys shear.”

Shoto beamed at my praise, little dimples appearing in the corner of his smile. I couldn’t help the smile that escaped me, knowing I was making him happy.

“Okay, uhm, I’m going to go get the sheep already sheared.” Awkwardly, I made my way out of the barn to go and track down the ewe I spotted earlier amongst the grasses. She was actually standing near the front of the barn so I didn’t need to go far.

It also gave me a great opportunity to spot Katsuki, Izuku, and Eijiro sweating as they were manhandling the sheep. Wool was flying everywhere, sticking to the sweat on their bare chests.

Izuku in particularly, stretched his arms up above his head, showing off his toned abs and biceps. I let out a shaky breath, my eyes fixated on him. Izuku was holding the sheep down, keeping her still as so not to accidentally cut her. His hands were so big; it had me thinking of how much space they’d take up if they were on me. Of how he’d hold me down in bed. How big his dick felt against my back earlier in the day.

I could feel a little slick gather in my panties; my breathing taut. Unbeknownst to me, Shoto was watching me, coming up behind me to see what had captured my attention.

I still had my eyes on Izuku when Shoto sprayed him down with the hose. Katsuki comically dove to get out of the way while Eijiro just stood there and took the collateral damage.

Holding back my laugh was pointless; it slipped out into little giggles and morphed into full out cackles as I replayed it over and over in my head. Even afterwards, Izuku stood there with his hands in the air and his poor, soaked sheep, wondering what he did wrong.

When I turned to Shoto he had his hands on his hips, barking some excuse at Izuku about not shearing the sheep properly; like he could even see from this far away. I took my cue and actually began washing my ewe, whom bleated happily in my arms at my attention.

Shoto worked surprisingly fast, even after his earlier distractions. He found a large barn brush for the floors and was thoroughly scrubbing the stained wood and had half the barn hosed down before I even finished the first ewe.

Katsuki proudly brought me his first shorn sheep, to which I graciously accepted with an arm full of bubbles. No surprise to anyone but it was incredibly messy work washing sheep. I managed to get myself and the animal covered in suds and now my tank top clung awkwardly to my curves.

We worked quickly in the Sun, the process going by a lot faster with the five of us all pitching in. Izuku and Eijiro were racing to shear the rest of the sheep, competing after Katsuki showed them up. Katsuki helped Shoto salvage the clean hay into a freshly washed section of the barn. I snuck a few peeks at them, mesmerized by their straining biceps and toned pecs.

When I finished my last sheep, Izuku and I decided to conquer the chicken coop while Eijiro decided he’d try to tighten up the woodwork, fix up some of the loose panels and fixtures.

The chicken coop was a disaster; absolutely chock full of shit and old birdseed.

“Where do we start?” I turned to Izuku.

He squared his face, and opened the little door of the coop. Immediately three or four rushed out, running into Izuku on their mad escape. He hit the ground pretty hard as I shrieked.

“Are you okay!” I dropped to the ground beside him, my hair falling in long strands framing his face. I balanced his head in the crook between my thighs, trying to gauge how badly he hit his head.

From this angle I could see his Adams’s apple, stark against the pretty tan flesh of his neck. His lips were dry, probably from the heat of the Sun. I couldn’t help myself from reaching towards his face, tracing constellations in his little freckles with my fingers as he blinked up at me with those long lashes.

His breath came out in quiet pants, his nose twitching cutely. And those big, beautiful viridian eyes. I was mesmerized. Slowly, his iris faded though as his pupils dilated, despite being in full sunlight.

“Izuku?” I whispered.

His breaths were getting harsher, and he was swallowing hard. Suddenly he flipped himself over in my hold. My hands threw back to catch myself while he was on all fours hovering just over my torso.

“Izuku?” My voice grew higher in pitch and urgency.

His voice was gravely and deep when he spoke. “I can smell you sweet pea.”

Slowly I crawled backwards as he crawled over me. I nervously smiled, “I’m pretty sure the whole block can smell me, I smell like the barn.”

He shook his head. “No.” It sounded like he was in pain, like he was trying to restrain himself. He leaned down above me, hovering just over my clothed pussy. “I can smell you here.”

My eyes widened. “Zuku no, uh uh. No, baby. Bad idea.” I scrambled backwards, my hands failing to find purchase against the slippery dirt.

He was faintly growling under his breath, watching me try and get away.

“Don’t.” He warned.

I launched myself off the ground, my feet striking the wood hard as I ran through the barn.

“Deku no!” Katsuki and Shoto crashed into Izuku, holding him back from running after me. Eijiro caught me, holding me just behind him as the other boys brawled.

Before when they fought it was almost playful, batting at the other and ruffing each other up slightly. But Izuku looked almost feral, flashing teeth and sharp claws against his pack brothers until he morphed back into a wolf.

Immediately Katsuki transformed too, trying and failing to pin Izuku down. “Eijiro,” Shoto urged, “take her home. Now.”

Eijiro held me close as he guided me to the ATV as Shoto turned around and shifted to join the fight. He tucked me into the passenger side, locked my door, and ran around to the driver seat.


He thrummed his fingers anxiously against the wheel as he shifted the car into drive. “Yes sweetheart?”

“What’s wrong with Izuku?”

Eijiro sighed. “We knew it would happened eventually, just thought it’s be Shoto or even myself first but.. You triggered his rut.”

“His rut?”

“We’re wolves sweetheart. The Alphas amongst us have a season, usually every year or a couple times a year, where we have the very intense urge to breed.”

I was mortified. “And I-I just caused his?”

Eijiro nodded.

“Is he going to be okay?”

“Getting you away from him might be enough to break it. But if it doesn’t then we’ll just have to lock him away for a little bit.”

“Oh..” Great.

Chapter 9: Farming: 109

Chapter Text

By the time Eijiro pulled up to the farmhouse I had probably looked in the rear view mirror a hundred times. Never did I catch sight of the others. What have I done?

The guilt was consuming me. I couldn’t even look Eijiro in the eye. When he came around to take me out the car I didn’t even notice that he kept my hands in his, leading us into the farmhouse and into the guest bathroom.

Eijiro laid a soft kiss atop my head. “Take a shower. Try to relax.”

I did as he said, grateful for the simple instructions. My mind was far too preoccupied worrying over my boys than it was taking care of myself.

I peeled off my dirty clothes before stepping into the shower; scrubbing the grime and slick off of my body, my hair beneath the scalding hot water.

My mind tirelessly tried to find solutions to the problem I created. If Izuku was in a rut, where could we keep him? How torturous could that be for him? Would I make the sacrifice to give myself to him to end his suffering?

I heard the front door open and I all but jumped out the shower, throwing the towel around myself haphazardly and running out into the foyer.

And there was Katsuki and Shoto, carrying Izuku by the shoulders and helping him inside. It probably wasn’t the best idea, considering I was only in a towel, but I ran out to him.

Their clothes were badly broken, barely hanging on. All worse for wear, but Izuku looked absolutely terrible, sporting a long gash across his left cheek and claw punctures in his lower abdomen.

I rushed towards him, my hands finding his hanging head, lifting his eyes to mine. “Don’t look so scared sweet pea, I’ll heal quick.” Izuku gave me a lop-sided smile before his brothers helped him into a kitchen chair.

He was okay. They were all safe. “I should probably go put some clothes on.” I whispered, before turning around and going back into the guest bedroom.

I pulled a sweater over my head and a pair of sweatpants; it’s not what I’d usually wear at home but I figured it came with less risk of sparking up another rut. My stomach rumbled angrily and I realized I hadn’t eaten for the better half of the day.

Back in the kitchen Katsuki was already rifling through the fridge, looking for something salvageable. Shoto and Eijiro were discussing plans for the barn while Izuku nodded along sleepily.

The table wouldn’t fit us all comfortably but the sitting room might. I slipped away to see what I had to work with. The couches were pretty disgusting and the rug was stained with spilled liquor. But, the large TV would be a great source of entertainment and might help the boys wind down.

I moved quietly and quickly, pushing the couches to the opposite of the room. On my hands and knees I rolled up the thick rug and secured it on its side. The exposed wood flooring was stained but manageable; probably not the most comfortable surface to lie on though.

The linen closet in the guest room had really thick fresh comforters though. I snuck back, checking my head in on the boys. Izuku was leaning over Katsuki’s shoulder and conversing over the ingredients while Eijiro and Shoto were writing out a game plan on a makeshift map of the barn.

I grabbed all the comforters and pillows I could find, balancing them against my torso to drop them in the living room. I put down the largest comforter first. Then spread out some pillows. Another comforter. But this times arranged like a border around the edges.

