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Birds of a Feather


"Birds of a feather we should stick together"

As a native to Neverland, your selection of companions were limited, until one boy changed that; in a sense that he helped you 'come out of your shell'. After the loss of childhood wonders, you were back to being lonely. That's when 'Peter Pan' made a deal with The Shadow and Neverland hasn't been the same ever since.

You weren’t too distressed, as you barely crossed paths and you avoided them like the plague; until one day, you had the brilliant idea to prank Pan’s Lost Boys. Unbeknownst to you, Pan had been carefully watching your little pranks.


:D So here's the long-awaited Shapeshifter!Reader/Pan that my followers wanted! I hope yall like! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

     Neverland looked to be like any ordinary island at first, but the magic is always hidden deep inside. You’ve come to love it, the silence, the nature, the native population that took you in, the crystal waters that held all kinds of wonders. But you loved nothing more than when the sun set on Neverland and all the dreamers found their way onto the island.  

You could see them all dance and run through the forest, flying so high in the sky, they became one with the stars. You were somewhat nervous and frightful of the abundance of companions, but still stayed to watch, itching to soar the skies yourself. Truth be told, you were waiting on someone. He was a frequent visitor and you could tell he fell in love with Neverland as you had. 

A voice whispered, “Waiting for someone?” 

You turned around with a start, almost jumping from the sudden fright. “Malcolm!”

“Ha! I scared ya, didn’t I?”

“Well of course you did!” You laughed. “Should’ve known you would play something like that.” 

“Aw you know me too well.” He was exactly how you last saw him, somewhat cocky and bright. The two of you raced off into the forest and you quickly shifted into a wolf to outrun him; so of course Malcolm lost. He wasn’t even close. 

“C’mon Malcolm! This is a dream! Your imagination! If you believe it, anything will happen.” You encouraged. He gave you a soft smile as he caught his breath, leaning against a tree to peer up at the sky. 

“I bet I’m the best flier.” 

“You’re on!” 

It was always a game between you two, racing, flying, swimming, finding, hiding, and the entire night would be filled with the sound of laughter. Of course, you had an advantage, Neverland was your home and you harnessed the power to shapeshift. Malcolm wasn’t a bad sport though, he always accepted his defeat with a wide grin and promised you ‘next time’. 

His visits always made your night, bringing stories of the outside world to you. Still, he hid his own struggles and the constant fear of growing up. You could tell his energy was growing dim and he was getting somewhat taller, but those eyes stayed the same. The goodbyes were always a gamble of whether or not he would return, even if Malcolm never wanted to leave. You knew otherwise. 

“See you next time.” You smiled. 

“I’ll find you.” Malcolm nodded, staring up at the sky. “That’s a promise and the stars will hold me to it.” 

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 

“Heh, you underestimate me.” 

“Well then, I’m holding you to it, Malcolm.” 

After that, he never came back. You couldn’t find yourself to fault him, after all…all children must grow up. 

Chapter 2: [Never]Land of No Peace


Just your average day in not really, you wished it was your average day


Ha, get it? Cause 'Land of No Peace' but Neverland? :D okay I'll go

Chapter Text

     After a night of rest, you stretched your wings before soaring over Neverland, carefully taking in the scenery as you navigated through the forest. Although the sun had barely risen, you could see lost boys awake and going about their day; your curiosity got the better of you as you circled them, far above their gaze. Still, you didn’t go unnoticed. 

One lost boy caught a glimpse of you out of the corner of his eye, nudging his fellow friend. “Hey, do you think I can shoot that?” 

“Mm…maybe, but I wouldn’t risk it. It’s pretty close to camp, what if you hit someone else?” Ultimately, the lost boy didn’t listen to his friend, drawing his arrow back as he aimed it at you. “ Dude .” His friend warned, but just as he was about to grab the arrow, the lost boy released it. You flew out of the way, watching the arrow sail by and turned to stare at the boy who shot it. Quickly, you flew away, disappearing into the trees as you heard a familiar call to the lost boys. 

