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Story Ideas

Chapter 92: Ruby Rose 3

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Ruby starts to mature more after her team excludes her because she is younger and can't do the same things they can.

Ruby starts to train more with team JNPR

Ruby and Jaune also help each other out. Jaune helps Ruby out with thinking of strategies while Ruby helps him with fighting.

Ruby learns some hand to hand combat with their help.

Phyrra also gets over her crush with Jaune after spending more time with him.

Ruby and Jaune notice they have a lot of things in common and start hanging out more alone and soon enough start dating.

Ruby is professional towards her team and does invite them to do things but otherwise isn't really that interested in them.

Ruby and team JNPR like to test each other while fighting by also having to answer questions that they have in class which helps them think on their feet and has also helped them all do better in class.