I couldn’t find that many pillows and it deeply upset me, although I couldn’t understand why. I was making up for it the best I could, working to make the best use of the pillows I had. Maybe if I added clothes it’d be more comfortable, an extra cushion?

This time when I went back to our bedroom I didn’t even check in on my boys, I just grabbed a handful of sweaters and soft clothes and nearly sprinted back, tucking clothes into crevices and making makeshift pillows.

But there were certain scents I was missing, elements that I knew belonged but didn’t know how to incorporate. I tried to compensate by changing the arrangement but I only grew more frustrated.

I hadn’t even realized I was crying until Shoto approached me, cradling my tearful face in his hands and kissing my eyelids gently. I seemed to snap out of my daze then.

“Baby,” he stroked my cheek, “you’re nesting.”

“What is that?” I whispered.

“Woah,” Eijiro interrupted. The other three had come in, each holding bowls of ramen and staring at the fortress I’d made.

I moved back from Shoto, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. “I just thought this would be more comfortable.”

“It’s beautiful,” Izuku began, slipping off his shoes and entering barefoot into my nest.

Shoto followed his cue, removing his shoes and entering as well. “It really is, flower.”

I preened at their praises, my anxieties lessening.

Eijiro cradled my head, placing a kiss to my forehead. “It’s stunning sweetheart.”

A small smile appeared on my lips as Eijiro entered our nest as well.

Katsuki didn’t say anything; he just moved his ramen to his right hand and picked me up in the air with his left. I let out a short whine of surprise until he sat me down in his lap with my back against his chest.

Katsuki put his lips against my ear.

“Good job, princess.”

I beamed, from ear to ear.

Chapter 10: Farming: 110


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“How do you work this thing?” Eijiro held the remote upside down as he tried and failed to change the channel.

“Lemme see.” Izuku took the remote, flipping it right way round but putting on a random movie. Just our luck, the movie had just started and seemed to be set on the world’s fastest train.

Instantly the boys were invested, digging into their ramen and focusing intently on the movie. Katsuki held me in his lap, his arms beneath mine, hovering the bowl of ramen above my thighs.

He lifted it just slightly below my chin but out in front of me so I could see the swirling broth. Fuck, he really knew how to make a meal. Aromatic stew with yellow noodles, a halved egg, green onions, wood ear mushrooms, and a sweet slice of braised pork, topped with furikake and sesame.

I licked my lips, my stomach growling at the sight of such a pretty meal. “Katsuki, how did you even figure out how to work the stove to make something like this?”

“Tch. Shut up.”

“Katsuki I’m serious, this looks amazing.”

I didn’t even know we had chopsticks but suddenly he was lifting a set into the bowl and pulling out a string of noodles, lifting them to my lips.

“No Katsuki, this is your bowl. I can go get one and feed myself.”

Katsuki placed his head in the crook of my neck, looking down at me. “Eat, princess.”

Obediently, I opened my mouth and he placed the noodles inside. Immediately I was assaulted by the warm, spicy flavor and chewy texture of the noodles. It was so good I shut my eyes and leaned back into him, moaning softly.

As the movie played on Katsuki continued feeding me, alternating broth and noodles with a few bites of the pork and mushrooms. I paid little attention to the movie, more focused on his hot body against my back.

Katsuki took such great care of me, all my boys did really. At some point in the movie all of them leaned forward, so invested in a snake that escaped a cage. When I’d finished eating, Katsuki helped me lay back against him, using him as a sort of chair to rest my back.

I began growing a little warm, but assumed it was probably due to Katsuki or the warm soup. Still, I tuned in when the character Lemon drank some sort of poisoned water and the action picked up.

Izuku gathered all the dirty plates around that time too, and when he returned he laid on his back beside Katsuki and I. Shoto and Eijiro seemed to catch on and moved closer to us in their own time as the movie developed.

As the plot thickened I leaned forward, absolutely engrossed. People were getting killed left and right while the real villain was unharmed. My breath grew deeper, my skin gaining a slight sheen of sweat.

My eyes could barely keep up with the moving images on the screen. Absentmindedly Katsuki began stroking my neck as I sat forward against him. I couldn’t maintain my excitement, squirming in Katsuki’s lap as the angst built.

And finally, finally the villain was defeated; the heroes alive! I tried to cheer but I was restrained by Katsuki’s arm around my waist, pinning my arms down while his neck was nuzzled into mine. When I finally took my eyes off the movie I realized the boys were all watching me.

There was a strange ringing in my ears and a fogginess in my head that made me feel like I was moving underwater, my mind addled and slow to catch up to the present. It took me several moment to realize I was whining; restless in Katsuki’s arms. My skin was burning; my lower abdomen contracting painfully.

“Alphas!” I whined, long and high-pitched. Izuku was breathing furiously, hyper-fixed on my every movement. They all were. I could feel something hot and hard pressing against my back. I wanted to reach back; feel, touch, see but I was restrained.

I cried out again with more urgency, tears prickling my eyes. Shoto grasped my thighs, pulling me lower until just my head lay in Katsuki’s lap. Shoto and Eijiro pulled my sweatpants down slowly, exposing my panties.

I moaned at the relief of my heated skin against the chill of the room. The area of my crotch was absolutely soaked and sticky with my fluids and Izuku swore at the sight. As Shoto pulled my panties down thin strings of slick stubbornly clung to the fabric.

I tried to close my legs but they only growled, forcing them open. Whimpering gently I looked up at Shoto. His eyes were completely black, no grey to be found at all. I searched for green and red, but they too were consumed in this moment.

My pussy lips were puffy and pink, slick with my liquids. Embarrassed and vulnerable, I felt another leak of slick drip through my folds as they watched me.

Shoto, sweet sexy Shoto, pushed two fingers against my pussy to separate my folds, sliding them through to collect my slick in his fingers. He licked his fingers like sweet honey; as soon as my taste touched his fingers he began panting loudly, an almost feral quality overtaking him.

Izuku held my right leg, and Eijiro my left; pulling me open so that my pussy was bare to Shoto.

They’d wreck me. Ruin me. Breed me.

I turned my head up to look at Katsuki, a last ditch effort to search for some normalcy, some savior.

But Katsuki was intoxicated as well, his pupils so blown out that only a ring of his golden irises remained.

He bared his teeth, full canines displayed with my wet panties hanging from them.


Bullet Train, 2022

Chapter 11: Farming: 201


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Another cramp ripped through me and my abdomen contacted, my pussy overflowing with sticky slick. Shoto groaned hovering over me to place a firm lick from my ass to my clit. “Ooooh Sh-Shoto!” My toes curled and arched at the stimulation.

Eijiro was the first to reveal his straining cock, pulling off his boxers with a deep sigh. I nearly wept at the sight. His cock was huge, covered in thick pulsing veins running up the sides. His balls hung low and heavy, and I was captivated, squealing as Shoto took a particularly vicious lick to regain my attention.

Izuku had stripped down as well, his heavy cock straining against the fabric of his boxers. He panted heavily, fondling my toes and the pad of my right foot in his hands, unsure how to relieve himself.

Eijiro grunted harshly, fondling my toes before pressing them up against his engorged cock with a long groan. I squealed at the feeling of his thick veins and the slickness of his precum lubricating my foot.

Izuku rutted against his hand furiously, chest heaving as he watched me with lidded eyes. When Shoto pushed the first finger inside of me I moaned loudly, forcing my head farther into Katsuki’s lap.

Katsuki wrapped a hand around my neck, stroking my neck firmly as my lips mouthed his cock through his boxers. Shoto curled his fingers inside of me, pulling a string inside of me tight as I rapidly approached my orgasm.

My breathing grew tight, my mind muddled and twisted until the flutter in my abdomen caught and an orgasm ripped through me. I moaned loudly, gasping out as I fell out of control of my body. Katsuki shuddered at my wanton display, ripping his cock out of his boxers and pushing it against my cheeks.

My hips bucked into the air as my pussy lips fluttered against Shoto’s fingers. For a brief moment after I was transcended, warm and cozy and completely out of my mind before I was slowly brought back to Earth.

“What’s going on?” I groaned, Shoto’s fingers still curling and exploring my soaked cunt.

“You’re starting your heat, Princess.” Fuck, I could feel Katsuki’s member throbbing harshly against my cheek, his precum leaking onto my lips and pooling in my gums.

“Just relax baby, let your Alphas take care of you.” Shoto stroked my insides roughly, easily pulling me back under the thrall of pleasure.