Finding peace in your home was a luxury you didn’t know you had, sure as a child you were welcome to all the visitors and making friends. Now, those ‘visitors’ were permanent residents and they were not the kind you wanted to find yourself acquainted with. You didn’t know boys could be so loud and disgusting. Half the time, your nose was permanently scrunched up from watching the lost boys; their conversations and actions made you repulsed and you didn’t even want to know how bad their ‘leader’ was. 

‘Peter Pan’ made a deal with The Shadow of Neverland in exchange for residency, it did pique your interest at first. Perhaps this figure was someone you once knew as a child; you did trail after him from afar, masking your presence as the smallest creature or following him from a bird’s eye view, but all he did was walk around Neverland. Like he was mapping the island….or searching for something. Immediately, he was put on your 'cautious’ list, he seemed somewhat excited and delighted to be in Neverland, exploring every crevice but you found it suspicious.. After a couple days, he started leaving only to return with more residents, promising them a life of no worries, no growing up, and no rules. 

Thankfully, TIgerlily shared your thoughts and feelings, you could always count on the Indigenous populace of Neverland. You flew over the trees until you could see the alignment of Tipis. As you screeched a greeting, they all waved at you, before landing just a couple of meters away; Tigerlily rushed out to embrace you once you were reverted back to your regular form. 

“(Y/N)! How are you?” 

“I’m well.” You laughed. “How are you and the tribe?” 

“Well.” She grinned. “Join us for dinner! We prepared a feast and festivities.” 

“Aw, I can never miss one of your feasts.” You dipped your head in a bow as you walked through the area. Tigerlily dragged you around, giving introductions to the newborn of the tribe. As you raced and talked with her, the time for the feast began and Tigerlily beckoned for you to sit next to her. 

“I have something to confess.” She started. “I know you and I share a distaste for Pan.” 

“.... Mhm ,” You eyed her curiously. “Don’t tell me he asked for a partnership of some sort.” 

Tigerlily pursed her lips. “No, it’s nothing like that. When he was new to the island, he found us….he even admitted that it took him a while to find us but he wanted to know the whereabouts of a shapeshifter.” You froze mid bite, confused. “We didn’t say anything to him, of course. He provided no explanation other than something vague like, ‘I was just wondering’.” 

“That’s so odd.” You agreed. “How could he have known?” 

“Perhaps you knew him when he was younger?”

“....I would remember someone like him.” You sighed. “Perhaps The Shadow told him something about me, though I wouldn’t know why I would be in his best interest.” 

“Hm, that sounds more likely.” 

“Yeah.” You tilted your head up at the darkening sky. “Now come on! Your talk of Pan is ruining this delicious food!” Tigerlily let out a laugh before the two of you started dining, and the occasional gossiping. The feast lasted longer than you thought, but time was weird and it felt pretty short; you found yourself dancing alongside your friend. 

“It was so nice to have you join us!” Tigerlily smiled. “Do you need a place to stay?” 

You didn’t want to bother her, but a nice soft bed sounded so appealing. You shook your head, “I’m alright! Thanks for the offer, Lily!”

“Aw anytime! You’re always welcome to stay. See you!” You bid farewell to her and the rest of her tribe members, flying back to your small area. Tediously, you circled the small area of trees, scouting a branch to settle on. 

Eventually, you perched on the highest branch in Neverland, where you were even able to see Pan’s camp and your curiosity got the better of you. Silently, you flew closer to entertain yourself with the view, watching lost boys dance to the music, while Pan played a tune…one that you were all too familiar with. 

‘Perhaps, they’re not too bad…they look like…a family.’ You gazed down, craning your neck closer as you were lulled in by the music mixed with the sound of genuine laughter ‘No…Pan is a tyrant, one that’s out for magic and everything this island has to offer. There’s no use in trying to form connections.’ With that solemn note, you returned to your post and stared at the stars, your gaze lingering as you couldn’t help but feel helpless. 

You were tiny on this vast island, and you were lost. Maybe you were never destined to be found, and this acceptance brought silent peace as you drifted off. 

