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Birds of a Feather


"Birds of a feather we should stick together"

As a native to Neverland, your selection of companions were limited, until one boy changed that; in a sense that he helped you 'come out of your shell'. After the loss of childhood wonders, you were back to being lonely. That's when 'Peter Pan' made a deal with The Shadow and Neverland hasn't been the same ever since.

You weren’t too distressed, as you barely crossed paths and you avoided them like the plague; until one day, you had the brilliant idea to prank Pan’s Lost Boys. Unbeknownst to you, Pan had been carefully watching your little pranks.


:D So here's the long-awaited Shapeshifter!Reader/Pan that my followers wanted! I hope yall like! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

     Neverland looked to be like any ordinary island at first, but the magic is always hidden deep inside. You’ve come to love it, the silence, the nature, the native population that took you in, the crystal waters that held all kinds of wonders. But you loved nothing more than when the sun set on Neverland and all the dreamers found their way onto the island.  

You could see them all dance and run through the forest, flying so high in the sky, they became one with the stars. You were somewhat nervous and frightful of the abundance of companions, but still stayed to watch, itching to soar the skies yourself. Truth be told, you were waiting on someone. He was a frequent visitor and you could tell he fell in love with Neverland as you had. 

A voice whispered, “Waiting for someone?” 

You turned around with a start, almost jumping from the sudden fright. “Malcolm!”

“Ha! I scared ya, didn’t I?”

“Well of course you did!” You laughed. “Should’ve known you would play something like that.” 

“Aw you know me too well.” He was exactly how you last saw him, somewhat cocky and bright. The two of you raced off into the forest and you quickly shifted into a wolf to outrun him; so of course Malcolm lost. He wasn’t even close. 

“C’mon Malcolm! This is a dream! Your imagination! If you believe it, anything will happen.” You encouraged. He gave you a soft smile as he caught his breath, leaning against a tree to peer up at the sky. 

“I bet I’m the best flier.” 

“You’re on!” 

It was always a game between you two, racing, flying, swimming, finding, hiding, and the entire night would be filled with the sound of laughter. Of course, you had an advantage, Neverland was your home and you harnessed the power to shapeshift. Malcolm wasn’t a bad sport though, he always accepted his defeat with a wide grin and promised you ‘next time’. 

His visits always made your night, bringing stories of the outside world to you. Still, he hid his own struggles and the constant fear of growing up. You could tell his energy was growing dim and he was getting somewhat taller, but those eyes stayed the same. The goodbyes were always a gamble of whether or not he would return, even if Malcolm never wanted to leave. You knew otherwise. 

“See you next time.” You smiled. 

“I’ll find you.” Malcolm nodded, staring up at the sky. “That’s a promise and the stars will hold me to it.” 

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 

“Heh, you underestimate me.” 

“Well then, I’m holding you to it, Malcolm.” 

After that, he never came back. You couldn’t find yourself to fault him, after all…all children must grow up.