Izuku had begun running his cock against the sole of my foot, rutting harshly, his eyes lidded and panting heavily. His precum was slipping between my toes, in white cloudy rivulets down to my ankle. “Zuku!” I whined, flexing my toes against the head of his angry, red cock.

It pushed him over the edge; with a loud groan Izuku came hard, spilling his release over my calf and thighs in long ropes of seed.

Shoto grunted, his hands found my hips and he effortlessly flipped me over. My head bumped the tip of Katsuki’s cock and my ass sat high in the air in front of the other men.

“Ya.” Katsuki growled down at me. “Suck.”

I obeyed, taking the tip of his engorged cock in my mouth slowly. I took a few slow, exaggerated licks on his head, taking in his sweet, caramel taste. I was forced to take his whole head in abruptly when I jerked forward. Shoto’s thumb was firmly in my pussy while his pointer finger was lodged inside my asshole.

I moaned at the stretch until Katsuki slapped my cheek lightly, putting firm pressure on my nape and pulling me down on his cock. I groaned, chocked. He was so big, my lips stretched around him so widely. I could only take about a third of him before I chocked harshly, his precum dripping out of my nose and down my cheeks.

No longer could I see the men behind me, but I felt the obscene heat of a cock pressing up against my pussy. I spread my hands out in front of me in a mad scrabble, some buried instinct inside of me urging me to escape, but I felt firm hands against my hips.

Shoto pushed his cock head through my folds and then against my entrance. Slowly, he bullied his way inside of me and I screamed around Katsuki’s cock.

Shoto’s head popped into me with a wet squelch and my pussy quivered, trying to push him out. He dragged his way through my body, pushing my gummy walls apart with driving force, filling me to my limit.

“Suck,” Katsuki growled, and I did my best too as I was being pummeled from behind. His veins pulsed in my throat, his precum so thick and creamy as I gulped it down.

Shoto was grunting harshly, picking up my right leg to drive himself deeper inside of me. “Damn. Feels so good ‘mega.” My eyes bugged out of my head, unable to breathe any longer without chocking.

Too much was happening at once; I couldn’t help the whine that escaped me.

I was suffocating - and it turned me on.

Before I could even realize it, my pussy was clamped down hard on Shoto’s cock and I was forced through my second orgasm. A rush of fluid dripped down my legs, mixing with the puddle of Izuku’s semen in the sheets.

Shoto groaned harshly, pounding into me without abandon until he came inside of me. His semen was so hot and thick, the heat of him filling out my belly until I was thoroughly ruined.

Katsuki pulled back a few inches so I could take a breath before throttling back into my mouth. I felt my leg being placed delicately back onto the floor before another set of hands took their place on my hips.

Eijiro’s hands dug into the fat of my ass before he dragged me onto his cock; impaling me with the first few inches of his glory. I cried out against the intrusion, but Eijiro gave me no time to adjust, already nearing his orgasm after teasing himself before.

He pistoned inside of me, the extra force making me take more of Katsuki’s cock down my throat.

“Good girl.” Katsuki groaned, using my neck to force me up and down like his cocksleeve. I shuddered, squeezing my eyes shut against the almost painful pleasure.

What a sight I was: red eyes, tear-stained cheeks, precum dripping from my nose. Katsuki grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down on his cock a few more inches before letting out a chocked groan, cumming down my throat.

My pussy squeezed around Eijiro’s cock as I felt my lungs flutter, desperate for air as I swallowed mouthfuls of Katsuki’s thick, potent seed. With a loud groan, Eijiro creamed inside of me, slamming his hips deep inside of me to make room for more.

As soon as he pulled out thick globs of milky white cum painted my thighs. My legs gave out and I shuddered against the thick comforters. Katsuki pulled out of my mouth slowly, still pulsing, but satisfied.

While the other men were spent, Izuku was furiously pulling on his meat, nearing his second orgasm of the night. I was craving his cum; he the only one that hadn’t entered me yet.

I crawled to him till I came just before him. I planned to suck his cock like I did Katsuki, but I was weak. I fell short, my head resting on his thigh with my lips against his balls.

I sucked gently on the underside of his cock, my tongue flickering down to press and flick against his heavy balls. My eyes fluttered shut as he groaned, his cum spraying in my hair, my nose, my lips. I licked up what I could, perfectly content with his seed smudged against my face and leaking down my chin.


I wanted to make you feel something, let me know if I did. 🫶🏾

Chapter 12: Farming: 202

Chapter Text

I was blissfully asleep, unaware as the boys watched my chest rise and fall, curled up in Izuku’s arms.

“Where do we go from here?” Eijiro started.

“We are certainly not leaving her.” Shoto argued, crossing his arms across his chest.

“We’ve all imprinted; leaving her would be torturous. Let’s not even entertain the idea.” Eijiro responded. “I mean, what do we do when we have to go back to the pack?”

“There’s no pack to go back to. Don’t you remember?” Katsuki grumbled.

“We can’t stay here forever. We can’t abandon them like that.” Eijiro shot back.

“We didn’t abandon shit Eijiro! They would have killed everyone if we didn’t agree to leave.” Katsuki took a deep breath, squeezing his hands into fists and reeling back his anger. “Nothing was worth that.”

“We bring her back with us.” Eijiro whispered.

Shoto and Katsuki forcibly shook their heads no. “Are you fucking crazy, they’ll slaughter her out there!”

There was a great pause before Izuku spoke.

“They won’t if we mate her.”

“Deku. Shigaraki and Chasaki won’t give a flying fuck if we’re mates or not. That might even make it worse.”

“Not if she gains a wolf! She won’t be defenseless then.”

Katsuki scoffed.

“I’m serious Kacchan. She’s human and ready we’ve already triggered her heat. She’ll turn when we mate her, I know it!”

“Look,” Shoto interjected. “Whether we go back or not is still up in the air, but for now we promised to help her here. We can revisit this later.”

“But for now?” Eijiro questioned. “When her heat really does begin, are we mating her?”

Katsuki growled. “She’s my fucking omega of course I am.”

“One, she’s ours. Two, you just said-“

“I ain’t fucking said shit. I SAID we’re not bringing her back mated to the pack, I didn’t say I wasn’t gonna mate her. Tch.”

I grumbled in my sleep, turning on my side against Izuku, my bare breasts on display for the men to see.

Shoto gulped. “We agreed to be her farmhands for now. That’s what we’ll be.”

“And her Alphas. No one said we can’t do both.” Eijiro finished.

Katsuki stood to get a new comforter to replace the soiled one. Izuku placed me down carefully in the midst of the blankets and pillows before nuzzling himself into my right side. Shoto hunkered down on my left.

When Katsuki came back he watched Eijiro take up his spot on my hipbone, his arms spread around my waist. “Eijiro I swear.”

“We’ve gotta take turns bro.” Eijiro snuggled in deeper into me as I let out a soft whimper in my sleep.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, laying his head down beside mine, curling his head onto my collarbone with his lips beside my neck.

“So you’re not gonna cover up that wet spot?” Eijiro said.

Katsuki pulled the extra sheet up to his chest. “Suck it up bro.”

Chapter 13: Farming: 203


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I was naked and entertwined with my boys when I began to wake up. I was curled on my left side with Izuku at my back and Shoto nuzzled between my breasts.

I blinked softly, remembering the events of last night. I still felt slightly feverish, but my mind was no longer in a daze. Carefully, I arched my back against Izuku to make enough space for me to wiggle myself out from between them.

There wasn’t a chance in hell that I’d find my clothes; I figured after last night it probably wouldn’t even have mattered. There was a wonderful, spicy aroma emanating from the kitchen, so like any sane, hungry person, I followed it; my feet creeping slowly on the tiles.

Katsuki was in an apron and boxers, finishing up a dish on the stove while he languidly conversed with Eijiro. He himself was breaking the wood apart from the kitchen chairs, forming five stools and manually sanding them with his rough palms.

Eijiro sniffed, and then his eyes shifted to meet mine. A wide grin spread on his face.
“Come and eat sweetheart.”

I stepped through the kitchen arch, one hand holding my elbow sheepishly.

Eijiro offered me a stool right beside him as he finished working on the last one. The seat also afforded me a view of Katsuki’s muscles as he bended over the stove, fiddling and flipping pots and pans.

Izuku and Shoto stumbled in, in their boxers, just as Katsuki cut the heat on the stove and Eijiro set our plates. In the center of the table Katsuki put down rice, simmered vegetables, grilled fish, and miso soup.