Chapter 3: Not Giving Up


You learn how persistent Pan is


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

     Pan stared at the quiet ocean, the one place that brought him peace and quiet from everything. And….the place that he made his promise to you. He gritted his teeth in frustration and clutched onto his pan flute; he had asked the indigenous population and the mermaids, but there was no sign of you. It’s like you had disappeared but he knew you didn’t. 

Were you avoiding him? 

No…that couldn’t be. He figured his new identity caused you to be wary of him, but how could he tell you that he was THE Malcolm when you were being elusive. The entire island of Neverland felt small, until he was looking for one shapeshifter. 

“Made me wait.” He called out. “I don’t mind waiting.” The mermaids swam closer, giggling as Pan rose to his full height. 

“Still looking for the beloved Neverland shapeshifter? Is she eluding you? Pan?” One mermaid teased, which made the rest giggle. 

“Do you know her whereabouts? Can you tell me when she’s in the water?”

“We barely see her.” Another mermaid sighed. “She’s discouraged from talking to us because you like to spend more time with us. Perhaps, she hates you.” The other mermaids snickered knowingly. 

“Why would she hate me?”

“And why would she avoid you if you two were so close?” 

“....Can you give me her name?” 

“She didn’t tell you?” They gasped at this information. “Perhaps the two of you aren’t as close as you thought.” 

You… .” Pan clenched his fist before relaxing. “What do I have to do to get her name or attention?” 

“Search every tree, I don’t know.” A mermaid shrugged while staring at her nails. “Put up a big message proclaiming your love and want for her.” Pan rolled his eyes. 

“Well, thank you ladies for the ‘helpful’ information. I won’t bother you anymore with this.” Pan sighed as he turned around to leave. He would just have to play the long game, he didn’t mind. He wouldn't give up until he found you. 

     You stared from afar as Pan walked away dejectedly, which filled you with a sense of pride. Once he disappeared into the expansive forest, you flew down and revealed yourself to the mermaids, who greeted you. 

“(Y/N)! I missed you!” A mermaid cried. 

“Did you bring anything shiny for me from the forest?” 

You smiled. “It’s been a while! Sorry for not seeing you guys sooner.” The mermaids all cooed and rushed to reassure you. “How have things been?”

“Boring.” A mermaid responded.

“Ugh, absolutely exhausting.” Another mermaid said. “Pan has been hounding us with questions about you. Even dumping information about him visiting Neverland as a child and being with you, ugh.” 

“Oh, he did? That’s odd.” You stared at them. “Did he tell you his name? I’m assuming his actual name isn’t ‘Peter Pan’.” 

“He won’t tell us, he only says that the two of you were close.” That was an odd thing to say. “Truthfully, I think he’s lying.” 

“Lying?” You tilted your head. “About what?”

“He’s obsessed with magic.” Another mermaid answered. “I heard, the deal he made with The Shadow was exchanging youth. He abandoned his child to stay here.” You gasped at the revelation, you never thought about what kind of deal Pan and The Shadow made. Meanwhile, the other mermaids started to argue over theories of what actually happened. 

“How ironic….he would leave his own child but bring other children here.” You scoffed. 

“He’s probably going to steal your magic!” A mermaid cried out. “Avoid him at all costs!” 

“I’m trying.” You sighed. “His lost boys are everywhere. I don’t think I’ll be able to hide anywhere.” 

“Why did you never tell him your name?” Another mermaid piped in. “If he knew you and if you knew him, you would’ve told him your name.” 

“Ah well….I never really gave my name to anyone. I don’t think I told Malcolm either. He just kind of called me ‘lassie’. He never asked either.” You shrugged. “So I never told anyone.” They all wished you luck in this giant game of hide and seek, shouting words of encouragement for you. 

Don’t give up !” They all shouted together before diving into the ocean. You wouldn’t, not when your life and essence was at stake. 


Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

That's my way of apologizing for a short chapter :]

Chapter 4: Why did it have to be Pirates?