“Katsuki this looks incredible. How did you make all of this?” I gazed up at him in wonder as the tips of his ears and cheeks took on a pink hue.

“Tch. It’s nothing.”

“It’s incredible.”

He looked down at me, a small smile gracing his lips.

“Kacchan you’re smiling!”

“Shut it nerd!”

When Katsuki was done, he came to my seat, easily lifting me up to take my place and sit me on top of his lap.

I was hyperaware of the fact that while everyone else had on at least undergarments, I was totally bare. And leaning against Katsuki’s very defined chest.

“So today I think we should split up to mind the farm.” Izuku spread out a map of the farm on the rickety table. “Shoto can oversee the vineyards, I the bees and livestock, Kacchan can look over the farmland, and Eijiro can mind the woodworking and carpentry.”

“What’ll I do?” I peered over his map, balancing precariously atop Katsuki’s thighs.

“She’ll help me with the plants.” Katsuki grumbled in the crook of my neck.

“You’ve kept her to yourself this entire time. I’ve barely got to spend any time with her.” Eijiro snapped back.

“How about I help you bo-

“She’s sitting on my cock. I don’t see her whining for yours.”

A scrape of the chair against the floor and suddenly I was thrust into Izuku’s arms as Eijiro tackled Katsuki. I shrieked in surprise as they jostled, Shoto calmly pushing his chair in despite the chaos.

“This’ll happen as your heat comes closer.” Shoto calmly explains as Izuku leads me into the bedroom. “Don’t worry, it’s non-lethal.”

Shoto jostled through my clothes before finding a pair of panties and a bra, sliding them on me while Izuku fashioned the straps in the back.

“Are shorts okay? You’ll be extra warm today.”

I nodded along. Shoto fell to his knees before me, carefully lifting my legs one at a time to slide them into the cargos. Izuku slid a loose sweatshirt over my head and through my arms.

A faint pink rested on my cheeks, strangely at ease with them dressing me. When I was fully dressed they shrugged on their overalls, nudging me back out into the living room.

Katsuki and Eijiro had stilled by this point, panting heavily with their backs against the wall.

“We’ll see you guys out onto the field.” Izuku said mundanely, walking me out to the vehicle shed with Shoto following behind closely.

Shoto jumped in the drivers seat. I had figured I’d ride in the back with Izuku in the passenger seat, afraid of another fight breaking out with who I’d sit next to, but he politely declined.

“I have some steam to let out myself, I’ll run alongside.” He murmured into my hair before pressing a firm kiss to my temples and helping me into the seat.

“Are you sure?” I whispered, concerned.

He reached over and slid my seatbelt buckle into its slot. “Positive, sweetheart.”

Shoto shifted into drive and slammed his foot onto the gas pedal. We jolted forward out of the lot and I stared at him dubiously. “You’ve got a need for speed huh?”

He flashed me a bright smile, all sharp teeth and breathtaking eyes.

“The faster we go, the harder he’ll chase.”

I threw my head back out of the window, my eyes searching madly for Izuku. He leaped into his second form, graceful and mesmerizing. His paws hit the ground hard and immediately his eyes found mine. Izuku growled once before striking against the Earth, easily making ground upon us.

Shoto went faster, the ATV creating deep tracks through the Earth as he raced his brother, releasing full belly laughs as he watched him try and catch up. I was amazed Izuku was even keeping up; the ATV was easily going 70 mph.

We hit a short outcrop of trees, about a 20 meter stretch. For a short moment we lost Izuku, and I glanced around wildly. “Where’d he go?!”

Once we got through the trees I could see the vineyards, just a few dozen feet ahead. Izuku burst through the outcrop, landing beside the ATV. He was panting harshly, but his expression resembled a proud dog, a happy puppy.

I smiled back, urging him to keep going.

When we reached the cellars Shoto slowed to a stop and Izuku performed a harsh turn, his claws scraping and upending the Earth as he came to a quick stop. I rushed out, my hands finding his nape quickly and pressing against the flat of his ears with my thumbs.

“You’re so fast Zuku! You did so good!”

His tongue lapped at my forearms, shaking his tail at my praises and rubbing his head against me. He was massive in this form, but a gentle giant, watching his paws and claws as he dances around me.

Shoto grumbled. “I can go just as fast.”

I turned my head back. “Aww, you did so good driving. mhm.” I gave him a small peck on the cheek and he reddened considerably.

Izuku transformed back into a human, sliding his overalls back into place before peering up at the wine cellar. It was two stories, built of large beams of mahogany and diamond windows. Of all the infrastructure of the farm, only the cellar seemed to be in working order.

We all walked in together. The cellar was plain, but well-kept. There were few bottles of wine to be found, dated a few years ago, and labeled with my late father’s signet.

Out towards the vineyard were rows of Chardonnay, Garncha, and Carmenere vines. Shoto ran his hand against a couple before lamenting “pests.”

It was true. Tiny bugs had been eating away at the stems and leaves, burrowing into the overripe fruit.

“I’ll pick the fruit, salvage them for the chickens. Then I’ll try and save the vines.” Shoto spoke as he examined the plants.

“There’s miles of grapes Shoto, how will you get through them all.”

He caught my chin in his hands, pulling me into a soft kiss. His lips were plush, his tongue sweet, as he gently kissed my worries away. Just as I began to moan he pulled back from me.

“You’re too sweet when you worry about me.” He licked his lips as I watched him breathlessly. “Help Izuku with the beehives, he’ll be able to control himself around you.”

“This time.” Izuku warned.


Sorry for the late update!

I was moving into my first home and there was so much happening I didn’t have any time to write!

Don’t fret, we will soon return to our everyday/every other day updates . 🩷

Chapter 14: Farming: 204


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku took my hand and we made our way though the wine cellar to reach the field of wildflowers behind it. This part of the land was almost wild, untamed.

The rolling meadows were covered in daffodils, poppies, perennials, and snapdragons. Bluebirds and bees were everywhere, humming amongst the field and collecting food.

I slid my boots off, afraid to trample the delicate flowers. I motioned for Izuku to do the same, and he didn’t hesitate.

The rising Sun was beautiful, warming my shoulders and brushing away the chills of the early morning. Several paces forward and I was dancing, giggling with the abundance of life and growth around me.

The bluebirds chirped happily and I laughed with them, engaging the tiny rabbits in chase and twirling as the blossoms opened around me. I turned to look for Izuku, but he wasn’t far, smiling joyfully from ear to ear. He watched me like I was the most precious thing he’d ever laid eyes on.

I stopped slowly, my own smile becoming impossibly wider. As he took slow steps to me I look slow steps backwards, taunting him just slightly. And then, with a giggle, I took off running.

He chased me through the wildflower fields, the little bluebirds and squirrels running in our wake. I whispered apologies to the little daises I couldn’t avoid stepping on, and gave the squirrels little shouts of warning.

“Run! The wolves are coming! The wolves are- HMPF!” I lost my balance in a fit of giggles as I was swept away into Izuku’s strong arms.

We tumbled briefly before I landed on a heap on his chest. His great laugh shook his chest and reverberated through me. I smiled up at him, carefree and happy.

A rare moment came upon us when the laughing died down. Izuku’s wild hair was crowned by hellebores and chrysanthemums, poking into the top of his messy peaks. His freckles shown atop his smile; his eyes playful and loving.

I crawled higher up his chest to get closer to him, drawn by the etherealness of this moment. My hands were at the top of his chest, my head slowly becoming level with his when a sticky, golden liquid dropped onto this shoulder.

“Oh!” I gasped. Another drip, this time on my cheek. Before I could say another word Izuku leaned over and licked me clean. Shockingly, I let him, though I was furiously blushing afterwards.

I looked up and gasped.

About half a foot of exposed honeycomb hung just above Izuku and I. How we hadn’t noticed the bees fluttering around us, I’m not sure. This hive was built low against a linden tree, about two feet above the base.

He craned his neck to bite into the lowest piece of honeycomb; the free honey dripped down his neck as he chewed.

“Cmon sweet pea.” He smirked broadly.


“Clean me up.”


I slapped my hand against his chest. “W-What!? You c-can’t be serious?”

He balanced himself on propped elbows before flashing those devilish eyes at me and dropping his head back slowly.

I gulped. The honey glistened down his neck, highlighted his Adam’s apple and dettled into the deep groove in his clavicle.

I sat and watched his throat bob with every swallow, little drops of sweat crossing paths with the thick honey. Hypnotized, I finally reached forward to have a taste.

I dug my tongue into the crevice of his collarbone, spooning out the honey onto my tastebuds. Izuku grunted in response, shifting slightly on his elbows as if the sensation caught him by surprise.

In one long strip the tip of my tongue glided up his neck, collecting the surplus honey. I heard his lips part as he moaned harshly, moving his head down to capture my lips into a sweet kiss. His hand found its way into my hair, massaging my delicate scalp.

Because of the way I was laying against his chest, I was able to feel his cock rise and harden between my legs. I couldn’t help pushing back against the fabric separating us, attempting to get some relief.

Izuku pulled back from my lips, a wet string of honeyed saliva still connecting us. His grip turned firm, pulling slightly on the hairs at the nape of my neck. I let loose a low whine.

“Tut tut tut.” Izuku shook his head. “You’ll only hurt yourself.”

I pouted, tears threatening to fall from the corners of my eyes.

He tilted his head, seemingly thinking before making up his mind. “Take off your shorts and climb up onto my face.”

I wanted to purr. I scrambled off of him, pulling my shorts down awkwardly in my haste to receive his pleasure. But when I began climbing up his body again he put a hand against my chest.

“Turn around.”

I looked at him puzzled until realization dawned upon me and a blush permeated my cheeks. Slowly, I swung my legs off of him and straddled his waist with my head facing his legs. His large hands grabbed the fat of my hips, guiding me backwards until my pussy hovered above his jaw.

He plunged two fingers inside of me and I moaned out embarrassingly loud. I was soaked, my slick coating his fingers and dripping to his knuckles.

A sudden cry escaped my lips at the smooth, wet sensation of a liquid leaking on my ass. Honey still dripped from above, slowly making its way down my folds and lubricating me further.

Izuku pulled me down to his mouth eagerly to taste me. The pleasure was incredible. The rough texture of his tongue against my sensitive clit had me bucking my hips. He kept firm hold of my ass, not letting me escape his onslaught.

All the while, his cock throbbed incessantly against my cheek. When finally I managed to undo the clasp and free his cock, it slapped up against my chin, painfully hard.

Immediately I licked up the thick shaft and Izuku groaned into my pussy. I treasured him with little licks and kisses against the head of his cock and he shuddered beneath me. His own hips bucked; his cock desperately trying to find the heat of my mouth.

Unlike where he was able to hold me down I didn’t possibly have the strength to still his bucking hips and his cock head popped into my mouth. I sucked around him, eager to please and taste his precum on my tongue.

I did my best to focus on pleasuring him, but Izuku was just too good. My lower belly began to flutter, I could feel my cunt gasping around his tongue. Izuku took it upon himself to fuck into my mouth, and I lay there like a cocksleeve around him, just taking it as I began to lose myself to the pleasure.

With one vicious thrust his cock head buried it’s way into my throat, effectively cutting off my airway. In my short panic a gush of slick and honey dribbled out of me, and into Izuku’s waiting mouth.

I was coming close, the pit in my belly throwing sparks throughout my body. The next time Izuku thrust into me, I was overwhelmed. I cried out around his cock as my eyes rolled back and my body seized, my pussy leaking and clamping hard on his fingers.

“That’s it sweet pea. You’re doing so good for me.” Izuku fingered me through it, my hips twitching with overstimulation.

I could feel my uterus contact almost painfully, my folds quivering uncontrollably against the slick almost spilling out of me. I felt like I was coming undone, my vision white and my mind unfocused against the onslaught of pleasure.

“Please Zuku. Enough!” I groaned out; he still abusing my twitching hole. Unable to escape him, I could do nothing until he got his fill of me.

When finally he was done he pulled me off his cock with a wet pop and helped me to lay against him, sitting up against the tree so he could lay sweet kisses on my neck.

“Such a good girl.” He murmured, his fingers still idly swirling through my folds. His cock was still hard, standing straight up between my legs.

“Lemme help you.” My voice was slurred, brain still coming down from the high he left me on.

“Tut tut.” Izuku shook his head, pulling my discarding panties and shorts back onto me. “No baby. We’ve gotta help the bees ya. Don’t cha wanna fix the hives up?”

My brain was groggy, the heat of him seeping into my bones and making me nearly delirious. “Mhm.” I nodded along, half lucid.

He helped me stand, smirking from ear to ear. “I can’t wait to fuck you through your heat.”

Izuku pulled my weak body against his chest, one arm holding me to him and the other holding my head to look up at him. He lowered his voice and spoke intimately to me.

“I can’t wait to fill you with my seed.”


Read people! Read!

Chapter 15: Farming: 205

Chapter Text

I was light headed, my brain full of sparkly pollen and happy dust as Izuku led me through a grove of clover and linden trees, where the beehives were. They seemed interspersed well, about a beehive every four to five trees, and a total of seven hives on a half acre of land.

We took our time moving to inspect each hive. The first hive seemed gentle, but still I was cautious.

“Shouldn’t we have apiarist suits?” I asked Izuku.

He shrugged in reply. “I have no clue what that is.”

I laughed, slowly approaching the hives. The bees truly seemed gentle. Several guard bees stayed at the entrance, no doubt alerted by our presence. Still, they made no effort to stop Izuku as he removed the top of the bee box.

The top of the box was filled to the brim with honey stores. Frame by frame; filled with honey, but no pollen stores and baby bees. The second level of the box held a couple frames of eggs and pollen, but the majority was honey here as well.

“They’re running out of space.” I remarked.

Izuku nodded in agreement. The poor bees were overworking.

There was a small makeshift workstation under the canopy of some of the trees. There was some basic equipment there, including a honey extractor and a wax uncapper.

Izuku seemed to read my mind. “Do you wanna spin the extra frames of honey now? Make the bees more comfortable?”

I nodded along. “That’s a great idea. I’ll wave the bees off the frames with the bee brush, but could you get some extra frames? I think I saw some in the wine cellar.”

“How will we add more frames without more bee boxes though?”

“Oh right, shit.” I hadn’t noticed any bee boxes anywhere.

“Eijiro might be able to build some, do you want me to let him know?”

“Yes please.” Hearing him say he was leaving, even for a little, causing a wave of neediness to flow through me. I embraced him in a small hug. “Sorry.” I whispered, settling my head against his chest.

He laughed lightly. “It’s okay sweet pea. Do you want me to bring you, I can carry you with me?”

It seemed appealing, but there was still work to be done that I could get started on here. “That’s okay, I’ll just miss you for a little bit. If we extract the honey today, we can add on fresh boxes and frames tomorrow right?”

“Yes sweet pea.” Izuku placed a sweet kiss on my forehead and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close for as long as I needed.

When I pulled away slowly, he gave me another sweet kiss, before letting me go, taking several steps backwards to clear me of him before morphing into his large wolf.

Even now, he was just as gorgeous, just as magnificent as when I’d first met him. Dark brown with a beautiful viridian pattern and startling green eyes. I held his muzzle in my arms and pressed a kiss just above his eyes.

“I love you.” I whispered, sincerely for the first time.

His eyes lit up, and he couldn’t hold back his bark. He ran around me in tight circles, tail wagging and leaping as he was overjoyed. In his own way, he showed me he loved me too.

“Alright okay! Go boy!”

And with one last bark he ran off into the fields while I got to work.

I started with that first beehive, pulling out the topmost set of frames and gently brushing off the bees with the bee brush. I searched for the Queen all the while, and laid all the bee-free frames on the ground.

When I’d collected all six from the upper box I carried them three by three to the honey extractor after opening the wax seals. It was operated by a hand crank, and it took quite a few cranks to empty the frames, but was very satisfying.

Thankfully, the honey extractor had a large chamber in the bottom that collected the honey, so I needn’t worry about empty glass bottles to collect the honey in. Truth be told, I’d totally forgotten about that small part.

I talk to the bees as I worked, telling them about my predicament and venting my frustrations about my late father neglecting his farm. They listened, or at least seemed to. And perhaps they knew I was trying to help them, because never once did they even attempt to sting me.

I moved from hive to hive, introducing myself to the bees and inspecting the bee boxes, removing excess honey frames and spinning them accordingly. I was in the groove, happily working even as the Sun reached its peak in the sky and sweat began rolling down my back.

I was just finishing up on a hive, replacing its freshly spun frames when I realized the bees were buzzing incessantly, no longer calm as they once were.

“Woah woah. I know you worked hard on that honey, but you’ll make more!” I didn’t know what spooked them at first, but then I felt a flash of cold sweats and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

How long had it been since Izuku left?

I whipped my head around, standing with the bees to my back and observed my surroundings. My fear was heightening and I had no idea why. I could see no threat, I could detect no enemy.