Ugh, Pirates


Sorry about the short chapter, I can't think of anything else to add

Chapter Text

     You were back to running through Neverland, but this time the atmosphere wasn’t as lighthearted and fun. You felt hunted, like prey. And your pursuer was unknown. Vines and the trees seem to reach out to you, trying to grab you as if the whole island was working against you. You were a target and you were trapped. 

“Stop, please.” Your voice was delayed and hoarse, like everything you did was in slow motion. As if you were running and speaking underwater but you were above land. Finally, your foot caught on a rock and you stumbled onto the ground, the vines immediately wrapping around you. The pursuer finally caught up to you, it was already dark but you could make out the faint crooked smile and green eyes. It looked like Pan, but also had an uncanny resemblance to –

“Those good fer nothin’ lost boys and Pan.” Wait, what? 

You were startled awake by the conversation below you, scanning the ground until you saw a group of pirates. They were making their way through the forest, heading straight for Pan’s camp. You felt tempted and obligated to help, because in all honesty, you hated pirates. Everyone on Neverland did. Still, you wanted to avoid being spotted by Pan, if he knew you helped them, his ego would go through the roof and increase the hunt for you. 

With a simple flap of your wings, you soared down to their ship instead, which was completely unguarded. Curious, you land on the deck of the ship, searching for something useful or something shiny….pirates always had something shiny. Going deeper into the ship, you grabbed every sheet, blanket, clothes, jewelry and tossed them onto land; well, most of the jewelry went into the ocean for your mermaid friends. Then, you found it, covered in sheets and a giant tapestry was a treasure chest full of gold. Struggling against the overloaded chest, you shifted into a bigger creature and grabbed the sides of it. You carried it all the way to the deck before tossing it into the ocean. 

That’s when you heard the rise of commotion and battle cries. It wouldn’t be long until the lost boys chase the pirates from their camp. After looting the entire pirate ship, even stealing some food for yourself, you dove into the water; the treasure chest had sunk to the very bottom of the ocean floor, but still noticeable. Then, you shifted, feeling your entire body expand in the ocean until you were a giant whale. Your tail lifted up before being brought down like a hammer, smashing the ship in two. Feeling proud of yourself, you slipped under the water surface before Pan and his brigade could spot you. 

Me ship ! What happened to me ship !?” A pirate cried. You could faintly hear them arguing until you heard the familiar shouts of the lost boys. Not wanting to waste anything else, you swam further away, making sure to alert the mermaids of treasure on the ocean floor and they tackled you into a hug. You took advantage of Pan’s split attention and emerged from the waters, flying back to your rightful place and preening yourself. 

Deciding to take the absence of Pan and his group to your utmost luxury; you landed on the ground and reverted to yourself. You gawked and stared up at the trees, it felt so good to stretch your legs and feel grounded. Roaming around freely, you camped at your favorite sight, it was a small pond just by the cliffs; it was the occasional meeting spot of deer and wolves. You opened your small makeshift pouch and took out the bread and food you had found, tossing some pieces to the fish and birds. 

“Don’t tell Pan I was here.” You joked to the fish and birds. “I miss the home I had.” Obviously, fish and birds weren’t the best company but the birds cooed in response, and that was enough for you. You gazed at the moon and the sky, it was peaceful and quiet to remind you of old times; where you sang with the birds and swam with the fishes and ran around the forest full of fireflies. 

As you watched the fireflies dance in the sky and the sound of rushing water, you were quickly lulled to sleep. Your eyes grew heavy and the last thing was the view of the moon. 

     Meanwhile, Pan surveyed the damage done to the Pirate ship, this was no ordinary mermaid attack. It was something much more powerful, like a sea monster, a kraken, or something else….he decided to take to the skies; perhaps he could size up the creature and specifically what kind. Although the damage looked fairly destructive and could be passed off as rogue waves or creatures, Pan could see the outline of a tail indented in the sand. 