My breathing got slower and deeper, my eyes dilated, and I lowered my shoulders to prepare to run.

“What a smart girl.”

A man’s voice, deep, gravely, and completely unfamiliar. He stepped out from behind a tree directly in front of me; long and lanky, pale with a mop of gray-blue hair. He wore scraps of clothing over strong, corded muscle, his hands hidden into his pockets.

“Have they been keeping you all to themselves?”

I had no response for him, but my eyes tracked his movements as he began walking in a wide arc in my periphery.

“To think. They’ve been hiding out here, eating you up at their leisure. How unfair.”

My heart beat frantically in my chest. I had no clue who he was, but I could tell he was dangerous. I refused to give in to his bait, to give him an opportunity.

He smiled at me tauntingly, tilting his head.

He stepped closer.

I stepped back.


And again.

Until he was approaching faster then I could retreat and he leaped into the air, morphing into a white wolf with a blue sheen and malicious red eyes.

Immediately, I ran in the direction of the farm; my feet striking the ground harshly. Fear made me feel like I was going to pass out, my heart beating furiously against my chest but I ran.

I lengthened my stride, I pumped my arms, and, although I wasn’t a wolf, my mind was screaming at me to run on all fours, even though I knew I couldn’t. It was incredibly frustrating and only made the fear worse.

I could hear him catching up to me. I could imagine his smirk. I knew he’d catch me but still, I ran until I felt his rough claws hit my back and I went down. I prayed that’d be the end of it, but I was so wrong.

A scream wrenched its way through my throat and I swear I almost blacked out right then and there. His teeth sunk into my right shoulder, tearing through my muscles and ligaments and nicking my subclavian artery.

Everything else was a complete blur. I screamed and thrashed as he dragged me backwards, toward the deeper forest. My blood left a wet trail in the grass, across the once pretty flowers, and leaked down my chest and neck.

The wound was only made worse with him pulling me. I felt like my arm would come off, the pain unimaginable. His hot breath infected my blood, his teeth killing me slowly.

A few minutes of bleeding out and the lights in my eyes went out.

I sagged in the grass as he took me.

Chapter 16: Farming: 206

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Izuku flew through the meadows and vineyard at break-neck speeds to get to the farmhouse. Truth be told, he felt a little uneasy leaving you, but he attributed it to your upcoming heat.

Getting to the farmhouse wasn’t the problem. He met up with Eijiro, conversed with him about the idea of building more bee boxes, which he readily agreed to. He’d spent most of his morning upgrading the kitchen. He’d ripped out all the old wood and crafted new cabinets and fixed the broken granite countertops.

“I’ve got Katsuki cutting down an old maple he found growing in the carrot fields. He’s gonna bring the wood in tonight and I think I’ll make a grand kitchen table.” Eijiro ran his hand over the rickety table we had now.

“That’ll work.” Izuku nodded along. “She’s really excited about the apiary. You should have seen the way her eyes lit up.”

“Aww man. Can’t wait till she gets home to see this. Hey, do you think she’ll start her heat soon?”

“Oh, of course. Her scent is getting stronger. I really think if we mate her she’ll turn.”

“Do you think we’ll really go back?”

“We have to. Eventually.”

The mood turned somber, Eijjro rubbing the back of his neck to ease the discomfort that came with that statement. “Ya. It’ll be hard.”

“I don’t wanna leave her alone too long. I’m gonna head back to the apiary. What time is Katsuki planning on coming back to make dinner?”

“Uh, I think he said around four pm he’d make his way in, depending on how long it takes him to cultivate the Earth.”

“Right then. I’ll get her back before then.”

With that, Izuku headed out, running back to the vineyard to collect the bee frames from Shoto.

In a few hours work, Shoto had made a lot of progress. He’d just finished clearing all the decaying vines, and was applying neem oil to the salvageable leaves.

“How does it?” Izuku started, walking his way into the cellar as Shoto followed behind him.

“Hard-fucking work, but fun. What are you looking for?”

“Sweet pea swore she saw bee frames back here, but I have no clue where.”

“Come.” Shoto led the way to an empty shelf in the very back of the cellar. At the bottom were several frames and clear French square glass jars. “I don’t know how you’re gonna carry all of this but, this is it.”

Izuku shrugged. “We’re not that far out, I’ll bring a few for now.” He grabbed six frames and two bottles, balancing them precariously in his arms before Shoto slapped a hand over his shoulder.

Shoto was suddenly very serious, and gave Izuku a grave look. “Something’s not right.”

They ran out of the cellar to find a dark black wolf, sauntering through flaming vineyards. He’d grown larger since they’d last seen him, no doubt enjoying the spoils of their old pack.

Izuku dropped the frames, morphing into his own wolf immediately as Shoto did the same.

And then a scream ripped through the air.

Izuku swore his heart stopped; he felt the worse sense of dread he’d ever felt in his life. Immediately he turned and ran towards the apiary but Dabi charged into him before he could even make it a few feet.

Shoto leaped over the pair, grabbing onto Dabi and ripping him off of Izuku. Once freed, Izuku charged through the meadows, absolutely terrified that he’d be too late.

He smelt your blood, it left a sickening trail in the grass. You were bleeding, heavily, and the flowers were drenched in it. You were scared, your distress scent scattered on the wind.

When he found you, you were amongst the apiary, lying in a bed of flowers and whimpering softly.

“No, no, no, no.” He dropped onto his knees next to you. Jagged teeth marks were in your shoulder and blood coated almost every inch of you, even leaking from the corner of your lips. He could hear your heartbeat slowing, your breathing ragged. You were dying in the ground and Shigaraki was circling him from the treeline.

Throwing his head back he let out the loudest howl he could, alerting the others for help. He morphed back, pressing his hands against your shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding. You protested weakly against the pain, but you were in the space between life and death, your eyes half lidded and only the whites of your eyes showing.

“It’s a shame really. I prefer my bitches alive, but this one’s really weak.”

Izuku growled under his breath, trying his damndest to focus on saving you, even as Shigaraki goaded him.

“It’s no matter. I’ll fuck her dead or alive, just thought you’d pick a stronger bitch than that. And a human? That’s ballsy.”

“You’re not gonna fucking touch her.” Izuku spit out between clenched teeth, frustrated that you kept bleeding, no matter how much pressure he held. You were gurgling softly now, almost fully unconscious.


Shigaraki slammed into him, throwing Izuku off of you and onto the ground. It was a distraction and Izuku knew that; this was to let you bleed out. And he was trying his damndest to get back to you, but Shigaraki was stronger than him right now, pinning him down.

“Whatever the fuck you want, I’ll give it to you. Just let me fucking help her, please.”

Shigaraki smiled cruelly. “But I want her to die. Let’s watch it together, shall we?”

Dabi sauntered into the apiary, his teeth stained with dark blood and a wolfish grin spread across his features. He stopped just short of your dying form. “So pretty.”

Shoto burst from the treeline, launching himself at Dabi. Even as Shoto was midair, Dabi yawned, letting Shoto make contact before morphing and using his momentum to throw Shoto into the Earth.

Shoto fought hard, tearing into him wherever he could, but it was obviously a losing battle. He was bleeding heavily, the fur on his neck saturated with the crimson liquid and Dabi held him in locked jaws, deepening his wounds.

Izuku threw his entire weight against Shigaraki, fighting like hell to get away. Every piece of skin he could touch he was tearing from the other man, even as he was taking the same damage.

He kicked a rock by his foot, and grabbed it, striking Shigaraki against his temple.

He shouted loudly, hands rushing to hold his head while Izuku jumped off him to save you.

Chapter 17: Farming: 207

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I remember the quiet. The stillness of the world around you. The muted tones of conversation and fighting.

My vision was gone, and the numbness that began in my hands and feet spread to my core. It’s a strange thing to feel your life force all around you, unable to save yourself.

I wasn’t ready for death, but if it was ready for me I would go.

I was hoisted into strong arms, held tightly to a strong chest. I was too weak to touch, to cling, but I knew it was Eijiro. He whispered to me, his tone sweet and sorrowful. But I couldn’t understand him.

I felt the wind rush through my hair as he ran. I felt his tears touch my face.






I felt hands press into my chest.






I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.







I was screaming but no sound would come past my lips. I couldn’t open my eyes, I couldn’t take in a deep breath.

Someone was petting my hair, settling me. Keeping me comfortable.







There was an incessant light behind my eyes. I didn’t want to open them, I was complacent in this warm and fuzzy place. But I felt soft hands on my cheek, a whispering of words I couldn’t hear.

I opened my eyes.


Katsuki wouldn’t let anyone else handle your bandages. It was a settling process for him, and an excuse to be close to you when everyone was vying for it.

The bite was nasty, already infected. He’d been applying an anti microbial ointment and changing your dressings three times a day. The first two days it would soak this terrible yellow-green, but that cleared out eventually.

When he wasn’t changing your dressing he was cooking for the other boys and busying himself with contingency planning.

Shoto lived at your side, not parting from you despite his own grotesque injuries. He washed your body every morning and every night, carrying you to the bathroom when you started subconsciously wringing your legs, brushing your teeth and hair just like you would.

Eijiro busied himself with fixing the house, although his head was in their bedroom every 15 minutes, proving to himself that you were still alive. He couldn’t bring himself to forget the way your heart stopped in his arms.

Izuku was absolutely inconsolable; wouldn’t let himself anywhere near you. He tortured himself by sleeping outside in his wolf; tending the vineyards, farm animals, and apiary in the daytime. He wouldn’t talk about what happened; couldn’t even bear that.


Shoto was looking down at me, a soft, sad smile gracing his handsome face. “Hi.” He whispered, only a few inches away from me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I was exhausted. I couldn’t even turn my head. He shushed me anyways, pressing a finger gently to my lips before calling out for the others.

It was a relief to see them here, okay and alive with me, even in my weakest state. But one wasn’t here.

“Zuku.” I croaked; even that simple movement brought tears to my eyes from the immense effort.

They shared looks around me and immediately my mind went to the worst. My heart began pounding wildly and my breathing became frantic.

“No princess.” Katsuki begun, squeezing my hand. “He’s okay, he’s just not home right now.”

“Zuk-“ My voice faltered; I was so tired. My eyes began falling shut on their own accord.


The damn nerd wouldn’t stop crying when I told him she woke up.

“She needs you Deku. She needs all of us right now.”

“I can’t face her. If I hadn’t left her she wouldn’t have gotten hurt like this.”

Katsuki growled. “Fucking right, but that doesn’t mean you get to drop responsibilities as her Alpha. She’s damn near hurting herself asking for you. Go see her.”

Izuku dropped the vine shears from his hand. “She’s asking for me?”

“Yes. Twice. Now cmon bro, snap out of it.”


Shoto spoke to me, even when I couldn’t speak back and kept me updated on our pack. He always kept a hand on me, whether he was holding my hand or lying in bed on my non injured side.

Katsuki fed me small bits of soup when I could tolerate it. Over the last three days I’d been asleep I was told I’d lost a lot of weight.

“You need to eat if you’re going to heal Princess.”

Eijiro held me to his chest when we all slept, him being the stillest sleeper. I waited for Izuku to come back to me. And finally he came.

It was in the night that he built up the courage to enter our room again. I had slept all day, and I was half awake through the night, just laying in peace and surrounded by warmth.

“Zuku?” I whispered into the dark room. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was here. He didn’t say anything and my frustrations grew. I wanted to crawl to him, to force him to face me and hold me like he once did. Why was he ignoring me?

“Zuku.” My voice was croaking, dry and broken from disuse. It was beginning to hurt and I released a small cough.

“Shh, shh. It’s okay, I’m here.” Izuku stepped into view, his head hanging as he approached the side of the bed.

For a short moment I’d forgotten about my injury, the only goal in my mind to get closer to him, and so I attempted to move my arms.

Immediately I shrieked in pain, and all three of the boys shot up from their sleep.

I shook my head at their concerns, calming them, but keeping my eyes on Izuku.

“Please.” I whispered. “Come and hold me.”

He hesitated just once, before slowly coming onto my right side. Carefully, he slid his body close to mine, mindful of my damaged arm, which he laid against his chest.

He pressed a small kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, the guilt clawing its way up his throat, his tears threatening to return.

“I love you.” I replied simply. “I love all of you.”

And that was enough.

He lay his head as close as he could to me, and with the last of my strength, I returned my own kiss to his cheek.

And on that night, my family was whole once more.

Chapter 18: Farming: 208

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In the morning I was awoken by the smell of pancakes and syrup. It wafted in from the kitchen, the scent so pleasant that it urged me out of the confines of sleep. I felt much more alert than I did the other times I was awake; closer to normal than I was before.

I was curled in a ball lying on Eijiro while Izuku was curled into my back. I tried to raise my arm, and hissed quietly at the sting was very much still there. But in small actions, it was manageable.

I tested my arm quietly: opening and closing my fists, bending my elbow, and moving my arm in short arcs. The latter was still very painful and I decided I probably wasn’t ready for that; it didn’t feel like anything was fractured though, so that was a plus.

No way in hell I would be able to get out of bed without waking the others though. Positioning myself just beside Eijiro’s ear I whispered to him, “Eijiro. Wake up darling.”

He opened his eyes gently, before smiling at me. “Good morning, sweetheart.” Eijiro leaned into me to deliver a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled through it, my tongue darting out to tease his lips.

I gasped as Izuku pulled me back and closer to him in obvious envy of my wayward affections. Being careful of my wounded arm, Izuku turned my chin carefully so that he could reach forward and capture my lips for himself.

Izuku kissed me like he was starving, passionate enough that I could feel my nipples bead in the cold air. He pulled away reluctantly, panting softly as he looked into my eyes. The string of saliva that connected our lips broke as Eijiro pulled me into another kiss.

This one was harsh, bruising. Possessive. He tore into me like he owned me and I whimpered in excitement, eager to show that I was just as ready to be claimed. My left hand curled against his chest, my body alight with flame and desire.

I gasped into his mouth as Izuku began nibbling on my neck. The skin was sensitive there, yes, but this was more than ever before. His lips closed onto the side of my neck and he sucked gently.

It felt incredible, the feeling comparable to our first coupling, but more than that. A craving so strong surged through me: a craving to be wanted and fucked and claimed.

Eijiro pulled away to watch the warring bliss and anguish on my face. “Oh, poor thing.” He taunted me, fingers slipping down to find their way between my legs. He found my pearl with ease, and the slick that gathered between my thighs.

He tasted myself on his fingers and his eyes dilated in lust. Eijiro moved himself down in the bed until he was flush with my pussy; Izuku turned my position so that I was sitting with my back against his chest and my legs spread open for Eijiro.

Izuku turned my chin to reengage me in a sloppy kiss, a hand massaging sensitive areas on my neck while his other began to pinch and squeeze my nipples. I felt like I was drunk, only half lucid as his pleasure overwhelmed me.

Being so lost in Izuku, I had no time to prepare for the sensation of Eijiro dragging his fingers through my wet folds. My hips bucked upwards and I moaned into Izuku’s mouth. Eijiro pushed a finger inside of my warm cunt and I threw my head back against Izuku’s shoulder, trying desperately to regain control of my body.

Izuku resumed his gentle suckling on my neck as Eijiro began to lick and suck on my pearl. His fingers dragged against my nerves, increasing the pleasure with every thrust and maneuver inside of me.

I moaned harshly as Eijjro removed his fingers and spread me open wider with his hands before beginning to properly eat me out.

“Eijiro!” I whined, my hips bucking uncontrollably now. I was incredibly turned on and so overwhelmed. Eijiro was so hot, his eyes so focused on my cunt, his lips and chin covered in my juices.

I was so fucking lucky.

I could feel Izuku’s hard, strong chest, his lengthening cock pressing against my lower back. I whimpered loudly, so far gone my basal instincts were taking over my mind.

The bedroom door swung open and Katsuki and Shoto walked in, their chests puffing quickly and their eyes dilated with lust.

Shoto sniffed the air quickly before simply stating. “She’s in heat.”

“You all started without us.” Katsuki crossed his arms against his chest, his eyebrows raised accusingly at me.

I felt so guilty, so ashamed. And it turned me on so badly that it made me feel worse. Eijiro and Izuku didn’t stop; on the contrary, Izuku stopped suckling and dragged his canines over the delicate skin of my neck.

Electricity forced its way through my body as he did so, my mind and body completely overwhelmed. I tried to face Katsuki even as my eyes rolled back into my head and I pathetically whined “I’m sorry!”

My words morphed into a moan as my body seized with my orgasm, my cunt spraying my release into Eijiro’s awaiting mouth. He sucked at me hungrily, determined to taste all of my spent.

It hurt to orgasm that roughly, and yet it wasn’t enough. I could still feel Izuku’s throbbing member at my back, his harsh breathing on my neck.