“Bingo, I found you.” He smiled. It confirmed some of his suspicions: you were close enough to maneuver between his camp to know what was happening and somewhere near the shore to go undetected. He turned back to his camp, it was a straight diagonal path and he figured you took the skies to move. “You can’t hide forever birdie.” 

Chapter 5: Loss of Flight


You discover something so horrid, you're conflicted in what to do. Thankfully, you have an amazing friend and community to guide you through the hardships

Chapter Text

     Neverland had undergone multiple changes since Pan’s arrival, the creation of Skull Rock Island, the hostility between the lost boys and Indigenous tribe, the hunt for native animals on the island for survival and nourishment. You didn’t know that another major one was about to occur. 

It was a normal routine for you to fly and patrol the island, especially after a Pirate attack, just to survey and investigate any damages. So far, the island seemed unharmed and untouched, nothing was out of the ordinary and you continued to soar to the far reaches of the land. That’s when you saw it. 

You were flying through the Pixie Forest, the trees in Neverland that grew the Pixie flowers which produced Pixie dust. To your horror, all the pixie flowers were ripped out and to no avail, no matter how many trees you search, there wasn’t one in sight. How? Who? What? Who would do this? Who COULD do this? Surely not the Pirates….it would take more than one crew to accomplish such a feat. Then you realized. None other than Pan and The Shadow could be able to do something so vile and insulting. 

You felt months and years worth of rage boil and fume, everything he had done to the island and the people…the manipulation and hunting, not even being able to rest started to spread. Everything felt hot. Anger was scorching. You wanted to charge into Pan’s camp and give him a piece of your mind, you wanted to see it burnt to the ground. As you navigated towards the camp, your anger started to burn out, it was short lived as you realized that you would be doing exactly what he wanted you to do. To make yourself known. 

Two can play that game . As much as it angered and repulsed you how he could strip Neverland of its natural wonders, you would do nothing for now. You mourned the forest, landing at the ground to leave a silent prayer and hope for another bloom before taking off to the skies. The island was the island of the impossible, anything can happen and you believed the flowers are not long gone. Without another look back, you flew, flew past Pan’s camp and your ‘home’, and flew straight for the Indigenous camp. 

Although Tigerlily and the tribe greeted you cheerfully, she could see the look on your face wasn’t happy. Her smile faded as you dropped your head. Without another second, she ushered you inside, the rest of the tribe was worried and only a select few joined you. 

“What’s wrong? What happened?” She finally asked, a hand on your shoulder as everyone else awaited your response. 

“Pan….and The Shadow. I was flying over the Pixie Forest when I saw what they did.” You gulped. “They ripped and stripped the branches of all the Pixie flowers.” There was a collective gasp around the room, Tigerlily looked aghast at the news before her eyes narrowed. 

“He just declared war on Neverland….this should not go unnoticed.” She exhaled. “He should pay for his crimes.” 

“Princess Tigerlily, we don’t have the resources to go against Pan.” Someone reminded. “We are powerless to his magic.”

“We have (Y/N).” Tigerlily said. “We can deal with the lost boys and (Y/N) can face Pan, and win. I know it.” The entire room burst into a widespread argument, a couple of people agreed with Tigerlily, while the others agreed for peace. You stood there, silent and unmoving. You agreed with what Tigerlily said, the island is sacred and wonderful, but it was also deadly, even to the ones native to the land. 

“Let the island decide, I’m sure karma will come to the lost boys and Pan for what they did. We should not interfere with nature.” Someone finally said. “We cannot fight all the battles, we must save our strength for something bigger.” 

“This is big.”Tigerlily threw her hands up, exasperated. “If we let this slide then what next? Pan’s brigade grows bigger every day and night, soon enough the whole island of Neverland will be filled with lost boys running around. We cannot wait.” 

“This is Neverland.” They responded. “If we believe and hope, I’m sure the island will rejuvenate the Pixie flowers and they’ll return. We must believe in the island. It provides and lives.” Tigerlily agreed and so did you. Everyone left the tent, except for you and Tigerlily. 