I wanted more.

Chapter 19: Farming: 209

Chapter Text

My chest heaved as I desperately tried to catch my breath, eyes swinging rapidly between Katsuki and Shoto. Izuku held me firmly in his arms, his tongue still dancing across my neck while he eyed his litter mates.

“Izuku.” Katsuki spoke with thinly veiled anger, his voice deceptively calm. “Let her go.”

Too far gone in the haze of my orgasm, I didn’t notice the rising tensions in the room. I could feel Izuku’s grip getting tighter, his canines scraping harder at the delicate skin at the nape of my neck.

As they stared each other down, Shoto began to strip, using their distraction to inch closer to me until he stood on my left. In the back of my mind, I could hear Izuku begin to growl, a deep rumbling coming from the center of his chest.

Katsuki began to crouch just slightly, his eyes blazing in an obvious show of dominance, but I had no clue what they were mentally fighting over. I could see Katsuki’s canines drop, his face fixed into a snarl.

Then it all happened so fast. Katsuki stepped forward and Izuku sank his canines into the crook of my neck. I expected the world to stop or some calm before the storm, but my reaction was immediate. My blood singed and roared in my ears as I lost the ability to see, speak, or breathe.

A flush ran through me, and with it, the sweet breeze of oakmoss and lightning. Izuku felt like electricity running through my veins, a breath of freezing air and strong winds. My hands squeezed into tight fists as my mind was overwhelmed.

Katsuki tackled Izuku off of me, and wrestled him to the ground as I fell back into Shoto, my eyes half-glazed and milky with the venom of the bite. Shoto groaned and overtook my lips, desperately turned on by my wanton display.

His lips were so soft, his kiss incredibly sensual. Shoto invaded my senses with white musk and patchouli, his tongue quick and devouring as I struggled to keep up. Eijiro stroked my side throughout, pressing small bites into the fat of my belly as he waited to capture my lips for his own.

When he pulled away I could barely see him, my eyesight suffering from the mind-numbing pleasure. Shoto groaned at the sight of me, taking my head into his hands to stare at me lovingly. One breath later, and the whites of his eyes gave way to the grey of his iris.

I watched his canines descend.

I whimpered.

Shoto bared my neck impossibly fast and sunk his teeth into the soft flesh there.

Saccharine bergamot filled my mouth and dripped down my throat as I felt the essence of Shoto enter inside of me. For him, I moaned, low and sensuously. My heartbeat slowed, stopped, and then roared to life in my chest.

We stayed locked in that moment for a lifetime, and my soul weeped at the connection. When finally, he pulled away, my vision had doubled. I recognized Shoto and his wolf, interchangeable and yet the same person.

Katsuki and Izuku were still locked together in combat, the wounds growing more and more severe and the growls filling up the small space. I had half a mind to be alarmed but I could feel Shoto and Eijiro soothe me in their scents.

Shoto gently released his hold on me, savoring our proximity, yet allowing Eijiro to come closer. He crawled up my belly slowly, pushing me down so my back was flush against the bedding.

“How do you feel?” He whispered against my cheek, his skin incredibly warm and his scent so inviting. Up to this point it had felt like I had been swimming through water, my senses impaired and haywire.

I could feel my heartbeat slamming against my chest, even as my mind slowed and I focused on Eijiro alone. Still he took my breath away; I had no clue how he was mine. His stubble scrapped against the fat of my cheek as he brushed against me. He bit my jaw gently, bringing me back to reality.

I groaned, pushing my chest up into his and trying to communicate through touch. He took my palms into his, engulfing them in his own and drew back slightly. “Do you want to know how I feel?” Eijoro seemed to see my soul as he stared past my eyes, unwilling to let me escape his intensity; his raw emotion.

I squirmed beneath him, my body fighting what my mind could not. My lips opened and closed without sound, dry from the hoarse moaning and cries. It’s not that I didn’t want to receive him, I loved every part of him. But the raw intensity was devastating; it shocked my core and left me terrified to be in his wake.

I felt his aura forcing me to submit in pulsing waves. It was powerful, almost tangible; my body trembled in discourse as I tried to disobey him. He didn’t intimidate me, or force me into submission. Instead, Eijiro leaned in, his eyes locked with mine.

I heard Katsuki and Izuku tearing into each other; the heavy pants of Shoto watching intensely, pleased and satiated in bed. Eijiro’s red eyes burned into mine, his essence pouring into me even before he took his bite.

The sides of my neck were thoroughly claimed, still weeping a clear, thin fluid as the skin stitched itself back together. I lift my head back, slowly, fearfully. I felt rather than see him grin in approval.

His canines broke the delicate skin of my neck, inches below my jaw. This bite I felt in its entirety, and I had half a thought to claw him off of me before the overwhelming pleasures of his mind and body flowed into me.

There was sorrow in his mind, as he felt the tears slip down my face and tickle his cheek. And yet, pleasure overtook him as he tasted me. He was euphoric, drunk off of me and the bond that connected us. Several moments passed before he gently removed himself, his tongue lapping at the site gently.

I sighed, my body and mind nearly numb with the three souls dancing with my own. Their heartbeats soothed me, and I felt the overwhelming urge to be consoled and held.

Angry grunts broke me from my stupor, and I opened my eyes dejectedly. Izuku was standing, bent over on his knees, panting harshly as he tried to catch his breath. He was stained with cuts and bruises, blood dripping incessantly down his right forearm.

Immediately, before I could even begin to panic, three auras flooded mine with a sense of calmness. I gasped at this new, strange sensation. Izuku threw me a lopsided smile, before applying pressure to the wound nonchalantly.

Katsuki sat on the ground, frowning harshly. Deep lines ran between his forehead as he sat in his fury, breathing harshly and focusing on the ground. He was bloodied too, but uncaring; totally lost in his anger.

My arm ached terribly, my neck sore and my body weak; yet, I shifted onto my hands and knees. I was dizzy, my brain full of cotton and my head swimming, but I slipped off the bed carefully. I crawled when I couldn’t stand, moving my body until I was only a few inches from him.

Katsuki was resilient and stubborn, unwilling to look me in the eye even as I made this effort. I crawled into his lap anyway, shifting his arms and legs out of the way to make room for myself.

My back pressed against his chest, and I wrapped his arms around me in a cocoon. And when he still refused to acknowledge me, I tilted my head back and bared my neck.

I felt him stir beneath me, his eyes darting to my neck instead of that aimless spot on the floor. I know it was killing him that he didn’t claim me first; I know he punished himself for not acting fast enough.

Katsuki didn’t move, and before long I began to feel the stirrings of rejection in the pit of my belly. Izuku reached forward in an effort to soothe me, but I immediately pulled away.

This had to come from Katsuki.

I weakened myself to the emotions, letting the feelings of rejection flood my mind until tears slipped down my cheeks and puddled in the groove of my neck. I felt the uneasiness of the others, the frustration of watching me upset and the powerlessness of not being able to help.

I trembled in his lap, feigning for his love. Just as I began to curl within myself, Katsuki moved a few strands of hair away from my neck.

I didn’t dare breathe as I felt his lips ghost my inner neck, kissing the empty space there left for him. He growled, the sound reverberating through my back and spine as he asserted his dominance throughout the room. I trembled at his sheer display, my heart toying with the fear of rejection and the shame of wanting him so badly.

He growled low in my ear, unwilling to claim me without my full submission. I bared my neck as far as I could, fighting back the fear as I felt him judge my instincts. My breathing was shallow, my lungs gasping, as I fought the urge to squirm under his scrutiny.

He let loose a growl so powerful and deep that my body went limp in his arms. Finally then, he extended his jaw and bit into the soft underside of my neck.

I had felt every bite prior, but his brought so much pain that my vision blackened and my mind broke. My eyes rolled back and my tongue flopped out of my mouth in a silent scream.

This mating bond ripped through my body, cutting into me so that I had no time to adjust. In one abrupt motion, it sealed the bond between the four of us and my mind was overwhelmed.

In that, Katsuki was my undoing.

A wave of pleasure and euphoria spread through me so thoroughly; from my scalp to my toes a rushing sensation like I’d never known before. I don’t remember if I tried to speak, or cry, or if I lay there motionless in Katsuki’s arms.

But I remembered the rocking; the slow gentle movement of my body in Katsuki’s arms. The gentle whispers as he held my fevered body to his chest. The waves of calm from the other boys, watching us intently. The sweet scents of white musk and juniper, sandalwood and berries.

I clung to Katsuki as my senses overwhelmed me and I succumbed to the darkness.