“Thank you for telling us.” She finally broke the silence between you. “You were quiet through the whole thing.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” You sighed. “I think I was just mentally recovering from it. And….I think it’s part of Pan’s plan to get me to come out. It almost worked. I would’ve burned his entire camp to the ground.”

“They were right. We should have patience.” Tigerlily smiled. “What’s the saying? ‘We can’t fight all the battles’?” 

You chuckled softly. “Yeah that sounds right.” You held her hand. “Sometimes, I wish Neverland was back to normal….how it once was. The visitors were nice, but that made the night more lively and fun. While the daytime was quiet and relaxing.” 

“Yes, I remember.” Tigerlily smiled. “Still, things change. Nature changes too and we must embrace it.”

“I thought Neverland was unchanging.” You teased. 

“Ha! Nothing is unchanging. Nothing stays forever.” She whispered. “We must remember that the island is something alive and living, it too shall live through change, struggles, and perhaps even the end.”

“I hate that you’re right.” 

“I’m always right.” She grinned. “Join us for dinner! And the night!”

“Aha, you’re so persistent.” 

“That is something that’ll never change.” She winked. “Now come! We have your favorite and I bet you haven’t slept in a warm bed for ages! You’re so stubborn you know that?” She dragged you out of the tipi and you joined everyone for a night of talk and cheer. 

Chapter 6: Near Kebab Experience


You meet a certain someone - and nearly die

Chapter Text

     Once it was morning, you bid Tigerlily and the rest of the people goodbye. They smiled and waved you off as you shifted into a deer and disappeared into the forest. It had been a restful night, and for the first time you actually felt refreshed. You decided you needed to stretch your legs after a while, you’ve mostly spent your days in the sky and figured it would be too early for a run-in with the lost boys. 

You were making your way towards the hidden paradise, when you heard rustling. Warily, you turned around, your ears listening intently for more movement. Still, you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary or any sign of life, so you figured it must’ve been something small. Slowly but also discreetly, you continued forward until you reached the pond. Before dipping your head down, you turned around for one last time but the forest was quiet; satisfied, you lowered your head to drink. The springs in Neverland was one thing you were always grateful for, they remained clean and cold and this pond was a direct source from the one that has magical properties, something that is usually found in the highest mountain. 

The running water was melodic and soft, not too loud but somewhat loud enough to hide the incoming danger. Just as you finished, you tilted your ears behind to hear better, when you froze. Whispering. And it was close. Alert and frightened, you lifted your head and turned around to see two lost boys, with a spear pointed dangerously close to you. When they saw you, they looked just as panicked.

Give me the spear before it runs off !” The other one hissed. When the lost boy passed his spear to the other one, it gave you time to shift into something much bigger; which startled both of them and the spear dropped to the ground. You realized you had made a grave mistake in revealing your location and identity, knowing full well they would go tattle to Pan. You let out everything from the bottom of your heart into a roar, it was loud and echoed through the land. The lost boys squealed before falling on their bottoms, rendering them speechless and shocked. 

Just as you turned to disappear, one of the lost boys was quick to move, grabbing the fallen spear and launching it at you. It impaled your leg and you almost fell from the pain and shock, you turned around just in time to see them run away. Gritting your teeth in defeat and exhaustion, you headed straight for the cliffs. And fell into the waters

     When you awoke, the first thing you saw was another face. Scared that it might be Pan, you jolted awake and up as pain shot through your entire body. 

“Woah woah! You’re fine, it’s us.” The mermaids smiled. 

“Oh, uh,” Your head was spinning. “Thank you guys.” They all grinned before checking your wound and you didn’t dare to look. You barely got any injuries, sometimes scratches from falling but nothing drastic. You could still smell the iron from your blood. 

“You lost a lot of blood, but we managed to stop it and the wound should heal soon.” She had a sad look in her eyes. “We heard about what happened.”

“Pan knows.” Another one sighed. “I fear that nowhere may be safe for you.” 

“You’re not helping Oshiera.” Someone hissed. 

“But she’s right.” You agreed. “The hunt and search for me would increase until he finds me.” 

“.....Why don’t you talk to him?” Oshiera asked. 

“What is there to talk about? I don’t know him.” You sighed. The mermaids all fell silent as you got up. “Thank you for taking care of me, I’ll take my leave.” You swam through the waters, pushing past fish along with other sea creatures. As you swam through, you couldn’t help but feel utterly helpless and small: you were being put through constant danger and endangering the people around you. Soon enough, he might even make a move against Tigerlily and her people. You’d be there to stop it, of course, but for how long? 

You sighed and flew out of the water, gliding straight into the sky, high above the clouds as you stared down at the island of Neverland. Perhaps, you should leave. You felt like it would be better. Start anew somewhere else, where no lost boy or Pan would ever find you. It brought mixed feelings to leave the one place you knew as home and the one place your friends lived. 

Slowly and carefully, you landed on a branch but your leg gave way as it failed to hold your body upright and balance itself. You desperately flapped your wings as you spiraled down to the ground. With the panicked state you were in, your wings were unable to regain balance and prevent the impact. The world went dark and your body fell limp on the ground. 

     The moment you regained consciousness, your entire body was in severe pain. Since you lost consciousness, your body returned to its natural form by default but as you shook off the stinging headache you realized you weren’t in the same area you fell from. Now, you were propped against a tree and the wound you got earlier had been wrapped in bandages, which were now bloodstained. 

Someone must’ve found you and tended to your wounds….someone that’s not a mermaid or one of Tigerlily’s attendants. So it had to be one of Pan’s lost boys…..or Pan . Your body shuddered at the thought of finally being caught when your guard was down. Pushing through the pain, you huddled to your feet and began moving, gritting your teeth at the pain. Your entire body felt like it was on fire and you were swaying around like a drunken pirate. 

Your leg dragged across the ground as you made it to the next tree. Your triumphant achievement didn’t last long as you stared at the next tree across. 

“You shouldn’t be moving too much.” A voice so loud and clear in the brisk night. You froze and slowly turned around to see a tall hooded figure. “Wouldn’t want you reopening that.” 

You continued to stare at him, unblinking and unmoving. The figure seemed to play the same game, unmoving until you opened your mouth. “....Were you the one that….?” You gestured vaguely to your leg.

“I did. Came out to replace those bandages with fresh ones, but I found you gone so I tracked you down….which wasn’t far.” The figure shrugged. 

“....Thank you.” 

“You don’t need to thank me.”

“But you didn’t have to.”

“Would’ve had a guilty conscience if I didn’t.” The figure patted the ground, signaling you to sit. You reluctantly hobbled over to him before sitting. They gently cut the old bandages and wrapped new ones around the wound. “You should just come to the camp….Pan can provide shelter for you.”

“Hah, I’m fine. I sleep in the trees….as a bird.”

“Mm, sounds comfortable.”

“It’s warm enough and the view is nice.” 

“Ah…well, I guess that does make it nicer than tents.”

“Mm, just a little bit.” You chuckled. “What’s your name?”


“Thank you, Felix.” You gave Felix a soft smile and the boy just nodded. “....What’s Pan like? I’ve only heard the stories surrounding him, but those stories sound greatly exaggerated.” 

Felix let out a breath and looked up to meet your gaze. “....Those people don’t know him like I do. Pan cares for every lost boy or lost one that is under his care and command, he looks out for us all. He values the island and its health, what other people say doesn’t matter.”

“....I see.” You didn’t want to assume anything, maybe what you saw back then wasn’t the person he is now. Still, you felt guilty for withholding information from such a devoted follower, so you stayed silent in the hope that Pan wasn't the same person back then. “I’ll think about it.” 

“....I hope I see you around.” Felix gave you one last affirming nod before standing up and disappearing into the forest. 

They’re all cryptic and mastered the art of disappearing into the forest….. You huffed as you leaned against the tree, staring up at the small patch of uncovered sky and slowly drifted off to sleep.